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13/5/2021 Final Test Service course on MyLab X75, X8 and 9 Families

Final Test Service course on MyLab

X75, X8 and 9 Families
Dated 11/12 of May 2021. The test is composed by 10 Questions, with 8 ok passed, less not
passed. Before there is there is the evaluation about the quality of the training.

Puntos: 9/10

1. Insert your full name (for the certificate) *

Mario Francisco Padilla Guevara

2. Insert your company name (for the certificate) *

INEQ Médica

3. Insert your country name *


4. Insert your E-Mail address (without a correct mail address no certificate) *… 1/5
13/5/2021 Final Test Service course on MyLab X75, X8 and 9 Families

5. Express your evaluation of this course? (Very bad-1 star; Average-2 stars;
Good-3 starts; Very good-4 stars) *


6. Express your evaluation of the speakers? (Very bad-1 star; Average-2 stars;
Good-3 starts; Very good-4 stars) *


7. Express your evaluation of the audio visual aids (slides, transparencies, general
didactic material, ecc.) (Very bad-1 star; Average-2 stars; Good-3 starts; Very
good-4 stars) *


8. Do you evaluate the contact between the speakers and the attendees? (Very
bad-1 star; Average-2 stars; Good-3 starts; Very good-4 stars) *


9. How do you evaluate the knowledge transfer material? (Very bad-1 star;
Average-2 stars; Good-3 starts; Very good-4 stars) *


10. What do you think about the course topics with respect to goals and your
expectations? *

Good topics, the more important topics where covered… 2/5
13/5/2021 Final Test Service course on MyLab X75, X8 and 9 Families

11. Problems and/or suggestions? *

Maybe more tips and tricks that are not described on the manuals and presentations

12. Here starts the qestionnaire - What is the ID button *

(1 Punto)

Is a battery for the BIOS settings

Is one memory where is stored a code (00000000XXXXXXX), used to geenrate all the
licenses of the machine

Is the memory where all the licenses are stored

13. How many Front END DFB are present on ML 9 units *

(1 Punto)

14. Which is the dfference on ML 9 between the Basic and Cardio configuration *
(1 Punto)

Basic has less licenses available than Cardio but same hardware configuration

The Basic unit is the ML 9, the cardio is the 9eXP

The basci has the DFB (front end) who can't manage the CW doppler and there isn't the
ECG board

15. Where do you find the ID button on ML 9 *

(1 Punto)


DFB… 3/5
13/5/2021 Final Test Service course on MyLab X75, X8 and 9 Families


16. Where do you find ID button on ML X75 *

(1 Punto)




17. The SW release for ML X8, X75 and 9 *

(1 Punto)

Is the same for all the families

every family has his own software pack

ML 9 has his own SW pack and ML X8 and X75 use the same

18. Which operative systema is installed on ML X75 *

(1 Punto)




19. In which way you can adjust the brightness/contrast on a monitor for ML
9/X8? *
(1 Punto)

on the monitor itself there are the related keys

The monitor is locked by software, on the unit's touchscreen there is a menu where you
can select some settings to control the parameters

You can set them direclty on the monitors only using the service key… 4/5
13/5/2021 Final Test Service course on MyLab X75, X8 and 9 Families

20. To format a machine *

(1 Punto)

you must use the windows disk present in every machine

you must replace the hard disk

Yo uhave to download one ISO file and "burn" one USB pendrive and mofidy the BIOS
to boot from this device

21. After the Format with the release F090101 *

(1 Punto)

All the SW is new, The old data have been erased and can't be find anymore

Only windows is erased and the database is saved

Only the database is erased and Winodws is saved

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