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AND DAIRY CALCIUM New findings, Benefits and Applications
Edited by Dr. D. DiRienzo
Vice President, Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council

Calcium can be obtained WHEY PRODUCTS AS A SOURCE

The gap between calcium intakes and
calcium recommendations is much
in the diet by various OF CALCIUM wider than previously thought. Most
sources, but the most people are not meeting the new
Whey-based products are an excellent
highly recommended and cost efficient source of calcium
recommendations for calcium.
In addition, new scientific findings
source is dairy products. (500-2,000mg/100g). In addition,
have added further support to the
natural milk calcium (and other
Dairy products are a beneficial role of calcium in health.
calcium-rich whey ingredients) present
source of calcium with advantages in terms of their neutral
The World Health Organization sets
recommendations for calcium intake,
high bioavailability. taste and bland odor. All natural and
as well as individual countries health
obtained from milk, these ingredients
The ingredient milk authorities, therefore recommended
are preferred by consumers and help
calcium is derived manufacturers design products with a
intakes might be different from those
referred to in this monograph. Please
from milk by a unique “clean label” and natural image.
consult local recommendations for
separation technique. intake, claims and product labeling.
A variety of whey MORE CALCIUM IS NEEDED Calcium Recommendations
ingredients are also Children 4–8 800 mg
The Food and Nutrition Board of the
available for calcium Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the
Preteens and teens 9-18 1,300 mg
Adults 19–50 1,000 mg
fortification purposes. National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Adults 51 and older 1,200 mg
released new recommendations for
Source: National Academy of Science. USA.
calcium and related nutrients. These
new recommendations — now called
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) —
update and expand the Recommended THE DAIRY ADVANTAGE
Dietary Allowances (RDAs) set in 1989
Foods naturally containing calcium, in
by the National Academy of Sciences.
particular dairy foods and ingredients,
are the best sources of calcium. Milk
and milk products such as whey and
calcium products derived from whey or
milk are the preferred source of calcium
because of their high content of
calcium. Also, the amount of calcium
absorbed from foods varies. For
example, little calcium is absorbed
from spinach, and the calcium
absorbed from navy, pinto or red
beans is absorbed about half as well
as that from milk. This means that one
would need to consume more than a
kilo of pinto beans to obtain the same
amount of calcium absorbed from
one glass of milk.



cycle. In general, from birth until about

CALCIUM’S ROLE age 20, the bones are in a phase of active BEYOND BONES
IN BONE DEVELOPMENT growth. Beginning in the 40s or later,
resorption of existing bone starts to exceed Calcium also is important for the
Bones serve as a basic support system formation of new bone, resulting in a net development of teeth. Teeth, like bones,
protecting vital organs and as a reservoir for loss. Age-related bone loss is influenced by are calcified tissue. The teeth begin to form
calcium — the most abundant mineral in both genetic and environmental factors. in the first few months of fetal life and the
the body. In fact, 99% of the body’s calcium mineralization process continues into late
is found in bones and teeth (the other 1% is The body’s calcium status depends more on adolescence. An adequate intake of calcium,
found in cells, blood, and other body fluids). overall nutritional factors than just calcium in addition to phosphorus, protein, fluoride,
Despite its static appearance, bone is intake. Some nutritive factors influence the and vitamins A, C, and D, is needed for
constantly being formed and broken down. body’s absorption of calcium, while other proper development of tooth structures.
This process, called remodeling, is the factors affect calcium retention or urinary
calcium excretion. Urinary losses of calcium Although the mature tooth is metabolically
resorption (breaking down) of existing bone
are a big determinant of calcium loss. active, the fully eruptive adult tooth is not
and deposition of new bone to replace that
significantly subject to resorption.
which has been broken down. At any one Calcium nutriture depends not only on
time, about 10% to 15% of bone surfaces calcium intake, but also on numerous Outside of bones and teeth, the level of
are undergoing remodeling. A number dietary and nondietary factors that influence ionized calcium in the blood must be
of interrelated hormonal, nutritional, calcium metabolism. Dietary factors aiding maintained within a narrow range to
mechanical, and genetic factors calcium absorption and retention include: perform calcium’s regulatory functions.
influence remodeling. vitamin D, lactose (which stimulates When the diet is low in calcium, the
the intestinal absorption of calcium in bones release enough calcium into the
Resorption of old bone and formation of
laboratory animals and in human infants), bloodstream to meet the body’s needs.
new bone are processes that continuously
overlap. The importance of these processes fructo-oligosaccharides, phosphorus, Although the amount of calcium outside
varies at different times throughout the life protein, sodium and other elements. bones and teeth is relatively small, it is
required for a number of basic regulatory
functions including:
• Contraction and relaxation of muscle
(including normal heart beat)
• Coagulation of blood
• Transmission of nerve impulses
• Activation of enzyme reactions
• Stimulation of hormone secretions
• Integrity of intracellular
cement substances

