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4, NOVEMBER 2005

Control of DFIG-Based Wind Generation

for Power Network Support
F. Michael Hughes, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, Member, IEEE, Nicholas Jenkins, Fellow, IEEE, and
Goran Strbac, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper addresses the design and implementation Stator current vector.
of a novel control scheme for a doubly fed induction generator Rotor current vector.
(DFIG), of the type employed with wind turbines, to provide sup- Stator power output.
port to power system operation. It is shown that this controller
provides a DFIG-based wind farm with operational and control Generator torque.
compatibility with conventional power stations, the ability to con- Stator resistance.
tribute to voltage support and recovery following network faults, Stator self-inductance.
the ability to provide a power system stabilizer capability that im- Rotor self-inductance.
proves overall system damping, and the capability of contributing Mutual inductance.
short-term frequency support following loss of network genera-
tion. A simple but realistic test network that combines synchronous Transient reactance.
and wind farm generation has been modeled and used to assess Stator impedance.
dynamic performance. Simulation results are presented and dis-
cussed that demonstrate the capabilities and contributions of the I. INTRODUCTION
new DFIG controller to network support.
Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs), power
system modeling, power system stability. T HE increasingly wide spread use of wind generation on
power networks imposes the requirement that wind farms
should be able to contribute to network support and operation as
do conventional generating stations based on synchronous gen-
NOMENCLATURE erators. Emerging Grid Code proposals for wind farm connec-
Synchronous generator tion will, of necessity, become increasingly demanding of the
Terminal voltage vector. performance of connected wind farms with respect to voltage
Field voltage, dc. control capability, reactive range capability, active frequency
Internally generated voltage vector (voltage behind ability, and fault ride through capability [1], [2]. If wind gen-
transient reactance). eration does not provide appropriate network support, then as
Rotor flux vector. the proportion of conventional and wind generation varies, the
Rotor angle. changes produced in the operational characteristics of the net-
Stator current vector. work will make it increasingly difficult for the network operator
Synchronous reactance. to provide the required level of stability and security.
DFIG For reasons of improved efficiency of energy transfer from
Terminal voltage vector. the wind and reduced mechanical stresses, many large wind
Rotor voltage vector. turbines (installed either offshore or onshore) will operate at
Internally generated voltage vector (voltage behind variable speed using doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs)
transient reactance). [3]–[6]. DFIG controllers to date have concentrated mainly on
Rotor flux vector. the provision of an adjustable operating speed to maximize tur-
Angle between and axis of DFIG. bine power output, the maintenance of the required generator
Angle between and axis of DFIG. terminal voltage or power factor, and the control of the gen-
Stator frequency. erator torque to match that of the wind turbine [7], [8]. Con-
Rotor speed. trol has concentrated on preserving acceptable conditions for
Slip, . the DFIG and little or no attempt has been made to provide
the DFIG with the capability of contributing to network sup-
port and operation. This paper introduces a novel DFIG control
Manuscript received March 14, 2005; revised May 12, 2005. This work was strategy that relies on controlling the magnitude and physical
supported in part by EPSRC through its Supergen programme and in part the position of the DFIG rotor flux vector (which in turn dictates
Centre for Distributed Generation and Sustainable Energy sponsored by the De- the internal voltage vector). It is demonstrated that by adopting
partment of Trade and Industry (DTI), U.K. Paper no. TPWRS-00156-2005.
F. M. Hughes is a consultant (e-mail: this strategy, controllers can readily be designed that enable
O. Anaya-Lara, N. Jenkins, and G. Strbac are with the Manchester Centre DFIG-based wind farms to not only match the control contri-
for Electrical Energy, University of Manchester, Manchester M60 1QD, U.K. butions of synchronous generators with regard to active voltage
(e-mail:;; control and the provision of network damping but also improve
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2005.857275 on them.
0885-8950/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

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Fig. 2. Vector diagram representation of the operating conditions of a round

rotor synchronous generator.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a DFIG for a wind turbine application.


