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Prominent absenteeism among students has been an area of concern to

institutions, administrators, teachers, parents and the society as it poses a detrimental

influence on the progress of students’ learning experience and academic

achievement. UK Essays (2018) defined absenteeism as a continual interruption of

attendance as a failure to appear, especially for work or any other duty. Balfanz and

Byrnes (2012) identified absenteeism as based on total days of school missed,

including both excused and unexcused absences. Absences from school for any

reason recognized as legitimate, for example, attendance at religious ceremonies,

illness of the pupil or a member of the pupil’s family, or death in the home. On the

other hand, unexcused absences refer to absences from school for reasons that are

not recognized as legitimate, for example, absence because of play, truancy, illegal

work, etc. (Good, n.d. as cited by UK Essays, (2018)

School absenteeism can be fairly associated with personal, academic, family,

school environment, and social variables. Numerous studies suggest that attendance

level is a determinant of academic success. This claim was proven by significant

relationship between course or graduation grades or standardized test scores and

school or course attendance by several studies conducted. In regarding relationship

between student absenteeism and academic achievement, Epstein and Sheldon

(2002) as cited by Balkıs, Arslan, and Duru (2016) stated that student with

absenteeism miss opportunities to learn the material that enables them to succeed

later in school and; fall behind their classmates in academic achievement.

On any cause, students must go to school since major consequences

mentioned above ensuing will cost students some toll. However, related literatures
pointed out that the major causes of student ‘s absence from schools were families

‘participation in social activities such as attending marriages, deaths, social calls, and

recreational trips. There were risk factors contributing to such absenteeism such as

family health, low income, poor school climate, drug and alcohol use, transportation

problems, and community attitudes towards education (Teasley, 2004 as cited by

Balkis et al., 2016). Furthermore, Wheatley and Spillane (2001) as cited by UK

Essays (2018) pointed that the same characteristics are similarly linked in a range of

research reports as factors contributing to underage school leaving. In other words,

absenteeism for young people is considered as a predictor of academic failure and

leads to many other risk factors. If no measures are taken, absenteeism may be the

beginning of a process ranging from academic failure to dropping out of school

(Demir & Karabeyoğlu, 2016).

Throughout this research, its aim will be focusing on evaluation of

absenteeism considered as a variable that influence students’ academic

achievements and performance while exploring individual factors which cause

absenteeism among senior high school of Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy.

Review of Related Literature

Various authors defined absenteeism in the literature. Clark (2008) as cited by

Demir and Karabeyoglu (2016) described absenteeism as "not attending school

without a legitimate reason." Moreover, he explained the term being absent during the

school day or during a part of the school day without the permission or knowledge of

the student’s family. One student may miss class due to health problems, while

another student may be absent due to a family vacation. Likewise, absenteeism by

Ocak, G., Ocak, I., and Baysal (2011) is a behaviour influencing students’
development negatively through physical, psychological and social reasons. It is

typically based on total days of school missed, including both excused and

unexcused absences (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012). Absenteeism can have detrimental

consequences that can lead to negative effects such as low academic performance

and social problems.

Identification with academics has been theoretically and empirically linked to

various measures of student academic performance. Conferring to Steinmayr, et al.

(2015) as cited by Maina and Aji (2017), the measure to which students excels in their

subject, course, discipline or registered program is called academic performance.

Sometimes expressed as academic achievement, it represents performance outcomes

that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were

the focus of activities in instructional environments.

Moreover, Gökyer (2012) as cited by Ocak et al. (2012) stated that

absenteeism might root from students' negative feelings about school and also

sourced by many different reasons. Ubogu (2004) says that what can cause

absenteeism were illness, financial difficulties, age, social rank, geographical region,

attitudes of teachers, weak school management, high education cost and weather

condition. Mervilde (1981) as cited by Ocak et al., 2012 also reveals that; family

health or financial concerns, poor school environment, drug and alcohol use,

transportation problems, and differing community attitudes towards education are all

conditions that can cause a child not to attend school. Moreover, all parts of school

system are affected by chronic students’ absenteesim. The student who is absent or

truant may fall behind, leading to poor grades, and an increased risk of dropping out

(Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention, n.d as cited by Durborow, 2017).

