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Language Arts Literacy Integration Research




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Language Arts Literacy Integration Research

Research on the leadership of academic and nonacademic programs.

Many learning institutions have established academic leadership studies programs to

involve students in the understanding and practice of leadership, certifying expertise and

preparing them to participate in the leadership process. Several educational institutions engaged

in leadership programming and/or analysis, often with little to no relationship to one another,

contribute to leadership growth (Grünenwald & Imelli, 2017). Academic programs that award

degrees, cocurricular programs that provide seminars, professional training programs, and

disciplinary study in leadership are all examples of these fields. There are over 2,000 academic

and non-academic leadership studies programs across all higher education institutions (Le et al.,

2018). These leadership studies programs differ in terms of the degrees they offer, which range

from minors to Ph.D.’s, as well as the departments in which they are located, which include

fields of study, interdisciplinary programs, and technical programs.

The emergence of leadership studies as an interdisciplinary field of research, one that

does not obey conventional disciplinary norms, may explain the inconsistency among programs.

It was argued that leadership studies required an interdisciplinary approach in order to

understand and practice leadership (Le et al., 2018). Unlike disciplines with more rigid

knowledge boundaries and consistent analysis methods, interdisciplinary fields of study combine

knowledge from various disciplines to solve a problem or address a question that cannot be

answered using a single tool or approach.

Expectations for schools and school leaders are evolving as countries strive to adapt their

educational systems to the needs of modern society (Le et al., 2018). Many countries have

pushed toward decentralization, giving schools more autonomy in making decisions and keeping

them more accountable for their outcomes. Around the same time, schools are under pressure to

use more evidence-based instructional methods in order to increase overall student achievement

by representing more diverse student populations. There is substantial evidence that school

leaders can improve student learning by shaping the conditions and climate within each school.

The vital role of school leadership in the improvement of school efficiency has constantly been

highlighted by a wide range of research into school effectiveness and shifts from different

countries and school contexts (Grünenwald & Imelli, 2017).

Studies show that there is a largely indirect link between school leadership and student

learning. Given that school leaders spend most of their time outside the classroom, their impact

on student education is largely mediated by other people, activity and organizational factors,

such as teachers and schools (Le et al., 2018). The fact that these factors mediate the relationship

between leadership and learning highlights the role of the school leader in determining the

conditions of good education.

Approaches to coordinating among curricula, instructional technologies, and other


Incorporation of instructional technology in the classroom has the ability to aid in the

achievement of critical educational objectives. It has been argued that technology aids in the

transformation of teacher-student relationships, promotes project-based learning, and aids in the

development of skills such as "higher order thinking," research, and problem solving (Vallera &

Bodzin, 2020). However, the most significant explanation for calculating is the realization that

the effect of technology on schools is determined by how well it is integrated.

The visual design of most instructional technologies can help learners understand abstract

concepts by allowing them to manipulate and communicate with concrete representations. This is

particularly true in virtual worlds like Second Life, where students use immersion headsets or a

desktop computer to interact with realistic, computer-generated contexts (Yearta, 2019). This

approach to learning reduces the challenge of disembodied thought and encourages students with

special needs to experience topics in ways they wouldn't otherwise be able to. The performance

gap between students with and without disabilities would be exacerbated by a lack of appropriate

methods for engaging with curricular material. On the other hand, educational technology will

aid in the development of knowledge and skills that will help to close the gap and promote future

learning endeavors (Vu et al., 2019).

Students' work is supported by organizational resources such as sensitive idea maps and

writing organizers, which reduce the need for them to commit key aspects of the task to memory.

This assistance will boost students' productivity, allowing them to do more work in less time.

Instructional technologies also help students with disabilities learn material literacy by providing

alternate modes of access (Vu et al., 2019). Finally, encouraging students to read, develop and

rewrite digital texts can enhance their understanding, prepare for a technological future and allow

them to better understand print and web writing conventions.

In addition to assisting ability growth, instructional technology can help students with

disabilities cope with some of the cognitive demands they face (Le et al., 2018). Spell-checking

and word prediction, touchscreen navigation, simple text organization, and ease of correcting

errors can all help students better interact with the content by reducing the amount of cognitive

processing needed for learning. By providing extra time and alternate learning environments,

these technologies can help to alleviate cognitive stress. Students can work through course

material at their own speed using virtual environments and e-learning solutions (Vu et al., 2019).