DFIG wind turbines use a wound rotor induction generator,
where the rotor winding is fed through a back-to-back variable
frequency PWM converter as shown in Fig. 1 [10]–[13]. Voltage
limits and an over-current “crowbar” circuit protect the machine
and converters.
The converter system enables the two-way transfer of power.
Converter 2 (C2) is fed from the generator stator terminals
via a reactive link and provides a dc supply to Converter 1
(C1) that produces a variable frequency three-phase supply Fig. 3. Vector diagram representation of the operating conditions of a DFIG.
to the generator rotor via slip rings. The frequency of the
rotor supply is controlled so that under steady conditions, the The physical position of the field winding of the rotor with re-
combined speed of the rotor plus the rotational speed of the spect to the rotating stator voltage vector defines the position of
rotor flux vector matches that of the synchronously rotating the rotor flux vector and the axis of the synchronously rotating
stator flux vector fixed by the network frequency. Manipulation reference frame. The generated voltage in per unit terms has
of the rotor voltage permits control of the generator operating the same magnitude as the field voltage and aligns with the
conditions. The favored way of representing a DFIG for the -axis. For a given field voltage and terminal voltage, the rotor
purpose of analysis, simulation, and control is in terms of direct angle is determined by the output power of the generator.
and quadrature axes ( axes), which form a reference frame Generator control over terminal voltage magnitude is exercised
that rotates synchronously with the stator flux vector [14], [15]. by adjustment of the magnitude of the field voltage, i.e., by the
In terms of this form of representation, adjustment of the adjustment of the magnitude of the internally generated stator
axes components of the rotor voltage provides the capability voltage .
of independent control over two generator variables [8], [16]. Fig. 3 shows the equivalent vector diagram for a DFIG. In
In this paper, a DFIG third-order model with respect to the this case, represents the internally generated voltage vector
frame is used to represent the wind turbine. This facilitates a in the stator (often referred to as the voltage behind transient
good compromise between simplicity and accuracy [3], [17]. reactance). The magnitude of depends on the magnitude of
The assumption adopted that stator transients are sufficiently the rotor flux vector . This flux is dependent on the generator
fast to be considered instantaneous makes the model compatible stator and rotor currents but can be manipulated by adjustment
with the standard models used for synchronous generators and of the rotor voltage vector . The axis of the defined synchro-
simplifies its integration into simulation models for transient nously rotating reference frame is chosen to align with the stator
and dynamic studies of mixed generation networks. terminal voltage vector. The angle , which defines the posi-
tion of the internally generated voltage vector with respect
III. CONTROL STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT to the stator voltage vector (and hence the axis of the refer-
ence frame) is determined by the power output of the generator.
The DFIG FMAC controller aims, where advantageous, to Since the internally generated voltage vector is orthogonal to
provide equivalent control functions to those of a conventional the rotor flux vector , the angle between the rotor flux vector
synchronous generator. A vector diagram representation of the and the axis of the reference frame is also given by .
operating conditions of a round rotor synchronous generator is Disturbances on the network result in changes in the load cur-
shown in Fig. 2. In this diagram, represents the internally rents of the connected generators. In the case of the synchronous
generated voltage in the stator, the magnitude of which is deter- generator, these produce changes in the terminal voltage that
mined by the field flux vector and hence the applied field are counteracted by the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of
voltage . the excitation control system through manipulation of the field

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Fig. 5. Controller A block diagram.

