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Ethical Perspectives guiding decision making:

What are ethical perspectives: There are multiple ethical perspectives which vary from country
to country and between organizations. Some of them are honesty, fairness, leadership, integrity,
compassion, respect, responsibility, loyalty, law-abiding, transparency, and environmental
concerns. (Twin, 2022).
Ethical perspectives in PIA: The Corporation's policy is to conduct operations with honesty and
integrity and to uphold ethical standards in all of its interactions while demonstrating
consideration for the feelings of the people it interacts with. Moreover, The Corporation abides
by all rules and laws. Each employee is responsible for being informed with the laws and rules
that apply to their specific areas of responsibility and for abiding by them. Employees are
expected to seek guidance if they are unsure.
The Corporation supports appropriate competition legislation and supports fair competition.
Furthermore, The Organization encourages its workers to uphold specific personal moral
standards, including refraining from using Corporation resources or information for personal
gain. Any potential conflict of interest should be avoided, declared, and resolved with the help of
experts. Also, The Corporation welcomes applicants from all backgrounds. Its hiring and
promotion practices are merit-based and excellence-focused, free of any gender bias. It is
committed to keeping open lines of communication with its workforce and to provide them with
secure, healthy working environments. These are all the ethical perspectives listed by Pakistan
International Airlines. However, despite of having a set rule of ethical perspectives the
organization faces ethical issues.
Ethical Issues and effect on decision making in PIA: Due to significant levels of corruption, one
of the main ethical problems PIA has is compliance with the law. The hiring process is biased,
which explains why there are too many employees. Due to top management's lack of honesty,
disorganized and irregular instructions are sent to the staff, who then carry out activities based on
such skewed and opaque decisions, leading to poor customer service. I told them that I had flown
around the world with similar and even slightly shorter transit times as well. But the PIA staff
were not willing to pay heed to anything that I was saying, a passenger or customer should not
have to bear the consequences of gross incompetence of airlines or websites selling tickets.
(Abbas, 2022). This is highly irresponsible on the part of all parties involved. Also, South Asia
has been consistently playing a small but important role in projecting Pakistan’s positive image
in terms of its foreign policy objectives and economic and social development. Our national
carrier PIA subscribed to the magazine for its in-flight library very regularly until October 2016.
However, one does not find it anymore either on PIA’s domestic or international routes. I hope
the PIA chairman and the board will take action on merit in removing this travesty of justice and,
in the interest of building Pakistan’s image, include South Asia again in the airline’s in-flight
library. (Ansari, 2019). Going against the ethical perspective of impartiality and practicing
discrimination leads to biased decision making causing biased outcomes that may harm others or
even the stakeholders. Furthermore, Lack of integrity is the belief that management is no longer
acting ethically causing employees to be distrustful of any new initiatives or promises of
improvement. As PIA practices high power distance the consequences of corrupted and wrong
business decisions made by the higher management are to be faced by the employees who carry
out the actions. Lack of integrity and dishonesty shown by the higher management reflects in
weak and biased decisions, whose consequences are to be faced the employees resulting in
distrustfulness and lack of belief in the organization. Not upholding scientific standards and
practicing social and personal harm are few of many unethical perspectives that are taken into
account by PIA’s higher management for the benefit of their own needs, resulting in poor
customer service, distrustful staff and lack of belief in the organization as a whole. These
outcomes have a detrimental impact on the organization's improvement in terms of economic and
social values, this is demonstrated by the fact that PIA is in financial trouble and does not get
along with other organizations in the same field. Self- serving bias is practiced by the PIA higher
management which results in decisions that are for their own personal benefits instead of the
organization. Moreover, sunk cost error is also another bias involved in decision making at PIA.
Following and implementing the ethical codes in the decision making process, listed by Pakistan
International Airlines, would result in transparent and structured commands without bias,
corruption and discrimination overall making PIA able to perform well economically and

Process for Ethical Decisions:

As previously noted, discrimination is one of Pakistan International Airlines' ethical
problems. Discrimination is now viewed as an ethical problem that needs to be solved.
Before moving further with the process of making ethical decisions, decision criteria must be
established. The costs associated with ending discrimination are not significant, and there is
very little danger involved. In this situation, results would be given the highest priority,
followed by risks and expenses because it is required to assign weights to criteria and
prioritize items. Implementing a stringent anti-discrimination policy, offering required anti-
discrimination training, and firing the staff members who engage in prejudice and bias are
alternatives to the type of discrimination that occurs in PIA. When weighing the alternatives,
it was determined that enforcing a stringent anti-discrimination policy would have the most
weight overall, followed by firing dishonest employees and providing training, in that order.
The most ethical option will now be implemented right away, and management at PIA must
assure that individuals who will carry out the assignment have faith in them. Last but not
least, whether or not discrimination is prevented in PIA, the effectiveness of a decision must
be evaluated based on its outcome. Additionally, managers at PIA should provide backup
ethical options to smooth up the ethical decision-making process and enable quick
replacement if the main choice likely to fail. Additionally, PIA must promote ethical
behavior, such as recruiting people who respect the work that PIA does and must have high
ethical standards, in order to stop additional ethical problems from occurring. In order to
prevent accidents, all new hires at PIA are required to understand and follow the ethics code
established by top management. The management of Pakistan International Airlines must
offer ethical training and support to those who are faced with ethical difficulties to ease the
ethical decision making process.

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