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Seventh Heaven School (Regd.

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#: 1. Write meaning of following words (10

Words Meaning
Q#2. Question / Answers (10
1. We use it to wash our clothes?
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
2. Can we go to the Moon on an aero plane?
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
3. Can plants and animals live on the Moon?
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
4. We use it to dry hair?
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
5. We use it to clean carpets?
Ans. ______________________________________________________________
Q#3. Fill in the blanks. (10
1. Ice cream and yogurt are made of _____________
2. To clean the air, you should grow _____________.
3. It fill all spaces around you _____________.
4. Chapattis’ are made out of seeds of this plants ____________
5. All children must drink this while food ____________.
Q#4. True or False (10
1. We get food from plants and animals ___________
2. Plants make the air dirty ___________
3. We can see air. ___________
4. The Moon give out its own light. ___________
5. We can easily reach the stars on a rocket. ___________
Q#5. Circle the words that describe the Sun. (10
Hot, Star, Life, Door, Carpet
Light, Plants, Cold, Animals, Doctor
Run, Cup
Q#6. Things in my house that work by electricity. (10

1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
Q#7. Give five uses of water. (10

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
Q#8. Write flower name. (Any 5) (10 Marks)

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________
Q#9. Write short note on ‘Sun’ and draw a diagram of Sun. (20 Marks)



Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Answer these questions. (Any 6) (30

1. What is the shape of the Earth?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
2. How the Moon gets light?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
3. Where we live?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
4. In which way, we can see the light?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
5. Can be electricity dangerous?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
6. How do we hear sound?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
7. Can we make sounds with our voice box in our throat?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
8. What is the shape round and round?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________
Q#2. Write the meaning of the following words. (10
Words Meaning

Q#3. Put ( ) for true and (x) for false. (10 Marks)
1. Plants make the air dirty _________
2. All gases in the air are harmful. __________
3. Germs are very harmful for us. __________
4. Air is needed for burning. __________
5. Only some living things need water to live. __________
6. Water evaporates only when it is boiled. __________

7. All stars give out heat & light. __________

8. The Moon is bigger than the Sun. __________
9. The Moon gives out its own light. __________
10. We make sounds with our voice box. __________

Q#4. Fill in the blanks. (05 Marks)

1. The Earth is _______________.
2. The Moon has _____________ of his own.
3. Drink plenty of _______________ everyday.
4. Never ____________ with plugs.
5. Remember, ___________________ can be dangerous.
Q#5. Five hand made things (05
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
Q#6. Write the following use of electricity from battery or sockets. (05
a) Torch _____________________ c) Camera _________________

b) Computer _________________ d) Iron ____________________

e) Laptop _______________
Q#7. Five soft things. (05
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
Q#8. Match the following. (05
a) Most of them are very hard. Air
b) An example of gas is. Solids
c) It is formed when steam is cooled. Gases
d) Most of them cannot be seen. Water
Q#9. Why do we have days and nights? (05


Q#10. Shine your torch around the room. Answer Yes or No to these questions. (05 Marks)

a) Does the light shine through the door? _____________

b) Does the light shine through the wall? _____________

c) Does the light shine through the window? _____________

d) Does the light shine through the certain? _____________

e) Does the light shine through mirror _____________

Q#11. What shapes of moon do you see form night to night? (10
Make some moon shapes here.



Q#12. Name one plant which gives us the following. (05 Marks)

a) Cooking oil _____________________

b) Medicine _____________________

c) Paper _____________________

d) Perfumes _____________________

e) Rubber _____________________
Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)
Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Write the meaning of these words (Any 10) (20


i) Storm ii) Travel iii) Rock iv) Mineral

v) Force vi) Soil vii) Countless viii) Pond

ix) Diamond x) Shadow xi) Dark xii) Dry

Q#2. Name these. (Any 8) (16

1. Plants use this gas to make food. _________________

2. A push or pull _________________

3. You use it when you do any work _________________

4. Material through which we can see _________________

5. Things use to tell the time in old days _________________

6. Planet that is nearest to the sun _________________

7. It formed when light is blocked _________________

8. Rocks are made up of them _________________

Q#3. Name any 10 Materials that we use to construct house. (10


Q#4. Name any 5 objects through which light can pass. (05

Q#5. Answer these questions (Any 7) (35


i) Name the main gases the present in the air.

ii) What is force?
iii) From where does your body get energy?
iv) How is sound produce?
v) Why do days & night in America & Pakistan not happens at same time?
vi) What is the Solar system?
vii) How is Electricity produce?
viii) How does a switch work?
ix) How can you make a magnet?

