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Eccentric (a) strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way (kỳ quặc)

Assertive (a) someone who is assertive behaves confidently and is not frightened to say
what they want or believe (quyết đoán)

Charming (a) pleasant and attractive

Cynical (a) believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
(hoài nghi, yếm thế, cay độc, vô liêm sỉ)

e.g. She has a pretty cynical view of men.

Egotistical (a) thinking only about yourself and considering yourself better and more
important than other people (tự cao tự đại, ích kỷ) >< altruistic

Gullible (a) easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other
people say

Tactful (a) careful not to say or do anything that could upset sb (khéo xử, lịch thiệp)

e.g. Mentioning his baldness wasn’t very tactful.

Self-conscious (a) nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people
think about you or your actions (ngượng nghịu)

e.g. I always feel a bit self-conscious in a hat.

Self-conscious (a) done in a way that shows you are aware of the effect that is being
produced (often disapproving)

e.g. The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived.

Apprehensive (a) feeling worried about sth that you are going to do or that is going to
happen (sợ hãi, e sợ; lo lắng hoặc sợ điều không hay xảy ra (khi người nói có tính cẩn

e.g. I’m very apprehensive about tomorrow’s meeting.

e.g. I’ve invited a lot of people to the party, but I’m a little apprehensive that no one will

Deprecating ˈdep.rə.keɪ.t̬ ɪŋ/ (a) showing that you think sth is of little value or important
(không tán thành)

e.g. Her deprecating smile clearly showed that she thought I’d said something stupid.
e.g. The teacher gave the boys a deprecating stare.

Self-deprecating (a) trying to make yourself, your abilities, or your achievements seem
less important (tự ti hoặc quá khiêm tốn) (formal)

e.g. a self-deprecating manner/remark

e.g. self-deprecating humour/jokes

well-adjusted (a) khéo hòa nhập (able to deal with people, problems and life in general in
a normal, sensible way)

e.g. The school aims to produce well-adjusted members of society.

Well-mannered (a) lịch sự (behaving in a pleasant and polite way)

e.g. The other visitors were too well-mannered to complain.

Young people =adolescents /teenagers

Wish they were popular = see popularity as a desirable trait

Look down on = having an attitude of superiority

Prevent others from learning = disrupting the classroom

Tend to = be likely to

Be thought to = be perceived to

True character = inherent characteristics

Self-assured (a) having confidence in your own abilities

e.g. The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.

Well-rounded (a) involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas or activities
(rộng và đa dạng; bao quát)

e.g. The article is well rounded and is fair to both sides of the dispute.

e.g. Some experts say that home-schooled children may not receive a well-rounded

Well-behaved (a) có hành vi tốt

e.g. a well-behaved child

self-absorbed (a) self-centred (luôn suy nghĩ người khác nghĩ gì về mình, cái tôi cao)

inconsiderate (a) thiếu suy nghĩ, khinh suất; ích kỉ

e.g. Our neighbours are very inconsiderate – they’re always playing loud music late at

e.g. She thought it was inconsiderate of him not to have asked her friend to the party.

Clinical psychology (n) ngành tâm lý học lâm sàng

Stray (a) đi lạc

e.g. Some of the cattle have strayed.

e.g. A warship that has strayed into the enemy’s territorial waters.

e.g. Don’t stray away from the point! (đừng có đi lạc đề)

come to light (v) được biết tới

e.g. The multiple intelligence theory first came to light in 1983 in Howard Gardner’s
book Frames of Mind.

Kinaesthetic learner (n) người học theo phương pháp vận động

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