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Obert 1

Joy Obert

Jeni Tetamore

English 1021

Advertisement Artist Statement

The purpose of my advertisement was to convince people to go on a tour around the

world which also included making art of the destinations. To do this, I wanted to make the layout

simple yet effective and not include too much extra information. I put it in the format I did so it

would be multifunctional for magazines, websites, social media, and many other forms. The

layout of the actual ad aims to draw the reader in with a simple color scheme, not too much text

to read, and info on how to learn more.

My audience for this project was mainly people wanting to get out of their comfort zone.

To appeal to them, I made the new experience of travel a more comfortable concept and made it

seem not as threatening. I really want people to have their own experiences with art and travel,

and a simple tour would be an interesting way to get them started. When people don’t feel safe

outside of their comfort zones, trying new things like this seems scary, but I aimed to make it

more relaxing.

In my advertisement, I tried to use ethos, pathos, and logos equally. I incorporated ethos

by noting where to find more information about the tours and where to sign up, which

established more credibility. If someone wanted to see if the company was credible, they had

resources they could go to to find out. Pathos was used when I described the tour as being unique

and a once chance opportunity. This makes the audience feel as though they’re being invited to

something new and interesting, but also with the comfort of doing it with a group. Finally, I used
Obert 1

logos when I put in the part about a discount for the first 50 people who sign up. Logically,

people would want to sign up first so they can have a discount on their trip.

What makes my ad good for lots of mediums is that it is simple but eye-catching. I

changed fonts a few times to draw the audience in and space the text out so it wouldn’t be

overwhelming. The simple background of the ocean also helps the viewer envision the kinds of

places the tour will take them to, which strengthens their desire to come along. Overall, the goal

was to capture the audience’s attention with simplicity and style.

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