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Quantitative research is very helpful because it can help us to gain more knowledge about many

things and give us more understanding of the social world. It allows us to gain reliable, objective insights
from data and clearly understand trends and patterns. Quantitative research also can help us to
investigate and solve problems in our daily lives, for example Innovation of Technology.

By the use of quantitative research in Innovation of Technology, it will lead us to the door with a
lot of discoveries and possibilities that remain unknown. Because of quantitative research the
innovation of technology was brought to a new whole level. Engineers and architectures also use this
method to provide services with the help modern technology. They innovate their structural design and
try to improve the quality of their services. For example, an engineer assures his/her project that it is
durable he/she will analyze the factors that may affect his/her work. This is because Quantitative
research can help to look the relationship between variables and can establish a cause and effect.
Microsoft is one of the best examples of innovation in technology, this is thanks to quantitative research
because without this type of study Bill Gates wouldn’t come up with this idea. Now Microsoft is now one
of the most successful innovations and mostly used by the people for their everyday lives.

There are many innovations that exist nowadays thanks to the quantitative research and with
this, the lives of many people have been change. There are also many Technological breakthroughs with
the help of innovation that change our perspective in the world.

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