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Chapter II

Related Literature and Study

Foreign Related Study

Effect of mobile gadget on the social skills of children ages three and four years old in Sala Day Care

According to the recent study from the article written, Apparently,  a research from Common Sense
Media revealed the exceptional increase of children using gadgets such as smartphones and tablets have
increased in just two years. From 38% in 2011, the biannual survey revealed that children below eight
year old using mobile devices have gone up to 72% in 2013. Conducted on American parents
themselves, the survey further showed the increase of toddlers’ gadget exposure from 10% to 38%.
With this, the American Academy of Pediatrics discourage the tech use for children under the age of two
saying that it changes the nature of childhood (Jennifer, H., 2022)

The researcher choose this study because it said there that percentage of kids using smartphones
gone up and it change the nature of their childhood which shows the effect of mobile gadget on social
skills among children.

Children and technology – love it or hate it, smart devices are in your children’s lives and they’re here to
stay. Offering many great opportunities for more engaged learning, technology can help a child’s
progression in subjects that traditionally have had a reputation for struggling to engross pupils, such as
math or physics. However, technology has another shameful perk. Although we hate to admit it, smart
devices also act as a digital babysitter, keeping our children temporarily occupied and quiet. Parenting is
tough – just getting a free hour to prepare dinner can feel often feel near impossible. The lure of just
popping a tablet in your child’s hands is understandably tempting. But is something that so easily
pacifies a child too good to be true? With 5-16-year-olds now spending an average of over 6 hours a day
looking at a mobile phone or screen, worrying patterns are starting to emerge between children and
technology.(Brooke, A., Monica., A., Andrew., P., Erica., T., 2020)

The researcher choose this study because it said there that longer exposure of children to gadget have
shameful perk which is necessary to the effect of mobile gadget and will have also an effect on the
social skills of children.

Children these days aren’t referred to as “digital natives” without reason. In fact, a report from Common
Sense Media revealed that, in 2017, 42% of young children had their very own tablet—up from 7% in
2013 and less than 1% in 2011. At the same time, the average amount of time children spend with these
handheld devices each day is skyrocketing, from 5 minutes a day in 2011, to 15 minutes a day in 2013, to
48 minutes a day in 2017.(Kattie., H., 2022)

The researcher choose this study because it is showing the percentage of numbers using mobile
gadget that have an effect on the social skills of children.

The impact that the increased screen time will likely have on K-12 students’ development and social
skills is yet to be seen. But the potentially negative effects were already a big concern among educators
and child-development experts well before the pandemic. Now, those concerns are heightened and will
likely rise if the pandemic forces schools to continue systemwide virtual learning programs. At the same
time, educators are seeing the potential benefits of the expanded use of digital devices and weighing
those upsides against the downsides.(Allyson., K., 2020)

The researcher choose this study because the negative effects of the virtual learning program is
relevant to identify it related to the effect of mobile gadget on the social skills of children.

According to the study of ( Siou., T., Erin., H., and Leon., S. 2019) smartphone was the most common
mobile device owned and used by many of the adolescents, while only some used a tablet. Many
adolescents and their parents felt that adolescents’ MTSD use was high, frequent and ubiquitous, with
frequent checking of device and multitasking during use. Reported influences of use included functional,
personal and external influences. Some of the influences were irresistibility of mobile devices, lack of
self-control, entertainment or relaxation value, and high use by peers, family and for schoolwork that
contributed to high use, or school/parental control measures and lack of internet availability that limited
use. Most adolescents were generally unconcerned about their use and perceived their usage as
appropriate, while most parents expressed several concerns about their adolescents’ use and perceived
their usage as excessive.

 The researcher choose this study because it some of the influences that mobile gadget brings to
children that can be also categorized as social skills and maybe used for our research further

Foreign Related Literature

According to (Concordia University of Nebraska, 2020), the intro to technology can benefit children by
teaching them how to navigate different operating symptoms and become more technologically literate.

 The researcher choose this article because the technology shows that it can benefit to the children an
can also be identify as good effectbof technology to the children.

According to (Steven., R., 2021)“Technology is an incredible educational tool,” says Dr. Eva Lazar,
director of The Lazar Center, in New Jersey. “Young children can learn a lot from programming like
Sesame Street, and foster relationships with family members who aren’t necessarily present.”

