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About Rev.

Lainie Dowell
Rev. Lainie Dowell was a civil rights advocate and
community activist for over 40 years, the former secretary of
NAACP in Howard County, MD, and a singer with the
Suburban Mass Choir. The recipient of numerous awards,
she has been the Ministerial Advocate for Christian
Clergywomen over 20 years. She and her husband are the
parents of four grown children and numerous grandchildren
and godchildren

Rev. Lainie Dowell

Wake Up the White Folk
July 7, 2008

Wake up the white folk. The black folk are on the move! The train
is coming through to free everybody. Get onboard!

And, while so many folk are down for the celebration

of the possibility of new hope and change that is invested
in Barack Obama's candidacy, he is openly celebrating
America's downfall, and not his own. His personal and academic
backgrounds allude to the fact that he may not even be a friend to
this nation and its Godly societal ideals.

Ever since it became legal for blacks to vote, the party of

Lincoln has not advocated specifically for only whites to
participate in the voting process, as they have been erroneously
accused of doing. And, if the Republican Party had tried that in this
time, then we know how hard Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al
Sharpton, and everybody who comes in the name of black
leadership would have called for all of them to resign, if that were
possible. And, after having succeeded, they would have further
called for the Republicans to apologize on their way out. And,
then, as they were leaving Washington, D.C., as only the
Republicans would have done, then all of those same
black leaders would have led the charge to accuse them of being
racists, bigots, anti-immigrant, homophobes, haters, liars, anti-
American, and traitors worthy of impeachment and hanging.

Nevertheless, the onus remains with the now Democratic

presumptive nominee, Barack Obama, to prove that he is
trustworthy and competent to assume, in 2009, over the
Republican presumptive nominee, John McCain, the leadership
which is inherent in the office of the President of the United States.

Now that I have your attention, let me impress upon you that this is
exactly how bold every citizen must respond who loves God and
America. We may call this present wartime dilemma a culture war
instead of a religious war, but it still remains the war of all wars in
our time for it goes to the heart, mind, body, soul and spirit of
America both at home and abroad. Moreover, how it is to be
fought and won depends upon whether or not Americans will
recognize the urgency of engaging this battle and their
understanding about how much the outcome depends on
how they respond to it, both personally and collectively.

People of every race and hue are finding out daily that Obama is
not the promised Messiah his campaign and mesmerized followers
have tried to make him out to be. They may point to his
charismatic speechifying, magnetic draw of the masses, made-over
wife, and overflowing coffers, but, along the way, he is leaving a
wide trail of indecision behind him among so many citizens who
seek to know what is up ahead for them, as they move closer to the
November 2008 general election.

We must keep in mind the seriousness of this political process and

how, lest we forget, it must not be viewed as merely
some hypothetical game or a test of wills of opponents and their
surrogates, as some may suppose. This all-important right is a
matter of life and death for too many people; and, therefore, it is
imperative that it continues to be guarded against becoming flawed
in any way by anyone. It demands from Americans that they
choose the very best defender of our constitutional rights and that
it is, of necessity, incumbent upon them to find that person to be
trustworthy, willing, and competent to keep this sovereign nation
strong, free, and proud.

Nobody, whether they serve on the local, state, or national level,

who has ever demonstrated the proclivities toward any myopic,
closed-minded, skewered view of America, has any business sitting
in any seat of authority anywhere in this nation. For, how could
they ever instill patriotism, pride, and love of God and freedom in
citizens for a nation they, themselves, abhor? It is impossible for
them to do so. Therefore, they must not be elected. And,
furthermore, if they are already in office, they must be decisively
voted out.

For, when we speak up and demand excellence in our

leadership, then we shall have it. And this generation and future
generations would expect it beyond race, color, or gender. And our
nation's creed would remain unconfused and be without question
or apology, Judeo-Christian, for our faith informs us and our
security in whom we believe enables us to walk beside other faiths
without wearing on our persons, bombs.

In 2004, Barack Obama stood before the Democratic National

Convention (DNC) and announced to all the world, both inside and
outside of that hall, what he proclaimed with great enthusiasm, as
follows, "There is no black America. There is no white America.
There is no Asian America. There is only the United States of

And the people who heard that proclamation swelled up with pride
and showed their agreement by their own enthusiastic applause.
But, that was then and this is now.

That was before 2007, when Obama announced his candidacy to

become the first black President of this nation and before he had
come so close to becoming the 2008 Democratic presumptive
nominee. Underlying all of what has been touted to be his grand,
intellectual face to the world, is a definite purpose around his
candidacy so sinister that only a sudden jolt will shake loose all his
misguided followers from their stupor.