Q#6. Put ( ) for the True and (x) for the False. Give a reason for your answer. (14 Marks)
1. One day and one night are of 24 hours.

2. Sun & stars are sources of light.

3. All rocks are very hard.

4. Minerals are not very useful to us.

5. You can light a fire on the Moon.

6. Electricity is only produce in power stations.

7. Sun and stars are sources of light.

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Write the meaning of these words. (20


a) Protect b) Leather c) Comfortable d) Transparent e) Waste

f) Stem g) Shine h) Electricity i) Required j) Hitting

Q#2. Name These. (10

1. You should cross the road from here. ______________
2. The first help that an injured person needs. ______________
3. A push or a pull ______________
4. They make your work easier. ______________
5. It is required to do work. ______________
6. The largest planet. ______________
7. A place where electricity is made. ______________
8. The planet farthest away from us. ______________
9. Small screen of our eye. ______________
10. Removes dirt form the water. ______________

Q#3. Classify the followings. (14


Juice, Air, Paper, Smoke, Cup, Grass, Oil,

Ice, Milk, Stem, Cloth, Paint, Oxygen, Ink

Solids Liquids Gases

Q#4. Put a ( ) for true and a ( x ) for false. Give a reason for your answer.
(20 Marks)

a) Weather changes are mainly caused by the heat of the Sun. __________

b) Sea water is best for drinking. __________

c) A car is a simple machine. __________

d) You can do work even if you do not have energy. __________

e) The Sun is an important source of energy __________

f) Sound of clapping is an artificial sound. __________

g) Air is not matter since we cannot see it. __________

h) Sound takes some time to reach our ears. __________

i) Whenever anything vibrates, it makes a sound. __________

j) Work is done whenever a force is applied. __________

Q#5. Write the answers of these questions. (32


1. What can force do?

2. Are two ears better than one?
3. What are natural sound? Give 5 examples of natural sound.
4. What is the Solar system?
5. Why does fog not formed in summer?
6. How does river water get polluted?
7. Described how water is cleaned before supplying to our home?
8. How do we know that the Earth is very hot inside?

Q#8. Write a short note on (04 Marks)

 Electrical Circuit &
 Electric Current.

******Good Luck ******

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Put a ( ) for true and a ( x ) for false. Give a reason for your answer.
(10 Marks)
1. The smallest particle of an element is an atom. _________
2. Everything can be dissolved in water. _________
3. Afforestation reduces soil erosion. _________
4. A rock is made up of only one material. _________
5. Limestone is formed from sand. _________
6. Air gets thinner as you go up. _________
7. Water must be distilled before drinking. _________
8. All simple machines increase force. _________
9. A single fixed pulley cannot be used to increase or decrease force. _________
10. Light always travels in straight lines. _________

Q#2. Name these. (20


1. Number of vibration/minute. ___________

2. Large bowl shaped holes on the moon. ___________
3. The ends of magnet. ___________
4. The smallest particle of a silver. ___________
5. Substance in which other substance is dissolved. ___________
6. Water or wind carrying away soil. ___________
7. All rocks are made up of these. ___________
8. Layer of air surrounding the Earth. ___________
9. Done after redimentation to pour off clean water. ___________
10. A crane used to lift heavy loads. ___________

Q#3. Answer of these questions. (Any 5) (40 Marks)

1. What is an element?
2. How soil is useful for us?
3. In what ways, man is responsible for increase in soil erosion?
4. Name three groups into which rocks are divided.
5. Name the main types of simple machines.
6. How inhaled air is different from exhaled air?
7. State the Archimedes principle?
8. Write down about all the uses we make of mirrors.

