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DOGS AND CATS by intestinal bacteria forming compounds that

Pets provide many benefits to humans. They increase mucus production and water in the
comfort us and they give us companionship. colon.
However, some animals can also pass diseases to
people. 3 Common diseases in a clinic
5 Common Toxic Plants and Cleaning Materials ● Canine distemper is caused by a very
to Dogs and Cats contagious virus. Puppies and dogs usually
become infected through virus particles in the air
SAGO PALM or in the respiratory secretions of infected dogs.
Toxins: Cycasin Infected dogs typically develop runny eyes, fever,
Severity: Very high snotty nose, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea,
Malicious Parts of the Plant: The whole plant
Symptoms: Vomiting, jaundice, increased thirst,
hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, bruising, clotting
disorder, liver damage, liver failure, and death

seizures, and paralysis. It is often fatal.


The infective virus is found in secretions from the
eyes and nose, and in urine and feces. It can
therefore be spread through the air during
This exquisite plant sago palm is one of the indirect contact (on bedding, bowls, toys, etc.), or
favorites of landscapers. Usually, dogs don’t find through direct contact with an infected animal.
it attractive, but if your dog is the exception and The time between infection and disease is usually
has a tendency to bite or chew just anything, 14 to 18 days. However, a fever may occur 3 to 6
then this plant can be dangerous. It contains a days after infection.
toxin called cycasin, which is known to cause liver Initially, the virus attacks the dog’s tonsils and
damage. *Sago palm is also poisonous for cattle lymph nodes. It replicates itself in these tissues
for approximately 7 days and then attacks the
ALOE VERA nervous, respiratory, urogenital, and
Toxins: saponins gastrointestinal systems. Initial symptoms of
Symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea. Other clinical canine distemper include an elevated body
signs seen with aloe vera ingestion include temperature, reddened eyes, and watery
depression, anorexia, changes in urine color, and discharge from the nose and eyes.
rarely, tremors.
● Unvaccinated dogs that come into contact with
an infected animal or its environment (bedding,
bowls, toys, etc.)
● Dogs whose respiratory or gastrointestinal
systems are compromised by a bacterial infection
have an increased vulnerability to distemper
Aloe Vera which is from the Aloaceae family, is a
common houseplant. Aloes contain EPILEPSY
anthraquinone glycosides which are purgatives ● Epilepsy is a neurological condition occurring
(medications that encourage bowel movements). in many animals that causes sudden,
When ingested, these glycosides are metabolized uncontrolled, and recurring seizures. Seizures can
vary from being brief and nearly undetectable consciousness, stiffness, teeth gnashing,
episodes, to long periods of vigorous shaking. uncontrolled thrashing of limbs, drooling,
These physical attacks often but do not always whining, foot paddling, urination, and defecation.

“Post Ictus” – This is the stage after the seizure.

The dog may eat or drink excessively, seem
confused or disoriented, continuously pace, or
appear blind or deaf.

