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Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivunniuġutiŋit

North Slope Iñupiaq to English Dictionary

Compiled by Edna Ahgeak MacLean

Alaska Native Languages Archives

University of Alaska Fairbanks
©2012 Alaska Native Languages Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

MacLean, Edna Ahgeak, 1944-

Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivunniuġutiŋit North Slope Iñupiaq to English Dictionary /
compiled by Edna Ahgeak MacLean.
Includes bibliographical references and an English wordfinder list.
1. Iñupiaq language – Dictionaries – English I. Title

Ms., item IN(N)971M2010. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Archive.

This work was supported in part jointly by the National Science Foundation (Grant No.?),
the President’s Office of the University of Alaska, and the North Slope Borough
Assembly through the North Slope Borough History, Language, and Culture
Commission. Barrow, Alaska.

First Printing 2012?. ? copies.

Address correspondence to:

Alaska Native Languages Archives
University of Alaska
PO Box 757680
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Dr. Michael Krauss
In Recognition of his Leadership
in the
Retention, Maintenance and Preservation
Alaska’s Native Languages

Also Dedicated
All Iñupiat

For Keeping the Iñupiaq Culture Alive and Vibrant

And to my Inspiration and Tutaaluuraq

Gwendolyn Sirrouna MacLean

Preface………………………………………………................................................... i
Acknowledgments……………………………………………………………………. iii
General Introduction………………………………………………………………...... vii
1. Iñupiuraaqtuat Nunaŋat
Iñupiaq Language Distribution……………………………………………...... vii
2. Iñupiatun Uqautchim Irrusia
Overview of the Iñupiaq Language Grammar………………………………... ix
3. Iñupiatun Uqallagniġlu Aglaŋniġlu
Sounds and Symbols of the Iñupiaq Language……………………………..... xvi
4. Iñupiatun Uqaluum Sivunniuġutaata Taniktun Salapqiġñiŋa
Iñupiaq to Englsih Dictionary Format………………………………………... xxv
Iñupiatun Uqaluit Maŋŋuŋit
Iñupiaq Word Stems and Roots…………………………………………………….... 0001
Iñupiatun Akunniġutit
Iñupiaq Postbases……………………………………………………………………... 0663
Iñupiatun Uqaluit Isuŋit
Iñupiaq Word Endings………………………………………………………………... 1115
1. Uqallagautit Nalunaiġutiŋiļļu Isuŋiļļu
Verb Moods and Endings……………………………………………………... 1117
2. Atiqausit Isuŋit
Noun Cases…………………………………………………………………… 1137
Iñupiatun Uqaluit Isukłiqpiaŋit
Iñupiat Enclitics……………………………………………………………………..... 1149
Iiguutit Savaamun
Appendices……………………………………………………………………………. 1157
1. Atiqautchiurat Nauniŋit
Inflection of Personal Pronouns………………………………………………. 1159
2. Tamatkiunnallu Ilaaguaġutillu Atiqautchiurat Nauniŋit
Inflection of the Inclusive and Exclusive Pronouns………………………….. 1160
3. Urriqautit Maŋŋuŋit
Demonstrative Stems…………………………………………………………. 1161
4. Maŋŋuġruallu Maŋŋuurallu
Roots and “Nominal” Stems………………………………………………...... 1164
5. Tuqłuġautit
Kinship Terms………………………………………………………………… 1171
6. Sikukun Taggisit
Ice Terms……………………………………………………………………… 1183
7. Aputikun Taggisit
Snow Terms…………………………………………………………………... 1187
8. Piviksrakun Taggisit 1190
Names of Segments of Time ………………………………………………….
9. Uvluġiatigun Taggisit
Names of Stars and Constellations……………………………………………. 1192
10. Iñupiaqsiñivut
Iñupiat Names………………………………………………………………… 1195
11. Iñupiatun Kisitchiñiq
Iñupiat Counting System……………………………………………………… 1203
12. Init Sumiinmaġaaġutait
Area References………………………………………………………………. 1220
13. Sumiinmagaaġutit
Locational Terms……………………………………………………………... 1221
14. Saġvait Taggisiŋit
Names of Ocean Currents…………………………………………………...... 1222
15. Anuġit Taggisiŋit
Names of Winds………………………………………………………………. 1223
16. Umiapiaq
Umiak…………………………………………………………………………. 1224
17. Qayaq
Kayak…………………………………………………………………………. 1226
18. Uniat
Sled……………………………………………………………………………. 1228
19. Aġviġmiñ Niŋit
Bowhead Whale shares……………………………………………………..... 1229
20. Niaqum Sauniŋi
Human Skull………………………………………………………………….. 1230
21. Timim Sauniŋi
Human Skeleton……………………………………………………………… 1231
22. Ivrulik Kataligaaq Iglu
Traditional Sod House……………………………………………………….. 1233
23. Niġrutit Atiŋit
Names of Mammals………………………………………………………….. 1235
24. Nauriat Suġusiŋisalu Atiŋit
Names of Plants and Plant Parts…………………………………………….... 1237
25. Qupilġut Atiŋit
Names of Insects……………………………………………………………... 1240
26. Tiŋmiat Atiŋit
Names of Birds………………………………………………………………. 1242
27. Iqaluillu Imanġillu Igliġallu Atiŋit
Names of Fish, Mollusks, and Crustaceans………………………………….. 1247
28. Uqallagautit
Exclamations………………………………………………………………….. 1249
29. Tatqit Atiŋit
Names of Months…………………………………………………………….. 1254
Maqpiġaat Ivaqłiġviit
Bibliography………………………………………………………………………….. 1257
Iñupiat Kaŋiqsiuġviit
Iñupiat Sources List………………………………………………………………….. 1261
Taniktun Uqaluit Iñupiatun Arriŋisa Paqirrutaat
English to Iñupiaq Wordfinder……………………………………………………….. 1263

This is a bilingual dictionary of North Slope Iñupiaq into English. North Slope
Iñupiaq is the ancestral language of the Iñupiat people whose lands are located within the
boundaries of the North Slope Borough situated in northern Alaska from the Brooks
Range to the Arctic Ocean. The towns in the North Slope Borough of Alaska include
Tikiġaq “Point Hope” to the far west along the Chukchi Sea and Qaaktuġvik “Barter
Island” along the Canadian border. Inbetween the two towns are Kali “Point Lay,”
Ulġuniq “Wainwright,” Utqiaġvik “Barrow,” Atqasuk “Meade River,” Anaqtuuvak
“Anaktuuvak Pass,” and Nuiqsut, progressing west to east.

The intent of this dictionary is to provide information which will inspire

individuals to study and learn the Iñupiaq language. Because the structure of the Iñupiaq
language is very different from English, a word-for-word correspondence is not to be
found. Therefore this dictionary contains a detailed grammatical overview of the Iñupiaq
language. It is inherently essential for any student of any language to know the grammar
of the language they are studying.

It is my fervent hope that this effort will contribute to the maintenance of Iñupiaq
as a living language in use by the people of the North Slope of Alaska. The language
evolved with the people. It is central to our culture and our identity.

Enjoy the dictionary and if you are inspired to undertake further study of any part
of the Iñupiaq language, I am always available for consultation.

Edna Ahgeak Maclean, Ph.D.


The compilation of any dictionary incorporates the contributions of many

individuals, books, and manuscripts. The Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivunniuġutiŋit
North Slope Iñupiaq to English Dictionary is no exception.

The Inupiat Eskimo Dictionary by Webster and Zibell, published in 1970,

provided the impetus for the development of a North Slope Iñupiaq to English wordlist in
1972 by an Iñupiaq language class at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under the
direction of Dr. Michael Krauss, Director of the Alaska Native Language Center and
James Mumiġaaluk Nageak, a student turned instructor from Barrow, Alaska. One
student from that class, Dr. Robert Rausch has kept in touch and provided MacLean with
the scientific names of many plants and animals identified in this publication.

In 1974 Leona Okakok, an Iñupiaq speaker from Barrow, Alaska joined the
Alaska Native Language Center (ANLC) and began the expansion of the Iñupiaq to
English wordlist started by Krauss and Nageak and their students. During the same year
Lawrence Kaplan was hired to work with Iñupiaq elders to assist in expanding the
wordlist. Kaplan had just received his M.A. in linguistics on the phonology of Iñupiaq
working with Edith Rowry, an Iñupiaq speaker from Barrow living in California. At
ANLC, Kaplan worked with Edith Narvauraq Tegoseak, a respected elder speaker of

Okakok reviewed the words gathered by Kaplan and entered them into the wordlist.
She was able to corroborate her revisions and made numerous additions to the growing
wordlist by consulting with Edith Narvauraq Tegoseak, Arctic John Etalook and Jean
Numnik who were living in Fairbanks. Under the direction of Dr. Krauss, Okakok
extracted words from the Stevenson and Marsh texts, Spriggs 1905 Iñupiaq wordlist and
searched for Inupiaq cognates in Schultz-Lorentzen’s Dictionary of the West Greenlandic
Eskimo Language. Okakok left the Alaska Native Language Center in 1978.

In 1978 Dr. Michael Krauss received a grant from the National Science
Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities for the development of
dictionaries for ten indigenous languages of Alaska, including North Slope Iñupiaq.
This grant enabled Kaplan to continue working with elders Dora Hugo, Elijah Kakinya,
and Rulland Akmaalik from Anaktuuvak Pass, Arctic John Etalook from Wiseman, and
Jimmie Killugvuk from Point Hope.

Meanwhile, Edna Ahgeak MacLean had joined a cadre of individuals at the

ANLC in 1972 learning to read and write in their indigenous languages under the
instruction of Dr. Micheal Krauss. MacLean became the Iñupiaq language instructor in
1973 after the departure of Nageak. While teaching Iñupiaq, she began compiling a
dictionary for use in her classes. Also during this time Emma Bodfish from Barrow, who

was a student at the university, reviewed the integrated wordlists and added several
entries of her own. Then, in1980 the forerunner to the current dictionary, the Iñupiallu
Tanŋillu Uqaluŋisa Ilaŋich Abridged Iñupiaq and English Dictionary by Edna Ahgeak
MacLean was compiled in 1980 and jointly published by the Alaska Native Language
Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Iñupiat Language Commission of the
North Slope Borough with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and
the National Science Foundation in 1981. The entries of the 1980 publication came from
her personal knowledge of Iñupiaq, with assistance from Maria and Joseph Ahgeak of
Barrow, Alaska and Marie Kayutak Kasak originally from Wainwright, Alaska, who
worked with MacLean at the ANLC.

From 1980 until the summer of 1987, MacLean expanded and refined the entries
(stems, postbases, and endings) of the Iñupiallu Tanŋillu Uqaluŋisa Ilaŋich Abridged
Iñupiaq and English Dictionary in consultation with Harold Itta from Barrow, Alaska,
living in Fairbanks; and also incorporated the wordlists created by the 1972 UAF Iñupiaq
class, Okakok, and Kaplan. Before leaving the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 1987,
MacLean prepared electronic and printed copies of the integrated dictionary corpus and
left them at the ANLC. James Nageak replaced her that fall to teach the Inupiaq
language classes and to continue the work on the development of the dictionary.
According to Nageak there was minimal expansion of the dictionary from 1987 to 1998.

In 2006, after retiring from the Ilisaġvik College in Barrow, Alaska, MacLean
received the University of Alaska President’s Professor award in Alaska Native
Languages. One of her tasks was to initiate the completion of the comprehensive Iñupiaq
dictionary. She enlarged and further refined the suffix entries and helped in the
development of a proposal to secure funds from the National Science Foundation to
complete and publish the North Slope Iñupiaq dictionary.

After Krauss successfully secured funds from the National Science Foundation in
2007, MacLean continued the completion of the dictionary. Working with Muriel
Hopson, an Iñupiaq from Wainwright, Alaska, living in Anchorage, she began the
verification of the main entries, gathering sentence illustrations and new entries from
Floyd Ahvakana’s Tikiġaġmigguuq…In Point Hope, Alaska, from Vincent Nageak’s
Ataatalugiik and Upinġaksrami Aŋuniaġniq Hunting in Springtime, from Roxy
Ekowana’s Nannum Malikataġmagik Malġuk Iññuk. Polar Bear Chasing Two Men, from
Harold Kaveolook’s Malġuk Quliaqtuak: Aahaalliglu Piayaaŋillu & Aŋiqpaktuaq
Aviŋŋaq Two Stories: The Old Squaw and Its Ducklings & The Large Lemming and
Allagiich Igluŋich Iñupiat Different Kinds of Houses, from Jimmie Kiligvuk’s
unpublished manuscript of stories told to Bud Kanayuraq, from Tupou Pulu’s, Ruth
Ramoth-Sampson’s and Angeline Newlin’s Whaling: A Way of Life Aġviġich Iglauniŋat
Niġinmun based on information from David and Dinah Frankson, from Froelich Rainey’s
The Whale Hunters of Tigara, from Matthew Sturm’s Apun, The Arctic Snow based on
information from Arnold Brower Sr., from Knut Bergland’s Nunamiut Unipkaaŋich
Nunamiut Stories, from the Iñupiat New Testament, from Waldo Bodfish, Sr.’s Kusiq An
Eskimo Life History from the Arctic Coast of Alaska, from Ray’s (and Murdoch’s)

Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska, and Powell’s (and Murdoch’s) Annual Report of the
Bureau of Ethnology 1887-’88.

In 2009, after Muriel Hopson identified entries in the Iñupiatun Eskimo

Dictionary compiled by Wolf A. Seiler in 2005 which were not in the integrated North
Slope Iñupiaq dictionary corpus, MacLean incorporated words she recognized as North
Slope Iñupiaq words into the dictionary. For words not recognized, she consulted with
Leo Kinneaveauk and Seymour and ClaudiaTuzroyluke from Point Hope living in
Anchorage, Doris Hugo from Anaktuvak Pass living in Fairbanks, and Warren
Matumeak, Wesley Aiken, and Molly Itta from Barrow for verification.

The work with Warren Matumeak and Wesley Aiken continued until the fall of
2010 gathering information about compass directions, winds, currents and land
designations. Matumeak and Aiken also provided information about the sharing of the
bowhead whale, the nomenclature of the kayak frame, the open skin boat (umiaq) frame,
the large sled (uniat) frame and the human skeleton. This information was used to create
the illustrations shown in Appendices 12 through 21.

All of the beautiful illustrations in Appendices 12 to 22 were done by Ronald

Engstrom of Anchorage, Alaska. The illustrations of the open skin-covered boat, the
kayak, the bowhead whale, and the sleds were based on Foote’s publication in 1994, The
Tigara Eskimos and Their Environment and information from Warren Matumeak and
Wesley Aiken of Barrow, Alaska. The illustration of the traditional sod house (Appendix
22) with an underground entrance was based on Murdoch’s report in the Ninth Annual
Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1887-
’88 by Powell and from an unpublished manuscript Ivruligum Kataligaam Suġusiŋisa
Taggisiŋit Iñupiatunlu Taniktunlu:Iñupiaq and English Nomenclatures for Traditional
Kataligaaq House Parts by MacLean, Newell, and van Holk with information from
Iñupiaq elders Ernest Kignak, Harold Itta, Harold Kaveolook, and Samuel Panningona
from Barrow, Alaska.

Wm. Clark Bartley, a former teacher in Kaktovik, Alaska (Barter Island) wrote
the article The Iñupiat Counting System found in Appendix 11. I am very grateful to Mr.
Bartley for sharing both the Kaktovik numerals he and his students at the Harold
Kaveolook School in Kaktovik, Alaska developed, as well as the information they
collected from other Inuit communities from Russia to Greenland. The North Slope
Borough School District is using the Iñupiat counting system in the Iñupiaq Language
Program and developing math curriculum based on the Iñupiat counting system .

Illustrations inserted in the main entries section were done by George West of
Homer, Alaska informed by work done by Simon Paneak in Helge Ingstad’s Nunamiut,
Among Alaska’s Inland Eskmos (1954), and by Berit Arnestad Foote illustrations in her
manuscript, How Eskimos Cope With Their Environment.

Ronald Segungetuk created the beautiful and expressive illustrations for the cover
of the dictionary, the introduction pages of the main entries, the postbases, the endings,
and the enclitics.

Stephen F. MacLean, Stephen Ahgeak MacLean, and Jo-Ann Mellish assisted

with trouble shooting whenever I managed to mistreat the computer and also helped with
many improvements to the wording of the English definitions.

Molly Pederson, Emma Bodfish, Ida Olemaun, Beverly Qalutaksraq Ahgeak,

Kiogak and Mae Ahgeak, Max and Kathy Ahgeak, Ronald Brower, Eugene Brower, Eli
Solomon, and Whitlam Adams also helped me refine definitions in Iñupiaq.

The index was developed with assistance by Angelika Lynch, an associate of

Frank Broderick of Anchorage, Alaska, who helped in the proofreading of the stem and
postbases sections of the dictionary.

The creation of a dictionary is a time consuming process but one filled with much
learning and enjoyment. It is the wonder of language that inspires individuals to make
dictionaries and it certainly has been a wonderful process of learning and enjoyment for
me. I thank all the individuals who have participated with me in this process.

Quyanaqpauraq iluqavsi!

General Introduction

1. Iñupiuraaqtuat Nunaŋat
The Iñupiaq-Inuit Language Distribution

In Alaska, there are four Eskimo Languages. Three of them are Yupik: Siberian
Yupik spoken on St. Lawrence Island, Central Yupik spoken in southwestern Alaska,
including Nunivak Island, and Alutiiq or Pacific Gulf Yupik spoken on Kodiak Island,
the Kenai Peninsula, the upper part of the Alaska Peninsula and around Prince William

The Inuit language is a continuum of dialects which extends from Unalakleet,

throughout the Seward Peninsula to Kotzebue and the Kobuk River Valley and then north
to Anaktuvak Pass, Point Hope, Point Lay, Wainright, Barrow, Atqasuk, Nuiqsut, and
Barter Island in Alaska, across the Canadian Arctic (Aklavik to Eskimo Point to Baffin
Island then south to Rigolet in Labrador) and throughout Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland).

The darkened area of the map of arctic Alaska, Canada, and Kalaallit Nunaat
below shows where the Inuit language is spoken. There are approximately 101,000 Inuit
of whom approximately 73,500 are speakers of Inuit. In Alaska there are approximately
24,500 Iñupiat, 2000 of whom are speakers of Iñupiaq. Ninety-six percent (97%) of Inuit
speakers live in Canada and Greenland (Krauss 2007).

The Inuit language in Kalaallit Nunaat is called Kalaallisut; in Canada,
Inuvialuktun, Inuktitut, and Inuttut, and in Alaska, Iñupiaq. Alaskan Iñupiaq has four
major dialects: North Slope, Malimiut, Qawiaraq, and Bering Strait. The Bering Strait
dialect is spoken in the villages of Shismaref, Wales, Brevig Mission and Teller on the
Seward Peninsula, and on King Island, and Little Diomede. In Teller, the Qawiaraq
dialect is used in addition to the Bering Strait dialect. The Qawiaraq dialect is spoken in
Teller, Nome, Mary’s Igloo, Council, Golovin, White Mountain, Shaktoolik and
Unalakleet. The villages of Shaktoolik and Unalakleet are also Malimiut (indicating that
in these villages both Qawiaraq and Malimiut are spoken). The Malimiut dialect is
spoken in the villages of Unalakleet, Shaktoolik, Koyuk, Deering, Buckland, Noatak,
Kotzebue, Kiana, Selawik, Shungnak, Ambler and Kobuk. The Malimiut dialect is
divided into Northern and Southern Malimiut, with Northern Malimiut spoken
everywhere except in Koyuk, Shaktoolik and Unalakleet, wherer the Southern dialect is
found. The North Slope dialect is spoken in the villages of Kivalina, Anaktuvak Pass,
Point Hope, Point Lay, Wainwright, Atqasuk, Barrow, Nuiqsut and Barter Island.

The map below marks the villages where Alaskan Iñupiaq is spoken.

The Canadian villages of Aklavik, Inuvik and Tuktuyaktuk are shown on the map. The
Iñupiaq spoken in Aklavik and Inuvik is akin to the Iñupiaq spoken in Anaktuvak Pass.
In Tuktuyaktuk, Inuvialuktun is spoken.

This North Slope Iñupiaq dictionary incorporates words from all the dialects of
Iñupiaq in the villages of the North Slope Borough, but it makes no claim to have
included all words of the various dialects of Iñupiaq on the North Slope of Alaska.

2. Iñupiatun Uqautchim Irrusia

Overview of the Iñupiaq Language Grammar

Iñupiaq is a polysynthetic language. This means that an Iñupiaq word may be

changed with the addition of derivational and inflectional affixes (“postbases”, verb
endings, or enclitics) to create a new word. In the following example the Iñupiaq word
nanuq “polar bear” is a word. It is a word because it represents a complete thought.
That is, when the word nanuq is uttered, there is no question that it represents a “polar
bear.” When the postbase ‘-k- “to acquire” is added to the word nanuq it changes the
nominal word into a verb stem nannuk- “to kill a polar bear” which now requires an
inflectional ending. When the inflectional ending “tuq” is added it becomes new word, a
verb that translates into the sentence “she or he killed a polar bear.”

nanuq “polar bear”

nanuq ‘-k → nannuk- “to kill a polar bear”
nannuk+tuq → nannuktuq “she or he killed a polar bear”

The stem carries the meaning of the word and the ending gives the grammatical
information of person and number. Postbases are used between the stem and the ending.
Postbases modify the information in the stem, serving somewhat the same function as
words like ‘have”, “probably”, “will”, “not”, “did”, “about to”, “again”, “likes to”,
“good’, “big”, “about to”, “did” and a multitude of other modifiers in English.

A. Iñupiaq Word Stems

There are three kinds of stems in Iñupiaq: verb stems, noun stems, and
demonstrative stems.

An Iñupiaq stem may be either basic or extended. An extended stem contains one
or more postbases, and a basic stem does not contain postbases. The example niġiruq
“she is eating” given below has a basic verb stem niġi- “to eat”.

verb stem verb ending word

niġi- ruq → niġiruq
“to eat” “she/he/it” “she is eating”

The example given below niġiñiaŋitpalliqsuq “she probably will not eat” shows a word
(a sentence) with an extended verb stem niġiñiaŋitpalliq- “probably will not eat” which
has three postbases.

verb post- post- postbase ending word
stem base base
niġi- +ñiaq -ŋit- +palliq- +suq → niġiñiaŋitpalliqsuq
“to eat” “will” “not” “probably” “she/he/it” “she probably will not eat”

An Iñupiaq noun in singular form acts as a stem to which postbases may be


Noun and verb stems may acquire nominalizing or verbalizing postbases. In the
following example the noun stem iglu “house” first acquires a nominalizing postbase
+qpak “large” then acquires a verbalizing postbase -nik- “to obtain” then finally an
inflectional ending +tuq “she/he/it” changing into a verb from a noun. Here is an

noun post- post- ending word

stem base base
iglu +qpak -nik- +tuq → igluqpaniktuq
“house” “big” “obtain” “she/he/it” “she acquired a big house

In most cases, postbases are attached to verb and noun stems and not to fully
inflected verbs, but there is at least one exception. The suffux -.q- “to say” embeds the
verb or noun rendering the verb or noun into a verb stem. Here is an example.

verb ending suffix verb stem ending verb

niġi ruŋa -.q- → niġiruŋaaq- tuq → niġiruŋaaqtuq
“eat” “I” “say” “say I eat” “she/he/it” “he said he is eating”

The resultant verb stem can acquire other postbases. Here is an example.

verb stem ending postbase postbase ending verb

niġi ruŋa .q- +ni- +raa → niġiruŋaaġniraa
“to eat” “I” “to say” “to report” “she/he “she reported that he said “I
/it to it” am eating”.

Nouns in Iñupiaq are marked for singular, dual, or plural number and for case.
Iñupiaq has eight noun cases – the Absolutive, the Relative, the Locative, the Ablative,
the Modalis, the Terminalis, the Similaris, and the Vialis. The Absolutive and Relative
noun cases function as subjects, objects, or possessors of other nouns in Iñupiaq sentence
constructions. The Locative, the Ablative, the Modalis, the Terminalis, the Similaris, and
the Vialis function as prepositions do in English. All of the noun case endings and usage
examples are given in the section: Iñupiaq Word Endings, 2. Noun Cases.

In North Slope Iñupiaq there are twenty-two basic demonstrative stems (see Chart
1 in Appendix 3) used in the construction of demonstrative pronouns and demonstative

adverbs, which number over six hundred. Iñupiaq demonstratives pronouns form a very
elaborate system of reference in the Iñupiaq language. They indicate a person, an animal,
an object, or an area by reference to its position with respect to the speaker and the
addressee, and the position of the speaker and addressee in reference to the concept of
"downness" represented by a body of water in the outside environs or the door inside a

The basic demonstrative stems with the addition of the markers na (sg.), kuak
(dual), kua (pl.) form the Absolutive Case pronouns. The Relative Case pronouns are
formed with the addition of the markers (t)uma (sg.), kuak (dual), and kua (pl.) to the
basic demonstative stems.

The demonstrative Relative Case pronominal stems (see Chart 3 in Appendix 3) in

their respective singular, dual, or plural relative forms can acquire the following
demonstrative case endings: the Locative, the Ablative, the Vialis, the Terminalis,
Modalis, and the Similaris (see Appendix 3). The adverbial demonstrative stems can
acquire three demonstrative case endings: the Localis, the Terminalis, and the Vialis).
These same words can acquire select postbases that transform them into verb stems.
These verb stems can then acquire verb endings and noun case endings.

Iñupiaq has one prefix ta(t)- that is used only with the demonstratives. The
addition of this prefix to any demonstrative indicates that the speaker is referring to an
object, person, or area, that is closer to the addressee than to the speaker; or the object,
person, area, or origin of the activity in reference is removed from the present time or

There is no copula in Iñupiaq. Demonstratives and possessed nouns, alone or in

combination with select enclitics can serve as links between the predicate of the sentence
with a noun or pronoun in the absence of a verb. Here are some examples:
Ikka aġnaq. “There (is) the woman.”
Taamna qallutiga. “That one (is) my cup.”

See Appendix 3 for further discussion and presentation of charts and postbases specific to
demonstrative stems.

B. Types of Iñupiaq Verbs

There are two types of verbs in Iñupiaq. Those with endings which give
information only of the subject are called intransitive verbs, and those with endings
which give information about both the subject and the direct object are called transitive
verbs. When the verb is intransitive, the subject is expressed in the Absolutive Case.
When the verb is transitive, the subject is expresssed in the Relative Case and the direct
object in the Absolutive Case.

Some verbs are decidedly intransitive. They are verbs of emotion, description, or
of natural processes. Here are some examples:

alapit- (i) to become confused, disoriented, baffled
Alapittuq. “He is confused.”
Aŋun alapittuq. “The man is confused.”

iglaq- (i) to laugh

Iglaqtuq. “He is laughing.”
Aŋun iglaqtuq. “The man is laughing.”

patchisau- (i) to be guilty, blameworthy

Patchisauruq. “He is to blame.”
Aŋun patchisauruq. “The man is to blame.”

nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in good health

Nakuuruq. “Its okay.”
Nullaġvik nakuuruq. “The hotel is okay.”

tuqu- (i) to die

Tuquruq. “It is dead.”
Qimmiq tuquruq. “The dog is dead.”

itiq- (i) to wake up

Itiqtuq. “She woke up.”
Aġnaiyaaq itiqtuq. “The girl woke up.”

Some verbs are decidedly transitive. The subject is expressed in the Relative
Case. The direct object is expressed in the Absolutive Case when it is specified. When
this type of verb acquires an intransitive ending it becomes reflexive and a pronoun in the
Terminalis Case is used to depict the object. Here are some examples:
nalautit-2 (t) to adjust it (e.g., to sight a gun; to set a clock; to focus binoculars)
Nalautitkaa. “He adjusted it.”
Nalautitkaa pisiksi. “He adjusted the bow.”
Nalautitkaa pisiksi inmiñ. “He adjusted the bow to his liking.”

piraksriq- (t) to assign her/him a task

Piraksriġaa. “She is assigning him a task.”
Piraksriġaa nukatpiaq. “She is giving the young man a task.”
Piraksriqsuq inmiñun. “She is assigning herself a task.”

kapi- (t) to give her/him/it a shot

Kapigaa. “He is giving her an injection.”
Kapigaa aġnaq. “He is giving the woman an injection.”
Kapiruq inmiñun. “He is giving himself an injection.”

Some decidedly transitive verbs may acquire an “intransitivizing” postbase such

as +sI- , :I-4 or ~rI-5, enabling them to acquire intransitive endings and gain an indefinite

object in the Modalis Case (see section on Akunniġutit/Postbases for further
information). Here is an example.
Kapisiruq iñuŋik. “He is giving injections to people.”

Some verbs may be equally intransitive or transitive. When this type of verb has
an intransitive ending it may take an object in the Modalis Case indicating an indefinite
object, not a direct object. Here is an example.
tautuk- to see (her/him/it)
Tautuktuq. “She sees something.”
Tautuktuq tuttumik. “She sees a caribou.”

To express a reflexive situation an equally intransitive or transitive verb acquires

a reflexive pronoun expressed in the Terminalis Case. Here is an example of this type of
verb with an intransitive ending:
tautuk- to see (her/him/it)
Tautuktuq. “She sees something.”
Tautuktuq inmiñun. “She sees herself.”

When an equally intransitive or transitive verb acquires a transitive ending it takes

a direct object expressed in the Absolutive Case. The subject of the transitive verb is
expressed in the Relative Case. Here is an example.
Tautukkaa tuttu. “She see the caribou.”
Aŋutim tautukkaa tuttu. “The woman sees the caribou.”

Some verbs based on nouns contain the “object” in the noun stem. When a verb
of this type has an intransitive ending it indicates that the action is reflexive. When it
has a transitive ending it indicates that the object is the recipient of the action. Here are
some examples:
atigi(-) parka; to put a parka on (her/him/it)
Atigiruq. “He is putting a parka on.”
Atigigaa aŋutaiyaaq. “He is putting a parka on the boy.”

kamik(-) boot; to put a boot on (her/him/it)

Kamiktuq. “He is putting boots on.”
Kamikkaa aġnaiyaaq. “He is putting boots on the girl.”

Verbs based on names of animate entities which have acquired a postbase such
as '=I- nv “to make, work on, cook or to fix” or +t-2 nv“to acquire a noun by hunting or

gathering from its natural state; or ‘-k-1 “to obtain from its natural state” as in the
following examples also contain the “object” in the meaning. When this type of verb
has an intransitive ending it does not indicate that the action is reflexive. To specify the
“object” the Modalis Case is used. This type of verb does not have a transitive ending.
Here are some examples:
iġñiq [iġniQ] son
iġñi- (i) to give birth to a child | '=I-1 nv
Iġñiruq. “She gave birth to a child.”

Iġñiruq aġnaiyaamik. “She gave birth to a girl.”

natchiq(-) [natchIQ] a seal; (i) to kill a seal | +t-2nv

Natchiqsuq. “He caught a seal.”
Natchiqsuq aŋŋiimik. “He caught a large seal.”

amaġuq(-) wolf; (i) to kill a wolf

Amaġuqtuq. “He caught a wolf.”
Amaġuqtuq qatiqtaamik. “He caught a white wolf.”

tuttu caribou
tuttut- (i) to kill a caribou
Tuttuttuq. “He caught a caribou.”
Tuttuttuq malġugnik. “He caught two caribou.”

nanuq polar bear

nannuk- (i) to kill a polar bear |’-k-1
Nannuktuq. “He caught a polar bear.”
Nannuktuq piŋasunik. “He caught three polar bears.”

Verbs describing elemental forces may be expressed either intransitively or

transitively with no difference in meaning when an “object” is not involved. The subject
is a force or an element of nature, which may be expressed in the Absolutive Case. These
verb stems are labeled elemental because they refer to the actions of forces of nature.
Here are some examples:
siku(-) ice; to freeze over (of a body of water); (t) to form over it (of ice)
Sikuruq. “Ice is forming.”

Sikuruq kuuk. “Ice is forming on the river.

Sikugaa kuuk.

Sikugaa umiaq. “Ice is forming on the boat.”

sialuk(-) rain; to rain; (t) to rain on it

Sialuktuq. “It is raining.”

Sialukkai paniqtat. “It is raining on the dried meat.”

qannik(-) [qannIk] snowflake; to fall (of snow)

Qanniksuq. “It is snowing.”


C. Independent and Dependent Verbs

In Iñupiaq there are words which express complete and stand alone thoughts and
some that require other words to complete the thought. This is true of nouns as well as

For example, Inupiaq nouns such as aġnaq “woman”, aŋun “man”, qimmiq
“dog”, iglu “house” when uttered give a complete picture of the entity referred to. But
words like aġnam “woman’s,” aŋutim “man’s,” qimmim “dog’s,” and iglum “house’s,”
do not. They do not express a complete thought. They need another noun to complete
the reference and express a complete thought. Here are some examples:
aġnam atigiŋa “the woman’s parka”
aŋutim qimmiŋa “the man’s dog”
qimmim pamiuŋa “the dog’s tail”
iglum upkuaŋa “the door of the house”

The words atigiŋa, qimmiŋa, pamiuŋa, and upkuaŋa respectively translated “her
parka”, “his dog”, “its tail”, and “its door” represent complete thoughts.

Likewise, in Iñupiaq verbs there are sentences that express complete thoughts and
some that do not. Here are some examples of Iñupiaq verbs that express a complete
Niġiruq. “She is eating.”
Iqalliqiva? “Is he fishing?”
Niġġiiñ. “(you) Eat.”
Niġiñak. “(you) Don’t eat.”
Iqalliqili. “Let him fish.”
Kiisaimmaa niġivuq. “He finally ate.”

Here are examples of verbs that do not express a complete thought:

Niġivluni… “Because she is eating…
Iqalliqigami… “When he is fishing…
Tikitkumi… “When he arrives…
Niġilla ġmi… “While eating he simultaneously…
Iglammaġmi… “While intermittently laughing he …
Niġiŋŋaġmi… “While (in the state of) eating he…

Verbs that do not express a complete thought are called dependent verbs and verbs that
express a complete thought are called independent (main) verbs. The charts containing
all of the verb endings for both the independent and dependent verbs are given in the
section: Iñupiaq Words Endings, 1. Verb Moods and Endings.

3. Iñupiatun Uqallagniġlu Aglaŋniġlu
Sounds and Symbols of the Iñupiaq Language

A. The Iñupiaq Consonant Grid

The following consonant grid includes all of the symbols used to write consonants
in the North Slope dialect of Alaska Iñupiaq. The symbols in brackets represent sounds of
the Iñupiaq language represented by symbols immediately adjacent. [f] is represented by
/v/, [] is represented by /t//or /ch/, [x] is presented by /k/, [X] is represented by /q/, and
[] is represented by /ġ/.

The Iñupiaq Consonant Grid

stops p t → []/ch k q ‘

voiceless [f] ł → ł s sr [x] [X] h

voiced v l → l y r g ġ
nasals m n →ñ ŋ [ ]

l a p r v u p g
a l a e e v h l
b v l t l u a o
i e a r a l r t
a o t o r a y t
s l a f s r n a
a l l s g l
r s e e s
s x a
e l
s s

The consonant grid arranges the sounds of the North Slope Iñupiaq language in an
informative manner, so that someone who does not know the writing system but knows
something of phonetics or speech sounds can tell what each symbol represents.

Every consonant may be classified according to two criteria. First, where in the
vocal tract the sound is produced, or place of articulation; and second, how or by what
process the sound is produced or manner of articulation.

The vertical columns of the consonant grid are labeled with eight basic places of
articulation of Iñupiaq consonants, from the lips (labials) to the glottis (glottals).

The horizontal rows represent the four possibilities for manner of articulation of
an Iñupiaq consonant: stops, fricatives (voiceless and voiced), and nasals.

Each symbol on the consonant grid can be identified according to the row and
column in which it stands. For instance, /t/ is an alveolar stop, /g/ is a voiced velar
fricative, etc….

B. Pronunciation of Iñupiaq

When we exhale normally, the air exits freely from our lungs. Speech sounds are
produced when various obstacles, like the tongue and the lips, are moved into position in
the vocal tract.

1. Consonants

Stop consonants are produced by completely closing off the flow of air, letting
pressure build up, then releasing the trapped air. Iñupiaq stops are /p/, /t/, [], /ch/, /k/,
and /q/. Consonants /p/, /t/, [], /k/, and /q/ are not aspirated, but released gently, without
a puff of air.

Fricatives are produced when the flow of air is obstructed but not entirely
blocked. This is done by making the air flow through a narrow passage which is almost,
but not quite closed. When the air passes through such a small opening, a natural kind of
friction occurs. These sounds are therefore called fricatives.

Nasal consonants are produced by making a closure in the mouth, just as for a
stop. There are three ways to close the flow of air: by using the lips, by putting the tip of
the tongue against the alveolar ridge, and by raising the back of the tongue to the velum.
When the flow of air through the mouth is restricted in those three ways, the air flows
through the nasal cavity; therefore, consonants /m/, /n/, and /ŋ/ are called nasals.

In addition to the different ways in which they can be made, consonants can be
distinguished according to where in the vocal tract they are made or which organs are
used to make them.

Labials involve the lips. The consonant /p/ is a labial stop produced with both
lips; therefore, it is called a bilabial stop. The consonants /v/ and [f] are fricatives
produced by placing the upper teeth against the lower lip, therefore they are called
labiodental fricatives. The consonant /m/ is a bilabial nasal.

Alveolar consonants are produced when the tip of the tongue touches or comes
near the ridge, called the alveolar ridge, directly behind the upper teeth. The consonant
/t/ is an alveolar stop, /s/ is an alveolar fricative, and /n/ is an alveolar nasal.

Palatal sounds are produced against the palate or “roof” of the mouth. The
consonants [], /ch/, /ł /, /l /, and /ñ/ are palatals. Moving the articulation of an alveolar
sound to this position is called palatalization.

Velar sounds are produced at the middle of the mouth cavity where the hard
palate (hard part of the roof of the mouth) ends and the soft palate or velum begins.
Iñupiaq has a velar stop /k/, two velar fricatives /g/ and [x], and a velar nasal /ŋ/.

Uvular sounds are produced farther back in the mouth than velars. The uvula is
the fleshly piece which hangs down at the back of the velum toward the throat. The
consonant /q/ is a uvlular stop, /ġ/ and [X] are uvular fricatives, and [] is a uvular nasal.

Voicing or absence of voicing is an important feature of many consonants. When

air is forced out of the lungs and through the windpipe, it meets the vocal cords, which
are two thin but flexible membranes. If these membranes are tightly closed, they can
prevent the air from passing between them. If close together, but not shut, they vibrate
rapidly when air passes between them. The third possible position of the vocal cords is
completely open, which means the air passes freely, and the membranes do not vibrate.

Voiced sounds are produced when the vocal cords are partially closed and the
flowing air causes them to vibrate. Iñupiaq has no voiced stops, but it has seven voiced
fricatives /v/, /l /, /l /, /y/, /r/, /g/, and /ġ/. All nasals are voiced in Iñupiaq.

Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal cords are completely open and
there is no vibration. Voiceless stops in Iñupiaq are /p/, /t/, /ch/, /k/, and /q/. Voiceless
fricatives are [f], /ł/, /ł /, /s/, /sr/, [x], [X], and /h/.

2. Vowels

Unlike consonants, vowels are produced when the air passing through the mouth
cavity from the lungs is not obstructed but only shaped by the cavity.

The tongue and the lips assume different positions to produce the sounds of the
vowels. The position of the tongue may be high or low. Iñupiaq has three vowels. /a/ is
called a low vowel because the tongue remains at the bottom of the mouth when /a/ is
produced. /i/ and /u/ are called the high vowels because some part of the tongue is raised
to produce them.

The tongue’s position may also be seen in terms of front and back. /i/ is made by
raising the front of the tongue toward the alveolar ridge behind the teeth. /i/ is a front
vowel. /u/ is made by raising the back of the tongue so that it approaches the rear of the
palate. /u/ is a back vowel.

There are six dipthongs (clusters of two unlike vowels) in Iñupiaq: /ai/, /ia/, /au/,
/ua/, /iu/, and /ui/. Here are some illustrations.

ai as in aiviq “walrus”
ia as in qiaruq “he is crying”
au as in auk “blood”
ua as in uamittuq “he is Eskimo dancing”
iu as in kiugaa “he answered her”
ui as in uiga “my husband”

There are three long vowels in Iñupiaq: /aa/, /ii/, and /uu/.
aa as in aapa “father” or aaka “mother”
uu as in uumman “heart”
ii as in iigaa “she swallowed it”

The Iñupiaq dipthongs and long vowels and examples of English sound
equivalents are presented below.
ai as in irate
ia as in fiat
au as in how
ua as in quality
iu as in cute
ui as in gooey
aa as in father
uu as in smooth
ii as in neat

C. The Symbols for the Sounds of the Iñupiaq Langauge

The symbols for the sounds of the Iñupiat language are presented below in the
first column, followed by an articulation guide for the production of the sound in the
second column and followed by Iñupiaq examples and with English words containing
equivalent or similar sounds, respectively in the third and fourth columns.

Symbol Articulation Guide Iñupiaq English

(consonants are not aspirated) Examples Examples
a Place the tongue towards the base of the avu “sugar” awake
bottom front teeth and release the vocal
cords as you drop your lower jaw.
ch Place the front part of the tongue against natchiq “seal” which
the upper teeth and aspirate.
[f] Place the upper teeth against the lower lip aqvaluqtuq “it
and release the flow of air is circular”
g Place the front of the tongue in mid-air and agiaq “file”
bring the back of the tongue towards the
upper back teeth and release the vocal
ġ Place the tip of the tongue on the lower naġiaq “bait”

back of the front teeth and bring the back of
the tongue towards the uvular and release
the vocal cords.
h Place the tip of the tongue against the lower hauk “I’m how
bottom front teeth and release the air. exhausted”
i Place the tip of the tongue against the lower ikiruq “it is it
front teeth and release the vocal cords. burning”
k Place the sides of the tongue against the katak “trapdoor skill
back upper teeth and stop the air. in sod house”
[x] Place the sides of the tongue against the akłaq “grizzly
back upper teeth and release the flow of air. bear”
l Place the tip of the tongue against the top of alu “sole of love
the upper front teeth and release the vocal foot”
l Place the front part of the tongue against ilaga “my billion
the back of the upper teeth and alveolar relative”
ridge and release the vocal cords.
ł Place the tip of the tongue lightly against iłuaqtuq “it is
the alveolar ridge and force the air to correct”
escape through the sides of the mouth.
ł Place the front part of the tongue against siklaq “pickaxe”
the back of the upper teeth and on the
alveolar ridge and force the air to escape
through the sides of the mouth.
m Put lips together and release the vocal mannik “egg”
n Firmly place the tip of the tongue against nuna “land” net
the upper section of the upper front teeth
and release the vocal cords.
ñ Firmly place the front part of the tongue iñuk “person” onion
against the upper teeth and the alveolar
ridge and release the vocal cords.
ŋ Bring the back of the tongue towards the nauŋ “where” sing
velum and release the vocal cords.
[] Bring the back of the tongue high towards aġnaq “woman”
the uvular and release the vocal cords.
p Put the lips together and do not release the putu “hole” spoon
vocal cords.
q Bring the back of the tongue towards the quaq “frozen
uvular and do not release the vocal cords. meat”
[X] Bring the back of the tongue towards the
uvular and release the flow of air.
r Bring the tip of the tongue towards the iri “eye”
alveolar ridge and release the vocal cords.
s Suspend the tip of the tongue slightly savik “knife” snow
behind the front teeth and release the flow

of air.
sr Suspend the tip of the tongue behind the iqsraq “cheek”
front teeth and with the sides of the tongue
raised towards the alveolar ridge, release
the flow of air.
t Place the tip of the tongue behind the upper talu “tarpaulin” tarpaulin
front teeth and do not release the vocal
[] Place the tongue firmly behind the upper iñuit “people”
front teeth and the alveolar ridge and do not
release the vocal cords
u Purse the lips into a circle and release the una “this one” loot
vocal cords
v Place the upper teeth against the lower lip avu “sugar” love
and release the vocal cords
y Place the sides of the tongue against the ayak “support yes
mid-teeth and release the vocal cords pole”

The following symbols used in writing Iñupiaq do not have sound equivalents in
English: g, ġ, ł, ł, r, and q. The voiced velar fricative g, as in iglaaq “newcomer” is
pronounced in the same place as the voiceless velar stop k and the voiceless velar
fricative [x]. The Iñupiaq g is produced by placing the middle of the tongue against the
hard palate, as you would to produce the English g, but instead of stopping the flow of air
as you would for English g, you allow the air to escape through the middle of the mouth.

The voiced uvular fricative ġ as in aġnaq “woman” is the voiced counterpart of

[X] written with the symbol q before sr, ł, ł, and v as in iqsraq “cheek,” iqłaŋaruq “she
is making a funny face,” aqłaruq “it is breezy” and aqvaluqtuq “it is round.” The [X] is
also written qh between vowels as in anniqhuni “by getting hurt” and aaqhaalliq “Old
Squaw duck.” Some speakers pronounce qh like the pharyngeal fricative h when it is
followed by a long vowel.

The voiceless alveolar liquid ł is produced by placing the tip of the tongue lightly
against the alveolar ridge and forcing the air to escape through the sides of the tongue by
the back teeth and out the sides of the mouth.

The voiceless palatal liquid ł is produced by placing the front part of the tongue
against the back of the front teeth and on the alveolar ridge, and forcing the air to escape
through the sides of the mouth.

The voiced fricative r as in iri “eye” and irruaġaa “he is imitating her” is
produced by suspending the tip of the tongue slightly behind the front teeth and
releaseing the flow of air. Iñupiaq r has a range of sounds intermediate between English z
and r.

The Iñupiaq h is pharyngeal and is most commonly found in combinations with
the voiceless fricative ł and ł, as in saviłhaq “metal” and aqpałhaaqtuaq “he ran the

The diagram of the mouth below shows where the Iñupiaq consonant sounds are

1. Explanation of Specific Sounds and Symbols

Four of the symbols on the consonant grid are enclosed in brackets indicating the
symbol is not used in the writing system, although the sound is present in the language.
The sound enclosed in brackets is written with the symbol that is immediately above or
below it on the gird. The [f] sound is written with /v/, the [x] sound is written with /k/ or
/kh/, the [X] sound is written with /q/ or /qh/, and the [] is written with /ġ/.

There are four sounds in North Slope Iñupiaq represented by digraphs in the
writing system. A digraph is a combination of letters used to represent one single sound.
In English, /ng/ as in “sing” and “thing” is a digraph which stands for the velar nasal
written with the symbol /ŋ/ in Iñupiaq. The digraphs in Iñupiaq are /ch/, /sr/, /kh/ for the
sound [x], and /qh/ for the sound [X], each a single sound written with two letters.

The arrows on the grid are used to show the process of palatalization. The writing system
indicates palatization by putting a dot under the letter in the case of /l / and /ł /. The
palatal [ț] is generally written /t/ but is also written /ch/ when aspirated and is a final
consonant. The palatal /n/ is written /ñ/.

While a dot under a letter indicates palatalization, a dot over the letter indicates a
uvular, a sound further back in the mouth.

D. Dialect Differences in North Slope Iñupiaq

Iñupiaq spoken in Anaktuvak Pass, Alaska and in Point Hope, Alaska has some
very beautiful differences from the Iñupiaq spoken in the rest of the villages on the North
Slope of Alaska. For a speaker of Barrow Iñupiaq, it is a pleasure to hear the other
dialects of Iñupiaq spoken. As mentioned previously, the Iñupiaq language extends from
Unalakleet, Alaska throughout the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, to the Kobuk River Valley
over the Brooks Range to Anaktuvak Pass, Alaska down to Kivalina, Alaska and up the
coast to Point Hope, Alaska and across the Arctic Coast to Aklavik, Canada. Throughout
this region dialect differences manifest themselves in the phonology, morphology, and
the vocabulary of each region.

For North Slope Iñupiaq, the major differences are phonological. In Point Hope
Iñupiaq, the most striking differences appear in the final consonant of plural forms. For
Point Hope Iñupiaq, the /t/ in final position for Barrow Iñupiaq, is [sh] when not
preceded by a “strong i”. For example, [uvagut] “us” and [Iñupiat] “Iñupiaq people”
for Barrow Iñupiaq are [uvagush] and [Iñupiash] for Point Hope Iñupiaq; and [iñui] or
[iñuich] “people” for Barrow Iñupiaq is [iñuiy] for Point Hope Iñupiaq. This is a
predictable difference so it is not noted in the dictionary entries. The difference is caused
by the presence or the absence of the “strong i”.

Also, many of Barrow Iñupiaq voiceless fricatives are voiced in Point Hope
Iñupiaq. For example for the Barrow Iñupiaq, the voiceless fricatives combination [kł] is
a voiced fricatives combination [gl] in Point Hope Iñupiaq, as in the word [ikikłiruq] “it
is becoming narrow” for Barrow Iñupiaq and [ikigliruq] for Point Hope Iñupiaq. These
differences are not predictable so they are noted. The only voiceless fricative in Point
Hope Iñupiaq is /s/ as in savik “knife” and pasi- “to blame” (see Kaplan 1982 for further

Another difference between Iñupiaq as spoken in Barrow and Point Hope is the
use of the [l] in place of the [r] in words such as the following.

qargi1 [qargI] or (Ti) men’s community house; whaling crew association;

qalgi (i) to hold activities or assemble at the men’s
community house
argiq- [argIq] or (Ti) to roast (it =meat) on a spit
arguagi- or (Ti) (t) to be undaunted by her/him/it; to have no
alguagi- misgivings or reservations about her/him/it

Also, Point Hope Iñupiaq tends to flatten the diphong [ai] and sounds like /ay/ in
English “day,” whereas for the most part, flattening does not occur in Barrow Iñupiaq.

The most striking difference between Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq and the rest of the
North Slope Iñupiaq is the use of the initial sound [h] instead of the [s] by some speakers

in words like savik “knife” and sumi “where” producing [havik]] and [humi]. This is a
predictable difference so it is not noted in the dictionary entries. But the differences
between Barrow Iñupiaq and Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq which involve the combination of
voiceless and voiced consonants are less predictable and are noted in the dictionary.
These differences reflect a close relationship between the people of Anaktuuvak Pass and
the Kobuk River valley. Here are some examples:

Barrow Iñupiaq Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq

ivsaq “juice of meat or fruit ipsaq
imnaq “steep cliff” ipnaq
innaq- “to say or do this” itnaq-
iñuqułłigauraq mythical little person iñugaqutlik

Not noted in this dictionary are the use of the nine (9) glottalized consonants
described by Bergsland (1984: 10) in his publication Nunamiut Unipkaaŋich/Nunamiut
Stories. According to Bergsland, the initial consonant of some voiced nasal and voiced
fricative geminates in Barrow Iñupiaq are glottalized consonants. These differences are
not noted in this dictionary.

Also not noted in this dictionary is the voicing of the consonants /ł/, /sr/, and [f] in
Barrow Iñupiaq to /l/, /r/, and /v/ in Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq as in the following

Barrow Iñupiaq Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq

akłaq [axłaq] “brown bear” aklaq [axalaq]
siksrik [sixsrik] “ground squirrel” sikrik [sixirik]
qaqłuk [qaXłuk] “lips” qaqluk [qaXaluk]
qaqsrauq [qaXsrauq] “red-throated loon” qaqrauq [qaXarauq]
aqvaluqtuq [aXfaluqtuq] “to be round” aqvaluqtuq [aXvaluqtuq]

In the course of compiling this dictionary the issue of vowel insertion and vowel
deletion between voiced consonants surfaced. In some North Slope Iñupiaq dialects there
is vowel insertion as in the word aġnaq “woman” to [aġanaq]. In another dialect there is
vowel deletion as in the word niġigaluaġami “eating for a while, then…” to
[niġiġluaġami]. These differences are not noted in this dictionary and should be
investigated to determine their distribution.

The distribution of the absence or the replacement of the vowel /i/ by vowel /a/ in
initial position in words such as iqaluk “fish”, aqaluk (Ti) “fish”, and qaluk “fish” also
needs to be determined.

The distribution of the disappearing initial vowel /a/ in words such as aqargiq
“ptarmigan” and qargiq “ptarmigan” also need to be determined.

The main phonological differences between Barrow Iñupiaq and Point Barrow
Iñupiaq in this dictionary are: 1) the metathesis of the consonants /r/ and /v/ in one entry,

2) the use of the alveolar nasal /n/ as final consonant of plurals in Point Barrow Iñupiaq
instead of the voiceless alveolar stop consonant /t/ used in Barrow Iñupiaq, 3) the
alternation of the consonant clusters /tk/ in Point Barrow Iñupiaq and the /kk/ in Barrow
Iñupiaq in two entries, 4) the alternation of the consonant clusters ll in Point Barrow
Iñupiaq and the /rr/ in Barrow Iñupiaq in one entry, and 5) the alternation of the
consonant clusters /ñŋ/ in Point Barrow Iñupiaq and /ŋŋ/ in Barrow Iñupiaq in one entry.
Here are the entries.

Point Barrow Iñupiaq Barrow Iñupiaq

tarva yes, I know; that’s right; that is all; tavra
that’s enough, stop it
Ka-wait-piv’-i-en birds month of May Qaugait Piviat
[ducks] arrive (Simpson:
Ka-wai-a-niv’-i-en month of June Qaugait Anniviat
birds hatched
Ka-wai’-lan pa-yan- month of July Qaugalaat ¤Payaŋaiġviat
ra’-wi-en (young) birds
[eider ducks] fledged
aqitkaq bowhead whale fluke aqikkaq
itkauraq five-gallon kerosene can ikkauraq
paġlalluġik- to be good at greeting (her/him paġlarruġik-
aviñŋaq lemming (Lemmus sibiricus) aviŋŋaq

The use of the alveolar nasal /n/ instead of the alveolar stop /t/ seems to be a regular
occurrence so it is not noted in this dictionary except for the entries given above. There
are many examples of this phenomenon in the literature, notably in the report by
Murdoch (1892). More research needs to be conducted to determine the extent of the
other differences.

This is a much larger dictionary than the one published in 1981 but no claim is
made to have included all Iñupiaq words from any one dialect spoken on the North Slope
of Alaska. There are many legends and stories that have not been transcribed and
translated. When that process is undertaken, previously undocumented Iñupiaq words
will be found and gathered for inclusion in future editions of this dictionary.

4. Iñupiatun Uqaluum Sivunniuġutaata Taniktun Salapqiġñiŋa

Iñupiaq to English Dictionary Format

North Slope Inupiaq main entries are entered following the sequencing of
symbols in the Iñupiat Atchagat, “Iñupiat Alphabet” presented here:
a, ch, g, ġ, h, i, k, l, l, ł, ł, m, n, ñ, ŋ, p, q, r, s, sr, t, u, v, y.

Each main entry is entered on the left side of the column followed by its
definition, a verbal illustration, etymology, and related information. Subentries are
indented several spaces and under the main entry with their own definitions, verbal
illustrations, etymologies, and related information.

The following entry format is generally followed throughout the dictionary.

Main Entry (-) [underlying form] [irregular dual and plural forms] (language or
dialect source) [literal translation] (transitivity) definition » verbal
illustration (source of verbal illustration) | etymology § related words and
references, additional information from other sources (source name: page
Subentry(-) (language or dialect source) [irregular dual and plural forms]
[literal translation] (transitivity) definition » verbal illustration (source
of verbal illustration) | etymology § related words and references,
additional information from other sources (source name: page number)

All entries and sentence samples are in bold. Information in italics and in
parentheses or brackets identifies and clarifies where the word is used, its source, what
part of speech it is, its transitivity, its distribution and further information.

A hyphen follows verb stem entries indicating that a verb ending is needed to
form an Iñupiaq verb. Once a verb stem acquires an ending it is a complete sentence.
The lack of a hyphen after an entry indicates that it is a noun and a complete word as it is.
When a hyphen in parentheses (-) follows a main entry it indicates that the stem is a noun
and can also function as a verb stem. Here are some examples.
a. ili- (t) to set, place, lay it down
b. tuttu caribou
c. atigi(-) parka; to put a parka on (her/him/it)

The first example ili- is a verb stem and needs a verb ending to make it a complete
sentence such as in iligaa “she is placing it down”. The second example tuttu is a noun
and a complete word as it is. The third example atigi(-) is a noun but also functions as a
verb stem. Here are some examples.
Atigi iligaa tuttumun. “She placed the parka on the caribou.”
Atigiruq. “She is putting her parka on.”
Atigigaa. “She is putting a parka on her/him.”

Most nouns are entered in their singular form. When the dual and plural forms
are irregular or archaic they are presented within brackets. Here are examples of regular
dual and plural forms. When the word ends in a consonant it is replaced with /k/ and /t/,
for dual and plural respectively; when the word ends in a vowel the /k/and /t/ are simply
added on.
aġnaq woman
aġnak two women
aġnat three or more women

aŋun or aŋuti man
aŋutik two men
aŋutit three or more men

Most irregular dual and plural forms of a word are the result of the
“transformation” of a vowel called the “weak i”. Modern Iñupiaq has three vowels: a, i
u. Proto-Eskimo had a fourth vowel, ә (Hammerich: 8; Bergsland: 7; Kaplan 1982:
385). As Iñupiaq evolved from Proto-Eskimo, the ә changed to an [i] in most cases. The
former ә is the “weak i”, and the original i is the “strong i” (identified as an italicized
capital I in the underlying form enclosed in brackets; the “strong I” causes
palatalization). Both i’s sound exactly alike, but it is the “weak i” which causes irregular
dual and plural forms.

Here are examples of irregular dual and plural forms. To form the dual, the semi-
final consonant preceding a “weak i” is geminated, the “weak i” is replaced by vowel /a/
and the final consonant is replaced by /k/. To form the plural, the “weak i” between the
medial and final consonants is deleted, the final consonant assimilates to the medial
consonant, then the plural ending /It/ is added.
tupiq [tupiQ] tent
tuppak two tents
tupqit three or more tents

aiviq [aiviQ] one walrus

aivvak two walrus
aivġit three or more walrus

Here are the two entries as presented in the dictionary:

aiviq [aiviQ] [dual aivvak, pl. aivġit] walrus
(Odobenus rosmarus)

tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tent;

to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it)

Main entries also include the roots of Iñupiaq words. Each root is preceded by an
asterisk /*/ and is italicized. Roots are units of meaning which do not serve as verb stems
nor are they nouns. A root cannot acquire verb or noun endings without the addition of a
postbase. Here is an example of a root entry and several subentries.
*alapi (root) ignorance; confusion
alapigi- (t) to be unaware of, not notice her/him/it; pay
no attention to (her/him/it)| +[g]i- vv
alapiŋa- (Ti) (t) to be unaware of, not notice her/him/it |
±ŋa- rv
alapirrun confusion; scource of confusion | +t-2 vv
-rrun vn
alapit- (i) to become confused | +t-2 vv

Main entries also include nominal stems which do not take the Absolutive or
Relative Case endings directly but are able to acquire other noun cases, possessive endings,
and select postbases that regular nouns acquire. These stems are marked with a degree sign
° and the entry is also italicized indicating that they are not complete words as they are but
embody concepts. Further analysis may reveal these stems to contain suffixes which are no
longer freely distributed or are seen in limited distribution in existing Iñupiaq words. Here
is an example of a stem marked with a degree sign with subentries that are derived from it.

°anaqa (root) evening

anaqagu this evening still to come; (Nu) tonight |
#[g]u(n) nn
anaqaksraq evening | +ksraq(-) nn
anaqaksri- (i) to spend the evening; to work the
evening shift | +ksraq(-) nn =I-3 nv
anaqami in the evening | ÷mI (loc)
anaqapak tonight, this evening » anaqapak
kasimaniaqtut they will have a meeting this
evening | -pak1 rn

The subentries are indented several spaces under the main entry. Subentries are entered
again when the third character is different from the third character of the main entry, and
that form renders its placement three or four pages in either direction of the main entry.
This rule is generally followed throughout the dictionary.

Main entries also include demonstrative stems which are also marked with a
degree sign ° and in italics. These stems are followed by the marker (dem. stem) setting
them apart from verb stems and nouns.

Some stems have “ghost consonants” that surface when combined with a limited
set of postbases that cause gemination. These stems are followed by an italicized form
enclosed in brackets identifying the “ghost” consonant. Here are some examples.

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home

aggiqi- (Nu) (t) to return home to her/him/it »
uniñŋagaluakkani aggiqigaa he returned home to the
one he had previously left | '-qi- vv
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go hunting in a skin boat for sea
mammals; (Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat § qayaq
umiġġiq- (i) to put together a whaling crew » umiġġiqsuat
they have put together a crew for whaling | ‘=Iq-1 nv

auk(-)1 [aruk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a nosebleed

arri- (i) to collect animal blood for broth in dog food; to
make broth from blood | ‘=I1 nv

Some stems contain a “strong i” which causes palatalization and others contain a
“strong q” that is not deleted when attached to postbases preceded by the division sign ÷.
These stems are also followed by an italicized form enclosed in brackets identifying the
“strong i” and/or the “strong “q” written in capitals. Here are a couple of examples:
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa hispida); (i) to catch a seal
ani- [anI] (i) to leave; (i) to exit; (i) to be born; (i) to emerge from
the den in spring (of hibernating animal)

A language or dialect source is indicated for an entry when it is used in or

identified only for Tikiġaq (Ti), Anaktuvak Pass (Nu), or Point Barrow (PB). The (Ti),
(Nu), or the (PB) indicates that the entry, the meaning, or the spelling is specific to Point
Hope Iñupiaq, Anaktuvak Pass Iñupiaq, or Point Barrow Iñupiaq, respectively. Entries
without language or dialect labels are used in all villages in the North Slope Alaska.
Entries based on words from other languages are also identified.

Immediately preceding a verb stem definition, there may be a small (i) or a small
(t) in parentheses, or no notation. The (i) indicates that the verb stem uses only
intransitive endings to maintain the meaning given. The (t) indicates that the verb stem
takes a transitive ending to maintain the meaning given. The lack of either an (i) or a (t)
indicates that the verb stem may take either intransitive or transitive endings. The
pronouns “her”, “him” and “it” in italics and sometimes enclosed in parentheses
(her/him/it) indicate what type of object the verb may have. The pronouns “her/him” are
used to indicate humans and the pronoun “it” is used to refer to an animal or an object.

A definition (an equivalent meaning) in English is given for each Iñupiaq entry.
Immediately following the definition a half-transitive form (verb stem with a postbase
which enables it to use intransitive endings) may be given preceded by the notation @.

Following the definition, a verbal illustration in Iñupiaq is sometimes given

signaled by the sign “»”. Following each definition or verbal illustration, the suffixes
contained in the entry are identified. The notation “|” indicates the beginning of the
etymology. The notation § signals listing of words or references related to the entry. The
notation < indicates the entry is a subentry (or is derived from) under the main entry
indicated following the symbol <. Here are three examples.
naġluŋŋatigi- (t) to have it as one’s source of anger, dissenion » “tittauraq
unnii, mikiruuraq unniiñ, inna siliktigimman, taipkua
naġluŋŋatigipiallakkaat killukuaŋanivlugu, titiġniaġamirruŋ”
(David Frankson as reported by Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 89) [even
a small mark, even a very small one, when it had a certain
prescribed width was a source of dissension, claiming that a
mistake is being made in the marking] | ±ŋa- vv ‘ti1 vn +[g]i- nv
paugaq large stake (e.g., for dog chain, for anchoring net); tent peg »
“Taapkuak suli paukkak illivigisuummigaiñ argiqamik niqimik.”
(Kaveolook 1975a: 10) [they also use the two stakes to place meat
when they are roasting meat over an open fire] | +[ġ]aq vn

taimña [dual taipkuak, pl taipkua] that one in the past, one previously
mentioned < imña

Five presentation styles are used for the Iñupiaq verbal illustrations. One
presentational style shown below depicts an Iñupiaq verbal illustration whose source may
be either Leona Okakok or Edna Ahgeak MacLean. The verbal illustration and its
translation is not enclosed in quotation marks and without punctuation, i.e., the first letter
of the first word is not capitalized and there is no closing punctuation.

aaqanuq (excl.) I guess so; maybe so; perhaps » aaqanuq samma it’s
probably so | qanuq § qanuq, aillukiaq

Another presentation style depicts an Iñupiaq verbal illustration taken from a published
source with no English translation. The verbal illustration is enclosed in quotation marks
and the source is in italics enclosed in parentheses immediately after. The translation
offered by the compiler without punctuation is enclosed in brackets with clarifications
enclosed in parentheses within the brackets.

aġvaktaġiyummiuqpak- (Ti) (t) to really want to catch it =a whale »

“Aġvaktaġiyummiuqpakkaat suli taamna iŋutualuk.” (David
Frankson as reported by Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 68) [the mature
female whale is a sought after whale catch] | +t/raq vn +[g]i- nv
+yummiuq- vv

The third presentation style depicts an Iñupiaq verbal illustration taken from a published
source with an English translation. The Iñupiaq verbal illustration and its English
translation are enclosed in quotation marks and the source is in italics enclosed in
parentheses immediately after.

kiŋuvġu- (Ti) to mourn (for her/him/it) » “Tavra ilaŋich nalluķsraŋarut

nunam avyuanik niaķumiŋñun, ķiallaġmiŋ kiŋuvġullaġmiglu
nipaalavlutiŋ, … They threw dust on their heads, they cried and
mourned…” (Iñupiat New Testament: Rev. 18:19) § kiŋunġuu-

The fourth presentation style depicts an Iñupiaq verbal illustration taken from a published
source with an English translation but the compiler offers another translation enclosed in
brackets without punctuation with clarifications enclosed in parentheses within the

naksi-2 [naksI] (i) to surpass others, to accomplish what has not been done
before » “Isumasuuruŋa tavra naksiñasugaluŋa, imailaami
aġvakama (Ii.) taavrumiŋa.” (Bodfish: 240) [I always think that I
accomplished something that others had not done, when I caught that
whale in an area where there was no water]

The fifth presentation style depicts an Iñupiaq verbal illustration elicited from an Iñupiaq
speaker with an English translation offered by the compiler. The Iñupiaq verbal
illustration is in quotation marks without punctuation and the English translation is in
brackets with clarifications enclosed in parentheses, also without punctuation.

alguniq mold-like growth on whale meat or maktak which has been in an

ice cellar for an extended time period » “alguniqaġnisuugait
uqsrut puyauġniŋi; panaqłuŋaruatunkii marra” (Aiken 2009)
they say that there is mold-like growth on blubber that has become
grimy; it (the mold-like growth) has the appearance of being
somewhat dried up]

Abbreviations and labels used in this dictionary in addition to the ones mentioned
above are listed below.

Postbases have signs in front of them which signify the pattern by which they are
attached to stems. The signs which are used are as follows:

- the minus sign indicates that the postbase is added to the stem after deletion of the
stem-final consonant; if addition of the postbase would result in a cluster of three
vowels, g is inserted between the second and third vowels.

+ the plus sign indicates that the postbase is added to the stem without any deletion; stem
final k and q become g and ġ respectively; with postbases beginning with a vowel if
addition of the postbase would result in a cluster of three vowels, g is inserted between
the second and third vowels; if addition of the postbase would result in a cluster of
three consonants, the initial consonant of the postbase is deleted.

: the colon sign indicates that these steps are taken when adding the postbase: 1) delete a
semi-final “weak i” when it is preceded by one consonant; after voiced consonants, q
becomes ġ, and k becomes g (ŋ after a nasal); 2) when the semi-final “weak i” is not
deleted, being preceded by two consonants, the stem-final consonant k or q is also not
deleted, becoming g and ġ respectively; 3) if there is no semi-final “weak i” delete the
stem-final consonant; 4) if there is no stem-final consonant, attach the postbase directly,
inserting g if the stem ends in two vowels.

÷ the division sign indicates that stem-final weak q is deleted, but not Q, k or n.

± the plus sign over the minus sign indicates that stem-final consonant t is not deleted but
stem-final consonants k or q (including Q) are.

m the minus sign over the plus sign indicates that stem-final consonant t is deleted, but
not stem-final consonants k or q (including Q).

= the equals sign indicates deletion of final vowel-consonant cluster.

' the apostrophe sign indicates gemination of initial consonant of last syllable.

[ ] the brackets sign indicates that the consonant they enclose is used only with stems
which end in a vowel or t.

c/c the slash between two consonants indicates that the first consonant is used when the
stem-final is a consonant and the second consonant when the stem-final is a vowel.

Each postbase entry is followed by one of the following notations, all in italics:

dv the combinaton “dv” indicates the postbase is attached to a demonstrative and the
resulting form is a verb stem.

nn the double “nn” indicates that the postbase is attached to a singular absolutive noun and
the resulting form is a noun.

vv the double “vv” indicates that the postbase is attached to a verb stem and the resulting
form is a verb stem.

nv the combination “nv” indicates that the postbase is attached to a singular absolutive
noun and the resulting form is a verb stem.

vn the combination “vn” in italics indicates that the postbase is attached to a verb stem and
the resulting form is a noun.

rv the combination “rv” indicates that the postbase is attached to a root and the resulting
form is a verb stem.

rn the combination “rn” indicates that the postbase is attached to a root and the resulting
form is a noun.

sv the combinations “sv” indicates that the postbase is attached to a sentence and the
resulting form is a verb stem.

(limited) indicates the distribution of the postbase is limited.

N the capital N indicates a noun

V the capital V indicates a verb stem

ENG indicates English

RUSS indicates Russian

The following abbreviations are used to represent the various grammatical
classification of words in Iñupiaq.

abl. Ablative Case

adv. adverb
abs. Absolutive Case
conj. conjuction
dem. demonstrative
encl. enclitic
excl. exclamation
(i) intransitive
loc. Locative Case
mkr. marker
mod. Modalis Case
n noun
N noun
pl. plural
poss. possessive
pro. pronoun
R co-refence
Rf reflexivity
rel. Relative/Ergative Case
sg. singular
sim. Similaris Case
term. Terminalis Case
(t) transitive
v verb stem
V verb stem
via. Vialis Case

Iñupiatun Uqaluit Maŋŋuŋit
Iñupiaq Word Stems
A aamaŋa- or aamaŋaaq- (i) to be
mildly retarded; (i) to be stupid by
a (excl.) listen!; hark!; oops!; oh! (of nature; (i) to pay no heed to one’s
surprise) surroundings; (i) to be obtuse,
imperceptive and dull; (i) to be
aa1 (excl.) yes, I know; I agree (expresses clumsy » aamaŋaaqsiaqsilgitkaa
listener’s agreement with imġum his drinking is making
storyteller or speaker) § aaŋ, ii him stupid again; aamaŋavluni
aaqanuq (excl.) I guess so; maybe so; puiguġaqtuq sumiitilaamiñik he
perhaps » aaqanuq samma it’s forgets where he is because he is
probably so | qanuq § qanuq, mildly retarded | +ma-1 vv ±ŋa- vv
aillukiaq or +ma-1 vv ±ŋa-vv +aq-1 vn, vv
aamit- (i) to become unaware of what
aa2 (excl.) (expresses exasperation, is happening; (i) to become
criticism or dismay over what unconscious | +mit- vv § alapit-,
another person does or says, said qaurimaiq-
in breathy voice);expression of aanŋu- (i) to feel faint | -nŋu- vv
surprise or awe aanŋuq- (i) to be knocked
aakhaa (excl.) that’s not right!; you’re unconscious, knocked out; (t) to
lying! (expresses disagreement knock him/her/it unconscious |
with another person’s statement) +nŋuq- nv § avaaq-, qaurimaiq-
§ aaqhaaŋ, saglu-, uumaa aanŋuraġaq- (i) to feel faint,
aallalii (excl.) shame on you!; not like frequently, intermittently |
that! (expresses disapproval) § -nŋu- vv +t/raġaq- vv
allai aaŋayaaq- or aaŋayaaŋa- (i) to be
partially conscious, lightheaded,
aa- (i) to cry violently, becoming not clearheaded | ±ŋa- vv
physically rigid, followed by +yaaq-1 vv or ±ŋa- vv +yaaq-1 vv
temporary unconsciousness due to ±ŋa- vv
interrupted breathing (usu. of a aaŋayaaŋaŋaiq- (i) to become aware;
baby) » miqłiqtuuraq (i) to be enlightened | ±ŋa- vv
kataktaqłuni aaruq the baby is +yaaq-1 vv ±ŋa- vv :Iq-2 vv
having a spasm because he fell; aaqsallaiġaq- (i) to laugh so hard one
miqłiqtuuraq anniqami has difficulty taking a breath |
naakka qinnałłakami +q-1 vv +saq-2 vv +lla- vv :Iq-2 vv
qiaġutisaġniallaġmi aasuuruq, +aq-1 vv
taimmaasii aaqsallaiq- (i) to laugh so hard that
aniqsaaġluqqaaqtumi one runs out of breath; (i) to be
siquiññaqhuni when a baby hurts unable to stop laughing »
himself or has a sudden tantrum, mitaaqłuni aaqsallaiqsitkai he is
he bursts out crying, sucks in his making them laugh continuously
breath and is out of breath with his jokes | +q-1 vv +saq-2 vv
sometimes for a long time, then +lla- vv :Iq-2 vv
the minute he starts breathing aaraġaq- (i) to cry repeatedly,
again he usually falls immediately violently, becoming physically
to sleep rigid, followed by temporary

unconciousness due to interrupted aagun or aaksiñ or aaksiññaq a knife
breathing (usu. of a baby) | used to skin an animal without
+raġaq- vv cutting the skin < aak-

aagiaq or (Nu) aagiuraq prong of an aaġaaliq (Ti) Long-tailed duck (Clangula

antler, tine » tuttum nagruata hyemalis) § aaqhaalIq
aagiaŋanik niksiliuqtuq he made
a fishhook out of the tine of a aaġaaq- (i) to make the sound “aa” (the
caribou antler | +iaq3 n or call of the loon) | +q-2 nv +aq-1 vv
=uraq nn § isaġutaq -.q-2 nv

Aagruuk (dual) two stars, Vega and a aaġaayiq [aaġaayIq] legendary little
lesser star in the constellation person with an oversized head
Lyra known as the Morning Star, (who travels by bouncing on his
Sivulliik (Spencer: 258); hips) § naaġaayiq,
“Vega… agrǔ-lu-bwǔk” (Ray makkaqpaligauraq, iiġaaq
1885: 56); the appearance of the
Aagruuk signal the new year, the aaġiak [aaġirak] upper back between the
reappearance of the sun (Jenness shoulder blades; ¤shoulder bone »
1924: 183B cited in MacDonald: § aaq-, kiasik
49); “a large bright one above a
much smaller, less brighter one; aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca) »
the larger star is Vega “sisuaqsiuqtaurul-li makua
“Uvluġiaqpak =a big star which aaġlut” (David Frankson as
appears above the horizon in late reported by Pulu, Sampson,
December, an indication that the Newlin: 70) [killer whales are
Solstice is past and that the days professional hunters of belugas] |
will soon grow longer” (source perhaps +lu(q) n
not known); together these two aaġliñġu- (i) to avoid a pursuing killer
stars are also known as whale (as of a beluga escaping to
Ayaqhaaġnailaq [lit. “time when shallow water) | ‘=It-2 nv -nġu- vv
you can not play string games”] aaġluġunaaq- (i) to sight, see a killer
(Etalook 1983 cited in whale | +[ġ]unaaq- nv
MacDonald: 50); “…Vega and aaġlum iñua [lit. “the person/spirit of
two other stars not visible agru-la- a killer whale”] hump on back of
wik so called from rising at certain killer whale | +m (rel. mkr.) iñuk
seasons just before daylight.” :a (abs. poss. 3s-3s)
(Simpson cited in Bocktoce: 351)
§ Sivulliq aaġluġaq- (i) to look up, raise one’s chin
Aagruliġvik [lit. “time when the two repeatedly < aaq-
stars ‘Aagruuk’ appear”] month
of December | -lIq-1 vv +vIk1 vn § aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s chin;
(Ti) ¤Umigraġvik, (Nu) (i) to throw one’s head back; (t) to
Siqiñġilaq, Ayaligvik, raise her/his chin upward; (t) to
Umiqsraġvik, Uyaliġvik raise it into an upright position <

natchiq aaġuraġaa” he clubs the
aaġlutit- (i) to have one’s head slip back, seal; “kuvraq napinman
fall back, e.g., as when asleep < anaullaġuugaat” (S.Tuzroyluke
aaq- 2009) [when something is caught
in the net they usually club it] <
aaġuraq one of the stones for a bola; aaq-
household amulet »“The most
important household amulet was aahaaliq [aahaalIq] (Nu) Long-tailed
the aaroraq, that [was] placed duck (Clangula hyemalis) §
over the subterranean entrance of aaqhaalIq
the house. This was generally a aahaaliġñaq (Nu) Harlequin Duck
round stone, described as about (Histrionicus histrionicus) »
the size of a man’s fist, and “aahaaliġñaq aahaallitun
perforated. Not every house had itchaŋaaqtuaq” (Hugo 2009) [the
one and no details could be harlequin duck is similar in
obtained as to how a house appearance to an oldsquaw duck] |
acquired one. The purpose of the +naq1 nn
charm was to work to the good of
the house and all in it. It was aak- (t) to skin it =animal without cutting
particularly related to curing, first the fur (usually the incision is
as a means of keeping illness from made around the lips of the
the house and second, as a non- mouth, then the skin is pulled back
shamanistic curing agent. When a while turning it inside out) @
member of the household became aaksi- || +sI-3 vv § nayuk-
ill, the aaroraq was taken down aagun or aaksiñ or aaksiññaq a
from its place above the door knife used to skin an animal
descending into the hall and was without cutting the skin | :un-1 vn
rubbed over the affected parts of or +sI-3 vv ‘-ti1 or +siññaq vn
the sick person. Actually, this aaktaq skin removed, uncut, from an
charm gave rise to a small curing animal; item made from a skin
ceremonial in which the activities which has been removed uncut »
associated with curing were aaktaq tiġiganniam amia
communal rather than the tutquġaa he is putting the uncut
individualistic ones performed by foxskin away for future use |
the shaman. A group of relatives +t/raq vn
and neighbors assembled outside
the house and a fire was built for aaka mother; grandmother (modern use)
them there by the members of the » aakaa ikayuquraa igña aġnaq
household in which the sickness uvamnun my mother requests
appeared.” (Spencer 1959: 285) § that I help that woman
aanġuaq aakaa my mother (rel); my mother’s
(poss. 1s) » aakaa nukaalua
aaġuraq(-)2 sealing club; (t) to club it =a tikiññiqsuaq I found out that my
seal; (Ti) slotted stone affixed to mother’s younger sibling arrived |
the head of sealing club (S. +a (poss. rel. 1s-3s)
Tuzroyluke 2009) @ aaġurai- »

aakaaluk grandmother; (Nu) [usually there are snails in wild
stepmother | -aluk nn § aana, rhubarb]
aakaaq- to say aaka “mother” (to aałhutaaq- or aałhuik- or aałhuuq- to
her/him) | +q-2 nv sway, swing or rock back and
aakaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aaka, forth
“mother” » aakaaqtuġaat
taamna they call that one “aaka” aamaŋa- or aamaŋaaq- (i) to be mildly
| +q-2 nv +tuq-2 nv retarded; to be stupid by nature; to
aakaksraq stepmother | +ksraq(-)1 nn, pay no heed to one’s surround-
aakari yourp mother » aakari ings; to be clumsy, obtuse,
sumiitpa where is yourp mother | imperceptive and dull < aa-
+ri (poss. 3p-3s)
aakaruaq mother-in-law | +ruaq2 nn aamit- (i) to be obtuse » iñuk piuŋilanik
§ aanaruaq uqaġman aaminnisuugaat it is
aakatchiaq (Nu) elder sister | said that when a person is talking
+tchiaq(-)3 nn § aatauraq, aakiaq nonsense he is stupid < aa-
¤aakiaq eldest sister | +iaq2 §
aakatchiaq, aatauraq aana or aanaaluk grandmother;
great-aunt » aanani aatchigaa
aakhaa (excl.) it’s not right, you lie!; oh niqiksraŋanik he is bringing food
yeah (Aiken 2009) < aa2 to his grandmother | -aluk nn §
aanaa (irreg. rel. poss.) my
aakkuu a chant to be sung during a game grandmother; my great-aunt »
where one teams holds an object taamna aanaa atigiŋa that is my
and instructs a member of the great-aunt’s parka
opposing team how to retrieve it aanaak set of parents | -k2 nn
without smiling or laughing aanaaq- to say aana “grandmother”
aakkuuq- (i) to play aakkuu; (i) to or “great aunt” (to her/him) |
play "red rover, red rover, red +q-2 nv
rover, come over" | +q-5 nv aanaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aana
“grandmother” or “great-aunt” |
aakupak main decoration on a ring or +q-2 nv +tuq-2 nv
bracelet, e.g., a stone or a aanait- (i) to be without a great-aunt
diamond | -pak2 n § uyamik or a grandmother | :It-1 nv
aanailli - (i) misbehave, to behave in
aalġu- (i) to menstruate ways one usually does not do
aalġunaq menstruation | +naq(-) vn when an authority figure is present
| :It-1 nv +lI-3 vv
aallalii (excl.) shame on you!; not like aanalugiik grandmother and
that! § aa2 grandchild; (i) to be in a
grandmother and grandchild
aalumiu or aalumiaq snail; brown relationship | +[g]iik(-) nn, nv
hairless worm » “quŋulliñi aanaluk or aanaluuraq old woman |
aalumiuqaġuuruq” (Aiken 2009) +luk nn or +luk nn :uraq nn

aanaruaq mother-in-law | +ruaq2 nn aanġuaq [aanġuraq] or aanġuluk
§ aakaruaq amulet, charm » “…angoak is a
aanaruiñ suliuqpa [lit. “what is your charm kept in a special place, for
grandmother making”] Savannah example, the bow of a whaling
Sparrow (Passerculus boat.”(Rainey: 272);
sandwichensis) | +ruk nn :In (poss. “aanuġuluuraqaġuuniqsut-
2s-3s) kiimma taipkua,
aanaruun kiviruq or aanaruk tusaaraqtugut” (Nageak 1975:
kiviruq [lit. “grandmother is 5) [those who lived long ago had
sinking”] (Nu) Northern Dipper; amulets, we hear]; “tavra,
Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus) aanġuluata annautigaik”
(Nageak 1975: 46) [so his charm
aanaakłiq [aanaakłIq] broad whitefish saved them] § tupitkaq § aaġuraq
(Coregonus nasus) » aanġurri- to make an amulet (for her,
aanaakłiqsuġukkaluaqtuŋa I him); to make an amulet (out of it)
would love to eat some whitefish » aanġurriruq aŋutaiyaamun he
aanaakłiqsiun net with large mesh is making an amulet for a boy;
used to catch whitefish » aanġurriruq uyaġagmik he is
aanaakłiqsiunmik aŋun making an amulet out of a piece of
kuvriruq the man is making a net stone | ‘=I-1 nv
for catching whitefish | aanġurriq- (i) to place an amulet; (t)
+siun nn, vn to provide her/him with an amulet
aanaakłiiŋiq (Nu) whitefish | | ‘=Iq-1 nv
¤-IŋIq nn aanġurrulik the one with an amulet »
tavra, aanġuluata annautigaik;
aanaatchiaq (Ti) cartridge bag with taamna aanġurrulik so his
shoulder strap carried at waist | amulet saved them; the one with
-tchiaq nn the amulet | -lik nn
aanġuuraq or aanġuluuraq small
¤aanami (Ti) player in a game who amulet, charm | =uraq nn
makes frightening noises while
attempting to touch or “tag” aani located over there across, e.g., a
others; the person touched river, a street, or a body of water
becomes the new aanami or “it” (extended and visible); by
extension, the contiguous United
aanaruuraq(-) a competition game in States or Europe < °ag (dem.
which two persons kneel side-by- stem)
side with knees touching, grasp
each other around the shoulders aanitchiq (Ti) north side of Point Hope
and under the armpits, and try to < °ag
unbalance the other; the
competitor who unbalances his aannaa (excl.) oh, my! oh!; (Ti) (excl. of
opponent on both the right and left grief, sadness) how unfortunate!
side is the winner; (i) to play alas!
“aanaruuraq” | +q-5 nv

°aanna (stem) today’s time beyond or aaññaŋaaq- (i) to be cute; to say
before this moment “aaññaŋaa” | -q-2 nv
aannagu (excl.) or aatnagu (Nu) aaññuŋuuraq a child who is dear to
wait; wait a minute; in a moment, someone | :uraq nn
shortly, in a while, later on, in a
little while, after a while | aaŋ (excl.) yes (expresses agreement or
m[g]u(n) § aaqagu, aaqan confirmation of statement; also
aannaguliq- to become later on » consent to request, used with a
aannaguliġaa it is now later | negative question) » qaiñiaŋitpa
m[g]u(n) -liq- nv isn’t he coming aaŋ,
aannagutaaġun continuance, a qaiñiaŋitchuq yes, he is not
postponement of judicial coming § ii, aa1, aillu kiaq
proceedings to a future date; aaglukiaq (excl.) yes, that is right, I
reason for not continuing | agree | +lu (encl.) +kiaq (encl.) §
+[g]u(n) +taaq- vv +un1 vn aillukiaq
aannagutaaq- to procrastinate, delay
or postpone (it); (t) to put it =esp. aaŋa- (i) to be stubborn; to act against
food away for later consumption; better advice; to hold one’s head
(t) to table it =any action in high | ±ŋa- vv
parliamentary procedure @ aaŋaaq- (i) to be haughty, act
aannagutaaqsi- | +[g]u(n) superior | ±ŋaaq- vv
+taaq- vv || +sI-3 vv aaŋasi- (i) to become haughty | ±ŋa-
aannapak or (Nu) aatnapak vv +sI-1 vv
immediately, right now; (Ti)
tonight | -pak1 nn § akkupak aaŋayaaŋaŋaiq- (i) to become aware; (i)
aatnami (Nu) a little while ago, a to be enlightened < aa-
moment ago | -:mI (loc.)
aaŋayaaq- (i) to be partially conscious <
aannigaq- (i) to continually contract aa-
diseases from others < aat-1 aaŋayaaŋa- (i) to be partially conscious,
lightheaded, not clearheaded < aa-
aannik- (i) to catch a disease from
someone; (i) to gain possession of aaŋhaa (excl.) its not right (said in
something from someone, i.e. toy reference to someone whom one
< aat-1 thinks is lying) » “saglummatun”
(Aiken 2009) [like one is telling
aanŋu- (i) to feel faint < aa- lies]

aanŋuq- (i) to be knocked out, aaŋit- (i) to believe one knows

unconscious < aa- everything; (i) to be arrogant |
aaññaŋaa or aaññuŋuu (excl.) how cute!
(especially in reference to a child aaŋŋa from over there across, e.g., a
to express delight over someone river, a street, or a body of water
who is cute, or over a child’s (extended and visible); by
ability to do something skillfully) extension, the contiguous United

States or Europe < °ag (dem. aaparuaq father-in-law | +ruaq2 nn
stem) ¤aapiaq eldest brother | +iaq2 nn
aapiyaq older brother | -yaq rn § aapa
aaŋŋaġmiut (Ti) people from Seward
Peninsula area; people from aapapaaq (Ti) old-style barrel stove »
“outside=lower 48 states”, the “taigruaq iŋniġvik” (S.
contiguous Unites States < °ag Tuzroyluke 2009) [a stove
(dem. stem) fashioned from a 55 gallon oil
drum] § aippaanI
aaŋŋamiñ from that direction over there
across, e.g., a river, a street, or a aapsavak (Ti) very large whale (usually
body of water (extended and more than sixty feet) | -vak nn §
visible); by extension, the aŋirualuk, aġviq
contiguous United States or aapsavaaluk (Ti) very old, male
Europe < °ag (dem. stem) whale (often in last group of
whales to migrate northward in
aaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over there spring) » “Tikiġaġmiulli katkua
across, e.g., a river, a street, or a iŋmikkun usiŋŋuaġaaluich
body of water (extended and tamatkua atqat aippaqaġaa
visible); by extension, the aapsavaaluŋnik” (David
contiguous United States or Frankson as reported by Pulu,
Europe < °ag (dem. stem) Sampson, Newlin: 69) [the
people of Tikiġaq have another
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) name for the usiŋŋuaġaaluk
aapaa (irreg rel. poss. 1s) my father; which is aapsavaaluk] | -vak nn
my father’s » aapaa aitchuqtaani -aluk nn
suppunmik my father gave me a
gun | +a3 (rel. poss. 1s-3s) aapu or aapuq [ENG “apple”] apple
aapaaluk grandfather | +aluk nn § aapuluk (Ti) [ENG] apple | -luk nn
aapaaq- to say aapa “father” (to aaq- (i) to raise one’s head; (t) to raise
her/him) | +q-2 nv her/his/its head; (Ti) (i) to sit up
aapaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aapa, aaġluġaq- (i) to look up, raise one’s
“father” » aapaaqtuġaa chin repeatedly » aaġluġaqtuq
tiguuviñi he calls his adopted nalagaluaqami she kept raising
parent his father | +q-2 nv her chin after lying prone for
+tuq-2 vv some time | +aq-1 vv
aapailaq illegitimate child | :Ilaq(-) nn aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s
aapailli- (i) to give birth (in reference chin; (i) to throw one’s head back;
to an unmarried woman) » (t) to raise her/his chin upward; (t)
aapailli ruam quyalivasik did the to raise it into an upright position
unmarried woman giving birth » aaġluqłuni tautukkaa
make youd happy, i.e. because qulimiñi-ittuaq he looked up and
now youd have a baby which she saw the object that is above him |
has given to youd | :Ilaq(-) nn ‘=I1 +luq-2 vv
aapaksraq stepfather | +ksraq(-) nn

aaġlutit- (i) to have one’s head slip Long-Tailed Duck(Clangula
back, fall back, e.g., when asleep | hyemalis) § aahaaliġñaq
+luq-2 vv -tit-2 vv
aaqtit- (t) to cock it = hammer of a aaqhaaŋ uumaa (excl.) my goodness!;
firearm; (i) to have the whaling oh dear! § aakhaa
boat and harpoon gun ready for
whale hunting (of a whaling crew) aaqhii (Nu) (excl.) oh my!; (conj) and;
» aaqtiłługu supputini and then » “aaqhii, tavraasii”
utaqqiruq he is waiting with the (Hugo 2009) [oh my, it happened
hammer of his gun cocked | again] § aasii
mtit- vv
aaqtitaun rod which sets the trigger aaqqaa (excl.) phew, what a bad smell;
of a darting gun back for firing how foul smelling; don’t touch it,
its filthy
aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun (excl.) aaqqaala- to voice displeasure
wait; wait a minute; in a moment, repeatedly about an offensive
shortly, in a while, in a little smell or taste (off of her/him/ it) »
while, after a while, later on | tipi naikamiuŋ aaqqaalagaa
m[g]u(n) nn § aannagu when he smelled the odor, he said
aaqagusaaq or aaqagusaaġrugu in a it was bad | -la- nv
long while | m[g]u(n) nn aaqqaaq- (i) to smell foul or taste
bad; (t) to say that something
+saaġruk nn m[g]u(n) nn
smells foul or tastes bad |
aaqagutaaq- to postpone, delay or -q-2 nv, vv
put off doing (it) »
aaqagutaaqłuni aŋŋutiŋitchuq aaqqan mitten; (Nu) caribou skin mitten
he did not catch up because he used when breaking bones for
waited | m[g]u(n) nn +taaq- nv § making broth » “kaugaliuqtuq;
aannagutaaq- imiġaliuqtuq sauniġnik; aaqqan
aaqaguili- to become later » atuġuugaat kisianik
aaqaguilimman isiġataqtuq she kaukkamik; atulaitkaat
finally entered after some time tamaani; karrutaqaqtuq uyaġak
had passed | m[g]u(n) nn perhaps ipuvlugu qirugmik” (Hugo
:Iq-2 nv -lI-2 vv 2009) [she is making something
aaqaguqisuuraġu in a little while | liquid by hammering it; she is
m[g]u(n) nn -qisuuraq nn making broth from bones; they
m[g]u(n) nn use the caribou skin mitten only
when they are hammering; they
aaqanuq (adv) I guess so; maybe so; do not use it for any other
perhaps < aa purpose; her hammer is a stone
tied to a wood handle] < aiq-
aaqaqa (excl.) of surprise or dismay
(Jenness 1928: 7) aaqsallaiġaq- (i) to repeatedly laugh so
hard and for such duration that
aaqhaaliq [aaqhaalIq] or aaqhaalliq or one runs out of breath < aa-
aahaaliq (Nu) Oldsquaw Duck or

aaqsallaiq- (i) to laugh so hard that one aaquluk old woman | +luk nn
runs out of breath; (i) to be unable
to stop laughing < aa- aaraġaq- (i) to cry repeatedly and
violently, becoming physically
¤aaqsiun “arm above elbow ák-sût-kwa” rigid, then temporary
(Ray 1885: 51)] unconciousness due to interrupted
aaqsiutaq or aaqsuutaq or akkiutaq breathing (usu. of a baby) < aa-
sling to keep an injured arm
elevated » aaqsiutani iłuigivlugu aarigaa (excl.) good!, that’s good!; oh,
piiġaa he removed the sling from how nice! wonderful! cool! that’s
his arm because it was cool!
uncomfortable | +utaq1 vn aarigaaq- (i) to be good or nice »
aarigaaqsimaruq; uuktuaġuŋ it
aaquk or aaquaksraq old woman | is good; try it | +q-2 nv
-aq-3 nv +ksraq(-) nn
aaquaksraatchiaq little old woman » aasi (excl.) don’t!; stop it! § kaasi
taigña aaquaksraatchiaq
kisimġiuqtuq that little old lady is aasi or aasii or aasiiñ or (Nu) aaqhii
living alone | -aq-3 nv +ksraq(-) nn (conj) and then; then »
-atchiaq nn qaagiyaqqaaġlugu aasiiñ ilua
aaquaksralaaq elderly looking niġilugu first remove the top
woman | -aq-3 nv +ksraq(-)1 nn layer, then eat what is inside;
-laaq nn isiġuma-asiiñ suniaqpiñ and
aaquaksraluuraq(-) or then, what will you do when I
aaquluuraq(-) game played in come in; aasii una what about this
moonlight, where children sit in one
two lines of equal number facing aasiasi and again | aasi reduplication
each other; one child plays “the aasiili and; therefore (indicates a
old woman” and asks members of change in subject as well as in
his line what they would like from action) » Asiaŋŋataq
the moon; the members of the miquġniaqtuq aasiili Paniattaaq
opposite line must answer by aglautitaġniaqtuq Asiaŋŋataq
miming the object they desire will sew and Paniattaaq will type |
which has been decided upon +lI (encl.)
before the onset of the game; (i) to aasiiñ uvva or aasiuvva (conj) so
play aaquaksraluuraq » now, based on this knowledge »
tatqiaġiksimman ililgaat aasiiñ uvva suniaqpiñ so now
aaquaksraluuraqtuat the what will you do | +uvva (dem.
children played “aaquaksraluuraq” adv)
when the moon turned full | aasii suli (conj) and furthermore | suli
-aq-3 nv +ksraq(-) nn +luk nn (conj)
:uraq nn aasii suruq or aasii suva (excl.) and
aaquaq- (i) to grow old (of a woman) so what!; what difference does it
| -aq-3 nv make to you; what’s it to you | +su
aaquluatchiaq little old woman | (verb stem) +ruq (ind 3s) or +su
+luk nn -atchiaq nn (verb stem) +va (interrog 3s)

aasi suruq (Ti) (interrog.) and then ground) | +kisaaq- vv (the single
what “a” in aatchakisaaq can either be
aasii una or aasi-una what about this “i” or “u”, depending on
one | una (dem. pro) dialect)§ nalukatauraq-
aatchakisaun jumping board (a board
aasivak large spider | +vak nn § akłauraq usually six feet in length placed
over a large piece wood which
aat-1 (t) to take something away from suspends the board above the
her/him/it » aġnaiyaaq ground) | +kisaaq- vv :uti1 vn
piuraapayuktuaq aŋutaiyaam
aatkaa ayuktauraŋanik the boy aatchaq- (i) to open one’s mouth; (i) to
took the ball away from the girl open (of sea ice crack) »
who was playing nicely by herself aatchaqummani kigusiqirim
§ aqtaq-, aqsak- aatchaqtuq when the dentist
aannigaq- (i) to keep catching asked me to open his mouth, he
diseases from others | +nnik- vv did | perhaps aa- +tchaq- vv
+aq1 vv aatchaġruummisiññaq- (i) to gasp
aannik- (i) to catch a disease from for breath » “Nanuq tavra
someone; (i) to gain possession of supputittuni uummataagun
something from someone, i.e. toy ulġusuuruq
» aanniktuq he caught a disease aatchaġruummisiññaqhuni,
from someone | +nnik- vv iñuŋmuksalaitchuq.” (Nageak
1976: 4) [when a polar bear is
aat-2 (t) to take her/him/it somewhere @ shot through the heart it topples,
aatchi- » iqsigaluaġman aatkaa gasping for breath; it does not try
aimmiviŋanun he took her home to attack the person] | +ġru- vv
because she was so afraid; :u-2 vv +mmI-5 vv +q-1 vv
tuyuusiaŋa aakaŋata taamuŋa msiññaq- vv
aatkaa he took her mother’s aatchaqtit- (i) to pant (of animal) |
parcel over to her | +sI-3 vv -tit-2 vv
aatchauq- (i) to yawn | :uq-2 vv
aatakaa or aatukuu (excl.) oh, how little! aatchauqtuŋiq or
§ uutukuu, uuñuŋuu aatchauqtuŋialaaq or (Nu)
aatchausiayaaq nestling, newly
aatauraq older sister » aataurani hatched bird | :uq-2 vv +tuŋiq vn
kamagiyagaa nakuaġivlugu it is or :uq-2 vv +tuŋiq +laaq nn or
easy for him to obey his older :uq-2 vv perhaps -sia- vv -iyaaq nn
sister, because he loves her | :uraq aatchauti- or aitchauti- (t) for the ice
nn § aakatchiaq crack to open up, much to her/his
disadvantage » “Tavra
aatchakisaaq- (i) to jump on a jumping uisilaamignik ilitchuġirut.
board (a game where participants Aitchautiniġmatigi,
jump up and down on a board maŋaġruaqtun manna,
usually six feet in length placed qanuġutik tulakkumiñaiñmiut”
over a large piece wood which (Nageak 1975: 17) [then they
suspends the board above the realize they were being taken out

to sea; (the ice) had opened up on aayuġaq crack in sea ice kept open by
them, it was very dark, they had shifting currents | +[ġ]aq nn
not way of making it to shore] |
:uti- vv aayutaaq- (Ti) (i) to swing on a swing §
aatchikaaŋ (excl.) what a narrow escape!
look out! aayyutaaq- (i) to play golf or ice hockey

aatqan mitten § aitqan under aiq- °ag (dem. stem) over there across, e.g., a
river, a street, or a body of water
aatqarruaq or (Nu) atqatsruaq (extended and visible, sometimes
Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus); not visible) § °av1 (dem. stem),
Peregrine Falcon (Falco °taag (dem. stem)
peregrinus) § kirgavik, aani or aaniit- located over there
kirgavigruaq across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
body of water (extended and
aatqigraqtuuq coal deposit site (S. visible); by extension, the
Tuzroyluke 2009) contiguous United States or
Europe » aani ittuk they are
aatqik-1 [aatqIk] (i) to stand up straight, living in the contiguous United
erect; (i) to roll onto the back (of States | +anI (dem. loc.)
whale); (i) to make or straighten aanitchiq (Ti) north side of Point
one’s bed; (t) to prepare, make up Hope | +anI (dem. loc.) -tchIq1 dn
a bed for her/him » aġnaiyaaq aaŋŋa from over there across, e.g., a
aatqiksuq makitiqłunilu the girl river, a street, or a body of water
made her bed as soon as she got (extended and visible); by
up; “aġviq nivaallapiaqłuni, extension, the contiguous United
ilaanni narraatik iluġaan States or Europe | +aŋŋa (dem.
puipkaqługu, aatqikłuni abl.)
nakkaqtuq nivġalaqqaaqłuni” aaŋŋaġmiut (Ti) people from Seward
(Aiken 2009) [sometimes a whale Peninsula area; people from
really stretches out on its back “outside=lower 48 states (the
exposing its whole belly above contiguous United States)” | aaŋŋa
water, and while still on its back (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv ÷miu(q) nn
it dives] -t nn
aaŋŋamiñ from that direction over
aattai (excl.) oh, how cute!; oh, how there across, e.g., a river, a street,
pretty! or a body of water (extended and
aatahai (Nu) (excl.) such cute little visible); by extension, the
things! » “igligimmatun tavra” contiguous United States or
(Hugo 2009) [finding something Europe | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ
or someone loveable, huggable, or (abl.)
cute] § aattai aaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over there
aattaiq- (i) to be cute, pretty | -q-2 ev across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
body of water (extended and
visible); by extension, the

contiguous United States or aktumiŋa or aksrumiŋa or
Europe | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv agrumiŋa [dual akkugniŋa, pl.
aaŋŋaqtaq item obtained from the akkuniŋa] that one over there
contiguous United States | +aŋŋa across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv +t/raq vn body of water (extended and
agga over there across, e.g., a river, a visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
street, or a body of water mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
(extended and visible) | ‘a (dem. aktumuŋa or aksrumuŋa or
adv. mkr.) agrumuŋa [dual akkugnuŋa, pl.
agna [dual akkuak, pl. akkua] that akkunuŋa] to that one over there
one over there across, e.g., a river, across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
a street, or a body of water body of water (extended and
(extended and visible) | +na (dem. visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
abs. pron. sg. mkr.) mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
agnatchiq the other side, not this side aktumuuna or aksrumuuna or
e.g., of a river, a street, or a body agrumuuna [dual akkugnuuna,
of water | +tchIq1 dn pl. akkunuuna] via, that one over
aktuma or aksruma or agruma there across, e.g., a river, a street,
[dual akkuak, pl. akkua] that one or a body of water; with that one
over there across, e.g., a river, a over there across, e.g., a river, a
street, or a body of water street, or a body of water
(extended and visible) | +tuma (extended and visible) | +tum
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna
aktumani or aksrumani or (dem. via.)
agrumani [dual akkugnagni, pl. auna via, through over there, across,
akkunani] located with that one e.g., a river, a street, or a body of
over there across, e.g., a river, a water (extended and visible); via
street, or a body of water northside of Tikiġaq | +una (dem.
(extended and visible) | +tum via.)
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI auŋa to over there, across, e.g., a
(dem. loc.) river, a street, or a body of water
aktumaŋŋa or aksrumaŋŋa or (extended and visible) | +uŋa
agrumaŋŋa [dual akkugnaŋŋa, (dem. term.)
pl. akkunaŋŋa] from that one over auŋanmun towards over there,
there across, e.g., a river, a street, across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
or a body of water (extended and body of water (extended and
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) nmun
mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) (term.)
aktumatun or aksrumatun or auŋaq- (i) to go over there, across,
agrumatun [dual akkugnaktun, e.g., a river, a street, or a body of
pl. akkunatitun] similar to that one water; (i) to go to the lower 48 or
over there across, e.g., a river, a to Europe (extended and visible) |
street, or a body of water +uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv
(extended and visible) | +tum
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun agak(-) a tease; a mischief-maker; (i) to
(dem. sim.) be mischievous; (i) to be a tease;

(i) to be belligerent, want to fight, aggiqi- (t) to return home to her/him/it <
be argumentative; (i) to fight; (t) ai-2
to tease her/him; (t) to fight with
her/him » agaktuq-asuuna iñuk aggisi- (t) to bring or take her/him/it home
oh, you are such a tease (said in < ai-2
annoyance); agakkaa nukaaluni
he is teasing his younger sibling aggisuuti- (t) to bring or take her/him/it
aggaktit- (i) to become mischievious; home < ai-2
(i) to start teasing others | ‘-k-2 vv
-tit-2 vv agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, or
aggaŋa- (i) to be a tease; (i) to be cut (it) away with a file » agikkaa
troublesome, belligerent, tuugaaq he is carving a piece of
argumentative » aggaŋaruq-araa ivory using a file | -aq7 vn
uumiñaqtuq-unnii taamna iñuk aggiq [aggIq] something that has
that person is extremely been filed | ‘-Q vn
troublesome and aggravating | agiaġnaq atuqtuuraq [lit. “a musical
‘-k-2 vv ±ŋa- vv instrument that you file”] violin |
aggaŋait- (i) to be kind, gentle » -aq7 vn -q-2nv +naq(-) vn
aggaŋaitchuamik iñugmik agiaq(-) a sharpener for knives, ulus,
paqittuq he found a kind, gentle saws, etc.; to sharpen, grind (it)
person | ‘-k-2 vv ±ŋa- vv :It-2 vv with a file; (Ti) a grindstone,
whetstone; to sharpen (it) with a
aggaq- (i) to come loose, come off, slip grindstone | -aq7 vn § silliñ,
off; (t) to cause it to come loose, ipiksaun
slip off » sanniġuġiaŋa agigvigaq- to wash (it) using a
aggaqhuni pituiqsuq the washboard » aakaga
cross-piece slipped off and agigvigaqłuni iqaqsriruq my
became disconnected mother is washing clothes using a
aggaġiitkutaq barb on a point which washboard; annuġaat
keeps the point from slipping out agigvigaġai he is washing clothes
of the quarry, e.g., seal, whale; using a washboard | +vIk1 vn
any object used to keep something +aq-10 nv
from slipping off; groove » agigvik or agirvik washboard |
aggaġiitkutaŋa satkuŋata +vIk1 vn
navigniqsuq the barb on his spear agiuk- to grate (it) against another
point is broken | +iitkutaq vn object e.g.,, a boat grating against
aggai- (i) to have something come another boat | -uk(-)2 vv, vn
loose; (t) to have it come loose | agiukpak or (Ti) agiuppak wall of
-I-5 vv sheared ice along the edge of an
open lead of water that has been
aggia- (i) to arrive en masse < ai-2 formed by the grinding action of
floating ocean ice against shore-
aggiñ ticket home < ai-2 locked ice » agiukpaum
saaŋagun natchiit puiraqtut the
aggiq- (i) to arrive, come home < ai-2 seals keep surfacing just below the
shear ice | :uk(-)2 vv, vn perhaps

-pak2 rn, vn or -pak2 vn -k-4 nv +aq-1 vv ±aq1 vn
agiun1 file (a tool) » agiun aglagiit- (i) to have a bad pattern (of
attaqsirani utiqtitkaa he returned cloth fabric); (Ti) (i) to be one
the file that he borrowed |:uti1 vn who has broken the law, to have a
agiun2 (Ti) rubbing alcohol, liniment, bad record | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv §
ointment | uti1 vn § nanuluun maqpiġaaġiit-
under nanuk- aglagik- (i) to have a nice pattern (of
agiuqasiraaq- (Ti) to rub against cloth) | +[g]Ik- nv
(her/him/it) accidentally; (i) to aglaglugu piksraq- to vote by secret
touch accidently | -uk(-)2 vv, vn ballot (parliamentary procedure) |
±qasiraaq- vv § nanuiqasiraaq- +lugu (contemp. irrealis 3s-3s)
agiuqsaaq- to rush, speed by aglagvik desk; surface to write on »
(her/him/it) » agiuqsaaqtuq aglagvigmiñun uniññiġaa
nutqaġaluaġnaniunnii he rushed aglaani he left his composition on
by without stopping; his desk | -k-4 +vIk1 vn
agiuqsaaġaatigut aglait- (i) to be blank (of paper); to
iglauguraġniaqtilluta it sped by have no design (of cloth fabric) »
us even though we were traveling aglailaamik atikłuliaksramiñik
along | :uq2 vv +saaq-1 vv tauqsiqsuaq she bought plain
unprinted fabric to make a
agitchiaq step-relative; (Ti) older sister § snowshirt (fabric cover for parka) |
aatauraq, aakatchiaq :It-1 nv
aglaiyaq- (t) to erase it | :Iyaq- nv
aglaan (conj) but; however; (enc) up to; aglaiyaun eraser | :Iyaq- nv un1 vn
as far as aglakługu piksraġniq secret ballot |
+ługu (contemp realis 3s-3s)
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglakpak capital or upper case letter;
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write big letter » aglakpagmik
(it); (i) to vote by secret ballot | sivulliliġñaqtuq uqallagniq one
-k-4 nv should start a sentence with a
aglaaksraq blank writing paper; capital letter | +qpak nn
something to be written down » aglakti secretary, scribe, clerk »
aglaaksramik paqitchiuqtuq aglaktiŋa aiganiŋaruq his
ilisaurri the teacher is looking for secretary has already gone home |
a blank piece of paper | -k-4 nv -k-4 nv mt/ri vn
±aq1 vn +ksraq(-) nn aglaktu- (i) to have large, repeating
aglaaq something written; design elements (such as flowers,
composition » aglaamiñik polka dots) (e.g., of fabric or
aitchuġaa ilisaurriñi = he gave wallpaper) | +tu- nv
his teacher what he had written | aglaqatigiik two playing cards of the
-k-4 nv ±aq1 vn same suit | -qati nn +[g]iik nn
aglagaaq a design, pattern, stripe » aglaulaaq- (i) to be brightly colored,
aglagaaŋit atikłukpit have a bold pattern (e.g., of cloth
nalunaipalugniqsut the designs fabric); | -ulaaq(-) vv
on your snowshirt (fabric cover aglaun pencil, pen | -k-4 nv :un1 vn §
for parka) are very distinct | miŋuaqtuun

aglauraaq- to doodle (on it); to write aglilaaq- (t) to enlarge it @ aglilaaqsi- <
(it) slowly | -k-4 nv -uraaq- vv aŋI-1
aglauraq lower case letter | :uraq nn
aglauti- or agliuti- (t) to write it agliñġaaq (Nu) adolescent girl < aŋi-1
down; to record it; (t) to write for
her/him | +uti- vv or perhaps agliq- (Ti) (i) to menstruate (menstruating
‘=I-1 nv +uti- vv women were seen as taboo and
aglautitaq- to type (it) » taamma isolated; the word agliq- in turn is
tusaġnaqtuq aglautitaqtuaq associated with other terms
whoever is typing can be heard | relating to taboo) § aalġu-
:un1 vn +[t]aq-2 nv agliġi- (t) to avoid her/him/it (in
aglautitaqti typist | :un1 vn accordance with taboo, e.g.,
+[t]aq-2 nv mt/ri vn avoidance of an ill person) »
aglautitaun typewriter | :un1 vn naŋittuaq agliġivlugu ullaŋitkaa
+[t]aq-2 nv :un1 vn he did not visit the person because
agliqi- (i) to be a postal clerk; to of his illness @ agliqsrI- | +[g]i-
deliver mail | ‘=Iqi-1 nv rv || ~srI- vv § iruġi-, kiruq-
agliqiri or (Ti) agliqiruaq postal ¤agliġik- (Ti) (i) to be observant of
clerk; mail plane; mail carrier (in consequences of taboo | +[g]Ik- rv
dog team days) | ‘=Iqi- nv mt/ri vn ¤agliġit- (Ti) (i) to be immune to the
or +t/ruaq vn consequences of ignoring taboo |
agliusima- (i) to be written down, be :It-1 rv
recorded | ‘=iuti- vv ¤+sima- vv agliġnaq- (i) to be forbidden, taboo,
agliuti- to record, write (it) down; (Ti) i.e. to be avoided | +naq-1 rv
(t) to photograph her/him/it @ agliqsraq- to avoid (her/him =a
agliurri- | ‘=I-1 nv +uti- vv || person with a disease) »
~rI-5 vv § (Ti) pitchaliuti-, agliqsraqłuni naŋittuat igluat
qiñiġaq- naŋaġaa he is making a detour
around the sick people’s house |
agli- (i) to grow, become large < aŋi-1 -qsraq- rv
agliqtau- (i) to be observant of taboo,
agliġuq half of the lower jaw; one side of avoiding that which should be
the whale jawbones § see avoided | +tau rv § paquġi- under
Appendices 19 & 20 *paquq; quŋuġi- under quŋuq;
agliġula- (i) to chatter (of one’s teeth) iruġi-; kiruġi-
» agliġularut kigutiŋi
qiusiavluni his teeth are agliraġaun magnifying glass < aŋi-1
chattering because he is very cold
| ±ġuq n -la- nv aglisuilauraq midget; dwarf; a
agliqquk (dual) mandible » agliqquk diminutive person/animal,
tuttum uniaŋŋualiuġukługik abnormally small being < aŋi-1
piiġaik he removed the caribou’s
jawbone because he wanted to aglisuit- (i) to grow slowly, to be stunted
make a toy sled out of it | ±ġuq n < aŋi-1
‘-k2 nn § aglu
aglitchiit- (i) to grow slowly < aŋi-1

brass rifle » “itiġruqpaŋi takirut
aglitchik- (i) to grow rapidly < aŋi-1 sammakiaq 3.5 inches” (Aiken
2009) [its (the rifle’s) bullets are
aglitchiq- (i) to be set aside to grow, about 3.5 inches long] |:Ilaq nn
increase in size; (t) to wait for agmalat- or aŋmalat- (t) to continue
her/him/it to grow < aŋi-1 to open it, e.g., door; (Nu) (t) to
open it part-way (as the wind does
agliuti- (t) to record, set it down in a tent flap) | -la- vv +t-1 vv
writing; (Ti) to photograph agmaq- or aŋmaq- to open (it); to
her/him/it < aglak(-) bloom, blossom @ agmai- or
aŋmai- » aŋmaqtaa
aglu(-) coating or filler applied on uvlaatchauraq tauqsiġñiaġvik
underside of sled runner (usually he opened the store early this
made of hard wood, whale jaws, morning | +q-1 vv -I-6 vv
or metal); whale jawbone; (t) to agmaun can opener; key | +q-1 vv
apply a coating or filler on bottom :un1 vn § pitchiġiiyaun,
of sled runners » agluiyaqtut kiluitchaun
uniatka the bottom layers of my
sled runners are off § sikkuk agmaaq [agmaraq] or aŋmaaq or (Nu)
under siku, see Appendix 18 akmaaq flint; chert »
aglugi- (t) to run over her/him/it with agmaaqsiuġuuruagut
a vehicle » qamunmiñik Ukkuqsimi we used to search for
aglugigaa kalikuġruaq he ran flint at Ukkuqsiq; “akmaat
over the heavy canvas with his igniqsuutigisuugait
car; aglugivlugu naviksimaraa karuuttaġivlugit igniñmik”
he ran over it with his vehicle and (Hugo 2009) [flint is used to start
broke it | +[g]i- nv fires by striking it against a stone
agluq-1 (t) to remove its jawbone | to create a spark]
-q-1 nv aŋmaaqtalik or (Nu) akmaaqtalik
agluutaq templepiece of eyeglasses | flintlock rifle (muzzle-loader) |
-utaq vn +taq(-) nn -lik nn
aŋmaaqtuun a tool with a flint point
agluq-2 (i) to dive into the water, e.g., an used in softening a tanned caribou
animal or a swimming water bird hide | +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn
» natchiq agluqtuq sikumiñ the aŋmarriqi- (i) to work with flint |
seal dove off the ice floe; ‘=Iqi-1 nv
“agluqtuq: it dives (of bird)”
(Jenness 1928: 8) § nakkaq- agmaluq- or aŋmaluq- to be round §
agma- or aŋma- (i) to be open,
uncovered, unlocked » agnaaq- (t) to make it too large < aŋi-1
misuġuqtuun agmaruq the glass
jar is open » tauqsiġñiaġvik agnatchiq the other side, not this side,
agmaruq suli the store is still e.g., of a river < °ag (dem. stem)
agmailaq [lit. “no hammer”].45-.70

agniq(-) [agnIq]or aŋniq(-) blizzard,
snowstorm, blowing snow; (i) to
have a blizzard » agniq
suaŋŋaktuq the blizzard is
becoming stronger; agniqsuq
aimmiuraaġiñ you should stay
home because of the blizzard
agniġuq- or aŋniġuq- (t) to develop
into a blizzard, a snowstorm | aguummaayaaġiik [lit. “the onesd of
+[ġ]uq-1 nv the same basket”] twins |
agniñġu- (i) to be stopped or delayed -ayaaq1 nn +[g]iik(-) nn
by a blizzard » agniñġuvlutiŋ aguummi- to weave, make a basket
aiñaġiaŋitchut they did not arrive for (her/him/it); (t) to weave,
home early because they were make it into a basket »
held up by a blizzard | -nġu- nv aguummigaa tutaaluurani he is
aŋniġu- (Ti) (t) to have hard blowing making a basket for his grandchild
snow accompanied by high wind | | ‘=I-1 nv
:u-1 nv
aġayuk- (i) to travel about »
agralgun (Ti) wheeled vehicle, e.g., car § “aġayuktutin uvva akkupak;
qamun, aksrak- yugittutin savaaġni” (Aiken
2009) [you are now traveling
agraq- (t) to haul them =boxes with about; you are traveling in your
repeated trips @ agraqsi- » job]
agraġait suġauttatiŋ aġayuuq- (i) to be quick, fast; to
iglutiqsaqtuat the ones who are hurry | perhaps :uq-2 vv
moving into the house are hauling
their things over | -sI-3 vv aġġi- [aġġI] (i) to hold an Iñupiaq dance
aġġiri dancer, drummer or singer at
agrutaq bothersome person, someone an Iñupiaq dance » aġġirit
who is in the way » aniiqsuaġiñ quviasupiaġataqtut the dancers
agrutausiññaqtutin uvva go play and drummers are very happy |
outside, you are in the way here § mt/ri vn
aġġivik a place to hold an Iñupiaq
dance; (Nu) men’s house |
aguirrun cause of trouble »
+vIk1 vn § qargi
aguirrutiłhiñaq ilviñ iñuk you
are just a troublemaker | +run1 vn
aġġiññaq bag (for hunting gear), sealskin
bag, knapsack | +nnaq nn
aguummak or (Nu) aguummaq
[aguummaQ] woven basket »
aġġutaq1 membrane surrounding the
aguummaliaŋi tuvaaqatikpiñ
heart; dried stomach or bladder
savaġipaluktut the baskets made
used as a container; food storage
by your spouse are well made
poke (bag) made of dried beluga
or bearded seal stomach »

“paniġmatigiŋ aġiulaktuaq- (t) to do all one wants to
puukatauraġivlugit” (Matumeak do with her/him/it »
2009) [when dry they are used as “aġiulaktuaġuŋ” (Matumeak
containers] 2009) [do all you want to do with
it] |-lak- vv +tuaq- vv
aġiusaaq- (i) to come to the
aġġutaq2 distant relative § ila(-) conclusion of an event, to the
finale | -saaq-1 vv
*aġI (root) dampness, moisture aġiut- (t) to have nothing to with
aġiñaq- (i) to be damp; remain moist her/him/it anymore »
(of skin, meat); (i) to be soft | “pilaiġutivlugu aġiutkaa”
+naq(-) rv (Matumeak 2009) [he got tired of
aġiññaq(-) wet object; (i) to be damp it and will not have anything more
(of ground, air, weather) | +t-2 rv to do with it] | +t-2 vv
+naq(-) vv
aġiparaq fresh, untanned skin | aġiyuk- (Ti) (i) to travel about from place
¤+paraq rn to place » “tasamani aasii
aġit- [agIt] to become wet or damp aġiyukkaluaġami utiġluni;
(of fabric, ground, animal hide, immamikaluaq
child’s diaper)» isikkit iñirat; imaġualaitchuq” (David
aġitkai bring in the clothes that Frankson as reported by Pulu,
have been hung out to dry; they Sampson, Newlin: 95) [and after
are becoming wet | +t-2 rv § traveling down there she returns;
tavliq- although she has been in water,
aġitchiq- to soak (it) » amiq she never gets wet] § kukiluk-
aġitchiqsuq iqaqqivigruami the
skin is soaking in the big tub | aġlik- (t) to leave behind a portion of a
+[t]sIq- vv load » usiami ilaŋi aġlikkai he
aġivri- (i) to become wrinkled from left behind some of his load
soaking in water, of skin » aġligi- (t) to regret at being unable to
aġivriruq he gets wrinkled skin » carry part of her/his load »
argatka aġivrirut my hands are aġligivlugu unitkaa feeling bad
getting wrinkled | =rI-2 vv about not being able to take a part
of her load, he left her | +[g]i- nv
aġimmiq bone joint § navlu
aġnaq woman; an adult human female;
aġiu- (i) to stop, adjourn, quit, adjourn; to queen (suit in cards) »
die (after a lengthy illness or a iġñimaruaq aġnamik she gave
long life); (t) to have nothing to do birth to a girl
with her/him/it anymore » aġnaat (irreg abs. poss.) his wife »
aġiunaqsigaatigut it is time for us aġnaat uvlaakun
to stop » savaani aġiugaa he quit tikiññiaġniraŋat they said his
his job » ataatakpur-guuq wife will arrive tomorrow | :at
taamma aġiuruq our grandfather (poss. 3p-3s) § aġnaqtiŋ
just died, it is said aġnaġik- (i) to be pretty, attractive (of
a woman) | +[g]Ik- nv

aġnaġiksaq- to primp (her), apply aġnatuq- (i) to commit adultery with
makeup on (her) | +[g]Ik- nv a woman; to have an affair with a
msaq- vv woman (of a man) | +tuq-3 nv §
aġnaġri- (i) to act like a woman (of a also allatuq-
man) | -ġrI- nv aġnau- (Nu) (i) to dance, performing
¤aġnaġuaq- (Ti) (i) to grow old (of a the arm movements characteristic
woman) | -ġuaq- vv § aaquaq- of a woman (often used of a man
aġnaġuq- (i) to become a woman imitating a woman) | :u-1 nv
» “qatqitchuq; aġnaun (Ti) girlfriend | -un2 nn
niviaqsiaguŋaiqsuq; aġnauniq wife; woman taken along
aġnaġuqtuaq” (Aiken 2009) [she on a hunting party; (Nu) female
is mature; she who becomes a maternal parallel cousin (of a
woman ceases being a teenager] | man) | +unIq nn § aŋunnuniq
+uq-1 nv aġnauraq (Ti) white woman |
aġnaiyaaq girl (pre-teen); a female :uraq nn
human baby » aġnaiyaaq aġnaviaq female Eider Duck |
savvaġiksuq the girl is neat and -viaq2 nn
clever | -iyaaq nn aġnavik female Ptarmigan (Lagopus
aġnaksraq man who acts the part of a lagopus) | -vIk2 nn § aqargIq
woman (as in a play where a man aġnavvi- (i) to flirt in an alluring way
is chosen to play the lead of a (of a woman); (i) to exhibit
woman) | -ksraq(-) nn, nv prideful behavior, regardless of
aġnalaniaq (Ti) a beautiful woman | others watching; (i) to indulge in
+laniaq nn self-esteem (of a woman) |
aġnaqan matrilineal cousin (child of +vvI- nv
mother’s sister) | ±qati/qan vn nn aġniqi- (i) to womanize; (t) to molest
§ aŋunnuniq, aŋutiqan under aŋun her sexually | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
aġnaqtaq an object or article aġniqiniuraq- (i) to flirt, chase after
designed for a woman » women | ‘=Iqi-1 nv +niuraq- vv
aġnaqtagnik kamikłuugnik
tauqsilgiññiqsuq killukuaqłuni aġnauraak two small pieces of wood
he bought a pair of women’s pants inserted into the tips of a bow to
by mistake | +taq(-) nn hold a braided sinew bowstring in
aġnaqtiŋ his own wife » aġnaqtiŋ place | -k2 nn
nakuaġikpakkaa he adores his
wife | +ktiŋ (poss. 3p-3s) § nulianI aġra or aġraq ash; gunpowder; fire pail
under nuliaq (used by whaling crew for cooking
aġnasalluq female animal » prior to the modern campstove)
aġnasalluq ivamaruq the bitch
has borne a litter | +salluq nn
aġnasuk female dog, bitch » aġnasuk
ivaalik ugiallaruaq qallikaptigu
the bitch with the litter began to
snarl when we got close to her |
-suk nn

aġraiyaun rake for fireplace ash | qaurimaiqsitiġaa he quickly
:Iyaq- nv :un1 vn rendered him unconscious by
aġraqtuqtuaq (Ti) small stove made hitting him with the edge of his
from a kerosene can with top hand | -k-4 nv +mIk-1 nv, vv
removed | +tuq-3 nv +tuaq2
aġriq- (t) to fill it =gun with aġvaluq- (Ti) (i) to be round § aqvaluq-,
gunpowder » aġriqsaa akku he agmaluq-
filled it (the gun) with powder a aġvaluqtauraq (Ti) weaned female
while ago | ‘=Iq-1 nv whale (young and fat); muffin
aġrit- to become ash covered | (bread) | +taraq2 vn =uraq nn
‘=It-2 nv aġvaluqtaurisit muffin tin, pan |
+taraq2 vn =uraq nn ‘=I-1 nv -ti1 vn
aġraq(-) (Ti) ball; (t) to kick it =ball
repeatedly § aqsraq- aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit,
Aġraurraġvik (Ti) month of January; archaic pl. aavġit; archaic relative
“The January moon (month) was form aavġum] bowhead whale
sometimes called Agrawagvik (Balaena mysticetus); Pacific right
after the football” (Rainey: 257) whale (Eubalaena japonica)
aġraurraq(-) (Ti) (i) to play aġvaalik female bowhead whale with
traditional Iñupiaq soccer; “One a calf » “Tamarra aġvaalgillu
game, argauguk (football), was tamatkua, aġviŋuluuramik
played with a ball, about the size aullarriruat, amaaqtuat,
of an indoor baseball, made of a tamarra iŋutuvaŋnik
bundle of baleen shavings sewed pivaguŋnagaich.” (David
into a sealskin cover.” (Rainey: Frankson as reported by Pulu,
256)| -q-2 nv -urraq- vv also Sampson, Newlin: 68) [and the
aqsrautraq- female whales traveling with
aġraurraun (Ti) football for Iñupiaq calves on their backs are called
soccer | -q-2 nv -urraq- vv :un1 vn iŋutuvak “young female whales”]
aġriqi- (Ti) (i) to play ball (any ball | -aq2 nn -lik nn
game) | ‘=Iqi-1 nv § aqsriqi-, aġvaaq [aġvaraq] infant whale;
ayukyaq(-) whale calf » aġvarrak puiruk
atautchikun the two whale calves
aġvak(-)1 edge of hand; balls of fingers surfaced simultaneously | -aq2 nn
and thumb; fleshy part of palm; (t) aġvaaq aŋŋuuq! (excl.)
to hit her/him/it with edge of hand announcement crying out that a
» aġvaŋmigun kiliŋaruq he has a whale has been caught
cut on the ball of his thumb; aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) to kill
aġvaŋni aksiyagigai the edge of a whale in a whale hunt »
his hand is tender to the touch; aġvaktuat quvianapaluktut oh,
kuvluŋmi aġvaŋa anniġaa he what joy, they caught a whale! |
injured the ball of his thumb | ‘-k-1 nv or ‘-k-1 nv perhaps
-k-4 nv -aq-2 vv
aġvaŋmik- (t) to hit her/him/it with aġvaksakaaq the type of whale one
the edge of the hand repeatedly » usually caught » “Taimmagguuq
aġvaŋmikugu tavra aapami aġvaksakaaŋisitun

ittuamik aŋiŋitchuamik +un1 vn +tuq-3 nv
uuktuaġaqsiruq.” (Ahvakana: aġvaŋniaq- (i) to hunt bowhead
29 [so he began to try to kill not whales; (Ti) (i) to camp on the ice
so large whales like his father for whaling | -k-1 nv +niaq(-) vv
used to get] | ‘-k-1 nv +saq vn aġvaŋniat whalers | ‘k-1 nv
-kaaq nn +niaq(-) vn -t nn
aġvaktaġi- (t) to kill, catch it =whale | aġviġluaq gray whale (Eschrichtius
+t/raq nv +[g]i- vv robustus) » aġviġluam sarġutkai
aġvaktaġiyummiuqpak- (Ti) (t) to a gray whale is passing by in front
consider it to be the whale to of them | +luaq nn
catch » “Aġvaktaġiyummiuq- aġviġunaaq- (i) to sight, see a whale |
pakkaat suli taamna +[ġ]unaaq- nv
iŋutualuk.” (David Frankson as aġviliqun whaling shoulder gun |
reported by Pulu, Sampson, -liqun vn
Newlin: 68) [the mature female aġvilia! (excl.) announcemnt cried out
whale is a sought after whale as a crew or family member of a
catch] | +t/raq vn +[g]i- nv successful whaling captain gets on
+yummiuq- vv a blanket toss to jump [note: the
aġvanġaq(-) (Ti) a new whaling vowel cluster /ia/ is flattened]
captain who has killed her/his first aġviñġaq oil from rendered whale
whale; (i) to catch one’s first blubber » aġviñġamik
whale (of new whaling captain) | misiġarriruq he is making oil
‘-k-1 nv -nġaq2 vn -q-2 nv from whale blubber |
aġvanġaqtuaq (Ti) a new whaling -nġaq nn
captain who has caught his first aġviqi- (i) to hold a whaling feast (of
whale (usually the whale is whaling captain) | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
divided differently than those aġviqsiuq- or aġviġniaq- (i) to hunt
whales caught by seasoned whales | +siuq- or nv +niaq-2 vv §
whaling captains; rituals such as aġvaŋniaq-
“nalukataq” also differ slightly) » aġvisuaq porpoise (Phocoena
aġvanġaqtuaq qagruġman vomerina) » “maŋaqtaurat
nalukataġuurut avarriqi- aaġlutun qiññaqauraqtuat”
ŋaiġmata when the whaling (Aiken 2009) [the ones that are
captain who has caught his first black and resemble killer whales
whale holds the first day of the slightly] | +suaq nn
whaling festival, the blanket toss aġviuġun knife for butchering whale |
is held the second day after the =iuq-1 nv :un1 vn
whale flukes have been distributed aġviuq- (i) to divide up, butcher a
(Kineeveauk, 2008) | ‘-k-1 nv - whale into shares (of whaling
nġaq- vv +tuaq2 (3s participle) crews) » titiqtuqqaaġlugu
aġvanġaun first whale taken by a new aġviuġuugaat they always mark
whaling captain | ‘-k-1 nv the shares before they butcher the
-nġaq- vv +un1 vn whale | =iuq-1 nv
aġvanġautituq- (i) to eat from the aġviuraq snowdrift in the shape of a
first whale of a new whaling “whale back” (usually about 30
captain | ‘-k-1 nv -nġaq- vv feet in length) (Arnold Brower Sr.

in Sturm: 41) § aniuvauraq, comes home; it’s when a person
qayuqłak comes home] | ‘-q-2 vv
aggiqi- (Nu) (t) to return home to
aġviq- [aġvIq] to reach the summit after a her/him/it » uniñŋagaluakkani
difficult climb » “qimiġaq aggiqigaa he returned home to the
aġviqsaaqsiññaġlugu one he had left behind| '-qi- vv
tikiññiaqtutin” (Aiken 2009) aggisi- or aggisuuti- (t) to bring or
[you will have arrived at the take her/him/it home @
destination after you reach and go aggirri- or aggisuurri- or (Nu)
over the top of the hill] § akpak-, aggiurri- » aġnam aggisigaa
itivit-, ukpitaq- miqłiqtuuraq the woman took
aġviqtaq- (i) to pace back and forth the baby home | ‘ti- vv or ‘ti- vv
» “qimiġaq aġviqtaġaa” (Aiken +uti- vv || ‘rrI- vv, +urrI- vv
2009) [he is pacing back and aimaaġvigipasaŋit- (t) to not have it
forth on the hill] | +t/raq-1 vv as a home for long »
aġyuk- (i) to travel about; to walk, stroll § taimña kaviqsaaq iglu we did
aġayuk- not stay in that red house for very
aġyuuq- (i) to be fast, quick, to hurry long | +[g]ipasaŋIt- nv
» aġyuuġraġiñ please hurry | aimaaġvik or aimmivik home »
-uq-2 vv aimaaġvigmiñi mavsiqsuq he is
convalescing at home |
ai (excl.) seeks approval or endorsement » +maaq(-) vv +vIk1 vn, +mmI-5 vv
ailuk ai let’sd go home, okay; +vIk1 vn
tikitchut ai they have arrived, aimmi-1 (i) to be at home | +mmI-5 vv
isn’t that so aimmi-2 (i) immediately upon arrival
at home » aimmiuŋalu nannit
ai-1 [agI] (t) to fetch, go and get her/him/it qamiruat just after I arrived at
» aggiuŋ (you) go and get it; @ home, the lights went out |
aikłiq- » aikłiqsuq +mmi-2 vv
ikayuqtiksramiñik he has gone aimmimmi- (i) to also be home »
for help || +kłIq-1 vv aimmimmiuq he too is home |
+mmi-1 vv
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home; (i) to come aiñmuk- (i) to go homeward |
home » aggiiñ; ammapta -nmun (term.) -k-3 ncv
piŋigigaatin go home; they are aiñmun toward home | -nmun (term.)
probably worried about you as aipqaulligaq- (i) to return home
usual § aŋilġaq- joyfully » “tavra aapaŋat
aggia- (i) to arrive en masse (used in aipqaulligaqtuq qitunġamiñun;
pl) | ‘-q-2 vv -a-1 vv araa, aliitkutinikhutik”
aggiñ ticket home » aggisiksramiñik (Nageak 1975: 7) [so their father
tauqsiqsuaq she bought a ticket would enjoy returning home
home | ‘n vn joyfully to his children; it was
aggiq- [aggIq] (i) to arrive; (i) to wonderful that they (he and his
come home » “tavra airuq; wife) now had something
aimman iñuk” (Aiken 2009) [he (children) to enjoy] |

-pqaullik- vv +aq-1 vv 2009) [gathering containers for
berry picking]
aiġaaluk husband’s older brother
aiñaq [ENG “onion”] onion
aiġaq plant with edible roots, vetch
(Oxytropis nigrescens) | +[ġ]aq n aiñiq [aiñiQ] pocket » aiñġitchuq he
§ nakaq, masu doesn’t have pockets § igvik
aiñiġmiutaq(-) something kept in the
aiġun cuff of sleeve < aiq- pocket; pocket watch; to keep (it)
in one’s pocket | +miutaq(-) nn
ailaq- (i) to be damp or wet aiñiqsimaaq- (i) to stand with one’s
ailaġnaq(-) damp cool weather; (i) to hands in one’s pants pockets |
be misty (of air); (Ti) (i) to be wet, +simaaq- vv § kaumaaq-
damp (of ground) | +naq(-) vv aiñiqsruq- to reach into (her/his/its)
ailaqi- to get (it) wet | -qi- vv pocket | +qsruq-1 nv § igvigruq-
aillałak that which is dripping wet |
‘-Q-4 vn -łak nn, vn aiparaq fresh, raw, untanned skin
aillaq dampness, moisture; someone (Aiken 2009)
or somethng which is drenched,
soaking wet » aillaq alappaa it is aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons,
so damp and cold | ‘-Q vn § avyuq objects, seasons, years, or ages);
co-wife (woman with whom one
ailli- [aillI] (Ti) (i) to stop and eat when shares a husband) » aippani
on a journey » aillipkaġitka aġnam taluġigaa the woman
qimmitka I stopped my journey fears her co-wife; aippaŋa
to feed my dogs aitqatikpiñ nauŋ where
ailli liq- (Nu) (i) to eat lunch | -lIq-1 vv is your other mitten; “Ilaanni
§ qituġusiq- Tikiġaġmiut upiñġagrami
aippaŋani, uillaigutisuugai.”
aillukiaq (excl.) yes, that is right! I agree! (David Frankson as reported by
| +lu (encl.) +kiaq (encl.) § Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 95)
aaglukiaq, ii, aa, aaŋ [sometimes on an alternate
spring, it takes a long while for
ailuqtuq Surf Scoter (Melanitta the ocean ice to develop an open
perspicillata) | +tuq6 n § lead of water near Point Hope] §
tuunġaaġruk, aviluqtuq iglu
aippaaġnisaq that which is ancient |
aiłhuuq- to rock (it) back and forth (as in perhaps ‘-.q-4 dv +nisaq nn §
a boat or plane) iŋilġaaġnisaq
aippaaġu during next year; indefinite
aimaġnaq antlerless female caribou; in the future » aippaaġu
barren female caribou § tuttu tautuutiniaqtuguk qakugu
sometime next year wed will see
aimmaq (Nu) berry container, sack » each other | perhaps
“pukugviurat asianun” (Hugo ‘-.q-4 dv m[g]u(n) nn

aippaak [lit.”theird = first & third other”] aippiġaa he joined the one who is
the number two (second in a leaving (for an event) | ‘=Iq-1 nv §
series, used especially when tappiq-
counting in a game) | perhaps ‘-
.q-4 dv :ak (abs. poss. 3d-3s) aipqaulligaq- (i) to come home joyfully
aippaani long ago in the distant past, and eagerly < ai-2
in olden days; “in the other time”
(Murdoch 1890: 43) » aiq- to put (her/his) arm into (her/his)
siġġaqivlutiŋ aippaani sleeve » qumiikkaluaqami
iñuusuuŋarut in the olden days aiġataqtuq he put his arms
they really had to struggle to make through his sleeves after having
a living; “aippaanilu alġaanilu had them inside his parka for a
atiruk” (Harold Itta 1982: track while § asiq(-)
1) [aippaani and alġaani are aiġun cuff of sleeve » qaliġuuraŋata
synomyns] | perhaps ‘-.q-4 dv ÷nI aiġutaa aliktuq the cuff of her
(loc.) § alġaanI dress sleeve tore | :un1 vn
aippaanigu in the distant future | ÷nI aiñiq [aiñiQ] pocket | -niQ vn
(loc.) m[g]u(n) nn aiñiqsruq- to reach into one’s own
aippaapak time immemorial, ancient pocket; (t) to reach into her/his/its
times » aippaapak qaŋapak pocket | -niQ vn +qsruq-1 nv
tainna ittuq it has always been aiqpak elbow-length mitten |
thus since time immemorial | +qpak(-) nn
perhaps ‘-.q-4 dv -pak1 nn aitqan or aatqan or aaqqan mitten;
aippaġiik a pair of items belonging (Nu) caribou skin mitt used when
together; a pair of co-wives; in breaking bones for making broth |
spelling, double letters =geminate +tqan vn
sounds » aippaġiik aisitaq cracked ice made by force of
aññaġiigmiuk the pair of co- moving ice when it attaches to
wives are also maternal cousins | free floating ice (Harcharek: 8)
+[g]iik/t nn
aippaġu the year after next | aitchuq- (t) to give her/him/it something
m[g]u(n) nn » aitchuġaa aŋun qilaamiñik she
gave the man what she had knitted
Aippiġñiq Tuesday | ‘=Iq-1 nv
aitchui- (i) to donate or make a
+niQ1 vn
contribution; to give away; to
Aippiq- [lit. “we have Tuesday”] (i)
make an offering in church |
to be Tuesday (used with 1p
:I-4 vv
ending) » Aippiqsugut it is
aitchuivik a time or place for giving
Tuesday | ‘=Iq-1 nv
gifts; offering plate or basket, in
aippiq- (i) acquire a companion; (t) to
church » aitchuivik
become the companion of
kataiqqayaġaa he almost
her/him/it; (t) to accompany
dropped the collection basket |
her/him; (t) to add a second one to
:I-4 vv +vIk1 vn
it; (t) to second, endorse it
aitchuġniġluun death-inducing object
=nomination or motion in
given by a shaman to someone he
parliamentary procedure, so that a
wishes to harm; something given
vote may be taken » ayaksaqtuaq

in an aggressive manner » aiyaaŋa- (i) to be dizzy, to feel faint, to
aitchuġniġluusiaqaŋavluni be nearly unconscious »
aŋatkumiñ tuquliŋaruq he died aiyaaŋaruq; nallaqtirruŋ he is
shortly after he received a death- dizzy; have him lie down | ±ŋa- vv
inducing charm from the shaman | § aanŋu-
-niġluk- vv :un1 vn
aitchuun offering, sacrifice; donation aiyugaaq- (t) to invite her/him @
gift ġiven | :un1 vn aiyugaaqłiq- or (Ti) aiyugaaġliq-
aitchuusiaq gift, item received » or aiyugaaqłii- | +kłIq1 +I5
aitchuusiani qimaksimarai she aiyugaaqsiu- (Ti) (i) to be invited |
forgot the things that were given +siu- vv
to her | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn
aitchuutigi- (t) to betray, deliver aiyuili- (i) to get carried away; (i) to go to
her/him/it; to give her/him/it away excess | perhaps -ili- vv
as a gift or offering | :un1 vn
+[g]i- nv § annauti- aka- (i) to protest, make a fuss, be
aitchuutiginniktuaq betrayer, traitor | disagreeable » “taimma
:un1 vn +[g]i- nv +nnik- vv akaŋitchuq” (Nageak 1975: 24)
+t/ruaq vn [so he did as asked]
akałłuqutaq troublesome person,
aiva- (Nu) to quarrel, argue (with her/him) troublemaker | +t-2 vv +łuqutaq vn
§ qanaaq- under qaniq(-) akałłuqutau- (i) to be the cause of
dissension among people; to be a
aiviq [aiviQ] [dual aivvak, pl. aivġit] troublemaker; to cause a
walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) disturbance | +t-2 vv +łuqutaq vn
aivġit- (i) to lack walrus, have a -u-1 nv
dearth of walrus | :It-1 nv akarrun cause of conflict,
aivġit nauyaŋat [lit. “the seagull of disharmony, or dissension »
the walrus”] Northern Fulmar akarrutaunak illatiguviñ don’t
(Fulmarus glacialis) | :It nn be troublesome when you join
aivġukkaq- (i) for there to be many them | +t-2 vv -ruti vn
walrus | :ukkak- nv akat- (i) to harm oneself; (t) to upset,
aivġutait- (i) to not have a suppy of bother, or harm her/him/it »
walrus meat | :uti2 nn :It-1 nv aapiyani akatkaa savagni-tuaq
aivġutau- (i) to have a large supply of he is bothering his elder brother
walrus meat | :uti2 nn :u-3 n who is trying to work; akattuq
aivvak- (i) to kill a walrus | ‘-k-1 nv ilimiñik immaġluliqłuni he is
aiviqiak [aiviqirak] Pectoral doing himself harm by drinking
Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos) » heavily | +t-2 vv
aiviqirrat tautugnaqsisuurut akatchi- (i) to be disruptive; (t) to
upinġaami pectoral sandpipers disrupt her/his activity » suaguŋ
return for the summer § ikka akatchiruq scold him, he is
puvviaqtuuq being disruptive; akatchigaa
ataurani he is disrupting his older
aiy?! (excl.) is that so?! sister; iññuqłuum akatchigaa

savaaŋanik the trouble maker (period of time doing something);
messed up her work | +t2- vv (t) to replace her/him in a
+sI-4 vv competition, etc. @ akiaqsi- »
akayugnaiq- (i) to appease someone akiaġaa ilaaluni he took over for
so they no longer bother one; (t) to his partner | -aq-4 nv || +sI-3 vv
satisfy to the fullest to where it akigaq-2 to bear, carry (it) from both
can never be repaid | -yuk(-)vv sides (of more than one person);
+naq-1 vv :Iq-2 vv to bear, carry (it) on or across
one’s shoulders, e.g., with a yoke
akalik- or (Ti) agalik- to be unruly (of » aġviġum niaqua akigaqługu
hair); (Ti) to be curly (of hair) » nuutkaak theyd moved the
“ill aŋaruatun inmata nuyaŋit whale’s head by carrying it from
akalignisuugait” (Aiken 2009) both sides | -gaq- vv, nv § kakaaq-,
[it is said that when one’s hair is nanmak-, tigumiaq-
tangled, it is unruly] akigaun yoke, a frame fitted to a
agaliksaq- (Ti) (t) to curl hair » person’s shoulders to carry loads;
agaliksaġaa niaquġa she is a stick slipped under the handle
curling my hair | +saq3- vv used to distribute a load to be
agaliŋa- (Ti) (i) to have curly hair » carried, as when a bucket of water
niaqqun agaliŋaruq your hair is is transported by two persons »
curly | ±ŋa- vv akigautaak naviktuq the stick
akatiŋa- (i) to be curly (of hair) | that theyd are using to carry
±ŋa- vv something broke | -gaq- vv, nv
:un1 vn
akavalik- (Nu) (t) to roll it into a ball, akigautik a stretcher; a litter »
e.g., with hands akigautik aikkik go get the
stretcher | -gaq- vv :un1 vn -k2 nn
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akigiik(-) (i) to be across from each
equivalence; cost, price, value; other; opponents | +[g]iik- nv §
wage; opposite side, other side; akilliġiik(-)
(Ti) north side of the point (Point akiġruq- (Ti) to buy (it) on credit |
Hope); (t) to respond, -ġruq- nv § akiilaq(-), imuŋaaq(-)
acknowledge, or answer her/him akiġruun (Ti) a debt | -ġruq- nv
with gestures (of one who is far :un1 vn § akiilaq(-), imuŋaaq(-)
away but visible) » akiptinni akiilaaq something free, without cost
igluqaqtut they have a house | :ilaq(-) nv ±aq1 vn
across from ours; taamna akiilaq(-) debt; to buy (it) on credit »
qanutun akiqaqpa what is the akiilani akiliġiaġai he has gone to
price on that pay his debts | :ilaq(-) nn, nv
akiaġaqtaaq- to take turns using (it); akiilaqtuqtitchiri creditor; money
(i) to take turns doing an activity | lender | :ilaq(-) nn, nv +tuq-2 vv
-aq-4 nv +aq-1 vv +taaq- vv +sI-3 vv mt/ri vn
akiani on the opposite side | -anI akiili- (t) to defeat her/him in a
poss.3s-sloc. contest » kamanniraaqtuaq
akiaq- (t) to relieve her/him during a akiiligaa he defeated the one who
task; (t) to take over her/his watch

was showing off, one who thought of Point Barrow » qamma
he was strong | :It-1 nv -lI-4 nv akiliñaaqsiuqtut kalittuat
akiisit- (t) to defeat, beat her/him/it; aġviġmik the boats pulling the
(t) to overcome (it =illness, whale are remaining on the north
misfortune) | :It-1 nv mtit-1 vv side of Point Barrow | +liñaaq vn
akiit- (i) to lose, be defeated; (i) to be akiliq- (t) to pay for it; (t) to pay
cheap, inexpensive » her/him @ akilii- » akiliġaa
akisunasugiraġa akiiññiqsuq I tauqsiġñiaqti he paid the store-
thought it was costly, but found it keeper; akiliiruaq aŋunmun he
to be inexpensive; paid the man | -lIq-1 nv || :I-4 vv
tikitqaurraġmata akiitchuaq he akilirrun payment for services,
lost when a race was held | :It-1 nv usually money | +lIt- nv +run vn
akiitchuq a prostitute, harlot | :It-1 nv akilisiq- (t) to pay them each a wage |
+tuq2 vn +lIt- nv ~Iq-1 nv
akiksrait- (i) to be priceless, akilit- (t) to pay her/him a wage »
invaluable » iñuit uqallagaqtut savaktini akilitkai he paid his
maġlaktuutaa akiksraiññivlugu workers | +lIt- nv
once in a while people would say akilitchi- (Ti) (i) to pay a debt |
that his dance gift was priceless - +lIt- nv +sI-3 vv § akiilaq(-)
ksraq nn :It-1 nv akiliusiaksraq reward | +lIt- nv
akiksriq- or (Ti) akigriq- (t) to :un-1 vn ~Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn
assess, appraise its worth, set a +ksraq(-) nn
price on it; (t) to set a taxation akiliusiaq reward, wage, paycheck »
value on it | -ksraq nn or akiliusiani nuŋupkapasuuġaa he
+graq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv spent his paycheck already |
akiksriqsuq- (t) to set a value on, to +lIt- nv :un-1 vn ~Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn
assess the worth of them (for akilliġii (Nu) “two-family” sod house
taxation, sale price) @ (with one door), entrance on long
akiksriqsui- | -ksraq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv side (Ingstad: 158 “akilliri”);
+tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv duplex house | +llIQ nn
akiliaksraq bill; item to be paid for » +[g]iik(-) nn § sivunmuktaq,
akiliaksratka tikiñmata iglupiaqtaqłik
quyatchapaluktuŋa akilliġiik(-) enemiesd, opponentsd; (i)
mikiniġmata when my bills to be enemies, opponents| +llIQ
came, I was overjoyed when I nn +[g]iik(-) nn, nv
realized that they were a small | akilliliq- to oppose (her/him); (i) to
-lIq-1 nv ±aq1 vn +ksraq nn now have an opponent » aapiyani
akiliaksriq- (t) to levy, impose a tax anaktaqtuani akilliliġaa he is
on it; (t) to bill, charge her/him/it competing against his brother in
an amount | -lIq-1 nv ±aq1 vn the games | +llIQ nn -lIq-1 nv
+ksraq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv akilliliqsuq- (t) to oppose her/him/it
akiliñaaq north side area of a point of @ akilliiqsui- | +llIQ nn -lIq-1 nv
land; north side of Point Barrow +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
(Nuvuk) » ukiami akiliñaami akilliliqsuun opposition,
aġvagniqsut during the fall, they contradiction | +llIQ nn -lIq-1 nv
caught a whale on the north side +tuq-2 vv :un

akill iq opponent, competitor; akimuksaaġun oblique horizontal
opposite; enemy; (Nu) side support beam | ÷muk- nv +saaq-2
platform in sod house (one of two vv :un1 vn § see Appendix 22
platforms opposite each other) » akiñ or akisi pillow; sleeping
akilliñi siġmaaliqsitkaa he is platform head beam (crossbeam)
forcing his competitor to work akisiga nakuuruq my pillow is
harder | +llIQ nn perfect | -n2 § igliq,
akill iqsruq- (t) to oppose her/him/it sayyagiitkutaq, see Appendix 22
@ akilli qsrui- | +llIQ nn akiññak- (i) to be paid a wage, to get
+qsruq-1 nv || :I-4 vv paid | +nnak- nv
akiłhun glass lantern chimney; snow akiññaktaaq paycheck, payment
deflector, e.g., at the entrance of received for services rendered;
a snowhouse to keep the snow prize won » akiññaktaaksrautit
from piling up and blocking the naanŋaitkaitsuli they have not
entrance » akiłhutaa naniġuami finished the payroll yet;
naviksimaraa he broke the glass akiññaktaaġa tautuŋaviuŋ have
lchimney of his lantern | -łhun nn you seen the prize I won |
akiłhurraq- (i) to break (of lantern +nnak- nv +t/raaq2 vn
chimney); (t) to break her/his/its akiññaktit- (t) to pay her/him a wage
lantern chimney | -łhun nn » akiññaktitkaaŋa she paid me a
perhaps -rraq- rv wage | +nnak- nv mtit-1 vv
akiłuliq- (t) to set a snow deflector | akiŋŋaq- (t) to speak boldly to
-luk(-) vn, nv -lIq-1 nv someone; (t) to criticize someone
akiługaq echo; light flashing on and openly; (i) to bounce off
off | +łuk(-) nn, vn repeatedly; (i) to resist impact; (i)
+[ġ]aq vn to make no impression on
akiłuk(-) beam of light; echo; (t) to be someone (of words or scolding) @
illuminated by a beam of light; (i) akiŋŋai- | -ŋŋaq- nv
to echo » akiłukkaa a beam of akiraġaq- (Ti) to echo » nipiga
light shines on it | -luk(-) nn, nv § akiraġaqtuq or nipiga
akiłhun akiraġaġaa my voice is echoing |
akiłuktaq- (i) to echo more than once -t/raġaq- vv § qaiġuatitaq-
» atuġman akiłuktaġaqtuq akisaq- to respond aggressively in
nipaa when he sang, his voice reciprocation (to her/him) back;
would echo | +łuk(-) nn take revenge (on her/him); (i) to
+t/raq-1 vv reciprocate by fighting back; (i) |
akima- (i) to be victorious; (t) to win 3
msaq- nv
(it) » akimaruaq akisauti- (t) to avenge, defend
tikitqaurraqtuani she won in the her/him/it | msaq-3 nv -uti- vv
race | +ma-1 vn
akisaurriñiq vengeance, revenge |
akimman victory » akimmatiktiŋ 3 5
msaq- nv -uti- vv ~rI- vv
ilitchuġipqauraqamirruŋ, iñuit 1
piallaktut the people became very +niQ vn
excited when they learned of their akisiġun lamp chimney » naniġuam
victory | +ma-1 vv ‘n vn akisiġutaa lamp shade or
chimney | -ti vn :Iq-1vn +un1 nn §
also akiłhun

akisu- (i) to be expensive, valuable; to kiuvva, niksikkaa” (Aiken 2009)
be of some value, worth | +tu- nv [he hooked it, he caught a seal that
akisutilaaq(-) price; value; (t) to is, he hooked it]
inquire about its price | +tu- nv ¤akigaq (Ti), (Nu) large hook, gaff,
mtilaaq(-) vn e.g., for retrieving bearded seals |
akitchaq- to trade, barter, or offer (it) +gaq1 nn
for exchange; (t) to bid for it » akikaq- (i) to be caught with a hook,
akitchaġaluaqtuq iñuit be secured with an ice hook (of a
tauqsiġuŋitchut he offered things sled); (t) to catch it with a hook, to
for sale or barter but people did secure it =sled with an ice hook
not want to buy | +tchaq- vv sled brake | +kaq- vv
akiuġuti- (i) to quarrel, disagree, akikki- (i) to make a large hook, gaff
fight, oppose | :uq-1 nv :uti- vv with shaft | +gaq1 nn ‘=I-1 nn
akiuq- (t) to be opposed to it; akit- [akIt] (t) to hook her/him/it |
continue to respond or answer +t-2 nv
her/him with gestures (of one who akititaun a brake usually consisting
is far away but visible) | +uq-1 vv of a hook or hooks attached to a
akivik- (t) to prop it =usu. a boat on sled by rope; the brake is thrown
its side » akivikługu umiaq from the sled, then stepped on to
uqquutchiqsut they made a wind anchor it into snow or ice » uniat
shelter for themselves by propping akititautaat iluaqsiuŋ fix the sled
the boat on its side | +vik- v brake | +t-2 nv mtitaq- vv, vn
akkiñ that which is used to catch :uti1 vn § niksikpak
something falling (e.g., dripping
water) | ‘n vn § akkuaq- akiġuq knot in wood; (Nu) branch of tree;
akkiq- (t) to catch it while falling (Nu) antler tine » akiġuligmik
(e.g., dripping water, plate) » tivramik paqittuq he found a
akkiġaa puggutauraq piece of driftwood with a knot in
kataksaqtuaq he caught the plate it; “qiruŋmi ittuaq siqquqtuq”
just as it fell | ‘=Iq-1 nv § akkuaq- (Aiken 2009) [it is in wood and it
akkiqsima- (i) to hold onto is hard] | ±ġuq n § aagiaq, unŋuq
something to keep from falling; (t)
to hold a container underneath °akim (dem. stem) over there across (not
another to catch any spillage; (t) visible) § °ag (dem. stem); °aki
to keep her/him/it from falling | akimna [dual akipkuak, pl. akipkua]
‘=Iq-1 nv +sima-2 vv § akkuaq- that one over there across (not
akkiqsimaaq- to hold one’s head in visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron. sg.
one’s hands (usually as one leans mkr.)
on something) | ‘=Iq-1 nv akiptuma or akivsruma or
+simaaq- vv § akkuaq- akivruma [dual akipkuak, pl.
akipkua] that one over there
aki(-)2 barb on hook; curved hook- across (not visible) | +tuma (dem.
shaped slough off river; (t) to rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
hook it » “akiligaaq narviligaaq” akiptumani or akivsrumani or
(Aiken 2009) [one with a gaff and akivrumani [dual akipkugnagni,
a hook]; “akigaa, natchiqtuq pl. akipkunani] located with that

one over there across (not visible) aŋmaŋŋamiñ from that direction
| +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) over there across (not visible) |
+anI (dem. loc.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.)
akiptumaŋŋa or akivsrumaŋŋa or aŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over
akivrumaŋŋa [dual there across (not visible) | +aŋŋa
akipkugnaŋŋa, pl. akipkunaŋŋa] (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
from that one over there across aŋmuŋa to over there across (not
(not visible) | +tum (dem. rel. visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) aŋmuŋanmun towards over there
akiptumatun or akivsrumatun or across (not visible) | +uŋa (dem.
akivrumatun [dual term.) -nmun (term.)
akipkugnaktun, pl. akipkunatitun] aŋmuŋaq- (i) to go over there across
similar to that one over there (not visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
across (not visible) | +tum (dem. +q-3 dv
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (dem. aŋmuuna via, through over there
sim.) across (not visible) | uuna (dem.
akiptumiŋa or akivsrumiŋa or via.)
akivrumiŋa [dual akipkugniŋa, ¤aŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
pl. akipkuniŋa] that one over there over there across (not visible) |
across (not visible) | +tum (dem. +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem.
mod.) akimiat the number fifteen » akimiat
akiptumuŋa or akivsrumuŋa or qimmit fifteen dogs § see
akivrumuŋa [dual akipkugnuŋa, Appendix 11
pl. akipkunuŋa] to that one over akimialik thirty-forty caliber rifle
there across (not visible) | +tum (short shells, held fifteen bullets);
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa forty-four caliber gun (old style) |
(dem. term.) -lik nn
akiptumuuna or akivsrumuuna or akimiat atausiq the number sixteen »
akivrumuuna [dual akimiat atausiq qimmit sixteen
akipkugnuuna, pl. akipkunuuna] dogs § § see Appendix 11
via that one over there across; akimiat malġuk the number
with that one over there across seventeen » akimiat malġuk
(not visible) | +tum (dem. rel. qimmit seventeen dogs § see
pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.) Appendix 11
aŋma over there across (not visible) | akimiat piŋasut the number eighteen
‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) » akimiat piŋasut qimmit
aŋmani located over there across (not eighteen dogs § see Appendix 11
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) akimiaġutailat the number fourteen »
aŋmaniit- (i) to be located over there akimiaġutailat qimmit fourteen
across (not visible) | +anI (dem. dogs | :uti-1 vn :ilaq nn
loc.) it- to be -t nn § see Appendix 11
aŋmaŋŋa from over there across (not akimiakipiat the number three
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) hundred » akimiakipiat iñuit
kasimayyaġniqsut three hundred

people went to the meeting |
+kipiaq nn § see Appendix 11 akkiq- (t) to catch it while falling (e.g.,
dripping water, plate) < aki(-)1
akiqsruq- to promise § unniqsuqłii-
akkiqsima- (i) to hold onto an object or
akiñ or akisi pillow; sleeping platform person to keep it from falling; (t)
head beam (in traditional to hold a container underneath it
sodhouse) < akI(-) to catch its contents; to keep a
person/it from falling < aki(-)1
akiraġaq- (Ti) to echo < aki(-)1
akkiqsimaaq- to hold one’s head in one’s
akisaq- take revenge (on her/him); to hands (usually as one leans on
reciprocate by fighting back, to something) < aki(-)1
retaliate < aki(-)1
akku a while ago; some time ago » akku
akisaurriñiq vengeance, revenge < tautuktaqput; tauqsiġñiaġvigmi
aki(-)1 savaksimaruaq avilaitqataa we
saw her some time ago; we
akisauti- (t) to avenge, defend her/him/it learned her friend is working at
< aki(-)1 the store
akkumman after some time had
akisiġun oil lamp chimney < aki(-)1 passed, after a short while »
akkumman isiġataqtuq
akisu- (i) to be expensive, valuable; to be aniłłaktaqtuaq after some time
of some value, worth < aki(-)1 had passed, the one who stormed
out came in | +mman (conseq 3s)
akisutilaaq(-) price; value; (t) to inquire akkupaiññaq right at that moment,
about its price < aki(-)1 immediately, right away, shortly
thereafter, quickly | +pak1 nn
akitchaq- to trade, barter, or offer (it) for -iññaq nn
exchange; (t) to bid for it < aki(-)1 akkupak right now » akkupak isiġiñ
come in right now | +pak1 nn
akkaaka paternal uncle; (Nu) maternal or akkupauraq in a short while, in no
paternal uncle » akkaakani time at all; for a little while |
ikayuġiaġaa he has gone to help +pak1 nn :uraq nn
his uncle § aŋak, aŋaaluk, akkuqisuuraq a short while ago »
aŋatchiaq akkiqisuuraq tikitchuat iglaavut
Kalaallit Nunaanniñ our visitors
akkakaa (excl.) enough!, what a lot! from Greenland arrive a short
while ago | -qisuuraq nn
akki- (Ti) to make a fancy parka hem (for akkusaaq or akkusaaġruk or
her) < akuq akkusugruk a long while ago,
quite a while ago, much earlier in
akkiñ that which is used to catch the day » akkusugruk
something falling (e.g., dripping tautuktaġa I saw her quite a
water) < aki(-)1

while ago | -saaq, -saaġruk, akłunaapiaq or (Ti) aglunaapiaq
+sugruk(-) nn, vv sealskin rope | -piaq nn
akkutchiaq food saved from a meal akłunaatchiaq (Nu) or (Ti)
to be eaten later » niġiñiġaat aglunaatchiaq braided rope used
akkutchiaŋa they ate the food by hunters; (Ti) string |
that she had saved to be eaten later -atchiaq nn
| +[t]sIq- vv, rv ±aq1 vn akłunarri- (i) to make rope; (t) to
akkutchiq- (t) to save it =food from a make rope for her/him/it) | ‘=I-1 nv
meal to eat later @ akkutchii- » akłunarriq- to provide a rope for it |
aqiattuqłuni akkutchiiruq she is ‘=Iq-1 nv
saving some of her food for later akłunauraq string, small cord used to
since she is full | +[t]sIq-vv rv || fasten or tie | :uraq nn
:I-4 vv
akłaa (excl.) too bad! (of dismay, of
akkuaq- (t) to catch her/him/it in the air disappointment) § alakkaa
with the hands or arms; (t) to
catch it =an airplane and board it akpa or atpa or (Ti) akpaaluuraq
as it makes its stop; (i) to bite a Common Murre (Uria aalge) §
hook (as a fish); (t) to catch a atpa, akpa
person before she/he leaves
unexpectedly on an aircraft @ akpak- (i) to reach the summit when
akkuaqsi- | +sI-3 vv || +sI-3 vv § climbing; (i) to take a step up; (i)
aki(-), akkiq-, akuqtuq- to climb up through the interior
akkuaġaqti catcher in baseball | entrance hole into a traditional
+aq-1 vv mt/ri vn subterranean sod house; (i) to
akkuaġaun baseball glove, catcher’s come through the door of a
mitt | +aq-1 vv :un vn communal house (of a dancer in a
akkuaġauraq- (i) to play catch (of dance); (i) to push one’s way
children) | +[t/r]aq-3 vv :uraq- vv through a crowd, navigate through
a crowded place; (i) to overcome a
akkuk two boards positioned on either personal problem, crisis; (t) to
side of the keel of a boat < akuq reach its summit when climbing;
(t) to overcome it =a personal
akłaq brown bear, grizzly (Ursus arctos) problem or crisis » aġnat
akłauraq medium-sized spider » akpakkaat iġġi qitiqqaġman the
akłauram muayutchaigaa the women reached the top of the
spider repulsed her | :uraq nn § mountain at noon; “akpaktuaq
aasivak tavra qatqitchuq” (Matumeak
2009) [one who reaches the top is
akłunaaq [akłunaraq] or (Ti) aglunaaq one who has reached the summit]
rope; harpoon line, rope § qaki-
(originally of animal skin) » akpagiaq (Nu) doorsill (on ground);
akłunaaq naitpaitchuq the rope doorstep; threshold; entry up into
is much too short the sod house from the
aglunaatchauraq (Ti) thin string | underground passageway |
-atchiaq nn :uraq nn +iaq1 vn § see Appendix 22

akpai- (t) for she/he/it = obj. to reach uunaġmagaaqługu paniŋmi
the top before she/he = subj. does qauŋa he touched his daughter’s
» “mayuġniluktillugu forehead to see if it was hot @
tammaigaa, akpaivlugu” aksiuksi- | -uk- vv || +sI-3 vv
(Matumeak 2009) [while he was aksiya- (i) to be sore, tender to the
struggling to climb up he lost sight touch | -ya-2 vv
of her, because she reached the
top before he did] | -I-5 vv aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide
akpakaq- to barely manage to climb down a slope (e.g., of an animal
on (to it) » akpakaqtuq when shot); (t) to roll it, e.g.,
kataqqayauraġaluallaġmi he barrel
barely managed to climb (on to it) aksragiitkutaq barrier to keep an
after nearly falling off | -kaq- vv object or person from rolling; one
akpapqaq- to barely manage to climb of two rails situated along the
on (to it) | -pqaq- vv sides of a kayak deck to block
objects from rolling off into the
akpit- to begin to sing or say (it =song or sea (two fore and two aft) »
speech) » akpittuq qaukłiat aksragiitkutaŋa piiŋamagaat
aġġirit sayuunmik the leader of they have removed the barrier
the Iñupiaq dance group began to which was used to keep objects
sing a choreographed dance song; from rolling | +iikutaq vn
atuun akpitkaa aġnam the aksraktuaq or (Nu) aksraliktualik
woman started the song wheeled vehicle | +tuaq2 (part 3s)
akpirrun starting point (an § qamun
“ice-breaker”in conversation); aksraktuuraq wagon; chariot |
beginning of a song | +ruti vn § +t/ruuraq
isaguti- aksraligaq wheel, tire » aksraligaŋa
qamutaata putumaruaq the tire
aksik- [aksIk] to touch (her/him/it); (t) to on his car has a hole in it | -lik- vv
graze her/him/it with a bullet or an +aq7
arrow @ aksiksi- » taaġmi aksraligaun wheel | -lik- vv +aq-1
patalavluni aġiñaqtuamik :un1 vn § aksraligaq
aksiksuq while groping in the aksralik- or (Nu) aksralui- to roll (it)
dark, he felt something wet and away; (Nu) (i) to roll over and
soft; aksikkaa aksiyaruaq taliñi over, tumble down | -lik- vv or
he touched his sore arm || +sI-3 vv -luk(-)2 vv :I-4 vv
aksia- (t) to touch her/him/it lightly; aksraliktualik (Nu) wheeled device,
to touch her/him/it as one gropes vehicle | -lik- vv
about; (t) to move her/him aksraŋaaq- (i) to slope, be inclined,
emotionally; to have an effect on to not be level | -ŋaaq(-)2 vn
her/him/it » uqaluŋisa aksiagaa
her words moved him | -a-2 vv aktigi- (i) to be of a certain length or size
aksiuk- (t) to touch her/him/it; to < aŋi-1
identify an object by touching it;
(t) to determine the state of an
object by feeling it » aksiukkaa

aktikłi- (i) to become a certain size; (t) to not wide; akullaqturuq quppaq
cause it to become a certain size < the crack is wide | -llaq rn
aŋI-1 akulliq middle one, middle door |
-llIQ rn
aktilaaq(-) size, amount; (i) to measure akunġagni paktumalu aptumalu
oneself; (t) to measure the size or location southwest § see
height of her/him/it or the amount Appendix 13
of it < aŋI-1 akunġagni paktumalu qaptumalu
location southeast § see Appendix
aktuġruaq full-grown male animal < aŋi 13
akunġagni uttumalu aptumalu
°aku (root) space in-between, physical or location northwest § see
temporal Appendix 13
akulaitchuami often, frequently » akunġagni uttumalu qaptumalu
akulaitchuami kisimġiuqłutik location northeast § see Appendix
aŋuniaġviŋmi iglumi inmata 13
taġium siñaani nannut akunġak ridge between eyebrows;
qaisuupiksuaqtut nunamun space between two objects »
aasii igalaamukłutik ilaanni narvak akunġak aqpiuruq there
qitunġagiit siñiktiłługit are many salmonberries between
unnuami frequently when they the two lakes | +niQ1 rn -aq2 nn k
are alone in the house at the (abs. poss. 3d-3s)
hunting site by the ocean, the akunġaq space between items »
polar bears come onshore at akunġanni tautunnaitchuq
night and climb to the the uvlaapak she was not visible in
skylight and peer in while the their midst this morning |
family is asleep | -laq vn :It-1 nv -nġaq nn
+t/uaq2 vn ÷mI (loc.) akuni a while (as in time) or akuniñ
akuliaq bridge of nose » iñuum iglua a little while | ÷nI (loc.) or ÷niñ
akuliakitchuq naqinman una (abl.)
akuliaŋa, akuliaqturuq aasii akuniit- (Nu) (i) to stay a while
qutchigman some people have longer » akuni-ittuŋa I stayed a
short nose bridges when the ridge little longer | ÷nI (loc.) or it- to be
along the bone of the nose is low akunnaq- (i) to pass through,
and a long bridge when the ridge between or among objects, people,
along the bone of the nose is high | or animals; (t) to pass through
-liaq nn § qiŋaaq, nuŋŋaq between or among them |
akuliġaq (Nu) land between two +nnaq- rv
rivers at confluence | -liġaq rn akunniġun soft pad within the hoof
akulirri- (t) to cut her/him between of sheep; a postbase, in Iñupiaq
the eyes to perform phlebotomy grammar » akunniġusiġlugu
(to cure headache or vision taamna uqaluk atuqsaġuŋ use
problems); (i) to give a “poke” | that word with a postbase |
=irri- nv +nniQ vn -ġun nn
akullaq distance between objects »
akullakitchuq kuuk the river is

akunniq interval of time or space beautiful | -aq-4 nv :un1 vn -t nn or
between two events or objects | ‘-t nn
+nniQ rn ¤akuaq (Ti), (Nu) lower belly |
akunniraq- (i) to move amidst a -aq2 nn
crowd or other entities (e.g., akukikłil aaq- (t) to make an it (skirt,
buildings, rivers); (t) to move dress, parka) shorter |
amidst them » akunniraqłuni -kikłilaaq- nv
iñuktigun aŋupqauraġaa akuqtu- (i) to be too long in length
paniurani she finally managed to (of a garment) » akuqturuq
catch her little daughter by going atigaa his parka is too long |
after her through the crowd | +tu- nv
+nniQ rn +raq- vv akuqtuaġun (Nu) white skin (often
akuttu- (i) to be far apart; (i) to occur sheep) sewn around bottom of
at long intervals | +tu- rv parka | +tu- nv perhaps -aq(-) nn,
akuttusi- (i) to become farther apart; nv :un1 vn
(i) to occur at longer and longer akuqtuaġutilik (Nu) parka with white
intervals; (i) to have desire abated skin often from sheep around
after partial satisfaction; (t) to bottom | +tu- nv perhaps
separate them farther; (t) to satisfy -aq(-) nn, nv :un1 vn -lik vn
her/his desire partially » akuqtuq-1 (i) to wear a skirt |
uniaġaqtuak akuttusiruk the +tuq-3 nv
two dog teams are getting farther akuqtusi-(i) to be made longer (of
apart » akuttusigaa uiñiq the skirt, dress, parka cover, or parka
open lead has widened | +tu- rv style dress, or shirt) | +sI-1 vv
+sI-1 vv akuqtusilaaq- (t) to alter it = skirt,
dress, parka cover, or parka style
akuġluk(-) (Ti) church bell; (i) to ring (of dress or shirt making it longer |
church bell) +sI-1 vv -laaq-1 vv
akuuralik (Nu) parka with trim on
akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of garment; bottom and fancy back | :uraq nn
outer keel of an umiak frame, -lik vn
board placed on one side of the akuuraq (Nu) trim on bottom edge of
keel of an umiak frame; sheer line parka | :uraq nn § avavsilauraq
of kayaq; to put a skirt on
(her/him/it); to place the two akuqtuq-2 (t) to accept, acknowledge
boards on either side of it =keel of her/him/it; to adopt, accept it
an umiak frame § see Appendix 16 =amendment, motion formally
akki- (Ti) to make a fancy parka hem and put into effect @ akuqtui- »
(for her) | ‘=I-1 nv § qupak(-) akuqtuŋiñmagu iġñiġmi
akkuk two outer keels positioned on aitchuutaa iłuilli upaluktugut
either side of the mainkeel of a when he did not accept his son’s
boat | ‘-k2 nn gift, we felt very uncomfortable |
akuaġutit or akkut fancy trim on :I-4 vv
botton of parka » akkuŋi akuqtuġnaġumiñait- (i) to be
qiñiyunapaluktut the fancy trim invalid, not acceptable |
on the bottom of his parka is +naq(-) vv +kumiñaq- vv :It-1 vv

akuqtuqtat ilaaguallaalugi adoptions uqpIk, uqpivik, kanuŋŋiq,
of sections (as of an agreement or mitquapIk, ninŋuq
resolution) akutuqpak broad leaf; flat piece on
akuqtuaksraq a resolution, a formal top of pipe bowl where tobacco is
intent or opinion which will be inserted | +qpak(-) nn
voted on by an official body or akutuqpalik any plant with broad
assembly | -aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn, nv leaves | +qpak(-) nn -lik nn
akuqtuaq or akuqtuqtaq a
resolution, a formal intent or akuummak (Ti) baleen basket §
opinion voted on by an official aguummak
body or assembly; anything or akuummi- (Ti) to weave a baleen
anyone accepted | +t/ruaq vn or basket (for her/him/it) | ‘=I-1 vv
+tuq-3 vv +t/raq vn
*alapi (root) ignorance; confusion
akut- to mix or stir it @ akutchi- » alapigi- (t) to be unaware of, not
akutchiani akutkaa she is notice her/him/it; pay no attention
stirring her own mixture | +sI-3 vv to (her/him/it)| +[g]i- vv
akutaq bread dough » akutaq alapiŋa- (Ti) (t) to be unaware of, not
nuurruŋ punnilivigñun move the notice her/him/it | ±ŋa- rv
dough into the bread pans | alapirrun confusion; scource of
+t/raq vn || +sI-3 vv confusion | +t-2 vv -rrun vn
akutchi- (i) to make Eskimo “ice alapisaaq- (t) to try to distract
cream” (a mixture of melted her/him; (t) to try to confuse
caribou fat and finely ground her/him/it; (t) to keep her/his
caribou meat) | ‘=I-1 nv attention focused on something
akutuq Eskimo “ice cream” (a else @ alapisaaqłiq-,
mixture of melted caribou fat, alapisaaqłii- » alapisaaqługu
finely ground caribou meat and natchiŋisiqtuq by distracting her
chopped caribou meat) » this time, she did not cry wanting
akutuliuġniqsuaq aakaga I just to follow; nukatpiaq
found out that my mother is alapisaaqłiqsuq uqaqtuamik the
making Eskimo ice cream | young man is trying to distract the
+tuq4 vn speaker | ±saaq-2 vv || -kłIq- vv,
akuvliqtaq hash, a cooked dish made :I-4 vv
of several ingredients | +vliq- vv alapit- (i) to become confused,
+t/raq vn perplexed, puzzled, confounded;
(t) to shuffle them =cards @
*akutuq (root) leaf alapitchi- » alapitkai piannat he
akutuak (Nu) a short reddish willow shuffled the cards | +t-2 vv ||
found along rivers in mountains +sI-3 vv § aamit-
and on tundra » “akutuanik alavrak- (Ti) (t) to not pay attention
igniqsuġuurut qiruiñman” to, not notice her/him/it; to have
(Hugo 2009) [the akutuak is used her/him/it slip one’s mind |
for starting a fire when better =rak- vv
wood is not available] | -ak nn § alavri- (i) to make oneself confused,
perplexed (e.g., by considering

various possibilities); (t) to cause alaaq part of mitten or glove that
her/him to become confused, covers the palm of the hand; sole
confounded » Siġmiam alavrigaa of animal’s paw | perhaps -aq2 rn
Aaŋa Siġmiaq is confusing Aaŋa | alannaak soft area of sole of animal’s
=I-6 vv paw | +naaq3 rn -k2 nn
alannaaq (Ti) palm of hand |
alappaa or alappuu (excl.) oh, it’s cold! +naaq3 rn § utummak
alappaaq- or alappuuq- (i) to be alannaat3 balls on tips of fingers |
cold; to say “alappaa” » sila +naaq rn -t nn
alappaaqtuq the weather is cold;
miqłiqtuuraq alappaaġaa; alatkaq- to peer over a barrier (at
upkuaġuŋ the child is cold; close her/him); to go and have a look at
the door | -q-2 nv or -q-2 nv her/him/it; (i) to reach a point
where one can see clearly, e.g.,
alaq- to look away, turn away (from passing a point of land; to rise
her/him/it); (t) to stop or cease, i.e. over the horizon (of sun) »
to give up on trying to catch it nukaaluni siñiktuaq alatkaġaa
=animal one is pursuing » alaġaa she looked in on her younger
he is looking away from her; sibling who is sleeping | -kaq- nv
“alaqłuni nipuŋaiqtiġniġaak
una aaquaksrauraq algak (Ti) finger § argak
anianiktiġniqsuaq” (Nageak algagruaq (Ti) a large hook, gaff used
1975: 69) [looking away, they to haul meat out of water, pull
ceased paying attention to the meat from whale bones » “Suli
little old woman who had already sauniġnik algagrualiuġlutik,
quickly exited] | -suk vn ÷mI tamarra ipuvlugich suli,
(loc.) tasamaŋŋa niqimik
alaqtiq- to look away briefly quickly isagautiqaġlutik.” (David
(from her/him/it) » “alaqtiqłuni Frankson as reported by Pulu,
naluliqługu sumuktilaaŋa iñuk; Sampson, Newlin: 74) [also out of
quviqtittuq” (Aiken 2009) bones they made ice picks, putting
[because he looked away briefly, handles on them, and using them
he did not know where the person to reach in and get meat from
went] | mt/liq-3 vv inside the whale] | +ġruaq nn
algait (Ti) hand | :It nn § argak, argait
alaqit- (i) to crane (the neck) to see
something far off algiq(-) (Ti) roasted meat; (t) to roast it =
meat (in oven or over a roasting
Alaqtaq “Half Moon Three”, Alaska pit) § argiq-
(where Charles DeWitt Brower
had his reindeer ranch in the alguagi- (Ti) (t) to doubt her/him/it §
early to mid-1900s) arguagi- under argua
alguaŋaaq- (Ti) (i) to be bold; (i) to
*alat (root) soft area of hand boast § arguaŋaaq-
alguaqtuq- (Ti) (t) to continue to
doubt her/him/it § arguaqtuq-

taapkua aŋiruat atautchiit
alguniq mold-like growth on maktak alġaiqaġutik naammaktaanik,
(whale skin with blubber attached) aŋipiaŋilaanik; ikayuutai
which has been in an ice cellar for tavra” (David Frankson as
an extended period; (Ti) measure- reported by Pulu, Sampson,
ment of the thickness of the slice Newlin: 74) [in addition to the
of whale’s tail cut off for captain large block and tackle there is a
who has caught his first whale » smaller block and tackle which
“alguniqaġnisuugait uqsrut support the other] | -I nn (3s-3p
puyauġniŋi; poss.) § iglua, alla
panaqłuŋaruatunkii marra” alġaqsruiri preacher, minister |
2 4
(Aiken 2009) [they say that there mqsruq- rv :I- vv mt/ri vn
is mold-like growth on blubber alġaqsruivik pulpit | +vIk1 vn
that has become grimy; it (the alġaqsruq- (t) to preach a sermon to
mold-like growth) has the them; (t) to give her/him moral
appearance of being somewhat instruction; (t) to counsel her/him;
dried up]; (t) to teach her/him right from
“alguniġiyaġaluaġnagu maktak wrong @ alġaqsrui- | mqsruq-2 rv
niġitqusuugait; sammagguuq || :I-4 vv
aġviq tuqutiqataġniaġaa” (Aiken alġaqsruun sermon, homily; moral
2009) [one is told to eat maktak instruction | mqsruq-2 rv :un1 vn
without removing the growth of
mold on it; as a consequence, one
alġaaq afterbirth, placenta § papaaq
can then easily kill a whale] |
alġaaġusiq large flat part of caribou’s
+niQ2 vn § aŋirrak
digestive system (good to eat)
|+uti1 vn :Iq nn, vn
°alġa (stem) alternative (cognitive,
temporal, or physical); ancient or
alġun or aluġvik animal food dish <
earliest times
alġaani a long time ago; ancient times
» “utuqqauniqtauruaq
alġuraq metal wire < aliq
aippaaniqpaaġruk” (Harold Itta,
1982: track 1) [it is the most
*alia (root) lonliness; dullness;
ancient of all times, a long, long
time ago] | +anI (3s-3s poss. loc.) §
alianait- (i) to have a good sense of
humor; (i) to be amusing,
alġaaniqsaq(-) or alġaqsaq old
entertaining | +naq-1 rv :It-1 vv
artifact; an object of great
alianaq- (i) to be boring, not
antiquity; fossilized ivory; (i) to
enjoyable » piiġman aġnaat
find an ancient object | +anI (3s-3s
igluak alianaqsiŋaruq when his
poss. loc.) +qtaq nn
wife died, their house became a
alġai the other, one of a pair » alġaiŋa
sad place | +naq-1 rv
its other; “aitqatigma imma
alianniuq- (i) to be lonely, be
alġaiŋa paqillaiġiga” (Aiken
lonesome; (i) to be quiet and sad;
2009) [I cannot find one of my
(i) to be bored | +naq-1 rn
mittens]; “kuyapigauraqpait
‘=iuq-2 nv

aliasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him Alignik “Alignuk, the Moon man…There
feel lonely or sad @ aliasaaqłiq- is no doubt among the Tikirarmiut that he
or aliasaaqłii- | ±saaq-2 vv || controlled the sea mammals… It is said
-kłIq- vv that Alignuk is the inyuk of the moon, or
aliasugi- (Ti) (t) to miss her/him/it the moon has an inyua, owner.” (Rainey:
who is absent; (t) be saddened by 270-71) § iñuk
her/his absence | -suk-2 vv +[g]i-
vv alik- to tear or rip (it) @ aliksi- »
aliasuk- (i) to feel lonely and sad; (i) aqsaurrautigivlugu
to be bored » aliasuktuni alipalukkikpuk wed sure ripped it
piluktuq it is awful to be bored | while fighting over it || +sI-3 vv
-suk-2 vv aligaaġuti- (i) to come loose, come
aliasuŋit- (i) to have fun; (i) to out by tearing; (i) to tear out of an
celebrate | -suk-2 vv ±ŋIt-1 vv animal (of a harpoon head) |
aliiqsiaq- (i) to take a vacation; (i) to +aq-1 vv :uti- vv
leave home, to “get away from it aligaq- to tear (it); (i) to be sad, “torn
all”; (i) to have a holiday » up” | +aq-1 vv
panimiñun aliiqsiaġiaŋaruq she aligiitkutaksraq (Nu) trim, bias for
has gone to her daughter to get sewing | +iitkuti vn -ksraq(-) nn §
away from it all | :Iq-2 rn qupaksraq
+[t]sIq- vv +aq-1 vv allaiq- to no longer have any holes; (t)
aliiqsiq- (i) to be on a retreat seeking to mend its holes @ allaiqsi- |
solace » “aullallakłuni sumun ‘-Q vn :Iq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
alianniuqpaiññami allaiyaq- (t) to patch its hole @
aliiqsiaġuuruq” (Aiken 2009) allaiyai- | ‘-Q vn :Iyaq- nv ||
[when he is very lonely or sad, he :I-4 vv
leaves to seek solace in another allaq1 a perforation, a rip | ‘-Q vn
place for a time] | :Iq-2 rn alliraq- or alliraaq- (i) to go about
+sIq-1 vv with a hole in one’s clothing »
aliit- (i) to not feel lonely or sad when alliraġuuruq iliappauvluni he
one is expected to feel such wears torn clothing because he is
emotions (said of an invalid or poor | ‘-Q vn =I-1 nv =raq- vv
someone living by themselves who
might be lonely) | :It-1 rv aliq [aliQ] (Ti) harpoon line » avataum
aliitkugauraq source of pleasure, that aglunaaŋa the line rope of a float
which makes one happy; aligraq [lit. “raw material for a
affectionate term for someone harpoon line”] (Ti) bearded seal »
who makes one happy | :It-1 rv “aliġisuuvlugu tavra tainna
+kun vn =[g]auraq nn pisuumagaat; ninŋuqtuq
aliitkun pastime, hobby, kiktuġaqsiġiitchuq; tainnasimik
entertainment | :It-1 rv (note: final aliġramik aliqaqtut, aglunaaŋa
vowel a of *alia is deleted to avataqpaum” (S. Tuzroyluke
avoid a three vowel cluster) 2009) [because it (bearded
+kun vn sealskin) was used as harpoon
line, it was called aliġraq; it is
resilient; it is hard to break; they

used that kind of sealskin for aliuqsaaq- (t) to try to awe or
harpoon lines and the rope for the astonish her/him; to tell tall tales
float] | -ksraq(-) nn to her/him @ aliuqsaaqłiq- or
aligrauraq (Ti) newborn bearded seal aliuqsaaqłii- » aŋun
| -ksraq(-) nn -uraq(-) nn aliuqsaaqłiqsuaq
alġuraq metal wire | :uraq nn naalaktuannaraaġaat they are
enjoying listening to the man who
aliqsik [aliqsIk] a pair of knee-high fur is telling tall tales; aliuqsaaġai
socks; (Ti) women’s breeches aŋutim unipkaaqtim the story-
with fur inside | -k2 nn teller is trying to astonish them |
+saaq-2 vv || +kłIq- vv :I-4 vv
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuqtuġnaq enigma, one that is
astounded, to marvel, to wonder » inexplicable | +tuq-3 vv +naq1 vn
aliuqtuq-suli itqaqamiuŋ he was aliuqtuq- (i) to see a ghost; (i) to
still amazed when he remembered hallucinate; (i) to experience the
what had happened supernatural, the amazing »
aliugaq ghost | perhaps ±aq1 vn aliuqtuqłuni aapani
aliuġataq- (i) to experience a tautugnasugigaa he thought he
hallucination, supernatural event | saw his father while hallucinating |
+ataq-3 vv +tuq-3 vv
aliuġnaġaa (excl.) how amazing!
wow! | +naq(-) vv aa2 alivsuk or alivsuuraq premature baby |
aliuġnaq- (i) to be incredible, suk2 nn or suk2 nn :uraq nn §
astonishing, wonderful, amazing, alġaaq
marvelous » aŋatkuutai alivsuk- (i) to have a miscarriage »
aliuġnaqtut his shamanic powers aġnaq siŋaiyauvaallugmiruaq
are amazing; aliuġnaqtuq alivsuktuq oh, it was the
uvamni in my opinion, he is woman’s first pregnancy and she
astonishing | +naq(-) vv had a miscarriage | -k-4 nv §
aliuġnaqtuaq miracle, magic | iġñiayaaq-
+naq(-) vv +t/ruaq vn
aliuġun one held in awe | +un1 vn alla another one, different one; something
aliuġusuk- (i) to be amazed, in awe, strange » allamik aitchuŋŋa give
impressed by an unexpected event me another one
| +[s]uk-1 vv -suk-2 vv allagi- (t) to feel or sense that she/he/it
aliuġutchak- to become amazed, is different, changed, unfamiliar or
awed | +[s]uk-1 vv -tchak-vv unrecognizable » allagigaa
aliuġutigi- (t) to be in awe of avilaitqatini he felt his friend was
her/him/it » anaktaqtuaq acting strangely | +[g]i nv
aliuġutigigaat; kamasuutigigaat allaksrait- (i) to resemble something
they are in awe of the participant or someone exactly; (t) to be
in the competitive games; they are exactly like her/him/it, to
very proud of him; aliuġutigigaik resemble her/him/it to the point
akimaruak she is in awe of the where one would err in
two who won | :un1 vn +[g]i- nv distinguishing one from the other |
+ksraq nn :It-1 nv

allanaq- (i) to be strange, unusual, apprehensive in an unfamiliar
abnormal, odd » sila upinġaapak situation; (i) to see a strange
allanaqtuq uunaqpaiłłuni the object or behavior, different from
weather this summer has been what one has seen before; (i) to
unusually hot | +naq-1 nv see something unrecognizable; (i)
allaŋŋuġniaġniksraq impact, change have a vision | +yuaq- nv
of status quo | mŋŋuq-2 nv allayuqqaq strange object |
+niaq-2 vv +niQ1 vv -ksraq(-) nn +yuqqaq n
allaŋŋuq- (i) to undergo a change, to
be different than before | allaiq- (t) to mend the holes in something
mŋŋuq- nv < alik-
allasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him
become uncomfortable | allaiyaq- (t) to mend or patch its holes
±saaq-2 vv < alik-
allasuk- (i) to react apprehensively to
the unfamiliar; (i) to be fearful of allaq1 a perforation, hole, a rip < alik-
strangers (often said of a child);
(Ti) to begin labor (of a woman allaq- (Ti) to be clear (of weather) »
giving birth) » aaquaksraq allaqtuq or allaġaa the weather is
allasuktuq timimiñik clear § silaŋŋuq-
naŋiliqsaqami the old woman allaġniq clear sky | +niQ1 rn
sensed the difference in her body allait- to be overcast | :It-1 nv
just before becoming ill | allaqtit- to be clear and very calm (of
+suk-2 nv § iġñisuliq- weather) » allaqtittuq sila the
allatuq- (i) to commit adultery | weather is very calm | -tit-2 vv
+tuq-3 nv
allatuqti whore, prostitute, harlot | allaq2 [allaQ] or allatchiaq breast meat
+tuq-3 nv mt/ri vn of a bird| +tchiaq nn § tuttuuraq
allatuun adultery, fornication with
allaqtiq- (i) to wipe dry, clean @
another’s spouse | +tuq-3 nv
allaqtiġi- | mtiq-2 vv
:un1 vn
allayuaġi- (t) to experience a sense of allaqtuun wash cloth » “kiiñamun
unease because she/he/it is acting nanugaaġun salummaun”
strangely or differently » (Aiken 2009) [it (allaqtuun) is
allayuaġivlugu ullaŋillaktaa in used to rub the face, to clean it] |
the end, she did not approach him -un1 vn
because she felt uneasy in his
presence which seemed strange | alliat tent floor made of willows or shrub
+yuaq- nv +[g]i- vv birch; mattress < °ati
allayuaġniq an unidentified object;
fantastic vision, e.g., Unidentified alliatchiaq tent mat made of willows <
Flying Object (UFO) | +yuaq- nv °ati
+niQ1 vn
allayuaq- (i) to feel shy, bashful alliġaq bedding skin; mattress < °ati
among strangers (of small
children); to feel uneasy, be wary,

alliġauraq or alliatchiaq small dish; found a seal’s breathing hole] |
coaster, doily < °ati +sI-2 nv -liq-2 vv
allut- or allukuaq- to kill a seal by
allimaaq (Nu) one that is like another, a harpooning it through its
similar one » “allimaaġiik breathing hole » aŋuniaqti
atiqqayaqtuak” (Hugo 2009) alluttuaq natchiġmik unnugman
[ones that are similar, which are the hunter killed a seal through its
almost alike] § arri(-) breathing hole yesterday | +t2 nv
or -kuaq- nv
allimġaq any lower tooth < °ati allutuqtuaq aġviq bowhead whale
trapped under ice with a polygon-
alliñaaq bottom layer < °ati shaped breathing hole »
allutuqtuamik aġviġmik
alliñaat (Ti) lower teeth < °ati apqusaaġami kiliksiyyaq-
sauraqtuq when he ran across a
alliñiq lower area, bottom part < °ati whale trapped under the ice, he
went to inform others | +tuq3 nv
alliq one on the bottom < °ati +t/ruaq vn § qiŋaaġaġvIk
alluvak the breathing hole of a seal
alliq- (i) to be deep < °ati large enough to set a net »
alluvagmik paqitchikami
alliraq- (i) to go about with a hole in kuvrani iliñiusiġaa nukatpiam
one’s clothing < alik- when the young man found a
seal’s breathing hole suitable for
alliviñiq ice under another piece of ice setting a net, he proceeded to
which may surface due to ocean place his net in it | -vak nn
currents or wake of boat < °ati
alluiyaq a oblong, wooden plate with a
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice § concavity carved lengthwise down
qiŋaaġaġvIk the middle | -ya(q) vn
alluaq ice fishing hole; seal’s
breathing hole in sea ice | -aq2 nn alu sole of foot or of footwear »
alluaqsiuq- (i) to hunt seals through nukatpiaġruum kamiŋata alua
their breathing holes | +siuq- nv anŋikkaa aakaŋata his mother is
allusiliq- (i) to quickly find a seal’s sewing a patch over the hole in the
breathing hole » “taunuŋa young man’s boot sole
sarvaqtaaġurallakhutik aluġuaq(-) piece of skin attached to
ayuuqpasaġaluaġatik the sole of boot to provide traction
uŋasiksiurallakługu-aglaan on slippery surface; (t) to swe on a
aapamiŋ natchiġvia pivlutiŋ piece of skin on sole of boot to
ilaŋat allusiliqtuq” (Nageak prevent slippage | -ġuaq1 nn
1975: 15) [then moving further aluġun sandal, shoe; dog booties »
out on the ice, but not too much aluġutini qaitkaik
further, but going just a short nukaalugmiñun he gave his
distance from their father’s sandals to his younger sister |
sealing hole, one of them quickly -ġun nn

aluiyaq- (i) to clean the soles of one’s alliuq- (i) to make mush for dogs; (t)
footwear; (t) to clean the soles of to make them =pieces of meat into
her/his footwear | :Iyaq- nv soup mush for the dogs; (t) to
aluiyaun doormat; entrance rug » make mush for them =animals
aluiyaun ivsugiaġaa he has gone that lap food » nukatpiam
out to shake the doormat | alliuġai qimmit the young man is
:Iyaq- nv :un1 vn making mush for the dogs |
‘=iuq- nv
aluaq [aluraq] coal » aluaq ailaqłuni alliuġun cooking pot for dog food |
ikitchiġiitchuq the coal is ‘=iuq- nv :un1 vn
difficult to ignite because it is wet alugvik salt lick | +vIk1 vn
aluaqaġvik coal scuttle | -qaq- nv alugraaq- (Ti) (i) to drink seal oil; to
+vIk1 vn dip food into seal oil and eat it |
aluaqsaq- to haul coal (for her/him) » -raaq- vv
aluaqsaqtuq aakamiñun he is aluktinniq snow cliff | +tit-2 vv
hauling coal for his mother; +nniQ1 vn
aluaqsaġniaqtuŋa uvlaapak I aluksrautik two fingers dipped into
will go and get some coal this oil then licked | -ksraq(-) nn, nv
morning | +saq-1 nv :un1 vn -k2 nn
aluaqsaun gunny sack, burlap sack » aluktuq- (t) to lick her/him/it
aluaqsaun silvitkaat repeatedly » aluktuqługu
annuġaalugnik they filled up the salummaġaa he licked it clean |
burlap sack with old clothes | +tuq-2 vv
+saq-1 nv :un1 vn § miitchuk
alurriq- (t) to put coal in it =stove » alumiġaq- to be cordial, hospitable
alurriġiaqtuuraġuŋ qamna why alumiġait- (i) to lack hospitality and
don’t you take a minute to put regard for others | :It-1 nv
some coal in the stove inside |
‘=Iq-1 nv alupaaġiik a pair of whales swimming
alurriqi- (i) to mine for coal | together | +[g]iik vn
‘=Iqi-1 nv
alurriqiri coal miner | =rriqi- nv aluu [ENG] hello » “‘Aluu,’ aniqlugu
mt/ri vn ilaliraġigaat.” (Elijah Kakinya
alurriqsuq- (t) to put coal in it =stove as reported by Bergsland 1987:
repeatedly | ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv 378) [they would greet him
saying “hello”]
alugraaq(-) (Ti) a food dip made of seal
oil; to dip (it =food) in seal oil aluuttaq1 or aluuttaun spoon; (Ti)
tablespoon | +ttaq(-) vn, vv or
aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up +ttaq(-) vn, vv :un1 vn
food or water into the mouth with aluuttaġaaq bite-sized bits of fried
the tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it meat with gravy; (Ti) food eaten
once with a spoon, e.g., soup, mush |
alġun or aluġvik animal food dish; +ttaq(-) nv, vv +aq-1 vv ±aq1 vn
container for portioning out dog aluuttaġaq- to eat (it) with a spoon |
food | -lġun vn or -q-2 nv +vIk1 vn +ttaq(-) vn, vv +aq-1 vv

aluuttaqpak or aluuttautiqpak amma over there (not visible) |
basting spoon; big spoon | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
+ttaq(-) vn vv +qpak(-) vv, nn amma amani over there, in the other
aluuttauraq teaspoon | +ttaq(-) vn, vv room (not visible) | ‘a (dem. adv.
:uraq nn mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
amna1 [dual apkuak, pl. apkua] that
aluuttaq2 triggering pan of an animal one over there (not visible) | +na
trap (when depressed this pan (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
causes the jaws of the trap to amnatchiq that other one there, noth
close) § aluuttaq1 this one (not visible) | +na (dem.
abs. pron. sg. mkr.) +tchIq n
alvik (Ti) whale rib placed under a amuŋa to over there (not visible) |
sealskin which is being scraped +uŋa (dem. term.)
cleaned (dried fat is being amuŋanmun towards over there (not
removed from the side which has visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) nmun
no fur) § sakivsivik (term.)
amuŋaq- (i) to go over there (not
alvik- (Ti) (i) to run down a slope, visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
downhill; (t) to run down it (a +q-3 dv
slope) » atqasaaqtuq he is amuuna via, through over there (not
coming down fast; “saavittuq visible) | uuna (dem. via.)
siñaanun” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) amuunnaaq- via, through over there
[he has climbed downslope with (not visible) | +uuna (dem. via.)
the gear to the coast] < °ati ‘.q-4 dv
aptuma1 or avsruma1 or avruma1
alakkaa (excl.) alas! oh, no! something [dual apkuak, pl. apkua] that one
didn’t go right § akłaa over there (not visible) | +tum
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +na
allai (excl.) yuck! (expresses displeasure (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
at unacceptable behavior or aptumani1 or avsrumani1 or
unsuitable conditions) § aallalii avrumani1 [dual apkuŋnaŋni, pl.
apkunani] located with that one
°am (dem. stem) over there (not visible) § over there (not visible) | +tum
°av1 (dem. stem), (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
amani located over there (not visible) (dem. loc.)
| +anI (dem. loc.) aptumaŋŋa1 or avsrumaŋŋa1 or
amaniit- (i) to be located over there avrumaŋŋa1 [dual apkuŋnaŋŋa,
(not visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) pl. apkunaŋŋa] from that one over
amaŋŋa from over there (not visible) | there (not visible) | +tum (dem.
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem.
amaŋŋamiñ from that direction over abl.)
there (not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. aptumatun1 or avsrumatun1 or
abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) avrumatun1 [dual apkuŋnaktun,
amaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over there pl. apkunatitun] similar to that one
(not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) over there (not visible) | +tum
+q-3 dv

(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun in water; “amaniiluk, boiled lower
(dem. sim.) intestines” (Nelson:51)
aptumiŋa1 or avsrumiŋa1 or
avrumiŋa1 [dual apkuŋniŋa, pl. amaq(-) dorsal fin; (t) to lift or place
apkuniŋa] with that one over there her/him/it on one’s back to carry
(not visible) | +tum (dem. rel. her/him/it @ amaqsi- || +sI-3 vv
pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) amaaġun or amaunnaq parka
aptumuŋa1 or avsrumuŋa1 or fashioned for carrying a baby on
avrumuŋa1 [dual apkuŋnuŋa, pl. one’s back » amaunnaliuqtuq
apkunuŋa] to that one over there she is making a parka for carrying
(not visible) | +tum (dem. rel. her baby on her back | +aq-1 vv
pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.) :un1 vn or :unnaq vn
aptumuuna1 or avsrumuuna1 or amaaq2 object or person carried on
avrumuuna1 [dual apkuŋnuuna, the back | ±aq1 vn
pl. apkunuuna] via that one over amaaq- to carry (her/him/it) on one’s
there; with that one over there (not back (in or out of one’s parka) |
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. +aq-1 vv
mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.)

amaamak- (i) to suckle (of baby) »

nalaquyauraq amaamaktuq
aakamiñiñ the infant is nursing
from his mother’s breast § miluk-
amaqsi- (i) to put one’s arms behind
amaaq1 rootlet of plant, e.g., spruce root
one’s back | +sI-1 vv
with which baskets are made
amaqsimaaq- (i) to keep one’s arms
behind one’s back | +simaaq- vv
amaġuq wolf, gray wolf (Canis lupus) §
amaqtuuq humpback salmon
+quq nn
(Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) |
amaġupiaq white wolf (colored
+tuuq nn
phase of Canis lupus) | +quq nn
ammaktaq animal skin worn on the
-piaq(-)1 nn
back of an individual as an amulet
amaġuuraq coyote (Canis latrans) |
| -k-4 vv +t/raq vn
+quq nn :uraq nn
amau or amaułuk or (Ti)amauluk great-
amai (excl.) yes; (interrog.) isn’t that so;
grandparent; great-grandchild »
(Ti) I don’t know § amay, amii
amauni atchiutiŋagaa she named
one of her children after her great-
amak- to carry an object for a period of
grandparent » aaquaksram
amaułuni tuqłuġaa the old
woman called her great-
amaniilik or amanilik or amanilik
grandchild by his kinship name |
caribou intestines which are
+łuk1 nn § ilulik
cleaned of their contents, chopped
and fried in their own fat or boiled
amaullik or amauligruaq or (Ti)
amaulligaaluk male Common

Eider (Somateria mollissima) | amii or (Nu) amma (interrog) that’s
+aaluk nn right, isn’t it; don’t you agree
amaułłigaaluk or (Nu) amautligaq
Snow Bunting, Snowbird amilluti- (t) to gang up on her/him/it; to
(Plectrophenax nivalis) » work together as a group on it @
“‘Amaułłigaaluk amillurri- | :uti- vv || :uti- vv
avilaitqatigigaat iñuich, aasii ~rI-5 vv
pisiktaaqulaitkaatigut amiñilik cleaned and cooked intestines of
amaułłigaalugnik…The a caribou » “tuttum iŋaluaŋit
snowbird is a friend of people, and imaiyaqługit, salummaqługi,
because of this fact it is forbidden uułługit, tavra amiliññiuqługu;
to shoot snowbirds.’” (Michael J. qaunnałhiñaq, iŋaluaŋata
Kayuutaq as reported by qaunnaŋa” (Aiken 2009) [the
Ahmaogaak and Webster intestines of a caribou are
1981:11-12) | +aaluk nn emptied, cleaned and cooked, then
they are made into amiñilik; it’s
amay (Ti) I don’t know § atchu, nalu- all fat, the fat of the intestines]

¤amiaku remainder amiq(-) [amIQ] animal skin; skin

covering on umiak or kayak
ami (interj) well; the case of the matter
frame; to sew a hide covering on it
=boat or kayak frame § tuut-
amiami or amiamikii (excl.)
Amiġaiqsivik [lit. “time when the
well....based on whatever...; well,
velvet sheds from the caribou’s
just the same | reduplication of
antlers”] month of August » “XI.
ami +kii1 (encl.)
[1854] July 25,
amikii (excl.) well, anyway |
A-mi-rak’-si-win.” (Simpson:
+kii1 (encl.)
261) | +[ġ]aq nn :Iq-2 nv +sI-3 vv
+vIk1 vn § Tiŋŋivik, Amiġiksivik,
amigaq- (i) to be insufficient »
amigaqtut tupiliuqtuat they ran
amiġait- to chafe, to make the skin
out of material for finishing the
raw by friction | +[ġ]aq nn :It-1 nv
tent ; “amigarpoq, is insufficient;
amiġaq tree bark; velvet on caribou
is deficient” (Schultz-Lorentzen:
antlers | +[ġ]aq nn § qaalu
17) | -gaq- v § amikkit- , amit-
amiġaq(-) specific type of skin
amikkit- (i) to run short of something,
sewing stitch which makes a seam
e.g., skins for the making of a
waterproof, used especially when
boat » amikkiłłutiŋ aġiurut they
sewing umiak covers or
stopped when they ran out of
waterproof boots; (t) to sew it
supplies; “amikisârpoq (N.G.),
using a waterproof stitch |
has not enough, cannot make both
+[ġ]aq vn
ends meet.” (Schlutz-Lorentzen:
Amiġiksivik [lit. “time when the
17) | -gaq- vv ‘=It-1 vv § suiġuti-,
skins are ready”] month of August
| +[g]Ik-nv +sI-1 vv § Tiŋŋivik,

amiġluli- (Ti) to become dry, chapped amiqsuq- (i) to eat the skin from a
(of skin); to dry (of meat) » tanned hide or, in the case of
kiiñaġa amiġluliruq my face is ducks, from a skinned bird »
chapped; amiġluligaa niqi the ikuktuaq amiqsullaaraqtuq the
meat is drying | +luk(-)1 nv, nn tanner would occasionally take a
-lI-2 nv piece of the skin and eat it | +tuq-3
amiġl i- to become chapped (of part of nv § mamisuq-
the body) » siqiñġum amiġligaa amiqti a woman who assists in the
kiiñaŋa the sun is making her sewing of the bearded sealskins
face chapped | -lI-2 nv that cover a whaling boat | mt/ri
amiġluk(-) chapped skin, scab; (i) to Amiqtuġvik [lit. “time to put the
be rough, chapped (of skin); (i) to skins on the boats”] month of
be scarred (of skin); (i) to form a March | +tuq-3 nv +vIk1 vn §
scab; (Nu) old tree bark » Paniqsiqsiivik
amiġluktuq ikusia his elbow is amiun braided sinew for sewing boat
chapped » amiġluksivluni skins together; (Ti) (PB) skin
mamittuq killi ŋa his cut healed, sewing needle (its tip has three
forming a scar » amiġluktuq a sides which come to a sharp point)
scab is forming » amiġlukkaa for boat skins; | :un1 vn §
killi ġa a scab is forming on my quagrulik
cut | +luk(-)1 nv, nn § qaligluk(-)
amiġruaq skin butchering mat | amirġaq- (i) to be many; “many, ‘a-ma-
+ruaq1 nn drák-tû(k)’” (Murdoch 1890: 38),
amiiġruk- (i) to scrape one’s skin; (t) iñugiak-
to scrape it =one’s skin | :Iq-2 nv
+rruk- vv amirriaq food leftover from preparing
amiiq- (t) to remove its skin, e.g., an meal; remainder § ilaku
game animal; (t) to remove its
skin covering, e.g., a drum, a amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim,
kayak, or umiak; (t) to remove its slender
peel, e.g., of a fruit | :Iq-2 nv amigli- or amikłi (i) to wane (of
amiiyaq- (t) to remove its = umiak moon); to become narrower, more
skin covering » amiiyaġaat slender, slimmer; (t) to make it
umiaq they are removing the skin narrower » aġnaat
covering of the boat | :iyaq- nv amikłipaluksimaruq his wife
amiksraq skin for use in making a has gotten much slimmer;
cover for an umiak, a tent or drum amigl iruq the moon is waning |
» qilautim amiksraŋanik -glI- vv (devoiced -kłI- vv)
aitchuġaa he gave her a piece of amikłilaaq- (t) to make it narrower »
skin for making a drum | amikłilaaqqaaġlugu
+ksraq(-) nn atuġumagiñ you should wear it
amiku remnant leftover from cutting after making it narrower, slimmer
skin or hide » amikuŋi tutquġai | -kłI- vv +laaq-1 vv
he stored the remainder of the amilġaq or amirġaq ulna, inner bone
hide away | -ku(-) nn of two long bones in the human
forearm; fibula, outer bone of two

long bones in the lower human leg the mud was pulled out by his
| +[ġ]aq vn § see Appendix 21 elder brother; amuriruq
amilġuq narrow part (of any object) » kuvramik he pulled out a fishnet
amilġuagun sauniq navignaqtuq || +sI-3 vv or +rI-5 vv
when one wants to break a bone ammuaq whaling camp ice ramp, an
one should break it at its narrow umiak launching place on the ice
part | ±ġuq n at whaling camp where the umiak
amiłhuyuk one who is tall and is kept, so it can be easily put in
skinny; one that is lengthy and the water; box of gun cartridges or
thin » nukatpiaq ikkahii shotgun shells » piŋasunik
amiłhuyuk that young man over ammuanik atuqtut
there is tall and skinny | qaukkiaqtuat the duck hunters
-łhuyuk vn used three boxes of shells § (Ti)
amisilaaq(-) (t) to measure how ammuq
narrow it is; measurent of the ammuktuq- (t) to pull it (e.g., a net)
narrow part » amisilaaŋa from under the ice with a rope line
nalunaqtuq it’s hard to tell that it | ‘-k-2 vv +tuq-2 vv
is narrow;qanutun amisilaatku ammuktuun rope line attached to fish
youd measure how narrow it is | net under ice (measuring at least
mtilaaq(-) vn, vv the same length as the net) »
ammuktuun nuqitchaqługu
amma (excl. interrog) (Nu) really?! kiktuġaġaa the rope line attached
to the fish net under the ice
ammaktaq animal skin worn on the back snapped as he started to pull it out
as an amulet < amaq(-) | ‘-k-2 vv +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn
ammun net rope » kuvram
ammi (excl.) don’t be stupid! ammutiksraŋanik aikłiqsuq he
ammiumaa (excl.) oh, don’t be went to get a rope to pull the net
stupid!; don’t you dare!; that’s out | ‘n vn
nonsense! | uumaa ammuq (Ti) place on the ice at
whaling camp where the umiak is
amna2 [dual apkuak, pl. apkua] (dem. kept, so it can be easily put in the
abs. pron.) that one over there water | ‘-Q vn
(extended and visible) amuaq- (t) to pull her/him/it up and
< °av1 (dem. stem), out | +aq-1 vv
¤amuma or amuŋaruaq an object
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide back that has been pulled out | +ma vn
into water after beginning to or ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull amuraġaaq drawer (furniture) |
her/him/it out; (i) to withdraw +raġaaq vn
money from a bank; (t) to pick up amuraġaat dresser, chest of drawers
a C.O.D. from the post office @ » amuraġaat uqumaiñmiruat
amusi- or amuri-1 » anillagruaġai showing great
nukatpiaġruk aqayamun strength, he moved the heavy
kalivittuaq amugaa aapiyaŋata dresser out | +raġaaq vn -t nn
the young boy who got stuck in

amuri-2 (t) to withdraw or pull out an move a single piece or “man” |
item that she/he/it had stored for +vik- vv +t/raq vn :u- nv
safekeeping Aalaagum +t/ruaq vn § akiit- under akI1
uumisukłuni Siġmiaq anakkisaaq- to challenge (her/him) to
iliuqqaaŋiñik amurigaa angered, a competition; (i) to compete by
Aalaak being angry pulled out the daring others to surpass one’s feat
things that Siġmiaq had put in | » anakkisaaqtuak aġnaqatigiik
+rI-4 vv two cousins are challenging each
amuuġun (Ti) one of two ice-fishing other to compete | +kkIt- vv
sticks used to wind fishing line -saaq-1 vv
around to pull up fish | .-q-1 vv, rv anakkit- (i) to perform a feat one
+un1 vn expects others to try to surpass; (i)
amuuq- (t) to pull it (e.g., fish line) up to offer a rematch or to engage in
and out; (t) to continue pulling another form of competition (of a
them out | .-q-1 vv, rv losing team) | +kkIt- vv
amuuqqaq- (t) to pull them out @ anaksit- (Ti) (i) to engage in another
amuuqqai- | .-q-1 vv ‘-aq-1 vv form of competition as a rematch
» “akiitchuaq anaksitchuuruq”
anaa (Nu) (excl.) oh my! (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) [the loser
engages in another form of
anaaq (Ti) cousin » “ilannaġiik, competition as a rematch] |
anaaġiik” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) +sIt- vv
[close relatives, cousins] § aññaq, anaktaq- (i) to hold or participate in
illuayaaq competition games; (i) to compete
in sports » anaktaqtut qargimi
anaaq- (t) to bruise her/him they are holding games of
anaaġniq a bruise | +niQ1 vn competition in the communal
anaaqtit- to become bruised | -tit-2 vv house | +t/raq-1 vv
anaktiksrait- (i) to be the best |
anaggusimaaq- (i) to lean on a secure mt/ri vn +ksraq(-) nn :It- nv
object | +simaaq- vv anaqhiuq- (t) to win the first and
second games in a contest »
anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in “akilliñi anaqhiullaan
competition @ anaksi- » akiisitkaa; anaqhiullaaġuurut
aapiyani suaŋagaluaqtuq double-lukługu
anakkaa he beat, surpassed his akiisinnamirruŋ” (Aiken 2009)
elder brother even though he is [one beats his/her opponent in the
very strong | +sI-3 vv first and second games in a
anaġvik- (t) to beat her/him soundly contest; one wins resoundingly
in a game, to “skunk” her/him @ when one beats his/her opponent
anaġviksi- » taammaqatini twice in a row] | -qhi- vv
anaġvikkaa he skunked his +aq-1 vv § anaġvik-
opponent in a game of checkers |
+vik- vv || +sI-3 § anaqhiaq- anakuutaq (Nu) mitten string; strong
anaġviktauruaq a player in checkers string for knife (Hugo 2009)
who loses by not being able to

anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaŋŋauraq (Ti) younger sibling »
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on nukaaluuraq younger sibling (S.
it; (i) to fall into the atmosphere Tuzroyluke 2009) § aññaq
and burn (of a “shooting star”) »
qimmit anaŋit piiyakkit go °anaqa (stem) evening
remove the dog feces anaqagu this evening still to come;
anaaġaq- (i) to have frequent loose or (Nu) tonight | m[g]u(n) nn
liquid bowel movements | anaksrami or anaqami in the
±aq-1 vv ±aq-1 vv evening | ÷mI (loc.)
anaġlu or ¤(Nu) anaqłuk black anaqaksraq evening | +ksraq(-) nn
sediment once buried in the snow anaqaksri- (i) to spend the evening;
which becomes visible on the ice to work the evening shift |
during spring melting | +lu(q) nn +ksraq(-) nn =I-3 nv
or +qłuk(-) nn anaqapak tonight, this evening »
anaġnaq laxative » anaġnaqtuqugaa anaqapak kasimaniaqtut they
iñuunniaqtim the doctor wants will have a meeting this evening |
him to take a laxative | +naq(-) vn -pak1 rn
anaġvik toilet, bathroom, outhouse » anaqasaaġiaq late afternoon, early
anaġvitchiamik tauqsiqsuq he evening » anaqasaaġiamiimma
bought a new toilet | +vIk1 vn anikami she has been out since
anallaiq- (i) to become constipated | late afternoon | -saaq-1 rv +iaq1 vn
-lla- vv :Iq-2 vv anaqatchauraq or anaqatchiaq early
anaqhiaq- (i) to have diarrhea evening | -tchauraq(-) nn or
suddenly | -qhiaq- vv +tchiaq1 rn
anaqsiuġayuk dung fly | +siuq- nv anaqatuaq(-) every evening; (i) every
perhaps +[t/r]aq-3 vv -yuk vn time it became evening »
anaqtaq- (i) to have diarrhea | “Tainna unnuatuaq,
+t/raq-1 vv anaqatuaq piitqataliqsuq.”
anaqtitaq- (t) to give her/him an (Ahvakana: 2) [every night,
enema | mtitaq(-) vv every evening he was absent] |
anaqtitaun enema equipment » -tuaq(-) nn, vv
anaqtitautit tutquġai she put the
enema equipment away | mtitaq- vv anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s arm
:un1 vn or an object held in one’s hand @
Anaqtuuvak or Anaqtuġvik anausi- || +sI-3 vv
Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska | +tu- nv anaullaġaq- (Ti) (i) to play baseball »
:u-2 vv +vak vn or +tuq-3 nv “anaullaġaġamik akiitchuat
+vIk1 vn § orig. Naqsraq qakummisaaġuurut”
anniqi- (i) to make a mess when (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [the losers of
defecating (of child) | ‘=Iqi-1 nv the baseball game bring food
(usually meat and maktak from
anaŋŋaa (Ti) (excl.) how cute! § aattai, the underground ice cellar) to the
aaññaŋaa aftergame gathering] | -llaq- vv
anaŋŋaaq- (i) to be cute; to say +aq-1 vv
“anaŋŋaa” | -q-2 rv anaullaġaqti (Ti) batter in baseball |
-llaq- vv +aq-1 vv mt/ri vn

anaullaq- (t) to hit her/him/it end of a long stick (for capturing
repeatedly with an object held in murres); (t) to get it =bird with
the hand | -llaq- vv bird net
anaullaun club, an object used to
strike with | -llaq- vv +un1 vn *anaya (root) wariness, caution |
anaumik- (t) to hit her/him/it -ya(q) rn
repeatedly with the arm or with an anayagi- (t) to be wary of her/him/it |
object held in the hand » +[g]i- rv
anaumikługu tuqutkaa he killed anayailaq an incautious person |
it by hitting it repeatedly | :ilaq nn
+mIk-1 vv anayaktuq- or anayaktuaq- (Ti) (i)
anauniqłak- (t) to hit her/him/it to be cautious, careful in a
violently with an object | dangerous place; (i) to rise up
-niqłak- vv carefully, move cautiously (of a
anauraġaq- (i) to play baseball | sick person) | -k-4 rv +tuq-2 vv or
+raġaq- vv +tuaq- vv
anauraġaqti baseball player | anayanait- (i) to be safe | +naq(-) rv
+raġaq- vv mt/ri vn :It-1 vv
anauraġaun baseball bat » anayanaq- (i) to be dangerous; (i) to
anauraġaun naitpaitchuq the require caution; (i) to be unsafe;
baseball bat is too short | (i) to be risky » siku
+raġaq- vv :un1 vn anayanaqtuq innailimman the
anauraġauraq(-) softball game (i) to ice is dangerous at this time of the
play softball | +raġaq- vv :uraq- vv year | +naq(-) rv
§ ayuktaq- ayyutaaq-, anayanniuq- (i) to be in danger; (i) to
iluaqsuġaaq-, aqsraaq- show anxiety » anayanniuqłutiŋ
¤anautailaq [lit. “no hammer”] (Ti) ataaqtuqtuat airut the whalers
.45-.70 caliber rifle | -taq(-) vn went home because they were
:Ilaq nn § agmailaq afraid for their safety | +naq(-) rn
anauttaq(-) axe; upper hind leg of a ‘=iuq-2 nv
four-legged animal; (Nu) femur anayasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him
bone, thighbone; (i) to use an axe; fearful, apprehensive »
(t) to chop it with an axe, to hew it anayasaaqługit qapiqtittai she
» anauttaqługu avguġaa discouraged them by pointing out
quaksraq he chopped up the all of the dangers involved |
frozen meat with an axe; ±saaq-2 vv
anauttamnik atuġiñ use my axe; anayasuk- (i) to be cautious, careful
“anauttaitchut iñuit” (Hugo in a dangerous situation »
2009) [peope do not have upper anayasukłuni qailliġmi tulaktuq
hind legs] | +ttaq(-) vn § kiniġniq, he came ashore because he was
piagniq afraid of the ocean waves |
anauviñaq- (t) to strike or give +suk-2 rv
her/him/it a heavy blow | anayatchak- (i) to become fearful,
-viñaq- vv afraid, apprehensive »
anayatchakłuta aġiuruagut we
anauvak(-) (Ti) bird net affixed to the stopped because we became

apprehensive | -tchak- vv § animaġluk- or aniñiġluk- (Ti) (i) to
iqsitchak- storm out | -maqłuk- vv or -
niġluk(-) nn, vv § aniłłaktaq-
ani- [anI] (i) to go out, exit; (i) to be aniñiq (Nu) birth; birthplace |
born; (i) to emerge from the den in +niQ1 vn
spring (of hibernating animal) » aniŋa- (i) to have a bump or lump on
aniliqtuq ilani aipqauraġmata it; (i) to be convex | ±ŋa- vv
he went out as soon as his aniŋarualiqsuq- (Ti) (i) to contract
relatives went home § umŋuti- hives | ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn -lIq-1 vv
ania- (i) to leave en masse | -a-1 vv +tuq-2 vv
¤aniguq- (i) to pass through, to come anipkaq- to let (her/him/it) out, to
out the other side | perhaps release (her/hm/it) out of
:uq-2 vv confinement | +pkaq-1 vv
aniiġaaq- (i) to be outside enjoying anipqaułłik- or anipqauraq- (i) to
the weather, the out-of-doors; (i) narrowly make one’s way out,
to take a break by going outside | escape | -pqaułłIk- vv or
.-q-1 vv +aaq(-) vv -pqauraq- vv
aniiġauraq- (i) to be outside, aniqan sibling » aniqatinilu atuqtuk
spending time with one’s he is singing with his sibling |
sweetheart » niviaqsiaq ivaqtan ±qan1 vn § nuka, anayu
aniiġauraqtuq the young woman aniqqammiaq or
you are looking for is out with her aniqqammialauraq or
boyfriend | .-q-1 vv +aq-1 vv aniqqammiayaaq or (Ti)
:uraq- vv aniqqammiuraq newborn; infant
aniiq- (i) to be outside » aniiqsuq (human or animal) »
kiani he is out there (near the aniqqammialauraq
house) | .-q-1 vv aggisuutigaa naŋirviŋmiñ she
aniiqsuaq- (i) to relax or play outside took the newborn baby home from
» aniiqsuaqtuq piuraaqatimiñi the hospital | ±qqammIq- vv
he is playing outside with his ±aq1 vn +laaq nn =uraq nn
playmate, friend | .-q-1 vv aniraġaatchiaq- (Ti) (i) to participate
+tuaq- vv in a game where one jumps
anikallaŋit- (i) to not come out right through one’s arms with hands
away, immediately | +kallaŋIt- vv clasped in front | +t/raġaq- vv
aniłłaktaq- (Ti) to surface suddenly; -atchiaq(-) vn
breach (of a whale); (i) to jump anisaanmun towards the mouth of
out of the water (of a fish); (i) to the river from upriver | -saaq-1 vv
leave, exit enraged; to storm out » +mun (term.)
aniłłaktaġmiñak; ilaanniuvva anisaaq- (i) to enter the open ocean
putukkiviñaġniaqtutin you from a channel or river; (Nu) (i) to
shouldn’t leave so enraged; one of travel down towards the ocean on
these times you will stumble and a frozen river or over land (not on
fall | +łłaktaq- vv § aniniġluk-, water) | -saaq-1 vv
animaġluk- anisaġniq- (Nu) to blow downstream
(of wind) | +saq-2 vv +nIq-2 vv

anisaġniq downstream current; wind aniuġiq- (i) to exit and enter |
blowing downstream | +saq-2 vv -uġIq- vv § isauġiq-
+niQ1 vn aniuq- (i) to come out steadily,
anisiq- (i) to depart quickly » “tavra continuously; (Ti) (i) to break out
aullaqtuq; piiqsiqtuq tavraŋŋa in pimples or a fever rash |
aġiuvluni” (Aiken 2009) [he :uq-2 vv
leaves; he is gone quickly from aniuraaq- to slowly file out of a
there because he quits] | +sIq-2 vv dance hall as part of a dance |
anit- (t) to throw her/him/it out; (t) to -uraaq- vv
expel her/him; (t) to place, set it aniyaġiaq traditional sod house
outside; (t) to thrust it outside; (t) passage foundation floor | +iaq1 vn
to begin it = speech or song; (Ti) aniyumaaq- (i) to intend, plan to go
(t) to be carried out to sea, drift out | +yumaaq- vv
out to sea § anitchi- » quaq anniñ birth; birthplace; bail | ‘-n vn
auŋaiñŋaan anitkaa anniññaaq exit; mouth of river |
qanitchanun he placed the frozen ‘=It-2 vv +naaq vn § paa
meat in the porch before it thawed anniññiq hole in ocean ice made by
out; “saġvaum anitkaa; anuġim river current at the mouth of the
tiŋitkaa” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) river | ‘=It-2 vv +nIQ vn
[the current takes it out to sea; and anniqi-2 (t) to go out and deal with a
the winds “flies” it out to sea]; person who’s making trouble |
“saġvamunlu anuġimunlu ‘-qi- vv
piñisuugaat” (S. Tuzroyluke annisi- or annisuuti- (t) to exit with
2009) [they say it is the current her/him/it @ annisuurri- |
and the wind that takes it] | +t-1 vv ‘ti- vv or ‘ti- vv +uti- vv -rI-5 vv
|| +sI-3 vv annisiq- (i) to bail oneself out of jail;
anitaġaq- (t) to continue casting out (t) to bail her/him out of jail »
or putting her/him/it outside » annisiġaa tigutaaqtauruaq
anitaġaŋaiġuŋ stop putting it she/he bailed her/him out of jail |
outside | +t-1 vv -t/raġaq- vv ‘ti1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
anitaq an outcast; one who has been annivik birthday; birthplace |
sent away, cast out | +t-1 vv ‘+vIk1 vn
+t/raq vn anniviliqi- (i) to celebrate one’s
anitchaun beginning; initial sound (of birthday; (i) to have a birthday
word or song) » anitchautaa party | -lIqi- vv
atuutim ilitkaat they learned the annivilit- (i) to have a birthday |
beginning of the song | +t-1 vv -lIt- nv
+saq-2 vv :un1 vn § akpirrun
anitchi- (i) to begin singing the song, aniŋak older brother » aniŋani
to sing out the first note | +sI-3 vv nakuaġigaa he loves his older
anitchiq- or anitchiaq- or anitchii- brother § aapiyaq, aŋayuk
(t) to wait for her/him/it to exit
her/his/its dwelling) » siksrik aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) § uqaq-
anitchiigaa nukatpiaġruum the aniġniġiq- (i) to stop breathing; (i) to
boy is waiting for the squirrel to become unable to breathe |
come out | +[t]sIq- vv || :I-4 vv +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv

aniġniġilauraġniagaqsilgit- (i) to nutqaqamiŋ they all began to
once again begin to try to hold catch their breath when they
one’s breath » stopped travelling | -saaq-1 vv
“aniġniġilauraġniagaqsilgitchuq -pak- rn ‘=It-2 nv
pisuqtilaamisun” (Ekowana: 13) aniqsaaq- (i) to take a breath, to
[once again he tries to hold his breathe » ilunmun aniqsaaqtuq
breath as best as he can] | iñuunniaqtim aniqsaaqummani
+niQ1vn :ilaq(-) nv -uraġniaq-vv he took a deep breath when the
-aqsI- vv -lgIt- vv doctor instructed him to |
aniġniġluaqi- to have blood in one’s -saaq-1 vv
breath (of wounded whale) » aniqsraaqtuq- (t) to tell her/him with
“aġviġit ikilgit determination; to warn her/him |
aniġniġluaqirurguuq tavra -qsraaq- vv +tuq-1 vv
aniqsaaġaġamik augulaamik” aniqtiġi- (i) to be breathing »
(Aiken 2009) [it is said, wounded aniqtiġiruqsuli she is still
whales have blood in their breath] breathing | +tiġi- vv
| +niQ1vn +luaq-1 vv -qi- vv aniqtiġluaqi- (Ti) (i) to pant, be short
aniġniq breath | +niQ1 vn of breath | mt/liq-3 vv +luaq-1 vv
aniġniqsiugaqsivallilgit- (t) to again -qi- vv
try to detect her/his/its breathing » aniqtipkaq- (i) to be panting, short of
“sigguugni tavruŋa kurraqhuni breath » qilamiqsruqpaiłłuni
niaquata saniġaanun nannum aniqtipkaqtuq she was panting
aniġniqsiugaqsivallilgitkaa” from rushing about | mt/liq-3 vv
(Ekowana: 13) [the polar knelt, +pkaq-2 vv § qiniqqaluk-
and placing his snout beside his aniqtipki- (i) to be out of breath |
head (the man’s head) tried to +tipkaq- vv =I-7 vv
detect his breathing] |+niQ1 vn
+siuq- nv -aqsI- vv +p/vallIq- vv aniqsa (excl.) fortunately, luckily, good
-lgIt- vv thing! (prompts the use of the
aniġnitchiaq- (i) to pant, to be short Kiisaimmaa mood) » aniqsa-
of breath » aniġnitchiaqtuq imña tautugiaqpigu
aqpatqaaqłuni he was short of aullaŋaiñŋaan luckily, I went to
breath after running » see her before she left
puvagiiłłuni aniġnitchiaġuuruq
he pants all the time because he aniu packed snow » maŋaqsipaluktuq
has asthma | +niQ1 vn +tchiaq- nv aniu the snow sure looks dirty §
aniqsaapak(-) a sigh; (i) to sigh once aniguyyaq
» tigupkaŋaruaq aniquyyaq or aniguyyaq or (Nu)
aniqsaapaktuq, anigutyaq snow shelter; snow
aipkaġniaŋisimammani the one house; winter den (for female
in the jail sighed, when he realized polar bear) » aniguyyamun
they would not let him go home | annaktut anuqqagman they
-saaq-1 vv -pak- vv, vn found shelter in the snow house
aniqsaappit- (i) to catch one’s breath when it got windy | +yyaq1 vn §
» igliqtuallakłutiŋ iluqatiŋ qakummavIk, apuyyaq under
aniqsaappitkaqsirut apun, saggutyaq

aniguyyaqtuq- (i) to live in a snow Taaqpak who you know, who
house; (i) to live in a winter den you have seen, who we have
(of female polar bear) | +yyaq1 vn seen]; “iñuk suilli uŋiñman,
+tuq-3 nv aŋunialgumman,
aniuliqsuq- (t) to fill it =container piilliuŋiñman” (Aiken 2009)
with snow § aniuliqsui- » [when a person does not lack for
aniuliqsuiganikpisik have you anything, when he is a good
two finished filling the water hunter, and he is not in need of
container with snow | -lIq-1 nv anything] | :uma-vv +niqsraq vn
+tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
aniulliuq- (i) to melt snow; ¤(i) to go *anmik (root) feeling of superiority
through deep snow » anmigi- (t) to feel that one can beat
”aniulliuqtuaq immiuqtuaq” her/him in a competition; to feel
(Aiken 2009) [one who is melting that one is more capable than
snow is making water] | +lliuq- nv her/him @ anmiksri- »
aniutaq- (i) to fetch packed snow for nukatpiam anmigiraŋata
drinking water; (t) to fetch some akiisitkaa the young man who
packed snow for her/him to put in felt more capable than him beat
her/his water container » him | +[g]i- rv
aniutaġaa aakani imġiqsuaq he anmikkiuti- (t) to think that one can
is fetching some packed snow for accomplish it, do it | +[g]i- rv
his mother who ran out of water; 'uti- vv
aniutaġitchik uniaġaġlusik why anmiksraq- (i) to feel or act superior
don't youd take the dogteam and » anmiksraqtuaq akiisitkaat
get some snow for making water | qitiktuani the one who acted so
+taq-4 nv superior was beaten during the
aniuvak mound of hard packed snow; competitive games | +qsraq- rv, nv
snowbank | +vak nn
aniuvauraq a snowdrift with a sharp anmuaq- or (Nu) atmuaq- to sew with an
downwind side and a more overlapping stitch » “atmuaqługu
inclined upwind side | +vak nn kammiruni immalaitchut;
:uraq nn § qayuqłak, aġviuraq qayaligamiglu” (Hugo 2009)
[when boots are made with an
aniumaniqsraq one who continues to be overlapping stitch, they are
the one who has surpassed waterproof; also when kayaks are
everyone else; the reigning made]; “saŋŋisaallaavlugu”
champion » “iñugli atausiq (Aiken 2009) [pulling it (the
Utqiaġviŋñi stitch) tight each time]
aniumaniqsrauŋavalliqsuaq atmuaqtaq (Nu) stitch | +t/raq vn
tamanna ilisimaraqsi, anmuiññaq straight down < °ati
tautuŋaraqsi, tautuŋaraqput”
(Harold Itta 1982) [there is one anmuk- to go down, descend, drop; (i) to
man in Barrow who still holds go down a slope, to descend
the title of having surpassed gradually, to drop, as of the
everyone; I will talk about indicator in a therometer,

barometer, etc.; (t) to set it lower annaurri- » tuqutchaqtaŋat
< °ati pamiqsaaŋa qimautivlugu
annautigaa he saved his pet by
anmuksiiññaq- (i) to drop lower and running away with it from the one
lower < °ati who wanted to kill it | :uti- vv
:urrI- vv
anmuktaaq- (t) to set it at a lower setting;
(t) place it on a lower level < °ati annii (excl.) of pain, sorrow,
anmun downwards < °ati
anniñ birth; birthplace; bail < ani-
anmuŋŋaġik- (i) to have a good decline,
downward slope; (i) to be steep anniññaaq exit; mouth of river < ani-
< °ati
anniññiq hole in ocean ice made by river
annak- (i) to escape from danger » current < ani-
natchiq annaktuq taġiumun the
seal escaped into the ocean *annIq or (Nu) *atnIq (root) valuable,
annai- to have (it) escape from one » beneficial
annairuq iqalugmik anniġi- (t) to be protective of
niksianikkaluaqługu the fish her/him/it fearing hurt or loss; to
managed to escape from him refuse to relinquish possession of
although he had hooked it | -I-5 vv it; to refuse to share it »
annaksaq- (i) to seek help, assistance attaqsitqulaitkaa supputini
when in danger | msaq-3 vv anniġivlugu he doesn’t like
annapqaullik- (i) to narrowly escape anyone to borrow his gun for fear
» “tavraasii uvluġmagu of losing it | +[g]i- rv
quliaqtuaġman taamna anniġñaq-1 (i) to be too precious to
nukatpiaġruk nannumun imma lose (of person or object) |
malikataŋanivlutik +naq(-) vv
annapquallignivluni; anniqsrau- (i) to be stingy |
uvluġmagu qaummagman +qsraq- rv, nv -u-2 vv
aŋutit qimilġiuġiaġniġaat anniqsraq- (i) to be unwilling to
taamna unnuiviak” (Ekowana: share an object one fears might be
14) [then at daybreak, when the damaged » suġauttamiñik
boy told they (he and another boy) anniqsraqtuq he is unwilling to
had been chased by a polar bear share his possessions | +qsraq- rv
and had narrowly escaped, the § sigña
men set out to look over the area anniqsrautu- (i) to be very stingy,
where they (the two boys) had selfish; (i) to be protective of
spent the night] | -pqaullik- vv one’s possessions, unwilling to
annaun salvation; rescue | :un1 vn share | +qsraq- rv +u-4 vv +tu- vv §
annaurri [annaurrI] saviour | :uti- vv sigñatu
mt/ri vn anniqsuq- (t) to assist or rescue
annauti- (t) to save, deliver, rescue her/him in a time of need, stress,
her/him/it from danger @ or danger » anniqsuġai il ani

ikayullasikami he assisted his anniġñaq aŋigaluaqtuq
relatives when he was finally able iglutuġaa the pain was enormous,
| +suq-2 vv but she withstood it | +naq(-) vv
anniqsuqtiq- (i) to quickly and anniitkutaq or anniyaitkutaq a
competently perform an act so that means of protection against hurt
one is spared unpleasantness | or injury i.e. pad used for
+tuq-3 vv mt/liq-3 vv protection from injury (such as a
anniqsuun assistance; object used to recoil pad on stock of a shotgun) |
assist one, e.g., tools, equipment | +kutaq vn, +ya-1 vv +iitkutaq vn
+tuq-3 vv :un1 vn anniluk- (i) to experince a small,
anniqsuutau- (i) to be useful, sharp pain » anniluktuq
essential, necessary | +tuq-3 vv saniġamigun he has small, sharp
:un1 vn :u-1 vv side pains | +luk- vv
anniqsuutauŋit- (i) to be worthless, anniutaq chronic pain; pleurisy »
useless | +tuq-3 vv :un1 vn :u-1 vv anniutaniktuq saniġamigun
±ŋIt- vv apuqtitqaaqłuni he developed
anniqsuusiaq blessing (promoting chronic side pains after being hit
prosperity, well-being) | +tuq-3 vv (by a vehicle) | -utaq(-)1 vn
:usiaq vn § nagliktuun, anniutchiq- (i) to develop a chronic
quviasaaġusiaq, pain; (t) to cause her/him to
ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq develop a chronic pain »
niaqumigun anniutchiqsuq
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) kataqqaaqłuni he developed a
to hurt her/him/it » anniqsuq chronic headache after he fell |
talimigun he hurt his arm -utaq(-)1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
anniałłaktaq- (i) to repeatedly annivak- (i) to experience a short,
experience sharp pain | -aq-1 vv sharp pain | -vak- vv
-łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv annivaktaq- (i) to have short, sharp
anniaq- (i) to feel pain as a sign, e.g., pains » annivaktaqtuq
of a change in weather; (t) to tunumigun he has short sharp
inflict pain her/him/it » pains in his back | -vak- vv
anniaqtuq putugua his big toe is +t/raq-1 vv
hurting (and therefore, it may anniya- (i) to be easily hurt, to be sore
rain, etc.) | -aq-1 vv (of body part); to be emotionally
anniaqtaq- (i) to experience pulsating fragile » anniyaruq niuŋa his leg
pain » “tigliqtaġman” is sore | +ya-1 vv
(Matumeak 2009) [when it is
pulsating] | -aq-1 vv -łłak- vv anniqi-1 (i) to make a mess when
+t/raq-1 vv defecating < anaq(-)
anniġñaiyaun medicine for pain |
+naq(-) vv :Iyaq- vv :un1 vn anniqi-2 (t) to leave one’s house and deal
anniġñaq(-)2 pain; (i) to be in pain, to with a person who’s making
ache, to hurt; (i) to cause pain, trouble < ani-
emotional distress » amauni
anniġñaġniraa he said that one of annisi- or annisuuti- (t) to take
his great-grandparents is in pain »

her/him/it out @ annisuurri- anŋik(-) [anŋIk] patch on boot sole; (i) to
< ani- patch a boot sole; (t) to patch it
=boot sole @ anŋiksi- » anŋiŋa
annisiq- (i) to bail oneself out of jail; (t) kamiŋata piiġmiuqsuli
to bail her/him out of jail < ani- miquġaluaqtaġa I sewed a patch
on her boot sole, but it came off »
annivik birthday; birthplace < ani- anŋianiktuq kamiŋa his boot
sole is now patched » anŋikkaa
anniviliqi- to celebrate one’s birthday; to kamini she is patching her own
have a birthday party < ani- boot sole ||
+sI-3 vv
annivilit- (i) to have a birthday < ani- anŋun sticky, burnt blubber from oil
lamp; pitch (caulking) » “Aasii
annuġaaq [annuġaraq] or (Nu) aaqaguilimman kuvitqikługu
atnuġaaq(-) piece of clothing, nannim uqsruqaġvianun,
garment; (i) to dress oneself; (t) to naagga anŋusiuqługu
dress her/him/it kutchuksramiŋnik,
annuġaagilaq a naked person | atugaksrivlugu
:Ilaq nn § iqaqtai- immayuiyautaulugu qayyanun
annuġaaqtuq- (i) to dress oneself; (t) naagga umianun.” (Kaveolook
to dress her/him/it @ 1975a: 10) [then after a while it
annuġaaqtui- » miqłiqtuuraq (anŋun) is poured back into the oil
annuġaaqtuqtuq ilimiñik the container of the lamp, or is made
child dressed himself | +tuq-2 vv || into pitch for chewing gum, or
+tuq-2 vv :I-4 vv saved to be used to caulk the kayak
annuġaiq- or annuġaiyaq- to undress or umiak]; “Tulimaniġum
(her/him/it) @ annuġaiyai- » kivaliġñaaŋani anŋutiqaqtuq.”
annuġaiġaa ivvaqsaqamiuŋ she (Aiken 2009) [pitch can be found to
undressed him for a bath | :Iq-2 nv, the east of Tulimaniq] | ‘-ti1 vn
=Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv
annuġait- (i) to be naked; to have no anŋiqpak rubber boot »
clothing » annuġaitchuq anŋiqpakkaluaq uvva
akkupak he has no clothes on igluitchuq here is one rubber boot
right now | :It-1 nv but the other one is missing |
annuġarri- to make clothing (for +qpak(-) nn § kamik(-)
him/her/it); (t) to make it into
clothing » annuġarrigaa she is anŋiqsruq- (t) to tease, bother her/him/it
making clothes for him | ‘=I- nv @ anŋiqsrui- | mqsruq-2 rv

annut- (i) to frown, pout; (t) to frown at Anŋutik Simpson, Alaska

her/him/it » annutkaviñ
iqsiñapaluktutin oh, you are so anu(-) harness; mitten string; yoke; (t) to
frightening when you frown < °ati harness it @ anuri- » qimmim
annutu- (i) to frown, pout a lot, anua qairruŋ give me the dog
frequently | -tu- vv harness; qimmiñi anugaa he is

putting a harness on his dog || companion has been negatively
+rI-5 vv affected | +sI-1 vv +nŋuq- nv

anuġi wind » anuġi suaŋaruq the wind is

strong § see Appendix 15
anuġaiq- to cease, (of wind)/ sila
anuk mitten straps | -k2 nn anuġaiqsuq the weather is calm |
anuksraq harness webbing » :Iq-2 nv
aŋunmiñ tauqsiqsuq anuġait- to be still, (of wind) | :It-1 nv
anuksramik he bought harness anuġiqłuk strong wind, storm »
webbing from the man | anuġiqłuk tamauŋa tikitchuq
+ksraq(-) nn the storm arrived suddenly |
anukuutak or anakuutaq (Nu) +qłuk(-) nn
harness to hold mittens | perhaps anuġisiun barometer; wind vane,
+kutaq nn -k2 nn wind mill » anuġisiutini
anupiaq (Nu) old style dog harness navikkaa he broke his wind vane
(no collar) | -piaq(-)1 nn § | +siun nn
kalaligaaq anuqłiq- (i) to be windy »
anuqłiqsuq; aniñak it’s windy;
*anu (root) emotional security, fortitude don’t go out | -łIq-1 nv
anuaqsruit- (i) to be emotionally anuqłiqłuk wind storm | -lIq-1 nv
vulnerable as in a time of crisis; (i) -łuk2 vn +łuk(-) nn
be deeply affected, moved to anuqqak- to become windy »
compassion; (i) be moved to tears anuqqaktuq aiŋaisilluta it got
| perhaps -aq-7 rv mqsruq-2 vv windy before we made it home |
:It-1 vv § tupquraanŋuliq-, ‘-k-2 nv
ilunŋutchak- anuqsraaġik(-) a light breeze; to have
anuaqun source of an emotional a light breeze (of wind) |
reaction » +sraaq(-) nn +[g]Ik- nv
“anuaqqutigigisuugiga anuqsraaġiksiraġaq- (i) to blow in
tautukkapku” (Aiken 2009) [I get gusts (of wind) | +sraaq(-) nn
emotional when I see him] | +[g]Ik- nv +sI-1 vv +raġaq- vv
perhaps -aq-7 rv -quti vn anuqsraaq(-) or anuqsralaaq(-)
anuqsru- (i) to be able to bear great breeze; (i) to be breezy »
pain or sorrow with fortitude; (i) anuqsralaaq nakuupaluktuq the
to be stoic » aġnaiyaaq breeze feels so good |
anuqsruvluni +sraaq(-) nn, +sralaaq(-) nn
naglignaqsipiksuaġaqtuq the
young girl was stoic to the point anuti- (i) to confess » “anutiruq tavra
where it become pitiful | mqsru- rv quliaqtuaġami piilaaŋaramiñik
anusiñŋuq- (i) to be so negatively iñuit naluraat; tavra quliaqtuq”
affected by an experience that one (Aiken 2009) [he is confessing
does not wish to repeat it » when he tells of those things he
qaitqigñiaŋitchugnaqtuq; has done that people do not know
anusiñŋuqtuq piqatikpuk he about; he is confessing] § *anu
probably will not return; our

aññaq cousin …aŋatchiaġigaaŋa
aññak (Ti) woman’s second cousin § …aŋatchiaġivluŋa…illuġa
aġnaqan, aŋutiqan, uumaaq, illuq, ilisimauraaġmivlunilukii.”
illualuk (Walter Akpik as reported by
Kisautaq: 109) [that one over
aŋ (excl.) here, take it …I’m his maternal uncle…it is
because I am his maternal
aŋaayyu- or aŋaiyyu- or (Nu) agaiyu- (i) uncle…my cross cousin is smiling
to pray; (t) to say it = prayer » because he knows] | -tchiaq nn
siquŋaiñŋaġmi aŋaayyuruq she
prayed before she went to sleep; *aŋa (root) manipulation, power
aŋaayyuliaq- (i) to go to church | aŋala- (Nu) (i) to move about | -la- rv
-liaq- nv aŋalarruġik- (Nu) to be nimble, agile,
aŋaayyuliqiruat church, dexterous » “aŋalarruġiksuq
congregation | ‘-ti1 vn -liqi- nv aularruġiksuq sayyaġigmatun”
aŋaayyusiqi- (Ti) (i) to study religion; (Hugo 2009) [she is nimble,
(i) to be immersed in religion | moves well like she is full of
‘-ti1 vn ~Iqi-1 nv energy] | -la- rv
aŋaayyuliqsi or (Nu) agaiyuliqsi -rruġIk- vv
preacher, minister, evangelist » aŋalat- (t) to stir it; (t) to manipulate
aŋaayyuliqsi aigaa aŋutim the her/him; (t) to supervise her/him;
man went to get the preacher; (t) to be in charge of her/him/it @
“Tavra uqallautiniġaat aŋalatchi- » aŋalatkai
tamatkua iñuŋisa agaiyuliqsim anaktaqtuat he is in charge of the
taaptum minisitauram.” (Elijah competitive games » aŋalatkaa
Kakinya as reported by Bergsland misiġarriani she is stirring the oil
1987: 377) [then the congregation she is rendering » aŋalatchiruq
of the little preacher told him] | savaktinik he is supervising the
-lIq-1 nv mt/ri vn workers | -la- rv +t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
aŋaayyun prayer » aŋaayyunmik aŋalataġi- (t) to govern, have
agmautiqaġuurut they always authority over her/him/it |
open with a prayer | ‘-ti1 vn +t/raq vn +[g]i- nv
aŋaayyuti- (t) to pray for her/him/it; aŋalatchiñ or aŋalarrun authority,
(t) to hold a funeral for her/him/it power | -la-2 rv +t-1 vv +sI-3 vv
@ aŋaayyurri- | ‘ti- vv || ~rI-5 vv ‘-n vn or -la-2 rv +n vv +run1 vn
aŋaayyuvigi- (t) to worship, pray to aŋalatchirit administration | +n vn
her/him/it | +vIk1 vn +[g]i- nv mt/ri vn -t nn
aŋaayyuvik church (building) » aŋałhuiq- (i) to dangle, flap, move
miŋuliġaat aŋaayyuvik they are about, e.g., in wind |
painting the church | +vIk1 vn -łhuiq- rv

aŋak or aŋaaluk uncle » aŋaŋmiñik aŋarraq- (t) to behead it =animal; (t) to

tautuŋaitchuq he has never seen cross them =two upright poles
his uncles | -aluk nn § akkaaka near upper end » aŋarraġaa
aŋatchiaq maternal uncle (mother’s tuttutaani he beheaded the
brother) » “Tavra taiksrumakii caribou he had killed | -rraq- rv

aŋarraak or aŋarraurak (Ti) two aŋayakkiiq (Ti) a human-sized puppet
sticks tied together (at a ninety manipulated by strings that
degree angle) and hung near the appears during the ninth (9th)
door or house vent to prevent evil scene in a ten act dance
spirits from entering; cross | ceremonial held in a qalgi during
+aq1 vn ‘-k2 nn or ‘-Q vn :uraq nn Christmas week at Point Hope,
-k2 nn Alaska (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) §
aŋarraq or aŋarraaq a structure suayyaġluqaq
formed of two poles crossed at a
ninety degree angle near the upper aŋayu- (i) to dance Iñupiaq style »
end | ‘-Q vn or +aq1 vn tuvaaqatini aŋayumman
aŋarrat several stakes (placed tautukpaallukkaa he saw his
in the ground) to guide owls or wife Iñupiaq dance for the first
other game birds into a snare-trap | time
‘-Q vn -t nn § qaapquak aŋayuuq- (Nu) (i) to perform Iñupiaq
aŋarrauraq cross, crucifix; two dances | -uq-2 vv or .-q-1 vv
pieces of crossed wood » aŋayyun “common” dance song to
aŋaayyuvium aŋarrauraŋa which anyone may dance as
miŋuliġaa he is painting the cross opposed to a motion dance song to
on the church | ‘-Q vn:uraq nn which only trained dancers may
dance » aŋayyunmik
aŋatkuq shaman » aŋatkut qaŋasaaq akpipqauraġman saaviayaarut
iñugiaguuŋarut there used to be iñuit as soon as he began a
many shamans a long time ago common dance song, a steady
aŋatkit- (i) to conjure up supernatural stream of people got up to dance |
powers | ‘=It-2 nv ‘n1vn § sayuun
aŋatkuaq- or aŋatkuk- (i) to perform
a shamanistic ritual; (t) to cast a °aŋayu (stem) older person § aapiyaq,
spell on him/it, to hex her/him/it aniŋak
» aŋatkuaqługu tuqutkaa iglaaq aŋayukłiaġruk (Nu) two-year-old
the shaman cast a spell on the caribou calf or lamb | +llIQ nn
stranger and killed him | -aq-4 nv -aġruk nn
or -k-4 nv aŋayukłiġaq or aŋayukłiġauraq
aŋatkuġnaq spirit medium » one-year-old caribou | +llIQ nn
aŋatkuġnaŋa il aanni +[ġ]aq n
suaŋŋaguurug-guuq his spirit aŋayukłiq firstborn, eldest one,
medium sometimes gets very someone’s elder; two-year-old
powerful, it is said | +naq(-) nn caribou bull » aŋayukłiit
aŋatkula- (i) to perform shamanistic aullautivlugit nutaġaurat
rituals; (i) to invoke a spirit (of ilisautiyaqtuaġaqsigait
shaman) | -la- nv aŋuniaġniġmik the older ones
took the younger ones on a trip to
¤aŋatqiaq (Ti) small duck which lands on teach them how to hunt | +llIQ nn
ocean § iŋaġiuraq aŋayukłitqik three-year-old caribou
bull | +llIQ nn -tqIk3 nn

aŋayunġuq senior co-in-law, aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large » aŋitigiruamik
spouse’s older sibling’s spouse | tainnatun iñugmik
+nġuq nn § nukaġaq under tautukpaallukłuni aŋutaiyaaq
nuka(q) qimmaġmik isagutiruq the boy
aŋayuqaaġiit immediate family fled because he had never seen a
(parents and children) » man of such enormous size before
aŋayuqaaġiit atautchimukługIt agli- (i) to grow in size, become large,
qiñiġaaqsigai he brought the big | -lI-2 vv § nau-
family together to take their aglilaaq- (t) to enlarge it @
picture | perhaps aglilaaqsi- | -lI-2 vv +laaq-1 vv ||
-qaaq nn +[g]iit nn +sI-3 vv
aŋayuqaak parents [dual use only] » agliñġaaq (Nu) adolescent girl »
iglutchialiuġniaġniraŋik qakiŋaitchuaq aġnaġupiaġuni
aŋayuqaaŋni he told his parents piŋaitchuaq one who has not
he would build a new house for fully matured, one who has not
them | perhaps -qaaq nn -k2 nn § become a mature woman |
nulliq -nġaq2 vv -aq1 vn § aġnaiyaaq,
aŋayuqaaq- (i) to become old (of a niviaqsiaġruk
man) » aŋayuqaaġniqsuq taavva agliraġaun magnifying glass | -lI-2 vv
aŋaaluga my uncle is an old man -t/raġaq- vv -un1 vn
now, it seems | -qak nn -aq-3 nv aglisuilauraq midget; dwarf;
aŋayuqak or aŋayuqaksraq (Nu) old person/animal of little growth,
man; (Nu) Arctic char » abnormally small being |
aŋayuqaksrat atautchimukamiŋ -suilaq vn :uraq nn
unipkaallaturut old men like to aglisuit- (i) to grow slowly, be
tell stories whenever they get stunted | ±suit- vv
together | -qak nn or -qak nn aglitchiit- (i) to not grow steadily, to
+ksraq(-) nn be underdeveloped | -lI-2 vv
aŋayuqaksraatchiak two old men | +tchIk- vv :It-1 vv
-qak nn +ksraq(-) nn -atchiaq nn aglitchik- (i) to grow steadily »
-k2 nn nukatpiaq aglitchiksuq the
aŋayuqaksraatchiaq little old man | young man is growing steadily |
-qak nn +ksraq(-) nn -atchiaq nn -lI-2 vv +tchIk- vv
aŋayuqaksraq (Nu) Arctic char aglitchiq- (i) to be set aside to grow,
(Salvelinus alpinus) » increase (in size or amount); (t) to
aŋayuqaksrauraq kavisiilauraq wait for her/him/it to grow,
aarigaa quaqtuni a small Arctic become larger @ aglitchii- |
char without any scales is so -lI-2 vv +[t]sIq- vv || :I-4 vv
delicious when eaten raw and aktigi- (i) to be of a certain length or
frozen | -qak nn +ksraq(-) nn size » aapamisun aktigiruq he is
:uraq nn § iqalukpik as tall as his father | mtigi-1 vv
aŋayuqagrauraq (Ti) small fish aktikłi- (i) to become a certain size;
resembling a trout (from Kuukpak (t) to cause it to become a certain
River) | :uraq nn size » aktikłiruq innatun it is
now this big; uvaptun aktikłiruq
he has grown as tall as me |

mtigi- vv -kłI- vv aŋiñiq a risen soul, resurrected being |
aktilaaq(-) size, amount; (i) to +niQ1 vn
measure oneself; (t) to measure aŋipkaq- (t) to resurrect, raise
the size or height of her/him/it or her/him/it from the dead » “aatai,
the amount of it » aktilaaŋa suagguuq igña qilautikuluuraq
nalugiga niġġivium I do not argaŋiññiñ aŋipqaqhuni”
know the size of the table; (Nageak 1975: 85) [and then, to
aktilaaġniaġaatigut uvlupak she their surprise a small drum grew
will measure how tall we are out of his hand] | +pkaq-1 vv
today | mtilaaq(-) vn, vv aŋiuq- (t) to reclaim or repossess it
aktuġruaq full-grown male animal | =something stolen, sold or which
‘qtu-vv +ġruaq nn was originally given away @
aŋigi- (t) to find it to be too large for aŋiuqsi- | -uq-2 vv || +sI-3 vv
one » aŋigipaluksimagaa aŋŋiñ resurrection of the body |
atigitchiaksrautini his new parka ‘-n vn
was way too big for him | -[g]i- vv
aŋilla ŋilaq one not so large | -llaq nn *aŋI (root) failure
±ŋilaq nn aŋiiññaq- (i) to fail to procure game
aŋinaaq- or aŋnaaq- or agnaaq- (t) (while hunting); (i) to fail to attain
to make it too large » kammiaka one’s goal, e.g., a job, a request »
aŋinaaqsimagikka; panigma “aŋiiññaqtuq; sunnaŋitchuq;
aŋigivaisimaraik I made the savaannaŋitchuq” (Aiken 2009)
boots too big; they’re too big for [he did not catch anything while
my daughter | +naaq- vv hunting; he failed to get anything;
aŋinaq magnifying glass » aŋinani he did not get a job] | ±iññaq- vv
ataataviñ tammaqsimaraŋa aŋiluŋaq- (i) to fail to procure game
unnugman your grandfather has or fish | ±luŋaq- vv
lost his magnifying glass
yesterday | +naq(-) vn aŋilġaq- (i) to return home after being
aŋipiksuaq- (i) to be much larger, absent a long time » uisauŋaruaq
bigger | -piksuaq- vv aŋun aŋilġaqtuq the man who
aŋirualuk (Ti) a very large whale | floated away on the ice floe has
+t/ruaq vn -luk nn § aapsavak finally returned; “utiġman iñuk
aŋivaałłak- (i) to be extremely large, aŋilġaqtuq qavsiñi ukiuni
big; (t) to make it extremely big | piitkaluaġami” (Aiken 2009) [it’s
+vaałłak- vv when a person finally returns after
aŋŋiiq a huge being or object | ‘.q4 vn being absent several years] |
-lġaq- vv § ai-2, aŋirraq-
aŋi-2 [aŋI] (i) to revive, be resurrected,
come back to life » aŋitqiŋaruq aŋilġisaaq- (i) to swing on a swing »
tuqqunmiñ aŋatkuuvluni he aŋilġisaaġiaŋaruk imma
came back to life after dying, aññaakiñ aniiqsuaġviŋmun your
because he was a shaman cousinsd have gone to swing at the
aŋianik- (i) to have come back to life, playground § aayutaaq-
to be resurrected already | aŋilġisaun swing » ikka-hii aapaviñ
-anik- vv aŋilġisausiuġait nukaġiit look,

your father is making the siblings took the clock apart to see how its
a swing | :un1 vn mechanism worked | +vit- vv,
+vit- vv :aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv §
aŋipkaqtaq metal softened in a fire | igumit-
+pkaq-1vv +qtaq nn, vn § aŋi-2 aŋimniq (Ti) bone joint such as elbow
or knee | perhaps =mniq vn
aŋiq- (i) to say “yes,” (i) to nod “yes,” to aŋiptaq that which has been taken
signify “yes” by raising the apart | ±aq1 vn
eyebrows; (t) to say, nod or aŋivraaq item disassembled, taken
signify “yes” to her/him apart, unwound | +vit- vv :aq-1 vv
aŋiqusaaq- to try and influence ±aq1 vn
(her/him) to say yes | -[t]qusaaq-vv aŋivraun wrench; screwdriver »
aŋiqusaun temptation | -[t]qusaaq-vv aŋivrautitchiaġniqsuaq, sivulliq
=un1 vn qaliqtisimavlugu he has a new
aŋŋaq- to continue saying “yes” (to wrench because he let the first one
her/him) » aŋŋaġaluaqtuaq akku rust | +vit- vv :aq-1 vv :un1 vn
maligniaġmagaan aŋivsi-2 (t) to take apart an object
apiqsruqamni he kept saying yes belonging to her/him » aakaŋata
when I asked him a while ago if aŋivsigaa qilaaŋanik
he would go with me | ‘-q-1 vv saŋŋiñaaqpaiññivlugu her
mother took her knitting apart
aŋirruk (Ti) base of whale’s tail, between because she claimed it was done
flukes (stored to be eaten with the too tightly | :I-7 vv
first sighting of slush ice in the fall
or during the spring festival held aŋma (dem. adv) over there across (not
in March before the start of the visible) < °akim (dem. stem)
whaling season) aŋmani (dem. adv. in loc.) located
over there across (not visible)
aŋirraq- (i) to arrive after being at aŋmaniit- (i) to be located over there
another location enroute » across (not visible)
“aŋirraqtuq imma aŋmaŋŋa (dem. abl. adv) from over
sumiitqaaqłuni qairuaq” (Aiken there across (not visible)
2009) [it’s when one comes after aŋmaŋŋamiñ (dem. abl. adv) from
being somewhere first] § aŋilġaq- that direction over there across
(not visible)
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over
untied, unraveled, unwound, or there across (not visible)
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie, aŋmuŋa (dem. adv. term.) to over
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take there across (not visible)
apart, disassemble it @ aŋivsi-1 » aŋmuŋanmun towards over there
aŋivittuq ikka imupayuktan across (not visible)
qilaaksraq look, the yarn which aŋmuŋaq- (i) to go over there across
you rolled up is unwinding » (not visible)
siqiñġuraq aŋivisimaraa aŋmuuna (dem. adv. via.) via,
savagniŋa kaŋiqsiñiatakługu he through, by way of over there
across (not visible)

aŋmuunaaq- (i) to go via, through, nukaaluiñ stop bothering your
by way of over there across (not younger sibling | mqsruq-2 rv
visible) || :I-4 vv

aŋmaġuq “old man fish”, little trout *aŋŋI (root) denial

akmaġuq or aŋmaġuq (Nu) smelt; aŋŋigi- (t) to deny knowledge of it,
(Nu) small fish with spots, no keep it a secret; deny knowledge
scales of it to someone @ aŋŋiksri- |
aŋmaġuuraq (Nu) smelt | :uraq nn § +[g]i- rv || ~srI- vv
iłhuaġniq aŋŋiiyaq- (i) to resolve a situation; (i)
aŋmaksraq smelt | +ksraq(-) nn§ to find a solution to a problem
pagmagrak through discussion with others |
:Iyaq- rv
aŋmaq (Ti), (Nu) hole, opening, orifice § aŋŋikkuti- (Ti) (t) to keep it a secret »
agma-, putu “ilisimaragraġaluaŋiññik
aŋmailaq [lit. “one with no hole”] aŋŋikkutigaa” (S. Tuzroyluke
(Ti) or aŋmailaġruaq (Nu) .45-70 2009) [he kept secret from her that
caliber rifle | :ilaq nn or :ilaq nn which she should have had
+ġruaq nn knowledge of] | ‘ti- nv §
aŋmaiyaq- (t) to chink the holes in it piilaaġuti-, sagluqi-
=house to add insulation, to fill aŋŋirri- (i) to deny knowledge of a
the cracks in a house | :Iyaq- nv fact | perhaps -ti- vv +rI-5 vv
aŋmaluaq bone labret with beads in it aŋŋirrisi- (t) to deny knowledge of a
| +luaq nn § tuutaq fact to her/him | perhaps
-ti- vv +rI-5 vv perhaps =sI-4 vv
aŋniġu- (Ti) (t) for there to be hard
blowing snow accompanied by aŋŋiñ resurrection of body < aŋI-2
high wind < agnIq(-)
aŋŋuaq- (Ti) (i) to dance white American
aŋniġuq- (t) for there to be hard blowing style § kanaakkiu-
snow accompanied by strong
wind; to develop, e.g., of a aŋŋuu or aŋŋuuŋ (excl.) quit it!; leave it
blizzard < agnIq(-) alone!; don’t do that! stop doing
that! » ikłigusaaġaluaqpatin
aŋniksrauraq square cube of yeast aŋŋuu maliksugnak even if he
(Molly Itta 2009) tempts you, don’t be persuaded |
+uŋ (imp 2s-3s) § iaqi, ñiaq, tavra
aŋniñġu- (i) to be stopped or delayed by a
blizzard < agniq(-) aŋu- (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to
aŋniq(-) blizzard, snowstorm, blowing have seen her/him/it when young;
snow; (i) for there to be a blizzard (t) to reach her/his height »
< agniq(-) aŋuratka taipkua
tuutaqaġuuruat in my lifetime I
aŋniqsruq- (t) to tease or bother her/him have seen the ones who wore
@ aŋniqsrui- » anŋiqsruŋaiġuŋ labrets; aŋullasipayuŋaruq

nukatpiaq the young man is now aŋuniallaniq ability to hunt |
knowledgeable enough to hunt +niaq-2 vv -lla- vv +niQ1 vn
and catch game animals aŋuniaq- to hunt (it =game animal) »
aŋŋun game animal » aŋŋutit aŋuniaġiaġait taimma tuttut
makua nunapta niġrutiŋi they went hunting for the caribou
qaunakłaaŋitchuni nuŋullarut (they had heard about) |
the game animals on our land can +niaq-2 vv
face extinct if we are not careful | aŋuniaqqattaliq- (i) to begin hunting
‘n1 vn regularly » “Kiisaimmauna
aŋŋutailli - (i) to experience hardship taamna nukatpiaq kisimi
due to a shortage of game animals aŋuniaqattaliqpuq.”
| ‘n1 vn :It-1 nv +lI-3 vv (Ahvakana: 28) [finally that
aŋŋutait- (i) to be scarce of game | young man began to go hunting
‘n1 vn :It-1 nv alone regularly] | +niaq-2 vv
aŋŋuti- (i) to catch up with someone -qattalIq- vv
in age, in height, in one’s work, aŋuniaqti hunter » aŋuniaqtikpulli
goals, etc. | ‘ti- vv tavra iġñiqpuk our son is our
aŋuġauraq- (i) to play tag » ililgaat hunter | +niaq-2 vv mt/ri vn
aŋuġauraqtuat aliasuŋipaluktut aŋuniun or aŋuniunnaq piece of
unnuaq the children had a lot of hunting clothing or gear »
fun playing tag night | +aq- vv aŋuniutivurguuq paliumarut
:uraq- vv pamma tupiġmi she said our
aŋunġaq- (i) to kill one’s first game hunting clothes and gear are dry in
animal | -nġaq- vv the tent | +nIt- vv :un1 vn or
aŋunġaun young hunter’s first game +nIt- vv :unnaq vn
animal kill | +nġaq-3 vv :un1 vn aŋunnuniq husband | +unIq nn
aŋunġautituq- (i) to eat a young aŋuq- (t) to tag, touch her/him in a
hunter’s first kill | +nġaq-3 vv game of tag @ aŋuqsi- »
:un1 vn +tuq-3 nv aqpalgutilauraġaluaqtuŋa,
aŋunġiuq- (i) to cook fresh game » akill iġma aŋuqtaani utiqsaġama
aakaga aŋunġiuqtuq amma; I ran as fast as I could, but a
nullautchillu  ataġniaqtugut my member of the opposing team
mother is cooking fresh meat; we caught up with me and tagged me
are going to have a good supper; as I was returnig | +q-5 vv ||
“aŋunġiuqtaliqisuurut nutaanik +sI-3 vv
niqinik” (Aiken 2009) [fresh meat aŋuraq game animal that has been
is what they refer to when they caught | +raq2 vn
talk about meat recently obtained] aŋusuk- (i) to continue to catch up »
| perhaps -niQ vn ‘=iuq-1 nv “aŋusuktuq auktuaq,
aŋunġiutaq mid-section of bowhead aŋusuktuq” (Nageak 1975: 44)
whale; fresh meat and maktak [the section that is melting
served at the whaling captain’s continued to catch up; it
house several days after the whale continued to catch up]
is caught | perhaps -niQ vn aŋuuraġauraq- (Ti) (i) to run along a
:iuq-1 nv +t/raq vn § tavsi, uati, see beach ahead of a breaking wave |
Appendix 19 -uraq- vv +aq-1 vv :uraq- vv

aŋuuraq- (Ti) (i) to play tag | aŋun adult male human, man § aŋi-1
-uraq- vv aŋugaatchiaq little old man |
aŋuyaaq- (Ti) (i) to catch the first +gaq3 nn -atchiaq nn
whale of the season » aŋugaatchiałak middle-aged man »
“aŋuyaaqtuak umialgusuuruk “…qiayugaaqsiñiqsuq iñuk
taaptuma ukiumi” (S. aŋugaatchiałakkaluaq,
Tuzroyluke 2009) [the two (man kivgausuŋitpailluni.” (Elijah
and wife) who get the first whale Kakinya as reported by
of the season are the king and Bergsland 1987: 371) […and he
queen for the year] | perhaps started to cry on and on even
+yaaq-1 vv though he was a middle-aged
man, because he did not want to
*aŋu (root) propel be the messenger] | -lak nn
aŋuaq- (i) to paddle or row » aŋugaiyaaq boy (usually used by an
igniqutigiiłłutiŋ aŋuaqłutiŋ older person to address a boy) |
aimaruat they had engine trouble -gaq3 nn -iyaaq nn § nukatpiaġruk,
so they rowed home | +aq-1 vv aŋutaiyaaq
aŋuksraq- (i) to paddle furiously » aŋugauraq small boy | -gaq3 nn
“Sisuasalait qaivlutiŋ :uraq nn
umiaqtuqtit saavittut aŋunnaq or aŋunnaqtaq an item
aŋuksraqłutiŋ aasii pisikkaat especially made for men |
atausiq. …Since many belugas +naq1 nn, +qtaq nn
were coming, the crew set out and aŋurriŋ or (Nu) aŋutriŋ co-wives’
paddling very hard they shoot and husband; ¤man of the house | -riŋ
hit one.” (Ahmaogak & Webster (abs. poss. 3p-3s) § aŋutaat (rel.
1981: 21-22) | perhaps +ksraq- vv poss. 3p-3s)
aŋuun short oar, paddle; one of paired aŋusalluq male animal; sire; term
fins on a fish, especially pectoral praising a young man for his
or pelvic fin » aŋaŋmiñun ability to perform male associated
aŋuusiuqtittuq he had his uncle actions well (especially hunting) »
make him an oar | :un1 vn qimmiñi aŋusallualuk
aŋuunmik- to row or paddle pitiulaġuugaa he always leaves
vigorously » aŋuunmiksut unna his male dog loose | -salluq nn §
tikitqaurraqtuat the contestants pagniq
paddled vigorously during the aŋusiqi- (i) to pursue men with sexual
umiak race | :un1 vn +mIk-2 nv intent; (t) to molest him sexually |
aŋuutit propeller (of boat, plane) | ~IqI-1 nv
:un1 vn -t nn aŋusiuŋaitchuaq female virgin
aŋuutmigaq- (Nu) (i) to paddle | ~iuq- nv ±ŋait- vv +t/ruaq vn
(usually a kayak with a single- aŋutaat her husband | :at (abs. poss.
bladed paddle) | :un1 vn +mIk-2 nv 3p-3s) § aŋurriŋ
+aq-1 vv aŋutaiyaaq boy (pre-teen); male
human baby » kigga aŋutaiyaat
¤aŋula- (t) to scrape it =fat from a bird ayuktaqtut the boys are playing
skin § iġitchaq- ball outside | -iyaaq nn §
aŋugaiyaaq, nukatpiaġruk

aŋutau- [lit “to be a man”] (i) to be aŋuuq- (i) to urinate accidentally; (i) to
virile; (i) to dance in the male give birth before reaching the
style (esp., of woman imitating a hospital;(i) to experience
man) | :u-1 nv accidental or premature release of
aŋutaukhaaq- (i) to strut in a manly bodily functions, esp. urinating »
way, exaggerating the mannerisms aŋuuqtuq nukaaluiñ;
and actions of a male | :u-1 nv annuġaatqiksaġiñ your little
+khaaq- vv sibling urinated accidentally;
aŋutaun (Ti) boyfriend | -un2 nn change his/her clothes
aŋutauqan co-husband in a
polyandrous marriage; one of aŋuvigaq a point for a killing lance
several men who share the same (Kisautaq: 649)
wife; man’s partner; (Ti) relative
by wife exchange » aŋutauqataa aŋuvit- (Nu) (t) to untie it =a slip knot |
qaŋasugruk tuquŋaruq his +vit rv § aŋivit-, qiliiq-
co-husband died a long time ago | aŋuvyuġaq (Nu) slip knot » “qiliqtaq
:u-1 nv ±qan1 vn § aġnaqan akkupak qiliill asivlugu” (Hugo
aŋutauqasi- (Ti) (i) to be exchange 2009) [it’s a knot made ready to
spouses » aŋutauqasiruk they are be untied immediately] |
exchanging spouses | :u-1 nv ±qan1 =yuġaq vn
vn -I-1 nv aŋivruqqiq- (Nu) (t) to tie a slip knot
aŋutigik- (i) to be handsome (of a in it =rope | =yuġaq rn ‘=Iq1 nv
man) | +[g]Ik- nv
aŋutiqan male’s patrilineal male aŋuyaaq- (Ti) (i) to catch the first whale
cousin (male’s father’s brother’s of the season < aŋu-
son) » aŋutiqatigiik taavapkuak
avitchuilaak those two parallel aŋuyaġaaq appetizer or snack to eat to
male cousins are always together | tide one over until the main meal |
±qan1 vn -yaġaaq n § aŋu-
aŋutiqtaq an item especially made
for men » avanitchiġmiittut aŋuyak- (i) to wage war; (t) to do battle
aŋutiqtat items especially made with her/him » taagani sumi-
for men are over on the other side taima aŋuyaktut somewhere on
| +qtaq nn the other side of the globe they are
aŋutisugruk ram, male sheep | at war
+sugruk(-) nn aŋuyait the armed forces; army |
aŋutituq- (i) to have sexual relations :It nn
with a man | +tuq-3 nv aŋuyakti or aŋuyyiuqti soldier »
aŋuyaktit aiyaaniaqtut
aŋurvak or (Nu) aŋutvak red alpine ikpaksraaġu the soldiers will be
bearberry (Arctostaphylos coming home in a few days |
alpinus) » ”aŋurvait mt/ri vn
cranberries-niñ aŋirut” (Hugo aŋuyaŋŋuaq- (i) to play war |
2009) (red alpine bearberries are ±ŋŋuaq vv
larger than cranberries)

aŋuyaunnat a suit of armor; soldier’s the ground has new snow |
uniform; fighting gear | :unnaq vn ±qqammIq- vv
-t nn apiraq object covered with snow
aŋuyautait- (i) to be peaceable, not apitchiq snowdrift; female polar bear
hostile » iñugli taamna which bears young in a hollow
aŋuyautaitchuq that man has no snowdrift » “apitchimik
hostility | :un1 vn :It-1 nv taisuugaat tamauŋa
aŋuyyiuq- (Nu) (i) to learn how to do iġñiyyaqtuaq” (Aiken 2009) [they
battle; (i) to hunt; (i) to be call the one (polar bear) that
unnerved, “hassled” by someone | comes to that kind of area
‘=iuq nv (snowdrift) to give birth an
apitchiq] | +tchIQ vn
¤apagi- (Ti) (t) to use it as a vertical apivaalluqqaaġniq first lasting
support or upright » snowfall of the year |
“igluligamik, qanitchamiŋnun +p/vaalluk- vv ±qqaaq(-) vv, nn
tamarra apagigaich aglut, +niQ1 vn
tatuuraġlugich ilaanni” (David apun snow (lying on a surface); fallen
Frankson as reported by Pulu, snow » aniutaġviptinni araa
Sampson, Newlin: 72) [when apun salumaruq the location
they built houses they used the where we get snow for water is
whale jawbones as support for very clean | -n2 vn
the cold entryway, sometimes apusiñiqtu- (i) to have thick snow
positioning them side by side] cover » “tavra
apai or apay (Ti) (excl.) that’s enough!; niptailaġuutimmatiŋ, taunuŋa
that’s plenty! too much! utiqtaaqhutiŋ
apaiq- (i) to be enough | -q-2 ev apusiñiqturuamun
apuyyaqtut” (Nageak 1975: 17)
api- (t) to become snow-covered (of [so when it became windy for
landscape, ground); (t) for it to them, when it became impossible
become snow-covered » maanna for them to see clearly, they
ukiapak apinaġiaqtugut this fall, traveled back down to where
the snow covered the ground there was thick snow and built
earlier than usual themselves a snow house] |
apiqqaaġun first snowfall » perhaps +sI-2 nv +niQ1 vn +tu- nv
apiqqaaġun autqiŋillaktuq apusiqi- (i) to play in snow; to
qiiyanaqsivaiłłuni sila the first become overed in snow; to
snowfall never did melt because perform an activity involving
the weather turned very cold | snow ~Iqi-1 nv
±qqaaq- vv :un1 vn aputaiyaq- (i) to remove snow from
apiqqammiaq(-) or apirġammiaq oneself; (t) to remove snow from
new snow | ±qqammIq- vv her/him/it @ aputaiyai- | -ti4 vn
±aq1 vn :Iyaq- nv
apiqqammiq- (t) to have new snow apuyyaq or (Nu) aputyaq snow
cover (of ground); to snow block shelter; snow patch; snow
recently » nuna apiqqammiġaa house » apuyyaliuqłutiŋ

nullaqtut they built a snow apqugaatchiat sidewalk, boardwalk »
shelter and stayed overnight in it | apqugaatchiat naviŋaniŋi
-ti4 vn -yyaq vn iluaqsaġai he is fixing the broken
apuyyi- to make a snow shelter (for boardwalk | +[g]aaq nn -tchiaq nn
her/him/it) | -ti4 vn -yyaq vn =I1 nv -t nn
apqusaaq- (i) to pass by, travel
apiktit- (i) to be fastened tightly or to fit through; (t) to meet her/him/it by
snugly; (t) to fasten it snugly, chance while enroute; (t) to
tightly » puyuuġviksrak experience or encounter it =event,
taapkuak apiktitkik fasten the i.e., a death, starvation,
two stovepipes together snugly happiness, etc. » apqusaaqtavut
igalauraq apiktitkaa taamma nullaŋamaruat
iluaqsivlugu he fitted the window Ualiqpaani we passed them back
just right | mtit-1 vv there camping at Ualiqpaa |
-saaq-1 vv
*apiq (root) inquiry apqusi- or apqusiuq- (i) to make a
apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him trail (esp., on the ice); (i) build a
@ apiqsri- » apiġilugu samma road | ~I-1 nv or ~iuq-1 nv
uqallautiniaġaatin if you ask apqusiq- (t) to build a road on it
him, he will tell you; qakugu =tract of land » apqusiqsaat they
aiñiaġmagaan apiqsruġuŋ ask built a road there | ~Iq-1 nv
him when he will be going home | apqutiqpait a well-used trail on snow
+[g]i- rv or mqsruq-2 rv || ~srI- vv used by hunters or travelers |
apiqqun or apiqsruun a question » +qpak(-) nn :It nn
kiullaalugit apiqqutiŋi
pisaqtutin you better answer each apsaktaq- (Nu) to pound (on it), making a
of her questions apiqsruutiŋi lot of noise | +t/raq-1 vv < avsak-
kaŋiqsiñaġaluaqpat are his apsatit- (Nu) to make a noise once »
questions understandable | aŋutaiyaaq apsatittuq
+[g]i- rv ‘n1 vn or mqsruq-2 vv atausiaqłuni the boy made noise
once § avsak-
:un1 vn
apiqsri- (i) to appeal, request|
2 apta- (i) to be busy » nalautkaluaqtaġa
mqsruq- rv -srI- vv
aptamaruaq iglaaqaġniaqłuni I
apiqsriaq request | ±aq1 vn went by her place but she was
apiqsruqtaq- or apiqsruqtuq- (t) to busy because she was expecting
question, interrogate her/him @ guests § sagla-
apiqsruqtai- or apiqsruqtui- | aptanaq- (i) to demand constant
2 1
mqsruq- rv +t/raq- vv or attention; (i) to run around “every
2 2 4
mqsruq- vv +tuq- vv || :I- vv or which way” (e.g., of child) »
:I- vv aptanaqpaitchuq;
qaunaginiaŋitkiga he is
apqałak- to eat it quickly § niġilik under constantly into everything; I will
niġi- not take care of him | +naq(-) vv
aptari- (t) to cause her/him to be
apqun road, street, trail busy; (t) (Ti) to annoy, bother

her/him; ¤(Nu) to try to hurt or pl. apkunatitun] like that one over
harm her/him @ aptariññik- » there (not visible) < °am
“aptarigaa, inna kiikaa qilamik
pitquvlugu suna aptumatun2 or avsrumatun2 or
naanniuraqtaŋa; avrumatun2 [dual apkugnaktun,
qilamiksruġaa” (Aiken 2009) [he pl. apkunatitun] like that one over
is causing her to hurry, there (extended and visible) < °av1
encouraging her to hurry up and
finish whatever she is doing; he is aptumiŋa1 or avsrumiŋa1 or avrumiŋa1
telling her to hurry up] | +rI-3 vv || [dual apkuŋniŋa, pl. apkuniŋa]
+nnik- vv with that one over there (not
aptatilaaq- (i) to rush about, hurriedly visible) < °am
performing an action |
mtilaaq(-) vv aptumiŋa2 or avsrumiŋa2 or avrumiŋa2
aptatqik- (i) to be quick | -tqIk-2 vv [dual apkugniŋa, pl. apkuniŋa]
that one over there (extended and
aptuma1 or avsruma1 or avruma1 [dual visible) < °av1
apkuak, pl. apkua] that one over
there (not visible) < °am aptumuŋa1 or avsrumuŋa1 or
avrumuŋa` [dual apkuŋnuŋa, pl.
aptuma2 or avsruma2 or avruma2 [dual apkunuŋa] to that one over there
apkuak, pl. apkua] that one over (not visible) < °am
there (extended and visible) < °av1
aptumuŋa2 or avsrumuŋa2 or
1 1
aptumani or avsrumani or avrumani avrumuŋa2 [dual apkugnuŋa, pl.
[dual apkuŋnaŋni, pl. apkunani] apkunuŋa] to that one over there
located with that one over there (extended and visible) < °av1
(not visible) < °am
aptumuuna1 or avsrumuuna1 or
2 2
aptumani or avsrumani or avrumani 2 avrumuuna1 [dual apkuŋnuuna,
[dual apkugnagni, pl. apkunani] pl. apkunuuna] via, with that one
located with that one over there over there (not visible) < °am
(extended and visible) < °av1
aptumuuna2 or avsrumuuna2 or
aptumaŋŋa or avsrumaŋŋa or 1 avrumuuna2 [dual apkugnuuna,
avrumaŋŋa1 [dual apkuŋnaŋŋa, pl. apkunuuna] via, with that one
pl. apkunaŋŋa] from that one over over there (extended and visible) <
there (not visible) < °am °av1

aptumaŋŋa2 or avsrumaŋŋa2 or apummaq or apummak or apummaaq

avrumaŋŋa2 [dual apkugnaŋŋa, [apummaraq] side lath of kayak §
pl. apkunaŋŋa] from that one over tippiq, tippik
there (extended and visible) < °av1 apummarriq- (i) to now have a side lath
on (of kayak); (t) to put a side lath
aptumatun1 or avsrumatun1 or on it =kayak | ‘=Iq1 nv
avrumatun1 [dual apkuŋnaktun,

apun snow cover, snow lying on a surface apusiqi- (i) to play in snow; to get snow
< api- all over oneself; to perform an
activity involving snow < api-
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it);
(i) to reach shore » pisuaqtuaq aputaiyaq- (i) to brush snow off oneself;
unianun apuqtuq he bumped (t) to brush snow off of her/him, to
into the sled as he was walking remove snow off of it < api-
along apuqługit uniani
anniqsuq he bumped into his sled apuyyaq or aputyaq snow shelter < api-
and hurt himself
appuq- to repeatedly bump or crash apuyyi- to build (it into) a snow shelter <
(into her/him/it) | ’-q-1 vv api-
apua- to all bump into (her/him/it) |
-a-1 vv apyuq(-) or apyuula- (Nu) steam, dust;
apuġaq- (t) to meet them one at a (i) to steam, to make steam <
time | +aq-1 vv avyuq(-)
apuġautituq- (i) to hold a feast on the apyuala- or apyuula- (Nu) (i) to swirl
beach to welcome the successful and rise (e.g., of clouds, steam,
whalers after the whaling season dust) | +ala- vv
is over (prepared by the whalers’ apyulak- (Nu) (i) to blow dust |
wives) » apuġautituqtuat kanna -lak1- vv
quviasuksimarut the people
having a feast to welcome the *aq (root) taking away
whalers sure look happy | +aq-1 vv aqsak- (t) to grab an object away
:un1 vn +tuq-3 nv from her/him; (t) to cheat her/him
apuġiitkutaq front crosspiece of sled @ aqsai- » aqsakkaa aŋun
(especially rounded front of akimaniaġaluaqtaŋanik he
basket sled) » uniama cheated the man out of his reward;
apuġiitkutaŋa naviŋaruq the aqsaivlugu aġnaq suġauttaŋiñik
front front of my sled is broken | qinnaigaa she angered the woman
+iitkutaq vn by grabbing her possessions away
apuġnik- (i) to crash into something from her | +sak- vv || :I-4 vv §
or someone | +nnik- vv aqtaq-, aat-
apuġun front crosspiece of sled » aqsaaġun two-handled pulling
apuġutaat uniat naviŋaruaq implement used in a game |
simmausiġaa he is changing the -aq-1 vv :un1 vn
broken front crosspiece of the sled aqsaaq- (i) to play a game where two
| :un1 vn seated opponents try to pull a
apuqtinniq sea ice which has been double-handled implement away
pushed onto shore | mtit-1 vv from the other, the player who
+nniQ vn gains possession of the implement
apusatit- to crash (into her/him/it) wins the match; (t) to grab
suddenly, without warning | something away from her/him |
+satit- vv -aq-1 vv
aqsaurraq- (i) to fight over an object,
trying to gain possession »

aqsaurraġmiñasik youd should dead end at the swamp |
not fight over things | -urraq- vv +qisaaq(-) nn, nv
aqtaq- (t) to repeatedly take away aqayaulaaq(-) one with mud on it;
objects from her/him @ aqtai- | (i) to have mud on one’s/its
+t/raq-1 vv || -I-6 vv § aat- surface » aqayaulaaqpaitchuq
taavani its too muddy over there
aqaġlik (Ti) [dual aqaġlak] below the | -ulaaq(-) nn, vv
knee waterproof sealskin boot aqayyiq- (t) to apply mud on it »
with hard sole made of bearded aqayyiqsaa he put some mud on
seal (hair removed) § iqaqłik, it | ‘=Iq-1nv
qaġliik aqayyiqi- (i) to play in mud, to walk
on muddy ground, to become
aqak- (i) to sing to a baby covered with mud | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
aqaun lullaby » aakaa aqaunmik aqayyit- (i) to become stuck in mud,
ilisautiraani my mother taught become covered with mud |
me a lullaby | :un1 vn ‘=It-2 nv

aqaluk (Ti) fish § iqaluk, qaluk aqh (excl.) wow!

aqaluaq (Ti) tomcod (Microgadus
proximus) | -aq2 nn aqi- (i) to kick her/him/it » aqisaqługu
aqaluayaaq (Ti) sardine | -ayaaq nn ayuktaq aquvsalaaqtuq while
aqalugruaq (Ti) salmon | +ġruaq nn trying to kick the ball he fell on
aqalukpak or aqalukpiaq or his backside
aqalukpik (Ti) trout | +qpak(-) nn aqiniqłak- (t) to kick her/him/it
violently without warning |
aqamak- (i) to wrestle with an opponent -niqłak- vv
with wrists or arms interlocked; to aqsraaq(-) ball; (i) to play with a ball,
compete in finger pulling » especially kicking it; (i) to play
anaktaqtuani aqamaktuat soccer | +qsraq- vv ±aq1 vn
qiñiqtuaġnaqtut it is fun to watch aqsraatchiaq(-) high-kick ball; (i) to
them compete in finger pulling compete at high-kick | -aq-1 vv
-atchiaq(-) vv § naanŋiraaq-
aqargiq [aqargIq] Willow Ptarmigan aqsraq- to kick (her/him/it)
(Lagopus lagopus) » aqargit repeatedly | +qsraq- vv
iġitchaġai aakaa my mother is aqraurraq- (Nu) (i) to play a soccer
plucking the willow ptarmigans § game, match » “Igliqhutigguuq
qargiq Kuuvaum kaŋiani
tusaagaqsigaak nipi
Aqavirvik [lit. “moulting time”] month of aqraurraqpaluk.” (Elijah
August | +vIk1 vn Kakinya as reported by
Bergsland 1987: 315) [as they
aqaya or aqiya mud | perhaps -ya(q) rn traveled in the headwaters of the
aqayaqisaaq(-) swamp; (i) to travel Kobuk River, they began to hear
through mud or a swamp » sounds of a soccer game] |
aqayaqisaamun samnaarut +qsraq- vv -urraq- vv
igliqtuat the travellers came to a aqsriqi- (Nu) (i) to play ball |

‘=Iqi-1 vv tunugiiññaqtut my bed is so soft
it causes me to have backaches
aqiaq or (Ti) aqiak upper belly above aqigi- (t) to be too soft for her/him/it »
waist and below the ribs (of aqigigaa akisini nukatpiam the
human) young man considers the pillow to
aqiaġuġiit- (i) to have a stomachache, be too soft | :[g]i- vv
to have something wrong with aqikłi- (i) to become soft, pliable; (t)
one’s stomach | ±ġuq n to make it soft, pliable | -kłI- vv
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 nv aqilġuq soft area | ±ġuq n
aqiaġunŋu- (i) to have a stomachache aqilitchii- to simmer (it =meat) until
| ±ġuq n +nŋu-1 nv it is tender » aqilitchiigai
aqiaġuq stomach » aqiaġuŋaniñ tulimaat she is simmering the ribs
aivġum imaniġnik piiqsiruq she | -lI-2 vv +[t]sIq- vv -I-1 vv
removed some clams from the aqilluk a bank of deep, soft snow »
stomach of the walrus | ±ġuq n “tamarra siqquqsiŋaitchuaq
aqiaġuuraq (Nu) ruminant stomach apun” (Aiken 2009) [it’s the snow
(of hoofed animal) | ±ġuq nn that has not hardened]; naŋaġlugu
:uraq nn § niġukkaq aqill uk ikaaġnilugiñ akkupak
aqiattuq- (i) to satisfy one’s hunger; try to go across avoiding the deep,
to become satiated, full » soft snowbank right now | perhaps
aqiattuqłuni niġisuŋaiqsuq he +luk(-)2 n
stopped eating because he was full aqilluq (Nu) soft snow | ±lluQ vn §
| -ttuq- v aqiluqqaq
aqiaviñaaq (Nu) dry caribou meat aqiluqqaq soft snow | ±lluQ vn
which includes the belly meat and -qqaq vn
the backside meat of the carcass | aqirruaq- (i) to be soft despite its
-viñiQ nn or -viñiQ nn -aq2 nn appearance | +ġruaq-1 vv
aqiaviñiq abdominal fat (of humans);
(Nu) belly » aqiaviñiqpaniktuq aqiyyaq waterproof backpack (Kisautaq:
niġġiqsusivluni he now has a 649)
large waist because he has been
eating a lot | -viñiQ nn aqła(-) draft (i) to be drafty » aqła imma
sumiñ-kiaq; alappaa there is a
aqikkaq or (PB) aqitkaq [aqitkaQ] cold draft from somewhere; it’s
bowhead whale fluke » aġviġum cold » igalauraqput araa
aqikkaŋiñik siġuamiñ aikłiġiñ aqłaruq our window is so drafty
go get some flukes (of whale) aqłakataq [lit. “something that is
from the cellar § see Appendix 19 blown about”] cotton grass
(Eriophorum angustifolium or E.
aqiq- [aqIq] (i) to sing in order to heal the scheuchzeri) » “aqłakatat
sick, sing a healing song; (t) to naukpata tasamma-guuq aqpiit
sing it =healing song nauniaqtut” (Hugo 2009) [when
aqiun healing song | :un1 vn the cotton grass grows, it is said
that salmon berries will grow] |
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the bite -kataq(-) vv, vn
or touch » tuttaatka aqitpaiłłutiŋ

aqłanaaġun or aqłayaaġun fan | (Ti) (i) to take a running jump »
-naaq vn -q-2 nv :un1 vn or aqpaliurraaqsigaat they are
+yaaq-1 vn :un1 vn going to race the distance by
aqłanaaq(-) breeze (i) to be breezy » running | -lI-2 vv -urraq- vv
aarigaa imña aqłanaaq the aqpanniaq- (i) to try to run |
breeze feels so good | -naaq vn +niaq(-) vv, vn
-q-2 nv aqpaqsruayuuq Sanderling (Calidris
aqłanaaqtit- (i) to fan oneself; (t) to alba); Red-breasted Merganser;
cause it =the air to move as with a Red Necked Grebe (Mergus
fan | -naaq vn -q-2 nv mtit-1 vv serrator) | perhaps mqsruq-2 vv
aqłayaaq(-) very light breeze; a draft -ayuuq vn
inside tent or house; (i) for it to be aqpaqsruq- (i) to run very fast |
drafty | +yaaq2 vn -q-2 nv 2
mqsruq- vv
aqpaqsruqti runner | mqsruq-2 vv
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) » mt/ri vn
aqpapaluktuguk Paniattaaġlu
aqparruti- (t) to run with her/him/it
aŋutquŋitpaiłłunuk Aaŋamun
(carrying or holding hands) |
this morning Paniattaaq and I ran
+ruti- rr
very hard because wed did not
aqpataq participant in a marathon run
want Aaŋa to catch up with usd §
representing one of several
villages in a race to the Kivgiq
aqpaaqtuaq messenger from a
(Messenger Feast) »
whaling crew announcing the
“nunaaqqilla at aqpatiŋit”
successful kill of a whale to the
(Aiken 2009) [marathon runners
wife of the whaling captain and to
from each respective village] |
the rest of the community |
±aq1 vn § Kivgiq
-aq-1 vv +t/ruaq vn
aqpaliġaq- (i) to frolic, run about aqpatau- (i) to be designated to
playing; (i) to run in bursts, compete in the marathon run
stopping and starting | -liġaq- vv leading to the Kivgiq “Messenger
aqpaliġauraq- (i) to move one’s legs Feast” » aqpatauruaq imma
as if running when tossed in the airuaq; tikiññiaqtilaaksramiñik
air during the blanket toss » nalupqisuktuq the designated
aqpaliġauraqtuuraġaqtuq runner for one village has gone
nalugmanni she would quickly home; he is uncertain whether he
move her feet in a running motion will arrive home (he thinks he may
when they threw her in the air be in danger) | ±aq1 vn :u-1 nv
during the blanket toss | -liġaq- vv aqpatqasiq- (t) to run with her/him |
:uraq- vv ±qasIq- vv
aqpaliqsuq- or aqpaliqsruq- (i) to aqpauq- or aqpaaq- (i) to run with a
run very hard for a short distance | message, often at whaling time to
-lIqsuq- vv or mqsruq-2 vv annouce a catch; (t) to run to them
=whaling captain’s household
aqpaliuramik (adv) running | -lI-2 vv
with a message that a whale has
:uraq- vv -:mik (mod.)
just been caught |
aqpaliurraq- (i) to have a footrace;
:uq-2 vv, -aq-1 vv
(t) to perform it =race running;

aqpaurri- (i) to run for someone in ¤aqqauq-1 (i) to bite on hook (of fish); (t)
her/his stead | :urrI- vv to angle, fish for it with a hook §
aqpik-1 (i) to find an object or a task not
entirely desirable; (i) to not want aqraurraq- (Nu) (i) to play a ball game,
to carry a heavy load in one’s boat match < aqi-
or sled » uqumaigigaa naagga
aŋigigaa he thinks that it is too aqsaaġun two-handled pulling instrument
heavy or too big; uqumaigivlugu used in a game < *aq
aqpigigaa he does not want to
carry it in his sled because it is too aqsaaq- (i) to play a game where two
heavy seated opponents try to pull a
aqpigi- (t) to find her/his/its presence double-handled implement away
undesirable; (t) to not want from the other, (the player who
her/him/it to come along and send gains possession of the implement
her/him/it away @ aqpiksri- » wins the match); (t) to grab an
uqallautigaa inna, “aqpigiuŋ object away from her/him < *aq
taamna” she said to him, “tell
that one to go away” | +[g]i- rv || aqsak- (t) to grab an object away from
~srI- vv her/him; (t) to cheat her/him < *aq
aqpigruq- (Ti) (t) to not want her/his
presence and telling her/him to aqsaurraq- (i) to fight over an object,
leave| -pik- vv mqsruq-2 vv trying to gain possession < *aq
aqpiksraq- (i) to be unwilling to
accept someone’s or something’s aqsraaq(-) ball; (i) to play with a ball,
presence or existence | -pik- vv especially kicking it; (i) to play
+[g]i- rv +qsraq1 rv, vv soccer (t) to juggle a ball with the
aqpiktutilaaqtun as much as you feet, play “hacky sack”, a football
want, as much as desired | game < aqi-
‘-qtu- vv -tilaaq vn +ktun (sim.
poss. 2s-s) aqsraatchiaq(-) highkick ball (i) to
compete at highkick < aqi-
aqpik-2 [aqpIk] (i) to be confident »
aqpikpaiłłuni [eta:ns#22b] aqsraq- (t) to kick her/him/it repeatedly <
aqpik cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) |
-pIk nn aqsri- [aqsrI] (i) to harden up (of muscle)
aqpiqutaq cloudberry plant | aqsriñiq hardened bicep muscle;
-pIk nn -qutaq nn short muscular person | +niQ1 vn

aqqaluk woman’s younger brother | aqsriqi- (Nu) (i) to play ball < aqi-
+luk nn § nuka, nukaaluk,
nukatchiaq, nayaaluk aqtaq- (t) to repeatedly take objects away
from her/him @ aqtai- < *aq

¤aqtuaq Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca aquppiuq- (i) to stay seated in one
monocerata) § aqpa, atpa spot | +ppI- vv :uq-2 vv
aquppiuraaq- (i) to sit in chair with
aqtuq- (t) to be unable to budge, move (it feet on floor, legs forward
=heavy object) » “aqtuġaa; relaxing | +ppI- vv :uq-2 vv
kiviyuitkaa uqumaitchuaq” -raaq- vv
(Aiken 2009) [he is unable to aquppiutaq chair | +ppI- vv -utaq vn
budge it; he is unable to lift the § iksivautaq
heavy object] aquppiviuraq whaling captain’s seat
at stern of an umiak | +ppI- vv
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an +vIk1 vn :uraq nn § see Appendix
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, 16
stern of boat; final chapter of Aquppiyut or Aquppirut four day
story; some time after; downriver sitting ceremony; participants in
end of an island » umiam aqua the four day sitting ceremony »
stern of the boat § see Appendix “anaktaqtuanik qiñiqtuaġlutik
16 umialgit nuliaŋit payuktaġlutik;
aqquaq- to surface behind a boat (of iliappaluurat aanaaŋiqsuat
whale, or other sea mammals) » niġipkaġuugait qalgit; il aŋit
“aqquaġaatigut aġviġum; siñiktaġlutik” (S. Tuzroyluke)
aquptigun amma puiruq” [the whaling captains watch the
(Aiken 2009) [the whale has competitors while their wives
surfaced behind our boat; it has bring food; the association of
surfaced behind us] | -aq-4 nv whalers feed the orphans who
aquġun sled bag (hung on the sled have lost their parents; and some
handle bar) | -ġun/ti nn of them (whaling captains) spend
aqulliġaq mainsail, rearmost sail | the night] | +ppI- vv +t/rut (indic
+llIQ nn +aq2 nn 3p) § “The next day the actual
aqulliġmi the last time | +llIQ nn ‘sitting’ began. Followed by their
-:mI (loc.) wives, the umeliks went to the
aqulliġmi savaiñŋaiñŋaisa last qalegis early in the morning.
week | +llIQ nn -:mI (loc.) While their wives waited, for a
aqulliq last, hindmost one | +llIQ nn time, in the storm shed of the
aqulliqsaaq(-) last portion, e.g., last qalegis, the umeliks entered, to
verse of song, last chapter of take their special seats against the
book; to write (it =the conclusion wall opposite the entrance
of a publication); final draft of a hole...The ‘sitters’ were called
publication; (t) to write it =final aqopeyut, as were the four days of
draft of a publication; to perform the following sitting ceremony.
(it =activity) for the last time | (Rainey: 247)
+llIQ nn +saaq(-) vn aquptaa- (i) to sit down en masse |
2 1
aquppi- to be sitting (on her/him/it) | mtiq- vv -a- vv
+ppI- vv aquptaaq- (i) to lower oneself into a
aquppiugaq- to remain seated (on comfortable sitting position |
her/him/it) | +ppI- vv -ugaq- vv +vit- vv =taaq- vv

aquptiġuti- (i) to sit down and perhaps +vit- vv =saaq(-) nn §
concentrate because one’s sivu, quŋialik, qitiq
attention has been captured » aquvsalak- or aquvsalaaq- to land in
qiñiqtuannaraaqpaiłłutiŋ a sitting position when falling
miqłiqtut aquptiġutimakamiŋ from a standing position (on it) »
the children were having such a aquvsalaapaluktuq she sure fell
good time watching that they sat hard on her butt | -vsak- rv
down | +vit- vv =tiġuti- vv -lak- vv -aq-1 vv
aqut- to pilot or steer (it =a boat) | aquvsatit- (i) to sit down with a thud
+t-2 nv » nukatpiaq aquvsatipaluktuq
aquun rudder; anal fin of fish (single qimaksaqtuaq quayaqiłłuni the
rear ventral fin under tail) | young man who started to flee
:un1 vn slipped and fell hard on his butt |
aquuraq (Nu) point at stern of kayak -vsak- rv -tit-2 vv
or umiak » aquuraŋani isimava aquvsrik- (i) to sit down suddenly |
is it located at the very end of the =srik- vv
umiak | :uraq rn
aquvaaq- (i) to react, respond ¤aquluksaaq- (t) to tickle her/him on the
belatedly in mourning the death of ribs » aquluksaaqługu qiarigaa
a loved one | +vaaq- vv she made him cry by tickling him
aquvatigun afterwards | +vaq- vv on the ribs | +saaq-2 vv §
+tigun (via.) quiññaksaaq-
aquvilġaq- (Ti) (i) to sit down
suddenly | +vit vv lġaq- vv aqulirri- (Ti) (t) to cut her/him between
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to the eyes to perform phlebotomy
sit down on it | +vit- vv § qusauq- (to cure headache or vision
aquvliq- (i) to bend at the knees as problems) § akulirrI-
part of a dance (of a woman) |
-vliq- vv ¤aquptit- (t) to dry and become bleached
aquvliqtaq- to dance, bending one’s by weather (of skins) § puvitquq-
knees to the beat of the drum |
+t/raq-1 vv aquptitaak or aquptitak pair of short
aquvrik- (i) to be low (of stern of boots made from caribou leg fur; a
boat) » aquvriqsuq umiaqput pair of boots made from leg fur of
usiaqaqpaiłłuta the stem of our one caribou (Kisautaq: 649) |
boat is low because we are -k2 nn
carrying so much weight;
“umiaqtuqtuni uvva aqua aquviq- [aquvIq] to get (it =food) by
atchiksimman” (Matumeak buying or trading
2009) [it’s when while boating aquviġiaq- (i) to go shopping for
that the stern is low] | =vrIk- vv groceries | +iaq-1 vv § tauqsiġiaq
aquvsaaq (Ti) seat in an umiak in
front of captain’s seat at stern » aqvaluq- or (Ti) aġvaluq- (i) to be round
“aŋuaqtiłhiñaq” (S. Tuzroyluke aqvaluaŋaaq(-) or aqvaluaqtaaq an
2009) [all he does is row] | oval; an object shaped like an
oval; (i) to be oval in shape |

-aq-1 vv ±ŋaaq(-) vn or -aq-1 vv araksiu- (Ti) (i) to be comforted |
+taaq vn +siu- vv § tutqiksaq-
aqvaluaq upper arm muscle | ±aq1 vn
§ aqsriñiq araq or araqhaa (excl.) how big!; wow!
aqvaluŋŋaġik- (i) to be perfectly cool!
round, circular »
aqvaluŋŋaġiksivlugik making argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to dig
themd round | -ŋŋaġIk- vv (in it) with hands; to use an ice
aqvaluqtaaq a circle; something scratcher (a tool made of seal
circular | +taaq vn claws mounted on a wooden
handle used to simulate the
ara (excl.) something is wrong! scratching of a seal to lure it to its
(exclamation of surprise as when breathing hole) | +[g]ak nn
seeing or smelling smoke) argaaq glove | -aq2 vn
argagluk- (i) to have unhealthy or
araa (excl.) no, I don’t want to; oh, no!; chapped hands | +[g]luk- nv
too much!; (showing dismay) oh, argagmik- (i) to compete in the
oh, you’re going to get in trouble! finger-pull competition
§ arraa (opponents lock fingers together
araaq- (i) to be excessive (too loud, and pull; the one whose arm
too talkative, etc.); to say “araa” extends and her/his finger slips
(to her/him) | -q-2 ev out of the lock is the loser) »
araavai (excl.) too much! | +vai “argagmiguurut aqamak-
(encl.) kamik” (Aiken 2009) [they are
araumaa (excl.amation of pain, competing in the finger pulling
sorrow or disappointment; may be contest when they are pulling with
said in a loud voice to someone their fingers] | +mIk-1 nv
who is being a bother or a pest) | argagniq a measurement of hand
uuma (dem. pron.) -a (vocative) breadth | +niQ1 vn
argaiġñaq [lit. “that which destroys
arak- (t) to comfort, soothe, placate your hand”] mushroom |
her/him; (t) to encourage her/him :Iq-2 nv +naq(-) vn
@ arakłiq- || +kłIq-1 vv argaiq- (i) to have a severe infection
araaġi- (t) to continue to encourage of one’s hand | :Iq-2 nv
her/him tenderly | ±aq1 vv argait or (Ti) algait phalanges,
+[g]i- nv fingers of the human hand; hands
aragnaqsi- (i) to now require special or entire hand | :It2 nn § see
attention or care; (t) to make it so Appendix 21
that it requires special attention or argaiyaq- to have cold hands |
care » siqiñġuraġauna :Iyaq- nv
salummaġnaqsisugnaqtuq; argakit- (i) to have a withered hand |
aragnaqsiŋaruq uvva I think my -kIt- nv
watch needs cleaning; it has begun argaktu- (i) to have large hands |
to need special attention | +tu- nv
+naq-1 vv +sI-1 vv argalaq club (suit in cards) | -laq nn §
tumiŋŋuaq, kapuun, iqquk

argaugaatchiaq(-) game in which a argauti- (t) to bury it in the ground @
jump rope is turned by two people argaurri- | :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv §
while a third person jump the iluviq-
twirling rope; (i) to play the game
of argaugaatchiaq | -ugaq- vv argiq- [argIq] or (Ti) algiq- to roast (it
-atchiaq(-) vn =meat) on a spit § samuunnaaq-
argaun wrist; ice scratcher used by argiqsaq meat roasted on a spit |
seal hunters | :un1 vn § tayaġniq +t/raq vn § samuunnaaq- under
argaunmik- (i) to participate in the °sam (dem. stem)
wrist-pull competition (opponents argiutaq roasting spit | +utaq1 vn
lock their wrists together and pull;
the one whose arm extends and argiq [argIq] (PB) Oldsquaw Duck or
slips out of the lock is the loser) | Long-tailed Duck (Clangula
:un1 vn +mIk- nv hyemalis) § aaqhaaliq
argaurraaq- (i) to break, injure one’s
hand; (t) to break, injure her/his *argua (root) audacious, bold
hand | -urraaq- nv arguagi- or (Ti) alguagi- (t) to be
argautailisaq wristlet worn during undaunted by her/him/it; (t) to
cold weather | :un1 vn -ilisaq nn have no misgivings about
argautit bones of the hand, her/him/it » “uvaniuvva
metacarpals; ice scratcher (a tool Utqiaġviŋñi Nuvuŋmilu
made of seal claws mounted on a tainna iñuuniaġusiat
wooden handle) used by hunters arguagiŋiłługuli
to attract seals | :un1 vn -t nn § unipkaaġmatun uqausiġivlugu
argaun § see Appendix 21 utuqqanaat uvamnun
naluanŋaraqtigli” (Harold Itta
1985: 1 Track-01) [I have no
misgivings talking about life in
argaq- (t) to dig a hole in snow or earth Barrow and Point Barrow since
argaġniq a hole in the frozen ground the old people (from the two
(used often for storing meat); meat villages) used to tell me stories of
cached underground » “samuŋa their experiences] | +[g]i rv
qiqumaruamun arguaktit- (i) to become audacious,
tutquqsisuummiut bold, overly confident »
argaġniliuqłutik, ukiumi arguaktittuq he is growing
aigaksranik” (Aiken 2009) [they overly confident | -k-1 rv +tit-2 vv
also dig a hole into the frozen arguanait- (i) to not be taken lightly »
ground making an underground “uvva arguanaitchugnaqtuq
meat cache to store food, which taimani iñuuniaġniq makkua
will be retrieved during the aŋayuqaapta, aapapta, aapaŋisa
winter]; “tuttut niqiŋi sauvlugit nalaunŋaraŋat supputaiñŋaan”
nalunaiñŋutchillaavlugi” (Aiken (Harold Itta 1985: 1 Track-01) [it
2009) [caribou meat is buried, is probably wise not to take lightly
each cache with its own marker] | the lifestyle our parents’ fathers’
+niQ1 vn fathers followed before guns were
introduced] | +naq(-) vv, vn