The researcher choose this article because it is saying that technology have good effects in children
social skills by watching kids shows. This is relevant on the effcts of mobile phone to students social

Parenting has never been easy. But the widespread adoption of smartphones and the rise of social
media has introduced a new wrinkle to the challenges of parenthood. In fact, a majority of parents in
the United States (66%) – who include those who have at least one child under the age of 18, but who
may also have an adult child or children – say that parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago,
with many in this group citing technology as a reason why, according to a Pew Research Center survey
conducted in March.(Scott., S. 2019)

 The researcher choose this article because it talks about the new problem of social media to the
parents as an effect of using mobile gadget. It's effect may give relevance to this research topic.

As it turns out, parents have reason to worry. Results of a 2016 Common Sense Media Report found that
50% of teens “feel addicted” to mobile devices, while 59% of parents surveyed believed that kids are
addicted to their devices. This survey also showed that 72% of teens and 48% of parents felt the need to
immediately respond to texts, social-networking messages, and other notifications; 69% of parents and
78% of teens checked their devices at least hourly.(Ava.,2018)

The researcher choose this article because it shows larger number of kids are being addicted on their
mobile device because of the features associated with it. Parents are seeing it as problem and the
article may contextualized the effect of mobile gadget to the children social skills.

Using a smartphone or iPad to pacify a toddler may impede their ability to learn self-regulation,
according to researchers.In a commentary for the journal Pediatrics, researchers at Boston University
School of Medicine reviewed available types of interactive media and raised “important questions
regarding their use as educational tools”, according to a news release.The researchers said that though
the adverse effects of television and video on very small children was well understood, society’s
understanding of the impact of mobile devices on the pre-school brain has been outpaced by how much
children are already using them. (Joanna,. W., 2015)

The researcher choose this article because it shows that instead of watching video on T.V., the pre-
school using mobie gadget has been outpaced and this article may show the social skills effect of
mobile gadget to the children.

Local Study

New technologies available with cellular devices and the introduction of smartphones have become a
large part of individual’s lives in the past few decades. Smartphones have the ability to perform almost
every operation necessary for individuals at any time or place. Smartphones are means for individuals to
communicate quickly while interacting on other websites and social networking platforms at the same
time. Each day the capabilities of smartphones continue to grow and allow users to establish more
information through these mediums, without the extra work of using other devices and programs. The
study investigated the daily usage of smartphones by individuals in different age groups. The study
included a 13-question survey that asked questions about participants’ daily use of smartphones,
including the social media applications they used, and hours spent using them. There were 20
participants in the study, and 6 of them responded to the 3 optional openended questions to describe
any personal experiences participants have had with their smartphones. The data obtained from the
surveys was compiled into graphs and tables to categorize the respondents into gender, age group,
hours spent using smartphones, and the smartphone applications most used. A descriptive qualitative
analysis was used to examine the findings in the study. The results of the study showed that the majority
of respondents spend 3-5 hours a day using their smartphones, with 75% of respondents saying that
they used Instagram and Facebook most. The conclusions of the study indicate that individuals in the 18-
30 age range are the ones most affected in their social interactions because of the reliance on
smartphones.These younger individuals use the smartphones as their main form of communication.
(Juan., G., 2018)

The researcher choose this study because it shows that ages 18-30 are most affected in social
interactions and this usage of mobile gadgets affect their social interactions that is relevant to social
skills effect for ages 3-4 years old.

According to ( Cathy., M.,T., and K.,J.,T., 2020). Digital technology has served people for educative
purposes and formation of virtual social connections for the co‐existence of human relationships amid
the COVID‐19 pandemic. This article presents the socio‐educational implications of the newly‐formed
virtual relations made possible through technology. It explores the use of emerging technologies and the
effect of these technologies to fulfill the social and educational needs of the stakeholders in times of a
crisis or emergency. The use of emerging technologies paved the way for the stakeholders to establish
virtual relationships with a common goal to rid quarantine boredom, provide relief efforts, and educate
the virtual community relative to COVID‐19 while maintaining a safe environment. The authors
recommend for an empirical research on the newly‐existing online group relationships and how these
virtual relationships and emerging technologies can affect social relations and human learning

The researcher choose this study because it talks about the social and educational effects of
technology. It said here that mobile devices usage like virtual relationship, social relations and human
behaviour learning that may also significant on the topic.