Calcium for Mature Adults

51 and Older
Everybody needs calcium. But with
age, one needs more to offset calcium
losses from bone and decreased
calcium absorption. Individuals 51
or over need 1,200mg of calcium
a day. Though calcium can be found
in a variety of foods, leading health
experts recommend milk and milk
products as the preferred sources
of calcium.



One out of two women and one out of eight
While there are no magic bullets or miracle men will develop osteoporosis. A diet high
cures, researchers are finding that some in calcium can help slow bone loss.
nutrients such as calcium can play a major
Osteoporosis (porous bones) is a skeletal
role in disease prevention. Appropriate dairy
disease in which bones become so fragile
consumption and calcium intake may help
they spontaneously break as a result
reduce the risk of:
of a minor fall or even from everyday
• Osteoporosis
activities. Decreased bone mass and
• High Blood Pressure
microarchitectural damage to bone tissue
• Colon Cancer
cause the bones to become fragile.
• Cardiovascular Disease
The rate of osteoporosis has reached
epidemic proportions in many countries
CALCIUM AND CHRONIC of the world and is responsible for
DISEASE PREVENTION considerable morbidity, mortality,
and economic costs.
Increasing scientific evidence indicates that Diet, specifically calcium intakes below the
an adequate calcium intake may help reduce recommended levels throughout life, may
the risk of several major chronic diseases increase the risk of osteoporosis. Also, an
including osteoporosis, hypertension, colon inadequate vitamin D status contributes
cancer, and possibly cardiovascular disease to low bone mass. Ensuring an adequate
and kidney stones. These diseases are calcium and vitamin D status throughout life
responsible for considerable morbidity is estimated to reduce osteoporotic fracture
and mortality in many patients, as well as risk by 50% or more. Other dietary factors
rising national health expenditures. like sodium, protein, and fiber may influence
the risk of osteoporosis by impacting
calcium status. However, if calcium intake
is adequate, these other dietary factors have
relatively little effect on osteoporosis risk.
Osteoporosis experts agree that an optimal
intake of calcium throughout life, from early
childhood and adolescence through the
postmenopausal and later adult years,
reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Research
indicates that it is never too early or too late
to improve bone health and reduce the risk
of osteoporosis. Intake of milk and milk
products has been demonstrated to protect
against osteoporosis by increasing bone
retention and reducing fractures.
In a study involving over 5,500 women
50 years of age and older from six countries,
an adequate calcium intake from milk
decreased the number of hip fractures
by 35%.


HYPERTENSION Taking the Pressure Off:

