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Dynamic Stretching- is a movement-based type of stretching.

It uses the muscles themselves to

bring about a stretch. It's different from traditional "static" stretching because the stretch
position is not held.
When to use dynamic stretching
Dynamic stretching can be used before the start of any exercise routine. It may help warm up
your body or get your muscles moving and ready to work. Some examples that may benefit
from dynamic stretches include:

 Before sports or athletics. StudiesTrusted Source show that dynamic stretches may be

beneficial for athletes who will be running or jumping, including basketball players,
soccer players, and sprinters.
 Before weightlifting. According to research Trusted Source, dynamic stretching may
help with leg extension power and improve performance, compared to static stretching
or no stretching.
 Before cardiovascular exercise. Whether you’ll be running, in boot camp, or swimming,
dynamic exercises can get your muscles warmed up and ready, which may improve
performance and reduce risk for injury.

9 Benefits of stretching
 Increases your flexibility
 Increases your range of motion
 Improves your performance in physical activities
 Increases blood flow to your muscles
 Improves your posture
 Helps to heal and prevent back pain
 Is great for stress relief
 Can calm your mind
 Helps decrease tension headaches
Dynamic stretches for warming up
 Hip circle
 Lunge with a twist
 Arm circles
 Large arm circles
 Leg Pendulum
 Jog to squad stretch
 Arm Swings
 Spinal Rotations
Passive stretching
passive stretching uses an external force to provide the pull for the stretch. The resistance
pull can either be provided by another part of your body, by a partner, or by an object. Similar
to active stretching, you hold the position for a period of time. Passive stretching is often
utilized during recovery from exercise to relax your muscles and connective tissue.

Active stretching
is quite simple to execute, though certain positions may take some practice. This form of
stretching is most often performed following exercise, as part of a mobility workout, or
incorporated into a yoga session. Considering that active stretching doesn’t require any special
equipment, it can be performed virtually anywhere. 
Activity 1: Search at least 8 examples of Passive stretching and Active Stretching.
Perform these exercise with 30 seconds rest in between exercises.
The Exercise should begin with whole body warm up exercises.

Submit the list with definition of the exercises your group performed.

Thank You!!!`

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