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Es de suma importancia en este proceso de aprendizaje, conocer muy bien los tratados
De libre de comercio que se tienen en un país, antes de iniciar cualquier operación de
Importación y/o exportación.

Elabore un ensayo en inglés de mínimo tres (3) páginas, que

Dé respuesta a lo siguiente:

• Investigue sobre los tratados de libre comercio que Colombia tiene vigentes con
los Estados Unidos.
• Escriba las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratados para Colombia.

Free trade agreements bring with them benefits that are not only related to commercial
aspects, but are also positive for the economy as a whole: they allow the reduction and
in many cases the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade; they contribute to
improving the competitiveness of companies (because it is possible to have raw material
and machinery at a lower cost); they facilitate the increase in the flow of foreign
investment, by granting investors certainty and stability over time; they help to compete
on equal terms with other countries that have achieved access advantages through
similar trade agreements, as well as to obtain advantages over countries that have not
negotiated preferential trade agreements

Free trade agreements are good because they promote the competitiveness of
companies, specialization, innovation and the creation of new services and industries.
They expand its access to potential markets and place it with competitive advantages
over other markets that do not have agreements.



The free trade agreement (FTA) between Colombia and the United States, approved on
October 12, 2011 by the United States Congress, entered into force on May 15, 2012,
with the aim of promoting trade between the two countries. The Treaty affects all
sectors of the economy and national productive life, including ICT.
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Colombia and the United States is the
beginning of a "new era" in relations between the two countries. “It is one of the most
important days in the history of relations between the United States and Colombia. We
started a new era in the diplomatic and commercial alliance of both countries. With
NAFTA, Colombia enters the big leagues”, said Ambassador Silva. In the last decade,
Colombia's foreign trade policy was based on deepening trade relations with the Andean
Community and efforts to obtain unilateral access to certain markets, especially the
United States, through the ATPA/ATPDEA schemes. and that of the European Union.
Union, through the SGP scheme. He reaffirmed that Colombia is today a country more
open to the world, with a productive sector that has matured and has better conditions to
attract investment and conquer foreign markets. Due to the growing gap between
exports and imports, being the second largest in Colombia, there is evidence of the need
to promote important changes in trade policy, such as the search for new markets and
for this it is important to advance without delay in the signing of treaties of free trade
like the one that decided to negotiate with the United States. After the last extension of
the ATPDEA in 2010, which ended on February 15, 2011, the FTA with the United
States is seen as a possibility for businessmen to make long-term investments. term, that
increase their productive capacity and have stability over time and favorable conditions
for exports. The Colombia-United States FTA is constituted by the rules and procedures
derived from it, which are applicable under equal conditions for both countries. The
FTA is not Law, nor is it made up of them; However, according to the Political
Constitution of our country, international agreements have full rigor and must be
complied with like any other current legislation. The FTA is a kind of guide on how to
export-import between the signatory countries, with general recommendations and
criteria that determine the framework in which each country can act to obtain the
greatest benefits. In this sense, on the one hand, it is necessary for the two countries to
issue legislation on specific issues that take advantage of bilateral conditions; on the
other, each country is free to dictate its national economic policy and take the measures
it deems pertinent to promote international trade and especially to protect and promote
the export of its products

 Otorgan certeza jurídica a quienes exportan para el desarrollo de sus planes de
negocios en el exterior.
 Fomentan la competitividad de las empresas, especialización, innovación y
creación de nuevos servicios e industrias
 Disminuyen brechas y mejoran condiciones para competir con países de
mayores niveles de desarrollo.
 Dan definición y diferenciación como servicios exportables, otorgando
beneficios tributarios y normativos.
 Potencian la investigación, desarrollo y especialización del capital humano.
 Mayores ganancias, fomentando el crecimiento económico.
 Facilidades para exportar e importar gran variedad de productos y servicios.
 Fomento de la inversión extranjera en distintos sectores económicos.
 Generación de empleos tanto nacional como internacionalmente

 Algunos sectores nacionales pueden verse afectados por la competencia
 Pueden contribuir en el aumento del desempleo y la inestabilidad económica.
 Ciertos acuerdos pueden tener condiciones desiguales, en los que se favorece
más a una de las partes.
 El contrabando, que se refiere a el ingreso de mercancía sin pagar los impuestos
 algunos sectores de la producción nacional se pueden ver afectados con la
suscripción de los tratados de libre comercio al abrirse a la competencia

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