The Calcium Connection
As many as 50 million Americans and many people with high blood pressure have
Some studies suggest that cutting back
millions in other countries have high blood lower intakes of calcium than people with
on salt lowers the risk of high blood
pressure (hypertension), which increases normal blood pressure, and vice versa.
pressure. However, new research
the risk of heart disease, stroke, and In humans and experimental animals
shows that increasing calcium
kidney disease. with hypertension, abnormalities in
consumption to at least recommended
calcium metabolism have been detected.
In the U.S. the Joint National Committee levels (1,000mg/day for adults 19-50
In clinical trials of calcium supplementation,
on Direction, Evaluation and Treatment and 1,200mg/day for adults 51 and
blood pressure is reduced in many
of High Blood Pressure recommends older) is also associated with a small,
individuals, particularly those at high
consuming adequate amounts of calcium but important, reduction in blood
risk of hypertension and/or who have
(as well as potassium and magnesium) to pressure. This effect is expected to be
inadequate calcium intakes.
help reduce blood pressure. A review of 25 even greater in people at high risk for
epidemiological studies investigating the Although increased calcium intake generally both hypertension and low calcium
relationship between the intake of calcium lowers blood pressure more in adults than intakes including African Americans
or calcium-rich foods and blood pressure in children, a blood-pressure-lowering effect and mature adults (ages 51+).
found that the majority of these studies of calcium has been demonstrated in some
Calcium has two “partners” that help
supported an inverse relationship. The young children, especially those whose
curb high blood pressure — potassium
beneficial effect of calcium on blood calcium intakes are initially low. In teens,
and magnesium. They pitch in to help
pressure provides yet another reason to differences in calcium intake have been
keep blood pressure levels in check.
ensure adequate intake of calcium-rich observed between those with high-normal
Luckily, milk products and ingredients
foods as part of a healthy diet. An advantage and low-normal blood pressure (82).
such as milk minerals contain ample
of milk minerals (as an ingredient for Because as many as one half of children
amounts of all three.
enrichment) over other calcium sources, with high blood pressure may have
is that this ingredient provides highly hypertension as adults’ (83), children
bioavailable calcium in balance with other should consume an adequate intake
minerals to optimize health benefits. of calcium.
A diet containing an adequate amount Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the
of calcium is recommended as a most common and serious form of
nonpharmacological lifestyle modification cardiovascular disease in the United States.
for the prevention and treatment of high Cigarette smoking, high blood pressure
blood pressure. Many studies have (hypertension), and elevated blood
demonstrated that calcium reduces cholesterol levels are the major risk factors
the risk of hypertension or high blood for this disease. Calcium may protect
pressure, especially in certain subgroups against CHD by its effect on two of these
of the population. risk factors: hypertension and blood lipid
levels. In patients with mild to moderate
Since the early 1980s, scientific research has
hypercholesterolemia, an increased calcium
shown that calcium plays an important role
intake lowers total and LDL (low-density
in regulating blood pressure. Findings from
lipoprotein) blood cholesterol levels.
numerous population studies, experimental
Calcium alone is not responsible for milk’s
animal investigations, and clinical trials
protective effect against stroke. Total
indicate that increasing calcium intake
calcium intake or intake of calcium from
lowers blood pressure or reduces the risk
nondairy sources did not have the
of hypertension. In population studies,
same protective effect as milk.