To expound, one of the pivotal roles of a school management in academic

environment settings is to provide an enabling conducive environment and facilities for

learning as inferred by Schroeder and Maple. According to Gbollie and Keamu (2017),

the nature of motivation and learning strategy used is vital in improving student

learning outcomes. Furthermore, Crocker et al. (2003) as cited by Ali et al., (2009),

considers grade as a factor influencing self-esteem and motivation which may affect

persistence in school and overall well-being. Moreover, it also plays an important role

in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and manpower

of the country, thus responsible for the country’s economic and social development.

The study of Ocak et al., (2011) shows that students' absenteeism can be

grouped into these sub-titles:

A. The causes of absenteeism sourced from school: The attitude of the students and

teachers is affected by the school climate constituted by relationship founded at

school (Mizelle, 1992). School activities, staffs' low competence and understanding,

strict school management cause rebellion among students who perceive it negatively

(Doyle, 1986). Fleming (1995), Williams (2000) and Teasley (2004) emphasize that

difficulties and lack of interest in engaging classes are the reasons of absenteeism.

B. The causes of absenteeism sourced from teachers: Williams (1999), Weller (1996),

Wadesango and Machingambi (2011) state teachers who are critical and have high

expectations from students can cause absenteeism. Teachers' positive attitudes and

behaviours affect students' dedication to school positively; however, authoritarian

attitudes, lack of communication and high expectations from students can cause

absenteeism (Ataman, 2001).

C. The causes of absenteeism sourced from parent: Reasons such as the parenting

style, breakdown of parent, divorce of parent affects students' behaviours (Cüceloğlu,

1996). Balfanz and Byrnes (2012) express family pressure affects the continuity of

students to school negatively. Home environment and family support, family

contribution to school provides the continuity of students (Wang, Haertel & Walberg,


D. The causes of absenteeism sourced from students: Galichon and Friedman (1985)

express students are absent during class without an excuse because of boring

lessons, taught in the course not complying with the expectations of employers,

dislike of the teacher or course, taught in the course not being useful for students'

future career choice. Marburger (2001) takes the issue from a different point of view

and says students' absenteeism is due to not being motivated to learning.

E. The causes of absenteeism sourced from psychology: King and Bernstein (2001)

express students' psychological mood affects their decisions about going to school.

Enomoto (1997) says when students feel being ignored by their teachers, they don't

continue to school. Lotz and Lee (1999) and Durden and Ellis (2003) emphasize if the

students are not motivated sufficiently and they don't have self-esteem, they generally

tend to be absent at school or class.

Moreover, an increasing disinterest in school and academics in general

excessive student is led by absenteeism. According to author Jason A.

Schoeneberger’s ‘’Longitudinal Attendance Patterns’’ study, the probabilities of the

dropping out of a student is increased by frequent absenteeism. It will soon lead to

long term consequences such as lower average incomes, higher incidences of

unemployment, and a higher likelihood of incarceration.

Because of absenteeism has a complex nature, the consequences of high

level school absenteeism can be detrimental for students. In the other words, the

absenteeism among high school students can lead to more negative effect such as

low academic performance and many social problems.

Background of this Study

Students’ absenteeism is one of the alarming issues in private/public high

schools. School administrators, teachers, parents, and the community at large are

challenged oh how to deal with those students who don’t want to study. Students’

absenteeism is a pattern of skipping class and has a negative impact on peer

relationships and community involvement. Students may miss some classes or all of


On the other side, teachers emphasized how significant attendance at

school is for pupils’ education, mental capacity, and social competence. Students who

frequently miss class typically experience difficulties in their social and academic lives.

Students’ absenteeism has a severe impact on their social and academic lives.