If the American people believe Obama is a man of his word, then

what is it about him that makes him advocate for the destruction of
American values, traditions, and societal mores while professing to
be Christian? And, why have Americans not boldly called for him
to give an account for his duplicitous nature in his obvious attempt
to negate his Muslim roots and split this nation along racial,
religious, and color lines, and for him to work towards severing all
connections to the United States Constitution as a free Republic
despite his protestation and documentation to the contrary?

Could it be that the American people do not know? Could it mean

that Americans are no longer willing to learn all they can about his
liberal, left-leaning ideologies which would deliver us into the
hands of terrorist nations and, thereby, possibly lead to the
destruction of America's greatness? But, only if we stand aside and
let it happen.

However it may be perceived will depend upon whose point of

view is openly and honestly broadcast throughout this nation and
the world. For, there decidedly appears to be a brain drain and
common sense is clearly no longer thought to be an integral part of
the rubric for American life. But for those who express that view,
let me quickly add that not everybody is asleep at the switch.
How could a man whose documented autobiographical past
survives to remind us that, notwithstanding his youthful dalliances,
he continues to this day to be intricately intertwined in the same
machinations of the civil rights era which advocated black power,
black nationalism, and black Muslim states within the United
States and white people would have no say whatsoever over
anything pertaining to blacks.

The philosophical rule of this nation would fast become steeped in

Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Muslim, and Islamic ideologies.
And as such, there would only be mandated either weakened
churches or no God whatsoever.

Take a look around and note how many Muslim and

Islamic organizations are being put in place right now as if they are
in a holding pattern waiting for January 2009, and the day they
believe Obama will be administered the oath of office. And they
can count on him to change this government as they wait to hear
him say one more time, "Yes we can!"

Obama's past and present friendships have run contrary to the

fruitful efforts achieved by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Fannie Lou Hamer, former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood
Marshall, and many more who joined them to bring about
reconciliation and healing of the racial divide in this
nation. Yet, Obama's record stands for the entire world to see the
dangers we would face by entertaining even the thought of electing
him as the first black male President.

Obama wants Americans to believe he has enough foreign

experience based on the fact that he was born in Hawaii, the son
of a Muslim Kenya, African, father and white mother from Kansas;
subsequently lived with his mother and Indonesian Muslim
stepfather in that country and was educated within the Muslim
faith when he was six to ten, at which time his mother sent him
back to Hawaii to live with her parents. Travel as a child does not
count towards having Foreign Service experience in America for
purposes of high-level, international discourse with a variety of

But, where he has a memory lapse, also, is about what was he

doing for three weeks in 1981, when he visited Pakistan? His
mother lived there for a time during his childhood. And, if he was
visiting her, why wouldn't he say so? Has he also forgotten that, in
1981, he lived, however briefly, with a Pakistani roommate when
he attended Columbia, University, in New York? And does Obama
remember why he visited the Middle East? Somehow, he came up
with a sudden memory lapse and cannot provide answers to those

However, as recently as the 2007 Election in Kenya,

Africa, between their current President Kbaki and Obama's
cousin, Odinga, Obama personally interfered as a United States
Senator to impact that foreign political matter by speaking on
Odinga's behalf and by contributing a large monetary sum towards
Odinga's candidacy. Obama had been joined in Kenya by Dick
Morris and his wife, who had said they were there as pro bono
consultants to ensure Odinga's success as a candidate. They failed
in the attempt and violence broke out in that nation, because Kbaki
retained his Presidency. Morris was run out of the country, but not
before he had also contributed a large sum of money towards
Odinga's candidacy. When has any ethical person ever helped a
client pro bono and then turned around and given money to them?

Despite Morris' widely disseminated videotaped appearance at a

Kenyan press conference where he stated his purpose of being in
the country was to help Odinga, and further, despite the public
circulation of a photograph showing Obama and Odinga together
at that time, nevertheless, Obama's presidential campaign has
labeled as attacks and smears anybody who has produced evidence
to substantiate their allegations about the relationship and funds
they left in Africa to support Odinga.

Who is to be believed? Can we not trust our own eyes? More

importantly, can we not trust Obama to give us a straight account
about why he continues to solicit foreign funds for his political
campaign in America?

Obama has defined himself by the company he keeps. And, this

brings us to some of the foremost noted figures in Obama's past,
present, and future who have remained on track with meeting their
objectives to accomplish their goal of putting a black man in the
White House who would foster their long-time black agenda,
including legislating reparations, acceptance of the black Muslim
programs, with the final blow to democracy being the institution of
the Islamic rule of Sharia Law, because neither Muslims nor
Islamists regard themselves as being under the authority of the
Constitution of the United States even while they reside among us.