● Racing heart (tachycardia)
involve loss of consciousness. ● Altered mental state
● Weak pulse
CAUSES ● Low blood pressure
Epilepsy is often an inherited condition and is the ● Muscle contractions
most common brain disorder in dogs. The ● Trembling, shaking, or twitching
incidence is much higher in some breeds, such as ● Difficulty breathing
Beagles, English Springer Spaniels, Vizslas, and ● Loss of consciousness
Shetland Sheepdogs. ● Loss of bowel/urinary control
Epilepsy in dogs can be idiopathic or ● Swelling of the brain
symptomatic. Idiopathic epilepsy is a form of
epilepsy that does not have an identifiable DENTAL DISEASE
underlying cause. Symptomatic epilepsy occurs By three years of age, an average 80% of dogs
when a cause for the seizure activity can be and cats have developed periodontal disease.
identified; examples include brain tumors, stroke, Dental health is a critical component of your pet’s
or other head trauma. overall health and longevity, which is why your
pet’s teeth should be checked at least annually by
Types of Seizure your veterinarian for early signs of a problem.
There are several types of dog seizures, generally
classified as focal (partial or petite mal) seizures
or generalized (grand mal) seizures. Focal seizures
affect only a small part of the brain, whereas
generalized seizures tend to affect both sides of
the brain as well as the entire body.
As the frequency and length of seizures increases,
so does the probability of damage to the brain.
This in turn increases the likelihood that the dog
will seize again. Multiple seizures within a 24- SYMPTOMS
hour period may be life threatening There are many signs of poor dental health,
“Prodome” – This stage precedes the seizure by ● Loose teeth,
hours or days and is characterized by changes in ● Discoloration,
the dog’s mood or behavior. ● Excessive tartar build-up
● Drooling,
“Aura” – This signals the start of a seizure. The ● Bleeding from the mouth
dog may show nervousness, whining, trembling, ● Loss of appetite
salivation, restlessness, hiding, and apprehension. ● Loss of weight.
● You may also notice your pet is more sensitive
“Ictus” – the actual seizure. This is a period of in the area surrounding
intense physical activity usually lasting 30 to 90 the mouth, or that your pet prefers wet food over
seconds. The dog may display loss of dry food.
● Loss of appetite
CAUSE ● Weight loss
● Periodontal disease begins with the ● Sporadic vomiting
accumulation of plaque on the teeth, which then ● Lethargy
hardens into tartar. Tartar accumulation causes ● Sudden death
sensitive, sore, and swollen gums as well as
gingivitis. RABIES
● The progression of dental disease is affected by ● Rabies is a viral disease that affects the brain
breed and diet. In dogs, smaller breeds tend to and spinal cord of all mammals, including cats,
experience dental problems at a younger age dogs and humans. This preventable disease has
than their larger counterparts. In cats, mixed been reported in every state except Hawaii.
breeds do not suffer from dental disease as much There’s good reason that the very word “rabies”
as purebreds do. Many years ago, it was believed evokes fear in people—once symptoms appear,
that animals should always be fed dry food to rabies is close to 100% fatal.
help keep tartar at bay and prevent dental issues.

● Spread by infected mosquitoes, heartworm is
increasingly being recognized as an underlying
cause of health problems in domestic cats. Cats
are an atypical host for heartworms. Despite its
name, heartworm primarily causes lung disease
in cats. Rabies Transmission
● Rabies is most often transmitted through a bite
from an infected animal.
● Feral cat populations remain a reservoir host
for the rabies virus
● Unvaccinated cats who are allowed to roam
outdoors are at the highest risk
for rabies infection.
● Less frequently, it can be passed on when the
saliva of an infected animal
Causes and Signs of Heartworm Disease
enters another animal’s body through mucous
● When a mosquito carrying the heartworm
membranes or an open, fresh wound.
parasite, Dirofilaria immitis, bites a cat, larvae are
transmitted into the bloodstream. The larvae
Symptoms of Rabies
migrate toward the heart over a period of around
● Changes in behavior (including aggression,
four to six months, maturing as they go, then
restlessness and lethargy),
settle in the heart, pulmonary arteries and blood
● Increased vocalization
vessels of the lungs.
● Loss of appetite
● Outdoor cats are at greater risk because of
● Weakness
increased exposure to mosquitoes. However,
● Disorientation
indoor cats are also susceptible to mosquito
● Paralysis
● Seizures
● Sudden death
The following signs may indicate that your cat has
been infected:
Feline Leukemia Virus (FelV)
● Persistent cough
● First discovered in the 1960s, feline leukemia
● Breathing difficulties (panting, wheezing, rapid
virus is a transmittable RNA retrovirus that can
or open-mouthed
severely inhibit a cat’s immune system. It is one
of the most commonly diagnosed causes of
● Depression
disease and death in domestic cats. Because the
virus doesn’t always manifest symptoms right
away, any new cat entering a household—and - Bleach or bleach-based cleaners.
Bleach can also be incredibly harmful to our
much-loved pets if ingested because of the
chlorine content. 'If you have to use bleach make
sure to rinse the area with plenty of water and
allow it to dry. Keep your pet away until it is
completely dry.