Persistently absent kids would miss out important opportunities for peer development

and social connection. Students’ absenteeism has a severe impact on their academic

development and unquestionably causes low self-esteem, social, isolation, and

discontent. Receiving subpar grade as a result of repeated absences may cause

students to skip out on other school activities that are essential for their social and

personal development. Students’ absenteeism impact teachers’ capacity to effectively

present class work. According to Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson and Kirk (2003) teachers

identified effects of absenteeism on children as: academic under-achievement, difficulty

in making friends which could lead to boredom, loss of confidence. Also, prolonged
absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life. Students’ who are absent

from school are at the greatest risk of dropping out of school early.

Objectives of the Study

This paper aims to analyze and evaluate absenteeism and its effect on the

academic performance of the AGMA Grade 12 Senior High School Students.

More specifically, this paper seeks to answer the following objectives:

evaluate effects of absenteeism in terms of Grade Point Average (GPA); to

identify the relationship of absenteeism to students’ coordination among peers

and teachers; and, to conduct a study.

Hypothesis of the Study

1. Absenteeism is not an issue that influence a student’s academic performance in

terms of class cooperation, cooperation among teachers and peers, and Grade

Point Average (GPA).

2. Whether student attends his classes or not, he can still perform well in school and

be academically active.

3. The relationship of student among his peers as well as teachers is not influenced

whether he/she attends school.


Research Design

In the conduct of this project, the survey method will be utilized. The said

method involves close-ended questions providing the respondents a Likert scale

which will provide the corresponding answers. This will allow the researchers to get

precise data which will be analyzed quantitatively.

Instruments Used

A set of structured questionnaires was designed and developed for the

purpose of data collection from the study of Durborow (2017) entitled Factors

Contributing to the Problem of Student Absenteeism in a Rural School and the

study of Mehmood and Khalid (2017) entitled Effects of Absenteeism on

Students Performance. The questionnaire was meant to elicit responses from

the students regarding evaluation of absenteeism and its impact on the

academic performance of the students. The questionnaires were administered

to the students and consequently retrieved upon providing answers to the

questions asked.

Research Locale

The survey will be conducted in Room 12, Senior High School, Agustin

Gutierrez Memorial Academy, Brgy. Poblacion 1, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

Respondents of the Study

This study will include 30 respondents to participate in the data gathering.

The sampling technique that will be used in selection of participants is random

sampling by means of fishbowl method. All Grade 12- General Academic

Strand (GAS) senior high school students from Agustin Gutierrez Memorial

Academy got equal chances of being chosen as respondents of the study.

Results and Discussion

This section provides tabular data which displays the summary of

quantitative data collected by the researchers. Table 1 shows the Grade Point

Average and its corresponding interpretation. Table 2 provides the Numerical

Scale, Statistical Limits and Verbal Descriptions of the weighted mean of the

responses of the participants. Subsequent tables provide the average of the

corresponding value of the answers for every questions.

Table No. 1
Academic Performance Interpretation
94 - 100 Excellent Performance
88 - 93 Superior Performance
82 - 87 Average Performance
75 - 81 Low Performance
Below – 75 Very Low Performance

Table No. 2
Numerical Scale, Statistical Limits and Verbal Descriptions
Numerical Verbal Verbal
Statistical Limits
Scale Descriptions Interpretation
4 3.50 - 4.00 Very Good
3 2.50 - 3.49 Agree Good
2 1.50 - 2.49 Disagree Fair
1 1.00 - 1.49 Very Poor
Table No. 3

Mean Status of the Respondents on the Status of Absenteeism in terms of

Class Participation
Verbal Verbal
No Weighte Ran
Items Descripti Interpretatio
. d Mean k
on n

Students who are absent from

1 class, miss the chance of
class participation.
Due to absenteeism, students
2 can’t raise questions about
any confusion regarding topics
Due to absenteeism, students
miss the chance to clear their
concepts by missing the
valuable information.
4 Students who are persistently
absent from class miss the
chance of small group
discussion within the class.

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