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Hasini: Dear sisters and brothers, The AITC(All India trinamool congress)

MYSELF SHREE HASINI GANDHAM, comes to you to seek your valued

blessings yet again, so that India continues unhindered on the path of
development, to realize its true destiny with renewed vigour.

Manognya: My proud Privilege to welcome you all for our party.

Hansini: The AITMC symbol of the flowers and grass represents

the essence of our nation, of the motherhood or the country.
The ‘maati' or ‘motherland' here signifies mother or ‘Ma'. The
people dwelling on the motherland are called ‘manush'.

Manognya: the underlining factor is to identify the possibilities

of enhancing employability for the job seekers, this recognises
the strength of skill which leads to the right education. We
ensure the base of education.

Revanth: We ensure to pay 75% of school and university fee

which will be borne from the government of India. Most women
are still not financially independent, our party simplifies this and
taken not only big cities but villages too by providing them jobs.
Chakradhar: I would like to tell that there are many advantages if you vote
for our party in this pandemic situation as we will be giving free
vaccination, The next thing we have to stop women empowerment:

Dharsheel: Women has the rights to everything. They will be provided

special care for their interest in the job. We always think about old age
people, and would surely love to help them!

Shubham: Corruption is another big challenge we have to face.. Due to an

increase in population, there is more unemployment, hence poverty is
just the reflection of unemployment.

Yashica: Unemployment is another big challenge.. educated

unemployment also is reflecting the economy of india.

Dharsheel: No more worries! We are here.. we give you the promise

to minimise the poverty level also provide employment to people.
Shubham: Development is a process that creates growth, brings in progress
and positive change. Development is a healthy sign. Two aspects of
development we ensure you are

 Economic growth or increase in people’s income.

 Social progress includes literacy, health and the provision of public

Our party makes the nation a better one.

Your Vote for our Party is

A vote for change

Your Vote for our Party is

A vote for team work

Your Vote for our party is

A vote for Diligence

Your Vote for our Party is

A vote for performance

Together we can Excel

Together we can succeed

Samedh: Hey India, Hoping that you will give your

valuable votes to AITC

(All India trinamool congress)

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