- Carpet or rug cleaner/shampoo/deodorizer.

According to Boriana Slabakova, co-founder of
any cat—should be tested for FeLV. Over time, carpet cleaners can cause
kidney or lung damage, or leukemia, according to
● FeLV weakens an animal’s immune system and
Slabakova. Make sure you don't miss these other
predisposes cats to a variety of infections and
signs that mean your dog is sick.
diseases, including anemia, kidney disease and
lymphosarcoma, a highly malignant and fatal
- Essential oils.
cancer of the lymph system
Many essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil, tea
● Young kittens and cats less than one year of age
tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint, pine,
are most susceptible to the virus.
wintergreen, and ylang ylang are straight up toxic
to pets. These are toxic whether they are applied
Signs of FeLV
to the skin, used in diffusers or licked up in the
● Loss of appetite and weight loss
case of a spill.
● Pale or inflamed gums
● Poor coat condition
- Plant fertilizer.
● Abcesses
Along with vomiting and breathing difficulties,
● Fever
fertilizers can cause ulceration in the
● Upper respiratory infections
gastrointestinal tract and burns on the skin. If you
● Diarrhea and vomiting
suspect that your dog has eaten fertilizer, or if
● Seizures
you have recently used the product in your
● Changes in behavior
garden and your dog is acting ill, take them to see
● Vision or other eye problems
a veterinarian right away.
● Enlarged lymph nodes
● Reproductive problems (in females)
Proper Collection of Blood, Urine, and Fecal
● Jaundice
Sample to Dogs and Cats
● Chronic skin disease
Blood collection is an important part of everyday
● Respiratory distress
veterinary practice. Many factors are taken into
● Lethargy
consideration when deciding where to withdraw
the sample.
Diseases commonly found in clinic of dogs and
This includes:
● Canine Parvovirus
-Type of animal
● Canine Distemper
-Size of animal
● Feline Calicivirus Infection
-Medical condition/site of injury
-Amount of blood to be collected
5 Cleaning Materials Toxic to Dogs and Cats
-Tests to be performed
- Antifreeze, deicer.
-Experience of person taking sample
Unfortunately de-icer appears to be tasty to
animals so they do tend to lick spillages, and
When taking a blood sample, the procedure
ingestion can lead to severe kidney damage
should be performed in an aseptic manner. This
which can be fatal.
-Clipping of site
-Preparation of site with surgical scrub solutions -
Washing hands
-Sterile needle and syringe

The sample should always be a ‘clean stick,’

otherwise haemolysis of the sample will occur,
which may affect test results.

The aim when collecting blood is:

-To use a vein close to the surface of the body
-To be able to gently withdraw a suitable volume
of blood (to minimise damage to blood cells) -To
cause minimal disturbance and discomfort to the

Preferred Sites for Blood Collection

In small animal practice the jugular vein is often
the preferred site for collection. However, if
performing tests requiring only a small amount of
blood (e.g., glucose, PCV/TPP), peripheral veins
may be used.

