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Name: Abhradeep Sengupta Student’s Id :2212102009

Semester: First Department:CSE B
Subject code:ES-EE-101
Write a report on Nodal Analysis.


The term "nodal analysis" refers to the process of solving any

electrical network. The process of determining the voltage
distribution between nodes in a circuit using mathematics.

When the branch constitutive relations of all circuit elements

have an admittance representation, nodal analysis is possible.
Nodal analysis generates a small set of network equations that
can be solved by hand if the network is small or quickly solved
by computer using linear algebra. The branch current method,
also known as nodal analysis, node-voltage analysis or the
branch current method, is a method of calculating the voltage
(potential difference) between “nodes” (points where elements
or branches link) in an electrical circuit using branch currents.
Nodal analysis is a way of analysing circuits in terms of voltage
dips between nodes in a circuit diagram.

Nodal analysis can be done in the time or frequency domains,

but it is only applicable to LTI systems. Nonlinear systems can
be approximated around an operational point and employed in
nodal analysis, despite the fact that the solution algorithm used
in nodal analysis is only defined for linear systems.

Nodal analysis is a method that provides a general procedure for analyzing circuits
using node voltages as the circuit variables.It is the mathematical method for
calculating the voltage distribution between the circuit nodes.

This method is also known as the node-voltage method since the node voltages are
with respect to the ground. The following are the three laws that define the equation
related to the voltage that is measured between each circuit node:

● Ohm’s law
● Kirchhoff’s voltage law
● Kirchhoff’s current law

Ohm’s Law- Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly
proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and
temperatures remain constant.
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law: The sum of voltages around a loop is zero.
Kirchhoff's Current Law :The total current entering a junction or a node equals the
charge leaving the node as no charge is lost.

Features of Nodal Analysis

● Nodal analysis is an application of Kirchhoff’s current law.
● When there are ‘n’ nodes in a given electrical circuit, there will be ‘n-1’
simultaneous equations to be solved.
● To obtain all the node voltages, ‘n-1’ should be solved.
● The number of non-reference nodes and the number of nodal equations
obtained are equal.

Types of Nodes in Nodal Analysis

● Non Reference Node – It is a node which has a definite Node Voltage. e.g.
Here Node 1 and Node 2 are the Non Reference nodes
● Reference Node – It is a node which acts as a reference point to all the other
nodes. It is also called the Datum Node.
Types of Reference Nodes

1. Chassis Ground – This type of reference node acts as a common node for
more than one circuit.

2. Earth Ground – When earth potential is used as a reference in any circuit then
this type of reference node is called Earth Ground.

Super Node

The super node is defined as a voltage source connected between the two
non-reference nodes such that these two nodes form a generalized node.

Properties of Super Node

The following are the properties of super nodes:

● The difference between the voltage of two non-reference nodes can be

determined at the super node.
● A super node does not have its own voltage.
● Kirchhoff’s current law and Kirchhoff’s voltage law are both applied for solving
the super node.
● Any element can be connected in parallel with the voltage source
forming the supernode.
● A Supernode satisfies the KCL as like a simple node.

Procedure of Nodal Analysis

The following steps are to be followed while solving any electrical circuit using nodal
Step 1:

To identify the principal nodes and select one of them as a reference node. This
reference node will be treated as the ground.

Step 2:

All the node voltages with respect to the ground from all the principal nodes should
be labelled except the reference node.

Step 3:

The nodal equations at all the principal nodes except the reference node should
have a nodal equation. The nodal equation is obtained from Kirchhoff’s current law
and then from Ohm’s law.

Step 4:

To obtain the node voltages, the nodal equations can be determined by following
Step 3.

Hence, for a given electrical circuit, the current flowing through any element and the
voltage across any element can be determined using the node voltages.

Analysing electrical circuits is essential for ensuring that current equipment functions
properly. Most modern electronics go through some type of simulation and
evaluation procedure to ensure that designs work as intended and to offer a set of
reference calculations for in-circuit tests to compare to. SPICE simulations are the
workhorses for circuit design and analysis, with numerous built-in simulations in
today’s commercial solutions.

Nodal analysis is a fundamental approach for examining voltage and current

distribution in a circuit and it is one of the simulations available in SPICE simulators.
Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law are efficiently combined in a single matrix equation
using this technique. Continue reading to discover more about nodal analysis and its
applications in circuit design and analysis.

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