By Dr. M. B. Zemel
Department of Nutrition, University of Tennessee

COLON CANCER Dietary calcium plays a pivotal

Experimental animal and human evidence
role in the regulation of energy
supports the hypothesis that calcium intake metabolism as has been found
inversely correlates with colon cancer risk
and cell proliferation in the colonic mucosa.
through studies evaluating dairy
Colon cancer is the third leading cause calcium in weight loss diets.
of cancer deaths in the United States
and a leading cause in many countries.
High dairy calcium diets have
Both genetics and environmental factors been shown to attenuate
contribute to this disease. While some
dietary factors are suspected of contributing
adipocyte lipid accretion and
to colon cancer, others are thought to be weight gain during periods
protective. Several components in cow’s
milk fat such as conjugated linoleic acid,
of over-consumption of an
sphingolipids, and butyric acid have been energy-dense, and to increase
found to protect against colon cancer in
experimental animal and laboratory studies.
lipolysis and preserve
Findings from a number of scientific studies thermogenesis during caloric
indicate that calcium intakes in excess of
current recommendations may reduce the
restriction, thereby accelerating loss and suppress fat accretion in
risk of colon cancer. weight loss. animals maintained at identical
Studies to date indicate that calcium intake
caloric intakes. These findings are
Studies of the agouti gene
of 1,500 to 2,000mg/day — amounts greater further supported by clinical data
conducted at the University of
than current calcium recommendations of demonstrating that increased dietary
Tennessee Department of Nutrition
1,000 to 1,200mg/day for most adults — calcium (as obtained in whey in
in obesity and insulin resistance
are necessary to protect against colon milk products) results in significant
cancer, especially in individuals at risk of demonstrate a key role for
reduction in fat tissue mass in
this disease. However, further studies intracellular Ca2+ in regulating
obese humans.
are needed to firmly establish calcium’s adipocyte lipid metabolism and
protective effect against colon cancer and triglyceride storage with increased Notably, dairy sources of calcium
to determine the mechanism(s) involved. intracellular Ca, resulting in (such as calcium from dairy products)
Advice to increase calcium intake above stimulation of lipogenic gene exert a significantly greater anti-
current recommendations to protect against expression and lipogenesis and obesity effect than supplemental
cancer is considered premature at this time.
suppression of lypolysis. High sources in epidemiological studies,
calcium diets apparently inhibit indicating an important role for dairy
lipogenesis, markedly accelerate fat products in the control of obesity.
High Calcium Caramel Candy
Ingredients Percent 1. Pre-hydrate WPC-34 and SMP
Granulated Sugar (sucrose) 34.80 separately with water to make a 30%
42 D.E. Corn Syrup 33.50 solution and let sit overnight.
Partially Hydrogenated Coconut Oil (92°F) 11.80 2. Mix sugar, corn syrup and water
Water 5.90 together and dissolve over heat.
Skim Milk Powder (SMP) 4.20 3. Add remainder of ingredients.
WPC-34 4.20 4. Mix all ingredients under low heat
Butter 3.00 (mix thoroughly).
5. Increase heat and boil to 242°F (116°C).
Milk Minerals 2.30
6. Transfer to cold table.
Vanilla Extract 0.10
7. Cool and cut.
Soy Lecithin 0.10
Salt 0.10
Totals 100.00
Formula courtesy of Dairy Mangement Inc.


A Case for Balance in Dietary Mineral Consumption
Dr. Eric Bastian
Director Research and Development, Glanbia Foods Inc.

Recently, the importance of dietary are to maintain a dietary calcium : BIOAVAILABILITY OF CALCIUM
phosphorus ratio of 2:1. Magnesium FROM DAIRY SOURCES
calcium has increased because is also an important mineral in
research has established that bone development. Most of the There are many factors that influence
calcium bioavailability. Both exogenous
calcium is not only essential for calcium supplements deliver
and endogenous factors influence calcium
only calcium and none of the other
bone growth and development, bone building minerals such as bioavailability. Level of calcium intake,
vitamin D status, phytates, oxalates, lipids,
it is important for regulation of cell magnesium, potassium, zinc and phosphopeptides and other proteins,
function, nerve conduction, muscle other minerals required for good lactose, phosphorus and caffeine are among
bone health. the exogenous factors influencing the
contraction, and blood coagula- intestinal calcium absorption.
tion. In addition, calcium Just as Ca/Mg/K ratios have received
little attention among researchers in Dairy foods and ingredients are not only
provides a protective role against the osteoporosis area, ratios of the rich in calcium, but the calcium from these
osteoporosis, essential hyperten- required micronutrients also have sources is readily available. Normal healthy
individuals absorb about 20 to 35% of the
sion, gestational hypertension, received little attention. The effects
calcium in dairy foods and ingredients.
of calcium supplementation with Studies have shown that the calcium
hypercholesterolemia, certain and without zinc, copper and absorption efficiency from non-dairy
cancers (colon and mammary) manganese showed that bone calcium fortified sources (such as fortified
and possibly gallstones. loss in postmenopausal women soy milk) was 25% less than that from a
could be only partly arrested by Ca dairy source.*
Several population segments in both supplementation, but to fully maintain For this reason, manufacturers can rely on
developed and developing countries bone mass, trace minerals were dairy ingredients rich in calcium (from milk
have low calcium intake. Calcium required. It can be concluded that powders, whey minerals to various types
supplementation and fortification many minerals are required for of whey ingredients) to provide adequate
has become increasingly important optimal bone growth and health, fortification with a highly bioavailable
and calcium is being incorporated but that the extreme focus on only calcium content. Furthermore, dairy
into many food products around calcium has, in a sense, inhibited the calcium is 100% natural (all natural “clean”
the world. Calcium supplements label appeal) and contains a range of
promotion of a balanced approach for
other minerals such as phosphorus
are usually calcium salts such mineral supplementation, particularly and magnesium.
as calcium citrate, calcium for segments of the population that *Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
lactate, calcium carbonate, and are at risk for osteoporosis. 2000. 71: 1166-1169.