:It-1 vv arguilisaq shelter from the wind |
arguaŋa- (i) to be audacious, bold, -ilisaq vn
aggressive | ±ŋa- vv argunmun into the wind, windward |
arguaŋaaq- or alguaŋaaq- (Ti) (i) to nmun n-term.
be inclined to be audacious, bold, arguqłiq one situated farthest in the
presumptuous | ±ŋaaq rv direction from which the wind is
arguaqtuq- to continue to doubt, blowing | +llIQ nn
disbelieve (her/him/it) » “kii uvva arguqtaġniq or arguqtinniq newly
ukpiġiŋitkaa iñuk uqaqtuaq” formed thin ice on the downwind
(Aiken 2009) | [he does not believe side of an ocean lead (Harcharek:
the person who is talking] | +q7 rv 11)
+tuq-3 vv arguuraq the immediate area in front
arguasuk- (i) to feel bold, audaci ous; of the prevailing wind »
(i) to be unbelieving, doubtful | “…takanuuna arguuraptigun,
+suk-2 rv qaiqsuuram taavruma
arguniq- (i) to become aged » “maktak ivunaqpalillagaruaġluaġniqsuq.
“arguniqsisuumaruaq ” (Bodfish: 238) […immediately
aviksillakłuni aasii leeward on the ocean side of a
quqsuqsiuraaqłuni avalua level stretch of ice, large ice
siñaa; mumikatauraaqługu pressure ridges had quickly
tainna arguniqtiłługu” formed] | :uraq nn
(Matumeak 2009) [whale skin and
blubber become aged by cutting a arii (excl.) ouch! it hurts!
piece off and letting it become ariila- (i) to cry out repeatedly in pain
yellowish around its edges; and | -la-1 vv
turning it around once in a while] ariilatchi- (t) to cause her/him to cry
out in pain @ ariilatchiññik- |
arguq(-) (i) to travel against the wind; -la-1 nv -tchI- vv
prevailing wind ariumaa (excl.) you make me tired! |
arguani on the windward side | :a uumaa
(poss. 3s-3s) ÷nI (loc.)
arguġaq point of land exposed to the arraa (excl.) I’ve had it! (said when
prevailing wind | +[ġ]aq nn something goes wrong); wow! oh
Arguġaq place name for the point my! (when one is astonished) §
northeast of Birnirk, Alaska | araa
+[ġ]aq nn
arguġaun or arguqtuun or arri1 [arrI] a likeness; a copy | perhaps
argumuktuun centerboard of ~rI § ati-2
sailboat | +aq-1 vv- :un1 nn, arrigiik two similiar items |
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn or –muk- nv +[g]IIk(-) nn, nv
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn § sanipaun under arriilaq one of a kind | :ilaq nn
*sani arrili- (i) to take a photograph of
arguġnaq windward direction | oneself; (t) to draw or photograph
+naq(-) vn her/him/it; to xerox it; (t) to make

a copy of it, e.g., a likeness in
drawing, carving, sewing | -lI-1 nv arva area farther down from it < °ati
arriraq- (Ti) (t) to copy her/him,
imitate what she/he does | +raq4 nv arvaq (i) to go down, come down,
§ irruaq-, tuvraq- descend < °ati

arri-2 (i) to collect animal blood for broth arvik(-) [arvIk] anvil, flat rocks used as a
in dog food; to make broth from chopping surface; chopping
blood < auk(-) board; (t) to crush it by applying
pressure with a hammer § parvik;
arriq- (i) to receive a blood transfusion; siqumit-, tuksruk-
(t) to administer to her/him/it a
blood transfusion < auk(-) °asI (stem) a non-specific place;
everywhere; nowhere; someplace
arriqi- (i) to bleed from the mouth < else; away from the village;
auk(-) something insignificant
asiġui- (t) to realize, ascertain,
arriqsinniq blood bruise (an discover something is not what
ecchymosis); animal skin with one thought it was » “asiġuigaa
blood stains < auk(-) tautuktani piuŋilaumaruq;
asiġuiruq” (Aiken 2009) [he
arriqsit- (i) to bruise; (t) to give her/him a realized what he saw was not what
bruise; (t) to kill an animal in such it seemed; he ascertained that
a way that it is soaked through something was not what it seemed
with blood < auk(-) to be] | +[ġ]uq-1 nv -I-3 vv
asiġuq- to become useless |
arriuq- (i) to mix blood with water to +[ġ]uq-1 nv
make broth < auk(-) asiksruq- (t) to insult, offend her/him
@ asiksrui- » “asiksruġaa
arruk- (i) to become damp; (i) to be qanuq imña ukpiġiŋiñmatun”
damp; (Nu) (i) to develop an (Aiken 2009) [he offended her by
infection » “ailaqiuraġuuruq not believing her] | perhaps +k-1
taktugman, arruktuq rv mqsruq-2 rv || :I-4 vv
tatqaŋma” (Aiken 2009) [when asiliqi- (i) to talk or act nonsensically,
it’s foggy it becomes moist, so it’s foolishly; to act unsuccessfully, in
damp outside] | perhaps =rruk- rv vain | -liqi- nv
§ immak- under imaq(-), ailaq-; asiñi outside, in the open; not in the
perhaps related to au- usual place » asiñiisimaruaq it
arruksiaq- (t) to let it become moist was not in its usual place | ÷nI
or damp » “arruksiaġlugu (loc.)
imaqtiġlugu” (Molly Itta 2009) asiñila- (i) to be slack or baggy, to be
[let it dampen by applying water loose (of clothing) » “asiñil aruq
to it] | perhaps =rruk- rv +sIq-1 vv tattuŋitchuaq, naakka
-aq-1 vv kamikłuuk silikpaitchuk” (Aiken
arruumaaq- (i) to be damp, musty | 2009) [that which is not tight
perhaps =rruk- rv -umaaq- vv

fitting is slack or baggy, or the asiaġniaq- or asiaġiaq- (Nu) (i) to go
pants are too wide] | ÷nI (loc.) berry-picking | +niaq-2 nv
-la- vv asiaġruaq potato | +ġruaq nn § masu,
asiñiñ (adv) from a place other than utqIk
where it belongs | ÷niñ (abl.) asiaqpak (Ti) prune | +qpak(-) vv, nn
asiñuk- (i) to be out of place, out of asiaqsruq- (i) to fetch berries from
its usual location; (t) to put it one’s supply to eat | +qsruq-1 nv
aside, out of its usual place @ asiavik blueberry (Vaccinium
asiñuksi- | +nuk- (term.) || +sI-3 vv uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
asiñun (adv) to a place other than (Empetrum nigrum) » asiaviit
where it belongs » asiñun iliñagu nakaaŋit roots of blueberry plants
don’t put it just anywhere | +nun | -vIk2 nn
(term.) asiaviqutaq (Nu) blueberry plant »
asiŋñaq- (i) to be misleading or “asiaviqutat tiigisuuravut
deceiving | -k-1 rv +naq-1 vv ukiumi nivaaqługit tiigiqapta”
asiŋŋuq- (i) to begin to malfunction, (Hugo 2009) [we used the
work badly | ±ŋŋuq-2 rv blueberry plant as tea after
asiŋŋuqsaaq- (t) to relate information digging it up during the winter
which upsets or angers her/him | when we ran out of tea] | -vIk2 nn
±ŋŋuq-2 rv +saaq-1 vv -qutaq nn
asiŋŋuya- (i) to spoil easily | asiayaaq (Ti) raisin | -ayaaq nn
+ŋŋuq-2 nv -ya-1 vv asirri- (i) to grow berries; (i) to gather
asitqut- (i) to miss a target, miss berries; (i) to store a supply of
one’s destination in traveling; (t) berries; (i) to have numerous
to miss it =target | -tqut- nv berries growing on it (of land) »
asiu- (i) to be useless; (i) be valueless, “asianik nautchiiruaq naakka
to be nothing; to be bad, worthless katiqsriruaq” (Aiken 2009) [the
(of a person) | :u-1 nv one who is growing berries or the
asivaq- (i) to stray, wander away from one who is gathering berries];
course, to be out of order (during “asirriruq tutquqsivluni
a formal meeting); (i) to move asianik” (Molly Itta 2009) [she is
away from a place or event; (t) to building up a supply of berries by
set it aside, set it apart; (t) to move storing them] | ‘=I-1 nv
it; (t) to set it out ready for use; (t) asirriq- (t) to mix berries in it »
to get rid of, abolish it, to cast it asirriġaa she put berries into it |
aside @ asivaqsi- | +vaq- vv || perhaps ‘=Iq-1 nv
+sI-3 vv § uniuŋasI- asirriñiaq- to grow (of berries) »
asivaqtaaq- to move to the side, out asirriñiaqtuq aqłakataukkaqtuq
of the way | +vaq- vv +taaq- vv there will be berries since there is
a lot of cotton grass | ‘=I-1 nv
asiaq(-) [asiraq] cloudberry, (Nu) +niaq-2 nv
blueberry (Vaccinium
uliginosum); any berry or fruit; (i) asiġñiq bent bow of sled or snowshoe tip
to pick berries § uniat, siku3, kiavluutak, see
asiagusi- (i) to obtain a supply of Appendix 18
berries | :u-3 nv +sI-2 vv

asiŋŋuŋa- (i) to be pale from shock|
±ŋŋuq-2 rv ±ŋa vv § asI ata- (i) to be attached, connected
ataiq- (i) to become loose, detached
asiq(-) [asIq] sleeve; (i) to put one’s arms (used when pack ice breaks off
into the sleeves of a garment; (t) from shore ice); (t) to completely
to help her/him put her/his arm detach it @ ataiqsi- | :Iq-2 vv
into the sleeves of a garment § atait- (i) to have nothing holding one
aiq- back, to be free, disconnected; (i)
asiġun cuff of sleeve | -ġun nn to have an open lead near shore;
asilivik sleeve hole in the body of a (Ti) (i) to be near shore (of open
shirt | -lI-1 nv +vIk1 vn water) » uvvali
asiqsu- (i) to have sleeves that are too aullaqsaġumaalliġuma
long (of garment) | +tu- nv, rv ataipiaġataġmiuŋa if I do decide
asiqtusilaaq- (t) to make its sleeve to leave, I have nothing to prevent
longer » asiqtusilaaġumiñaqpiuŋ me from doing so | :It-1 vv
atigiga can you make the sleeves ataitchuaq shore ice not anchored to
of my parka longer | +tu- nv, rv ocean floor (Harcharek: 11)
+sI-1 vv -laaq-1 vv ¤atamman hinge that holds the door
atchiq- (i) to now have a sleeve, of a to the door frame | -mmak- vv
garment; (t) to sew a sleeve on it :un1 vn § ata-, matu(-), qiiqiġiaq
=garment @ atchiqsi- | atammiŋa- (i) to be stubbornly
‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv determined, inflexible in one’s
resolve or intent | +mmI-5 ±ŋa vv
asiq- [asIq] (i) to nod while watching atanauraq council member, board or
others dance assembly member; leader, ruler;
vice-chief, assistant boss |
°asu (stem) wonderment +niQ1 rn :uraq nn
asugupta (excl.) fortunately, luckily, atanaurat council members; board
it’s a good thing | perhaps members; governing board |
+k/gupta (cond 3p) +niQ1 rn :uraq nn -t nn §
asulu (excl.) you’re so righ!t; should uqaqsitaaqtitchirit
have done so! | +lu (encl.) atanġi- (t) to honor, respect her/him/it
asuluasu (excl.) so, that’s the reason!; | :i-4 nv
no wonder! | +lu (encl.) °asu atanġiq- (t) to set her/him/it free |
asulukiaq (excl.) that’s right! | +lu +niQ1 rn :Iq-2 nv
(encl.) +kiaq (encl.) atanġiqsau- (i) to gain personal
freedom, to become free (of
asu- (Nu) to sleep with (her/him), of person) | +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv +t/raq
young people § allatuq- vn :u-1 nv
atanġiqsirrun freedom | +niQ1 vn
asuġaq paternal aunt-in-law § atchak, :Iq-2 nv mtit-1 vv -rrun vn
ayak atanġiqsitaq one made free |
+niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv mtit-1 vv
ataa (Nu) (Ti) (excl.) silence! be quiet!; +t/raq vn
listen! (as to a strange noise) § atanġirrun liberty | +niQ1 rn :It-1 nv
atta +run1 vn

atanġusuk- (i) to be bossy, willful, no longer responsible; (t) to
demanding | +niQ1 vn :u-1 nv indemnify her/him/it »
+[s]uk-1 vv “ataŋaiqsuq; tavraniinŋaiqsuq;
atanġutchak- (i) to become bossy, ilauŋaiqsuq taapkunuŋa” (Aiken
willful, demanding | +niQ1 vn 2009) [he is no longer a member;
:u-1 nv -tchak- vv he is no longer there; he is no
ataniġnaqutiksrit- to give her/him a longer part of them] | ±ŋaiq vv
blessing (birthright) | +niQ1 vn ataŋiq-1 (i) to become detached; (t) to
+naq1 nn -quti nn -ksrIt- nv pry it loose | -ŋIq- nv
ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq blessing attatit connectors that keep
(birthright) | +niQ1 vn +naq1 nn components attached to each
-quti nn -ksraq(-) nn ‘=Iq1 vn other, e.g., spinal column; items
:usiaq vn § nagliktuun, that support or provide structural
quviasaaġusiaq, anniqsuusiaq integrity; structural support »
ataniġnaqsi- (i) to become mean, “attatitkiuvva tigummisit
stern | +niQ1 vn +naq-2 vv +sI1 vv sumun; attatauruat
ataniġnaqun authority, power, makittataurut; sumun
regulation; birthright | +niQ1 rn nayummatit” (Aiken 2009)
+naq(-) nv ‘-quti vn [structural supports provide
ataniġnaqutiqaqtuaq official entity | cohesion; they provide
+niQ1 rn +naq(-) nv ‘-quti vn uprightness; they provide support]
-qaq- vv +t/ruaq vn | ‘ti1 vn -t 3 nn § kuyapigaq
ataniq source of connection; isthmus;
lord, master; god; supreme being; ataaguaq- (i) to go, travel, progress under
higher power | +niQ1 vn it < °ati
Ataniq name of site east of
Wainwright, Alaska; name of ataagun aside from the fact of; via under
Christian God it < °ati
ataniqsraq- (i) to be afraid to ask a
favor from a higher authority | ataaguun a long slat under bed of sled on
+niQ1 rn +qsraq- nv which cross braces rest < °ati
atanniqsima- (t) to subdue, control
her/him/it | +niQ1 rn ‘=Iq-1 nv ataanuaglaaq- (i) to reach the area under
+sima-2 vv her/him/it < °ati
atanniqsimanniktuat rules,
regulations, principles, policies | ataanuk- (i) to get below, underneath
+niQ1 rn ‘=Iq-1 nv +sima-2 vv her/him/it; (t) to place her/him/it
+nnik-vv +t/ruaq vn -t nn below or underneath something or
atanniqsuq- (t) to compel or coerce someone < °ati
her/him @ atanniqsui- | +niQ1 rn
‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-1 vv ataanun to the area under her/him/it <
atanniuġun policy, law | ‘=iuq-1 nv °ati
:un1 vn
ataŋaiq- to be loose, free, unattached; ataaq- to travel downriver (on it =river)
(i) to freed of obligation (from it); < °ati
to make compensation and thus be

ataaqtuq- (i) to camp on the ice for as reported by Bergsland 1987:
spring whaling; to be out on the 149, 153)
ice camped for whaling < °ati ¤atallit (Ti) “sky people” (mythical) |
-t nn
ataata granduncle; grandfather §
aapaaluk atammak underside of walrus foreflipper
ataataa (rel. poss.) my granduncle; | +mmak n
my grand uncle’s; my grandfather;
my grandfather’s » ataataa ataŋ (excl.) listen! » ataŋ una-hii! lo and
umiani savakkaa my granduncle behold!
is working on his boat | +a3 nn
ataatalugiik(-) relationship between ataraak pair of long underwear, union
grandfather and grandchild; (i) to suit; coveralls; full-length one-
be in a grandfather to grandchild piece article of clothing |
relationship | +[g]iik(-) nn,nv +raaq(-) nv -k2 nn § ilupiġuk
ataraaq- to put a pair of long
ataguna (excl.) here, give it to me!; let underwear, coveralls (on her/him)
me see it!; look at this! | una (dem. | +raaq(-) rn, nn
atagupta (excl.) much to one’s ataramik (adv) all the time, constantly,
annoyance this is the usual pattern always | +mik (mod.)
of behavior » atagupta qiviyavuq
oh! she gets so huffy easily | atarraaq traveler going downriver < °ati
+k/gupta (3s Consequential)
atarratmun (Nu) (toward) downriver
atain (excl.) move! » “piiqsaaġiñ” < °ati
(Matumeak 2009) [get out of the
way!] atarruuk (Ti) man’s ankle-length, fur,
breeches with drawstring at waist
¤atainna (Ti) (excl.) its right over there! and tapered legs; sweatpants; a
one piece article of clothing
atakhii (excl.) oh, look at that! complete with feet (Kisautaq:
649); coveralls § ataraak
atakkii or (Ti) atakii or atakkiataŋ
(conj) because | +kii1 (encl.) or ataut- to shoot under the mark; pass
+kiataŋ (encl.) below < °ati

atałiq [atałIq] (Nu) a mythical person atautchaaq- to travel past (it =place) by
able to ascend from the ground » water or on ice < °ati
“Tavra nunakun
pisukatallaksaġniallaġmiŋ atausiq [atausIq] the number one |
tavra qaŋattaġniqsut, maaŋŋa +un1 vn ~iq nn § ata- (see
nunamiñ…And as they started Appendix 11)
to walk along on the ground, they atausialuk or “A”-sialuk (Ti) ace (at
rose from the ground.” (Kakinya cards) (C. Tuzroyluke, 2009) |
+un1 vn ~iq nn -aluk nn

atausiaq- (i) to do once, to complete a Atausiŋŋuq- or Atautchiiq- (i) to be
task in one attempt; (t) to do it Monday » Atautchiiqsugut it is
once, to complete it in one Monday | +un1 vn ~iq nn
2 1 1
attempt, to kill an animal with a mŋŋuq- nv or ‘=Iq- nv -q- vv
single shot | +un1 vn ~iq nn atausiŋŋuumaniq (Nu) single river
-aq-4 nv formed of many, smaller
atausiaqtiqataġuu- to always quickly branches; agreement among
get (it) with one attempt, shot » people | +un1 vn ~iq nn
“supputiłługu nannulgitchuŋa; 2 1
mŋŋuq- nv :u- nv +ma- vv

atausiaqtiqataġuugitka nannut 1
+niQ vn
atakkiataŋ uŋasiñun atausiullaa to do one by one,
pisuitkitka” (Nageak 1976:4) individually | +un1 vn ~iq nn
[once again I shot and killed a :u-1 nv -llaa- vv
polar bear; I usually kill a polar atausiuti- (t) to be united for or
bear with one shot since I never against her/him/it » atausiutigaat
shot from afar] | +un1 vn ~iq nn they are united against him; they
-aq-4 nv mt/liq-3 vv -qataq- vv are of the same opinion or stance;
+[s]uu- vv “atausiutigaat atausiq iñuk;
atausiġaaq an individual | +un1 vn akilliliqsuġaat iñugiaktuat
~iq nn +[ġ]aq nn -aq2 nn iñuit” (Aiken 2009) [they are all
atausimġaaq solitary, lone animal | united against the one person;
+un1 vn ~iq nn +mġaq rn -aq2 nn many persons are opposing him] |
atausimġaq solitary one; lone one » +un1 vn ~iq nn:u-1 nv ‘ti- vv
“atausimġaq atausiuruq, atautchiit one set of objects |
igluitchuq; atausiuruksrauruq” +un1 vn ~iq nn ‘-It nn
(Aiken 2009) [the solitary one is atautchikuaq- (i) to progress or
one, it has no partner; it has to be move forward together, united as
solitary] | +un1 vn ~iq nn one | +un1 vn ~iq nn -kuaq- nv
+mġaq rn atautchikun together, at the same
Atausiŋŋuġniq or Atautchiiġñiq time » atautchikun makitta let’s
Monday | +un1 vn ~iq nn stand up together at the same time
2 1 1
mŋŋuq- nv +niQ vn or ‘=Iq- nv | +un1 vn ~iq nn ‘-kun (via.)
+niQ vn atautchimi once | +un1 vn ~iq nn ÷mI
atausiŋŋuq- (i) to be in agreement, be (loc.)
in harmony; (i) to become as one; atautchimuk- (i) to assemble into one
to become united; (i) (Nu) to flow group; (i) to unite; (i) to be
together as one (e.g., of rivers); (t) unified; (t) to combine, unite them
to reduce it to one part or one » atautchimugluta savakta let’s
thing; (t) for one to remain » work united | +un1 vn ~iq nn
“maliksukłutik ‘-muk nv
avigaaŋaŋaiqłutik” (Hugo 2009) atautchimuktat combination |
[influencing each other and not +un1 vn ~iq nn ‘-muk nv
divided] | +un1 vn ~iq nn atautchimuktuun unifying force |
mŋŋuq- nv +un1 vn ~iq nn ‘-muk nv +tuq-2 vv
-un1 vn

atautchimunmun towards unity » atchiiŋaruaq one who has signed, given
atautchimunmun savagukłutiŋ his signature; the undersigned <
sivunniqsuat quvianapaluktut it atiq
was wonderful when they decided
to work towards unity| +un1 vn atchiiñiq will, testament; enrollment;
~iq nn ‘-muk nv -nmun (term.) census < atiq
atautchimunmuqaġiksilipiaq- (i) to
come quickly to a complete atchiq- (i) to give oneself a name; (t) to
agreement » “Tavra tamatkua give a name to her/him/it @
aŋatkuuruat atchiqsi- < atiq
hutiŋ uqallaŋniqsut: ‘Tavra- atchiuti- (t) to name someone after
unnii!’…Then the shamans, in her/him < atiq
full agreement, said, ‘Anyway,
he may get nothing, but its atchu (excl.) I don’t know
possible.’” (Elijah Kakinya as atchuamiiq(-) (excl.) I joke!; (i) to
reported by Bergsland 1987: say “I joke” | .q-2 nv
372, 375) |+un1 vn ~iq nn perhaps ÷mik (mod.) perhaps
‘-muk nv -nmun (term.) -qaq- nv -.q-2 nv
+[g]Ik- vv +sI-vv -lIq- vv atchuuq- or atchuaq- to say “I don’t
+piaq- vv know” (to her/him) »
atchaan (excl.) almost! that was close! » uumiñapalukkaluaqtuq;
atchaan! pisiqqayapalukkiñ suyumiñaitchugut it was so
that was close! You almost shot it infuriating, when she told us she
§ ayyai did not know; but there was
nothing we could do about it |
atchagat Iñupiat alphabet (named for the .q-2 nv
first three letters a, ch, and g) » atchuhaa (excl.) I don’t know, beats
atchagat ilisaġniaġivut uvlupak | me! | +haa (encl.)
-t nn atchukii (excl.) don’t know, not
certain at all | +kii2 (encl.)
atchak aunt § aya, ayaaluk, ayak, asuġaq
atchaaluk grandaunt; (Nu) aunt » Atchuraq (Ti) name of a man etched on a
atchaaluga ikka ikani aġnani whale jaw bone standing in front
amiqsuaniittuq my grandaunt is of a whale with arms outstretched;
over there with the women who (the figure is etched by a whaling
are sewing the bearded sealskins captain for the purpose of
onto the the umiak frame preventing a captured whale from
escaping); “This was Atcuraq who
atchii- (i) to enroll, to register or sign prevented the whales from
one’s name; (i) to make a will; (t) escaping.” (Rainey: 247)]
to enroll her/him; (t) to will things
to her/him; (i) to conduct a census °ati (stem) area below; bottom,
< atiq underside; down » “Aasiuvva
tainnaittuallakhuta samma

atiptigniñ tasamma …, alliq the one on the bottom | +llIQ nn
qaaqtuq.” (Bodfish: 239) [so we alliq- (i) to be deep | perhaps ~lIq-1 rv
remained still for a while, then § iti-
from the area below us…, it alliq- (t) to place a mat or support
exploded] under it » alliġuŋ uumiŋa place
alliat (Nu) tent floor made of willows this under it | ‘Iq- nv
or shrub birch; mattress » alliviñiq ice under another piece of
allialiġaat tupiq they are putting ice which may surface due to
a willow mat floor in the tent; ocean currents or wake of boat
“uqpigñiglu allialiuġuurut (Harcharek: 11) | +llIQ nn
alliqpiaguvlugu; ukiulliq mitqua -viñiq nn
tasamuŋatchianukługu alvaq- (Ti) (i) to fall into a trance, be
alliaqaġuurut” (Aiken 2009) transported (usually into the
[they also made a mattress with netherworld) | ~vaq(-) rv
willows as the bottommost layer; anmuiññaq straight down »
they also had mattresses out of “Anmuiññaq
caribou skins with the fur down] | nauliksallagruaqtuaŋaa,…”
+llIQ rn ‘=Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn -t nn (Bodfish: 239) [I forcefully and
alliatchiaq tent mat made of willows | quickly thrusted the harpoon
+llIQ rn ‘=Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn straight down,…] | +nmun v-adv.
+tchiaq nn term. -iññaq nn
alliġaq skin placed below bedding, anmuk- to go down, descend, drop;
used with fur side down as a (i) to go down a slope, to descend
mattress; mattress pad » gradually, to drop, e.g., indicator
aġnaiyaam makitiqami alliġani in a therometer, barometer, etc.; to
imugaa right after getting out of have been set downward, lowered;
bed the girl rolled up her mattress | (t) to set it lower | +nmun (term.)
+llIQ rn +[ġ]aq nn -k-3 v (term.) rv
alliġauraq saucer, small dish; coaster, anmuksiiññaq- (i) to move lower and
doily | +llIQ nn +[ġ]aq nn :uraq nn lower | +nmun v-adv -k-3 v (term.)
allimġaq any lower tooth » allimġat rv +siiññaq- vv
lower teeth | +llIQ nn perhaps +m anmuktaaq- (t) to set it at a lower
(rel. mkr.) +[ġ]aq n § see setting; (t) place it on a lower level
Appendix 20 | +nmun v-adv -k-3 v (term.)
alliñaaq bottom layer, section; (Ti) +taaq- vv
lower tooth | +llIQ nn +niQ1 vn anmun or (Nu) atmun (adv.)
+aq2 nn downward | ÷mun (term.)
alliñiq or atliñiq (Nu) lower area, anmuŋŋaġik- (i) to have a good
underpart » “‘Takanna decline, downward slope; (i) to be
Kuukpium alliñaġani steep | -ŋŋaġIk- vn
itkaluaqtut uŋasiksut” (Simon arva area farther down from it |
Paneak as reported by Bergsland perhaps -ŋa (poss. 3s-3s)
1987: 329) [they are in the lower arvaq- (i) to go down, come down,
part of the Colville River, but descend | ~vaq(-) rv
they are still far away] | arvik- to run down (it) | +vIk- vv
+liñiQ rn, vn

ataaguaq- (i) to go, travel, or progress atarraaq traveler going downriver |
under it | :a (poss. 3s-s) ¤+rraaqvn
-kun nnc (via.) -aq-4 nv § ataut- ataut- (i) to shoot under the mark, the
ataagun aside from the fact of; via target; (i) to strike under target (of
under it » ataagun taaptuma a projectile); (i) to travel past a
aside from that fact | +a (poss. place, on water or ice; (t) to shoot
3s-3s) +kun (via.) under her/him/it; to go under
ataaguun a long slat under bed of her/him/it (of a projectile); (t) to
sled on which cross braces rest travel past it =a place, on water or
running down the centerline » ice; (t) to pass beneath, below
“ataaguutiqaġuurut uniat (her/him/it); (t) to take them all »
tamauna napuŋisa qitqatigun atauttuagut unnuami we sailed
qiruk, naviyaitquvlugit naput” by during the night | +ut-1 rv
(Aiken 2009) [sleds had a long, atautchaaq- to travel past (it =place)
wooden slat under the bed through via water or on ice | +ut-1 nv
the center of the cross braces to +saaq-1 vv
reinforce them from breaking] | :a atchaġnaq ocean current flowing
(poss. 3s-3s) +kun (via.) -un1 vn away from shore to the north;
ataani under or below her/him/it | :a ¤south flowing current | ‘-q-1 vv
(poss. 3s-s) +nI (loc.) +naq2 vn § Appendix 14
ataanuaglaaq- (i) to reach the area atchaġniq (Nuvuk) easterly wind |
under her/him/it | :a nn (poss. 3s-s) ‘-q-1 vv +nIQ1 vn
-nuk- nv -aglaaq- vv atchanmun out to sea (carried by a
ataanuk- (i) to get below, underneath current) | ‘-q-1 vv +nmun v-term.
her/him/it; (t) to place her/him/it atchaqtu- (i) to be wide (of land, ice
below or underneath something or or water) | ‘-Q vn +tu- nv
someone » umiam ataanuguŋ atchik- (i) to be far away from shore
place it underneath the boat | :a nn (of open water); (i) to be deep; (i)
(poss. 3s-s) -nuk- nv to be meek or humble; (i) to be in
ataanun to the area under her/him/it | a low position in a sequence of
:a nn (poss. 3s-3s) +nun (term.) numbers or elevation | ~sIk1- rv
ataaq- to travel downriver (on it =a atchiksi- (i) to become lower, deeper;
river) | .-q-1 rv (t) to make it deeper or lower (as
ataaqtuġvik whaling camp at the digging an ice cellar) | ~sIk1- rv
edge of shore-fast ice (a camp is +sI-1 vv
comprised of a whaling crew, a atiġun seal net set in the water under
walled tent, an umiak, snow- the ice » “atiġutiliqisuummiut
machines, sleds, and equipment) | kuvraqtuqtuat niviŋŋaqługu
.-q-1 +tuq-2 vv +vIk1 vn natchiqsiun kuvraq;
ataaqtuq- (i) to be out whaling, atiġutituqłuni kuvriqsuaq
camped on the ice; (Ti) move unnuami natchsugruguurut
down to the beach to hunting uiñiqaġman” (Aiken 2009) [those
camp (said of inland people) | who use nets also use the seal nets
.-q-1 +tuq-2 vv which are placed under the ice;
ataŋiq-2 (t) to get below her/him/it | the one who places a seal net in
-ŋIq- nv the water under the ice at night

usually catches a lot when the physically; (t) to remove her/him
ocean waters are high] | +un1 vn =baby from the back of one’s
Atiġun Atigun Pass parka | ~qaq-1 rv
atikit- (i) to be near the beach (of atqaqsaaq- (i) to travel downward
lead); for there to have a narrow without stopping enroute |
lead in shorefast ice | +kIt- rv ~qaq-1 rv +saaq- vv
atimiñi located in the area below, atqasalik- (i) to travel downward,
beneath oneself | ÷mI (loc.) +nI down a slope | ~qaq-1 rv -salik- vv
(refl. poss.) atqasuk downslope; ¤outer flare of
atimiñiñ from the area below, nostril » “atqaġiaq” (Aiken 2009)
beneath oneself | ÷mI (loc.) +niñ [it’s a way to go downwards] |
(refl. abl.) -suk vn
atimiñun to the area below, beneath Atqasuk village of Atkasuk, Alaska |
oneself | +mI (refl. poss.) ÷nun ~qaq-1 -suk vn
(term.) atqun lamp wick adjuster (a stick
atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling usually 10 inches in length and 1
camp from the village; (i) to travel inch in diameter with a pointed
from inland towards the ocean end used when trimming the wick
after hunting | +q-5 rv of a stone seal oil lamp; also used
atiqsaaq- to travel downriver (on it as a light when going into the
=a river) | +q-5 rv +saaq-1 vv entryway of a structure) | +q-5 rv
atiqtaq polar bear cub in its first year :qun rv
(so named because the mother atqurri- or atiġurri- (i) to bring cubs
takes it immediately out on the sea to the coast (of polar bear) »
ice from the place where it was nannut atqurrisuurut
born) | +q-5 rv +t/raq vn piayaamiŋnik polar bears take
atitu- (i) to be far away from shore (of their young to the coast (from the
lead or open water); to be wide place where they were born);
(of a boot); to be a wide (of open “atiġurriruq taunuŋa nunamiñ
lead =expanse of ocean water piayaamiñik nanuq” (Aiken
between shoreline ice and floating 2009) [the polar bear takes her
ice) | +tu- rv cubs down from the land to the
atpaq- or arvaq- to go down, to coast] | :urrI- vv
descend (from it =steep slope); (t) attinniq hole or thin spot in sea ice
to lower it; (t) to make it deeper | near mouth of river, which has
~paq- rv, ~vaq(-) rv melted as river breaks up |
atqaa- to descend en masse | +ptinniQ nn
-a-1 vv
atqapqaqtaq- (i) to rarely come ati-1 (i) to be the same, equal, identical, be
downstairs | -pqaqtaq- vv in agreement; (i) to have a tie
atqapqauraq- (i) to barely make it vote, to have the same number of
down, descend | -pqaq- vv votes; (t) to treat them equally
-uraq- vv atinġiq- (i) to have a disagreement, to
atqaq- or aqqaq- (i) to descend, go argue; (t) to cause them to have a
down; (i) to step down from a tall disagreement, an argumnent |
vehicle; (t) to set her/him/it down +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv

atiŋirrun disagreement, difference of when indoors or on a warm day) |
opinion, division, strife, discord | perhaps +q-2 nv +rruk- nv
±ŋIt- vv –rrun vv atiġaq (Ti) high fur socks extending
atiŋŋit- (Ti) (i) to be in disagreement, above the knee (S. Tuzroyluke
to not get along | +ŋŋIt- vv 2009) | +[ġ]aq vn § anmuaq-
atiri one that is like another, similar to atikłi- to make a parka (out of them =
another » “atiruakavsak” [one skins); (t) to make a parka for
that is like another] (Aiken 2009) | her/him » atikłiruq ukalliġñik
mt/ri vn § arrI aġnaiyaamun she is making a
atisaġniq equalization; process of rabbit skin parka for the girl |
becoming similar in appearance, ~lI-1 nv
size or amount | msaq-3 vv atikłuk(-) snowshirt, parka cover
+niQ1 vn (pullover fabric cover for parka)
atisaq- (t) to cause them to become (t) to put a snowshirt over her/his
more similar | msaq-3 vv parka | ~łuk1 nn
atikłuuraq parka-style dress or shirt |
atisi- (i) to become equal, identical; (t)
~łuk1 nn :uraq nn
to make them equal, identical |
atikuluk or atikuluatchiak man’s
+sI-1 vv
knee high dress boots (with fringe
on top, made of dark and light
ati-2 (t) to put it =garment on » attuuŋ or
furs in decorative pattern) »
attiuŋ put it on
qiñiyunapaluktuq the one
atigi(-) parka, pullover-style fur parka
wearing a pair of man’s dress
with traditional fur ruff for the
boots proudly is so attractive to
hood; (i) to put on a parka;
look at | ¤-kuluk nn
(t) to put a parka on her/him »
atikulugaaq- (i) to wear a pair of
atikkuiñ put on a parka;
man’s knee-high dress boots with
atikkuuŋ put a parka on him |
pride | -kuluk nn +aaq- nv
+[g]i- vv
atipkaq- (t) to cause or allow her/him
atigaiġutiuraq- (i) to become so
to put on an article of clothing; (t)
engrossed in what one is doing
to cause it to wear an object, e.g.,
and remove one’s parka to
a harness » anut atipkaġai she
continue the activity | :Iq-2 nv
put them =harness on a dog |
-uti-vv -uraq- nv
+pkaq-1 vv
atigiġruaq (Nu) parka made of duck
skins » ”tuulligit atigisuuraŋit-
atiġniġaq new ice which forms along pre-
guuq ivsuksallaktuni
existing ice (Harcharek: 11)
kataguuruq imiq; ailaqilaitchut
isilaitłuni imiq” (Hugo 2009)
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone
[Yellow Bill loons were made into
who shares the same name with
parkas; when they were shook the
water would fall off; they never
atchii- (i) to enroll, to register or sign
got wet because the water could
one’s name; (i) to make a will; (t)
not penetrate] | +ġruaq nn
to enroll her/him; (t) to will things
atigiġruk- (i) to wear a parka when it
is not necessary to do so (such as

to her/him; (i) to conduct a census atitu- for there to be a wide open lead in
| ‘=Iq-1 nv -I-1 the ice < °ati-1
atchiiŋaruaq one who has signed,
given his signature; the ¤atmaġuq (Nu) small fish with spots, no
undersigned | ‘=Iq-1 nv -I-1 vv scales
±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn
atchiiñiq will, testament; enrollment; atmuaqtaq (Nu) stitch § anmuaq-
census | ‘=Iq-1 nv -I-1 vv +niQ1 vn
atchiq- (i) to give oneself a name; (t) atniaq- (Nu) to hurt (her/him/it) § anniq-
to give a name to her/him/it @
atchiqsi- | ‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv atnuġaaq (Nu) article of clothing §
atchiuti- (t) to name someone after annuġaaq(-)
her/him/it @ atchiurri- » aapani
atchiutigaa paniuramiñun she atpa Common Murre, thick-billed murre;
gave her father’s name to her little auk » “upinġaksrami
daughter | ‘=Iq-1 nv :uti- vv tikitchuurut aaqhaalliuratun
|| ~rI-5 vv aktigiruat” [they arrive in the
atiġusiq given name rarely used | spring and they are the size of old
-un2 nn ~Iq nn squaw ducks] (Aiken 2009) §
atiitiga (Ti) my namesake | perhaps aqpa, akpa
-uti4 nn +[g]a (poss. 1s-s) § atiġa
atiitin (Ti) your namesake | perhaps atpaq- or arvaq- to go down, to descend
-uti4 nn +tin (poss. 2s-3s) § atqiñ (from it); (t) to lower it; to make it
atiqausiq noun | -qaq- nv :un1 vn deeper < °ati
~Iq nn
atiqsi- (t) to find out her/his/its name | atpaugaq or atvaugaq [dl atpaukkak or
=sI-4 nv atvaukkak] (Nu) full-length skin
ativik given name; name which legging (ankle to thigh) »
occurs within a family | -vIk3 nn atpaukkak paqillaiġikka I
cannot find his full-length skin
atiq- to travel out onto the ice to whaling leggings
camp < °ati-1
atqaq- to descend, come down < °ati
atiqsaaq- to travel downriver < °ati-1
atqasuk downslope; ¤outer flare of
atiqtaq polar bear cub in its first year nostril < °ati
< °ati-1
Atqasuk Atkasuk, Alaska | -suk < °ati
atittuġun tusk-shaped design strip on
front and back of parka yoke | atqun oil lamp wick adjuster < °ati
-ġun nn § kayuaġun, manusiññak
atittuġutiligaaq parka with atqunaq(-) numerous, many; to a large
tusk-shaped design strips on front extent; intensively; (i) to do in
and back of yoke | -ġun nn excess, take too much; (t) to “do
-ligaaq(-) nn her/him one better” in verbal
exchange; (Ti) (i) to be in great

pain; (t) to do something to attaqsi- [attaqsI] to borrow (it) §
her/him/it excessively piatchiaq-
atqunałhaaq- (i) to make the highest attaqsipkaq- (t) to lend it | +pkaq-1 vv
bid; (t) “do her/him one better” »
“qalġutaurraqłutik nalliġaġaa” ¤attaqtaaq (Ti) full-length, one-piece
[bidding higher and higher against article of clothing, such as a
each other she kept up with him] one-piece long underwear §
(Aiken 2009) | -łhaaq- vv ataraak

atta (excl.) listen, be quiet! be silent! § attat dumping area for honeybuckets (a
ata, ataa honeybucket is an indoor covered
attaġri- (i) to think one is about to die | pot for urine and other wastes) »
-ġrI- rv “immagguuq akkumi tatkiani
attaġriuq-1 (Ti) (i) to not expect to aniiqamik tikitqaaqamik
live, think one is about to die | tautukkaŋiik attaurat” (Nageak
+ġrI- nv :uq-2 vv 1975: 57) [recalling that a while
ago, while they were outside right
*attaq (root) unapproachable, after they arrived, they had seen
intimidating the dumping area] | -t nn §
attaġi- (t) to consider her/him to be naaptiġvik
unapproachable, intimidating; to
hesitate to ask a favor of her/him; attatit items that support or provide
(Ti) (i) to not expect to live; (t) to structural integrity, e.g., spinal
not expect her/him to live because column; structural support < ata-
of a serious illness | +[g]i- rv
attaġnaq- (i) to be unfriendly, unkind, ¤attausiq- (t) to pay, to reward her/him
not helpful, unwilling to grant @ attausii- | :un1 vn Iq-1 nv §
favors, unapproachable; (Ti) to be ata(-)
terminally ill, not expected to live ¤attausiun payment | :un1 vn Iq-1 nv
| +naq(-) rv :un1 vn
attaġnait- (i) to be kind, helpful, easy
to ask favors of, easily attinniq hole or thin spot in sea ice (found
approachable | +naq(-) rv :It-1 vv near mouth of river which has
attaġri- (Ti) (i) to be hesitant to ask melted during breakup) § °ati
someone for anything | -ġrI- rv
attaġriuq-2 (Ti) (i) to be hesitant to ¤attuaq (Nu) maternal aunt (mother’s
ask someone for a favor, object, or sister) §atchak, ayaġruksaaq
assistance | perhaps +qsraq- rv
‘=iuq-2 nv attuq something worn-out, used
attaqsraq- (i) to hesitate to ask abusively; old, used clothing; one
someone for something; (i) to be who has been married before <
diffident | +qsraq- rv atuq-2
attaqsrautu- (i) to be timid, easily
intimidated | +qsraq- rv :u-2 vv atuagnaq northeasterly wind (paralleling
+tu- vv coast) | +naq2 vn § nigiqpak(-)

atuagniq southeast wind » anuġi atuqpaun or atuutiqpak (Nu) a
nigiġmiñlu kiluagnamiñlu wind strong, dance song |
from the east and from the south § +qpak(-) vv,nn :un1 vn
uŋalaaq(-) atuqtuuraq(-) musical instrument;
phonograph; (i) to play music; (t)
atun fur sock; sock to play it =instrument, record,
atulaak slippers | -laaq nn -k2 nn song | +tuuraq(-) vn
atulaapiaq (Ti) high fur sock | atuqtuuraqti musician | +tuuraq(-) vn
-laaq nn -piaq(-)1 nn mt/ri vn
atulaaq short sock; insole | -laaq nn § atuugauraq fast Iñupiaq dance song |
piñiq :un1 vn +gaq2 nn :uraq nn
atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually atuun song; record; piece of music |
made of bearded sealskin); (t) to :un1 vn
sew a sole on it =boot @ atuułłuk shaman’s magic song for
atuŋaksi- | perhaps +ŋak(-) nn || hunting, healing, etc. | :un1 vn
+sI-3 vv -łuk1 nn
atuŋaun thread for attaching hard atuurviluk- (i) to sing a magic
sole to boot; three-edged skin healing song (of shaman) »
sewing needle used for boot soles | aŋatkuq atuurviluktuq
perhaps +ŋak(-) nn :un1 vn naŋittuaq iluaqsipqaqsaqługu
atuŋŋiq- (t) to sew a sole on it =boot; the shaman is singing a healing
(t) to sew a sole on her/his boot | song to try to heal the sick person |
‘=Iq-1 nv :uti- vn viluk- vv
atuusiq-1 (i) to sing, to burst out
atunim equally; with no discrimination; singing | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv
with fairness » atunim atuusiqsi- (i) to make a tape
piuraaġitchi! you guys play fair! recording of songs » aŋun
atuusiqsiruq aġġiruani the man
atuq-1 to sing (it) is making a tape recording at the
attuliuq- (Ti) to compose a song (for Iñupiaq dance | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv
her/him/it) | ‘n1 vn -liuq- nv +sI-3 vv
attuqtu- (i) to sing whenever one has atuusiuq- to create a song (for
an opportunity » attuqturuq her/him/it) | :un1 vn ~iuq-1 nv
tutaaluuraġa my grandchild atuuti- (t) to sing for her/him/it |
sings a lot | ‘-qtu- vv -uti- vv
attutit- (i) to burst out singing | atuutipiaq(-) song for a “common”
‘-tit-2 vv dance (in which dance movements
atuġaaq(-) (i) to have a singspiration; are not choreographed); (i) to
a singspiration | +aaq(-) vv, nn sing a “common” dance song (as
atullasi-1 to be able to sing (it = song) opposed to a song for a “motion”
| -llasI- vv dance in which dance movements
atunnaġi- (t) to sing it with pleasure | are choreographed) | :un1 vn
perhaps +nnaq nn +[g]i-nv -piaq(-) nn § sayuun
atuqpak- (Nu) (i) to sing a strong atuutit music | :un1 vn -t nn
song | +qpak(-) vv,nn § kivgiq-
atuq-2 to use (it); to wear (it)

attuq something worn out, used counsels them equally without
abusively; old, used clothing; one prejudice] § ati-2, atunim
who has been married before |
‘-Q vn ¤atvaukkak (Nu) caribou-fur boots
attuilisaġi- (t) to use it too frequently, reaching to mid-calf »
wearing it out | -ilisaq n +[g]i- nv atvaukkaak sitquliñiaġikka I
atugaq or atukkaq something will quickly patch the knees of his
borrowed, a debt | ±aq1 vn mid-calf length caribou-fur boots
atuġnaġumiñait- (i) to be invalid, not
usable | +naq(-) vv +kumiñaq- vv au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood,
:It-1 vv etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of
atuġnaq- (i) to be usable, valid | meat, fish); (i) to become partially
+naq(-) vv melted and dangerous underfoot
atukkirruti- (t) to rent, lease it out | (of ice); (i) to decompose
-kkIt- vv -rruti vn augniġrak- to begin flowing again (of
atullasi-2 (i) to become operable, river, when temperatures rise
usable; (t) to make it operable, after the land freezes) »
usable | -lla- vv +sI-1 vv “qiqitqaaqługu nuna sila
atunnaġi- (t) to use it with pleasure | uunnaaksimman kuugit
perhaps +nnaq nn +[g]i-nv supitqiguurut” (Matumeak 2009)
atuqqiguti- (t) to become used to, [after the land freezes when the
accustomed to her/him/it | weather warms up the rivers begin
-qqiguti- vv to flow again] | ‘-k-2 vv devoiced
atuqtit- (t) to lend something to +niQ1 vn +qsraq vn -k-1nv
her/him (obj); to let it be used | augniqłak- (t) to warm up suddenly
mtit- vv (after having been out in the cold
aturraġiit- (t) to not use them very and coming in to a warm house
much | perhaps -rraq vn causing one to feel sleepy or
+[g]iit- nv sluggish) » augniqłakkaa;
atuuma- (Ti) (t) to continue to use, qiiyaqqaaqłuni isiqtuni
perform, observe it as a tradition, siñaavriñaqtuq he warmed up
custom » “atuumagaat” suddenly; one usually dozes on
(Kinneeveauk, 2008) [it is still and off after one warms up
their tradition] | :uma- vv suddenly after being cold | ‘-k-2 vv
atuusiq-2 (t) to pay rent; to pay for +niġluk- vv § kirraksIġa
use of it | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv augniqsraq patch of ground from
which the snow has melted while
atuti- (t) to treat equally without prejudice the surrounding area is still snow
» “kiiqsruqłiqsuaq ilaan iñugni covered; area where sea ice has
…, Tanŋugaluaġman, become dangerous to travel on
qanusiugaluaġman, tamarra due to melting » augniqsraq
atutivlugu natqiksruġuugaa” nalaułługu uniaŋi
(Harold Itta 1985: 4A) [one who kalivisimaruat his sled became
encourages his men, …, no stuck when he went on the mound
matter who they are, from which the snow has melted |
whether they are white men, he ‘-k-2 vv +niQ1 vn +qsraq vn

auguti- (t) to melt (of ice or snow) pipes | ‘-k-2 vv +tuq-2vv .-q-1vv
and cause him/her difficulty e.g., :un1vn
snow on a trail melts making auktuuq- (i) to warm oneself, to use a
travel difficult; to become visible heating pad on oneself; (t) to
or obtainable as the snow or ice apply heat to it = part of the body,
melts » uniaġaġlutiŋ sikukun an airplane engine in extreme
Utqiaġvigupayuktuat augutigai cold conditions, a frozen pipe, etc.
they wanted to go to Barrow by » auktuuqqaaqługu tiŋŋun
dogsledding on the ice but it aullaqtuani we took off after
melted (before they began) | thawing the engine of the airplane
‘-k-2 vv +uti- vv | ‘-k-2 vv +tuuq- vv
auġak- or auġaŋasi- (i) to become aułłak- to melt quickly (of snow) |
bent with age » “uvaaŋaruaq -łłak- vv
qiruk; auġaŋauraqtuq qiruk; auma- (i) to be thawed | +ma-1vv
tavra uvaaŋauraqtuq” aumaraq2 something not frozen,
(Matumeak 2009) [the wood is thawed | +ma-1 vv +t/raq vn
bent; it is slightly bent with age; aumayyaaq(-) something not yet
that is, it is bending slightly] | frozen (as freshly killed game); (i)
+ġak- rv or -ġak- rv ±ŋa- vv to be partially thawed (of meat) |
+sI-1 vv +ma-1 vv +yyaaq vn
auk- (t) to melt, thaw » auniq rotten area; rotten ice |
auktuulalgitkaatigut (the snow +niQ1 vn
in) our area sure melted fast; auniq- (i) to melt thus becoming
“apqusaaġnaiġuuruq auŋmagu unsafe (of ice or snow); (i) to rot
siku” (Aiken 2009) [when the ice or decay | +nIq-2 vv
rots it no longer supports traffic] | aunniq or aupkaġniq rotten ice » |
‘-k-2 vv ‘+nnIQ1 vn +pkaq-2vv +niQ1 vn
auksalaq or auksałłak rapidly auŋa- (i) to be rotten (of fruit,
melting snow | ‘-k-2 vv +saq-2 vv vegetable, wood or teeth) | ±ŋa- vv
-laq nn or ‘-k-2 vv +saq-2 vv auŋaraq something rotten » auŋarat
-łłak vn qanniatka siiġnat tikitchuat the
auksaq- to begin to melt | ‘-k-2 vv fruit I ordered online arrived
+saq-2vv rotten | ±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn
auksiq- or auksiaq- (i) to warm aupkaġniq (Ti) melted hole on the ice
oneself by the fire, stove; (t) to | +pkaq-2 vv +niQ1 vn
warm or thaw it | ‘-k-2 vv +sIq-1vv aupkaq- (i) to melt through leaving a
or +sIq-1vv +aq-1vv hole (of ice) | +pkaq-2 vv
auktuuġun hot water bottle, hot pad » auralliq summer skin of caribou or
unnuaq auktuuġutim any other fur-bearing land animal
tuttaamniittuam » “uqummatiksraqtut
tupaktipalukkaa the hot water auralliñik” (Matumeak 2009)
bottle in my bed last night sure [they acquired bedding of summer
startled me | ‘-k-2 vv +tuq-2 vv caribou skins] | +raq vn +llIQ nn §
.-q-1 vv :un1 vn upinġallIQ
auktuun heating pad; warm poultice; auraq (Nu) summer | +raq vn §
a device for thawing an engine or upinġaaq

auri- (Nu) (i) to spend the summer | allowed her/him to be given a
+raq vn =I-3 nv blood transfusion last night |
aurivigiññaq place only inhabited =rrIq-2 nv || =rrIq-2 nv +sI-3 vv §
during the summertime | +vIk1 vn auliqsuq-
-iññaq nn arriqi- (i) to bleed from the mouth |
aurivik summer place | +vIk1 vn =rIqi-1 nv
auruq fermented fish | +ruq vn arriqsinniq blood bruise (an
autchii- (i) to allow meat to age, cure; ecchymosis); animal skin with
(t) to allow it =meat to age, cure | blood stains | ‘=rrIq-2 nv mtit-1 vv
+[t]sIq- vv -I-6 vv +niQ1 vn
autchiivik place or container in which arriqsit- (i) to bruise; (t) to give
food cures or ferments | +[t]sIq- vv her/him a bruise; (t) to kill an
-I-6 vv +vIk1 vn animal in such a way that it is
autchirriq- (t) to apply a soap soaked through with blood |
poultice on it =boil, pus-filled =rrIq-2 nv mtit-1 vv
abscess on skin | +[t]sIq- vv arriuq- to mix blood with water to
±aq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv § iñua, ayuaq make broth (for her/him/it) |
auyuilaq something that does not =rriuq-1 nv
melt or rot; year-round glacier | augavik blood vessel | +[ġ]aq nv
-yuilaq vn -vIk3 nn § taqak
augiaq(-) clotted blood; (i) to have
augaŋa- (i) to be leaning at a sharp angle | blood clots, e.g., of meat | +iaq2 vn
±ŋa- vv augiqsaq animal carcass, often seal,
augaŋaruaq ice thrust up at an angle | with blood removed | :Iq-2 nv
±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn +t/raq vn
auguaq- (i) to get blood on oneself;
auġniq or auġnaaq draft of cold air (t) to get her/him/it bloody |
entering house through a crack perhaps +ġuaq- nv
under a door or through an open auguaqtaq- or auguqtaq- (i) to
window; cold breeze of fresh air < become covered in blood; (t) to
auq- get blood on her/him/it | perhaps
+ġuaq- nv +t/raq-1 vn
auġniq- (i) for cold air, as mist, to enter augulaaq(-) something with blood
house through an open crack in a on it; (i) to have blood on its
door, window, etc. < auq- surface » augulaamik
aitchuġaluaqtaani he gave me
auk(-)1 [aruk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to one with blood stains on it,
have a nosebleed but....| -ulaaq(-) nn,nv
arri- (i) to collect blood (donations); aukkun blood vessel | ‘=un1 vn §
(i) to collect animal blood for dog augavik, taqak
food broth; (i) to make broth from ¤auksinġaq (Ti) sealskin dyed with
blood | ‘=I-1 nv red alder | +sIq-2 vv -nġaq vn §
arriq- (i) to receive a blood ivisaaq(-)
transfusion; (t) to give her/him/it a ¤auksinġi- (Ti) to dye sealskin red
blood transfusion @ arriqsi- » with alder | +sIq-2 vv -nġaq vn
arriqsittaqput unnuaq we ‘=I-1 nv § ivisaaq(-)

auktaq mole, birthmark (Congenital aularruġik- (i) to be nimble, agile,
dermal melanocytosis/Dermal dexterous | -la- rv -rruġIk- vv
melanocytosis) | +t/raq vn Aulasuilaq or Uvluġiasugruk (from
auktit- (i) to have a nosebleed; (t) to Pete Sovalik of Barrow, Alaska)
give her/him a nosebleed | mtit-1 vv North Star, or Polaris in
aunaaq- or aunaaqsruq- (i) to bleed, constellation Ursa Minor »
to menstruate | -naaq-vv or “uvlukkaluami naakka
-naaq-vv mqsruq-2vv unnuakkaluami kiavaluktuam
auksaaqi- or auksaaqtiqi- or qitqani aulasuitchuq taamna
auvsaaqtiqi- (i) for one to move uvluġiaq” (Aiken 2009) [during
around to stimulate blood flow » the day as well as during the night
“auksaaqtiqiraqtut uvlupak, this star does not move from the
kiavalukhutiŋ, iniriŋ taamna center of revolution] | -suilaq- vn
apuyyaġviksiŋ kaivalukługu” or +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn
(Nageak 1975: 19) [they would -sugruk(-) nn
stimulate their blood flow all day aulat- (t) to be in charge of it; to make
circling their snowhouse to stay it move, to move her/him/it
warm] | ‘-k-2 vv +saq-2vv .-q-1vv around @ aulatchi- » niqit
-qi- vv or ‘-k-2 vv +saq-2vv .-q-1vv aulatkisigitin pamallugu
mtiq- vv -qi- vv
uiksrautin isumaktun you be in
charge of the food providing your
aukviiññaq completely covered in
future husband with food as you
blood |
wish | +t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
aulatauraq or aulataq (Ti) flag »
auk2 (Ti) (excl.) I’m tired! » “auk! arii!
”igluan qaaŋanun
iñiqtuqtuŋa” (S. Tuzroyluke
aulatauraliġuumaruat iñuk
2009) [I’m tired! it hurts! I am
tuqumman iŋilġaan”
weary] § hauk
(Kinneeveauk, 2008) [long ago
when a person died they used to
auksruaq Red Phalarope (Phalaropus
put a small flag on top of his
house] | +t/raq vn :uraq nn §
aula- (i) to move about, show movement,
aulaya- (i) to be loose, easily moved,
be in motion
not firm | +ya- vv
aulaaq (Ti) someone who travels
aulayaiq- (i) to become still,
secretly, e.g., a fugitive or
motionless; (i) to be sturdy,
criminal, someone looking for an
secure; (t) to cause it to become
enemy | ±aq1 vn § qimmaq,
sturdy, secure | +ya-1 vv :Iq-2 vv
immiññauraq aulayaiqsima- (i) to be steadfast,
aulaat (Ti) war party, a hostile group emotionally strong during times of
which ambushes a village | ±aq1 crisis; (t) to hold it steady, keep it
vn -t nn from moving » aulayaiqsimaruq
aulalait- (i) to be paralyzed, immobile siġġaġnaqtuamun ilikami he
| -lait- vv remains strong while going
aulaniq moving lead ice (Kisautaq: through a difficult time | +ya-1 vv
649) | +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 vv +sima-2 vv

aulayait- (i) to be immobile, taut, spirits of the charms associated
rigid, secure » piqtat with Aullaqtitchirut ‘-q-1 vv
aulayaitkutai the supports for the mtit- vv +tchI- vv
house wall planks | +ya- vv :It-1 vv Aullaqtitchirut (Ti) “the last day of
aulayyak- (i) to begin to move; to ‘the sitting’ was aula titcigut
become free; (t) to budge, move, (calling day and killing day).
free her/him/it | +yyak- vv …singers successively called out
aulayyauti- (t) to begin childbirth | the name of each umelik in that
+yyak- vv :uti- vv qalegi”… and the killing of the
aulayyiq- (i) to become loose; (t) to pogoks and the qologogoloqs
make it loose | +yyak- vv =Iq-1 vv followed the calling of the
aullaaq- (i) to go out camping, names.”(Rainey: 252) » “tatqiq
hunting, trapping, to stay away imigluktinman
from village | ‘-q-1 vv -aq-1 vv aullaqtitchisuurut” (S.
aullaġnii- to begin (it) | ‘-q-1 vv Tuzroyluke 2009) [they usually
+nii- vv § sakkiq-, isaguti- do the releasing (of the charms)
aullai- to have (her/him/it =dogs, when the moon is full] | ‘-q-1 vv
snowmobile, gun, prisoner, etc.) 1
mtit- vv +tchI- vv -t vn §
go off, get out of one’s control; (t) uiŋuraq(-)
to accidently fire it =a gun; (t) to Aullaqtuġvik month of January »
have them =dogs run away; (t) to “IV. [1853] Dec 30, Au-lak’-to-
lose control of it » win, departing (to hunt the
nukatpiaġruum aullaigai reindeer.” (Simpson: 261)
qimmiñi the boy let his dogs get aullarri [aullarrI] chair; leader,
away from him » aŋun aullairuq headman, chief, master | ‘ti- vv
suppunmiñik the man accidently mt/ri vn
let his gun go off | ‘-q-1 vv -I-5 vv
aullasiat uqaluit grammar | ‘ti vn
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart;
+Iq nn :at (poss. 3p-s)
(i) to start (of engine) | ‘-q-1 vv
aullasiq instinct, unconscious habit |
aullaqi- (i) to begin, start; (t) to begin
perhaps ‘n1 vn ~Iq nn
to work on it | -qi- vv
aullati- (t) to lead her/him @
aullaqisaaq(-) beginning; the start;
aullarri- | ‘ti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
introduction of a paper; to begin
aullau- (i) to leave home or any place
(it) | -qi- vv -saaq(-) nn, vn
without intention of returning »
aullaqsruq- (Nu) (i) to go out picking
aullauŋamaruaq iġñiŋa his son
berries, greens | ‘-q-1 vv
2 had left home | ‘-Q vn :u-2 nv
mqsruq- vv § asiaġiaq-
aullaurrau- (i) to be taken away |
aullaqtit- (t) to release it =animal; (t) ‘-q-1 vv :uti- vv +raq1 rn :u-2 nv
to start it, turn it =a machine on aullauti- (t) to leave with her/him/it;
@ aullaqtitchi- | ‘-q-1 vv mtit-1 vv (t) to take him/her out hunting,
|| +sI-3 vv camping, on a trip @ aullaurri- |
aullaqtitaun rope starter for outboard ‘-q-1 vv :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
motor or snowmachine; starter, as aullayaaq trail, path » napaaqtut
on a car or boat engine | ‘-q-1 vv iluatigun aullayaaqaqtuq there
1 1
mtit- vv :un vn is a path through the trees |
aullaqtitchi- (Ti) (i) to release the ‘- q-1 vv +yaaq2 vn

aummisi- (Nu) (i) to put on a blanket,
*aula (root) incompleteness, not whole cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to
aulailaq whole, complete or entire cover her/him/it with a blanket |
thing, not broken or cut up in -mmI-6 vv ‘-ti(-)1 vn, nv
pieces | :ilaq(-) § suġailaq aummitchi- or aummisili- (Nu) to
aulait- (i) to be whole, uncut | :It-1 nv make a blanket (for her/him/it) |
-mmI-6 vv ‘n1 vn ‘=I- nv or
aulasaq- (i) to jig for fish; (t) to let it perhaps -mmI-6 vv ‘n1 -lI-1 nv
=fish go free accidently by jigging aummitchiuq- (Ti) (i) to fix, arrange
the fishing stick » aulasaġaa bedding | -mmI-6 vv ‘n1 vn
niksiksaksrakkaluani iqaluk he ‘=iuq-2 nv
lost the fish which he could have
caught by loosening his line while auna (dem. adv. via.) via over there,
jigging | msaq-3 vv § perhaps aula- across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
aulasaun stick used to “jig” the body of water (extended and
fishing line; jigging stick » visible); via northside of Tikiġaq <
aulasaun savakkaa he is °ag (dem. stem)
manipulating the fishing pole |
msaq- vv :un vn
1 aunaaq- or aunaaqsruq- to bleed
< auk(-)
auma- (i) to be thawed < au-
auniq rotten area of something < au-
auma(-) ember, live coal; red gemstone;
(i) to smolder (of coal or wood) | auniq- to melt, become unsafe (of ice); to
perhaps +ma rn become rotten (of object) < au-
aumali- (i) to become red-hot (of
wood, coal, etc.) | -lI-2 nv aunniq rotten ice < au-
aumaliq (Ti) charred wood | -liQ vn
aumaraq1 charred wood, charcoal | aunniuq- to get to know and become
+raq vn comfortable with (her/him) |
aumaqun moss insulation (of sod perhaps‘=iuq-2 nv
house) | +qun vn
auŋa (dem. adv. term.) to over there,
aumaraq something not frozen, thawed across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
< au- body of water; to the other states
in the continental United States, to
aumayyaaq(-) something partially frozen Europe (extended and visible <
< au- °ag (dem. stem)

aumisuktit type of backpack (Kisautaq: auŋa- to be rotten < au-

auŋanmun towards over there, across,
aummisit (Ti) bedding; (Nu) caribou-skin e.g., a river, a street, or a body of
blanket | -mmI-6 vv ‘ti1 vn -t nn § water (extended and visible) < °ag
uqummatit (dem. stem)

auŋaq- (i) to go to the other side, go aurivigiññaq place only inhabited during
across a body of water; to go to the summertime < au-
the other states in the continental
United States or to Europe < °ag aurivik summer place < au-
(dem. stem)
auruq fermented fish < au-
auŋaraq something rotten < au-
aurviq black creeping bug, about one
auŋatchiq to the other side < °ag (dem. inch long, a hairy caterpillar »
stem) aurviit muayugnapiallaktut
caterpillars are really creepy |
aupkaġniq melted hole on ice < au- +vIQ n

aupkaq- to melt through, leaving a hole autaaq- to divide (it) into shares; to deal
(of ice) < au- (them =playing cards)
autaaġniq division and distribution of
auq- (i) to stalk an animal on ice by shares (usually meat from a catch
crawling of a whale or other animals
auġniq or auġnaaq draft of cold air amongst hunting partners);
entering house through a crack division (in mathematics) |
under a door or window; cold +niQ1 vn
breeze of fresh air » “tavra ini autaaġun dividend | +un1 vn
iglumi uunaqsivaiñman naagga autaaġusiaq share received during a
auġnaaqaġuliqamik distribution; by extension a
salumaruamik dividend check received (from a
paġġutchiġuugaat paam corporation) | :usiaq vn § niŋiq(-)
saniġaanun” (Kaveolook 1975a: autaaġutiqaqtuaq shareholder |
12) [then when a room in the :un1 vn -qaq- nv +t/ruaq nn
house gets too hot or when they
want cool fresh air they place a autchii- (i) to allow meat to age, cure; (t)
cleaned whale scapula to the side to allow it =meat to age, cure <
of the entry to serve as a au-
windbreak] | +niQ1 vn or
+naaq(-)2 vn autchiivik place, container in which food
auġniq- (i) for cold air, as mist, to cures or ferments < au-
enter house through an open crack
in a door, window, etc.| +nIq-2 vv autchirriq- (t) to put a soap poultice on it
=boil, pus-filled abscess on skin <
auralliq summer skin of caribou or any au-
other fur-bearing land animal
< au- ¤autkaq- to walk while swinging the
arms § avałłaaq-, ivalik-, ivałłuaq-
auraq summer < au-
auyuilaq something that does not melt or
auri- (Nu) (i) to spend the summer < au- rot; year-round glacier < au-

auvsaaqtiqi- or auksaaqtiqi- or aptumuuna2 or avsrumuuna2 or
auksaaqi- (i) for one to move avrumuuna2 [dual apkugnuuna,
around to stimulate blood flow < pl. apkunuuna] via that way over
auk(-)1 there; with that one over there
(extended and visible) | +tum
°av1 (dem. stem) over there (extended and (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna
visible) § °Ik- (dem. stem), °ag (dem. via.)
(dem. stem) avani located over there (extended
amna2 [dual apkuak, pl. apkua] that and visible); “westward, or along
one over there (extended and the coast towards Icy Cape or
visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron. sg. Point Hope” (Simpson: 261) | +anI
mkr.) (dem. loc.)
aptuma2 or avsruma2 or avruma2 avaniit- (i) to be located over there
[dual apkuak, pl. apkua] that one (extended and visible) | +anI (dem.
over there (extended and visible) | loc.) it- “to be”
+tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) avaniqpani located further over there
aptumani2 or avsrumani2 or (extended and visible) | +anI (dem.
avrumani2 [dual apkugnagni, pl. loc.) +qpa nn +anI (dem. loc.)
apkunani] located with that one avaŋŋa from over there (extended
over there (extended and visible) | and visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
+tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) avaŋŋamiñ from that direction over
+anI (dem. loc.) there (extended and visible); (Ti)
aptumaŋŋa2 or avsrumaŋŋa2 or from Kotzebue, Alaska
avrumaŋŋa2 [dual apkugnaŋŋa, (perspective of Point Hope,
pl. apkunaŋŋa] from that one over Alaska) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ
there (extended and visible) | +tum (abl.)
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa avaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over there
(dem. abl.) (extended and visible) | +aŋŋa
aptumatun2 or avsrumatun2 or (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
avrumatun2 [dual apkugnaktun, avva over there (extended and
pl. apkunatitun] similar to that one visible) | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
over there (extended and visible) | avva avani located to the west § see
+tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) Appendix 3
+atun (dem. sim.) avuŋa to over there (extended and
aptumiŋa2 or avsrumiŋa2 or visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
avrumiŋa2 [dual apkugniŋa, pl. avuŋanmun towards over there
apkuniŋa] that one over there (extended and visible) | +uŋa
(extended and visible) | +tum (dem. term.) +nmun (term.)
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa avuŋaq- (i) to go over there (extended
(dem. mod.) and visible); (t) to put or place it
aptumuŋa2 or avsrumuŋa2 or over there (extended and visible)
avrumuŋa2 [dual apkugnuŋa, pl. avuŋaġiñ go away| +uŋa (dem.
apkunuŋa] to that one over there term.) +q-3 dv
(extended and visible) | +tum avuŋaqpaaġruk (to) way over there
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (extended and visible) | +uŋa
(dem. term.) (dem. term.) –qpaaġruk(-) nn

avuuna via, through over there around it; (t) for a ring to form
(extended and visible) | +uuna around it =sun | +lu(q) rn § see
(dem. via.) Appendix 22
avuunnaaq- (i) to travel via, through avaluġun halo, ring around sun or
over there (extended and visible) | moon which occurs during severe
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.aq-3 dv cold weather; parhelion or mock
sun dog | +lu(q) nn -ġun nn
*av2 (root) interval or distance between avaluksrat lumber for framing |
one’s feet +lu(q) rn +ksraq(-) nn -t nn
¤avlaak distance between one’s feet avałłaaq- (i) to walk, swinging the
when spread out arms; (t) to swing them =arms as
avlaak- (i) to spread one’s legs; (t) to one walks | perhaps +laak- vv
spread one’s legs over her/him/it | avałłuaġniq wake, track of water
+laak- rv created by a boat »
avluq- (i) to take a step; (t) to step “umiaqtuqtuni qailli ġuqtiġman
over her/him/it |+luq-2 rv tamanna taavuŋa
avluġaatchiaq(-) broad-jump; (i) to avałłuaġniqaġuuruq umiaq”
do the broad-jump |+luq-2 rv [when one is boating and the seas
+aq-1 vv -atchiaq-3 vn suddenly become rough, a wake
avluġaq- (i) to take steps repeatedly, develops along the length of the
to walk |+luq-2 rv +aq-1 vv boat] (Aiken 2009) | perhaps
-łuk1 nn -aq2 nn +niQ1 vn
°ava (stem) periphery, vicinity avałłuaŋa-to be parallel to »
avala- (i) to move one’s arms and legs “akłunaaliqługu umiaq
around | -la- rv ukamaqługu nuna
avallaq- to be further and further out, avałłuaŋauraaġuugaa” [as the
until it is out of sight » “avallaġaa boat is being towed by rope it
siku; avasiksiruaq ayuuq- traverses parallel to the land]
siiññaqtuaq” [the ice is drifting (Aiken 2009) | perhaps -łuk1 nn
out to sea; it is drifting out of -aq2 nn ±ŋa- vv
sight; it is getting further and avałłuaq- (i) to walk with arms
further out] (Aiken 2009) | -la- rv swinging | perhaps -łuk1 nn
‘-k-2 vv ‘-aq-4 vv
avalliq one farthest to the side | avałuaq (Nu) wave formed on each
+llIQ nn side of bow of ship as it moves
avalluaġniq wake of a boat; ripple through the water | perhaps
created by a rock dropped in water -łuk1 nn -aq1 nn
| +t-3 rv -luaq-1 vv +niQ1 vn avan or avati appendage, extremity;
avalu(-) edge; rim; border; ring border; surrounding area | -ti4 rn
around the sun or moon; wind avanmuk- (i) to part from one
shelter for tent; cribbing of another and go in different
entrance door, wood frame; (i) to directions; (t) to take them in
be bordered, fenced in (this refers different directions | +t-2 rv ÷mun
only to the moment of completion (term.) -k-3 vv
of border or fence); (t) to fence avanmulik double-bladed axe, knife |
her/him/it in, to put a border +t-2 rv ÷mun (term.) -lik nn

avanmun reciprocal, reciprocity; to tautugnaiġutimman” [the ice is
each other | +t-2 rv ÷mun (term.) far away barely visible when it
avarraq fluke of whale; single ray of distances itself from the shore;
fish’s caudal tail » “aŋuutiŋitkii when the water level rises, when
tamarra; avarraliqisuummiut the ice is barely visible] (Aiken
aġviġum aqikkaagnik; 2009) | ~sIk-1 rv
aŋuutiqaqtut iluqaġmik” [they avasit- to be in the distance away
are their rudders; they also refer to from the point of reference, barely
the flukes of the whale as the visible » avasitkaa siku the pack
rudders; they all have rudders] ice is out | +sit-vv
(Aiken 2009) | +rraQ vn avat- (t) to surround her/him/it; (t) to
avarraullaktuaq large ice floe which besiege it @ avatchi- » iniqpak
breaks off from shore-fast ice and avanŋagaat aŋuyaktiŋisa the
begins to move in a circular city was besieged by his army |
motion (Kisautaq: 649) | perhaps +t-2 rv || +sI-3 vv
‘-aq-2 nv :u-2 vv -llak-1 vv avataayyuniq a whale that has
+t/ruaq vn died and sunk to the ocean
avarriqi- (i) to divide up the whale bottom; after three to four days,
flukes and distribute them as gifts the bloated carcass rises to the
in a whaling ceremony | +rraQ vn surface and may be harvested
‘=Iqi-1 nv (rotten meat, but good blubber
Avarriqirut (Ti) second day of and maktak) | perhaps -uniQ n
whaling festival (Nalukataq) when avataligauraq or avatalik (Ti) Snow
the whale flukes are divided and Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) §
distributed as gifts usually amaułłigaaluk
accompanied by large servings of avataŋa- (i) to wait for a bowhead
fermented whale meat » whale to surface after striking
Uŋasiksikaat with a whaling harpoon and
avarriqiqqaaġuurut aasii attaching a buoy to it | ±ŋa- vv
naatchimmata avarriqivlutik avataŋia- (Ti) (i) to be all around,
Qagmaqtuut the members of the surrounding something | perhaps
Uŋasiksikaat (the whaling -ŋia- vv
association Uŋasiksikaat) avataq or avataqpak sealskin poke, a
celebrate the second day of the container; sealskin float; float,
whaling festival first, then after buoy | +t-3 rv +t/raq vn §
they are finished the members of kanasiġaq
the Qagmaqtuut (the whaling
association Qagmaqtuut) begin
their celebration (Kineeveauk
2008) | +rraQ vn ‘=Iqi-1 nv +vIk1
vn § Qakirut, QagruġvIk
avasik- (i) to be far away from where
one is, barely visible » Avataqpaksriuġvik [lit. “time for
“avasiksigaa siku making the sealskin floats used in
uŋasiksiuraaġman; siñaaniñ the whale hunt”] (Ti) month of
imavagmagu, siku February (Rainey: 257)

avataqsiaq- (Ti) (i) to sing a whaling avaaġnik- (i) to cause someone to
charm song while waiting for a lose consciousness | +nik-2 vv
whale to surface | perhaps avaaġrak- (i) to fall, hitting the back
+[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv of one’s head and becoming
avataqsiun (Ti) a whaling partially unconscious; (t) to make
harpooner’s song meant to hold her/him/it partially unconscious
the harpoon fast in the whale by hitting her/him/it on the head |
[“avituksiun” a song to hold a +rak- vv
harpoon fast in a whale” (Rainey:
248)] | +[t]sIq- vv :un1 vn § avaatchi tree fungus burned as mosquito
avataqpak repellent
avatiġun (Ti) or avasiġun ring avaatchiqiq (Nu) bracket fungus
around the sun » “siqiñiq tainna (Ganoderma applanatum)
avasiġusiġñivlugu pisuugaat” *avaq (root) reappearance
[they say that the sun gets a avaġniq time it takes to go from point
circular ring around it] (Aiken of disappearance to point of
2009) | -ti4 rn -ġun nn § kiavġun re-emergence; reappearance of a
avati bottom section or trim (of person who has been absent for a
parka) » “avatiġutaa tamarra while | +niQ1 rn
akuŋa atigim” [the trim on the avaġniq- (i) to reappear after an
bottom of the parka is the skirt of absence, re-emerge | +nIq-2 vv
the parka] (Aiken 2009) | -ti4 rn
-k2 nn § siñi *avI (root) resonance
aviluaqpatit- (i) to make a loud clang
*ava (root) yelling (of metal) (Hugo 2009)
avaala- (i) to scream | -ala- rv aviluġaq- (i) to make a clanging or
avaalaayuuq one who is always metallic sound; ¤(Nu) (i) to ring,
making irritating noises | -ala- rv (of a bell); (t) to let it =bell ring »
+ayuuq vn “ukkusigauraqpatitaqtuaq
avaalatchi- (t) to cause her/him to nipattuaq” [it’s the sound of
yell, holler, scream » something making a clanging or
avaalatchiŋaiġuŋ stop making metallic sound] (Aiken 2009)
him scream | +tchI- vv |+luq-2 rv -aq-1 vv
avaallaqłuk- (i) to yell out or shout aviluq- (i) to be resonant |+luq-2 rv
out | -la- rv +qłuk(-) nn, vv aviluqtit- (t) to cause it to resonate
avaallaqłuktaq- (i) to yell out |+luq-2 rv mtit-1 vv
repeatedly » aŋun aviluqtaq- (i) to resonate repeatedly;
avaallaqłuktaqtuq (i) to ring (of bell, caused by other
ikayuqtiqaġukhuni the man is than pulling on bell rope) |
crying out for help | -la- rv +t/raq-1 vv
+qłuk(-) nn, vv +t/raq-1 vv aviluqtitaq- (t) to cause it to resonate
repeatedly @ aviluqtitai- | +luq-2
avaaq- (i) to knock oneself unconscious; rv mtitaq- vv || :I-4vv
(t) to knock her/him/it aviluqtaun rattle, bell |+luq-2 rv
unconscious +t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn

avilutit- (i) to hit or land on aviuvik a goal, as in soccer | -u-2 rv
something resonant making a loud +vIk1 vn § qasak-, qasala-
resounding noise; (t) to cause it to
make a loud resounding noise » avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two;
sunakiaq avilutitpa I wonder (t) to divide it in half, in two
what made a resounding noise pieces
|+luq-2 rv mtit-1 vv avgun border, boundary on map;
aviu- (i) to utter a long, loud cry, to chapter | :un1 vn
shout, to raise a cheer (as when avguġvik or avguivik cutting board |
sighting a ship, airplane); (i) to :uq-2 vv +vIk1 vn or :uq-2 vv :I-4 vv
ring (of ears); (t) to cheer her/him +vIk1 vn
for scoring a goal during a football avguq- (t) to slice or cut it up @
or soccer game; (t) to holler to avgui- | :uq-2 vv || :I-4 v v
her/him (for example, to annouce avguun implement used to cut things
dangerous ice conditions to up, like frozen meat | :uq-2 vv
hunters on ice) » aviuvlugiyguuq :un1 vn
qaugagnik kataktitchiŋaruq it is aviksi- to cut a piece off (for
said that she has brought down her/him/it) | +sI-2 vv
some ducks by shrieking at them | aviktaq a piece that has been cut from
-u-2 rv § qasak-, qasala- something | +t/raq vn
aviuliq- (i) to cry out long and loud; aviŋaaq- or avigaaq- (i) to be
to whistle (to her/him/it) | undecided, unable to choose »
-u-2 rv +lIq-3 vv “nallianmun pisausiiqtuaq
aviumik- (i) to call out, yell, avigaaŋaruq” [the one that is not
repeatedly | -u-2 rv +mIk- vv able to decide is the one torn
aviuraġaġvik the goal, as in soccer | between choices] (Aiken 2009) |
-u-2 rv +raġaq- vv +vIk1 vn ±ŋaaq- vv
aviuri- (Ti) (i) yell a loud “hi-hii” avvaku(-) leftover, remainder; to
(when someone on the team wins leave half behind as a remainder
for the team; when game is (for her/him/it) | avvakugaa uiñi
caught, usually a man calling his maktagmik maktaktuquvluguli
wife down to ice when a bearded she left half of the maktak so her
seal has been caught; or when an husband could have some maktak
airplane or a ship is seen or | ‘-Q vn -ku(-) nv
heard) | -u-2 rv perhaps +rI-2 § avvannak- (i) to receive half of
paaq- something | ‘-Q vn +nnak- nv
aviuqtaq- (i) to emit a long, piercing avvaq half of something | ‘-Q vn
sound (of bearded seal feeding at
bottom of ocean) » “They aviluqtuq or aviluqtaq Surf Scoter
[bearded seal] make noise when (Melanitta perspicillata) §
they are feeding on the bottom [ of ailuqtuq, tuunġaaġruk, aviluqtuq
the ocean] and they call it
aviuqtaqtuaq.” (Bodfish: 42) | aviŋŋaq or (Ti) (PB) aviñŋaq [aviŋŋaQ]
-u-2 rv +q-2 vv +t/raq-1 vv or aviñŋauraq lemming (Lemmus
+t/ruaq vn trimucronatus ( =L. sibiricus));
northern red-backed vole

(Clethrionomys rutilus); northern avraq small tumor; large pimple; wartlike
vole (Microtus oeconomus) and growth; birthmark; something that
(Microtus miurus) snow has covered | perhaps ~raq
aviŋŋaqpak rat | +qpak(-) nn vn § auktaq, unŋuq
avraqtuq- (i) to develop a tumor or
aviŋŋaurayuuq (Nu) an insect with a growth | +tuq-3 nv
long snout; snout beetle
(Coleoptera: curulionidae) avrat (Ti) bedding § tuttaat, uqummatit

avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a avriaq- (i) to be in the way, an obstacle;
divorce; (t) to separate themd, who (t) to be in her/his way »
are fighting; to divorce her/him aŋutaiyaam aapiyani avriaġaa
avilait- (i) to be inseparable (of savagniluktuaq the little boy is in
themd); (t) to be with her/him/it all the way of his older brother who
of the time | -lait- vv was trying to work
avilaitqan friend | -lait- vv ±qan1 vn avrialutaq(-) obstacle, hindrance; to
+[g]i- nv be a hindrance to her/him/it |
avilaitqatigi- (t) to be her/his/its +lutaq(-) vn
friend » avilaitqatiginiaġniraa
aġnam the woman said that she avsak- (i) to make noise falling »
would be his friend | -lait- vv sunakiaq kataktuaq avsaktuq
±qan1 vn tunnami whatever fell made noise
avinnaaq yearling bear, old enough to when it landed | perhaps
be separated from its mother; +sak- rv,vv
opening in crotch of a child’s avsaluk- (i) to be noisy, to make a
training pants | +naaq vn racket » iñuum avsalukłuni
avitit- (t) to grant themd a divorce | itiqtitkaa aġnaq someone is
mtit- vv noisy and woke the woman up |
-luk- vv
avlaak- (i) to spread ones legs; (t) to avsaluktaq- (i) to make a racket, a
spread one’s legs over or around loud noise repeatedly | -luk- vv
her/him/it < °av2 +t/raq-1 vv
avsatit- to make sudden, loud noise |
avluġaatchiaq(-) broad-jump; (i) to do -tit-2 vv
the broad-jump < °av2
avsruma or avruma or aptuma [dual
avluġaq- (i) to take steps repeatedly < apkuak, pl. apkua] that one over
°av2 there (not visible) < °am

avluq- (i) to take a step; (t) to step over avsrumani or avrumani or aptumani
her/him/it < °av2 [dual apkuŋnaŋni, pl. apkunani]
located with that one over there
avrait- (Ti) (i) to be vacant, have no (not visible) < °am
furniture (of room) | :It-1 rv
avsrumaŋŋa or avrumaŋŋa or

aptumaŋŋa [dual apkuŋnaŋŋa, pl. avuuq- (t) to season, add spices, or
apkunaŋŋa] from that one over any other ingredients to it »
there (not visible) < °am aġnam avuuġaa igaani
supayaanik the woman is putting
avsrumatun or avrumatun or everything into her cooking;
aptumatun [dual apkuŋnaktun, avuuqługu ilisaġnaiġaa she
pl. apkunatitun] like that one over added so many other ingredients
there (not visible) < °am to whatever she is making that it is
unrecognizable | -uq2 vv
avsrumiŋa or avrumiŋa or aptumiŋa
[dual apkuŋniŋa, pl. apkuniŋa] avuŋa (dem. adv. term.) to over there
with that one over there (not (extended and visible)
visible) < °am < °av1

avsrumuŋa or avrumuŋa or aptumuŋa avuŋanmun towards over there (extended

[dual apkuŋnuŋa, pl. apkunuŋa] to and visible) < °av1 (dem. stem)
that one over there (not visible)
< °am avuŋaq- (i) to go over there (extended
and visible); (t) to put or place it
avsrumuuna or avrumuuna or over there (extended and visible)
aptumuuna [dual apkuŋnuuna, < °av1
pl. apkunuuna] via that one; with
that one over there (not visible) avuŋaqpaaġruk way over there
< °am (extended and visible)
< °av1
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add
sugar to something one is eating avutqak- (t) to criticize or scold
or drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to her/him/it constructively @
add an ingredient to it » nauŋ avutqai- » aŋun avutqairuq
imña avu where is the sugar ; miqłiqtumiñik the man is giving
ikka qiqiruaqaġvium qaaŋani his children constructive criticism
there it is on top of the freezer || :I-4 vv
avulik anything containing sugar; gas
mixed with oil | -lik nn avuuna (dem. adv. via.) via, through, by
avusuk- (i) to crave a change of diet way of over there (extended and
(of a pregnant woman) | visible) < °av1 (dem. stem)
+[s]uk-3 vv
avuqaġvik sugar bowl » avuqaġvik avuunnaaq- via, through, by way of over
kataiñagu, navikpiaqtuq don’t there (extended and visible)
drop the sugar bowl; it might < °av1
break | -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
avuuġun ingredient, spice » avva (dem. adv) over there (extended and
avuuġutiliŋaviuŋ suulian have visible) < °av1
you added spices to the soup you
are making | -uq-2 vv :un1 vn avva avani located to the west < °av1

avvaku(-) half of something left as ayaaqsaaġun (Nu) cross-rib in deck
remainder; to leave half behind as of kayak | +saaq(-) vv :un1 vn §
a remainder (for her/him/it) masik, iglaaq, see Appendix 17
< avik- ayaaqtinniq ice trapped in a narrow
part of a flowing river or lead in
avvannak- (i) to receive half of sea ice | mtit-1 rv +niQ1 vn
something | ‘-Q vn +nnak- nv
< avik- ¤ayaayak older sister | -yak nn§ aatauraq,
aakatchiaq, aakiaq
avvaq half of something | ‘-Q vn < avik-
ayagaq first neck vertebra of caribou; toy
avvasaaq (Ti) distant relative or friend | made with first neck vertebra of
perhaps -saaq nn § avilaitqan, caribou
sulliññauraq ayagaaq(-) game played with a toy
made from neck bone of caribou
avyuq(-) cloud of dust, smoke, mist, where the bone is attached with a
steam; hot humid weather (after a string to a short stick (the object of
rain storm) (i) to smoke, steam; (i) the game is to swing the stick up,
be dusty (of air) | +yuq n § apyuq- attempting to catch the vertebra
avyuala- (i) to swirl and rise (of on the point of the stick through
smoke, dust, steam) | -ala-vv the foramen); (i) to play the game
avyuġruaq ice fog » paŋmapak of ayagaaq; to play with an
Utqiaġvik avyuġruaġuusiŋaruq ayagaq » “natchium taliġuata
qamutaukkaqsiŋavluni sauniŋa putuuraqaqtuaq
nowadays ice fog occurs in qiruuramik naluatchaqługu
Barrow because the number of putuuraŋa; akłunauramik
vehicles has increased | +yuq n pituummiruaq sauniq
+ġruaq nn qiruŋmik; atausiaġlugu
pikpauŋ unuŋaqsaqtuam
¤ayaagit- (i) to be undecided, to desire natchiġñiaqtuq” [(the object of
something but being unable to the game is) to attempt to catch a
obtain it; (i) to draw back from seal foreflipper bone through its
accomplishing an action; (i) to fail foramen with a small stick; the
to accomplish something by bone is attached to the stick by a
neglecting to do part of it » string; when a person catches the
attaqsiyyaqtuaq ayaagiłłuni bone in the first attempt it
apiqsriŋilla ktuq the one who signifies that he will catch a seal]
came to ask to use something did (Aiken 2009) | -aq2 nn -q-2 nv §
not ask because he could not kakisuġaaq(-)
decide to do it
ayaġaaq(-) string used when telling
*ayaaq (root) crisscrossing stories; (i) to play a game with a
ayaaġun crosspiece on bed of sled; seal bone on a string; to tell string
(Nu) cross beam; (Nu) kayak cross stories » “sauniġuraq
beam (behind hatch of kayak) | taliġuaniittuaq natchiġum
+un1 vn § iglaat kiasiata piani naisuuraq

putuqaqtuq; nuvvuaġiksivlugu completion); (t) to prop it up |
qiruk putuuraŋagun +utaq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
akkuaqsaqługu” [a short bone ayaksi- (i) to put one’s hands on one’s
located in the foreflipper close to hips » ayaksilġataqłuni saatkaa
the shoulder blade has a hole in it; akill iñi he faced his opponent
making a fine point on the stick with his hands on his hips |
one tries to catch it through the perhaps +sI-3 vv
hole] (Aiken 2009) § ayaqhaaq(-) ayaksraq blubber strip set on a post
(above oil lamp so oil drips into
ayak (Ti) or ayaaluk or atchaaluk lamp feeding the flame) »
paternal aunt § atchak, asuġaq ayaksraq nuŋuaqsiruq the
¤ayaġruksaaq (Ti) maternal aunt | blubber used to keep the lamp
+ruksaaq n burning is running out | perhaps
related to ayak by extension
ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an object; +ksraq(-) nn § iñġausiq
wall post; tent pole; the shaft of a ayaksriqpik a stick inserted in the
spear or harpoon; old-style, sod house wall for holding
long-handled spear; “big whaling blubber above stone lamp |
harpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical +ksraq(-) nn ‘=Iq-1 nv =qpIk vn §
support post (of sleeping perhaps related to ayak by
platform);(i) to be propped up extension § see Appendix 22
with a pole (refers only to the ayaktuq-1 to proprel (it = boat) by
moment of completion); (t) to prop poling | +tuq-3 nv
it =a leaning object up to keep it ayaktuq-2 (t) to bend it to whatever
from falling down @ ayaksi- » shape is desired
ayagmiñik panagaa nanuq he ayaktuun a long pole or staff used for
speared the polar bear with his poling (hand maneuvering) a boat
spear | +sI-3 vv § naniġirriq- | +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn
ayagaun piece of wood used to pull ayapiq- (i) to prop oneself up with
up the fishing line » one’s hands; (t) to lean on
“iqalugaġniaqtuaq her/him/it for support with one’s
ayagautituġuuruq; ayagaqługu hands » ayapiqłuni
akiligaanik niksigñik makillagaluaqtuq he can stand
iqalliqisummiut” (Aiken 209) up only by propping himself up
[one who is fishing for tomcod with his hands | +piq- vv
has a stick to pull up the fishing ayappak- (i) to support oneself with
line; they also pull the line up with one’s hand; (t) to place one’s hand
a fishing pole with a gaff on it] | on her/him/it and support oneself |
:un1 vn +ppak- vv
ayagutaq post; upright house post ayappaqhaaq- (i) to fall and land on
supporting roof; (Nu) stick to prop one’s hands (to break the fall) |
up open trap » iglum ayagutaŋa +ppak- vv -qhaaq- vv
uvaaŋasiruq the post of the house ayappiqtuk handrail; hand support on
is leaning out of place | +utaq1 vn wall in the entryway of a
ayagutchiq- (i) to be propped up traditional sod house | ‘=Iq-1 vv
(refers only to the moment of +t/ruq1 vn

¤ayapqumiaq- or ayappaksimaaq-
(i) to help oneself along by
holding onto something moving,
as a sled » ataataga
uniaqhauramiñik pisuaġuuruq ayaqhaaġnailaq something that
my grandfather can walk outside prevents you from playing string
by holding on to a small basket games | +qhaaq(-) nn +naq(-) vn
sled | -pqumiaq- vv :ilaq(-) nn § Aagruuk
ayapqun something to lean on to ayaqhaakkiiq a spirit that plays string
support one’s hands | +piq-vv games with its own intestines,
:un1vn drawing them out of its mouth (it
ayapqusillak- (t) to tell a supporting is said that if a young person
story for the first story (so it can plays string games to the extent
be easy to remember) § “When that they ignore their chores, the
the story was over, it was always ayaqhaakkiq will appear; this
said, ‘You can’t leave it standing story is told to discourage such
on one leg’” (Spencer: 384) | indulgent play)| +qhaaq(-) nn
+piq-vv :un1vn ‘=Iq-1nv -llak-1vv perhaps -kkI- nv :Iq vn
ayapqutaq supporting story to a ayaqhaaġun or ayaqhaun or
legend » “aasii samma ayaġaaġun string used in telling
piyumiñaġuma stories and making string figures |
ilavsaaġniaġiga; +qhaaq(-) n :un1 vn
ayapqutaqaqtuksrauniaġaluaq ayauppiaq or ayauppak walking
tuaq uvva tape una naisiqhuni stick, crutch, cane, rod; (Ti)
piuq” (Nageak 1975: 99) [so vertical pole to support fish net,
then if I can I will add a bit to it one at each end » ayauppiaŋa
(the legend); it should have a qairruŋ give me his cane |
supporting story here in this tape -uq-2 vv - ppiaq vn or -ppak vv
but this tape is a bit short] | ayauppiaġaq- (i) to move along with
+piq-vv the aid of a cane, crutch | -uq-2 vv
ayapqutillak or ayapqutiligaak (Nu) -ppiaq vn +aq-4 na
two legends told with supporting ayauppiq or ayauppiaq (Ti) walking
stories (it is believed in this way stick; vertical pole to support fish
that they will not be forgotten) | net, one at each end | :uq-2 nv -
-piq- vv :un1 vn -lik nn ‘-k2 nn ppak- vv =IQ3 nn
ayaqhaaq(-) string game; (i) to play a ayyak vertical support posts of a
string game, e.g., “cat’s cradle”; sleeping platform (in traditional
(t) to tell it =story using string sod house) | ‘-k2 nn § see
figures » ayaqhaaqtuaq aġnaq Appendix 22
qiñiqtuannaraaġaat they are ayyauq- to push off (it =boat) from
enjoying watching the woman the shore with a pole | ‘-k-2 nv
play the string game | :uq-2 vv
+qhaaq(-) nn
ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, proceed
ahead, start toward destination,
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t)

to push, launch it = boat to sea » cheering during the whaling
ayaktut avva il avut look over festivities » uvluqtusimman
there, our relatives are proceeding sunapayaaq
ahead § aullaq- salummaanigmarruŋ
ayaa- (i) to proceed ahead together | annuġaatchiaqłutiŋ
-a-1 vv aniiqsuaġuurut, qitiktuaqłutiŋ.
ayaksaaq- (i) to proceed into water; Tavra-gguuq ayaliktut,
(i) to take off in a boat; (i) to walk “hii-hiilavlutik isaaġiqłutik
into the water | +saaq-1 vv iglunun when the daylight time
ayaliŋniq (Ti) a performance where increases after they have cleaned
each person in the boat or up everything, donning new
walking with it along the beach clothes, everyone spends time
as they left Tikiġaq for the outside playing games; it is said
summer “picked up a pebble that they yell loudly “hii-hii!” as
from the beach, touched his they weave in and out of houses
forehead, each cheek, and his (1983 NSBHLC Calendar) |
stomach with it, then passed it -lik- vv
back to someone behind. Each
person …repeated this ayalu- (i) to collapse due to stress (of a
performance; the last person to structure) » uniaŋi ayalurut his
receive it threw it back towards sled collapsed (due to being
the village. This was ayalingnik, overloaded)
‘throwing behind them’ all
sickness and evil.” (Rainey: 265) ¤ayatqik (Nu) type of dog salmon which
| -lik- vv +niQ1 vn is poisonous to certain species;
ayyaqi- (t) to chase it =animal in a silver salmon; red salmon in
boat | ‘-qi- vv Colville that turn back to ocean
ayaqqaaq- (Nu) the first one to begin after swimming upstream
to play cards or dance to see if
others will follow | ±qqaaq-1 vv ayau- (i) to become blind » aġnaq
naŋitpaŋaqqaaqłuni ayauŋaruq
ayak-3 (t) to reject it @ ayaksi- » the woman became blind after
ayakkaa niqi naġġugivlugu he having been seriously ill
rejected the food because he
didn’t like it || +sI-3 vv ayauppiak [ayauppiraq] sun dogs
ayaktuq-3 (t) to keep her/him/it away, (parhelia)
at a distance; (t) to not accept, ayauppirriq- (t) to have sun dogs
reject it | +tuq-2 vv form around sun » ayauppirriġaa
siqiñiq the sun has formed sun
ayalik(-) traditional mid-winter dogs | ‘=Iq-1 nv
celebration where a new year is
shouted in with “hii-hii! ayiupaq ice chipped off by ocean waves
(Kisautaq: 64); (i) to yell (Harcharek: 12)
boisterously during a celebration
(used in plural only) » ayaliktut ayu- (i) to go on ahead, get a head start;
nalukattat the people are (i) to die » uqallaktuq aiñivlugu

aġnaq ayuniaŋitpalugnivlugu he ayuksraq- (i) for water to flow over the
said he came to fetch the woman top of ice » “kuuk ayuksraqtuq;
saying that he (another man) imaq supiruq sikum qaaŋagun”
probably would not die (Matumeak 2009) [the river flows
ayuri- to have (her/him/it) get away over the top of the ice; the water
from one » ayuriruq he lost flows on top of the ice]
something | +rI-3 vv
ayuuq- to make headway, progress ayuktaq(-) ball; (i) to play football »
(on it); (i) to go far (of something ayuktaq aksraliktuq the ball
thrown) » ayuuqtuq savaamiñi rolled » ayuktaqtut silami they
he is progressing in his work » are playing ball outside |
ayuuqtuulamaraa atikłiani +taq(-) nn § ayyutaaq-,
piisilluŋa she made good progress iluaqsuġaaq-, anauraġauraq-
on the parka while I was gone; ayuksiaq- (Nu) (i) to go play soccer »
ayuuqłunuk “Aasii tavra ayuksiaġmata,
tammaaġaluaqtuguk by going Maguula nivliqpaktuq, ‘Pagga
too far ahead, we got lost for a igniġum
while | .-q-1 vv or -uq-2 vv qulautkaatigut.’…Then when
ayuuqqi- (i) to be overdue; (i) to be they went to play soccer,
long past (of agreed upon time); Maguula gave a loud shout: ‘Up
(t) to fail to do it at the appointed there a big fire has passed over
time thereby having increasing us!’” (Elijah Kakinya as reported
difficulty in finding the by Bergsland 1987: 319, 326) |
opportunity to do it » ‘=iaq- vv
ayuuqqivluŋa tautugiallaiqsaġa
qaiŋaruaq ilisimagaluallaan ayupqaq (Ti) box, carton § kiguunniq
I had not gone over to see her
although I knew she had come, ayuq- to be in desperate need of (it); (t) to
because I found it hard to face her be unable to obtain it by reaching
| -uq-2 vv -qqI- vv for it; (t) to be unable to reach,
keep up with her/him/it; (t) to be
ayuaq(-) [ayuraq] boil, sore; to develop a unable to buy it for lack of money
boil » miqłiqtuuram ayuġaa
ayuam iñua core of a boil » ayuam ayuktani qakinŋaruaq the child
iñua iluqaan piiqsuksrauruq the is unable to get his ball which has
entire core of the boil needs to been placed on top of something |
come out § iñuk perhaps +q-1 vv § ayu-
ayurriqi- to work on a (her/his) boil | ayuġnaiq- (i) to become plentiful,
‘=Iqi-1 nv easy to catch (of game); to
become easier to obtain, get; (t) to
ayuksraq piece of ice which does not make it easier to reach, bring it
freeze to shore-fast ice and goes closer | +naq(-) vv, vn :Iq-2 vv
out with ocean current ayuġnaq- (i) to be scarce, hard to
(Harcharek:12) catch (esp., of game animal);
difficult to obtain, get | +naq(-) vv

ayuġri- (Ti) (t) to be unable to reach, ayuġisaq- (t) to tame an animal »
buy, catch up to it | +ġrI- nv, rv, vv ayuġisaqsaġaa tiŋmiaġruk nu-
ayuqsraaŋit- to be able to obtain, get, katpiaġruum the boy is trying to
procure (it) without hardship » tame the bird | +[ġ]it- rv msaq-3 vv
“tavra niġrutinik ayuqiqsuq- (t) to give her/him moral
ayuqsraaŋitchuq, sumun instruction (between teaching and
aŋuniaqsaqami taġiumullu scolding) » aŋutaiyaaq
nunanmullu” (Nageak 1975:7) ayuqiqsuġaa aŋaŋata the young
[so he was able to get game boy is being given moral
wherever he hunted in the ocean instruction by his uncle |
or on land] | -qsraaq-vv ±ŋIt- vv +Iqsuq- vv § alġaqsruq-
ayuqsrit- (t) to be unable to reach, ayuqiqsuun good teaching, lesson
buy, or obtain it » ayuqsritkaa he » ayuqiqsuutiŋi tamarra
can’t reach it, can’t buy it, can’t aŋayuqaapta, ilisatiŋ
obtain it | +qsrI- vv +t-2 vv aŋayuqaamiŋniñ those are the
good teachings of our parents,
*ayuq (root) behavioral pattern, habit which they learned from their
ayuġit- (i) to form a habit, a parents | +Iqsuq- vv :un1 vn
behavioral pattern; (i) to habituate
oneself to doing something one ayuvsaq- (i) to obtain food for one’s
enjoys, e.g., visiting someone, family from others » “talvaasii
eating something | +[ġ]it- rv qaunnaqtuaqsivlutik,
ayuġiili- (i) to form a habit of doing niqinilgillu
 tik suli
certain socially unacceptable acts; ayuvsaaġmiñik” (Kiligvuk: 1)
(i) to develop a bad habit; (i) to [then they began to eat the
become carried away, become caribou fat, now that they had
excessive; (t) to cause, influence something to eat which he had
her/him to acquire socially obtained from others for his
unacceptable habits | +[ġ]it- rv family] § piatchiaq-
:Iq-2 vv -lI-2 vv
ayuġak- (i) to develop a habit; (i) to ayyai (excl.) that was close! almost!
become accustomed to something
» “iñukkiuvva sumik paqinnami ayyai- (i) to reject something
tavruŋallatusuuruq sumik
paqinnami” [so when a person ayyaqi- (t) to round up, chase it =animal
discovers an activity he enjoys, he in a boat < ayak-2
invariably enjoys returning to that
activity] (Aiken 2009) | +ġak- rv ayaqqaaq- (Nu) the first one to begin
ayuġaksaq- or ayuqqaksaq- (t) to playing cards or dancing to see if
influence her/him/it to habituate to others will follow < ayak-2
something or become familiar
with someone » ayuġaksaġaa ayyutaaq- (i) to play ice hockey (similar
inmiñun he is letting her get used Iñupiaq game); golf »
to him | +ġak- vv msaq-3 vv or “ayyutaaġnaqtuq tainnaptuaq;
+[ġ]it- rv ~’ksaq- vv ayyutaaġnaqtuq annaniglu
ayuktauraitchuni” [one could

play hockey for days; one even igaaq [igaraq] boiled food, cooked
played hockey with frozen food, food which is being cooked
droppings when one had no ball] » igaamik ugruŋmik aitchuġaa
(Aiken 2009) nukaaluni she gave her younger
sibling some cooked bearded seal
meat | ±aq1 vn
CH igamaaqłuk partly dried meat cooked
and stored in seal oil | +maaq- nn
chach or chatchii (excl.) very good! +qłuk(-) nn, vv
igapiaq- to cook it =meat by boiling
chi jee (right turn command to dogs) » tuttuviñiq igapiaġlugu
qitiġusiuġaqsiruq she is going to
prepare lunch by boiling a piece
H of caribou meat | +piaq(-)1 vv
igaraq- (Ti) to cook (it =blubber) to
haaŋ or hii or haw or ha haw (left turn make oil » igaraqtuq uġrumik
command to dogs) (Kuugmiut;Kotzebue) she is
cooking blubber to make oil |
haiy? what? huh? eh? mt/raq- vv § pivsiraaq
igari cook, chef | mt/ri vn
hauk(-) (excl.) oh, I am so tired!; (Ti) to igarriq- (i) to put meat in a pot over a
be depressed and tired fire to cook; (t) to put meat to
cook in it =boiling water | ±aq1 vn
‘=Iq-1 nv
igauġun or iggan or iggavik cooking
container » igauġun imiġmik
i (excl.) oops!; oh oh!
imaqaġniqsuaq tautukkaa she
saw the cooking pot which was
iaqi (excl.) don’t! § ñiaq, aŋŋuu(ŋ), tavra
obviously full of water | :uq-2 vv
:un1 vn or ‘ti1 vn or ‘+vIk1 vn
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it =food »
Igauqtut(-) or ¤Igautaġvik (Ti) third
igluata igaŋa mikiŋuluktuq the
and last day of whaling festival
cooking area of her house is very
(Nalukataq) where specific parts
small » tuttu taigña igasaġiñ you
of a whale which have been saved
should cook that caribou which is
for the occasion are cooked ; (i) to
over there » igatqugaa
celebrate the Igautaġvik | perhaps
microwave-kun she wants it
-utaq- vv +vIk1 vn § Qakirut,
cooked in the microwave §
QagruġvIk, Avarriqirut
kukiu-, igniqauq-, argiq-,
igauq- or igautaq- to cook
silakkuaq-, see Appendix 22
continuously or for a long time »
igaaksraq meat prepared for cooking
qalgimigni nalukataġuurut
» igaaksraqaġvik puggutaq
igauŋaiġmata nalukatautinik
platter for meat prepared for
atuuraaqłutik they hold the
cooking | ±aq1 vn +ksraq(-) nn
whaling blanket toss at their
igaapiaq boiled meat | ±aq1 vn ceremonial houses after the
-piaq(-)1 nn, nv cooking is done, singing

traditional blanket tossing songs horizontally some distance below
(Kineeveauk, 2008) | :uq2-vv or - one of the seal holes, with the
utaq- vv four corners attached to lines that
igauttat tripod for suspending a passed up through four small
cooking pot » “utkusium holes excavated about the
niviŋŋaviŋi” [it’s what is used to opening.” (Rainey: 264)
hang the pot] (Aiken 2009) | igalauraq glass window; four (at
+ttaq(-) vn cards); lens of eye; (Nu) eardrum |
igavaun earthen cooking pot (Kobuk -liQ nn :uraq nn
style) | -vak- vv +un1 vn § ukkusik
iggavik place for a cooking fire; igammiaq- (i) to carry something in one’s
cooking container; kitchen » arms; (t) to carry her/him/it using
iggavikun argiġaa tuttu she is one’s arms § tigumiaq-, niġumiaq-
roasting caribou over the fire at
the cooking place | ‘+vIk1 vn iggaġriq [iggaġrIq] or (Nu) iyyaġriq
iggaviksraq foundation pit (for [iyyaġrIq] black bear (Ursus
kitchen of sod house) | ‘+vIk1 vn americanus)
-ksraq(-) nn § see Appendix 22
iggiaġiiliq- (i) to get a sore throat < ii-2
igaliq skylight, window; seal net placed
horizontally under a seal’s iggiaġiit- (i) to have a sore throat < ii-2
breathing hole; (Nu) four (at
cards) | -liQ nn § pigaaqsiun, iggiaġiksaq- (i) to clear one’s throat
kuvraq § see Appendix 22 < ii-2
igalaaq skylight; four (at cards); seal
net » igalaaliuġuuŋarut ugruit iggianŋu- (i) to have an acute sore throat
iŋaluaŋiññiñ they used to make < ii-2
skylights from bearded seal
intestines; “igalaaliuġuurut iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu)
aŋiqpaŋitchuanik nannunun narrow entry (neck) of fish trap
isiġumiñaiqługit” (Kaveolook < ii-2
1975: 4) [they made the skylights
small enough to prevent the polar iggiakuaqtaq pharyngeal consonant
bears from entering] | -laaq nn < ii-2
igalaaksraq outer membrane of the
intestine of walrus, bearded seal ¤iggiaqasiraaq- (Ti) (i) to be hoarse,
used for making skylight | -laaq nn barely able to talk < ii-2
-ksraq(-) nn, nv
igalaq- (Ti) “ A method of seal iggiaqasiraq- (i) to make a noise from the
hunting known as igalaq throat < ii-2
(skylight) was also practiced
during the spring, when ¤iggiilġiraaq- (Ti) (i) to make a hoarse
breathing holes were large sound, of someone losing her/his
enough for seals to emerge on the voice < ii-2
ice. A square net, made of sinew
or rawhide thongs, was set iggiiluktaq- (i) to sound hoarse < ii-2

iqqaivigmun you go dump the
iggiiq- or iggiagiq- (i) to become hoarse, contents of the trash can into the
to lose one’s voice < ii-2 dumpster| +sI-3 vv +vIk1 vn
igitqataq- (i) to continue throwing it
iggiit- (i) to be hoarse, barely able to talk away, to continue discarding it |
< ii-2 +qataq- vv
iksi-1 (i) to take things to the dump; to
igguun tube for transferring liquids, throw things away; (Ti) to toss,
siphon; drinking straw; sryinge < throw gifts to the crowd at the
iguk- whaling festival while being
tossed in the blanket toss, as the
igiłhaq grapnel, grappling hook at end of first captain to catch a whale; a
line, commonly used for retrieving woman tosses gifts at the blanket
seals | +łhaq nn § igit-, manaq, toss to celebrate having a baby
sapaŋiak boy that year | =sI-3 vv §
igiłhaqtuun line for seal retrieving paatchuk-, ivayaq-
hook | +łhaq nn +tuq-3 nv +un1 vn iksi-2 (t) to throw away her/his things;
to abandon, cast her/him/it out »
igimaq iron rod for harpoon shaft; Aalaagum iksigaa Siġmiaq
“‘Loose Shaft’ of Seal Spear (i’- suġauttaŋiñik aalaak threw
gi-mú).” (Murdoch as reported Siġmiaq's belongings away |
by Ray 1885: 72) | perhaps :I-7 vv
+maq rn iksiqi- (i) to rummage for things at the
dump; (i) to work at the dumpsite |
igirraq Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini) :aq4 vn ‘=Iqi- nv
iksivik or iktaqaġvik dump;
igit-1 to render its oil (of blubber); (i) to dumpster » iksivigmuktuat akku
turn to grease by frying (of fat or they went to the dump a while ago
blubber); (t) to render it =fat or » iktanun aatkaniktaŋi suaqłuit
blubber into oil; (t) to desalinate he already took the trash to the
sea ice through a process of slow dump | +sI-3 vv +vIk1 vn or :aq4 vn
melting » misiġarriaġa uvva -t nn :aq4 vn -qaq- vv +vIk1 vn
igitkaniŋaruq the blubber I’d set iktaq something thrown away; trash,
out for seal oil has turned to oil discarded item; outcast person »
already » igitchiaġaa siku she is iktamik atiginnaŋaruŋa
letting the sea ice drip (leaving the iksiaqama I acquired a thrown-
salt behind through evaporation) away parka when I went to the
iginniq rendered oil, grease produced dump | :aq4 vn
by rendering fat or blubber |
+nniQ vn iglaq- (i) to laugh » iglaġnak akkupak
don’t laugh now
igit-2 (t) to discard it; (t) to abandon iglaġuksaaq- (t) to try to make
her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him out her/him laugh @ iglaġuksaaqłiq-
of the home @ igitchi- || +sI-3 vv » iglaġuksaaġaluaġiga
igitchivik trash can » igitchivium ipiqtusuktuq suli although I tried
imaŋi naavitchaqtukki to make him laugh, he is still

feeling sad | +[s]uk-1 vv +saaq-2 vv iglautigitquŋitkaa
|| ±kłIq- vv :I-4 vv qanusiġaġaluaqpan he asked that
iglaġuŋnaġasugi- to think or believe she not be laughed at no matter
that someone is laughable, what she does | :uti1 vn +[g]i- nv ||
hilarious | +[s]ugnaq- vv +kłIq- vv
+asugi- vv
iglaġuŋnaq- (i) to be laughable, cause *iglik (root) loveable, endearing, cute,
laughter | +[s]ugnaq- vv cuddly
iglaġusuk- (i) to grin; (i) to be unable igligi- (t) to express or show affection
to keep from smiling » or endearment for her/him/it; (Ti)
iglaġusullaġmi sagluniluktuaq (t) to flirt with her/him/it »
ilisimanapaluktuq one could tautuqqaaqapku uyuġuga
really tell he was trying to lie igligipalukkiga when I first saw
because he couldn’t keep himself my niece she was so cute I wanted
from smiling | +[s]uk-1 vv to show my affection for her |
+suk-2 vv +[g]i- rv
iglaġutchak- (i) to become amused iglignaq- (i) to be loveable, cute,
and start laughing; (t) to make cuddly » iglignapaluktuq
her/him laugh » iglaġutchakłuni aatauraqpiñ paniuraŋa your
maġauraqtuani akiitchuq the older sister’s little daughter is very
player lost because he burst out cute | +[g]i- rv +naq(-) vv
laughing at a game where igliksraq- (i) to find someone or
participants shout “maq” and something so loveable that one
attempt to remain sober-faced feels like hugging it | +qsraq- rv
while one participant tries to make
the other participants laugh | igliksraq a good place to set a seal net |
+[s]uk-2 vv +tchak- vv -ksraq(-) nn
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at
her/him) | ±ŋa- vv ±ŋaaq(-) vv igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to
iglaŋailla iq- (i) to be unable to stop be running, idling (of a
laughing | ±ŋaillaiq- vv machine/engine); (t) to travel it =
iglaqhaqtaq- (i) to laugh loudly in distance » iglauruaq qagma
succession | +łhaq- vv t/raq-1 vv qamun the car is idling out there |
iglaqhauraq- (i) to giggle » -u-2 vv
iglaqhauraqtuam iglaaliñaaŋit- (i) to not receive
maliksuktitkaatigut the person travelers, guests on a regular basis
who was giggling had us giggling » “iglaaliġniqpuguk imani; iii,
too | perhaps +łhaq- vv -uraq- vv iglaaliñaaŋitchuguk;
iglaqhuaq- (i) to explode with iglaaliqqammiñaaŋitchuguk;
laughter, burst out laughing » tavra iglaalilgitchuguk”
iglaqhuaqtuam (Nageak 1975: 50) [finally we
qukiqqayaġaaŋa the person who have visitors; we do not regularly
burst out laughing almost receive visitors; we have not
deafened me | -qhuaq- vv recently received visitors; so now
iglautigi- (t) to laugh at, about we have received visitors] |
her/him/it @ iglautikłiq- » -lIq-1 nv -naaq- vv ±ŋIt- vv

iglaaq [iglaraq] traveler; newly water had risen; it had already
arrived guest; stranger » taken them; it had taken them] |
iglaaniktilaaŋannik +tuaq- vv +pasaŋIt- vv
tusaapqaqami iglaaliaqtuq as
soon as he heard they had visitors, iglisiq or iglisit (Ti) bench in qalgi (men’s
he went over to see them | ±aq1 vn house) along wall; sleeping
iglaaliq- (i) to get visitors | -lIq-1 nv platform planks placed along the
iglait- or iglarrit- (i) to have visitors back wall of a sod house; platform
come unexpectedly | ‘=It-2 nv or on which snow is placed to melt
±aq1 vn ‘=It-2 nv and drip into a water container »
iglauqan traveling companion | iglisini nalaruaq ilisaġiŋitchaġa
-u-2 vv ±qan1 vn I did not recognize the one lying
iglauruaq established program | on the sleeping platform | perhaps
+t/ruaq vn -siq nn § igliQ, pallitchat
iglauyaaq path or route | -u-2 vv
+yaaq2 vn iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to
igliġaq or (Ti) igliġiaq1 krill build a structure over it
(Euphasia spp. ), small shrimp | iglualuk old house | -aluk nn
+aq1 vn § naulayuuraq igluġruaq old sod house | +ġruaq nn
igliġaun motorized vehicle, e.g., car, igluliuti- (t) to have it =house for
truck, snowmobile | +aq-1 vv one’s house » iñuum iglua
:un1 vn § qamun igluliutigaa the person’s house
igliġiaq2 route | +iaq1 vn became his house | -liuti- nv
igliġniq- (Ti) (i) to travel with ocean igluluaġruk site (usually a mound of
current (of ice) | +nIq-2 vv § tundra) of an ancient house |
saġvaqsiiraaq- +luk nn +aġruk nn
igliġutiksraŋa savaam budget | igluqatigiit household; family unit |
+un1 vn -ksraq(-) vn -ŋa nn ±qati vn +[g]iit vn
igliġvik a trail; road | +vIk1 nn igluqpak frame house; large building
Igliiliġvik (Nu) the month of March | +qpak(-) nn, vv
(so named because it is the time of Igluqpaurat Browerville, a suburb of
year when ptarmigan travel) | Barrow, Alaska » Saalialuum
:Iq-2 vv -lIq-1 vv +vIk1 vn § igluqpaŋa atchiutigiŋagaat
Paniqsiqsiivik Igluqpauranun Utqialgviŋñi old
igliqtit- (t) to maintain, keep it man Charlie’s big house is what
operational » igliqtitkaa-suli Browerville is named after in
aapami nappaaŋa he is still Barrow | +qpak(-) nn :uraq nn
maintaining the establishment his -t nn
father built | mtit-1 vv iglusiyumalaaqtuaq prospective
igliqtuaqpasaŋit- (i) to not travel a home buyer | +sI-2 nv
great distance » “aisaqhutik +[y]umalaaq- vv +t/ruaq vn -t nn
igliqtuaqpasaŋitchut, uiñiġ- iglusugrualuk a huge, old house |
manna, uisanigniġai, uiññiġai” -sugruk(-) nn -aluk nn
(Nageak 1975: 17) [on the way iglutchiaq1 new house | +tchiaq(-) nn,
home, they had not traveled for nv
very long, when they saw that the ¤iglutchiaq2 (Ti) storage area in

entrance tunnel of sod house | iglipqauraġaa qamun her little
+tchiaq nn son barely got out of the way of
iglutiq- (i) to move into a house after the car | perhaps ‘=Iq-1 § iglu(-)
living in another type of dwelling igliaġaq- (i) to repeatedly move aside
such as a tent; (t) to move to avoid a moving object coming
her/him/it into a house » at one; to repeadedly get out of the
iglutiqtuami unnugman I moved way » “igliaġaqtuat; ulugiattuat;
into the house yesterday | ulugiaġaqtuat; pitchailiraqtuat”
+tiq-1 nv (Matumeak 2009) [those who
iglutuq- (i) to live in a house | repeatedly get out of the way to
+tuq-3 nv avoid a moving object; those that
igluuralik fabric, paper or any other are sidestepping to avoid an
kind of material with a checkered object; those that keep side-
pattern » igluuraligmik stepping an object to avoid being
kalikumik tauqsiqsuaq hit; those who are trying not to be
talukiyaaksramiñik she bought the target] | -aġaq- vv
some checkered material to make igliqsit- (t) to prevent her/him/it from
into curtains | :uraq nn -lik nn being hit by moving her/him/it
aside | mtit-1 vv
iglaaq crosspiece (of floor, sled, boat);
rear cross beam (of kayak); keel iglit [iglIt] ptarmigan without hair under
brace (of an umiak) » claws (Kisautaq: 649) § aqargiq
aulayaitkutaat igl aat support
ridge for rear cross beams (of iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of
kayak)§ apuġun, ataaġun, mittens or boots; (i) to be provided
ayaaġun, (Ti)¤nanmit, see with a companion or a partner; (t)
Appendices 16 & 17 to provide her/him/it with a
partner, companion, or a
iglak (Nu) a pus-filled growth located on complement » iglua mattuma
the side of cheek or elsewhere kamŋum nauŋ where is the mate
iglaŋmiutchiq- (Nu) (i) to develop a of this boot § aippaq
growth | ÷miutaq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv igluaq- (i) to miss the mark, going to
one side of it; (t) to pass right by
igliq [igliQ] sleeping platform, bench it, missing it; (t) to land to one
along the entire back wall of a sod side of it; (t) to omit her/him/it |
house § akin, see Appendix 22 +aq-4 nv
igliġit rafters | :It nn § iglisiq iglugiik(-) paired items; a pair; (i) to
be a pair | +[g]iik(-) nv, nn
igliq- [iglIq] (i) to move aside and avoid iglukisaaġun or (Ti) iglukusaaġun
something coming at one; (i) to something with which one can
get out of the way; (t) to avoid juggle | +kisaaq(-) nv, nn :un1 vn
being hit by it by moving aside » iglugiit (Ti) paired competitors, two
iġñauraŋa iglipqauraqtuq teammates paired in a competition
qamun tikiñŋaiñŋaan her little » “igl ugiit avva qairut;
son barely got out of the way ilaaluġiit” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
before the car came; iġñauraŋan [here come the paired

competitors; the partners] | iglupiaġaun or iglupiaġauraq pistol |
+[g]iik/t nn § illuġiit +piaq(-)2 nn +aq-10 vv :un1 vn or
iglukisaaq(-) or (Ti) iglukusaaq(-) a +piaq(-)2 nn perhaps +aq7 vv
juggling game; (i) to juggle, keep :uraq vn
two or more objects in the air at iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one
the same time, catching and of a pair of anything |
tossing the objecs with the hands +piaq(-)2 nn, nv
in quick succession » atuutinik iglupiaqtalik one that has one of a
iglukisaaġutinik ilisimaviñ do pair, e.g., a one-antler caribou,
you know any juggling songs | one-armed man; single sod house
+kisaaq(-) nv, nn (Nunamiut style sod houses were
igluktun with both hands | -k2 nn sometimes paired, sharing one
+tun (sim.) entrance) | +piaq(-)2 nn, nv
igluktuulik double-edged knife, +taq vn -lik nn § akilliġii
double-bladed axe » igluktuulgit Iglupiaqtalik [lit. “one with a pair”]
sunun atuġuuŋavatigik what did perhaps a combination of
they use the double-edged knives constellations Orion, Auriga, and
for | -k2 nn +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn Gemini; “The turf house
-lik nn (iglupeaqtalik) is a combination of
igluktuuq- to do something (to it) the constellations Orion, Auriga,
using both hands » igluktuuqtuq and Gemini.” (Ingstgad: 209)
he is using both hands | -k2 nn iglupiaqtaqłik (Nu) rectangular sod
+tuuq- vv house with entrance along one
iglunnak- (Nu) (i) to recruit a partner, side (Ingstad:158
a companion or a helper; (i) to “iglupiaqtaqlik”) | -piaq(-)2 nn
obtain half of something, +t/raq vn perhaps +lik nn §
especially of a catch made by akilliġii, sivunmuktaq
more than one hunter | -nnak- nv § iglupiaqtaq- to run or operate (it)
avvannak-, niŋiq- with only one of a pair of
igluŋŋuq- (i) to be one half of a necessary parts, e.g., with one of
whole or of a set; to be a half- two cylinders because of fouled
moon » tatqiq igluŋŋuqtuq spark plugs » iglupiaqtaqtuq
there’s a half-moon; tiŋŋun the airplane is operating
“sunapayaaq avvaŋŋuġman on one engine | +piaq(-)2 nn
igluŋŋuġnisuummigaat; argait +[t]aq-2 vv § iglupiaqtaliq-
igluksrat aasii iluġaagnik iglusuk rival | +suk2 nn, vn
iglugiik” [they refer to anything igluvaq- (i) to move aside; (t) to move
that has become half of what it him/her/it out of the way of
used to be as being half of a something dangerous |
whole; one hand is a half set and +vaq- vv, rv
both of them are a pair] (Aiken
2009) | ±ŋŋuq-2 nv § quppaŋŋuq- iglut bundle of five (often of ducks) |
iglupiaġaq- (i) to use a pistol; (t) to -t nn § iglu (based on five fingers
shoot at her/him/it with a pistol | of the other hand)
+piaq(-)2 nn -aq-10 nv

iglutuq- to bear, endure (her/him/it) @ igniksraqaġvik or igniġutiksraqaġvik
iglutui- » il aŋitqigaaqtuaq (Nu) primer, gunpowder horn
ikpaksraapak aġnaq (made of sheep’s horn) < iki-2
iglutuilguruq the woman who
repeatedly lost relatives these past igniksriqsiññaq tool used for scraping
few days endures grief well | skins during the tanning process
+tuq-3 nv || :I-4 vv (Kisautaq: 649) | +siññaq vn

igniġnaq stretch of smooth ice parallel to igniligauraq inboard motor boat < iki-2
shore located between the
offshore pressure ice ridges and ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor-
beach » igniġnakun aivluta driven ship < iki-2
sukattugut by traveling on the
smooth ocean ice between igniñ or iŋniñ flint, stone used to create a
pressure ridges and beach, we spark and ignite fire; fire starter <
made good time getting home | iki-2
perhaps +naq1 vn
igniq fire < iki-2
igniġilaq [lit.“one without a fire”] sailing
vessel < iki-2 igniqauġvik place to have an outdoor fire
< iki-2
igniġilaq atausilik one-masted sailing
vessel < iki-2 igniqauq- or inŋiqauq- (i) to build a fire
outside; a campfire < iki-2
igniġun percussion cap; primer < iki-2
igniqauqpatit- to spark once < iki-2
igniġuq- (i) to become fire < iki-
igniqauqtuq Steller’s Eider (Somateria
igniġuula- or iŋniġuula- (i) to throw out stelleri)
sparks < iki-2
igniqpalliaq- to strike, of lightning < iki-2
igniġuuqpatit- or iŋniġuuqpatit- (i) to
strike (of lightning); to spark once igniqpalliaġaq- (i) to strike repeatedly, of
< iki-2 lightning; (i) to make a fire flare
up (to attract attention) < iki-2
igniġuuqpatitaq- (i) to strike more than
once (of lightning) < iki-2 igniqpatit- (i) to make a spark < iki-2

igniġvik stove < iki-2 igniqsuq- or iŋniqsuq- (i) to build a fire

in a stove; (t) to build a fire in it
igniksraq or igniġutiksraq primer =stove or fireplace; (t) to build a
(explosive material e.g., fire in a stove in it =dwelling <
gunpowder); kindling < iki-2 iki-2

igniqsuun bow drill < iki-2

igniqutaiyaq- (i) to have a broken engine
< iki-2 igrumaŋŋa [dual ikkugnaŋŋa, pl.
ikkunaŋŋa] from that one over
igniqutit outboard motor; car engine; there (restricted and visible)
power plant < iki-2 < °Ik1

igniqutitaq- (i) to use an outboard motor igrumatun [dual ikkugnaktun, pl.

< iki-2 ikkunatitun] like that one over
there (restricted and visible)
igniquurraaq- (i) to break (of engine); (t) < °Ik1
to break it’s engine < iki-2
igrumiŋa [dual ikkugniŋa, pl. ikkuniŋa]
ignisailaq Boreal Chickadee (Poecile that one over there (restricted and
hudsonicus) | perhaps -laq nn visible) < °Ik1

ignisik a pair of iron pieces used to spark igrumuŋa [dual ikkugnuŋa, pl. ikkunuŋa]
and start a fire (Kisautaq: 649) to that one over there (restricted
< iki-2 and visible) < °Ik1

ignisiq or iŋnisiq flint, firestone < iki-2 igrumuuna [dual ikkugnuuna, pl.
ikkunuuna] via that one; in the
igniuqti engineer on train < iki-2 company of that one over there
(restricted and visible) < °Ik1
igña [dual ikkuak, pl. ikkua] (dem. abs.
pron.) the one over there igruŋnaq rose hip | +naq1 nn § igruk
(restricted and visible) < °Ik1
igruq- to stiffen with rigor mortis (of a
igñik(-) sharp point; (t) to sharpen it corpse); to clot, congeal,
igñiun pencil sharpener | :un1 vn coagulate » igruaniŋamaruaq
timaa paqinnaptigu unnuatqik
igruiqqaq (Ti) lump (as in flour) | his body had already become stiff
-qqaq nn by the time we found him the
igruiqqaiyaun (Ti) flour sifter | night before last
-qqaq nn :Iyaq- nv :un1 vn
*igu (root) looseness; an unraveling
igruk testicle; beaver scent gland igumit- (i) to become unraveled,
igruiq- (t) to castrate it/him | :Iq-2 nv untangled, loosened; (i) to become
frayed; (t) to untie, untangle, take
igruma [dual ikkuak , pl. ikkua] that one it apart @ igumitchi- » asiġma
over there (restricted and visible) marra isua igumittuq the edge of
< °Ik1 my sleeve is fraying » siqiñġuraq
igumitqaaqługu iviqtillaiġaa
igrumani [dual ikkugnagni, pl. ikkunani] after taking the clock apart, he
located with t hat one over there can’t put it back together again |
(restricted and visible) +mit- vv || +sI-3 vv § aŋivit-,
< °Ik1 aŋivraq-

iguptaq frayed edge, frayed edge of igutchatchiaq warble fly
rope | +vit- vv ±aq1 vn (Oedemagena tarandi) (Rausch,
iguvit- (i) to become uncoiled, 2009 personal communication)
unwound; (t) to uncoil, unwind it igutchaqpak kapputilik scorpion |
@ iguvsi- | +vit- vv || +sI-3 vv § +tchaq n +qpak(-) nn
igumit-, aŋivit- iguun proboscis; mosquito stinger;
iguvsiñ screwdriver | +vit- vv =sI-3 vv drinking straw » kiktuġiam
‘ti1 vn iguutaa hii paugnimni hey, look
at this stinger on my mosquito bite
iguk- to suck (it); (i) to suck air or liquid | :un1 vn
inward with pursed lips » iguunnaq vacuum cleaner | -unnaq vn
aġnaiyaaq igunmun
uviñŋiuqsraġuumaruaq I found igurvik temporal bone; temple of head |
out the girl whistles inward perhaps +vIk1 nn § see
igguun siphon; drinking straw; Appendices 20 & 21
syringe; by extension “baleen
jaws” of the whale » “Ii, igvik (Ti) pocket § aiñiq
tuŋimnun… pigaluaqtuq igviġruq- (Ti) (i) to reach into one’s
igliqsigiga. (Ii.) Aasii Charlie pocket; (t) to reach into her/his
Ned una[,] iguunmiñik pocket | -ġruq- vv § aiñiqsruq-,
siqumillagruaqługu kau-
paunatchisugruagun imaq… igviksimaaq- (Ti) (i) to put one’s
kurraġuaqsaġataaqsiruq hands (into it =pocket(s)) |
immamun.” (Bodfish: 239) [yes, +simaaq- nv § kaumaaq-
it came towards me but I step igviksiuq- (Ti) to pick (her/his)
aside (and it missed me); then pocket | +siuq- nv
Charlie Ned (not able to escape igviksiuqti (Ti) a pickpocket |
the whale’s path and), because it +siuq- nv mt/ri vn
had broken the ice some distance
towards shore from the water with iġaaq (Ti) legendary wild baby, with a
its baleen jaws, began to plunge mouth that extends from ear to ear
slowly into the water] | ‘-k-2 vv § makkaqpaligauraq, aaġaayiq,
:un1 vn iiġaaq
iguksi- (i) to take a sip through a
straw; to suck once on something iġġi [iġġI] or iġġiq mountain » iġġiñun
» iguksipkaġnagu killiqaqtuq imnaiqsiuġiaŋarut they have
qaqłumigun don’t let him take a gone sheep hunting in the
sip, he has a sore on his lip | mountains
+sI-3 vv § imiQ(-), uuk- iġġiilġuq [lit. “an area with no
igusiġaq- (i) to hiccup | -siġaq- vv § mountains”] a flatland in the
iisuġaq-, tipsulliq- mountains | :It-1 nv -lġuq vn
igutchaq bumblebee » iiqinii, iġġiqsiuq- (i) to walk, travel through
igutchaum niviuġaatigut yikes, mountains | +siuq- nv
there’s a bumblebee circling us | iġġiuraq (Nu) small mountain |
+tchaq n :uraq nn

*iġI1 (root) uvular sound iġġuq- (i) to be rinsed, washed; (t) to
iġiala- (i) to yell, shout, holler » rinse, wash it @ iġġuqsi- »
uumaa iġialaŋaiġiñ hey you, quit taaptuma utkusialuum ilua
yelling | -ala- rv iġġuqtuqqaaġlugu atuqsaġiñ
iġñaq or iġiña or iġña voice | +na(q) rinse out the inside of that old pot
rn first, then use it | ‘-q-1 rv || +sI-3 vv
iġñaġik- (i) to have a good singing iġġuqsivik washtub, basin for rinsing
voice | +[g]Ik- nv things | +sI-3 vv +vIk1 vn
iġġuutit mop | ‘-q-1 rv -uti1 vn -t nn §
iġi- (i) to have one’s hair fall out, to lose tilautit
one’s hair iġimniq low, swampy land |
iġisaaq or iġitchaaq plucked bird » +mniQ rn
aapaga qaugaktullaturuq
iġitchaanik my father loves to eat iġlik- (i) to be selfish, stingy
plucked ducks | msaq-3 vv ±aq1 vn iġligi- (t) to be selfish, stingy with
or +tchaq- vv ‘-aq1 vn her/him/it @ iġliksri- | +[g]i- vv
iġisaqsiġiaq- or iġitchaqsiġiaq- (i) to ~srI- vv
be easy to pluck (of fowl) | iġlitu- (i) to be stingy, selfish by
+siġiaq- vv nature » piuraaqatigisulaitkiga
iġisaqsiġiit- or iġitchaqsiġiit- (i) to iġlituvluni I don’t like to play
be difficult to pluck (of fowl) | with him because he is so selfish |
+siġiaq- vv :It-1 vv -tu- vv
iġisaq- or iġitchaq- to pluck (it =a
dead bird); to remove (it) fur from iġmak- (i) to bring one’s legs up against
a spring skin » una qaugak one’s body; (i) to make a fist; (t)
iġisaqtuuraġuŋ anilutin to bring them (legs) up against
tupiġmiñ go outside the tent and one’s body; to close it =hand
pluck this duck’s feathers | tightly
msaq- vv or +tchaq- vv
iġitchakut feathers plucked from a iġnigluq crushed, thin, young ice found in
bird; fur removed from a skin » ice cracks (Harcharek: 12)
makkua iġitchakut tilaikkit
siamitpaŋaiñŋaisa sweep up *iġnu (root) bulk
these feathers before they get all iġnukłi- (t) to fold it, making it less
over the place | +tchaq- vv -kut vn bulky » iġnukłigaa he folded
it and made it occupy less
*iġi2 (root) moisture space | -kłI- vv
iġivit- to become wrinkled, of skin iġnutu- (i) to be bulky, take too much
which has been immersed in water space | +tu- rv
» qallugauraqiqama argatka
iġivitchuurut when I wash iġñiq [iġñiQ] son » mikiniŋaniñ taikka
dishes, my hands always get iġñini aŋuniaġniġmik
wrinkled | +vit- vv ilisautiŋagaa he has taught his
iġġuġvik sink, washbasin | ‘-q-1 rv son how to hunt ever since he was
+vIk1 vn a little boy

iġñaaluk a dear son » “qunŋutaun” iġñisuk- (i) to be in labor, be about to
(Matumeak 2009) [a term of give birth | ‘=I-1 nv +suk-2 vv §
endearment] | -aluk n § iġñiQ quŋuaqtuqtuq
iġñaaq core of wood, shoot of plant, iġñisuliq- (i) (Ti) to begin labor (of a
heart of tree » iġñaaniktut marra woman giving birth) | ‘=I-1 nv
nautchiatka my plants are getting +suk-2 vv -lIq-3 vv
some new shoots | -aq2 nn Iġñivik [lit. “time when caribou give
iġñi- (i) to give birth to a child » birth”] month of June » aŋŋutit
aatauraġa unnuaq iġñimaruaq iġñivianni manniksiuġiaġuu-
aŋutaiyaamik I found out that my ruagut we used to go gathering
older sister gave birth to a boy last eggs in June | ‘=I-1 nv +vIk1 vn
night | ‘=I-1 nv § iva- iġñivik maternity ward; calving
iġñiaq child, offspring | ‘=I-1 nv ground | ‘=I-1 nv +vIk1 vn
±aq1 vn
iġñiayaaq(-) premature baby or iġñiqsruq- to hurry (her/him/it) |
infant; (i) to miscarry during a mqsruq- rv § qilamiqsruq-
pregnancy » iġñiayaaġaqtuq
qitunġaqaġukpaŋitkumilu-asu iġriñ suspender
as much as she longs for children, iġrisik pair of suspenders » iġrisigni
she always miscarries | ‘=I1 nv atuġulaiłługik
±aq1 vn -yaaq-1 vv § piayaaq kiviqiŋasaġataġuuruq because
iġñiġiik son and a parent | +[g]iik/t nn he doesn’t like to wear his
iġñiila- to say iġñiiŋ “son” repeatedly suspenders, he wears his pants
(to him) | ila- nv low all the time | -k2 nn
iġñiñiġluk- to die at childbirth (of the
mother) » iġñiñiġluutaa taavva iġviaq leather | -viaq2 rn
tiguaŋagaat her offspring, whose iġviaksraq animal skin to be tanned |
birth was the cause of her death, is -viaq2 rn +ksraq(-) nn
now adopted | ‘=I-1 nv -niġluk- vv iġvialigaak slippers or moccasins
iġñiksraq step-son | -ksraq(-) nn with soft, tanned leather soles »
iġñiliuq- (Nu) to impregnate a woman iġvialigaagnik atuqtuni uyaġait
with a male child (of a man)| aqisaġnaitchut one does not kick
-liuq- nv rocks when wearing soft, tanned,
iġñipkairi or (Ti) iġnirualiqiri leather-soled boots | -viaq2 rn
midwife » iġñipkairi aggiuŋ +ligaaq nn -k2 nn
qilamik go get the midwife, hurry iġvirriqi- (i) to work with leather |
| ‘=I-1 nv +pkaq-1 vv :I-4 vv -viaq2 rn =rriqi- vn
mt/ri vn
iġñiruaqtuqtuq (Ti) a charm which ii1 (excl.) yes
“work with things of a woman at iikiaq yes, I think so | +kiaq (encl.)
childbirth ” or during iivaluk yes, I guess so | +valuk nn
menustration (Rainey: 272) |
‘=I-1 nv +t/ruaq vn +tuq-3 nv ii2 (excl. uttered with closed mouth) aah
+t/ruq5 vn
ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it @ iisi- »
qaniġmiñun iriqtiqsaqługu

maapuuraq iiliġaa trying to hide ‘aq7 vn =It-1 nv
the marble in his mouth, he iiġruaq- (t) to finally swallow it,
inadvertently swallowed it || although it looked doubtful for a
+sI-3 vv while | +ġruaq-1 vv
iggiaġiiliq- (i) to get a sore throat » iiraġaq pill or liquid medicine »
iggiaġiiliqsuami iñuunniaqtim aŋutaiyaaq
atuġiaqqaaqłuŋa I got a sore kapigaluaġnagu iiraġaksraŋiñik
throat after attending the aitchuġaa the doctor gave the boy
singspiration session | ‘aq7 vn some medicine to swallow instead
+[g]iit- nv -lIq-3 vv of giving him a shot | -raġaq vn
iggiaġiit- (i) to have a sore throat | iisaġniq Adam’s apple | +saq-2 vv
‘aq7 vn +[g]iit- nv +niQ1 vn
iggiaġiksaq- (i) to clear one’s throat iisaq-1 (i) to swallow out of hunger or
| +[g]ik- nv msaq-3 nv strong emotion » iisaqtuq
iggiakuaqtaq pharyngeal consonant | niġiruaq qiñiqługu aġnaq he
-kuaq- nv +t/raq vn swallowed from hunger watching
iggianŋu- (i) to have an incessant sore the woman eating | +saq-2 vv
throat » iggianŋuvluŋa-uvva iisuġaq- (Ti) (i) to have the hiccups »
iisisuitchuŋaunnii because I have iisuġaŋaillaiqsuq qanuġliqaa
an unrelenting sore throat, I nutqaqtinnilukkaluaġaa he can’t
cannot swallow | ‘aq7 vn -nŋu-1 nv stop hiccoughing although she has
iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu) tried everything to stop him |
narrow entry (neck) of fish trap » +suġaq- vv § igusiġaq-
taluyaq iggiaqaġmiuq the fish
trap also has a “throat” | ‘aq7 vn ii-2 (i) to starve; to become hungry
¤iggiaqasiraaq- (Ti) (i) to be hoarse, iipagaq- [lit. “to swallow in
barely able to talk | ‘aq7 vn anticipation of eating”] (i) for
+qasiraaq- vv one’s mouth to water | +pak-2 vv
iggiaqasiraq- (i) to make a noise +aq-1 vv
from the throat | +qasiraq- nv iipak- to crave it =food which is in
¤iggiilġiraaq- (i) to make a hoarse sight but unobtainable or not
sound, of someone losing her/his offered » maktaksrautiŋi
voice | ‘aq7 vn =It-1nv niġiqqauraqtuat
iggiiłuktaq- or iggiiluktaq- (i) to iipakkaluaġitka I am craving the
sound hoarse » atuġnialaruq muktuk which the muktuk-eating
iggiiłuktaġaluaŋŋaġmi he is contestants are to eat, but... |
trying to sing although he sounds +pak- vv
hoarse | ‘aq7 vn =Iq-2 nv -luk- vv iisaq-2 (i) to covet a person eating but
+t/raq-1 vv is unable to join in | msaq-3 vv
iggiiq- (i) to become hoarse, get
laryngitis; lose one’s voice » ii4 (excl.) of fear or alarm, said in a
aġnaq iggiiqsuq atuqpaiłłuni the throaty breathy voice § iitittii,
woman got hoarse from singing iiqinii, iirigii
too much | ‘aq7 vn =Iq-2 nv iiq (excl.) it’s going to get you and it’s
iggiit- (i) to be hoarse, barely able to scary!
talk; (i) to lose one’s voice |

iiqinii (excl.) I’m scared!; I don’t iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; additon;
want to; it was scary » iiqinii, attachment; appendix; suffix (e.g.,
isiġuŋitchuŋa I’m frightened; I ending or enclitic); (i) to now be
don’t want to enter § iirigii lengthened; (t) to lengthen, extend
iitittii (excl.) cry of surprise when it; (t) to add a suffix to it =word »
burned or hurt, or when one kasimaniksraqput iiguniaġikput
narrowly escapes an accident » atausimik ikarramik we will
iitittii, kataiqqayapalukkiga extend our meeting time an hour §
qallun yikes, I almost dropped the ila(-), ilalaaq-
cup; “quviqłutik iiguaq or uiguaq new ice attached to
uqallaktiġuurut tainna” [one shore ice (an addition to the
makes that cry when surprised] previous edge) » “taġiumi
(Aiken 2009) uitqigman, tavra tamattuma
uiguaŋa” (Matumeak 2009)
ii5 (excl.) moan, groan expressing [when the water level rises again
sadness, sickness in the ocean, it’s the attachment or
iila- (i) to moan » additon made by that process] |
naŋinŋitkaluaqami -aq1 vv
iilaalaqpaguuruq even when he iiguiññaq- (i) to continue without
is not very sick he moans a lot | stopping to the next segment |
-la- vv :iññaq- vv
iiq- or iiqhiiq- (i) to moan, to groan | iiguniq an extension | +niQ1 vn
+q nv or reduplication of iiq- iigusima- (t) to aim a rifle at
iiqhiiluk(-) one who moans and her/him/it | +sima-2 vv
groans constantly (i) to moan and iiguti- to aim, sight (at it) with a gun
groan | +q2 nv -luk(-)2 vn, vv or bow | -ti- vv
iiqtuaq- (i) to moan and groan iiguuq- (t) to continue to lengthen,
constantly from pain » extend it | -uq-2 vv
iiqtualiŋarugguuq amma aġnaq iiguuqti consecutive interpreter |
they say that she is moaning and -uq-2 vv mt/ri vn
groaning constantly from pain | iiguuqtiliq- (t) to procure an
+q2 nv +tuaq- vv interpreter for her/him | -uq-2 vv
mt/ri vn -liq- nv
iigaq- (i) to lean on something; (t) to set it
on a slant, at an angle iiġaaq (Nu) wild baby (ferocious
iigaqsimaaq- (i) to be leaning on legendary creature with a sharp-
something » taigña nukatpiaq toothed mouth which extends from
iglum katchianun ear to ear) § makkaqpaligauraq
paałłakaapaluktuq quayaqiłłuni iik- (i) to sleep with head resting on the
that young man over there who ice and the rest of the body in the
was leaning on the wall sure fell water (of a walrus)
hard when he slipped |
+simaaq- vv iitiilik large open sore; canker

°Ik1 (dem. stem) over there (restricted and ikkugnaŋŋa, pl. ikkunaŋŋa] from
visible) § °av1 (dem. stem) °ag that one over there (restricted and
(dem. stem) visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
igña [dual ikkuak, pl. ikkua] the one sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
there (restricted and visible) | +na iktumatun or iksrumatun or
(dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) igrumatun or irrumatun [dual
ikani located there (restricted and ikkugnaktun, pl. ikkunatitun]
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) similar to that one over there
ikaniit- (i) to be located there (restricted and visible) | +tuma
(restricted and visible) | +anI (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun
(dem. loc.) it- “to be” (dem.sim.)
ikaniqpani located further over there | iktumiŋa or iksrumiŋa or igrumiŋa
(restricted and visible) | +anI or irrumiŋa [dual ikkugniŋa, pl.
(dem. loc.) +qpa nn +anI (dem. ikkuniŋa] that one over there
loc.) (restricted and visible) | +tuma
ikaŋŋa from there (restricted and (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) (dem. mod.)
ikaŋŋamiñ from that spot there iktumuŋa or iksrumuŋa or
(restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa igrumuŋa or irrumuŋa [dual
(dem. abl.) +miñ (abl.) ikkugnuŋa, pl. ikkunuŋa] to that
ikaŋŋaq- (i) to come from there one over there (restricted and
(restricted and visible) » visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
ikaŋŋaqtuakkiaq I think he came sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
from over there | +aŋŋa (dem. iktumuuna or iksrumuuna or
abl.) +q-3 dv igrumuuna or irrumuuna [dual
ikaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it ikkugnuuna, pl. ikkunuuna] via
from there | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) that one over there; with that one
+q-3 dv -uti- vv over there (restricted and visible) |
ikka over there (restricted and visible, +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
at eye level) | ‘a (dem adv. mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.)
ikkaikka (excl.) there! over there! ikuŋa to over there (restricted and
(restricted and visible, at eye visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
level) | reduplication of ikka ikuŋanmun towards over there
iktuma or iksruma or igruma or (restricted and visible) | +uŋa
irruma [dual ikkuak, pl. ikkua] (dem. term.) +nmun (term.)
that one there (restricted and ikuŋaq- (i) to go over there (restricted
visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron. and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
sg. mkr.) +q-3 dv
iktumani or iksrumani or igrumani ikuŋauti- (t) to take her/him/it to over
or irrumani [dual ikkugnagni, pl. there (restricted and visible) |
ikkunani] located with that one +uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv -uti- vv
there (restricted and visible) | ikuuna via, through there (restricted
+tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) and visible) | uuna (dem.via.)
+anI (dem. loc.) ikuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
iktumaŋŋa or iksrumaŋŋa or there (restricted and visible) |
igrumaŋŋa or irrumaŋŋa [dual +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.aq-3 dv

ikaaġun something used for going
*ik2 messy; disorderly; dirty § ikak-2 across, e.g., a boat; a bridge |
ikkii (excl.) icky!; oh, how dirty | +aq-1 vv +un1 vn
+kii2 (encl.) ikaaq- to cross over (it) » aakan
ikkiiq- (i) to be dirty, grimy | +kii2 ikaaŋava has your mother gone
(encl.) +q-2 nv across | +aq-1 vv
iksaluk(-) or iksaluu- one who is ikaaqsaaġun crosspiece on bed of
disorganized and messy; (i) to be sled; sleeping platform plank |
messy, disorganized, leave things +aq-1 vv -saaq-1 vv +un1 vn §
around; (i) to put things anywhere, igilaaq, see Appendix 22
not in their correct places » tavra ikaanmun- toward the other side |
tammaisuurutin +aq-1 vv -nmun (term.)
iksalukpaiłłutin the reason ikaayunaq- (i) to be easy to cross |
you lose things is because you put -yunaq- vv
things anywhere, not where they ikaktaq- (i) to go across back and
should be | perhaps +sak- rv forth; (t) to cross over it = e.g.,
+luk(-)2 vn :u-1 nv river, body of water repeatedly |
iksaluŋaaq- (i) to be messy, +t/raq-1 vv
disorganized (of a person) | ikaktaun something used regularly to
perhaps +sak- +luk(-)2 vn go across, e.g., a boat, a raft |
±ŋaaq(-) nv +t/raq-1 vv :uti1 vn
ikaktiq- (i) to cross over a body of
°ikag (stem) westward | -ak nn < °Ik1 water carrying one’s belongings;
Ikagnaġliit (Ti) those situated to the (t) to cross it =body of water
west side in Point Hope, Alaska repeatedly carrying her/his
ikagnamiñ saġvaq ocean current belongings | mtiq-2 vv
from the northeast § see Appendix ikarrakit- (i) to be narrow » kuugum
14 ikarrakiññiŋagun
ikagnaq(-) or ikaŋnaq northeast ikaaġutiyyaġai he led them to go
wind; north wind (Jenness 1928: and cross the river at its narrowest
32); to be windy from the point | -rraq vn -kIt- nv
northeast; (Nu) wind that crosses ikarraq ford, place to cross over
over from the headwaters of a water; one hour; width of material
river in a pass; (Ti) west; west » “Ikarraġa tikiñŋaitchuķ-suli.
wind | +naq2 vn § see Appendix 15 My time has not yet come.”
ikagniq- (i) for the wind to be (Iñupiat New Testament: John
blowing from the northeast | 2:4) | +rraQ vn
+nIq-2 nv ikarraqtu- (i) to be wide | -rraQ vn
ikaŋnaaq (Ti) southwest wind § see +tu- nv § niġutu-
Appendix 15 ikaun or ikautit or ikaaġun bridge »
ikaŋnaq (Ti) west; west wind ikautit kuugum supiruam
+naq2 vn kataktillagruaġai the rushing
ikaŋnanmun (Ti) towards the west, to river brought down the bridge |
the west | +naq2 vn -nmun (term.) :un1 vn, +aq-1 vv :un1 vn
ikauti- or ikaaġuti- (t) to take
ikak-1 to cross over (it), e.g., water her/him/it across » tavrauna

naqitaġutivlugu extended from fist; (t) to make an
atqautisaġaġigaat aasii unfriendly gesture made with
iqsrukługu ikautivlugu tying index and little fingers extended
him down they would descend from fist (at her/him) »
with him, then they would carry tunupqauraġman uumiñaġak
him across on their shoulders | nukatpiaġruk ikauraakkaa as
:uti- vv, +aq-1 vv +uti- vv soon as the mean boy turned
around she gave him the extended
ikak-2 (i) to be dirty; (i) to be messy, not fingers gesture § tupquraak
orderly | perhaps ak-1 vv, rv § ikaurak- (t) to choke her/him/it by
*ik-2 squeezing her/his/its throat, e.g.,
ikakłuk(-) a dirty, unkempt, untidy wolf or dog attacking caribou by
person (i) to be dirty, unkempt (of the throat @ ikaurai- |
person) | +łuk-2 vv
ikakłuŋa- (i) to have the nature of ikayuq- to help, assist, support
being dirty, unkempt (of a person) (her/him/it) » aŋun ikayuqtuq
| +łuk-2 ±ŋa- vv aitchuqtuimmata niqinik the
ikaŋa- (i) to be untidy, messy | man helped when they were
±ŋa- rv passing out food » ikayuġai
ikakłiqi- (i) to become dirty (of a aġnat he is helping the women »
person); (t) to make it dirty, messy ikayuqtuq he is helping
» nukatpiaġruk ikakłiqiruq ikayuġiaq- to go and help (her/him/it)
piuraaqłuni aqiyami the boy is | +iaq-1 vv
getting dirty playing in the mud | ikayui- (i) to help, assist, benefit
+lIqi- vv someone » taamna aŋaayyuliqsi
ikkak- or ikkaktit- (i) to become ikayuipaluktuq iñugnik
dirty, grimy (of a thing); (t) to uqalluataqłuni Savaiñmata the
make it become dirty and messy » preacher helped a lot of people by
araasu-manna inauraq giving a good sermon last Sunday
ikkayaruq my goodness, this | :I-4 vv
room gets messy quickly | ‘-k-2 rv ikayuliktuq- to take the time to help
or ‘-k-2 rv +tit-2 vv or mtit-1 v (her/him/it) » ikayuliktuġuŋ
ayaŋaiñŋaqpit take time to help
ikamġaq (Ti) small sled for carrying him before you leave | -liktuq- vv
seals, etc.; ”Sleds (ikum- ikayuqti assistant, helper; intercessor |
nguq),which were no more than 2 mt/ri vn
or 3 feet long and 3 or 4 inches ikayuusiaq assistance; intercession |
high, were occasionally used on :usiaq vn
smooth ice.” (Rainey: 254) »
“sisamanik natchiġnik iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place
usiaqallaruq” (S. Tuzroyluke oneself into a container; (i) to
2009) [it can carry four seals] board a conveyance; (t) to place or
put her/him/it into a container or
ikauraak(-) hyoid bone (at base of conveyance @ ikusi- »
tongue); unfriendly gesture made umialikput ikuruq umiamiñun
with index and little fingers itqanaiŋammagaaqsaqługu our

captain got into his boat to see if it +[ġ]aq vn -lIq-1 nv or +[ġ]aq vn
was ready || +sI-3 vv ‘=Iq-1 nv
ikkutilik stockholder (in a
corporation) | ‘-ti1 vn -lik nn iki-2 (i) to burn
ikkusiq- (i) to pay, buy one’s fare; (t) igniġilaq [lit. “one without a fire”]
to pay her/his/its fare » sailboat | ~niQ1 vn :ilaq nn
ikkusiqsuq aullaġukłuni igniġilaq atausilik one-masted sail-
tiŋŋutikun he bought a ticket to boat (also malġulik, piŋasulik,
get on the plane | ‘ti1 vn ~Iq-1 nv etc) | ~niQ1 vn :ilaq nn
ikkun fare; ticket; stock (in igniġun percussion cap; primer |
corporation) » tiŋŋutikun ikkun ~niQ1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv ‘ti1 vn
akisuruq an plane ticket is igniġuq- (i) to ignite, to catch fire |
expensive | ‘-ti1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv
iksraq bank account; stock, shares in igniġuula- or iŋniġuula- (i) to throw
a company, corporation » off sparks » maġġakuaġman,
iksrallaa kaŋŋumi naakka agluŋik igniġuulapaluktuk when
manniqirini each share in the he traveled over sand, his sled
corporation or each account in the runners sparked a lot;
bank | ~qsraq vn “akmaamik iŋniqsruqamik,
iksruq- (i) to embark, to get into a igniġuulatchisuugaat” (Hugo
vehicle or boat (of many persons); 2009) [when they light a fire with
(t) to load them into a vehicle, flint, they usually make sparks] |
boat, or container; for a boat to be ~niQ1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv .-q-1 vv
swamped (of water) » qaillium -la- vv
umiaq iksruġaa the wave is igniġuuqpatit- or iŋniġuuqpatit- (i)
swamping the boat | mqsruq-2 vv to strike (of lightning); to spark
ikuliq- (i) to splash into boat (of water once » igniġuuqpatinman
in rough waters) | -liq-3 vv tupapaluktuŋa I was very
ikupkaġniapiaq- (i) trying hard to startled when the lightning struck |
place onboard; (t) trying hard to ~niQ1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv .-q-1 vv
place her/him/it onboard | +patit- vv § qaummiatitaq-
+pkaġniapiaq- vv igniġuuqpatitaq- (i) to strike more
ikuvġaq pad, mat; lower mattress than once (of lightning) | ~niQ1 vn
(lower of two caribou skins, hair +[ġ]uq-1 nv .-q-1 +patit- vv
facing up) » ikuvġaġiiłłuŋa +aq-1 vv § qaummiatitaq-
siñigluataŋitchuŋa I didn’t sleep igniġvik stove » taigruamik
well because of an uncomfortable igniġviliullaviŋa can you make a
mat | ¤+v +[ġ]aq vn § qarraaq stove for me from an oil drum |
ikuvġaliq- or ikuvġiq- (i) to place a ~niQ1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv +vIk1 vn
mattress or mat under oneself; (t) igniksraq or igniġutiksraq primer
to place a mattress or mat under (explosive material e.g.,
her/him/it » ukialliñik gunpowder); kindling »
ikuvġaliqłuta aullaqtuagut we “igniksraqaġuurut
left using winter caribou skins as palliksranik” (Hugo 2009) [dried
mats (on the sled, boat or any cottongrass is used for kindling];
other means of transportation) | “paġnasisuuŋŋaisa; karrutaŋata

itiġruŋani ittuaq” (Matumeak igniqsuq- or iŋniqsuq- (i) to build a
2009) [this was when they used to fire in a stove; (t) to build a fire in
prepare their own shotgun shells; it =stove or fireplace; (t) to build
it’s located on the shell cartridge a fire in a stove in it =dwelling »
of the firing pin of the gun] | igniqsuġiaqtuuraġuŋ iglu go
~niQ1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv ‘ti1 vn quickly and build a fire in the
-ksraq(-)1 nn § kukuutiksrat stove in the house | ~niQ1 vn
igniksraqaġvik or ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv
igniġutiksraqaġvik (Nu) primer, igniqsuun bow drill, fire drill |
gunpowder horn (made of sheep’s ~niQ1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv
horn) | ~niQ1 vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv +un1 vn § kiŋmiaq
‘ti1 vn -ksraq(-)1 nn -qaq- nv igniqutaiyaq- (i) to have a broken
+vIk1 vn engine | -Iyaq- nv, vv
igniligauraq inboard motor boat » igniqutit outboard motor; engine;
aŋuniaġiaqsaŋiñmiut power plant | ~niQ1 vn +qun1 vn
igniligauraġiiłłutiŋ they are not -t nn
going hunting because their motor igniqutitaq- (i) to use an outboard
boat is not working | ~niQ1 vn motor | ~niQ1 vn +qun1 nn
-lik nn +ġaq1 nn :uraq nn +[t]aq-2 nv
ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor- igniquurraaq- (i) to break (of
driven ship | ~niQ1 vn -lik nn engine); (t) to break it’s engine »
igniñ or iŋniñ flint, stone used to igniquurraaqłunuk
create a spark and ignite fire; fire sapuġauruaguk wed were
starter | ~niQ1 vn ‘=I-1 vv ‘ti vn stranded because of a broken
igniq fire | ~niQ1 vn engine | -urraaq- nv
igniqauġvik place to have an outdoor ignisik a pair of iron pieces used to
fire | ~niQ1 vn -qauq- nv +vIk1 vn spark and start a fire (Kisautaq:
igniqauq- or inŋiqauq- (i) to build a 649) | ~niQ1 vn ‘=I-1 vv ‘ti vn
fire outside; a campfire | ~niQ1 vn -k2 nn
+qauq- nv ignisiq or iŋnisiq flint, firestone |
igniqauqpatit- (i) to spark once | -siq nn
~niQ1 vn +qauq- nv +patit- nv igniuqti engineer on train | ‘=iuq-1 nv
igniqpalliaġaq- or inŋiqpalliaġaq- mt/ri vn
(i) to strike repeatedly (of ikiniq burnt area | +niQ1 vn
lightning); (i) to make a fire flare ikipkaivik incinerator, trash burner;
up (to attract attention) | place for burning trash |
+qpak(-) vv,nn,vn -llIq-2 nv -pkaq-1 vv :I-4 vv +vIk1 vn
±aq-1 vv ±aq-1 vv § ikipkaq- (t) to burn, incinerate it |
qaummaliaġaq- -pkaq-1 vv
igniqpalliaq- to strike (of lightning) | ikirrutigraq (Ti) rubbing alcohol |
+qpak(-) vv,nn,vn -llIq-2 nv +t-1 vv +ruti vn +ksraq nn
±aq-1 vv ikirrutiksraq fire starter | +t-1 vv
igniqpatit- (i) to make a spark » +ruti vn +ksraq nn
igniqpatitahugruaqsiruq ikit-1 (i) to be now ignited (of fire,
[eta:ns#22b] | ~niQ1 vn +patit- nv cigarette, cigar or pipe); (i) to be
turned on (of light); (t) to ignite,

turn it =stove, cigarette lighter, wound her/him/it | -lik nn;
light on @ ikitchi- » ikinŋa; perhaps-lik- vv
ikutitka imma sumavikkiaq ikillak- (i) to catch a wounded
light my cigarette; I don’t know animal; to find a wounded or dead
what I did with my matches | +t-1 animal | -lik nn ‘-k-1 nv
vv || +sI-3 vv ikillaktaġi- (t) to find it =wounded or
ikisuŋnit- or ikisugnit- (i) to emit dead animal and claim it | -lik nn
an burning odor | +suŋnIt- vv ‘-k-1 nv +t/raq vn +[g]i-1 nv
ikkuqutit heather used as tinder for ikillau- (i) to be wounded | perhaps
starting fires (Cassiope tetragona) -llaq rn, nn :u-1 nv
| ‘-quti vn -t nn ikillii- to wound (it) | -lik nn -I-7 vv
ikkutiksraq or (Ti) ikkutigraq fire ikisia- (i) to make noise or move
starter, e.g., shaving(s), bits of about after being wounded » tuttu
paper, gas used to ignite a fire, ikisiaruaq supputivsaaqługu
lighter fluid, rubbing alcohol » tuqutkaa he shot the wounded
ikkutiksramik nanukkaa tunua caribou which was thrashing
she rubbed his back with rubbing about with another shot | +sia- nv
alcohol | ‘n1 vn -ksraq(-) nn
ikuala- (i) to blaze, roar, burn brightly ikiaq- (t) to build an extra wide base for
(of fire) | -ala- vv or ‘-ala- vv the sod house » “ikiaqługu
ikuallak- (i) to burst into flames; (i) killiŋagun; ilaanni isiġuuruq
to flare up (of fire); (Nu) (i) to imaq” [they put an extra wide
burn brightly, blaze (of fire) ;(by base to it along its borders;
extension) to lose one’s temper » sometimes the water comes in]
ikuallayaruq amna taavamna (Aiken 2009) § see Appendix 22
that guy loses his temper easily |
-ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv ikiaq(-) woman’s slip; (i) to put on a
ikuallaaġik- (i) to burn well, easily woman’s slip; (t) to put a
combustible | -ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv woman’s slip on her/him/it
perhaps -aq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv
ikuappak- (t) to raise it =lamp flame | ikiaq- (i) to split into layers (said as the
perhaps -aq-3 vv +ppak- rv split has just been completed); (t)
ikuma- (i) to be lit or turned on (of a to split it into layers; (t) to divide,
light) | +ma-1 vv split it into its natural layers, e.g.,
ikumman heating fuel, stove oil; unit walrus skins which can be split
of energy | +ma-1 vv ‘n1 vn into inner and outer layers; (t) to
ikummatit sources of energy | split it =log, wood@ ikiaqsi- |
+ma-1 vv ‘n1 vn -t nn +sI-3 vv
ikun match | +n vn ikiaġruġaq- (Ti) (i) to shudder from
fright | mqsruq-2 vv +aq-1 vv
iki [ikI] open wound ikiaġuk- (Nu) (i) to shiver from the
ikiġuraq (Nu) a small bullet hole | cold | -uk(-)2 vv
÷uraq rn ¤ikiaqsalaa- or ikiaqsalaaq- (Ti) (i)
ikilik(-) one with a wound; wounded to have a chill go through one’s
or dead animal; ikilik- (t) to body, as when startled | +salak- vv
-a-2 vv or +salak- vv -aq-1 vv

ikiaqsaq- (Ti) (i) to have a chill run such as a wedge into a piece of
through one’s body when startled | wood » uluuraġa paqillaiqsaġa
perhaps msaq-3 vv ikiaqtinŋamaruaq katchimun
ikiaqsunŋu- (i) to shiver, have chills my ulu, which I’ve not been able
» “ikiaqsunŋuruq to find, had slipped into the area
sauniñŋuliġniaġami between the walls | mtit-1 vv
uunnautinigniaġami ikkirraq a split layer of something |
nuvaksiniaġami” (C. Tuzroyluke -rraQ vn
2009) [one has the chills when
one is about to have bone ache, ¤ikigiik- to be side by side »
when one is about to develop a “ikigiiksitaaqhutik pilailaat,
fever, or when one is about to aapiyaqtik tavra tainna
catch a cold] | +sunŋu- vv § maliqqukługu” (Nageak 1975:
qiunŋuliq- 14) [they did not go side by side,
ikiaqtala- (i) to experience a tingling they always followed their elder
sensation, often from anticipation; brother] | +[g]iik(-) nv § perhaps
(i) to shiver from the cold, have nikigiik-
chills » ikiaqtalauraliġamaunnii
aullaġumalaaqpaiłłuŋa I was ¤ikigrauraq (Ti) cube of yeast |
tingling from excitement because -ksraq(-) nn :uraq nn
I was so looking forward to my
trip | +t/raq-1 vv -la- vv ikiġaaq(-) tent door made of two flaps; (i)
ikiaqtalaaq- (i) to experience a designed so as to easily open
prolonged tingling sensation; (i) to repeatedly (of tent flaps) | perhaps
experience the “creeps”; (i) to feel +aaq(-) vn, vv
unsettled » “ikiaqtalaaġnisuurut
marra qiunŋagamik naakka ikiġġat or (Ti) ikiġġait raised
quviatchakłutiglu pigamik cache/storage area to safeguard
allayuaqtiqamik” (Aiken 2009) gear and goods from animals;
[they say they are experiencing a drying rack for fish or meat; (Ti)
prolonged tingling sensation when posts where boat frame is placed
they have chills or when they so that a bearded sealskin may be
experience unexplainable joy] | lashed to frame as a cover | -t nn §
+t/raq-1 vv -la- vv -q-1 vv tatigI, umiivik
ikiaqtaq- (i) to shiver due to a fever;
¤(Ti) (i) to shiver from the cold
» “ikiaqtaġuuruq qiunŋuvluni
unnautiniktuni” (Aiken 2009)
[one shivers when one is chilled
due to a fever] | +t/raq-1 vv §
ikiipkuq radius, the shorter and thicker
ikiaqtaq plank, planking | +t/raq vn
of the two bones in the human
ikiaqtit- (i) to fall or be placed in
forearm, the one on the thumb
between two things; (t) to cause it
side § see Appendix 21
to fall or be placed in between two
things; to insert something into it,
¤ikIk1 [ikIk] block of wood § ikkiq

ikivġiq- (i) to be propped up; (t) to prop it
¤ikik2 [pl. ikigIt] spinal disc, cartilage § up
ikkat- (i) to be shallow (e.g., a body of
ikinġuaq sole of fur socks water) » ikkattuq taamna
narvaq that lake is shallow § iti-
ikiq [ikiQ] sound, strait (topographical); ikkalġit- (i) to become stuck in
passage of water between bodies shallow water (of a conveyance or
of land; width § ikaaq- a person in a conveyance) »
ikiġuraq a narrow strait (Jenness ikkalġitchuagut we got stuck in
1928: 32) | ÷uraq rn shallow water | ±ġuq vn ‘=It-2 nv
ikikit- (i) to be narrow (e.g., of a ikkalġiuq- (i) to travel through
river, doorway); (i) for there to be shallow water, sometimes
a short distance between two grounding the boat | ±ġuq vn
points | -kIt- nv ‘=It-2 nv ‘=iuq-2 nv
ikikłi- or (Ti) ikigli- (i) to become ikkalġuq submerged sandbar; shallow
narrow; to close up, come together water | ±ġuq vn § naġrugaq
(e.g., of ocean ice) | -kłI- nv
ikiqtu- (i) to be wide, broad; (i) to be ikkauraq or (PB) itkauraq five-gallon
a long distance across between kerosene can
two points e.g., of a river between
its banks » ikiqturuq tamanna ikkii (excl.) oh, how dirty!; how filthy! <
kuuk itimmivluni that river is *ik-2
wide and also very deep | +tu- rv
ikirriq(-) barrier island that the waves ikkiiq- (i) to be dirty, grimy < *ik-2
have split in two so that there is a
passageway through; (i) to create ikkiq [ikkIk] [pl. ikkiġIt] red spruce tree;
two islands out of one island » hard wood which grows on the
tamanna tapqaq kipivlugu tavra side of a spruce tree; hardwood
ikirriqsuamik taisuugaat (Jenness 1928: 44); driftwood that
tamauna anisaaġnaqsivlugu has a reddish color which can
when a sandbar is split in two, bend without breaking (Matumeak
creating a passageway through, it 2009) § niaquptalik
is call an “ikirriq” | -rraq vn
'=Iq-1nv § ikak- ikkik [ikkIk] gums of mouth (Jenness
1928: 32)
ikiq- (t) to tie the flaps of a tent to one
side so as to make an opening ikkun fare, payment for travel; stock (in
ikiqsimaaq- (i) to be tied to one side corporation) < iki-1
(of tent flap) » ikiqsimaaqtuq
paaŋa tupqum the tent flap is ikłiġvik1 or ¤igliġvik (Ti) tool bag, tool
tied to one side of the tent | box; a bag; sewing kit (Molly Itta
+simaaq- vv 2009) » “suġautaqaġviuraq;
puukatauraq; agmaġaat
ikit-2 or ikikit- (i) to be few qaaŋagun; natchiġmik naakka
tuttumik” (Hugo 2009) [it’s a

container to keep things in; a father arrived yesterday §
small bag with an opening on unnuŋman
top; it’s usually made out of seal ikpaksraaġu or ikpaksraaġun in a
or caribou]; few days | -aq2 nn m[g]u(n) nn
“savalġutiqaġviuraq” (Aiken ikpaksraapak during the last few
2009) [a small tool bag] | days; (Nu) a few days ago (a span
+vIk1 rv § ikpiaġruk, suummaq of one to two weeks) »
ikpaksraapak tautukasaktaġa I
¤ikłiġvik2 [dual ikłiġvak, pl. ikłiġvigIt] have seen her several times these
Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca) | past few days | -aq2 nn -pak1 nn
-vik2 nn ikpaksraaq several days ago »
ikpaksraaq qaiŋaruami I came
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something several days ago | -aq2 nn
ikłigi- (t) to desire, covet it | ikpaksraaqisuuraġu in a few days |
+[g]i-1 vv -aq2 nn -qisuuraq nn +[g]u(n)
ikłignaq- (i) to be tempting, desirable ikpaksraaqisuuraq a few days ago |
| +naq(-) vv -aq2 nn -qisuuraq nn
ikłigusaaq- (t) to tempt her/him @ ikpaksraasugruk some time ago (a
ikłigusaaqłiq- | perhaps :u-2 vv span of a month or so) »
±saaq-2 vv @ +kłIq-1 vv :I-4 vv ikpaksraasugruk
ikłigusaaġun or ikłigusaun or kasimayyaŋaruagut Kalaałłit
ikłigutchaun a temptation | Nunaannun we attended a
perhaps :u-2 vv ±saaq-2 vv -u1vn meeting in Greenland a month or
+t3 nn so ago | -aq2 nn +sugruk1 nn
ikłigusuk- (i) to be tempted to do ikpaksratqik day before yesterday |
something | perhaps :u-2 vv +tqIk3 nn
-suk-2 vv
ikłigutchai- (t) to cause her/him to ikpiaġruk small sack to hold belongings;
become tempted » Nayuk sewing kit; woman’s handbag;
ikłigutchaigaa she tempted “Bag (i-pi-á-ru). Made of a bear’s
Nayuk | perhaps :u-2 vv -tchak- vv stomach.” (Murdoch as reported
-I-6 vv by Ray1885: 70); jellyfish |
ikłigutchak- (i) to become tempted » -ġruk nn § ikłiġvIk, suummaq,
ikłigutchayaruq he is easily tuummaq, tilaammaayuun,
tempted | perhaps :u-2 vv silammaayuun
+tchak- vv
ikłiktau- (i) to be tempted » *ikpik (root) source of discomfort
ikłiktausuuruq taamna aġnaq ikpigi- (t) to feel discomfort from it
that woman is always coveting =slightly painful place on body;
something | +t/raq vn :u-1 nv feel discomfort from ill-fitting
clothing | +[g]i-1 rv
ikpak bib of coveralls that covers the
chest; top front of pants ikpik [ikpIk] bluff; steep bank of river;
cliff § imnaq
ikpaksraq yesterday; recent past » ikpiilġuq a low area along a bluff or a
ikpaksraq tikitchuaq aapaga my steep bank | +It-1 nv ±ġuq vn

ikpiktitaq- to undercut a bank (of iksi- (i) to throw things away, throw out,
water) » immam ikpiktitaqtuam discard things; to take things to
nuŋutkaa Ukkuqsiq the water the dump; (t) to throw her/his
which keeps undercutting the things away < igit-2
bank is washing away the
Ukkuqsiq area| mtitaq(-) vv iksiqi- (i) to rummage for things in the
dump < igit-2
ikpiq- [ikpIq] to surface ahead and to the
right (of it =a whaling boat), of iksivik or iktaqaġvik dump; dumpster
whale » “ikpiġaatigut aġviġum; < igit-2
tavra aġviq puiruq ikpiqłuta
qaaŋiqłuta taliqpiptigun” iksiaksraq snow to be melted for
(Matumeak 2009) [it surfaced drinking water | ±aq1 vn
ahead and to the right of us; that +ksraq(-) nn § auksiaq(-)
is, the whale surfaced ahead and
to the right of us] iksiva- (i) to be sitting » iksivaruq aġnaq
uniat qaaŋanni the woman is
iksaluk(-) or iksaluu- one who is sitting on the top of the sled §
disorganized and messy; (i) to be aquppI-
messy, disorganized, leave things iksivaq- (i) to sit down | +aq-1 vv §
around; (i) to put things anywhere, aquvit-, aquppI-
not in their correct places < °ik2 iksivautaq chair | +utaq1 vn §
iksaluŋaaq- (i) to be messy, disorganized
(of a person) < °ik2 iksrik- (i) to bend over with one’s
buttocks in the air; (t) to bend over
iksaq- (i) to release an arrow or to fire a with one’s buttocks raised towards
gun; (i) to be inclined to hit, strike her/him/it in jest; (t) to “moon”
a blow, start a fight, or start her/him/it § iksiva-, iksuġaq
shooting easily without restraint; iksriktaayuuq Spotted Sandpiper
(t) to start a fight with her/him » (Actitis macularia); Yellow
taigña iksayavluni Wagtail (Motacilla flava) |
piyuktitchuuruq the reason that +tayuk(-) vn, vv -.q4 vn
one over there gets beaten up is
because he reacts without iksrumaa (excl.) hey! you over there!
restraint; “suna mapqaġman (restricted and visible)
iksaqtuq tavra suppun” < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
(Matumeak 2009) [when
something is released with a bang, iksruma [dual ikkuak , pl. ikkua] that one
it means a gun has been fired] over there (restricted and visible)
iksaqtitaun trigger rod of darting gun < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
| mtit-1 vv ‘n1 vn
iksauti- (i) to start fighting back; (t) to iksrumani [dual ikkugnagni, pl.
release it =stone from a sling; (t) ikkunani] located with that one
to throw it = a stone, a spear, a over there (restricted and visible)
harpoon | :uti- vv < °Ik1 (dem. stem)

iktumani [dual ikkugnagni, pl. ikkunani]
iksrumaŋŋa [dual ikkugnaŋŋa, pl. located with that one over there
ikkunaŋŋa] from that one over (restricted and visible)
there (restricted and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
< °Ik1 (dem. stem)
iktumaŋŋa [dual ikkugnaŋŋa, pl.
iksrumatun [dual ikkugnaktun, pl. ikkunaŋŋa] from that one over
ikkunatitun] like that one over there (restricted and visible)
there (restricted and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
< °Ik1 (dem. stem)
iktumatun [dual ikkugnaktun, pl.
iksrumiŋa [dual ikkugniŋa, pl. ikkuniŋa] ikkunatitun] like that one over
that one over there (restricted and there (restricted and visible)
visible) <°Ik1 (dem. stem) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)

iksrumuŋa [dual ikkugnuŋa, pl. iktumiŋa [dual ikkugniŋa, pl. ikkuniŋa]

ikkunuŋa] to that one over there that one over there (restricted and
(restricted and visible) visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
< °Ik1 (dem. stem)
iktumuŋa [dual ikkugnuŋa, pl. ikkunuŋa]
iksrumuuna [dual ikkugnuuna, pl. to that one over there (restricted
ikkunuuna] via that one there; and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
with that one over there (restricted
and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem) iktumuuna [dual ikkugnuuna, pl.
ikkunuuna] via that one there;
iksruq- (i) to embark, to get into a vehicle with that one over there (restricted
or boat (of many persons); (t) to and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
load them into a vehicle, boat, or
container; for a boat to be iku- (i) to get in a conveyance or
swamped (of water) < iki-1 container; (t) to put her/him/it in a
conveyance or container < iki-1
iksuġiq [iksuġIq] [pl. iksuqqIt] or
iksuġaq [pl. iksuqqat] seat in an ikuala- (i) to blaze, roar, burn brightly (of
umiak | +[ġ]aq vn § kiglu, iksiva- fire) < iki-2

iktaqaġvik dump; dumpster < igit-2 ikuallak- (i) to burst into flames; (i) to
flare up (of fire); (Nu) (i) to burn
iktaq something thrown away, discarded brightly, blaze (of fire) ;(by
item; outcast < igit-2 extension) to lose one’s temper <
iktuma [dual ikkuak , pl. ikkua] that one
over there (restricted and visible) ikuallaaġik- (i) to burn well, easily
< °Ik1 (dem. stem) combustible < iki-2

ikuappak- (t) to raise it (lamp flame) <


ikuġaaġniq ice adhering to ice that has ikuŋa (dem. adv. term.) to over there
been added to shore ice (restricted and visible)
(Harcharek: 12) | perhaps < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
+aaq(-) vn +niQ1 vn
ikuŋanmun towards over there
ikuġaaq(-) depression in sea ice full of (restricted and visible)
water; for sea ice to become full < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
of depressions full of water |
perhaps +aaq(-) vn § iki-1 ikuŋaq- (i) to go there (restricted and
visible); (t) to put it over there
ikuk- to scrape fat off (it) animal skin (restricted and visible)
ikuaq or ikuktaq scraped skin | < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
±aq1 vn
ikui- (i) to do first step in tanning ikupkaġniapiaq- (i) trying hard to placed
caribou hide | perhaps :I-4 vv onboard; (t) trying hard to place
ikuun scraper for animal skin her/him/it onboard < iki-1
(traditionally a chipped flint or a
ground stone blade that was ikusik(-) [ikusIk] elbow; (t) to elbow
mounted in a handle of driftwood her/him/it » ikusiŋik
or ivory, nowadays a piece, maksiŋamaruak kigragruaqtun
usually four inches of shotgun his elbows were dirty and crusted,
barrel or shotgun shell casing, is very rough to the touch
used for the blade); wood plane | ikusigmik- to elbow (her/him/it)
:un1 vn < satkuun, saluksiñ repeatedly and quickly | +mik-1 nv
ikusiksimaaq- (i) to lean on one’s
elbows; (t) to have one’s elbows
on it | +simaaq- nv
ikusimigaq- (Nu) (i) to hobble on
elbows (of human or dog) |
ikuyunaq- (i) to be easy to scrape » -mIk1 nv,vv +raq-2 nv
ikuyunaqsimava is it easy to ikutchiaq- (i) to hurt one’s elbow |
scrape | -yunaq- vv ‘-aq-2 nv

ikuliq- (i) to splash into boat (of water in ikutaq(-) boot trim made of thin strips of
rough waters) < iki-1 dyed sealskin woven through
holes punched in sun-bleached
ikuma- (i) to be burning, on (of a light) < sealskin; to make sealskin boot
iki-2 trim » ikutaqługit qupaguugait
nalukataunnat they decorate
ikumman heating fuel, stove oil < iki-2 summer whaling festival boots
with strips of colored sealskin
ikummatit energy; source of energy < woven in
ikuuna through, via over there (restricted
ikun match < iki-2 and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem)

ilaannigun (Ti) some other time, in a few
ikuunnaaq- (i) to go by way of there days, months; at some time §
(restricted and visible) ilaannigun under ila
< °Ik1 (dem. stem)
ilaaq- (i) to scoop out ice chunks from a
ikuvġaliq- or ikuvġiq- (i) to place a hole; (t) to scoop out ice chunks
mattress or mat under oneself; (t) from it =hole @ ilaaqsi- |
to place a mattress or mat under +sI-3 vv § ilak-
her/him/it < iki-1 ilaaġun or ilaun or ilaaqtuun an ice
scoop made of a horn frame
ikuvġaq pad, mat; lower mattress (lower and baleen netting, used to
of two caribou skins, hair facing remove ice chunks from a fishing
up) < iki-1 hole or any hole in the ice | -un1 vn
or +tuq-1 vv-un1 vn § mitiŋiun
iksivautaq small, three-legged stool
(Kisautaq: 650) § nikuvġautat ilaġġisigi- (Ti) (t) to not heed her/his
advice, warning § ilaġġisigi-
ikvapak (adv) the last few days »
“anuqłilgitchuq ikvapak” ilaġviit abdominal viscera, guts »
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s been windy “ilaġviŋi samma imaiññiqsut,”
the last few days] § ikpaksrapak uqallaktuq saptallaġmiuŋ
paniurani “her guts are empty,”
ilaa1 (abs. pron.) she/he or herself/himself she said as she felt and examined
< °ili her little daughter’s abdomen |
perhaps +vIk2 vn -t nn
ilaa2 (excl.) used to express that
something or someone is similar ilak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside with a
to or acts like another being or sweeping motion @ ilaksi- »
thing, e.g., talks just like, feels just ilakkaa aġnaq iñailuqutauruaq
like, looks just like, acts just like she shoved aside the woman who
it’s almost just like that! » ilaa was taking up most of the space ||
makua nusapiatin these look just +sI-3 vv
like your own hair ilagaq- (t) to shove it aside; (Nu) (t) to
brush them away | +aq-1 vv
ilaaguaŋaruaq manik special account ilakługi- (t) to swipe, shove, throw it/
< °ili them around and leave it/them in
disorder » ilakługigai suġauttat
ilaagun (via pron.) via her/him; with iglumiittuat ivaqłiqłuni
her/him; by herself/himself/itself sumiktaimma he is shoving
< °ili things around in the house looking
for something | +łuk1 nn +[g]i-1 nv
ilaagullaa individually; herself/himself/
itself < °ili ilaŋa- (i) to desire, request something
from one’s namesake (e.g., a
ilaaluq (Ti) partner, schoolmate § ilaaluq share of an animal) » aññaġa
tautukapku ilaŋaruaŋa

niġliġnik aatchimagaaŋa when I ilaani [dual iliŋignI, pl. iliŋiññI] (loc.
last saw my namesake cousin, I located with her/him; in her/his
expressed a desire for geese; now opinion » ilaaniitchupaaqtuŋa
I find that she brought me some malguŋni uvluŋni I am planning
geese to stay with her for two days | :a
(abs. poss. 3s-s) ÷nI (loc.)
ilaunnii (Nu) if possible » ilaunnii ilaanik [dual iliŋigñik, pl. iliŋiññik]
qaiñiaqtuŋa I will come if her/him; by herself/himself/itself
possible § ilaanni, ilaiññaq unnii (not reflexive) » aapaŋata ilaanik
pitquraa, naatquraa her father
ilġusiq (Ti) habit, custom < it- told her to do it by herself, to
finish it | :a (abs. poss. 3s-s) ÷nik
°ili (stem) 3rd person self or 2nd person (mod.)
ilaa (pron.) [dual » iliŋik or(Ti) iligik, ilaaniñ [dual iliŋigniñ, pl. iliŋiññiñ]
pl. iliŋit or ilai] she/he or her/him from her/him » ilaaniñ ilitchaġa I
as a singled out person » ilaa learned it from him | :a (abs. poss.
aikłiġli let him go and get it 3s-s) ÷niñ (abl.)
himself (instead of making you or ilaanun [dual iliŋigñun, pl. iliŋiññun]
someone else do it) | :a (abs. poss. to her/him/it » tamanna suppun
3s-s) ilaanun qairruŋ give that gun to
ilaaguaŋaruaq manik special fund her » tamanna suppun ilaanun
account | +guaq- nv (suffix related pipkaġnagu don’t let her take the
to the via) ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn gun | :a (abs. poss. 3s-s) ÷nun
ilaaguaq- (i) to be singled out; (t) to (term.)
single her/him/it out; (i) to set ilaata or ilaan [dual iliŋiksa, pl.
her/him/it aside; (i) to exclude iliŋisa or ilaisa] her, herself, he,
her/him/it from a group; (Ti) (t) to himself » pisukkumiuŋ ilaata
deliver it =package; (t) to go ailiuŋ if he wants it let him come
along with what she/he says or and get it himself » ilaata piraa
suggests » aggisuutiniaqtani he did it himself | :ata (rel. poss.
ilaaguaġai he is setting aside the 3s-s)
things he will take home | :a (abs. ilaatun [dual iliŋiktun, pl. iliŋisitun]
poss. 3s-s) +guaq- nv like her/him/it; in her/his/its own
ilaagullaa [pl. iliŋisigullaa] by way of doing things » ilaatun
herself/himself/itself as a unit; pipkaġamni quviasuktuaq when
individually | :a (abs. poss. 3s-s) I allowed her to do it in her own
+gun (via) -llaa nn way, she was happy | :a (abs.
ilaagun [dual iliŋikkun, pl. iliŋisigun] poss.) ÷tun (sim.)
via that one; with her or him; by iligni or iliŋni[dual ilivsigñi or
herself, himself, or itself » iliptigni, pl. ilivsiññi] located with
taamna ilaagun avuŋa illiuŋ put you; in your opinion » iligni
that one over there by itself » inniaġniruaq she said she was
ilaagun aiñiaġnisaġigma tell him planning to stay with you | -k (2nd
that I will go home with him | :a person mkr. for pron.) ÷nI (loc.)
(abs. poss. 3s) +gun (via)
ilignik or iliŋnik [dual ilivsigñik or
iliptignik, pl. ilivsiññik] you; by

yourself » ilignik itqugaluaqtaatigut she asked us
ikayuqtiqaġuktuaq he wanted to stay with her, alright; inmiñi
you for his helper » ilignik nakuuniraa she said it was
piñiatagnagu don’t try to do it by satisfactory in her opinion | -mI
yourself | -k (2nd person mkr. for (rel. poss. refl. 3s-s) ÷nI (loc.)
pron.) ÷nik (mod.) ilimiñik or inmiñik [dual ilimignik
iligniñ [dual ilivsigniñ or iliptigniñ, or inmignik, pl. ilimiŋnik or
pl. ilivsiññiñ] from you, from inmiŋnik] by herself/himself,
your; in comparison to you » through her/his own efforts; of
iligniñ aŋiłhaaqpalliqsuq he is one’s own volition | +mI (rel.
probably bigger than you | -k (2nd poss. refl. 3s-s) ÷nik (mod.), +mI
person mkr. for pron.) ÷niñ (abl.) (refl. poss. 3s-s)
ilignun [dual ilivsigñun or iliptignun, ilimiñiñ or inmiñiñ [dual ilimigniñ
pl. ilivsiññun] to you; as or inmigniñ, pl. ilimiŋniñ or
secondary subject by you » inmiŋniñ] from herself/himself; in
ilignun ikayuġniruaq she said comparision to herself/himself »
she was helped by you | -k (2nd ilimiñiñ aŋiłhaaġniraa he said it
person mkr. for pron.) ÷nun was bigger than he is | -mI (rel.
(term.) poss. refl. 3s- s) ÷niñ (abl.)
ilikkun [dual ilivsikkun or iliptikkun, ilimiñun or inmiñun [dual ilimignun
pl. ilivsigun] via, with you » or inmignun; pl. ilimiŋnun or
ilikkun qaiñasugiravut we inmiŋnun] to herself/himself; as
thought they came with you | -k secondary subject » ilimiñun
(2nd person mkr. for pron.) naatquniraa she said she was
-kun (via) told to finish it » inmiñun
iliktun [dual ilivsiksun or iliptiktun, pisiksimaruaq unnuaq he shot
pl. ilivsisun] like you; as you himself last night | -mI (rel. poss.
(are); in your own way » iliktun refl. 3s-s) ÷nun (term.)
auktaqaqsimaruaq tayaġ- ilimisun or inmisun [dual ilimiktun
niġmigun he has a mole on his or inmiktun, pl. ilimiktitun or
wrist like you do | -k (2nd person inmiktitun] by herself/himself; in
sg. mkr. for pron.) ÷tun (sim.) her/his own way; of itself »
ilimi or inmi [dual ilimik or inmik, ilimisun ikuallaktuaq
pl. ilimiŋ or inmiŋ] own self | +mI uunaqsivaiłłuni it burst into
(rel. poss. refl. 3s-s) flames by itself because it had
ilimigun or inmigun [dual ilimikkun gotten too hot; ilimisun
or inmikkun, pl. ilimiktigun or pitqugaluaqtaatigut she wanted
inmiktigun] via, with us to do it like she had done it
herself/himself; by alright | -mI or ~mI (rel. poss. refl.
herself/himself/itself » ilimigun 3s-s,d-p) +tun (sim.)
ittuq it is by itself | -mI (rel. poss. ilimnun for/to oneself | +nmun (term.
refl. 3s-s) +gun (via) poss. 1s)
ilimiñi or inmiñi [dual ilimigni or iliŋisigullaa by themselves as a set »
inmigni, pl. ilimiŋni or inmiŋni] iliŋisigullaa iliuqqaġniaġitka I
located with herself/himself; in will place them separately by
her/his opinion » ilimiñi

themselves as a set |:ŋI :a (abs. iliktitchi- (i) to accidently burn or
poss. 3s-3s) +tigun (via) -llaa nn scorch something by placing it too
ilviñ or iliviñ (sometimes pronounced close to fire |mtit-1 vv +[t]sI- vv
ilvich/ilvit or ilivich/ilivit) [dual
iliptik or ilivsik, pl. ilivsi] (used illiaq [illiraq] [dual illirrak] uterus
when emphasis is needed) you,
your » ilviñ qanutun ukiuqaqpit illiq- [illIq] (i) to hide and be in safety
how old are you » ilviñ pisaġiñ from opponents; (t) to make a
you do it | -vit (2s) place for someone » illiġaa aŋun
inmikkuaq- to be by itself » isiqtuaq aġġiruanun he made
inmikkuaqtuaq manik room for the man who came to the
naupaluksimaruq the special Eskimo dance » nukatpiaġruk
account increased dramatically iqsivluni illiqsuq upkuam
| -kuaq- nv tunuanun the boy was scared and
hid behind the door | perhaps
ilik- (t) to become scorched, singed (of -lIq-1 nv
food, hair, fabric, etc.) illiqsaaq- (t) to move things aside to
iligraaq(-) browned, roasted flour; (i) make room for her/him/it |
to be roasted, browned (of flour); -saaq-1 vv
(Ti) to brown (it) » illiuti- (i) to replace someone after
iligraaqtitqaaqługu palauvak she/he has already been
imiliqsuni aluuttaġaaq designated | :uti- vv
palauvaaġiguuruq if one browns
the flour before adding water, the illu- (i) to find a hiding place; (i) to settle
gravy has a good consistency | into an unreachable place »
-rak(-) vn, vv | ±aq1 vn qimmiq illuruq aŋutim ivaqtaŋa
iligrak(-) sunburn; a burn; scaly skin the dog that the man is searching
from sun or windburn; pimple; (t) for found a secure hiding place;
to get sunburned (of skin); to qaugak illuruq the bird settled in
become scaly (of skin from its nest; “suna qanusiq niġrun
exposure to sun or wind) » illuruaq tikiññaitchuamun
upinġaksrami uviñiga pisuuruq” [any kind of animal
iligraktuġuuruq in the spring my when he hides finds a place where
skin gets dry and blotchy | +rak(-) he cannot be reached] (Aiken
vn, vv § amiġluk(-) 2009)
iligrauraq pimple | +rak(-) vn, vv
:uraq nn illuk- (i) to suffer snowblindness,
iliktit- (i) to be scorched; (i) get one’s photokeratitis » aŋun illukłuni
clothes scorched; (t) to scorch it | tammaġniqsuq the man got lost,
mtit- vv it seems, because he had been
iliktitaq- (t) to scorch it repeatedly » struck with snowblindness
iliktitaqługu maqullakkaa she illugniq snowblindness, photokeratitis
ruined it by repeatedly scorching » illugniq ilaanni nalautchuuruq
it | mtitaq- vv irgaqtuŋitchuni snowblindness
sometimes happens when one
doesn’t wear sunglasses |

+niQ1 vn, rn iluamik or iłuamik properly, rightly,
illuiyaun medicine for snowblindness correctly | ÷mik (mod.)
| :Iyaq- vv :un1 vn iluammaġiit- or iłuammaġiit- (i) to
illuksiutik snow goggles with narrow feel unwell | -mmaġiit- vv
slits | +siun vn -k2 nn iluaqammaaġik- (i) to feel well |
perhaps -mmaaġIk-nv
¤illuliaġaġiik great-grandparent and iluaqammaaġiit- (i) to feel sickly »
great-grandchild | +[g]iik/t nn “iluaqammaaġiiññisuugaat
naŋinman iñuk
illulik something diamond-shaped; naŋinŋuraaġman” [they say a
diamond (suit in cards) person feels sickly when he is not
well when he is feeling sick]
illut- (t) to hit it =animal using a sling, (Aiken 2009) | perhaps
slingshot » illutkaa tiŋmiaq -mmaaġIk- nv :It-1 nv
tiŋisaqtuaq he hit the bird using a iluaqsaq- or iłuaqsaq- (i) to improve
slingshot as it was about to fly one’s behavior, demeanor,
away appearance; (t) to fix, straighten,
illutchaq- (i) to hurl a rock using a adjust it @ iluaqsai- or iłuaqsai-
sling; (t) to hurl a rock from a » iluaqsaġai maqpiġaatin she is
sling at her/him/it | +tchaq- vv putting your papers in order »
illuuk (Ti) sling (for hunting) | iluaqsairuq piuraanik
perhaps -k2 vn naviŋaruanik he is fixing the
illuun a stone or other object used as broken toys » iluaqsaqtuq
ammunition for a sling | :un1 vn inmiñun uqaqami
illuutik throwing sling » illuutil-lu aŋayuqaamiñun he adjusted his
qilamitautillu tamarra words presenting himself in
qaugagniaġutigisuuraŋit favorable terms to his parents |
3 4
qaŋasaaq slings and bolas were msaq- vv @ :I- vv
used when duck hunting long ago iluaqsi- or iłuaqsi- (i) to become
| :un1 vn -k2 nn well; (i) to become fixed; (i) to be
adjusted; (t) to fix, adjust it; (t) to
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; (i) heal her/him/it » iluaqsiruq
to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine naŋittuaq the sick person became
iluaġi- or iłuaġi- (t) to consider, find well » iluaqsigaa qamutin he
it to be all right, acceptable; to be fixed your car | +sI-1 vv
a good fit » iłuaġiŋitchaat they iluaqsruq- or iłuaqsruq- or (Ti)
did not consider it to be proper » iluaġruq- (i) to be in the process
iłuaġigiga [lit.“I fit it”] it fits me of being fixed; (t) to correct
| +[g]i-1 vv her/him/it; (t) to straighten it out;
iluaġniq well-being | +niQ1 vn (t) to amend, fix, redo, correct,
iluakammaaġiit- (i) to feel sickly » adjust it @ iluaqsrui- or
“iluakammaaġiitchuq iłuaqsrui- | mqsruq-2 vv or -ġruq-
naŋirrutinikłuni” [he is feeling vv || :I-4 vv
sickly because he has caught a iluaqsruun amendment (e.g., to a
sickness] (Aiken 2009) | perhaps
motion, agreement) | mqsruq-2 vv
-kaq- vv +mmaaġIk- nv :It-1 vv
:un1 vn

iluigi- or iłuigi- (t) to feel that it does trouble » sagluqqaaqłuŋa
not fit right; to feel that she/he/it iluilli uqtuŋa after telling a lie, I
does not belong or is inappropriate felt troubled | =It-1 vv -lIq-3 vv
» uuktuaġaluaqtaa, iłuigivlugu :uq-2 vv
mattaqtaa she tried it on but took iluilliuqtitauruaq one afflicted |
it off because it did not feel right | =It-1 vv -lIq-3 vv :uq-2 vv
=It-1 vv -[g]i- vv 1
mtitaq- vn :u- nv +t/ruaq vn
iluilaqtuq- or iłuilaqtuq- (i) to feel iluirrun impediment, hindrance,
remorse, guilt » iluilaqtuqtuq encumbrance | =It-1 vv -rruti vn
aŋun killukuaqtaqqaaqłuni the iluirrutiqpak calamity, disaster,
man felt guilty after making tragedy, catastrophe | =It-1 vv -
mistakes | =Ilaq(-) nn +tuq-3 nv rruti vn +qpak(-) nn, vv
iluilliq- or iluilliq- or (Ti) iłuilliq- (i) iluit- or iłuit- (i) to not fit, to look
to become sick, unwell, troubled, wrong, to be sick | =It-1 vv
grieved; (i) to begin to
malfunction; (t) to cause it to not °iluġaq or iluqaq (stem) entirety, totality,
look right, or function properly » whole § °tamaq
aġnam iluaqsruġmani iluġani or iluqani completely,
sagluruam kiiñaŋa iłuilliqsuq entirely, all of it | perhaps
when the woman corrected -ni (3s poss.)
him, the liar’s face looked iluġaan (pron.) or iluqaan or
troubled | =It-1 vv -lIq-3 vv iluġnaan (pron. used as obj only)
iluilli qpiiññaq- (i) to continue to get [dual iluqaagnik, pl. iluqaisa] all
sick but not worse than before » of it, the whole thing » “iluġnaan
“iluaqsigaluaġaġigaat qaitchuŋa” (Molly Itta 2009) [I
tainnatqigaqtuq give myself totally] | -an (3s),
piaġiilisiññaŋitkaluaqtuq” [he -agnik (3d); -isa (3p)
would be nursed back to health, ¤iluġnaq (Ti) whole thing, entire thing
but he would revert back to the » iluġnauvluŋa qaitchuŋa I give
way he was but not worse than all of me | perhaps +naq1 nn
before] (Aiken 2009) | =It-1 vv iluqaġma (pron.) [dual iluqamnuk,
-lIq-3 vv +piiññaq- vv pl. iluqapta] all of me | +ma (1s);
iluilli qsiiññaq- (i) to get sicker and -mnuk (1d); -pta (1p)
sicker; to become more or more iluqaġmi (pron. as subj only) [dual
dysfunctional; to become more iluqaġmik, pl. iluqaġmik/ŋ] all of
and more disorderly; to continue her/him/it | +mI (3sR); +mik
to get worse | =It-1 vv -lIq-3 vv (3dR); -mik/ŋ (3pR)
+siiññaq- vv iluqanuk (pron. dual) [pl. iluqata]
iluilli uġun or iłuilliuġun affliction, both of us | -nuk (1d)
agony, discomfort, trouble, misery iluqaqpiñ (pron.) [dual iluqavsik or
| =It-1 vv -lIq-3 vv :uq-2 vv :un1 vn iluqaptik or iluqasik, pl. iluqavsI
iluilliuq- or iłuilliuq- or (Ti) iluilliuq- or iluqasI] all of yourself | -pIñ/t
(i) to be troubled; (i) to be (2s); -vsik (2d); -vsI (2p) | -sik
miserable, wretched, distressed; (2d); -sI (2p)
(i) to be unwell, afflicted; (i) to be
grieved, sorrowful; (i) to be in

iluqatik (pron.) both of themd [pl. ilaannigu or (Ti) ilaanigun at some
iluqatik or iluqatiŋ] | -tik (3dR); future time, at a later date; “wait
-tik/ŋ (3pR) until later” » ilaannigulu
iluqatiqqayaq almost all | tautuutiniaġmiugut we’ll see
±qqayaq nn each other sometime later »
ilaannigu aiy later, okay (query) |
ilviñ or ilvit [ilvIt] (sometimes :at (poss. abs. 3p-s) ÷nI (loc.)
pronounced ilivich) [dual iliptik +[g]un nn
or ilivsik, pl. ilivsI] (abs. or rel. ilaaq(-) patch; addition to a house; (t)
pron. 2nd person) (used when to patch it; (t) to build an addition
emphasis is needed) you < °ili on it =house » iglumi ilaaŋa
iglualuaniñ aŋiłhaaqtuq the
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or addition to his house is bigger
name; companion, friend, partner; than the original house » igluni
part of a whole; a member; (i) to amma il aaqsimaraa he is
get a co-participant, co-member; building an addition to his house |
(i) to be enlarged, receive a new -aq(-)8 vn
addition (e.g., of a house, a family, ilaaqtuun patching tool | -aq(-)8 vn
or an institution); (t) to add on to +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn
it; (t) to come and be a ilaaqtuutiligaak or ilaaqtuutillak
co-participant with her/him » woman’s black and white long
ilamiñik una ilisimapayuktuq boots » “kammak takkiik
this one knows who his relatives qatiqtaaniglu maŋaqtaaniglu
are (by his actions he shows he timiligaak” [long boots with
cares) black and white body uppers]
ilaalliq- (i) to acquire, get a partner, (Aiken 2009) | -aq(-)8 vn +tuq-2 vv
friend; (t) to take her/his side; to :un1 vn -ligaaq(-) vn -k2 nn or
be a partner to her/him, to join +aq(-)8 vn +tuq-2 vv +un1 vn
her/him » ilaalliġaa nukaaluata +lik nv ‘-k2 nn § sivuġaligaak
his younger sibling took his side, ilaaqviiññaq an item full of patched
e.g., in a competition | +luq nn holes | +viiññaq vv
‘=Iq-1nv ilagi- (t) to include, to have her/him/it
ilaalugruaq child | +luq nn +ġruaq nn as a member or a relative »
ilaalliqsuq- (t) to take sides, support ilaginiaġikput taamna
her/him | +l»uq nn ‘=Iq-1nv aŋutaiyaaq we will include that
+tuq-2 vv boy | +[g]i-1 vv
ilaaluq partner | +luq nn ilagiigñiq relationship » qanuq
¤ilannaaġuq “…iilyonaaruq (a term ilagiigñiŋak nalugiga I do not
of familiar address, used only with know how they are related |
reference to a close friend)” +[g]IIk(-) nn, vv +niQ1 vn
(Spencer: 403) ilagiik(-) (i) to be related; two related
ilaanni sometimes, once in a while » persons or items | +[g]iik(-) nn, vv
ilaanni qairaġuiñ you should ilagiit extended family; clan |
visit once in a while | :at (poss. +[g]iik nn -t nn
abs. 3p-3s) ÷nI (loc.) < ila(-)

ilagik- (i) to be or have a good friend, ilali- to shake hands (with her/him); to
companion, partner, relative | wave (at her/him) in greeting »
+[g]Ik- nv Iñupiarguuq ilaliruanik
ilaiġaġniq subtraction | :Iq-2nv tautuqqaaqamiŋ
+aq-1vv +niQ1 vn ivsulanisuuraŋit it is said that
ilaiq- (i) to become an orphan; to lose when the Iñupiat first saw people
a relative, friend or partner; (t) to waving they described it as “they
take, remove part of it @ ilaiqsi- | are flapping in the wind” | -lI-1 nv
:Iq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv § nuluġaq-
ilait- (i) to be an orphan; (i) to not ilaliuq- to claim (her/him) as one’s
have a relative; (i) to have a part relative | -liuq- nv
missing | :It-1 nv ilaliuraq- (Ti) (t) to wave to her/him |
ilaku(-) remainder, leftover; (i) to :uraq- vv
leave a remainder of something; ilaliuti- (i) to join, become a member
(i) to have a remainder (of fabric of an organization; to become a
or food); (t) to not use it all, to part of something; (t) to make
leave a remainder of it; to leave a her/him/it a part of something »
remainder of something for allaugaluaŋŋaan ilaliutigiga
her/him/it » aapiyan nullautak- atikłuliamnun although it is (a)
sraŋanik ilakuraqput we left different (print, fabric) I added the
some of the supper for your older material to the snowshirt I am
brother » atikłikama ilakutka making | -lI-1 nv :uti- vv
katiłługit aitqatchiruami I made ¤ilalliñ (Ti) flag | ‘n § aulataq,
mittens by gathering my leftover takuyaq
material from making a parka | ¤ilaluktaġiliuti- (t) to merge, unite,
-ku(-) nn, nv become a member, adhere to it »
ilakutaq piece left remaining e.g., as ilaluktaġiliutikkaŋa iñuum
a sliver or any foreign matter in a avraq the person is merged with
flesh wound; remainder, leftover | the tumor § avraqtuq-
+kutaq vn ilałhuyuk- (i) to act silly, funny by
ilalaaq- (t) to increase, enlarge it by overacting | perhaps -łhuyuk(-) rv
adding to it | -laaq-1 vv ilamat- (i) to try to give a misleading
ilalġun encouragement | -lġun vn impression; (t) to try to mislead a
ilalġusiq- (i) to have a relapse; (i) to person | +mat- rv
feel, experience pain, especially ilamaaŋ (direct address) my
from overdoing something, e.g., friend(s), relative(s), loved one(s)
work, eating, staying out in cold » ilamaaŋ, qanutun
weather; to increase (of pain or qiglukkaluaqtugut ilailgitchugut
sickness) as when one works too my friends, as much as we regret
soon after illness, or eats too losing one of our own, we have
much after illness; (i) to aggravate lost another relative | +maaq(-) nn
an illness » ilalgusiġñialgitchuq -ŋ nn
savaksatqigñaġiaqpaiłłuni she’ll ilamaaq dear relative, loved one |
get worse again if she starts +maaq(-) nn, nv
working too soon | -lġun vn ilamaaqtuq- to call (her/him) one’s
:Iq2- nv dear relative, friend, or loved one

» ilamaaqtuqłuta uqaqtuq Kakinya as reported by
iglaaq the stranger talked, calling Bergsland 1987: 18) […I will
us his “relatives” | +maaq(-) nn tell a story, a real legend, not
-q- nv +tuq2 vv about our people…] | ±ŋiłaaq or
ilamaatqik- to be friendly, kind » +ŋilaaq nn
taamna ilamaatqiksuq ilaŋiq- (i) to lose a loved one through
iñupayaamun that one, he is death; (t) to take away, remove a
friendly to everyone | +maaq(-) nn part, or member of it (including
-tqIk-2 vv family) » ilaŋiqsuat amma
ilammaaġik- or il ammiġik- (i) to be takullaŋniaġitka I am going over
especially friendly, kind | to see the family who lost a loved
+mmaaq(-) nn +[g]Ik- nv one » taġium aasi ilaŋiġaatigut
ilammiuq- (i) to get to know the ocean has taken another of our
someone; (t) to get to know loved ones | +ŋIq- nv
her/him » ilammiuqtuk theyd are ilaŋŋaq- (i) to be decreased; (t) to
enjoying each other’s company reduce, decrease it » kavamapta
and making friends | +mmI-5 vv akiññaktaaksrautiga
:uq-2 vv ilaŋŋapalulgiññiġaat our
ilammiutqik- (i) to be friendly, kind government sure took a lot out of
while becoming acquainted | my paycheck again | -ŋŋaq- nv
+mmI-5 vv :uq-2 vv -tqIk-2 vv ilappaguti- (i) to become sure of
ilannak- (i) to gain a member; (i) to oneself among strangers; (i) to
find out that someone is your become well acquainted and feel
relative | -nnak- nv at ease with people; (t) to become
ilannaq or ilauraaq a good friend, sure of oneself around her/him; (t)
buddy » ilannapiaŋa taikka to become well acquainted and
aapakpit that one there is your feel at ease with her/him; (i) to
father’s best friend | +nnaq vn become “part of the group” »
ilaŋa mininnagu (excl.) “give it all taagani ilappagutillakłuni
you’ve got!” » aitqiŋaitchuaq he never returned
“illiqsaaqtuqamigik home having found “a home”
kiiqsruaqsigik, ‘ilaŋa minnagu down there; “taapkunaŋŋa
pisallagniaġitchik’-iqługik; iñugñiñ aullallaigami,
taimma tainnaġmatik tugliata unillaiġai” (Matumeak 2009)
avluqtilgitkaa” (Nageak 1975: [one becomes part of a group of
38) [quickly creating some space people when he or she no longer
for them, he began to encourage leaves; one cannot leave them
them “give it all you’ve got, try behind] | +ppaguti- vv
it” telling them; immediately ilaqan spouse | ±qan nn § tuvaaqan,
responding to the aŋunnuniq, aġnauniq
encouragement, the second oldest ilaqapqaŋa- (i) to enjoy visiting
crossed over as well] friends or relatives, usually after a
ilaŋiłaaq one not belonging to a long separation »
group » “…unipkaaġniaqtuŋa ilaqapqaŋavaiłłuŋa aillaiqsuŋa I
unipkaapiamik am enjoying the visit with my
ilaŋiłaaptiŋnik…” (Elijah

relatives so much that I find it her/him right; (t) to add too many
hard to leave to return home | things to it | -uq-2 vv +pallaaq- vv
-qaq- nv -pqaŋa- vv ilauraaliuq- (i) to to reestablish a
ilaqisuuraq small part | -qisuuraq nn friendship | +uraaq nn -liuq- nv
ilaraġaġniq addition (in mathematics) ilauraaq a dear friend, relative |
» ilaraġaġniġmik ilisaġniaqtugut +uraaq nn § avilaitqan, ilannaq
uvlupak today we are going to ilaviñiq a piece, part, portion »
study addition | -t/raġaq- vv alġaaniqsaŋaruŋauvva satkum
+niQ1 vn ilaviñiŋanik I have found a fossil,
ilaraġaq- (t) to continue adding to it a piece of some old tool |
/ ilaraġaqługu silvillakkaa she -viñiQ nn
filled it up, adding to it again and illarruq- (t) to make it =a condition
again | -t/raġaq- vv worse | ‘-rruq- vv
ilari1 your relative(s) » taikka ilari, illati- (i) to join, become a member;
aapavsi aŋaalua he, over there, is (t) to include her/him/it | ‘ti- vv
one of your relatives, your father’s illatit- (i) to do more than necessary;
uncle | +rI (poss. abs. 2p-s) (i) to become careless and
ilasuġnaq- (i) to be easy to add negligent; (i) to become apathetic
something to | +suġnaq- vv and let things go » illatittuq he
ilat nanmiñiq extended family » ilaŋi has become careless and negligent
nanmiñiq Utqiaġvigmiittut her | ‘-tit-2 vv
extended family is in Barrow illiqsuq- (i) to choose a partner in a
ilau-1 (i) to be included, be a member; game; (i) to recruit supporters for
(t) to include her/him/it » oneself; (t) to take sides, support
“ilaumaruq amma niŋiqtuani” her/his views, opinions »
(Kinneeveauk 2008) [he was illiqsuġaa avilaitqatini he is
included with those who received supporting his friend | ‘=Iq-1 nv
shares] | :u-1 nv +tuq-2 vv
ilau-2 (i) to have many relatives or
friends | :u-3 nv ilagiññaq (alternative name for) the
ilauniq tenure of membership » number 400 (used to simplify and
ilauniġa sivikiñŋaruq the tenure regularize the place-value system
of my membership was not long | for numbers 400 and above) §
:u-1 nv +niQ1 vn iñuiññakipiaq, see Appendix 11
ilauq- (i) to include untruths when
relating one’s version of an event; ilaiññaq (expression used when the
(i) to do things to aggravate the situation looks hopeless, but one
situation; (i) to add ingredients to does something about it anyway
what one is making; (Ti) (i) to knowing that the action might not
grimace, make a funny face; (t) to work to remedy the situation) may
continue adding things to it, one be to no avail; regardless »
after another; (Ti) to grimace, ilaiññaq unnii
make a funny face at her/him | - ullakkaluaġlakpuk let’sd go see
uq-2 nv him anyway
ilauqpallaaq- (Ti) (t) to not treat a ilaiññaq unnii (excl.) regardless of
sick person right, not care for the outcome whether it be failure

or success! » “ilainnaq unnii +siuq- rv § alapisaaq-
uuktuaqsaġniq” [it’s to make an ilatchiŋaiq- (i) to cease being
effort whether you succeed or fail] helpless, passive » nukatpiam
(Aiken 2009) § tainnaunnii ilatchiŋaiġami palapalukkai
when the young man ceased being
*ilak (root) distraction, confusion; passive, he retaliated thoroughly |
discord; not aligned, dissonance, ±ŋaiq- vv
disharmony ilatchiq- or ilatchiaq- (i) to not fight
ilaġġi- (i) to purposefully continue back, not protest, not defend
after being told not to » oneself; (i) to do nothing, be
ilaġġivluni suaqusaalgitchuq passive, leave things as they are;
nukatpiaġruuraq the young boy to lack initiative; (t) to not do
is purposefully not doing what is anything about her/him/it; (t) to
asked of him and in the process not help her/him; (i) to let it be; (i)
trying to get scolded | -ġġI- rv leave her/him/it alone; (t) to let
ilaġġisigi- (t) to tease, mock her/him/it do as she/he/it pleases »
her/him/it; (t) to persist in doing “sutchailiruq; manimmiraqtuq”
something to her/him/it even (Matumeak 2009) [he tries not to
though she/he/it is displeased; (t) react; he is not protesting];
to continue pestering, disturbing “ilatchiqsuq susuŋitchuq”
her/him/it » aapiyaŋata (Molly Itta 2009) [she is doing
ilaġġisigivlugu qivrigaa her nothing; she does not want to do
brother teased her so much she anything] aaquaġnivluni
left in a huff | -ġġi- rv ‘-ti1 vn ilatchiqsuq she doesn’t do
+[g]i-1 nv anything anymore because she
ilaiqsaq- (i) to have an eerie, “creepy” thinks she is old | +[t]sIq- vv
feeling; (i) to feel unsettled » ilatchiŋit- (i) to be industrious, “be a
taaqtuami pisuaqłuni go-getter”; (i) to have initiative; (i)
ilaiqsaqtuq walking in the dark, to defend oneself; (t) to not let
he felt a creepy feeling; her/him/it continue to malign
“tupinŋatchaktuaq ilaiqsaqtuq others; (t) to contradict,
allayuaqtiqłuni sumik” [the one reprimand, chastise her/him/it
who was startled got a creepy whenever necessary »
feeling because he noticed ilatchiŋitchuq taamna iñuk;
something strange] (Aiken 2009) | savvaqturuq; suna naatiġuugaa
:Iq-2 rv msaq-3 vv isagutigamiuŋ that person is
ilaksia- (t) to bother her/him/it » industrious; she works hard; she
ilaksianialgitkait tamaani completes whatever task she
tutquġlugit pikki they’ll bother begins quickly
the stuff out here, why don’t you ilatchiŋa- or (Ti) ilatchiu- (i) to be
put it away | +sia- rv,nv permissive; (i) to be lazy, not
¤ilaksiq- (i) to be bothered | +sIq-2 vv work as one should, put work off,
§ nuyugaq be neglectful » ilatchiŋavaiłłuni
ilaksiuq- (Nu) (t) to disturb, distract, qitunġaŋi naglignaqsirut she is
confuse her/him » ilaksiuġaaŋa so neglectful her children look
he is disturbing me | perhaps pitiful | +[t]sIq- vv ±ŋa- vv

remembering what her mother had
ilak-2 or ilakpak- (t) to shove her/him/it told her to do (when she got
aside » “talvagguuq kaukkani frostbitten)| +niQ1 vn
aippaŋaŋnik ilivakkaluaġaa
titiġuglugu aġviġmun; aippaŋan ilġavik internal organs, innards (of seals)
taavruma kaugaġmiñik (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) | perhaps
ilakpakkaa killukuaġnivlugu” -vIk2 nn
(David Frankson as reported by
Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 89) [then, ilġiŋa- or ilġiŋaaq- (Nu) (i) to be twisted,
it is told, that the other of the two not straight (usu. of person with
tried to position his whaling twisted back) » “siatqiŋitchuaq”
butchering lance on the whale to (Hugo 2009) [one who is not
make a mark; but his partner kept straight] | ±ŋa- vv or ±ŋaaq(-) vv
shoving it away with his whale
butchering lance saying he was ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point (along
making a mistake] a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set
ilaŋaniñ plenty, in abundance » ilaŋaniñ it; (t) to put it in a store for sale @
niqiqaqtut niqinaqiruat ilisi- or iliri- » Nuiqsanun
Quyammata ikpaksraaq there ilikapta Qaaktuġviksaqłuta
was plenty of food at the qimmivut pilaipaluktut when we
Thanksgiving feast a few days ago reached Nuiqsat on our way to
| perhaps ÷niñ (abl.) Qaaktuġvik (Barter Island), our
dogs were exhausted; aakamisun
ilari2 jellyfish § nuvayulġiq avva iliruq she is becoming more
and more like her mother; illiuŋ
ilasi- (i) to want to continue to do an ikuŋa taamna niuqqiuġun set
activity one enjoys doing » that teakettle down over there ||
aġnaiyaat puuvraqtuat ilasirut +sI3 or +rI5
the girls want to continue to swim iliqpik or iliqpiuraq storage alcove
| +sI- vv or space (usually in entrance
tunnel of sod house) | +qpIk vn
ilguq- or iluguq- or irguq- (t) to be :uraq nn § qakpiuraq § see
frostbitten on the face » Appendix 22
uumauvva aġnaiyaam iqsraŋa ilisaaksraq a lesson to be studied »
ilguġaa; argaŋnik ilisaurrim miŋuaqtuat
auktuuqtuuraġuŋ this little girl’s ilisaaksrautaat piiguqsimagaa
cheek is becoming frostbitten, aimaaġvimiñun the teacher
warm it quickly with your hand § forgot the lesson for the students
iluguq-, qiqitit- at home | msaq-3 vv ±aq1 vn
ilguġniq or iluguġniq or irguġniq +ksraq(-) nn
frostbite on cheek » aġnaiyaam ilisaaq a lesson already studied »
ilguġnini nuvagmiñik nanukkaa aŋutaiyaam ilisani
aakamiñiñ ilisausiani itqaqługu piigupiallakługu ,
the little girl rubbed her frostbitten killukuaqtaqtuuluvlugu
cheek with her mucus naatiġaa savaani the boy

completely forgot what he had ilisaqqutiruk Aalaak and
studied and finished his task all Aaŋa recognize each other |
wrong | msaq-3 vv ±aq1 vn +saq vn +[g]i-1 nv ‘ti- vv
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it @ ilisaqtuaq student | msaq-3 vv
ilisaqsri- » tautukaŋaitpaiłługu +tuaq2 vn (part 3s)
ilisaġiŋitchaġa aññaġa ilisaunnaq an instrument used in
iñuguqtuaq California-mi I learning how to do a particular
hadn’t seen my cousin who grew activity | msaq-3 vn :unnaq vn
up on California in such a long ilisaurri(-) teacher; (i) to teach »
time, I didn’t recognize her | ilisaurrikun qanniqsuq
3 1
msaq- vn +[g]i- nv || ~srI- vv aŋaayyuliqsi maqpiġaanik the
ilisaġnaiq- (Ti) (i) to play a game preacher ordered some books
where contestants attempt to guess through the teacher | msaq-3 vv
the identity of a disguised person :uti- vv +rI vn
(during Uiŋuraq); (i) to become ilisaurrun illustration, example,
unrecognizable; (t) to make lesson, parable | msaq-3 vv :uti- vv
her/him/it unrecognizable | +run1 vn
msaq- vv +naiq- vv ilisausiaq a particular lesson learned
ilisaġnaq- (i) to be recognizable » from another person » ilisausiaġa
ilisaġnaqtuq taigña aġnaq ilaaniñ piigulaitkiga I never
makitaruaq umiam saniġaani forget the particular lesson I
that woman standing over there by learned from her | msaq-3 vn
the side of the boat is recognizable :usiaq vn
| msaq-3 vv +naq(-) vv ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it @
ilisaksraq lesson to be learned | ilisaurri- » ililgaat ilisautigai
+saq-3 vv -ksraq(-) vn sayuġniġmik she is teaching the
ilisakunat- (t) to think that one children the movements of the
recognizes her/him/it » dance | msaq-3 vv :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
ilisakunatkaluaġaa ilisima- to know (her/him/it) »
allaunasugimmivlugu-lu he nunamik samma taamna
thinks he knows the person, but ilisimaqpaktuq that one knows a
thinks it might be someone else | lot about the land | +sima-2 vv
msaq- vn +kunat- nv ilisimapkaq- (t) to proclaim,
ilisaŋa- to be educated; to have advertise, announce it | +sima-2 vv
studied | msaq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv +pkaq-1 vv
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) » ilisimari a witness » kuttaqtuat
taimuŋaagaksrani ilisaġai she is ilisimariqaġmagaisa
trying to memorize her lines | ilisimasuktut they want to know
+saq- vv if there are any witnesses to the
ilisaq or ilitchaq something learned accident | +sima-2 vv mt/ri vn
» ilitchan atuġuŋ sing the one ilisimman knowledge » utuqqanaat
you’ve learned | +saq vn or ilisimmataat nuipanapiallaktuq
-tchaq nn the knowledge of elders is very
ilisaqquti- (i) to recognize each other important | +sima-2 vv :un1 vn
» Aalaaglu Aaŋalu

ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ilitchuqqutiŋi timim sensory nerves
her/his ways, habits; (t) to learn it of the body | +t-1 vv +tuq2 vn
@ ilitchi- | +’t vv || +sI-3 vv ‘qun vn -t nn :ŋI nn
ilitagraq (Ti) a lesson to be learned | illiqpik storage rack (constructed of
+t/raq vn -ksraq(-) nn whale ribs built in the
ilitchitchiġiit- (i) to be a slow learner | subterranean entrance of a
+t-1 vv +sI-3 vv +[t]siġiaq- vv traditional sod house) | ‘qpIk vn §
=It-1 vv iliqpik, see Appendix 22
ilitchitquraq disciple, follower | illivik place to put things; storage
+t-1 vv +sI-3 vv -[t]qu- vv space; chest of drawers | ‘+vIk1 vn
+t/raq vn illiviurat shelves; little storage spaces,
ilitchuġi- to become aware, cognizant compartments | ‘+vIk1 vn
of (her/him/it); (t) to become :uraq nn -t nn
acquainted with her/him/it »
ilitchuġikamiŋ aññaġiik ili-2 [ilI] (i) to become, to come to
avillaiqsuk when the cousins got resemble, look like; (t) to make
to know each other they became her/him/it become, look like
inseparable » “ilitchuġiniqłaktuk something else (this verb stem is
taaġmikii nannum used with a noun in the similaris
tikisaniaqsiliġniġik kaaktuam” case) / utuqqalikami aakamisun
(Ekowana:13) [they suddenly iliruq now that she’s elderly, she
become aware that in the dark a looks like her mother »
hungry polar bear was almost piyukpaiłługu suuŋilatun iligaa
upon themd] | +t-1 vv perhaps she tampered with it so much she
+tuq2 vn +[g]i-1 nv § kisuiq-, made it look like nothing § it-
sukuiġi- ilimik- (i) to gesture to do likewise »
ilitchuġiniqłak- or (Nu) “tamuaqsiruq; taimmali
ilitchuqqiġluk- to suddenly nukaaluni ilimikługu;
become aware (of her/him/it) » “tainnali”; manumiñun-tauq
“Tavra taavruma aġnam niġiaqsiruq” (Nageak 1975: 54)
ilitchuqqiġluqamiuŋ, [he began to chew; then he
qimaktualuksaġaluaġaa… gestured to his younger brother
When the poor woman became to do likewise; “do like this”; so
aware of her, she fled he also began to eat into his
immediately, but she…” (Elijah chest] | +mIk- vv
Kakinya as reported by Bergsland ilimmaq- (i) to metamorphose, to
1987: 306) | -niqłak- vv or undergo metamorphosis, to
perhaps‘-ġluk(-) vv transform oneself (of shaman); to
ilitchuqqun source of recognition; make a voyage through the air or
sign; knowledge » tavra the ocean (of shaman) »
iññuqłuum qiluġuŋa ilimmaqłuni taimma aŋatkuq
ilitchuqqutigivlugu aġnaq tiŋiruq the shaman then turned
qimaktuq recognizing the evil into a bird and flew away |
man by his scar, the woman fled | -mmaq- vv
+t-1 vv perhaps +tuq2 vn +[g]i-1 nv
‘ti1 vn *ili3 (root) ¤tenderness

iliaġruk or iliappak or iliappałuk or ililgaaġiit family (emphasis on
iliappałuuraq poor person; children) | +[g]iik nn -t nn §
orphan » iliaġruŋnik qitunġaġiit, aŋayuqaaġiit
nagliksrauturuq she is ililgaaġruutit baby teeth | -ġruk nn
compassionate toward orphans | -uti2 nn -t nn § kigutiqqaat
-aġruk rn or -ppak2 vn or ililgarriqi- (i) to take care of children
-ppak2 vn -łuk(-) nn or -ppak2 vn » niviaqsiaq ililgarriqiruq
or -ppak2 vn -łuk(-) nn :uraq nn aŋayuqaaŋit aŋuniaŋapkaqługit
iliaġrunŋu- (i) to yearn to see a dear the young woman is taking care of
relative or friend » auŋa the children while their parents are
miŋuaqtuġiaqama out hunting | =rrIqi- nv
iliaġrunŋulipaluktuŋa when I ililgauraġiik (Nu) a mother and a
went away to school, I really recently born child | =uraq nn
longed to see my relatives | +[g]iik nn
-aġruk rn -nŋu- nv ililgauraq baby | =uraq nn

iliaqsri- [iliaqsrI] (i) to experience the *ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension

“creeps”; (i) to feel unsettled ilimagi- (t) to suspect her/him |
+[g]i-1 rv
*iliġa (root) gratitude, happiness ilimakkiuti- (t) to begin to suspect
iliġasugvigi- (t) to be grateful to her/him | +[g]i- rv ‘uti- vv
her/him/it | +suk-2 vv +vIk1 vn ilimanaq- (i) to be suspect, to arouse
+[g]i-1 nv suspicion or distrust, to be
iliġasuk- (i) to be very happy, joyful; untrustworthy » ilimanaġnigaat
to be very grateful » samma taavamna they say that
iliġasupaluktut iñuit that person is not to be trusted |
aġvaktuanik tusaakamiŋ the +naq-1 rv
people were ecstatic when they ilimasuk- (i) to be apprehensive,
heard that a whale had been suspicious, cautious »
caught; “iliġasuitchuq asuuna, ilimasukłuni naipiqtuqtitkaa
quyyataitchuq asuuna” (Molly because she was suspicious of
Itta 2009) [oh, you are so him, she had him watched |
ungrateful; oh, you have no +suk-2 rv
gratitude] | +suk-2 rv ilimasuun apprehension; distrust;
iliġasuun sweet joy, extreme suspicion | +suk-2 rv +un1 vn
happiness » ”suli tavra quyyan ilimatchak- (i) to become
tamatqiksuaġlugu iliġasuun” apprehensive, suspicious, cautious
(Harold Itta 1982: 1 Track 2) | -tchak- rv § tupinŋatchak-
[then there is the joy when ilimatchai- (t) to make her/him
complete is called sweet joy] | become apprehensive, suspicious,
+suk-2 rv :un1 vn cautious | -tchak- rv -I-6 vv
iliġatchak- (i) to become grateful |
-tchak- rv *iliq1 (root) portion
iliġnaaluk or iliġniq (Nu) cast-off bit
ililgaaq child; (Ti) jack (suit in cards) § of caribou skin | +niQ1 rn
miqłiqtuq +aluk nn

iliġniku(-) leftover material, remnant; *iliq2 (root) movement
to have leftover scraps of material, iliqit- (i) to make a movement »
remnants (of it); to have leftover “tavra nukatpiaġruum
scraps of material, remnants (for qallikamiuŋ
her/him/it) » iliġnikuraġa miluqsallakkaluaġaġigaa
kalikuutiga atikłuliuqama when uqpigñik naviksillaavluni
I made a parka cover, I had a milullaavlugulu,
piece leftover from my material | iliqitchailiuraġniaqtuq…When
+niQ1 rn +ku(-) nn the young boy came close to him,
iliġniq leftover material, remnant » he [the boy] began to throw at
iliġniġutitka katiłługit him [Maguula] willow sticks he
atikłunillaktuŋa by gathering my had broken, and he hit him, too,
fabric remnants, I made a but Maguula tried not to move.”
snowshirt | +niQ1 rn (Elijah Kakinya as reported by
iliktaaq portion already cut to a Bergsland 1987: 317-318, 324) |
pattern (Molly Itta 2009) | -ktiq- rv ‘=It-2 rv
±aq-4 vn iliqsraq- or (Ti) iliġraq- (i) to squirm,
iliktiq- to cut material according to a wiggle; (i) to writhe; (i) move
pattern » kamiksrautikkiñ about; (i) to tremble; (i) to quake
iliktiġaik she is cutting out a pair (of land) » naŋitpaiłłuni
of boots for you | -ktiq- rv iliqsraqtuq she is so sick she is
iliktiġun or (Ti) iliktiun a pattern (as writhing » nuna iliqsraqtuq there
in sewing) » iliktiġutiliuqtuq is an earthquake; “iliġraqtuq;
maqpiġaamiñ she is making a aularuq” (C. Tuzroyluke 2009)
pattern out of paper | -ktiq- rv [he is moving around; he is
:uti1 vn showing movement];
iliqsraq or (Ti) iliġraq strip of split “naniġiaqtaugami tiġiganniaq
sinew to be used to make thread » tavra aulagami iliqsraqtuq”
iliqsramik pilġaqtuuraqtuaŋa (Matumeak 2009) [when a fox is
ivaluksramik I quickly braided caught in a trap and it is moving,
some split sinew for thread | it is writhing] | +qsraq- rv § aula-
perhaps =sraq3 rn
iliqsri- or (Ti) iliġri- to split sinew to iliqpik or iliqpiuraq storage alcove or
make thread » area (usually in entrance tunnel of
iliqsrianipqauraqami sod house) < ili-1
kammiñagutiruq as soon as she
finished splitting the sinew for ilisaaksraq a lesson < ili-1
thread, she started on the boots;
“iliġriruq amiutigranik sisuat ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it @
ivaluŋiññik pilġauraaġlugit” (C. ilisaqsri- < ili-1
Tuzroyluke 2009) [she is making
thread from beluga sinew by ilisaġnaiq- (Ti) (i) to play a game where
braiding it] | =sraq3 rn ‘=I-1 nv contestants attempt to guess the
¤iliqtaq part cut off as portion | identity of a disguised person
+t/raq vn (during Uiŋuraq); (i) to become

unrecognizable; (t) to make ilisiitchuq “sickness-bringing power”
her/him/it unrecognizable believed to be possessed by old
< ili-1 women (Spencer: 309) | :It-1 nv
ilisaġnaq- (i) to be recognizable < ili-1 +t/uq 3s Indicative
ilisiiyaq- (t) to cut a hole in her/his
ilisaksraq lesson to be learned < ili-1 clothing to cause her/his death (of
shaman) (the intended victim must
ilisakunat- (t) to think that one discover and repair hole before
recognizes her/him/it, having seen putting on pierced garment to
her/him/it somewhere before avoid death); (t) to hex or curse
< ili-1 her/him » aŋatkum ilisiiyaqługu
aŋun atigaagun tuqutkaa the
ilisaŋa- to be educated; to have studied shaman cut a hole in the man’s
< ili-1 parka and caused him to die |
:Iyaq- nv
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) < ili-1
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) < ili-1
ilisaq or ilitchaq something learned
< ili-1 ilisimapkaq- (t) to proclaim, advertise,
announce it < ili-1
ilisaqquti- (i) to recognize each other
< ilI-1 ilisimari a witness < ili-1

ilisaqtuaq student < ilI-1 ilisimman knowledge < ili-1

ilisaunnaq an instrument used in learning ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of her/his
how to do a particular thing < ilI-1 ways, habits; to learn it @ ilitchi-
< ili-1
ilisaurri(-) teacher; (i) to teach < ilI-1
ilitagraq (Ti) a lesson to be learned < ili-1
ilisaurrun illustration, example, lesson,
parable < ilI-1 ilitchitchiġiit- (i) to be a slow learner <
ilisausiaq a particular lesson learned from
another person < ilI-1 ilitchitquraq learner, disciple, follower <
ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it @
ilisaurri- < ili-1 ilitchuġi- to become aware, cognizant of
(her/him/it); (t) to become
*ilisI (root) spirit, energy § ilitqusiq acquainted with her/him < ili-1
ilisiilak sorcerer, one who casts spells
(considered stronger than a ilitchuġiniqłak- or (Nu) ilitchuqqiġluk-
shaman) » ilisiilak una to suddenly become aware (of
suaŋałhaaqtuq aŋatkumiñ the her/him/it) < ili-1
sorcerer is stronger than a shaman
| +ilak rn

ilitchuqqun cause of recognition; sign; illagniq a tangle, a snarl » illaŋniq
knowledge < ili-1 sappiłługu kipiraŋa when she
couldn’t fix the snarl, she cut it off
ilitchuqqutiŋi timim sensory nerves of | +niQ1 vn
the body < ili-1 illaiqsuq- (i) to comb one’s hair; (t) to
comb her/his/its hair »
ilitqun spirit, essence (of a being) | illaiqsuqamiuŋ paniñi
perhaps +t-3 nv -quti vn § °ilisI alapisaaġuugaa ilamiñik
Ilitqusiġiksuaq Holy Spirit, Holy taiguivluni when she combs her
Ghost | perhaps +t-3 nv -quti vn daughter’s hair, she keeps her
:Iq nn +[g]Ik- nv +t/ruaq vn mind occupied by saying all their
ilitqusiq or ilitqutchiq spirit, soul; relatives’ names | :Iq-2 vv
ghost; person’s being; one’s +tuq-2 vv
character » ilitqutchiñik tamarra illaigutit comb, hairbrush »
qaŋapak aŋatkuvut ilisimaŋarut tuugaanik illaigutialugnik
our shamans have known about alġaaniqsaqtuaŋa I found an old,
spirits for a long, long time | fossilized ivory comb | :Iq-2 vv
+t-3 nv -quti vn :Iq nn :un1 vn -t nn
ilitqusiqłuk evil spirit, demon |
+t-3 nv -quti vn :Iq nn
+qłuk(-) nn, vv

¤ilivliq grandchild § illuq, ilullik, ilulik, illaiyaq- to untangle it | -Iyaq- vv

tutik, tutaaluk, tutitchiaq, tutiġaaq,
iñġutaq illaq- (t) to hook it; (t) to set a net under
the ice by feeding it though small
illaatqusiq [illaatqisIq] porcupine holes which lead to a large hole
(Erethizon dorsatum) » through which the net is pulled
“illaatqusimigli Anaġim out and anchored »
taiguġuugaa” [Anaġi called it “kuvraqtuġapta illaqługu aasii
illaatqusiq] (Aiken 2009) § nuqiłługu illaqtuunmik”
iluqutaq, qiŋaġluk (Matumeak 2009) [when we are
fish netting, placing it under the
illak- (i) to become tangled up, mixed up; ice and pulling it with a pole with
(t) to tangle it up » qupaksrat a hook]
illaktinmata paniga illaqtuun long pole with hook to set a
qimmaksaliyaiñŋuġman net under ice; handle of net hook »
iluaqsruipkaġuugiga when the “15 feet samma ilait takisuurut;
decorative parka trims get tangled illaqtuunmik illallaavlugu
up, I let my daughter, who has taikuŋa tikiñman” (Aiken 2009)
more patience than I do, do the [some are 15 feet long; using a
untangling pole with a hook it (the net) is
illagauraq ice which has begun to hooked as it reaches it (the next
melt and although solid is spongy hole)] | +tuq-2 nv :uti1 vn
and dangerous | +gaq2 vn :uraq nn

illarruq- (t) to make it =a condition illuġruq- (Ti) (i) to joke »
worse < ila(-) ”mitaaġutigaa” (S. Tuzroyluke
2009) [he is joking with her] |
illati- (i) to join, become a member; (t) to -ġruq- vv
include her/him/it < ila(-)
ilu(-)1 frost (in/on house); (t) to form frost
illatit- (i) to do more than necessary; (i) to on it » “imnaiyaat amiŋit
become careless and negligent; (i) ilusuitchut; ‘mouton’ mitquŋit
to become apathetic and let things kipiŋaruat ilusuurut”
go < ila(-) (Matumeak 2009) [sheepskins of
juvenile sheep do not form frost
illivik place to put things; storage space; (on them); mouton skins which
chest of drawers < ili-1 have been sheared form frost (on
illiviurat shelves; little storage spaces,
compartments < ili-1 ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity;
(t) to surround her/him/it
illiqpik storage rack (constructed of iluaq-1 (i) to go right in, right through
whale ribs built in the a hole, e.g., a basketball through
subterranean entrance of a the hoop; (t) to throw and cause
traditional sod house) < ili-1 an object to go into or through it
(basketball hoop or any
illiqsuq- (i) to choose a partner in a game; container); to go right into or
to recruit supporters for oneself; through it (hole) » ayuktaq
(t) to take sides, support her/his iluaġaa he made a basket (in
views, opinions < ila(-) basketball) | -aq-4 nv
iluaq-2 (i) to have diarrhea | perhaps
illuq or illualuk cross-cousin; joking -aq-2 nv § anaqtaq-
partner » illuġiik ikkuak iluaqsuġaq (Ti) goalpost (in Iñupiaq
avitchuilaak those two football) | +suq-1vv +aq(-) vn
cross-cousins are inseparable » ilugiit- to have pain, discomfort in
imma illualuni-lu pisuaqłutiŋ one’s belly, e.g., stomach ache |
aŋuniaġiaŋaruk he and his +[g]iit- nv
cross-cousin have gone hunting on iluġri- to become concave | +ġrI- nv
foot | +aluk nn § ilaaluq, aññaq iluġun interior part; internal organ »
illuayaaq (Ti) paternal cousin | -ayaaq “tuttut qaunnaŋiññik
illuġi- (t) to joke with, to tease, be a iluġutiŋiññik, itchauraŋit
partner to her/him | +[g]i- nv nakuaŋigguuq tamarra” [it is
illuġiit paired competitors, two said that the fat of the internal
teammates paired in a competition organs, the mesentery apron, the
» “ilaaluġiiksut malġuuvlutik” fat found around the intestines of
[they are partners two by two] the caribou, is the part that
(Aiken 2009) | +[g]iik/t nn § everyone loves to eat] (Aiken
iglugiit 2009) | -ġun nn
iluli- (i) to create a cavity; to build an
interior (for it) | +lI-1 nv

¤iluliaġaq great-grandchild | -lI-1 nv ilummiq fetus (of human, caribou,
±aq1 vn +gaq2 nn etc); one inside another; great-
¤iluliaġaġiik great-grandparent and great-grandchild; great-great
great-grandchild | -lI-1 nv ±aq1 vn grandparent | +mmIQ nn § ivlauq
+gaq2 nn +[g]iik/t nn ilumnun emotionally dear to me »
iluliaq inlet, cove, small bay | una tutaaluuraġa ilumnun ittuq
-liaq nn that one is a favorite of mine |
iluligauraq bowl; wooden bowl | +mnun (poss. term.)
-lik nn -gaq2 nn :uraq nn ilumun truly, really, truthfully »
iluliġaaq great-grandchild » imma tuvaaqatini ilumun
“iluliġaanik taiguġuugait uqaġmagaan kaŋiqsiuġiaqtuaq
tutaaluutik iñuit” [some people he has gone to get information in
call their grandchildren iluliġaat] order to find out if his spouse was
(Aiken 2009) | -ligaaq(-) nn, nv telling the truth | +mun (term.)
ilulik container; something with an ilumuuq- (i) to be faithful, true, loyal,
inner part; great-grandchild | reliable | perhaps +muu- rv
-lik nn § iñġutaq, tutik +q-1 vv
iluliñiq muscle above knee on inside ilunmugiitkutaq keel runner on
of thigh | +liñiQ vn umiak (one placed on each side of
ilulliq inner one, innermost one; inner main keel to prevent the skin from
sod layer (of insulation of sod ballooning in) | -nmuk- vv
house) | +llIQ nn +iitkutaq vn § see Appendix 16
ilulliġruaq (Ti) great-great- ilunŋu- (i) to feel compassion; (i)
grandparent or great-great-grand to have abdominal pains »
child ilunŋuruq qaqquaqtuqpaiłłuni
ilumiuq something inside » “qamani he has a stomache because he ate
iluaniittuat” [those that are too many nuts | +nŋu-1 nv § naligi-
inside] (Aiken 2009) | ÷miu(q) nn ilunŋugi- (t) to feel sorry for, to “hurt
ilumiutaq(-) fetus; something inside inside” for, to feel compassion for
oneself; something dear to her/him » ilunŋugisuugaa
oneself; something one cannot uqaqsiġiilani, iġñini she always
forget; (t) to keep it (one’s hurts inside because of her
opinion, feelings) inside one, leave disobedient son | +nŋu-1nv
it unsaid » taamna iñuk +[g]i- vv
ilumiutaġigiga that person is dear ilunŋuq- (i) to have the wind knocked
to me; “anitchuiññamiuŋ out of one; (t) to knock the wind
isumani tavra ilumiutaġigaa out of her/him/it | +nŋuq- nv
uqallausiġisuiññamiuŋ” [when ilunŋusuun compassion | +nŋu-1 nv
one cannot let his thoughts out, -suk-2 vv -un1 vn
then he keeps it inside when he ilunŋutchai- (t) to affect her/him
cannot talk about it] (Aiken 2009) | emotionally » aapaaluni
+miutaq nn ilunŋutchaigaa aġnaiyaam
ilummilik [dual ilummillak, pl. qiavailluni the little girl gave her
ilummilgIt] a trade bead with a grandfather a deep down feeling
bluish inner stripe | +mmIQ nn of sympathy by crying so pitifully
-lik nn | +nŋu-1 nv -tchak- vv -I-6 vv

ilunŋutchak- (i) to be deeply affected irrimi one should not go without
emotionally; (t) to move her/him long-johns in biting cold weather
emotionally » ilunŋutchaktuq like this | -piġuq(-) nn ‘-k2 or -k2
naalaġnivlugu uqaqtuaq he was nn § ataraak or ulipquaq
moved emotionally while ilupquaq (Ti) undershirt | +pquaq nn
listening to the speaker | +nŋu-1 nv iluqsraq or iluġraq depression in
-tchak- vv § anuaqsruit-, ground, ditch, furrow, dent |
tupquraanŋuliq- +qsraq vn
iluŋa- (i) to have a hollow core, iluqsri- or iluġri- (Ti) (i) to develop a
depression, hole | ±ŋa- vv depression, concavity; (t) to make
iluŋiq- (Nu) (t) to get between a depression in it » taiyakiñ
her/him/it and something else; (t) iluqsriruk your tires are sinking
to best her/him in target-shooting, in | +qsrI- or +ġrI- nv
coming closer to bull’s eye » iluqsriraġauraq- or iluġriraġauraq-
“iluŋiġautisuurut pisiktaaġamik (i) to play, running back and forth
akimaniuraqhutik” (Hugo 2009) across pliable thin ice, makings
[they try to best each other when depressions without going through
they are shooting trying to win] | the ice | +qsrI- nv -t/raġaq- vv
-ŋIq- nv :uraq- nn
iluŋiqsruq- (i) to desire deeply and ilutuniq (Ti) dimple; concave hole in
sincerely /pigisupiaqługu ground (like a well) | +tu- nv
pimman when one really desires +niQ vn
to have it | -ŋIq- nv mqsruq-2 vv § ilutuuġuraq bowl | +tuuq nn
iŋiqsruq- +uraq(-) nn, vv
ilupaaq(-) lining; insulation; inner iluviq(-) grave; buried corpse; (t) to
clothing made of fur; inner part of bury her/him/it @ iluviqsi- »
anything; inner parka; (t) to iluvġit tutitchailiuraġnaqtut one
insulate it » quppiġaaġma should be careful not to step on
ilupaaŋa saatpailluni graves » qaŋasaaq iluviqsikamiŋ
qiiyanaqtuq the lining of my coat satkuŋillu taputisuuniġait long
is so thin it’s not warm | +paaq nn ago when they buried someone
ilupaaġiik(-) two things which are they used to also bury the person’s
one inside the other; two whales hunting outfit and equipment with
which surface side-by-side; (i) to him | +viQ(-) nn, nv || +sI-3 vv
be one inside the other; (t) to have iluviqsiri undertaker | +sI-3 vv
them one inside the other | mt/ri vn
+paaq nn +[g]iik nn iluviqtaq something buried in a grave
iluparriqi- to wash underwear | | +viQ(-) nn, nv +t/raq vn
=rriqi nv iluvvivik cemetery, graveyard |
ilupiġuq- (i) to put on long +viQ(-) nv +vIk1 vn
underwear, longjohns, a union
suit; (t) to put long underwear on ¤iluŋiqsruq- (i) to hurry § iġñiqsruq-,
her/him | -piġuq(-) nn, nv qilamiqsruq-
ilupiqquk or ilupiġuk pair of
longjohns, a union suit, coveralls ¤iluqutaq (Ti) porcupine § illatqutaq,
» ilupiġuilaaġnaitchuq innasimi illaaqutchiq, qiŋaġluk

°Im (dem. stem) in the aformentioned past
Ilutak (Ti) area toward the bend in the § imuŋaaq(-)
point southwest of Point Hope, imani (excl.) at last!, finally!, about
Alaska [Tikiġaq] time! » imani qaivuq;
ilutanmun (Ti) towards the southwest utaqqiñŋuliġmiraqput finally
| -nmun (term.) she came; we were tired of
waiting for her; imani
iłhuaġniq boreal smelt (Osmerus dentex) ullaksimagaa aakani its about
» Ulġuniŋaruq niksiksuġiaqłuni time he went to visit his mother |
iłhuaġniñik she has gone to +anI (dem. loc.)
Wainwright to fish for smelts imma it is known that a previously
through the ice | +niQ2 n mentioned one » imma
kukiluktuk iġġiñi those two are
iłuaq- or iluaq- (i) to be fitting; (i) to be wandering in the mountains | ‘a
correct, proper, right; (i) to feel (dem. adv. mkr.)
fine § iluaq- immaami (excl.) maybe that is the
iłualluk- (Nu) (i) to be for the best » situation » with him when he left |
“tavra Uulahuulamun ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) +amI (encl.)
taavuŋaġupta iłualluŋniqsuq. immaasu (Ti) said when trying to
…It is better for us to go over remember something in the past »
there to Uulahuula.” (Elijah immaasu kiñakiaġimña I can’t
Kakinya as reported by remember who it was | ‘a (dem.
Bergsland 1987: 382, 390) | adv. mkr.) °asu
-lluk-2 vv immahii oh, the previously
mentioned one | -hii
iłuit- or iluit- (i) to be incorrect, not imma ilaanni (excl.) maybe so | ‘a
proper, not right; (i) to not fit; (i) (dem. adv. mkr.) | ila “part of or
to be sick § iluit- member of something” -at2 nn :nI3
iłuigi- (t) to find it disconcerting; (t) to (loc.)
be uncomfortable wearing it » immakiaq (excl.) I think...; I
iłuigipiallakkig taamna I find wonder... » immakiaq
that one very disturbing | +[g]i- utaqqiñŋuliqłuni airuaq I think
vv she got tired of waiting and went
iłuilliuġniq misery, suffering | home » immakiaq ipkuak
-lliuq- vv +niQ1 vn sumukpak I wonder where those
iłuirrutiqpak calamity, disaster, two went | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
tragedy, catastrophe +kiaq (encl.)
iłuilliqpiiññaq- (i) to become sick immakii (excl.) maybe; probably so |
repeatedly; to get out of order ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) +kii2 (encl.)
repeatedy; (i) to become immaliqaa (excl.) oh, I almost forgot
dysfunctional | +piiññaq(-) nn, vv … | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) +liqaa
§ iluit- (encl.)
immamiimña [dual immamiipkuak,
iłuuqiñiq blackfish (Dallia pectoralis) | pl. immamiipkua] (used when
+niQ2 n making an inquiry about a person
or object previously mentioned) »

immamiipkuak suvak I wonder mentioned | +tuma (dem. rel.
what those two previously pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (mod. dem.)
mentioned are doing | ‘a (dem. iptumuŋa or ivsrumuŋa or
adv. mkr.) +amI (enc) | °Im (dem. ivrumuŋa [dual ipkugnuŋa, pl.
stem) +na (dem. abs. pron. sg. ipkunuŋa] to that one in the past;
mkr.) to the one previously mentioned |
imma qanuq (excl.) maybe so; +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
probably | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
qanuq “how” iptumuuna or ivsrumuuna or
imña [dual ipkuak, pl. ipkua] (abs. ivrumuuna [dual ipkugnuuna, pl.
dem. pron.) that of the past; ipkunuuna] via, through that one
the one mentioned or seen in the past; with the one
previously » imña tikitchuaq previously mentioned | +tuma
uqausiġigaat they are talking (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna
about the one who arrived | +na (via. dem.)
(dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
imuŋa or taimuŋa into the distant °ima (stem) content » imaŋi avataqpaum
future; forever, to the end of time | tivraġipaluktut the contents of
+uŋa (dem. term.) the sealskin poke are so delicioius
iptuma or ivsruma or ivruma [dual imagraq (Ti) sourdough batter; pipe
ipkuak, pl. ipkua] that one in the tobacco | -ksraq1 nn § imaksraq
past, the one previously imaiku(-) emptied container; (i) to
mentioned | +tuma (dem. rel. leave an empty container; (t) to
pron. sg. mkr.) leave an empty container for
iptumani or ivsrumani or ivrumani her/him » imaikumiñik
[dual ipkugnagni, pl. ipkunani] puuksritchaŋani she gave me her
located with that one in the past; emptied container to use »
the one previously mentioned | utkusigmik ikka imaikuruq,
+tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) atuġuŋ she has left a pot empty;
+anI (loc. dem) use it » puuksramnik
iptumaŋŋa or ivsrumaŋŋa or imaikumaraani she left an empty
ivrumaŋŋa [dual ipkugnaŋŋa, pl. container for me to use | :Iq-2 nv
ipkunaŋŋa] from that one in the +ku(-) vn
past; from the one previously imaiq-1 (i) to become empty; (t) to
mentioned | +tuma (dem. rel. empty it, remove its contents; for
pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) the sea ice to close up so that there
iptumatun or ivsrumatun or is no ocean lead | :Iq-2 nv
ivrumatun [dual ipkugnaktun, pl. imait- (i) to be empty »
ipkunatitun] similar to that one in paliutimmiraani qattaq
the past; similar to the one imaitchuq I am so thirsty, and the
previously mentioned | +tuma water barrel is empty | :It-1 nv
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun imakit- (i) to be almost empty (of
(sim. dem.) container) | -kIt- nv
iptumiŋa or ivsrumiŋa or ivrumiŋa imakikłi- (i) to decrease in volume of
[dual ipkugniŋa, pl. ipkuniŋa] that contents (of container); (t) to
one in the past; the one previously make its contents less | -kIt- nv

-kłI- vv ready it for scraping @ imaqsi- ||
imaksraq yeast +sI3 § taġiuq
imalik something with content | imaaq- (i) to fall in water »
-lik vn puuvrallasillaktuq
imaukkaq- or immaukkaq (i) to imaaġaluamii he has ended up
have sufficient amount, e.g., of knowing how to swim because of
contents; (Ti) to be full » his constantly falling in the water |
ilisimagiga taamna kigiunniq -aq-4 vv
imaukkaqtuaq I know that box imaġauraq puddle of water »
has a lot of things in it | :ukkaq- nv imaġaurami ipiġaġuviñ
immii- (t) to pack it | ‘=I-7 nv qulaakkuġniaqtutin
immiq-1 (t) to fill it @ immiqsi- » itiruamukkuviñ if you wade in
immiqsiruaguk the puddle, the water will go
tuyuutiksraptinnik above your boots when you get in
aakatkunnun we filled a the deep water | +[ġ]aq nn
recording tape to send to mother :uraq nn
and them | ‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv imaġiak(-) liquid or fluid in body
immiqsuaksraq written application | organs, joints, etc.; (i) to be wet
‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv ±aksraq(-) vn (of game meat at site of bullet
immiqsuq- (t) to be in the process of hole); to be oozing (of a sore) »
filling it (e.g., a container), or killiñi imaġiaktuaq
filling it in (e.g., an application salummaqtuġaa
form) @ immiqsui- | ‘=Iq-1 nv aunaaqtitaallaan he cleaned his
+tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv sore, which was oozing, until it
immiqsuun a ladle | ‘=Iq-1 nv bled | +iak(-) nn, nv
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn imaġluk- (i) to be rough, choppy (of
immivaałłak- (i) to overflow; (t) to body of water) »
make it overflow, to fill it too “imaġlugnisuugaat
much | +vaałłak- vv qailliaqsruġman” [they say the
water is choppy when there are
imaniq clam » imanġit misiġaamun waves in it] (Aiken 2009) |
kiñitkai she immersed the clams +luk-1 nv
in the seal oil | +niQ2 n § imaġuaq- (i) to get water on oneself;
ipiksaunnaq (t) to get water on her/him/it |
-ġuaq2 vv
imaŋiq- (i) to be silent; to become quiet Imaġruk name of a lagoon behind the
after talking, arguing, etc. » village of Wainwright, Alaska »
qanaaġnialagaluaqami “Imaġrugmik Ulġuniġmiut
kiisaimmaa imaŋiqpuq he kiluanni taiguġuugaat tainna
persisted in trying to argue, but paaqaqtuaq taġiumun” they call
finally he became quiet | +ŋIq- nv the lagoon situated behind the
village of Wainwright, Alaska
imaq(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- potable “Imaġruk”] (Aiken 2009) |
water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; (t) +ruk nn
to moisten it =animal hide to imaġuq- to melt into water (of snow
or ice); for a body of water to be

formed from spring melting | skin being tanned or to build up
+[ġ]uq-1 nv ice on sled runners | +sI- vv ‘n1 vn
imaiġñiq dry lake; dry river bed | :Iq-2 imaqsuk pond, pool of water; mud
nv +niQ1 vn puddle | suk2 nn
imailaqtuun roaster | :Ilaq nn -q-2 nv imaqtaq dampened skin for tanning |
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn +t/raq vn
imaiq-2 (i) to ebb (of tide); to become imaqtiq- (t) to sprinkle water on,
empty, to dry up (of lake, river); dampen, wet it @ imaqtiġii- »
(t) to remove water from it | aŋutaata imaqtiġaa qilautini
:Iq-2 nv imiksisaqługu her husband
imaitkutak waterproof sealskin socks dampened his drum to make it
worn inside waterproof skin boots more resonant | +tiq-1 nv §
| :It-1 nv +kutaq vn -k2 nn matchaktiq-
imaiyaun a towel » imaiyaun ata imau- (i) to be wet | :u-1 nv
please hand me the towel | imauraq (Ti) water puddle; hole in
:Iyaq- nv :un1 vn sea ice through which whales
imakłi- to decrease (of water level or breathe | :uraq nn, vv
any liquid level); to ebb (of tide) | imavak- to be visibly free of ice (of
-kłI- nv ocean) » “imavaktuq tavra
imaksraq water to cook with | tasamuŋanmun
-ksraq(-) nn qiñiġnaigutimman siku; sarri
imaqaaqtuq (Ti) damp, swampy area qiñiġnaiġman imavagnisuugaat
| perhaps -qaq- nv -aq-1 vv +tuq taġiuq upinġaksrami
(indic 3s as part) ataaqtuġamiŋ aġviqsiuġamiŋ”
Imaqłin sea men; Big Diomede [only water is visible when the ice
Island, Alaska » “…they also is no longer visible as far as one
apply other names to us, can see out; when the floating ice
apparently of their own invention; pack is no longer visible, they say
one is E-ma’kh-lin, sea men (this the ocean has no ice visible during
is the name of the largest of the spring while whaling out on the
Diiomede Islands)…” (Simpson: edge of the ice] (Aiken 2009) |
271) -vak- nv
imaqpaluk- (i) to slosh around (of immak(-) pus; infection; (i) to
water or liquid) » niuqqaq- develop an infection; (i) for pus to
paiłłuŋa narraaġa imaqpaluk- accumulate (of sore); (i) to get
asaktuq I’ve drunk so much water in one’s boots; (i) to
liquid that my stomach makes become saturated with water (of
sloshing sounds | +p/valuk- nv object); (i) to take in water (of
imaqpaluktaq- (i) to make a sloshing boat) » aŋutaiyaam killiŋa
noise (of water or any liquid) | immaktuq the boy’s sore has
+p/valuk- nv +t/raq-1 vv developed pus | ‘-k-2 nv
imaqpiaq wide expanse of open immaktinniq non-frozen river water
water starting at the edge of shore- on top of ocean ice at river mouth;
fast ice | perhaps +piaq(-)2 nn puddle formed on ice or snow by
imaqsiñ piece of caribou skin soaked melting water » immaktinniq
in water and used to dampen a naŋaġnilukkaluaqługu

quayaqiłłuni imaaqtuq he tried ‘=It-2 nv -vlik vn § muġałłiQ
to skirt the puddle formed on the
ice but slipped and fell in | ‘-k-2 nv imigluktit- (Ti) (i) to be full (of moon) |
-tit-2 vv +nniQ vn perhaps +tit-2 vv
immaktit- (i) for puddles to form
from melting snow; (i) to swell imik- (i) to resound, reverberate well; (i)
(of river); (i) to become infected be stereophonic; (i) to have a rich,
(of wound) » Utqiaġvik hollow sound (of a drum)
immaktitchuuruq imiak- (i) to transmit sound well; (i)
upinġaksratuaġman there are be resonant (as of an empty barrel
puddles all over Barrow every ot hollow space). | -ak- vv
spring | ‘-k-2 nv -tit-2 vv imiakpatit- (i) to transmit sound well;
immiññauraq or (Ti) immiñauraq (i) have good resonance »
or immiñiq a person, once lost on “makua qilautit imiakpatittut
ice or tundra, who becomes avaŋŋasaaġruk Qayaiqsiġviŋmi
antisocial in consequence of his anuġaiñman tusaġnaġuurut
long period of solitude; someone Kalimiñ siaksruiñman sila”
who has landed after drifting away [these drums transmit sound well
on an icefloe; a prowler, “hiding so that on a clear, still day they
person” (unknown person can be heard from a long distance
sometimes seen from afar, who is (like) from Icy Cape to Point Lay]
blamed for otherwise (Aiken 2009) | -ak- vv +patit- vv
unexplainable circumstances); imigluk- (i) to make a distant roaring,
fugitive | ‘=It-2 nv +naq1 vn thundering noise (e.g., of airplane,
:uraq nn § iñuqun, aulaaq, or caribou herd) noise; (i) to ring
qimmaq, aulaaq (of ears) » tuttut imigluktut
immiq-2 (t) for a channel of water to iñugiakpaiłłutiŋ the caribou herd
open in a field or floe of ice | is thundering because of its vast
‘=Iq-1 nv number | +luk- vv
immiqi- (i) to play in the water » imigluksi- (i) to get louder and louder
immiqitquŋitkaasik uvlupak she (Aiken 2009) | +luk- vv +sI-1 vv
doesn’t want you to play in the imigluktaaq(-) noise-maker made of
water today | ‘=Iqi-1 nv of bone or wood and braided
immisaq something soaked in water | sinew; “bullroarer”; (i) to make
‘=It-2 nv ±aq1 vn the roaring sound of a noise-
immiqsuqataq- (t) to apply water to maker » tutaaluni
it; (t) to water it well periodically | imigluktaamik piuraaliuġaa he
‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv +ataq-3 vv made his grandchild a toy noise-
immit-2 to be saturated, to be soaked maker | +luk- vv +t/raaq1 vn
through; (t) to soak it too long; (i) imigluktaun toy noise-maker; “wolf-
to come upon water, e.g., of a scarer” (used by hunters to scare
traveler | ‘=It-2 nv wolves away by twirling it above
immitchii- (t) to immerse it in water one’s head) »
to soak | ‘=It-2 nv +[t]sIq- vv imigluktautiliuqtuq suqqamiñ
-I-6 vv he made a wolf-scare from baleen
immivlik watery substance | | +luk- vv +t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn

imiksi- to become better sounding (of he got so hot during the meeting,
a drum) » imaqtianigmauŋ he had a cool soft drink | +aaq(-)
qilautiŋa imiksiruq after he nn, nv § niuqqaq-
dampened his drum it sounded imiġaq broth » tuttum nutaam
better | +sI-1 vv imiġaŋa aarigaa the broth from
imikpatit- (i) to have a rich, hollow fresh caribou is so good| +[ġ]aq vn
sound | +patit- vv imiġik- (i) to have good water |
imiŋniq mound of earth or ice that +[g]Ik- nv
makes an echoing sound when imiġiksaaq fresh water »
stamped on | +niQ2 vn imiqtaqtuami imiġiksaamik I
fetched some fresh water |
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a +[g]Ik- nv +taaq vn
beverage; an alcoholic drink; imiġvik bar; a place to drink |
potable liquid, broth; amniotic +vIk1 vn
fluid; to drink (it) » imiq taamna imiksrit- (t) to give her/him/it a
imiġiitchuq that water is not fit to drink | -ksrIt- nv
drink § niuqqaq(-) imillak- (i) to drink continuously »
imġiq- (i) to no longer have water | imillaktut unnuaqpak they
:Iq-2 nv drank all night | -llak-2 vv
imġiqsi- (i) to break (of amniotic imilluataq(-) good water, potable
fluid) » siŋaiyauruaq water; (i) to drink responsibly |
iglaullaġmiŋ imġiqsiruq the -lluataq(-) vv, nn
pregnant woman’s water broke iminŋu- (i) to have a hangover »
while they were still traveling | iminŋukami
:Iq-2 nv +sI-1 vv tataminnisuugaluaqtuq
imġit- (i) to lack water | :It-1 nv piiguyaruq when he has a
imġugauraq a small water container; hangover, he swears he’ll quit, but
water cup | :un1 vn +gaq4 nn he forgets easily | -nŋu- vv
:uraq nn imiŋa- (i) to be drunk, intoxicated |
imġun baleen cup; a supply of water; ±ŋa- vv
drinking glass; water pitcher | imiŋaraq a drunk, an inebriate »
+un1 vn arraa, imiŋaramik tautukkapta
imġusiaġruk wooden barrel; a keg » qimaapaluktugut boy, did we
imġusiaġruit samma ever run when we saw a drunk
misiġarrivigiksut wooden kegs person | ±ŋaraq vn
are very good for rendering imiqaġvik water container with
blubber for seal oil | -ġun vn :Iq nn cover; bag made of seal flippers in
+aġruk nn which drinking water was carried
imġusiq or imġusiuraq or imiun » imiqaġvik salummaqqaaġlugu
sheep horn dipper; wooden sikuliqsuisaqtutin clean the water
drinking cup | :un1 vn :Iq nn container first, then fill it with ice |
imiġaaq(-) soft drink, soda pop; (i) to -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
drink a cold beverage, e.g., water, imiqaqtit- (t) to keep her/him/it
juice, or soda pop » supplied with water | -qaq- vv
uunniqigaluaqami kasimaruani 1
mtit- vv
imiġaaqtuq niglaumaaqtuamik

Imiqpak lake between Birnik and immaqłuk- (i) to be stupidly drunk |
the Naval Arctic Research ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
Laboratory in Barrow, Alaska immi- (i) to make water by melting
Imiqpaniqłuk Honey Bucket lagoon ice or snow; (i) to make
north of Barrow, Alaska homebrew | ‘=I-1 nv
imiqsi-1 (i) to take a sip » aġnaiyaaq immiaq homebrew | ‘=I-1 nv
imiqsiruq aakami niuqqaŋaniñ +aq1 vn
the girl took a sip from her immit-1 to give her/him/it a drink |
mother’s hot drink | +sI-3 vv § ‘=It-2 nv
iguk-, uuk- immiugauraq small dipper, utensil |
imiqsi- (i) to buy liquor | +sI-2 nv ‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn +gaq4 nn
imiqsillaa- (i) to drink in intervals; :uraq nn
to take alternating sips (dual or immiun or imiun (Ti) a ceremonial
plural) | +sI-3 vv -llaa- vv vessel used to give a drink of
imiqtaq- to haul, obtain, or buy a water to a harvested animal;
supply of water (for her/him) » whaling captain’s wife’s “little
imiqtaġiñ kuugmun (yous) go wooden pot” (imyun), from
and get some water from the river which she gave dead whales a
| +taq-4 nv drink (Rainey: 249 | ‘=I-1 nv
imiqtaqtuġiaq trail used to fetch :un1 vn
fresh water | +taq-4 nv +tuq-2 vv immiuq- (i) to make water by melting
+iaq1 vn ice or snow; (i) to brew beer »
imiqtaqtuun water pail; water truck | iqaqsriyumauŋa immiuqsaq-
+taq-4 nv +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn tutin make some water so I can
imiqtit- (t) to give her/him/it water wash clothes | ‘=iuq- nv
to drink; (t) to allow her/him to
drink an alcoholic beverage | imit- (t) to give her/him work to do,
mtit- vv especially something a person
imiqtitchi- (Ti) (i) to perform ritual of specializes in, e.g., carving,
emptying fresh water into sea (of sewing a pair of boots @ imitchi-
whaler’s wife after the whaling » kammiuquvluŋa aatauraġa
crew’s taking of whale); to give imitkiga I gave my older sister
fresh water to the animals before the task of making a pair of boots
skinning | mtit-1 vv +sI-3 vv for me | +sI-3 vv
imiqtuaq- (i) to drink continuously,
nonstop » imiqtuaġnak uvlupak imma referring to one previously
don't drink continuously today | mentioned < °Im (dem. stem)
+tuaq- vv
imiyuit- (i) to be abusive when immaami (excl.) maybe that is the
drinking, to be out of control situation < °Im (dem. stem)
when drunk | -yuit- vv
imiyuk(-) (i) to drink as a habit; one immaasu (Ti) said when trying to
who drinks habitually » remember something past
imiyuktuq taamna oh, that one < °Im (dem. stem)
drinks | -yuk(-) vv, vn
imma ilaanni (excl.) maybe so

< °Im (dem. stem) unexplainable circumstances);
fugitive < imaQ1(-)
immak(-) pus, infection; (i) to develop an
infection; (i) to accumulate liquid immiq-1 (t) for a channel of water to open
(e.g., pus in a wound); to get water in a field or floe of ice < imaq1(-)
in one’s boots; to take in water (of
boat) < imaQ1(-) immiq-2 (t) to fill it @ immiqsi- < °ima

immakiaq (excl.) I think...; I wonder... immiqi- (i) to play in water < imaq1(-)
< °Im (dem. stem)
immiqsuaksraq written application <
immakii maybe < °Im (dem. stem) °ima

immaktinniq non-frozen river water on immiqsuq- (t) to put things in it until full
top of ocean ice at river mouth; or completed < °ima
puddle formed on ice or snow by
melting water < imaQ1(-) immiqsuqataq- (t) to apply water to it; to
water it well periodically <
immaktit- to form puddles all over its imaq1(-)
surface (of melting snow) <
imaQ1(-) immiqsuun a ladle < °ima

imma liqaa (excl.) oh, I almost forgot … immisaq something soaked in water <
< °Im (dem. stem) imaq1(-)

immami imña (excl.) (inquiry into what a immit-2 to be saturated, to be soaked

person might be up to since that through; (t) to soak it too long; (i)
person is absent) so what in the to come upon water, e.g., of a
world < °Im (dem. stem) traveler < imaq1(-)

imma qanuq (excl.) maybe so; probably immitchii- (t) to put something in water
< °Im (dem. stem) to soak < imaq1(-)

immii- (t) to pack it < °ima immivaałłak- (i) to overflow; (t) to make
it overflow < °ima
immiññauraq or (Ti) immiñauraq or
immiñiq a person, once lost on immivlik watery substance < imaq1(-)
ice or tundra, who becomes
antisocial in consequence of his immuk milk § miluk
long period of solitude; someone immuli- to milk an animal | -lI-1 nv
who has landed after drifting away immulivik domestic cow; dairy |
on an icefloe; a prowler, “hiding -lI-1 nv +vIk1 vn
person” (unknown person
sometimes seen from afar, who is imnaq1 [imnaQ] high, steep cliff »
blamed for otherwise imnaq mayuġniluktuqługu
akpakaqtuq he reached the top

by persisting in trying to climb the imnit- (i) to reach a steep cliff; (i) to
cliff § ipnaq be blocked in one’s ascent,
imnaaġuq cliff which extends for making it impossible to climb any
several miles, e.g., from Barrow to higher (i.e. not because of
Wainwright, Alaska » imnaaġuq fatigue); (i) to be unable to climb
maliġivlugu Ulġuniġmun higher (on it) » imniłłutiŋ utiqtut
tikillaktuq he eventually ended tupiġmignun they couldn’t climb
up in Wainwright following the higher so they returned to their
cliffs between Barrow and tent | ‘=It-2 nv
Wainwright | -aq2 nn ±ġuq nn
imnaġruit canyon » imnaġruit imnaq2 lower side section of parka
kamasugnapaluktut ¤imnalik woman’s dress parka with
tautuqqaaqaptigik the canyon hanging sides » atikłigaa paniñi
was so awe-inspiring when we imnaligmik she made her
first saw it | -ġruk nn :It nn daughter a fancy dress parka |
imnailiqiri shepherd » aqqaluga -lik nn
qiñiqtuaqtitchimmata my imña [dual ipkuak, pl. ipkua] that one in
younger brother played the part of the past, the previously mentioned
the shepherd when they presented one < °Im (dem. stem)
the play | +Iq nn -liqi- nv mt/ri vn
imnaiq dall sheep, mountain sheep imñasaaq long ago; that one of long ago
(Ovis dalli) » Qaaktuġvigmiuniñ < °Im (dem. stem)
imnaiñik tuyuusiaqaġuuruŋa I
usually receive a package of sheep imŋaluk- (i) to hum; (i) to mumble; (i) to
meat from people at Barter Island | whimper; (i) to whine; (i) to growl
+Iq nn § aŋutisugruk, kulavak softly » aaññaŋaa aġnaiyaaq
imnaiyaaq lamb | +Iq nn -Iyaaq nn § piuraaġuraaqtuaq
ivutaq imŋaluuraqłuni how cute, the
imnaqtuq- (Ti) (i) to hunt on the little girl is playing leisurely while
cliffs » imnaqtuqhutik, humming quietly » imŋalukługu
qilaptaqługit pisuugait using the ilisaġaġigaa atuun iliññialarani
bola they capture them on the she kept repeatedly humming the
cliffs | +tuq-3 nv tune she was trying to learn |
imnaim alua yellowish substance -luk- vv
(found at the base of a bluff) »
“imuvlugik saŋŋiłługik imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i)
qaqłuuk” (Matumeak 2009) to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to
[(this substance) causes the lips to roll it up; (t) to wind it = string,
contract and tighten] § (for about yarn, etc. into a ball @ imuri- or
one minute, muscles tighten imusi- » ataataga
around the mouth when one takes imuŋasillaksimakami I see that
a taste of this substance with the my great-uncle has now become
finger; found at the Tuapaktusuk bent with age || +rI-5 vv, +sI-3 vv
Bluff; also found where there is immuaq coiled rope (for the sealskin
soft coal) (Matumeak 2009) float); bolt of fabric; » “Aġviq

uvva satkuŋagikput, imuliq- (i) to faint, collapse suddenly;
aullaġniaŋitchukkii isumakama. to fall to the ground, collapse, as
…naulikkaġaa, immuaŋi eight when one faints »
fathoms-guruat nuŋummiut…” pisuaġuraaqtuagguuq uvva
(Bodfish: 239) [we had struck the imuliqtuq they say he was just
whale and it would not go walking along when he suddenly
anywhere in my thinking; …I had collapsed | -liq-2 vv
harpooned it, the rolled rope of the imullak- (i) to be bent with age »
float which was eight fathoms had utuqqalivaiłłuni imullaktuq
all gone out…] | ‘-aq1 vn aŋaalukput our uncle has grown
immuqurraaq- (i) to wrap something so old, his back is now bent with
around oneself; (t) to wrap age| -llak-1 vv
something around her/him/it » imuŋaaq- (i) to have a bent back (as
ililgauraq uutiqtinman uligmik a physical deformity); (i) be
immuqurraaqtiqługu stooped | ±ŋaaq(-) vn, vv
naŋirvigmuutigaa when the child imuraq hand rolled cigarette »
got burned, she wrapped a blanket imuranik sigaaqaqtuq;
around him and took him to the allanigguuq piitchuq he has hand
hospital | ‘-quti- vn +raaq- nv rolled cigarettes; he says he has no
immurraaq- (t) to wrap, cover other kind | +t/raq vn
her/him/it with something | :uti- vv imurat maqpiġaat scroll
~raaq3 nv imurauraq ready-rolled cigarette |
immurraq something trapped in a +t/raq vn :uraq nn
cave-in » immurram iñuum imuri-1 to roll (her/him) a cigarette |
sauniŋiññik paqisimaruat nukaaluga imuriruq
alġaaniqsaaliqirit the sigaaksramiñik my younger
archaeologists found the bones of brother rolled a cigarette for
a person trapped in a cave-in | himself | +rI-5 vv
=uti- vv ~raq vn imuri-2 (t) for it to roll up on him/her
immuqurraaq- (i) to wrap oneself even though he/she did not want it
with something | ~raaq- vv to | ~rI-4 vv
immuquti- (t) to include (it) in the
wrapping of something else » imu person who is “it” in a game of
immuqutimaraa she had hide-and-seek
including it when she wrapped
something else | ‘quti- vv imuniq young ice which has been
immuvik spool; fishing reel | crushed by moving ice
+vIk1 vn (Harcharek: 12)
immurvik folding sewing kit,
household bag | ‘ti- vv +vIk1 vn imuŋa or taimuŋa (dem. adv. term.) into
imulak- (i) to sit with one’s knees the distant future < °Im (dem.
pulled up to one’s chest / stem)
imulaktuq going to the corner, imuŋaaq(-) (Ti) a debt; to buy (it) on
she sat down and pulled her knees credit § akiġruun, akiilaq(-)
to her chest | +lak1- vv < imuŋa

ina- (i) to stop to play while migrating (of stay | -ksraq(-) nn, nv :Iq-2 nv -
whales); (i) for persons to stay uti- vv
somewhere and enjoy themselves iniksraiq- (i) to run out room, space
» tautuqqaaqama aġviġnik | -ksraq(-) nn :Iq-2 nv
inaruanik kamasupaluŋaruŋa iniksraqsiuq- to search, look for
when I first saw whales stop to room, space, a place (for
play while migrating I was awed her/him/it) | -ksraq(-) nn
inat- (t) to purposely distract +siuq- nv
her/him/it in order to keep iniksriuq- to prepare a room, space,
her/him/it from doing something a place (for her/him/it) |
else » aakaŋa anisaġman -ksraq(-) nn ‘=iuq-1
nukatpiaġruk inatkaa atchaŋata inillaaniŋaruat events that havc
the boy’s aunt distracted him already happened; history |
when his mother started to go out +llak-1 nv -anik- vv ±ŋa- vv
(so he would not cry) | +t-1 vv +t/ruaq nn -t nn
inillai- (i) to build on a vacant spot; (i)
inġiq- (i) to not be as before < it- to establish something | +llak-1 nv
perhaps -I-6 vv
ini place; room; (by extension) one’s inillaisuk- (i) to make a motion, move
presence » nukatpialukput asu- (in parliamentary procedure); to
amna inituruq our youngest establish something | +llak-3 nv
sibling sure leaves a big empty -I-6 vv +[s]uk-1 vv § tappIq-,
space when he’s not around inillak-
inaiq- (i) to run out of space; (t) to inillak- or (Ti) inillallak- (i) to find a
take her/his/its space, place | place to stay; (i) to settle, situate
:Iq-2 nv oneself somewhere; (i) to become
inait- (i) to have no room, no space | full (of moon); (i) to be resolved
:It-1 nv (of motion in parliamentary
inaŋiq- (t) to preempt, take her/his/its procedure); (Ti)(i) to be
place @ inaŋiqsi- » completed, done; (i) for food to be
sivunmuuliqtuqhuni inaŋiġaa done, cooked; (t) to find a place
aġnaq aullaqsaqtuaq tiŋŋutikun for her/him/it to stay; (t) to situate,
he stubbornly insisted on going, place her/him/it somewhere; (t) to
and took the woman’s place in the appoint her/him; (Ti) (t) to prepare
plane | +ŋIq- nv || +sI-3 vv things for whaling; (t) to
inaŋiun pronoun; one that takes the complete, finish accomplish it »
place of another | +ŋIq- nv :un1 vn inillagataġupta uvaptinnun
inaukkaq- (i) to have lots of room, siñiktaġiaqsaqtutin when we
space | -ukkaq- nv finally are settled in our own
inauraq room in a house | :uraq nn place, come and spend the night
iniġruat ruins of old camp, village, with us | +llak-1 nv or +llak-1 nv
house ruins | +ġruk nn :It nn -lak-vv
iniksraiġuti- (i) to no longer have inillaktuq- (t) to arrange, position, set
any space, to have no room left; them up | +llak-1 nv +tuq-2 vv
to no longer have any place to inillaŋa- (i) to be settled, situated; to
be certified in a position, as of a

political office; (t) to situate shoes » “kamaaqłuk
her/him/it; to certify her/him/it | atisiññaaguruak kammak”
+llak-1 nv ±ŋa- vv (Matumeak 2009)[everyday shoes
inillaun resolution | +llak-1 nv :un1 vn ready to put on]
iniqaġliq place where there used to be
houses; an abandoned village | innainniġman or iminnainniġman
+qaq- nv +liQ vn whereas; since it is thus < it-
iniqpak city, town; big place »
iniqpagmuqqaaqami innaittuaq one like this; one in this
tammaŋaruq when she first went condition < it-
to a big city, she got lost |
+qpak(-) nn innaq- or (Nu) itnaq- to say or do this (to
init village, town | -t nn § nunaaqqIq her/him/it) < it-
initu- (i) to be spacious, have lots of
room | +tu- nv innasiq or iminnasiq or iminnaasiq this
initusi- (i) to become spacious (of kind, one that resembles this < it-
place); (t) to make it (place)
spacious | +tu- nv +sI-1 vv innatun or iminnaatun or imannaatun
inituyaaqi- (i) to enjoy spacious (excl.) this much < it-
surroundings, lots of space |
+tu- nv iniq- (Ti) to finish, be done with it § iñiq-

initqauran short roof planks below ¤inniillak- (i) to be silenced (esp., of a

skylight; “short beams below liar when silenced by someone
window, ĭn-ĭt-kau-rûn” (Ray setting her/him straight); (i) to be
1885: 52)] unable to answer back | -llak-1 vv

inmagaaġniq roll call (a parliamentary innuq saliva in long strands (as from the
procedure) < it- mouth of a sick person or dog)
innuli- (i) to foam at the mouth |
inmagaaq- (t) to determine whether -lI-3 nv
she/he/it is present, to conduct a innuliqi- (i) to have saliva in long
roll call < it- strands (of sick person or dog) |
-liqi- nv
inmiguaqtaq manik special account of
money < °ili inŋit- or inġit- (i) to not be present; to not
be < it-
inmikkuaq- to be by itself < °ili
inuġru- (i) to yearn for someone or
inmiñiq- (i) to report that someone is also something » inuġruliqhuni-
present < it- imma aiŋaruq he went home
because he was yearning to be
inna or iminna or imanna (adv) like this there | -ġru- vv
< it-
inuq- (i) to fail to reach one’s destination;
innaaqłuk everyday shoes; non-dressy (i) to undershoot, fall short; (i) to

be insufficient; (t) to fail to reach she had her baby at her relative’s
it =goal, destination; (t) to house | +tuq-2 vv
undershoot it =target; (t) to fall
short of it =runway in landing an iñani (Nu) located over there »
airplane; (i) to not be enough§ “…taapkua nukatpiaġruich
iñuq- uqallautigaat aakariŋ,
inuaqsi- (i) to be nearing death before iñaniguuq tigmiaġruk, tavra
one’s time to die » maliklugich qitunġani.”
“iñuuviksrautaa tikitkaluaġ- (Elijah Kakinya as reported by
nagu inuaqsiruq” [he is dying Bergsland 1987: 305)
well before his time] (Aiken 2009) [...those boys tell their mother
| -aqsI- vv § tuquaqsi- that the little bird is over there, so
inugraliq- (Ti) to become needy | she followed her children]
+qsraq- vv -lIq-3 vv | :anI (poss. loc.)
inuġraq- (Ti) (i) to be needy |
+ġraq- vv iñaluaq (Ti) umbilical cord § iŋaluaqtaq
inuŋaiq- to have more than ample
provisions, e.g., for a trip, for the iñattuaq(-) (Ti) toy; (i) to play
winter; (i) to become sufficient | § piuraaq(-)
±ŋaiq- vv
inuġiliq- (t) to long for her/him/it | *iñaviq (root) a hindrance
+[g]i- vv +lIq-3 vv § utaqqiñŋuliq- iñaviġi- (t) to hinder, slow her/him
down | +[g]i- rv
inuŋa- (i) to be insufficient, not iñaviqqutaq(-) hindrance; to hinder
enough, incomplete, be missing a (her/him), to delay or slow
member » taaptumani qiñiġaami (her/him) down » iñaviqqutaq
inuŋarugut in that picture we are asuuna you’re nothing but a
missing someone | ±ŋa- vv hindrance; iñaviqqutaġaa aakani
inuŋalliuq- (i) to be short of naatchiñilupayuktuaq
something, to not have enough | savaamiñik he is slowing down
±ŋa- vv -lliuq- vv § naamailliuq- his mother who is trying to finish
inuŋanaaq- (t) to make or measure an her work; iñaviqqutauruq
insufficient amount of it | ±ŋa- vv qamun navikłuni
+naaq- vv aullaqsaġmiugullu the car
inuqtuq- (i) to run short of food, delayed our departure by breaking
money or supplies; to not quite down | ‘-utaq(-)1 vn §
reach one’s destination and or piñailutaq(-), uimailutaq(-)
complete a task » inuqtuliqapta iñaviqqutchiq- (i) to hinder one’s
kaaksiuraġaliqsugut when we own progress, slow oneself down;
ran short of food, we were in a (t) to hinder, slow her/him/it down
constant state of hunger; | ‘~utaq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
naŋirvigmun iġñiyyaqsaqtuaq
inuqtuqhuni ilami igluanni iñġaq- (i) to leak (of liquid from a
iġñimaruaq she was on her way container) » iñġaġuusimman
to the hospital to have her baby avataqpak igittaġa when the
but could not get there on time so

sealskin poke developed a leak, I frame to put it outside to bleach |
threw it out ‘-aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
iñġaun pan to catch drippings, e.g., iññiaqtaq skin stretched on a frame to
under seal oil lamp | :un1 vn § dry | ‘-aq-1 vv +t/raq vn § pauktaq
kutchiqpik iññisaq or iññisat rack for drying
iñġausiq strip of blubber suspended fish, meat, or clothes; (Ti)
above lamp which melts and drips clothesline » iññisalikama
into lamp providing a source of qutchiñaapayugniġiga when I
replenishing fuel | :un1 vn ~Iq-3 nv made the meat rack, it’s a good
§ ayaksraq thing I made it high enough |
iñġausiñiq burnt seal oil which leaks ‘-saq5 vn
from lamp | :un1 vn ~I1- nv iññitchat rack » iññitchat
+niQ1 vn aniuqaġviit snow melting rack
(usually situated on east wall of
iñġutaq grandchild § tutik, tutaaluk, sod house); iññitchat paniqsiiviit
tutitchiaq drying rack (usually situated on
east wall of sod house) | ‘-saq5 vn
iñi- [iñI] (t) to hang it up to dry @ iñiri- -t nn § pallitchat, pallisat § see
or iñisi- » atigin iñilugu Appendix 22
paniqsiaġuŋ hang your parka up iññiutaq a wooden or metal frame to
to dry || +rI-5 vv, +sI-3 vv stretch animal skins for drying |
iñipkaġaa silam or iŋipkaġaa silam ‘utaq(-)2 vn
[lit. “the weather is causing it to
hang suspended”] to be distorted iñiq- (i) to be completed; (i) to finish, be
seeming to float or hang suspened done; (t) to finish working on it;
(of horizon due to air distortion) » (t) to tell her/him to stop; (t) to
iġġit avva tautugnaqsiŋamarut rebuke him/her, making her/him
silam iñipkaqługit the mountains stop @ iñiqsi- » iñiġaa savaani
are now visible because the air he finished his own work;
distortion has “lifted” them | “kasakkami
+pkaq-2vv +k/gaa (indic 3s-3s) iñiqsiŋaiññiqsiuqługu
iñiaġvik clothesline | +aq-1 vv aglilaaġaa” (Nageak 1975: 87)
+vIk1 vn [while he was beating the drum
iñiaq or iñiraq something hung up to he found the unfinished areas and
dry | ±aq1 vn +t/raq vn made it larger]; “iñiqsiruq;
iñirraq mirage on the horizon by naatchiruq” (Aiken 2009) [he
which something appears raised | completed something; he
-rraq vn finished something] || +sI-3 vv §
iñiuqqaq- (t) to hang them (meat, naat-
clothes) out to dry @ iñiuqqai- | iñiġlugu all the time, constantly |
-uq-2 vv ‘-aq-1 vv +lugu (contemp I 3s-3s)
iññiaq-1 to stretch it =animal hide on iñiqi- (i) to finish one’s development,
a frame for drying @ iññiaqsi- » to mature » “…taamna
iññiaġaa nalualiuqsaqługu she ikayuqtiqaqłuni taavsrumiŋa
stretched out the sealskin on a nakatpialugmik
iñiqiŋaitchuamik aglaan

nukatpiaġruuruamik suli” kamitchiagni qupagniqsaŋik she
(Ekowana: 13) […that one had a really trimmed her new boots and
helper, a male youth not yet fully made them look nice | +[g]Ik- nv |
matured but still a boy] | -qi- vv qiññaġIk-
iñiqtiq- or (Ti) iniqtiq- (t) to rebuke iññaaġiñaaq- (t) to make it
or stop her/him from overdoing something of good quality which
something, such as working or is attractive » iññaaġiñaaġaa
talking; (t) to warn her/him @ iñuŋŋuuraliani the doll she made
iñiqtiġi- or iñiqtiqłii- » iñiqtiġuŋ looked attractive | +[g]Ik- nv
tell him to stop! | mtiq-2 vv || :I-4 vv -naaq- vv
Iñiqtuiqsiq- to be Sunday; (i) to rest
(original meaning) » iññaq- (i) to go to bed, to lie down on
Iñiqtuiqsiqsugut it is Sunday | one’s side § naanaaq, nallaq,
+tuq-2 vv :Iq-2 vv +[t]sIq- vv § tuttaaq-
iñiqtuq- (i) to be tired, exhausted » iñŋik(-) [iñŋIk] or iŋŋik(-) [iŋŋIk] sharp
iñiqtuqtuq he is tired (after point; (i) to sharpen a pencil; to
finishing his chores)| +tuq-2 vv sharpen something to a point; (t)
to sharpen it =pencil; to sharpen
iñiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him for something it to a point § ikŋiq
» “qasiliruq” (Aiken 2009) [he is
asking for something] § qasili- iñugiak- (i) to be numerous, many » iñuk
uvva iñugiaktuq there sure are
iñña (Nu) (dem. pron.) that one over many people! iñugiaktuakun
there, across, restricted, visible § nalautaksrauruq taamna that
igña one is a multi-disciplinary
program (of a degree program at
iññaaluk grandson | +luk3 n § iġñiQ an educational institution) §
amirġaq- < iñuk(-)
iññaq (Nu) appearance, demeanor, iñugiakipayaat a less numerous set
condition of items | -kIt- vv -payaaq(-) vv, vn
iññaġiik- (i) for two things to be good -t nn
together | +[g]iik- nv iñugiakit- (i) to be few in number |
iññaġiit- (i) to not have a good -kIt- vv
appearance, to look bad » iñugiakisuurat very few | -kIt- vv
“iññaġiipaluktuq; iñugiaksi- (i) to become numerous;
savagluataŋailaq to multiply | +sI-1 vv
qiññaġiitchuq” (Hugo 2009) [it
really looks bad; the one that is iñuġru- (i) to wish for fresh meat »
made badly does not look good | “‘nutaaqtuġuliġaluaqtuŋa
+[g]iit- nv niqimik’, tavra iñuġruruq”
iññaġik- or iññaaġik- (i) to have a (Matumeak 2009) [“I sure would
good appearance, be in good like to have some frest meat,”
condition; to look nice, pleasing; that is what one says when one
to look neat, to be well-made » wishes for fresh meat]

iñuk(-) human, person; owner; core of aimmisuilaaq that little old lady
boil; resident spirit; embryo of an is out visiting so much she is
egg; (t) to surprise her/him/it » hardly home | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
sila iñuqaqtuq there are people iññiqima-1 (i) to have signs of human
outside; “iñukkaa upaluigaa presence | ‘=Iqi-1 nv +ma-1 vv
suliqiuraqtuaq tigligniuraqtuaq iññiqima-2 (i) to be evident that one is
suruaq” (Matumeak 2009 [she out visiting | ‘=Iqi-1 nv +ma-2 vv
caught him, the one who was iññiqimaniq (usu. in pl. iññiqimanġit)
doing something, trying to steal or sign of human presence or activity
do something by surprise]; iñuum | ‘=Iqi-1 nv +ma-1 vv +niQ1 vn
sauniŋi human skeleton | -k-4 nv § iññiqsima- (t) to keep her/him
aaġlum iñua, see Appendix 21 company | ‘=Iq-1 nv +sima-2 vv
iññi- (i) to be pregnant; (t) to make iññiqsuq- (t) to keep her/him
her pregnant | ‘=I-1 nv company, to provide her/him
iññiaq- or iññiaqattaaq- (i) to visit companionship; (t) to will them =
someone, people » possessions to specific individuals
iññiaqattaaqtuaq imma aaqagu » tutaaluŋata
aiñiaqtuq she has gone visiting; iññiqsupayuguugaa
she will be home later | ‘=iaq-2 nv aaquaksraluk her grandchild
-qattaaq- vv gives the old lady companionship;
iññiññaq- (i) to reach a community of iññiqsuġai suġauttani he is
people » “uniaġaqtuni willing his possessions to specific
iññiññaqtuq uvluqtumman individuals | ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv
taamna” (Kiligvuk: 1) [that iññiqun (Ti) prowler, mysterious
place can be reached in a long person | ‘=It-2 nv -quti vn §
day by dogteam] | ‘=It-2 nv immiññauraq
+naq(-) vv iññit- (i) to come upon a person or
iññiŋiat- (i) to be wary of people » persons; (i) to have many visitors;
iññiŋiatuvluni (i) to reach a place where there are
avilaitqatiniyuitchuq she is so people (of a traveler); (t) to re-
wary of people that she never populate it (old village,
develops a friendship | ‘=Iq-1 nv abandoned place) » iglillaġmi
-ŋiat- vv aŋun tavra iññitchuq as the man
iññiq- (i) to be willed to someone (of traveled he came upon some
something as in a legal people; “…iñuŋnik
document); (i) to have company, aqpatauruanik, atqunaq
have a companion; (i) to become iññiraġniqsuk.” (Elijah Kakinya
occupied (of a house); (i) to as reported by Bergsland 1987:
become populated, inhabited; (t) 372) […the two brought with
to will it to someone; (t) to occupy them many runners. (messengers
it (house) » iññianiŋamaruq who run from one community to
iglutchiaq I see that the new another delivering invitations or
house already has tenants | messages into their community)] |
‘=Iq-1 nv ‘=It-2 nv
iññiqi- (i) to visit from house to house
» iññiqqiqtuvluni aaquluk

iññiuq- (i) to have visitors at one’s iñuaġun murder; murder weapon |
house frequently; (i) to be visited -aq-2 nv :un1 vn
by prowlers | ‘=It-2 nv :uq-2 vv iñuaq- (i) to commit murder; (t) to
iññuġluk- (Ti) or iñugluk- (i) to be a murder, kill her/him @ iñuaqsi- |
bad person | ‘-ġluk(-) nn,nv -aq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv § iñuktaġi-,
iññuk- (i) to form an embryo (usu. of iñuaqtaġi-
an egg) » aŋutaiyaaq iñuaqłuk a person who does not
mannigiaqami iññuŋaruamik conform to the norm; a person
mannigñiqsuaq when the boy who mistreats others and is
went egg hunting he found an egg therefore shunned » uqautigaa
which already had an embryo in it iñuaqługitquŋiłługik
| ‘-k-2 nv aŋayuqaaŋik he told her not to
iññuktaaġi- (i) to gain, get her/him as mistreat her parents | -aqłuk nn
a whaling crew member » iñuaqtaġi- (t) to murder, kill her/him |
“Tuqutchiliġuumman aġviġnik. -aq-2 nv +t/raq vn +[g]i- nv
Iññuktaaġikapku, …” (Bodfish: iñuaqtaq murder victim | -aq-2 nv
238) [it was because he killed +t/raq vn
whales quickly; I recruited him as iñuaqti murderer | -aq-2 nv mt/ri vn
a member of my whaling crew…] iñuaqtuqti serial murderer | -aq-2 nv
| ‘-k-2 nv +t/raaq1 vn +tuq-2 vv mt/ri vn
iññuqłuit mob | ‘-qłuk(-) nn :It nn iñugaq or iñugauraq or (Ti)
iññuqłuk bad, troublesome person » iñugaŋŋuaq digit (finger or toe);
“uqaqsiġiilaq uqautitchiġiilaq” one toe; metatarsal bone »
(Hugo 2009) [one who is isigagni arriligamigik
disobedient, one not easily maqpiġaamun iñugauraliqługik
counseled] | ‘-qłuk(-) nn pilgiññiġaik I see that when he
iñua embryo, as in an egg; resident drew his footprint on the paper he
spirit or being; core of a boil » even drew his toes | +gaq2 nn or
“ayuaqtuni ilua :uraq nn § see Appendix 21
puviaŋaaqsivluni taamna” iñugaqutlik (Nu) dwarf, mythical
(Aiken 2009) [it is that which little person | perhaps -[g]ak nn
swells inside a boil] | :a (poss. -qun +łik nn § iñuqułłigauraq
3s-s) § autchirriq- iñuggun breath of life | ‘n1 vn
iñua iglum tenant | iñua iglum iñuggusiq way of life; essense of life
tautuŋaitkiga qavsiñi uvluni I | ‘n1 vn ~Iq nn
haven’t seen the tenant for several iñugiilaq disagreeable, bad, or ugly
days person | +[g]Ik- nv :ilaq vn
iñuaġiit- (i) to be very sick | -aq2 nn iñugiiluktaq- or iñugiiłuktaq- (i)
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv § naŋit- to be uncooperative; (i) to throw a
iñuaġik- (i) to be better after an temper tantrum; (t) to be
illness | -aq2 nn +[g]Ik- nv uncooperative with her/him »
iñuaġrugi- (t) to treat her/him badly iñugiiluktaqtuam
@ iñuaġrukłiq- | -aġruk nn sukailutaqtaatigut the one who
+[g]i-1 nv || +kłIq-1 vv was being uncooperative slowed
iñuaġruk orphan; degraded person; us down | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv
denigrated person | -aġruk nn -luk- vv +t/raq-1 vv

iñugiirrun cause for someone to be iñuguqsautigi- (t) to grow up having
bad-tempered | iñugiirrutigigaa it in one’s diet » iñuguqsautigi-
uunnautiqauraqłuni-uvva he is ŋagiga tuttu I grew up eating
irritable because he has a slight caribou meat | +uq-1 nv msaq-3 vv
fever | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv +ruti vn -uti4 vn +[g]i- nv § qaurrisaq-
iñugiit- (i) to be bad-tempered; (i) to iñuguqtit- (t) to nurture, raise
be in a bad temper, be cranky » her/him/it | +uq-1 nv mtit-1 vv
iñugiitchuq aasiuvva panikpuk iñuguqtitaq a child raised by
maliquŋiññaptigu uvlupak our someone other than her/his
daughter is in a bad temper parents (not adopted) | +uq-1 nv
because we told her not to follow 1
mtit- vv ±aq vn
us today | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv
iñuguun item used or eaten during
iñugik- (i) to be a good person; (i) to
childhood | +uq-1 nv -un1
be nice, to have a good
iñuġaaġruk or iñuġaaġruit a crowd
disposition; (i) to be amicable; (i)
of people | -ġaaġruk/It nn §
to be gracious » iñugiksiruq uvva
iñusalak or iñusalait
uunnautaiqami she has regained
Iñuilaaġmiut (Ti) nomadic people
her good nature now that her fever
living between Barrow and
is gone | +[g]Ik- nv
Herschel Island | :Ilaaq nn
iñugluaġi- (t) to reject, dislike
÷miu nn -t nn
her/him | +luaq-1 nv +[g]i- rv
iñugluaq- (i) to reject someone as iñuilaaq or iñuiłaaq or iñuilaq
owner, employee, employer, empty, uninhabited, or deserted
guest, host, family member; (i) to place | :ilaq, ilaaq(-) nn
be prejudiced | +luaq3 nn iñuillaġuti- (i) to go visiting, but find
iñugluaqtait- (i) to be accepting of no one at home; (i) to come upon
people | +luaq-2 nv mt/ri vn a place, but find the place deserted
» isiqattaaġiaqtuaq
:It-1 nv
iñuillaġutimmiuq the visitor
iñugluaqtau- (i) to avoid people, to found no one at home | :ilaq- vv
not like people | +luaq-2 nv
perhaps ‘-uti- vv
+t/raq vn :u-1 nv
iñuilliqi- (i) to make oneself at home
iñugriŋa- (i) to act like a person, to
at another’s house (usually the
act human | +rI-1 nv ±ŋa- vv home of a close friend or relative)
iñugruk- (i) to make noise (of a while they are gone | :It-1 nv
group of people) | +rruk- nv +lIqi vv
iñuguġvik hometown; place where iñuiññaġutailaq the numeral nineteen
one was raised as a child | » iñuiññaġutailat number
+uq-1 nv +vIk1 vn nineteen; iñuiññaġutailat iñuit
iñuguq- (i) to become an adult, grow twenty people | -ññaq2 nn -ġun nn
up; (i) to “come back to life,” :ilaq nn
regain health (of a sick person); (t) iñuiññakipiaq numeral four hundred
to raise, nurture her/him/it » » iñuiññakipiamik tigusiruq she
nukatpialuk aanamiñi picked the number four hundred |
iñugullaktuq the young man -ññaq2 nn -kipiaq nn
grew up with his grandmother | iñuiññakipiat number four hundred |
+uq-1 nv -ññaq2 nn -kipiaq nn -t nn

iñuiññat number twenty » iñuiññat qaiñiaŋiññasugiraġa
iñuit twenty people; iñuiññaq iñukpalliġmiuq I thought he
tigugiga I picked up the number would not come, but he showed
twenty | -ññaq2 nn -t nn up | +p/vallIq- nv
iñuiññat qulit number thirty | iñukpaluiq- (i) to be free of the noise
-ññaq2 nn -t nn that people make; (t) to
iñuiq- (i) to become vacant, become depopulate it (house, area), for
void of people | :Iq-2 nv people to leave it so there’s no
iñuit- (i) to be vacant, be void of more noise of people »
people; (i) to not have an owner; iñukpaluitchuq imña it is
(i) to not have a crew | :It-1 nv deserted | +p/valuk- vv, nv :Iq-2nv
iñuit people | :It nn iñukpaluk- to have people present
Iñuit Inuit, people of the Arctic; making normal “people” noise,
Eskimos | :It nn e.g., laughing, talking |
iñukikłi- (i) to become fewer in +p/valuk- vv, nv
number (of people) | -kikłI- nv iñukpaŋŋuq- to grow into an adult |
iñukit- (i) to have few people, be -ŋŋuq-2 nv
sparsely populated; ¤to be few in iñukpasuk or iñukpak giant, large
number (not just people) » person | +qpak(-) nn -suk nn
nunaaqqiq taamna iñukitchuq iñuksiuq- (i) to go out and visit
this village has very few people | people in their homes | +siuq- nv
-kIt- nv iñuksuk guidepost made of piled
iñukisuurat a few, a small number | rocks, rock cairn; pile of rocks or
-kIt- nv -kisuuraq vn § iñugiak- willow construction made to
iñukkuk- (t) to nurture her/him/it into resemble humans and are
maturity » | +uq-1 nv ‘-k-2 vv strategically placed to help direct
Iñukkuksaivik [lit. “time for raising caribou into a corral during
the young”] month of July | herding; scarecrow »
+uq-1 nv ‘-k-3 vv msaq-3 vv -I-6 vv “iñuksulisuurut
+vIk1 vn apqutilluatakuaquvlugit” (Hugo
iñukkuksaq- (t) to nurture, raise, 2009) [they erect rock cairn
bring her/him/it up @ guidespost so that they will use
iñukkuksai- » ataataŋata the good path] | -suk nn
uqallautisuugaa taamna iñuksraŋŋuq- (i) to improve in health
iġñauraŋa niġiqatigilugu after being seriously or critically
iñukkuksaquvlugu her ill | -ksraq(-) nn -ŋŋuq-2 nv
grandfather would tell her to iñuksruit- (i) to be peaceful, quiet,
regularly eat with her little son | silent, with nobody around »
+uq-1 nv ‘-k-2 vv msaq-3 vv || -I-6 vv tigluktuġaluaqtuŋa qavsiñi,
¤iñukkutigi- (Ti) (t) to boss her/him iñuksruitchuq I knocked several
around | +uq-1 nv ‘-k-3 vv :un1 vn times, but there was nobody
+[g]i- nv § taluqsralliaġi- around | perhaps +qsruq-1 nv
iñukpak large person | +qpak(-) nn § :It-1 nv
qatqit- iñuksruk- (i) to make one’s presence
iñukpalliq- (i) to show up, appear, known by making noise |
make one’s presence known » +sruk- nv § iñukpaluk-

iñuksrula- or iñuksruula- (i) to iñuŋniq- (i) to be friendly, cheerful,
make noise as one moves » and courteous; (i) to be sociable |
qanitchani iñuksrularuamik +nIq-2 nv
tusaaruq aġnaiyaaq the girl iñuŋnuk- (i) to visit people | +nuk- nv
heard someone making noise in iñuŋŋuaq mannequin, puppet,
the entryway | +qsruq-1 nv -la- vv human-like doll » iñuŋŋuamik
iñuksraun egg yolk | -ksraun nn iñugunaaqłuni
iñuktaġi- (t) to murder her/him | uqautisaġaluaġniġaa he almost
perhaps -k-1 nv +t/raq vn started to talk to a mannequin,
+[g]i- nv § tuqut- mistaking it for a person |
iñuktalik murderer; body of water or +ŋŋuaq(-) nn
another specific place where a iñuŋŋuuraq doll | +ŋŋuaq(-) nn
person has died | perhaps -k-1 nv =uraq nn
+t/raq vn -lik nn iñuŋŋurri- to make a doll (for
iñuktaq murder victim | -k-1 nv her/him); (t) to make it into a doll
+t/raq vn » sanavluni iñuŋŋurrigaa paniñi
iñulik an inhabited place | -lik nn he whittled a doll for his daughter
iñulimauraq (Nu) everyone, every | +ŋŋuaq(-) nn =uraq nn =I-1 nv
person » “Suŋich iluqaisa iñuŋuluuraq little person, dwarf,
iñulimauram tamaani midget, elf » iñuŋuluuramik
ittualimauram iñukpagmik tautukpaalluktuŋa
suillapiaqlugich…Whatever this is the first time I have ever
everyone here had had was seen an adult midget | ±ŋuluk nn
altogether gone;..” (Elijah :uraq nn
Kakinya as reported by iñupałłuk evil, bad person, brute |
Bergsland 1987: 382, 390) | -pałłuk(-) vv, nn § iññuqłuk
-limauraq nn iñupayaaq or iñupayaat everyone;
iñullaa each person; individually » all people, the human race »
iñullaa aitchuusiaqaqtuq each iñupayaat aiyugaaġiakkit
person received a gift | -llaa nn uvaptinnun niġiyaqtuqulugit go
iñułłuuraq dear little son » qunnun a invite everyone to come and eat at
term of endearment | perhaps our house | +payaaq nn -t nn
+łuk nn :uraq nn Iñupiaq Inupiaq, north Alaskan
iñuniqłuk giant; huge person | Eskimo person; north Alaskan
-niqłuk nn § iñukpasuk, Eskimo language | +piaq(-)1 nn
iñunniġluk Iñupiaqsi- (t) to translate it =word
iñunnaġi- (t) to like her/him | perhaps into Iñupiaq | -piaq(-)1 nn -q-2 nv
-nnaq nn +[g]i- nv § nakuaġi- +sI-3 vv
iñunnak- (i) to rally support, to Iñupiaqsiñ an Iñupiaq word; one’s
bring people together, to draw Iñupiaq name | -piaq(-)1 nn
followers | -nnak- nv -q-2 nn +sI-3 vv ‘-n vn
iñunnaraaq- to enjoy being with a Iñupiaqsiñiq Iñupiaq name |
person | -nnaraaq- nv § iñunnaġi-, -piaq(-)1 nn -q-2 nv +sI-3 vv
nakuaġi- +niQ1 vn § Taniksiñiq
Iñupiaqtaq an Iñupiaq-made item;
Iñupiaq food | +piaq(-)1 nn

+qtaq nn iñuuli- (t) to assist, deliver assistance
Iñupiatun like an Inupiaq; in the to her/him/it in time of distress,
Inupiaq language | Iñupiatun or in a matter of life or death |
aglakkai uqaluni he wrote his :u-1 nv -lI- 4 vv
words in Iñupiaq | +tun (sim.) iñuuliġruaqtuŋa (indicative
Iñupiuraallaniq ability to speak sentence) “I am lucky to be alive”
Inupiaq | -piaq(-)1 nn =uraaq- nv (Ti) (said by someone who has
-lla- vv +niQ1 vn escaped danger, lived through a
Iñupiuraaq- (i) to speak in Inupiaq; disease, e.g., someone who makes
(t) to say it in Iñupiaq | it back to shore after being
-piaq(-)1 nn =uraaq- nv carried away on an ice floe) |
iñuqaġnailaq (Ti) serial murderer; :u-1 nv -lI- 4 vv +ġruaq-1 vv
others, chief or leader who kills iñuuliqtuuraq- (i) to live for a short
(murders) newcomers » taamna while » iñuuliqtuuraġaluaqami
nunaaqqiq qaukłiqaġniqsuq Utqiaġvigñi aullalgitchuaq she
iñuqaġnailamik that village has a lived for a short while in Barrow,
leader who murders newcomers | but then she left again | :u-1 nv
-qaq- nv +naq-1 vv :ilaq(-) vn -liqtuuraq- vv
iñuqaq- (i) to have visitors; (i) to iñuuniaġvik environment, nature;
have an owner, be someone’s land where one lives and subsists |
possession | -qaq-nv :u-1 nv +niaq-2 vv +vIk1 vn
iñuqhiuraq short, strong man | iñuuniaġvium irrusia environment |
+qhiuraq - nn :u-1 nv +niaq-2 vv +vIk1 vn
iñuqułłigauraq or iñuqułłik or (Ti) :um ( mkr.) § irrusiq
iñuqullik or (Ti) iñuqulligauraq iñuuniaġvium irrusiata
mythical small person; dwarf » allaŋŋuġniaġniksraŋagun
iñuqułłigauranik iqsisaaġaġigaa maqpiġarriaq environmental
anitquŋiłługu she would scare impact statement § irrusiq,
him with stories of little people allaŋŋuq-, maqpiġaaq
because she did not want him iñuuniaq- (i) to make a living »
going out | -qun vn +łik nn piatchiaqtuqłuni iñuuniaġaqtuq
-gauraq or -qun vn +łik nn he exists by going to others for
iñuqun spirit; prowler (unknown food | :u-1 nv +niaq-2 vv
person seen from afar and blamed iñuuniaqan person one lives with;
for unexplainable happenings); spouse; person who lives in one’s
bogeyman | -qun nn § mittayyak village | :u-1 nv +niaq-2 vv ±qan vn
iñusalait multitude, crowd | -salait nn iñuuniqtutilaaq duration of life |
iñuu- (i) to be alive; (i) to live, reside | :u-1 nv +niQ1 vn +tu- nv
:u-1 nv mtilaaq(-) vn
iñuulġun (Nu) useful item » iñuuniusiq (Nu) way of life | :u-1 nv
“…niviŋŋaqlugich +niun vn ~Iq nn
iñuulġugaurapayaat…and hung iñuunniaqan hunting partner who
up all sorts of useful things,…” helps provide for others | :u-1 nv
(Elijah Kakinya as reported by +t-1 vv +niaq-2 vv ±qan vn
Bergsland 1987: 318, 325) | iñuunniaq- (t) to minister to
:u-1 vv +lgu- vv +n vn her/him/it medically | :u-1 nv

+t-1 vv +niaq-2 vv iñuuraqpaktuq- (i) to worship an
iñuunniaqti doctor, physician | :u-1 nv idol | :uraq nn +qpak(-) nn
+t-1 vv +niaq-2 vv mt/ri vn +tuq-3 nv
iñuuniun or iñuuniaġun item iñuuraqpaliqiniq idolatry | :uraq nn
indispensable in one’s livelihood; +qpak(-) nn
provision, tool, weapon; item one iñuusaġataġniq immortality | :u-1 nv
uses in everyday life » suġautat +saġataq- vv +niQ1 vn
anniqsuutit items that are helpful iñuusiq way of life; habit; disposition;
and indispensable (Matumerak soul » iñuusiŋa allaŋŋuŋaruq
2009) | :u-1 nv +niun vn qiñiqtuuraaŋaqqaaqłuni his way
iñuupqaułłik- or iñuupqauraq- (i) to of life changed after he saw a
barely survive | :u-1 nv -pqaułłIk- vision | :u-1 nv -sIq vn
vv or -pqauraq(-) vv iñuut- (t) to keep her/him alive |
iñuuqan one born on the same day or :u-1 nv +t-1 vv
around the same time; one of the iñuutchak- (Ti) (i) to come to life »
same age, a contemporary; “niġrun tuqulluataŋitchuni
someone who lives with one as iñuutchagnisuugaat”
spouse | :u-1 nv ±qan vn (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [they say
iñuuqatigi- (t) to live with her/him | that an animal not properly killed
:u-1 nv ±qan vn +[g]i- nv always come to life] | :u-1 nv
iñuuqatikavsak almost a +tchak- vv
contemporary; one close to one’s Iñuvialuit Iñupiat of Mackenzie
age » “aakaa-kiuvva River Delta, N.W.T., Canada
quliaqtuaġuugaa aŋayuqaaŋisa-
luunnii imma iñuq- (Ti) (i) to die before one’s time; (i)
iñuuqatikavsaŋisa-luunnii to run out of material or time to
ilagisuŋnaġaat iñuk work on something § inuq-
ugiaqtauruaq” (Ekowana: 15) iñuqqiaguti- (t) to be in dire need of
[my mother used to tell the story it » “iñuqqiagutigamiuŋ
of the man who was mauled might anniqsuutigigaa” (S. Tuzroyluke
have a contemporary of her 2009) [when he was in dire need
parents] | :u-1 nv ±qan vn of it, it was very helpful to him]
±kavsak(-) nn, vv
iñuuraq or iñuuraqpak idol; an iñutaq(-) hawk trap, a wooden post,
image of a god (in Bible) | forked on top with two snares, for
:uraq nn +qpak(-) nn hawks, larger one for owls; (i) to
iñuuraqtaqtuaq one visible once in be caught in a hawk/owl trap; (t)
a while in the distance » to catch it in a hawk/owl trap §
“isagunŋaugallaaksraaġivlutik iŋutaq
suasigguuq papkuak
iñuuraqtaqtuak” (Nageak iŋaġiq or (Ti) iŋaġiuraq Black Guillemot
1975: 36) [not too long after they (Cepphus grylle) | :uraq nn
started, it became evident that
further up there is something iŋaluk sea mammal intestine; cleaned,
visible intermittently] | :u-1 nv dried and stretched intestine of a
-raq-1 vv +t/raq-1 vv +t/ruaq vn bearded seal (usually made into

raingear or used as window pane) underside around the anus § see
» igalaaqaqtugut iŋalugmik we Appendix 21
have a window made from the
lining of bearded seal intestines; iŋiaq- (t) to do something before she/he
iŋalugnik igalaaqaġuurut ugruit does; (t) to forestall, intercept
iŋaluŋiññik quammaqtuanik her/him » iŋiaqługu aġnaq
qanuq; aiviġniglu aiyugaaqsiruq iglaamik he
piliuġnisuugait they had bearded invited the newcomer before the
seal intestines for window covers woman had a chance to invite
probably since they were her/him § suvulik-
translucent; and they also made
them from walrus [seal iŋiġaq- to be in pursuit (of it =usu. a
intestines](Aiken 2009) whale) » aġviġmun iŋiġaqtuqtut
iŋaluaq or iŋaluat small intestines of or aġviq iŋiġaqtuġaat they are
human and terrestrial mammals » chasing a whale; “iŋiġaġnaqtuq
natchiit iŋaluaŋiññik aġviq maligaqługu aŋuaqługu
niġillaktuni aarigaa when one puiviksraŋa maligaqługu
eats seal intestines, it is sure a treat tikitpalliqsuni” [one pursues a
| -aq2 nn -t nn whale following it rowing after it]
iŋaluaqtaq umbilical cord | -aq2 nn (Aiken 2009) § piuqtuq-
-qtaq nn
iŋaluatchiat ptarmigan intestines | iŋilġaan a long time ago
-aq2 nn -tchiaq nn -t nn iŋilġaaġnisaq ancient artifact;
iŋalugaaluk edible seaweed fossilized item | -nisaq nn §
(Porphyra laciniata) | aippaaġnisaq, alġaaġnisaq
iŋalugaaluit misiġaaqtuutigiksut iŋilġaqpaaġruk a long time ago |
seaweed is well complemented by -qpaaġruk(-)
seal oil | -aaluk nn
iŋilġaq (Ti) or iŋiłhaq seal-retrieving
iŋattaq- (i) to overdo, to do too much; (t) hook » “natchiqsiuqtuni
to vigorously deflate or put iŋiłhaqtuġnaqtuq” (Matumeak
her/him down » iŋattaqłuni 2009) [when one is seal hunting
niġikami aŋun siquiññaqtuq the one uses the seal retrieving hook]
man ate so much that he instantly § manaq, manaqtuun, igiłhaq
fell asleep
iŋattaqtiqpait- (i) to go to excess, iŋiq- (t) to ask something of, beg her/him
exaggerate; (t) to overdo it » for something
uqallagaallaksaqami iŋiqsruq- to ask, beg (her/him) for
iŋattaqtiqpaitchuuruq when he something; to petition (her/him)
gets up to say a few words he for something »
always gets carried away | Ulġuniutiksramiñik
perhaps mt/liq-3 vv +p/vait- vv aapiyamiñiñ iŋiqsruqtuq she
asked her older brother for some
iŋi groin, middle front part of pelvic bone; money to take a trip to
loins; center of whale belly, Wainwright | mqsruq-2 vv
iŋiqsruun petition | mqsruq-2 vv

:un1 vn § paaqłaun iluiliġman tuqurug-
iŋiqsruuti- (t) to pray for, intercede ruamamman, tuqumman
for her/him/it | mqsruq-2 vv iŋmaktaġaagguuq ilaan; aasiiñ
-uti- vv ilaliiutivlugu tavruŋa
iŋiula- to beg (her/him) | :uq-2 vv Itivyaanun” (David Frankson as
-la- vv reported by Pulu, Sampson,
Newlin: 95) [also when a person
iŋit- (i) to sit down, be seated; (t) to sit is ill, and he is destined to die,
her/him down | +t-2 vv § iksiva- and he dies; then it is he
(Pamiuġyuksaaq), it is said,
iŋitqaq Pelagic Cormorant who claims him, and makes him
(Phalacrocorax pelagicus) a member of the Itivyaat] §
Itivyaat, Pamiuġyuksaaq
iŋiulik(-) wave or swell on ocean; (i) to
have swells or waves (of ocean) iŋmiq- [iŋmIq] to complete a trip in one
iŋiulikpak breaker, breaking wave | day; (t) to reach it = a place in
+qpak(-) nn one day » iŋmiqsuq Fairbanks-
iŋiulinŋu- to be seasick | -nŋu- vv miñ London-mun he made the
iŋiulinŋuq- (i) to tire of the rocking trip from Fairbanks to London in
motion of waves | -nŋu- vv +q-1 vv one day | perhaps -mmIq- vv
iŋiullaaq(-) (Ti) small wave; (i) to
have small waves (of sea) | iŋniġuuq- or iŋniġuuqpatit- (i) to strike
‘-aq2 nn (of lightning) < iki-2
iŋiulliuq- (i) to rock, pitch in the
waves (of boat or people in a iŋniqauq- (i) to keep a fire burning, to
boat) » umiaq iŋiulliuqtuaq tend a fire < iki-2
qiñiqługu iŋiulinŋulilgitchuq she
got motion seasick from just iŋniqpalliaġaq- (Ti) (i) for there to be
watching the boat pitching | lightning < iki-2
iŋniqsuq- (i) to make a fire < iki-2
iŋiuq- to spy on, watch (her/him/it) from
a hiding place » iŋnisiq flint, firestone < iki-2
“Iŋiuqsaġumaatchiġik qanuq
pisuutilaaŋaŋnik taapkuak iŋŋik(-) [iŋŋIk] (Nu) point e.g., of needle
uiñilu taamnalu niviaqsiaq, or pencil < iñŋik(-)
uigitchuaq aġnaq.” (Ahvakana:
6) [she decided to spy on her iŋŋiun (Nu) device to sharpen a point,
husband and the young woman, pencil sharpener < iñŋIk(-)
the one without a husband to see
what they did] iŋut- (t) to stir it @ iŋutchi- || +sI-3 vv §
iŋiuqłiq- (i) to spy, lie in wait for aŋalat-, akut-
someone | +kłIq- vv iŋulit- (t) to stir it @ iŋulitchi- |
-lIt- vv || +sI-3 vv
iŋmak- (Ti) (t) to claim, possess
her/him/it » “suli iñuk

iŋutaq owl trap; pole for hanging owl cool air » tilaktuami-uvva
trap in tree § iñutaq ipiruŋa I’m scrubbing the floor
and I’m sweating, sweltering;
iŋutuq young, female bowhead whale puuvraqtuaq qilurivluni ipiruq
(choice eating); young whale » the swimmer developed a cramp
“iŋutuq uvvauna…aġnasalluq and drowned
nutaġaq aġviq… atautchimik ipisia- (i) to fight for breath (as in
ukiuniktuaq naaggaqaa water, smoke, or from asthma),
akimiaq tatqiñik naaggaqaa have difficulty breathing »
akimiaq piŋasunik tatqiñik” ipisiavluŋa itiqtuaŋa, ulimnik
(David Frankson as reported by matuŋamaruami I woke up
Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 68) [an fighting for breath; I found I had
iŋutuq is…a young female covered my head with my blanket
whale…one year old to fifteen | +sia- vv § aniqsaaġuillaiq-
months or eighteen months old] | ipit- (t) to suffocate, drown her/him/it;
+tuq2 n (t) to cause her/him to have
iŋutualuk old female bowhead whale difficulty catching her/his breath
» “aasiiñ tavra agliŋaruaq by making her/him laugh to
aġnasalluq aġviq atiqaġaat excess @ ipitchi- » mitaaqtuat
iŋutualuŋmik” (David Frankson aggaktiłłutiŋ ipittaatigut the
as reported by Pulu, Sampson, comedians got really wild and had
Newlin: 68) [and then the mature us all in stitches (out of breath
female whale is called an from laughing) | +t-1 vv
iŋutualuk] | +tuq2 n -aluk nn ipputigi- (t) to laugh very hard about
iŋutuayaaq or iŋutugrauraq (Ti) her/him/it » aġnaiyaam
newborn female bowhead whale | kiiñaġiiluktitaqqaaqługu
+tuq2 n :uraq nn nukaaluni ipputigiraġigaa the
iŋutupiaq or iŋutuuraq small round girl would cause her younger
female bowhead whale with an sibling to make faces, then would
extremely short peduncle laugh real hard | ‘t-1 vn +[g]i-1 nv
(Harcharek: 26) | -piaq(-)1 nn ipraaġuq- (Nu) (i) to be out of breath
iŋutuurapiaq a young bowhead | perhaps ~raaq- vv +[ġ]uq-1 nv
whale which resembles a grey ipraġun (Nu) or ivraġun dog muzzle
whale, approximately twenty feet | perhaps ~raq- vv +un1 vn
in length (Harcharek: 26) | ipratchiaġuq- (Nu) to be out of
:uraq nn -piaq nn breath | perhaps ~raq- vv
iŋutuvak large female whale with of -tchiaq- vv +uq-1 vv
lot of blubber on back; (Ti) fat ivri- or ivriññik- to cause others to be
mature female whale with curved out of breath from laughing so
nose | +tuq2 n -vak nn hard; (Ti) (t) to bother someone |
~ri-3 vv +nnik- vv
ipak grain in wood; fiber in meat; ring in ivruattuq- or (Ti) ivruaqtuq- (i) to
tree gasp, be unable to catch one’s
breath when swimming, walking
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be into the wind, or coming into
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, contact with something cold »

ipiġaqami imaq ipiŋuluktuq wow, her tongue is
sitqumiñuaglaaġman sharp
ivruatturraqsiruq as she was ipiksaq- (t) to sharpen it @ ipiksai- |
wading, she started gasping as the msaq- vv
water reached her knee | perhaps ipiksaun sharpener; sharpening stone
~ruq- vv -aq-1 vv +tuq-3 rv » uyaġagmik ipiksausiqłuni
ivyanŋu- (i) to be short of breath; (i) ipiksaġaa-luunnii she probably
to feel faint; (i) to struggle to sharpened it by using a stone as a
breathe | ~yak- vv -nŋu- vv sharpener | msaq-3 vv :uti1 vn
ivyanŋuq- (i) to have a hard time ipiksaunnaq clam shell | msaq-3 vv
breathing (because something is
:unnaq vn § imaniQ
covering one’s face, or because of
ipkilaq dull object | :ilaq(-) vn
asthma); (i) to be out of breath
ipkiq- or ipkili- (i) to become dull; (t)
| ~yak- vv -nŋu- vv +q-1 vv
to cause it =cutting device to
ivyanŋunaq- (i) to be stifling, stuffy
become dull » ipkiġaa anauttaq
(of a room or house) | ~yak- vv
atuqpaiłługu he made the axe
-nŋu- vv +naq(-) vv
dull from constant use | :Iq-2 vv or
ivyanŋuqtuliq- (i) to begin to
:It-1 vv -lI-2 vv
experience a lack of air; (i) to
ipkit- (i) to be dull, e.g., of a knife »
begin to suffocate » tainnagguuq
ipkitchuq taamna savik,
atuġnagu that knife is dull; don’t
ivyanŋuqtuliġmiuġlu nanuq
use it | :It-1 vv
aaġluqtuq then it is told, just as
he needed to breathe, just as he
ipiq [ipIq](Nu) small, thin root; chain or
was beginning to suffocate, the
rope » “ippit qimmit pituutaŋit”
polar bear lifted its head | ~yak- vv
[chains are used to tie dogs to
-nŋu- vv +q-1 vv +tuq-3 vv -lIq-3 vv
their stakes] (Aiken 2009)
ipiak fallopian tubes » ipiak
ipiġaq-2 or ipaġaq- (i) to wade »
qiñiqsiŋik ovaries | -aq2 nn
kamitchiakiñ ipiġautiginagik
-k2 nn
don’t go wading in your new
ipialik waterproof hip boot with
straps on top to be tied to the belt |
-aq2 nn -lik nn
ipiġaq-3 or (Ti) ipaġaq- (t) to give up on
ipiaq(-) mitten string, drawstring, e.g.,
it; (t) to stop working on it, cast it
for tall boots; string attached to
aside » ipiġaġruiññaqługu
knife, etc.; (t) to draw and tie the
savaani aullaqtuq he just stopped
drawstrings at the top of (her/his)
what he was doing and left
boots; (t) to pull a line on which
one has hooked a seal or a fish »
ipiġauttaq axe | perhaps +[ġ]aq nn
natchiq ipiaġaa he is pulling the
:uttaq vn § anauttaq
seal in with the line attached (to
the spear); pisilluataŋaiñman
ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or of
tuqulluataŋaiñman, ilaanni
one’s mind); (i) to be sharp-
natchiit uumalaaġuurut, aasii
tongued » araa qaniŋa
tavra ipiaġaa when it has not
been shot properly, when it has

not been killed properly; ipiqqiq- (i) to now have a wick (of a
sometimes seals stay alive a while lamp); (t) to put a wick in it
therefore one throws a line to it, =lamp » qulliq ipiqqiġaa
hooks it, and draws it in; kalikuviñiġmik she put a wick
“taamna natchiq tavra made of a piece of cloth in the
naulikkumiugguuq tasamma lamp | +[ġ]aq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
ipiaġisigaa” (Nageak 1975:12) ipiun (Ti) fishing line, mitten string,
[so if he is able to spear the seal knife string; pot handle, pail
then he should then be able to handle » ”niksium aulasautaa”
pull it in]; “aapamik tavra (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) [it is what
uqaluagun ipiammiaqsigaat” enables the hook to move about] |
(Nageak 1975:15) [following :un1 vn § anu, ipu
their father’s word, they begin to ipiusiq- or ipiutchiq- (i) to now have
hold on to the line]; a tow rope attached; (t) to attach a
“ipiaġisigaa; tavra, line to it | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv @
tigummiraġisigaa nauligmiñik ipiutchiqsi- | ‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv
tasamma aularuq” (Matumeak ipiusiun line used to tow a whale
2009) [he should be able to pull during a hunt | :uti1 vn ~Iq-1 nv
it in on the rope; that is, he will :un1 vn
hold on to the one that is moving ipiutaq fishing line made from baleen
about down there with his spear] or twine fashioned of braided
| -aq2 nn; +aq-1 vv § pattiġraq-, sinew; string for sling, mittens,
manaq(-) snare, etc. | -utaq vn
ipiġaq-1 (t) to whip her/him/it once »
qimmiq ugiallaruaq ipiġaqługu ipiq2 [ipiQ] dirt (not on ground)
qimaktitkaa he whipped the ipiqviiññaq one who is very dirty |
snarling dog once and caused it to +viiññaq nn
run away | +[t]aq-2 nn ippak- to get (it) dirty | ‘-k-2 nv
ipiġaq4 wick | +[ġ]aq nn ipqiq- (i) to become clean; (t) to
ipiġaqtuġniq welt from a whipping | remove dirt from her/him/it |
+[t]aq-2 nv +tuq-2 vv +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv
ipiġaqtuq- (t) to whip, spank ipqit- (i) to be clean | :It-1 nv
her/him/it repeatedly; (t) to ipqu- (i) to be dirty | :u-1 nv
chastise her/him (usually by
spanking or beating); ¤(t) to use *ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression,
an axe on it » ipiġaqtuġai despondence
qimmiñi ugiaqtuat he whipped ipiqtunaq- (i) to cause sadness, to be
his dogs that were fighting | depressing; to be greivous
+[t]aq-2 nv +tuq-2 vv | +naq(-) vv
ipiġaqtuun long taproot of plant; ipiqtusaaq- (t) to try to make her/him
whip, spanking tool | +[t]aq-2 nv sad | ±saaq-2 vv
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn ipiqtusuk- (i) to be very sad,
ipiġauttauraq hatchet | +[t]aq-2 nv despondent, depressed | +suk-2 rv
:uttaq vn :uraq nn ipiqtusuutiqpak woe, deep sorrow,
grief, misery, | +suk-2 rv :un1 vn
+qpak(-) nn

ipiqtutchak- (i) to become sad, ipratchiaġuq- (Nu) to be out of breath <
despondent, depressed, unhappy, ipi-
joyless | -tchak- vv
ipsaq (Nu) juice of meat or fruit § ivsaq
Ipiutaak an ancient townsite of the ipsiq- (Nu) (t) to moisten it | ‘=Iq-1 vv
Ipiutak culture (“Coastal Ipiutak § ivsaq
settlements were relatively large. ipsiññiq crack along the first shore ice
At Point Hope more than 600 in fall » “qaimŋum tamarruma
houses were uniformly spread sikum siñaa quppaqaġuuruq;
along the beach ridges.” ipsiññiġmik aasii atiqaġlugu;
Anderson: 89) § Itivyaat uilvigilaitkaa; aulalaitchuq
inna” (David Frankson as
ipnaq (Nu) cliff reported by Pulu, Sampson,
ipnaiq (Nu) mountain sheep, dall Newlin: 95) [the edge of the
sheep (Ovis dalli) § imnaiq smooth ice parallel to shore
ipnaitchiaq (Nu) summer sheepskin always has cracks; it is called an
with short hair § imnaiq ipsiññiq; it does not cause the
shore ice to break away; it does
ippaq- (i) to eat everything on one’s not move] | ‘=It-2 nv +niQ1 vn
plate; to lick something clean; (t)
to eat everything on it =plate; to iptuġiq- (i) to stutter, stammer | -uġIq- vv
lick it clean § kapkat-

ippiq [ippIq] pink plume (a plant with iptuma [dual ipkuak, pl. ipkua] that one
large, long, sweet leaves) in the past, the aforementioned
(Polygoum viviparum); bistort past < °Im (dem. stem)
(Polygonum bistorta); (Ti) edible
green leaf » ippit ilaŋisa iptumani [dual ipkugnagni, pl. ipkunani]
qalatiłługi imiġaqtuġuummiut; located with that one in the past,
ippiġniaġuurut upinġaami some the aforementioned past
drink the juice of the edible green < °Im (dem. stem)
leaf after boiling it; they gather
edible green leaves during the iptumaŋŋa [dual ipkugnaŋŋa, pl.
summer ipkunaŋŋa] from that one in the
ippiġniaq- (Ti) to gather edible green past, the aforementioned past
leaves | +niaq(-) nv < °Im (dem. stem)

ipputigi- (t) to laugh very hard about iptumatun [dual ipkugnaktun, pl.
her/him/it < ipi- ipkunatitun] like that one in the
past, the aforementioned past
ipraaġuq- (Nu) (i) to be out of breath < < °Im (dem. stem)
iptumiŋa [dual ipkugniŋa, pl. ipkuniŋa]
ipraġun (Nu) dog muzzle < ipi- that one in the past, the
aforementioned past < °Im (dem.