Obama, along with his wife, Michelle, have had more than enough
experience combined with rallying the troops and fundraising just
on the basis of their background as professional community
organizers and attorneys to help ensure their victory in this

Both served as co-founders of the Public Allies Corporation in

Chicago, Illinois, and Obama was a Board member until his wife
became executive director in 1993. The website states that it is an
"American nonprofit dedicated to youth leadership development,
founded in 1992 by Vanessa Kirsch and Katrina Browne in
Washington, DC." The introduction goes on to state their core
values are "collaboration, continuous learning, diversity/inclusion,
focus on assets, and integrity." And they have apprenticeships to
join other nonprofits to work together in groups of "6-12 people."
Their having ready-made access to network with such vast
community organizations such as this with locations in key
political states around this nation, gives them an advantage heads
and shoulders above John McCain and the rest where they would,
themselves, have no need to ask for the services of the so-
called 527 lobbyist corporations to rally volunteers or
solicit election contributions on their behalf. What's more, all
such organizations could still work on their behalf and, yet, remain
apart from their campaign reporting, which is compiled by the
Federal Election Commission, which also has oversight of federal
election campaigns.

During Obama's primary campaign, Minister Louis Farrakhan

endorsed his candidacy on behalf of the Nation of Islam, which he
heads. As a result, Obama hurriedly renounced that endorsement
just as he had earlier renounced and denounced Reverend Dr.
Jeremiah Wright, Jr., his former pastor, of the Trinity United
Church of Christ. Furthermore, when the New Black Panther
organization endorsed Barack Obama's candidacy, they were,
likewise, told by the Obama campaign that they would not accept
their endorsement. And, with that, their ad was removed from the
Obama website. However, they have vowed to remain supportive
of the Obama bid for President. Those organizations are located in
Chicago, Illinois, where Obama has lived and worked for over the
past 20 years.

Minister Farrakhan sounded a clear clarion call for the black man,
when he wrote to influence the black Muslims and their advocates
to "evolve from the limited vision of the founding fathers and
repudiate that vision...or say that the darker people will never be
respected as equals inside of this nation." [He was speaking in
America about America].

Farrakhan is a longtime friend of Obama and he also said,

"America lies on her deathbed, is in dire need of guidance and a
new direction. America is steadily on the decline. Her economy is
faltering, her public schools are failing, maintaining the health of
American people has proven too costly, crime is rampant, her sense
of morality seems to have been lost and in general the whole future
of the country has become a big question." quoted: A Torchlight
for America, by Min. Louis Farrakhan. 1993.

There is no way that anybody can convince me that all those who
advocate for separation of the races and creation of a black nation
can for so long withhold their cooperation while they leach off this
nation and then blame America for their vile situation. (Speaking
to the brothers). Hear me!

There is no way I can be persuaded that anybody, regardless of

their race, creed, and gender can come on these shores and bring
their problems with them, and, yet, hold this nation solely

Although, many in black leadership have stepped up and claimed

to have the solution, unfortunately, too many have also kept this
nation bound to the race problem and it has been made into a
cottage industry -- lucrative for everybody but the people who
stand in line waiting for aid in America. So, if the black leaders
have solutions who get their grants and budgets assuredly from this
federal government, now is the time.

For, if you know the solutions but respond only with the problems,
then it is you who are in the wrong and not America! And we are
fed up with shuckers and jivers and schemers and connivers. We
do not have to accept everything and anything that comes down the
pike. We demand your best, because America deserves no less.

Obama's campaign offices are headquartered in Chicago and he

recently moved the entire Democratic National Committee
Headquarters (DNC) into his offices there, with the blessings from
the current head of the DNC, Howard Dean. And, just think, he
isn't even President, yet. But already he is running ahead of
himself, even going so far as to create a brand new Presidential
Seal for himself.

Somebody needs to remind him that this nation has only one
President at the time, and his name is George W. Bush. Didn't he
hear him tell the nation that he was not going to be a lame duck
President? And, where is Congress in all of this outrageously
unethical and unprofessional show before the whole world? We
can do better! And we must!

Obama and his wife and aides no doubt hope to get away with
what I see as them trying to dupe Americans. And they will get
away with it, unless Americans of every hue - and especially white
-wake up and all say, together, with one loud voice, "No way! Not
in America the land that we love!"

And, unless that is done, then Americans can keep going

along with Obama's not-so-hidden agenda filled
with deception and destruction only to rue the day that they
refused to hear or speak out against him and his plans to
change America but without their consent.

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