When transferring blood from the syringe to the

tube, steps are taken to minimise damage to the
- Remove needle from syringe so that blood is not
transferred through a small bore.
- Remove top from tube. This applies equally to a
vacuum collection tube as to a screw-top tube
unless specifically stated by the manufacture.
Plunging a blood-filled syringe + needle into a
vacuum tube and allowing it to transfer into the
vacuum tube increases the possibility of
- Gently expel the blood into the angled tube so it
dribble down the side.
- Replace lid securely and (in an anticoagulant
tube) gently agitate to evenly mix chemicals with
blood. Do this by slowly inverting the tube every
2–3 seconds for 30 seconds.
(approximately 1 tablespoon) is necessary for
most testing. If the sample is watery or if the pet
How to Collect a Fecal Sample has very little patience for leash walking, it may
An animal’s feces (excrement, stool) can provide be necessary for one person to walk the pet and a
important information about the function of second person to collect the sample.
internal organs, including pancreatic and
intestinal health, the presence of intestinal Afterwards
parasites, and many other useful indicators. Dispose of latex gloves and any leftover materials
Therefore, microscopic evaluation of a sample of (e.g., plastic spoon if you did not put it in the
the feces is an important, noninvasive test that ziplock bag) appropriately, and wash your hands
many veterinarians use for identifying the causes immediately.
of certain illnesses and gastrointestinal (GI) The fresher the fecal sample is, the better it is for
disorders. analysis. Ideally, a sample should be examined at
your veterinary hospital within 4 hours of
Materials needed for collecting a fecal sample collection, but samples that are up to 24 hours
include: old are still valuable. If immediate delivery of the
- Latex medical-type gloves (can be purchased in sample to the veterinary hospital is not possible,
a drugstore or pharmacy). store the sealed container in a cool, dry place
- Plastic ziplock bag or other small, plastic away from sunlight and deliver within 24 hours.
container that can be sealed. Then dispose of the latex gloves and paper towels
- Plastic disposable spoon. appropriately.

When collecting a fecal sample, it is important to Proper Restraining of Dogs and Cats
remember that with improper technique, there RESTRAINT OF DOG IN SITTING POSITION
is a health risk to you Place one arm under the dog’s neck so that the
- Wash your hands immediately after completing forearm holds the dog’s head securely against the
the collection of the sample, before touching restrainer's body.
your face, clothes, or anything else.
- Keep the container (ziplock bag, other) wide Place the other arm around the hindquarters to
open when depositing the sample so as to not prevent the dog from standing or lying down
contaminate the edges during the procedure.
- Avoid bending or placing tension on the plastic
spoon when collecting the sample so there is no Pulling the dog close to the chest allows more
risk of spreading the sample (flicking/splashing) control if the animal attempts to move.

Procedure: How to Collect the Sample RESTRAINT OF DOG IN STANDING POSITION

To collect a sample from a cat litterbox, scoop the Place one arm under the dog’s neck so that the
feces from the litterbox with the disposable forearm holds the dog’s head securely. The head
plastic spoon and seal it (with the spoon in the should be positioned so that it is impossible for
bag) in a ziplock bag. It will not harm the sample the dog to bite either the holder or the person
if some litter is included. If the stool is performing the procedure.
formed/solid, it may be possible simply to invert
the plastic bag inside out, use it as a glove to pick Place the other arm under the abdomen to
up the feces, and invert it with the feces inside prevent the dog from sitting or lying down during
and seal. the procedure.

To collect a sample from a dog, walk the dog on- Pulling the dog close to your body allows more
leash outside. Confirm that the feces sample to control if the animal attempts to move.
be collected is fresh and not old. Collect the
sample with a plastic spoon or, if the feces is firm, RESTRAINT OF DOG IN LATERAL RECUMBENCY
use the inverted plastic bag approach, as
described above. Only a small amount of feces
With the dog in standing position, reach across
the dog’s back and take hold of the foreleg and
hindleg closest to you.

Gradually lift the dog’s legs off the table (or floor),
and allow her body to slide slowly against your
body until she is lying on her side with feet
pointing away from the handler.

Use your forearm to exert pressure on the side of

the dog’s head, thus immobilizing the head

RESTRAINT AND POSITIONING FOR CEPHALIC Requirements or needs of dogs and cats
VEINIPUNCTURE Energy - The First Priority
Place the animal in sitting position or sternal ● The single most important requirement in
recumbency. canine and feline nutrition. All animals eat to
supply energy. It is the first requirement of life.
Extend the animal’s front leg by placing the palm Food energy (calories) is made available through
of one hand behind the animal’s elbow. the process of digestion – the breakdown of
protein, fats and carbohydrates that ultimately
Compress the cephalic vein with the thumb, and provide the chemical energy units that can be
stabilize the vein by rolling the skin laterally. used inside living cells.
● Dogs and cats require energy to support body
For IV injection, slowly lift the thumb off the vein, metabolism during maintenance, growth,
leaving the hand in position behind the elbow to reproduction, lactation, physical activity and
prevent the animal from withdrawing the leg. during their senior years.