(from the seesaw motion) | -k-4 vv
iptumuŋa [dual ipkugnuŋa, pl. ipkunuŋa] +taaq- vv
to that one in the past, the ipuktaun or ipuktaaġun seesaw
aforementioned past < °Im (dem. board, a seesaw | -k-4 vv +taaq- vv
stem) =un1 vn

iptumuuna [dual ipkugnuuna, pl. *ipu (root) closed mouth

ipkunuuna] via, through that one ipummiq- (i) to close one’s mouth
in the past, the aforementioned and hold it closed; (i) to hold the
past < °Im (dem. stem) mouth closed » aġnaq
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a handle ipummiŋaniataktuq the woman
to it » ipiġauttani iputchiaġaa he tried to keep her lips pressed
put a new handle on his axe together to keep from saying
ipugaġnaq suppun lever-action rifle | something | -mmIq- v § pummiq-,
-k-4 +aq-1 vv +naq(-) vn upummiq-
ipugaq- to push or propel (it = usu. a ipuqhuq- or ipuġuq- or ipuqhumiq-
boat or raft) with a long pole; to or ipuġumiq- (i) to dive (of a
turn, push a boat with an oar (not seal, bird) » natchiq tupaqłuni
row); (i) to use ski poles to gain ipuqhuqtuq taġiumun the seal
speed when skiing| -k-4 nv got startled and dove into the
+aq-1 vv ocean | +qhuq- rv -miq- vv
ipugaun or ipugautaq lever,
something to pry with; lever (of iqagaun snow shovel § pualġiñ, piksrun
lever-action rifle) | -k-4 nv
+aq-1 vv :un1 vn § ivrutaq iqaġi- or (Ti) iqaqi- (i) to wash one’s
ipuk- (t) to lift it with a lever; (t) to hands and/or face; (t) to wash
cock the lever of it (rifle) » her/his hands and/or face; (t) to
ipukługu qauġaa siku he split wash it =fabric, utensil; (t) to
loose the ice by using a lever | wash it/them =face, hands, etc.. »
-k-4 nv iqaġiliqtuuraġniaġiga
ipun long oar | -n vn qaliġuuraġa I will quickly wash
ipurvik oarlock | +t-2 nv +vIk1 vn my dress
ipusiġvik hole to place oarlock | -n vn iqaqqivigruaq washtub | ‘+vIk1 vn
~Iq-1 nv +vIk1 vn +ġruaq nn
ipusiq- (i) to now have oars (of a iqaqqivik washbasin | ‘+vIk1 vn
boat); (t) to put oars on it =boat iqaqqun soap | ‘n1 vn
@ ipusiqsi- | -n vn ~Iq-1 nv || iqaqsraksrat dirty clothes to be
+sI-3 vv washed, dirty laundry | +qsraq vn
iput- to row (it) | +t-2 nv -ksraq(-)1 nn -t nn
ipuktaaq- (i) to ride up and down on iqaqsrat clothes which have been
a seesaw » ipuktaaqtuaq washed, clean laundry »
iglaqhaurapaluktuq kiguunniġmukpigit iqaqsrat did
quiññalauraqhuni the one on the you put the clean clothes in the
seesaw was really giggling box | +qsraq vn -t nn
because her body would tingle

iqaqsri- (i) to do the laundry, wash iqalukpik arctic char (Salvelinus
clothes; (t) to do her/his laundry » alpinus) | -pIk nn § aŋayuqaksraq
iqaqsriruq annuġaamiñik iqaluksiuq- (i) to go out fishing |
iqiasukkaluaŋŋaġmi she did her +siuq- nv
laundry even though she was lazy iqaluliqi- (i) to gut fish | -liqi- nv
| +qsraq vn ‘=I-1 nv iqaluŋniaqti fisherman, commercial
iqaqsrisi- (t) to do her/his laundry » fisherman | +niaq-2 vv mt/ri vn
uvlupak iqaqsrisivlugu iqaluŋniutit or (Nu) qaluŋniutit
annuġaaŋiñik allanik fishing gear; (Nu) fish trap |
savaŋillaktuq she did his laundry +niun nn -t nn
all day long so that she didn’t get iqalusaaq(-) [iqalusaraq] least cisco,
to do her other work | +qsraq vn small, dark whitefish (Coregonus
‘=I-1 nv ‘ti- vv sardinella); (i) to catch a least
iqaqsrivik washing machine, cisco | -saaq(-) nn § aanaakłiq
laundromat, laundry | +qsraq vn iqalusarriqi- (i) to fish for least cisco,
‘=I-1 nv +vIk1 vn | -saaq(-) nn ‘=qi- nv

iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaq- (i) to be rigid, not limber; (i) to be
catch a fish » aŋun iqaluktuq stiff (of person, tool, etc); (t) to
kuugmiñ sulukpaugamik the become stiff (of body part) »
man caught a grayling from the iqaqtuq taigña aġnaq
river | +t-2 nv aŋayukami that woman is stiff
iqalliaq- (i) to go out fishing | when she Eskimo dances »
‘-iaq- nv ikusiga iqaġaa my elbow got stiff
iqalliqi- (i) to fish » ilatka iqalliqirut § tiggaq-
imma sumi taimma my friends iqait- (i) to be supple, limber; (i) to be
are out fishing, but I’m not sure industrious, hard-working | :It-1 vv
where | ‘=Iqi-1 nv iqaqłak or iqaqłik pair of waterproof,
iqaluaqpak or (Nu) qaluaqpak lake knee-high sealskin boots »
trout (Salvelinus namaycush) | iqaqłakkiñ ulinniaġikka
-luk5 n -aq2 nn +qpak(-) nn aaqagupayaaġu I will turned
iqalugaq tomcod (Gadus ogac); your waterproof, knee-high boots
codfish | +gaq2 nn inside out a little later on | +łik vn
iqalugauraq small fish | +gaq2 nn -k2 nn § qaqłik
:uraq nn iqaqłi- to make waterproof sealskin
iqalugniaq- (i) to be out fishing » knee-high boots (for her/him); (t)
aapaga iqalugniaqtuq kuugmi to make waterproof sealskin knee-
akkupak my father is out fishing high boots out of it =animal hide
in the river right now | +niaq-2 vv » aġnaq aptaruq iqaqłivlugu
§ iqalliqi- iġñiñi the woman is busy making
iqalugruaq or (Nu) qalugruaq chum a pair of waterproof sealskin knee-
salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) | high boots for her son | -qłaq vn -k
+ġruaq nn § taġyaqpak ‘=I-1 nv
iqalukpak king salmon (Oncorhyncus
tshawytscha) | +kpak(-) nn iqaqtait- (Ti) (i) to be naked §

iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of
iqhiiluktaq- or iġiiluk- (Nu) (i) to wiggle, worm, fist);(i) to embrace each
wiggle, squirm, twist » “Tavra other; (t) to embrace her/him/it @
maniq imaigutimmani, iqitchi- » iqittuk paaġutikamik
qupilġuq, nimiġiaqpaich tautuutiŋaitpaiłłutik they
aullaqtut, iġiiluktuaqhutiŋ, embraced each other when they
taġium tuŋaanun nunamiñ.” met because they hadn’t seen each
(Elijah Kakinya as reported by other in a long time | +t-1 vv
Bergsland 1987:14) [then as the || +sI-3 vv
tussock began to lose its water, iqittaaq- (i) to put one arm around
worms and big snakes left, each other’s shoulders; (t) to put
wriggling towards the ocean from one’s arm around her/his
the land] | -luk- vv +t/raq-1 vv shoulders @ iqittaaqsi- » aġnam
paniñi qiaruaq iqittaaqługu
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of arakkaa the woman put her arm
worm, fist, etc. » ii, uvva around her daughter, who was
uumamaruq-suli qupilġuq, crying, and comforted her | +t-1 vv
iqiruq ooh, the worm is still alive; +taaq- vv
it just contracted iqmak- (Nu) (i) to be folded over; (t)
iqimmaaq- or (Nu) iqimmiaq- to to fold it over @ iqmai- |
embrace (her/him) warmly; (t) to ~mak- vv
wrap (it) » aññaġiik
iqimmaaqtuk tautuutikamik the *iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative;
cousins embraced each other lethargy; boring; uninspiring;
when they saw each other | lack of eagerness, unwillingness
+mmaaq- vv iqiagi- (t) to be unwilling to do it; (t)
iqimmak- (Ti) or iqimmi- (i) to hug, to be unwilling to take care of
embrace (each other); (t) to hug., her/him/it » iglum
embrace her/him/it » iqimmaktuk salummaqsaġniksraŋa iqiagigaa
they2 are hugging » igimmiruq he she is lazy when it’s time to clean
is holding something tightly to his the house | -ak- rv +[g]i- rv
body » iqimmigaa he hugged her iqiakkiuti- (t) to become unwilling,
| -mmak- vv or +mmI-5 vv not enthusiastic, not eager to do it
iqiraġaayuk fly eggs | +raġaaq(-) vv, » iqiakkiutigaa savaani
vn -yuk(-) vv, vn allaŋŋulaitpaiłłuni he is not
iqirġaq- or iqiraġaq- (i) to contract, enthusiastic about his work
shrink, by drawing together (esp., because his work routine never
of a worm) » iqiraġaqtuq changes | -ak- rv +[g]i-1 rv
qupilġuq aksiukkapku the worm ‘uti- vv
contracted when I touched it | iqianaq- (i) to be boring, uninspiring
-t/raġaq- vv (of task, assignment) | ±aq-4 rv
iqisimaaq- to carry (her/him/it) +naq-1 vv
pressed to the body with one’s iqianġutu- (i) to be lazy, especially
arms; (i) to fold arms across chest when one is tired or not quite fully
| +simaaq- vv awake | ±aq-4 rv -nġu vv +tu- vv

iqianniuq- (i) to wake up sleepy » [they say when a person is a liar,
iqianniuġaluaqami apunmik the corners of his mouth develop
kiiñani nanuktuġaa because she sores]
still felt sleepy after awakening, iqiġun tattoo at corner of mouth
she rubbed her face vigorously (whaling captains had one for
with snow | ±aq-4 rv +naq1 vn each whale caught) | -ġun nn
‘=iuq-2 nv iqiġutchiq- or iqiġusiq- (i) to finally
iqiasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him do something uncharacteristic; (i)
lose her/his initiative; (t) to try to to do something outstanding
dissuade her/him | ±saaq-2 vv [lit.”to get a tattoo at the corner
iqiasuaq a lazy person | -suk-2 rv of the mouth, e.g., whaler’s
perhaps ±aq1 vn tattoo”]; (t) to finally do it =an
iqiasuk- (i) to not feel like working or activity which one usually balks at
doing something productive, be doing | -un1 nn :Iq-1 nv
lazy » iqiasugnaqtuq ilaanni it’s iqirġalik square, cube | +t-1 vv
all right to be lazy once in a while +ġaq1 vn -lik nn
| -suk-2 rv iqirġaq corner | +t-1 vv +ġaq1 vn §
iqiasuu- (i) to be slothful, lazy | kaŋiġalluk, tiġitquq
-suk-2 vv –u-2 vv iqiruġaq window shutter » iqiruġaq
iqiatchak- (i) to become unwilling to naviktuaq the window shutter
work or be productive; (i) to broke| +ruġaq vn
become lazy; (i) to begin to wane iqimiuttak cheek pocket of squirrel
(of moon) | ±aq-4 rv -tchak- vv where it stores food | +miutaq vn
iqigi- (t) to know that she/he has no ‘-k2 nn
initiative » iqigigaa taamna iñuk, iqimiutchiq- (i) to have food in cheek
ilisimallautaqługu he feels that pocket (of squirrel) | +miutaq vn
person has no initiative because he ‘=Iq-2 nv
knew him too well | +[g]i- vv iqsraaq- (i) to slap oneself on the
iqignaq- or iqiŋnaq- (i) to lack cheek or have an injured cheek; (t)
initiative » iqignaqłuni taamna to slap her/him on the cheek @
iñuk pilaiġutisuugiga I get so iqsraaqsi- | +qsraq vn ‘-aq-2 nv ||
tired of that person because he has +sI-3 vv
no initiative | +naq-1 vv iqsraġutilik Canada goose (Branta
iqignait- or iqiŋnait- (i) to have canadensis) | -ġun nn -lik nn
initiative | +naq-1 vv :It-1 vv iqsralik crested auklet (Aethia
iqiiq- (i) to become fully awake, to cristatella) | -lik nn
awaken; (i) to become energetic | iqsraq cheek | :qsraq vn § uluak
:Iq-2 rv § itiq-
iqiiqsaq- (t) to awaken her/him/it | iqirgagiaq Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini) |
:Iq-2 rv msaq-3 vv +iaq3 n § qargagiaq
iqiit- (i) to be active, industrious,
energetic | :It-1 rv iqitquq or iqitquuraq or iqitquluuraq
little finger » iqitquuramiñiñ
iqiq or (Nu) iqi corner (of mouth, of door) isagutivluni kisitchiŋulugaqtuq
» “iqigguuq iñuum kiliġuuruk starting with her little finger, she
saglutukami” (Hugo 2009) would count | +quq n, quq n :uraq

nn or +quq n +luk nn :uraq nn § iqqałuk- (i) to be sloppy, careless
itiqquuraq with things, not putting them
iqitqiluuraġmik- (Ti) to do the away properly » iqqałukłuni araa
finger-pull with the pinkie finger | ikkaktitchuugaa inaurani he is
+quq n +luk nn :uraq nn so sloppy he makes his room very
+mIk-1 nv messy | -łuk-2 vv

iqłu colon, large intestine, rectum | +łu nn iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s buttocks
out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts
iqłak(-)1 hook used to fish or “snag” (suit in cards) » nukatpiaġruum
burbot through ice; (i) to catch a iqqugni manitchailigaik
burbot kapisaġmanni the boy tried to
iqłaaq- to crack, split (of wood, keep from showing his rear end
fingernail); (t) to crack, split it when they were going to give him
=wood | -aq-2 nv a shot § tumiŋŋuaq, kapuun,
iqłak-2 (i) to wrinkle one’s nose; to bare iqqiŋa- (i) to have a protruding
one’s teeth in anger (at her/him/it) buttock » taamna iñuk nutim
iqłaŋa- to make a funny face (at qaŋa iqqiŋaruq that person has
her/him) | ±ŋa- vv always had a protruding buttock |
‘=Iq-1 nv ±ŋa- vv
iqłapqutaq scattered cumulus clouds iqqiq- (i) to protrude the buttocks; (t)
spread over open ocean | to protrude hip or buttock to catch
+qutaq nn § iqłak-1, ugruurat a large object one is carrying or
support, e.g., boat/ miqłiqtuq
iqłiq- (i) to be frayed, be separated at iqqiġataqłuni uŋŋayyaktuq the
edges (of threads, rope, etc) child protruded her buttocks when
iqłit tangled hair, sinew, etc.; small she tried to attract attention by
pieces of lip at the roots of baleen | reverting to childish behavior |
+t3 nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
iqquaq- (t) to slap her/him on the
¤iqpa- (i) to be open, e.g., of door § iqi- buttocks once | ‘-aq-2 nv
iqpaq- (i) to open (of door); (t) to iqquaqtaq- (t) to spank her/him »
open it =door | ~paq- vv iqquaqtaġaa nukatpiaġruk
iqpiq- (i) to be open (of door, tent uqaqsiġiitkaluaġman he spanked
flap, lid, book); (t) to open it the boy for disobeying | ‘-aq-2 nv
=door, tent flap, lid, book | +t/raq-1 vv
~pIq- vv § makpIq-, agmaq- iqquiqiluk- (i) to shake one’s
buttocks (especially when playing)
iqqaq- (t) to discard them = items not » aġnaiyaaq iqaluuŋŋuaqami
wanted or needed » suaqłuit iqquiqiluktaqtuq the girl when
ikiŋaruat iglumiñ iqqaġai he she pretended to be a fish, shook
threw away the things in the house her buttocks real fast | -IqI-2 nv
that were burned @ iqqai- -luk- vv
iqqaivik dumpster | :I-4 vv +vIk1 vn iqquksimaaq- (i) to stand holding
one’s butt out; (t) to hold it secure

with one’s butt against it | utiqsimammiuq taaġmi
+simaaq- nv aisaqqaaqłuni she became
iqquktaq- or (Ti) iqqumiktaq- to frightened and came back after
shake, wiggle one’s buttocks (at trying to go home in the dark;
her/him) » iqquktaqłuni isiġman iqsitchapaluktugut
iglapaluktugut when he came in makiviñaġman we were sure
swinging his hips back and forth; frightened when he stood up
we sure laughed | mt/raq-1 nv suddenly | -tchak- vv
iqquli- (t) to skin it =a fur-bearing iqsittuala- (i) to experience extreme
animal by cutting around the hind fear, terror, dismay »
legs » nukatpiam siksriktaani iqsittualarut they are
iqqulivlugu amiiġaa the young experiencing extreme fear;
man skinned the ground squirrel iqsittualatchigaa he is causing
he got by cutting around the hind her to feel extremely fearful |
legs | -lI-1 nv +ttuala- vv
iqqulik (Nu) hearts at cards | -lik nn
iqsraaq- (i) to slap oneself on the cheek
iqsi- [iqsI] (i) to be afraid, fearful or have an injured cheek; (t) to
iqsigi- (t) to be afraid of, fear slap her/him on the cheek @
her/him/it | +[g]i- vv iqsraaqsi- < iqiq-
iqsikkiuti- (t) to become afraid of
her/him/it | +[g]i- vv ‘-uti- vv iqsraġutilik Canada Goose (Branta
iqsiñaq- (i) to be dangerous, canadensis) < iqiq-
frightening, fearsome | +naq-1 vv
iqsiñait- (i) to not be dangerous, iqsralik Crested Auklet (Aethia
frightening, fearsome | +naq-1 vv cristatella) < iqiq-
:It-1 vv
iqsiññiuq- (i) to be terrified, afraid | iqsraq cheek < iqiq-
+nniuq- vv
iqsisaaq- (t) to scare, frighten iqsruk- to carry (her/him/it) on one’s
her/him/it @ iqsisaaqłii- » shoulder » iqsrukługu
iqsisaaġuuvlugu mikiŋŋaan aluaqsaani aggisuutigaa taġium
iqsitusipkaŋagaa he caused her siñaaniñ he brought the sack of
to be frightened easily because he coal from the beach by carrying it
used to try to scare her all the time on his shoulder
when she was little | +saaq-2 vv || iqsriq- (i) to set something to carry on
+kłIq- vv :I-4 vv one’s shoulder; (t) to set
iqsisi fear, alarm | ‘ti1 vn something to be carried on her/his
iqsisu- (i) be easily frightened, easily shoulder | ‘=Iq-1 nv
terrrified | +tu- vv iqsruktuq- to carry (them) over one’s
iqsitchai- (t) to scare, frighten shoulders making several trips »
her/him/it » qimmim iqsruktuqługit tuttut
iqsitchaigaa miqłiqtuq the dog umiamiŋnun agraġait they are
scared the child | -tchak- vv -I-6 vv carrying all of the caribou
iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, carcasses on their shoulders to
afraid, dismayed » iqsitchakłuni

their boat with repeated trips | baleen basket that he had made
+tuq-2 vv lopsided he threw away | ±ŋa- vv
iquraq- to make a face in contempt
iqsu dandruff (at her/him); to wiggle »
iquraqtuq uqallaqummanni
iqsuk- (i) to wrinkle one’s nose (at kasimaruani he made a face in
her/him) » aġnaiyaaq contempt when they asked him to
qaliġuuramik naġġuvluni say something during the meeting
iqsuktuq the girl wrinkled her | +raq- vv
nose, showing her dislike for the
dress iquq(-) tar remaining in smoking pipe; (i)
iqsuktaq- to wrinkle one’s nose (at to wipe oneself after defecating;
her/him/it) » iqsuktaġmiñak you (t) to wipe her/him after she/he
shouldn't wrinkle your nose like has defecated | -q-2 nv
that | +t/aq-1 vv iquqtuġaaq- (i) to remove by
iqsuktayuk(-) one who wrinkles scraping with a knife the hardened
her/his nose frequently; to tar remaining in a pipe bowl, and
wrinkle one’s nose (at her/him/it) then leisurely consuming it as if it
frequently | +tayuk(-) vv, vn was chewing tobacco »
iqsuŋa- (i) to have one’s nose “iquqtuġaaqtuq
wrinkle for a while | ±ŋa- vv uqummiaġivlugu uilaaġivlugu
paipaum iluaniittuaq
iqsuq(-) break, cracking of scraped skin siqquqsiruaq savigmik
to be wetted for further tanning; kiliuqtuuraġuugaat” (S.
(i) to be ready for tanning (of Tuzroyluke 2009) [he is leisurely
caribou skin); (i) to break, to consuming in his mouth as
crack; (t) to prepare a skin by chewing tobacco that which had
cracking and tanning it @ hardened inside the pipe which
iqsuqsi- || +sI-3 vv they gently scrape out with a
iqsuliŋa- (i) to be bumpy and rough knife] | +tuq-3 nv +aaq(-) vv
(of dried hide) | +lI-2 nv ±ŋa- vv iquutiksraq toilet paper | -q-2 nv
:un1 vn +ksraq(-) nn
iqu- (i) to become distorted on one side,
askew » atikłuiñ iquruq *iraq1 (root) width
nuqitaaġuŋ your snowshirt has irakit- (i) to be narrow » atikłuk
become askew, pull a little on it amitchuq; kaliku irakitchuq a
iquisit- (i) to be crooked, not aligned snowshirt is slender; cloth is
» “iquisinŋaruatun ittuq, narrow | -kIt- rv
uniuqtinŋaruq” (Matumeak iraqtu- (i) to be wide, broad » kuuk
2009) [it looks crooked, it doesn’t iraqturuq; kamikłuuk siliktuk a
fit] | perhaps -I-6 vv river is broad; pants are wide |
+sit-nv +tu- rv
iquŋa- (i) to be askew, aslant, iraqtuq- (Ti) (i) to become wide »
crooked » aguummaliani iraqtuġniġaa unna uiñiq the
iquŋanaaqsimarani igittaa the open water has gotten wider it
seems | +tu- nv ‘-q-1 vv

iraqtusi- (i) to become wide, widen; the person next to him | +ġuq-2 nv
(t) to make it wider | +tu- rv -aq-2 vv
+sI- vv irailaq one without an eye or eyes |
:ilaq(-) nn
*iraq2 (root) small segment iraqumak lens of eye; iris of eye |
iraġukitchuaq small pellet, birdshot, +qumak nn
e.g., in shotgun shell | ±ġuq n -kIt- irgaak or irgak a pair of eyeglasses;
nv +t/ruaq vn goggles; (Ti) wooden snow
iraġuqturuaq large pellet, e.g., in goggles » “illuksisuŋiłłutik
shotgun shell | ±ġuq n +tu- nv irgak” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
+t/ruaq vn [glasses for when one does not
iraqsri- or (Ti) iraġri- to cut ( it want to become snowblind] |
=meat or tobacco) into tiny pieces +[g]ak nn -k2 nn
| +qsraq rn =I-1 nv
iraqsraq pipe tobacco; crumb of
food; (Ti) ground meat |
+qsraq rn
iraqsraun tobacco pouch; (Nu) can of
pipe tobacco » iraqsrausiuqtaa
iġviamik she made him a tobacco
pouch out of leather | +qsraq rn irgaaq(-) monocle; to put eyeglasses
:un2 nn on (her/him/it) | +[g]aaq nn
iratqi(-) to cut meat or maktak into irgaak sullisik (Nu) eyeglasses for
small pieces; to prepare meat to working, reading, or sewing i.e.
eat not by cooking, but by cutting not snow goggles § suli-
it into bite-size cubes | -tqI- nv irigiit- (i) to have bad eyesight |
+[g]Ik- nv :It- 1 vv
irgasiq- (i) to surreptitiously eat food irigik- (i) to have good eyesight |
which has been stored in a cache; +[g]Ik- nv
(t) to eat it =food stored in a iriġruaġaq- (i) to look through
cache stealthily binoculars, field glasses for a
irgasii- (i) to eat or nibble away at while; (t) to look at her/him/it
people’s food supply (usu. through binoculars, field glasses
of animals); (t) to eat stealthily, to for a while | +ġruaq nn +aq-4 nv
nibble away from her/his cache o iriġruak pair of binoculars, field
food | -I-7 vv glasses | +ġruaq nn -k2 nn
iriġruaq(-) telescope, spyglass; to
iri [dual irrak] eye look through a telescope, spyglass
iraġuq- or iraġuaq- (i) to hit or injure on (her/him/it) | +ġruaq nn §
one’s eye; (t) to hit or injure qiñŋuaqtuun
her/his/its eye » iriġutilik dog with circles around eyes
tikkuaqsaqpaiłłuni | -ġun nn -lik nn
saniġamiñiittuaq iraġuġaa irikisuuraq one with small eyes |
abruptly moving to point at -kisuuraq nn
something, he poked the eye of irikit- (i) to have small eyes |
-kIt- nv

iriliqiri eye doctor, ophthalmologist, tunuanun he got scared and hid
optometrist | -liqi- vv mt/ri vn behind the house || +sI-3 vv
iriluk(-) one with bad eyesight; (i) to iriġaq (Ti) “hiding person,” prowler »
have bad eyes; to have trouble iriġaġġuuq amma paqikaat it is
with one’s eyes » reported that they have found the
sanatummiruaq iriluksiŋavluni prowler | +[ġ]aq vn § iñuqun
miqullaillaktuq she was such a iriġaqtuq- (i) to hide repeatedly; to
clever seamtress, and now her be a fugitive | +aq-1 vv
eyes are bad and she can’t sew +tuq-2 vv
any more | +luk(-)1 nn, vv iriġaqtuuti- (t) to hide from
irimik- or iyimik- (t) to indicate, her/him/it with cunning,
point with the eyes at her/him/it » sneakiness » “upinġaksrami
qiviaqtiġmani qiñiaqsiliġait unuŋaġuvsi pisukataaġlusi
iyimiksiġmani niqinun, nalupkaġlusi iriġaqtuutilusi
niqiksrautimignun, qiviaġai nannum tikiññiaġaasi” (Nageak
when he looked at him quickly, 1976: 2) [during spring if you go
he began to look at them, when out on the ice walking, a polar
he indicated with his eyes the bear will hide from you and
food, to the food set before them, come upon you without you
he looked at them | +mIk- mv knowing about it] | +aq-1 vv
iriŋmigaq- to wink (at her/him) | +tuq-2 vv :uti- vv
-k-4 nv +mIk-1 vv +aq-1 vv iriġauraq(-) game of “hide and seek”;
iriqpaqaq- (i) to have big eyes | (i) to play hide and seek »
+qpak(-) vv, nn -qaq- nv iriġauraqtuat aġiuŋamaruat
irisiñiq eye cavity, eye socket | aqulliq paqillaiqamirruŋ the
+siñik nn § see Appendix 20 hide-and-go-seekers quit playing
iritu- (i) to have large eyes » when they couldn’t find the last
irituvaitchuq his eyes are too big one |+aq-1 vv :uraq- vv
| +tu- nv iriqsima- (i) to be hiding | +sima- vv
irrit- (i) to get something in one’s iriqtaq hidden object, concealed
eye; (t) to cause her/him/it to get object | +t/raq vn
something in the eye » paniñi
irriñman alukługu uyaġauraq irit- (i) to fall from a height (not fall over)
piiġaa when her little daughter got
something in her eye, she licked iritqi- (Ti) to cut it =meat into small
out the little piece of pebble (with pieces » “qiruŋmik qattaliaq
her tongue) | ‘=It-2 nv taqurranik, qitiqquutagranik
irriutaq foreign object, irritant in the niqipianik, iritqiŋaatchianik
eye | ‘=It-2 nv :utaq vn imalik naaggaqaa uġrunik
naaggaqaa maktaŋnik” (David
iriġi [iriġI] (Nu) or iraiyayuuq Northern Frankson as reported by Pulu,
Shrike (Lanius excubitor) Sampson, Newlin: 74) [the
wooden barrel full of meat
iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide brought for lunches, meat cut
her/him/it @ iriqsi- » into small pieces or blubber or
iqsitchakłuni iriqtuq iglum maktak] § iratqi-

frozen (ground)] (Aiken 2009) §
irri severe, cold weather argaġniq-
Irraasugruk [lit. “extremely cold
weather”] month of February » irruaq- (t) to mimic, imitate, or
“V. 1854, Jan. 28, Ir’-ra shu’-ga- impersonate her/him/it @
run sha-ke-nat’-si-a, great cold irruaqłiq- » irruaqłiqsuni
(and) new sun.” (Simpson: 261) | samma tainnailiñaqtuq if one
‘-aq2 nn -sugruk nn § mimics someone, one becomes
Siqiññaatchiaq that way || +kłIq- vv
irraiq- to become moderate in
temperature after having been irrusiġiit- (i) to have a bad disposition;
cold (of weather) » to be unfriendly, be unpleasant
irraiġataġman ililgaat < it-
nasaiġutisuurut when the biting
cold finally leaves, the children go irrusiġik- (i) to have a good disposition;
about with their hoods down | to be friendly, pleasant < it-
:Iq-2 nv
irrailaqpak (Nu) period of warm irrusiq personality, disposition, character,
weather | -Ilaq nn +qpak(-) nn behavior, psyche, nature < it-
irrailuġaaq- to experience respite
from cold weather | :Iq-2 nv irruti- (t) to treat her/him/it properly,
~luq-3 vv +aaq(-) vv right < it-
irrait- (i) to be mild, to be temperate
(of weather) | :It-1 nv irukkaq- or irupkaq- (i) to fall from a
irriġruaq extremely cold weather | high place; to break off and fall
+ġruaq nn (of glacial ice or river bank); (t) to
irriliq- (i) to be extremely cold (of drop it from a high place
weather) » irriliġuuruq irukkaqtaq- or irupkaqtaq- (i) to
Utqiaġvik ukiumi the weather is tumble down | mt/raq-1 vv
usually extremely cold at Barrow
during winter | +lIq-1 nv irruma [dual ikkuak , pl. ikkua] that one
irriŋŋuq- to become extremely cold over there (restricted and visible)
(of weather) | -ŋŋuq- nv < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
irriqutit diamond dust (a ground-
level cloud composed of tiny ice irrumani [dual ikkugnagni, pl. ikkunani]
crystals) (indicating that a cold located with that one over there
spell is imminent) (Arnold Brower (restricted and visible)
Sr. as reported in Sturm: 41) | < °Ik1(dem. stem)
+qun nn -t nn
irrisiun outdoor thermometer | irrumaŋŋa [dual ikkugnaŋŋa, pl.
+siun nn ikkunaŋŋa] from that one over
there (restricted and visible)
irrii- (i) to cache, bury a piece of meat < °Ik1 (dem. stem)
underground » “niqit
qiqumaruamun ilivlugi” [taking
the meat and puting it into the

irrumatun [dual ikkugnaktun, pl. isaamaniq narrow piece of ice that
ikkunatitun] like that one over juts out from the main piece of ice
there (restricted and visible) (Harcharek: 12) | -ma- vv -niQ1 vn
< °Ik1 (dem. stem) isaaq- (i) to raise, extend, stretch out
one’s arm or arms; (i)to stretch out
irrumiŋa [dual ikkugniŋa, pl. ikkuniŋa] wings; (t) to raise, extend it
that one over there (restricted and =arm, wing » tautuktinnialaruq
visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem) isaaqłuni he is trying to be
noticed by raising his hand |
irrumuŋa [dual ikkugnuŋa, pl. ikkunuŋa] +k-4 nv -aq-1 vv
to that one over there (restricted isaaqtala- (i) to wave one’s arm(s),
and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem) wings; (t) to wave at her/him/it |
+k-4 nv -aq-1 vv +t/raq-1 vv -la- vv
irrumuuna [dual ikkugnuuna, pl. isagniġum avvaŋa yard, half a
ikkunuuna] via that one there; fathom (distance from neck to
with that one over there (restricted outstretched fingertip) | +k-4 nv
and visible) < °Ik1 (dem. stem) +niQ1 vn :um (rel. mkr.) § avvaq
isagniq fathom (unit measure of six
irrusiq behavior; appearance, form < it- feet), a distance from fingertip to
fingertip of person with
*iruq (root) disapproval outstretched arms » isagniqtun
iruġi- (t) to express disapproval of inniqsuq tautukkapku umiaq
her/him when she/he acts wrongly kiviŋaruaq taġiumi when I saw
in public; (t) to be embarrassed by it, the sunken ship was about a
her/his obnoxious behavior; (t) to fathom down in the ocean |
imitate her/him mockingly @ +k-4 nv +niQ1 vn § naaġniq
iruqłiq- » saŋutchiaqsimman isagvigi- (t) to fight her/him/it |
iruġisuugaa when she starts +k-4 nv +vIk1 vn +[g]i- nv
talking bad to someone, he feels isaġulik angel; something with wings
embarrassed for her (because of | ±ġuq n -lik nn
her behavior); iruġimmiñagu isaġuq wing » qaugaum isaġuŋanik
taavamna iñuk don’t imitate that tilaġġisiqaġuuruŋa I always use
person mockingly | +[g]i- rv || a duck’s wing as a broom |
+kłIq- vv ±ġuq nn
iruġnaq- (i) to act so that others are isaġutaq or isaġun projection,
embarrassed by or disapprove of appendage, protuberance; limb;
or dislike one’s behavior; (i) to yoke, a carrying frame which fits
elicit disapproval from others | over one’s shoulders » “qiruk
+naq(-) vv akigaunnaq isaġutaq;
imiqtaqtuqtuat tavra
irvik place to be; usual place » irvianiñ isaġutaqaġuurut” [a yoke is a
piisimava is it gone from its place wooden frame to carry something;
< it- people who haul water usually
have a yoke] (Aiken 2009) |
isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of flight); +ġutaq nn
(i) to moult

isaġutauralgit lumbar vertebra | isaa- (i) to enter en masse; to come in all
+ġutaq nn :uraq nn -lik nn :It nn § at once, together; (t) to enter it in
see Appendix 21 large numbers < isiq-1
isairaġaq- (i) to reach in and grab
something repeatedly » “tamarra isaaġaq- (i) to go from house to house; (t)
algagruat taapkua niqimig- to go in and out of them=houses <
guuq tasamaŋŋa isiq-1
isairaġaqtut” (David Frankson isaguti- to start, begin doing something
as reported by Pulu, Sampson, (to her/him/it); to call to order (in
Newlin: 74) [the ice picks would parliamentary procedure) »
reach inside and grab meat which isagutisa! call to order! §
is ready to fall from inside (the aullaġnii-, sakkiq-
whale)] | :I-4 vv +raġaq- vv isagunŋa- (i) to continue to do
isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to something » qitiktuat
obtain it = a C.O.D. package at isagunŋamaruat suli
the post office @ isaksi- » qallun uvlaatchaurami takugapkit the
isaksaqługu qakpiuraniñ game participants were still going
kataktittaġa I accidently let the strong when I checked on them
cup drop as I reached for it from early this morning | ±ŋa- vv
the cupboard | +k-4 nv || +sI-3 vv isagutinaqsigaatigut [lit.“it is time
isaqqi- (i) to develop wings » “uvva for us to begin”] “this meeting is
uqallakasaktuq, uvvagguuq called to order” (in parliamentary
qaŋaunnii isaqqiŋaitchuq” procedure) | +naqsI-vv
(Harold Itta 1982) [he kept +k/gaatigut (indic 3s-1p))
saying that it has been a
long time since he developed isaġuaq stomach lining § isi, isiguraq
wings] | ±ġuq nn ‘=I-1 nv
isaqqila- (i) to flap wings (of a bird); isatigit or (Nu) isatkit [sg. isatik]
to dip the wings (of an airplane); cartilage (connecting ribs to
to dip an airplane’s wings (at breastbone); limbs; (Nu) upper
her/him) » isaqqilaruq pialaaq ribs alongside sternum, short ribs |
tiŋiniatakłuni the young bird -n2 rn :It nn § natatquq, see
flapped its wings trying to take off Appendix 21
| ±ġuq rn ‘=Iq-1 nv -la- vv
isaqqilauraq- (Ti) (i) to play a game Isatquak lagoon between Barrow and
where one hops on hands with feet Browerville, Alaska » “tasiq
twisted around arms; (i) to flap the Akunġagniittuaq Utqiaġviillu
wings feebly (of sick bird); (i) to Igluqpaurallu” [it’s the lagoon
flap the arms like wings | ±ġuq rn between Barrow and Browerville]
‘=Iq-1 nv -la- vv :uraq- vv (Aiken 2009)
isaqquaq- to injure (her/his/its) wing |
‘-aq-2 nv isauġiq- to enter and exit (it =usu. a
Isavik or Itchavik [lit.“moulting house) repeatedly < isiq-
time”] month of July | +vIk1 vn

isavgaq baby walrus » “Aivġum (Nu) isipsi-, isivitchi- | +vit- vv ||
piayaaŋa isavgamik taisuugaat. +sI-3 vv
…The young of the walrus are isivitchuktuaq part of trap which is
called ‘isavgak.’” (Ahmaogak & closed and springs open when
Webster 1981: 14-15) | +gaq2 n released; trap spring | +vit- vv
perhaps +suk-2 vv +t/ruaq vn
isi [isI] drum skin ¤isivraagauraq(-) (Nu) trap spring;
isiaġuraq or isiaq membrane as (i) to be wound (of spring) |
between eggshell and egg white » -gauraq nn
“isiaŋa mannigum saunaaŋata isivruġaq metal spring, mattress
iluaniittuaq” [it’s the membrane spring; pointed rods of baleen,
of the egg which is inside the approximately six inches in length
eggshell] (Aiken 2009) | :uraq nn § (the baleen rods are doubled up,
isaġuaq wrapped in meat or fat and
¤isiguraq (Ti) membrane as between frozen; when swallowed by a wolf
shell and egg white | perhaps or bear they straighten out, thus
:uraq nn piercing the stomach and causing
isik- or isiaq- (t) to stretch a skin over death); “The old lengths were: for
it =drum » “isiaġaa qilaun” [he wolves, from the beginning of the
stretched a skin over the drum wrist to the tip of the middle
frame] (Aiken 2009) | +k-4 nv finger; for foxes, from the
isiksraq skin for drum | hindermost depression in the palm
+ksraq(-) nn, nv of the hand to the tip of the middle
finger.” (Ingstad: 191 “isiwjuaq”)
*isi (root) elongation, extension of | +vit- vv =ruġaq vn
isimŋaaq- (i) to be long (of a ridge)
(stretched out, not sloping) »
ilaŋiññi nunaurat, qimiġaat isivsala- (i) to be stretched out »
isimŋaaqtut in some countries, isivsalavluni siñigniqsuq she saw
the ridges are long | ±ŋaaq- vv that he was sleeping all stretched
out | -vsak- vv -la- vv
isiptaq or (Nu) isivsaq or isivitaq
isivsalaq- or isivsalaaq- (i) to lie
stretched skin that has been cut
stretched out | -vsak- vv -laq- vv
down the belly; anything stretched
isivvaġik- (i) to be standing erect,
out and displayed (like polar bear
straight | +vit- vv ‘-Q vn
rug) | +vit- vv :aq4 vn
+[g]Ik- nv
isiqsruq- or isisiq- (i) to stretch one’s
isivvaġiksi- (i) to get, become very
limbs | +qsruq-1vv or +sIq-2 rv
erect, straight | +vit- vv ‘-Q vn
isivit- (i) to be extended fully,
+[g]Ik- nv +sI-1 vv
flattened out; (i) to stand up
straight from a stooped position;
isik [pl. itkit] leg skin of caribou » isiŋit
(i) to stretch out from a fetal
alitchailivlugit ikugnaqtut one
position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
should try not to tear the skin
clothing); (i) to unwind (of
when scraping the caribou skin
thread); (t) to extend, stretch it out
isigaiyaq- to have cold feet | -iyaq- nv
fully; (t) to lay it all out @ isivsi-,

isigagluk- (i) to have foul smelling ‘- urraaq- nv
feet | +gak2 nn +[g]luk- nv isikkaaŋa- (i) to have an injured foot;
isigagmik- (t) to push it with the sole (t) to injure her/his/its foot |
of the foot; (t) to move it by use of ‘-aq-2 nv ±ŋa- vv
the feet » isigagmikługu siku isikkaaq- to hurt (her/his/its) foot |
qauġaa he loosened the ice by ‘-aq-2 nv
pushing it with the sole of his foot isikki- to remove animal leg skin
| +gak2 nn +mIk-1 nv (usually caribou) by cutting
isigagniq one foot in measurement | around the hoof | +[g]ak nn
+niQ2 nn ‘=I-2 nv
isigagniuraq one inch in isiktuuq a long, winter boot made
measurement | +niQ2 nn from caribou leg skins »
-niuraq nn isiktuugni upinġaksrami
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) | atuqługik maqunŋagaik he wore
+[g]ak nn § see Appendix 21 his caribou leg skin boots in the
isigakikłi- to become too small (of spring and ruined them;
footwear) | -kikłI- nv “nunasiuġutigisuugait, nunami
isigakit- (i) to have small feet; (i) to kamŋit” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
be too small (of footwear) | [these are worn when traveling
-kIt- nv inland, these are inland boots] |
isigaktu- (i) to have big feet; (i) to be +tuuq nn
too big (of footwear) | +tu- nv isiktuut (Ti) knee-high, caribou fur
isigauraġniamiñun (noun needs boots | +tuuq nn -t nn
possessive ending and the
terminalis case) (limited) isilġiq- [isilġIq] (i) to know right from
extending or reaching to one’s feet wrong; (t) to correct her/his
» qakimna aŋun misunderstanding § isivġiq-
annuġaaqaġniqsuaq isilġiqsruq- (t) to give sound advice,
mitqusuŋaiññanik guidance to her/him; (t) correct
niaquuramiñiñ her/his misunderstanding; (t) to
isigauraġniamiñun aglaan the warn her/him of the
man who is next door had fur consequences of bad behavior @
clothing from his head to his feet | isilġiqsrui- | mqsruq-2 rv || :I-4 vv
+[g]ak nn :uraq nn +niaq4 nn
isigaurraaq- or isikkaurraaq- (i) to isiŋnaq jade » “isiŋnanik savilianik
hurt one’s foot; (i) to break one’s aġviuġutiqaġnisuugaluaġmigai
foot; (t) to hurt her/his foot, to ch, aglaan iñugialluktut
break her/his foot » ulugraviñiġniglu aŋmaaniglu”
isigaurraaqtuq tunnami (David Frankson as reported by
nunamun iglum qaaŋaniñ he Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 74) [it is
broke his foot when he landed on said that they also had whaling
the ground from the top of the implements with jade blades, but
roof; isigaurraaġniaqtutin; the slate and chert ones were
nautkiaġaġmiñak you shouldn't more numerous]
jump down; you might injure
your feet | +urraaq- nv

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; (t) +vIk1 vn
to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it isiġvikpagaaq(-) woman’s parka
inside, to place it inside @ isiqsi- hood face ruff of wolf sewn
» iglualuk iqsigaluaŋŋaġmi around wolverine fur on bleached
isiġaa she entered the old house sealskin; (i) to wear a parka with
even though she was afraid || an isiġvikpagaaq »
+sI-3 vv isiġvikpagaaq napatquruni,
isaa- (i) to enter in large numbers; to turvigiksuksrauruq if you want
come in all at once, together; (t) to your “sunburst” ruff to stand up
enter it in large numbers » well, you need a good hard leather
upkuaq agmapqauraġmagu, backing | +qpak(-) nn +[g]aaq- nv
aġġiliaqtuat isaarut as soon as isiġumaaq- (i) intend to enter (of
she opened the door, the crowd she/he); (t) intends to enter it |
who came in to watch the Eskimo +kumaaq-1 vv
dance, came in all at once | -a-1 vv isikallaŋit- (i) to not come in right
isaaġaq- (i) to go from house to away; (t) to not bring it in right
house; (t) to go in and out of them away | ±kallaŋIt- vv
=houses | -a-1 vv +[ġ]aq- vv isiniqłak- to enter violently (to
isauġiq- to enter and exit (it =house) her/his/its dwelling); (t) to bring it
repeatedly » ililgaat isauġiqsuat into the house abruptly with force
natiqput ikkaktipasuuġaġigaat » isiniqłaktuam
children going in and out of the tupaktipalukkaatigut the one
house would quickly make the who came in so violently sure
floor dirty again | -uġIq- vv § startled us | -niqłak- vv
aniuġiq- isipqaułłik- (i) to narrowly make
isiġiaq mouth of river; (Nu) entry, one’s way inside, enter; (t) to
door; entry to entryway of sod narrowly set it inside »
house | +iaq1 vn § see Appendix 22 isipqaułłiksuaq apiġigaa
isiġmiu- (i) to be indoors, inside; (i) to summagaan he asked the one
stay in a cave during hibernation who was desperate to get in what
(of bears) » nukatpiaġruk was going on | -pqaułłIk- vv
isiġmiullaktuq uvlupak sila isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s
qiiyanaqpaiłłuni the boy stayed home and visit socially; (t) to go
inside all day because the weather to her/his home and visit her/him
was so cold | +miu- vv socially » isiqattaaġuupayukłuni
isiġmiuraaq- (i) to stay indoors for a uqallasuitkaluaqtuq at least he
while; (t) to visit and stay with comes in and visits, although he
her/him for a while » doesn’t say anything | -qattaaq- vv
isiġmiuraapayugmiuq isiqsaaġniq mouth of a river
anisuumaqqaaqłuni he is staying (entrance of ocean into land) |
indoors nicely after demanding to +saaq-1 vv +niQ1 vn
go out | +miu- vv ~raaq- vv isiqsaaq- (i) to enter a river or bay;
isiġvik parka ruff » isiġviñi nuutkaa (Nu) to travel in an upstream
panigmi atigitchiaŋanun she direction on ice or on land (not on
moved (attached) her own ruff to water) | +saaq-1 vv
her daughter’s new parka |

isiqsaġnaq ocean current flowing una isiuttuuŋ take this in so we
toward land | +saq-2 vv +naq2 vn can eat some frozen meat;
isiqsaġniq- to flow upriver as in the aŋutim itqutigai qiruit the
case of a tidally influenced river man is bringing the wood in |
» “kuuk ulinman tavra -uti- vv :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
isiqsaġniġuqtuq; aasii ~rI-5 vv
anisaġniqsuq ulinŋaiġman” itqun admission charge | :un1 vn
(Matumeak 2009) [when the river
is high because of high ocean tide isiq(-) smoke; haze, mist, or cloud which
it flows upriver; and it flows forms over open water; (i) to be
downriver when it is no longer smoky; (i) to form mist, to form a
high] | +saq-2 vv +nIq-2 vv cloud over open water »
isiqsaq- (i) to begin, commence isiqsuŋniliqsimaruat
entering | +saq-2 vv quuqłiġutiqaqłuni puyuuġviŋat
isiqsiri (Ti) police officer | +sI-6 vv their house had begun to smell of
mt/ri vn § tiguri smoke because the damper was
isiqsivik jail, prison | +sI-3 vv +vIk1 vn closed (on the stovepipe) § puyuq
§ tigutaaġvik isiġiak- (i) to be hazy, smoky because
isiqtaq prisoner, inmate | +t/raq vn of fire in the distance (of sky) |
isiqtau- (i) to be in jail | +t/raq vn +iak- nv
:u-1 nv isiġluk- (i) to make smoke (of stove
isiqtit- (t) to imprison, jail her/him | not working properly) | +luk(-)1 nv
mtit- vv § itchiala-
isiqtitaq- (t) to force her/him to enter | isiqsi- to become filled with smoke |
mtitaq- vv +si-1 nv
isiqsiaq dried, smoked meat or fish;
isiqtuq- (i) to come in through crack,
smoked tanned leather » iġviaq
door, or window (of snow, wind,
isiqsiaq naiññaraaġuugiga I love
smoke or water); (t) to come in
the smell of smoked tanned
through crack, door, or window of
leather | +sI-1 nv ±aq1 vn
her/his house (of snow, wind,
Isiqsiliġvik [lit. “time when mist
smoke or water) » avyum marra
forms”] month of March » “VI.
isiqtuġaatigut smoke is coming
[1854] Feb. 27, E-sek-si-la’-wing.
into our house; isiqtuġai avyum
(Simpson: 261) | +si-1 nv -lIq-1 vv
smoke is coming into their house |
+vIk1 vn
+tuq-2 vv
isiqsuŋnit- or isiġnit- (i) to smell
isirruġik- (i) to be a frequent visitor;
smoky | +sugnIt- nv or +nIt-2 nv
(t) to visit her/him frequently at
itchiala- (i) to smoke, burn, smoulder
her/his home; to go to it =church,
(of stove or heater backfiring and
museum, library frequently »
smoking because of a closed draft)
isirruġiŋŋuqłuni amaułuŋata
» itchialaruaq siuġruk anitkaa
pillatugaa because she visits
he took the smoking Coleman
often, her great-grandparent
stove out | ‘=Iq-1 nv -ala- vv §
favors her | -rruġIk- vv
isiuti- or itquti- (t) to bring
her/him/it inside @ isiurri- or
itqurri- » quaġumaugut

isivanniq seal carcass buried in sand to
cure isivsalaq- or isivsalaaq- (i) to lie
isivanniqsii- (i) to bury, cache a seal stretched out < °isi2
carcass so that it can ferment into
a delicacy; (t) to bury it =seal isivvaġik- (i) to be standing erect, straight
carcass so that it can ferment into < °isi2
a delicacy | +nnIQ nn +[t]sii- vv
isivvaġiksi- (i) to get, become very erect,
isivġiq- [isivġIq] (i) to come out in the straight < °isi2
open (of evidence); (t) to judge
her/him; (t) to sentence, condemn °isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book,
her/him; (t) to look over, examine long stick » “‘arraa uumaa, uvva
it =evidence, e.g., before making a qimuagruum isuginiaġaatin,’
choice arguaŋaaġman iñuk,
isivġii- (i) to judge many, to try out kamatchaiñman,
many, to take the best before kamasulaiñman” (S. Tuzroyluke
others have their choice; (t) to 2009) [“for goodness sakes, you
judge or examine her/his property might end up being the end of a
| -I-7 vv snow hill” is said when a person is
isivġiqsi judge | mt/ri vn reckless, does not heed words of
isivġiqsivik courtroom | +sI-3 vv warning, and does not obey]
+vIk1 vn (meaning is that one might end up
isivġiun judgment | :un1 vn in a burial mound);
isua its end, conclusion | :a nn
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isugluk end of a bone, loaf of bread,
out; (i) stand up straight from a etc; (Ti) end of loaf of bread, etc. |
stooped position; (i) to stretch out +[g]luk(-) n § aqulliq
from a fetal position; (i) to be laid isuġaq individual dog harness trace |
out (like wet clothing); (i) to +[ġ]aq vn § qitiġaaġun
unwind (of thread); (t) to extend, isuit- (i) to be eternal, endless; (i) not
stretch it out fully; to lay it all out have an ending | :It-1 nv
< °isi2 isukłiq farthest extension of
something | -k1 nn +llIQ nn
isivitchuktuaq part of trap which is isukłit- (i) to come to the end of
closed and springs open when something; (i) for the end of
released; trap spring < °isi2 something to be reached; (i) by
extension, to die; (t) to come to the
isivruġaq metal spring, mattress spring; end of it | -kłIt- vv
pointed rods of baleen, isuutaq vertical line attaching net to
approximately six inches in length ice hole; any line used for
(hunting implement) < °isi2 drawstring | -utaq nn, vn

isivruk- or isivruuraq- to whisper (to Isuk Cape Halkett, Alaska

her/him) | :uraq- vv Isuŋmiut residents of Cape Halkett,
Alaska | +miut nn
isivsala- (i) to be stretched out < °isi2

isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to think isumalitqik- (i) to change one’s mind;
» qanukkiaq una isumaqaqtuaq to repent » isumalitqignasik
iglaġugnaqsivluni uqallaguuva I don’t change your minds| -lIq-1 nv
wonder what kind of a mind he -tqIk- vv
has that he can always make isumalluaġiit- (i) to be foolish,
anything he says sound funny unwise; (i) to be immoral, evil,
isumaaġun sorrow, misfortune | wicked | +lluaġiit- nv
-aq-2 vv :un1 vn isumanikit- (i) to be quick-tempered;
isumaaliq- (i) to become worried | to habitually act without thinking
-lIq-3 vv » isumanikitchuq;
isumaaq- or isumaaluk- (i) to be qanaaqsaġnagu he has a quick
worried and sad, to mourn, be full temper; don’t try to argue with
of remorse; (i) to think something him | +niQ1 vn -kIt- nv
over, think of one’s plans » isumanŋu- (i) to hold a grudge; (i) to
savaagiqami feel bad | -nŋu- nv
isumaaluutigirraqsigai akiilani isumanŋutchak- (i) to become
when he lost his job, he started to resentful; (i) to feel aggrieved |
worry about his bills | -aq-2 vv -nŋutchak- nv
-luk- vv isumanŋutchauti- (t) to argue
isumaalugi- (t) to worry about heatedly with her/him; to hold a
her/him/it | -aq-2 vv -luk- vv grudge against her/him »
+[g]i- vv isumanŋutchautivlugu
isumaaluun or isumaaluutaq source uqautitqiŋaitkaa since she
or cause of worry | -aq-2 vv started holding a grudge against
-luk- vv :un1 vn or -aq-2 vv -luk- vv her, she has not spoken to her |
:utaq vn -nŋu- nv -tchak- vv :uti- vv
isumagi- (t) to think about her/him/it | isumattun wisdom; knowledge »
+[g]i- nv utuqqanaat isumattutaat
isumaiq- (i) to go crazy, lose one’s piqpagnaqtuq the wisdom of the
mind | :Iq-2 nv § kinnaġuq- elders is priceless | +tu- nv
isumakkusiaq opinion that one ‘ti1 vn, rn
receives about self from others » isumatu- (i) to be wise, prudent,
“ķanuķ Jesus ilaa circumspect | +tu- nv
ķuliaķtuaŋaruq, God-im isumatupiaŋit- (i) to be foolish, not
uķaķtaa ķutchiksuakun very smart | +tu- nv -piaq(-)1 vv
isumakkusigitchuķ ilaan ±ŋIt- vv
nunamiñi” for Jesus himself isummaaŋŋit- (i) to be troubled, to
testified that a prophet has no worry; (t) to trouble, not please, or
honor in his own country (God-im cause her/him to worry |
Uķaluŋi: John 4.44) | +[g]i- nv ‘-aq-2 nv -ŋŋIt- vv
+siaq vn isummaaq- (t) to please her/him; to
isumalaaq- (i) to think over carefully, treat her/him kindly, well; to do
to ponder | -laaq-1 vv her/his will; to do something
isumalaaġutigi- (t) to think it over he/she likes »
carefully, to contemplate it | isummaaŋitkaaŋaasu
-laaq-1 vv :uti1 vn +[g]i- nv aullautikamiuŋ umiaġa he sure

didn’t please me when he took off saŋŋitchuuruq imaġlu silalu
with my boat; “nalaułługu atautchikun” (S. Tuzroyluke
isumaŋa tavra isummaaġaa” 2009) [when the weather is to
(Matumeak 2009) [he pleased her become bad, it becomes dark and
by doing what she wanted] | murky like it has taken a strong
‘-aq-2 vv hold of the sea and of the air
isummaaqłiqsuq- (i) to treat people together] | +luk(-)1 nv
well | ‘-aq-2 vv perhaps -lIq-1 nv isuit- to be clear, not muddy (of
+tuq-2 vv water) | :It-1 nv
isumman thought, opinion, feeling | isuqsi- to become unclear, turbid (of
‘t vn water) | +sI-1 vv
isummataagun mentally |
isummataagun piyuguugaa he isvaq recently, a few days ago; “the third
abuses her mentally | ‘t vn :a4 nn day from the present either way,
m[g]u(n) nn with all preceding or following
isummatigi- (t) to think over, ponder days for a short period” (Murdoch
it | ‘-ti1 vn +[g]i- nv 1890: 43) § ikpaksraq, ikpaksraaq
isummiq- (i) to decide; to conceive,
to form and hold an idea; (i) to it- (i) to exist, to be; (i) to be present;(i) to
devise a plan | ‘=Iq-1 nv stay » nukatpiaq aapamisun
isummiqsuq- (t) to plant an idea into ittuq the young man is like his
her/his mind | ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv father
ilġusiq (Ti) habit, custom | -lġun vn
isuŋŋaq [isuŋŋaQ] or isuŋŋatchiaq ~Iq nn § pilġusiq, utuqqaqtuun
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius inġiq- (i) to not be as before, to have
longicaudus) » isuŋŋait changed » “tainna siñiktillugik,
mannilisuurut malġuugnik imanigguuq pamna
jaegers always lay two eggs | - ataataruuraq, pamna
tchiaq nn siñiktuatun inġiqpuq” (Nageak
isuŋŋaġluaq (Ti) jaeger | +luaq nn 1975: 62) [so while they were
isuŋŋaġluk or isuŋŋaaluk Pomarine asleep, finally up there the little
Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus) | old man, up there he seems to be
+luk n no longer sleeping] | +nġIq- vv
inmagaaġniq roll call (a
isuq- (i) to be turbid, murky, or muddy (of parliamentary procedure) |
water) » imiqtaġvikput +mmagaaq- vv +niQ1 vn
isuqsiŋamaruq the place where inmagaaq- (t) to determine whether
we get our water has become she/he/it is present, to conduct a
turbid roll call | +mmagaaq- vv
isuaġayak murky, muddy water | inmiñiq- (i) to report that someone is
-aq-3 vv -aq-1 vv -yak vn also present, is here » Aaŋa
isuġluk(-) (Ti) (i) to be dark and inmiñiqsuq Aaŋa is also here
murky as before a storm (of sky or | +mmI-1 vv +nIq-1 vv
sea); to be murky, of water » inna or iminna or imanna (adv) like
“silagiiliniaġman, this, in this manner | +na (sg. dem.
isuġluksisuuruq tigummatun pron.) § tainna

innainniġman or iminnainniġman irvik place to be; usual place »
whereas; since it is thus | +na (sg. irvianiñ piisimava is it gone from
dem. pron.) it- +nIq-1 vv +mman its place | +vIk1 vn
(conseq 3s) itaaqsi- (i) to begin to steadily be,
innaittuaq one like this; one in this exist » “Taaġmi iglauruk,
condition » innaittuami silami uvlumilu tainna igliqtuk,
igliġniaŋitchuq he would not taaġmi iglaugaluaqqaalgiłłu  tik
travel in this kind of weather | inna uvluġmagu igliqłutik
it- suagguuuġamna nunatun
innaq- to say or do this sivuġaaŋni itaaqsivluni.”
(to her/him/it) | +na (sg. dem. (Ahvakana: 14) [they traveled in
pron.) -q-2 nv the dark, they traveled during the
innasiġaq- to keep doing this | day; while traveling once again
-siġaq- vv in the dark, when daylight broke,
innasiq or iminnasiq or iminnaasiq to their surprise, in the distance
this kind, one like this | +na (sg. there appeared to be land coming
dem. pron.) +siq n into clearer focus] | +aq-1 vv
innatun or iminnaatun or -aqsI- vv
imannaatun (excl.) this much » itqatau- (i) to be present as part of a
iminnaatun iluqaisa atisilugit group | ±qan/ti vn :u-1 nv
aitchullaayumagitin give each itqatigi- (t) to be with her/him
one of them an equal amount of |±qatigi- vv
this amount | +tun (sim.) ittuaq- (i) to sit quietly, to be idle, be
inŋit- or inġit- (i) to be absent; to still | +tuaq- vv
not be » “samma taamna
quliaqtuakkaġa itaa- (i) to wake up en masse < itiq-
inġitpalliqsuq” (Ekowana:15) itcha(-) or itchaq skin or canvas tent
[the story I have told is probably covering; (t) to cover it =tent
not very old] | ±ŋIt- vv or frame with a tarpaulin, canvas, or
+niQ1 vn :It-1 nv skins; “…wooden frame of the
irrusiġiit- (i) to have a bad skylight” (Spencer: 397)
disposition; (i) to be unfriendly, itchat caribou skin tent cover made of
be unpleasant | +ruti vn six pieces of skin | +t3 nn
~Iq nn +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv itchaksrat the number six »
irrusiġik- (i) to have a good itchaksrat qimmiñi qaitchai
disposition; to be friendly, avilaitqatimiñun he gave six of
be pleasant | +ruti vn ~Iq nn his dogs to his friend +ksraq(-) nn
+[g]Ik- nv +t3 nn § see Appendix 11
irrusiq personality, disposition, itchaksralik canvas tent (12 foot by
character, behavior, psyche, nature 14 foot) with six panels |
| +ruti vn ~Iq nn +ksraq(-) nn -lik nn
irruti- (t) to treat her/him/it properly, itchaksraut- (i) to be divided into
right | +ruti- vv sixths; (t) to divide it into sixths |
-ut-2 vv
Itchaksriġñiq Saturday |

+ksraq(-) nn ‘=Iq-1 nv +niQ1 vn iti- (i) to be deep » itiruaqsiuqługu
Itchaksriq- (i) to be Saturday (with kuukkun ikaaqtut they are
pl. subj) » Itchaksriqpata crossing the river keeping to the
takuniaġniraġa utiġuma I told deeper areas § ¤aŋiluġnaq, qaglu
her I would go see her on itauri- (i) to make rings (of object
Saturday upon my return » falling into water) | -u-2 vv -rI-2 vv
Itchaksriqsugut it is Saturday | § taqhammuq-
+ksraq(-) nn ‘=Iq-1 nv itiniq depth | +niQ1 vn
itchalik skin-covered tent (including itiqquuraq the place where a stone
cover and frame) | -lik nn has sunk swiftly into water |
itchauq- (Nu) (t) to cover it = tent -qqi- vv :u-2 vv +t/raq vn
frame with skins; (t) to cover it = itiqquuri- or itauri- or (Nu) itaqurri-
tent with a tarpaulin | -uq-2 vv (i) to sink immediately without
splashing » uyaġak itiqquuriruq
itchaataaq- (i) to go to bed (used with taġiumun the stone sank without
children) » itchaataaġiñ, aiy let’s making a splash into the ocean |
put you to bed, okay? -qqi- vv -u-2 vv +raq vn ‘=I-1 vv
itiqsraq or (Ti) itiġraq dimple; low
itchauraq mesentery, tissue found around spot in ground; (Ti) low spot in
animal intestines (especially in floor of ice cellar for storing
ruminants) § nigvik special meat; ditch; hole in the
ground » itiqsramun mauvluni
itchiala- (i) to smoke, burn, smoulder (of siŋiġñiġurraaqtuq he stepped
stove or heater backfiring and into a low spot in the ground and
smoking due to a closed draft) hurt his ankle | +qsraq vn
< isiq(-)2 itiqsri- to dig a ditch, hole (in it) |
+qsraq vn ‘=I-1 nv
itchuaq- (i) to peek, look in or out; (t) to ititilaaq(-) (t) to measure its depth;
peek at her/him, to look in on (Ti) to test ( it =depth of water);
her/him » siqutqiŋaruq amma depth measurement »
nukaaluiñ itchuaġuŋ check on “niksigmignik naakka
your younger sibling who is manaqtuunmik kivitchivlutik
taking a nap ititilaaġuugaat naakka
itchuaġiaq rear sight on gun | sugnamiñ saġvaqaġmagaan”
+iaq1 vn § nakataq (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [they test the
depth of the water or the direction
itchuq- or itchuqtaaq- (i) to go outside in of the water current by sinking
early morning right after their fish lines or the line of the
awakening » itiqami seal retriever] | mtilaaq- vv
itchuqtaaġiaġuuruq ititilaaġun device made from a rope
silagiitkaluaŋŋaan whenever he with a rock at the end to measure
wakes up, he goes outside to fully depth of water, sounding line |
wake up no matter if the weather mtilaaq- vv :un vn

is bad | +taaq- vv
itigaq- (i) to fail to penetrate target (of
bullet or arrow); (i) to fail to do

what one sets out to do; (t) to fail itisiaq(-) (Nu) diarrhea; (i) to have an
to penetrate it =target (of arrow, attack of diarrhea | +siaq(-)2 nn
bullet); (t) to fail to accomplish it
= what one sets out to do @ itiq- (i) to wake up § makit-
itigai- » itigaġaa airani itaa- (i) to wake up en masse | -a-1 vv
paniurani she failed to get her itiġiaq- or itiġnaġiaq- (i) to wake up
daughter when she went to get her early | +iaq-3 vv or +naġiaq- vv §
» tuttu qaġrum itigaġaa the iqiiġñaġiaq-
bullet failed to penetrate the itillak- or itiġataq- (i) to finally wake
caribou | -gaq- vv || :I-4 vv up | -llak-1 vv or -ataq- vv
itigaġi- (t) to have it =task as one’s itilluataŋit- (i) to wake up not feeling
failure and make no further well | -llutaq- vv ±ŋIt- vv
attempts to do it | -gaq- vv itiŋit- (i) to die in one’s sleep »
+[g]i- vv itiŋisimaruaq I learned that he
itigaurraq- (i) to fail to do something did not wake up | ±ŋIt- vv
or fail to get what one wants itiqsaq- (t) to wake her/him up @
because of not being allowed » itiqsai- | +saq-3 vv || :I-4 vv
tautugiakasakkaluaqtaqpiñ itivli- (i) to perform certain motor acts
itigaurraqtakasagmiruami I while asleep, e.g., to sleepwalk,
went over to see you several times somnambulate, talk in one’s sleep
but was not allowed to see you | | -vlI- vv
-gaq- v -urraq- vv itiya- (i) to wake easily | -ya- vv
itquma- (i) to be awake | :uma- vv
itiġiaq(-) weasel, ermine (Mustela itqutaq breakfast | :utaq vn
erminea); (i) to catch a weasel | itqutchiq- (i) to eat breakfast »
+t-2 nv quanik itqutchiġuuruagut
itiġiaqpak mink | +qpak nn miŋuaqtuġvigmi mikiŋŋapta we
used to have frozen meat for
¤itik- to suffer an attack of diarrhea breakfast at school when we were
itigiaq- (i) to experience an attack of young | :utaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
diarrhea | +iaq-3 nv itqutchiuq- to cook breakfast (for
itikpaługiaq- (i) to spurt very soft her/him/it) | :utaq vn ‘=iuq-1 nv
stool | +qpak(-) vv -łuk1 nn
+iaq-3 vv itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; sea
itiksi- (Ti) (i) to have diarrhea | anemone
perhaps +sI-3 vv itiġlak small pouch-like section in
itiksrak- (i) to burst out | =srak- vv back of woman’s parka and
itiksraluaq- (i) to spurt | snowshirt hood » amaunnat
+ksraluaq- nv itiġlaqaġuurut the parkas used
itiktaq- (i) to have diarrhea » for packing babies have a
itiktaliġman uilamik pouch-like section on the back of
palauvaaqtuqtitkaa when he the hood | +lak nn
developed diarrhea, she had him itiġruġaq part of bowhead whale’s
eat a mixture of uncooked flour tail between the flukes and the
and water | -t/raq-1 vv ventral flanks | +ruk nn -ġaq nn §
see Appendix 19

itiġruk small groove on end of arrow, inuqługit qaugait itivittaqtut
notch where bowstring fits; shell Piġnikun the ducks would fly
cartridge of firearm | +ruk nn over Piġniq without reaching the
itiġrukpak or itiqsrukpak used or waiting hunters | +vit- vv
spent shotgun shell » itimniq shallow part of river with
itiġrukpaŋmik sikuliġaa sandy riverbank; (Nu) rapids,
ikuutini she used a spent shotgun shallow part of river with swift
shell as a point for her skin water | +mniQ1 vn
scraper | +ruk nn +qpak(-) nn itipqataq- or itivitqataq- (Nu) (i) to
itiġuq sour urine; ammonia | ±ġuq nn travel over, pass over land
itiġuqsuŋnit- (i) to smell of soured repeatedly | =qataq- vv
urine | ±ġuq nn +sunŋIt- nv itiptiġvik (Ti) a portage | mtiq-2 vv
¤itiġvalugun (Nu) short piece of +vIk1 vn
wood placed lengthwise in kayak itiptiq- (Ti) (i) to portage; to cross the
on which one sits (above qukhak) portage » ”ilaannii
| +lugun nn umiaqtuqqaaġutik nunamun
itiqsiun (Ti) enema | +siun nn § tikitkamik, itiptiġuurut allamun
anaqtitaun immamun tatchimun”
itiqsiutit- (Ti) (t) to give her/him an (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [sometimes
enema | perhaps +siun nn +t-2 nv after boating when they reach
itiqqitchiaq urinal bucket (used to land, they cross the portage to
collect urine from males to create another body of water or lagoon] |
ammonia) | ‘=It-2 nv +(t)Iq- vv 2
mtiq- vv
+tchI- vv ±aq1 vn § see Appendix itivliq portage, place to cross »
22 itivlimun tikiññami, qayyani
tigumiaqługu ikaaqtuq when he
itiqquuraq little finger; string figure | reached the portage, he carried
+quq nn :uraq1 nn § iqitquuraq his kayak across | =liQ vn
itivyaaq portage (more common
itiqsiñiq vulnerable spot on mammals usage) » itivyaakun umiaqtiŋ
(especially whales, between head ikaaġutigaat they transported
and body where mammal can be their boat across the portage |
killed with a direct harpoon =yaaq2 vn
strike) » itiqsiñġa nalaułługu Itivyaat or Itivyai (Ti) spirits of the
tuqutiġaa aġviq he shot the ancient people of Ipiutaak and the
whale right on its vulnerable spot deceased (living underground in a
and killed it quickly | +siñiQ1 vn site two or three miles east of
Point Hope, Alaska; they hunt
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land whales; only one shaman has
instead of following the water visited them; it is believed that the
along the coast (of ducks as they spirits of these ancient people are
migrate); (i) to take a shortcut; (t) still present; usually thought to be
to fly over, go over, cross over people of short stature); “The
(instead of going around), and itiviyai were ‘underground
come down the other side of it people,’ believed to live about 5
=e.g., hill » qaukkiaqtuat miles east of Tigara at the edge

of the lagoon along the north Tuzroyluke 2009) [only one
shore of the Point Hope bar, shaman has visited the Itivyaat] |
where there is a mound =yaaq2 vn -t nn § uivvaqsaat,
resembling a ruined igloo.” iŋmak-
(Rainey: 257)] » “nunam ataani
samani iñuich iñuuniaqtuat; itkauraq or ikkauraq five-gallon can
Itivyaanik atiqagaich;
umialgalguuq itkiq or ikkiq [itkIq] gum of mouth
Pamiuġyuksaamik atiqaqtuq;
Tikiġaġmi iñuich uqaqtuat itluksaun or itlusaun (Nu) round stone
naalaġnisuugai; susaġnagai used as ammunition for a sling §
ataramik; iñuk iluilliġman illut-
tasamaŋŋa qiññuaqtuġmarruŋ
susaġnaġivlugich itluutik (Nu) sling with two strings §
iluaqsipkallagai; suli iñuk illut-, illuun
iluilliġman tuqurugraumman,
iŋmaktaġaagguuq ilaan; aasii itnaq- (Nu) (i) to say, do thus; (t) to say or
ilaliutivlugu tavruŋa do thus to her/him/it < it-
Itivyaanun” (David Frankson as
reported by Pulu, Sampson, and itpaksraq day before yesterday; recent
Newlin: 95)] [there are people past | ikpaksraq
who live underground; they are itpaksraġu in the near future
called Itivyaat; their chief is
named Pamiuġyuksaaq; he can *itqa (root) to be prepared
hear the people of Tikiġaq itqanaiq- (i) to be now ready; (t) to
speaking; when a person have made it ready @ itqanaiqsi-
becomes sick and they ask for » itqanaiqsuq tiŋŋun
healing from the underground he tikiñŋaiñŋaan he was ready
hears them and makes them well; before the plane arrived |
furthermore, when a person +naq-1 rv :Iq-2 vv || +sI-3 vv
becomes sick and he is destined itqanait- (i) to be ready, prepared »
to die, he claims the person itqanaitchut ikka niqit
himself; and he becomes a niġisiññaagurut the food is
member of the Itivyaat]; already prepared over there, ready
“iñukulluurat Ipiutaagni to be eaten | +naq-1 rv :It-1 vv
itchuuruat; taamagguuq itqanaiyaq- (i) to get ready (in the
itivyaat aġvalgitchut process); (t) to make her/him/it
qanniguġman, ready @ itqanaiyai- »
qanialaaġuġmagu” (C. itqanaiyaivluni aullaqsaqtuanik
Tuzroyluke 2009) [little people aptallaktuq uvlupak he was busy
who lived at Ipiutaak; it is said all day long getting things ready
that the Itivyaat have caught a for the people who were leaving |
whale again when it begins to +naq-1 rv :Iyaq vv || :I-4 vv §
snow, when it begins to snow sannaġi-
lightly; “Itivyaaliaŋaruq
atausiq aŋatkuq” (C.

itqaq- [Itqaq] to recall, call to mind,
remember (her/him/it) | perhaps itquŋa- (i) to be nesting, sitting on
-qaq- nv < perhaps it- eggs | ±ŋa- vv
itqaa- to remember (her/him/it) in
(her/his/its) entirety » itqaagaat itraiq- (Nu) for a slight (warm) wind to
they are remembering it one right start to blow < irri
after the other; itqaaruq he is
remembering it all now | -a-1 vv itrait- (Nu) (i) for there to be a little
itqaniqłak- to remember (her/him/it) (warm) wind < irri
suddenly | -niqłak- vv
itqaumman or itqaun or itqaqtaun ittuaq- (i) to sit quietly, to be idle, be still
memory, ability to remember | < it-
-u-2 vv +ma-1 vv ‘-n vn or ‘-n vn
or +t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn ittuk- (i) to make a continual roaring
itqauma- or itqagi- to keep in mind, sound, as a fire, primus stove,
remember (her/him/it) | :u-2 vv engine, etc.
-ma-1 vv ittugluk(-) kerosene lamp which
itqaqtit- (t) to remind, to cause makes a roaring sound; primus
her/him to remember; to cause stove; (i) to make a repeated noise
her/him/it to be remembered | | +luk- vv
mtit- vv § uliqtitchi- ittutit- (i) to make a loud noise (of
engine) » ittutittuq qamun the
itqatau- (i) to be present as part of a car engine is making a loud noise
group < it- | ‘-tit-2 vv

itqatigi- (t) to stay by, be with her/him; (t) ituk lump of congealed milk found in
to live with her/him < it- stomach of caribou calf »
“nuġġaum, tuqumman,
itqiq [itqIq] louse egg aqiaġuaniittuaq tamarra ituk
Itqiliaġruit Upper Kobuk River niġiñaqtuq” (Matumeak 2009)
people | -liQ nn -aq2 nn, rn [when a juvenile caribou dies
-aġruk nn :It nn there is the congealed milk in its
itqiliaġruk or ¤(Nu) itqiliġruaq stomach which can be eaten]
woolly lousewort (Pedicularis
lanata) | -liQ nn -aq2 nn -aġruk nn itummak (P.B.) or utummak palm of
or -liQ nn +ġruaq nn hand » itummagni
itqiliaġruun Kobuk song | -liQ nn pauvliġmagnik, sumik
-aq2 nn -aġruk nn :un/ti nn niġiurraqsisuuruq when her
Itqiliq American Indian | -liQ palms itch, she starts expecting
itqiliun Indian song | -liQ nn :un/ti nn something | -mmak n

itqirvik sled bag | +vIk1 vn iva- (i) to bear a litter, to whelp; (i) lay
eggs and sit on them; (Ti) to feed
¤itquk (Nu) buttock § iqquk(-) and care for young (of animals
and birds); (t) to care for them
itquq- (i) to sit on eggs in nest =young § iġñi-

ivaaq whelp, young of an animal | ivaq-1 (t) to search for her/him/it @
±aq1 vn ivaqłiq- || +kłIq-1 vv
ivlauq animal fetus ivaġiatchi- to miss (her/him) who has
left | +iatchI- vv
ivalik- or ivałłuaq- (i) to walk swinging ivvaġlua- to overlook it =object that
one’s arms » ivałłuaqtuq aŋun one is looking for » ivvaġluagaa
pisuaqtuaq sukasaqpaiłłuni the quliakasakkaluaġiga sumi-
man’s arms were swinging as he itilaaŋanik she kept failing to see
was walking fast | perhaps the object although I kept telling
-lik- vv +łłuaq- rv < perhaps her where it was;
ivaq-2 paqitchukpaiłłu  gu, ivvaġluaraa
in his eagerness to find it, he
ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) to failed to find it | ‘-ġluk vv -a-2 vv
thread it » ivalu piaqqaaqługu ivvaġluk- (t) to not find it; (t) to
atuqtuni search and not find it maybe
nuŋuqsruyaipayaaqtuq when because one did not search
the thread is waxed before it is thoroughly | ‘-ġluk- vv
used, it doesn’t wear away as ivaqłia- (i) to be searching intently
much everywhere, to seek » ivaqłiaruq
ivaluġluk (Ti) whale sinew » piqatiksramiñik she is searching
”siġluaŋaiñŋaisa ivaluġluit everywhere for a partner |
piiyaġuugait, atulaitkait; aglaan +kłIq-1 vv -a-2 vv
sisuam ivaluŋit piqpagigait” (C.
Tuzroyluke 2009) [the sinews of ivaq-2 (t) to stretch it =animal skin on
the whales are removed before frame to dry @ ivaqsi- || +sI-3 vv §
placing them (the meat) in the ice iññiaq-, aak-
cellar, they are not used; but the ivaġutik [sg. ivaġun] hide stretcher
sinew of the beluga whale is for terrestrial animal skin | +un1 vn
valued highly] | +qłuk(-) nn,vv -k2 nn § iññiutaq
ivaluksraq(-) commerical thread; to ivaqtaq skin stretched on a wooden
get thread (for her/him/it) | frame | +t/raq vn § aaktaq
+ksraq(-) nn, nv
ivaluliñiq large back muscle; strip of ivayaq- to get more than one should
meat taken out from the back (from her/him); to cheat
muscle | +liñiQ rn, vn (her/him); (t) to take away a
ivalupiaq sinew (i.e. not thread or necessary part from it = engine,
dental floss) » ivalupiaq any whole with parts; (Ti) (i) to
kiktuġaqsiġiiñŋuqtuq the sinew ask or take from a whaling captain
is better because it is not as apt to and his wife gifts after he catches
break | -piaq(-)1 nn his first whale (a tradition); (Ti)
ivaluuraaq one of two sinews in the (t) to ask him = whaling captain
neck| :uraaq nn -k2 nn § for gifts; (t) to ask for gifts during
kiglasuiññaq the whaling festival from a couple
ivaluvik long sinew on back of who has their first son @ ivayai- ||
caribou’s leg | +vIk2 nn :I-4 vv

ivayaqtuq- to defraud (her/him); to iviġaumait- (i) to be displeased; (i) to
rob (her/him) @ ivayaqtui- » be opposed; (i) to not be in favor
ivayaqtuivluni of something (such as a motion
tauqsiġñiaġviŋmiñ aŋupkaqtuq during a meeting) | -uma- rv
he was embezzling from the store :It-1 vv
and got caught | +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv iviġaun cause for contentment,
satisfaction | :un1 vv
iviaŋŋiq woman’s breast | +ŋŋIQ n §
miluk ivik or ivigaaq blade of grass; grass;
sedge (Carex) » ivignik
iviġaaq (Nu) sinew along front of caribou pukuqqaaqłuni, utkusik
leg, used for play by rolling it on a palaŋŋaktaaġaa after picking
stick § iviq-, sivuġaġluqun, some grass, she wipe some of the
sivuġaġlugun mess off of the pot | +gaq3 nn
-aq2 nn
iviġak- (i) to be pleased; (t) to please ivgit blades of grass | :It nn
her/him @ iviġai- » ivigirrat fresh green grass | perhaps
iviġaŋitkaluaġaaŋa-asu :Iq nn -rraq vn -t nn
tunimmauŋ umiani he sure ivigruaq blade of dead grass; tall
didn’t please me at all when he grass » ivigruanik pukukłuni
sold his boat | +ġak- rv || :I-4 vv kukuutiniktuq he picked some
iviġagi- (t) to approve of, be pleased dead grass and found some
with her/him/it » iviġagigaa kindling | +ġruaq nn :It nn
savaktini iñugigman he approves ivvi- (i) to grow (of grass); (t) for
of his worker because he is grass to grow on it =earth |
considerate | +[g]i- vv ‘=I-1 nv
iviġanaq- (i) to be pleasing, ivvimaniġruuraq (Nu) something
satisfactory | +naq(-) rv overgrown with grass | ‘=I-1 nv
iviġaŋit- (t) to displease, annoy +ma-1 vv +niQ1 vn +ruk nn
her/him | ±ŋait- vv :uraq nn
iviġauma- (i) to be content, satisfied, ivviñiq (Nu) something overgrown
be pleased; (i) to be in agreement with grass | ‘=I-1 nv +niQ1 vn
during a meeting | -uma- rv
iviġaumagi- (t) to be content, ivik- (i) to wipe one’s hands and mouth;
satisfied, pleased with, approve of (t) to wipe her/his hands and
her/him/it; (t) to be in favor, to mouth » ivikkaluaġnani argagni
agree, be in agreement with it, aluksiññaġik instead of wiping
e.g., a motion during a meeting | her fingers, she just licked them
-uma- rv +[g]i- vv clean
iviġaumagiłhaaq- (t) to be partial to, ivgun towel, napkin, rag » atikłuni
biased towards her/him/it | ivgutigivlugu ippallakkaa she
-uma- rv +[g]i- vv -łhaaq- vv, vn kept using her snowshirt as a
iviġaumagipiaq- to be pleased wiping cloth and eventually ended
sincerely (with her/him/it) | up with it dirty | :un1 vn
-uma- rv +[g]i- vv -piaq(-)1 vv

iviluq or uviluq seashell, mollusk » wind or coming in contact with
ivilunik pukullaturuk aakaga something cold < ipi-
aatauraġalu my mother and my
older sister likes to pick up ivruma or ivsruma [dual ipkuak, pl.
seashells ipkua] that one in the past, that
one previously < °Im (dem. stem)
iviq- to fit (it) » upkualiaŋa
ivilluataqtuq the door he made ivrumani or ivsrumani [dual
fits perfectly » ipkugnagni, pl. ipkunani] located
qaliġuuratchiaksrautini iviġaa with that one in the past, located
her new dress fits with the one previously mentioned
iviqtit- (i) to retun to the same < °Im (dem. stem)
condition as before; (t) to make it
return to the same condition or ivrumaŋŋa or ivsrumaŋŋa [dual
position as before » ipkugnaŋŋa, pl. ipkunaŋŋa] from
salummaġaluaqtuni-unnii that one in the past, from that one
inauraq iviqtitchuktuq no matter previously mentioned < °Im
how much we clean the room, it (dem. stem)
always goes back to being messy |
+tit-2 vv ivrumatun or ivsrumatun [dual
iviqtitaġaat jigsaw puzzle | +tit-2 vv ipkugnaktun, pl. ipkunatitun] like
-t/raġaaq(-) vn -t nn that one in the past, like that one
previously mentioned < °Im (dem.
ivisaaq(-) ochre, red stone used to stain stem)
wood or hide (usually a wolverine
hide); (Ti) sealskin dyed with red ivrumiŋa or ivsrumiŋa [dual ipkugniŋa,
alder; (Ti) to dye sealskin red with pl. ipkuniŋa] that one in the past,
alder that one preveiously mentioned
Ivisaaq place where ochre is found < °Im (dem. stem)

ivluq- (i) to bow one’s legs ivrumuŋa or ivsrumuŋa [dual

ivluŋa- (i) to be bow-legged » ipkugnuŋa, pl. ipkunuŋa] to that
ivluŋavluni mikiłhaaġuraaqtuq one in the past, to that one
he is slightly shorter since he is previously mentioned < °Im (dem.
bow-legged | ±ŋa- vv stem)
ivluuk bowlegs | perhaps ‘-k2 nn
ivrumuuna or ivsrumuŋa [dual
ivraġun muzzle; (Nu) dog muzzle < ipi- ipkugnuuna, pl. ipkunuuna] via,
through that one in the past, via,
ivri- or ivriññik- to cause others to be out through that one previously
of breath from laughing so hard; mentioned < °Im (dem. stem)
(Ti) (t) to bother someone < ipi-
ivruq(-) sod or moss (Rhytidium
ivruattuq- or (Ti) ivruaqtuq- (i) to gasp, rugosum) (used for siding and
be unable to catch one’s breath roof of traditional Iñupiaq house,
when swimming, walking into the also for topping of underground

ice cellar, and grave); (i) to now ivsak- (i) to become saturated with
have sod on it; (t) to put sod on, moisture; (t) to become saturated
around it =house, grave | +ruq rn » nuna ivsaktuq or nuna
§ see Appendix 22 ivsakkaa the ground became
ivruqsi- (Nu) (i) to cut sod | +ruq rn moist | ‘-k2 nv
+sI-3 nv ivsaliq- for dew to be on the ground |
ivruqsi- (i) to place thick pieces of -lIq-3 nv
sod on house wall | +ruq rn ivsiq- to provide (it) with liquid, to
+sI-3 vv moisten it » ivsiġilaqłuŋa
Ivruqsii [lit. “sod pick,” a imiġulipaluktuŋa because of
constellation so named because eating without any liquid, I really
the shape of the star grouping is became thirsty | :Iq-1 vv
said to resemble a tool used to dig
sod or moss] constellation ivsuk- (i) to shake, e.g., in the wind; (Ti)
Cassiopeia; “Cassiopeia i’bro-si” to brush snow off oneself; (t) to
(Ray 1885: 56); “Cassiopea Ibrsk- shake it out to remove dust, snow,
si-sin ‘the house builder’” etc.; (Ti) to brush snow off it =
(Simpson, cited in Bockstoce one’s clothing @ ivsuksi- »
1988: 351) tanŋit tautuqqaaqamisigik
ivruqsiñ sod pick, long stick with a ilaliruat ivsugnisuuŋagait when
bone end for cutting sod | +ruq rn they (the Iñupiat) first saw white
+sI-3 vv ‘n vn men shaking hands, they
ivrulik sod house | +ruq rn -lik nn § described them as flapping ||
see Appendix 22 +sI-3 vv
ivsuktaq- (i) to flap repeatedly in the
ivrutaq(-) lever, something to pry with; to wind; (t) to shake it out repeatedly
use a lever § ipugautaq, ipugaun to remove dust, sand, snow, etc. »
iluqaisa aniłługIt uqummatitik
ivsa or ivsaq juice of fruit, meat, or ivsuktaġai she took all the
vegetables; saliva, bodily fluid; bedding outdoors and shook it out
sap of tree; dew » aarigaa, | +t/raq-1 vv
mikigam ivsaŋa tivraġipaluktuq ivsula- (i) to flap rapidly in the wind |
wow, the juice of the fermented -la- vv
whale meat and muktuk is really ivsuluk- (i) to flap | -luk- vv
delicious § ipsaq, quġliaq,
¤utratchiaq, imaq ivsulik- (i) to be wet from rain (of ground,
ivsaiġutipkaq- (i) to become ice- plants) | -lik- vv
bound (of a boat); (t) to cause it to ivsuligaq- (i) to get wet walking
become dry, dehydrated, through plants, bushes wet with
evaporated | :Iq2 nv +uti- vv rain | -lik- vv +aq-1 vv
ivsaiġuti- (t) for ship to be icebound | ivu- to form pressure ridges (of ice)
:Iq-2 nv :uti2- vv ivuaqpaluk- or ivuvaaluk- (i) to
ivsaiq- to be now deplete of liquid; (t) make the sound of pressure ridges
for a body of water to be now forming (of ice) »
depleted | :Iq-2 nv ivuaqpaluktuamik

tusaapqaqamiŋ, aiñmun ivvi- (i) to grow (of grass); (t) for grass to
qimaktut as soon as they heard grow on it =earth < ivik
the sound of ice pressure ridges
forming, they fled toward home | ivvimaniġruuraq (Nu) something
+aq-1 vv +p/valuk- vv | +vaaq- vv overgrown with grass < ivik
-luk- vv
ivulaqi- to form ice pressure ridges at ivviñiq (Nu) something overgrown with
a rapid rate » “Aasiuvva, grass < ivik
nasiqsruqtillugu, … ulitpaiłłuni ivyanŋu- (i) to be short of breath; (i) to
ivulaqivluni, tamanna feel faint; (i) to struggle to breathe
tuvaġruiññaq unnii… < ipi-
(Bodfish: 238) [and we did not ivyanŋunaq- (i) to be stuffy (of a room)
stay in very long while he was < ipi-
checking out the situation from a
vantage point…the ocean had ivyanŋuq- (i) to have a hard time
swelled so much pressure ridges breathing (because something is
were forming all over, even the covering one’s face, or because of
lead ice… was beginning to form asthma); (i) be out of breath < ipi-
large pressure ridges] | -la- vv
-qi- vv ivyanŋuqtuliq- (i) to begin to experience
ivuniġauraq small ice pressure ridge | lack of air; to begin to suffocate <
+niQ1 vn :uraq nn ipi-
ivuniq ice pressure ridge | +niQ1 vn
ivuniqpaaluk or ivuniqpait large ice
pile, pressure ridge | +niQ1 vn K
+paaluk nn or +niQ1 vn
+qpak(-) nn :It nn ka (Nu) (excl.) go ahead! go on!
(pronounced kya)
ivugaq Pintail Duck (Anas acuta);
mallard (Anas platyrhychos) | **ka1(deep root) descending § °kan,
+gaq3 n kaniQ(-), kanġaq-, katak-

ivuktaq- (Nu) (i) to flap in the wind; **ka2 (deep root) impact, contact §
to hear a flapping noise in the ear karuk-, kasak-, kasuk-, kasuq-,
(indicating that a wind is coming) kati-, katit-, kauk-
| perhaps ‘-k-1 rv +t/raq-1 vv
kaak- (i) to be hungry
ivutuq lamb § imnaiyaaq kaaliq- (i) to become hungry |
-lIq-3 vv
ivvaq- or ivvaqtuq- (i) to take a bath; (t) kaagnaq famine | +naq(-) vn
to bathe her/him/it | perhaps kaaksiu- (i) to suffer from hunger; be
+tuq-3 vv starving| +siu- vv
ivvaġvik bathtub; shower | +vIk1 nv kaaŋniuq- (Ti) (i) to experience
hunger | +nniuq- vv

kakkaaq- (i) to never have enough to kaatchiruq amaġum amianik
eat; (i) to starve to death; (Ti) (i) to isiġviksranik she is cutting the
be starving » “uilaiññivlugu wolf skin into several parka ruffs |
uqautivlugu…. +sI-3 vv
kakkaaliġniaġnivlugich kaattiq- (i) to cut blocks of
niqailliuliġnivlugich” (David hard-packed snow for a house »
Frankson as reportrd by Pulu, kaattiġait aputit he is cutting
Sampson, Newlin: 95 [she told blocks of snow | mtiq-2 vv
him that there has been no open
lead of water…that they will kaattaq(-) [ENG “card”] (Nu) playing
begin to starve as they are getting card; (i) to play cards § piannaq(-)
short on food] | +kaaq- vv
kargu(-) starvation; (i) to be starving kaavi (“v” is pronounced “f”) or (Ti, PB)
» kargum tuqutqayaġaatigut kaapi [ENG “coffee”] coffee
taquagiłłuta we nearly starved to kaaviliuġun coffee pot | -liuq- nv
death because we did not bring +un1 vn
food along | =rgu- vv
kaimit- (t) to launch it =boat into water;
kaapi (Ti, PB) coffee § kaavi (t) to shove it in < kiamit
kaimġuaġvik sled handlebar <
kaaraq [ENG “car”] (Ti) car kiamit-
kaimġuaq- (i) to push a sled while
kaasi or aasi (excl.) that’s enough! don’t!; holding on to the handlebar; to
stop it! (said to a child) pole a kayak against the current
by pushing sticks or poles into the
kaat- (i) to be now split into two layers; river bottom; (t) to push it =sled
(t) to cut, slice it =walrus hide or load on sled while holding on
into two layers to be used for boat to the handlebar; to pole it
cover; (Ti) (t) to slice it =layer of =kayak against the current by
blubber from whale skin, leaving pushing sticks or poles into river
the maktak; (i) to slice blocks of bottom < kiamit
snow for snow shelter @ kaatchi- kaimġuun one of a pair of poles used
» “kaatchiruat tavra to propel a kayak against the
uqsruiyairuat current < kiamit
siġluamuŋaiñŋaisa maktait” (C. kaimŋuġaq- (i) to push a heavy sled
Tuzroyluke 2009) [the ones who while holding on to the handlebar
do the slicing remove a layer of < kiamit
blubber before the maktak is kaivluaq- to push ( it =sled) along
placed in the ice cellar] || +sI-3 vv while holding on to its handholds
kaamniq carpenter | +mniQ1 vn from behind < kiamit
kaataq (Ti) maktak which has its kaivlui- (i) to stuff things into a sack;
thick blubber sliced off; block of (t) to stuff it =sack with things, to
hard snow for building a snow plug it =hole < kiamit
house | ±aq1 vn kaivluk- to push (it = usu. a heavy
kaatchi- (i) to cut a skin into pieces sled) by the hand holds < kiamit
(for parka ruffs and trim) »

kaivluun or kaivluutaq one of sled kaivaġun ring, e.g., around sun, brim
handle bar posts < kiamit of hat /siqiñiq kiavaġisiqsuq the
sun has a ring around it | §
kaipik- (t) to fit it together, making edges kiavaġun
overlap; (t) to go or pass it =a 12 kaivaġutiqaq- (i) for the sun to have
hour time period; (i) to sleep or go a ring around it; (t) to have a circle
without sleep for more than 12 around it § kiavaġutiqaq-
hours § kiapik- kaivallagniq one hour § kiavallagniq
kaipiksi- (i) to cross one’s arms | ¤kaivallagun (Nu) circle §
+sI-1 vv kiavallagun
kaipiksimaaq- (i) to have the arms kaivallak- or kaivaluisaaq- (i) to go
crossed § kiapiksi- around in a circle once; (t) to
kaipiktit- (i) to work, travel or do move in a circle around it once §
something longer than one had kiavallak-
planned; (i) to be fitted on to ¤kaivalugaaq- (Nu) to go partway
something, connected to around (it) § kiavalugaaq-
something; (i) to spend more time kaivaluk- to go around (her/him/it) in
on something than expected § circles; (i) to move in a circle §
kiapiktit- kiavaluk-
kaippaq joint, articulation (especially kaivit- (i) to circle around; (i) to spin;
of pieces of wood) § kiappaQ (i) “to celebrate the coming of the
kaipqaq- (i) to continue on without new year with competition
an expected stop; (i) to go beyond games” (Kisautaq: 650) § kiavit-
what one intended to do § kaivinniq time of celebration
kiapqaq- traditionally observed after sewing
season (Kisautaq: 650) | +niQ1 vn
*kaiv (root) circular motion § *kiav kaivraaq(-) whirlpool, eddy; (i) to
¤kaipsaluaġun (Nu) a ring encircling spin, to turn around § kiavraaq-
something, e.g., ring of willows kaivraġun halo around sun §
around outside of tent § kiavraġun
kiapsaluaġun ¤kaivrak or (Nu) kaivraun
¤kaipsalugaq(-) (Nu) willow ring for grindstone § kiavrak
a game through which players ¤kaivrik- (Nu) (i) to break apart (as
attempt to throw a spear; (i) to earth in a quake) § kiavrik-
play a game in which one tries to Kaivirvik month of December; “III.
throw a spear through a ring made [1853] Nov 30, Kai-wig’-win,
of willows § kiapsalugaq(-) rejoicing. (Simpson: 261) | +vit vv
¤kaipsaluqtaq (Nu) something round +vIk1 vn
§ kiapsaluqtaq kaivsaaq(-) or (Ti) kaivsaq(-) toy top,
¤kaipsaluqtuaq (Nu) circle § spinning top; to play with a top
kiapsaluqtuaq § kiavsaaq
kaivaaġni- (i) to sit in a circle
formation § kiavaaġnI kakak- to carry (it) on one’s shoulders or
kaivaaŋa or kaivyaaŋa- (i) to be back of neck » kakakkaa
dizzy, disoriented § kiavaaŋa puukataq ikaaqsaqamiuŋ kuuk
ipiġaqłuni he carried the sack

across on his shoulders as he (Gasterosteus aculeatus)”
waded across the river (Schultz-Lorentzen: 109) |
kakaaq- to carry (her/him) sitting on -lasak vn
one's shoulders with her/his legs kakillaġnaq thorn | -llaq- vv
around one’s neck » tutaaluni +naq1 vn
kakaaġuugaa atigaa naktiłługu kakillauri- (i) to feel “pins and
qaumiñun when he carries his needles” in one’s limbs »
grandchild on his shoulders, he sitquŋavaiłłuni niuŋik
fits his grandchild’s parka on his kakillauriruk he was kneeling so
forehead | -aq-1 vv long his legs got “pins and
kakaaqsiq- (i) to be carried sitting on needles” | -llaq- vv :u-2 vv -rI-2 vv
another’s shoulders » aġnaiyaaq kakiñiq tattoo anywhere on body |
kakaaqsillaturuq aapamiñi the +niQ1 vn § avalliik, iqiġun
girl likes to be carried sitting on kakiplugun (Nu) cramp, stitch in
her father’s shoulders | -aq-1 vv side, abdomen | ¤-p- +lugun nn
+[t]sIq- vv kakiplugusiq- (Nu) (i) to get a cramp,
kakakti beast of burden (donkey, stitch in one’s side, abdomen |
mule, etc.) | mt/ri vn § nanmakti ¤-p- +lugun nn ~Iq-1 nv
kakisuġaaq(-) game played with a
kakavyak- (i) to become dizzy from toy made from neck bone of
breathing noxious fumes; (i) to caribou where the bone is attached
become asphyxiated | -vyak- vv with a string to a short stick (the
object of the game is to swing the
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to stick up, attempting to catch the
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick vertebra on the point of the stick
her/him/it » kakiruq mitqunmik through the foramen); (i) to play
miqullaġmi she pricked herself the game of kakisuġaaq |
with a needle while sewing +suġaaq- vv § ayaġaaq(-)
kakiak(-) (Ti) roasting spit; (t) to put kakiuraq fork | +uraq vn
it =meat on a spit for roasting; kakiutchiq- (t) to make a stitch on it
(Nu) two-pronged fish spear, =toe of boot sole in order to mark
leister (dual) @ kakiaksi- » it and serve as a guide; (Ti) to
“algiġmata kakivlugu niqipiaq attach it =sole to body uppers of
naakka aqaluit” (S. Tuzroyluke boot | +un1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
2009) [when they are roasting kakivyugaun or kakivyuutaq small,
outside, they impale the meat or sharp pain, “stitch” in side when
the fish] | -ak nn || +sI-3 vv running | -vyu- vv -gaq- vv :un1 vn,
kakiaq prong of fish spear » -vyu- vv +utaq1 vn
kakirrak tammaqsimaraik he kakivyuun sudden sharp pain on
lost the two hooks or prongs (for one’s side; (Ti) sudden sharp pain
the fish spear) | ±aq1 vn anywhere | -vyu- vv :un1 vn §
kakivyuutchiq- (i) to develop a sharp
pain on one’s side | -vyu- vv
kakilaġnaq or kakilasak tiny fish; :un1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv § kakiplugusIq
“kakilisak, “stickleback

kakkigauraq small safety pin, kalaligaanik atuqamik” (Hugo
straight pin | ‘-n vn +gaq4 nn 2009) [it is said that dogs are
:uraq nn stronger when they wear collared
kakkiñ or kakkisi safety pin; staple; harnesses] | -ligaaq(-) nn,nv §
(Ti) pin | ‘-n vn anupiaq
kakkirvik or kakkivik pincushion |
‘=It-2 nv +vIk1 vn kalalliaq king (suit in cards)

kakitlugun (Nu) good fatty meat found kali something being dragged, towed
inside caribou eye socket; string Kali Point Lay, Alaska
of beads worn under the nose | kaligaq- to drag (it) accidentally |
¤+t-2 +lugun nn +t-2 nv -gaq- vv
kalikłuk piece of driftwood »
¤kakkiaq bolt of fabric kalikługnik pukuktuq
sanaaksramiñik he gathered
kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to some pieces of driftwood to use
blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe for whittling | -kłuk(-) nn, nv
her/his nose » nuvakpaiłłuni kalikłuk-1 (i) to have asthma, to have
kakkiñŋulillaktuq he had such a a hard time breathing, to wheeze |
bad cold that he got tired of -kłuk vv
blowing his nose kalikłuk-2 or kaliukłuk- or
kakkiiyaun handkerchief | :Iyaq- nv kalikhaaq- or kaliukhaaq- to
:un1 vn drag (it) carelessly, roughly,
kakkili- (i) to have a runny nose, have accidentally; to rub against (it)
snot on the upper lip | -lI-1 nv and cause (it) to fall while going
kakkiliqta- or kakkiliqtaq- (i) to past carelessly » kalikuġruaq
sob, making a sniffling sound | kalikłuktuġaa uniamiñun he
-liq-3 nv -qta- vv dragged the canvas roughly to his
kakkiviaq or kakkivik philtrum, sled » kaliukłukługu qallutini
midline groove in the upper lip kuvigaa she carelessly caught and
that runs from the top of the lip dragged her cup as she passed by
to the nose; entire area under nose and spilled it » kalikhaaġuuruq
| -viaq2 rn or -vIk2 nn § see kamimiñik siŋiyuiłłuni he is
Appendix 20 always dragging his boots because
he does not tie his boot strings |
kakkiuraq (Ti) seal oil lamp made of +kłuk vv or +t-3 nv :uk-2 vv
bottom of tin can | :uraq nn § +kłuk vv or -khaaq- vv or +t-3 nv
naniq, tuniqtaq, qulliq1 :uk-2 vv -khaaq- vv
kaliksraq- to drag (it) along (not
kala(-) [ENG “color”] a color; to color purposely) » kaliksraŋaiġuŋ
(it) atigin stop dragging your parka |
kalauraaq(-) coloring picture (i) to -k-4 nv +qsraq- vv
color leisurely | -uraaq- vv kaliksiq- (i) to be dragged, towed »
usiaqsiqsuaq aqumi katakhuni
kalaligaaq dog harness with collar » kaliksiqsuularuq the one who
“qimmitguuq saŋŋiłhaaġuurut was riding in the back fell and was

dragged for a while | -k-4 nv kalluk(-) thunder, thunderstorm,
+t[s]Iq- vv thunderclap; (i) to thunder (of
kalimniq (Ti) chain | +mniQ nn § weather)
pituk(-) kalluala(-) rolling thunder; (i) to roll
kalimŋaŋit- (i) to be not tied down, to (of thunder) | -ala- vv
be free » “sumik patchisaitchuq;
qaisuliġumi qaiñiaqtuq” kalukaq(-) or kałukaq(-) four-sided
(Matumeak 2009) [she is not tied hanging box drum; (i) to beat on a
down; she will come when she box drum during an Eskimo
wants to] | ¤+m-vv ±ŋa- vv dance; to perform the dance in
±ŋIt- vv which a box drum is used »
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) » kalukaqtuat
natchiqsaani kaliłługu naqikłiuralgupaluktut wow,
aggisuutigaa he dragged home those box drum dancers can really
the seal he caught | +t-2 nv get down low when dancing §
kaluutaq tow rope | -utaq vv aniuraaqtuat, maġlaktuutiruat,
qirgiq-, qiqigluktuqtuaq,
kaliku [ENG “calico”] calico, fabric uluġiaqtuak
kalikuġruaq heavy dark canvas, kałukaun box drum dance | -un1 vn §
tarpaulin | +ġruaq nn atuqpaun
kalikuuraaq scrap of cloth | kałukaunnaq or (Nu) kałukautnaq
+uraaq nn -t nn box drum dance song | :unnaq vn

kaliviqtaq- (i) to jump rope | +t/raq-1 vv kaluq- (t)to take her/him/it along
kaliviqtaun jump rope | +t/raq-1 vv
+un1 vn kałuk- (i) to ram heads (of sheep)
kałuutik horns (of sheep) | :un1 -k2 nn
kalivit- (i) to become stuck, to remain in a
place, stranded; to become *kama (root) awe, respect
jammed; (t) to cause it to become kamagi- (t) to obey, honor her/him/it;
stuck, jammed » (t) to be overwhelmed, awed by
isiqattaatuaġama her/him/it; (t) to be amazed,
kalivitchuuruŋa every time I impressed by her/him, especially
come to visit I get stuck (cannot by an action she/he has performed
make myself leave) | +vit- vv @ kamaksri- » kamagigaa
¤kalipqit- (i) to be badly stuck, be tuyuusiani he was amazed by his
hard to free | =qqIt- vv letter and in consequence, did
kalivsi- (i) to have a shell stuck in the according to what the letter told
chamber (of gun); (t) to cause a him to » kamagigaa aakani he
shell to get stuck in it =gun’s obeyed his mother » aaquluk
chamber » kalivsigaa supputini taiguallasiruaq
he got a shell stuck in the barrel of kamagipaluŋagiga I was really
his rifle | :I-7 vv impressed by the old lady who
kalivri- (t) to get it stuck | =rI-3 vv learned how to read | +[g]i- rv ||
~srI- vv

kamait- (Ti) (i) to be bold and brave, kamasaaŋit- (i) to be humble, meek,
not scared of anyone; not not boastful | -saaq-1 rv ±ŋIt- vv
impressed at all; not frightened of +t/ruaq vn
new people | :It-1 rv § iññiŋiat- kamasaaq- (i) to boast, brag, to show
kamakkun obedience | ‘n1 vn off » kamasaaqsaqłuni
kamakkutait- (i) to be disobedient | aqsraatchiaqtuani
‘n1 vn :It-1 nv aquvsalaapaluktuq when he tried
kamaksriñiq obedience | ~srI-1 vv to show off at the high kick
+niQ1 vn competition, he fell hard on his
kamalatchi- (Ti) (t) to boss her/him butt | -saaq-1 rv
around | perhaps -lak- vv +tchI- vv kamasausiqi- (i) to perform miracles;
kamanaġniaŋiññiq humility | (i) do magic | perhaps msaq-3 vv
+naq(-) rv, vn +niaq(-) vv :un1 vn ~Iqi-1 nv
±ŋIt- vv +niQ1 vn kamasuala- (i) to be in amazement |
kamanaġniqsraq top authority, head -suk-2 rv -ala-vv
boss; sovereign | +naq(-) rv, vn kamasuk- (i) to obey; (i) to be
+niqsraq vn amazed, impressed »
kamanaiññiqsraq one with the least kamasuktuŋa-asu iluqaan
authority; least important person | taimuŋaaqtuqapku I was
+naq(-) rv, vn :It-1 vv +niqsraq vn amazed that I recited all of it by
kamanaq(-) bossy person; heart | -suk-2 rv
authoritative person; (i) to have kamasulait- or kamatchait- (i) to not
greater authority than others; (i) to listen, not obey | -suk-2 rv :It-1 vv
be awesome, great; (i) to be or -tchak- rv :It-1 vv
worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be kamasuun surprise, astonishment,
bossy; (i) to be strong, large (of amazement | -suk-2 rv :un1 vn
animal) » kamanaqtuq samma kamasuutigi- (t) to be amazed,
taamna aġnaq that woman is impressed, astonished by
bossy | +naq(-) rv, vn her/him/it » kasmasuutigigaa
kamanaqsiliq honor, authority | aŋivaiłłuni he was impressed
+sI-1 vv -liQ vn because it was so big | -suk-2 rv
kamanaqsirau- (i) to be exalted, :un1 vn +[g]i- nv
praised, raised in status | kamatchai- (t) to impress, amaze
+naq(-) rv, vn +sI-1 vv :u-2 vv her/him | -tchak- rv -I- vv
kamanaun glory; authority | kamatchak- (i) to be amazed,
+naq(-) rv, vn +un1 vn impressed by one own
kamanni- or kamanniraaq- (i) to act accomplishment; (i) to take pride
important; (i) to show off and be in another’s ability »
boastful | +nnI- vv or +nnI- vv kamatchaktuq
-raaq- vv naatchiliqtuġman amiquamiñik
kamanniuq- (i) to marvel, be amazed she was impressed by the woman
| +naq1 rn ‘=iuq-2 vv who finished her sewing in no
kamasaaġun pride | -saaq-1 rv time at all | -tchak- rv
+un1 vn kamattau- (i) to be shy, frightened of
new people | +t-2 vv +t/raq vn
:u-1 nv

kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl. kamŋit] boot, remove her/his pants and boots |
mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; =illaq- nv
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s kammi- to make boots (for her/him);
boots on; (t) to put boots on (t) to make it =animal hide into
her/him/it » kammak boots » aakaa kammigaaŋa my
qiññaġipaluktuk his boots look mother is making boots for me |
so beautiful ‘=I-1 nv
kammiaq handmade boot | ‘=I-1 nv
±aq1 vn
kammiuq- (i) to continue making
boots; (t) to make boots for
her/him (usually more than one
pair); to make it =animal hide
into several pairs of boots »
kammiuqłuni maniññauraġuu-
ruq she makes a little money by
making and selling boots |
kamaaluk (Ti) children’s fur breeches
‘=iuq-1 nv
with hole for diaper | -aluk nn
kamŋiq- (i) to remove one’s boots; (t)
-k2 nn
to remove her/his boots | :Iq-2 nv
kamaaqłuk non-dressy shoe,
kamŋit- (i) to not be wearing boots;
everyday shoe | -aqłuk nn
to have no boots » kamŋiłłuŋa
kamalaurak a pair of short, fancy
iqalliaqasiŋitkitka I did not
boots | -laq nn :uraq nn -k2 nn
follow them fishing because I did
kamigruak a pair of long, waist-high
not have boots | :It-1 nv
boots | +ġruaq nn -k2 nn
kamŋiyaq- to take (her/his/its) boots
kamikłuiq- to remove pants (of
off | :Iyaq- nv
her/him/it | +łuk1 nn :Iq- nv
kamikłuk- to put pants on (her/him) |
°kan (dem. stem) down there, on or near
+łuk1 nn perhaps -k-1 nv
the ocean, downriver, or by the
kamikłuuk a pair of pants, trousers |
door (restricted and visible) § °un
+łuk nn -k2 nn
(dem. stem), °sam (dem. stem),
kamiktuq- (i) to get dressed after
°sakip (dem. stem)
getting out of bed; (i) to wear
kanani located down there, on or near
boots » kamiktuġiñ put your
the ocean, downriver, or by the
clothes on, get dressed | +tuq-3 nv
door (restricted and visible) | +anI
kamillaaq- (i) to go barefoot; (i) be
(dem. loc.)
naked below the waist »
kananiit- (i) to be located down there,
kamillaalauraq quqtamik
on or near the ocean, downriver,
kuvisipasuulgitchuq he quickly
or by the door (restricted and
went out barefoot to empty the
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- “to
honey bucket | =illaq- nv -aq-1 vv
kamillaq- (i) to become barefoot; (i)
kanaŋŋa from down there, on or near
to take one’s pants and boots off,
the ocean, downriver, or by the
to undress below the waist; (t) to
door (restricted and visible) |
make her/him barefoot; (t) to
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.)

kanaŋŋamiñ from that direction kattuma or katsruma or karruma
down there, on or near the ocean, [dual katkuak, pl. katkua] that one
downriver, or by the door down there, on or near the ocean,
(restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa downriver, or by the door
(dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) (restricted and visible) | +tuma
kanaŋŋaq- (i) to come from down (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
there, on or near the ocean, kattumani or katsrumani or
downriver, or by the door karrumani [dual katkugnagni, pl.
(restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa katkunani] located with that one
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv down there, on or near the ocean,
kanaŋŋauti- (t) to bring, transport downriver, or by the door
her/him/it from down there, on or (restricted and visible) | +tum
near the ocean, downriver, or by (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
the door (restricted and visible) | (dem. loc.)
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dcv :uti- vv kattumaŋŋa or katsrumaŋŋa or
kanna1 [dual katkuak, pl. katkua] that karrumaŋŋa [dual katkugnaŋŋa,
one down there, on or near the pl. katkunaŋŋa] from that one
ocean, downriver, or by the door down there, on or near the ocean,
(restricted and visible) | +na (dem. downriver, or by the door
abs. pron. sg. mkr.) (restricted and visible) | +tum
kanna2 down there, on or near the (dem.rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
ocean, downriver, or by the door (dem. abl.)
(restricted and visible) | kattumatun or katsrumatun or
‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) karrumatun [dual katkugnaktun,
kanuŋa to down there, on or near the pl. katkunatitun] similar to that
ocean, downriver, or by the door one down there, on or near the
(restricted and visible) | +uŋa ocean, downriver, or by the door
(dem. term.) (restricted and visible) | +tum
kanuŋanmun towards down there, on (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun
or near the ocean, downriver, or (dem sim.)
by the door (restricted and visible) kattumiŋa or katsrumiŋa or
| +uŋa (dem. term.) nmun (term.) karrumiŋa [dual katkugniŋa, pl.
kanuŋaq- (i) to go or (t) to place it katkuniŋa] that one down there,
down there, on or near the ocean, on or near the ocean, downriver,
downriver, or by the door or by the door (restricted and
(restricted and visible) | +uŋa visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
(dem. term.) +q-3 dv mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
kanuuna via, through down there, on kattumuŋa or katsrumuŋa or
or near the ocean, downriver, or karrumuŋa [dual katkugnuŋa, pl.
by the door (restricted and visible) katkunuŋa] to that one down
| uuna (dem. via.) there, on or near the ocean,
kanuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through downriver, or by the door
down there, on or near the ocean, (restricted and visible) | +tum
downriver, or by the door (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa
(restricted and visible) | +uuna (dem. term.)
(dem. via) ‘.aq-3 dv

kattumuuna or katsrumuuna or with knees raised and feet flat on
karrumuuna [dual katkugnuuna, the floor | +gaq2 n +simaaq- nv
pl. katkunuuna] via that one down kanakisuuraq one with short legs |
there, on or near the ocean, -kisuuraq nn
downriver, or by the door; with kanakit- (i) to have short legs (of
that one down there, on or near people) » kanakitkaluaqtuq
the ocean, downriver, or by the iñuŋuluk uqilaruq although he
door (restricted and visible) | has short legs, the little man can
+tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) sure run | -kIt- nv
+uuna (dem. via.) kanaktu- (i) to have long legs (of
people); to be too long (of pants) »
°kanag (root ) northwards | -ak nn < °kan kanaktunaaġutiniqsaġa
(dem. stem) kamikłulikapku I found that
kanagnaq or kanaŋnaq north wind when I made him a pair of pants I
(Jenness 1928: 48); northwest; made the legs too long | +tu- nv
northwest wind; wind from
downriver; wind from ocean | kanasiġaq or kayasiġaq (Ti) small
+naq2 vn § see Appendix 15 (sealskin) float for use with
kanaŋŋaiññaq saġvaq current from whaling harpoon; one of two
the north § see Appendix 14 smaller floats attached side by
kanaŋniq- (i) to be blowing from the side on the harpoon line ahead of
north (of wind) | +nIq-2 nv the large float (Rainey: 257) | -siq
rn +[ġ]aq rn § avataqpak
kanaka person from the South Seas
(Nelson: 93) kanayuq sculpin, “fourhorn slimy”
(Myoxocephalus quadricornis
kanak length of human leg from crotch to Cottus cognatus)
heel, inner leg; inseam kanayuġaałik [pl. kanayuġaałigIt]
kanaak (Nu) tibia, shinbone, (Nu) small freshwater fish |
shankbone, lower leg § piagniq +[g]aaq nn -łik nn
kanaakkiu- (i) to dance in the white
man’s style » tiggapaluktuq kanayuuraq Robin (Turdus migratorius)
kanna kanaakkiuruaq that » kanayuuraniñ tikitqaaġuurut
dancer is certainly stiff | -ak- nv amaułłigaaluurat the snow
-kkI- vv u-2 vv § aŋŋuaq-, aŋayu-, bunting always arrive before the
uyuk-, uamit- robins
kanaakkiuvik dance hall | +vIk1 vn
kanagaq or (Nu) kanagaaq tibia, kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container
shinbone, shankbone, lower leg | filled with flour, sand, something
+gaq2 n § see Appendix 21 which flows but not liquid); (t) to
kanagaqsimaaq- (i) to sit on floor leak, have something solid, such
with knees raised and feet flat on as flour, flow onto it » aluaqsaun
floor » kanagaqsimaaqłuni ikka aluamik kanġaqtuq the
siqullagniqsuq he had fallen burlap sack is leaking coal |
asleep while sitting on the floor +[ġ]aq- vv § **ka2, kaniq(-)

kanġai- (i) to sprinkle, strew, sow free of frost on surface | :Ilaq vn or
something » kaaviġruanik :utaq vn :Ilaq vn or +ġruaq nn, nv
kanġaiqqaaqłutik natiq tilaigaat ±ŋa- vv :ilaq(-) vn
after sprinkling coffee grounds on kanġuraq (Nu) light or spotty frost |
the floor they swept it | +[ġ]aq- vv :uraq nn
:I-4 vv kaniġaaġruk(-) (Nu) frost, rime; to
kanġala- (i) to drop little crumbs of form a layer of frost | ±aq1 vn
bread, crackers, food, etc.; to aġruk nn
crumble bread, crackers; to shed kaniġruaq(-) heavy frost; (i) to form
fur/hair (of animal); (t) to drop a thick layer of frost » isiqtuq
little crumbs of bread, crackers, irrimiñ kiiñaŋalu isiġvialu
food, etc. on/in it » kanġalagaa kaniġruaq he came in from the
suugutini qaqqulauranik he biting cold, his face and parka ruff
dropped little pieces of crackers in (covered with) frost | +ġruaq nn
his soup | +[ġ]aq- vv :ala- vv § kaniqtaq ice formed by frost; fragile,
naavsiktaq- refrozen ice (Harcharek: 13)
kanġala or kanġalaq shedding kanŋaluk (Ti) crumb of food |
animal, especially caribou | perhaps +[ġ]aq vn -luk nn
+[ġ]aq- vv -laq vn kanuqqait crumbs, sawdust, powder,
kanġalluq crumb » punniġum detritus » kanuqqait
kanġalluŋit katinŋuraqługit, naatchiguviñ tilaisaġitin
suumiñun ikugai gathering up qaugaum isaġuanik sweep up the
the bread crumbs, she put them in crumbs with the duck’s wing
her soup | +[ġ]aq- vv ±lluQ vn when you are done | perhaps
kanġaluk- (i) to drop bits of food; (i) +[ġ]aq vn nn ‘-It nn
to shed hair (esp., of caribou) |
+[ġ]aq- vv -luk- vv kanivaun diaphragm (anatomy)
kanġaqsruq- (t) to scatter it; to sow
seeds on it =soil @ kanġaqsrui- | kanna (dem. pron.) that down there
+[ġ]aq- vv mqsruq-2 vv :I-4 vv (restricted and visible); (dem adv)
down there < °kan (dem. stem)
kaniq(-) [kaniQ] frost; (i) to be covered
with light frost; (t) to have light kannaak two forks of something; open
frost cover it =ground, house or points of gunwale at either end of
any object » igalaurami kaniq umiak (top of niutaq =bent part of
qiñiġaaliuraaqtuq the frost on umiaq frame at bow and stern) |
the window formed a picture » ‘-k2 nn < **ka2 § see Appendic 16
kaniġmi pisuaqtuam tumiŋi
malikługit paqitkaa by following *kanŋu (root) feeling of shame,
the footsteps on the light frost, he embarrassment; feeling of shyness
found the person | +niQ1 vn § kanŋugi- (t) to be ashamed of
**ka2, kanġaq- her/him/it » kanŋugivlugik
kanalluq crumb | ±lluQ vn savaġluktaqqaaqługik
kammiagni atuŋillakkaik after
kanġilaq or (Nu) kanġutailaq or doing a bad job on sewing her
(Nu) kaniġruaŋailaq smooth ice new boots, she was so ashamed of

them that she never wore them | kanŋuummaq- (i) to congregate,
+[g]i- rv assemble; (i) to have a lengthy
kanŋuit- (i) to be forward, bold, meeting; (i) to have a trade fair |
audacious » kanŋuitchuq :u-2 vv -mmaq- vv
taamna aġnaq suyumaalliqami kanŋuuraq subsidiary (of a
that woman is bold once she corporation) | :uraq nn
makes up her mind to do kanŋuuruat organization, business,
something (she does it) | :It-1 vv company, association, corporation
kanŋunaq- (i) to be shameful, | :u-2 vv +t/ruaq vn -t nn
embarrassing, disgraceful | Kanŋuummavik (Nu) old meeting
+naq-1 vv house site by river in Anaktuvuk
kanŋusaaq- (t) to try to make her/him Pass, Alaska » “katitpagviat
feel ashamed, embarrassed; (Ti) to iñuit itqilillu” (Hugo 2009) [a
tease her/him | +saaq2 rv huge meeting place for Iñupiat
kanŋusuk- (i) to be shy; (i) to feel including the Indians] | :u-2 vv
ashamed, embarrassed » +ma vv +vIk1 vn
kanŋusuuturuq araa
uqautiniluguugaluaġiga I have kanŋuyak or (Nu) kanŋuyaq or (Ti)
tried talking to her, but she is too kannuyaq copper
shy | -suk-2 vv
kanŋutchai- (t) to shame, embarrass kanuk- (Ti) (i) to have an angry or mean
her/him | -tchak- vv -I-6 vv countenance, face § iglaŋaaŋIt-
kanŋutchak- (i) to become kanuallak- (Ti) (i) to get angry |
embarrassed, ashamed » -allak- vv
kanŋutchayaruq she becomes kanuuti- (Ti) (t) to be angry with
embarrassed easily | -tchak- vv her/him | :+uti- vv
kannuktit- (Nu) (i) to become flushed
kanŋuq- or (Ti) kanŋu- or (Nu) katŋuq- as with fever | ‘k2 vv +tit2 vv
(i) to assemble, gather in a group kannuqłuk- (Nu) (i) to be flushed as
(especially for summer trading at with fever | ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
Kotzebue) § kasima- < **ka2
kanŋuqpait large gathering of people ¤kanuŋalik(-) (Nu) a card game; (i) to
| +qpak(-) nn, vv :It nn play “kanuŋalik”
kanŋut or (Nu) katŋut herd,
assemblage, flock, group, of birds, kanuŋŋiq [kanuŋŋIQ] type of willow
animals or humans; by extension a (Salix arbusculoides); egg yolk §
corporation; (Ti) participants at uqpivik, akutuak, mitquapk
the Kotzebue trade fair | -t nn
kanŋuu- (i) to incorporate; (i) to be ¤kaŋiġaqsimaaq-1 (Ti) (i) to sit in chair
an association, organization, with feet on floor, legs forward |
institution or a coporation | :u-2 nv +[ġ]aq(-)2 nn, vv +simaaq- vv |
kanŋuuma- (i) to continue to meet, aquppiuraaq-
have a lengthy meeting | :u-2 vv
+ma-1 vv kaŋiġmik- (i) to arm-wrestle with
interlocked elbows | +mIk-1 nv, vv
§ kaŋIq

kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place
¤kaŋiġnaq (Ti) northwest | +naq1 nn where hunter waits for animal to
§ Kaŋianiġmiut pass by, then gives chase; corral
(for caribou); (t) to corral
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source, origin; them=caribou, reindeer) |
headwater, source of a river; (Nu) +[ġ]aq nn +q-2 nv
head of a bay; foot of mountain; kaŋiġaq sisamalik (Nu) an enclosure
place where peninsula joins for catching caribou with “four
mainland; (Nu) tributary river; circular fences, one inside the
bone or ivory barb on toggle other…from the enclosure two
harpoon line § isukłit- snow walls run forward and two
¤Kaŋianiġmiut (Nu) people from lines of cairns run farther out into
beyond the Killiq River; people the country” (Ingstaq: 61
at/of the source of river | :a4 nn “kangiraq”)
+ni3 nc +miu2 nn -t nn
kaŋiġaaq- (i) to be cornered by
hunter (of game); (i) to become
cornered when walking (of
person) | +[ġ]aq nn -aq-4 nv
kaŋiġaaqtit- (t) to corner it =an
animal | +[ġ]aq nn -aq-4 nv
mtit- vv
kaŋiġaġmiu hunter (in hiding or
kaŋiġaqtuġvik place where caribou
waiting at caribou corral) |
are corralled » “Alaqtaq tatpika
+[ġ]aq nn +miu nn
kaŋiġaqtuġviat” [Half Moon
kaŋiġaġmiu- (Nu) (i) to form a
Three is the place where corralling
“human corral,” taking positions
was done] (Aiken 2009) |
surrounding a herd of caribou (of
+[ġ]aq nn +tuq3 nv +vIk1 vn
hunters) | +[ġ]aq nn +q-2 nv
kaŋiġaqtuq- (i) to corral caribou,
+miu- vv
reindeer; (t) to corral them=a herd
kaŋiġalluk corner, right angle |
of animals | +[ġ]aq nn +tuq-3 nv
+[ġ]aq nn -lluk n § tiġitqiñ,
kaŋiġaqsimaaq-2 (i) to lie in wait for
animals | +[ġ]aq- nv +simaaq vv
kaŋiġallulik square | +[ġ]aq nn
kaŋiliaq or kaŋiliñaaq (Ti) molar |
-lluk n -lik nn
-liaq nn or liñaaq nn
kaŋiġallulik itchaksranik hexagon,
kaŋilipqaq molar | -lipqaq nn § see
something shaped like a hexagon
Appendix 20
kaŋiġallulik piŋasunik triangle,
kaŋilliq innermost one of a group;
something shaped like a triangle
rearmost one; origin; descendant |
kaŋiġallulik takiłhuaŋaaq rectangle,
-llIQ nn
something shaped like a rectangle
kaŋillit- (i) to arrive, reach one’s
kaŋiġallulik tallimat piŋasunik
destination: (i) to reach the limit,
octagon, something shaped like an
e.g., eat as much as one can »
Nuvuġamun kaŋillitchut
kaŋiġalluum ayaŋa corner post (of
pisuaqtuaqtuat the people taking
sod house or any dwelling)

a walk arrived (and reached a +siuq- nv -vsaaq(-) vv, nn
limit) at the point | +llIQ nn +niQ1 vn
‘=It-2 nv kaŋiqsiuvsaaq- to hold a discussion,
kaŋimuk- (i) to go to the headwaters; discuss (her/him/it) | +siuq- nv
to run back down the arms (of -vsaaq(-) vv, nn
liquid)(on person) | +muk- nv kaŋiun (Ti) base of plant, taproot »
kaŋiŋiq- (t) to cut them = animals off “nautchiigamik kaŋiutaa
and block their escape, in hunting alliurugrauruq” (S. Tuzroyluke
| +ŋIq- nv 2009) [when one is planting, the
kaŋiqłuaq- (i) to surface in an inlet in roots need to be on the bottom] |
a lead, along ice (esp. of a whale); :un2 nn § naggun
(t) to surface in an inlet in a lead, kaŋivaqtaaq- (i) to roll up one’s
along ice, in their=hunters’ sleeves, (t) to roll up her/his
presence » aġviġum sleeves for her/him »
kaŋiqłuaġaatigut a whale kaŋivaqtaaqłuni,
surfaced before us in an inlet | ikayunagutigai pilaktuat rolling
+luk1 nn aq8 nv up her sleeves, she began helping
kaŋiqłuk bay, inlet; indentation in sea the ones who were flensing |
ice where whales often surface to +vaq- vv +taaq- vv
breathe | -qłuk(-) nn kaŋŋiñiq or kaŋŋiññauraq (Ti) inlet
kaŋiqqiuq- (i) to build a caribou along the shore, bight; small bay
corral | +[ġ]aq nn ‘=iuq-1 nv along the edge of ice which is a
kaŋiqsi- to understand (her/him/it) » good spot for whaling, since
uqaluk kaŋiqsilluataqtuni whales breathe in such places |
atullasipasuuġnaqtuq once you ‘=It-2 nv +niQ1 vn § kaŋiqłuk
understand the word well, you kaŋŋit- (i) to be pulled taut; (i) to
quickly learn to use it | +sI-3 vv reach one’s destination, goal, or
kaŋiqsiñaq- (i) to be intelligible, limit; (i) to come to an end of an
understandable, comprehensible | investigation or research; (i) to
+sI3 vv +naq(-) vv come to the end of one’s lifespan;
kaŋiqsipkai- (i) to explain something (t) to pull it taut; (t) to wind it
so others understand, to expound | tight; (t) to find its cause; to end it
+sI3 vv +pkaq-1 vv +I-5 vv =an investigation or research; (t)
kaŋiqsisailaq a stupid person, one to arrive at the root, source of it;
who lacks reason or intelligence | (t) to realize, achieve its purpose »
‘-saq5 vn :ilaq nn kuuk kaŋŋitkaa he reached the
kaŋiqsiuq- to investigate, study, ask river source | ‘=It-2 nv
questions, inquire about kaŋŋiuq- (i) to research one’s
(her/him/it) » kaŋiqsiuġiaqtuq genealogy; (i) to search for the
qanuq pipiaġmagaisa he went to source; (t) to search for its =issue,
investigate to find out what really problem basis | ‘=iuq-2 nv
happened; kaŋiqsiuġun
naatparruŋ uqausiġiniaġikput kaŋuq Snow Goose (Chen hyperborea)
we will discuss it after they
complete the study | +siuq- nv kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give
kaŋiqsiuvsaaġniq discussion | oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce

her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, kiluaġmata” (S. Tuzroyluke
an injection to her/him/it » 2009) [they patch the ones with
miqłiqtut kaviqsitquŋiłługit seams that have come apart] | -uq2
kapigai he gave the children shots vv +ttaq(-) vv
to prevent measles » kappuuŋ kaputtaun (Ti) awl, used to make
una stab it holes in umiak cover so patches
kapiniq vaccination shot; knife can be sewn on | -uq2 vv
wound » kapiniġa anniġñaqtuq -ttaq(-) vv :un1 vn
my vaccination shot is hurting | kapuun (Nu) long caribou spear with
+niQ vn stone point; spade (suit in cards) |
kappun or kappugauraq -uq2 vv :un1 vn § tumiŋŋuaq,
hypodermic needle; lancet, small argalaq, iqquk
knife for bloodletting; bodkin; kavluq- or (Nu) kapluq- (t) to
“Deer Spear (kă’p-un)… Spear inoculate, give her/him/it
about 6 feet long, with metal or injections regularly; to spear, stab,
stone head for stabbing deer from pierce her/him/it repeatedly @
the kaiak.” (Murdoch as reported kavlui- | ~luq-3 vv || :I-4 vv
by Ray 1885: 71) | ‘n1 vn or ‘n1 vn kavraq1 speared caribou (which runs
+gaq2 n :uraq nn away unobserved) | ~raq vn
kappuq- or kavluq- (i) repeatedly
give oneself shots; (t) to kapiksi- [kapiksI] (i) to cross one’s arms
repeatedly stab, pierce, prick once
her/him/it; (t) to repeatedly give
her/him/it shots or injections | kapit- (i) to be tight-fitting; (t) to fit an
‘-q-1 vv or ~luq-3 vv outer piece over an inner piece,
kappusiq- (Nu) (t) to spear her/him/it e.g., snowshirt over parka »
| ‘n1 vn ~Iq-1 nv atikłulikami,
kapputi- (t) to stick it into something, kapinaaqpaiññiġaa when she
e.g., a needle or pin in pincushion, made a snowshirt, she made it too
fabric, etc.; (i) to stab each other narrow (to fit over the parka)
| ‘ti- vv kapigli- (Ti) (i) to close (of an
kapuq- (Nu) (t) to spear her/him/it opening); (i) to come together
repeatedly | -uq2 vv § kappuq- (esp., of ice) | -glI- vv § quu-
kapuqti harpooner | mt/ri vn kapiglin (Ti) damper for stovepipe
kapuqqaun (Nu) awl (to make holes); (pulled in and out of the side of
fish spear for salmon (used in the pipe to regulate the flow of
Kobuk)| -uq2 vv ‘-aq-1 :un1 vn air) | -gli- vv ‘n1 vn § quuqłiġun
kapusiun shaft of harpoon; large kapiglisiq- (Ti) (i) to have the damper
whaling harpoon | ~un1 vn -Iq-1 nv closed (of stove); (t) to close it
:un1 vn =stovepipe damper |- gli- vv
kaputtaq- (Ti) to patch ( it =umiak) » ‘n1 vn -Iq-1 nv
“umiaq aligman, kapitaaġiik(-) (i) to be one inside the
kaputtaġuugaat aŋutit” other; a set of two parkas, inner
(Kinneeveauk 2008) [when the and outer; a set of one inside the
umiak tears, the men patch it up]; other » atigiŋa saatpałłuni
“kaputtaġuugait miġruŋaruat kapitaaġiigñik atikługuuruq

because her parka is so thin, she kappiatuqtuq una,
wears two snowshirts over it | nallugaŋaiqsiuŋ quit tossing him,
mt/raaq vn +[g]iik- nv § he is shouting from fright |
tapiqtaaġiik +tuq-3 nv
kapitaġuq or kapitaġauraq (Ti) shirt
| -pquaq nn § qalipquaq, kargu(-) starvation (i) to be starving <
qaliġuuraq kaak-
kapitak (Ti) outer fur parka | ±ak2 vn
karrait large herd of caribou »
kapkaq- (i) to make a noise with one’s nullaŋapkaqłuta karrait
teeth » kigutiŋŋuani aŋigivlugit apqusaaġaatigut the big herd of
kapkaġuuruq uqaġami because caribou passed through our
his false teeth are too big, his teeth camping spot | :It nn § kanŋut
make a rapping noise when he
talks karruma [dual katkuak, pl. katkua] that
kapkaluk- (i) to have one’s teeth one down there, on or near the
chatter (because of cold or fever) | ocean, downriver, or by the door
-luk- vv (restricted and visible)
kapkat- (Ti) (i) to stutter < °kan (dem. stem)
| perhaps +t-2 vv § iptuġiq-
karrumani [dual katkugnagni, pl.
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger katkunani] located with that one
kappiagi- (t) to worry about her/him, down there, on or near the ocean,
to feel that you do not want downriver or by the door
her/him=your companion, (restricted and visible) < °kan
relative, etc. to leave | +[g]i- vv (dem. stem)
kappiala- (i) to be frightened and call
out in fright » umiamun karrumaŋŋa [dual katkugnaŋŋa, pl.
ikuqqaaqłuni, aġnaq katkunaŋŋa] from that one down
kappialaruq naŋiatchakami there, on or near the ocean,
after getting into the boat, the downriver, or by the door
woman started squealing from (restricted and visible) < °kan
fright | -ala- vv (dem. stem)
kappiaŋa- (i) to desire someone’s
company, not wanting to be alone; karrumatun [dual katkugnaktun, pl.
(i) to express a need of assistance katkunatitun] like that one down
in time of trouble or danger » iglu there, on or near the ocean,
ikimamman kappiaŋaruam downriver, or by the door
itiqtittaatigut someone who was (restricted and visible) < °kan
calling for help when the house (dem. stem)
was on fire woke us up | ±ŋa- vv
kappiasuk- (i) to feel oneself in karrumiŋa [dual katkugniŋa, pl.
imminent danger; to feel katkuniŋa] that one down there,
extremely vulnerable | -suk-2 vv on or near the ocean, downriver,
kappiatuq- (i) to shout from fright; or by the door (restricted and
(i) to be in an emergency » visible) < °kan (dem. stem)

roots in winter » “karruaqługit
karrumuŋa [dual katkugnuŋa, pl. uyaġait, masunniaġuurugut
katkunuŋa] to that one down niqaiññapta” (Hugo 2009) [by
there, on or near ocean, breaking the ground and gravel
downriver, or by the door up, we would look for roots when
(restricted and visible) < °kan we were short on food] | ‘-aq-1 vv
(dem. stem) karrutaq or karruutaq or (Nu)
katruutaq stone hammer; firing
karrumuuna [dual katkugnuuna, pl. pin of gun; one who faces
katkunuuna] via that one down opposition boldly; a fearless
there, on or near the ocean, person; an insistent person |
downriver, or by the door; with ‘-utaq vn § kautaq, kautauraq
that one down there, on or near karumit- (i) to be crushed; (t) to
the ocean, downriver, or by the crush it @ karumitchi- | -mit- vv
door (restricted and visible) < || +sI-3 vv § arvik-, parvik-,
°kan (dem. stem) siqumit-, tuksruk-

karuk- (i) to hammer; (t) to hit her/him/it kasak- (i) to make a noise by striking
on the head » “kiisaimmagguuq something; (i) to beat a drum; (t)
taimma to beat it (e.g., a drum) » aġġirit
tikirruiññaġruiññaġaluaġmani, kasaktuat quvianapaluktut it
qilaunmiñik karukkaik” makes me feel good to hear the
(Nageak 1975: 92) [finally as they Iñupiaq drummers | +sak- rv §
closed in on him, he struck them **ka2
with his drum] | perhaps +rruk- rv kasaun stick used for beating on a
§ **ka2 drum » aŋayuqaksraq
karri- (Nu) (i) to hammer a stone to kasausiuqtuq sanauraaqługu the
shape or smooth it, e.g., for knife old man made a drum stick
blade, point; (i) to use a “hammer whittling leisurely | +sak- rv
stone” to flake a knife blade; (t) to :un1 vn
pound it; to cut it =meat, blubber kasaŋnauraq (Nu) “Iñupiaq banjo,”
up | ‘=I1 vv single-stringed instrument beaten
karriaq (Nu) cut piece of frozen meat with small hammer; one-stringed
or blubber | ‘=I1 vv ±aq1 vn instrument about sixteen inches
karriñ (Nu) flint used to ignite a fire | long and held against the left side
‘=I1 vv ‘n1 vn § igniñ (Ingstad: 242 “kasagnaujaq”) |
Karruaġviat or Taġġaqtuġviat (Nu) +sak- rv +naq(-) vn :uraq nn
month of November » “ipnait
nagrumignik karruaġuurut kasima- (i) to hold a meeting »
taaptumani tatqimi” (Hugo kasimarut aŋayuqaavut
2009) [the sheep always butt each miŋuaqtuġvigmi our parents are
other with their horns during that having a meeting at the school;
month] | ‘-aq-1 vv -vIk1 vn :at1 nn qaukłiłhiñat kasimarut they are
§ Taġġaqtuġviat in an executive session |
karruaq- (Nu) to break ( it =frozen +sima-1 vv § **ka2
ground and gravel) up looking for

kasimanġit minutes (of meeting), naluramiñik iglaullaġmi he met
record of meeting proceedings | some people that he did not
+sima-1 vv +niQ1 vn :It nn recognize on his travels | -suq-2 rv
kasimaniq meeting | +sima-1 vv +I-3 vv
+niQ1 vn kasuqtit- (t) to cause them to
kasimman purpose of meeting | connect, to meet | mtit-1 vv
‘n vn kasuummi- (i) to be joined
kasimmati- (t) to hold a meeting with permanently (e.g., of things
her/him or about her/him » welded together); (i) to be
kasimmatigaat uqaqsiġiilaq they touching each other, connected to
are holding a meeting with the each other | -u-2 vv +mmI-5 vv
troublemaker | +sima-1 vv ‘ti- vv kasuuti- (i) to meet, to keep a
kasimmatigi- (t) to hold a meeting rendezvous | -suq-2 rv :uti- vv
about her/him/it » kasimmatigi- ¤katchuutit- (Ti) (i) to become
gaat pitquratchauraq they are married | ‘-tit-2 vv § katit-, katitit-
having a meeting about the new
regulation | +sima-1 vv ‘n1 vn katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod
+[g]i- nv house (leading to subterranean
kasimmatiksrat meeting agenda | tunnel or passageway); (i) to fall
+sima-1 vv ‘n1 vn +ksraq(-) nn off » nukatpiaġruk kataktuq
-t nn iglum qaaŋaniñ the boy fell from
kasimmavik meeting place or time » the top of the house § **ka1, see
iglukput kasimmavigisuugikput Appendix 22, katai-
we use our house as our meeting katagaq- (i) to fall, drop one by one;
place | +sima-1 vv ‘-vIk1 vn (t) to drop them one by one »
katagaqtut qiruit
kasiq [kasIq] [dual katchIk] (Nu) wall kikiaktuqtatka the pieces of
katchi interior wall of house wood I nailed up are falling one
by one @ katagai- | -gaq- v ||
kasuk- (i) to ram, crash into each other :I-4 vv
with their horns (of mountain katai- to drop (her/him/it) | -I-7 vv
sheep) § tuluq-, kałuk < **ka2 kataligaaq sod house with
subterreanean entranceway |
kasuq- (i) to become joined (of objects); -ligaaq(-) nn
(i) to close (of gap, e.g., of ice); (i) katapiksuaq- (i) to fall even further |
to meet on the way somewhere, of -pksuaq- vv
more than one person; (t) to meet kataksautnaq or kataksiun (Nu)
her/him, make her/his pitfall trap for large terrestrial
acquaintance; (t) to “run” into mammals | +saq-2 vv :unnaq vn or
her/him » ayaksaqama +siun vn § qargisaq(-)
kasuqtaġa; aisaġniqsuaq I ran kataksiutit- (Nu) (i) to be caught in a
into him on my way to (a pitfall trap; (t) to catch it in a
meeting); he was on his way home pitfall trap | +siun vn +t-2 nv
| -suq-2 rv < **ka2 kataktaq- (i) to fall down the stairs |
kasui- (i) to meet by chance while +t/raq-1 vv
traveling » kasuiruq iñugnik

kataktit- (t) to cause her/him/it to fall katchuŋait- (i) to be persistent; to be
| mtit-1 vv insistent; to not be satisfied yet |
kataktitchi- (i) to cause something ±ŋait- vv
to fall | mtit-1 vv +sI-3 vv
kataun parachute | :un1 vn kati- (i) to bump one’s head; (i) to bump
kattagaaq(- )(i) to play “pick-up heads; (t) to bump one’s head on
sticks” or jacks; jackstone » her/his/its head < **ka2
kattagaaŋaiqsiqtut ayuktauraq
tammaġman they stopped katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble;
playing jackstones shortly after (i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; (t)
the ball got lost | perhaps -’Q vn to gather them together; (t) to
-aaq(-) vv, nv, vn harvest it = crop @ katitchi- »
kattagaat pick-up sticks; game of siqumniuravut katiłługit
jacks, jackstones » ataataŋat atausimik imiġaaksraqtugut we
sanauraaqtuq pooled our small change and
kattagaaksraŋiññik their bought one can of soda pop || +sI-4
great-uncle leisurely whittled vv § **ka2
some jackstones for them | ‘-Q vn katiġruġniq (Ti) snowdrift |
2 1
-aaq(-) vv, nv, vn -t nn mqsruq- vv +niQ vn § qimuagruk
kattaġruk- (Ti) to drop gifts through katima- (Ti) (i) to have, hold a
the rooftop vent at New Year’s | meeting | -ma-1 vv § kasima-
‘-Q vn (voiced)+qsruq-1 nv katinġaatchiak newly married couple
kattaqi- (t) to drop on her/him/it | | -nġaq- vv -aq1 vn tchiaq1 nn
‘-qi- vv -k2 nn
kattaqsruq- (t) to drop something katiqsrat pile, assemblage, collection
for/on them from the air, e.g., » kalikuviñiġnik katiqsranik
message, food, bomb | ‘-Q vn qaliġuaksriuqtuq she made a
mqsruq- nv quilt from the collection of cloth
scraps | +qsraq vn -t nn
katchi wall § kasiq katiqsri- (i) to gather things together,
katchiġruaq old, crumbling wall | to collect things | -qsrI- vv
+ġruaq nn katiqsruq- to gather, assemble (them)
katchili- to construct, build a wall in a group, herd, pack | mqsruq-2 vv
(for it) | -lI-1 nv katirrusiqi- (i) to have a wedding; to
celebrate a wedding | +ruti vn
katchuq- (i) to be pacified, appeased, ~iqi-1 nv
satisfied; (i) to settle for katitiq- (Nu) (i) to become married |
something other than what one perhaps mtit-2 vv
originally wanted; (t) to pacify, katitit- (i) to become married; (t) to
appease, satisfy her/him; to satisfy marry them, i.e. to join them in
her/him with something other than wedlock | mtit-2 vv
what she/he wanted » katchuqtuq katnaak (Nu) forked thing, forked
aġnaiyaaq nuŋuraaksriññamni place (with two forks) § kayyaaq
the girl was pacified when I gave kayyaaġiik two roads or rivers which
her some candy share an intersection | +[g]iik/t nn

kayyaak or katyaak (Nu) place ocean, downriver, or by the door
where a river branches into two, (restricted and visible)
two branches of river § =yaaq2 vn < °kan (dem. stem)
-k2 nn
kayyaaq or (Nu) katyaaq junction, kattumuuna or katsrumuuna [dual
intersection, fork in a road, branch katkugnuuna, pl. katkunuuna] via
of a river that one down there, on or near
¤Kayyaaqpaak place name the ocean, downriver, or by the
door; with that one down there, on
kattuma or katsruma [dual katkuak , pl. or near the ocean, downriver, or
katkua] that one down there, on or by the door (restricted and visible)
near the ocean, downriver, or by < °kan (dem. stem)
the door (restricted and visible)
< °kan (dem. stem) kau- (i) to reach into a container or
hollow place; (t) to put one’s hand
kattumani or katsrumani [dual into it
katkugnagni, pl. katkunani] kaumaaq- (Ti) to put one’s hand into
located with that one down there, one’s pocket; (t) to put one’s hand
on or near the ocean, downriver, into it =pocket » kaumaaqtuŋa
or by the door (restricted and igvimnun I put my hands in my
visible) < °kan (dem. stem) pockets » kaumaaġikka igvikka
I put my hands in my pockets |
kattumaŋŋa or katsrumaŋŋa [dual +maaq1 vv § aiñiqsimaaq-
katkugnaŋŋa, pl. katkunaŋŋa]
from that one down there, on or kaugaq1 (Nu) fur sock » kaukkak
near the ocean, downriver, or by qaitkik give me the socks §
the door (restricted and visible) aliqsik
< °kan (dem. stem)
kaugaq2(-) (Nu), (Ti) long-handled whale
kattumatun or katsrumatun [dual flensing knife with long blade,
katkugnaktun, pl. katkunatitun] originally of slate or jade; to
similar to that one down there, on flense (it =whale) with a large
or near the ocean, downriver, or flensing knife » “saviillu,
by the door (restricted and visible) kaukkallu, tuggautallu ittut
< °kan (dem. stem) tamarra Naluaġmiut
aġviuġusiiññik qaġanaqtuanik”
kattumiŋa or katsrumiŋa [dual (David Frankson as reported by
katkugniŋa, pl. katkuniŋa] that one Pulu: 74) [knives, flensing
down there, on or near the ocean, knives with long handles and
downriver, or by the door long blades, and large flensing
(restricted and visible) < °kan knives, the White man’s tools for
(dem. stem) butchering the whale made the
task easier]
kattumuŋa or katsrumuŋa [dual
katkugnuŋa, pl. katkunuŋa] to that
one down there, on or near the

kauk walrus skin often with blubber and | -aq-3 vv
a little bit of meat remaining, a kaviaqtaaq or kavialaaq pink;
delicacy something pink | -aq-3 vv +taaq vn
or -aq-3 vv -laaq(-)
kauk- to hammer (it = nail) | perhaps kaviġluksi- (i) to blush | -luk- vv
-uk- vv § karuk- < **ka2 +sI-1 vv
kaugaq2 something pounded into kaviġruaq- (i) to be very red, bright
liquid (Hugo 2009) | ±aq1 vn § red | +ġruaq3 vv
aaqqan kaviġuraq- (i) to be slightly red,
kaugaqsivik cutting board reddish | :uraq- vv
(traditionally a whale scapula) | kavikavsak- (i) to be reddish |
±aq1 vn +sI-2 nv +vIk1 vn § ±kavsak(-) nn, vv
uukłivik, § see Appendix 22 kaviqhak something red, usually
kaugun (Ti) hammer | +un1 vn large and bulky | -qhak vn
kauksiq- (i) to have one’s heart beat kaviqsaaq red; something red »
fast and hard » siñigniallaġmi kaviqsaagnik kamikłuqaqtuq
paniak itiaqsiruq she has red pants | +taaq vn
kauksiqpakłuni while sleeping, kaviqsi(-) to turn red, redden; to have
theird daughter began to wake up measles » kaviqsigaa nuna the
with her heart beating fast | land is turning reddish »
+sIq-2 vv kaviqsiruq nuna the land is
kautaq(-) hammer; to hammer (it) | turning reddish; kaviqsiruq
-taq(-) vn, vv, nv § qaqsruqtuq iñuum kiiñaŋa qinnaliqpaiłłuni
kauviñaq- (t) to strike her/him/it with the person’s face turned red
a hammer or heavy object because he was so angry | +sI-1 vv
violently; (Nu) (i) to hammer kaviqsuaq saksaŋiq gray-crowned
something once | -viñaq vv rosy finch (Leucosticte tephrocotis
irvingi) | +tuaq (part 3s)
kauksik [kauksIk] (Nu) fat, meaty part on kaviuk! kaviuk! kaviuk! (excl.. said
back of sheep’s head | +sik nn or called out while making little
circles with the index finger in the
kaukau (excl.) “food” (trade jargon from air or while pointing at someone
a Polynesian language used by trying to make her/him blush)
one white man, who lived with (considered bad manners)
Arctic John Etalook’s band for a kavviaġik- (i) to be bright red |
while, to indicate that it is time to -aq2 nn +[g]Ik- nv
eat (the white man thought he was kavviaq red fox (Vulpes fulva) |
talking Iñupiaq; source unknown) -aq2 nn § kayuqtuq
kavviġik- (i) to be very red, bright red
kavanaq [ENG “governor”] governor | ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv

kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kavisiq [kavisIq] fish scale »

kavialliuti- (i) to appear reddish (of kavisiiyaisulaitchuq iqalugnik
sun); (t) to appear pinkish (of taigña aġnaq that woman over
clouds) | -aq-3 vv -lIq-3 vv ‘uti- vv there does not enjoy scraping the
kaviaq- (i) to be pink, reddish in color scales off of fish

kavisiiyaq- (i) to remove scales off kavlaq- (i) to be wide-eyed, to have large
the fish @ kavisiiyai | -Iyaq- nv || eyes
:I-4 vv kavlaqsi- (i) to become wide-eyed »
kavisilik one with scales, eg. fish | aġnaiyaaq irikitkaluaqtuq
-lik nn kavlaqsilguruq kamatchakami
the girl, although she has small
kaviuq- (i) to covet, desire, long for eyes, can really become
someone or something strongly; wide-eyed when she is awed |
(t) to covet, desire it » +sI-1 vv
kaviuġaluaqtuŋa kalikut kavlatit- (i) for one’s eyes to get
tautukkapkit maniiñmivluŋa-lu wide, big; become wide-eyed |
I really wanted the fabric when I -tit-2 vv
saw it but I had no money
kaviuġi- (t) to covet, desire, long for kavlu(-) (Nu) concave, rounded cover or
her/him/it | qiglugnaġaluaqtuq- cap; percussion cap of gun; (t) to
asu kaviuġiraġa cover, cap it with a rounded cover
tunianiksimammarruŋ I really § matu
felt a great loss when I found out
they had already sold the thing I kavluq- or (Nu) kapluq- (t) to inoculate,
desired so strongly | -[g]i- vv give her/him/it injections
kaviuġnaq- (i) to be desirable, regularly; to spear, stab, pierce
coveted, glamorous » her/him/it repeatedly @ kavlui-
kaviuġnaqsipiaqługik < kapi-
savaŋagaik kammak she has
made the boots so beautifully one kavluqpak shotgun shell (Kisautaq: 650)
really covets them | +naq-1 vv § qaġruq
kaviuġuksaaq- (t) to tempt, lure,
entice her/him | ±[s]uksaaq- vv kavraq1 speared caribou (which runs
kaviuġuksaun temptation, lure, away unobserved) < kapi-
enticement | ±[s]uksaaq- vv
=un1 vn kavraq2 crown of head, top of skull § see
kaviuġutchak- (i) to become Appendix 20
covetous, tempted | ±[s]uk- vv kavraġmik- to carry (it) on top of
-tchak- vv § ikłigutchak- one’s head | +mIk- vv
kaviuqqun covetousness, greed | kavrauraq or kavriŋuraq peak of
-[g]i- vv ‘n1 vn hood on woman’s parka, crown of
kaviuqtau- (i) to be coveted » aġnaq head | :uraq nn
kaviuqtausuuruq aññaminiñ kavri- (t) to tonsure, shave the crown
suġautamigun that woman is of the head | ‘=I1 nv § qiuġaq-
coveted by her cousin because of kavriñiq tonsure | ‘=I1 nv +niQ1 vn
what she possesses | +taq-4 vn kavriŋaruaq a tonsured person | ‘=I1
:u-1 nv nv ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn

kavlaq [kavkaQ] black bearberry kavya- (i) to be apprehensive, to fear a

(Arctostaphylos alpinus) loss » anisaġaluaqtuami,
panigma kavyaruam

qilutaaktitkaaŋa I was on my kayummatipaluktuŋa I had
way out, but my daughter who is developed such a yearning for
afraid of being left is preventing muktuk that when I finally had
me from going some, I really went at it | -mik rv
kavyatchak- (i) to start to worry, ‘-k-2 -tit-2 vv
from fear of loss; (i) to want to kayummiraq- (i) to enjoy a pleasing
follow a person who is leaving meal, especially with others |
because of fear of being left alone -mmI-6 vv +t/raq-1 vv
or of being left behind | -tchak- vv kayumŋiq- (i) to slow down after
kavyattuala- (i) to be afraid to the going fast; (i) to ebb (of
point of hysteria, be hysterical; (i) enthusiasm); (i) to grow weak, be
to panic / kavyattualaruq he is unable to work well; (i) to be
hysterically disturbed; eager to go, but be held back; (i)
kavyattualatchigai he caused to strain at chain or harness (of
them to become hysterically dog); (t) to urge her/him to go »
fearful |+ttuala- vv qimmiq kayumŋiqsuq
aullaqtuat maligukkaluaqługit
kayuaġun tusk-shaped design on either the dog strained at its chain
side of parka shoulders | -ġun nn § wanting to go along with the ones
manusiññak that were leaving | -mik- rv
kayuaġutiligaaq fancy parka with :Iq-2 vv, rv
tusk-shaped design on the parka kayumŋit- (i) to be weak, lacking
shoulder | -ligaaq(-) nn strength | -mik rv :It1 vv
kayuŋŋiq- (i) to be eager to go,
*kayu (root) enthusiasm “champing at the bit” (of dogs); (i)
kayumigi- (t) to relish, have a taste to pull at harness (of dogs pulling
for it =food » kayumigigaa sled) | +ŋŋIq- rv
tuttum niqaa kayuŋŋiuqsruurat fast, red
iñukkuksautigivlugu he enjoys organisms found in water e.g.,
caribou meat because he was from Imiqpak near Piġniq |
raised on it | +mik- rv -ŋŋIq- rv :uq2 vv mqsruq2 vv
-[g]i- vv :uraq nn -t nn
kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy;
(i) to be appetizing, palatable (of ¤kayuq (Nu) outside of upper arm above
food) » qimmitka kayumiguurut the point of the elbow
aiñmuksauraqapta my dogteam
goes fast when we are traveling kayuqtuq red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
homeward | -mik- rv Kayuqtuġlu Tiġiganniaġlu [lit. “red
kayumiksi- (i) to speed up, become fox and white fox”] (so named
fast | +sI-1 vv § sukasI- from the fact that the planet Mars
kayummak- (i) to speed up, tends to shift colors between white
accelerate; (i) to become and red; Iñupiaq tradition holds
energized | -mik- rv’-k-2 vv that this shift in color is because a
kayummatit- (i) to do something at a red fox and a white fox are
steady speed without hesitation » fighting over a den) planet Mars

kayyaak or (Nu) katyaak place where a kiamiki (excl.) (said when one is now
river branches into two, two convinced) okay then; okay, okay |
branches of river, fork in a road < ami ki (reduplication of stem)
katit- kiata (Nu) or kiita or (Ti) kiataŋ
kayyaaq or (Nu) katyaaq intersection, (excl.) let’s give it a try!; let’s go!;
fork, crossroads, junction of two okay then!; (Ti) go ahead! try it!;
rivers; branch of a river < katit- (Nu) go ahead! go on! | +ata
°kI1 (stem) of interrogative pronouns kihaa (excl.) come on! let’s go!
kia [dual kitkuk, pl. kitkut] (rel) enough of this nonsense!
whoses, whos » kia aiñiaqpasik kiiqsruq- (t) to encourage her/him to
whos is coming to get youd » kia proceed, continue | mqsruq-2 nv
manna tavsiŋa whose belt is this | kiq (excl.) give it all you’ve got!!; try
:a4 nn your best!; try harder!
kialiqaa (rel) anyone, whoever »
kialiqaa atuġumiñaġaa anyone ¤kialuuraq candle
may use it | :a4 nn +liqaa (encl.)
kimulliqaa to whomever | -mun kiamit- or kaimit (t) to push it = off into
(term.) +liqaa (encl.) water; (t) to shove it in; (Nu) to
kimun [dual kitkugnun, pl. throw it =spear @ kiamitchi- »
kitkunnun] to who | -mun (term.) kiamitchaġivsigut umiamun
kiña [dual kitkuk, pl. kitkut] (abs. ikuanikkupta push us off after
interrog. pron.) whos » kiña we’ve boarded the boat | +mit- vv
atuqqaaġniaqpa whos will sing || +sI-3 vv
first | +na (dem. abs. pron. sg. kiamġuaġvik or kaimġuaġvik sled
mkr.) handlebar | =ġuaq- vv +vIk1 vn
kiñapayaaq anyone | +na (dem. abs. kiamġuaq- or kaimġuaq- (i) to push
pron. sg. mkr.) -payaaq nn a sled while holding on to the
kisu [dual kisuk, pl. kisut, rel. sg. handlebar; to pole a kayak against
kisum] (abs. interrog. pron.) the current by pushing sticks or
which one » kisu poles into the river bottom; (t) to
tauqsiġñiaqpiuŋ which one will push it =sled or load on sled
you buy | +su (stem “what”) while holding on to the handlebar;
kisuiq- (t) to understand, perceive it; to pole it =kayak against the
(t) to recognize her/him/it | +su current by pushing sticks or poles
(stem “what”) :Iq-2 nv § ilitchuġi-, into river bottom » kiamġuaqłuni
sukuiqi- unuŋaqtuq kisimi aŋun the man
kisulimaaq anyone | -limaaq nn is going hunting alone on the ice
pushing a sled | =ġuaq- vv
ki2 [kI] (excl.) come on!; on with it!; do kiamġuun or kaimġuun one of a pair
it!; go ahead! » ki, aullaqisa come of poles used to pole a kayak »
on, let’s go tamanna kiamġuun qairruŋ
kiami (excl.) (said when convinced) give me that kayak pole |
okay, fine | ami =ġuaq- vv =un1 vn
kiamŋuġaq- or kaimŋuġaq- (i) to
push a heavy sled while holding

on to the handlebar | perhaps caribou shoulder blade cut | -sIk n
+ġuq-2 vv +aq-1 vv § see Appendix 21
kiapsiqsuġvik (Nu) barrel of gun | kiativiñiq strip of fur from shoulders
+mit- vv :aq4 vn :Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv down to front legs of wolverine;
+vIk1 vn upper back part from shoulders to
kiavluaq- or kaivluaq- to push (it =a midsection of any animal skin |
sled) along while holding on to its -viñiQ nn
handholds from behind »
qimmiŋi pilaiŋavlutiŋ kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making edges
kiavluaqłuni tikiññiataktuq overlap; (t) to go for or pass it =a
because his dogs are tired, he is 12 hour time period, especially to
struggling to reach (his sleep or go without sleep for more
destination) by pushing the sled | than l2 hours » kiapikkaa he is
=luaq-1 vv fitting it together making the
kiavlui- or kaivlui- (i) to stuff things edges overlap; siñiktuaq
into a sack; (t) to stuff it =sack kiapillalgitkaa a 12-hour period
with things, to plug it =hole » has passed for the one that is
kiavluiruq paniqtanik sleeping
avataqpagmun she is putting kiapiksi- (i) to cross one’s arms |
dried meat into a seal poke | -pik- vv +sI-1 vv
=luk- vv -I-1 vv kiapiksimaaq- (i) to have one’s arms
kiavluk- or kaivluk- to push (it = crossed across one’s chest » aŋun
usu. a heavy sled) by the hand uqaqtuaq kamanaġukpaiłłuni
holds » sikutaqtuaq kiavlukłuni kiapiksimaaqtuq the man
aiñmuktuq the one who was out speaking, wanting to show
getting ice started home pushing authority, has his arms crossed |
the heavy sled by the hand holds | -pik- vv +simaaq- vv
=luk- vv kiapiktit- (i) to work, travel, or do
kiavluun or kaivluun sled handle bar something longer than one had
| =luk- vv :un1 vn § see Appendix planned; (i) to be fitted on,
18 connected to something; (i) to
kiavluutaq or kaivluutaq stanchion, spend more time on something
one of sled handle bar uprights | than expected » tavraasi
=luk- vv -utaq vn § see Appendix aġiullaiqłutiŋ kasimaruat
18 kiapiktittut again those meetings
had difficulty ending and met
kian or kiati torso, upper front part of longer than they had planned |
body; blouse » qaliġuuram +tit-2 vv
kiataa ipquruq the upper front kiappaq joint, articulation (especially
part of the dress is dirty of pieces of wood) | ‘-Q vn
kiapiġuq(-) vest; to put a vest on kiapqaq- (i) continue on without
(her/him/it) | -piġuq(-) nn, nv stopping; (i) go beyond what one
kiasik shoulder blade, scapula » intended to do » nutqaġaluaqatik
tuttum kiasiŋanik taima kiapqaqtut they have kept
samuunnaaqtuŋa I am roasting a on going without stopping »

kiapqaġniqsuŋa I was only going kiavaġun or kaivaġun ring, e.g.,
a take a quick nap, but realized I around sun; brim of hat | +vaq- vv
had slept straight through the :un1 vn
night | =qaq-3 vv, rv kiavaġutiqaq- or kaivaġutiqaq- (i)
for the sun to have a ring around
kiapku solid “pancake” ice (Kisautaq: it; (t) to have a circle around it »
650); flat piece of sea ice drifting siqiñiq kiavaġutiqaqtuq the sun
out from shore into deeper seas has a ring around it | +vaq- vv
:un1 vn -qaq- nv
*kiav or *kaiv (root) circular motion kiavallagniq or kaivallagniq one
kiapsaluaġun or ¤kaipsaluaġun (Nu) hour | +vaq- vv +llak-1 vv
a ring encircling something, e.g., +niQ1 vn § ikarraq
ring of willows placed around kiavallagun or kaivallagun circle;
outside of tent | ‘saq(-) vn, rv one rotation | +vaq- vv +llak-1 vv
-luk- vv :aq-1 vv +un1 vn § avalu +un1 vn
kiapsalugaq(-) or ¤kaipsalugaq(-) kiavallak- or kiavaluisaaq- or
(Nu) willow ring for game kaivallak- or kaivaluisaaq- (i) to
through which players try to throw go around in a circle once; (t) to
a spear; (i) to play a game in move in a circle around it once »
which one tries to throw a spear tiŋŋutitaqtim
through a ring of willows | kiavaluisaaqqaaqługu
‘saq(-) vn, rv -luk- vv +aq1 vn nunaaqqiuraq |
¤kiapsaluqtaq or ¤kaipsaluqtaq mitchaaġiaġuuruq the pilot
(Nu) something round | always circles the village once
‘saq(-) vn, rv +luq-2 vv before he lands | +vaq- vv
+t/raq(-) nn § aqvaluqtaaq +llak-1 vv or +vaq- vv -luk- vv
¤kiapsaluqtuaq or ¤kaipsaluqtuaq -I-3 vv -saaq-1 vv
(Nu) circle | ‘saq(-) vn, rv kiavalugaaq- or ¤kaivalugaaq- (Nu)
+luq-2 vv +t/ruaq vn § to go partway around (it) |
aqvaluqtaaq +vaq- vv -luk- vv +aaq(-) vv
kiavaaġni- or kaivaaġni- (i) to sit in kiavaluisaaq- to go all around
a circle formation » around (her/him/it) »
kaivaaġnilġataqłutiŋ kiavaluisaaqtaqput narvaq we
quliaqtuaġniqsuat iqsiñałagnik went around the lake | +vaq- vv -
sitting in a circle formation, they luk- vv -I-5 vv -saaq-5 vv
were telling scary stories | kiavaluk- or kaivaluk- to go around
+vaaq- vv -nnI- vv (her/him/it) in circles; (i) to move
kiavaaŋa or kiavyaaŋa- or kaivaaŋa in a circle » unnuaq tiŋŋun
or kaivyaaŋa- (i) to be dizzy, feel kiavalupaluktuq,
faint, unsteady » mitchaallaiqłuni last night the
kiavaluktuqqaaqłuŋa plane circled for quite a while,
kiavaaŋavluŋa sanipaktuqtuŋa unable to land | +vaq- vv -luk- vv
after twirling around quickly, I kiavit- or kaivit- (i) to circle around,
staggered dizzily | +vaaq- vv to spin » tiŋmiaqpak kiavittuq
±ŋa- vv or +yaaq +ŋa niviuqłuni tuttutamnik the eagle

is circling over the caribou I killed kiaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it
| +vit- vv from out there (restricted and
kiavraaq(-) whirlpool, eddy; (i) to visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
spin, to turn around » qamun -uti- vv
sialiġivluni kiavraaqtuularuq kigga out there (restricted and visible)
the car slid and spun around and | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
around quickly | +vit- vv kigña [dual kikkuak, pl. kikkua] that
+rak(-) vv +aq1 vv one out there (restricted and
kiavraġun or kaivraġun halo around visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron. sg.
sun | +vit- vv +rak(-) vn -ġun nn mkr.)
kiavrak or ¤kaivrak or (Nu) kiktuma or kiksruma or kigruma
kaivraun or (Nu) kaivraun [dual kikkuak , pl. kikkua] that
grindstone | +vit- vv +rak vn or one out there (restricted and
+rak- vv :un1 vn visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
kiavranŋu- (i) to be dizzy | +rak- vv sg. mkr.)
-nŋu-vv kiktumani or kiksrumani or
¤kiavrik- or ¤(Nu) kaivrik- (i) to kigrumani [dual kikkugnagni, pl.
break up, as earth in a quake | kikkunani] located with that one
=vrik- vv out there (restricted and visible) |
kiavsaaq(-) or kaivsaaq(-) or +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
kaivraaq(-) or kiavsaq(-) or +anI (dem. loc.)
kaivsaq(-) (Ti) toy top, spinning kiktumaŋŋa or kiksrumaŋŋa [dual
top; to play with a top | +vit- vv kikkugnaŋŋa, pl. kikkunaŋŋa]
-vsak- vv ±aq1 vn from that one out there (restricted
kiavyaaŋa- (i) to be dizzy | -yaaq-1 vv and visible) | +tuma (dem. rel.
±ŋa- vv § kiavaaŋa pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
kiavsak- (i) to spin | -vsak- vv kiktumatun or kiksrumatun [dual
kikkugnaktun, pl. kikkunatitun]
°kig (dem. stem) area outside (restricted similar to that one out there
and visible) § °qav (dem. stem), (restricted and visible) | +tuma
°qag (dem. stem) (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun
kiani located out there (restricted and (sim. dem.)
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) kiktumiŋa or kiksrumiŋa [dual
kianiit- (i) to be located out there kikkugniŋa, pl. kikkuniŋa] that
(restricted and visible) | +anI one out there (restricted and
(dem. loc.) it- “to be” visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
kiaŋŋa from out there (restricted and sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) kiktumuŋa or kiksrumuŋa [dual
kiaŋŋamiñ from that direction out kikkugnuŋa, pl. kikkunuŋa] to that
there (restricted and visible) | one out there (restricted and
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +miñ (abl.) visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
kiaŋŋaq- (i) to come from out there sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
(restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa kiktumuuna or kiksrumuuna [dual
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv kikkugnuuna, pl. kikkunuuna] via
that one out there; with that one
out there (restricted and visible) |

+tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) to be scratchy to the touch (of
+uuna (dem. via.) skin); (i) to scratch the throat (of
kiuna via, through out there food); (i) (Nu) to be dull (of blade)
(restricted and visible) | uuna (via. » kalikuksraqtaaġa
dem.) kigrapaluktuq the cloth that I
kiunaaq- (i) to go via, through out bought is so coarse | +rak(-) vv, vn
there (restricted and visible) |
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv ¤kigraktaq- (Ti) (i) to be moving in the
kiuŋa to out there (restricted and distance barely visible so that one
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) only catches a glimpse of it |
kiuŋanmun towards out there +t/raq-1 vv
(restricted and visible) | +uŋa
(dem. term.) nmun (term.) kiguġuya(-) (Nu) or (Ti) kiguġuyait
kuiŋaq- (i) to go out there (restricted aurora borealis; (Nu) (i) to shine
and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) (of aurora borealis) | -ya(q) rn §
+q-3 dv kiuġuya
kiguġuyaq- or kiguġuyaliq- (Ti) (i)
kiggun an answer, a reply < kiu- for there to be an aurora borealis |
-ya(q) rn -q-2 nv -lIq-1 nv
kigguqłak- to answer nastily < kiu-
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to
kiggusiaq a reply, an answer received bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it »
< kiu- kiggiuŋ! bite it! § °kii
kigak- or kigaluk- (i) to nibble on
kiggutait- (i) to lack a reply, a response, food » kigalukpaillam
an answer < kiu- kaayuitchuq niġiñaqsimman he
is never hungry at mealtime
kigiunniq(-) [kigiunniQ] or kiguunniq(-) because he nibbles on snacks (all
or (Nu) kigiutniq(-) trunk, box; day) | -ak- vv or -ak- vv -luk- vv
coffin; (t) to box it; (t) to put it = kigaġniq indentation, groove, notch |
corpse in a coffin § kii- +aq-1 vv +niQ1 vn
kigiunnauraq or kiguunnauraq kiggiñ clothespin | ‘n1 vn
small box | :uraq nn kiggiq something which has been
kigiunniġruaq or kiguunniġruaq gnawed | ‘-Q vn
large box | +ġruaq nn kiggisi- (Nu) (i) to bite each other
repeatedly (of animals) »
kiglasuiññaq [kiglasuiññaQ] neck kiggisiŋaiqsaġluqqaaqtuk,
muscles of caribou (good to eat) avluqsaalukkaluaqtuq as soon
as they stopped biting each other,
kiglu bow deck; ¤bow or stern seat of he leapt but …. | ‘-ti2 vv
umiaq | +lu(q) n § (Ti) qirgi, see kiggisik vise | ‘-ti2 vv ‘n1 vn -k2 nn
Appendix 16 kigiaq (Nu) beaver (Castor
canadensis) | -aq2 vn § pałuqtaq
kigrak- or (Nu) kigirak- or kiglak- (i) to kigiaq(-) (Nu) chisel; to chisel (it) |
be rough (of surface); (i) to be -aq(-) vn
coarse (of cloth, salt or sand); (i)

kigiaqtuq- (Nu) to use a chisel on (it) kigmiaq or kiŋmiaq or kigmiġaq or
| -aq(-) vn +tuq-3 nv kiŋmiġaq Eskimo drill; bow drill |
kigiq- to tear (her/him/it) apart with +miaq(-) vv, vn or perhaps
one’s teeth » qimmipta +mmIq- vv +[ġ]aq vn § niuqtuun
kammaka kigiqługik kigmiaq(-) or kiŋmiaq [kigmiraq] to
maqunniqsak our dog mangled hold, carry (it) with one’s teeth;
my boots beyond repair by something carried with the teeth,
chewing on them | +q-1 vv e.g., animal’s young, bridle »
kiglak(-) (Nu) flint blade, point; flint kigmiani iimaraa it seems, it
knife; (Nu) (i) to be dull, rough (of swallowed whatever it was
blade) | perhaps -lak- vv § kigrak- carrying with its teeth |
kigli- (Nu) to smooth, sharpen, hone +miaq(-) vv, vn
(it =stone blade) | +lI1- vv § kigmiġun or kiŋmiġun connecting
ipiksaq- strip between body and sole of
kigliñ a sharpener for traditional hide boots, made of caribou or seal
scraper made of brass or yearling leather | +miaq(-) vv, vn -ġun nn §
caribou antler; a hone, a killiġuaq or (Ti) killiġauraq
whetstone; "a kind of sharpener kigmiġutiksraq or kuŋmiġutiksraq
made from a piece of deer horn, animal hide to be made into strips;
with a small round piece of ivory connecting strip between body of
overlapping and bound to its boot and sole of boot |
upper surface" (Driggs: 94); +miaq(-) vv, vn -ġun/ti nn
“Flint-Flaker (kĭ’g-lix)… Short rod +ksraq(-) nn
of metal, bone, or stone, set in kigun tooth | :un1 vn § see Appendix
ivory handle for chipping flints.” 20
(Murdoch as reported by Ray: kigusi- (i) to teethe, to grow teeth »
75) | +lI1- vv -n1 vn kigusivluni miqłiqtuuraq
kigmaq- or kiŋmaq- to bite iñugiiluktaqtuq because he is
(her/him/it) repeatedly » teething, the young child is having
kigmaqtuq ivaluksramik bouts of fussiness | :un1 vn ~I-1 nv
saakłisaqługu she is biting the kigusiqi- (i) to have a toothache; (i) to
sinew to make it pliable enough to have one’s teeth worked on; (t) to
make thread | -maq- vv work on her/his/its teeth »
kigmautik or kiŋmautik pliers » kigusiqivluŋa uvva
kigmautignik piiqsiġaa kigutaa niġisuvyuaġmiuŋa because I
he quickly pulled out her tooth have a toothache, I don’t feel
with pliers | -maq- vv :un1 vn much like eating | :un1 vn ~Iqi-1 nv
+k2 nn kigusiqiri dentist | :un1 vn ~Iqi- nv
kigmialiq- or kiŋmialiq- or mt/ri vn
kigmirriq- or kiŋmirriq- (i) to kigusiqqutit dentist’s tools | :un1 vn
now have something in the mouth; ~Iqi-1 nv | ‘ti1 vn
(t) to bridle it =animal; to put kigusiqun toothpaste | :un1 vn
something in her/his/its mouth | ~Iqi- nv ’n vn
+miraq(-) vv, vn -lIq-1 nv or kigutailaq [lit. “one without teeth”]
+miaq(-) vn ‘=Iq-1 nv one-year-old lamb; anything or

anyone without teeth | :un1 vn caribou or seal leather | +pkaq-1 vv
:ilaq(-) nn +un1 vn § killiġuaq, kiŋmiġun
kigutaiq- (i) to lose a tooth; (t) to pull kiipkaq- (i) to get one’s fingers or
her/his/its tooth out » other body part caught in a door,
kigmautikka kigutaiqłutik or anything closing » upkuamun
piaksatitaliqsuk my pliers are kiipkaqtittuaŋa my fingers got
slipping constantly now because caught in the door | +pkaq-1 vv
the jaws have worn away | :un1 vn kiiraaq crimped sole »
:Iq-2 nv, vv aglipayaaġuviñ kiiraligaagnik
kigutigiksaq- (i) to brush one’s teeth; kammiñiaġikpiñ when you’re a
(t) to brush her/his/its teeth @ little bigger, I’ll make you a pair
kigutigiksai- | :un1 vn +[g]ik- nv of crimped sole boots | +t/raq-1 vv
+saq3- vv || :I-4 vv ±aq1 vn
kigutigiksautit toothbrush | :un1 vn kiiraq- to crimp ( it =boot sole) »
+[g]ik- nv msaq-3 vv :un1 vn -t nn aanaga kiiraġuuruaq
kigutinŋu- (i) to have a toothache » kigutimiñik my grandmother
kigutinŋuvluni used to crimp soles with her teeth |
niġiruanuŋillaktuq he did not +t/raq-1 vv
attend the feast because he had a kiiraq crease, corrugation | +t/raq vn
toothache | :un1 vn -nŋu- nv kiiraunnak crimping pliers, crimping
kigutiŋŋuaq false tooth, denture | :un1 tool » kiiraunnagni
vn ±ŋŋuaq(-) vv, nn tammaimaraik iktuma aġnam
kigutiŋŋuat false teeth, dentures | that woman over there lost her
:un1 vn ±ŋŋuaq(-) vv, nn -t nn crimping tools | +t/raq-1 vv :unnaq
kigutit tunuaguaqtaq alveolar vn ‘-k2 nn
consonant | :un1 vn -t nn | tunu :a kiirauraq(-) small and even crimping
(poss. 3s-s) nnposs -guaq- nposs.v on boot soles; scallop; clam; (i) to
+t/raq vn crimp it with small, even crimps »
kigutraq- (Nu) (i) to have good, sharp kiirauraqaġuuruk kammak
teeth | :un1 vn ~raq nv aakaa the crimping on my
kiguttak- (i) to teethe, cut teeth » mother’s boots are always nicely
kiguttaktuulapaluktuq done (small and even) | +t/raq vn
paipiuraġa my baby got his teeth :uraq nn
in a hurry | :un1 vn ‘-k-2 nv, vv kiirayunaq- (i) to be easy to crimp »
kiimmi- (i) to have jaws tightly kiirayunaqtuq manna ugrik
closed; (t) to hold it between one’s amiq this hide is easy to crimp |
clenched teeth | +mmI-5 vv -yunaq- vv
kiiñiq a bite (dog bite, etc...) | kiisi- (i) to take a bite | +sI-3 vv
+niQ1 vn kiŋmiġaq mouthpiece of Eskimo fire
kiiññik- (i) to bite someone or drill | +mmIQ vv +[ġ]aq vn
something/ qimmiq kiiññiktuaq kiŋŋiq or (Nu) kikŋiq gap in a row of
miqłiqtumik the dog bit a child | teeth, where a tooth is missing »
+nnik- vv kigutiŋi kiŋŋiqaqłutik
kiipkaġun connecting strip between uviñŋiuqsrauraġuuruq
body and sole of boots, made of uqaqami he whistles softly when

he talks because of the gap in his kiiñailisaq (Ti) knife sheath |
teeth | +ŋŋIQ vn +naq1 vn -ilisaq nn § yaġalġaq
kiiñait- (i) to be blunt, dull (of knife,
*kii (root) facial part § kii- axe, etc.) » saviga manna
kiiñaaq male seal in rut (so called kiiñaisimaruq ipiksaġupku I see
because they develop a black area that my knife has become dull
on face) § tiggak (has no cutting edge) so I think
kiiñaġiili- (i) to grimace, wince, I’ll sharpen it | +naq1 vn :It-1 nv
contort one’s face » kiiñaġiiliruq kiiñaksaun (Ti) sharpening stone |
naġġutchakłuni niqimik she +naq1 vn -k-4 nv +saq vv :un1 vn §
grimaced to show dislike or kigliñ, ipiksaun
rejection of the food | +naq1 vn kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv -lI-2 nv axe » anauttam kiiñaŋa
kiiñaġiiliuq- (Nu) to make an angry ipiksipalukkiga I made the axe’s
face at (her/him) | +naq1 vn cutting edge very sharp; “tainna
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv -lI-2 nv +uq-2 vv iñuum kigiñaŋanik
kiiñaġiit- (i) to have a funny look on kigiñaqaġaluaqtuq taamna
one’s face (as when caught umialgat, siutituvluni niġrun
stealing, trying to look well when aasiiñ pamiuqpaqaġuni
sick, etc.) » aniiqsuaġukpaiłłuni iñuktun uqallavluni” (David
nakuuqsiŋanigaluaqtuq Frankson as reported by Pulu,
kiiñaġiitchuq-suli because she Sampson, Newlin: 94) [their
wants to play out so much, she leader has a face of a human but it
says that she is well, but her face is an animal with large ears and a
still looks funny (not well) | long tail and can talk like a
+naq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv human] | +naq1 vn § tuquġaq
kiiñaġniq- (i) to be bold, kiiñaqqi- (i) to make a mask |
straightforward, unreserved, +naq1 vn ±ġuq nn ‘=I1 nv
forthright; (i) to show no respect kiiñaqqiñ a sealskin poke plug
for authority » kiiñaġniqsuq usually made of ivory, bone, or
taavamna that person has no wood (old plugs had a carved
respect for authority | +naq1 vn face) | +naq1 vn ±ġuq nn ‘=I1 nv
+nIq-2 nv § uluġiasuuralait-, ‘n vn
qiñuit- kiiñaqqivik wooden mold for making
kiiñaġuq(-) mask; (i) to put a mask Nunamiut-style skin mask |
on; (i) to hurt oneself on the face; +naq1 vn ±ġuq nn ‘=I1 nv +vIk1 vn
(t) to put a mask on her/him/it; (t) kiiñaqsi- (Nu) (i) to show one’s face;
to hurt her/him on the face » (t) to see her/his face »
utkusigauraq miluqsaqługu kiiñaqsigikpiñ I see your face |
piuraaqatini kiiñaġuqtaa he hit +naq1 vn +sI2 nv
his playmate on the face when he Kiiñaqvak John River, a river which
tried to hit the can when throwing begins at the summit at
something; aakaa kiiñaġuq Anaktuvuk Pass and flows into
tunimaraa uvlaaq my mother the Koyukuk River
sold the mask this morning | kiiñauraq (Nu) postage stamp |
+naq1 vn ±ġuq n +naq1 vn :uraq nn § maniuraq

kiiññaksaun sharpening stone |
+naq1 vn ‘-k-2 nv msaq-3 vv :un1 vn kiiqsruq- to urge someone to complete a
task § ki2
kii3 (excl.) see what happens when you do
that!; I told you so! » kii, kiiraaq a crimped sole < kii-1
mayuaġaġuviñ see there, I told kiiraq- to crimp (it =boot sole) < kii-1
you that you would get hurt if you
climb all over kiiraq crease, corrugation < kii-1
kiiki (excl.) keep it up!; you asked for
it, you do not deserve any pity or kiiraunnak crimping pliers, crimping
sympathy! tool < kii-1

kiigyuk goose (Kisautaq: 650) § niġliq kiirauraq(-) small and even crimping on
boot soles; scallop; clam; (i) to
kiika or kiikaa or kiikavsaaq or kiikalu crimp it with small, even crimps <
(excl.) I want more!; more!; kii-1
(interrog.) do you want more? »
kiika, atuvsaaġiñ, aarigaa more! kiirayunaq- (i) to be easy to crimp < kii-1
sing again, it’s beautiful; kiika do
you want more; naumi, kiiriq Canada Jay, Camp Robber
taimaaqtuŋa no, I have had (Perisoreus canadensis)
enough, so I am stopping | +lu
(encl.) kiisaimma or kiisaimmaa or
kiikaluuŋa- to want more (from kiisaimmaalu (adv.) finally, at
her/him/it) » kiikaluuŋagaa last » aġnam nukatpiaġruumlu
aġnaq she is asking for more from utaqqigaluaqamitku aŋun
the woman; quiññakkama-uvva taġiun siñaani, kiisaimma aivuk
kiikaluuŋasipiksuaqtuŋa I want the woman and the boy waited for
more and more (food) since I have a while on the beach, then finally
gained weight | +lu (encl.) -.q-1 vv left for home (when he did not
±ŋa- vv show up) § ki, kiita

kiikii or ki, ki (excl.) encouraging kiisi- (i) to take a bite < kii-1
someone to keep performing
kiita (excl.) let’s go! < ki2
kiiŋuqqaglugun (Nu) sinew on hind leg
of caribou | +lugun nn § kiŋuġaq- kikarat willow stumps | +raq vn -t nn
or kiŋuqqaq-
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it =wood; (t)
kiiqsiuq- (i) to be in great pain » to break off a piece from it =wood
unnugman uvva uutiqtinŋaruaq » iqirġauraiqsiġaa, kikivlugu
kiiqsiuqpaktuq this one who kautamiñik he (accidently) broke
burned himself yesterday is now off a corner, hitting it with his
in lots of pain | +siuq- vv hammer
kiiqsiuġun pain | +siuq- vv :un1 vn

kigmaliktat a pattern on parka or aŋatkum satkua the shaman’s
boot made of alternate light and weapon; “navraaq kikitumik
dark pieces of trim | +ma vn taiguġniqsaŋat” (S. Tuzroyluke
-liktaq nn -t nn 2009) [they called an ancient
kikiniq place where a piece of wood carving a kikituk] § ilisiiyaq-
is broken off | +niQ1 nv
kikkaq notch, gap, broken section (as kikŋu- (Nu) (i) to capsize (of boat); to
in wood) | ‘-Q vn turn over (of sled) § kiñŋu-
kikłuq- (i) for wood to have broken
sections and notches » kiktuġaq- (i) to snap, break under tension
kikłuqpaiłłuni atuŋitkaa (of rope, wire, thread, tape, etc.);
taamna pilaigut he did not use (t) to snap, break it under tension
that piece of plywood because it
had too many notches and broken kiktuġiaq mosquito | +iaq3 n § kii-
sections | perhaps ~luq-3 vv kiktuġiaqsiun mosquito repellent |
kiksraq path cut through brush or +iaq3 n +siun nn
trees | =sraq3 vn kiktuġiiñŋutaq mosquito net |
+iaq3 n =It-1 nv -ŋutaq vn
kikiak(-) [kikirak] [dual kikirrak, pl.
kikiagIt] nail; (t) to nail it down | kiktuqsralik ant | +ksraq(-)1 rn -lik nn §
perhaps +iak(-) nn, vv kii-
kikiaktuq- to hammer nails into
something; (t) to nail it down » kilak-1 (Nu) (i) to drip once § kutit-
kikiaqtuqługu unitkaa she kilaaq-1 (Nu) to drip repeatedly on
nailed it down, then left it | (her/him/it) | :uq-2 vv
+tuq-2 vv
kikiaktuurraq something nailed on, kilak-2 (i) to become perforated; to
fastened with a nail | +iak(-) nn, vv develop a hole; (t) to pierce,
+tuq-2 vv :uti- vv ~raq vn perforate, make a hole in it »
kikiaktuuti- (i) to be nailed down qattaq anauvlugu kilakkaa he
now; (t) to nail it down; to crucify, made a hole in the water drum
nail to a cross | +iak(-) nn, vv when he hit it
+tuq-2 vv :uti- vv kilaaq-2 (i) to multiply in number (of
kikiiyaq- (i) to now have nails pulled holes); (t) to punch holes in it,
out; (t) to pull nails out from it @ perforate it repeatedly @ kilaaqsi-
kikiiyai- » kikiiyaġai qiruit he is » kilaaqtuq umiaq auvluni the
pulling the nails out of the wood | boat is full of holes since it is
=Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv rotten » puggutaq kilaaġaa
pisaaġiuraaqłuni she purposely
kikiik- (i) to bend back punched holes in the pot |
+aaq(-) vv || +sI-3 vv
kikituk (Ti) carved image of weasel-like killaiyaq- to sew, patch (it); (t) to
animal believed to cause bad luck, mend its hole(s) @ killaiyai- »
even death; “an animal anŋiqpagni killaiyaġaik he is
effigy…which can kill a person patching his rubber boots | ‘-Q vn
at close range…” (Rainey: 277) » :Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv

killaq hole, perforation; fontanelle, goal » killiqaqpisi do you have a
soft spot on baby’s head; (Ti) ace limit | +[g]i- nv
(suit in cards) (S. Tuzroyluke Killiġmiu person from Killiq River
2009) » killaŋa umiaq savakkaa area | +miu nn
he is repairing the hole in the boat killiġun snow shelter made of snow
| ‘-Q vn blocks covered with tarpaulin;
(Nu) sod insulation skirting house
kilik- (t) to inform, tell, warn her/him @ at ground level | -ġun nn
kilgi- or kiliksi- || :I-5 +sI-3 vv killiġusiq- (t) to skirt it =house »
kiliktuq- (t) to warn, inform her/him ivrumik killiġusiġaat they skirt it
@ kiliktui- » with sod | -ġun nn ‘=Iq-2 nv
kasimayyaqtuksranik imma killiluk- to be hazy, obscure, not
kiliktuiruq he is informing the clear, indistinct (of horizon) »
people who are to meet | +tuq-2 vv “taktuġayaqtuq anuġim
|| :I-4 vv analałługu; tavra
kiliktuun or kilgun warning; nakuuniaŋitchuq” (Matumeak
message, notice, announcement. 2009) [the horizon is somewhat
memorandum » kilgun foggy because it is being
niviŋŋaqpiuŋ did you hang the manipulated by the wind; so it
notice up | +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn will not be good weather]; killiŋa
silam nalunaqsimman when the
kilit- (i) to cut animal skins into strips; (t) horizon of the sky is hazy |
to cut it into strips @ kilitchi- » +luk(-)1 nv
amaqqum amia kilitkaa aakaa killiq2 [usu. dual killiik] (Nu) heel
tupiġmi my mother is cutting the print in earth; snow where person
wolf skin into strips in the tent || drives heel in for support, e.g.,
+sI-3 vv when pulling on a rope § killi
kilitaq strip of animal skin made into killiŋiqsinniq open water along the
rope | ±aq1 vn § kittaq beach in front of shorefast ice;
water on edge of frozen lake or
killalik White-winged Scoter (Melanitta river where thawing has begun »
fusca) § killaq upinġaksraġman killiŋiqsin-
nikun ipiġannaraaġuuruq in the
killi or killiq1 [killI(Q)] limit (of time or spring she enjoys wading in the
space); due date; border, line, open water formed along the shore
edge of land which has been | +ŋIq- nv mtit-1 vv +nniQ vn
cleared; source of river; area next killiŋiqsit- to begin to thaw around
to wall or floor; stopping point, the shore in spring (of lake, river) |
goal, destination, limit; crucial +ŋIq- nv +sit- vv
reason » iglum killiŋa
sikumaruq the edge of the floor killiġuaq or (Ti) killiġauraq connecting
of the house is iced up § qaaŋiuti strip between body and sole of
killi- or killigi- (Nu) (i) to reach a boots, made of caribou or seal
certain point, limit or goal; (t) to leather | +ġuaq1 nn § kiŋmiġun
reach it =certain point, limit or
killuq [killuQ] wrong one

killuaq- (Nu) (i) to err, make a kiluagnaq south wind (with one’s
mistake; (i) to betray someone; (t) geographical position being
to make a mistake on it; (t) to Barrow, Alaska); to be windy
betray her/him » killuaġaaŋa he from the south (with one’s
betrayed me, did me wrong | geographical position being
‘-aq-2 nv Barrow, Alaska); “a wind from
killuġi- (t) to oppose her/him/it | the land” (Jenness 1928: 53) |
+[g]i nv -ak- nv +naq2 vn § see Appendix
killukuaġun mistake | -kuaq- nv 15
:un1 vn kiluagnayaaq southwest;
killukuaġutipkaq- (t) to cause southwesterly wind (with one’s
her/him/it to be led astray, geographical position being
wronged; (i) to cause oneself to Barrow, Alaska) | -ak- nv
be led astray, wronged | -kuaq- nv +naq2 vn -q-2 nv -yaaq2 vn
+uti- vv +pkaq-1 vv kiluagniq(-) (i) to blow (of south
killukuaŋa- (i) to be wrong; to be wind) (with one’s geographical
perverse, contrary, obstinate | position being Barrow, Alaska);
-kuaq- nv ±ŋa- vv (Nu) ¤east wind | +ak- nv
killukuaq- to make a mistake, err (in +niQ1 vn
it); (i) to be wrong » taiñiluktani kiluani located behind it | :a (poss.
killukuaġaluamii iliallkkaa after 3s-3s) nn -nI (loc.)
making several mistakes in kiluanun to behind or beyond it | :a
pronunciation, he finally learned it (poss. 3s-3s) nn -nI (term.)
| -kuaq- nv kiluliñaaq area located south (with
killukuaqtaq- to continue to make one’s geographical position being
mistakes (on it) | -kuaq- nv Barrow, Alaska) | +liñaaq nn § see
+t/raq-1 vv Appendix 12
killukun wrong way, path | kiluliñiq south, southward (with one’s
+ku(n)2 nn geographical position being
killunmun wrong direction; wrong Barrow, Alaska) »
way » killunmun kiluliñġaniittuq Utqiaġviit it is to
isagutigaluaqtuaq he began the south of Barrow | +liñiq nn
going in the wrong direction, (but kilulliq direction toward inland; one
he no longer is) | ÷mun (term.) farthest toward the back or away
killuqsraun bitterness | +qsraq- nv from the ocean | +llIQ nn
-un1 vn kilumi located opposite the door | ÷mI
kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kilunmun toward inland » aisaqami,
south (with one’s geographical kilunmun igliġniqsuat paaġai as
position being Barrow, Alaska) » he was heading home, he met
tupqum kiluuraŋani savaktut travelers going inland |
they are working immediate back +nmun (term.)
area of the tent kilutqut- to pass by (her/him/it) on
kiluagnamiñ atchaġnauraaqtuaq the inland side »
saġvaq current flowing from the kilutqusiññaġuugaatigut
southwest § see Appendix 14 isiġaluaġnani she just passes our

house on the inland side without kiluaq- (i) to rip, become undone (of
even coming in; kilutquttaat seam); (t) to rip its seam @
Utqiaġvik they went by above, kiluaqsi- » miquani
landward of Barrow | -tqut- nv kiluglugivlugu kiluaġaa she
kiluvaq- (i) to travel inland; (i) to ripped her sewing at the seam
move away from the door and because she felt it was unevenly
further into the room » stitched | -aq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
makitaruat upkuam saniġaani kilugik- (i) to sew well with even
kiluvaqtiłługit allat isiqtitkai by stitches, to be sewn well »
having the people standing by the miquqami araa samma
door move up to the far side of the kilugiksuq when she sews, she
room, he let others in | +vaq- vv does so with very even, small
kiluvaqpatigun via further inland | stitches | +[g]Ik- nv
+vaq- vv +qpak(-) vv, nn +tigun kilugluk- (i) to sew uneven or big
kiluvaqtaaq- (i) to move up, to come stitches; (i) to be sewn with
further into the house toward the uneven or big stitches »
wall opposite the door; (t) to move naġġugigaluaŋŋaan
her/him/it further into the house; kiluglunaaqtani pitqiŋiñmigaa
to move it =usu. a boat away although she was not satisfied
from the sea, bring ashore » iñuk with the quality of her sewing, she
kiluvaqtaaqtuq qiiyavluni the did not rip it up (and do it again) |
person moved away from the door +luk-1 vv
further into the room because he kiluissaq- (i) to be now locked; (t) to
was cold | +vaq- vv +taaq- vv lock it =door | perhaps :It-2 nv
kiluvaqtiġi- (i) to make repeated trips perhaps msaq-3 vv
to bring things up from the shore; kiluissaun lock | perhaps :It-2 nv
(i) to take something away from 3 1
msaq- vv :un vn § agmaun,
the sea, bring on shore | +vaq- vv pitchiġiiyaun
+tiġi- vv kiluitchaq lock | perhaps :It-2 nv
kiluvasik- (i) to be well inside a :It-1 nv ‘saq(-) vn, rv
house; (i) to be far inland » kiluiyaq- (i) to come apart at the
tupqat samma kiluvasiksuq seams; (t) to rip a seam @
taġium siñaaniñ their tent is quite kiluiyai- » kiluiyaqqaaqługu
a way inland (from the ocean’s atigini sipaaġaa after ripping her
shore) | +vaq- vv +sIk-1 rv parka at the seam, she added a
kiluvauti- (t) to take her/him/it side section to enlarge it |
towards the land away from the :Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv
shore; (i) to take her/him/it into kilukit- (i) to be finely sewn, has
the room away from the door | small precise stitches | -kIt- nv
+vaq- vv -uti- vv kiluusaq(-) (Nu) lock; (i) to be now
locked; (t) to lock it | +ut2 nv
kilu2 seam, stitch 3
msaq- vv
killuk double seam | ‘-k2 nn
kiluusaun lock | +ut2 nv msaq-3 vv
kiluaġniq rip in the seam | -aq-2 nv
:niQ1 vn kiluutchaq(-) key and padlock; (t) to
lock it | +ut1 nv m saq-3 vv §
aŋmaun, pitchiġiiyaun

kiluutchauti- (t) to lock her/him/it in soles of her boots by scraping
or out | +ut1 nv msaq-3 vv +uti- vv them with an ulu | :uq-2 vv ||
+sI-3 vv
kiluunaġun slough kiliutaq- (t) to scrape fat off of it =an
animal skin, to clean (it) by
kiligvak mammoth, mastodon » scraping (it) @ kiliutai- »
kiligvaum tuugaaŋi aŋiqpaktut kiliutaġaa natchiq uluuramik
the tusks of a mastodon are very niviŋŋaqqaaqługu she hung up
big | +vak nn the sealskin and scraped it clean
with an ulu | -utaq- vv || :I-4 vv
kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; (t)
to scrape it =fat from something, kiliñiq charred, stained portion of pipe
e.g., intestine; (t) to scrape it (between the two pieces of wood)
=inner layer off of skin @ kiliksi- » “kipinniq akunġagnun
» kiliksivluni ugruum amianik qirruk” (Matumeak 2009) [the
uvluq naallakkaa she scraped the stained portion between the two
bearded sealskin all day long || pieces of wood]
+sI-3 vv
kiligaq- to scrape (it, e.g., baleen) to kiliq- [kilIq] (i) to cut oneself
desired size; (i) to scrape fat off a accidentally; (t) to cut her/him/it
skin » kiligaqtuq suqqanik accidentally
umiaqpauraliuġukłuni he killiaq- (i) to cut and wound oneself
scraped some baleen to make a repeatedly; (t) to cut and wound
miniature boat with; kiligaġai her/him/it repeatedly | ‘aq-1 vv
suqqautini he is scraping his killiaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to cut and wound
baleen to various sizes | +aq-1 vv oneself; (t) to cut and wound
kiligautiksrat (Nu) wide, front ribs of her/him | ‘aq-1 vv +tuq-3 vv
caribou | +aq-1 vv -uti1 vn killiġruaq bad wound; impetigo
+ksraq(-) nn sores; leprosy » killiġruani
kiligvik piece of log used as a prop in salummaġaa auktilġataqługu he
scraping skins draped over the log cleansed his bad sore until it bled |
| +vIk1 vn § sakivsiñ +ġruaq nn
kiliuġruk- (i) to skin or scrape killiġruaqtuq- (i) to have leprosy |
oneself; (i) to abrade oneself +ġruaq nn +tuq-3 nv
without bleeding; (t) to skin or killiq cut on skin; sore | ‘-Q vn
scrape it =one’s body part killiqsuq- (i) to have sores |
without breaking the skin » +tuq-3 nv
utummagni kiliuġruksimaraik
paasakaaqami she found out that kilit- to split (it =skin) lengthwise with an
she scraped the palms of her ulu or a knife » aġnak kilitkaatk
hands when she fell face forward | ammiq the two women are
:uq-2 vv +rruk- vv splitting the skin
kiliuq- to scrape (it) repeatedly @
kiliuqsi- » kammagmi aluŋik *kim (root) unpleasantness
uluuramik kiliuqługik kimnaq- (i) to have a bitter or an
salummaġaik she cleaned the unpleasant taste »

kimnaqsillagniqsuq tiiliaġa more food), and symbolizing a
suaŋanaaqpaiññiqługu the tea I request for the singers and
made has a bitter taste because I drummers to play his song.”
made it too strong » kimnaqsigaa (Rainey: 246); “a man would lift
tiiliaġa the tea I made has become one leg up signaling the drummers
bitter | +naq-1 rv § qakkiññaqsi- that he wants his ancestral song to
kimni- (i) to become dizzy, light- dance to” (Kinneeveauk 2008);
headed from tobacco smoke; (i) to host (of the Messenger Feast,
have difficulty breathing » Kivgiq)
sigaallasiñiatakami kimnivluni kimik people who send messengers to
tatamittuaq when he was trying the Messenger Feast, Kivgiq
to learn to smoke, he learned his (Kisautaq: 650)
lesson because he became dizzy; kimiñaaq act performed by man
“aniqsaallaiqsuq” (Matumeak requesting that his family’s song
2009) [he is having difficulty be sung as he and his family enter
breathing] | +nnI- rv the qargi | +naaq vn
kimiñaq- (Ti) (i) to desire, request
¤kimagluk (Ti) an edible green things habitually, especially
something other than what is
kimaktuq- (t) to scrape it off » available » “piqaġuqpaiłłuni
“kimaktuġaa mamiŋa ammim, pavriñaqtuq” (S. Tuzroyluke
mamiŋa mapturuaq 2009) [because he is so persistent
piiyaġamiuŋ” (Aiken 2009) [she in wanting something not readily
is scraping the dried membrane available, he is a nuisance] |
off of a skin, the part that had +naq-1 vv
been thick when she removed it kimmun (Ti) personal, namesake, or
(the membrame off the skin)] ancestral song sung at the
kimaktuun handle of skin scraper | messenger feast to which a person
+tuq2 vv :-un1 vn § mamiiyaq- dances | ‘n vn

kimaliq or kimaliuraq small sewing ulu| kimmigñaq1 lowbush cranberry; lingon

-liQ n :uraq nn berry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) »
kimmigñanik upinġaksraq
kimi(-) [kimI] (Ti) (i) to request, desire pukuktuat pakikługu aniu they
one’s personal song or ancestor’s picked some cranberries by
song to dance to by lifting one leg; digging in the snow in the spring
“Each family came up through the
entrance hole as a group and kimmik(-) [kimmIk] heel; (i) to kick,
danced together before joining the push with the heel; (t) to hit it with
crowd packed against the rear wall one’s heel; (t) to tap one’s heel to
of the qalegi. If a man’s ancestor it or on it; (t) to hold it with one’s
had composed a song, he would heel; (i) to hit, push, tap, hold it
leap up through the entrance hole with the heel
in advance of his family, an act kimmiaq- (i) to bounce one’s heel up
called kimiroaq (asking for and down repeatedly (of male
something, as a child asks for Iñupiaq dancer); (t) to hit it

repeatedly with one’s heel » siku because my little daughter was
kimmiaqługu qauġaa she hindering me | :un1 vn
loosened the piece of ice by kinatchit- (i) to come to a stop in
repeatedly kicking it with her heel terrain through which travel is
| -aq-1 vv difficult (as a sled in sand); to get
kimmigñaq2 or kimmigñauraq bogged down; to have difficultly
small pouch-like section in nape swallowing food »
area of woman’s parka and kinatchiññami uniani
snowshirt hood » uqikłilaaġnilukkai when his sled
kimmigñauralillaiqługu became bogged down, he tried to
atikłiani qimmaksaliqsuq she lighten his load | ‘=It-2 nv
got frustrated because she could
not make the small pouch-like kiniq- (i) to be viscous (of a liquid); (i) to
section in the nape of her parka not slide easily (as a sled with
hood | +naq1 nn :uraq nn sticky runner base) »
kimmitquun (Ti) heel tendon, tiiġruaqtuqłuŋa-uvva qaniġa
Achilles tendon » kiniqsimmiuq my mouth feels
ivalulhiñaq; ivalukii tavruŋa thick from drinking strong tea
ittuq entirely sinew; because the kinatchit- (i) to be stuck »
sinew is all attached there “kinatchiłłuni qaullaiqsuaq,
| -tquq nn -un2 nn aulayyallaiqsuaq” (Aiken 2009)
kimmitquq top muscle of heel; heel [it became mired in something
skin; heel bone » arraa and was unable to pry itself loose,
kimmitquŋa-una was not able to move] | ‘=It-2 vv
maksiŋapaluktuq wow, how kiniġniq bone in caribou’s upper leg
thick with dirt the back of his attached to hip containing thick
ankle has become | -tquq nn § see marrow; humerus, upper arm
Appendix 21 bone; marrow in hind leg of
caribou | +niQ1 vn § anauttaq,
kimmitquilaq (Nu) Sanderling (Calidris piagniq
alba) kiniqsilaaġun thickening for food,
e.g., flour | +sI-1 vv +laaq-1 vv
kinatak- or kiŋatak- (i) to resist going :un1 vn
somewhere when someone wants kiniqsilaaq- (t) to make it a thicker
you to; to go unwillingly; (i) to consistency | +sI-1 vv -laaq-1 vv
apply brakes, slow down; (t) to
slow it, apply brake to it » kiniqtat dried meat kept in seal oil »
kinataktuq maliguŋiłłuni she imġusiaġrugmun kiniqtaliuqtuq
resisted because she didn’t want to she is putting some dried meat in a
go along keg of seal oil | +t/raq vn -t nn §
kinatagun or kiŋatagun or kiñit-
kinattaun or kinataun or
kiŋataun sled brake, brake, foot kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool;
brake for sled; hindrance » (excl.) you fool! » kinnaq,
paniuramnik kinatautiqaqłuŋa usiuvva niuggaapiaqtuq that
kiŋuġautchiruaŋa I was late

fool, I thought he really broke his
leg kiñapayaaq anyone < °kI1
kinnaaluk very crazy person; very
annoying person | -aluk nn kiñi- [kiñI] (i) to squat down, sit down on
kinnaġuq- (i) to go mad, crazy | honey bucket or toilet; (t) to sit
+[ġ]uq-1 nv her/him down on honey bucket or
kinnaksai- (t) to confuse her/him | toilet; (t) to hold her/him=child on
‘-k-2 nv msaq-3 vv -I-6 vv a toilet or pot to urinate or
kinnaksaq- (i) to misunderstand, be defecate » kiññiuŋ nukaaluiñ!
confused » kinnaksaqłuŋa killuk hold your little brother so he can
kamikłuuk kiluiyaġniġikka I go to the toilet
ripped the wrong pair of pants by
mistake | ‘-k-2 nv msaq-3 vv kiñiġñiq humerus, upper arm bone of a
kinnalaaq (Nu) fool | -laaq nn human or a forelimb in other
kinnaŋa- (i) to be crazy, mentally ill | animals § see Appendix 21
±ŋa- vv
kinnaŋaaq- (i) to behave like a fool; kiñiġvik- to carry something in the front
to be senile; be mentally ill, crazy of one’s snowshirt or apron by
» kinnaŋaaqsiŋasugnaqtuq raising the hem and forming a sort
qanuq una naluva sunik of pouch » kiñiġvikługit
uqaqtilaamiñik I think he has pagmagrait aggisuutigai she
become senile, he does not know took home the capelin by carrying
what he is talking about | them in a pouch formed by pulling
±ŋaaq(-) nv up the front of her snowshirt |
kinnaŋakavsak- (i) to be slightly +vik- vv
crazy | ±kavsak(-) nn, vv
kinnau- (i) to be a fool, foolish » | kiñiq(-) moist eczema; lochia; discharge
of water from skin (a disease of
:u-1 nv
kinnaum nigaŋa or kinnaq dogs); (i) to become dehydrated
niggiqsuq [lit. “crazy fool’s (of dog due to disease); to filter
snare”] or [lit. “crazy fool has set through fabric or paper (of a
a snare”] (Nu) rainbow §
tulimmaq kiñalluq or (Ti) kiññaġluk residue at
bottom of liquid, dregs »
kinni- (t) to cause her/him/it to go
crazy or to become obsessed » kiñalluiyaġaa kiñitchiqługu he
taaŋŋam kinnigaa he is obsessed removed the residue (from the
by liquor, or liquor obsesses him | water ) by letting it settle |
‘=I-7 nv ±lluQ vn or ‘-Q vn +luk nn
¤kiñatchi- (i) to produce dregs,
kinniqi- (i) to act crazy | =Iqi- nv
shavings, or shreds § kiputtaq
kiña whos, whoms < °kI1 kiñiqtit- to seep or filter through sea
ice (of fresh melt water)
kiñaliqaa anyone, whoever < °kI1 / kiñiqtittuam anayanaqsigaa
siku the seepage of fresh melt
kiñami (interrog.) who then; which water is making the sea ice
person, I wonder < °kI1 surface dangerous

kiñitchiq-1 (i) to be left to settle (of tusaavluni she looked back
water); (i) to let salt settle out of hearing someone calling § qiviaq-
ice to make fresh water; (t) to kiŋiaŋa- (i) to long for the past or a
leave it =water to settle @ past event » “taamapkunuŋa
kiñitchii- » immiuqtuq apqusaaŋaramiñun
kiñitchiqługu imaq qattaurami kiŋiaŋaruq” [he is longing for
she made some potable water by those that he encountered a while
letting the water settle in a large back] (Aiken 2009) | ±ŋa- vv
pot; to let it =water settle so that
dirt falls to the bottom | +[t]sIq- vv kiŋik- (PB) (i) to be high in elevation,
|| :I-4 vv § (Ti) kit- e.g., mountain or an ice pressure
ridge » ivunġit kiŋipaluksimarut
kiñit- (i) to immerse oneself in water; (t) I was really amazed at the height
to dip, soak or immerse her/him/it of the ice pressure ridges
» kiñitchuq immamun sila
uunaqpaiłłuni he immersed kiŋmaq- to bite (her/him/it) repeatedly <
himself in water to cool off kii-1
because of the hot weather |
+t-1 vv kiŋmautik pliers § kigmiġun under kii-1
kiñitchiaq something left to soak |
+[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn kiŋmialiq- or kiŋmirriq- (i) to now have
kiñitchiq-2 or kiñitchiaq- (i) to soak; something in the mouth; (t) to
(t) to leave her/him/it to soak; | bridle it =animal; to put
+[t]sIq- vv something in her/his/its mouth <
kiññiq ten-legged mythical polar bear §
qupquġiaq kiŋmiaq(-) Eskimo firedrill, bow drill;
something carried with the teeth,
kiñŋu- (i) to capsize, roll over (of a e.g., animal with young in teeth;
vehicle or boat) » kiñŋuruagut to carry (her/him/it) with the teeth
we rolled over < kii-1
kiñŋuraġaaq- or (Ti) kinŋuraġaq-
(i) to roll over and over in a kiŋmiġun connecting strip between body
kayak, do the “Eskimo roll” in a and sole of boots, made of caribou
kayak » qayaqtuqtuaq or seal leather § kigmiġun under
kiñŋuraġaaqtuq the kayaker kii-; killiġuaq or (Ti) killiġauraq
demonstrated his ability to roll
over and up again | +raġaaq(-) kiŋmiġutiksraq animal skin to be made
vn,vv or -t/raġaq- vv into strips; connecting strip
kiñŋut- (t) to cause it to capsize, roll between body of boot and sole of
over | +t-1 vv boot < kii-1

kiŋiaq- (i) to turn one’s head to look, look kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear
back; (t) to turn one’s head to look sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq:
at, look back at her/him/it » 650); (Ti) three-quarter inch
kiŋiaqtuq ququularuamik manila rope used with whaling

harpoon; large float fastened at calf of leg | +[ġ]aq nn or
end of harpoon line; (i) to be late; +[ġ]aq- rv ‘-Q vn
(i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to kiŋuġaqłiġiik- (i) to be in line, one
be gone, have moved on (of behind the other »
animals); (t) to be late for kiŋuġaqłiġiiksiłłutiŋ taliqsut
her/him/it » “piŋasunik they performed the bench dance
avataqpaqaġuurut taipkua (sit-down motion dance) in a line
kapisiññaqługu pisuuruat; behind each other | +[ġ]aq vn
malġugnik qitqagun tukaqtiŋat +llIQ nn +[g]iik- nv
tainna avataqpaqaqsimraat, kiŋuġautchi- or kiŋuġauti- (i) to be
aasii piŋayuat aquaniiłługu late; to miss something, being too
tamattuma akłunaam late » kiŋuġautchivluŋa
tukaqtim” (Aiken 2009) [those nuŋuġutipkaġniqsuaŋa because
who used only harpoons had three I was too late, there was nothing
floats; two in the middle of the left for me | +[ġ]aq- vv -ut-1 vv
rope, and the third at the end of +sI-3 vv
the rope holding the floats] § kiŋullak- (i) to die to the last one (of
avataqpak, kanasiġaq, kayasiġaq, a group) | -llak-1 vv
kiŋu, tukaqti kiŋuġaġliq or kiŋulliq1 [dual
kiŋuani area behind it; time after; kiŋulliññaak] hind leg; (Ti)
after her/him/it (in time); behind backsides of boots » “tuttum
her/him/it » kiŋuani tikitchuagut kiŋulliññaak kiñiqtuak” (S.
we arrived after he did | :a (poss. Tuzroyluke 2009) [the hind legs of
abs. 3s-s) ÷nI (loc.) the caribou (the marrow in them)
kiŋuagun later, afterwards » is thick and does not come out
taaptuma kiŋuagun freely] | +[ġ]aq vn +llIQ nn or
piñiaqtugut we will perform +llIQ nn
after that one | :a (poss. abs. 3s-s) kiŋulliq2 one in the back, one
+gun1 nn previous; hindmost one | +llIQ nn
kiŋuġaaġiit succeeding generations | kiŋulvatigun (Ti) later on | +vak nn
+[ġ]aq rn -aq2 vn +[g]iik/t nn -tigun (via) § kiŋuvatigun
kiŋuġaani before her/his/its time; kiŋumuk- (i) to wane (of moon); to
located behind, in back | have liquid run back down one’s
+[ġ]aq rv :a (poss. abs. 3s-s) ÷nI arms e.g., as when washing one’s
(loc.) § tunu face | ÷mun (term.) -k3- nv
kiŋuġaġlugun hind leg sinew | kiŋumun to the rear | ÷mun (term.)
+[ġ]aq nn +lugun nn kiŋunġuu- (i) to mourn »
kiŋuġaq- (t) to miss her/him/it by kiŋunġuuruat ikayuġiaġai she
having come too late; (t) to miss went to help the people who were
it =moving target by shooting mourning | -nġu- rv :u-2 vv §
behind it » aŋani kiŋuvġu-
tautugiaqsauraqtani kiŋuġaġaa kiŋuniq or kiŋuniiq descendant; (Nu)
she missed seeing her uncle whom ancestor » kiŋuniivut
she had rushed to see because she nunaqaquvlugilli uvlupak
came too late | +[ġ]aq- vv savaktugut we are working today
kiŋuġaq or kiŋuqqaq back of boot,

because we want our descendants +vaq- vv ±aq1 vn -t nn
to also have land | :niQ1 vn kiŋuvaq- (i) to move toward the rear;
kiŋunmun backwards; back again, (t) to arrive too late to see
returning | +nmun (term.) her/him/it | +vaq- vv
kiŋuŋiq- (Nu) (t) to prevent her/him/it kiŋuvatigun later on | +vaq- vv
from returning home, block -tigun (via) § kiŋulvatigun
her/his/its way home, e.g., prevent kiŋuvġu- (Ti) to mourn (for
an animal from returning to its her/him/it) » “Tavra ilaŋich
burrow, hole | ±ŋIq- nv nalluķsraŋarut nunam
kiŋuppiaq- (i) to move, step avyuanik niaķumiŋñun,
backward once » ķiallaġmiŋ kiŋuvġullaġmiglu
kiŋuppiaqsaqłuni mauruq nipaalavlutiŋ, … They threw
aqayamun he stuck his foot in the dust on their heads, they cried and
mud when he tried to move mourned…” (Iñupiat New
backward | +ppiaq- vv Testament: Rev. 18:19) | §
kiŋuppiaqtuq- (i) to go in reverse, kiŋunġuu-
move backwards »
kiŋuppiaqtuqtuq argunmun *kipa (root) source of one’s hilarity,
igliġuŋiłłuni he is walking teasing
backwards because he does not kipaaġun hilarity | :uq-2 vv:un1 vn
want to walk into the wind | kipaaq- (i) to joke, be hilarious; (i) to
+ppiaq- vv +tuq-2 vv cause laughter by one’s hilarious
kiŋuppiŋa- (i) to be born feet first | behavior » kipaaqtuat
+ppI- vv ±ŋa- vv aaqsallaiqsittaatigut those
kiŋuppiŋaraq a breech birth | clowns made us laugh so hard we
+ppI- vv ±ŋa- vv +raq vn couldn’t stop laughing | :uq-2 vv
kiŋuqqaglugun (Nu) sinew on hind kipagi- (t) to mock, tease, make fun
leg of caribou | +[ġ]aq- vv ‘-Q vn of her/him; /t) to hold contempt
+lugun nn for her/him; (t) to scorn her/him/it
kiŋuvaannak- (i) to inherit » @ kipakłiq- »
aakaalumniñ kipakłiqulaitkaatigut
kiŋuvaannaŋaruŋa atigiŋanik I aŋayuqaapta our parents teach us
have inherited my grandmother’s not to mock or tease | +[g]i- rn ||
parka | +vaq- vv ±aq1 vn -nnak- nv ~kłIq- vv
kiŋuvaannaktaaksraun birthright; kipaun derision; object of ridicule |
potential inheritance | +vaq- vv :uti1 vn
±aq1 vn -nnak- nv +t/raaq1 vn kipautigi- (t) to mock, tease
-ksraun nn her/him/it | :uti1 vn +[g]i- nv
kiŋuvaaq descendant | +vaq- vv
±aq1 vn kipak (Ti) dirt, food on the face § ipiq
kiŋuvaat inheritance; knowledge kippii- (Ti) (i) to get dirt, food on
passed down from ancestors » one’s face | ‘=Iq-1 vv perhaps
aŋayuqaapta :I-4 vv
uqalumignik our parents have left kipaluk(-) errand boy; handyman; to
us their wisdom in words | serve, run errands, be a handyman

(for her/him/it) » aġnaq; apiqsruġiaġuŋ
kipaluupayuguuruq aniŋaiñŋaan that woman over
aakaalugmiñun he runs errands there is good at cutting hair; go
for his grandmother » aañaŋaa ask her before she leaves |
kipalullasianiksimakami how ~raq- vv || :I-4 vv
cute, he is already able to run kivraq something that has been cut |
errands § kivgaq ~raq vn
kipaluatchiaq (Nu) servant | kivraqti barber | ~raq- vv mt/ri vn
-atchiaq nn § kivgaq kivrautik hair clippers, something to
cut hair with; haircutting scissors |
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop ~raq- vv :un1 vn -k2 nn
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop kivri- to cut, sever something of
coming (of people or animals); (t) hers/his » kivrigait TV-ŋannik
to sever, cut it; (t) to disconnect akiliilaiñmata they disconnected
her/his telephone, electricity, their television because they do
television; (t) to crosscut, cut not pay their bills | ~rI-4 vv
against its grain @ kipisi- » allai, kivriññaq sickle | ~rI-4 vv +nnaq vn
silakkuaqtuanik kivluaq knee-high, hairless, sealskin
naalaktuannaraaqtuagut waterproof boot with bearded
kipigaat tamaunaġruiññaq oh sealskin sole | -luk- vv ±aq1 vn §
no, we were enjoying listening to qaqłIk
a radio program when they cut it kivluatchiak short, ankle-length
off in the middle || +sI-3 vv boots; slippers; (Ti) knee-high
kippaku piece which has been cut off caribou fur boots in black and
and saved| ‘-Q vn -ku(-) nn white patterning with wolverine
kippaq cut-off piece | ‘-Q vn tassles (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) »
kipputi- (i) to be cut off; to be cut “kivluatchiak naisuurak
loose, e.g., dog which chews kammak siŋiġñimun aglaan
through rope | :uti- vv ittuak, natchiñiñ mitquiqsaniñ
kipuq- or kipluq- (Nu) (t) to cut, naakka tuttuniñ” (Aiken 2009)
sever it repeatedly, into several [they are short ankle-length boots
pieces | +q-2 vv ~luq5 vv § kivluq- made from hairless seal or tuttu
kivliq- (t) to cut it in two | -liq-2 vv skins] | -luk- vv ±aq1 vn -tchiaq nn
kivluivik harvest time; place to cut § aquptitaak
things | +luq-3 vv :I-4 vv +vIk1 vn
kivluq- (t) to cut it into lengths, e.g., *kipiq (root) desire for an optimun
rope, log @ kivlui- » akłunaaq outcome
kivluqqaaqługu piñiliuqtuq after kipiġi- (i) to be anxious to do
cutting lengths from the rope he something; to persist | +[g]i- rv
made himself a pair of insoles | kipiġniuġun desire; interest; dream |
~luq-3 vv || :I-4 vv +naq1 vn ‘=iuq-2 nv :un1 vn
kivluun cross-cut saw | +luq-3 vv kipiġniuq- (i) to dream, long for with
:un1 vn zeal: (i) to have a strong desire for
kivraq- (i) to cut one’s hair; (t) to cut something » atigitchiaġuum
her/his/its hair @ kivrai- » uvva ammiñik kipiġniuqtuŋa I
kivrayuruq samma taigña am anxiously trying to find some

furs because of my desire for a kipkaqsiġiilat vertebrae above the
new parka | +naq1 rn ‘=iuq-2 nv lumbar vertebra | +siġiaq- vv =ilaq
kipinŋusuk- (i) to speak one’s mind vn -t nn
without realizing it might hurt
others’ feelings; (i) to yearn to do kipuqłak- (t) to argue with her/him/it,
something but be unable to, so one expressing disagreement »
worries and frets about it | “uqalugmiñik paaqłakkaa”
-nŋu- vv +suk-2 vv (Matumeak 2009) [she argued
kipiqqutaq an expectation, an with him expressing her
anticipation; a desire | -utaq vn disagreement]
kipiqqutaġi- (t) to be anxious to have
it done or get it over with » ¤kiput- (t) to cause them to exchange
kipiqqutaġigaa savaani places; to get someone to initiate
naallaiqługu she is anxious to get you
her work done because it is taking
so long | +[g]i- rv ‘utaq vn +[g]i- kiputi- (t) to include her/him/it »
nv “taputigaa-kiuvva” (Aiken 2009)
kipiqqutiġi- (t) to desire her/him/it | [the fact is that she is including
:un1 vn +[g]i- nv him] § taputi-
kipiqsruq- (i) to keep on trying, to
persist; (t) to urge, tell her/him/it kiputtaq- (t) to bend the teeth of a saw »
to keep on trying, persisting » “piġittauraqługit kigutiŋit
qimmiq kipiqsruqtuq uluaqtuutim;
killunmun the dog keeps trying to kiñatchiłhaaġuuruq uluaqtuun
pull in the wrong direction (not kiputtaŋaiñman” (Aiken 2009)
with the rest of the team) | [(accomplished by) bending the
mqsruq- vv teeth of a saw; a saw creates more
shavings when its teeth have not
kipit- (i) to become stained, dyed; (i) to been bent]
be brewed (of tea); (t) to stain, to kiputtaun saw tooth bender »
dye it; (t) to influence her/him/it “kiputtaunmik uvva uluaqtuutit
so that her/his/its behavior saquuġauraqługi kigutiŋit
resembles one’s own @ kipitchi- pisuugait” (Aiken 2009) [the teeth
» tainna-uvva uqaġuuruam of the saw are bent slightly with
kipitkaaŋa the person who talks the saw tooth bender] | :un1 vn
like that now has me talking like
he does || +sI-3 vv *kipuyu (root) obtuse, slow to
kipinniq stain | +niQ1 vn comprehend
kipitchiaq dyed skin, especially dyed kipuyuŋa- (i) to not understand, to be
red with alder | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn unable to distinguish between
kipitchiun dye | +[t]sIq- vv :un1 vn things | ±ŋa- vv
kipuyuŋaiŋait- (t) to not yet
kipkaq- or kipkaluk- to eat (it) down to understand it fully or to still be
the bone; to eat the meat off it unable to distinguish it from
=bone | -luk- vv others; to not have learned it fully
» taamna atuun

kipuyuŋaiŋaitkiga-suli I still shun a sick person; (i) to be very
have not completely learned that dangerous, or taboo (of property)
song | ±ŋa- vv :Iq-2 vv ±ŋait- vv kiruġi- (Ti) (t) to shun, avoid, e.g.,
kipuyuŋaiq- (t) to come to something taboo, a sick person |
understand; (t) to distinguish +[g]i- vv § agliġi-
between them » kiruġnaq- (i) to be taboo, something
kipuyuŋaiġataŋagikka malġik which must be avoided | +naq-1 vv
niviaqsiaŋŋuġataġmagnik I kiruqtait- (Ti) (i) to not need to
finally was able to tell the twins avoid, shun things, not be bound
apart after they became young by taboo | +t/raq vn :It-1 nv
ladies | ±ŋa- vv :Iq-2 v kiruqtau- (Ti) (i) to be observant or
respectful of taboo, avoiding what
kirgavik or kilgavik (Ti) Goshawk is to be avoided | +t/raq vn :u-1 nv
(Accipiter gentilis); Peregrine § agliqtau- agliġIk-
Falcon (Falco peregrinus) |
-vIk3 nn kisaq(-) [pl. kitchat] anchor; boat anchor;
kilgaviurat (Ti) altocumulus clouds net anchor (usually a gunny sack
(little, feather shaped clouds that full of sand); (i) to anchor, to cast
are wavy and curly) § nuviya or drop anchor; (t) to cast or drop
kirgavialaaq- (i) for there to be both its anchor, to anchor it »
altocumulus and cirrus clouds » kisaqtuŋa I’ve dropped the
“kirgavium amiŋatun anchor » umiaq kisaġiga I
mitquŋitun qiññaqaġman anchored the boat
nuviyat” (Matumeak 2009) kisaiq- (t) to weigh, take up its anchor
[clouds which resemble the shape @ kisaiqsi- » kisaiqsiruŋa I
of feathers of a peregrine falcon] § weigh anchor; kisaiġiga I take up
kilgaviurat | -alaaq- nv, nn its anchor | ‘=Iq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
kirgaviatchauraq (Nu) Merlin (Falco
columbarius); gnat, “no-see-um”, kisi- [kisI] (i) to bow, lower the head §
small biting flies | -tchauraq(-) nn siki-, kurraq-
kirgavigruaq (Nu) Peregrine Falcon
(Falco peregrinus) | +ġruaq nn § °kisI (stem) aloneness § °kI1
aatqarruaq kisian (pron.) [dual kisiigñik, pl.
kisiiññik or kisiisa] only
kiriuraq [ENG ”kitten”] (Ti) cat her/him/it; unless; only if » kisian
ilisimagiga taamna I know only
kirrak- (i) to be lukewarm (of liquid) that one; “tuunik tamatkuniŋa
kirratchiaq- (i) to be sunny weather | pisiksiñiglu satkuqaqłutik
-tchiaq- vv kisiiññik” (Ekowana:13) [seal
kirratchiaqtit- (t) to shine brightly | spears, bows and arrows were all
-tchiaq- vv -tit-2 vv they used] | +an (3s)
kirriq- (Ti) (i) to have a fever | kisima (pron.) [dual kisimnuk, pl.
‘=Iq-1 nv kisipta] solely I, me » kisima
atuġumiñaġiga I can sing it by
kiruq(-) (Ti) to be taboo; (i) to be unable myself | +ma (1s rel. poss. mkr.)
to frequent something taboo; (i) to

¤kisimalluaq (Nu) hill or mountain kisit- [kisIt] (t) to count them @ kisitchi-
standing alone | +ma (1s poss. rel. || +sI-3 vv
mkr.) -lluaq nn kisirrun or kisitchiñ [pl. kisitchisit]
kisimatchiaq by myself | +ma (1s numeral, number | +ruti vn or
poss. rel. mkr.) -tchiaq nn +n vn § paqirrun
kisimġaaq person with no relatives, kisirrutit or kisitchisit numerals;
someone or something alone, by numbers | +ruti vn or +n vn +t nn
itself | +mġaaq rn kisisaat items already counted;
kisimġiuq- (i) to be alone | ~mġuq- rv mathematics » “kisitkaniŋaruat”
‘=iuq-2 vv [those already counted] (Aiken
kisimġuqtaaq- (i) to exclude others 2009) | ±aq1 vn -t vn
from one’s activities; (t) to isolate kisisaq2 something included in the
it » kisimġuqtaaġaa he is count | ±aq1 vn
isolating it and doing something to kisitchisaġvik number zero |
it alone; kisimġuqtaaqtuq he is +saq-2 vv +vIk1 vn § suuŋilaq
isolating himself from the others;
kisimġuqtaaġataqłuni kit- [kIt] (Ti) (i) to settle (of water) §
niġisuuruq he always eats alone | kiñit-
+mġuq- rv +taaq- vv kitchiaq- (Ti) (i) to be left to settle (of
kisimi (pron. as subj only) [dual water); (t) to let it =water settle |
kisimik, pl. kisimiŋ] solely +[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv § kiñitchiq-
she/he/it » kisimi pillagaa he can
do it alone | +mI (3Rs) kitaaq [ENG “guitar”] guitar
kisiŋŋuq- (i) to be left alone; (i) to kitaaġaq- (i) to play a guitar |
become the only one left; (t) to +[t]aq-2 nv
fail to include or take her/him/it
along; (t) to leave it, them as the kitigaq(-) (Nu) string which holds drum
only one or ones remaining; (t) to skin to frame; (t) to attach it
leave her/him/it all alone » =drum skin to its frame with
malġuuk kisiŋŋuġaik she left string
only two | ±ŋŋuq- nv kitigaġvik groove around outside of
kisiŋŋuqtaq one that is left alone, drum frame where string is wound
behind | ±ŋŋuq- nv +t/raq vn to attach the drum skin | +vIk1 vn
kisiviñ (pron.) [dual kisivsik, pl. § iriġvik
kisivsi] solely yous » kisivsik
qaivisik did youd come alone; | kitik(-) pumice; white rock which is
+viñ (2s) pulverized and used in tanning; (t)
to rub white abrasive powder on
kisisaq1 grounded ice pile (which keeps it =skin as part of tanning process
shore-fast ice from floating kitchi- to pulverize ( it =white rock)
away); grounded iceberg for tanning powder | ‘=I-1 nv
(Kisautaq: 650) § kisaq kitchiñ tool used to pulverize white
kisitchat grounded ice (Harcharek: rock; (Ti) piece of rock to be
13) | ‘t nn pulverized to make powder used
kisitchiq- for ice to become grounded in tanning | ‘=I-1 nv +n vn
(Harcharek: 13) | +[t]sIq- vv

kitiuraq [ENG “kitten”] domestic cat | run away after singing to the
+uraq nn northern lights < kiguġuya
“kiŋuyakkii” or “kiguġuyakkii”(the
kitkuk who [dual form of kia and kina] < title of the child’s song about the
°kI1 northern lights) | +kii2 (encl.)
kiuŋa to out there (restricted and visible)
kitkut who [plural form of kia and kina] < °kig (dem. stem)
< °kI1
kiuŋanmun towards out there (restricted
kittiq- (t) to slice it @ kittiġi- » kittiġaa and visible) < °kig (dem. stem)
niqi autaagaksrani he sliced the
meat which he was to divide into kuiŋaq- (i) to go out there (restricted and
shares || :I-4 vv visible) < °kig (dem. stem)
kittaq strip of animal skin to be used
for rope; something sliced | ‘-Q vn kiuna via, through, by way of out there
§ kilitaq (restricted and visible) < °kig
(dem. stem)
kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) @
kiusi- or kiuri- || +sI-3 vv +rI- vv kiunaaq- (i) to go by way of, via,
kiggun an answer, a reply | ‘n vn through, out there (restricted and
kigguqłak- to answer nastily visible) < °kig (dem. stem)
| ‘-qłak- nv
kiggusiaq a reply, an answer °kIv (dem. stem) in there, or up the coast
received | ‘siaq nn (restricted and visible) § °qav
kiggutait- (i) to lack a reply, a (dem. stem)
response, an answer » kimña [dual kipkuak, pl. kipkua] that
kiggutaitchugguuq she said she one in there, or up the coast
does not have a response | ‘n vn (restricted and visible) | +na (dem.
:It-1 nv abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
kiugiññaq- to merely answer kiptuma or kivsruma or kivruma
(her/him/it) |-giññaq- vv [dual kipkuak, pl. kipkua] that one
kiuma- or (Ti) kiumŋa- to continue in there, or up the coast (restricted
to answer, talk back (to her/him/it) and visible) | +tuma (dem. rel.
» kiumasuugaa aapiyani she pron. sg. mkr.)
talks back to her older brother | kiptumani or kivsrumani or
+ma-1 vv or ±ŋa- vv kivrumani [dual kipkugnagni, pl.
kiunasaaŋit- to not hesitate to answer kipkunani] located with that one
(her/him/it) | +nasaa- vv ±ŋIt- vv in there, or up the coast (restricted
kiuniqłak- to answer (her/him/it) and visible) | +tum (dem. rel.
angrily | -niqłak- vv pron. sg. mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
kiptumaŋŋa or kivsrumaŋŋa or
kiuġuya or kiguġuya northern lights, kivrumaŋŋa [dual kipkugnaŋŋa,
aurora borealis » kiuġuya pl. kipkunaŋŋa] from that one in
atuutiqqaaqługu ililgaat there, or up the coast (restricted
qimaaraqtut the children would and visible) | +tum (dem.rel. pron.
sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)

kiptumatun or kivsrumatun or kivalliq area to one’s right facing the
kivrumatun [dual kipkugnaktun, ocean; east; (Ti) inner room of
pl. kipkunatitun] similar to that house; one that is furtherest in the
one in there, or up the coast house or in the east | +a (dem. adv.
(restricted and visible) | +tum mkr.) +llIQ nn
(dem.rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun kivalliurat (Ti) storage area in
(dem. sim.) entrance tunnel of sod house | +a
kiptumiŋa or kivsrumiŋa or (dem. adv. mkr.) +llIQ nn :uraq nn
kivrumiŋa [dual kipkugniŋa, pl. -t3 nn
kipkuniŋa] that one in there, or up kivani located up the coast (restricted
the coast (restricted and visible) | and visible) | +anI (dem. loc.)
+tum (dem.rel. pron. sg. mkr.) kivaniit- (i) to be located up the coast
+iŋa (dem. mod.) (restricted and visible) | +anI
kiptumuŋa or kivsrumuŋa or (dem. loc.) it- “to be”
kivrumuŋa [dual kipkugnuŋa, pl. kivanmun towards the east, eastward
kipkunuŋa] to that one in there, or | +a (dem. adv. mkr.) nmun (term.)
up the coast (restricted and kivaŋŋa from up the coast (restricted
visible) | +tum (dem.rel. pron. sg. and visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.) kivaŋŋamiñ from up the coast
kiptumuuna or kivsrumuuna or (restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa
kivrumuuna [dual kipkugnuuna, (dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.)
pl. kipkunuuna] via that one in kivaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up the
there, or up the coast; with that coast (restricted and visible) |
one in there, or up the coast +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
(restricted and visible) | +tum kivaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it
(dem. pron. mkr.) +uuna from up the coast (restricted and
(dem. via) visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
kivaknaq(-) (Nu) wind blowing +q-3 dv -uti- vv
downstream; (i) to blow kivaŋnaq(-) (Ti) strong northeast
downstream (of wind) | +a (dem. wind; to blow (of northeast wind)
adv. mkr.) -k-3 rv +naq2 vn » “kivaŋnaġugman
kivaliñaaq area located east § see anayanaqtuq; siku uitchuugaa”
Appendix 12 (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [when the
kivaliñaat people from Barrow who northeast wind begins to blow, it
travel east to go to trading fairs is dangerous; the ice rises] | -k-3 rv
(Kisautaq: 659); departing souls +naq2 vn § ikagnaq
(personal communication with M. kivuŋa to up the coast (restricted and
Pederson per R. Okakok per F. visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
Ahvakana) | +a (dem. adv. mkr.) kivuŋanmun towards up the coast
+liñiQ n (restricted and visible) | +uŋa
kivaliñiq east side, eastward » (dem. term.) -nmun (term.)
Nuiqsut kivaliñġaniittut kivuŋaq- (i) to go up the coast
Utqiaġviit Nuiqsut is to the east (restricted and visible) | +uŋa
of Barrow | +a (dem. adv. mkr.) (dem. term.) +q-3 dv
+liñiQ n

kivuuna via the coast up there kiviqiŋa- (i) to have pants pull down
(restricted and visible) | uuna to one’s ankles | -qi- vv ±ŋa- vv
(dem. via.) kivit- [kivIt] (t) to sink it @ kivitchi-
kivuunnaaq- (i) to travel via the coast » kivitkaa umiaŋat, iññuqług-
up there (restricted and visible) | nun maliquŋiłłuni he sank their
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv boat, not wanting the bad people
kivva in there, or up the coast to follow him | -t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
(restricted and visible) | ‘a (dem. kiviuqsraq- to test ( it =depth of
adv. mkr.) water) | :uq-2 vv +qsraq- vv § (Ti)
kivgaluk muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) kivviñ or kivviqun sinker »
kivgaq servant, messenger § kipaluk(-), natchiqsiutim kuvram
kI2 akłunaaqaqtuq kivvisiliŋnik”
kivgaluk(-) person who runs errands; (Kaveolook 1975c: 2) [at each
to serve and wait on (her/him) | corner the seal net has rope with
-luk(-)2 vn § kipaluk(-) sinkers on them] | ‘n vn or ‘-quti
kivgaluuraq(-) young helper at
whaling camp; (t) to run errands kivigruk- (i) to do the “stick” ceremony
or get something for her/him | (of shaman); (i) to use a divining
-luk(-)2 vn :uraq nn stick to determine whether a sick
¤kivgaqtuq- (Nu) to serve and wait person will get well | +rruk- rv
(on her/him) | +tuq-2 vv
kivgit those who invite others to a kivik- (i) to lift oneself; (t) to lift
messenger feast; host village | her/him/it @ kiviksi- || +sI-3 vv
‘=Iq-1 nv -t nn kiviktit- to appear to float above the
Kivgiq(-) Messenger Feast; (i) to have horizon » iglut kiviktitkai the
a Messenger Feast | ‘=Iq-1 nv houses appear raised | +tit-2 vv
kivvak- to lift (her/him/it) repeatedly
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink @ kivvai- | ‘-k-2 vv
kiviġraq- (Ti) to test (it =depth of
water) by sinking something | kiviq- (Ti) (t) to stuff it
+ġraq- vv § kiviuqsraq- kivviġruaq the mesentry (tissue
kiviikłuŋa- (i) to wear baggy pants | around the caribou’s intestines)
-q-1 vv -kłuk(-) vn ±ŋa- vv stuffed with the contents of the
kiviliq- (i) to “slip away”; to forget rumen (a delicacy) » tuttum
something one tries to remember; itchauraŋi kivviiraġigait
to forget; (i) to sink suddenly » puuqługit nigukkaŋata
atqa taiqqayaqtaġa kiviliqtuq I saniġaŋaniittuamik, tavra
almost said her name, but it taamna kivviġruaq the mesentry
slipped away | -liq-2 vv apron of the caribou is stuffed,
kiviqi- (i) to have one’s pants fall wrapping the contents of the
down; (i) to pull down one’s rumen; that is what is called
pants; (t) to pull down her/his kivviġruaq » +ġruaq nn
pants | -qi- vv kivvii- to fill, stuff it » “kiviiruq
avataqpagnun; kiviigaa

avataqpak” [he is stuffing items kivluatchiak short, ankle-length boots;
into a sealskin poke; he is stuffing slippers; (Ti) knee-high caribou
the sealskin poke] (Aiken 2009); fur boots in black and white
kivviiruq paniqtanik patterning with wolverine tassles
ugriñġaliamun she stuffed dried (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) < kipi-
meat in the seal oil poke | ‘=I-1 vv
kivviaq- (i) to stuff something; (t) to kivviġiruaq (Nu) Arctic finger lichen, a
stuff it | +aq-1 vv lichen with finger-like hollow
kiviiraq (Nu) muzzle-loader rifle | thallus (Dactylina arctica)
’=I-1 vv +t/raq vn
kivviq caribou stomach filled with fat, Kraisimaq- [ENG “Christmas”] (i) to
then cooked, dried, and eaten | celebrate Christmas | -q1 nv
‘-Q vn Kraisimaġvik Christmas | +vIk1 vn

kivliq- (t) to cut it in two < kipi- **ku (root) downward movement or
orientation § kurraq-, kurruk-,
kivluivik harvest time; place to cut things kusiq-, kutaaq-, kutit-, kuuk,
< kipi- kuvi-, kusulugaq, kutchuq,
kivluq- (t) to cut it into lengths, e.g., rope,
log @ kivlui- < kipi- kuiŋiq(-) [Chukchi ‘koyŋәn’] smoking
pipe; (i) to smoke a pipe »
kivluun cross-cut saw < kipi- amauługma irrusia kuiŋiġman
itqallaguugiga I sometimes
kivraq- (i) to cut one’s hair; (t) to cut remember how my
her/his/its hair @ kivrai- < kipi- great-grandmother looked and
acted when she smoked her pipe
kivraq something that has been cut <
kipi- kukik1 [kukIk] hoof; fingernail; stone
head of scraper; (Ti) tip of an
kivraqti barber < kipi- arrow » “suagguuq una
talvuuna qaġrum samna kukia
kivrautik hair clippers, something to cut maŋuŋavluni” (Kiligvuk: 1) [to
hair with; haircutting scissors < his surprise he found impeded
kipi- there the tip of an arrow]
kukigmik- to claw at (her/him/it) with
kivri- to cut, sever something of hers/his fingernails; to pinch or hold
< kipi- (her/him/it) with one’s fingernails
| +mIk- nv
kivriññaq sickle < kipi- kukigralik (Ti) flint arrowhead |
+ksraq(-) nn -lik nn
kivluaq knee-high hairless, sealskin kukiilik hoof | -lik nn
waterproof boot with bearded kukimmala- to try to hold onto
sealskin sole < kipi- (her/him/it) with one’s fingertips |
+mmala- nv

kukkak- or kukkik- (i) to have kukragi- (Nu) (t) to be apprehensive
fingers nails, claws grow » about it »
kikkiksuq his nails are growing | “kukragiqpagniaġaġigaa
‘-k-2 nv utkusik qalattuaq” he was
constantly very apprehensive
kukik2 [kukIk] [ENG “cook”] cook about the boiling pot (Bersland
kukiu- to cook (it) » tuttu 1987:318) | +[g]i- rv
quaġupayuktaġa kukiumagaa kuksranaq- (i) to be doubtful
she cooked the caribou meat | +naq(-)vv
which I wanted to eat frozen | kuksrasuk- (i) to be unsure, lack
:u-1 nv confidence; (i) to fail to do
kukiun (Ti) cooking pot | ‘n vn § something; (i) to do something
utkusIk hesitantly | -suk-2 rv § nalupqisuk-
kukiusuġnaq- (i) to be easy to cook;
(i) to be easy to cook with (of kukuk- (i) to build, light a fire; (t) to
stove) » kukiusuġnaqtuq build a fire in it =stove
igniġvitchauraqput our new | +uk- vv § ikit-
stove is easy to cook on | kukuun or kukuutiksrat kindling »
+suġnaq- vv maqpiġaanik kukuusiqłuni,
kukiutnaq (Nu) cooking pot | ‘n vn igniqsuqtuq using paper for
+naq(-) nn § utkusIk kindling, she started a fire (in the
stove) | :un1 vn +ksraq(-)1 nn
kukiluk- (i) to go about from place to -t nn
place, to wander; to travel; (t) to
travel it, over it; (t) to wait on, kukukłiq a stone (harder than most) |
serve her/him » ataataluum +lliQ rn § kukurvak
manna nuna iluqaan
kukiluŋasugnaġaa I think that kukurvak a blunt stone arrowhead used
the old man has walked, traveled for stunning birds | +vak nn
all over this land » kukilukkaa kukuvrak spotted stone used for head
nuna she is traveling over the of sealing club » “aŋuniaqtuam
land | -luk- nv § aġiyuk-, yugit- karruutaa ugruŋniaġun
kukilukti messenger; servant | natchiġnunlu, naulaqqaaqługu
-luk- nv mt/ri vn nuqinnamiuŋ; puimman
aaġuraqługu uyaġagmik
kukługaq chunk of ice placed over water niaquagun akłunaaligaamik”
bucket to melt and drip, providing [it’s the hunter’s club for bearded
drinking water | +aq2 nn § silliq, seals and regular seals after
kusulugaq spearing them and after pulling
kukługiuri- to have sheets of rain them in; after they surface, he
falling from clouds | perhaps clubs them on the head with the
‘=iuq-2 nv -rI-2 vv stone attached to a rope] (Aiken
2009) | +lak nn
*kuksra (root) doubt, lack of confidence
kuksrait- (i) to be certain, sure, ku ku(u) [ENG “go”] (excl.) to start or
confident | :It-1 nv § nalupqisuŋit- scare dogs

kuuq- (i) to say “ku!” once; (t) to call kumik- (i) to scratch an itch; (t) to scratch
to it =a dog, etc. to go | +q-2 her/him/it to relieve an itch §
kuuqtuq- (i) to call “ku” repeatedly kumak
to urge the dog team on; (t) to call kumigaq- to rake (it) | +aq-1 vv
“ku” repeatedly to them =dogs on kumigautit a rake; ice scratcher,
dogteam to urge them on | -q-2 nv metal claw used to scratch sea ice
+tuq-2 vv to attract seals | +aq-1 vv :un1 vn
-t nn
kukuvyuġaq broth made of tomcod and kumŋun or kumŋutit (Nu) any
sea sculpin | +[ġ]aq nn clawlike device, e.g., ice scratcher
used by seal hunters; antler points
kulavak caribou cow | +vak nn that have been carved with
kulavagruatchauraq very old, serrations and used to scrape off
skinny caribou cow | +vak nn inner the layer of a skin | :un1 vn
+ġruaq nn -tchaq nn :uraq nn
kulavagruatchiaq old caribou cow,
ewe | +vak nn +ġruaq nn *kummaa (root) need
+tchiaq nn kummaala- (i) to be frantically
kulavauraq young caribou cow (two- looking for something; to be in
year-old) which has not conceived need of something desperately »
| +vak nn :uraq nn upaluŋaiyaŋitqaaqłuni
sunaqsimman kummaalasuuruq
kumak louse (Pediculus humanus after not preparing, he always
capitis); maggot, larva of caribou ends up turning the place upside
botfly; (Nu) smooth, white bug down looking for something |
found in tree trunks (eaten by -la- vv
woodpeckers) § kumik- kummaaluk- (i) to be in need of
kumaġuq insect which lives in ponds something, but have difficulty
| ±ġuq n obtaining it | -luk- vv
kumaiq- (i) to be rid of lice | :Iq-2 nv
kumaiqsuaq- (i) to look for lice in kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) to
one’s hair; (t) to look for lice in smack into each other (of juggling
her/his hair | :Iq-2 nv +suaq-2 vv stones); (t) to bring it near to the
kumaiyaugaurat fine-tooth comb nose to sniff » iglukisaaqtuam
(used when delousing) | :Iyaq- nv uyaġaŋik kunikłutik qivsaktuk
:un1 vn :uraq nn -t nn the juggler’s rocks smacked
kumaksralliq (Nu) reindeer, caribou together and flew off
covered with lice in spring | kuniłukaq- (i) to fall flat on one’s
+ksraq(-)1 nn -llIQ nn § face » qimaktuqsaqpaiłłuni
upinġaksralliq kuniłukaqtuq in his rush to get
kumauraq beans, rice | :uraq nn away, he fell flat on his face |
-t nn § saviqquuraq, niliġnaq -łuk-3 vv -kaq- vv
kummak- (i) to be infested with lice, kunipiq- to kiss (her/him/it)
full of lice; (t) she/he/it gets repeatedly | -pIq- vv
infested with lice | ‘-k-2 nv,vv,rv kuniun tip of nose | :un1 vn

kuniuġaq- to sniff (it) repeatedly (to ¤kurrakuraq (Nu) Semi-palmated Plover
determine whether it is spoiled) | (Charadrius semipalmatus)
:uq-2 vv +aq-1 vv
kuniuq- (t) to sniff at her/him/it (as kurraq- (i) to lower one’s head lower
an animal does) » kuniuġaa niqi than one’s torso; (i) to bow; (Ti) to
tippakkasugivlugu she is sniffing lower one’s head | -rraq- rv < **ku
the meat to see if it has a strong kurraŋa- (i) to be steep; (i) to have
odor | :uq-2 vv one’s head lower than one’s torso |
±ŋa- vv
kupkaq- (Ti) (i) to be not fully baked (of kurraqhaaq- or kurraqhuaq- (i) to
breadstuffs) fall head over heels | ‘-qhaaq- or
kupkaġnalaaq (Ti) flavorful, tender -qhuaq- vv
meat | +naq(-) vv vn -laaq vn kurraqsruq- (i) to lower one’s head
kupkaġnaq- (Ti) (i) to be flavorful, (as when looking for something) |
tender (of meat) | +naq(-) vv vn ‘aq-1 rv mqsruq-2 vv
kupkaluk- (i) to have something
sticky on oneself; (i) to have food kurri- to make a river, a rivulet of
or any sticky substance stuck to it, running water, as dripping water
e.g., a cooking pot, clothes » creates a streamlet of water <
argatka kupkaluksirut kuuk
nuŋuraamiñ my hands have
gotten sticky from candy | kurruk- (i) to lower one’s head in
+luk- nv humility, sadness or shame |
kupkanaq- (i) to be sticky to the +rruk- rv < **ku
touch | +naq(-) rv
kupki(-) piece of something stuck kurugaq Pintail Duck (Anas acuta)
between teeth; (i) to get something kurugaġnaq American Wigeon
stuck between teeth; (i) to pick (Anas americana)
teeth » maktaktuqqaaqłuŋa kurukaałhusiq or kurukaaluġusiq
kupkitka piillaiġitka after eating (Nu) Green-winged Teal (Anas
maktak, I can’t get the pieces out crecca)
from between my teeth | ‘=I-1 vv
kupkili- or kupkiiyaq- to pick one’s kurvak or kutvak (Nu) large, flat
teeth clean | ‘=I-1 vv -lI-1 nv or arrowhead made of antler with
:Iyaq- nv four marks, indentations (for
kupkiliñ toothpick » kupkilisiga shooting ptarmigan) § kukurvak
ugruum umiŋa my toothpick is a
bearded seal’s whisker | ‘=I-1 vv kusaq keel of kayak, main structural
-lI-1 nv ‘n vn piece of kayak attached
kupkit- (i) to have food stuck lengthwise along the centerline of
between one’s teeth | ‘=It-2 nv its bottom » “umiam kusaŋa
ataagun ittuaq” (Matumeak
kurauq (Ti) [ENG “cross”] cross, 2009) [the keel is what is situated
crucifix § sanniġutaq, aŋarrauraq along the bottom of a boat] §

kusaaq keel of umiak § (Ti) kuyaaq, Kuuvagmiut kusugaq the
see Appendix 16 Barrow people call “kusulugaq”
kukługaq, the Kobuk people call it
kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it) » “kusugaq” | +sulugaq rn §
qallutin uvva kusiqsuq; kukługaq, **ku
nukiŋamaruq your cup is kusulukki- for icicles to form »
dripping; it has a crack | +sIq-2 vv “iglum avataa
< **ku kusulukkisuuruq” (Aiken 2009)
kusiġñiq drop of liquid | +niQ1 vn [the eaves of a house forms
kusiġaq- to drip (on it) | +aq-1 vv icicles] | ‘=I-1 nv
¤kusiqaq place where melting snow
drips | -qaq vn kutak- (i) to speak with a foreign accent;
kusiqsuaq- (i) to drip continuously » (i) to speak a different dialect; (t)
“uunnaŋata nannim to speak in a different dialect to
igittaġigaich aasii uqsruq her/him » kutaktuat
kusiqsuagaqsivluni tusaakamigit,
uqsruqaġvianun nannim sumiñŋaqtilaaŋiññik
uqsruqaġvia immiqsimaaqługu” ilitchuġiliqtuq when he heard
(Kaveolook 1975a: 10) [the heat them talking with an accent, he
of the lamp would render the fat instantly knew where they came
and the oil dripped continuously from
into the oil container of the lamp,
keeping it filled] | +tuaq- vv kutit- to drip (on her/him/it) » kutittuam
kutchiilisaq receptacle to catch qiŋapkun nalautiġaaŋa the drop
dripping liquid » caught me right on the nose |
kusiqsimamman salumaruamik -tit-2 rv < **ku
kutchiilitchiqsauraqtaġa when I kutaaq- (i) to be dripping steadily; (t)
saw that it was dripping clean to drip on her/him/it steadily |
clear water, I quickly put a -aq-1 vv
receptacle under it | ‘-ilisaq vn kutchuq resin, spruce gum; chewing
kutchiilitchiq- to place a receptacle to gum | ‘-Q vn
catch a drip | ‘-ilisaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv kutchuġruaq sticky, yellow, ear wax
kutchiqpik recptacle for catching the | ‘-Q vn +ġruaq nn
drippings of a melting substance »
“aasii ataani nannim iñġaun kutchuq- (i) to misfire (of gun); (i) to be
naagga kutchiqpik” (Kaveolook defeated, unsuccessful; (i) to not
1975a: 10) [and underneath the pass; (i) to give up one’s plans »
lamp is the overflow oil catcher or aullaaqsaġaluaqtuagut
the container to drip into] § iñġaun kutchuqtuagut ilakput
kutchitchiq- (Ti) (t) to place a naŋiliġman we were going to go
receptacle under a drip to catch it | camping, but we gave up our
perhaps ‘=It-2 vv +[t]sIq- vv plans when one of us got sick

kusulugaq or (Nu) kutulugaq icicle » kuttaq- to be injured in an accident §

kusulugaq Utqiaġvigmiut piyaqquq-
taisuugaat kukługaq,

kuuk1 [kurik] river; tributary | -uk rn < [they flow bubbly along, and they
**ku are shallow and narrow]
kurgit or kuugit rivers | :It nn kuukuaq- (i) to travel by way of
kurrak two rivers | ‘-k2 nn river | -kuaq- nv
kurri- to make a river, a rivulet of Kuukpaaġruk Kuparuk River |
running water, as dripping water +qpak(-) vv, nn -aġruk nn
makes a streamlet of water » Kuukpik Colville River; (Nu) main
“Tavra aasii nimiġiat channel of a river (which has
kurrivlugu nuna iluqaan, aasii branched) | +pIk nn
saġvaqtitkaqsivlutiŋ taġium Kuuvak Kobuk River | -vak nn
niġrutai….And then the snakes Kuuvagmiut people of the Kobuk
made rivers all over the land, and Valley » Kuuvagmiuni
the sea animals followed the ilaqaqsimaruagut aakaalugma
currents.” (Elijah Kakinya as ilaŋiññik I found out that we had
reported by Bergsland 1987:14, relatives among the Kobuk people
15) | ‘=I-1 nv on my grandmother’s side |
kurriaq drainage ditch | ‘=I-1 nv -vak nn ÷miu nn -t nn
±aq1 vn
kurriñiq river or stream bed, place ¤kuuk six (at cards)
through which water runs, channel
cut by running water | ‘=I-1 nv kuukukiaq Common Snipe (Capella
+niQ1 vn gallinago) § saavġaq
kuugaaġruk slough or channel on flat
tundra | +gaq2 nn -aġruk nn kuuppiaq or kuukpiaq [RUSS “kofe”]
kuugaatchiaq a stream linking lake coffee
to river | +gaq2 nn -atchiaq nn
kuugaluk or kuugauraq or kuutchiq [kuutchIQ] pelvic bone (half of
kuuġuuraq stream, creek » pelvic girdle containing hip
kuugauram siñaanun socket)
pauŋŋaatiŋ unitchuuraŋit aasii kuutchiik pelvic bones | ‘-k2 nn
iñupayaam atullavlugik they kuutchiñaaq pelvic bone; pelvic
used to leave their hip boots by girdle | -naaq3 nn § ukpan § see
the river so anyone who wanted to Appendix 21
could use them | +gaq2 nn kuutchiñiq rump | -niQ2 nn
+luk nn or +gaq2 nn :uraq nn or kuutchiññaaq- (i) to injure one’s
±ġuq nn :uraq nn pelvic bone | -niQ2 nn ‘-aq-2 nv
kuuġuq valley, furrow, ditch;
tributary river, brook, creek, kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to
stream; anal opening of bowhead spill, pour it out @ kuviri-,
whale | ±ġuq nn § see Appendix kuvisi- || ~rI-5 vv, +sI-3 vv §
19 kuviq- < **ku
kuuġuqłuk little creek | ±ġuq nn kuviaq (Nu) bullet made by pouring
-qłuk(-) nn molten metal into mold | ±aq1 vn
kuukłuk stream » “maqisuurut kuviġaq- to spill (it) repeatedly »
maksraluuraqtuat ikkatuurat silivitpaiłługu akigaqtaqtik
amisuurat” (Matumeak 2009) kuviġaġaak they filled the

container that they are carrying a lot of whitefish by using a net |
too full and are therefore spilling +tuq-3 nv
it repeatedly | +ġaq-2 vv kuvraurri- (i) to skip over the water
kuviq- [kuvIq] (Ti) (t) to spill or pour (of thrown flat piece of rock) |
it out | +q-2 vv +urrI- vv § saatuquyak
kuviqpik or (Ti) kuviqsaġvik kitchen kuvri- to weave a net (for her/him/it);
slop pail or bucket | +qpIk vn § (i) to skip a stone over water; (i) to
naaptiġun skip over the water along a line of
kuviri- (Nu) (i) to pour lead into mold net floats, bouncing near each
to make bullets | +rI-5 vv float (of flat stone thrown in a
kuvirrivik (Nu) mold for making simple game of skill); (t) to skip it
bullets | +rI-5 vv ‘+vIk1 vn =stone over water | ‘=I-1 nv
kuviuġvik funnel | :uq-2 vv +vIk1 vn kuvriñ weaving shuttle (usually made
kuviuq- (i) to pour water on of bone or wood) | ‘=I-1 nv ‘-n vn
something; (t) to water it = e.g., § qilaun
plants; (t) to pour water on it = kuvriq- (i) to set a fish net | =Iq-1 nv
e.g., fire | :uq-2 vv kuvriraġaaq- (i) to skip stones on the
kuvviq liquid spilled (on something); water (especially along a line of
puddle of spilled liquid; net floats in a simple game of
something poured out | ‘-Q vn skill) | ‘=I-1 nv -t/raġaq- vv
-aq-1 vv
kuvlu thumb | +lu(q) rn § see Appendix kuvrisaun a weaving shuttle, a device
21 for weaving nets » “taamna
kuvluġuq dewclaw | +lu(q) rn napititaġviat kuvrisaun;
±ġuq nn akłunauraq imuŋavluni
nuvillaunmun” [it’s a shuttle for
kuvraq(-) net, fishnet; spiderweb; (i) to weaving nets, with the string
catch something with a net; (t) to wound around the spool] (Aiken
catch it in a net 2009) | ‘=I-1 nv +saq-2 vv +un1 vn
kuvraksraq cotton twine (for
making nets) | -ksraq(-) nn ¤kuvsit- (i) to refuse to share; (i) to be
kuvraqsruq- to check the fish net | overly thrifty, frugal
+qsruq-1 nv
kuvraqtaq one caught in the net » kuvsuk- to spoil on the outside (of meat) |
“unnuapak tainna perhaps +suk-2 vv
kuvraqtaiyaqsimmaisa kuyak(-) one of lumbar vertebrae; sides
tamatkua natchiqsatik piruak” of lower back where there are no
(Ekowana: 13) [all night long ribs; (Ti) lower back just above
they dwelt with the seals, buttocks; to have intercourse (with
removing them as they got her/him) § isat
caught in the net] | +t/raq vn kuyaaq (Ti) keel of umiak | -aq1 vn §
kuvraqtuq- (i) to fish with a net » kusaaq
kuvraqtuqłutik kuyapigaq vertebra | +[g]aq2 rn
aanaakłipalugniqsut they caught kuyapigatchiat fish spine, bones |
+[g]aq2 rn +tchiaq nn -t nn

kuyapigauraq(-) pulley; to use a livaluġauraq or lavluġauraq Least
pulley (on it) | +[g]aq2 rn Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) |
:uraq nn :uraq nn
kuyapigaurat block and tackle »
“kuyapigauraiñŋaġmik ¤lugluktaak (Ti) wooden snow goggles §
taimani imaġmiinŋaan yuqłuktaq
aġviuqpakkaat” (David
Frankson as reported by Pulu,
Sampson, Newlin: 74) [before L
they had block and tackles long
ago, they butchered the whale in lałłak- (i) to bark ferociously and be
the water] | +[g]aq2 rn :uraq nn ready to fight (of dog) »
-t nn lałłaktuak ikkuak qimmik
kuyapiglugun sinew along the pitugiakkik go and chain to their
backbone | +lugun nn posts the two dogs that are
kuyapikkat backbone, spine, barking ferociously about to fight
vertebral column| +[g]aq2 rn
‘-t nn § see Appendix 21
kuyapikkiq- to provide a support for
(her/him/it) | +[g]aq2 rn ‘=Iq-1 nv M

kuyapigaqturuq American Robin maak butt end of a feather or tusk,

(Turdus migratorious) feather stub on molting duck »
“maŋŋua suluum; isaġuanun
kuyyalaq or (Ti) kuuyalaq trump (at maŋuŋasuurut” [it’s the root of
cards) » kuyyalaŋata atautkai the feather; they are rooted into
his trump card took the entire pile the wing] (Aiken 2009)
| -laq vn
maani located here (extended and
visible) < °mar (dem. stem)
maaniit- (i) to be around here (visible,
laak [ENG “lard”] lard, shortening extended) < °mar (dem. stem)

Laavlaaq [ENG “laplander”] Saami, maaniitchaqtuq- (i) to come to be

(indigenous people of far northern located around here, here,
Norway, Sweden, Finland, and (visible, extended) < °mar (dem.
Russia), Lapps stem)
lautchik [from Lapp] reins for
reindeer maanna (discourse mkr.) now then
maanna tavra (excl.) you think
livalivaq (Nu) Semipalmated Sandpiper you’re doing right, but it’s
(Calidris pusilla) wrong; that’s not a very smart
livalivauraq (Nu) Least Sandpiper thing you’re doing | tavra (dem)
(Calidris minutilla) | :uraq nn § maannaasii (excl.) aw shucks! it’s
navaluġauraq happening again! | aasii (conj)

maannakiaq (excl.)(of pleasure and anniġami” (Matumeak 2009) [a
approval when something is done person yells out in pain when he
beautifully) now, that’s how it is hurt] | maq-1 vv -ala- vv
should be done!, perfect!, you maġaallak- (i) to begin to yelp in
did it just right! | +kiaq (encl.) § pain » maġaallaktut qimmit the
chatchii dogs have began to yelp in pain |
maannapayaaq (excl.) now, that’s -ala- vv '-k-2 vv
better!, much better! | perhaps maġġukpak- (Ti) (i) to howl, bay
-payaaq(-) vv loudly (of dog or wolf) |
maannapayaaq tavra (excl.) (of +qpak- vv § magu-
slight annoyance when one has makhak- (i) to bark in anticipation
no control over what has of leaving (with dogteam) (of
happened and is content not to dog) | -khak- rv § qiluk-,
get too agitated about it) oh, maqhak-
darn!, oh, bother! oh, brother! | makhuk- or maqhuk- (i) to bark in
perhaps -payaaq(-) tavra (dem. order to gain attention (of dog or
adv) wolf); (Nu) (i) to howl, bay (of
dog or wolf) repeatedly | -khuk-
magrikaqtaq- (Ti) (i) to play a game vv § qiluk-
where one jumps up from the
knees to a standing position and maġałłak (Nu) soft white stone
kicks something < maksrik- pulverized and used in tanning §
kitik(-), maqałłak
magu- (i) to howl, to bay (of dog or
wolf) » qimmit magusuurut maġamnasiq a black seal, with a skin
unnuaġman dogs always howl “deep black, patterned with small
at night whitish circlets” (Nelson: 19) »
maguŋaaq- (Nu) (i) to be long and “maŋaqtuamik mitquligaat”
turned up (of nose) » qiŋaŋa [the ones with black fur] (Aiken
maguŋaaqtuq he has a “ski- 2009) § naġamnasiq
jump nose” | ±ŋaaq(-) vv, vn
maġġaq [maġġaQ] gravel, sand § qavia,
*maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl tuapak, maġia, mau-
maala- (i) to howl with pain (of dog) maġġaqsaq- (i) to go and get gravel
| -la- vv » uvlupagguuq
maaq- (i) to yelp in pain (of an maġġaqsaġniaġaatigut they said
animal) » qimmiq maaqtuq that they are going to deliver
miluqamni uyaġagmik the dog some gravel for us today |
yelped when I hit it with a stone | +saq- nv
-aq-1 vv maġġaraaq sandbar; fine sand |
maġaala- (i) to yelp, howl; (i) to yell -raaq(-) nn
out in pain » maġaalaruq maġġarauraq very fine sand |
qimmiq naniqtinnami unianun -raaq(-) nn =uraq nn
the dog howled in pain when the
sled traveled directly over it; maġġuti-1 (i) to go into a herd of
“iñuk maġaalasuuruq animals | ‘ti- vv

aaquaqpaiłłuni my grandmother
maġġuti-2 (t) to sink with her/him/it; (i) is forgetful because she is getting
to be unable to move in slush ice so old; “iluaŋiñman
(of boat) < mau- suniaqtilaamiñik nalumman,
makautaŋaaġnisuugaat” (Aiken
maġia sand (generic) § qavia, tuapak, 2009) [when one is not well and
maġġaq does not know what he is going
to do, they say he is dull-witted,
maġiaq- (i) has been fed solid food; (i) obtuse] | ±ŋaaq(-) nv
is being fed (of dog); (t) to feed
it =dog solid food @ maġiaqsi- || maki- (i) to come loose (of a patch); ¤to
+sI-3 vv die (definition credited to white
maġiun an ingredient of dog food, men when they first attempted to
e.g., meat, fish; solid food for speak Iñupiaq as a trade jargon)
dogs, dog food | :un1 vn » “anŋik tavra kiluaqtiġman
makinisuugaat” (Aiken
maġlak- to present a gift to (her/him) 2009)[they say that when the
before one dances so that patch on the boot sole comes
(she/he) may get up and dance as loose, it is maki]
well | maġlagmagu kimiñi iñuit magluaq- (Ti) (i) to come off, come
aviurut when he gave a present loose (of a part of something) (t)
to his host everyone cheered to take off, to break off an
maġlai- or maġlaktui- (i) to give attached part of it; to come apart,
presents, gifts to others during an come loose (of sewing in boots) |
Iñupiaq invitational dance | +luaq-1 vv
:I-4 vv or +tuq-2 vv :I-4 vv makłuak- (i) to fly open, come ajar;
maġlaktuuti- (i) to give presents to (t) to cause it to come ajar |
each other (of participants or +łuk-3 vv -ak- vv
attendees at an Iñupiaq dance) » makłuaq- (i) to rip off; (t) to cause it
tikiññamig-li maġlaktuutirut = e.g., patch to rip off, come
qargimi when they arrived they loose | +luaq-1 vv § magluaq-
gave presents to each other in the makłukaq- (i) to stumble; (i) to hit a
community house | +tuq-2 vv bump while sliding | +łuk-3 vv -
:uti- vv kaq- vv
maġlaun gift given a makłukaktaq- (i) to trip repeatedly;
“qakummisaaq,” or an to hit bumps while sliding »
invitational dance | +uti1vn sisuġaaqtuat makłukaktaqa-
maġlausiaq gift received at miŋ qaŋattaqtiġaqtut when the
“qakummisaaq,” or an sledders hit a bump on their way
invitational dance | :usiaq vn down, they would momentarily
go up in the air | +łuk-3 vv
makautak absent-minded person +kaq- vv -ktaq- vv
makautaŋaaq- (i) to be absent-
minded, forgetful, do things makimaq- to not understand (it) and
absent-mindedly; be obtuse » perform accordingly; (t) to not
aanaga makautaŋaaqtuq understand it =word and misuse

it » makimapiaġiga taamna finally got up and dressed after
uqaluk, tusaaŋaiññiġiga I am being in bed all morning |
completely ignorant of that word perhaps mtiq-2 vv
as I have never heard it before makkiqi-1 (t) for an animal to
suddenly stand up, as if to charge
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of her/him/it in defense | ‘=Iqi-1 vv
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it makłak- (i) to stand on end (of
upright @ makitchi- » animal’s hair, when its hackles
ulġuŋaruaq igña aquppiutaq rise in anger); (i) to stand up
makirruŋ stand that chair back abruptly (of something which
up which has fallen over || +sI-3 normally would lie flat) | +lak- vv
vv maksrigvigi- (t) to attack her/him/it |
magrikaq- (i) to leap repeatedly | +srik- vv +vIk1 vn +[g]i- nv
+srik- vv +aq-1 vv maksrik- (i) to get up suddenly with
makia- or maksraa- (i) to stand up a start » maksriktuq
en masse | -a-1vv tusaavlugu tiŋŋun qulauttuaq
makipqaq- (i) to barely stand or get he got up with a start hearing the
up | -pqaq- vv plane overhead | =srik- vv
makipqaqtaq- (i) to rarely stand up, maksrukaq- (i) to make an attempt
to rarely get up | -pqaqtaq- vv to stand up, but fail to do so
makirruti- (t) to stand up, holding 2
mqsruq- vv -kaq-vv
her/him/it | +ruti- vv maksrukaktaq- (i) to make attempts
makisiq (Ti) lower back, area above to stand up, but fail to do so |
buttocks | -sIq vn § tunu 2
mqsruq- vv -kaq-vv -ktaq- vv
makita- (i) to be standing | mta- vv §
maksruksaaq willow stick with
qikata- snare affixed at one end (snare is
makitaraġaaġvik standing platform bent over a squirrel’s burrow or
behind handlebars of sled | along its trail); small game snare
+raġaaq(-) vn +vIk1 vn § see | mqsruq-1 vv +saaq(-) vn
Appendix 18
makitchaŋa- (Ti) (i) to have a pain
makkaq(-) diaper; sanitary pad; (i) to
in the lower back | +tchaq- vv put on a diaper; (t) to put a diaper
±ŋa- vv
on her/him/it
makitchaq- (Ti) (i) to begin to get makkaksraq (Nu) moss used for
up, stand up; (i) to try to stand up diaper | +ksraq(-) nn
» tununi anniġaa makkaqpaligauraq [lit. “one with a
makitchaġami he got a pain in big diaper”] (Ti) wild baby |
his lower back by attempting to +qpak nn -lik nn -gauraq nn §
stand up | +tchaq- vv iġaaq
makitchaqtuq- (i) to go and stand makkaktuq- (i) to wear diapers |
up; (t) to go and set it upright | +tuq-3 nv
+saqtuq- vv makkaqtuun baby’s waterproof
makitiq- (i) to get out of bed and put diaper covers | +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn
clothes on; to be “up and around” makkaun (Ti) sanitary napkin |
» makitiġataqtuq :un 1 vn
nalagaluaqami uvlaapak she makkiqi-2 (i) to wash diapers |

