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Name darwin-vasquez Date 9/7/21 Period 2 Page what?

Scientific Method

What is the _scientific___ __method____? It is a _process____ that is used to find ___answers__ to

questions about the world around us. Is there only one “scientific method”? No, there are several versions

of the scientific method. Some versions have __many___ steps, while others have only a few. However

they all begin with the identification of a _problem____ or a __question__ to be answered. The scientific

method provides us an _organized____ method for solving problems. There are _two_ main types of

observations: __qualitative___ and ___quantitative___. Qualitative observations use your _senses__ to

describe or observe the data. There are __five__ senses; __touch__, ___taste____, __hearing___,

__smell___, and __seeing__. Quantitative observations use numbers___ to describe the data. This type of

observation deals with measurement. Data is __information___ that is observed and gathered during an

experiment. Data can be both __qualitative___ and __quantitative____. What is a __hypothesis____? It

is an __educated___ ____guess__ based on observations and knowledge of your topic. It is stated as an

“If” …. “Then” statement and it is often times a prediction of what you believe is going to happen in your

experiment. These are the primary steps we will be using for our experiments. __Identify the problem__

What do you want to know or explain? Use observations you have made to write a question that addresses

that problem or topic you wish to investigate. __Form a hypothesis__ What do you think will happen?

Predict the answer to your questions or the outcome of the experiment. __Create an experiment__ How

will you test your hypothesis? Develop a procedure for a reliable experiment and address safety rules.

___Perform the experiment__. Follow the steps in your procedure to perform your experiment. Record

data and observations! ___Analyze the data__. Is the data reliable? Could it be repeated by someone else

and get the same result? Does your data and observations from the experiment support your hypothesis?

___Communicate the results___. Write a conclusion that summarizes the important parts of your

experiment and the results.

Identify the Problem

Form a Hypothesis

Create an Experiment

Perform the Experiment

Analyze the Data

Communicate the Data

1. Compare and contrast the two different types of observation.

Quantitative-uses only numbers like there is 10 apples on the table

Qualitative- you observe what you see like the lime taste sour.

2. Do you think a hypothesis the same as a prediction? Explain.

yes because they both mean about the same like they both mean to predict

3. What is the scientific method?

it is a process that is used to find a answer to a problem

4. Why do you think there is no one scientific method that all scientists use for experiments?

there is more than one scientific method because so they can have different results

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