Q#4. Write the meaning of following words. (15


i) Peculiarity ii) Rock iii) Metted iv) Surrounding

v) Amount vi) Escape vii)Layer viii)String

ix) Distance x) Easier xi)Force xii) Meavier

xiii) Increase xiv) Decrease xv) Skin

Q#5. Match the metamorphic rock with the rock it is formed from. (10 Marks)

Metamorphic Rock Sedimentary Rock

Gneiss Limestone
Quart rite Shale
Salt Granite
Marble Sand Stone

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022


Q#1. Choose the correct answer. (10 Marks)

1. Which is these does not cause air pollution?

a) Burning petrol in cars b) Burning coal to produce electricity
c)Using sunlight to produce electricity
2. The first link in all food chains are.
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Green Plants

3. Which of the following is not a fluid?

a) Milk b) LPG c) Water d) Sugar

4. The atomicity of Hydrogen is.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

5. Which of the following is a liquid element?

a) Oxygen b) Sodium c) Mercury d) Zinc

6. Which of the following is a non-metal?

a) Gold b) Silver c) Carbon d) Copper

7. How many liters make 1 mᵌ ?

a) 1 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 1/10

8. How many Kg makes a metric ton?

a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 40

9. Which of these is translator motion?

a) Rectilinear motion b) Random motion c) both of these

10. Sound travel through.

a) Solid only b) Liquids only c) Both of these

Q#2. Answer these question? (Any 5) (40


1. What do you meant by inter molecular force and inter molecular space?
2. Define followings.
i) Atom ii) Atomic Number iii) Molecule iv) Mass Number
3. On what basic are the various substances classified?
4. Define the terms solubility. Write down the factor which effect the solubility of a
5. What are the difference between a laboratory thermometer and a clinical
6. Mention two forms of mechanical energy?
7. What is Pulley? Mention two uses of a pulley.
8. What is meant by open & close circulate? Why there is no current in an open circuit?

Q#3. Fill in the blanks. (10


1. The mater is found in _____________ charge.

2. Electron have _____________ charges
3. The substance that dissolves is called _______________
4. 5000 grams = ________________ kg.
5. 730 days = ___________________ years.
6. Energy is required for doing ________________
7. A kite flying in the air has ____________energy.
8. The pulley changes the _____________ of force.
9. Frequency is measured in ______________
10. Shahnai is an example of _____________instrument.

Q#4. Write True or False against each of the following statement. (10

1. The pitch of sound depends on time period. __________

2. Sound travels faster than light. __________
3. 50˚C = 50K __________
4. The S.I. units of temperature is 0˚C __________
5. All pushes and pulls are forces = __________
6. The unit of energy is the same as that of work. __________
7. Heat energy is a form of energy. __________
8. A wheel barrow is a letter of first order. __________
9. A pair of scissor is a simple machine. __________
10. The pitch is depends on time period. __________

Q#5. Draw labeled diagram of any 1 of the following. (10 Marks)

a) Lunar eclipse
b) Inside the Earth

c) Outer shape of the earth

Q#6. Give one word answer of the following. (10 Marks)

1. An object moves to and fro about its position of rest.

2. What is the unit of pressure?
3. Atomic energy into electrical energy.
4. Heat energy into light energy.
5. What does loudness of sound depends on?
6. What travels faster? Light & sound.
7. Atomic energy into electrical energy.
8. Which type of force is exerted by an electrostatic?
9. What kind of movements does the Earth have around its axis?
10. What kind of motion producer sound?