=Iqi-1 nv
makkuak or makuak thesed < *mar
makpiq- or maqpiq-(i) to now be
opened (of tent flap, book); to ¤maksaq comedian » “maksaq
turn (of a page); (t) to open it asuuna” (Matumeak 2009) [you
=book, tent flap, etc.; to turn it are such a comedian] (said of one
=page of book » maqpiġaat who tells nonsense but everybody
makpiqsut nalaułługu enjoys listening to her/him)
paqitchuktaġa the book opened
right to the page I wanted to read maksi- [maksI] (i) to become calloused
| +pIq- vv (of skin, esp. of knees and
makpiġaaġiit- or maqpiġaaġiit- (i) elbows) » arraa
to have a bad record, be a kimmitquŋauna aŋutaiyaam
lawbreaker | +pIq- vv +aaq(-) vn maksiŋapaluktuq wow, how
+[g]iit- nv § aglagiit- calloused the back of the boy’s
makpiġaaġik- or maqpiġaaġik- (i) ankle has become | +sI-1 vv §
to have a good record, be law- maunni(-)
abiding | +pIq- vv +aaq(-) vn
+[g]Ik- nv maksraluk or maqsraluk a spring, a
makpiġaaq(-) [maqpiġaraq] or fountain < maqi-
maqpiġaaq(-) piece of paper;
certification; (i) to leaf through a maksruksaq willow stick with snare at
book or magazine; (t) to open it end (bent over a squirrel’s
=book or magazine page by page burrow) § makit-
| +pIq- vv +aaq(-) vn
makpiġaaqaġvik or maktak whale skin with blubber
maqpiġaaqaġvik library | attached
+pIq- vv +aaq(-) vn -qaq- nv maktaaq beluga skin with blubber;
+vIk1 vn thin whale skin with blubber
makpiġaaqaq- or maqpiġaaqaq- (i) from the lips of a bowhead whale
to be certified; (i) to have one’s | -aq2 nn
credentials; (i) to have books,
papers | +pIq- vv +aaq(-) vn makvak jack (suit in cards); scoundrel;
-qaq- nv (name used to call) someone who
makpiġaat or maqpiġaat book; displeases one | -vak nn
sheets of paper | +pIq- vv
+aaq(-) vn -t nn malak (Ti) chest (anatomical) § satqaq
maqpiġarriaq sivunniutikun malaŋmigaq- (Ti) (i) to crawl on
contract, agreement | ‘=I-1 nv one’s belly without touching
±aq1 vn one’s chin to the floor, as part of
maqpiġarriqiri scribe, secretary, a game | -migaq- nv
clerk; librarian | ‘=I-1 nv ±aq1 vn
=Iqi-1 nv mt/ri vn malġi [malġI] Pacific Loon (Gavia
makkua or makua these around here
< *mar

malġuk number two; a pair » malġuk -ut- nv
iññuk two persons
malġi(-) a twin; (i) to give birth to malik- to follow, accompany
twins | ‘=I-1 nv (her/him/it) » aakaniimma
malġik set of twins | ‘=I-1 nv -k2 nn maliktaŋa Ulġuniġmun she
malġuiksraq something that can be went with her mother to
made into two items; the second Wainwright
part of a pair | :Iq nn +ksraq nn maligaq- (t) to follow her/him/it |
malġuiksrau- (i) to be as good as +aq-1 vv
the first part (of the second part maligiik- (i) to be close in age (of
of a pair); (i) to number in two | siblings) » nukaalugalu
:Iq nn +ksraq nn :u-1 nv maligiiksuguk my younger
malġuilik something with a double sibling and I are close in age |
seam | :Iq nv -lik nn +[g]iik- vv
malġuiqsuaq- to do (it) twice | maliġi- (t) to follow her/him/it; to
-iqsuq- nv -aq-1 vv follow her/his/its directions »
malġuit two sets, two pairs; two maliġigaa aapani
groups » “Ikiġġivlunilu aŋiniaqtiqpak he is a great
malġuiñik imailanik….He made hunter like his father; uqaluŋi
two pairs of empty drying racks.” samma maliġigupkit
(Elijah Kakinya as reported by iłuakkuaġniaġiñ if you follow
Bergsland 1987: 315); his directions in sequence, you’ll
“Tikiġaġġuuq malġuiñik get it right | -[g]i- vv
Itivyaaqaqtuq” (David maliġuagaksraq guideline,
Frankson as reported by Pulu, stipulation or qualification in a
Sampson, Newlin: 96) [it is said document; program, agenda »
that Tikiġaq has two sets of maliġuagaksrat kasimaniptigni
Itivyaat (ancient people who live uvva here’s the agenda for our
underground near Point Hope, meeting | -ġuaq- vv ±aq1 vn
Alaska)] | :Iq nn -t nn § Itivyaat -ksraq nn
malġukipiaq numeral forty » maliġuaq- (t) to continue to follow,
malġukipiat number forty | to accompany her/him; (t) to
-kipiaq nn follow or adhere to it;(t) to
malġukipiaq qulit numeral fifty » follow it =a trail » matkua
malġukipiat qulit number fifty | tumit maliġuaġlugit
-kipiaq nn aŋusaġlakput qavvik let’s
malġulik two-masted boat; two- follow these tracks and try to
panel tent | -lik nn catch the wolverine | -ġuaq- vv
malġutchiak twice; only two » maliġuaqti follower, disciple |
“Malġutchiagnigguuq -ġuaq- vv mt/ri vn
akisaġaa. …By killing just two, malikataq- (t) to pursue, chase
he said, he had avenged her.” her/him/it @ malikatai- |
(Elijah Kakinya as reported by -kataq- vv || :I-4 vv
Bergsland 1987: 320) | malikpakaq- (t) to follow her/him/it
-tchiaq nn -k2 nn right after she/he/it has departed
malġuut- (t) to divide into halves | » “aqukiuraŋagun aniruaq

malikpakaġaa” [she followed constantly follow them
immediately the one who went everywhere] | -[g]i- vv ‘-k-2 vv
out] (Aiken 2009) | +pakaq- vv -uti- vv
maliksi- (i) to give birth shortly after maliqsruq- (t) to follow her/him/it
a previous birth (e.g., one year everywhere »
later) | +sI-3 vv maliqsrusuŋaiññaġuuvaiłłu  ni
maliksuguksaaq- (t) to entice, lure taapkunuŋa
her/him/it | +suk-2 vv +[s]uk-1 vv tautullaiqapkuunnii she so
±saaq-2 vv habitually follows them around
maliksuk- (i) to be attracted or that I hardly see her anymore |
persuaded to participate; (i) to mqsruq- vv
yearn, or have a desire to follow; malliq- (i) to follow, chase someone
(i) to be enticed; (i) to conform » or something | ‘=Iq-1 vv
unnuiqiruanun maliksukłuni mallit- (i) to be unable to keep up,
pigaasugrugniqsuaq eager to be fall behind; (t) to be unable to
one of the “night owls,” he keep up with her/him/it »
stayed up most of the night | tikitqaurraqtuani
+suk-2 vv mallitkaluaŋŋaġmi
maliksuktitau- (i) to be convinced, qapitchailiruq although he fell
persuaded, tempted » behind in the race, he tried not to
maliksuktitauruq give up | ‘=It-2 vv
aullaaqsaqtuanun he was malliuti- (t) to chase, follow
persuaded by the ones going her/him/it | ‘=Iq-1 vv -uti- vv
camping to go as well | +suk-2 vv marguti- or malguti- (i) to become
1 1
mtit- vv +t/raq vn :u- nv a follower | :uti- vv
maliktaqutchiġaq- (i) to echo; (t) to
say something immediately after malik(-) a wave, swell on a large body
she/he finishes talking | of water; (i) to develop swells (of
+taq(-) vv +qun1 nn ~sIq-2 nv a large body of water) § qailliq(-)
+[t/r]aq-3 vv malliq(-) [mallIQ] tidal wave; (i) to
maliktuaq- (t) to be constantly be rough (of water); to rise (of
following her/him/it | +tuaq- vv the sea) » malliqsuami
maliktuq- (i) to sob, to gasp after igliġniataktuagut
crying hard | +tuq-2 vv § iŋiulliunŋupaluktugut we who
maniktuq- were trying to travel on rough sea
maliqataq- to run after, chase got very tired of the waves |
(her/him/it) | =qataq- vv ‘-Q nn
maliqquk- (t) to follow her/him/it malliuq- (i) to pitch, go up and down
constantly, everywhere | -ġi- vv on the waves | '=iuq-2 nv §
‘-k-2 vv qailliuq-
maliqquuti- (i) to follow
everywhere » “tainna *maluk (root) strangeness, oddity
unitkaluaġvigmi, maluŋnaġi- (t) to find it strange, not
maliqquutimmiraqtuq” right, think there is something
(Nageak 1975: 8) [so although wrong | +naq-1 rv +[g]i- vv §
being left way behind, he would allayuaġi-

maluŋnaq- (i) to be shameful; (i) to was enjoying a piece of whale
have a fault recognized by gum when I went to check on the
others; (i) to be odd, not look crew that caught a whale
right, appear wrong | +naq-1 rv
mamaq- (i) to taste good, to smell good
*maluka (root) inferior (of food)
malukagi- (i) to be considered to be mamaġi- (t) to like it =food |
of inferior quality; (t) to feel +[g]i- vv
ashamed of it, or to consider it to mamait- (i) to taste bad, to smell bad
be of inferior quality | +[g]i- rv (of food) | :It-1 vv
malukali- (i) to be rabid; to become mamŋatchi- (i) to eat heartily |
crazy; (i) to act dangerous and =ŋatchI- vv
crazy (of a drunk person) |
-lI-2 rv +pkaq- vv mamaun udder § maamak-
malukalipkaq- (t) to bite and cause
her/him/it to become rabid or *mamia (root ) feeling of distress,
crazy » tiġiganniam qimmiq offense
kiivlugu malukalipkaġaa the mamiagi- (t) to have hurt feelings,
fox bit the dog and caused it to be offended by his/her criticism
become rabid | -lI-2 rv or scolding; (i) to feel hurt,
malukaliq rabid animal; madman | distressed, offended by criticism
-liQ nn or scolding » mamiagigaa
malukanaq- (i) to need to be fixed, aakani suaktuvaiłłu  ni he is
made better » “iłuitchuq samma distressed by his mother because
suna pigaluaqtuni she scolds forcefully and
savammaġiksaaqtuksraumman constantly | +[g]i- rv
” it does not work properly mamiasaaġun a taunt | +saaq-2 rv
although one does everything to :un1 vn
it when it needs to be fixed mamiasaaq- (t) to taunt, tease
thoroughly (Matumeak 2009) | her/him to add insult to injury »
+naq(-) vn, vv mamiasaallaagaqsigaa
małak- to follow her/him/it everywhere aqpaliurraqamik he began to
with a purpose (e.g., on a dare or tease him after beating him in a
vengeance) § malik- footrace | +saaq-2 rv
mamiat- (i) to have one’s feelings
mam (excl. of determination and resolve hurt by scolding or criticism and
to succeed) this time I’ll succeed! become weepy; (i) to feel
I’ll do it! distress; (Ti) (i) to mourn, grieve
» suayuġnaitchuq she’s so
mamaaq a white to light-gray gum-like sensitive to criticism that it is
substance (found between the hard to know how to scold her |
baleen plates of a bowhead +t-2 rv
whale) » mamiatchak- (i) to become
mamaaqtunnaraaġniqsuaq distressed due to being criticized;
aġvaktuanik takurikama he (i) to become intimidated »

mamiatchagnak don't become mamittaq- (Nu) (i) to heal, close (of
intimidated and start crying | wound); (i) to close, come
-tchak- vv together (of two halves of
mamiiq-1 (i) to no longer be easily something) | -taq(-) vn, vv
offended | :Iq-2 rv mamŋuġaaq fur parka with skin
mamiit- (i) to not be easily offended, outside | perhaps -ŋŋuq-2 nv
be “thick-skinned” | =It-1 rv +aaq(-) vn
mamŋuuk long fur pants with fur
mamiq membrane scraped from dried inside; children’s underwear, fur
animal skin used in olden days as sleepers with fur inside | perhaps
a bandage =ŋuq nn ‘-k2 nn
mamiiq-2 (i) to no longer have mamuqquq an article of clothing or
membrane (of skin); (t) to take footwear made with the skin
membrane off it =skin @ inside out (fur side in) (Kisautaq:
mamiiqsi- | :Iq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv 650) | perhaps +quq nn
mamiiyaq- (t) to remove membrane mamuqquuk (dual) (Nu) one-piece
off it =skin | -Iyaq- nv waist-high boots-pants | perhaps
mamilik (Ti) dried, bleached +quq nn .-k2 nn
sealskin with hair removed » mavruuq- (i) to heal » “tavra
mamillagnik maġlakkaa she mamittuq” (Matumeak 2009)
gave him a pair of caribou leg [it’s healing] | :u-2 vv -uq-2 vv
skin boots with the fur inside as a
gift and invited him to dance managaaraq steep incline
with her | -lik nn § naluaq
mamillak caribou leg skin boots manaq(-) a wooden, pear-shaped float
with fur inside | -lik nn ‘-k2 nn with four hooks and line (for
mamiŋiq- (t) to remove the dried retrieving seals); jigging tackle
membrane from a dried animal (for tomcod); (t) to retrieve it =
skin @ mamiŋiqsi- | ±ŋIq- nv || usu. a wounded seal in sea with
+sI-3 vv the hook and line » manaqtuġaa
mamiŋiqsaq animal skin from natchiq tiŋmiallu ugruillu he
which dried membrane has been hooks and retrieves seals, birds,
scraped | ±ŋIq- nv +t/raq vn and bearded seals; “sikumun
mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore, qakinnamiuŋ tavra manaġaa”
injured body part); (i) to fuse, (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) [when he
come together » mamilġataqtuq places it on the ice, it is then he
killiŋa his sore finally healed; has retrieved it with a sealing
“Taima isiġami uqallautigik, hook] § igiłhaq, sapaŋiak
‘ki, mamititchik.’” (Ahvakana:
7) [then upon entering she said to
them, “okay, fuse together”] |
+t-2 nv
mamitaq(-) bandage; (i) to bandage
oneself; (t) to bandage her/him/it
| -taq(-) vn manaqtuq- (i) to use the hook and
line for retrieving seals |

+tuq-3 nv putting her/him/it in a hazardous
manaqtuun rope line for seal position | ‘saq(-) vn, rv +[g]i- nv
retrieving hook | +tuq-3 nv mannisaq a display » mannisaġigaa
:un1 vn § igiłqhat he has it on display in hopes of
selling it | ‘saq(-) vn
mani- [manI](i) to present oneself; (t) to
show, present, introduce, display manik-1 [manIk] (i) to be smooth (e.g.,
her/him/it @ maniri- or manisi- of ice) § qaiq-
» kapisaġmani manipayugmiuq maniilaq surface that is rough or
when they were ready to give uneven | -ilaq(-) vn
him an immunization, he maniit- (i) to be rough, uneven (esp.,
surprisingly bared and presented of ice when there are ice piles) |
himself || -rI-5 vv, +sI-3 vv :It-1 vv
manilitchi- (i) to give an offering (at
church) | -lIt- vv +sI-3 vv manik-2 (i) to sob once
manilitchiñiq offering (at church) | - maniktuq- (i) to be sobbing |
lIt- vv +sI-3 vv +niQ1 vn +tuq-2 vv § maliktuq-
manimmi- (i) to persevere; (i) to
endure pain, sorrow, criticism; (i) manik(-)3 [manIk] [ENG “money”]
to tolerate something unpleasant; money; (i) to “strike it rich”; (i)
(t) to endure, tolerate her/him/it » to be rich
manimmilguniuraġnaqtuq manigaq- (i) to gamble, bet |
suna pigaluaġman one should +aq-4 nv § saaptaq-
always try to persevere no matter maniiq- (i) to spend all of one’s
what happens | +mmI-5 vv money; (t) to deprive her/him/it
manimmilgun patience; tolerance, of money | :Iq-2 nv
forbearance | +mmI-5 vv -lgu-1 vv maniit- (i) to have no money, be
‘n vn broke | :It-1 nv
maniñaaq or maniñiq [maniñiQ] manik kaviqsuaq [lit. “money that
mountainside; slope of mountain is red”] gold
» iġġim maniñġa manik qatiqtaaq [lit. “money that is
qiñiqtuallatugiga I enjoy white”] silver
looking at the slope of the maniksuq- (i) to be extravagant,
mountain | +naaq(-)2 vn or spend a lot of money; (i) be
+niQ1 vn expensive » maniksuqtuq
manitchisaġi- (Nu) (t) to offer it for taavamna aġnaq that woman is
sale, trade | +tchI- vv -saq5 vn extravagant with money |
+[g]i- nv +tuq-3 nv
maniuġun advertisement | -uq-2 vv maniksuun expense | +tuq-3 nv
:un1 vn :un1 vn
maniyaqtuq- or manisaqtuq- (t) to maniliqiri banker, accountant;
go and show it | +yaqtuq- vv money exchanger | -liqi- nv
mannisaġi- (t) to offer for sale, mt/ri vn
trade; to give or lend it; to get maniññak- (i) to earn money, wages
behind her/him/it for protection, » iksivluŋa maniññaktuami I

earned some money taking things jail if she or he is tagged by the
to the dump yard | -nnak- nv other team while in their “field”;
maniññaktuq- (i) to receive she/he can be taken out of jail
payments other than wages, e.g., only if a member of her or his
welfare, pension, etc. » team runs into the jail and tags
maniññaktuġuuruq her or him; a player is considered
kavamaptinniñ he gets a "safe" if she or he enters the
monthly check from our opposite team's home base before
government | -nnak- nv +tuq-2 vv being tagged; the team with the
maniuraq postage stamp; coin | least number of players “in jail”
:uraq nn at the conclusion of the game,
maniq(-) [maniQ] tussock; moss manna mannaaq- (i) to play manna
(Dicranum rugosum), used as mannaa | +q-2 nv
wick with stove lamps; “…the
moss, mû’nĭk, furnishes wicks mannik [mannIk] egg
for the lamps.” (Murdoch as mannigiaq- (i) to go egg gathering |
reported by Powell 1892: 59); +iaq-2 nv
clump of grass; (t) to bury, manniliqun egg beater | -liqi- nv
enclose it with tussocks, clumps +un1 vn
of grass @ maniqsi- » manġit mannium sauniŋa eggshell |
pisuayunaipaluktut it was so :um nn
difficult to walk among the
tussocks || +sI-3 vv § piġuraq ¤manniksak “an open place located by
maniġaq rounded hill, small dome | traditional usage“ where a qargi
+[ġ]aq nn (whaling crew) held traditional
maniġruaq old or huge tussock, activities, including nalukataq
hummock | +ġruaq nn (Spencer: 350)
maniqtaq (Nu) food cached in
tussocks on tundra | +t/raq vn § *manŋa (root) tension
piġuraq manŋaiqsruq- (i) to tense up in
maniqtaqaġvik (Nu) food cache anticipation of being hit | :Iq-2 rv
made of piled-up tussocks | mqsruq- vv
+t/raq vn -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn manŋait- to be tough (of meat) |
:It-1 rv
manna mannaa Iñupiaq game with two manŋatchai- (t) to cause her/him/it
teams standing opposite each to tense up » tupaksaaqamiŋa
other, both teams with circular manŋatchaipalukkaaŋa when
home bases and a smaller she startled me, my muscles
circular jail situated to the right really tensed up | -tchak- rv
of the home base; the object of -I-6 vv
the game is for all members of
one team to circle the opposing manŋiaq or matŋiaq (Ti) wrist guard
team's home base and return to worn by archers (usually made of
their own home base without bone); “‘Braces’ (mû’n-gid-
getting tagged; a player is put in zĭñ)… Small curved oval disks of

bone or horn, with holes for manumiutaq something worn
strapping on the left forearm or around the neck, e.g., necktie |
wrist to protect it from being hurt +miutaq nn
by the string in shooting the manusiñik or manusiññak [lit.
bow.” (Murdoch as reported by “two in the chin or neck area”]
Ray 1885: 74) two white tusk-shaped designs
sewn on front of parka yoke |
manŋiqtuqqiq [manŋiqtuqqIq] hard, +siñiq nn -k2 nn or | +siñiq vn
lumpy rust | +qqIq nn ‘-k2 nn § kayuaġun
manusiñiligaaq a parka with two
manŋuk- to thaw to the point where it white strips on parka yoke
can be cut (of frozen meat) » designed to resembe tusks |
iqaluit manŋuksiakkit +siñik nn -ligaaq nn
quaġumaugut leave the frozen manusuk- (i) to tuck one’s chin in
fish out to thaw a bit so we can one’s parka and be idle |
have some to eat +suk-2 nv
manŋuksiaq(-) frozen meat that has manutaq fish bait | -utaq nn
been set out to thaw so that it can
be cut; (i) to be thawing so it can maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black
be cut; (t) to let it thaw so it can maŋaqhaaluk black wolf »
be cut | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn maŋaqhaaluk tauqsiqsaŋa she
manŋuksiq- (i) to be set out to thaw; bought the black wolf| -qhak vn
(t) to wait for it to defrost, thaw -aluk nn
out just right for eating | maŋaqhauraq young black wolf or
+[t]sIq- vv dog | -qhak vn :uraq nn
maŋaqtaaq something black; the
manu upper front of shirt or parka color black » maŋaqtaagnik
manuġluk(-) or (Ti) manuġli(-) kamiqaqtuq he has black boots |
frost from breath; (i) to become +taaq vn
frosted from breath (of parka maŋaqtuaq auk dark blood from the
ruff) » “imituaŋa uisaugami stomach | +t/ruaq vn
iñuum” [it’s the only source of
drinking water for one who is maŋik- [maŋIk] to gnaw on (it); (Nu) (i)
carried adrift on ice] (Aiken to fall headfirst dead or wounded
2009) | -ġluk- nv or -ġlI- nv (usu. of animal); (Nu) (i) to fall
manuġmik- to carry (it) under one’s on one’s face
chin | +q-2 nv +mIk- vv maŋiaq- (i) to bite off pieces of food
manuġun bib, wide necklace; pin without cutting them with a
(piece of jewelry) | -ġun nn knife; (t) to tear at it with one’s
manuilisaq bib, piece of fur tied teeth » maŋiaqługu
around the mouth (for protection pivsituġnaqtuq one eats dried
against the freezing temperatures fish by biting off pieces with
when traveling) | -ilisaq nn one’s teeth | -aq-1 vv
manuluk- (i) to have a wet shirt or maŋikaq- (i) to fall on one’s face |
parka front due to dribbled saliva -kaq- vv
| +luk(-)1 nv

maŋiksat ugruk (bearded seal) soles mapkuq and use it for a dance
for boots, crimped roughly then floor during the Eskimo dance |
smoothed out | +t/raq vn +kuq rn
maŋiksiq- (i) to fall headfirst, dead mapkuqtaaq hard bread made with
or wounded (usu. of animal) | flour and water | +kuq rn -q-2 nv
+sIq-2 vv +t/raaq1 vn
maŋiksit- (Nu) (t) to cause it =usu. mapkuqtaq- (i) to make a popping
an animal to fall headfirst dead or cracking noise repeatedly; to
or wounded | mtit-1 vv crack a whip » kutchuqtuqtuaq
maŋiksraq- (t) to tear at it with the igña mapkuqtalgupaluktuq that
teeth | +qsraq- vv person chewing gum sure pops it
maŋiutit front teeth (for gnawing) | a lot » mapkuqtaġiga argamnik
:un1 vn -t nn I snap my fingers at him |
+kuq rn -q-2 nv +t/raq-1 vv
maŋuk- (i) to become nailed, pegged or mapkuqtaun whip | +kuq rn -q-2 nv
staked in; (t) to drive it in, e.g., a +t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn
nail, peg or stake @ maŋuksi- || mapkutit- (i) to pop, make a
+sI-3 vv popping noise (as of a person
maŋŋuq foundation; root of plant, popping his gum); (i) to slap
long taproot of plant; word stem; something hard, causing a
(Nu) small secondary root » popping sound | +kuq rn -q-2 nv
“ipiġaqtuutiksraqtaaġisuugaat -tit-2 vv
maŋŋua” [the long taproot of a mapkutitaq- (i) to repeatedly crack
plant is used as a whip] (Aiken a whip, make loud cracking noise
2009) | ‘-Q vn § kaŋiun, naggun, | +kuq rn -q-2 nv -tit-2 +aq-1 vv
ipiġaqtuun mapkuummi- (i) to be at one’s peak
of performance »
*map (root) popping noise mapkuummiruqsuli kanna;
mapkuliktaaq (Ti) shoe with hard allat aqamaktit
sole | +kuq rn -q-1 nv nuqitchumiñaiġaat he is still at
-lik- vv -t/raaq1 vn a peak of his performance, and
mapkuluk- (i) to crackle | +kuq rn no one can beat him at finger
-q-1 nv -luk- vv pulling | +kuq rn -q-2 nv
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength +mmI-5 vv
and make an all-out effort; (i) to mapqaq- or mapqatit- (i) to fire a
make a crackling noise when gun; (i) to make the sound of a
shaken, as a blanket-toss skin; (i) gunshot or explosion; (i) to make
to make a popping noise | a loud pop; (t) to fire it =gun |
+kuq rn -q-2 nv -qaq-3 rv or -qaq-3 vv mtit-1 vv
mapkuq bearded sealskins sewn
together and used for blanket toss mapkutitaaġruaq coltsfoot (with white
at Nalukataq » flowers) (Petasites frigidus)
nalukataŋaiqamiŋ mapkuq [“eaten in salads, and used as a
atqaqługu aġġivigisuugaat treatment for arthritis”
when they are through blanket (Johnson: 2)]
tossing, they take down the

¤mapsaq-1 or mapsat- (Nu) (i) to fall, the one who doesn’t laugh or
creating a snowslide (of snow smile at other’s antics for the
cornice) duration of the game; the
mapsaġruk snow cornice, exclamation “maq” signals the
overhang » “aluktinniq apun beginning of the game
uukkaqsiññaaġuŋaruaq” maġauraq- (i) to play a game of
[it’s a snow cliff ready to fall off] “maq” | +aq-1 vv :uraq- vv
(Aiken 2009) | -ġruk nn
maqałłak powdery white stone that is
mapsaq-2 (t) to sing her/him a lullaby; pulverized and used in tanning |
(t) to sing a baby to sleep @ -łłak n § kitik(-), maġałłak
mapsai- » “mapsaġuugaat
tavra atuutiuraaqługu maqamit- (t) to shoot and unexpectedly
ililgauraq hit it =game animal; to get
siqupkaġniuraaġamirruŋ” married although others don’t
[they do this when they sing expect it @ maqamitchi- |
slowly to try to put a little child -mit- rv || +sI-3 rv
to sleep] (Aiken 2009) || :I-4 vv §
mavsaq- maqhak- (Nu) (i) to whine (of dog)
mapsaun lullaby | :un1 vn often in anticipation of going <
mapsataq or ¤mapsitaq (Ti) harpoon
head of bone, ivory maqhuq- (Nu) (i) to give a short, crisp
bark (of dog) < *maġ
maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, skin,
book | +tu- rv maqi- (i) to flow out, leak out, drain; (i)
maptukit- (i) to be thin and flat | to sweat; (i) to run (of nose) »
+tu- rv -kIt- vv taigruaq putuvluni, uqsruq
maptukłi- (i) to become thinner (of maqiruq the oil drum has gotten
skin, cloth); (t) to scrape it =skin a hole in it, so the oil is leaking
until it is thin | +tu- rv -kłI- vv out
maptusilaaq- (t) to make it thicker | maqiugaq- (i) to flow continuously
+sI-1 vv -laaq-1 vv » iraa maqiugaqtuq his eye is
maptutilaaq(-) (i) to measure the continually watering | -ugaq- vv
thickness; thickness » sikum maqsraluk(-) or maksraluk(-) (i) to
maptutilaaŋa ilisimagiga I know make a babbling noise (of
the thickness of the ice; naumi, running water); a fountain, a
maptutilaaġlakpuk no, let's spring of water » kuugauraq
measure how thick it is | maqsraluktuq the creek is
mtilaaq(-) vn, vv making a babbling noise;
maq game where players take turns taġiuġnitchuaġlu
making silent gestures and funny maķiyumiñaitchuk
faces in order to make others atautchimiñ maksraluktuamiñ
laugh; object of the game is not imiġmiñ. No spring of water
to laugh or smile; the winner is pours out sweet and bitter water

from the same opening!” (Iñupiat maqu-1 (i) to become spoiled, marred,
New Testament: James 3:11) | corrupted; (i) to be destroyed; (i)
+srak- vv -luk- vv to deteriorate (of a human
maqsraluktuaq or maksraluktuaq relationship) § suksraunġIq-,
a spring, a fountain | +srak- vv - piluksi-
luk- vv +t/ruaq vn -t nn maquli- (i) to decay | -lI-2 vv
maqunialiq- (i) to become antisocial |
maqik- (i) to carry something on one’s perhaps +niaq(-) vv -lIq-3 vv
shoulders over a portage; (t) to maqurrun corruption; cause for
carry it =kayak on one’s corruption | +t-1 vv +ruti vn
shoulders over a portage » maqusuuruaq perishable,
“qayaq nanmiutivlugu tainna corruptible | +[s]uu- vv
nanmaktuaqługu +t/ruaq vn
itivitchaġamik kuugmun” maqut- (i) to have been destroyed;
(Aiken 2009) [hoisting the kayak (t) to destroy, ruin, corrupt,
on their backs they carry it on vandalize her/him/it; (i) to badly
their back as they cross the influence her/him | +t-1 vv
portage to the river] § itivit- maqutchiyyaq- (i) to go and
destroy, ruin, or corrupt
maqpiġaaq piece of paper < makpiq- something or someone | +sI-3 vv
+yyaq- vv
maqpiġaat book; stack of papers <
makpiq- maqu-2 (i) to defecate or urinate § qui-,
maqpiġarriaq sivunniutikun contract, maqquq bodily waste »
agreement < makpiq- ilitchuġipayukłuni
maqqumiñik uvva
maqpiġarriqiri scribe, secretary, clerk; qaunagnaipayaaqtuq she has
librarian < makpiq- become potty trained and now is
not such a bother to take care of |
maqpik1 channel between lakes or ‘-Q vn
between lake and river | -pIk nn maquyaqtuq- (i) to go somewhere
to urinate | +yaqtuq- vv
maqpik2 frozen food storage alcove
(usually located on the left side °mar (dem. stem) here (extended and
of a dwelling immediately before visible) § °ik (dem. stem), °uv
the outer exit where blubber is (dem. stem)
sliced into thin layers ready to be maani located here (extended and
pounded to provide oil for the visible) | +anI (dem. loc.)
lamps) | perhaps +qpIk vn § see maaniit- (i) to be located here
Appendix 22 (extended and visible) | +anI
(dem. loc.) it- “to be”
maqpiq- (t) to turn it =page of book, maaniitchaqtuq- (i) to come to stay
turn it =tent flap up < makpiq- around here (visible, extended) |
+anI (dem. loc.) it- “to be”
+saqtuq- vv

maaŋŋa from here (extended and tagged; the team with the highest
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) score wins the game)
maaŋŋaaglaan hereinafter; from mattuma or marruma or
now on | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) masrruma [(dual ma(t)kuak , pl.
aglaan (conj.) ma(t)kua] this one here (extended
maaŋŋamiñ from this direction here and visible) | +tuma (dem. rel.
(extended and visible)| +aŋŋa pron. sg. mkr.)
(dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) mattumani or marrumani or
maaŋŋaq- (i) to come from here masrrumani [dual
(extended and visible) | +aŋŋa ma(t)kugnagni, pl. ma(t)kunani]
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv located with this one here
makuqtiik (vocative) you two » (extended and visible) | +tum
“Kiisaimma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
…piyumikkiutivlugu katchiq (dem. loc.)
tamanna uqallakpuq, ‘katchiiŋ mattumaŋŋa or marrumaŋŋa or
makuqtiik avititchik’” masrrumaŋŋa [dual
(Ahvakana: 7) [finally…she ma(t)kugnaŋŋa, pl.
decided to try the walls and said, ma(t)kunaŋŋa] from this one here
‘you two walls separate” | =qtiik (extended and visible) | +tum
(vocative) (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
manna [dual makuak or matkuak, (dem. abl.)
pl. makua or matkua] this one mattumatun or marrumatun or
here (extended and visible) | +na masrrumatun [dual
(dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) ma(t)kugnaktun, pl.
marra here; here it is (extended and ma(t)kunatitun] similar to this
visible) | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) one here (extended and visible) |
¤marra marraaq- (Nu) (i) to play +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
“marra marraa” (game similar to +atun (dem. sim.)
manna mannaa Iñupiaq game mattumiŋa or marrumiŋa or
(with two teams positioned masrrumiŋa [dual
opposite one another, both teams ma(t)kugniŋa, pl. ma(t)kuniŋa]
with circular home bases and a this one here (extended and
smaller circular jail situated to visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron.
the right of the home base; the sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
object of the game is for one mattumuŋa or marrumuŋa or
team to circle the opposing masrrumuŋa [dual
team’s home base and return to ma(t)kugnuŋa, pl. ma(t)kunuŋa]
their own home base without to this one here (extended and
getting tagged; a player is put in visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron.
jail if he is tagged, and he can be sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
taken out only if a member of his mattumuuna or marrumuuna or
team runs into the jail and tags masrrumuuna [dual
him; a player is considered ma(t)kugnuuna, pl.
“safe” if he enters the opposite ma(t)kunuuna] via this one; with
team’s home base before being this one here (extended and

visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. *masaq (root) pleasure
sg. mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.) masaġni- (i) to listen eagerly,
mauna via, through here (extended attentively, with pleasure; (i) to
and visible) | uuna (dem. via.) sun oneself; (i) to be pleased; (i)
maunnaaq- (i) to go via, through to be glad to talk to someone
here (extended and visible) | ikkahii, masaġniruq look at her
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv over there, she is listening so
maunnaaġiaq- (i) to come to go attentively | +nnI- rv § nakuaqsri-
through this area | ‘.q-4 dv masaqsri- (Nu) (i) to be pleased,
+iaq- vv contented with a situation or
mauŋa to here (extended and event, especially a story one is
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) listening to; (i) to sun oneself,
mauŋanmun towards here (extended doze in the sun | +qsrI- vv §
and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) nakuaqsri-
nmun (term.)
mauŋaq- (i) to come here (extended masiikak a stupid thoughtless person »
and visible); (t) to put/place it “iñuk suurimmaaġaluaġnani
here (extended and visible) | pimmam masiikagmik
+uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv taiguġuumaraat” [when a
person does something without
marasiq [marasIq] [pl. maratchit] [ENG much foresight or concern he
“medicine”] medicine, pill was called a masiikak] (Aiken
marguti- (i) to become a follower <
malik- masik [masIk] gill of fish; front cross
beam on deck of kayak » | +sik n
masak(-) or matchak(-) or misak(-) § see Appendix 17
wet ground; slush; swamp;
waterlogged snow; (i) to be masu edible taproot of Alpine
slushy (of snow); (i) to be wet (of Sweetvetch (Hedysarum
ground) alpinum); “eskimo potato” §
masallak(-) or masayyak damp utqiq, aiġaq
snow; to be damp of snow, e.g., masu aiġaq edible root, Parry’s
good for snowballs | -llak-1 vv wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis)
matchaktiq- or misaktiq- (t) to masuliñ or masunniun or
moisten it | +tiq-1 nv § imaqtiq-, masusiun tool used for digging
misak(-) roots | -liñ nn or +niun vn or
+siun nn
masamatit- (i) to make a sudden, loud masuqutaq Alpine Sweetvetch
resounding noise; to hit (Hedysarum alpinum) |
(her/him/it) or land (on +qutaq nn
her/him/it) with a heavy and loud masut- (i) to gather edible roots |
impact; (t) to hit it with a -t-2 nv
gunshot, slingshot, or an arrow
making a “slapping” noise; (t) to matchaaq [ENG “mush”] oatmeal
slap her/him hard » | +tit-2 vv cooked cereal

it =snipe, phalarope with a net |
matiqti waist; waistband (of pants) -taq(-) vn
matutaqtuq- (i) to use a snipe net |
matŋiaq (Nu) skin wrist guard worn by -taq(-) vn +tuq-3 nv
archer § manŋiaq
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft ground,
matŋiq- (Nu) (t) to get a patch of mud, or snow as one takes a step;
frostbite, sunburn; to get a stain (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
(of metal or object) » mud, or snow as one takes a step
matŋiġaaŋa I got a sunburned maġġuti- (t) to sink with her/him/it;
patch on my skin § uut-, qiqitiq- (i) to be unable to move in slush
matŋiġniq (Nu) patch of frostbite, ice (of boat) » marra-kii
sunburn, stain on metal | maġġutiyaitkutigimagait
+niQ1 vn qanuq samuŋa it is evident that
matŋiqtuq- (Nu) (i) to be frostbitten, they (objects) were used to
sunburned; to have a dark spot, prevent sinking | ‘ti- vv
blotch on one’s skin; to have a maulġaq- (Ti) or maułłak- (i) to
stain (of metal) | +tuq-3 vv sink suddenly, unexpectedly, in
snow or mud | -lġaq- vv, -łłak- vv
mattaq- (i) to get out of harness (of ¤maunaq entrance to prey trap |
dog); (i) to remove one’s parka; +naq(-) vn
(t) to remove dog’s harness; (t) to mauraġaq(-) small ice floe used as
remove her/his parka; (t) to take stepping stone; (i) to cross open
it =clothing off of oneself » water by jumping from one piece
mattaġaik pualugni of ice to the next; to sink as one
uunniqigaluaqami he removed walks in mud, snow | -t/raġaq- vn
his fur mittens since he was so mauya or mauyaq terrain which
hot causes sinking, e.g., soft soil or
mattaaq- (i) to not be wearing a deep, soft snow | -ya(q) vn
parka, jacket, or overcoat | mauyaġnaq- (i) to be soft, causing
-aq-1 vv one’s legs to sink in | -ya(q) vn
+naq- nv
matu(-) lid, cover; sod house skylight mauyakkuk- (i) to be soft and deep,
shutter; (i) to be now covered; (t) easily sunk into (of snow)
to cover it mauyaliq- (i) to be deep, soft snow
mattutaq eye patch | ‘-utaq vn into which one sinks | -ya(q) vn
mattutaqtuq- (i) to wear an eye -lIq-3 nv
patch » mattutaqtuqtuq mauyalliuq- (i) to sink in as one
 ni he is wearing a patch walks in deep, soft snow or sand;
over his sore eye | ‘-utaq vn (i) to go through deep snow or
+tuq-3 nv mud » mauyalliupaluktugut
matuaq covering of hard snow to pisuaġapta we encountered a lot
conceal trap | ±aq1 vn § umigaq of deep, soft snow when we
matutaq(-) snipe net; (i) to be walked | -ya(q) vn -lliuq- nv
caught in a snipe net (t) to catch mauyaqisaaq(-) deep, soft snow |
-ya(q) vn -qisaaq(-) nn

mauyaqisaq- (i) to walk in deep, mavrayuuq moth | -ayuuq n
soft snow or on soft ground,
sinking in now and again | mavruuq- (i) to heal < mamiq
-ya(q) vn -qisaq- vv
mauyaqit- (i) to step down and sink mavsa overhanging snowdrift, ready to
into soft dirt or snow | -ya(q) vn fall; snow cornice; overhang;
‘=It-2 nv membrane attached to an
mauyasiutik tagluk snowshoes for animal’s stomach
use in soft, deep snow | -ya(q) vn mavsaq(-) (Ti) or (Nu) mavsat-
+siun nn -k2 nn deep, soft snow; (i) to fall into
deep, soft snow; (i) to fall down,
*mau (root) sea ice creating a snowslide (of snow
mauq- (i) to be seal hunting on the cornice) » tuttuvsaum mapsaq
ice | +q-2 rv nalaułługu aullallaiqsuq the
mauqsruq- (i) to walk directly out moose cannot move falling into
on the ice to hunt; (Nu) (i) to deep soft snow | -q-2 nv or
hunt on the sea ice; (t) to hunt it +t-2 nv
= usu., seal on the sea ice | +q-2 mavsati- (Nu) (t) to fall on her/him/it
rv +qsruq-1 vv (of snowslide), for her/him/it to
mauqsruutik (Nu) seal-hunting be caught in a snowslide | -ti- vv
boots with bearded seal soles | mavsatit- (i) to fall (of snow
+q-2 rv +qsruq-1 vv :un1 vn -k2 nn cornice); to make a thunderous
maut- (i) to walk out in the direction sound (of a falling object when it
of open water; (i) to go hunting lands) | -q-2 nv -tit-2 vv
out on the sea ice | +t-2 rv
mavsaq- (i) to sing a lullaby to a child §
maunaaq1 blade or point at end of mapsaq-
shovel » “maunaaqaġnisuugait
tamatkua sauniġniglu sunik mavsiq- [mavsIq] (i) to convalesce, rest
siqquuraqtuanik pualġiñ; and recuperate; (t) to let it heal »
pualġiñmik pisuugaat piksrun” aŋutim mavsiġaa killiñi the
[they say that anything hard like man is letting his wound heal
bone was used as the point of a
shovel; a shovel is called a mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to move
pualġiñ] (Aiken 2009) § piksrun to a higher position (of person),
maunarriqsi- to attach a blade or e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb,
point on shovel | +rrIq-2 nv ascend it; (t) to set her/him/it on
-sI-5 vv or in a higher place » mayuqtuq
qilaguamun she climbed
maunaaq2 hatch of entrance hole, or of upstairs
a kayak; “katak” of sod house § mayuaġaq- (Ti) or (B) mayuġaq- (i)
see Appendix 17 to climb steps, stairs, or ladder;
(i) to play, climbing us and
maunna or maunni(-) calloused skin, down; (t) to climb for an
callus on heel; to get callused (of extended period of time on them
body part) § maksi-

=stairs, ladder | -aġaq- vv or mialuksaq- or mialuksi- (i) to not
+aq-1 vv have enough to eat; (i) to crave
mayuaġaun elevator | -aġaq- vv food » aakani aullaġman
:uti1 vn, +t3 nn mialuksiruq ever since his
mayuaġautit or mayuġauttat stairs, mother left, he never seems to
steps, ladder | -aġaq- vv :uti1 vn, have enough to eat; “niġisuktuq,
+t3 nn § tuŋmiġautat, tutipqit niġisuktuq niġiññaraaqhuni”
mayuala- (i) to rush in via a (Matumeak 2009) [he keeps
subterrean entrance into a wanting to eat more from the
sodhouse or up the stairs in a sheer pleasure of eating] | msaq-3
modern building (of cold air); (i) vv or +sI-1 vv § kaaksiu-
to rise, swirl in the air (e.g., of
smoke, steam) | -ala- vv *migvi (root) stingy
mayualik- (i) to tease a male dog (of migvigi- to be stingy | +[g]i- vv
female dog in heat trying to migvisuk- to be unwilling to pay
rouse the male dog to copulate) | price asked | -suk-2 vv
-lik- vv
mayuallak- (i) to rush in (of cold air miġaliq(-) [miġaliQ] (Ti) slush ice;
when door is open); to rise higher slush and small chunks of new
(of moon) | -ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv sea ice which wash up on shore
mayuaq- (Nu) to climb, ascend (it = in fall; to be covered by small
a mountain) | -aq-1 vv chunks of sea ice in fall (of
mayuġautat or mayuġauttat ladder beach) » taġium siñaa
| +aq-1 vv -utaq vn -t nn § miġaliqtuq or taġium siñaa
tunmiġautat miġaliġaa the beach is covered
mayuŋŋaġik- (i) to have a good with small chunks of sea ice;
incline of slope, be steep | “tamanna siku
-ŋŋaġIk- vv siquminŋuraŋaruaq; kiniqtuq
mayuqi- (i) to pull up one’s pants; igliġniaġaluaqtuni; ivugami
(t) to pull up her/his pants | siquminniŋa tavra miġaliġmik
-qi- vv taiguġaat” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
mayuqtinniq ice on the beach » [it’s ice that has broken into very
“siku maġġam qaaŋanun small pieces; it is not slick to
tulaktinmauŋ” (Matumeak travel on; the broken ice that
2009) [when the ice has been results when the ice crashes
swept ashore on top of the sand] | against itself is called miġliq] §
+tinniq vv muġałłiq, qinu
mayuqtitaq(-) (t) to force her/him to
climb up; slush ice pushed onto miġayauraq infant, newborn (human or
shore (Harcharek: 13) | animal) | :uraq nn §
mtitaq(-) vv, vn miqłiqtuuraq, paipiuraq,
mayusaaq- (i) to climb up a slope in aniqqammiaq
one continuous motion, nonstop |
-saaq-1 vv miġiaq(-) or muġiaq(-) or miġġiq
vomit; to vomit (it); (t) to vomit
*mialuk (root) hunger on her/him/it » “miġġiq tavra

iñuum naakka niġrutim atigiliaġma I sure made the hood
migiaġaġniŋa” (Aiken 2009) of the parka I made small |
[miġġiq is the vomit of a person -naaq- vv
or an animal] mikini- (i) to say that one is small;
miġiaġaq- to vomit repeatedly (on (t) to say that she/he/it is small |
her/him/it | +aq-1 vv +nI-1 vv
miġiayanŋu- or miġiaqsunŋu- (i) to mikiniġaq- (t) to say disparagingly
feel nauseous | -ya-1 vv -nŋu- vdv that he/she/it is small | +nI-1 vv
+[ġ]aq- vv
miġiaqsaayuk Parasitic Jaeger mikinini (word used or created by
(Stercorarius parasiticus) | the first white men who
+saaq-1 vv -yuk vn attempted to speak Iñupiaq)
something small; “child” in trade
miġruq- (Ti) to sew (it) | perhaps jargon » mikiruaq suli tavra
-ġruq- vv < miquq- “mikinini”; tavra
miġruqtit (Ti) skin sewers | uqapiaġasugigaat;
mt/ri vn -t nn ilitchuġiuraqługu-kiima then
miġruun (Ti) sewing machine | something small was “mikinini”;
:un1 vn § miquun they (the white men) thought
miquuti- (t) to sew it on; to sew for they were speaking Iñupiaq; they
her/him | -uti- vv were just getting the hang of it, I
guess | +nIq-2 vv +niQ1 vn §
*miġvi (root) dislike mikiniñani
miġvigi- (Nu) (t) to dislike her/him | mikiniñani vv (negative
+[g]i- rv subordinative) despite her/his/its
miġvisuk- (Nu) to dislike someone | smallness | -nI-2 vv +nanI (neg su
+suk-2 rv b 3s)
mikipiksuaq- (i) to be much smaller
miitchuk [RUSS “mewok”] burlap sack |-piksuaq-
| +suk2 nn § aluaqsaun mikłi- (i) to become smaller; (t) to
decrease it in quantity or size |
miki- (i) to be small ~lI-2 vv
mikigi- (t) to find it (clothing) too mikłiłaaq- (t) to make it smaller »
small » mikigigiga [lit. “I find it mikłiłaaqsimaraa atigiŋa she
too small”] it is too small for me made his parka smaller | +sI-1 vv
| +[g]i- vv -laaq-1 vv
mikiliġaġmik- (Nu) (i) to do the
finger pull with the ring finger | mikigaq(-) mixture of fermented whale
+[ġ]aq nn +mIk-1 nv meat, whale tongue and maktak
mikilġaq fourth finger, ring finger | to be fermented | +gaq2 n
+[ġ]aq nn mikigagraq (Ti) second share from a
mikinaaq- or miŋnaaq- (Nu) harvested whale’s ventral flanks,
miknaaq- (t) to make it too “uatit,” given to a new whaling
small; (i) to be made small » captain, “aġvanġaqtuaq” (used to
miŋnaapaluksimagiga nasaŋa make “mikigaq”) | -ksraq1 nn

mikigaun sealskin poke or other millik or (Nu) mitlik long, curved
container for fermenting whale carving knife (primarily used
meat | :un1 vn during the construction of the
mikikki- (i) to make fermented inside of umiak frame); two-
whale meat | ‘=I-1 nv handed carving tool »
“niviŋŋaġlugu ipiutchuġlugu
mikkiaq- to tear a piece out of it =meat savignik, ipiksautinik,
with the teeth » millignik aŋusalluumman”
“mikkiaġnisuugait (Kiligvuk: 3) [they hang it up
kigutimignik niġiruat stringing up knives, sharpeners,
saviksuġaluaġatik” [they say long curved carving knives to it
that those who eat with their (skin) when it is a male animal]
teeth mikkiaq, instead of using
knives to cut their meat] (Aiken millit- (t) to become stained from being
2009) § maŋik- wet for an extended time (of tent
or other material) »
mikłiaq umbilical cord | +iaq3 n “maŋaqtauraliqsuġman amiq
suna kalikulu
miksraut- or (Ti) migraaq- (i) to make uġġuqiraġaġmani” (Aiken 2009)
a close estimate; (t) to be close in [when a skin or even fabric
an estimate of it @ miksrautchi- develops dark stains from getting
» miksrauttuq akiŋanik wet repeatedly] | ‘=It-2 vdv
aquppiutam tuniuqqairuani he
estimated the value of the chair miluk(-) nipple of breast; breast; (Ti)
accurately at the auction; milk (commercial or human); (i)
“samma migraaġapku tavra to nurse (of child); (t) to suck it
new town site; samma =breast, thumb, etc.; (t) to take a
ilvigikapsakkaa; tamaanigguuq puff on it =cigarette, cigar, or
samma Itivyaat ittut” (David pipe § mulu
Frankson as reported by Pulu, milluaq- to suck (it) | ‘-aq-1 vv
Sampson, Newlin: 94) [so I milugiaq- (i) to go and suck |
estimate it to be around the new -iaq-1 vv
town site; it is situated right milugiaq solitary wasp; (Ti) bumble
around there; it is said that is bee; sucker fish (Diptera:
where the Itivyaat are] || +sI-3 vv Ceratopogonidae) » “tuttut
milaasiq [ENG “molasses”] molasses iqisigipiaġataġait
milik (Nu) or miligaq diaphragm [caribou are extremely afraid of
(anatomical) | +gaq2 nn § the small bumblebees whenever
kanivaun it becomes sunny outside] (Aiken
2009)| +iaq1 n
milik(-) stopper, plug; (i) to be plugged; milugiatchiaq a biting insect, gnat,
(t) to plug it @ miliksi- tiny mosquito, “white-socks,”
|| +sI-3 vv “no-see-um” | +iaq1 n -tchiaq nn

miluguiq- (i) to stop nursing having her/him/it carelessly | +[g]i- vv
had enough (of an infant) | :uti- vv
+[s]uiq-vv miluqsauti- (t) to throw it overhand |
milugvik lip of tobacco pipe | msaq- vv :uti- vv
+vIk1 vn miluqtuq- (t) to throw hurtful words
miluġutik or milugutik brassiere, at her/him/it » “miluqtuġaa
bra | -ġun nn -k2 nn uqalugmiñik
miluktit- (t) to nurse her/him/it with nakuuŋitchuanik” (Matumeak
breast or bottle @ miluktitchi- | 2009) [she hurled hateful words
1 3
mtit- vv || +sI- vv at him] | +tuq-1 vv
miluqtuqti (Ti) or milluuqti-
milukataq (Ti) leaf of coltsfoot (plant) pitcher in baseball | +tuq-2 vv
(Petasites frigidus) mt/ri vn
miluuġuti- (Nu) (i) to throw things
miluyuuq caribou botfly (Oedemagena at each other; (i) to play the
tarandi) “mitten game” where children
throw fur mitts turned inside out at
milvik (Ti) or mirvik or mitchaaġvik each other | :uq-2 vv +uti- vv
airstrip, landing strip, airport <
mit- ¤mimiq [mimiQ]or mumiq [dual
mimmak] hindquarter, haunch
milik very soft snow
minġuq- (i) to be very tired, weary; (i)
miliq1 [miliQ] [pl. milġit] (Nu) willow to tire
ceiling on temporary shelter minġuiqsiaq- (i) to rest | :Iq-2 vv
which is then covered with sod +[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv §
miliq2 indent or notch made in wood to Minġuiqsiġñiq Sunday | :Iq-2 vv
hold a pole in place +[t]sIq-vv +niQ1 vn § Savait-
Minġuiqsiŋaiġñiq Monday | :Iq-2 vv
miluq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a thrown +[t]sIq-vv ±ŋaiq- vv +niQ1 vn
object; (t) to shout hurtful words minġuliuti- (t) to grow weary and
at her/him @ miluqsi- | +sI-3 vv tired of her/him/it | -lIq-3 vv
milluuġun throwing board, atlatl | :uti- vv
:uq-2 vv +un1 vn § see Appendix minġuqtuq- (i) to be tired | +tuq-3 vv
milluun something thrown | :uq-2 vv minit- (i) to be excluded, to be left out;
:un1 vn (t) to omit, to exclude her/him/it
milluuq- (i) to throw things; (i) to when distributing something @
pitch in a baseball game; (t) to minitchi- || +sI-3 vv § nimit-
throw things at her/him/it @ mittau- (i) to be omitted when
milluuqłiq- | :uq-2 vv || -kłIq- vv something is being distributed »
miluqhiuti- or miluġiuti- (i) to mittaumaruaq she was excluded
fling, throw oneself into or onto in the distribution | =t/raq vn
something; (t) to fling, throw :u-1 nv

minŋiq- or (Nu) mitŋiq- (i) to jump up ground, snow) » miñiktuq or
and land on the same level as one miñikkaa it is misty
started; (t) to jump over miñikłuk very light rain | +łuk1 nn §
her/him/it § qirgiq- quikłuk
minŋala- (i) to jump up and down miññi- (Nu) to be misty (of air or
excitedly | =ala- vv ground) | =I-1 nv
minŋiqhiallak- (i) to jump up once miñukula- (i) to drizzle or for there
gracefully | -qhiaq- vv -llak-1 vv to be a light mist | perhaps
minŋiqtaq- (i) to jump up and down -uk(-)1 vv ula- vv
repeatedly (on the same surface)
| +t/raq-1 vv miñiqutipkaq- (i) to become icebound
(of a boat) | :uti-vv +pkaq-1vv
minŋuq or miñŋuq ground beetle
(Coleoptera: Carabidae) | miñu long, slender willow leaves (which
+ŋuq nn wash up on shore, are picked,
dried and then used as cleaning
miñaq- (t) to save, set it =something mops) (Kisautaq: 651)
which belongs to oneself aside
for someone else miŋuk- (t) to color, mark, or smear
something on her/him/it using
miñaumigi- (t) to delay, procrastinate one’s hands »
accomplishing it =task » pisaaġiŋitkaluaŋŋaan
“miñaumigigaa, pisallaiġaa miŋukkaa igalauraq he
savaaksrautikkaluani allamun accidentally smeared the window
iñugmun piñiaġnivlugu; tainna miŋŋuaq- (Ti) (t) to chip it =enamel
iksruma piñiaġaa utensil; (i) to be chipped (of
savaaksrautikkaluaq; iñuk alla enamel utensil) | ‘n vn -aq-2 nv
miñaumigivlugu; taiksrumuŋa miŋŋulik enamel utensil | ‘n vn
piñiaġnivlugu” (Aiken -lik nn § nauyyaaq
2009) [he is procrastinating miŋuaq- (t) to mark her/him/it @
having difficulty starting on the miŋuaqsi- | -aq-4 vv || +sI-3 vv
work that he is supposed to do miŋuaqtuġiaq- (i) to go to school;
thinking that another person will (t) to go to mark it up | -aq-4 vv
do it; he thinks that that other +tuq-2 vv +iaq- vv
person will do the work that’s miŋuaqtuġvik school | -aq-4 vv
supposed to be done; he is +tuq-2 vv +vIk1 vn § aglagvik
procrastinating on account of that miŋuaqtuġvikaaq one’s former
other person, thinking that the school | -aq-4 vv +tuq-2 vv
other person will do it] perhaps +vIk1 vn -kaaq nn
-u-2 vv -mik vv +[g]i- vv miŋuaqtuq- (i) to attend school |
-aq-4 vv +tuq-2 vv
miñik(-) mist, moisture, drizzle; splash miŋuaqtuqti student, pupil in
made by fish or thrown object; (i) elementary school| -aq-4 vv
to be misty; to drizzle, rain +tuq-2 vv mt/ri vn
lightly; to be damp with mist (of miŋuaqtuun pencil, pen | -aq-4 vv
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn

miŋugluk(-) spot, stain by marking; miqsruq- to sew (it) | perhaps
(i) to be stained or spotted; (t) to mqsruq- vv
stain it | +luk1 vn miqsruun needle | perhaps
miŋulġun paint | -lġun vn 2
mqsruq- vv :un vn

miŋulġutaulaaq(-) something with miquliktuq- to take the time to

paint on it; (i) to have paint on quickly sew (it) » utaqqillagiñ,
its surface » igña miquliktuġniaġiga wait a minute,
miŋulġutaulaaq qairruŋ give I will take a minute and sew it |
me that one there with the paint -liktuq- vv
splattered on it | -ulaaq(-) nn, nv miquqti seamtress » miquqti
miŋuliq- to paint (her/him/it) | iñuqallaturuq the seamstress
-liq-3 vv likes company | mt/ri vn
miŋuliun paintbrush | -liq-3 vv
miquun sewing machine | :un1 vn §
:un1 vn
miŋuluk- (i) to rub medication,
miquutitaq- (i) to use a sewing
ointment on (her/him/it) | -luk- vv
machine; (t) to sew it on the
miŋuluun externally applied
sewing machine | :uti1 vn
medication (iodine, ointment,
+[t]aq-2 nv
etc.) | -luk-5 vv :un1 vv
miquyu- (i) sews well (of sewing
machine or person) | -yu- vv
mipkuq meat of any kind » “iqaluit,
paniqtat qanusit
misak(-) or masak(-) or matchak(-)
wet ground; slush; swamp;
qanusilliqaa” [fish, dried meat
waterlogged snow; (i) to be
of any kind, even those in seal
slushy (of snow); (i) to be wet (of
oil, any kind] (Aiken 2009)
misałhak slushy top of young sea
¤mipquq thigh of bird | +quq § mumiQ
ice; water-soaked ground, swamp
| -łhak n
miqivsaq(-) accident; (i) to have an
misaŋuqsiaqaġvik place to let
accident § piyaqquq-
moisture drip or evaporate from
meat | perhaps -ŋŋuq-2 nv +sI-1 vv
miqłiqtuq child § ililgaaq
+aq1 vn +qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
miqłiqtuuraq infant, baby | :uraq nn
mitchak- (i) to become damp, wet »
§ miġayauraq, nalaquyauraq,
mitchaktuq qilamik it got
dampe quickly | ‘-k-2 nv
miqłiqsiqiñiq raising, rearing of
children |
misapsaq (Nu) Tree Sparrow (Spizella
miqu- (Ti) (i) to urinate § qui-, maqu-
misaq- (i) to lick the lips moistly and
miquq- to sew (it) » miqullaktuq
aakakput uvlupak kammak
misaivsaaq- (i) to swallow saliva
naannialavlugik our mother
loudly | -It-2 nv -vsaaq- vv
sewed all day trying to finish the
misapqatit- (i) to splash violently
landing with a thud; (Nu) (t) to

make her/him laugh nukatpiak malġuk
by saying something funny » mitchiqiniġik,…Once, while
“aŋayuqaksrauravlu they were eating after having
akunġatigun killed some caribou, Avigguvik
misapqatilgitchuk” (Nageak leaped over to those two young
1975: 90) [then between them men, …” (Simon Paneak as
and the little old man, they (the reported by Bergsland 1987: 330
jaws of a giant polar bear) | ‘=Iqi-2 vv
splashed noisily and violently
once again]; “suna tavra *misik (root) expectation of a happening
tikiłłakkami sumun, nunamun, misigi- (t) to expect her/him/it |
immamun, nutqallagruaqłuni, +[g]i- vv § niġiugi-
suli supputillagruaġamiuŋ misiksri- (i) to watch over, to tend
suna, tikiałłagmatik niġrutit something or someone | +srI- rv
quviqługu sivuġaaniñ tavra § qaunaksri-
misapqatitkaa” (Matumeak misiksriri or misiksriruaq reindeer
2009) [it is what happens when herder | +srI- rv mt/ri vn
something impacts suddenly on misiksruq- to wait and watch for
the ground or water, and also (her/him/it) | mqsruq-2 rv
when one shoots quickly with
sudden impact upon animals as misikaaġaq or misikaaqqauraq or
they come upon them quite (Nu) misiqqaaqaq Black-capped
suddenly without warning] | Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) |
|perhaps -ma-1 vv -tit-2 vv, +[ġ]aq nn
-pqatit- vv ¤misiqqaaqauraq Yellow Wagtail
(Motacilla flava) § iksriktaayuuq
misiġaaq(-) [misiġaraq] seal oil,
rendered blubber for dipping *misu (root) healthy look
meat; (i) to use seal oil as a dip misuiq- (i) to become pale in the
for meat » misiġaallaturuŋa face » misuipaluktuq
quaġama I enjoy seal oil when I tautukkamiuŋ
eat frozen raw meat tauqsiġñiaġviŋmi she paled
misiġaaġvik oil bowl (for dipping)| when she saw in the store |
+vIk1 vn :Iq-2 rv
misiġarriuq- (i) to make seal oil misuit- (i) to be pale in the face |
from blubber | ‘=iuq-1 nv :It-1 rv
misik- (i) to leap straight up; (i) to jump misuġuqtuun glass bottle
down from a low height; (t) to
jump across her/him/it § misuk- (i) to be dipped (into a liquid);
nautkiaq- (t) to dip it (into a liquid) »
misigaq- to hop (over it) | +aq-1 vv alakkaa, misuktuq akuŋa
mitchiqi- (t) to pounce, jump on immamun oh no, her skirt
her/him/it » “Ilaanni dipped in the water
tuttuligiñmata niġiñiaqtillugich misuktaun fountain pen | +t/raq-1 vv
Avigguvium taapkuak :un1 vn

misuqupak piece of caribou skin mitautigi- (t) to mock her/him/it; to
soaked in human urine (used as make a fool of her/him @
emergency food for dogs) | mitautikłiq- | =un1 vn +[g]i- nv ||
-qupak nn +kłIq- vv

misuq [pl. mitchut] sap; juice from matchaktiq- or misaktiq- (i) to be in

whale meat being cured; shoot of the process of being moistened;
plant § naunġaq (t) to moisten it < misak(-)
misuli- (i) to sprout (of plant) |
-lI-2 nv mitchiqi- (t) to pounce, jump on
misulik sleet, wet snow | -lik n § her/him/it < misik-
niviluk, piqsiq(-)
mitik (Nu) slush ice (in a fishing hole)
mit- [mIt] (i) to land from flight (of bird, mitiŋiq- (i) to remove slush ice from
airplane)» “Tarva miññami a fishing hole; (t) to remove slush
nasaiġutigillaan; taamna ice from it =a fishing hole |
sivuqqani piiġutigillaan.” -ŋIq- nv
(Ahvakana: 35) [then when he mitiŋiun scoop for slush ice (made
landed from flight he of baleen woven into a net and
immediately took off his hood; attached to a horn frame) »
he took his face hood off right “mitiŋiunlu ilaunlu atiruk” [the
away] scoop for slush ice and the scoop
mitchaaġiaq- (i) to come in for a to remove chunks of ice are the
landing, to go to land when same] (Aiken 2009) | -ŋIq- nv
flying; (t) to go to land it :un1 vn § ilaun
=airplane | +saaq-1 vv +iaq- vv
mitchaaġvik or milvik or mirvik *mitik (root) bounce
airfield, airport, landing strip | mitiglak(-) (Ti) (i) to flick one’s
+saaq-1 vv +vIk1 vn thumb against another finger; to
mitchaaq- (i) to land from flight (of bounce away; (t) to flick, fillip it;
bird or plane) » mitchaaqtuq Carrom Board; (i) to play
tiŋŋun the airplane landed | Carrom Board | +lak- rv
+saaq-1 vv mitigligaun bone catapult used for
mitchauraq duck decoy | +t/raq vn launching pebbles | perhaps
:uraq nn +liġaq vv :un1 vn
mitchiuq- (i) to lie in wait for ducks mitigrak- (i) to bounce off, fly off |
| +[t]sIq- vv :uq-2 vv +rak- vv

*mita (root) depth level mitiq [mitiQ] [pl. mitqIt] Eider Duck;
mitailaq deep hole, abyss, ¤(Nu) female Eider Duck
“bottomless pit” | :ilaq(-) rn (Somateria spectabilis)
mitait- (i) to be very deep | :It-1 rv mitaaluk large Eider Duck | -aluk nn
mitiġruat or mitiġiruat or mitiġruit
mitaaq- (i) to joke, tell joking stories (Nu) duckskin parka | +ġruaq nn
mitaaġun joke | +un1 vn

mitiġvik (Ti) a large black bird (said mittayyak mythical, frightening animal;
to have a 10-foot wingspan, in bogeyman § iñuqułłik, iñuqun
stories) | +vIk2 nn
mitilugruaq Emperor Goose (Chen mitu(-) (Nu) first chunks of sea ice
canagica); (Nu) female eider which form in the fall (clings to
duck | -luk nn +ġruaq nn nets); (t) to cling to it =usu. a net
(of new sea ice which forms in
mitlik [pl. mitligIt] (Nu) carving knife the fall) » kuvraq mitugaa the
with long curved blade < millik net has new sea ice clinging to it

mitquapik (Nu) small willow which muayuk- (i) to feel squeamish, repulsed
grows close to the ground, dwarf muayugi- (t) to feel repulsed by
willow | -pIk nn her/him/it; to feel squeamish
about her/him/it | +[g]i- vv
mitqun [mItqun] needle; (Nu) narrow muayutchak- (i) to feel disgust,
bone in hind leg of caribou » replusion, “get the creeps” |
qaugait sauniŋit -tchak- vv
isaġuata kaŋiŋit
mitqutiqaġviuraġisuugait the *muġ (root) saturation
wing tip bones of ducks were muġałłiq or (Ti) miġaliq or
used to store needles muġaliq slush ice, waterlogged
mitqusiq- (t) to provide a needle for snow (floating on ocean)
it = needle | ~Iq-1 nv (foam-like in appearance), snow
and thin ice on water when
mitquq feather; fur; body hair | +quq n freeze-up begins, slushy ice
mitqiaq animal which is shedding which forms on shore at the first
fur | ‘=I-1 nv ±aq1 vn freeze » “qaiġiitchuaq siku
mitqiliqi- or (Nu) mitqiqi- or (Nu) ilaŋa aqiłłuni muġałłiġmik
mitquliqi- (i) to shed, lose hair taiguġuugaat; unani ukkaġami
(of skin, parka, animal) | -lIqi- nv isiviłłaaġuuruq siamitchuuruq”
mitquilaq (Nu) [lit. “hairless one”] [rough ice parts of which is soft
centipede | :ilaq nn is called muġałłiq; down on the
mitquiq- (i) to lose hair, to become ocean when it falls over the edge,
bald; (t) to remove hair from it it breaks apart, it spreads] (Aiken
=animal skin @ mitquiqsi- | 2009) | perhaps -aq2 rn -liQ nn §
:Iq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv puġrak
mitquŋŋualik fake fur fabric or muġrak slush ice | +rak(-) rn §
object | ±ŋŋuaq(-) nn -lik nn puġrak
muġrui- (t) for it =obj. to flee from
mitqutailaq Arctic Tern (Sterna one =subj. under the snow or ice
paradisaea) § utchutchaakiq » muġruigiga it went under the
ice or snow and escaped me |
mittau- (i) to be omitted when +rruk- rv -I-7 vv
something is being passed out, muġruk- (i) to sink into soft ground,
distributed < minit- snow; (i) (by extension) to sink
into sin; (Ti) (i) to enter a sod

house through an entry tunnel; mumiġli- or mumiġri- (Ti) or
(Ti) (i) to pass through a tunnel, mumiqłiq- (i) to sleep late and
hole in the snow; (t) to put it into stay up late | -ġlI- vv
a covered hole, e.g., into a cellar mumiiŋa- (i) to keep a nocturnal
» “pallisakun isiqtuaq tavra routine | perhaps -Ik- vv ±ŋa- vv
muġruktuq” (Kinneeveauk, mumiiŋasi- (i) to sleep during the
2008) [when a person enters the day and stay up at night |
passageway entry, it is said that perhaps -Ik- vv ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv
he “sank into soft snow”] | +rruk- mumika- or mumkala- (i) to turn
rv back and forth from one’s back
to one’s stomach »
mularilġi- (Nu) (t) to escape, slip away “mumikaruaq mumikalaruq
from her/him/it » “Tavra nallaqsimmaġmi
Pisiksuġlim uqpigñun palluqsimmaġmi” [one who
mularilġiñaġaa.” (Elijah turns repeatedly from one’s back
Kakinya as reported by to one’s stomach] (Aiken 2009) |
Bergsland 1987: 307) [then -kaq- vv -la-vv
Pisiksuġliq lost her as she escaped mumikałuak- (t) to suddenly turn
from him into the willows] | her/him/it over | -kaq- vv
perhaps -lġi- vv -łuk-2 vv -ak- vv
mumiksaq- (t) to try, begin to
mulu-1 (i) to stay away longer than translate it | +saq-2 vv
expected, a long time mumiksaq translated text | +t/raq vn
mulluqtu- (i) to be in the habit of mumiksi interpreter | mt/ri vn §
staying away a long time; (i) to mumiksiri
usually be gone longer than mumiksiri interpreter, translator |
intended | ‘-qtu- vv +sI-3 vv mt/ri vn § mumiksI
muluu- (i) to stay a short while |
mumiqqaq process of changing
-u-2 vv
direction (of wind) | -qqaq vn
mumiun pancake turner, spatula |
mulu2 nipple of breast; blade of paddle §
:un vn
mumiurrat upside down sod houses
muluk nipple for baby bottle | -k1 nn
» “tusaasuuruŋa tainna” [that’s
what I have heard] (Aiken 2009) |
mumiġnaq tree root; stump »
:uti- vv ~raq 1 vn -t nn § note:
might be houses that have been
overturned by an “ivu” or an
puggutaliuġaqtut they usually
make bowls of its (tree’s) stump
since it is easy to work with
mumikataq (Nu) brown moss or lichen
(used to start fire)
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to turn
over; (i) undergo a character
mumiq(-) [mumiQ] drumstick (of a
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it
bird); hindquarter; upper back
over; (t) to translate, interpret it
part of thigh (of human); (Nu) (i)
@ mumiksi- || +sI-3 vv
to dance in the Canadian Inuit

style; (Ti) (i) to dance alone with °na (stem) where § su
a drum (of man) » nakiñ (Ti) (Nu) (interrog.) from
“mumiqtuġġuuq tavra where, whence § sumiñ
aŋatkuaġnialagami” (S. namulliqaa (adv) everywhere |
Tuzroyluke 2009) [it is said that ÷mun (term.) +liqaa (encl.)
he dances alone with a drum namun (interrog.) where to |
when he is conducting ÷mun (term.)
shamanism] § mimiq- nani (Nu) (interrog.) where |
mumaaqi- (Nu) (i) to do a Canadian ÷nI (loc.) § sumi
Inuit dance | -aq-1 vv -qi- vv napmun (Nu) where to |
mumaaqun (Nu) Canadian Inuit ÷mun (term.) § sumun
dance song | -aq-1 vv -quti vn nauŋ (interrog.) where |
-uŋ (3rd person sg. obj mkr.)
*munaq (root) caretaking naukun (Nu) (interrog.) by which
munaġi- (t) to take care of, watch way | -kun (via.)
over, guard her/him/it @ nauŋmi (interrog.) where is it then |
munaqsri- | +ġi- rv || ~srI- vv ÷mI (loc.)
munaġiyaqtuq- (t) to go and take
care of, watch over her/him/it @ *naa (root) dimension when stretched out
munaqsriyyaq- | +ġi- rv naaġniq measurement of breadth of
+yaqtuq- vv || ~srI- vv +yyaq- vv one’s arms outstretched; fathom |
munaġnaq- (i) to cause others to be perhaps +q-3 rv +niQ1 vn §
cautious because of one’s isagniq
conduct | +naq-1 rv naaġuq- (i) to be in one’s prime; to be
munaqsrauraq nurse | mt/ri vn full (of moon) | -[ġ]uq-1 rv
:uraq nn naaġuyasi- (i) to wax, grow gradually
munaqsriri guardian, shepherd, larger (of moon) | -[ġ]uq-1 rv
guard | ~srI- vv mt/ri vn -yasI-vv
naalgiuq- (i) to lack something to
*muq (root) curve complete a project | -lgiuq- vv
muqpaaq(-) ball made from naama- (i) to be enough, adequate,
cartilage of whale flipper; (i) to sufficient, complete; (i) to have a
play ball | -pak- vv ±aq1 vn § quorum for a meeting; (i) to be
aqsraaq- perfect, flawless; (i) to be well-
muqpak- (i) to arch the body high supplied, have everything needed,
out of the water prior to diving e.g., the right tools, equipment»
(of sea mammal) | -pak- vv § ki, taamna naamaruq, quyanaq
piquaq okay, that is enough, thanks |
muqpauraq biscuit | :uraq nn +ma-1 rv
naamailliuq- (i) to be short of, not
muqutipkaq icebound boat | perhaps have enough of something »
+pkaq-1 vv ‘-Q1 vn § “inuŋalliuqtuq sumikkiimma
ivsaiġutipkaq, °muġ niqimik naakka savaunnamik”
(Aiken 2009) [he is lacking
N something, food or whatever
equipment] | +ma-1 rv :It-1 vdv

-lliuq- vv naanaaku (expression attributed to
naamait- (i) to be insufficient | the first white men as they tried to
+ma-1 rv :It-1 vv § inuq- learn Iñupiaq) it will be done
naamammagaaq- (i) to conduct a roll eventually » “qakugu piñiaqtuq”
call to establish a quorum; (t) to uqallautigimmikamirruŋ tavra
make a determination of ‘naanaaku’; ‘qakugu piñiaqtuq’
completeness, or sufficiency | innaġmatun; maatnagu
+mmagaaq- vv naaggaqaa uvlaaġu,
¤naamaniqłiuq- (i) to be short of, not naanaakuuqsiññaqługu aglaan”
have enough of something | (elicited from Etalook using
+ma-1 rv -niqłiuq- vv Spriggs List, 1905) [when they
naamasi- (i) to become sufficient; (t) meant “it will be done eventually”
to cause it to be enough | +ma-1 rv they would say “naanaaku”; it
+sI-1 vv was the equivalent of saying “it
naammagi- (t) to fit it; (t) be of the will be done eventually”; it may
same size as her/him » be today or tomorrow, their only
qaliġuuraq naammagigaa she expression was “naanaaku”]
fits the dress | +ma-1 rv ‘-k-2 vv naari- (i) to complete something
+[g]i- vdv required » “naarimman
naammagiik- (i) to be of the same uvlumignik naatchimman,
size; (i) to be equal in ability | …aŋun tavra aggisimmagu
+[g]iik- vv iglumignun aapaŋa
naammak- (i) to be of the right isumaaluaqsiruq” (Nageak
amount or size, to fit right; (i) to 1975: 4) [then when she had
be adequate, enough » completed their days…the father
kamitchiaka naammaktuk my began to worry when she brought
new boots fit just right | +ma-1 rv the baby boy home] | +ri-2 vv
‘-k-2 vv naarruaq- (t) to complete it, despite
naammaksi- (i) to become just right, the odds that one would »
to fit; (t) to adapt, change it so that naarruaġaa atigiliani she
it fits | +ma-1 rv ‘-k-2 vv +sI-1 vv finished the parka she was making
naammiaq an equal in size » although it was doubtful that she
“naammiaġiik takitilaaŋa would | +ġruaq-1 vv
naakka aŋitilaaŋa” (Aiken 2009) naarrun that which completes
[they are equal in length and size] something; ending; final episode
| +mmIQ nn -aq2 nn of a book | +t-2 rv +run1 vn
naammiaġiik- (i) to be of the same naasaaq-1 (i) to be at final stage of
size (of two or more persons or completion; (t) to complete an
objects) | +mmIQ nn activity with each one of them »
-aq2 nn +[g]iik(-) vn, vv naasaaġai iñuit ilalivlugit he
naammiaqatigi- (t) to be the same shook every person’s hand
size as her/him | +mmIaq rv | +saaq-1 rv
-qan vn +[g]i- nv naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to
naamaniqłiuq- (i) to not have enough finish, complete it @ naatchi- »
of something | -niqłiuq- vv naatchilġataġuma
quyapalugniaqtuŋa I will be

overjoyed when I am finally naalaġnivluni sumiñ
finished | +t-2 rv || +sI-3 vv nipatilaaŋanik ilitchuġigaa
naatchiŋaitchuaq [lit. “one who has aŋutaiyaam listening for it, the
not finished”] (Ti) a whaling boy found out where the noise
captain with less than five whales was coming from | -nnI- vv
to his credit » naatchiñisuugaat naalaġniummi- to wait expectantly
tallimanik aġvaŋman umialik for (it =news of her/him/it) »
they say a whaling captain has naalaġniummiruat
completed his task when he has tusaalluataŋitchut unnuaq the
gotten five whales | +t-2 rv +sI3 vv ones who were waiting expectedly
±ŋa- vv :It-1 vv +t/ruaq vn for news, heard bad news last
naatchiŋaruaq [lit. “one who has night | -nnI- vv :u-2 vv +mmI-5 vv
finished”] (Ti) a whaling captain naalaktuaġun or naalaun radio |
having caught five or more whales +tuaq- vv :un1 vn § silakkuaġun
| +t-2 rv +sI-3 vv ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn naalaktuaq- to listen (to her/him/it) »
naatiq- to finish, complete (it) quickly naalaktuaqtuuraġniaġiga kanna
| mt/liq-3 vv aŋun uqaqtuaq I will take a few
naatiqtuq- (t) to finish, complete it minutes to listen to that man who
quickly with full concentration | is speaking down there | +tuaq- vv
3 1
mt/liq vn +tuq- vv naallaġluummi- (i) to be
apprehensive, fearing to hear the
naagga or naakka (excl.) no; or worst » naallaġluummiñaqtuq
naaggaaq- to say “no” (to her/him/it) ila naŋitpagman one feels
| -.q-2 nv apprehensive when a close
naaggaqaa or (as in, “this or that”) | relative is very sick;
+qaa (encl.) naalaġniummiruk theyd are
naaggaunnii and on second thought, listening for news intently |
no; regardless; to no avail ‘-ġluk- vv -u-2 vv -mmI-6 vv

naaġaayiq [naaġaayIq] frog, northern ¤naalunŋiaġiik mother whale with

wood frog (Rana sylvatica) § newborn § naaq(-)
naami (Ti, Nu) (interrog.) where § nani,
naakłiññik- (i) to trip someone or nauŋ, sumi
something < naat-2
naanaaku (expression attributed to the
naakłit- [naakłIt] (t) to trip her/him and first white men learning Iñupiaq)
cause her/him to stumble and fall it will be done eventually < *naa
< naat-2
naanaaq- (i) to go to bed (usu. of a baby)
naalak- (i) to listen with a purpose; (t) to § nallaq-, tuttaaq-, iññaq-
listen to it =her/his chest, heart
with a stethoscope; (t) to naanŋiq- [naanŋIq] (i) to hop on one
auscultate her/him/it foot, once; (t) to hop over
naalaġni- to listen, heed, pay her/him/it » naanŋiqsaqtani
attention to (her/him/it) »

pusikaġvigigaa she fell on top of intestines; when they are bloated a
the one she was hopping over person says he has a stomachache]
naanŋiraq- or naanŋiqtaq- (i) to hop | ‘-k-2 vv ±aq1 vn -k2 nn
on one foot, repeatedly » narraaq- (i) to have stomach or
naanŋiraqłuni tikitkaa he abdominal pains | ‘-aq-2 nv
reached her hopping on one foot | narrak- (i) to become pregnant; (i) to
-raq- vv vv or +t/raq-1 vv get a distended belly | ‘-k-2 vv
naanŋiraaq- (i) to play one-legged narranŋu- (i) to have a stomachache
high kick where the participants | -nŋu- vv
jump and attempt to kick a ball narri- (i) to be pregnant | ‘=I-1 nv §
hanging on a string and land on siŋaiyyI-, siŋaiyau-
the same foot » naanŋiraaqtuat narrisaaq(-) (i) to become pregnant,
aliasuŋitchut the ones playing conceive; (Nu) enlarged belly of
naanŋiraaq are having fun | pregnant woman | ‘=I-1 nv
-raaq- vv +saaq(-) vn

naaparuq large, pointed-bottom, lugless naari- (i) to complete something required

pot (without handles) § “…a < *naa
simple, largely undecorated black,
pointed-bottom vessel often with naarrun that which completes
perforations at the lip for something; ending; final episode
suspension with cords. In size, of a book < *naa
these ranged from 15 to as much
as 24 inches long, with a diameter naasaaq-1 (i) to be at final stage for
at the lips of 19 to 12 inches.” completion; (t) to complete an
(Spencer: 470) activity with each one of them
< *naa
naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to have
a full stomach, be full from eating naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to
§ aqiattuq-, niqinŋu- finish, complete it < *naa
naaqsunŋu- (i) to feel overly full
after eating; (Ti) (i) to be full from naat-2 (i) to be snagged, caught on
eating | -suk-2 vv -nŋu- vv § something < *nak
aqiattuq-, niqinŋu- naakłiññik- (i) to trip someone or
naaqtu- or narraktu- (i) to have a something » aġnaiyaamik
big belly | tu- nv or ‘-k-2 vv naakłiññiktuaq he tripped a girl
+tu- nv | -kłIt- vv +nnik- vv
narraaġiit- (i) to have a stomachache, naakłit- (t) to trip her/him =one who
bellyache or abdominal cramps | is progressing forward causing
‘-k-2 vv ±aq1 vn +[g]iit- nv her/him to stumble and fall
narraak abdomen; ventral portion (of | -kłIt- vv
fish) » “aqiaġualu iŋaluaŋillu; naasaaq-2 (i) to get caught on
puvlakkamiŋ something, get tangled | -saaq-1 vv
narraaġiiññisuuruq iñuk”
(Aiken 2009) [the stomach and the naataq Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

naataqpak Barred Owl (Strix varia)
| +qpak(-) nn naggun cause for growth; interest
accumulated or stock; (Ti) base of
naatchiŋaitchuaq (Ti) a whaling captain plant, taproot < nau-1
with less than five whales to his
credit < *naa nagguvik nurturing place, place where
one grows up < nau-1
naatchiŋaruaq (Ti) a whaling captain
having caught five or more whales nagguviksraq bud; budding leaf < nau-1
< *naa
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy,
naatiq- to finish, complete (it) quickly sympathy, pity | -lik- rv < *nag
< *naa nagligi- (t) to pity, feel sorry for, have
compassion for her/him/it | -lik- rv
naatiqtuq- (t) to finish, complete it +[g]i rv § ilunŋu-
quickly with full concentration naglignaq- (i) to be pitiful, deserving
< *naa of compassion » aakaiqsuat
naglignapiallaktut the ones who
naavit- (i) to spill (of a non-liquid lost their mother need our
substance, e.g., flour); (t) to compassion very much | -lik- rv
empty, pour, dump it =non-liquid +naq-1 rv
substance out @ naavitchi- or nagligutchak- (i) to feel compassion,
naavsi- » naavsitquŋitchaatigut pity » nagligutchaktuq aŋun the
mauŋa aakaa we were told not to man felt compassionate | -lik- rv
do any dumping around here by -tchak- vv
my mother | +vit- rv +sI-3 vv or naglikkiuti- (t) to begin to feel sorry
=sI-3 vv for her/him/it | -lik- rv +[g]i- rv
naaptiġun receptacle for trash or dry ‘uti- vv
dirt | +vit- rv :tiq-1 vv +un vn naglikkun or nagliksraun mercy,
naaptiġvik dumping place » compassion, pity, sympathy | -lik-
naaptiġviŋmuutisaġitin rv +[g]i- rv ‘n1 vn or +qsraq- rv
uvlaakun you should take them to :un1 vn
the dump tomorrow | +vit- rv naglikkutait- (i) to be cruel,
1 1
:tiq- vv +vIk vn merciless, without compassion |
naaptiq- (t) to empty, pour, dump it -lik- rv +[g]i- rv ‘n1 vn :It-1 nv
=non-liquid substance out naglikkutiqaġniq capacity for
repeatedly @ naaptiġi- | +vit- rv compassion, sympathy, empathy,
1 4
:tiq- vv || :I- vv kind | -lik- rv +[g]i- rv ‘n1 vn
naavrik- to spill it = contents here -qaq- nv +niQ1 vn
and there by shaking the container naglikkutiqaq- (i) to be merciful,
| =vrik- vv compassionate | -lik- rv +[g]i- rv
naavriktaq- (t) to empty it by shaking ‘n1 vn -qaq- nv
| =vrik- vv +t/raq-1 vv nagliksaaġun suffering, adversity,
misfortune, tragedy, misery |
nagguksaun fertilizer, something to -lik- rv +saaq-1 vv +un1 vn
promote growth < nau-1 nagliksaaġvik hell | -lik- rv

+saaq-1 vv +vIk1 vn in a long time; (i) to strain one’s
nagliksaaq- (i) to suffer »| -lik- rv body by overworking; (t) to press
+saaq-1 vv her/him/it onward to a destination;
nagliksaaqtit- (t) to persecute, (t) to push, coerce, force her/him;
oppress her/him/it @ (Ti) (t) to beat her/him up badly @
nagliksaaqtitchi- | -lik- rv naŋniġlik- || perhaps -lik- vv §
+saaq-1 vv mtit-1 vv || +sI-3 vv sagniq-
nagliksaaqtirrun persecution, nagniġutau- (i) to cause a person
oppression, harassment | hardship (of task) » “…, aasiisuli
-lik- rv +saaq-1 vv mtit-1 vv savaaksraķ
+run1 vv piraksriutiginiakkaġa ilivsiññun
nagliksraq- (i) to be merciful, nagniġutauniaŋitchuķ. …,and
compassionate | -lik- rv the load I will put on you is light.”
+qsraq- rv (Iñupiat New Testament:
nagliktau- (i) to be merciful, Matt:11:30) | :un/ti1 vn :u-1 nv
compassionate » “nagliktauruq naŋniqtuq- (i) to strain one’s body by
taamna iñuk allanun iñugnun” overworking | +tuq-3 vv
(Aiken 2009) [that person is
compassionate towards other nagriaq one caused to suffer; one picked
people] | -lik- rv +t/raq vn :u-1 nv on, harassed » “tavra
nagliktuq- (t) to give aid to her/him/it nukaaluktik taamna
out of compassion @ nagliktui- | pilguilluqtuaq nagriaġi-
-lik- rv +tuq-2 rv || :I-4 vv raġigaat” (Nageak 1975: 8) [so
nagliktuun blessing (promoting their younger brother, who was
mercy); mercy, compassion, not able to do as well as they
kindness | +tuq-2 rv could, would be the one made to
:un1 vn § quviasaaġusiaq, suffer]; “nagliksaaqtittaġigaat
anniqsuusiaq, pilguilluqtillugu” (Aiken 2009)
ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq [he would be made to suffer
nagliktuutiqpak great compassion; because he was not very capable]
“grace” from God | +tuq-2 rv
:un1 vn +qpak nn nagruk(-) antler; horn; (i) for two caribou
nagliktuutituq- (i) to be on welfare | to fight with their antlers; (t) to
+tuq-2 rv :un1 vn +tuq-3 nv strike her/him/it with the antlers
naglikuvsuaq- to have sympathy, pity nagri- (i) to grow antlers, horns |
for (her/him/it) » =I-1 nv
naglikuvsuaqłuni mattaqugaa nagrulik Pallid Horned Lark
ivvaqtuġukługu feeling sorry for (Eremophila alpestris arcticola) |
him, she asked him to remove his -lik nn
clothing so she could bathe him | ¤ nagrugmik- (i) to fight with antlers
-kuvsuaq- rv (of ruminants, e.g., caribou,
sheep) » nagrugmiksuk pagnak
nagniq- [nagnIq] or naŋniq- (i) to bullsd are fighting with antlers |
stretch or exert one’s muscles or +mIk-1 nv
nerves to the utmost by doing
something that one has not done

nagruuti- (i) to fight with antlers (of miqłiqtuq qiaqpakhuni” (Aiken
ruminants,e.g., caribou, sheep) | 2009) [when a child is trying to
:uti- nv get his way by crying hard]
naġluŋŋatigi- (t) to have it as one’s
nagruq- (t) to finish, kill it =wounded source of anger, dissenion »
animal » malikataqługu tuttu “tittauraq unnii, mikiruuraq
nagruġaa he followed the unniiñ, inna sil iktigimman,
wounded caribou and killed it taipkua
nagrutaq suffering which hinders or killukuaŋanivlugu,
delays what one is doing » titiġniaġamirruŋ” (David
“nagrutaġigaa samma suna Frankson as reported by Pulu,
iluitchuaq timimiñi” (Aiken Sampson, Newlin: 89) [even a
2009) [whatever is not right with small mark, even a very small
his body is his hindrance] one, when it had a certain
nagrutchiq- (i) to be in pain, suffer; prescribed width was a source of
(i) to be in sorrow | ‘=Iq-1 nv dissension, claiming that a
mistake is being made in the
naġamnasiq [naġamnasIq] black fur seal marking] | ±ŋa- vv ‘ti1 vn
» naġamnatchit amiŋit akisurut +[g]i- nv
black seal furs are expensive §
maġamnasiq naġrugaq (Nu) place in river where water
hits a rock or bank and suddenly
naġġu- (i) to dislike, not want, reject, swerves § ikkalġuq
refuse something »
aitchuqsaġaluaqtaġa naġruk- (i) to run ahead, passing others
naġġummiuq I started to give her to take the lead; (t) to run in front
a gift but she did not like it and of her/him/it; pass by her/him/it;
rejected it to head her/him/it off | perhaps
naġġugi- (t) to dislike, not want, +rruk- rv
reject her/him/it | +[g]i- vv
naġġugipiallak- (t) to loathe, abhor, nai- [nagI] to smell (her/him/it) @ naisi- ||
detest her/him/it | +[g]i- vv -sI-3 vv
-piallak- vv naima- (t) to continue to smell an
naġġunapiaġataq- (i) to be odor » naimagiga I can smell it
abominable, horrid, abhorrent, (the odor everywhere) | +ma-1 vv
detestable | +naq(-) vv naggiñ smell, odor | ‘-n vn
+piaġataq(-) vv naggisait- (i) to have no sense of
naġġunapiaġataqtuaq abomination, smell | ‘-n vn :It-1 nv
detestable entity | +naq(-) vv naggisiiq- (i) to lose one’s sense of
+piaġataq(-) vv +t/ruaq vn smell | ‘-n vn :Iq-2 nv
naġluq- (i) to be unable to be calmed; be *naġI (root) smell, odor
upset or angry but refuse or be naġiaq(-) [naġiraq] to detect, smell (it
unable to say why » =odor); bait used in trap | ±aq1 vn

naġirriq- (t) to bait it =trap | ±aq1 vn naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly
‘=Iq-1 nv become snagged, caught (of a
naġiuq- (i) to sniff around; (t) to sniff person or object in motion) »
her/him/it | :uq-2 vv naksatittuq sialġiruaq the
naġiutaq stick used as a trigger rapidly sliding object got snagged
attached to bait in trap | utaq1 vn violently | +saq-2 vv -tit-2 vv
naġiutit bits of food scattered around naksima- (i) for something to be
a trap | :un1 vn -t nn hanging up on a hook or peg |
+sima-2 vv
¤naipit- (t) to observe, watch her/him/it naktit- (i) to become snagged, stuck;
closely, spy on her/him/it (t) to hang it up on a hook or peg
naipiqtuq- to observe, watch | +tit-2 rv
(her/him/it) closely or critically | naktuġiq clothes hook; small,
+tuq-2 vv wooden peg set in wall for
hanging clothes; button, wooden
naiq- (i) to bend one’s head to the side or metal catch or hook | perhaps
¤naiññiq- (i) to roll one’s torso left to +t/ruq1 rv perhaps +Iq vn
right in dancing | +nIq-2 vn
naiŋa- (i) to have one’s head bent to nakaq or nakaaq or nakaun or
the side | ±ŋa- vv nakautaq stem of an edible plant,
stem, stalk of plant; (Nu) tall
nait- (i) to be short of length marsh grass with white top § nau-,
naikłi- (i) to become shorter; (t) to aiġaq
shorten it » uvlut naikłirut days nakaurat long-stemmed marsh grass
are becoming shorter; naikłiruq it eaten by caribou | :uraq nn
is becoming shorter | -kłI- vv -t nn § ¤pikniq
naikłilaaq- (i) to now be made nakautaq red stem of the sorrel leaf |
shorter; (t) to shorten it @ -utaq nn § quŋulliq
naikłilaaqsi- | -kłI- vv -laaq-1 vv ||
+sI-3 vv nakasuk bladder § naki-
naiñaaq- (i) to be made shorter than nakasugnaq muscle of leg | +naq1 nn
was intended; (t) to make it nakasuŋŋuaq flask, bottle with wide
shorter than was intended or bottom and narrow neck |
wanted | -naaq- vv ±ŋŋuaq nn
naiññiq shorter one | +niQ1 vn nakatchit- (i) to have a full bladder |
naisiq- (i) to be short | +sIq-2 vv ‘=It-2 nv
naitchuaq short hand of clock;
something short | +t/ruaq vn nakataq foresight on gun § itchuaġiaq
naitkavsak- (i) to be a little bit too
short | ±kavsak(-) nn, vv naki- [nakI] (i) to be unable to urinate
because of a urinary tract disorder
naivak- (Ti) (t) to show, display it for sale § nakasuk
| -vak- vv § ilI-
nakiñ (Ti) (Nu) (interrog.) from where,
*nak (root) attachment § nakaq, nakiq, whence < °na

nakiq- (i) to go direct, straight; (i) to naksi-2 [naksI] (i) to surpass others in
shoot far (of an arrow) § nali one’s accomplishments; (i) to
nakiġiit- (i) to be obstinate accomplish what has not been
| +[g]iit- nv done before » “Isumasuuruŋa
nakiqsaq- (t) to adjust, straighten it tavra naksiñasugaluŋa,
@ nakiqsai- | msaq-3 vv || :I-4 vv imailaami aġvakama (Ii.)
nakiqsi- (i) to be finally satisfied; (i) taavrumiŋa.” (Bodfish: 240) [I
to become level and straight (of always think that I accomplished
line, surface) | +sI-1 vv something that others had not
done, when I caught that whale in
nakkaq- (i) to dive, plunge in; (i) to fall an area where there was no water]
headfirst or headlong § agluq-2 naksiq(-) [naksIq] the goal (a peg
nakkaaġaq- (i) to dive repeatedly inserted in ground) in game of
| -aġaq- vv qiputaq, a game similar to
nakkaaġaqti diver | -aġaq- vv mt/ri vn horseshoes; (i) to reach and touch
nakkaqtaq- (i) to accidentally fall goal (of wooden stick tossed
headlong from a high place » toward naksiq in a game of
nakkaqtaqtuq iglum qaaŋaniñ qiputaq) | ‘-Q vn
aqayamun he accidentally fell
headlong into the mud from the naksima- (i) for something to be hanging
roof of the house | +t/raq-1 vv up on a hook or peg < *nak
nakkaqtiq- (i) to dive suddenly
(e.g.,of water fowl) » natchiq naktit- (i) to get snagged, stuck; (t) to
nakkaqtiqtuq pisiksaŋaiñŋaan hang it up on a hook or peg
the seal dove before he could < *nak
shoot | mt/liq-3 vv
naktuġiq small wooden peg set in wall
nakkaummi- (i) to remain
for hanging clothes; button;
underwater, be submerged for
wooden or metal catch or hook
some time after diving »
< *nak
nakkaummipaluktuq nukatpiaq
the young man stayed underwater
naku- (i) to cross one’s eyes; to cross (of
for a long time | -u-2 vv +mmI-5 vv
naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly get
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure
caught (of moving object) < *nak
nakkutigi- (t) to have her/him/it as a
source of enjoyment, pleasure,
naksi-1 [naksI] (Ti) to try to kill (it
pastime; (t) to tease her/him/it
=wounded animal); to strike (it
playfully | ‘n1 vn +[g]i- nv
=wounded animal) again |
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it |
perhaps +sI-2 rv § naŋit-2
+aq1 rn +[g]i- nv
naksiġaq target for shooting practice |
nakuaq cherished item » “tuttut
+[ġ]aq vv
qaunnaŋiññik, iluġutiŋiññik,
naksiġaq- (i) to fire at a target |
itchauraŋit nakuaŋigguuq
+[ġ]aq- vv
tamarra” (Aiken 2009) [the fat of
the caribou, its internal organs,

the mesentery apron, the fat found nakuuqsri- (i) to enjoy, take pleasure
around the intestines of the in something, to relax, take it easy
caribou is the nakuaq] | ±aq1 rn | -u-2 rv -q-2 vv -qsrI- vv
nakuaqqiaguti- (t) to grow to like, nakuuqquti- (i) to treat each other
love her/him/it | +aq1 rv +[g]i- nv right | -u-2 rv -q-2 vv
‘-aq-1 vv :uti- vv
nakuaqqiuti- (t) to begin to love nala- (i) to lie in a horizontal position on
her/him/it | +aq1 rv +[g]i-1 rv ‘uti- one’s side or back
vv nalaqhik- (i) to lie horizontal
nakuaqqun love | ±aq1 rn +[g]i- nv incessantly | -qhIk- vv
‘n1 vn nalaquyauraq infant unable to sit
nakuaqquti- (i) to love each other » upright by itself | -quyak- vn
nakuaqqutiruk theyd love each :uraq nn § miqłiqtuuraq,
other | ±aq1 rn +[g]i- nv ‘ti- vv miġayauraq
nakuaqsraq- (i) to feel attraction or nalauraaq- (i) to rest lying down |
take pleasure in something or -uraaq- vv
someone; (i) to like something or nallaġnaġiaq- (i) to go to bed early
someone | ±aq1 rv +[g]i- nv for the night | ‘-q-1 vv +naġiaq- vv
-qsraq vn nallaq- (i) to lie down; to be admitted
nakuaqsri- (i) to experience pleasure, to a hospital | ‘-q-1 vv
be loving | ±aq1 rv +[g]i- nv nallaqasiq- (t) to lie down with
-qsraq vn ‘=I-3 nv her/him » nallaqasiġaa
nakuqsi- (Ti, Nu) (i) to get better, nukaaluni qiaruaq she got in bed
improve; (t) to improve, fix, with her younger sister who was
repair, make it better | perhaps crying | ‘-q-1 vv -qati vn ~Iq-1 nv
+q-2 vv +sI-1 vv § nakuuqsi- nallauti- (t) to lie down on the bed
nakuraq fat (of caribou or moose); with her/him/it to induce to sleep
anything delicious | +aq1 rn » nallautigaa miqłiqtuuraq
nakut- (t) to entertain her/him/it; (t) to siqupkaqsaqługu she put the
keep her/him/it amused @ child in bed and lay down with her
nakutchi- | -t-1 rv || +sI-3 vv to put her to sleep | ‘-q-1 vv :uti- vv
nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be
in good health | -u-2 rv °nali (stem) even, in line, straight
nakuun goodness, virtue, forward; (Ti) south side of Point
righteousness | -n2 vn Hope, Alaska; price »
nakuuqsaq- (i) to improve, fix up tauqsiġñiaġvium nalaani ittut
one’s appearance; (t) to improve, they are located in a direct line
fix it | -u-2 rv -q-1 vv msaq-3 vv with the store; nalaagun
nakuuqsautit cosmetics | -u-2 rv miŋuaqtuġvium iliñiaqsimaraat
-q-2 vv m saq-3 vv :un1 vn -t nn I found out that they are going to
nakuuqsi- to improve (of weather); place it right by the school;
(i) to become well after being ill; nalimun pisuaqtuaġniaqtuguk
to get better (of a wound, sore, we will take a walk toward the
etc.); to improve one’s behavior | south side (of Point Hope); nalaa
-u-2 rv -q-2 vv +sI-1 vv taaptuma nalugiga I do not know
the price of that one; naliqaqtuq

qulinik its price is ten dollars § inillaktuq it happened as she/he
aki(-) predicted | +ut-1 nv
nalaiñ not very much; (excl.) do it nalaut-2 (t) to go to her/his house to
right, be careful, take it easy, don’t accompany her/him | +ut-1 nv
mess it up | siksriqalaitchuq nalautchaaq- (t) to travel directly to
nalaiñ (taunna) Kuukpaaġruk her/him/it | +ut-1 nv +saaq- vv
there aren’t too many squirrels on nalautchakatit- (t) to come upon
the Kuukpaaġruk River her/him/it suddenly at an
nalaŋiq- (i) to be in line horizontally; opportune time; (t) to encounter,
(t) to be lined up horizontally with meet her/him/it unexpectedly at an
her/him/it | +ŋIq- nv opportune time »
nalaugaŋaraq something that one has nalautchakatiłługu
encountered » “uvva anisaqsimammiuġlu aŋuliġiga I
apqusaaġaqługu igliġnaŋaraq” caught him right as he was leaving
(Aiken 2009) [it is something one | +ut-1 nv +tsaq-2 vv +katit- vv
has come upon once and again] | nalautchaq- (i) to prophesy, predict,
-ugaq- vv ±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn guess, take a gamble | +ut-1 nv
nalaunniq animal skin with fur just +saq-2 vv
right (not too thick, too stiff, etc.) nalautchaqti predictor, soothsayer,
for making clothes | +ut-1 nv prophet | +ut-1 nv +saq-2 vv
+niQ1 vn mt/ri vn
nalaunŋa- (i) to be right; (i) to be nalautchaqtuaq lottery | +ut-1 nv
right on target; to be just; to shoot +saq-2 vv +t/ruaq vn -t nn
straight, be accurate (of gun); (i) to nalautchuġaaq- (i) to bet; (i) to play
be respectable; (i) to be righteous | solitaire | +ut-1 nv +suġaaq- vv
+ut-1 nv ±ŋa- vv nalautirrun gunsight | +ut-1 nv
nalaunŋaruaq justice, equity, 1 1
mtit- vv :un vn
fairness, respectability | +ut-1 nv 1
nalautit- (i) to be fulfilled, to
±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn happen, to come to pass (of a
nalaunŋaruksraq criterion, standard prophecy); (i) to happen, to occur,
to be judged on | +ut-1 nv ±ŋa- vv to take place (of an event) |
+t/ruksraq vn +ut-1 nv mtit-1 vv
nalaunŋasiñiq righteousness | nalautit-2 (t) to adjust it (e.g., to sight
+ut-1 nv ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv +niQ1 vn a gun; to set a clock; to focus
nalaunŋasipkaq- (t) to justify, binoculars) | +ut-1 nv mtit-1 vv
validate it | +ut-1 nv ±ŋa- vv nalġuq- or nalġuqtiq- (i) to take a
+sI-1 vv +pkaq-1 vv shortcut; (t) to straighten it @
nalaurrun prediction, prophecy nalġui- » “saqulaqiiŋaruaq
which has come to pass; destiny » nalġuġaa; nalġuġluni umiaqpak
| +ut-1 nv :un1 vn igliqtuq; nutqaŋitchuq
nalaut-1 (i) to be correct, guess Tikiġaġmun” (Kinneeveauk,
correctly; (i) have one’s prediction 2008) [he straightened the one that
fulfilled; (t) to guess it right; (t) in was bent; the ship is returning via
accordance with, according to it = a short cut; it is not stopping at
prediction » nalaułługi uqaluŋi Point Hope] | ~[ġ]uq- nv or
~[ġ]uq- nv mtiq-2 vv || +sI-3 vv

nalġuqsruq- (t) to instruct her/him/it nalimuu- (i) to go forward by the
on how to do it correctly | most direct route; (i) to go straight
~[ġ]uq- nv mqsruq-2 vv | ÷muk- nv -u-2 vv
naligi- (t) to be equal to her/him/it in nalliak which one of thesed | ‘-Q rn
ability » “ativlutik suraġaqtuak; :ak (poss. 3d-s)
ativlugit naligiikłutik nalliat which one of these | ‘-Q rn
savaktuak” (Aiken 2009) [they :at (poss. 3p-s)
perform with equal skills; they nalliġiik two equals in every aspect |
work with equal abilities because ‘-Q nn +[g]iik(-) nn, nv
they are equal] | +[g]i- rv nallipayaaŋak rn either of the two |
naligiik(-) two beings/objects in line, ‘-Q nn -payaaq nn -ŋak (3d-3s)
occupying the same position in a nalliq which one » nalliq
progression or achievement; (i) to pigisukpiuŋ which one do you
be in line, up to the same level of want to have | ‘-Q nn
achievement or progression | nalliq-1 (t) to grow as big as
+[g]iik(-) rv her/him/it; (t) to move or travel
naligiŋit- (t) to not be equal to beside her/him/it; (t) to catch up
her/him/it in ability | +[g]i- rv with her/him/it | ‘=Iq-1 vv
±ŋIt- vv nalliq-2 or nallit- (t) to set a price on
naliġaaq one chosen, choice | it | ‘=Iq-1 rv or ‘=It- 2 nv
+[ġ]ak-2 rv ±aq1 vn nallisaq- to offer a bid (on it) |
naliġak- (i) to make a choice, msaq- vv
weighing the possibilities; (i) to nallisaun something offered as a bid
call for question (in parliamentary on something else | ‘=It-2 vv
3 1
procedure); (t) to evaluate msaq- vv :un vn
her/him/it in comparison to others nallit- (t) to offer to trade for
| +[ġ]ak-2 rv something; (i) to bid | ‘=It-2 nv
naliġaquri- (i) to call for question nalliuma- (i) to have equal abilities »
during meeting | +[ġ]ak-2 rv nalliumaruk taapkuak
-[t]qu- vv -ri-5 vv nukatpiak those two young men
naliġunaq- (i) to be equally desirable have equal abilities | ‘=Iq-1 rv
(of two beings/objects); (i) to be :u-2 vv +ma-1 vv
not easily distinguished (of two nalliummati- (i) to be equal (of two
beings/objects) | -ġut- rv naq(-) rv or more persons); (i) to keep up
naliġut- (i) to be undecided or unable (of one person) | ‘=Iq-1 rv :u-2 vv
to decide; (i) to have difficulty +ma-1 vv ‘ti- nv
deciding | ġut- rv nalliun final trade offer; accepted bid
nalimmak- (i) to be equals; (i) to be | ‘=Iq-1 rv :un1 vn
filled to the brim; (t) to be equal to nalliuti- (i) to now be equals; (i) to be
her/him/it | +mmak- vv tied (as in a score of a game); (t)
nalimuk- (i) to go straight, directly to to now have the same score as
| ÷muk- rv hers/his | ‘=Iq-1 rv :uti- vv
nalimun (noun case) area directly
ahead | ÷mun nnc nalikkak one side of the crotch
nalikkaak crotch (of human body or
of trousers) | -.k2 nn

nalikkiqi- to clean or fondle the nalluk- (t) to toss it up and down
crotch area | ‘=Iqi-1 nv repeatedly < naluk-

nallaġnaġiaq- (i) to go to bed early for nallukataq- (t) to toss her/him/it around;
the night < nala- (t) to throw her/him/it up and
down < naluk-
nallaq- (i) to lie down; to be admitted to a
hospital < nala- nalu- to not know, be ignorant of
(her/him/it); to be uninformed
nallaqasiq- (t) to get in bed with (about her/him/it) » nalugaa
her/him< nala- sumuktilaaŋanik she does not
know where he went
nallauti- (t) to put child in bed and lie naluksriñŋa- (i) to be unconscious |
down with her/him < nala- -ksraq(-)1 vn, nn ‘=It-2 nv ±ŋa- vv
naluksrit- (i) to become unconscious |
nalluaq- (i) to participate in tossing -ksraq(-)1 vn ‘=It-2 nv
someone on a mapkuq (blanket- naluksrivigruaq- (i) to lose
toss skin) during Nalukataq consciousness »
(whaling festival); (t) to toss up naluksrivigruaqtuq
repeatedly; (t) to toss her/him on a piuraġniaqtilluni he lost
mapkuq during Nalukataq (of consciousness while they were
many persons) < naluk- trying to help him | -ksraq(-)1 vn
‘=It-2 nv -vigruaq- vv
nalluaqtit people who are holding the nalunaġniq mystery, conundrum |
mapkuq (bearded sealskin +naq(-) vv, vn +niQ1 vn
blanket toss) and tossing the nalunailutaq signpost, sign;
jumper < naluk identification tag, marker »
nalunailutaŋa piisimaruaq its
nallugaq- (t) to throw, toss her/him/it signpost is gone, I found out |
repeatedly @ nallugai- < naluk +naq(-) vn :It-1 vv -lutaq vn
nalunaiñŋutaq or (Nu) nalunaigutaq
nalluġruq- (Ti) (t) to give out, toss them or (Nu) naluŋaiġutaq brand, sign,
= treats out at a give-away, e.g., marker to show possession; title |
during the Nalukataq (whaling +naq- vv :It-1 vv ±ŋutaq vn or
festival) from behind the wind +naq(-) vv, vn :Iq-2 vv -utaq vn
shelters (a wall of wind breakers nalunaiñŋutchiq- or (Nu)
forming a circle around the nalunaigutchiq- or
Nalukataq grounds) to the people naluŋaiġutchiq- (t) to mark,
who are sitting on the ground brand it to show possession |
watching the Nalukataq and +naq(-) vv, vn :It-1 vv ±ŋutaq vn
being served food < naluk- ‘=Iq-1 nv
nalunaiq- (i) to signify; (i) to become
nallui- (i) to give out, toss items out, e.g., clear, visible, distinct, audible; (t)
during Nalukataq or during a to reveal, make her/him/it known,
parade < naluk- “bring out in the open,” prove; (i)
to appoint, single out her/him/it/;

(t) to confirm it @ nalunaiqsi- » nalupqinaq- (i) to be unpredictable,
nalunaiġaa nullaġviksraŋat unreliable; (i) to be an uncertainty
aullaaqtuat he marked off the | *-pqi- vv +naq(-) vv
camp site for the campers | nalupqisuk- (i) to be in doubt,
+naq(-) vv :Iq-2 vv || -sI-3 vv doubtful, uncertain »
nalunaiqsruq- (t) to place nalupqisuktuq he is having
identification on it | mqsruq-2 vv second thoughts | *-pqi- vv
nalunait- (i) to be clear, visible, +suk-2 rv § kuksrasuk-
distinct, audible » aakaa nipiŋa nalupqisuŋit- (i) to be confident, sure
nalunaitchuq; ilisaġiliġuugiga of oneself » nalupqisuŋitchuq
my mother’s voice is distinctive; I ilisaurriruaq Iñupiatun she has a
recognize it quickly | +naq(-) vn lot of confidence teaching Iñupiaq
:It-1 vv | *-pqi- vv +suk-2 rv ±ŋIt- vv
nalunaq- (i) to be indistinct, barely nalupqisuun doubt; uncertainty |
visible, be camouflaged; (i) to be *-pqi- vv +suk-2 rv :un1 vn
doubtful; (i) to be not noticeable | nalupqisuutait- (i) to be confident,
+naq(-) vv, vn self-assured | *-pqi- vv +suk-2 rv
nalunaqsi- (i) to become indistinct, :un1 vn :It-1 nv
fade from view | +naq(-) vv, vn nalupqisuutairrun confidence, self-
+sI-1 vv assurance | *-pqi- vv +suk-2 rv
nalunautchi- (i) to do something :un1 vn :It-1 nv -rrun vn
secretly | +naq(-) vv, vn naluruaġi- (t) to take advantage of
-ut-1 nv,vv +sI-3 vv her/him considering her/him to be
nalupqigi- (t) to be uncertain about ignorant, naive or not intelligent »
her/him/it » nalupqigigaa naluruaġivluta uvva
tikiñŋatilaaŋanik he is uncertain ivayaqtuġniġaatigut because he
whether she has arrived or not | thought of us as naive and
*-pqi- vv +[g]i- vv unsuspecting, he robbed us
nalupqinaiq- (i) to become ratified; (thinking we would not find out) |
(i) to become a certainty; (t) to +t/ruaq vn +[g]i- nv
seal, certify it; to prove it | *-pqi- naluugaq- (i) to be uninformed, not
vv +naq(-) vv, vn :Iq-2 vv know | -ugaq- vv
nalupqinait- (i) to be a certainty,
without any doubt (of a naluaq [naluraq] sun-bleached seal or
happening); (i) to be reliable (of a bearded sealskin
person); (i) to be sociable by Naluaġmiu White Person; [lit.
nature (of a person) | *-pqi- vv inhabitant of sun bleached
+naq(-) vv, vn :It-1 vv sealskin) | ÷miu nn
nalupqinaiyaq- (t) to remove from naluaġmiutaq white man’s item,
her/him/it any uncertainty, doubt, product | ÷miu nn +taq(-) nn
question | *-pqi- vv +naq(-) vv nalurri- (i) to prepare seal or bearded
:Iyaq-vv sealskin for bleaching by the sun »
nalupqinaiyaun affirmation, aakaga nalurrisuuruq
ratification | *-pqi- vv +naq(-) vv upinġaaġman my mother
:Iyaq- vv :un1 vn processes seal or bearded
sealskins for sun bleaching in

summer | ‘=I-1 nv § qaqsuq-; Nalukataq(-) whaling festival held
puvitquq- usually in June, after spring
nalurriqi- (i) to work with sun- whaling season ends (a communal
bleached sealskins | ‘=Iqi-1 nv feast held outdoors in which
blanket-tossing is the main
naluk-1 (t) to throw it underhand; (t) to entertainment with an eskimo
toss it up; (i) to swim (of walrus) » dance providing the grand finale);
nalukkaa ayuktaq miqłiqtunun (i) to celebrate Nalukataq (of
he threw the ball to the children; many people) | -kataq(-) vv, vn
aivġich naluguurut siñiguurullu nalukataq- (i) to be tossed up and
niġisuurullu taġiumi. … The down on the mapkuq (bearded-
walrus swim, sleep and eat in the sealskin blanket-toss) during the
ocean.” (Ahmaogak & whaling festival | -kataq(-) vv, vn
Webster1981: 13-14)
nalluaq- (i) to participate in tossing
someone on a mapkuq (blanket-
toss skin) during Nalukataq
(whaling festival); (t) to toss up
repeatedly; (t) to toss her/him on a
mapkuq during Nalukataq (of
many persons) | ‘-aq-1 vv
nalluaqtit people who are holding the
blanket-toss and tossing the nalukataqtuaq the jumper on the
jumper | ‘-aq-1 vv mt/ri vn -t nn mapkuq (bearded sealskin
nallugaq- (t) to throw, toss her/him/it blanket-toss) | -kataq- vv
up repeatedly @ nallugai- | +/t/ruaq vn
‘-k-2 vv +gaq-1 vv || :I-4 vv nalukataqtitchi- (i) to undertake or
nalluġruq- (Ti) (t) to give out, toss sponsor the happening of the
them out at a give-away, e.g., whaling festival, by completing a
during the Nalukataq from successful whaling season |
behind the wind shelters (a wall of -kataq(-) vv mtit-1 vv +sI-3 vv
wind breakers forming a circle nalukataun a song sung during the
around the Nalukaq grounds) to blanket-toss during Nalukataq |
the people who are sitting on the -kataq(-) vv :un1 vn
ground watching the Nalukataq nalukatauraq- (Ti) (i) to jump on a
and being served food | ‘-k-2 vv jumping board (a board usually
-ġruq- vv six feet in length placed over a
nallui- (i) to give out, toss items out, large piece wood which suspends
e.g., during Nalukataq or during the board above the ground) |
a parade | ‘-k-2 vv :I-4 vv -kataq(-) vv :uraq- vv §
nalluk- (t) to toss it up and down aatchukisaaq-
repeatedly | ‘-k-2 vv nalukatauraun (Ti) jumping board (a
nallukataq- (t) to toss her/him/it board usually six feet in length
around; (t) throw her/him/it up placed over a large piece wood
and down | ‘-k-2 vv -kataq- vv which suspends the board above

the ground) | kataq(-) vv :uraq- vv
:un1 vn § aatchukisaun nalupqisuutait- to be confident, self-
nalukatautik dehaired sealskin assured < nalu-
summer boots | -kataq(-) vv
:un1 vn -k2 nn § qaqłiik nalupqisuutairrun confidence, self-
nalukatchiaq- (i) to attend the assurance < nalu-
whaling festival | ‘=iaq-vv
nalukattat people who are attending naluruaġi- (t) to take advantage of
Nalukataq | -kataq(-) vn -t nn her/him considering her/him to be
ignorant, naive or not intelligent <
naluk-2 (i) to swim (of sea mammal);(i) to nalu-
glide in chest-deep water
naluksaaq- (i) to plunge into water naluugaq- (i) to be uninformed, not know
(of sea mammal)| +saaq-1 vv < nalu-

nalupqigi- (t) to be uncertain about namulliqaa (adverb) everywhere < °na

her/him/it < nalu-
namun (interrog.) where to < °na
nalupqinaiq- (i) to become ratified; to
become a certainty; (t) to seal, nanġaq- (i) to praise oneself; (t) to praise,
certify it; to prove it < nalu- glorify, extol, laud, honor
her/him/it @ nanġai- »
nalupqinait- (i) to be a certainty, without qaukłiŋata nanġaġaa
any doubt (of a happening); to be savalluataġnivlugu his boss
reliable (of a person); to be praised him for doing a good job ||
sociable by nature (of a person) < :I-4 vv
nalu- nanġaaq best choice | ±aq1 vn
nanġaun honor; praise | :un1 vn
nalupqinaiyaq- (t) to remove from
her/him/it any uncertainty, doubt, nani [nanI] (Nu) (interrog.) where < °na
question < nalu
nanii (excl.) (used when something is
nalupqinaiyaun affirmation, ratification done well; especially, when done
< nalu- with sufficient force to overpower
the opponent, or when one has a
nalupqinaq- (i) to be unpredictable, good rebuttal)
unreliable; to be an uncertainty <
nalu- naniq light, lamp § qulliq1 § see
Appendix 22
nalupqisuk- (i) to be in doubt, to be naniaq-1 or naniaqtuaq- (i) to warm
doubtful, uncertain < nalu- oneself by the fire to alleviate
pain; (t) to warm it by the fire »
nalupqisuŋit- (i) to be confident, sure of naniaġaa qiluqqiññiñi he
oneself < nalu- warmed his strained muscle |
-aq-4 nv or -aq-4 nv +tuaq- vv §
nalupqisuun doubt; uncertainty < nalu- pasik-

naniġuaq kerosene lantern | trap for it =fur-bearing animal |
+ġuaq1 vn +iaq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
naniġuun small, hand-carried lamp; naniġirriqsuq- (i) to prepare and set
small stick to trim seal oil lamp | traps in different places| +iaq1 vn
+uq-1 nv :un1 vn ‘=rrIq-2 nv +tuq-2 vv
nanniaġik- (i) to be brightly lit | naniqtit- (i) to be caught in a trap; to
‘=Iq-1 nv ±aq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv be pinned down by weight; (t) to
nanniq- (i) to turn on a light; turn on cause it to be caught in a trap; to
a light for oneself; (t) to light, turn cause her/him/it to be pinned
on a light for her/him; to install down by weight » naniqtittuq
electricity in it =house » unianun he got pinned down by
nanniqsuq isiqami iglumiñun he the sled | mtit-1 vv
turned on the light when he
entered his house | ‘=Iq-1 nv nanmak(-) something carried on the
nanniun or nanniutiksraq (Nu) back; to carry (it) on one’s back or
rendered oil for lamp | ‘=Iq-1 nv in a backpack; (i) to play a game
:un1 vn or ‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn where one walks around carrying
+ksraq(-) nn others who are holding on |
naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap; (t) to pin nanmakti pack animal, beast of
her/him/it down with weight; (t) to burden (e.g., reindeer, dog,
travel directly over her/him/it (of donkey) | mt/ri vn § kakakti
moving conveyance); (t) to catch it Nanmatchiaq [lit. “like a
in one’s trap @ naniqsi- | +sI-3 vv hunchback”] constellation
nanġutalik (Nu) leg-hold trap | ¤Draco
:un1 vn ~t/ralik nn § naniġiaq nanmau- (i) to go on a backpacking
nanġutaq (Nu) jaws of a leg-hold trap trip | :u-2 nv
| :un1 vn +taq(-) nn natmautaġiak (Nu) shoulder straps
naniġiaq [naniġiraq] leg-hold trap | for a pack | -utaq vn +iaq1 nn
+iaq1 vn § nanġutalik -k2 nn
naniġiaqtalik an animal running natmautaġiaq (Nu) area of arm just
loose with foot caught in a trap | below shoulder | -utaq vn
+iaq1 vn +q-2 nv +t/ralik nn +iaq1 nn § uniq
naniġiaqtaq one caught in the leg- nanmautalik or natmautalik (Nu)
hold trap | +iaq1 vn +q-2 nv gun with a shoulder strap;
+taq(-) nn traditional snare made of sinew |
naniġiaqtuq- (i) to trap animals; (t) to -utaq vn -lik nn
set trap for it » naniġiaqtuqtuq natmautaq (Nu) shoulder strap for
pisukkaanik he is trapping foxes; carrying a gun or backpack;
naniġiaqtuġaa qavvik backpack | -utaq vn
akatchiruaq niqinik he has set nanmaun or (Nu) natmagvik dog
traps for the wolverine that has pack; backpack | :un1 vn or
been getting into the food cache | +vIk1 vn
+iaq1 vn +tuq-2 nv nanmiuq- to prepare (it) to carry on
naniġirriq- (i) to prepare and set a one’s back | ‘=iuq-1 nv
leg-hold trap; (t) to set a leg-hold

nanmiuti- or (Nu) natmiuti- (t) to naniaq-2 (Ti) (i) to kill a polar bear »
place and carry it on one’s back or “taimanili qauriñiaġama
in a backpack | ‘=Iq-1 nv :uti- vv aapaga… naniaġman
niviŋŋautchiġuurut” (Kiligvuk:
nanmik [nanmIk] (Nu) crosswise 1) [back then when I became
wooden slat in umiak aware of my surroundings my
father…when he killed a polar
¤nanmit (Ti) keel braces which hold boat bear they would hang up objects]
keel in place | -t nn | perhaps ‘=iaq-2 nv
nanniaq- or nannuliaq- (i) to go
nanmiñiq [nanmiñiq] without any polar bear hunting | ‘=iaq-1 nv
question, doubt; definitely; peer; Nannuġruit [lit. “large polar bears”]
one with whom one can be constellation Pleiades » “the
completely free to express Pleiades are nannorjuit polar
oneself; one’s own e.g., blood bears” (Jenness 1991: 529)
relatives, property or belongings nannuk- (i) to kill a polar bear »
nanmiñiqtuq- (t) to speak or deal nannuktaami amia
strictly and directly with a blood tuniñiaŋiññiraa he said that he is
relative | +tuq-3 nv not going to sell the hide of the
polar bear he killed | ‘-k-1 nv
nanniaġik- (i) to be brightly lit < naniq nanuġaq piece of polar bear skin |
+[ġ]aq vn, nn
nanuġun good luck charm (usually
a rock) § aanġuaq naŋaq- to skirt around, avoid (her/him/it)
» naŋaġaa iqsigivlugu he is
nanuk- to rub something on (her/him/it) » skirting around her because he is
nanuktuq uqsruġunmik he is afraid of her
applying oil on himself » naŋaa- (Ti) to avoid (her/him/it) »
nanukkaa siŋiġñaurraaġniñi “naŋaqtalgitkaa avruma;
nanuluunmik he is rubbing his naŋaaraġaa; qimaaraġaa” (C.
sprained ankle with liniment Tuzroyluke 2009) [that one over
nanuiqasiraq- or nanuiqasiraaq- (i) there is skirting around her; he is
to rub against, touch accidentally; avoiding her; he is fleeing from
(t) to rub against it | -qasiraq- vv her] | -a-2 vv
-aq-1 vv § agiuqasiraaq-
nanuktaaġun jam, jelly | +taaq- rv naŋiaq- (i) to be afraid of falling from a
:un1 vn high place, to have acrophobia;
nanuluk- to rub liniment on (i) to be afraid of falling through
(her/him/it) |-luk- vv ice into deep water
nanuluun liniment, soothing lotion | naŋiaġnaq- (i) to be dangerous (of
-luk- vv :un1 vn ice or water) | +naq(-) vn
nanuun liniment, ointment | :un1 vn naŋiaqtu- (i) to have acrophobia |
-tu- vv
nanuq [dual nannuk, pl. nannut] polar naŋiaqtuu- (i) to withdraw from a
bear (Ursus maritimus) whaling camp because of
dangerous ice conditions created

by high winds or fast ocean naŋniqtuq- (i) to strain one’s body by
currents | +tuq-2 vv -u-2 vv overworking < nagniq-
naŋiatchak- (i) to become fearful in
a boating, climbing,or flying napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a
situation | -tchak- vv house, pole, tree
naŋiit- (i) to be daring, brave when *napaaq (stem) to be upright
doing something risky | =It-1 vv continuously | +aq-1 vv
napaaqsiaq- (i) to travel to the tree
naŋiq [naŋIq] waterproof pad placed line | +aq-1 vv perhaps +siuq- nv
under baby or invalid » =iaq- vv
“…iġñauraŋagguuq napaaqtuayaaq vine | +aq-1 vv
naŋiqaqtuaq nannum +tuq2 vn -ayaaq
amianik.” (Ahvakana: 12) napaaqtuġmiu person from Noatak,
[…her little son, it is told, had a Alaska | +aq-1 vv +tuq2 vn
small mattress out of polar bear +miu2 nn
skin] ¤napaat- (Ti) (t) to stand it up |
+aq-1 vv -t-1 vv
naŋit-1 (i) to be sick § anniġñaq-, iñuaġiit- napaaqtuq tree, white spruce (Picea
naŋiliq- (i) to become sick | -lIq-3 vv glauca) | +aq-1 vv +tuq4 vn
naŋinnaq- (i) to be wearisome, napaaqtum aqargia Spruce Grouse
stressfull on one’s self; (i) to be (Canachites canadensis) | +aq-1 vv
harmful, bad for one’s well-being | +tuq2 n -m (mkr.) | aqargiq
+naq(-) vv “ptarmigan” :a (poss. 3s-s)
naŋirrun disease, epidemic, sickness, napaaqtum qargia Sharp-tailed
infirmity | +run1 vn Grouse (Pediocetes phasianellus)
naŋirrutinnak- (i) to contract a napaatchak(-) dart game; (i) to play
disease | +run1 vn -nnak- nv darts, mumblety-peg
naŋirrutiqpak pestilence, plague | napaatchaq(-) (Ti) a dart; to play a
+run1 vn +qpak(-) vn, vv game using two sticks, the point
naŋirvik hospital | +vIk1 vn being to drop one into a hole cut
in the other; also, to play the
naŋit-2 (Ti) (t) to try to finish it off, kill it Iñupiaq version of darts where a
=wounded animal, often a whale stick with a needle fitted in the
@ naŋitchi- || +sI-3 vv § naksI- end must be dropped in such a
manner that it sticks straight up in
naŋniq- (i) to stretch or exert one’s a board lying on the ground (like
muscles or nerves to the utmost darts) | +aq-1 vv -t-1 vv msaq-3 vv
by doing something that one has napaayuq upright ice cake
not done in a long time; (i) to (Harcharek: 14)
strain one’s body by overworking; napaġiaq vertical support; post
(t) to press her/him/it onward to a holding something up; one of
destination; (t) to push, coerce, many vertical pieces (stanchions)
force her/him; (Ti) (t) to beat which support side rails of sled;
her/him up badly @ naŋniġlik- < something which stands upright |
nagnIq- +q-1 vv +iaq1 vn
napaksraq (Nu) mast | +ksraq vn

napaqsraq pole, post, mast, pillar | nappaq- (t) to erect, build it
+qsraq vn =structure; (t) to set it upright,
napaqti mast » ”tamarra napaqsrat stand it up @ nappai- | ‘-q-1 vv ||
tamatkua napaqtinik :I-4 vv
taiguġuugai” (Aiken 2009) [they nappaqsuġaaġun (Ti) knife,
called those posts, masts] | -qti vn implement for playing
napaqutaq signpost; gravestone | mumblety-peg | ‘-q-1 vv
-qutaq vn +suġaaq- vv +un1 vn
napaqutchiq- (t) to provide it with a nappaqsuġaaq- (Ti) (i) to play
signpost or gravestone | -qutaq vn mumblety-peg | ‘-q-1 vv
‘=Iq-1 nv +suġaaq- vv
napaquyuk (Nu) a circular tent with a nappaqtaq circular tent with one
single pole in center driven into central pole | ‘-q-1 vv +t/raq vn §
the ground, and the edge of the qaluuġvik
circular tent staked into the
ground pulling the sides of the tent napi- (i) to break in half; (t) to cut, break
taut | -quyuk vn it in half @ napisi- »
naparaġaaq- (i) to turn somersaults; “Marraptauq avataani iglum
(i) to do a handstand | aġviġit napigiññaqługit tainna
+raġaaq(-) vv nappaaqtat.” (Ahvakana: 18)
naparaq clay pottery | +raq vn § [also all around surrounding the
qikuyyaq house are whales split in halves
naparaq- (i) to tumble over, turn a all placed upright] || +sI-3 vv
somersault | -raq- vv napigiaġniq vertebra | +iaq-3 vv
naparaqtaq- (i) to tumble more than +niQ1 vn
once | -raq- vv +t/raq-1 vv napiniq hump of a hunchbacked
naparuq (Ti) sled stanchion; wooden person; place at which something
boat “rib,” vertical frame support is broken | +niQ1 vn
inside boat | +ruq vn § tulimaaq napiŋa- (i) to be hunchbacked; (i) to
napat- (t) to stand it up; (t) to support be broken in half | ±ŋa- vv
it upright » “makitapkaġaa” nappannak- (i) to earn half of
(Aiken 2009) [he is keeping it something one has helped to gain
upright] | +t-1 vv possession of | ‘-nnak- nv
napaugaq- (i) to be standing upright, nappaq something which has been
still (of an object) | -ugaq- vv cut in half, crosswise split; hump
napautaq one pole of a tripod used to of hunchback | ‘-Q vn § avvaq
suspend pot above fire | -utaq vn
napauttat tripod used to suspend pot napit- (i) to become snared, trapped; (i) to
above fire | -utaq vn -t nn become fastened; (t) to trap, snare
nappaqutaq log driven into ground to it » “ilaanni malġuŋnik
support a structure vertically | natchiigñik napinŋasuuruq
‘-q-1 vv –utaq1 vn kuvraq” (Kaveolook 1975c: 6, 9)
nappaqutat or nappaġutit [sometimes two seals are caught
foundation pilings | ‘q-1 vv in the net]
-utaq vn or :un1 vn -t nn napitaq animal caught in trap or snare
| ±aq1 vn

napmun (Nu)(interrog.) where to < °na naqitchi- (i) to make bread dough; to
knead | +sI-3 vv
napu cross-brace of sled naqittaġnaq piano, organ |
napuksraq that which will be made +ttaq(-) vv, vn +naq(-) vn
into a cross-brace napaaqtunik naqittaġnaġaq- (i) play the piano or
makua napuksraqtuġuurut; organ | +ttaq(-) vv, vn +naq(-) vn
urgiiliñik pilaitchut spruce trees +[t]aq-2 nv
are used in making cross-braces
[for sleds]; birch trees are not used naqsik(-) pug nose; (i) to have a pug
| +ksraq(-) nn, nv nose; (i) to wrinkle one’s nose; (i)
napulgit (Nu) old-style sled usually to push one’s nose up, e.g., by
about 10 feet long with bent running into a taut rope; (t) to
crosspieces (Ingstad: 139) | -lik nn wrinkle one’s nose at her/him/it »
:It nn “tuvaaqataa naqsiktuq, aglaan
quviasuktuq” (Matumeak 2009)
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to [his wife has a pug nose, but she is
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it happy] | perhaps ~sIk-1 vv §
down iqsuk-
naqikłi- (i) to set (of sun); (i) to naqsiaq neck muffler used for pro-
become lower; (i) to humble tection against extreme cold,
oneself; (t) to lower, decrease its usually made out of wolf’s tail
height | -kłI- vv winter caribou hide | ±aq1 vn
naqikłilaaq- (i) to be made lower; (t) naqsiŋa- (i) to be pug-nosed | ±ŋa- vv
to lower, decrease its height | naqsiŋayaaq- (i) to unknowingly run
-kłI- vv -laaq-1 vv head first into a taut line, rope and
naqikłilauraq- (i) to dance low to the have one’s nose pushed up |
floor, ground; (t) to set her/him/it ±ŋa- vv -yaaq-1 vv
very low | -kłI- vv -lauraq- vv
naqilġuq lower part of mountaintop naqsraq(-) a ridge which divides
or hilltop | ±ġuq vn watersheds of rivers; a pass, a
naqimik- (t) to hold her/him/it down valley or passage in the
by pressing on her/him/it | mountains; low point of a hill; (i)
-mIk-1 vv to travel via the lowest point; (t) to
naqitaġun rope on sled or boat used travel via its lowest point |
to lash down, tie down items | ~qsraq vn § naqit-
-ak- vv +q-2 nv +un1 vn Naqsraġlugiaq a summit near
naqitak- (i) to be secured, tied down; Anaktuuvak Pass, Alaska| +luk nn
(t) to tie it down securely; (t) to be +iaq1 nn
a hindrance to her/him | -ak- vv Naqsraq Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska
naqitaq bread dough | ±aq1 vn naqsriñiq a ridge-like area where two
naqitaqpik side rail on sled for tying parts meet or separate sharing an
down load | -ak- vv -qpIk vn § see intersection | =I-1 nv +niQ1 vn
Appendix 18
naqitaqsruq- (t) to tie it down naqtuq- (i) to shatter, break or crack,
securely @ naqitaqsrui- | -ak- vv fracture (of glass or ceramic); (t)
2 4
mqsruq- vv || :I- vv

to break it =glass or ceramic @ hunting caribou from a kayak in a
naqtui- || +I-4 vv lake | +tuq-3 nv
naqtuġaaq(-) (Ti) crack, as in ice,
glass or ceramic; (i) to crack, nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one’s hood up;
shatter (of ice, glass or ceramic); (t) to put her/his hood up
(t) to break, shatter it =glass or nasaallik- or nasaałłik- (i) to have
ceramic into pieces » one’s snow shirt hood slide off the
naqtuġaapaluktuq igalauraq the parka hood | -ałłIk- vv
glass window shattered violently | nasaġaq or nasaġauraq or (Ti)
+aaq(-) vv § quppaq nasaġaaq kerchief; hood-like
naqtuqqat pieces of broken glass or head cover; shawl | +[ġ]aq nn or
anything breakable | ±aq1 vn +[ġ]aq nn :uraq nn
-t nn nasaiŋaruaġruk Bonaparte’s Gull
(Larsus Philadelphia); Black
narraak abdomen; ventral portion (of Headed Gull (Larus riducundus)
fish) < naaq(-) nasapak- (i) to keep one’s parka hood
on indoors or out, unnecessarily |
narraaġiit- (i) to have a stomachache, -pak- vv
bellyache or abdominal cramps < nasaqpalik parka with large hood
naaq(-) (Canadian style) | +qpak(-) nn
-lik nn
narraaq- (i) to have stomach or nasaulligaq or nasaullik ptarmigan
abdominal pains < naaq(-) with brown head feathers |
-ullIk nn +[ġ]aq nn or -ullIk nn §
narrak- (i) to become pregnant; to get a aqargiq
distended belly < naaq(-) nasautaaqłuk old worn out hat |
-aqłuk nn
narraktu- (i) to have a big belly < naaq(-) nasautaq(-) hat, cap; (i) to put a hat
or cap on; (t) to put a hat or cap on
narranŋu- (i) to have a stomachache < her/him/it | -utaq(-)1 nn
naaq(-) nasautchiqi- to play around with
(her/his/its) hat | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
narri- (Ti) (i) to be pregnant < naaq(-) natchi- or natchiuq- (i) to make a
hood; (t) to make a hood for
narrisaaq(-) (Nu) enlarged belly of her/him/it; to make it into a hood |
pregnant woman; (i) to become ‘=I-1 nv or ‘=iuq- nv
pregnant, conceive < naaq(-)
nasit- [nasIt] (i) to climb to a high
narvaq pond, lake; eight (suit at cards) vantage point in order to have a
narvaġauraq small lake | +[ġ]aq nn panoramic view; (i) to look for
:uraq nn game from a high vantage point »
narvalik (Nu) eight (suit at cards) | nasiññami maniqqamun
-lik nn tautukkaa igluak as he reached
narvaqtuq- (Nu) to hunt (them the vantage point, he saw theird
=caribou) from kayak in a lake » house
tuttunun narvaqtuqtut they are

nasiqsriaġnaq- (Nu) (i) to be at a natchiaġruk seal pup; young seal |
high vantage point | mqsruq-2 vv -aġruk
‘=iaq-1 vv +naq(-) vv natchiaġruuk or (Ti) natchiviak
nasiqsruaq- (Nu) (i) to look out, ankle-length, sealskin breeches
scout for game from a vantage with fur out » “kammaglu
point | mqsruq-2 vv ±aq-1 vv quliksallu mitquŋit
nasiqsriaq- or nasiqsruġiaq- (i) to silaliutivlugit tainna
go and look for game from a taiguġuugai” (Aiken 2009) [boots
vantage point | mqsruq-2 vv ‘=iaq- and pants are called thus when the
fur is outside] | -aġruk nn -k2 nn or
or +iaq-1 vv
-viaq2 nn -k2 nn § qaġliaġruk
nasiqsruġvik pile of stones or high
natchiayaaq infant seal | -ayaaq nn
area used as lookout; tower |
2 1 natchiġruaq (Nu) sealskin parka |
mqsruq- vv +vIk vn
+ġruaq nn
nasiqsruq- (i) to crane one’s neck; (i) natchiġunaaq- (i) to spot, see a seal |
to look for game from a lookout | +[ġ]unaaq- nv
mqsruq- vv natchiñġaq(-) rendered blubber in
nasirvik or nasiqsruġvik lookout seal oil; seal blubber rubbed on
place | +vIk1 vn sinew to make it slide through eye
nasitchiaġaq- (Nu) (i) to use a high of needle and skins easier; a piece
vantage point | +sIk1 vv -aġaq-vv of sealskin; to kill one’s first seal
(of young hunter) | ‘=iñġaq nn
natatquq soft bone; cartilage; egg white | natchiqsiun large mesh net for
±ġuq rn,nn,vn trapping seals | +siun vn
natatquaq cartilage, soft bones (of natchiqsiuq- (i) to be seal hunting |
young animals or children) | +siuq- nv
±ġuq rn,nn,vn -aq2 nn natchiqsuq- (i) to eat seal meat »
natatquġnaq hail, hailstone | ±ġuq natchiqsullatuqpaktuŋa I love
rn,nn,vn +naq(-) nn § sikuġlak seal meat | +tuq-3 nv
natatqulaat soft, immature bones of natchiviaq (Nu) dehaired sealskin
children | ±ġuq rn,nn,vn ±laaq nn boot with bearded sealskin sole |
-t nn -viaq2 nn

natchik- [natchIk] (i) to want to go with natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to construct a

someone; (i) to cry wanting to go floor (on it)
with someone (of child); (t) to not natiq(-)2 [natiQ] (Ti) soft skin sole
want to be separated from for fur sock or tuttulik (boots
her/him/it; to cry wanting to go with caribou skin soles, with the
with her/him/it § malik- fur inside); (t) to sew a soft skin
sole on it =sock or tuttulik @
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ringed seal (Pusa natiqsi- || +sI-3 nv
hispida); (i) to catch a seal » nataaġnaq arctic flounder (Liopsetta
natchiqsuak theyd killed a seal; glacialis) | -aq-4 nv +naq1 vn ||
natchiqsaani qaitchaŋa +sI-3 vv
atchagmiñun he gave the seal he nataaq(-) (t) to attach a bottom to it;
caught to his aunt | +t-2 nv (Ti) soft skin sole (as on tuttulik) »

“tamarra nataaġutiqaġnisuugait natqa base of something » iġġim
umiat alliit tamarra qirugnik” natqa the base of the mountain |
(Aiken 2009) [they say that the :a 3ps
bottom areas of boats have floor
planks made of wood] | perhaps natqik- [natqIk] (i) to recover from an
-aq-4 nv or ±aq1 vn illness or injury so that one’s
natchi- to prepare a flooring (for it) | condition is stable; (t) to correct,
‘=I-1 nv rectify, set things right with
natchiq-2 (t) to install a flooring on it | her/him/it
‘=Iq-1 nv natqiksiaq- (i) to pause in order to
natchiñ (Nu) floor; bedrock » nunam regain one’s composure or
natchisaa the “land’s floor” or strength; (t) to wait for her/him/it
bedrock | ‘=Iq-1 nv ‘-n rn, vn to regain her/his/its composure or
natchisiq- (t) to lay temporary strength | +[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv
flooring while camping » natqiksiq- (i) to rest in order to
“natchisiġaa aullaaġviñi recover one’s composure or
uqpigñik” (Aiken 2009) [he laid strength » “tavra
temporary flooring of willows in pilaiŋaiqsiaqtuq;
his camp house] | ‘=Iq-1 nv +n rn, aquppiuraallaktuni
vn ~Iq-1 vv nakuusiñaqtuq” (Aiken 2009)
natchisit or natqit wooden floor [then one is resting regaining
planks; pieces of boards or one’s strength; when one sits for a
willows used for flooring (in while one becomes strong again] |
temporary dwelling or entryway) | +sIq-1 vv
‘=Iq-1 nv -sIq vn -t nn § see natqiksruq- (t) to correct, discipline
Appendix 22 her/him when she/he has erred @
¤natchitchiq- (t) to lay temporary natqiksrui- | mqsruq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
flooring while camping | ‘=Iq-1 nv natqiksruun discipline; correction |
-n vn ~Iq-1 vv 2
mqsruq- vv :un vn

natiġnaq large expanse of low land;

valley | +naq1 nn § qattaġniq natquq arrowhead or bullet tip | +quq nn
natiġvik(-) snow swiftly drifting natqiq- (Nu) to chip it =flint using a
along the ground (usually blowing small hammer | +quq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
not above the knee); (i) to blow, natqiun or natqiutaq (Nu) small
drift low along the ground (of hammer used to chip flint; “a
snow or dust) | +vik- nv small hammer made preferably
natiqłiq the lowest object; (Nu) from the base of the horn of a deer
something on the floor | +llIQ nn when it enters into the bony
natiqłit(-) snow blowing swiftly portion of the skull” (Driggs
along the ground (with drifts no 1905: 94)] | +quq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
higher than the ankle); (i) to be at :un1 vn
the bottom (of it); to be as far natqulik arrow with sharp bone head
down as one can go | +llIQ nn » “isiŋnaniglu sauniġniglu
‘=It-2 nv natquliuġuurut taipkua” (Aiken
2009) [people of long ago made

arrowheads out of jade or bone] | nauniq(-) descendant; growth; (i) to
+quq nn -lik nn be long-lived | -niQ vn § kiŋuniQ
¤natqulik (Ti) big bird (Dinah nauriaq flower; plant | +ri-3 vv
Frankson recorded by Karen B) | +aq1 vn
+quq nn -lik nn nautchiaksraq a seed | +[t]sIq- vv
natquun (Nu) long case, bag for ±aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn
snowshoes | +quq nn :un2 nn nautchiaksriuġun a plow | +[t]sIq- vv
±aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn, nv ‘=iuq nv
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or :un1 vn
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to nautchialiqiri gardener; agriculturist |
increase § nipi- +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn -liqi- nv
nagguksaun fertilizer; something to mt/ri vn
promote maturity (e.g., words of nautchiaq plant; garden flower;
wisdom) | ‘-k-2 rv msaq-3 vv :un1 vn vegetable | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn
naggun cause for growth; interest nautchiaqaġvik field, garden; flower
accumulated or stock; (Ti) base of shop | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn -qaq1- nv
plant, taproot | ‘n1 vn § maŋŋuq, +vIk1 vn
kaŋiun nautchii- (i) to grow plants |
nagguvik nurturing place; place +[t]sIq- vv -I-6 vv
where one grows up | ‘-k-2 rv nautchiiri sower of seeds, planter |
+vIk1 vn +[t]sIq- vv -I-6 vv mt/ri vn
nagguviksraq bud; budding leaf |
nautchiivik garden; flower pot |
‘-k-2 rv +vIk1 vn +ksraq(-) nn, nv
+[t]sIq- vv -I-6 vv +vIk1 vn
nauġala- or nauġallak- (i) to flare up
nautchiq- (Ti) (t) to plant it =seed; (t)
(of fire) | +[ġ]aq- vv -la- vv,
wait for it =seed to grow @
‘-k-2 vv
nautchii- | +[t]sIq- vv || :I-4 vv
naulguti- (i) to indulge in something;
nautchirriq- to plant flora (on it) |
(i) to suddenly get very sick; (i) to
+[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
be seriously injured, mortally
nauttaaq- to ration (it) | -t- vv
wounded » “tavrauvvaa
+taaq- vv
nauyuqtaaġniq accrual, increase,
quŋusiññaqtuni” (Nageak 1976:
interest » sukaniŋa
4) [he becomes mortally wounded
nauyuqtaaġniġum ilisimagiga I
when he is wounded in the neck] |
know the rate of accrual | perhaps
-lgu-2 nv ‘ti- vv
-yuq- vv +taaq- vv +niQ1 vn
naullaġnaq small sea mollusk; new
growth | -llaq- vv +naq1 vn
*nau (root) forward, upward process
nauma- (i) to be the biggest, the best;
nauktaq- (i) to jump over | perhaps
be the most important or the most
‘-k-1 rv +t/raq-1 vv
valuable one; to be better off,
nautkiaq- (i) to jump down |
stronger, richer, brighter, braver
-tkiaq- rv
than others | +ma-1 vv §
naulaq detachable spearhead; bird
-łhamaaq- vv
dart » “sununliqaa atuqtuq
naunġaq a bud; young tree or willow
aiviġnun, natchiġñun,
| -nġaq vn
ugruŋnun” (Aiken 2009) [it is

used for everything, for walrus, naumiiññaq to give it a try although
for seals, for bearded seals] | one is pessimistic about the
-laq vn § kapusiun, see Appendix outcome | -iññaq nn § ilaiññaq
17b naumipayuk una (excl.) good work
naulaqpak harpoon, spear | -laq vn (said to someone considered
+qpak(-) nn, vv unlikely to accomplish the task) |
¤naulgun (Ti) sealing harpoon | -payuk nn
:un1 vn § naulaq naumi qanuq (excl.) I guess not |
nauligaq(-) whaling harpoon (Aiken (interrog stem) qanuq
2009); (Ti) harpoon (for bearded naumiunahaa (excl.) (said to
seal and walrus); “Throwing someone when impressed by
Spear (naú-lĭ-gû) …Long shaft, something he/she does that is
with ivory ice-pick on one end unexpected or out of the
and heavy knob on the other, ordinary) good for you! | una
fitted with a short ‘loose shaft,’ +haa
head and line, for securing seals naumiunnii (excl.) no, after all |
which have been shot in the (encl.) unnii
water.” (Ray 1885: 72); (i) to use
the harpoon; (t) to harpoon it = nauŋ (interrog.) where < °na
seal, ugruk | +aq3 vv, vn
nauligaqti harpooner | +aq3 vv naukun (Nu) (interrog.) via which way <
mt/ri vn °na
nauligaun darting gun; darting gun
with harpoon; (Ti) whaling nauŋmi (interrog.) where is it then < °na
harpoon (wider than nauligaq
therefore has to be thrown with ¤nauralautsiaq somebody who favors
both hands) § kapusiun relatives of the opposite sex
naulik(-) harpoon (used for
seal hunting, thrown with one nausaaq(-) omen or sign; a good luck
hand); (t) to harpoon it =sea sign; (i) to receive, experience an
mammal; (t) to spear it @ omen; (Nu) (i) to experience a
nauliksi- | -lik- vv § pana(-) good sign, omen § sikkIk-1
|| +sI-3 vv nausaaġluk(-) bad sign or ill omen;
naullaq object or being harpooned or (i) to have a bad sign or omen |
speared | -lik- vn ‘-Q vn +luk(-)1 nv, vv
nausaaġluksi- (Nu) (i) to receive,
naullaġnaq small sea mollusk < have a bad sign, an ill omen |
perhaps nau-1 +luk(-)1 vn, nn +sI-1 vv
nausaapałłuk- (i) to receive a bad
naulayuq (Nu) least weasel (Mustela luck sign or ill omen | -pałłuk- vv
nauyaq seagull | perhaps -ya(q) rn
naulayuuraq ¤(Ti) shrimp § igliġaq nauyaaq or nauyyaaq1 young or
newborn seagull | ‘-aq2 nn
naumi (excl.) no!

nauyavak young Glaucous Gull; (Nu) navianniuq- (i) to be in danger, in
Western Glaucous Gull (Larus peril; (i) to fear, be afraid for
hyperboreus) | -vak nn one’s safety, welfare | -nniuq- rv
nauyavasugruk Glaucous Gull
(Larus hyperboreus) | -vak nn navik- to break (it) @ naviksi- ||
-sugruk(-) vv, nn +sI-3 vv
nauyatchiaq Mew Gull (Larus navgi- (i) to break one’s own
canus); herring gull (Larus (especially bones in one’s body);
argentatus) | (t) to break another’s heart; (t) to
-tchiaq nn break her/his personal possession,
nauyavvaaq Herring Gull (Larus bones; (i) to break a law or
argentatus) | -vvaaq nn regulation | :I-7 vv
navguluula- to break (it)
nauyyaaq2 enamelware; enamel utensil; a simultaneously into many pieces |
painted dish, painted crockery | :uq-2 vv -luu- vv -la- vv
+yyaaq nn § miŋŋulik navguluu- (i) to break into pieces »
“navguluuvluni sukulliqaa
*nav (root) joint navguluutiruq” [it broke into
navlu or navluq joint, wrist, elbow, many pieces throughout and
shoulder, or knee joint | +lu(q) rn collapsed] (Aiken 2009) | :uq-2 vv
§ see Appendix 21 -luu- vv
navluqsimaaq- (i) to sit with knees navguluuti- (i) to break into many
bent and both feet flat on floor | pieces and lose its cohesion
+lu(q) rn +simaaq- nv § | :uq-2 vv -luu- vv -uti- vv
kanagaqsimaaq- navguq- to break (it) into many
navyaaġluksiñiq joint swollen from pieces @ navgui- » navguqtatka
old age | +yaaq2 rn +luk(-)1 vv, nn anauttamik I broke them up with
+sI-1 nv, vv +niQ vn an axe | :uq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
navyaaq [navyaraq] bone joint | navigaq- (i) would break each time |
+yaaq2 rn +[t/r]aq-3 vv
navyaaq- (i) to dislocate a joint | naviŋa- to be broken | ±ŋa- vv
+yaaq2 nn -aq-1 nv navvaq broken thing or piece; a
navyaqtiq- (t) to dismember it at the break, fracture | ‘-Q vn
joints | +yaaq2 nn -aq-1 nv
mtiq- vv navraaq(-) ancient artifact; something
navyarriqi- (t) to treaqt his/her/its discovered while digging; (i) to
joints | ‘=Iqi-1 nv find an ancient artifact »
navyarriqiri chiropractor | +yaaq2 rn “paqitturguuq
‘=Iqi-1 nv mt/ri vn qiñiġnaŋaitchuamik paqinman”
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s when one
navia- (i) to be afraid due to apparent finds something that has not been
danger involved seen before] § alġaaniqsaq
naviagi- (t) to consider something too
dangerous | +[g]i- rv nayaaŋŋaq message of love, best regards,
navianaq- (i) to be too dangerous | etc. | perhaps aŋŋa (dem. adv.
+naq(-) rv abl.) ‘-Q vn

nayummak- (i) to lean on something
nayak younger sister (of man) § aqqaluk for support | -mmak(-)1 nn, vv
nayaaluk younger sister (of boy) | nayumman sodhouse entrance hole
-aluk nn horizontal beam; by extension
nayagraq (Ti) half-sister | emotional support | -mmak(-)1 vv
-ksraq(-) nn, vv ‘ti1 vn
nayummi- to lean on (her/him/it) for
*nayak (root) nodding support; to hold (her/him/it) in
nayaksaq- to move (her/him/it) in place to keep (her/him/it) steady »
rhythm; (i) to be jolted strongly; umiamun nayummivluni
(t) to give her/him/it a strong jolt | makitaruq he is standing by
msaq- vv leaning on the boat for support |
nayaksatit- (i) to be jerked, jolted (as +mmI-5 vv
by an explosion) | +satit- vv nayummisaq lean to post; upright
nayaŋaq- (i) to nod drowsily | support (for sled stanchions) »
±ŋaq- vv nayummisaa kiavluutam
nayaŋŋatit- (i) to bounce, be jolted naviksimaruq one of the lean to
(as when riding in a sled) | ‘-k-2 vv posts for one of the sled
-tit-2 vv stanc:hions is broken | +mmI-5 vv
‘saq(-) vn, rv § see Appendix 18
nayaŋŋak Common Scoter (Melanitta nayuqsiuti- to be united, together
nigra) (with her/him/it) » “tavra
illatiruq; taapkunuŋa
nayuk- to remove (it =skin of sea nayuqsiutiruq” (Aiken 2009) [so
mammal) without cutting the fur he becomes a member; he joins
(usually the incision is made the group] | +sIq-1 vv -uti- vv
around the lips, then the skin is nayuqti caretaker | mt/ri vn
pulled back turning the skin inside nayuqtuakkaġik- (i) to be a good
out) » “nayuktuq natchiġmik place to stay for a while (usually
amiiqamiuk siikkaluaġnagu since food is plentiful) | +tuaq- vv
…natchiġmik uqsrua -kkaq vn -[g]Ik- nn
piiġaluaġangu …niqaalu amialu nayuuti- (i) to stay; (i) to remain |
kilaksail ivlugit” (Kaveolook :uti- vv
1975b: 2) [one removes the skin
of the seal without slicing it down niaqsiaq (Ti) or niviaqsiaq young
its middle…without removing the woman of marriageable age
blubber of their seal…trying not
to pucture its meat and skin] § niaqunak long tree root; tussock |
aak- +nak nn
nayuq- (t) to stay with and care for, watch niaquptalik driftwood tree with root
over her/him/it system attached »
nayulguit- (t) to be unable to “maŋŋuġruaŋit napaaqtut
withstand her/his presence for tivrat niutaliuqługit umiapianun
even a short time; (t)to find niaquptaŋi iluaġmata pisuurut,
her/him intolerable | -lgu-1 vv pisiksiliuqługillu” (Aiken 2009)
:It-1 vv [the large roots of driftwood trees

are made into curved logs used to niaquiq- (i) to decapitate (her/him/it) |
attach the frame on both the stern +quq nn :Iq-2 nv
and the bow of the umiak, and niaqula- (i) shake one’s head from
into bows] | perhaps side to side (at her/him/it) |
-ptaq nn -lik nn +quq nn -la- nv
niaqunaq (Ti) skull | perhaps
niaquq head, skull, cranium, parietal +quq nn -naq1 nn
bone | +quq nn § see Appendix 20 niaqunŋu- (i) to have a headache |
niaqqi- (i) to injure one’s head; (t) to +quq nn -nŋu- nv
injure her/him/it on the head | niaquptaq or niaquptauraq (Nu)
+quq nn '=I-2 nv dome-shaped hill; something
niaqqiqi- to wash (her/his/its) hair | shaped like the top of a head |
+quq nn ‘=Iqi-1 nv +quq nn -ptaq nn :uraq nn
niaqqiuġun or niaquliuġun large pot niaquqtuġruk or niaquqtuaġruk
for cooking caribou head | Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) |
+quq nn ‘=iuq- nv or -liuq- nv +quq nn +tu- nv -ġruk vn
:un1 vn -aġruk vn
niaqqiuq- (i) to cook an animal or niaquun (Nu) band of beads worn
fish head for a meal | +quq nn around forehead » “Tavra-aasii
‘=iuq-1 nv utiqsaqhutik savisik
niaqquaq- to injure, hurt (her/his/its) iriqsimavlugich annuġaamik
head | +quq nn ‘-aq-2 nv § kati- ikiaŋannun suli niaquutitiglu.
niaqquk- (Ti) (i) to get the head share …Then they started back, hiding
of whale (of last boat at kill) » their knives and beaded
“niaqquktulguuq apkua headdresses inside their
aqulliuruat” (Kinneeveauk, clothing.” (Elijah Kakinya as
2008) [it is said that the ones who reported by Bergsland 1987: 319,
were last received the share of the 326) | +quq nn +un1 nn §
head of the whale] | +quq nn niaquġun
‘-k-1 nv
niaquġiiliq- (i) to develop a headache *nig (root) cold
| +quq nn-[g]iit- nv -lIq-3 nv nigiq east wind; (Ti) north wind;
niaquġiit- (i) to have a headache | north; (Nu) northeast wind,
perhaps +quq nn -[g]iit- nv northeast § see Appendix 15
niaquġmik- (i) to press foreheads nigiq qatchiksuq southeast wind §
together (during a competitive see Appendix 15
game) | perhaps niginmun (Ti) towards the north |
+quq nn +mIk-nv -nmun nc (directional terminalis)
niaquġruaq old skull | +quq nn § niġġum tuŋaanun
+ġruaq nn nigiqłuk blizzard from the east; to
niaquġun crown, headband | +quq nn have a blizzard from the east; (Ti)
-ġun nn north wind blizzard | -qłuk(-) nn
niaquġusiq- to put a crown or nigiqpapiaq (Ti) northwest wind §
headband on (her/him/it) | see Appendix 15
+quq nn -un1 nn ~Iq-1 nv nigiqpaq(-) east wind; to blow from
east (of wind); (Ti) north wind;

(Nu) north wind » “nigiqpaġman niġġum tuŋaaniñ (Ti) from the
uitchuugaa; aasii uŋalaġman direction of the north
siku taunaŋŋaġuuruq niġġum tuŋaanun (Ti) toward the
imaiġlugu” (Kinneeveauk, 2008) north § niginmun
[when the north east wind is
blowing, the sea water level is nigaq(-) snare for large animals; mesh of
high; and when the south wind is a net; (t) to snare, lasso her/him/it
blowing, the ice comes and the nigaqtuq- to use a snare in trapping
seas retreat] | +paq(-) nn § see (a large game animal); to use a
Appendix 15 lasso (to catch an animal, e.g.,
niglanaaq air conditioning | ~laq- nv reindeer) | +tuq-3 nv
niglaq- to become cool (of weather or nigaqtuun lasso | +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn
beverage) | ~laq- nv nigatchialiaq- or niggiaq- (Nu) (i) to
niglaqsiq- to set (it) aside to cool; (i) check on snares which have been
to make oneself cool | ~laq- nv set | -tchiaq nn -liaq- nv or
+[t]sIq- vv ‘=iaq-2 nv
niglaumaaq(-) cool place; shady spot; nigatchiaq snare for small game;
cool breeze; (i) to be cool | -u-2 vv rainbow | -tchiaq nn
+ma- vv ±aq1 vn nigatchiaqtuq- to use a snare in
nigliñaq- (i) to be cool | ~lI-2 nv hunting (small game animal) |
+naq(-)vv -tchiaq nn +tuq-3 nv
nigliñaqtuaqaġvik or (Nu) nigatchirriq- to set a snare |
nigliñaqaġvik refrigerator | -tchiaq nn +rrIq-2 nv
~lI-2 nv +naq(-) vv +t/ruaq vn nigavraun lasso | -vrak- nv :un1 vn
-qaq- nv +vIk1 vn § nigliqpIk niggiq- to set a snare (for it) |
nigliññaaġik- to be cool (of weather) | ‘=Iq-1 nv
~laq- nv ‘=It-2 vv +naaq vn niggiuti- (t) to set it as a snare |
+[g]Ik- nv -uti- vv
nigliqpik (Nu) freezer; cold storage |
-qpIk nn § nigliñaqaġvik, nigaviq animal haunch | +viQ n
niglisaaq- (t) to blow on it to cool it | nigavlu shoulder joint | +lu(q) n § see
~lI-2 nv +saaq-2 vv Appendix 21
niglit- to (add snow, ice, or cold
water to) cool (it) | -lIt- vv nigayu or nigayuq open water
niġġum kiluliñaaŋa area located surrounded by ice | +yuq nn
southeast | nigiq :um (assimilation
of a medial velar fricative[g] and nigraq strip of fur or material hanging on
uvular stop [q] results in [ġġ]) § clothing as decoration | +raq rn
see Appendix 12 nigraligaaq or niksralik woman’s
niġġum salliñaaŋa area located fancy parka with hanging strips of
northeast | nigiq :um (assimilation fur for decoration | -ligaaq(-) nn
of a medial velar fricative[g] and
uvular stop [q] results in [ġġ] § nigruaġruk small spider | -aġruk nn §
see Appendix 12 aasivak, akłauraq

niguq- to leave (it =job, work) because of niġġivik table; restaurant; “a woman
dissatisfaction who lives in the sea who feeds
niguuti- (i) to remove oneself from people and also calms the seas”
another’s presence | -uti- vv (Rainey: 258 “ni-gevik”) |
‘-vIk1 vn
niguyaq(-) sunburn; ringworm; (i) to get niġġiyyaġvik restaurant | ‘yyaq- vv
a sunburn; to get a ringworm niġikallaiq- (i) to eat not as early as
niguyaqtuq- (i) to be infected by one is used to » niġikallaiqsugut
ringworms | +tuq-3 nv we don’t eat as early as we used to
| -kallaiq- vv
*nigvik (root) vertical alignment niġilailaġniq fasting, period of not
nigvigi- (t) to be in line with eating | -lailaq(-) vv, vn +niQ1 vn
her/him/it vertically » niġilailaq one who does not eat |
“Nigvigimmani qayaŋata -lailaq vn
sivuġaanun mitchuq.” niġilait- (i) to never eat; (t) to not eat
(Ahvakana: 38) [when his kayak it | -lait- vv
was positioned directly below, he niġilik- (i) to choke on something |
landed on the bow] | +[g]i- vv -lik- vv
niġiliktaaq (Nu) uvula | -liktaaq vn §
nigvik [niġvIk] mesentery (membrane uqalauraq
holding intestines in place) | niġiliq- to eat (it) quickly | -liq-2 vv
-vIk2 nn niġiñaġumiñauraqtuaq every edible
bit | +naq- vv +kumiñaq- vv
niġġun (Nu) firedrill, fire-making tool -uraq- vv +t/uaq vn
usually made of cottonwood » niġiñait- (i) to be inedible; (i) to be
“…tavra-aglaa inhospitable, to fail to serve food
niġġutiqaġniqsut ninŋunik, to visitors » niġiñaitchuq
niuqtuusivlutiŋ nuliaŋa; alakkaa! his wife does
iŋniqsuġaġniqsut. …but they not serve food when she has
had cottonwood fire drills;they visitors; how shameful! |
used to make fire by drilling.” +naq(-) vv :It-1 vv
(Elijah Kakinya as reported by niġiñaqtualimauraq every edible
Bergsland 1987: 19, 26) bit | +naq- vv +t/uaq vn -limaaq nn
=uraq nn
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) § niqi niġiñiutit kitchen utensils; tableware |
niġġiġluk- or niġġiqłuk- (i) to +niun vn -t nn
contract food poisoning | niġiŋailaq- (i) to fast, not consume
‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv food | ±ŋailaq- vv
niġġiññailik- (i) to die from niġipkaq- (t) to feed her/him/it @
overeating after almost starving | niġipkai- | -pkaq-1 vv || :I-4 vv
-nnaq- vv -I-7 vv -lik- vv niġiraġaaq(-) snack; (i) to eat a snack
niġġiq meat that has been gnawed | | -t/raġaaq(-) vv, vn
‘-Q vn niġisuk- to want to eat (it); (Nu) to be
niġġiqsu- (i) eats too much | hungry | +suk-1 vv
niġġisi- (t) to treat her/him to a meal | niġisuksiu- (i) to experience hunger
‘-ti- vv |+suk-1 vv +siu- vv

niġisuksiunġiq- (i) to have an niġlaaksralik (Nu) young sheep not quite
abundance of food after near fully grown (about five years in
starvation | +suk-1 vv +siu- vv age) § ullutiksralik under ullun
-nġIq- vv
niġisuŋnait- (i) to be unappetizing | | niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose
+suk-1 vv +naq(-) vv :It-1 vv (female) or gander (male)
niġisuvyuaq- to not have the desire, Niġlaalgit Tiŋŋiviat month of
the appetite to eat (it) | September | niġlaalik -It nn | tiŋi-
+[s]uvyuaq- vv ‘-vIk vn :at nn (3p-s)
niġituiññaq- (i) to eat continuosly | niġlaalik goose with young | -aq2 nn
+tuiññaq- vv -lik nn
niġivigruaq- to eat (it) unwavering » niġlaaq gosling (young goose) |
tikiłłunilu niġivigruaqtuq -aq2 nn
kiaġaluaqtinnani as soon as he niġlinġaq Brant (Branta berniola) |
arrived he ate before he was -nġaq nn
invited to do so | -vigruaq- vv niġlivik or niġlivialuk White-fronted
niġiyaqtuq- to go and eat (it) | Goose (Anser albifrons) | -vIk2 nn
+yaqtuq- vv -aluk nn § ulluk, iqsraġutilik,
niġiyaqtuuti- (t) to take her/him out mitilugruaq
to eat | +yaqtuq- vv :uti- vv
niġluq- (i) to throw one’s head back; to
niġiuk- (i) to expect, hope, or wish for throw a tantrum (of a child); (t) to
something § +tuq (encl.) sever its head at the first vertebra
niġiillaktau- (i) to be surprised » @ niġlui- || :I-4 vv
“uvva sumik niġiuŋisillugu
iñuum aitchuġmani niġrun large animal
isumagiŋisaŋanik naluraŋanik, niġrułłuk beast; legendary water
tavra niġiillaktauruq” (Aiken animal; dinosaur | -łuk1 nn
2009) [so when someone gives niġrutiġuġaaq human who can
him something that he is not metamorphose into an animal |
expecting, that is when he is +[ġ]uq-1 nv +aaq(-) vn
caught unawares, surprised] | niġrutiġuq- (i) to become an animal
=ilaq(-) vv,vn ‘-k- +t/raq vn :u-1 nv (of a human) | +[ġ]uq-1 nv
niġiugi- (t) to anticipate, expect
her/him/it to appear or it to occur | *niġu1 (root) graspable
+[g]i- vv niġumiaq- to carry (it) by the handle
niġiukkun hope, expectation | (as a pail or suitcase); (t) to carry
+kun1 vn her/him/it using one’s arms |
niġiuksruq- (t) to encourage her/him; +miaq(-) vv,vn § tigumiaq-
to raise her/his expectations @ niġumiutaq or niġumiaġvik handle
niġiuksrui- | mqsruq-2 vv || :I-4 vv (as on a pail or suitcase) |
niġiunait- (i) to be totally unexpected -miutaq vn or +miaq(-) vv,vn
| +naq(-) vv :It-1 vv +vIk1 vn

*niġu2 (root) wideness

niġukit- (i) to be narrow in width | embarrassment, lack of
-kIt- rv confidence, or fear of authority
niġuttuq- (i) to be wider and more nikagi- to feel (she/he/it) is incapable
spacious; (t) to make it wider and of accomplishing something »
more spacious | -ttuq- vv nikagiruq ilimiñik he thinks he is
niġutu- (i) to be wide (clothing size) | not good enough; savaani
-tu- nv § silik- nikagigaa he thinks his work is
niġutuniq the wide area of not good enough | +[g]i- rv
something, section, or breadth » nikagiliq- (t) to realize that she/he/it
niġutuniŋagun through its widest is not capable of doing a task |
section | +niQ1 vn +[g]i- rv -lIq-3 vv
nikait- (i) to be determined; (i) to
niġumik- [niġumIk] or niġummaak- (i) keep trying against odds; (i) to
to be lukewarm; (i) to be smooth persevere, to be persistent | :It-1 nv
and soft (as fur) | -mmaak- vv nikanait- (i) to be dependable; (i) to
be feasible; (i) to be easy to catch
niġukkaq rumen [the largest of the 4 (of game animal); (Nu) be a good
chambers of caribou stomach fit (of clothes); (Ti) to be done
(Rausch 2009)]; food delicacy well and is acceptable | +nait- vv
[rumen, the first stomach of nikanaq- (i) for she/he/it to be
caribou which is normally filled incapable of accomplishing a task
with greens and often a delicacy (in the opinion of the speaker); (i)
for the Iñupiaq, especially with the to be discouraging; (i) for
liver and meat from the legs something to to be hard to do; (i)
stuffed into the rumen, which is to be hard to catch (of animal);
called “caribou spinach”] § (Nu) to be ill-fitting (of clothing) |
aqiaġuuraq, qisaġuaq +naq(-) vv
niġukkalik ruminant | -lik nn nikanniuq- (i) to lack confidence in
what one is doing as acceptable or
niinaaq accordion | perhaps +naaq vn proper, therefore do reluctantly;
(i) to have difficulty persuading
¤niiñigaq- to move a little from one’s someone to submit to or agree
place while sitting or lying with one’s request; (i) to conclude
¤niisimaugaq- (i) to be close by » that one’s product is of poor
“uvvaaglaan uqautiniaġiptik quality | -nniuq- vv
niisimaugaġutik nikasugi- to not trust someone’s
ittuksrauniaqtutik” ability, doubt someone’s ability |
(Nageak1975: 78) [but now I -suk-2 rv +[g]i- rv § nikagi-
will tell you that you must nikasuk- (i) to lack confidence; (Nu)
remain close by] | msima- vv to give up | -suk-2 rv § qapiq-
-ugaq- vv nikasuŋit- (i) to be certain, have
confidence | -suk-2 rv ±ŋIt- vv
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact; (i) to be nikasunġiq- (i) to become definite,
still, silent; (i) to be a bold (in one’s mind); (t) to
non-participant due to one’s persuade her/him to become
definite, bold (in her/his mind) |

-suk-2 rv +nġIq- vv 1975: 14) [so when their elder
nikatchai- (t) to cause her/him to give brother begins to wait
up, quit or become discouraged | expectantly, they will enable him
-tchak- vv -I-6 vv to catch a seal if they stand
nikatchak- (i) to give up, quit, or around moving about some
become discouraged; (i) to lose distance away but not going too
confidence | -tchak- vv § far away] | -.k-2 vv ‘=Iq-1 nv
qapiqpaŋa- nikpauraaq- to wait expectantly and
nikatchauti- (t) to give up on calmly for (her/him/it) to appear |
her/him/it | -tchak- vv :uti- vv -uraaq- vv
nikparriq- (i) to keep vigil for game,
*niki (root) unevenness a person’s arrival, etc. | perhaps
nikigiik- (i) to be parallel but not the -.k-2 vv ‘=Iq-1 vv
same length nor in juxtaposition |
+[g]iik- rv niksaak- (i) to burp § qalak-
nikit- (i) to have been made uneven | niksaaktuŋiq Rock Ptarmigan
-t-2 vv (Lagopus mutus) | +tuŋiq vn
nikiŋa- (i) to be shorter on one side;
to be uneven in size or length | niksik(-) [niksIk] fishhook or lure; a
±ŋa- vv device to hook something with; to
nikisiŋa- (i) to not match in length, be hook (it)
out of line | +sI-1 vv ±ŋa- vv
nikisit- (t) to make it uneven, with niksigai- (i) to hook objects, e.g.,
one side shorter than the other; (i) pieces of meat, on to a hook for
to move and thus become visible, someone else to pull up or drag |
having been camouflaged by +aq-1 vv -I-6 vv
remaining motionless in her/his/its niksigak large, hooked tongs for
surroundings | +sit- vv carrying blocks of ice | +[ġ]aq vn
nikisitaq- (i) to be uneven, not be in a -k2 nn
perfect parallel; (t) to bend it | niksigaq(-) hook with a handle for
+sI-1 vv +t-1 vv perhaps +aq-1 vv carrying meat; to hook (it) with a
nikisitaun saw-setting tool, a clamp | grapple | +[ġ]aq vn; +aq-1 vv
+sI-1 vv +t-1 vv +aq-1 vv :un1 vn niksigauraq(-) hook with a handle for
carrying meat; hook; crochet
nikpaq- to wait expectantly for hook; (t) to hook it, usu. a large
(her/him/it) to appear (e.g., of a piece of meat to carry it; to
hunter waiting for a seal to crochet it | +[ġ]aq vn
appear through its breathing hole) :uraq nn
nikpaakkiq- (i) to begin to wait niksikpak anchor; big hook |
expectantly and patiently » +qpak nn § akikaun
“sammagguuq aapiyaqtiŋ niksiksugiaq- (i) to go fishing with a
nikpaakkiqpan, qikaaġutik rod and reel or a plain fishing
taapkua taavuŋa hook | +tuq-3 vv +iaq-1 vv
kukilugaaġutiŋ niksiksuq- (i) to fish using a fishhook
uŋasiksigaluaġnagu or lure; (t) to try to retrieve it
natchiqsitkisigaat” (Nageak using a hook » niksiksuqqaałutiŋ

iqalugnun iñuit aiyaarut after
fishing, the people went home |
+tuq-3 vv
niksiksuun fishing pole | +tuq-3 vv
:un1 vn

niksiutaq (Ti) part of head of whale near

the blow hole » “Niksiutaŋanikii
qiŋaŋa ittuq aġviġum.” (David nikuvlalaaq(-) (Ti) corn snow (good for
Frankson as reported by Pulu, melting for drinking water); (i) to
Sampson, Newlin: 68) [it is have ice crystals in it (of meat
because the nose of the whale is which has been frozen, then
located on the head near the thawed, then frozen again) |
blowhole] | perhaps :utaq vn +laaq nn

nikuappak- or nikuppak- (t) to raise it = nikuvraaq- or nikuvrak- to stand on

flame of oil lamp » “naniġuam tiptoe
igniŋa nikuappaktaaġuugaat
aglilaaqługu nilaptaaq floating bog
qaummaqtaaqługu” (Matumeak
2009) [they usually raise the flame niliq(-) flatus; gas = escaping air from
of the lamp making it bigger and poke or float; (i) to fart
brighter] | +ppak- rv § ikuappak-, niliġnaq (Ti) bean | +naq(-) vn §
tatqik- kumauraq, saviqquuraq
niliqpak spade (suit in playing cards)
*niku (root) squatting | +qpak(-) vv, nn
nikuvit- (i) to sit on a stool (waiting nillaq- (i) to fart excessively »
for a seal to emerge through a nukatpiaq
hole in the sea ice) | -vit- rv kumauraqtuqqaaqłuni
nikuvġaq- (i) to squat down on a nillaqtuq the young man is full
of gas and is letting it out
stool | -vit- rv +[ġ]aq- vv
nikuvġautaq or nikuvġautat or repeatedly after eating beans |
nikuvġat or (Ti) nikivġautaq ‘-q-1 vv
small, three-legged stool nilit- (i) to deflate (e.g., of
(traditionally used by hunter balloon); (t) to cause (it=water
waiting for seal to emerge through level) to lower; (t) to cause it
its breathing hole) » manaqtuun =swelling or swollen part to
iluanun qiliġruutivlugu reduce in size | -t-2 nv
aullautisuugaa he ties the line for
the seal-retrieving hook inside nilak layer of corn snow found under
(the three-legged stool) and another layer (can be melted for
departs with it (S. Tuzroyluke potable water); moist crushed ice
2009) | -vit- rv +[ġ]aq- vv § pukak
-utaq rn -t nn § ikuvġautat
nimiq- or nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with
something; (t) to wind something
around it @ nimiqsrui- |

mqsruq- vv || :I-4 vv with cottony tufts]; qirupianiñ
nimaaq- (t) to wrap, bandage it allaurut aqitchut ninŋut
completely | -aq-1 vv cottonwood trees are different
nimiġiaq arctic lamprey (Lampetra from real wood, they are soft;
camtschatica); water worm; eel; “mitquvruaqaġuurut ninŋut”
snake, serpent | +iaq1 vn (Aiken 2009) [cottonwood trees
nimiġirriqi- (i) to work with snakes | always have seeds with cottony
+iaq1 vn =rriqi- nv tufts]
nimiġiuraq narrow water snakes
about three inches long » niñŋuq3 soft snow packed on top of sod
“amisuurat iqiraqłutik house (to provide extra insulation
nuktaqłutik pisuurut immam for the house) » “I cover it with
iluani; ilapta iqsigisuumarait; soft snow all around, on top,
suqłuiyautitaġuugait everywhere. Boy, it’s really warm
immiuġamik” (Matumeak 2009) there, that top snow, when you put
[these are narrow ones that move niñŋuq on top of it. That’s what
about by twisting in the water; they call it in Eskimo.” (Bodfish:
some of us are afraid of them; 52)
they filter them out when making
drinking water] |+iaq1 vn =uraqnn niŋaq- (i) to pout, sulk, show unhappiness
nimiġutit shroud; skins for wrapping by being silent or sullen; (Ti) (t) to
a corpse for burial | :un1 vn -t nn beat one’s wife § nika-
nimmaaq- (t) to wrap it | ‘-aq-1 vv
nimmaqi- (t) to wrap something niŋau brother-in-law (sister’s husband,
around it | ‘-qi- vv not spouse’s brother); son-in-law;
husband of grandchild
nimit- (t) to exclude, pass over someone niŋaugiik father-in-law and
when distributing something @ son-in-law; mother-in-law and
nimitchi- || +sI-3 vv § minit- son-in-law | +[g]iik(-) nn, nv §
sakiġaq and niŋau
ninŋuq(-)1 or ninŋu- driftwood that can niŋaukkit- (i) to become a son-in-law
be split but flexible enough to | -kkIt- nv
make kayak or an umiak frame
(Matumeak 2009); (i) to be hard niŋi- (i) to descend gradually, as lowering
to break or pull apart; (i) to be by a rope; (i) to slide down (of
flexible, resilient socks, eyeglasses, etc.)
ninŋuit- (i) to break, pull apart easily | niŋit- (t) to lower her/him/it @
:It-1 vv niŋitchi- | -t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
niŋitchi- (i) to set out a fish or seal net
ninŋuq2 cottonwood tree (Populus | -t-1 vv +sI-3 vv
deitoides) » “ninŋut aqisuurat niŋiyaitkun garter belt; anything used
tamatkua to hold something up | -ya-1 vv
palliksraliqpaguuruat” (Etalook :It-1 vv +kun vn
~1975) [cottonwood are those that
are soft and get lots of dried up niŋiq(-) [niŋIq] a share (from any game
pieces of wood which are seeds animal); (i) to get a share (of the

catch in a hunt);¤ (Ti) division of :It-1 nv -luk- vv +sI-1 vv
a whale into shares/ nipaiq- (i) to become quiet, silent |
niqinnakkamik iñugiakłutik :Iq-2 nv
aŋuniaqamik it’s when they get nipaiqsit- (t) to cause her/him/it to
meat when they go hunting as a become quiet; (t) to silence
group; “autaaġusiakkaluaq her/him | :Iq-2 nv mtit-1 vv
autaaġusiaq niŋiq” (Aiken 2009) nipaisaaq- (i) to play quietly (of
[a share is what one receives when child); (i) to be engaged in a quiet
there is a distribution] § autaaġniq, activity; (i) to be silent | :Iq-2 nv
see Appendix 19 -saaq-1 vv
nipaisit- (t) to force her/him/it to be
niŋiqpak long spear with bone or flint quiet, silent | :It-1 nv mtit-1 vv
head, used for bear (base can be nipait- (i) to be quiet, silent | :It-1 nv
planted in ground so that nipakłi- (i) to become quieter, less
charging bear is impaled) | noisy | -t-2 nv -kłI- vv
+qpak(-) nn nipallit- (Nu) (i) to hear noise »
“…malġuk amaqquk
¤niŋitaq (Nu) snare, trap tumitchiaġaġaluaqamik
nipallillutik aullaqtiġniqsuk”
nipaiłuktaq Short-eared Owl (Asio two wolves were following the
flammeus) fresh tracks but upon hearing
noise they quickly left
nipi-1 (i) to set or wane (of sun or moon) (Bergsland 1987: 317) |
§ nau- nipat- (i) to make a sound | -t-2 nv
nipiaqsi- (i) to be about to set below -llIt- vv
the horizon (of sun) | -aqsI- vv nipatu- (i) to be noisy, loud | -tu- nv
Nippivik [lit. “when the sun sets”] nipatusi- (i) to become loud, noisier |
month of November | ‘- vIk1 vn § -tu- nv +sI-1 vv
SullivIk, NuliaġvIk nipatugi- (t) to find her/him/it too
loud, too noisy | -tu-1 nv +[g]i- vv
nipi2 voice, sound nipauqłuktaun trumpet | -t-2 nv
nipaala- (i) to scream, shout, or make -u-2 vv -qłuk(-) nn, vv +t/raq-1 vv
a lot of noise | -t-2 nv -ala- vv :un1 vn
nipaallak- (i) to begin to scream, nipigi- (Nu) (t) to speak to her/him |
shout, or yell boisterously | +[g]i- nv
-ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv nivlia- (i) to cry out feebly; mutter »
nipaiġuti- (i) to become quiet | nivliaruaq naglignapaluktuq the
:Iq-2 nv -uti- vv one crying out feebly was so
nipaiġutiuraq- (i) to become pitiful | ~lIq-1 nv -a-2 vv
completely quiet | :Iq-2 nv -uti- vv nivliñiġluk- (i) to utter a harsh sound |
-uraq- nv ~lIq-1 nv -niġluk- vv
nipailaq- (t) to use it with the audio nivliq- (i) to utter a sound, express
off; (i) to proceed without sound, oneself audibly, make a vocal
noiselessly | :ilaq(-) nv noise: (i) to speak; (i) to cry out |
nipaiłuksi- (i) to be silent because of ~lIq-1 nv
torment, pain, or abuse |

nivliraq- (i) to make vocal noise niptait- (i) to be foggy | :It-1 vv
repeatedly | ~lIq-1 nv -raq- vv niptaq- to become clear (of weather);
nivruiġuti- (i) to become quiet | (i) to become visible, come into
~ruk vn :Iq-2 nv -uti-vv view, to appear | +q-1 vv
nivruiġutiuraq- (i) to become
completely quiet | ~ruk vn nipuq- (i) to disregard caution
:Iq-2 nv -uti-vv -uraq- nv nipuŋa- (i) to not pay attention |
±ŋa- vv
nipisaq or nipitchaq skate, perhaps nipuŋait- (i) to be observant,
(Bathyraja) | -saq vv or -tchaq vn attentive, vigilant | ±ŋa- vv :It- vn
nipuŋannaq- (t) to appear to
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance her/him/it unexpectedly | ±ŋa- vv
nipitaq- (i) to mate, copulate (of -nnaq- vv
animals) | +aq-4 vv nipuŋannaqtaili- (i) to be alert |
nipitchak or nipinnaq magnet | ±ŋa- vv -nnaq- vv +tailI- vv
3 1
msaq- vv :un vn or -nnaq vn nipuŋannaqtit- (i) to be caught
nipitchit- (Nu) (i) to adhere, stick to unawares | ±ŋa- vv -nnaq- vv
any type of adhesive | msaq-3 vv 1
mtit- vv
‘=It-2 vv
nipitit- (i) to be sealed (of a letter); (t) niqi food, meat
to make it stick | mtit-1 vv niqaaq reindeer lichen (Cladonia
nipititaq- to solder (it) | mtitaq(-) vv spp.) | -aq2 nn
nipititchii- to scorch (it =food) so that niqaaqłuk old meat | -aqłuk nn
it sticks to the bottom of the pot | niqaiġuti- (i) to run out of food; (t) to
mtit- vv +[t]sii- vv consume or take all of her/his/its
nipitqanaq- (Ti) (i) to be sticky | food | :Iġuti- nv
perhaps +qaq- vv -naq(-)vv, vn niqailliuġnaq famine | :illiuq- nv
nipitqiq- (i) to be sticky | perhaps +naq(-) vn
-tqIk-2 vv niqailliuq- (i) to experience lack of
nipirrun glue, paste, sealant | -run1 vn food | :illiuq- nv
niqaiq- (i) to run out of food; (t) to
nipri (Nu) a camouflage; a blind for remove her/his/its supply of food
hunters (e.g., willow, ice ridge) | :Iq-2 nv
niqaisuq- (i) to go and get some meat,
nipta- (i) to be clear (of weather) food | :isuq- nv
niptailaq fog, haze | :ilaq(-) vn § niqaŋŋiu- (i) to be stingy with food |
taktuk(-) -ŋŋiu- nv
niptaiq- to become hazy (of weather); niqausi- to cache food (for her/him/it)
(i) to be low (of visibility) » | :un1 nn ~I-1 nv
“anuqqakłunilu natiġvik- niqautit lemming’s underground
simmaan, qanniguqłunilu cache of food | -t nn § sunakki-
pimman” (Aiken 2009) niqiksramaaq- (Nu) (i) to take the
[becoming windy and also best food, select the fattest, best
blowing snow along the ground meat | -ksraq(-)1 nv -maaq- nv
and also when it begins to snow] | niqiksraq (-) potential food; to
:Iq-2 vv procure food (for him/her/it) |

-ksraq(-) nn. nv ±aq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv +t/ruaq vn
niqiksriuq- (i) to prepare food | niqqak- (i) to gain weight, get fat; (i)
-ksraq(-) nv, nn ‘=iuq-1 nv to store a harvested game animal;
niqiku- to have food remaining (for (i) to process game; (Ti) to get a
her/him/it) | -ku- nv big share of meat | ‘-k-2 nv
niqikuvik food storage area | -ku- nv niqqaqtu- (i) to be meaty (of animal)
+vIk1 vn | ‘-k-2 nv -qtu- vv
niqinaqi- (i) to have a feast | perhaps niqsaq(-) sea mammal; (Ti) game
+naq(-) nv -qi- vv animal (land or sea); (i) to catch
niqinaqun food for a feast | perhaps game | +saq-1 nv or ~saq vn§
+naq(-) nv ‘n1 vn aŋŋun
niqinŋu- (i) to feel overly full from niqsaqtaq game animal killed for
eating | -nŋu- nv § aqiattuq-, food | +saq-1 nv +t/raq vn
naaq-, naaqsunŋu- niqsayuq- (i) to be a good hunter,
niqinŋuq- (i) to become full from good provider of game food |
eating | +nŋuq- nv +saq-1 nv -yuq- vv
niqipiaq meat (of marine and
terrestrial animals that Iñupiat niu leg
eat) | -piaq(-)1 nn niugallak cripple | -aq-2 nv -lik vn
niqisiun or niqłiuġun (Nu) a food -k2 nn vn § yaġa-; yapu(-)
ingredient | -siun nn or -liuq- nv niuggaaq- to break (her/his/its) leg |
:un1 vn -ggaaq- nv
niqitu- (i) to be meaty, fleshy | -tu- nv niuliñġaq leg sinew of caribou or
niqivik hindquarter of an animal | moose (remove the sinew from
-vIk2 nn § ukpan, kuutchiŋaak caribou leg with a long stick; loop
under kuutchiq the sinew over and over around
niqłiñġu- (i) to be unwilling to share the stick until all the sinew is out
food » “tavra sigñaruamik without breaking it; then scrape
samma pisuugaat the sinew clean, then flatten it on
niġrutikkaluaq iñukkaluaq” cardboard to dry to be used as
(Aiken 2009) [a person or even an thread) » “niuliñġaŋit
animal who is stingy is said to be ivalugisuugait” (Matumeak
thus] | ~liñġu- nv 2009) [the leg sinews are made
niqłiqi- (i) to work with meat (as a into thread] | -liñiQ nn :aq6 nn §
butcher); (i) to serve food during a uliun, niuliraġauraq
feast | ~liqi- nv niulu root of tooth; leg of furniture |
niqłiqsuq- to set food (for her/him) to +lu nn
eat @ niqłiqsui-» niqłiqsuiruq niululi- (i) to grow wrong so as to
she is setting food out | ~lIq-1 nv protrude through the gums (of root
+tuq-2 vv of a tooth) | +lu nn -lI-1 nv
niqłiuġun cooking pot | ~liuq- nv :un1 niutchiaq (Nu) summer caribou leg
vn § utkusik, niqisiun skin | -[t]chiaq(-)1 nn
niqłiuq- (i) to cook meat | ~liuq- nv
niqpik boneless meat (game or fish) | niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance
~pIk nn or a container; (t) to take
niqqaaġiksuaq healthy animal |

her/him/it out of a conveyance or nostrils » “tavra qakkiigñi
a container ilunmun aniqsaaġurraġik”
niggun ramp used to disembark from (Aiken 2009) [so he is breathing in
a boat | ‘un1 vn through his nostrils]; “taimani
niuri- to unload (it) | +rI-5 vv niuġriktuutiqaqtut dry brown
stuff” (Tuzroyluke 2009) [long
niugaq- to clean (it =animal skin) by ago they had dry brown stuff to
rubbing on snow » “niugaqtuaq; breathe in through the nostrils] |
tuttut unnii tamarra perhaps +srik- vv +tuq-3 nv
niugaqtuat; ilaanni qimmit niuġriktuun (Ti) snuff | +srik- vv
tamauŋa apunmun +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn § uqummiaq,
nalaqsraaqtuġuurut” (Aiken uilaaq
2009) [those that are rubbing the niuqsriktuusi- (Nu) (i) to grind up
skin on the snow to clean it; even chewing tobacco | +srik- vv
caribou clean their hides on the +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn ~I-1 nv
snow; even dogs quickly get on
their backs [to clean their fur]” § niuqqaq(-) hot beverage; (i) to drink, sip
nanuiqasiraq- a hot beverage | +qaq rn §
yuuqqaq(-), imiq(-)
niugutit skylight membrame arch niuqqiun or niuqqiuġun tea kettle |
supports (usually made of baleen) +qaq rn ‘=Iuq- nv ‘-n vn
§ see Appendix 22 niuqsi- (i) to take a sip | +sI-2 rv §
imiq(-), uuk-, iguk-
niuġaun sealskin poke containing strips
of fermented walrus skin and blubber niuqtuq- to drill (it)
niuqtuun portable or motor drill;
niulġiq [niulġIq] dragonfly (Odonata) | auger; oil rig; fire drill, “Fire-Drill
+lġIq nn (ní-o-o-tĭñ)….A stick like a drill-
shaft, made to revolve on the flat
*niuQ (root) inhale, intake air, breath in surface of a cleft soft wood stick,
niuġmik- or (Ti) niuqsik- (i) to by means of a thong. A deer’s
sniffle; (t) to sniff her/him/it | ankle-bone held in the teeth serves
+mIk-1 rv or +sik-2 rv to steady the drill.” (Murdoch as
niuġmigaq- or (Ti) niuqsigaq- (i) to reported by Ray 1885: 75) |
ingest liquid intermittently; (i) to :un1 vn § niġġun
sniffle repeatedly » “tavra
imiqsillaavluni qanusimik
imikkaluamik tavra niuġmigaq-
tuamik taiguġuugaat” (Aiken
2009) [one who is drinking
whatever even water inter-
mittently is called a
niuġmigaqtuaq] | +mIk-1 rv
+aq-1 vv
niuqsriktuq- or (Ti) niuġriktuq- (i)
to take a pinch of snuff through

niutaq keel support, curved log used to bees, etc.); (t) to cling, adhere to
attach the frame on both the stern her/him/it » nivigaat they are
and the bow of an umiak | coming to the bait; “nivisuugaat
+taq n § Appendix 16 silu utiqtaġvigivlugu sut
niutaksraq raw material for a niutaq, tiġiganniat sut utiqtaġvigivlugu;
usually a tree stump | -taq n niqigisuugaat nivivlutik” (Aiken
-ksraq(-) nn, nv § mumiġnaq 2009) [foxes or whatever hover
around a beached animal carcass
niutuiyiq (niutuiyIq) lynx (Lynx returning again and again; they
canadensis) hover around it and eat it] § nivi2,
niuvaala (Nu) sod house with peaked roof niviaġruk small swamp fly |
-aġruk nn § milugiatchiaq
niuviq(-) trading partner; to trade, barter, nivigaq- to hover, linger, stand
buy, redeem, ransom (it) around (her/him/it); (t) to
niuvġutigi- (t) to sell or trade it | scrutinize her/him/it from all sides
:un1 vn +[g]i- nv | -gaq- v
niuviġiik trading partners; partners niviluk(-) wet snow; to be damp,
who consider each other’s slushy (of snowy and rainy
belongings as their own » weather); (i) to be unkempt,
[“tavragguuq iññuk suġautatiŋ slovenly (of a person) |
pigiruatun avanmun innamiŋ -luk(-)2 vn vv § piqsiq(-),
niuviġiiksuk” (MaryLou Leavitt misulik(-)
as reported by Emma Bodfish, niviŋa- (i) to be hanging | ±ŋa- vv
2011)] so it is said, when two niviŋalutaq something hanging from
persons consider each other’s a garment (e.g., thread) | ±ŋa- vv
belongings as their own, they are +lutaq vn § nigrat
said to be niuviġiik | +[g]iik(-) vn niviŋapqauraq- (i) to be barely
hanging, about to fall off | ±ŋa- vv
nivak- to dig (it) -pqauraq(-) vv
nivaaq that which has been dug out | niviŋŋaq- to hang (it) up »
±aq1 vn “niviŋŋaqtuni tavra
nivviaq water well; dry well » naparuamun, niviŋasuuruq”
nivvialiuqtut ikka they are (Aiken 2009) [when one hangs
digging a well over there | something on a upright post, it
‘=iaq4 vn usually remains hanging] |
nivautiniq foundation pit of a -ŋŋaq- nv
dwelling| :uti- vv niviŋŋaqun seal net set straight down
through a crack in the ice |
nivguq fish slime § yuvguq -ŋŋaq- nv -quti vn
niviŋŋaun hanger; hook; strap for
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and hanging | -ŋŋaq- nv :un1 vn
insects gather; to be attracted (to it niviŋŋautaq rope or hook used to
=bait or food) (of game animal); suspend something | -ŋŋaq- nv
to flock around, hover over -utaq vn
(her/him/it) (of birds, mosquitoes,

niviŋŋavik hook, object to hang niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on
something up on| ‘vIk1 vn one’s back; (t) to turn it upside
nivirat fish stored together frozen | down; (i) expose its underside @
+raq vn -t nn niviqsi- || +sI-3 vv § mumik-
nivitchiq- (i) to tangle in water (of nivġala- (i) to lie on one’s back
bait on fishhook); (t) to wait for it moving arms and legs | :ala- rv
to come to the bait | +[t]sIq- vv nivġallak- (i) to land on one’s back;
niviuq- to hover (over her/him/it); to (t) to set her/him/it in a horizontal
hang around, be near (her/him/it); position | -ala- vv ‘-k-1 vv
(i) to be attentive to (her/him/it); niviġiaq- (Ti) (i) to fall backward with
(Ti) to stick, adhere to the pot (of head raised high looking
food); (Ti) (i) to be susceptible to backwards » “ilaŋit niviġiaqtut
stickiness (of cooking utensil) » taimani tiŋŋusiqqaaġman
niviuqtuq raaliaġa or niviuġaa Tikiġaġmi” (Kinneeveauk 2008)
raaliaġa the rice that I am [some of them fell over
cooking is sticking to the pot » backwards with their heads raised
nuviuġuurut ilaŋit utkusiit high looking backwards when
naaggaqaa silaavyiuġutit some airplanes first came to Tikiġaq] |
cooking pots are suspectible to +iaq-3 vv § tunuillak-, qayuiłłak-
stickiness or frying pans are (C. niviqsimaaq- (i) to lie with hands
Tuzroyluke 2009) | :uq-2 vv behind the head, propped up; (i) to
niviuvak (Ti) big housefly » sit with chair balanced back on
taaqtaurat qupilġunik two legs | +simaaq- vv
anaġuuruat; niqipianik niviqtit- (t) to turn it on its back |
maqutchiruat dark ones who 1
mtit- vv
excrete worms; ones which spoil
nivvaktaq- (i) to fall backward, fall
meat (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) |
flat on one’s back | ‘-ktaq- vv
:uq-2 vv -vak nn § nuviuvak
nivviġiksi- to become wet enough to nivvaqhaaq- (i) to fall backwards
stick together (of snow) » accidently and forcefully |
nivviġiksigaa snow wet enough to ‘-qhaaq- vv
stick together | ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv
+sI-1 vv nivlia- (i) to cry out feebly, mutter < nipi2

nivi lemming’s cache of edible roots or

stems of plants § masu nivliñiġluk- (i) to utter a harsh sound <
niviaqsiaq or (Ti) niaqsiaq young
woman of marriageable age nivliq- (i) to utter a sound, express oneself
niviaqsiaġruk girl (before puberty) | audibly, make a vocal noise,
-ġruk nn speak; to cry out < nipi2
niviaqsialugruaq teenage girl |
-lugruaq nn nivliraq- (i) to make vocal noise
niviaqsiġaq young unmarried repeatedly < nipi2
woman; girl | perhaps +[ġ]aq n
nivruiġuti- (i) to become quiet < nipi2

nivruiġutiuraq- (i) to become completely Tuapaktusuk) » “aqitchuq
quiet < nipi2 ‘putty’-tun; uqsruqtun
itkavsaktuq; tipigluŋitchuq;
nivviaq water well; dry well < nivak- tuapaktusugmi ilisimaruani
ilaqaqłuta nuġġiġvik maŋalaaq
nuaġaaluk niece or nephew (of a woman) isimaruaq; tipigigmivluni
| -aluk nn § uyuġu tamuqtuaġuraaqługu
nuġġaq fawn, calf, or colt nuŋullagnaqtuq; aqitchuq
nuġġaaġruk fawn, calf, or colt during uyaġauŋitchuq” (Matumeak
its first winter | -aġruk nn 2009) [it is soft like putty; it has
nuġġaaq newborn fawn, calf, or colt | an oily consistency; it does not
-aq2 nn have a bad odor; several of us
nuġġaatchiaq fawn, calf, or colt know that the putty-like substance
during its second winter | -aq2 nn can be found in a coarse gravel
area; it is sweet to the taste like
-tchiaq(-) nn, nv
gum and it can be chewed like
nuġġailak childless couple » gum until it is gone; it is soft and
“qitunġisuitchuak kiuvva is not rock]; “qaummaqtuaq
iññuk; sut allallu samma napaaqtumi” (Molly Itta 2009)
niġrutit nuġġisuilaanik pisuugai [something light colored on a tree]
iñuktuntauq tainna” (Aiken § imnam alua
2009) [it may be a couple who
cannot create children; other
nuġlu buckle; knot; rope loop; noose;
creatures like animals are also
neck opening of dog harness;
called childless couples like
bowline; ¤(Ti) heavy rope (used
people are] | :ilaq nn -k2 nn
for anchoring a pulley on ice) »
nuġġailaq caribou, cow, or horse “tigummivikkaluakkiuvva;
without a calf | :ilaq nn tigummivia isuani akłunaam”
nuġġaiyaaq newborn fawn, calf, or (Aiken 2009) [it is a handle, all
colt | -iyaaq nn right; it’s the handle at the end of
nuġġalik caribou, cow, or horse with the rope]; “…nuġluliqutigigait
a fawn | -lik nn igalaam avataaniittuak qirruk
nuġġauraq fawn, calf, or colt, usually nuġluqaqtuak. Aglunaanik
less than one-year-old | -uraq nn paniqsiiviik.” (Kiligvuk: 119)
nuġġayuaq skin of newborn fawn | [they call nuġlu the ones on either
-yuaq nn side of the skylight, the two pieces
nuġġayuat parka made of newborn of wood with rope loops; they are
fawn skins| -yuaq nn -t nn used to dry items on] | +lu(q) nn
nuġluġun (Ti) earring; “Ear-Rings
Nuġġiaqtuġvik [lit. “time to hunt
(no’-go-lo)… Ivory hooks to fit
calves”] month of May |
into the holes in the ears.”
‘=iaq-2 nv § Suvluġvk (Murdoch as reported by Ray
1885: 65) » “nuġluġutinik
nuġġiġvik putty-like substance (used to pisuugait siutiġutit”
treat internal illnesses; found at (C.Tuzroyluke 2009) [ivory hooks

to fit into the holes in the ears are nuiyaaqpak(-)2 fish spear; leister;
called earrings] | -ġun nn bird dart; (t) to hit it with a bird
dart | -yaaq2 vn ‘qpak(-) nn | § see
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; Appendix 17b
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be nuiyaaqpait prongs attached to
able to see, observe her/him/it; handle of bird dart | -yaaq2 vn
(Ti) (i) to look outside, e.g., to see ‘qpak(-) -t nn § see Appendix 17b
if someone/something is coming »
nuggisitchi youp come into view; Nuiqsat Nuiqsut, Alaska
taamna aŋun uqallaktuq, *nuk (root) movement from point to point
‘Ataa, inuqaŋma nuggiuk.’” nuksi- (i) to move part of something
(Ahvakana: 10) [then after into another container; (Ti) to pour
listening intently for a while the something into a container (for
man said, “listen, there is her/him/it); (i) to record, tape
someone outside”] § itchuaq- voices | +sI-3 rv
nuggisi- (t) to come into view, appear nuktaq- (i) to move from place to
with her/him/it; (Ti) to look place; (t) to move her/him/it from
outside with her/him | ‘-ti- vv place to place | -ktaq- vv
nuik- or nuilatu- (i) to have a large nuktiq- to move, relocate (her/him/it)
neck opening (of garment) | to another dwelling | mtiq-2 vv
‘-k-2 vv -lak vn -tu- nv
nuurruti- (t) to move with her/him/it |
nuilak neck opening of garment; -ruti- vv
opening in harness for dog’s head
nuut- to move, transfer (her/him/it) »
| -lak vn
isiġviñi nuutkaa atigitchiamiñun
nuilakit- (i) to have a small neck she transferred her parka ruff to
opening (of garment) | -lak vn her new parka | -ut-3 vv
-kIt- nv
nuutaaq- to move (her/him/it) a little;
nuillak- (i) to step out of dwelling and (i) to move closer to someone or
check surroundings for game or something | -ut-3 vv -taaq- vv
weather; (i) to come into view |
-llak-1 vv
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or
nuima- (i) to project in appearance;
nukaaluk younger sibling »
(i) to stand out; (i) to be important
“nukatchailu savilitquvlugu
| -ma-1 vv
tainnatun malġugnik
nuimanaq- (i) to be important | akmaagnik” and to make knives
-ma-1 vv +naq(-)vv for his younger sibling like the
nuisa- to be visible | -sa- vv two flint knives (Bergsland
nuiyaaqpak1 carbuncle; large growth 1987: 328 | -tchiaq nn or -aluk nn
on skin | -yaaq2 vn +qpak(-) nn § aqqaluk, qataŋun
nukaalugiik(-) siblings (two, but not
*nuiq (root) perhaps barb or prong twins) | -aluk nn +[g]iik(-) nn, nv
nuiqsaq- (i) to throw a bird dart | nukaġaq (Nu) second wife
3 (concurrent); concubine |
msaq- vv

+[g]aq3 nn § nuliaq Nukatpiat Itchaviat [lit. “moulting
nukaġiik a pair of siblings | +[g]iik(-) time of ganders”] month of July §
nn isa(-)
nukaġiit siblings | +[g]iit nn § nukatpiġauraq or nukatpiluk young
aŋayunġuq man in his late teens or early
nukaksraq half-brother or -sister | twenties | perhaps +t-2 nv perhaps
-ksraq(-) nn *pik (see Yupik pik[1]) +[ġ]aq nn
:uraq nn or perhaps +t-2 nv
nukaqłiq youngest sibling »
perhaps *pik +luk nn
taimma….nukaqłiat” (Nageak nukaunġuq spouse’s younger
1975: 10) [finally it is told that sibling’s spouse | -nġuq nn
….their youngest sibling…] | nukavluq (Nu) large adult male
+llIQ nn walrus | -vluq nn
nukarak second wife | -rak(-) nn §
nukaġaq nukaisiġaq or nukasiġaq Great Horned
nukatagaaluk adult male caribou Owl (Bubo virginianus)
nearly full grown | +tagaq nn
nuki- (i) to crack, fracture, split
-aluk nn
nukkaq a crack, fracture, split |
nukatagaġruaq large adult male
caribou, just matured | +tagaq nn ‘-Q vn
+ġruaq nn nukłuq- (i) to crackle when put into
nukatagaq young adult male caribou water (of ice) | ~luq-3 vv
bull (not full-grown) | +tagaq nn
nukatagauraq young adult male nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; strength
» nukiŋi piiyaġai she is taking its
caribou, two or three years old |
ligaments out
+tagaq nn :uraq nn
nukigiq- or nukiiq- (i) to become
nukatpiaġruk boy (before puberty) |
unable to move | :Iq-2 nv
perhaps +t-2 nv -piaq nn -ġruk nn
nukigluk- (i) to be strong, muscular |
nukatpialuk or nukatpialugruaq
+luk- § saŋŋi-
young boy in his teens »
“….taamna ikayuqtiqaqłuni nukiġuq nerve | ±ġuq nn
taavsrumiŋa nukatpialugmik nukiñik- (i) to gain strength, recover
iñiqiŋaitchuamik aglaan from an illness | -nik-1 nv
nukatpiaġruuruamik suli.” nukivġautat a stool used to reach for
(Ekowana: 13) [that one had a something high | -vrak- nv
helper, a male youth not yet fully -utaq vn
matured but still a boy] | perhaps nukivraak- or nukivrak- or
+t-2 nv piaq3 nn +luk nn or nikuvrak- (i) to stand on tiptoe |
perhaps +t-2 nv -piaq nn -vrak- nv -ak- vv
-lugruaq nn nukivrigaq- (i) to walk on tiptoe |
nukatpiaq young man of -vrik- nv +aq-1 vv
marriageable age; gander » |
perhaps +t-2 nv piaq3 nn

nukłuġaq- (Nu) (i) to bob up and down in went to get a wife has now
the water (of floating tree on end returned with his new wife |
in water; of person going above ±aq1 nv +iaq-1 nv
and below surface of water); (t) to nuliaġiik married couple; mismatched
bob up and down in her/his sight | pair of things | ±aq1 vn +[g]iik nn
+aq-1 vv nuliaġiitchiak newlyweds | ±aq1 vn
+[g]iik nn -tchiaq nn -k2 nn
nukuġun middle section of caribou nuliaġluaqtaq man who is rejected
antlers » “aŋusallut for marriage; (Nu) man who does
nukuġutiqaġuurut; piqalaitchut want to marry; a woman whom
tamatkua nukatagaurat; men do not want to marry |
naarigumik samma +luaq-2 nv +t/raq vn
naurraqsiñiaqtut” (Matumeak nuliaġniq bull caribou in rut | ±aq1 vn
2009) [the bull caribou have +niQ1 nn
middle sections in their antlers; Nuliaġvik [lit. “caribou breeding
the young bulls, two or three years time”] month of October |
old do not have any; they will start ±aq1 vn +vIk1 nn § Tatqitchiaq,
to grow them after they have Sikkuvik
matured] nuliakkaluaq former wife |
-kkaluaq nn
nukusiġaq (Nu) Horned Owl (Bubo nuliaksraun or nuliaksraq fiancée,
virginianus) § nukaisiġaq bride-to-be | ±aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn
-un nn
nukuutchiqiq Belted Kingfisher
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for
(Megaceryle alcyon)
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to
take a wife | ±aq1 vn § tuvaaqan,
nulatchi- or nulataaq- (i) to wait for a
bearded seal at its breathing hole;
nuliaqan co-husband (one of two men
to use hand signals to inform
who have the same wife) | ±aq1 vn
others that one is waiting for a
±qan vn
bearded seal at its breathing hole
(Kisautaq: 651) nuliaqatigiik co-husbands | ±aq1 vn
±qan vn +[g]iik(-) nn
nulik- [nulIk] to copulate, have sexual nuliaqpak first wife, head wife |
intercourse with (her/him); (i) to ±aq1 vn +qpak(-) nn
mate (usu. of animals) » nuliatqiun second wife | ±aq1 vn
“ukiaġmili marra tuttut -tqIk- vv :un1 vn
pisuurut” (Aiken 2009) [the nuliiġñiq or (Ti) nuliilgaġniq
caribou do it during fall] widower; (Ti) widow » uiŋiqsuaq
nuliaġiaq- (i) to go and get a one who lost a husband (C.
wife; (Ti) (i) to pursue the uyalu Tuzroyluke 2009) | =Iq-2 nv
(man dressed as a woman) for a +niQ1 vn § uilgaġniq under ui1
wife as part of qakummisaaq, a nuliilgasuk or nuliiygasuk bachelor,
community feast and celebration » unmarried man » tavra
nuliaġiaqtuaq avva utiqsimaruq tuvaaqatchiŋaitchuaq
nuliatchauranilu the man who nuliilgasugmik taiguġuugaat
one who has never married is

called thus (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) | nullautchiġaaq- (i) to eat before
:It-1 nv -lgasuk nn § uiluaqtaq, retiring for the night | -utaq vn
uilgaq ‘=Iq1 vv +aaq(-) vv
nuliiq- (i) to lose one’s wife, to be nullautchiq- (i) to eat supper |
widowed; (t) to take, steal his wife -utaq vn ‘=Iq1 vv
| ±aq1 vn =Iq2- vv
nuliiraġiik co-spouse relationship, nuluq- to wave one’s hand (at her/him/it)
involved couples who had sexual » “nuluġaatin qaitqugaatin”
intercourse outside the context of (Matumeak 2009) [he is waving
residential affiliation | ±aq1 vn his hand at you, he wants you to
=Iq2- nv +raq vn +[g]iik(-) nn come]
nuliiraq non-residential wife | nuluġaq- to gesture (to her/him/it),
±aq1 =Iq2- nv +raq vn waving one’s arms to get
nuliuraq girlfriend (of man) | ±aq1 vn attention; to beckon (her/him/it) »
=uraq nn “umiaqtuqtuni satkuruni tavra
nulliġiit in-laws, people related avataqpagmik nuluġaqtuq;
through a married couple | ±aq1 vn nuluqtuqtuq” (Matumeak 2009)
=liQ nn +[g]iik(-) nn -t nn [during whaling when one makes
nulliġiik(-) co-parents-in-law; (i) to a strike, one gestures with the
be co-parents-in-law | ±aq1 vn sealskin float; one waves
vigorously] | +aq-1 vv
=liQ nn +[g]iik(-) nn
nulliq parent (mother or father) of nuluqtuallak- (Nu) to wave with the
one’s son-in-law or hand (at her/him) once or nonstop
for a while | +tuallak- vv
daughter-in-law | ±aq1 vn =liQ nn
nulliq- (i) to pursue a bitch (of a dog)
nuluq buttock; back of the thigh under
» nulliqsuq qimmiqput our dog
the buttocks
is pursuing a bitch | ‘=Iq-1 nv
nulluaq-1 (i) to fall and hurt one’s
buttocks | ‘-aq-2 nv
nullaq- (i) to set up camp for the night,
encamp; (i) to stay at a hotel
nuluq(-) fine webbing (usu. baleen strips)
nullaaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to camp, make
for snowshoes or ice scoop; (i) to
camp » “iñuich tumiŋiññik
put (usu. baleen) strips in frame of
tupsiraġaliqamik tavra aakaga
ice scoop, snowshoes, etc. §
nullaaqtuqsaġniqsuq” then
quniguq, mitiŋiun
when they start seeing foot tracks,
nulluaq-2 (i) to break fine netting (of
my mother began to set up camp
snowshoes, ice scoop, etc.) |
(Bergsland 1987) | -aq-1 vv
‘-aq-2 nv
+tuq-2 vv
nuluksraq (Nu) caribou-skin thong
Nullaġiuraq (name of a river) §
used for webbing » “tagluk
nuluġuugai amisuuranik
Nullaġvik (place name) Skull Cliff
kiliñŋaruanik tuttut saatuurat
located between Peard Bay and
amiŋit nuluksriuġuugait” (Aiken
Barrow, Alaska | +vIk1 vn
2009) [narrow split pieces of thin
nullaġvik a place to camp for the
caribou skins are made into
night; hotel | +vIk1 vn
nullautaq evening meal | -utaq vn

webbing for snowshoes] | nunasugnit- (i) to have the scent,
-ksraq(-) nn, nv smell of sod, ground, soil |
nuluun or nuluunnaq (Nu) bone +sugnIt- nv
needle used with caribou-skin nunat a place with people; people,
thong to weave snowshoe citizens of a nation-state; nations |
webbing | :un1 vn or +nnaq nn -t nn
nunat- (t) to cache it (usu. caribou
nuna land, ground, tundra, earth; inland; carcass) in a hole dug in ground
country, territory, a citizen’s and covered with sod (usually
nation-state » nunaga United done during the summer) @
States of America I am a citizen nunatchi- | +t-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
of the United States of America; Nunataaġmiu or nunamiu person
saattuat nunat sod roofing who used to live on the east side
nunaaqqiġmiu citizen of a town, of the river from Noatak, Alaska
village, city | -qqIq nn +miu2 nn nunataq- (i) to fetch sod | +taq-4 nv
nunaaqqiq village; town; city; nunataq(-) or nunatchi- meat (usu.
community | perhaps :at nn caribou) cached in a hole and
(poss3s-3p) -qqIq nn § ini covered with sod; (i) to cache,
nunaaqqiuraq village | perhaps :at bury a piece of meat underground
nn (poss3s-3p) -qqIq nn :uraq nn | -t-2 nv ±aq1 vn or -t-2 nv +sI-3 vv
nunagi- (t) to be her/his/its land; (t) to nunataqaġvik cache where food is
be a citizen of it =country | buried in ground | -t-2 nv ±aq1 vn
+[g]i- nv -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
nunagluk- [lit. “bad land”] (i) to be nunauraq map | :uraq nn
rocky land | +[g]luk(- ) nn,nv nunauruat nation of people | :u-1 nv
nunagluktuaq desert | +t/ruaq vn -t nn
+[g]luk(-) nn,nv +t/ruaq vn nunavait herd of walrus on ice (they
nunalit- or nunnit- (i) to reach land » resemble land from a distance) |
“tavra taġiumiñ tamauŋa -vak nn :It nn
nunamun nunnitchuq; nunavik rolling tundra » “Tamaani
nunamun tikiññami” (Aiken nunaviŋani, nunam ataani
2009) [then from the ocean one samani iñuich iñuuniaqtuat.
lands; when he reaches land] | Itivyaanik atiqaġaitch.” (David
-lIt- nv or ‘=It-2 nv Frankson as reported by Pulu,
nunamiut or nunataġmiut inland Sampson, Newlin: 94) [in the
people; “...groups of Nunatarmiut rolling tundra, beneath the tundra
or inland people.“ (Rainey: 240) | under the sod people live; they are
÷miu nn -t nn called Itivyaat] | -vIk2 nn
nunanik- (i) to acquire land | -nik-1 nv nunavviaq- (i) to go after a herd of
nunasiraq- (i) to travel on snowless walrus on ice or land (in hunting) |
tundra | -siraq- nv -vak nn ‘-iaq-2 nv
nunasugniq scent of sod, ground, soil nunni- to make a map or plot and
(most notable after a rain) | claim land (for her/him/it) |
+sugnIq ‘=I-1 nv
nunniqi- (i) to survey land; (i) to
plow | ‘=Iqi-1 nv

nunniqiri surveyor | ‘=Iqi-1 nv nunut- (t) to stop or pressure her/him
mt/ri vn from doing something | -t-1 vv
nunniqun plow; surveyor’s transit |
‘=I-1 nv +qun vn nunuq- (t) to pinch, tighten it @
nunnit- or nunalit- (i) to reach land nunuqsi- | perhaps +q-2 vv ||
(when at sea) | ‘=It-2 nv -sI-3 vv < perhaps nunu-
nunui- to strangle, choke, throttle
nunaŋiak(-) alder (Alnus crispa); (t) to (her/him/it) » “quŋusiñġa
dye it with the red dye obtained nunuisuugaa; mapkullagman
from alder @ nunaŋiaksi- » tuquliġuuruq tavrauvvaa”
nunaŋiak ikuutiliuġaġigait (Aiken 2009) [he strangles its
aġnanun qaaluiyaqługit neck; when it cracks it dies
amiiqqaaqługit; nauŋaiqamik instantly] | -I-6 vv § qimit-
taimma suaŋasiraqtut
kaviġñiŋat they are made into nunuqsiġiilaq Bufflehead Duck
skin scrapers for women after (Bucephala albeola)
taking the rough top off first and
peeling the skin off; when they nunuuraq- (i) to feel remorse, regret |
stop growing their redness perhaps :uraq- vv
intensifies [ETA:NSISA]
|| +sI-3 vv nuŋŋaq brow ridge along frontal bone of
nose; crest, crown of bird §
nuniaq- (t) to express affection to qiŋaaq, akuliaq § see Appendix 20
her/him/it =child or animal § nuŋŋaqtuaġruk (Nu) White-crowned
qunu- Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
nuniaġun cooing sound made to | ±tu- nv ±aq1 vn -ġruk nn
express affection to someone dear
(usu. a child) | +un1 vn nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old
nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do moon, i.e. no moon
something nuŋŋit- (Ti) (t) to end it =a story »
nunummi- (i) to refrain a desire to do nuŋŋiññamiŋ uqallaguurut
something; (t) to endure “tavraptauq” as the story
annoyance from her/him/it | concludes, they say, “well, that’s
-mmI-6 vv another one” (Kineeveauk, 2008) |
nunuri- (t) to pressure, force, or ‘=It-2 vdv
pester her/him to do something » nuŋuqsruġiitkutaq [lit. “item for
nunurigaa uqautivlugu she prevention of wear and tear”]
repressed his desire to do paddle rest | mqsruq-2 vv
something by talking to him | +rI-3 -iikutaq vn § see Appendix 17
vv nuŋuqsruq- (i) to become worn out
nunuriaq one who has been (of inanimate objects); (t) to cause
pressured to do something | it to become worn out, to abrade it
+rI-3 vv ±aq1 vn | mqsruq-2 vv
nunuripkaq- (i) to be pressured to do nuŋuraaq candy | +uraaq2 vn
something | +rI-3 vv -pkaq-1 vv

nuŋusaiññaq- (i) to wane (of moon) | nuqiqsraq- or nuqimik- (t) to
+saq-2 vv -iññaq- vv continue to pull her/him/it |
nuŋuri-1 (i) to abort a litter (of a dog | +qsraq- vv or +mIk- rv
-rI-2 vv nuqitaġaaq something that can be
nuŋuri-2 (t) to cause it =dog to abort pulled up | -t/raġaaq(-) vv, nv, vn
its litter | +rI-3 vv; nuqittaun (Nu) sheet (nautical), rope
nuŋuri-3 (t) to deplete, use up her/his or line of a sail and used to change
supply | ~rI-4 vv the sail’s position | +t/raq-1 vv
nuŋuruuq(-) type of multiple :un1 vn
solitaire, snerts; (i) to play snerts, nuqittaurraq- or nuqiittaurraq- (i)
multiple solitaire | to have a tug-of-war or stick pull |
+t/ruq (indic 3s) -q-2 nv +t/raq-1 vv -urraq- vv
nuŋusuit- (i) to be perpetual, nuqittaurraun rope for tug-of-war,
everlasting, continual, endless, ivory stick for stick pull |
constant | +[s]uu- vv :It-1 vv +t/raq-1 vv -urraq- vv :un1 vn
nuŋut- (t) to deplete, use it up | -t-1 vv
nuŋutitchaġataġaluaq- (t) to be nuqpauraq (Ti) biscuit, muffin §
inclined to let it become depleted | muqpauraq
mtitchaġataġaluaq- vv nuqpauriuq- (Ti) (i) to make biscuits
nuŋuutchi- (i) to eat or drink all of | =iuq-1 nv
something | -ut-2 vv +sI-3
nuqsraq (Nu) spear thrower, atlatl
nuqaq- (i) to be taut, tightly drawn; (t) to
attach a bowstring to a bow and nurri- [nurrI] to cut, slice (it =blubber)
make it taut into strips for rendering into oil §
nuqaġun lashing for lower runners of uqsri-
sled | +un1 vn nurriaq slice of blubber to be
nuqaqti bowstring for a musical rendered into oil | ±aq1 vn §
instrument or bow | +qti vn uqsruġaaq
nuqaqtiligauraq violin | mt/ri vn
-lik nn +[ġ]aq nn :uraq nn nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair |
nuqaqtilik or nuqatiligaaq stringed -ya(q) rn
instrument, guitar, harp | mt/ri vn nutchat or nusat or nuyat head of
hair | -t nn
-lik nn or +[g]aaq nn
nutchak- (i) for one’s hair to grow
long | ‘-k-2 nv
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it @ nuqitchi- |
nutchiqi- to wash, style (her/his)
perhaps -t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
hair | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
nuqiiq- or nuqiittaq- to continue to
nuyaaqtuq- (t) to pull her/his hair |
pull (it =rope, etc.) | .-q-1 vv or
-aq-2 nv -tuq-2 vv
-ttaq- vv
nuyaġaq (Nu) hairspring (as in
nuqimmi- (t) to be pulling on
wristwatch) | +[ġ]aq nn
her/him/it | -mmI-6 vv
nuyaġiq tonsure, shaved place on top
nuqiksraaq- (Nu) (t) to jerk and pull
of head | perhaps +Iq nn
her/him/it | +qsraq- vv -aq-1 vv
nusaiq- or nuyaiq- (i) to become bald
| :Iq-2 nv

nusait- or nuyait- (i) to be bald | nutaqłiq smooth ice covered by snow
:It-1 nv with moisture between the ice and
the snow (Harcharek: 14) | +łłIQ
nusilik- (i) to die suddenly § tuqu-, nutaqqat young people | -t nn
tamauŋaaġlaaq- Nutaqsivik month of April; (Ti)
month of January » “In January
nusuk- or nutchuk- (t) to pluck, snatch, (often called Nutak-sivik, moon of
pull it out whittling), the umeliks summoned
nutchugaq- (t) to jerk and pull them their crews to scrape all the
= hair, grass, flowers, feathers, wooden paddles and spear
walrus whiskers out @ handles. In the hunt these must
nutchugai- » “nutchugaġlugit look new and unblemished
qirġiiyaġaaŋa” (Kinneeveauk because they were then less liable
2009) [she is pulling out my gray to be seen by the whale, but, if
hairs] | -k-1 nv +aq-1 vv || :I-4 vv seen, they were pleasing to him in
nusukaq- (t) to jerk and drag it | this condition.” (Rainey: 257) §
-kaq- vv Umiaqqavik, Qargiliġvik
nutchuk- (t) to pluck it out | -k-1 nv nutau- (i) to be young, new | -u-2 vv

nutaq- (t) to repair, renew it @ nutaqsi- nutik- to leap (over it)

» “nutaġuugait aŋuniutit, nuttagaala- (i) to crackle (esp., of a
nauligautit, qaġrut, suli fire) | ‘-k-2 vv +aq-1 vv -ala- vv
siġlurriqivlutik savaqivlugit” nuttagaq- (i) to continue to hop, to
(Kinneeveauk, 2008) [they repair leap, to jump | ‘-k-2 vv
hunting implements, harpoons, +aq-1 vv
arrows, and in addition to nuttagayuk grasshopper (Orthoptera)
renewing the ice cellars] || +sI-3 vv | ‘-k-2 vv +aq-1 vv -yuk(-) vn §
nutaaq something new, fresh | pigligayuk
±aq1 vn
nutaġauraq young male (animal or nutim originally, from the first, from the
human) | +[g]aq3 nn :uraq nn beginning; naturally » tainnaittuq
nutaġaaluk or (Nu) nutaaġuraq nutim he’s like that naturally;
young person | +[g]aq3 nn he’s always been like that
-aluk nn nutipnisaq (Nu) something old,
nutaġaq young person, juvenile; fresh ancient | -nisaq nn § aippaaġnisaq,
powder snow | +[g]aq3 nn iŋilġaaġnisaq
nutaġauniñani (Neg Sub) despite
her/his/its being young | -nIq-3 vv nutqaq- (i) to stop; (i) to die
+nanI (neg sub 3s) nutqai- (t) to cause it to stop; (i) to
nutaġġiñġaq fresh blubber | perhaps stop functioning » nutqairuq
‘=It-2 nv +[ġ]aq vn § uqsruq uvva qamun the car stopped
nutaġun fresh snow on ice-free running | -I-6 vv
water; refrozen crack less than ten nutqallak- (i) to recess, take a break |
feet wide (Harcharek: 14) | -llak-2 vv
+un1 vn nutqapik- (i) to stop and go »

nutqaqtaqtuaq” (Aiken 2009) -lla-vv +un1 vn
[it’s when one stops and goes nuviqsraq- to walk among (them)
while in progress, in motion] | threading one’s way | +qsraq- vv
-pik- vv nuviraq- (i) to move through
nutqaqtinnaġniq severability (as in a something dense, like a crowd of
contract) | mtit-1 vv +naq(-) vv people or underbrush | +t/raq- vv
+niQ1 vn nuvirat something strung, especially
nutqaqtit- (t) to stop her/him/it | fish strung on a willow stick |
mtit- vv +t/raq vn -t nn
nutqiuq- (i) to stop at a place for a nivviñ line used to string fish | ‘n1 vn
certain time | ‘=iuq-2 vv
nuviuvak blowfly, bluebottle fly §
nuturuk firm snow, “good material to niviuvak
make a snow house, firm yet not
too hard.” (Arnold Brower Sr. as nuviuvaksiuġayuk (Nu) Gray-cheeked
reported as reported in Sturm:41) Thrush (Catharus minimus)

nuviya or nuvuya cloud | -ya(q) rn

nuurruti- (t) to move with her/him/it
nuviyait- or nuvuyait- (i) to be
< *nuk cloudless | -ya(q) rn :It-1 nv
nuviyaliq- or nuvuyaliq- (i) to
nuut- to move, transfer (her/him/it) become cloudy and dark, overcast
< *nuk | -ya(q) rn -lIq-1 nv
nuviyaqłuk rain clouds, thunderhead
nuutaaq- to move (her/him/it) a little; (i) cloud | -ya(q) rn -qłuk(-) nn, vv
to move closer to someone or nuvuyalaaq(-) partial cloud cover; (i)
something < *nuk to be partially cloudy; (i) to have
scattered clouds (of sky) | -ya(q) rn
nuvak(-) a cold; mucus; (i) to have a cold -laaq nn
nuvagruaqi- or nuvviqi- (Ti) (i) to nuviyyaqłuk dark storm cloud |
dribble saliva | +ġruaq nn -qi- nv -ya(q) rn -qłuk(-) nn, vv
or ‘=iqi- nv § quġliaq(-)
nuvaksi- (i) to catch a cold » nuvu pointed tip of anything
nuvaksiruq amma he has a cold nuvugiksaq (Nu) pointed sail, i.e.
now | +sI-1 vv with a pointed tip (on a gaff rig) |
nuvayulġiq (Ti) jellyfish | -yuk- vv +[g]Ik- nv +t/raq vn
-lġIq- n § ikpiaġruk nuvugluktaq (Nu) fore-and-aft sail
used with a gaff, not pointed on
nuvaksruk (Nu) Baird’s Sandpiper top | +luk(-)1 vn +taq(-) nn
(Calidris bairdii) Nuvugmiut Iñupiat people of Nuvuk,
Point Barrow; mythical residents
nuvi- [nuvI] (t) to thread it =needle; (t) to of a place called Nuvuk near
string them =beads @ nuviri- or Point Hope, Alaska called “…the
nuvisi- || :I-4 vv or +sI-3 vv nuwunmiu, ‘underground people’
nuvillaun or nuvillautik device for like the itiviyai, living at
weaving nets, a weaving shuttle |

‘Nuwuk,’ the very tip of the nuyaq strand of head hair § nusaq
Point Hope bar.” (Rainey: 258)
nuvugraq (Ti) point of land at one nuyat head of hair » nuyatka maŋaqtut
end of bay | -ksraq(-) nn my hair is black § nusaq
nuvuġaluk or nuvuġauraq small
point of land | +[ġ]aq2 nn -luk nn, *nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness,
:uraq nn wariness; “nujuarpoq (nûk), is shy
nuvuġaq small promontory of land (an animal)…” (Schultz-
or ice | +[ġ]aq2 nn Lorentzen: 170)]
nuvuk point, tip; promontory (of nuyuaġi- (t) to be wary, scared of
land); pointed mountain peak | her/him/it » “nuyuaġinaqtuq
perhaps -k1 nn suna qallisuŋitchuni;
Nuvuk Point Barrow, Alaska nuyuaġiruni suna
(traditional village site abandoned qallisugnaitchuq” (Matumeak
when residents moved to Barrow 2009) [one is wary of something
six miles down the coast); tip of when one does not want to get
Point Hope, Alaska close to it; when one is wary of
nuvuliġaq floating rib | -liġaq nn § something one does not want to
isukłiġaq, see Appendix 21 get close to it] | ±aq1 rn +[g]i- nv §
nuvuliksraq bone connecting floating iqsigi-
ribs to breastbone | -lik nn nuyuaġnaq- (i) to be fearsome |
-ksraq(-) nn ±aq1 rn +naq(-) vv § iqsiñaq-
nuvulu (Nu) stem of plant | +lu nn nuyuaqtit- (t) to cause it to be timid,
nuvulukutaq (Nu) grass flower, floret easily frightened | ±aq1 rn mtit-1 vv
| -lu nn kutaq nn nuyuaqtu- (i) to be wary, timid,
nuvułhuq or nuvułhuuq (Nu) tip of easily frightened (of animal) |
antler | -łhuq nn ±aq1 rn +tu- vv
nuvułhuyuk peak | -łhuyuk(-) nn nuyuiq- (i) to become tame (of
nuvutchiaq tip at the very end of animal) | ±aq1 rn =Iq-2 rv
antler or anything | -tchiaq nn nuyuit- (i) to be unafraid, tame (of
nuvvuaġik- (i) to have a fine, sharp animal) | ±aq1 rn =It-1 rv
tip or point | ‘-aq2 nn +[g]Ik- nv nuyuqqak- (i) to be timid (of animal)
| perhaps -qqak- rv
nuyaaqtuq- (t) to pull her/his hair §
nusaq nuyugaq- (Ti) to stalk (it =game animal,
prey) § piyugaq-
nuyaġaq (Nu) hairspring (as in the
workings of a wristwatch) § nusaq ñiaq (excl.) don’t!, don’t do that! § iaqi,
aŋŋuuŋ, tavra
nuyaġiq tonsure, shaved place on top of
head § nusaq
nuyaiq- (i) to become bald § nusaq
paa [paga] entry, door; mouth of river;
nuyait- (i) to be bald § nusaq hole of kayak (where person sits);
entryway to pallitchat, the outer

entrance into a sod house to crawl to her/him/it; (t) to reach
passageway § see Appendix 22 her/him/it by crawling | -miq- vv
paaġutchiq- (t) to erect a windbreak :uq-2 vv
(in front of tent) » paaġutchiġuŋ paammak- (i) to crawl | -mmak- vv
put a windbreak in front of it | ¤paamiq- (i) to keep oneself close to
+q-2 nv +un1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv the ground, floor; (t) to keep
paaŋiq- (t) to block her/him/it from her/him/it close to ground or floor
entering or exiting » “paaŋiġaa by force or circumstance » tavra
isiġumiñaiqługu” (Aiken 2009) paamiqsaqługit qupilġut
[he blocked his entrance, igniqsuusiġagtuq he would build
preventing him from entering] | a fire in order to keep the bugs
+ŋIq- nv down, close to the ground |
paaqtuq- (i) to come directly in perhaps -mmIq- vv
through door or tent flap (of paasaaq- (i) to fall forward
wind); (t) to come directly in accidentally; (t) to fall forward on
through its door or tent flap (of her/him/it, covering her/him/it
wind) | +q-2 nv +tuq-2 with one’s body | +saaq-1 vv
paaqtuqit- (i) to walk in and out paasakaaq- (i) to fall headlong,
through a door continuously | forward | +saq-2 vv -kaaq- vv
+q-2 nv +tuq-2 vv -qI- vv +t-2 vv paasaqtuŋa (excl.) (Ti) “I cannot
paggutchiq- (i) to now have a door move my cards anymore” (in
(of a house); (t) to install a door snerts card game)
on it @ paggutchiqsi- | ‘=un1 vn paasaqqaurraq- (Ti) (i) to play
‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv multiple solitaire, snerts | -saq-2 vv
±qqaaq- vv -urraq- vv §
paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on nuŋuruuq-
something; (t) to pin her/him/it paasauraq- (Ti) (i) to prophesy
down, to pounce upon her/him/it; events using solitaire cards |
(t) to fall on top of it; (i) to have a -saq-2 vv :uraq- vv
convulsion; (i) to close tightly due paatchaqtu- (Ti) (i) to rush to be first,
to muscle spasm (of jaws, fists, and thus perceived as greedy
etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it during a give away event » araa!
going past by blocking her/his/its paatchaqturuq asuuna! gosh!
way with oneself she is so greedy as she rushes to
paałłak- (i) to fall forward suddenly, be first! | ‘-qtu- vv
landing face down | -łłak- vv paatchui- (i) to toss things, such as
paałłakaaq- (i) to stumble, to fall candy, for children to scramble for
forward | -łłak- vv -kaaq- vv § (part of the Nalukataq “whaling
paasakaaq- festival”) | +t-2 vv +suk-2 vv
paamġuaq creeping, crawling -I-6 vv
animal; seal stranded on top of paatchuk- (i) to scramble for things
ice, its breathing hole having tossed | +t-2 vv +suk-2 vv
frozen over; reptile | -miq- vv Paatchuktuurat Ursa Minor, Little
:uq-2 vv ±aq1 vv Dipper » “The star Aidebarfan,
paamġuq- (i) to crawl, creep (e.g., of with the cluster of the Hyades, and
a hunter approaching a seal); (t) other smaller ones around, are

called Pa-chúkh-lu-rin, ‘the paannaġiik (Ti) paired competitors |
sharing-out’ of food, the chief star +nnaq nn +[g]IIk/t nn
representing a polar bear just paannaq partner | +nnaq nn
killed, and the others the hunters paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as
around, preparing to cut up their she/he/it arrives; (t) to travel,
prize, and give each hunter his progress into it =wind, water
portion.” (Simpson: 271); “66. current @ paaqsi- | +q-2 rv ||
Pleiades… pa-tǔ’k-tu-rĭn (Ray: +sI-3 vv
56); “aasii Little Dipper-mik paaqłak- (i) to rebel; (t) to
pisuuraŋat Paatchuktuuranik deliberately disobey her/him; (t) to
taivlugu” (Aiken 2010) [and they go against her/his wishes; (t) to
called the Little Dipper object to, oppose it =idea, motion
Paatchuktuurat] § Siquvsiqqat in parliamentary procedure, etc.;
paqsraq- (t) to blame or accuse (t) to defy her/him/it | +q-2 rv
her/him » “tavra pasiuġamiuŋ” +łłak- vv
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s when she paaqłaktaun argument against an
is accusing him] | -qsraq- vv issue; a challenge | +q-2 rv
parraqłak- (t) to violently oppose, +łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv -un1 vn
contradict her/him/it | =rraq- vv paaqłaktautaiññiq peaceful,
-qłak- vv harmonious existence; no conflict
| +q-2 rv +łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward -un1 vn :It-1 nv +niQ1 vn
another paaqłaŋa- (i) to be contrary, hard to
paaġiiq ice propelled by the wind and please; (i) to be in opposition; (t)
ocean current simultaneously in to be against her/him/it | +q-2 rv
opposite directions, making it -łłak- vv ±ŋa- vv
appear to move (Harcharek: 14) |
paaqłaun suit, petition, appeal »
+q-2 rv +llIQ nn
paaqłautikput pitqurakuaqługu
paaġurraq- (i) to paddle a kayak with akuqtuqsimaraat they accepted
a double-bladed paddle | +q-2 rv our lawsuit | +q-2 rv -łłak- vv
+urraq- vv :un1 vn
paaġutik long, double-bladed paddle paaqłiq- (t) to recompense, to award
for kayak | +q-2 rv +un1 vn -k2 nn compensation to her/him/it |
§ see Appendix 17 +q-2 rv perhaps +łłIQ vn “=Iq-1 nv
paaġutraq- (Nu) (i) to have a kayak paaqłauti- (i) to unknowingly pass by
race | +q-2 rv +urraq- vv each other » “paaqłautiruk
paammaaġiigñiq cooperation; naluvlutik
teamwork; solidarity | tautugnailakuaġutivlutik”
-mmaaq(-) vv +[g]IIk(-) vv (Matumeak 2009) [they
+niQ1 vn unknowingly passed by each
paammaaġik- or paammaġik- (i) to other, not realizing the existence
cooperate well in getting work of each other because they were
done; be cooperative; be friendly on different paths not visible to
and gracious, welcoming; to be in each other] | +q-2 rv +łłak- vv
agreement | -mmaaq(-) vv -uti- vv
+[g]Ik- rv or +mmaġIk- vv

paaqsaaŋa- to be opposed to, or be paġlati- (i) to greet, welcome each
against (her/him/it) | +q-2 vv other | ‘-ti- vv
+saaq-1 vv ±ŋa- vv paqłaktaq- (t) to encounter it =
paaqsaaq- to encounter, experience experience unexpectedly »
(it =pain, sadness, sorrow, “tavra
misfortune); to encounter, come uvamnigli taapkuak
upon face to face (with her/him) ilitchuġiŋagikka
by accident » paaqsaaġaa ilisaurrusiakkaluakka
anniġñaun he is experiencing paqłaktaqługik” (Harold Itta
pain | +q-2 vv +saaq-1 vv § parġuti- 1985:1B.3) [I experienced those
paaqtuq- (Ti) (t) to pursue it =whale two situations myself, which had
swiftly with paddles; (Nu) (i) to been taught to me, by
travel, go into the wind » encountering them unexpectedly]
“paaqtuqługu naulikkaa” | +łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv
(Kinneeveauk 2008) [they all paqqiuq- (i) to walk struggling
paddled swiftly towards it and against the wind or cold
upon reaching it (the whale), he | ‘=iuq-2 vv
harpooned it] | +q-2 vv +tuq-2 vv parġuti- or paaġuti- or paaqsaaġuti-
paġġutaq windshield or windbreak; (i) to approach, meet each other
wind vane, not to show direction on the road; (i) to cross paths |
of wind, but to direct wind to :uti- vv +q-1 vv +saaq-1 vv
provide ventilation (usually a :uti- vv
whale scapula located by entry of
traditional sod house; and of paalaaq small intestines of squirrel §
walrus scapula located by the iŋaluat
skylight)| ‘=utaq1 vn § uqquutaq,
piiqsi, paa-, kiasik, see Appendix paallagiik (Nu) a pair (in cards) < paaq-
paġġutauraq block (usually of snow paamaraq temporary sod shelter; (Nu)
or ice) outside door of house used house upright post rooted in the
to guide or direct the wind into the ground to support the roof
interior of the structure| ‘=utaq1 vn
:uraq nn paapa [ENG “papa”] father; grandfather
paġġutchiq- (t) to place a windbreak
to catch the flow of air to direct it paatchiġruaq [ENG “barge”] or
to a house | ‘=utaq1 vn ‘=Iq-2 nv paatchiq or ¤(Ti) paatchaq
paġla- (t) to welcome, greet her/him; barge, scow | +ġruaq nn §
to salute her/him/it | +la-vv sikauġruaq
paġlarruġik- or paġlalluġik- (PB) to
be good at greeting (her/him) | °pag (dem. stem) up there on the wall, the
-lluġIk- vv ceiling, or in the sky above eye
paġlan welcome, greeting, salutation | level; up there away from the
+la-vv ‘-n vn ocean, inland; up there, upriver
paġlarruġik- (i) to be welcoming | (extended and visible)
+la-vv -rruġIk- vv pagna [dual pakkuak, pl. pakkua] that
one up there on the wall, the

ceiling, or in the sky above eye paktuma or paksruma or pagruma
level; that one up there away from [dual pakkuak, pl. pakkua] that
the ocean; that one up there, one up there on the wall, the
upriver (extended and visible) | ceiling, or in the sky above eye
+na (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) level; that one up there away from
paani or paaniit- located up there on the ocean; that one up there,
the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky upriver (extended and visible) |
above eye level; located up there +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
away from the ocean, inland; paktumani or paksrumani or
located up there, upriver (extended pagrumani [dual pakkugnagni,
and visible); “south, or landward” pl. pakkunani] located with that
(Simpson: 261) | +anI (dem. loc.) one up there on the wall, the
paaŋŋa from up there on the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky above eye
ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; located with that one up
level; from up there away from there away from the ocean;
the ocean; from up there, upriver located with that one up there,
(extended and visible) | +aŋŋa upriver (extended and visible) |
(dem. abl.) +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
paaŋŋamiñ from that direction up +anI (dem. loc.)
there on the wall, the ceiling, or in paktumaŋŋa or paksrumaŋŋa or
the sky above eye level; from that pagrumaŋŋa [dual pakkugnaŋŋa,
direction up there away from the pl. pakkunaŋŋa] from that one up
ocean; from that direction up there on the wall, the ceiling, or in
there, upriver (extended and the sky above eye level; from that
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ one up there away from the ocean;
(abl.) from that one up there, upriver
paaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up there (restricted and visible) | +tum
on the wall, the ceiling, or in the (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
sky above eye level;(i) to come (dem. abl.)
from up there away from the paktumatun or paksrumatun or
ocean; (i) to come from up there, pagrumatun [dual pakkugnaktun,
upriver (extended and visible) | pl. pakkunatitun] similar to that
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv one up there on the wall, the
pagga up there on the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky above eye
ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; similar to that one up there
level; up there away from the away from the ocean; similar to
ocean; up there, upriver (extended that one up there, upriver
and visible) | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) (extended and visible) | +tum
pagga paani location south; “it is (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun
there, up there on the wall, the (dem. sim.)
ceiling, or in the sky above eye paktumiŋa or paksrumiŋa or
level or up there away from the pagrumiŋa [dual pakkugniŋa, pl.
ocean or up there, upriver” pakkuniŋa] that one up there on
(extended and visible) § see the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky
Appendix 13 above eye level; that one up there
away from the ocean; that one up

there, upriver (extended and (extended and visible) | +uŋa
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. (dem. term.)
mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) pauŋanmun towards up there on the
paktumuŋa or paksrumuŋa or wall, the ceiling, or in the sky
pagrumuŋa [dual pakkugnuŋa, above eye level; towards up there
pl. pakkunuŋa] to that one up away from the ocean; towards up
there on the wall, the ceiling, or in there, upriver (extended and
the sky above eye level; to that visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) nmun
one up there away from the ocean, (term.)
inland; to that one up there, pauŋaq- (i) to go up there on the wall,
upriver (extended and visible) | the ceiling, or in the sky above eye
+tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) level; (i) to go up there away from
+uŋa (dem. term.) the ocean; (i) to go up there,
paktumuuna or paksrumuuna or upriver (extended and visible) |
pagrumuuna [dual pakkugnuuna, +uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv
pl pakkunuuna] via that one up
there on the wall, the ceiling, or in paggutchiq- (i) to now have a door (of a
the sky above eye level;via that house); (t) to install a door on it @
one up there away from the ocean; paggutchiqsi- < paa1
via that one up there, upriver; with
that one up there on the wall, the °pagma (stem) present time
ceiling, or in the sky above eye pagmami or (Nu) pakmami now, at
level; with that one up there away the present time | ÷mI (loc.)
from the ocean; with that one up pagmanun aglaan up until now;
there, upriver (extended and heretofore | ÷nun (term.)
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. pagmapak or paŋmapak or (Nu)
mkr) +uuna (dem. via.) pakmapak now, at the present
pauna via, through up there on the time; in modern times »
wall, the ceiling, or in the sky paŋmapaktun inŋitchuq
above eye level;via, through up taimani back then it was not like
there away from the ocean; via, it is today | -pak1 rn
through up there, upriver
(extended and visible) | +uuna pagniq [pagniQ]or paŋniq adult male
(dem. via.) caribou § aŋusalluq
paunnaaq- (i) to go via, through up pagniaġruatchiaq very old adult
there on the wall, the ceiling, or in male caribou with worn-out teeth |
the sky above eye level; (i) to go -aġruk nn -atchiaq nn
via, through up there away from
the ocean; (i) to go via, through up pagvik [pagvIk] knee bone of seal
there, upriver (extended and pagviit knee bones of seal which were
visible) | +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv used as weights in bolas to catch
pauŋa to up there on the wall, the birds | :It nn
ceiling, or in the sky above eye
level; to up there away from the paġġutaq windshield; a windbreak
ocean; to up there, upriver (usually a whale scapula by entry
of traditional sod house; and of

walrus scapula by the skylight) < and taking care of the children |
paa3 ‘-ti- vv || ‘-ti- vv
~rI-5 vv
paġġutauraq block (usually of snow or
ice) outside door of house used to paipak(-) [ENG “pipe”] pipe (for
guide or direct the wind < paa3 smoking); (i) to smoke a pipe
paipaktuun (Ti) pipe tobacco |
paġġutchiq- to place a windbreak to +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn
catch the flow of the air to direct paippaġruaq pipeline (for
it to a house < paa3 transporting liquid, gas, etc.) |
‘+ġruaq nn
paġla- (t) to welcome, greet her/him; to
salute her/him/it < paa3 paipiuraq [ENG “baby”] baby | :uraq nn
§ miġauraq
paġlalluġik- (PB) to be good at greeting
(her/him) < paa3 paiqłuk pike (Esos lucius); (Nu) red,
spawning male trout
paġlan welcome, greeting, salutation < paiqługruaq big, silver-colored fish »
paa3 “tittaalisun qaniqpalik” (Aiken
2009) [it has a broad mouth like a
paġlarruġik- (i) to be welcoming < paa3 ling cod] | +ġruaq nn § paiqłuk,
paġlati- (i) to greet, welcome each other
< paa3 paisugruk Red Breasted Merganser
(Mergus serrator)
paġna- or (Nu) paqna- (i) to prepare to
go; (t) to get her/him ready, pakak(-) (i) to rummage through things
prepared to go § paluq- looking for something, often
paġnan or (Nu) paqnatit ammunition surreptitiously; (i) to get into
| -n1 vn or -t nn mischief; mischief-maker
paġnasi- (i) to prepare shotgun shells, pakaktu- (i) to have a great
to fill bullets with lead | ~I-1 nv propensity to look around for
things » “tavra
pai- [pagI] (i) to stay behind while others nagliksaaŋŋitchut nuliaŋalu
depart, usually because is in the qitunġauraŋillu
care of someone niġisuksiuŋŋitchut, Pisiksuġliq
pailaaq- (Ti) (i) to stay with some one pakaktuniqlukhuni” so they did
while parents are gone | -laaq-1 vv not suffer, his wife and his small
paisaq memento, souvenir | children did not go hungry
+t/raq vn because Pisiksuġliq had a great
paisat heritage | +t/raq vn -t nn propensity to look around and
paggisi- (t) to remain at home with find (game) (Bergsland 1987:
her/him/it caring for her/him/it @ 302 | +tu- vv
paggirri- » Aalaagum paggisigai pakauraq- (i) to rummage through
miqłiqtut Aalaak is staying home things surreptiously, looking for
something | -uraq- vv

pakauravik- (i) ro rummage secretly pakimna [dual pakipkuak, pl.
with determination » +vik- vv pakipkua] that one up there on
pakkaqtu- (i) to have the habit of roof (not visible) | +na (dem. abs.
getting into everything and pron. sg. mkr.)
causing mischief | ‘-qtu- vv pakiptuma or pakivsruma or
pakivruma [dual pakipkuak, pl.
pakik- [pakIk] to dig (it =hole) with pakipkua] that one up there on
hands or claws; (t) to fire it =gun roof (not visible) | +tuma (dem.
by pulling the trigger rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
pagrak- (Ti) to dig through (it) | pakiptumani or pakivsrumani or
=rak- vv pakivrumani [dual pakipkug-
pakigaġnaq automatic rifle | +aq-1 vv nagni, pl. pakipkunani] located
+naq(-) vn § suppun with that one up there on roof (not
pakigaq (Nu) trigger (of gun) | visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
+[ġ]aq vn mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
pakigaun trigger machanism | pakiptumaŋŋa or pakivsrumaŋŋa
+[ġ]aq vn ‘n1 vn or pakivrumaŋŋa [dual pakip-
pakiksima- (i) to hold on, hang on by kugnaŋŋa, pl. pakipkunaŋŋa] from
one’s fingers | +sima-2 vv that one up there on roof (not
pakiñik- (t) to pull it toward oneself visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
by grasping its far edge; (t) to mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
push it aside; (t) to touch her/his pakiptumatun or pakivsrumatun or
shoulder to gain her/his attention; pakivrumatun [dual pakipkug-
(i) to climb up by using the hands; naktun, pl. pakipkunatitun] similar
(i) to climb with difficulty, pulling to that one up there on roof (not
oneself up with fingerholds | visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
-nik-2 vv mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)
pakirgutit (Nu) snow rake with tines pakiptumiŋa or pakivsrumiŋa or
made of caribou antler | perhaps pakivrumiŋa [dual pakipkugniŋa,
-rgu- vv ‘n1 vn -t nn pl. pakipkuniŋa] that one up there
pakkiq hole, place that has been dug on roof (not visible) | +tum (dem.
out | ‘-Q vn rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem.
paksrak- to dig (it =hole) with claws mod.)
or paws | =srak- vv pakiptumuŋa or pakivsrumuŋa or
paksrala- (i) to dig furiously with pakivrumuŋa [dual pakipkug-
hands or paws » “niġrutit nuŋa, pl. pakipkunuŋa] to that one
paksralasuurut sunik up there on roof (not visible) |
paqitchigamik” (Matumeak +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
2009) [animals dig furiously with +uŋa (dem. term.)
their paws when they find pakiptumuuna or pakivsrumuuna
something] | =srak- vv -la- vv or pakivrumuuna [dual pakip-
kugnuuna, pl, pakipkunuuna] via
°pakim (dem. stem) up there on roof (not that one up there on roof; with that
visible) § °pag (dem. stem) °pam one up there on roof (not visible) |
(dem. stem) +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
+uuna (dem. via.)

paŋma up there on roof (not visible) | palaŋa- (i) to improve moderately (of
‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) one’s condition) | ±ŋa- rv
paŋmani located up there on roof (not palaŋŋak- (i) to improve, abate,
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) become less severe (of one’s
paŋmaniit- (i) to be located up there condition or behavior) | ±ŋa- rv
on roof (not visible) | +anI (dem. ‘-k-2 vv
loc.) it- “to be” palaŋŋaktaaq- (t) to improve it,
paŋmaŋŋa from up there on roof (not make it less severe | ±ŋa- rv
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ‘-k-2 vv +taaq- vv
paŋmaŋŋamiñ from that direction up
there on roof (not visible) | +aŋŋa palaq- (i) to get less than one deserves; (i)
(dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) to have or get too much (more
paŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up than one’s share); (Nu) (i) to
there on roof (not visible) | +aŋŋa wrestle somewhat, not
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv strenuously; (t) to conclusively
paŋmuŋa to up there on roof (not defeat her/him with minimal
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) effort, taking either verbal or
paŋmuŋanmun toward up there on physical revenge; (t) to blame,
roof (not visible) | +uŋa (dem. reprimand her/him and succeed in
term.) nmun (term.) one’s accusation, get the best of
paŋmuŋaq- (i) to go up there on roof her/him who is trying to deny
(not visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) something; (t) to give her/him less
+q-3 dv than what he is expecting; (Nu) (t)
paŋmuuna via, through, up there on to wrestle her/him somewhat, not
roof (not visible) | +uuna (dem. strenuously
paŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through, palatuq (Ti) wind gauge » “…gradual
up there on roof (not visible) | shifts in the direction of the wind
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv were checked by a wind gauge
called a palatuq. This consisted
pakkaqtu- (i) to have the habit of getting of a shaft with bundled shavings
into everything and causing hanging on a string tied to one
mischief < pakak(-) end.” (Rainey: 255)

paksrak- to dig (it =hole) with claws or palauvak [ENG “flour”] flour
paws < pakik- palauvaaq gravy; mixture of flour
and stock used to thicken soup;
paksrala- (i) to dig furiously with hands (Ti) flour mush made with seal oil
or paws < pakik- | -aq2 nn
palauvaksraġiitchuaq weed |
paksruksaq(-) snare with spring trap; to +ksraq(-) nn +[g]Ik-vv :It-1 vv
trap (it) using a snare with spring +t/ruaq vn
trap palauvaksrat wheat | +ksraq(-) nn
paluavaksriuġvik millstone |
*pala (root) improvement +ksraq(-) nn ‘=iuq-1 nv +vIk1 vn
palauvaun flour sack | :uti3 nn

palauvviuq- (i) to make a cooked ¤(Ti) to become skinny, lose
mixture of flour and water | weight § quviiq-
‘=iuq-1 nv paluŋasi- (i) to become bent with
head lowered, as one ages |
paliq- to become dry | -lIq-3 rv § paniq- ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv
paliuma- (i) to be dry | -lIq-3 rv palluŋa- (i) to be lying prone; to be
-uma- vv crouching with one’s head
pallaġik- (Nu) (i) to be very dry (esp., lowered | ‘-q-1 vv ±ŋa- vv
of wood) | -lIq-3 rv ‘=aq3 vn palluq- (i) to lie prone; (i) to crouch
+[g]Ik- nv down (of animals); (Ti) to lower
palliksraq dried plants, wood, the head, bow | ‘-q-1 vv § siki-
cottonwood leaves; cottony bud of palluqhaaq- or palluqhiaq- (i) to fall
willow (uqpik); cottony tufts of forward, headlong, with arms
arctic cotton grass (Eriphorum outstretched | ‘-q-1 vv -qhaaq- vv
spp.) used for tinder to start fires; or ‘-q-1 vv -qhiaq- vv
pussy willows | -lIq-3 rv ‘-Q3 vn palluqhiaqtaq- (i) to fall forward
-ksraq1 nn § igniksraq stumbling | ‘-q-1 vv -qhiaq- vv
palliq (Nu) dried plant; wood; arctic +t/raq-1 vv
cotton » “uqpiit palliŋit palluqtit- to turn (her/him/it) face
tamatkua kigraktut down | ‘-q-1 vv mtit-1 vv or +tit-2 rv
ikuallaġiksut” (Aiken 2009) [the palut- (t) to turn it over, face down or
cotton of the willows is coarse and with its opening facing downward
bursts into fire easily] | -lIq-3 rv (as a cup) @ palutchi- | -t-2 vv ||
‘-Q3 vn +sI-3 vv
parruk- (t) to start to dry, be drying |
=rruk- vv paluq-1 (Nu) (i) to have no more
possessions; (i) to have nothing
pallik- (i) to be by the edge of something; more to eat § suiq-
(t) to be by the edge of her/him/it paluŋaiq-1 (Nu) (i) to get ready,
prepared, gather one’s possessions
pallisat or pallitchat entrance mound (of | ±ŋaiq- vv § paġna-
semi-subterranean passageway of
traditional sod house); paluq-2 (Nu) to be covered with hard
semi-circular wooden shield snow (of trap which is thus
(located above stairs to tunnel in useless)
doorway of sod house); shield paluŋaiq-2 (Nu) (t) to remove it
(which catches the wind and =hard snow cover from a trap |
directs airflow into the sod ±ŋaiq- vv § upaluŋaIq-
house); wooden rack with slats
(where ice and snow are placed to palusagnaq situation where there is a
melt and drip into a water warm southerly wind and the
container drinking) § iglisiq, see ocean current from the northwest
Appendix 22 causes the ice to come in » “anuġi
uunnaakłuni kiluagniġman,
palu- (i) to be depressed, be in bad aasii saġvaq ilumuksaaġuuruq
condition mentally or physically; siku, tavra palusagnaq;

palusagnaqtugguuq” (Matumeak pamma up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
2009) [when there is a warm upstairs (not visible) | ‘a (dem.
southerly wind and the northwest adv. mkr.)
ocean current brings the ice pamna [dual papkuak, pl. papkua]
towards land, that is palusagnaq; that one up there, e.g., inland,
that is what is called the upriver, upstairs (not visible) | +na
palusagnaq] § see Appendix 14 (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
pamuŋa to up there, e.g., inland,
pału- (i) to droop, having been straight (of upriver, upstairs (not visible) |
dog’s ears) +uŋa (dem. term.)
pałuŋa- (i) to be hanging down (of pamuŋanmun toward up there, e.g.,
dog’s ears) | ±ŋa- vv inland, upriver, upstairs (not
pałut- (t) to turn it face down | -t-2 vv visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) +nmun
pałutaq dog with hanging ears | (term.)
+t/raq vn pamuŋaq- (i) to go up there, e.g.,
inland, upriver, upstairs (not
pałuqtaq beaver (Castor canadensis) visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
+q-3 dv
°pam (dem. stem) up there, e.g., inland, pamuuna via, through up there, e.g.,
upriver, upstairs (not visible) § inland, upriver, upstairs (not
°pag (dem. stem) visible) | +uuna (dem. via.)
pamagnaq or pamagnaaq (Ti) east; pamuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
east wind » pamagnaaġuġaa the up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
eastwind is now blowing | upstairs (not visible) | +uuna
-ak- vv +naq2 vn (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
pamakŋaaq- (Nu) (i) to blow from pamuunatqut- (i) to pass by unseen,
northeast (of wind) | +aŋŋa (dem. further inland; (t) to pass by
abl.) +q-3 vv unseen by her/him/it further
pamani located up there, e.g., inland, inland | +uuna (dem. via.) -tqut- nv
upriver, upstairs (not visible) | paptuma or pavsruma or pavruma
+anI (dem. loc.) [dual papkuak, pl. papkua] that
pamaniit- (i) to be located up there, one up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs (not upstairs (not visible) | +tuma
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- “to (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
be” paptumani or pavsrumani or
pamaŋŋa from up there, e.g., inland, pavrumani [dual papkugnagni,
upriver, upstairs (not visible) | pl. papkunani] located with that
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) one up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
pamaŋŋamiñ from that direction up upstairs (not visible) | +tum (dem.
there, e.g., inland, upriver, rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI (dem.
upstairs (not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. loc.)
abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) paptumaŋŋa or pavsrumaŋŋa or
pamaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up pavrumaŋŋa [dual papkugnaŋŋa,
there, e.g., inland, upriver, pl. papkunaŋŋa] from that one up
upstairs (not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. there, e.g., inland, upriver,
abl.) +q-3 dv upstairs (not visible) | +tum (dem.

rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. pamiġvik place where one was
abl.) raised; person by whom one was
paptumatun or pavsrumatun or raised | +vIk1 vn § iñuguġvIk
pavrumatun [dual papkugnaktun, pamiqsaaq pet animal; domesticated
pl. papkunatitun] similar to that animal | +saq-2 vv ±aq3 vn
one up there, e.g., inland, upriver, pamiqsaat cattle | +saq-2 vv ±aq3 vn
upstairs (not visible) | +tum (dem. -t nn
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (dem.
sim.) pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card
paptumiŋa or pavsrumiŋa or not part of a pair (in card game of
pavrumiŋa [dual papkugniŋa, pl. “fives”)
papkuniŋa] that one up there, e.g., pamialluk back flap of traditional
inland, upriver, upstairs (not pants above belt; tailbone |
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. =aq2 nn -lluk nn
mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) pamiguyaaq (Ti) tailbone, cocyx |
paptumuŋa or pavsrumuŋa or perhaps guq n -yaaq2 nn
pavrumuŋa [dual papkugnuŋa, pamii- or pamiiqi- or pamiula- to
pl. papkunuŋa] to that one up wag tail (of dog) | =I- nv or
there, e.g., inland, upriver, =Iqi-1 nv or -la- vv
upstairs (not visible) | +tum (dem. pamiiġvik strip of fur next to
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. wolverine’s tail | =Iq-2 nv +vIk1 vn
term.) pamiuġayuk tailbone, cocyx |
paptumuuna or pavsrumuuna or +[ġ]aq nn -yuk(-) nn § see
pavrumuuna [dual papkugnuuna, Appendix 21
pl. papkunuuna] via that one up pamiuġayyuaq- to injure (her/his/its)
there, e.g., inland, upriver, tailbone » pamiuġayyuaqtuami
upstairs; with that one up there, aquvsalaaqama I injured my
e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs (not tailbone when I fell backwards
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. and landed hard on my butt |
mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.) +[ġ]aq nn -yuk(-) nn ‘-aq-2 nv
Pamiuġyuksaaq (Ti) leader of the
*pamaq (root) nurturance people who live under the land to
pamaġi- (t) to nurture her/him/it | the south of the new town site of
+[g]i- vv Point Hope; taker of the dead »
pamat- (t) to pamper, cater to, “iñuilguuq tasamma
indulge her/him/it (especially with iñuuniaqtut, tasamani nunam
food); be solicitious toward ataani; umialgalguuq
her/him @ pamatchi- | -t-1 vv || Pamiuġyuksaamik atiqaqtuq;
+sI-3 vv tainna iñuum kiiñŋanik
pamataq a person cared for, kigiñaqaġaluaqtuq taamna
pampered, indulged, catered to | umialgat, siutituvluni niġrun;
+t/raq vn aasiiñ pamiuqpaqaġuni;
iñuktun uqallavluni….” people
pamiq- or pamiqsaq- (t) to rear it = live down there, under the land;
young animal | +saq-2 vv their leader has the name
Pamiuġyuksaaq; he has the face

of a human with large ears like an
animal, and he has a long tail, able panik [panIk] daughter
to talk like a human… (David panigiik parent and daughter |
Frankason in Pulu, Newlin, +[g]iik(-) nn
Ramoth: 94) | perhaps +[ġ]aq nn paniksraq step-daughter |
-yuk(-) nn +saaq nn § Itivyaat -ksraq(-) nn, vv
Pamiuligaaluk Canadian Iñuit person panni- (i) to have, get a daughter; (t)
(so called because of the parka to procreate a daughter with her
with tail worn by women) | -lik nn (of man) | ‘=I-1 nv
:aaq nn -luk nn
pamiulik [lit.“one with a tail”] parka paniq- to become dry; (i) to lose weight,
with a tail, as worn by Inuit in become skinny; (i) to starve
Canada | -lik nn panaaġruk- to dry out (e.g., of meat) |
pamiuqtaq man’s belt with a tail +aq-1 vv +rruk- vv
sewn in the back | +taq8 nn panaqłuk- to become dried out |
pamiuqtuq (Ti) a tail from the ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
animal associated with one’s paniġruk- to dry out (e.g., of meat) |
tupitqaq, a fetish or charm worn +rruk- vv
on body or clothing (Rainey: 254) paniqłuktaq partially dried meat or
pamiuqtuuq otter (Lutra canadensis) fish | perhaps ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
| +tuuq nn +t/raq vn
pamiuqtit- (i) to oar to the area where paniqsi- (i) to put meat out to dry |
the whale they had seen at a +sI-3 vv
distance would most likely surface paniqsiaq item set out to dry |
| +tit-2 nv § pamiuq +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn
pamiuqtuuraq mosquito larva | paniqsii- (i) to wait for something to
+t/ruuraq vn dry » aġnaiyaaq paniqsiiruq
annuġaamiñik imaaqqaaqłuni
pana(-) spear; double-edged blade; the girl is waiting for her clothes
porcupine quill; (Nu) long spear to dry after falling in the water |
used to hold bait; (t) to spear +[t]sii- vv
her/him/it Paniqsiivik or Paniqsiqsiivik [lit.
panaaq (Nu) middle tine of three- “time for drying”] month of
pronged fish spear | ±aq3 vn March | +[t]sIq- vv ‘=I-1 nv
panatchatit- (t) to spear it with quick +vIk1 vn § Amiqtuġvik
impact and force » “tulukkam paniqsiq- (i) to be set out to dry; (t) to
tavra panatchatiligitkaa have it set out to dry »
nuiyaaqpaklugu” then the raven paniqsiqsuk kammaka my boots
speared it quickly with much are drying | +[t]sIq- vv
force using a fish spear paniqsirriq- (i) to set something out
(Bergsland 1987: 14) | to dry | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn
+tchatit- nn =rriqi- nv
panauq- to spear (her/him/it) paniqsirriuti- (t) to set it out to dry |
repeatedly | -uq-2 vv +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn =rriqi- nv
-uti- vv
panapkaaq [RUSS] wall tent

paniqsirriutiniaqpalliġugnaq- (t) double-bladed paddle »
will possibly/probably set it out to “Paŋakłutik tainna
dry | +[t]sIq- vv ±aq1 vn =rriqi- nv ayuuġaniŋniqsuk.” (Ahvakana:
-uti- vv +niaq- vv +p/vallIq-vv 37) [paddling swiftly, they had
+[s]ugnaq- vv already gained some distance]
paniqtaq dried meat or fish | paŋaligaq- (i) to play a game where
+t/raq vn one jumps along in a crouched
paniqtuuq- to slowly dry (it =a skin) position such as a frog does |
by twisting and rubbing it with -ligaq(-) vv
both hands while tanning it | paŋaligmik running on all fours,
+tuuq- vv galloping | -lik- vv ÷mik (mod.)
pannaġik- or (Nu) pallaġik- (i) to be paŋalik- (i) to run on all fours, gallop;
very dry (esp., of wood) | ‘-Q3 vn (Nu) (t) to cause it =animal to run,
+[g]Ik- nv gallop | -lik- vv
pannaġluk(-) (Ti) scab; (i) to form a paŋallaq animal exhausted from
scab (C. Tuzroyluke 2009)| running whose meat is considered
-[g]luk(-) vn § amiġluk, qasalluq undesirable because the meat has
pannaksaq- (i) to go on a diet to lose become tough because it has
weight; (t) to put her/him/it on a become tough or unpleasant
diet to lose weight | ‘-k-2 vv tasting due to stress and exertion |
+saq-2 vv -lik- vv ‘-Q3 vn
pannaq skinny person or animal |
‘-Q3 vn paŋmagrak capelin (Mallotus villosus) §
pannaqłuk(-) portion of an animal iłhuaġniq
skin which has puckered or
pleated in the process of preparing paŋmuŋa (dem. adv in term) to up there
it for an umiak cover; (i) to on roof (not visible) < °pakim
become thoroughly dry » (dem. stem)
“aġitchiaqługit kinitchiaqługit
taġiumun paŋmuŋanmun toward up there on roof
pannaqłuŋaiqsitchuugait” (not visible) < °pakim (dem. stem)
(Aiken 2009) [they soak them by
immersing them [skins] in the paŋmuŋaq- (i) to go up there on roof (not
ocean to soften the dried parts] | visible) < °pakim (dem. stem)
‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
¤pannatchaatun (Nu) very dry paŋmuuna (dem. adv in via) via, through,
(especially of plant, wood) | up there on roof (not visible) <
‘-Q3 vn -tchaq nn :atun (sim.) °pakim (dem. stem)
pannau- (i) to be skinny, thin |
‘-Q3 vn :u-3 nv paŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through, up
pannayasi- (i) to become skinny | there on roof (not visible) <
‘-k-2 vv -yasI- vv °pakim (dem. stem)

paŋak- (i) to paddle kayak swiftly with paŋniq [pagniQ] adult male caribou §
double-bladed paddle; (t) to pagniq
paddle it =kayak swiftly with

papaaq uterine cotyledon (Rausch 2009);
¤membrane around a fetus (as in pappaq(-)(Ti) [ENG “pump”] pump; (i)
caribou); (Ti) afterbirth (of to use an air pump; (t) to inflate it
animal) » tuttum papaaŋa pappaun air pump | :un1 vn § puviq-
taamna puuŋa nuġġaiyaam the
caribou’s afterbirth is the papri- [paprI] or pavri- to bother,
container for the caribou fetus § annoy, pester (her/him/it)
alġaaq papriñaq- (Nu) (i) to be bothersome
| +naq(-) vv
papa(-) [ENG “pepper”] pepper; (i) to
season with pepper; (t) to season it paptaiq- [ENG “baptize”] (i) to be now
with pepper baptized; (t) to baptize her/him
pappit- (i) to sneeze because of
inhaling pepper | ‘=It-2 nv § paqit- to find (her/him/it) »
tagiuq(-) paqinŋaitkiput suli suppun we
still have not found the gun
papaksraq (Nu) Labrador tea (Ledum paqirrun page number; (Nu) a
decumbens) § qayuksraq, saiyu number | +run1 vn § kisirrun
paquti- (i) to find one another |
papik bird’s tail; top, back flap (of =uti- vv
traditional skin pants); the length
of the backside of parka or paqłaktaq- to encounter unexpectedly <
snowshirt » “Aasiuvva Kataum *paa
papiŋigun tiguvlugu
nuqitiqługu imaaqtinŋitkaa.”
(Bodfish: 239) [then Katak
grabbed him by the back side of paqna- (Nu) (i) to get ready to go; (t) to
his parka preventing him from ready her/him to go § paġna-
falling into the water] | -pIk nn
papiġuq fish tail | -pIk nn ±ġuq nn paqnatit (Nu) ammunition § paġna-
papiġuqsimaaq- (Nu) (i) to wiggle its
tail (of fish) | -pIk nn ±ġuq nn paqqaurraq- (Ti) (i) to play ice hockey
+simaaq- nv (or a similar Iñupiaq game) |
papiktuuq Northern Harrier (Circus +qaurraq- vv
cyaneus) | -pIk nn -tuuq nn
papiqqila- (i) to wiggle; (i) to jump paqqiuq- (i) to walk struggling against
around, as a fish after it is caught; the wind or cold < paa-1
(i) to wag its tail; (t) to wag its tail
at her/him/it | -pIk nn -qqI- vv paqsraq- (t) to blame or accuse her/him <
-la- vv paa-
papikkaq (Nu) downriver end of an
island | -pIk nn +kaq nn § aqu paqtiġraq knee string of boots (used to
close top opening)
papkusilik (Nu) seven (in cards) paqtiġrak (Ti) drawstring on pants
cuffs; belt | -k2 nn
paplu (Nu) drum handle

paqtit- (i) to edge up to another boat, pasiññik- (i) to blame someone else |
dock, cliff and stop (of boats); (t) +nnik- vv
to maneuver it =boat so that it is pasipkaq- (i) to get blamed|
stopped alongside another boat, +pkaq-1 vv
dock, or cliff § patiktit- under pasiuq- (t) to continue to blame
patik- her/him | :uq-2 vv
patchiñ or patchisi alibi, excuse,
*paquq (root) contamination, taboo reason; guilt | ‘-n vn
paquġi- (t) to shun her/him =sick patchisaiññiq innocence; acquittal |
person, fearing to be ‘-n vn :It-1 nv +niQ1 vn
contaminated; (t) to regard patchisait- (i) to have no alibi; (i) to
her/him/it with fear or caution | not be guilty, be innocent | ‘-n vn
+[g]i- rv :It-1 nv
paquġnaq- (i) to be sick so as to be patchisau- (i) to be guilty,
feared or quarantined | +naq(-) vv blameworthy | ‘-ti1 vn :u-1 nv
paquqsraq- (i) to avoid contact with patchisigi- (t) to accuse, blame, use
a sick person or corpse | -qsraq- rv her/him/it as a scapegoat; (t) to
paquqtau- (Nu) (i) to be observant of use her/him/it as an excuse for not
taboo | +tau- rv doing what one should | ‘-ti1 vn
+[g]i- nv
para(-) [ENG] butter; (i) to eat butter; (t) patchisilluataq valid reason | ‘-n vn
to butter it -lluataq(-) nn
patchisiq- (i) to acquire an alibi,
parġuti- (i) to approach, meet each other excuse; (t) to provide an alibi for
on the road; to cross paths < *paa her/him/it | ~Iq-1 nv
patchisiqsuq- (i) to make excuses
parruk- (t) to start to dry, be drying < for not participating | ~Iqsuq- nv
paliq- patchitchiq- (i) get an alibi, excuse |
‘-ti1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
parvik chopping board or stone | +vIk1 vn
parviktit- (t) to smash it down against pasik- [pasIk] (t) to get scorched
something » argaga pasiaq- (i) to warm oneself by the fire
parviktitkiga I smashed my hand or any source of heat | +aq-1 vv
on something | +vIk- vv ‘-tit-2 vv pasiksiaq- (i) to warm oneself by the
fire or any source of heat; (t) to let
pasi- [pasI] (t) to blame, accuse, suspect it get warm by the fire or heat |
her/him/it +[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv
pasiaksrait- (i) to be faultless by pasiksiq- (i) to be still and warm
nature | +aq3 vn -ksraq(-) nn oneself by a source of heat |
:It-1 nv +sIq-1 vv
pasigi- (Ti) (t) to blame, accuse pasiksit- (t) to warm it by the fire or
her/him | +[g]i- nv any source of heat; (Nu) (t) to
pasikkun accusation | +[g]i- nv roast, fry it =bread on top of stove
‘n1 vn | mtit-1 vv § siqaniq
pasiñaq- (i) to look suspicious; (i) to pasiksitaaġvik or pasiksitaun (Nu)
be blameworthy | +naq(-) vv griddle | mtit-1 vv -taaq- vv

+vIk1 vn § silaavyiun pattakula- (i) to clap, applaud; (t) to
pasiksitaaq (Nu) flat bread fried on applaud her/him/it | ‘-k- vv
both sides | mtit-1 vv mt/raq-1 vv +ula- vv
±aq3 vn
pasiksitaq- (Nu) (t) to fry it =food | patiq(-) [patiQ] bone marrow; candle; (i)
1 1
mtit- vv mt/raq- vv to eat bone marrow; (t) to eat its
bone marrow
patiġik- (Nu) (i) to be fat »
*pati (root) process involving the palm of
the hand patiġiksuq qaluk the fish is fat |
+[g]Ik- nv
patala- or (Ti) pattala- (i) to feel
one’s way in the dark with one’s patiġniq (Nu) bone from which
marrow is extracted | +niQ1 vn
hands; (i) to get ready in a hurry;
(Ti) (i) to clap hands | ¤patiqsruk- (i) to suck marrow from
-la- vv § pattakula- a bone | +sruk- nv
patalġi- (t) to pet, caress her/him/it | patiqsruq- (i) to bring bone marrow
inside for eating »
-lġi- vv
pataliġiaqsi- (t) to begin to caress, pat “patiqsruqtuaq niġitquvlugit
iñuit” (Molly Itta 2009) [he
it » “Araa, natchirrik
pataliġiaqsigaat.” (Nageak brought some bone marrow inside
for people to eat] | +qsruq-1 nn
1975: 17) [wow, they begin to
pat their seal] | -lġi- vv -aqsi- vv pativsuk- (i) to suck juice from
patigaq (Nu) old-style clay pot | something; (t) to suck juice from it
+[ġ]aq vn § qikuyaq, utkusik | perhaps -suk-2 nv, vv § iguk-
patquraq or patiquraq candle |
patik- (t) to slap her/him/it; (Ti) (t) to
lay one’s hand on her/him/it | :uraq nn
-k-4 rv
patikkiuq- (Nu) (i) to make an old patit- to be frozen solid (of shallow
style clay pot | ‘=iuq-1 nv
patiktit- (i) to be aligned so that they
are in contact; (t) to align them so patkusilik seven (at cards)
that they touch each other » illiuŋ
pattaq (Nu) a drill chuck, a clamping
patiktillugu mattumuŋa
katchimun place it against this device to hold the bit
pattaqtuun (Nu) small bow for
wall | mtit-1 vv § paqtit-
firedrill | +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn §
patikuraq- (i) to fly very low over the pisiksiġauraq
water » “patikuraqtuanik
pisuugait qaugait tiŋmimmata pattiġraq (Ti) drawstring, e.g., for tall
quliqiuraŋagun imam” boots (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) §
(Matumeak 2009) [they call the ipiaq(-)
ones that fly right over the surface
of the water patikuraqtuat] | pattuq- (i) to fight (of married couple);
perhaps +uraq- vv (t) to beat or fight with her/his
patkutaq flyswatter; mosquito fan | spouse
:kutaq1 vn pattuġruk-(t) to beat her/him
pattak- (t) to spank, slap her/him | violently and quickly » [“…
‘-k- vv

pattuġruktuakrakkaluak her/him/it; (i) to become full of
papkuak,” tainnaqluni” ...those soot | ‘=It-2 nv
two up there deserve to be beaten paut- (t) to get soot on it | +t-2 nv
violently and quickly, said he pautiq- (i) to become blackened, as
(Bergsland 1987: 312)] | from soot » pautiqłuni
+ruk- vv ilisaġnaiŋamaruaq he had made
himself unrecognizable by
patuk(-) frost from breath on ruff; to be smearing himself with soot |
wet or foggy; to form on the parka +tiq-1 nv
ruff (of frost) pauya- (i) to become sooty (as lamp
patuŋnaq- (i) to be frosty (of chimney when wick is too high) |
weather) | +naq(-) vv -ya-1 nv

patukpak (Ti) brass (metal); bronze § pau water beetle

kanŋuyak, uvluyuilaq
pauk(-) stake; wall cribbing retaining
*pau (root) soot stake (of sod house); ice that
paugiyaq- (t) to clean, remove soot serves as an anchor to shore-fast
from it =gun @ paugiyai- | ice (Harcharek: 14); (t) to sting
:Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv her/him/it; (t) to stretch and stake
paugiyaun gun cleaning rod; wire it =skin to the ground; to stake it
used to clean gun barrel | :Iyaq- nv =tent to the ground; to drive it
:un1 vn =stake in @ pauksi- || +sI-3 vv
pauguaq- (i) to get soot on oneself; paugaq large stake (e.g., for dog
(t) to get her/him/it sooty | chain, for anchoring net); tent peg
+uaq-rnv » “Taapkuak suli paukkak
paula or paulaq soot | -laq vn illivigisuummigaiñ argiqamik
paulaiyaq- (t) to remove soot from it niqimik.” (Kaveolook 1975a: 10)
=stovepipe, gun barrel @ [they also use the two stakes to
paulaiyai- | :Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv place meat when they are roasting
paulaiyaun stovepipe cleaner; stick meat over an open fire] | +[ġ]aq vn
used to clean rifle barrel or pauktaq sealskin staked on ground
harpoon head (rod with tip for stretching | +t/raq3 vn §
accessories for attaching cleaning iññiaqtaq
pads and bores) | :Iyaq- nv
:un-1 vn
paulliqi- (i) to work with, handle
soot; (i) to give off a lot of smoke
» siuġruk paulliqiruq the
campstove is giving off a lot of
smoke | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
paulliqiri chimney sweep | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
mt/ri vn
paullit- (i) to get soot on oneself; to
become sooty; (t) to get soot on pauktit- (i) to get stung by an insect |
mtit- vv

pauktuq- (i) to be putting stakes in;
(Nu) to stake a skin to the ground; pauq- (i) to flap wings while trying to
(t) to stake it in; (Nu) to stake it take off on water
=skin to ground @ pauktui- |
+tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv pautaq point of reference; basis, source
pauktuun anchor type brake thrown of origin » uvluġiaq
from the sled and pushed with pautaġivlugu
foot into snow; stake used to stake nalunaiñġutaiġivlugu tainna
stretched skin to ground; (tent),
stake, peg | +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn § ¤pautnaq (Nu) edible plant with edible
paugaq root
paumit- (i) to itch | -mit- vv
pauŋniq insect bite | +niQ1 vn pavlu handle of drum | +lu(q)
pauvliq- or ¤(Ti) pausi- (i) to become
itchy, develop an itch | -vlIq- vv or paya- (t) to be unable to manage or defeat
+sI-1 vv her/him/it; (t) to be not strong
pauvri- (t) to make her/him/it itch » enough to lift or move it »
fiber glass-gum pauvrigaa Aalaagum payagaa Siġmiaq
Nayuk the fiberglass is making Aalaak cannot defeat Siġmiaq
Nayuk itch | =I-6 vv payaappak feeble, weak person »
“qapaŋaruaq; yapu;
pauna via, through up there (extended kivvalguitchuaq” (Matumeak
and visible) < °pag (dem. stem in 2009) [one who is weak; a cripple;
via.) one who is not able to lift heavy
objects] | -ppak2 vn
paunaaq- (i) to go via, through up there payagniuq- (i) to struggle or fight to
(extended and visible) < °pag live | -k-1 vv +nniuq- vv
(dem. stem in via.) payaŋa- (i) to be weak | ±ŋa- vv
payaŋaiq- (i) to be made more solid,
paunġaq crowberry, blackberry stronger; (t) to make it more solid,
(Empetrun nigrum) | stronger | ±ŋaiq- vv
paunġaqutit or paunġaqutaq leaves payaŋait- (i) to be solid and
of crowberry or blackberry plants unbreakable; (i) to be strong and
(Empetrum nigrum) | -quti nn -t nn healthy mentally and physically;
(i) to be secure, solid | ±ŋaIt- vv
pauŋa (dem. adv in term) to up there payaŋaiyaq- (t) to make it = load on
(extended and visible) < °pag sled, legs of chair or table more
(dem. stem) secure | ±ŋait- vv -Iyaq- vv
payaŋaiyaun crosspiece on sled
pauŋanmun towards up there (extended handle; item for making
and visible) < °pag (dem. stem) something else secure and sturdy |
±ŋait- vv -Iyaq- vv
pauŋaq- (i) to go up there (extended and -un1 vn § see Appendix 18
visible) < °pag (dem. stem) payari- (t) to overwhelm, beat, defeat
her/him/it; to force her/him to
pauŋŋaak hip boots yield through pressure; (Ti) (t) to

lose hold of it, have it slip from piak- (i) to be slippery; (i) to slide easily;
one’s grasp » Siġmiam payarigaa (i) to be thin (of soup or gravy)
Aalaak siġmiaq overpowered piagnaq snow condition good for sled
Aalaak | +rI-2 vv travel | +naq(-) vn
payariññik- (i) to overpower, defeat piavsai- (t) to cause her/him to
someone | +rI-2 vv +nnik- vv suddenly become furious, fly into
payyagniuq- (i) to struggle; (t) to a rage » Siġmiam piavsaigaa
struggle with her/him/it | ‘-k-2 vv Aalaak Siġmiaq made Aalaak
+nniuq- vv very angry, fly off the handle |
payyaksaq- (i) to have difficulty, not -vsak- vv -I-6 vv
be strong enough to do a task; (t) piavsak- (i) to suddenly become
to have difficulty carrying furious, to fly into a rage »
her/him/it; (t) to have difficulty Aalaak piavsayaruq Aalaak
overcoming her/him/it | ‘-k-2 vv becomes very angry easily |
msaq- vv -vsak- vv
payyit- (i) to quit, feeling incapable;
(t) to quit, feeling incapable of pialaaq young offspring of birds §
doing it, or dealing with her/him | piayaaq
‘=It-2 vv
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy,
payuk- (i) to bring food; (t) to bring food rambunctious, disorderly | -ala- vv
to her/him/it < pI(-)
payuktaq- (i) to bring food pialatchi- or piallai- (t) to cause
repeatedly; (t) to bring food to them to be rowdy, rambunctious »
her/him/it repeatedly | +t/raq-1 vv pialatchiñagiata uvlupak don't
make them become rambunctious
pi(-) [pI] (entries based on pI(-) are today | -ala- vv +tchI- vv or -I-6 vv
integrated into the P section) (t) to piallak- (i) to become enthusiastic; to
take, get, procure, acquire become carried away, rowdy,
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to rambunctious » piallaktinnagi
her/him; an entity don't let them become
rambunctious | -ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv
piagniq or piaŋniq shin, lower leg bone
(perhaps of caribou) | +niQ3 vn § pialuk anything worn-out, tattered; old
kiniġniq, kanaak item | -aluk nn < pI(-)

¤piaġi- (Ti) (t) to hold her/him/it on one’s piannaq(-) playing card; (i) to play cards
lap @ piaġrI- || ~rI-5 vv § saġliaq-, piannaġik- (i) to have a good hand at
saagaq-, pilaaqtuaq- cards, have good cards | +[g]Ik- nv
piannat deck of cards | -t nn
piaġik- (i) to be well, healthy | +[g]Ik- rv piannau- (Nu) (i) to lose at cards |
piaġiiq- (i) to be close to death | perhaps :u-1 nv
+[g]Ik- rv :Iq-2 vv piannaun card game | :un1 vn
piaġiit- (i) to be moribund, about to
¤piattaaq(-) (Nu) card game, “fives”;
die | +[g]Ik- rv :It-1 vdv
(i) to play only the game “fives”

piaq- (t) for it to be waxed (of thread) @ piayaaq young animal, baby animal |
piaqsi- || +sI-3 vv -ayaaq nn < pI(-)
piaġun thread wax | :un1 vn
pigayuk- (i) to do often; (t) to do it
piaqłaŋa- (i) to be brusque, rough | =activity often | +gayuk- vv
-łak- vv ±ŋa- vv < pI(-)
piaqłaŋait- (i) to be gentle, tender |
-łak- vv ±ŋa- vv :It-1 pigi- (t) to have it in one’s possession,
own | +[g]i- nv < pI(-)
piaqługi- (t) to mistreat, abuse her/him/it pigiliuti- (t) to now have it as one’s
| +aq-2 vv -qłuk(-) nn, vv +[g]i-nv own | +[g]i- nv -liuti- nv
< pI(-) pigiraksraq need, necessity,
piaqłuktaŋit- (i) to be kind, meek, requirement | +[g]i- nv +t/raq vn
gentle; (t) to be kind to, be gentle +ksraq(-) nn,nv
with her/him/it | +aq-2 vv
-qłuk(-) nn, vv +t/raq-1 vv ±ŋIt- vv pigik- (i) to possess a good attribute |
piaqłuktaq- (i) to do things in a rough +[g]Ik- nv < pI(-)
manner; (t) to handle, treat pigigñiq choice piece of fur from
her/him/it roughly | +aq-2 vv wolf or wolverine | +[g]Ik- nv
‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv +t/raq-1 vv +niQ1 vn
piaqłuktaun violence | +aq-2 vv pigiit- (i) to be evil, wicked, malicious
+qłuk(-) nn, vv +t/raq-1 vv -un1 vn | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 nv
pigiitchuaq the evil one | +[g]Ik- nv
¤piaqługruaq large, silver-colored fish :It-1 nv +t/ruaq vn

piatchiaq- (i) to go and ask for something pigliġayuk grasshopper < *pik1
which one is out of » nuliaŋa
piatchiaġayugniqsuq pigruq- (i) to bolt from a prone or settled
silallimignun niqsaġmata his position and start fleeing; (i) to
wife had the habit of going over to begin to migrate (of birds) < *pik1
their neighbor to ask for food
whenever the neighbor brought piġinniq or piġniq joint, articulation <
some home | -atchiaq- nv < pI(-) *piq
piatchiaqtaqti beggar | -atchiaq- nv
+t/raq-1 vv mt/ri vn piġiŋa- (i) to be bent < *piq

piġiŋaluk stovepipe elbow (of chimney,

piatuit- (i) to be well-behaved »
pipes, etc.) < *piq
piatuipaługmiuq.)” (Ahvakana:
piġit- to bend (it) @ piġitchi- < *piq
8) [her little child is certainly
well-behaved] | +tu- vv :It-1 vv <
piġliġniq (Nu) inside of a joint (e.g.,
elbow, knee, finger) < *piq
pigaaq- (i) to stay up late
piġuaq- (t) to smear, make a spot on
piggaqtu- (i) stays up late | ‘qtu- vv
her/him/it | +ġuaq- nv < pI(-)
pigaaqsiutik seal net | +siun vn -k2 nn

piġuq- (i) to be a success, amount to
something; to be haughty and full piilaaq(-) or piilatchi- one without any;
of pride | +[ġ]uq-1 nv < pI(-) (i) to deny knowledge of
something | :ilaaq(-) nn vv or
piġlaaq (Ti) sledrunner (S. Tuzroyluke :ilaq(-) nn -tchI- vv < pI(-)
2009) piilaaġi- (t) to deny knowledge of
piġlaraq (Nu) long slat in sled on top her/him/it | :ilaaq(-) nn, vv
of crosspieces | piġlarrat ilaŋat +[g]i- nv
naviksimaruaq one of the long piilaaġniq denial | :ilaaq(-) nn, vv
slats in the sled is broken | +niQ1 vn
perhaps +laaq rn piilaaġuti- (t) to deny knowledge of
something to her/him | :ilaaq(-) nn
Piġniq Birnirk, Alaska ( located three vv :uti- vv
miles northeast of Barrow, also piillaġuti- (i) to not find any |:It- rv
called “Shooting Station” +laq- vv :uti- vv
because Iñupiaq families camp piillanmun towards an area where
there for the summer to hunt one had not intended to go to »
ducks) “Tavraasii ayuuqsiaġivlugu
piġu(-) cover; (t) to cover her/him/it taavuuna piillanmun
completely (as with a blanket) aullaqivluni nukatpiaġruk
piġġutaq rock weight used to keep taamna qimmaġmik
tent flap closed | ‘-utaq(-)1 vn, vv isagutiruq…” (Ekowana:14)
piġuŋi stones placed around the edges [then after letting it progress
of the skylight to keep it secure | further away, when it possibly
:ŋI (poss. 3s-p)nn could no longer hear him, the
piġuraq caribou meat tenderized and young boy begins fleeing towards
flavored by going through the the other direction…];
process expressed in the definition “sivuniġiŋiłaamiñun
of piġuri- | +t/raq vn sivuniksrautini uniuqługu
piġuri- to cure caribou meat by burial killunnamun aullaġmata”
under snow (expose the limbs by (Aiken 2009) [it’s when they leave
removal of skin cover, then in the wrong direction missing
position the caribou in a hunched their destination, their intended
position, then shovel snow around destination] | :ilaq(-) nn
the caribou and let it stay like that -nmun (term.)
for a day if you want the meat to
be mild, two days if you want a piilliuq- (i) to not have enough of the
more potent caribou meat, and if necessities; (i) to lack everything;
you are really into a really cured (i) to be poor » piilliuqsimavat
meat, three days; eat raw and are they in need of anything |
frozen) | +rI-3 vv :Illi uq- nv < pI(-)
piġuuq- (t) to cover it | .-q-1 vv piilliuqtuaq a needy person; a poor
person | :illiuq- nv +t/ruaq2 vn
piiġaq Gray-cheeked Thrush (Hylocichla
minima) piiq- (i) to vanish, fade; (i) to move

oneself; (i) to be removed; (i) to brought food, she noticed that her
die; (t) to remove her/him/it | husband began to be absent
:Iq-1 nv < pI(-) regularly] | +qataq-vv -lIq-3 vv
piiguitkaaq lesson taught in such a
manner that one won’t forget it; *pik1 (root) upward movement
memento, souvenir | :uq-2 vv pigla- (i) to be able to jump high; to
:It-1 vv +kaaq vn be bouncy, peppy | -la- rv
piiguq- or puiguq- to forget pigliġayuk grasshopper (Orthoptera) |
(her/him/it) @ piigui- or puigui- | -liq-2 vv +aq-1 vv -yuk(-)1 vn §
:uq-2 vv || :I-4 vv nuttagayuk
piiqsaaq- or (Ti) piiqtaaq- (i) to pigliġik- (Ti) to be bouncy (of ball) |
move to the side, away from focal -liq-2 vv +[g]Ik- vv
point; (t) to move her/him/it to the pigliq- (i) to bounce; to jump up |
side, away from focal point | -liq-2 vv
+taaq- vv pigliqtaq- (i) to be bouncing; to jump
piivsak- (t) to slurp in or suck in one’s up and down; to throb, beat, or
drool | -vsak- vv pulse (of pulse or heart) | -liq-2 vv
piiyaku rotten piece removed from mt/raq- vv
something, especially from meat | pigruq- (i) to bolt from a prone or
:Iyaq- nv -ku(-) vn settled position and start fleeing;
piiyaq- (t) to remove them @ piiyai- | (i) to leave on migration (of birds)
:Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv » “pigruqtuq qimaktuaq
tavraŋŋa aullaqłuni piruaq”
piiqsi whale scapula placed outside sod (Aiken 2009) [one bolts and flees
house entrance mound to direct when one runs away leaving] |
airflow into the house for +ruq- vv
ventilation (or used as a step) § ¤pikak- (Nu) (i) to break through thin
see Appendix 22 ice to breathe (of whale, seal); (t)
to break it =thin ice to breathe (of
piit- (i) to be absent, missing; (i) to not whale, seal) | -ak- vv, rv
have any | :It-1 nv < pI(-) pikiaġaq- (i) to jump in and out of
piisimaaq- (i) to stay away, to not be water (of fish, seal, etc.) | +iaq-3 vv
present » piisimaallagiñ +aq-1 vv
tavraŋŋa; nayuutiŋaiġiñ please pikiaq- [pikiraq] (i) to jump up
go away for a while; please suddenly and go out, bolt, run
remove yourself | +simaaq- vv suddenly out, rush out abruptly; (i)
piitchi- to miss, to feel the loss of to gush out (of water) | +iaq-3 vv
(her/him/it); (i) to realize that pikirraqi- [pikiraq] (Nu) (t) to rush
something is missing | +sI-1 vv out to her/him/it | +iaq-3 vv ‘-qi- vv
piitchuit- (i) to be a necessary, piksagaala- (i) to shatter, flying in
indispensable item; (i) to never every direction; to bounce off
be absent | :It-1 nv ±suit- vv when broken | +sak- rv
piitqataliq- (i) to become absent +aq-1 vv -ala- vv
regularly » “…payugman imña piksak- (i) to fly off, bounce off
uiŋa piitqataliqsuq.” (when broken); jump upwards
(Ahvakana: 2) [whenever she (when surprised) | +sak- rv

piksaktit- (t) to cause it to fly off | the ocean; from up there, upriver
+sak- rv mtit-1 vv (restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa
piksigaq- or piksikataq- (i) to jump, (dem. abl.)
bounce repeatedly | +sIk-1 rv pikaŋŋamiñ from that direction up
±aq-1 vv or -kataq- vv there on the wall, the ceiling, or in
piksik- (i) to fly off; (i) to bounce off the sky above eye level; from that
when snapped or broken; (i) to direction up there away from the
bounce off target; (i) to jump, hop; ocean; from that direction up
(i) to leave suddenly without there, upriver (restricted and
preparation » “qilamiksruqłuni visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ
sugnanmulliqaa (abl.)
aullaqiraġaqtuaq” (Aiken 2009) pikaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up there
[one who starts to leave in every on the wall, the ceiling, or in the
direction because he’s in a hurry] | sky above eye level; (i) to come
perhaps +sIk-1 rv from up there away from the
ocean; (i) to come from up there,
°pIk2 (dem. stem) up there on the wall, the upriver (restricted and visible) |
ceiling, or in the sky above eye +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
level; up there away from the pikka up there on the wall, the
ocean; up there, upriver ceiling, or in the sky above eye
(restricted and visible) § °pag level; up there away from the
(dem. stem) ocean; up there, upriver (restricted
pigña [dual pikkuak, pl. pikkua or and visible) | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
(Nu) ¤pikigua] that one up there piktuma or piksruma or pigruma
on the wall, the ceiling, or in the [dual pikkuak, pl. pikkua] that one
sky above eye level; that one up up there on the wall, the ceiling,
there away from the ocean; that or in the sky above eye level; that
one up there, upriver (restricted one up there away from the ocean;
and visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron. that one up there, upriver
sg. mkr.) (restricted and visible) | +tuma
pikani located up there on the wall, (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
the ceiling, or in the sky above eye piktumani or piksrumani or
level; located up there away from pigrumani [dual pikkugnagni, pl.
the ocean; located up there, pikkunani] located with that one
upriver (restricted and visible) | up there on the wall, the ceiling,
+anI (dem. loc.) or in the sky above eye level;
pikaniit- (i) to be located up there on located with that one up there
the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky away from the ocean; located with
above eye level; (i) to be located that one up there, upriver
up there away from the ocean; (i) (restricted and visible) | +tum
to be located up there, upriver (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
(restricted and visible) | +anI (dem. loc.)
(dem. loc.) it- “to be” piktumaŋŋa or piksrumaŋŋa or
pikaŋŋa from up there on the wall, pigrumaŋŋa [dual pikkugnaŋŋa,
the ceiling, or in the sky above eye pl. pikkunaŋŋa] from that one up
level; from up there away from there on the wall, the ceiling, or in

the sky above eye level; from that there, upriver (restricted and
one up there away from the ocean; visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
from that one up there, upriver mkr) +uuna (dem. via.)
(restricted and visible) | +tum pikuŋa to up there on the wall, the
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa ceiling, or in the sky above eye
(dem. abl.) level; to up there away from the
piktumatun or piksrumatun or ocean; to up there, upriver
pigrumatun [dual pikkugnaktun, (restricted and visible) | +uŋa
pl. pikkunatitun] similar to that (dem. term.)
one up there on the wall, the pikuŋanmun towards up there on the
ceiling, or in the sky above eye wall, the ceiling, or in the sky
level; similar to that one up there above eye level; towards up there
away from the ocean; similar to away from the ocean; towards up
that one up there, upriver there, upriver (restricted and
(restricted and visible) | +tum visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) +nmun
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (term.)
(dem. sim.) pikuŋaq- (i) to go up there on the
piktumiŋa or piksrumiŋa or wall, the ceiling, or in the sky
pigrumiŋa [dual pikkugniŋa, pl. above eye level; (i) to go up there
pikkuniŋa] that one up there on away from the ocean;(i) to go up
the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky there, upriver (restricted and
above eye level; that one up there visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.)
away from the ocean; that one up +q-3 dv
there, upriver (restricted and pikuuna via, through up there on the
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. wall, the ceiling, or in the sky
mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) above eye level; via, through up
piktumuŋa or piksrumuŋa or there away from the ocean; via,
pigrumuŋa [dual pikkugnuŋa, pl. through up there, upriver
pikkunuŋa] to that one up there on (restricted and visible) | +uuna
the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky (dem. via.)
above eye level; to that one up pikuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through,
there away from the ocean; to that up there on the wall, the ceiling,
one up there, upriver (restricted or in the sky above eye level;(i) to
and visible) | +tum (dem. rel. go via, through up there away
pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.) from the ocean; (i) to go via,
piktumuuna or piksrumuuna or through up there, upriver
pigrumuuna [dual pikkugnuuna, (restricted and visible) | +uuna
pl. pikkunuuna] via that one up (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
there on the wall, the ceiling, or in
the sky above eye level;via that pikałłaktaq- (i) to do things carelessly; (i)
one up there away from the ocean; to be negligent (especially when
via that one up there, upriver; with angry); (t) to handle her/him/it
that one up there on the wall, the roughly » “suna
ceiling, or in the sky above eye miluqsautiraġaqługu suġauttaq
level; with that one up there away sugnamulliqaa
from the ocean;with that one up pikałłaktaqtuamik taisuugaat”

(Aiken 2009) [one who behaves
throwing items about everywhere piksrun shovel § pualġiñ
is called pikałłaktaqtuaq] | piksrutaq- to shovel, dig (it) |
-kałłak- vv -ktaq- vv +[t]aq-2 nv
pikałłaktautait- (i) to be gentle | -
kałłak- vv -ktaq- vv -un1 vn :It-1 nv pikuk three or four vertebrae near the
neck, in the cervical curve of
pikit- (i) to move about constantly; (i) to human; width across the back
be unable to be still between the shoulders; choice
pikaala- (i) to writhe in pain; (i) to piece of wolf ruff for woman,
move about constantly | -ala- vv usually taken from below wolf’s
pikiut- (i) to find a bird’s nest with eggs pikukturuaq camel | +tu- nv
or young +t/ruaq vn
pikunŋu- (i) to have a sharp pain
¤pikkaġi- (t) to be very fond of her/him/it across the shoulders | -nŋu- nv
| +[g]i- rv § piqpagi- pikusuk long bone between the
shoulder; depression between
¤pikniq (Nu) common water grass shoulder blades; lower neck,
(Scholochloa festucacea) § upper back; bump, hump behind
nakaurat moose’s head; (Nu) single ray of
fish’s caudal fin | -suk nn § see
piksraq(-) something to be owned by Appendix 21
someone in the future; desireable pikuktuuq broad humped whitefish
item; (i) to obtain something for (Coregonus nasus) | +tuuq nn
oneself; (i) to vote (a
parliamentary procedure during pikuluk [ENG “pickle”] pickle
meeting); (i) to choose; (t) to
obtain something for her/him/it » pilit- (i) to release one’s hold or grip on
piksraqta call for a vote; something or someone; (t) to
piksraqta aglaglugu let’s vote by release one’s hold or grip on
secret ballot; piksraqta her/him/it
tusaġnaġlugu let’s have a roll call
vote | -ksraq(-) nn vv § tigusi-, pillitchi- (i) to be unable to keep one’s
sivunniq-, naliġak- < pI(-) eyes open
piksraiq- (i) to run out of
provisions, supplies | pilluaqi- (i) to have one’s belt work up
-ksraq(-) nn vv :Iq-2 nv above traditional Iñupiaq pants |
piksramaaq- to desire, want to have -qi- vv
(it) | -ksraq(-) nn vv -maaq- vv
piksraqtaaq item selected, chosen; pilluk- (i) to survive danger; (i) to escape
one elected, selected | death; (i) to survive an illness or
-ksraq(-) nn vv mt/raaq2 vn accident
piksriaq a share of something made, pillui- (i) to dislocate a joint | -I-6 vv
saved or assembled | pilluktit- (t) to dislocate it =a joint,
-ksraq(-) nn vv ‘=I-1 nv ±aq1 vn get it out of joint | mtit-1 vv

pillupqaułłik- (i) to narrowly escape (Kinneeveauk 2008) [the old
» “imaiġutinialagaiññi sikumi people cut individual shares of
ilaanni pillupqaułłignaqtuq” meat while the whale is being
[when one is in a situation when divided into whaling shares] |
the ice is closing steadily, -aq-1 vv § pilak- pilaniaq-
sometimes one narrowly escapes] pilagraq piece of whale flipper given
(Matumeak 2009) | -pqaułłik- vv to umiak crew (last remaining
pilluuti- (t) to help her/him/it escape piece after other shares are
from danger, or go through a distributed) | -ksraq(-) vn
difficult process | :uti- vv pilaktuq- (t) to perform surgery,
operate on her/him/it @ pilaktui- |
*pilaaq (root) child care +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
pilaaqtuaq- to care for, babysit pilaniaq- (i) to wait for the butchering
(her/him =child) | +tuaq- vv of the whale to be finished and the
pilaaqti or pilaaqtuaqti babysitter, captain of the crew that killed the
nanny | mt/ri vn whale to give the go ahead to
clean out the bones | -niaq(-) vv
pilaġaqutaq (Nu) heather (Cassiope pilaun or pilaunnaq large knife used
tetragona) or club moss for butchering harvested game |
(Lycopodium selago) (used for :un1 vn or :unnaq vn
tinder, fire)
pilatitaanġiq- to cease being helpless »
pilaiq- (i) to become tired “Tavragguuq tainna
pilaiġi- (t) to cause her/him/it to pilatitaanġiqsuk.” (Nageak
become tired, to tire her/him/it » 1975: 42) [so, it is told, they
Aalaagum pilaiġigaa Siġmiaq ceased being helpless] | -la-vv
Aalaak made Siġmiaq become mtitaq(-) vv -aq nn -nġIq- vv §
tired | -I-6 vv ilatchiŋaiq- < pI(-)
pilailġiñaq- (i) to eventually become
tired » pilailġiñaqami pilgu- (i) to be able to perform
nutqaqtuq when she finally exceptionally well at a certain
became tired, she stopped | activity; (i) to be able to face up
-lġiñaq- vv well to a crisis or tragedy; (Nu) (i)
pilaiŋaiqsiaq- (i) to rest | ±ŋaiq- vv to be strong, able, a fast runner |
+sIq-1 vv -aq-1 vv -lgu-1 vv < pI(-)
pilguilluq- (i) to not be able to do
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to well, be handicapped permanently
butcher it = a carcass » “Tavra nukaaluktik taamna
pilaaq- (Ti) (i) to cut individual shares pilguilluqtuaq
of meat from whale bones or from nagriaġiraġigaat.” (Nageak
the meat shares of others (usually 1975: 8) [so they would carry
done by old people); ¤(Nu) (t) to their younger brother who was not
dismember them =caribou feet, to able to do as well as they could] |
remove them =hooves » -lgu-1 vv :It- vv +luq-2 vv
“aġviuqtillugit utuqqanaat pilguit- (i) to not be able to perform
niqinik pilaaġuummiut” exceptionally well at a certain

activity; (i) to not be able to face pilġusiġiit- (i) to have bad behavior;
up well to a crisis or tragedy; (Nu) (i) to be obnoxious; (i) to have a
(i) to not be strong; (t) to not be bad habit | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv
able tolerate her/him/it | :It- vv
pilgutilaaq- (i) to do one’s best; (t) to piłhiñaaġuq- (i) to be prepared, ready to
check, ascertain, measure do action; (t) to prepare it so that
his/her/its ability to perform | its ready to be taken | -łhiñaaq vn
-lgu-1 vv mtilaaq(-) vv, vn +[ġ]uq-1 nv < pI(-)

