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Ailyn Maung

Ethnics 21
Hnou Lee
November 29th, 2022

Reading Blog: The Developing College Student

This week’s reading blog, we were given the reading written by Gordon - The
Developing College Student. In this reading the seven developmental tasks of college students as
proposed by Chickering are; Achieving Competence, Managing Emotions, Moving Through
Autonomy Toward Indepence, Developing Mature Interpersonal Relationships, Establishing
Identity, Developing Purpose, and lastly, Developing Integrity. Reading through all the different
meanings behind each developmental task, I believe the ones most relevant to first-year,
traditional-age college students are; Achieving Competence, Managing Emotions, and
Establishing Indentity. I do not believe that these seven developmental tasks are required to
develop an identity. I do believe that Developing Purpose and Developing Integrity are related to
identity because in order to find your identity you need to understand your purpose in your
actions, and your reasonings and beliefs. In the Spring semester, I think that these seven
development tasks will help not only me but my future group members because it can help with
those who are unsure still of their own identity, and coming together as different identities can
help us bond and come together as a community.

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