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10/1/2022 Video (Article)

Assignment 3

California State University of San Bernadino

Christina Marquez
HSCI 6200
Dr. Salome Kapella Mshigeni
Li, Lori. (2020). TINYpulse by Limeade. 10 reasons why Google’s company culture works.

Reason 1.) Financial Support for Employees

A.) Finance is a stressor many people can agree that high school should make a financial
management class a necessity. Being aware of how to manage money or where to invest to feel
secure and optimistic about the future is important for a person mental health.

B.) Inspirational motivation is an interesting leadership trait but to inspire one must have some
sort of wisdom. Having the knowledge about fiancé is important because it can have a major
impact on a person future and attitude. To be an authentic leader more must understand how
to give advice to others with confidence and be an example to other to encourage growth in a
person transformation. Organization should have financial advisors and promote usage of
them more often.
We can use google idea of having a financial advisor always present in every company not just
public health. This will create confidence in every employee and secure then they are not alone
because other as well are using this service and everyone needs advice creating a relatable
environment. Debt is a hardship that create a person to be withdrawal instead of proactive.

Reason 2.) Innovation is Prioritized

A.) Creative thinking or critical thinking is important because repeating the words from a text
does not display knowledge of the topic but repetition, like Professor Tom discussed, teaching
and explaining to others what something is learning and introducing new ideas to make it
better. Using past or other ideas to make them better or more productive and proactive in this
field is innovating and implementing.
In public health, this can work by focusing on the leader's approach and creating more group
employees. Encouraging and listening is just like an open communication policy. Also, an
organization's involvement is important, paying to do these interviews of one on one.

C.) Public health can stop using depending on using indeed to the hiring process but also search
by interviewing a handful of candidates. Also, can have more meetings within the organization
to share a recent topic in health and what other organizations are doing to share ideas.

Reason 3.) Open Communication Policy

A.) Using the LMX theory open communication policy can work because building trust and a
professional relationship with an individual is essential.

B.) Having one-on-one meetings is essential because when a person is in a group, one
communicates more than the other, leaving a person's voice or ideas limited. It takes more
time for a leader to make this effort for a better place in the workforce, but the benefits also
could be for the leader to learn from their follower.

C.) This can be adopted in public health because it is healthy and creates a non-hostile
environment where employees can share problems and ideas, for leaders to remind them that
they care for employees. They are willing to find solutions or consider employees' options.
Going back to chapter 6, when team employees feel the sincerity of a leader, they are eager to
do more in the team and take a risk.
Reason 4.) Hires for Character and Skills

A.) This idea is realistic because many personalities fit the field people work in; For Example, a
talkative persuasive social person working in a quiet setting job. It can work, but it is not
utilizing that person's natural abilities to their maximum potential. I always had a belief if a
basketball player never plays a sport, how will they ever know their talent?

B.) In public health, they already use role-finding and personality traits to find leaders and
create a team. Evaluation is used to understand a character's motives, skills, and abilities. It can
be evaluated using tests, training, education already obtained, placed in a large/ small group,
and a simple series of interviews.

C.) Public health is a community-based field even though some organizations run it like a
business but using google ways is like combining both; it has the structure of a business but
with creating a healthier environment to practice independence to have more ingroup
employees by encouraging them with the freedom to work in different areas, have meals
provides, health checks, and financial advisors.

Reason 5.) Build on Data

A.) I understand public health has a statistical field to find valuable information and data on
health topics. Public health (Epidemiology) is built on data from tracking a disease's prevalence,
incidence, and death.
B.) It is already being used to find new cases, onset, recovery of cases, and injuries to
understand the length of a disease's time period. This is important to understand and track
where and how long a disease will occur.

C.) Just like google using data to understand wait time and length of a person's time to get
satisfied or agitated to wait in line for a meal. Public health uses that to tell the public how long
on is not contagious or when one might experience symptoms of a disease to get tested or
medication for a faster recovery to hopefully prevent death or prolong life. Also, we can use
similar data with immunizations or testing line time waits.

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