Approaches to coordinating among academic and nonacademic systems.

Non-academic service programs are thought to help students succeed academically but

aren't explicitly academic. They can happen informally, through in-class interactions, or

informally, through formally organized programs (Hubbard et al., 2020). Learning groups, for

instance, in addition to providing social support to restructuring and teaching methods, also

provide academic support in several formal programs promoting non-academic support. This is

symbiotic and multiplicative for academic programs such as tutoring, developmental education

and non-academic assistance. Non-academic programs differ from academic assistance, on the

other hand, because they concentrate on different qualifications and experience and facilitate

development through different processes for students (Le et al., 2018).

 Discovery of non-academic support networks illustrates how colleges can help students

achieve their educational goals. Learners who appear to be academically qualified need

assistance in navigating the world of postsecondary education. Non-academic supports that

facilitate these four pathways may help institutions enhance student outcomes (Grünenwald &

Imelli, 2017). The processes may be applied across a combination of formal as well as informal

support programs. Students should, however, be exposed to them—ideally through an integral

approach integrating such assistance as college students into their daily lives. One way to

provide disruptive non-academic support is the integration of non-academic support in the

regular curriculum of academic subjects (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020). By training in teaching

methods, which encourage developing relationships and help students develop their cultural

capital or college skills, university schools can be "deputized" to assist employees in their

teaching. For example, English teachers might be taught how cultural capital learning can be

incorporated into their classes. In order to help students, improve mathematical skills as they also

know about the financial assistance process, math’s professors could include Free application for

federal student in their courses (Le et al., 2018).

Long-term achievement is not achieved in most schools, which mostly focus on academic

skills. According to an increasing body of research focused on child development science, non-

academic and socially emotional skills such as problem solving, social cognition and growth and

self-regulation have an increasing impact on academic results, and performance in the workplace

and in life (Hubbard et al., 2020). While some would consider these skills additional, recent

studies have shown that what we have long seen as the weaker side of education is really needed

to succeed. States are exploring ways for teaching and evaluating nonacademic skills as a result

of Every Student Succeeds Act, which allows states to incorporate at least one nonacademic

metric in their school accountability frameworks. Since there is a risk of confusion and damage,

schools should approach this opportunity with rigor and accountability (Hubbard et al., 2020).

Educators can decide the best ways to bring nonacademic skills into the classroom by thinking

about what to emphasize.

Evidence-based curricula, use of technology, and other supports for academic and

nonacademic programs.

As attempts to incorporate and change STEM (science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics) and education become more pressing, it is vital that curriculum designers

systematically integrate academic disciplines and consider developing programs that involve

agriculture as a key to integration (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020). Various studies have shown that

while many teachers endorse and appreciate farming, they cannot be included in their curricula

and classrooms. Many agricultural literature materials may be used by teachers, but due to

curriculum limitations and high-level assessments, lack of interests or expertise in teachers can

lead to these learning resources being kept out of the classroom (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020).

Agriculture may improve learning opportunities in the classroom by providing reliable

and real-world examples that foster deep thinking and development of knowledge, while also

using innovative technologies to empower students to benefit from authenticity. Regardless of

the disconnection between Americans and agriculture, the agricultural system has an effect on

every aspect of our life and should be thus a major subject of study. In primary school,

agriculture can be implemented (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020).

Agriculture can be used to increase the participation, involvement and skills of students

in all areas at the same time as a tool for integration. The connections between topics are evident

and the achievements of students have been measured by their awareness and attitude testing

scores. Something was most noteworthy, however, was the fact that not only were students

concerned about STEM and about agriculture, but they also enjoyed their work and they were

encouraged to finish the day after day (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020).

Music, narrative, text, photographs, and/or short videos are all part of the multimodal

construct of digital storytelling. It was discovered that showing students several examples first

helped them grasp the meaning of digital storytelling. The students then worked together to

evaluate their work (Hubbard et al., 2020).

Infrastructures for the ongoing support of academic and nonacademic programs.

Good school infrastructure with good facilities is a great place to learn for the students.

The influence of education space on the students is designed to recognize students in schools'

academic and non-academic well-being (Le et al., 2018). It is exciting and motivates students to

attend school, which in turn improves students' participation and interest in learning. It is

therefore necessary for schools to have good infrastructure to improve the students' performance

and to improve the system of the school. Good schooling is important, but also child friendly

environments and activity and value-based learning should be emphasized at the same time (Le

et al., 2018).

