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Guardiola 1

Jorge Guardiola

Dr. Nelson

English 1301-122

03 October 2022

Essay 2 Draft 1

Mangas have been around quite some time ranging from Action to romance in this case

“Attack on Titan” Volume 34 a fantasy, action, post-apocalyptic novel presents us with the

unique cover of Eren, Mikasa, and Erwin the three protagonists in the story (Fig.1). The reason

for the unique cover is that the main characters are not seeing in uniform or in a battle if not they

are seeing as little kids. This cover isn’t just for a nice look to sell copies as each little detail

contributes to a deeper meaning. No fighting is seen going around symbolizing peace around

them while three kids are playing matching with the soothing background making the view of the

cover a warming sight.

Having a first glance at the cover the eye sets on various things, but especially the

calmness of the image (fig. 1). No danger is seen in the background or any fighting that previous

chapters show just three children in a rural area. To contrary of the title viewers would have an

idea of the manga as an action related and what the viewers get is a calm and background with

no fighting, war, or any titans visible just the three protagonists as kids symbolizing inner peace.

It also relates to the innocence, happiness, and joy of being a child that would contrast the real

world that is gloomy, and not as enthusiastic. Looking at the characters and their expressions

gives the viewer a look of friendships within their laughs and the happy expressions the

protagonist is making one can assume they are friends. One can also assume they are playing due
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to one of them touching the tree and the other ones approaching that protagonist while the third

one is running one can assume he was left behind (Fig 1.). A strong bond is displayed in the

characters expressions and acts.

Moreover, the cover includes various colors ranging from dark yellow, brown, orange,

blue, and some black to create contrast in the objects. In the very back we see a shining light of

white and yellow creating this sundown environment creating this calming environment aligning

with the kids (Fig. 1). We know that sunsets represent completion or the end of the day after

having done something throughout the day or finally having achieved a goal. We assume the

protagonist have completed their task and are heading out to play until the sun sets and because

this volume is the end of the series, we assume it ends like the cover with the protagonist

returning and the series ending. The color yellow represents a cheerful spirit just like the

protagonist have in the cover (Fig.1) and combining the yellow to create a sunset makes the

viewer see the protagonist happy and living at peace at the end of the day marking the end of the


Furthermore, if we look more into detail at the image, we can see that the characters are

in a rural area where the viewer only sees a plain field only filled with trees without leaves,

grass, and some houses that seem quite normal nothing out of the ordinary (Fig.1). When looking

at far beyond the houses and the empty trees we see a big city that has many houses around a big

building that is not a skyscraper more of a castle like a citadel from a fairytale (Fig.1). The one

thing missing that everyone would expect is a wall to protect the castle or the city and, in the

image, the only thing surrounding the citadel is the city vulnerable to any attack yet we do not

see any danger. In the far background we see mountains that go as big as the sky and are the

farthest thing from the protagonist. The color is starting to go dark and means it is becoming
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night while the season could be fall more closer to winter due to the protagonist wearing clothing

over their shirt and we even see a scarf (Fig.1). The time of the year and the setting sun make this

image a chill, warming cover.

Overall, the image represents that final satisfaction of having finished a task that needed a

lot of time to complete. Watching the characters not be grow-ups but instead being kids

represents that freedom from guilt and that brings out the protagonist innocence. The background

that has many sights from houses to mountains and the sunset that creates the bright yellow-

orange color to forward the fall of the day. The yellow-orange color of the background also adds

to the stillness of all the things combined that make the environment feel welcoming and full of

peace. In the end, no dangers are presented to us only the spectacular view of nature while three

children play everything while the sun sets.

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Fig 1. Attack On Titan volume 34

Manga Cover.
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Works cited

Hajime, Isayama. “Attack on Titan”. Crunchyroll 5 /May/ 2022. Crunchyroll - Full Cover for

Final Attack on Titan Manga Volume Unveils What Could Have Been

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