Q#7. Match the following column. (05 Marks)

No Column I Column II
1 Solution Larger quantity
2 Saturated Solution Non-homogeneous mixture
3 Solvent More solute can’t dissolve
4 Concentration Emulsion
5 Suspension Homogeneous Mixture
6 Water & Oil Amount of solute dissolve in a solution

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022

Q#1. Choose the most appropriate answer of the following question. (10 Marks)

1. A molecule of water contains

a) 1 Hydrogen b) 2 Hydrogen c) 3 Hydrogen d) 4 Hydrogen
Which one exists in the liquid state?
a) Bromine b) Copper c) Mercury d) Zinc

1. Volume of oxygen in the air is.

a) 56% b) 50% c) 21% d) 3%

2. The gas used in fire extinguisher is.

a) Nitrogen b) Carbon dioxide c) Hydrogen

3. A simple barometer contains.

a) Mercury b) Water c) Alcohol d) Petrol

4. Energy is provided for the flow of charges in circuit by a.

a) Bulb b) Switch c) Cell d) Wire

7A safety fuse must be connected is series with.

a) Live wire b) Earth wire c) Neutral Wire

8. The hottest planet in the Solar system is

a) Mars b) Sun c) Mercury d) Venus

9. Moon is a
a) Star b) Planet c)Satellite d) Constellation

10. The number of planets in the solar system is;

a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10

Q#2 Fill in the blanks (10 marks)

1. The reflecting side of a c convex mirror curves are on________.
2. ________ mirror has a virtual focus.
3. The wire gets too much _____due to the short circuit.
4. The speed of sound in air is ______m/s.
5. Magnetic field of a magnet is stronger at _______
6. Iron is used in light and _______machines.
7. Non-reactive metals occur in _______air.
8. Air contains about _______of gas called orgon.
9. In________steam is cooled and it changes back to water.
10. The human body consist ________% of water.

Q#3 True or False (10 Marks)

1. Air is a mixture of gasses.____
2. Density of water is more than ice.____
3. Dry ice is used as a coolant.____
4. Oxygen has no effect on litmus paper.____
5. We receive heat from the sun by convention._____
6. Liquid and gases are good conducters of heat, except mercury._____
7. Images formed by spherical mirrors are always virtual._____
8. The center of the mirrir is called is centre.____
9. The electric motor and electric generator work on the same principle._____
10. Deuterim is an isotope of carbon.____

Q#4 Answer these question (Any 5) (40 Marks)

1 Define atomic mass. Give at least two example of atomic mass?

2 Write some important uses of carbon and sulpher?
3 What do you know about composition of air ?
4 Discuss the important of water as a solvent for; plant?
5 Write at least four uses of oxygen gas?
6 State the principle on which all machines work?
7 What are good conductors of heat ? Give one examples?
8 What are land and sea breezes?

Q#5 Draw labeled diagram of any one of following. (10 Marks)

a) Preparation of carbon dioxide.
b) Sound cannot travel through vacuum.
Q#6 Give one word Answer of the following . (10 Marks)
1. What is the boilling point of water ?
2. Which gas help in burning?
3. When was oxygen discovered ?
4. Which simple machine is simply a slope over which load can be pushed up or
5. An equal-aim balance is a lever of which class?
6. What is the melting point of ice?
7. When do liquids expand ?
8. What term is used for center of the mirror?
9. Is the image formed by a plane mirror exactly the same as the object?
10. An earth wire is used in the appliances like iron?
Q#7 Write the difference between any one of the following? (10 Marks)
a) atom and molecules .
b) metals and nonmetals.

