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Although I am undecided, I have veered closely to the astronomy field of study over the past few

months. If I would have been asked in highschool I most likely would have said Marine biology. The one

thing these both have in common is the topic of the unknown. The ocean having over 95% of it

undiscovered and space being so largely out of reach with current technology is what attracts me to them

This is mostly due to the fact that there is so much space for research and I can potentially contribute just

as much as I would be feeding into my interests. The reason I am still undecided is due to the fact that I

cannot say with certainty that I would find passion in pursuing this interest as a professional career and

the job market isn't in demand for astro-physicists, therefore it can be competitive. For me to finalize this

choice I would have to choose a certain area I can specialize in and am comfortable dedicating time to.

For this field of study I would need to have a lot of physics and higher level math knowledge.

Atro-physics isn't even limited to physics because you need to have a wide level of understanding in

chemistry and biology because of the layers that understanding our planet, stars and galaxies requires.

Additionally, because there is so much room for research you must have excellent research and analytical

skills. This would include a higher ability in gathering, interpreting and reporting data. As a science field,

it requires implementing the scientific method which involves communication with other scientists and

their research to make your own research valid. There must also be a keen attention to detail and

observational skills because as a research scientist you are trying to validate your hypothesis or simply

finding an explanation for something happening in our natural world.

Since I have not decided on this major it is hard to say where I see myself going with it into the

future. However, I have decided that I would want to specialize in anything that I study. I want to go as far

as getting a PHD in the respective field because if I want to do something I want to be good at it. I would

want to be sought after by government agencies such as NASA but I also believe that I would want to

pursue my own research and become an Astrophotographer pursuing my own independent research. I

know from my exploratory classes that many people don't always go into the career they are planning on

going into with their major. Therefore I believe that as long as I fall in love with the field, i will be fine in

wherever career choice as long as I can put into practice my skills and research experience.

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