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1 Smoking may prevent people from enjoying their healthy lifestyle

2 Overwork doesn’t allow people to spend much quality time with family

3 Online shopping makes it impossible for people to test quality products they buy

4 Shyness may prevent people from communicating with others effectively

5 Having an affair makes it impossible for people to maintain good relationships with their beloved

6 Attend online course doesn’t allow learner to interact with other classmate or train soft skill

7 Stay up late at night can make impossible brain function proper

8 Travel by plane doesn’t enable people to enjoy breath-taking view and capture precious moment
along the journey

9 Using cell phone excessively can make child suffer short-sighted

10 Eating fast food excessively can lead to dangerous diseases such as heart attack, obesity

1 Doing jogging allows people to have healthy heart

2 Thanks to doing part-time job, students have more real-life experience

3 Travel offers many opportunities for people to expand new relationships

4 Having similar hobby supports people to add new friends

5 Having a roommate supports people to reduce living cost

6 Eating nutritious food assists people in physical health

7 Using the internet can helps people search reference material

8 Driving carefully doesn’t allow people to have fatal accident

9 Attending English club offers many opportunities for people to practice their language skill

10 Drinking coffee enables people to alert

 Using public transport

Using public transport can allow people to save money

Using public transport can lead to a large number of people in the car
 Eating out

Eating out allows people to choose many dishes they like

Eating out may lead to abdominal pain

 Using Facebook

Using Facebook enables people to add new friends

Using Facebook a lot makes people not focus on something else

 Attending online classes

Attending online classes allow people to study remote

Attending online classes may make it hard for people to focus on their study

 Buying things from the Internet

Buying things from the Internet enables people to shop remote

Buying things from the Internet may make people lost ship money

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