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Education 110

Name: Muhammad Mohsin

Roll No: 241575704
Submitted To: Rimesha Farooq

Significant learning experience essay

Human impressions are the result of various observations and experiences because man always
learns from life events. Similarly, if a person born in any society is influenced by the religious,
political and social traditions of that society or leads his life on the basis of differences, then the
circumstances and events of my life are also like this. By the way, many events have taken place
in my life. But one incident with which I have a bitter experience of my life is that usually every
human being is born into a religious family. When a free-born man is born into a religious
family, religious beliefs are attached to him and he is not allowed to adopt the traditions of any
other sect or religion, and if this step is taken, at first glance, this is considered blasphemy.
My story is similar in that I disagreed with what my family believed in. And this difference was
due to my thorough study of the Quran and Hadith, as well as religious books, which have been
researched and criticized by eminent scholars of different sects. But this difference was
unbearable for my family. Due to which I faced a strong resistance and even I was kicked out of
the house. And I was forced to take refuge with a like-minded friend. Where I had some more
bitter experiences. Lack of personal freedom at the top of the list. The lack of such a conducive
environment and financial resources greatly affected my education. Nevertheless, I did not give
up and worked hard to pay for my education and continued my education with consistency. As a
result, I was able to pursue higher education. In all this, I have never neglected the rights of my
parents or any member of my family, but have been patient and have always preferred peace.
Because I knew that there is a big difference between an educated and an illiterate class in terms
of thinking and acceptance. And also, that no problem is permanent but needs to be solved. As
time went on, they realized my rights and the tension subsided. And the efforts of relatives paved
the way for my return home. And now my family is religiously peaceful.
The above story shoes that religious intolerance and bigotry have reached deep inside our
society. There is no respect for other than one’s own views and opinions. The followers of every
sect consider themselves as true Muslims and others as infidels. Muslims are killing Muslims.
Innocent worshippers are targeted in mosques and Imam Bargarh's in the name of religion. Its
example is the recent incident of Mach (Balochistan) in which at least 11 coal miners of Shia
Hazara community were killed. An initial investigation revealed the attackers identified the
miners as being from the Shia Hazara community and the gunmen took them away for execution,
leaving others unharmed. They fell victim to innocent sectarianism.
“The murder of one man is the murder of all humanity.” (Al-Quran)
The narrow interpretation of Islam and Jihad by semi-literate mullahs has damaged the true
image of Islam. Leaders of religious parties themselves used religion as a means of getting
political power. In Pakistan, religion has been used as an effective card by the religious, political
and military elite for grabbing more and more power. It was due to this exploitation of religion
that the problem of sectarianism emerged in Pakistan and has become now part of culture in
Pakistan. Every human being has the right to freedom of religion, politics and society. In
addition, religion allows anyone to argue in favor of promoting their teachings, but does not
encourage coercion or violence, nor does it restrict anyone’s personal freedom. It is only because
people do not have access to complete or possible information about any religion that leads to
ignorance. This can be gauged from the fact that people have become more captive to social
traditions than to religious beliefs. People even don’t talk to each other because of sectarian
differences. Even now people are shopping from their own sect shop. The main reason for this is
the few elements who, instead of teaching humanity for a few rupees, incite sectarianism and
saw the seeds of hatred in the society. Disagreement is everyone’s right but not increase the
tension because if the tension increases it leads to hatred and people are ready to kill each other.
But someone who has said that “Every human being is terrorist who hate only causes religious
differences.” Scholars of every school of thought should play a positive role in eradicating
sectarianism and in promoting humanity. Because Allah says in Quran, “I will forgive the rights
of Allah, but I will never forgive the rights of worshipers.”

The person I interviewed also fell victim to the same sectarianism and faced many problems.
This was because he was a preacher of human sovereignty and peace while the society was
illiterate where sectarian riots were on the raise and human rights were being violated. The part
of the story I interested the most is that in which he is kicked out of the house and despite not
having financial resources, he does not give up but faces the situation and continues his journey
of education with consistency by working hard. At the same time, he stood his ground that “Do
the right fear no men.” Because perseverance and hard work is the key to success. This was
really tough and bitter sectarian experience. Because when you live in a society where there is a
lack of education, people are stuck in the mire of ignorance and believe in blind imitation, who
have no value for humanity, then the life of an educated person in this society. It becomes
difficult to live and it faces all kind of problems.

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