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Choose the most appropriate answer of the following question. (10 Marks)
1. Yogurt is formed by the process of :
a) Fermentation b) Evaporation c) Distillation
2. Biotechnology makes use of;
a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Amoeba d) Cell
3. An element with valency 4 is said to be;
a) Monovalent b) Divalent c) Trivalent d) Tetravalent
4. Which form of carbon burns in oxygen to give carbon dioxide?
a) Coal b) Graphite c) Diamond d) all of these
5. In aneroid barometer, the Liquid used is ,
a) Mercury b) water c) Alcohol d) Non liquid is used
6. The hydraulic is a device used for pressing.
a) Clothes b) Bales c) Both d) None
7. Which material will expand most on heating .
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) Plasma
8. In Fahrenheit scale the divisions between freezing point and belling point.
a) 100 b) 180 c) 200 d) 273
9. The refractive index of turpentine oil is,
a) 1-33 b) 1-39 c) 1-47 d) 1-31
10. A convex lens has focal length 20 cm, its power in diopters;
a) 0.2 b) 0.5 c) 2 d) 5
Q#2 Answers of these questions; (Any 5) (40 marks)
1. What is an electric current?
2. Define inheritance .write about your family members?
3. Define genetic engineering. explain its uses?
4. Define valency? and name three elements which show variable valency?
5. Give two method which sugar charcoal can be made from sugar?
6. What do you know about allotrophy? Name two allotrophes of carbon?
7. State pascal’s law? Give any three applications of pascal’s law?
8. State two laws of refraction ? whats is refraction of light ?
Q#3 Fill in the blanks (10 marks)
1. A_______ image cannot be taken on a screen.
2. A unit of electricity is _______
3. With same amount of heat liquid expand _________ than solid.
4. In the Celsius scale the freezing point of water is _________.
5. Atmosphere pressure _________ with altitude.
6. One atmosphere is equal to _______ bar.
7. ________The important chemical used in fire extinguisher.
8. Acid turns methyl orange ___________.
9. Heat is given out durig an _________ reaction .
10. The gene control_________.
Q#4 True or False (10 marks)
1. Genes are located chromosome.________
2. Each character of a child depends on their parents._____
3. The elements calcium has variable valency._____
4. The symbol of oxygen is O2_______
5. In decomposition reaction, a compound is formed._____
6. Carbon dioxide turns line water milky._____
7. Graphite is the hardest form of carbon.____
8. Mercury is 13.6 times as light as equal volume of water.____
9. The atmosphere pressure in creases with height.____
10. In kelvin scale, the boiling point of water is 370 k____
Q#5 Draw label diagram of any one of following ; (10 Marks)
a) Laboratory preparation of methane.
b) Fractional distillation of petroleum.
Q#6 Give one word answer of the following question : (10 Marks)
1. Give another word for non-crystalline?
2. Name the zone of a flam where complete combustion occurs?
3. Has liquid a definite shape?
4. Is hot air lighter than cold air?
5. Which product is formed when chloride reacts with hydrogen in presence of diffused
6. Which gas is given off when calcium carbonate is heated?
7. What represent a compound with symbols?
8. Do symbols represent an atom or a molecules?
9. Which is the purest form of charcoal?
10. Which form of charcoal can absorb colouring matter?
Q#7 Write the difference between any one of the following? (10 Marks)
a) 20 and O2 b) real image and virtual image.s

2. The Moon ___________ around Earth.

3. We ___________ many classrooms in our school.
4. Dogs __________ man’s best friend
5. Winter _________a cold season.

Q#8. Tick ( )True or False. (10 Marks)

1. Children play in puddles in monsoon. __________

2. The poet walks on his hands. __________
3. The shadow is inside out. __________
4. The poet finds the shadow very quiet and kind. __________
5. The poet walks on his feet. __________
Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)
Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Write the meaning of these words. (10

1) Fog 2) Tied 3) Cradle 4) Flowing 5) Peeped

6) Commotion 7) Command 8) Hungry 9) Rude 10)Unfair

Q#2. Tick ( ) the correct option. (10 Marks)

1. Alice run across the _________ after the rabbit.

a) Hedge b) Grass c) Field d) Ground

2. Who is called ‘wise’?

a) Duchess b) Master c) Black beauty d) Dick

3. Robins build nests in the tree in.

a) Winter b) Summer c) Spring d) Autumn

4. The word “Robot’ means ‘Slave’ in.

a) English b) Latin c) Greek d) Czech

5. The poet calls the mother’s mission.

a) Divine b) Impearled c) Angeli d) Sacred
6. Rija was sure to be the school captain because.
a) She was fair b) She was good at sports c) She never cheated
d) She was principle’s daughter

7. What sound does the rain make?

a) Tramp b) Gush c) Rumble d) Caltter

8. Mr. Henry Baker informed them that he has won it in a lottery. What does ‘it’ refer
to here?
a) A duck b) A hen c) A goose d) A turkey

9. Philip is covered with

a) Forks & Spoon b) Table cloth c) Paper & pen d) Towel

10. A poem in as lovely as.

a) The earth b) A tree c) A robin d) The Snow

Q#3. Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns. (06 Marks)

