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Lesson Plan- Lesson # / Total in Unit Duration of Class: 45 Minutes

Class: Drama 8 Unit: Monologues

Date: Nov 28-Dec 2
Task: Monologue Performances
Learner Outcomes Plan for Diversity

To develop competency in communication Ensure monologue

skills through participation in and exploration activities are
approachable for
of various dramatic disciplines.
all students.
To acquire knowledge of self and others Allow for private
through participation in and reflection on monologue
dramatic experience. presentations if
students feel
performing in front
of the entire class.

Students will be
allowed to have
their scripts on
hand if needed

Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies and Attitudes Preliminary

Drama is a constant free flowing subject and students can learn new things in Needed (MN):
drama regardless of previous knowledge they just need to be willing to
participate and try. Rubric

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Nov Students will be introduced Students will get in

28 to monologues and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day
Activity Students will be reminded of Students will present their
Sequence what their monologue monologues to the class and
presentations entail, answer the questions
including what they are provided, behind why they
being marked on. made the choices they did.

Students will give feedback Students will be prompted to

and be asked questions that give constructive feedback
pertain to their choices to classmates following their
behind performing their performances.
monologues in the way they
did. Students will be encouraged
to defend their choices and
Students will be given back up their reasoning
proper feedback by the behind choices they made
teacher that highlights their for the characters in their
strengths and what they monologues.
need to focus more on.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Nov Students will be introduced Students will get in

29 to monologues and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day

Activity Students will be reminded of Students will present their

Sequence what their monologue monologues to the class and
presentations entail, answer the questions
including what they are provided, behind why they
being marked on. made the choices they did.

Students will give feedback Students will be prompted to

and be asked questions that give constructive feedback
pertain to their choices to classmates following their
behind performing their performances.
monologues in the way they
did. Students will be encouraged
to defend their choices and
Students will be given back up their reasoning
proper feedback by the behind choices they made
teacher that highlights their for the characters in their
strengths and what they monologues.
need to focus more on.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Nov Students will be introduced Students will get in

30 to monologues and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day
Activity Students will be reminded of Students will present their
Sequence what their monologue monologues to the class and
presentations entail, answer the questions
including what they are provided, behind why they
being marked on. made the choices they did.

Students will give feedback Students will be prompted to

and be asked questions that give constructive feedback
pertain to their choices to classmates following their
behind performing their performances.
monologues in the way they
did. Students will be encouraged
to defend their choices and
Students will be given back up their reasoning
proper feedback by the behind choices they made
teacher that highlights their for the characters in their
strengths and what they monologues.
need to focus more on.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.
Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Dec Students will be introduced Students will get in

1 to monologues and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day

Activity Students will be reminded of Students will present their

Sequence what their monologue monologues to the class and
presentations entail, answer the questions
including what they are provided, behind why they
being marked on. made the choices they did.

Students will give feedback Students will be prompted to

and be asked questions that give constructive feedback
pertain to their choices to classmates following their
behind performing their performances.
monologues in the way they
did. Students will be encouraged
to defend their choices and
Students will be given back up their reasoning
proper feedback by the behind choices they made
teacher that highlights their for the characters in their
strengths and what they monologues.
need to focus more on.
Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if
understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Dec Students will be introduced Students will get in

2 to monologues and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day

Activity Students will be reminded of Students will present their

Sequence what their monologue monologues to the class and
presentations entail, answer the questions
including what they are provided, behind why they
being marked on. made the choices they did.

Students will give feedback Students will be prompted to

and be asked questions that give constructive feedback
pertain to their choices to classmates following their
behind performing their performances.
monologues in the way they
did. Students will be encouraged
to defend their choices and
Students will be given back up their reasoning
proper feedback by the behind choices they made
teacher that highlights their for the characters in their
strengths and what they monologues.
need to focus more on.
Time permitting, students
Time permitting, students will be talked through the
will be talked through the expectations of their final
expectations of their final scene creation project and
scene creation project and organized into groups.
organized into groups.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

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