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Joy Obert

Jeni Tetamore

ENG 1021 - 201

6 September 2022

Expedition Proposal

My topic is going to be about how art and travel are intertwined and how they influence

one another. I might stick with just visual arts like drawing and painting, or I may expand into

dance, writing, or any other forms of art. How do the experiences people get from travel

influence their art and what does that mean for the world? This is the question I will be aiming to

answer throughout this project. I am very passionate about both art and travel but had a difficult

time choosing between the two. In my personal experience, the art I’ve created has been heavily

impacted by the perspectives I’ve gained from my travels. I hope to learn more about how these

two things correlate in my own life as well as on a worldwide scale. I also hope to learn how to

structure my writing in a compelling way and capture my thoughts in a new manner.

For my personal narrative, I want to write about a few specific instances where travel

experiences have directly influenced my art and what I did with that. I would like to put it in a

short story form or another way that let me tell it through a story. For my research analysis, I

would like to learn more about how different people or cultures use art and travel to convey

things to the rest of the world. Finally, for my advertisement, I would like to make either a book

insert or a magazine page about why more people should be open to experiencing new things

through travel and letting it impact the art they create.

Although I’m not all the way set on who my audiences should be, I want my personal

narrative to be intended for someone I know from my life. For my other two projects, I would
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like my audiences to be more global and directed toward people who need inspiration or want to

find new perspectives on the world. I imagine I will run into issues involving getting my point

across and writing in a captivating manner. I’m fairly sure my personal narrative won’t have

many issues, but the rest of the projects will be slightly more challenging. I want to be able to

keep up my motivation while also writing in an interesting and intriguing style. To accomplish

this, I’m going to try writing out all my ideas first and then organizing them after. I find it’s

much easier to get ideas and points onto paper first, then worry about formatting once that’s


I want to find the connection between art and travel and how people use that personally

and also how it affects society in general. This will be important in understanding how cultures

and people relate to each other and how it affects individuals. I hope to accomplish this by using

my own experiences, finding out more about different perspectives on it, and convincing others

to do the same.

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