network damping. Auxiliary Loop 3 enables the DFIG to con-

tribute to frequency regulation following the sudden loss of net-
work generation.
Since the DFIG voltage vector is directly related to the
rotor flux vector , either of these vectors can be employed as
Fig. 4. FMAC controller block diagram.
the control vector . If the rotor flux vector is employed as
the control vector, then is given by and is
voltage . In addition, changes in the generator torque are given by angle . Alternatively, if the internal voltage vector
produced that cause oscillatory variations in speed and rotor is used as the control vector, then is given by ,
angle to occur. Due to the asynchronous operation of a DFIG, with again being given by angle, . Coordinates of the
the physical position of the rotor and the rotor flux vector are rotor flux vector and the internal voltage vector can be
not directly linked. Hence, the natural dynamic response char- obtained from the available stator voltage and stator and rotor
acteristic of a DFIG to system disturbances is distinctly different current measurements.
from that of a synchronous generator. However, by adopting the
strategy of controlling the magnitude and physical position of B. Controller A
the rotor flux vector , control action equivalent to that of the
The controller A employs the reference signals and
excitation control of a synchronous generator can be provided.
to provide the rotor voltage vector demanded
from the converter as shown in Fig. 5.
A. Basic FMAC Control Scheme PI control with additional lead-lag compensation is employed
The FMAC controller can take the control form presented in to provide appropriate speed of response and stability margins
the block diagram of Fig. 4. The control scheme consists of two in the individual loops.
distinct loops. In the first loop, the AVR loop, the difference in
the terminal voltage magnitude from its desired reference C. Emulation of Synchronizing Power Characteristics
value forms an error signal that is processed via the AVR The dynamic characteristics of a synchronous generator
compensator to produce the reference value for the magnitude differ markedly from those of an induction generator, so that
of the control vector . the bulk replacement of conventional generation by wind farms
In the second loop, the reference set point value is will cause changes in the network dynamics and operating
determined by the wind turbine power-speed characteristic for characteristics. One approach to reducing this is to control
maximum power extraction from the prevailing wind velocity DFIG-based wind farms in such a way that the dynamic char-
[4]. The difference in the generator stator power from the acteristics that they present to the network resemble those of
reference set point value forms the basic error signal that a conventional synchronous generator-based station. Auxiliary
is processed by the compensator to produce the reference value Loop 1 aims to achieve this by enabling the DFIG to emu-
for the angular position of the control vector (with re- late dynamically the power characteristic of a synchronous
spect to the stator voltage vector). generator.
Both the power and voltage control loops employ propor- In a synchronous machine, if during operation a network dis-
tional plus integral controllers, with the provision of additional turbance causes the generator torque to fall below the level of
lead-lag compensation in the case of the voltage loop to ensure the turbine torque, the set will accelerate, causing an increase
suitable margins of loop stability. in the rotor speed and the angular position of the rotor flux
The power loop, in addition, may employ auxiliary control vector. Since an increase in rotor angle results in an increase
loops. Auxiliary Loop 1 enables a DFIG to provide a dynamic in the generator load torque, a mechanism exists to drive the
power response characteristic to the network similar to that of generator torque back toward the level that matches the turbine
a synchronous generator. Auxiliary Loop 2 enables the DFIG torque. This exercises a stabilizing influence over the generator
to provide a power system stabilizer facility and contribute to and helps preserve the synchronous operation of the generators

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Fig. 6. Auxiliary Loop 1. Fig. 7. Auxiliary Loop 2.