*pilġataq (root) to finally do < pI(-) pili-or piliuq- (i) to make something; (t)
pilġataanġiq- (i) to cease being slow to make something for her/him/it;
or hesitant; (i) to speed up » (t) to make it into something |
“Tapqamun tikiñŋatilaamignik -lI-1 nv or lIuq- nv < pI(-)
ilitchuġikamik piliaq hand-made item | -lI-1 nv
pilġataanġiqsuk.” (Nageak +aq1 vn
1975: 44) [when theyd realized
theyd had reached the inlet theyd piliñġu- (i) to be unwilling to give up a
sped up] | -lġataq-2 vv -aq-1 vv possession; (i) to covet a
-nġIq- vv possession, especially one that had
pilġatchi- to finally accomplish (it belonged to a dead relative |
=task) no matter how long it took -liñġu- nv < pI(-)
or how difficult it was §
+lġataq-2 vv ‘=I-1 vv pilla- (i) to be qualified, able to | -lla- vv
pilġatchuqtu- (i) to be slow all the +niQ1 vn < pI(-)
time | -lġataq-2 vv +t-2 rv pillaniq privilege, opportunity |
+suq-2 vv ’-qtu- vv -lla- vv +niQ1 vn

pilġaq- to braid (it =rope, hair, seal pillaktiq- to accomplish (it) quickly|
intestines) @ pilġai- || :I-4 vv -llak-2 vv mt/liq-3 vv < pI(-)
pilġaalik wooden hunting bow wound
with braided sinew for extra pillatu- (i) to enjoy doing something; (t)
strength | -aq1 vn -lik vn to enjoy her/his company; (Ti) (i)
pilġaaq something braided; braided to act selfishly (e.g., to strike a
sinew; a hunting bow reinforced whale first with no regard for
with braided sinew (Matumeak other crew members, take larger
2009) | -aq1 vn share than others) | +llatu- vv <
pilġaġniq line of eddies in ocean pI(-)
where two currents meet | +niQ vn
pilġaiyuk spider | -yuk(-) vv, vn pilliqi- or piłłiqi- (i) to quarrel over
pilġaurat dwarf shrub (Cassiope something trivial | perhaps -t nn
tetragona) -lIqi- nv < pI(-)
pilġayuuraq small spider (that can
hang in its webbing) | pilluataq- or pillautaq- (i) to get along
-yuk(-) vn :uraq nn well with others; (i) to have no
trouble performing one’s
pilġusiq habit, custom § ilġusiq < pI(-) activities; (i) to do things right; (i)

to do well; (i) to prosper; (i) to be pimaaq- to claim (her/him/it) |
fortunate, e.g., in hunting; (t) to do -aq-1 rv
a good job on it or by her/him | pimaaqtuq- to claim (her/him/it) as
-lluataq(-) nn, vv < pI(-) one’s own or relative | -aq-1 rv
pilluataġniuraq- to try to do one’s +tuq-2 vv
best (with it) | -lluataq(-) nn, vv pimaġi- (t) to have great affection for
+niuraq- vv her/him, therefore regard her/him
as one’s own, or relative | +[g]i- rv
pilluġik- (i) to be cooperative; to take
initiative; (t) to faithfully do it pimaqłuk- (i) to do something bad; (t) to
=task now; (t) to cause her/him to do it badly | -maqłuk- vv < pI(-)
participate cooperatively | pimaqłuktaq- (i) to do something
+[g]Ik- nv badly more than once; (t) to
humiliate her/him/it | -maqłuk- vv
piluaq- (i) to reject someone as one’s +t/raq-1 vv
own, or relative | =luaq-2 nv < pimaqłuun wrongdoing, abuse,
pI(-) crime, harm | -maqłuk- vv :un1 vn

piluk- (i) to be bad | +luk(-)1 vv, nv < pI(-) pimiulugi- (t) to refuse to include her/him
pilugi- (t) to dislike her/him/it | in one’s group for a personal
+[g]i- vv reason @ pimiulukłiq- | +[g]i- rv
pilugipiallak- (t) to intensely dislike, || ~kłIq- vv
despise her/him/it | +[g]i- nv
-piallak- vv pimmaaġik- (i) to have a good, beautiful
pilugiri one’s enemy, one who does appearance » “Igluuraq una,
not like one | +[g]i- vv mt/ri vn igalaaligaaq,
piluksi- (i) to become bad; (t) to make pimmaaġikkalukkut.” (Nageak
it become bad | +sI-1 vv 1975: 48) [the little house, the
piluku a reject | +luk(-)1 vv, nv one with the skylight, was very
-ku(-) vn, nv beautiful] -mmaaġIk- nv < pI(-)
pilupiallak- (i) to be disgusting,
horrid, gross | -piallak- vv piñait- (i) to be obstinate, close-minded,
piluun sin, iniquity, transgression, headstrong, inflexible |
evil | +luk(-)1 vv, nv ±un1 vn +naq(-) vn, nv :It-1 vv < pI(-)
piluusiqi- (i) to sin, transgress | piñailutaq obstacle, hindrance,
+luk(-)1 vv, nv :un1 vn ~Iqi-1 nv stumbling block | +naq(-) vn, nv
piluusiqiri sinner, wrongdoer | :It-1 vv -lutaq vn
+luk(-)1 vv, nv :un1 vn =Iqi-1 nv piñailutchiq- (t) to create an obstacle,
mt/ri vn a hindrance, a stumbling block for
piluutaitchuaq [“one without sin”] her/him/it | +naq(-) vn, nv :It-1 vv
holy one | +un1 vn :It-1 nv -lutaq ‘=Iq- nv

piłłi qi- or pilliqi- (i) to quarrel over piñaqutigi- (t) to give it away; (t) make it
something trivial < pI(-) available | +naq(-) vn, nv :qun vn
+[g]i- nv < pI(-)
*pimaq (root) affection

piñasugi- (i) to think that one is implement | +niun vn < pI(-)
summoned or is the one that did piñiusiq- to begin to try to get or do
the action; (t) to think that (it) | +niusIq- vv
she/he/it did the action or that one
did the action to her/him/it | piñña(Nu)(Kobuk origin) (dem. pron. or
+nasugi- vv < pI(-) adv) something upriver < °pIk 2
(dem. stem)
piñatchiaq- (i) to be slow; to do
something at leisure; to wait until piññak- (i) to acquire or win something »
the last minute to do something | sumikkiaq piññaksimava I
perhaps +naq(-) vn, nv wonder what she won |
+[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv < pI(-) -nnak- nv < pI(-)
piññaktaaġi- (t) to win or gain
piñauk- (Ti) to smooth, rub, sharpen (it) possession of it »
with a file » piñaukkaa uluuraq piññaktaaġimaraaq unnuaq
he is sharpening the ulu § agIk- she gained possession of it last
piñaugun sharpening file » piñaukka night | -nnak- nv mt/raaq2 vn
uluuraq he is sharpening the ulu | +[g]i- nv
+un1 vn piññaktaaq something won, acquired
» piññaktaaqpuk kataivlugu
piñiaq- (Ti) (i) to hunt; (t) to get it | naviktaqpuk wed dropped and
+niaq(-) vv § aŋuniaq- < pI(-) broke the one we won | -nnak- nv
piñialgu- (i) to be a good provider, +t/raaq2 vn
hunter | +niaq(-) vv -lgu-1 vv
piñiałhama- (i) to try to do or get *piññaq (root) pleasing, beautiful
more than anyone else | piññaġi- (t) to find it pleasing,
+niaq(-) vv -łhama- vv beautiful, good; to like her/him |
piñiaqti provider | +niaq(-) vv +[g]i- rv
mt/ri vn piññaġnaq- (i) to be pretty, beautiful,
pleasing to the eye, precious |
piñiġaq short, waterproof summer boot » +[g]i- rv +naq(-) vv
piñiqqak paqitpigik did you find
her short waterproof boots piñŋunaq- (i) to be tiresome | -nŋu- vv
+naq(-) vv < pI(-)
piñiġli- (i) to be startled and run away,
flee; (t) to startle it =game animal piñŋuq- or ¤pinŋui- (i) to fold, close (of
and let it run away, get away knife blade); (i) to get a dislocated
joint » piñŋuqqayaŋarut
piñiq [piñiQ] insole argatka isivillaiġmata my hands
piññiq- (i) to put insoles in one’s almost became disjointed when
boots; (t) to put insoles in her/his they could not flatten;
boots » piññiqsaka kammak I “aatchaŋaruaq savik
put insoles in his boots | ‘=Iq-1 nv piñŋuqtitkaa” (Matumeak 2009)
[he closed the knife that was
piñiun (Ti, Nu) trap, net, device for open] < uniuqtit-
catching a game animal; hunting

piñŋuqtit- (t) to fold it =knife blade piŋayuqqat three polar bears in a
@ piñŋui- | mtit-1 vv || :I-4 vv group; female polar bear with
piñŋuqtaq jackknife, folding knife, three cubs; a group of three »
pocket knife | +t/raq3 vn “Akkupauraq tautuktuq
tuttunik piŋayuqqanik. Right
piŋa- (i) to sulk because one is envious; away he sees three caribou.”
show jealousy of another, (Ahmaogak & Webster: 28 |
resentment § tusu-, niŋaq- +yuq rn +[ġ]aq nn -t nn

piŋalu (Ti) small bowl; (Nu) burl on tree | *piŋi (root) source of worry
+lu(q) n piŋigi- (t) to worry about her/his
piŋaluaq (Ti) large wooden dish, pan safety | +[g]i- rv
» “maktagnik uurunik igagamik piŋiksraq- (i) to worry about
qalutaġviŋit” (C. Tuzroyluke someone’s safety | +[g]i- rv
2009) [when they cook whale ~qsraq- rv
meat they (the large wooden pans)
are used to hold the cooked meat] piŋit- (i) to not participate; (t) to not take
| +luaq nn § piqtalik her/him/it | ±ŋIt- vv
piŋillak- (i) to abstain, to refrain
piŋasut number three » piŋasut qimmit voluntarily; (i) to not participate;
three dogs (t) to not do or get it | ±ŋIt- vv
piŋasuit three sets | :It nn -llak-1 vv
piŋasukipiaq numeral sixty » piŋiññiġaq- (i) to feel resentful
piŋasukipiat number sixty | because of what one perceives as
-kipiaq nn -t nn inequity; (i) to feel slighted; (t) to
piŋasukipiaq qulit numeral seventy » accuse her/him/it of not doing
piŋasukipiat qulit number something | ±ŋIt- vv +nI-1 vv
seventy | -kipiaq +[ġ]aq- vv
Piŋasuŋŋuq- to be Wednesday |
-ŋŋuq-2 nv piŋniq [piŋniQ] cache of food made by
piŋasuut- (i) to be divided into thirds; lemmings
(t) to divide it into thirds | -ut-2 vv
Piŋatchiġñiq Wednesday | ‘=Iq-1 nv ¤piŋŋaaq- (i) to unknowingly pass by
+niQ1 vn each other
Piŋatchiq- (i) to be Wednesday (3p
ending is used) » Piŋatchiġmata piŋŋuaq- (i) to pretend; (t) to pretend to
kasimasuurugut we have our do something to her/him/it; (t) to
meetings on Wednesday; pretend to get ahold of her/him/it |
Piŋatchiqsugut it is Wednesday -ŋŋuaq(-) vn < pI(-)
[lit. “we are provided with the piŋŋuaġutaitchuakun sincerely, with
third day”] | ‘=Iq-1 nv sincerity | -ŋŋuaq(-) vv, nn :un1 vn
piŋayuġalik polar bear with three :It- nv +t/ruaq vn +kun (via.)
cubs | +yuq nn +[ġ]aq nn -lik nn
piŋayuġaq a third | +yuq nn piŋu(-) isolated ice mound, knoll; dome,
+[ġ]aq nn isolated hill; pimple, swelling on
piŋayuq a third one) | +yuq rn skin; swell (crestless wave or

succession of waves); (i) to pipqaqtaq- (i) to be severely
develop a pimple; to form swells handicapped; (i) to rarely do any
(of ocean) » “qatchiraaq uvva activity | -pqaq-vv +t/raq-1vv <
piŋumik taisuugaat; ilimigun pI(-)
ittuaq” (Matumeak 2009) [they
call a protuberance an isolated ice pipqauraq- (i) to barely succeed; (t) to
mound; it is by itself] § uŋilak-, barely succeed in doing it
uŋŋi- =activity; (t) to barely succeed in
Piŋu a prominent landmark in the east rescuing her/him/it; (t) to barely
» “A long time ago, in a country succeed in obtaining it |
far away to the eastward, called -pqauraq- vv < pI(-)
Pin’g-o, the people held a winter
festival…” (Simpson: 272) pipsukaq- (i) to have a close call; (t) to
piŋuktaaq small mound isolated in just miss, barely miss it (e.g., an
flat area | -k-1 nv +taaq vn animal in hunting) § pivsukaq-
piŋuluk cliff § imnaq
piŋuptanaaq (Nu) mound, knoll | *piq (root) bend, curve § piġit-
-ptaq nn -naaq3 nn piġinniq or piġniq joint articulation »
piŋuptaq (Nu) small rounded hill, not “piġinniŋa supayaam” (Aiken
rocky | -ptaq nn 2009) [it’s the place where
piŋuyaq pimple, ringworm | -ya(q) nn bending occurs in anything] |
piŋuyaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to have pimples +[g]i-rv +t-1 rv +niQ1 vn
| -ya(q) nn +tuq-2 nv piġiŋa- (i) to be bent » piġiŋaruamik
piŋuyyaq (Ti) itchy, allergic-type mattumiŋa aitchuġuŋ
bump or pimple | -yyaq n nukatpiaġruk qiaruaq give the
boy who is crying this bent one |
pipałłuk- (t) to mistreat her/him/it | +[g]i-rv ±ŋa- vv
-pałłuk- vv < pI(-) piġiŋasi- (i) to become bent; (t) to
make, render it bent | ±ŋa- rv
pipasaġiŋit- (t) to think not highly of +sI-1vv
her/him/it | -pasaġiŋIt- vv piġiŋaluk elbow (of stovepipe,
chimney, pipes, etc.) | +[g]i-rv
pipasaŋit- (i) to not get enough, much | ±ŋa- vv +lu(k)2 vn § qiviaġaaq
-pasaŋIt- vv piġit- to bend (it) @ piġitchi- |
+[g]i-rv +t-1 rv || :I-4 vv
pipika- (i) to be energetic, spry, lively piġliġniq (Nu) inside of a joint (e.g.,
pipikait- (i) to be slow, sluggish | elbow, knee, finger) | perhaps
:It-1 vdv ~liq-1 vv +niQ1 vn
piqak- (t) to be pushed up and
pipkaq- (t) to permit, allow her/him/it; (t) cracked by pressure from below
to permit, allow her/him/it to be (of ice) » “…puigami innatun,
taken | +pkaq-1 vv < pI(-) sammakiaq one foot-kiaq
pipkaŋit- (t) to prevent her/mim/it; (t) aatchaqtillagruaġaġigaa tuvaq
to prevent her/him/it from being tamanna. (Ii.) Qasalaitchuq
taken | +pkaq-1 vv ±ŋIt- vv unnii. Piqakługu tasamaŋŋa.
(Ii.) Tavraasii kurraġman

tullagruaġaqtuq iviqtitiqhuni.” mitlik, a long, curved carving
(Bodfish: 238) …when it surfaced, knife, used to bend fishhooks |
I believe it was about one foot that +tiġun rv
it would violently force the lead piqtiq- (t) to arch it =wood (as for
ice to open. (Yes.) It does not sled runner or sled frame) @
even make a splash. Pushing it up piqtiqsi- | +tiq-1 rv || +sI-3 vv
from below. Then as it dove the piquaq- (i) to arch the body when
raised lead ice would come diving (of bearded seal) | +uaq- rv
crashing down fitting nicely back piquniq mound formed by pressure
into place (with the rest of the from below; place where river ice
ice)] | +ak- vv over deep water is pushed up so
piqqiq joint | +[g]i-rv +t-1 rv ‘-Q rn that it cracks and water flows
piqsaq- (i) to arch the body while | perhaps :u-1 rv +niQ1 rn
sounding (of whale) | msaq-3 nv
piqta point at which a line bends piqaluyak large chunk of freshwater ice
down at an angle (as along the from river, good for drinking
edge of a cliff, corner of house, water; multiyear sea ice that has
etc.); exterior siding (of house, become fresh due to multiyear
boat); wall; side of cliff | +ta rn thawing and desalination (Nelson:
piqtalik large wooden bucket (made 282); glacier ice (Matumeak
by fitting the wall of the bucket 2009) » “ivunġit aullaammata
into a grooved base) (used for upinġaatuaġman;
carrying maktak from the ice imiġiksiqpaguugaa piqaluyak;
cellar; can be packed on back; narvaġauraliġuuruq siku;
rounder and deeper than ivuniġruaq payaŋaiłłak”
piŋaluaq, a large wooden pan) | (Matumeak 2009) [(they appear)
+ta rn -lik nn § piŋaluaq after the pressure ridges move
piqtaliq- (t) to put siding on it =house away every summer; the water
| +ta rn -lIq-1 nv from the glacial ice becomes very
piqtalugiu- (i) to arch its body as it pure; the ice forms many small
sounds (of whale); to bend (it ponds; it is a huge very stable pile
=metal); (i) to make a fishhook » of ice]
“piqtalugiulliruq aġviq;
qutchiksivlugu tununi piqan companion | +qan vn < pI(-)
nakkaqsaġai; piqasiq- (i) to get a companion for
piqtalugiulliruamik taisuugaat” oneself; (t) to accompany
(Matumeak 2009) [the whale her/him/it | +qan vn ~Iq-1 nv
bends its body as it sounds; they
call a whale piqtalugiulliruaq as piqpak- (i) to make a fuss; (t) to fuss over
it begins to dive sounding with its her/him/it | +qpak(-) vv < pI(-)
body bent from a high position] | piqpagaaq- (i) to show off, to
+ta rn +luk nn +[g]i- nv :u-2 vv behave in an ostentatious way |
piqtat wall planks |+ta rn +t3 nn § see +qpak(-) vv +aaq-vv
Appendix 22 piqpagi- (t) to love her/him/it dearly
piqtiġun (Nu) one of a number of @ piqpaksri- | +qpak(-) vv
small holes, e.g., in handle of +[g]i-vv || ~srI- vv

piqpagnaq- (i) to be endearing, piraksriq- or (Ti) piragriq- (t) to
precious, dear | ~naq(-) vv, vn assign, give her/him/it a task; to
piqpakkun love, affection | order, command, require her/him
+qpak vv, nn +kun1 vn, nn to do a task| +t/raksaq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
piqpaksriruaq one who loves, has piraksriqsat committee |
great affection for someone, +t/raksraq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv mtaq4 vn
something | +qpak(-) vv -srI- vv -t nn
+t/ruaq vn piraksriun ordinance; regulation;
command; instruction |
piqsiq(-) [piqsIq] wet snow storm; (i) to +t/raksraq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn §
be stormy with wet blowing snow tuvraaksraq
in the air § misulik, niviluk piraksriusiaq assignment, duty,
piqsiġuq- (i) to become windy and obligation, mission | +t/raksraq nn
wet with snow and rain mixing | ‘=Iq-1 nv :usiaq vn
+uq-1 nv
piri one who does the task; the
piqu- (Nu) (i) to be pushed up and professional | mt/ri vn < pI(-)
cracked by pressure from below piriksraqtaat committee; taskforce |
(of ice) 2
mt/ri vn -ksraq(-) nn, nv mt/raaq vn
-t nn
piraġaq- would do or say something to
(her/him) each time | -t/raġaq- vv
pirik- (i) to jump down quickly from
< pI(-)
something; (i) to get off quickly;
piraġaġasuga- (used with
(Nu) (i) to go down to the river §
Appositonalis Mood) (t) to think
nautkiaq-, pikiaq-
that maybe she/he/it might be
piriksaaq- (Nu) (i) to go down to the
doing something on a regular
river | +saaq-1 vv
basis » “…tainna tuvaaqanni
piruaq- or piruaqtiq- (Ti) (i) to move
aġnamun taavsrumuŋa
down to the beach in late June
(primarily for bearded seal
hunting but also for hunting seals,
(Ahvakana: 2) [so thinking that
belugas, seabirds, and gathering
her husband was going to that
driftwood » “piruaqtut
woman, she became suspicious] |
+nasugi- vv
natchiġniaġiaġlutik sisuaniglu
piraġausiq custom | +raġaq- vv
tiŋmianiglu utaqqivlutik
:usIq vn
qirugnik aggiŋaiñŋaan
September-mi” (S. Tuzroyluke
piraksraq task, something to be done |
2009) [they move down to the
+t/raksraq nn < pI(-)
beach to hunt bearded seals,
piraksriaq requirement, assignment,
regular seals, belugas, birds, and
task | +t/raksaq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
also to wait for driftwood before
±aq1 vn
the arrival (of the ship North Star)
piraksrii- (i) to assign tasks; to
in Sepember ] | perhaps =uaq- vv
identify tasks to be done |
or =uaq- vv mtiq-2 vv § taġiuqtiq-
+t/raksraq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv :I-4 nv

*pirraq (root) capability
pirraġik- (i) to be dexterous, adroit; pisaġi- (t) to kill her/him/it »
(i) to do something easily; (i) to be “Taimmaguuq aapani
graceful | +[g]Ik- nv pisaġianikkaa.” (Ahvakana: 38)
pirraġiksi- (i) to be rejuvenated (after [it has been done, he has killed his
an illness); (i) to gain strength, father] | -saq2 vv +[g]i- nv < pI(-)
skill, and poise » “Kiisaimma
aglimman, pirraġiksimman, ¤pisallakani- (i) to catch oneself doing or
atigimik atipkaqługu saying something unexpectedly
naammaŋanik < pI(-)
tiŋmiñiġmik.” (Ahvakana: 26) pisaq- (i) to do something deliberately; to
[then when he (the boy) got procure, get, obtain;(t) to do
bigger, when he gained strength, something to her/him/it
skill and poise; he (the father) deliberately | msaq-3 vv < pI(-)
made him put a parka on, one that pisaaġi- (i) to do on purpose,
fit him (the boy), then he patiently deliberately, intentionally; (t) to
began to teach him how to fly] | do something to her/him/it on
+[g]Ik- nv +sI-1 vv purpose, deliberately, intentionally
pirraġluk- to do (it) wrong in spite of | msaq-3 vv -aq1 vn +[g]i- nv
efforts to do (it) right | pisaaŋa- (i) to hint at an action; (i) to
+luk(-)1 vv, vv be malicious, mean, cruel; (t) to
hint to her/him trying to influence
¤piruk- (i) to run her/him or trying to tell her/him
something; (t) to be malicious,
*piruġaq (root) down coast mean, cruel to her/him/it |
piruġaaq- (i) to travel down to the 3 2
msaq- vv -a- vv ±ŋa- vv
coast in a northwest direction »
pisaaŋati- (t) to be mean, cruel to
“piruġaaqtuat taunuŋanmun
her/him | msaq-3 vv -a-2 vv ±ŋa- vv
nunamiñ” (Molly Itta 2009) [they
traveled down to the coast in a ‘ti- vv
northwesterly direction from pisaaŋŋan insult, affront | msaq-3 vv
inland] | -aq-1 vv -a-2 vv ±ŋa- vv ‘n1 vn
piruġaġnamiñ qatchiguraaqtuaq pisaasuġmiaq- (i) to use sly tactics to
saġvaq southeast ocean current § get what one wants; to do
see Appendix 14 something in a cunning and sly
piruġaġnaq ocean current flowing manner; (t) to deceive her/him/it
from the east | =ruġaq vn by trickery; to bribe her/him |
3 2 1
+naq(-) rn § see Appendix 14 msaq- vv -a- vv +suq- vv
piruġaġniq- (i) to flow from the east +miaq(-) vv
out to sea (of ocean current) | pisaasuq- or pisaasuu- (i) to be
=ruġaq vn +nIq-2 nv cunning, sly, devious, deceitful;
be good at being deceptive |
¤pirulliq [pirullIq] (Ti) Male Spectacled 3 2
msaq- vv -a- vv +suq- vv

Eider (Somateria fischeri) § pisaayugaq- to tease (her/him) |

qaugak, mitiq, qiŋalik, qavaasuk 3 3
msaq- vv -aq vn perhaps

-yugaq- vv
pisakallaŋit- to start or begin (it =
event, activity) late | msaq-3 vv pisiksiġaq small bow used to operate
±kallaŋIt- vv drill; any small bow | ‘ti1 vn
pisaqsaŋa- be prone to overreact | [ġ]aq nv
3 2
msaq- vv +saq- vv +ŋa- vv pisiksiġauraq small bow | ‘ti1 vn
pisaqsaq- (i) to overreact | msaq-3 vv +[ġ]aq nn :uraq vv, nn
+saq-2 vv pisiksiliunnaġi- (t) to like using it = a
pisatilaaq- to try with all one’s might certain type of wood to make a
or ability to accomplish (it =task) | bow | ‘ti1 vn -liuq- nv -nnaq2 vn
msaq- vv mtilaaq(-) vv, vn +[g]i- nv
pisiksisaq or pisiksitchak arrow
pisaun equipment, tool, amulet for
getting something; means of doing quiver; bow sheath; (Nu) large
quiver which holds arrows and
something » “Iliptik taima
piksratik taipkua tautukkatiik bow; (Nu) part of caribou intestine
nanuqpaaglu agluqpaaglu. (whose shape resembles an arrow
Tavra iliptik pisik, atakkiataŋ quiver) | ‘ti1 vn +saq1 nn
uvva sumik pisiksisauraq (Nu) small bag for
pisautiksraiqsutik.” (Nageak cartridges, ammunition | ‘ti1 vn
1975: 76) [they are yours, the two -saq1 nn :uraq nn, vv § satkuun
things you saw, the gigantic polar pisiksuġaq(-) or pisiksuġaaq(-)
bears and the gigantic jaws of the target; (i) to shoot at a target; (t) to
killer whale, are yours; because shoot at it =target | +suġaq- vv
you have nothing to defend pisiktaŋŋuaq- (Nu) (i) to play the
yourself with] | msaq-3 vv :un1 vn “mitten game” where children
throw fur mittens turned inside-
pisaunnaq habit | msaq-3 vv :unnaq vn out at each other and whoever is
hit is “it” | +t/raq-1 vv -ŋŋuaq(-) vv
pisaqquq- or piyaqquq- (i) to have an pisiktuġaq(-) unmanned, cocked gun
accident § miqivsaq- on tripod set out on sea ice above
a seal’s breathing hole to shoot at
pisi- (t) to do something for her/him in a polar bear when it disturbs bait;
her/his stead | -ti- vv (i) to be shot by a cocked gun set
pisigi- because of her/him/it | +[g]i- vv out with bait » “natchiqsiun
pisiktuġaq akłanunlu;
pisik- (t) to hit her/him/it with an arrow or aġiupkaŋagait” (Matumeak
a bullet; (t) to shoot her/him/it 2009) [an unmanned, cocked gun
pisignaq- (i) to be within range of on a tripod for hunting seals and
being hit with a bullet or arrow » also for grizzly bears; it is banned]
pisignaqtuq it can be hit | +naq(-) | +tuġaq(-) vv, vn
vv, vn
pisiksaq- (i) to shoot an arrow; (i) to pisuguiq- (i) to be satisfied, satiated |
fire a gun; (t) to shoot, fire at +[s]uk- vv :Iq- vv2 < pI(-)
her/him/it | msaq-3 vv
pisiksi [pisiksI] an archer’s bow | pisuġnaq- (i) to be easy to obtain, get; to
‘ti1 vn be easy to work on |

+suġnaq- vv < pI(-) pisuk-2 (i) to want to participate; (t) to
want to have it | +[s]uk-1 vv <
pisuk-1 (Nu) (i) to walk § pisuaq-, pI(-)
pisukataq- pisuiq- (i) to satisfy one’s desire |
pisuapaktaq- (i) to limp | -aq-1 vv +[s]uiq- vv
-paktaq- vv pisuksaaq- (t) to try to persuade
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it her/him to do something @
=distance | -aq-1 vv pisuksaaqłiq- | +[s]uk-1 vv
pisuaqpagaaq- (i) to strut, walking +saaq-2 vv || +kłIq-1 vv
with a pompous and affected air; pisuliq- (i) to now want to participate
(i) to walk taking long strides | +[s]uk-1 vv -lIq-3 vv
while swinging the arms | -aq-1 vv pisuuma- (i) to be importunate,
+qpagaaq- vv § avałłaaq, ivalik-, overly persistent; (t) to continue to
ivałłuaq want, beg for, insist on having it |
pisuaqtuaq- (i) to take a stroll, take a +[s]uk-1 vv -uma- vv
long, leisurely walk | -aq-1 vv pisuun will, desired outcome, choice,
+tuaq- vv wish | +[s]uk-1 vv ±un1 vn
pisuġaluk- (i) to walk around, pace | pisuvyuaq- to not really want to do
perhaps -ġak- vv -luk- vv (it) | +[s]uvyuaq- vv
pisukataaq(-) (Nu) an animal that
walks upright (e.g., bear, human); pisuq- to be adept at doing (it) | +suq-1 vv
(i) to walk leisurely to a < pI(-)
destination although other modes pisuġniq talent, expertise, aptitude,
of transportation are available | gift | +suq-1 vv +niQ1 vn
-kataq(-) vv, vn ±aq3 vn pisuqtilaaq- to do one’s best (on it =
pisukataq- or (Ti) pisuu- (i) to walk task); (t) to measure, ascertain
rather than use some other mode her/his/its ability to perform »
of transport | -kataq(-) vv, vn or pisuqtilaaġlusik youd do your
-u-2 vv best | mtilaaq(-) vv,vn
pisukkaaq four-legged animal; fox;
(Ti) white fox (Alopex lagopus); pisuqsaaq- (i) to act charmingly |
prey | perhaps +kaaq vn +suq-1 vv -saaq-1 vv < pI(-)
pisukti medium-sized, fur-bearing pisuqsaaġun charm, wile |
game animal; predator (e.g., wolf) -saaq-1 vv +un1 vn
| mt/ri vn § perhaps pisuk-1
pisuktit- (i) to kill a medium-sized, pitak- (i) to have a hole; (t) to make a
fur-bearing game animal | hole in it » niksiksuqtuni siku
mt/ri vn +t- nv pitagnaqtuq when one is fishing
¤pisuktit unipkaat (Nu) beasts in a one has to make a hole in the ice §
fable, in an animal story | mt/ri vn putu(-)
-t nn pitaaq- (i) to be full of holes; (t) to
pitchuuq- (i) to trot (of animal) | make holes in it | -aq-1 vv
‘.-q-1 vv pittaq hole in ice which has formed
naturally (as from air escaping) |
‘-Q3 vn

pitchaili- (i) to prevent oneself from pitqiksiġautait- (i) to be honest,
being caught and taken; (t) to trustworthy | -tqIk-2 vv +siġaq-2 vv
prevent her/him/it from being -utaq vn :It-1 nv
taken or doing an action |
+[t]sailI- vv < pI(-) pitqu- (t) to tell (subj. in term.) to take
her/him/it; (t) to tell (subj. in
pitchaliuġun (Ti) [ENG “picture”] term.) to do it =activity; (i) to say
camera | -liuq- nv :un1 vn § that she/he/it be taken » savik
qiñiġaun, pitchaliun pitqugaa aŋutaiyaamun she told
pitchaliuti- (Ti) (t) to take her/his/its the boy to get the knife; aġnam
picture @ pitchaliurri- | -liuq- nv savaqugaa qamutini the woman
-ti- nv || ~rI-5 vv wants her car to be repaired |
-[t]qu- vv < pI(-)
pitchiaq- (i) to get something new | pitqun request; act; will (as in a legal
-tchiaq(-) nv < pI(-) document) | -[t]qu- vv ‘n1 vn
pitquŋit- (t) to prohibit, forbid
pitchiġiaq- (i) to be easy to deal with; (i) her/him/it | -[t]qu- vv ±ŋIt- vv
to be easily done; (i) to be willing |
+[t]siġiaq- vv < pI(-) pitquraq law; commandment; statute;
pitchiġiit- (i) to be stubborn, hard to ordinance » pitquramik inillailit
deal with; (i) to be hard to move | taaptumuuna let them create a
+[t]siġiaq- vv =It-1 vdv piece of legislation on that topic |
pitchiġiiyaq- (i) to get locked; (t) to -[t]qu- vv +t/raq vn < pI(-)
lock it | +[t]siġiaq- vv =Iyaq- vdv pitquraliqiri lawyer | -liqi- vv +t/ri vn
pitchiġiiyaun key; lock | pitquramik inillailit be it enacted…
+[t]siġiaq- vv =Iyaq- vv :un1 vn § pitqurauraq bylaw, ordinance,
agmaun, kiluutchaq regulation | -[t]qu- vv +t/raq vn
:uraq nn
pitchuq- or pitchik- (i) to be a good pitqurriaksraq bill, piece of
hunter | +tchIk- vv legislation | -[t]qu- vv +t/raq vn
‘=iaq3 nn -ksraq(-) nn
pitiŋiq- (Ti) (i) to scoop slush ice from a
fishing hole; (t) to scoop slush ice pitqusaaq- (t) to entice, tempt her/him |
from it =fishing hole § mitiŋiq- -[t]qu- vv +saaq-2 vv < pI(-)
pitiŋiun (Ti) scoop for removing pitqusauraq- (i) to make overtures
slush ice from fishing hole | to be “caught,” responded to; (i)
:un1 vn to tease, trying to coax a reaction
from another | -[t]qu- vv
pitluk- (Nu) (t) to cross it =river § pilluk- +sauraq- vv

pitqik- (i) to cheat, be devious; (t) to pitqusiq habit, characteristic way of

cheat on her/him | perhaps doing something | +siq vn §
-tqIk-2 vv < pI(-) pilġusiq
pitqiksiġaq- (i) to do something pitqusiġiit- (i) to have bad habits |
secretly, dishonestly | -tqIk-2 vv -[t]qu- vv +siq vn +[g]Ik- nv
+siġaq-2 vv :It-1 vdv

pitqusiksrait- (i) to be confused |
-[t]qu- vv -ksraq(-) nn, nv :It-1 nv § piu- (i) to be “it”; (i) to be the “one” |
qanuqsausiit- :u-1 nv < pI(-)
piugauraq food that is set aside for
pituġaq- (i) to arrive at a body of water special occasions or for someone
after or during a journey of some special | :u-1 nv +gaq2 vn :uraq nn
distance overland; (i) to travel to piun possession | :u-1 nv ‘n1 vn
the coast or ice edge | +[ġ]aq- vv piunġiq- (i) to become useless,
pituġaaq- (Nu) (i) to travel to the worthless; (i) to become angry,
coast | +[ġ]aq- vv -aq-1 vv irrational; (t) to render her/him/it
pituqqiq flat, secure ice at edge of useless, worthless, irrational |
shore-fast ice (where whaling :u-1 nv +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv §
camp can be set up at the end of +nġIq- vv
the trail that’s been made) » piunialait- (i) to be retiring, meek, not
“pituqqiġuuq tavra assertive | :u-1 nv +niala- vv
anayanailaaq” (S. Tuzroyluke :It-1 vv
2009) [the flat area on shore-fast piuŋaiq- (i) to become useless |
ice is a safe place] | +[ġ]aq vn :u-1 nv ±ŋaIq- vv § atuŋaiq-
‘=Iq nn piuŋilaq nothing, something of no
pituqqit ice path or trail through value | :u-1 nv ±ŋilaq vn
shore-fast ice to the edge of an piuŋŋuaq- (i) to play-act, pretend; (t)
ocean lead » “pituġaqtaġviit to pretend to do it =activity |
apqutit uiñiġmun” (Aiken 2009) :u-1 nv ±ŋŋuaq- vv
[trails that lead to the open ocean piutuġniq- (i) to be durable | :u-1 nv
lead]; |+[ġ]aq- vn ‘=Iq nn +tuq-2 vv +nIq-2 vv
-t nn
piuġaq (Nu) Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla
pituk(-) chain; tether; (t) to tether, chain flava)
her/him/it to a stake, pole; (t) to
connect it =house to electricity or piuġavik (Nu) American Pipit (Anthus
sewer system @ pituksi- || rubescens)
+sI-3 vv
pittuq cleat, a wooden piece on boat piuqtuq- (i) to paddle vigorously towards
to which rope is attached | ‘-Q3 vn a whale; (t) to paddle toward it
pittuqun something attached to
another thing | ‘-quti vn piuraaq(-) toy; (i) to play | :uraaq2 nn
pituit- (i) to be loose, not tied to stake < pI(-)
(esp., of dogs) | :It-1 vdv piuraaġi- (t) to play or “toy” with
pituutaq rope used to attach her/him/it | :uraaq2 nn +[g]i- vv
something | :utaq vn
pituutat chain; dog chains | :utaq vn piurraaq- (i) to now have a broken part;
-t nn (t) to break some part of it |
-urraaq- nv < pI(-)
pituq- (i) to eat some | +tuq-3 nv
pituġuiq- (i) to be satiated, full |
+tuq-3 nv +[s]uiq- vv < pI(-)

pivallak- (i) to regain health after illness; *piya2 (root) mistreatment
(i) to regain weight after growing piyaaġi- (t) to treat her/him/it roughly,
thin § nakuuqsi- badly | +aq1 rn +[g]i- nv
piyaaqun fetish used to threaten
pivik allotted place, time | +vIk1 vn somebody » kisimġiuġaluaqtuq
< pI(-) sapiġnaqtuq aglaan;
piviksraiq- to run out of time | sapiġnaqtuq
+vIk1 vn -ksraq(-) nn, vv :Iq-2 nv piyaaqutaukkaqhuni he is alone
piviksraq opportunity, chance; time | but, he is still formidable; he is
+vIk1 vn -ksraq(-) nn formidable because he has many
piviksritqaaq- (i) to give priority to charms which he uses to harm
her/him/it | +vIk1 vn -ksraq(-) nn others | +aq1 rn -quti rn
±qqaaq(-) vv
piyaqquq- or pisaqquq- (i) to have an
*pivik (root) of the optimal, the best accident, be injured in an accident
piviksaq or pivigniq best part | § kuttaq-
+t/raq vn or +niQ1 vn =Iq-1nv piyaqquġvik scene or time of
piviksuq- (i) to be kind, treat people accident | +vIk1 vn
well | +suq-1 vv § iñugIk-
piviuttaġi- (t) to cherish her/him/it | piyugaq- (i) to stalk an animal; (i) to
-uttaq rn +[g]i- nv approach a sea mammal by
piviuttak- (i) to show appreciation | crawling » “Tavraasii tiŋmiluk
-uttaq rn -k-4 nv mitchaaġman, piyugaqtuq
piviuttaqqun love | -uttaq rn +[g]i- nv tiŋmiluŋmun. So then, when the
‘~n1 vn small bird lands, he stalks
towards the small bird.”
pivsi [pivsI] dried fish (Ahmaogak & Webster: 10);
pivsiraq small, dried whitefish | “iriqtuuraqłuni piruaq
perhaps +raq qalliñialavlugit
sukpaluiñŋatauraqłuni” (Aiken
pivsukaq- (i) to barely, narrowly escape 2009) [it’s the one who quietly
death, danger; (t) to barely miss and secretly approaches trying to
hurting her/him/it: (t) to barely get closer] | -yugaq- vv § auq-
miss striking it = animal
piyuk- or piyuaq- (t) to beat her/him/it
piya- (i) easily consents to sexual activity up, manhandle her/him/it; (t) to
| -ya- vv < pI(-) abuse her/him/it verbally; (t) try to
kill her/him/it @ piyukłiq-,
*piya1 (root) waning in strength piyuaqłiq- | -aq-1 vv || +kłIq-1 vv
¤piyagniuq- (i) to be barely alive, be piyuaġniq bruise; one who has been
dying | ±nniuq- rv violently abused, beaten | -aq-1 vv
¤piyaġittuq- (i) to wane and rise later +niQ1 vn
than usual, to fall lower, come piyuksiq- or piyuaqsiq- (i) to not
around more slowly (of moon) | offer any resistance to the abuse
+[ġ]it- rv +tuq-2 vv one is receiving; (t) to allow
her/him/it to be abused |

+[t]sIq- vv seems good, encouraging
piyumisuuti- (i) to confront each (Bergsland 1987: 305) |
other aggressively | -mi-3 rv + yumiñaq- vv +t/raaq1 vn
-suk-2 vv -uti- vv -tun (sim.)
piyuumigi- (t) to actively seek to piyumiñaqtilaaq(-) to do one’s very
harm her/him/it, menace best (Aiken 2009) | -tilaaq vn
her/him/it, be ill-intentioned +ktun (sim poss. 2s-s)
toward her/him/it » piyumisuk- (i) to want to leave, go,
piyuumigigaluaġmani imiŋaram be eager, raring to go | -suk-2 rv
aniruq since the drunk was piyumisuvik- (i) to be determined to
targeting her, she left | -u-2 vv do something definite » tavrani
-mik vv +[g]i- vv piyumisuviaqsirut ukua they
piyuumikkiuti- (t) to decide to face, began wanting to do something
confront her/him/it | -u-2 vv right then and there |+vIk- vv
-mik vv +[g]i-1 vv ‘uti- vv piyumitchak- (i) to become eager to
piyuuti-1 (i) to abuse each other | go | -tchak- vv
:uti- vv piyumitchuqtu- (i) to have a lot of
piyyuaq- (Ti) (t) to injure her/him/it » hope | -suk-2 rv ‘-qtu- vv
“Uvvagguuq uvuuna piyuumitchak- (i) to decide to do
piyyuaŋagaa kiasiagun.” something when at first
(Kiligvuk: 1) [he said the pain is discouraged » nikasuk-
here on his shoulder blade] kaluaġami, piyuumitchaktuq
piyyuq one that has been abused | although doubtful, she decided to
‘-Q vn do it | perhap -u-2 vv -mik vv
+[g]i- vv -tchak- vv
piyuma- (i) to be willing, to be eager to
do something; (t) to be willing to *piyu (root) a challenge
perform it = task | +[y]uma-1 vv piyuuti-2 (i) to challenge each other
< pI(-) (as in a race) | -uti- vv
piyumaaq- (i) intends to do the piyuutraq- (Nu) (i) to run a race |
action; (t) intends to take it | -uti- vv ~raq- vv
-yumaaq- vv
piyumaaqtuaq the future; future piyyaq- (i) to rush, hurry to something; (t)
event | -yumaaq- vv +t/ruaq vn to rush, hurry to it to do something
piyumman intent; hope; willingness | +yyaq-2 vv < pI(-)
to do a task | +[y]uma-1 vv ‘-n vn
*pu (root) moisture
*piyumI (root) willingness, eagerness, pulauq- (i) to soak (it =leather) |
hopefulness ~laq- vv :uq-2 vv
piyumiñaq- (i) to be able to putchii- (i) to leave moistened skin
participate | +yumiñaq- vv out overnight | +[t]sIq- vv -I-1 vv
piyumiñaqtaatun (Nu) seem good; putchimaallaktitchaq- (t) to store it
encouraging » =moistened skin for a short time |
“piyumiñaqtaatun ittut +[t]sIq- vv -ma-1 vv -aq-1 vv
taapkua savaatka” my work -llak-2 vv mtit-1 vv msaq-3 vv

putchimapkavsaaq- (t) to store it whale that surfaced upon us] |
=moistened skin for a longer ‘=Iqi-2 vv
period of time | +[t]sIq- vv puigaq- (i) to surface repeatedly (of
-ma-1 vv +pkaq- vv -vsaaq- vv sea mammal); (i) to jump (of fish);
putchiq- (t) to moisten it =skin and (i) to swim on surface » “ tavra
leave it overnight before tanning | umiaqtuġmata puigaġaqtuq
+[t]sIq- vv maniq iviligaaq tautugaġigaat
when they were out on an umiak,
pualla- or puala (Nu) (i) to dance they used to see a tussock with
grass on it rising to the surface”
pualġiñ shovel § piksrun, iqagaun (Bergsland 1987: 14) | +aq-1 vv
puila- (i) to rise to the surface (of
pualuk pair of trail mittens with fur liquid) | -la- vv
outside | -k2 nn puiñiq fat which rises to the top of
pualuuraq white flower of cooking broth | +niQ1 vn
cottongrass | :uraq nn puiññi- (i) to save fat skimmed from
broth | +niQ1 vn ‘=I-1 nv
puggutaq cooking pot, pan < puuq(-) puiruq(-) sea mammal that is
surfacing ; (t) to kill (it =surfacing
puggutauraq plate < puuq(-) seal) | +ruq vv +t-2 nv
puiyaq- (Ti) (i) to surface repeatedly
puggutauriqi- (i) to wash dishes (of sea mammal) | +yaq- vv
< puuq(-) puiyaqpaŋŋuuq (Ti) (excl.) “they are
spouting” » “…all the children
puggutchiqi- (i) to wash dishes < puuq(-) began to shout, puyuq-palgok,
‘they are spouting’…” (Rainey:
puguq (Ti) carved figure made each year 257) +yaq- vv +qpak(-) vn
at the time of the aquppiyut perhaps +gguuq (encl.)
“sitting,” then burned at a special puiyuilaaq (Ti) sea animal which
place at the conclusion of the never surfaces, (e.g., some fish);
ceremony (Rainey: 248) sea animals which do not surface
frequently, which do not normally
puġrak (Ti) slush ice § muġałłiq surface | -yuit- vv =ilaaq vn

pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puiguq- to forget (her/him/it) § piiguq-,
surface “in front of” her/him/it » puuguq-
“…aġviġum puiraŋani,”
(Bodfish: 238) […a whale *puk (root) depth
surfaced in front of me,” pukkit- (i) to ride low in water (of
puggisi- (t) to surface with her/him/it boat); to be low (of elevation); to
» puggisigaa he surfaced with it | be shallow (of container) | -kIt- rv
‘ti- vv pukłi- (i) to be riding low in water (of
puggiqi- (t) to surface upon her/him/it boat); (i) be lower; (t) to lower its
» “….aasiuvva taavsruma sides | -kłI- vv
aġviġum puggiqigaatigut.” pukta- (i) to float | mta- rv § pupta-
(Bodfish: 238) [….so it was that

puktaaġruaq auyuilaq year-round (Harold Itta 1985: 2A. 3) [the
glacier | mta- rv ±aq3 vn +ġruaq nn area behind the dancers and
puktaaq ice floe, floating mass of ice; drummers had a curtain which
iceberg » “siku naqtuġman was fairly long] | ‘-qtu- rv
anuqqagman puktaalisuuruq”
(Kinneeveauk 2009) [when the ice pukak snow crystals found under hard
breaks apart due to the wind it packed snow (good for melting
creates floating ice masses] | mta- into water), depth hoar § nilak
rv ±aq3 vn pukagralaaq small, clear scales on
fish | +rak(-) nn -laaq nn §
puktaaqat ice floe attached to another
ice floe (Harcharek: 14) | ±qan vv sikuġralaaq
pukagriŋa- (i) to be granular | +rI- rv
puktaġun net float, buoy | mta-rv
±ŋa- vv
+q-2 vv +un1 vn pukarraaq(-) (Ti) old packed snow
puktakkaq- (i) to float to the surface good for melting for drinking
of water; (i) to wax (of moon) | water; (i) to get packed hard so
mta- rv -kkak- vv
that it is good for drinking water
puktallak- (i) to float to the surface of (of snow) (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
water; (i) to rise higher in the sky
each day (of sun, after solstice) | pukik [pukIk] white belly fur of caribou
2 1
mta- rv +q- vv -llak- vv
puktan swim bladder (of fish) | pukit- [pukIt] (t) to pick her/him/it up @
mta- rv ‘-n vn pukitchi- || +sI-3 vv
puktaq- (i) to float to the surface |
2 pukkuq(-) mortise, foundation sill notch;
mta- rv +q- vv
puktaraġaq darting gun with harpoon hole in sled runner for upright
stanchions/braces; (t) to cut or
toggle head and a large wooden
make a mortise in it; (t) to make
handle (after the bullet and
holes on top of it =sled runner
harpoon toggle head are propelled
from the darting gun, the large puksiññaq- (i) to die suddenly, instantly |
wooden handle (usually six feet in msiññaq- vv
length and five inches in circum-
ference) enables the darting gun to Puksripak African American person;
float popping up and down in the black person § Taaqsipak, Purgiq
sea until it is retrieved); large
wooden handle of darting gun; puktit- (Ti) (i) to get puffy (of eyes) §
something which floats | mta- rv puptit-
-raġaq vn
puqtu- (i) to ride high in water (of pukuk- to stoop over and pick (them); to
boat); (i) to be deep (of choose (them) | -uk(-)2 vv, vn §
container); (i) to be long (of put-
curtain) » pukuaq something gathered |
“talukiyaaqaqsimaruaq perhaps uk(-)2 vv, vn ±aq3 vn
tamanna samma puqtuu-
raqłuni aġġiruat tunuat” pula- (i) to eclipse (of sun or moon)

¤pułallak- (i) to fall asleep while leaning pupik(-) [pupIk] itchy rash; itchy spots;
over something scabies; (i) to have an itch, rash

*pula (root) visiting pupipsuk- (i) to squeak (like a lemming

pulaaq- (i) to go out visiting | or ermine); (i) to whistle (of bird);
+aq-1 vv (t) to make the squeaking sound of
pulasaq- (i) to visit one’s snares, a lemming or ermine to it
traps; (t) to visit, check them =animal, usually a fox in order to
=snares, traps | +saq-2 rv lure it | -suk-2 nv

puliġuq- (i) to fall asleep soundly » pupsaq- (Ti) to rise (of bread dough)
“Tarva siquvalliġmaŋnik, < *puv
miñaiqpalliġmaŋnik, puliġua- pupsaun (Ti) baking powder; cube of
nikpalliġmaŋnik, yeast < *puv
siqummaŋnik, katchiq
tamanna pakikługu puptit- (i) to get puffy (of eyes) < *puv
uqallautigaa, ‘Ki, avititchik.’
Aatchalgitchuq. Aa tarva pupta- (i) to be floating | puptallaruq
anisaġami, ‘Ki, mamititchik.’” manna umiapałłuuraġa my
(Ahvakana: 11) [then when they raggedy, old boat can float §
appeared to be asleep, when they pukta-
appeared to lose consciousness,
when they appeared to have fallen puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to
asleep soundly, when they fell learn § ilitchiya-
asleep, she scratched the wall and puqiili- (i) to become less smart,
said to it, “Okay, separate.” It [the dumb | -ili- vv
wall] opened up again. Then on puqiit- (i) to be dumb, not smart, slow
her way out, “Okay, come to learn | :It-1 vv
together.”] | -[ġ]uq-1 rv
puliġuŋa- (i) to sleep soundly | puqłaq- (t) to boil it =dead bird to loosen
-[ġ]uq-1 rv ±ŋa- vv feathers for plucking

pummiq- (i) to hold one’s mouth closed, Purgiq African American person; black
lips sealed < ipummIq- person § Taaqsipak, Puksripak

punniq [punniQ] bread (made with puruuq [ENG “prune”] prune

yeast) | perhaps +niQ1 vn
punniġuraq or (Ti) punniq *pusi (root) face down position
communion wafer or bread | pusikaq- (i) to fall forward »
+niQ1 vn :uraq nn pusikaġnak don’t fall forward |
punniksraq bread dough | +niQ1 vn -kaq- vv
-ksraq(-)1 nn, vv pusiŋa- (i) to lie with buttocks up in
punnilivik loaf pan; oven | +niQ1 vn the air | ±ŋa- vv
-lI-1 nv +vIk1 vn

pusit- (i) to turn over with face down; putulik- (t) to tell it =story in
(t) to turn it over with face down; sequential fragments »
to turn it upside down @ pusitchi- quliaqtuaġnialaruŋa
| -t-2 vv || +sI-3 vv putulikługu puiguqługu I am
telling the story in fragments
pusiuraq [ENG “pussycat”] cat | because I have forgotten it
:uraq nn | -lik- nv
puturaq- (i) to swoop down when
Pusrgiq African American person; black nearing nest (of bird) | -raq- nv §
person § Taaqsipak, Puksripak, nivi-
putuuq- (t) to create holes in it »
put- (i) to bow, kneel, bend over, crouch, putuuġnagu don't put holes in it |
stoop | +t-2 vv :uq-2 vv
punŋa- (i) to sit, stand or crouch with
head bent; to stoop | +t-2 vv putuguq big toe, the hallux | +guq rn §
±ŋa- vv see Appendix 21
punŋayuuq- (i) to walk bent over, as putuguqsiuyuk small sea creature, a
a hunter stalking game | +t-2 vv crab » “The day after the qalegis
±ŋa- vv -yuq- vv -uq-2 vv were closed, the umeliks and their
punŋuqsruq- (i) to keep the head wives went down to Nuwuk, the
lowered when one is feeling sad, end of the Point Hope spit...before
dissatisfied, shameful | +t-2 vv returning, each couple found a
+ŋuq-2 vv mqsruq-2 vv small creature (putuguksiu), about
punŋuuq- (i) to walk with head as big as one’s thumb, with legs
bowed | +t-2 vv +ŋuq-2 vv -uq-2 vv and a shell, which they placed
with its head towards the land in a
putchuala- (i) to smoke, make smoke § little tent made of ice.” (Rainey:
puyuq 252-3)] | +guq rn +siuq-1 nv
-yuk(-)1 vn, vv
putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to putukkisaun stumbling block |
perforate, pierce it, make a hole -kkIt- vv perhaps +[t/r]aq-3 vv
through it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in :un1 vn
one’s sole @ putusi- || +sI-3 vv § putukkit- (i) to stumble »
qilaiq- putukkiññak don’t stumble|
purruq(-) (Ti) hole worn in boot sole; -kkIt- vv
(i) to get a hole in one’sole | putukkuaq- (i) to stub one’s toe |
=ruQ(-)1 nn, vv § qilaiġñiq, aŋŋik ‘-aq-2 nv
putruq- (Nu) (i) to be worn out, have putukkumiraq- (i) to walk on tiptoe |
holes (of clothing, boats) | ‘-miraq-2 vv
=ruq(-)1 nn, nv
puttun or putuliuġun piercing tool, putukiiłuk American Pipit (Anthus
awl | ‘-n vn or -liuq- nv :un1 vn rubrscens); Lapland Longspur
puttuqsri- (i) to understand, compre- (Calcarius lapponicus)
hend, realize; (t) to understand, putukiiłukpak Smith’s Longspur
comprehend it | ‘-qsrI- nv (Calcarius pictus) | +qpak(-) nn

putukiułuk (Nu) Lapland Longspur swims with its nose above water] |
(Calcarius lapponicus) =ruq- vv

putuŋŋiaq sealskin loop sewn between puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a

the sole and the body of boot container; a sac, covering (e.g.,
through which tie strings are young grass leaf covering stem);
strung | +ŋŋIQ nn -aq2 nn top edge of boot where drawstring
is inserted; caske, coffint; (t) to
putyugiak (Nu) snowshoes with pointed wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage
tips § puyyugiaq her/him/it @ puuqsi- || +sI-3 vv
puggutaq cooking pot, pan | ‘utaq1 vn
Putyuutchiak or Putyuutchaak or [lit. puggutauraq plate | ‘utaq1 vn
“two crabs” or “close together :uraq nn
like the thumb and forefinger puggutauriqi- (i) to wash dishes |
when held just a little ways ‘utaq1 vn :uraq nn =Iqi-1 nv
apart”] (Nu) constellation puggutchiqi- (i) to wash dishes |
¤Cepheus , two stars ‘utaq1 vn ’=Iqi-1 nv
puugutchiqi- (Ti) (i) to wash dishes |
puuguq- (Ti) to forget (her/him/it) § -utaq vn ‘=Iqi-1 nv
piiguq-, puiguq- puuġriñġaq backpack, bag used to
carry hunting equipment, dog
puuġuq (Ti) inflated bladder sac hung in chains, etc.; sled bag |
qargi and burnt in spring before +ġrI- nv -nġaq vn
whaling; container puuġruaq old sealskin poke |
+ġruaq nn
puuk- (i) to become bent with age; (Ti) (i) puuġu (Nu) wolf net | +ġu nn
to fall over from a stroke, or when puuġuaq(-) net for catching
fainting, etc. medium-sized birds; (t) to use a
puukaq- (i) to fall forward, stumble | net to catch it =ptarmigan on land
-kaq- vv | +ġu nn -aq(-) nv
puuġutuq- (i) to use a wolf net | +ġu
puumit- (i) to swim | -mit rv nn +tuq-3 nv
puuvraaq- (i) to play in water, to go puukataq sack, large bag, suitcase,
swimming | =raaq- vv (traditionally) a sealskin bag |
puuvraq- (i) to swim (of human) | -kataq2 nn
=raq- vv puukatauraq purse, handbag |
puuvri- (t) to chase it =animal into -kataq2 nn :uraq nn
water in a hunt | =rI-3 vv puukatchi- (i) to make ready a sack
puuvruq- (i) to swim with nose above of things for a trip; (t) to pack for
water (as polar bear); (i) to swim her/him | -kataq2 nn ‘=I-1 nv
on surface of water; (i) to move puuksraak sleeping bag |
slowly on surface of water » -ksraq(-)1 nn -k2 nn
“nakkaġaluaġani puuksraq envelope, wrapper, paper
igliġuraaqtuaq puuvruqtuq” bag, sealskin bag; (Nu) group of
(Aiken 2009) [the one who travels five stars | -ksraq(-)1 nn
without submerging is one who

puuku used sack; something leftover puviaq bird’s crop; puffed out chest
after its contents have been of walrus; little bay, bight, inlet |
removed | -ku(-) nn =Iq-1 rv ±aq1 vn
Puuq or Puuksraq [lit. “sealskin puviatchiaq ptarmigan’s crop |
bag”] constellation Cetus (the =Iq-1 rv ±aq1 vn -tchiaq nn
whale);“The Sealskin Bag puviġaaq balloon; swim bladder |
(pûgjaq) is the constellation =Iq-1 rv +aq-1 vv ±aq1 vn §
Cetus.” (Ingstad: 209-210) puviuraaq(-)
puuqtaluk(-) or puuqtałuk(-) person puviiq- (i) to deflate; (t) to deflate it »
dressed up as part of a game; puviiqsuaq it deflated | =Iq-1 rv
masquerade; Halloween; (i) to :Iq-2 vdv
dress in a costume; (i) to celebrate puviliñ wooden or bone mouthpiece
Halloween » Puuqtałuktuat in navel of sealskin poke through
aliasuŋitchut they are having fun which skin is inflated to be used
at the Halloween party| +t/raq3 vn as a float | =Iq-1 rv -liñ vn
-luk(-)2 vn, vv puviq- (i) to be now inflated; (t) to
puuqtui- (i) to package and wrap inflate it @ puviqsi- | =Iq-1 rv ||
items | +tuq-2 vv -II-4 v +sI-3 vv
puuqtuq- (t) to wrap it in layers | puviqsiñ (Nu) bellows | =Iq-1 rv
+tuq-2 vv +sI-3 vv ‘-n vn § puviun
puuqtuqtat wrapped items | +tuq-2 vv puvit- (i) to become swollen | =It-2 rv
mtaq vn puviun bellows, air pump | =Iq-1 rv
:un1 vn
puuvsaq- (t) to kill it =wounded animal puviuraaq or (Ti) puviuraagraq
@ puuvsai- || :I-4 vv balloon » puviuraaksrirruŋ qulit
malġuŋnik aŋutaiyaaq give the
puuvsi- [puuvsI] (Ti) (i) to take a nap § boy twelve balloons | =Iq-1 rv
siqutqiksuuraq- :uraaq2 vn
puviutaq(-) ivory mouthpiece placed
*puv (root) air cavity/space; swelling; in navel of sealskin poke through
expansion of air (like filling one’s which skin poke is inflated to be
lungs with air) used as a float; cork stopper |
pupsaq- or puvsaq- (Ti) to rise (of =Iq-1 rv -utaq(-) vv vn
bread dough) » puvsaqtuq or puvla3 or puvlaq air bubble; gas or
puvsaġaa the bread dough is air in something inflated »
rising | +saq-2 vv § puvlak(-) “puvlaġunaaġuuruq aġviġnik;
pupsaun (Ti) baking powder; cube of aniġniŋa qiñiqtuni puvlałhiñaq”
yeast | +saq-2 rv, vv :un1 vv § (Aiken 2009) [one first notices
puvlagulaun whales through the air bubbles;
puptit- (i) to become puffy (of eyes) | when one watches its breathing
perhaps +tit-2 vv it’s all bubbles] | -laq rv
puvak lung; (Nu) interior cavity of puvlagulaun or (Ti) puvsaun baking
sheep horn powder; yeast | -lak-vv +ula-vv
puvagraaq (Ti) beluga whale or seal +un1 vn or msak-3 rv -un1 vn
lung | +raaq3 nn puvlak- (i) to rise (of bread dough);
(i) to bubble up; to become sour,

developing gas bubbles (of food); [they freeze dry the fermented
(i) to spout (of whale); (i) to have sealskins as well as caribou skins
gas from indigestion | -lak-vv into white bleached skins,
puvlaksiaq sourdough; bread dough stretching them taut during
set aside to rise | -lak-vv +sIq-1 vv February] |
±aq1 vn 3
msaq- vv
puvlaqtuula- (i) to make bubbles puvitquqtaq something dried and
underwater | -laq- rv +tuula-vv bleached by weather | +t/raq vn
puvlauraq light bulb | -laq rn puvitquqtit- (i) to get frostbitten from
-uraq nn grabbing something cold; (t) to
puvliq- (i) to become swollen with air cause her/him/it to get frostbitten |
| -lIq-3 vv 1
mtit- vv
puvliqi- (i) to suffer from excess gas puvitqusiaq fur or cloth dried by
in stomach | -laq- rv =Iqi-1 nv freezing | +sI-1 vv ±aq1 vn
puvruk bubbles | +rruk rn, nn
puvviaqtuuq Pectoral Sandpiper puvipsuk- (i) to make a squeaking or
(Calidris melanotos); kissing noise with the lips (of
Buff-breasted Sandpiper mouse, ermine or hunter trying to
(Trybgites subruficollis) | +viaq2 attract a fox); (i) to whistle (of
nn +tuuq nn § aiviqiak birds); (t) to make a squeaking or
puvviaqtuuyaaq Baird’s Sandpiper kissing noise at it
(Erolia bairdii) | +viaq2 nn, rn
+tuuq nn -ayaaq1 nn puvlaq- (i) to be frightened away by a
smell (e.g., of animals by the scent
puvala- (i) to be fat and round § quiñi- of people); (t) to frighten it
=animal away by one’s smell |
puvitquq- (t) to be bleached white (of perhaps -laq- rv
animal skin); (i) to get frostbitten
» “puvitquqtiłługit puvlaq choice wolf skin piece | ~laq1 vn §
nalualiuġmatun puyuġaq
qatiqsipkaqługit umianik
amiġuurut” (Aiken 2009) [they puya seal oil residue [“the only things of
put the skins on the boat for its interest about “pooya” are its
cover [after] letting them [skins] age, the ingredients and style of
be bleached white like it is done its construction, and its one great
for sealskins making them white] product (according to the
§ qataak- Inupash) – the first man” (Driggs:
pivitquqsaq- (t) method of tanning 34)]; grime; sticky oil; blubber
skins where the stretched-out rubbed on seams of the umiak to
skins are left outside for the make them waterproof | -ya(q) rn
freezing weather to bleach white; puyait- (i) to not be grimy; not have
(t) to freeze dry it » seal oil residue on it | :It-1 nv
“nalualiuqługit utiŋaruat puyat- or puyyak- (i) to become
natchiit amiŋit, tuttullu dirty, grimy; (t) to make it grimy
isivimmaġiksivlugit with dirt | +t-2 nv ‘-k-2 nv
Siqiññaasugrugmi” (Aiken 2009)

puyau- (i) to be soiled, dirty, grimy | puyyugniq bruise from a pinch |
:u-3 nv +niQ1 vn
puyauq- to become dried and sticky, Puyyutchiaq constellation (this
grimy (of oil) | +uq-1 nv constellation consists of two small
stars that are either very close or
puyuġaq the middle circle of fur on a part of the constellation ¤Draco
woman’s isiġvikpaaq “sunshine Nanmatchiaq)
ruff” made from the belly skin of puyyuugaurak tweezers | -k2 nn
a wolf (located between the -gauraq nn -k2 nn
wolverine piece which is next to puyyuuk thumb and forefinger held
the face and the longer wolf fur on in opposition (acting like pincers |
the outside) » -k2 nn
“puyuġaliutisuugaat narraaŋa; puyyuun tweezers | :un1 vn
isiġvikpagaaq puyu- puyyuutik claws, pinchers of crab |
ġaliuġuugaat tainnasimik” :un1 vn -k2 nn
(Aiken 2009) [they make its
[wolf’s] belly section the middle
circle of fur next to the wolverine
piece; they make an inner circle of
°qa (stem) indicates time § qakkutigun,
fur for the woman’s
qakuaglaaġnaq-, qakugu, qaŋa
isiġvikpagaaq “parka ruff” from
that kind] | +[ġ]aq nn
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] topside; roof;
surface; outer side of fabric;
puyuq(-) smoke from chimney; insect
cover; dorsal area of fish; (t) to
repellent powder; (i) to smoke,
construct a top surface on it »
make smoke (of fire)
“nunamik aqayaligaamik
putchuala- (i) to smoke, make smoke
qaasuugaat iglu,
| ‘-ala- vv
putchuallak- (i) to become intense (of
aqvaluqsivlugu ivruq,
smoke) | ‘-ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv
saatuuraaqługit 3 to 4 inches”
puyuala- or putchuala- (i) to make
(Aiken 2009) [they take the sod,
steam or smoke | -ala- vv
including the mud, and build a
puyuuġvik or (Ti, Nu) puyuġvik
roof over the house, putting the
stovepipe, chimney; smoke hole
rounded sod which has been
(of sod house kitchen) | :uq-2 vv
sliced to three to four inches,
+vIk1 vv § see Appendix 22
overlapping each other]
puyuuq- (i) to smoke (of fire or
qaagik- or qaaġik- (i) to have a good,
chimney) | -uq-2 vv
flat, smooth surface; a good,
sturdy cover | +[g]Ik- nv
puyyuk- (t) to pinch her/him/it @
qaagrak roughly filed cutting edge of
puyyui- || :I-4 vv
ulu or knife which needs
puyyuaq- (t) to pinch her/him
smoothing with a flint stone |
repeatedly @ puyyuaqłiq- |
+k1 nn +rak(-) nn
-aq-1 vv || +kłIq- vv
qaaġrait- (Nu) (i) to be smooth, even
puyyugiaq crab | +iaq1 vn
(of edge, blade) | +k1 nn
+rak(-) nn :It-1 nv

qaaġraq- (Nu) (i) to be rough, uneven water-filled hole in ice | +mniQ nn
(of edge, blade) | +k1 nn or mtit-1 vv +niQ1 vn
+rak(-) nn -q-1 nv qaanaaq [qaanaraq] cave eroded in
qaaktaq arctic cisco (Coregonus ice or land; eaves | -naaq3 nn
autumnalis) | ‘-k-1 rv +t/raq vn qaanarri- to scoop out a hollow place
Qaaktuġvik Barter Island, Alaska | in (it =snowbank) | -naaq3 nn
‘-k-1 rv +tuq-2 vv +vIk1 vn ‘=I-1 nv
qaaktuq- (i) to seine | ‘-k-1 rv qaaniq space under sleeping platform
+tuq-2 vv (in sod house); empty space under
qaaktuun seining net | ‘-k-1 rv something, e.g., hollow in
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn snowbank; (Nu) gentle slope at
qaakutaq extra covering (for tent, base of mountain where it levels
etc.) | +kutaq nn off to a plain » qaanġagun
qaaliġiq (Nu) fish with small hump igluliruagut we built a house at
on back of head (found in Colville the base of the mountain | +niQ1
River); (Ti) tough white fish nn § see Appendix 22
(Coregonus sp.) » qaannak- (i) to receive a share of the
“aqalukpaitchiat aulalgurut whale tongue | -nnak- nv
niksiktuni” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) qaaŋiq- (i) to pass by; (t) to go over it
[they are very large fish which =the limit; (i) to be past, done
move around a lot when they are with; (t) to pass by, overlook, omit
hooked] | -liġIq nn her/him/it; (t) to surpass
qaakutaq- (t) to roof it; to put a her/him/it; (t) to become taller
covering on it =parka, etc. @ than her/him @ qaaŋii- »
qaaliqsi- | -lIq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv aapiyani qaaŋiŋagaa he is taller
qaalu dried or spoiled outside part of than his older brother;
piece of meat; (Nu) birch bark | “Taavrumiŋauvva
+lu(q) nn § amiġaq qaaŋiigaluaġniqsuŋa.” (Nageak
qaaluku snipped-off, dried or spoiled 1975: 56) [I omitted this one
outer part of meat | +lu(q) nn but…] | +ŋIq- nv ||-I-4 vv
+ku nn qaaŋiqsaaq- (i) to pass, go by without
qaalutuq- (i) to eat the outside part of stopping; (Ti) (i) to pass by; (t) to
a piece of dried meat | +lu(q) nn pass, go by her/him/it without
+tuq-3 nv stopping; (Ti) (t) to pass by
qaaminniq area covered by newly her/him/it | +ŋIq- nv -saaq-1 vn
flowing liquid; overflow water qaaŋiqsit- (t) to bequeath it |
from crack in ice on river or ocean +ŋIq- nv mtit- vv
| -mit nv +niQ1 vn
qaaŋiulaak- or qaaŋiułaak- (t) to
qaamit- (i) to emerge and flow
surpass her/him/it by quite a bit;
spreading over a surface (of
(i) to go beyond one’s goal | +ŋIq-
liquid); (i) to seep upwards nv -u-2 vv + laak- vv
through a crack and overflow on
qaaŋiummati- (i) to stay ahead; (i) to
top of ice (of water)| +mit nv surpass all others | +ŋIq- nv -u-2 vv
qaamniq or qaaptinniq water -mmaq(-) vv –ti- vv
overflowing from crack in ice; qaaŋiuti- (t) to be delinquent, past
due (of bill to be paid, action); to

take her/him/it past the goal or qaatikit- to be narrow (of feet, of
destination | +ŋIq- nv :uti- vv § upper front part of boot) | -ti1 nn
killi -kIt- nv
qaapaaksimaaq- (i) to sit on chair qaatitu- (i) to be wide (of feet, of
with legs crossed at the knees and upper front part of boot) | -ti1 nn
with arms crossed; (t) to sit on -tu- nv
chair with them =legs crossed at qaġviŋit- (i) to not surface, emerge »
the knees and arms crossed | “aġvili-qiruni satkummarruŋ
-paak- nv +simaaq- vv aġviq kivimman, tavra
qaapiaq highest point | -piaq(-)2 nn qaġviŋitchuq, puptaŋitchuq,
qaapkaġniq (Ti) depression in sea ice kiviruq” (Matumeak 2009) [when
filled with water | +pkaq- vv whaling and a whale is struck and
+niQ1 vn § qaatchiñiq it sinks, then it does not surface; it
qaapquak two twigs used to prop does not float, it sinks] | -q-1 vv
open an owl or ptarmigan snare | +viq(-) vv ±ŋIt- vv
-pquaq nn -k2 nn § aŋarrat qaliġiiksitaq- (t) to pile, stack them |
qaaptit- (i) to spread over a surface -liQ vn +[g]iik(-) nn,nv mtit-1 vv
(of liquid); to overflow from a ±aq1 vn
crack in ice (of water) | -ptit- vv qaliġiiksimaaq- (i) to sit on floor
qaaq or qarraaq skin mattress, with ankles crossed | -liQ vn
mattress, mat | -rraaq nn § ikuvġaq +[ġ]iik- nv +simaaq- vv
qaat- (t) to cut it =sod in thin pieces ¤qaliġluk(-) (Ti) scab; (i) to form a
for house roof | +t-2 nv scab | -[g]luk(-) vn § amiġluk
qaataq thin piece of sod for house qaliġuaq outer clothing, outer cover,
roof | +t-2 nv +aq1 vn sweater; fabric blanket, quilt, bed-
qaatchiaq the top, highest level | spread; shawl | -liQ rn -ġuaq1 nn
-tchiaq nn qaliġuuraq(-) dress; shirt; to put a
qaatchiñ bone pick with wooden dress or shirt on (her/him) |
handle for cutting sod | +t-2 nv -liQ rn -ġuaq nn =uraq nn §
-sI-3 vv -n1 vn kapitaġuq, qitauraq
qalipquaq (Ti) shirt | -pquaq nn §
qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust |
-liQ rn
qalli scab | -liQ rn ‘=I-1 nv
qaatchiaġaq- (i) to travel on top of qalliġiik(-) or (Nu) qalliġik- two
the waves with a boat, or to walk things lying one on top of the
along the top of a ridge | other; (i) to lie one on top of the
-tchiaq nn +aq-4 nv other | -liQ rn +[g]iik(-) nv
qaatchiñiq (Ti) depression in sea ice qalliñaaq upper eyelid | -liQ rn
filled with water | +tchI- vv -naaq3 vn
+niQ1 vn § qaapkaġniq qalliñiaq- (Nu) to pile up fish |
qaati upper, front part of boot -liQ rn +niaq(-) nv § qaluusiñiaq-
(covering the top of the foot to the qalliq(-) outermost part, top part,
front of the ankle) | -ti1 nn topmost one; (i) to be now

covered; (t) to cover, top qatchiraaq(-) curved mound, raised
her/him/it with something | area; protuberance; (i) to protrude|
-llIQ rn ~sIk-1 vv -raaq1 vn
qalliqpiaq highest point; topmost
object | -llIQ rn +piaq(-)2 nn *qaa (root) repulsion
qarġun seine (long fish net dragged qaaliŋa- (i) to hesitate to touch
behind boat) » “iqaluit something from which one can
qargutinik pisuugait taavuŋa become soiled, stained, dirty; (i)
nuqiłługu qargun kuvrakkaluaq to be reluctant to butcher animals |
tavra qaaktu-ġuurut; -lIq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv
Qaaktuġvik tavra qaaktuġviat” qaaliŋagi- (t) to be repulsed,
(Aiken 2009) [the fish are caught disgusted by her/him/it | -lIq-3 vv
with surface nets, pulling the ±ŋa- vv +[g]I- vdv
surface net over and that is how qaaliqta- (i) to feel repulsed by
they [fishermen] fish on the something disgusting; (i) to
surface; Barter Island is where shudder with revulsion | -lIq-3 vv
they do the surface netting for -qta- vv
fish] | -ġut- nv ‘-n vn qaatchiŋa- (i) to feel uncomfortable
qarġut- (i) to fly over the top surface; from wearing wet or dirty
(t) to fly over its top surface | clothing, or being in a dirty place |
-ġut- nv +tchiŋa- vv
qarġutaurraq- to bid higher | -ġut- nv qaayuġi- (Ti) (t) to be squeamish
+t/raq-1vv -urraq- vv § nallitchi-, about her/him/it | +yuq rn
atqunałhaaq- +[g]i- nv
qarraaq or qaaq skin mattress; mat-
tress; mat | -rraaq nn qaa (Ti) ventral surface of whale under
qarviq- to position (her/him/it) above jaw toward “chest” (this share is
something » “… avataiqługu taken by the second boat that
nuqinnaptigu, niaqua assits in the whale kill) or
qarviqługu, (“divided between the fourth and
qakitqaallagruaġikput.” fifth boat to strike the whale”:
(Bodfish: 240) [… as we pulled it Foote 32) § utchik
out after removing the floats, we
placed its head up (on the ice) and qaallak- (i) to be startled, give a shout
with great effort pulled its head up when startled
first] | +viQ(-) nn qaallai- (t) to startle her/him/it | -I-6 vv
qasalluq thick cottonwood bark; scab qaallaksaq- (t) to try to scare, startle
| -salluq nn § pannaġluk(-) her/him/it | msaq-3 vv
qatchik- (i) to stand out, be higher
than others | ~sIk-1 vv *qaama (root) optimism, elation,
qatchimaraaġuraq small mound confidence
|~sIk-1 vv -maraaq vn :uraq nn qaamagi- (t) to agree with her/him; to
qatchiniq (Ti) cave | ~sIk-1 vv be agreeable about it; to have
+niQ1 vn § qaanaaq confidence in her/him | +[g]i- rv
qaamanaq- (i) to be acceptable,
agreeable, favorable | +naq(-) rv

qaamasuk- (i) to feel happy enough °qag (dem. stem) out there (extended and
to feel like working (usually after visible) § °pag (dem. stem)
feeling depressed, sad) | -suk-2 rv qaani located out there (extended and
qaamatchak- (i) to start to feel like visible) | +anI (dem. loc.)
working; (i) to become elated | qaaniit- (i) to be located out there
-tchak- rv (extended and visible) | +anI (dem.
loc.) it- “to be”
qaaq- or qaaqtuq- (i) to caw (of raven) qaaŋŋa from out there (extended and
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
qaaq(-) [qaġaq] marijuana; (i) to burst, qaaŋŋamiñ from that direction out
explode; to smoke marijuana; there (extended and visible) |
(Nu) (i) to crash against the shore +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.)
(of wave, sea), to break (of qaaŋŋaq- (i) to come from out there
waves); (t) to make it pop or burst (extended and visible) | +aŋŋa
qaaġaun whaling bomb | +aq-1 vv (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
:un1 vn qagga out there (extended and visible)
qaaġiaq hernia | +iaq1 vn | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
qaaġirriq- (i) to develop a hernia » qagna or qaŋna [dual qakkuak, pl.
“qaaġianikkami tavra” (Aiken qakkua] that one out there; the
2009) [that’s when he gets a outside environment (extended
hernia] | =rrIq-2 nv and visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron.
qaaqsruġniq or (Ti) qaaġruq blister sg. mkr.)
on skin | mqsruq-2 nv +niQ1 vn or qaktuma or qaksruma or qagruma
+ruq vn [dual qakkuak, pl. qakkua] that
qaaqsruq- (i) to blister (of skin) | one out there (extended and
mqsruq- nv visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
qaaqtaq(-) breaker on shore; to break sg. mkr.)
on shore (of waves) | +t/raq vn qaktumani or qaksrumani or
qaġaaq- (t) to make them explode; (i) qagrumani [dual qakkugnagni,
to burst, explode (of multiple pl. qakkunani] located with that
items) » qaġaaġai puviuraat he one out there (extended and
is bursting the balloons one by visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
one | -aq-1 vv mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
qaktumaŋŋa or qaksrumaŋŋa or
qaat- (t) to cut it =sod in thin pieces for qagrumaŋŋa [dual qakkugnaŋŋa,
house roof < qaa(-)1 pl. qakkunaŋŋa] from that one out
there (extended and visible) | +tum
qaataq thin piece of sod for house roof (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
< qaa(-)1 (dem. abl.)
qaktumatun or qaksrumatun or
qaatchiñ bone pick with wooden handle qagrumatun [dual qakkugnaktun,
for cutting sod < qaa(-)1 pl. qakkunatitun] similar to that
one out there (extended and
qaatiq piece of bone between harpoon visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
shaft and point mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)

qaktumiŋa or qaksrumiŋa or qaggiuq- (i) to travel through rough
qagrumiŋa [dual qakkugniŋa, pl. water, waves | ‘=iuq-2 nv
qakkuniŋa] that one out there
(extended and visible) | +tum qagguvik daybreak, dawn < qau-1
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa
(dem. mod.) qaglu or qaglugruaq deep water hole
qaktumuŋa or qaksrumuŋa or under ice in the river, good for
qagrumuŋa [dual qakkugnuŋa, setting nets; deepest part of river »
pl. qakkunuŋa] to that one out “iqalugniaġuurut qagluni
there (extended and visible) | +tum kuugni kuugaurani;
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa qagluqaġuurut iġġiñiñ kuugit
(dem. term.) qairuat atausiŋŋuġman John
qaktumuuna or qaksrumuuna or River” (Hugo 2009) [they fish in
qagrumuuna [dual qakkugnuuna, the deep water holes under the ice
pl. qakkunuuna] via that one out in rivers, in streams; there are
there; with that one out there always deep water holes under the
(extended and visible) | +tum ice in the rivers which flow from
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna the mountains when they
(dem. via.) converge into the John River];
qauna via, through out there “taġiuq qagluitchuq; kuugut
(extended and visible) | uuna kisimik qagluqaqtut; kuugit
(dem. via.) itiruaŋit” (Aiken 2009) [the ocean
qaunnaaq- (i) to go via, through out does not have deep water holes in
there (extended and visible) | the shallow waters under the ice;
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q- dv only rivers have deep water holes
qauŋa to out there (extended and in the shallow waters under the
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) ice; the deep parts of rivers] |
qauŋanmun towards out there +lu(q) nn
(extended and visible) | +uŋa ¤qagluluktuaq very deep part of river
(dem. term.) +nmun (term.) | +lu(q) nn -luk(-)1 vv +t/ruaq vn
qauŋaq- (i) to go out there (extended
and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) qagraluk- (Ti) (i) to be rough, choppy (of
+q-3 dv body of water) | +luk-1 nv

qaggaq(-) wave which breaks on shore, a ¤qagrugaun (Ti) a woman’s belt worn
breaker; (i) to break on shore (of when packing baby on back |
wave) » “supisaġami qaggaġuu- :uti1 vn § tavsi, qaksruq-
ruq kuuk” (Aiken 2009) [there
are waves on the shores of a river Qagruq(-) (Ti) first day of whaling
when it is about to flow] § qaaq(-), festival when the boats are
iŋiulik < qaa1 placed on a whale’s skull < qaki-
qaggaġuqtit- (t) to make waves (esp.,
of whale) | +uq-1 nv mtit-1 vv ¤qagrugautaiyaun (Ti) song sung to an
qaggattuq- to make waves (e.g., of aġvaalik “female bowhead whale
whale); to become rough (of sea) | with a calf” to cause her calf to
-ttuq- vv

slide off her back and slow her needs to do any work; (i) to be
down < qaki effortless | +naq(-) vv
qaġasilaaq- (t) to make her/his life
qagruġvik (Ti) place where whaling easier, caring for her/him |
celebration is held < qaki +silaaq- vv

qagrurauraaqtuq (Ti) wolverine with qaġa-2 (Nu) to make arm signals to

patches of white fur on sides » (her/him), indicating that one has
“nakuullallaktuq sighted caribou
kipitauraaqtuaq; amaġut
kalagigmata” (C. Tuzroyluke qaġaaq- (t) to make them explode; (i) to
2009) [it is very good when it burst, explode (of multiple items)
(wolf skin) has patches of white < qaaq(-)2
fur on its sides; when the wolf
skins have good patterns] qaġasaq brain § qaqasaq, qaqisaq

qagvaq- to rise (of sun); (i) to rise to qaġiaq storage hole in hallway of sod
surface; (t) to bring it to the house | perhaps +iaq3 n § iliqpik
surface from underground < qaki-
¤qaġġaq (Nu) upriver end of an island §
qaġa-1 (i) to live a carefree, easy kaŋiq
existence provided by someone
else; (i) to take it easy; (i) to not ¤qaġligiruaġivsi (excl.) “I woke up
do any work, be idle, lazy before all of you”
qaġagi- (t) to accomplish it easily,
without effort » “tavra aula- *qaġlik (root) one leg of a pair of pants
qamik nukatchai uuktuqtit- qaġliik man’s knee pants; fur
kaluaġaġigaa aqpaqruqtillugu breeches with fur inside; men’s
uqilaitchuq, aquanillu fur breeches, ankle-length and
ayuuqsiġataqlugu tapered at bottom with a
malikataqlugu qaġagigaa” drawstring; sweatpants; (Ti)
after they depart he made his women’s underpants | -k2 nn
younger brother practice running, qaġliaġruuk (Ti) waterproof sealskin
but he is not a fast runner; he breeches | -aġruk nn
[older brother] even let him [the qaġlialuuk (Ti) man’s fur knee pants |
younger brother] get a running -aluk vv -k2 nn
start then run after him, but he qaġlialuurak or ¤qaġligugaurak (Ti)
catches him easily (Bergsland man’s underpants (traditionally
1987: 329) | +[g]i- vv with fur inside) | -aluk vv :uraq nn
qaġait- (i) to be ambitious, energetic, ‘-k2 nn or -guq rn -gauraq nn
industrious, waste no time | -k2 nn
:It-1 vv qaġlilik [lit.“one with knee pants,
qaġapkaq- (t) to provide life’s breeches”] (Ti) mature male
necessities for her/him | -pkaq-1 vv whale with white section at base
qaġanaq- (i) to be easy to do; (i) to be of flukes » “Qaġliliŋmik
so helpful that another hardly atiqaġaat. Uataani uvani…

ilaŋa qatiqtaaŋuvluni, qaġruq arrow, bullet, cartridge, any
qaġliqaqtuatun illuni. Aŋirruk projectile | perhaps +ruq n <
qatiqtaamik maktaniglutik.” perhaps qaaq(-)
(David Frankson as reported by qaġri- to make arrows for (her/him);
Pulu, Sampson, Newlin:69) [they to make (it) into arrows | ‘=I-1 nv
call it qaġlilik; on the sides of the qaġriġaġnaq- (i) to be a bolt action or
whale’s ventral surface towards breech-loading firearm that ejects
the base of the whale’s tail and its a used cartridge and closes the
flukes…is a white (pattern) breech | ‘=Iq-1 nv +aq-1 vv
resembling knee pants; the base of qaġriq- (i) to load bullets in gun; (t)
the whale’s tail, between the to load it =gun | ‘=Iq-1 nv
flukes being white maktak] qaġriqsuq- (t) to load it =gun with
| -lik nn ammunition @ qaġriqsui- »
qaġliurak or qaġliuraak bloomers, qaġriqsuġaa supputini
panties, woman’s underwear | sukaisuuramik he is loading his
:uraq nn -k2 nn own gun slowly | ‘=Iq-1 nv
qaġliviik (Nu) short knickers (above +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
the knee) | -vIk2 nn -k2 nn qaġruksraun lead for making bullets
| -ksraun nn
¤qaġliuraq (Nu) reindeer moss (fine qaġrupiaq or (Nu) qaġriviaq arrow »
texture) | :uraq nn “taamna Pisiksuġliq
aŋuniaqtipiaġataq, tuttuniglu
qaġlunnak- (Ti) (i) to get the lip part of imnaiñiglu,
the whale as a share (usu. by third qaġruvialuktuqhuni” that
boat assisting in whale kill) § Pisiksuġliq was a great hunter of
qaqłu caribou and sheep using arrows
(Bergsland 1987: 302) |
Qaġmaqtuuq the clan house of the -piaq(-)1 nn or -viaq2 nn
Qaġmaqtuut » talvuŋa qalgim qaġruq sululik feathered arrow |
saniġaanun Qaġmaqtuum by -lik nn
the side of the Qaġmaqtuut’s qaġruqaġvik ammunition case;
community house (Kiligvak: 52) quiver | -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
Qaġmaqtuut an association or clan qaġruqsaq(-) skin-covered fishhook
members of house Qaġmaqtuuq left in water; (Nu) long anchor
(whose membership was primarily fishhook used for lush, ling cod;
determined by birth and by (i) to fish with a skin-covered
whaling crew membership) in hook left in water | ‘saq(-) vn, rv
Point Hope, Alaska » ilamiñun qaġruuraqtuun shotgun | :uraq nn
Qaġmaqtuuqatiimiñun +tuq3 nv :un1 vn
tamarra qiññuaqtuutivluŋa qaġruurat buckshot | :uraq nn
maniŋmik he went to his fellow -t nn
members of the Qaġmaqtuut and
begged for me for money qaġviŋit- (i) to not surface < qaa(-)1
(Kiligvak: 69) § qargI,
Uŋasiksikaat qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) »
“Tuvaaq qikaaqsiruq. Tuttut

tavra qaigaat paŋalikłutiŋ. The +nIq-2 nv
hunter begins to stand still. The qaisaq- (i) to be coming | +saq-2 vv
caribou come galloping upon qaisuupiksuaq- (i) to come more
[toward] him.” (Ahmaogak & frequently or on a more
Webster: 27) predictable basis than others |
qaġġirri- (i) to bring something » +[s]uu- vv -piksuaq- vv
nukatpiaq qaġġirriruaq suumik qaitqu- (t) to ask her/him to come |
the young man brought soup | -[t]qu vv
‘-rrI- rn, rv qaitquuq- (t) to urge her/him to come
qaġġisi- or qaġġisuuti- (t) to bring | -[t]qu vv -.q-1 vv
her/him/it @ qaġġirri- or qaivaksaq- (t) to attract it =animal by
qaġġisuurri- | ‘- ti- vv or ‘- ti- vv imitating its call; (t) to try to
:uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv attract them to continue coming »
qaiguq- (i) to continue to come; (i) to qaivaksaġaa he is inducing it to
bounce back and forth (of echo); come to him | -vak2 vv msaq-3 vv
to resonate, resound (of sound) | qaipkai- or (Ti) qaivsai- (i) to invite
:uq-2 vv others (to dance, to dinner, etc…);
qaikallaŋit- (i) to not come right ¤(Ti) (i) to hold an invitational
away | ±kallaŋIt- vv dance | -vsak- vv -I-6 vv §
qaiñmun (adv.) hither, to here, this aiyugaaq-, qaipkai-
way | +nmun (term case) qaiyaa- (i) to come en masse (of
qaiŋitchaq- (i) would not come each people or animals) | -yaa- vv
time » “Tainna tarva
payugman qaiŋitchaqtuġlu.” qai (Nu) wave (of ocean)
(Ahvakana: 2) [time and again, qaigiuq- (Ti) (i) to travel over rough
he would not come when she seas | ‘=iuq-2 nv
brought food] | ±ŋIt- vv qailiñiq piece of ivory washed up on
+[t/r]aq-3 vv shore; old ivory | +liñiQ
qaiqattaaq- (i) to come to visit | qailliaqsruk(-) or qailliaġruk(-)
-qattaaq- vv ripple on water; (i) to ripple, be
qaiqsruq- (t) to ask, urge her/him to disturbed (of water) | +llIQ rn
come @ qaiqsrui- | mqsruq-2 vv || -aġruk nn -k-1 nv
:I-4 vv qailliġuq- to develop (of waves on
qaisaaġaq- (Ti) to gust, to blow in ocean) | +llIQ rn +[ġ]uq-1 nv
gusts and then die down (of wind)| qailliq(-) wave on ocean; (i) to have
3 1 1
msaq- vv -aq- vv +-aq- vv waves (of ocean) | +llIQ rn
qaisaġnamiñ ilumuktuuraaqtuaq qailliuq- (i) to travel through rough
saġvaq current from the water; (i) to fly through turbulent
northwest § see Appendix 14 weather | +llIQ rn ‘=iuq-2 nv
qaisaġnaq ocean current originating qaivlik(-) a wave produced by a
in the west flowing toward shore passing boat; (i) to have waves
(which brings ice to shore)| caused by a passing boat (of
3 2
msaq- vv +naq nv § see Appendix water) | -vlik(-) nv
qaisaġniq- (i) to flow from west (of qaiġulik [dual qaiġullak, pl. qaiġulgit]
ocean current) | msaq-3 vv ribbon seal (Histriophoca

fasciata) § qairaliq, qairaliuraq, qaiqsaaq anything level, flat, or
qayaġulik straight, e.g ice on river or ocean,
horizontally blowing snow, hair »
qaiġułuk (Nu) or qaiġusuk cave § “natiġnallu marra qaiqsaanik
qaanaaq taiguġuugai; ivuŋaitchuaġlu
siku” (Aiken 2009) [large
qaiġuq- (i) to make a loud, echoing sound expanses of low land are called
| perhaps +ġuq-2 nv flat; also ice which has not formed
qaiġuatit- (i) to echo loudly; (t) to pressure ridges] | +taaq vn -t nn
cause it =echo to reverberate qaiqsaq- (t) to iron, press, or sand it
loudly | -ak- vv -tit-2 vv to make smooth @ qaiqsai- |
3 4
qaiġuatitaq- (i) to echo, reverberate; msaq- vv || :I- vv
(t) to be so loud as to make its qaiqsatit- (i) to be flat on one’s back,
=sound reverberate | -ak-vv fast asleep | +satit- vv
-tit-2 vv +aq-1 vv qaiqsaun pressing iron; tool used to
smooth something | msaq-3 vv
qaiġuq bark (of tree); (Nu) shelf in oven :un1 vn
qaiqsuaqtat smooth ice between
qaimġuq first shore ice in fall | areas of rough ice (Harcharek:
+mġuQ vn § qai, qaimŋuq 14) | +t/ruaq vn -t nn
qaiqsautit (Nu) brush, hairbrush |
qaimŋuq white frozen edge of a body of 3 1
msaq- vv :un vn -t nn § illaigutit
water; frozen foam on beach; (Ti)
qaiqsuuraq smooth area »
smooth ice parallel to shore, a
“Kiluptigun qaiqsuurakun
cake of ice smoothed by spray §
tavruuna qaaqtuq.” (Bodfish:
qaimġuq, qai
240) [just behind us in a smooth
qaimŋuli- to make ice on shore in fall
area it (bomb) exploded] |
(of breakers) | -lI-1 nv
+t/uuraq1 vn
qaivaġniq flat, round cakes of ice
qaiŋŋiq [qaiŋŋIq] Green-winged Teal
frozen together (Harcharek: 14) |
(Anas carolinensis) | +ŋŋIQ
perhaps +vaq- vv +niQ1 vn
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to be
qairaliq (Ti) young seal in spring; young,
straight (of hair) § manik-
male bowhead whale which
qaiġiit- or (Nu) qaiġit- (i) to be
comes north for first time
rough, not smooth | +[g]iit- nv or
qairaliġruaq large male bowhead
:It-1 vdv
whale with a large head longer
qaiġilġuq (Nu) ripple on ice | :It-1 vdv
than the body, with a tongue
±ġuq vn
usually twenty feet in length (this
qaiġilliuq- (Ti) (i) to travel over rough
whale is usually fifty-seven to
terrain; (i) to bounce, jolt along |
sixty-five feet in length)
:illiuq- vdv
(Harcharek: 26) |
qaiġilu ice with irregular surface
+ġruaq nn
features, partly rough and partly
qairaliuraq (Ti) young seal |
smooth (Harcharek: 14) | perhaps
:uraq nn
+lu(q) n

qairalliq two-year-old male bowhead Qagruq(-) (Ti) first day of whaling
whale festival when the boats are
qairalliuraq small male bowhead placed on a whale’s skull,
whale usually twenty-four feet in traditionally only the men and
length (Harcharek: 27) | boys attend the placing of the
boats on the whale’s skull, the
qait- (i) to give oneself up, surrender, women brought the food, usually
give up; (t) to give her/him/it fermented whale meat and maktak
away; (t) to give it =report @ and doughnuts; the only women
qaitchi- || +sI-3 vv on the scene were whaling captain
qaisaġi- (t) for it to be an item that wives and their helpers
she/he gives away | ±t/raq(-)4 vn (Kinneeveauk 2008); (i) to
+[g]i- nv celebrate the first day of the
qaisaq something given | ±t/raq(-)4 vn whaling festival | mqsruq-2 vv
qaisaksraq something to be given, a § qaki-, qak- sruq-, IgautaġvIk,
report | ±t/raq(-)4 vn -ksraq1 nn Avarriqivik
qaitchisuu- (i) to give, distribute, qagvaq- to rise (of sun); (i) to rise to
hand out, mete items (including surface; (t) to bring it to surface
jail sentences) | +sI-3 vv +[s]uu- vv from underground | ~vaq- vv
Qakirut the first day of whaling
qaki- (i) to climb out of water; (i) to come celebration when tea, fermented
up on shore (of boat); (i) to win in whale meat and maktak, coffee,
a game; (i) to accumulate enough cakes, and doughnuts are served »
wealth so that one’s chances of | +t/rut vv (3ps Indic.) §
survival are no longer precarious; Avarriqirut, Igauqtut
(i) to become uppity, stuck-up; (i) qakirvik shelf; (Nu) hook for hanging
to adopt a condescending attitude clothing | +t-1 vv +vIk1 vn
toward “former” peers (after qakisatit- (i) to beach (on shore)
acquiring money, new status, etc.) forcefully (of boat) | +satit- vv
qagniq person who has accumulated qakit- (t) to put it up, as on a shelf; to
enough wealth to eliminate worry pull it =boat up onto shore or ice
about survival | ~niQ1 vn @ qakitchi- » qakirruŋ
¤qagrugautaiyaun (Ti) song sung to tamanna savik niġġiviŋmun
an aġvaalik “female bowhead please put the knife up on the
whale with a calf” to cause her table| +t-1 nv || +sI-3 vv
calf to slide off her back and slow qakima- (i) to be placed up, as on a
her down | mqsruq-2 vv -aq-1 vv shelf | +ma-1 vv
:uti1 vn :iyaq- nv -un1 vn qakpik or qakitpik or qakpiuraq
qagruġvik (Ti) place where whaling shelf; wall cache or alcove (in
celebration is held; first day of entryway of “kataligaaq,” sod
whaling festival when the house) | =qpIk vn or +t-1 vv
successful whaling captain’s boat +qpik vn or =qpIk vn :uraq nn §
is hoisted onto a platform with iliqpik
one flag representing each whale qaksri or qakimaruaq sea mammal
caught | mqsruq-2 vv +vIk1 vn § on top of ice | ~rI vn or +ma-1 vv
Nalukataq +t/ruaq vn

qaksrukkak- (i) to pull clothing up who are inside another house) |
and tie it with a belt so as not to +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
soil or wet lower part | mqsruq-2 vv qakiptumani or qakivsrumani or
-kkak- vv qakivrumani [dual
qaksruq- (i) to bring umiak from qakipkugnagni, pl. qakipkunani]
whaling camp back toward the located with that one out there in
village parking it on the ice in the shed or in the neighbor’s
front of the village; (i) to return house (not visible to speaker or
from whaling out on the ice (of listener who are inside another
person or boat) | mqsruq-2 vv § house) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
apuġautituq- mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
qaksrugautaq (Nu) belt used when qakiptumaŋŋa or qakivsrumaŋŋa
packing baby on back inside the or qakivrumaŋŋa [dual
parka | -gaq- vv -utaq vn qakipkugnaŋŋa, pl. qakipkunaŋŋa]
qaksruġautituq- (i) to serve food to from that one out there in the shed
crew and others on beach after a or in the neighbor’s house (not
successful whale hunt (also a sign visible to speaker or listener who
that whaling season is over) are inside another house) | +tum
| ~qsruq-2 vv -ak- vv :uti1 vn (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
+tuq-3 nv (dem. abl.)
qakuma- (Ti) (i) to bask, lie out on qakiptumatun or qakivsrumatun or
ice, rock, land (of seal or walrus) qakivrumatun [dual
» qakumaruaq pisiktaġa I shot qakipkugnaktun, pl.
the one basking on the ice | qakipkunatitun] similar to that one
:ma-1 vv out there in the shed or in the
qakummavik place to spend time out neighbor’s house (not visible to
of water; floating platform | speaker or listener who are inside
:ma-1 vv +vIk1 vn § aniuyyaq another house) | +tum (dem. rel.
pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)
°qakim (dem. stem) out there in the shed qakiptumiŋa or qakivsrumiŋa or
or in the neighbor’s house (not qakivrumiŋa [dual qakipkugniŋa,
visible to speaker or listener who pl. qakipkuniŋa] with that one out
are inside another house) § °qag there in the shed or in the
(dem. stem), °qam (dem. stem) neighbor’s house (not visible to
qakimna [dual qakipkuak, pl. speaker or listener who are inside
qakipkua] that one out there in the another house) | +tum (dem. rel.
shed or in the neighbor’s house pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
(not visible to speaker or listener qakiptumuŋa or qakivsrumuŋa or
who are inside another house) | qakivrumuŋa [dual
+na (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) qakipkugnuŋa, pl. qakipkunuŋa]
qakiptuma or qakivsruma or to that one out there in the shed or
qakivruma [dual qakipkuak, pl. in the neighbor’s house (not
qakipkua] that one out there in the visible to speaker or listener who
shed or in the neighbor’s house are inside another house) | +tum
(not visible to speaker or listener (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa
(dem. term.)

qakiptumuuna or qakivsrumuuna qaŋmuŋanmun towards the shed or
or qakivrumuuna [dual the neighbor’s house (not visible
qakipkugnuuna, pl. to speaker or listener who are
qakipkunuuna] via that one out inside another house) | +uŋa (dem.
there in the shed or in the term.) +nmun (term.)
neighbor’s house; with that one qaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go to the shed or
out there in the shed or in the the neighbor’s house (not visible
neighbor’s house (not visible to to speaker or listener who are
speaker or listener who are inside inside another house) | +uŋa (dem.
another house) | +tum (dem. rel. term.) +q-3 dv
pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna (dem. via.) qaŋmuuna by way of the shed or the
qaŋma out there in the shed or the neighbor’s house (not visible to
neighbor’s house (not visible to speaker or listener who are inside
speaker or listener who are inside another house) | +uuna (dem. via.)
another house) | ‘a (dem. adv. qaŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go by way of
mkr.) the shed or the neighbor’s house
qaŋmani located out there in the shed (not visible to speaker or listener
or the neighbor’s house (not who are inside another house) |
visible to speaker or listener who +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
are inside another house) | +anI
(dem. loc.) qakiq-1 (t) to become rancid (of seal oil)
qaŋmaniit- (i) to be located out there qakiġñiliq- (i) to become rancid (of
in the shed or the neighbor’s seal oil) | +nIt-2 vv -lIq-3 vv
house (not visible to speaker or qakiġñiq rancid meat or oil whose
listener who are inside another sharp odor or taste stings the nose
house) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- “to or throat | +niQ1 vn
be” qakiġñit- (i) to taste or smell rancid,
qaŋmaŋŋa from the shed or the bad; (i) to irritate the throat (of
neighbor’s house (not visible to rancid oil) | +nIt-2 vv
speaker or listener who are inside qakilanaq- (i) to taste sharp and
another house) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) rancid | -la- vv +naq(-) vv, vn
qaŋmaŋŋamiñ from the direction of qakiŋa- (i) to be rancid | ±ŋa- vv
the shed or the neighbor’s house qakkiññaqsi- to become bitter, acrid,
(not visible to speaker or listener strong-tasting| ‘=It-2 vv
who are inside another house) | +naq(-) vv +sI-1 vv
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) qakkit- (i) to get a acrid, sharp taste in
qaŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from the one’s mouth, as from old seal oil |
shed or the neighbor’s house (not ‘=It-2 vdv
visible to speaker or listener who
are inside another house) | +aŋŋa qakiq-2 (t) to hit her/him/it on chin with
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv fist @ qakiqsi- || +sI-3 vv
qaŋmuŋa to the shed or the qakiġlugun (Ti) beard on chin; (Nu)
neighbor’s house (not visible to something under the chin (e.g.,
speaker or listener who are inside whiskers of man or feathers of
another house) | +uŋa (dem. term.) ptarmigan) | +lugun nn § umik

qakiġlugusi- (Nu) (i) to get black (Aiken 2009) [observing the one
feathers under chin (of ptarmigan who will expire, the one who will
in spring) | +lugun n ~I-1 nv die soon] | -aglaaq- vv +naq-1 vv
qakiġluuk(-) jowls, lower part of chin qakugu (interrog.) when, at what
next to neck; to have a swollen time in the future | m[g]u(n) nn
gland in lower part of chin next to § qaŋa
neck | +luk(-)1 vn, vv -k2 nn qakuguili- to become later »
qakimik- to hit (her/him/it) qakuguilikpan pisaġiñ do it later
repeatedly with fist | -mIk- vv | -ilI- vv
qakiqsaġuma- to make a fist ready to qakugupayaaq or qakugupayaaġu
strike (her/him/it) | +saq-2 vv any time in the future , whenever
+[y]uma-1 vv | +payaaq1 nn
qakiqtaq- (i) to have a boxing match, qakugu taima at some uncertain time
fist fight; (t) to hit her/him/it in the future | m[g]u(n) nn taima
repeatedly with fists | +t/raq-1 vv qakugulu and again, at some future
qakiqtaun boxing glove | time; goodbye | m[g]u(n) nn +lu
+t/raq-1 :un1 vn
qakiqtauti- (i) to fight with fists, have
a fist fight | +t/raq-1 vv :uti- vv
Qakummisaaq(-) (Ti) ceremony where
qakiqtautit (Nu) knuckles |
other clans are invited, and a feast
+t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn -t nn
is held and gifts given; (i) to hold
a messenger feast, to hold a
qakiqsi- [qakiqsI] or qaqiqsi- [qakiqsI]
ceremony where other clans are
(i) to sting from soap or other
invited, then a feast is held and
foreign matter (of eyes)
then gifts given | perhaps
+mmi-5 vv +saq-2 vv +aq1 vn §
qakkutigun rare occurrence § °qa
nuliaġiaq- uyalu, yuġaq-, qargi(-),
Qakmalialuit (Nu) Copper Inuit (located
qakummisaun skewer (usually one
in the middle region of northern
foot long) on which ceremonial
Canada) § qaŋmalik
food is roasted for messenger feast
Qakmaliurat (Nu) Canadian Inuit
| perhaps +mmi-5 vv +saq-2 vv
(especially Hershel Island Inuit)
=un1 vn § kivgIq(-) aqpatat
qaksrutik (Nu) two white bands along
qakuq- to turn white, be bleached by
back of wolverine (good fur) |
-k2 nn
qakuġnak- for the temperature to turn
qaksrutraq- (Nu) (i) to have more
cold and freeze any moisture on
than two white bands along back
ground, thus casting a whitish
(of wolverine)
gleam or film over the ground »
°qaku (stem) future time < °qa
qakuaglaaġnaq- (i) to be so close to
death that death is expected at any
(Harold Itta 1982) [it has turned
time » “naipiqtuqługu
cold and any moisture on the
piiġñiaqtuaq tuquyasiruaq”
ground freezes casting a whitish

gleam or film over the ground] | qalauġnaq peroxide | :uq-2 vv
+nak- vv +naq(-) vn
qakuak frost on ground » qalaullak- (i) to begin to boil
“qakuagnaqtaliġaa vigorously | -ula- vv ‘-k-2 vv
ailaqiqpakługi ivgit ukiami” qalauq- (i) to continue to boil |
(Aiken 2009) [frost forms on the -uq-2 vv
ground during fall causing the
grass to become quite wet] | -ak n Qalamiut (Nu) Upper Kobuk people
(located near the headwaters of
qala wake of boat, churning water behind the Kobuk River) | +miu(q) nn
paddle or propeller -t nn
qalak(-) bubble; burp; (i) to burp; to
clear one’s throat; (t) to burp it qalasiq [qalasIq] navel, umbilicus
=gas bubble out »
qalaaniktiġupku samma puvla qalgi(-) (Ti) or qargi [qargI] men’s
narraaġiiñŋaiġñiaqtutin once community house; whaling crew
you’ve burped the gas bubble, association; (i) to hold activities or
your stomachache will go away assemble at the men’s community
| -k1 n -k-1 nv house
qalaliaġuq- (Nu) (i) to churn water qalgimiu- (Ti) (i) to be in the clan
(e.g., of paddle, oar, ship, whale) | house » “aŋutitkii tavra igluat
-lI-1 nv ±aq1 vn +uq-1 nv aġnat payuktaġlutik;
qalaliaq(-) air bubbles coming from a unipkaaġlutik” (Tuzroyluke
mammal moving underwater; (i) 2009) [it’s the men’s house; the
to form air bubbles » women bring food; they tell
“qalaliaqsiññaqtuq tavra aġviq stories] | +miu- nv
puisaġaluaqłuni puiŋiñman qalgirraq- (Ti) (i) to go to the clan
iñukłuni” (Matumeak 2009) [a house | -rraq- vv
whale just makes air bubbles
when it fails to surface being qalġuq- (i) to make its characteristic
surprised (by a presence) although vocal sound (of animal)
it had been about to surface] | qalġuatchak- (i) to begin to make its
-liaq nn characteristic call (of animal) |
qalat- (i) to boil; (Nu) (i) to churn (of -atchak- vv
water, especially in wake of boat) | qalġuġniq animal’s call | +niQ1 vn
+t-2 nv qalġuqtaq- (i) to play a trumpet or a
qalat (Ti) wake of boat, riptide; wake horn | +t/raq-1 vv
of a swimming whale » “qalaŋa qalġuqtaun trumpet; horn |
tumaa umiam; aġviġum tumaa, +t/raq-1 vv :un1 vn
aŋuunmigunnii qalġuun hunter’s call to an animal |
qallitqulaitkaat” (S. Tuzroyluke :un1 vn
2009) [it’s the wake of the boat; qalġuuq- or qalġuula- (i) to make its
one is told never to get close to the characteristic sound, call
wake created by the whale as it repeatedly (of animal) | :uq-2 vv or
travels, (one should not get near :uq-2 vv -la- vv
it) even with an oar]

qalġuusiqsuuq (Nu) Smith’s -laaq- 1 vv
Longspur (Calcarius pictus) qallilġiñaq- to finally get close (to
her/him/it) | -lġiñaq- vv
qaliġiiksitaq- (t) to pile, stack them qallisi- (t) to get close to it =her/his
< qaa(-)1 appointed time » qallisigaaŋa it is
almost time for me to do
qaliġiiksimaaq- (i) to sit on floor with something | =sI-5 vv
ankles crossed < qaa(-)1 qalliuraq- to get very close (to
her/him/it) | :uraq- vv
¤qaliġluk(-) (Ti) scab; (i) to form a scab
< qaa(-)1 qalli [qallI] scab < qaa(-)1

qaliġuaq outer clothing, outer cover, qalliġiik(-) or (Nu) qalliġik- two things
sweater; shawl; fabric blanket, lying one on top of the other; (i) to
quilt, bedspread < qaa(-)1 lie one on top of the other
< qaa(-)1
qaliġuuraq(-) dress; shirt; to put a dress
or shirt on (her/him) < qaa(-)1 qalliñ one of two side pouches of
abdominal fat of ground squirrel
¤qaliŋu- (i) to growl
qalliñaaq upper eyelid < qaa(-)1
qalipquaq (Ti) shirt < qaa(-)
qalliñiaq- (Nu) to pile up fish < qaa(-)1
qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust <
qaa(-)1 qalliq(-) outermost part, top part, topmost
one; (i) to be now covered;
qaliquttaq (Ti) cumulonimbus cloud » (t) to cover, top her/him/it with
“These are the kinds of clouds that something < qaa(-)1
seem to remain stationary over the
hills even though the wind may be qalliqpiaq highest point; topmost object
blowing very hard over the hills from < qaa(-)1
Cape Thompson to Cape Lisbourne.
As soon as the clouds move out and qalluviaq pericardium, the yellowish
dissipate from this area, the wind dies membrane surrounding the heart |
down.” (David Frankson as reported -viaq2 rn
by Pulu, Sampson, Newlin:17)
qalu(-) dipnet; (i) to get something using
qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to a dipnet; (t) to bail water out of it
her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be =boat » nukatpiam qaluni
approaching her/him/it » qalliruq tammaigaa the young man
iglunun he is getting close to the cannot find his dipnet
houses qallugauraq cup | ‘-n vn -gauraq nn
qalliiññaq- to continue to get closer qallugauraqaġvik food shelf; dish
(to her/him/it) | -iññaq-1 vv shelf; kitchen cabinet; grub box |
qallilaaq- to get closer (to her/him/it); ‘-n vn -gauraq nn -qaq- nv
to cause her/him/it to be closer | +vIk1 vn

qallugauriqi- to wash dishes (for scoop it = the fat off the top of the
her/him) » qallugauriqiniaġ- cooking pot
niruaq utiġumi he said he would
do the dishes upon his return | ‘-n qaluk(-) (Nu) fish; (i) to catch fish §
vn -gauraq- nn =Iqi- nv iqaluk
qallun cup, dipper, ladle; bailer; water qalluqłuk (Nu) large fish (said to be
pump | ‘-n vn the size of a kayak and said to be
qaluŋniq (Nu) small “bowl” or cirque found at Narvaqvak lake
in mountains | -k-4 nv +niQ1 vn according to old stories)
qaluqsraq (Nu) mountain valley, | ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
large “bowl” or cirque in qaluaq (Ti) tom cod (Microgadus
mountains; ditch | +qsraq vn proximus) | -aq2 nn
qalusiġaq (Nu) dipper for bailing | qaluaqpak (Nu) lake trout (Salvelinus
-sI-1 vv +[ġ]aq vn § qallun namaycush) | -qpak(-) nn
qalutaġvik puggutaq deep dish for qalugruaq (Nu) chum salmon
cooked, boiled meat | +vIk1 vn (Oncorhynchus keta) | +ġruaq nn
qalutaq- to dip out, bail (it) out | qalukpik (Nu) Arctic char (Salvelinus
mt/raq- vv alpinus); Dolly Varden
qaluuq- to bail or empty liquid out of (Salvelinus malma)| +qpIk nn §
(it) » “qaluuqtuaq puiñġiya- paiqługruaq
ġamiuŋ” (Aiken 2009) [she was qaluŋniutit (Nu) fish trap | +niun vn
emptying some liquid out as she +t3 nn
removed the solid fat] | -uq-2 vv qalusaaq (Nu) herring
qaluksiuġayuk or qaluksiuyuk (Nu)
qalugauraq (Nu) any rounded muscle Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
like the biceps | -gauraq nn
qaluŋa- (i) to have an upturned nose; (i)
qalugiaq(-) or qalugiaqtuun whaling to have an upturned toe (of
harpoon with flint or iron crimped soles); (i) to make a
spearhead in foreshaft; (t) to funny face | ±ŋa- vdv
harpoon it =whale | +iaq3 n -q-2 nv
or +iaq3 n +tuq-3 nv :un1 vn qalutuŋnauraq (Nu) small hole, hollow
qalugialgu- (Ti) (i) to go inform the in ground | :uraq nn
village that a whale has been
taken » “aqpatim aġvaaġmata” qaluuġvik dome-shaped tent frame made
(S. Tuzroyluke 2009) [what the of willows | +vIk1 vn § nappaqtat
messenger runner does when a qalluvik dome-shaped tent with
whale is caught] | +iaq3 n -q-2 nv willow frame; temporary summer
-lgu-2 nv § aqpauq- dwelling § itchalik
qalugiaqtuq- (i) to lance a whale; (t) qaluuġvigaq (Nu) sod house with its
to lance it =whale repeatedly | frame “…constructed on the same
+iaq3 n +tuq-3 nv principles as that of the dome-
shaped tent…the long curved
qaluiq- (t) to stir it =cooking food so that branches were not dried, but
it will not stick to the pot; (t) to bound together while they were
fresh. A turf house of this type is

called qalurwigaq.” (Ingstad: qamuunnaaq- (i) to traverse via,
159) | +vIk1 vn +aq2 nn through in there (not visible) |
qaluuġviit dome-shaped tent frame +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
made of bent willows » qaptuma1 or qavsruma1 or
qaluuġviit qiñiġnaqsirut the qavruma1 [dual qapkuak, pl.
dome-shaped tents are now visible qapkua] that one in there (not
| +vIk1 vn :It nn visible) | +tuma (dem. rel. pron.
qaluuġvilik (Nu) tent, house with sg. mkr.)
willow frame | +vIk1 vn :It nn qaptumani1 or qavsrumani1 or
-lik nn qavrumani1 [dual qapkugnagni,
pl. qapkunani] located with that
qałuk- (Nu) (i) to ram horns (of sheep); one in there (not visible) | +tum
(t) to ram it =sheep (of another (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
sheep) (dem. loc.)
qaptumaŋŋa1 or qavsrumaŋŋa1 or
°qam (dem. stem) in there (not visible) § qavrumaŋŋa1 [dual
°kIv (dem. stem) qapkugnaŋŋa, pl. qapkunaŋŋa]
qamna1 [dual qapkuak, pl. qapkua] from that one in there (not visible)
that one in there (not visble) | +na | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
(dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
qamani located in there (not visible) | qaptumatun1 or qavsrumatun1 or
+anI (dem. loc.) qavrumatun1 [dual
qamaniit- (i) to be located in there qapkugnaktun, pl. qapkunatitun]
(not visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- similar to that one in there (not
“to be” visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
qamaŋŋa from in there (not visible) | mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) qaptumiŋa1 or qavsrumiŋa1 or
qamaŋŋamiñ from in there (not qavrumiŋa1 [dual qapkugniŋa, pl.
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ qapkuniŋa] that one in there (not
(abl.) visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
qamaŋŋaq- (i) to come from in there mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
(not visble) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) qaptumuŋa1 or qavsrumuŋa1 or
+q-3 dv qavrumuŋa1 [dual qapkugnuŋa,
qamma in there (not visible) | ‘a pl. qapkunuŋa] to that one in there
(dem. adv. mkr.) (not visible) | +tum (dem. rel.
qamuŋa to in there (not visible) | pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
+uŋa (dem. term.) qaptumuuna1 or qavsrumuuna1 or
qamuŋanmun towards in there (not qavrumuuna1 [dual
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) nmun qapkugnuuna, pl. qapkunuuna] via
(term.) that one in there; with that one in
qamuŋaq- (i) to go in there (not there (not visible) | +tum (dem.
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) rel. pron. sg. mkr) +uuna (dem.
+q-3 dv via.)
qamuuna via, through in there (not
visible) | +uuna (dem. via.) *qama (root) leeward

qamanaaq1 (Nu) upstream current | qamŋaq ankle bone, talus (which sticks
-naaq3 nv out near heel) § see Appendix 21
qamaniq or qamanaaq2 shelter from
weather or waves; lee | +niQ1 rn qamŋui- (i) to snore
qamannit- (i) to be sheltered from
wind | +niQ1 rn ‘=It-2 nv qamuġiaq (Ti) canine tooth | perhaps
qamatmuaq- (Nu) (i) to travel with +iaq3 n § tuluġiaq
wind at one’s back | +nmuk- nv
-aq-1 vv qamuk- to pull or tow (it)
qamugaurat small hand sled |
qami- (i) to become extinguished; (i) to +gaq2 vn :uraq nn -t nn
go off or out (of light or fire); (i) qamuġaq- (Nu) (t) to help pull it
to die (of engine) =dogsled (of human, usu. a
qamit- (i) to be now extinguished; (t) woman) | +[ġ]aq- vv
to turn it off; (t) to extinguish it qamuġautaq (Nu) towline (usually a
=fire | +t-1 vv bearded sealskin line used by a
qamiraġaq- (i) to keep going out woman to help pull a sled in olden
when one tries to light it (of fire) | days)| +[ġ]aq- vv -utaq vn
-t/raġaq- vv qamuksiraq- (i) to bring a sled with a
qammiuġniq ash from outdoor fire | load; (t) to transport it on a sled »
‘-uq-2 vv +niQ1 vn § aġra taima aŋayuqaaŋiksa apiġigaak
qaptiġun fire extinguisher | =tiq-2 vv qamuksiraġmagaan;
:un1 vn qamuksiraŋiññiruq then his
qaptiq- (t) to use the fire extinguisher parents asked him whether or not
on it =fire; (i) (Ti) to extinguish it he brought a sled loaded with
@ qaptiġi- | ~tiq-2 vv || :I-4 vv things; he replied that he did not
qavsuk- (i) to become dim (of light); bring a loaded sled;
(i) to become low (of fire); (t) to “qamukataaqtuat sunik
turn it =light lower | ~suk-2 vv tuttunik qimuktiqaqłutik;
qavsuktaaq- (i) to turn down the qamuġaqłutik ikayuqługit
power; (i) to be made dimmer (of qimmitik usiagukkaqsigamik”
light); (i) be made lower (of fire); (Aiken 2009) [they are the ones
(t) to lower its flame; (t) to dim it pulling a sled with a load
=light | ~suk-2 vv +taaq- vv sometimes using a team of
qavsuktaq- (i) to flicker (of light or reindeer; they would pull once in
flame); (i) to burn unsteadily (of a while helping their dogs when
light or flame); (t) to cause it to the load grew] | +siraq- vv
flicker | ~suk-2 vv +t/raq-1 vv qamukutaat small sled; child’s sled |
+kutaq vn +t3 nn
qamna that one in there, or up the coast qamun car, truck | -n1 vn
(extended and visible); that one in qamutaiyaq- (i) to break, to stop
Canada or Greenland (not visible running (of car or truck) »
at the moment but has been qamutaiyaġniraa aapani naŋir-
observed or seen previously) < vium silataani she said that her
°qav (dem. stem) father’s car broke down in front of
the hospital | -iyaq- nv

qamutik low sled | -n1 vn -k2 nn surfaced quite a ways out (on the
qamutit sled for transporting umiak water), not close by] | -kun (via.)
over ice; flat freight sled ±ŋilaaq nn
fashioned from boards | -n1 vn qanilaaq- to travel partway to one’s
-t nn § umiirautit destination (with her/him/it) on
qamutitaq- (i) to drive or ride in a first day of journey; (i) to proceed
vehicle; (i) travel by car | -n1 vn closer to one’s goal in a piecemeal
+[t]aq-2 nv fashion » uullaiqsuq uvva
qamuukkałaaq- (i) to walk, pulling a nullau-taksrautikput,
sled leisurely, unhurried | -u-2 vv qanilaapayug-lutaunnii
-kkałaaq- vv muqpauranik our supper is
qamuun or qamuutaq towline on taking a long time to cook, we
sled; (Nu) sled of frozen should at least assuage our hunger
moosehide | :un1 vn -utaq vn § with some biscuits | -laaq-1 vv §
isuġaq aŋuyaġaaq(-)
qanimi nearby; in the vicinity |
qanaġaq- to tip over (her/him/it) ÷mI (loc.)
headlong qaninaaq- (t) to position it close by |
-naaq- vv
qanaiñaqtuaq pack ice moving directly qaniñŋaq- (i) to have an intense
toward shore fast ice (Harcharek: desire to be close to something or
14) someone and make the effort to
draw closer; (t) to be close to
qanak(-) tent pole; roof or ceiling plank; her/him/it after having made the
(t) to put roof planks (on the roof effort to get closer | +t-2 nv ±ŋaq-
of a structure) @ qanaksi- » vv
“qanagigait aġviġit agluŋi qaniuq- (t) to be close by her/him |
qanitchaliuġamiŋ” (Aiken 2009) -uq-2 vv
[they use whale jawbones for qanit- to be near (her/him/it) | +t-2 nv
structural support as they build the qanitchat or (Nu, Ti) qanitchaq
cold entryway] || +sI-3 vv entryway, cold porch; tunnel,
qanait willow tent frame; tent poles; entrance passageway (to a
entryway roof planks (of sod sodhouse) | +t/raq vn ‘-t vv § see
house) | :It nn § see Appendix 22 Appendix 22

qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area close ¤qanik- [qanIk] (Nu) (i) to snow §
by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take qannik-
her/him/it partway to destination | qaniayaaq- (Nu) (i) to snow lightly
-uq-2 vv with small flakes | -ayaaq-1 vv §
qanikun close by, near, in close qannialaaq(-)
proximity » qanikun puiruq it qanigruaq- or qanikpak- (Nu) (i) to
surfaced close by | -kun (via.) snow a lot, heavily with large
qanikunŋilaaq not close by, some flakes | +ġruaq(-)1 nn, vv or
distance away » “salvasiñaaqłuni +qpak(-) vv, nn
taunaniqpani puiruq, qanikun- qanikłuala- (Nu) (i) to snow lightly |
ŋilaaq” (Kinneeveauk, 2008) [it -łuk(-) nn, rv, vv -ala- vv

qanikłuk(-) (Nu) to blow with light (Kinneeveauk 2008) [when the
snow (of wind) | +qłuk(-) nn, vv snow is falling lightly they say,
“the people underground probably
qaniq [qaniQ] mouth, oral cavity caught some whales”] |
qanaaġun contention, argument, -alaaq- nv, nn
discord, disagreement, conflict | qanniguq- to begin snowing |
+un1 vn +uq-1 nv
qanaaq- to quarrel, argue (with qannikula- (i) to snow lightly |
her/him) | -aq-2 nv § atinġIq- -ula- nv
qanġum tunuaguaqtaq velar
consonant | :um (rel) nnposs. | tunu qanniq- [qannIq] to order (it) (as from a
:a nnposs. -guaq- nposs. v +t/raq vn catalog or store in another city);
qanġum qitqaguaqtaq retroflex (t) to send for her/him to come §
consonant | :um (rel) nnposs. | qitiq qai-
:a nnposs. -guaq- nv +t/raq vn
qaniġviluk- to complain, mutter (to qanŋuq- (t) to pry it =usu. a heavy object
her/him) | +viluk- nv loose from its secured or fixed
qanikkuaġaq- (i) to play the position @ qanŋui- or qanŋuqsi-
harmonica | -(k)kuaq- nv +aq-1 vv || :I-4 vv or +sI-3 vv
qanikkuaġnaq harmonica | qanŋullaiq- (t) to have difficulty
-(k)kuaq- nv +naq(-) vn prying it loose; (i) to not be able to
qaniqaq- (i) to be quarrelsome | come loose | -llaiq- vv
-qaq- nv qanŋuqtaq- (t) to jar, nudge it loose
qanmiksaaq- (i) to speak angrily, repeatedly | +t/raq-1 vv
loudly from frustration or
impatience; (i) to grumble, qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner or
complain » iñuk iñuum method, what condition; to do or
qanmiksaaġuti-suugaa say what (to her/him/it) » qanuq
uqaalavluni a person speaks aiñiaqpiñ how will you get home;
angrily with frustration in a loud qanuq itpa aakan how is your
voice | perhaps =mIk- nv mother; qanuqpa uqallauti-
+taaq- vv kapku what did she say when you
qanmigi- (t) to disapprove of, dislike told her
her/his behavior; (t) to complain qanuġili- or qanuġili- (interrog.) (i)
of her/him/it | perhaps =mIk- nv to become a certain way; (i) to
+[g]i vv § qanmiksaaq- reach a certain condition »
qannaġik- (i) to be quarrelsome, qanuġiliva in what way has she
outspoken, not hesitant to talk changed; what is her condition
back | ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv now | it- (stem) -lI-2 vv
qanuġit- or qanuqit- (i) to be a
qannik(-) [qannIk] snowflake; falling certain way; to have a certain
snow; (i) to snow § ¤qanIk- behavioral pattern » qanuqitpa
qannialaaq(-) light snowfall; (i) to aaka how is your mother,
snow lightly » “qannialaaġman grandmother | qanuq
uqallaguummiut ‘itivyaat it- (stem)

qanuġli or qanuġli samma how are qanuqigi- (t) to consider her/him/it in
you; how are things going for you a certain way » qanuqigiviuŋ
| +li (encl.) taamna atuun what do you think
qanuġliqaa (excl.) by any means, in of that song | it- +[g]i- vv
whatever manner or style | +liqaa qanuqpiviñ imña! (excl.) my
(encl.) goodness! why are you carrying
qanuġniugaq- (Nu) (i) to be on so | pI(-) (base substitute to
indecisive, unable to make up which any suffix may be added)
one’s mind | +nnI- vv -ugaq- vv +viñ (interrog 2s) imña (dem.
qanuġuumaaŋit- (i) to not know pron.)
what to do; (i) to have no plans » qanuqsaaŋit- to refrain from doing
“Tavrakii, something (to her/him/it) |
qanuġuumaaŋitchut; tamarra ±saaq-2 vv ±ŋIt- vv
unaaqaġaluaġmivlutiglu qanuqsausiiq- (i) become indecisive;
qanuqsausiksraiñmiuq” (i) to be in a quandary; (i) to be
(Nageak 1975: 36) [so then, they helpless; (t) to not know what to
do not know what to do; although do with her/him/it; (i) to put
theyd have a seal spear, he (one her/him in a quandary |
holding the spear) does not have +sausiiq- vv
much choice ] | :u-2 v qanuqsausiit- (i) be indecisive, to
+[y]umaaq- vv ±ŋIt- vv have no alternative; (i) to be in a
qanuġviit- (i) to have no choice in a quandary, not know what to do, be
matter; (i) to be unable to do at a loss; (t) to not be able to
anything about a situation; (i) to decide what to do about or say to
be embarrassed | +vIk1 vn :It-1 nv her/him/it | +sausiit- vv §
qanukkiaq (excl.) I wonder how (way pitqusiksrait-, qanuusiit-
or manner, in what condition) » “qanuq sila” (excl.) used when
qanukkiaq piva I wonder how something goes wrong: “how is
she is doing; qanukkiaq the weather” »
qupakpauŋ I wonder how she is “tusaalluataŋitchuni
trimming it | +kiaq (encl.) nagligivlugu iñuk
qanukkiataŋ because | +kiataŋ (encl.) uqallautisuugaa
§ atakkiataŋ qanuqsausiiłłuni ‘qanuq sila’”
qanulait- (i) to be unresponsive; (i) to (Matumeak 2009) [when a person
be incapable of action, immobile; hears bad news and taking pity on
(t) to not do or say anything to the person, one says not knowing
her/him/it | -lait- vv what else to say “how is the
qanułłatchiġiit- (i) to have self- weather”]
control | -łłak- vv -[t]siġiaq- vv “qanuq suli” (excl.) said out of pity
:It-1 vv and compassion when someone
qanunmun (interrog.) in what encounters a misfortune “how
position, direction » qanunmun unfortunate” »
ilitquviuŋ in what position, “pilluataŋisimamman ‘qanuq
direction would you like for it to suli’-qtiġuurut, naglikkutikun
be placed, set; saniñmun ilisiuŋ iñuk piaġiilimamman”
place it sideways | -nmun nv (Matumeak 2009) [when it

becomes known that a person is qaŋaluqaa (excl.) just like in the old
not doing well, they quickly say days (as it did in the old days |
“how unfortunate,” with -luqaa (encl.)
compassion because the person qaŋami taima (excl.) oh, it has been a
has gotten worse] long time ago and it cannot be
qanuqtuq I wonder how, I hope » pinpointed easily or precisely |
qanuqtuq aillayumauq uvlupak +mI (encl.)
I hope she will be able to go home qaŋapak months or years past up
today | +tuq (encl.) until now » qaŋapak
qanusiġaq- (i) to act in what way; to tautuguuraġa I have seen her
do what (to her/him/it) @ frequently these past months |
qanusiġai- » qanusiġaqpa what -pak1 nn
did she do, how did she act, qaŋaqqammiuraq recently, not too
behave; qanusiġaqpagit what did long ago | -qqammIq(-) nn,vv
she do to them | -siġaq- vv || :I-4 vv :uraq nn
qanusiq [pl. qanutchit] (interrog.) qaŋasaaq a long time ago | +saaq nn
what kind » qanusimik qaŋatuuq- (i) to do things in the
atigitchiaqsimava what kind of traditional way; (t) to do it in the
new parka did she get | -sIq nn traditional way | +tuuq- nv
qanutchiuniq classification; category
» qanutchiuniŋa nalunaqtuq its *qaŋa (root) suspension
classification is troublesome | qaŋata- (i) to be elevated, off the
-sIq nn :u-1 nv +niQ1 vn floor or ground | mta- rv
qanutuaglaan as far or as much as qaŋatchiniq (Ti) ice with hollow
possible » “kii, qanutuaglaaqta” space beneath it (easy to fall
(Matumeak 2009) [okay, let’s go through) | +tchI- rv +niQ1 vn
to the extreme] | -tun (sim.) aglaan qaŋattaaq or qaŋataaq snow which
qanutuaglaaq- (i) to go how far » has one edge overhanging the
qanutuaglaaqpisik unnuaq how ground; ice with one edge
much did youd get done last night | overhanging the water;hollow area
-tun (sim.) -aglaaq- vv (as from erosion); hollow area
qanutun (interrog.) how much; for between the ice and the water;
how long | -tun (sim.) “…a thin ledge [of ice]
qanuusiit- (Nu) to not know what to overhanging the water, where
do (with her/him/it) » “Tavra current and waves had undercut
uvagut qanuusiillugik the floe’s sheer edge.” (Nelson:
piŋŋitkivut…. But we had no 162) | mta- rv ‘-q-1 rv ±aq1 vn
way of taking them,…” qaŋattaaqsiuyuit whales that surface
(Bergsland 1987: 379) | -usiit- vv underneath ice that is jutting out
over the water to breathe (these
qaŋa (interrog.) when, at what time in whales are seldom seen until they
past § qakugu < °qa dive) (Harcharek: 27) | mta- rv
qaŋaaglaan (interog) how long ago,
‘-q-1 rv ±aq1 vn +siuq- nv
when did it happen
-yuk(-) vn -t nn
qaŋakisuuraq recently; a few days
ago | -kisuuraq nn

qaŋattałik- (i) to bounce when hitting Qaŋmaliurat Canada Iñuit from
a bump | mta- rv ‘-q-1 rv perhaps northwest Canada (Kisautaq: 651)
-lik- vv § Iñuvialuit
qaŋattałiktaq- (i) to bounce along
over bumps, to rumble along | qaŋmuŋa to the shed or the neighbor’s
1 1
mta- rv ‘-q- rv -lik- +t/raq- vv house (not visible to speaker or
qaŋattaq- (i) to take off from the listener who are inside another
ground, rise above the ground; (t) house) < °qakim
to lift it off the floor or ground |
mta- rv ‘-q- rv qaŋmuŋanmun towards the shed or the
neighbor’s house (not visible to
speaker or listener who are inside
qaŋasiġaq or qaŋatchiġaq (Ti) the
another house) < °qakim
second sealskin float (attached to
the harpoon line behind the
qaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go to the shed or the
biggest sealskin float) » “ilaŋit
neighbor’s house (not visible to
piŋasunik piqaqtut: avataqpak,
speaker or listener who are inside
qaŋasiġaq, avatauraq” (S.
another house) < °qakm
Tuzroyluke 2009) [some of them
have three: the big sealskin float,
qaŋmuuna by way of the shed or the
the one attached behind the big
neighbor’s house (not visible to
sealskin float, and the small
speaker or listener who are inside
sealskin float (attached to the
another house) < °qakim
darting gun)] § nauligaun
qaŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go by way of the
qaŋmami (Nu) now, nowadays § qaŋa1,
shed or the neighbor’s house (not
visible to speaker or listener who
are inside another house) <
Qaŋmali ancient site » “…history of the
“Old Huts,” marked by Sir J.
Franklin in longitude 146°20’W. ,
qaŋnaaq- (i) for it to be good spring
but could ascertain distinctly no
weather when seals bask on the
more than that they were the
ice < qaki-
remains of an ancient Kang’-ma-
li settlement.”(Simpson: 268)]
qapak physically weak person
Qaŋmalim Iñuŋi people of Qaŋmali
qapaŋa- (i) to be weak | ±ŋa- nv
» “…thus the people they trade
qapaksiraq- (Ti) (i) to play a game
with at Barter Island are called
where one jumps up, pushing a
Ka’ng-mali en’-gu in, whose
small board out of the way before
winter huts are probably at
one lands (with two jumping sites
Demarcation Point.” (Simpson:
about a foot apart at start and
becoming closer and closer as the
Qaŋmaliq Arctic coast dweller (in
game continues) (S. Tuzroyluke
Canada) | -lIq nn § qakmalialuk,
2009) | -siraq- nv, vv
Qaŋmalialuk (Ti) Canadian Iñuk §

qapiksaq- (Ti) to make small dance qapiqtaili- to argue heatedly (with
movements in one’s own style her/him) | +tailI- vv
qapiqtailisalgu- (i) to be
¤qapiq-1 (Nu) to scoop off the fat rising argumentative, contentious |
from boiled meat § qaluuq- +tailI- vv +saq-2 vv -lgu- vv
qapiqtauti- (i) to quarrel; (i) to go
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and against another’s wish or
quit, to give up; (i) to turn back, command | +t/raq-1 vv :uti- vv
proceed no higher, no farther » qapiya- (i) to be easily discouraged |
qapiġnasik suuramigunnii don’t -ya- vv
quit, no matter what happens qappit- to be unable to do anything
qapiŋa- (i) to be discouraged, to have more to (her/him/it); (t) to shove
given up | ±ŋa- vv her/his(another’s) nose as a
qapiŋaisaaġun encouragement | gesture of mockery or dislike; (t)
±ŋaIt- vdv ±saaq-2 vv +un1 vn to make her/him give up |
qapiŋaisaaq- (t) to encourage her/him ‘=It-2 vdv
@ qapiŋaisaaqłiq- | ±ŋaIt- vdv qapquti-1 (Ti) (t) to quit, give up on
±saaq-2 vv || +kłIq- vv her/him/it | :uti- vv
qapiŋairrun persistence, endurance,
stamina | ±ŋaIt- vdv –rruti vdn Qapkuaġmiut (Ti) one of two old
qapiŋaiq- (i) be diligent, persevering, Iñupiaq soccer teams in Tikiġaq
persistent | ±ŋaIq- vv (Point Hope); the Qapkuaġmiut
qapiŋait- (i) to have perseverance, team kicked the ball inland,
courage, be persistent; (i) to be towards the north | +miu(q) nn
enthusiastic | ±ŋaIt- vdv -t nn
qapiqpaŋa- (i) to be disappointed |
+qpak- vv ±ŋa- vv § nikatchak- qappaq [qappaQ] groove in wood §
qapiqsaili- (i) to try not to become qimiaq
discouraged and give up, quit |
+[t]sailI- vv qaptiġun fire extinguisher < qami-
qapiqsiġiaq- (i) to give up easily |
+siġiaq- vv qaptiq- (t) to douse it =fire § qami-
qapiqsiġiit- (i) to not give up easily |
+siġiaq- vv =It-1 vv qaptit- (Ti) (t) to tighten it =knot »
qapiqsiġiirruti- (i) to argue with each “saŋŋisaallaglugu” [tightening it]
other » “Unna [Una] uvva (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) § saŋŋit-
titiġniŋagun aġviġum
qapiqsiġiirrutivlutik piruak qaptuġaq(-) (Nu) band, loop of rope
malġuk iññuk around something; (t) to tie a band
uqaaqtuaŋuruq.” (David around it
Frankson as reported by Pulu,
Sampson, Newlin: 88) [this is a qaptuma1 that one in there (not visible)
story of two men who argued < °qam (dem. stem)
about the division of a whale] |
+siġiaq- vv =It-1 vv +ruti- vv qaptuma2 that one in there or up the coast
(extended and visible); that one in

Canada or Greenland (not visible been observed or seen previously)
at the moment but have been < °qav (dem. stem)
observed or seen previously)
< °qav (dem. stem) qaptumuŋa1 to that one in there (not
visible) < °qam (dem. stem)
qaptumani1 located with that one in there
(not visible) < °qam (dem. stem) qaptumuŋa2 to that one in there or up the
coast (extended and visible); to
qaptumani2 located with that one in there that one in Canada or Greenland
or up the coast (extended and (not visible at the moment but has
visible); located with that one in been observed or seen previously)
Canada or Greenland (not visible < °qav (dem. stem)
at the moment but has been
observed or seen previously) qaptumuuna1 via that one in there; with
< °qav (dem. stem) that one in there (not visible) <
°qam (dem. stem)
qaptumaŋŋa1 from that one in there (not
visible) < °qam (dem. stem) qaptumuuna2 via that one in there or up
the coast; with that one in there or
qaptumaŋŋa2 from that one in there or up the coast (extended and
up the coast (extended and visible); via that one in Canada or
visible); from that one in Canada Greenland; with that one in
or Greenland (not visible at the Canada or Greenland (not visible
moment but has been observed or at the moment but has been
seen previously) < °qav (dem. observed or seen previously)
stem) < °qav (dem. stem)

qaptumatun1 similar to that one in there qapuk foam; bubbles; (Ti) pumice stone
(not visible) < °qam (dem. stem) used as cleaner
qapuli- (i) to foam, froth, get foamy
qaptumatun2 similar to that one in there, (e.g., of beach) | -lI-2 nv
or up the coast (extended and qapukłuli- or qappi- (i) to form (of
visible); like that one in Canada or foam) | +łuk1 nn -lI-2 nv or
Greenland (not visible at the ‘=I-1 nv
moment but has been observed or qapukłuk froth; bubbles; foam on
seen previously) < °qav (dem. seashore | +łuk1 nn
stem) qapquti- (i) to form bubbly foam (of
dirty water) | perhaps =quti- vv
qaptumiŋa1 that one in there (not visible)
< °qam (dem. stem) qaqaq- (i) to bend backward
qaqaqtaq- (i) to move in an up-and-
qaptumiŋa2 that one in there or up the down motion | +t/raq-1 vv
coast (extended and visible); (of)
that one in Canada or Greenland qaqasaq or qaqisaq brain
(not visible at the moment but has qaqasauraq or qaqisauraq computer
| -uraq nn

qaqasakit- or qaqisakit- (i) to not be his waterproof knee-high boots §
smart | -kIt- nv iqaqłik
qaqasalik or qaqisalik caribou brain
cooked with melted fat | -lik nn qaqłu one lip; lower lip of whale
qaqasauraq or qaqisauraq bowl (for qaġlunnak- (Ti) (i) to get a share of
food or fluids) | :uraq nn the lower lip of bowhead whale
qaqasaum sauniŋa skull | (usu. of third boat assisting in the
-m (rel. mkr) sauniq “bone” whale kill) | -nnak nv
-ŋa- nn (poss. mkr) qaqłuaġik- (i) to be impertinent or
¤qaqitcham uyaġaŋa (Nu) one of insolent by nature; (i) to be
two white “rocks” in head of fish impudent (of child); (i) to be
used to hear | -m (rel. mkr) uyaġak argumentative » qaqłuagikłuni
“rock” -ŋa- nn (poss. mkr) uumiñaqtuq because she is
qaqatchi- (i) to injure one's occiput; argumentative, she is wearisome |
(t) to injure her/his head; (t) to hit -aq2 nn +[g]Ik- nv
her/him soundly on the head | qaqłualuli- (i) to pout, trying to keep
‘=I-2 nv from crying (of a child) | -aluk nn
-lI-1 nv
qaqauġmik- (i) to do the finger pull qaqłuk lips; both halves of lower lip
with index fingers | perhaps of whale | -k2 nn
-uq-2 vv +mIk- vv § tikiġmIk-, qaqłukuaqtaq labial consonant |
aqamak- -kuaq- nv +t/raq vn
qaqłuqpalik Greater Scaup (Aythya
qaqaula- (i) to make the call of a marila) | +qpak(-) nn vv -lik nn
ptarmigan to lure it close (of qaqłutuuq Lesser Scaup (Aythya
hunter)| -la- vv affinis); shoveler (Anas clypeata) |
+tuuq nn
qaqauraq (Nu) bistort (Polygonum
bistorta or P. viviparum) qaqpik shelf; wall cache or alcove (in
entryway of “kataligaaq,” sod
qaqigluk loon headdress (worn during a house) § qakpik
dance) » “qaqigluktuqtuaq
taamaŋŋa uyukłutik tamatkua qaqquq- to crunch (it) with the teeth
maliġivlugu taamna sivulliq qaqqiaq (Ti) biscuit, muffin | perhaps
qaqigluktuqtuaq” (Harold Itta ‘=I-1 nv ±aq1 vn § muqpauraq
1985: 2.A.5) [from behind there qaqquaq nut | ±aq1 vn
they would come dancing qaqquġnaq (Ti) nut | +naq(-) vn
following the first one with a loon qaqqulaaq pilot bread, a large, hard,
headdress] § sigguktaq flat cracker | -laaq vn
qaqiilluuk loon headdress used for a qaqqulaun case of pilot bread, hard
certain Eskimo dance flat crackers | -laaq vn =un2 nn
qaqqulauraq cookie; small cracker |
qaqłiik or iqaqłiik waterproof knee-high -laaq vn =uraqnn
boots with hairless sealskin uppers qaqquliayaaq (Ti) cookie; soda
and bearded sealskin soles » cracker | perhaps -lik nn
qaqłak paqitpigik did you find -ayaaq1 nn

qaqquluk crunchy item » “iqaluillu qargagiaq (Nu) Sabine’s Gull (Xema
tuttullu pannaqłuŋaruat tavra sabini) § iqirgagiaq
qaqquluit; qaqqulukkai” (Aiken
2009) [fish and caribou which qargi(-) [qargI] or (Ti) qalgi(-) clan
have dried hard are crunchy items; house; whaling crew association;
he is crunching them] | perhaps (i) to hold activities or assemble at
+luk(-)2 vv the clan house » aŋutirguuq
qaqquluu- to crunch (it) with the qargiñiaqtut anaqapak the men
teeth with prolonged action » will meet in the clan house tonight
“…tamarragguuq nuna qargisaġmiuyaaqan fellow clansman
qapquluullaan isagutisugauk.” | +taq(-) nn +miuyaaq nn ±qan nn
(Nageak 1975: 88) […so it was qargiuraq walled shelter (where work
that they began to advance was performed outside)
crunching the ground] | -luu- vv (Kaveolook 1975b: 4) | :uraq nn

qaqsrauq Red-throated Loon (Gavia qargi-2 [qargI] (Nu) (t) to trap them
stellata) » qaqsraumik =fish, usually ling cod using a fish
tautuŋniruaq he said he saw a trap
Red-throated Loon qargili- (Nu) (i) to make a fish trap
[made with bone covered with
qaqsuqtuq (Nu) greenish-colored rock piece of fish] | -lI-1 nv
used to make the head of a bone qargit (Nu) fish trap (for ling cod) |
hammer § kautaq -t nn

qaqsuq- to be bleached by weather § qargiq [qargIq] ptarmigan § aqargiq

puvitquq- Qargiliġvik [lit. “when ptarmigan
appear”] month of April |
qaqu- (t) to insert one’s finger or another -lIq-1 nv +vIk1 vn § Umiaqqavik,
object in her/him/it Nutaqsivik, Qargiliġvik
qaqqun wire heated to bore hole qargiqsiun snare for ptarmigan |
through wood | ‘n vn +siun nn § nigatchiaq
qaqutuq- (t) to search by reaching
around in it | +tuq-2 vv qargisaq(-) caribou trap dug in hard snow
and covered with soft snow;
qaquq(-) (Ti) frost on ground; (t) to get pitfall; to trap (it =usu. caribou) in
frosted over (of land) » a pitfall trap in snow < qaa1
ukiiġniuraaġaa” (S. Tuzroyluke qarġun seine (long fish net dragged
2009) [there is frost on the behind boat) < qaa(-)1
ground; it is slowly turning to
winter] § qiqit-, qiu- qarġut- (i) to fly over the top surface; (t)
to fly over its top surface < qaa(-)1
qaqutkit- [qaqutkIt] (i) to go through all
possibilities, explore all qarġutaurraq- to bid higher < qaa(-)1

qarraaq or qaaq skin mattress, mattress, qasaktuġai tuttut the man is
mat; (Nu) top of two sleeping making loud noises in order to
skins used with fur up < qaa(-)1 frighten the caribou | +tuq-2 vv
qatchak- (i) to make noise expressing
qarviaq(-) patch for sole of boot; (t) to pleasure while dancing (of male) |
patch it =sole of boot § anŋik- ‘-k-2 vv
qatchalaaq- (i) to shout with
qarviq- to position (her/him/it) above pleasure, e.g., announcing the
something < qaa(-)1 sunrise when dancing, in whaling
(usu. of man) » “tavra taamna
qasaġuaq or qisaġuaq caribou gut filled panatchatinmani
with caribou fat that can be nuiguuraagaqsiruq,
cooked in water and set overnight naurialigaaq,
to harden and eaten as a cracker » qatchalaaguraġaa Tulukkam”
“tuttum niġukkaŋa; taamna then when it [the land] was
aŋŋiiq puuqaqtuq speared violently it slowly began
itchauraŋiññik tuttum; ilimigun to surface, the one with the plants
ittuq itchauraq; aasii tuttum on it, as the raven shouted with
aqiaġupiaŋa immiqługu pleasure (Bergsland 1987: 14) |
itchauranik; kivviġmik ‘-k-2 vv -la- vv +aq-1 vv
taisuugaat taamna qatchaq- (i) to shout with pleasure
niġisuuraqput, kivviq; (e.g., of whalers, dancers) »
aqiaġupiaŋa inmiuq ilaagun” qatchaqtuat tusaavigi do you
(Aiken 2009) [it is the caribou’s hear them shouting with pleasure |
rumen; the large one is contained perhaps ‘-k-2 vv
in the caribou’s mesentery; the
mesentery is separate; and the real qasalluq thick cottonwood bark; scab <
stomach of the caribou is filled qaa(-)1
with the mesentery; that one is
called the kivviq; its [the qasaq- to splash against (it, e.g., boat)(of
caribou’s] real stomach is situated waves, sea)
separately] § itchauraq, kivviq qasalait- to be not able to make a
splash » “…puigami innatun,
qasak- or qasala- or qatchala-(i) to burst sammakiaq one foot-kiaq
out yelling “uu’! uu’! ugu’! ugu’!” aatchaqtillagruaġaġigaa tuvaq
followed by cheering (when tamanna. (Ii.) Qasalaitchuq
dancing or herding or coming unnii. Piqakługu tasamaŋŋa.
home from a successful hunt; (Ii.) Tavraasii kurraġman
usually when returning in a boat tullagruaġaqtuq iviqtitiqhuni.”
with walrus or having struck and (Bodfish: 238) …when it surfaced,
retrieved a whale) | perhaps I believe it was about one foot that
+sak- rv or perhaps +sak- rv it would violently force the lead
-la-1 vv § aviu- aviuvik- ice to open. (Yes.) It does not
qasaktuq- to make loud noises in even make a splash. Pushing it up
order to frighten (it =animal, esp., from below. Then as it dove the
caribou) during a hunt » aŋutim raised lead ice would come

crashing down fitting nicely back qatak child fathered by someone other
into place (with the rest of the than one’s own spouse through
ice)] | -lait- vv ‘-k-2 nv the formalized spouse exchange
qasaqtaq- to pound, splash repeatedly qataŋŋun or (Ti) qataŋun step-
against (it, e.g., boat) (of waves, sibling (through spouse exchange)
sea) | +t/raq-1 vv | +ŋun nn
qataŋŋutigiit siblings related through
qasigiaq spotted seal (Phoca vitulina) | traditional spouse exchange
perhaps +iaq3 n § natchiq, relationship | +ŋun nn
qaiġulik +[g]IIk(-) nn, vv -t nn

qasili-1 [qasilI] (i) to ask, beg, supplicate; qatchik- (i) to stand out, be higher than
(t) to entreat, plead with her/him others < qaa(-)1
(often of child)
qasilliqsu- (i) to constantly beg or ask qatchimaraaġuraq small mound
favors of others | ‘-qtu- vv < qaa(-)1

qasili-2 [qasilI] (i) to ooze out and qatchiniq (Ti) cave < qaa(-)1
smart/sting from application of
salt or ointment on cut » qatchiq- [qatchIq] (t) to add coffee or tea
“uilaaksranik to water
qasilipkaqtitaġnisuuraa qatchiuq- (i) to prepare broth with
killiqsuliġman” (Matumeak blood | ‘=iuq-1 nv
2009) [he said he used to let it
ooze out and smart by applying qatchiraaq(-) curved mound; raised area;
chewing tobacco on it whenever protuberance; (i) to have a
he developed sores] protrusion < qaa(-)1

qasiŋŋuq- to act as an echo chamber *qati (root) bass quality of one’s voice
(e.g., of a mountain as wind acts qatikit- (i) to have a high-pitched
upon it) voice | -kIt- nv
qasiŋŋuqtaq- (i) to echo, reverberate | qatitu- (i) to have a low-pitched voice
+t/raq-1 vv | +tu- nv
qatittuuq one with low voice or
qasu- (i) to become slack, become sound | +tu- nv ‘.q4 vn
qasuaq- to become calm (of wind or qatik breast of bird
water); (i) to become calm (of qatigaaġun armor | +[g]ak1 nn -k2 nn
person) | -aq-1 vv -ġun nn, vv
qasui- (i) to make something slack; (i) qatigak front part of animal including
to unwind something | -I-6 vv rib cage | +[g]ak1 nn
qasuŋa- (i) to be withered; (i) to be qatigaak or qatikkak front part of
slack, loose | ±ŋa- vv animal including the rib cage;
qasuq- (i) to stop, quit | +q-2 vv breast of human | +[g]ak1 nn
-k2 nn

qatiq- (i) to be white qattamik taiguġaat.” (David
qataak- (i) to become lighter, slightly Frankson as reported by Pulu,
less dark | perhaps -ak- vv § Sampson, Newlin:74) [they
puvitquq- called their food provisions
qatiġniñ or qatiġnisi [qatiġnisI] container a qattaq] § see
white hunting parka cover (used Appendix 22
for camouflage when hunting in qattaġruk barrel, keg | -ġruk nn
snow, or as church elder’s dress qattauraġmiutaq (Ti) canned food |
shirt) | -nnI- vv -ti1 vn :uraq nn +miutaq nn
qatiqhak something strikingly white | qattauraq(-) small oil drum or water
-qhak vn barrel; bell; (Ti) can; (i) to ring (of
qatiqtaaq something white; white » bell, clock, etc.); (Nu)(t) to let it
qatiqtaaq atuqsaġiñ you should =bell ring | :uraq nn -q-2 nv § (Ti)
use the white one | +t/raaq1 vn akuġluk(-)
qatiqtitaq- to have whitecaps on
ocean | +tit-2 vv +aq-1 vv § *qau (root) consciousness, awareness,
qaggaq(-) alertness § qaa-1, qaunagi-
qattiġik- (i) to be very white | ‘-Q vn qauġri- (i) to regain consciousness |
+[g]Ik- nv +ġrI- nv, rv, vv
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i)
qatiqtualik 30-30 caliber rifle to come to one’s senses; (i) to
become aware of one’s
qatqit- [qatqIt] (i) to become an adult; (i) surroundings (of a child usually
to be in one’s prime; (i) to reach two to three years old) | -rI-2 rv
the summit, top § akpak- qauriłła k- (i) to suddenly become
qatqiñŋaruaq an adult | +t/uaq vn sober | -łłak- vv
qaurima- (i) to be conscious, aware |
qarraq(-) or qarraatit- (Nu) the sound of +ma-1 vv
an echo; (i) to echo, resonate, qaurimaiq- (i) to become
make a distant noise which unconscious, to faint; (i) to
resounds once | -aq-1 vv -tit-2 vv § become numb; (t) to knock
qaiġuatit- qattaq, qattauraq(-) her/him/it unconscious | +ma-1 vv
qarraatitaq- (Nu) to echo, resound :Iq2 vv § aamit-, taaqtipkaq-
repeatedly | -aq-1 vv -tit-2 vv qaurimait- (i) to be unconscious; (i)
+aq-1 vv § qaiġuatitaq- to be numb | +ma-1 vvd :It-1 vv
qaurimaiyaq- (t) to put her/him/it
qattaġniq valley or passage in mountains under anesthesia, anesthetize |
§ qattaq- natiġnaq +ma-1 vv :Iyaq- vv
qaurimmaaġik- (i) to be thoughtful,
qattaq- (i) to be bare, be without clutter conscientious, mentally alert,
qattatit- (i) to be absolutely bare | intelligent, perceptive |
-tit-2 vv -mmaaġIk- vv
qaurimmaġiit- (i) to lack sense,
qattaq water barrel; (Ti) wooden barrel perception | +mmaġIIt- vv
(used to store food for whaling) »
“Taquaqaġviktik taamna

qauriñiqłak- (i) to regain qaummasiq(-) color; (t) to install
consciousness, become suddenly lighting system in it | +ma-1 vv
sober | -rI-2 rv -niqłak- vv ‘-n vn ~Iq-1 nv
qaurrisaq something that one had qaummatit- (i) to flash (of light); to
during childhood and that one is have the house lights on |
therefore accustomed to | +ma-1 vv ‘-q1 -tit-2 vv
‘saq(-) vn, rv qaummatitaq- (i) to continue to flash
(of a light) | +ma-1 vv ‘-q1 -tit-2 vv
qau- [qagu] (i) to break, of day § *qau +aq-1 vv
qagguvik daybreak, dawn | ‘-vIk1 vn qauniq shade of color | +niQ1 vn
qaulluq or qaulluuraq or qaurugraq (Ti) dawn, break of day |
qaummałuk or qaummałuuraq +t/ruksraq vn -q-2 nv
crystal | -lluQ vn qausaġataq- for day to break, dawn
qaumaavyuk- (i) to be dark and steadily | +saq-2 vv +ataq-2 vv
gloomy; be foggy | +maaq(-) vv, qautchiq- or qautchiġruq- (t) to wait
nn perhaps -vyu- vv ‘-k-2 nv for it =daybreak, dawn, sunrise @
qaumaniq beam of light; halo; qautchii- or qautchiġrui- |
nimbus | +ma-1 vv +niQ1 vn +[t]sIq- vv or +[t]sIq- vv
qaumatitaq(-) sheet lightning; (i) to -ġruq- vv || :I-4 vv
strike (of lightning) | -tit-2 vv
+aq-1 vv § igniġuuqpatitaq(-) qau-2 (Nu) (t) to roast it = a fish after
qaummaġik- (i) to be bright, well skewering it with a stick poking it
illuminated, shine | +ma-1 vv through the mouth with a stick @
-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv qauri- || ~rI-5 vv
qaummaġruaq something very qauraq (Nu) fish roasted on a spit |
bright | +ma-1 vv -Q vn +ġruaq nn +t/raq vn
qaummak- (i) to become daylight; to
ascend (of sun) | +ma-1 vv ‘-k-2 nv qau qau (call of duck)
qaummaliaġaq- (Ti) (i) to strike (of qaugak(-) duck; (i) to kill a duck »
lightning) | +ma-1 vv -Q vn qaugaktuami I got a duck |
-liaq nn -q-2 nv +aq-1 vv § +[g]ak nn +t-2 nv § mitiq
igniqpalliaġaq-, igniġuuqpatit- Qaugait Anniviat (PB) month of
qaummałuk crystal, glass, quartz, June » “IX. [1854] May 26,
translucent rock | +ma-1 vv -Q vn Ka-wai-a-niv’-i-en birds hatched.
-łuk1 nn X. [1854] June 25 Ka-wai'-lan
qaummaq light from a source (e.g., pa-yan-ra'-wi-en (young) birds
sun or lightbulb), brightness | [eider ducks] fledged.” (Simpson:
+ma-1 vv ‘-Q vn 261) § Suvluġvik
qaummaq- (i) to be clear, translucent; qaugalaaq duckling | +[g]ak nn
(i) to be light (of hair); (i) to be a -laaq nn
light-skinned, light-haired person | qaugaluk or qaugałuk small bird |
+ma-1 vv ‘-q-1 vv +[g]ak nn -luk nn
qaummaqsi- to become clear (of qaugauraq(-) kite; (i) to fly a kite |
water); (i) to become red hot | +[g]ak nn :uraq nn ±q-2 nv
+ma-1 vv ‘-q-1 vv +sI-1 vv § isuqsI- Qaugait Piviat (PB) month of May »
“VIII. [1854] April 27,

Ka-wait-piv’-i-en birds [ducks] this boy is into everything so one
arrive.” ( Simpson: 261) § Qilġit has to watch him constantly |
Tatqiat +naq(-) rv
Qaugalaat ¤Payaŋaiġviat month of qaunakkiaġik- (i) to be alert,
July » “X. [1854] June 25, Ka- observant | +[g]i- rv ‘-iaq1 vn
wai’-lan pa-yan-ra’-wi-en +[g]Ik-nv
(young) birds [eider ducks] qaunakkun watchful care;
fledged.” (Simpson: 261) observation | ‘-n vn
qaugavik male eider duck | +[g]ak nn qaunakkuti- (i) to watch out for, take
-vIk2 nn § mitiq, qiŋalik care of each other | +[g]i- vv
qaukkiaq- (i) to go duck hunting | ‘ti- vv
+[g]ak nn ‘=iaq-2 nv qaunakłaaġun discretion, prudence,
qauqallit- (i) to make noise in flight caution | +laaq-1 vv +un1 vn
(of ducks) | -q-2 nv -ak- vv -li- vv qaunakłaanġiq- (i) to become nasty,
‘=It-2 vv vulgar, profane | +laaq-1 vv
qauqqauqtuq- (i) to call (of eider +nġIq- vv
duck) | -q-2 nv (producing ‘qauq’ qaunakłaaq- to be careful, cautious,
which is repeated producing discrete with (it) | +laaq-1 vv
‘qauqqauq’) +tuq-2 vv qaunaksri(-) caretaker, watchman; (i)
to be on guard duty; to be a
qauk (Nu) top end of sheep breastbone watchman | +rI vn
qaukłiq head person, president, qaunatqiit- (i) to be irresponsible,
leader, chief, boss » qaukłiq careless, inconsiderate | -tqIk-2 vv
North Slope-mi aŋun the mayor :It-1 vv
of the North Slope is a man | qaunatqik- (i) to be responsible,
+llIQ vv careful, considerate, take good
qaukłiłhiñat executive session care of one’s things; to be aware
of what is going on » “tavra
qauna via, through out there (extended ilisimasuqtuq suruanik” (Aiken
and visible) < °qag (dem. stem) 2009) [he is very good at knowing
what is going on] | -tqIk-2 vv
qaunnaaq- (i) via, through out there
(extended and visible) < °qag (dem. qaunnaq solid animal fat which can be
stem) pulled loose (like that from a
caribou) | qauq-
*qaunak (root) carefulness § *qau qaunnakit- (i) to not have much fat
qaunagi- (t) to protect, take care of (of ruminant) | -kIt- nv
her/him/it; (i) to be on the alert for
her/him/it @ qaunaksri- » qauŋa to out there (extended and visible)
maunaqtuat qaunagilugit go < °qag (dem. stem)
ahead and cross over but watch
out for the soft areas where you qauŋanmun towards out there (extended
may sink | +[g]i- rv || ~srI- vv and visible) < °qag (dem. stem)
qaunagnaq- (i) to need attention, care
constantly » pakkaqtuvaiłłu  ni- qauŋaq- (i) to go out there (extended and
una qaunagnaqtuq aŋutaiyaaq visible) < °qag (dem. stem)

qauqqiñ boom of sailboat | ‘-n vn
qauq [qauQ] forehead, frontal bone § see ‘=It-2 nv ‘-n vn § tukiqtuun
Appendix 20 qauqqigauraq (Nu) gaff of sailboat |
qauġun (Nu) tattoo on forehead | ‘-n vn ‘=It-2 nv ‘-n vn -gauraq nn
-ġun nn
qauġutchiq- (t) to bridle it =reindeer, qauriaq- (i) to rest
horse | -ġun nn ~Iq-1 nv
qauġutik bridle for sled reindeer | °qav (dem. stem) in there or up the coast
-ġun nn -k2 nn (extended and visible); in Canada
qauqsiaq fur frontlet, headband or Greenland (not visible at the
(worn by traveler) | +siq nn moment but has been observed or
-aq2 nn seen previously) § °kIv (dem.
qauq- (i) to be pried loose; (t) to pry it qamna2 [dual qapkuak, pl. qapkua]
loose that one in there, or up the coast
qauqtiġii- (i) to loosen things that are (extended and visible); that one in
frozen or stuck together | Canada or Greenland (not visible
+tiġI- vv +I-9 vv at the moment but has been
qauqtiq- (t) to loosen them, e.g., observed or seen previously) | +na
frozen fish in a block by prying or (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
pulling those that are frozen or qaptuma2 or qavsruma2 or
stuck together » | mtiq-2 vv qavruma2 [dual qapkuak, pl.
qapkua] that one in there or up the
qauqi- (i) to get a splinter or thorn in coast (extended and visible); that
one’s flesh one in Canada or Greenland (not
qauqqun or qauqqutaq splinter, visible at the moment but has been
sliver in one’s flesh; stick placed observed or seen previously) |
inside footgear to hold its shape; +tuma (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
narrow wooden stick or bone qaptumani2 or qavsrumani or
(used to pierce fish through its qavrumani2 [dual qapkugnagni,
gills to string them up for hauling) pl. qapkunani] located with that
» “suna nuvivlugu nuvillakługu one in there or up the coast
qirukkaluat saunikkaluat (extended and visible); located
akłunaaliqługu iqalukkamik with that one in Canada or
nuvivlugit masiagun tavruuna Greenland (not visible at the
nuvivlugu kaliłługit moment but has been observed or
aggisuutisuugait” (Aiken 2009) seen previously) | +tum (dem. rel.
[whatever, a wooden stick or bone pron. sg. mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.)
with rope attached is used to qaptumaŋŋa2 or qavsrumaŋŋa2 or
pierce fish through their gills to qavrumaŋŋa2 [dual
pull them home] | ‘-n vn or ‘utaq1 qapkugnaŋŋa, pl. qapkunaŋŋa]
vn from that one in there or up the
qauqqusiq- (t) to put a stick inside it coast (extended and visible); from
=footwear for shaping or drying | that one in Canada or Greenland
‘-n vn ~Iq-1 nv (not visible at the moment but has
been observed or seen previously)

| +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) observed or seen previously);
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) “…eastward, or towards the
qaptumatun2 or qavsrumatun2 or Colville or Makenzie rivers…”
qavrumatun2 [dual (Simpson: 261) | +anI (dem. loc.)
qapkugnaktun, pl. qapkunatitun] qavaniit- (i) to be located up the coast
similar to that one in there, or up (extended and visible); (i) to be
the coast (extended and visible); located further up the coast, or in
similar to that one in Canada or Canada or Greenland (not visible
Greenland (not visible at the at the moment but has been
moment but has been observed or observed or seen previously) |
seen previously) | +tum (dem. rel. +anI (dem. loc.) it- “to be”
pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.) qavaŋŋa from up the coast (extended
qaptumiŋa2 or qavsrumiŋa2 or and visible); from Canada or
qavrumiŋa2 [dual qapkugniŋa, pl. Greenland (not visible at the
qapkuniŋa] (of) that one in there moment but has been observed or
or up the coast (extended and seen previously) | +aŋŋa (dem.
visible); (of) that one in Canada or abl.)
Greenland (not visible at the qavaŋŋaat recent arrivals from the
moment but has been observed or east | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) -aq2 nn -t
seen previously) | +tum (dem. rel. (pl. mkr.)
pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) qavaŋŋamiñ from up the coast
qaptumuŋa2 or qavsrumuŋa2 or (extended and visible); from
qavrumuŋa2 [dual qapkugnuŋa, Canada or Greenland (not visible
pl. qapkunuŋa] to that one in there at the moment but has been
or up the coast (extended and observed or seen previously); (Ti)
visible); to that one in Canada or from Anaktuvak Pass, Alaska
Greenland (not visible at the (perspective of Point Hope,
moment but has been observed or Alaska) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ
seen previously) | +tum (dem. rel. (abl.)
pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.) qavaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up the
qaptumuuna2 or qavsrumuuna2 or coast, from Canada or Greenland |
qavrumuuna2 [dual +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv
qapkugnuuna, pl. qapkunuuna] via qavva up the coast (extended and
that one in there or up the coast; visible); in Canada or Greenland
with that one in there or up the (not visible at the moment but has
coast (extended and visible); via been observed or seen previously)|
that one in Canada or Greenland; ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
with that one in Canada or qavva qavani location east § see
Greenland (not visible at the Appendix 13
moment but has been observed or qavuŋa to in there or up the coast
seen previously) | +tum (dem. rel. (extended and visible); to Canada
pron. sg. mkr) +uuna (dem. via.) or Greenland (not visible but has
qavani located up the coast (extended been observed or seen previously)
and visible); further up the coast | +uŋa (dem. term.)
or in Canada or Greenland (not qavuŋanmun towards the east;
visible at the moment but has been towards up the coast (extended

and visible); towards further up qaviarauraq or qaviaraaq very fine
the coast towards Canada or sand | -raaq(-) nn =uraqnn §
Greenland (not visible at the siuġaq
moment but has been observed or qaviat- (t) to bury, cover it with sand
seen previously) | +uŋa (dem. @ qaviatchi- | +t-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
term.) +nmun (term.)
qavuŋaq- (i) to go up the coast, east qaviqsuaq longnose sucker (Catastomus
(extended and visible); to go catastromus)
further up the coast or to Canada
or Greenland (not visible at the qaviuq- (i) to make its characteristic cry
moment but has been observed or (of ptarmigan)
seen previously) | +uŋa (dem.
term.) +q-3 dv § auŋaq- qavlu eyebrow
qavuuna via, through up the coast, qavlunaaq1 or qavlunaq brow ridge;
east (extended and visible); via, brow of hill | -naaq3 nn
through further up the coast, via Qavlunaaq2 White Person | -naaq3 nn
Canada or Greenland (not visible
at the moment but has been qavluniq- (Ti) (i) to come near shore (of
observed or seen previously) | school of fish)
uuna (dem. via.)
qavuunnaaq- (i) via, through up the qavrak- or qarvak- to flense, remove
coast, east (extended and visible); blubber from (it =animal skin) §
via, through, further up the coast, qavsiraq, kiliuq-, qaprak-
via Canada or Greenland (not qavragvik flensing log
visible at the moment but has been (approximately five-foot-long
observed or seen previously) | piece of wood on which skin is
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv held and scraped) | +vIk1 vn

qavaasuk Spectacled Eider (Somateria qavsit [qavsIt] (interrog.) how many

fischeri); (Ti) female Spectacled qavsiiksraq something that can be
Eider made into several identical items |
+ksraq1 nn
qavaq- (i) to be on its back in the water qavsiiksrauraq- (i) to be few, several
(of seal) | +ksraq1 nn -u-2 nv -raq- nv
qavaġaq- or qavaġauraq- (i) to lie qavsiñik (interrog.) how many | ÷nik
on its back intermittently (of seal, (mod.)
walrus) | +aq-1 vv or +aq-1 vv qavsiñukpa (interrog.) what time is it
:uraq- vv | -nuk- nv +p/va (interrog 3s)
qavsiqiurat several, few | perhaps
qavausiq (Ti) epidermis of whale (black -qi- vv :uraq nn -t nn
outer skin of maktak)
qavsiraq piece of blubber § qavrak-
qavia sand, fine sand § maġia, maġġaq, qavsiraaq (Ti) whale blubber cut in
tuapak strips (as for rendering) | -aq2 nn §

qavsirauraq cube of yeast or sugar similar to that one in Canada or
(Aiken 2009) | :uraq nn Greenland (not visible at the
moment but has been observed or
qavsruma1 or qavruma1 that one in there seen previously) < °qav (dem.
(not visible) < °qam (dem. stem) stem)

qavsruma2 or qavruma2 that one in qavsrumiŋa1 or qavrumiŋa1 that one in

there or up the coast (extended there (not visible)
and visible); that one in Canada or < °qam (dem. stem)
Greenland (not visible at the
moment but has been observed or qavsrumiŋa2 or qavrumiŋa2 that one in
seen previously) < °qav (dem. there or up the coast (extended
stem) and visible); (of) that one in
Canada or Greenland (not visible
qavsrumani1 or qavrumani1 located at the moment but has been
with that one in there (not visible) observed or seen previously) <
< °qam (dem. stem) °qav (dem. stem)

qavsrumani2 or qavrumani2 located qavsrumuŋa1 or qavrumuŋa1 to that one

with that one in there or up the in there (not visible) < °qam (dem.
coast (extended and visible); root)
located with that one in Canada or
Greenland (not visible at the qavsrumuŋa2 or qavrumuŋa2 to that one
moment but has been observed or in there or up the coast (extended
seen previously) < °qav (dem. and visible); to that one in Canada
stem) or Greenland (not visible at the
moment but has been observed or
qavsrumaŋŋa1 or qavrumaŋŋa1 from seen previously) < °qav (dem.
that one in there (not visible) stem)
< °qam (dem. stem)
qavsrumuuna1 or qavrumuuna1 via,
2 2
qavsrumaŋŋa or qavrumaŋŋa from with that one in there (not visible)
that one in there or up the coast < °qam (dem. stem)
(extended and visible); from that
one in Canada or Greenland (not qavsrumuuna2 or qavrumuuna2 via
visible at the moment but has been that one in there or up the coast;
observed or seen previously) ) < with that one in there or up the
°qav (dem. stem) coast (extended and visible); via
that one in Canada or Greenland;
qavsrumatun1 or qavrumatun1 similar with that one in Canada or
to that one in there (not visible) Greenland (not visible at the
< °qam (dem. stem) moment but has been observed or
seen previously) < °qav (dem.
qavsrumatun2 or qavrumatun2 stem)
similar to that one in there, or up
the coast (extended and visible);

qavsuk- (i) to become dim (of light); (i) qayyi- to build a kayak (for her/him);
to become low (of fire); (t) to turn (t) to build it into a kayak | =I-1 nv
it =light lower < qami- qayyiñġaq (Nu) skin covering of
kayak | =I-1 nv perhaps -nġaq vn
qavsuktaaq- (i) to turn down the power; qayyirautit (Nu) sled for transporting
(i) to be made dimmer (of light); kayak | ‘=Iraq- nv :un1 vn -t nn
(i) to be made lower (of fire); (t) to
lower its flame; to dim it =light < qayuit- (Ti) (i) to slip on ice or slippery
qami- surface » “qayuiññami
aquvsalaktuq” (Kinneeveauk
qavsuktaq- (i) to flicker (of light or 2008) [he landed on his butt as he
flame); (i) to burn unsteadily (of slipped on a slick surface]
light or flame); (t) to cause it = qayuiłłak- or (Ti) qayuillak- (i) to
light to flicker < qami- slip and land on a hard surface |
-łłak- vv
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qayuitchaġnaq- (Ti) (i) to be slippery
gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine » | +saq-2 vv +naq(-) vv
qavviksimaruaq he got a
wolverine | +t-2 nv ¤qayuk- (Ti) (t) to shape it
qavviatchiaq or (Ti) qaviatchiaq
marmot (Marmota broweri) | ¤qayułuk (Nu) dark-colored fish skin
-atchiaq nn used for parka trim; legendary
qavviksiun wolverine trap | +siun nn fish-like creature which travels
through the snow »
qayaġulik(-) ringed seal (Pusa hispida); “silaŋŋaaliuqługit sulukpaugat
(i) to kill a ringed seal | +t-2 nv § amiŋit pisuummirait”
qaiġulik (Matumeak 2009) [they used to
make the skins of Arctic grayling
Qayaiqsiġvik Icy Cape, Alaska fish into raincoats]

qayaŋnaq- (i) to be fragile § qaunagnaq- qayuŋnilik crystal (rock or bead) §

qayaq one person skin kayak § see
Appendix 17 qayuq boiled blood broth; tea
qayaġiaq canoe | +iaq2 nn qayuksraq dry tea or coffee from
qayaqtuq- (i) to use a kayak | which beverage is prepared; tea
+tuq-3 nv leaves | -ksraq(-) nn § papaksraq
qayaqhiuq- (i) to rock (of boat); (i) to qayusaaq a broth made from the
paddle over surface of water (of blood of a caribou, it’s rumen cut
duck); (i) to swim, paddling with in little pieces, and fat from its
feet | -qhik- vv -uq-2 vv mesentery apron; (Ti) cooked
¤qayaqhuaq- (Nu) (i) to “float” mixture of flour and water »
above water (like a shaman in his “tavra tuttum auŋaniglu
kayak) | -qhuaq- nv niġukkaŋaniglu irakitchuat
qayau- (i) to capsize in a kayak | piŋannik piliqługu qaunnaliġ-
perhaps :u-1 nv § kiñŋu- mivlugu itchauraŋiññiñ,

tainnasiq tivraġiksuq; imiġaġik- qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for
suq” (Aiken 2009) [so with the her/him/it)
blood of the caribou and its rumen qiamilat- (t) to make her/him =usu. a
in little pieces and also putting in child cry repeatedly @
fat from its mesentery apron, [a qiamilatchi- | +mIk- vv
mixture] like that is tasty; its broth -lak- vv -t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
is good] | -saaq (-)3 nn § imiġaq, qiari- (t) to make her/him cry »
palauvaaq Siġmiam qiarigaa Taałak
Siġmiaq made Taałak cry |
qayuqłak ripple on surface of snow (used +rI-3 vv
in telling prevalent wind qiariññik- (i) to make someone cry |
direction)/ qayuqłait anuġim +nik- vv
tainna pikkaŋi natiġvikami qirran mourning song; lament; dirge;
ripples on surface of snow are reason for crying | ‘-n vn
made by the wind when it blows qirranaaq one who cries easily, a
close to the ground § aniuvauraq, crybaby, continually crying
aġviuraq person | ‘naaq vn
qirruk- to cry continuously for
qayuuttaaq Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola (her/him/it) | perhaps =rruk- vv
qayuuttaayuuq or (Nu) qialġun detachable harpoon head which
qayuuttavauraq Junco (Junco goes into whale when bomb is
hyemalis) | -ayuuq nn or =vak1 nn expended, attached with rope to a
:uraq nn float; “Head of Whale Harpoon
qayuuttavak Dunlin, Red-backed (ki’-a-drun)…. Detachable head,
Sandpiper (Calidris alpina) | with barb of ivory, and blade of
=vak1 nn metal, slate, or chipped flint.”
(Murdoch as reported by Ray
qayuuttaq ladle; large wooden spoon; 1885: 73) § kiŋu, kanasiġaq
water dipper
Qayuuttaq (Ti) constellation Ursus qiamit- (t) to catch it with a bola, a
Major, Big Dipper throwing weapon used to hunt
qayuuttauraq xiphisternum, lower ducks @ qiamitchi- || +sI-3 vv
tip of sternum or breatbone | :uraq
nn see Appendix 21 qianaruutuuq or qiaranatuuq Golden
qayuuttaksralik ram with horns the Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia
proper size to make ladles | atricapilla) | +tuuq nn
+ksraq(-) nn, nv -lik nn
qianġaq cross fox (Vulpes vulpes)
qayyiiġun or qayyiuġun Northern qianġaqtuluk blue fox (Alopex
Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) lagopus) | perhaps +tuq2 nn
-luk nn
qhai! qhai! (excl.) shouted when new
arrivals come into view qiaq [qiraq] Iñupiaq delicacy made out of
the outer intestinal membrane of a
bearded seal (the membrance is

scraped off by hand from the *qiġa (root) stiffness
intestine and chopped on a slab of qiġata- (i) to be stiff | mta- vv
bearded seal blubber) qiġatait- (i) to be pliable, flexible |
qiagiyaq- (t) to remove it =intestinal 1
mta- vv :It- vdv
membrane of intestine @ qiiqsi- | qiġattaŋa- (i) to be stiff (of animal
:Iyaq- nv || +sI-3 vv skin) | mta- vv ‘-q-1 vv ±ŋa- vv
qirri-1 (i) to make “qiaq” | ‘=I-1 nv
qiġattaq- (Nu) (i) to be stiff (e.g., of a
skin), inflexible | mta- vv ‘-q-1 vv §
qigguvik place where one freezes to death
< qiu- tiggaq(-)
qiġattat piece of canvas used to
qigliq or qigliuraq (Ti) breakable utensil, stiffen something; interfacing; rod
plate, or cup; porcelain china used to stiffen something | mta- vv
(translucent) » “tavliglugit ‘-Q vn -t nn
qiñiġñaqtuat” (S. Tuzroyluke qiġġait- (i) to be lively, nimble |
2009) [they are translucent] § ‘-q-1 vv :It-1 vv
qikłiq qiġġaq- (i) to be no longer nimble; (i)
to have stiff muscles; (i) to have a
qigluk(-)1 large ventral, abdominal blood stiff part (of gun, machine, etc.) |
vessel; one of the large veins; (i) ‘-q-1 vv
to feel pain in the large ventral,
abdominal blood vessel *qiġi (root) squeakiness § qiiqi
qigluuraaq- (i) to feel prolonged pain qiġiiluk- or qiġiila- (i) to squeak, be
in one’s large ventral, abdominal squeaky, creak (e.g., of door) »
blood vessel » “qigluuraaġuuruq “nipaalaruq; nivliraqtuaq;
ilaanni iñuk anasugrukkami puyuuġvium piŋa pamna
analaitqaaqłuni” (Aiken 2009) [it qiġiululgitchuq” (C. Tuzroyluke
is said that a person sometimes 2009) [it is making noise; it is
feels pain in his large ventral, creaking; the part of the stove pipe
abdominal blood vessel when he up there is creaking again] | .-q1 vv
defecates a lot after not having -luk- vv or .-q1 vv -la- vv
been able to defecate for a long qiġġiġġaq- (Ti) (i) to make a creaking
time] | -uraaq- 1 vv noise as one walks in hard snow |
perhaps ‘-q1 vv ‘-aq-1 vv §
qigluk-2 (i) to regret a loss, to mourn » siaksrit-
“ilani piiġman qigluuraaqtuq ¤qiġiuluktaq- (Ti) (i) to squeak, creak
iñuk; suna suġautalluatani repeatedly (e.g., of door) | .-q1 vv
tammaigamiuŋ” (Aiken 2009) [a -luk- vv +t/raq-1 vv §
person mourns for a while when qiiqiġiiliktaq-
one of his relatives dies; [or] when
he has lost a valuable item] qiġitiq- (Ti) (t) to be frostbitten, to freeze
qiglugi- (t) to regret losing, mourn (of body part) § qiqit-, qiu-
her/him/it | +[g]i- vv
qiglukpagniq lamentation | qiġluvaq- (Ti) (t) to store it away @
+qpak(-) vv, nn +niQ1 vn qiġluvai- || :I-4 vv

qiġniq cold storage pit dug down to qiiqsruq- (i) to have an epileptic
permafrost and covered convulsion | mqsruq-2 rv
qiiqsruġuu- (i) to be an epileptic |
qiġñiq- (i) to be black, dark 2
mqsruq- rv +[s]uu- vv
qiġñaaq- (i) to be blackish | -aq-3 vv
qiġñiġaq (Nu) dark ripple on water | qiiligruk- (i) to clench fists and teeth in
+[ġ]aq vn frustration | +rruk- rv
qiġñiqtaaluk black wolf | +t/raaq1 nn
-luk nn qiiłłuaq piece of excrement hanging from
qiġñiqtaaq something black » rectum (usu. of a dog with
qiġñiqtaaq qairruŋ give the tapeworm keeping the excrement
black one | +t/raaq1 nn from falling in pieces)
qiġñiqtaq black fox, silver fox
(Vulpes vulpes) | +t/raq7 vn *qiiqi (root) creaking § *qiġi
¤qiġñiqtuligruaq (Nu) large sheep qiiqiġiaq [qiiqiġiraq] metal hinge |
with black horn stubs |+t/ruq1 vn ±q-2 rv +iaq2 nn
-lik nn +ġruaq nn § qiiqiġiiluk- (i) to creak | +q-2 vv
.-q-2 vv-luk- vv
qiġñiqtulik or (Nu) qiġñiqtuligauraq
roughly three-year old sheep with
qiiya- to feel cold (of person)
black stubs on medium-sized qiiyaliq- to become cold, feel cold (of
horns | +t/ruq1 vn -lik nn or person) | -lIq-3 vv
+t/ruq1 vn -lik nn +gauraq nn qiiyanałhaiññaq- (i) to be always
cold | +naq(-) vv -łhaiññaq- vv
qiġruġaaq- to freeze without snow cover qiiyanaq- (i) to be cold (of place,
(of ground during fall < qiqi-
object, weather) » qiiyanaqtuq
uvamni it is cold, in my opinion |
¤qiġrun (Nu) impedimentfor not doing
+naq(-) vv
something; ¤reason for what one qiiyannaq very cold weather |
does § piŋillatuaġniq +nnaq vn
¤qiġrusiq- (Nu) (i) to have something
which occupies one’s time,
qikaq- (i) to be standing around § makita-
keeping one from other tasks; (t) qikaaġvik place to stand on sled
to occupy her/his time keeping
runners » “kiamġuaġviŋit uniani
her/him from other tasks » taisuugait qikaaġvigñik;
qiġrusiqsuŋa nuvagmik cold is makitaraġaaġvigñiglu
preventing me from doing tasks | taisuugait” (Aiken 2009) [they
~Iq-1 nv call the place where one pushes on
a sled the place where one stands
qiġuviak refrozen slush still for a while; they also call it
the place where one stands for a
*qii (root) convulsion while] | -aq-1 vv +vIk1 vn
qiiŋa- (i) to be rolled back (e.g., eyes qikaaluk-1 (i) to stand alone for quite
of person dying or having a some time (e.g., as a hunter
convulsion) | ±ŋa- vv waiting by breathing hole of seal);

(i) to loiter for some time | -aq-1 vv akłunaaŋisa qakirviŋi
-luk- vv nalukataqtuani” (Aiken 2009)
qikaaq- (i) to stand and move about [it’s the wooden supports upon
closeby » “Sammagguuq which to place the ropes of the
aapiyaqtiŋ nikpaakkiqpan, blanket toss]
qikaaġutik taapkua taavuŋa
kukilugaaġutiŋ qiki- (i) to feel insecure; (i) to be unable;
uŋasiksigaluaġnagu (i) to be reserved; (i) to be
natchiqsitkisigaat.” (Nageak unassertive, to lack confidence §
1975: 14) [so when their elder kanŋusuk-, nikasuk-
brother begins to wait qikigi- (t) to respect, admire, be in
expectantly, they will enable him awe of her/him; (t) to feel shy,
to catch a seal if they stand intimidated or diffident towards
around moving about not going her/him | +[g]i- vdv § taluġi-
too far away] | -aq-1 vv qikiit- (i) to be bold, confident, daring
qikaġaaq- (i) to leisurely stand and » “sapiqsraŋitchuq iñugnik
about closeby| +aaq(-) vv allanik uqautiaqsigamigi;
¤qikata- (i) to stand | mta- vv sapiqsralaitchuq tavra
§ makita- qikiitchuq” (Aiken 2009) [he is
qikautaq spit; a roasting skewer on not intimidated by others when he
which food is impaled; a vertical begins to speak to them; he does
support » “napautchiqługu suna not feel intimidated, he is bold and
savakkamirruŋ confident] | :It-1 vv § kiiñaġniq-,
qikautchiġñisuugait; sapiqsralait-
igaviillu niviŋŋaġviŋa qiksigi- (t) to feel shy, intimidated,
qikautanik pisuugai” (Aiken diffident toward her/him; (t) to
2009) [when they put a post on respect, admire, be in awe of
something to stand it up, they say her/him/it | ~sik-1 vv +[g]i- vdv §
they have placed an upright taluġi-
support on it; they also call the qiksiksraq- (i) to regard someone
place where something is hung with respect; to feel unworthy and
over a cooking fire a spit] | diffident in someone’s presence;
-utaq vn to feel shy or intimidated |
~sIk1- vv -qsraq- vv § sapiqsraq-
qiki [qikI] cross brace (supports the rope qiksiksraun reverence; deference |
of the “mapkuq” used to toss ~sik-1 vv qsraq- vv :un1 vn
people into the air during qiksiksrautiqaq- to be respectful (to
Nalukataq); ¤ rope tied to corner her/him/it) | ~sIk1- vv -qsraq- vv
of blanket-toss hide and staked to :un1 vn -qaq- nv
ground (no longer used) » qiksiksrautiqaġniq respect |
qikiqaqtuq nalukataun ~sIk1- vv -qsraq- vv :un1 vn
sisamanik the bearded sealskin -qaq- nv +niQ1 vn
hide used to toss people into the qiksilliq- to catch a glimpse or hasty
air during Nalukataq has four view | ~sik-1 vv -lliq-2 vv
cross braces; “qiruit mapkum

qiksiñ respect » “qiksiñaqtut Qikiqtaġruk Kotzebue, Alaska;
utuqqanaat” (Aiken 2009) [elders Herschel Island, NWT, Canada |
inspire respect] | ~sik-1 vv ‘n1 vn -ġruk nn
qikiqtaġruk peninsula | -ġruk nn
*qikI1 (root) distortion qikiqtasugruk large island |
qikiŋa- (i) to be warped | ±ŋa- vv -sugruk nn
qikisit- (t) to warp it | +sI-1 rv +t-2 vv
qikkuaq(-) (Ti) frost on ground; (t) to get
*qiki2 (root) creakiness frosted over (of land) §
qikallit- (i) to become alert because of qaquq-, qiqit-, qiu-
creaking noise made by person or
animal walking on packed snow | qikłiq [qikłIq] china utensil which
~ak rv -lIq-3 vv ‘=It-2 vv shatters easily § qigliq, qiłkhiq
qikaaluk-2 (i) for it (usu. of snow or
ice) to be crunchy when walked qiksruqtaqtuula- (i) to thrust one’s arms
upon | ~ak- vv -aq-1 vv -luk- vv up making threatening motions »
qikiġġaaqpaluk- (i) to make a “qiksruqtaqtuularuq talligñi
creaking sound when walked on isaaqtalavlugik piyuumigivlugu
(of snow) | +[ġ]aq-2 rv, vv iñuqaġnailaq” (Matumeak 2009)
‘-aq-1 vv +p/valuk- vv [he thrust his arms and waved
qikiġġaġnaq- (i) to creak underfoot them around violently threatening
easily (of frozen packed snow) » the one who did not let people
“tuttutchaqtuni uliłługik live] | +t/raq-1 vv +tuula- vv
tutullak mitqua aniłługik
qikiġġaġnaiġuuruk” (Matumeak qiku clay
2009) [when one is stalking qikuyyaq clay; clay utensil, pottery,
caribou, by turning the soles of the clay jar, earthernware pot |
caribou boots inside out with the -yyaq n § patigaq, naparaq
fur out, the creaking sounds (of
the snow) caused by the boots *qila (root) speed
ceases] |+[ġ]aq- rv,vv ‘-aq-1 vv qilamik quickly, immediately, right
+naq(-) vv away | ÷mik (mod.)
qikiġġaq creaking noise made by qilamipiaġataq (adverb) quickly,
walking, running, crawling on immediately | ÷mik (mod.)
frozen snow | +[ġ]aq- rv, vv -piaġataq(-) vv
‘-Q vn qilamiqsruq- (i) to hurry; to rush
qikiġġaqtaq- (i) to make a creaking (her/him/it) | ÷mik (mod.)
noise on snow | |+[ġ]aq- rv,vv 2
mqsruq- vv
‘-aq-1 vv +t/raq-1 vv qilamiqsruatchiaq- (i) to do right
qikiġġit- (t) to frighten, startle away, without delay | ÷mik (mod.)
her/him/it with noise of one’s 2
mqsruq- vv -atchiaq(-) vv
steps in snow or stepping on a
twig | +[ġ]aq- rv, vv ‘-Q vn qilanaaq- (i) to want something
‘=It-2 nv § siaksrIt- urgently | -naaq- rv

qikiqtaq island qilagluksi- (Ti) to become cloudy and

windy (Harcharek: 20) | perhaps

+luk(-)1 vn, nv +si-3 vv qiluaqtuq- (i) to use a taut line
attached to a snare to catch
qilġiq [qilġIq] (Ti) gray hair § qirġi squirrels; (t) to use a taut line
qilġili- (Ti) (i) to get gray hair | -lI-2 nv attached to a snare to catch it
=squirrel | ±aq1 vn +tuq-3 nv
qilġuq or qiliġuq scar | ±ġuq rn qiluiññaq bow without braided
sinew, used to hunt small game;
qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used unwound bow | :It-1 nv
in securing tent to stake); (i) to +naq(-) vn
have a muscle cramp; (t) to attach qilummi- (t) to hold it =line
tent ropes to it =stake in ground taut; (t) to “play” it =a fish |
or to tent side frame (wooden +mmI-5 vv
stakes secured into the permafrost qiluqipagaq- (i) to continue to strain
standing upright about four feet at harness or line | -qi- vv -pak- vv
above the ground and joined +aq-1 vv
together horizontally by a long qiluqipak- (i) to strain at harness or
two-by-four piece of lumber); (t) line once | -qi- vv -pak- vv
to draw it =bow; (t) to pull it up, qiluqqi- (i) to be taut | -qqI- vv
to stretch it taut qiluqqiññiq sprained muscle or
qillun or qillutaq ligament under muscles, especially back muscles
tongue | ‘-n vn | +qqIt- vv +nIQ1 vn
qillutaiq- (i) to have one’s infirmity qiluqqiqsruq- to stretch looking taut
corrected; (i) to recover from a » “anuġi qiluqqiqsruqtuq
crippling disability; (t) to cure her qutchiksuaq” (Matumeak 2009)
/him/it of infirmity | ‘-n vn [the wind in the high altitude is
:Iq-2 nv strong causing the clouds to
qillutik protective cover for index and stretch making them look taut] |
middle fingers, attached to wrist +qqIt- vv mqsruq-2 vv
(used by archer) | ‘-n vn -k2 nn qiluqqit- (i) to strain a back muscle;
qillutit caribou-skin guard for (i) to become unable to move
archer’s middle three fingers and about freely because of a strained
wrist | ‘-n vn -t nn back; (Nu) to have a muscle
qilluvik tent post | ‘-vIk1 vn cramp; (i) to be stretched taut; (t)
qiluaq(-) taut line attached to snare to pull it taut | +qqIt- vv
(used for catching squirrels); (t) qiluqqiutaq or qiluqqisaun sprain |
to catch it =squirrel using a taut +qqIt- vv :utaq vn, or +qqIt- vv
line attached to a snare (covered -saq-2 :un1 vn
with grass and set at a squirrel. qilusaq- (Nu) (t) to snare it =fox by
hole) » siksrik qilusaġaa he placing a snare at its hole |
caught a squirrel with his snare; 3
msaq- nv § qilutaq-
“nuiguraġman aasi qilutaak- (i) be confined, restricted,
nuqitiqługu” (Aiken 2009) unable to move freely and do what
[then when it [the squirrel] one wants to do | -taq vn, vv
tentatively appears, you pull it [the -ak-2 vv
line] quickly] | ±aq1 vn §

qilutaq- or qilusaq- (Nu) (i) to be ¤qilaugauraq (Ti) eardrum | :un1 vn
caught (of fox) by a snare placed :gauraq nn
at its hole | perhaps +taq-4 nv qilaurraq- (i) to drum, play the drum
-saq-1 nv § qilusaq- | -urraq- vv
qiluuq- (t) to stretch it @ qiluuqsI- | qilausiraq- (Ti) (i) to play the drum |
:uq-2 vv || +sI-3 vv :un1 vn :siraq- nv
qiluuttat tent side frames on either qilausiraqti or qilaurraqti drummer |
side of tent (wooden stakes :uti1 vn =Iraq- nv mt/ri vn or
secured into the permafrost -urraq- vv mt/ri vn
standing upright about four feet
above the ground and joined qilaaq thin maktak from whale’s mouth
together horizontally by a long
two-by-four piece of lumber on qilaiq- (i) to have a hole in boot sole; (t)
which tent ropes are tied securely) to wear a hole through it =boot
| :uq-2 vv -utaq vn sole | :Iq-2 nv
qiluk- (i) to warp, wrinkle from heat; qilak(-)1 sky, firmament; heaven; roof;
(Ti) (t) to become scorched (e.g., (i) to be in the process of having a
of parka fur, plastic) when roof put on (of house); (t) to roof it
exposed to high heat » § see Appendix 22
“ugliktuakkiuvva qilagakuaqtaq sivuluat tattuqiłługit
qilukługnisuugaat; ugligman palatal sounds | -gaq2 nn -kuaq- nv
panaqługman amiq suna” +t/raq vn, sivuluaq -t nn, tattuqit-
(Aiken 2009) [it is evident that +lugit (Subord. 3p-3p)
when something shrinks, they say qilagaq roof of mouth, hard palate |
it warps; it’s when hide or -gaq2 nn
something else shrinks becoming qilagluk- (i) to be cloudy and windy |
rigid and dry] | -k-2 vv +luk(-)1 vn, nv
qilukłuk- to warp (it) | -kłuk- vv qilagluksi- (t) to get cloudy and
windy | +luk(-)1 vn, nv +sI-1 vv
qiluŋa- (i) to have slanted eyes; (i) to be qilaguaq upstairs | guq nn -aq2 nn
slanted | ±ŋa- vv qilaguuraq platform at bow of boat
(where the tukaqti “coiled rope
qila(-) or qila shaman’s power; shaman’s attached to the whale floats or
spirit; conjuring spirit; (i) to spear” is kept) | guq nn :uraq nn §
invoke spirits (of shaman) » see Appendix 16
qilasiññaqtuq aŋatkuuŋitka- qilait supporting crosswise roof
luaqtuq he is conjuring spirits beams | :It nn
even though he is not a shaman qilaŋa roof planks | :ŋa nn
qillan shaman’s conjuring rod | ‘n1 vn qilaŋmiutaq or qilaŋmiutauraq
§ qirugautaq collared lemming (Dicronstonyx
qilagautaq divining rod used to spp.) | ÷miu- nv -taq vn :uraq nn
foretell fate of sick person | qilaktaq ice cache (above ground) |
-gaq1 vv -utaq vn +t/raq vn
qilaun drum used in Iñupiaq dancing |
:un1 vn qilak-2 to knit (it)

qilaaksraq yarn | +ksraq vn only catches a glimpse of it (of
qilaaq or qilaktaq knitted item | something)|
±aq1 vn or +t/raq vn
qilaun knitting needle | :un1 vn qiliq- (t) to tie it into a knot; to bind, tie
her/him/it up @ qiliqsi- || +sI-3 vv
qilalugaq beluga whale (Delphinapterus qilġit basket sled | :It nn
leucas); narwhal

qilamit- to hit and catch/kill (it =bird,

duck) with a bola » qilamitkaa he
caught it with a bola | -mit- vv qilġun rope; lashing; mitten string |
qilamitaq- to kill (them =birds, :un1 vn
ducks) with a bola | +aq-1 v v qiliġniq knot (as in bow knot) |
qilamitautit bolas for hunting birds +niQ1 vn
[Driggs: 92: “it was made of qiliġun (Ti) string which holds drum
seven small ivory balls, each skin to frame; rope used to tie
having a string of deer sinew something down | :un1 vn
attached, the strings being joined qiliġutaiq- (i) to become untied; (t) to
at the end by a feather.”] | -mit- vv untie its knot; (t) remove her/his
+aq-1 vv :un1 vn -t nn handcuffs | :un1 vn :Iq-2 nv
qiliġutik handcuffs | :un1 vn -k2 nn
qiliiq- to untie (it) | :Iq-2 nv
qiliptaq(-) one whose neck has been
wrung; (t) to wring it =neck of
something, esp.,a duck | -ptaq nn §
qiliqsrauttat (Nu) clump of willows
qilamitchaq- to hurl a bola (at it) | sharing one trunk| +qsraq vn
+tchaq- vv -utaq3 nn -t nn
qilaptaq(-) or (Nu) qilapsaq(-) qiliqsrui- (t) to tie, bind her/him up
something caught with a bola; (t) with rope | mqsruq-2 vv :I-7 vv
to use the bola to capture it | qiliqsruq- (t) to tie knots in it =rope;
+mit- vv +t/raq vn (t) to tie her/him/it up | mqsruq-2 vv
qiliqtat things lashed together; bundle
qilaŋŋaq Horned Puffin (Fratercula
of five ducks tied together |
+t/raq vn -t nn
qiliviqsruq- (t) to tie her/him/it up
qilġiq [qilġiQ] Rough-legged Hawk
securely | -vIk- vv mqsruq-2 vv
(Buteo lagopus); china, as plates,
cups qillaaq- (t) to tie them in a bundle @
Qilġit Tatqiat [lit. “month of the qillaaqsi- | ‘-aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
rough legged hawks”] month of qillaaqtat (Nu) a bundle, things tied
April § Qaugait Piviat together; bundles of willows tied
together and inserted in river ice
qilġiqtaq- (Ti) (i) to be moving in the in autumn to block downward
distance barely visible so that one travel of fish; bundles of willow
for fish weir | ‘-aq-1 vv +t/raq vn

-t nn § saputiksrat refreezing » “utuqqalaaġmagu
sikuligaaqłuni qiqinmagu
qilli- (i) to find the remains of a dead iqaluk tavra taisuugaat
game animal (which another qimaktiraamik” (Aiken 2009)
hunter has killed or which has [when it becomes slightly aged
simply died) and has undergone a process of
qilluq (Nu) remains of dead game thawing and refreezing creating
animal | ‘-Q vn ice crystals in it, a fish is called
qiluiññaq (Nu) bow with no sinew, wood qimiaq(-) small groove (in wood, rock or
only | -Iññaq3 n § qilu-, pisiksi bone on which something is
fastened); (t) to carve a groove in
qiluk- to bark at (her/him/it) (of dog) § it = wood, in rock, or in bone for
makhak- under *maġ fastening something to it; (t) to fill
it =groove in wood of sled with
qiłkhiq [qiłkhIq](Nu) china plate, utensil lashing § qappaq
(originally. white stone) qimiaġaat a burnt groove on a piece
of tinder wood made by the
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave spinning tip of a bow drill while
her/him/it behind trying to start a fire (Kisautaq:
qimaa- (i) to flee, to run away | -a-2 vv 652) | +aaq(-) nn -t nn
qimaaraq- (i) to flee, run away (when
approached) | +[t/r]aq-3 vv qimiġiak eyelashes of both eyes | +iaq3 vn
qimaaratchi- (t) to cause them to run -k2 nn
away, flee | +[t/r]aq-3 vv +tchI- vv
qimaari- (t) to cause her/him/it to qimiksraq potential rope » “…tavra
flee » Siġmiam Nayuk tautukkivut aŋutik kilittuak
qimaarilgitchaa akku Siġmiaq qimiksramik (akłunaaksramik)
made Nayuk flee again a little natchium amianik aġnat
while ago | -a-2 vv -I7 vv itqanaiyaaŋannik.” (Kaveolook
qimai- (t) to cause her/him/it to flee | 1975b: 5) [here we see two men
-I7 vv cutting potential rope, (potential
qimaiññaq- to leave (her/him/it) rope) of sealskin which the
without a second thought | women have prepared] § akłunaaq
:iññaq- vv
qimaktinniq shore-fast ice left behind qimilġu- (t) to open and scrutinize it
when the ice is carried away by an =e.g., book, box, bag @ qimilġui-
ocean current (Harcharek: 14) | || :I-4 vv
mtinniQ qimilġuiri critic; scientist | :I-4 vv
qimatchi- (i) to leave part of load mt/ri vn
behind when traveling | -tchI- vv qimilġuuq- (i) to look at, scrutinize
qimmaq fugitive | ‘-Q vn oneself; (t) to look at, scrutinize,
investigate it; (t) to research it; to
qimaktiraaq frozen fish, slightly aged review it | -uq-2 vv
with ice crystals inside resulting
from the fish thawing out and

qimiq1 [qimIq] [dual qimmik] net sinker qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus
line, net line forma familiaris) § qipmiq,
qimmi- to make a net line (out of it) | qimmiq-
‘=I-1 nv qimmiaġruk puppy | -aġruk nn
qimmiq- (t) to attach the net sinker qimmiayaaq (not common) (Ti)
line on it = fishing net @ newborn pup | -ayaaq nn
qimmiqsi- | ‘=Iq-1 nv || -sI-3 vv § qimmiġluk- (i) to have trouble with
qimmiq one’s dogs dying from sickness;
(i) to have strong and healthy dogs
qimiq2 [qimIq] a hill | +luk(-)1 nv, vv
qimiaġruk low ridge | -aġruk nn qimmilisigraq or qimmilisi dog food
qimialuk foothill | -aluk nn | -liñ nn -ksraq(-) nn, vv or -liñ nn
qimiġaaq ridge, line of hills | qimmiuraq green bud of a willow
+[g]aq2 nn -aq2 nn stem; “Willow Catkins (kĭm-mí-u-
qimiġaq hill » “qimiqqanik ru)…. Used for tinder.” (Murdoch
taiguġuugivut” (Aiken 2009) [we in Ray 1885: 75); dog trained to
call them hills] | +[ġ]aq2 nn help in reindeer herding | :uraq nn
qimiġluit (Ti) back (of whale); dorsal § uqpik, palliksraq
area » “umialgum iñuŋisa qimmiurat [lit. “little dogs”] tundra
niŋiŋat” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) cotton (Eriophorum spp.) |
[it’s the whaling crew’s share] | :uraq nn -t nn
+luk nn :It (3p poss. mkr)
qimiġluk(-) spine; (i) to have foothills qimmuktit- (i) to pucker (of one side of
(of region) | +luk(-)2 nn, n material when two pieces are
sewn together); (t) to sew it =one
qimit- [qimIt] (i) to strangle oneself; (t) to side of material puckered |
strangle her/him/it mtit- vv
qimisaq one who has been strangled |
±aq1 vn qimuagruk snowdrift (blocking trail or
qimiutaq (Nu) rope with noose for in lee of high building); high
hanging | :utaq vn snowdrift » “qimuagruum isua”
burial mound; “‘qimuagruum
qimmaksaq- (i) to be frustrated, uvva isuginiaġaatin,’ tavra
impatient suagutaat aŋayuqaat
qimmaksai- (t) to make her/him uqaqsiġiitchuni” (S. Tuzroyluke
frustrated | -I-6 vv 2009) [“you’re going to end up
qimmaksaliyait- (i) to not be angered being the end of a snowdrift,” that
easily | -lIq-3 vv -ya-1 vv :It-1 vv was a scolding that parents said
qimmaksautait- (i) to be easy going, when one was being disobedient];
have patience, have forbearance | “iñuk qapiqpaŋasigami
:un1 vn :It-1 vv qimuagruk akpallaigutisuugaa”
qimmaksautaiññiq patience, (Tuzroyluke 2009) [when a person
forbearance | :un1 :It-1 vv +niQ1 vn is discouraged he has a hard time
climbing up and over a snowdrift]
§ qimiq2, katiġruġniq

qimuk- to tow, pull (her/him/it)(usu. of have a predisposition to fight »
dogs) taapkuak asuukuak
qimugvik tug line of sled | +vIk1 nv qinnayuktuk oh, you two are
qimuksiraq- (i) to drive a reindeer always fighting (how boring) |
sled | -siraq(-) vv -yuk(-) vv, vn
qimukti reindeer trained to pull sled; qinni- (t) to make her/him/it angry,
beast of burden (e.g., oxen) | mad » “sagluqiraġaqługu
mt/ri vn qinnigaa” (Matumeak 2009) [he
made her angry by lying to her
qinġaqtuq- (i) to pray to, beseech, beg (a one too many times] | ‘=I-1 vv
helping spirit) for intervention »
“Qinġaqtuqtuq ataataruuraq qiniqqaluk- (i) to pant, gasp, cough,
taimuŋa, “Ki! Iglaatchiak while moaning and groaning (in
ukuak qiñiqtuaġayaqtuk!” pain) § aniqtipkaq-
(Nageak 1975: 87) [The little old
man beseeched his helping spirit, qinŋuq upper part of cheekbone, zygo-
“Ok! These two new-comers matic bone § see Appendix 20
should be given the opportunity
to watch!”] § qiññuaq- qinu(-) layer of slush ice which forms on
ocean at freeze up and clings to
qiniq- (i) to be angry » “tavra shore; to form a thin layer of slush
qinnaŋaruq iñuk” (Aiken 2009) ice (of ocean at freeze-up) »
[the man has become and remains “qinusuuruq taġiuq
angry] sikunialagami; tiggaqsiŋailaq
qinnaguksaaq- (t) to attempt to qinumik taisuugaat” (Aiken
provoke her/him/it into anger | 2009) [the slush forms in the
‘-k2- vv -uk(-)2 vv ±saaq-2 vv ocean as it begins to ice over; the
qinnai- (t) to anger her/him/it | part that has not hardened is called
‘-k2- vv -I7- vv slush ice]; “qinu qilamik
qinnak- (i) to be angry, mad; (i) to tiggaqsiliġuuruq;
fight; (t) to fight her/him/it | pisukataġnaqsiliġuuruq
‘-k2- vv nutqaqtiġman igliŋaiġman,
qinnaliq- (i) to become angry | unnuapagunnii” (Aiken 2009)
-lIq-3 vv § uumitchak- [the layer of ocean slush ice
qinnaŋŋan anger | ±ŋa- vv ‘n1 vn quickly stiffens; it becomes hard
qinnaun wrath, rage, violent anger » enough for walking on when the
qinnautaa aŋiruq his anger is motion stops, when it [the ocean]
immense | :un1 vn stops moving, even overnight] §
qinnauti- (i) to fight with each other; miġaliq
(t) to be angry at her/him/it | ¤Qinnuvik month of November
‘-k2- vv -uti- vv qinuaq- (t) to form a layer of slush ice
qinnautipiaġataq- (t) to be furious (of ocean at freeze-up) | -aq-1 nv
with her/him/it | ‘-k2- vv :uti- vv -
piaġataq- vv qiñiq- to look at, watch, see (her/him/it) §
qinnayuk(-) one who always gets tautuk-
angry or is always fighting; (i) to

qiñaa- to look for, search for +iaq-1 vv
(her/him/it) | -a2- vv qiñiqsitaaq- (Ti) (i) to watch a movie
qiñġun pupil of eye | :un1 vn | mtit-1 vv -taaq- vv
qiñiġaaq- (i) to take a good look qiñiqsitaat (Ti) movie, film | mtit-1 vv
around, observe carefully | 2
mt/raaq vn -t nn
-[ġ]aq2- vv -aq1 vv
qiñiqti witness, observer | mt/ri vn
qiñiġaaq picture, photograph,
painting | +[ġ]aq2- vv ±aq1 vn qiñiqtuaġiaq- to go and watch
qiñiġaq- to photograph (her/him/it); her/him/it
(t) to x-ray (her/him/it); (Nu, Ti) to qiñiqtuaq(-) movie, picture book; to
look with binoculars or telescope watch, look at (her/him/it) |
at (her/him/it) | +[ġ]aq- vv +t/ruaq vn
qiñiġaun camera; (Nu) telescope, qiñiqtuuraaq(-) vision; to have a
scope of rifle; (Ti) sight on rifle, vision (of her/him/it; to imagine
rifle scope | +[ġ]aq- vv :un1 vn § (her/him/it) | +t/ruuraaq- vv §
iriġruaq uliqqa-
qiñiġautik (Nu) pair of binoculars | qiñiqusaaq- (i) to try to gain the
+[ġ]aq- vv :un1 vn -k2 nn § attention of others; (t) to try to
iriġruak get her/him/it to look; (t) to try to
qiñiġayuk- (i) to look around » persuade others to look at
“Tainna tamaani her/him/it | +[t]qusaaq- vv
qiñiġayukhuni aŋayukłiġli.” qiñiyuk(-) one who has the tendency
(Nageak 1975: 52) [so the eldest to peek; (i) to have the habit of
brother looking around the peeking | -yuk(-) vv, vn
area…] | +[ġ]aq- vv -yuk(-) vv qiñiyunaq- or (Nu) qiñiyuġnaq- or
qiñiġiaq vision | +iaq1 vn qiññaġik- (i) to be pretty, pleasing
qiñiġnaq- (i) to be visible | to the eye | -yunaq- vv -yuġnaq- vv
+naq(-) vv or ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv
qiñiġnaqsi- (t) for it to become qiññaapak- to stare at (it) longingly,
visible, to clear up (of weather) | enviously | ‘-aq1- vv -pak- vv, vn
+naq-1 vv +sI-1 vv § niptaiq- qiññaġluk- to glare, stare sternly (at
qiñiġruaq- to stare at, glare at her/him/it) » “qiññaġlukkaaŋa
(her/him/it) sternly | +ġruaq-2 vv avruma paatchuqtuvluŋa”
qiñiġviit- (i) to not know where to (Kinneeveauk 2009) [she glared at
look because of embarrassment, me for always being the first to do
shame | +vIk1 vn :It-1 nv or grab something that she wanted
qiñiġviksrait- (i) to have no one to to do or get] | ‘-ġluk- vv
turn to for comfort/reassurance qiññaksraq or qiññaksraun design,
after an embarrassing or shameful appearance to be achieved | ‘-Q vn
act | +vIk1 vn +ksraq(-) nn :It-1 nv -ksraq(-) nn or :un1 nn
qiñimmaġiksaaq- to take a good look qiññaq appearance; design »
(at her/him/it) | +mmaġIksaaq- vv qiññaġiksuq she looks good; it
qiñiqsaġataq- to stare at (her/him/it) has a good appearance;
for quite a while | +saġataq- vv qiññaksraŋa iglum naasimaraa
qiñiqsitaaġiaq- (Ti) (i) to go to a unnugman she finished the
movie | mtit-1 vv -taaq- vv design for the house yesterday |
‘-Q vn

+tuq-2 vv +vIk1 vn [g]i- nv
qiñiqsiq [qiñiqsIq] tonsil qiññuaqtuq- (i) to beg, implore,
plead, ask | ‘-aq-1 vv +tuq-2 vv
qiñŋu or qiñŋuq furthest inland point of qiññuaqtuqtuiññaq- (i) to beg
the lake or the inlet; way in the continuously | +tuiññaq- vv
back (of a dwelling) » qiññuaqtuun supplication (often to
“kiluliñaaŋa narvam tavra the moon in traditional times); a
qiñŋua” (Aiken 2009) [the back humble appeal, prayer, plea |
area of a lake is the furtherest ‘-aq-1 vv +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn
inland point of the lake]; “paani qiñuiññiq humbleness, humility,
iglum qiñŋuani” (Aiken 2009) modesty | :It-1 rv +niQ1 vn
[back up there in the back area of qiñuisaaq- (i) to act humbly, meekly
the house]; “kaŋiqłuum qiñŋuani (as a single occurrence) | :It-1 rv
aġviq puktaruq” (Eugene -saaq-1 vv
Brower 2011) [the whale is qiñuit- (i) to be humble, meek by
floating at the very end of the nature; (i) to be peaceful, calm |
inlet]; qiñŋuqłiq one furthermost :It-1 rv § uluġiit- kiiñaġnIq-
inside; “tatpaani kilupayaaŋani qiñunġuu- (i) to mourn | -nġu- vv
tunuani” (Aiken 2009) [way up :u-2 vv
there further inside towards the
back] | +llIQ nn qiñu slush ice (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
qiñŋusaaq(-) rope tied to the end of a
net; to fasten (it) on with a thin qiŋarraaq or ¤qiŋaraq shin, tibia;
rope or twine (as on a net) » plateau, ridge which is flat on top;
“ipiutaŋa kuvram akłunaaŋa (Nu) ridge running down front of
isuani” (Aiken 2009) [it is the nose § nuŋŋaq
rope tied to the end of the net] | qiŋarraaq- (i) to injure one’s
-saaq(-) nn shinbone; (t) to injure her/his
shinbone | ‘-aq-2 nv
qiñuaqtuun telescope § iriġruaq
qiŋaq nose; house vent; blowhole of
qiñu- (i) to mourn (for her/him/it); (i) to whale § see Appendices 19 & 22
search and cry for its young (of qiŋaaġaġvik breathing hole in ocean
animal); (i) to cry fitfully (of ice (of whale trapped under ice) |
baby) » “ilaŋiġami iñuk -aq2 nn -q-2 nv +aq-1 vv +vIk1 vn
qiñusuuruq qiavluni” (Aiken § allu
2009) [when a person loses a qiŋaaq bridge of nose | -aq2 nn §
loved one, he mourns by crying] nuŋŋaq, akuliaq § see Appendices
qiññuaq- (i) to beg, appeal to 20 & 21
someone’s sympathy, mercy or qiŋaġluk porcupine | +luk(-) nn
goodwill; (t) to beg, plead, qiŋaġnaaq nose bone | perhaps
implore of her/him; (t) to appeal to +naaq3 nn § see Appendix 20
her/his sympathy, mercy or qiŋalik or (Ti) qiŋaligaaluk King
goodwill | ‘-aq-1 vv § qinġaqtuq- Eider (Somateria spectabilis) |
qiññuaqtuġvigi- (t) to beg, implore, -lik nn
plead of her/him | ‘-aq-1 vv

qiŋałłuak- (i) to wrinkle one’s nose to mqsruq- vv
show displeasure | +łłuak- rv qipit- (t) to wind it around something;
qiŋŋak both nostrils; outer flare of (t) to wind it, e.g., a music box,
nostrils | -k2 nn watch | +t-1 vv
qipitaġaaq something one must wind
qiŋniq [qiŋniQ] small underground cache up, e.g., a music box | +t-1 vv
-taġaaq(-) vn
qiŋŋaq- (i) to be blinded by light; to qipitaq bundle; something bound |
squint one’s eyes because of +t-1 vv ±aq1 vn
bright light qipitit-1 (i) to twist out of shape |
qiŋŋaġnaq- (i) to be glaring, be too +tit-2 vv
bright | +naq(-) vv qipitit-2 (t) to twist it out of shape |
mtit- vv
qipaluaq steep, undercut riverbank; qipititchi- (Nu) (Ti) (t) to wring it
curve; inside corner of eye, where =neck of something, esp. a duck |
tear duct is
+t-1 vv mtit-1 vv +sI-4 vv § qiliptaq-
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipititchiraq (Nu) duck with wrung
writhe, to twist the body, usually neck; something with its neck
in pain; (t) to wind it (of a clock); wrung | +t-1 vv mtit-1 vv +sI-4 vv
(t) to twist, screw it =lid on or off +t/raq vn
qipiġun (Nu) interwoven pattern of qippun something to wind with;
braided sinew on back of bow clock or watch winder key; screw
providing extra strength | +ġun vn driver » qipputaqaġmiuq
qipiktuq- or qipiktula- (i) to run siqiñġuraq a clock has a winder
about; (i) to move about, not keep | ‘-n vn
still (of a child) | -k-2 vv +tuq-2 vv qipputi- (i) to wrap itself round and
or -k-2 vv +tuq-2 vv round » “Talvagguuq
-la- vv qipputiruq taamna kaliŋa.”
qipimmisuk- (Ti) (i) to be bothered (Kiligvuk: 4) [then what he was
by noise » “qipimmisuktuq; dragging began to twist and wrap
qiviaġuŋitchuq unnii” itself round and round] | ‘ti- vv
(Tuzryluke 2009) he is bothered qipputilik screw | ‘-n vn -lik nn
by the noise; he does not even qipputit thread on screw or pipe |
want to look | +mmI-5 vv ‘-n vn -t nn
+suk-2 vv qivliġit braided chain of moose,
qipinġiun a swivel, e.g. on dog team caribou or bearded seal rope;
hitch rope | +nġIq- vv :un1 vn chain » “pituuttat qivliñik
qipiŋa- (i) to be twisted, wound | taiguġuugait ilaŋisa iñuit”
±ŋa- vv (Aiken 2009) [some people call
qipiŋauksimaaq- (i) to be in a the chains used to tie dog to their
squatting position; (i) (Nu) to sit stakes, qivlit] | =liQ vn :It nn
with one’s legs crossed | qivliq dog chain | =liQ vn
+simaaq- vv qivralugauraq(-) a curl; (i) to curl (of
qipiqsruq- (t) to wind something wood shaving, etc.) | ~raq vn
tightly around it | +t-1 vv +luk nn +[g]aq2 nn :uraq nn
-q-2 nv § savviQ

qivraq or qivrautaq twine; twisted qipuit- (i) to reverse one’s decision; (i) to
sinew or thread | ~raq vn or make a complete turn around »
+t/raq vn or +t/raq vn -utaq vn “sivunmuuguraaqtuni suna
qivrauraq twine | ~raq vn :uraq nn iluiñman, qipuiññaqtuq”
qivri- (i) to make string or thread by (Matumeak 2009) [when one is
twisting, usually from caribou leg progressing along and something
sinew; (t) to cause her/him to toss goes wrong, that’s when one
and turn in bed | ~raq vn =I-1 nv makes a complete reversal of a
qivyaq (Ti) corkscrew; screw thread; decision]; “sivunmun
coiled spring; three-dimensional igliġuraġniallaġmi, utiqtuq”
spiral | ~yaq2 vn (Aiken 2009) [while still going
forward, he made a complete turn
qipmiq [qipmIq](Nu) dog § qimmiq around] § utiqqiak-
qipmiġiksilaaq- (Nu) (i) to compete
in dog racing | +[g]Ik- nv qipuk- (t) to scratch, scrape, mar it @
mtilaaq(-) vv,vn qipui- || :I-4 vv
qipmiliqun (Nu) dog whip | -liqun nn qippuilaaq something unscratched,
qipmiliqutitaq- (Nu) to whip (them unmarred, smooth | ‘-Q vn
=dogs) | -liqun nn +[t]aq-2 nv :ilaaq nn
qipmiuraq (Nu) pup; tree cone, qippulik something scratched,
catkin, seed bunch on plant | marred, e.g., surface, blade |
:uraq nn § qimmiaġruk ‘-Q vn -lik nn
qippuq a scratch or mar in a surface,
qipputit- or qippuatit- (i) to burst into e.g., table, knifeblade | ‘-Q vn
flame § ikuallak- qippuit the inside of a gun bore |
‘-Q vn -t nn
qipsak(-) (i) to fly off (as a pottery chip, qipuagniq scratch made by an object |
broken piece of something, or -ak- vv +niQ1 vn
down as in fine, soft fluffy qipuak- (i) to be scratched by an
feathers); (Ti) a wooden top » object; (t) to scratch her/him/it
“…qepsuk, a wooden top around with an object | -ak- vv
the rim of which was a fringe of qipuktuq- (i) to receive scratch marks
eagle down fixed in a series of from an object (of a person); (t) to
holes.” (Rainey:251); qiviut scratch, scrape or mar her/him/it
qipsagaalammata with an object @ qipuktui- »
qiviatchaguurut iñuit when the aŋutim qipuktuġaa savigmiñik
down flies about, the people the man made scratch marks on it
become happy § qivsak-, piksik- with his own knife | +tuq-2 vv || :I-
*qipta (root) drowsiness
qiptaiq- (i) to become wide-awake | qiputaq(-) Iñupiaq game (similar to
:Iq-2 rv horseshoes) played with hard
qiptait- (i) to be wide-awake, alert, sticks usually 5 to 7 inches in
energetic; (i) to be bright (of child) length thrown towards a stake in
| :It-1 rv the ground, the closest to the stake
being the winner; an Iñupiaq

throwing game where a piece of during the night; for thawing snow
bone substitutes for the hard sticks to refreeze during colder night
described above; (i) to play a temperatures | mqsruq-2 vv
game of qiputaq; (t) to reenforce ~qqaq vn,nn
it =bow qiquayak- (for it) to be partially
qiputchaq- (i) to toss the “qiputaq” in frozen | +uaq-vv -yak-1 vv
the Iñupiaq game of horseshoes | qiquma- (i) to be frozen | :uma- vv
‘-q-2 nv
qiqiġiaq [dual qiqiġirrak] hinge
qiqi- (i) to be frozen
qiġruġaaq- to freeze without snow qiqpak thighbone, femur, thigh § see
cover (of ground during fall) Appendix 21
“nuna qiġruġaaġnisuugaat
apigaluaġnani” (Kinneeveauk ¤qiqsiq(-) [qiqsIq] (Nu) splint; (i) to have
2008) [they say when the ground a splint on; (t) to put a splint on it
freezes prior to the first snow fall , qiqsiñ club, stout stick » “qiqsiñmik
qiġruġaaqtuq]; “igliyuġnaqtuq; napitaŋiqsaġamirruŋ iqaluk
aasii apimmagu anaullaġuugaat” (Matumeak
qiqitkaluaġnagu, 2009) [they club the fish with a
mauyaqisaġnaqtuq” (Matumeak stout stick when removing it from
2009) [it (when the ground freezes its hook] | ‘n1 vn
prior to the first snowfall) makes qiqsutaq(-) splint or cast for broken
traveling easier; and when it limb; (t) to set a splint on it |
snows before the ground freezes, :utaq vn
one has to travel through deep qiqsutchiq- (i) to have a splint or a
snow] cast on one’s body; (t) to set a
qiqirruti- (t) to freeze “with it” | splint or a cast on her/him/it to re-
+t-2 vv +ruti- vv enforce it | :utaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
qiqisiit- (i) to be able to tolerate
freezing temperatures, even when ¤qiqsit- (i) to adhere, stick to something »
inadequately dressed | -sia- vv “Tavragguuq tatpauŋa
-It-1 vv qiqsinniaqsaġaluaqtuk,
qiqit- to freeze | +t-2 vv § qiu- ataataruuram qilaunmiñik
qiqitchiq- (t) to wait for it to freeze | tinurałuaqsisugaik!” (Nageak
+sIq-1 vv 1975: 87) [so then they tried to
qiqitiq- (t) to get frostbitten; (i) to stay close to the rear of the room,
freeze quickly | mt/liq-3 vv § but the little old man began to
¤matŋiq-, qiġittuq- push them forward with his
qiqsia- or qiqisia- (i) to feel very drum]
cold, chilly | ~sia- vv or +sia vv
qiqsraq or qiqumaraq frozen thing | qirgi (Ti) bow deck; bow or stern seat of
+qsraq vn or -ma-1 vv +raq vn umiaq § kiglu
qiqsraqaġvik freezer | :qsraq vn
+qaq- nv +vIk1 vn qirgiq- [qirgIq] or qisrgiq- (i) to dance in
qiqsruqqaq(-) hardened snow kneeling position, swaying to and
occurring in springtime, especially fro, wearing mittens with noise

makers made of bone attached (of qirriqsuq- (t) to put wood into it
four men); (i) to jump up once =stove @ qirriqsui- | ‘=Iq-1 nv
from a kneeling position on two +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
feet; (i) to jump up and down qirriuġvik chopping block for wood |
twice on two feet » ‘=Iuq-1 nv +vIk1 vn
“kałukaqtuam sivuġaani iñuit qirriuq- to chop (it) into firewood |
qirgiqsut” (Matumeak 2009) ‘=Iuq-1 nv
[people are dancing in a kneeling qirriuti- (t) to put it into the fire |
position then in a standing ‘=Iq-1 nv :uti- vv
position swaying their arms to and qirugaq (Nu) dog chain made of
fro wearing mittens with noise willows; long willow stick for
makers in front of the man beating tying dogs | +[ġ]aq nn
the box drum] § minŋiq-, qirugautaq (Nu) conjuring rod of
kalukaq(-) shaman | +[ġ]aq nn :utaq nn
qirgiqtaq- (i) to jump more than once qirugiksuaq fine wood | +[g]Ik- nv
in place | +t/raq-1 vv +t/ruaq vn
qirukpaluk(-) noise of wood, e.g.,
qirġiq [qirġIq] a gray hair splintering of wood; (i) to make
qirġiaq- (i) to be gray | -aq-3 nv noise with wood | +p/valuk(-) nn
qirġiaqtaaq something gray, gray qirukpaluktaq- (i) to repeatedly
(name of color) | -aq-3 nv make noise with wood |
+t/raaq1 vn +p/valuk(-) nn, nv ±t/raq-1 vv
qirġili- (i) to grow gray hairs qirukpaluu- (i) to make noise with
| -lI-1 nv wood | +p/valuk(-) nn, nv -u-2 vv
qiruksi- (i) to purchase wood |
qirran mourning song; lament, dirge; +sI-2 nv
reason for crying < qia- qiruksiq- (Ti) (i) to get a wood
splinter in one’s flesh | perhaps
qirranaa(q) one who cries easily, a +siq-2 nv § qauqi-
“crybaby,” a continually crying qiruktaq- (i) to be out looking for and
person < qia- hauling wood » qiruktaġluk let'sd
fetch wood | +taq-4 nv
qirruk- to cry continuously for qiruliqsuq- (t) to place wood on it |
(her/him/it) < qia- -liqsuq- vv

qiruk wood » qiruit lumber qisaġuaq membrane of rumen, the first

qirri-2 (i) to collect wood; to become stomach of caribou including
like wood; (Nu) (i) to chop other internal organs § niġukkaq,
firewood | ‘=I-1 nv § qirriuq- qasaguaq
qirriat chopped wood | ‘=I-1 nv -t nn
qirriq- (t) to put wood into it =stove qisik [qisIk] animal skin with hair
@ qirriqsi- | ‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv removed; leather; rawhide (may
qirriqiri carpenter, woodworker | be eaten when starving) »
‘=Iqi-1 nv mt/ri vn “natchium, tuttum amia
mitquilaq” (Matumeak 2009)
[sealskin, caribou skin with no

fur] | perhaps +sik n level rises in the ocean, the
qisiiq- (i) to no longer have outer skin overcast over the water becomes
| :Iq-2 nv dark]
¤qisivak cooked rawhide | -vak nn qitchiq- to form and be visible over
qisivviuq- (i) to cook rawhide (to eat open water (of dark clouds,
when starving) | -vak nn overcast) | ‘=Iq-1 nv
‘=iuq-1 nv
qitik- (i) to play competition games; to be
qisiqsiun tree branch; spruce needle involved in recreation
| :un1 vn qitiktitchirit the ones in charge of the
games | mtit-1 vv mt/ri vn -t nn
qisuk- or qitchuk- (i) to scratch oneself; qitiktuaġutit competition games |
to grab something with the talons +tuaq- vv +un1 vn -t nn
(of bird); (t) to scratch her/him/it
maliciously with fingernails or qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; center;
claws; to grab her/him/it with the middle seat in umiak (David
talons; (Ti) (t) to grab, take hold of Frankson as reported in Pulu,
her/him/it roughly » “Taimma Sampson, Newlin: 9)
nasaiġutigillaan, qisukługu qitauraq dress | :uraq nn §
aapani tiŋŋutigaa qunmun.” qaliġuuraq, kapitaġuq
(Ahvakana: 37) [then taking his Qitchiiñiq Wednesday evening
hood off, he took hold of his church service | ‘-I-3 nv +niQ1 vn
father with his talons and flew up qitiġaaġun a center trace on which
with him] individual dog harnesses are
qisugluk- or qitchugluk- (t) to grab attached; harness trace »
her/him/it quickly, roughly with “qitqagun ittuaq aasii
the talons | +luk-vv saniġaagun isuġaliqsuqługit
qisuun talon of bird | :un1 vn qimmit” (Aiken 2009) [it is
qitchuaq- (t) to scratch her/him/it placed in the center and individual
repeatedly | ‘-aq-1 vv dog harness are attached to it] |
qitchuaqtuq- (t) to scratch her/him/it +[ġ]aq nn -aq-4 nv +un1 vn §
repeatedly, quickly with force | isuġaq
‘-aq-1 vv +tuq-1 vv qitiġaq spinal cord; (Nu) front, flat
qitchuŋniq scratch mark | +niQ vn area of breastbone, sternum |
qitchuq the one with scratch marks | +[ġ]aq nn
‘-Q vn qitiġusianikpata [lit. “after they have
had lunch”) in the afternoon, after
qisuk(-) dark overcast over open water; lunch | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv -anik- vv
“…water sky, the black color of +kpata (Conditional 3p)
open water reflected in a low qitiġusiq- (i) to eat lunch | :un1 vn
overcast.” (Nelson: 59); (i) to ~Iq-1 nv
form and be visible over open qitiġutaq lunch | :utaq nn
water (of dark clouds, overcast) » qitiqłiaġun ring (for finger) | +llIQ nn
“uiñman taġiumiittuaq -aq2 nn -ġun nn
maŋaqsisuugaa nuviraliġman” qitiqłiaq piece of sealskin or leather
(Matumeak 2009) [when the water sewn together to form a cap, or

“thimble” for a fingertip, used to qitusuk- (i) to chuckle over something |
protect fingers when sewing | +suk-2 vv
+llIQ vn -aq2 nn qitusuksaaq- (t) to try to make
qitiqłiq middle finger; middle one | someone laugh | ±saaq-2 vv
+llIQ vn qitusuksai- (i) to try to make
qitiqłiġmik- or (Ti) qitiġliġmik- or someone laugh | ±saq-3 vv :I-4 vv
qitiġliġmigaq- (i) to do the finger qitusuksaun clown, comedian |
pull with the middle finger | ±saq-3 vv :un1 vn
+llIQ vn +mIk-1 nv qitusuksautigi- (t) to make fun of
qitiqpaq- (i) to be at the middle (as her/him/it | ±saq-3 vv :un1 vn
sun at noon, car in road, etc.); (t) +[g]i- nv
to set her/him/it toward center | qitusuŋnaq- (i) to be funny |
+paq- nv +naq(-) vv
qitiqqaq- (i) to be at the middle, be
halfway; to be noon | perhaps qitut- (i) to be soft, tender, pliable; (i) to
+qaq- rv, vv be thin (of fabric)
qitiqquutaq (Ti) lunch | perhaps qitukkait- (Nu) (i) to be inflexible,
+[ġ]uq-1 nv ’-utaq vn stiff, not pliable | -kkaq-1 vv
qitiqquutchiq- (Ti) (i) to eat lunch | :It-1 vv § tiggaq-
+[ġ]uq-1 nv ’-utaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv qitukłi- or qitugli- (i) to become
qitqanuaglaaq- (i) to reach its pliable, softer (of skin); (t) to
midpoint or its center » soften, make it =skin pliable by
qitqanuaglaaġami utiġmiuq turning and twisting it | -kłI- vv
when she got halfway through it, qitulgialiq- (i) to become thin in some
she returned unexpectedly | :a4 nn areas » “Tavragguuq tainna
-nuk- nv -aglaaq- vv aqpałłutik…. auktuaq
qitqagun via the center | :a4 nn +gun sukasiiññaġmipkaqługu,
(via.) apqutiktik qitulgialiqsuq.”
qitqanuk- (i) to go to its midpoint or (Nageak 1975: 42) [so, as they
its center; (t) to set or place were running…as the melting of
her/him/it at its midpoint or center the ice became more rapid, their
» qitqanuguŋ place it in the trail become thinner in some
center | :a4 nn -nuk- nv areas] | -lġiq vn -aq2 nn -lIq-1 nv
§ maptukłiiññaliq-
qitunġaq offspring, child; (Nu) individual qitummak- (t) to prepare it =leather
dog trace which is attached to the by softening and tanning @
main line § qitiġaaġun qitummai- | -mmak- vv || :I-4 vv
¤qitunġaaġun main dog harness line | qitummaktaq soft tanned hide; leather
-aq2 nn -ġun nn | -ma-1 vv ‘-k-2 vv +t/raq vn
qitunġaġiit immediate family (with
focus on offspring) | qiu- [qigu] (i) to freeze to death § qiqi-
+[g]iik(-) nn, nv qigguvik place where one freezes to
qitunġauraq baby, child | :uraq nn death | ‘-vIk1 vn
qitunġi- (i) to bear, have children | qiuliqsit- (Nu) (i) to begin to get cold
=I-1 nv » “aarigaa-guuq-una

qitiktuaqtuanik isilaitchuq
qiuliqsillagmikami” he said it qivi- (i) to lie on one’s back
was fun for him to watch the qiviŋaaq- (i) to stand proudly; stand
football game and that was why erect | ±ŋaaq- vv
he did not come in although he qiviq- (i) to lean back, bend
was getting cold (Bergsland backward; (i) arch one’s back; (i)
1987: 317) | -lIq-3 vv +sit- vv to stiffen from a muscle spasm; (t)
qiunŋu- (i) to feel chilly, shiver due to make her/him/it bend
to illness | -nŋu- vv backward, lean back | +q-2 vv
qiunŋunaq- (i) to feel chilly (of
weather); (i) to be chilly (of qiviaq- to turn one’s head to look (at
dwelling) |-nŋu- vv +naq(-) 1 vv her/him/it)
qiunŋuliq- (i) to have chills | -nŋu- vv qiviaġaaq rotating stovepipe cap |
-lIq-3 vv § ikiaqsunŋu- +aq-1 vv -aq1 vn § piġiŋaluk
qiuri- (t) to cause her/him/it to freeze qivialutuŋiaq or qivialutuk or (Nu)
or get cold | +rI-3 vdv qivialutuq first vertebra | -luk- vv
qiusunŋu- (i) to feel cold | -suk-2 vv -tuŋiq vn -aq2 nn
-nŋu- vv qiviqit- (i) to turn quickly, looking in
different directions | -qi- vv
qiuġruq- (Ti) (i) to have a convulsion, fit | perhaps ‘=It-2 vv
-ġruq-vv § qiiqsruq-, aa-
qiviqi- (i) to have one’s pants down; (i) to
qiuq- (t) to thin fur by cutting some off pull down one’s pants; (t) to pull
qiuġaq- (t) to remove hair from skin; down her/his pants § kiviqi-
to cut her/his/its hair to the scalp
or skin; (t) to give her/him a qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; (i) to leave
crewcut unevenly, leaving bald indignantly; (i) to act or behave
spots » “qiuġaġaa; mitquiġaa” indignantly
(Matumeak 2009) [he is removing qivri-1 (t) to cause her/him/it to go
its hair; he is removing its fur] | away indignantly, offended »
+aq-1 vv § mitquiq- Aaŋam qivrigaa Siġmiaq Aaŋa
qiuġvik wooden board to which the offended Siġmiaq and caused him
skin is held while scraping or to leave | :I-7 vv
cutting hair from animal skin, or
while cutting leather | +vIk1 vn § qiviu down (of waterfowl); wool (of
ikkiq, suluksriuġvik muskox)
qiuġun or qiuġaunnaq tool for qiviusuk- (i) to be fuzzy (of cloth) |
removing hair or fur | +un1 vn or -suk-2 nv
+aq-1 vv :unnaq vn
qivliq- (i) to be shiny
qiuqit- [qiuqIt] (i) to make its qivlia- (i) to cause a shingy object to
characteristic sound (of seagull) reflect light (e.g., using a mirror
to reflect sunlight and signal or
qivġu- (Ti) or qivuġu- (Nu) to greive, attact another) | -a-2 vv
mourn for her/him/it §
qigluk-, mamiat-, kiŋuvġu-

qivlaaq- (i) for the ocean to be calm qivyaq (Ti) something with the twisting
with the sun reflecting on its form of a corkscrew; screw
shining surface | +aq-1 vn thread; three-dimensional spiral <
qivliġnaq small frost crystal | qipi-
+naq1 vn
qivliqiak silk, shiny material; *qua (root) slipperiness
galvanized metal | +iak(-) vn quasa or quasiraq(-) or quasiraaq(-)
qivliqsaq- (t) to polish it @ qivliqsai- bare, smooth ice on lake or pond
| ±saq-3 vv || :I-4 vv which one can slide on; (i) to slide
qivliqtaq- (i) to glitter | +t/raq-1 vv along swiftly on a slippery
qivliqula- (i) to sparkle | +ula- vv surface; (i) to skate »
qivliġit braided chain of moose, caribou miŋuaqtuŋaiġapta we enjoyed
or bearded seal rope; chain < qipi- skating after school | perhaps +sa
or -siraq(-) nv -aq-1 vv
qivliq dog chain < qipi- quasirautik ice skates | -siraq- nv
:un1 vn -k2 nn
qivralugauraq(-) a curl; (i) to curl (of quayaġnaq- (i) to be slippery »
wood shaving, etc.) < qipi- quayaġnaqpaitchuq its too
slippery | perhaps +ya(q) rn
qivraq or qivrautaq twine; twisted sinew +naq(-) rv
or thread < qipi- quayaqit- (i) to slip and fall |
+ya(q) rn :It-2 nv
qivrauraq twine < qipi-
quagruk ridge, angular edge of
qivri-2 (i) to make string or thread by something
twisting a material, usually quagruilaq sharp needle; round file |
caribou leg sinew; (t) to cause :Ilaq(-) nn
her/him to toss and turn in bed < quagrulik skin-sewing needle; three-
qipi- sided file | -lik nn

qivsak- (i) to fly off after impact (as a quaġaq sourdock, sourgrass, wild spinach
ceramic chip) | +sak-rv § qipsak- (Rumex arcticus)
qivsagaala- (i) to fly off into pieces; quaq(-) [quraq] raw, frozen meat or fish;
to splash (of spilled liquid) | (i) to eat raw, frozen meat or fish;
+aq-1 vv -ala- vv (t) to eat it =meat raw and frozen
qivsaktiq- (i) to fly off quickly after » qurrak taapkuak qaitkik give
impact (of an object after being those two pieces of frozen meat
struck such as a baseball) | away
mt/liq- vv qurri- or qurriuq- (i) to cut up raw,
qivsalik- (i) to splatter; (t) to sprinkle frozen meat or fish | ‘=I-1 nv or
with a liquid | -lik- vv ‘=iuq-1 nv

qivsi- (i) to be unable to go to sleep due to quaqsaaq- (i) to get an electric shock; (i)
disturbances < qipi- to be shocked emotionally

quaqsaaġautit electricity | +aq-1 vv quġġiq a deep hole on land or in ice »
un1 vn -t nn “iluqsraq samma itiruaq
quaqsaaqtit- (t) to shock her/him; (t) nunamilu sikumilu” (Matumeak
to cause her/him to have an 2009) [it’s a deep hole on land or
orgasm | mtit-1 vv in ice] § qumniq

quaqta(-) pinworm (Enterobius quġġuti- (t) to be caught between two

vermicularis); (i) to have things closing in on it, as a boat
pinworms; rectal itch; (i) to have by icebergs; (t) to close in on
colic (of a baby) him/her/it < quu-

qugluk- (i) to wince when startled or qui- [quġi] to urinate (on her/him/it)
suddenly frightened; to fold (it) quġġivik penis; urethra | ‘-vIk1 vn §
qugluala- (i) to have spasms while usuk
asleep | -ala- vv quġliaq(-) saliva drooling out; sap,
quglugiaq (Nu) small water worm resin; (i) to ooze (of pitch or sap);
(swims forward using a twisting (i) to drool, slobber; | -liaq nn §
motion); a crease (in clothing) | ivsaq, utŋuq, utratchiaq
+iaq1 vn quġluq- (i) to rush, cascade (of water)
quglugniq- (Ti) (t) to pleat it; (t) to | ~luq-3 vv
fold it over | +nIq-2 vv quġluqtaq waterfall | ~luq-3 vv
quglui- (i) to be startled; (t) to startle +t/raq vn
her/him; (t) to frighten her/him | quġluula- (i) to drip extensively |
-I-6 vv ~luq-3 vv -ula- vv
qugluksaq- (i) to be startled, jump quġmaala- (i) to urinate in small
when surprised » amounts at frequent intervals |
piksaqtitparruŋ qugluksaġumi +mmaala- vv
taamna nauliksallagruaġukługu quġmi- (i) to drip extensively; (i) to
qialġutimik when they made it flow rapidly | +mmI-5 vv
jump upwards in surprise I wanted quġmiattuq- (i) to urinate
to strike it hard with a darting gun accidentally (in undergarment) |
with a harpoon on it | msaq-3 vv +mmi-5 vv -aq-1 vv ±tuq-3 vv
quglugniq hem; fold line on material quġriñiq(-) urine stain, as in toilet or
or paper, a pleat | +niQ1 vn honey bucket; (i) to become
stained with urine (e.g., of
qugraq(-) wedge; (t) to wedge it chamber pot, toilet, honey bucket)
qugraqtuq- (Nu) (i) to drive in a | perhaps -rI-2 vv +niQ1 vn
wedge; (t) to drive it =wedge in | quġvik chamber pot, “honey’ bucket”
+tuq-1 rv | -vIk1 vn § see Appendix 22
qugrautaq or qugraun (Nu) wooden quġmiattuala- (i) to urinate
wedge | :utaq rn or :un1 rn uncontrollably in one’s pants »
qugruk Tundra Swan (Cygnus quiññaksaaqługu he is causing
columbianus) her to urinate in her pants by
tickling her | +mmi-5 vv -aq-1 vv
±tuq-3 vv -ala- vv

quq urine | =Q4 vn quiñisi- or quiññak-2 (i) to become
quqsiqi- (i) to collect and throw away fat » quiñisiŋaruq she has gotten
the drums where the honey fat | +sI-1 vv or ‘-k- vv § patiġiksI-
buckets have been dumped | quiññiiq the fat one | ‘-.Q4 vn
+taq nn =Iqi-1 nv quiññiiqłak an extremely fat one |
quqsiqun toilet disinfectant, ‘-.Q4 vn -łak nn,vn
deodorizer | +taq nn =Iqi-1 nv,
~un1 vn quiq- (Ti) (i) to cough § quiqsuq-
¤quqsruaq- (Nu) (i) to be yellowish | quiġluk- (Ti) or quiġluktaq- (i) to
quqsugniq scent of urine | +sugnIq nn have a cough, keep coughing |
quqsugnit- (i) to have the smell of +luk- vv
urine | +sugnIt- nv quiġutchak- (i) to have a coughing
quqsuq- (i) to be yellow, stained; (Ti) fit » quiġutchakłuni aniruaq
(i) to be brown | +suq-2 nv she left because she had a
quqsuqtaaq yellow color; something coughing fit | -tchak- vv
yellow; egg yolk; (Ti) brown color quiqłuk- (i) to have a slight cough; (i)
| +suq-2 nv, +t/raaq1 vn to drizzle lightly (of rain) |
quqtaq honey bucket; commode | +luk- vv § miñikłuk(-), sialuk(-)
+taq nn quiqsunŋuiyaun cough medicine |
+tuq-2 vv, +nŋu-2 vv :Iyaq- vv
*qui (root) quiver, tremble, shiver :un1 vn
quiliqta- (i) to feel joyful, tremble quiqsuq- (i) to cough | +tuq-2 vv
with happiness | -lIq-3 vv -qta- vv quqhiq- or quqhik- (i) to cough |
quiñak- (Ti) (i) to feel a tickling -qhIk- vv
sensation; (i) to be squeamish,
e.g., frightened of mice, etc. | qukalik (Nu) nine (in cards)
-nak- rv
quiññak- (i) to feel tickling sensation ¤qukhak (Nu) keel, middle bottom
| -‘k- vv lengthwise piece of kayak frame
quiññaksaaq- or (Ti) quiñaksaaq- located at bottom middle § kusaq
(t) to tickle her/him/it »
quiññaksaaqulaitchuq she does qukhaq(-) a crack; to split, crack (it) open
not like to be tickled | -nnak- vv » “uniat qukhaŋarut; qupirut;
±saaq-2 vv agluŋi tautkua qukhaqaqtut”
quiññaktu- or (Ti) quiñaktu- (i) to (Molly Itta 2009) [the sled has a
be ticklish | -nnak- vv +tu- vv crack; it is splitting; its runners
quiññalaaq- (i) to feel one’s spine down there have a crack]
tingling | -nnak- vv -laaq-1 vv ¤ qukhauk- (Nu) (i) to split, or crack
open | -uk(-)2 vv, vn
quik seal bone next to hind flipper ¤qukhiaq (Nu) small cracks which
fan out through ice or glass |
quiñi- [quiñI] or quivsit- or (Ti) quivtit- ‘=Iq-1 nv ±aq1 rn
(i) to be fat § uqsrak-, taġutu- ¤qukhiq- (Nu) (i) to develop small
quiñigi- (t) to consider she/he/it is too cracks which often fan out (of ice
fat | =[g]i- vv or glass) | ‘=Iq-1 nv

*quki (root) cleanliness, tidiness qukłuk crossbeam, ridge pole, main part
qukigi- (t) to feel that she/he/it is too of tent frame, tent ridge pole
clean and orderly therefore one
hesitates to do anything | ±[g]i- rv quktuġaq inner thigh; ¤legendary flying
qukinaq- (i) to be clean, spotless, neat whale
and orderly | +naq-1 vv
qukinaqsi- or qukinaqsaq- (Nu) (t) *qulaq (root) incomprehensible
to clean it = room, house ¤qulaġnaq- (Nu) (i) to be
meticulously | +naq-1 vv +sI-1 vv incomprehensible, hard to
or +naq-1 vv ±saq-3 vv understand | +naq(-) vv
qukinnaksaq- to clean, tidy (it ¤qulaġnaiq- or qulaġnaimmaġiksi-
=room, house) meticulously | (Nu) (t) to understand it well |
+naq-1 vv ‘-k- vv msaq-3 vv +naq(-) vv :Iq-2 vv or
qukinni- (t) to completely remove the +naq-1 vv :Iq-2 vv -mmaġiksI- vv
guts of, to clean out the guts of it
=reindeer at time of slaughter » qulġuq- (i) to spoil, get rotten (of tomcod)
“salummaqługu augiyaqługu
tippakkumiñaiyaqługu niġrun; quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top
augulaaġami tippayuktuq” edge of a boat’s sides § qulaaġun,
(Matumeak 2009) [to clean an see Appendix 16
animal, removing the blood so qulaa area above her/him/it | :a nn
that it (carcass) does not become (poss. 3s-3s)
stinky; when it is bloody it usually qulaaguaq- (i) to travel, progress in
becomes smelly] | +naq-1 vv, the space above her/him/it | :a
‘=I-1 vv (poss. end 3s-s) -kun nnc (via.)
qukinniraaq- (i) to enjoy wearing -aq-4 nv § qulaut-
clean clothes |+naq-1 vv ‘=I-1 vv qulaagun through its top, via the area
-raaq- vv above | :a4 nn (poss. 3s-3s)
qukisuk- (i) to feel unworthy, +gun nn (vialis)
diffident; (i) to feel not clean qulaaġun trim on top of boots;
enough | -suk-2 rv gunwale, gunnel, the top edge of a
qukitchak- (i) to become hesitant to boat’s sides | :a nn (poss. 3s-3s)
have anything to do with -ġun nn § see Appendix 16
something which is too clean and qulaakkuq- (i) to get water over the
orderly for fear of spoiling it | top of one’s boot | :a (poss. 3s-3s)
-tchak- rv +gun nn (vialis) ‘-q-1 vv
qulaani (loc.) above her/him/it | :a4 nn
qukiq- [qukIq] to hurt (her/his) ears by (poss. 3s-3s) -nI (loc.)
making a loud noise qulaaniktuq- (i) to get one’s boots
qukiġñaq- (i) to be too loud, thus wet by going into deep waters | :a
hurting one’s ears (of noise) | nn (poss. 3s-3s)
+naq(-) vv, vn -nik-1 nv =tuq-2 vv
qukiya- (Nu) (i) to be deafened by qulaaniñ top view; from above
noise, have one’s ears hurt by a her/him/it | :a nn (poss. 3s-3s)
loud noise | -ya-1 vv -niñ (abl.)

qulaaniq- (i) to gaff for fish in open qulilik ten (in cards) | -t rn -lik nn
water or before freeze-up in river | qulimmak- (i) to fill to the brim |
:a nn (poss. 3s-3s) +nIq-2 nv +mmak- vv
qulaaniun (Nu) gaff, long fishing quliŋŋuġutaat the tenth one | -t rn
pole; casting rod | :a4 nn (poss. -ŋŋuq-2 nv :un1 vn :at nn
3s-3s) ÷nIq-2 nv :un1 vn quliŋŋuġutailaq the numeral nine | -t
qulaanuk- (i) to position oneself rn -ŋŋuq-2 nv :un1 vn Ilaq(-) nn
above her/him/it; (t) to place quliŋŋuġutailat the number nine |
her/him/it above something or -t rn -ŋŋuq-2 nv :un1 vn Ilaq(-) nn
someone » umiam qulaanuguŋ -t nn
place it above the boat | :a nn qulipaq strip of fur on top of boot |
(poss. 3s-s) -nuk- nv -paq2 rn § quliġun
qulaŋiq- (i) to be directly overhead; qulivsiun (Ti) old-style cooking pot
(t) to hover over, fly over used with Iñupiaq lamp; wooden
her/him/it | -ŋIq- rv rack where ice and snow are
qulaŋiuti- (i) to place oneself over placed to melt and collect as
or above others | -ŋIq- rv :uti- vv drinking water | +siun vn §
Qulaurrusiqivik Passover (a Jewish pallisaq
holiday commemorating the qulit the number ten | -t rn
liberation of the Hebrews from qulit atausiq the number eleven
slavery in Egypt) | +ut-1 vv qulit malġuk the number twelve
+run1 vn -Iqi- nv +vIk1 vn qulit piŋasut the number thirteen
qulaut- (i) to pass overhead; (t) to qulitun ten dollars worth | -t rn
shoot high on target; (i) to jump ÷tun (sim.)
over an obstacle » qulauttaatigut qulliġiik two things lying one above
uvlaatchauraq tiŋŋutik the other | +llIQ nn +[g]iik nn
malġuuk; taktukpaiłłuni qulliġun or quliġun (Nu) raised
tautuŋitkikput two planes passed platform; rain shelter with flat top
overhead in the early morning; it | +llIQ nn -ġun nn
was so foggy we did not see them qulliliq- (i) to turn the light on for
| +ut-1 vv § qulaaguaq- oneself; (t) to provide her/him/it
quliġuaq (Ti) first level of ice cellar; with a light; (t) to turn the light on
upstairs or attic area of a house | for her/him/it; (t) to install lights
+[ġ]uaq rn in it =house | +llIQ nn -liq-1 nv
quliġun top trim (of boots) » qullimġaq any upper tooth »
quliġusiqsaik qavviŋmik she put qullimġat upper teeth | +llIQ nn
wolverine top trim on themd [pair -mġaq nn § see Appendix 20
of boots]| -ġun nn § qulipaq qulliñaat (Ti) upper teeth | +llIQ nn
quliġusiq- (t) to attach a top trimming -naaq3 nn
on it | ~Iq-1 nv qulliñiq upper, top part | +llIQ nn
quliik back of person or animal; -niQ rn
dorsal surface of fish | -k2 nn qulliq1 one on top; lamp |
qulikipiat the number two hundred | +llIQ nn § see Appendix 16
-t rn -kipiaq nn -t rn qulliqpiaq absolute top | +llIQ nn
quliku(-) (Ti) tithe; (i) to tithe | -piaq(-)2 nn
+ku(-) nn, nv

¤qullitchuq top back portion of an qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i)
animal skin which has puckered to be in a high position (physically
or pleated in the process of or job-wise) | +tchIk- vv
preparing it for an umiak cover | qutchiksi- (i) to become more and
‘=It-2 rv +tuq2 vn more elevated; (t) to place it
qulliuraq lightbulb | +llIQ nn higher; (i) to obtain a higher level
-uraq(-) nn, vv position in employment »
qulvani located way above | qutchiksilugu pilakput let's place
~vak1 nn, nn ÷nI (loc.) it higher | +tchIk- vv
qulvaq- or qurvaq- (i) to move +sI-1 vv
further into the room away from qutchiksisiiññaq- (i) to attain a
the door; (i) to roll one’s sleeves higher and higher elevation or
up; (t) to move her/him/it further position; (t) to place or promote
into a room away from the door » her/him/it to a higher and higher
“Tarva qulvautigaluaġamiuŋ positon | +tchIk- vv +sI-1 vv
aapani pilitkaa.” (Ahvakana: 37) +siiññaq- vv
[then after ascending with his qutchimaraaq highland, elevated
father for a while he released him] land, mountainous region | +tchIk-
| ~vaq- rv § kiluvaq vv +ma-1 vv -raaq(-) vv, vn
qulvaqtiq- (t) to elevate it |
~vaq- rv, rn mtiq-2 vv quliaq- (i) to confess, tell about one’s
qulvasik- (i) to be higher up in wrongdoing; to testify; (t) to
elevation | ~vak1 rn -sIk-1 nv § report, testify on her/his actions;
qutchik- (t) to tattle on her/him §
qulvaukatchiaq- (i) to walk in a uqallausigi-
bouncy manner | ~vaq- vv -uk- vv quliaqtit- (t) to make her/him confess|
+atchiaq(-) vv mtit- vv
qunmuiññaq straight up | -nmun nc quliaqtuaq(-) life experience, story;
(term.) -iññaq nc (adv.) testimony; (t) to tell, report it
qunmuk- (i) to ascend, rise | ÷mun | +tuaq- vv § uqaluktuaq,
(term.) -k-3 nv unipkaaq
qunmuktaaq- to move (her/him/it) quliuti- (t) to tell, inform her/him @
to a higher level; (t) to raise or quliurri- | =uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
turn it = thermostat, audio higher |
÷mun (term.) -k-3 nv +taaq- vv quliksak caribou skin pants with hair out;
qunmuktuq- (i) to ascend steadily | fur trousers, below calf-length;
÷mun (term.) -k-3 nv +tuq- vv coveralls » quliksak
qunmun upwards | -nmun nc (term.) mikłisimagaik he’s outgrown the
qurvaq highlands » pagna qurvaq fur trousers § kamikłuuk
uqpigluktuq that area up there,
the highlands, has hard-to-bend quliligaq eight (at cards) § narvaq
willows | perhaps -vak rn
qutchigi- (t) to think or feel that it is qulivrak- to splice (it = the rope); to
too high | +tchIk- vv +[g]i- vv braid (it = rope, hair) more than
three strands

qulivrat (Ti) braided seal intestines » quluquluu- (i) to rumble (of stomach)
“uġruliġlugu qitqagun aasii | perhaps reduplication of quluk,
qulivraġlugu, two feet piŋasut then -u-2 vv
iŋaluat qulivrautigisuugait” (C.
Tuzroyluke 2009) [putting a strip qulusuk or qulutchuk hind part of bird
of blubber in the middle, they
braid three strips of blubber qulvi(-) [qulvI] a teardrop; lower eyelid;
together about two feet in length] | area under eye; (i) to water (of
‘-Q vn -t nn eyes); (Nu) (i) to weep, shed tears
qulvili- (i) to weep, shed tears |
Qulliq2 or Qułłiq Siberia; person from -lI-2 nv
Siberia qulviliuġruk- (i) to water from wind
or cold (of eyes) | -lI-2 nv :uq-2 vv
quluq (Ti) the day for taking out the +rruk- rv, vv, nv
quluguguluq (Rainey: 247) ¤qulviraġiak area under eyes, both
quluguguluq (Ti) a sacred object lower eyelids | +[t/r]aq-3 vv
(masks, small boat models, animal +iaq1 vn -k2 nn
figurines, or human figurines) » qulvitquq area below the eye |
“Each one represented a famous -tquq nn
ancestor, a well-known incident of qulviugaq- (i) to be in tears |
the past, or some peculiar -ugaq- vv
circumstance described in the
unipqaq tales, and each ¤qumak (Ti) worm found in bearded seal
qologogoloq had to be justified by intestine; tapeworm (Cestoda)
a special tale. These sacred
objects were utilized only during qumaŋia- or uqumaŋia- (i) to have a
“the sitting….The qologogoloqs nightmare; (i) to leave one’s body
were suspended from the ceiling while asleep and hover above or
of the qalegi on thongs.” (Rainey: fly away, then to “re-enter” the
247-248) § Aquppiyut body to move it either by force or
qulugukłut sacred charms » “These by emitting a loud noise; if one
were known as … qulugukłut. has difficulty waking up, the
When a woman brought food into nightmare begins | -ŋia- vv § itivli-
the karigi, she set the platter
before each charm before offering qumaq- (i) to bend forward, crouch
it to the men present” (Spencer: qumaŋiuma- (i) to assume a fetal
184); “These were the position | -ŋia- vv -uma- vv |
kulugugłuq…being scared qumaŋa- (i) to stand in a stooped
objects…they were left in the position; (i) to be stooped from
karigi.” (Spencer: 339)] | -t nn § age | ±ŋa- vv
qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms
quluk or quluula- or (Ti) quluulaq- (i) inside the body of one’s parka; (t)
to rumble, growl (of stomach or to put her/him/it inside one’s
intestines) | -ula- vv parka

qumiik- or qumiikhaaq- (i) to keep qunigu thin strips of caribou hide used as
one’s arms inside one’s parka; (t) webbing on snowshoes (Kisautaq: 652)
to keep her/him/it inside one’s quniguq webbing which is too thick
parka | perhaps .-k-2 vv or .-k-2 vv to be used in the making of
-khaaq- vv snowshoes § nuluksraq
qumiikkałaaq- (i) to walk with arms quniguku rejected thick webbing
inside one’s parka | -Ik- vv (when making fine webbing for
-kkałaaq vv snowshoes) | -ku(-) nn
qimiksimaaq- (i) to keep one’s arms
inside one’s parka | +simaaq- vv quniqłuk hazy horizon » “silagiiliaqsim-
qumiumaaq- (Ti) (i) to put one’s man quniqługuġuuruq
arms/hands in one’s sleeves » niptaiġaqsigami; killiluktuq
“tavra Iñupiani taamna anuqqagniaġaa” (Matumeak
qaunagitqusuuraŋat; 2009) [when the weather is
sammagguuq ilaanni turning for the worst, an indistinct
saviqaġuuruq” (S. Tuzroyluke hazy horizon appears; when
2009) [according to Iñupiat ways visibility is hazy, it will become
one must be careful of such windy]
behavior; the fact of the matter is
that he [a person with his hands qunmuiññaq straight up < quli1
inside his sleeves] might have a
knife] | -umaaq- vv qunmuk- (i) to ascend, rise < quli1

qumiu- (t) to bring her/him food § payuk- qunmuktaaq- to move (her/him/it) to a

higher level; (t) to raise or turn it
qummatit (Nu) skins used as bedding or = thermostat, audio higher < quli1
sleeping mats § uqummatit
qunmuktuq- (i) to ascend steadily < quli1
qummiaq- [qummi aq](Nu) (i) to chew
tobacco § uilaaq- under uilaq(-), qunmun upwards < quli1
qummiaksraq (Nu) chewing tobacco qunmun asiaq (Nu) bog cranberry
§ uilaaksraq (Oxycoccus microcarpus)
qummirriq- (Nu) (i) to put chewing
tobacco in one’s mouth | ‘=Iq- nv qunŋiq [qunŋIq] reindeer (Rangifer
tarandus), domesticated caribou
qumnaaluk or qumŋaluk (Ti) a qunŋilaaq reindeer herder | -laaq nn
traditional relation, like a qunŋiliqi- (i) to herd reindeer |
godparent or guardian, who assists -liqi- nv
in naming a child and providing
spiritual guidance; namesake » qunŋuq a bright, white sky on horizon
“…instruction may come from the indicating presence of ice on
parent of komaluk (namesake).” ocean
(Rainey: 243) § ila(-), uumaa
qunu- (t) to talk cooingly to her/him, usu
a baby; (Nu) (i) to sing a dirge in

mourning (often of Indians); (t) to aŋuniaqtitkiga iġñiga”
feel grief for, lament, mourn for (Kinneeveauk 2009) [although I
her/him =the deceased was worried that something bad
qunnun expression(s) one uses to might happen to him, I allowed
coo, talk lovingly to a baby | my son to go hunting] | +[g]i- nv
‘-n vn quŋuġraq- (Ti) (i) to worry that
qunuugaq- (t) to talk cooingly to something bad might happen »
her/him continously » arra quŋuġraqtitkiŋma
qunuugaqługu ailaitpaiłłu
 tin goodness gracious,
ivvaqtuġuaqsigaa talking you sure made me worry because
cooingly to her [daughter] you did not come home for a long
continuously, she [mother] time | +ġraq- vv
insisted on giving her a bath | quŋurraq- (Ti) (i) to worry that
-ugaq- vv something might happen when out
¤qunŋutaq term of endearment » hunting or going on one’s first
“qunŋutaumaruq qanuq” airplane flight |-rraq- vv
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s probably
an endearment term] | perhaps quŋuq (Nu) corpse
±ŋutaq vn quŋuġi- (Nu) (t) to shun, avoid, find it
taboo | +[g]i- nv
quŋaluk- (i) to curl up (of dog) quŋuqsrau- or (Nu)quŋuqrau- or
(Ti) quŋuqtau- (i) to respect
quŋiaq caribou neck skin taboo (a good quality); (i) to avoid
what is prescribed to be avoided »
quŋialik (Ti) seat in umiak behind the “suaguugaatigut suna
bow seat (David Frankson as savaquvlugu qilamik
reported in Pulu, Ramoth, and savaaksraq umiami;
Newlin: 9) » “sivum tuglia uqautigaatigut
iksiñiaqtuaq avataqpagmik” (S. killukuaqtaquŋiłłuta” (S.
Tuzroyluke 2009) [it’s the one Tuzroyluke 2009) [they admonish
behind the bow seat, whoever sits us to work fast on something that
there will throw the float out] needs fixing in a boat; they
counsel us to avoid mistakes] |
¤quŋuliq (Nu) caribou intestine mixed +qsraq- rv -u-2 vv, +tau- vv
with liver and rumen quŋuaqtuqtuq (Ti) ) a charm, which
“work with things of dead
quŋulliq [quŋullIq] wild rhubarb; sour people” » “The two angoak
grass; mountain sorrel (Oxyria classes are known as
digna) qongoaktuktuk and…One who is
quŋulliġñaq sourdock (Rumex) | qongoaktuktuk has charms which
+naq1 nn “work with things of dead
people,…” (Rainey: 272) | -aq2 nn
*quŋu (root) worry +tuq-3 nv +t/ruq5 vn §
quŋugi- (Ti) (t) to worry that some- iġñiruaqtuqtuq
thing bad might happen to
her/him/it » “quŋugiŋŋaan

quŋusiq [quŋusIq] human neck § see qumniq crack in ice usually covered
Appendix 21 with snow » “quppaq, nalunaq-
quŋusiġugauraq necklace | -ġun nn tuat apunmik qaalgit”
:uraq nn § uyamitquaq, nuġluġun (Matumeak 2009) [a crack, they
quŋusiġun collar; anything that is are hard to distinguish since they
worn around the neck | -ġun nn are usually covered with snow] |
quŋusiġusiq- (t) to put a collar on ~niQ1 vn § quġġiq
her/him/it; (i) to now have a collar ¤qupitalik baleen with white strips
on | -ġun nn ~Iq-1 nv running lengthwise | mt/ralik nn
quŋusiñiq neck of animal; bottom qupitaq white strip of baleen |
back of parka hood | -niQ2 nn +taq(-) vn
quŋusiññaqtaq- (t) to kill them qupitchuŋaq a quarter, a sum of 25
=animals by mortally wounding cents (half of half-dollar) |
them in the neck » ¤-tchuŋaq vn
“Quŋusiññaqtaqługillu uvva quppaġruaq crack in ice which has
tuqutchuugivuk opened and frozen again
Ahmayuuraġlu.” (Nageak 1976: (Harcharek: 15) | -ġruaq nn
4) [Ahmayuuraq and I would kill quppaġuq- (i) to grow (of a crack) |
them by mortally wounding them ‘-Q vn +uq-1 nv
in the neck] | -niQ2 nn ‘-aq-3 nv quppannak- (i) to get a share of
+t/raq-1 vv something split in half lengthwise,
quŋusiñŋu- (i) to have a sore neck | especially of an animal carcass |
-nŋu-n ‘-Q vn -nnak- nv
quŋutchiaq- (i) to break one’s neck | quppaŋŋuq- (i) to be half (of moon) |
‘-aq-2 nv ‘-Q vn, -ŋŋuq- nv § igluŋŋuq-,
quŋuyuk- (i) to grin, smile quppaq open ice crack; one piece of
quŋuyugnaq- (i) to be funny | something split lengthwise |
+naq(-) vv ‘-Q vn
quppiġaaq non-traditional coat that
qupak(-) decorative fancy trim; to trim or opens in front, white man’s coat |
decorate (it) ‘-Q vn =Iq-1 nv +aaq1 vn
quppiġarriq- (t) to part his/her hair
qupałuk Lapland Longspur (Calcarius down the middle | ‘-Q vn =Iq-1 nv
lapponicus) +aaq1 vn =rrIq-2 nv
qupałłiaq- (i) to go bird hunting | quppiġñiq part in hair | ‘-Q vn
‘=iaq-2 nv =Iq-1 nv +niQ1 vn
qupałupiaġauraq Snow Bunting quppiġun or quppiqsaaġun (Nu)
(Plectrophenax nivalis), Snow hairpin | ‘-Q vn =Iq-1 nv +un1 vn
Bird | -piaq(-)1 nn +[ġ]aq nn :uraq or -Q vn =Iq-1 nv ±saaq-2 vv
nn § nasaulligaq :un1 vn
quppiq- (i) to part one’s hair; (i) to
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split now have one’s hair parted; (t) to
or crack it lengthwise, with the part her/his hair | ‘-Q vn =Iq-1 nv
grain; half-dollar coin @ qupisi- || quppiqsuaq- (Ti) (t) to part it =hair
:I-4 vv generally as a habit | ‘-Q vn

=Iq-1 nv +tuaq- vv qupilġuqsiuġayuk (Nu) Solitary
quppiula- (Nu) (t) to cut through it = Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria) |
water (of bow of boat) | ‘-Q vn, ±ġuq nn +siuq- nv +aq-1 vv
=Iq-1 nv -ula vv -yuk(-) vn
qupsaq- (Ti) to crack, partially
fracture (it) | msaq-3 vv quppiqutaq edible young fireweed
quvluallak- (t) to split it lengthwise shoots (Epilobium angustifolium)
nicely after several attempts |
~luq-3 vv -aq-1 vv -llak-1 vv qupqaġiaq (Ti) “…a puppet whale boat
quvluayuuq fabric with striped crew: small wooden figures
pattern | ~luq-3 vv -aq-1 vv clothed in miniature skin parkas
-yuuq(-) vv, vn and seated in an umiak boat
quvluliyait- (i) to not develop cracks about 3 feet long, with paddles,
easily, quickly | ~lu(q) vn -lI-2 nv harpoon, and all the other
+ya-1 vv :It-1 vdv necessary gear for the whale
quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces hunt. …Five sinew thongs
lengthwise @ quvlui- | ~luq-3 vv || operate the paddling figures and
:I-4 vv umelik [captain] seated in the
quvluula- (i) to crack in multiple stern, while a small tube of seal
places (of ice) | -ula- vv gut opening in the of the umelik’s
quvluun or (Nu) qupluun ripsaw, parka is used by one of the three
saw which cuts lengthwise | ~luq-3 manipulators to make him
vv, :un1 vn breathe, simply by blowing
quvraq one split lengthwise | +raq vn through the tube.” (Rainey: 250)
quvsik- (i) to split easily | ~sIk-1 vv
qupquġiaq or (Nu) qupquġaq mythical
qupilġuq(-) parasite;worm; insect; (i) to ten-legged polar bear | perhaps
be infested with parasites » amiq +iaq3 n
qupilġuqsimaraa the skin is
infested with worms; quq urine < qui-
“qupilġuġuurut iggiaŋanilu
iŋaluaŋiññilu ugruit” (Aiken quqhiq- or quqhik- (i) to cough < quiq-
2009) [parasites grow in the throat
and the intestines of bearded quqsiqi- (i) to collect and throw away the
seals] | ±ġuq nn drums where the honey buckets
qupilġuġruaq sea worm (edible, have been dumped < qui-
without spines) | ±ġuq rn
+ġruaq nn quqsiqun toilet disinfectant, deodorizer <
qupilġuksraq insect egg; blowfly qui-
egg; (Ti) maggot » “takiłhuyuk-
taurat ailauraġman iñuguġuu- ¤quqsruaq- (Nu) (i) to be yellowish
rut” (Matumeak 2009) [the long < qui-
and skinny ones (blowfly eggs)
come alive when it (the quqsugniq scent of urine < qui-
environment) is wet and warm] |
±ġuq rn -ksraq(-) nn quqsugnit- (i) to have the smell of urine

< qui- qurvaq highlands < quli1

quqsuq- (i) to be yellow, stained; (Ti) qusauq- (i) to sit § aquvit-

(i) to be brown < qui-
¤qusimmaq [qusimmaQ] wild rhubarb
quqsuqtaaq something yellow; egg yolk; (Polygonum sp.) § quŋullIq
(Ti) brown color < qui-
qusrkhaaq arctic fox, white fox (Alopex
quqtaq honey bucket; large commode lagopus) § tiġiganniaq, pisukkaaq
< qui-
qusuŋŋaq(-) outer fur parka with hair
quqhaq- (Nu) (t) to make a cut through it side out; (i) to put on an outer
=ice by pounding repeatedly with caribou fur parka with hair side
an ice chisel to remove a section out (over an inner fur parka worn
in order to collect water @ with hair inside) » “mitqua
quqhaqsi- || +sI-3 vv silanmun ittuaq” (Matumeak
2009) [its fur is inside out]
quqquq- to crumble or dent (it) qusuŋŋaaġruk thick outer fur parka
of winter caribou skins worn with
quqtuġaq thigh hair side out | -aġruk nn
qusuŋŋaaluk old outer fur parka
ququq- (i) to entreat, or summon the worn with hair out | -aluk nn
forces of the supernatural in order
to fulfill a wish; (t) to call to *quta (root) slope
her/him » ququġniaqtuŋa qutailaq deep water by the shore |
aġvaqulusi I will wish for you all :ilaq nn
to catch a whale qutait- (i) to be steep; to drop off (of
ququaq- (t) to call her/him/it by ocean floor) | :It-1 rv
name; (Ti) (t) to call her/him by qutaŋŋiaġik- (i) to have a gentle
telephone, CB, etc. @ ququaqsi- | slope | +ŋŋIQ rn -aq2 nn
-aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv +[g]Ik- nv § sikkIk-
ququula- (i) to call to someone; (t) to
hail, call out to her/him/it | qutchigi- (t) to think or feel that it is too
-uq-2 vv -la- vv high < quli1
ququurraq- (Ti) to call out, shout (to
her/him) who is some distance qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) to
away | -urraq- vv be in a high place or position
socially < quli1
qurraquraq Semi-palmated Plover
(Charadrius semipalmatus) qutchiksi- to become more and more
elevated < quli1
qurri- [qurrI] or qurriuq- (i) to freeze
meat; (t) to freeze it =meat; (i) to qutchiksisiiññaq- (i) to attain a higher
cut up raw, frozen meat or fish < and higher elevation or position;
quaq(-) (t) to place or promote her/him/it

to a higher and higher positon < -llIq- vv :uraq- vv
quli1 quumigaq- (i) to shinny, climb up or
down using the hands and legs |
qutchimaraaq highland, elevated land, +mIk-1 vv +aq-1 vv
mountainous region < quli1 quumik- (i) to bring one’s legs
together tightly; (i) to climb a pole
qutiġuq- (i) to walk to the same or rope by shinnying; (t) to hold
destination as others who are her/him/it between one’s legs |
traveling by boat; (t) to have +mIk-1 vv
reached the same destination quumiŋa- (i) to be knock-kneed, to
(implies surprise) fold inward | +mIk-1 vv ±ŋa- vv
quuŋa- (i) to be pigeon-toed,
qutliiraq Wooly Lousewort (Pedicularis knock-kneed | ±ŋa- vv
lanata) quupatchuŋa- (i) to be pigeon-toed |
-paq(-) vv, vn -t-2 nv -suk-2 vv
¤Qutliq (Nu) a Siberian § Qulliq2 ±ŋa- vv
¤Qutliqsaq (Nu) something from quupatchuk- (i) to turn one’s knees
Siberia | +taq nn in | perhaps -paq(-) vv, vn -t-2 nv
-suk-2 vv
qutqaaq sled rail quuqłiġun stovepipe damper | +q-1 vv
+lIq- vv :un1 vn
qutuk clavicle, collarbone § see Appendix quuqłiġutaiq- (t) to open it =damper
21 of a stovepipe; (i) to now be
Qutugruk constellation of four stars opened (of stovepipe damper) |
(thought to resemble a collarbone, +q-1 vv +lIq- vv :uti1 vn :Iq-2 nv
seen in winter); “Ko-tog-eu-in quuqłiq- (t) to close it =damper of a
‘The collar bones’ are the Twins, stovepipe | +q-1 vv +lIq- vv
Castor & Pollux, with two others quuraġaaq- (Ti) (i) to walk
Capella & a small star which are pigeon-toed; (i) to come together
placed in pairs slightly inclined to by way of wave action (of ice)»
each other thus having a fanciful “iŋiullaġman kisianik siku
resemblance to the slope of those quuraġaaġluni nakiqsimman
bones or rather the shoulders in imaq pisukataġnaqtuq siku
the human frame.” (Bockstoce: quuraġaaqtuaq” (S. Tuzroyluke
351) | perhaps +ruk3 nn 2009) [only when there are swells
does the ice converge together,
qutqiñ ledge; shelf along side of and when the ocean settles out,
entryway (of sod house) can the ice which has been
coming together be walked upon] |
quu- [quġu] (i) to incline inward; (i) to +raġaaq(-) vn vv
turn one’s feet inward quut- (i) to close (of a gap); (t) to
quġġuti- (t) to be caught between two make it narrower, close it =gap
things closing in on it, as a boat between two parts of something @
by icebergs; (t) to close in on quutchi- | -t-2 vv || +sI-3 vv
him/her/it | ‘ti- vv
quulliquraq- (i) to twinkle, flicker |

quulliquraq caribou ruff used on hunter’s quviasuutaiq- (i) to become unhappy
parka | -suk-2 rv :uti1 vn :Iq-2 nv
quviatchai- (t) to cause her/him to
quunġut canyon § natiġnaq, qattaġniq become happy, joyful | -tchak- rv
quviatchak- (i) to become happy,
quunniq(-) [quunnIQ] or (Nu) joyful » quviatchapaluktut
quunnitchiaq(-) calm, still, nuimman they became very
reflective water; to be calm, happy when she came into view |
smooth and glassy (of water) -tchak- rv
quunniġuq- (i) to become calm (of quviiq- (i) to become unhappy, sad,
water); (t) to be now calm (of depressed | :Iq-2 nv § palu-
water) | +uq-1 nv quviit- (i) to be unhappy, despondent |
:It-1 rv
quutquġaaq a mythical flying whale quvyak- (i) to become happy, joyful |
(Kisautaq: 652) -vyak- vv

*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; (t)
quvianaq- (i) cause for happiness, joy to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to
| -a-2 vv +naq-1 rv do something without her/his
quvianġu- (i) to be always joyously knowledge; (t) to surprise
contented, happy | -nġu- rv her/him/it
quvianġun joy, great happiness | quviġusuk- (i) to be surprised that
-nġu- rv ‘n1 vn something has happened | :u-2 vv
quvianġuniq behavior full of love, -suk-2 vv
joy, and happiness | -nġu- rv quviqtaili- (i) to be watchful, alert,
+niQ1 vn vigilant, attentive | +tailI- vv
quvianġutu- (i) to be jolly, happy » quviqtau- or quviqtit- (i) to be
naglignauraŋiññiqsuq quvian- caught off guard, surprised,
ġutummiuq you need not be startled | +tau- vv or mtit-1 vv
feeling sorry for him and on top of quviqti white film over eye, cataract;
that he seems so happy | -nġu- rv (Nu) white bead | +qti vn
+tu- vv quviqsiq- (i) to get cataracts, get a
quviasaaġusiaq blessing (promoting white filmy growth on eye |
happiness) | +saaq-2 vv :usiaq vn § ~Iq-1 nv
ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq, nagliktuun,
anniqsuusiaq quvluliyait- (i) to not develop cracks
quviasaaq- (t) to comfort, try to make easily, quickly < qupi-
her/him/it happy | +saaq-2 vv
quviasugvik [lit. “a time to be quvluula- (i) to crack repeatedly (esp., of
happy”] celebration | -suk-2 rv, ice) < qupi-
+vIk1 vn
quviasuk- (i) to be happy | -suk-2 rv quvsuk- (i) to get on one’s knees, kneel §
quviasuun happiness, joy, mirth; sitquq(-)
celebration | -suk-2 rv :un1 vn quvsuktaaq- (i) to get on one’s knees
quviasuusiqi- (i) to celebrate | with intention of remaining in that
-suk-2 rv :un1 vn ~Iqi-1 nv position for a while | +taaq- vv

quvyuk- to be a whiteout (of weather) » to be told off or set straight or cut
“quvyugman nalunaġmata down when acting too proud is
qayuqłait uvluġiatigun igliġ- humbled; (t) to do something to
naġmiuq” (Matumeak 2009) her/him/it to cut her/him down to
[when there is a whiteout and the her/his size | +naq(-) vv,
ripples on the surface of the snow +sima-1 vv
are hard to see, one can also travel quyatchak- (i) to become thankful,
using the stars] happy | -tchak- vv
quvyugaġnaq whiteout weather quyyayyaq- (i) to go and attend the
condition | +[ġ]aq vn, nn Thanksgiving feast | ‘yyaq- vv
+naq(-) rn Quyyavik Thanksgiving; month of
quvyugaġniq- (i) to be in a whiteout November | ‘-vIk1 vn
situation (of weather) | quyyan gratitude, thankfulness |
+[ġ]aq vn, nn +nIq-2 rv ‘n1 vn

quya- (i) to be thankful; (i) to celebrate

Thanksgiving (of many persons) S
quyagi- (t) to be thankful, glad for
her/him/it | +[g]i- vv saa or sa or cha (excl.) huh; what; what
quyailaq ungrateful person | :ilaq vn did you say
quyali- (t) to make her/him thankful,
grateful, happy | -lI-1 vv °saa (stem) [sara] front of body or
quyanaaġusiq- (t) to reward, to pay garment; area immediately in
her/him » “quyanaaġusiqługu front of something; lap, the front
aitchuġaa” (Aiken 2009) [he part of the lower trunk and thighs
rewarded him with money] | of a seated person; seaward
+naq(-) vn, .-q-2 nv :un1 vn saagaiq- (t) to take away or take over
~Iq-1 nv her/his/its burden | ±aq1 vn :Iq-1 vv
quyanaaq- (i) to say “thank you”; (t) § tigumiagIq-
to say “thank you” to her/him; (t) saagaq(-) something one brings
to be grateful to her/him | along, carries; to carry, bring
+naq(-) vn, .-q-2 nv (her/him/it) with one; (Ti) (t) to
quyanaġniq- (t) to give her/him/it hold her/him on one’s lap »
what is deserved, usually a just saagaġaa ililgauraq he is holding
reprimand or punishment | the child on his lap | ±aq1 vn §
+naq(-) vv, +nIq-2 vv kaluq-
quyanaq- (i) to be worthy of thanks, ¤saagau- or (Nu) saagatlakaaq- or
to deserve thanks | +naq(-) vv saagałłakaaq (i) to carry an
quyanaq (excl.) thank you; good armload | ±aq1 vn -u-2 vv or
riddance, you had it +aq- 4 rv perhaps -łłak- vv perhaps
coming!(when said sarcastically +aaq(-) vv § tigumiaq-
and with a different inflection) » saaġuaq(-) [saaġuraq] apron, bib; (i)
quyanaqpak thank you very to put on an apron; (t) to put an
much | +naq(-) vn apron on her/him; (Nu) protective
quyanaqsima- (i) to be a good enclosure, semicircular-shaped
situation when one who deserves windbreak made of small, felled

trees with an openng where a fire saatiq- to turn suddenly toward
can be; (Nu) (i) to camp in a (her/him/it); (t) to challenge
protective enclosure | +ġuaq(-) nn her/him/it without hesitation |
saaġuaqsiq- (Nu) (i) to be camping in mt/liq- vv
a protective enclosure | saatit- (i) to be confronted
+ġuaq(-) nn +[t]sIq- vv disparagingly | mtit-1 vv
saaġurri- to make an apron (for saatmun (Nu) facing toward |
her/him); (t) to make it into an +nmun (term.) § sanmun
apron | +ġuaq(-) nn ‘=I-1 nv saatqut- to pass by in front (of
saakkiq- (i) to have something to her/him/it)
take, carry, bring with one; (t) to saavaqi- (Nu) (t) to face her/him/it
give her/him something to take, angrily; (t) to go out and dance
carry, or bring | -aq1 vn ‘=Iq-1 vv § with her/him | +vaq- vv -qi- vv §
tigumirrIq- saavviqi-
saakkit- (t) to give her/him something saavirviksraq boat dock | +vit- vv
to carry and deliver | -aq1 vn +vIk1 vn +ksraq(-) nn, nv
‘=It-4 vv § tigumirrIt- saavit- (i) to proceed out to the sea or
saakłi- (i) to become soft and pliable; on a river; (i) to go down to hunt
(i) become thin (of fabric); (t) to on the ice, beach, along coast; (i)
make it soft and pliable | -kłI- or to go out in front of an audience,
(Ti) -glI- vv to go out in front of a group, e.g.,
saakutaq screen; clothing cover, to dance, participate in
smock; overalls; skin cover of competitive games; (t) to put it
door of skin tent; wind screen =boat out to sea | +vit- vv
over door » “saakutchiġuugaat saavrik- (i) to go quickly down to the
upkuaq aqłavaiñman” (Hugo water | =vrik- vv
2009) [a wind screen is usually saavviaq launch site (for whaling
placed over the door when it is too boat location dependent on ice
drafty] | +kutaq nn conditions near open water); path
saamiutaq(-) something carried in or trail to open water » “siku
front of oneself; to keep, have iluaġman saavirviksraq” (Aiken
(her/him/it) in front of oneself | 2009) [a place to launch the boat
÷miutaq nn when the ice conditions are good];
saammi- (Ti) to be facing (her/him/it) saavviaġiitchuq the launch site is
| +mmI-1 vv not good (because ice conditions
saaŋiq- (t) to pass in front of near open water are not suitable);
her/him/it; (t) to get in front of “saavvialiuġnaqtuq
her/him and take her/his place in umiaqtuqtuni siku ipkiyaqługu
line | +ŋIq- nv § sivulik- tuggautinik kigaqługu”
saat-1 to face, turn toward (Matumeak 2009) [one prepares
(her/him/it); (t) to challenge, the launch site when whaling by
confront her/him/it » saałłuni removing the sharp edges from
aġnanun the ice by chipping them off with
iglaġuksaaqłiirraqsiruq facing large flensing knives] | +vit- vv
the women, he began to try to ‘-aq2 vn
make them laugh | +t-2 nv

saavviqi- (t) to go out and dance with sanmiraq- (t) to tease her/him; (t) to
her/him in an Iñupiaq dance; (t) to confront and agrue with her/him,
go out and be her/his opponent in often repeatedly | -t-2 rv
a competitive game | +vit- vv +mmI-5 vv +t/raq-1 vv
‘=Iqi-2 vv § saavaqi- sanmuiññaq directly oceanwards,
saġliaq(-) something or someone away from shore » “Sanmuiññaq
sitting on one’s lap; to hold, rock Tikiġaq tunurruiññaqługu
(her/him/it) on one’s lap | perhaps sanmun nanuqqam
-q-2 nv -liaq nn aullautigik.” (Ahvakana: 14)
saġvailaq a person whose body is [moving directly away from shore
positioned sideways but whose leaving Point Hope, the small,
face is pointed toward the child’s waterproof mattress took
observer | perhaps +q-2 vv them out to the ocean] |
+vaq- vv :ilaq vn § qiviaq- -nmun n-nc -iññaq nc
salliġun something placed in front of sanmuk- (i) to travel towards the
object(s) to prevent movement | ocean | ÷muk- nv
+llIQ(-) rn, rv -un1 vn sanmun oceanward; towards one’s
salliñaaq area located north | front area » sanmun qiviaġiñ;
+llIQ(-) rn +naaq nn § see tununmun qiviaġiñ look
Appendix 12 frontwards; look backwards |
salliñiq north » Utqiaġviit -nmun nnc
salliñġaniittut Anaqtuuvium sarġut- or (Ti) salġut- to pass by in
Barrow is to the north of front of (her/him/it) | +t-2 rv
Anaktuvak Pass | +llIQ(-) rn -ġut- vv
+niQ2 nn sarruk- (i) to run toward, pass in front
salliq one in front; one farthest toward of hunter (of caribou) | =rruk- rv
the ocean; most northerly one | sarvaq- (i) to move forward or
+llIQ(-) rn, rv oceanward; (t) to move it toward
salliqi- (i) to unintentionally put on the front | -t-2 rv +vaq- vv
clothing with the front on the sarvaqtaaq- (i) to move forward or
back, backwards | iñuum nasaŋa oceanward over a defined
salliqiruq the person’s hood is distance; (t) to move her/him/it
always getting to the front | forward or oceanward over a
+llIQ(-) rn =Iqi-1 nv defined distance | -t-2 rv +vaq- vv
salliu- (i) to be in front; (i) to be the +taaq- vv
one closest to the ocean | sarvasik- (i) to lie far out in the
+llIQ(-) rn :u-1 nv ocean, far from shore or edge of
sanmi- or (Ti) saŋmi- to be facing ice | +t-2 rv +vaq- vv ~sIk-1 vv §
(her/him/it); (t) to be boldly facing taunaniqpasik-
up to her/him/it » satchaaq- (i) to be out in front of a
“saŋmigaagguuq avruma group; (i) to take up space | -t-2 rv
qiñiqpakługu” (S. Tuzroyluke +saaq- vv
2009) [he is staring at him boldly] satchik- (i) to be located far out in
| +t-2 rv +mmI-5 vv front or far away in ocean (often
means that there is open water at

a distance indicated by a cloud) | saatuquyak or (Ti) saatuquyaak or
+t-2 rv +sIk-1 vv (Nu) saapaqayak thin, flat stone
satqak chest (anatomical) | -t-2 rv (good for skipping on water); (Ti)
+qak vn flat bone weight (used for bolas) »
satqummiaq something kept handy, “kuvraurrisuuruq uyaġak
easily accessible, not in storage | taamna saatuquyaak” (S.
-t-2 rv perhaps +qumak rn,nn Tuzroyluke 2009) [the thin flat
‘=Iq-1 nv +aq1 vn stone weaves in and out across the
satqummii- (i) to make something water in a series of small hops] |
handy, easily accessible | +tu- rv -quyak vn
satqummiiruq, niqi saatuuraq somethng thin, pliable;
piyumiñaqsivlugu she made (Nu) short-haired, summer skin |
some meat handy for easier +t/ruuraq vn
accessibility | -t-2 rv perhaps
+qumak rn,nn ‘=Iq-1 nv -I-1 vv saatkailaq [ENG “shotgun”] one without
satqummiq- (t) to set it out for a shotgun | :ilaq(-) nn
display; (t) to reveal, display,
disclose it | -t-2 rv perhaps saavġaq Common Snipe (Capella
+qumak rn,nn ‘=Iq-1 nv gallinago) | [ġ]aq n

saaptaq- (i) to gamble; (i) to cast lots § saggaq [saggaQ] or (Nu)

manigaq- saggaatchauraq caribou with
new summer hair; summer animal
saat-2 [sagat] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, (sheep or caribou) skin with short
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to hair § saat-
have thin hair » saattuat nunat
thin sods (not mineral soil) on saggutyaq (Nu) snow house made of soft,
roof of sod house § see Appendix new snow < sau-
saakłi- or (Ti) saagli- to become thin saggutyi- (Nu) (i) to make a snow house
(of ice); (i) to become soft and of soft, new snow < sau-
pliable (of animal hide); (i) to
become thin and worn-out (of sagla- (Ti) (i) to be constantly busy,
wood or fabric); (t) to make it working all the time § apta-,
=animal hide soft and pliable | savvaqtu
-kłI- vv or -glI- vv § maptukłi- saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth
saalġuq thin area of something saglun a lie, falsehood | -n1 vn
(usually ice) | ±ġuq vn sagluqi- (t) to lie to her/him; (t) to
saalġuuraq (Ti) thin piece of whale fool, deceive her/him/it »
meat on edge of fluke | -lġuq vn anitqusiññaqłuŋa
:uraq nn sagluqimaraani
saatuquyaaq (Nu) something flat | naatiqtuuraġukługik
+tu- rv -quyak vn -aq2 nn kamitchiaksrautika she lied to
saapaqayait uyaġait stone tablets | me, I found out, just to get me out
~paq(-)vv -qaq- vv -yak vn of the house so she could finish
my new boots | -qi- vv

sagluqipkaq- (i) to be deceived | niġrutit qakirvigisuugaat
-qi- vv +pkaq-1 vv ilaanni” (Matumeak 2009)
sagluqiraq- (t) to continue to tell [pieces of ice traveling with the
her/him lies | -qi- vv +t/raq-1 vv current; animals sometimes climb
sagluqiraġaq- (t) to lie to her/him up onto them] § saġvaq(-)
more than several times » sagraqsiuyuit whales that surface in
“sagluqiraġaqługu qinnigaa” areas where there are small cakes
(Matumeak 2009) [he made her of ice in mostly open water
angry by lying to her one too (Harcharek: 27) | -siuq- nv
many times] | -qi- vv +t/raq-1 vv yuk(-) vn -t nn
+aq-1 vv
sagluqun a lie, deception | -qi- vv sagvi- [sagvI] (i) to be visible, in view §
-n1 vn saa2, satqummiaq
saglutu- (i) to tell lies frequently; (i) sagviq- (t) to let it become obvious;
to be a prolific liar » sagluturuq (t) to bring it into the open; (t) to
asuuna oh, you tell too many lies take it out (e.g., out of a bag); (i)
| +tu- vv to explain oneself; (i) to make a
sagluuq- (i) to tell lies one right after point; (i) to appear, as in court; (i)
another | :uq-2 vv to come in view | +q-1vv §
sagluuraq- (i) to joke by telling salapqiq-, satqummiq-
stories which are not true |
:uraq- vv saġaaluk- (i) to make a splashing sound
sagluviuq- (t) to accuse her/him of (of water); to make a crashing
lying @ sagluviuqłiq- | -viuq- vv sound (of ocean waves breaking
|| +kłIq- vv on shore)
saġġalliqsiq- to be making a slapping
sagniuq- (i) to suffer from an injury » noise (of water) | :Iq-1 nv +sIq-2 vv
“Tulugaq qauriaqsiruq
sigguugmiñik sagniuqłuni.” ¤saġayak- to be spoiled (of food) § au-,
(Ahmaogak & Webster: 28) [the maqu-, piluksi-
raven begins to gain
consciousness with pain in his *saġima (root) appreciation
beak from his injury] saġimasuk- (i) to feel appreciated |
sagniuliq- (i) to become sick » -suk-2 rv
“tavra aġnaal-lu qitunġaŋilu saġimasuutigi- (t) to be grateful for
kavyagaluaqtut her/him/it | -suk-2 rv :un1 vn
sagniuliġiñaġman Pisiksuġliq” +[g]i- nv
(Bergsland 1987: 302) [so his
wife and his children became saġmak- (i) to talk loudly » saġmaktuam
extremely worried when uvlaaq itiqtitkaatigut
Pisiksuġliq became sick] | siññaaġipayuktuani the one who
-lIq-3 vv was talking loudly woke us all
from a sound sleep < *saq
sagrat assembled pieces of ice traveling saġmagvigi- (t) to talk loudly to
with the current in ocean » her/him/it < *saq
“saġvaqtuakun igliqtuat sikut;

saġvaq(-) water current; (i) to have strong +siuq- nv -yuk(-) vn
current (of river or ocean); (t) to saġvauraq (Nu) rapids, shallow part
drift with the current; (t) for it to of river with swift water |
be carried away by ocean or river :uraq nn
current § see Appendix 14
saġvaluk- (i) to babble, gurgle (of *sai (root) relaxation
flowing water); (Ti) (i) to rumble, sailli- (i) to relax, recover after a
growl (of stomach) » stressful experience » “sumik
saġvalugman, kuvraqtulaitchut isumaaluŋitchuq; suliqiŋitchuq”
when the water is babbling, no (Aiken 2009) [he has no worries;
one sets a net | -luk- vv § he is not doing anything] | :It-1 nv
maqsraluk-, quluk- +lI-2 vv § unaŋuiqsIq-
saġvaluula- (i) to gurgle (of flowing saima- (i) to be quiet, not crying; (i)
water); (Ti) (i) to growl, rumble to mourn quietly | +ma-1 vv
(of stomach) | -luk- vv -ula- vv saimmallaiq- (i) to be inconsolable,
saġvaniq grass found floating on river continue to cry; (t) to be unable to
(dried and used to insulate a sod console her/him | +mmaq- rv
house) » “maanna tupiqłuta -lla- vv :Iq-2 vv § qiaŋaillaiq-
aasii saġvaniqsiuqłuta kuugmi saimmaq- (i) to stop crying, to cease
saġvaŋaruanik ivigruanik; aasii crying; (i) to be consoled,
imikpatitauraaġman tasamma comforted | +mmaq- rv
saġvaniq; ukiiviginaqtuq; aasii
katiłługit avałługu tupiq; aasii saiġuq- (t) to build a willow stockade for
sigraamik matummivlugu; aasii her/him/it; (t) to build it into a
apunmivlugu; uunnaaguuruq” stockade » “saiguqłutik uqpigñik
(Matumeak 2009) [then we would tupiq avaluqługu
pitch our tent and search for grass pisikkumiñaiqłutik” (Matumeak
floating on the river, looking for 2009) [they build a stockade
ones that have been carried around the tent to prevent
downstream; and if it makes a rich themselves from being hit (by gun
hollow sound it is grass that is or bow and arrow)] |
used for insulation; one can spend saiġut stockade made of large
a winter in it (a house with this willows § iriġvik, iñuksuk | -t nn
kind of insulation); then we gather
them and surround the tent; then *saiñġi (root) chagrin, regret; frustration
we cover it with a tarp; and we | +niQ1 rn :It-1 nv § *sai
also put snow on it; it is warm] | saiñġisuk- or saiñġusuk- (i) to feel
÷niQ1 vn frustration and regret for missing
saġvaqsiq- (i) to drift along with the an opportunity to get something;
current | +[t]sIq- vv (i) to be chagrined, frustrated |
saġvaqsiuraaq- or (Ti) +niQ1 rn :It-1 nv -suk-2 vv or
saġvaqsiiraaq- (i) to travel with +niQ1 rn :u-1 nv -suk-2 rv §
the ocean current | +[t]sIq- vv qigluk-
-uraaq- vv saiñġisuun word or phrase used to
saġvaqsiuyuk Harlequin Duck express regret, e.g., akłaa!,
(Histrionicus histrionicus) |

alakkaa!, yaqhii! | +niQ1 rn :It-1 nv dried animal skin, hide | +vit- vv
suk-2 vv :un1 vn § nunuuraq- :un1 vn or +vit- vv +sI-3 vv ÷un1 vn
saiñġitchak- (i) to become regretful | sakivsivik or sakipsivik long, narrow
+niQ1 rn :It-1 nv -sak- vv piece of wood or root on which
skin is placed and scraped » qiruk
saiyu [RUSS “chay” (Jacobson: 345)] tea siqquqtuaq ikkiligaaq
saiyutuq- (i) to drink tea | +tuq-3 nv sakivsigiksuq wood that is hard,
that is hardwood makes a good
sakiaguraq or sakiagauraq (Nu) surface for scraping | +vit- vv
Labrador Tea (Ledum palustre =sI-3 vv +vIk1 vn
decumbens), (plant which grows
low among rocks) °sakim (dem. stem) out there in the arctic
entry (not visible) § °kan (dem.
sakiak sternum, front middle part of an stem), °un (dem. stem), °sam
animal or human | ‘-k2 nn (poss. (dem. stem)
dual mkr. § see Appendix 21 sakimna [dual sakipkuak, pl.
sakiat or sakiagit breastbone, sakipkua] that one out there in the
sternum; chest bones (excluding arctic entry (not visible) | +na
ribs) | -t nn or :It nn (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
sakiptuma or sakivsruma or
*saki (root) a shaving sakivruma [dual sakipkuak, pl.
sakiġmiat curved wood chips; sakipkua] that one out there in
wooden shavings used to kindle arctic entry (not visible) | +tuma
fire | +q-2 rv +mIk- vv -aq1 vn -t nn (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
sakiġmik- (i) to whittle wood into an sakiptumani or sakivsrumani or
object or for kindling | +q-2 rv sakivrumani [dual
+mIk- vv sakipkugnagni, pl. sakipkunani]
sakikkaq wood shaving | -kkaq vn located with that one out there in
sakimak wood shaving; a whale’s the arctic entry (not visible) | +tum
“sakimak” which is at the back (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
end of the tongue | aġviġum (dem. loc.)
sakimaŋa niqillautaq, uqaŋata sakiptumaŋŋa or sakivsrumaŋŋa or
kaŋiani the whale’s “sakimak” is sakivrumaŋŋa [dual
good to eat, which is at the back sakipkugnaŋŋa, pl. sakipkunaŋŋa]
end of the tongue | -mak rn from that one out there in the
sakivit- (t) to scrape excess fat off it arctic entry (not visible) | +tum
=dried animal skin, hide, usu., (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
seal (held with both hands, the (dem. abl.)
scraper is pushed up and down sakiptumatun or sakivsrumatun or
the animal hide which is spread sakivrumatun [dual
over a scraping platform); (Ti) (t) sakipkugnaktun, pl.
to scrape it =skin after hair is sakipkunatitun] similar to that one
removed @ sakivsi- | +vit- vv || out there in the arctic entry (not
+sI-3 vv § sakimak-, sakiaq visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
sakivrun or sakipsiñ forearm; mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)
two-handed scraper for use on

sakiptumiŋa or sakivsrumiŋa or saŋmuŋa or sagmuŋa to out there in
sakivrumiŋa [dual sakipkugniŋa, the arctic entry (not visible) | +uŋa
pl. sakipkuniŋa] with that one out (dem. term.)
there in the arctic entry (not saŋmuŋanmun or sagmuŋanmun
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. towards out there in the arctic
mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) entry (not visible) | +uŋa (dem.
sakiptumuŋa or sakivsrumuŋa or term.) nmun (term.)
sakivrumuŋa [dual saŋmuŋaq- or sagmuŋaq- (i) to go
sakipkugnuŋa, pl. sakipkunuŋa] to out into the arctic entry (not
that one out there in the arctic visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3
entry (not visible) | +tum (dem. dv
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. saŋmuuna or sagmuuna via, through
term.) the arctic entry (not visible) | uuna
sakiptumuuna or sakivsrumuuna or (dem. via.)
sakivrumuuna [dual saŋmuunnaaq- or sagmuunnaaq- (i)
sakipkugnuuna, pl. sakipkunuuna] via, through out there in the arctic
via that one out there in the arctic entry (not visible) | +uuna (dem.
entry; with that one out there in via.) ‘.q-4 dv
the arctic entry (not visible) | +tum
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna *sakiq1 (root) sibling-in-law
(dem. via.) sakialuk husband’s sister | -aluk nn
saŋma or sagma out there in the sakiġaq or sakiġauraq spouse’s
arctic entry (not visible) | ‘a (dem. sibling, sister-in-law or
adv. mkr.) brother-in-law; older sister’s
saŋmaliaġruk or sagmaliaġruk a husband; (Ti) in-law, member of
person with ancestors from spouse’s family; (Ti) son-in-law |
Shismaref, Alaska +[ġ]aq nn or +[ġ]aq nn -uraqnn
saŋmani or sagmani located out sakiġatchauraq a new relation either
there in the arctic entry (not a brother-in-law or a son-in-law |
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) +[ġ]aq nn -tchauraq nn
saŋmaniit- or sagmaniit- (i) to be sakiġatchauraġiik relationship where
located out there in the arctic entry one is a brother-in-law or
(not visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- son-in-law | +[ġ]aq nn
“to be” -tchauraq nn +[ġ]iik(-) nv, nn
saŋmaŋŋa or sagmaŋŋa from out
there in the arctic entry (not *sakiq2 (root) hard to do
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) sakiġi- (t) to feel unable to perform or
saŋmaŋŋamiñ or sagmaŋŋamiñ accomplish it =task | +[g]i rv §
from that direction out there in the sapiġi-
arctic entry (not visible) | +aŋŋa sakiġnaq- (i) to be hard to do » “uvva
(dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) siġġaġnaqtuq” (Aiken 2009) [it is
saŋmaŋŋaq- or sagmaŋŋaq- (i) to difficult to do] | +naq(-) rv, vn
come from out there in the arctic
entry (not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. sakiq side of mouth of bowhead whale
abl.) +q-3 dv which is very oily and with thin
maktak § see Appendix 19

sakkiq- sakkIq] (i) to begin something; (i) salapqiq- [salapqIq] (i) to be exposed,
(Nu) to work hard; (i) to go away, revealed, made known; (i) to
depart § aullaġnii-, isaguti-, make a point; (t) to lay it open; to
aullaq- expose, reveal it @ salapqii- ||
:I-4 vv § sagviq-
¤sakirraq tea [perhaps “that which has salapqiqsauruaq a revelation, a
been whittled like shavings”] § vision | +t/raq vn :u-1 nv
saiyu +t/ruaq vn

sakłataiyaq red squirrel (Tamiasciurus salgiġruaq (Ti) stinkweed (Artemesia

hudsonicus) § siksrIk tilesii) » salgiġruamik
niġipkaġaa anniġñaqtuaq she
sakniuq- (Nu) (i) to be sick § sagniuq-, fed the ailing person stinkweed §
naŋit-, anniġñaq- sargiġruaq

sakpak- (t) to elongate, make it long and salgu- (Ti) (t) to patch it, e.g., side of sod
oval in shape house with animal skin »
sakpaŋa- (i) to be oval and elongated “ammimik tuttum amianik
| ±ŋa- vv salgusuugaat iglu
sakpayaŋa- (i) to be flat, long and aġlaŋaiqsillaglugu; ukiumikii
oval | alappaa” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
-yak- vv ±ŋa- vv [they usually patch a house
sakpayak- (i) to be flat; (t) to flatten it covering it with a skin, a caribou
| -yak- vv skin to stop the draft; during the
sakpayaqtaq oval ball, oval shape; winter it is very cold, you see] §
football | -yak- vv +qtaq nn ¤salva, ilaaq(-)

saksakiq [saksakiQ] or saksaŋiq or sali- [salI] (t) to cut it with scissors; (t) to
saksaŋiuraq Redpoll (Carduelis cut her/his hair; (i) to be now cut
flammea); Hoary Redpoll with scissors; (i) to cut one’s hair
(Carduelis hornemanni) § kivraq-
¤saksagiaq or saksaŋiaq small gray saliri barber | mt/ri vn § kivraqti
bird (perhaps a redpoll) | perhaps sallisik a pair of scissors; thin-bladed
+iaq3 n scissors; hair clipper | ‘-n vn
-k2 nn § qiugautik
saksranikut offal, waste, leftovers to be sallisilik (Nu) arrowhead with forked
discarded | -ku nn -t nn point | ‘-n vn -lik nn
sallisit- (t) to cut, snip it with scissors |
sakuk- or sakuuk- (i) to be busy; (t) to ‘-n vn +t-2 nv
continue to work very hard on it;
(t) to continue to work intently on saliguq- to remove blubber from (it =sea
it § savvaqtu mammal) | :uq-2 vv
sakkuqtu- (i) to have persistence, to
be persistent by nature | ‘-qtu- vv § salik- or saliktuq- to travel swiftly
piñilluġik-, nikatchalait-

parallel to (her/him/it); Nu) (i) to 2009) [after softening it with
gesture, wave one’s arms, e.g., white pumice it is ready for
when sighting caribou | sewimg]; “imaqqaaqługu
-lik- rv or -lik- rv +tuq-1 vv palauvaliqługu imuvlugu
saliaq- (i) to traverse, walk along a unnuipkaqługu aasii ikukługu”
hillside, mountain slope, or (Matumeak 2009) [moistening it
along a beach; (i) to drift along the first with a flour mixture, then
shore (of ice); (i) to follow the rolling it tightly and letting it set
shore (of boat) | -lik- rv -aq-1 vv overnight, then scraping it white]
saliuġruk- (i) to slide sideways (of | -k-4 rv || +sI-3 vv § ikuk-, kitik
sled or something being towed) | saluksi- (i) to clean an animal skin
-lik- rv :uq-2 vv +rruk- vv prior to tanning by hitting it with a
stick | -k-4 rv +sI-3 vv
salliġun something placed in front of an saluksiñ stick that is used to beat an
object to prevent movement animal skin in order to clean it
< saa2 prior to tanning| -k-4 rv +sI-3 vv
-n1 vn § sakkuun. ikuun
salliñaaq area located north < saa2 saluma- (i) to be clean; (i) to be holy,
pure | +ma-1 rv
salliñiq north < saa2 salumaili- (i) to become polluted; (t)
to pollute it | +ma-1 rv :Iq-2 vv
salliq one in front; one farthest toward -lI-2 vv
the ocean; most northerly one salumait- (i) to be not clean, dirty; (i)
< saa2 to be defiled, unclean; (i) to be
polluted | +ma-1 rv :It-1 vv
salliqi- (i) to unintentionally put on Salumaruaq Kiguunniq Holy Ark;
clothing with the front on the Covenant Box (which contains the
back, backwards < saa2 ten commandments)
salummaaq cleaned, tanned skin »
salliu- (i) to in front, one closest to the salummaaġa imma tuttu
ocean < saa2 paqillaiġiga I have not been able
to find the caribou skin I cleaned
*salu (root) cleanliness and tanned | -mmaq- vv -aq1 vn
saluaq- (t) to wipe it clean or dry @ salummaksaq- (i) to tidy, clean up an
saluaqsi- | +aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv area; (t) to tidy, clean it =area »
saluk- (t) to prepare it =an animal tikiñŋaiñŋaisa
skin by moistening it first with a tuyuġmiaksrautivuk
flour mixture, then rolling it salummaksaqtuuraġniaqtuŋa
tightly and letting it set overnight, I’ll make the house tidy before our
then scraping it white; (Nu) (t) to expected guests arrive | ‘-k-2 vv
scrape it =animal skin, hide with a msaq- vv
scraper; (Ti) to use white powder salummaq- (t) to clean it @
on (it =caribou skin) to soften it salummai- | -mmaq- vv || :I-4 vv
during tanning @ saluksi- » salummaun something with which to
“saluqqaaġlugu clean, e.g., dishrag, cleaning
miġruġnaqsigaa” (C. Tuzroyluke solution, etc. | -mmaq- vv :un1 vn

saluun (Ti) a stone used for rubbing samuunatqut-1 (i) to pass under here
white powder into caribou skin (not visible) | +uuna (dem.via.)
during the tanning process | -tgut- nv
:un1 vn § kitik samuunnaaq-1 via, through down
under here (not visible) | +uuna
°sam1 (dem. stem) under here (not visible) (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
§ °un (dem. stem) samuunnaaq-3 to roast (it =meat) in
samani1 located under here (not oven | +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) saptuma1 or savsruma1 or savruma1
samaniit-1 (i) to be located under here [dual sapkuak, pl. sapkua] the one
(not visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- down under here | +tuma (dem.
“to be” rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
samaŋŋa1 from under here (not saptumani1 or savsrumani1 or
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) savrumani1 [dual sapkugnagni,
samaŋŋamiñ1 from the direction pl. sapkunani] located with the
under here (not visible) | +aŋŋa one down under here (not visible) |
(dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
samaŋŋaq-1 (i) to come from under +anI (dem. loc.)
here (not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. saptumaŋŋa1 or savsrumaŋŋa1 or
abl.) +q-3 dv savrumaŋŋa1 [dual sapkugnaŋŋa,
samma1 under here (not visible) » pl. sapkunaŋŋa] from the one
samma samani its down here | ‘a down under here (not visible) |
(dem. adv. mkr.) +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
samma3 (excl.) let me see it | ‘a (dem. +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
adv. mkr.) saptumatun1 or savsrumatun1 or
sammaami (excl.) let me see it then savrumatun1 [dual
(for verification) | ‘a (dem. adv. sapkugnaktun, pl. sapkunatitun]
mkr.) +mi (encl.) similar to the one down under
sammakii (excl.) it is highly probable here (not visible) | +tum (dem. rel.
considering the circumstances | ‘a pron. sg. mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.)
(dem. adv. mkr.) +kii (encl.) saptumiŋa1 or savsrumiŋa1 or
samna1 [dual sapkuak, pl. sapkua] the savrumiŋa1 [dual sapkugniŋa, pl.
one down under here (not visible) | sapkuniŋa] with the one down
+na (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.) under here (not visible) | +tum
samuŋa1 to down under here (not (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa
visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) (dem. mod.)
samuŋanmun1 toward down under saptumuŋa1 or savsrumuŋa1 or
here (not visible) | +uŋa (dem. savrumuŋa1 [dual sapkugnuŋa,
term.) +nmun (term.) pl. sapkunuŋa] to the one down
samuŋaq-1 (i) to go down under here under here (not visible) | +tum
(not visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa
+q-3 dv (dem. term.)
samuuna1 via, through down under saptumuuna1 or savsrumuuna1 or
here (not visible) | uuna (dem. savrumuuna1 [dual sapkugnuuna,
via.) pl sapkunuuna] via, with the one
down under here (not visible) |