Infrastructure growth is a critical factor to be taken into consideration, not only in schools

but also in higher education institutions. The word infrastructure is extensive and includes a

variety of facets. This includes playgrounds, libraries, labs, computer centers, electronics,

machinery, instruments and equipment (Grünenwald & Imelli, 2017). Members of educational

institutions need to invest in infrastructure upgrades. When infrastructure upgrades take place,

people will be able to do their work responsibly and to advance educational institutions.

The members will perform their job well coordinated with the availability of adequate

infrastructure facilities in schools. schools normally use computers, technology and need proper

furniture, equipment and materials to perform their tasks effectively in their offices (Le et al.,

2018). Whilst the teachers can do their jobs efficiently when there are sufficient infrastructural

facilities inside the classrooms. Their commitment to teaching academic concepts to students

would be essential and their growth and development would be promoted. In addition, the

number of students enrolled in schools will be increased. The students will focus on learning and

enjoy going to schools in an efficient manner (Le et al., 2018). Students will be able to meet their

academic goals and non-academic goals by including basketball courts, swimming pools, school

gardens, play area and other facilities. In gaining an understanding of infrastructure

characteristics, focus is placed on how infrastructural facilities are beneficial in promoting

both academic and non-academic achievement (Luna et al., 2015). In addition, it is necessary to

identify how school members can effectively use them to carry out their work in the right way.

Integrating reading skills into an interdisciplinary lesson and/or unit of study.

According to CCSS (Common Core State Standards) reports, informational reading

includes content-rich nonfiction in history/social studies, humanities, science studies, and the

arts. The K–5 standards strongly recommend that texts be selected to help students develop a

holistic understanding of the world, both within and through grades (Hubbard et al., 2020).

Social studies teachers in PreK-6 usually accept that it is the primary educator's responsibility to

ensure that young students understand basic concepts. In addition, skills (for example, critical

thought, research, discussion, decision-making based on facts and negotiation) are integrated and

built over the early years. However, it is widely accepted that social studies in American schools

have long been overlooked; many say that this is due to the emphasis on subjects evaluated by

government which exclude social studies (Hubbard et al., 2020). As a result, there has been little

professional development and teachers confess that they have no idea how to study socially.

PreK–6 Science Training has a vision that enables students to develop and use models, to

perform research and to take part in arguments based on facts. Learning science and engineering

needs involvement in research processes (Grünenwald & Imelli, 2017). Young students learn to

understand readings and to gather, assess and communicate data; this should not, however, be the

scope for science training for a student. State and governmental policies are marginalizing

disciplinary science programs in favor of large-scale education and learning, in similar ways to

preK-6 social studies (Hubbard et al., 2020).They spend the remainder of the school year looking

for homonyms in texts, and the homonymous lesson encourages them to develop their reading. It

can be concluded that, despite receiving no objective details, students' comprehension of the text

improves when they encounter words from various fields and authentic contexts. 

Integrating writing skills into an interdisciplinary lesson and/or unit of study.

The immersive storytelling multidisciplinary style, which incorporates social studies and

English language arts, extends the possibilities to learn in depth and makes students writers

(Yearta, 2019). Students engaged in the digital narration of all the above-mentioned subjects,

including enhanced inspiration, enhanced knowledge and deeper understanding of the content.

During seven weeks, beginning in January and ending in February, their immersive storytelling

project took place (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020). The students employed a workshop approach,

regularly met for short lessons and gave collective input and understood the recursive essence of

writing activity. They use interactive resources for analysis and make the whole writing process

composing and revision easier.

Choices are important because students are more likely to be creative when they have a

personal involvement in their work. The US Revolution was their project, and the teacher

ensured that students could pick a topic within those parameters (Yearta, 2019). Among the

topics which the students investigated were the Stamp Law, the Boston Tea Party, the Bunker

Hill Battle, the Lexington and Concord Battle, Betsy Ross and King George III.

Although a large portion of the writing took place during the project after students had

researched and understood their theme. Every day a short lesson would be given, for example to

teach students how to stitch scripted text, write storyboards and select pictures. After the short

lesson, students went to writing; some of them chose to write on their desks, some chose to put

their beans in bag chairs and a few opted to relax on the tapestry (Yearta, 2019). There were

various forms of writing resources also available to students. They can draw up on your iPads, on

a laptop or using a notebook and pen, for instance. After a script was developed, the students

moved onto other sections, such as shortening the script, choosing the relevant pictures, and

storytelling the script. Students received timely and appropriate input from peers and instructors

during the study, writing and preparation process (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020).