on a power network. The restoring torque developed is often re-

ferred to as “synchronizing torque.”
In the DFIG case, generator load disturbances also give rise
to variations in the speed and the position of the rotor. How-
ever, due to the asynchronous operation involved, the position
of the rotor flux vector is not dependent on the physical posi-
tion of the rotor and a “synchronizing torque-angle character-
istic” does not exist. However, a “pseudo” rotor angle signal
may be generated, by integrating the rotor speed variation of
the DFIG, and used to adjust the demanded rotor angle position
of the control scheme . The rotor flux angle can then be
manipulated dynamically to produce variations in load power
such that the power-angle characteristic of a synchronous gen-
erator can be emulated. With Auxiliary Loop 1 included, the Fig. 8. Auxiliary Loop 3.
controlled DFIG, viewed from the power network, presents a
dynamic characteristic similar to that of a synchronous gener- of the DFIG in such a way that the damping torques of the syn-
ator under AVR control. chronous generators of the network are increased, and by this
One way in which a suitable “pseudo” rotor angle signal can process, a significant contribution to system damping can be
be generated is demonstrated in the block diagram of Fig. 6. provided. Auxiliary Loop 2 can employ measured signals such
The rotor speed (or slip) signal is passed through a “washout” as DFIG rotor speed, slip, stator electrical power, or network
element to eliminate any steady-state contribution and then in- frequency as the control input. The loop, using slip as the input
tegrated and phase compensated to provide the output of signal, may take the form shown in Fig. 7.
Auxiliary Loop 1. The phase lag is included to compensate for The input signal is initially processed through a washout term
the lead introduced by the “washout” and ensure a 90 phase dif- (to eliminate any control contribution under steady conditions).
ference between slip and “pseudo” rotor angle at the network os- It is then passed through a compensator that provides the neces-
cillation frequency. In a synchronous generator, the component sary phase shift to ensure that the flux vector manipulations in
of power that is in phase with angle oscillations is referred to the DFIG produce current variations in the network that, in turn,
as synchronizing power. Consequently, the use of the “pseudo” produce torque variations of the synchronous generators that are
rotor angle to dynamically vary the power output of the DFIG in phase with their speed variations. Thus, the damping of the
can be considered to provide it with a “synchronizing power” synchronous generators is enhanced and the DFIG contributes
characteristic. positively to network damping.

D. Provision of a Power System Stabilizer Facility E. Provision of Short-Term Frequency Regulation

Auxiliary Loop 2 enables a DFIG to provide a power system When loss of generation occurs on a network, the network fre-
stabilizer (PSS) facility and thereby contribute to network quency falls rapidly and the generators allocated for frequency
damping. As mentioned before, in the synchronous generator regulation that remain connected need to increase their power
case, disturbances on the network produce oscillations in the output as rapidly as possible to avoid the network frequency
rotor speed and rotor angle. The rotor angle oscillations give falling below the level that demands load disconnection. With
rise to oscillations in the currents of the generator field and conventional generation, the increase in power output of the reg-
damper circuits and the energy dissipated in the resistance ulating generators is achieved via turbine governor action and
of these circuits provides a damping contribution from the the rate of rise in the power output is limited. With a DFIG, al-
generator to the power network. The currents generated due to though the input power of the wind turbine cannot be increased
the rotor oscillations produce a component of generator torque, on demand, the asynchronous operation of a DFIG enables the
normally referred to as the “damping” torque. stored energy of the rotor shaft system, comprising the turbine
In a DFIG, under oscillatory network conditions, the varia- and generator rotors and connecting gear box, to be tapped to
tions produced in the rotor and stator currents also give rise to provide an increase in generated power over the critical first few
energy dissipation in the resistance of its windings, and whilst seconds following loss of network generation. As illustrated in
this does have a damping effect, the contribution is quite small. Fig. 8, Auxiliary Loop 3 comprises an inner control loop that
However, a measured signal of a system variable that is appro- serves to drive down the rotor speed over the initial period fol-
priately excited by network oscillations can be used to manipu- lowing loss of generation so that rotor stored energy is released
late the phase of the angular oscillations of the rotor flux vector and output power temporarily increased.

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Fig. 9. Generic network model used for transient performance assessment.