calcium phosphate.
One mineral supplement that has
In the hype that has surrounded been widely accepted in Asia and is
calcium supplementation and recognized there as the “premier”
fortification, one of the basic bone building supplement is “milk
principles of nutrition, balance, calcium” (more accurately called milk
has been neglected and overlooked. mineral). It has been recently shown
Obviously, to maintain proper by several studies that milk mineral
composition of mineral in the bone, contains the appropriate balance of
there must be adequate absorption minerals for optimal bone health. Milk
and delivery of all bone minerals to mineral is an ingredient that retains
bone sites in the human body. the mineral balance of milk while
Phosphorus is required for bone allowing for mineral supplementation
growth and maintenance, and most into products that traditionally
recommendations for phosphorus do not contain good ratios of bone
building minerals.


Major U.S. dairy ingredients and their calcium content

Dairy ingredient Typical calcium content,

in mg/100 g
Demineralized whey <100 mg/100g
Whey protein concentrate 500–700 mg/100 g
Whey protein isolate 600 mg/100 g
Reduced-protein (deproteinized) whey 600–700 mg/100 g
Sweet whey 700–800 mg/100 g
Whey permeate 800–900 mg/100 g
Reduced lactose whey 800–900 mg/100 g
Mineral concentrated whey >5,000 mg/100 g
Whole milk powder 950–1,000 mg/100 g
Skim milk powder 1,300 mg/100g
Acid whey 2,000 mg/100 g
Milk minerals 23,000–28,000 mg/100 g

Typical composition and specifications of calcium-rich U.S. whey products

Milk minerals Reduced- Deproteinized

Whey calcium lactose whey whey WPC34 WPC80
Protein <5% 18–24% 3.5–6% 34% 80%
Lactose <9% 50–60% 73–83% 48–52% 4–8%
Fat 1% max 2–2.5% <1.5% 3–4.5% 4–8%
Ash >70% 14–22% 8.4–12% 6.5–8% 3–4%
Moisture 8% max 3–5% 4.5–5% 3–4.5% 3.5–4.5%
Calcium 23,000–28,000 mg 800–900 mg 600–700 mg 550 mg 600 mg
Standard plate count <10,000/g <10,000/g <10,000 mg <10,000/g <10,000/g
Coliform <10/g 10/g <10/g <10/g <10/g
E. Coli Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Listeria Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Salmonella Negative Negative Negative Negative/100 g Negative/100 g
Staphylococci Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
Scorched particles content 7.5 mg/25 g 15 mg/25 g (max) 7.5–15 mg/25 g 15 mg/25 g (max) 7.5–15 mg/25 g
Appearance Free-flowing Free-flowing Free-flowing Free-flowing Free-flowing
powder powder powder powder powder
Flavor Clean, Clean, slightly salty, Clean, Clean, bland Clean,
bland flavor whey flavor bland flavor whey flavor bland flavor
Color White to light cream Light cream Light cream Light cream Light cream
pH 6–6.5 Consult supplier 5.5–6.5 6–6.7 6–6.7



