Example Situasion For Job Interview

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Your co-worker is always refusing to help when it comes to teamwork by saying that she
is too occupied with her work.
But the truth is, she spent most of her time focusing on her part-time business.
As a result, other team members need to cover up her part and are not happy about it.


 Clarify Roles and Expectation

-Meet individually with seemingly uncooperative coworkers, explain our
concerns and listen to their explanations. Perhaps they would prefer a different
assignment that better suits with their skill set. Or maybe they didn’t think their
input or participation was welcomed by the group. We may even discover that
the coworker is more than willing to help if asked and told what to do.
 Confront the Problem
-Initiate a private conversation after observing incidents of uncooperative
behavior that undermine the group.I recommends directly stating the facts while
keeping our emotions in check. Be direct but not blunt or rude. The goal is to
point out how certain behaviors are impeding the group’s success or morale. All
group members should be held accountable for their actions and outcomes.
Explain what needs to change, identify a timeline for making changes and
identify possible consequences if nothing changes.


You have been recently transferred to the Department of Finance and
noticed that something unethically wrong has been practiced all along
– The financial report looks like it has been manipulated and does not
tally with the actual company expenditure.
– How are you going to handle this issue?
 Set Workplace Expectations
 Develop a workplace policy based on our company’s philosophy, mission
statement and code of conduct. Incorporate the policy into your performance
management program to hold employees accountable for their actions and alert
them to their responsibilities to uphold professional standards throughout their job
performance and interaction with peers and supervisors. Revise our employee
handbook to include the policy and provide copies of the revised handbook to
employees. Obtain signed acknowledgement forms from employees that indicate
they received and understand the workplace ethics policy.
 Be Fair When Applying Policies
-Apply our workplace policy consistently when addressing workplace issues and
employee concerns about workplace ethics. Use the same business principles in
every circumstance, regardless of the perceived seriousness or the level of
employees involved. Communicate the same expectations for all employees –
whether they are in executive positions or front-line production roles – and
approach every issue with equal interpretation of the company policy.

Jayden was just appointed as the new project leader in his department. He is
good at his job, however he blatantly includes sexual jokes while discussing
His action really annoys his team, especially the female staff. As Jayden’s team
members, discuss what is the next course of action
More people than ever before are steadily becoming aware of the impact of sexual
harassment in the workplace. In many cases, this harassment will not necessarily be
violent. Many workplaces deal with employees who engage in lewd or sexual jokes,
which are still enough to make coworkers uncomfortable.Even if the person does not
target the sexually explicit joke directly at you, it can still make you feel awkward, which
is completely understandable. One way to address any concerns is to confront the
individual making the jokes. Perhaps the person was simply unaware of how the jokes
made you feel and will stop. If this type of behavior continues, then it is worth it to bring
it to the attention of the boss. If either of these steps fills you with anxiety, then here are
some steps for making the process go more smoothly.
 Bring up concerns privately
-The person who made the joke may become defensive if you call him or her out
in public. While a public shaming may feel gratifying, it will most likely not
promote the results you seek. Instead, talk to the coworker in private. The person
may not have realized how the joke made everyone feel and appreciate your
 Hang onto all communication
 In the event a coworker sends you sexually explicit text messages or emails,
you will want to hold onto them. Evidence is particularly useful if you end up
leaving the company and bring a lawsuit against the individual later down the
 Suggest a workshop
- If there is a systemic problem of sexual jokes at your workplace, then bring up to
your boss about hosting a sexual harassment seminar. A professional will come
out to go over with everyone what constitutes harassment. Your employer should
feel positively about this plan of action because it reduces his or her liability in
case an incident goes to court.

You are working on a project with a tight deadline. However, one of your group
members is an extreme procrastinator.
You are tired of revising that person’s work, which causes delays in your work
and sometimes causes you to miss deadlines.
You ended up doing all the work as you were tired of being scolded by your
superior. Discuss ways to deal with this situation?
 Keep deadlines short and hard. Nothing enables procrastination more
effectively than a distant or a nebulous deadline. As Mark Twain said, “Do not
put off until tomorrow what can be put off till the day-after-tomorrow just as
well.” So, once you’ve identified us procrastinators, give us hard deadlines for
our work. If the task ahead is a long-term one, break the work down into
small, manageable pieces and assign deadlines for each one.
 Impose structure and accountability. Procrastinators are always looking for
camouflage, as well as excuses for not doing whatever we’re supposed to be
doing. So, take away the hidey holes by making sure it’s clear who is
supposed to be doing what, and by tracking accountability in the most public
way possible.
 Use the 15 Minute Rule.One of the most common excuses our team
members may have for not completing a task are lack of time. The 15 minute
rule is an excellent way for our team members to accurately time their tasks.
In the 15 minute rule, set your timer for 15 minutes to work on a task. They
will be surprised how much can be done in 15 minutes of focused effort. If
they are not able to complete a task in the 15 minutes, they can schedule
another 15 minutes the next day to work on the same task. This allows them
to make consistent progress and helps them to better estimate how long a
similar task will take.
Many companies have suffered during the Pandemic, and this has resulted in
downsizings and hiring freezes.
Your company would have to terminate the service of a few workers.
Discuss the criteria of the workers that will be involved in the layoff?

The primary legal requirement that every organization must observe when
reducing its workforce is to avoid making decisions that are discriminatory in
any way. Employers must ensure that layoff decisions are not based on any
characteristic that is protected from discrimination under federal law. It
would not be acceptable, for example, to use length of time until employees
reach retirement age as one of the criteria for layoffs. Such a criterion could
result in age based discrimination. There are several different ways to
approach establishing criteria for employee layoffs.
 Position Specific Layoffs - In some situations, the decision is
made to eliminate certain jobs. When position specific layoffs occur,
employees who hold the affected job titles are laid off, regardless of
performance or seniority factors.
 Seniority - Some companies make decisions about who will stay
and who will go based on seniority. When using this factor as a
layoff criterion, the employment of the employees hired most
recently is terminated while those who have been with the company
the longest are able to retain their positions.
 Performance - In some cases, companies opt to use job
performance as the decision making factor in layoff decisions.
Organizations that use this criterion opt to keep those workers who
have exhibited the highest levels of performance and to lay off the
lowest performing employees.
 Voluntary Retirement - While it's not legal to base layoff
decisions on age, it is acceptable for companies facing layoffs to offer
voluntary early retirement packages to some members of the
workforce. In this circumstance, companies must take specific steps
to verify that their actions are in compliance with the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). Because this type of
layoff option requires workers to sign away their rights to protection
under the ADEA, the affected workers must be given time to consult
with legal counsel and provided with a grace period to change their
minds. Additionally, in this situation, employers are required to
provide some type of severance compensation to those workers who
agree to taking early retirement.

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