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Supporting Document for

Carbon Audit Report

Project Name: Test2

Report Date: 24-Nov-2022

Disclaimer: The carbon audit report automatically generated from the Carbon Assessment Tool is to facilitate the reporting
of carbon emissions arising from on-site construction activities. The tool itself does not serve as an auditing process.

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This report has been prepared and verified by the following professionals responsible for the project:

Contractor Signature

Print Name:

Company: HKUST

Position: Student


Qualified Carbon Auditor Signature

Print Name:




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1. Executive Summary
This carbon audit report is prepared based on data input into the Carbon Assessment Tool as developed by the Hong Kong Construction Industry
Council (CIC).

The report covers the following reporting scope with a verification page from the contractor and carbon auditor. Other supporting materials shall be
provided by report compiler separately.

Scope 1 – GHG Emissions & Removals

· GHG Emissions from Stationary Combustion Source

· GHG Emissions from Mobile Combustion Source

· HFC and PFC Emissions for Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning

· GHG Removals from Newly Planted Trees

Scope 2 – Energy Indirect Emissions

· Electricity Purchased from Power Companies
· Towngas Purchased from the Hong Kong and China Gas Company
Scope 3 – Other Emissions
· GHG emissions from C&D waste disposed of at landfill
· GHG emissions due to electricity used for fresh water processing by Water Services Department

The recorded construction site carbon emission is summarised in the following:

Summary Quantity Unit

Total Scope 1 GHG Emissions 156 tCO2e
Total Scope 2 GHG Emissions 5 tCO2e
Total Scope 3 GHG Emissions 7 tCO2e
Net Total GHG Emissions 168 tCO2e
GHG performance (Net Total GHG/CFA) 1.68 tCO2e / m²

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2. About the Tool
Developed by the Hong Kong Construction Industry Council (CIC), CAT is adopted to assess the environmental impacts
throughout the cradle-to-site life cycle of a construction project. This process to calculate is based on the requirements
stipulated in the ISO 14025:2006 standard. CAT also contains major construction materials that is commonly used in Hong
Kong. Comparison between major building elements, materials and systems can be performed for design optimisation,
ensuring a minimal environmental impact of the design. This provides an overall measure of environmental performance of
the construction project, covering the embodied energy of the major permanent structural works, temporary works and
construction activities.

The construction site carbon audit is based on data input by contractor for the site activities, and are split into Scope 1, 2
and 3 for reporting purpose.

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3. Project Info

Project Name Test2

Public Owner / Developer ABC
Contractor DEF
Project Address HK
Project Location Hong Kong Island
Building or Civil Engineering Project Building
Project Typology Commercial
Project Height (# of Stories) 10
Construction Starting Year 10/1/2021 12:00:00 AM
Project Duration (months) 48
Design Life (years) 50
Project Value (HK$) 100
Total Construction Man Hours 100
Project CFA (m²) 100

Project GFA (m2) 150

Site location on reclaimed land False
Scope of Construction Foundation_Structure_and_Enclosure

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4. Methodology for Quantifying Emissions and Removal

4.1 Scope 1 - GHG Emissions from Stationary Combustion Source

The combustion process is defined by the rapid oxidation of substances (i.e. fuels) with the release of thermal energy (i.e. heat). Stationary
combustion activities emit direct greenhouse gases (GHG) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as
ambient air pollutions. Emission of these gases from stationary combustion sources depends upon fuel characteristics, size along with
combustion technology. This guidance only addresses direct emissions in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e)

A fuel-based approach will be applied to calculate GHG emissions. In order to calculate GHG emissions associated with using fuel type, fuel
consumption and emission factor data, the following equations can be applied:

Emission (CO2e) = ∑ Amount of Fuel Consumed x Emission Factor of CO2


Emission, in terms of tonnes of CO2-equivalent, is summed over all types of fuel used;

Amount of fuel consumed is in terms of volume (e.g. litre) or mass (e.g. kg) for particular fuel; and

Emission Factor of CO2e = Net Calorific Value of the Fuel x Carbon Factor of Fuel x Fraction of Carbon Oxidised x (44 / 12).

Non-combustion type electrical equivalent should not be counted for calculation.