After students had crafted together their writings and were pleased with the product, they

exported each piece with the video choice of Book Creator. Students were writers in the whole

process. These pupils worked on an authentic writing course, which encourages teamwork,

innovation and in-depth content education instead of following a written curriculum. In addition,

it is possible to help students recall knowledge by making digital stories, and by watching digital

stories of others (Yearta, 2019). This is probably because pictures are easier to store and retrieve

than words or numbers in our brains. Teachers can use interactive tools to facilitate authentic

learning experiences by combining the subject areas. Students benefit.

Integrating listening and speaking skills into an interdisciplinary lesson and/or unit.

of study

 Teacher use theoretical framework and systemically functional linguistics to help their

students understand the academic language and participate in the community traditions of the

planting and disciplinary methods of science and language arts (Vu et al., 2019). The writing,

reading, listening and developing concepts using the vocabulary of the discipline are all essential

components of study as shown by the Guidelines of NGSS for science and engineering practices

(McGarry, 2019). As they engage in academic exercises in science while in a garden

environment, children learn to use academic vocabulary to demonstrate their understanding in

sciences and language arts. In a study carried out, second-grade teachers merged science and

ELA by including the introduction of homonyms in the form of words play and new ways of

thinking about words (Luna et al., 2015). The homonymous course inspired children to learn

about language creatively and use it for (speaking) interpretation in science. The results from the

study show that in the second-grade school, basic material for the Language Arts, such as

homonyms and their implementations, can be applied and mastered (Luna et al., 2015).

In addition, the studies show that these homonymous understandings are preserved over

time and that students still use them in subsequent lessons in contexts beyond GBL. These

enhancements and retention of CCSS-aligned language skills show primary teacher the potential

for the acquisition of ELA content and its integration into science learning in an authentic sense

specifically the GBL. In addition, the teachers' science/ELA integration showed in this article

that students have acquired additional expertise in ELA such as observing, listening, writing and

description (Luna et al., 2015).

In its study of 67 ESL students in secondary schools, Tangen and Fielding Barnsley

found that school gardening helped to improve English speaking and writing. Desmond,

Grieshop and Subramaniam (2004) describe an educational gardening project which gained self-

assurance from non-English speaking students and families (Vallera & Bodzin, 2020). ELL

student(s), particularly in the GBL context, may benefit from learning about homonyms. Since

these words have many significances, homonyms are an efficient way of enhancing vocabulary

and articulation. The reading, writing, thinking and developing concepts using the vocabulary of

the discipline are all essential components of study as shown by the Guidelines of NGSS for

science and engineering practices (Luna et al., 2015).


Grünenwald, K., & Imelli, B. (2017). The Challenge of Demographic Change. In Vital


Hubbard, J., Fowler, M., & Freeman, L. (2020). PreK–5 Teacher Views of Professional

Development Integrating Common Core Language Arts with Science and Social Studies.

Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 10(1).

Le, V.-N., Kirby, S., Barney, H., Setodji, C., & Gershwin, D. (2018). School Readiness,

Full-Day Kindergarten, and Student Achievement: An Empirical Investigation. In School

Readiness, Full-Day Kindergarten, and Student Achievement: An Empirical Investigation.

Luna, M. J., Rye, J. A., Forinash, M., & Minor, A. (2015). Gardening for Homonyms:

Integrating Science and Language Arts to Support Children’s Creative Use of Multiple Meaning

Words. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 52(4).

McGarry, K. (2019). Multitextual Literacy in Educational Settings: Contextual Analysis

and the Dab. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 4(2).

Vallera, F. L., & Bodzin, A. M. (2020). Integrating STEM with AgLIT (Agricultural

Literacy Through Innovative Technology): The Efficacy of a Project-Based Curriculum for

Upper-Primary Students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 18(3).

Vu, V., Warschauer, M., & Yim, S. (2019). Digital Storytelling: A District Initiative for

Academic Literacy Improvement. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 63(3).

Yearta, L. (2019). Integrating Social Studies and English Language Arts: Digital Stories

and the Revolutionary War. Reading Teacher, 73(2).



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