A network frequency signal is processed to provide a speed

reference set point for the inner loop that is compared with a
processed slip signal to provide the error signal of the loop.
The reference signal is achieved by passing the input signal, de-
rived from network frequency, initially through a washout ele- Fig. 10. Conventional synchronous plant operation. Both Generators 1 and 2
ment (to eliminate steady-state contribution) and then through a are synchronous generators.
shaping element to provide the required profile for the slip tran-
sient reference set-point value over the critical period whilst the is employed to represent the generator and an IEEE type AC4
frequency is low. The transient profile of the slip reference value model is used to represent the excitation control system [18].
is arranged to ensure that for the speed reduction demanded, the The model employed to represent the steam turbine and its gov-
turbine is not driven into stall operation. ernor is given in the Appendix (see Fig. 19).
The DFIG slip signal is also processed through a washout el- Generator 1 is a 700-MVA round rotor generator having a
ement. The error signal is processed through a simple lead-lag static excitation scheme with AVR control. The generator is rep-
compensator to produce the output of Auxiliary Loop 3 , resented by a standard sixth-order model [19]. The models and
which serves to increase the demanded value of . The parameters of the generator and its excitation control scheme are
resulting increase in flux angle produces an increase in gener- those employed for an existing nuclear station by the network
ator torque and a consequent reduction in rotor speed. The rotor operator in simulation studies of the U.K. power network.
speed is driven down to follow the transient swing in the refer- The fault indicated in Fig. 9 is a three-phase fault applied on
ence value and is returned to the original value when the steady the network near the terminals of the transformer of generator 1
conditions are once again achieved. at and cleared after 150 ms.

IV. FMAC CONTROL PERFORMANCE A. System Operation—Conventional Synchronous Generation

The generic network shown in Fig. 9 was modeled for the In this paper, both Generators 1 and 2 of the local system are
purpose of assessing the capabilities of DFIG-based wind farms synchronous generators. It provides the dynamic performance
with the FMAC scheme with respect to their ability to contribute characteristics of the network when it is comprised solely of
to network support. conventional synchronous plant and thereby presents a base-line
The network comprises a local network of wind farm and against which the performance of a mixed conventional and
conventional thermal generation connected to the main system DFIG-based wind farm system can be judged.
through coupling transformers and transmission lines. Genera- Fig. 10 shows the simulated responses for generators 1 and 2
tors 1 and 2 have similar ratings. A single DFIG generator rep- of terminal voltage magnitudes (E1mag, E2mag), active power
resents the aggregated behavior of the individual generators of outputs (P1e, P2e), and rotor angles (Delt, Delta2) following the
the wind farm. application and clearance of the fault. It can be seen that syn-
The generators and loads of the main system are also aggre- chronism is retained and that whilst voltage is recovered quite
gated and modeled as a single equivalent synchronous generator quickly after fault clearance, the oscillations in power take a
and a single load. This single synchronous generator has a nom- considerable time to be damped out. Also, Generators 1 and 2
inal capacity of five times that of generator 1. are seen to oscillate in synchronism with one another.
In the studies, the turbine power output of Generator 1 is con-
stant. The steam turbine of equivalent Generator 3 has governor B. DFIG Operation—Basic Control Scheme
control so that when loss of a main system generator occurs, In this case, Generator 1 is a synchronous machine and Gener-
the output power of Generator 3, representing the remaining ator 2 is a DFIG-based wind farm controlled by the FMAC basic
four generators, can be increased to match the demanded load. control scheme without auxiliary loops. A super-synchronous
Generator 3 is considered to be a round rotor machine having a operating condition where is considered. Fault study
rotating excitation control system. A simple third-order model responses of both Generators 1 and 2 are presented in Fig. 11.

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Fig. 11. Mixed system operation. Generator 1—synchronous, Generator Fig. 13. Mixed system operation. Generator 1—synchronous, Generator
2—DFIG with the FMAC basic control scheme. (slip = 0:2). 2—DFIG with the FMAC basic control scheme. (slip = 0:1).