+tum (dem. rel. pron. mkr) +uuna visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) +nmun
(dem. via.) (term.)
samuŋaq-2 (i) to go down there, e.g.,
°sam2 (dem. stem) down there, e.g., far far out on the ocean downriver, or
out on the ocean, downriver, or downstairs (not visible) | +uŋa
downstairs (not visible) § °un (dem. term.) +q-3
(dem. stem) samuuna2 via, through down there,
samani2 located down there, e.g., far e.g., far out on the ocean,
out on the ocean, downriver, or downriver, or downstairs (not
downstairs (not visible) | +anI visible) | uuna (dem. via.)
(dem. loc.) samuunatqut-2 to pass via the
samaniit-2 (i) to be located down shoreward (north) side of
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, (her/him/it); (i) to pass by further
downriver, or downstairs (not out at sea | +uuna (dem. via.)
visible) | +anI (dem. loc.) it- “to -tgut- nv
be” samuunnaaq-2 via, through down
samaŋŋa2 from down there, e.g., far there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
out on the ocean, downriver, or downriver, or downstairs (not
downstairs (not visible) | +aŋŋa visible); to roast (it =meat) in
(dem. abl.) oven | +uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
samaŋŋamiñ2 from that direction saptuma2 or savsruma2 or savruma2
down there, e.g., far out on the [dual sapkuak, pl. sapkua] that
ocean, downriver, or downstairs one down there, e.g., far out on
(not visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) the ocean, downriver, or
÷miñ (abl.) downstairs (not visible) | +tuma
samaŋŋaq-2 (i) to come from down (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, saptumani2 or savsrumani2 or
downriver, or downstairs (not savrumani2 [dual sapkugnagni,
visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 pl. sapkunani] located with that
samma2 down there, e.g., far out on one down there, e.g., far out on
the ocean, downriver, downstairs the ocean, downriver, or
(not visible); let me see it | ‘a downstairs (not visible) | +tum
(dem. adv. mkr.) (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI
samna2 [dual sapkuak, pl sapkua] that (dem. loc.)
one down there, e.g., far out on saptumaŋŋa2 or savsrumaŋŋa2 or
the ocean, downriver, downstairs savrumaŋŋa2 [dual sapkugnaŋŋa,
(not visible) | +na (dem. abs. pron. pl. sapkunaŋŋa] from that one
sg. mkr.) down there, e.g., far out on the
samuŋa2 to down there, e.g., far out ocean, downriver, or downstairs
on the ocean, downriver, or (not visible) | +tum (dem. rel.
downstairs (not visible) | +uŋa pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.)
(dem. term.) saptumatun2 or savsrumatun2 or
samuŋanmun2 toward down there, savrumatun2 [dual
e.g., far out on the ocean, sapkugnaktun, pl. sapkunatitun]
downriver, or downstairs (not similar to that one down there,
e.g., far out on the ocean,

downriver, or downstairs (not any further in a lake, one proceeds
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. around every bend trying to get to
mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.) one’s destination]
saptumiŋa2 or savsrumiŋa2 or
savrumiŋa2 [dual sapkugniŋa, pl. sana- to whittle, carve (it =wood,
sapkuniŋa] with that one down soapstone, etc.)
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, sanaaksraq something that is to be
downriver, or downstairs (not whittled; plug of chewing tobacco
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. » ulimaŋaruaq qiruk
mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.) sanaaksraun it is a piece of wood
saptumuŋa2 or savsrumuŋa2 or that has been shaped for whittling
savrumuŋa2 [dual sapkugnuŋa, | ±aq1 vn -ksraq(-)1 vn
pl. sapkunuŋa] to that one down sanaaq something whittled | ±aq1 vn
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, sanalġun (Ti) one of a carpenter’s
downriver, or downstairs (not tools; any kind of tool | -lġun vn §
visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg. savalġun
mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.) sanatu- (i) to be skilled in using one’s
saptumuuna2 or savsrumuuna2 or mind and hands at making some-
savrumuuna2 [dual sapkugnuuna, thing, be skillful, clever »
pl. sapkunuuna] via that one down sanaturuq nukaaluga my
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, younger sister is very skillful |
downriver, or downstairs; with -tu- vv
that one down there, e.g., far out sannan whittling knife | ‘n1 vn §
on the ocean, downriver, or milligit
downstairs (not visible) | +tum sannaq curved chip left over from
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna whittling | ‘-Q vn
(dem. via.)
sanagi- or sanaġi- (i) to prepare to leave,
samataq (Ti) a blue bead (Rainey: 264) get ready to go; (t) to get her/him
ready to go § itqanaiyaq-, paġna-
*samI (root) satisfied appetite
samiiq- (i) to develop an insatiable °sanI (root) broadside, side
appetite or need | :Iq-2 rv saniġaaguaq- (i) to go, travel,
samiit- (i) to have an insatiable progress by on the side of
appetite or need | :It-1 rv her/him/it » saniġaaguaqtuaguk
iglupta wed went along the side
sammaalik small trout (Kisautaq: 652) of our house | ±[ġ]aq nn :a (poss.
3s-s) -kun nnc (via.) -aq-4 nv
samnaaq- (i) to be unable to proceed saniġaakkuuq- (i) to pull sled by side
farther; (i) to meet a dead end or ropes to help it along (usu. of
an impasse and take another route men); (t) to pull it =sled via ropes
» “samnaaqtuni narvami, tied to its sides to help it along »
uivaġnaqtuq suŋnanmulliqaa “uniat saniġaatigun qamuktuaq
tikisaksrautikitk ikayuqtuaq, ikayuqługit
ullagnialagamiurruŋ” (Aiken qimmit” (Aiken 2009) [he was
2009) [when one is unable to go pulling [the ropes] along side the

sled helping, helping the dogs] | metal centerboard; its handle is
±[ġ]aq nn :a (poss. end 3s-s) -kun also metal] | +muk- rv +tuq-2 vv
nnc (via.) ‘uq-2 vv § -kuaq :un1 vn
saniġaakkuutit sled side ropes | saniñmuiññaq movement sideways
±[ġ]aq nn :a (poss. end 3s-s) -kun (not deviating) | -nmun (term.)
(via.) ÷uq-2 vv -:uti1 vn -t nn § -iññaq ncn
uniutat saniñmuk- (i) to move sideways; (t)
saniġaaniñ side view | ±[ġ]aq nn :a to move it sideways | perhaps
(poss. end 3s-s) ÷niñ (abl.) +nmuk- vv
saniġaanuk- (i) to go beside saniñmuktaaq- to move her/him/it)
her/him/it; (t) to place her/him/it to the side | +nmuk- vv +taaq- vv
by something/someone » umiam saniñmun sideways | -nmun n-nc
saniġaanuguŋ place it by the side saniññiaq- (i) to travel in order to
of the boat | +gaq2 nn :a nn (poss. trade, or to buy | +t-2 nv +niaq(-)
3s-s) -nuk- nv vv § tunisiñiaq-, qarġutaq-
saniġanŋu- (i) to have a pain in sanipak- or sanigñiaq-(i) to pace
one’s side | -nŋu- nv back and forth in front of a group
saniġaq or (Ti) saniġviaq side of of people | -pak- vv, vn
something » “Tuuqtiġlugu sanipaktuq- to stagger, walk
saniġviamigun qiliġlugu unsteadily | -pak- vv, vn
tiŋŋutigaa.” (Kiligvuk: 4) [he +tuq-3 vv
quickly poked a hole through it, sanipaktuġaq- (t) to be staggering |
tied it to his side, and flew away -pak- vv, vn +tuq-3 vv +aq-1 vv
with it] | ±[ġ]aq nn or-viaq2 nn sanipaktuġayaaġaliq- (i) to begin to
saniġaqłiġiik(-) those situated side by stagger side to side »
side, in juxtaposition; (i) to be sanipaktuġayaaġaliqhutik
situated side by side, to be parallel imilgiññiqsuk oh, those two
| ±[ġ]aq nn +llIQ nn ±[g]iik(-) nn drank until they were staggering |
-pak- vv, vn +tuq-3 vv +aq-1 vv
saniġaqłiq something to the side;
someone by one’s side | ±[ġ]aq nn -yaaq-1 vv -lIq-3 vv
sanipkaaq- (i) to pace back and forth;
+llIQ nn
(i) to stagger while walking |
saniġatqut- to pass right on by
-pkaaq- vv
(her/him/it) | iñuum
sanipkausiq- (i) to begin to pace back
saniġatqutkaa makitaruaq the
and forth » uŋiarivaiłłuni
person went right on by the one
kiisaimmaa sanipkausiqpuq he
standing up; saniġatqunmatigut
finally began to pace back and
qiñiġaqtaġa I took a picture of it
forth from worrying too much |
when it passed by us | ±[ġ]aq nn
-pkaaq- vv =un vv :Iq-1 nv
-tqut- nv sanippi- (i) to walk back and forth |
sanimuktuun or [ENG “center-
-pak- vv, vn ‘=I-1 vv
board”] sanipuun centerboard (of saniqqak side walls (of house); east
boat) » “umiuraqtuqtuni iluani
and west walls (of traditional sod
saviłhaq sanipuun; house) | ±[ġ]aq nn ‘-k2 nn § see
ipuutaqaqłuni saviłhamiktauq”
Appendix 22
(Matumeak 2009) [inside a
wooden whaling boat there is a

saniqqaŋiq- (Nu) to come up and be saallagmagu, ilitchuġiruŋa
alongside (her/him/it) » iqsiñaisilaaŋanik when he closed
“saniġaanugman iñuum” (Hugo one eye then moved his head
2009) [when one moves to the slightly to the side, I realized then
side of another person] | ±[ġ]aq nn that he was not dangererous |
±ŋiq- nv ‘=Iq-1 rv +saaq- vv -llak-1 vv
saniqqi- to ignore (her/him/it) | sanniqsaq one of the crosspiece in
-qqi- vv bed of sled; something shaped like
saniqqiŋŋaġik- (i) to look pleasing or marked with the letter X; log
from the side | -ŋŋaġIk- vn cabin | ‘=Iq-1 rv +t/raq vn
saniqsaq(-) (Ti) door bolt; (t) to bolt it
=door @ saniqsai- | +q-1 rv +saq1 sanik(-) speck of dust, lint; caribou hair
vn || :I-4 vv § kiluutchaq(-) on clothing or floor; to have dust,
saniqsuk (Ti) slab of bacon; pig; pork lint, dirt on it
(Tuzroyluke 2009) | +q-1 rv sanikłuk dust | +łuk1 nn
-suk vn sannak- (i) to get covered with
saniuġrugaq- (i) to fishtail (of vehicle animal hair, lint or dust | ‘-k-2 nv
or sled) | :uq-2 +rruk- rv +aq-1 vv sanniqi- (i) to shed, lose hairs (of fur
saniuġruk- (i) to swerve, slide parka, animal skin, skin,
sideways | :uq-2 +rruk- rv § fur-bearing animal); (i) to remove
saniaġruk- hair or fur from an animal or skin
sanivaq- (i) to move to an causing hairs to fly about | ‘=Iqi-
uninhabited place | +vaq- rv nv § mitqiliqi-, mitqiqi-
sanniġuġiaq (Ti) piece of wood, sanŋiyaq- (t) to remove lint, animal
ivory, or bone tied to head of an hairs or dust from her/him/it @
inflated sealskin float and used as sanŋiyai- | :Iyaq nv || :I-4 vv
a plug to keep air in | ‘=Iq-1 rv sanŋiyautit (Nu) brush, hairbrush |
±ġuq n +iaq2 nn :Iyaq nv :un1 vn -t nn § illaigutit
sanniġutaq crossbar on door; boom sanŋu- (i) to be dusty, dirty, full of
on boat; crosspiece on bed of sled; animal hairs | :u-3 nv
(Ti) cross, crucifix | ‘=Iq-1 rv
-ġutaq vn § aŋarrauraq sanipuun [ENG “centerboard”]
sanniġutchiq- (i) to be blocked with a centerboard < sanimuktuun under
crossbar or any type of door stop- sani
per (of door); (t) to place some-
thing against it =door to secure it | sanmi- or (Ti) saŋmi- to be facing
‘=Iq-1 rv -ġutaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv (her/him/it); (t) to be boldly facing
sanniq- (i) to turn sideways, to lie on up to her/him/it < saa2
one’s side; (Nu) (i) to go across,
e.g., a road; (t) to turn it sideways; sanmiraq- (i) to be bold, facing and
(Nu) (t) to go across it =road | looking at something/someone
‘=Iq-1 rv continuously for a long while; (t)
sanniqsaallak- (i) to move slightly to to confront and argue with
the side; (t) to move it slightly to her/him; (t) to be bold and stand
the side » siqunġipakługu taima facing her/him/it continuously for
irigmi iglua, niaquni sanniq-

a long while; (t) to tease her/him saŋmani or sagmani located out there in
mercilessly < saa2 the arctic entry (not visible)
< °sakim (dem. stem)
sanmuiññaq directly oceanwards, away
from shore < saa2 saŋmaniit- or sagmaniit- (i) to be located
out there in the arctic entry (not
sanmun oceanward; towards one’s front visible) < °sakim (dem. stem)
area| -nmun nnc < saa2
saŋmaŋŋa or sagmaŋŋa from out there
*saŋi (root) compulsive eating in the arctic entry (not visible)
saŋimmiq- to want more of (it, usu. < °sakim (dem. stem)
food) | +mmIq- vv
¤saŋipsi- (Ti) (i) to want to eat more saŋmaŋŋamiñ or saŋmaŋŋamiñ from
(not especially out of hunger) » that direction out there in the
“kiikaasuli niġivsaaġuktuq; arctic entry (not visible) < °sakim
pivsaaġuktuq” (C. Tuzroyluke (dem. stem)
2009) [more and more he wants to
eat; he wants more] | perhaps saŋmaŋŋaq- or sagmaŋŋaq- (i) to come
-vrI- vv § tapa-, mialuksi- from out there in the arctic entry
(not visible) < °sakim (dem. stem)
saŋiak- (i) to be sexually jealous
saŋiagi- (t) to be sexually jealous of saŋmuŋa or sagmuŋa to out there in the
her/him | ±[g]i- vv arctic entry (not visible) < °sakim
saŋiaktu- (i) to be extremely sexually (dem. stem)
jealous | +tu- vv
saŋiatchak- (i) to become sexually saŋmuŋanmun or sagmuŋanmun
jealous | -tchak- vv towards out there in the arctic
entry (not visible) < °sakim (dem.
saŋik- (t) to delouse her/him/it § stem)
saŋiksuaq- (t) to delouse her/him/it in saŋmuŋaq- or sagmuŋaq- (i) to go out
a leisurely, relaxed manner | there in the arctic entry (not
+tuaq- vv visible) < °sakim (dem. stem)

saŋma or sagma out there in the arctic saŋmuuna or sagmuuna via, through out
entry (not visible) < °sakim (dem. there in the arctic entry (not
stem) visible) < °sakim (dem. stem)

Saŋmaliaq name of lagoon near Barrow, saŋmuunnaaq- or sagmuunnaaq- (i)

Alaska » “4. Once, when Barrow via, through out there in the arctic
had a reindeer herd, a herdsman at entry (not visible) < °sakim (dem.
saŋmaleak, the lagoon, was stem)
challenged to a race by a dwarf.”
(Spencer: 260) saŋniq- [saŋnIq]or sagniq- (i) to be
exhausted, bone weary after

working hard for an extended saŋut- (t) to gossip maliciously about,
period of time speak ill of, defame, slander,
saŋniŋa- (i) to have sore muscles | malign her/him; (t) to accuse
±ŋa- vv her/him (either directly or to a
saŋniuq- (i) to be sick or in pain | third person) @ saŋutchi- ||
-uq2 vv +sI-3 vv § pasi-
saŋutchiri a person who spreads
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or malicious gossip; a gossip |
taut +sI-3 vv mt/ri v n
saŋŋiili- (i) to become weak | -ili- vv
saŋŋiit- (i) to be weak, lack strength; sapaŋiak or sapaŋirraq piece of wood or
((i) to be loose, not taut | :It-1 vv bone to hold when throwing seal
saŋŋima- (i) for an animal, person, or line » igiłqhat sapaŋiaŋat a
object to be determined by piece of wood or bone of the
someone to be tight, taut, or retreiving hook
strong; (Ti) (i) to be strong (of
animal or human) | +ma-1 vv sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it; (t)
saŋŋiqsruq- (i) to exert great force, make passage unsuitable or
e.g., a runner, someone engaged in impossible for her/him/it; (i) to
a competitive game of strength | dam it =river
mqsruq- vv sapiġi- (t) to feel that it =task is
saŋŋisaaq- (t) to tighten it a bit more | impossible or so formidable that
±saaq-2 vv one does not even try » taiktuma
saŋŋisi- (i) to become strong; (t) to iqiasuum nukatpiam sapiġigaa
tighten it » saŋŋisipaluksimaruq savaaksrautini that lazy young
oh, it is apparent that he has gotten man over there is not able to do
quite strong | +sI-1 vv the task assigned to him | +q-2 vv
saŋŋit-1 (i) to be now tightly, securely +[g]i- vv
fastened on; (i) to be pulled taut; sapiġnaq- (i) to be formidable; (i) to
(Ti) (i) to tense up, tighten up seem impossible to accomplish;
one’s muscles; (t) to fasten it on (i) to be a formidable adversary;
tightly, securely; (t) to tighten, (i) to be the greater challenge |
pull it =drumskin taut; (t) to tie it +q-2 vv +naq(-) vv
=knot securely @ saŋŋitchi- | sapiġnaqtuaq the formidable one |
nuviyat saŋŋitchuatun pisuurut +q-2 vv +naq(-) vv +t/ruaq vn
anuqqagniaġman the clouds look sapiktu- (i) to be overbearing,
like they are taut when it is going obstinate | perhaps +k-4 vv +tu- vv
to become windy | +t-2 vv || sapiktugi- (t) to feel doubtful about
+sI-3 vv § tuut-, qasut- her/him/it | perhaps +k-4 +tu- vv
+[g]i- vv
saŋŋit-2 (Ti) to form cirrus clouds sapiliq- (i) to become discouraged
(indicating wind) and be unable to accomplish the
saŋŋitchuaq (Ti) cirrus cloud | task | -lIq-3 vv
+t/ruaq vn § qiluqqiqsruq- sapimmi- (t) to block her/his/its exit
or movement forward |
+mmI-5 vv

sapiq- (t) to not do it =task feeling saptaq- (i) to grope for something; (t) to
that it is impossible or too palpate, examine her/him/it by
formidable to even try; (t) to be touch (especially around the
fearful, wary of her/him/it | abdomen) < savit-
+q-1 vv
sapiqsralait- (i) to be bold, confident, saptuma [dual sapkuak, pl sapkua] that
daring | +qsraq- vv -lait-vv one down there, e.g., far out on
sapiqsraq- (i) to be reserved, shy; (i) the ocean, downriver, or
to feel humble toward another, downstairs (not visible) < °sam2
and therefore not ask favors of (dem. stem)
her/him | +qsraq- vv
sapnaaq- (Nu) (t) to not be able to saptumani [dual sapkugnagni, pl
continue to travel | +naaq- vv sapkunani] located with that one
sapnautchiq- (Nu) (t) to set up an down there, e.g., far out on the
obstacle for her/him/it | perhaps ocean, downriver, or downstairs
~naq-1 vv :un1 vn ‘=Iq-1 nv (not visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
sappit- to give up on (her/him/it); (i)
to admit defeat, quit | ‘=It-2 vv saptumaŋŋa [dual sapkugnaŋŋa, pl
sapuġau- (i) to be unable to leave or sapkunaŋŋa] from that one down
exit due to a barrier » there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
sapuġaururguuq amma downriver, or downstairs (not
Ulġuniġmi taktukpaiłłu  ni it has visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
been reported that they are not
able to leave due to heavy fog in saptumatun [dual sapkugnaktun, pl
Wainwright, Alaska | perhaps sapkunatitun] similar to that one
+[ġ]aq vn, nn :u-2 nv down there, e.g., far out on the
sapukutaq or sappun or sapuqutaq ocean, downriver, or downstairs
barrier, blockade, dam, enclosure, (not visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
or fence | +kutaq vn or ~n1 vn or
+qutaq vn saptumiŋa [dual sapkugniŋa, pl
sapunnaun obstacle, hindrance | sapkuniŋa] with that one down
-nnaun vn there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
sapusiq- (i) to be now blocked, downriver, or downstairs (not
barricaded, damned; (t) to erect a visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
barrier for it; (t) to build a dam in
it =river | ~un1 vn =Iq-1 nv saptumuŋa [dual sapkugnuŋa, pl
saputit fish weir (dam in river to trap sapkunuŋa] to that one down
fish) | ~un1 vn -t nn there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
savluaq- or (Nu) sapluaq- or downriver, or downstairs (not
sapluaqtuq- to set up an obstacle, visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
hindrance for (her/him/it) @
sapluaqtui- | =luaq-1 vv +tuq-1 vv saptumuuna [dual sapkugnuuna, pl
|| :I-4 vv sapkunuuna] via, with that one
savri- (t) to block, prevent her/him/it down there, e.g., far out on the
from proceeding | `rI-4 vv ocean, downriver, or downstairs
(not visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)

players, each attempts to then to
saput- (t) to protect, take care of kick the ball toward the opposite
her/him/it team’s goal » “saqpiksuk
aullaqisaġamitku ayuktaġnik”
saqaŋa- (i) to be weak | ±ŋa- vv § qapaŋa- (Aiken 2009) [they placed the
pilguili- soccer ball between their opposing
feet to start the game] | -pIk nn, rn
saqi- or saqit- (t) to jostle, shove, push, § saqit-
cast her/him/it aside, out of the saqpiluksi- (i) to sit on the floor,
way crossing one’s legs | -pik- rv
saqiraaġataq- (t) to give her/him/it a -luk- vv +sI-1 vv
little push or shove | -raaq- vv saqpiluksimaaq- (i) to be sitting on
-ataq-2 vv the floor cross-legged with knees
saqiraksrauŋilaq or saqitchaksrau- apart | -pik- rv -luk- vv +sI-1 vv
ŋilaq point of privilege (during +maaq-1 vv
meeting) | +t/raksraq(-) vn :u-1 nv saqpiluktaaq- (i) to assume the
±ŋilaq position of sitting with legs
saqiraq- (t) to give her/him/it a push, crossed | -pik- rv -luk- vv
shove; (t) to jostle her/him +taaq- vv
repeatedly; (Nu) tap her/him to get saqpiŋa- (i) to be splay-footed |
his attention @ saqirai- | -raq- vv -pik- rv ±ŋa- vv
|| :I-4 vv
saqisaallak- (t) to nudge her/him/it to saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction »
the side | ±saaq-2 vv -llak-1 vv “sivunmukkaluaqłuni saquruq”
saqisiq- or saqitiq- (t) to shove (Matumeak 2009) [he made some
her/him/it aside quickly | progress forward, then turned]
mt/liq- vv saquġun a small tributary of river |
+un1 vn
*saq (root) expulsion of air through saquiq- or ¤(Ti) saquik- (i) to make a
mouth sudden turn | -Iq-1 vv
saġmagvigi- (t) to talk loudly to saqulaqiiŋaruaq (Ti) that which is
her/him/it | +ma-1 vv -k-2 vv not straight | -laqii- vv ±ŋa- vv
+vIk1 v n +[g]i- nv § uqamayuuti- +t/ruaq 3s (Participle)
saġmak- (i) to talk loudly |+ma-1 vv saquliq- (i) to turn quickly | -liq-2 vv
-k-2 vv § saqłak- saqulupqutaq(-) appendix
saqłak- or (Nu) saqmak- (i) to shout, (anatomical); to have an
call, holler, yell | -qłak- vv § appendicitis attack |
qalġuq- -lupqutaq(-) vn, vv
saqłauti- (t) to shout at her/him/it | saquŋa- (i) to be crooked (of a line,
-qłak- vv :uti- vv stitching, etc.)» tamanna
saquŋavaitchuq that one is too
saqpik(-) tail of whale; one whose feet crooked | ±ŋa- vv § iquŋa-
are turned outward; (i) to turn saquŋakavsak- (i) to be slightly
one’s feet outward; (i) to begin a crooked | ±kavsak(-) nn, vv
game of Iñupiaq soccer by placing saqut- (t) to turn her/him/it, changing
the ball between two opposing her/his/its direction | -t-1 vv

saqutit- (t) to cause her/him/it to turn, sarvaq- (i) to move forward or
veer off | mtit-1 vv oceanward; to move (her/him/it)
saquuġaq- (i) to zigzag | -uq-2 vv forward or oceanward < saa2
+aq-1 vv
saquulaqii- (Ti) (i) to be twisted, sarvaqtaaq- (i) to move forward or
crooked » “saquulaqiiŋaruq oceanward over a defined
apqusiaŋat; saquulaqiiġluni distance; (t) to move her/him/it
qamutitaqłuni tikillaksimaruq” forward or oceanward over a
(Kinneeveauk, 2008) [the trail defined distance < saa2
they’ve made is twisted; he finally
arrived although he had been sarvasik- (i) to lie far out in the ocean,
driving swerving to and fro] | out of reach < saa2
-uq-2 vv -la- vv perhaps -qi- vv
saquuppilugauraq rickrack, a narrow ¤sasaġnilaaq- (i) to catch oneself doing
decorative trim in a zigzag shape | or saying something unexpectedly
:u2 vv +ppI- vv -luk4 vn ±[ġ]aq nn
:uraq nn satchaaq- (i) to be in front of a group of
saquupiluktat a series of zigzags | elders and to listen intently; (i) to
:u-2 vv -piluk- vv +taq4 vn take up space < saa2
-t nn
saquuq- (i) to turn or swerve satchik- (i) to be located far out in front
repeatedly, to meander, to weave or far away in ocean (often means
to and fro, to zigzag » that there is open water at a
saquuqłuni aŋupkaŋisiqtuq by distance indicated by a cloud) <
swerving to and fro, he did not let saa2
himself be caught | .-q-1 vv
saquutituq- (i) to fish with a net that satku- to strike (it =whale) with a
is put out from shore with a long harpoon or a shoulder gun
pole so that the net is positioned satkuq weapon | ‘-Q vn
concave due to the ocean current | satkusaq- (i) to strike with a weapon |
+un1 vn +tuq-3 nv +saq-2 vv
satkut a collection of hunting
sargiq or sargiġruaq stinkweed, “Alaska implements which are required to
sage,” cotton wormwood properly hunt for an animal, such
(Artemesia tilesii) | ±ruaq1 nn as a whale | ‘-Q vn -t nn
satkuun1 cartridge bag, ammunition
sarġut- to pass by in front of (her/him/it) case | -un1 nn § qaġruqaġvik
(especially on a river) < saa2
satkuun2 (Nu) skin scraper with long
sarri or (Ti) sarrik floating ice pack handle and metal tip | perhaps
located across from shore-fast ice ‘-un1 vn § ikuun, saluksiñ
satkuutaq- (Nu) to scrape it =animal
sarruk- or (Nu) satruk- to run toward, skin with a long-handled scraper »
past, in front of (him =hunter) (of satkuutaġaa she is scraping an
caribou) < saa2 animal skin with a long-handled
scraper | ‘-un1 vn +[t]aq-2 nv

through a narrow opening, like
satqak chest (anatomical) < saa2 marrow from a bone; (t) to
remove its contents through a
satqagiilaq Buff-breasted Sandpiper narrow opening » “saulluqługu
(Tryngites subruficollis) patiġnaqtuq” (Matumeak 2009)
[one eats bone marrow by
satqagruaq a high ridge that originates extracting it through a narrow
from a mountain slope » hole]; “saulluġaa patiq; aarigaa”
“satqagruaq manna tamarra; (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) [he is
pammalu tunuani Nullaġiuram removing the bone marrow
kaŋiŋiñi imnait” [ETA 22A] through the narrow hole,
[that one there is a high ridge, and delicious!] | -lluQ vn ‘-k-1 nv
also in the headwaters of the saulluun an implement, e.g., a piece
Nullaġiurat are sheep] of wood, used to remove contents
through a narrow opening, such as
satqummiaq something kept handy, marrow from a bone | -lluQ vn
easily accessible, not in storage < ‘-k-1 nv :un1 vn
saa2 saulluutaq implement (usually long
and narrow) used in removing
satqummii- to make something handy, marrow from a bone | -lluQ vn
easily accessible, not in storage ‘-k-1 nv :utaq vn
< saa2
saumik [saumIk] left hand; left-handed
satqummiq- (t) to set it out for display; person; left side or area to the left
to reveal, display, disclose it saumiñmun umiamiñ port (nautical
< saa2 term), left-hand side of boat when
facing forward | -nmun (term.) |
sau- [sagu] to cover (her/him/it) with umiaq ÷miñ (abl.) § see Appendix
snow, sand, or earth, layer by 16
layer; (t) to skirt it =traditional saumiñmuŋa- (i) to be left-handed |
house with snow -nmuk- vv ±ŋa- vv
saggutyaq (Nu) snow house made of
soft, new snow | -yyaq vn § sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit | -niQ1 vn
apuyyaq saunaaŋilaaq (Ti) fig » saunġitchut
saggutyi- (Nu) (i) to make a snow they have no bones | -aq2 nn
house of soft, new snow | -It-1nv -laaq nn § asiaqpak,
-yyaq vn ‘=I-1 nv siiġñaq
sautaaq anchor of wood for trap or saunaaq eggshell; pit or seed of fruit;
snare, then covered with snow | small bone of fish | -aq2 nn
+taaq vn saunġik- (i) to be good to work with
sauvaniq sod chinking (used to clauk (of bone); (i) to have a well-
holes in traditional house proportioned frame (of boat,
construction) | -vak- vv +niQ1 vn qayaq); (i) to be well proportioned
(of body); (i) to have good bones,
saulluq(-) spinal cord (especially of no fractures | ±[g]Ik- nv
caribou); (i) to remove something saunġit skeleton; boat frame | :It nn

sauniġluk- (i) to have a bulky frame savaiyaq- (i) to get ready to go; (t) to get
(e.g., of boat); (i) to be big-boned; her/him/it ready to go | :Iyaq- vv
(i) to have bad posture (of person)
| +luk-1 nv savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it; (t)
sauniġlunaaq- (t) to make it =its to shape it; (t) to execute,
frame bulky | +luk-1 nv -naaq- vv administer it; (i) to be working,
saunikiñaaq- (t) to make it =its frame operating properly (of a machine);
small, not bulky | -kIt- nv (t) to prepare it =corpse for burial
-naaq- vv savaaġik- (i) to have a good job |
sauniku(-) leftover bone; to leave +[g]Ik- nv
bones behind | -ku nn, nv savaaġipasaŋit- (i) to not have it for a
saunnak- (i) to harden (of children’s job for long » savaaġipasaŋitkiga
soft bones) » natatquuŋaiqsuq I did not have it for a job for long |
saunnaktuq it is no longer ±aq1 vn +[g]i- vv -pasaŋIt- vv
cartilage, but it has become bone | savaaksraun responsibility, duty |
‘-k- nv ±aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn -un2 nn
saunniqi- (i) to work with bones; (t) savaałłik- (i) to work conscientiously,
to work on his/her/its bones | industriously »
‘=Iqi-1 nv “savaałłiguraqsimaruq
saunniqiri one who makes things savaluuraqtuaq” (Aiken 2009)
with bone; orthopedist | ‘=Iqi-1 nv [the one doing odd jobs here and
mt/ri vn there is an industrious worker] |
saunniqun file, rasp for bone for -ałłik- vv
working animal bones into savaaq job, work, employment; task;
implements | ‘=Iqi-1 nv ~un1 vn business; piece of work; action
saunnit- (i) to have a bone stuck in taken | ±aq1 vn
one’s throat | ‘=It-2 nv savaaq igliqtuaq business | ±aq1 vn
saunniutaq fish bone; bone lodged in igliq- (stem) +t/ruaq vn
the throat | ‘=It-2 nv -utaq vn savagiaq- (i) to go to work; (t) to go
repair it | +iaq-1 vv
Sauyyaġluqaq (Ti) name of puppet savagvik workplace, office, place of
wearing Iñupiaq clothing used employment | +vIk1 vn
during the ninth scene of the savaġluk- (i) to be careless, slipshod
Utuqqaqtuutit [an ancient with one’s work | -ġluk- vv
traditional ceremony containing Savaiññiq [lit: time when no work is
ten scenes with a story, songs, performed] Sunday; Sabbath |
actors, puppets, carved figures, :It-1 nv +niQ1 vn
and special clothing for each savaiññiġum akunniŋa a week,
scene performed during Christmas seven days | :It-1 nv +niQ1 vn
week] performed in Point Hope, :um nn
Alaska § Utuqqaqtuutit, uyalu savaiñŋaiñŋaisa this week | :It-1 nv
±ŋait- vv +ŋŋaisa Contemp
savaaq- (t) to feel, touch her/him/it lightly savaiñŋaiqpata next week | :It-1 nv
on the body with the hands | ±ŋait- vv +kpata Conditional I
-aq-1 vv § savit- Savait- (i) to be Sunday »
savaitchugut it is Sunday | :It-1 nv

savakti worker, employee » savaunnaq work clothing, uniform »
savaktivut nakuurut our savaunnatka iqaġiŋagai she has
personnel are wonderful; savaktit washed my work clothes |
qaunaksriŋat uqallautisaġiñ be :unnaq vn
sure to tell the personnel director | savauti- (t) to work for her/his/its
mt/ri vn -t nn benefit or behalf » savautigaa
savaktuiññaq- (i) to work aapani he is working for his dad |
continuously until finished | -uti- vv
+tuiññaq- vv savautik implements for making
savalġun or savaluun or savaun tool bullets | :un1 vn -k2 nn
| -lġuti or -luk- vv :un1 vn or savayuili- (i) to lose the ability to do
:un1 vn excellent work; (t) to render, make
savalliq- to begin to work (on it) | it =machine incapable of
-llIq- vv operating properly | -ili- vv
Savalliq- or (Ti) Savalliq- (i) to be savayunaq- (i) to be easy and
Monday » Savalliqtugut it is pleasing to work on | -yunaq- vv
Monday | -llIq- vv § Atautchiiq-, savayuq- (i) does excellent work, is
Atausiŋŋuq- talented; (t) operates it well,
savaluk- (i) to keep busy |-luk- vv knows how to do it excellently | -
savałauraq- to work (on it) for a short yuq- vv
duration » savałauraqtuagni wed savvaġik- (i) to be neat and clever |
worked a little bit, not for very ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv
long | -łauraq(-) vv savvaqtu- (i) to work a lot, be
savaŋillak- (i) to take a leave of industrious; (i) be a hard worker |
absence from work | ±ŋIt- vv ‘-qtu- vv
-llak-1 vv
savaqi- to ready the whaling saviġuunnaq round whitefish (lots of fat)
equipment, especially the whale (Prosopium cylindraceum) §
bomb or darting gun, and whaling sulukpaugaq
guns; (i) to make bullets; (i) to
load guns; (t) to make bullets for it ¤saviġuuraaq inner layer of breast meat
=gun; (t) to load it =gun; (Ti) to of bird
operate, handle (it) »
savaqiŋaitlutik amma saviġuuraq1 or saviqquuraq grain of
saavinŋaitchut they have not rice (Aiken 2009); ¤frozen rain
worked on the whale bomb so saviqquuraqtit- to become covered
they haven’t taken the boat out on with crystals of frozen rain (of
the ocean yet; “supputiniglu ground) | +tit-2 nv
qaġruliuqłutik itqanaiyaqługu saviġuuraq2 fibula, narrow bone in the
aġviqsiutiksraq” (Matumeak hind legs » “amisuuraq sauniq
2009) [they prepare whaling tuttullu tiŋmiallu niuŋisa
equipment rifles, shotguns, and kiŋulliŋisa sauniŋit;
make bullets] | -qi- vv mitqutiliuġuuraŋit” (Aiken
2009) [narrow bone in the hind

legs of caribou and birds; it was Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 74) [and
made into sewing needles] when the white people came, they
began to make long metal knives]
saviiġaviiq Gray-Cheeked Thrush | -łhaq nn
(Catharus minimus) saviuraqtuun long handled knife
used for flensing whale; machette;
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal snow knife | :uraq nn +tuq3- nv
saviaqpaluk(-) clanging noise (of un1 vn
metal); (i) to make clanging noise savvi- to shave, make shavings (of it,
(of metal) | -aq-4 nv -p/valuk- vv usu. baleen) (usually for insoles) |
savigaaq (Ti) scraped strip of baleen ‘=I-1 nv
(a gum-like substance found savviq shaving (especially baleen or
between the baleen plates of a wood) | ‘=I- nv ‘-Q vn
bowhead whale scraped off) |
-gaq- vv ±aq1 vn savinnaq- (i) to involve much time and
savigaq- (i) to cut baleen into thin effort, be time consuming |
strips (suitable for lashing and +naq(-)1 vn
basket weaving); (t) to strip it
=baleen (for use in making savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it with
baskets, fishline, etc.) | +aq-1 vv the hands » puuq savitkaluaġiga
saviġuq- to trim or smooth it =piece sumik imaqaqtilaaŋanik
of metal or bone | +[ġ]uq-1 nv ilitchuġiŋiñmiuŋa although I felt
savikkaq shaving of wood or baleen | touched and felt the sack I did not
-gaq- vv ‘-Q vn § savvIQ find out what it contained
savikpagaq- (i) to use a sword » saptaq- (i) to grope for something; (t)
savikpagaqtuat to palpate, examine by touch
qiñiqtuaġnaqtut the sword (especially around the abdomen) |
fighters are interesting to watch | :aq-1 vv § aksik-
+qpak(-) nn +[t]aq-2 nv savaaq- (t) to touch her/him/it lightly |
savilik (Ti) long rifle shells with metal -aq-1 vv
tip » “aniguqtaqtuq qaġruk” (S.
Tuzroyluke 2009) [the shell has a savitu- (i) to be competent at doing
protuberance] | -lik nn things, to be handy | -tu- vv §
savilikpak (Ti) .forty-five-.sixty sanatu-
caliber rifle | -lik nn +qpak(-) nn savituu- (i) to be sly, clever, cunning |
savilgit sled with metal runners | -tu- vv :u-3 vv
-lik nn :It3 nn
saviligaq .forty-four caliber rifle | Saviuyuq a valley on the North Fork of
-lik nn +aq2 nn the Koyukuk River, which is the
saviłhaq or (Ti) savilġaq iron, steel, next valley east of Anaktuvuk
or any kind of metal » “Aasiiñ Pass, Alaska
Naluaġmiut tikinmata
tamatkuniŋa saviŋnik, savluaq- to set up an obstacle, hindrance
savilġanik, aġviuġusiuqpaktut for (her/him/it) @ sapluaqtui-
takiruanik saviliuġlutik.” < sapi-
(David Frankson as reported by

savri- (t) to block, prevent her/him/it from that one down there; with that one
proceeding < sapi- down there, e.g., far out on the
ocean, downriver, or downstairs
savsruma or savruma [dual sapkuak, pl (not visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem)
sapkua] that one down there, e.g.,
far out on the ocean, downriver, sayak health, strength
or downstairs (not visible) < sayaiq- (i) to become weak, weary,
°sam2 (dem. stem) drained of energy, feel faint, to
tire | :Iq-2 nv
savsrumani or savrumani [dual sayait- (i) to be weak, drained of
sapkugnagni, pl sapkunani] energy | :It-1 nv
located with that one down there, sayaktu- or sayaqtu- (i) to be
e.g., far out on the ocean, healthy, strong, robust | ±tu- nv
downriver, or downstairs (not sayyaaġik- (i) to have energy,
visible) < °sam2 (dem. stem) strength, be energetic | ‘-k- nv
±aq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv
savsrumaŋŋa or savrumaŋŋa [dual sayyaaġiksi- (i) to gain strength,
sapkugnaŋŋa, pl sapkunaŋŋa] become energetic | ‘-k- nv ±aq1 vn
from that one down there, e.g., far +[g]Ik- nv +sI- 1 vv
out on the ocean, downriver, or sayyak- (i) to gain strength, grow
downstairs (not visible) < °sam2 strong | ‘-k- nv
(dem. stem) sayyiqsuq- (t) to build up her/his
strength with medical treatment or
savsrumatun or savrumatun [dual an exercise routine | ‘=Iq-1 nv
sapkugnaktun, pl sapkunatitun] +tuq-2 vv
like that one down there, e.g., far
out on the ocean, downriver, or sayuk- (i) to twitch (of bodypart) » iriga
downstairs (not visible) < °sam2 sayukpakasaktuq; kiñakiaq
(dem. stem) tautugniaġniqpigu my eye keeps
twitching; I wonder who I’ll see
savsrumiŋa or savrumiŋa [dual sayuaġruaqtun wriggling and
sapkugniŋa, pl sapkuniŋa] with moving in very large numbers
that one down there, e.g., far out (like fish, worms, or maggots) |
on the ocean, downriver, or ±aq1 vn +ġruaq nn ÷tun nc (sim.)
downstairs (not visible) < °sam2 sayugvik swivel joint where center
(dem. stem) dog trace is attached to sled |
+vIk1 vn
savsrumuŋa or savrumuŋa [dual sayuġġula- (Ti) (i) to quiver, like
sapkugnuŋa, pl sapkunuŋa] to that gelatin » “titiliruq; uuliksiruq”
one down there, e.g., far out on (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) [it is
the ocean, downriver, or shivering; it is shaking] |
downstairs (not visible) < °sam2 -ġġula- vv
(dem. stem) sayuŋa- (i) to be a flirt | ±ŋa- vv §
savsrumuuna or savrumuuna [dual sayuyuit- (i) to be a bad omen (of
sapkugnuuna, pl sapkunuuna] via twitching under the eye) » qulvik

nalliak sayugman, qulvisik siamġut pieces of driftwood scattered
sayuyuiññisuugait when the area along the beach | -mġuQ vn -t nn
under the eye twitches, they say it siavsi- (i) to scatter things; (t) to
is a bad omen | -yuit- vv scatter things belonging to
her/him/it » siavsigaa nukaaluni
sayuq- (i) to do a dance with fixed he scattered his younger sibling’s
Iñupiaq dance motions things | -mit- vv :I-7 vv
sayuun song for a dance with fixed siavyak- (Ti) (t) to scatter them |
motions (as opposed to a free -mit- vv =yak-2 vv
motion dance) | :un1 vn
siak-2 (i) to be lined up in row; (t) to line
sayyagiitkutaq log cribbing at exterior them up; (t) to look them over and
sides of sod walls; sleeping single one out, e.g., a criminal @
platform head beam (cross beam siaksi- || +sI-3 vv
of sleeping platform in sod house) siakłauri- (i) to be behind each other
| +iitkutaq vn § akin, see Appendix and therefore making a long line
22 (e.g., of caribou following a lead
caribou) » tuttut siakłaurirut
siak-1 (Ti) (i) to be scattered; (t) to scatter the caribou are behind one another
them and making a long line | -łak nn
siakkaat line of chain where dogs are perhaps :u-1 nv -ri-2 vv
harnessed when not in use »
“qivliġnik siakkaaqaġuurugut siaksraaq one of several long horizontal
tikitchumiñaiqługit qimmit runners on the bottom of the
avanmun” (Matumeak 2009) [we kayak frame § see Appendix 17 §
use chains to tie the dogs up in a ¤sianiq
line making sure they cannot
reach each other] siaksruk(-) a noise that is heard where
siakkaaq- (t) to scatter and lose them previously there was only silence;
» siakkaaġait he scattered them (i) to be noisy » “tavra
and lost them; “siamittuat sut; qaummaġiksiuraġ-miuġlu
kataigamigi siavrigai” (Aiken tusaagaqsiligitchuq
2009) [items that scattered; when siakruatchiamik, qiviallag-
he dropped them, he made them magu Maguulam tautukkaa…”
disperse] | -kaaq- vv then at the first light of dawn, he
sialġi- (i) to slide on a slippery began to hear noises out of the
surface, run and slide; (i) to slide silence, when he turned his head
after having built up momentum, to look Maluula saw him…
to glide | -lġi- vv (Bergsland 1987: 317)
siamit- (i) to spread, scatter; (t) to siaksrit- (t) to frighten an animal
spread, scatter, divide it @ away with the noise of one’s steps
siamitchi- » “siamitkamiuŋ in packed snow or stepping on a
tammaigaa” (C. Tuzroyuke 2009) twig | ‘=It-2 nv § qikiġġIt- under
[when he scattered them, he lost qiki-
it] | -mit- vv || :I-4 vv

siaksruiq- to become, silent, calm, siatqiŋit- (i) be crooked, bent, not
peaceful, quiet (of environment) | straight | ±ŋIt- vv § ilġiŋa-
:Iq-2 nv
siaksruisaaġutik (Nu) a piece of *siga (root) a sizzling, gurgling, or
winter caribou skin attached to rushing sound
boot bottoms with fur facing sigaala- (i) to sizzle (as a cooking
down for stalking caribou in a steak sizzles); (i) to make a tearing
really cold day (fur pad quiets the sound; (Nu) (i) to make the noise
sound of boot crunching on cold, of running water e.g., of a river |
dry snow) | :Iq-2 nv -saaq-1 vv ‘-q-1 rv -ala- vv
+un1 vn § aŋuniutik sigaallak- (Nu) (i) to begin to make
siaksruisaaq- (i) to continue to the noise of running water, gurgle,
remain calm and peaceful | e.g., river » utkusik
:Iq-2 nv -saaq-1 vv qalaullakami sigaallaguuruq
siaksruit- (i) to be silent, calm, when the cooking pot begins to
peaceful, quiet | :It-1 nv boil it starts making noise | ‘-q-1 rv
siaksruktaq- (i) to make noise while -allak- vv
one is stalking prey or walking on sigaatit- (i) to make a sound as it rips
a surface, e.g. on snow, ice | or tears (of cloth) |‘-q-1 rv -aq-1 vv
+t/raq-1 vv +tit-2 vv
sigatit- (Ti) (i) to surface suddenly
sialuk- to rain § silaluk- under sila while blowing air (of whale) »
sialuala- (i) to rain slightly, a few “aġviq puillagruaġman
drops | -ala- vv sigatinnisuugaat; aniqsaaġman
sialualaaq(-) (Ti) drizzle; (i) to drizzle aġviq sigatinnisuugaat
| -alaaq- nv § miñik- imaqpaluulavluni” (Kinneeveauk
2008) [when the whale surfaces
¤sianiq (Nu) one of several lengthwise suddenly they say it surfaces
pieces in bottom of kayak frame suddenly blowing air; they say
(Rasmussen, “sidelath”) | +niQ n when the whale breathes it is
§ siaksraaq surfacing suddenly blowing air
with the sound of water splashing]
siaqqa- (i) to mourn for a loved one; (t) to |‘-q-1 rv +tit-2 vv
mourn for her/him/it siggaġluilaq [lit. “one which does not
siaqqaalaaqsi- (i) to begin to mourn hiss loudly”] kerosene stove |
with loud crying | -ala- vv ‘-q-1 rv ‘-q-1 vv +luk4 vn
-aqsI- vv :Ilaq(-) nn
siggaq- (i) to sizzle | ‘-q-1 vv
siarak (Nu) sugar siggit- (i) to break or crack cleanly; (t)
siarriq- (Nu) (i) to sugar one’s to break or crack it cleanly
beverage; (t) to sugar, put sugar | ‘=It-2 vv
in/on it | ‘=Iq-1 vv
sigaaq(-) [sigaraq] [ENG “cigar”] or
siatqik- (i) to be straight, not crooked, not (Ti) sikaaq(-) cigarette; to smoke
bent § qaiq- (it =cigarette)

sigariiq [ENG ”cigarette”] (Ti) sigñagi- or (Nu) sikñagi- (t) to refuse
cigarette | perhaps +Iq nn to share, be stingy with her/him/it |
sigaaġruaq cigarette butt | +ġruaq nn +[g]i- vv § anniġi-
sigaaqaġvik ashtray | -qaq- nv sigñataiññiq generosity, ability to
+vIk1 vn share readily | ‘ti1 vn :It-1 nv
sigaaqpak or (Ti) sikaaqpak cigar | +niQ1 vn
+qpak(-) nn sigñatait- (i) to be generous | ‘ti1 vn
sigak- (i) to smoke heavily, steadily; :It-1 nv
to chain-smoke | -ak- vv sigñati- (t) refuse to share with
sigarri- (i) to roll a cigarette | =rrI-2 nv her/him | ’ti- vv
sikaaġraq (Ti) tobacco | +ksraq(-) nn sigñatu- or (Nu) sikñatu- or (Ti)
§ uilaaq(-) siŋnatu (i) to be stingy, selfish |
-tu- vv § anniqsrautu-
sigguk(-) one mandible of bird beak;
muzzle, mouth area; (i) to thrust sigraaq skin or canvas used to wrap and
one’s lips out, showing protect load on sled or boat,
displeasure; (i) to pout; (t) to swell tarpaulin, skin placed on sled
when cold (of lips) before meat is piled on it
sigguġun muzzle | -ġun nn
siggukpaligauraq Dunlin (Erolia sigraġik- (i) to have a plane [as in a
alpina) | +qpak(-) nn +[ġ]aq nn landform] which is steep or
:uraq nn straight down »
sigguktaak or sigguktaq Iñupiaq ”anmuŋŋaaġiksuaq
dance headdress with loon’s bill | sigraġiksuamik taisuummigaat,
+taq(-) nn -ak2 n § qaqigluk siñaa ikpium
sigguktuvak (Nu) Bristle-thighed anmuŋŋaaġiksuaq” (Matumeak
Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis) | 2009) [they called a landform that
-tu- nv +vak nn has a steep plane sigraġiksuaq,
sigguuk beak, bill, muzzle, protruding like a steep plane of a cliff]
mouth and lips of person or
animal | -k2 nn ¤sigraqutchiq needle-shaped leaf of fir
sigiŋaaq- (i) to have a long gentle sloping
plane » “taavuŋa sigiŋaaqtuaq siġluaq(-) underground ice or food cellar;
amuŋa anmuŋaaqtuaq” (t) to put it = usu. meat into an
(Matumeak 2009) [a landform that underground ice cellar or cache
has a long gentle slope with a for storage @ siġluaqsi- || +sI-3 vv
downslope which extends quite a
ways] § siviinaaq

¤sigiruqisak or sigruqisak (Nu) shrub

birch; arctic dwarf willow;
prostrate growing willow with
round leaves
siġlurriqi- (i) to clean out an ice
sigña- (i) to refuse to share, be stingy cellar; (t) to clean her/his ice
cellar | =rriqi- vn

hardens as it is being used as a
siġmi [siġmI] sled runner (before there patch]; “sikuttat siġmikługit
were sled runners of steel or quppaŋi payaŋaiyaġuugait;
plastic the Iñupiaq would coat the aasii suli siġmiutigisuugaat
bottom of the runners with moss aqaya qiku paniġmani
with water and this would ice up payaŋaiġuuruaq; iglumun
and make the sled travel better) § aqłaiyautigivlugu pagna qaaŋa
aglu kusiquŋiłługu” [cracks in the ice
¤siġmiiyun (Ti) stick used to scrape caches are filled with siġmiq
ice off boat | :Iyaq- nv =un1 vn making them stronger structures;
siġmik- (t) to apply a substance that and mud clay is used since upon
hardens on it » “uniat siġmikługit drying it becomes strong; it is
piaksivlugit agluliuġuummigait” used to patch the roof of a house
(Aiken 2009) [sleds are also to prevent drafts and also to
coated making their runners slick] prevent it from dripping]
| -k-4 nv
siġmilgit sled with filler applied on siġñigi- or (Ti) siġnigi- (t) to feel
runners, sled runners coated with protective of her/him who is being
snow and water | -lik nn :It nn scolded, punished and come to
siġmiq [siġmIQ] or (Ti) siġmiq(-) her/his defense | +[g]i- vv
substance that hardens and can be
used for patching; filler applied to siġri(-) wax or scales in ear; (i) to remove
bottom of sled runners made of dried wax from one’s ear; (t) to
frozen mixture of water and snow remove dried wax from her/his ear
used to increase slipperiness and
lessen friction; (Ti) ice which siġvik (Nu) parka ruff § isiġvIk
forms on boat or sled; (t) for it
=boat or sled to get covered with sii1 ¤[ATHA] sheefish (Stenodus
ice; ¤glacier» “umiam amiŋanun leucichthys nelma)
nipitqataqtuaq” (S. Tuzroyluke
2009) [it is what sticks to the skin ¤sii2 (excl.) used when cold; used by old
of the boat]; “umiam silataa folks from Nuvuk instead of
apunmik ilaligaaq sikuliam alappaa ‘it’s cold!’
qaaŋaniittuaq nigliñaġmiuq
araa; qiqilaitkaa sii- [siġi] (i) to gather one’s strength for an
qiiyanaqpailluni all-out effort
taġiuġukkaqpailluni” (S. siġġaġnaq- (i) to be demanding, hard
Tuzroyluke 2009) [it is the new ice to convince (of a person who is
topped with snow which is on top stubborn); (i) demands strong
of the skin of the boat which is motivation (of a job, a task) |
extremely cold; it does not freeze ‘-q-1 vv +naq(-) vv
because it is so cold and full of siġġaqi- (i) to have a hard time, to
salt]; “siġmiliqutigisuugaat suna struggle, to use all of one’s
siqquqsiraġaqtuaq strength, either physically or
ilaaqtuutigiruni” (Aiken 2009) mentally to do or overcome
[they refer to any substance that something | ‘-q-1 vv -qi- vv

siġliġnait- (i) to be easy, not difficult | siik- (t) to cut it lengthwise with an ulu
-lIq-3 vv +naq(-) vv :It-1 vv “Iñupiaq woman’s knife”, as in
siġliġnaq- or siiġliġnaq- (i) to be skinning a seal » natchiq siikkaa;
difficult, requires hard work (of pilaaqsigaa she is cutting the seal;
task); (i) to be obstinate, stubborn | she is going to butcher it @ siiksi-
-lIq-3 vv +naq(-) vv || +sI-3 vv
siġliġniuġun hardship, difficulty | sirraq split section of garment or
-lIq-3 vv +naq(-) vv :iuq-2 nv animal skin | =rraQ vn
:un1 vn sirruġaq- for it to tear from pressure
siġliġniuq- (i) to experience hardship | » sirruġaqtuq tugrutim putuŋa
-lIq-3 vv +naq(-) vv :iuq-2 nv the hole on the lashing rope tore
siġliqi- (i) to have a hard time doing a when pressure was applied |
task, a chore or a job; (i) to toil, =rruq- rv +aq-1 vv
struggle, labor | -liqi- rv sirruġaġniq separation or break in
siġmaaġuti- (Nu) (t) to work hard on continuum | =rruq- vv +aq-1 vv
it | +maaq(-) vv :uti- vv +niQ1 vn § siñġaq
siġmaaq- (i) to exert all of one’s
effort into winning; (i) to have siili (Ti) can of tobacco
competitive spirit; (i) to expend
effort, work hard at something; siilik northern pike (Esox lucius)
(Nu) (i) to be divided in opinion,
to be in disagreement (of persons) siimik- or siimiksuq- (t) to overload,
| +maaq(-) vv stuff it = container; (t) to press
siima- (i) to be strong | +ma-1vv her/him to the ground; (Nu) (t) to
siimasaaq- (t) to encourage her/him grind one’s middle finger which is
to increase her/his effort; (t) to bent at the middle joint and
goad her/him into extreme protruding from the fist into
aggression; (t) to instill her/him to hurt her/him »
confidence, courage in her/him/it | avataqpak siimikkaa; uqsrumik
+ma-1 vv +saaq-2 vv silivittuq she is stuffing the seal
siimmai- (t) to stir her/him into action poke with blubber; it is full of
or a more competitive spirit | blubber. | +mIk-1 vv +tuq-2 vv
+ma-1 vv ‘-k-2 vv -I-6 vv siimiaq- (Nu) (t) to continue to grind
siimmak- (i) to become more one’s middle finger which is bent,
competitive, to be stirred into protruding from fist against
action; (Ti) (i) to become her/him to hurt her/him |
confident of one’s ability to +mIk-1 vv -aq-1 vv
perform, to win a game | +ma-1 vv siimiun (Nu) first joint of middle
‘-k-2 vv finger (when protruding from
one’s fist used to grind against
¤siiġruaqtun like a crackling sound | someone to cause pain) |
‘.q-1 vv +ġruaq-2 vn +tun nc (sim.) +mIk-1 vv :un1 vn
¤siilak- (i) to sizzle, hiss | -la- vv § siiq-, siimiutiksralik (Nu) bull caribou with
nilit-, puvlaiq- new spring antler stubs
(resembling small knobs) |
+mIk-1 vv :un1 vn +ksraq(-) nn

-lik nv siiġñaaq- (i) to be somewhat sweet to
the taste | +naaq- vv
siiq- (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siiġñaiyaun or (Ti) siiġnaiyaun
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, baking soda | +naq(-) vv vn
perspire :Iyaq- vv un1 vn
siiġñiq liquid which has seeped or siiġñaq(-) or (Ti) siiġnaq- fruit; (i) to
oozed out | +niQ1 vn be sour, sweet, or tart |
siila- or siila- (i) to enter boot through +naq(-) vv. vn
a small hole (of water); (i) to siiġñaqaġvik vineyard; orchard |
make the sound of air escaping; (i) +naq(-) vv vn -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
to hiss | -la- vv siiġñit- to become sweet and sour; (i)
siiqsinnauraq small glacial area | to suffer from eating something
1 1
mtit- vv +niQ vn :uraq nn which is too sour or sweet |
siiqsinniq water flowing through +naq(-) vn =It-2 nv
crack in ice; underground springs,
water flowing out of the ground; siisitiiq- (i) to make its characteristic
frozen overflow on top of river sound (of squirrel)
ice; glaciated stream (melts in
summer) | mtit-1 vv +niQ1 vn siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) knee; kneecap,
siiqsipkaq- (i) to sweat, perspire | patella; hind flipper of seal; (i) to
+tipkaq- vv kneel, get down on one’s knees;
siiqsit- (i) to ooze (of a wound); to (t) to put one’s knee on it | +quq n
flow out through a small opening § see Appendix 21
or crack, seep onto surface of ice siitqiñiq or siitqiññiq trouser knee
(of water); (t) to let it =wound which has become baggy from
ooze; let it =water flow out wear | +quq n ‘=I-1 nv +nIQ1 vn
through a crack or small opening; siitquaq patella, kneecap; fat and
(Ti) (i) to sweat, perspire | mtit-1 vv bone at knee of caribou | -aq2 nn
siitquaq- or sitquaq- to injure
(her/his/its) knee | +quq n ‘-aq3 nv
*siiq (root) sour, sweet or tart
siitquġraq- (i) to flex one’s knees
siiġlak- (t) for it to become sweet and
(especially as part of a dance
sour | -lak- vv
done by women) | +quq n
siiġlanŋu- (i) to have a sour taste in
+ġraq- nv
one’s mouth; (i) to have heartburn
siitqi- or sitqi- (i) to sag at knees (of
or a sour stomach » siiġlanŋuruq
pants, stockings); (t) to get
he has heartburn | -lak- vv
sagging knees in them =pants
-nŋu- vv
from wearing them so long |
siiġliññaq(-) something sour or tart;
+quq n ‘=I-1 nv
(i) to be sour or tart; (i) to be
sitquġiaq (Nu) knee | +iaq2 nn
sweet to the taste | -lIt- vv
sitquġmik- (t) to press her/him/it
+naq(-) vv
down with one’s knees | +mIk- nv
siiġlit- (i) to salivate from food that is
sitqumiñuaglaaq- to reach or go as
too sweet or too sour; (i) to make
far as one’s knee (of socks, or
a face when eating something sour
insects) » aasivak
| -lIt- vv

avaallaġmi maksriktuaq when aŋuraksrani tavra
the large spider went up to her sikkiummatigivlugu suna he
knees, she jumped up suddenly remembers his good luck dreams
startled | +quq n -mI4 nn about the game that he is to catch;
÷muk- nv -aglaaq- vv sikkiumaruaq uvagulli
sitqumiñuk- to one’s own knees | sikkiksiuġniraqtugut we say
+quq n -mI4 nn ÷muk- nv sikkiksiuq when another says
sitquqsraq- (i) to move about on sikkiuma; “siññaktuqtuaq uvva
one’s knees | +quq n +qsraq- nv iqiiġami uqaqtuaq siññaktuni
quliaqtuaġmagu” (Matumeak
siituvak Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) 2009) [it’s when a person who had
| -vak nn a dream and upon waking talks
about his dream] | +siuq- vv or
sikauġruaq [ENG ”scow”] scow, barge | -uma- vv
+ġruaq nn § paatchiġruaq
sikkik- [sikkIk] to be steep (of ground at
¤sikkat- (i) to be rotten or soft (of core of water’s edge) marra suna kuuk
willow or any tree in general) iglua sitchaaqtuq iglua samuŋa
ilugiitchuaq qaaŋa manna atmuŋatluataqami sikkiksuq
nakuugaluaqhuni uqpiq; suna one river may have gently sloping
napaaqtuq ilua pigiiññami banks while another may have
sikkattuq a willow which has a steep banks § sitchaaq-,
rotten core although the bark sivaaŋaaq-
remains good; a tree when its core
is rotten is said to be ‘sikkattuq’ § sikkutaq(-) sty on the eye; to get a sty
sikłaq(-) pickaxe; (Nu) incisor; to use the
siki- (i) to lower or hang one’s head pickaxe (on it)
sikimmi- (i) to be holding one’s head
low for quite some time » sikim- siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl siksrigit] arctic
migaluaqamiasii aaġluqhuni and ground squirrel (Spermophilus
then after keeping his head lower parryi); (i) to kill an arctic ground
for quite some time, he looked up | squirrel » siksrak tautukkikka I
+mmI-5 vv see the two arctic ground
sikit- (i) to bow, lower the head | squirrels; siksriitchuq maani
-t-2 vv § palluq-, put- there are no squirrels around here;
upinġaaq iñuiññanik
*sikkIk (root) catch a dream § siññaġluk- siksriktuaŋa last summer I
sikkiqsiuq- or sikkiuma- (i) to recall, caught twenty squirrels | +t-2 nv §
remember, tell about a good luck sakłataiyaq
dream (especially for hunting) » siksraaq young ground squirrel |
taġiuġmiutkii siññaktuqamiŋ -aq2 nn
suna siññaktulluataqami siksrautiġuq- (i) to accummulate
sikkiumanisuuruq the coastal many squirrel skins; (t) to
people when they have good accummulate many squirrels for
dreams they say they recall them; her/him | -uti/un2 nn -[ġ]uq-1 nv

siksrigaaq- (i) to wear an arctic ice (of water) | -ayaaq nn §
ground squirrel parka proudly sikutchiaq
siksrigaaqtuaq sikuġaq [pl sikuqqat] (Nu) small
qiñiyunapaluktuq the one chunk of floating ice | +[ġ]aq nn,
wearing an arctic ground squirrel ‘-t nn
parka proudly is so attractive to sikuġlak(-) or sikuġlalaaq frozen
look at | +aaq- nv rain and snow on ground;
siksrikpak arctic marmot (Marmota hailstone; (Ti) icicle; (Ti) old
broweri) | +qpak(-) nn, nv packed snow good for melting for
drinking water; to freeze over
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become icy ground or snow (of rain); to start
sikkiqi- (i) to have floating ice, be forming (of ice); to hail; (Ti) (i) to
breaking up (of river) | ‘=Iqi-1 nv form (of icicle); to get packed hard
sikkutitchiaq seal or other animal so that it is good for melting for
that has been caught and left in drinking water (of snow)| -q-1 nv
sea to freeze before it is retrieved +lak(-)1 nn or -q-1 nv +lak(-)1 nn -
the next day » laaq nn § natatquġnaq, kusulugaq.
“mayuaġaġnaiñman sikuġlakavsaŋa- (i) to have ice
sikkutitchiaġuurut nigami aasii crystals inside which resulted
uvlaakumman from partial melting then
pisukataġnaqsimman aivlugu” refreezing (of meat or fish) |
(Matumeak 2009) [when the ice -q-1 nv +lak(-)1nn,vv -kavsak- vv
cannot sustain weight on it they ±ŋa- vv
always let it (the harvested sea sikuġliñiq ice formed when water
mammal) freeze overnight in the spills on a freezing surface |-q-1 nv
net and then the next day when +liñiQ rn, vn
one can walk on it they go and get sikuġralaaq (Nu) small piece of clear
it (the frozen catch)] | ‘-ti- vv substance (like ice) inside fish |
+[t]siaq vn +ġralaaq nn
Sikkuvik or Sikuvik [lit. “time when sikuiġvik ice break-up time | :Iq-2 nv
ice forms” ] month of October | +vIk1 vn
-vIk1 vn § Nuliaġvik sikuiyaun bone knife used to scrape
sikuaq(-) thin ice on body of water; ice from sides of traditional boat |
(Ti) ice on boat or sled; to become :Iyaq- nv :un1 vn
covered with thin ice (of water); sikulaaq- (i) to develop slush ice (of
(Ti) to ice over (of boat or sled) | fishing hole) | -laaq-1 vv
±aq1 vn § qinuaqtuliq- ukiaksraq- sikulġauraq (Nu) new thin ice |
Sikuaqtuġvik [lit. “time when thin -lġauraq nn
ice forms”] month of September | sikuliaġruaq ice which is more than
±aq1 vn +tuq-3 nv +vIk1 vn one and a half feet thick | -lI-2 nv
sikuatchiaq(-) newly formed thin ice | ±aq1 vn -ġruaq nn
±aq1 vn -tchiaq(-) nn nv sikuliaq young ice formed around
sikuatchiaq- (i) to go and borrow ice | edge of old solid ice on open lead |
-atchiaq- nv -liaq nn
sikuayaaq(-) (Ti) new ice, young ice sikuliqi- or sikkiqi- to break up (of
on water; to have new ice, young ice in river) » sikuliqiruq;

saġvaġaa siku the river ice is sikuyasi- to be about to turn to ice (of
breaking up and is being taken seawater); ¤(Ti) to form (of ice in
toward sea | -liqi- nv or ‘=Iqi-1 nv fall or freeze-up) » “imaq
sikuliqsuq- (t) to fill it =water barrel. taġiuligaaq qiqiyaruq” (Aiken
with ice @ siluliqsui- | -liqsuq- nv 2009) [salt water freezes easily] |
|| :I-4 vv -yasI- vv § qinu(-)
sikuliuraq newly formed ice | -lI-2 nv
:uraq vn siku2 drill bit; stone spearhead or
sikulluataq freshwater ice | -lluataq arrowhead; scraping edge »
sikunaq(-) ice fog, ice crystals which ikuutiŋata sikua tautuŋaviuŋ
settle out of extremely cold air; (i) have you seen the scraping edge
for there to be ice fog, ice crystals of her skin scraper
in the air | +naq(-) nv sikkiq- (t) to provide it with an
sikuqqaq (Ti) block of ice | arrowhead » “…pisiksilivlugu,
-qqaq nn,vn,rn qaġrivlugu nagruŋnik
sikuqqat small icefloes | -qqaq nn, vn sikkiqlugich aŋmaanik…”
-t nn (Bergsland 1987: 21) [he made a
sikusuilaq place in river which never bow for him with arrow shafts
freezes, body of water which made from antlers and with
never freezes | -suilaq vn arrowheads of flint] | ‘=Iq-1 nv
sikut- (i) to be covered with floating sikkuk pair of board runners where
ice (of body of water) | -t-2 nv the sled bottom layers are attached
sikutaq- (i) to cut and haul ice from | -k2 nn § aglu, see Appendix 18
freshwater lake early in fall for sikutaq2 rattle on net line (used in
winter use (for her/him/it) » rivers); rattling bone on seal net
sikutaġniaqpit qakugu when are which indicates when a seal has
you going to go and get some ice | been trapped | -taq(-) vn
+taq-4 nv
sikutchiaq new ice | +[t]siaq(-) nn siku3 one sledrunner (dual sikkuk) »
sikuttat1 cache made of ice blocks by pagmapak sikkuk uniat ayalu-
fishing hole; winter watering hole yaitkusiġuugaik plywood-mik
made before the ice is too thick to nowdays plywood is used to give
cut through and remove » support to the sled runners;
“sikunik tutquġviliuġuurut “sikkuk akłunaaliġviqaqtuk;
iqalliqigamik maptusiŋaiñŋaan akłunaaq qulvirakługu”
miksraułługu 4 inches; (Matumeak 2009) [the sled
tiġiganniat runners have holes to place rope
siqumitchumiñaitchaŋit” in; three strands of rope are
(Matumeak 2009) [when they are braided together (then inserted
fishing, they build caches of ice into the holes to serve as load
blocks before the ice gets thick, lashings)] § see Appendix 18
about 4 inches thick; they build
them (the ice caches) so they silaappak (Ti) [ENG “slopbucket”]
cannot be destroyed by white drained 55 gallon oil drum into
foxes] | -taq(-) vn -t nn § nivirat which honey buckets are emptied
§ quqtaq

silaqłuk(-) storm; to be stormy |
silammaayuun (Ti) old-style skin +qłuk(-) nn vv
tobacco pouch (originally made of silaqłuuti- (t) to be stormy weather
wolverine head) » for her/him/it » silaqłuutigai
“taugaaqqiqaġvik” (S. imma umiaqtuqtuat they are
Tuzroyluke 2009) [a tobacco encountering bad weather |
pouch] § tilaammaayuun -uti- vv
silasiun barometer; weather
¤silliŋñiq- deep water by shore | +niQ1 vn thermometer | +siun nn §
sila weather; atmosphere, air silatchiaq- (t) to leave it outside for
silagiit- (i) to be bad weather | weather to cure, e.g., a skin |
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv +[t]sIq- vv -aq-1 vv
silagik- (i) to be good weather | silatkutitaaq (Nu) snowshirt
+[g]Ik- nv (pullover fabric cover for parka) |
silagisuktani tavra silagiliutigaa -tkutitaaq
(excl.) you got what you deserve
[lit. “this is the kind of weather *sila (root) adjacent section
you wanted, you got it!”] silagauraq area, section, space
(Matumeak 2009) immediately adjacent (within one
silagiuti- (t) to be good weather for foot) » “…silagauraŋanun
her/him/it » silagiutigaa Aaŋa tamattuma naqtuġniŋan... Bill
Aaŋa is encountering good isigaŋisutkiaq hamma ilivlugu
weather | -uti- vv inillaktuaŋa.” (Bodfish: 238)
silakkuaġun [lit. “something that […to the area immediately
goes through the air”] radio | adjacent of that crack…probably
-kkuaq- nc (vialis) +un1 vn from here to Bill’s (William
silali- to get a tan; to fade, become Schneider’s) foot I positioned
lighter | -lI-2 nv myself] | -gauraq nn, vn
silaliqiri weather forecaster, silaliñauraq outskirts, adjacent area
meteorologist, weatherman | around the main area | +liñiQ vn
-liqi- nv mt/ri vn :uraq nn
silalugiitkun umbrella | :iitkun vn silaliñiq Arctic Slope (north of
silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy Brooks Range) | +liñiQ rn, vn
weather; to rain | -luk(-)2 nn nv silalliġaġvik first set of snares in a
silaluksiun or sialuksiun modern caribou corral | +llIQ nn +aq-4 nv
raincoat | -luk(-)2 nn +[t]sIq- vv +vIk1 vn
:un vv § silaŋŋaaq
silannaaq- (i) to be good weather |
-t-2 nv -naaq- vv
silaŋŋaaq a rainsuit; waterproof parka
made from bearded seal intestine |
-ŋŋaaq nn
silaŋŋuq- (t) to become good weather
| +ŋŋuq-2 nv § allaQ

silalliq next-door neighbor; outer part; siliagaq- (i) to soar with wings
outermost door » silalliġma iglua outstretched » siliagaġaqtuaq
upkuitchuq my neighbor’s door tiŋmmiaqpak the eagle is soaring
is open | +llIQ nn § uŋalliq | +aq-1 vv
silan or silati exterior side (of fabric);
outside part of something; silik- (i) to be wide § amit-
immediate surroundings (of any siliksi- (i) to gain weight; become
permanent structure); area outside wider | +sI-1 vv § amikłi-
» silataa outside sod layer (of sod siliŋniq wide part of something |
house) | -ti3 vn +niQ1 vn
silatqut- to travel past via the area in sillaq wide one | ‘-Q vn
front of it =dwelling | -tqut-nv
sililisuqtuq Wandering Tattler
silaavyak or (Ti) siliq pancake, hotcake; (Heteroscelus incanus) | +tuq2 n
(Ti) (i) to make pancakes;
silaavyiun skillet, frying pan | ‘=I-1 nv *siliq (root) sense, cognizance
:un1 vn silaiġuti- (i) to lose one’s senses,
silaavyiuq- (i) to make pancakes | consciousness » “tavra
‘=iuq-1 nv qaurimaŋaiqsuaq inna
silaiġutiruamik pisuugaat”
sili- [silI] (t) to sharpen it with a (Matumeak 2009) [they refer to
whetstone one that is no longer conscious as
silliñ whetstone, knife sharpener | one who has lost his senses] |
‘n1 vn § ipiksaun :Iq-2 nv :uti- nv
silaiq- (i) to pay no attention to
siliak- to swoop down on (her/him/it); (i) whether it is night or day | :Iq-2 nv
to be blown along with the wind, silaivyak (Ti) a very dumb and
glide » “Qalligamigi kiisiammaa ignorant person; something that is
siliagvigivlugu ullaaqsivaa.” flat and has no substance »
(Ahvakana: 33-35) [when he got taamnauna naluruq sumik,
closer to them, finally he begins to silaavyak that one doesn’t know
approach swooping down upon anything; he’s dumb and ignorant
him]; “sialġiruatun anmun silaivyaŋaaq(-) (Ti) fool; (i) to act
siliaktuaq isaqqilagaluaġnani abnormal sometimes | ±ŋaaq- vv
tainna; qaugait anmuguuruat silġatu- (i) to be wise, to be in one’s
anmuiññakavsak prime | -tu- nv
tusaġnaġuurut unnii tamanna silġiqsuiri counselor, therapist |
siliagniŋat, sukavaiłłu
 tik” :Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv :I-4 vv mt/ri vn §
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s similar to arakti, natqiksuiri
sliding down as it swoops down silġiqsuq- (t) to teach her/him the
without flapping its wings; when consequences of his behavior (as a
ducks that descend almost straight warning); (t) to warn her/him; (t)
down swoop down, one can hear to exhort, urge her/him @
their flight because they descend silġiqsui- | :Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv ||
with great speed] :I-4 vv

silivit- or silvit- (i) to become full (of any with one of our legs we are acting
container); (t) to fill it completely thus | +t/raq-1 vv § aqi-
» “Aglaan kialiķaa iñugruiñ-
ñaum aŋalallasiyumiñaitkaa silvi or silviik (Ti) ventral surface of
pamiķsaatun uķaķ pigittchuaķ, whale, area around flippers
silivinŋaruaķ tuķunamik. But (between head and belly) »
no man has ever been able to tame “aġviġum kiataa niqituummaan
the tongue. It is evil and qalasiŋanuaglaan” (S.
uncontrollable, full of deadly Tuzroyluke 2009) [it’s the ventral
poison!” (Iñupiat New Testament: area of the whale with the meat
James 3.8) | +vit- vv from the base of the head to the
silivla- (i) to overflow | =la- vv belly button] § tapsiñaaq, satqak
silviiññak- (Ti) (i) to receive as a
silliq [sillIQ] snow made crusty and hard share meat from the ventral
by strong winds (most suitable for surface of the whale (of the crew
making snow houses) § kukługaq that reaches the struck whale) |
silliġruaq snow with a hard and shiny -nnak- nv § tapsiññak-, qaannak-
surface, “slippery icy snow
conditions…” (Arnold Brower Sr. simik- (t) to stop it up with a plug of any
as reported by Sturm: 34, 42) | kind; (i) to be now plugged (of a
+ġruaq nn container) @ simiksi- || +sI-3 vv
silliqsruq super hard, old icy snow simaaksraq felt or cardboard
(Arnold Brower Sr. as reported as wadding stuffed in a shotgun shell
reported in Sturm: 42) | perhaps between shot and powder during
+qsruq-1 nv reloading | ±aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn
simaaksriuġunnaq a device used for
silu carcass of sea mammal drifted ashore making wadding when reloading
silut- or siluli- (i) to find a carcass shotgun shells or cartridges with
drifted ashore » paqinnami powder | ±aq1 vn -ksraq nn
siñaani tipiŋaramik tavra ‘=iuq- nv :unnaq vn
siluliruq | -t-2 nv or +lI-3 nv simaaq(-) gun wad (stuffed into bullet
on top of powder); (t) to push,
siluk- or siluktaq- (i) to swing the leg. stuff it in | ±aq1 vn
making attempts to kick simiutaq(-) a plug; to plug (it) |
something (while suspended or -utaq(-)1 vv vn § puviutaq(-)
while holding onto something, simiksuun stopper, cork, plug |
e.g., a house beam); (i) to propel +suq-2 vv :un1 vn
oneself across to the other side
while holding on to something simik [simIk](Nu) clavicle of caribou
above, e.g., a house beam; (t) to (first rib)
kick her/him/it » sumun tiguvluta
uumiŋa niuptinnik aqisaqaptigu simmiq- [simmIq] (i) to exchange or
siluksaġikput when we take hold swap items;(t) to exchange it for
of something for support and then something else @ simmiqsi- ||
proceed to try to kick something +sI-3 vv
simmaun substitute | :un1 vn

simmaun or simmiun or (Aiken 2009) [an inlet divides a
simmaugauraq deuce (at cards) | sandbar; one can go out from the
:un1 vn or +[ġ]aq nn :uraq nn sandbar into the ocean] | +[ġ]aq nn
simmausiq- (t) to replace it with siñiġun trim; rim; edge; hem | -ġun vn
something else | :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv siñiġutit (Nu) firepit where hot rocks
simmii- (t) to trade something of are kept in tent | +ġun nn
hers/his » simmiigaa naluŋŋaan -t nn
he traded something of hers siñiksraq part of fur which is stripped
without her knowledge | -I-7 vv and used for trim at parka bottom
simmiliq- (t) to replace it =something and cuffs | +ksraq(-) nn
borrowed with something else | siñiqsraq- or (Ti) siniġraq- (i) to
-lIq-3 vv travel along the beach, shore; (i)
to walk along the shore; (i) to go
sinnaq (Ti) strait; channel from sea into in and out of a row of houses,
lagoon or bay | +[ġ]aq nn, vn § stopping very briefly in each; (t)
¤siñiġaq to walk along on it =beach,
immediate perimeter | +qsraq- nv
siñaaq [ENG] a circular fastener, a snap § siññaq (Ti) inlet between two
qivliġit sandbars (Tuzroyluke 2009) |
+[ġ]aq nn
siñi shore; border; edge; fur trim on
bottom edge or cuffs of parka § siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep, be asleep; (t) to
salva spend it =day sleeping
¤siñaġaq or ¤siñiġaq (Ti) strait; siñaaqsi- (Ti) to fall asleep »
channel from sea into lagoon or “puuvsiruq atkupauraq
bay | +[ġ]aq nn, vn § sinnaq siñaaqsiliqami” Tuzroyluke
siñaġlugun (Nu) objects all around 2009) [he started his nap as soon
the shore » “tavraguuq as he fell asleep] (S. | -aqsI-vv
tuttusiuqpaanigataqamiŋ siñaaqsruq- (i) to breathe audibly
taamna mannatchiaŋa while sleeping, to snore »
Tulukkam nallaqamik tasamma nukaalua
siñaġlugusiqamirruŋ ukiupak siñaaqsruqsaaniktiqtuq as soon
niġigumiŋ naamallasimman, as he lay down, his younger
Saġġan iñiqtiġiniġai” so then sibling began snoring | -aq-1 vn
after they hunted caribou hard mqsruq- nv
and this side of Tuluġaq Lake siñaavri- (i) to doze off repeatedly; (i)
shore had [been] covered with to be half-conscious (as from
enough to last all winter for food, anesthesia) | -aq-1 vn -vrI- nv
Saġġan told them to stop siñignaq(-) sleeping pill; anesthetic;
(Bergsland 1987: 371) | perhaps (t) to administer a sleeping pill or
-ġluk- vv +gun2 nc anesthetic gas to her/him/it |
siñaatkun (Ti) felt top on boot | +naq(-) vv vn
+atkun nc (vialis) siñigviit or siñigvik bed »
siñġaq inlet between two sandbars » siñigviitchuq he has no bed |
“siñġaq tapqam avgutaak; +vIk1 vn :It nn § tuttaat
aniñaqtuq tapqamiñ taġiumun”

siñikallaiq- (i) to take a long time to siŋaiyau- (i) to be pregnant (of human), to
fall asleep » siñikallaiqsuŋa I am conceive | perhaps yak n :u-1 nv
having difficulty falling asleep | siŋaiyyi- (Ti) (t) to impregnant |
-kallaiq- vv § qivsi-, siqullaiq-, perhaps yak n ‘=I-1 nv § narrak-
pigaaq- siŋaiyaaq human fetus | +yaaq2 vn
siñikpak- (i) to oversleep |
+qpak(-) vv, nn siŋiaqtalaaq (Ti) strip of bleached
siñiksaq- (i) to fall asleep | msaq-3 vv sealskin on top edge of boot §
siñiktaġuiqsaaġun one night to sleep piñiġaq
over (before moving on) | perhaps
+taq-4 vv +[s]uiq- vv +saaq-1 vv siŋik- (t) to remove the contents of an
+un 1 vn animal’s intestines; (i) to clean an
siñiktaq- (i) to stay overnight, spend animal’s intestines of their
the night away from home | contents preparing them for food
+taq-4 nv, vv @ siŋiksi- » imaġluiyairuaq
siñisugruk- (i) to sleep for a long tavra siŋiksiruamik taisuugaat
time | -sugruk- vv tainnatun one who is removing,
siññaġik- (i) to be sound asleep, sleep scraping the contents of the
well | ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv intestines is described as doing
siññaġliuq- (i) to have a nightmare | thus || +sI-3 vv § kilit-
‘-Q vn +luk(-)1 nv ‘=iuq-2 nv
siññaġluk- (i) to have a bad dream | ‘- siŋiq(-) [siŋIq] shoestring, bootlace; (i) to
Q vn +luk(-)1 nv tie one’s own shoelaces or
siññaktuq(-) a dream; (i) to dream | bootlaces; (t) to tie her/his shoe or
‘-k-2 nv +tuq-3 vv bootlaces
siññaqtu- (i) to have a habit of siŋiġñiq ankle | +niQ1 vn
oversleeping, of sleeping too siŋiiq- (i) to become untied (of one’s
much; to sleep a lot | ‘-qtu- vv shoestrings); (t) to untie her/his
siññiq- (t) to cast a spell to put shoestrings » Saaŋiaq siŋiiqsuq
her/him/it to sleep » “Aġnaq Saaŋiaq’s shoestrings are untied |
uuma tavra siññiġñiagaqsigaa.” :Iq-2 nv
(Nageak 1975: 59) [then he tried
to cause the woman to fall asleep] siŋit- (t) to immerse her/him/it into water
| ‘=Iq-1 nv § siqupkaq- while holding her/him/it or to
siññiqsuun magical song which puts immerse it while it is staked or
one to sleep » anchored to land; (t) to throw,
“siñaaqsipkaġniaġamiuŋ” (C. heave her/him/it into the water,
Tuzroyluke 2009) [when he is over a cliff, etc. @ siŋitchi- ||
trying to put him to sleep] | +sI-3 vv § siŋik-
‘-Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn
siñŋunnak pair of pajamas | siŋnatu- (Ti) (i) to be stingy < sigñatu-
:unnaq vn -k2 nn
siñŋunnaq nightgown, one piece siŋŋiq [siŋŋIq] muscle calf of leg
nightwear | :unnaq vn (especially of caribou); calf meat
of caribou leg

siŋuk- (i) to strain while defecating; (i) to sippakuulaaq- (i) to have some left-
strain during labor contractions (of over, to have more than enough of
woman giving birth) what was needed | ‘-Q vn
siŋŋuktit- (i) to become red in the -ku(-) nv perhaps -laaq-1 vv
face from exertion or illness | sippaq or sippaku(-) surplus,
‘-k-2 vv +tit-2 vv something leftover, remainder; to
siŋulluq(-) a freshly laid egg; (i) to have some (of it) leftover as
strain, push down with abdominal remainder; (t) to leave some for
muscles » “iñuayaqaŋaitchuaq her/him/it | ‘-Q vn -ku nv
mannik” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) sippiq- (i) to exceed the prescribed
[it’s the egg that has no life amount, limit; (t) to exceed it
stirring in it] | -lluQ(-) vn =prescribed amount, limit |
‘=Iq-1 nv
sipaaq- (t) to enlarge it =fabric, clothing
by sewing on another section to it sipkiq- [sipkIq] (i) to burst out laughing;
(i) to sprout, emerge from the
sipaq(-) [ENG “zipper”] zipper; (i) to zip ground (of plant); (i) to develop
one’s zipper; (t) to pull her/his buds (of plant); (i) to burgeon (of
zipper up plant)

¤sipi- (i) to change from male to female sipuqtaq(-) (Nu) smoking pipe; (i) to
in the womb or during birth (of a smoke a pipe
¤sipiniq a female who has changed sipyaaq (Nu) rounded upper end of femur
from being male | +niQ1 vn at hip joint, the head § sivyaaq(-)

*sipik (root) emergence; disconnection siqaniq(-) (Nu) frying pan

sipiksaq- (i) to come undone, slip off; siqaniqtaq (Nu) fried meat |
to grow suddenly or quickly | +taq(-) nn
msaq- rv siqanġun frying pan | :un1 vn
sipigri- (t) for it to slip off his hands |
+rI-3 rv siqi- [siqI]or siqiłła k- or siqiłhaq- (i) to
sipiksaaġaq- or sipiksaaq- (i) to not splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on
engage and fall off (of arrow on her/him/it once » “imiq
bow) » sipisaaġaqtuq argaŋaniñ siqilhaġman
he cannot get a grip on it; it keeps suurimmaaŋitchuq” [when
falling off | msaq-3 rv -aq-1vv water splashes, it is unpredictable]
+aq-1 vv or msaq-3 rv +aq-1 vv (S. Tuzroyluke 2009) | -łłak- vv or
-łhaq- vv § kusiġaq-
siqillaq- (Ti) to scatter about »
¤sipik caudal fin, fishtail | -pIk nn §
siqillaqtuq anauttaġami he
caused them to scatter around as
he chopped wood (Tuzroyluke
sipit- (t) to exceed it =expected amount,
2009) | -łłak- vv
to get more than it =expected
siqiłhatit- (i) to splash violently (of
amount; (i) to now be exceeded
liquid); (t) to splash a liquid on
(of expected amount)

her/him/it » Saaŋiam nukaaluni Siqiññaatchiaq [lit. “bright new
siqiłhatipalukkaa aqayamik sun”] month of February » “V.
Saaŋiaq sure splashed mud on her 1854, Jan. 28, Ir’-ra shu’-ga-run
younger sibling | -łhaq- vv -tit-2 vv sho-ke-nat’-si-a, great cold (and)
siqiłła ktaq- or siqiłhaqtaq- (i) to new sun.” (Simpson: 261) |
splash repeatedly; (t) to splash +niQ1 vn ‘-k- nv ±aq1 vn
water on her/him/it repeatedly | -tchiaq nv
-łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv or -łhaq- vv Siqiññaasugruk [lit. “bright sun”]
+t/raq-1 vv month of March »
siqqiłłaqtiq- (t) to sprinkle liquid on it “…sakin’aasuguruq, ‘Sun gets
| -łłak- vv mtiq2- vv high’” (Spencer: 475) | +niQ1 vn
‘-k- nv ±aq1 vn -sugruk nn §
siqiñiq sun » siqiñġum uutpatin is the Paniqsiqsiivik
sun burning you | +niQ1 vn § siqi- siqiññak- to receive, get more sun (of
Siqiñġilaq [lit. “one with no sun”] days as they lengthen) | +niQ1 vn
month of December | +niQ1 vn ‘-k- nv
:Ilaq(-) nn § Kaivirvik, siqiññaraaq- or siqiññaraaġik- (i) to
Aagruliġvik, Umigraġvik, be sunny (of weather) | +niQ1 vn
Umiqsraġvik, Uyaliġvik § ‘-k- nv ~raaq- vv +[g]Ik- nv
Uvluilaq siqiññiaq- (Ti) (i) to wait for and
siqiñġuraq clock, watch | +niQ1 vn watch the sunrise (often of
:uraq nn whaling crew) » “nuilġataqpan
siqiñiq- (t) to spoil from exposure to siqiñiq qiñiġukkaa” (S.
the sun, (of meat on carcass) | Tuzroyluke 2009) [he wants to
+niQ1 vn =Iq-1 nv watch the sun when it finally
siqiñiqsiaq- (i) to sit out in the sun, rises] | +niQ1 vn ‘=iaq-2 nv
sunbathe | +niQ1 vn =Iq-1 nv
+sIq-1 vv -aq-1 vv siqqiak braided intestines filled with
siqiñiqsiq- (i) to stay in the sun and blubber (a delicacy); contents of
get tanned | +[t]sIq- vv stomach or intestines » “makua
siqiñiqsruktaq(-) sun breaking qulivraŋaraanik imaiyaqługit
through clouds, intermittently » iŋaluŋiññik natchium uqsrumik
“tamarra nuviyalaaġman ilupaaliqługit siqqiagnik ilaŋisa
siqiñiq qiñiġnauraqłuni taisuugait” (Matumeak 2009)
ilimman siqiñiqsruktuamik [intestines of the seal after
taiguġuugaat” (Matumeak 2009) removal of their contents and
[when it is partly cloudy and the filled with blubber and braided are
sun becomes visible called siqqiak by some (people)]
intermittently, they call it
siqiñiqsruktaq] | +niQ1 vn siqpagi- (Ti) (t) to throw them around
siqiñiqtaq spoiled meat from over indiscriminately
exposure to sun | +niQ1 vn siqpagaala- (Ti) (i) to spurt forth (of
=Iq-1 nv +t/raq vn blood, water, oil) | +gaq-3 vv
siqiññaaġik- (i) to be sunny (of -la- vv
weather) | +niQ1 vn ‘-k- nv
+aq1 vn +[g]Ik- nv

siqpan or siqpati sea mammal blubber underwater for a long time |
used as stove fuel perhaps +tu- nv

siqpik eyelash |-pIk nn siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close
one’s eyes
siqqaq- (t) to throw them = objects out siqua- or siquayaa- to fall asleep one
into the water @ siqqai-1 || :I-4 vv right after the other, en masse |
siqqai-2 (t) to throw her/his -a-1 vv -yaa- vv
belongings into the water | -I-7 vv siquapayaaq- or siquapayyi- (i) to
squint; (i) to close one’s eyes »
siqqiiq- to twist and wring excess “siñaavriruaq siquapayyiruq”
moisture out (of it) » (Aiken 2009) [the one who is
“Siqqiiqsuak Akłunaamik” dozing off and on has his eyes
(Kaveolook 1975b: 8) [two closed] | -aq-1 vv -pak- vv
persons twisting and wringing out -yaaq-1 vv or -aq-1 vv -pak- vv
excess moisture from rope] § -yaaq-1 vv =’I-3 vv
sivvuq- siqullak- (i) to eventually fall asleep |
-llak-1 vv
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a person siquniaq- (i) to try to fall asleep |
or object); (i) to be opinionated; +niaq(-) vv
(i) to be stubborn » iñuk siqunġipak- (i) to blink, wink |
siqquqtuq; iñuk +nġIq- vv -pak- vv
qanuqsiġiitchuq; manimmilgu- siqunġipaktaq- (i) to blink, wink
ruq the person is tough; the repeatedly; (t) to wink at
person is hard to be affected; he her/him/it repeatedly | +nġIq- vv
can withstand the situation -pak- vv +t/raq-1 vv
siqquqsi- (i) to tense up from fright or siqunġiq- (i) to close one’s eyes |
anger; (i) to harden (of substance) +nġIq- vv
| +sI-1 vv siqupak- or siquvyak- (Ti) (i) to
siqquqsima- (i) to be “tied up in blink the eyes | -pak- vv
knots,” to be tense because of =yak- vv § siqunġipak-
impending unpleasantness; (i) to siqupaktaq- (Ti) (i) to blink the eyes
be in a state of physical and/or repeatedly | -pak- vv +t/raq-1 vv
mental tension | +sima-2 vv siqutqik- (i) to take a nap; (i) to go
siqquqtaq hard wood | +taq n back to sleep | -tqIk-1 vv
siqqutit- (i) to snap with a loud noise; siqutqiksuuraq- (i) to take a short
(i) to make something snap nap | -tqIk-1 vv +tuuraq- vv
loudly; (t) to make it snap with a siquvyak- (i) to squint; (i) to blink |
loud noise | mtit-1 vv § mapkutit- -vyak- vv
siquvyaktaq- (i) to blink repeatedly;
siqsu- (i) to be daring, be persistent (i) to flicker (as of a candle flame)
(especially when hunting); (i) to » “nannit qamiraġaqłutik
have great fortitude; (i) to bear pimmata siquvyaktaqtuanik
pain nobly » iñuk siqsuruq; pisuugait; irrak
nakkaummilguruq the person siquvyaktaqłutuk pisuummiuk
has great fortitude; he can stay uitqataqłutik” (Matumeak 2009)

[when lights flicker they are also siquptiq- (t) to break or crush it into
said to siquvyaktaqtut; also eyes bits | +mit- vv =tiq-2 vv § arvik-,
are said to siquvyaktaqtuk when parvik-, karumit-, siqumit-,
theyd open and shut repeatedly] | tuksruk-
-pak- vv =yak- vv +t/raq-1 vv siquvsi- (i) to destroy something,
taking a prolonged period of time
*siqu (root) reduction to smaller elements or to destroy more than one item;
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed (t) to destroy her/his things »
to pieces, shattered, broken to aŋutaiyaat siquvsiraat
pieces; (t) to destroy, break, crush piuraaŋiñik the boys destroyed
it to pieces; (t) to cut it =animal her toys | +mit- vv :I-7 vv
skin into several pieces » qavvik Siquvsiqqat or (Nu, Ti) Siqupsiqqat
uvva siqumitchausiitkiga [lit. “shattered ones”] constella-
qiññaġikpaiłłuni I haven’t the tion Ursa Minor, Little Dipper (a
heart to cut up this wolverine skin constellation which consists of a
because it is so beautiful | +mit- vv number of closely spaced stars
siqummaaq- to fragment, break (it) that have the appearance of
up into pieces with prolonged something which has been broken
action | +mit- vv ‘-q-1 vv -aq-1 vv and shattered into several pieces] |
siqummaq a fragment | +mit- vv =sI3- vv +[ġ]aq vn ‘-t nn
+mit- vv ‘-Q vn § Paatchuktuurat
siqummaq- (i) to shatter; (t) to break
or shatter it with repeated action *sirga (root) anxiety
@ siqummai- | +mit- vv ‘-q-1 vv || sirgasuk- (i) to be anxious to wake up
:I-4 vv early in order to go someplace or
siqummayaaq- (i) to fragment, break do something » piyumalaaqtuq
into many pieces; (t) to break it sirgasuktuq he is anxious to do
into many pieces | +mit- vv ‘-q- vv something and wants to wake up
-yaaq-1 vv early | +suk-2 nv
siqumniq chunks of broken ice;
crumbs of food, etc.; something sirraq1 split section of garment or skin <
ground up, broken up; a coin | siik-
=mniQ vn
siqumniurat or siqumniġit dimes, sirraq2 [sirraQ]animal den, e.g., foxhole
nickels, any small change; § sisi
fragment | =mniQ1 vn :uraq nn or sirraqtuq- to set a trap for (it
=mniQ1 vn :It nn =animal) near its den or burrow |
siquptaq or siquvraq fragment; +tuq-3 nv
shard, broken piece| +mit- vv
=t/raq vn sisamaq [sisamaQ] a fourth one
siqupsi- to destroy or break up; (Ti) sisamaat or sisamaŋat the fourth
(i) to grind up, pulverize, chop it one (of a group) | :at nn
into small pieces | +mit- vv sisamailik (Nu) caribou corral with
=sI3- vv § siqumit- four rows of snares | :It nn -lik nn
siqupsin (Ti) tallow grinder | +mit- vv sisamait four groups of things, e.g.,
=sI3- vv -n1 vn § takuutik the four suits (in cards) | :It nn

sisamakipiat number eighty | vomit on her/him/it (of overfed
-kipiaq nn baby) | +iak(-) nn, vv, vn
sisamakipiat qulit the number ninety sisuk- (t) to dive, swoop down and
| -kipiaq nn catch it » “Puimman sisukkaa,
Sisamaŋŋuq(-) (Ti) Thursday; (i) to suaguuq uuma
be Thursday | ±ŋŋuq- nv qaŋattautivlugu.” (Ahvakana:
sisamat the number four | -t nn 29) [when it (a whale) surfaced
sisamaut- (i) to be divided into he (the young man) dove and
fourths; (t) to divide it into fourths snagged it; to his great surprise
| -ut-2 vv he flew up with it] | -k-2 vv §
Sisammiq- (i) to be Thursday » nakkaaġaq-
Sisammiqsugut it is Thursday | sisuqhaaġutik sled used for sliding
‘=Iq-1 nv down a hill | -qhaaq-2 vv +un1 vn
-k2 nn
sisi or (Nu) siñ burrow or den (of a sisuqhaaq- or sisuġaaq- (i) to be
burrowing animal), bear’s lair » sliding down a hill | -qhaaq-2 vv
Kuuvagmiut taamna sisi siñmik sisuuk(-) snowslide (especially snow
taisuugaat the people of the overhang over a creek);
Kobuk say “siñ” for our word sisi avalanche; (i) to slide (esp., of
§ sirraq2 snow overhang over creek) |
sisigaq dog house (hole) dug into a perhaps -uk- vv vn
snowbank | +gaq2 nn sisuuksraq (Nu) snow cornice; snow
sisiqutat a mound on the edge of a build up posing a potential
river or a lake where burrowing avalanche threat | perhaps -uk- vv
animals excavate their dens » +qsraq vn § uupkaaq-
“Kiŋiaġmagnik, yai! Suagguuq ¤sisuvit- (Ti) (i) to burp up milk (of
ukua sisiqutat.” (Nageak 1975: baby) | +vit- vv § sisugiak-
81) [when they looked back, ¤sitchuqit- (i) to vomit (of overfed
wow! to their surprise they saw a baby); (i) to regurgitate food or
mound of squirrels burrows] | drink; (t) to vomit on her/him/it
+qutaq vn,nn -t nn (of overfed baby) | ‘=It-2 nv,vv
sisit-1 (t) to enter through a crack and sitchuutisuġnailaq a sheep that is
form a pile (of snow) | +t-2 vv hard to take down the mountain
because of the great size of its
sisi- (i) to harden, become solid as a rock horns | ‘uti- vv +suq-1 vv
sisit-2 (t) for it to harden, solidify | +naq(-) vv :ilaq nn
-t-1 vv
sisuaq [sisuraq] [pl. sisurrat] white whale,
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) »
sisugiak- (i) to have a wet burp (of “Sisuat taisuugait taġium
baby); (Ti) (i) to burp up milk (of tiŋmiaŋiñik, qanuq
baby); (t) to burp up milk on nivliraġuurut tiŋmiatun
her/him/it (of baby); (i) to vomit puuvraqamiŋ imġum iluani. The
(of overfed baby); (i) to belugas are called the birds of the
regurgitate food or drink; (t) to ocean, because they make noises
like birds when they are

swimming in the ocean.” sitqiñ piece of wood attached to rear
(Ahmaogak & Webster:) § flippers of sealskin poke |
qilalugaq ‘=Iq-1 nv -n1 vn
sisuaqsiun beluga net | +siun nn sitquaq rear flipper of seal or walrus;
patella | -aq2 nn
sitaakiq [sitaakIq] [ENG “stocking”] sitquġiaq (Nu) knee < siitquq
stocking, sock sitquġmik- (t) to press her/him/it
down with one’s knees < siitquq
sitchaaq- (i) to have a long gently sloping sitquġun knee warmer; waterproof
ocean floor » taunuŋaqpaaġruk knee pad; knee pad » sitquġutaa
sivaaŋaaqhuni tainna itiruaq nauŋ where is his knee warmer|
uŋasikman sitchaaqtuġġuuq, -ġun nn
ikkatuuraq taunuŋa sitquġvigi- (i) to kneel before
ayaummimman they said that it her/him/it | +vIk1 vn +[g]i- nv
is thus when the deep part of the
water is quite a distance from sitri- [sitrI] (Nu) (t) to immerse it =metal
shore, when the shallow part into a mixture of snow and water
extends quite a ways out § sikkik-, to temper it
siuġaq an expanse of fine sand; sandstone
sitchiq- or sitchiqsruuti- (i) to be used for sharpening of knives »
soaking through; (t) to soak “qaviaraaq irakisuuraq
through it | mqsruq-2 vv :uti- vv siuġamik pisuugaat” (Matumeak
2009) [they refer to very fine sand
sitchuq- (i) to extend one’s legs while as siuġaq]; “nanuutiuraqługu
sitting on the floor irakisuuraq ipiksautigisuugait
sitchuŋa- (i) to sit with legs sumun siqquqtaamun
outstretched | ±ŋa- vv ilillakługu” (Aiken 2009) [they
sitchuqsimaaq- (i) to sit on floor with use the very fine sand as a
legs extended straight or crossed sharpener by rubbing it (the knife)
at ankles | +sima-2 +aq-1 vv § slowly over it (the fine sand) after
saqpiluksimaaq- placing it (sand) on a hard surface]
§ qavia
sitkiuma- (i) to dream of a good omen §
sikkik1 siułik or siulik northern pike (Esox
sitliq [sitlIq] (Nu) hard snow, windpacked
snow § sillIq siun or siuti [dual siuttak] ear » siutimi
iglua itna ipsuktaqsiññaġmatun
sitlisaqtaq ipiksaun (Nu) blade sharpener qukisugaqani ipsuktaġmatun
§ silliñ sunaimña pipman,
silaqługniaqtuq when one ear
sitquq(-) [sItquq] knee; hind flipper of hears vibrations instead of
seal; (i) to kneel, get on one’s hearing a piercing sound, it
knees; (t) to put one’s knees on indicates that bad weather is
her/him/it < siitquq approaching; “ipsuluktaġuuruq

siġriŋa” (Aiken 2009) [his ear something, like an Oldsquaw duck
wax vibrates] swooping down to land on water) |
siunŋuraq ear cavity | ±ŋuraq nn -qhuuq- vv −tit-2 vv
siurraaq- or siuttaaq- (i) to injure
one’s ear; (t) to injure her/his/its *siv (root) hipbone area
ear | ‘-aq-2 nv sivviaq(-) hipbone; (i) to injure one’s
siusiqi- (i) to have an earache; (t) to hip | ‘-aq-2 nv
operate on her/his ear; (t) treat sivyaaq or (Nu) sipyaaq rounded
her/his earache | ~Iqi-1 nv upper end of femur at hip joint;
siutaiyaq- (i) to have cold ears | hip joint | -yaaq2 rn § see
-iyaq- nv Appendix 21
siutigiit- (i) to have an earache |
+[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv sivaniq-1 (i) to sing in a high voice which
siutiġun hearing aid; earring | -ġun nn is unpleasing to the ear; (i) to be
siutiġuq seashell; snailshell; container high-pitched and irritating (of
for worms » “qupilġut puuŋit” sound); (Ti) (i) to echo »
(Aiken 2009) [containers for nipatuvailluni sivaniqtugguuq
worms] | ±ġuq n -t nn § uviluq iñuk because he is so loud, the
siutiġutik pair of earrings; ear-flaps | man’s voice reverberates, echoes
-ġun nn -k2 nn sivanau- (i) to ring loud (of his ears)
siutiquyuk twisted, spiral-shaped » sivanauruŋa my ears are
seashell with pointed end, ringing; “nipaġruaqtiġman siun
mollusk, shell | -quyuk tavra sivanaunisuugaat”
(Matumeak 2009) [when the ear
siunnaq(-) [siunnaQ] or (Nu) siutnaq(-) makes a piercing sound it is said
Iñupiaq-style long smoking pipe; to be ringing] | :u-2 vdv
(i) to smoke an Iñupiaq pipe » sivaniqtaq- (i) to jingle (of a bell) |
“aakaga siunnaġman +t/raq-1 vv
qiñiŋagiga” (Tuzroyluke 2009) ¤sivanuaq- (Ti) (i) to echo | =uaq- vv
[I have seen my mother smoking
a long pipe] sivaniq-2 for it =blubber to become old »
siunnauraq a short Iñupiaq-style uqrut sivaniġait the blubber has
smoking pipe » kiŋmiaġniqsuaq become old
siunnauramiñik sivanniq seal carcass buried so that
avyualauraġniqami he was it can ferment and become a
biting on his pipe making him delicacy | ‘-Q vn
look like he was smoking |
:uraq nn sivaraq- to cook blubber; (Ti) to heat oil
» karuktuqqaaqługu
siuq- (i) to make a whistling noise (of a qiqumaŋŋaan aasi
Arctic marmot) silavyiunmun auktiłługit
siuġruk(-) camp stove; (i) to make a uqsrukkuaqsiuġusiuġuurut after
distant, indistinct hissing or chopping it down while it is
whistling noise | +ruk nn frozen, they melt it on the skillet
siuqhuutit- (i) to make a whistling making oil for cooking doughnuts;
sound while whizzing by (of “niqigigmiuq sivaraq”

(Matumeak 2009) [cooked be in the front seat of the car;
blubber is also good to eat]; sivuġaa iglum south wall (of tra-
“sivaraġaa uġruliuqtuq ditional sod house); sivuvsigñi
igitillugu aasii immiqsuġlugu tikitchuaq she arrived ahead of
mipkunik” (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) youp | :a4 nn
[she is cooking the blubber sivuani before » sivuani tainna-
making it render into oil and then suitkaluaqtuaq she never used to
filled it (the rendered oil) with do that before | :a poss. +ni (loc.)
dried bearded seal meat] sivuaq incisor | -aq2 nn
sivaraaq (Ti) liquid from boiled fat or sivuġaaguaq- (i) to travel by in the
blubber | ±aq1 vn area front of her/him/it »
sivuġaaguaġnak akkupak don’t
*sivii or sivaa (root) incline, slope travel in front of him now | :ŋa
sivaaŋa- or sivaaŋaaq- (i) to be (poss. end 3s-s) -kun nnc (via.) -
slightly sloped | ±ŋa- vv or aq-4 nv
±ŋaaq- vv § sikkIk- sivuġaakkuuq- (i) to help pull a sled
siviinaaq a slope | -naaq nn » “sivuġaatigun qimmimik
siviiŋa- (i) to be sloping gently (of qamuktuaq ikayuqługit
hill, snowbank) | ±ŋa- vv qimmit” (Aiken 2009) [he was
siviiŋŋaġik- or siviŋŋaġik- (i) to be pulling in front of their dogs
steep, slippery, hard to climb | helping them] | +[ġ]aq nn :a (poss.
‘-ŋŋaġIk- nv end 3s-s) -kun nnc (via.) ‘uq-2 vv
siviŋaaq- (i) to slope | ±ŋaaq- vv sivuġaanuk- (i) to get in front of
her/him/it; (t) to place her/him/it
*sivI (root) duration in front » | +gaq2 nn :a nn (poss.
sivikisiq- (i) to surprisingly take a 3s-s) -nuk- nv
short amount of time | -kIt- nv sivuġaata qilaŋa long pitch of roof
mt/liq- vv (south side of sod house) |
sivikisuuraq a short while, a short +[ġ]aq nn :ata nn (poss. rel. 3s-s) |
duration | -kIt- nv mt/liq-3 vv qilak -ŋa nn (poss. 3s-s)
:uraq nn sivuġaġluqun or sivuġaġlugun
sivikit- (i) to be of short duration; (i) foreleg sinew (of caribou, moose,
to take little time | -kIt- nv or wolf leg) » “tuttut niuŋi
sivisu- or sivisuuraq- (i) to be of long sivuġaġluġutiqaġuurut
duration; (i) to be lengthy | +tu- nv ivalugisuummigait” (Matumeak
or :uraq- vv 2009) [caibou legs have foreleg
sinew which are used as thread] |
sivruuraq- (Nu) (i) to whisper § +[ġ]aq nn +lugun nn § iviġaaq
isivruuraq- sivuġak (Ti) toe of shoe | +[ġ]aq nn
-k2 nn
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuġaligaak(-) woman’s long hip
frontage, area in front of building; boots made of the summer leg
bow of boat; front exterior wall of skins of a caribou with white
house; time prior » sivua umiam fronts and dark sides; (i) to wear
bow of a boat; sivuaniin- sivuġuligaak boots »
niaqtuŋa qamutim I’ll “sivuġaagun qatiqtaanik aasii

saniġa maŋaqtaanik piliqługit sivukkiksi- (i) to become straight; (i)
aġnat kamiŋit takkiit” to position oneself in direct line
(Matumeak 2009) [women’s long with one’s destination; (i) to
boots with white fronts and dark position oneself straight ahead; (i)
sides] | +[ġ]aq nn +lik nn to no longer be confused | -kkI- nn
+[g]aaq nn -k2 nn § -k-2 vv +sI-1 vv
ilaaqtuutiligaak sivukkiq- (i) to turn onto the right
sivuġaŋiuti- (i) to appear, make one’s road, in the desired direction |
presence known, come forward | -kkI- nv +q-1 vv
+[ġ]aq nn +ŋIq- nv -uti- vv sivulik- (t) to do something before
sivuġaq promontory at end of ridge; she/he does; (t) to cut in line in
space or area in front; “front of the front of her/him » sivulikługik
leg” (Jenness 1928: 111); (Ti) tikisimaruguk aullaqqaaŋaruak
foreleg » “qimiġaq taikuŋa it seems that we arrived before the
qutchiksiŋavluni sivuġamik onesd who left earlier did | -lik- vv
taisuugaat” (Matumeak 2009) [a § saaŋiq-
ridge that has a raised point is sivuliñaaq (Ti) incisor | -liñaaq nn §
called a sivuġaq] | +[ġ]aq nn § sivuġaq
sivuliñaaq, nuvuġaq sivuliqqat or sivulliit (Nu) front teeth
sivuġaqłiq frontmost, foremost one; | -liġaq nn ‘-t nn or -llIQ nn :It nn
ancestor | +[ġ]aq nn +llIQ nn sivulliaġruit (Nu) ancestors | -llIQ nn
sivuġat front teeth (of human) | -aġruk nn :It nn
+[ġ]aq -t nn sivulliġruq- (Ti) (i) to lead others
sivuġun bow of sled; trim on front top (of leader of warriors); to lead
(of boot) | +ġun nn dogs (of man by walking in front
sivukkaiyuuq (Nu) stone with one of them) | -llIQ nn -ġruq- vv
end wide and the other narrow, sivulliq(-) first one; ancestor,
good for using with sling (rises forefather; leader; foreleg, lower
when it hits water) | -kkak- vv section of foreleg; (i) to lead the
-I-6 vv -ayuuq vn way; (t) to lead her/him/it along »
sivukki- (i) to point straight forward “….imma unipkaapiaġatauluni
(of feet) | -kkI- nv inġitchuq, aglaan quliaqtuaq
sivukkiaq- (Nu) (i) to turn in the ilisimaŋakkaŋat taipkua
desired direction, to turn onto the sivullivsa.” (Ekowana: 15) [it is
right road; (t) to turn, drive it in not really a legend but a story that
desired direction; (t) ¤for it to was known to our ancestors] |
come up out of the water right in -llIQ nn
front of them | -kkI- nv perhaps Sivulliq or Sivulliik [lit. “the first
+aq-1 vv two”] the two stars Arcturus and
sivukkiit- (i) to be crooked | -kkI- nv Muphrid in constellation Bootes;
:It-1 vdv “67. Arcturus…. si-bwŭd’-li”
sivukkik- (i) for it to be straight; (i) to (Ray: 56); “Time is measured by
point straight ahead (of road, line, the sun when it is visible, or by
or purpose) » sivukkiqsuq it is some of the stars at night. For
turned in the desired direction | instance, they say ‘we started
-kkI- nv -k-2 vv when the sun was yonder (in the

heavens) and travelled till it was sivuluat front teeth, incisors; hair
yonder.’ Arcturus, Sibwu’dli, is hanging over forehead, bangs |
the time-piece of the seal-netters. +luaq nn -t nn
When this star has passed over to sivumiuri (Ti) harpooner; navigator;
the east they know that dawn is at crew person in bow of whaling
hand and that netting is nearly boat | +miu- vv mt/ri vn § sivuqti
over.” (Murdoch 1890: 41) » sivuniġi- (t) to advance toward
qauġaqsimman alliġiik her/him/it; (i) to be the meaning of
taapkuak qaŋattaaniktiġmagnik it = word | +niQ1 nn +[g]i- nv
qausuuruq when dawn is sivuniq meaning, purpose, direction;
approaching and when the two future » sivuniŋat
[stars] that are one on top of the nalupqinaqtuq their future is
other have risen, then dawn uncertain | +niQ1 nn
occurs; “taapkuagguuq sivuniqsi- to understand, comprehend
qaŋattaaniktiġmagnik uvluq (it) | +niQ1 nn +sI-2 nv
nuirraqsisuuruq” (Matumeak sivuniqtuuq- (i) to be obstinate,
2009) [it is said that right after stubborn, headstrong | +niQ1 nn
those two (stars) rise the day +tuuq- nv
breaks]; “uvlum tuŋaani sivunmuktaq or sivutmuktaaq (Nu)
nuisuuruq; qaum sivuuraŋani a long sod house with the entrance
qausaŋaiñŋaan nuisuuruq; at one end (Ingstad: 158) |
qulliġiiksuk aagruuk uvlumi -nmuk- nv mt/raq1 vn or mt/raaq2 vn
sivulliuguraġuuruq; § akilliġii, iglupiaqtaqłik
aŋiuraqtuaq sivulliusuuruq” sivunmun forward, to the future |
(Aiken 2009) [as daylight -nmun nc
approaches it becomes visible; it sivunmuu- (i) to proceed despite
becomes visible right before advice to the contrary; (i) to be
daylight comes; the aagruuk are determined; (i) to be obstinate,
one on top of the other; the bigger headstrong, stubborn, insistent; (i)
(star) appears first] | -llIQ nn § to move forward | +t-2 nv
Aagruuk -muk- nv -u-2 vv
sivulliq- (i) to lead the way; (t) to lead sivunmuutu- (i) to be arrogant,
her/him/it along; to coax them headstrong, stubborn, obstinate,
=sled dogs along (when the dogs insolent as a behavioral strait |
have been travelling for a long +t-2 nv -muk- nv -u-2 vv +tu- vv
time, a person would take the lead sivunniġvik (Nu) direction in which
and break trail) | -llIQ- nn one is heading | +niQ1 nn ‘=Iq-1 vv
‘=Iq-1 nv +vIk1 vn
sivulliqsi person who walks in front sivunniq- (i) to decide, make up one’s
of dogs | -llIQ nn ‘=Iq-1 nv mind; (Nu) (i) to head in a specific
mt/ri vn direction, go a certain way; (t) to
sivulliu- (i) to be first | -llIQ nn outline her/his/its course of action;
:u-1 nv (Nu) (t) to head, send her/him/it in
sivulliuqti lead dog | -llIQ nn a certain direction | +niQ1 vn
‘=Iq-1 nv :uq-2 vv mt/ri vn ‘=Iq-1 nv

sivunniqsa! call for question (during (Aiken 2009) [it surfaces right in
meeting) | +niQ1 nn ‘=Iq-1 nv front of her or whatever, it
+ta (3p Optative) § piksraqta! becomes visible] | +[ġ]aq nn
sivunniuġutigi- (t) for them to be ‘-aq-4 nv
making decisions concerning, sivuqqiaq- (Nu) (i) to go on ahead of
about her/him/it; plan a course of others, to scout | -qqI- vv +aq-1 vv
action for handling her/him/it | sivut- (i) to navigate from the bow of
+nniuq- rv :un1 vn +[g]i- nv a boat, giving direction; (t) to
sivunniun or sivunniuġun plan, navigate it =boat from the bow of
purpose; decision; agreement; boat | -t-2 nv
contract; negotiation; (Nu) goal, sivuti harpooner; (Ti) navigator »
destination » “aġviqsiuġmata sivuti taamna
sivunniuġutiksrautikput nauligaqti” (Kinneeveauk 2008)
naatqaaġlugu pigupta [when they are whaling, the
nakuuniaqtuq it will be good for navigator is the harpooner] |
us to complete our plan of action mt/ri vn § sivumiuri
first | +niQ1 nn ‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn sivuuġa- (i) to be apprehensive; (i) to
sivunniun nalutchiñikun plot, secret dread being blamed or
plan | +niQ1 nn ‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn reprimanded; (i) to be fearful, be
sivunniuq- to plan (it); (i) to decide; intimidated » “Sumik
(i) to negotiate; (t) to explain it | sivuuġaŋaiġlugu itquvlugu.”
+niQ1 nn ‘=Iq-1 nv :uq-2 vv (Ahvakana: 22) [he wanted her to
sivunniuqatigiik- to plan, act, or not be apprehensive about
work together | +niQ1 nn anything] | -uġa- nv
‘=Iq-1 nv :uq-2 vv ±qati vn sivuuġagi- (t) to dread to facing
+[g]iik(-) nv her/him/it, be apprehensive of
sivuŋiq- (t) to preempt or get in front her/him/it;(t) to anticipate
of her/him/it; (t) to get in front of her/him/it with reluctance,
her/him (perhaps preventing, anxiety, or alarm | -uġa- nv
delaying, or forestalling her/him +[g]i- vdv
from doing something that she/he sivuuġanaq(-) dread, doom, anxiety;
will regret) @ sivuŋiqsi- | alarm; reluctance; (i) to be
+ŋIq- nv || +sI-3 vv foreboding, dreadful; (i) to cause
sivuqłiq or (Ti) sivuġli sailor apprehension | -uġa- nv
(because a sailor used to sleep in +naq(-) vv
bow of ship, sivu) umiaqpait sivuuġasaaġun threat, intimidation |
savaktiŋi sivuqłiñik -uġa- nv ±saaq-2 vv +un1 vn
taiguġuumarait the workers of sivuuġasaaq- (t) to intimidate, bully,
the ships were called sivuqłit; frighten, threaten or coerce
sivuani siñigviqaġnisuugai it is her/him/it into submission or
said they slept in the bow of the obedience | -uġa- nv ±saaq-2 vv
ships, sivu (Matumeak 2009) |
+llIQ nn sivvuŋa- (i) to have a protruding mouth,
sivuqqaaq- to become visible in front jaw, or lower face | ±ŋa- vv
of (her/him/it) » “sivuġakkun
puiruq suruq qiñiġnaqsiruq”

sivvuq- (t) to wring it out @ sivvuqsi- » together may take the place of a
“Aasii qipiaqsivlugu imuraq verb in a complex sentence) sua
akłunaaq sivvuqługu ivsaŋa.” una isiqhuni then unexpectedly,
(Kaveolook 1975b: 7) [then they he came inside; sua ikkuak lo and
begin to twist the coiled rope behold, there theyd were)
wringing out its juice] || :I-4 vv § suagguuq perhaps, maybe, just
siqqiiq- maybe | +gguuq (encl.)
¤suahii or suaqhii (Nu) (excl.) what’s
su(-) (Interrog. stem to which many that | +hii (encl.)
suffixes may be added; entries suasiuna (excl.) lo, then again, it
based on su(-) are integrated into appears unexpectedly| sua aasii
the S section) a what; (i) to do (conj.) una (dem. pron. sg), which
what; (t) to do what to her/him/it » can be replaced by any other
suviñ what are you doing; demonstrative pronoun) | una
suŋitchuŋa I’m not doing suasiavsruma lo, then again a
anything; suvauŋ what did he do character in a story or a situation
to her which has also been a character in
a previous narrative or situation |
*sua (root) intensity, strength, power avsruma
suallak- (i) to become excited over suasiukua lo, then again, they who
something | -ala- vv ‘-k-2 vv are presently active in one’s
suama- (i) to be strong, resilient; (i) to situation | ukua
have fortitude, resilience, guts |
+ma- vv suak- (t) to scold, rebuke, reprimand,
suammak- (i) to become stronger, reproach her/him/it @ suakłiq- ||
revitalized: (i) to become more +kłIq- vv
emotional | +ma- vv ‘-k-2 vv suaksiq- (i) to constantly be scolded;
suaŋa- (i) to be strong, powerful; (i) (i) to presently be scolded |
to be dynamic, full of energy | +[t]sIq- vv
±ŋa- vv sualuk- (t) to scold her/him/it lightly |
suaŋairrun ailment, mild sickness | perhaps -luk- vv
±ŋa- vv :It-1 vv -rrun vn suanaguti- (t) to begin to scold
suaŋait- (i) to be weak | ±ŋa- vv her/him/it | -naguti- vv
:It-1 vv
suaŋŋak- (i) to gain strength, become sualuk anything worn-out, tattered |
healthy after an illness | ±ŋa- vv -aluk nn < su(-)
‘-k-2 vv
suaŋŋan power, strength | ±ŋa- vv suaq- (i) to ask “what”; (t) to ask “what”
suaŋŋatiqpak might, extraordinary of her/him | +q-2 nv, dv < su(-)
force or power | ±ŋa- vv ‘-k-2 vv
‘n1 vn +qpak(-) nn suaqłuk litter, trash, something of no
value | +aqłuk nn < su(-)
sua (excl.) or sua una lo and behold; then suaqłuiq- (i) to become clean, clear of
totally or partially unexpected; litter | +aqłuk nn :Iq-2 nv
unexpectedly (used with any suaqłuu- (i) to be filled with rubbish,
demonstrative pronoun and trash, stuff; (i) to be dirty (of

water) » “suaqłuukami imiq suglut (Ti) half-masks made from tanned
suqłuiyaqługu” (Matumeak white caribou hide; a group of
2009) [when water is dirty, it is performances carried out during
filtered] § suaqłuk(-) | łuk nn “the sitting” aquppiyut » “The
:u-3 nv next group of performances
suaqłukuvik trash can | +aqłuk nn carried out during “the sitting” is
-ku- nv +vIk1 vn call suglut, a term derived from
the skin masks made by men in
sugaluaq-1 (with Conditional endings) the two qalegis. Actually the
sometimes quite unexpectedly one suglut are half-masks, made from
would do something » tanned white caribou skin…tied
“…sugaluaġami over the forehead so that a fringe
qargisuummivlunilu…” of caribou hair attached to the
(Ahvakana: 2) [once in a while lower edge hangs down over the
he would come to the meeting face.” (Rainey: 249) § aquppiyut
house unexpectedly] |
+k/galuaq- vv < su(-) °sugna (stem) direction | -k-3 vv +na
sugaluaq-2 (with Consequential (dem. sg. mkr.) < su(-)
endings) even if one does sugnamiñ (interrog.) from what
something » sugaluaqpan direction » sugnamiñ
uqallagnak no matter what he tikiññiaġnasugivigi ipkua
does, don’t say a word; | uniaġaqtuat which direction do
+k/galuaq- vv you think the dogteams will be
arriving from | -k-3 nv +na (dem.
sugi- (interrog.) (t) to be a what to sg. ending) ÷miñ (abl.)
her/him/it » sugiviuŋ taamna sugnamuk- (interrog.) (i) to be going
iñuk what is that person to you | which direction » sugnamukpa
+[g]i-nv < su(-) nukaaluiñ anikami which
sugiŋit- (t) for it to be of no direction did your younger sibling
consequence, no concern, no go after she came out |
bother; (Ti) (t) to leave her/him/it -k-3 nv +na (dem. sg. ending)
alone, not bother her/him/it » ÷muk- nv
aakaa sugiŋitkaa tainna sugnamun (interrog.) to which
pigupku it does not matter to my direction » sugnamun
mother if you do it that way | aullaġniaġniva aŋaiyyuliqsi
+[g]i- nv ±ŋIt- vv or +[g]i- nv uvlaaku which direction did the
+nŋIq- vv preacher say he would be going
suginġiq- or suginŋiq- (t) for it to tomorrow | -k-3 nv +na (dem. sg.
become of no consequence » ending) ÷mun (term.)
“Suginŋiġigaak, sugniqpa (interrog.) from what
nalupqisunġiqsuk.” (Nageak direction is the wind blowing |
1975: 44) [it (their situation) is no -k-3 nv +nIq-2 vv +pa (3p sg.
longer of consequence to them, interogg) | -k-3 nv +nIq-2 rv
they understood their predicament
clearly] | +[g]i- nv +nġit- vv *suġ (root) aggression

suġruk- (i) to go over to berate, suġlitchauraq Red-necked Grebe
quarrel with, or attack someone; (Podiceps grisigena)
(t) to go over to berate, quarrel
with or attack her/him | +rruk- rv suġlu nasal cavity | +lu nn
suġruit war party, group of fighters |
+rruk rn :It2 nn suġmik- (Ti) (i) to spurt, squirt out |
suġuk- (i) to wrestle with each other; +mik rv § suvlik-
(t) to fight, wrestle with
her/him/it; (t) tease her/him/it | suġusiq implement, device, property;
+uk rv part of another object | -ġun nn
suġġiaq- (i) to go to wrestle | :Iq nn < su(-)
‘=iaq- vv
suġuuraaq- (i) to wrestle playfully; suġutiksrait- (i) to come to the point of
(t) to wrestle playfully, tease not knowing what to do »
her/him | +uk rv -uraaq- vv “suniaqtilaaksramiñik naluruq”
(Aiken 2009) [he does not know
*suġaq (root) fragment; an item | what to do] | +un vn ~Iq nn
+[ġ]aq vn +ksraq(-)1 nn :It-1 nv
suġailaq something whole, uncut,
complete | :ilaq rn suiq- (i) to be emptied, depleted; (i) to no
suġaiñŋuġruaq very large mass of longer have anything | :Iq-2 nv <
pack ice (Harcharek: 15) | ‘-It-1 rv su(-)
+ŋuq nn +ġruaq nn suiġut- (t) to take all of his
suġait- (i) to be whole (of something); possessions | +ut-2 vv
(i) to be healthy or doing well | suiġuti- (i) to run out of supplies; (t)
‘-It-1 rv to take all of her/his possessions |
suġaliq property, wealth, treasure, :Iq-2 nv :uti2 vv
riches | -liQ nn
suġallak- (i) to become wealthy, su iluqaan (excl.) everything < su(-)
acquire property; (t) to acquire
much property for her/him | suit- (i) to have nothing; (i) for there to be
-liQ nn ‘-k-2 vv § umiallak- nothing | :It-1 nv < su(-)
suġalliqpik warehouse | -liQ nn suilaq one who has nothing |
‘=Iq-2 nv +qpik vn § suvvik :It-1 vn -laq vn
suġautaisuq- (i) to go and get suilauri- (i) to do something secretly;
belongings, equipment | -utaq nn (i) do something and then deny it;
:isuq- nv (i) to keep something hidden |
suġauttaqaġvik warehouse | :It-1 vn -laq vn:u-1 nv -rI-2 vv
-utaq nn -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn suitchuq number zero |
suġautaq piece of property | -utaq nn :It-1 nv +t/ruq (Indicative 3s) §
suġautat supplies, necessities; kisitchisaġvik
possessions, belongings | -utaq nn suilli- (i) to relax after being busy, rest
-t nn | :illI- nv

suġliq Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) *suk (root) presence | su(-) -k-1 vv

sukpalliq- (i) to let one’s presence be that his pulse becomes fast] |
known by making noise | -pkaq-2 vv
+p/vallIq- nv sukasaałłik- (i) to walk fast |
sukpaluiñŋataaġuraaq- (i) to +saq-4 vv -ałłik- vv
proceed slowly, intently without sukasałauraq- (i) to be moving
making any noise » “Qiviaġama, quickly, but not too quickly |
sua una nanuq! +saq-2 vv -łauraq- vv
Sukpaluiñŋataaġuraaqhuni sukasaq- (i) to do something quickly,
piruaq.” (Nageak 1976: 4) [when move quickly » sukasaqpaiññak
I turned to look, there was a polar pusikaqpiaqtutin don’t go too
bear; he had been coming slowly fast, you might fall forward |
but steadily without making any +saq-2 vv
noise] | -p/valuk- vv :It-1 vv sukasi- (i) to speed up, to accelerate;
±ŋa- vv +taaq- vv :uraaq- vv (t) to increase its speed, to
sukpaluk- or sukpaluktaq- (i) to accelerate it | +sI-1 vv
make noise (of unseen person or sukat- (i) to be fast, quick » sukattuq
thing) | -p/valuk- vv or siqiñġuraq the clock is fast | +t-2
+p/valuk- vv +t/raq-1 vv vv
sukuiq- (t) to scrutinize and recognize sukkaaġik- (i) to be going at a good
her/him/it in the distance, in fog, speed | ‘aq4 vn +[g]Ik- nv
etc.; (t) to recognize, distinguish
her/him/it | perhaps -kun (via.) rv sukaq a river flowing underground at the
:Iq-2 vv base of a mountain » “suvliktuaq
sukuiġi- (t) to finally recognize ataramik nunam ataani iġġim
her/him; (t) to perceive it perfectly killiŋani” (Matumeak 2009) [it’s
| perhaps -kun (via.) :Iq-2 rv one (a river) that is flowing all the
+[g]i- vv § ilitchuġi-, kisuiq- time underground at the base of a
sukuimmaġiksi- (t) to finally, really mountain]
ascertain what it is » ¤sukaqpaak or ¤ sukkak two
tautułauraqtilgitkaa mountains with a river flowing
sukuimmaġiksimmiñagulu he underground between them |
caught a glimpse of it but did not +qpak nn -k2 nn
really ascertain what it was |
perhaps -kun (via.) rv :Iq-2 vv sukkit- [sukkIt] (i) to take a step and get a
-mmaġIksI- vv nail, thorn, tack in one’s foot
sukuiqsit- (i) to cause oneself to be sukkiutaq splinter, thorn, nail in foot |
recognized | perhaps :utaq vn § qauqqutaq
-kun (via.) :Iq-2 rv mtit-1 nv
¤sukłuu- (Nu) (i) to be dirty (of water) |
suka- (i) to be fast, be quick -qłuk nn :u-3 nv < su(-)
sukait- (i) to be slow | : It-1 vv
sukapkaq- (t) to be fast (of pulse) » suksraaq- (t) to forsake, abandon, give up
“naŋirrutaa; tigliqtaaŋit on her/him/it; (i) to die during a
sukapkaġnisuugait” (Matumeak hunt while at sea »
2009) [it’s his sickness; they say “ikayuġumiñaiġaa; suksraaġaa”
(Matumeak 2009) [she is not able

to help him now; she gives up on destroy her/him/it | -ksraq(-) nn
him] | +ksraq(-) nn -aq-4 nv < su(-) :u-1 nv -aqsI- vv
suksraaqtaupiallagniq desolation, suksraunġiun condemnation; doom;
despair, loss of hope | +ksraq(-) nn annihilation | -ksraq(-) nn :u-1 nv
-aq-4 nv +t/raq vn :u-1 nv +nġIq- vv :un2 vn
-piallak- vv +niQ1 vn suksraunġiq- (i) to be completely
suksraaqtaupiallak- (i) to be destroyed; (i) to become useless;
desolate, forsaken, abandoned, (t) to destroy, ruin, demolish
without friends; (i) to despair | her/him/it completely; (t) to doom,
+ksraq(-) nn -aq-4 nv +t/raq vn condemn her/him/it | -ksraq(-) nn
:u-1 nv -piallak- vv :u-1 nv +nġIq- vv
suksraġinġiq- or sugraġiñġiq- (t) to suksraunġiqsat destruction |
come to hold her/him in low -ksraq(-) nn :u-1 nv +nġIq- vv
esteem, not think highly of +t/raq vn
her/him; to not care for her/him
anymore » “Uvvaliqaagguuq *suksraq (stem) an item | +ksraq (-) nn,
avsruma sugraġiñġiġaa nv < su(-)
sugraġiñġiġik aapaŋakta, suksraisuq- (not used with indicative
allamik aġnamik endings)(i) to fetch something; (t)
nakuaqsraqłuni.” (Ahvakana: fetch something for her/him/it »
12) [she realizes then that he, the suksraisuqpa what has he gone to
father, no longer cared for her, no fetch; suksraisuqtiłługu-kiaq
longer cared for them (she and her imma tikitchuaq aapaŋa her
child) because he loved another father arrived after she had gone
woman] | -ksraq(-) nn +[g]i- nv to fetch something, but I forget
+nġIq- vv what | +ksraq (-) nn, nv :Isuq- nv
suksraġiŋit- (t) to hold her/him in
low esteem, have no respect for sukuluk(-) a little bit of something;
her/him | -ksraq(-) nn +[g]i- nv expression including every little
±ŋIt- vv bit; (with conditional or
suksraq (excl.) what good is it; never consequential endings) (i) to do
mind; it is of no consequence » whatever » sukulukkama
“Qaugait utkua suksrat, suaguugaaŋa whenever I do
nannum tavra anything, she scolds me |
piyuaqsaġaluaġniġaaŋa.” ±kuluk- vv, nn < su(-)
(Nageak 1976: 4) [the ducks
down there were of no sukun (interrog.) which way; by what
consequence; a polar bear had means § su(-) -kun (via.)
been intending to harm me] |
-ksraq(-) nn suli (conj.) furthermore; and, also, more;
suksraq una (excl.) this one is good still in progress » savaktuq suli
for nothing | -ksraq(-) nn she is still eating < su(-)
suksraugaqsi- (i) to be about to die,
be killed, violently, such as being suli- (i) to make something; (t) to make it
crushed by ice; (t) to be about to into something | -lI-1 nv < su(-)

suliġusiq (Nu) way of doing suliqutigiŋit- (t) to not pay attention
something, a custom | -li-1 nv to her/him/it; (t) to ignore
-ġun vn :Iq vn § pilġusiq < su(-) her/him/it | -liqi- nv ~un1 vn
suliuġvik factory | -liuq- nv +vIk1 vn +[g]i- nv ±ŋIt- vv
sulliqsi- (i) to start being productive
(especially in making clothing by Suliruk a practice of gift exchange held
sewing) | -lI-1 nv ‘-q-1 vv +sI1- vv during a period of trading »
sulliqsu- (i) to be productive “Another practice at this time was
(especially in making clothing by call suliruk: a man who had a
sewing) | -lI-1 nv ‘-q-1 vv +su- vv partner in another qalegi sent him
Sullivik or Sulivik [lit. “time to make a gift … requesting a specified
things”] months of October and exchange.” (Rainey: 246) §
November » “I. 1853, Oct, 2. yuġaq(-)
Shud’-le- wing, sewing.”
(Simpson: 260) | -lI-1 nv +vIk1 vn sulliñiq (interrog.) what part of a whole »
§ NippivIk, NuliaġvIk, Qiññuvik taamnauna atigim sulliñġa what
Sullivium Aippaa [lit: “the other of part of a parka is that | -lliñiQ nn
the time to make things”] month
of November » “II. [1853] Nov. 1, sulliññauraq a relative who is one’s true
Shud’-le-wing ai-pa, sewing.” friend (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) §
(Simpson: 260) avvasaaq

suliaq- (interrog.) (i) to go or come to do suluk(-) wing feather; (t) to shake off,
what » suliaqpiñ why are you remove, e.g., snow, dust from
here | -liaq- nv < su(-) her/him/it @ sului- || :I-4 vv
suluksriuġvik a wooden lap work
suliqi- (interrog.) (i) to be doing what table used to attach wing feather
activity | -liqi- vv to an arrow | +ksraq(-) nn
suliqutauŋit- (i) to be unimportant, =iuq1- nv +vIk1 vn
insignificant | -liqi- nv ~un1 vn suluktaatchialik Bohemian Waxwing
:u-1 nv ±ŋIt- vv (Bombycilla garrulus)
suliqutigi- (with negative 2nd person suluktaq (Nu) feather for headdress,
subordinative endings) (t) to have (Ti) “…feather headdress called
nothing further to do with suluk” worn by male performers
her/him/it » suliqutiginagu don’t (Rainey: 250) | +taq nn
pay any attention to her | -liqi- nv suluktat feather headdress | perhaps
~un1 vn +[g]i- nv +taq nn -t nn
suliqutigiŋaiq- (t) to forgive her/him; suluktuq- (i) to shake one’s clothing;
(t) to no longer pay attention to (t) to shake it =clothing @
her/him/it, ignore her/him/it | -liqi- suluktui- » “ivsuktuqtuq
nv ~un1 vn +[g]i- nv ±ŋaiq- vv aputaulaaqłuni isiqtuni”
suliqutigiŋaiġun forgiveness | (Matumeak 2009) [one shakes
+[g]i- nv ±ŋaiq- vv :un oneself when one comes in
suliqutigiŋaiqsi- (i) to forgive covered in snow] | +tuq-2 vv ||
someone | -liqi- nv ~un1 vn :I-4 vv
+[g]i- nv ±ŋaiq- vv +sI-3 vv

suluktuun snow beater used to beat sunigliqaanik every kind | ÷nik
snow off of something | +tuq-2 vv (mod.) +liqaa (encl.) ÷nik (mod.)
:un1 vn
sulukpaugaq Arctic grayling sumiñ (interrog.) whence, from where »
(Thymallus arcticus) sumiñ paqitpiuŋ where did you
suluun dorsal fin; container for find it | ÷miñ (abl.) < su(-)
storing arrow feathers; (Nu)
old-style wooden box used to sumiñŋaq- come from where | ÷miñŋaq-
contain tools, etc. | :un1 vn
summagaaq- (t) to check on her/him/it to
sułłaya- (i) to have strong emotions; to be find out what she/he/it is doing |
emotional | -łłak- vv -ya-1 vv +mmagaaq- vv < su(-)
< su(-)
summan (interrog.) why | +mman (3s
sum (interrog.) [dual suk, pl. sut] what; conseq) < su(-)
what object’s noun » sum summankiaq or summantakiaq I
igniqutaanik igniqutchiqpiuŋ wonder why | +mman (3s conseq)
which object’s engine did you -pta (encl.) +kiaq (encl.)
built into it | ÷m (rel) < su(-)
summaq (Ti) reindeer skin tobacco pouch
sumi (interrog.) where, in what location | § tilaammaayuun
÷mI (loc.) < su(-)
sumiliqaa everywhere | -liqaa (encl.) sumun (interrog.) to where |
sumipayaaq everywhere | ÷mI (loc.) ÷mun (term.) < su(-)
+payaaq nn, cv sumuaglaan or sumun aglaan
sumiqsiuq- (interrog.) (i) to wander (interrog.) how far »
whereabouts » “Tarva sumuaglaaqsimava how far has
…aimman niqsaŋiññiġman he progressed | ÷mun (term.)
iġñi… isiġman uqallautigaa, aglaan (conj.)
sumiqsiuqługu pimmagaan, sumuaglaaq- (interrog.) (i) how far
suvluni niqsaŋiñmagaan.” did he/she/it go » sumuaglaaqpat
(Ahvakana: 38) [then…when he unnuaq how far did they progress
came home without any game last night | ÷mun (term.)
meat… after he has entered, she -aglaaq- vv
asks her son where he had been sumuk- (interrog.) (i) to go where; (i0
and what he had done, and also to place it where | +muk- vv
asked why he did not catch sunun aglaan (adv.) continuously »
anything] | ÷mI (loc.) +qsiuq- vv sunun aglaan uqaġuuruq he
talks continuously | ÷nun (term.)
sumik (interrog.) [sugnik (dl), sunik (pl)] aglaan (conj.)
what item » sumik piqaġukpa
what does she want | ÷mik (mod.) suna or su (interrog.) what | +na (dem.
< su(-) sg. mkr.) < su(-)
sumigliqaa anything, whatever | ¤sunalikum (expression) guess what I
-liqaa (encl.) have | +na (dem. sg. mkr.) +likum

sunapayaaq or supayaaq anything; intestines with a lot of solid fat are
everything | +na (dem. sg. mkr.) the suŋaġniq] | +niQ2 nn
+payaaq nn § sunigliqaa suŋaġnit- (i) to taste bitter; to taste or
sunauvva (excl.) and all the while; lo smell of bile | +nIt-2 nv
and behold » ivasugrulgiññiġiga suŋaqsruq- (i) to vomit a small
sunauvva aiganiŋaruaq amount of bile | +qsruq-1 nv
I searched for him everywhere, suŋauraaq- (i) to be the color blue;
and here he had already gone (Nu) (Ti) (i) to be the color green |
home | +na (dem. sg. mkr.) uvva =uraaq- vv
sunakki- (i) to store food for future suŋauraaqsi- (i) to become green (of
use » “niqinik katitchiruat” land) | -uraaq- vv +sI-1 vv
(Aiken 2009) [the ones storing suŋauraaqtaaq something blue; color
food for future use] | -kkI- nv blue | -uraaq- nv ‘t/raaq2 vn
suŋauraq bead | :uraq nn
sunasuutit (Nu) bits of food scattered suŋauraqpak (Nu) large, green bead |
around an animal trap | -t nn § :uraq nn +qpak(-) nn
kanġaqsruutit, naġiutit suŋauravik (Nu) blue bead |
:uraq nn -vIk2 nn
suniayuġattuq (excl.) it’s just as well; it ¤suŋauraviŋñaq (Nu) type of bead,
doesn’t matter | +niayuġat- vv bluish in color | :uraq nn
-vIk2 +naq
suniġluk (Nu) illness, disease < su(-) suŋaurriqi- (i) to do beadwork |
:uraq nn ‘=Iqi- nv
suniuraq- (interrog.) (i) to do what suŋŋiqi- (i) to vomit quantities of bile
surreptiously | +nIt-1 vv-uraq- vv | ‘=Iqi- nv

sunŋu- (i) to hold a grudge | +nŋu- vv < suŋaqpaluktuŋiq Yellow Warbler

su(-) (Dendroica petechia); Yellow-
sunŋun grudge; rancor | +nŋu- vv Rumped Warbler (Dendroica
-n1 vn coronata) | +p/valuk- vv,nv
+tuŋiq vn
suŋaq gallbladder » “suŋaitchut tuttut;
nunamik niqiqaqtuat suŋnamun (interrog.) which direction §
suŋaitchut; niqipianik sugnamun under su(-)
niqiqaqtuat suŋaqaqtut” (Aiken
2009) [caribou do not have suŋŋuq (Nu) eyebrow ridge of caribou
gallbladders; those that eat grass
do not have gallbladders; those ¤suŋutlulluuq Varied Thrush (Ixoreus
that eat meat have gallbladders] naevius)
suŋaaq- (i) to be green | -aq-3 nv
suŋaaqtaaq something green; the supasaġiŋit- (t) to not care for her/him/it;
color green | -aq-3 nv +taaq vn (t) to feel contempt for her/him/it;
suŋaġniq fatty intestine of caribou, (t) to regard her/him/it as not
moose, or deer » “iŋaluaŋit worthy of attention | -pasaq nv
qaunnaqpaligaat suŋaġniŋit +[g]i- nv ±ŋIt- vv < su(-)
tamarra” (Aiken 2009) [the

supayaat everything | -payaaq nn -t nn < realize a polar bear has come upon
su(-) you] | +ri (poss. 3p-3s)
supputaiłaaq(-) one without a gun; (i)
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen to proceed, go without a gun |
river); (t) to blow it =candle flame :ilaaq(-) vv, vn
out @ supisi- || +sI-3 vv supputi- (t) to carry or force
¤supikałłaktaq- or supiłhaqtaq- her/him/it along (of river or air
(Nu) (i) to be gusty (of wind) | current) | ‘-uti- vv
-kaq- vv -łłak- vv +t/raq-1 vv or supputiligaaġuraaqusuu- (t) to want
-łhaq- +t/raq-1 vv § her/him to bring along a gun for
anuqsraaġiksiraġaq- protection just in case »
supimaaq- (i) to blow lightly (of “Supputiligaaġuraaqusuugaaŋa
wind) | +maaq(-) vv mapqallapqamik unnii ilaanni.”
supiniq or sumniq initial breakup (Nageak 1976: 2) [he would want
point of a river | -niQ1 vn § me to bring along a gun even one
sikkiqi- that could barely shoot] | ‘-uti1 vn
Suppivik or (Nu) Supruġvik month -ligaaq(-) nv, nn :uraaq- vv -qu- vv
of May | ‘-vIk1 vn +[s]uu- vv
suppun rifle; gun | ‘n1 vn supputiqsruq- (i) to reach for and get
suppuqhiaq- (i) to spurt (of liquid); a gun » supputiqsruqpan
(t) to spurt it out » qimakkumausi when he reaches
suppuqhiaqtuaq tautuktaġa for his gun, run | +qsruq-1 nv
I saw it spurt out | ‘-q-1 vv supputit- (t) to shoot her/him/it with a
-qhiaq- vv gun; (t) to strike it with a whaling
suppuqtaġvik exhaust pipe | ‘-q-1 vv bomb | ‘-n vn -t-1 nv
+t/raq-1 vv +vIk1 vn supputitchaq- or supputisaq- (Nu)
suppuqtaq(-) ¤(Ti) long-stemmed, (i) to shoot a gun | ‘-n vn -t-1 nv
old-style pipe; (i) to give off -saq- vv
exhaust (of any engine); (t) to give suvlaq- (t) to open it =a closed valve
off exhaust toward her/him/it (of (as of a primus stove, gas lantern,
any engine) | ‘-q-1 vv +t/raq-1 vn etc.) | ~laq- vv
suppuqtaun exhaust pipe » suvlaun pipe cleaner (traditionally
“suppuqtautiqaġuurut made of bone); primus stove or
igniligaurat qunmullu gas lantern valve cleaner |
saniñmullu” (Aiken 2009) ~laq- vv :un1 vn
[engine boats have exhaust pipes suvlik- (i) to leak through a hole; to
that bend upwards or sideways] | gush out through a puncture; to
‘-q-1 vv +t/raq-1 vn -un1 vn flow up through a hole in ice (of
suppurri yourp gun » water) | ~lik- vv
“….supputaiłaaġlusi suvlu or (Nu) suplu pore; tiny hole;
taunuŋaġuvsi qanuġlugu barrel of gun | -lu vn
suppurri nannum tikisiġniqpasi suvluaq- or (Nu) supluaq- (t) to blow
aiñiaqpisiuŋ?” (Nageak 1976: 2) on her/him/it once; (i) to spout (of
[…if you go down on the ice whale) » suvluaqługu qamittaa
without a gun, how are you going he blew it out | =luaq-1 vv
to fetch your gun when you

suvluaqtunġaq flute, a woodwind qiñiyunapaluktuq the skier who
musical instrument | =luaq-1 vv slalomed downhill looked good |
+tuq-2 vv -nġaqvn -pIk- vv -aq1 vn -q-2 nv +aq-1 vv
suvluaqtuq- (i) to blow on supiaq- (i) to travel in a diagonal line;
(her/him/it) with successive gusts | (t) to make a diagonal line on it |
=luaq-1 vv +tuq-2 vv -pIk- vv -aq1 vn -q-2 nv
suvluġrak porous rock, bone, or ice | supiaq diagonal line | -pIk- vv -aq1 vn
-lu(q) vn +rak(-) nn
Suvluġvik or Suvligvik month of supiluqit- [supiluqIt] (i) to walk around
May; “It was Suvluravik tatqiq, doing nothing, just passing time §
‘the moon when rivers flow,’ a salipkak-, sanipkaaq-
season when everyone felt free
and happy.” (Nelson: 94) » suqaq- (i) to have something »
“Ikpikpaglu Kuulugruaġlu suqaqsimava what did she have |
atautchikun supisuumaruak; -qaq- nv -sima- vv < su(-)
sivuliksauraqługik suqaġviuraq container for odds and
aisauraġnaqtuk” (Matumeak ends | -qaq- nv -vIk1 vn -uraqnn
2009) [Ikpikpak and Kuulugruaq
(rivers) begin flowing at the same suqłak- (i) to get dirty, become soiled |
time; one has to begin returning ‘-qłak- vv < su(-)
home before they begin (flowing)]
| ~luq-3 vv +vIk1 vn § suqłiuq- (i) to be very sick, have much
Nuġġiaqtuġvik pain | '-qłuk(-) nn, vv '=iuq-2 nv §
naŋit- < su(-)
supi(-) aged butter or animal fat; (Ti) to suqłiuġun disease, sickness |
become moldy (of caribou fat) » '-qłuk(-) nn, vv '=iuq-2 nv +un1 vn
“qaunnaq supimman
tivluksisuuruq” (Matumeak suqłuk(-) impurity in water, e.g., dirt,
2009) [when caribou fat becomes bugs, etc.; (i) to become impure,
moldly, it becomes smelly]; dirty (of water) | '-qłuk(-) nn, vv §
“tipaaqsianiktiġman qaunnaq ipiq < su(-)
supirugguuq tavra, suqłuu- (i) to be impure, dirty (of
niġisuġnaitchuq” (S. Tuzroyluke water) |'-qłuk(-) nn, vv :u-1 vv
2009) [when the fat becomes suqłuiyaq- (t) to filter it | ‘-qłuk(-) nn
smelly, it is said to have become :Iyaq- nv
moldy; it is not good to eat suqłuiyaun filter | ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
anymore] :Iyaq- nv :un1 vn

¤supik- (t) to turn it sideways § sanniq- °suqpa1 (stem) whereabouts | -qpa- nn <
supiaġaq- (i) to tack, sail diagonally su(-)
to the wind, zigzag (of boat ); (i) suqpani (interrog.) located
to ski diagonally » whereabouts | +nI (loc.)
“sanipuunġaqtuq” (Matumeak suqpaniñ (interrog.) from
2009) [he is using the centerboard whereabouts | +niñ (abl.)
(to steer the boat)]; supiaġaqłuni suqpanun (interrog.) to whereabouts |
taŋmiġaqtuaq +nun (term.)

suraġaġniġmigun nalunaitchuq
*suqpa2 (root) shame, uncomfort a person is easy to recognize
suqpanaq- (i) to be so badly behaved through their behavior |
that others feel uncomfortable, +t/raġaq- vv +niQ1 vn
shameful | +naq(-) rv suraġautchiq or suraġausiq
suqpasuk- (i) to be uncomfortable, behavior, action | +t/raġaq- vv
feel shame from worrying about :utchIq vn or =usIq vn
what others think of one |
=suk-2 rv suraġruaq tobacco leaf | +ġruaq nn

suqqaq [suqqaQ] baleen, whalebone » suraksraq item to be worked on |

suqqaŋi qiññaġipaluktut iis +t/raksraq vn < su(-)
baleen look so beautiful § see suraksraqtu- (i) to require a lot of
Appendix 19 work and bother »
suqqalik whale that has baleen suraksraqturuq asuuna; oh,
(bowhead whale) | -lik nn § aġviq you are such a bother (requiring a
suqqaaq- (t) to damage it =baleen by lot of attention) | +t/raksraq vn
cutting it badly when working on -qtu- vv
it, or extracting it from whale |
‘-aq-2 nv suri one who does something » “takanna
takatkua aggaŋarut,
suqun one worthy of con-sideration or suriqalaiñmivlutiglu qaŋapak”
attention » isiqami uqallautigaa those who are downriver are
suqutigiŋaiġlugu iqsigiŋaiġlugu aggressive and there has been no
itquvlugu when she entered, she one to oppose them all this time
told him not to worry about her, (Bergsland 1987: 329) | mt/ri vn
not to be afraid of her | +qun vn < < su(-)
su(-) surratigiik- (i) to have influence over
suqutau- (i) to be helpful | +qun vn each other | ‘ti vn +[g]iik(-) nv
:u-1 nv
suqutigi- (t) to take notice of, pay surruiq- (i) to recover (of sick person or
attention to, be fond of her/him/it animal) | -rrun vn :Iq-2 nv §
| +qun vn +[g]i- nv naŋinŋaiq-

¤suqusiksrait- (i) to come to the point of *susaq (root) audible § *tusaq

not knowing what to do | +qun vn susaa- (Ti) to hear (her/him/it); (i) to
~Iq nn +ksraq(-)1 nn :It-1 nv hear news | -a-2 vv § tusaa-
susaarruġiit- or susaqsuit- (Ti) (i) to
suqusiq habit; characteristic behavior of be hard of hearing | -a-2 vv -rruq
person | +qun vn ~Iq nn § pilġusiq vv +[g]Ik- vv :It-1 vv or -a-2 vv
< su(-) +yuaq- vv or ±suit- vv
susaarruġik- (i) to have sharp hearing
suraġaq- to be doing something (to | -a-2 vv -rruq vv +[g]Ik- vv
her/him/it) | +t/raġaq- vv < su(-) susaġnaq- (Ti) (i) to be audible »
suraġaġniq an action verb; a person’s “Taamnagguuq umialgat
characteristic behavior » iñuk Pamiuġyuksaaq, Tikiġaġmi

iñuich uqaqtuat, susuksiu- (i) to long to do something
naalaġnaġisuugai, susaġnaġigai but have no means to do anything
ataramik.” (David Frankson as | +[s]uk- vv +siu- vv
reported Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: susunġiq- (i) to lose one’s
94) [it is told that their leader enthusiasm, become lethargic; (i)
Pamiuġyuksaaq (leader of the be unwilling to do anything »
people living underground, and susunġiŋaruq uiñi piiġman she
taker of the dead) would listen to no longer has any interests since
the people of Tikiġaq talking, he her husband passed away |
heard them all the time] | +[s]unġIq- vv
+naq(-) vv § Itivyaat
sutchiq (interrog.) which one |
susaq or susaqpak ace (in a deck of +tchIq1 nn, dn < su(-)
cards) (Matumeak 2009) sutchikun (interrog.) by, via which
means or way | +tchIq1 nn
*susaun (stem) action | +saq- vv -usIq vn +kun (via.)
< su(-)
susausiiq- (i) to not know what to do; sutqu- (interrog.) (t) to request her/him to
be unable to make a choice; be do what » sutquvatin uvlaaq
stumped » tavra susausiiqsuk, what did he want you to do this
aanġuaġiġmiuk then theyd do not morning | -tqu- vv < su(-)
know what to do, theird amulet is sutqulait- (i) to be touchy, over
gone as well | +sausiiq- vv sensitive; (t) to not want her/him
susausiit- (i) to not know what to do | to do anything; (t) to want nothing
+sausiit- vv to be done to her/him | +[t]qu- vv
-lait- vv
susi- (i) to buy; (t) to buy for her/him/it |
+sI-2 nv < su(-) sutqut- (interrog.) (t) to go by which
susisiksraq money to buy something way; in accordance with »
with | +sI-2 nv +un1 vn “Nigiġraiyaaġuqsimagaa
+ksraq(-) nn sutqunnagu uqalua.” (David
Frankson as reported by Pulu,
susiat- (Ti) (i) to limp § tusiat- Sampson, Newlin: 96) [the wind
susialliq- (Ti) (i) to become lame had started blowing slightly from
| -lliq- vv the east according to what he had
susiġġuk- (Ti) (i) to walk with a limp, said]; sutqułługu
to limp » “ayauppiaqtuqtuaq tautuŋisimavisiuŋ how is it that
susiġġuktuq” (S. Tuzroyluke you went that you did not see it |
2009) [the person who is using a -tqut- nv < su(-)
cane is limping] | voiced
-qhuk(-) vv § tusiqhuk- suu [ENG “soup”] soup

susuk- (interrog.) (i) to want to do what » suu- (interrog.) (i) to be what » suuviñ
susukpiñ what do you want to do maani what is your function
| +[s]uk- vv < su(-) around here | :u-2 nv
suuyumiñait- (i) to be worthless, use-

less; (i) will not amount to any- anuġaiññiġman suuramik unnii
thing | :u-1 nv +yumiñaq- vv makitiqtuq he got up when he
:It-1 vv < su(-) found that the air was very calm |
:uraq nn ÷mik (mod.) < su(-)
suummak small container »
“puuġurakkiuvva taugaaqqiñik suuraq small item » “tavra tavraŋŋa
imaqaġuuruaq” (Aiken 2009) aullaligiññapta ataaqsaqhuta
[it’s a small bag which usually suitchuq, iñuk iluqani
had tobacco in it] § tuummaq suuraiqsimaruq” then when we
departed again going
suunaaq (Nu) man’s male friend of same downstream, there was nothing;
age; close cousin; (Ti) relative everyone had run out of supplies
who was given away when young (Bergsland 1987: 382) | :uraq nn
to be raised by another family » < su(-)
“ilauraaġiipiallaktuak iññuk;
simmiqsuutisuuruak suurimmaaq- (i) to be careful »
niġillaturamignik” (C. “pilluataġniuraqtuq”
Tuzroyluke 2009) [very close (Matumeak 2009) [she is trying to
relatives; persons who exchange do her best (by being careful)]
food they like to eat] § uuma
suurraaq- (i) to become damaged,
suunnaq something of consequence | broken (the damaged or broken
+unnaq nn < su(-) part is as yet unknown) |
suunnaġilait- (t) to not pay attention :urraaq- nv < su(-)
to her/him/it » suunnaġilaitkaa
uqqaqtugaluaġman he does not suva (interrog.) why (used alone) §
pay any attention to her since she summan
gossips so much | :unnaq vn +[g]i-
vv -lait- vv suvaata (interrog.) why; ‘how come’ |
+p/va (3s interrog) +ata (encl.)
suuŋilaq worthless item; number zero | < su(-)
:u-1 nv ±ŋilaq vn < su(-)
suuŋilaġi- (t) to dishonor, feel suvak fish eggs
contempt toward her/him/it; (t) to suvagrak core of ivory tusk (with
regard her/him/it as unimportant; appearance of fish eggs) | +rak nn
(t) to think her/him/it of no value, suvait fish roe | :It nn
worthless; (t) to discriminate
against her/him; (t) to neglect suvaluk- (i) to make sound when doing
her/him/it » suuŋilaġinagik something; (Nu) (i) to make a
aŋayuqaakiñ do not dishonor crashing noise, as crushing ice |
your parents | :u-1 nv ±ŋilaq vn -p/valuk- nv < su(-)
+[g]i- nv suvaluktaq- (Nu) (i) to make a
crashing noise repeatedly |
suuramik unnii (excl.) definitely, without -p/valuk- nv +t/raq-1 vv
any exception » suuramik unnii
isiġnasi don’t youp dare enter;

suvaluk (excl.) especially so; in
particular; thank goodness; more suviŋñiq smell of meat or skin »
importantly » tamannaasu- naimanaqsimman amiq suna
manna uqqaqturuq, suvaluk qanusiq ami niqi any kind of
imiuraŋakami oh, that one talks meat or skin that has began to
too much, especially when he has smell
had a bit to drink; “suvaluk suviŋñit- (i) to smell of meat and skin
aptuma savakkamiuŋ » “suviŋñiñman niqi nakuuŋit-
iluakkuaqsimagaa” (Aiken 2009) chuq; tipaa allaŋŋuqtuq”
[thank goodness that person (Matumeak 2009) [when the meat
repaired it correctly]; smell of flesh it is not good; its
“nuimałhaaqtuaq, unapiksuaq” smell has altered] | ‘=It-2 nv
(Matumeak 2009)[one that is more
important, especially this one] suviqsiq- [suviqsIq] (i) to be idle

suvatit- (i) to make a banging noise when suviñ why are you here (a greeting asked
it hits (of bullet); (t) to hit it of a child who enters) |
making a bang, noise » +p/vIn/t (interog.) 3s-2s < su(-)
“tusaġnallagruaġman suna”
(Aiken 2009) [when something is suviu- (i) to sting (of a cut when medicine
very audible suddenly ] | is applied)
+p/vatit- vv suviuq- (i) to smart, burn (of an
injury) | +q-1 vv
suvigrait- (Ti) (i) to be too much,
excessive; (i) to be everywhere » suvlaq- (t) to open it =valve (as of a
“Taunuŋagguuq Itivyaalia- primus stove, gas lantern, etc.)
ġamik savinnaqtuq araa. < supi-1
Tautkuagguuq isiġniaqtuni
sanik suvigraitchuq. Araa suvlaun pipe cleaner (traditionally made
sanŋuruq” (David Frankson as of bone); primus stove or gas
reported by Pulu, Sampson, lantern valve cleaner < supi-1
Newlin: 96) [it is said that when
they visit the Itivyaat (spirits of suvlik- (i) to leak through a hole; to gush
the ancient people of Ipiutaak and out through a puncture; (i) to flow
the deceased who live up through a hole in ice (of water)
underground near Point Hope) < supi-1
requires a great deal of time and
effort; when one enters the suvlu or (Nu) suplu pore; tiny hole; barrel
dwellings of those who live of gun < supi-1
down there (one finds) there is
dust everywhere; it is very dusty] suvluaq- or (Nu) supluaq- (t) to blow on
| +vigrait- vv < su(-) her/him/it once; (i) to spout (of
whale) < supi-1
suviksraiq- (i) to run out of time to do
an activity | +vIk1 vn +ksraq(-) nn suvluaqtunġaq flute, a woodwind
:Iq-2 nv < su(-) musical instrument < supi-1

visible; entity in reference may be
suvluaqtuq- (i) to blow on (her/him/it) closer to the listener than the
with successive gusts < supi-1 speaker) <agnatchiq
taagaktuma [dual taakkuak, pl.
suvluġrak porous rock, bone, or ice taakkua] that one over there
< supi-1 across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
body of water (extended and
Suvluġvik or Suvligvik month of May visible; entity in reference may be
< supi-1 closer to the listener than the
speaker) < aktuma
suvvik or suvviuraq storage alcove in taagaktumani [dual taakkugnagnI,
sod house entrance passageway; pl. taakkunanI] located with that
small hut where things are kept; one over there across, e.g., a river,
small cache § see Appendix 22 < a street, or a body of water
su(-) (extended and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the
listener than the speaker) <
T aktumani
taagaktumaŋŋa [dual taakkugnaŋŋa,
*ta(t) (prefix used with demonstratives pl taakkunaŋŋa] from that one
for emphasis or to indicate that over there across, e.g., a river, a
the entity in reference is closer to street, or a body of water
the listener than the speaker) § see (extended and visible; entity in
demonstrative roots and stems: reference may be closer to the
°taag, °taakim, °taam, °taav, listener than the speaker) <
°taik, °taim, °takan, °tamar, aktumaŋŋa
°tasakim, °tasam1, °tasam2, taagaktumatun [dual taakkugnaktun,
°tatkig, °tatkiv, °tatpag, °tatpakim, pl. taakkunatitun] similar to that
°tatpam, °tatpik, °tatqa(g), one over there across, e.g., a river,
°tatqakim, °tatqam, °tatqav, °taun, a street, or a body of water
°tavr (extended and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the
°taag (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over listener than the speaker) <
there across, e.g., a river, a street, aktumatun
or a body of water (extended and taagaktumiŋa [dual taakkugniŋa, pl.
visible; entity in reference may be taakkuniŋa] that one over there
closer to the listener than the across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
speaker) < °ag (dem. stem) body of water (extended and
taagagna [dual taakkuak, pl. taakkua] visible; entity in reference may be
that one over there across, e.g., a closer to the listener than the
river, a street, or a body of water speaker) < aktumiŋa
(extended and visible; entity in taagaktumuŋa [dual taakkugnuŋa,
reference may be closer to the pl. taakkunuŋa] to that one over
listener than the speaker) < agna there across, e.g., a river, a street,
taagagnatchiq the other side, not this or a body of water (extended and
side e.g., of a river, a street, or a visible; entity in reference may be
body of water (extended and

closer to the listener than the
speaker) < aktumuŋa taagaŋŋaqtaq or (Nu) taagakŋaqtaq
taagaktumuuna [dual taakkugnuuna, item obtained from the continental
pl. taakkunuuna] via with that one United States; (Nu) someone from
over there across, e.g., a river, a across the river or south <
street, or a body of water; with aaŋŋaqtaq
that one over there across, e.g., a taagga over there across, e.g., a river,
river, a street, or a body of water a street, or a body of water
(extended and visible; entity in (extended and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener than the speaker) < listener than the speaker) < agga
aktumuuna taaguŋa to over there, across, e.g., a
taagani located over there across, river, a street, or a body of water
e.g., a river, a street, or a body of (extended and visible; entity in
water (extended and visible; entity reference may be closer to the
in reference may be closer to the listener than the speaker) < auŋa
listener than the speaker); (by taaguŋanmun towards over there,
extension and visualization) the across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
contiguous United States or body of water (extended and
Europe < aani visible; entity in reference may be
taagaŋŋa from over there across, e.g., closer to the listener than the
a river, a street, or a body of speaker) < auŋanmun
water (extended and visible; entity taaguŋaq- (i) to go over there, cross,
in reference may be closer to the e.g., a river, a street, or a body of
listener than the speaker); (by water; (i) to go to the lower 48 or
extension and visualization) from to Europe (extended and visible;
the contiguous United States or entity in reference may be closer
Europe < aaŋŋa to the listener than the speaker) <
taagaŋŋamiñ from that direction over auŋaq-
there across, e.g., a river, a street, taaguuna via, through over there
or a body of water (extended and across, e.g., a river, a street, or a
visible; entity in reference may be body of water; via northside of
closer to the listener than the Tikiġaq (extended and visible;
speaker); (by extension and entity in reference may be closer
visualization) from the direction to the listener than the speaker) <
of the contiguous United States or auna
Europe < aaŋŋamiñ taaguunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
taagaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over over there across, e.g., a river, a
there across, e.g., a river, a street, street, or a body of water
or a body of water (extended and (extended and visible) §
visible; entity in reference may be avuunnaaq-
closer to the listener than the
speaker); (by extension and taak- (i) to split into layers; (t) to split it
visualization); (i) to come from into layers @ taaksi- || +sI-3 vv
the contiguous United States or taaktiq- (t) to remove an outer piece
Europe < aaŋŋaq- of clothing which is attached to

another or covers another (e.g., taakiptumuŋa [dual taakipkugnuŋa,
parka cover sewn to the parka pl taakipkunuŋa] to that one over
lining) | mtiq-2 vv there across (not visible to
speaker; entity in reference may
°taakim (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over be closer and visible to the
there across (not visible) < °akim listener) < akiptumuŋa
(dem. stem) taakiptumuuna [dual
taakimna [dual taakipkuak, pl taakipkugnuuna, pl.
taakipkua] that one over there taakipkunuuna] via with that one
across (not visible to speaker; over there across; with that one
entity in reference may be closer over there across (not visible to
and visible to the listener) < speaker; entity in reference may
akimna be closer and visible to the
taakiptuma [dual taakipkuak, pl listener) < akiptumuuna
taakipkua] that one over there taaŋma over there across (not visible
across (not visible to speaker; to speaker; entity in reference may
entity in reference may be closer be closer and visible to the
and visible to the listener) < listener) < aŋma
akiptuma taaŋmani or taaŋmaniit- located
taakiptumani [dual taakipkugnagni, over there across (not visible to
pl. taakipkunani] located with that speaker; entity in reference may
one over there across (not visible be closer and visible to the
to speaker; entity in reference may listener) < aŋmani
be closer and visible to the taaŋmaŋŋa from over there across
listener) < akiptumani (not visible to speaker; entity in
taakiptumaŋŋa [dual reference may be closer and
taakipkugnaŋŋa, pl. visible to the listener) < aŋmaŋŋa
taakipkunaŋŋa] from that one over taaŋmaŋŋamiñ from that direction
there across (not visible to over there across (not visible to
speaker; entity in reference may speaker; entity in reference may
be closer and visible to the be closer and visible to the
listener) < akiptumaŋŋa listener) < aŋmaŋŋamiñ
taakiptumatun [dual taaŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over
taakipkugnaktun, pl. there across (not visible to
taakipkunatitun] similar to that speaker; entity in reference may
one over there across (not visible be closer and visible to the
to speaker; entity in reference may listener) < aŋmaŋŋaq-
be closer and visible to the taaŋmuŋa to over there across (not
listener) < akiptumatun visible to speaker; entity in
taakiptumiŋa [dual taakipkugniŋa, reference may be closer and
pl. taakipkuniŋa] that one over visible to the listener) < aŋmuŋa
there across (not visible to taaŋmuŋanmun towards over there
speaker; entity in reference may across (not visible to speaker;
be closer and visible to the entity in reference may be closer
listener) < akiptumiŋa and visible to the listener) <

taaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go over there reference may be closer and
across (not visible to speaker; visible to the listener) < amaŋŋa
entity in reference may be closer taamaŋŋamiñ from that direction
and visible to the listener) < over there (not visible to speaker;
aŋmuŋaq- entity in reference may be closer
taaŋmuuna via, through over there and visible to the listener) <
across (not visible to speaker; amaŋŋamiñ
entity in reference may be closer taamaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over
and visible to the listener) < there (not visible to speaker; entity
aŋmuuna in reference may be closer and
taaŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through visible to the listener) < amaŋŋaq-
over there across (not visible to taamma over there (not visible to
speaker; entity in reference may speaker; entity in reference may
be closer and visible to the be closer and visible to the
listener) < ¤aŋmuunnaaq- listener) < amma
taammaliami (excl.) just let her/him
taakti [ENG “doctor”] medical doctor, be over there (not visible to
physician speaker; entity in reference may
taaktigu- (t) to give her/him/it be closer and visible to the
medical treatment | -u-2 nv listener); can’t do anything about
it, whatever happens happens
taalaġaq- (i) to go inland (of person); taamamna [dual taamapkuak, pl.
(Nu) (i) to travel up to the taamapkua] that one over there
mountains (not visible to speaker; entity in
taalġaa- (i) to travel inland (of reference may be closer and
people); (Nu) (i) to travel en visible to the listener) amna
masse up to the mountains | -a-1 vv taamamnatchiq the one in the next
taalġaat or (Nu) taalaġaat party of room over (not visible to speaker;
people heading inland; (Nu) entity in reference may be closer
travelers going up to the and visible to the listener) §
mountains | -a-1 vv -t nn amnatchiq
taamuŋa to over there (not visible to
°taam (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over speaker; entity in reference may
there (not visible) < °am (dem. be closer and visible to the
stem) listener) < amuŋa
taamani located over there (not taamuŋanmun towards over there
visible to speaker; entity in (not visible to speaker; entity in
reference may be closer and reference may be closer and
visible to the listener) < amani visible to the listener) <
taamaniit- (i) to be located over there amuŋanmun
(not visible to speaker; entity in taamuŋaq- (i) to go over there (not
reference may be closer and visible); (t) to put or place it over
visible to the listener) < amaniit- there, into another room (not
taamaŋŋa from over there (not visible to speaker; entity in
visible to speaker; entity in reference may be closer and
visible to the listener) < amuŋa-

taamuuna via, through over there taamaptumuŋa [dual
(not visible to speaker; entity in taamapkuŋnuŋa, pl.
reference may be closer and taamapkunuŋa] to that one over
visible to the listener) < amuuna there (not visible to speaker; entity
taamuunnaaq- via, through over in reference may be closer and
there (not visible to speaker; entity visible to the listener) < aptumuŋa
in reference may be closer and taamaptumuuna [dual
visible to the listener); to go via, taamapkuŋnuuna, pl.
through over there closer to the taamapkunuuna] via that one over
listener than to the speaker (not there; with that one over there (not
visible to the speaker but may or visible to speaker; entity in
may not be visible to the listener) reference may be closer and
< amuunnaaq- visible to the listener) <
taamaptuma [dual taamapkuak, pl. aptumuuna
taamapkua] that one over there
(not visible to speaker; entity in taammak(-) game of checkers; checker
reference may be closer and piece; (i) to play checkers
visible to the listener) < aptuma1 taammagvik checkerboard | +vIk1 vn
taamaptumani [dual
taamapkuŋnaŋni, pl. *taaniq (root) distant appearance
taamapkunani] located with that taanikit- (i) to be smaller than others |
one over there (not visible to -kIt- nv
speaker; entity in reference may taaniqtu- (i) to be larger than others;
be closer and visible to the to appear large, loom large |
listener) < aptumani1 +tu- nv
taamaptumaŋŋa [dual taaniqtunaq- (i) to make things
taamapkuŋnaŋŋa, pl. appear larger | +tu- nv +naq(-) vv
taamapkunaŋŋa] from that one
over there (not visible to speaker; taaŋŋaq(-) liquor; (i) to drink liquor; (Nu)
entity in reference may be closer (i) to drink alcohol and get drunk |
and visible to the listener) < perhaps taaq(-) -ŋŋaq-1 vn §
aptumaŋŋa taaq(-)
taamaptumatun [dual
taamapkuŋnaktun, pl. °taap (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) that
taamapkunatitun] similar to that there (restricted and visible; entity
one over there (not visible to in reference is closer to the
speaker; entity in reference may listener) < °tavr
be closer and visible to the taamna [dual taapkuak, pl. taapkua]
listener) < aptumatun that one there near the listener
taamaptumiŋa [dual taamapkuŋniŋa, (restricted, visible); topic of
pl. taamapkuniŋa] with that one on-going conversation; recently
over there (not visible to speaker; mentioned one < °tavr
entity in reference may be closer taamnaasuuna [dual
and visible to the listener) < taapkuakasuukuak, pl
aptumiŋa taapkuasuukua] (excl.) you are

impossible; he is impossible; oh, taaġutchiq- (i) to be in the shade,
you! < °tavr behind a screen, away from direct
taaptuma [dual taapkuak, pl light; (t) to place a screen, curtain
taapkuak] that one there near the to shade her/him/it from direct
listener (restricted, visible) < °tavr light | -utaqvn ‘=Iq-1 nv
taaptumani [dual taapkugnagni, pl taalu (Nu) shelter or hunting blind of
taapkunani] located with that one willows, snow, or stones where
there near the listener (restricted, hunters wait for caribou | -lu nn
visible) < °tavr taaluaq (Nu) first light of day which
taaptumaŋŋa [dual taapkugnaŋŋa, pl appears during the dark winter
taapkunaŋŋa] from that one there period of the year | -luaq nn
near the listener (restricted and taalutaq(-) something blocking one’s
visible) < °tavr view, visual obstruction; a shade
taaptumatun [dual taapkugnaktun, from light; (i) to be blocking the
pl taapkunatitun] similar to that view; (t) to block her/his/its view;
one there near the listener to shade her/him/it; (i) to be
(restricted and visible) < °tavr blocked from view; (Nu) (t) to be
taaptumiŋa [dual taapkugniŋa, pl blocked from her/his view |
taapkuniŋa] with that one there -lutaq vn
near the listener (restricted and taalutchiq- (i) for one’s view to be
visible) < °tavr blocked; (t) to block her/his view |
taaptumuŋa [dual taapkugnuŋa, pl -lutaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
taapkunuŋa] to that one there near taaqsi- to become dark (of day) »
the listener (restricted and visible) taaqsiŋaiñŋaan aiyumautin
< °tavr come home before dark |
taaptumuuna [dual taapkugnuuna , +sI-1 nv
pl taapkunuuna] via, with that one taaqsilaaq- (t) to dim, reduce
there near the listener (restricted her/his/its light | +sI-1 nv -laaq-1 vv
and visible) < °tavr taaqsima- (i) to not be adjusted to
darkness (of one’s eyes) |
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); +sima-2 vv
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to Taaqsipaiyaaq African American
be black; (t) to block her/his/its child; black child; person who is
light » taaŋaiŋŋa stop blocking part black or African American |
my light § maŋaq-, qiġñiq- +sI-1 vn -pak2 nn -iyaaq nn
taaġmiu- (i) to be, stay in the dark | Taaqsipak African American person;
+miu- vv black person | +sI-1 vn -pak2 nn §
taaġniq dark place, darkness | Pusrgiq, Puksripak
+niQ1 vn taaqsisuqsi- to be at the zenith of the
taaġutaq an obstacle in the way of dark period of the year | +sI-1 nv
direct light; lampshade, screen; +suq-1 vv +sI-1 vv
(Nu) curtain; (Nu) brow tine, a taaqsisuusi- for the midnight sun
large piece of antler which hangs summer days to end | +sI-1 nv
down in front of brow of bull +[s]uu- vv +sI1- vv
caribou | -utaqvn taaqsiulgu- (i) to be able to see well
in the dark » taaqsiulguitchuq

she has difficulty seeing in the taasiŋiq [taaqsiŋIq] or taatchiŋiq
dark | -lgu-1 vv Common Loon (Gavia immer)
taaqsiulguit- (i) for one’s eyes to not
be adjusted to the dark, to have taat- (i) to break (of thread, esp. sinew)
difficulty seeing in the dark |
+siuq- nv -lgu-1 vvd :It-1 vdv taata (Nu) grandfather § ataata
taaqsiuq- (i) to travel in the dark | taataak (Nu) set of grandparents §
+siuq- nv ataataak under ataata
taaqsiuraviktuaġaqsi- (i) to begin to taataruaq (Nu) old man § ataataruaq
get dark quickly » “Tavra, under ataata
aapiyaq uqallaktuq
taaqsiuravigtuaġaqsimmata, taatchiŋiraq Junco (Junco hyemalis)
“Uvluqauraŋŋaan uvaguk
tammaaniktuguk, uanmun °taav (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over
tamanna tuvraġlakpuk, there (extended and visible; entity
isukłitkuptigu in reference may be closer to the
mayuġisimmigikpuk.” (Nageak listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °av1
1975: 46) [then, the elder brother (dem. stem) < °av1 (dem. stem)
said as the darkness began to taavamna [dual taavapkuak, pl.
descend quickly “here we are lost taavapkua] that one over there
with a bit of daylight left, so why (extended and visible; entity in
don’t we follow this path reference may be closer to the
westward so that when we reach listener) < amna2
its end we can always climb it taavani located over
(the bluff)”] | +sI-1 vv :uraq- vv there (extended and visible; entity
+vik- vv +tuaq- vv -aqsI-vv in reference may be closer to the
taaqsiuti- (t) to become dark (of listener); “westward, or along the
day) for her/him/it » coast towards Icy Cape or Point
taaqsiutigaatigut it is now dark Hope” < avani
and we are still at our task | taavaniit- (i) to be located over there
-uti- vv (extended and visible; entity in
taaqtaq something black; blue denim reference may be closer to the
| +taq nn listener) < avaniit-
taaqtaq avu brown sugar | +taq nn taavaniqpaaġruk located much
taaqtipkaq- (i) to faint | +tipkaq- vv § further over there; located way
qaurimaiq- over there (extended and visible;
taaqtuliq- (i) to start to show signs of entity in reference may be closer
darkness (of days in fall) | to the listener) < avaniqpaaġruk
+tuq-3 vv -lIq-3 vv taavaniqpani located further over
taatchaatun very black, very dark in there (extended and visible; entity
color | -tchaatun v-(sim.) in reference may be closer to the
listener) < avaniqpani
¤taaqtałuaq- (Nu) (i) to be wearing only taavaŋŋa from over there (extended
underwear and visible; entity in reference
may be closer to the listener) <

taavaŋŋamiñ from that direction over there; with that one over there
there (extended and visible; entity (extended and visible; entity in
in reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener); (Ti) from Kotzebue, listener) < aptumuuna2
Alaska (perspective of Point over there (extended and
Hope, Alaska) < avaŋŋamiñ visible; entity in reference may be
taavaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over closer to the listener) < avva
there (extended and visible; entity taavva taavani located to the west
in reference may be closer to the (extended and visible; entity in
listener) < avaŋŋaq- reference may be closer to the
taavaptuma [dual taavapkuak, pl. listener) < avva avani
taavapkua] that one over there taavuŋa to over there (extended and
(extended and visible; entity in visible; entity in reference may be
reference may be closer to the closer to the listener) < avuŋa
listener) < aptuma2 taavuŋanmun towards over there
taavaptumani [dual taavapkugnagni, (extended and visible; entity in
pl. taavapkunani] located with that reference may be closer to the
one over there (extended and listener) < avuŋanmun
visible; entity in reference may be taavuŋaq- (i) to go over there
closer to the listener) < aptumani2 (extended and visible; entity in
taavaptumaŋŋa [dual reference may be closer to the
taavapkugnaŋŋa, pl. listener); (t) to put or place it over
taavapkunaŋŋa] from that one there (extended and visible; entity
over there (extended and visible; in reference may be closer to the
entity in reference may be closer listener) < avuŋaq-
to the listener) < aptumaŋŋa taavuŋaqpaaġruk (to) way over
taavaptumatun [dual there (extended and visible; entity
taavapkugnaktun, pl. in reference may be closer to the
taavapkunatitun] similar to that listener) < avuŋaqpaaġruk
one over there (extended and taavuuna via, through over there
visible; entity in reference may be (extended and visible; entity in
closer to the listener) < reference may be closer to the
aptumatun2 listener) < avuuna
taavaptumiŋa [dual taavapkugniŋa, taavuunnaaq- via, through over there
pl. taavapkuniŋa] that one over (extended and visible; entity in
there (extended and visible; entity reference may be closer to the
in reference may be closer to the listener) < avuunnaaq-
listener) < aptumiŋa2
taavaptumuŋa [dual taavapkugnuŋa, *tagi (root) feeling of not being welcomed
pl taavapkunuŋa] to that one over tagiala- (i) to feel unwelcomed,
there (extended and visible; entity uncomfortable, out of place; (i) to
in reference may be closer to the not feel at home, relaxed | -ala- vv
listener) < aptumuŋa2 § tutqiit-
taavaptumuuna [dual tagialanait- (i) to be hospitable,
taavapkugnuuna, pl. friendly, making others feel at
taavapkunuuna] via that one over home, welcomed | -ala- vv

+naq(-) vdv :It-1 vdv +vIk1 vn +miu nn -t nn
tagialanaq- (i) to be inhospitable, tagranmun or (Nu) tagratmun (adv.)
unwelcoming | -ala- vv toward upstream, upriver | -nmun
+naq(-) vdv (term.)
tagiaqtuq- (i) to go away from home | tagrauti- (t) to take her/him/it upriver
+tuq-2 vv » tagrautigaa iglua umiami he is
taking his other boat upriver |
tagik- [tagIk] or tagiuqtuq- (i) to sneeze :uti- vv
several times in succession |
-uq(-)1 vv or +tuq-2 vv tagrua- (i) to go out to the whaling camp
tagiuq larva of throat botfly, smooth and help in the cutting of the
(not fuzzy) edible worm found in whale, thereby earning a share of
nasal cavity of caribou in spring | the meat and maktak (whale skin
:uq(-)1 vn with blubber)
tagiuq- (i) to sneeze once » kiakiaq
imña itqakasakpaŋa; *taġi (root) reflection of image
tagiuġallaktuŋa uvlupak I taġġaq shadow | ‘-Q rn
wonder who is thinking of me; Taġġaqsiuġvik or Taġġaqtuġvik or
I’ve been sneezing all day | Taġġaqtuġviat [lit. “time to
:uq(-)1 vv follow one’s shadow”] (Nu)
month of November (when a ram
tagiq- [tagIq] (i) to go or move from starts to follow his own shadow in
place to place; (i) to go calling at bright moonlight, it also becomes
or visiting many houses interested in mating) »
taggiqsuaq- (i) to continually move “taġġamignik maliguurut;
from place to place | ‘-q-1 vv paŋaligagniqsut tatpaani iġġiñi”
+tuaq- vv (Hugo 2009) [they (caribou) run
tagiuti- (t) to show her/him around, after their shadows; they run in the
taking her/him from place to place mountains during this month] |
| :uti- vv ‘-Q rn +siuq- nv or +tuq-1 nv
+vIk1 vn § SullivIk, Nippivik,
taglu snowshoe Qiññuvik
taglukalgu- (i) to be able to use taġġaqtuq- (i) to see one’s reflection,
snowshoes expertly | -kaq- nv to look in the mirror; (Nu) (i) to
-lgu-1 vv make a shadow, cast a shadow |
taglupiaq (Nu) snowshoe with ‘-Q rn +tuq-3 nv
rounded front | -piaq(-)1 nn taġġaqtuun mirror | ‘-Q rn +tuq-3 nv
:un1 vn
tagraq- (i) to travel upriver; (t) to travel taġġi- (i) to appear (of shadow) |
upriver on it =river | *ati, ‘-Q rn ‘=I-1 nv
taalaġaq- taġġiraq- (i) to lurk behind in the
tagraaq person traveling upstream | shadows; (i) to view, watch
±aq1 vn television | ‘-Q rn ‘=I-1 nv
Tagraġvigmiut [lit. “upriver -t/raq-1 vv
people”] (Nu) Upper Kobuk taġġiraun television | ‘-Q rn ‘=I-1 nv
people; Indians of Arctic Village | ~raq- vv :un1 vn

taġġisimavik covered porch | ‘-Q rn taġiuġmiut coastal people | +miu nn
‘=It-2 nv msima- vv +vIk1 vn -t nn
taġġit- (i) to move into shade or a taġiuqtiq- (i) to camp near the ocean
cool place; (i) to be thin (like » taġiuqtiġniaqtugut upinġaaġu
paper); (i) to disappear into the we are planning to camp near the
shadows, out of view, disappear ocean this summer | +tiq-1 nv
from sight; (i) to cast a shadow; (t)
to come into her/his/its view, ¤taġyaqpak (Nu) king salmon
vision | ‘-Q rn ‘=It-2 nv (Oncorhynohus tschawytscha)
taġiatitaq- (i) to cast shadows | +qpak(-) nn,vv § iqalugruaq,
+iaq-3 vv -tit-2 vv +aq-1 vv iqalukpak

taġigraq (Ti) belt § tiġiksraq tai- [tagI] (t) to pronounce, say or utter it
=word @ taisi- || +sI-3 vv
taġniq [taġniQ] (Nu) soul, life force | taggiñ term, name of something |
perhaps ~niQ rn § *taġi ‘n1 vn
taġniġiq- (Nu) (i) to lose one’s life taggiqłuk- (t) to mispronounce it |
force, die | :Iq-2 nv ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv
taiguaq(-) to read (it); a verse,
taġutu- (i) to be fat (of person); (i) to be anything to read | :guq- vv
wide | +tu- nv § quiñi-, niġutu- ±aq1 vn -q-2 nv
taiguat a book | :guq- vv
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean; sea; (i) to ±aq1 vn -t nn
use salt; (t) to salt it; (Ti) (i) to be taiguq- (t) to call them =names out |
blue » taġium siñaa beach, coast, :guq- vv
land beside the sea taimaqłuk- (t) to mispronounce it |
taġġitchii- (i) to soak something in -maqłuk- vv
salt water | ‘=It-2 nv +[t]sII- vv taiñġuraq a vowel | +niQ1 vn
taġiiq- (i) to be no longer salty | :uraq nn
=Iq-2 nv taiñiġruaq a consonant | =niQ1 vn
taġiitkun (Ti) boot made to be worn +ġruaq nn
on sea ice » “immami naakka taiñiq name of object; title,
sikumi kamŋit; natchiqamik appellation; pronunciation,
uluglugu aasii natchium articulation of a word | +niQ1 vn
uġruanik nanuglugu” (C. taisaġniq a syllable | +saq-2 vv
Tuzroyluke 2009) [boots for either +niQ1 vn
at sea or on the ice; when they
catch a seal they soften (the boot) taigruaq [ENG “tank”] oil drum |
by twisting and rubbing it, then +ġruaq nn
they rub it with seal oil] | taigruaġauraq- (i) to be a participant
+iitkun nn in a race where competitors roll
taġġirriq- to salt (it) | oil drums from start to finish with
‘=Iq-1 nv their feet | +ġruaq nn +[t]aq-2 nv
taġirrit- to be thoroughly soaked in -uraq- vv
ocean water | ‘=It- nv

°taik (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over over there (restricted, visible;
there (restricted, visible; entity in entity in reference may be closer
reference may be closer to the to the listener) < iktumani
listener) | prefix *ta(t) (dem. taiktumaŋŋa [dual taikkugnaŋŋa, pl.
prefix) °Ik1 (dem. stem) < °Ik1 taikkunaŋŋa] from that one over
(dem. stem) there (restricted, visible; entity in
taigña [dual taikkuak, pl. taikkua] the reference may be closer to the
one over there (restricted, visible; listener) < iktumaŋŋa
entity in reference may be closer taiktumatun [dual taikkugnaktun, pl.
to the listener) < igña taikkunatitun] similar to that one
taikani or taikaniit- located over over there (restricted, visible;
there (restricted, visible; entity in entity in reference may be closer
reference may be closer to the to the listener) < iktumatun
listener) < ikani taiktumiŋa [dual taikkugniŋa, pl.
taikaniqpani located further over taikkuniŋa] that one over there
there (restricted, visible) | +anI (restricted, visible; entity in
(dem. loc.) +qpa nn +anI (dem. reference may be closer to the
loc.) listener) < iktumiŋa
taikaŋŋa from over there (restricted. taiktumuŋa [dual taikkugnuŋa, pl.
visible; entity in reference may be taikkunuŋa] to that one over there
closer to the listener) < ikaŋŋa (restricted, visible; entity in
taikaŋŋamiñ from that direction over reference may be closer to the
there (restricted, visible; entity in listener) < iktumuŋa
reference may be closer to the taiktumuuna [dual taikkugnuuna, pl.
listener) < ikaŋŋamiñ taikkunuuna] via that one over
taikaŋŋaq- (i) to come from over there; with that one over there
there (restricted. visible; entity in (restricted, visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < ikaŋŋaq- listener) < iktumuuna
taikaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it taikuŋa to over there (restricted and
from there (restricted, visible; visible; entity in reference may be
entity in reference may be closer closer to the listener) < ikuŋa
to the listener) < ikaŋŋauti- taikuŋanmun towards over there
taikka over there (restricted, visible; (restricted and visible; entity in
entity in reference may be closer reference may be closer to the
to the listener) < ikka listener) < ikuŋanmun
taikkaikka (excl.) there! over there! taikuŋaq- (i) to go over there
(restricted, visible; entity in (restricted, visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < ikkaikka listener) < ikuŋaq-
taiktuma [dual taikkuak, pl. taikkua] taikuŋauti- (t) to take her/him/it to
that one over there (restricted, over there (restricted, visible;
visible; entity in reference may be entity in reference may be closer
closer to the listener) < iktuma to the listener) < ikuŋauti-
taiktumani [dual taikkugnagni, pl. taikuuna via, through over there
taikkunani] located with that one (restricted and visible; entity in

reference may be closer to the taimmalikii so what, nothing
listener) < ikuuna can be done, so let it be |
taikuunnaaq- (i) via, through over °Im (dem. stem) ‘a (dem. adv.
there (restricted and visible; entity mkr.) +li (encl.) +kii (encl.)
in reference may be closer to the taimmau- (i) to be lost forever |
listener) < ikuunnaaq °Im (dem. stem) ‘a (dem. adv.
mkr.) :u-1 nv § tammaq-
taikuu [ENG “thank you”] (excl.) thank taimña [dual taipkuak, pl taipkua]
you § quyanaq that one in the past, one
previously mentioned < imña
°taim (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) in the taimuŋa into the distant future;
aformentioned past | *ta(t) (dem. forever, to the end of time | °Im
prefix) °Im (dem. stem) < °Im (dem. stem) +uŋa (dem. term.)
(dem. stem) taimuŋaaq- to recite (it) from
taimani1 located in the past; during, memory | °Im (dem. stem)
at that time in the past; in the past | +uŋa (dem. term.) -.q-3 dv
°Im (dem. stem) +anI (dem. loc.) taimuurrauriŋaiq- (i) to no longer
taimalugguuqasu (excl. which keep as a secret |-u-2 vv +urraq- vv
indicates that the status quo will :u-2 vv +rI-1 vv ±ŋaiq- vv
change usually in the negative) it taiptuma [dual taipkuak, pl. taipkua]
is inevitable; to be predestined; to that one in the past, the one
be a foregone conclusion » previously mentioned < iptuma
“Taimalugguuqasu… taiptumani [dual taipkugnagni, pl.
iñuugisiruq aŋutaugumi.” taipkunani] located with that one
(Ahvakana: 18-20) [it is in the past, the one previously
inevitable… that he (intruder) will mentioned < iptumani
not be allowed to live if he is a taiptumaŋŋa [dual taipkugnaŋŋa, pl.
man] | °Im (dem) ‘a (dem. adv) taipkunaŋŋa] from that one in the
+lu (encl.) +gguuq (encl.) °asu past, the one previously
taimanigu or taimanigun in the mentioned < iptumaŋŋa
distant future | °Im (dem. stem) taiptumatun [dual taipkugnaktun, pl.
+anI (dem. loc.) m[g]u(n) nn taipkunatitun] similar to that one
taimaŋŋa qaŋa since that time | °Im in the past, the one previously
(dem. stem) +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) mentioned < iptumatun
taimma used when referring to a taiptumiŋa [dual taipkugniŋa, pl.
past event » taimma taipkuniŋa] that one in the past,
makitagaluaqami aquvittuq she the one previously mentioned <
stood for a while and then sat iptumiŋa
down | °Im (dem. stem) ‘a (dem. taiptumuŋa [dual taipkugnuŋa, pl.
adv. mkr.) taipkunuŋa] to that one in the past,
taimmaami (excl.) maybe that is the the one previously mentioned <
situation | °Im (dem. stem) ‘a iptumuŋa
(dem. adv. mkr.) +ami (encl.) taiptumuuna [dual taipkugnuuna, pl.
taimmaasii and so then | °Im (dem. taipkunuuna] via that one in the
stem) ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) aasii past, the one previously
(conj.) mentioned; with that one in the

past, the one previously °taiñ (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) over
mentioned < iptumuuna there, across a flat area §
°iñ (dem. stem), °taig (dem. stem)
taima (excl.) that’s true!, that’s it!; that’s taiñña (Nu) over there, across a flat
enough! stop! § tavra area | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
taimaaq- or tavraaq- (i) to stop taiñani located in/at over there, across
wanting, to have had enough | a flat surface | +anI (dem. loc.)
.q-2 dv taiñaniit- (i) to be located in/at over
taimaiñaq or (Ti) taimmaŋŋaiññaq there, across a flat surface | +anI
or (Nu) taimakŋaiññaq (adv.) all (dem. loc.) it- vv
of a sudden, suddenly, taiñuŋa to over there, across a flat
unexpectedly § tavraŋŋatchiaq(-) surface | +uŋa (dem. term.)
taiñuŋaq- (i) to go over there, across
tainna or (Nu) taitna or taimanna (dem. a flat surface | +uŋa (dem. term.)
adv) in that way or manner; (Nu)
thus; so-so, neither very good nor °takan (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) down
very bad (idiomatic use as answer there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
to question qanuqitpiñ “how are downriver, or by the door
you”); (excl.) enough! | *ta(t) (restricted and visible) | *ta(t)
(dem. prefix) it- vv +na (dem. (dem. prefix) °kan (dem. stem) <
pron. sg. mkr.) < inna °kan (dem. stem)
tainnait- or taimait- (i) to be that takanani or takananiit- located
way; (t) to act thus toward down there, e.g., on or near the
her/him/it, to treat her/him/it that ocean, downriver, or by the door
way » tainnailli let it be, leave it (restricted and visible; the entity
alone; tainnaillugu uniññagu referenced may be closer to the
don’t leave it like that, in that listener) < kanani
condition | ta- (dem. prefix) or Im- takanaŋŋa from down there, e.g., on
(dem. stem) it- or inna it- | it- or near the ocean, downriver, or
tainnaŋilaaq (excl.) not like that by the door (restricted and visible;
tainnaq- or (Nu) taitnaq- (i) to say or the entity referenced may be
do thus; (t) to say or do thus to closer to the listener) < kanaŋŋa
her/him/it | -q-2 dv takanaŋŋamiñ from that direction
tainnasiġaq- or (Nu) taitnasiġaq- (i) down there, e.g., on or near the
to say or do thus repeatedly; (t) to ocean, downriver, or by the door
say or do thus to her/him/it (restricted and visible; the entity
repeatedly | -siġaq- vv referenced may be closer to the
tainnasiq or taimannasiq something listener) < kanaŋŋamiñ
like that, such as that » tainnasi- takanaŋŋaq- (i) to come from down
mik piqaġuŋitchuŋa I do not there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
want one like that | =sIq4 dv downriver, or by the door
tainna suli like previously, like before (restricted and visible; the entity
» tainna suli makua pisaġitin do referenced may be closer to the
these like you did [the ones] listener) < kanaŋŋaq-
before | suli takanaŋŋauti- (t) to bring, transport
her/him/it from down there, e.g.,

on or near the ocean, downriver, takattuma [dual takatkuak, pl.
or by the door (restricted and takatkua] that one down there,
visible; the entity referenced may e.g., on or near the ocean,
be closer to the listener) < downriver, or by the door
kanaŋŋauti- (restricted and visible; the entity
takanna1 [dual katkuak or takatkuak, referenced may be closer to the
pl. katkua or takatkua] that one listener) < kattuma
down there, e.g., on or near the takattumani [dual takatkugnagni, pl.
ocean, downriver, or by the door takatkunani] located with that one
(restricted and visible; the entity down there, e.g., on or near the
referenced may be closer to the ocean, downriver, or by the door
listener) < kanna1 (restricted and visible; the entity
takanna2 down there, e.g., on or near referenced may be closer to the
the ocean, downriver, or by the listener) < kattumani
door (restricted and visible; the takattumaŋŋa [dual takatkugnaŋŋa,
entity referenced may be closer to pl. takatkunaŋŋa] from that one
the listener) < kanna2 down there, e.g., on or near the
takanuŋa to down there, e.g., on or ocean, downriver, or by the door
near the ocean, downriver, or by (restricted and visible; the entity
the door (restricted and visible; referenced may be closer to the
the entity referenced may be listener) < kattumaŋŋa
closer to the listener) < kanuŋa takattumatun [dual takatkugnaktun,
takanuŋanmun towards down there, pl. takatkunatitun] similar to that
e.g., on or near the ocean, one down there, e.g., on or near
downriver, or by the door the ocean, downriver, or by the
(restricted and visible; the entity door (restricted and visible; the
referenced may be closer to the entity referenced may be closer to
listener) < kanuŋanmun the listener) < kattumatun
takanuŋaq- (i) to go down there, takattumiŋa [dual takatkugniŋa, pl.
e.g., on or near the ocean, takatkuniŋa] that one down there,
downriver, or by the door e.g., on or near the ocean,
(restricted and visible; the entity downriver, or by the door
referenced may be closer to the (restricted and visible; the entity
listener) < kanuŋaq- referenced may be closer to the
takanuuna via, through down there, listener) < kattumiŋa
e.g., on or near the ocean, takattumuŋa [dual takatkugnuŋa, pl.
downriver, or by the door takatkunuŋa] to that one down
(restricted and visible; the entity there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
referenced may be closer to the downriver, or by the door
listener) < kanuuna (restricted and visible; the entity
takanuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through referenced may be closer to the
down there, e.g., on or near the listener) < kattumuŋa
ocean, downriver, or by the door takattumuuna [dual takatkugnuuna,
(restricted and visible; the entity pl. takatkunuuna] via that one
referenced may be closer to the down there, e.g., on or near the
listener) < kanuunnaaq- ocean, downriver, or by the door;

with that one down there, e.g., on
or near the ocean, downriver, or taksaġnaq ocean current flowing directly
by the door (restricted and visible; toward shore | msaq-3 vv +naq2 vn
the entity referenced may be
closer to the listener) < taksi-1 [taksI] (Nu) (i) to win, e.g., in
kattumuuna cards; (t) to beat her/him in a
game; (Ti) (i) to win money from
taki- (i) to be long cards or from a pool of money
takiłhuyuk or takiłhuyaaq
something long; someone tall | ¤taksi-2 [taksI] or taksiuq-1 (Ti) (i) to
-łhuyuk vn, -yaaq2 vn, rn bring home meat from the site of a
takinaaq- or taŋnaaq-, (Nu) catch, e.g., whale meat from edge
taknaaq- (i) to be made long; of ice | -uq-2 vv
(Nu) (i) to be lengthened; (t) to
make it long; (Nu) (t) to lengthen *taksIq (root) a summons song or call
it | -naaq- vv taksiqsuq- (t) to call to it =animal so
takiruaq long “minute” hand of a it will come | +tuq-2 vv
clock | +t/ruaq vn taksiqsuun a hunter’s animal call
takitilaaq(-) or taktilaaq(-) length of made to draw prey close | :un1 vn
something; (t) to measure its taksiuq-2 (t) to sing a summons song
length » taktilaaŋa nalugikput to entice her/him/it to come; (t) to
we do not know its length, how summon her/him/it with a song »
long it is | -tilaaq(-) vv, vn “taksiuqsiutigaa utiqtitkaa;
takitiŋa or takitilaaŋa end of story as ‘aakavit tavra
in expression tavra takitiŋa taksiutilgitkaatin’;
“that’s its [the story’s] length” | taksiutitkaaŋa; sunauvva
-tilaaq(-) vv, vn -ŋa (3s-3s poss) atuutigaaŋa utiquvluŋa”
takkiiq something long | ‘-.Q4 vn (Matumeak 2009) [she sang a
takłi- or takisi- (i) to become long; (t) summons song and made him
to lengthen it » takłiruaq return; “your mother has made
tasiqsruqaptigu it got longer you return once again with a
after we stretched it | ~łI- vv song”; she sang a summons song
+sI-1 vv for me; that is, she sang a song for
taksruk long, narrow lake | ~sruk vn me wanting me to return] |
:uq-2 vv
takpik- [takpIk] (i) to have good
eyesight, good vision taksraq (Nu) bull’s-eye, center of target
takpiili- (i) to weaken (of one’s eyes) |
-pIk- vv :It- nv -lI-2 vv taksruq- (Nu) (i) to enter the village, after
takpiit- (i) to have poor eyesight | arriving onshore; (i) to travel
-pIk- vv :It-1 nv inland, after arriving onshore; ¤to
takpiilaaġruk Boreal Owl (Aegolius return from whaling § qaksruq-
funereus) | :It-1 nv :ilaq vn
-ġruk nn taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy
takpiilaq one with poor eyesight | taktugruaq thick fog; ice fog |
-pIk- vv :It-1 nv :ilaq vn +ġruaq nn

taktuguq- to become foggy | +uq-1 nv 2009) [he sees her right in front of
taktuġayaq- (i) to be somewhat himself] | ‘-Q vn ¤+muq- rv
foggy | +ġak- vn, nn -yaq- vv takkuġni [dual takkuvsigñi; pl.
taksaġnaq dark cloud over open takkuvsiññi] in your presence |
ocean water (often indicative of ‘-Q vn +ŋnI (2s-s poss. loc)
bad weather) | +łuk1 nn takkuġniñ [dual takkuvsigñiñ; pl.
taktuksiun compass | +siun nn takkuvsiññiñ] from your presence
» takkugniñ piiquviuŋ do you
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is want her to be removed from your
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the sight | ‘-Q vn +ŋniñ (2s-s poss.
hospital; (t) to check on it @ abl.)
takuri- or takusi- » takuraani takkumni [dual takkuptigni; pl.
unnuaq he came to see how I was takkuptinni] in my presence »
last night; takugaa pamma takkumni tainna uqallaktuaq
aapani naŋirvigmun he has gone she said that in my presence |
to see his father at the hospital || ‘-Q vn -mnI (1s-s poss. loc)
~rI-5 vv or || +sI-3 vv § tautuk- takkumniñ [dual takkuptigniñ; pl.
takuiññaq- (t) to look longingly, stare takkuptinniñ] from my presence |
at her/him/it | :iññaq- vv ‘-Q vn -mniñ (1s-s poss. abl.)
takunait- (i) to be invisible | +nait- vv takkumnun [dual takkuptignun; pl.
takunnaq- to stare (at her/him/it) | takkuptinnun] to my line of
-nnaq- vv § qiñiq- vision, to my person »
takupqaŋa- (i) to derive a great deal takkumnun uqallautiraani he
of pleasure from visiting with told me to my face | ‘-Q vn
each other after not having seen -mniñ (1s-s poss. term)
each other for a long time; (t) to takkun or takkugauraq pupil of eye;
experience pleasure from visiting line of vision; presence »
her/him/it after not having seen “Maguula takkuanun amiiġaa
her/him/it in a long time | saŋniuŋŋiñmiuq” he skinned
-pqaŋa- vv Maguula to the pupils of his eyes
but he was not in pain (Bergsland
°takkuq (stem) presence of | ‘-Q vn § 1987: 318) | -n vn -gauraq nn §
taku-, tautuk- tautuun
takkuani [dual takkuagni; plural takkuqsraaq- (t) to witness an
takkuanni] in the presence of incident | ‘-Q vn -qsraaq- nv
her/him | ‘-Q vn :anI (3s-3s poss.
abl.) takuq- (i) to grind one’s teeth; (t) to chew
takkuaniñ [dual takkuagniñ; pl. it
takkuanniñ] from her/his presence takuutik (dual) meat grinder | :un1 vn
» takkuaniñguuq piiġiñ he said -k2 nn § siqupsiñ
for you to remove yourself from takuutitaq- to grind (it =meat or
his sight | ‘-Q vn :aniñ (3s-3s poss. anything that can be ground using
abl.) a meat grinder) | :un1 vn
takkuġmuq- (i) to show up, appear in +[t]aq-2 nv
one’s presence » “takkuanun
tavruŋa tautukkaa” (Aiken takuyaq flag § taku-

takuyaqhuuq- to welcome the taliunnaq (Nu) a song for a dance
messengers of the Messenger where participants sit and gesture
Feast by raising a flag and singing with the arms and hands |
a dance song (Kisautaq: 652) | :unnaq vn § taliq(-)
-qhuuq- nv talliaq- or taliurraaq- (i) to break
takuyyiġvik or takuyyiqpik flagpole one’s arm; (t) to break her/his arm
| ‘=Iq-1 nv +vIk1 vn or ‘=Iq-1 nv » talliaqtuami tagmiġaqłuŋa I
-qpik vn broke my arm skiing | ‘-aq-2 nv or
takuyyiq- (i) to raise a flag; (t) to -urraaq- nv
raise a flag on it | ‘=Iq-1 nv tallik- (i) to scratch oneself; (t) to
scratch or claw her/him/it | ‘-k-2 nv
talak (call to dogs) come! § kumik-, qitchuk-
tallimaat the fifth one of a series |
taligvak Northern Killdeer (Charadrius :Iq-1 nv -maq vn :at (3p-3s abs.
vociferus) | +vak nn poss.)
tallimakipiaq the numeral one
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to the hundred; the one hundredth one of
shoulder of the human body; hand a series | :Iq-1 nv -maq vn
of clock; foreleg (one of two front -kipiaq nn
legs of four-legged animal); (i) to tallimakipiat the number one
dance in sitting position doing an hundred | :Iq-1 nv -maq vn
arm dance; an Iñupiaq arm dance -kipiaq nn -t nn
» tallik siqiñġuram tallimalik 10’ x 12’ wall tent which
qiñiġnaitchuk the arms of the has five panels; five (at cards) |
clock are impossible to see ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn -lik nn
taliġaq (Nu) large bracelet worn on tallimaq (Nu) a fifth one » tallimak-
forearm by women | +[ġ]aq nn § sraqput tikitchuq a potential fifth
tayaġniġun to our group (of four) has arrived |
taliġmik- (i) to compete in a game ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn
where opponents lock arms and tallimat the number five; the numeral
then pull (the one who pulls the five | ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn -t nn
other over making her/his tallimat malġuat the seventh one in a
opponent’s arm extended wins) ; series | ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn -t nn
(t) to compete with arms malġuk “number two” :at (nnposs.)
interlocked with her/him and tallimat malġuk the number seven;
pulling | +mIk- nv the numeral seven | ‘=Iq-1 nv
taliġuq [dual taliqquk] fore flipper of -maq vn -t nn
seal, walrus or whale | ±ġuq nn § tallimat malġuut- to divide (it)into
see Appendix 19 sevenths | -ut-2 vv
taliqpik right arm of human being; tallimat piŋasuat the eighth one in a
right side | -qpIk vn series | ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn -t nn
taliqpiñmun to the right | -nmun piŋasut “number three” :at (nnposs.)
(term.) tallimat piŋasut the number eight;
taliqpiñmun umiamiñ starboard | the numeral eight | ‘=Iq-1 nv
-qpIk vn -nmun (term.) | umiaq -maq vn -t nn
÷miñ (abl.) § see Appendix 16

tallimat piŋasuut- (i) to be divided taluqutaqput tiŋisimaraa the
into eighths; (t) to divide it into windbreak for our entrance was
eighths | -ut-2 vv blown away | -qutaq nn
tallimattaaq- (Nu) (i) to play the card taluqutchiq- (t) to secure a windbreak
game “fives” | ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn for the entrance of tent or house |
-t nn perhaps -taaq- nv -qutaq nn ‘=Iq-1 nv
tallimaut- (i) to be divided into fifths; taluuq- or talutuq- (Nu) (i) to hunt
(t) to divide it into fifths | bearded seals during spring using
-ut-2 vv a shooting sail, ice shield, or ice
Tallimmiġñiq or (Ti) Tallimaŋŋuq piled as a blind | -uq-2 nv or
Friday | ‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn +tuq-3 nv
‘=Iq-1 nv +niQ1 vn taluyaq(-) (Nu) fish trap; (i) to be
tallimmiq- (i) to be now provided trapped (of fish); (t) to catch it
with a fifth one; (t) to provide =fish swimming downstream |
her/him/it with a fifth one » -yaq(-) nn, nv
tallimmiqsut aġnaiyaamik with
the girl, they now number five |
‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
Tallimmiq- (i) to be Friday »
tallimmiqsugut it is Friday |
‘=Iq-1 nv -maq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
talliŋñiq scratch mark | ‘-k-2 nv
+niQ1 vn § qitchugniQ

talit- [talIt] (i) to disappear from view; (t) taluyaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to fish using a
to conceal it fish trap | -yaq(-) nn, nv +tuq-3 nv

talu(-) (Nu) door covering (originally a *taluq (root) sternness, intimidating

bear skin or caribou hide hung taluġi- (t) to feel that she/he is
over a tent opening); a cover to unapproachable; (t) to feel
hide something; ice shield or submissive toward her/him; (t) to
hunting blind, e.g., a white fear her/his wrath; (t) to be unable
camouflage screen placed on the to assert oneself against her/him;
edge of the ice used to conceal (t) to revere her/him/it | +[g]i- rv
whalers as they wait; (t) to cover taluġnait- (i) to be friendly, kind,
her/him/it from view; (Nu) (t) to communicative; (i) to smile
close it =door § paa, upkuaq(-) readily | +naq(-) vv :It-1 nv
taluiq- (i) to be now uncovered; (Nu) taluġnaq- (i) to be stern, unfriendly,
(t) to open it =door | :Iq-2 nv uncommunicative; (i) to be
talukiyaaq(-) or talukuyaaq(-) frowning; (i) to be solemn, grave;
curtain; (Nu) mosquito net; (Nu) (t) to be frowning at her/him/it |
hunting blind; (t) to pull the +naq(-) vv
curtains on her/him/it | taluġnaqsi- (i) to frown; (i) to
-kiyaaq(-) nv, nn become solemn, grave | +naq(-) vv
taluqutaq windbreak in front of +sI-1 vv
entrance of tent or house » taluqsrait- (i) to not be easily
intimidated | -qsraq- vv :It-1 nv

taluqsralliaġi- (t) to browbeat, boss, tamalguq (Ti) dollar » tamalgumik
bully or intimidate her/him/it » aitchuġuŋ give him a dollar |
nukatpiam taluqsrailliaġivlugu +guq nn
nukaaluni umiamun ikupkaġaa tamanġun a person whom one is
the young man bullied his related to in several ways |
younger sibling into the boat | -nġuq nn =un2 nn
-qsraq- vv -llIq- vv ±aq1 vn ¤tamannałhaiññaq all the time,
+[g]i- vv repeatedly » tamannałhaiññaq
taluqsraq- (i) to feel submissive qiaruq she cries all of the time |
toward another; (i) to be perhaps +nnaq nn -łhaiññaq2 nn
intimidated; (i) to fear someone’s tamaqpiñ [dual tamavsik , pl.
wrath and remain non-assertive; tamavsi] yours entirety | +kpiñ (2s)
(i) to be timid | tamatigun (Nu) altogether, in all
-qsraq- vv respects, completely | -tigun (via.)
taluqsratchak- (i) to become tamatkii- (i) to take everything one
intimidated, afraid to act | owns (of another person); (t) to
-qsraq- vv -tchak- vv take everything she/he owns »
taluqsrau- (i) to be easily intimidated, tamatkiimaraa qaġruŋiññik
scared | -qsraq- vv :u-2 vv apiyaŋata her elder brother took
of her ammunition | -tkIq- nv
talva (Ti) (excl.) that’s all; it’s over § -I-7 vv
tarva, tavra tamatkiq- (t) to take it all | -tkIq- nv

tamala- (i) to be loosely woven; (i) to °tamar (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t))
scatter; (i) to not be compact there (extended and visible;
tamallaq- (i) to scatter (esp., of ocean entity in reference is closer to the
ice when it disperses) | ‘-q-1 vv § listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix)
siamit- °mar (dem. stem) < °mar (dem.
°tamaq (root) entirety, whole § °iluqaQ, tamaani located here (extended and
see Appendix 2 visible; entity in reference is
tamaan [dual tamaigñik, pl. tamaisa] closer to the listener); (idiomatic
all of her/him/it (used only as obj) answer to question suviñ “what
» tamaan qairruŋ uvamnun give is it, can I help you”) “just
me all of it | hanging out around here, that’s
:an (3s) [-igñik (3d); -isa (3p)] all” < maani
tamaġma [dual tamamnuk, pl. tamaaniiqsuaq- to be with, spending
tamapta] my entirety | +ma (1s)[ time with (her/him/it) »
-mnuk (1d); -pta (1p)] “tamaniiqsuaqługu Uyuġuaq”
tamaġmi [dual tamaġmik, pl. (Aiken 2009) [being around
tamaġmiŋ or tamaġmik] Uyuġuaq spending time with him]
her/his/its entirety (used only as | .-q-1 vv +tuaq- vv
subj) » tamaġmi nakuuruq all of tamanna [dual tamakkuak, pl.
it is good | +mI (3Rs) tamatkua] that one there
tamaisigun through their entirety | (extended and visible; entity in
-isigun (3p-s rel. via.)

reference is closer to the listener) tamattumuŋa [dual tamakkugnuŋa,
< manna pl. tamatkunuŋa] to that one there
tamaaŋŋa from there (extended and (extended and visible; entity in
visible; entity in reference is reference is closer to the listener)
closer to the listener) < maaŋŋa < mattumuŋa
tamaaŋŋaaglaan thereinafter; from tamattumuuna [dual
this moment forward < tamakkugnuuna, pl.
maaŋŋaaglaan tamatkunuuna] via that one there;
tamaaŋŋamiñ from that direction with that one there (extended and
there (extended and visible; visible; entity in reference is
entity in reference is closer to the closer to the listener) <
listener) < maaŋŋamiñ mattumuuna
tamaaŋŋaq- (i) to come from there tamauna via, through there
(extended and visible; entity in (extended and visible; entity in
reference is closer to the listener) reference is closer to the listener)
< maaŋŋaq- < mauna
tamarra there (extended and visible; tamaunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
entity in reference is closer to the there (extended and visible;
listener) < marra entity in reference is closer to the
tamattuma [(dual tamakkuak, pl. listener) < maunnaaq-
tamatkua] that one there tamaunnaaġiaq- (i) to go take the
(extended and visible; entity in route which runs through that
reference is closer to the listener) area (extended and visible; entity
< mattuma in reference is closer to the
tamattumani [dual tamakkugnagni, listener) »
pl. tamatkunani] located with that tamaunnaaġiaqtuaguk wed
one there (extended and visible; came to take the route which runs
entity in reference is closer to the though that area < maunnaaġiaq-
listener) < mattumani tamauŋa to there (extended and
tamattumaŋŋa [dual visible; entity in reference is
tamakkugnaŋŋa, pl. closer to the listener) < mauŋa
tamatkunaŋŋa] from that one tamauŋanmun towards there
there (extended and visible; (extended and visible; entity in
entity in reference is closer to the reference is closer to the listener)
listener) < mattumaŋŋa < mauŋanmun
tamattumatun [dual tamauŋaq- (i) to go there (extended
tamakkugnaktun, pl. and visible; entity in reference is
tamatkunatitun] similar to that closer to the listener); (t) to
one there (extended and visible; put/place it here (extended and
entity in reference is closer to the visible;entity in reference is
listener) < mattumatun closer to the listener) < mauŋaq-
tamattumiŋa [dual tamakkugniŋa,
pl. tamatkuniŋa] that one there tammaq- (i) to be lost; (i) to disappear; (t)
(extended and visible; entity in to lose it, not be able to find it
reference is closer to the listener) tammaa- (i) to be lost, lose one’s way
< mattumiŋa | -a-2 vv

tammaġnauraq adopted child (Aiken mouth to chew from the plates of
2009) | +niQ1 vn :uraq nn food that were there] | ±aq1 vn
tammaġniq lost person out on ice, =rrIq-2 nv
tundra | +niQ1 vn tamuutailaq (Nu) a one-year-old
tammaġvik [lit. “place of being sheep with horn stubs | :un1 vn
lost”] hell | +vIk1 vn :ilaq nn
tammai- (i) to lose something; (t) to
lose her/him/it | -I-5 vv Tanik Caucasian person; white person »
tammaulliq- (t) to disappear quickly “…Tan-ning or Tan’-
with her/him/it » “Tavrakii, gin….probably refers to the
kiggisiŋaiqsaġluqqaaqtuk, Russians, who have regular bath
avluqsaalukkaluaqtuq, days at their posts, and is derived
akkuaġaak! Taimma, avanmun from tan-ni’kh-lugo, to wash or
nuqirrutigiliqługu, cleanse the person.”( Simpson:
[t]ammaulliġaak.” (Nageak 271)
1975: 36) [then as soon as they Taniayaaq white child; half-white
(two polar bears) disengaged person | -iyaaq nn
their jaws from each other, he Taniksi- (t) to translate it into English
(one of the boys) started to jump | +sI-2 nv
but they (jaws of the polar bears) ¤Taniksiñ an English word | +sI-2 nv
caught him; they (polar bears) ‘-n vn
quickly pulled him down and Taniksiñiq English name of Iñupiaq
immediately disappeared with person; English version of
him] | -uti- vv -liq-2 vv something » “Taniksiñiġa Edna,
aasii Iñupiaqsiñiġa Paniattaaq;
tamuq- to chew (it) my English name is Edna, and my
tammuġiksaq- (i) to chew something Iñupiaq name is Paniattaaq.”
well, chew cud; (t) to chew it well (MacLean 2010);
| ‘-Q vn +[g]ik- nv msaq-3 nv “taniksiñiŋagun piuŋ” (Aiken
tamuaq a single bite of food; 2009) [say it in English] | +sI-2 nv
something being chewed | ±aq1 vn +niQ1 vn
tamuluk- (i) to snack, eat a little (not taniktaaluk (Nu) dog with hanging
a whole meal) | -luk- vv § kigak- ears | +qtaq nn -aluk nn
tamuqasiraaq piece of tough meat or Taniktaq an object or clothing
hide to chew on | -qaq vn belonging inherently to the white
-siraq(-) nv,vn ±aq1 vn man’s culture; non-Iñupiaq item;
tamuqatchiaq something to chew; (Nu) dog with hanging ears »
gum | -qaq vn -tchiaq nn Taniktaiġutiŋarut they are out of
tamurriq- (i) to put something in white man's food | +qtaq nn
one’s mouth to chew; (t) to put Taniktun in English | +tun (sim.)
something in her/his mouth to tanniqi- (i) to associate and be overly
chew » “Taimma tamaaŋŋa friendly to white people (of
kaakkaluaġami kiisaimma Iñupiaq person) | ‘=Iqi-1 nv
tamurrillakpuq.” (Ahvakana: Tanŋuraaq- or tanŋurak- (i) to
18) [because she was hungry she speak English | :uraaq- nv
finally put something in her

tanuġaksi- (i) to become dusk (of day) | tapagi- (Ti) (t) to enjoy someone’s
+sI-1 vv company, to like to be with
someone | +[g]i- rv
taŋiq- [taŋIq]] (i) to eat the best part of tapasi- (Ti) (i) to want more of
the food; (t) to eat it = best part of something; (i) to grow to like it;
the food; (Ti) bread, biscuit eaten (t) to want to do it »
with tea or coffee » “pivsaaġuktuq, kiikaasuli” (C.
“taŋiligaaġlugu niuqqaqtuŋa” Tuzroyluke 2009) [he wants more,
(Kinneeveauk 20008) [I am still more] | +sI-1 vv
drinking tea or coffee with
biscuits or doughnuts] tapiglak- or tavlik- (i) to go through,
pierce through to the other side, to
taŋiq [pl taŋiġIt] proof, concrete evidence penetrate; (t) to pierce, penetrate
of a claim; residue, substance it; (i) to soak through »
leftover from a process (especially “Qanuqługu tapiglaktilaaŋa
fat remaining after blubber is tapqaq nalugaat.” (Kaveolook
rendered) 1974: 7) [they do not know how
taŋiku- (i) to have something they (Old Squaw ducks) emerged
remaining (such as rendered through the sandbar]; natchiq
blubber strips after oil is made), pisikługu tavlikkaa
residue | -ku(-) nv, nn he pierced the seal with his shot;
taŋiġit- (i) to be false, incorrect | tavlikka atigiga sialukpailluni
:It-1 nv my parka is soaked through
taŋŋiq- (i) to become a reality; (i) to because of the heavy rain;
be fulfilled (of a promise) » ”sisuam uġruŋa tavliguuruq;
“Aapaa alġaqsruutaa uvamnun atuqulaitkaat kamignun;
taŋŋilgitchuq.” (Nageak 1976: 6) immayuksisuugait”
[once again my father’s words of (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) [beluga oil
wisdom became reality for me] | soaks through; they do not want it
‘=Iq-1 nv used on boots; it renders them
¤taŋŋiutaq truth | :utaq vn (boots) non-waterproof ]
| -lak- vv or =lik2 vv
taŋmik- [taŋmIk] (i) to swerve, turn
aside; (i) to ricochet, be deflected tapiq(-) [tapiQ] an additional piece; (t) to
taŋmigaq- (i) to ski downhill; (i) to add to it to enlarge or complete;
ski | +aq-1 vv § tatmigiaq- (i) to lie alongside, be parallel to
taŋmigutaq a skid; board placed each other; (t) to widen by adding
under heavy object to make it a piece to it @ tapiqsi- »
easier to slide along ground; ski | “tapiqsiġlugu piuŋ
-utaq vn saniġaqłiġiiksillugit,
naviyatquŋiłługu” (Aiken 2009)
tapa- (Ti) (i) to want to do more of an [put an additional piece next to it
activity, like dancing, eating, so that it does not break easily] ||
singing +sI-3 vv
tapiġiik (Nu) two things which
together form something

complete; something and its tapqaq2 (Nu) place on kayak where ropes
enlargement | +[g]iik nn are tied (there are two, front and
tapiqtaaġiik(-) two things doubled back)
over (e.g., clothing, when one is
wearing two pairs of pants); two tapsi(-) [tapsI] (Nu, Ti) belt; to put a belt
flat objects one on top of the on (her/him) § tavsi(-)
other; (i) to be one on top of the tapsiaq rawhide thong worn as belt or
other (of two flat objects): used as strap on dog pack | ±aq1 vn
overlapped objects; (i) to be tapsiñaaq (Ti) strip of meat around
overlapped (of objects) | +taaq- vv the underside, sides, and back
+[g]iik(-) vv including the belly button of a
tapitaaġiiksit- to be situated abreast whale, below ventral area |
of each other | +taaq- vv -naaq3 nn § silviit
+[g]iik(-) vv, vn mtit-1 vv
tappiq- (t) to side with, agree with taptayuġaq rib cartilage; ensiform
her/him; (t) to second, endorse it appendage between floating ribs |
=motion in parliamentary -yuġaq n
procedure or nomination so that a
vote may be taken; (Nu) (t) to taptau- (Nu) (t) to grab her/him (of player
complete, enlarge it by adding to who has her/his eyes covered in
it; (t) to be a companion, friend to the game of taptauraq) (then the
her/him | ‘=Iq-2 nv § aippiq-, player with hood down raises the
sivunniqsa hood to see who she/he has
tapit- (i) to be folded over; (i) to walk taptauraq- (Nu) (i) to play a game
abreast of each other, side by side; where one player who has pulled
(t) to shoot them =two animals or down her/his parka hood, holding
things with one arrow or bullet; it in her/his teeth so that she/he
(Ti) (t) for wet clothing to soak cannot see, tries to grab others |
her/his skin +t/raq-/ vv

tapqaq1 small island, sand bar off ocean taputi- (i) to be included; (t) to include
shore » qaviamik her/him/it § kiputi-
tapqaqaġuuruq unuuna there tapurrau- (i) to be included | ~raq vn
are usually small islands of sand :u-1 nv
down on the ocean; tapqaq tapurri- (i) to influence someone; (i)
kiktuġaummimman tavruuna to include someone or something
siñġamik pisuugaat when the » tapurriruq he influenced others
sand bar is segmented that area to join; malikkaat aullaqtuaq
where it is not connected is called they followed the one who
siñġaq § siñġaq departed; “tuttupiat tavra
tapqaġnaq (Nu) island, sandbar in tapurriraġaqługit nunullakkait
lake | +naq1 nn qunŋit” Aiken 2009) [caribou (as
opposed to reindeer) by repeatedly
causing the reinder to join them

have depleted them (absorbed
them into the herds)] | ~raq vn taqtuutut stars § uvluġiaq
=I-7 vv
taquaq(-) [taquraq] trail snack; food for
taqak blood vessel, vein | -qak nn, vn hunting; (i) to bring along a trail
taqagluksi- (i) to suffer from varicose snack, carry provisions
veins | +luk(-)1 nv +sI-1 vv taquaqaġvik food and water box
taqakpak large blood vessel; vein; taken on hunting trips | -qaq- nv
artery | +qpak(-) nn, vv +vIk1 vn
taqurrit- (t) to supply her/him with
taqalukisaq (Nu) or (Ti) taqalakisaq provisions | ‘=It- nv
butterfly (Lepidoptera)
taqalukisaksraq (Nu) brightly taquuppik [taquuppIk] (Nu) beaded
colored tundra flower (believed to earrings worn by women | siutiġun
turn into a butterfly) |
-ksraq(-) nn, vv tarraq- (t) to brush against her/him/it §
tatraq- under tati-
taqhammuq- or taqhammuk-, (Nu)
taqammuq- (i) to sink without a tarva (PB) or tavra yes, I know; that’s
large splash, fall cleanly into the right, true; that is all; that’s
water with a slight plop; (t) to enough, stop it < °tavr or °tarv
cause it to sink without a splash
tarvaŋŋatchiaq or tavraŋŋatchiaq all of
taqilakisaaq northern buttercup a sudden, suddenly < °tavr or
(Ranunculus sp.) °tarv

taqit- (i) to give up tarvauvvaa or tavrauvva at once,

immediately; right then and there
taqpa- (i) to be wide open | < °tavr or °tarv
taqpaq- (t) to open it wide; let it
remain wide open | +q-1 vv °tasakim (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) out
taqpak nostril; (Ti) flare of nostril | there in the arctic entry (not
-pak2 n § qiŋŋak visible; entity in reference may be
closer and visible to the listener) |
taqtu kidney *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °sakim (dem.
taqtuġutit kidney fat from caribou or stem) < °sakim (dem. stem)
whale | -ġun nn -t nn tasakimna [dual tasakipkuak, pl.
taqtunak either side of body above tasakipkuak] that one out there in
hip, toward front | -nak nn the arctic entry (not visible; entity
taqtunaktu- (i) to be husky, heavy, in reference may be closer and
thick-flanked | -nak nn +tu- nv visible to the listener) < sakimna
taqtunnak pair of tenderloins | tasakiptuma [dual tasakipkuak, pl.
-nak nn -k2 nn tasakipkua] that one out there in
taqtunnaq- (t) to hurt on one side of arctic entry (not visible; entity in
the body (as from laughing hard) | reference may be closer and
-nnaq- v visible to the listener) < sakiptuma

tasakiptumani [dual tasakipkug- tasaŋmani or tasaŋmaniit- located
nagni, pl. tasakipkunani] located out there in the arctic entry (not
with that one out there in the visible; entity in reference may be
arctic entry (not visible; entity in closer and visible to the listener) <
reference may be closer and saŋmani
visible to the listener) < tasaŋmaŋŋa from out there in the
sakiptumani arctic entry (not visible; entity in
tasakiptumaŋŋa [dual tasakipkug- reference may be closer and
naŋŋa, pl. tasakipkunaŋŋa] from visible to the listener) < saŋmaŋŋa
that one out there in the arctic tasaŋmaŋŋamiñ from that direction
entry (not visible; entity in out there in the arctic entry (not
reference may be closer and visible; entity in reference may be
visible to the listener) < closer and visible to the listener) <
sakiptumaŋŋa saŋmaŋŋamiñ
tasakiptumatun [dual tasakipku- tasaŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from out
naŋŋa, pl. tasakipkunatitun] there in the arctic entry (not
similar to that one out there in the visible; entity in reference may be
arctic entry (not visible; entity in closer and visible to the listener) <
reference may be closer and saŋmaŋŋaq-
visible to the listener) < tasaŋmuŋa to out there in the arctic
sakiptumatun entry (not visible; entity in
tasakiptumiŋa [dual tasakipkugniŋa, reference may be closer and
pl. tasakipkuniŋa] with that one visible to the listener) < saŋmuŋa
out there in the arctic entry (not tasaŋmuŋanmun toward out there in
visible; entity in reference may be the arctic entry (not visible; entity
closer and visible to the listener) < in reference may be closer and
sakiptumiŋa visible to the listener) <
tasakiptumuŋa [dual tasakipkug- saŋmuŋanmun
nuŋa, pl. tasakipkunuŋa] to that tasaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go out there in the
one out there in the arctic entry arctic entry (not visible; entity in
(not visible; entity in reference reference may be closer and
may be closer and visible to the visible to the listener) <
listener) < sakiptumuŋa saŋmuŋaq-
tasakiptumuuna [dual tasakipkug- tasaŋmuuna via, through out there in
nuuna, pl. tasakipkunuuna] via the arctic entry (not visible; entity
that one out there in the arctic in reference may be closer and
entry; with that one out there in visible to the listener) < saŋmuuna
the arctic entry (not visible; entity tasaŋmuunnaaq- (i) via, through out
in reference may be closer and there in the arctic entry (not
visible to the listener) < visible; entity in reference may be
sakiptumuuna closer and visible to the listener) <
tasaŋma out there in the arctic entry saŋmuunnaaq-
(not visible; entity in reference
may be closer and visible to the °tasam1 (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t))
listener) < saŋma under there (not visible, closer to
the listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix)

°sam1 (dem. stem) < °sam1 (dem. under there (not visible) <
stem) saptumiŋa
tasamani1 located under there (not tasaptumuŋa1 [dual tasapkugnuŋa,
visible, closer to listener) < pl. tasapkunuŋa] to that one down
samani under there (not visible) <
tasamaniit-1 to be located under there saptumuŋa
(not visible, closer to the listener) tasaptumuuna1 [dual tasapkugnuuna,
< samaniit- pl. tasapkunuuna] via that one
tasamaŋŋa1 from under there (not down under there; with that one
visible, closer to the listener) < down under there (not visible) <
samaŋŋa saptumuuna
tasamaŋŋamiñ1 coming from under
there (not visible, closer to the °tasam2 (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t))
listener) < samaŋŋamiñ down there, e.g., far out on the
tasamaŋŋaq-1 (i) to come from under ocean, downriver, or downstairs
there (not visible, closer to the (not visible;entity in reference
listener) < samaŋŋaq- may be closer and visible to the
tasamma1 under there (not visible, listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix)
closer to the listener) < samma °sam2 (dem. stem) < °sam2 (dem.
tasamna1 [dual tasapkuak, pl. stem)
tasapkua] that one down under tasamani2 located down there, e.g.,
there (not visible, closer to the far out on the ocean, downriver,
listener) < samna or downstairs (not visible;entity in
tasamuŋa1 to down under there (not reference may be closer and
visible, closer to the listener) < visible to the listener) < samani
samuŋa tasamaŋŋa2 from down there, e.g.,
tasaptuma1 [dual tasapkuak, pl. far out on the ocean, downriver,
tasapkua] that one down under or downstairs (not visible;entity in
there (not visible, closer to the reference may be closer and
listener) < saptuma visible to the listener) < samaŋŋa
tasaptumani1 [dual tasapkugnagni, tasamaŋŋamiñ2 from that direction
pl. tasapkunani] located with that down there, e.g., far out on the
one down under there (not visible, ocean, downriver, or downstairs
closer to the listener) < saptumani (not visible;entity in reference
tasaptumaŋŋa1 [dual tasapkugnaŋŋa, may be closer and visible to the
pl. tasapkunaŋŋa] from that one listener) < samaŋŋamiñ
down under there (not visible, tasamaŋŋaq-2 (i) to come from
closer to the listener) < down there, e.g., far out on the
saptumaŋŋa ocean, downriver, or downstairs
tasaptumatun1 [dual tasapkugnaktun, (not visible;entity in reference
pl. tasapkunatitun] similar to that may be closer and visible to the
one down under there (not visible) listener) < samaŋŋaq-
< saptumatun tasamma2 down there, e.g., far out on
tasaptumiŋa1 [dual tasapkugniŋa, pl. the ocean, downriver, or
tasapkuniŋa] with that one down downstairs (not visible;entity in

reference may be closer and tasaptumani2 [dual tasapkugnagni,
visible to the listener) < samma pl. tasapkunani] located with that
tasamna2 [dual tasapkuak, pl. one down there, e.g., far out on
tasapkua] that one down there, the ocean, downriver, or
e.g., far out on the ocean, downstairs (not visible;entity in
downriver, or downstairs (not reference may be closer and
visible;entity in reference may be visible to the listener) < saptumani
closer and visible to the listener) < tasaptumaŋŋa2 [dual tasapkugnaŋŋa,
samna pl. tasapkunaŋŋa] from that one
tasamuŋa2 to down there, e.g., far out down there, e.g., far out on the
on the ocean, downriver, or ocean, downriver, or downstairs
downstairs (not visible;entity in (not visible;entity in reference
reference may be closer and may be closer and visible to the
visible to the listener) <samuŋa listener) < saptumaŋŋa
tasamuŋanmun2 toward down there, tasaptumatun2 [dual tasapkugnaktun,
e.g., far out on the ocean, pl. tasapkunatitun] similar to that
downriver, or downstairs (not one down there, e.g., far out on
visible;entity in reference may be the ocean, downriver, or
closer and visible to the listener) < downstairs (not visible;entity in
samuŋanmun reference may be closer and
tasamuŋaq-2 (i) to go down there, visible to the listener) <
e.g., far out on the ocean, saptumatun
downriver, or downstairs (not tasaptumiŋa2 [dual tasapkugniŋa, pl.
visible;entity in reference may be tasapkuniŋa] with that one down
closer and visible to the listener) < there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
samuŋaq- downriver, or downstairs (not
tasamuuna2 via, through down there, visible;entity in reference may be
e.g., far out on the ocean, closer and visible to the listener) <
downriver, or downstairs (not saptumiŋa
visible;entity in reference may be tasaptumuŋa2 [dual tasapkugnuŋa,
closer and visible to the listener) < pl. tasapkunuŋa] to that one down
samuuna there, e.g., far out on the ocean,
tasamuunnaaq-2 or tasamuunaaq- downriver, or downstairs (not
(i) to travel via, through down visible;entity in reference may be
there, e.g., far out on the ocean, closer and visible to the listener) <
downriver, or downstairs (not saptumuŋa
visible;entity in reference may be tasaptumuuna2 [dual tasapkugnuuna,
closer and visible to the listener) < pl. tasapkunuuna] via that one
samuunnaaq- down there, e.g., far out on the
tasaptuma2 [dual tasapkuak, pl. ocean, downriver, or downstairs;
tasapkua] that one down there, with that one down there, e.g., far
e.g., far out on the ocean, out on the ocean, downriver, or
downriver, or downstairs (not downstairs (not visible;entity in
visible;entity in reference may be reference may be closer and
closer and visible to the listener) < visible to the listener) saptumuuna

tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend
tasit- [tasIt] (t) to stretch it @ tasuq- (t) to repossess, take back, reclaim;
tasitchi- | +t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv redeem or to ransom her/him/it @
tasitchaq- (t) to work on it, to stretch tasui- || :I-4 vv § tatuq-
it @ tasitchai- » “tasitchaisuurut tasuqsaqti one who pays the ransom;
ailaqtuaqługu redeemer | m saq-3 vv mt/ri vn
aglipkaġniuraqługu atigiksraq” tasuqtauniq redemption, salvation |
(Aiken 2009) [they work on +t/raq vn :u-1 nv +niQ1 vn
potential parka skins by stretching tasuun ransom | :un1 vn
them gently after moistening
them] | +t-1 vv +saq-2 vv *tata (root) extreme apprehension,
tasiqsruq- (i) to stretch one’s arms; anxiety
(t) to stretch it @ tasiqsrui- | tataigi- (t) to be fearful of, be wary of
+t-1 vv mqsruq-2 vv || :I-4 vv her/him/it | :It-1 vv m[g]i- vv
tasiraġaaq or tasiraġaq rubber band, tataiñaq- (i) to cause extreme
elastic | +raġaaq(-) vv or apprehension, fear »
-raġaq vn “iqsilauraġnaqtuq
tasirruk- (t) to make it bigger by tuquġautiŋaruat sauniŋit
stretching | =rruk- vv Qayaiqsiġvium qaniani iġġit
tasiuk- (t) to stretch it = skin with killiŋanni iluuraŋanni”
hide scraper » “tasiuguugaa (Matumeak 2009) [it is extremely
paniŋaiñŋaan” (Aiken 2009) [she scary to be amongst the bones of
stretches it (moistened skin) those who have killed each other
before it dries] | +uk- vv near Qayaiqsiġvik somewhat in
the mountains] | :It-1 vv +naq(-) vv
*tasI (root) linkage tatamaa- (i) to be terrified, paralyzed
tasikuaġun dog leash, lead, trace » with fear | +mit- vv -a-2 vv
“akłunaaq amisuurat qimmiñun tatamaanaq- (i) to be terrifying,
atuqtuaq” (Hugo 2009) [a thin frightful | +mit- vv -a-2 vv
rope used with dogs] | -kuaq- nv +naq(-) 1 vn
+un1 vn tatamit- (i) to become frightened
tasikuaq- to lead (her/him/it) with a enough to quit; (i) to become
leash | -kuaq- nv aware of the detrimental
tasiuq- (i) to hold hands; (t) to hold consequences of an experience
her/his hand | :uq-2 vv and choose not to repeat it; (i) to
tasiuqtuaq- (i) to hold hands while “learn a lesson” | +mit- vv
leisurely walking; (t) to hold tatamnaq- (i) to be terrible, very
her/his hand while leisurely frightening | +mit- vv
walking | :uq-2 vv +tuaq- vv =naq(-) vv
tatamni- (t) to frighten her/him/it
tasiq [tasIq] or tatchiq lagoon, inlet, bay enough so that she/he/it will not
tasiġaaġruk lagoon | +[g]aq2 nn dare to do the action again |
-aq2 nn -ġruk nn +mit- vv :I-7 vv
tasiġaq or tasiġauraq pond; small tatasuk- (i) to be easily frightened |
narrow lake | +[g]aq2 nn or -suk-2 vv
+[g]aq2 nn :uraq nn

tatavrua- (i) to react fearfully (almost tatumiaq- (t) to be in contact with,
in panic) to loud noises | +mit- vv touching her/him/it as one moves |
=rruk- vv -a-2 vv +miaq(-) vv
tatavrualatchi- (t) to terrify
her/him/it with a loud noise | tatigi [tatigI] frame cache (usually
+mit- vv =rruk- vv -a-2 vv -la- vv constructed of long, large whale
+tchI- vv bones) built high off ground to
tatavsaq- (t) to punish her/him/it; (t) keep umiak safe from dogs §
to “teach him a lesson”; (t) to ikiġġat
chastise her/him @ tatavsai- |
+mit- vv =saq3- vv || :I-4 vv tatiġila- (Ti) (i) to chatter from the cold
tatavsaun punishment | +mit- vv (one’s teeth) » “uuliktuq
=saq3- vv :un1 vn qiiyavaqilluni” (S. Tuzroyluke
2009) [he is shaking because he is
tati- (i) to be too tight (of clothing); (t) to so cold]
brush against, lean against, touch,
squeeze up next to her/him/it tatirgak Lesser Sandhill Crane (Grus
tarraq- (t) to brush against her/him/it canadensis)
repeatedly | ~raq-1 vv
tatimmi- (i) to be closely packed tatitu- (i) to be sensible, level-headed,
(esp., of caribou on hot days); (t) unexcitable | +tu- vv
to be touching her/him/it |
+mmI-5 vv °tatkIg (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) area
tatimmiraq- (i) to be closely packed outside (restricted and visible;
in a group | +mmI-5 vv -raq- vv entity in reference may be closer
tatimmirat closely packed herd of to the listener) | *ta(t) (dem.
caribou | +mmI-5 vv +t/raq nn prefix) °kig (dem. stem) < °kig
-t nn (dem. stem)
tattalauraq- (i) to be a tight fit | tatkiani located out there (restricted
-lauraq- vv and visible; entity in reference
tattuq- (i) to be stuck in a narrow may be closer to the listener) <
space; be too narrow; to be too kiani
small (of clothing) | ‘-q-1 vv tatkianiit- (i) to be located out there
tattuqit- (i) to be closed in, cramped, (restricted and visible; entity in
be restricted by crowding; (i) to be reference may be closer to the
stuck in a narrow space; (t) to be listener) < kianiit-
smack against it | ‘-q-1 vv -It-2 vv tatkiaŋŋa from out there (restricted
tattuqun a wedge used for tightening and visible; entity in reference
or securing | ‘-q-1 vv :un1 vn may be closer to the listener) <
tattuqusiq- (t) to place a wedge in it kiaŋŋa
to make it close tighter » tatkiaŋŋamiñ from that direction out
tattuqusiqługu kisian there (restricted and visible; entity
umiguuruq upkuaq the door in reference may be closer to the
closes only when a wedge is listener) < kiaŋŋamiñ
placed to make it tighter | ‘-q-1 vv tatkiaŋŋaq- (i) to come from out
:un1 nv ~Iq-1 nv there (restricted and visible; entity

in reference may be closer to the tatkiktumuuna [dual
listener) < kiaŋŋaq- tatkikkugnuuna, pl.
tatkiaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it tatkikkunuuna] via that one out
inside from out there (restricted there; with that one out there that
and visible; entity in reference one out there (restricted and
may be closer to the listener) < visible; entity in reference may be
kiaŋŋauti- closer to the listener) <
tatkigga out there (restricted and kiktumuuna
visible; entity in reference may be tatkiuŋa to out there (restricted and
closer to the listener) < kigga visible; entity in reference may be
tatkigña [dual tatkikkuak, pl. closer to the listener) < kiuŋa
tatkikkua] the one out there tatkiuŋanmun towards out there
(restricted and visible; entity in (restricted and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < kigña listener) < kiuŋanmun
tatkiktuma [dual tatkikkuak, pl. tatkiuŋaq- (i) to go out there
tatkikkua] that one out there (restricted and visible; entity in
(restricted and visible; entity in reference may be closer to the
reference may be closer to the listener) < kiuŋaq-
listener) < kiktuma tatkiuna via, through out there
tatkiktumani [dual tatkikkugnagni, (restricted and visible; entity in
pl. tatkikkunani] located with that reference may be closer to the
one out there (restricted and listener) < kiuna
visible; entity in reference may be tatkiunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
closer to the listener) < kiktumani out there (restricted and visible;
tatkiktumaŋŋa [dual tatkikkugnaŋŋa, entity in reference may be closer
pl. tatkikkunaŋŋa] from that one to the listener) < kiunaaq-
out there (restricted and visible;
entity in reference may be closer °tatkIv (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) in
to the listener) < kiktumaŋŋa there, or up the coast (extended
tatkiktumatun [dual and visible; entity in reference
tatkikkugnaktun, pl. may be closer to the listener) |
tatkikkunatitun] similar to that one *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °kIv (dem.
out there (restricted and visible; stem) < °kIv (dem. stem)
entity in reference may be closer tatkimña [dual tatkipkuak, pl.
to the listener) < kiktumatun tatkipkua] that one in there, or up
tatkiktumiŋa [dual tatkikkugniŋa, pl. the coast (extended and visible;
tatkikkuniŋa] that one out there entity in reference may be closer
(restricted and visible; entity in to the listener) < kimña
reference may be closer to the tatkiptuma [dual tatkipkuak, pl.
listener) < kiktumiŋa tatkipkua] that one in there, or up
tatkiktumuŋa [dual tatkikkugnuŋa, the coast (extended and visible;
pl. tatkikkunuŋa] to that one out entity in reference may be closer
there (restricted and visible; entity to the listener) < kiptuma
in reference may be closer to the tatkiptumani [dual tatkipkugnagni,
listener) < kiktumuŋa pl. tatkipkunani] located with that

one in there, or up the coast tatkivaŋŋamiñ from up the coast
(extended and visible; entity in (extended and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < kiptumani listener) < kivaŋŋamiñ
tatkiptumaŋŋa [dual tatkipkugnaŋŋa, tatkivaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up the
pl. tatkipkunaŋŋa] from that one in coast (extended and visible;
there, or up the coast (extended entity in reference may be closer
and visible; entity in reference to the listener) < kivaŋŋaq-
may be closer to the listener) < tatkivaŋŋauti- (t) to bring her/him/it
kiptumaŋŋa from up the coast (extended and
tatkiptumatun [dual visible; entity in reference may
tatkipkugnaktun, pl. be closer to the listener) <
tatkipkunatitun] similar to that one kivaŋŋauti-
in there, or up the coast (extended tatkivuŋa to up the coast (extended
and visible; entity in reference and visible; entity in reference
may be closer to the listener) < may be closer to the listener) <
kiptumatun kivuŋa
tatkiptumiŋa [dual tatkipkugniŋa, pl. tatkivuŋanmun towards up the coast
tatkipkuniŋa] that one in there, or (extended and visible; entity in
up the coast (extended and reference may be closer to the
visible; entity in reference may listener) < kivuŋanmun
be closer to the listener) < tatkivuŋaq- (i) to go up the coast
kiptumiŋa (extended and visible; entity in
tatkiptumuŋa [dual tatkipkugnuŋa, reference may be closer to the
pl. tatkipkunuŋa] to that one in listener) < kivuŋaq-
there, or up the coast (extended tatkivuuna via, through up the coast
and visible; entity in reference (extended and visible; entity in
may be closer to the listener) < reference may be closer to the
kiptumuŋa listener) < kivuuna
tatkiptumuuna [dual tatkivuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
tatkipkugnuuna, pl. up the coast (extended and
tatkipkunuuna] via that one in visible; entity in reference may
there, or up the coast; with that be closer to the listener) <
one in there, or up the coast kivuunnaaq-
(extended and visible; entity in tatkivva in there, or up the coast
reference may be closer to the (extended and visible; entity in
listener) < kiptumuuna reference may be closer to the
tatkivani located in there or up the listener) < kivva
coast (extended and visible;
entity in reference may be closer tatmigiaq- (Nu) (i) to use a stick to steady
to the listener) < kivani oneself in snow, ice (often of
tatkivaŋŋa from up the coast hunter on snowshoes); to ski §
(extended and visible; entity in taŋmigaq-
reference may be closer to the tatmigiaġutik (Nu) skis | :un1 vn
listener) < kivaŋŋa -k2 ni

°tatpag (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t) up away from the ocean, or upriver
there on the wall, the ceiling, in (extended and visible; entity in
the sky above eye level, away reference may be closer to the
from the ocean, or upriver listener) < pagga
(extended and visible; entity in tatpagga tatpaani location south;
reference may be closer to the up there, located up there on the
listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix) wall, the ceiling, in the sky above
°pag (dem. stem) < °pag (dem. eye level, away from the ocean, or
stem) upriver (extended and visible;
tatpagna [dual tatpakkuak, pl. entity in reference may be closer
tatpakkua] that one up there on the to the listener) § see Appendix 3
wall, the ceiling, in the sky above tatpaktuma [dual tatpakkuak, pl.
eye level, away from the ocean, or tatpakkua] that one up there on the
upriver (extended and visible; wall, the ceiling, in the sky above
entity in reference may be closer eye level, away from the ocean, or
to the listener) < pagna upriver (extended and visible;
tatpaani or tatpaaniit- located up entity in reference may be closer
there on the wall, the ceiling, in to the listener) < paktuma
the sky above eye level, away tatpaktumani [dual tatpakkugnagni,
from the ocean, or upriver pl. tatpakkunani] located with that
(extended and visible; entity in one up there on the wall, the
reference may be closer to the ceiling, in the sky above eye level,
listener); “south, or landward” away from the ocean, or upriver
(Simpson: 261) < paani (extended and visible; entity in
tatpaaŋŋa from up there on the wall, reference may be closer to the
the ceiling, in the sky above eye listener) < paktumani
level, away from the ocean, or tatpaktumaŋŋa [dual tatpakkug-
upriver (extended and visible; naŋŋa, pl. tatpakkunaŋŋa] from
entity in reference may be closer that one up there on the wall, the
to the listener) < paaŋŋa ceiling, in the sky above eye level,
tatpaaŋŋamiñ from that direction up away from the ocean, or upriver
there on the wall, the ceiling, in (extended and visible; entity in
the sky above eye level, away reference may be closer to the
from the ocean, or upriver listener) < paktumaŋŋa
(extended and visible; entity in tatpaktumatun [dual
reference may be closer to the tatpakkugnaktun, pl.
listener) < paaŋŋamiñ tatpakkunatitun] similar to that
tatpaaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up one up there on the wall, the
there on the wall, the ceiling, in ceiling, in the sky above eye level,
the sky above eye level, away away from the ocean, or upriver
from the ocean, or upriver (extended and visible; entity in
(extended and visible; entity in reference may be closer to the
reference may be closer to the listener) < paktumatun
listener) < paaŋŋaq- tatpaktumiŋa [dual tatpakkugniŋa,
tatpagga up there on the wall, the pl. tatpakkuniŋa] that one up there
ceiling, in the sky above eye level, on the wall, the ceiling, in the sky

above eye level, away from the be closer to the listener) <
ocean, or upriver (extended and pauŋanmun
visible; entity in reference may tatpauŋaq- (i) to go up there on the
be closer to the listener) < wall, the ceiling, in the sky above
paktumiŋa eye level, away from the ocean, or
tatpaktumuŋa [dual tatpakkugnuŋa, upriver (extended and visible;
pl. tatpakkunuŋa] to that one up entity in reference may be closer
there on the wall, the ceiling, in to the listener) < pauŋaq-
the sky above eye level, away
from the ocean, or upriver °tatpakim (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) up
(extended and visible; entity in there on roof (not visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < paktumuŋa listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix)
tatpaktumuuna [dual °pakim (dem. stem) < °pakim
tatpakkugnuuna, pl. (dem. stem)
tatpakkunuuna] via that one up tatpakimna [dual tatpakipkuak, pl
there on the wall, the ceiling, in tatpakipkua] that one up there on
the sky above eye level, away the roof (not visible; entity in
from the ocean, or upriver reference may be closer to the
(extended and visible; entity in listener) < pakimna
reference may be closer to the tatpakiptuma [dual tatpakipkuak, pl.
listener) < paktumuuna tatpakipkua] that one up there on
tatpauna via, through up there on the roof (not visible; entity in
wall, the ceiling, in the sky above reference may be closer to the
eye level, away from the ocean, or listener) < pakiptuma
upriver (extended and visible; tatpakiptumani [dual
entity in reference may be closer tatpakipkugnagni, pl.
to the listener) < pauna tatpakipkunani] located with that
tatpaunnaaq- (i) to go via, through one up there on roof (not visible;
up there on the wall, the ceiling, in entity in reference may be closer
the sky above eye level, away to the listener) < pakiptumani
from the ocean, or upriver tatpakiptumaŋŋa [dual
(extended and visible; entity in tatpakipkugnaŋŋa, pl.
reference may be closer to the tatpakipkunaŋŋa] from that one up
listener) < paunnaaq- there on roof (not visible; entity in
tatpauŋa to up there on the wall, the reference may be closer to the
ceiling, in the sky above eye level, listener) < pakiptumaŋŋa
away from the ocean, or upriver tatpakiptumatun [dual
(extended and visible; entity in tatpakipkugnaktun, pl.
reference may be closer to the tatpakipkunatitun] similar to that
listener) < pauŋa one up there on roof (not visible;
tatpauŋanmun towards up there on entity in reference may be closer
the wall, the ceiling, in the sky to the listener) < pakiptumatun
above eye level, away from the tatpakiptumiŋa [dual
ocean, or upriver (extended and tatpakipkugniŋa, pl.
visible; entity in reference may tatpakipkuniŋa] that one up there

on roof (not visible; entity in tatpaŋmuuna via, through up there
reference may be closer to the on roof (not visible; entity in
listener) < pakiptumiŋa reference may be closer to the
tatpakiptumuŋa [dual listener) < paŋmuuna
tatpakipkugnuŋa, pl. tatpaŋmuunnaaq- (i) to go via,
tatpakipkunuŋa] to that one up through, by way of up there on
there on roof (not visible; entity in roof (not visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < pakiptumuŋa listener) < paŋmuunnaaq-
tatpakiptumuuna [dual
tatpakipkugnuuna, pl. °tatpam (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) up
tatpakipkunuuna] via that one up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
there on roof; with that one up upstairs (not visible; entity in
there on roof (not visible; entity in reference may be closer and
reference may be closer to the visible to the listener) | *ta(t)
listener) < pakiptumuuna (dem. prefix) °pam (dem. stem) <
tatpaŋma up there on roof (not °pam (dem. stem)
visible; entity in reference may be tatpamani or tatpamaniit- located
closer to the listener) < paŋma up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
tatpaŋmani or tatpaŋmaniit- located upstairs (not visible; entity in
up there on roof (not visible; entity reference may be closer and
in reference may be closer to the visible to the listener) < pamani
listener) < paŋmani tatpamaŋŋa from up there, e.g.,
tatpaŋmaŋŋa from up there on roof inland, upriver, upstairs (not
(not visible; entity in reference visible; entity in reference may be
may be closer to the listener) < closer and visible to the listener) <
paŋmaŋŋa pamaŋŋa
tatpaŋmaŋŋamiñ from that direction tatpamaŋŋamiñ from that direction
up there on roof (not visible; entity up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
in reference may be closer to the upstairs (not visible; entity in
listener) < paŋmaŋŋamiñ reference may be closer and
tatpaŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up visible to the listener) <
there on roof (not visible; entity in pamaŋŋamiñ
reference may be closer to the tatpamaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up
listener) < paŋmaŋŋaq- there, e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs
tatpaŋmuŋa to up there on roof (not (not visible; entity in reference
visible; entity in reference may be may be closer and visible to the
closer to the listener) < paŋmuŋa listener) < pamaŋŋaq-
tatpaŋmuŋanmun toward up there tatpamma up there, e.g., inland,
on roof (not visible; entity in upriver, upstairs (not visible;
reference may be closer to the entity in reference may be closer
listener) < paŋmuŋanmun and visible to the listener) <
tatpaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go up there on pamma
roof (not visible; entity in tatpamna [dual tatpapkuak, pl.
reference may be closer to the tatpapkua] that one up there, e.g.,
listener) < paŋmuŋaq- inland, upriver, upstairs (not

visible; entity in reference may be tatpaptumaŋŋa [dual
closer and visible to the listener) < tatpapkugnaŋŋa, pl.
pamna tatpapkunaŋŋa] from that one up
tatpamuŋa to up there, e.g., inland, there, e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs
upriver, upstairs (not visible; (not visible; entity in reference
entity in reference may be closer may be closer and visible to the
and visible to the listener) < listener) < paptumaŋŋa
pamuŋa- tatpaptumatun [dual
tatpamuŋanmun toward up there, tatpapkugnaktun, pl.
e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs (not tatpapkunatitun] similar to that
visible; entity in reference may be one up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
closer and visible to the listener) < upstairs (not visible; entity in
pamuŋanmun reference may be closer and
tatpamuŋaq- (i) to go up there, e.g., visible to the listener) <
inland, upriver, upstairs (not paptumatun
visible; entity in reference may be tatpaptumiŋa [dual tatpapkugniŋa,
closer and visible to the listener) < pl. tatpapkuniŋa] that one up
pamuŋaq- there, e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs
tatpamuuna via, through up there, (not visible; entity in reference
e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs (not may be closer and visible to the
visible; entity in reference may be listener) < paptumiŋa
closer and visible to the listener) < tatpaptumuŋa [dual tatpapkugnuŋa,
pamuuna pl. tatpapkunuŋa] to that one up
tatpamuunnaaq- (i) to go via, there, e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs
through, up there, e.g., inland, (not visible; entity in reference
upriver, upstairs (not visible; may be closer and visible to the
entity in reference may be closer listener) < paptumuŋa
and visible to the listener) < tatpaptumuuna [dual
pamuunnaaq- tatpapkugnuuna, pl.
tatpamuunatqut- (i) to pass by tatpapkunuuna] via that one up
further inland unseen; (t) to pass there, e.g., inland, upriver,
by her/him/it further inland upstairs; with that one up there,
unseen < pamuunatqut- e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs that
tatpaptuma [dual tatpapkuak, pl. one up there, e.g., inland, upriver,
tatpapkua] that one up there, e.g., upstairs < paptumuuna
inland, upriver, upstairs (not
visible; entity in reference may be °tatpIk (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) up
closer and visible to the listener) < there (restricted and visible; entity
paptuma in reference may be closer to the
tatpaptumani [dual tatpapkugnagni, listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °pIk2
pl. tatpapkunani] located with that (dem. stem) < °pIk2 (dem. stem)
one up there, e.g., inland, upriver, tatpigña [dual tatpikkuak, pl.
upstairs (not visible; entity in tatpikkua] that one up there
reference may be closer and (restricted and visible; entity in
visible to the listener) < reference may be closer to the
paptumani listener) < pigña

tatpikani or tatpikaniit- located up there (restricted and visible; entity
there (restricted and visible; entity in reference may be closer to the
in reference may be closer to the listener) < piktumuŋa
listener) < pikani tatpiktumuuna [dual
tatpikaŋŋa from up there (restricted tatpikkugnuuna, pl.
and visible; entity in reference tatpikkunuuna] via that one up
may be closer to the listener) < there; with that one up there
pikaŋŋa (restricted and visible; entity in
tatpikaŋŋamiñ from that direction up reference may be closer to the
there (restricted and visible; entity listener) < piktumuuna
in reference may be closer to the tatpikuŋa to up there (restricted and
listener) < pikaŋŋamiñ visible; entity in reference may be
tatpikaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up closer to the listener) < pikuŋa
there (restricted and visible) < tatpikuŋanmun towards up there
pikaŋŋaq- (restricted and visible; entity in
tatpikka up there (restricted and reference may be closer to the
visible; entity in reference may be listener) < pikuŋanmun
closer to the listener) < pikka tatpikuŋaq- (i) to go up there
tatpiktuma [dual tatpikkuak, pl. (restricted and visible; entity in
tatpikkua] that one up there reference may be closer to the
(restricted and visible; entity in listener) < pikuŋaq-
reference may be closer to the tatpikuuna via, through up there
listener) < piktuma (restricted and visible; entity in
tatpiktumani [dual tatpikkugnagni, reference may be closer to the
pl. tatpikkunani] located with that listener) < pikuuna
one up there (restricted and tatpikuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through
visible; entity in reference may be up there (restricted and visible;
closer to the listener) < piktumani entity in reference may be closer
tatpiktumaŋŋa [dual tatpikkugnaŋŋa, to the listener) < pikuunnaaq-
pl. tatpikkunaŋŋa] from that one
up there (restricted and visible; °tatqa(g) (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) out
entity in reference may be closer there (extended and visible; entity
to the listener) < piktumaŋŋa in reference may be closer to the
tatpiktumatun [dual listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °qag
tatpikkugnaktun, pl. (dem. stem) < °qag (dem. stem)
tatpikkunatitun] similar to that one tatqaani located out there (extended
up there (restricted and visible; and visible; entity in reference
entity in reference may be closer may be closer to the listener) <
to the listener) < piktumatun qaani
tatpiktumiŋa [dual tatpikkugniŋa, pl. tatqaaŋŋa from out there (extended
tatpikkuniŋa] that one up there and visible; entity in reference
(restricted and visible; entity in may be closer to the listener) <
reference may be closer to the qaaŋŋa
listener) < piktumiŋa tatqaaŋŋamiñ from that direction out
tatpiktumuŋa [dual tatpikkugnuŋa, there (extended and visible; entity,
pl. tatpikkunuŋa] to that one up

in reference may be closer to the in reference may be closer to the
listener) < qaaŋŋamiñ listener) < qaktumuŋa
tatqaaŋŋaq- (i) to come from out tatqaktumuuna [dual tatqakkug-
there (extended and visible; entity nuuna, pl. tatqakkunuuna] via that
in reference may be closer to the one out there; with that one out
listener) < qaaŋŋaq- there (extended and visible; entity
tatqagga out there (extended and in reference may be closer to the
visible; entity in reference may be listener) < qaktumuuna
closer to the listener) < qagga tatqauŋa to out there (extended and
tatqagna [dual tatqakkuak, pl. visible; entity in reference may be
tatqakkua] that one out there closer to the listener) < qauŋa
(extended and visible; entity in tatqauŋanmun towards out there
reference may be closer to the (extended and visible; entity in
listener) < qagna reference may be closer to the
tatqaktuma [dual tatqakkuak, pl. listener) < qauŋanmun
tatqakkua] that one out there tatqauŋaq- (i) to go out there
(extended and visible; entity in (extended and visible; entity in
reference may be closer to the reference may be closer to the
listener) < qaktuma listener) < qauŋaq-
tatqaktumani [dual tatqakkugnagni, tatqauna via, through out there
pl. tatqakkunani] located with that (extended and visible; entity in
one out there (extended and reference may be closer to the
visible; entity in reference may be listener) < qauna
closer to the listener) < qaktumani tatqaunnaaq- (i) via, through out
tatqaktumaŋŋa [dual there (extended and visible; entity
tatqakkugnaŋŋa, pl. in reference may be closer to the
tatqakkunaŋŋa] from that one out listener) < qaunnaaq-
there (extended and visible; entity
in reference may be closer to the °tatqakim (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t))
listener) < qaktumaŋŋa out there in the shed or the
tatqaktumatun [dual neighbor’s house (not visible to
tatqakkugnaktun, pl. speaker who is in another house;
tatqakkunatitun] similar to that visible to listener on the phone in
one out there (extended and the shed or the neighbor’s house)
visible; entity in reference may be or (not visible to speaker and
closer to the listener) < listener when emphasis is placed
qaktumatun on the referent) | *ta(t) (dem.
tatqaktumiŋa [dual tatqakkugniŋa, prefix) °qakim (dem. stem) <
pl. tatqakkuniŋa] that one out °qakim (dem. stem)
there (extended and visible; entity tatqakimna [dual tatqakipkuak, pl.
in reference may be closer to the tatqakipkua] that one out there in
listener) < qaktumiŋa the shed or in the neighbor’s
tatqaktumuŋa [dual tatqakkugnuŋa, house (not visible to speaker who
pl. tatqakkunuŋa] to that one out is in another house; visible to
there (extended and visible; entity listener on the phone in the shed
or the neighbor’s house) or (not

visible to speaker and listener listener when emphasis is placed
when emphasis is placed on the on the referent) < qakiptumatun
referent) < qakimna tatqakiptumiŋa [dual tatqakipkug-
tatqakiptuma [dual tatqakipkuak, pl. niŋa, pl. tatqakipkuniŋa] with that
tatqakipkua] that one out there in one out there in the shed or in the
the shed or in the neighbor’s neighbor’s house (not visible to
house (not visible to speaker who speaker who is in another house;
is in another house; visible to visible to listener on the phone in
listener on the phone in the shed the shed or the neighbor’s house)
or the neighbor’s house) or (not or (not visible to speaker and
visible to speaker and listener listener when emphasis is placed
when emphasis is placed on the on the referent) < qakiptumiŋa
referent) < qakiptuma tatqakiptumuŋa [dual tatqakipkug-
tatqakiptumani or nuŋa, pl. tatqakipkunuŋa] to that
tatqakiptumaniit- [dual one out there in the shed or in the
tatqakipkugnagni, pl. neighbor’s house (not visible to
tatqakipkunani] located with that speaker who is in another house;
one out there in the shed or in the visible to listener on the phone in
neighbor’s house (not visible to the shed or the neighbor’s house)
speaker who is in another house; or (not visible to speaker and
visible to listener on the phone in listener when emphasis is placed
the shed or the neighbor’s house) on the referent) < qakiptumuŋa
or (not visible to speaker and tatqakiptumuuna [dual
listener when emphasis is placed tatqakipkugnuuna, pl.
on the referent) < qakiptumani tatqakipkunuuna] via that one out
tatqakiptumaŋŋa [dual tatqakipkug- there in the shed or in the
naŋŋa, pl. tatqakipkunaŋŋa] from neighbor’s house; with that one
that one out there in the shed or in out there in the shed or in the
the neighbor’s house (not visible neighbor’s house (not visible to
to speaker who is in another speaker who is in another house;
house; visible to listener on the visible to listener on the phone in
phone in the shed or the the shed or the neighbor’s house)
neighbor’s house) or (not visible or (not visible to speaker and
to speaker and listener when listener when emphasis is placed
emphasis is placed on the on the referent) < qakiptumuuna
referent) < qakiptumaŋŋa tatqaŋma out there in the shed or the
tatqakiptumatun [dual neighbor’s house (not visible to
tatqakipkugnaktun, pl. speaker who is in another house;
tatqakipkunatitun] similar to that visible to listener on the phone in
one out there in the shed or in the the shed or the neighbor’s house)
neighbor’s house (not visible to or (not visible to speaker and
speaker who is in another house; listener when emphasis is placed
visible to listener on the phone in on the referent) < qaŋma
the shed or the neighbor’s house) tatqaŋmani or tatqaŋmaniit- located
or (not visible to speaker and out there in the shed or the
neighbor’s house (not visible to

speaker who is in another house; neighbor’s house) or (not visible
visible to listener on the phone in to speaker and listener when
the shed or the neighbor’s house) emphasis is placed on the
or (not visible to speaker and referent) < qaŋmuŋanmun
listener when emphasis is placed tatqaŋmuŋaq- (i) to go out there
on the referent) < qaŋmani visible or close to listener (not
tatqaŋmaŋŋa from out there in the visible to speaker who is in
shed or the neighbor’s house (not another house who is in another
visible to speaker who is in house; visible to listener on the
another house; visible to listener phone in the shed or the
on the phone in the shed or the neighbor’s house) or (not visible
neighbor’s house) or (not visible to speaker and listener when
to speaker and listener when emphasis is placed on the
emphasis is placed on the referent) < qaŋmuŋaq-
referent) < qaŋmaŋŋa tatqaŋmuuna by way of the shed or
tatqaŋmaŋŋamiñ from the direction the neighbor’s house (not visible
of the shed or the neighbor’s to speaker who is in another
house (not visible to speaker who house; visible to listener on the
is in another house; visible to phone in the shed or the
listener on the phone in the shed neighbor’s house) or (not visible
or the neighbor’s house) or (not to speaker and listener when
visible to speaker and listener emphasis is placed on the
when emphasis is placed on the referent) < qaŋmuuna
referent) < qaŋmaŋŋamiñ tatqaŋmuunnaaq (i) to go by way of
tatqaŋmaŋŋaq- (i) to come from the the shed or the neighbor’s house
shed or the neighbor’s house (not (not visible to speaker who is in
visible to speaker who is in another house; visible to listener
another house; visible to listener on the phone in the shed or the
on the phone in the shed or the neighbor’s house) or (not visible
neighbor’s house) or (not visible to speaker and listener when
to speaker and listener when emphasis is placed on the
emphasis is placed on the referent) < qaŋmuunnaaq-
referent) < qaŋmaŋŋaq-
tatqaŋmuŋa to the shed or the °tatqam (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) in
neighbor’s house (not visible to there (not visible to speaker who
speaker who is in another house; is outside; entity in reference may
visible to listener on the phone in be visible and closer to listener) |
the shed or the neighbor’s house) *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °qam (dem.
or (not visible to speaker and stem) < °qam (dem. stem)
listener when emphasis is placed tatqamani or tatqamaniit- located in
on the referent) < qaŋmuŋa there (not visible to speaker who is
tatqaŋmuŋanmum towards the shed outside; entity in reference may be
or the neighbor’s house (not visible and closer to listener) <
visible to speaker who is in qamani
another house; visible to listener tatqamaŋŋa from in there (not visible
on the phone in the shed or the to speaker who is outside; entity in

reference may be visible and visible to speaker who is outside;
closer to listener) < qamaŋŋa entity in reference may be visible
tatqamaŋŋamiñ from in there (not and closer to listener) < qaptuma
visible to speaker who is outside; tatqaptumani [dual tatqapkugnagni,
entity in reference may be visible pl. tatqapkunani] located with that
and closer to listener) < one in there (not visible to speaker
qamaŋŋamiñ who is outside; entity in reference
tatqamaŋŋaq- (i) to come from in may be visible and closer to
there (not visible to speaker who is listener) < qaptumani
outside; entity in reference may be tatqaptumaŋŋa [dual tatqapkug-
visible and closer to listener) < naŋŋa, pl. tatqapkunaŋŋa] from
qamaŋŋaq- that one in there (not visible to
tatqamma in there (not visible to speaker who is outside; entity in
speaker who is outside; entity in reference may be visible and
reference may be visible and closer to listener) < qaptumaŋŋa
closer to listener) < qamma tatqaptumatun [dual
tatqamna [dual tatqapkuak, pl. tatqapkugnaktun, pl.
tatqapkua] that one in there (not tatqapkunatitun] similar to that
visible to speaker who is outside; one in there (not visible to speaker
entity in reference may be visible who is outside; entity in reference
and closer to listener) < qamna may be visible and closer to
tatqamuŋa to in there (not visible to listener) < qaptumatun
speaker who is outside; entity in tatqaptumiŋa [dual tatqapkugniŋa,
reference may be visible and pl. tatqapkuniŋa] that one in there
closer to listener) < qamuŋa (not visible to speaker who is
tatqamuŋanmun towards in there outside; entity in reference may be
(not visible to speaker who is visible and closer to listener) <
outside; entity in reference may be qaptumiŋa
visible and closer to listener) < tatqaptumuŋa [dual tatqapkugnuŋa
qamuŋanmun pl. tatqapkunuŋa] to that one in
tatqamuŋaq- (i) to go in there (not there (not visible to speaker who is
visible to speaker who is outside; outside; entity in reference may be
entity in reference may be visible visible and closer to listener) <
and closer to listener) < qaptumuŋa
qamuŋaq- tatqaptumuuna [dual
tatqamuuna via, through in there (not tatqapkugnuuna, pl.
visible to speaker who is outside; tatqapkunuuna] via that one in
entity in reference may be visible there; with that one in there (not
and closer to listener) < qamuuna visible to speaker who is outside;
tatqamuunnaaq- (i) via, through in entity in reference may be visible
there (not visible to speaker who is and closer to listener) <
outside; entity in reference may be qaptumuuna
visible and closer to listener) <
qamuunnaaq- °tatqav (dem. stem) (w/prefix *ta(t)) up
tatqaptuma [dual tatqapkuak, pl. the coast (extended and visible;
tatqapkua] that one in there (not entity in reference may be closer

to the listener); in Canada or closer to the listener); similar to
Greenland (not visible; entity in that one in Canada or Greenland
reference may be closer and (not visible at the moment but
visible to the listener) | *ta(t) seen or observed previously) <
(dem. prefix) °qav (dem. stem) < qaptumatun
°qav (dem. stem) tatqaptumiŋa [dual tatqapkugniŋa,
tatqamna [dual tatqapkuak, pl. pl. tatqapkuniŋa] that one up the
tatqapkua] that one up the coast coast (extended and visible; entity
(extended and visible; entity in in reference may be closer to the
reference may be closer to the listener); that one in Canada or
listener); that one in Canada or Greenland (not visible at the
Greenland (not visible at the moment but seen or observed
moment but seen or observed previously) < qaptumiŋa
previously) < qamna tatqaptumuŋa [dual tatqapkugnuŋa,
tatqaptuma [dual tatqapkuak, pl. pl. tatqapkunuŋa] to that one up
tatqapkua] that up the coast the coast (extended and visible;
(extended and visible; entity in entity in reference may be closer
reference may be closer to the to the listener); to that one in
listener); that one in Canada or Canada or Greenland (not visible
Greenland (not visible at the at the moment but seen or
moment but seen or observed observed previously) < qaptumuŋa
previously) < qaptuma tatqaptumuuna [dual
tatqaptumani [dual tatqapkugnagni, tatqapkugnuuna, pl.
pl. tatqapkunani] located with that tatqapkunuuna] via that one up the
one up the coast (extended and coast; with that one up the coast
visible; entity in reference may be (extended and visible; entity in
closer to the listener); located reference may be closer to the
with that one in Canada or listener); with that one in Canada
Greenland (not visible at the or Greenland (not visible at the
moment but seen or observed moment but seen or observed
previously) < qaptumani previously) < qaptumuuna
tatqaptumaŋŋa dual tatqavani or tatqavaniit- located up
tatqapkugnaŋŋa, pl. the coast (extended and visible;
tatqapkunaŋŋa] from that one up entity in reference may be closer
the coast (extended and visible; to the listener); further up the
entity in reference may be closer coast or in Canada or Greenland
to the listener); from that one in (not visible at the moment but
Canada or Greenland (not visible seen or observed previously) ;
at the moment but seen or “eastward, or towards the Colville
observed previously) < or Makenzie rivers…” (Simpson:
qaptumaŋŋa 261) < qavani
tatqaptumatun [dual tatqavaŋŋa from up the coast
tatqapkugnaktun, pl. (extended and visible; entity in
tatqapkunatitun] similar to that reference may be closer to the
one up the coast (extended and listener); from Canada or
visible; entity in reference may be Greenland (not visible at the

moment but seen or observed tatqavuuna via, through up the coast,
previously) < qavaŋŋa east (extended and visible; entity
tatqavaŋŋaat recent arrivals from the in reference may be closer to the
east listener); via, through further up
tatqavaŋŋamiñ from up the coast the coast, via Canada or
(extended and visible; entity in Greenland (not visible at the
reference may be closer to the moment but seen or observed
listener); from Canada or previously) < qavuuna
Greenland (not visible at the tatqavuunnaaq- (i) go via, through
moment but seen or observed up the coast, east (extended and
previously) ; (Ti) from Anaktuvak visible; entity in reference may be
Pass, Alaska (perspective of Point closer to the listener); via, through
Hope, Alaska) < qavaŋŋamiñ further up the coast, via Canada or
tatqavaŋŋaq- (i) to come from up the Greenland (not visible at the
coast, from Canada or Greenland moment but seen or observed
< qavaŋŋaq- previously) < qavuunnaaq-
tatqavva up the coast (extended and
visible; entity in reference may be tatqiq moon; month | perhaps +qqIq n
closer to the listener); in Canada tatqiaġik- (i) to shine brightly (of
or Greenland (not visible at the moon) | perhaps -aq-3 nv
moment but seen or observed +[g]Ik- vv
previously) < qavva tatqiaq or titqiaq visor on a cap for
tatqavva tatqavani location east; shading the eyes | -aq2 nn
“it/they are there, in the east” tatqigun wick raiser knob used to
tatqavuŋa to up the coast (extended adjust a lamp’s flame height |
and visible; entity in reference -k-4 nv -un1 vn
may be closer to the listener); to tatqiġluk- to be barely visible (of the
Canada or Greenland (not visible moon) » “nuviyaliġman tautug-
at the moment but seen or nuaraġmivlunilu” (Matumeak
observed previously) < qavuŋa 2009) [it is barely visible because
tatqavuŋanmun towards the east; it is overcast] | +luk(-)1 nv
towards up the coast (extended tatqik- (t) to adjust, trim its=lamp
and visible; entity in reference wick » tatqiguŋ adjust its wick |
may be closer to the listener); -k-4 nv § nikuappak-
towards further up the coast tatqilitqikkupta next month |
towards Canada or Greenland (not -lIq-1 vv -tqIk-1 vv +kupta
visible at the moment but seen or Conditional Unrealized
observed previously) < tatqimi mattumani this month |
qavuŋanmun +mI loc.
tatqavuŋaq- (i) to go up the coast, tatqimi aqulliġmi last month |
east (extended and visible; entity +mI loc
in reference may be closer to the tatqiñik- (i) to be a new moon; to be
listener); to go further up the coast another month | -nik-1 nv
or to Canada or Greenland (not ¤Tatqitchiaq (Nu) month of October |
visible at the moment but seen or -tchiaq(-) nn § NuliaġvIk
observed previously) < qavuŋaq-

tatqiun wick raiser knob used to by the door (extended and visible;
adjust a lamp’s flame height | entity in reference may be closer
-k-4 nv :un1 vn to the listener)
tatqivluq name of wooden mask with taunaŋŋamiñ from that direction
ivory eyes, labrets, and ear down there, e.g., on or near the
pendants » (Ti) “In Ungasiksikaq ocean, downriver, or by the door
qalegi [qalgi “community (extended and visible; entity in
house”]….the chief qologogoloq reference may be closer to the
was a wooden mask known as listener) < unaŋŋamiñ
tatqevluq…equipped with ivory taunaŋŋaq- (i) to come from down
eyes, lip plugs (labrets), and ear there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
pendants and was also suspended downriver, or by the door
over the lamp in the qalegi (extended and visible; entity in
during ‘the sitting’” [aquppiyut] reference may be closer to the
(Rainey: 248) | perhaps +lu(q) n listener) < unaŋŋaq-
taunna1 down there, e.g., on or near
tattui- (Ti) (i) to be constipated the ocean, downriver, or by the
door; that down there, e.g., on or
tatuq- (Ti) (t) to take it back from near the ocean, downriver, or by
someone, repossess § tasuq- the door (extended and visible;
tatui- (Ti) to take back, repossess entity in reference may be closer
something (from her/him) | -I-7 vv to the listener) < unna2
taunna2 [dual tautkuak, pl. tautkua]
taugaaqiq(-) or taugaaqqiq(-) or (Ti) that one down there, e.g., on or
tauġaaqqiq(-) tobacco (Nicotiana near the ocean, downriver, or by
sp); (i) to smoke tobacco | perhaps the door (extended and visible;
+qqIq n entity in reference may be closer
tauġaaqqipiaq (Ti) leaf tobacco; to the listener) < unna1
chewing tobacco | -piaq(-)1 nn taunna taunani location north;
there, down there < unna unani
°taun (dem. stem) (w/prefux *ta(t)) down taunnatchiq the one farthest down or
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, the one closest to the door or the
downriver, or by the door ocean < unnatchiq
(extended and visible; entity in taunuŋa to down there, e.g., on or
reference may be closer to the near the ocean, downriver, or by
listener) | *ta(t) (dem. prefix) °un the door (extended and visible;
(dem. stem) < °un (dem. stem) entity in reference may be closer
taunani or taunaniit- located down to the listener) < unuŋa
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, taunuŋanmun towards down there,
downriver, or by the door e.g., on or near the ocean,
(extended and visible; entity in downriver, or by the door
reference may be closer to the (extended and visible; entity in
listener); north or seaward reference may be closer to the
(Simpson: 261) < unani listener) < unuŋanmun
taunaŋŋa from down there, e.g., on taunuŋaq- (i) to go down there, e.g.,
or near the ocean, downriver, or on or near the ocean, downriver,

or by the door (extended and there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
visible; entity in reference may be downriver, or by the door
closer to the listener); to go on the (extended and visible; entity in
ice to hunt (t) to put or place reference may be closer to the
her/him/it down there » listener) < uttumatun
ilaanigguuq ukiaksraaqtuami tauttumiŋa [dual tautkugniŋa, pl.
…qitikhutiŋ aaparik tautkuniŋa] that one down there,
tautulgitkaat, taunuŋaqtuaq e.g., on or near the ocean,
one day during early fall…while downriver, or by the door
playing they see their father going (extended and visible; entity in
down to the ocean < unuŋaq- reference may be closer to the
taunuuna via, through down there, listener) < uttumiŋa
e.g., on or near the ocean, tauttumuŋa [dual tautkugnuŋa, pl.
downriver, or by the door tautkunuŋa] to that one down
(extended and visible; entity in there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
reference may be closer to the downriver, or by the door
listener); via the southside of (extended and visible; entity in
Tikiġaq < unuuna reference may be closer to the
taunuunnaaq- (i) via, through down listener) < uttumuŋa
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, tauttumuuna [dual tautkugnuuna, pl.
downriver, or by the door tautkunuuna] via that one down
(extended and visible; entity in there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
reference may be closer to the downriver, or by the door; with
listener) < unuunnaaq- that one down there, e.g., on or
tauttuma [dual tautkuak, pl. tautkua] near the ocean, downriver, or by
that one down there, e.g., on or the door (extended and visible;
near the ocean, downriver, or by entity in reference may be closer
the door (extended and visible; to the listener) < uttumuuna
entity in reference may be closer
to the listener) < uttuma tauqsiq- [tauqsIq] to buy (it)
tauttumani [dual tautkugnagni, pl. tauqsiaq something bought or traded |
tautkunani] located with that one ±aq1 vn
down there, e.g., on or near the tauqsiġialiktuq- to take the time to
ocean, downriver, or by the door go and buy (it) quickly |
(extended and visible; entity in -liktuq- vv
reference may be closer to the tauqsiġiaq- to go and buy (it) |
listener) < uttumani +iaq-1 vv
tauttumaŋŋa [dual tautkugnaŋŋa, pl. tauqsiġñiaqti storekeeper |
tautkunaŋŋa] from that one down +niaq(-) vv mt/ri vn
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, tauqsiġñiaġvik or tauqsiġiaġvik
downriver, or by the door store | +niaq(-) vv +vIk1 vn
(extended and visible; entity in tauqsiqsuġiaq- (i) to go shopping |
reference may be closer to the +tuq- vv +iaq-1 vv
listener) < uttumaŋŋa
tauttumatun [dual tautkugnaktun, pl. tausaqsiŋaasuuna! or tausaqsiŋa-haa!
tautkunatitun] like that one down or tausaqsiŋaqhaa ukaŋŋayaq-

tuvauna! (excl.) a swear word of tautuun pupil of eye | :un1 vn §
displeasure or disgust used to get takkun
attention before one scolds; said tautuyuġnaq- or tautuyunaq- (i) to
when one is offended or some- be beautiful, good-looking |
thing goes wrong (Matumeak -yuġnaq- vv
tavlik- (t) to penetrate it; (Ti) (i) to soak
tautchikun (Nu) together § atautchikun through, penetrate through
something < tapit-
tautuk- to see (her/him/it)
tauttugik- (i) to look healthy, well, tavlu chin § see Appendix 20
sturdy | perhaps ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv tavluġun chin tattoo | -ġun nn
tauttugiiq- (i) to look unhealthy, not tavlumiaq- (i) to protrude or extend
well; (i) to have a bad appearance | the chin repeatedly (of dancer) |
perhaps ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv :Iq-2 vv +mIk- vv -aq-1 vv
tauttuġik- (i) to see well, to have
good eyesight | ‘-Q vn+[g]Ik- nv °tavr or °taap (dem. stem) (w/prefix
tauttuġiiq- (i) to be nearly blind, have *ta(t)) that there (restricted and
bad eyesight | ‘-Q vn +[g]Ik- nv visible; entity in reference is
:Iq-2 vv closer to the listener) | *ta(t) (dem.
tauttuġluk- (t) to see or find prefix) °uv2 (dem. stem) < °uv2
her/him/it unexpectedly or sick | (dem. stem)
‘-ġluk- vv taamna [dual taapkuak, pl. taapkua]
tautugiaq- (t) to visit her/him/it | that one there (restricted and
+iaq-1 vv visible; entity in reference is
tautugnaiq- (i) to vanish from sight; closer to the listener); topic of
(t) to cause her/him/it to vanish on-going conversation, recently
from sight | +naq(-) vv :Iq-2 vv aforementioned one » taamna
tautugnaq- (i) to be visible | savaaq uqausiġiran nakuuruq
+naq(-) vv the work that you are talking
tautuktinniapiaq- (i) to really try to about is good | +na (dem. abs. sg.
be seen; (t) to really try to let mkr.) § una
her/him/it be seen; to really try to taamnaasuuna (excl.) [dual taapkuak
let her/him/it see her/him/it | asuukuak, pl. taapkua suukua]
mtinniapiaq- vv (excl.) you are impossible!; he is
tautuniqłak- to see (her/him/it) impossible!; oh, you! § unaasuuna
unexpectedly, suddenly | taaptuma [dual taapkuak, pl.
-niqłak- vv taapkuak] that one there
tautuŋnammaġik- to be clearly (restricted and visible; entity in
visible | +naq(-) vv -mmaġIk- vv reference is closer to the listener) |
tautuktuuraaq- to envision +tum (dem. rel. sg. mkr.) § uuma
(her/him/it) | +t/ruuraaq- vv taaptumani [dual taapkugnagni, pl.
tautuŋa- (Nu) (t) to be able to see taapkunani] located with that one
her/him/it; (t) for her/him/it to be there (restricted and visible; entity
visible to one | ±ŋa- vv in reference is closer to the

listener) | +tum (dem. rel. sg. tavrakii for instance; because of the
mkr.) +anI (dem. loc.) § uumani fact; as is customary; (excl.) it
taaptumaŋŋa [dual taapkugnaŋŋa, pl. happened, couldn’t be avoided
taapkunaŋŋa] from that one there and can’t be helped! | +kii (encl.)
(restricted and visible; entity in tavraliasii and then consequently | +lI
reference is closer to the listener) | (encl.) aasii (conj.)
+tum (dem. rel. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa tavraliqaa (excl.) oh yes, that is what
(dem. abl.) § uumaŋŋa happened (remembering); now I
taaptumatun [dual taapkugnaktun, understand the situation | +liqaa
pl. taapkunatitun] like that one (encl.)
there (restricted and visible; entity tavrani located there (restricted and
in reference is closer to the visible; entity in reference is
listener) | +tum (dem. rel. sg. closer to the listener); right then;
mkr.) +atun (dem. sim.) § uumatun (Ti) right now, this minute | +anI
taaptumiŋa [dual taapkugniŋa, pl. (dem. loc.) § uvani
taapkuniŋa] with that one there tavraŋŋa from there (restricted and
(restricted and visible; entity in visible; entity in reference is
reference is closer to the listener) | closer to the listener); from this
+tum (dem. rel. sg. mkr.)+iŋa time forward | +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) §
(dem. mod.) § uumiŋa uvaŋŋa
taaptumuŋa [dual taapkugnuŋa, pl. tavraŋŋamiñ from the direction there
taapkunuŋa] to that one there (restricted and visible; entity in
(restricted and visible; entity in reference is closer to the listener) |
reference is closer to the listener) | aŋŋa (dem. abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) §
+tum (dem. rel. sg. mkr.) +uŋa uvaŋŋamiñ
(dem. term.) § uumuŋa tavraŋŋaq- (i) to come from there
taaptumuuna [dual taapkugnuuna, (restricted and visible; entity in
pl. taapkunuuna] via that one reference is closer to the listener) |
there; with that one there +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) +q-3 dv §
(restricted and visible; entity in uvaŋŋaq-
reference is closer to the listener) | tavraŋŋa qaŋa from that time on |
+tum (dem. rel. sg. mkr.) +uuna +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) qaŋa (adv.)
(dem. via.) § uumuuna tavraŋŋatchiaq or tarvaŋŋatchiaq
tavra or (PB) tarva there (restricted, suddenly; all of a sudden | +aŋŋa
visible); (excl.) yes, I know; that’s (dem. abl.) +tchiaq nn
right; that’s true; that is all; that’s tavrapayaaq (excl.) that is better;
enough, stop it § aaŋ, aaglukiaq, that’s more like it | -payaaq(-) vn
aillukiaq, iaqi, ñiaq, aŋŋuu(ŋ) tavrapiallak (excl.) precisely!
tavraaq- (i) to stop, having had exactly! | +piaq nn -llak-1 nv
enough, or having reached one’s tavraqiatchiaq just over there
limit | .q-2 nv (restricted and visible; entity in
tavraasiiñ (conj.) and then as a reference is closer to the listener);
result, consequently | aasiiñ (conj.) not very long ago | -qi- vv
tavrakiaq (excl.) I think, guess that is +tchiaq nn
it | +kiaq (encl.) tavraqiuraq right there very close to
the listener or actor | -qi- vv

