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Reaction Paper in Gen Bio

Stem cells are the raw material cells in the body that give rise to all other cells with
specific roles. Under the correct conditions, stem cells divide to generate new cells
known as daughter cells in the body or in a laboratory. These daughter cells may
differentiate into additional stem cells or become specialized cells with a more particular
role, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells. No other cell in
the body has the potential to naturally produce new cell types.
In the article I've read about stem cells, everything that I know about stem cells recently
is that they can be used to become different kinds of cells in the body. Researchers said
that there are two kinds of stem cells: one is embryonic stem cells and the other is
adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated, they said, meaning they
don’t have a specific structure or function like other cells do. However, on the other
hand, adult stem cells are cells that have the potential to become all other kinds of cells
in our body. They replace worn out cells or dead cells to accumulate what the body has
lost. Scientists have also been researching a way that stem cells could be used to
create a very special kind of personal medicine, in which we could replace our own
body parts with our own biologically developed stem cells. Then these specialized stem
cells can then be implanted in certain parts of our body, whether it is in our organs,
tissue, or blood.
Although the discovery of adult stem cells is extremely important for modern medicine, it
does have some downsides, including the likelihood that they are less adaptable and
durable than embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells' ability to create all cell types may
be limited, which limits their effectiveness in disease treatment. Adult stem cells are also
more prone to abnormalities as a result of environmental hazards such as poisons or
errors picked up during replication. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are more
versatile than previously thought.
We should also take into account that many social and ethical considerations will likely
be limited since this research involves someone's life just for the sake of experimenting.
They still need to find out how they work and how they can control them to do what they
want, and not produce and grow them uncontrollably in a lab. People would debate and
oppose this research because there is this new ongoing experiment that they call
"therapeutic cloning," where it’s a concept of cloning a patient, growing an embryo
from the cloned cells, and then extracting stem cells from the lab-grown embryo to grow
a specific organ needed by the patient. The ethical debate that’s been bugging people is
focused on defining, "When does life start?" They don’t like the idea of us playing God.
But later, they do know that in the future, the people that are opposed to it will soon be
benefiting from the contribution of the Scientists.

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