In 2018, ACTRC with DepEd has also started to explore the alignment of online assessments of some of
these skills with how they are demonstrated by students working collaboratively in classrooms. Year 8
students in four schools in Marikina have been participating in the research. The goal is not only to
explore the usefulness of the online and classroom-based assessment approaches, but also to identify
student behaviours that can signal to teachers the level of students’ social and cognitive skills. For
teachers to support student development of skills, they need resources that describe students’
proficiencies against learning progressions of the skills. This pilot study is a start in that direction.(ACTRC
Research Forum., 2015)

The researcher choose this study because to determine the level of students cognitive and social skills
through online assessment. Online assessment is also primary use of mobile gadget. Cognitive and
social skills effects may show great relevance on this study.

Based on the research, it was found that the emotional mentality of respondents with an abnormal
category was 28.2%. According to Sundus M (2015) about the effect of using gadgets on children that
using too many gadgets causes depression in children at certain ages. This also causes mental health
problems in children in childhood and adolescence. They may act depressed, or we can see the worst of
these symptoms of depression within a few days. ( Arlinda., W., Ferdinand., S., and Nerdy., N., 2019)

The researcher choose this study because there are emotional mentality as the effects of using
gadgets of children. This clearly shows the effect on the social skills of the children which important
on this study.
Local Literature

 Social media use has become prevalent and nearly inevitable, changing the way students interact,
connect, and socialize; it has become an integral part of their social and cultural fabric. As a result,
students spend a significant amount of time on social media. Thus, this study investigates the impact of
social media usage on students' academic performance amidst the new normal of education, specifically
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the statistical finding, the respondents' perception of their
social media usage significantly affects their academic performance (p=.000) with an associated
probability value of 0.05 alpha level of significance.( Jhuselle., T., Jennalyn., C., Nicole Ann E., and Niña.,
P., 2021)

The researcher choose this article because the social media greatly impact students academic
performance. Social media is one features of usage of mobile gadget and whether good or bad impact.
It is still consider as an effect on their social skills.

Who do you think will die younger, have behavior and sleeping problems, and become fat, aggressive,
anxious and impulsive? Answer: children who were allowed to use cell phones and tablets and watch TV
more than two hours a day. Unfortunately, 7 in 10 families with modern gadgets do not limit their
children from excessive screen time. Here is why young children who are constantly using high-tech
gadgets have more school problems and difficulty later in life, and are prone to die younger because of
car accidents. The brain of a newborn is about one-fourth the size of an adult’s brain. From birth to
three years old, the brain size triples, which is about 80 percent of the adult size. By five years the brain
has grown to 90 percent of that of an adult.(Leonorda., L., 2016)

The researcher choose this article because the higher the number of children using mobile gadget
showing that it is longer than 5-6 hours a day and as an effect, they may die early. That is because the
brain developmentbis greatly affected. Thi shows also social skills effects among the children.

As mentioned in the editorial “Why Juan and Juana can’t read” (12/26/20), the Philippines ranked last in
reading and second to the last in math and science among 79 participating countries in the Programme
for International Student Assessment. Although the country’s educational system may be to blame,
there might be another factor at work—screen time.The electronic screen is part and parcel of
television, video games, computers, tablets, and smartphones. When I googled “screen time brain
development,” I came up with the following information.A child’s brain develops when the child
interacts with people, things, and the environment. More such interaction means more brain
development, and less interaction means less brain development. Screen viewing does little to promote
brain development. Therefore, more screen time means less nonscreen interaction, which means less
brain development. Several studies support this. (Jori., G., B., 2020)

The researcher choose this article because it is about the effect of mobile device that was reffered to
as screen time of the children interaction that causing less brain development. This also a social skills
effect that can be relevant to this study.

The lack of physical play with other children will have an impact on their social development. Children
learn how to interact by playing with other kids. Before your child tells you the phone or tablet is her
best friend, do her a favor – bring her outside with you and take time to play outdoors. (MomCenter,

The researcher choose this article because it talks about the exposure to gadget minimize the physical
interaction of children and may cause social development problem. Social skills effect that maybe a
problem as an effect to the children.

In a 24 Oras report on Friday by Chino Gaston, Dr. Mark Anthony Pascual of the NCMH warned parents
that long-term exposure to gadgets results in "over-stimulation" and "sensory overload" among
children."They may have problems managing their stress and regulating their mood in the long run,"
Pascual told GMA News."Ang bata, puwede siya magkaroon ng irritability, depression, puwede siyang
magkaroon ng excessive tantrums, or mood swings. Maaari din magka-low frustration tolerance,
oppositional defiant behavior, social immaturity... some may have learning problems and difficulties," he
added.( According to GMA network, 24 oras., 2018)

The researcher choose this article because it is about the social skills effect like depression and
immaturity and may cause learning problems. This effects maybe counted to the research study.

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