1. Ellen bought _____________ a new dress

2. He cuts his hair ______________
3. I introduced ________________ to our guests.

Q#4. Fill in the blanks with correct word from the following. (04
Angry, Cutlery, Gentleman, Restless

1. Philip is ___________ & does not listen to his parents.

2. The crockery & ______________ fall to the ground.
3. His parents are _____________ with him.
4. Philip has poor manners, his parents want him to be a ______________
Q#5. Read & match the correct ending in the following sentences. (04

1. The diamond belongs to the goose

2. Peterson decided to cook relaxing on a sofa
3. Sherlock Holmes was James Ryder
4. John Robinson was actually the countess of Morcar

Q#7. Paragraph writing: Road safety when it is raining (10

Q#8. Definition. (10

Conjunction Direct & Indirect speech, Preposition

Q#9. Fill in the blanks with the jumbled adverbs given in the brackets. (06 Marks)
1. Kamal has _______ (enver) eaten pasta.
2. Our school bus is ____________ (relyar) late.
3. I ___________ (ally norm) read my storybooks at bedtime.
4. We ___________ (llyusa) study science in the first period.
5. They ___________ (negerally) shop at the superstore.
6. I will _______ (walays) be grateful to you for your help.

Q#10. Write answer of the following questions. (Any 6) (30 Marks)

1. Who feeds the hungry tree?

2. What did David ask the robot to do?
3. What kind of mission do mother carry out?
4. Why did Rija go to meet the Principal?
5. What kind of sound does the rain make of the roof?
6. How did Peterson, the Commissioner, get the hat?
7. Why does Philip scream?
8. Describe Black beauty’s first home.

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Choose the most appropriate answer of the following questions. (10

1. Abraham’s father was,

a) Cobbler b) Driver c) Carpenter d) Cook

2. Abraham never joined his play mates in.

a) Eating b) Angling c) Studying

3. The poet had a companion.

a) Dog b) Horse c) Friend d) None of these

4. Rubbish that can be reused is

a) Paper b) Glass c) Metal d) All of them

5. Plastic Scrape can be changed into a lower quality product.

a) Right b) Lower c) Prominent d) Worthless
6. The tiger went out of the living room as it,
a) Felt thirsty b) Was hungry c) Couldn’t leap up in

7. The caretaker of the rest house was,

a) An Army man b) A navy official c) A Retired forest guard
d)An official of healthcare

8. He looks the bottle from bedroom,

a) Mr. Otis b) Mrs. Otis c) The twins d) The family

9. Marco polo was born in

a) Paris b) India c) Venice d) China

10. Marco polo went with his father to China in.

a) 1269 b) 1271 c) 1215 d) 1294

Q#2. Write the meaning of these words. (10 Marks)

a) Humanity b) Gun powder c) Abandoned d) Sate
e) Avenge f) Consequences g) Clatter h) Miser
i) Fortification j) Wane

Q#3. Answer the questions (Any 5) (25 Marks)

1. When was Abraham’s father’s first brush with education?

2. What did the horse find strange?
3. Why the author was called a coward by his cousins & friends?
4. What has an instant cooling effect on the skin?
5. What did the plan to do with the skins of the animals, the tiger killed?
6. What was the ghost’s solemn duty?
7. Do you think the miser deserved everything he got? Why?
8. What was the frog king’s problem?

Q#4. Write the definition of the following. (Any 2) (10 Marks)

i) Adverb ii) Noun iii) Pronoun
i) Verb v) Adjective

Q#5. Fill in the blanks. (15 Marks)

1. The girls ___________ cakes all morning

2. I ____________ Swat six times between 1980 and 1990.
3. You _____________ rather worried.
4. What are you _________________about?
5. The train was passing ______________ a bridge.
6. The bird flew ___________ the cage.
7. I ___________ writing a letter.
8. I ____________ the news an hour ago.
9. He is ____________ in the first eleven this season.
10. Pakistan ______________independent in 1947.

