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Submitted by- Apeksha Gupta

Roll No.: PGP12216

"A Taste of Frankenmuth - A town in Michigan thinks about

WOM revival."

Ques 1- When will customers engage in WOM?

 Word-of-mouth marketing occurs when a consumer's interest in a company's product

or service is reflected in their regular conversations (or WOM marketing). Essentially,
it is free advertising generated by customer experiences that go above and beyond
their expectations. Word-of-mouth marketing can be promoted through various
publicity initiatives set up by businesses or by providing opportunities to promote
consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications. WOM marketing,
also known as "word-of-mouth advertising," includes buzz, viral, blog, emotional, and
social media marketing.
 Customers participate in WOM when they enjoy the service and want to recommend
it to others. A business must engage with its customers not only professionally, but
also emotionally. Another instance when customers participate in WOM is when their
questions, reviews and complaints are taken seriously and immediately acted on.

Ques 2- What can Frankenmuth do such that more people share referrals?

 A business referral occurs when a member of your network refers a potential

customer to your company. This could happen by chance during a natural
conversation or as a result of intentional referral marketing efforts. Word of mouth is
one of the most effective ways to increase referrals for your business. This is
something you have to earn because it is so dependent on loyalty.
 If you want your customers (or potential customers) to rave about your service, you
must delight them. Go above and beyond for your clients by promoting their content
on social media, mentioning them in blog posts, and generally demonstrating your
value as a resource to them. Then you'll make your case for why they should tell their
network about the fantastic work you do.
 Customers who recommend your company the most are likely to be your most loyal
customers. Create a customer loyalty programme that recognises these organisations
by rewarding them for their support. This programme may employ a point system or
even require a premium membership. It could go beyond just client recommendations.
Regardless of how you do it, make your customers feel appreciated and motivated to
stick with you. In exchange, loyal customers will tell their friends, family, and even
complete strangers about you online, especially if they are pleased with your products
or services.

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