Fig. 12. Mixed system operation. Generator 1—synchronous, Generator

2—DFIG with the FMAC basic control scheme. (slip = 0
0:2). The slip
Fig. 14. Mixed system operation. Generator 1—synchronous, Generator
returns to its original steady-state value after 40 ms.
2—DFIG (slip = 0:2). DFIG rotor voltage was held constant throughout
the transient.
For the DFIG, the variables presented are the terminal voltage
magnitude (Vsmag), electrical torque (Te2), and slip. characteristic adopted for the maximum power-speed function.
When Generator 2 is the DFIG, not only is synchronism re- At speeds above 1.2 p.u., the power reference Peref is increased
tained, but the terminal voltage recovery is much better and the significantly to restrict over-speed.
power oscillations of Generator 1 are better damped than when The basic control scheme also functions well when the DFIG
Generator 2 is a synchronous generator. A further point to note operates under subsynchronous conditions. When the fault
is that when Generator 2 is the DFIG, the power oscillations of study is repeated for a slip value of 0.1, the responses of Fig. 13
the conventional plant and DFIG wind farm are in anti-phase. are obtained.
This has the benefit of reducing the amplitude of the oscilla- In order to demonstrate the controller contribution to perfor-
tions in the power delivered to the main system compared to the mance, a comparative fault study was carried out for the case
case where Generator 2 is a synchronous generator. where the rotor voltage is held constant, giving rise to the re-
Although the slip is seen to swing away from the nominal sponses of Fig. 14. The DFIG voltage fails to recover after the
value during the response period shown, it does return to its fault, leading to a collapse in the generator torque. Hence, for the
original steady-state value after 50 s as Fig. 12 shows. The rel- constant turbine input torque case considered, the DFIG suffers
atively large excursion in speed is due to the high-speed cutoff from “runaway,” which would result in its loss from the system.

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Fig. 15. Performance of DFIG basic control scheme plus Auxiliary Loop 1. Fig. 16. Performance of DFIG basic control scheme plus Auxiliary Loop 2.

C. DFIG Operation—Basic Control Scheme Plus Auxiliary

Loop 1 to Provide a Synchronizing Power-Angle Characteristic

Adding Auxiliary Loop 1 to the basic control scheme enables

the DFIG to present to the network a dynamic power character-
istic similar to that of a synchronous machine. Fault study re-
sponses are presented in Fig. 15.
Fig. 15 shows that when Auxiliary Loop 1 is employed
response characteristics similar to those of Fig. 10 are obtained,
with the power oscillations of Generator 1 and Generator 2, the
DFIG, being in phase with one another. However, it should be
noted that by introducing Auxiliary Loop 1 to provide the DFIG
with dynamic control characteristics similar to a synchronous
machine, the magnitude of the oscillations in the power deliv-
ered to the main system is increased and the damping of the
power responses is reduced to levels similar to those of the
purely synchronous generation case. Consequently, although
Auxiliary Loop 1 enables the DFIG, to emulate synchronous
generator behavior, it is restrictive to performance capabilities
since the resulting system response characteristics are inferior Fig. 17. Frequency regulation. Generators 1 and 2 are both synchronous
to those obtained using the basic FMAC controller alone. generators.

E. DFIG Operation—Basic Control Scheme Plus Auxiliary

D. DFIG Operation—Basic Control Scheme Plus Auxiliary Loop 3 for Frequency Regulation Contribution
Loop 2 to Provide a PSS Facility
These studies aim to demonstrate how the addition of Aux-
In this case, the DFIG is controlled via the FMAC basic con- iliary Loop 3 to the basic scheme can enable the DFIG-based
trol scheme with the addition of Auxiliary Loop 2 (using slip as wind farm to positively contribute to frequency recovery fol-
the input control signal). Fig. 16 presents generator fault study lowing the loss of generation on the main system.
responses and it can be seen that with Auxiliary Loop 2 in- Initially, in order to provide a yardstick against which the
cluded, system damping is significantly enhanced. The damping DFIG controller can be judged, the case where Generators 1
of the power oscillations of Generator 1 is much greater than that and 2 are synchronous generators is investigated. The distur-
observed in Fig. 10 (where Generator 2 is a synchronous gener- bance considered is the loss of one of the five generating units
ator) or Fig. 11 (where Generator 2 is the DFIG with the basic that represent the main system.
scheme only). The incorporation of Auxiliary Loop 2 into the In Fig. 17, the variables , , and represent, respec-
basic FMAC control scheme provides a DFIG-based wind farm tively, the electrical output power, mechanical power, and fre-
with an effective power system stabilizer facility. quency deviation of the main system. As a result of the loss

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of DFIG rotor stored energy can be distinctly beneficial to fre-

quency regulation over the initial period immediately following
the loss of system generation.