A compete listing of reference is available
A number of different ingredients are Mineral-concentrated Whey from the U.S. Dairy Export Council
available from U.S. suppliers to be used by All-natural source of calcium for fortification (, USA.
international manufacturers for fortification and functional purposes
purposes. Studies show that consumers
prefer dairy calcium-enriched products to Mineral-concentrated whey also functions
non-dairy calcium-enriched products to improve texture, flavor, solubility, and MAKING NUTRITIONAL CLAIMS
because of dairy’s positive image and nutritional profile in food formulations.
Foods containing mineral-concentrated A nutritional claim is any statement that
its health value. Market research studies
whey will have a higher nutritional indicates, suggests or implies that a food
also indicate that consumers are willing
density than comparable other products. has special nutritional properties. Generally,
to pay more for products enriched with a
The functions and benefits of the three types of claims can be made: (1) a
natural, dairy source of calcium. The high
ingredient are: claim about the content of calcium simply
awareness of, and preference for, dairy
• Good solubility, heat stability describing the level of a nutrient in the food
calcium-enriched products in many
and cost-efficiency (see Table on Codex Recommendations),
countries of the world offer unique
• Lower lactose content that help (2) a comparative claim comparing the
marketing opportunities and selling
minimize texture problems caused levels of a calcium in two or more foods and
points to help manufacturers around the
by lactose crystallization (3) a functional claim that describes the
world launch successful new products.
• High protein and minerals help provide physiological role of calcium during growth,
the flavor and smooth texture desired in development and normal bodily functions.
food products The specific types of functional claims
MILK MINERALS • Conveys a milky flavor, help emulsify allowed vary from country to country. Please
added fats, provides good stability and check local legislation for more information.
Milk minerals are a natural source of cal-
heat stability in sauces and gravies
cium derived from milk. This ingredient has Claims for Calcium,
• A rich source of calcium, magnesium and
the advantage of also supplying phospho- Codex Recommendations
phosphorus, which enhances nutritional
rus, magnesium, other minerals, lactose and
value and flavor profile in comminuted
proteins, all of which are important for So, in the
meat products and sauces
absorption of calcium and utilization by the case of
calcium, the
body. Typical applications include nutri- To be The food following
tional supplements, diet, sport and isotonic entitled must contain threshold
beverages, nutritional bars, and nutraceuti- TYPICAL APPLICATIONS to claim: at least values:
cal products. “source of” 15% of 120 mg of
For dairy, meat, confectionery, bakery, NRV/100 g Ca/100 g
Typical Composition snack, seasonings, soups, sauces, follow-up (solids) or 60 mg of
formula, frozen desserts and nutritional or 7.5% of Ca/100 ml
of Milk Minerals NRV/100 ml or 40 mg of
drinks as: (liquids) Ca/100 kcal
Component Percentage • A cost efficient source of dairy solids with or 5% of or 120 mg of
Total Mineral Content 79.00% a high mineral content NRV/100 kcal Ca/portion
• Ash 70.00% • An alternative to other calcium sources or 15% of
when lower lactose concentrations are NRV/portion
Calcium 25.00%
desired and higher mineral concentration “high Twice the 240 mg of
Phosphorus 14.00% content of” “source” value Ca/100 g
is required
Ca/P 1.79% or 120 mg of
• A nutraceutical ingredient in powdered Ca/100 ml
Ca/PO4 0.58%
beverages, nutritional drinks, dairy or 80 mg of
Magnesium 1.50% products, powdered soups and desserts Ca/100 kcal
Sodium 0.65% and baked goods. or 240 mg of
Potassium 0.83% Ca/portion
Zn (mg/100 g) 27.40% Source: Codex Alimentarius/Danone World
Newsletter No. 19.
Cu (mg/100 g) 0.37%
Fe (mg/100 g) 1.88%
• Organic Mineral (citrate) 9.00%
Information courtesy of: Glanbia Foods, USA. 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22201-3061 U.S.A.
Tel: U.S.A. (703) 528-3049
Fax: U.S.A. (703) 528-3705







US00E Copyright © 2001, USDEC. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


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