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A Day in the Life

of Jimmy
Donaldson aka
Mr Beast.

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Jimmy Donaldson, who goes by Mr Beast online, is one of the most famous YouTubers in the
world. His channel has over 200 million subscribers and has been viewed more than 30
billion times. The 32-year-old from Idaho—who was born Casey Donaldson–grew up on a farm
where his parents taught him how to hunt and shoot firearms. He initially made videos about
guns but quickly branched out into other topics over time.
Flying First
You’ve probably seen Mr Beast flying around

the world on his private jet, and it’s not hard to

see why he enjoys flying first class. From the

service to the luxury of your own personal

space, there are so many different things that

make traveling in this way better than economy

or even business class.

Waking Up Early

While Mr Beast is most known for his music, he also has a YouTube channel with over 1 million

subscribers. At 5am each morning, he wakes up and spends the first hour of his day reading

books about spirituality and self-improvement (he’s currently reading Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power

of Now”), meditating and praying. He then spends another hour working out—lifting weights or

doing cardio—before spending the rest of his day recording videos for his YouTube channel.

Working Out
With Friends
You’re probably wondering how Jimmy Donaldson,

otherwise known as Mr Beast, gets in shape. Well,

he works out with his friends. He plays basketball

with them and football too. When they are not

playing games they are swimming or riding their

bikes together.

Readying Himself & His

Team For The Day
Jimmy Donaldson and the team at Mr Beast are ready for the day. Here’s what Jimmy does to get himself and his team


He wakes up early, around 4:30am. This way he can be at work by 6am, which is when he really starts moving

forward with his day.

His first task of the day is to read all of his emails, as they come in while he sleeps overnight. When he’s done

reading them all, Jimmy goes through each email individually and responds right away if needed by replying or

forwarding them on or putting them into different folders based on their content and importance level. Then, he

moves onto other things that need doing like setting up meetings or making phone calls with co-workers so they’re

ready by 8am when everyone else arrives at work!

Planning His Next
Video Shoot
It’s a sunny day in Los Angeles, and Mr Beast is hard at work. He’s planning his next

video shoot, and he has a lot to do. First, he needs to make sure all the equipment

for the shoot is in good condition. As an experienced director, he knows that if

something breaks during filming it can be costly and time consuming to fix on-site—

and even more costly if you have to rent new equipment. So before any filming

starts, Mr Beast makes sure everything works properly by testing it out himself or

enlisting help from someone else who knows how it works (like his assistant).


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