4.2 Scope 1 – GHG Emissions from Mobile Combustion Source

Similar to stationary sources, emissions from all mobile sources which (i) serve within the physical boundary or (ii) dedicated to providing
transportation services for the Proposed Development (e.g. shuttle bus services) via road, air and water transport will be included in the GHG

Emission (CO2) = ∑ Amount of Fuel Consumed x Emission Factor of CO2


Emission, in terms of tonnes of CO2-equivalent, is summed over all types of fuel used, all transport modes and vehicle categories;

Amount of fuel consumed is in terms of volume (e.g. litre) for particular fuel, transport mode and vehicle category; and

Emission Factor of CO2 = Net Calorific Value of the Fuel x Carbon Emission Factor of Fuel x Fraction of Carbon Oxidised x (44 / 12)


Emission, in terms of tonnes of CO2-equivalent, is summed over all types of fuel used, all transport modes and vehicle categories;

4.3 Scope 1 – HFC and PFC Emissions for Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and perfluorocarbons (PFC) are commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning sectors and are GHGs with global
warming potentials (GWP) much higher than that of carbon dioxide. Uncontrolled release of these gases into atmosphere may have significant
potential impact on climate change. The equation for calculating emissions for construction stage of refrigeration / air-conditioning systems can be
summarized as follows-

Emission of CO2-equivalent = ∑ (Cs + Ci – Cd – Ce)j x GWPj


Cs = Refrigerant inventory at beginning of the reporting period (in storage, not equipment) (kg)

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Ci = Refrigerant added to the inventory during the reporting period (kg)

Cd = Refrigerant disposed of through environmentally responsible means (e.g. collected by contractor for recycling) during the reporting period

Ce = Refrigerant inventory at end of the reporting period (in storage, not equipment) (kg)

GWP = 100-year global warming potential of the refrigerant j. Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the corresponding refrigerant.

The approach above covers only emissions from construction phase of refrigeration / air conditioning system.

4.4 Scope 1 – GHG Removals from Newly Planted Trees

Planting of trees can help reduce GHG from the atmosphere by assimilating CO2 in the plant tissues when the trees grow with time. A default
figure for the removal potential of each unit of tree is suggested based on Hong Kong’s location, woodland types, and estimated density of trees.
The figure is applicable to all trees commonly found in Hong Kong which are able to reach at least 5 meters in height.

Since this figure is derived as annual average based on an extended period of time corresponding to the life cycle of the trees, the figure is
suggested to be applicable to trees at all age unless the concerned trees are intended to be planted for a period significantly shorter than their
natural life cycles.

The equation for calculating GHG removal from newly planted trees is shown below:

CO2 removed by trees in one year = net number of additional trees planted since the concerned building is constructed x Removal Factor
(estimated at 23kg / tree)

4.5 Scope 2 – Energy Indirect Emissions

Electricity is produced when fossil fuels are burnt in stationary combustion units or when other fuel sources (e.g. natural gas, nuclear, wind, etc.)
are consumed to produce energy, whilst Towngas is produced from naphtha, landfill gases and natural gas. The equation for calculating indirect
GHG emissions associated with consumption of electricity and Towngas has been summarized below:

GHG Emission = Quantity of purchased electricity / Towngas x Emission Factor


Purchased electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and Towngas is charged in unit (i.e. 1 unit registered by the gas meter = 48 megajoules
(MJ) consumed); and

Emission factor of electricity and Towngas will be obtained from the electricity provider and Towngas company respectively.

Under this Scope, consumption of purchased electricity and Towngas will be studied. In this report, the territory-wide default value emissions
would be presented.

4.6 Scope 3 – Other Emissions

Other kinds of indirect GHG emissions that are applicable will be considered:

· Methane gas generation at landfill in Hong Kong due to disposal of paper waste.

GHG Emission = (Ps + Pi – Pr – Pe) x Emission Factor (estimated at 4.8 kg C O2-e / kg)


E = Emissions from paper waste disposed at landfills

Ps = Paper inventory at the beginning of the reporting period (in storage) (kg)

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Pi = Paper added to the inventory during the reporting period (kg)

Pr = Paper collected for recycling purpose (kg)

Pe = Paper inventory at the end of the reporting period (in storage) (kg)

· GHG emissions due to electricity used for fresh water processing by Water Supplies Department.

· GHG emissions due to electricity used for sewage processing by Drainage Services Department (if the sewage collected within
physical boundary is treated by Government department). If the sewage is treated by main contractor, GHG will be counted by
electricity consumption for sewage treatment and has already been taken into account in Scope 2. Also, carbon emissions arising
from any off-gas due to sewage has not be included in the tool calculation.

