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1. What are common Nutrition or common foods given to infants?

Give the rationale for

that particular Nutrition.

- Calcium. Helps build strong bones and teeth.

- Fat. Creates energy, helps the brain develop, keeps skin and hair healthy, and
protects against infections.
- Folate. Helps cells divide.
- Iron. Builds blood cells, and helps the brain develop. Breast-fed babies should receive
iron supplements.

2. What is infant formula? Give examples.

Most infant formulas today are made from cow's milk. They are fortified to make them as close
to breast milk as possible, and to give babies all the nutrients they need to grow and be healthy.

Most cow's milk formulas contain:

 Carbohydrates, in the form of the milk sugar "lactose"

 Iron
 Protein
 Minerals, such as calcium and zinc
 Vitamins, including A, C, D, E, and the B vitamins

Some formulas add other nutrients to make them even more like breast milk, such as:

 Essential fatty acids - ARA and DHA are fatty acids that are important for the baby's
brain and vision.
 Nucleotides - These building blocks of RNA and DNA are also found in breast milk and
added to some formulas.
 Prebiotics and probiotics - Probiotics are "good" bacteria that might help protect against
the "bad" types of bacteria that cause infection. Prebiotics promote the growth of these
good bacteria in the gut.

3. Look for an infant between the ages of 1 month to 6 months and ask the mother the feeding
time, the formula and when the infant started to have solid foods.

- She said, she only feed it only with breast milk during the first six months.

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