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Student Fall 2022

English 1301
Tristan Rodriguez
30 September 2022

Synthesis Project

Writing has many aspects to understand and to be able to remember. Having these types of

aspect can help you become a stronger writer. When writing everyone will experience failure

which is a important part of writing development (Collin Brooke and Allison Carr 2016). This is

just a part of having practice, time, and effort. (Kathleen Blake Yancey 2016). Writers can always

have different thoughts and different ways of starting a writing piece. With writers take different

strategies that work more efficiently for them.

When writing or composing a writing piece effectively requires different kinds of practice,

time, and effort (Kathleen Blake Yancey 2016). Practice can help you become a stronger writer.

Practice can also be from your errors and revising it can help you for the next time you write. This

can help you fix the errors you made and for next time you won’t make them again. Having errors

does not mean you have failed but having that failure can help you and it can help you improve

your writing skills. As said in concept 4 “the writing we encounter has been heavily revised and

edited and is sometimes the result of a great deal of failure” (collin Brooke and Allison Carr 2016).

Failure is a good thing to happen. This will help you know what you should work on or where your

weakness is in the writing. “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to

start somewhere.” (Lamott 1995,303). This has a great way of what it means to have failure happen

in your writing.
For being a good writer does not mean you know everything. Everyone has many things to

learn. Everyone can learn something new about writing even if you think you know everything.

Writers will struggle on how to start their writing or what to write about. Everyone has different

strategies when it comes down to writing. There are many things to learn about writing and you

probably won’t know everything, but to have some source of knowledge would help you get a

basic understanding on should be presented in the writing. One thing to understand is that the

strategies will not work in every writing situation. For example, if you are writing an

autobiography, you would want to talk about yourself that what the essay would be about. As for

an essay that has a topic you would talk about that and only focus on that topic. Usually, you

would not want to write in first person.

In conclusion, when having failure, practice, effort, time and being able to learn different

aspects of writing are some of the parts of composing a writing piece. Being able to perform these

aspects can make you a stronger writer. Failure can help you correct your mistakes you have made.

Having practice will have you learn and understand what is expected. Every writer has more to

learn about writing even if you think you know everything.


Collin Brooke and Allison Carr (2016). All writers have more to learn. In L. Adler-Kassner & E.

Wardle (Eds.), Naming what we know: Threshold concepts of writing studies (pp.59-62).

University press of Colorado.

Kathleen Blake Yancey (2016). Learning to write effectively requires different kinds of practice,

time, and effort. In L. Adler-Kassner & E. Wardle (Eds.), Naming what we know: Threshold

concepts of writing studies (pp.64-65). University press of Colorado.

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