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4.7 Carbon Audit Results

Based on the input data, the calculated site emissions are summarised in the following:

Scope Carbon Audit Construction Site Impacts

Scope 1 GHG Emissions from Mobile Fuel Consumption Diesel
Combustion Source
Scope 1 HFC and PFC Emissions for HFC/PFC emissions Amount Added
Refrigeration / Air-Conditioning
Amount Disposed
Scope 1 Fugitive Emissions Fugitive emission produced by Acetylene
welding and flame cutting.
Scope 1 GHG Removals from Newly Planted Trees (over 5 meters) Removed
Scope 2 Electricity Electricity HKE
Scope 2 Town Gas Town Gas
Scope 3 GHG emissions from total waste Waste Management Landfill
(Optional) disposed of at landfill, public fill, sorting
facilities, and recylcers Public Fill
Sorting Facilities
Recycling of Metal
Recycling of Timber
Scope 3 GHG emissions due to electricity used Water Fresh HKE
(Optional) for fresh water processing by Water Water
Services Department CLP

Summary Quantity Unit

Total Scope 1 GHG Emissions 156 tCO2e
Total Scope 2 GHG Emissions 5 tCO2e
Total Scope 3 GHG Emissions 7 tCO2e
Net Total GHG Emissions 168 tCO2e
GHG performance (Net Total GHG/CFA) 1.68 tCO2e / m²

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 Refrigerant 130 tCO2e

 Fuel Consumption 26 tCO2e

 Electricity 5 tCO2e

 Water 4 tCO2e

 C&D Waste 3 tCO2e

 Welding and Flame Cutting 0 tCO2e

 Tree 0 tCO2e

Trend of Monthly Data

tCO e

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Impacts
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

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Appendix A - Emission Factors
Scope 1: GHG Emissions from Mobile Sources

Vehicle type Fuel type Unit CO2 EF (kg/unit)

Stationary Source Diesel Oil Litre 2.614

Scope 1: GHG Emissions from Mobile Sources

Vehicle type Fuel type Unit CO2 EF (kg/unit)

Private Van Unleaded Patrol Litre 2.36

Light Goods Vehicle Diesel Oil Litre 2.61

Heavy Goods Vehicle Diesel Oil Litre 2.61

Other Mobile Machinery Diesel Oil Litre 2.61

Hong Kong EPD (2010): Guideline to account for and report on greenhouse gas emissions and removals for buildings in Hong Kong - 2010

Scope 2: GHG Emissions from Electricity Purchased from Power Companies

Power company Year EF (kgCO22/kWh)

Hong Kong Electric 2018

CLP Power Hong Kong 2018 0.54

CLP Power Hong Kong. Sustainability Report 2014

Scope 3: Electricity for processing fresh water purchased

Region Year EF (kgCO2e/m3)

Fresh Water Supply by WSD 2015-16 0.574

Sewage Processing by DSD 2015-16 0.186


Water Supplies Department 2015/16 Annual Report

Drainage Services Department Sustainability Report 2015 - 16

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Appendix B - Raw Input Data and Results

Type SubType Company Quantity Unit CarbonEmission Co2eFactor Month Year

Electricity HKE 0 kWh 0 0.8 11 2021

Electricity CLP 10000 kWh 5100 0.51 11 2021

Town Gas 0 unit 0 0.564 11 2021

Fuel Diesel Oil 10000 litre 26140 2.614 11 2021


Fuel Unleaded 0 litre 0 2.36 11 2021

Consumption Petrol

Fuel Liquefied 0 litre 0 1.679 11 2021

Consumption Petroleum

Fuel Biodiesel B5 0 litre 0 2.4849 11 2021


Fuel Biodiesel B20 0 litre 0 2.0976 11 2021


Fuel Biodiesel 0 litre 0 0.032 11 2021

Consumption B100

Water Water 10000 m³ 4040 0.404 11 2021

C&D Waste Landfill 100 Tonnes 2100 21 11 2021

C&D Waste Public Fill 20 Tonnes 580 29 11 2021

C&D Waste Sorting 10 Tonnes 250 25 11 2021


C&D Waste Recycling of 50 Tonnes 0 0 11 2021


C&D Waste Recycling of 50 Tonnes 0 0 11 2021


Refrigerant HFC-134a 100 kg 130000 1300 11 2021

Refrigerant R-403A 0 kg 0 1400 11 2021

Refrigerant R-410A 0 kg 0 1725 11 2021

Welding and Acetylene 100 litre 76.8 0.768 11 2021

Flame Cutting

Welding and Liquid CO2 100 litre 0.3 0.00304 11 2021

Flame Cutting

Tree Trees (above 10 Number of -230 -23 11 2021

5m) Trees

Refrigerant 0 0 0 11 2021

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