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Select some (3 or 4) magazines from your field in the References page, observe them carefully:

• The cover page: Does it have a ....
◦  magazine title
◦ logo 
◦ headlines 
◦ subtitles 
◦ articles 
◦ advertising
◦ photos
◦ videos 
• Does it have other pages? How many? How are they organized?
• How are the fonts used?
• Is it black and white or does it have colors? 
• How is the general design? 
• How is interactivity treated? 
• Are there specific permanent sections?
• Is there a "letters to the editors" section?

• The cover page: Does it have a ....

◦ magazine title: Yes
◦ logo: Yes
◦ headlines: Yes 
◦ subtitles: Yes
◦ articles: Yes
◦ advertising: No
◦ photos: Yes
◦ videos: No
• Does it have other pages? How many? How are they organized? It doesn’t have other pages.
• How are the fonts used? 90% of the text is in a Times New Roman font, only headlines are in a
different font (one that stands out a little more).
• Is it black and white or does it have colors? The magazine only uses color for photos and texts that
need to capture the eye (headlines mostly).
• How is the general design? It is a very simple and dull design. It is more functional than enter-
taining: every article has 1 to 2 photos, but a lot of text. The magazine isn’t very inviting to
• How is interactivity treated? There is a comment section available for interactivity and a like but-
ton. You can also share it in your social media. There’s a link to a forum, but it doesn’t appear
to be available. So overall interactivity is treated very basically.
• Are there specific permanent sections? No.
• Is there a "letters to the editors" section? No.

Personally, I wanted to include this online magazine, Architecture Week, because I found it to be ex-
tremely simple. It doesn’t follow many of the guides mentioned on the articles provided.

First for an online magazine to be interesting, you want for it to stand out. One way to do so is by hav-
ing a striking cover which includes a good choice of colors, visuals, and typography. Architecture
Week doesn’t really have a cover. It only has a big photo that is right before the title to the first sec-
tion. Concerning the text, it is mostly black, and only the titles have color. This, in addition to the clas-
sic font used, makes the reading experience boring and monotonous.
As for its interactivity, it is very basic, with only options to comment and share. The structure of the
magazine is also a bit confusing, as it consists only of text and certain images. Out of nowhere, you
land on a page that looks like a table of contents, but its intention is not very clear as it only consists of
article titles with no further information. Certainly, this online magazine doesn’t have a very easy-
reading experience.
Finally, the format of the page doesn’t adapt to the possible devices in which one could enjoy the mag-
azine. On a computer, the format appears to be larger than usual, so it doesn't fit the screen. In fact, I
wanted to try it on my phone, but all the photos shifted and ended up messing the format of the text.

In conclusion, Architecture Week allows us to observe the different mistakes that we must avoid when
creating an online magazine.

• The cover page: Does it have a ....

◦ magazine title: Yes
◦ logo: Yes
◦ headlines: Yes 
◦ subtitles: Yes
◦ articles: Yes
◦ advertising: Yes
◦ photos: Yes
◦ videos: No
• Does it have other pages? How many? How are they organized? It doesn’t have other pages. The
magazine is however divided into sections, but they revolve around the same topic.
• How are the fonts used? It has a very good selection of typography since the fonts are very divers
but they is consistent with the intention of the text. It makes the reading experience very enjoy-
• Is it black and white or does it have colors? The magazine has a very good use of colors. As a mat-
ter a fact, it is used as an striking element for important articles, quotes or diagrams.
• How is the general design? The design is very dynamic and interesting. The format of the text
and the photos are very well thought and gives elegance to the magazine.
• How is interactivity treated? The magazine is very interactive. It has the option to share on social
media, comment or even to go read other editions of the magazine.
• Are there specific permanent sections? Only the editor’s note.
• Is there a "letters to the editors" section? Yes.

Esta magazine me llamo mucho la atención porque me recuerda a una revista impresa clásica. Sin em-
bargo, está muy bien adaptada para el formato online.

Desde el comienzo, el diseño simple pero eficiente de la portada te da una idea de que trata la revista.
Al pasar la pagina, hay un summary muy claro de los temas abordados. Ademas, ese glosario es inter-
activo ya que al darle click al titulo te lleva directamente a la pagina donde se encuentra el articulo. En
seguida, tenemos un pequeño párrafo con una nota del editor, lo que hace que el lector tenga una
“relación” más intima con la revista.

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