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a. Personal response to each material/process explored in class relating it to course

I was excited for the music guest to come into class because I love music and have always loved
playing instruments. During this experience there were a few moments where I felt unprepared
and put on the spot. It was discouraging, but it was a low-stakes environment, so it was okay.
We did an activity where we danced and sang along to a Pete the Cat story. This song was very
upbeat and used the sounds that make me feel very happy. There were many instances where
the class depended on keeping count at the same time. During this part there were a few times
where we got off the beat as a class and had to reach that equilibrium again. When we were all
in the same rhythm, there was a sense of community between everyone.
b. Images and captions that illustrate process and learning and document the material

In this image you can see me and my classmates dancing to the song in the story Pete the Cat.

One activity was everyone choosing a dance move in the four-beat rhythm and the rest of the
class copying said move. This is an image of my classmates doing MY dance!
Here is an example of me and my classmates all having to be on the same beat, building and
expressing the community.
c. Two ideas for classroom explorations and curriculum integration.
-One idea for a lesson could be to analyze cultural music from the neighboring Native American
tribes such as the Lummi nation. I imagine analyzing a few variety of chants by first think about
how it makes them feel and respond to the tone of the music. I then would want to share the
meaning of the specific songs to compare to how they felt while listening. MU:Re8.1.2.a.
Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts and how they support creators’/ performers’
expressive intent. The CCSS that could be discussed is W.2.1. Write opinion pieces in which they
introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that
support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and
reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section. The students could respond to the
music first in writing.
-Another lesson could be to research different pieces of music from a specific time. In this
lesson they could analyze a time period of their choice and produce a project such creating
their own music that fits the time period. The music arts standard that this could line up with is
MU:Pr6.1.3.a. Perform music with expression and technical accuracy. The CCSS could be W.3.7.
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. This would help the
students to create an example of music and why they chose this.
d. Extra Materials:
Link to the PowerPoint that Patricia Bourne used during our class

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