Q#6. Write an essay on ‘A Cricket Match’ or ‘Our National Poet’ (10 Marks)

Q#7. Write an application to you school principal for transfer certificate. (10 Marks)

Q#8. Define Simple past tense & simple future tense and its examples. (10 Marks)

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Write the meaning of the following words. (10 Marks)

a) Radiance b) Divan c) Dignified d) Effable
e)Rapt f) Sterling g) Trifle h) Cropping
i) Turret j) Profound

Q#2. Answer these questions. (Any 5) (25 Marks)

1. When and where does the action in the poem take place?
2. How does Aamer earn his livelihood?
3. Find three words in the first two sentences which indicate that it is hot.
4. What made Grace wistful?
5. How did Bertha celebrate the good news she had received?
6. Which fancier name does the poet suggest?
7. What was Mrs. Utterson’s reaction to hearing about the crime and seeing the weapon?
8. Which lines tells us that the traveler had made a promise that he would come to the

Q#3. Write an Essay on ‘My Hobby’ (10


Q#4. Write a letter to your friend asking him to spend summer vacations with you.

Q#5. Answer the following with reference to the context. (10


a) All of them sensible everyday name?

i) What are some of these names?
ii) When are these names used?
iii) Are there any other names by which a cat might be called? How are they
different from these names?

b) But above and beyond there still one name left.

i) Above and beyond what?
ii) What is the name left over?
iii) How does a cat show it is thinking about this name?

Q#6. Working with words.

i) Subscribe ii) In the small house iii) Drawing near

iv) Root v) Bed vi) Darted
vii) Solemnly viii) Cordial ix) No sooner had
x) Ambition.

Q#7. Give metaphorical uses for the words. (10


a) Neck b) Soft c) Back d) Heart

Q#8. Punctuate the following, using commas where necessary. (05


i) Doctor livingstone explored Darkest Africa.

ii) The cant come tomorrow she said sadly.

iii) Did you shout get out she asked?

iv) Whatever it is he said I intend to find out.

v) But his comments were not necessary he pointed out.

Q#9. Write a short descriptive passage about the journey of one of the ships. (10 Marks)

Seventh Heaven School (Regd.)

Final Term Examination 2021-2022



Q#1. Write the meaning of the following words. (10 Marks)

a) Sympathtic b) Behold c) Yon d) Lay
e) Sparsely f) Adversely g) Drenched h) Intact
i) Art j) Relied on
Q#2. Answer these questions. (Any 5) (25 Marks)

1. Where did Watson hide and why did Holmes him there?
2. What are weather stations?
3. What are the three ways that human have created to shield themselves from the
4. Do the recipients of the punches and kisses like these things? Give reasons for your
5. What is the poet’s final decision or resolve?
6. What create the silence?
7. Why can’t the train start without skimble?
8. How old was the woman when she wrote to Mark?

Q#3. Write an essay on Pollution (10 Marks)

Q#4. Write a letter for invitation of a birthday party. (10 Marks)

Q#5. Write the 2nd and 3rd form of these Verbs. (10 Marks)

a) Begin b) Beg c) Behave d) Benefit

e) Deprive f) Bend g) Deposit h) Taunt

i) Dawdle j) Progress

Q#6. Fill in the blanks with may or might. (10 Marks)

1. ____________ you have a long and prosperous life. (wishes)
2. If we watch TV too long, we_________ get into trouble. (possibility)
3. ___________ I have some sugar in my tea? (polite)
4. Rashid ________ not come to the play this evening as he is busy.(Probably)
5. They asked if they_____________ borrow our car. (possibility)

Q#7. Make negative of the following adjectives by ending in, im or il. (10 Marks)

i) Practical ii) Possible iii) Regular iv) Partial

v)Direct vi) Legal vii) Sufficient viii) Mature
ix) Definite x) Religious

Q#8. Write an application to your Head Mistress to arrange a trip of historical place.
(10 Marks)

Q#9. Working with words. (10 Marks)

i) Hectic ii) Rasping iii) By and Large

iv)Far and away v) in and out

Q#10. Idiomatic Usage. (05 Marks)

i) More or less iii) Is abroad
ii) On the move iv) All dear

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