RESTRAINT OF CAT FOR FEMORAL Protein - The Most Critical of all Nutrients
VEINIPUNCTURE Protein provides essential amino acids that dogs
Take the scruff of the cat’s neck in one hand, and cats cannot synthesize yet are required for
grasping as much of the loose skin as possible the construction of the many organs and tissues
along the neck. Grasp high up between the ears, of the body. Protein also provides dispensable
or the cat may be able to turn her head and bite. amino acids (those that can be synthesized if
Wrap the fingers of the other hand around and appropriate nitrogen and carbon sources are
through the cat’s hind legs. provided).

Gently stretch the cat out by separating your Fats and their Fatty Acids
hands. Brace the cat's back and neck firmly Fats and oils are the most concentrated source of
against your forearm. food energy providing more than two times that
of protein or carbohydrate on an equal volume
The hand holding the hind legs can then be used basis. Fat, in moderation, is also the most
to hold the top leg and tail out of the way, while digestible of the food sources thus, balancing the
the person performing the veinipuncture pulls fat content of the diet is important. Too little
out on the leg closer to the table. leads to dry, scaly skin and harsh coats while too
much produces weight gain, diarrhea and may
Pressure placed vertically on the inner thigh will overwhelm the pancreas leading to a very sick
occlude and raise the femoral vein. pet.

Dogs and cats usually can tolerate high levels of

fat. Nevertheless, high fat levels should only be
used by highly active dogs such as our working
and performance breeds or during reproduction Noted: Excesses in these vitamins over a period
especially late pregnancy and throughout the of time can reach toxic levels with severe
lactation period. consequences to a pet’s health.

Carbohydrates Minerals
A dietary requirement of carbohydrate has never Minerals are inorganic compounds found in the
been scientifically established for either the dog earth. Minerals are not required in large volume
or cat. Let me repeat neither the dog nor the cat like other basic nutrients, but their function in
– not even those subjected to hard work – canine and feline health is vitally important.
require any carbohydrate at all in their diet. Some Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are primary
carbohydrate (10% of the diet) may be beneficial components of bone metabolism. Sodium,
during late pregnancy, lactation and weaning as potassium and chloride are responsible for
these periods pose an extreme nutritional maintaining extra-cellular and intra-cellular fluid
challenge. volumes, one of the most important functions of
any animal’s system. Minerals also play important
Fiber roles in most enzymatic and hormonal functions
A dietary requirement of carbohydrate has never of the body. Like vitamins, minerals are also
been scientifically established for either the dog critical components to overall pet health.
or cat. Let me repeat neither the dog nor the cat
– not even those subjected to hard work –
require any carbohydrate at all in their diet. Some
carbohydrate (10% of the diet) may be beneficial
during late pregnancy, lactation and weaning as
these periods pose an extreme nutritional

Vitamins are organic molecules that in very small
quantities act as regulators. With few exceptions,
they cannot be synthesized in the body and
therefore must be obtained from food sources or
through supplementation. Vitamins must be
considered essential for life.
Vitamins are highly vulnerable to inactivation by
oxidation (contact with air) and other chemical
reactions that are accelerated by light, heat, acid
or alkali. Thus, many of the natural vitamins in
food are destroyed by most kinds of food
processing, prolonged storage, open containers
and moisture.

Vitamins are classified into two categories:

● Fat-soluble vitamins – vitamin A, D, E and K
- Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body organs
like the liver.
● Water-soluble vitamins – The B vitamin group
and vitamin C
- water-soluble vitamins can be taken in excess of
recommended requirements because they are
easily broken down and excreted in the urine.

