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Exercise 1

Answer these following questions clearly.

1. What is intelligence? Give the example to support your explanation.

- Intelligence can be defined as the ability to learn or to understand. Intelligence is
important because it has an impact on human behaviors. It also defined as the
ability to think solving problem from learning the experience or adapt to new

2. What is intelligence for?

- Intelligence is important because it has an impact on human behaviors. It also
helps humans to think and act logically. Not only thinking, intelligence also plays
an important role for humsns in solving problems, adapting, making analogies,
imagining, innovating, and even calculating.

3. Can intelligence be measured? How?

- Intelligence can be measured by various hands of tests. One of the best and most
accurate ways to measure intelligence that is recommended and carried out by
psychologists is by doing an IQ test. The result of this IQ test have seceral levels
that can reflect a person’s IQ intelligence.

4. Explain the correlation between intelligence, a best and life

- Intelligence has an important relationship with life. Humans need intelligence to
survive. Life will not just change day anf night, but there will always be problems
to be solved, entering new environments, meeting new people, and much more.
Therefor, intelligence is very important.

5. What is IQ?
- IQ stands for intelligence quotient. IQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities
and potential. They're designed to reflect a wide range of cognitive skills, such as
reasoning, logic, and problem-solving
6. Is someone who has a high IQ always smart? Why?
- IQ tests are tests that measure verbal, numerical, spatial, and logical intelligence.
Therefor, people who have a high IQ can be said to be intelligence people. But
that is only if the person makes good use of their intelligence.

7. Human beings are the most intelligent animals. What does this statement mean?
- Humans are considered to be the most intelligenct living organisms on earth.
Because humans have the ability to think, respond, and adapt by logic rather than
by instinct. Also, humans brain is considered large compared to the animal brain.

Exercise 2

Without referring to the text, fill the blanks in the following sentences with the correct words
from the list. You may change the tense, number, or form of the words to fit the context.

mental age, chronological age,

determine, intelligent,

face, instinct,

formula, complex.






keep out,



1. He is afraid of facing his boss after making such a fool of himself at the meeting.
Actually, he has to meet the boss soon.
2. He is sucking his thumb. He always does it whenever he wants to eat something.
3. "If we want to know whether someone is smart or not, we have to know his IQ." my
friend said. “How can we know the IQ?” asked. Without answering, he gave me a
piece of paper which explains how to calculate IQ, that is, the formula.
4. He was born in 1970 and he died in 1980. According to chronological age he died
when he was ten years old.
5. Zevi is a smart student. By her intelligent she can do test easily and quickly.
6. She is sixteen years old but has mental age of five. The way she thinks and the way
she talks is like a child.
7. As a good shopkeeper she has to be able to solve every problem politely. Even when
she faces an angry customer she must determine something to do with him sagely.
8. He really feels sad when his girlfriend gets married with another. He brings his
sadness to everywhere: His sadness affected his life. involving the result of his final
9. It is difficult tell his life story. He's married to Susan, but Susan's in love wills his
brother. He's, on the other hand, in love with his sister-in-law: Oh it is too complex to
10. If we want do fly, we need practice and practice. Even we have to look for the method
and learn how to fly well. However, a little bird can fly without learning much. It flies
by using its instinct.

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