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Communication between animals

PRESENTACIÓN: Good morning professor , we are the team formed by Alejandra Ochoa and me
Valery Allca . Then we will have a conversation about animal communicátion.

Valery: Hi Ale ,nice to see you again. How are you?

A: I'm fine, thank you very much for asking Valery. You're right we haven't talked for a long
time .
V: What have you been doing all this time?
A: I was on vacation at a camp. I tell you that in that place I saw a honeycomb and I found
their way of communicating very interesting, so I decided to investigate more in books.
V: Really? That's interesting. And what did you find out?
A: I learned that they have a very special form of communication. They exchange messages
like: “There is a lot of nectar nearby”; “Danger, there are enemies”, among others. They use
smell, touch and dance in their communication.
V: What a peculiar( pekiuliar) way of communication, it is so different from ours.
A: And, what have you done during these holidays?
V :Well... I went to visit a chimpáenzee sanctuary (senchuerri). I learned that they
communicate through( throo) gestures( yesturs), facial expressions and vócalizations. An
interesting fact is that they use their sense of smell to recognize( recognice) family members
and to choose mates.
A: Wow, that's so cute and also interesting.
V: Yes, they are generally very cute, but when they feel threatened (trendd)they raise their
arms, hit the ground or look directly at another chimp. At that moment they are very scary.
A: I would have been scared too. But I understand that they are guided by their instincts
unlike us as humans, so it is natural that they react that way.
V: You're right. Oh, my God! Shall we continue the conversation another day? I forgot I had
classes at the university today.
A: Of course, it was good talking to you. Good luck in your classes, bye.
Good morning professor ,
we are the team formed by Alejandra Ochoa and me Valery Allca .
Then we will have a conversation about animal communicátion.

Valery: Hi Ale ,nice to see you again. How are you?

V: What have you been doing all this time?

V: Really? That's interesting. And what did you find out?

V: What a peculiar( pekiuliar) way of communication,

it is so different from ours.

V :Well... I went to visit a chimpáenzee sanctuary (senchuerri). I learned that they sense of
smell to recognize( recognice) family
members and to choose mates.

V: Yes, they are generally very cute, but when communicate through( throo) gestures(
facial (fecial) expressions and vócalizations.
An interesting fact is that they use their

they feel threatened (trendd) they raise their arms,

hit the ground or look directly at another chimp.
At that moment they are very scary.

V: You're right. Oh, my God! Shall we continue

the conversation another day? I forgot I had
classes at the university today.

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