A new controller has been presented that enables a
DFIG-based wind farm to contribute positively to power
network operation. The new (FMAC) controller independently
exercises control over the magnitude and angular position (with
respect to the terminal voltage vector) of the rotor flux vector
and hence the magnitude and angular position of the internally
generated voltage vector. By adopting this strategy, control
loops can readily be designed to facilitate a DFIG with the
capability of not only providing control functions demanded of
synchronous generators in the support of network operation but
also offering improved contributions and performance.
It has been shown that the new FMAC controller is capable
of providing a DFIG-based wind farm with
Fig. 18. Frequency regulation. Generator 2 is the DFIG with the basic control
1) increased ability to comply with new grid code regula-
scheme plus Auxiliary Loops 2 and 3. tions;
2) good voltage control and voltage recovery following
3) the ability to emulate synchronous generator dynamic
characteristics via use of Auxiliary Loop 1;
4) the ability to provide a PSS facility and contribute to
system damping via the use of Auxiliary Loop 2;
5) the ability to contribute to frequency support following
loss of network generation via use of Auxiliary Loop 3.
Furthermore, studies not reported here have shown that a
DFIG with the basic FMAC control scheme has the capability
of withstanding significantly longer fault clearance times for
three-phase faults than a synchronous generator with conven-
Fig. 19. Turbine and governor model used with main system generator.
tional excitation control.

of generation, the frequency of the system drops by approxi- APPENDIX

mately 1.1%. The turbine governors of the main system genera-
tors increase the mechanical power available in order to regulate A. Generator 1 Parameters (on Base of Machine Rating)
the frequency and re-establish the power balance. Frequency re-
covery is achieved after approximately 15 s.
When Generator 2 is the DFIG-based wind farm having the
basic FMAC control scheme plus Auxiliary Loops 2 and 3, fol-
lowing the loss of generation, the frequency excursion is con-
siderably reduced. The responses of Fig. 18 show that in this
case the fall in frequency is only 0.3% and frequency recovery
is achieved after approximately 10 s.
The reduction in system frequency following loss of gener-
ation causes Auxiliary Loop 3 to drive down the speed of the B. Generator 3 Parameters (on Base of Machine Rating)
DFIG and the consequent release of the stored energy of the
rotor shaft system results in an appreciable increase in the DFIG
output power over the first 5 s of the transient response. This is
sufficient to reduce the frequency excursion to less than a third
of that experienced in the synchronous generator case. It should
be pointed out that in practice, a reduction in turbine speed does
result in a diminution in power capture from the wind, a feature Steam turbine and governor parameters
not accounted for in the studies. However, this is considered
secondary and its inclusion would not be expected to change droop
substantially the overall indications that the controlled tapping

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F. Michael Hughes graduated from the University of Liverpool, Liverpool U.K.,

in 1961 with first class honors in electrical engineering and received the M.Eng.
degree in 1963 from the University of Liverpool and the Ph.D. degree in 1969
from the University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
He was with Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. from 1961 to 1969 involved
in the control of turbo generators and the dynamics of power systems. He was
with the Nuclear Power Group Ltd. as a Senior Control Engineer, and in 1971,
he joined the University of Manchester, where he was a Senior Lecturer until
E. Generic Network Parameters (on Base of 1996. He is currently a consultant in power plant control and wind generation
Generator 1 Rating) systems.

Olimpo Anaya-Lara (M’98) received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from In-
stituto Tecnológico de Morelia, Morelia, México, and the Ph.D. degree from
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in 1990, 1998, and 2003, respectively.
His industrial experience includes periods with Nissan Mexicana, Toluca,
Mexico, and CSG Consultants, Coatzacoalcos, Mexico. Currently, he is a Re-
REFERENCES search Associate with the Manchester Centre for Electrical Energy based at the
University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K. His research interests include wind
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no. 3, pp. 343–352, May 2003. with CIGRE Task Forces and IEEE Specialist Working Groups in these areas.

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