An animal’s behavior is influenced by many
factors. Some of these factors include genetic
predisposition, experience and learning,
environment, and physiology. Several dog studies
have shown that behavior can be inherited to
some degree. In addition, maternal influences can
affect personality and temperament.


NATURAL BEHAVIOR OF CATS AND KITTENS - They do it to express emotions, like excitement
or stress, to mark objects with their scent (they
UNDERSTANDING KITTEN BODY LANGUAGE: have scent glands in their paws), to remove the
❖ Direct Staring dead part of their nails and, often, just to get a
- Cats can use staring as a nonverbal way of good stretch.
communicating. Even though a long, unblinking
stare may not be the best way for humans to ❖ Leg rubs
show affection, when your fur baby does this, it will be anointed with its unique smell using scent
may mean they're showing love to their favourite glands in its face, body and tail. When your cat
owner. rubs around your legs to greet you it is doing the
same as it would in greeting another cat by
❖ Blinking, winking or half-closed eyes mutual rubbing of the face and body.
- When a cat interacts with people and the cat is
not threatened by the person, she may look at ❖ Miaows! Growling, hissing,s pitting, and
the person and then perform this same “slow yowling
blink.” - The standard meow is mid-length in duration
- She then may look away or she may not. If this and mid-pitched in tone and is the “asking for
happens, you can interpret this something” sound. The mewl, a short high-
behavior as your cat not feeling threatened by or pitched meow, usually means “hello,” and can be
fearful of you. accompanied by rubbing against your legs

❖ Ears back to head TELL-TALE TAIL

- Most cats will put their ears back when they're - The tell-tale tail is one of the most reliable ways
anxious or annoyed. If the irritating behavior to assess a cat’s emotional state. A friendly cat
persists, your cat will hiss or even scratch at you will be holding her tail upright and relaxed. A
or another pet. stiffened tail indicates uncertainty, while a tucked
tail indicates submission or fear.
❖ Tail positions - If a cat’s tail is puffed up like a bottle brush,
1. Tail up she’s angry or upset and is trying to look bigger
2. Tail side to side and intimidating. A cat who twitches her tail back
3. Tail held to the side and forth like a whip is showing irritation. But a
cat who wraps her tail around her side slowly is in
❖ Arched back a loving mood.
- The cat's arching back is actually part of his
complex body-language system. Not only does he BELLY MANEUEVER
arch his back as a form of stretching "sleepy" - Rolling on her back to show you her belly is a
muscles after a nap, the arched back is also a very trusting behavior, as this puts a cat in a
form of showing that the cat is feeling position to expose her sensitive abdomen while
threatened. making it more difficult to run away. If your cat
loves belly rubs, she’s asking for a little love and
❖ Jumping back on their back legs attention.
- The most common reasons cats pounce on their - On the other hand, a cat who feels cornered and
owners are for play and attention. has no other way out may be on her back so she
- Typically cats who engage in this behavior hide can swivel all four paws up to defend herself with
behind a corner or furniture and then suddenly a barrage of claws. Happily, it’s easy to tell the
jump out at the owner. Your cat may dig her difference.
claws into you and hold on or lightly touch you
with her paws and run off. SIGNS A CAT IS DISTRESS
- Cats rarely make noise when they are in physical
distress, so it’s important to look for other signs
❖ Scratch marks
that warrant a call to the vet.
- Pacing in and out of the litterbox or hunching in
the box can indicate a urinary infection or life
threatening blockage.
- Open mouth breathing is a serious respiratory
sign. And head pressing, where a cat
pathologically presses her head against a surface
or stands in a corner, is a sign of serious
neurological disease that needs immediate

How can I communicate with my kitten?

- Now you know how to understand what your
kitty feels, how can you communicate back?
There are lots of ways to show your cat that you
are comfortable around them and appreciate
their company. Slow blinks and moving your head
to the side are a great way to start - if your cat
responds, it’s a good sign of a strong bond!
- Spending time together, such as at playtime,
grooming times and feeding times will also show
your pet that you are there to help and protect
them - actions often speak louder than words!

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