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Simulation and Optimization

Tutorial (8) MATLAB Optimization Functions

Solve the following problems using:
(a) MATLAB built-in functions
(b) Graphically

1. Solve the following linear program


4. Solve Example 1 on the placement of the four new reactors (R1, R2, R3, and
R4) using MATLAB.

5. Three refineries are located in towns A, B, and C. Naphtha can be supplied

to the refineries from five different production facilities located at locations
1,2,3,4, and 5. The tables below show the daily naphtha requirements of the
refineries, the production capacities of the naphtha suppliers, and the
transportation costs.

Daily Naphtha Requirements of the Refineries

Refinery Daily Naphtha Requirements (ton)

A 16
B 12
C 10
Daily Production Capacities of the Naphtha Suppliers

Production Facilities Daily Production (ton)

1 6
2 6
3 3
4 6
5 4
Transportation Costs ($/ton)

Supplier Consuming Consuming Consuming

Refinery A Refinery B Refinery C
1 20 10 50
2 30 0 80
3 110 60 150
4 70 10 90
5 50 50 50

Determine the optimal allocation of the transportation of naphtha between

suppliers and refineries while meeting the constraint requirements.

6. A company is involved in the production of two items (X and Y). The

resources needed to produce X and Y are twofold, namely machine time for
automatic processing and craftsman time for hand finishing. The table below
gives the number of minutes required for each item:

Using MATLAB, formulate the problem as a linear program for determining

how much to produce from each item per week.

Compare your results with the graphical technique.

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