:uraq vn body of the boot as it is attached
tavra suli (conj.) and then to the leather sole (the stitches
furthermore | suli penetrate the leather sole and the
tavra tainnaviiññaq it’s always like boot body and curl over the cord
that | +viiññaq nn attaching it to the boot;the cord
tavra tavrani at that very moment reinforces the soft boot uppers
tavratualuk or tavratuaq (excl.) which may tear as they are being
that’s all, that was the last one; attached to the harder leather
ending of something | -tualuk or soles) » “tavrutchiqługit
-tuaq nn atuŋaksigamik pisuurut;
tavrauvvaa or tarvauvvaa at once, pilġaŋaruaq ivalułhiñaq
immediately, suddenly, right away sirruġaaquŋiłłu  gu miquġniŋa
| uvva (dem. Adv.) saŋŋiññamirruŋ;
tavruŋa to there near the listener sirruġaaquŋiłłu  git saattuat
(restricted and visible; entity in ammit” (Aiken 2009) [they attach
reference is closer to the listener) | a braided sinew cord when they
-uŋa (dem. term.) § uvuŋa attach a leather sole to the boot
tavruŋanmun towards there body; (they do so) because they
(restricted and visible; entity in do not want the braided sinew
reference is closer to the listener) | thread to pull apart as they tighten
-uŋa (dem. term.) -nmun (term.) § it; and also to prevent the soft
uvuŋanmun skins used to make the body of the
tavruŋaq- (i) to go there near the boot from tearing as they tighten
listener; (t) to put or place the stitches on soft skins]
her/him/it there near the listener
(restricted and visible; entity in tavsi(-) [tavsI] belt; strip of maktak and
reference is closer to the listener) | meat from the ventral waist area
-uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv § of whale saved for the captain to
uvuŋaq- do what he wants to do with,
tavruŋatchauraq(-) (i) to be blowing usually served at village feast; to
hard causing limited visibility of a put one’s belt on (her/him/it) §
few feet (of snow and wind) | -uŋa tiġiksraq, see Appendix 19
(dem. term.) +q-3 dv tavsiaq loins; waistband; a strip of
-tchauraq(-) nn, nv caribou skin wrapped around the
tavruuna via, through there belly of a dog to protect it when
(restricted and visible; entity in traveling in cold weather
reference is closer to the listener) | (especially a bitch during the time
-uuna (dem. via.) § uvuuna they are feeding the pups) »
tavruunnaaq- (i) to go through, via “qimmit ipiaŋi qiqitiqtuġuugait
there (restricted and visible; entity ukiumi irriliġman;
in reference is closer to the ukiulliviñiġmik tavsiaġuugait”
listener) | -uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv (Aiken 2009) [the harnesses of the
§ uvuunnaaq- dogs freeze quickly and hard
when it is extremely cold during
tavrun or tavrutaq braided sinew the winter; they usually put on a
cord/trim which is sewn onto the

belly wrap made of caribou on mt/ri vn or +aq- vv -yuk(-) vv
them (dogs)] | -aq2 nn mt/ri vn § tigguyuk
tavsiñaaq (Ti) one-foot-wide strip of tigliyuk(-) (i) to steal regularly,
maktak and meat around belly habitually; thief, shoplifter |
and back of whale taken by fourth -yuk(-) vv
boat that arrives and assists in the
catch | -naaq3 nn tigliq- (i) to beat, pulsate once | perhaps
tavsiñiq waist | +niQ1 vn § qitiq -lIq-3 vv
tigliqtaat pulse | +taaq vn -t nn
tayaq or tayaġun wrist; bracelet | -ġun nn tigliqtaq- (i) to beat, pulsate, throb (of
tayaġmiutaq (Nu) wristwatch | heart or artery) | +t/raq-1vv
+miutaq rn § siqiñġuraq
tayaġnailisaq (Ti) fur cuff on sleeve » tigluk- (t) to strike her/him/it with side of
“tuttunik fist
tayaġnailisiliuġnaqtuaq” (C. tigluaq- (t) to hit her/him/it repeatedly
Tuzroyluke 2009) [in times before with fist | -aq-1 vv
one used to make cuffs for sleeves tigluktuq- (i) to knock; (t) to knock at
out of caribou] | +niQ2 rn her/his door | +tuq-2 vv
-ilisaq vn tigluun side of the fist, below little
tayaġniġun or (Ti) tayaġnaun finger | :un1 vn
bracelet; wrist | +niQ2 rn -ġun nn tigluuralaqi- or tigluuraqi- (Ti) (t) to
tayaġniq or tayaġniġun wrist | bruise her/him/it; (t) to give
+niQ2 rn or +niQ2 rn -ġun nn § see her/him a black eye | , vv -laqi- vv
Appendix 21 tigluuraaq(-) color purple; to be
tayaġniġutik fur wristlets (used when purple | - uraaq(-)2 vn, nn
traveling) | +niQ2 rn -ġun nn tigluuraq(-) bruise; black eye (i) to
-k2 nn get bruised | :uraq vn
tayyat (Ti) bracelet | ‘-t nn tigluuri- (Ti) (t) to give her/him a
black eye | :uraq vn ‘=I-1 nv
tiansauraq [ENG “ten cents”] dime |
:uraq nn tigri- [tigrI] (t) to frighten it =bird into
flight § tiŋi-
tiggak or tiggagniq male seal in rut |
+niQ2 nn tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to
tiggak- (i) to catch a breeding male take, capture, grab, or arrest
seal | +k-1 nv her/him/it @ tiguri-1 || -rI-5 vv
tiggagnit- (i) to taste or smell like a tigguġlugaq- (i) to touch the ball with
rutting seal | +nIt-2 nv the hands in soccer thereby
breaking a rule | ‘-gluk- vv
tiggaq- (i) to be stiff | perhaps -q-1 nv +aq-1 vv
tigguġluk- (t) to grab, seize her/him/it
tiglik- to steal (her/him/it) roughly » “…aasii tigguġlukługu
tigligai- (t) to steal from, rob Paul ķaġġisiŋagaat
her/him/it | +aq-1 vv -I-7 vv uķaķsitaaġviŋmun. …[and]
tigligaqti or tigligayukti thief, seized Paul and took him to
robber, plunderer | +aq-1 vv

court.” (Iñupiat New Testament: tigummiraq- (i) to take hold, grab on
Acts 18:12) | ‘-gluk- vv to something and not let go; (t) to
tigguk- to take or grab (them) take hold of, grab on to her/him/it
repeatedly | ‘-k-2 vv and not let go | +mmI-5 vv
tiggun potholder | ‘-n vn -t/raq-1 vv
tigguti- (i) to take each other as tiguniqłak- (t) to seize, grab
partners in a union, e.g., marriage | her/him/it | -niqłak- vv
‘-ti- vv tigurau-1 (i) to be a policeofficer |
tigguvik handle of anything | mt/ri vn :u- nv
‘-vIk1 vn 2
tigurau- (i) to be caught and jailed;
tigguyuk thief, robber | ‘-yuk(-)1 vn § (i) to be in jail | +t/raq vn
tigligaqti :u-2 nv
tiguaq(-) [tiguraq] adopted child; to tiguri policeofficer | mt/ri vn § isiqsiri
adopt (a child) | ±aq1 vn tiguri-2 (t) to take, confiscate
tiguġiq handle; doorknob | perhaps something of hers/his/its »
-q-1 vv -Iq vn tigurigaat supputaanik they
tiguġliq doorknob; hole in upper bow confiscated his rifle | ~rI-4 vv
of kayak used as a handle; (Ti) tigurriq- (t) to give her/him a child to
handle, as on bucket or suitcase | adopt | ±aq1 vn ‘=Iq-2 nv
perhaps -q-1 vv -liQ vn,nn tigusi- (i) to select something |
tigula- to grab for (it) but be unable to +sI-3 vv
hold onto (it) | -la- vv tigusiññaaq(-) one available,
tigumiaq(-) [tigumiraq] something accessible; (i) to be available,
carried in one’s arms; to carry accessible | ±siññaaq(-) vv, vn
(her/him/it) in one’s arms or hands tigutaaġvik prison, jail | -taaq- vv
» tigumiani kataimaraa it seems +vIk1 vn
that he dropped whatever he was tigutaaq- (t) to jail her/him |
carrying | +miaq(-) vn -taaq- vv
tigumirriq- (i) to take something to tigutaaqtaq prisoner | -taaq- vv
carry, take with one; (Nu) (i) to +t/raq vn
take or grab something; (t) to give tiguullaq- to grab (them) one by one |
her/him something to carry or take -llaq- vv
along; (Nu) (t) to take something tiguuvik adoptive parent | :u-2 nv
away from her/him | +vIk1 vn
+miaq(-) vn,vv ‘=Iq-2 nv
tigumirrit- (t) to give her/him ¤tigvaq- (i) to come all the way inside, to
something to carry, take | the back of the house; (t) to put it
+miaq(-) vn ‘=It- nv behind one’s back or place it in
tigummi- (i) to hold on to something the back of a room § kiluvaq-
or someone; (t) to be holding onto ¤tigvasik- (i) to be well inside a house
her/him/it | +mmI-5 vv | -sIk-1 vv
tigummin or tigummivik (Ti) loop ¤tigvauti- (t) to take her/him/it out of
on a hunting sling through which danger or harm | :uti- vv
one’s middle finger is passed |
+mmI-5 vv ‘-n vn or +mmI-5 vv tiġiganniaq arctic white fox (Alopex
+vIk1 vn lagopus)

tiipaŋa- (i) to be coquettish,
*tiġik (root) silence promiscuous | ±ŋa- nv
tiġii- (i) to try not to make noise while
doing something, e.g., a hunter tiiqtala- (i) to move about excitedly
stalking game | perhaps -I-3 rv
tiġiigaq- (i) to stalk an animal, tikalaaq the foramen in spinal column |
crouching; (t) to stalk it =animal, -laaq rn
crouching | perhaps -I-3 rv
+aq-1 vv (“g” is inserted to tikiq [tikiQ] index finger; thimble
prevent a three vowel cluster) tikalaak a pair of three-fingered
¤tiġiksruq- (i) to advance toward an mittens | -laaq rn -k2 nn
animal in a crouching position; (t) tikalauraq- (i) to shake one’s index
to advance toward it =animal or finger sternly; (t) to point a finger
enemy in a crouching positon | at her/him/it sternly | -lauraq- nv
mqsruq- vv § auq-, piyugaq- tikiġaq or tikiġauraq point of land |
+[ġ]aq nn
tiġiksraq belt for pants § tavsi Tikiġaq village of Point Hope, Alaska
| +[ġ]aq nn
tiġitqiñ (Nu) main sheet of sailboat tikiġilaq- (i) to not use a thimble
when sewing | :ilaq- nv
tiġitquq corner » igalaam tiġitquagun tikiġmik- (i) to finger-pull with the
itchuaqtuġnisuugait they say index finger | +mIk- nv §
that one could usually look in qaqauġmIk-
through the corner of the skylight | tikiġun protector for index finger,
-tquq rn § kaŋiġalluk (used by carvers) | -ġun nn
tikiqtuq- (i) to use a thimble when
tiġri (Ti) white scales found in human ear; sewing | +tuq-3 nv
dry ear wax § siġri(-) tikkivik thimble holder | ‘-vIk1 nn
tiġriŋŋuat (Ti) rolled oats | -ŋŋuaq nn tikkuaġaun pointer, rod used to direct
-t nn § matchaaq attention; a pistol | ‘-k-2 nv
-aġaq- vv :un1 vn
tii [ENG “tea”] tea tikkuaġuti- (t) to point out something
tiiġruaq tea leaves | -ġruaq nn to , her/him | ‘-k-2 nv -aq-1 vv
tiiliuġun teapot | -liuq- nv :un1 vn -uti- vv
tiitchiġiiyaun (Ti) tea strainer | -q-2 nv tikkuaq- (i) to point to, or aim; (t) to
+[t]sIq- vv +[g]iit- vv =Iyaq- vv point to or aim at her/him/it @
:un1 vn tikkuaqsi- | ‘-k-2 nv -aq-1 vv ||
tiituqsiññaq- (i) to simply drink tea; +sI-3 vv
(i) to drink tea without anything to tikkuaqtuq- (i) to continue to point
eat | +tuq-3 nv msiññaq-1 nv (at her/him/it) | ‘-k-2 nv -aq-1 vv
+tuq-2 vv
tiipak a flirt | -pak2 n tikkuk- or tikkuutit- (i) to bristle,
tiipaktaq- (i) to act coquettish, flirt | stand on end, stiffen (of hair) |
+t/raq-1 nv ‘-k-2 nv or ‘-k-2 nv -u-2 vv -tit-2 vv
tiipaktayuk- (i) usually acts tikkuun signpost, indication at trail
effeminate | +t/raq-1 nv -yuk(-) vv junction | ‘-k-2 nv :un1 vn

tikkuusiq- (t) to mark it =trail or tikirrurri- | -ut-2 vv or :uti- vv or
road | ‘-k-2 nv :un1 vn ~Iq-1 nv +ruti- vv || +ruti- vv -rI-4 vv
tikkuutiŋŋaġik- (i) to be nicely tikkiġluk- (i) to arrive in a bad way,
pointed | ‘-k-2 nv :un1 vn disposition (e.g., sick, angry) |
-ŋŋaġIk- vv ‘-ġluk- vv
tikkivik goal, destination | ‘-vIk1 vn
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one’s
destination or goal; (t) to reach tiktaq someone carried out to sea on an
her/him/it icefloe or swept out to sea < tiŋit-
tikilġataq- (i) to finally arrive; (t) to
finally reach her/him/it | tilaammaayuun traditional tobacco
-lġataq-2 vv pouch of wolverine head skin »
tikillaa- (i) to arrive at a series of “The tobacco-bag, or ‘del-la-mai-
places, villages on one’s journey; yu’ is the constant companion of
(i) to arrive one by one | -llaa- vv men, women, and even children,
tikiñġaaq newly arrived visitor | and is kept also at the inner belt.”
+nġaq-1 vv ±aq1 vn § iglaaq (Simpson: 243) § silammaayuun
tikiññaq- (i) place or goal which can tilaammaayuutnaq (Nu) gun powder
be reached » tikiññaqtuq flask | +naq1 nn
qamunmik it can be reached by
car | +naq(-) vv tilaaqiaq Labrador tea (Ledum sp.)
tikiññiġluk- (i) to arrive upon a sad
situation » tikiññiġlukpiaqtutin tilaiññiit [sg. tilaiññIQ ] (Nu) caribou
you might come to a sad arrival | skin tent cover for summer willow
+niqłuk- vv tent frame, made of six skins with
tikirruaq- (i) to arrive despite the hair removed § itcha, itchat
slim odds that one would; (t) to
reach her/him/it despite the slim tilak- to mop or scrub (it =large surface
odds | +ġruaq-1 vv area)
tikirviksraq goal, destination | tilagvik mop bucket | +vIk1 vn
+vIk1 vn -ksraq(-) nn tilaġġi- (i) to sweep | -ġġI- vv
tikisaaq- (i) to arrive en masse | tilai- to sweep (it =large surface
-saaq-1 vv area) with a broom or brush »
tikisaksraq goal, objective | +t/raq vn tilaigguuŋ natiq sweep the floor |
-ksraq(-) nn perhaps :I-4 vv
tikisiq- (i) to arrive quickly and tilaġġisit broom » makua tilaġġisit
safely; (t) to reach her/him/it atukki tatkiani use this broom to
without mishap | mt/liq-3 vv sweep out there | -ġġI- vv ‘-ti1 vn
tikitchumaaq- (i) intend to arrive; (t) -t nn
intend to reach her/him/it tilakkumaaq- intend, plan to mop,
|+sumaaq- vv wash (it) | +kumaaq- vv
tikitqaurraq- (i) to race | +qqaaq- vv tilaktuq- (t) to wipe it dry @ tilaktui-
=urraq- vv | +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
tikiut-¤ or tikiuti- or tikirruti- (t) to tilautit mop | -un1 vn -t nn § iġġuutit
reach one’s destination bringing
her/him/it with oneself @

tili- [tilI] (t) to send her/him on an errand; timim iluaġniŋa health | -m nn
(t) to tell her/him to do something timmaaq- (t) to shoot it =animal in
@ tiliri- or tilisi- the upper part of the body @
tilirau- (i) to be sent on an errand | timmaaqsi- | ‘-aq-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
+t/raq vn :u-1 nv tivli- (i) to sew the body of the
tilirauruaq delegate » tilirauruat boot to the sole | ~lI-1 nv
Iñuit Circumpolar Conference-
mun pilluatapaluktut the Iñuit timmaala- (i) to have a rumbling or
Circumpolar Conference buzzing sound in one’s ear; (i) to
delegation did a fine job | make a whirring sound (when
+t/raq vn :u-1 nv +t/ruaq vn slung, sling and stone make a
tilisuġnaq- (i) to not be difficult to whirring sound)
send on an errand (is always timmaallaayuuq (Nu) long, flat stone
willing) | +suġnaq- vv used as ammunition for sling |
tiliuq- (t) to order, command her/him -ayuuq vn
repeatedly | -uq-2 vv
tilliñ command, order | ‘-ti1 vn tinit- (Nu) (i) to be almost empty; (i) to
contain a small amount of water
tiluk- or tiluktuq- (t) to clean it =e.g., (e.g., of pail); (i) to be at ebb tide
rug or bedding by beating @ (of sea), to be low (of river)
tiluksi- or tiluktui- | +tuq-2 vv ||
+sI-3 vv tinnik bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina)

tiluun or tiluktuun beater, stick used to tinniq- [tinnIq] (t) to touch her/him softly
beat rugs or fox skins for in silent communication to silence
removing dirt | -un1 vn or +tuq-2 vv or warn @ tinniqsi- ||
-un1 vn +sI-3 vv
tinniqsuq- (t) to nudge her/him to call
timi human or animal body; the hull of a his/her attention to something or
boat; part of boot above the sole » someone | +tuq-2 vv
timim sauniŋi skeleton
timaqsiq- to let the body heal » tinu- (t) to push, shove her/him/it
“Tavra Christmas- tinuniqłak- to push her/him/it quickly
ŋiaġataqtillugit hospital- and with force | -niqłak- vv
miittuq tavrani timaqsiqłuni.” tinuraq- continue to push (her/him/it)
(Harold Itta 1985:1B. 11) [then @ tinurai- | +t/raq-1 vv || :I-4 vv
he stayed in the hospital until
after Christmas to let his body tiŋak pubic hair
heal] | +q-2 nv +sIq-1 vv tiŋauraq dried black moss used for
timaut- (t) to shoot her/him/it in the tinder | :uraq nn
upper part of body; (t) to carry it tiŋaurat lichen | :uraq nn -t nn
=kayak between two bodies of tiŋayuq or (Nu) tiŋayuk long white
water, to portage | +ut-1 nv hair hanging under chin of
timaagun physically » timaagun reindeer, caribou or moose »
piyuksimaraa he abused her “takiruaq tamanna ataani
physically | :a4 nn m[g]u(n) nn tavluata” (Aiken 2009) [it’s the

long one (beard) under its chin] | +[ġ]aq- vv -utaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
+yuq nn tiŋilġautitaq- (i) to operate, sail a
sailboat | +t-1 vv +[ġ]aq- vv
tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to :un1 vn +[t]aq-2 nv
become airborne (of airplane, tiŋinnaaq- (i) to sail » “Tavra
helicopter, rocket) tiŋinnaaķsaŋaruķ Ephesus-miñ.
tiksiq- (i) to drift in a boat | And so he sailed from Ephesus.”
+[t]sIq- vv (Iñupiat New Testament: Acts
tiksiqsit- (t) to let her/him/it drift in a 18:21) | -nnaaq- vv
boat | +[t]sIq- vv mtit-1 vv tiŋipqaułłik- (i) to barely take flight |
tiksri- or tigri- (t) to frighten it =bird -pqaułłIk- vv
into flight | ~srI- vv or ~rI-3 vv tiŋiqqammiaq or tiŋiqqammialaaq
tiktaq someone carried out to sea on fledgling | ±qqammIq- vv -aq1 vn
an ice floe; something swept out -laaq nn
to sea | ~t/raq vn tiŋit- (t) for it to be blown away by
tiktau- (i) to be carried out to sea on the wind; (t) for it to be carried
floating ice or in a drifting boat | away by the ocean or river current
~t/raq vn :u-1 nv » tiŋitkaa unna umiaq the boat is
tiŋilġai- (i) to travel with the use of a drifting away | +t-1 vv
sail » “…aasii tiŋilġaigaqsivlutiŋ tiŋmi- (i) to be in flight, be flying |
siñiqsraķługu Crete… …and ~mmI-6 vv
sailed as close as possible along tiŋmiaġniaqti fowler, a professional
the coast of Crete.” (Iñupiat New bird catcher | +niaq-2 vv mt/ri 3 vn
Testament: Acts 27: 13) | +t-1 vv tiŋmiaġruk or tiŋmiaġruuraq small
+[ġ]aq- vv -I-6 vv bird; sparrow | ~mmI-6 vv +aq1 vn
tiŋilġannaaq- (i) to sail with a -ġruk nn or :uraq nn
favorable wind | +t-1 vv tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia Merlin (Falco
+[ġ]aq- vv -nnaaq- vv columbarius)
tiŋilġaqsiq- (i) to sail » “…aasii tiŋmialugruaq (Ti) small bird with
tavraŋŋa tiŋilġaķsiķłutiŋ long beak (usually seen in fall) |
ķiķiķtamun Cyprus-mun. …and ~mmI-6 vv +aq1 vn -lugruaq nn
sailed from there to the island of tiŋmiaq medium-sized bird (e.g.,
Cyprus.” (Iñupiat New Testament: dove, robin); fowl; bird of prey,
Acts 13:4) | +t-1 vv +[ġ]aq- vv e.g., gull, hawk, jaeger |
+sIq-1 vv ~mmI-6 vv +aq1 vn
tiŋilġautaq or tiŋilġaun a sail | tiŋmiaqpak American Golden Eagle
+t-1 vv +[ġ]aq- vv -utaq vn or (Aquila chrysaetos); large bird |
+t-1 vv +[ġ]aq- vv :un1 vn ~mmI-6 vv +aq1 vn +qpak(-) vv, nn
tiŋilġautaqtuqtuaq sailboat | +t-1 vv tiŋmiaqpauraq Wheatear (Oenanthe
+[ġ]aq- vv -utaq vn +tuq-3 vv oenanthe) | ~mmI-6 +aq1 vn
+t/ruaq vn +qpak(-) :uraq nn
tiŋilġautchiq- (i) to raise a sail; (t) to tiŋmiġala- (i) to fly in every direction
raise a sail on it » taima (of a bird or bird flock from
tiŋilġutchiqłuta aullaqtugut confusion or fright) | ~mmI-6 vv
then we raised our sail, and left | +[ġ]aq- vv -la- vv
+t-1 vv

tiŋmiluk small bird » “Tavraasii tiŋukpalaaq the color brown |
tiŋmiluk mitchaaġman, +palaaq nn
piyugaqtuq tiŋmiluŋmun. So tiŋuŋnaq (Nu) the color brown |
then, when the small bird lands he +naq1 nn
[the boy] stalks toward the small
bird.” (Ahmaogak & Webster: 10) tipi1 odor, smell
| +luk4 vn tipaaq- (i) to stink | -aq-3 nv
Tiŋmirrat Tatqiat [lit. “month of tipaaqpak (Ti) block of tobacco
birds”] month of April (chopped up to be used for pipe
tiŋmiukaktaq- (i) to fly over tobacco) | -aq3 nn +qpak(-) nn
something and land on the other tipaiq- (i) to become odorless |
side, as a sled going over a ditch :Iq-2 nv
or bump | ~mmI-6 vv -u-2 vv tipaiyaun deodorizer, deodorant |
+kaktaq- vv :Iyaq- nv -un1 vn
Tiŋŋivik [lit. “time to take flight”] tipayyaaq(-) meat which has been
month of August | ‘vIk1 vn § aged slightly and then cooked; (i)
Amiġiksivik, AmiġaiqsivIk to become slightly aged (of meat) |
tiŋŋulliq- (t) to fly quickly away +yyaaq(-) nn
taking her/him/it | ‘-ti- vv ~liq-2 vv tipigik- (i) to smell good, have a good
tiŋŋun airplane | ‘-n vn odor | +[g]Ik- nv
tiŋŋusiq- or tiŋŋusit- (i) for an tipigiit- (i) to smell foul | +[g]Ik- nv
airplane to land in their :It-1 vv
community » tiŋŋusiqsuagut tipigiksaun room deodorizer |
unnuaq a plane arrived last night | +[g]Ik- nv msaq-3 vv -un1 vn
~Iq-1 nv or’=It-2 nv tipigluk(-) strong, unpleasant odor; (i)
tiŋŋut- or tiŋŋuti- (t) to fly away to have a strong, unpleasant odor |
taking her/him/it | ‘-t- vv or -gluk(-) nv, nn
‘-ti- vv tipitu- (i) to have a strong odor |
tiŋŋutitaq- (i) to fly an airplane; (i) to +tu- nv
travel by airplane » tippak- (i) to develop a strong odor |
tiŋŋutitaġluni ‘-k-2 nv
Ulġuniġniaġniruaq he said he is tippaqtu- (Nu) (i) to stink | ‘-qtu- nv
going to go to Wainwright by tivliq- (i) to become aged and smell
plane | +[t]aq-2 nv foul (of meat) | ~lIq-3 nv
tivluk- (i) to taste bad | +luk-1 vv
tiŋŋiq- (i) to be full to bursting, stuffed tivraġik- (i) to smell good; (i) to taste
full good, delicious | +raq nn
tiŋŋiqsi- (i) to be stuffed from eating; +[g]Ik- nv
(t) to stuff it full | +sI-1 vv tivraġiksaun incense, perfume |
+raq nn +[g]Ik- nv msaq-3 vv
tiŋuk liver; egg yolk -un1 vn
tiŋugaq small pieces of liver and tivraġluk- (i) to be too bitter to eat (of
tendons stuffed in the rumen of a meat) | +raq nn -ġluk(-) nv
caribou and allowed to aged |
+[ġ]aq nn § niġukkaq tipi-2 (t) to be washed ashore

tipisaġniq(-) shoreward current; (i) to tiptuyaaluk extremely large whale with
flow toward shore (of ocean nostrils withered from old age
current) | msaq-3 vv +nIQ3 vv (these whales are not hunted)
tivrak- (i) to find something drifted (Harcharek: 27)
ashore | ~raq nn ‘-k-1 nv
tivraq driftwood; something drifted tipuk whitefish (Coregonus autumnalis)
ashore | ~raq nn
tivri- (Ti) (i) to find something tiqituġaq young caribou | +[ġ]aq rn §
washed up on the beach » tuttu
“qaggaġuġman tivrimaruaq tiqituġaurat or tiqittut herd of
aiviġmik” (Kinneeveauk 2008) caribou cows and calves |
[he found a walrus carcass washed +[g]aq1 rn :uraq nn -t nn or -t nn
ashore when the waves started
breaking onshore] | -vrI- vv tiqqala- to fly around, blowing about in
the air » “Makuagguuq
tipisia- (i) to be short of breath, to have tiqqalahaviñaurakkaŋii
difficultly breathing § tipsulliq- saluaqhirrutitik
ipisia-, aniqsaallaIq- aqpaliġaalaliqtuaqsiñiġai
aapaŋan.” (Ericklook as reported
tippik longitudinal rib of kayak frame § by MacLean 1995: 43) [then her
akuq, apummaq father began to run to and fro after
the ones (skins) that they had set
tippiq [tippIQ] one piece of bent (usually out for weather cleansing as they
willow) wood used to form one of were suddenly sent flying about];
the transverse ribs of a kayak “tiqqalasuurut anuqqagman
frame; rib of kayak frame § anuqsraaġiksimman” (Aiken
tulimaaq 2009) [they (light weight things)
fly about when it becomes windy,
tippun small net (for catching whitefish) when the breeze becomes strong] |
» “…besides that I had a tippun -la- vv § tiŋmiġala-
net, for small whitefish. …I got
almost one hundred fish with that tira- (t) to make cuts into it =usu. fish
net…I got qaaktaq [arctic cisco], across the width for drying; (t) to
pikuktuuq [broad humped make an incision in her/him/it
whitefish], and small aanaakłiq =body part for bloodletting,
[broad whitefish], and grayling perform phlebotomy @ tirasi- »
too.” (Bodfish: 91) “tirasuugai kavraŋisigun iñuk
niaquġiitpaiñman” (Aiken 2009)
tipsisaaq- (Ti) (i) to joke | ±saaq-2 vv § [they make an incision to relieve
tivsi- pain on the crown of a person who
is experiencing too many
tipsulliq- [tipsullIq] (Nu) or tuvsulliq- (i) headaches] || +sI-3 vv
to hiccough; to get something
stuck in one’s throat § tivit-, ¤tirraġiiq (Ti) fresh cooked maktak §
tupit-, igusiġaq- uunaalik

tirraġiigraq (Ti) ventral flank of titiqqat calendar | +aq1 vn ‘-t nn
whale behind jaw | -ksraq(-) nn titiqtuġniq groove carved in wood |
+tuq-2 +niQ1 vn
tirraq narrow sandbar | ‘-Q vn § tapqaq titiqtuq- (t) to carve a notch or groove
in it, to put scratch marks on it @
tiriq- (i) to make the sound of something titiqtui- | +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
rubbing against something once; titiqtuun (Nu) ruler; (Ti) a marker |
(i) to gnash one’s teeth +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn § uuktuun,
tiriiqila- (i) to continue to creak (of miŋuaqtuun
floor) | .-q-1 vv –qi- vv -la- vv titquti- to record, mark it, e.g., an
tiriqsruq- (i) to make a rubbing ownership mark, a tally mark onto
sound (over a period of time); (i) something » “tainna qiruuramik
to make a whistling sound | titqutillaavlugu” (Harold Itta
mqsruq- vv 1982) [recording it by marking a
tiriqtaq- or tiriqtitaq- (i) to squeak; mark with a stick onto something]
to gnash one’s teeth | +t/raq-1 vv | :uti- vv
or +tit-2 vv +aq-1 vv tittaq something that has been
marked; a dot; a line | ‘-Q vn
¤tiritchiq monstrous, mythical reptile
with four (or six) short legs, titqiaq(-) or tatqiaq visor of cap; (Nu) (i)
alligator-like tail, rock-like scaled to shade one’s eyes § tatqiq
skin, long neck, and small head
tittaaliq [tittaalIq] burbot, mudshark; ling
tirruksi- (i) to experience anxiety from cod (Lota lota)
imagining possible predicaments Tittaaliurat [lit. “small burbots’]
emerging from one’s present place name (where there are
circumstances | +sI-1 vv usually a lot of burbot) | :uraq nn
-t nn
titiġila- (Ti) (i) to chatter from cold (of
one’s teeth) » “uuliktuq tivit- or (Ti) tuvit- (i) to choke on
qiiyavailluni” (S. Tuzroyluke something while eating § tupit-,
2009) [he is shivering from being tuvsulliq-, uliqtitchi-
so cold] | -la- vv tivirrun something lodged in one’s
throat | +ruti vn
¤titili- (Ti) to shiver tivrusiq- or tivrutchiq- (i) to have
something lodged in one’s throat |
titiq(-) a mark or dot; (i) to be now =ruti1 vn ~Iq-1 nv or =ruti1 vn
marked with a dot or a line; (t) to ‘=Iq-1 nv
mark it with a dot or a line; (t) to tivrutaq something lodged in one’s
cut a notch in it; (t) to mark it to throat | =rutaq vn
indicate where one is to cut, carve
@ titiqsi- || +sI-3 vv tivli(-) [tivlI] bit of food left or remaining
titiġaq one month of a twelve-month near the mouth after eating; (i) to
calendar; mark, scratch mark | dribble water or fluid from one’s
+aq1 nv mouth
titiġniq a mark or a line | +niQ1 vn

tivliiyaq- (i) to wipe one’s mouth; (t) vulnerable spot just behind the
to wipe her/his mouth | :Iyaq- nv head @ tuaġilaaqsi- || +sI-3 vv
tivliiyaun napkin | :Iyaq- nv :un1 vn
tivlili- (i) to leave a bit of food near *tuak (root) rowdiness
one’s mouth after eating | -lI-2 nv tuaksruit- (i) to be very calm and
quiet | mqsruq-2 rv :It-1 nv
tivli- (i) to sew the body of the boot onto tuavaala- (i) to have boisterous fun |
the sole § timi -vit- rv -ala- vv
tuavaallak- (i) to become very
tivliq- (i) to become aged and foul excited; (i) to riot | -vit- rv -ala- vv
smelling (of meat) < tipi- ‘-k-2 vv
tuavallan tumult, riot | -allak-vv
tivluk- (i) to taste bad < tipi- -n1 vn
tuavit- (i) to cheer, whoop it up at a
tivraġik- (i) to smell good; to taste good, celebration; (i) to have a wild,
delicious < tipi- noisy party | -vit- rv

tivraġiksaun incense, perfume < tipi- tuapak coarse gravel | -pak2 n § maġġaq
tuapauraq slightly less coarse gravel
tivraġluk- (i) to be too bitter to eat (of than tuapak | :uraq nn
meat) < tipi-
*tug (root) hidden, out of sight
tivri- (Ti) (i) to find something washed up tugluaqsima- (t) to protect, keep
on the beach § tipi- her/him/it from harm by hiding
her/him/it | +luaq-1 rv or +luaq- rv
*tivsI (root) mirth, humorous +sima-2 vv
tivsigi- or (Nu) tipsigi- (t) to find tugvaq- (i) to be now put away; (t) to
her/him/it so humorous that one put it behind oneself, away; (i) to
has to laugh just looking at come all the way inside to the
her/him/it; to laugh at, mock back of the house @ tugvai- »
her/him/it | +[g]i- rv “tugvaġaa; anayanaitchuamun
tivsiñaq- (i) to be humorous (of a iligaa” (Aiken 2009) [he placed it
person) | +naq(-) vv away in a safe place; he placed it
tivsitchai- (t) to make her/him burst where it will not come to harm] |
out laughing | -tchak- vv -I-6 vv +vaq- rv || :I-4 vv
tivsitchak- (i) to burst into
uncontrollable laughter | tugaq- to poke (her/him/it) with a stick
-tchak- vv < tuuq(-)

tivvuk- to spit (it) out tuggaq- (t) to prod, poke, push her/him/it
tivvuaq(-) saliva, mucus; to spit (it) away or off with a pole or stick <
out; (t) to spit on her/him/it | tuuq(-)
-aq1 vn
tuggaun or (Nu, Ti) tuggautaq large
tuaġilaaq- (t) to strike and kill it =whale flensing knife for butchering
with one blow, usually in a

whale or cutting sod § aġviuġun < tuiġaq or tuiqqaq or tui [dual tuiqqak]
tuuq(-) shoulder | +[ġ]aq nn, vn

tuggayuk wasp, hornet, yellow jacket tukaqti rope used to secure sealskin floats
(Hymenoptera: Vespidae) < and toggling spear head
tuuq(-) » “akłunaaŋa avataqpaum”
(Aiken 2009) [rope attached to the
tugguq(-) small piece of ice; (t) to chop it float] § kiŋu, avataqpak
=ice with an ice chisel < tuuq(-)
tukiq- (i) to hatch (of a bird); to extend
tugli1 [tuglI] braided hair, braid one’s legs; (t) to push, kick
tugliġun barrette, hairclip | -ġun nn her/him/it with bottom of one’s
tugliliqsuq- (i) to braid one’s hair; (t) foot; (i) to kick out backwards
to braid her/his/its hair | -lIq-1 nv propelling oneself forward (of
+tuq-2 vv swimmer or sea mammal) »
“Tukiqsallagruaġami tavra
tugli2 the next one in order; the other; the tatpikuŋanmun saquvluni
second one tavruŋa puktallagniqsuq.”
tugliġiik a vowel pair or dipthong | (Bodfish: 240) [when it kicked
+[g]iik nn -k nn backwards, it had propelled itself
tugliqsruuti- (i) to be in second swerving towards land and then
position, e.g., to be behind the surfaced there]
runner who is in first place | tukala- or tukalauraq- to kick one’s
mqsruq- vv -uti- vv legs (at her/him/it) | -la- vv or
tugliu- (i) to be the one next in order :uraq- vv or -lik- vv
| :u-1 nv tukalignaq treadle sewing machine |
-lik- vv +naq(-) vn
tugnaaq or tuŋnaaq connecting strip tukalik- (Ti) (i) to kick one’s legs |
sewn between the body and sole -lik- vv
of a boot, made of caribou or seal tukiġnik- (i) to kick someone with the
leather | +naaq3 rn § tugrun bottom of one’s foot | +nnik- vv
tukiqtuun (Nu) boom of sailboat |
tugrut- (t) to lash, secure it with rope @ +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn § qauqqiñ
tugrutchi- || :I-4 vv § tuut-, tukkaq- to push (her/him/it) with
tugnaaq one’s feet, repeatedly | ‘-q-1 nv
tugrun bearded sealskin rope used for
lashing skin covering to umiaq tukku- (i) to stay as a guest
“umiak” frame; rope with which tukkiq- (t) to provide her/him with a
skin covering is lashed to boat place to stay | ‘=Iq- 1 vv
frame » “tugrutiqaġuurut tukkiqsuq- (t) to offer her/him
pagmapak aglunaapianik” hospitality, accommodations |
(Kinneeveauk 2008) [nowadays ‘=Iq- 1 vv +tuq-2 vv
sealskin rope is used for securing tukkuġi- (t) for her/him to be her/his
the skin cover onto to the boat host | ‘-Q vn +[g]i- nv
frame] | ‘-ti1 vn tukkuġik- (i) to feel comfortable and
well taken care of (of a guest) »

“Tarva tukkuġiksitkaa tuksiq- [tuksIq] (t) to beg her/him
ippaksraapak...” (Ahvakana: 22) tuksiaq- (i) to plead that something
[he made her feel welcome and happen; (i) to beg in prayer; (i) to
cared for for a long time] | ‘-Q vn ask for something » “atuutimiñik
+[g]Ik- nv tuksiaqtuq” (Matumeak 2009)
tukkuġmiu- (i) to remain a house [he asked for his family song or a
guest » “Tarvaasi song he composed] | -aq-1 vv
taavsruma aŋutim.” (Ahvakana: tuksruk- (i) to be crushed, crumbled; (t)
21-22) [so then the man made her to crush, crumble it § arvik-,
feel welcomed in his home] | parvik-, karumit-, siqumit-,
‘-Q vn +miu- vv siquptiq-
tukkuilaq outcast, homeless person |
‘-Q vn -ilaq(-) nn tuktaq a slab of walrus skin (with meat
tukkuiq- (i) to become an outcast; (i) and blubber still attached) folded
to lose one’s home | ‘-Q vn :Iq-2 nv and sewn together, often left
tukkuit- (i) to be an outcast, have outside to ferment, then cached in
nowhere to live | ‘-Q vn :It-1 nv underground meat cellar for
tukkuliiñiq hospitality | ‘-Q vn winter use; (Ti) bearded seal meat
-lIq-1 nv :I-4 nv +niQ1 vn and blubber sewn or tied in a bale
tukkumavik hotel room, apartment | for storage | +t/raq rn
+ma- vv +vIk1 vn tuksisuu- (Ti) (i) to make tuktaq |
tukkuq host, one whom one stays ‘=I-1 nv +[s]uu- vv
with | ‘-Q vn
tukkuqaq- (i) to have shelter, a tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore
place to stay, a host | ‘-Q vn tulagiaq or tulagvik landing place for
-qaq- nv a boat; dock | +iaq1 vn or +vIk1 vn
tulapqaułłik- or tulapqauraq- (i) to
tukkunaq- (Ti) (i) to be tender (of walrus just barely reach shore, when
or bull caribou meat) » almost prevented by severe
“tukkunaqtugguuq aiviq suli weather conditions | -pqaułłIk- vv
tuttupiaq” (C. Tuzroyluke 2009) or -pqauraq- vv
[they say a walrus has tender tulasaaq- (i) to land on shore en
meat, also a caribou]; “aivġum masse | -saaq-1 vv
narraaŋa naakka pagniġruam tulauti- or ¤tulaut- (t) to bring
naarraaŋa tukkunaqtugguuq; her/him/it ashore @ tulaurri- |
aqitchuq suli uġriñŋunaiñmiuq” -ut-2 vv or :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
(C. Tuzroyluke 2009) [they say the tullaqi- (t) to come ashore for
belly section of the walrus or the her/him/it | ‘-qi- vv
belly section of the bull caribou is
tender meat; it is soft and it does tulimaaq [tulimaraq] rib; vertical,
not produce an oil-based traverse wood support of a
heartburn] traditional umiak frame; rainbow
tukkuun bottom portion of fur on a § see Appendices 16, 17, & 21
wolverine’s neck § tulugauraq tulimaq or tulimmaq rainbow §
kinnaum nigaŋa, kinnaq niggiqsuq

tullik (Nu) American Golden Plover a man and he has a raven’s bill on
(Pluvialis dominica) his head.” (Spencer:384)
¤tullignaq Ruddy Turnstone
(Arenaria interpres) tulugauraq striped wolverine ruff on
tullisugruk or tullivak (Nu) Black- parka taken from the bottom
bellied Plover (Pluvialis portion of fur on a wolverine’s
squatarola) | -sugruk(-) nn or neck § tukkuun
-vak nn
tuluq- (t) to butt, hit her/him/it with
tulluataq- (i) to land smoothly (of head or tusk; (t) to attack
airplane, parachuter, someone her/him/it (of a bird); (t) to reach
jumping on a mapquq “blanket it =shore (of ice,boat, etc.)
toss”) < tut- tuluaġaq- (i) to dive toward someone
or something (of bird or plane); (t)
tulugaq Raven (Corvus corax); Crow to dive toward her/him/it (of bird
(Corvus sp.) § tuluq- or plane) » tiŋmiaqpak
tulugaaq- (Nu) (i) to make a cry like tuluaġaqtuq qayyanun an eagle
the raven’s call to inform others is diving at the kayaks | -aġaq- vv
one has sighted caribou (short call tuluġiaq [tuluġiraq] canine tooth »
for few caribou, long call for tuluġirrak canine teeth | +iaq3 n
many) | -q-2 nv
tulugagnauraq or ¤tulukkatun ittuq tumanŋu- (i) to feel one’s food has not
Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus gone down completely and one
carolinus) needs to wash it down with a
tulugaġnaq Bank Swallow (Riparia drink | -nŋu-2 vv § tivrutaq
riparia); Cliff Swallow tumanŋuiyaq- (i) to wash food down
(Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) | one’s throat with liquid | -nŋu- vv
+naq1 nn :Iyaq- vv
tulugaġnauraq Tree Swallow
(Iridoprocne bicolor) | +naq1 nn tumaq- (i) to heal (of broken bone); (t) to
:uraq nn, vv repair it § mamit-
tulugaayaaq or (Nu, Ti) tulukkaaq tumaqsruq- (t) to fit it together,
young raven | -ayaaq nn ‘-aq2 nn repair it @ tumaqsrui- |
2 4
tulukkam asiaŋa (Nu) any berry of mqsruq- vv || :I- vv
various types considered inedible
for humans, e.g., juniper berry, tumi track, trail, footprint
soapberry, highbush cranberry tumitchiat trail, path, track |
tulukkam nauligaaŋa [lit. “raven’s -tchiaq(-) nn -t nn
spear”] northern groundcone, tuvli- (i) to make tracks; (i) to break
parasitic plant on alder roots trail | ~lI-1 nv
(Boschniakia rossica) tuvliġaq- (i) to leave footprints; (t) to
tuluŋiksraq creator of the world leave footprints on it =surface »
according to Iñupiaq legend » “tavra uvlaakumman aapiyaa-
“Men say that the world was made kisa ivaġaluaġaak aputaitchuq,
by tuluŋixiraq, The Raven. He is tuvliġaġnaitchuq apigaluaqtin-
nagu” then when morning came,

his older brothers look for him but ¤tungaum asiaŋa ¤nagoonberry (Rubus
there is no snow, no way to leave arcticus) (occurs widely in the
footprints since there was no snow Arctic, and present in the Brooks
on the ground (Bergsland 1987) | Range)
~lI-1 nv +[ġ]aq- vv
tuvlisaun (Nu) gland below caribou’s tuni-1 [tunI](i) to be now sold; (t) to sell it
front toes whose print is visible @ tunisi- or tuniri- || +sI-3 vv or
only when the animal is frightened ~rI-5 vv
and toes are spread | ~lI-1 nv tuniuqqaq- (t) to sell them @
3 1
msaq- vv :un vn tuniuqqai- | -uq-2 vv perhaps
tuvraakkiuti- (t) to begin to follow, +qaq- nv || :I-4 vv
track her/him/it » “uvva ukiak- tunnisaq something offered for sale »
rami piuk, tuvliġaġnaqtuami, “tunnisaġisuugait
tuvraakiutiniġaak” it was fall tuniyumaatchiġamisigiŋ sut”
and tracks were visible so they (Aiken 2009) [items are put up for
began to follow her tracks sale when the decision is made to
(Bergsland 1987: 329) | -aq-1 vv do so] | ‘-saq1 vn
+[g]i- rv ‘uti- vv
tuvraaksrat guidelines, plan of tuni-2 [tunI](i) to give oneself up; (i) to
action | ~raq- vv -aq1 vn give up » “Patiktiłłuni,
-ksraq(-) nn -t nn § piraksriun patiktiłłuni, tunigaluaqtuq.”
tuvraaksriun example, model | (Nageak 1975: 92 [pressed
~raq- vv -aq1 vn -ksraq(-) nn (against the wall), pressed
‘=Iq-1 nv :un1 vn (against the wall), he gave
tuvraq- (t) to follow, track her/him/it; himself up, but…];
(t) to imitate, portray, copy “qaitkaluaqtuq; qaitchuq;
her/him/it; (t) to follow it =e.g., a iglutuġumiñaiññami tuniruq;
sewing pattern, instructions for qaitchuq” (Aiken 2009) [he gave
building something; (i) to copy himself up, but…; he gave
something; (i) to imitate someone himself up; he gave up because
or something; (t) to resemble he could not withstand it; he gave
her/him in character | ~raq- vv himself up]
tuvsi- or (Nu) tupsi- (i) to find tuniugaqsi- (i) to begin to explain
footprints, tracks; (t) to find oneself, in the process of giving
her/his/its tracks, footprints | up » “Kiggisiraġaqhutik,
~sI-2 nv kiggisiraġaqhutik[.]
tuvsiuq- (i) to be out looking for [A]ŋayuqaksrauraq
tracks | +siuq- nv tuniugaqsigaluaqtuq.” (Nageak
1975: 92) [opening and closing
tumiŋŋuaq (Ti) diamond (suit in cards) § its (killer whale) jaws, opening
kapuun, argalaq, iqquk and closing its (killer whale)
jaws; the little old man
tumitchauraq three (in cards) desperately began to explain
himself as he abandons his
tummak (Nu) palm of hand § utummak motives] | -ugaq- vv -aqsI- vv

tuniġi- (Ti) (t) to go directly to her/him/it |
+[g]i- rv § tuŋaaġi- ¤tunmiġaq1 (Ti) share of whale meat
which a new whaling captain
tuniq (Nu) thick webbing joined to receives from whaling boats 1 and
snowshoe frame 2 after they have taken their share
tuniksraq (Nu) wide leather thong from the whale’s rear ventral
used for snowshoe webbing | flanks (uatit), which the new
-ksraq(-) nn whaling captain distributes to the
tunniq- (Nu) (t) to tie webbing to it villagers (Frankson as reported by
=snowshoe frame @ tuniqsi- | Pulu, Sampson, Newlin, 25) § uati,
‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv qimiġluk

*tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; tunmiġaq2 or tutipqiq or tuŋmiġaq

hardness of surface stepstool a step located at the
tuniqtaq soapstone; stone lamp | entrance of a traditional sod
+qtaq nn § see Appendix 22 house, originally a whale vertebra;
tuniqtu- (i) to be emotionally stable, doorstep; rung of a ladder; a single
enduring; (i) to be solid; (i) to be stair; rug < tuti-
strict » “… ķanuķ ilisimaruni
uvagut ilisaurriruaguut tunmiġautat or tuŋmiġauttat stairs,
isivġiusiaķaġniaqtugut ladder < tuti-
tuniķtulluktuamik allaniñ.
…for you know that we teachers tunmiqqat or tutipqit or tuŋmiqqat
will be judged with greater strict- stairs; steps in entry or exit hole of
ness than others.” (Iñupiat New sod house < tuti-
Testament: James 3. 1) | +tu rv
tuninŋuq- (i) to become tired of lying tunŋa- (i) to be based on the facts; to be
on a hard surface or of walking on resting firmly on something; to be
hard ground | -nŋuq- rv § dedicated, intended for someone
tunŋanŋuliq- or something; (t) to be pertinent to
tuniqsima- (i) to be faithful, her/him/it; to be resting firmly on
enduring; (i) be hard to persuade; her/him/it < tut-
(i) to be firm in one’s opinion |
+sima-2 vv tunŋaraq tanned caribou hide used for
tuniqsimman endurance, persistence, mattress (with fur downward);
resoluteness | +sima-2 vv ‘n1 vn pad, mat, rug < tut-

tunmaluk- or tuŋmaluk- to step all over, tunu back (of human body); back area;
tread, trample (it) < tuti- back exterior wall
tunnuq back fat of caribou or moose
tunmaq- or tuŋmaq- or tugmaq- (t) to » “Tunnuugnik, tuttum qaun-
step upon, tread on her/him/it naagnik, iglugiignik saakkit-
repeatedly < tuti- kaat.” (Kiligvuk: 1) [they give
him the two sides of the back fat
tunmavik or tunmiġaq rug, carpet; entry of a caribou to take with him] |
step < tut- ‘-Q nn

tunua north wall of traditional sod tuurvik, “a longitudinal boat
house | :a nn (3s-s) § see Appendix frame inner side runner”) of
22 umiak frame | -siq vn -aq2 nn §
tunuaguaq- (i) to travel behind see Appendix 16
another person or vehicle; (i) to tunusuk rounded area at back of
rravel via the back area of a head, occiput; nape of neck |
person or object | :a (poss. end +suk2 nn § see Appendices 20 &
3s-s) -kun nnc (via.) -aq-4 nv 21
tunuallak- or tunuiłłak- (i) to fall tunut- (i) to turn to face the opposite
backward, slip and fall on one’s way, to turn one’s back; (t) to turn
buttocks | -aq-2 nv -llak-1 vv or one’s back to her/him/it | -t-2 nv
-It-1 nv -llak-1 vv § niviġiaq- tunutqut- to traverse behind
tunuanuk- (i) to get, position oneself (her/him/it) | -tqut- nv
behind her/him/it; (t) to place tunuvaq- (i) to back up, go to the rear
her/him/it behind her/him/it » | -vaq- nv
umiam tunuaanuguŋ put it tunuunagun (Nu) harness webbing
behind the boat | :a nn (poss. 3s-s) which runs down dog’s back |
-nuk- nv +uuna (dem. via.) +gun (via.)
tunuata qilaŋa short pitch of roof
(north side of sod house) | :ata nn tunusisaq elongated, oval-shaped
:ŋa nn abdominal organ (attached to the
tunuillak- (Ti) (i) to fall on one’s stomach of caribou) » “tuttum
back | :It-1 nv -llak-1 vv aqiaġuata ilaŋa aqvaluuraqtuaq
tunuiyaq- to be cold (of one’s back) | takiłhuaŋaaq” (Aiken 2009) [part
:Iyaq- nv of a caribou’s stomach which is
tunulliġiik(-) one with another elongated and oval in shape];
behind; (i) to be one behind the tuttut tunusisaqaġnisuugait,
other, lined up; (i) to be sequential ataruq aqiaġupiaŋanun they say
| +llIQ nn +[g]iik(-) nn, nv caribou have these elongated oval
tunulliġiiksit- (i) to line up | +llIQ nn shaped abdominal organs which
+[g]iik(-) nv +tit-2 vv are attached to the real stomach
tunulliliq- (t) to support, back
her/him up | +llIQ nn -lIq-1 nv tunuiġun or tunuunaġun slough »
tunulliq hindmost one | +llIQ nn “ikkalġuq tunuiġunmik
tununmuk- (t) to position it with the taiguġuugaat” (Aiken 2009)
back facing front | +nmuk- nv [shallow water is called a slough]
tununmun (adv.) with the back
facing front | +nmun vv (term.) tuŋautqutaq- (t) to not speak it =dialect
tununmuŋa- (i) to be positioned with correctly | -tqut- nv -taq-1 nv
the back in front; (t) to be
positioned with one’s back to °tuŋi (stem) direction of
her/him/it | +nmuk- nv ±ŋa- vv tuŋaaġi- (t) to travel toward
tunuqsruq- (i) to keep one’s back her/him/it » “Taima qallivlugu
turned | +qsruq-1 nv suagguuġamna nuna
tunusiġaq a longitudinal umiak frame tuŋaaġiniġaak.” (Ahvakana: 14)
outer side runner (outside of [then as they got closer to it she

excitedly realized they were tupi(-) small tattoo, facial tattoo line; (t)
heading towards land] | +aq1 vn to tattoo her/him § kakI-
+[g]i- nv tupiniq tattoo » “qauġmigun
tuŋiġuġnaq- (i) to be approachable | tupiniqaqtuq tapiqtaġiiñik
+[ġ]uq-1 rv +naq(-) vv, vn tupiniġnik, iñuaqtuqpailluni
tuŋiġuq- (t) to come near, pass close piyuaqtimiñik” on his forehead
to her/him/it | +[ġ]uq-1 rv § he had two overlapping tattoes,
saniġatqut- because he had killed so many of
his tormentors (Bergsland 1987:
tuŋiun bed sheet 328) | +niQ1 vn
tuŋiusiuq- or tuŋiutiliuq- (i) to
prepare a bed; (t) to prepare, make tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqit]
her/his bed | ~iuq-1 nv tent; to raise, set up a tent (for
tuŋiutit bedding, traditionally her/him/it)
sleeping skins; bed | -t nn § tuttaat tupaaluk an old tent | -aluk nn
tupaatchiaq- or tupiatchiaq- to
tuŋnaaq or tugnaaq connecting strip borrow a tent | -atchiaq- nv
sewn between the body and sole tupiksraq canvas, fabric used for
of a boot, made of caribou or seal making tents | -ksraq(-) nn, nv
skin | +naaq3 rn § *tug tupiqtuq- (i) to live in a tent »
tupiqtuġniaqtuŋa upinġaapak I
tuŋuq- (i) to be blue (from overwork or will live in a tent all summer |
being cold); (i) to be blue (of a +tuq-3 nv
bruise) § suŋauraaq-, uŋuraġaaq- tupiqtuun or tupqutaq (Nu)
tuŋuaqtaaq something purple | lengthwise roof beam of tent,
-aq-1 vv +t/raaq1 vn ridgepole of tent | +tuq-3 nv
tuŋiqsi- to become blue in the face | :un1 vn or :utaq vn
+sI-1 vv tuppi- to make a tent (for her/him/it) |
tuŋuqtaaq something purple; the ‘=I-1 nv
color purple | +t/raaq1 vn tuppiraq- (i) to travel bringing a tent |
‘=Iraq- nv
tupak- or tupakaq- (i) to be surprised, tuppiuq- (i) to make a tent; set up a
startled; (i) to wake from sleep to tent; (t) to make a tent for
full wakefulness | -kaq- vv her/him/it; to set up a tent for
tupaaq- (t) to cause her/him/it to her/him/it | ‘=iuq-1 nv
wake up frequently; (t) to keep tupqilaq(-) one without a tent; (i) to
her/him/it awake with noise; (t) to be without a tent | :ilaq(-) nv, nn
awaken her/him/it accidently by tupqiq- (t) to take away her/his tent |
making noise @ tupaaġnik- or :Iq-1 nv
tuppaaqłiq- | -aq-1 vv || +nik-1 nv tupqisuq- or tupiksraisuq- to go and
or +kłIq- vv get a tent | :Isuq- nv or
tupai- (t) to startle, surprise her/him/it +ksraisuq- nv
| -I-6 vv tupqit- (i) to not have a tent »
tupaummi- (i) to be in a state of tupqitchuq tauqsiġñiaġvigmi
shock, surprise | -u-2 vv +mmI-5 vv there are no tents in the store |
:It-1 nv

Tupqit (Nu) [lit. “tents”] a (the four tuqłuk windpipe, trachea
stars of the bowl of the Big Dipper tuqłuq- (t) to call her/him directly by
said to be four tents to which three name or kinship term | -q-2 nv
hunters on foot are running) » tuqłuġaq- (t) to repeatedly call
tuviġġat airut tupiġnun the three outside (as from inside a tent), or
hunters [stars] are said to go home call outside (as from inside a tent)
to the houses | :It nn § Tuttuġruk, to her/him =unseen person asking
Tuvaat them to identity herself/himself |
tupqiyaq- (i) to take a tent down and -q-2 nv +aq-1 vv
pack it; (t) for the storm to flatten tuqłuaq spyglass, telescope; drinking
her/his tent | :Iyaq- nv straw | -aq2 nn
tupqiyauti- (t) to take a tent down tuqłuaġaq- (i) to look through a
and pack it for her/him | :Iyaq- nv spyglass; (t) to look through a
-uti- vv spyglass at her/him/it »
tupqutat tent poles | :utaq vn tuqłuaġaqtuq qayaqtuqtuanun
-t nn she is looking at the kayakers
through a spyglass | -aq2 nn
tupit- (i) to have food stuck in one’s +aq-4 vv
throat § tivit-
tuqpallak- (i) to experience a jolt or
*tupit (root) apprehension, uneasiness, shock, either physical or
spookiness emotional
tupinŋa- (i) to be tense, apprehensive,
jumpy | ±ŋa- vv tuqsruġmiutaq a gray stain (made from
tupinŋasi- or tupinŋatchak- (i) to stone used in woodwork)
become apprehensive or jumpy | (Kisautaq: 652)
±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv or ±ŋa- vv
-tchak- vv tuqsruk or tuqługauraq entryway, cold
porch; tunnel (to a sodhouse) »
tupitqaq fetish or charm worn on body or tuqługauraqaġniqsugguuq una
clothing » “All men who hunted imani; tuqługauraqaġniqsuq;
on the ice wore their tupitqaq qanitchauraqaġniqsuq he had a
(charms or fetishes, such as an small storm entry this time; he had
animal tail, or nose skin, beads, a small storm entry; he had a
etc.,) attached to their clothing.” small arctic entry (Nageak 1975:
(Rainey: 253) | perhaps +kaq nn § 83) § qanitchat
aanġuaq tuqsruuk narrow portion of sod
house entryway; hallway |
tupquraak hyoid bones; two bones near perhaps -k2 nn
larynx § ikauraak
tupquraanŋuliq- (i) to be unable to tuqu- (i) to die, perish, expire, pass away,
say anything because one is pass on
deeply affected by circumstances tuqqun death; cause of death, e.g., an
which move one to deep emotion | organ which malfunctions »
-nŋu-1 nv -lIq-3 vv tuqqutaa ilitchuġiŋillakkaat

they never did learn the cause of tuquŋarri- (i) to be stillborn; (t) to
his death | ‘-ti1 vn give birth to it =stillborn child |
tuqquti- (t) to die without ±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn ‘=I-1 nv
accomplishing something; (t) to tuquŋarriruaq a stillbirth | ±ŋa- vv
die in her/his stead | ‘-ti- vv +t/raq vn ‘=I-1 vn +t/ruaq vn
tuqqutigi- (t) to die from it =injury, tuqusaq- (t) to make sure a wounded
disease | ‘-ti vn +[g]i- nv animal is killed | msaq-3 vv
tuqua spot on body where a being can tuqusia- or tuqusiala- (i) to be dying,
be fatally wounded; term be in death throes; (i) to feel faint |
functions as the word “death” in +sia- vv or +sia- vv -la- vv
certain expressions | tuqut- (t) to kill her/him/it @
:a (poss. abs. 3s-s) tuqutchi- » tuqunŋagaat they’ve
tuquanŋu- (i) to feel faint | killed it | -t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
:a (poss. abs. 3s-s) +nŋu- nv tuqutaq murdered victim; someone
tuquanŋuq- (t) to stun, stupify or something which has been
her/him/it | :a (poss. abs. 3s-s) killed | mtaq4 vn
+nŋuq- nv
tuquġaq (Nu) cutting edge of blade |
tuquġaq- (i) to die en mass, in large
+[ġ]aq vn § kiiñaq
numbers; (t) to slaughter, kill
tuqutchigayuk- (i) to be good at
many of them | +[ġ]aq- vv
killing; (i) to kill frequently |
tuquliŋa- (i) to wilt (of plants) |
-t-1 vv +sI-3 vv -gayuk- vv
-lI-2 vv ±ŋa- vv
tuquvsitchak- (i) to become deathly
tuquliŋaruaq dead plant, grass | afraid, apprehensive; (i) to feel a
-lI-2 vv ±ŋa- vv +t/ruaq vn delayed shock from almost being
tuqulisuu- (i) to be mortal, subject to killed; (t) to cause her/him to
death | -lI-2 vv +[s]uu- vv become deathly afraid,
tuqunaq(-) poison; (i) to be apprehensive | -vsI-2 vv -tchak- vv
poisonous; (t) to poison her/him/it
| +naq(-) vn tuqurmiutaq soot mixture used for the
tuquŋaraġri- (i) to act like one dead | facial markings of whaling
-ġrI- vv captain, harpooner, and the wife
tuquŋaraġriaqsi- (i) to begin to act of the whaling captain (Spencer:
like a dead person » 344) | +miutaq nn
aulatchailiaqsiruq taamna
nukatpialuk; turġu- (i) to be thick (of fur or hair)
tuquŋaraġriaqsiruq he begins to turġuaq- to become longer and
try not to move; the young boy thicker (of caribou fur) » “ammit
begins to act dead | ±ŋa- vv turġuaġmata takisiuraaqtut
+t/raq vn +ġrI- nv -aqsI- vv mitquŋi; uqumailisuurut”
tuquŋaraq dead animal, person | (Aiken 2009) [when the skins
±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn become really thick is when the
tuquŋarraq- (i) to find an animal fur becomes longer; they get
carcass | ±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn heavy] | -aq-3 vv
‘-q-2 nv
turraaturaq Pacific Godwit; Bar-tailed
Godwit (Limosa lapponica)

turvik bleached seal or caribou skin tusaggan rim of external ear, the
backing used to support a helix; something used to facilitate
woman’s sunburst parka ruff § hearing, hearing aid | -‘n1 vn
isiġvikpagaaq tusaġnaq- (i) to be audible, can be
heard; (t) to be able to hear
*tusaq (root) audible § *susaq her/him/it » tusaġnaqtuq
tusaa- [tusaga] to hear (her/him/it) | qikiġġaqpaluak qakipkuak
-a-2 vv iññuk isiġiaqtuak the sound of
tusaalait- (i) to be deaf; (t) to not be snow crunching under the
able to hear her/him/it | -a-2 vv footsteps of the two outside who
-lait- vv about to enter is audible |
tusaammati- (i) to be in +naq(-) rv
communication with each other | tusaqłiġaq- (t) to complain or make
-a-2 vv -mmati- vv an offensive remark about her/him
tusaanġaiqi- (i) to hear and want to with the intention of letting
hear more | -nġaq- vv -iqi-2 vv her/him overhear or know by the
tusaaniġluk- to hear bad news (about gossip of others @ tusaqłiġai- |
her/him/it) | -a-2 vv -niġluk(-) vv +łiġaq- vv || :I-4 vv
tusaaraġaliq- or (Nu) tusakraliq- (i) tusaqłiġaun an offensive remark
to begin to hear something intended to be heard by the person
repeatedly » “tavra being offended | +łiġaq- vv
tusakraliqsuk nipimik :un1 vn
tusaara[ġa]liqsuq Maguula; tusaqsiuġniq public hearing |
ilisakriŋitchuq” then they begin +siuq- nv +niQ1 vn
to hear sounds; Maguula begins tusaqsraġi- (t) to be able to hear
to hear sounds; he cannot make her/him/it | +qsraq vn +[g]i- nv
out what they are (Bergsland tusillaq- (i) to become deaf |
1987: 317) | -a-2 vv +raġalIq- vv +illaq- vv
or +ksraq(-) vv -lIq-3 vv tutchaġik- (i) to be cause for good
tusaarraġiit- or tusarraġiit- (i) to be news | ‘-Q rn +[g]Ik nv
hard of hearing, be partially deaf » tutchaġiksi- (i) to be doing well (of a
tusarraġiiłłunuk ayalaitchuguk sick person) | ‘-Q rn +[g]Ik nv
atuġaaqtuanun wed do not attend +sI-1 vv
singspirations because we are hard tutchaġluk- (i) to hear bad news |
of hearing | -rraq vn +[g]Ik- nv ‘-Q rn nv '-ġluk(-) nv
:It- vv tutchaq oral account, news »
tusaaruuraaq- to imagine hearing “tusaapkaġaa iñuum
(her/him) say what (she/he) tusaaŋaisaŋanik” (Matumeak
usually, customarily says | 2009) [she gave him what no
-ruk- vv -uraaq- vv other person had not heard] |
tusaayugaaġiksuaq gospel; that ‘-Q vn
which is good news | -yugaaq- vn
+[g]Ik- nv +tuaq (part) tusaq or tusaqpak or tutchaq ace (suit in
tusaayugaaq(-) news; to receive cards) (Matumeak 2009)
news, information about
(her/him/it) | -yugaaq(-) vv, vn *tusiQ (root) limping

tusiat- (i) to limp, be lame » mtit- vv -lluataq(-) vv, nn
tusiałłuni isiqtuq aŋuyuqaksraq
the old man came in limping | tuti- to step, tread on (her/him/it)
-a-2 vv +t-2 rv § susiat- tunmaluk- or tuŋmaluk- to step all
tusialluk or tusiqhuk lame person or over, tread, trample (it) |
animal | -a-2 vv -lluk vn or ~maq- vv -luk- vv
-qhuk- vv tunmaq- or tuŋmaq- or tugmaq- (t)
tusiqhuk- or tusiqhuktaq- or to step upon, tread on her/him/it
tusiapiktaq- (i) to limp | repeatedly | ~maq- vv
-qhuk(-) vv +t/raq-1 vv or -a-2 vv tunmavik or tunmiġaq rug, carpet;
+t-2 rv -piktaq- vv § tuyyapiktaq- entry step » tunmiqqat
kataŋmun steps up to the
tusu- to envy, covet (her/him) entryhole (into the sod house from
tusunaq- (i) to be desirable, cause the entryway) | ~ma-1 vv +vIk1 vn
envy | +naq(-) vv § tuŋmigautaq, see Appendix 22
tutchun envy, jealousy, covetousness tunmiġautat or tuŋmiġauttat stairs,
| ‘-n vn ladder | +mmIq- vv +[ġ]aq vn
-utaq nn
tut- (i) to touch ground, bottom; (i) to tunmiġaq2 or tutipqiq or tuŋmiġaq
land on one’s feet; (i) to lie down; a step located at the entrance of a
(t) to cause her/him/it to touch traditional sod house, originally a
ground » tuttut they’ve reached whale vertebra; doorstep; rung of
the bottom a ladder; a single stair; rug »
tulluataq- (i) to have a smooth tutipqiŋa igluġruam paqittaat
landing (of airplane, parachuter, they found the step of the old sod
or someone jumping on a house | +mmIq- vv +[ġ]aq vn or
mapquq, “blanket toss”) | -pqI- vv ‘-Q vn § see Appendix 22
-lluataq- vv tunmiqqat or tutipqit [tutipqIt] or
tunŋa- (i) to be based on the facts; (t) tuŋmiqqat stairs, steps in entry
to be resting firmly (on it or exit hole of sod house |
=surface) ; (i) to be dedicated, +mmIq- vv +[ġ]aq vn ‘-t 3 nn
intended for someone or tutigiññaaq(-) or tutisiññaaq(-)
something; (t) to be pertinent to light, slip-on footwear; (t) to wear
her/him/it » tamatkua maqpiġaat light, slip-on footwear »
tunŋarut panimñun those papers tutigiññaakiñ marra here are
are intended for my daughter | your slippers | -giññaaq vn
±ŋa- vv tutiġiq a step outside door of house |
tunŋaraq tanned, caribou hide used perhaps +q-1 vv +Iq nn
for mattress (with fur downward);
sleeping pad; mat, rug | ±ŋa- vv tutik or tutaaluk grandchild,
+t/raq vn grandnephew, or grandniece »
turviatchiaq solid ground | +vIk1 vn tutkiñ tikisimaruq oh, your
-atchiaq nn grandchild did arrive; tutka
tutilluataq- (t) to let her/him/it settle tikiñŋaitchuqsuli my grandchild
down well; (t) to let it = still has not arrived; “tutik
information take root well | atausiumman, tutaaluit

iñugiaŋmata” (C. Tuzroyluke tutqaatu- or tutqaaq- (i) to be
2009) [the word is tutik when careful to repay favors, pay for
there is one (grandchild) and services, not accept things for free
tutaaluit when there are many | -tu- vv
(grandchildren)] | -aluk nn §
iñġutaq, ilulik tutqik- [tutqIk](i) to be content, peaceful,
tutaaluk grandchild; great-nephew or at ease
great-niece | -aluk nn § iñġutaq tutqigñaq- (i) to be a good host, be
tutigiik grandparent and grandchild | comfortable for others to be with,
+[g]iik nn be comforting | +naq(-) vv
tutitchauraq youngest grandchild | tutqiili- (i) to become uncomfortable,
-tchauraq nn begin to feel unease; (i) to
tutitchiaq or (Nu) tutiłaaq experience discomfort | :It-1 vv
grandchild | -tchiaq nn, -łaaq nn -lI-2 vv
tutitchiatqiun or (Ti) tutitqiun or tutqiiq- (i) to become uncomfortable;
(Ti) tutaalutqiun great- lose one’s peace of mind | :Iq-2 vv
grandchild | -tchiaq nn -tqIk-1 nv tutqiit- (i) to be uncomfortable, not at
:un1 vn –tqIk2- nv :un1 vn § amau peace | :It-1 vv
tutqiksaq- (t) to make her/him
tutqaaq- or tutqaasuk- (i) to feel ill at comfortable; (t) put her/him at
ease, remorse about something ease, peace | msaq-3 vv
one has done or something which tutqiksi- (i) to become content, find
others with direct ties to oneself peace of mind | +sI-1 vv
has done; (i) to feel bad that one is tutqiksit- (t) to make her/him
not able repay a favor, pay for a comfortable, feel at home |
service | -suk-2 vv 1
mtit- vv
tutqaagi- (t) to be concerned and tutqiun peace, contentment | :un1 vn
ashamed for what she/he/it is
doing, usually to the disadvantage tutquq- (t) to put it away for future use;
of others; (Ti) (t) to be concerned to store it @ tutquqsi- ||
about taking something, work, or +sI-3 vv
favors from her/him without tutquqsivik storage space; (by
proper compensation | +[g]i- vv extension) savings bank | +sI-3 vv
tutqaanaq- (i) to cause feelings of +vIk1 vn
concern and shame by acting tutquqtuq- (t) to put them away for
immature, inhospitable, safe keeping @ tutquqtui- |
inconsiderate; (i) to do shameful +tuq-2 vv || :I-4 vv
acts | -naq(-) vv tutquqtui- (t) to put her/his things
tutqaasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him away for safe keeping | +tuq-2 vv
feel uncomfortable, sorry about :I-7 vv
what she/he has done | ±saaq-2 vv
tutqaatchai- (t) to cause her/him to tuttaaq- (i) to go to bed » tuttaaġiñ go to
feel ill at ease, uncomfortable | bed § iññaq-
-tchak- vv -I-6 vv tuttaaqtit- (t) to put her/him to bed |
tutqaatchak- (i) to start feeling ill at 1
mtit- vv
ease, sorry, remorseful | -tchak- vv

tuttaaqtitaq- (t) to force her/him to +niQ1 vn
bed | mtitaq(-) vv tuttunniaq- (i) to hunt caribou |
tuttaat bed, bedding | -t nn § tuŋiutit, -t-2 nv +niaq(-) vv
siñigviit tuttuqłuk or tuttuġluk pig |
‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv § saniqsuk
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) § tuttuqpaiyaat caribou calves |
qunŋiq +qpak(-) nn, vv -iyaaq nn -t nn
tuttuġaurat a few caribou | -gaq2 nn tuttuqpak horse | +qpak(-) nn, vv
:uraq nn -t nn tuttut- (i) to kill a caribou » | +t-2 nv
tuttuġaaġruit or tuttusalait herd of tuttutaaq a harvested caribou |
caribou | -ġaaġruit nn or -salak nn mt/raaq vn
:It nn § kanŋut under kanŋuq- Tuttut Amiiqsiviat or Amiiqsivik
tuttuġaviñiq rawhide caribou thong, (Nu) month of September
used for binding or lacing on tuttutchiaq (Nu) summer caribou
snowshoe | +[ġ]aq nn -viñiQ nn skin | -tchiaq(-) nn
tuttuġluayaaq (Ti) corned beef | tuttuvak moose (Alces alces) |
+ġluk(-) nn -ayaaq nn -vak nn
tuttuġri- (i) to act like a caribou |
-ġrI- nv tuttuuraq breast of bird; inner layer of
Tuttuġruk constellation Ursa Major, breast meat of bird » tuttuurat
Big Dipper » “Ursa major (tail)… niqigiksut breast meat of birds is
tǔ’k-tu-o-ru-ǐn.” (Ray: 56), so delicious
named because the handle of Big tuttuuraq- (i) to crouch down to hide
Dipper resembles a single caribou from prey (of hunter) | -q-2 nv
horn extending from the head or tuttuuraŋa- (i) to be in a crouching
ladle of the dipper; constellations position; (i) to have a curvature of
Tupqit and Tuvaat are contained the spine | -q-2 nv ±ŋa- vv
in this constellation” | -ġruk nn
tuttuġunaaq- (i) to sight caribou | tuugauraq jib (a triangular sail in front of
+[ġ]unaaq- nv the mast on a sailing ship) »
tuttuliaq- (i) to go caribou hunting | “sivuani taikani tiŋilġautaq
-liaq- nv tuugauramik taiguġuugaat”
tuttuligaak or tuttullak a pair of (Aiken 2009) [the sail at the bow
boots with soft caribou skin soles | is called a jib]
-ligaaq(-) nn -k2 nn or -lik nn
-k2 nn tuullik or (Nu) tuutlik Yellow-billed
tuttuliqi- (i) to hunt caribou; (i) to Loon (Gavia adamsi); Golden
prepare caribou for consumption | Plover (Pluvialis dominica) §
-liqi- nv taasiŋiq, tullik
tuttuliqiniq caribou hunting » tuttu- tuullikpak Black-bellied Plover
liqiniqput kiitaaġutaiłłuta (Pluvialis squatarola) |
pisigivlugu tiguniaġniraatigut +qpak(-) nn
they said that they were going to
arrest us because of the fact that tuummaq small container, e.g., for
we did not have a permit for tobacco § suummak, ikłiġvIk
hunting caribou | -liqi- nv

tuunġaq(-) shaman’s helping spirit; ice chisel or ice pick »
power spirit; invisible spirits; by “Suutuanikkapta (Ii.)
extension and influence of niġiqqaaqhuta tuuġiaqtaqput.”
Christianity:satan, devil, or (Bodfish: 240) [after having had
demon; (t) to frighten her/him by soup and at the conclusion of
pretending to be a devil » eating we went to break the ice
“Invisible spirits (sing. turn’-gak; with ice chisels]
plural, turn’-gain) people [,] the tuggaq- or tugaq- to prod, poke, push
earth, the air, and the sea; and to (her/him/it) away or off with a
them they [Iñupiat] apply similar pole or stick » tuggaqługu
notions of equality, attributing to umiaqhiuraq aullaqtitkaa he
none superior power, nor have made the rowboat leave by
they even a special name for any pushing it repeatedly with a pole |
that we could learn. These turn’- ‘=aq-1 vv
gain are very numerous, some tuggaun or tuggautaq (Nu, Ti) large
good, some bad; they are flensing knife for butchering
sometimes seen, and then usually whale, or cutting sod | ‘=aq-1 vv
resemble the upper half of a man, :un1 vn or perhaps ‘=aq-1 vv
but are likewise of every -utaq vn § aġviuġun
concieveable form.” (Simpson: tuggayuk wasp, hornet, yellow jacket
273) (insect) | ‘=aq-1 vv -yuk2 vn
tuunġaqtalik shaman supplied with a tugguq(-) small piece of ice; (t) to
helping spirit or a power spirit | chop it =ice with an ice pick »
+talik nn “tugguqługu siku tuuguraqługit
¤tuunġauraq an Iñupiaq game apqusiuġuugaluaqtut
tugguqłutiŋ” (Aiken 2009) | [they
tuunġauraqsaaġaq(-) whirlwind; water made trails by chopping the ice
devil (usually moving across into small pieces] ‘-Q1 vn
water); to become darkened and tuugaaġmik- or tuggauti- (i) to fight
windblown caused by a whirlwind with tusks, of walrus or elephant;
(of waters) (t) to repeatedly strike her/him/it
with a tusk | -gaq2 nn -aq2 nn
tuunġaaġruk Surf Scoter (Melanitta -q-2 nv +mIk-1 nv or -uti- vv
perspicillata); (Nu) White-winged tuugaalik [dual tuugallak, pl.
Scoter (Melanitta fusca) § tuugaalgit] narwhal | -gaq2 nn
ailuqtuq, aviluqtuq -aq2 nn -lik nn
tuunġaaġrupiaq Common Scoter tuugaaq [tuugaraq] walrus tusk;
(Melinitta nigra) | -piaq(-)2 nn ivory; white of eye » tuugarrat
paqisimarai he found the walrus
tuuniq cracked ice made by force of main tusks | perhaps -gaq2 nn -aq2 nn
pack ice (Harcharek: 15) tuugarrak- (Ti) (i) to acquire walrus
tusks | -gaq2 nn -aq2 nn ‘-k-1 nv
tuuq(-) [tuguq] ice chisel, ice pick; to tuugarriqi- (i) to carve ivory |
work or pierce (it) with a chisel or -gaq2 nn -aq2 nn ‘=Iqi-1 nv
ice pick; (Ti) to chop ice with an tuugarriqun large rasp, file for use

in carving ivory | -gaq2 nn -aq2 nn tuutalluk igniqauqtuq Steller’s Eider
‘=Iqi-1 nv :un1 vn (Polysticta stelleri)
tuuġiaqsri- (i) to pinch (of toe in
footwear that is too small) | tuuyuq Downy Woodpecker
+iak(-) nn nv +qsrI- nv (Dendrocopus pubescens)
tuuġniq dot | +niQ1 vn § titiq, tittaq
tuukkaq toggle head of harpoon or tuuyuqpak Hairy Woodpecker
spear; “Walrus Harpoon Head (Dendrocopus villosus); Northern
(tú-kû)…Detachable harpoon three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides
head, made of ivory and iron or tridactylus) | +qpak(-) vv, nn
brass, like seal harpoon but
larger.” (Murdoch as reported by tuvaq(-) [tuvaQ] or (Ti) tugaq shore-fast
Ray: 73) perhaps -kkaq vn ice; to come in to shore (of ice);
tuuqtaksriaq a mark made on the ice (Ti) shore ice » “tuvvami
indicating where a block is to be naŋiaġnaitchuq; pituqqaq
cut out with an ice chisel | mtaq4 vn mapturuaq siku” (S. Tuzroyluke
-ksraq nn ‘=I-1 nv +aq1 vn 2009) [there is no danger of
tuutaq lip plug, labret; mole on face | falling through the ice on shore-
-taq vn fast ice; the shore-fast ice is thick]
tuutauraq button | :uraq nn tuvaaq [tuviġaq] [pl. tuviġġat] or (Ti)
tuutauraġvik buttonhole | :uraq nn tugaaq [pl. tigiġġat] hunter on
-q-2 nv +vIk1 vn foot (usually on shore-fast ice) »
tuviġġat qiñiġnaqsirut the
tuusiuraq deuce (in cards) | :uraq nn § hunters are now in sight;
simmiun “tugaamik pisukataaqtuaq
pisuugaat” (S. Tuzroyluke 2009)
tuut- (t) to lash skin cover to umiak frame [they call a hunter on foot a
» aputinik tuutchisuurut tugaaq] | -aq2 nn
amianigmatigik tuvaaq- to attract (it =caribou) by
miġruanigmatigik they § shouting; (t) to chase it =caribou
amiq(-), tugrut- in the direction one wants, toward
tuurraq or (Nu) tuutraq ridgepole, corral or hunters | -aq-1 vv
longitudinal ceiling beam (in tuvaaqan companion, mate, partner;
house or in the long entryway of a spouse | -aq-1 vv -qan vn § ui,
sod house) | +raq vn § see aŋunnuniq, ilaqan
Appendix 22 tuvaaqatchiq- (i) to get a spouse, a
tuurvik or (Ti) tuulvik interior, partner | -aq-1 vv -qan vn ~’Iq-1 nv
longitudinal runner situated tuvaaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to holler, to
perpendicular to the ribs of umiak shout, to cry out when chasing
frame (upon which the iksuġiq caribou trying to drive them
seats are placed); (Ti) inner towards hunters | -aq-1 vv
“brace board” running length of +tuq-2 vv
the umiak frame inside the boat | tuvaaqsiit- (i) to not be able to holler
+vIk1 vn § see Appendix 16 loud enough to drive caribou in
the desired direction »

qaipkalaitkai; tuvaatqiksuam three stars of Orion’s belt »
qaipkaġuugai” (Hugo 2009) “71. Orion’s Belt… tǔ-at-san”
[one who cries out inadequately (Ray: 56) | :uraq nn -t nn §
chasing caribou does not bring Paatchuktuurat
them (the caribou) in; the one who
cries out well chasing caribou tuvit- (Ti) (i) to choke on something
brings them in] | ~sIk-1 vv :It-1 vv while eating § tivit-
§ tuvaatqik-
Tuvaat or Tuviġġat or Tuvaatchiat tuvli- (i) to make tracks, break trail < tumi
[lit. “hunters”] a combination of
three stars which make up the tuvliġaq- (i) to leave footprints in a soft
handle of the constellation Ursa surface < tumi
Major; Tuttuġruk “Big Dipper” |
-t nn § Tupqit, Tuttuġruk tuvlisaun (Nu) gland below caribou’s
tuvaatqik- (i) to be able to holler front toes whose print is visible
loud enough to drive caribou in only when animal is frightened
the desired direction when chasing and toes are spread < tumi
caribou » “tuvaatqiksuam
qaipkaġuugai tuttut” (Hugo tuvraakkiuti- (t) to begin to follow, track
2009) [one able to holler loud her/him/it < tumi
enough when chasing caribou will
be able to guide them in] | tuvraaksrat guidelines, plan of action <
-tqIk-2 vv tumi
tuvaġruaq old shore fast ice |
+ġruaq nn tuvraaksriun example, model < tumi
tuvaiq- (i) to become free of shore-
fast ice (of shoreline when tuvraq- (t) to follow, track her/him/it; (t)
shore-fast ice breaks free and to imitate, portray, copy
floats away) | :Iq-2 nv her/him/it; (t) to follow it =e.g., a
tuvaiyagaaq- for shore-fast ice to sewing pattern, instructions for
begin floating away due to strong building something; (i) to copy
wind (Harcharek: 15) | :Iyaq- nv something; (i) to imitate someone
-aaq(-) vv or something; (t) to resemble
tuvaiyaq- to break off inside lead (of her/him in character < tumi
shore-fast ice) | :Iyaq- nv
tuvaiyauti- (t) to carry her/him/it tuvsi- (i) to find footprints, tracks; (t) to
away (of ice) as it breaks free; (t) find her/his/its tracks, footprints <
to break free (of ice) to her/his tumi
disadvantage (i.e. so that she/he
cannot travel any further on ice tuvsiuq- (i) to be out looking for tracks <
now) | :Iyaq- nv :uti- vv tumi
tuvaqtaq shore-fast ice covering only
a portion of the beach tuvsulliq- or (Nu) tipsulliq- (i) to get
(Harcharek: 15) | +qtaq nn something stuck in one’s throat |
Tuvaurat or Tuviġġat perhaps ‘=Iq-1 nv § tivit-, tupit-
[lit.“hunters”] a constellation of

tuyuq- (i) to write a letter; (t) to send °ua1 (stem) westerly
her/him/it something; (t) to write a uali- (i) to be growing late (of the
letter to her/him/it » tuyuġuŋ day); to be at the west (of sun) |
send her a letter -lI-2 rv
tuyuġi- (t) to send her/him/it ualiñaaq area located west | +liñaaq
somewhere » tuyuġigaa paniñi nn § see Appendix12
aanaaŋigñun she sent her ualiñiq southwest » Ulġuniq
daughter to her grandparents | ualiñġani ittuq Utqiaġviit
+[g]i- vv Wainwright is to the southwest of
tuyuġmi- (i) to be a guest | +mmI-5 vv Barrow | +liñiQ rn, vn
tuyuġmiu- (Nu) (i) to be an outsider, ualisaq- (i) to be setting (of sun) |
foreigner | +miu- vv -lI-2 rv +saq-2 vv
tuyuġmiaq a house guest » Ualliit (Ti) those persons or houses
tuyuġmiatka iñugipiallaktut my situated furthest southeast from
house guests are very pleasant | Point Hope, Alaska down the
+mmI-5 vv +aq1 vn coast
tuyuġmiaqsaq- (i) to invite someone ualliq westernmost; west wall (of
to stay with one; (t) to invite house); (Ti) front room of house
her/him to stay as one’s guest in (nearest front door), living room |
one’s home @ tuyuġmiaqsai- | +llIQ rn
+mmI-5 vv +aq1 vn +saq-1 nv || uani (Ti) in the cold porch, the
:I-4 vv qanitchat | +nI (loc.)
tuyuun something sent via mail » uanmuk- (i) to travel down the coast
tuyuutit tammaqsimarai he lost in a southwesterly direction |
the mail | :un1 nv +nmun rnc -k-3 ncv
tuyuusiaq something received uanmun to the west; (Ti) to the east |
through a courier or through the +nmun rnc
mail » tuyuusiaġa imma uaŋnaaġruk(-) or uagnaaġruk or
paqillaiġiga uvuŋa (Nu) uaknaaġruk(-) strong winds
tutquġnasugigaluaqtaġa I cannot from the northwest accompanied
find my mail which I thought I by severe, sharp, dry cold; (Nu)
placed here for safe keeping | :un1 west wind; (Nu) (i) to blow (of
vn ~I-1 nv +aq1 vn light west wind) | -k-3 rv +naq2 vn
tuyuusiaqaġvik mailbox » -aġruk nn § see Appendix 15
tuyuusiaqaġvigmun imña uaŋnaq or uagnaq or (Nu)
ikutqitpiuŋ maybe you placed it uaknaq(-) or (Nu) uaknaqpak(-)
back into the mailbox | :un1 vn west wind; (Nu) (i) to blow (of
~I-1 nv +aq1 vn –qaq- vv +vIk1 vn west wind); (Ti) southeast wind »
“uaŋnamiñ saġvagman
tuyyapiktaq- (i) to limp | perhaps niġrutiqaġuuruq” (S. Tuzroyluke
-yyak- vv -pik- vv +t/raq-1 vv § 2009) [when the current is from
tuti- the southeast, there is game] |
-k-3 rv +naq2 vn § see Appendix

uaŋniġluk- (Ti) (i) to blow from uattak- (Ti) (i) to receive the uatit
southeast (of wind), bringing rain share of whale » “uattaktulguut
and bad weather | -k-3 rv +nIq-2 vv amma aġvanġaqtuamiñ”
-ġluk- vv (Kinneeveauk 2008) [it is said that
uaŋŋamiñ from the west they have received the uatit share
uaŋniq- (i) to blow from west (of from a whaling captain who
wind); (Ti) for the wind to blow caught his first whale] | ‘-k-2 nv
from southeast bringing rain and
bad weather | -k-3 rv +nIq-2 vv uaq- (t) to cleanse, rinse it; (t) to be
washed away by the waves
*ua2 (root) exuberance uaġi- (i) to fade, lose color | +[g]i-vv
uamipiaġun traditional Iñupiaq dance uaġniq part of something which water
where everyone joins in (as has washed over; something
opposed to a sayuun where only washed out to sea | +niQ1 vn
those who know the dance uaġun rinse water | :un1 vn
motions may dance) | +mit- rv uaqtiġun dish rag » uaqtiġun
-piaq(-)1 vv +un1 vn aatiqtuuraġun aakaŋnun take
uamit- or (Ti) uamipiaq- (i) to dance the dishrag to your mother quickly
Iñupiaq style (of a man); (Nu) (i) | mtiq-2 vv :un1 vn
to dance Iñupiaq style (of woman uaqtiġvik animal skin tanning tub;
or man) | +mit- rv or +mit- rv rinsing tub | mtiq-2 vv +vIk1 vn
-piaq(-)1 vv, nn uaqtiq- to rinse (it) | mtiq-2 vv §
uayuk- (i) to play loudly, make loud
noises | -yuk- rv
ugaak- (i) to tilt, lean to one side; to
uałhun or (Nu) uaługuun sack to hold
urinate (on it) (of a dog)
woman’s pipe; (Nu) skin bag for
ugaaŋa- (i) to be lopsided | ±ŋa- vv
tobacco pipe | +łhun n
ugaaqhataaq- (i) to waddle |
-qhataaq- vv
uan or uati (Ti) area of torso below waist,
i.e. hips and pelvis; hind part of
ugayulaq (Nu) whirlwind » ugayulaq
any animal; ventral flank of
tautukkiga I see the whirlwind §
bowhead whale § see Appendix 19
uyalunaq, uŋayulaq
uasiqi- (i) to haul the whale’s hind
meat and maktak ashore (of
uggisaġi- (t) to be overly concerned,
whaling crew) » “uatinik
preoccupied, anxious, or worried
agrairut siġluamun” (C.
about her/him/it < ui-
Tuzroyluke 2009) [they are
hauling the whale hind meat
uggisaq something that one is anxious
onshore into the ice cellars] |
about < ui-
~Iqi-1 nv § taksiuġaq-
uatit (Ti) sides of whale’s ventral
ugik- [ugIk] (i) to fight viciously (of
surface toward the tail (taken by
dogs); (t) to maul, bite her/him/it,
crew when its captain gets his first
to fight her/him/it (of dog, bear,
whale) | -t nn § ¤tunmiġaq

ugiala- or ugialla- to snarl, growl ugrugunaaq- (i) to spot, see a
threateningly (at her/him/it) bearded seal | +[ġ]unaaq- nv
threateningly; (i) to roar | -la- vv ugruit iŋaluaŋit [lit. bearded seal
ugianiraaq- (Nu) (i) to snarl (of dog) | intestines] skylight membrane | :It
-aq-1 vv ¤-niraaq- vv nn | iŋaluaq -ŋIt nn (poss. 3p-p)
ugiaq- (i) to fight (of animals); (t) to ugruligaak or ugrullak knee-high
maul her/him/it (of animal) | boots with a hard sole of bearded
-aq-1 vv sealskin | -ligaaq nn -k2 nn or
ugiayuk(-) any animal that is fierce -lik nn -k2 nn
and tends to maul others; (i) to be ugriñġaq oil from rendered, bearded
fierce (of an animal) | -aq-1 vv seal blubber | ‘=Iñġaq nn
-yuk(-) vn ugrukpalaq something varicolored
ugiġñaq (Nu) sea lion (Eumetopias (like caribou fur) | -paq(-) nn, vn
jubatus) | -q-1 vv +naq1 vn -laq vn
uggiqi- (i) to have a disposition to ugruŋnaq shrew (Sorex spp.)
maul (of animals) | ‘=Iqi-1 vv ugruŋnaqpak giant shrew
(mythological creature)
ugiihiq Baldpate; American Widgeon ugruuraq [lit: “fat bearded seal”]
(Mareca americana) (Ti) cumulus cloud »
“ugruuraliqimmata tavragguuq
uglik- to shrink, decrease in size (of fabric silagiitpagniaŋilgitchuq aasii
or animal hide) takimmata uitchuuruq” (S.
ugligaq elastic; something that shrinks; Tuzroyluke 2009) [when
sweater | +gaq vn cumulus clouds are seen, it is a
uglikłuk- to wrinkle or crinkle (esp., signal that the weather will not be
of hide) | -kłuk(-) vv bad much longer; and when they
(the clouds) are long it means the
uglivit- (t) to turn it inside out | +vit- vv ocean will swell] | :uraq nn §
uglivitaq item turned inside out | iqłapqutaq, nuviya
+vit- vv ±aq1 vn
uġġaq or uqhaq lead; tip of bullet
uglu or ugluutit bird’s nest; perch on
mast, “crow’s nest” uġġuk- to become damp with an
accompanying grayish
uglupak (Nu) today § uvlupak discoloration (of animal hide,
clothes,or stored food); to become
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus covered with dew » uġġugniġai
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded paniqtat taktuum the fog
seal | +t-2 nv covered the dried meat with dew
ugruayaaq infant bearded seal | uġġuksraaq(-) dew, moisture; (t) to
-ayaaq nn dampen it =skin for conditioning
ugrugaq a young bearded seal during tanning | +qsraq vn -aq2 nn
(perhaps a year or two years old) | uġġuu- (i) to be wet from dew |
+[ġ]aq nn -u-2 vv
ugrugaviñiq piece of dried bearded
sealskin | +[ġ]aq nn -viñiQ nn

uġiaq- (i) to spit something out from the
mouth; (t) to force it out of one’s ui husband § tuvaaqan, aŋunnuniq,
mouth with the tongue; (t) to spit ilaqan, iigu
it out; (Ti) (t) to release it from uiguraq (Nu) or (Ti) uiŋŋuaq
one’s clenched teeth » boyfriend | :uraq nn
“kiŋmiaqtani uġiaġaa” (C. uikkaluaq former husband |
Tuzroyluke 2009) [he released the -kkaluaq1 nn
item he was carrying with his uiksraun bride groom, fiancé |
clenched teeth] -ksraun nn
uġiaqtuġvik spittoon | +tuq-2 vv uilgaġniq or (Ti) uilgaġniq widow |
+vIk1 vn -lgaq- nv -niQ1 vn § nuliigñiq
uilgaq- (i) to lose one’s husband,
uġniksruq- (i) to hurry, do quickly; (t) to become widowed | -lgaq- nv
hurry her/him | mqsruq-2 § uilgasuk a spinster; unmarried
qilamiksruq woman who refuses to marry |
-lgasuk nn
uġliuti- (t) to take aim at her/him/it » uiluaqtaq woman who refuses to take
“suppunmik uġliutigiga” (Aiken a husband | +luaq-1 nv +t/raq vn §
2009) [I took aim at it with a gun]; nuliilgasuk
“Tavra saniġaanun uiñik- (i) to marry a man, take a
igliqsimaliqtuurallaguugiga husband (of a woman) | +nik-1 nv
aġviq samma § nuliaq(-)
puiñiagaqsimman uġliutimman uiŋuraqor uiŋŋuaq common-law
Matummiaq.” (Harold Itta husband; a man a woman lives
1985:12b) [then I proceed to with though not married to him |
travel cautiously along the side ±ŋuraq nn or ±ŋŋuaq nn
as the whale begins to surface Uiŋuraq(-) (Ti) “…a masquerade
and as Matumiaq takes aim] dance…called wingeruk…Both
uġru spongy moss (Sphagnum spp.) dried men and women went from their
and used for a diaper liner in own qalegi to the other qalegi
traditional times (Kisautaq: 652) dressed in odd or old garments,
uġruq1 moss from swampy ground or as members of the opposite
(used as emergency food for sex, usually masked…crawling
dogs) § misuqupak slowly through the entrance
hole…then danced alone before
uġuliaq- (Nu) (i) to drool § quġliaq(-) his or her uma, a person who
bears the same name as one’s
uġruq2 (Ti) seal oil; oil, gasoline, wife or husband.” (Rainey: 252);
petroleum < uqsruq (Ti) spirit of ghost which appears
uġruqtiġun (Ti) slab of seal blubber in the form of a person; (i) to hold
< uqsruq the masquerade dance »
uġruqaġvik (Ti) five-gallon gasoline “uumamignun
can < uqsruq aitchuqtuisuurut
uġruun (Ti) poke [bag] containing ilisaġnaiyaġlutik Christmas-
blubber for making seal oil < week igluŋiñun ullaglugit
uqsruq uumatik atuutivlugit; ilaanni

suli uamitlutik uipasulaaq(-) meat that is cooked
annuġaaqtuŋavlutik rare; (i) to be cooked rare (of
ilisaġnaiyaġlutik” (C. meat); (t) to cook it =meat rare |
Tuzroyluke 2009) [during the -paq(-) vn -suk-2 vv -laaq v n
Christmas week masquerade, uipayaaq (Ti) rare meat |
they give presents to the spouse -payaaq(-) rn
of their namesake going to their
namesake’s spouse’s home, uigu(-) or iigu(-) an extension; suffix
sometimes unrecognizable in (e.g., ending or enclitic); (i) to
their costumes singing to the now be lengthened; (t) to
spouse of their namesake] | lengthen, extend it; to add a suffix
±ŋuraq(-)1 nn, nv § yuġaq(-) to it =word § ui1
uiŋuraq(-)2 (Ti) a masked dancer; uiguligiit items in line | -lik nn
masquerade dance; (i) to hold a +[g]iik nn -t nn
dance where dancers wear masks uiguliktit- (i) to occur steadily in
uiŋuraun (Ti) song sung during the succession; (t) to let them occur in
Uiŋuraq “the masquerade dance” succession | -lik-i nv mtit-1 vv
| ±ŋuraq(-)1 nn :un1 vn uiguqłiq farthest extension of
something | +llIQ nn
ui- [ugi] (i) to panic, overreact; (i) to be
too eager uilaaq(-) [uilaraq] chewing tobacco; (i) to
uggisaġi- (t) to be overly concerned, chew tobacco § uilaq(-)
preoccupied, or worried about uilaaksraq chewing tobacco |
her/him/it » “piŋigiruni -ksraq(-) nn
isumamiñ piillaiġñaqtuq; uilarriq- (i) to put chewing tobacco in
uggisaġigaa” (Aiken 2009) [when one’s mouth | ‘=Iq-1 nv
one is worried about something,
one cannot stop thinking about it; *uiq (root) drawn to; strong inclination
one is overly preoccupied with it] | uiġak- (t) to almost recognize
‘-ti-1 vn +[g]i- nv her/him/it | -ġak- rv § ilisakunat-
uiġuala- (i) to yell, holler in distress » uiġit- (i) to get in the habit of doing
aġnaq uiġualaruq kappiagiv- something enjoyable or fulfilling |
lugu panni kataktuaq iglumiñ +It-2 rv
the woman is yelling in distress uiġñaaq- (i) to do something
because of her daughter who fell frequently that one has learned to
off the house | +[ġ]uq-1 vv enjoy; (i) to go and be with
-ala- vv someone frequently that one likes;
uima- (i) to be quick, fast | +ma-1 vv (i) to eat food frequently that one
uimait- (i) be slow | +ma-1 vv :It-1 vv has come to enjoy; (i) to
uisu- (i) to be overexcited, eager | frequently take advantage of
+sI-1 vv someone or something who/which
is easily accessible » qamma
*ui (root) uncooked aññaamiñun uiġñaaqtuq he has
uilaq(-) raw, uncooked meat; (i) to eat been going to be with his female
raw, uncooked meat; (t) to eat it cousins quite frequently |
raw and uncooked |-laq rn +naaq- vv

uisauniq experience of being adrift
uisa-1 (i) to go without eating | +sa- vv § on an ice floe » uisauniq
niġi-, ii-3 iñugiaktuat iglutuŋagaat many
hunters have experienced, endured
uit- to break away from shore ice forming being stranded on ice that the
an open lead (of pack ice); (i) to wind blew away from shore |
open one’s eyes » nukatpiaġruk +t/raq vn -u-2 nv +niQ1 vn
uitchuq iqiiqami the little boy uitqayaq- (i) to almost open one’s
opened his eyes when he woke up eyes | +qayaq- vv
» uitchuq unna taġiuq there’s a uitqayaa- (i) to almost open one’s
lead opening up in the ocean eyes en masse » “Suna
uiñġaq- (i) to be sleepy | perhaps pigaluaqpan uitqayaanasi.”
-nġaq- vv (Kaveolook 1974: 3) [no matter
uiñġayaaq- (i) to be overcome by what happens, do not even almost
sleepiness » open your eyes] | +qayaq- vv
uiñġayaaŋaliġaqhutik -a- vv
qaunakłaanŋiqsuk once in a
while being overcome by uitchak- (Nu) (i) to start to rush, become
sleepiness, theyd became careless | excited, be in a rush § tuavit-,
perhaps -nġaq- vv -yaaq-1 vv qilamiqsruq-
uiñiq lead, open water between shore
ice and pack ice | -niQ1 vn uivaq- or uivvaq- (i) to come around a
uiññiałaŋit- (i) to not even think point or promontory; (t) to go
about opening one’s eyes » around, skirt it
“Tavra nakkaqsaaluktut “uivaġaasi” [lit. “it is going around
nakkaġman aquuraagun the point”] (Ti) an utterance said
siqunŋiqłutik uiññiałaŋitchut.” by a man who stood watch every
[so they (Old Squaw duck young) afternoon “at the entrance of each
eagerly dove in right after she qalegi…When the sun passed a
(Old Squaw duck mother) dove prescribed point at the end of the
with their eyes shut; they do not spit he called, ui.vegasi (it is going
even think of opening their eyes] around the point). At that
(Kaveolook 1974: 7) | +niala- vv moment, each of the men put his
±ŋIt- vv work and all the bits of shavings
uiñŋa- for there to be a lead (of ice in under his seat on the platform
ocean), to have open water; (i) to around the walls…The old men
have one’s eyes open | ±ŋa- vv then began to tell stories.”
uiri- (i) to open eyes for the first time (Rainey: 244)
(of newborn animal) | -rI-2 vv uivaqsaaq- (i) to round a point of
uisa-2 (i) to have one’s eyes open | land (when traveling by boat); (t)
-sa- vv to travel around it =point of land |
uisaq a person adrift on an ice floe | +saaq-1 vv
+t/raq vn ¤Uivaqsaaq Whiskey Point
uisau- (i) to be adrift on an ice floe; (i) Uivvaq (Ti) Cape Lisbourne, Alaska
to be carried out to sea, drift out to (located 40 miles northeast of
sea | +t/raq vn -u-2 nv Tikiġaq, Point Hope, Alaska)

uivvaqsaat [lit. “those who go ukalliq [ukallIq] or ukalliatchiaq or
around and come back to the ukałłiatchiaq snowshoe hare
place where they started” (Lepus americanus) | -atchiaq nn
(Spencer: 296)] the dead who ukallisugruk Alaska hare (Lepus
would return some day; “…the othus) | -sugruk(-) nn, vv
dead circled around the world and
then returned to the land of the ukamaq- to tow (it) in shallow water
living. After death, a soul flies while walking along the shore »
about the world and then returns, umiani immiqqaaqługu
entering the body of a living tuttutamiñik airuq ukamaqłuni
person when the latter bears the kuukun after filling his boat with
name of the dead.” (Spencer: 296) the caribou he killed, he went
| +saaq(-) vn -t nn § itivyaat home towing it [the boat] down
the river
uivraluktaq- (i) to tumble, do a ukamaun tow rope for pulling
somersault | -luk- rv ±taq-1 vv something along the shore in the
water | :un1 vn
*uivI (root) astute, judicious,
discriminating, discerning ¤ukammaqsruq- (i) to shoot here and
uiviilaq one who does not mind there indiscriminately, never in
selling one’s own things at low one place or at one thing
cost or buying expensive items |
:ilaq(-) rn ukaŋŋaaq- to contradict (her/him/it) »
uiviili- (i) to become habituated to an “Aapiyaqtiŋ ukaŋŋaaŋitkaat;
action or behavior because of maliaqsigaat; aŋiqtut.”
repeated good feelings associated (Nageak 1975: 29) [they did not
with that action or behavior; (i) to contradict their eldest brother;
continue do something because it they followed him; they said
is pleasant or beneficial | :It-1 rv “yes”]
-lI-2 vv
uiviit- or uivisuŋit- (i) to be willing ¤ukayaŋa- (i) to be inclined to do bad or
to go to great lengths to get what evil deeds | -ya-1 vv ±ŋa- vv §
one wants | :It-1 rv or suk-2 rv pimaqłuk-
±ŋIt- vv
¤ukayaŋałaqpuġluqauna! (excl.) of
ukalliaġaq- (Ti) (i) to do the high kick, pleasure and excitement used
jumping with two feet, then when one sees a friend or relative
kicking high towards a suspended unexpectedly
skin ball with one foot and
landing on the same » *ukI (root) winter
“atautchimik aġraqtuq” (S. ukiaġu this coming fall | m[g]u(n) nn
Tuzroyluke 2009) [he is kicking ukiaksraaq- or (Ti) Ukiagraaq(-)
with one (foot)] | -aġaq- vv early autumn, month of
September; (t) to be early autumn
» “ukiagraaġman
sulukpaukkanik niksiksuġuurut

kuuŋmi” (Kinneeveauk 2008) 2009) [they went to spend the
[during early autumn they fish for winter where there is fish] |
grayling in the river] | +aq1 rn -uq(-)1 rn =I-3 nv
-ksraq(-) nn -aq2 nn ukiuġu this coming winter » ukiuġu
ukiaksraq early fall, autumn | +aq1 rn Hawaii-muŋniaqtuguk we will
-ksraq(-) nn § ukigraaq go to Hawaii this coming winter|
ukialliġñiaq- (i) to hunt during the -uq(-)1 rn mgu[n] nn
fall, autumn | +aq1 rn -llIQ nn ukiulliq winter skin of caribou |
+niaq-2 nv -uq(-)1 rn -llIQ nn
ukialliksiuq- (i) to conduct fall ukiuni in the years | -uq(-)1 rn ÷nI
whaling | -siuq- nv (loc.)
ukialliq autumn animal skin; game ukiupaiqługu throughout the year »
animal caught in autumn | +aq1 rn “tulugagnaurak iñuuruk maani
-llIQ nn iñuiññat ukiut ukiupaiqługu”
ukiaq autumn, fall season; last fall; (Aiken 2009) [two blackbirds have
(Ti) last year » “…the Point lived here year after year for
Barrow people divide the year into twenty years]
four seasons, which they call O’- ukiupak or ukiuġniñ during this
ki-ak, including October, winter or this year » ukiupak
November, and December; O’-ki- tautugnaġuuruq during this past
ok, January, February, and March; year, it was not unusual to see her
O-pen-rak’-sak, April, May, and | -uq(-)1 rn -pak nn
part of June; and O-pen-rak’, the ukiuq(-) [ukiuQ] winter; last year;
remaining part of June, together year; (t) to come (of winter) »
with July, August, and “…the Point Barrow people
September.” (Simpson: 260) | divide the year into four seasons,
±aq1 rn which they call O’-ki-ak,
ukiaqsiq- (Nu) to spend the fall, be in including October, November,
fall | +aq1 rn +[t]sIq- vv and December; O’-ki-ok, January,
ukiatqigu fall after this coming fall | February, and March; O-pen-
-tqIk nn m[g]u(n) nn rak’-sak, April, May, and part of
ukiatqik fall before last fall | -tqIk nn June; and O-pen-rak’, the
ukiaviuraq(-) late autumn, fall; to be remaining part of June, together
late autumn, fall » with July, August, and
“Aahaalliayaat September.” (Simpson: 260) |
tiŋillasiŋaiññiqsut -uq(-)1 rn
ukiaviuraŋavlugu suli ukiuqsiutik (Ti) a pair of white-man’s
qiiyanaqsivlugu.” (Kaveolook style lined winter boots | -uq(-)1 rn
1974: 1) [the young Old Squaw +siun nn -k2 nn
ducks had not learned to fly and it ukiuqsiutit winter clothing |
was late autumn and it had gotten -uq(-)1 rn +siun nn -t nn
cold] | -vIk- vv :uraq nn +q-2 nv ukiuqtaq or kirgavik ukiuqtaq [lit.
ukii- (i) to spend the year or the “that of the winter”] (Nu)
winter » “ukiiyyaqłutiŋ Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) |
iqaluqaqtuamun” (Matumeak -uq(-)1 rn +taq nn

ukiuqtutigi- (i) to be a certain age » -aq2 nn
ukiuqtutigiviñ qanutun how old Ukpiaġvik (another name for
are you | +tun (sim.) ~tigi-1 nv Barrow, Alaska) Barrow, Alaska |
ukiutchiaq new year; (Nu) month of -pIk nn =iaq- nv +vIk1 vn
January | -uq(-)1 rn -tchiaq(-) nn
ukiutqigu next year | -uq(-)1 rn ukpiq- (i) to believe; (i) to be convinced
-tqIk nn mgu[n] nn that something is a fact
ukiutqik year before last | -uq(-)1 rn ukpiġi- (t) to believe, trust her/him/it |
-tqIk nn m[g]i- vv
ukiutqiksaq last year’s item » ukpiġnait- (i) to be unreliable,
ukiutqiksanik aitchuqtatka untrustworthy; (i) to be unfaithful;
I gave them the things that were | +naq(-) vn, vv :It-1 vv
made last year | +qtaq nn, vn ukpiġnaqtilaaq fidelity, faithfulness,
trustworthiness, loyalty |
ukiłhaaq or ukilhaaq canvas, cloth, +naq(-) vn, vv mtilaaq(-) vn, vv
fabric ukpiġun faith; trust; belief; religion |
ukiłhaaġiksuaq linen cloth | :un1 vn
+[g]Ik- nv +t/ruaq vn ukpiġutairrun unbelief | :un1 vn
:It-1 nv -rrun nn
ukit- [ukIt] (t) to cut an oblong hole in it ukpiġutait- (i) to not have faith,
@ ukitchi- || +sI-3 vv belief, trust | :un1 vn :It-1 nv
ukiññiq something with an oblong ukpiŋŋuaqtuaq hypocrite |
hole cut in it | +niQ1 vn ±ŋŋuaq(-) vv, nn +t/ruaq vn
ukpiqqutiqaġniq spirituality, belief,
ukhiukhiuq (Nu) Mallard (Anas trust | ‘+un1 vn -qaq- nv +niQ1 vn
platyrhynchos) ukpiqqutiqaq- (i) to have faith, trust
| ‘+un1 vn -qaq- nv
Ukkuałuk inhabitant of Wainwright, ukpiqsaaq- (t) to jokingly try to get
Alaska | perhaps ukkua (dem. her/him to believe something @
pron. pl) +łuk1 nn § Ulġuniq ukpiqsaaqłiq- or ukpiqsaaqłii- |
msaaq- vv || +kłIq- vv or +kłIq- vv
ukkulik- to split lengthwise » :I-4 vv
“ukkuliksuaq qiruk taavuŋa; ukpiqtau- (i) to be easily convinced |
tamanna uliġman uniavut +tau- vv
uqumaitpaiłłutiŋ ukkuliksut” ukpiqtuaguŋitchuaq heathen, non-
(Matumeak 2009) [the wood split Christian | +t/ruaq vn :u-1 nv
lengthwise; when that one ±ŋIt- vv +t/ruaq vn
cracked, our sled split lengthwise ukpiqtuaq a Christian, a believer in
because it (the load) was so Christ | +t/ruaq vn
ukpit- (t) to hem it @ ukpitchi- || +sI-3 vv
ukpan hindquarter, hip § kuutchiñaak ukpinniq or (Ti) ukpiññiq hem |
+niQ1 vn
ukpik Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca) |
-pIk nn ukpitaala- (i) to overflow; (i) to boil over
ukpaaq young snowy owl | -pIk nn | mt/raq-1 vv -ala- vv

ukpitaq- (i) to cross at the highest tutqaanaqtugguuq kanŋugigaa;
point of a hill and begin to allagivlugu simmiġukkaluaġaa”
descend; (i) to tumble; (t) to reach (Tuzroyluke 2009) [she found it
its highest point and begin to different; she said it is
descend from it; (t) to tumble over disconcerting, and embarrassing;
it | mt/raq-1 vv and she wishes to exchange it] |
+[g]i- rv
ukuaq or ukuaġaaluk sister-in-law ulgianaq- (Ti) (i) to be missed, to
(brother’s wife); daughter-in-law; cause a feeling of loss »
wife of grandchild § niŋau “ulgianaqtuq piitchiñaġmatun
ukuakkit- (i) to stay with husband’s aullaġman naakaa tuqumman”
family | -kkIt- nv (Kinneeveauk 2008) [he is missed
when he leaves or when he dies,
ukurviksraq time to do something | because (we) were so used to
+vIk1 vn -ksraq(-) nn § piviksraq having him around] | +naq(-) vv
ulgiasuk- (Ti) (i) to find something
ulamiq- [ulamIq] (t) to braid them =seal changed, different; (i) to feel the
intestines in preparation for loss of someone who has died |
cooking by boiling -suk-2 rv

ulapit- (i) to become confused, get ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over
distracted, mixed up in what one ulġusia- or ulġusiala- (i) to stagger
is doing; (t) to be confused, mixed (of a person about to fall down
up about her/him; (t) to lose it [but not because she/he is
=one’s place in a book @ inebriated]) | -sia- vv or -sia- vv
ulapitchi- | +t-2 vv || +sI-3 vv § -la- vv
alapit- ulġusiññaaq object ready to topple
ulamnaa- (i) to lose one’s way | over | ±siññaaq vn
=niq-2 vv -a-1 vv ulġut- (t) to push her/him/it so that
ulapisaaq- (i) to distract oneself (of a she/he/it falls, topples, or tips over
person); (t) to distract her/him/it @ ulġutchi- | +t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
from whatever she/he/it is doing ulġuuq- (t) to topple, knock them over
@ ulapisaaqłii- | +t-2 vv | -uq-2 vv
2 4
msaaq- vv || +kłIq- vv :I- vv Ulġuniq Wainwright, Alaska §
ulapitit- (t) to confuse her/him | mtit-1 Ukkuałuk
ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract (of eye); (i)
ulapniq-(Nu) or ulamniq- (i) to go
to cover oneself with a blanket; (t)
the wrong way, lose one’s way; (t)
to cover her/him/it with a blanket
to take it =wrong way when
uligaaq shawl or cape | +aaq(-) nn
traveling | =niq-2 vv
uligaq(-) mucus-like film on the eye;
ulavri- (i) to become confused; (t) to
snipe net; (t) to snare it =bird with
confuse her/him | =rI-3 vv
a net attached to a rope (net falls
when rope is pulled) »
*ulgia (root) feeling of being different
ulgiagi- (t) to find it different,
uligaqtuqtugut naakka
changed » “allagigaa;

matutaqtuqtugut” (Matumeak 64) [he (the old man) is
2009) [it’s for catching snipes; we confused; the eldest brother
use either the uligaq or the thinks he (the old man) is
matutaq (synonyms)] | +[ġ]aq nn mistaken and would return] |
-q-2 nv § matutaq(-) -qi- vv
uligaqtau- (i) to be caught in a snipe
net (of snipe) | +[ġ]aq nn -q-2 nv uliq-1 (t) to hear it =faraway noise; (t) to
+t/raq vv glimpse it =something lurking in
uligaqtuq- (i) to use the snipe net for the distance » uliġaa
catching snipe; (i) to have a taġiatitaqtuaq iñuk imnani he
mucus-like film on the eye | glimpsed a shadow of a person
+[ġ]aq nn +tuq-3 nv lurking among the cliffs
uligruaq heavy blanket or cover | ¤uliqqa- (i) to imagine something |
+ġruaq nn -qqa- vv § qiñiqtuuraaq-
ulikataq shawl; fat around animal ribs uliqqataq- (t) to continue to repeat it
» “ulikatalignik tulimaanik =word unintentionally |
kukiuruŋa” (Aiken 2009) [I am +qataq-vv
cooking ribs with fat around them] uliqtiq- to glimpse, take a glimpse of
| -kataq(-) nn (her/him/it) » uliqtiġuuruq
uliksiq- (i) to get a mucus-like film on allayuaqtiqtuaq one who senses
the eye | +sIq4- vv something unusual usually takes a
ulipquaq (Ti) full-length, one-piece glimpse | mt/liq-3 vv
article of clothing, like one-piece
long underwear | -pquaq vn § uliq-2 [ulIq] (i) to crack, chip; (t) to crack,
ataraak, ilupiġuk chip it @ uliqsi- || +sI-3 vv
ulliq chip in china or enamel utensil |
ulima- (i) to use an adze; (t) to cut it with ‘-Q vn
an adze ulliaq- to chip (of an enamel utensil) |
ulimaun mattock, adze | :un1 vn ‘-aq-2 nv
ulimmaq(-) chip of wood or flint; to
use an adze to cut (it) » “Anigami ¤uliqtitchi- (i) to cause one to recall or
Qayaiyaqtualuum, remember an event or story |
ulimmaġumaalliqsuq. 1 3
mtit- vv +sI- vv § itqaqtit-
Tuuqtiġlugu saniġviamigun
qiliġlugu tiŋŋutigaa.” (Kiligvuk: uli or ulinniq high tide, flood | -t-2 rv
4 ) [when Qayaiyaqtualuk went +niQ1 rn
out, he decided to use an adze; he ulipkaaq- (i) to become completely
quickly hooked it to his side and full; (t) to fill it completely |
flew off with it] | ‘-Q vn -pkaaq- rv
ulit-1 to rise, flood (of water) » kuuk
¤uliptaaqi- (i) to become confused » ulinniqsuq unnuapak the water
“Uliptaaqiruq tavra level of the river has risen
isumamiñi; aŋayukłium overnight | -t-2 rv
utiġasugalugu ulitit- (t) to be blocked by it =flood »
kinnaksaqtualigaa ulurrutigaa iglu kuuŋmiuni siku
aŋayukłium.” (Nageak 1975: apuġami suli alla apuġami the

house among the river dwellers ullaqattaaq- (t) to visit her/him/it |
was blocked by the flood waters -qattaaq- vv
as the ice crashed upon itself | ullauti- (i) to go and meet, approach
mtit- vv someone or something; to come |
ulivla- (i) to overflow | -la- vv :uti- vv
ulivragaq(-) (Nu) a large ocean swell
with an overhanging crest on the ullaq or ullauraq or uliq tuft of plant
verge of breaking (considered (used to build fires); fluff,
dangerous); (i) to form breakers “cotton” from plant or tree, e.g.
(of wave) with large overhanging from cottonwood § uliq
crests | -vrak- nv +aq-1 vv
ulivrik(-) rolling crest of wave on ¤ulluk (Nu) goose with red bill § niġlivik,
ocean; (Nu) (t) to turn it inside out niġliq
| =vrik- vv
ulluti- (t) to be adversely affected by ullun (Nu) horn, or piece of antler
flood | ‘-ti- vv hollowed out and used to carry
small articles, e.g. fish hooks;
ulit-2 (t) to turn it inside out @ ulitchi- || “Box for Harpoon Blades (úd-
+sI-3 vv lun)…Wooden box, with cover
¤ulinnaak below calf length fur attached by strings, for holding
trousers § kamikłuuk, quliksak spare slate blades for harpoons.
ulitchuilaq [lit. “one that cannot be Made in shape of whale, walrus,
turned inside out”] knee-high or large seal.” (Murdoch as
waterproof caribou or sealskin reported by Ray 1885: 73) §
boot with fur inside » ulitchuilak nagruk
a pair of knee-high waterproof ullutiksralik (Nu) medium-sized ram,
Iñupiaq boots | +suit- vv :ilaq vn four years old | -ksraq(-) nn
ulittaq- (i) to retch from hunger or -lik nn
from smelling a foul odor | uluksralik four- or five-year-old
mt/raq- vv sheep, not quite fully grown |
-ksraq(-) nn -lik nn § niglaaksralik
uliusiñiq or uliun one of two sinews
along animal’s back [note: to ulu or uluuraq crescent-shaped knife
remove the sinew from the back of (traditionally made of ground
a caribou, first use an ulu slate in the shape of a quarter
“Iñupiaq woman’s knife “ to circle with a handle usually made
remove the meat from the sinew; of bone or ivory placed over the
then place the sinew on cardboard sharp inner point; modern ulus
and scrape it flat with an ulu; are made of stainless steel) |
finally let it dry before using as :uraq nn
thread] | -siñiq nn
uliusiñaak two tenderloins of a
ruminant which run the length of
the back | -siñiq nn -k2 nn

ullak- (t) to approach, go to her/him/it

uluaġniġit sawdust | -aq-4 nv ulluuŋa- or (Ti) ulluaŋa- (i) to be
+niQ1 vn :It nn crumpled | -uq-2 vv or ‘-aq-1 vv
uluak [ulurak] upper cheek, side of ±ŋa- vv
cheekbone | perhaps -ak2 nn § ulluaq- (Ti) (t) to crumple it @
iqsraq, ulunnaaq ulluaqsi- | ‘-aq-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
uluaqtuq- to saw (it) | -aq-4 nv ulluk- or ulluuq- (i) to become
+tuq-2 vv crumpled, wrinkled; (t) to crumple
uluaqtuutiġruaq two-man saw, a or wrinkle it | ‘-k-2 vv or ‘-k-2 vv
type of crosscut saw | -aq-4 nv ‘.-q-1 vv
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn +ġruaq nn
uluksraq or (Ti) ulugraviñiq slate » Uluksralik name of a place near Barrow,
“Isiŋnanik savilianik Alaska » “tatkiva tatchim
aġviuġutiqaġnisuugaluaġmi- siñaani ittuq Uivaqsaam
gaich, aglaan iñugialluktut maanitchiani
ulugraviñiġniglu aŋmaaniglu.” pauŋanmuksaġniŋani
(David Frankson as reported by qatchiksuaq” (Aiken 2009)
Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 74) [it is there highly visible to the
[it is said they had jade whaling east along the coast of the bay this
knives but the ones made of slate side of Uivaqsaaq as you begin to
and flint were more numerous] go inland]
-ksraq(-) nn
ulunnaaq (Ti) cheek | perhaps uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to pass
-naaq3 nn § iqsraq through a narrow passage; (i) to
uluqqaq particle of sawdust | turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to
-qqaQ nn turn aside; (i) to bend to the side,
uluun or uluaqtuun saw | -aq-4 nv move aside; (i) to lie down on
+tuq-2 vv :un1 one’s side; (t) to pass through it
uluuraluk or uluurauraq or (Ti) =passageway sideways; (t) to turn
uluŋuuraq small sewing ulu | or move it aside
:uraq nn +luk nn uluġiagi- (t) to be apprehensive about
her/him/it; (t) to flinch from, draw
uluġuak- (t) to carry her/him/it under back from her/him/it | +iak(-) nn
one’s arm § uniġmik-, saagaq- +[g]i- vv § sivuuġagi-
uluġuakataq- (t) to carry her/him/it uluġiak- (i) to participate in a
under one’s arm for a while | ceremonial game of duel where
-kataq(-) vv one man tries to shoot the other
with a bow and arrow in an exit
uluk- to rub and twist (it =usually procession during the Messenger
clothing when handwashing, or Feast, Kivgiq (the one without the
animal hide to soften when bow and arrow moves about
tanning) » ulukkaa quickly and with precision
pannaqłuŋaruaq amiq preventing the other from taking
tiggaŋaiqsaqługu she is softening careful aim; after a while the gtwo
the dried up skin by rubbing and switch places) » “Aasii
twisting it aniayaammata tavrani qargimi
naatchivlutik aniayaammata,

aapaa uqallautigaaŋa samma- see a long thin piece of wood
gguuq uluġiaktuaŋnik placed in the snow or a piece of
tautuktuaġniaqtut.” (Harold baleen placed sideways facing the
Itta 1985: 2A. 8) [then as they water container; that is the
(participants) began to exit after implement that directs the flow of
the activities in the community water from snow/ice melt into the
house, my father told me that they water container; it does not drip
(the participants including us) every which way] | ±ŋaaq(-) vv, vn
would watch two persons duel
with bows and arrows] | +iak(-) vv *uluq (root) unsteadiness
-pak- vv uluqhuqtaaq- (i) to walk rocking
uluġiapak- (i) to wince in fear, flinch, from side to side, waddle | +qhuq-
covering one’s face and eyes vv +taaq- vv § uvigaaq-
protectively with the arms | uluqtaaq- (i) to stagger; (t) to rock it
+iak(-) vv -pak- vv back and forth | +taaq- vv
uluġiasaaq- (t) to do something to try
to make her/him/it flinch in fear | umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go
+iak(-) nn, vv, vn vv -saaq-2 vv hunting in an umiak for sea
uluġiasuk- (i) to flinch, draw back mammals; (Ti) (i) to be out at
wary | +iak(-) nn, vv, vn -suk-2 vv whaling camp or in a whaling
uluġiasuuralait- (i) to be daring, umiak § qayaq
bold, straightforward, forthright | umiaġaluk or umiaġaluuraq small
+iak(-) nn, vv, vn vv -suk-2 vv one-man seal hunting boat, about
:uraq- vv -lait- vv § kiiñaġnIq- six feet long which can be carried
uluġiatuaq- or uliġiattuq- (i) to on sled; a rowboat | +aluk nn or
move one’s upper body to avoid +aluk nn :uraq nn § umiaqhiuraq
being hit; to sidestep (her/his) umiaġi- (t) for the boat to be hers/his |
arrows aimed at one | +tuaq- vv +[g]i- nv
uluġiit- (i) to act boldly, fearless umiaġluk(-) raft; ice floe used to
before an opponent | +iak(-) nn, cross open water; (i) to ride on a
vv, vn vv :It-1 vv § naŋiit-, nauma-, raft; (i) to cross open water on an
kiiñaġnIq-, sivuuqqatait-, ice floe | +luk(-)1 nv, nn
qapiŋairrutiqaq- umiakuvik place to leave a boat |
uluġmik- or uluġmigaq- (i) to turn -ku(-) nn, nv +vIk1 vn
one’s shoulder forward as one umialgu- (i) to reign, be king; (i) to
walks into the wind | +mIk-1 vv or be rich | -lik nn :u-1 nv
+mIk-1 vv +aq-1 vv umialgun kingdom, rule; source of
uluŋaaq- (i) to be sideways, slanting wealth | -lik nn :un2 nn
» “Tautuniaġiksi maŋuktaq umialguniqsraq or umialiguniqtaq
apunmun takiruaq amisuuraq richest person | -lik nn :u-1 nv
qiruk naagga suqqaq +niqsraq vn
uluŋaaqtuaq qattam tuŋaanun. umialik [lit. “the one with an
Tamarra tamanna kusiġvia umiak”] whaling captain; rich
imġum qattamun. Sukulliqaa person; king; boss; foreman; king
kusilaitchuq.” (Kaveolook (suit in cards) | -lik nn
1975a: 12) | ±ŋaaq(-) vv [you will

umialikpak or (Nu) umialiŋniqsraq umiaqqa- (i) to go out whaling, go to
very wealthy person | -lik nn whaling camp | -qqa- nv
+qpak(-) nn, vv -lik nn Umiaqqavik months of April and
+niqsraq n? May | -qqa- nv +vIk1 vn § Qaugait
umialignaq or umialiŋnaq ruling Anniviat, Suvluġvik, Nutaqsivik,
church elder; (Nu) fairly rich man Qargiliġvik
| -lik nn +naq1 nn umiaqtuq- (i) to travel by boat; (i) to
umiallak- (i) to become rich, wealthy; be out whaling » umiaqtuqłuta
(t) to make her/him rich, wealthy | ikaaqtuani we crossed over by
-lik nn ‘-k-2 nv boat | +tuq-3 nv
umiam sauniŋi boat frame | :m (rel) | umiaqtuuraaq- (i) to be boating
sauniq -ŋI nn (poss. 3s-p) leisurely; (Ti) (i) to hunt sea
umiapiaq umiak, a large, open mammals (not whale) by boat »
whaling boat with a wooden “umiaqtuuraaqtut
frame covered with five dehaired, niġiugutigillaġmik niġrutinik”
specially treated bearded sealskins (Kinneeveauk, 2008 [they are
and traditionally propelled by sails leisurely boating while hoping to
or oars now powered by outboard encounter mammals]) | +tuq-3 nv
motor | -piaq(-)1 nn :uraaq- vv
umiaqhiuraq or umiqhiuraq or (Ti) umiavak (Ti) large, open sailboat
umiaġiuraq small, open umiak covered with nine bearded
made of one or two skins used for sealskins | -vak nn
seal hunting; rowboat | umiavauraq (Ti) sailboat covered
-qhiruaq nn with seven bearded sealskins
umiaqhiuraqtuq- (i) to use a rowboat (Frankson as reported by Pulu,
| -qhiuraq nn +tuq-2 nn Sampson, Newlin, 105) | -vak nn
umiaqpak ship | +qpak(-) nn :uraq nn
umiaqpauraq(-) tugboat; toy boat; (i) umiġġiq- (i) to organize a whaling
to play with a toy boat | crew » umiġġiqsuat they have put
+qpak(-) nn :uraq nn together a crew for whaling |
umiaqpiq- (i) to have a ship arrive ‘=Iq-1 nv
and drop its anchor in front of umiġġiqsaq- (i) to make preparations
village or town (of villagers, to go whaling | ‘=Iq-1 nv +saq- vv
village); (t) to arrive and drop umii- or umiġġi- (i) to make a boat
anchor in front of them =villagers, (for her/him/it) | =I-1 nv
village (of ship) » umiilliuq- or umiagilliuq- (i) to need
umiaqpiġaatigut North Star-m a boat and not be able to find one |
the North Star [Bureau of Indian :illiuq- nv
Affairs vessel] has dropped umiiqi- or umialiqi- (i) to prepare
anchor in front of our village; one’s boat | =Iqi-1 nv or -liqi- nv
umiaqpiqsugut there is a ship umiirautit sledge used to haul boat »
anchored in front of our village | “uniat asiġñikitchuat aasii
+qpak(-) nn ‘=Iq-1 nv qaaŋagun qilġiqaqtuat;
umiaqpit- (i) to sight a ship that has umiirautit” (Matumeak 2009)
been expected to arrive | [the sleds that have a low bent
-qpak(-) nn ‘=It-2 nv bow and has lashing rope on their

tops; (they are) sleds used for umiŋniq sod house ruins | +niQ1 vn §
hauling boats] | =Iraq- nv :un1 vn igluġruaq
-t nn § see Appendix 18 ummaq ruin of an old building |
umiisuq-1 (i) makes a good boat | ‘-Q vn
=I-1 nv +suq-1 vv umŋiq- (i) to now have its cover or
umiisuq-2 (i) to go and get a boat | lid removed; (t) to remove its
=isuq- nv cover or lid (e.g., cover from ice
umiivik a skin tent or windbreak in cellar or gate from fence) | :Iq-2 nv
which imiak frames were made; umŋit- (i) to be now open; to have its
(Ti) posts where boat frame is cover or lid off | :It-1 nv
placed so that skin may be lashed umŋuti- (i) for an animal to go into
to frame | ‘=I-1 nv +vIk1 vn burrow or den in fall; (t) to shut
umiu- (i) to capsize in a boat | =u-2 nv her/him/it in or out @ umŋurri- |
umiuraq wooden whaling boat; :uti- vv || ~rI-5 vv
sailboat | =uraqnn
umiut- (t) to cause it to capsize | umik2 whiskers, beard
=u-2 nv -t-1 rv umikturuat [lit. “those with much
umiiyaġnaq an area in the sea where facial hair”] (Ti) soccer team
a boat can get wrecked | =Iyaq- nv made up of older people who kick
+naq(-) vn the ball toward the point at Pt.
umiiyaq- (i) to wreck a boat; (t) to Hope (the team competes against
wreck her/his boat | =Iyaq- nv the umŋilaurat) | +tu nv +t/ruat
(part 3p) § umŋilaurat
umik(-)1 cover, lid (Nu) (i) to collapse (of umilġuaq walrus’s muzzle | -lġuq nn
a house); (i) to close the store (of -aq2 nn
owner); (i) to now be closed (of umilġuq or umilġuuk muzzle, snout
store); (t) to close it; (Nu) (t) to of animal; lower half of man’s
trap it =bear in its den by face | ±ġuq nn
blocking the entrance so it can be umiŋmak musk ox (Ovibus
killed @ umiksi- | +si-3 vv moschatus) | +mak nn
umigaq (Nu) covering of hard snow ummak- (i) to grow a beard or
for concealing the pit trap | moustache | ‘-k-2 nv
+aq7 vn § matuaq umŋilaurat [lit.”those without facial
umiksraq (Nu) pieces of crossed hair”] (Ti) soccer team of youths
willows used to trap a sleeping who kick the ball landward from
bear in its den so it can be killed | Pt. Hope (the team competes
-ksraq(-) vn against the umikturuat) | :ilaq nn
umiktaq- (Ti) (t) to close it =damper :uraq nn -t nn
on stovepipe | mt/raq-1 vv § umŋiyaq- to shave (her/his) beard @
quuqłIq- umŋiyai- | :Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv
umiktaun (Ti) stovepipe damper | umŋiyaun razor, electric shaver |
1 1
mt/raq- vv :un vn § quuqłiġun :Iyaq- nv :un1 vn
uminŋatchi- (i) to have a plugged-up
nose; to talk funny because one’s umiq- (t) to scrutinize at her/him/it
nose is stuffy | -ŋatchI- vv umiġuq- (t) to scrutinize it , trying to
make one’s choice | +uq-2 vv

(extended, visible) | ‘a (dem. adv.
¤Umiqsraġvik or Umigraġvik month of mkr.)
December § Kaivirvik, unna unani location north § see
Aagruliġvik, Uyaliġvik, Appendix 13
Siqiñġilaq, Uvluilaq unuŋa to down there, e.g., on or near
the ocean, downriver, or by the
umni- [umnI] (i) to be a quick eater door (extended, visible) | +uŋa
umniit- (i) to be a slow eater | :It-1 vv (dem. term.)
umnisaq- (i) to eat quickly, fast | unuŋanmun towards down there,
msaq- vv e.g., on or near the ocean,
downriver, or by the door
°un (dem. stem) down there, e.g., on or (extended and visible) | +uŋa
near the ocean, downriver, or by (dem. term.) nmun (term.)
the door (extended and visible) unuŋaq- (i) to go down there, e.g., on
§ °kan (dem. stem) or near the ocean, downriver, or
unani located down there, e.g., on or by the door (extended and visible);
near the ocean, downriver, or by (i) to go on the ice to hunt; (t) to
the door (extended, visible); put or place her/him/it down there
“north or seaward” (Simpson: | +uŋa (dem. term.) +q-3 dv
261) | +anI (dem. loc.) unuuna via, through down there, e.g.,
unaniit- (i) to be located down there, on or near the ocean, downriver,
e.g., on or near the ocean, or by the door (extended, visible);
downriver, or by the door via the southside of Tikiġaq | uuna
(extended and visible) | +anI (dem. (dem. via.)
loc.) it- “to be” unuunnaaq- (i) via, through down
unaŋŋa from down there, e.g., on or there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
near the ocean, downriver, or by downriver, or by the door
the door (extended, visible) | (extended and visible) | +uuna
+aŋŋa (dem. abl.) (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv
unaŋŋamiñ from that direction down uttuma or utsruma or urruma [dual
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, utkuak, pl utkua] that one down
downriver, or by the door there, e.g., on or near the ocean,
(extended, visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. downriver, or by the door
abl.) ÷miñ (abl.) (extended, visible) | +tuma (dem.
unaŋŋaq- (i) to come from down rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
there, e.g., on or near the ocean, uttumani or utsrumani or
downriver, or by the door urrumani [dual utkugnagni, pl.
(extended and visible) | +aŋŋa utkunani] located with
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv that one down there, e.g., on or
unna1 [dual utkuak, pl utkua] that one near the ocean, downriver, or by
down there, e.g., on or near the the door (extended, visible) |
ocean, downriver, or by the door +tum ( dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
(extended, visible) | +na (dem. abs. +anI (dem. loc.)
pron. sg. mkr.) uttumaŋŋa or utsrumaŋŋa or
unna2 down there, e.g., on or near the urrumaŋŋa [dual utkugnaŋŋa, pl.
ocean, downriver, or by the door utkunaŋŋa] from that

one down there, e.g., on or near of word boundary between: una
the ocean, downriver, or by the asu una
door (restricted, visible) | +tum
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa *una (root) tiredness, crankiness
(dem. abl.) unaŋuq- (i) to become tired | perhaps
uttumatun or utsrumatun or =[ġ]uq-1 nv § pilaiq-
urrumatun [dual utkugnaktun, unaŋuiqsiq- (i) to rest » | perhaps
pl. utkunatitun] similar to that one =[ġ]uq-1 nv:Iq-2 vv -[t]sIq- vv
down there, e.g., on or near the unaŋusuk- (i) to feel tired | perhaps
ocean, downriver, or by the door =[ġ]uq-1 nv +suk-2 vv
(extended, visible) | +tum unasuk- (i) to be cranky, sensing that
(dem.rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun her/his mother is pregnant with a
(dem. sim.) second child (of child) | +suk-2 vv
uttumiŋa or utsrumiŋa or urrumiŋa
[dual utkugniŋa, pl utkuniŋa] that unaaq staff with ice pick on one end and
one down there, e.g., on or near hook on the other, often used for
the ocean, downriver, or by the testing the stableness of ice or
door (extended, visible) | +tum snow when hunting; “Seal Spear
(dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +iŋa (ú-nú)….For stabbing seals at their
(dem. mod.) breathing holes.” (Murdoch as
uttumuŋa or utsrumuŋa or reported by Ray 1885: 72) § see
urrumuŋa [dual utkugnuŋa, pl. Appendix 17b
utkunuŋa] to that one down there, unaaqpak “Walrus Harpoon,…(ú-
e.g., on or near the ocean, nak-pûk)….Heavy harpoon with
downriver, or by the door short ‘loose-shaft’ and detachable
(extended, visible) | +tum (dem. ‘toggle-head,’ for harpooning
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uŋa (dem. walrus from boat.” (Murdoch as
term.) reported by Ray 1885: 72) |
uttumuuna or utsrumuuna or +qpak(-) nn
urrumuuna [dual utkugnuuna, pl. unaaqpauraq lightweight spear used
utkunuuna] via, with that one for seals, walrus and bearded
down there, e.g., on or near the seals; pole with ice pick on one
ocean, downriver, or by the door end and hook on the other »
(extended, visible) | +tum (dem. nauligaunli manna aġviġnun
rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna (dem. aasiillimanna unaaqpauraq
via.) natchiġnun aiviġnun ugrugnun
the whaling harppon, nauligaun,
una- to be playful (with her/him/it) (of is used for whales and the
animals) lightweight spear, unaaqpauraq,
is used for seal, walrus and
una this one here < °uv2 bearded seal | +qpak(-) nn
:uraq nn § nauligaun
¤una (excl.) no way! you are full of
baloney! < °uv2 (dem. stem) ¤unalliqsat (Nu) dance songs of the
unaasuuna (excl.) oh, you are so Coastal Eskimos
exasperating, so infuriating! | loss

unaqsiq [unaqsIq] (Ti) hard, flexible unipkautigik- (i) to contain a good
wood » “ninŋuqtaaq; ikkiq story or message »
ikuutit qiuġvik” (Tuzroyluke “Unipkautigiksuamik
2009) [one that is hard to break, quliaqtuaġiksuamik…”
resilient; hard wood (for) skin (Harold Itta 1985:Track 1) [one
scrapers (and for) wooden boards with a good story or a good
used to scrape hair from animal message…] | +pkaq-1 vv -uti1 vn
skins] § qiruk +[g]Ik- nv
unaqsiqsaq (Nu) stock of rifle | unisinniapiaq- (i) to really try to be
+taq nn left behind; (t) to really try to
have her/him/it be left behind |
¤unataun club, an implement to beat mtinniapiaq- vv
something with § qiqsiñ unisuġi- (t) to progress far ahead of
unataġniq bruise, mark from beating | her/him/it » “Taavsrumakiuvva
+niQ1 vn utuqqanaam unitkaa samma
qanutun sivisutigiruamik
unataq- to persist, refuse to give up (on uqilapayaaŋŋuqhuni imma
her/him/it) unisuġivlugu.” (Ekowana: 13)
[so it was that the elder man left
*unI (root) behind, time prior him behind quite a distance, since
unik- (i) to stay behind | +k-1 nv, rv he (the boy) could run so much
uniktit- (i) to stay behind for a reason faster he (the elder man) pro-
e.g., to take care of grandparents; gressed far ahead of him] | +tuq2
(i) lag behind, be unable to keep vn +[g]i- vv
up | +k-1 nv, rv mtit-1 vv unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it
uniktuuma- (i) to be lower in quality; behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it
(i) to have less ability than @ unitchi- | +t-2 nv || +sI-3 vv
someone else; (t) to be better in
ability than her/him | +k-1 nv, rv uniaq- [unigaq] to tow, drag, pull (it, esp.,
+tuuq- vv -ma-1 vv sled or seal) by means of a rope
unipkaaġun that which is told, around one’s chest or over one’s
recounted | +pkaq-1 vv -aq-1 vv shoulder < perhaps uniQ
-un1 nn uniaġaak lower jaw, mandible |
unipkaaq(-) [unipkaraq] or +[ġ]aq nn -k2 nn
ulipkaaq(-) or unipkaq legend, uniaġaġviit sled trail or tracks |
old story, fable, myth; (i) to tell a +[t]aq2- nv +vIk1 vn :It nn
legend, fable or myth; (t) to tell it uniaġaq- (i) to travel using a dogteam
= mythical story | +pkaq-1 - vv » uniaġaġlunuk uvlaakun
-aq-1 vv -aq1 vn § uqaluktuaq, aullaġniaqtuguk wed will leave
quliaqtuaq by dogsled tomorrow | +[t]aq-2 nv
unipkaaqti storyteller, historian | uniaġġaurat (Ti) small sled for
+pkaq-1 vv -aq-1 vv -aq1 vn carrying seals, etc., with ivory
mt/ri vn runners, used where a sledge
unipkarrak- (i) to receive a story for cannot go | perhaps -qhak vn
one’s own to tell | +pkaq-1 vv :uraq nn -t nn § ikamġaq
-aq1 vn ‘-k- nv uniaġruat large sled | +ġruaq nn

-t nn [we used the towline attaching the
uniak sled runners | -k2 nn § sikkuk rope to the sled used to haul
under siku whaling boats] | =utaq1 vn
uniaqhaurat small sled; child’s sled | +tuq-3 nv
perhaps -qhaq vn :uraq nn
-t nn ¤Unigmiġvik month of January §
uniat a single sled or three or more Siqiññaatchiaq
sleds | -t nn § qamutit, see
Appendix 18 uniq [uniQ] axilla, armpit, underarm §
unii- to make a sled (for her/him/it) | natmautaġiaq, uniaq-
=I-1 nv ¤unġuagułik or unġuagun (Nu)
uniisuq-1 (i) makes a good sled | traditional style dog harness |
=I-1 nv +suq-1 vv :uaq- nv :un1 vn -lik nn § anu,
uniisuq-2 (i) to go and get a sled | anupiaq
-isiq- nv unġuagusiqsuq- (Nu) (t) to harness
uniiyaq- (i) to break apart (of sled) | them =dogs @ unġuagusiqsi- |
=Iyaq- nv :uaq- nv :un1 vn :Iq- nv +tuq-2 vv ||
uniqqat toboggan; (Nu) little sled +sI-3 vv
pulled by hunters on sea ice | unġuaq- (Nu) (t) to carry it under the
-qqaQ vn -t nn arm | :uaq- nv § uniq
uniqqiuti- (t) to pull, drag it as one uniġluk- (i) to have underarm odor | -
would pull a sled with a rope ġluk(-) nv
strapped around one’s shoulders » uniġmik- (t) to carry it under one’s
“….tavra niptailisimmatiŋ arm | +mIk- nv § uluġuak-
uniqqiutivlugu uniaksriuqługu uniqsugnit- (i) to have armpit odor |
aisaqsauraaqsirut, +sugnIt- nv
(Nageak 1975: 17) [….when the uniuq- (i) to miss a destination; (t) to fall
fog cleared, they made it (the short in her/his search; (t) to miss
seal carcass) so that they could it =target; (t) fail to attain it
pull it (seal carcass) like a sled =goal; (t) to overlook her/him/it
and they begin to travel home, as while searching @ uniuqsi- ||
the wind began to increase] | +sI-3 vv
-qqaq vn ‘=Iq-1 nv :uti- vv uniuŋa- (i) to be not in place; to be
unirraq- (Ti) (i) to travel by a sled out of order (during meeting) |
drawn by reindeer | =rraq- vn § ±ŋa- vv § asivaq-
qimuksiraq- uniuqtit- (i) to become out of place;
unirrat (Ti) reindeer sled | =rraQ nv to fall short; (t) to cause it to
-t nn become out of place; to cause
unirraun (Ti) sled reindeer | =rraq- vn her/him/it to fall short, fail to
:un1 vn § qunŋiq attain something (as a goal or
uniutaq towline, drag line | =utaq1 vn target) | mtit-1 vv
uniutaqtuq- (i) to use the towline or uniuŋasirusi (excl.) point of order!
the dragline » “uniutaqtuqłuta (parliamentary procedure)
akłunaaq pitukługu ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv +t/rusi (indic 2p)
umiirautinun” (Matumeak 2009)

unniġluktuq- (i) to complain about unnuatuaq(-) every night; (i) every
someone | +luk- vv +tuq-2 vv time it became night » “Tainna
unniġluktuun complaint | +luk- vv unnuatuaq, anaqatuaq
+tuq-2 vv :un1 vn piitqataliqsuq.” (Ahvakana: 2)
[so every night every evening, he
unniqsuq- (t) to promise, vow, swear to began to be absent] | -tuaq(-) nn
her/him; (t) to warn her/him; (t) unnugman yesterday; when evening
teach, show her/him the right way came | +mman (conseq 3s) §
@ unniqsuqłii- » ikpaksraq
unniqsuqłiimaruaq she made a unnugmatqik day before yesterday |
promise || +kłIq- vv :I-4 vv +mman (conseq 3s) -tqIk nn
unniqsuqłiun a promise; assurance | unnui- (i) to keep vigil; (i) to work
+kłIq- vv -un1 vn during the night, have the
unniqsuun a promise, a vow | -un1 vn nightshift; (i) to spend the night
with a net for seals set through the
unnuk(-) evening; (i) to become dark; (t) ice during middle of the winter |
it is becoming dark -aq1 vn =I-3 nv § uvlumiiq-, uvlI-
unnuaġruaq late night » “Tasaŋma unnuiqi- or (Ti) unnuaqsiuq- (i) to
sukpalliġaluaqtuq iñuk stay up all night long, stay up past
unnuaġruaġmagu.” (Ahvakana: one’s usual bedtime; (i) stay out
7) [then down in the entranceway all night | -aq1 vn ‘=Iqi- nv or
a person arrives late at night] | +siuq- nv
+ġruaq nn unnuksraaq- (t) to become late
unnuaġu tonight | +ku(n)2 nc (vialis) afternoon, early evening |
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) -ksraq(-) nn -aq-3 nv
yesterday; to become night | unnurri (Ti) night worker | perhaps
±aq1 vn ‘rrI- vv ~ri vn (rrr→rr)
unnuapak during this night, tonight; unnuuti- (t) to worsen as night
all night » unnuapak progresses (of sick person) |
iglauniaqtugut we will travel all :uti- vv
night; unnuapak
tikiññiaġugnaqtut they will ¤unŋasi- to be situated oceanside of
probably arrive during this night | her/him/it » tai nukatchiam
±aq1 vn -pak1 nn piliġaa….
unnuaqsii- (i) to wait for night | unŋasianiktiġnikkaqtiik, “Ya!
±aq1 vn -q-2 nv +[t]sii- vv Pikka igalaaq!” (Nageak 1975:
unnuaqtutilaatun all night long | 69) [then his younger brother
±aq1 nn +tu- nv mtilaaq(-) vn said to him…. coming up from
-tun nc (sim.) the ocean towards it (mound seen
unnuatqigu night after tonight, previsouly), “Ya! There’s a
tomorrow night | ±aq1 nn -tqIk nn skylight up there!”] | perhaps °un
+ku(n)2 nc (via.) (dem. stem) ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv
unnuatqik night before last night;
(Ti) day before yesterday | ±aq1 nn unŋuq [unŋuQ] or (Nu) utŋuq wart; rifle
-tqIk nn bolt; hardened resin; (Nu) knot in

wood § quġliaq(-), ivsaq, her/his mother is pregnant with a
urratchiaq second child (of child) | ‘+yyak- rv
unŋulik or (Nu) utŋulik bolt-action
rifle | -lik nn *uŋa (root) distant area
utŋułuk (Nu) old, hard spruce gum | uŋalaġluk(-) (Ti) strong south wind;
-łuk1 nn (i) to be blowing strongly from
south (of wind); (Ti) southeast |
unuŋa to down there, seaward or by the -laq rn -ġluk(-) nv, nn
door (visible and extended, dem. uŋalaq(-) or uŋalaaq west wind;
term adv) < °un (dem. stem) southwest wind; “west or
southwest wind” (Jenness 1928:
unuŋaq- (i) to go out to an open lead in 130); (i) to blow from the west (of
the ocean to hunt; (i) to go down wind; (Nu, Ti) south wind; south »
to shore | +q-3 dv < °un (dem. “uaŋŋamiñ saġvagman
stem) niġrutiqaġuuruq” (Kinneeveauk
2008) [when the current is flowing
unuuna via down there, along the shore, from the south, there are animals
via the ocean (dem. via adv) < °un around] | -laq rn, vn § see
(dem. stem) Appendix 15
uŋalaq qatchiksuq southwest wind §
unuunaaq- (i) to go via down there, by see Appendix 15
the shore, via the ocean < °un Uŋalaqłiq Unalakleet, Alaska |
(dem. stem) -laq rn +llIQ rn
uŋalaqłuk southwesterly storm, storm
uŋa- (i) to act as if one wants to be loved originating in the southwest |
and cuddled (esp., of a child) -laq rn -qłuk(-) nn, vv
uŋaaq(-) person who lets others do uŋalaqpak- (Nu) (i) to blow from the
his work; person or animal that south (of wind) | -laq rn
acts babyish; (i) to let someone +qpak(-) vv, nn
else do the work one should do; (i) uŋaliagu or (Nu) uŋalliagu day after
to act babyish » uŋaturuaq tomorrow | +llIQ rn :a (poss.
uŋaamik tailiqataġuugaat one 3s-3s) m[g]u(n) nn
who acts babyish is frequently uŋaliani or (Nu) uŋalliani day before
called an “uŋaaq”; uŋaturuaq yesterday | +llIQ rn :a (poss.
ililgaak-kiuvva suna 3s-3s) ÷nI (loc.)
qimmiaġrukkaluaq one who acts uŋallam kiluliñaaŋa area located
babyish a lot, usually a child or southwest § see Appendix 12
even a puppy | +aq1 rn uŋallam salliñaaŋa area located
uŋaugak- (i) to act babyish for a northwest § see Appendix 12
while | -ugaq- vv uŋalliq outer door | +llIQ rn § silalliq
uŋŋayyak- (i) to regress temporarily ¤uŋamun a very long way away |
to infantile behavior to get +mun (term.)
attention or in response to uŋarvani in an area down the coast to
prompting from parent (of child); the west some distance away »
(i) to be cranky, sensing that “uŋarvani taavaniqpani”
(Matumeak 2009) [in an area

down the coast, further down]; uŋayut- (i) to cut it out, extract it
“avaniqpani ittuaq uŋasiuraq- (Jenness 1928: 130)
tuami” (Aiken 2009) [in an area uŋayuun lancet (Jenness 1928: 130)|
to the west some distance away] | -un1 vn
+n rn ~vak nn -nI (loc.)
uŋasigi- (t) to think she/he/it is too far uŋi- [uŋI] (Nu) (i) to develop a rash
away » uŋasivlugu uŋilak- (i) to develop a rash, pimples,
ullaŋitchaqput we did not go to or hives that itch (of one’s skin) |
it, thinking it was too far | -lak- vv § paumit-
~sIk-1 vv +[g]i- vv uŋŋi- (i) to develop a rash, pimples or
uŋasik- (i) to be far away; (t) to be far hives that itch (of one’s skin) |
away from her/him/it | ~sIk-1 vv ‘=I-1 vv § paumit-
uŋasiktit- (t) to keep her/him/it at a
distance | ~sIk-1 vv mtit-1 vv *uŋi (root) gathering into small folds
uŋasiñġiq- (i) to be imminent, about uŋigauraq storage bag with a
to happen, looming » drawstring »
tikirviksraŋa uŋasiñġiqsuq his “Niqiksraqsruqummagik
arrival is imminent | ~sIk-1 vv taamna uŋigauramiñ taavaŋŋa,
+nġIq- vv … uilgasuk taamna niviaqsiaq
uŋataagun via, through the area tutaalua ataataluuram
beyond it | perhaps -n2 n pakauraviaqsiruq.” (Nageak
+agun (dem. via.) 1975: 53) [when she was told to
uŋataani in the area beyond it | +n rn get some food for them, the
+ani (dem. loc.) young unmarried woman began
uŋataaniñ from the area beyond it | to search in the storage bag with
+n rn +aniñ (dem. abl.) a drawstring…] | :uraq vn
uŋataanun to the area beyond it | uŋiq- (i) to tie one’s drawstring of
+n rn +anun (dem. term.) boot with drawstring on top; (t) to
uŋatqut- to go around, skirt tie drawstring of another person’s
(her/him/it) | -tqut rv boot; to pull it = drawstring; (i) to
uŋavaq- (i) to stray to the side; (t) to gather, pucker (of fabric) @
set it aside | +vaq- rv uŋiqsi- » “tapitqatauraqługu
uŋirauraqługi” (Matumeak
Uŋasiksikaat an association or a 2009) [pleating it (fabric) thus
community of men (whose gathering them (the pleats)] |
membership was primarily +q-1 rv || +sI-3 vv
determined by birth and by uŋiġun drawstring | :un1 vn
whaling crew membership) in uŋiġvik top edge of fur boot where
Point Hope, Alaska » drawstring goes; drawstring
Uŋasiksikaalli atuutiŋit casing | +vIk1 vn
uvamnili ittut the songs of the uŋiraq- or (Ti) uŋirraq- (i) to
Uŋasiksikaat are with me become ruffled, gathered, pleated,
(Kiligvak: 62) § Qaġmaqtuut puckered (of fabric); (t) to ruffle,
gather, pleat, pucker it =fabric @
uŋayulaq (Nu) whirlwind § ugayulaq uŋirai- or (Ti) uŋirrai- | +q-1 rv
-raq- vv

uŋirviaġun leather strip between uŋuullaq- (t) to drive, chase it away |
body and hard sole of boot | -llaq- vv
+t-2 rv +vik1 vn -aq2 nn -ġun nn uŋuuq- (t) to chase, drive it =animal
in front of one, usually toward
uŋiari- [uŋiarI] (i) to worry waiting hunter | -uq-2 vv
uŋiariŋaiq- (i) to stop, cease
worrying | ±ŋaiq- vv uŋuraġaaq- (Nu) (i) to be blue §
uŋiarriqsu- (i) to worry all of the suŋauraaq-, tuŋuq-
time; be a worrywart | ‘-qtu- vv
uŋiarrisaġi- (t) to worry about uŋuyut- (t) to perform bloodletting, a
her/him/it | ‘-saq1 vn +[g]i- nv phlebotomy (healing practice) on
uŋiarrisaq object of one’s worry | her/him/it
‘-saq1 vn
uŋiaritchak- (i) to begin to worry, upak- or upaktuq- to rush directly (to
become nervous, anxious, her/him/it); to charge (her/him/it)
unsettled » uŋiaritchaguuruq (of an animal) » nanuq upaktuq
nipaalavaiñmata she becomes qimmiñun the polar bear charged
nervous when they are making the dogs | +tuq-1 vv § upit-
too much noise | -tchak- vv upaluaŋa- (i) to rush to do something
| -luq-3 vv -ak- 1 vv ±ŋa- vv
uŋu- or uŋuraq- (t) to drive it =animal upaluġiitkutaq emergency provision;
into entrapment, usually a corral extra food or clothing taken along
or a waiting hunter; reindeer in case of emergency | -luq-3 vv
herder or reindeer dog driving a -iitkutaq vn
lone reindeer back to the herd @ upalui- (t) to catch her/him/it by
uŋuri- | -t/raq-1 vv || ~rI-5 vv surprise, unawares | -luq-3 vv
uŋŋuqi- (t) to startle them =animals -I-7 vv
toward a waiting hidden hunter by upaluŋa- (i) to lack some things, e.g.,
letting oneself be seen by the food to offer other; (i) to be
animals » “aŋuniaġamiŋ unprepared | -luq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv
piñiġlivlugit taikuŋatchianun upaluŋailaaq someone prepared,
allamun aŋuniaqtuamun ready to perform; something
uŋŋuqigai” (Matumeak 2009) ready, complete | -luq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv
[when hunting, they startled them -ilaaq vn § pisiññaaq
and drove them towards another upaluŋait- (i) to have everything
hunter] | ‘-qi-1 vv ready, prepared; (i) to be well-
uŋulġusaaq- (t) to frighten it supplied, have everything needed,
=attacking animal away | +t-2 vv e.g., the right tools, equipment |
perhaps +ġut- rv ±saaq-2 vv -luq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv :It-1 vv
uŋullaq- (t) to drive it away | upaluŋaiyaq- (i) to gather the
-llaq- vv necessary supplies for one’s trip;
uŋurrivik an area into which hunters (t) to get the necessary supplies
drive game for entrapment; corral ready for her/him for a trip |
| -rI-3 vv ‘-vIk1 vn § kaŋiġaq -luq-3 vv ±ŋa- vv :Iyaq- vv §
uŋut- (t) to chase it away | +t-2 vv paluŋaiyaq-

upaluq- (i) to move to action swiftly, part of June; and O-pen-rak’, the
hurriedly; (t) to rush to her/him to remaining part of June, together
check on her/his welfare | with July, August, and
+luq-2 vv September.” (Simpson: 260) |
-ksraq(-) nn
upinġaq- (Ti) or upinġaaq(-) or (Ti) upinġaksratqigu spring after this
upinŋaaq- to come (of summer); coming spring | -ksraq(-) nn
summer; last summer » “…the -tqIk nn m[g]u(n) nn
Point Barrow people divide the upinġaksratqik spring before this
year into four seasons, which they past spring | -ksraq(-) nn -tqIk nn
call O’-ki-ak, including October, upinġalimauraq(-) every summer; (i)
November, and December; O’-ki- to happen every summer »
ok, January, February, and March; “Kuuvaum kaŋianun kuuŋata
O-pen-rak’-sak, April, May, and napaaqtunun aŋuniaġiaġaqtut
part of June; and O-pen-rak’, the upinġalimauraġman” to the
remaining part of June, together headwaters of the Kobuk river in
with July, August, and the trees they would go hunting
September.” (Simpson: 260) every summer (Bergsland 1987:
upinġaaġu this coming summer | 314) | -limauraq(-) vv, vn
m[g]u(n) nn upinġalliq summer caribou skin |
upinġaapak during this summer; all -llIQ nn
summer long | -pak1 nn upinġi- or (Nu) upinġai- (i) to spend
upinġaatchiaq beginning of summer | the summer | =I-3 nv
-tchiaq(-) nn upinġiaq one who spends the summer
upinġaatqigu summer after this » “upinġirraqtuaq tavra
coming summer | -tqIk nn upinġiaq” (Matumeak 2009) [one
m[g]u(n) nn who goes to spend the summer is
upinġaatqik summer before last an upinġiaq] | =I-3 nv +aq1 vn
summer | -tqIk nn
upinġaksraġu this coming spring | upit- (i) to rush eagerly to do something;
-ksraq(-) nn m[g]u(n) nn (i) to get excited; (i) to pay heed
upinġaksralliq spring caribou, suddenly, as to a noise or what
reindeer; spring caribou skin; any one sees § upak-
game caught in spring | upisalak- (i) to rush eagerly to do
-ksraq(-) nn -llIQ nn § something; (i) to be roused to
kumaksralliq action; (i) to take sudden notice, to
upinġaksraq(-) or (Ti) pay attention suddenly | -salak- vv
upinŋaksraq(-) spring; last
spring; to come (of spring) » upkaġanak packed snow on top and soft
“…the Point Barrow people snow underneath
divide the year into four seasons,
which they call O’-ki-ak, *upku (root) barrier
including October, November, upkuaq(-) or ukkuaq(-) door; (i) to
and December; O’-ki-ok, be now closed (of door); (t) to
January, February, and March; O- close it =door | ±aq1 vn
pen-rak’-sak, April, May, and upkuaqpak gate | ±aq1 vn

+qpak(-) nn on trips the trap; (i) to talk, speak;
upkuiq- or (Ti) upkiiq- or ukkuiq- (t) to continue to talk to her/him
(i) to be now opened (of door); (t) for the purpose of advising
to open it =door | ±aq1 vn =Iq-2 nv her/him on the proper way to live
upkuit- or ukkuit- (i) to be open (of » “uqaġuugaluaġiga tavra
door); (i) to have the door open uqaqsiġiitchuq” (Aiken 2009)
(of house, car, plane) » [I talk to him, but he is still
upkuiñŋuraaġuuruq anaqami disobedient]
she/he leaves her door open uqaġaaq- (i) to discuss, talk a great
during the evening | ±aq1 vn deal about something seriously,
=It-1 nv solemnly; (i) to debate the
information | +aaq(-) vv
upkulik- (i) to collapse (of sled runner uqaġniaq- (i) to try to talk |
causing sled to collapse) » +niaq(-) vv
“upkulignivlugit uniapiat uqaala- (i) to complain, talk loudly »
pisuugait tamanna alua “Uqaalaruq tasama igalaakkun
iglaaŋiññun saniuġrugman, naalaġniaqsigaa uqaalaruaq.”
patiktitiġman, ayalumman” (Ahvakana: 18) [he is
(Aiken 2009) [they say that a sled complaining loudly down there;
collapses when one of its through the open window she
runners collapses flat against the listens to him complaining
crosspieces] | -lik-vv loudly] | -ala- vv
uqaaq- (i) to talk at length; (i) to
¤upkutaq (Nu) convolution of small speak with sadness, sorrow; (i) to
intestine | -taq vn argue | -aq-1 vv § uqavaaq-
uqaaqsimmi- (with past indicative
upsitqik- (Ti) (i) to be finely woven (of endings)(i) to be about to talk, and
cloth); (i) not highly porous, hard something detrimental is
(of bone) » “uglilaiyaaq” (C. happening or is about to happen »
Tuzroyluke 2009) [one that does uqaaqsimmiruaq nannit
not shrink] | -tqIk-2 rv qamilġatalgitchut oh, he is about
to begin talking and the lights just
upummiq- (i) to close one’s mouth and went out | -aqsI- vv +mmI- 3 vv
keep it closed with lips sealed § uqaatavik- (i) to talk non-stop,
ipummIq- incessantly » “Igluuragguuq
igña. Uvlum tuŋaani
uputi- (i) to suddenly pay attention as to a tautukkaak. “Igluikka!”
noise one hears; (Nu) (t) to cause uqaataviaqsiruk.” (Nageak
her/him to take heed § upit- 1975: 47) [over there is a little
house; they see it in the direction
upyak- or upyauq- (Nu) (t) to talk, call to of daylight; “there is a house,”
her/him at a distance | -uq-2 vv § theyd said over and over again] |
uvyauq- -atavIk- vv
uqaaqtuaq(-) (Ti) a story; (i) to tell a
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of story » “[Una] uvva
leg-hold trap which when stepped titiġniŋagun aġviġum

qapiqsiġiirrutivlutik piruak || ~rI-5 vv
malġuk iññuk uqallaya- (i) to habitually blurt things
uqaaqtuaŋuruq.” (David out thoughtlessly | -llak-1 vv
Frankson as reported by Pulu, -ya-1 vv
Sampson, Newlin: 88) [this is a uqalugaaq(-) (i) to tell a story;
story of two men who argued proverb | -luk1 nn +aaq(-) nv
about the division of a whale] | Uqalugiksuat the Bible | -luk nn -
-aq-1 vv +t/ruaq vn [g]Ik- nv +t/ruaq vn -t-3 nn
uqaġaaq- (i) to have a talk session | uqaluk(-) word; (i) to talk | -luk nn
+aaq(-) vv uqaluktuaq historical account of
uqaġnaqutau- (i) to be the cause of events which happened during the
repeated reprimands | +naq(-) vv past two or three generations |
-quti-1 vn :u-1 nv -luk3 nn +t/ruaq vn § unipkaaq,
uqaġunġiq- (i) to become silent, not quliaqtuaq
wishing to talk | +[s]uk-vv uqaluktuaqti storyteller | -luk3 n
+nġIq- vv +t/ruaq vn mt/r3 vv
uqaġuk- (i) to want to talk, speak | uqalutu- (i) to be talkative, talk a lot |
+[s]uk-1 vv -luk3 nn -tu- nv
uqaġuvyuaq- (i) to not want to talk, uqalutusi- (i) to build up a
finding it not desireable | vocabulary (of child) | -luk3 nn
-vyuaq- vv -tu- nv +sI-1 vv
uqaksraqtu- (i) to be long-winded, uqamaqługvigi- (t) to swear at, curse
to have a lot to say, to be her/him/it | -maqłuk- vv +vIk1 vn
verbose, wordy | +ksraq(-) nn, nv +[g]i- nv
+tu- nn | uqamaqłuk- (i) to use foul language,
uqalait- (i) to be mute, unable to talk | swear words; to curse |
-lait- vv -maqłuk- vv
uqalaurakuaqtaq uvular consonant | uqamaqłuun curse, swearword |
-lauraq nn or :uraq nn -kuaq- nv -maqłuk- vv :un1 vn
+t/raq vn uqamaqłuuti- (t) to curse her/him/it |
uqalauraq or uqauraq uvula | -maqłuk- vv -uti- vv
-lauraq nn or :uraq nn uqamayuk- (i) to complain; to
uqalgu- (i) to be a great speaker; (i) to murmur | :ma-1 vv -yuk(-) vv
make long speeches » igña aġnaq uqamayuun complaint; cause of
uqalguruq that woman over there complaining | :ma-1 vv -yuk(-) vv
makes long speeches | -lgu- vv :un1 vn
uqallak-1 (i) to speak | -llak-1 vv ¤uqanayuk- (i) to grumble |
uqallak-2 (i) to speak nonstop | -llak-2 -nayuk- vv
vv uqanni- (i) to caucus (in parliamen-
uqallaqłuun curse | ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv tary procedure); (i) to discuss |
:un1 vn +nnI- vv
uqallausigi- (t) to speak of, confess it uqaqpagaaq- (i) to talk with
| :un1 vn +[g]i-nv exaggeration, to boast |
uqallauti- (t) to inform, tell or warn +qpak(-) vv +aaq(-)vv
her/him @ uqallaurri- | -llak-1 vv uqaqsiġiaq- (i) to be obedient; (i) to
:uti- vv behave | +siġiaq- vv

uqaqsiġiit- (i) to be disobedient; (i) to uqautikłiq- or uqautigluk- (i) to
misbehave | +siġiaq- vvd =It-1 vv slander, speak ill, badly of
uqaqsitaaq- (i) to hold a trial in a someone or something | :uti- vv
court of law | +sitaaq- vv +kłIq-1 vv
uqaqsitaaqtitchiri judge | +sitaaq- vv uqautisuġnaq- (i) to be receptive to
1 3
mtit- vv +sI- vv mt/ri vn counsel, advice | +suġnaq- vv
uqaqsitaaqtitchirit council members, uqautitaq- or (Nu) uqautituq- (i) to
board members, governing board | call on the telephone, speak on the
+sitaaq- vv mtit-1 vv +sI-3 vv telephone | :un1 vn +[t]aq-2 nv §
mt/ri vn -t nn § atanaurat ququula-
uqautitaun telephone; telegraph |
uqaqsiun (Ti) telephone | +siun nn
:un1 vn +[t]aq-2 nv :un1 vn
uqaqti interpreter; prophet;
uqavaallak- (i) to speak loudly at the
commentator; spokesperson |
same time (of several persons) |
mt/ri vn
-vaaq- vv -łłak- vv
uqaqtitaq- (t) to force her/him to talk uqavaaq- (i) to have a debate; (i) to
| mtitaq- vv discuss, talk a great deal about
uqaun microphone; (Nu) what something seriously, solemnly »
someone said | :un1 vn “qanaakavsaktuatun
uqauraqtuuraġiaġniq caucus, a sivuniqtinŋavluni igluata
closed meeting of a group of natqigñialagaluaġaa”
persons | :uraq- vv +tuuraq- vv (Matumeak 2009) [almost
+iaq-1 vv +niQ1 vn quarreling since one knows
uqauraqtuuraq- (i) to caucus | her/his information is correct and
:uraq- vv +tuuraq- vv is confident of it and is trying to
uqausiaq information, advice, words convince the other] | -vaaq- vv
of wisdom received verbally » uqavallataġi- (t) to shout angrily
uqausiatka piigulaitkitka I about her/him/it and issue dire
never forget advice I receive | warnings » “Taimña naviktaŋa
:usiaq vn aŋuun uqamaqłuutigiraa
uqausiġi- (t) to talk about her/him/it » uqavallatagiraa
:uti1 vn ~Iq nn +[g]i-nv suqutigitquŋiłługu.”
uqausiq manner of speech; choice of (Ahvakana: 21) [he told her not
words; dialect; language; advice; to worry about the oar that she
topic or subject of discussion | had broken and that he had
:uti1 vn ~Iq nn shouted and lamented about so] |
uqausiusiaq or uqallausiaq words of -vak- vv -llak-2 vv +t/raq vn
wisdom received | :un1 vv ~Iq nn +[g]i- nv
:usiaq nn uqavigaaq- to boast »
uqautchit dialects; languages | uqavigaaqpaitchuaq
:uti1 vv ~Iq nn -t nn piliaġnaqtuq the one who boasts
uqaut-¤ or uqauti- (t) to speak, talk a lot is so tiring to listen to |
to her/him | -ut-3vv or :uti- vv -vik- vv +aaq(-) vv
uqautigi- (t) to talk about, discuss, uqaviksuuti- (t) to speak sternly to
tell, gossip about her/him/it | her/him/it » “uqaviksuutigaa;
:un1 vn +[g]i- nv suamasivluni uqautigaa”

(Matumeak 2009) [she is speaking uqigigiga I find it light, in weight
sternly to him; raising her ire she (implying that something has been
spoke to him] | -vik- vv +tuq-1 vv removed from it, thus reducing its
-:uti- vv weight or that someone has lost
uqaviluk- (i) to bitch, complain, weight) | +[g]i- vv
grumble » uqavilugnak don't uqigli- or uqikłi- (i) to lose weight;
bitch | -:viluk- nv § qaniġviluk- (i) to become happy, joyous,
uqayaŋa- (i) to speak unclearly, with exalted as when a burden is lifted
frequent mispronunciations; (i) to or when a worrisome situation is
speak with an accent | -yaŋa- vv § resolved | -kłI- vv § paniq-
kutak- uqigyuummiq- (i) to feel light of
uqayu- (i) to speak clearly, body, giddy (especailly when
intelligibly | -yu-1 vv worries abate or vanish, or when
Uqayuilat Siberian and Southwestern one is eager to do something one
Eskimos; (Nu) includes Seward enjoys doing) »
Peninsula Iñupiat | -yuilaq- vv “piyumitchaktuq;
uqayuit-2 (i) to speak unintelligibly, uqugyuummiġami iñuk
not clearly| -yuit-2 vv suyumaatchillagruaġuuruq”
uqayuit-1 (i) to not be able to speak at (Aiken 2009) [one who becomes
all, be mute; (i) to not have the eager to proceed; when a person
tendency to talk, gossip; (i) to be becomes lighthearted, she or he
discreet, tactful; (i) be able to keep decides all of a sudden to do
a secret | -yuit-1 vv something] | perhaps -k-2 vv
uqayunaq- (i) to be easy to talk to; (i) +yuk(-) vv :uq-2 vv -mmIq- vv
to be receptive to advice | uqila- (i) to be a fast runner | perhaps
-yunaq- vv -la- vv
uqayut- (t) to persuade, convince uqilait- to be a slow runner | perhaps
her/him with words @ uqayutchi- -la- vv :It-1 vv
| -yu-1 vv +t-1 vv || +sI-3 vv uqilaruunnaq fast runner »
uqqaaġik- (i) to be talkative, be a uqilaruaq uqilaruunnaq one
good conversationalist; (i) to have who runs fast is a uqilaruunnaq |
a lively conversation | ‘-.q- vv perhaps +t/ruq 3s (indic) -unnaq
+[g]Ik- nv nn
uqqaqtu- (i) to be a gossip; be a uqiłhaaq (Nu) heavy material, canvas
chatterbox; to talk too much » | -łhaaq vn § ukiłhaaq
uqqaqturuq samma taamna you
should know that that one talks a uqłaqtaq (Nu) Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis
lot, gossips | ‘-qtu- vv macularia)

uqhaq or uġġaq lead (metal) § saviłhaq uqpatik (Nu) entire rear section of
animal, including hindquarters §
uqit- [uqIt] (i) to be light (in weight) § ukpatik under ukpan
uqigi- (i) to find oneself light, in uqpik willow bush (Salix rotundifolia)(its
feeling, emotion; (t) to find leaves are added to seal oil for
her/him/it light, in weight »

preservation) | -pIk nn § akutuak, rings out of bone; some of them
qimmiuraq, palliksraq had bone rings]
uqpigauraq (Nu) medium-sized
willow | +aq2 nn :uraq nn uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq
uqpigluk- (i) to have hard-to-bend blubber; seal oil; oil, gasoline,
willows (of an area) » petroleum
“takiruanik akullakisuuranik uġruqtiġun (Ti) slab of seal blubber |
uqpiqaġman; Uqpiqsuu +tiq-1 nv +un1 vn
uqpiġluktuq akunnaaġnaitchuq uġruqaġvik (Ti) five-gallon gasoline
kivluqqaaŋaunnagu” can | -qaq- nv +vIk1 vn
(Matumeak 2009) [it’s when there uġruun (Ti) skin bag (a poke)
are long and closely situated containing blubber for making
willow bushes; Uqpiqsuu has seal oil | :un3 nn
hard-to-bend willows and it is uqsrak- (i) to accumulate a lot of
impossible to go amongst them blubber, to be used in the winter;
without cutting them down] | (i) to gain weight |
+luk(-)1 nv =ak-1 nv § quiñisi-, quivsit-
uqpiksat a small net snare for uqsri- (i) to cut blubber into strips to
catching ptarmigan (Kisautaq: render into seal oil; (t) to render it
653) =blubber into oil | ‘=I-1 nv
uqpiksiuġayuk Savannah Sparrow uqsriñŋu- (i) to feel queasy after
(Passerculus sandwichensis) | eating fatty food or too much seal
+siuq- nv +aq-1 vv -yuk(-) vn oil | ‘=It-2 nv -nŋu- vv
uqpiksiuq- (i) to make one’s way uqsriq- (i) to put gas in one’s vehicle;
through a thicket of willows | (t) to put gas in it =vehicle or
+siuq- nv outboard motor; (t) to put oil in it
uqpiksiuyuk [lit. “one that frequents =stove or oil lamp @ uqsriqsi- »
willows”] Redpoll (Acanthis uqsriġiaqtuuraġuŋ qamun go
flammea) | +siuq- nv -yuk(-) vn quickly and fill up the car with
uqpiŋñaq (Nu) highbush cranberry gas | ‘=Iq-1 nv || +sI-3 vv
plant (Viburrium edule) | +naq1 nn uqsriqsuun or (Ti) uġriqsivik funnel
uqpivik (Nu) ptarmigan willow (Salix | ‘=Iq-1 nv +tuq-2 vv :un1 vn or
alaxensis) | -vIk2 nn § akutuak, +sI-2 nv +vIk1 vn
kanuŋŋiq uqsrisaq something oil stained,
soaked in oil | ‘=It-2 nv ±aq1 vn
uqsiq [uqsIQ] or uqsi loop or bone ring uqsrit- to become oil-soaked, stained
on lasso through which rope is (of object); (i) to feel sick to one’s
passed; loop of snare » stomach after eating too much fat;
“akłunaaq saŋŋillasivlugu (t) to stain, soak it (with oil) |
uqsiliqługu pisuugaat; ‘=It-2 nv
sauniġnik iqsiliuġuumaruat uqsruaġnit- (i) to taste like it has seal
qunŋilaat; ilaŋit tainna oil in it | ±aq1 vn +nIt-2 nv
sauniġnik piqaġuumaruat” uqsrualaqi- (i) to leave a trace of oil
(Aiken 2009) [a loop is made in on top of the water after being
the rope enabling it to tighten; shot (of sea mammal) | perhaps
reindeer herders made their (lasso) -q-2 nv -ala- nv -qi- vv

uqsruġaaq or uqsruġaq strip of chair that had the blubber grease
rendered blubber in seal oil | on it, but to no avail [the grease
+[ġ]aq nn did not come off] |
uqsruġiak- (i) to drain, seep out (of -ulaaq(-) nn, nv
pus or liquid in a sore) | +iak(-) nv ¤uqsruutilik (Nu) soup made with
uqsruġun fine oil such as gun oil, 3- fat, with blood as well | :un3 nn
In-One oil | -ġun nn -lik nn
uqsruġrualiuġvik oil refinery | ¤uqsruuraq (Nu) quartz | :uraq nn
+ruaq1 nn -liuq-1 nv +vIk1 vn
uqsruġruaq gasoline; diesel oil; fuel uquk(-) mold, mildew; to become moldy
oil, petroleum | +ruaq1 nn uquaq- (Nu) (i) to be blue or green |
uqsruiyaq- (t) to scrape oil or blubber -aq-3 vv
from skin @ uqsruiyai- | uquaqtaaq (Nu) something blue or
-Iyaq- nv || :I-4 vv green | -aq-3 vv +t/raaq1 vn
uqsrukkuaqsiuġun oil for cooking
doughnuts | -kuaq- nv +siuq- vv *uquma (root) weightlessness | perhaps
+un1 vn :uma- vv § uqit-
uqsrukuaqtaq doughnut | -kuaq- nv uqumaigi- (t) to find her/him/it too
+t/raq vn heavy | :It-1 rv +[g]i- vv § uqigi-
uqsrupiaq oil prepared from animal uqumaili- (i) to become heavier, gain
blubber | -piaq(-)1 nn weight; (t) to add weight to
uqsruqłuk kerosene | -qłuk(-) nn her/him/it » uqumailisuurut
uqsruqtiġun oil, oinment; seal blub- turġummata amiŋit tuttut
ber rubbed on stitches where caribou skins become heavier
animal skins are sewn together to when the fur grows thick | :It-1 rv
prevent water from coming into -lI-2 vv
boat, kayak, or boot; oil at base of uqumailliraq- (i) to be overloaded (of
duck tail feathers which it rubs on vehicle); (i) to be troubled by a
self » qilalukkam agliġuaniñ heavy emotional or physical
uqsruqtiġutiksraqtuni burden | :It-1 rv -lI-2 vv ‘=Iraq- vv
nakuuruq, uvsilaitchuq, uqumailliraun oppression, burden |
puyausuitchuq the blubber from :It-1 rv -lI-2 vv ‘=Iraq- vv :un1 vn
the jaws of a beluga is good for uqumailutaq a weight, load; burden;
oiling something; it does not “Harpoon Fore-Shaft (u-ku-mái-
become gummy | +tiq-1 nv :un1 vn lu-ta)….Bone or ivory cap for end
uqsruqtiq- (i) to rub oil on oneself; of pole, with socket for ‘loose-
(t) to apply or rub oil on her/him/it shaft.’” (Murdoch as reported by
@ uqsruqtiġii- | +tiq-1 nv || :I-4 vv Ray 1885: 72) | :It-1 rv mlutaq vn
:I-4 vv uqumaiq- (i) to become thick and
uqsruqtuuq herring | +tuuq nn heavy, of fur » ammit
uqsruu- (i) to be fat; (i) to be greasy, turġuaġmata when the fur on the
oily, fatty | :u-3 nv skins gets thick | :Iq-2 vv
uqsruulaaq(-) oily or greasy person uqumaisilaaġun a scale, instrument
or object; (i) to be greasy or oily for weighing | :It-1 rv mtilaaq vn
» uqsruulaaq aquppiutaq -q-2 nv :un1 vn
tilaktuġaluaqtaġa I wiped the

uqumaisilaaq(-) weight; (i) to weigh uqqunmuk- or (Nu) uqutmuk- or
oneself; (t) to weigh her/him/it | uqqunmuktuq- or (Nu)
:It-1 rv mtilaaq vn -q-2 nv uqutmuktuq- (i) to travel with
uqumait- (i) to be heavy (in weight); the wind | -nmun nn -k-3 nv
(i) to be heavy-hearted | :It-1 rv uqqunmun or (Nu) uqqutmun to the
lee, away from, not facing the
uqumaŋia- or qumaŋia- (i) to have a wind; with the wind | -nmun nn
nightmare; (i) to leave one’s body uqquq sheltered place, lee | -Q vn
while asleep and hover over it or uqquuk- (i) to be a good shelter from
fly away, then to “re-enter” the wind; (i) be windproof | -uk- nv
body, waking oneself by moving uquit- (i) to have no warm winter
one’s body or by making a loud clothes | :It-1 vv
noise; if one does not wake up, the uquksraq- (i) to obtain skins to make
nightmare begins § itivli- warm fur winter clothing |
-ksraq(-) vv
uqummiq- [uqummIq] (i) to tightly close uquksriaq- (i) to go hunt for caribou
one’s mouth; (t) to put it in one’s at a time when the fur is just right
mouth @ uqummiqsi- | perhqps for a parka liner | -ksraq(-) vn, vv
-mmIq- vv || +sI-3 vv =iaq-1 nv
uqummiaq(-) something kept in the uqumman caribou skin used for
mouth; to have (it) in one’s clothing or part of bedding |
mouth; (Ti) snuff | -aq1 vn -ma-1 vv ‘-n vn
uqummirriq- (i) to put something in uqummatit bedding | -ma-1 ‘-n vn
the mouth | -aq1 vn =rrIq-2 nv -t nn § tuŋiutit
uquqłak (Nu) skin with long, thick
uquq- (i) to have warm winter clothes; to fur, e.g., winter skin | +łak vn
be well insulated and therefore uquqsrait- (i) to have no skinss for
warm (of clothing, house) warm winter clothes | -ksraq(-) vn
uqqit- (i) to take shelter in a storm | :It-1 vv
‘=It-2 nv uquqsriuq- to make warm winter
uqqirvik temporary shelter from clothes | -ksraq(-) vn ‘=iuq-1 nv
wind, i.e. bank, ditch | ‘=It-2 nv uquqsaq- (i) to put on warm winter
-vIk1 vn clothing; (t) to put warm clothes
uqquaġik- (i) to be wearing warm on her/him; (t) to put more
winter clothes, be warmly dressed insulation on it | msaq-3 vv
» “…uqquaġiksaaqhutiŋ uqut (Nu) warm winter clothing |
iñuuniaqtuaguniqsut taipkua” -t nn
…the people who lived long ago uquutchiq- to provide with a
were always dressed warmly windbreak | -uk- nv
(Bergsland 1987) | ±aq1 vn -ttaQ(-) vn ‘=Iq-1 nv
+[g]Ik- nv uquuttaġi- (t) to use it for a
uqqunmugaaq- or (Nu) uqumigaaq- windbreak | -uk- nv -ttaQ(-) vn
or uqqunmuuq- (i) to travel with +[g]i- nv
the wind at one’s back | -nmun nn uquuttaq windbreak | -uk- nv
-k-3 nv +aaq(-) vv -ttaQ(-) vn

urgalaq- (i) to wait beside the whalers’ *urrIq (root) guidance, instruction
homeward path in anticipation of urriqa- (i) to use arm signals to
receiving a piece of whale meat or communicate, to demonstrate |
maktak (of old women) (after a -qqa- vv
successful hunt, the whalers urriqat- (i) to make certain
stopped at the old women waiting movements trying to imitate
along the sled path and gave them something or someone; (t) to
whale meat and maktak from their imitate it | -qqa- vv -t-2 vv
shares on the sled) | perhaps urriqutigi- (t) to use her/him/it as an
~laq- vv example | -quti vn +[g]i- nv
urgallit- (t) to give a piece of whale urriqsuq- (t) to give direction,
meat or maktak to her = old instruction to her/him @ urriqsui-
woman as she waits by the sled | +tuq-2 rv || :I-4 vv
path from whaling camp to village urriqsuun instruction, example,
| perhaps ~laq- vv ‘=It-2 nv direction | +tuq-2 rv +un1 vn
urriqsuuti- (t) to give her/him
*urgia (root) onset of illness directions; to show her/him the
urgiasuk- (i) to feel an illness coming way | +tuq-2 rv :uti- vv
on; (i) feel some physical pain » ¤urraaq- (i) to gesticulate, express
“qiunŋuliqłunilu pigami, through gestures | perhaps -aq-1 vv
urgiasuktuq” (Matumeak 2009)
[when one is also experiencing Uruusiq or Ruusiq [RUSS] a Russian
chills, then one is feeling an
illness coming on] | -suk-2 rv usii (excl.) you remember, you know
usiiñ (interrog excl.) don’t you
urgiiliq [urgiilIq] or urgiiłiq birch tree remember?
(Betula neoalaskana) usiuvva (excl.) oh, I thought so... »
usiuvva unnuaq tikitchusi I
urraq [urraQ] fermented meat and thought you arrived last night;
blubber (usually walrus or seal usiuvva makua pitka I thought
flippers, or walrus skin with these were mine | uvva (dem. adv)
blubber)(a delicacy) »
urraqtullatupiallaktugut we usiġaq- or usiġaqtuq- or usiġaala- or
really love to eat fermented meat usiġaula- (i) to spill over,
and blubber overflow (as when carrying a full
urratchiaq gummy substance of cup of liquid) »
hardened resin; good, chewable “immiqpaiñŋakami
spruce gum » urratchiaq una usigaqtuqtuq utkusik
kaviaqsikami aarigaa silivlagami” (Matumeak 2009)
qiñiyunaqsisuuruq when resin [when a pot is filled too full then it
becomes reddish, it is beautiful; overflows ] | +[ġ]aq- nv or +[ġ]aq-
nakuaġigaat tamatkua nv +tuq-2 vv or +[ġ]aq- nv -ala- vv
kutchuqtuġuuruat tamatkuniŋa or +[ġ]aq- nv -ula- vv
those who chew it as gum enjoy it usiġaqtuġniq spilled liquid |
| -tchiaq nn § quġliaq(-), unŋuq +[ġ]aq- nv +niQ1 vn

usiq1 [usIq] [pl. utchit] (Nu) load,
something/someone carried in usiq-2 [usIq] or usillaq- (i) to take off
sled, boat, or vehicle one’s own pants; (t) to remove
usiagukkaq- or (Ti) usiaŋukkaq- (i) her/his pants | =illaq- vv
to be overloaded, have big load (of usillaaq- (i) to be naked below the
vehicle) | :ukkaq- nv waist | =illaq- vv -aq-1 vv
usiaq(-) load, cargo; to haul, transport
(her/him/it) in a vehicle | -aq2 nn usiŋŋuaq large bowhead whale
usiaqsiluu- (i) to ride onboard a sled usiŋŋuaġaaluk (Ti) mature male
once in a while » bowhead whale » ”... samma
usiaqsiluummaġmi igliqtuq he is malġukipiaq qulit naaggaqaa
travelling on, once in a while, piŋasukipianik isigaŋniġnik
riding on his sled | -luu- vv aktigiqaqtut tamatkua
usiaqsiq- (i) to be a passenger, be usiŋŋuaġaaluich.” (David
onboard a mode of transport » Frankson as reported by Pulu,
tiŋŋunmi-gguuq usiaqsiqsut it is Sampson, Newlin: 69) [the ones
now known that they are onboard that are usually fifty to sixty feet
the airplane | -aq2 nn -q-2 nv long are called usiŋŋuaġaaluk] |
+[t]sIq- vv +aaluk nn
usiiq- (i) to overturn and therefoe spill usiŋŋuagrauraq (Ti) newborn male
load (of sled); (t) to remove its bowhead whale | +ksraq nn :uraq
cargo | :Iq-2 nv nn § aġvaaq
usiiyaq- (t) to be unloading, removing usiŋŋuaġruaq (Wainwright, Alaska)
its cargo @ usiiyai- | :Iyaq- nv || large male bowhead whale with a
:I-4 vv large head longer than the body,
usikataq- to carry (her/him/it) as a with a tongue usually twenty feet
load | -kataq(-) nv in length (this whale is usually
usilliq- (t) to load it =a mode of fifty-seven to sixty-five feet in
transport @ usillii- » sunikkiaq length) (Harcharek: 27) |
usilli qparruŋ qamutaa what did +ġruaq nn
they loaded in her car | -laq vn usiŋŋuatchiaq (Ti) medium-sized,
‘=Iq-1 nv || :I-4 vv male bowhead whale (12-18
usiŋmigauraq- (i) to have an overly months old); (Ti) young male
full load | usiŋmigauraqhunuk whale » “Aasiiñ alġaiŋich…
uqpiġñik airuaguk wed came uumaŋŋa iŋuttumiñ amillutik
home with a full load of willows | tamatkua mikiruat, tamarra
-k-2 nv +migaq- vv :uraq- vv usiŋŋuatchianik atiqaġaich.”
utchikit- (i) to have a small load (David Frankson as reported by
capacity | -kIt- nv Pulu, Sampson, Newlin:, 69) [then
utchiqsu- (i) to have a large load the other (whale)… smaller in
capacity | ‘-qtu- nv girth than the iŋutuq (young
utchiqsruula- to boil over | ‘=Iq-1 nv female whale) is called the
2 2 1
mqsruq- nv -uq- vv -la- vv usiŋŋuatchiaq] | -tchiaq nn
utchiukkaq- (Ti) (i) to be heavily usiŋŋuatchiasugruk (Ti) very large,
loaded, overloaded (of vehicle) | male bowhead whale (Harcharek:
:ukkaq- nv 27) | -tchiaq nn -sugruk nn

usiŋŋuatchauraq male bowhead “mitqutailat tamatkua
whale | -tchauraq nn maŋaqtauraqaqtuat
niaqumigun pamiuqpaligaurat
usuk penis malġugnik” (Matumeak 2009)
usuŋnaq (Ti) sausage | +naq1 nn [it’s the arctic terns with a dark
usuuraq clitoris | :uraq nn spot on their heads and with a
long tail forked in two] §
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) mitqutailaq
utaqqiataq- or utaqqilġataq- to wait
a long time for (her/him/it) | uti- (i) to fall out (of hair); to grow bald,
-ataq-1 vv or -lġataq-1 vv become hairless
utaqqigisi- (i) should plan to, expect utiniq or unniq bald spot | +niQ1 vn
to wait | +k/gisi- vv utitaq a hairless skin | +taq vn
utaqqiġliq- (i) to wait patiently, utitchiaq(-) a skin being soaked to
hopefully » “utaqqiġliqsuq remove hair; (t) to soak it =skin to
niġiukłuni qaillaiġmata” prepare it for removing hair |
(Matumeak 2009) [he is patiently +[t]sIq-vv ±aq1 vn
waiting, expecting those who have
not come yet] | perhaps -ġlI- vv utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it);
+q-1 vv (t) to return to her/him =spouse
utaqqik- (i) to continue to wait | after a separation » pualugni
-k-2 vv unisimaragni utiġaik he went
¤utaqqilaaq- to wait a long time for back for his fur mittens, which he
(her/him/it) | -laaq-1 vv forgot
utaqqiñŋuliq- to become tired of utaa- to return en masse | -a-1 vv
waiting (for her/him/it) | -nŋuq- vv utiġmik- (i) to go back and forth; (i)
-lIq-3 vv to go in and out of the house, i.e. a
utaqqiñŋuq- to be tired of waiting for restless young boy going in and
(her/him/it) | -nŋuq- vv out | +mIk- vv
utaqqisi- (t) to save or keep utiġrak- (i) to bounce back (of
something for her/him/it » object); (i) to make a round trip
utaqqisitchi you all wait | ‘ti- vv (usually in the same day) |
utaqqisiraq that which has been kept +rak- vv
and saved | ‘ti- vv +raq vn utikallaŋit- to not return early (to
utaqqivik bus stop, train station; her/him/it) | ±kallaŋIt- vv
waiting room | +vIk1 vn utinmuk- (i) to travel back (i) to wane
(of moon) | -nmuk- vv
utchik whale’s tongue § see Appendix 19 utinmun reverse, back again,
returning | -nmun vnc
utchuk vulva utiqqiak- (i) to make a complete turn
around | +iak(-) nn, vv § qipuit-
utchutchaakiq, or utchutchaaqiq dark utiqtaq- to go back and forth (of
gray bird with a pointed forked her/him/it) | +t/raq-1 vv
tail (when they hover, they spread utiqtit- (t) to return it after borrowing
their tail feathers outward); Arctic @ utiqtitchi- | mtit-1 vv || +sI-3 vv
Tern (Sterna paradisaea) »

utquti- (t) to take her/him/it back |
=:uti- vv uttuma or utsruma or urruma [dual
uttaqi- (t) to return to her/him/it | utkuak, pl utkua] that one down
‘-qi- vv there, e.g., on or near ocean,
downriver, by the door (extended,
utkusigauraq1 (Ti) whirlpool (in rivers visible dem. rel. pron.) < °un
or ocean) » “anmun saġvaqtuq; (dem. stem)
killaqaġmatun ittuq; iluanmun
ittuq nunaptauq kiavinmatun” uttumani or utsrumani or urrumani
(S. Tuzroyluke 2009) [its [dual utkugnagni, pl utkunani]
(whirlpool’s) current flows down; located with that one down there,
it looks like there is a hole; it is e.g., on or near ocean, downriver,
positioned inwards following the by the door (extended, visible
revolutions of the earth] | dem. rel. loc. pron.) < °un (dem.
-[g]aq1 nn :uraq nn § uyalunaq stem)

utkusik or ukkusik cooking pot; bucket uttumaŋŋa or utsrumaŋŋa or

§ niqłiuġun; kuviqpik urrumaŋŋa [dual utkugnaŋŋa, pl
utkusigauraq2 or ukkusigauraq tin utkunaŋŋa] from that one down
can | -[g]aq1 nn :uraq nn there, e.g., on or near ocean,
utkusiutaq rope and hook apparatus downriver, by the door (restricted,
used to hold cooking pot over fire visible dem. abl rel. pron.) < °un
| :utaq nn (dem. stem)
utkutchiġvik grill used over open fire
or camp stove; (Ti) stand which uttumatun or utsrumatun or
holds cooking pot above fire | urrumatun [dual utkugnaktun, pl
‘=Iq-1 nv +vIk1 vn utkunatitun] like that one down
utkutchiqpik cooking grate on camp there, e.g., on or near ocean,
stove; hook for hanging a pot over downriver, by the door (extended,
an open fire | ‘-qpIk nn visible dem. rel. sim pron.) < °un
utkutchiri potter, maker of pots | (dem. stem)
‘=I-1 nv mt/ri vn
uttumiŋa or utsrumiŋa or urrumiŋa
utŋulik (Nu) bolt-action rifle < unŋuq [dual utkugniŋa, pl utkuniŋa] that
one down there, e.g., on or near
utŋułuk or utŋuq (Nu) old, hard spruce ocean, downriver, by the door
gum < unŋuq (extended, visible dem. rel. mod
pron.) < °un (dem. stem)
utŋuq [utŋuQ] (Nu) wart; rifle bolt <
unŋuq uttumuŋa or utsrumuŋa or urrumuŋa
[dual utkugnuŋa, pl utkunuŋa] to
utqiq (Ti) potato; edible root | perhaps that one down there, e.g., on or
+qqIq n § masu near ocean, downriver, by the
Utqiaġvik or Utqiaġviit Barrow, door (extended, visible dem. rel.
Alaska | =iaq-1 nv +vIk1 vn § term pron.) < °un (dem. stem)

uttumuuna or utsrumuuna or » “Samma taamna
urrumuuna [dual utkugnuuna, pl quliaqtuakkaġa
utkunuuna] via, with that one utuqqautaktuaqpagluni
down there, e.g., on or near inġitchuq,…” (Ekowana:15)
ocean, downriver, by the door [this story that I have told is not
(extended, visible dem. via rel. so very old,…] | :u-1 nv
pron.) < °un (dem. stem) -taktuaq- vv
utuqqavialuk a rather old one »
utummak palm of hand § tummak “tavra tavruŋa aglaan
quliaqtuaġiga taamna
utuqqaq [utuqqaQ]something old utuqqavialuk” then that is the
utuqqaġuaq- (Ti) (i) to grow old » end of my telling of this rather
“Uvagut aanavut Kataliuraq old story (Bergsland 1987: 373) |
ilisimagiga; qiñiŋagiga. -vIk2 nn -aluk nn
Utuqqaġuaġman aglaan.” utuqqaviñiq piece of old, shore-fast
(David Frankson as reported by ice which has broken off; chunk
Pulu, Sampson, Newlin: 95) [I of thick shore ice | -viñiQ nn
knew our grandmother
Kataliuraq; I have seen her; (I ¤utuvik scalp, skin under hair | -vIk2 rn
knew her) until she became very
old] *uu (root) heat, warmth
Utuqqaġmiut people of Utukok uummaġiksaaq- to cook (it =meat)
River area | -:miu(q) nn -t nn until well done | -t-2 vv
utuqqali- (i) to grow old, become -mmaġiksaaq- vv
aged | -lI-2 nv uunaalik boiled, fresh maktak and
utuqqanaaq elder, senior citizen | whale meat »
-naaq3 nn uunaaliktullatupiallaktut
Utuqqaq former village site between Iñupiat Iñupiat really like to eat
Wainwright and Barrow; also boiled fresh maktak and whale
name of river in same location meat | -naaq-2 rn -lik nn
utuqqaqtuun ancient, traditional uunalaaq(-) (Ti) piece of meat of a
performance with ten scenes freshly killed animal; (i) to be
including stories, songs, actors, freshly killed (of animal) |
puppets, special carved figures, +naq(-) vn -laaq nn
and special clothing; ceremony uunaq- (i) to be hot | +naq(-) vv
held during Christmas week (the uunaqpaŋakłi- to lessen, decrease in
performance takes approximately temperature (of hot weather, high
one hour and ninety minutes) fever) » aarigaa,
(Kineeveauk, 2008) § yuġaq(-) uunaqpaŋakłigaa imma
utuqqau- (i) to be old | :u-1 nv wonderful, it has cooled down
utuqqauniñani (Neg Sub) despite quite a bit | +naq(-) vv -qpak(-) vv
her/his/its being old | -nIq-3 vv ±ŋakłI- vv
+nanI (neg sub 3s) uunaqsaaqtiqi- (i) to try hard to get
utuqqauniqsraq the oldest one | warm » “Tavragguuq
:u-1 nv +niqsraq vn uunaqsaaqtiqilgiññamik
utuqqautaktuaq- (i) to be very old apuyyauraqtiŋ tainna

kiavalukługu aqpamik, +t-2 vv +naq(-) vv ‘-Q rn
qiġġaiyaqhutiŋ.” (Nageak 1975: uunnaqłuk(-) hot wind; (Nu) (i) to
19) [then to warm up they would have a fever | +t-2 vv +naq(-) vv
run circles around their little ‘-qłuk(-) nn, vv § uunnaun
snowhouse, trying to become uunnaqłuqun or uunaġnaqun
limber ] | +saaq-1 vv mtiq-2 vv cumulus cloud created by hot
-qi- vv weather | +t-2 vv +naq(-) vv
uunaqsi- to become hot » uunaqsiva ‘-Q vn -łuk1 nn +qun nn
is it hot now | +sI-1 vv uunnaun fever » uunnautiqaqtuq
uunaqsii- to heat (it =food, water) | miqłiqtuuraq the child has a
+naq(-) vv +[t]sii- vv fever | +t-2 vv +naq(-) vv
uunaqsiivik or uunaqsitchiivik tea ‘-k-2 vv :un1 vn
kettle | +naq(-) vv +[t]sII- vv uunnautiqpak high fever | +t-2 vv
+vIk1 vn § niuqqiun, niuqqiuġun +naq(-) vv ‘-k-2 vv :un1 vn
uunaqtilaaġun thermometer for +qpak(-) nn
measuring body temperature | uunniq cooked part of meat; a burn
+naq(-) rv mtilaaq- vv :un1 vn (on any surface) | +t-2 vv +niQ1 vn
uunaqtilaaq- to meaure body uunniqi- or (Ti) uunaqsi- (i) to suffer
temperature | +naq(-) rv from heat; (Ti) (i) to perspire from
mtilaaq- vv
heat, get hot | +t-2 vv +naq- vv
‘=Iqi-1 vv
uunnaagun source of heat; heater »
uunŋait- (i) to be undercooked, not
uunnaagutaat qamimaruaq
done | +t-2 vv ±ŋait- vv
their source of heat went out |
uuq- (i) to have a diaper rash, heat
+naq(-) nv,vv -ak- vv +un1 vn
rash | perhaps +q-1 rv
uunnaak- (i) to be tepid, moderately
uuruq boiled mscorcheat | +ruq rn
warm, e.g., water, food |
uut- (t) to be cooked (of meat);(t) to
+naq(-) nv,vv -ak- vv
cook it =meat; (i) to become
uunnaaqsruqtaq- (i) to experience a
sunburned | +t-2 vv
physical reaction to fear or worry
uutiġniq scar from a burn; shriveled,
(heart pounds, one becomes
scorched animal hide | +t-2 vv
flushed, feels warm) | +naq(-) vv 3 1
mt/liq- vv +niQ vn
‘-k-2 vv ±ak-1 vv mqsruq-2 vv
1 uutiq- (t) to get burned, scorched; to
mt/raq- vv
cook quickly | +t-2 vv mt/liq-3 vv
uunnaġuq- to become hot (of
uutiqtinniq burn on skin | +t-2 vv
weather) | ‘-Q rn +[ġ]uq-1 nv 1 1
mt/liq- vv m tit- vv +niQ vn
uunnait- or uunnautait- (i) to not
have a fever | +naq(-) vv ‘-Q rn uutiqtit- (i) to get burned; (t) to cause
:It-1 nv her/him/it to get burned | +t-2 vv
uunnaksraligaaq slightly, warm mt/liq- vv mtit- vv
wind | +naq(-) vv ‘-Q rn uutqik- (i) to be well-done (of meat);
-ksraq(-) nn -ligaaq nn (t) to cook it well-done | +t-2 vv
uunnaksaun heater, oil stove used for -tqIk-1 vv
eating | +naq(-) vv ‘-k-2 vv uutqiksii- (t) to cook it well-done |
3 1
msaq- vv :uti vn +t-2 vv -tqIk-1 vv +[t]sii- vv
uunnaq heat, very hot weather |

uugaq Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida); uukłiaq cut-up meat ready to be
tomcod (Microgadus proximus) cooked | ±aq1 vn
uukłivik cutting board; place in house
uugiyaaq- (t) to threaten her/him/it with a near stove where frozen meat
weapon @ uugiyaaqłiq- || thaws | +vIk1 vn
+kłIq- vv § iqsisaaq- uukłiqpik grate inside oven | -qpIk vn

uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it =food @ ¤uuktuġniq kutchuq (Nu) white gum
uuksi- || +sI-3 vv obtained from interior of spruce
uuksiraġaq- to continue to take a tree in spring
taste (of it)/ uuksiraġaqłutiŋ
nuŋullaktaat they finished it by uulik- (i) to shiver, tremble, shake
nibbling at it again and again | uuligruit- (i) to be steady; (i) to be
-t/raġaq- vv patient with fine, detailed work |
uuktuaq- (i) to test, try something out +rruk- vv :It-1 vdv
for a while; (t) to try, test, taste, or uulikuvsuaq- (i) to shiver from a
attempt it | +tuq-3 vv +aq-1 vv sudden chill | -kuvsuaq- rv
uuktuq- (t) to continue to try, test, uuligruk- (i) to be frustrated, upset |
taste it; (t) to measure it | +tuq-2 vv +rruk- vv
uuktuun measuring device, ruler; uuligruktaq- (i) to act frustrated,
example; parable | +tuq-2 vv upset | +rruk- vv mt/raq-1 vv §
:un1 vn qiiligruk-

uukkaq- or uukkaaq- or (Nu) uupkaq- uuma namesake’s wife; (Ti) namesake’s

or uupkaaq- (i) to fall, slide (of spouse; married couple’s
hanging, unstable ice, snow, or namesake friend; sweetheart’s
sod on a slope) » upkaaq- § namesake § qumŋaluk <perhaps
mapsaġruk *uu
¤uukkali- (i) to become full of dents
» qamutikpuk uvva uuma- (i) to be alive (of an animal) |
uukkalikami apuqtitkaluamii +ma-1 vv § *uu-
our car is full of dents from being uumalaaq- (i) to be lively (of child) |
hit time and time again | +lI-2 nv +ma-1 vv -laaq-1 vv
uukkalik- (i) to break (of crosspieces uumaruuraq stuffed (preserved as
on sled) » “uukkaliktuanik would a taxidermist) animal |
taiguġuugait sanniġutaŋi uniat +ma-1 vv +ruq vn :uraq nn
navigmata” (Matumeak 2009) uummai- [lit. “cause to become
[when the crosspieces of a sled alive”] (i) to get an erection; (t) to
break they call it (sled) an cause him to get an erection |
uukkaliktuat] | -lik- vv ‘-k-2 vv -I-6 vv
uupkaaġnaq (Nu) snow with hard uummaġmiu forest dweller, one who
and soft snow underneath | lives where there are trees
+naq(-) vn Uummaġmiut people of the
Mackenzie River Delta,
uukłi- [uukłI] to cut (it =meat) up for NorthWest Territories, Canada |
cooking § *uu (root) +miu(q) nn -t nn § Iñuvialuit

uummak- (i) to become alive, be which tastes bad; (i) to become
revived | ‘-k-2 vv mad, angry | -la- rv § kiiñaġiiliuq-
uumman heart | ‘-n vn under kii-
uummaq fresh green plant; green uumiñałak frustrating person, object,
wood; live tree | ‘-Q vn or event | +naq(-) vv, vn
uummasiqi- (i) to have a heart attack -łak nn,vn
| ‘-n vn ~Iqi-1 nv uumiñaq(-) one who causes
uummatitchiaq- (i) to beat fast and annoyance, frustration,
furious (of heart) » aggravation, or irritation; (i) to be
uummatitchiaqtuq his heart is annoying, irritating, aggravating,
beating fast | ‘-n vn +tchiaq- nv frustrating, maddening |
uummau- (i) to be green (of tree) | +naq(-) vv
‘-Q vn :u-1 nv uumisaaq- (t) to try to provoke
her/him into anger or rage @
uumaa (excl.) hey, you!; hey, don’t! < uumisaaqłiq- | ±saaq-2 vv
°uv (dem. stem) || +kłIq- vv
uumisuk- (i) to be angry, feel mean |
uumaaq woman’s female cousin; -suk-2 vv
woman’s female friend of same uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad
age § aññaq, suunaaq, qumŋaluk, | -tchak- vv § qinnalIq-
uuma < perhaps *uu uumitchai- or uumitchaktit- (t) to
make her/him/it angry, enrage |
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike < -tchak- vv -I-6 vv or mtit-1 vv
perhaps *uu uumitchauti- (t) to get angry with
uumigi- (t) to hate, dislike her/him @ her/him/it | -tchak- vv -:uti- vv
uumikłiq- | +[g]i- rv || +kłIq- vv uumitchaya- (i) to become angry
uumigiik- (i) to be in conflict, be easily, quickly » taigña aġnaq
enemies, hate each other | uumitchayapiallaktuq oh, that
+[g]iik(-) rv, rn woman over there gets angry too
uumigipiallak- (t) to intensely dislike quickly | -tchak- vv -ya- 1 vv
or hate, despise her/him/it |
+[g]i- rv -piallak-vv uunaqpaŋakłi- to become a bit less hot
uumigiri enemy | +[g]i- rv mt/ri vn (of hot weather, high fever) < uu-
uumikkiuti- (t) to begin to hate
her/him/it | +[g]i- rv ‘uti- vv uuñuŋuu (excl.) oh, how little, small! §
uumikkun hatred, dislike | +[g]i- rv aañuŋuu, uutukuu, aatakaa,
‘-n vn aatukuu
uumikkuti- (i) to hate, dislike each
other | +[g]i- rv ‘ti- rv uupkaaġnaq (Nu) snow with hard and
uumikkutigiik two people who hate soft snow underneath < uukkaaq-
each other | +[g]i- rv ‘-n2 vn
+[g]iik nn uupkaaq- or (Nu) uupkaq- (i) to come
uumikłiq- (i) to dislike, hate someone crashing down (of hanging,
| +[g]i- rv +kłIq- vv unstable ice or snow on a slope) §
uumila- (i) to make a face, as when uukkaaq-
displeased or eating something

uusuk- (Nu) (i) to smooth, straighten uvlaatchiaq dawn; early this morning
wood by rubbing it (with another | -laaq rn -tchiaq nn
piece of wood); (t) to smooth, uvlaatchauraq very early this
straighten it =wood by rubbing it morning | -laaq rn -tchiaq nn
(with another piece of wood) =uraqnn
uusuutit (Nu) piece of wood used for uvlaatqigu morning after tomorrow
straightening arrow shaft, morning | -tqIk nn +[g]u(n) nn
smoothing wood on snowshoe | uvlaatqik yesterday morning |
:un1 vn -t nn -tqIk nn
uvli- (i) to spend the day; (i) to stop
uutkummiq- [uutkummIq] (i) to react and take a day’s rest while
excitedly to news | perhaps - traveling or working » uvlisuuruq
mmIq- vv § piallak- maani he spends the day around
here | =I-3 nv § unnui-
uutukuu or (Nu) uutukuhuu (excl.) how uvluayaaq(-) dawn; to begin at the
little, small! § aatukuu, uuñuŋuu first light of day | +lu(q) rn
-ayaaq nn
uuyuliaq- (i) to dodge arrows; (t) to uvluġiam anaŋa shooting star;
dodge her/his arrows (i.e. during meteorite | +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn
an event in Messenger Feast) < -m nn (rel. mkr)
kivgiq-, uligiaq- uvluġiaq star | +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn
Uvluġiaqpak [lit. “big star”] star
*uv1 (root) now, today § °uv2 (dem. stem) Vega in constellation Lyra (its
uvlaaġu in the morning, tomorrow first appearance above the
morning | -laaq rn +[g]u(n) nn horizon in late December signals
uvlaaġuaq- (i) to do something in the the start of increasing daylight
early morning | -laaq rn +ġuaq- nv hours) | +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn
uvlaaku or uvlaakun tomorrow | +qpak(-) nn
-laaq rn -ku(n) nn (via.) Uvluġiasugruk North Star (from Pete
uvlaakutaaq- to postpone, to put off Sovalik) | +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn
doing (it) until the next day | -sugruk(-) nn, vv § Aulasuilaq
-laaq nn -ku(n) nn +taaq- nv uvluġirriq- (i) to come out and
uvlaakutchi- (i) to leave or put appear (of celestial stars) |
something off for tomorrow +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn =rrIq-2 nv
because it is not now time to work uvluilaaġuq- (i) to wane (of daylight)
on | -laaq rn -ku(n) nn perhaps in winter | +lu(q) rn :ilaq nn
+tchI- vv :aq6 nn +[ġ]uq-1 nv
uvlaakutqigu day after tomorrow | Uvluilaq [lit. “one which lacks
-laaq rn -ku(n) nn -tqIk nn daylight”] month of December |
m[g]u(n) nn +lu(q) rn :ilaq nn < Siqiñġilaq
uvlaapak during this morning » uvluilgit- to completely wane (of
uvlaapak itqanaiyallaktuŋa I daylight) | +lu(q) rn :Iq-2 nv
made preparations all morning | -lgIt- vv
-laaq rn -pak1 nn uvlukłi- to wane (of daylight) |
uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; -kłI- nv
to become morning | -laaq rn

uvluk piŋayuak [lit. “the third of the uvluu- (i) to be daylight | +lu(q) rn
two days”] third day | +lu(q) rn :u-1 nv
-k2 nn uvluun source of daylight (in
uvlumi during the day | +lu(q) rn -mI reference to a legend which
(loc.) involves the raven spirit and his
uvlumiiq- (i) to work on a day shift | quest for the source of light) |
+lu(q) rn -mI (loc.) perhaps +lu(q) rn -q-2 nv :un1 vn
-.q-1 ncv
uvlumiñiñ everyday | +lu(q) rn °uv2 (dem. stem) here (restricted and
-mI (loc.) perhaps +niñ nnc (abl.) visible) § °mar (dem. stem), °tavr
uvlupaiqługu all day long; (dem. stem), °taap (dem. stem)
throughout the day | +lu(q) rn una [dual ukuak, pl. ukua] this one
-pak1 nn perhaps :Iq-2 nv +lugu here (restricted, visible) | +na
(Contemporative 3p-3s) (dem. abs. pron. sg. mkr.)
uvlupak today | +lu(q) rn -pak1 nn uuma [dual ukuak, pl ukua] this one
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to here (restricted, visible) | +tuma
grow light (of day) | +lu(q) rn (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.)
uvluqsiutik two stars that appear, uumani [dual ukugnagni, pl ukunani]
signaling the beginning of longer located with this one here
daylight » uvluġiak nuisuuruak (restricted, visible) | +tum (dem.
ukiumi aasii aŋuniaġniq rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +anI (dem.
isagutivaallukłuni two stars loc.)
appear in the winter, and that is uumaŋŋa [dual ukugnaŋŋa, pl.
when hunting begins | +lu(q) rn ukunaŋŋa] from this one here
+siun nn -k2 nn (restricted and visible) | +tum
uvluqtu- (i) to be long in duration (of (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +aŋŋa
daylight in a day during an Arctic (dem. abl.)
summer) | +tu- nn uumatun [dual ukugnaktun, pl.
uvluqtusi- to get longer in duration ukunatitun] like this one here
(of daylight following the dark (restricted and visible) | +tum
period of winter) | +lu(q) rn (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +atun
+tu- nn +sI-1 nv (dem. sim.)
uvluqtutilaaq(-) amount of daylight; uumiŋa [dual ukugniŋa, pl ukuniŋa]
(t) to measure the amount of with this one here (restricted and
daylight » uvluqtutilaatun all day visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
long | +lu(q) rn +tu- nn +tilaaq nn mkr.) +iŋa (dem. mod.)
+tun (sim.) uumuŋa [dual ukugnuŋa, pl ukunuŋa]
uvlutuaq(-) everyday; every time it to this one here (restricted and
became day » “…tainna visible) | +tum (dem. rel. pron. sg.
uvlutuaġman aŋuniaqtuat mkr.) +uŋa (dem. term.)
qargimun uumuuna [dual ukugnuuna, pl
niġġiyyaqtaġmivlutik ukunuuna] via, with this one here
aiyaagamik…” (Ahvakana: 1) (restricted and visible) | +tum
[everyday, the hunters came to the (dem. rel. pron. sg. mkr.) +uuna
meeting house to eat when they (dem. via.)
came home] | -tuaq(-)1 nn, nv

uvani located here (restricted, visible) uvvaliqaa (excl.) oh yes, here it is!
| +anI (dem. loc.) (remembering); now, I understand
uvaniit- (i) to be located here the situation | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
(restricted and visible) | +anI +liqaa (encl.)
(dem. loc.) it- “to be” uvvapak (Ti) right now, this minute |
uvaŋŋa from here (restricted, visible) ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) -pak1 dn
| +aŋŋa (dem. abl.) uvvasuli (conj.) and then this; here is
uvaŋŋamiñ from this direction here another one | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.)
(restricted, visible) | +aŋŋa (dem. suli
abl.) +miñ (abl.)
uvaŋŋaq- (i) to come from here °uva (stem) for first person personal
(restricted and visible) | +aŋŋa pronouns § °uv2 (dem. stem),
(dem. abl.) +q-3 dv Appendix
uvuŋa to here (restricted, visible) | uvamni [dual uvaptigni, pl.
+uŋa (dem. term.) uvaptinni] with me; in my
uvuŋanmun towards here (restricted opinion » uvamni nakuuruq I
and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) find it satisfactory, good; uvamni
nmun (term.) ittuq she is with me | +mnI (1p
uvuŋaġmik- (t) to carry her/him/it sg. mkr. in loc.)
close to one’s chest | +uŋa (dem. uvamnik [dual uvaptignik, pl.
term.) +q-3 dv +mIk vv § uluġuak- uvaptinnik] by myself; myself »
uvuŋaq- (i) to go here; (t) to put or uvamnik savagniaġiga I will
place her/him/it here (restricted work on it myself | +mnik (1p sg.
and visible) | +uŋa (dem. term.) mkr. in mod.)
+q-3 dv uvamniñ [dual uvaptigniñ, pl.
uvuŋatchauraq- (i) to be blowing uvaptinniñ] from me; compared to
hard with visibility limited to a me » uvamniñ mikiłhaaqtuq she
few feet (of snow and wind) | -uŋa is shorter than me | +mniñ (1p sg.
(dem. abl.) -tchauraq- vv mkr. in abl.)
uvuuna via, through here (restricted, uvamnun [dual uvaptignun, pl.
visible) | uuna (dem. via.) uvaptinnun] to me » uvamnun
uvuunnaaq- (i) to go via, through aattaŋa she brought it over to me
here (restricted and visible) | | +mnun (1p sg. mkr. in term.)
+uuna (dem. via.) ‘.q-4 dv uvaŋa [dual uvaguk, pl. uvagut] I,
uvva here (restricted, visible) | ‘a me; my » uvaŋa savaaġiniaġiga I
(dem. adv. mkr.) will work on it | -ŋa (1p sg. mkr.
uvva (excl.) here! take it! for abs. and rel.)
uvvaasiiñ or uvvaasii (conj.) and so uvapkun [dual uvaptikkun, pl.
now | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) aasiiñ or uvaptigun] with me; by myself »
aasii uvapkun usiaqsiqsuak theyd rode
uvvahii or uvvii (excl.) here is the with me; uvapkun piñiatuŋa I
situation; here are the facts; look! will go by myself | +pkun (1p sg.
here it is! | ‘a (dem. adv. mkr.) mkr. in via.)
uvvakii for instance; because of the uvaptun [dual & pl. uvaptiktun] like
fact that; as is customary | ‘a (dem. me; by myself » uvaptun
adv. mkr.) -kii § atakkii qamutiqaqtuq she has a car just

like mine; uvaptun tainna
piruaŋa I was by myself | +ptun ¤uviñŋuayuuq (Nu) Lesser Yellowlegs
(1p sg. mkr. in sim.) (Tringa flavipes)

uviluq or iviluq or (Ti) uvilluq seashell; uviq- (i) to tilt, list, dip one side lower
clamshell than the other; (t) to tilt, list it
uvaagaq- (i) to rock, roll sideways
uviłłik(-) fool, stupid person; (i) to be repeatedly (of boat); to urinate
foolish with leg up (of canine); (t) to
uviłłiktaq- (i) to act foolish | urinate on it with one leg up (of
mt/raq- vv canine) | -ak- vv +aq-1 vv
uviłłiŋa- (i) to be foolish, stupid | uvaagiitkutaq [lit.“item for
±ŋa- vv prevention of rocking to and fro”]
lower longitudinal runner for side
¤uviłłuq (Ti) long clam of umiak frame | +iitkutaq vn §
see Appendix 16
¤uviñauyuk Common Scoter (Melanitta uvaagniq or uvaaŋaniq mountain
nigra) base with gradual slope | -ak- vv
+niQ1 vn; or -ak- vv ±ŋa- vv
uviñiq [uviñiQ] or uviñik or (Ti) uvinik +niQ1 vn
skin (of human); epidermis uvaak(-) dog urine; (i) to tilt, list, lean
uviñġuq undershirt; t-shirt | ±ġuq nn § to one side; (i) to urinate with leg
qitauraq up (of canine); (i) to swerve; (t) to
uviñiġuq (Ti) dress | ±ġuq nn < lean, tilt, list it over; (t) to urinate
qitauraq on it » “Tuttut uvaaŋasikamiŋ
uviññak- (i) to become fat, fleshy | tuvaam tuŋaanun
‘-k-2 nv kaivaluisaaġaat. As the caribou
uviññiraaq- (i) to have holes in swerve toward the hunter, they
clothes through which skin can be eventually run around him.”
seen | ‘-Iraaq- nv (Ahmaogak & Webster: 28) |
-ak- vv
*uviñŋi (root) a whistling uvaaŋa- (i) to be lop-sided, tilted,
uviñŋiaq- or uviñŋiuq- (i) to whistle | sloping | -ak- vv ±ŋa- vv
perhaps -aq-1 vv or :uq-2 vv uvaaŋatilaaġun or uviŋatilaaġun
uviñŋiaqtuq- or uviñŋiuġaq- or (Ti) level used in carpentry | ±ŋa- vv
uviñŋiaġruk- to whistle (at +tilaaq(-) vv, vn +un1 vn
her/him/it) | -aq-1 vv +tuq-2 vv or uvaaŋatilaaq- or uviŋatilaaq- (t) to
:uq-2 vv -aq-1 vv or -aq-1 vv check it to see if it is level |
+rruk- vv ±ŋa- vv mtilaaq- vv
¤uviñŋiaġayuk insect song | uvaaya- (i) to rock, roll, tilt, list easily
-aġaq- vv -yuk vn (of boat) | -ak- vv -ya-1 vv
uviñŋiuqsraq- to whistle (at uviġaaq- (i) to walk, rocking from
her/him/it); (t) to whistle it =tune | side to side | +aaq(-) vv §
-uq-2 vv +qsraq- vv uluqhutaaq-
uviñŋiuqsraun a whistle | -uq-2 vv
+qsraq- vv :un1 vn uvluyuilaq brass (Matumeak 2009)

-aq2 nn -q-2 nv +t/raq vn
¤uvru- (Ti) (i) to be thick (of ice) < uyaġait hearth stones (of kitchen in
maptu- sod house) | :It nn
uyaġak ikualaruaq lava § ikuala-,
uvsik- [uvsIk] (i) to be dense, compact; +t/ruaq vn
(i) to be closely grouped (of a uyaqqiqutiksraq a hand-made fork
herd); (i) to be tightly woven | of caribou antlers that is used to
perhaps ~sIk-1 rv lift rocks from an outdoor fire into
uvsigi- (t) to be too dense, compact a shelter, skin tent, snow shelter |
for him/her | perhaps ~sIk-1 nv, rv, ‘=I-1 nv -quti vn +ksraq(-) nn
vv +[g]i- vv uyaqqiuġutilik apuyyaq snow house
uvsiit- (i) to be sparse, not compact; kept warm by hot rocks | ‘=I-1 nv
(i) to be open, widespread; (i) to :uq-2 vv :un1 vn -lik nn
be widely separated | perhaps uyaqqiuġutit hot rocks used for
~sIk-1 nv, rv, vv :It-1 vv cooking or heat | ‘=I-1 nv :uq-2 vv
uvsiqsruq- (t) to fill it =crack up with :un1 vn -t nn
something; (t) to chink or caulk it | uyaqqiuq- (i) to heat rocks used as
perhaps ~sIk-1 nv, rv, vv heat source in tent | ‘=I-1 nv
mqsruq- vv :uq-2 vv
uyaqqiuġuti- (t) to cook it using hot
uvyak- (t) to call attention to it=object rocks | ‘=I-1 nv :uq-2 vv :uti- vv
seen in distance; (t) to react
suddenly to it =object seen in the uyak- (Nu) (i) to hover near the surface of
distance (usually expressed water (of seal with head coming in
verbally) § upit- and out of water) § puuvruq-
uvyaqi- (t) to call her/his attention to uyagruaq- (Nu) (i) to raise head out
something | -qi- vv of water (of seal) | +ġruaq-2 vv
uvyauq- or uvyak- (t) to call uyaktaq- (i) to tread water, raise head
attention to her/his antics in hopes out of water repeatedly (of seal);
of discouraging her/him; (t) to (t) to bob up and down in water
mock, ridicule, deride, embarrass (of seal) in his =hunter’s line of
her/him » “uvyauġaa; fire, sight | mt/raq-1 vv
tautukkaa; quliaqtuġaa suna
tautukkani” (Matumeak 2009) uyalu (Ti) man dressed as a woman
[he ridicules her; he sees her; he (during the 10th scene of
reports anything that he sees (that Utuqqaqtuutit “Old Custom
she does] | -uq-2 vv Dances”) who dances as a woman
with masks § qakummisaaq,
uyaġak stone; rock; fishnet sinker nuliaġiaq-
Uyaġaaġmiut (Nu) Chandalar Indians
| -aq2 nn -miu2 nn -t nn uyalunaq(-) or (Ti) uyalulaq(-)
uyaġaaq- (t) to cache it =game whirlwind; tornado; (i) for there to
animal in rocks; (t) to cover it be a whirlwind or a tornado §
with rocks | -aq2 nn -q-2 nv ugayulaq, uŋayulaq, utkusigauraq
uyaġaaqtaq something cached in
rocks (especially caribou ) |

uyamik [uyamIk] needle case carved of arms from one side to the
bone; hollow core of a tube; other (of woman)
interior of a gun barrel; hollow of uyupqaun (Nu) song for the
a cylinder § ikpiaġruk uyupqaq- dance | :un1 vn

uyamitquq (Nu) hair hanging under uyumiq(-) mirage created by heat; heat
lower jaw of cow moose; earring | waves over land; refractory layer
-tquq nn of atmosphere through which
shamans must pass to reach the
uyamitquaq necklace; (Nu) earring | moon; (i) to shimmer from heat
-tquq nn -aq2 nn § nuġluġun, (of atmosphere) | -q-2 nv
quŋusiġugauraq uyumiŋa nunam air; atmosphere
next to earth | :ŋa (3s-3s)
*uyaq (root) activity of
Uyaliġvik month of December |
-lIq-3 nv +vIk1 vn § Kaivirvik, V
Aagruliġvik, Umigraġvik,
¤UmiqsraġvIk, Uyaliġvik, vasrak (Nu) scoundrel; bad or useless
Siqiñġilaq, Uvluilaq thing; jack (suit at cards)
¤Uyaġmata during the activity which vasrau- (Nu) to be bad, useless | Edna MacLean User! 8/23/11 12:33 AM
occurs after Christmas Comment:
:u-1 nv

uyaut- (Ti) (i) to bring an umiak up to

where the whaling feast will take Y
place; (t) to haul it =umiak to the
place where the whaling feast will
yaa (excl.) of displeasure, disbelief,
take place @ uyautchi- || +sI-3 vv
uyaulvik (Ti) place where whaling
umiaks are beached, signaling that
yaayyuksaaq- (i) to be poor, in need §
the whaling feast will begin next iliappau-
day | +vIk1 vn
yaġa- (i) to be lame, crippled in legs; (i)
uyavgaq- to check on, look at (her/him/it)
to be without energy § yapu-,
§ alatkaq-, taku-
uyuġu niece, nephew (of a man) §
yaġałhaq or yaġiłhaq or yaġalġaq or
(Nu) yaġarqhaq knife sheath »
tiġiksraġmiutaq tavra taamna
uyuk- (i) to dance Iñupiaq style (of
it’s the one held on the belt §
uyukłuuk wooden snow goggles;
yai1 or yaiy or yach (excl.) wow! very
sunglasses (Aiken 2009)
nice! just right! § chach
uyupqaq- (Nu) (i) to dance, holding a
yai2 (excl.) too bad! alas!
fanlike object and moving the

¤yałłaala- or yałłak- (i) to snap and bark yuguyuaġaq- (Nu) (i) to use a loud, noise
producing oblong device tied to a
yapu(-) sick, weak, unhealthy or crippled long, strong string, a “wolf scarer”
person or animal; poor person; (i) (this noise making device is
to become physically weak § twirled overhead primarily to
yaġa-; niugallak scare wolves) | -aq-4 nv
yapupkaq- (t) to cause (her/him) to
become physically weak (of yuġaq(-) (Ti) or yuġaliq(-) [yuġalIq]
disease) | +pkaq-1 vv competition games of endurance
and skill among men of different
yaqhii (excl.) my goodness!; oh, no!, too community house; “The first of a
bad! § alakkaa, yai, akłaa series of ceremonies, games,
dances, and feasts, called yowak,
yuayuk- (i) to point upward (of waves was held in the qalegis during the
resulting from the crashing of the fall. The series was begun soon
ocean current against waves after the qalegi was opened, while
driven by the wind) » “imaq the men worked on the winter
anuġi paaqługu; gear….A period of trading,
igliqsausiqaġnaitchuq; apparently lasting a few days,
nuvuġayyuaġiksivlutiŋ; iiqinii followed the yowak ceremony.
yuayukłuni” (Matumeak 2009) (Rainey: 245-246); (i) to hold the
[it’s when the water moves against series of yuġaq ceremonies,
the prevailing wind; it is games, dances and feasts; (i) to
impossible to travel on; they are dance together alone (of a married
very pointed; it is very frightening couple) to their kimmun
when they (the waves) stand “ancestral song” » yuġaġlutik
straight up pointing upwards] maġlaktuutisuurut as they
celebrate various dances they give
¤yugayulaq whirlwind each other gifts § Utuqqaqtuutit,
maġlak(-), Uiŋuraq, tuksiaq-
¤yuggaqtaq- (i) to pump something
repeatedly | mt/raq-1 vv yuġri- (i) to be undecided, unable to make
yuggaqtaun pump | mt/raq-1 vv up one’s mind; (i) to be restless »
:un1 vn “nutqaŋautaiqsuaq
sumupasuuqtiqłuni tainna”
yugit- (i) to travel about, around § (Aiken 2009) [it’s one who is
aġiyuk-, kukiluk- constantly in motion going from
yugirruti- (t) to take her/him/it as one here to there]; “ittuaŋitchuq;
travels or visits homes | :uti- vv isumaalupiaġataqtuq,
yuggiqsuuq person who goes around ittuaqausiiqsuaq tutqiiligami”
visiting constantly; person who (Matumeak 2009) [he is restless;
travels a lot | ‘=Iq-1 nv ‘-qtu- vv he is very worried; he is not able
‘-.Q vn to stay still when he is not at
peace] | perhaps +ġrI- nv, rv, vv
yugluktaak or yuġluktaak wooden snow yuġrigiññaq- or yuġavit- (i) to talk
goggles about things one never will do; (i)

to make plans one will never
fulfill | perhaps +ġrI- nv
+giññaq- vv or -vit- rv

yuqłuktaq “wolf scarer”, a device used to

scare wolves consisting of an
oblong piece of wood or baleen
tied to a long, strong string; when
whirled overhead the device
makes a loud noise »
“amaqqumun iqsisautiŋi” (S.
Tuzroyluke 2009) [things used to
scare wolves with]

¤yuukiik- (i) to proceed unevenly instead

of in a straight line as intended; (i)
to be mismatched

yuukkaaq [RUSS ”yu'pka”] (Ti) skirt

yuuqqaq(-) (Ti) hot beverage; (i) to drink

a hot beverage; (t) to drink it =hot
beverage § niuqqaq(-)

yuvġuq(-) (Ti) fish slime; (i) to be slimy

(of fish) § nivguq

Iñupiatun Akunniġutit
Iñupiaq Postbases

Introduction to Postbases

A postbase in Iñupiaq is a derivational suffix which may be added to a verb or a

noun stem. Postbases do what adjectives, prefixes, and suffixes do in English. Iñupiaq
postbases modify the stem or create new lexical items, i.e., convert a noun stem into a
verb stem or vice versa.

The following format for a postbase entry is generally followed throughout the
presentation of postbases. Sometimes the postbase entry has a capital I indicating
palatalization of alveolar consonants immediately following the capital I. At times the
postbase entry contains a capital Q which is not removed when combining with a suffix
containing a morphological connector symbol ÷, the division sign.

Postbase (word type)(distribution) definition | etymology § related stems and references

stem with definition stem with suffix entry and definition or
an Iñupiaq sentence example with an
English translation

Here are two examples.

-a-1 vv (limited) to V en masse, all together § -ayaa-

(weak i changes to a in word form VCiq-)
aggiq- [aggIq] (i) to arrive; (i) to come aggia- (i) to arrive en masse (used in pl)
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be ania- (i) to leave as a group
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, ayaa- (i) to proceed ahead together
proceed ahead, start toward destination,
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to
push, launch it = boat to sea
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isaa- (i) to enter in larger numbers; to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it come in all at once, together; (t) to enter it
inside, to place it inside in large numbers

The categories of presentation are similar to those used in the presentation of verb
stem and noun stems (Main Entries) except for the categories of “word type” and

A postbase may be attached to a noun or a verb stem. When a postbase is attached

to a noun and it remains a noun, the marker “nn” follows the postbase entry indicating the
word retains the noun status. When a postbase changes the word type from a noun to a
verb stem, the marker “nv” is used to convey that information.

Some postbases have “free” distribution and some have “limited” distribution. The
term “limited” in italics and in parentheses indicates a restricted distribution for the
postbase, i.e., cannot be used with all stems of that category. An effort has been made to
include all the stems to which a “limited” distribution postbase attaches.

The combination of a postbase to a stem is a unique phenomenon which creates a new

meaning. This dictionary offers a “generalized” definition which attempts to capture the
uniqueness of each creation. Some entries lack definitions indicating lack of sufficient
data to determine their meanings.


-a-1 vv (limited) to V en masse, all together § -ayaa-

(weak i changes to a in word form VCiq-)
aggiq- [aggIq] (i) to arrive; (i) to come aggia- (i) to arrive en masse (used in pl)
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be ania- (i) to leave as a group
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, ayaa- (i) to proceed ahead together
proceed ahead, start toward destination,
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to
push, launch it = boat to sea
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isaa- (i) to enter in larger numbers; to come
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it in all at once, together; (t) to enter it in large
inside, to place it inside numbers
itiq- (i) to wake up itaa- (i) to wake up (of a group of people)
itqaq- to recall, call to mind, remember itqaa- to remember (her/him/it) in
(her/him/it) (her/his/its) entirety
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siqua- or siquayaa- to fall asleep one right
one’s eyes after the other, en masse
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utaa- to return en masse, together
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a

-a-2 vv (limited) to V with intensity, or with emotion § +sia- nv, vv

aksik- [aksIk] to touch (her/him/it); (t) aksia- (t) to touch her/him/it lightly; to touch
to graze her/him/it with a bullet or an her/him/it as one gropes about; to move
arrow her/him emotionally; to have an effect on
ivvaġluk- (t) to not find it; (t) to search ivvaġlua- to overlook (it = object) that one
and not find it, maybe because one did is looking for
not search thoroughly
ivaqłiq- (i) to search, to look for ivaqłia- (i) to be searching intently
something or someone everywhere, seek
naŋaq- to skirt around, avoid naŋaa- (Ti) to avoid (her/him/it)
nivliq- (i) to utter a sound, express nivlia- (i) to cry out feebly; (i) to mutter
oneself audibly, make a vocal noise: (i)
to speak; (i) to cry out

+aaq(-) vv, nv, vn to V leisurely or slowly for a while, usually in repetition or in alternating
fashion; N where the action is done, usually in repetition or in continuous action; N
which involves the repetitious action § -t/raġaaq(-) vv, nv, vn

+aaq- nv (limited) to wear a N with pride
atikuluk man’s dress boot with fringe, atikulugaaq- (i) to wear a pair of man’s
knee-high, made of dark and light furs dress boots with pride
sewn in a decorative pattern
siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl.siksrigit] siksrigaaq- (i) to wear an arctic ground
arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus squirrel parka with pride
parryi); (i) to kill an arctic ground

-aglaaq- vv (limited primarily to stems with suffix -muk- or its possessed form -nuk- nv) as
far as | aglaan perhaps +q-3 dv
ataanuk- (i) to position oneself under it; ataanuaglaaq- (i) to reach the area under it
(t) to set or place her/him/it under it
iglu(-) house, dwelling; (t) to build a iglumuaglaaq- (i) to reach the house
structure over it
°qaku (stem) future time qakuaglaaġnaq- (i) to be so close to death
that it is expected at any time
qitqanuk- (i) to go to its midpoint or its qitqanuaglaaq- (i) to reach its midpoint or
center; (t) to set or place her/him/it at its its center
midpoint or center
sitqumiñuk- (t) to place it on one’s sitqumiñuaglaaq- (used with Consequential
knees endings) (i)for it to go as far as one’s knee,
e.g., water
sumuk- (interrog.) to go where; to place sumuaglaaq- (interrog.) (i) to go how far
it where

+agnaq rn, nn (limited) wind (elemental force) originating from a certain direction or
position | perhaps +ak- vv, rv +naq2 vn
°Ik1 (dem. stem) over there (restricted ikagnaq(-) or ikaŋnaq northeast wind; north
and visible) wind (Jenness 1928: 32); to be windy from
the northeast; (Nu) wind that crosses over
from the headwaters of a river in a pass; (Ti)
west; west wind
°kan (dem. stem) down there, on or near kanagnaq or kanaŋnaq north wind
the ocean, downriver, or by the door (Jenness 1928: 48); (Nuvuk) northwest;
(restricted and visible) northwest wind; wind from downriver; wind
from ocean
kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kiluagnaq south wind (with one’s
south (with one’s geographical position geographical position being Barrow,
being Barrow, Alaska) Alaska); to be windy from the south (with
one’s geographical position being Barrow,
Alaska); “a wind from the land” (Jenness
1928: 53)
°pam (dem. stem) up there, e.g., inland, pamagnaq (Ti) east
upriver, upstairs (not visible)

°ua1 (stem) westerly uaŋnaq or uagnaq or (Nu) uaknaq(-) or
(Nu) uaknaqpak- west wind; (Nu) (i) to
blow (of west wind); (Ti) southeast wind

-agliaq nn suffix added to names of numbers to indicate that it is multiplied by 400

§ -kipiaq nn
malġuk malġuagliaq
2 2x400 = 800
piŋasut piŋasuagliaq
3 3x400 = 1200
sisamat sisamaagliaq
4 4x400 = 1600
tallimat tallimaagliaq
5 5x400 = 2000
qulit quliagliaq
10 10x400 = 4000
akimiaq akimiagliaq
15 15x400 = 6000

-aġaq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly or to prolong V-ing or being V | -aq-1 vv +aq-1 vv §

-t/raġaq- vv

-aġruk or -ġruk nn, vn (limited) a younger, smaller, or similar version of the N

a. examples with -aġruk
aŋayukłiq firstborn, eldest one, aŋayukłiaġruk (Nu) two-year-old caribou
someone’s elder; two-year-old caribou
iglu (-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluluaġruk site (usually a mound) of an
build a structure over it ancient house
ikpiaġruk small sack to hold belongings;
sewing kit; woman's handbag; jellyfish
*ili (root) ¤tenderness iliaġruk an orphan
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- Imaġruk name of a lagoon behind the
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; village of Wainwright, Alaska
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
imġusiq or imġusiuraq or imiun sheep imġusiaġruk wooden barrel, keg
horn dipper; wooden drinking cup
imnaq1 high, steep cliff imnaġruit canyon
iñuk person; owner; core of boil; iñuaġruk orphan or degraded person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg
Itqiliq American Indian Itqiliaġruit Kobuk River people
kuuk [ku ik] river; tributary kuugaaġruk small river, channel on flat
natchiq(-) [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiaġruk small seal
hispida); (i) to catch a seal

*qaġlik (root) one leg of a pair of pants qaġliaġruuk (Ti) waterproof sealskin
qailliq(-) wave on ocean; (i) to have qailliaqsruk(-) or qailliaġruk(-) ripple on
waves (of ocean) water

qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiaġruk puppy

forma familiaris)
sivulliq(-) first one; ancestor, forefather; sivulliaġruit ancestors
leader; foreleg, lower section of foreleg;
(i) to lead the way; (t) to lead her/him/it
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suaġruk a possession
(t) to do what to her/him/it
tuunġaq (-) shaman's helping spirit; tuunġaaġruk common scoter (Oidemia
devil; (t) to frighten her/him by nigra)
pretending to be a devil
uaŋnaq west wind: also ikaŋnaq uaŋnaaġruk severe, dry cold weather, with
strong southwesterly winds
b. examples with -ġruk
akkusaaq a long while ago akkusaaġruk a long while ago, quite a
while ago, much earlier in the day
niaquqtu- to have a big head niaquqtuġruk hawk owl (Surnia ulula)
niviaqsiaq young woman of niviaqsiaġruk girl (before puberty)
marriageable age
nukatpiaq young man of marriageable nukatpiaġruk boy (before puberty)
age; gander
qattaq water barrel with lid qattaġruk barrel, keg
qikiqtaq island qikiqtaġruk island
qimuagruk high snowdrift; snowdrift
blocking trail or located in lee of high
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Tuttuġruk Big Dipper (constellation)
uaŋnaq west wind uaŋnaaġruk northwesterly wind

-ak- or +ak- or ‘= ak- or ~ak- vv, rv (limited) to be V; to accomplish V; to be V-ing

*ik2 messy; disorderly; dirty ikak- (i) to be dirty
imik- (i) to resound, reverberate well; be imiak- (i) to transmit sound well
stereophonic; to have a good sound,
resound (of drum); to have a rich, hollow
sound, of a drum
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqiagi- (t) to not feel like doing it
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of
eagerness, unwillingness
**ka1(deep root) descending katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod house
(leading to subterranean tunnel or
passageway); (i) to fall off

kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigak- (i) to nibble on food
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
maki- (i) to come loose (of a patch) makłuak- (i) to fly open
magluaq- (Ti) (i) to come off, come loose
(of a part of something); (t) to take off,
break off an attached part of it
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqitak- (t) to be a hindrance to her/him/it
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down
°pam (dem. stem) up there, e.g., inland, pamagnaq (Ti) east
upriver, upstairs (not visible)
*pik1 (root) upward movement ¤pikak- (Nu) (i) to break through thin ice to
breathe (of whale, seal); (t) to break it = thin
ice to breathe (of whale, seal)
*piq (root) bend, curve piqak- (t) to be pushed up and cracked by
pressure from below (of ice)
sigaaq(-) [sigaraq] [ENG “cigar” ] or sigak- to be smoking
(Ti) sikaaq(-) cigarette; to smoke (it =
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsrak- (i) to gather and store a great
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum quantity of blubber, to be used in the winter;
(i) to gain weight
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunnaak- (i) to be tepid, moderately warm,
e.g., water, food

-ak n (limited) N resembling or derived from, or source of the N or the V § +iak (-)
*akutuq (root) leaf akutuak (Nu) a short reddish willow found
along rivers in mountains and tundra
ipak grain in wood; fiber in meat; ring in tree
kapit- (i) to be tight-fitting; (t) to fit an kapitak (Ti) outer fur parka
outer piece over an inner one, e.g.,
snowshirt over parka
kipak (Ti) dirt, food on the face
pukak granular snow found under hard
packed snow, good for melting into water
qakuq- to turn white, be bleached by qakuak frost on ground
qatak child by other than one’s spouse
conceived through the formalized spouse
ulu or uluuraq traditional Iñupiaq uluak upper cheek, side of cheekbone
woman’s knife (in the shape of a quarter
circle with a handle usually made of
bone or ivory affixed to the sharp inner

-akkuuq- (limited) to travel via the N | :a (poss end 3s-s) -kun nnc (via.) ‘uq-2 vv
sivuġaq promontory at end of ridge; sivuġaakkuuq- (i) to pull a sled via the front
space or area in front; “front of the leg”
saniġaq side of something saniġaakkuuq- (i) to pull a sled by side
ropes to help it along (usu. of men); (t) to
pull it = sled via ropes tied to its sides to
help it along

±aksraq(-) or ‘-aksraq(-) vn vn something to be V-ed; to get something to V | ±aq1

or ‘-aq vn +qsraq(-) nn, nv § +t/raksraq(-) or = t/raksraq(-) or ~raksraq(-) vn, vv

±aksrIq- or ‘-aksrIq- vn vv to designate a task/something for one to V | ±aq1

or ‘-aq vn +qsraq(-) '= Iq-1 nv § +t/raksrIq- or = t/raksrIq- or ~raksriq- nv

±aksrIt- or ‘-aksrIt- nv (t) to give, assign her/him/it something to V | ±aq1

or ‘-aq vn +qsraq(-) '= It-1 nv § +t/raksrIt- or = t/raksrIt-or ~raksrIt- vv

-ala- or :ala- or ‘-ala- vv, rv (limited) to V a lot; to V at an intense level; to V

disrespectfully | perhaps -a-2 vv -la- vv
apyuq(-) or apyula- (Nu) steam; dust; apyuala- (Nu) (i) to swirl and rise (e.g., of
(i) to steam, to make steam clouds, steam, dust)
*ava (root) yelling avaala- (i) to yell
*iġI1 (root) uvular sound iġiala- (i) to be hollering, shouting
iki- (i) to burn ikuala- (i) to blaze, burn brightly
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiala- to drink heavily
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, iqsitchaala- (i) to become intensely afraid
isiq(-) smoke; haze, mist, or cloud which itchiala- (i) to smoke, burn, smoulder (of
forms over open water; (i) to be smoky; stove or heater when flue is inadvertently left
(i) to form mist, to form a cloud over closed)
open water
kalluk(-) thunder, thunderstorm, kalluala(-) rolling thunder; (i) to roll (of
thunderclap; (i) to thunder (of weather) thunder)
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger kappiala- (i) to feel oneself in extreme
danger and call out in fright
*kumma (root) need kummaala- (i) to be frantically looking for
something; to be in need of something
*maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl maala- (i) to howl with pain (of dog)
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuala- (i) to rush inside via a
move to a higher position (of person), subterranean entrance into a sodhouse or up
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend the stairs in a modern building (of cold
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher air); (i) to rise, swirl in the air (e.g., of
place smoke, steam)

minŋiq- or (Nu) mitŋiq- (i) to jump up minŋala- (i) to jump up and down
and land on the same level as one excitedly
started; (t) to jump over her/him/it
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or nauġala- or nauġallak- (i) to flare up (of
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to fire)
nipat- (i) to make a sound nipaala- (i) to scream, holler, make a lot of
nillaq- (i) to fart repeatedly nillaalaruq (i) to be farting a lot
niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on nivġala- (i) to be on one’s back moving
one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i) arms and legs about
expose its underside
nuttagaq- (i) to keep hopping, leaping, nuttagaala- (i) to crackle (especially of a
jumping fire)
paksrak- to dig (it = hole) with claws or paksrala- (i) to dig furiously
*pati (root) process involving the palm patala- (i) to feel one's way in the dark; to
of the hand get ready in a hurry; (Ti) (i) to clap hands
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy,
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to rambunctious, disorderly
her/him; an entity
pikit- (i) to move constantly; to be pikaala- (i) to writhe in pain; to move
unable to keep still around constantly
piksigaq- or piksikataq- (i) to jump, piksagaala- (i) to shatter to pieces flying in
bounce repeatedly every direction;(i) to bounce off when
puyuq(-) smoke from chimney; insect putchuala- (i) to smoke, make smoke
repellent powder; (i) to smoke, make
smoke (of fire)
qanikłuk(-) (Nu) to blow with light qanikłuala- (Nu) (i) to snow lightly
snow (of wind)
qasak- or qasala- or qatchala- (i) to qasak- or qasala- or qatchala- (i) to burst
burst out yelling “Uu! Uu! Ugu! Ugu!” out yelling “Uu! Uu! Ugu! Ugu!” followed
followed by cheering (when dancing or by cheering (when dancing or herding or
herding or coming home from a coming home from a successful hunt usually
successful hunt usually when returning when returning in a boat with a walrus kill
in a boat with a walrus kill or having or having struck and retrieved a whale)
struck and retrieved a whale)
qinnak- (i) to be angry, fighting; (t) to qinnaala- (i) to be furiously mad
fight her/him/it
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiala- to be staring (at her/him/it)
qugluk- (i) to wince when startled or qugluala- (i) to have spasms while asleep
suddenly frightened; to fold (it in half)
quġmi- (i) to drip extensively; to flow quġmaala- (i) to urinate in small amounts at
rapidly frequent intervals
quġmiattuq- (i) to urinate accidentally quġmiattuala- (i) to uncontrollably urinate

(in undergarment) in one’s pants
siaqqa- (i) to mourn for a loved one; (t) siaqqaala- (i) to mourn with loud crying
to mourn for her/him/it
*siga (root) a sizzling, gurgling, or sigaala- (i) to sizzle;(i) to make a tearing
rushing sound sound; (Nu) (i) to make the noise of running
water (e.g., of a river)
*tagi (root) feeling of not being tagiala- (i) to feel unwelcomed,
welcomed uncomfortable, to feel out of place, to not
feel at home, relaxed
ugik- [ugIk](i) to fight viciously (of ugiala- to snarl, growl threateningly (at
dogs); (t) to maul, bite her/him/it (of dog, her/him/it)
bear, etc.)
ukpitaq- (i) to cross the highest point of ukpitaala- (i) to overflow, boil over
a hill and begin to descend; to tumble; (t)
to reach its highest point and begin to
descend from it; to tumble over it
ulġusia- or ulġusiala- (i) to stagger (of a ulġusiala- (i) to stagger (of a person about
person about to fall down [not because to fall down [not because she is inebriated])
she/he is inebriated])
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaala- (i) to complain, talk loudly
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-alaaq(-) nv, nn (limited) to resemble, be like, be similar to N; a representation of N §

-laaq-1 vv
kirgavik goshawk (Accipiter gentilis); kirgavialaaq- (i) for there to be both
peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus); altocumulus and cirrus clouds
gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
qannik(-) [qannIk] snowflake; falling qannialaaq(-) light snowfall; (i) to snow
snow; (i) to snow lightly
silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy sialualaaq- drizzle; to drizzle
weather; to rain

¤-alla- vv (Nu) (limited) to do the prelude to really V-ing § -ala- vv

silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy sialualla- (Nu) (i) to rain slightly, a few
weather; to rain drops

-allak- vv (limited) to begin to V at an intense level | -ala- vv '-k-2 vv

avaala-(i) to yell avaallak- (i) to burst out yelling
ikuala- (i) to be on fire ikuallak- (i) to burst into flames, to blaze
kanuk- (Ti) (i) to be angry kanuallak- (Ti) (i) to become angry
maġaala- (i) to yelp, howl; (i) to yell in maġaallak- (i) to begin to yelp in pain

mayuala- (i) to rush in via a subterrean mayuallak- (i) to begin to rush in and up
entrance into a sodhouse or up the stairs (of cold air into building); to rise higher (of
in a modern building (of cold air); (i) to moon)
rise, swirl in the air (e.g., of smoke,
nauġala- (i) to flare up (of fire) nauġallak- (i) to flare up (of fire)
nipaala- (i) to scream, holler, make a lot nipaallak- (i) to increase the volume of
of noise one’s shouting, yelling, noise making
nivġala- (i) to lie on one's back moving nivġallak- (i) to land on one's back; (t) to set
arms and legs her/him/it in a horizontal position
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy, piallak- (i) to become enthusiastic; to
rambunctious, disorderly become carried away
putchuala- (i) to smoke, make smoke putchuallak- (i) to become intense (of
sigaala- (i) to sizzle; (i) to make a sigaallak- (Nu) (i) to begin to make the
tearing sound; (Nu) (i) to make the noise noise of running water, gurgle, e.g., a river
of running water, e.g., a river
suala- (i) to act excitedly suallak- (i) to become excited over
tuavit- (i) to cheer, whoop it up at a tuavaallak- (i) to become very excited; (i) to
celebration; (i) to have a wild, noisy riot

-aluk nn an old N, usually worn out, not in proper form; (idiomatic use) an N that is
cherished or held dear
+aaluk restricted to bases with -VVC final
-gaaluk alternate form for bases with n final
a. examples with -aluk
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigaaluk an old parka »
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on atigaalugmik qarraaliġuŋ put an old parka
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him under her as a mat
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglualuk an old house or building »
build a structure over it iglualukput taikka that is our old house
over there
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuaqłuk person who does not conform to
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to norm, mistreats others and is therefore
surprise her/him/it shunned
iri [dual irrak] eye iraalua his misshapen eye
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamaalik an old boot » kamaalua qairruŋ
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; give me his old boot
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaaluk crazy old person
(excl.) you fool!
qamun car, truck qamutaaluk an old car or truck »
qamutaaluga tauqsiqsaa he bought my old

suppun rifle; gun supputaaluk an old gun » supputaaluni
tunimaraa he sold his old gun
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqit] tupaaluk an old tent » tupaalukput
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) igittaqput we threw away our old tent
utuqqaQ something old utuqqaaluk the real old one

b. examples with +aaluk so far restricted to bases with -VVq final, q→ġ
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puuġaaluk an old container »
container; a sac; a covering (e.g., young puuġaalugmik atuġiñ use an old container
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaġaaluk an old boat » umiaġaalugmik
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; paqittuagut we found an old boat
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
uniaq- [unigaq] to tow, drag, pull (it, uniaġaaluit old sled » uniaġaaluit atukkit
esp., sled or seal) by means of a rope use the old sled
around one's chest or over one's shoulder
c. examples with -gaaluk for bases with n final
qamun car, truck qamugaaluk an old car or truck »
qamugaaluga tauqsiqsaa he bought my old
suppun rifle; gun suppugaaluk an old gun » suppugaaluni
paqittaa he found his old gun
tiŋŋun airplane tiŋŋugaaluk an old airplane » tiŋŋugaaluk
tautuktaqpuk wed saw the old plane
d. idiomatic use indicates endearment
aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakaaluk grandmother
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aapaaluk grandfather
aapiyaq older brother aapiyaaluga my older brother
aŋak or aŋaaluk uncle aŋaaluga my dear uncle
ayak (Ti) or ayaaluk or atchaaluk ayaaluk paternal aunt
paternal aunt
illuq or illualuk cross-cousin; joking illualuk cross-cousin
iññaaluk son
nayak1 younger sister (of man) nayaaluk younger sister (of boy)
nuaġaaluk niece or nephew (of woman)
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaaluk younger sibling
nukaaluk younger sibling
*sakiq1 (root) sibling in-law sakialuk husband's sister

-ałłik- vv (limited) to V with abandon
nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one's hood up; nasaallik- or nasaałłik- (i) to have one's
(t) to put her/his hood up snow shirt hood slide off the parka hood
suka- (i) to be fast sukasaałłik- (i) to go, progress very fast
sukasaq- (i) to be going fast

¤+ałłIQ rv § -liQ nn, vn, rn

±anik-2 vv to have V-ed previously; to have already V-ed (weak i remains i)

+kanik- (restricted to verb stems ending in consonant t)
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiganik- (i) to have already arrived at home
aqpat-(i) to run (of a human) aqpatanik- or aqpatkanik- (i) to have
already ran
ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iiganik- (i) to have already swallowed it
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imianik- to have already drunk (it)
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide irianik- to have already hidden (it)
mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore, mamitanik- or mamitkanik- (i) to have
injured body part); (i) to fuse, come already healed (of a wound, sore, body
together part)
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to pilaanik- (i) to have already butchered a
butcher it = a carcass carcass; (t) to have already butchered it = a
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puuġanik- (i) to be already in a container;
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young (t) to have already placed it in a container
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaanik- to have already worked (on it); (t)
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; to have already prepared it = corpse for
(i) to be working, operating properly (of burial
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen supianik- to have already broken-up and
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out begun flowing (of river with ice); (t) to have
already blown it out
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaganik- or umiaġanik- (i) to have
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; already gone hunting in a boat as a crew for
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a sea mammals
whaling boat
uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it = food uuganik- (t) to have already tasted it
+aq- or -aq-1 or :aq-1 or ‘+aq-1 or ‘-aq-1 or ‘= aq-1vv (limited) to V repeatedly or to
prolong V-ing or being V § under +t/raġaq- vv; -q-1 vv, '-q- vv, +uq-2 vv

'-aq-2 or -aq-2 or +ggaaq- nv (limited use with body part names) to injure, damage the V
(usually some part of the body); to injure, damage his/its N (usually some part of the
body); to undo its N § '= I- nv, -urraaq- nv
examples with '-aq-
iqłak(-)1 hook used to fish or “snag” iqłaaq- to crack, split (of wood, fingernail);
burbot through ice; (i) to catch a burbot (t) to crack, split it = wood
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqquaq- (t) to slap her/him on the buttocks,
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts derriere once
(suit in cards)
iqsraq cheek iqsraaq- (t) to slap her/his cheek
isagak foot isikkaaq- to hurt (her/his/its) foot
isaġuq wing isaqquaq- to injure (her/his/its) wing
isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to think isummaaq- (t) to please her/him; to treat
her/him kindly, well; to do her/his will; to do
something he/she likes
naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to narraaq- (i) to have stomach or abdominal
have a full stomach, be full from eating pains
niaquq head, skull niaqquaq- to injure, hurt (her/his/its) head
nuluq buttock, back of the thigh under nulluaq-1 (i) to fall and hurt one’s buttocks
the buttocks
pamiuġayuk tailbone, sacrum pamiuġayyuaq- to injure (her/his/its)
qiŋarraaq or ¤qiŋaraq shinbone; qiŋarraaq- (i) to injure one’s shinbone; (t)
plateau, ridge which is flat on top; (Nu) to injure her/his shinbone
ridge that runs vertically down front of
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to talliaq- or taliurraaq- (i) to break one’s
the shoulder of the human body; hand of arm; (t) to break her/his arm
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance
siun ear siuttaaq- (i) to injure the ear; (t) to injure
her/his/its ear
examples with -aq-
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluaq-2 (i) to have diarrhea
(t) to surround her/him/it
kilu2 seam, stitch kiluaq- (i) to rip, become undone (of seam);
(t) to rip its seam
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; siitquaq- to injure (her/his/its) knee
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s
knee on it
suqqaq [suqqaQ] one piece of baleen suqqaaq- (t) to damage it = baleen by
cutting it badly when working on it, or while

extracting from whale
examples with +ggaaq- and -urraaq-
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaurraaq- (i) to break, injure one’s hand;
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use (t) to break, injure her/his hand
an ice scratcher (a tool made of seal
claws mounted in a wooden handle
used to simulate the scratching of a
seal to lure it to its breathing hole)
niu leg niuggaaq- to break (her/his/its) leg

-aq-3 nv, vv (limited) to become V or resemble a N § +[ġ]uq-1 nv, -ŋŋuq-2 nv

aaquk old woman aaquaq- to become an old woman
aġnaġuq- (i) to become a woman aġnaġuaq- (Ti) to become an old woman
aŋayuqak old man aŋayuqaaq- to become an old man
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviaqtaaq pink, something pink
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipitaq- (i) to mate, copulate (of animals);
(t) to become stuck during coitus (of
animals when mating)
suŋaq gall bladder suŋaaq- (i) to be green
supik- (t) to turn it sideways supiaq- to be a diagonal line
turġu- (i) to be thick (of fur or hair) turġuaq- to become longer and thicker, of
caribou fur
uquk(-) mold, mildew; to become moldy uquaq- (Nu) (i) to be blue, green

-aq-4 or ‘-aq-4 or +aq-4 nv nv (limited) to V via or using or involving a N > +[t]aq-2 nv

±aq1 or ‘-aq vn (limited) that which is being or has been V-ed; recipient, end product, or
result of V-ing § '-Q or ‘-.q vn , +qsraq vn, +t/raq vn
akiilaq(-) debt; to buy (it) on credit akiilaaq something free, without cost or
bought on credit
amaq- (t) to put her/him/it on one's back amaaq something or someone carried on
in order to to carry her/him/it one's back
aŋarraq- (t) to behead it = animal; (t) to aŋarraq or aŋarraaq a structure formed of
cross them = two upright poles near two poles crossed at a ninety degree angle
upper end near the upper end
akuqtuq- (t) to accept, acknowledge akuqtuaq(-)a resolution, a formal intent or
her/him/it; to adopt, accept it (of an opinion voted by an official body or
amendment, motion) formally and put assembly; anything or anyone accepted
into effect
akut- (t) to mix in, stir it in akutaq bread dough
anit- (t) to put, throw her/him/it out; (t) anitaq an outcast; one who has been sent
to expel her/him/it; (t) to place it outside; away, cast out
(t) to thrust it outside; (t) to begin it =
speech or song; (Ti) (t) to be carried out
to sea, drift out to sea
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpataq participant in a marathon run

representing one of several villages in a race
to the Kivgiq (Messenger Feast)
aqvaluq- (i) to be round aqvaluaq upperarm muscle
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igaaq boiled food, cooked food; food which
is being cooked
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to iglaaq traveller, newly arrived guest
be running, idling (of a machine/engine);
(t) to travel it = distance
iġisaq- or iġitchaq- to pluck (it = a dead iġisaaq plucked bird
bird); to remove (it) fur from a spring
iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; an iiguaq or uiguaq new ice attached to shore
additon; an attachment; an appendix; a ice (an addition to the previous edge)
suffix (e.g., ending or enclitic); (i) to
now be lengthened; (t) to lengthen,
extend it; (t) to add a suffix to it = word
iligrak(-) sunburn; a burn; scaly skin iligraaq browned, roasted flour
from sun or windburn; pimple; (t) to get
sunburned (of skin); to become scaly (of
skin from exposure to sun or wind)
iluli- (i) to create a cavity; to build an iluliaq bay
interior (for it)
imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) immuaq rolled rope (for the float)
to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it
up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into
a ball
iva- (i) to bear a litter; to whelp; lay eggs ivaaq young offspring of an animal
and sit on them; (Ti) to feed and care for
young (of animals); (t) to care for them=
kaat- (i) to be now split into two layers; kaataq maktak which has thick blubber
(t) to cut, slice it = walrus hide into two sliced off; block of hard snow for building a
layers to be used for boat cover; (Ti) (t) snow house
to slice it = layer of blubber from whale
skin, leaving the maktak; (i) to slice
blocks of snow for snow shelter
kammi- to make boots (for her/him); (t) kammiaq handmade boot
to make it = animal hide into boots
kiiraq- to crimp (it = boot sole) kiiraak pair of crimped soles

kiŋuvaq- (i) to move toward the rear; (t) kiŋuvaat inheritance; knowledge passed
to miss, be late for her/him/it down from ancestors;
kiŋuvaaq (Nu) descendant
kisit- (i) to be in the process of being kisisaq something included in the count
counted; to count; (t) to count them
kurri- to make a river, a rivulet of kurriaq drainage ditch

running water, as dripping water makes a
stream when flowing on (it, e.g., ice)
miquq- to sew (it) miquaq something sewn
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure nakuaq item loved, cherished
naliġak- (i) to make a choice, weighing naliġaaq chosen one
the possibilities; (i) to call for question
(in parliamentary procedure); (t) to
evaluate her/him/it in comparison to
napit- (i) to become snared, trapped; (i) napitaq animal caught in trap or snare
to become fastened; (t) to trap, snare it
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqitaq bread dough
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down
naqsik(-) pug nose; (i) to have a pug naqsiaq face mask, muffler used for
nose; (i) to wrinkle one’s nose; (i) to protection against extreme cold, usually
push one’s nose up, e.g., by running into made of wolf's tail or very thick winter
a taut rope; (t) to wrinkle one’s nose at caribou hide
nulik- [nulIk] to copulate with nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for animal); (t)
(her/him); (i) to mate (usu. of animals) to marry her; (i) to take a wife
nutaq- (t) to repair, renew it nutaaq something new, fresh
qaat- (t) to cut it = sod in thin pieces for qaataq thin piece of sod for house roof
house roof
qilak- to knit (it) qilaaq knitted item
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaaq job, work, employment; business;
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; piece of work; action taken
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
savigaq- (i) to cut baleen into thin strips savigaaq cut strip of baleen
(suitable for lashing and basket
weaving); (t) to strip it = baleen (for use
in making baskets, fishline, etc.)
tiglik- to steal (her/him/it) tigliaq stolen item
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguaq adopted child
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikisaq object or person reached or arrived
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it at » tikisani iñuit nalunirai he said that he
did not know the people that he came upon
uglivit- (t)to turn it inside out uglivitaq item turned inside out »
uglivitaŋa qairruŋ give me the one that he
turned inside out

-aq2 or '-aq2 or +aq2 or :aq2 or = aq2 nn, rn (limited) that related to the N or R § -iyaaq nn
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġvaaq newborn whale; whale calf
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form

aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale
(Balaena glacialis)
aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons, aippaaġu during the year after next
objects, seasons, years, or ages);
co-wife (woman with whom one
shares a husband)
akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of akuaq (Ti), (Nu) lower belly
garment; outer keel of an umiak frame;
board placed on one side of the keel of
an umiak frame; sheer line of kayaq; to
put a skirt on (her/him/it); to place the
two boards on either side of it = keel of
an umiak frame
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice alluaq seal's breathing hole, ice fishing hole
avalu(-) edge, rim; fence; ring around avałuaq (Nu) a wave formed on each side of
the sun or moon; wind shelter for tent; bow of ship as it moves through the water
(i) to be bordered, fenced in (this refers
only to the moment of completion of the
border or fence); (t) to fence her/him/it
in; (t) to put a border around it; (t) for a
ring to form around it = sun
igaliq skylight, window; seal net placed igalaaq skylight, window; four (at cards);
horizontally under a seal's breathing seal net
hole; (Nu) four (at cards)
iġñiq [iġñiQ] son iġñaaq core of wood, shoot of plant, heart
of tree
ikpaksraq yesterday; recent past ikpaksraaq a few days ago
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaaq patch, addition
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
imnaq1 high, steep cliff imnaaġuq cliff area which lies parallel to
the coast
iŋaluk sea mammal intestine; cleaned, iŋaluaq or iŋaluat small intestines of human
dried and stretched intestine of a and terrestrial mammals
bearded seal; raingear or window made
from the lining of bearded seal
iqaluk fish; (i) to catch a fish iqaluaqpak lake trout
irri severe, cold weather Irraasugruk February
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isualik type of hunting bow with straight

long stick ends; (Nu) bow with bent ends which are in
line with each other
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kavviaq red fox (Vulpes fulva)
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigiaq (Nu) beaver (Castor anadensis)
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
natatquq soft bone; cartilage; egg white natatquaq soft bone
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or naunġaq fresh plant
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to
nauniq(-) descendant; growth; (i) to be
nauyaq seagull nauyyaaq1 young gull
niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose niġlaaq gosling
(female) or gander (male)
nuġġaq calf (less than one year old) nuġġaaq newborn fawn
nuvuk pointed tip of anything nuvvuaġik- to have a sharp point
saatuquyak thin, flat stone (good for saatuquyaaq something flat
skipping on water); (Ti) flat bone
weight (used for bolas)
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit saunaaq eggshell
savilik (Ti) long shells with metal tip saviligaq .44 rifle
siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl.siksrigit] siksraaq young ground squirrel
arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus
parryi); (i) to kill an arctic ground
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; sitquaq knee cap, patella; rear flipper of
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get seal or walrus
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s
knee on it
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuaq incisor tooth
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior

-aq(-) or +aq(-) vn (limited) instrument or agent for V-ing or for the N

agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, or agiaq(-) a grindstone, whetstone; to rub,
cut (it) away with a file smooth or cut (it) away with a file; to
sharpen (it) with a grindstone
aksralik- or (Nu) aksralui- to roll (it) aksraligaq wheel, tire
away; (Nu) (i) to roll over and over,
tumble down
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaaq glove
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted in a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure

it to its breathing hole)
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaaq(-) patch on clothing; addition to a
name; companion, friend, partner; part of house; (t) to patch it; (t) to build an addition
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, on it = house
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakiaq hook at end of fish spear
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it
kiavsak- (i) to spin kiavsaaq spinning top (child’s toy)
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigiaq(-) (Nu) chisel; to chisel (it)
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to construct a nataaġnaq arctic flounder (Liopsetta
floor (on it) glacialis)
nataaq(-)(t) to attach a bottom to it
simik- (t) to plug it; (i) to be now simaaq gun wad (stuffed into shell on top of
plugged powder)
umik(-) cover, lid (Nu) (i) to collapse (of umigaq (Nu) cover of hard snow for pit trap
a house); to close the store (of owner); to
now be closed (of store); (t) to close it;
(Nu) (t) to trap it = bear in its den by
covering the entrance so it can be killed

-aqłuk nn (limited) an undesireable or not in prime condition N | perhaps -aq2 nn

-qłuk(-) vv, nn § -aluk nn
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuaqłuk a person who does not conform to
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to the norm; a person who mistreats others and
surprise her/him/it is therefore shunned
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamaaqłuk non-dressy shoe, everyday shoe
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
nasautaq(-) hat, cap; (i) to put a hat or nasautaaqłuk old worn out hat
cap on; (t) to put a hat or cap on
niqi food, meat niqaaqłuk old meat
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suaqłuk trash, something unusable, of no
(t) to do what to her/him/it value

-aqqIq (limited) item of the N | see -qqiq

-aqsI- vv to be about toV; to begin toV and continue toV

+kaqsI- (restricted to verb stems which end in t)
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatkaqsi- (i) to be about to run; (i) to

begin running and continue to run
atuq- to sing (it) atuaqsi- (i) to be about to sing; (i) to begin
singing and continue to sing » makitiqami
atuaqsiruq standing up, she began to sing
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kataaqsi- (i) to be about to drop; (i) to drop
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or and continue to drop
passageway); (i) to fall off
miquq- to sew (it) miquaqsi- to be about to sew (it); to begin
and continue to sew (it) » aquvitiqami
miquaqsiruq sitting herself down, she
began to sew
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiaqsi- to be about to eat (it); to begin
eating and continue to eat » niġiaqsirugut
we are going to begin eating

-aqsimmipkaq- vv (plus affirmative subordinative endings) just when she/he/it is about

to V (anther she/he/it begins to V)
+kaqsimmipkaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in t)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiaqsimmipkaqługu just when she/he/it is
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it about to enter » aŋaayyuliqsi
inside, to place it inside isiaqsimmipkaqługu sugiaqtarraqsiruq
nipatutilauramisun he began to swear as
loud as he could, just as the preacher was
about to enter
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikitkaqsimmipkaqługu just when she/he/it
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it is about to arrive » tikitkaqsimmipkaqługu
tiŋŋun qamun kalvittuq mitchaaġviŋmun
just when the plane is due to arrive, the car
got stuck on the runway
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaaqsimmipkaqłuŋa just as I was about to
leg-hold trap which when stepped on begin speaking » uqaaqsimmipkaqłuŋa
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep quiqsualarraqsiruq he began to cough
talking to her/him for the purpose of uncontrollably and loudly, just as I was
advising her/him on the proper way to about to begin talking

-ataq-1 or -lġataq-1 vv toV for a long time § -atavIk- vv

qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñaataq- or qiñilġataq- to stare at
(her/him/it) for quite a while
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it = siñaataq- or siñilġataq- (i) to sleep for a
day sleeping long time
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaataq- or uqalġataq- (i) to talk for a
leg-hold trap which when stepped on trips long time
the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep talking to
her/him for the purpose of advising

her/him on the proper way to live
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) utaqqiataq- or utaqqilġataq- to wait a long
time for (her/him/it)

+ataq-2 vv to finally or without fanfare V

+ataq- (restricted to verb stems which end in k or q)
-lġataq-2 (restricted to verb stems which end in t or a vowel)
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home ailġataq- to finally arrive home
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuġataq- (i) to experience a hallucination,
astounded, to marvel supernatural event without conjuration
itiq- (i) to wake up itiġataq- (i) to finally wake up » qaŋa
itiġataqpa when did he finally wake up
naat- (i) to now be complete; (t) to naalġatgaq- to finally finish (it) » qaŋa
finish, complete it naalġataqpauŋ when did she finally finish
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautugataq- (t) to finally see her/him/it »
akku tautugataġiga I finally saw her a
while ago
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikilġataq- (i) to finally arrive; (t) to finally
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it reach her/him/it » uniaġaqtuat
tikilġataqtut the ones who went by dogsled
finally arrived
tilak- to mop or scrub (it = large surface tilagataq- to finally scrub (it = large
area) surface area) » uvlaaq tilagataqtuaŋa I
finally scrubbed the floors this morning
uqallak- (i) to speak uqallagataq- (i) to finally speak »
uqallagataqtuam tupaktittaatigut the one
who spoke so unexpectedly, startled us

+atavIk- vv to continue V-ing | -vik- vv § +lġatavIk- vv

+lġatavIk- (restricted to verb stems which end in t or a vowel)
+atavIk- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in q or k)
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpalġatavik- (i) to continue running »
aqpalġataviksuaq tautuktaqput we saw
the one who is running and had been for a
long while
qanaaq- to quarrel (with her/him) qanaaġatavik- (i) to continue to quarrel »
qanaaġataviksuak aŋuravuk wed caught
themd while they were still arguing

-atchak- vv (limited) to begin to V | perhaps -a-2 vv +t-2 vv +sak- vv § -rraqsI- vv,

-tchak- nv
aqpaliġaq- (i) to run to and fro aqpaliġaatchak- (i) to begin to run to and
fro » aqpaliġaatchaktut tautukkamirruŋ
they began to run to and fro when they saw

ilimasuk- (i) to be apprehensive, ilimasuatchak- (i) to become apprehensive,
suspicious suspicious » ilimasuatchakpata
aniyumautin if they become suspicious,
qalġuq- (i) to make its characteristic call qalġuatchak- (i) to begin to make its
(of animal) characteristic call (of animal)

-atchiaq- nv to go and ask for, borrow N from another household § attaqsi-

aŋuun short oar, paddle; one of paired aŋuutaatchiaq- (i) to go borrow an oar »
fins on a fish, especially a pectoral or aŋuutaatchiaġiñ Aaŋamiñ go borrow an
pelvic fin oar from Aaŋa
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add avuatchiaq- (i) to go and borrow sugar »
sugar to something one is eating or avuatchiaqtuuraġiñ go quickly and borrow
drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an some sugar
ingredient to it
niqi food, meat niqaatchiaq- (i) to go and ask for meat
which one is out of »
niqaatchiaġniaqtuŋa qagmuŋa I will go
and ask for some meat from our neighbors
piatchiaq- (i) to go and ask for something
which one is out
qamun car, truck qamutaatchiaq- (i) to borrow a car »
qamutaatchiaqqaaqłunuk aullaqtuaguk
we left after we borrowed a car
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suatchiaq- (i) to go and borrow something
(t) to do what to her/him/it t » suatchiaġutivauŋ what has he gone to get
for her

-atchiaq nn (limited) a different version, manifestation of N

aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakatchiaq elder sister
aaquk aaquluk old woman aaquluatchiaq little old woman
aquaksraq old woman aaquaksraatchiaq little old lady
aŋayuqak aŋayuqaksraq (nu) old man; aŋayuqaksraatchiaq little old man
(Nu) arctic char
akłunaaq [akłunaraq] or (Ti) aglunaaq akłunaatchiaq (Nu) or (Ti) aglunaatchiaq
harpoon line, rope (originally of animal braided rope used by hunters; (Ti) string
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋugaatchiaq old man
apqun road, street, trail apqugaatchiat sidewalk
katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble; katinġaatchiak newly married couple
(i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; (t) to
gather them together; (t) to harvest it =
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary kuugaatchiaq stream linking lake to river

-atchiaq(-) vn, vv (limited) to V making a special effort, or splendidly
aniraġaq- (i) to go in and out aniraġaatchiaq- (Ti) (i) to play a game
where one jumps through one's arms with
hands clasped in front
aqsraq- to kick (her/him/it) repeatedly aqsraatchiaq(-) high kick competition; to
participate in “aqsraatchiaq”
argaun wrist; ice scratcher used by seal argaugaatchiaq(-) game in which a
hunters jumping rope is turned by two people while
a third person jump the twirling rope; (i) to
participate in “argaugaatchiaq”
avluġaq- (i) to take steps repeatedly, avluġaatchiaq(-) broad jump; to participate
walk in “avluġaatchiaq”
kirrak- (i) to be lukewarm (of liquid) kirratchiaq- (i) to be sunny weather
qilamiqsruq- to hurry (her/him/it) up qilamiqsruatchiaq- (i) to hurry, rush
qulvaq- or qurvaq- (i) to move further qulvaukatchiaq- (i) to walk in a bouncy
into the room away from the door; (i) to manner
roll one’s sleeves up; (t) to move
her/him/it further into a room away from
the door

¤-atkun (limited) nn item involving the N

siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on siñaatkun (Ti) felt trim on top on boot
bottom edge or cuffs of parka

-ayaa- vv (limited) to V en masse § -a-1 vv

-yaa- (restricted to bases with -VV(C) final syllable)
a. examples with -ayaa-
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquviayaa- (i) to sit down en masse; (t) to
down on it sit down on her/him/it en masse
iki- or iku- (i) to position or place ikuayaa- (i) to board en masse
oneself into a container or a conveyance;
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiayaa- (i) to enter en masse
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikiayaa- (i) to arrive or reach one’s
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it destination or goal en masse; (t) to reach it
= one’s destination en masse
b. examples with -yaa-
ikaaq- to go across (it) ikaayaa- (i) to go across en masse
niu- [ni u] (i) to get out of a conveyance niuyaa- (i) to disembark en masse
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out
of a conveyance or a container
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiyaa- (i) to come en masse

-ayaaq1 nn (limited) a juvenile N; a person of mixed race
-iyaaq (used with nouns which end in a k, Q or n)
(Nu) aatchausiayaaq nestling, newly
hatched bird
aguummak or aguummaq woven aguummaayaaġiik twins [lit. the onesd of
basket the same basket]
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaiyaaq girl (pre-teen); a female human
queen (suit in cards) baby
aniqqammiaq newborn; infant (human aniqqammiayaaq newborn; infant (human
or animal) or animal)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutaiyaaq boy (pre-teen); a male human
aqaluk (Ti) fish aqaluayaaq (Ti) sardine
asiaq(-) [asi aq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiayaaq (Ti) raisin
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries
iġñiq [iġñiQ] son iġñiayaaq stillborn child
nanuq polar bear (Ursus maritimus) nanuayaaq polar bear cub
napaaqtuq tree, spruce tree napaaqtuayaaq vine
natchiq(-) [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiayaaq infant seal
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piayaaq young animal, baby animal
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to
her/him; an entity
Puksripak black person puksripaiyaaq person who is part black
qaqqulaaq pilot bread; a large, hard, flat qaqquliayaaq (Ti) cookie; soda cracker
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuayaaq(-) new ice, young ice on water;
icy to have new ice, young ice (of water)
Taaqsipak African American person; Taaqsipaiyaaq person who is part black
black person
Tanik Caucasian person; white person Taniayaaq person who is part white
tuttuġluk (Ti) pig; pork, bacon tuttuġluayaaq (Ti) corned beef
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugruayaaq young bearded seal
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvluayaaq(-) dawn; to begin the first light
light (of day) of day

-ayaaq2 nn a member or employee of N (used in combination with -tkuk/t; or -miu)

Aaŋatkut family of the man, Aaŋa Aaŋatkuayaaq a member of the family of
the man, Aaŋa »
Aaŋatkuayaak nukatpiak tautuktaka I
saw the two young men of Aaŋa's family
North Slope Borough-tkut the North Slope Borough-tkuayaaq an
institution of the North Slope Borough employee of the North Slope Borough »

North Slope Borough-tkuayaat
savaŋitchut uvlupak the North Slope
Borough employees are not working today

-ayuuq vn (limited) one that Vs; one that resembles a V-ing or causes a V-ing; one
resembling a N | -yuk vn perhaps-.q-1 vv
aqpaqsruq- (i) to run very fast aqpaqsruayuuq sanderling (Crocethia
alba); red-breasted merganser; red necked
grebe (Mergus serrator)
avaala- (i) to yell avaalaayuuq one who is always making
irritating, crying noises
aviŋŋaq or (Ti) (PB) aviñŋaq aviŋŋaurayuuq (Nu) insect with long snout
[aviŋŋaQ] or aviñŋauraq lemming
(Lemmus sibiricus);
iksrik- (i) to bend over with one's iksriktaayuuq spotted sandpiper (Actitis
buttocks in the air; (t) to bend over with macularia); yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)
one's buttocks raised towards her/him/it
in jest; to "moon" her/him/it
iraiyaq- (t) to remove its eyes iraiyayuuq shrike (Lanius excubitor)
mavrayuuq moth
qayuuttaaq pine grosbeak (Pinicola qayuuttaayuuq slate-colored junco (Junco
enucleator) hyemalis)
quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces quvluayuuq fabric with striped pattern
timmaala- (i) to have a rumbling or timmaallaayuuq (Nu) long stone used with
buzzing sound in one's ear; (i) to make a sling, which makes a whirring sound
whirring sound
uviñŋuayuuq (Nu) lesser yellowlegs
(Tringa flavipes)

+[g]aaq or ~[g]aaq nn (limited) one involving or having an association with N §

-ligaaq(-) nn
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglagaaq design, pattern, stripe
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i)
to vote by secret ballot
apqun road, street, trail apqugaatchiat sidewalk
atittuġun tusk-shaped design strip on atittuġutiligaaq parka with tusk-shaped
front and back of parka yoke design strips on front and back of yoke
iġviaq tanned leather iġvialigaak slippers or moccasins with soft,
tanned leather soles
Ipnalik (Nu) old style woman's parka ipnaligaaq (nu) old style woman's parka
with tails with tails
iri [dual irrak] eye irgaaq(-) monocle; to put eyeglasses on

isiġvik parka ruff isiġvikpagaaq(-) woman’s parka hood face
ruff of wolf sewn around wolverine fur sewn
on bleached seal skin; (i) to wear a parka
with an isiġvikpagaaq
ivik or ivigaaq blade of grass; grass; sedge
kanak length of human leg from crotch (Nu) kanagaaq shin bone, shank, shin, tibia,
to heel, inner leg; inseam lower leg
kanayuq sculpin, fourhorn slimy kanayuġaałik [pl.kanayuġaałigIt] (Nu)
(Myoxocephalus quadricornis Cottus small freshwater fish
manu upper front of shirt or parka manusiñiligaaq a parka with two tusk
design white strips on front of parka yoke
niġrutiġuq- (i) to become an animal (of niġrutiġuġaaq one capable of turning into
a human) an animal
ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract (of eye); uligaaq shawl or cape
(i) to cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to
cover her/him/it with a blanket

~[g]ak or -[g]ak nn (limited) that associated with N; final suffix of some nouns
iri [dual irrak] eye irgaak or irgak a pair of eyeglasses;
goggles; (Ti) wooden snow goggles
isik [pl. itkIt] leg skin of caribou isigak or isigait foot (appendage)
algak (Ti) finger
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to dig
(in it) with hands or paws; to use an ice
scratcher (a tool made of seal claws mounted
on a wooden handle used to simulate the
scratching of a seal to lure it to its breathing
qatik breast of bird qatigak front part of animal with rib cage
and surrounding parts
qau qau call of a duck qaugak duck
tatirgak lesser sandhill crane (Grus

-gaq- vv (limited) to V using the means provided by the N or the action indicated by the V §
+[t]aq-2 nv, -t/raġaq- or -aġaq- or +aq-1 vv, +[ġ]aq- vv
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akigaq- to bear, carry (it,e.g., a bucket) from
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; both sides (of more than one person); to
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side bear, carry (it) on or across one’s shoulders,
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond, e.g.,with a yoke
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but

perhaps amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, amigaq- (i) to be insufficient
slim, slender
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a ipugaq- to push or propel (it = usu., a boat
handle to it or raft) with a long pole and travel; to turn,
move a boat with an oar (by pushing); (i) to
use ski poles to gain speed
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakivyugaun small sharp side pain, "stitch"
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it when running
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kaligaq- to snag and drag (it) accidentally
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katagaq- (i) to fall, drop one by one; (t) to
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or drop them one by one
passageway); (i) to fall off
kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; (t) kiligaq- to scrape fat off a skin; to scrape
to scrape it = fat from something, e.g., baleen to desired size
intestine; (t) to scrape it = inner layer off
of skin
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and nivigaq- to be lingering, standing around
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = bait something or someone
or food) (of game animal); to flock
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds,
mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to cling,
adhere to her/him/it
tiġii- (i) to try not to make noise while tiġiigaq- (i) to stalk an animal, crouching; (t)
doing something, e.g., a hunter stalking to stalk it = animal, crouching

+gasugi- or +gasuga- vv to think that § +k/gasugi- vv

-gauraq nn,vn (limited) one (usually a smaller version) possessing the qualities of N |
perhaps +[ġ]aq vn, nn :uraq nn
aliitkun pastime, hobby, entertainment aliitkugauraq source of pleasure, that which
makes one happy; affectionate term for
someone who makes one happy
aŋmagauraq (Nu) smelt
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋugauraq small boy
atuun song; record; piece of music atuugauraq fast Iñupiaq dance song
avatalik (Ti) snow bunting, snowbird avataligauraq snow bunting, snowbird
ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor- igniligauraq inboard motor boat
driven ship
illak- (i) to become tangled up, mixed illagauraq (siku) ice which has begun to
up; (t) to tangle it up melt and although solid, is spongy and
ilulik container; something with an inner iluligauraq bowl
part; great grandchild
imġun a supply of water; drinking glass; imġugauraq a small supply of water; water
water pitcher cup

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñugaq or iñugauraq or (Ti) iñugaŋŋuaq
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to digit (finger or toe) one of the four small
surprise her/him/it toes; metatarsal bone
iñuqułłik or (Ti) iñuqullik dwarf; iñuqułłigauraq or iñuqułłik or (Ti)
legendary "little person" iñuqullik dwarf; legendary "little person"
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalugauraq small fish
catch a fish
isivruġaq metal spring, mattress spring; ¤isivraagauraq(-) (Nu) trap spring; (i) to be
pointed rods of baleen, approximately wound (of trap spring)
six inches in length (the baleen rods are
doubled up, wrapped in meat or fat and
frozen; when swallowed by a wolf or
bear they straighten out, thus piercing
the stomach and causing death)
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakkigauraq small safety pin, straight pin
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kappun or kappugauraq hypodermic
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce needle; lancet, small knife for bloodletting;
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an bodkin, small dagger; spear
injection to her/him/it
kuuk [kuruk] river kuugaluk or kuugauraq or kuuġuuraq
stream, creek
makkaqpalik one with a big diaper makkaqpaligauraq (Ti) wild baby
nuqaqtilik stringed instrument, guitar nuqaqtiligauraq violin
piu- (i) to be “it”; (i) to be the “one” piugauraq food that is set aside for special
(during the playing of a game) occasions or for someone special
puyyuun tweezers puyyuugaurak tweezers
qallun cup, dipper, ladle; bailer; water qallugauraq cup
qalugauraq (Nu) a rounded muscle like the
qauqqiñ boom of sailboat qauqqigauraq (Nu) gaff of sailboat
qiġñiq- (i) to be black, dark qiġñiqtulik or (Nu) qiġñiqtuligauraq sheep
about three years old (with black stubs on
medium-sized horns)
qilaun drum used in Iñupiaq dancing qilaugauraq (Ti) eardrum
sakiaguraq or sakiagauraq (Nu) low-
growing plant found among rocks
saquuq- (i) to turn or swerve repeatedly, saquuppilugauraq rickrack (sewing, fabric
to meander, to weave to and fro, to trim)
sigguk(-) one mandible of bird beak; siggukpaligauraq [lit., “one with a big
muzzle, mouth area; (i) to thrust one’s beak”] dunlin (Erolia alpina)
lips out, showing displeasure; (i) to pout;
(t) to swell when cold (of lips)
simmaun substitute simmaun or simmiun or simmaugauraq

deuce (at cards)
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takkun or takkugauraq pupil of eye
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the hospital;
(t) to check on it
uqpIk willow (Salix) uqpigauraq (Nu) medium-sized willow
utkusik or ukkusik cooking pot utkusigauraq or ukkusigauraq tin can

+gayaq- vv would V § +k/gayaq- vv

-ggaaq- nv (limited use with body part names) to injure, damage the V (usually some part
of the body); to injure, damage herhis/its N (usu. some part of the body); to undo its N
§ '-aq-2 nv

= ggun nn,vn (limited) the means, cause or the reason for V-ing; or result of V-ing §
+un1 or +uti1 vn

+[g]i- or :[g]i- nv, rv, vv (limited) (t) to have her/him/it for one's N; rv to feel V towards it;
to think, consider her/him/it to be V; for the object to be V for the subject
agliq- (Ti) (i) to menstruate agliġi- (t) to avoid her/him/it in
(menstruating women were seen as accordance with taboo, e.g., avoidance
taboo and isolated; the word agliq- in of an ill person
turn is associated with other terms
relating to taboo)
aglu(-) coating or layer put on underside aglugi- (t) to run over her/him/it with a
of sled runner (usually made of hard vehicle
wood, whale jaws, or metal); whale
jawbone; (t) to put a coating or layer on
bottom of sled runners
aġlik- (t) to leave behind a portion of a aġligi- to feel bad at being unable to take
load part of her/his/its load
aliuġun one held in awe aliuġutigi- (t) to be in awe of her/him/it
alla another one, different one; allagi- (t) to feel or sense that she/he/it is
something strange different, changed, unfamiliar or
allayuaq- (i) to feel shy, bashful among allayuaġi- (t) to feel uneasy because of
strangers (of small children); to feel her/him/it, not knowing what to expect; to
uneasy, apprehensive in an unfamiliar feel uncomfortable with someone unfamiliar
situation; to see something strange,
different from what one has seen before,
to see something unrecognizable, have a
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayagi- (t) to be wary of her/him/it or to
feel concern for her/him
*anmik feeling of superiority anmigi- to feel one is more capable than
another; to feel that one can beat another in

aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋigi- to be too big for her/him/it
*aŋŋi (root) denial aŋŋigi- to deny knowledge of it
*apiq (root) inquiry apiġi- to ask her/him
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqigi- to be too soft for her/him/it
bite or touch
aqpik-1 (i) to find an object or a task not aqpigi- (t) to find his/her/its presence
entirely desirable; (i) to not want to carry undesirable; (t) to not want her/him/it along
a heavy load in one’s boat or sled and send her/him/it away
*attaq (root) unapproachable, attaġi- (t) to consider her/him to be
intimidating unapproachable, intimidating; to hesitate to
ask a favor of her/him; (Ti) (i) to not expect
to live; (t) to not expect her/him to live
because of a serious illness
avilaitqan friend avilaitqatigi- (t) to be her/his/its friend
*iglik (root) loveable, endearing, cute, igligi- to express or show affection or
cuddly endearment for her/him/it
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglugi- to be his/her house
build a structure over it
iġlik- (i) to be selfish, stingy iġligi- to be selfish, stingy about her/him/it
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłigi- (t) to desire, covet it
*ikpik source of discomfort ikpigi- to feel slight pain from it
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaġi- to recognize her/him/it
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ilitchuġi- to become aware, cognizant of
her/his ways, habits; (t) to learn it (her/him/it); (t) to become acquainted with
*iñaviq (root) a hindrance iñaviġi- (t) to hinder, slow her/him down
ilak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside with a ilakługi- t) to swipe, shove, throw it/them
sweeping motion around and leave it/them in disorder
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilagi- (t) to include, to have her/him/it as a
name; companion, friend, partner; part of member or a relative
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ilunŋu- (i) to feel compassion; (i) to ilunŋugi- (t) to feel sorry for her/him/it
have abdominal pains
iłuit- or iluit- (i) to not be correct, not iłuigi- to find it ill-fitting, inappropriate, not
proper, not right right
ipkit- to be dull, blunt, not sharp (of ipkigi- to be too dull for her/him/it
knife, axe, etc.
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqigi- (t) to feel that she/he has no initiative
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of
eagerness, unwillingness
*kama (root) awe, respect kamagi- (t) to obey, honor her/him/it; (t) to

be overwhelmed, awed by her/him/it; (t) to
be amazed, impressed by her/him, especially
by an action she/he has performed
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋugi- to be ashamed of her/him/it
embarrassment; feeling of shyness
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger kappiagi- to feel worried for her/him; to feel
that you do not want her/him= your
companion, relative, etc. to leave
kasimman purpose of a meeting; reason kasimmatigi- (t) to hold a meeting about
for holding a meeting her/him/it
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviġi- to think it is too red
kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy; (i) kayumigi- to like the food
to be appetizing, palatable (of food)
kaviuq- (i) to covet, desire, long for kaviuġi- to covet, desire her/him/it
someone or something strongly; (t) to
covet, desire it
killuq [killuQ] wrong one killuġi- to oppose him/her/it
*kipa (root) source of one’s hilarity, kipagi- (t) to mock, tease, make fun of
teasing her/him; (t) to hold contempt for her/him; (t)
kipaun one mocked to scorn her/him/it
kipautigi- to mock him/her/it
*kipiq (root) desire for an optimun kipiġi- to be anxious, persistent about doing
outcome or obtaining it
malik- to follow, accompany maliġi- (t) to follow her/him/it
*maluka (root) inferior malukagi- to feel that what she/he has done
is of inferior quality
*mamia (root ) feeling of distress, mamiagi- to have hurt feelings, be offended
offense by her/his criticism or scolding
*miġvi (root) dislike miġvigi- (t) (Nu) to dislike her/him
miki- (i) to be small mikigi- to be too small for her/him/it
*misik (root) expectation of a misigi- to be expecting her/him/it
*munaq (root) caretaking munaġi- to watch over her/him/it
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, nagligi- to feel sorry, compassionate towards
sympathy, pity her/him/it
naġġu- (i) to dislike, not want, reject, naġġugi- to not want her/him/it; to reject
refuse something her/him/it
nakuaġi- (t) to love, like him/her/it
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight naligi- to be equal to her/him in ability
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope,
Alaska; price
*nigvik (root) vertical alignment nigvigi- to be in line with her/him/it
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikagi- to have no confidence in her/him/it
others; to be still, silent; (i) to be a

non-participant due to one's
embarrassment, lack of confidence or
fear of authority
nipatu- (i) to be noisy, loud nipatugi- (t) to find her/him/it too loud, too
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunagi- (t) to be her/his/its land; (t) to be a
territory, a citizen’s nation-state citizen of it = country
*nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness, nuyuaġi- (t) to be wary, afraid of her/him/it
*paquq (root) contamination, taboo paquġi- (t) to shun her/him= sick person,
for fear of being contaminated; (t) to regard
her/him/it with fear or caution
piluk- (i) to be a bad person; (i) to be of pilugi- (t) to dislike her/him/it
poor quality
piqpak- (i) to make a fuss; (t) to fuss piqpagi- (t) to love her/him/it dearly
over her/him/it
*qaunak (root) carefulness qaunagi- (t) to watch over, take care of
her/him/it; (i) to be on the alert for her/him/it
quiñi- [quiñI] or quivsit- or (Ti) quiñigi- (t) to think she/he/it is too fat
quivtit- (i) to be fat
qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) to qutchigi- (t) to think or feel that it is too
be in a high position (physically or job- high
saŋiak- (i) to be sexually jealous saŋiagi- (t) to be sexually jealous of her/him
sapiq- (t) to not do it = task feeling that sapiġi- (t) to feel that it = task is impossible
it is impossible or too formidable to even or so formidable that one does not even try
attempt; (t) to be fearful, wary of
sigña- (i) to refuse to share, be stingy sigñagi- or (Nu) sikñagi- (t) to refuse to
share, be stingy with her/him/it
sivuuġa- (i) to be apprehensive, afraid of sivuuġagi- (t) to be afraid to face her/him/it,
being blamed or reprimanded be apprehensive of her/him/it, to anticipate
her/him/it with reluctance, anxiety, or alarm
*taluq (root) sterness, intimidating taluġi- (t) to feel that she/he is
unapproachable; (t) to feel submissive
toward her/him; (t) fear her/his wrath; (t) to
be unable to assert oneself against her/him
umiaq(-) [umi aq] a boat; (i) to go umiaġi- (t) for it to be her/his boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
uŋasik- (i) to be far away; (t) to be far uŋasigi- (t) to think she/he/it is too far away
away from her/him/it
uquuttaq windbreak uquuttaġi- (t) to use it for a windbreak
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumigi- (t) to hate, dislike her/him

+[g]iik(-) nn, nv a relationship where one or several has another as her/his/its/their N; (i)
to have a relationship where one or several has another as her/his/its/their N
aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakagiik mother and child
aakagiik- to be mother and child
aapiyaq older brother aapiyaġiik older brother and sibling
aatauraq older sister aatauraġiik older sister and sibling
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akigiik- (i) to be across from each other;
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; opponents
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
aniqan sibling aniqatigiit siblings
aniqatigiik- to be siblings
aŋak or aŋaaluk uncle aŋagiik uncle and nephew or uncle and
aŋayuqaaq parent aŋayuqaaġiit a family
atchak aunt atchagiik aunt and nephew or niece
avilaitqan friend avilaitqatigiik two friends
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilagiit relatives
name; companion, friend, partner; part of ilagiik- to be related
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of iglugiik(-) paired items; (i) to be a pair
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
iññaq (Nu) appearance, demeanor, iññaġiik(-) similar items; (i) for two things
condition to be alike
kapit- (i) to be tight-fitting; (t) to fit an kapitaaġiik- to be inside the other
outer piece over an inner one, e.g.,
snowshirt over parka;
kapitak (Ti) outer fur parka
kayyaaq, (Nu) katyaaq intersection, kayyaaġiik two roads or rivers which
fork, crossroads, junction of two rivers; intersect
branch of a river
kiŋuġaqłiq one furtherest behind kiŋuġaqłiġiik(-) a pair with one behind the
other; (i) to be in line, one behind the other
malik- to follow, accompany maligiik- (i) to be close in age (of siblings)

naammak- (i) to be of the right amount naammiaġiik(-) beings or objects of the
or size, to fit right; (i) to be adequate, same size; (i) to be of the same size (of two
enough or more beings or objects)
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaġiik siblings; brother and sister
nukaaluk younger sibling
qalliq(-) outermost part, top part, qalliġiik(-), (Nu) qalliġIk- two things lying
topmost one; (i) to be now covered; (t) to one on top of the other; (i) to lie one on top
cover, top her/him/it with something of the other
sakiġatchauraq a new new brother-in- sakiġatchauraġiik relationship where one
law or a son-in-law or the other is a brother-in-law or a
saniġaqłiq something to the side, one by saniġaqłiġiik(-) the beings or objects side by
one's side side; (i) to be situated side by side
surratigiik- (i) to have influence over each
tuvaaqan companion, mate, partner, tuvaaqatigiik man and wife
spouse tuvaaqatigiik- to be man and wife
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumigiik- (i) to be in conflict, be enemies,
to hate each other

+[g]iiksit- nv (i) to enter into a relationship where one or several has another as her/his or
their N; (t) to cause them to enter into a relationship where one or several has another as
her/his or their N | +[g]iik(-) nn, vn +sit- vn
akilliq opponent, competitor; opposite; akilliġiiksit- to become opponents now
enemy; (Nu) side platform in sod house
(one of two platforms opposite each
ilaaluq partner ilaaluġiiksit- to become partners
tuvaaqan companion, mate, partner, tuvaaqatigiiksit- to get married

+[g]iilI- nv (i) to have one's N deteriorate; (t) to impair, damage or cause to deteriorate
her/his/its N
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġiili- to lose one’s beauty (of a woman)
queen (suit in cards)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutigiili- (i) to become less handsome; (t)
to render or make him less handsome »
aŋutigiiligaa kivramaqłukługu he looks
terrible with the awful haircut she gave him
irrusiq behavior, appearance irrusiġiili-(i) to become irrational from
worrying too much
kigun tooth kigutigiili- (i) to develop a toothache »
kigutigiiliruami unnuaq I developed a
toothache last night
mapkuq bearded seal skins sewn mapkuġiili- for the mapkuq to become
together and used for blanket toss at “loose, no longer taut” during the

Nalukataq “whaling festival” Nalukataq “whaling festival”
savausiq quality of workmanship savausiġiili- to have the quality of work

+[g]iit- nv (i) to have a bad N; to have pain in one’s N | +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 vv

iri [dual irrak] eye irigiit- (i) to have poor eyesight
irrusiq behavior, appearance irrusiġiit- (i) to have a bad disposition
niaquq head, skull niaquġiit- (i) to have a headache
niu leg niugiit- (i) to have a lame leg
qamun car, truck qamutigiit- (i) to have a car, truck which
runs poorly
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal savigiit- (i) to have a dull knife

+[g]Ik- nv to have a good N or be a N with good attributes

aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakagik- (i) to have a wonderful mother
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġik- (i) to be pretty, attractive (of a
queen (suit in cards) woman)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutigik- (i) to be a handsome man
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argagik- (i) to have beautiful hands
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamigik- (i) to have a pair of beautiful boots
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kilu2 seam, stitch kilugik- (i) to be a skilled seamstress
niqi food, meat niqigik- (i) to be tasty and tender (of meat)
qiññaq appearance qiññaġik- (i) to look good and pleasing to
the eye

+[g]iksaq- nv (limited) to fix, make nice, make presentable or beautify a N | +[g]Ik- nv

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġiksaq-(i) to put make-up on; (t) to put
queen (suit in cards) make-up on her
aŋun adult male human, man aŋutigiksaq- (i) to groom oneself; (t) to
groom him
kigun tooth kigutigiksaq- (i) to brush one’s teeth
qavlu eyebrow qavlugiksaq- (i) to pluck one’s eyebrows;
(t) to pluck her eyebrows

+giññaaq item easily V-ed § msiññaaq vn

-giññaq- vv to V once; to merely, only V § msiññaq-1 vv

+[g]ipasaŋIt- nv to not have it for one’s N for very long | +[g]i- nv *pasaq vv ±ŋIt- vv
aimaaġvik or aimmivik home aimaaġvigipasaŋit- (t) to not have it for a
home for long
savaaq job, work, employment; savaaġipasaŋit- (i) to not have it for a job
business; piece of work; action taken for long

+gisi- vv indicates that the action will be done in the future § +k/gisi- vv

-glI- vv to become V; to be V-ed § -kłI- vv

+[g]luk(-) nn, nv (limited) a rough version of a N; to be or have the rough or undesireable

version of N § +luk(-)1 nv ‘-ġluk- vn, ‘-qłuk1 nn; -kłuk-vv; -łuk(-)1 nn -pałłuk- vv
amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiġluk(-) chapped skin, scab; (i) to
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to be rough, chapped (of skin); (i) to be
put a hide covering on it = boat or scarred (of skin); (i) to form a scab;
kayak frame (Nu) old tree bark
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; argagluk- (i) to have unhealthy or
hand; to dig (in it) with hands or chapped hands
paws; to use an ice scratcher (a
tool made of seal claws mounted
on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal
to lure it to its breathing hole)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññuġluk- or (Ti) iñugluk- (i) to be a bad
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to person
surprise her/him/it
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; imaġluk- (Ti) (i) to be rough,
non-potable water; lake; sea, choppy (of body of water)
ocean; lagoon; (t) to moisten it =
animal hide to ready it for
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigagluk- (i) to have foul smelling
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isugluk end of a bone, loaf of bread, etc; (Ti)
long stick end of loaf of bread, etc.
isuŋŋaq [isuŋŋaQ] long-tailed jaeger isuŋŋaġluk or isuŋŋaaluk pomarine jaeger
(Stercorarius longicaudus) (Stercorarius pomarinus)
ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) to ivaluġluk (Ti) whale sinew
thread it
kilu2 seam, stitch kilugluk- (i) to sew uneven or big
stitches, to be sewn with uneven or
big stitches
manu upper front of shirt or parka manuġluk(-) or (Ti) manuġli(-) frost from
breath; (i) to become frosted from breath

(of parka ruff)
nausaaq(-) omen or sign; a good luck nausaaġluk(-) bad sign or omen; (i) to have
sign; (i) to receive, experience an omen; a bad sign or omen
(Nu) (i) to experience a good sign, omen
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunagluk(-) rough terrain; (i) to be
territory, a citizen’s nation-state undesireable, dry land
qakiq-2 (t) to hit her/him/it on qakiġluk(-) jowls
chin with fist
qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust qaliġluk(-) scab; (i) to form a scab
qiŋaq nose; house ventilator; blowhole qiŋaġluk porcupine
of whale
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit sauniġluk- (i) to have a bulky frame (e.g., of
boat); to be big-boned; have a bad posture
(of person)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqłuk- to become impure, dirty (of water)
(t) to do what to her/him/it
tipi odor tivraġluk- (i) to be too bitter to eat (of meat)
tutchaq oral account, news tutchaġluk- (i) to hear bad news
uaŋnIq- (i) to blow from west (of wind) uaŋniġluk- (Ti) (i) to blow from southeast,
bringing rain and bad weather
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaġluk(-) raft; ice floe used to cross open
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; water; (i) to ride on a raft; (i) to cross open
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a water on an ice floe
whaling boat
uniq [uniQ] armpit, underarm uniġluk- (i) to have bad underarm odor
uŋalaq(-) or uŋalaaq southwest wind; uŋalaaġluk- (Ti) (i) to be blowing strongly
(Nu, Ti) south wind; (i) to blow from the from the south (of wind)
southwest (of wind)

-guaq- nv (restricted to singular possessed nouns) and -tiguaq- (restricted to dual and
plural possessed nouns) to go by means of, way of N’s N § -kuaq- nv
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquaguaq- (i) to happen after »
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of aquaguaqtugut taaptuma we performed
boat; final chapter of story; some time ours right after that one did
after; downriver end of an island
taliqpik right arm; right side taliqpiaguaq- (i) to travel via another
person’s or object’s right side
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunuaguaq- (i) to travel behind another
back exterior wall of house person or vehicle; (i) to travel via the back
area of a person or object » tunuaguaqłuŋa
iglum tautuŋitchaani he did not see me
because I came via the back of the house

m[g]u(n) cn (limited) (used when referring to the next interval of time) § -ku(n)2
°aanna (stem) today’s time beyond or aannagu (excl.) or aatnagu wait; wait a

before this moment minute; in a moment, shortly, in a while,
later on, in a little while, after a while
aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun (excl.) aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun (excl.) wait;
wait; wait a minute; in a moment, wait a minute; in a moment, shortly, in a
shortly, in a while, in a little while, after while, in a little while, after a while, later on
a while, later on
aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons, aippaaġu during the year after next,
objects, seasons, years, or ages); indefinite time in the future
co-wife (woman with whom one aippaanigu sometime in the distant future
shares a husband)
akku a while ago, some time ago
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqapak or (Nu) anaqagu tonight, this
ikpaksraq yesterday; the recent past ikpaksraaġu in a few days
ilaanni sometimes, once in a while ilaannigu at some future date
ukiuq(-) wintertime; last year; (t) to ukiuġu this coming winter or year
come (of winter)
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuaġu this coming night; tomorrow night
yesterday; to become night
upinġaq- (Ti), upinġaaq(-) to come (of upinġaaġu this coming summer
summer); summer; last summer
upinġaksraq spring; last spring upinġaksraġu this coming spring
uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; to uvlaaku tomorrow
become morning
uvlaatchauraq very early this morning uvlaatchauraġu early this coming morning

guq nn (limited) final suffix of some nouns

pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamiguyaaq (Ti) tailbone
not part of a pair (in card game of
puguq (Ti) carved figure made each year at
the time of the aquppiyut “sitting,” then
burned at a special place at the conclusion of
the ceremony (Rainey, 248)
putuguq big toe, the hallux
°qaġlik (root) one side of pants ¤qaġligugaurak (Ti) man’s skin underpants
(traditionally with fur inside)
quniguq thick webbing (made too thick to
be used)
°takkuq (stem) presence of tamalguq (Ti) dollar (U.S. currency)

-ġaaġruit nn (limited) many Ns | :It nn § -salak nn :It nn

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuġaaġruit a crowd of people

resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiġaaġruit many, many dogs
forma familiaris)
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuġaaġruit or tuttusalait herd of caribou

-ġak-vv, rv (limited) to undergo a process involving a V-ing

au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auġak- or auġaŋasI- (i) to become bent
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish); with age
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
*ayuq (root) behavioral pattern, habit ayuġak- (i) to develop a habit; (i) to become
accustomed to something
iviq- to fit (it) iviġak- (i) to be pleased; (t) to please
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight naliġak- (i) to make a choice, weighing the
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, possibilities; (i) to call for question (in
Alaska; price parliamentary procedure); (t) to evaluate
her/him/it in comparison to others
taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy taktuġayaq- (i) to be somewhat foggy
*uiq (root) drawn to; strong inclination ¤uiġak- (t) to almost recognize her/him/it

+[ġ]aq vn, nn (limited) one that V-s, is V-ed, resembles a N, is a product of the N, is used
for the N (also used with names of body parts or land designations; indicates a young,
juvenile, new or a smaller version of N; depicts bird, animal and plant names; final
suffix in names of food delicacies and some tools) § -nġaq vn, nn
aayuġaq crack in sea ice kept open by
shifting currents
aiġaq plant with edible roots
aki gaff, barb on hook; curved hook- ¤akigaq1 (Ti), (Nu) large hook, gaff with
shaped slough off river shaft, e.g., for retrieving bearded seals
aki(-) [akI] corresponding value, akiłuk or akiługaq echo, something
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; flashing on and off
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
aksralik- or (Nu) aksralui- to roll (it) aksraligaq wheel
away; (Nu) (i) to roll over and over,
tumble down
alliq one on the bottom alliġaq bottom fur skin of multi-layered
bedding, used with fur side down; by
extension, rubberized cloth
alliq one on the bottom allimġaq any bottom tooth

amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiġaq bark of tree
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to
put a hide covering on it = boat or kayak
amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiġaq sewing stitch used especially in the
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to making of umiaks
put a hide covering on it = boat or kayak
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amilġaq or amirġaq ulna, fibula
aŋayukłiq firstborn, eldest one, aŋayukłiġaq one-year-old caribou bull
someone’s elder; two-year-old caribou
arguq- (i) to travel against the wind arguġaq point of land open to the wind
auk(-) blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a augavIk blood vessel
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to igliġaq shrimp
be running, idling (of a machine/engine);
(t) to travel it = distance
iksiva- (i) to be sitting iksuġaq seat in an umiak
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikuvġaq mattress, mat, pad
oneself into a container or a conveyance;
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġaq broth
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġauraq puddle of water
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiġaq broth from boiling meat, fish
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñugaq phalange of human or animal
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
ipiq [ipIq](Nu) small, thin root; chain or ipiġaq wick
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalugaq tomcod, codfish
catch a fish
iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of iqirġaq corner
worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t)
to embrace her/him/it
isavgaq young walrus

isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivruġaq metal spring, mattress spring;
out; (i) to stand up straight from a pointed rods of baleen, approximately six
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a inches in length (the baleen rods are
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet doubled up, wrapped in meat or fat and
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to frozen; when swallowed by a wolf or bear
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all they straighten out, thus piercing the
out stomach and causing death)
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isuġaq individual dog harness rope; trace of
long stick a dog harness
kanak length of human leg from crotch kanagaq shinbone, shank, shin, tibia, lower
to heel, inner leg; inseam leg
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; where hunter waits for animal to pass by,
foot of mountain; place where peninsula then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t) to
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river; corral them= caribou, reindeer)
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kigmiaq(-) [kigmiraq] to hold, carry (it) kiŋmiġaq mouthpiece of bow drill
in one’s teeth; something carried in the
teeth, e.g., animal’s young, bridle
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuġaq calf of leg; back of boot
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
kurugaq pintail duck (Anas acuta)
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary kuugaluk stream
kukuvyuġaq broth made of tomcod and sea
kuyak(-) one of lumbar vertebrae; sides kuyapigaq backbone, spine, vertebrae
of lower back where there are no ribs;
(Ti) lower back just above buttocks; to
have sexual intercourse
maniq(-) maniQ] tussock; moss maniġaq rounded hill, small dome
(Dicranun rugosum), used as wick with
stove lamps; clump of grass; (t) to
bury, enclose it with tussocks, clumps
of grass
matu(-) lid, cover; sod house skylight matuġaq trap door
shutter; (i) to be now covered; (t) to
cover it
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft mauraġaq(-) small ice floe used as
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a stepping stone; (i) to cross open water by

step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground, jumping from one piece of ice to the next;
mud, or snow as one takes a step to sink as one walks in mud, snow
miki- (i) to be small mikilġaq ring finger, fourth finger
misikaaġaq black-capped chickadee (Parus
mikigaq raw whale meat and maktak
fermented in the whales’s blood forming a
sweet broth mixture
naksi- [naksI] (Ti) to try to kill (it = a naksiġaq target for shooting practice
wounded animal); (t) to strike (it = a
wounded animal) again
nanuq polar bear (Ursus maritimus) nanuġaq piece of polar bear skin
nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one's hood up; nasaġaq kerchief
(t) to put her/his hood up
naulik- (t) to harpoon it = whale, seal, nauligaq harpoon smaller than a
walrus; (t) to spear it nauligaun= "whale harpoon" which is used
for seals
nauniq(-) descendant; growth; (i) to be naunġaq young tree or willow growing
long-lived from an old root; a bud
niksik(-) [niksIk] fishhook or lure; a niksigaq(-) hook with a handle, used for
device to hook something with; to hook carrying meat; to hook (it) with a grapple
niu leg niuliñġaq leg sinew of a ruminant
niviaqsiaq young woman of niviaqsiġaq young unmarried woman; girl
marriageable age
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaġaq (Nu) second wife (concurrent)
nukaaluk younger sibling nukatagaq young caribou bull
nukasiġaq Great Horned Owl
nutaaq something new, fresh nutaġaq young person, teenager
nutaġgiñġaq fresh blubber
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvuġaq small promontory of land or ice
pauk-2 (t) to stretch and stake it = skin to paugaq stake, tent peg
the ground; to stake it = tent to the
ground; (t) to drive it = stake in
paunġaq crowberry, blackberry
(Empetrun nigrum)
piigaq Gray-cheeked Thrush (Hylocichla
pisiksi an archer’s bow pisiksiġaq small bow used to operate a bow
pisiksuq- (i) to shoot expertly, on target pisiksuġaq target
puyuġaq the middle circle of fur on a
woman’s isiġvikpaaq “sunshine ruff” made
from the belly skin of a wolf (located
between the wolverine piece which is next to
the face and the longer wolf fur on the

qianġaq cross fox
qilak sky; heaven qilagaq roof of mouth, palate
qilalugaq beluga whale (Delphinapterus
leucas); narwhal
qimiq2 [qimIq] a hill qimiġaq hill
qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; middle; qitiġaq spinal cord; (Nu) front, flat area of
middle seat in umiak breastbone, sternum
qitunġaq offspring, child; (Nu) individual
dog trace which is attached to the main
harness trace
quaġaq sourdock, sourgrass, wild spinach
(Rumex arcticus)
qulliq one on top; lamp qullimġaq any upper tooth
quqtuġaq thigh
saavġaq Common Snipe (Capella
saggaq [saggaQ] or saggaatchauraq
caribou with new summer hair; summer
animal (sheep or caribou) pelt with short hair
*sakiq1 (root) sibling-in-law sakiġaq older sister's husband
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniġaq side of anything
saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saquupilugauraq rickrack (fabric trim)
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuġaq small chunk of floating ice
siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on siñaġaq (Nu) strait, (Ti) channel from sea
bottom edge or cuffs of parka into lagoon or bay
siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on siñġaq inlet
bottom edge or cuffs of parka
siquvsi- (i) to destroy something, taking Siquvsiqqat or (Nu, Ti) Siqupsiqqat Little
a prolonged period of time, or to destroy Dipper, Pleiades (a constellation which
more than one item; (t) to destroy her/his consists of a number of closely spaced stars
things that have the appearance of something
which has been broken and shattered into
several pieces] [lit "shattered ones"]
sisi or (Nu) siñ burrow or den (of a sisigaq dog house made of snow
burrowing animal), bear's lair
siuġaq fine sand; an expanse of sand
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuġaq promontory at end of ridge
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior
tasiq [tasIq] or tatchiq lagoon, inlet, tasiġaq pond
tiŋuk liver; egg yolk tiŋugaq liver and tendons stuffed in caribou
stomach and aged (a delicacy)

tiqituġaq young caribou
titiq(-) a mark or dot; (i) to be now titiġaq titiqqat calendar
marked with a dot or a line; (t) to mark it
with a dot or a line; (t) to cut a notch in
it; (t) to mark it to indicate where one is
to cut, carve
tulugaq raven
tuti- to step, tread on (her/him/it) tunmiġaq step stool, step made of whale
head bone placed at entrance of sod house
uglik- to shrink, decrease in size (of ugligaq elastic; sweater; anything that
fabric or animal hide) shrinks or expands then shrinks again
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugriñġaq oil from rendered, bearded seal
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal blubber
ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract (of eye); uligaq(-) mucus-like film on the eye; snipe
(i) to cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to net; (t) to trap it =bird with a net attached to
cover her/him/it with a blanket a rope (net falls when rope is pulled)

+[ġ]aq- or = [ġ]aq- vv (limited) to V with repetition or duration § +t/raq-1 vv, -t/raġaq- or

-aġaq- or +aq-1 vv, -gaq- vv
isaa- (i) to enter in larger numbers; to isaaġaq- (i) to go house to house; (t) to go in
come in all at once; (t) to enter it in large and out of them= houses
**ka1(deep root) descending kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container
filled with flour, sand, something which
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t) to
have something solid, such as flour, flow
onto it
kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to kuviġaq- to spill it repeatedly
spill, pour it out
mikini- to say that (she/he/it) is small mikiniġaq- (t) to say disparagingly that
she/he/it is small
naksi- [naksI] (Ti) to try to kill (it = a naksiġaq- (i) to fire at a target
wounded animal); (t) to strike (it = a
wounded animal) again
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or nauġala- or nauġallak- (i) to flare up (of
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to fire)
nikuvit- (i) to sit on a stool (waiting for nikuvġaq- (i) to squat down on a stool
a seal to emerge through a hole in the
sea ice)
tiŋmi- (i) to be in flight, be flying tiŋmiġala- (i) to fly in every direction
tuvli- (i) to make tracks; (i) to break trail tuvliġaq- (i) to leave footprints; (t) to leave
footprints on it = surface
tuqu- (i) to die, perish, expire, pass tuquġaq- (i) to die en masse, in large
away, pass on numbers; (t) to slaughter, kill many of them
uit- to break away from shore ice, uiñġaq- (i) to be sleepy

forming an open lead (of pack ice); (i) to
open one’s eyes

-ġġI-1 vv (limited) to V in duration

*ilak (root) distraction, confusion; ilaġġi- (i) to persist in doing when told not
discord; not aligned, dissonance, to2
tilak- to mop or scrub (it = large surface tilaġġi- (i) to sweep

-ġġula- vv (limited) § perhaps -qhuk- vv -la- nv

sayuk- (i) to twitch (of bodypart) sayuġġula- (Ti) (i) to quiver, like gelatin

+[ġ]it- rv (limited) to become V § ‘= It-2 nv

*ayuq (root) behavioral pattern, habit ayuġit- (i) to form a habit, a behavioral
pattern; (i) to get into the habit of doing
something one enjoys, e.g., visiting someone,
eating something
*piya1 (root) waning in strength piyaġittuq- (i) to wane and rise later than
usual, to fall lower in the sky, come around
more slowly (of moon)

-ġlI- vv (limited) to experience a V-ing § -ġrI- vv, +nnI- vv

manu upper front of shirt or parka manuġluk(-) or (Ti) manuġli(-) frost from
breath; (i) to become frosted from breath
(of parka ruff)
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to mumiġli- or mumiġri- (Ti) or mumiqłiq-
turn over; (i) undergo a character (i) to sleep late and stay up late
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t)
to translate it
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) utaqqiġliq- (i) to wait patiently, hopefully

-ġluk- or '-ġluk- vv (limited) to V badly or without finesse § -[g]luk- nn, nv +maqłuk- vv

isuq- (i) to be turbid, murky, or muddy isuġluk- (Ti) (i) to be dark and murky as
(of water) before a storm (of sky or sea), to be murky,
of water
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; itchaġluk- (i) to enter suddenly, abruptly
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
ivaq-1 (t) to search for her/him/it ivvaġluk- (t) to not find it; (t) to search and
not find it, maybe because one did not search
naalak- (i) to listen with a purpose; (t) to naallaġluummi- (i) to be apprehensive,
listen to it = her/his chest, heart with a fearing to hear the worst
stethoscope; (t) to auscultate her/him/it
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġġiġluk- or niġġiqłuk- (i) to contract food

pirraq (root) capability pirraġluk- to do (it) wrong unintentionally,
in spite of efforts to do it right
quiq- (Ti) (i) to cough quiġluk- (Ti) (i) to have a cough, to keep
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaġluk- (i) to be careless, slipshod with
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; one’s work
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siññaġluk- (i) to have a bad dream
= day sleeping
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tauttuġluk- to see or find her/him/it
unexpectedly or sick
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigguġluk- (t) to grab her/him/it roughly
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikkiġluk- (i) to arrive in a bad way,
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it disposition, e.g., sick, angry

+ġralaaq nn (limited) the smaller N § +sraaq(-), +sralaaq(-) nn, nv

pukak granular snow found under hard pukagralaaq small pieces of clear scales
packed snow, good for melting into found on fish
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuġralaaq ice crystals inside meat; (Nu)
ice small piece of clear material (like ice) inside

-ġrI- nv, rv, vv (limited) to act like a N; to become like a N; to come into a situation where
one Vs § +qsrI- nv, -rI-2 rv, -ġlI- vv
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġri- (i) to act like a woman (of a man)
queen (suit in cards)
*attaq (root) unapproachable, attaġri- (Ti) (i) to be hesitant to ask
intimidating someone for something; (i) to think one is
about to die
ayuq- to be in desperate need of (it); (t) ayuġri- (Ti) (t) to be unable to reach, buy, or
to be unable to obtain it by reaching for catch up to it
it; (t) to be unable to reach, keep up with
her/him/it; (t) to be unable to buy it for
lack of money
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluġri- (i) to become concave
(t) to surround her/him/it iluqsri- or iluġri- (Ti) (i) to develop a
depression, concave place; (t) to make a
depression in it
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaġri- (i) to act crazy
(excl.) you fool!
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to mumiġli- or mumiġri- (Ti) or mumiqłiq-

turn over; (i) undergo a character (i) to sleep late and stay up late
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t)
to translate it
*qau (root) consciousness, awareness, qauġri- (i) to regain consciousness
tuquŋaraq dead animal, person tuquŋaraġri- (i) to act like one dead
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuġri- (i) to act like a caribou
yuġri- (i) to be undecided, unable to make
up one’s mind

-ġru- vv (limited) to experience V-ing § mqsru- rv

*anu (root) emotional security, fortitude anuqsru- (i) to be able to bear great pain or
sorrow with fortitude; to be stoic
inuq- (i) to fail to reach one’s inuġru- (i) to yearn for someone or
destination; (i) to undershoot, fall short; something; to long to be in another place
(i) to be insufficient; (t) to fail to reach it
= goal, destination; (t) to undershoot it =
target; (t) to fall short of it = runway in
landing an airplane; (i) to not be enough

+ġruq- nv, vv (Ti) (limited) to provide a N or a V-ing < +qsruq-1 nv

aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiġruq- (Ti) to buy (it) on credit
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
igvik (Ti) pocket igviġruq- (Ti) (i) to reach into one’s pocket;
(t) to reach into her/his pocket
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iluaqsruq- or iłuaqsruq- or (Ti) iluaġruq-
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine (i) to be in the process of being fixed; (t) to
correct her/him/it; (i) to straighten it out; (t)
to fix, redo, correct, adjust it
illuq or illualuk cross-cousin; joking illuġruq- (Ti) (i) to joke
naluk-1 (t) to throw it underhand; to toss nalluġruq- (Ti) (t) to give out, toss them =
it up; (i) to swim (of walrus) treats out at a give-away, e.g., during the
Nalukataq (whaling festival) from behind
the wind shelters (a wall of wind breakers
forming a circle around the Nalukataq
grounds) to the people who are sitting on the
ground watching the Nalukataq and being
served food
qau- [qa u] (i) for day to break qautchiġruq- (t) to wait for it = daybreak,
dawn, sunrise

*qii (root) convulsion qiuġruq- (Ti) (i) to have a convulsion, fit
sivulliq(-) first one; ancestor, forefather; sivulliġruq- (Ti) (i) to lead others (of leader
leader; foreleg, lower section of foreleg; of warriors); to lead dogs (of man by
(i) to lead the way; (t) to lead her/him/it walking in front of them)

+ġruaq nn a larger or rougher version of N

aktuġruaq (Nu) full-grown male animal
amaullik or (Ti) amaulligaaluk male amaulligruaq commom eider (Somateria
common eider mollissima)
aŋmailaq (Ti) .45-70 rifle [lit. "one with aŋmailaġruaq (Nu) .45-70 rifle
no hole"]
aqaluk (Ti) fish aqalugruaq (Ti) salmon
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiaġruaq potato
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigiġruaq (Nu) eider duck parka
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him
avyuq(-) cloud of dust, smoke, mist, avyuġruaq ice fog, thick fog
steam; hot humid weather (after a rain
storm) (i) to smoke, steam; (i) be dusty
(of air)
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluġruaq old sod house
build a structure over it
iri [dual irrak] eye iriġruaq telescope, spyglass
irri severe, cold weather irriġruaq extremely cold weather
Itqiliq American Indian itqiliġruaq (Nu) wooly lousewort
(Pedicularis lanata)
ivik or ivigaaq blade of grass; grass; ivigruaq blade of dead grass
sedge (Carex)
kaliku [ENG] calico, fabric kalikuġruaq heavy, colored canvas,
kaniq(-) [kaniQ] frost; (i) to be covered kaniġruaq(-) heavy frost; (i) to form a thick
with light frost; (t) to have light frost layer of frost
cover it = ground, house or any object
kigiunniq(-) [kigiunniQ] or kigiunniġruaq or kiguunniġruaq large box
kiguunniq(-) or (Nu) kigiutniq(-) trunk,
box; coffin; (t) to box it; (t) to put
her/him/it in a coffin
killiq cut on skin; sore killiġruaq bad wound, impetigo sores,
kivviq caribou stomach filled with fat, kivviġruaq the mesentry apron, fat around
then cooked, dried, and eaten the caribou’s intestines stuffed with contents
of the rumen (a delicacy)

kutchuq resin, spruce gum; chewing kutchuġruaq hard, sticky ear wax
maniq(-) maniQ] tussock; moss maniġruaq old or huge tussock, hummock
(Dicranun rugosum), used as wick with
stove lamps; clump of grass; (t) to
bury, enclose it with tussocks, clumps
of grass
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiġruaq (Nu) sealskin parka
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
niaquq head, skull niaquġruaq old skull
nukatagaq young bull nukatagaġruaq large bull, just matured
paatchiġruaq or (Ti) paatchaq [ENG
barge] barge, scow
paippaġruaq [ENG pipe] pipe (for
transporting liquid, gas, etc.)
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puuġruaq old sealskin poke
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
qaummaq light from a distinct source qaummaġruaq something very bright
(as from sun or lightbulb), brightness
qiġñiqtulik or (Nu) qiġñiqtuligauraq qiġñiqtuligruaq (Nu) (aŋusalluġuŋailaaq)
sheep about three years old (with black big sheep with black horn stubs
stubs on medium-sized horns)
qupilġuq(-) maggot; to become maggot qupilġuġruaq sea worm (edible, without
infested » amiq qupilġuqsimaraa the spines)
skin is infested with maggots
sargiq or sargiġruaq stinkweed sargiġruaq stinkweed
(Boykinia); Alaska sage (Artemisia
tilessi elatior)
sigaaq(-) [sigaraq] [ENG “cigar” ] or sigaaġruaq cigarette butt
(Ti) sikaaq(-) cigarette; to smoke (it =
sikuliaq young ice formed around edge sikuliaġruaq ice which is about one and a
of old solid ice on open lead half feet thick
suraġruaq tobacco leaf
taiñiq name, title, appellation; a taiñiġruaq a consonant
pronunciation, an articulation
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to taliġruaq large arm (of a bear)
the shoulder of the human body; hand of
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance
uniaq- [unigaq] to tow, drag, pull (it, uniaġruat large sled

esp., sled or seal) by means of a rope
around one's chest or over one's shoulder

+ġruaq-1 vv (limited) to V despite the odds or expectation that one would

aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqirruaq- (i) to be soft despite its
bite or touch appearance
ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iiġruaq-(t) to finally swallow it, although it
looked doubtful that one could accomplish
the act
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaġiġruaq- (t) to recognize her/him/it
despite the odds » ilisaġiġruaġaa aakani
tautuŋaisani mikinimiñiñ he finally
recognized his mother whom he had not
seen since childhood
naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naarruaq- (t) to complete it, despite the
finish, complete it odds that one would » naarruaġaa
atigiliani she finished the parka she was
making although it looked doubtful that she
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikirruaq- (i) to arrive against all odds; (t) to
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it reach her/him/it against all odds

+ġruaq-2 vv (limited) to V in a big way

kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviġruaq- (i) to be very red, bright red
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiġruaq- to stare at, glare at (her/him/it)
uyak- (Nu) (i) to hover at the surface of uyagruaq- (Nu) (i) to raise head out of water
water (of seal with head coming in and (of seal)
out of water)

+ġruiññaq nn only, merely, just a N

iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalugruiññaq just a fish
catch a fish
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiġruiññaq merely a dog, nothing
forma familiaris) unusual
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal savigruiññaq merely a knife

-ġruk nn vn (limited) a younger, smaller, or similar version of the real N § +aġruk nn

-ġruq- (limited) to V what is necessary to accomplish the objective < mqsruq-2 nv,

+[ġ]uaq nn (limited) one with the qualities of the N | +[ġ]uq-1 nv +aq1 vn § kutaq
alu sole of foot or of footwear aluġuaq(-) piece of skin attached to sole of
boot to provide traction on slippery surfaces;
(t) to put a piece of skin on sole of boot to
prevent slippage

isaġuaq stomach lining
killi or killiq [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killiġuaq or (Ti) killiġauraq connecting
space); due date; border, line, edge of strip between body and sole of boots, made
land which has been cleared; source of of caribou or seal leather
river; area next to wall or floor; stopping
point, goal, destination, limit; crucial
naniq lamp naniġuaq kerosene lantern
¤paamiq- (i) to keep oneself close to the paamġuaq creeping, crawling animal; seal
ground, floor; (t) to keep her/him/it close stranded on top of ice, its breathing hole
to ground or floor by force or having frozen over
qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust qaliġuaq outer clothing, outer cover; shawl;
sweater; fabric blanket, quilt, bedspread
qasaġuaq or qisaġuaq caribou gut filled
with caribou fat that can be cooked in water
and set overnight to harden and eaten as a
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top quliġuaq (Ti) first level of ice cellar
edge of a boat’s sides
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saaġuaq(-) [saaġuraq] apron, bib; (i) to put
garment; area immediately in front of on an apron; (t) to put an apron on her/him;
something; lap, the front part of the (Nu) protective enclosure, semicircular-
lower trunk and thighs of a seated shaped windbreak made of small, felled trees
person; seaward with an openng where a fire can be; (Nu) (i)
to camp in a protective enclosure

+ġuaq- or = ġuaq- vv (limited) to undergo a process where N or a V-ing is involved §

+[ġ]uq-1 nv
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġuaq- (Ti) (i) to grow old (of a woman)
queen (suit in cards)
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġuaq- (i) to get water on oneself; (t) to
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; get water on her/him/it
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
kiamit- (t) to push it = boat off into kiamġuaq- (i) to push a sled while holding
water; to shove it in; (Nu) to throw it = onto the handlebar
malik- to follow, accompany maliġuaq- (t) to keep following,
(her/him/it) accompanying her/him; (t) to follow it =
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piġuaq- (t) to smear, make a spot on
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to her/him/it
her/him; an entity
utuqqaq [utuqqaQ] something old utuqqaġuaq- (Ti) (i) to grow old
uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; to uvlaaġuaq- (i) to do something early in the

become morning morning

-ġun nn (limited) ornament or something for the N § -lġun vn, :un1 vn

akunniq interval of time or space akunniġun gland between hoofs of sheep,
between two events or objects good to eat; a postbase in Iñupiaq grammar
alu sole of foot or of footwear aluġun sandal
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquġun sled bag
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
asiq(-) [asIq] sleeve; (i) to put one’s asiġun sleeve cuff
arms into the sleeves of a garment; (t) to
help her/him put her/his arms into the
sleeves of a garment
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atiġusiq given name (rarely used)
who shares the same name with another
atittuġun tusk-shaped design strip on front
and back of parka yoke
avalu(-) edge, rim; fence; ring around avaluġun halo, ring around sun or moon
the sun or moon; wind shelter for tent; (i) which occurs during severe cold weather
to be bordered, fenced in (this refers only
to the moment of completion of the
border or fence); (t) to fence her/him/it
in; (t) to put a border around it; (t) for a
ring to form around it = sun
avan or avati appendage, extremity; ¤avatiġun (Ti) or avasiġun ring around the
border, surrounding area sun
iñuiññaq twenty iñuiññaġutailaq nineteen
iqiq or (Nu) iqi corner of mouth iqiġun tattoo at corner of mouth
iqsraq cheek iqsraġutilik Canada goose (Branta
iri [dual irrak] eye iriġutilik dog with circles around eyes
kayuaġun tusk-shaped design on either side
of parka shoulders
kiavrak or ¤kaivrak or (Nu) kaivraun kiavraġun or kaivraġun halo around sun
or (Nu) kaivraun grindstone
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigmiġun or kiŋmiġun connecting strip
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it between body and sole of boots, made of
caribou or seal leather
killi or killiq [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killiġun snow shelter made of snow blocks
space); due date; border, line, edge of covered with tarpaulin
land which has been cleared; source of
river; area next to wall or floor; stopping
point, goal, destination, limit; crucial
manu upper front of shirt or parka manuġun bib, wide necklace; pin

nanuġun good luck charm, usually a rock
niaquq head, skull niaquġun crown, headband
nuġlu buckle; knot at end of rope; rope nuġluġun necklace
loop, noose; neck opening of dog
harness; bowline; (Ti) heavy rope used
for anchoring a pulley on ice
nukuġun middle section of a pair of caribou
qatigaaġun armor qatigaak or qatikkak front part of animal
with rib cage; breast of human
qauq forehead qauġun (Nu) tattoo on forehead
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipiġun (Nu) interwoven pattern of braided
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain; sinew on back of bow providing extra
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist, strength
screw it = lid on or off
qitiqłiq middle finger; middle one qitiqłiaġun a ring
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulaaġun trim on top of boots
edge of a boat’s sides quliġun top trim of boots
qulliq one on top; lamp qulliġun or quliġun (Nu) raised platform,
rain shelter with flat top
quŋusiq [quŋusIq] human neck quŋusiġun collar; anything that is worn
around the neck
sigguk(-) one mandible of bird beak; sigguġun sigguġutik dog muzzle
muzzle, mouth area; (i) to thrust one’s
lips out, showing displeasure; (i) to pout;
(t) to swell when cold (of lips)
siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on siñiġun trim, rim, edge, hem
bottom edge or cuffs of parka siñiġutit (Nu) rock fireplace where hot coals
are kept in tent
siŋiġñiq ankle siŋiġñiġun ankle ornaments
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; sitquġun knee warmer; waterproof kneelets;
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get knee pads
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s
knee on it
siun ear siutiġun earring
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuġun bow of sled; trim on front top (of
frontage, area in front of building; bow boot)
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suġusiq implement, device; property; part of
(t) to do what to her/him/it another object
taqtu kidney taqtuġutit kidney fat from caribou or whale
tavlu chin tavluġun chin tattoo
tayaġniq or tayaġniġun wrist tayaġniġun bracelet
tikiq [tikiQ] index finger; thimble tikiġun protector for index finger (used by

tugli1 [tuglI] braided hair tugliġun hair barrette, hairclip
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruġun fine oil such as gun oil, three-in-
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum one oil

+[ġ]unaaq- nv (i) to spot, sight a N; (t) to see her/him/it and think that it is a N
aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca) aaġluġunaaq- (i) to sight, see a killer whale
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviġunaaq- (i) to spot, see a whale
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiġunaaq-(i) to spot, see a seal
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuġunaaq-(i) to sight caribou
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugrugunaaq-(i) to spot, see a bearded seal
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal

+[ġ]uq-1 nv to become or grow into a N § -ŋŋuq-2 nv, +ġuaq- vv

aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aapaġuq- (i) to become a father
agniq(-) [agnIq]or aŋniq(-) blizzard, agniġuq- to develop into a blizzard, a
snowstorm, blowing snow; (i) to have a snowstorm
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaġuq- (i) to grow into a woman
queen (suit in cards)
amaġuq wolf, gray wolf (Canis lupus) amaġuġuq- (i) to become a wolf
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asiġuq- (i) to become useless, worthless
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else;
away from the village; something
igniq fire igniġuq- (i) to become fire
imaq (-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġuq- to melt into water, of snow or ice;
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; for an expanse of water to be formed, as
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it from spring melting
for scraping
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaġuq- (i) to go mad, crazy
(excl.) you fool!
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naaġuq- (i) to be at in one's prime; to be full
out (of moon)
niġrun large animal niġrutiġuq- (i) to become an animal (of a
piqsiq(-) [piqsIq] wet snow storm; (i) to piqsiġuq- (i) to become windy and wet, with
be stormy with wet blowing snow snow and rain mixing
qailliq(-) wave on ocean; (i) to have qailliġuq- to form (of ocean waves)
waves (of ocean)
qalaliaq(-) air bubbles coming from a qalaliaġuq- (Nu) (i) to churn the water (e.g.,
mammal moving underwater; (i) to form of paddle, oar, ship, whale)

air bubbles
qaukłiq head person, president, leader, qaukłiġuq- (i) to become a boss
chief, boss
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qavviguq- (i) to turn into a wolverine
gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine
quppaq open crack; one piece of quppaġuq- (i) to grow (of a crack)
something split lengthwise
quunniq(-) [quunnIQ] or (Nu) quunniġuq- (i) to become calm (of water);
quunnitchiaq(-) calm, still, reflective (t) to be now calm (of water)
water; to be calm, smooth and glassy (of
uunnaq heat; hot weather uunnaġuq- to become hot (of weather)
Uvluilaq month of December [lit. "one uvluilaaġuq- (i) to wane (of daylight) in
which lacks daylight"] winter

+ġuq-2 nv (limited) to V involving the N or R or V

iri [dual irrak] eye iraġuq- or iraġuaq- (i) to hit or hurt one's
eye; (t) to hit or hurt her/his/its eye
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalġuq- or nalġuqtiq- (i) to take a shortcut;
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, (t) to straighten it
Alaska; price
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiġuq- (i) to make a loud, echoing sound
qalġuq- (i) to make its characteristic vocal
sound (of animal)
qutiġuq- (i) to walk to the same destination
as others who are traveling by boat; (t) to
have reached the same destination (implies
°tuŋi (stem) direction of tuŋiġuq- (t) to come near, pass close to

±ġuq or +guq or +quq vn, nn (limited) part or product of or for an entity § +lu nn
(stem final t→l in combination with ġuq)
agliġuq jawbone
akiġuq knot in wood
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amilġuq narrow part of something
aqiaq or (Ti) aqiak upper belly above aqiaġuq stomach
waist and below the ribs (of human)
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqilġuq soft area
bite or touch
iġġi [iġġI] or iġġiq mountain iġġiilġuq a clearing in the mountains [lit.“an
area with no mountains”]
ikkat- (i) to be shallow e.g., a body of ikkalġuq submerged sandbar, shallow water
ikpik [ikpIk] bluff; steep bank of river; ikpiilġuq a low area along a bluff or a steep

cliff bank
¤ikiipkuk foreleg
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilupiġuk or ilupiqquk pair of longjohns
(t) to surround her/him/it
imnaq1 high, steep cliff imnaaġuq cliffs which extend for several
iqitquq little finger iqitquq or iqitquuraq or iqitquluuraq little
iquq(-) tar remaining in smoking pipe; iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s buttocks
(i) to wipe oneself after defecating; (t) to out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts (suit in
wipe her/him after she/he has defecated cards)
isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of isaġuq wing
flight); (i) to moult
itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; itiġuq sour urine
sea anemone
kian or kiati torso, upper front part of kiapiġuq vest
body; blouse
kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of axe kiiñaġuq mask
kimmik(-) [kimmIk] heel; (i) to kick, kimmitquq top muscle of heel, heel skin,
push with the heel; (t) to hit it with one's heel bone
heel; (t) to tap one's heel to it or on it; (t)
to hold it with one's heel; (t) to hit, push,
tap, hold it with one’s heel
kumak louse (Pediculus humanus kumaġuq worm which lives in ponds
capitis); maggot, larva of caribou botfly;
(Nu) smooth, white bug found in tree
trunks (eaten by woodpeckers)
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary kuuġuq valley, furrow, ditch, tributary river,
kuvlu thumb kuvluġuq dewclaw
mIt- (i) to land from flight (of bird, mitquq feather
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqilġuq lower part of mountain top or hill
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down top
natatquq soft bone
natquq arrowhead; bullet tip
niaquq head
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaunġuq spouse's younger sibling's
nukaaluk younger sibling spouse
nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; nukiġuq nerve
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of papiġuq fishtail
traditional skin pants); the length of the
backside of a parka or snowshirt
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to qaiġilġuq (Nu) ripple on ice
be straight (of hair)

qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qilġuq or qiluġuq scar
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame
(wooden stakes secured into the
permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut
qupilġuq(-) maggot, bug; to become maggot
saat-2 [sagat] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, saalġuq thinner area of something,
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have especially of ice
thin hair
siamit- (i) to spread, scatter; (t) to siamġuq small broken off piece of
spread, scatter it; (Ti) (t) to lose it driftwood
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; hind
flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get down on
one’s knees; (t) to put one’s knee on it
siun ear siutiġuq seashell
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to taliġuq front flipper of seal or walrus
the shoulder of the human body; hand of
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance
umik whiskers, beard umilġuq or umilġuuk muzzle, snout of
animal; lower half of man’s face
uviñiq [uviñiQ] or uviñik or (Ti) uvinik uviñġuq undershirt
skin (of human); epidermis

+ġusuk- (limited) to be absolutely V-ed or about to V | perhaps -uk(-)2 vv -suk-2 rv

aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuġusuk- (i) to be amazed, in awe,
astounded, to marvel impressed by something unexpected
ataniq source of connection; isthmus; atanġusuk- (i) to be bossy, willful,
lord, master, king; god; supreme being; demanding
higher power
iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaġusuk- (i) to grin; to be unable to keep
from smiling
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviaġusuk- to be happy now
quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; quviġusuk- (i) to be surprised that
(t) to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to do something has happened
something without her/his knowledge;(t)
to surprise her/him/it
*saiñġi (root) chagrin, regret; saiñġisuk- or saiñġusuk- (i) to feel

frustration frustration and regret for missing an
opportunity to obtain something; (i) to be
chagrined, frustrated

-ġut- rv (limited) to travel or do via the N § -ut-1nv, -tqut- nv

°nali (stem) even, in line, straight naliġut- (i) to be undecided or unable to
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, decide; (i) to have difficulty deciding
Alaska; price
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qarġut- (i) to go over the top surface; (t) to
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; go over its top surface
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or sarġut- to pass by in front of (her/him/it)
garment; area immediately in front of
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward

'= I-1 or -I-1 or ~I-1 nv to make, work on, cook or to fix § -liuq- nv

'= I-2 nv (limited) (i) to V (injure, damage) one's N; (t) to injure, damage or strike her/his/its
N § '-aq-2 nv, -urraaq- nv § -I-7 vv
niaquq head, skull niaqqi- (i) to injure one’s head; (t) to injure
her/him/it on the head
qaqasaq or qaqisaq brain qaqatchi- (i) to injure one's occiput, the
back part of the head; (t) to injure her/his/its
head; (t) to hit her/him/it soundly on the

= I-3 nv (limited) to spend or experience the N (restricted to names of time of day, season or
anaqaksraq evening anaqaksri- to spend the evening
ukiuq(-) wintertime; last year; (t) to ukii- to spend the winter
come (of winter)
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnui- to work the night shift
yesterday; to become night
upinġaksraq spring; last spring upinġaksri- to spend the spring
upinġaq- (Ti), upinġaaq(-) to come (of upinġi- to spend the summer
summer); summer; last summer
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvli- (i) to spend the day; to stop and take a
light (of day) day’s rest while traveling or working

:I-4 vv intransitivizer § +sI-3 vv

-I-5 or :I-5 vv (limited) for object to V to the disadvantage of the subject
aggaq- (i) to come loose, come off, slip aggai- (i) to have something come loose; (t)
off; (t) to cause it to come loose, slip off to have it come loose
akpak- (i) to reach the summit when akpai- (t) for she/he = obj. to reach the top
climbing; (i) to take a step up; (i) to before one = subj. does
climb up through the entrance hole into a
traditional subterranean sod house; (i) to
come through the door of a communal
house (of a dancer in a dance); (i) to
push one’s way through a crowd,
navigate through a crowded place; (i) to
overcome a personal problem, crisis; (t)
to reach its summit when climbing; (t) to
overcome it = a personal problem or
annak- (i) to escape danger annai- (t) for her/him/it to escape from one
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullai- (t) for her/him/it to flee from one
to start (of engine)
ayuuq- to make headway, progress (on ayuuqqi- (t) to let whatever was supposed to
it); (i) to go far (of something thrown) have been finished drag on
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katai- (t) to drop her/him/it
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or
passageway); (i) to fall off
muġruk- (i) to sink into soft ground, muġrui- (t) for it = (obj) to flee from one =
snow; (i) (by extension) to sink into sin; (subj.) under the snow or ice
(Ti) (i) to enter a sod house through an
entryway tunnel; (Ti) (i) to pass
through a tunnel, hole in the snow; (t)
to put it into a covered hole, e.g., into a
tammaq- (i) to be lost; (t) to lose it, not tammai- (t) to lose, cannot find her/him/it
be able to find it

-I-6 vv (t) to cause her/him/it to V § +rI-3 vv

:I-7 or = I-7vv to V to (her/his/its) disadvantage § ~rI-4 vv, +sI-4 vv

+iak(-) nn, vv, vn (limited) one with N; one that has been V-ed; one that V-s; to undergo a
process of V-ing § +iaq-3 vv
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġiak(-) liquid, fluid in body organs,
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; joints, etc.; (i) to be wet (of game meat at
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it site of bullet hole); (i) to be oozing (of a
for scraping sore)
isiq(-) smoke; haze, mist, or cloud which isiġiak- to be hazy due to a fire in the
forms over open water; (i) to be smoky; distance

(i) to form mist, to form a cloud over
open water
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakiak(-) (Ti) roasting spit; (t) to put it =
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it meat on a spit for roasting; (Nu)
two-pronged fish spear, leister (dual)
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; (t) kikiak(-) [dual kikirrak, pl.kikiagIt] metal
to break off a piece from it = wood nail; (t) to nail it down
qivliq- (i) to be shiny qivliqiak silk, shiny material; galvanized
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once sisugiak- (i) to have a wet burp (of baby);
(Ti) (i) to burp up milk (of baby); (t) to burp
up on her/him/it (of baby); (i) to vomit (of
overfed baby); (i) to regurgitate food or
drink; (t) to vomit on her/him/it (of overfed
uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to uluġiak- or uluġiapak- (i) to wince in fear,
pass through a narrow passage; (i) to flinch, covering one’s face and eyes
turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to turn protectively with the arms
aside; (i) to bend to the side, move aside;
(i) to lie down on one’s side; (t) to pass
through it = passageway sideways; (t) to
turn or move it aside
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruġiak- (i) to drain, seep out (of pus or
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum liquid in a sore)

+iaq-1 or '= iaq- vv to go and V § -liaq- nv

+iaq- or ‘= iaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q
+saqtuaq- or +saqtuq- restricted to verb stems which end in t or a vowel
+yaqtuaq- or +yaqtuq- or +yyaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
'yyaq- restricted to verb stems with the word form (C)VCV
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchaqtuaq- (i) to go and run
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuġiaq- to go and help (her/him/it)
nasiqsruq- (i) to crane one’s neck; (i) to nasiqsriaq- or nasiqsruġiaq- (i) to go and
look for game in the distance look for game from a vantage place
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġġiyyaq- or niġisaqtuq- or niġiyaqtuq-
(i) to go and eat
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiasaqtuaq- or qiayaqtuaq- (i) to go to a
her/him/it) particular place and cry
savaġluk- (i) to be careless, slipshod savagiaq- (i) to go to work; (t) to go repair it
with one’s work
suġuk- (i) to wrestle with each other; (t) suġġiaq- to go and wrestle (her/him)
to fight, wrestle with her/him/it; (t) tease

'= iaq-2 nv to go and do what one normally does with N § -liaq- nv

+iaq-3 vv (limited) to undergo a process of V-ing § +iak(-) nn, vv, vn
itiktaq- (i) to have diarrhea itikpaługiaq- (i) to spurt out very soft stool
itiq- (i) to wake up itiġiaq- (i) to wake up early
napi- (i) to break in half; (t) to cut, break napigiaġniQ vertebra
it in half
niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on niviġiaq- (Ti) (i) to fall backward
one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i)
expose its underside
*pik1 (root) upward movement pikiaq- [pikiraq] (i) to jump up suddenly
and go out, bolt, run suddenly out, rush out
abruptly; (i) to gush out (of water)

+iaq1 or ‘-iaq vn (limited) place, entity, or time where, by whom, or when V occurs
akpak- (i) to reach the summit when akpagiaq (Nu) doorsill (on ground),
climbing; (i) to take a step up; (i) to doorstep
climb up through the entrance hole into a
traditional subterranean sod house; (i) to
come through the door of a communal
house (of a dancer in a dance); (i) to
push one’s way through a crowd,
navigate through a crowded place; (i) to
overcome a personal problem, crisis; (t)
to reach its summit when climbing; (t) to
overcome it = a personal problem or
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqasaaġiaq late afternoon, early evening
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniyaġiaq traditional sod house passage
born; (i) to emerge from the den in foundation floor
spring (of hibernating animal)
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to igliġiaq route
be running, idling (of a machine/engine); (Ti) igliġiaq krill, small shrimp
(t) to travel it = distance
ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu) narrow
entry (neck) of fish trap
imiqtaq- to haul, obtain, buy water (for imiqtaqtuġiaq trail used to fetch fresh water
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġiaq mouth of river; (Nu) entry, door
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
itchuaq- (i) to peek, look in; (t) to peek itchuaġiaq rear sight on gun
at her/him, to look in on her/him
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigiaq (Nu) beaver (Castor canadensis)
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuġiaq upward path
move to a higher position (of person),

e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
miluk(-) nipple of breast; breast; (Ti) milugiaq solitary wasp; (Ti) bee; sucker
milk (commercial or human); (i) to fish (Catastomus catastomus)
nurse, of child; (t) to suck it = breast,
thumb, etc; to take a puff on it =
cigarette, cigar or pipe
naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap (t) to pin naniġiaq leg-hold trap
her/him/it down with weight; to travel
directly over her/him/it (of moving
conveyance); to catch it in one's trap
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaġiaq vertical support; post holding
house, pole, tree something up; one of many vertical pieces
(stanchions) which support side rails of sled;
something which stands upright
naqsraq(-) a ridge which divides naqsraġiaq an approach to a summit
watersheds of rivers; a pass, a valley or Naqsraġlugiaq (place name) a summit
passage in the mountains; low point of a
hill; (i) to travel via the lowest point; (t)
to travel via its lowest point
nimiq- or nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with nimiġiaq arctic lamprey (Lampetra
something; to wind something around it japonica), water worm; eel; snake; serpent
puyyuk- (t) to pinch her/him/it puyyugiaq crab
qaaq(-) marijuana (i) to burst, explode; qaaġiaq hernia
to smoke marijuana; (Nu) (i) to crash qaġiaq storage hole in hallway of sod house
against the shore (of wave, sea), to break
(of waves); (t) to make it pop or burst
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiġiaq vision
qugluk- (i) to wince when startled or quglugiaq (Nu) small water worm (swims
suddenly frightened; to fold (it in half) forward using a twisting motion); a fold, a
tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore tulagiaq or tulagvik landing place for a boat

tuluq- (t) to butt, hit her/him/it with head tuluġiaq canine tooth
or tusk; (t) to attack her/him/it (of a
bird); (t) to reach it = shore (of ice,boat,
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvluġiaq star
light (of day)

+iaq2 or ‘= iaq nn, vn, rn (limited) one associated with a N

aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakiaq eldest sister
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aapiaq eldest brother
auk(-) blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a augiaq clotted blood

nanmautaq or natmautaq (Nu) nanmautaġiaq area of arm just below
shoulder strap for carrying a gun or shoulder
backpack; backpack
qayaq one person skin kayak qayaġiaq canoe
*qiiqi (root) creaking qiiqiġiaq [qiiqiġiraq] metal hinge
°sani (root) broadside, side sanniġuġiaq (Ti) piece of wood, ivory, or
bone tied to head of an inflated seal skin
float and used as a plug to keep air in
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; sitquġiaq (Nu) knee
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s
knee on it

+iaq3 [iraq] n final suffix of some Ns > perhaps +iaq2

aagiaq or (Nu) aagiuraq prong of an antler;
iqirgagiaq sabine's gull (Xema sabini)
kiktuġiaq mosquito
mikłiaq umbilical cord
qaġiaq storage hole in hallway of sod house
qamuġiaq (Ti) canine tooth
qasigiaq spotted seal; harbor seal (Phoca
qimiġiak eyelashes of both eyes
qalugiaq(-) or qalugiaqtuun whaling
harpoon with flint or iron spearhead in
foreshaft; (t) to harpoon it = whale
qupquġiaq or (Nu) qupquġaq mythical ten-
legged polar bear
saksagiaq or saksaŋiaq small gray bird
(perhaps a redpoll)

+iatchi- vv (limited) | perhaps +iaq-3 vv -tchI- vv

ivaq-1 (t) to search for her/him/it ivaġiatchi- to miss (her/him) who has left

:Iġuti- nv (i) to not have any more N; (t) to deplete her/his/its N | :Iq-2 nv :uti- vv
aitchuun offering, sacrifice; donation aitchuutiksraiġuti- (i) to run out of things
gift ġiven to give
ivsa juice of fruit, meat, vegetables; ivsaiġuti- (t) to be icebound (of OBJ)
saliva, bodily fluid; sap of tree; dew
niqi food, meat niqaiġuti- (i) to run out of food; (t) to
consume or take all of her/his/its food
*siliq (root) sense silaiġuti- (i) to lose one’s senses
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suiġuti- (i) to run out of supplies; (t) to take
(t) to do what to her/him/it all of her/his possessions

:Iġutiuraq- nv (limited) to become completely devoid of N | :Iq-2 nv -uti-vv -uraq- nv §
:Iġuti- nv
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigaiġutiuraq- (i) to become so engrossed
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on in what one is doing that one remove one’s
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him parka to continue the activity
nipi voice, sound nipaiġutiuraq- (i) to become completely

+iiksit- nv (i) to enter into a relationship where one or several has/have another as her/his or
their N; (t) to cause them to enter into a relationship where one or several has
another as her/his or their N § +[g]iiksit- nv

+iitkutaq or +iitkun vn (limited) something used to prevent V-ing |:It-1 rv +kun vn

aggaq- (i) to come loose, come off, slip aggaġiitkutaq barb on a spear which keeps
off; (t) to cause it to come loose, slip off the spearhead from slipping out of the
quarry, e.g., seal, whale; any object used to
keep something from slipping off; groove
aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide aksragiitkutaq barrier to keep something
down a slope (e.g., of an animal when from rolling
shot); (t) to roll it, e.g., barrel
*alia (root) lonliness; dullness; aliitkun past time, hobby, entertainment
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniitkutaq or anniyaitkutaq means of
to hurt her/him/it protection against hurt or injury i.e, pad used
for protection from injury (such as a recoil
pad on stock of a shotgun that dampens
recoil against shoulder)
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuġiitkutaq rounded bow of sled
(i) to reach shore
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katagiitkutaq object used to prevent
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or something from falling
passageway); (i) to fall off
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or sayyagiitkutaq log cribbing at exterior sides
garment; area immediately in front of of sod walls; sleeping platform head beam
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy silalugiitkun umbrella
weather; to rain
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean; sea taġiitkun (Ti) boot made to be worn on sea
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it; ice
(Ti) (i) to be blue
upaluŋa- (i) to be unprepared; (i) to lack upaluġiitkutaq emergency provision; extra
something, e.g., food to offer others food or clothing taken along in case it may
be needed in a contingency

-Ik- vv (limited) to V continuous
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to mumiiŋa- (i) to keep a nocturnal routine
turn over; (i) undergo a character
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t)
to translate it
qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms qumiik- (i) to keep one’s arms inside one’s
inside the body of one’s parka; (t) to put parka; (t) to keep her/him/it inside one’s
her/him/it inside one’s parka parka

+ilak rn
*ilisI (root) spirit, energy ilisiilak sorcerer, one who casts spells
(considered stronger than a shaman)

:ilaq(-) or = ilaq(-) or :ilaaq(-) nn, vn, rn, nv (limited) one without an N; area which lacks
N; one who is not V; to be or do without N | :It-1 vn -laq vn
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiilaq financial debt
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; akiilaaq something bought on credit
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayailaq one who is not cautious
asiaq(-) [asi aq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiagilaq area which lacks berries
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atqilaq one that does not have a name
who shares the same name with another
*aula (root) incompleteness, not whole aulailaq or suġailaq whole, complete, or
entire thing, not broken nor cut up
igalauraq glass window; four (at cards); igalaurailaq one without windows
lens of eye; (Nu) eardrum
igniq fire igniġilaq sailing vessel (one without a fire)
irgaak irgaagilaq or irgailaq the one without
ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or ipkilaq the dull one
of one’s mind); (i) to be sharp-tongued
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a ipuilaq the one without a handle
handle to it
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamŋilaq the one without boots
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kaniq(-) [kaniQ] frost; (i) to be covered kanġilaq smooth frostless ice
with light frost; (t) to have light frost

cover it = ground, house, or any object
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋuilaq one that does not know the
embarrassment; feeling of shyness meaning of embarrassment
natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to construct a natqilaq one without a floor
floor (on it)
naviksiġiaq- to be easily broken naviksiġiilaq one not easily broken
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikailaq one who is bold, confident
others; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a
non-participant due to one's
embarrassment, lack of confidence or
fear of authority
puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to puqiilaq the dumb one
qupak(-) decorative, fancy trim; to trim qupailaq one without any trim
or decorate (it)
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋiilaq a weakling
*suġaq (root) fragment; an item suġailaq something whole, uncut, complete
suka- (i) to be fast sukailaq the slow one
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupqilaq(-) one without a tent; (i) to be
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) without a tent
uqaqsiġiaq- (i) to be obedient uqaqsiġiilaq one who usually does not obey

-ili- vv (limited) to lose the capability or ability to be V; (t) to cause to make it incapable of
V-ing properly or being V | :It-1 vv -lI-2 vv
ayuġit- (i) to form a habit, a behavioral ayuġiili- (i) to get into the habit of doing
pattern; (i) to get into the habit of doing certain socially unacceptable things; (i) to
something one enjoys, e.g., visiting get a bad habit; (i) to get carried away,
someone, eating something become excessive; (t) to cause, influence
her/him to acquire socially unacceptable
ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or ipkiq- or ipkili- (i) to become dull; (t) to
of one’s mind); (i) to be sharp-tongued cause it = cutting device to become dull
kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of axe kiiñaġiili- (i) to grimace, wince, contort
one’s face
puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to puqiili- (i) to become less smart
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋiili- (i) to become weak
savayuq- (i) does excellent work, is savayuili- (i) to lose the ability to do
talented, does a good job; (t) operates it excellent work; (t) to render, make it =
well, knows how to do it excellently machine incapable of operating properly
takpik- [takpIk] (i) to have good takpiili- (i) to weaken (of one’s eyes)
eyesight, good vision
tutqik- [tutqIk](i) to be content, tutqiili- (i) to become uncomfortable, begin

peaceful, at ease to feel unease, to experience discomfort
*uivI (root) astute, judicious, uiviili- (i) to become habituated to an action
discriminating, discerning or behavior because of repeated good
feelings associated with that action or
behavior; (i) to keep doing something
because it is pleasant or beneficial
*uquma (root) weightlessness uqumaili- (i) to become heavier, gain
weight; (t) to add weight to her/him/it

-ilisaq vn, nn (limited) item for the N or the V-ing

argaun wrist; ice scratcher used by seal argautailisaq wristlet worn during cold
hunters weather
arguq- (i) to travel against the wind arguilisaq shelter from the wind
attuQ something worn-out, used attuilisaq something that is worn
abusively; old, used clothing; one who excessively; someone taken advantage of
has been married before
kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it) kutchiilisaq receptacle to catch dripping

-illaq- also = illaq- nv, rv (limited) to remove N or the V-ing § :ilaq1 nn, -ŋIq- nv, :Iyaq- nv
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamillaq- (i) to become barefoot; to take
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; one’s pants and boots off, to undress below
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots the waist; (t) to make her/him barefoot; to
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it remove her/his pants and boots
*tusaq (root) audible tusillaq- (i) to become deaf
usiq-2 [usIq] or usillaq- (i) to take off one’s
own pants; (t) to remove her/his pants

:illi- nv, vv (limited) to lack a N and taking advantage of the situation | :It-1 nv +lI-3 vv
aana or aanaaluk grandmother; aanailli- (i) to behave in ways that one
great-aunt usually does not do when an authority figure
is present
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suilli-(i) to relax
(t) to do what to her/him/it

:illiuq- nv, vv to have difficulty finding N for one’s use, consumption; to experience the lack
of N; (t) to need, have difficulty in providing N for her/him/it | :It-1 nv +lI-3 vv
:uq-2 vv § -killiuq-
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigailliuq-(i) to need a parka but can not
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on find one
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iluilliuq- or iłuilliuq- or (Ti) iluilliuq- (i) to
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine be troubled; (i) to be miserable,
wretched, distressed; (i) to be unwell,
afflicted; (i) to be grieved, sorrowful; (i) to
be in trouble

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilailliuq- (i) to have a hard time finding
name; companion, friend, partner; part of others to join her/him
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imġilliuq- (i) to lack water
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
manik(-)3 [manIk] [ENG “money”] maniilliuq- (i) to lack money
money; (i) to “strike it rich”; (i) to be
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to qaiġilliuq- (Ti) (i) to travel over rough
be straight (of hair) terrain, bounce, jolt along

'= Iñġaq nn (limited) oil product from a process involving N | perhaps ‘= It-2 nv +[ġ]aq nn
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviñġaq oil from rendered, whale blubber
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiñġaq oil from rendered, seal blubber
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugriñġaq oil from rendered, bearded seal
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal blubber

-iññaq- vv, nv (limited) indicates steady progress or prolonged action of V-ing §

msiiññaq-1 vv
agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, agliiññaq- (i) to become, grow bigger and
big bigger
*aŋI (root) failure aŋiiññaq- (i) to fail to procure game, attain a
goal, or get a job
iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; additon; iiguiññaq- (i) to continue without stopping
attachment; appendix; suffix (e.g.,
ending or enclitic); (i) to now be
lengthened; (t) to lengthen, extend it; (t)
to add a suffix to it = word
mikłi- (i) to become smaller; (t) to mikłiiññaq- (i) to become, grow smaller and
decrease it in quantity or size smaller
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋusaiññaq- (i) to wane (of moon)
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon,
i.e., no moon
qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to qalliiññaq- to keep getting closer (to
her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be approaching her/him/it)

qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimaiññaq- to leave (her/him/it) without a
her/him/it behind second thought
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takuiññaq- (t) to look longingly, stare at
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the hospital; her/him/it
(t) to check on it

-iññaq nn (limited) totally and utterly

akkupak right now akkupaiññaq right at that moment,
immediately, right away, shortly thereafter,
ilaiññaq (expression used when the situation
looks hopeless, but one does something
about it anyway knowing that the action
might not work to remedy the situation) may
be to no avail; regardless
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuiññaq the number twenty
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
aurivik summer place aurivigiññaq place only used to spend the

'= Iq-1 or ~’Iq- nv, vv to provide with N or with process described by V §-lIq-1 nv

:Iq-2 or = Iq- nv, vv, rv (i) to no longer have N; there is no N; (t) to remove, take away
her/his/its N
iri [dual irrak] eye iraiq- (t) to remove her/his/its eye
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamŋiq- to take (her/his) boots off
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy; (i) kayumŋiq-(i) to have one’s appetite abated
to be appetizing, palatable (of food)
miqłiqtuq child miqłiqtuiq-(t) to take children away from
natiq(-) [natiQ] floor; to construct a natqiq- (t) to remove her/his/its floor
floor (on it)
niqi food, meat niqaiq- (t) to remove her/his/its food; (i) to
be depleted (of food)
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliiq- (i) to lose one’s wife, to be widowed;
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to take a (t) to take, steal his wife
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunaiq- (t) to take her/his land away
territory, a citizen’s nation-state
nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; nukigiq- or nukiiq- (i) to become weak,
strength become unable to move

puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puugiq- (t) to remove its container
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviiq- to become unhappy, depressed
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviiq- (t) to take her/his knife away
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sukuiq- (t) to understand, recognize,
(t) to do what to her/him/it distinguish her/him/it
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupqiq- (t) to take away her/his tent
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it)
by extension:
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaiq- to have a severe infection on one’s
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an hand
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted in a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)
iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu) iggiiq- or iggiagiq- (i) to be hoarse, barely
narrow entry (neck) of fish trap able to talk, to lose one's voice, develop

~Iq or :Iq or ‘~Iq or ‘+Iq or ‘= Iq rn, nn, vn (limited) that which has a close connection to
the N or the V-ing § -siq nn, vn
alġaaq afterbirth, placenta alġaaġusiq large flat part of caribou’s
digestive system (good to eat)
ata- (i) to be attached, connected atausiq [atausIq] the number one
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atiġusiq given name rarely used
who shares the same name with another
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atiqausiq noun
who shares the same name with another
aula- (i) to move around, show aullasiq instinct
movement, be in motion
ayaqhaaq(-) string game; (i) to play a ayaqhaakkiiq a spirit that plays string
string game, e.g., “cat’s cradle”; (t) to games with its own intestines, drawing them
tell it = story using string figures out of its mouth (it is said that if a young
person plays string games to the extent that
they ignore their chores, the ayaqhaakkiq
will appear; this story is told to discourage
such indulgent play)
ilitqun spirit, essence (of a being) ilitqusiq spirit, soul
imġun a supply of water; drinking glass; imġusiq or imġusiuraq or imiun sheep
water pitcher horn dipper; wooden drinking cup
iñġaun pan to catch drippings, e.g., iñġausiq piece of blubber suspended above
under seal oil lamp lamp which melts and drips into lamp
providing a source of replenishing fuel

iñuuniun or iñuuniaġun item iñuuniusiq (Nu) way of life
indispensable in one’s livelihood;
provision, tool, weapon; item one uses in
everyday life
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; irrusiq personality, disposition, character,
(i) to stay behavior
ilġusiq (Ti) habit, custom
malik(-) a wave, swell on a large body malliq(-) tidal wave; (i) to be rough (of
of water; (i) to have swells (of a large water); to rise (of the sea)
body of water)
malġuk number two malġuilik something with a double seam
*nak (root) attachment naktuġiq clothes hook; small, wooden peg
set in wall for hanging clothes; button,
wooden or metal catch or hook
nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair nuyaġiq tonsure, shaved place on top of
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pilġusiq habit, customary activity
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to piraġausiq custom
her/him; an entity
pitqun request pitqusiq behavior
pituġaq- (i) to arrive at a body of water pituqqiq flat, secure ice at edge of ocean
after or during a journey of some lead (where whaling camp can be set up at
distance overland; to travel down to the the end of the trail that’s been made)
coast; to go out to a lead, an open body
of water next to ice edge
suli- (i) to make something; (t) to make suliġusiq (Nu) way of doing, custom
it into something
suġun item suġusiq implement, device; property; part of
another object
suqun that which is worthy of suqusiq habit; characteristic behavior of
consideration or attention person
uqaun microphone; (Nu) what someone uqausiq manner of speech; choice of words;
said dialect; language; advice

= Iqi-1 or ~Iqi- nv having to do with hunting, preparing, repairing, cleaning, associating,

“messing around with” N [the meaning of the long form -lIqi- differs somewhat from the
meaning of the short form '= Iqi-; the words containing the short form are more
specific, often lexicalized] § -lIqi- nv

'= Iqi-2 vv (limited) to V without hesitation

makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makkiqi- to stand up in front of her/him/it in
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright defense
misik- (i) to leap straight up, to jump mitchiqi- (t) to pounce, jump on her/him/it
down from a low height; (t) to jump
across her/him/it
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puggiqi- (t) to surface upon her/him/it

surface “in front of” her/him/it
saavit- (i) to proceed out to the sea or on saavviqi- to go out to dance with
a river; (i) to go down to hunt on the ice, her/him/it
beach, along coast; (i) to go out in front
of an audience, to go out in front of a
group, e.g., to dance, participate in
competitive games; (t) to put it = boat
out to sea

‘= Iqsuq- vv, nv,rv (limited) provide with § -liqsuq- rv,nv

:isuq- or = isuq- nv (limited) to go and get, fetch N § +taq-4 nv, +ksraisuq- nv

niqi food, meat niqaisuq- to fetch some meat
suġautaq a piece of property suġautaisuq- to fetch something
*suksraq an item suksraisuq- to fetch something
tupqiq- (t) to take away her/his tent tupqisuq- to fetch a tent
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiisuq- to fetch a boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

:It-1 or = It- or '-It- nv, vv, bv (i) to lack N; to not be V

aglitchik- (i) to have the capability to aglitchiit- (i) to grow slowly
grow steadily
agliġi- (t) to avoid her/him/it in agliġit- (Ti) (i) to not be subject to taboo
accordance with taboo, e.g., avoidance
of an ill person
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayait- (i) to be not aware of the danger
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iłuit- or iluit- (i) to not be correct, not
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine proper, not right; be sick
ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or ipkit- (i) to be dull, blunt, not sharp (of knife,
of one’s mind); (i) to be sharp-tongued axe, etc.
ipiq [ipiQ] dirt ipqit- (i) to be clean
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluit- (i) to not have fish
catch a fish
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqiit- (i) to be industrious
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of
eagerness, unwillingness
kamanaq(-) bossy person; authoritative kamanait- (i) to not be held in awe
person; (i) to have greater authority than
others; (i) to be awesome, great (i) to be
worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be bossy;
(i) to be strong, large (of animal)
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋuit- (i) to be forward, bold; (i) to be
embarrassment; feeling of shyness shameless

kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of axe kiiñait- (i) to be dull, blunt, not sharp (of
knife, axe, etc.)
manik-1 [manIk] (i) to be smooth (e.g., maniit- (i) to be rough, uneven (esp., of ice
of ice) when there are ice piles)
*manŋa (root) tension manŋait-(i) for it to be tough (of meat)
naŋiaq- (i) to be afraid of falling from a naŋiit- (i) to be daring, brave when doing
high place, to have acrophobia; (i) to be something risky
afraid of falling through ice into deep
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikait- (i) to be confident
others; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a
non-participant due to one's
embarrassment, lack of confidence or
fear of authority
puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to puqiit- (i) to be dumb
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiit- (i) to not have dogs
forma familiaris)
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviit- (i) to be despondent
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋiit- (i) to be weak, lack strength; ((i) to
taut be loose, not taut
*suġaq (root) fragment; an item suġait- (i) to be whole (of something); (i) to
be healthy or doing well
suka- (i) to be fast sukait- to be slow
tupqiq- (t) to take away her/his tent tupqit- (i) to not have a tent
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuit-(i) for there to be no caribou
uqaqsiġiaq- (i) to be obedient uqaqsiġiit- (i) to be disobedient; (i) to

'= It-2 or nv, vv (limited) to come into a situation where N is present

aġra or aġraq ashes; gunpowder; fire aġrit- to be covered with ash
pail (used by whaling crew for cooking
prior to the modern campstove)
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviñġaq oil from rendered, whale blubber
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
amigaq- (i) to be insufficient amikkit- (i) to run short of something, e.g.,
skins for the making of a boat
aniqsaapak(-) a sigh (i) to sigh once aniqsaappit- (i) to catch one's breath
aqaya or aqiya mud aqayyit- (i) to become stuck in mud,
become covered with mud
iglaaq traveler, newly arrived guest, iglait- (i) to have visitors come upon one
ikkalġuq submerged sandbar, shallow ikkalġit- (i) to get stuck in shallow water

imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a immit- (i) to come upon water (e.g., of a
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable traveler); (i) to be waterlogged; (t) to soak it
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it) in water
imnaq1 high, steep cliff imnit- (i) to be unable to climb higher
because of high cliffs
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññit- (i) to come upon a person or persons;
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to (i) to have many visitors; (i) to reach a place
surprise her/him/it where there are people (of a traveler); (t) to
re-populate it (old village, abandoned place)
iri [dual irrak] eye irrit- to get something in the eye
isukłiq farthest extension of something isukłit- (i) to come to the end of something;
(i) for the end of something to be reached; (i)
by extension, to die; (t) to come to the end of
itiġuq sour urine; ammonia itiqqitchiaq urine which has turned to
kaŋilliq innermost one of a group; kaŋillit- (i) to arrive, reach one's destination;
rearmost one; origin; descendant (i) to reach the limit, e.g., to eat as much as
one can
kiniq- (i) to be thick (of a liquid); (i) to kinatchit- (i) to come to a stop, in terrain
not slide easily (as a sled with sticky through which travel is difficult
runner base)
malik- to follow, accompany mallit- (i) to be unable to keep up, fall
(her/him/it) behind; (t) to be unable to keep up with
nakasuk bladder nakatchit- (i) to have a full bladder
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipitchit- (Nu) (i) to become stuck to any
type of adhesive
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunnit- (i) to come upon land
territory, a citizen’s nation-state
papa (English) pepper pappit- (i) to sneeze because of inhaling
saagaq(-) something one brings along, saakkit- (t) to give her/him something to
carries; to carry, bring (her/him/it) with carry and deliver
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sappit-(t) to give up on her/him/it
make passage unsuitable or impossible
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit saunnit- (i) to have a bone stuck in one’s
siaksruk(-) a noise that is heard where siaksrit- (t) to frighten her/him/it away with
previously there was only silence; (i) to the noise of one's steps in snow
be noisy
*siga (root) a sizzling, gurgling, or siggit- (i) to break or crack cleanly; (t) to
rushing sound break or crack it cleanly

siiġlak- (t) for it to become sweet and siiġlit- (i) to salivate from too sweet or too
sour sour food; (i) to make a face when eating
something sour
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugriñġaq oil from rendered, bearded seal
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal blubber
umiaqpak ship umiaqpit- (i) to sight, come upon a ship

:It nn (plural mkr)

'= iuq-1 or ~iuq- nv to make, work on, cook or fix § -liuq- nv

'= iuq-2 nv, vv (limited) to experience V or N § +lI-3 vv, +nniuq- nv, +siuq-1 nv
alianaq- (i) to be boring, not enjoyable, alianniuq- (i) to be lonesome
anayanaq- (i) to be dangerous; (i) to anayanniuq- (i) to experience the
require caution; (i) to be unsafe; (i) to be dangerous; (i) to show anxiety
ikkat- (i) to be shallow e.g., a body of ikkalġiuq- (i) to travel through shallow
water water, sometimes grounding the boat
iŋiulik(-) wave or swell on ocean; (i) to iŋiulliuq-(i) to be rocking back and forth
have swells or waves (of ocean) because of waves
iqianaq- (i) to be boring, uninspiring iqianniuq- (i) to have a hard time waking up
iqsiñaq- (i) to be dangerous, frightening, iqsiññiuq- (i) to have a frightening
fearsome experience; (i) to be afraid, terrified
kamanaq(-) bossy person; authoritative kamanniuq- (i) to marvel, be amazed
person; (i) to have greater authority than
others; (i) to be awesome, great (i) to be
worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be bossy;
(i) to be strong, large (of animal)
*kipiq (root) desire for an optimun kipiġniuq- (i) to be longing, yearning for
outcome something; to be anxious to hunt
malik(-) a wave, swell on a large body malliuq- (i) to go up and down on
of water; (i) to have swells (of a large the waves
body of water)
nutqaq- (i) to stop; to die nutqiuq- (i) to stop at a place for a certain
qaggaq(-) wave which breaks on shore, qaggiuq- (i) to travel through rough water,
a breaker; (i) to break on shore (of wave) waves
suqłuk- to become impure, dirty (of suqłiuq- (i) to be very sick, have much pain

-iyaaq or -ayaaq nn (limited) a young, juvenile N § +aq2 nn, vn

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaiyaaq girl (pre-teen); a female human
queen (suit in cards) baby
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġvaaq baby whale; whale calf
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form

aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutaiyaaq boy (pre-teen); a male human
imnaiq dall sheep, mountain sheep imnaiyaaq lamb
Tanik Caucasian person; white person Taniayaaq half-white/half-Alaska Native

:Iyaq- or -Iyaq- nv, vv (i) to remove, take off one's N; (t) to remove, take off her/his/its N
from off her/him/it
allaq1 a perforation, hole, a rip allaiyaq- (t) to mend or patch its hole
amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiiyaq- (t) to remove it’s (boat) skin
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to covering
put a hide covering on it = boat or kayak
*aŋŋI (root) denial aŋŋiiyaq- (i) to resolve a situation; (i) to
find a solution to a problem
*ilisI (root) spirit, energy ilisiiyaq- (t) to cut a hole in her/his clothing
to cause her/his death (of shaman) (the
intended victim must discover and repair the
hole before putting on the pierced garment
to avoid death; (t) to put a hex or curse on
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamŋiyaq- to take (her/his/its) boots off
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kilu2 seam, stitch kiluiyaq- (i) to come apart at the seams; (t)
to rip a seam
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupqiyaq- (i) to take a tent down and pack
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) it; (t) to take a tent down for her/him/it; (t)
for the wind to flatten her/his tent
upaluŋa- (i) to be unprepared; (i) to lack upaluŋaiyaq- (i) to gather the necessary
something, e.g., food to offer others supplies for one’s trip; (t) to get the
necessary supplies ready for her/him for a
idiomatic uses
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaiyaq- to have cold hands
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted in a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)
igniqutit outboard motor; car engine; igniqutaiyaq- (i) for one’s engine to break
power plant

isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigaiyaq- to have cold feet
qamun car, truck qamutaiyaq- (i) to get a broken car
siun ear siutaiyaq- to have cold ears
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunuiyaq- to have a cold back
back exterior wall of house

’-k-1 nv (limited) (i) to acquire N (usually by hunting in its natural environment) § +t-2 nv
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) to kill a
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form whale in a whale hunt
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
aiviq [aiviQ] [dual aivvak, pl.aivġit] aivvak- (i) to kill a walrus
walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
ikilik one with a wound; wounded or ikillak- (i) to catch a wounded animal; to
dead animal find a wounded or dead animal
nanuq polar bear (Ursus maritimus) nannuk- to kill a polar bear
niaquq head, skull, cranium niaqquk- (Ti) (i) to receive, acquire the head
share of whale (of last boat arriving at kill)
piña the one piññak- (i) to acquire something
tipi-2 (t) to be washed ashore tivrak- (i) to find something drifted ashore
tuugaaq [tuuga aq] walrus tusk; tuugarrak- (Ti) (i) to get walrus tusks
ivory; white of eye

’-k-2 also -.k-2 nv, vv, rv (limited) (i) to acquire, grow N in abundance; (i) to become V; to V
more, to increase V-ing quickly or with intensity
agak(-) a tease; a mischief-maker; (i) to aggaktit- (i) to become mischievious; (i) to
be mischievous; (i) to be a tease; (i) to be begin teasing others
belligerent, want to fight, be
argumentative; (i) to fight; (t) to tease
her/him; (t) to fight with her/him
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide ammuktuq- (t) to pull it (e.g., a net) from
back into water after beginning to under the ice with a rope line
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
anuġi wind anuqqak- to become windy
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, (perhaps) auk- to be melting
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish);
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to

aulaya-(i) to be easily moved, not aulayyak- (i) to move suddenly; (t) to move,
securely fastened shift or budge it
avaala- (i) to yell avaallak- (i) to begin yell (usually in pain or
when in danger)
ikak-2 (i) to be dirty ikkak- (i) to become messy, untidy
ikuala- (i) to blaze, burn brightly ikuallak- (i) to burst into flames
imaq (-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- immak(-) pus; infection; (i) to develop an
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; infection; (i) to accumulate liquid (e.g., pus
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it in a wound); (i) to get water in one’s boots;
for scraping (i) to become saturated with water (of
object); (i) to take in water (of boat)
iñuguq- (i) to become an adult, grow up; iñukkuk- (t) to nurture her/him/it into
to "come back to life," regain health (of a maturity
sick person); (t) to raise, nurture
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññuk- to form a living being (usu. of an
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to egg)
surprise her/him/it
ipiq2 [ipiQ] dirt ippak- to get (it) dirty
kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy; (i) kayummak- (i) to speed up, accelerate, get
to be appetizing, palatable (of food) energized
kigun tooth kiguttak- (i) to teethe, cut teeth
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaksaq- (i) to misunderstand, be
(excl.) you fool! confused
kivik- (i) to lift oneself; (t) to lift kivvak- to lift (her/him/it) repeatedly
maġaala- (i) to yelp, howl; (i) to yell in maġaallak- (i) to begin to yelp in pain
maliġi- (t) to follow her/him/it; to maliqquk- (t) to follow her/him/it
follow her/his/its directions constantly, everywhere
naama- (i) to be enough, adequate, naammak- (i) to be of the right amount or
sufficient, complete; (i) to have a size, to fit right; (i) to be adequate, enough
quorum for a meeting; (i) to be perfect,
flawless; (i) to be well-supplied, have
everything needed, e.g., the right tools,
naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to narrak- (i) to become pregnant; to get a
have a full stomach, be full from eating distended belly
naluk-1 (t) to throw it underhand; to toss nalluk- (t) to toss it up and down repeatedly
it up
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or nagguksaun fertilizer; something to
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to promote maturity (e.g., words of wisdom)
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; nuik- or nuilatu- (i) to have a large neck
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to opening (of garment)
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look

outside, e.g., to see if someone or
something is coming
nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair nutchak- (i) to grow hair; to let one’s hair
grow long
nutik- to leap (over it) nuttagaq- (i) to keep hopping, leaping,
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy, piallak- (i) to become enthusiastic; to
rambunctious, disorderly become carried away, rowdy, rambunctious
sanik(-) speck of dust, lint; caribou hair sannak- (i) to get covered with dust, lint or
on clothing or floor; to have dust, lint, animal hair
dirt on it
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit saunnak- (i) to harden (of children’s soft
sayak health, strength sayyak- (i) to gain strength, grow strong
siŋuk- (i) to strain while defecating; (i) siŋŋuktit- (i) to become red in the face from
to strain during labor contractions (of exertion or illness
woman giving birth)
siqiñiq sun siqiññak- to receive, get more sun (of days
as they lengthen)
suama- (i) to be strong; (i) to have suammak- (i) to become stronger,
fortitude, resilience revitalized; (i) to become more emotional
umik whiskers, beard ummak- (i) to grow a beard or moustache;
grow whishers
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) utaqqik- (i) to continue to wait
uuma- (i) to be alive (of an animal) uummak- (i) to become alive, be revived
uviñiq [uviñiQ] or uviñik or (Ti) uvinik uviññak-(i) to get fleshy, fat
skin (of human); epidermis

-k-3 v (limited) indicates movement § +muk- nv, rv

avanmun reciprocal, reciprocity; to each avanmuk- (i) to part from one another and
other go in different directions; (t) to take them in
different directions
sugnamun which direction sugnamuk- to which direction

-k-4 nv, rv (limited) to apply or use a N or R

aglak a letter character aglak- to write (it)
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayaktuq- or anayaktuaq- (Ti) (i) to be
cautious, careful in a dangerous place; to get
up carefully, move cautiously (of a sick
*argua (root) audacious, bold arguaktit- (i) to become audacious, bold
iñuk person; owner; core of boil; iñuk- (t) to surprise her/him/it
resident spirit; embryo of an egg
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a ipuk- (t) to lift it with a lever; (t) to cock the
handle to it lever of it (rifle)
iri [dual irrak] eye irigmik- to wink (at her/him)

isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to obtain it =
flight); (i) to moult a C.O.D. package at the post office
isi [isI] drum skin isik- or isiaq- (t) to put a skin on it = drum
ivsa juice of fruit, meat, vegetables; ivsak- (i) to moisten it
saliva, bodily fluid; sap of tree; dew
kali something being dragged, towed kaliksIq- to be towed, dragged
qalu(-) dipnet; (i) to get something using qaluŋniQ (Nu) small "bowl" or cirque in
a dipnet; (t) to bail water out of it = boat mountains
*salu (root) cleaniness saluk- (t) to prepare it = an animal skin by
moistening it first with a flour mixture, then
rolling it tightly and letting it set overnight,
then scraping it white; (Nu) (t) to scrape it =
animal skin; (Ti) to use white powder on (it
= caribou skin) to soften it during tanning
siġmiq [siġmIQ] or (Ti) siġmiq(-) siġmik- (t) to apply a substance that hardens
substance that hardens and can be used on it
for patching; filler applied to bottom of
sled runners made of frozen mixture of
water and snow used to increase
slipperiness and lessen friction; (Ti) ice
which forms on boat or sled; (t) for it =
boat or sled to get covered with ice;
sivukki- (i) to point straight forward (of sivukkik- (i) for it to be straight; to point
feet) straight ahead (of road, line or purpose)

+k1 nn (limited) item of N § +łłIQ

°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isukłiq farthest extension of something
long stick
killi or killiq1 [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killik heelprint in earth, snow where person
space); due date; border, line, edge of drives heel in for support
land which has been cleared; source of
river; area next to wall or floor; stopping
point, goal, destination; limit; crucial
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvuk point, tip; promontory (of land);
pointed mountain peak
qala wake of boat, churning water qalak(-) a bubble, burp; (i) to burp, clear
behind paddle or propeller one's throat; (t) to burp it = gas bubble out

‘-k2 nn (dual mkr)

-kaaq nn that which one usually or regularly has as one's N

aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) kill a whale aġvaksakaaq the type of whale one usually
in a whale hunt caught
ikayuqti assistant, helper; intercessor ikayuqtikaaq one’s usual helper

ini place; room; (by extension) one’s inikaaq one’s usual place
miŋuaqtuġvik school miŋuaqtuġvikaaq one’s former school
piiguq- or puiguq- to forget (her/him/it piiguitkaaq lesson taught in such a manner
that one won’t forget it; memento, souvenir
piqan companion piqatikaaq one’s usual partner

+kaaq- or -kaaq- vv (limited) to V exceedingly, completely § -pkaaq- vv

kaak- (i) to be hungry kakkaaq- (i) to never have enough to eat; to
starve to death

paałłak- (i) to fall forward suddenly, paałłakaaq- (i) to stumble, falling forward
landing face down
siak-1 (Ti) (i) to be scattered; (t) to scatter siakkaaq- (t) to scatter and lose them
uupkaaq- or uukkaaq- or (Nu) uupkaq- (i)
to come crashing down, fall, slide (of
hanging ice or snow on a slope)

±kallaiq- vv to not V as early as usual, or as often | :Iq-2 nv,vv

niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġikallaiq- (i) to eat not as early as one
used to
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñikallaiq- (i) to take a long time to fall
= day sleeping asleep

±kallaŋIt- vv (limited) to not V early | ±ŋIt- vv

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anikallaŋit- (i) to not come out right away
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isikallaŋit- (i) to not come in right away; (t)
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it to not bring it in right away
inside, to place it inside
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pisakallaŋit- to not start early, be late
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to starting or beginning (it)
her/him; an entity
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaikallaŋit- (i) to not come right away
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utikallaŋit- to not return early (to her/him/it)
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a

+k/galuaq- vv with Interrogative endings: is it for certain, without doubt that she/he/it V-ed
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaqpauŋ is it for certain that he
recognized her
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimagaluaqpiuŋ are you sure you know

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaqpa is it for certain he really
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it entered
inside, to place it inside
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaqpauŋ is it for certain that he
really did see her

+k/galuaq- vv with Indicative endings: she/he did V (her/him/it), but …

ai-1 [agi] (t) to fetch, go and get » aigaluaqtaġa pitquŋitchaŋa I went to get
her/him/it it, but he told me not to take it
apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him || » apiqsrigaluaqtuaŋa ilausukłuŋa I asked
apiqsrI- to be included, but... (I do not know what the
outcome will be)
ati-2 (t) to put it = garment on » atigaluaqtaŋa mattaqtittaġa he put it on,
but I made him take it off
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaqtaa aglaan ullaŋitkaa he
recognized her, but he did not approach her
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimagaluaġiga ullagniaŋitkiga I know
her, but I will not approach her
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaqtuaq, aglaan qilamik
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it anitqiksuaq he went inside, but he came out
inside, to place it inside quickly
malik- to follow, accompany » malikkaluaqtaa, aglaan tammaimaraa
(her/him/it) she followed him, but eventually she lost
sight of him
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaqtaa aglaan ilisaġiŋitkaa he
saw her, but he did not recognize here

+k/galuaq- vv with Affirmative Subordinative endings: although, even though she/he V-ed
(her/him/it), she/he did not V (her/him/it)
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaqługu paġlaŋitkaa although
he recognized her, he did not greet, welcome
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimagaluaqługu atuŋitchaġa although I
knew the song, I did not sing it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaqłuni anitqiksiqtuaq although he
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it went inside, he left quickly
inside, to place it inside
malik- to follow, accompany » malikkaluaqługu, qanuq piŋiñmigaa
(her/him/it) although she followed him, at the end, she
did not say or do anything to him
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » ullaŋitchaa tautukkaluaqługu although
he saw her, he did not approach

+k/galuaq- vv with Negative Subordinative endings: without V-ing (her/him/it), she/he/it

akilIq- (t) to pay for it; to pay her/him » akiliġaluaġnagik aniruaq he went out

for something without paying for themd
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaġnagu aniruq he went out
without recognizing her
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » malikkaluaġnagu
ilitchuġiyumiñaitchutin you will not find
out without following him
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of » ilitkaluaġnagu atuġniaŋitkiga I will not
her/his ways, habits; (t) to learn it sing it without learning it first
» iqalukkaluaġnatiŋ airuat they went
home without catching any fish
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaġnani utiqsimaruaq I found out
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it that he returned without coming in to visit
inside, to place it inside
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) » niġigaluaġnata ayaktuagut we went on
our way without eating
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to » pilakkaluaġnagu qairruŋ give it to her
butcher it = a carcass without butchering it

tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaġnagu utiġniruaq he said

that he returned without seeing her

+k/galuaq- vv with Optative-Imperative endings: it does not matter even if she/he V

(her/him/it); V (her/him/it) and see what happens
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaġliuŋ it does not matter even if
he recognizes her
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaġli qanuq piññagu even if he
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it comes inside, do not say anything to him
inside, to place it inside
malik- to follow, accompany » malikkaluaġuŋ follow him and see what
(her/him/it) happens
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaġliuŋ suniaŋitchuq even if
he should see her, it will be of no

+k/galuaq- vv with Conditional endings: even if she/he V (her/him/it), she/he will V

ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaġumŋa naluniñiaġikpiñ even
if you say that you recognize me, I will say
that I do not know you
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaqpan aninniaġaat they will throw
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it him out even if he should enter
inside, to place it inside
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of » ilitkaluaġupku atuqtinniaŋitkaat even if
her/his ways, habits; (t) to learn it you learn it, they will not let you sing it
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaqpagu qanuq piññasiuŋ
even if he sees her, do not say or do anything

to him

+k/galuaq- with Consequential endings: even when she/he V (her/him/it), she/he V

(her/him/it); because, since she/he/it V (her/him/it), she/he V (her/him/it); after V-ing
(her/him/it) for a while (but now she/he/it has stopped V-ing (her/him/it)
aqpatqasiq- (t) to run with her/him » aqpatqasiġaluaqapku uvlaaq I ran with
him for a while this morning
atuq- to song (it = song) » atuġaluaġami she sang for a while
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluaġmagit suġauttat
qanulaitkiga even when she recognized
some things, I do not say anything to her
ipiqtusuk- (i) to be very sad, » ipiqtusukkaluaqami quviatchallaktuq
despondent, depressed after being sad and depressed for a while,
she gradually became happier
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaġman qanulaitkaat they do not
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it do or say anything to him, even if (although)
inside, to place it inside he comes to visit or they do not give him any
hassles when he enters
killukuaqtaq- to keep making mistakes » killukuaqtaġaluaġmatku
(on it) uuktuaġuktaqpuk because theyd were
making mistakes on it, wed wanted to try it
malik- to follow, accompany » malikkaluaġmagu malirraqsiraġali since
(her/him/it) she was following him around, I decided to
follow him too
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluaġmagu suliqutigilaitkikput
even when he sees her, it is of no
consequence to us
qia- [qi a] to cry, weep, shed tears (for » qiagaluaġman qaġġisiraġa I brought her
her/him/it) with me because she was crying so much
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) » utaqqigaluaqamisin aniruaq he waited
for you for a while, then left

+k/galuaq- vv with Comptemporative I endings: although she/he/it V (her/him/it), she/he V-

ed (her/him/it)
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġigaluallaan ullaŋitkaa although he
recognized her, he did not approach her
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimagaluallaan atuġuŋitkiga although I
know it, I do not want to sing it
malikataq- to run after, chase » malikataġaluallaan aŋuŋillakkaa
(her/him/it) although she was chasing him, she never did
catch up with him
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » tautukkaluallaan tautuŋiññiraa he said
that he did not see her although he did see

+k/galuaq- vv with Contemporative II endings: although she/he had V-ed (her//him/it),
she/he/it V-ed (her/him/it)
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimagaluaŋŋaigñik tupaksaaqtaka
although theyd knew what was going on, I
tried to spook themd
tautuŋa- to have seen (her/him/it) » tautuŋagaluaŋŋaan miqłiqtunun
kaluqtaġa although, even though the
children had seen it, I brought it anyway

+k/galuaqtit- vv ( with negative subordinative endings) before she/he/it V

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiġaluaqtinnagu iriġiñ hide before he
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it enters
inside, to place it inside
itiqsaq- (t) to wake her/him up » itiqsaġaluaqtinnani makittuaq he got out
of bed before he was called
uqallak- (i) to say something » uqallakkaluaqtinnagu uqallagnak don't
say anything before he speaks

-kałłak- vv (limited) to V with violence, carelessness | perhaps -kaq- vv -łłak- vv

pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pikałłaktaq- (i) to do things carelessly; (i) to
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to be negligent (especially when angry); (t) to
her/him; an entity handle her/him/it roughly
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen ¤supikałłaktaq- or supiłhaqtaq- (Nu) (i) to
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out blow in gusts (of wind)

±kaŋIt- vv to delay V-ing; to not V early

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aikaŋit- (i) to come home late, not early »
miqłiqtut aikaŋitchuat unnuaq the
children did not come home early last night
ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, ayakaŋit- (i) to not start early on one’s way
proceed ahead, start toward destination, » ayakaŋitchuagut uvlaaq we delayed
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to starting on our way this morning
push, launch it = boat to sea
miquq- to sew (it) miqukaŋit- to not sew (it) early »
kamitchiaksrautiŋit miqukaŋitchatka I
delayed sewing their new boots
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikitkaŋit- (i) to arrive late; (t) to reach
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it her/him/it late, not early » tikitkaŋitchuat
their arrival was delayed

-kaq- nv, vv (limited) to V suddenly or unexpectedly

aki(-) gaff, barb on hook; curved hook- akikaq- (i) to be caught with a hook; to be
shaped slough off river; to secure it with secured with an ice hook; (t) to catch it with
barb on hook a hook; secure it = sled with an ice hook sled
akpak- (i) to reach the summit when akpakaq- (i) to barely manage to climb on

climbing; (i) to take a step up; (i) to to something; (t) to barely manage to climb
climb up through the entrance hole into a on to it
traditional subterranean sod house; (i) to
come through the door of a communal
house (of a dancer in a dance); (i) to
push one’s way through a crowd,
navigate through a crowded place; (i) to
overcome a personal problem, crisis; (t)
to reach its summit when climbing; (t) to
overcome it = a personal problem or
kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) to kuniłukaq- (i) to fall flat on one's face
smack into each other (of juggling
stones); (t) to bring it near to the nose to
malik- to follow, accompany malikpakaq- (t) to follow her/him/it right
(her/him/it) after she/he/it has departed
maŋik- [maŋIk] to gnaw on (it); (Nu) maŋikaq- (i) to fall on one's face
(i) to fall headfirst dead or wounded
(usu. of animal); (Nu) (i) to fall on
one’s face
nusuk- or nutchuk- (t) to pluck, snatch, nusukaq- (t) to jerk and drag it
pull it out
pivsukaq- (i) to barely, narrowly escape
death, danger; (t) to barely miss hurting
her/him/it; (t) to barely miss striking it = an
animal during hunting
*pusi (root) face down position pusikaq- (i) to fall forward

puuk- (i) to become bent with age; (Ti) puukaq- (i) to fall forward, stumble
(i) to fall over from a stroke, or when
fainting, etc.
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen ¤supikałłaktaq- or supiłhaqtaq- (Nu) (i) to
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out blow in gusts (of wind)
tupak- or tupakaq- (i) to be surprised, tupak- or tupakaq- (i) to be surprised,
startled; (i) to wake from sleep to full startled; (i) to wake from sleep to full
wakefulness wakefulness

+kaq nn (limited) item similar to or resembling a N § ±aq1 vn

alla another one, a different one; allakaq a different kind
something strange
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of papikkaq (Nu) downriver end of an island
traditional skin pants); the length of the
backside of a parka or snowshirt
*saki (root) a shaving sakikkaq wood shaving
*tupit (root) apprehension, uneasiness, tupitkaq amulet or charm worn on body or

spookiness clothing
tuuq(-) [tuguq] ice chisel, ice pick; to tuukkaq toggle head of harpoon or spear;
work or pierce (it) with a chisel or ice detachable walrus harpoon head (usually
pick; (Ti) to chop ice with an ice chisel made of ivory, iron or brass)
or ice pick

+kaqsI- vv to be about to V; to be about to begin, has already began and continues to V §

-aqsI- vv

+kaqsimmipkaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in t) (plus affirmative

subordinative endings ) just when she/he/it is about to V, another (subject) does
something § -aqsimmipkaq- vv

±kasak- vv to V regularly, routinely, or everytime

aŋiq- (i) to say “yes,” to nod “yes,” to aŋikasak- to answer (her/him/it) each time »
signify “yes” by raising the eyebrows; (t) aŋikasaktuami apiqsruġmaŋa I have been
to say, nod or signify “yes” to her/him answering him affirmatively whenever he
asks me
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatkasak- (i) to run regularly »
aqpatkasaktuagni wed have been running
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayukasak- to help (her/him/it) regularly »
ikayukasaktaġa I have been helping her
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imikasak- to drink (it) regularly »
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable imikasaktuaq anaqatuaġman he has been
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it) drinking every evening
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġikasak- to eat (it) routinely »
niġikasaktuani uvaptinni we have been
eating regularly at our place
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puukasak- (t) to place it in a container
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young routinely » puukasaktatka aluaqsautinik I
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of have been putting them in gunny sacks
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savakasak- to work (on it) routinely »
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; savakasakpisi uvlaami do you routinely
(i) to be working, operating properly (of work in the morning
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+k/gasugi- or +k/gasuga- vv (i) to think that one is V or is V-ing; (t) to think that she/he/it is
V or is V-ing; to think that one V her/him/it § +nasugi- vv
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiñasugi- (i) to think she/he came home »
aiñasugalugu qaigaluaqtuami I came
thinking she had come home

ipiġaq-2 or (Ti) ipaġaq- (i) to wade ipiġaġasugi- (t) to think she/he/it is wading
» ipiġaġasugiraat ipiġaŋisimaruaq the one
they thought waded, had not
navik- to break (it) navikkasugi- (t) to think it broke »
navikkasugalugit pipkaŋitchatka fearing
they might get broken, I did not let them be
patiq(-) [patiQ] bone marrow; candle; patiġasugi- (t) to think she/he/it is eating
(i) to eat bone marrow; (t) to eat its bone bone marrow » patiġasugilugit
marrow ullakkaluaqtatka thinking they were eating
bone marrow I went over to them, but...
(they weren't)
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaġasugi- (t) to think she/he/it is walking
distance » pisuaġasugiraqput pisuaŋisimaruaq the
one we thought was walking, did not walk

-kataq(-) vv, vn (limited) to V over a continuous length of time; an activity done over a
period of time; item that is V-ing continuously § +aq-1 vv
aqła(-) draft (i) to be drafty aqłakataq [lit. “something that is blown
about”] cotton grass (Eriophorum
malik- to follow, accompany malikataq- (t) to chase her/him/it
nalluk- (t) to toss up and down nallukataq- (t) to toss her/him/it around; to
repeatedly throw her/him/it up and down
naluk- (t) to throw it underhand; to toss nalukataq- (i) to be tossed up and down on
it up the mapkuq (bearded-sealskin blanket-toss)
during the whaling festival
piksik- (i) to fly off: (i) to bounce off piksigaq- or piksikataq- (i) to jump, bounce
when snapped or broken; (i) to bounce repeatedly
off target; (i) to jump, hop; (i) to leave
suddenly without preparation
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisukataq- or (Ti) pisuu- (i) to walk, rather
distance than use some other mode of transport
tigumiaq(-) [tigumi aq] something tigumiakataq- (t) to carry her/him/it
carried in one’s arms; to carry although she/he/it might be heavy
(her/him/it) in one’s arms or hands
uluġuak- (t) to carry her/him/it under uluġuakataq- (t) to carry her/him/it under
one’s arm one’s arm for a while
usiq [usIq] [pl. utchit] (Nu) load, usikataq- to carry (her/him/it) as a load
something/someone carried in sled, boat,
or vehicle

+katit- vv (limited) to V suddenly § +tit-2 vv

nalautchaq- (i) to prophesy, predict, nalautchakatit- to overtake, come upon
guess, take a gamble (her/him/it) suddenly; meet (her/him/it)


±kavsak(-) nn, vv (limited) to be slightly or somewhat V; one that is slightly or somewhat V

kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kavikavsak- (i) to be reddish
kinnaŋa- (i) to be crazy, mentally ill kinnaŋakavsak- (i) to be slightly crazy
nait- (i) to be short of length naitkavsak- (i) to be a little bit too short
saquŋa- (i) to be crooked (of a line, saquŋakavsak- (i) to be slightly crooked
stitching, etc.)
sikuġlak(-) or sikuġlalaaq frozen rain sikuġlakavsaŋa- (i) to have ice crystals
and snow on ground; hailstone; ice formed inside (which resulted from partial
crystal; (Ti) icicle; (Ti) old packed snow melting, then refreezing) (of meat or fish)
good for melting for drinking water; to
freeze over ground or snow (of rain); to
start forming (of ice); to hail; (Ti) (i) to
form (of icicle); to get packed hard so
that it is good for melting for drinking
water (of snow)

+k/gayaq- vv would V or be V
miquq- to sew (it) miquġayaq- would sew (it) » aatkupku
miquġayaġaa she would sew it if you took
it over (to her)
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pigayaq- would do (it) » qanuq
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to pigayaitchuŋa I would do nothing
her/him; an entity
qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner qanuġayaq- would do or say what (to
or method, what condition; to do or say her/him/it) » inna piguptigu qanuġayaqpiñ
what (to her/him/it) what would you do if we did it this way
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qivitkayaq- (i) would leave or go away
indignant; to act or behave indignantly indignant » qivitkayaqpiñ would you get
mad and go away
quvyak- (i) to become happy, joyful quvyakkayaq- (i) would be overjoyed »
aitchuġupku quvyakkayaqtuq she would
be overjoyed if you gave her some
uqallak- (i) to speak uqallakkayaq- (i) would speak » qanuq
uqallakkayaqpa what would he say

-khaaq- vv (limited) to V with exaggeration

aŋutau- [lit.“to be a man”] (i) to be aŋutaukhaaq- (i) to strut in a manly way,
virile; (i) to dance in man’s style (esp., of exaggerating the mannerisms and actions of
woman imitating a man) a male
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kalikhaaq- or kaliukhaaq- to drag (it)
carelessly or roughly or accidentally; to rub
against (it) and cause (it) to fall while going
past carelessly
qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms qumiikhaaq- (i) to keep one’s arms inside

inside the body of one’s parka; (t) to put one’s parka (t) to keep her/him/it inside
her/him/it inside one’s parka one’s parka

-kikłI- nv (i) to become fewer in number or smaller in size; (t) to cause them, to become
fewer in number or smaller in size | -kIt- nv -kłI- vv
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukikłi- (i) to become fewer in numbers (of
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to people)
surprise her/him/it
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigakikłi- (i) to not fit (of boots because feet
are getting bigger)
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttukikłi- (i) for the caribou to become
fewer in number

-kikłilaaq- nv to cause N to become smaller in size or quantity | -kIt- nv -kłI- vv +laaq-1 vv

agmaniq an opening agmanikikłilaaq- (t) to make its opening
akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of akukikłalaaq- (t) to make a it (skirt, dress,
garment; outer keel of an umiak frame; parka) shorter
board placed on one side of the keel of
an umiak frame; sheer line of kayaq; to
put a skirt on (her/him/it); to place the
two boards on either side of it = keel of
an umiak frame
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigakikłilaaq- (t) to make its soles smaller
qaunnaq solid animal fat qaunnakikłilaaq- (t) to remove some of its
solid fat
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsrukikłilaaq- (t) to remove some of its
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum blubber

-killiuq- nv (i) to experience the scarcity of N | -kIt- nv -liuq- vv § :illiuq- nv

-kipiaq nn suffix added to names of numbers to indicate that it is multiplied by 20

§ -agliaq nn
malġuk malġukipiaq
2 2 x 20 = 40
piŋasut piŋasukipiaq
3 3 x 20 = 60
sisamat sisamakipiaq
4 4 x 20 = 80
tallimat tallimakipiaq
5 5 x 20 = 100

+kisaaq(-) vv (limited) to V recreationally

aatchaq- (i) to open one’s mouth; (i) to aatchukisaaq- (i) to jumpboard
open (of sea ice crack)
anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in anakkisaaq- to challenge (her/him) to a

competition competition; (i) to compete by daring others
to surpass one’s feat
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of iglukisaaq- (i) to juggle
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement

+k/gisi- vv will have the opportunity to V (her/him/it), when the time is right
miquq- to sew (it) miquġisi- (i) will sew (it) » tamaaniillik,
uvlaakun miquġisigaik leave themd here,
she will sew themd tomorrow
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġigisi- will eat (it) » isiġumi
niġigisilgitchuq it is certain that he will eat
as he usually does when he comes in
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savakkisi- will work (on it) » siñigli,
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; itiġumi savakkisimmiuq let him sleep, he
(i) to be working, operating properly (of will get the chance to work when he wakes
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = up
corpse for burial

-kisuuraq nn one with a few Ns; one with small N

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukisuurat a few, a small number
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
iri [dual irrak] eye irikisuuraq one with small eyes
kanak length of human leg from crotch kanakisuuraq one with short legs
to heel, inner leg; inseam

-kIt- nv, rv (i) to possess, have N small in size or quantity

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atikit- (i) to be near the beach (of open
underside; down water); for there to have a narrow open lead
in ice
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukit- (i) to have few people, be sparsely
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to populated; to be few in number (not just
surprise her/him/it people)
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigakit- (i) to have small feet
kanak length of human leg from crotch kanakit- (i) to have short legs (of people)
to heel, inner leg; inseam
kilu2 seam, stitch kilukit- (i) to be finely sewn, has small
precise stitches
*puk (root) depth pukkit- (i) to ride low in water (of boat); to
be low (of elevation); to be shallow (of
qaqasaq or qaqisaq brain qaqisakit- (i) to be not too smart
qaunnaq solid animal fat qaunnakit- (i) to not have much fat (of

hoofed animal= ruminant)
*sivI (root) duration sivikit- (i) to be of short duration

-kkak- vv (limited) to attain the quality of being or do the activity indicated by the V
pukta- (i) to be afloat puktakkaq- (i) to float to the surface of
water; to wax (of moon)
qaksruq- (i) to bring boat from whaling qaksrukkak- (i) to put clothing up and tie it
camp back to the village; (Ti) (i) to with a belt so as not to soil or wet the lower
celebrate the whaling festival part
qitut- (i) to be soft, tender, pliable; (i) to qitukkait- (Nu) (i) to be inflexible, stiff, not
be thin (of fabric) pliable

-kkaluaq1 nn the former N

aimmivik home aimmivikkaluaq former residence, former
home » aimmivikkaluaġa
allaŋŋupaluŋamaruq my former home has
changed tremendously
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliakkaluaq former wife » nuliakkaluani
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to take a tautugniraa uvlupak he said he saw his
wife former wife today
ui husband uikkaluaq former husband » uikkaluani
takusuugaa she goes and sees her former
husband regularly

-kkaluaq2 nn (used in combination with a demonstrative adverb to indicate the

item exists but its utility is questionable)
anŋiqpak rubber boot anŋiqpak-kaluaq marra here’s a rubber
boot, but…
qaġruuraqtuun shotgun qaġruuraqtuun-kaluaq marra here’s a
shotgun, but…
umiaq(-) [umi aq] a boat; (i) to go umiak-kaluaq marra here’s a boat, but…
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

+kkalukkut vs (excl.) (limited) (ending attached to verb stem creating a statement of

pleasant surprise)
pimmaaġIk- (i) to look good, » igluuraq una igaliligaaq
pimmaaġikkalukkut this little house with a
skylight sure is in good shape
sivunġIk- (i) to have a good purpose, » aasii sivunġikkalukkut and they have a
goal, objective good plan
tivraġIk- (i) to smell good » yaiy! isiqsaġniaqhutiglu, araa imña
tivraġikkalukkut iglu wow! just as theyd
entered the house, theyd smelled a pleasant
odor in the house

-kkałaaq- vv (limited) to V leisurely or unhurried for a while | perhaps -kkak- vv -laaq-1 vv
qamuk- to pull or tow (it) qamuukkałaaq- (i) to walk, pulling a sled
leisurely, unhurried
qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms qumiikkałaaq- (i) to walk with arms inside
inside the body of one’s parka; (t) to put one’s parka, leisurely, unhurried
her/him/it inside one’s parka

-kkaq vn (Participial Mood marker) that which is V-ed § +t/raq vn

ilisima- to know (her/him/it) » ilisimakkaŋiññik atuqta let us sing the
ones that he knows
niġiugi- (t) to anticipate, expect » niġiugikkaŋa the one that he is expecting
her/him/it to appear or occur

-kkI- nv (limited) to intentionally acquire the quality or quantity of N or V-ing

°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivukki- to point straight forward
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; time prior; front exterior wall of
suna (interrog.) what sunakki- to store food for future use

-kkiiq n (limited) a mythical or spirit entity | perhaps -kkI- nv :Iq vn

aŋayakkiiq (Ti) a human-sized puppet
manipulated by strings that appears during
the ninth (9th) scene in a ten-act dance
ceremonial held in a qalgi during Christmas
week at Pt. Hope
ayaqhaaq(-) string game; (i) to play a ayaqhaakkiiq a spirit that plays string
string game, e.g., “cat’s cradle”; (t) to games with its own intestines, drawing them
tell it = story using string figures out of its mouth (it is said that if a young
person plays string games to the extent that
they ignore their chores, the ayaqhaakkiq
will appear; this story is told to discourage
such indulgent play)

-kkIt- vv (limited) to commence V-ing or being N | perhaps -kkI- nv +t-2 nv, vv

anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in anakkit- (i) to perform a feat expecting
competition others to try to surpass the performance; to
ask for a rematch or another type of
competition (of a losing team)
atuq- to use (it); to wear (it) atukkirruti- (t) to rent, lease it out
niŋau brother-in-law (sister’s husband, niŋaukkit- to become a part of wife's family
not spouse’s brother); son-in-law
putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to putukkit- (i) to stumble
perforate, pierce it, make a hole through
it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one’s sole

ukuaq sister-in-law (brother’s wife); ukuakkit- (i) to stay with husband’s family

-kkiuti- vv (limited) (t) to begin to V her/him/it | +[g]i- rv ‘uti- vv

anmigi- (t) to feel that one can beat anmikkiuti- (t) to begin to think that one
her/him in a competition; to feel that one could accomplish, do it
is more capable than her/him
ilimagi- (t) to suspect her/him ilimakkiuti- (t) to begin to not trust her/him
iqiagi- (t) to not feel like doing it iqiakkiuti- (t) to become lazy to do it; to
become unwilling, not eager to do it
iqsigi- (t) to be afraid of, fear her/him/it iqsikkiuti- (t) to become afraid of her/him/it
nagligi- (t) to pity, feel sorry for, have naglikkiuti- (t) to begin to feel sorry for
compassion for her/him/it her/him/it
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it nakuaqqiuti- (t) to begin to like it
piyuumigi- (t) to actively seek to harm piyuumikkiuti- (t) to begin to think about
her/him/it, menace her/him/it, be attacking her/him/it
ill-intentioned toward her/him/it
tuvraq- (t) to follow, track her/him/it; (t) tuvraakkiuti- (t) to begin to imitate, follow,
to imitate, portray, copy her/him/it; (t) to track her/him/it
follow it =e.g., a sewing pattern,
instructions for building something; (i) to
copy something; (i) to imitate someone
or something; (t) to resemble her/him in
uumigi- (t) to hate, dislike her/him uumikkiuti- (t) to begin to hate her/him/it

-kłI- or (Ti) -glI- vv (limited) to become V; to be made less V § +sI-1 vv

aktigi- (i) to be of a certain length or size aktikłi- (i) to become a certain size; (t) to
cause it to become a certain size
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amigli- or amikłi (i) to wane (of moon); to
slender become narrower, more slender, slimmer; (t)
to make it narrower
*iġnu (root) bulk iġnukłi- (t) to fold it, making it less bulky
ikikit- (i) to be narrow (e.g., of a river, ikikłi- or (Ti) ikigli- (i) to become narrow;
doorway); (i)for there to be a short (i) to close up, come together (e.g., of ocean
distance between two things ice)
nait- (i) to be short of length naikłi- (i) to become shorter; (t) to shorten it
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqikłi- (i) to set (of sun); (i) to become
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down lower; (i) to humble oneself; (t) to lower,
decrease its height
nipat- (i) to make a sound nipakłi- (i) to become quieter, less noisy
saat-2 [sagat] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, saakłi- (i) to become soft and pliable;
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have become thin (of fabric); (t) to make it soft
thin hair and pliable
uqit- [uqIt] (i) to be light (in weight) uqigli- or uqikłi- (i) to lose weight; (i) to
become happy, joyous, exalted as when a

burden or worrisome situation is resolved
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvlukłi- to wane (of daylight)
light (of day)

+kłIq- or ~kłIq- vv (limited) intransitivizer § +sI-3 vv

ai-1 [agi] (t) to fetch, go and get aikłiq- (i) to fetch an object or a person »
her/him/it aikłiġiñ ikayuqtiksraġnik fetch someone to
help you
aliasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him to aliasaaqłiq- (i) to try to make someone sad;
feel lonely or sad to tell sad stories » aliasaaqłiqsuaq iñuŋnik
anirruŋ tell the person who is trying to
make people sad to leave
aliuqsaaq- (t) to try to awe or astonish aliuqsaaqłiq- (i) to tell tall tales » aŋun
her/him; to tell tall tales to her/him aliuqsaaqłiqsuaq naalaktuannaraaġaat
they are enjoying the man who is telling tall
arak- (t) to comfort, soothe, placate arakłiq- (i) to comfort someone »
her/him; (t) to encourage her/him arakłiqsuaq pilluatapaluktuq the one who
was comforting everyone did a good job
iglaġuksaaq- (t) to try to make her/him iglaġuksaaqłiq- (i) to try to make people
laugh laugh, to be a comedian »
iglaġuksaaqłiqsuam quyaliirani the one
who was making them laugh was a godsend
to me
iglautigi- (t) to laugh at, about her/him/it iglautikłiq- (i) to laugh at, or make fun of
someone » iglautikłiqsuaq suaktipaluktuq
the one who was laughing at others was
scolded soundly
ikłigusaaq- to tempt or entice (her/him) ikłigusaaqłiq- (i) to tempt or entice someone
» ikłigusaaqłiqsuak nutaġaalugnik
aŋupkaqtuak those who were enticing the
young people were caught
iñuaġrugi- (t) to treat her/him badly iñuaġrukłiq- (i) to mistreat or abuse
someone » iñuaġrukłiqsuak aŋunmik
tatavsaqtipaluktuk the two who were
abusing a man received harsh punishments
iŋiuq- to spy on, watch , or observe iŋiuqłiq- (i) to spy on, watch, or observe
(her/him/it) secretly someone secretly » iŋiuqłillaġmi
siqumaruaq it seems she fell asleep while
she was spying on someone
irruaq- (t) to mimic, imitate, or irruaqłiq- (i) to mimic, imitate, or
impersonate her/him/it impersonate someone’s voice, gestures, or
appearance » irruaqłiŋaiġiñ stop mimicking
ivaq-1 (t) to search for her/him/it ivaqłiq- (i) to search, to look for something
or someone » ivaqłiqsut imma they are out

kipagi- (t) to mock, tease, make fun of kipakłiq- (i) to mock, make fun of, or tease
her/him; (t) to hold contempt for someone » kipakłiŋaiġiñ atuqtuanik stop
her/him; (t) to scorn her/him/it mocking the singers
milluuq- (i) to throw things; to pitch in milluuqłiq- (i) to throw things at someone
a baseball game; (t) to throw things at or something » milluuqłiqsuam
her/him/it tupaktipalukkaatiguk the one throwing
things at people sure surprised us
mitautigi- (t) to mock her/him/it; to mitautikłiq- (i) to make fun of or mock
make a fool of her/him someone »
mitautikłiqsuak aġnaiyaagnik aŋuvlugik
tatavsaqtaik she caught the ones mocking
the two girls and punished them severvly
pisuksaaq- (t) to try to persuade her/him pisuksaaqłiq- (i) to try to persuade another
to participate to participate » pisuksaaqłiŋaiġiñ
pisuŋitchuanik stop trying to persuade
those who do not want to participate
pimiulugi- (t) to refuse to include pimiulukłiq- (i) to refuse to include
her/him in one’s group for a personal someone in one’s group for a personal
reason reason »
pimiulukłiqsuaq allanik naġġunapaluktuq
the one who refused to include others for
personal reasons was a disgrace
piyuk- or piyuaq- (t) to beat her/him/it piyukłiq- (i) to beat, manhandle, or abuse
up, manhandle her/him/it; (t) to abuse someone » piyukłiqsuaq tuvaaqatimiñik
her/him/it verbally; (t) try to kill aŋuvlugu tiguraat they caught the one who
her/him/it was abusing her/his spouse and put him in
suak- (t) to scold her/him/it suakłiq- (i) to scold someone » suakłiqsuaq
nutaġaalugnik tusaġnapaluktuq the one
who was scolding the young people was sure
uqautigi- (t) to talk maliciously about or uqautikłiq- (i) to gossip or talk maliciously
gossip about her/him/it about someone » uqautikłiqsuaq iñuŋnik
kanŋunapaluktuq the one who was
speaking ill of the people was so
uumigi- (t) to hate or dislike her/him uumikłiq- (i) to hate or dislike someone »
uumikłiqpaiñmiñak you should stop being
so hateful

-kłIt- vv (limited) to come to the state of indicatd by N or of V-ing | perhaps -kłI- vv

+t-2 nv
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isukłit- (i) to come to the end of something;
long stick (i) for the end of something to be reached; (i)
by extension, to die; (t) to come to the end of

naat-2 (i) to be snagged, caught on naakłit- (t) to trip her/him= one who is
something progressing forward causing her/him to
stumble and fall

-kłuk- vv (limited) to V carelessly, roughly, without finesse; to be one who Vs §

-[g]luk(-) vv; +łuk(-)1 nn,rn, vn; '-qłuk2 vv
ikak-2 (i) to be dirty; to be messy, not ikakłuk(-) a dirty, unkempt, untidy person
orderly (i) to be dirty (of person)
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kalikłuk-2 or kaliukłuk- or kalikhaaq- or
kaliukhaaq- to drag (it) carelessly, roughly,
accidentally; to rub against (it) and cause (it)
to fall while going past carelessly
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kalikłuk-1 (i) to have asthma, to have a hard
time breathing, to wheeze
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kiviikłuŋa- (i) to wear sagging pants
qiluk- (i) to warp, wrinkle from heat; qilukłuk- to warp (it)
(Ti) (t) to get scorched (e.g., of parka fur,
plastic) when exposed to high heat
uglik- to shrink, decrease in size (of uglikłuk- to wrinkle or crinkle (esp., of hide)
fabric or animal hide)

-ksaq- or -’ksaq- vv, nv (limited) to cause to V; (t) to be in the process of making

her/him/it be V or V | '-k-2 vv msaq-3 vv
ayuġak- (i) to develop a habit; (i) to ayuġaksaq- or ayuqqaksaq- (t) to influence
become accustomed to something her/him/it to habituate to something or
become familiar with someone
iñuguq- (i) to become an adult, grow up; iñukkuksaq- (t) to raise, rear, bring
to “come back to life,” regain health, of a her/him/it up
sick person; (t) to raise, nurture
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaksaq-(i) to misunderstand, be
(excl.) you fool! confused
nau- [na u] (i) to grow (of a plant or nagguksaun fertilizer, something to
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to promote growth
paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose pannaksaq- (i) to go on a diet to lose
weight, become skinny; to starve weight; (t) to put her/him/it on a diet to lose
paya- (t) to be unable to manage or payyaksaq- (i) to have difficulty, not be
defeat her/him/it; (t) to be not strong strong enough to do a task; (t) to have
enough to lift or move it difficulty carrying her/him/it; (t) to have
difficulty overcoming her/him/it
qukinaq- (i) to be clean, spotless, neat qukinnaksaq- to clean, tidy (it = room,
and orderly house) meticulously
salummaq- (t) to clean it salummaksaq- (i) to tidy, clean up an area;
(t) to tidy, clean it = area

-ksraisuq- nv to go and get, fetch a N | -ksraq- nn :isuq- nv
ikun match ikutiksraisuq- to fetch, go and get a match
(for her/him) » ikutiksraisuqtuuraġiñ
aapaŋniñ go quickly and get some matches
from your father
qamun car, truck qamutiksraisuq- (i) to go and get a car or
truck » qamutiksraisuqtuq Anchorage-
mun he has gone to Anchorage to get a car
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suksraisuq- to go and get what »
(t) to do what to her/him/it suksraisuqpa aakamiñiñ what has he gone
to get from his mother

-ksramaaq- nv to conclude, deduce that N is right for one therefore should be possessed |
-ksraq(-) nn, nv -maaq- nv
niqi food, meat niqiksramaaq- (Nu) (i) to take the best
food, select the fattest, best meat
piksraq(-) desireable item; to get piksramaaq- to desire, want to have or
something for her/him/it possess (it)

-ksraq(-) nn, nv the potential, future N; to acquire, get a potential, future N (for her/him/it);
to get a N (for her/him/it)
aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakaksraq (Nu) stepmother
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aapaksraq stepfather
aaquaq- (i) to grow old (of a woman) aaquaksraq old woman
aŋayuqak or aŋayuqaksraq old man; (Nu)
Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqaksraq evening
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigiksraq raw material (fur skin or heavy
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on fabric) to make a parka » taapkua
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him atigiksratin you can have those (skins)
made into a parka for you; atigiksramiñik
ukunaŋŋa piksraqtuaq he got some (skins)
from these (this pile of skins) to be made into
a parka for himself
atikłuk(-) outer cloth cover for fur atikłuksraq fabric suitable for making a
parka, commonly called “snowshirt”; (t) parka cover » atikłuksraġnik
to put a cloth cover over her/his parka kalikuksraqpiñ did you buy material to
make a snowshirt for yourself
atikłuksraqtaġa I got a snowshirt for her; I
bought some material for a snowshirt for her
atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually atuŋaksraq leather for boot or shoe soles »
made of bearded seal skin); (t) to sole it atuŋaksrautigni kiiraġaik she is crimping
= boot the leather soles for her boots; uumaŋŋa
atuŋaksraqtuaq she got herself a pair of
soles from this one

miŋulġun paint miŋulġutiksraq paint for an object »
miŋulġutiksraqtaa umiani he bought some
paint for his boat
suppun rifle; gun supputiksraq gun for someone »
supputiksraqtaa iġñini he got a gun for his

-ksraun nn the potential, future N | -ksraq(-) nn, nv :un2 nn

qamun car, truck qamutiksraun future car »
qamutiksrautini tautukamiuŋ
quviatchapaluktuq he was overjoyed when
he saw the car that was to be his
ui husband uiksraun bride groom, fiance » uiksrautin
tautuŋaviuŋ have you seen your future

-ksraunġIq- nv for N to be destroyed; to destroy N; to destroy its potential function as a N |

-ksraq(-) nn, nv :u-1 nv +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluksraunġiq- (i) to be rendered or made
build a structure over it unsuitable as a house; (t) to render or make it
unsuitable as a house » igluksraunġiŋaruq
it can no longer be used as a house
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suksraunġiq- (i) to be made useless,
(t) to do what to her/him/it worthless; (t) to destroy it, to make it
worthless » suksraunġiqsaŋa
qinnakpaiłłuni he destroyed it because he
was so angry

-ksrirrun nn a N given as a gift | -ksrIt- nv :un1 vn

atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigiksrirrun a parka given as a gift; skins
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on given as a gift to be made into a parka »
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him tuttut atigiksrirrutitka pannaqłuŋaitchut
the caribou skins which I gave away to be
made into a parka were not dried stiff
atikłuk(-) outer cloth cover for fur atikłuksrirrun a parka cover given as a gift;
parka, commonly called “snowshirt”; (t) fabric given as a gift to be made into a parka
to put a cloth cover over her/his parka cover » atikłuksrirrutiga aglakpaqaqtuq
the calico which I gave away as a gift to be
made into a snowshirt is very colorful
ivalu(-) thread, sinew; dental floss; (t) to ivaluksrirrun sinew given as a gift; dried
thread it caribou leg tendons given as a gift to be
made into sinew » ivaluksrirrutiga
nuŋusimaraa she used up the sinew that I
gave her
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiksrirrun a dog given away as a gift »
forma familiaris) qimmiksrirrutaa tuqumaruaq the dog

which he gave away as a gift died

-ksrIt- nv to give N to someone | +ksraq(-) nn ‘= It-2 nv

aluuttaq1 or aluuttaun spoon; (Ti) aluuttautiksrit- (t) to given her/him a spoon
tablespoon » aluuttautiksrirruŋ aġnaiyaaq give the
girl a spoon
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluksrit- (t) to give her/him/it fish »
catch a fish Aaŋam iqaluksritchaŋa Aaŋa gave her
some fish
niqi food, meat niqiksrit- (t) to give her/him/it food »
niqiksritchaŋi she gave them food
ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract (of eye); uliksrit- (t) to give her/him a blanket »
(i) to cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to uliksrirruŋ akkupak give him a blanket
cover her/him/it with a blanket right now
tulimaaq rib, vertical wood support in tulimaaksrit- (t) to give her/him/it a rib of
side of a boat frame; rainbow an animal »
tulimaaksrirruŋ give him a rib of the

-ksriuq- nv (limited) to make a N (for her/him/it) | -ksraq(-) nv, nn ‘= Iuq-1 nv § -liuq- nv

ini place; room; (by extension) one’s iniksriuq- (i) to make space or room; (t) to
presence make room or space for her/him/it »
iniksriuġaa she is making room, space for
niqi food, meat niqiksriuq- (i) to prepare food

-ksriusiaq nn a N received as gift | -ksrIt- nv :usiaq vn

atikłuk(-) outer cloth cover for fur atikłuksriusiaq outer cloth parka cover
parka, commonly called “snowshirt”; (t) received a gift »
to put a cloth cover over her/his parka aglakpaqaqtuq atikłuksriusiaġa the calico
which I received as a gift to make into a
snowshirt is very colorful
atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually atuŋaksriusiaq boot sole received as a gift »
made of bearded sealskin); (t) to sole it atuŋaksriusiakiñ nauŋ where are the soles
= boot which were given to you
ivalu(-) thread, sinew; dental floss; (t) to ivaluksriusiaq sinew received as a gift »
thread it ivaluksriusiatka nuŋuttatka I used up the
sinew that was given to me
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiksriusiaq dog received as a gift »
forma familiaris) qimmiksriusiani nakuaġiqpakkaa he
really likes the dog that was given to him

-ktaq- or –‘ktaq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly or with abandon | perhaps ‘-k-1 rv +t/raq-1 vv

ivu- to form pressure ridges (of ice) ivuktaq- (Nu) (i) to flap in the wind; (i) to
hear the noise of wind in one’s ear
(indicating that a wind is coming)

makłukaq- (i) to trip; to hit a bump makłukaktaq- (i) to trip repeatedly; to hit
while sliding bumps while sliding
maksrukaq- (i) to make an attempt to maksrukaktaq- (i) to make attempts to
stand up, but fail to do so stand up but fail to do so
°nau (root) forward, upward process nauktaq- (i) to jump over
niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on nivvaktaq- (i) to fall backward, fall flat on
one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i) one’s back
expose its underside
pikałłaktaq- (i) to do things carelessly; (i) to
be negligent (especially when angry); (t) to
handle her/him/it roughly

-ku(-) nn, nv leftover, remains, surplus, portion saved; N left or placed somewhere; to set
aside, save N (for her/him/it)
amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiku remainder from cutting skin or hide
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to
put a hide covering on it = boat or kayak
avvaq half of something avvaku half of something set aside
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaku(-) remainder, leftover; (i) to leave a
name; companion, friend, partner; part of remainder of something; (i) to have a
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, remainder (of fabric or food); (t) to not
co-member; (i) to become extended, consume all of it;(t) to leave a remainder of
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house, something for her/him/it » niqi ilaku
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it; qairruŋ give me the leftover meat
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
iliġniq leftover material, remnant iliġniku(-) leftover material, remnant; to
have leftover scraps of material, remnants
(of it); to have leftover scraps of material,
remnants (for her/him/it)
iliġnikugnik aitchuŋŋa give me your
remnants; iliġnikusuuruq ataramik she
always has leftover material
imaq (-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaiku(-) emptied container » imaikunasi
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; tamauŋa don’t leave your empty containers
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it around there
for scraping
ini place; room; (by extension) one’s iniksraku- (t) to save a place for her/him/it »
presence iniksrakuraqput we saved a place for him
kippaq cut-off piece kippaku cut-off bit, left-over piece
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit sauniku(-) leftover bones; to save the bones
(for it) » saunikut qimmiñun
aitchuutigisaġisi plan to give the leftover
bones to the dogs; saunikusuuruq he
always leaves the bones behind

umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiakuvik place to leave a boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

‘-kuaq- nv (restricted to singular nouns) and +tiguaq- (restricted to dual and plural nouns)
to perform or execute an action involving a N | ‘-kun (vialis case) +aq-6 nv) § +ġuaq-
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice allukuaq- (i) to kill a seal at or through its
breathing hole » allukuaqtuaq he killed a
seal at/through its breathing hole
atausiq [atausIq] the number one atautchikuaq- (i) to perform together; (i) to
be a couple » atautchikuaqpak are they a
ilaa [dual iliŋik, dual (Ti) iligik, pl.iliŋIt ilaaguaq- (i) to be singled out; (t) to single
or ilai] (3rd person abs pron) she/he, her/him/it out; (t) to set it out by itself »
her/him ilaaguaqtaġa I singled it out
killuq [killuQ] wrong one killukuaq- (i) to make a mistake, an error;
(t) to perform it incorrectly » killukuaqtuq
he made a mistake
maġġaraaq sandbar; fine sand maġġaraakuaq- (i) to travel through sand »
maġġaraakuaġluŋa aiñiaqtuŋa I will go
home along the beach on the gravel
napaaqtut forest, woods napaaqtutiguaq- (i) to travel through the
trees » napaaqtutiguaġniaqtugut we will
go through the woods
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sukuaq- (i) to travel via what or which route
(t) to do what to her/him/it » sukuaġniaqpisa which way will we go
taigruaq [ENG tank] oil drum taigruatiguaq- (i) to travel through or
among the oil drums » taigruatiguaqtuagni
tautuŋisiġaatiguk wed went along amongst
the oil drums and they did not see us

±kuluk(-) nn, vv (limited) to V a little; a little bit of N

*map (root) popping noise mapkuluk- (i) to crackle
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sukuluk little bit of something; (expression)
(t) to do what to her/him/it including every little bit; to do whatever (to

-kuluuraq(-) nn, vv a miniature, small N; to V her/him/it a little bit | ±kuluk nn, vv :uraq nn
§ :uraq nn
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatkuluuraq- (i) to run a short distance »
aqpatkuluuraġniruaq he said he ran a very
short distance
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukuluuraq a small person; dwarf; midget
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to » iñukuluuramik tautugniruaq he said he
surprise her/him/it saw a small person

niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġikuluuraq- (i) to eat a small amount »
niġikuluuraġniraa he said she ate very little
qilaun an Inupiaq drum qilautikuluuraq a very small drum »
aatai, suagguuq igña qilautikuluuraq
argaŋiñiñ aŋipqaqhuni look, there, from
his hands emerged a miniature drum

+kumiñaq- vv to be possible or permissible to V (her/him/it) § +yumiñaq- vv

+kuma-1 vv to be eager and/or willing to V (her/him/it) § +[y]uma- vv

+kuma-2 vv so that one may V (her/him/it) § +yuma- vv

+kumaaq- vv to intend, plan to V § +yumaaq- vv

+kumaatchIq- vv to decide to V § +[y]umaatchIq- vv

+kumiñaq- vv to be possible to do so, may § +yumiñaq- vv

+kumman vn the desire or willingness to V § +yumman vn

+kun1 vn, nn (limited) activity or process or manner that enables the V-ing to happen or to
aliit- (i) to not feel lonely or sad when aliitkun pastime, hobby, entertainment
one is expected to feel such emotios
(said of an invalid, someone living by
themselves who might be lonely)
atausiq [atausIq] the number one atautchikun (adv) together, at the same time
°ati (root) area below; bottom, ataagun aside from the fact of; via under it
underside; down
auk(-) blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a aukkun blood vessel
°ili (stem) 3rd person or 2nd person ilikkun [dual ilivsikkun or iliptikkun,
pl.ilivsigun] through, via, with you » ilikkun
qaivak did theyd come with you
nauŋ (interrog.) where naukun (Nu) (interrog.) by which way
niŋi- (i) to descend gradually, as niŋiyaitkun object used to hold another
lowering by a rope; to slide down (of object up that slides down without support;
socks, eyeglasses, etc..) garter belt
piŋŋuaġutaitchuaq one without piŋŋuaġutaitchuakun sincerely, with
pretense sincerity
silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy silalugiitkun umbrella
weather; to rain
siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on sinaatkun (Ti) felt top trim on mukluk
bottom edge or cuffs of parka
sutchiq which one sutchikun (interrog.) by, via which means

or way
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sukun (interrog.) which way; by what
(t) to do what to her/him/it means
takkun or takkugauraq pupil of eye

+ku(n)2 nc (limited) via the next interval of time involving the N; the next interval of time
involving the N § m[g]u(n) nn
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuakun during the night
yesterday; to become night
uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; to uvlaaku tomorrow
become morning

+kunat- vv
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisakunat- (t) to think one recognizes

+kuq n (limited) final suffix in some nouns

aŋatkuq shaman
ikiipkuq ulna (bone in forearm); lower bone
in caribou, foreleg
mapkuq bearded seal skins sewn together
and used for blanket toss at Nalukataq
“whaling festival”
satkuq weapon
°takkuq (stem) presence of

+kutaq vn, nn (limited) instrument for V-ing § +kun1 vn

aggaq- (i) to come loose, come off, slip aggaġiitkutaq barb on a spear which keeps
off; (t) to cause it to come loose, slip off the spearhead from slipping out of the
quarry, e.g., seal, whale; any object used to
keep something from slipping off; groove
aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide aksragiitkutaq barrier to keep something
down a slope (e.g., of an animal when from rolling; one of two rails, along sides of
shot); (t) to roll it, e.g., barrel kayak deck, which keeps things from rolling
off (two fore and two aft)
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniitkutaq or anniyaitkutaq means of
to hurt her/him/it protection against hurt or injury i.e, pad used
for protection from injury (such as a recoil
pad on stock of a shotgun that dampens
recoil against shoulder)
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuġiitkutaq front of sled, especially
(i) to reach shore rounded front of basket sled
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilakutaq remaining piece left (as a
name; companion, friend, partner; part of wood/metal sliver or any foreign matter in a
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, flesh wound); remainder, leftover

co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaitkutak a pair of sealskin socks worn to
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; keep feet dry
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
nuvulu stem of plant nuvulukutaq (Nu) grass flower, floret
patik- (t) to slap her/him/it; (Ti) (t) to lay patkutaq fly swatter; mosquito fan
one’s hand on her/him/it
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaakutaq something used to cover
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; something
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saakutaq screen; clothing cover; smock;
garment; area immediately in front of overalls; skin cover of door of skin tent;
something; lap, the front part of the wind screen over door
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
upaluq- (i) to move to action swiftly, upaluġiitkutaq emergency provision; extra
hurriedly; (t) to rush to her/him to check food or clothing taken along in case it may
on her/his welfare be needed

-kuvsuaq- rv (limited) to have a sudden feeling of V

*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, naglikuvsuaq- to have sympathy, pity for
sympathy, pity (her/him/it)
uulik- (i) to shiver, tremble, shake uulikuvsuaq- (i) to shiver from a sudden

-la- or = la- vv, nv (limited) to V repeatedly or to exaggeration § -ula- vv, -kula- vv, -vla- vv,
-ġġula- vv
aaqqaaq- (i) to be foul smelling or bad aaqqaala- to voice displeasure repeatedly
tasting; (t) to say that something is foul about an offensive smell or taste (of it)
smelling or bad tasting
agliġuq or agliqquk (dual) jawbone, agliġula- (i) to chatter (of one’s teeth)
*aŋa (root) manipulation, power aŋala- (Nu) (i) to move about
aŋatkuq shaman aŋatkula- (i) to perform shamanistic rituals;
to invoke a spirit (of shaman)
apyuq(-) or apyula- (Nu) steam, dust; (i) to
steam, to make steam

arii (excl.) ouch! it hurts! ariila- (i) to cry out repeatedly in pain
ariiq- to say that something hurts
asiñi outside, in the open; not in the asiñila- (i) to be slack or baggy, to be loose
usual place (of clothing)
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avala- (i) to move arms and legs about
igniq fire igniġuula- (i) to throw off sparks
iġñiq [iġñiQ] son iġñiila- to say “son” repeatedly (to him)
iġñiiq- to call him son; (i) to say “son”
ii5 (excl.) moan, groan expressing iila- (i) to moan
sadness, sickness
ikiaqtaq- (Ti) (i) to shiver from the cold ikiaqtala- (i) to experience a tingling
sensation, often from anticipation; (i) to
shiver from the cold, have chills
iñuksruk- (i) to make one’s presence iñuksrula- or iñuksruula- (i) to make noise
known by making noise as one moves
iŋiq- (t) to ask something of, beg iŋiula- to beg (her/him)
her/him for something
isaaq- (i) to raise, extend, stretch out isaaqtala- (i) to wave one’s arm(s), wings;
one’s arm or arms; (i)to stretch out (t) to wave at her/him/it
wings; (t) to raise, extend it = arm, wing
isaġuq wing isaqqila- (i) to flap wings (of a bird); (i) to
dip the wings (of an airplane); to dip an
airplane’s wings (at her/him)
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivsala- (i) to be stretched out
out; (i) to stand up straight from a
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all
ivsuk- (i) to shake, e.g., in the wind; (Ti) ivsula- (i) to flap rapidly in the wind
to brush snow off oneself; (t) to shake it
out to remove dust, snow, etc.; (Ti) to
brush snow off it = one’s clothing
kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container kanġala- (i) to drop little crumbs of bread,
filled with flour, sand, something which crackers, food, etc; to crumble bread,
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t) crackers; to shed (of animal); (t) to drop little
to have something solid, such as flour, crumbs of bread, crackers, food, etc. on/in it
flow onto it
*maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl maala- (i) to howl with pain (of dog)
navguluu- (i) to break into pieces navguluula- to break (it) simultaneously
into many pieces
niaquq head, skull niaqula- (i) shake one’s head from side to
side (at her/him/it)
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward paġla- (t) to welcome, greet her/him

paksrak- to dig (it = hole) with claws or paksrala- (i) to dig furiously with hands or
paws paws
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card, pamiula- to wag tail (of dog)
not part of a pair (in card game of
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of papiqqila- (i) to wiggle; (i) to jump around,
traditional skin pants); the length of the as a fish after it is caught; (i) to wag its tail;
backside of a parka or snowshirt (t) to wag its tail at her/him/it
*pati (root) process involving the palm patala- (i) to feel one’s way in the dark; to
of the hand get ready in a hurry; (Ti) (i) to clap hands
*pik1 (root) upward movement pigla- (i) to be able to jump high; to be
bouncy, peppy
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puila- (i) to rise to the surface (of liquid)
surface “in front of” her/him/it
qalġuuq- or qalġuula- (i) to make its
characteristic vocal sound, call repeatedly (of
qaqaula- (i) to make the call of a ptarmigan
to lure it close (of a hunter)
qasak- or qasala- or qatchala- (i) to burst
out yelling “Uu! Uu! Ugu! Ugu!” followed
by cheering (when dancing or herding or
coming home from a successful hunt usually
when returning in a boat with a walrus kill
or having struck and retrieved a whale)
*qiġii (root) squeakiness qiġiila- (i) to squeak, be squeaky
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipiktuq- or qipiktula- (i) to run around; to
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain; move around, not keep still (of a child)
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
sayuk- (i) to twitch (of bodypart) sayuġġula- (Ti) (i) to quiver, like gelatin

siiq-1 (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siila- or siila- (i) to make sound of air
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, escaping; (i) to hiss; (i) to enter boot through
perspire a small hole (of water)
silivit- (i) to become full, of any silivla- (i) to overflow
container including the stomach; (t) to
fill it completely
tatiġila- (Ti) (i) to chatter from cold (of
one’s teeth)
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigula- to grab for (it) but be unable to hold
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it onto it
tiipak a flirt tiiqtala- (i) to move about excitedly
tiŋmi- (i) to be in flight, be flying tiŋmiġala- (i) to fly in every direction
tiriq- (i) to make the sound of something tiriiqila- (i) to keep creaking (of floor)
rubbing against something once; (i) to

gnash one’s teeth
tuqu- (i) to die tuqusia- or tuqusiala- (i) to be dying, be in
death throes; to feel faint
ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over ulġusia- or ulġusiala- (i) to stagger (of a
person about to fall down [not because
she/he is inebriated])
ulit-1 to rise, flood (of water) ulivla- (i) to overflow
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumila- (i) to make a face, as when
displeased or eating something which tastes

+laak- vv (limited) to V excessively, to the extent possible

*av2 (root) interval or distance between avlaak- (i) to spread legs; (t) to spread legs
one’s feet over her/him/it
qaaŋiq- (i) to pass by; (t) to go over it = qaaŋiulaak- or qaaŋiułaak- to surpass
the limit; (i) to be past, done with; (t) to (her/him/it) by quite a bit; to overdo (it =
pass by, overlook, omit her/him/it; (t) to one’s activity
surpass her/him/it; (t) to become taller
than her/him

-laaq-1 vv (limited) to increase the quality of the N, or the V-ing | (usually found in
combination with +sI- vv, +lI- vv or -kłI- vv) § +tilaaq- vv
akuqtusi-(i) to become longer (of skirt, akuqtusilaaq- (t) to alter it = skirt, dress,
dress, parka cover, parka-style dress, or parka cover, parka-style dress, or shirt
shirt) longer
agli- (i) to grow in size, become large aglilaaq- (t) to enlarge it
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglaulaaq- (i) to be brightly colored, have a
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) bold pattern (e.g., of cloth fabric)
to vote by secret ballot
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amikłilaaq- (t) to make it narrower
asiqtusi- (i) for the sleeves to become asiqtusilaaq- (t) to make its sleeve longer
too long (of garment)
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilalaaq- (t) to increase, enlarge it by adding
name; companion, friend, partner; part of to it
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to think isumalaaq- (i) to think over carefully,
kiniq- (i) to be thick (of a liquid); (i) to kiniqsilaaq- (t) to make it a thicker
not slide easily (as a sled with sticky consistency
runner base)

kirgavialaaq- (i) for there to be both
altocumulus and cirrus clouds
maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, skin, maptusilaaq- (t) to make it thicker
mikłi- (i) to become smaller; (t) to mikłiłaaq- (t) to make it smaller
decrease it in quantity or size
nait- (i) to be short of length naikłilaaq- (t) to shorten it
naqikłi- (i) to set (of sun); (i) to become naqikłilaaq- (i) to be made lower; (t) to
lower; (i) to humble oneself; (t) to lower, lower it
decrease its height
niġutusi- (i) to become wider (clothing niġitisilaaq- (t) to increase its width »
size) atigiga niġutusilaaqtaŋa she made my
parka wider
puqtusi- (i) to now have a deep hull puqtusilaaq- (t) to increase the depth of its
hull » umiaq puqtusilaaqqaaġlugu
atuqsaġikput let'sp use the boat after we
have made the sides of it higher
qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area qanilaaq- to travel partway to one’s
close by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take destination (with her/him/it) on first day of
her/him/it partway to destination journey; (i) to proceed closer to one’s goal in
a piecemeal fashion
*qaunak (root) carefulness qaunakłaaq- to be careful with (it)
quiññak- (i) to feel a tickling sensation quiññalaaq- (i) to feel one’s spine tingling
siku(-) ice; to freeze over; to become sikulaaq- (i) to develop slush ice (of fishing
icy hole)
sippaq or sippaku(-) surplus, something sippakuulaaq- (i) to have some left over, to
left over, remainder; to have some (of it) have more than enough of what was needed
left over as remainder; (t) to leave some
for her/him/it
taaqsi- to become dark (of day) taaqsilaaq- (t) to reduce her/his/its light;
(Ti) (i) to block the light; (Ti) (t) to block
her/his/its light
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) ¤utaqqilaaq- to wait a long time for
uuma- (i) to be alive (of an animal) uumalaaq- (i) to be lively (of child)

+laaq-2 vv going so far as to V § +t/laaq- vv

-laaq nn, vn (limited) one that is partially a N; one that has just V-ed, or requires V-ing
aaquk or aaquaksraq old woman aaquaksralaaq elderly looking woman
aatchaq- (i) to open one’s mouth; (i) to aatchauqtuŋiq or aatchauqtuŋialaaq or
open (of sea ice crack) (Nu) aatchausiayaaq nestling, newly
hatched bird
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniqqammialaaq newborn
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)

anuġi wind anuqsraaq(-) or anuqsralaaq(-) breeze; (i)
to be breezy
atun fur sock atulaaq insole, sock
igaliq skylight, window; seal net placed igalaaq skylight; four (at cards); seal net
horizontally under a seal’s breathing
hole; (Nu) four (at cards)
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamalaurak a pair of short, fancy boot
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnalaaq fool
(excl.) you fool!
kupkanaq- (JN) kupkannaq- (i) to be kupkaġnalaaq (Ti) flavorful, tender meat
sticky to the touch
natatquq soft bone; cartilage; egg white natatqulaat soft immature bones of children
nikuvlalaaq(-) (Ti) corn snow, good for
drinking water; (i) to have ice crystals in it
(of meat which has been frozen then thawed,
then frozen again)
nuviya or nuvuya cloud nuviyalaaq partial cloud cover
pukak granular snow found under hard pukagralaaq small pieces of clear scales
packed snow, good for melting into found on fish
qaqquq- to crunch (it) with the teeth qaqqulaaq pilot bread, a large, hard, flat
qaugak duck qaugalaaq duckling
saunaaq eggshell, pit or seed of fruit, saunaaŋilaaq (Ti) fig
small bone of fish
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuġlalaaq frozen rain and snow on ground
tikalaaq foramen in spinal column
tiŋiqqammiaq one that flew recently tiŋiqqammialaaq fledgling
*uv1 (root) now, today uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; to
become morning

-lailaq vn one who does not or is not able to V | -lait- vv -laq(-)1 vn, vv
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at iglaŋalailaq one who does not smile
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivilailaq one who is not able to stretch out
out; (i) to stand up straight from a prone
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġilailaq one who does not eat

+laiññaq- vv to finally V after a long delay § +taiññaq- vv

-lailaq vv to not do; cannot, to not be able to V § -suit- vv

imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imilait- (i) to not drink alcholic beverages
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchilait- (i) to never complete a project
something or a task » naatchilaitchuq sumik
isagutigaluaqami she never completes
whatever task she undertakes
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisualait- (i) to not be able to walk »
distance pisualaitchuq taamna aġnaiyaaq that
young girl cannot walk
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalait- (i) to never work » savalaitchuq
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; qaigaluaqami she does not work even
(i) to be working, operating properly (of though she comes over (although others are)
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-lait- vv cannot V

-lak- vv, rv (limited) to become or create a situation where N is present or one is V-ing §
+lak nn
apyuq(-) or apyula- (Nu) steam, dust; apyulak- (Nu) (i) to blow dust
(i) to steam, to make steam
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvsalak- or aquvsalaaq- to land in a
down on it sitting position when falling from a standing
position (on it)
imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) imulak- (i) to sit with one's knees pulled up
to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it to one's chest
up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into
a ball
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makłak- (i) to stand on end, of animals' hair
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright
*mitik (root) bounce mitiglak- (Ti) (i) to flick one's thumb
against another finger; (i) to bounce away;
(t) to flick, fillip it; Carrom Board; (i) to
play a game of Carrom Board
*pup (root) swelling puvlak(-) gas or air in something inflated;
air bubble; to rise (of bread dough); (i) to
bubble up; to become sour, developing gas
bubbles (of food); to spout (of whale); to
have gas from indigestion
siiq- (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siiġlak- (t) for it to become sweet and sour
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat,

tapiq(-) [tapiQ] additional piece added tapiglak- (i) to go through, pierce through to
to enlarge or complete something; (i) to the other side (t) to pierce it
lie alongside another; (i) to be parallel to
another; (t) to widen it by adding a piece
uŋi- [uŋI] (Nu) (i) to get a rash uŋilak- (i) to get a rash, pimples, or hives
that itch (of one's skin); (i) to ripple, be
disturbed (of water)
upit- (i) to rush eagerly to do something; upisalak- (i) to rush eagerly to do
(i) to get excited; (i) to pay heed something; to take sudden notice, be roused
suddenly, as to a noise or what one sees to action, pay attention suddenly

+lak nn (limited) one that resembles a N or where one Vs § -łak1 nn

itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; itiġlak small pouch in back of woman's
sea anemone parka and snowshirt hood
kukuvlak (Ti) spotted stone used for head of
sealing club
maġlak(-) present given during an Iñupiaq
invitational dance; to give a present to
(her/him) before one dances so that
(she/he) may get up and dance
nui- [nu i] (i) to come into view, appear; nuilak neck opening of garment; opening in
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to harness for dog's head
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look nuilaturuq it has a big hole for the head to
outside, e.g., to see if someone or go through, as in a parka
something is coming
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuġlak(-) or sikuġlalaaq frozen rain and
icy snow on ground; hailstone; (Ti) icicle; (Ti)
old packed snow good for melting for
drinking water; to freeze over ground or
snow (of rain); to start forming (of ice); to
hail; (Ti) (i) to form (of icicle); to get packed
hard so that it is good for melting for
drinking water (of snow)

-laniaq (Ti) (limited) a beautiful N

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnalaniaq (Ti) beautiful woman
queen (suit in cards)

-laq vn (limited) one with the quality indicated by the V or R

argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argalaq club (suit in cards)
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)

auk- to melt, thaw (it) auksalaq rapidly melting snow
ignisailaq boreal chickadee (Parus
kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container kanġalaq shedding animal, especially
filled with flour, sand, something which caribou
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t)
to have something solid, such as flour,
flow onto it
kuyyalaq or (Ti) kuuyalaq trump (at cards)
naulik- (t) to harpoon it = whale, seal, naulaq harpoon, spear
walrus; to spear it = bear
*pau (root) soot paula(q) soot
puvlaq choice wolf skin piece
suuŋit- (i) to be worthless, be nothing suuŋilaq worthless item
ugayulaq (Nu) whirlwind
uŋayulaq (Nu) whirlwind

~laq- vv (limited) to be V
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivsalaq- (i) to lie stretched out
out; (i) to stand up straight from a
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all
°nig (root) cold niglaq- to cool (of weather or beverage)
puvlaq- (i) to be frightened away by a smell
(e.g., of animals by the scent of people); (t)
to frighten it = animal away by a smell
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suvlaq- (t) to open it = orifice (as of a
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out primus stove, gas lantern, etc.)
urgalaq- (i) to wait beside the whalers’
homeward path in anticipation of receiving a
piece of whale meat or maktak (after a
successful hunt, the whalers stopped at the
old women waiting along the sled path and
gave them whale meat and maktak from
their shares on the sled)

-laqii- vv (Ti) (limited) to have the attribute of V-ing

saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saqulaqiiŋaruaq (Ti) area that is not straight

-lasak vv (limited) one that causes V-ing

kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakilasak tiny fish
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it

-lauraq nn (limited) a small N | -laaq nn = uraq nn
aniqqammiaq or aniqqammialauraq aniqqammialauraq newborn
or aniqqammiayaaq or (Ti)
aniqqammiuraq newborn; infant
(human or animal)
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamalaurak a pair of short, fancy boot
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
qaqquq- to crunch (it) with the teeth qaqqulauraq cookie, small cracker

uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqalauraq or uqauraq uvula

leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-lauraq- vv (limited) to V with exaggeration or intensity | perhaps -la-4 vv :uraq- vv

naqikłI- (i) to set (of sun); to become naqikłilauraq- (i) to dance low to the floor,
lower; humble oneself; (t) to lower, ground; (t) to set her/him/it very low
decrease its height
naqikłłilaaq- (i) to now be made lower;
(t) to lower it
tati- (i) to be too tight (of clothing); (t) to tattalauraq- (i) to be a tight fit
brush against, lean against, touch,
squeeze up next to her/him/it
tikiq [tikiQ] index finger; thimble tikalauraq- (i) to shake one’s index finger
sternly; (t) to point a finger at her/him/it
tukala- to kick one’s legs (at her/him/it) tukalauraq- or (Ti) tukalik- (i) to kick
one’s legs

-lgaq- vv (limited) to lose a N

ui1 husband uilgaq- (i) to lose one’s husband, become

-lgasuk nn (limited) one who does not have a N or spurns a N | -lġaq- vv -suk2 vn
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliilgasuk or nuliiygasuk bachelor,
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to take a unmarried man
ui husband uilgasuk a spinster; unmarried woman who
refuses to marry

-lgiññIq- vv to find out or realize that she/he/it V-ed, but should not have; to find out that
she/he/it V-ed (her/him/it) again | -lgIt-1vv +nIq- vv

aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullalgiññiq- (i) to find out that she/he/it
to start (of engine) left, but should not have; (i) to find out that
she/he left again » aullalgiññiqsuaq
taktuŋŋaan he left while it was still foggy
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isilgiññiq- - (i) to find out that she/he/it
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it entered, but should not have; (i) to find out
inside, to place it inside that she/he entered again » isilgiññiqsuaq
animmata he went in when they went out
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġilgiññiq- (i) to find out that she/he/it ate,
but should not have; (i) to find out that
she/he ate again » niġilgiññiqsuaq
niġitquŋisaŋa he ate although he was told
not to eat by her

-lgIt- vv to V again
akiisit- (t) to defeat her/him/it; (t) to akiisilgit- (t) to defeat her/him/it again
overcome (it = illness, misfortune)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isilgit- (i) to enter again; (t) to bring
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it her/him/it inside again
inside, to place it inside
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; nuilgit- (i) to appear again
to rise (of sun, moon) (t) to be able to
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) to take a
look outside, e.g., to see if
someone/something is coming

¤-lgiuq- vv (limited) to encounter an obstacle to V-ing

naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naalgiuq- (i) to lack an item to complete a
finish, complete it project

-lgu-1 vv to be capable of V-ing excessively or with forbearance § '-qt u- vv

manimmi- (i) to endure pain, sorrow, manimmilgun patience; forbearance
criticism; (i) to tolerate something
unpleasant; (t) to endure, tolerate
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy, pialalgu- (i) to be very rambunctious
rambunctious, disorderly
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalgu- (i) to be a tireless worker
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
taaqsiuq- (i) to travel in the dark taaqsiulgu- (i) to be able to see well in the
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqalgu- (i) to be a great speaker; (i) to make
leg-hold trap which when stepped on long speeches

trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-lgu-2 nv (limited) to be in the process of V-ing

qalugiaq(-) or qalugiaqtuun whaling qalugialgu- (Ti) to go and inform the village
harpoon with flint or iron spearhead in that a whale has been taken
foreshaft; (t) to harpoon it = whale

-lġaq- vv (limited) to V suddenly without expectation

aŋi-2 [aŋI] (i) to be revived, be aŋilġaq- (i) to go home; to return home after
resurrected, come back to life being gone and assumed dead
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvilġaq- (Ti) (i) to sit down suddenly
down on it
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft maulġaq- (Ti) or maułłak- (B) (i) to sink
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a suddenly, unexpectedly, in snow or mud
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
mud, or snow as one takes a step

-lġataq-1 vv to V for a long time § -ataq- vv

-lġataq-2 vv to finally V § +ataq- vv

+lġatavIk- vv to be V-ing and still going strong § +atavIk- vv

-lġauraq nn (limited) not substantial new N

siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikulġauraq (Nu) new thin ice

-lġi- vv (limited) to V for a while

mularilġi- (Nu) ¤(t) to slip away from
*pati (root) process involving the palm patalġi- (t) to pet, caress her/him/it
of the hand
siak-1 (Ti) (i) to be scattered; (t) to scatter sialġi- (i) to slide on a slippery surface, run
them and slide; to slide after having built up
momentum, to glide

-lġiñaq- vv to eventually, finally V

iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, iqsitchalġiñaq- (i) to eventually became
afraid frightened
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isilġiñaq- (i) to eventually enter; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it eventually bring it inside
inside, to place it inside
pisuliq- (i) to now want to participate pisulilġiñaq- to finally be convinced to


-lġIq nn, vn (limited) one with the attributes of N

niu leg niulġIq dragonfly
nuvak(-) a cold; mucus; (i) to have a nuvayulġiq jellyfish
qilġIq (Ti) gray hair
qitut- (i) to be soft, tender, pliable; (i) to qitulgialiq- (i) to become thin in some areas
be thin (of fabric)

-lġun vn (limited) entity used to V with

aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up alġun or aluqvIk animal food dish
food or water into the mouth with the
tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilalġun encouragement
name; companion, friend, partner; part of
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; ilġusiq (Ti) habit, custom
(i) to stay
miŋuk- (t) to color, mark or smear miŋulġun paint
something on her/him/it using one’s
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pilġusiq habit, customary activity, tradition
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to
her/him; an entity
qialġun detachable harpoon head which
goes into whale when bomb is expended,
attached with rope to a float
sana- to whittle, carve (it = wood, sanalġun a tool for carving; (Ti) one of a
soapstone, etc.) carpenter’s tools
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalġun tool
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-lI-1 nv to build, make, work on, cook or fix N § -liuq- nv

-lI-2 or ~lI-2 vv (limited) to become, grow or act like or be affected by a N or a quality §

+sI-1 vv, -lIq-3 vv, -kłI- vv, -liuq-
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, big

aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqilitchii- to simmer (it = meat) until it is
bite or touch tender
ayuġit- (i) to form a habit, a behavioral ayuġiili- (i) to get into the habit of doing
pattern; (i) to get into the habit of doing certain socially unacceptable things; (i) to
something one enjoys, e.g., visiting get a bad habit; (i) to get carried away,
someone, eating something become excessive; (t) to cause, influence
her/him to acquire socially unacceptable
ipkiq- or ipkili- (i) to become dull; (t) to ipkiq- or ipkili- (i) to become dull; (t) to
cause it = cutting device to become dull cause it = cutting device to become dull
*maluka (root) inferior malukali- (i) to be rabid; to become crazy;
(i) to act dangerous and crazy (of a drunk
person); (t) to bite and cause her/him/it to
become rabid or crazy
miki- (i) to be small mikłi- (i) to become smaller; (t) to decrease
it in quantity or size
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to mumiġli- or mumiġri- (Ti) or mumiqłIq-
turn over; (i) undergo a character (i) to sleep late and stay up late
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t)
to translate it
piñiġli- (i) to be startled and run away; (t) to
startle it = game animal and let it run away,
get away
qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner qanuġili- or qanuġili- (interrog.) (i) to
or method, what condition; to do or say become a certain way; (i) to reach a certain
what (to her/him/it) condition
taki- (i) to be long takłi- or takisi- (i) to become long; (t) to
lengthen it
akpiit- (i) to have poor eyesight takpiili- (i) to weaken (of one’s eyes)
iviit- or uivisuŋit- (i) to be willing to go uiviili- (i) to become habituated to an action
to lengths to get what one wants or behavior because of repeated good
feelings associated with that action or
behavior; (i) to keep doing something
because it is pleasant or beneficial
uqumait- (i) to be heavy (in weight or in uqumaili- (i) to become heavier, gain
emotion) weight; (t) to add weight to her/him/it

lI-3 vv (limited) to experience V § -illiuq- nv, '= iuq-2 nv, -vli- vv, -ġlI- vv
aana grandmother or great aunt aanailli- (i) to behave in ways that one
aanait- (i) to be without a grandmother usually does not do when an authority figure
is present
akiit- (i) to lose, be defeated; to be akiili- (t) to defeat her/him in a contest
cheap, inexpensive
aŋŋun game animal aŋŋutailli- (i) to experience hardship due to
aŋŋutait- (i) to be scarce, of game a shortage of game animals to hunt
kupki(-) piece of something stuck kupkili- or kupkiiyaq- to pick one’s teeth

between teeth; (i) to get something stuck clean
between teeth; (i) to pick teeth
*sai (root) relaxation sailli- (i) to relax, recover after stressful
silu carcass of sea mammal drifted siluli- (i) to find a sea mammal carcass
ashore drifted ashore
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suilli- (i) to have a relaxing day; to have
(t) to do what to her/him/it nothing pressing, urgent to do

-lI-4 vv (limited) to cause her/him/it to V § +rI-3 vv

-liaq- or ‘-liaq- nv (limited) to go and do an activity involving N § +iaq-1 vv

'= iaq-2 (restricted to some nouns that end in a consonant)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññiaq- or iññiaqattaaq- (i) to visit
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to someone, people
surprise her/him/it
mannik [mannIk] egg mannigiaq- (i) to go egg gathering
nanuq polar bear (Ursus maritimus) nannuliaq- or nanniaq- (i) to go polar bear
natchiq(-) [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiliaq- (i) to go seal hunting
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
nigatchiaq snare for small game; nigatchialiaq- or niggiaq- (Nu) (i) to check
rainbow on snares which have been set
nigaq(-) snare for large game animals;
mesh of a net; (t) to snare, lasso
siqiñiq sun siqiññiaq-(i) to wait for and watch the
sunrise (often of whaling crew)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suliaq- (interrog.) (i) to go or come to do
(t) to do what to her/him/it what
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuliaq- (i) to go caribou hunting

-liaq nn (limited) that which resembles or is of a N | perhaps -lI-1 nv ±aq1 vn

°aku (root) space in-between, physical akuliaq bridge of nose
or temporal
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, alliaq tent floor made of willows or shrub
underside; down birch; mattress
illiaq uterus, dual illirrak ovaries
ilu(-) interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluliaq inlet, cove, small bay
(t) to surround her/him/it
kalalliaq king (suit in cards)
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiliaq or kaŋiliñaaq (Ti) molar
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay;
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon

qalak(-) bubble; burp; (i) to burp; to qalaliaq(-) air bubbles coming from a
clear one’s throat; (t) to burp it = gas mammal moving underwater; (i) to form air
bubble out bubbles
qui- [quġi] to urinate (on her/him/it) quġliaq(-) sap, resin, saliva drooling out; (i)
to drool, slobber; to ooze (of pitch or sap)
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saġliaq(-) something or someone sitting on
garment; area immediately in front of one's lap; to hold, rock (her/him/it) on one's
something; lap, the front part of the lap
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
Saŋmaliaq name of lagoon near Barrow,
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuliaq young ice formed around edge of
icy old solid ice on open lead

-ligaaġuraaqusuu- nv (t) to want her/him to bring along a N just in case | -ligaaq(-) nv, nn
:uraaq- vv -qu- vv +[s]uu- vv

-ligaaq(-) nn, nv the one with a N; to take along a N | -lik nn -[g]aaq(-) nn, nv
atittuġun tusk-shaped design strip on atittuġutiligaaq parka with tusk shaped
front and back of parka yoke design strips on front and back of yoke
iġviaq tanned leather iġvialigaak slippers or moccasins with soft
tanned leather soles
ilaaq(-) patch on clothing; addition to a ilaaqtuutiligaak or ilaaqtuutillak woman’s
house; (t) to patch it; (t) to build an black and white long boots
addition on it = house
imnaq1 high, steep cliff ipnalik or ipnaligaaq (Nu) old style
woman’s parka with tails
isiġvik parka ruff qavvigmik isiġviligaaq the one with the
wolverine parka ruff
manusiñik two white tusk designs manusiñiligaaq a parka with two front
sewn on front of parka yoke tusk design white strips on parka yoke
qimmiaġruk puppy qimmiaġruligaaq the one with a puppy
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugruligaak or ugrullak knee-high boots
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal with a hard sole of bearded seal skin
uunnaksaun heater, oil stove for heat uunnaksraligaaq slight warm wind

-ligaq(-) nn, vn, nv, vv (limited) one that Vs or has a N; to use a N that Vs or has a N §
-lik nn, -gaq-2 nn
aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide aksraligaq wheel, tire
down a slope (e.g., of an animal when
shot); (t) to roll it, e.g., barrel
paŋak- (i) to paddle kayak swiftly with paŋaligaq- (i) to play a game where one
double-bladed paddle; (t) to paddle it = jumps along in a crouched position such as a
kayak swiftly with double-bladed paddle frog does

quliligaq eight (at cards)
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviligaq .forty-four rifle

-ligauraq nn (limited) a small one with a N; one with a small N | -lik nn +[ġ]aq3 nn :uraq nn
avataligauraq or avatalik (Ti) snow
bunting, snowbird
ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor- igniligauraq inboard motor boat
driven ship
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluligauraq bowl
(t) to surround her/him/it
makkaq(-) diaper; sanitary pad; (i) to makkaqpaligauraq (Ti) wild baby
put on a diaper; (t) to put a diaper on
nuqaqti bowstring, string for a musical nuqaqtiligauraq violin
qiġñiq- (i) to be black, dark qiġñiqtulik or (Nu) qiġñiqtuligauraq sheep
about three years old (with black stubs on
medium-sized horns
sigguk(-) one mandible of bird beak; siggukpaligauraq [lit.”one with a big
muzzle, mouth area; (i) to thrust one’s beak”] dunlin (Erolia alpina)
lips out, showing displeasure; (i) to pout;
(t) to swell when cold (of lips)

-liġaq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly | perhaps -lI-2 vv +[ġ]aq- vv

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpaliġaq- (i) to frolic, run around playing;
to run in bursts, stopping and starting
tumi track, trail, footprint tuvliġaq- (i) to leave footprints; (t) to leave
footprints on it = surface

-liġaq nn (limited) that of the N

°aku (root) space in-between, physical akuliġaq (Nu) land between two rivers at
or temporal confluence
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvuliġaq floating rib
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuliqqat front teeth
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; time prior; front exterior wall of

-liġIq nn (limited)
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaaliġIq (Nu) fish with small hump on back
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; of head (found in Colville River); (Ti) tough
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface white fish
on it

-liġruaq- vv to just manage to V § mt/liġruaq- vv

-lik nn the one with a N
aġvaaq baby whale; whale calf aġvaalik female bowhead whale with calf
akimiat the number fifteen akimialik .30-.40 rifle (used short shells and
held fifteen bullets); .44 gun (old style)
agmaaq [agmaraq] or aŋmaaq or (Nu) aŋmaaqtalik or (Nu) akmaaqtalik flintlock
akmaaq flint, chert rifle (muzzle-loader)
aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide aksraktuaq or (Nu) aksraliktualik wheeled
down a slope (e.g., of an animal when vehicle
shot); (t) to roll it, e.g., barrel
akuqtuaġun (Nu) white skin (often akuqtuaġutilik (Nu) parka with white skin
sheep) sewn around bottom of parka often from sheep around bottom
akutuqpak broad leaf; flat piece on top akutuqpalik leaf, any plant with broad
of pipe bowl where tobacco is inserted leaves
akuuraq (Nu) trim on bottom edge of akuuralik (Nu) parka with trim on bottom
parka and fancy back
agmaaq [agmaraq] or aŋmaaq or (Nu) aŋmaaqtalik or (Nu) akmaaqtalik flintlock
akmaaq flint, chert rifle (muzzle-loader)
avanmun reciprocal, reciprocity; to each avanmulik double-bladed axe, knife
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add avulik gas mixed with oil
sugar to something one is eating or
drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an
ingredient to it
ayapqun something to lean on to ayapqutillak or ayapqutiligaak (Nu) two
support one’s hands when leaning legends told with supporting stories
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluuralik fabric, paper or any other kind of
build a structure over it material with a checkered pattern
igluktun with both hands igluktuulik double-edged knife, double-
bladed axe
iglupiaqtaq- to run or operate (it) with iglupiaqtalik one that has one of a pair of
only one of a pair of necessary parts, anything, e.g., a one-horned caribou,
e.g., with one of two cylinders, because one-armed man, single sod house (Nunamiut
of fouled spark plugs style sod houses were sometimes paired,
sharing one entrance)
igniq fire ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor-driven
iki [ikI] open wound ikilik one with a wound
ikkun fare, payment for travel; stock (in ikkutilik stockholder (in a corporation)
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilulik container; something with an inner
(t) to surround her/him/it part; great grandchild
immit- (i) to come upon water (e.g., of a immivlik watery substance
traveler); (i) to be waterlogged; (t) to
soak it in water
imnaq2 lower side section of parka imnalik woman's dress parka with hanging

iñuktaq murder victim iñuktalik murderer; body of water or
another specific place where a person has
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñulik an inhabited place
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
ipiak dual fallopian tubes ipialik waterproof hip boot with straps on
top of boot to be tied to the belt
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a ipuligalik (Nu) old-style arrowhead
handle to it
iqirġaq(-) corner iqirġalik square, cube
iqsraq cheek iqsraġutilik Canada goose (Branta
iqsraq cheek iqsralik crested auklet (Aethia cristatella)
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqqulik (Nu) hearts (at cards)
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts
(suit in cards)
irgaak or irgak a pair of eyeglasses; irgaalik aŋun tanik isiqtuaq a white man
goggles wearing glasses went in
iri [dual irrak] eye iriġutilik dog with circles around eyes
isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of isaġulik angel; something with wings
flight); (i) to moult
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isualik type of hunting bow with straight
long stick ends; (Nu) bow with bent ends which are in
line with each other
itchaksrat name of numeral 6; number itchaksralik canvas tent (12 foot by 14 foot)
six with six panels
ivlauq animal fetus ivlaulik pregnant animal
ivruq(-) sod or moss (Rhytidium ivrulik sod house
rugosum) (used for siding and roof of
traditional Iñupiaq house, also for
topping of underground ice cellar, and
grave); (i) to now have sod on it; (t) to
put sod on, around it =house, grave
kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġallulik square
where hunter waits for animal to pass by,
then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t)
to corral them= caribou, reindeer)
kukik1 [kukIk] hoof; fingernail; stone kukigralik (Ti) flint arrowhead
head of scraper; (Ti) tip of an arrow
malġuk number two malġulik two-masted boat; two-panel tent
mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamilik caribou leg skin boots with fur
animal skin used in olden days as a inside; (Ti) dried, bleached seal skin with
bandage hair removed
miŋuk- (t) to color, mark or smear miŋŋulik enamel utensil

something on her/him/it using one’s
misuq [pl.mitchut] sap; juice from misulik sleet, wet snow
whale meat being cured; shoot of plant
nagruk(-) antler; (i) for two caribou to nagrulik pallid horned lark (Eremophila
fight with their antlers; (t) to strike alpestris arcticola)
her/him/it with the antlers
nanġutaq (Nu) jaws of a leghold trap nanġutalik (Nu) leghold trap
narvaq pond, lake; (by extension) eight narvalik (Nu) eight (at cards)
(at cards)
natquq sharp arrowhead or bullet tip natqulik arrow with sharp bone head; (Ti)
big bird
niġlaaq gosling (young goose) niġlaalik goose with gosling
niġukkaq rumen (of caribou and other niġukkalik ruminant mammal
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamiulik parka with a tail, as worn by Inuit
not part of a pair (in card game of in Canada
pilġaaq something braided; braided pilġaalik bow wound with braided sinew for
sinew extra strength
piŋayuġaq a third piŋayuġalik polar bear with three cubs
piqta point at which a line bends down piqtalik large wooden bucket with the wall
at an angle (as along the edge of a cliff, of the bucket fitted into a grooved base
corner of house, etc.); exterior siding (of (often for carrying maktak from ice cellar,
house, boat); wall; side of cliff and can be packed on back; rounder and
deeper than piŋaluaq)
qaluuġvik dome-shaped tent frame qaluuġvilik (Nu) tent, house with willow
made of willows frame
qaqasaq or qaqisaq brain qaqisalik caribou brain cooked with melted
qaqłuk lips qaqłuqpalik greater scaup (Aythya marila)
qatiqtualik .30-.30 caliber rifle
qayuuttaq ladle; large wooden spoon; qayuuttaksralik ram with horns the proper
water dipper size to make ladles
qiġñiq- to be dark, black qiġñiqtulik or (Nu) qiġñiqtuligauraq
roughly three-year old sheep with black
stubs on medium-sized horns
qiŋaq nose; house ventilator; blowhole qiŋalik or (Ti) qiŋaligaaluk king eider
of whale (Somateria spectabilis)
qippun something to wind with; clock qipputilik screw
or watch winder key; screw driver
quagruk ridge, angular edge of quagrulik skin-sewing needle; three-sided
something file
siġmiq [siġmIQ] or (Ti) siġmiq(-) siġmilgit sled with coating applied on
substance that hardens and can be used runners, sled runners coated with snow and
for patching; filler applied to bottom of water

sled runners made of frozen mixture of
water and snow used to increase
slipperiness and lessen friction; (Ti) ice
which forms on boat or sled; (t) for it =
boat or sled to get covered with ice;
siimiun (Nu) first joint of middle finger, siimiutiksralik (Nu) bull caribou with new
made to protrude from one’s fist, used to spring antler stubs (like small knobs)
grind against someone to hurt her/him
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttullak paqitkik find his boots with the
caribou soles
tuunġaq(-) shaman’s helping spirit; tuunġaqtalik shaman assisted by a helping
devil; (t) to frighten her/him by spirit, demon, or evil spirit
pretending to be a devil
ullun (Nu) horn, or piece of antler ullutiksralik (Nu) medium-sized ram, four
hollowed out and used to carry small years old
articles, e.g., hooks
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umialik [lit. “the one with a boat”] whaling
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; captain; rich person; king; boss; foreman;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a king (suit in cards)
whaling boat

-lik- or ~lik vv, rv (limited) to accomplish or obtain or encounter the V-ing, sometimes with
a detrimental result § -luk- vv
aġlik- (t) to leave behind a portion of a load
aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to roll and slide aksralik- or (Nu) aksralui- to roll (it) away;
down a slope (e.g., of an animal when (Nu) (i) to roll over and over, tumble down
shot); (t) to roll it, e.g., barrel
ayalik(-)(i) to make a boisterous yell of
celebration (used in plural)
ivalik- or ivałłuaq- (i) to walk swinging
one’s arms
ivsuk- (i) to shake, e.g., in the wind; (Ti) ivsulik- (i) to be wet from rain (of ground,
to brush snow off oneself; (t) to shake it plants)
out to remove dust, snow, etc.; (Ti) to
brush snow off it = one’s clothing
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayualik- (i) to tease a male dog (of
move to a higher position (of person), female dog in heat trying to rouse him)
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
*mitik (root) bounce mitigligaun bone catapult used for
launching pebbles
°nau (root) forward, upward process naulik- (t) to harpoon it = whale, seal,
walrus; to spear it = bear
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġilik- (i) to choke on something

paŋak- (i) to paddle kayak swiftly with paŋalik- (i) to run on all fours, gallop; (Nu)
double-bladed paddle; (t) to paddle it = (t) to cause it = animal to run, gallop
kayak swiftly with double-bladed paddle
putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to putulik- (t) to tell it = story in sequential
perforate, pierce it, make a hole through fragments
it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one’s sole
qaŋattaq- (i) to take off from the qaŋattałik- (i) to bounce when hitting a
ground, rise above the ground; (t) to lift bump
it off the floor or ground
qivsak- (i) to fly off after impact (as a qivsalik- (i) to splatter; (t) to sprinkle with a
ceramic chip) liquid
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or salik- or saliktuq- to travel swiftly parallel
garment; area immediately in front of to (her/him/it); Nu) (i) to gesture, wave one’s
something; lap, the front part of the arms, e.g., when sighting caribou
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivulik- (t) to do something before she/he
frontage, area in front of building; bow does; (t) to cut in line in front of her/him
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suvlik- (i) to leak through a hole; to gush out
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out through a puncture; to flow up through a
hole in ice (of water)
tapit- (i) to be folded over; (i) to walk tavlik- (t) to penetrate it
abreast of each other, side by side; (t) to
shoot them = two animals or things with
one arrow or bullet; (Ti) (t) to soak
through one’s clothing to the skin (of
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiglik- to steal
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
tukiq- (i) to hatch (of a bird); to extend (Ti) tukalik- (i) to kick one’s legs
one’s legs; (t) to push, kick her/him/it
with bottom of one’s foot
*upku (root) barrier upkulik- (i) to break (of sled runner causing
sled to collapse)
uukkaq- or uukkaaq- (i) to come uukkalik- (i) to break, of crosspieces on sled
crashing down, fall, slide (of hanging
ice, snow, or sod on a slope)

-liktuq- vv take time to quickly V; take a minute to quickly V § +tuuraq- vv

ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuliktuq- to take the time to quickly help
miquq- to sew (it) miquliktuq- to take the time to quickly sew
tauqsiġiaq- to go buy (it) tauqsiġialiktuq- to take the time to go and

buy (it) quickly

-limaaq nn (limited) any and all N

kisu which one kisulimaaq any one
niġiñaġumiñauraqtuaq every edible bit niġiñaġumiñauraqtualimaaq every last
edible bit

-limauraq(-) vv, vn (limited) (Nu) every N | -limaaq nn :uraq nn

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñulimauraq (Nu) everyone, every person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
niġiñaqtuaq edible item niġiñaqtualimauraq every edible bit
upinġaq- (Ti) or upinġaaq(-) or (Ti) upinġalimauraq(-) every summer; (i) to
upinŋaaq- to come (of summer); happen every summer
summer; last summer

+liñ vn,nn (limited) one that Vs or is of the N

agliq- (Ti) (i) to menstruate agliñġaaq adolescent girl
(menstruating women were seen as
taboo and isolated; the word agliq- in
turn is associated with other terms
relating to taboo)
iqmaliñ (Nu) hairless skin used for seat in
masu edible tap root of Alpine masuliñ or masunniun tool for digging
Sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum); roots
“eskimo potato”
niu leg niuliñġaq leg sinew of hoofed animal
qalliñ one of two side pouches of abdominal
fat of ground squirrel

+liñaaq nn (limited) item of the N | perhaps +liñ vn,nn +naaq vn

aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiliñaaq northside area of a point of land;
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; the north side of Point Barrow
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiliaq or kaŋiliñaaq (Ti) molar
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay;
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuliñaaq incisor

frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior

-liñġu- or ~liñġu-nv (limited) to experience a negative encounter with N | -lIt- nv -vġu- vv §

-nġu- vv, nv
aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca) aaġliñġu- (i) to avoid a pursuing killer whale
(as of a beluga escaping to shallow water)
niqi food, meat niqłiñġu-(i) to not be willing to share food
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piliñġu- (i) to be unwilling to give up a
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to possession; (i) to covet a possession,
her/him; an entity especially one that had belonged to a dead

+liñiQ rn, vn (limited) that of the N

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, alliñiq or atliñiq (Nu) lower area, under part
underside; down
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluliñiq muscle above knee on inside of
(t) to surround her/him/it thigh
ivalu(-) thread, sinew; dental floss; (t) to ivaluliñiq large back muscle; meat strip
thread it taken out from back muscle
kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kiluliñiq south, southward
south (with one’s geographical position
being Barrow, Alaska)
°kIv (dem. stem) in there, or up the coast kivaliñiq east side, eastward
(restricted and visible)
qai (Nu) wave (of ocean) qailiñiq piece of old ivory washed up on
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulliñiq upper, top part
edge of a boat’s sides
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or salliñiq north
garment; area immediately in front of
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuġliñiq ice formed when water spills on a
icy freezing surface
*sila1 (root) adjacent section silaliñiq Arctic Slope (north of Brooks
sut what items sulliñiq what part of a whole
°ua1 (stem) westerly ualiñiq the southwest

-lipqaq nn (limited)
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋilipqaq molar
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay;

foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon

-lIq-1 nv, vv to provide a N; to set up a hunting implement or conveyance

-lIq- used with all singular absolutive nouns
'= Iq- used with some nouns with form -C(C)V(C) and with nouns of form -VVC that
contain a “ghost” consonant.
~Iq- used with nouns which end in n/ti (the final weak i is deleted, then the t is
palatalized regressively to s)
aannagu (excl.) or aatnagu wait; wait a aannaguliq- to become later on
minute; in a moment, shortly, in a while,
later on, in a little while, after a while
aġra or aġraq ashes; gunpowder; fire aġriq- (t) to fill it = gun with gunpowder
pail (used by whaling crew for cooking
prior to the modern campstove)
anniñ birth; birthplace; bail, sum of annisiq- (i) to bail oneself out of jail; (t) to
money for temporary release from jail bail her/him out of jail
aluaq [alu aq] coal alurriq- (t) to put coal in it = stove
apummaaq [apummaraq] side lath of apummarriq- (i) to now have a side lath on
kayak (of kayak); (t) to put a side lath on it = kayak
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asirriq- (t) to mix berries in it
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries
apqun road, street, trail apqusiq- (t) to build a road for it
aŋaayyun prayer aŋaayyuliqsi preacher
aqaya or aqiya mud aqayyiq- (t) to put mud on it
atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually atuŋŋiq- (t) to put a sole on it = boot; (t) to
made of bearded sealskin); (t) to sole it put a sole on her/his boot
= boot
aulayyak- (i) to begin to move; to come aulayyiq- (i) to become loose; (t) to make it
free; (t) to budge, move, free her/him/it loose
ayauppiak [ayauppiraq] sun dogs ayauppirriq- (t) to have sun dogs form
around sun
igaaq [igaraq] boiled food, cooked food, igarriq- (i) to put meat in a pot and on a fire
food which is being cooked to cook; (t) to put meat to cook in it =
boiling water
irri severe, cold weather irriliq- to be extremely cold
killiġun snow shelter made of snow killiġusiq- (t) to skirt it = house
blocks covered with tarpaulin; (Nu) sod
insulation skirting house at ground level
inside house
kivgaq(-) servant, messenger kivgiq- (i) to have a messenger feast
kuvraq(-) net, fishnet; spiderweb; (i) to kuvriq- (i) to set a fish net

be caught in a net; (t) to catch it in a net
mitqun [mItqun] needle; (Nu) narrow mitqusiq- (t) to provide a needle for it
bone in hind leg of caribou
naġiaq(-) [naġiraq] to detect, smell (it = naġirriq- (t) to bait it = trap
odor); bait used in trap
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalliq- (t) to grow as big as her/him/it; to
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, move or travel beside her/him/it; to catch up
Alaska; price with her/him/it
naniġiaq [naniġiraq] leg-hold trap naniġirriq- (i) to prepare and set a leg-hold
trap; (t) to set a leg-hold trap for it = game
patchiñ or patchisi alibi, excuse, patchisiq- (i) to acquire an alibi, excuse; (t)
reason; guilt to provide an alibi for her/him/it
quliġun top trim of boots quliġusiq- (t) to attach a top trimming on it |
saagaq(-) something one brings along, saakkiq- (i) to have something to take,
carries; to carry, bring (her/him/it) with carry, bring with one; (t) to give her/him
one something to take, carry, or bring
°sanI (root) broadside, side sanniq- (i) to turn sideways, lie down on
one’s side; (Nu) (i) to go across, e.g., a road;
(t) to turn it sideways; (Nu) (t) to go across it
= road
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean; sea taġġirriq- to put salt on (it)
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it;
(Ti) (i) to be blue
taŋiq [pl taŋiġIt] proof, concrete taŋŋiq- (i) to become a reality; (i) to
evidence of a claim; residue, substance be fulfilled (of a promise)
leftover from a process (especially fat
remaining after blubber is rendered)
tiŋŋun airplane tiŋŋusiq- or tiŋŋusit- (i) for an airplane to
land in their community
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiġġiq- (i) to put together a whaling crew
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

-liq-2 vv to V quickly; to V just in the nick of time; to V unexpectedly § ±tiq-3 vv

-lIq-3 vv (limited) to become V; to be V-ed § +sI-1 vv -kłI- vv, -lI-2 nv,vv

(this postbase is most commonly found in the following combinations): -t/raġalIq- vv,
-sulIq- vv, +[s]ulIq- vv, +[g]iilIQ- nv
aviu- (i) to utter a long, loud cry, to aviuliq- (i) to cry out long and loud; (i) to
shout, to raise a cheer (as when sighting whistle (to her/him/it)
a ship, airplane); (i) to ring (of ears); (t)
to cheer her/him for scoring a goal
during a football or soccer game; (t) to
holler to her/him (for example, to

annouce dangerous ice conditions to
hunters on ice)
iggiaġiit- (i) to have a sore throat iggiaġiiliq- (i) to get a sore throat
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikuliq- (i) to come into boat (of water in
oneself into a container or a conveyance; rough waters)
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
iluit- or iłuit- (i) to not fit, to look iluilliq- or iluilliq- or (Ti) iłuilliq- (i) to
wrong, to be sick become sick, unwell, troubled, grieved; (i) to
become malfunctioning; (t) to cause it to not
look right, or function properly
isumaaq- or isumaaluk- (i) to be isumaaliq- (i) to become worried
worried and sad, to mourn, be full of
remorse; to think something over, think
of one's plans
kaak- (i) to be hungry kaaliq- (i) to become hungry
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kivliq- (t) to cut it into two
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
naŋit-1 (i) to be sick naŋiliq- (i) to become sick
niaquġiit- (i) to have a headache niaquġiiliq- (i) to develop a headache
nikagi- to feel (she/he/it) is incapable of nikagiliq- (t) to realize that she/he/it is not
accomplishing something capable of doing a task
qakiġñit- (i) to taste or smell rancid, qakiġñiliq- (i) to become rancid (of seal oil)
bad; (i) to irritate the throat (of rancid
qiiya- to feel cold, be cold (of a person) qiiyaliq- to become cold, feel cold (of
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapiliq- (i) to become discouraged and be
make passage unsuitable or impossible unable to accomplish the task
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river
simmiq- [simmIq] (i) to exchange or simmiliq- (t) to replace it = something
swap items; (t) to exchange it for borrowed with something else
something else
tigliq- (i) to beat, pulsate once
tipi odor tivliq- (i) to become aged and smelly (of

-liQ or +liQ or = liQ or ~liQ nn, vn, rn (limited) one that has a N or has the quality or
association with the N or V
aaġaaq- (i) to make the sound “aa” (the aaġaaliq (Ti) or aahaaliq (Nu) oldsquaw
call of the loon) duck (Clangula hyemalis)
auma(-) ember, live coal; red gemstone; aumaliq charred wood

(i) to smolder (of coal or wood)
igaliq skylight, window; seal net placed
horizontally under a seal's breathing hole;
(Nu) four (at cards)
¤ilivliq grandchild
iniqaq- (i) to have a place iniqaġliq place where there used to be
houses; an abandoned village
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land itivliq portage, place to cross
instead of following the water along the
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around), and
come down the other side of it = e.g.,
itqiq louse egg Itqiliq American Indian
kimaliq small sewing ulu
*maluka (root) inferior malukaliq rabid animal; madman
(Nu) miġaliq or muġaliq slush ice,
waterlogged snow (floating on ocean)
(foam-like in appearance), snow and thin
ice on water when freeze-up begins, slushy
ice which forms on shore at the first freeze
nalliq-1 (t) to grow as big as her/him/it; nalliġiik two equals in every aspect
to move or travel beside her/him/it; to
catch up with her/him/it
niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose
(female) or gander (male)
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nulliq(-) parent (mother or father) of one’s
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to take a son-in-law or daughter-in-law
qairaliq (Ti) young seal in spring; young
whale which comes north for first time
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
Qaŋmaliq Arctic coast dweller (in Canada)
qigliq (Ti) breakable utensil, plate, cup
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qivliġit braided chain of moose, caribou or
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain; bearded seal rope; chain
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
Qulliq or Qułłiq Siberia; person from
¤quŋuliq (Nu) caribou intestine mixed with
liver and rumen

*suġaq (root) fragment; an item suġaliq item of property, wealth, or treasure
suġliq horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguġliq doorknob; hole in upper bow of
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it kayak used as a handle
tittaaliq burbot, mudshark; ling cod (Lota

-lIqi- nv, rv used with all singular absolutive nouns

'= Iqi-1 nv, vv (used with all nouns (strong I causes the change of t to s
regressively); and in nouns with word form -VVC, intervocalic “ghost”
consonant geminates)
~Iqi- nv, vv (used with nouns which end in -ti or –ri)
having to do with hunting, preparing, repairing, cleaning, associating,
“messing around” with N [the meaning of the long form -lIqi- differs
somewhat from the meaning of the short form '= Iqi-; the words containing
the short form are more specific, often lexicalized when attached to verb
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; agliqi- (i) to perform postal clerk duties; (i)
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) to deliver mail; (i) to work as a postal clerk
to vote by secret ballot
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġniqi- (i) to womanize; (t) to molest her
queen (suit in cards) sexually
aġraq(-) (Ti) ball; (t) to kick it = ball aġriqi- (i) to play ball (any ball game)
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviqi- (i) to hold a whaling feast (of
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form whaling captain)
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
aluaq [aluraq] coal alurriqi- (i) to work with coal; to mine for
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anniqi- (i) to make a mess when defecating
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to (of child)
fall or shoot (of a star)
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anniviliqi-(i) to celebrate one’s birthday
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
agmaaq [agmaraq] or aŋmaaq or (Nu) aŋmarriqi- (i) to work with flint
akmaaq flint, chert
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋusiqi- (i) to pursue men with sexual
intent; (t) to molest him sexually
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asiliqi- (i) to talk or act nonsensically,
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else; foolishly; to act uselessly, unsuccessfully, in
away from the village; something vain
avarraq fluke of whale; (Nu) single ray avarriqi- (i) to divide up the whale flukes

of fish’s caudal fin and distribute them as gifts in a whaling
ayuaq(-) [ayuraq] boil, sore; to develop ayurriqi- to work on a (his/her) boil
a boil
iktaq something thrown away, discarded iksiqi- (i) to rummage for things at the
item; outcast dump; (i) to work at the dumpsite
ililgaaq [ililgaraq] child (Ti) jack (suit in ililgarriqi- (i) to take care of, watch children
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- immiqi- (i) to play in the water
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññiqi- (i) to go visiting from house to house
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluliqi- (i) to work on fish
catch a fish iqalliqi- (i) to fish
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqquiqiluk- (i) to shake one’s buttocks
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts (especially when playing)
(suit in cards)
kigun tooth kigusiqi- (i) to have a toothache; to have
one’s teeth worked on; (t) to work on
her/his/its teeth
naluaq [naluraq] sun-bleached seal nalurriqi- (i) to work with sun-bleached seal
skins skins
nasautaq(-) hat, cap; (i) to put a hat or nasautchiqi- to fiddle, play around with
cap on; (t) to put a hat or cap on (her/his/its) hat
navyaaq [navyaraq] bone joint navyarriqi- (t) to work on his/her/its joints
niaquq head, skull niaqqiqi- to wash (her/his/its) hair
niqi food, meat niqłiqi- (i) to work with meat (as a butcher);
(i) to serve food during a feast
nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair nutchiqi- to wash, style (her/his) hair
quqtaq honey bucket; large commode quqsiqi- (i) to collect the drums where the
honey buckets had been dumped and throw
salliq one in front; one farthest toward salliqi- (i) to put on clothing with the front
the ocean; most northerly one on the back, backwards
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit saunniqi- (i) to work with bones; (t) to work
on his/her/its bones
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikkiqi- (i) to have floating ice, be breaking
icy up (of river)

siun ear siusiqi- (i) to have an earache; (t) to operate

on her/his ear; treat her/his earache
Tanik Caucasian person; white person Tanniqi- (i) to associate and be overly

friendly to white people
uan or uati (Ti) area of torso below uasiqi- (i) to haul the whale’s hind meat and
waist, i.e. hips and pelvis; hind part of maktak ashore (of whaling crew)
any animal; ventral flank of bowhead
uumman heart uummasiqi- or (Ti) uumasiqi- (i) to have a
heart attack

-liqsuq- or '= Iqsuq- nv (limited) to provide with N or with the action of the V
(words containing the short form '= Iqsuq- are more specific in meaning than the words
containing the long form -liqsuq-) | -lIq-1 +tuq-2 vv
aluaq [aluraq] coal alurriqsuq- (t) to put coal in it = stove
aniŋaruaq that which has come out aniŋarualiqsuq- (Ti) (i) to get hives
aniu packed snow aniuliqsuq- (t) to fill it = drinking water
container with snow
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpaliqsuq- or aqpaliqsruq- (i) to run very
hard for a short distance
igniq fire igniqsuq- or iŋniqsuq- (i) to build a fire in a
stove; (t) to build a fire in it = stove or
fireplace; (t) to build a fire in a stove in it =
ilaaluq partner ilaalliqsuq- (t) to take sides, support her/him
naniġiaq leg-hold trap naniġirriqsuq- (i) to prepare and set traps
patchiñ or patchisi alibi, excuse, patchisiqsuq- (i) to make excuses for not
reason; guilt participating
qiruk wood qiruliqsuq- (t) to place wood on it
qirriqsuq- (t) to put wood into it = stove
siku(-) ice; to freeze over; to become sikuliqsuq- (t) to fill it = water barrel with
icy ice

-liqta- vv (limited) to experience N | -lIq-3 vv -qta- vv

kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to kakkiliqta- (i) to sob, making a sniffling
blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe sound
her/his nose
qaa2 (root) repulsion qaaliqta- (i) to feel repulsed by something
disgusting; to shudder with revulsion
*qui (root) quiver, tremble, shiver quiliqta- (i) to feel joyful, tremble with

-liqtualuk- vv to V without hesitation § +tualuk- vv

-liqtuq- vv to V quickly, intently, with concentration § +tuq-1 vv

-liqtuula- vv to V quickly, impetuously § +tuula- vv

-liqtuuraq- vv to V quickly, intently, with concentration and finesse § +tuuraq- vv

-lIt- or +lIt- vv, nv (limited) to provide with a N or a V-ing

aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akilit- (t) to pay her/him a wage
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
iŋut- (t) to stir it iŋulit- (t) to stir it
kilit- (i) to cut animal hides into strips; (t) to
cut it into strips
*nig (root) cold niglit- to add snow, ice, or cold water to cool
nipat- (i) to make a sound nipallit- (Nu) (i) to hear noise
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunalit- or nunnit- (i) to reach land
territory, a citizen’s nation-state
pilit- (i) to release one’s hold or grip on
something or someone; (t) to release one’s
hold or grip on her/him/it
siiq- (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siiġlit- (i) to salivate from too sweet or too
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, sour food; (i) to make a face when eating
perspire something sour
talit- [talIt] (i) to disappear from view; (t) to
conceal it

-liuq- nv to build, make, work on, cook or to fix a N; to render it like the N
-liuq- used with all singular absolutive nouns. The postbase -liuq- is most commonly
used by younger speakers; the short forms are used but the meaning
may sometimes vary slightly from the word which contains the long form.
-lI-1 used with most singular absolutive nouns
'= iuq- not used with nouns which end in a vowel
'= I- not used with nouns which end in a vowel
~iuq- used with nouns which end in n
~I- used with nouns which end in n
~lI-1 used with nouns which end in a weak i, but not n or ri (so far, only with atigi)
aanġuaq [aanġuraq] or aanġuluk aanġurri- to make an amulet (for her, him);
amulet, charm to make an amulet (out of it)
aapailaq illegitimate child; fatherless aapailli- (i) to give birth (of an unmarried
child woman)
akłunaaq [akłunaraq] or (Ti) aglunaaq akłunarri- to make (it into) rope; to make
harpoon line, rope (originally of animal rope (for her/him/it)
aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up alliuq- (i) to make mush for dogs; (t) to
food or water into the mouth with the make them =pieces of meat into soup mush

tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once for the dogs; (t) to make mush for them
=animals that lap food
amiġluk(-) chapped skin, scab; (i) to be amiġluli- (Ti) to become dry, chapped (of
rough, chapped (of skin); (i) to be scarred skin); to dry (of meat)
(of skin); (i) to form a scab; (Nu) old tree
amiq(-) [amIQ] animal hide, pelt; skin amiġli- to become chapped (of part of the
covering on boat or kayak frame; (t) to body)
put a hide covering on it = boat or kayak
aniu packed snow aniuliuq- (i) to melt snow
annuġaaq(-) [annuġa aq] piece of annuġarri- to make clothing (for
clothing, garment; (i) to dress oneself; (t) him/her/it); (t) to make it into clothing
to dress her/him/it
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asirri- (i) to grow berries; (i) to gather
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry berries; (i) to store berries; (i) to have lots of
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i) berries growing on it (of land)
to pick berries
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atikłi- to make a parka (out of them = skins);
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on (t) to make a parka for her/him
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him
auk(-) [aruk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to arri- (i) to collect blood donations; (i) to
have a nosebleed collect animal blood for dog food broth; (i)
to make broth from blood
auma(-) ember, live coal; red gemstone; aumali- (i) to become red-hot (of wood,
(i) to smolder (of coal or wood) coal, etc.)
iġñiq [iġñiQ] son iġñi- (i) to give birth to a child
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaliuq- to make (her/him) one’s relative
name; companion, friend, partner; part of
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
innuq saliva in long strands (as from the innuli- (i) to foam at the mouth
mouth of a sick person or dog)

itiqquuraq place where a stone has sunk (Nu) itaqurri- (i) to cause something to sink
swiftly into water immediately without splashing
itiqsraq or (Ti) itiġraq dimple; low spot itiqsri- to dig a ditch, hole (in it)
in ground; (Ti) low spot in floor of ice
cellar for storing special meat; ditch;
hole in the ground
kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to kakkili- (i) to have a runny nose, have snot
blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe on the upper lip

her/his nose
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamiliuq- or kamili- to sew boots (for
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; her/him/it); (i) to draw or paint boot(s)
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kigun tooth kigusi- (i) to teethe
kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of axe kiiñaġiili- (i) to grimace, frown, or scowl
kupki(-) piece of something stuck kupkili- (i) to clean one’s teeth with a pick
between teeth; (i) to get something stuck
between teeth; (i) to pick teeth
kuvraq(-) net, fishnet; spiderweb; (i) to kuvri- to make a net (for her/him/it); (i) to
be caught in a net; (t) to catch it in a net skip a stone over water; (i) to skip over the
water along a line of net floats, bouncing
near each float (of flat stone thrown in a
simple game of skill); (t) to skip it = stone
over water
manu upper front of shirt or parka manuġluk(-) or (Ti) manuġli(-) frost from
breath; (i) to become frosted from breath
(of parka ruff)
miquun sewing machine miquutiliuq- or miquutili- to make a
sewing machine (for her/him)
naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to narri- (i) to be pregnant
have a full stomach, be full from eating
naluaq [naluraq] sun-bleached seal or nalurri- (i) to prepare seal or bearded seal
bearded seal skin skin for bleaching by the sun
nigiq east wind; (Ti) northwind; north; nigli- to cool (of temperature)
(Nu) northeast wind; northeast
niqi food, meat niqłiuq- (i) to cook meat
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pili-or piliuq- (i) to make something; (t) to
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to make something for her/him/it; (t) to make it
her/him; an entity into something
qapuk foam; (Ti) pumice stone used as qapuli- (i) to foam, froth, get foamy (e.g., of
cleaner beach)
qaqłuk lips qaqłualuli- (i) to pout, trying to keep from
crying (of a child)
qiaq [qiraq] Iñupiaq delicacy made out qirri-1 (i) to make qiaq
of the outer intestinal membrane of a
bearded seal (the membrane is scraped
off by hand from the intestine and
chopped on a slab of bearded seal
qiruk wood qirri-2 (i) to collect wood; to become like
wood; (Nu) (i) to chop firewood
quaq(-) [quraq] raw, frozen meat or qurri- or qurriuq- (i) to cut up raw frozen
fish; (i) to eat raw, frozen meat or fish; meat or fish
(t) to eat it = meat raw and frozen

saaġuaq(-) [saaġuraq] apron, bib; (i) to saaġurri- to make an apron (for her/him); (t)
put on an apron; (t) to put an apron on to make it into an apron
her/him; (Nu) protective enclosure,
semicircular-shaped windbreak made of
small, felled trees with an openng where
a fire can be; (Nu) (i) to camp in a
protective enclosure
sigaaq(-) [sigaraq] [ENG “cigar” ] or sigarri- (i) to roll a cigarette
(Ti) sikaaq(-) cigarette; to smoke (it =
sila weather; atmosphere, air silali- to get a tan; to get faded by sun
tuquŋaraq dead animal, person tuquŋarri- (i) to be stillborn; (t) to give
birth to it = stillborn child
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuliuq- (i) to cook caribou; to make,
draw, or paint caribou;
°ua1 (stem) westerly uali- (i) to be growing late (of the day); to be
at the west (of sun)
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umii- or umiġġi- (i) to make a boat (for
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; her/him/it)
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
utuqqaq [utuqqaQ] something old utuqqali- to grow old

-liuti- nv (limited) to have N for one’s N; to become a N; to begin to V | perhaps -lIq-1 nv, vv
+uti- 3 vv
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluliuti- (t) to begin to live in it = house as
build a structure over it one’s house
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of igluliuti- (Nu) (t) to take her/him as one’s
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with spouse
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaliuti- (i) to join, become a member of an
name; companion, friend, partner; part of organization; to become a part of something;
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, (t) to make her/him/it a part of something
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
malik- to follow, accompany malliuti- (t) to chase, follow her/him/it
pigi- (t) to have it in one’s possession pigiliuti- (t) to now have it as one’s own

-lla- vv to be able to, can V, to have the ability to V

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpalla- to be able to run (it = distance)

iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikulla- (i) to be able to climb into a container
oneself into a container or a conveyance; or a conveyance; (t) to be able to place or put
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a her/him/it into a container or conveyance
container or conveyance
kammi- to make boots (for her/him); (t) kammilla- to be able to sew boots (for
to make it = animal hide into boots her/him/it » kammillagiga upinġaaġu I can
make boots for him next summer
qamutitaq- (i) to drive a car; to ride in a qamutilla- (i) to be able to drive a car
car or truck
tiŋŋutitaq- (i) to fly a plane; (i) to be a tiŋŋutitalla- (i) to be able to fly an airplane;
passenger in a plane be able to be a passenger in an airplane
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalla- (i) to be operational; (i) to be able to
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; work; (t) to be able to operate it; (t) to be
(i) to be working, operating properly (of able to prepare it = corpse for burial
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-llaa(-) nn vv each N; to V one by one, individually; to V periodically, once in a while

aitchuq- (t) to give her/him/it something aitchullaa- (i) to give one to each »
aitchullaaratka atausimik I gave one to
atausiq [atausIq] the number one atausiullaa- (t) to do them one by one,
individually » atausiullaavlugi
uqaqatigillaaratka I spoke to each one
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñullaa each person; each owner; each core
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to of a boil; each resident spirit; each embryo
surprise her/him/it of an egg
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isillaa- (i) to enter one by one, individually
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
qiñiġaq- to photograph (her/him/it); (Nu, qiñiġallaa- (t) to take individual pictures of
Ti) to look with the aid of binoculars or them » qiñiġaallaaraatigut he took
telescope at (her/him/it) individual pictures of us
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikillaa- (i) to arrive one by one; (t) to reach
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it her/him/it individually » tikillaaruat ilagiit
they arrived family by family

-llaayugaaq- vv (i) to V one by one leisurely, once in while; (t) to V them one by one
casually or once in a while
saqit- (t) to move, shove, push her/him/it saqillaayugaaq- (t) to push, shove them
aside, out of the way casually to the side » saqillaayugaaqługit
apqutiksriuqtuq he made a pathway by
pushing them to the side one by one
uqallak- (i) to speak uqallallaayugaaq- (i) to speak up once in a
while » uqallallaayugaaqtuq ilamiñik he

speaks of his relatives once in a while

-llagruaq- vv to V suddenly, unexpectedly

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isillagruaq- (i) to enter suddenly; (t) to bring
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it her/him/it inside suddenly » isillagruaġman
inside, to place it inside tupapaluktuŋa when he burst in I was very
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigullagruaq- (i) to take hold and hang on
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it suddenly; (t) to take hold of or arrest
her/him/it unexpectedly » tigullagruaġmani
qiaġutiruaq she burst out crying when he
grabbed her unexpectedly
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallallagruaq- (i) to speak loudly,
suddenly » uqallallagruaġman
tupapaluktuŋa I was sure startled when he
spoke loudly, unexpectedly

-llaiq- vv to have difficulty in V-ing; to cease V-ing due to loss of ability or desire | -lla- vv
:Iq-2 nv, vv
iisi- (i) to swallow iisillaiq- (i) to have difficulty in swallowing;
to no longer have the ability to swallow »
iisillaiqsuaq iggiaġiitpaiłłuni he is having
difficulty swallowing, because of his severe
sore throat
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaġillaiq- (t) to have difficulty recognizing
her/him/it » ilisaġillaiqpiuŋ are you having
difficulty recognizing her
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isillaiq- (i) to have difficulty entering; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it have difficultly bringing her/him/it inside »
inside, to place it inside isillaiqpiñ is it hard for you to make yourself
go in
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchillaiq- (i) to have difficulty finishing
something »
naatchillaiqsugut ikayuaksrat
iñugiakpaiłłutik we are having difficulty
finishing because there are so many who
need help

-llak-1 vv, nv (limited) to arrive at the state of being indicated by V after some time has
passed; to acquire the N
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at iglaŋallak- to smile (at her/him) briefly
imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) imullak- (i) to be bent with age
to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it
up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into
a ball

ini place; room; (by extension) one’s inillak- or (Ti) inillallak- (i) to find a place
presence to stay; (i) to situate oneself somewhere; (i)
to become full (of moon); (i) to be resolved
(of motion in parliamentary procedure);
(Ti)(i) to be completed, done; (i) for food to
be done, cooked; (t) to find a place for
her/him/it to stay; (t) to situate, place
her/him/it somewhere; (t) to appoint
her/him; (Ti) (t) to prepare things for
whaling; (t) to complete, finish accomplish it
¤inniillak- (i) to be silenced (esp., of a liar
when silenced by someone setting her/him
straight); (i) to be unable to answer back
itiq- (i) to wake up itillak- (i) to finally wake up
*kaiv (root) circular motion kaivallak- or kaivaluisaaq- (i) to go around
in a circle once; (t) to move in a circle
around it once
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋullak- (i) to die to the last one (of a
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); group)
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
minŋiq- or (Nu) mitŋiq- (i) to jump up minŋiqhiallak- (i) to jump up and down
and land on the same level as one once gracefully
started; (t) to jump over her/him/it
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; nuillak- (i) to step out of dwelling and check
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to surroundings for game or weather; to come
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look into view
outside, e.g., to see if someone or
something is coming
nutqaq- (i) to stop; to die nutqallak- (i) to recess, take a break
pukta- (i) to be afloat puktallak- (i) to float to the surface of
water; to rise higher each day (of sun, after
¤pułallak- (i) to fall asleep while leaning
over something
quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces quvluallak- (t) to split it lengthwise nicely
lengthwise after several attempts
sanniq- (i) to turn sideways, lie down on sanniqsaallak- (i) to move slightly to the
one’s side; (Nu) (i) to go across, e.g., a side; (t) to move it slightly to the side
road; (t) to turn it sideways; (Nu) (t) to
go across it = road
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siqullak- (i) to finally fall asleep

one’s eyes
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqallak-1 (i) to speak
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-llak-2 vv to V nonstop for a period of time, or for a given distance

aqpaliġaq- (i) to frolic, run around aqpaliġallak- (i) to frolic, run around
playing; to run in bursts, stopping and playing the whole time
makita- (i) to be standing makitallak- (i) to stand the whole time »
makitallaktuguk uvlaapak wed stood all
miquq- to sew (it) miqullak- to sew (it) the whole time »
uvlaapak tavra miqullaktuq she has been
sewing all morning
qiñaa- to look for, search for (her/him/it) qiñaallak- (t) to look for her/him/it the
whole time » qiñaallakkaa he has been
looking for it all of this time

-llaniq vn ability to V | -lla- vv +niQ1 vn

-llapqaq- vv to be barely able to V (her/him/it) | -lla- vv -pqaq- vv

-llaq- vv (limited) to V more than once, or twice § +t/raġaq- vv -q-1 vv +uq-2 vv

anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s arm anaullaġaq- (Ti) (i) to play baseball
or an object held in one’s hand
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakilla ġnaq thorn
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or naullaġnaq small sea mollusk
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguullaq- to grab (them) one by one
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
uŋuuq- (t) to drive it = animal in front uŋuullaq- (t) to drive it away
of one, usually toward waiting hunter
usiq-2 [usIq] or usillaq- (i) to take off one’s
own pants; (t) to remove her/his pants

-llaq rn,vn, nn (limited) one with a N or quality indicated by V

°aku (root) space in-between, physical akullaq distance between objects
or temporal
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋillaŋilaq one not so big
piit- (i) to be absent, missing; (i) to not piillanmun towards an area where one had

have any not intended to go to

-llaqqaaq- (used with Affirmative Subordinative I endings) to V leisurely first, then…

imiġaqtuq- (i) to have broth imiġaqtullaqqaaq- (i) to first drink some
broth, then… » imiġaqtullaqqaaqłuni
siquruaq he fell asleep after having some
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isillaqqaaq- (i) to first come inside for a
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it while, then…; (t) to enter it for a while,
inside, to place it inside then… » isillaqqaaġlutin come in for a
while first (then you can do whatever you
have to do)
pilaiŋaiqsiaqtit- (t) allow, permit pilaiŋaiqsiaqtillaqqaaq- (t) to first allow
him,her,it to rest her/him/it to rest for a while, then… »
aullaqisatqiksuaguk wed started again after
letting him rest for a while
quliaqtuaq(-) life experience, story; to quliaqtuallaqqaaq- to first tell (it = story),
tell (it = story, one's experience) then… » quliaqtuallaqqaaqłuni airuaq he
went home after telling a story

-llaqqaaq- (w/ consequential endings) to V briefly for a while without hurrying or for the
first time, then…
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; (t) isillaqqaaq- (i) to come in first briefly; (t) to
to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside, to bring (it) in first briefly; (t) to enter it first
place it inside briefly » isillaqqaaqama tautuŋitkiga
when I went in briefly the first time, I did not
see her
pilaiŋaiqsiaq- (i) to rest pilaiŋaiqsiallaqqaaq- (i) to first rest briefly,
then… » pilaiŋaiqsiallaqqaaqamnuk
uqallaŋitchuaq when we took a rest for the
first time, he said nothing
uqallak- (i) to speak uqallallaqqaaq- (i) to first speak briefly,
then… » uqallallaqqaaġman nipaipaluktut
when he spoke briefly for the first time, they
became very quiet

-llasI- vv learn to, become able to V | -lla- vv -sI- vv

iisi- (i) to swallow iisillasi- (i) to become able to swallow »
iisillasiñiaqtuq iggiaġiiñŋaiġumi when her
throat is better, she will be able to swallow
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuallasi- (i) to become able to walk »
distance pisuallasiruaq ukiaq he learned to walk last
qilak- to knit (it) qilallasi- (i) to learn to knit » qilallasiviñ did
you learn to crochet/knit

savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savallasi- (i) to become able to work; (t) to
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; enable it to operate properly » qaŋa
(i) to be working, operating properly (of savallasiviñ when did you become able to
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = work
corpse for burial

-llatu- vv to enjoy, like to V

piuraaq(-) toy; (i) to play piuraallatu- (i) to enjoy, like to play »
piuraallatupiallaktuq she really enjoys
taiguaq(-) to read (it); a verse, anything taiguallatu- to enjoy reading (it) »
to read taiguallaturuŋa I like to read
taŋmigaq- (i) to ski taŋmigallatu- (i) to enjoy skiing »
taŋmigallaturugut we enjoy skiing
tiŋŋutitaq- (i) to fly a plane; (i) to be a tiŋŋutitallatu- (i)
passenger in a plane tiŋŋutitallaturuq taamna that one likes to
travel by airplane

-llatuaq- vv despite the fact that one may V

imaaq- (i) to fall in water imaallatuaq- (i) despite the fact that one
might fall in the water » imaallatuaqtumi
ikaaqtuularuaq despite the fact that he may
fall in the water, he crossed over hastily
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qivillatuaq- (i) despite the fact that one
indignant; to act or behave indignantly might be offended and leave »
qivillatuaqtuġlu atisivlugu minittaqput
despite the fact that she may become angry
and leave, we did not include her
sagluqi- (t) to lie to her/him; to fool sagluqillatuaq- (t) despite the fact that one
her/him/it might lie to her/him/it »
sagluqillatuaġaanilu imma aullaqiŋaruq
he is on his way despite the fact that she may
have not told him the truth
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchallatuaq- (i) despite the fact that
one might become angry »
uumitchallatuaqtuġlu aŋutaat
uqallautiraġa despite the fact that her
husband might become angry, I told her

-llautaq(-) nn, vv a good N; to V very well § -lluataq(-)

-lliñiQ nn (limited)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sulliñiq what part of a whole
(t) to do what to her/him/it

+llIQ nn, rn (limit) one farthest in any direction, time or position; the optimal N (note:
devoicing of lateral consonants “ll” to “łł” occurs with some combinations)
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akilliq opponent, competitor; opposite;
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; enemy; (Nu) side platform in sod house (one
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side of two platforms opposite each other)
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
°aku (root) space in-between, physical akulliq middle one, middle door
or temporal
aŋayuk (Nu) older sibling aŋayukłiq firstborn, eldest one, someone’s
elder; two-year-old caribou bull
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aqulliq last, hindmost one
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
arguq- (i) to travel against the wind arguqłiq part that is exposed to the wind,
not sheltered
°ati (root) area below; bottom, alliq one on the bottom
underside; down
auraq (Nu) summer auralliq summer skin of caribou or any
other land animal
°ava (stem) periphery, vicinity avalliq one farthest to the side
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilulliq inner one, innermost one
(t) to surround her/him/it
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isukłiq farthest extension of something
long stick
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋilliq innermost one of a group; rearmost
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; one; origin; descendant
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kilulliq direction toward inland, one farthest
south (with one’s geographical position toward the back
being Barrow, Alaska)
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋulliq one in the back, one previous
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
°kIv (dem. stem) in there, or up the coast kivalliq area to one's right while facing the

(restricted and visible) ocean
kukukłiq a stone (harder than most)
natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to construct a natiqłiq the lowest object; (Nu) something
floor (on it) on the floor
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaqłiq youngest one
nukaaluk younger sibling
qai (Nu) wave (of ocean) qailliq(-) wave on ocean; (i) to have waves
(of ocean)
qauk (Nu) top end of sheep breastbone qaukłiq head person, president, leader,
chief, boss
qiñŋu or qiñŋuq furthest inland point of qiñŋuqłiq one furtherest inside
the lake or the inlet; way in the back (of
a dwelling)
qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; middle; qitiqłiq middle finger; middle one
middle seat in umiak
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulliq one on top; lamp
edge of a boat’s sides
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or salliq one in front; one farthest toward the
garment; area immediately in front of ocean; most northerly one
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivulliq(-) first one; ancestor, forefather;
frontage, area in front of building; bow leader; foreleg, lower section of foreleg; (i)
of boat; front exterior wall of house; to lead the way; (t) to lead her/him/it along
time prior
sivuġaq promontory at end of ridge; sivuġaqłiq frontmost, foremost one;
space or area in front; “front of the leg” ancestor
(Jenness 1928: 111); (Ti) foreleg
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunulliq farthest one back
back exterior wall of house
iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; additon; uiguqłiq farthest extension of something
attachment; appendix; suffix (e.g.,
ending or enclitic); (i) to now be
lengthened; (t) to lengthen, extend it; (t)
to add a suffix to it = word
uŋalaq(-) or uŋalaaq west wind; Uŋalaqłiq Unalakleet, Alaska
southwest wind; “west or southwest
wind” (Jenness 1928: 130); (i) to blow
from the west (of wind; (Nu, Ti) south
wind; south

-llIq- vv (limited) to be or become V; to provide with N | perhaps -lliQ nn ‘= Iq- nv

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, alliq- (i) to be deep
underside; down
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalliq- to begin to work (on it)

to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
susiat- (i) to walk susialliq- (i) to become lame
tipsulliq- (Nu) or tuvsulliq- (i) to hiccough;
to get something stuck in one’s throat
usiq1 [usIq] [pl. utchit] (Nu) load, usilliq- (t) to load it = vehicle
something/someone carried in sled, boat,
or vehicle

-lliuq- nv, vv (limited) to experience N § +lI-3 vv ‘= iuq-2 nv

aniu packed snow aniulliuq- (i) to go through deep
iŋiulik(-) wave or swell on ocean; (i) to iŋiulliuq- (i) to rock, pitch in the
have swells or waves (of ocean) waves (of boat or people in a boat)
mauya or mauyaq soft soil or deep, mauyalliuq- (i) to sink in as one
soft snow (into which one may sink) walks in deep, soft snow

-lluaġiit- nv (limited) | perhaps -lluataq nn -[g]Ik- nv -It-2 vv

isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to isumalluaġiit- (i) to be foolish, unwise;
think immoral, evil, wicked

-lluataq(-) or -llautaq(-) nn, vv a good N; to V well

ilisaurri(-) teacher; (i) to teach ilisaurrilluataq a good teacher
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñulluataq a good person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
matu(-) lid, cover; sod house skylight matulluataq a good sturdy cover that fits
shutter; (i) to be now covered; (t) to tight » una matulluataqaqtuq this one has a
cover it good lid
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savalluataq- (i) to do a good job; to be
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; operating properly; (t) to prepare it = corpse
(i) to be working, operating properly (of for burial properly » savalluataġuuruq she
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = does good work
corpse for burial
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñilluataq- (i) to sleep well
= day sleeping
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqalluataq- (i) to give a good speech »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqalluataqtuaq he gave a good speech
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-lluġIk- (limited) to be good at V-ing § -rruġIk- vv
paġla- (t) to welcome, greet her/him; to paġlalluġik- (PB) to be good at greeting
salute her/him/it (her/him)

-lluk n (limited) that which resembles N § -luk-

kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġalluk corner, right angle
where hunter waits for animal to pass by,
then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t)
to corral them= caribou, reindeer)
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamialluk back flap of traditional
not part of a pair (in card game of pants above belt; tailbone

-lluk- vv (limited)
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iłualluk- (Nu) (i) to be for the best
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine

±lluQ vn (limited) one that resembles a N or is a result of V-ing § -salluQ nn

aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqilluq (Nu) soft snow
bite or touch
kaniq(-) [kaniQ] frost; (i) to be covered kanalluq crumb
with light frost; (t) to have light frost kanġalluq crumb
cover it = ground, house or any object
kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container
filled with flour, sand, something which
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t)
to have something solid, such as flour,
flow onto it
kiñiq(-) moist eczema, lochia, discharge kiñalluq or (Ti) kiññaġluk residue
of water from skin (a disease of dogs); at bottom of liquid, dregs
(i) to become dehydrated (of dog due to
disease); to filter through fabric or paper
(of a liquid)
qau- [qagu] (i) for day to break qaulluq or qaulluuraq or
qaummałuk or qaummałuuraq
saulluq(-) spinal cord (especially of
caribou, which is eaten); (i) to
remove something through a narrow
opening, like marrow from a bone;
(t) to remove its contents through a
narrow opening
siŋuk- (i) to strain while defecating; (i) siŋulluq(-) a freshly laid egg; (i) to
to strain during labor contractions (of strain, push down with abdominal
woman giving birth) muscles

+lu nn (limited) indicates an anatomical, animal, or positional term § +lu(q) nn

+luaq-1 or = luaq- vv (limited) to attain N or condition or situation indicated by V §

+uaq- , = uaq- vv; +ġuaq- vv
aniġniq breath aniġniġluaqi- to have blood in one’s
breath (of wounded whale)
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avalluaġniq wake of boat
kaimit- (t) to push it = boat off kaivluaq- to push a sled by its
into water; (t) to shove it in handlebar
maki- (i) to come loose (of a makłuaq- (i) to rip off; (t) to cause
patch) it = e.g., patch to rip off or come
magluaq- (Ti) (i) to come off, come
loose (of a part of something) (t) to
take off, break off an attached part
of it
*pau (root) soot pauguaq- (i) to get soot on oneself;
(t) to get her/him/it sooty
pirik- (i) to jump down quickly from piruaq- or piruaqtiq- (Ti) (i) to
something; to get off quickly; (Nu) (i) to move down to the beach in late June
go down to the river (primarily for bearded seal hunting
but also for hunting seals, belugas,
seabirds, and gathering driftwood
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, savluaq- (Nu) sapluaq- or sapluaqtuq- to
make passage unsuitable or impossible set up an obstacle, hindrance for
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river (her/him/it)
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suvluaq- or (Nu) supluaq- (t) to blow on
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out her/him/it once; (i) to spout (of whale)
*tug (root) hidden, out of sight tugluaq-or tugluaqsima- (t) to
protect, keep her/him/it from harm

+luaq-2 nv (limited) to reject or dislike a N

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñugluaq- (i) to reject someone as owner,
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to employee, employer, guest, host, family
surprise her/him/it member; (i) to be prejudiced
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliaġluaqtaq man who is rejected for
animal); (t) to marry her; (i) to take a marriage; (Nu) man who wishes to marry
wife but is rejected; a woman whom men do not
want to marry
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piluaq- (i) to reject someone as one’s own,
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to or relative
her/him; an entity
ui1 husband uiluaqtaq woman who refuses to take a

+luaq nn (limited) one with qualities of the N § +ġuaq
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviġluaq gray whale
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form (Rhachianectes glaucus)
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
aŋma- (i) to be open, uncovered, aŋmaluaq labret with beads
isuŋŋaq [isuŋŋaQ] long-tailed jaeger isuŋŋaġluaq (Ti) jaeger
(Stercorarius longicaudus)
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuluat front teeth
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior

-lugruaq nn (limited) a smaller or younger N

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaalugruaq child
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
niviaqsiaq young woman of niviaqsialugruaq teenage girl
marriageable age
nukatpiaq or nukatpiluk young man nukatpialugruaq young boy in his teens
of marriageable age; gander
tiŋmiaq medium-sized bird (e.g., dove, tiŋmialugruaq (Ti) little bird with long
robin); fowl; bird of prey, e.g., gull, beak (usu., seen in fall)
hawk, jaeger

+lugun nn (limited) item which involves the N

itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; ¤itiġvalugun (Nu) short piece of wood
sea anemone placed lengthwise in kayak on which one
sits (above qukhak)
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakiplugun (Nu) cramp, stitch in side,
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it abdomen
kakitlugun (Nu) good fatty meat found
inside caribou eye socket; string of beads
worn under the nose
kiŋuġaq- (t) to miss her/him/it by kiŋuġaġlugun hind leg sinew
having come too late; (t) to miss it = kiiŋuqqaglugun (Nu) sinew on hind leg of
moving target by shooting behind it caribou
kuyak(-) one of lumbar vertebrae; sides kuyapiglugun sinew along the backbone
of lower back where there are no ribs;

(Ti) lower back just above buttocks; to
have intercourse
qakiq-2 (t) to hit her/him/it on chin with qakiġlugun (Ti) beard; (Nu) something
fist under the chin (e.g., whiskers of man or
feathers of ptarmigan)
sivuġaq space or area in front; (Ti) sivuġaġluqun or sivuġaġlugun foreleg
incisor tooth; foreleg sinew (of caribou, moose, or wolf leg)

+luk(-)1 nv, nn (limited) to have undesirable, unhealthy or smelly N; one that has an
undesireable N § -[g]luk- vv; -ġluk- vv -kłuk(-) nv; +łuk(-)1 nn, rn, vn
iri [dual irrak] eye iriluk(-) one with bad eyesight; (i) to have
bad eyes; to have trouble with one’s eyes
killi or killiq1 [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killiluk- to be hazy, obscure, not clear,
space); due date; border, line, edge of indistinct (of horizon)
land which has been cleared; source of
river; area next to wall or floor; stopping
point, goal, destination, limit; crucial
manu upper front of shirt or parka manuluk- (i) to have a wet shirt or parka
front due to dribbled saliva
tatqiq [tatqIq] moon; month tatqiġluk- to be barely visible, of moon

-luk(-)2 or +luk(-) vn, vv (limited) something resembling or having an association with N or

the quality indicated in V § -łuk(-)1 nn, rn, vn
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqilluk a bank of deep soft snow
bite or touch
iiqhiiq- (i) to moan or groan iiqhiiluk(-) one who moans and groans
constantly (i) to moan and groan constantly
iksaq- iksaluk(-) or iksaluu- one who is
disorganized and messy; (i) to be messy,
disorganized, leave things around; (i) to put
things anywhere, not in their correct places
kivgaq(-) servant, messenger kivgaluk(-) person who runs errands; to
serve and wait on (her/him)
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and niviluk(-) wet snow; to be damp, slushy (of
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = bait snowy and rainy weather); (i) to be
or food) (of game animal); to flock unkempt, slovenly (of a person)
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds,
mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to cling,
adhere to her/him/it
qakiq-2 (t) to hit her/him/it on chin with qakiġluk(-) jowls
sila weather; atmosphere, air silaluk(-) rain
tusiat- (i) to limp tusialluk or tusiqhuk lame person
or animal
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaluk(-) word; (i) to talk

leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+luk or +łuk or -luk nn (limited) one resembling a N § +aaluk nn

aana grandmother; great-aunt aanaluk old woman
aaquk, aaquaksraq old woman aaquluk little old woman
amau, amaułuk great- amaułuk great-grandparent or
grandparent; great-grandchild great-grandchild
aŋiruaq big, huge one aŋirualuk (Ti) a very large whale
aqqaluk girl's younger brother
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to igluluaġruk site (usually a mound) of an
build a structure over it ancient house
isuŋŋaq [isuŋŋaQ] long-tailed jaeger isuŋŋaġluk or isuŋŋaaluk pomarine jaeger
(Stercorarius longicaudus) (Stercorarius pomarinus)
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary kuugaluk stream
naqsraq(-) a ridge which divides naqsralugiaq summit
watersheds of rivers; a pass, a valley or
passage in the mountains; low point of a
hill; (i) to travel via the lowest point; (t)
to travel via its lowest point
nuvuġaq small promontory of land or nuvuġaluk or nuvuġauraq small point of
ice land

-luk- or = luk- or +luk- or ‘-luk- vv (limited) to/be V with duration or impact

anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniluk- (i) to have a small, sharp pain
to hurt her/him/it
avsak- (i) to make a noise by falling avsaluk- (i) to make a loud noise
iggiiq- or iggiagiq- (i) to be hoarse, iggiiłuktaq- (i) to sound hoarse
barely able to talk, to lose one's voice,
develop laryngitis
imik- (i) to resound, reverberate well; be imigluk- (i) to make a distant roaring
stereophonic; to have a good sound, thundering noise (e.g., of airplane, or
resound (of drum); to have a rich, hollow caribou herd); (i) to ring (of ears)
sound, of a drum
imŋaluk- (i) to hum; (i) to mumble; (i) to
whimper; (i) to whine; (i) to growl softly
iñugiit- (i) to be bad-tempered; to be in a iñugiiluktaq- or iñugiiłuktaq- (i) to be
bad temper uncooperative, unmanageable; to throw a
temper tantrum; (t) to be uncooperative to
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqquiqiluk- (i) to shake one’s buttocks
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts (especially when playing)
(suit in cards)

¤itik- (i) to suffer an attack of diarrhea itiksraluaq- (i) to spurt forth
ittuk- (i) to make a continual roaring ittugluuraq kerosene lamp which makes a
sound, as a fire, primus stove, engine, etc roaring noise; primus stove
ivsuk- (i) to shake, e.g., in the wind; (Ti) ivsuluk- (i) to flap
to brush snow off oneself; (t) to shake it
out to remove dust, snow, etc.; (Ti) to
brush snow off it = one’s clothing
kaimit- (t) to push it = boat off into kaivluk- (i) to push a heavy sled
water; (t) to shove it in
kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container kanġaluk- (i) to drop bits of food; (i) to shed
filled with flour, sand, something which (esp., of caribou)
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t)
to have something solid, such as flour,
flow onto it
kapkaq- (i) to make a noise with one's kapkaluk- (i) to chatter, of teeth
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviġluksI- (i) to blush
kiavit- (i) to circle around, to spin kiavaluk- to go around (her/him/it) in
circles, to spin
kigak- or kigaluk- (i) to nibble on food kigaluk- (i) to nibble on food
kupkaq- (Ti) (i) to be not fully baked (of kupkaluk- (i) to have something sticky on
breadstuffs) oneself; (i) to have food or any sticky
substance stuck to it, e.g., a cooking pot,
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength mapkuluk- (i) to crackle
and make an all-out effort; (i) to make a
crackling noise when shaken, as a
blanket-toss skin; (i) to make a popping
miŋuk- (t) to color, mark or smear miŋuluk- to rub ointment, medication on
something on her/him/it using one’s (her/him/it)
nanuk- to rub something on (her/him/it) nanuluk- to rub liniment on (her/him/it)
nipait- (i) to be quiet nipaiłuksi- (i) to be silent because of
torment, pain, or abuse
*qiġi (root) squeakiness § qiiqi qiġiiluk- or qiġiila- (i) to squeak, be
squeaky, creak (e.g., of door)
qisuk- or qitchuk- (i) to scratch oneself; qisugluk- or qitchugluk- (t) to grab
to grab something with the talons (of her/him/it quickly, roughly with the talons
bird); (t) to scratch her/him/it
maliciously with fingernails or claws; to
grab her/him/it with the talons; (Ti) (t) to
grab, take hold of her/him/it roughly
saġvaq(-) water current; (i) to have saġvaluk- (i) to babble, gurgle (of flowing
strong current (of river or ocean); (t) to water); (Ti) (i) to rumble, growl (of stomach)
drift with the current; (t) for it to be

carried away by ocean or river current
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaluk- (i) to keep busy
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
suak- (t) to scold her/him/it sualuk- (t) to scold her/him/it lightly
tamuq- to chew (it) tamuluk- (i) to snack, eat a little (not a
whole meal)

-luŋaq- vv (limited)
*aŋI (root) failure aŋiluŋaq- (i) to fail to procure game or fish

saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saqulupqutaq(-) appendix (anatomical); to
have an appendicitis attack

+luq-1 vv (limited to Indicative Mood endings followed by adverb “unnii”) regardless of the
fact, even if § +k/galuaq- vv
anuqłiq- (i) to be windy anuqłiqluq- (i) regardless if it is windy
anuqłiġluqtuq unnii isagutiniaqtugut we
will begin even if it is windy
avaala- (i) to yell avaalaluq- (i) regardless if she/he is yelling
avaalaluqtuq unnii pilinnagu do not let go
of him, even if he yells

+luq-2 vv, rv (limited) to V and remain so § +qsruq-1 nv

aaq- (i) to raise one’s head; (t) to raise aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s
her/his/its head; (Ti) (i) to sit up chin; (i) to throw one’s head back; (t)
to raise her/his chin upward; (t) to
raise it into an upright position
*av (root) interval or distance avluq- (i) to take a step; (t) to step
between one’s feet over her/him/it
*avI (root) resonance aviluq- (i) to be resonant
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; (t) kikłuq- (i) to have broken sections
to break off a piece from it = wood and notches (of wood)
naġluq- (i) to be unable to be calmed; be
upset or angry but refuse or be
unable to say why
niġluq- (i) to throw one’s head back; to
throw a tantrum (of a child); (t) to
sever its head at the first vertebra
qui- [quġi] to urinate (on her/him/it) quġluq- (i) to rush, cascade (of water)
upak- or upaktuq- to go upaluq- (i) to move to action

directly, quickly, rush (to swiftly, hurriedly; (t) to rush to
her/him/it); to charge (her/him/it) her/him to check on her/his welfare
(of an animal)

~luq-3 vv (limited) to V multiple times or to be V due to multiple V-ings § -.q-1 vv

:uq-2 vv
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to kavluq- or (Nu) kapluq- (t) to
give oneself a shot; (t) to stab, inoculate, give her/him/it injections
pierce her/him/it once; (t) to give regularly; to spear, stab, pierce
a shot, an injection to her/him/it her/him/it repeatedly
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; kikłuq- (i) to have broken sections and
(t) to break off a piece from it = wood notches (of wood)
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kivluq- (t) to cut it into lengths, e.g.,
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming rope, log
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut
it; (t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
pilguit- (i) to not be able to perform pilguilluq- (i) to not be able to do well, be
exceptionally well at a certain activity; handicapped permanently
to not be able to face up well to a crisis
or tragedy; (Nu) (i) to not be strong,
able, a fast runner
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain; lengthwise
half-dollar coin
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen Suvluġvik [lit.”time when rivers break up
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out and flow”] month of May

+luq n (limited) one with attributes of N § -lluQ vn

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaaluq (Ti) partner, schoolmate
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
illuq joking partner, cross-cousins
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukavluq large bull walrus
nukaaluk younger sibling

+lu(q) n (limited) occurs in a number of anatomical, animal, or trait terms § +quq, +uq
aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca)
alu sole of foot or of footwear
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaġlu or ¤(Nu) anaqłuk black sediment

to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to once buried in the snow which becomes
fall or shoot (of a star) visible on the ice during spring melting
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avalu edge, rim, border, trim
iqłu colon
ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) to
thread it
kiglu bow deck of an umiak
kuvlu thumb
navlu or navluq joint, wrist, elbow,
shoulder, or knee joint
nigavlu shoulder joint
niu leg niulu root of tooth
nuġlu buckle; knot at end of rope; rope loop,
noose; neck opening of dog harness;
bowline; (Ti) heavy rope used for anchoring
a pulley on ice
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvulukutaq tassel
nulu buckle; a loop; knot at the end
of rope
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaalu dried or outside part of a piece of
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; meat
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qaglu or qaglugruaq deep water hole under
ice in the river, good for setting nets; deepest
part of river
qaqłu lip
suġlu(q) nasal cavity
suvlu pore
tavlu chin

+luqqaaq- vv immediately after one Vs, something else happens

ai-1 [agi] (t) to fetch, go and get ailuqqaaq- (i) immediately upon coming
her/him/it home » ailuqqaaqtuq aniruami I went out
as soon as he came home
itiq- (i) to wake up itiġluqqaaq- (i) immediately upon waking
up » itiġluqqaaqtuq ququulasaġigma call
me immediately as soon as he wakes up

-luqqaq vn (limited) item that is V

aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqiluqqaq soft snow
bite or touch

+luqun vn that which involves the V § +lugun

+lutaq vn (limited) one that Vs § ±ŋutaq
avriaq- (i) to be in the way, an obstacle; avrialutaq obstacle, hindrance
(t) to be in her/his way
nalunaiq- (i) to signify; (i) to become nalunailutaq signpost, identification mark
clear, visible, distinct, audible; (t) to
reveal, make her/him/it known, “bring out
in the open,” prove; (i) to appoint, single
out her/him/it/; (t) to confirm it
niviŋa- (i) to be hanging niviŋalutaq something hanging from a
garment (e.g., thread)

-luu vv (limited) to V expansively or with duration

navguq- to break (it) into many pieces navguluu- (i) to break into pieces
qaqquq- to crunch (it) with the teeth qaqquluu- to crunch (it) with the teeth with
prolonged action
usiaqsiq- (i) to be a passenger usiaqsiluu- (i) to ride onboard once in a
while for a short while (as of a musher on

-luula- vv (limited) to V repeatedly, extensively, or for a long time | -luu vv -la- vv

navguq- to break (it) into many pieces navguluula- (i) to break into many pieces
quġluq- (i) to rush, cascade (of water) quġluula- (i) to drip extensively
quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces quvluula- (i) to crack repeatedly (of ice)
saġvaluk- (i) to babble, gurgle (of saġvaluula- (i) to gurgle (of flowing water);
flowing water); (Ti) (i) to rumble, growl (Ti) (i) to growl, rumble (of stomach)
(of stomach)

-łak or +łak -łłak nn,vn (limited) item that is extremely V

aillaq dampness, moisture; someone or aillałak something dripping wet
something which is drenched
auksaq- to begin to melt auksałłak rapidly melting snow
iqaq- (i) to be rigid, not limber; (i) to be iqaqłak or iqaqłik pair of waterproof,
stiff (of person, tool, etc); (t) to become knee-high sealskin boots
stiff (of body part)
maqałłak or (Nu) maġałłak powdery white
stone that is pulverized and used in tanning
quiññiiq the fat one quiññiiqłak an extremely fat one
qayuqłak ripple on surface of snow
uquq- (i) to have warm winter clothes; uquqłak (Nu) skin with long thick fur, e.g.,
to be well insulated and therefore warm winter skin
(of clothing, house)
uumiñaq(-) one who causes annoyance, uumiñałak someone/something which one

frustration, aggravation, or irritation; (i) dislikes, hates, or is frustrated by
to be annoying, irritating, aggravating,
frustrating, maddening

-łauraq(-) nn, vv a small portion, piece of N; to V a little

niqipiaq meat niqipiałauraq a small portion of meat »
niqipiałauramik aitchuŋŋa give me a little
piece of meat
sukasaq- (i) to do quickly, move quickly sukasałauraq- (i) to go fast, but not too fast
» sukasałauraqłunuk piruagni we were
moving quickly, but not too quickly
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttulauraq a small piece of caribou meat »
tuttułauramik tamuaksrirruŋ give him a
small piece of caribou to chew on
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiłauraq- (i) to eat a small portion »
niġiłauraqtuaq he ate a little
nipatusi- (i) to become louder; (t) to nipatusiłauraq- (t) to increase its volume
make it louder slightly » nipatusiłauraquuŋ tell him to talk
a little louder
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savałauraq- to work (on it) for a short
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; duration
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-łhaaq(-) vn, vv one with the highest quality of being V or V-ing; to have the highest quality
of being V or V-ing
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋiłhaaq the largest object » aŋiłhaaq
qairruŋ uvamnun give me the biggest one;
aŋiłhaaqtuq he is the biggest
nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in nakuułhaaq(-) best one; (i) to be the best »
good health nakuułhaaqtuamik aitchuqtaġa I gave her
the best one
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqiłhaaq the lowest in height »
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down naqiłhaamik aitchuqtaġa I gave him the
lowest one
pisuq- to be good at doing (it) pisułhaaq(-) best performer; (i) to be the
best » pisułhaaġniraat they said she was the
best performer
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqałhaaq- (i) to speak the longest »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on ignatchiq uqałhaaqtuaq that one there
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep talked the most
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-łhaiññaq- or (Nu) -łġaiññaq- vv, vn to always, constantly V
ipiqtusuk- (i) to be very sad, ipiqtusułhaiññaq- (i) to be despondent all
despondent, depressed of the time
qiiyanaq- (i) to be cold (of place, object, qiiyanałhaiññaq- (i) to be cold all of the
weather) time (of temperature)
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunałhaiññaq- (i) to be hot all of the time
(of temperature)

-łhak nn (limited)
misak(-) or masak(-) or matchak(-) misałhak slushy top of young salt water ice;
wet ground; slush; swamp; water-soaked ground; swamp
waterlogged snow; (i) to be slushy (of
snow); (i) to be wet (of ground)

-łhamaaq- vv to V the most

atuq-1 to sing (it) atułhamaaq- (i) to sing the most
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiłhamaaq- (i) to eat the most
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savałhamaaq- (i) to work the hardest
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-łhaq nn (limited) source or raw material for N

perhaps igit-2 (t) to throw it away; (t) to igiłhaq grappling hook at end of line,
abandon her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him commonly used to haul in seals; seal
out of the home retrieving hook
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviłhaq metal

-łhaq- vv (limited) to V unexpectedly with force

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaqhaqtaq- (i) to laugh loudly and
siqi- [siqI]or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) to
splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on her/him/it
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen supiłhaqtaq- (Nu) (i) to blow in gusts (of
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out wind)

-łhiñaaq vn one ready, prepared to V without coaxing § +siññaaq vn

atuq-1 to sing (it) atułhiñaaq one prepared to sing without
coaxing » atułhiñaak apiqsruġuvsigik
they’re ready to sing it you ask them2
kammi- to make boots (for her/him); (t) kammiłhiñaaq one prepared to make a pair
to make it = animal hide into boots of boots without coaxing » kammiłhiñaaq
kammiaksraqaġuvit she’s prepared to

make a pair of boots if you have the material
miquq- to sew (it) miqułhiñaaq one prepared to sew »
miqułhiñaaq una nutaġaugaluaqłuni she’s
ready to sew although she’s young

-łhiñaq(-) or (Nu) -łġiñaq(-) nn, vv only the N; to only V

miqłiqtuq child miqłiqtułhiñat isiġlit let only the children
punniq [punniQ] bread (made with punniłhiñanik taquaqtuami I brought only
yeast) bread
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviłhiñaq atuġniaġiga I will use only the
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttułhiñanik tautuktuagut we saw only
uvluġiaq star “uvluġiaqałġiñaġniqsuq, tatqiiññiqsuq
siqiñiġiññiqsuq” there were only stars,
there was no moon, there was no sun
(Bergsland 1987:18)

-łhuaŋaaq vn (limited) one that is V | perhaps -aq-3 nv, vv ±ŋaaq(-) vn, vv

taki- (i) to be long takiłhuaŋaaq rectangle

+łhun n (limited)
akiłhun glass lantern chimney; snow
deflector, e.g., at the entrance of a
snowhouse to keep the snow from piling up
and blocking the entrance
uałhun or (Nu) uaługuun sack to hold
woman’s pipe; (Nu) skin bag for pipe

-łhuq vn (limited) one identified as a N

nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvułhuq or nuvułhuuq (Nu) tip of antler

-łhuyuk(-) or -łhayuk(-) or -łhayak(-) vn, vv (limited) one that is V; to | perhaps -yuk(-) vv,
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amiłhuyuk the tall and slender one
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvułhuyuk peak
taki- (i) to be long takiłhuyuk the long one

-łik or +łik nn, vn (limited) one with characteristics of or an association with N or being V
iglupiaqtaq- to run or operate (it) with iglupiaqtaqłik (Nu) rectangular sod house
only one of a pair of necessary parts, with entrance along one side
e.g., with one of two cylinders, because [“iglupiaqtaqlik” (Ingstad: 158)]
of fouled spark plugs
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñugaqutlik (Nu) dwarf, mythical little

resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to person
surprise her/him/it
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuqułłigauraq or iñuqułłik or (Ti)
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to iñuqullik or (Ti) iñuqulligaaruq mythical
surprise her/him/it small person; dwarf
iqaq- (i) to be rigid, not limber; (i) to be iqaqłak or iqaqłik pair of waterproof,
stiff (of person, tool, etc); (t) to become knee-high sealskin boots
stiff (of body part)
kanayuq sculpin, fourhorn slimy kanayuġaałik [pl.kanayuġaałigIt] (Nu)
(Myoxocephalus quadricornis Cottus small freshwater fish
siułik or siulik northern pike (Esox lucius)
¤unġuagułik or unġuagun (Nu) traditional
style dog harness

+łIQ nn nn, rv one farthest in any direction, time, or position, the optimal N > +llIQ nn

-łłak- vv to V forcefully, angrily, violently, suddenly or unexpectedly

kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiułłak- (t) to answer her/him angrily »
kiułłaktaata tupaktipalukkaatigut the one
who answered him in anger sure startled us
mau- [ma u] (i) to sink into soft maułłak- (i) to step into mud, water, or
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a soft snow unexpectedly » maułłakkami
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground, aqayamun tupakpaiłłuni aquvsalaaktuq
mud, or snow as one takes a step when she sank suddenly in the mud, she
got so startled she fell on her butt
paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on paałłak- (i) to fall forward suddenly, landing
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to face down » paałłakkami quayaqiłłuni
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top unianun sivuluagni naviksimaraik when
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close she fell forward slipping onto the sled, she
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws, broke her two front teeth
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
qait- (i) to give oneself up, surrender, qaiłłak- (t) to give it to another person
give up; (t) to give her/him/it away, to angrily » uumitchakłuni qaiłłaktaŋa
give it = report nukaalugmiñun becoming angry, she
angrily gave it to her younger sibling
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i) to qauriłłak- (i) to gain consciousness
come to one’s senses; (i) to become suddenly » qauriłłakkami makinniusiqsuq
aware of one’s surroundings (of a child suddenly becoming sober, she began trying
usually two to three years old) to get up
qayuit- (Ti) (i) to slip on ice or slippery qayuiłłak- (i) to fall down unexpectedly »
surface qayuiłłakktuam tupaktipalukkaatigut the
one who fell down sure startled us
siqi- [siqI]or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) to siqiłłak- (i) to splash; (t) to splash on

splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on her/him/it
her/him/it once
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallałłak- (i) to speak angrily »
uqallałłagman aquviviñaqtuq when she
spoke up angrily, he bolted upright into a
sitting position

-łłaktaq- vv to V angrily, violently

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniłłaktaq- (i) to exit angrily » aġnam
born; (i) to emerge from the den in aniłłaktaqtuam iglaqtipalukkaatigut the
spring (of hibernating animal) woman who stomped out angrily sure made
us laugh
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiłłaktaq- (i) to enter angrily; (t) to take it
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside angrily » isiłłaktaqtuam
inside, to place it inside nipaiqsitkaatigut the one who stomped in
angrily caused us to become quiet
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigułłaktaq- (t) to take hold of her/him/it
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it angriliy » tigułłaktaqtaŋa uvamniñ he
grabbed it angrily from me

'-łłaqtiq- vv (limited) to apply the process of V-ing on | -łłak- vv mtiq-2 vv

siqi- [siqI]or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) to siqqiłłaqtiq- (t) to sprinkle liquid on it
splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on
her/him/it once

+łłuaq- rv (limited)
perhaps derived from: ivaq-2 (t) to ivalik- or ivałłuaq- (i) to walk swinging
stretch it = animal skin on frame to dry one’s arms
qiŋaq nose; house ventilator; blowhole qiŋałłuak- (i) to wrinkle one’s nose to show
of whale displeasure

+łu nn (limited) occurs in a number of anatomical, animal, or positional terms § +lu(q) nn

+ługiaq- vv (limited)
¤itik- (i) to suffer an attack of diarrhea itikpaługiaq- or itikpaġugiaq- (i) to spurt
out very soft stool

+łuk(-) or -łuk(-) or ~łuk(-) nn, rn, vn (limited) something resembling or having an

association with a N; (i) to resemble a N or an entity who Vs § -luk(-)2 vn, -qłuk1 nn
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiłuk echo
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; akiługaq something flashing on and of
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but

atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atikłuk(-) outer cloth cover for fur parka,
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on commonly called “snowshirt”; (t) to put a
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him cloth cover over her/his parka
atuun song; record; piece of music atuułłuk shaman's magic song for hunting,
healing, etc.
ilak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside with a ilakługi- t) to swipe, shove, throw it/them
sweeping motion around and leave it/them in disorder
iliaġruk or iliappak or iliappałuk, iliappałuk poor person, orphan
iliappałuuraq poor person; orphan
iqqaq- (t) to throw them away iqqałuk- (i) to be sloppy, careless with
things, not putting them away properly
kali something being dragged, towed kalikłuit pieces of driftwood
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamikłuuk a pair of pants
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
miñik(-) mist, moisture, drizzle; splash miñikłuk very light rain
made by fish or thrown object; (i) to be
misty, to drizzle, rain lightly; to be
damp with mist (of ground, snow)
niġrun large animal niġrułłuk beast; legendary water animal;
qapuk foam; (Ti) pumice stone used as qapukłuk froth; bubbles; foam on seashore
qaugak duck qaugałuk small bird
qaummaq light from a source (e.g., sun qaummałuk or qaummałuuraq crystal
or lightbulb), brightness
¤qanik- [qanIk] (Nu) (i) to snow qanikłuk(-) (Nu) to blow with light snow (of
sanik(-) speck of dust, lint; caribou hair sanikłuk dust
on clothing or floor; to have dust, lint,
dirt on it
taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy taktukłuk dark cloud over open ocean water
(often indicative of bad weather)

-łukaq- or ~łukaq- vv (limited) to V with violence | -łuk-3 vv -kaq- nv, vv

kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) to kuniłukaq- (i) to fall flat on one’s face
smack into each other (of juggling
stones); (t) to bring it near to the nose to
makłukaq- (i) to trip; to hit a bump while

~łuq- vv (limited) to V more than once

kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; (t) kikłuq- (i) for wood to have broken sections
to break off a piece from it = wood and notches

nuki- (i) to crack, fracture, split nukłuq- (i) to crackle when put into water
(of ice)

+łuqutaq vn (limited) one who Vs | +luk(-) vn +qutaq nn

akat- (i) to harm oneself; (t) to upset, akałłuqutaq bad, troublesome person,
bother, or harm her/him/it troublemaker

+ma-1 or :ma- (stem final weak i > u sometimes) vv (limited) to be in the state of
having V-ed, being V § +sima-2 vv -uma- vv
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akima- (i) to win
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auma- (i) to be thawed
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat,
fish); (i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
iki-2 (i) to burn ikuma- (i) to be burning; to be lit or turned
on (of a light)
*ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension ilimanaq- (i) to be suspect, to arouse
suspicion or distrust
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naama- (i) to be enough, adequate,
out sufficient, complete; (i) to have a quorum
for a meeting; (i) to be perfect, flawless; (i)
to be well-supplied, have everything
needed, e.g., the right tools, equipment
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalliuma- (i) to have equal abilities (of two
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, persons)
Alaska; price
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, nuima- (i) to project; to stand out; to be
appear; to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be important
able to see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to
look outside, e.g., to see if someone or
something is coming
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i) to qaurima- (i) to be conscious, aware
come to one’s senses; (i) to become
aware of one’s surroundings (of a child
usually two to three years old)
qiqi- (i) to be frozen qiquma- (i) to be frozen » qiqumaruq

suli; manŋuksiqtuuraġniaqtuq it is still
frozen; it’ll thaw out for a bit
*sai (root) relaxation saima- (i) to be quiet, not crying; (i) to
mourn quietly
*salu (root) cleaniness saluma- (i) to be clean; to be holy, pure
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋima- (i) for an animal/person/object
taut to be determined by someone to be tight,
taut, or strong; (Ti) (i) to be strong (of
animal or human)
sii- [siġi] (i) to gather one's strength for siima- (i) to be strong
an all-out effort
siqquqsi- (i) to tense up from fright or siqquqsima- (i) to be “tied up in knots,” to
anger; (i) to harden (of substance) be tense because of impending
unpleasantness; (i) to be in a state of
physical and/or mental tension

+ma-2 vv to find out that the action has been done, is being done, or the thing is as
described; it is evident § msima-1 vv

+ma vn (limited) one V-ed

amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide ¤amuma an object that has been pulled out
back into water after beginning to
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigmaliktat trim pattern on parka or boot
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it made of alternate light and dark pieces
uuma one’s namesake’s wife; (Ti) one’s
namesake’s spouse; married couple’s
namesake friend; sweetheart’s namesake

+maaq(-) nn, vv (limited) to V with duration; a longtime N § -umaaq-2 vv

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aimaaġvik home
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igamaaqłuk partly dried meat, cooked and
stored in seal oil
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilamaaq(-) dear relative, loved one
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kau- (i) to reach into a container or kaumaaq- (Ti) to put one’s hand into
hollow place; (t) to put one’s hand into one’s pocket; (t) to put one’s hand into it =

it pocket
sii- [sIġI] (i) to gather one’s strength for siġmaaq- (i) to put all one’s effort into
an all-out effort winning; to have competitive spirit; to
expend effort, work hard at something;
(Nu) (i) to be divided in opinion, in
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen supimaaq- (i) to blow lightly (of wind)
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out

-maaq- nv to feel that N is right for one therefore should be possessed §

-ksramaaq- nv

-mak nn (limited) one with qualities of the N or the V

kumak louse (Pediculus humanus capitis);
maggot, larva of caribou botfly; (Nu)
smooth, white bug found in tree trunks
(eaten by woodpeckers)
quu- [qu u] (i) to incline inward; (i) to qumak (Ti) worm found in bearded seal
turn one’s feet inward intestine
*saki (root) a shaving sakimak wood shaving
umik whiskers, beard umiŋmak musk ox (Ovibus moshatu)

-maq- or ~maq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly

kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigmaq- to bite (her/him/it) repeatedly
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
tuti- to step, tread on (her/him/it) tunmaq- or tuŋmaq- (t) to step upon,
tread on her/him/it repeatedly

-maq rn (limited) final suffix of some Ns

igimaq iron rod for harpoon shaft;
“‘Loose Shaft’ of Seal Spear
*pimaq (root) affection
¤qusimmaq [qusimmaQ] wild rhubarb
(Polygonum sp.)
sisamaq [sisamaQ] a fourth one
summaq (Ti) reindeer skin tobacco pouch
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to tallimaq (Nu) a fifth one
the shoulder of the human body; hand of
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance
°takkuq (stem) presence of
tulimaq or tulimmaq rainbow
tuummaq small container, e.g., for tobacco

-maqłuk- vv to V badly, poorly or with malice
kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiumaqłuk- (t) to answer her/him without
showing respect
niu- [ni u] (i) to get out of a niumakłuk- (i) to disembark clumsily »
conveyance or a container; (t) to take niumaqłukłuni niuggaaqtuaq he broke a
her/him/it out of a conveyance or a leg because he disembarked so clumsily,
container carelessly
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñimaqłuk- (t) to look at her/him with
hatred » qiñimaqłukkaa isiġman he gave
her a venomous look when she came in
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqamaqłuk- (i) to say swear, use bad
leg-hold trap which when stepped on language » uqamaqługnak don’t swear
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+mat- vv (limited) to V with exaggeration

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilamat- (i) to try to give a misleading
name; companion, friend, partner; part impression; (t) to try to mislead a person
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of iqimmat- (Ti) or iqimmi- (i) to hug,
worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t) embrace (each other); (t) to hug, embrace
to embrace her/him/it her/him/it

+mġaq or +mġaaq rn (limited) item of the N | perhaps -m nn (erg mkr) +[ġ]aq nn

alliq the one on the bottom allimġaq any lower tooth
atausiq [atausIq] number one atausimġaq solitary one, only one
ikamġaq (Ti) small sled for carrying seals,
°kisI (stem) aloneness kisimġaaq person with no relatives,
someone or something alone, by itself
qulliq one on top; lamp qullimġaq any upper tooth

+mġiuq- vv (limited) | +mġuq(-) ‘= iuq-2 vv

°kisI (stem) aloneness kisimġiuq- (i) to be alone

-mġuq(-) vv, vn (limited) result of the V-ing; item that has V-ed; to V using the
quality or activity indicated by the stem | perhaps +mI 3s refl
°kisI (stem) aloneness kisimġuqtaaq- (i) to exclude others from
one’s activities; (t) to isolate it

paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on paamġuq- (i) to crawl, creep (e.g., of a
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to hunter approaching a seal); (t) to crawl to
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top her/him/it, reach her/him/it by crawling
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
qaimġuq first shore ice in fall
siamit- (i) to spread, scatter; (t) to siamġut broken-off pieces of driftwood
spread, scatter it; (Ti) (t) to lose it that are scattered around the beach

+mġuqtaaq- vv (limited) to assume position or condition indicated | -mġuq- rv +taaq-1 vv

°kisI (stem) aloneness kisimġuqtaaq- (i) to exclude others
from one’s activities; (t) to isolate it

+mi-1 vv oh, the subject is doing something and someone else/something is about to,
or has done, something which involves the subject § +mmi-3 vv

+mi-2 vv also, too § +mmi-1 vv

+mI- 3 vv immediately after one Vs § +mmi-2 vv

+mI-4 vv (limited) (with negative subordinative endings followed by enclitic+lu)

to not do what one intended to V § +mmi-4 vv

+miaq(-) vv, vn (limited) to undergo a process of V-ing

kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigmiaq(-) [kigmiraq] to hold, carry (it) in
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it one’s teeth; something carried in the teeth,
*niġu1 (root) graspable niġumiaq- to carry (it) by the handle (as a
pail or suitcase); (t) to carry her/him/it using
one’s arms
pisaasuq- or pisaasuu- (i) to be cunning, pisaasuġmiaq- (i) to use sly tactics to get
sly; (Ti) (i) to be good at something what one wants; to do something in a cunning
and sly manner; (t) to deceive her/him/it by
trickery; to bribe her/him
tati- (i) to be too tight (of clothing); (t) to tatumiaq- (t) to be in contact with, touching
brush against, lean against, touch, her/him/it as one moves
squeeze up next to her/him/it
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigumiaq(-) [tigumiraq] something carried in
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it one’s arms; to carry (her/him/it) in one’s arms
or hands

+migaq- vv, nv (limited) to V repeatedly or V-ing to excess | +mIk-1 vv +aq-1 vv

aŋuun short oar, paddle; one of paired aŋuutmigaq- (Nu) (i) to paddle, especially a
fins on a fish, especially a pectoral or kayak with a single bladed paddle

pelvic fin
irimik- or iyimik- (t) to indicate, point iriŋmigaq- to wink (at her/him)
with the eyes at her/him/it
malak (Ti) chest (anatomical) malaŋmigaq- (Ti) (i) to crawl on one’s
belly without touching one’s chin to the
floor, as part of a game
*niuQ (root) inhale, intake air, breath in niuġmigaq- or (Ti) niuqsigaq- (i) to sniffle
quumik- (i) to bring one’s legs together quumigaq- (i) to shinny
tightly; (i) to climb a pole or rope by
shinnying; (t) to hold her/him/it between
one’s legs
uluġmik- or uluġmigaq- (i) to turn uluġmik- or uluġmigaq- (i) to turn one’s
one’s shoulder forward as one walks into shoulder forward as one walks into the wind
the wind
usiq1 [usIq] [pl. utchit] (Nu) load, usiŋmigauraq- (i) to have an overly full load
something/someone carried in sled, boat,
or vehicle

÷miit- to be located at, on, in, or with N | ÷mI (loc.) it- “to be”

+mIk- nv, vv (limited) to V for an extended period of time; to use the N repeatedly usually
in quick succession
aġvak(-) edge of hand; balls of fingers aġvagmik- (t) to hit her/him/it with edge
and thumb; fleshy parts of hand; (t) to of hand repeatedly
hit her/him/it with edge of hand
anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s anaumik- (t) to hit her/him/it repeatedly
arm or an object held in one’s hand with the arm or with something held in the
aŋuun short oar, paddle; one of paired aŋuunmik- to row or paddle vigorously
fins on a fish, especially pectoral or
pelvic fin
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argagmik- (i) to compete in the finger-pull
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an competition (opponents lock fingers
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws together and pull; the one whose arm
mounted on a wooden handle used to extends and her/his finger slips out of the
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure lock is the loser)
it to its breathing hole)
ikusik(-) [ikusIk] elbow; (t) to elbow ikusigmik- to elbow (her/him/it)
her/him/it repeatedly with quickness
iri [dual irrak] eye irimik- or iyimik- (t) to indicate, point
with the eyes at her/him/it
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigagmik- (t) to push it with the sole of
the foot, to move it by use of the feet
kavraq crown of head, top of skull kavraġmik- to carry (her/him/it) on top of
one's head

*kayu (root) enthusiasm kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy; (i)
to be appetizing, palatable (of food)
kukik1 [kukIk] hoof; fingernail; stone kukigmik- to claw at (it) with fingernails
head of scraper; (Ti) tip of an arrow
manu upper front of shirt or parka manuġmik- to carry (it) under one's chin
mikilġaq fourth finger, ring finger mikiliġaġmik- (Nu) (i) to do the finger
pull with the fourth finger
nagruk(-) antler; (i) for two caribou to nagrugmIk- (i) to fight with antlers (of
fight with their antlers; (t) to strike ruminants)
her/him/it with the antlers
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqimik- (t) to hold her/him/it down by
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down pressing, putting one's weight on her/him/it
*niuQ (root) inhale, intake air, breath in niuġmiksuq he is sniffling
qakiq-2 (t) to hit her/him/it on chin with qakiġmik- to hit (her/him/it) repeatedly
fist with fist
qitiqłiq middle finger; middle one qitiqłiġmik- or (Ti) qitiġliġmik- (i) to do
the finger pull with the middle finger
quu- [quġu] (i) to incline inward; (i) to quumik- (i) to bring one’s legs together
turn one’s feet inward tightly; (i) to climb a pole or rope by
shinnying; (t) to hold her/him/it between
one’s legs
*saki (root) a shaving sakiġmik- (i) to whittle wood into an
object or for kindling
sii- [siġi] (i) to gather one’s strength for siimik- or siimiksuq- (t) to overload it,
an all-out effort usu. a bag; (t) to press her/him to the
ground while wrestling; (Nu) (t) to grind
one’s middle finger which is bent at the
middle joint and protruding from the fist
into her/him to hurt her/him
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; sitquġmik- (t) to press her/him/it down
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get with one’s knees
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s
knee on it
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to taliġmik- (i) to compete in a contest of
the shoulder of the human body; hand strength with arms interlocked and pulling;
of clock; foreleg (one of two front legs (t) for one to compete with arms
of four-legged animal); (i) to dance in interlocked and pulling with her/him
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance
tuugaaq walrus tusk; ivory; white of tuugaaġmik- or tuggauti- (i) to fight with
eye tusks, of walrus or elephant; (t) to repeatedly
strike her/him/it with a tusk
tikiq [tikiQ] index finger; thimble tikiġmik- (i) to do the finger pull with the
index finger
uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to uluġmik- or uluġmigaq- (i) to turn one’s
pass through a narrow passage; (i) to shoulder forward as one walks into the

turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to turn wind
aside; (i) to bend to the side, move aside;
(i) to lie down on one’s side; (t) to pass
through it = passageway sideways; (t) to
turn or move it aside
uniq [uniQ] armpit, underarm uniġmik- (t) to carry her/him/it under
one's arm
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utiġmik- (i) to go back and forth; to go in
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a and out of the house, i.e. a young boy
separation going in and out
uvuŋaq- to come here uvuŋaġmik- (t) to carry her/him/it close to

÷miñŋaq- nv to come, travel from N or demonstrative ablative

Piġniq Birnik, Alaska Piġniġmiñŋaq- (i) to travel from Birnik,
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sumiñŋaq- (i) to travel from which
(t) to do what to her/him/it direction
Utqiaġvik Barrow, Alaska Utqiaġviŋmiñŋaq- (i) to travel from
Barrow, Alaska

+miraq- vv to V once in a while, while doing another activity; would also §

+mmiraq- vv

+mit- vv (limited) to progress onto the next stage in V-ing

aa- (i) to cry violently, becoming aamit- (i) to become unaware of what is
physically rigid, followed by temporary going on, become unconscious or obtuse
unconsciousness due to interrupted
breathing (usu. of a baby)
*igu (root) looseness; an unraveling igumit- (i) to become unraveled,
untangled, become loosened; (i) become
frayed; (t) to untie, untangle, take it apart
karuk- (i) to hammer; (t) to hit karumit- (t) to crush it
her/him/it on the head
kiamit- (t) to push it = boat off into the
water, to shove it in
mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore,
animal skin used in olden days as a injured body part); (i) to fuse, come
bandage together
maqamit- (t) to shoot, hit it = game
animal having expected to miss
nimit- (t) to exclude, omit, pass over
pauk- (t) for an insect to sting paumit- (i) to itch
puumit- (i) to swim, of sea mammal

qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaamit- (i) to emerge and flow spreading
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; over a surface (of liquid); (i) to seep
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top upwards through a crack and overflow on
surface on it top of ice (of water)
qilamit- to hit and catch/kill (it = bird,
duck) with a bola
siak-1 (Ti) (i) to be scattered; (t) to siamit- (i) to spread, scatter; (t) to spread,
scatter them scatter it
*siqu (root) reduction to smaller siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to
elements pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to cut
it = animal skin into several pieces
*tata (root) extreme apprehension, tatamit- (i) to become frightened enough
anxiety to quit; (i) to become aware of the
detrimental consequences of an experience
and choose not to repeat it; (i) to “learn a
*ua2 (root) exuberance uamit- (i) to dance Iñupiaq style, of a man,
usually with controlled outbursts of grunts
or yells

+miu- vv (limited) to remain, continue to V | perhaps +mI nc (loc) :u-2 vv

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġmiu- (i) to be indoors, inside; to stay in
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it a cave during hibernation (of bears)
inside, to place it inside
kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġaġmiu- (Nu) (i) to form a “human
where hunter waits for animal to pass corral,” taking positions surrounding a
by, then gives chase; corral (for herd of caribou (of hunters)
caribou); (t) to corral them= caribou,
qalgi(-) (Ti) men's community house; qalgimiu- (Ti) (i) to be in the men's house
(i) to go to the men's community house
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivumiuri (Ti) harpooner, navigator,
frontage, area in front of building; bow crewperson in bow of whaling boat
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taaġmiu- (i) to be, stay in the dark
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be
black; (t) to block her/his/its light
tukku- (i) to stay as a guest tukkuġmiu- (i) to be a guest »
tukkuġmiupkaġaa she is letting him
remain as a houseguest
tuyuq- (i) to write a letter; (t) to send tuyuġmiu- (Nu) (i) to be an outsider,
her/him/it something; (t) to write a letter foreigner
to her/him/it

÷miu or +miuq nn an inhabitant of , a resident of, a native of, a person from/in/of N
| +mI nc (loc) :u-1 vv
aaŋŋa from over there across, e.g., a aaŋŋaġmiut (Ti) people from Seward
river, a street, or a body of water Peninsula area; people from “outside=
(extended and visible); by extension, the lower 48 states”
contiguous United States or Europe
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiġaġmiu hunter in hiding or waiting
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; for animal to pass by
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; nunamiu person who is from inland
country, territory, a citizen’s nation-
Utqiaġvik Barrow, Alaska Utqiaġvigmiu a person who lives in
Barrow, Alaska

÷miutaq nn (limited) inherently of N | +miu(q) nn -taq(-)

manu upper front of shirt or parka manumiutaq something worn around the
neck, e.g., necktie
*niġu1 (root) graspable niġumiutaq handle (as on a pail or
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunamiutaq item originally from inland,
territory, a citizen’s nation-state interior
qattauraq(-) small oil drum or water qattauraġmiutaq (Ti) canned food
barrel; bell; (Ti) can; (i) to ring (of bell,
clock, etc.); (Nu)(t) to let it = bell ring
qilak(-)1 sky; heaven; roof; (i) to be in qilaŋmiutaq collared lemming
the process of having a roof put on (of (Dicronstonyx groenlandicus)
house); (t) to put a roof on it
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saamiutaq(-) something carried in front of
garment; area immediately in front of one; to keep, have (her/him/it) in front of
something; lap, the front part of the oneself
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean; sea taġiuġmiutaq item originally from the
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it; coast
(Ti) (i) to be blue
tayaq or tayaġun wrist; bracelet tayaġmiutaq (Nu) wristwatch
tuqsruġmiutaq gray stain (made from
stone) used in woodwork

÷miuyaaq nn a citizen, native, resident of N | +miu(q) nn -iyaaq nn

Igluqpaurat Browerville, Alaska Igluqpauraġmiuyaat akiitchuat the ones
from Browerville were defeated

qargi [qargI] community house qargisaġmiuyaaqan fellow clansman
Ulġuniq Wainwright, Alaska Ulġuniġmiuyaat akimaruat the ones
from Wainwright won

-mmaaġIk- vv (limited) to have the highest qualities associated with N or being V |

+mmaaq +[g]Ik- nv
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilammaaġik- or ilammiġik- (i) to be
name; companion, friend, partner; part of especially friendly, kind
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward paammaaġik- (i) to cooperate well in
another getting work done
*pimmaaq (root) appearance pimmaaġik- (i) to have a good, beautiful
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i) to qaurimmaaġik- (i) to be thoughtful,
come to one’s senses; (i) to become conscientious, mentally alert, intelligent,
aware of one’s surroundings (of a child perceptive
usually two to three years old)

-mmaak- vv (limited)
niġumik- [niġumIk] or niġummaak- (i) to
be lukewarm; (i) to be smooth and soft (as

+mmaala- vv (limited) to V out of control | perhaps -mmaq- vv -ala- vv

*kummaa (root) need kummaala- (i) to be frantically looking
for something; to be in need of something
quq urine quġmaala- (i) to urinate in small amounts
at frequent intervals
timmaala- (i) to have a rumbling or buzzing
sound in one’s ear; to make a whirring sound

-mmaaq(-) vv (limited) to be positively inclined to V | perhaps -mmaq- vv -aq-1 vv

iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of iqimmaaq- or (Nu) iqimmiaq- to embrace
worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t) (her/him) warmly; (t) to wrap (it)
to embrace her/him/it
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward paammaaġik- (i) to cooperate well in
another getting work done
suurimmaaq- (i) to be careful

+mmagaaq- vv to inquire
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaġimmagaaq- (i) for one to ask if she/he
recognizes oneself; (t) to ask if she/he
recognizes her/him/it » ilisaġimmagaaqtuq
he asked if she recognized him (he = him,
subject of the sentence)
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) ilisimammagaaq- (i) for one to inquire
whether she/he knows oneself; (t) to inquire
whether she/he knows her/him/it; (t) to
inquire whether she/he knows (of she/he) »
ilisimammagaaġuŋ see if you know him;
see if he knows; see if someone knows him
itqanait- (i) to be ready, prepared itqanaiñmagaaq- (t) to inquire whether
she/he is ready » itqanaiñmagaatku youd
find out if he is ready
itquma- (i) to be awake itqumammagaaq- (t) to inquire whether
she/he is awake » itqumammagaaġuŋ find
out whether she is awake
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagmagaaq- (t) to inquire whether she/he
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; is employed; (t) to inquire whether it is
(i) to be working, operating properly (of being worked on; (t) to find out whether it
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = is working properly » savagmagaaġuŋ see
corpse for burial if he is working; see if he is working on it

-mmaġiit- (limited) to not be properly V | -mmaq +[g]Ik- nv :It-1 nv

iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iluammaġiit- or iłuammaġiit- (i) to feel
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine unwell, to not feel well
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i) to qaurimmaġiit- (i) to lack sense,
come to one’s senses; (i) to become perception
aware of one’s surroundings (of a child
usually two to three years old)

-mmaġIk- vv (limited) to be properly, correctly, nicely V | +ma-1 vv -Q vn

+[g]Ik- nv

-mmaġiksaaq- vv to V properly, carefully again, implying that the first performance

was not up to par
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvimmaġiksaaq- (i) to sit down again
down on it in a better position; (t) to make sure that
one is sitting on it squarely, directly
miquq- to sew (it) miqummaġiksaaq- (t) to make sure it is
sewn properly
tamuq- to chew (it) tamummaġiksaaq- (t) to make certain
that it is thoroughly chewed »
tamummaġiksaaqqaaqługu niġipkaġaa
she fed her/him (a small child) after

chewing it thoroughly
uut- (i) to be now cooked; (t) to be uummaġiksaaq- (t) to cook it until it is
cooked, (of meat); to get sunburn well done

-mmaġiksI- vv to V more fully or thoroughly | -mmaġIk- +sI-

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isimmaġiksi- (i) to be completely inside;
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it (t) to make sure that it is completely inside
inside, to place it inside » isimmaġiksikpan qiñiġaqsaġiñ take a
picture of him when he is well inside
qauri- (i) to regain consciousness; (i) to qaurimmaġiksi- (i) to be more aware of
come to one’s senses; (i) to become one’s surroundings »
aware of one’s surroundings (of a child qaurimmaġiksimman takuraqput we
usually two to three years old) went to see him after he became fully
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigummaġiksi- to take hold (of her/him/it)
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it more securely » tigummaġiksilutin get a
firmer grip

-mmak n (limited) final suffix of some nouns

aguummak or aguummaq woven basket
akuummak (Ti) basket
apummak side lath of kayak
atammak palm skin of walrus flipper
suummak small container
tummak (Nu) palm of hand
utummak palm of hand

-mmak- vv (limited) to become V and sustain V-ing

*kayu (root) enthusiasm kayummak- (i) to speed up, accelerate,
get energized
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalimmak- (i) to be equals; be filled to
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, brim; (t) to be equal to her/him/it
Alaska; price
nayuq- (t) to stay with and care for, nayummak- (i) to lean on something for
watch over her/him/it support
paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on paammak- (i) to crawl
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
qau- [qagu] (i) for day to break qaummak- (i) to become daylight; to
ascend (of sun)
qitut- (i) to be soft, tender, pliable; (i) to qitummak- (t) to prepare it = leather by

be thin (of fabric) softening and tanning
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulimmak- to fill to the brim
edge of a boat’s sides
sii- [siġi] (i) to gather one's strength for siimmak- (i) to become more competitive,
an all-out effort to be stirred into action; (Ti) (i) to be
confident of one’s ability to perform, to
win a game
*sua (root) intensity, strength, power suammak- (i) to become stronger,
revitalized; (i) to become more emotional

+mmala- nv (limited) | perhaps -mmaq- vv -la- vv

kukik1 [kukIk] hoof; fingernail; stone kukimmala- to try to hold on (to it) with
head of scraper; (Ti) tip of an arrow the fingertips

-mman vn (limited) the action or situation that is the result or cause of V-ing |
perhaps +ma-1 vv ‘n vn
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akimman victory
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
ata- (i) to be attached, connected ¤atamman hinge that holds cellar door to
the door frame
iki- (i) to burn ikumman heating fuel, stove oil
¤ilauraaliqsimman (stem) willingness ilauraaliqsimmataatalu and his/her
to be part of a relationship willingness to be a part of the
qau- [qa u] (i) for day to break qaumman light
uquq- (i) to have warm winter clothes; uqumman caribou skin used for clothing
to be well insulated and therefore warm or part of bedding
(of clothing, house)

-mmaq- vv (limited) to undergo a process of V-ing | perhaps +ma-1 vv ‘-q-1 vv

ili-2 [ilI] (i) to become, to come to ilimmaq- (i) to metamorphose, to undergo
resemble, look like; (t) to make metamorphosis, to transform oneself (of
her/him/it become, look like something shaman); to make a voyage through the air
else (this verb stem is used with a noun or ocean (of shaman)
in the similaris case)
kanŋuq- or (Ti) kanŋu- or (Nu) kanŋuummaq- (i) to congregate,
katŋuq- (i) to assemble, gather in a assemble, to have a lengthy meeting, trade
group (especially for summer trading at fair
kanŋuuma- (i) to continue to meet, have
a lengthy meeting

*sai (root) relaxation saimmaq- (i) to stop crying, ease crying;
(i) to be consoled
*salu (root) cleaniness salummaq- (t) to clean it
*siqu (root) reduction to smaller siqummaq- (i) to shatter; (t) to break
elements or shatter it with repeated action

qau- [qagu] (i) for day to break qaummaq- (i) to be clear,

translucent; to be light (of hair); to
be a light-skinned, light-haired

-mmati- vv (limited) to maintain V-ing | +ma-1 vv ‘ti- vv

nalliuti- (i) to now be equals; (i) to be nalliummati- (i) to be equal (of two or
tied (as in a score of a game); (t) to now more persons); (i) to keep up with others
have the same score as hers/his (of one person)
kasima- (i) to hold a meeting kasimmati- (t) to hold a meeting with
her/him about her/him
qaaŋiuti- (t) to be deliquent, past due qaaŋiummati- (i) to stay ahead; to surpass
(of bill to be paid, action); to take all others
her/him/it past the goal or destination
tusaa- [tusaga] to hear (her/him/it) tusaammati- (i) to be in communication
with each other

+mmatun vn like or resembling the action of V-ing | +mma- vn +tun (similaris

iqsi- [iqsI] (i) to be afraid iqsimmatun pigaluaqami tutqiksiruq he
calmed down after acting fearful for a
paŋalik- (i) to run on all fours, paŋaligmatun resembles galloping
gallop; (Nu) (t) to cause it =
animal to run, gallop

+mmI-1 vv to V also, too

(when intransitive "present" indicative endings are used with this postbase,
the first consonant of the mood marker +t/ru is dropped)
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpanmi- (i) to also run » aqpanmiuq she
is also running
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaġmi- (t) to also study (it) »
ilisaġmiuŋa I am also studying
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaġimmi- (t) to also recognize her/him/it
» ilisaġimmiraġa I also recognized her
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġimmi- to also eat (it) » niġimmiuq he
is eating too
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautugmi- to also see (her/him/it) »
tautugmiviuŋ did you also see it

+mmI-2 vv + truncated intransitive Indicative I endings (the consonants t/r are
omitted) + lu immediately after one Vs, immediately upon V-ing
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aimmi- (i) immediately upon arriving home
» aimmiuguglu qaaqtuaq just as wed
arrived home, it exploded
atuanik- (t) to already use it atuanigmi- (t) immediately upon using it
» atuanigmigigalu airaŋa he came to get
it just after I used it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġmi- (i) immediately upon entering; (t)
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it immediately upon placing it inside a
inside, to place it inside building » isiġmiuġlu karukkaa just as he
entered she hit him on the head
maqunialiq- (i) to become antisocial maqunialiġmi- (i) immediately upon
becoming antisocial » maqunialiġmiuglu
anitqugik he asked themd to leave just as
theyd were becoming more antisocial
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchimi- (i) immediately upon finishing
something » naatchimmiuġlu igaamiñik
tikitchuagut we arrived just after she
finished her cooking
tuttaaq- (i) to go to bed tuttaaġmi- (i) immediately upon getting
into bed » tuttaaġmiuŋalu tigluktuqtuaq
he knocked on the door just after I had
gone to bed

+mmi-3 vv oh, the subject is V-ing, and someone else or something is about to, or
has V-ed (used with "past" indicative endings; this postbase cannot be followed
by another postbase)
kukiu- to cook (it) kukiummi- oh, to be in the process of
cooking (it), and … » kukiummiruaq
igniġvik qamimaruq she is cooking and the
stove has gone out
pakuaraq- (i) to rummage through pakauraġmi- (i) oh, to be in the process of
things secretly looking for something rummaging, secretly looking for something,
and … » pakauraġmiruaq aŋuaqsigaat he
is poking around secretly in someone else's
things, and they are about to catch him at it
pilaiŋa- (i) to be tired pilaiŋami- (i) oh, to be tired, and … »
pilaiŋammiruaq savagiaquulgiññiġaa i
found out that she was telling him to go to
work, even though he is very tired

+mmI-4 vv + na- (negative subordinative marker) + (negative subordinative

endings) + lu (enclitic) (limited) to V but to no avail (this postbase cannot be
followed by another postbase)
aŋŋuti- (i) to catch up with someone in » aŋŋutimmiñanuglu sukasapaluktuguk

age, in height, in one’s work, goals, etc. wed sure hurried and to no avail, wed did
not catch it
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » anigaluaqtuq sumik tautugmiñanilu
he went out but did not see anything

-mmI-5 or +mmI-5 vv (limited) to be in the state of V-ing

aatchaq- (i) to open one’s mouth; (i) to aatchaġruummisiññaq- (i) to gasp for
open (of sea ice crack) breath
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aimmi- (i) to be at home
ata- (i) to be attached, connected atammiŋa- (i) to be stubbornly determined,
inflexible in one’s resolve or intent
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikummi- (i) to be onboard a conveyance,
oneself into a container or a conveyance; means of transport
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilammiuq- (i) to get to know someone; (t)
name; companion, friend, partner; part of to get to know her/him
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kasuq- (i) to become joined (of objects); kasuummi- (i) to be joined permanently
(i) to close (of gap, e.g., of ice); (i) to (e.g., of things welded together); (i) to be
meet on the way somewhere, of more touching each other, connected to each
than one person; (t) to meet her/him, other
make her/his acquaintance; (t) to “run”
into her/him
mani- [manI](i) to present oneself; (t) manimmi- (i) to endure pain, sorrow,
to show, present, display her/him/it criticism; (i) to tolerate something
unpleasant; (t) to endure, tolerate
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength mapkuummi- (i) to be at one’s peak of
and make an all-out effort; (i) to make a performance
crackling noise when shaken, as a
blanket-toss skin; (i) to make a popping
naalaġni- to listen, heed, pay attention to naalaġniummi- to be waiting expectantly
(her/him/it) for (it = news of her/him/it)
nakkaq- (i) to dive, plunge in; (i) to fall nakkaummi- (i) to remain underwater, be
headlong submerged for some time after diving
nayuq- (t) to stay with and care for, nayummi- to lean on (her/him/it) for
watch over her/him/it support; to hold (her/him/it) in place to keep
(her/him/it) steady
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqimmi- to hold it taut

qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qilummi- (Nu) (t) to hold onto it = fishing
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a line when a fish is on; to “play” it = fish; (t)
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to to keep it = bow string taut ready to let the
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame arrow go
(wooden stakes secured into the
permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut
saat-1 to face, turn toward (her/him/it); sanmi- or (Ti) saŋmi- to be facing
(t) to challenge, confront her/him/it (her/him/it); (t) to be boldly facing up to
siki- (i) to lower or hang one's head sikimmi- (i) to be holding one’s head lower
for quite some time
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigummi- (i) to hold on; (t) to be holding
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it onto her/him/it
tupak- or tupakaq- (i) to be surprised, tupaummi- (i) to be in a state of shock,
startled; (i) to wake from sleep to full surprise
tuyuq- (i) to write a letter; (t) to send tuyuġmi- (i) to be a guest
her/him/it something; (t) to write a letter
to her/him/it

-mmIq- vv (limited) to V with determination

iŋmiq- [iŋmIq] to complete a journey in
one day; (t) to reach it = a place in one
*ipu (root) closed mouth ipummiq- or upummiq- (i) to close one’s
mouth and hold it closed; to hold the mouth
pummiq- (i) to hold one’s mouth closed,
lips sealed
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigmiġaq mouthpiece of bow drill
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
*saŋi (root) compulsive eating saŋimmiq- to want more of (it, usu., food)

uqummiq- [uqummIq] (i) to tightly close

one’s mouth; (t) to put it in one’s mouth
uutkummiq- (i) to react excitedly to news

+mmIQ nn (limited) item of the N

aġimmiq bone joint
ilu(-) interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilummiq fetus (of human, caribou, etc.); one
(t) to surround her/him/it inside another
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naammiaġiik- (i) to be of the same size (of

out two or more persons or objects)

+mmiraq- vv would V once in a while in the midst of doing something else

aturraqsi- to begin to sing (it) aturraqsimmiraq- to begin to sing (it)
once in while » sugaluaqami
aturraqsimmiraqtuq no matter what she
was doing, she would begin to sing once in
a while
iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaġmiraq- (i) to laugh once in a while »
uqaġaluaqamiŋ iglaġmiraqtut in the
midst of talking, they would frequently
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallagmiraq- (i) to speak once in a while
nipaitkaluaqami uqallagmiraqtuq after
being quiet for some time, he would say

+mniQ vn or = mniQ(limited) result or product of V-ing; one who Vs | perhaps

-vit- vv :niQ1 vn § +niQ1 nn
iġivit- to become wrinkled, of skin iġimniq low, swampy land
which has been immersed in water
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land itimniq shallow part of river with sandy
instead of following the water along the riverbank; (Nu) rapids, shallow part of river
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to with swift water
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around),
and come down the other side of it =
e.g., hill
kaat- (i) to be now split into two layers; kaamniq carpenter
(t) to cut, slice it = walrus hide into two
layers to be used for boat cover; (Ti) (t)
to slice it = layer of blubber from whale
skin, leaving the maktak; (i) to slice
blocks of snow for snow shelter
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kalimniq (Ti) chain

÷muaglaaq- to reach, to arrive at the N | ÷muk- nv -aglaaq- vv

÷muk- nv [plural or possessive -nuk-] rv to go to N; to place, put, set (her/him/it)

on/in a N | ÷mun (term) -k- nv § +nuk-
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, anmuk- (i) to descend; (t) to lower it =
underside; down thermostat, gauge
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglumuk- (i) to go to the house
build a structure over it
ikiġġat platform on four posts, for gear ikiġġanuk- (i) to go to the outdoor storage

or food to keep it out of reach of platform; (t) to place it on the outdoor
animals; outdoor storage platform for storage platform
food, furs, and equipment;drying rack
for fish or meat
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋimuk- (i) to travel to the headwaters of
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; a river
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qunmuk- (i) to ascend, rise
edge of a boat’s sides
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupiġmuk- (i) to go to the tent; (t) to place
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) it inside the tent » tupiġmugnasi don't go
in the tent

÷muu- nv, rv (limited) to proceed directly as indicated by N | ÷muk- nv -u-2 vv

°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalimuu- (i) to go forward by the most
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, direct route; (i) to go straight
Alaska; price
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivunmuu- (i) to proceed despite advice to
frontage, area in front of building; bow the contrary; to be determined; (i) to be
of boat; front exterior wall of house; obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, insistent;
time prior to move forward

÷muuti- nv to take to a N | ÷muk- nv

iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglumuuti- (i) to take her/him/it to the
build a structure over it house
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupiġmuuti- (i) to take her/him/it to the
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) tent
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiamuuti- (i) to take her/him/it to the
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; boat
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

+n or ‘n or ‘ti or -n vn, rn means, cause, reason for V-ing § +un1 vn

-naaq- or +naaq- vv (limited) to make, place, position, or establish it as V or V-ing

§ +naaq vn, nn
amit- [amIt](i) to be narrow, slim, amiñaaq- (t) to create, make it narrow
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large agnaaq- (t) to make it too large
aŋinaaq- or aŋnaaq- (t) to make it too

auk(-) blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a aunaaq- or aunaaqsruq- (i) to bleed, to
nosebleed menstruate
iglaaliq- (i) to get visitors iglaalinaaŋit- (i) to not have received
inuŋa- (i) to be insufficient, not enough, inuŋanaaq- (t) to make or measure an
incomplete, be missing a member insufficient amount of it
iññaġik- or iññaaġik- (i) to have a iññaaġiñaaq- (t) to make it, something of
good appearance, be in good condition; good quality which is attractive
to look nice, pleasing; to look neat, to be
miki- (i) to be small mikinaaq- or miŋnaaq- (Nu) miknaaq-
(t) to make it too small; (i) to be made
nait- (i) to be short of length naiñaaq- (i) to be made shorter than was
intended; (t) to make it shorter than was
intended or wanted
qanit- to be near, close (to her/him/it) qaninaaq- (t) to position it close by
qagna or qaŋna [dual qakkuak, pl. qaŋnaaq- (i) for it to be good spring
qakkua] that one out there; the outside weather in which seals bask on the ice
environment (extended and visible)
*qila (root) speed qilanaaq- (i) to want something urgently
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, samnaaq- (i) to be unable to go farther; to
make passage unsuitable or impossible meet a dead end or an impasse and try
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river another route
sapnaaq- (Nu) (t) to not be able to continue
in traveling
sauniġluk- (i) to have a bulky frame sauniġlunaaq- (t) to make it = its frame
(e.g., of boat); to be big-boned; have a bulky
bad posture (of person)
siiq-1 (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) siiġñaaq- (i) to be somewhat sweet to the
to leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, taste
sila weather; atmosphere, air silannaaq- (i) to be good weather
taki- (i) to be long takinaaq- (Nu) taknaaq or taŋnaaq- (i) to
be made long; (Nu) (i) to be lengthened; (t)
to make it long; (Nu) (t) to lengthen it
tiŋilġai- (i) to travel with the use of a tiŋilġannaaq- (i) to sail with a favorable
sail wind
uiġit- (i) to get in the habit of doing uiġñaaq- (i) to do something frequently
something enjoyable or fulfilling that one has learned to enjoy; to go and be
with someone frequently that one likes; to
eat food that one has come to enjoy; to
frequently take advantage of someone or
something which is easily accessible
uŋasik- (i) to be far away; (t) to be far uŋasiñaaq- (i) to position oneself far away

away from her/him/it

+naaq or ‘naaq or -naaq vn (limited) one that is V or Vs or is a derivative of N §

-naaq- vv
*alat (root) soft area of hand alannaaq (Ti) palm of hand
aqła(-) draft (i) to be drafty aqłanaaq(-) breeze (i) to be breezy
avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a avinnaaq yearling polar bear, old enough
divorce; (t) to separate themd, who are to be separated from its mother
fighting; to divorce her/him
kuutchiq [kuutchIQ] pelvic bone kuutchiñaaq pelvic bones, pelvic girdle
(containing hip socket)
maunaaq blade or point at end of shovel
naŋit- (i) to be sick naŋinaaq sickly person
niinaaq accordion
piŋuptaq (Nu) small rounded hill, not piŋuptanaaq (Nu) mound, knoll
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaanaaq [qaanaraq] cave eroded in ice or
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; land; eaves
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qalliq(-) outermost part, top part, qalliñaaq upper eyelid
topmost one; (i) to be now covered; (t) to
cover, top her/him/it with something
*qama (root) leeward qamanaaq (Nu) upstream current
qia- [qi a] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qirranaaq one who cries easily, a crybaby;
her/him/it) continually crying person
salliq one in front; one farthest toward salliñaaq area located north
the ocean; most northerly one
*sivii or sivaa (root) incline, slope siviinaaq a slope
tugnaaq or tuŋnaaq connecting strip
between body and sole of boots, made of
caribou or seal leather
uluaq [ulu ak] upper cheek, side of ulunnaaq (Ti) cheek
utuqqaq [utuqqaQ] something old utuqqanaaq elder, senior citizen

-naguti- vv to begin to V
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpanaguti- (i) to start to run »
aqpanagutirut taliññamiŋ they began to
run as soon as they were out of sight
iglaq- (i) to laugh iglanaguti- (i) to start to laugh »
iglanagutiruaq uqallautikamni he began
to laugh when I told him
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savanaguti- to commence working (on it);
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; (i) to begin to work, operate properly (of a
(i) to be working, operating properly (of machine); (t) to commence preparing it =

a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = corpse for burial » savanagutiruq
corpse for burial kisiŋŋupqauraqami she began working
as soon as she was alone
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqanaguti- (i) to begin speaking »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqanagutirut anipqauraġman they
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep began talking as soon as he had gone out
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+naġiaq- vv to V early § +iaq-3 vv

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiñaġiaq- (i) to come home early »
aiñaġiaġumautin-ata come home early
for once
anipkaq- to let (him,her,it) out, to anipkaġnaġiaq- (t) to permit her/him/it to
release (him,her,it) out of confinement leave early » anipkaġnaġiaqsimaraat it
seems they released him early
itiq- (i) to wake up itiġnaġiaq- (i) to wake up early »
itiġnaġiaquviuŋ would you like for her to
wake up early
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiñaġiaq- (i) to eat early »
niġiñaġiaġniaqtugut anaqapak we will
eat early this evening

+nailutaq vn impediment, hindrance, or obstacle to V-ing | +naq(-) vv, vn :It-1 nv -

lutaq vn
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullaġnailutaq impediment or obstacle
to start (of engine) towards a departure »
aullaġnailutaitchugut we have nothing to
prevent us from leaving
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagnailutaq obstacle or hindrance
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; preventing work to begin »
(i) to be working, operating properly (of savagnailutaitchutin you have nothing to
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = prevent you from working
corpse for burial

+nak- vv (limited) to become V

qakuq- to turn white, be bleached by qakuġnak- for the temperature to turn
weather cold and freeze any moisture on ground,
thus casting a whitish gleam or film over
the ground
*qui (root) quiver, tremble, shiver quiñak- (Ti) (i) to feel a tickling sensation;
(i) to be squeamish, e.g., frightened of
mice, etc.

+nak nn (limited) final suffix of names of bodyparts, vegetation, and land

niaqunak long tree root; tussock
taqtu kidney taqtunak either side of body above
hip, toward front
upkaġanak packed snow on top and
soft snow underneath

+naq(-) or ~naq(-) or = naq(-)vv, rv, nv, vn (limited) something that causes one to V; (i)
to be or cause to V; can be V-ed § +nait- vv
aalġu- (i) to menstruate aalġunaq menstruation
agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, agiaġnaq atuqtuuraq (Nu) violin [lit. “a
or cut (it) away with a file musical instrument that you file”]
*alia (root) lonliness; dullness; alianaq- (i) to be boring, not enjoyable,
humorlessness dull
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuġnaq- (i) to be awesome, wonderful,
astounded, to marvel amazing, marvelous
aliuqtuq- (i) to see a ghost; (i) to aliuqtuġnaq enigma, one that is
hallucinate; (i) to experience the inexplicable
supernatural, the amazing
alla another one, a different one; allanaq- (i) to be strange, unusual, odd
something strange
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, anaġnaq laxative
manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate
on it; (i) to fall or shoot (of a star)
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayanaq- (i) to be dangerous; (i) to
require caution; (i) to be unsafe; (i) to be
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; anniġñaq(-)2 pain; (i) to be in pain, to
(t) to hurt her/him/it ache; to cause pain, emotional distress
aŋi- (i) to be big, large aŋinaq magnifying glass
argaiq- (i) to have a severe infection on argaiġñaq mushroom
one’s hand
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłignaq- (i) to be tempting, desirable
*ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension ilimanaq- (i) to be suspect, to arouse
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaġnaa- (i) to be recognizable
*ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression, ipiqtunaq- (i) to cause sadness, to be
depondence depressing; to be greivous
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqianaq- (i) to be boring, uninspiring (of
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of task, assignment)
eagerness, unwillingness
kaak- (i) to be hungry kaagnaq famine
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakillaġnaq thorn
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it
*kama (root) awe, respect kamanaq(-) bossy person; authoritative
person; (i) to have greater authority than
others; (i) to be awesome, great (i) to be

worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be bossy;
(i) to be strong, large (of animal)
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋunaq- (i) to be shameful,
embarrassment; feeling of shyness embarrassing, disgraceful
kupkaq- (Ti) (i) to be not fully baked (of kupkanaq- (i) to be sticky to the touch
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, naglignaq- (i) to be pitiful, deserving of
sympathy, pity compassion
nalu- to not know, be ignorant of nalunaq- (i) to be indistinct, barely
(her/him/it); to be uninformed (about visible, be camouflaged; to be doubtful; to
her/him/it) be not noticeable
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikanaq- (i) for she/he/it to be incapable
others; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a of accomplishing a task (in the opinion of
non-participant due to one's the speaker); (i) to be discouraging; (i) for
embarrassment, lack of confidence or something to to be hard to do; (i) to be
fear of authority hard to catch (of animal); (Nu) to be
ill-fitting (of clothing)
piqpagi- (t) to love her/him/it dearly piqpagnaq- (i) to be endearing, precious,
pisik- (t) to hit her/him/it with an arrow pisignaq- (i) to be within range of being
or a bullet; to shoot her/him/it hit with a bullet or arrow
*qaama (root) optimism, elation, qaamanaq- (i) to be acceptable, agreeable,
confidence favorable
*qaunak (root) carefulness qaunagnaq- (i) to need attention, care
qiiya- to feel cold (of a person) qiiyanaq- (i) to be cold (of place, object,
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiġnaq- (i) to be visible
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quvianaq- (i) cause for happiness, joy
quya- (i) to be thankful quyanaq- (i) to be worthy of thanks; to
deserve thanks
sapiq- (t) to not do it = task feeling that sapiġnaq- (i) to be formidable, seem
it is impossible or too formidable to impossible to accomplish; to be a
even try; (t) to be fearful, wary of formidable adversary; to be the greater
her/him/it challenge
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñignaq sleeping pill or gas
= day sleeping
sivuuġa- (i) to be apprehensive, afraid sivuuġanaq(-) dread, doom, anxiety;
of being blamed or reprimanded alarm; reluctance; (i) to be foreboding,
dreadful; (i) to cause apprehension
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikiññaq- (i) place or goal which can be
destination or goal; (t) to reach reached
tuqu- (i) to die tuqunaq poison
*uu (root) heat, warmth uunaq- (i) to be hot
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumiñaq(-) one who causes annoyance,

frustration, aggravation, or irritation; (i) to
be annoying, irritating, aggravating,
frustrating, maddening

+naq1 nn, vn (limited) something that resembles a N or V-s

aagun or aaksiñ or aaksiññaq a knife aaksiññaq a knife used to skin an animal
used to skin an animal without cutting without cutting the pelt
the pelt
aaqhaaliq [aaqhaalIq]or aaqhaalliq or aaqhaaliġñaq western harlequin duck
aahaaliq (Nu) oldsquaw duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
(Clangula hyemalis)
aŋatkuq shaman aŋatkuġnaq spirit medium
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋunnaq or aŋunnaqtaq an item
especially made for men
kimmik(-) [kimmIk] heel; (i) to kick, kimmigñaq small pouch-like section in
push with the heel; (t) to hit it with one's nape area of woman's parka and snowshirt
heel; (t) to tap one's heel to it or on it; (t) hood
to hold it with one's heel; (t) to hit, push,
tap, hold it with one’s heel
nakasuk bladder nakasugnaq calf of leg
naullaq object or being harpooned or naullaġnaq new growth; small sea
speared mollusk
niaquq head, skull niaqunaq (Ti) skull
niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose niġliñġaq black brant (Branta nigricans)
(female) or gander (male)
suŋauravik (Nu) blue bead suŋauravigñaq bluish bead
ugik- [ugIk](i) to fight viciously (of ugiġñaq (Nu) sea lion
dogs); (t) to maul, bite her/him/it, to fight
her/him/it (of dog, bear, etc.)
umialik [lit. “the one with a boat”] umialignaq or umialiŋnaq ruling church
whaling captain; rich person; king; boss; elder; (Nu) fairly rich man
foreman; king (suit in cards)

+naq2 vn (limited) indicates ocean or wind currents

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atchaġnaq ocean current flowing away
underside; down from shore northwards; south flowing
atuagnaq northeasterly wind (paralleling
the coast)
igniġnaq stretch of smooth ice located
parallel to shore between ice ridges and
°ikag (stem) westward ikagnaq(-) or ikaŋnaq northeast wind;
north wind (Jenness 1928: 32); to be
windy from the northeast; (Nu) wind that
crosses over from the headwaters of a river

in a pass; (Ti) west; west wind
°kanak (stem) northwards kanagnaq northwest wind, wind from
downriver, wind from ocean

+naqsI- vv to be now time to V; to be now possible to V (note: in examples with

niġi- and utiq- below time is the grammatical subject in the transitive endings
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiñaqsi- (t) to be time to eat (restricted
to transitive indicative endings) »
niġiñaqsigaatigut it is time for us to eat
pituk(-) chain; (t) to tie, chain pitugnaqsi- (i) time to be chained to their
her/him/it to a stake, pole; to hook it = stakes (of dogs) » qimmit pitugnaqsirut it
house to electricity or sewer system is now time for the dogs to be tied up
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utiġnaqsi- to be time to return »
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a utiġnaqsigaasi it is time for you to return

+nasaa- vv (limited) to hesitate

kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiunasaaŋit- to not hesitate to answer

+nasuaq- vv to V quickly
kamiktuq- (i) to get dressed after kamiktuġnasuaq- (i) to hurry and get
getting out of bed; to wear boots dressed once out of bed »
kamiktuġnasuaġiñ hurry up and get
miquq- to sew (it) miquġnasuaq- to sew (it) quickly »
miquġnasuaġaa she is sewing it hurriedly
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikiññasuaq- (i) to arrive at one’s
destination or goal; (t) to reach destination with speed; (t) to reach
her/him/it her/him/it quickly » tikiññasuaġluk let'sd
hurry and reach our destination

+nasugi- vv (embedding postbase) to think or believe that one is V or is V-ing §

+asugi- vv
miki- (i) to be small » aġnaq mikiruq mikinasugi- (i) to think that one’s self is
the woman is small small; (t) to think that she/he/it is small »
aġnaq mikinasugiruq woman thinks she
(herself) is small;
aġnaq mikinasugigaa aŋutim the man
thinks the woman is small
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it » ilisaġinasugi- (i) to think that one’s self is
aŋutim ilisaġigaa aġnaq the man recognized; (t) to think that she/he
recognizes the woman recognize her/him/it » aġnaq
ilisaġinasugiruq aŋunmun the woman
thinks the man recognizes her; aġnaq

ilisaġinasugigaa aŋutim the man thinks he
recognizes the woman; aġnaq
ilisaġinasugigaa aŋunmun nukatpiam the
young man thinks that the woman was
recognized by the man
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » aġnaq tautuŋnasugi- (i) to think that one’s self is
tautuktuq aŋunmik the woman sees a seen; (i) to think that one sees something or
man someone; (t) to think that she/he sees
her/him/it » aġnaq tautuŋnasugiruq
aŋunmun the woman thinks that the man
sees her; aġnaq tautugnasugiruq
aŋunmik the woman thinks she sees a man;
aġnaq tautugnasugigaa aŋunmik
nukatpiam the young man thinks that the
woman sees a man
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; anniġnasugi- (i) to think that one’s self is
(t) to hurt her/him/it » aġnaq anniqsuq injured; (i) to think that one was injured by
the woman is hurt; aŋutim anniġaa someone or something; (t) to think that
aġnaq the man hurt the woman she/he injured her/him/it » aġnaq
anniġñasugiruq the woman thinks she is
injured; aġnaq anniġñasugiruq aŋunmun
the woman thinks she has been hurt by the
man; aġnaq anniġñasugigaa aŋutim the
man thinks the woman is hurt; the man
thinks he hurt the woman
navik- to break (it) » qallun naviŋnasugi- (t) to think that it is broken;
naviktuq the cup broke (t) to think that she/he broke it » qallun
navignasugigaa aŋutim the man thinks the
cup broke/the man thinks he broke the cup;
qallun navignasugigaa aŋutim aġnamun
the man thinks the woman broke the cup

+natipak vv this time would be better spent V-ing; might as well V

niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiñatipak might as well eat
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagnatipak this time would be better
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; spent working
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+nayaq- vv would probably V

ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaġinayaq- (t) would recognize
her/him/it » imma qanipayaaġupta
ilisaġinayaġikput it is possible that if we
had been a little closer we would have
recognized him

miluq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a miluġnayaq- (t) would sew it »
thrown object; (t) to shout hurtful miluġnayaġiga I would throw something
words at her/him at it and hit it
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piñayaq- (i) would participate; would
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to happen; (t) would take it » piñayaqpiuŋ
her/him; an entity would you take it
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimagnayaq- (i) would flee; (t) would
her/him/it behind leave her/him/it behind »
qimagnayaqtuŋa I would run away
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sunayaq- (i) would do what; (t) would do
(t) to do what to her/him/it what to her/him/it » sunayaqpiñ
tautukkupku what would you do if you
saw it

-nġaq vn, nn (limited) result or product possessing a quality of the N or V | perhaps

‘= It-2 nv :[ġ]aq nn §
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviñġaq oil from rendered, whale
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form blubber
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
°aku (root) space in-between, physical akunġaq space between items
or temporal
¤auksiq- to allow to become reddish ¤auksinġaq (Ti) sealskin dyed with
like blood red alder
niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose niġlinġaq black brant (Branta nigricans)
(female) or gander (male)

puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puuġriñġaq backpack, bag used to carry

container; a sac, covering (e.g., young hunting equipment, dog chains, etc.; sled
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of bag
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
qayaq one person skin kayak qayyiñġaq (Nu) skin covering of kayak
suvluaqtuq- (i) to blow on (her/him/it) suvluaqtunġaq flute, a woodwind musical
with successive gusts instrument

-nġaq- vv (limited) to V recently or for the first time

agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, agliñġaaq (Nu) adolescent girl
aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) to kill a aġvanġaqtuaq whaling captain who has
whale in a whale hunt caught his first whale
aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋunġaqtuq he has gotten his first animal
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach
her/his height

katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble; katinġaaq newly married person
(i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; (t) to
gather them together; (t) to harvest it =
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one’s tikiñġaaq newly arrived visitor
destination or goal; (t) to reach
tusaa- [tusaga] to hear (her/him/it) tusaanġaiqi- (i) to hear and want to hear

+nġIq- vv (limited) to cease V-ing | +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv

ati-1 (i) to be the same, equal, identical, atinġiq- (i) to have a disagreement; (t) to
be in agreement; (i) to have a tie vote, to cause them to have a disagreement
have the same number of votes; (t) to
treat them equally
niġisuksiu- (i) to experience hunger niġisuksiunġiq- (i) to have an abundance
of food after near starvation
nikasuk- (i) to be uncertain; (Nu) to quit, nikasunġiq- (i) to become definite, bold
give up (in one’s mind); (t) to persuade her/him to
become definite, bold (in her/his mind)
piu- (i) to be “it”; (i) to be the “one” (as piunġiq- (i) to become useless, worthless;
in a game of “tag,” etc.) become angry, irrational; (t) to render
her/him/it useless, worthless, irrational
qaunakłaaq- to be careful, cautious, qaunakłaanġiq- (i) to become nasty,
discrete with (it) vulgar, profane | +laaq-1 vv +nġIq- vv
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipinġiun swivel on dog team hitch rope
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain;
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siqunġiq- (i) to close one’s eyes
one’s eyes

suksraġi- to respect (her/him/it) suksraġinġiq- (i) to no longer respect

suksraunġiq- (t) to destroy it
uŋasik- (i) to be far away; (t) to be far uŋasiñġiq- (i) to be imminent, about to
away from her/him/it happen, looming

+nġIt- vv to not be V-ing or V | +niQ1 vn :It-1 nv § ±ŋIt- vv

-nġu- rv (limited) to experience V in extremes § -liñġu- nv

agniq(-) [agnIq]or aŋniq(-) blizzard, agniñġu- (i) to be stopped or delayed by a
snowstorm, blowing snow; (i) to have a blizzard
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqianġutu- (i) to be lazy, especially when
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of one is tired or not quite fully awake

eagerness, unwillingness
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋunġuu- (i) to mourn
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quvianġu- (i) to be always joyously
°tamaq (root) entirety, whole tamanġun a person whom one is related to
in several ways

-nġuq nn, nv (limited) one’s N via marriage | perhaps -un2 nn ±ġuq nn

aŋayuk (Nu) older sibling aŋayunġuq senior-co-in-law, spouse’s
older sibling’s spouse
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaunġuq spouse’s younger sibling’s
nukaaluk younger sibling spouse

+nI-1 vv (embedding postbase) to confirm, report that one is V, V-ing, V-ed

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiñi- (i) to confirm one is home; (t) to
» aġnaq airuaq the woman came home confirm that she/he/it is home »
aġnaq aiñiruaq the woman said she came
home; aġnaq aiñiraa aŋutim the man said
the woman came home
aggisi- (t) to bring or take her/him/it aggisiñi- (i) to say that one’s self was taken
home home by her/him = expressed in terminalis
case » aġnaq aggisiniruaq aŋunmun the
woman said that she was taken home by the
(t) to say that she/he took her/him/it home »
aŋutim aggisiniraa aġnaq the man said he
brought the woman home;
(t) to say that she/he/it was taken home by
her/him expressed in terminalis case (of
she/he) » aġnaq aggisiniraa aŋunmun
nukatpiam the young man said that the
woman was taken home by the man
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) » aġnaq tautugni- (i) to say one saw a person or an
tautuktuq aŋutaiyaanik the woman object » aġnaq tautugniruaq aŋutaiyaanik
sees boys; aġnam tautukkai aŋutaiyaat the woman said she saw boys;
the woman sees the boys (i) to say one’s self was seen by her/him =
expressed in terminalis case » aŋutaiyaat
tautugniruat aġnamun the boys said they
were seen (by the woman);

(t) to say she/he saw her/him/it » aġnam
tautugnirai aŋutaiyaat the woman said she
saw the boys;
(t) to say that she/he/it was seen by
her/him/it = expressed in terminalis case (of
another she/he) » aŋutaiyaat tautugnirai
aġnamun nukatpiam the young man said
the boys were seen by the woman;
(t) to say that she/he/it saw her/him/it =
expressed in modalis case (of another
she/he) » aġnaq tautugniraa aŋutaiyaanik
nukatpiam the young man said the woman
saw boys
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; anniġni- (i) to say one injured
(t) to hurt her/him/it » aġnaq anniqsuq herself/himself = expressed in modalis case
the woman is hurt; nukatpiam anniġaa » aġnaq anniġñiruaq inmiñik the woman
aġnaq the young man hurt the woman said she injured herself;
(i) to say that she/he was injured by her/him
= expressed in terminalis case » aġnaq
anniġñiruaq nukatpiamun the woman said
she got hurt by the young man;
(t) to say that she/he/it was injured by
her/him/it = expressed in terminalis case (of
another she/he) » aġnaq anniġñiraa
aŋutim nukatpiamun the man said the
woman was hurt by the young man
navik- to break (it) » qallun naviktuq naviŋni- (t) to say it broke; (t) to say it was
the cup broke; nukatpiam navikkaa broken by oneself » qallun navigniraa
qallun the young man broke the cup aŋutim the man said the cup broke;
(t) to say it was broken by her/him/it =
expressed in terminalis case » qallun
navigniraa aŋutim nukatpiamun the man
said the cup was broken by the young man

+nI-2 vv (limited) (only with intransitive negative optative imperative mood

endings) despite being V |
miki- (i) to be small mikiniñani despite her/his being
nutaġaq young person; fresh nutaġauniñani despite her/his
powder snow being young
utuqqau- (i) to be old utuqqauniñani despite her/his
being old

+niaġugnaq- vv will probably V | +niaq- vv +[s]ugnaq- vv

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiñiaġugnaq- (i) will probably go home »
aiñiaġugnaqtuq anaqapak he will

probably go home this evening
naat- (i) to now be complete; (t) to naanniaġugnaq- (t) will probably
finish, complete it complete, finish it » naanniaġugnaġaa
atigitchiaksrautiga uvlaakun she will
probably finish my brand new parka
nullaq- (i) to set up camp for the night, nullaġniaġugnaq- (i) will probably set up
encamp; (i) to stay at a hotel camp for the night »
nullaġniaġugnaqtugut kuuk
tikitkuptigu we will probably set up camp
for the night when we reach the river

+niala- vv to try to V forcefully; to persist in V-ing although the performance is

below par; to persist in V-ing although told or advised not to | +nIt- vv -ala- vv
atuq-1 to sing (it) atuġniala- to persist in singing (it) »
kanŋutchaipalukkaatigut the one who
was trying to sing sure made us
iki- or iku- (i) to position or place ikuniala- to persist in getting (her/him/it)
oneself into a container or a conveyance; onboard » ikunialavluni ikuruq because
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a he was persistent in trying to get on board,
container or conveyance he got on
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get makinniala- to persist in standing (it) up »
out of bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set makinnialaruaq tautuktaġa I saw him
it upright trying to stand up

+nialaliqtuq- vv to persist in V-ing forcefully | +niaq(-) vv -la- vv

-liqtuq- vv

+nialapiaġataq- vv to really persist in V-ing | +nIt- vv -ala- vv +piaq-2 vv –ataq-1 vv

pilluataq- or pillautaq- (i) to get along pilluataġnialapiaġataq- (i) to really
well with others; (i) to have no trouble persist in doing one’s best (on it)
performing one’s activities; (i) to do
things right; (i) to do well; (i) to
prosper; (i) to be fortunate, e.g., in
hunting; (t) to do a good job on it or by
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġnialapiaġataq- (i) to really persist in
leg-hold trap which when stepped on trying to speak » uqaġnialapiaġataqtuq
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep ikka aquppiutamiñun mayuqtiqami
talking to her/him for the purpose of look over there, he is really persisting in
advising her/him on the proper way to wanting to talk, going so far as to climb up
live on his chair

+niaŋitpallIq- vv probably will not V | +niaq- vv ±ŋIt- vv +p/vallIq-

+niapiaq- vv to be determined to V | +niaq(-) vv +piaq-2 vv

+niaq- vv will V (future)

ilaaq(-) patch on clothing; addition to a ilaaġniaq- (t) will put a patch on it »
house; (t) to patch it; (t) to build an ilaaġniaġaik kamikłuka she will patch my
addition on it = house pants
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makinniaq- (i) will stand up; will get out of
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright bed; (t) will set it upright »
makinniaŋitchugut makitpata we will not
stand up when they stand up
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagniaq- will work (on it); (t) will
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; prepare it = corpse for burial »
(i) to be working, operating properly (of savagniaġikpuk qamun uvlaakun we d
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = will work on the car tomorrow
corpse for burial
sumiit- (i) located where sumiinniaq- (i) will be where » ukiutqigu
sumiinniaqpisi where will you be next year

+niaq(-) vv, vn (limited) one who endeavors/strives to V; to try to, strive toV §
+niatak- vv (more commonly used)
aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) to kill a aġvagniaq- (i) to hunt bowhead whales
whale in a whale hunt
aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋuniaq- (i) to hunt » aŋuniaġniaqpiñ will
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen you go hunting
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach
her/his height
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpanniaq- (i) to try to run »
aqpanniaġnak don't try to run
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalugniaq- (i) to fish
catch a fish
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniññiaq- (i) to travel in order to trade or
to buy
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siquniaq- (i) to try to fall asleep
one’s eyes
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġniaq- (i) to try to talk » uqaniaġnak
leg-hold trap which when stepped on don't try to talk
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+niaqpalliq- vv probably will V | +niaq- vv +p/vallIq- vv

+niaqtuaqsI- vv to begin to try to forcefully V | +niaq(-) vv +tuq-1 vv -aqsI- vv

illati- (i) to join, become a member; (t) illatiniaqtuaqsi- (i) to begin to try

to include her/him/it forcefully to join, to become a member »
tikiłłunilu illatiniaqtuaqsigaluaqtuq
suliqutigiŋitkaat they did not
acknowledge him although he tried very
hard to join them as soon as he arrived
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġniaqtuaqsi- (i) to begin to try to enter
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it forcefully; (t) to begin to try to enter it;(t)
inside, to place it inside to begin to try to bring her/him/it inside »
isiġniaqtuaqsiruaq tiguviñaġaa he
violently grabbed the one who was just
about to try to force his way inside

+niaqtuq- vv to try to V forcefully | +niaq(-) vv +tuq-1 vv

+niasuk- vv (only with subordinative endings) by virtue of the fact that...; thank
nutqaq- (i) to stop; to die nutqaġniasuk- (i) thank goodness
she/he/it stopped… » nutqaġniasukłuta
tautuktiġruaġikpiñ it’s a good thing we
stopped; I got to see you
uqallak- (i) to speak uqallaŋniasuk- (i) thank goodness she/he
said something » uqallaŋniasukłuni
apuŋisiġikput we did not crash into her
because she said something (alerting us to
the fact that she was in front of us)

+niatak- vv to try, attempt, or strive to V

ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ililññiatak- (t) to try to learn it » suna
her/his ways, habits; to learn it imña iliññiatakpiuŋ what is it that you are
trying to learn
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiġniatak- to try to drink (it) » uvvauna
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable sumik imiġniatakpa what is he trying to
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it) drink
isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to obtain isaŋniatak- (t) to reach and try to get it
it = a C.O.D. package at the post office immaimña suna isaŋniatakpiuŋ what are
you trying to get
naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naanniatak- (t) try to finish (it) »
finish, complete it naanniataguŋ try to finish it

+niayuġat- vv to be not about to V; to have no intent to V

naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchiñiayuġat- (i) to be not almost
something finished » naatchiñiayuġattugut
uqaluŋnik savaaqaqtuanii we who work
on words see no end to our work
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuniayuġat- (i) to still be abundant, not
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon, almost depleted » nuŋuniayuġattuq there's

i.e. no moon still plenty of it, its not almost gone,
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiñiayuġat- (i) to not be about to come, to
have no intention of coming »
qaiñiayuġattut apkua those people must
have no intention of coming
qasuq- (i) to stop, quit qasuġniayuġat- (i) to have no intention of
stopping or slowing down » tavra
qasuġniayuġalgitchuŋa once again I have
no intention of stopping, quitting

+niġaq- vv to accuse; to describe one as having a certain attribute

ilisima- to know (her/him/it) ilisimałhaaġniġaq- (i) to say one knew
more; (t) to say that she/he knew more »
ilisimałhaaġniġaqtuaq she was saying
that she knew more
isivruk- or isivruuraq- to whisper (to isivruuraġniġaq- (t) to say she/he was
her/him) whispering » isivruuraġniġaqługu
makitittaa accusing her of whispering, he
made her stand up
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluniġaq- (t) to accuse her/him of lying
» sagluniġaqpauŋ did she accuse him of

-niġluk(-) vv, nn (limited) to V badly, with evil, or dreadful consequences

aitchuq- (t) to give her/him/it aitchuniġluun death inducing cursed object
something given by a shaman to someone he wishes to
harm or kill
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniñiġluk- (Ti) (i) to storm out
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
iġñi- (i) to give birth to a child iġñiñiġluk- to die at childbirth (of the
nivliq- (i) to utter a sound, express nivliñiġluk- (i) to utter a harsh sound
oneself audibly, make a vocal noise: (i)
to speak; (i) to cry out
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suniġluk illness
(t) to do what to her/him/it
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikiññiġluk- (i) to arrive upon a sad
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it situation
tusaa- [tusaga] to hear (her/him/it) tusaaniġluk- to hear bad news (about

+nii- vv (limited)
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullaġnii- to begin (it)
to start (of engine)

-nik-1 nv to acquire N
nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; nukiñik- (i) to gain strength, recover from
strength an illness » nukiñiktuq she has recovered
from an illness
punniq [punniQ] bread (made with punninik- (i) to have bread now
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikunik- (i) to have ice now
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; sunik- (i) to acquire what » suniksimava
(t) to do what to her/him/it what did she acquire
tatqiq [tatqIq] moon; month tatqiñik- (i) to be a new moon; to be
another month
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umianik- (i) to acquire a boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
ui1 husband uiñik- (i) to marry a man, to take a

+nik-2 vv (limited) to V someone or something § +nnik- vv

+niluk- vv indicates that a child or a weak person is trying to V and deserves

niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance niuniluk- (i) to try to disembark (of one
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out who is frail or disabled); (t) to try to take
of a conveyance or a container her/him/it out of a conveyance or a
container (of one who is frail or disabled)
» niuniluktuaq igña aaquaksraq
ikayuġuŋ help that old lady who is trying
to disembark
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to pilaŋniluk- to try to butcher (it = carcass)
butcher it = a carcass (of one who is frail or does not know how)
» natchiq pilagnilukkaa she is doing her
best to flense the seal
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaġniluk- (i) to try to walk (of child or
distance a person with a leg injury) » niugiitchuaq
pisuaġniluktuaq naglignapaluktuq the
one with the leg injury trying to walk was
very deserving of sympathy

+niQ1 or ~niQ or = niQ or -niQ vn, rn (limited) result, activity, condition, or

manner; one that Vs or was V-ed § -mniq vn
°aku (root) space in-between, physical akunniq interval of time or space between
or temporal two events or objects
allaq- (Ti) to be clear (of weather) allaġniq clear sky

aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up aluktinniq snow cliff
food or water into the mouth with the
tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once
anaaq- (t) to bruise her/him anaaġniq bruise
aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) aniġniq breath
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisaġniq current flowing out from creek
born; (i) to emerge from the den in or river
spring (of hibernating animal)
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anniññiq hole in ocean ice made by river
born; (i) to emerge from the den in current at the mouth of the river
spring (of hibernating animal)
aŋi-2 [aŋI] (i) to be revived, be aŋiñiq resurrected being, risen soul
resurrected, come back to life
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋimniq (Ti) bone joint such as elbow or
untied, unraveled, unwound, or knee
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuqtinniq sea ice which has been pushed
(i) to reach shore onto shore
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argagniq measure of hand breadth
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)
arriqsit- (i) to bruise; (t) to give her/him arriqsinniq blood bruise (an ecchymosis);
a bruise; (t) to kill an animal in such a animal pelt with blood stains
way that it is soaked through with blood
atchii- (i) to enroll, to register or sign atchiiñiq will, testament; enrollment;
one’s name; (i) to make a will; (t) to census
enroll her/him; (t) to will things to
her/him; (i) to conduct a census
attinniq hole or thin spot in sea ice near
mouth of river, which has melted as river
breaks up
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auniq melted, rotten area
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish);
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
*ayaaq (root) crisscrossing ayaaqtinniq ice trapped in a narrow part
of a flowing river or lead in sea ice
igit-1 to render its oil (of blubber); (i) to iginniq rendered oil, grease produced by
turn to grease by frying (of fat or rendering fat or blubber
blubber); (t) to render it = fat or blubber

into oil; (t) to desalinate sea ice through a
process of slow melting
iki-2 (i) to burn ikiniq a burned thing
igniq fire
imik- (i) to resound, reverberate well; be imiŋniq mound of earth that makes an
stereophonic; to have a good sound, echoing sound when stomped on
resound (of drum); to have a rich, hollow
sound, of a drum
immaktit- (i) for puddles to form from immaktinniq non-frozen river water on
melting snow; (i) to swell (of river); (i) top of ocean ice at river mouth; puddle
to become infected (of wound) formed on ice or snow by melting water
isivanniq seal carcass buried in sand to
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land itimniq shallow part of river with sandy
instead of following the water along the riverbank
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around), and
come down the other side of it = e.g.,
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kapiniq vaccination shot; knife wound
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kiiñiq a bite
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it kigniq gap in a row of teeth
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; (t) kikiniq place where a piece of wood is
to break off a piece from it = wood broken off
killiŋiqsit- to begin to thaw around the killiŋiqsinniq open water formed along
shore in spring (of lake, river) the beach; water on edge of frozen lake or
river where thawing has begun
kiniq- (i) to be thick (of a liquid); (i) to kiniġniq bone in caribou’s upper leg
not slide easily (as a sled with sticky attached to hip containing thick marrow;
runner base) humerus, upper arm bone; marrow in hind
leg of caribou
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuniq descendant
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
niġutu- (i) to be wide (clothing size) niġutiniq the wide area, section, or
nuliiq- (i) to lose one's wife, to be nuliiġñiq or (Ti) nuliilgaġniq widower;

widowed; (t) to take, steal his wife (Ti) widow
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaaniq space under sleeping platform in
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; sod house
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split qumniq cleft, crack
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain;
half-dollar coin
sau- [sagu] to cover (her/him/it) with sauvaniq sod chinking (used to clauk
snow, sand, or earth, layer by layer; (t) to holes in traditional house construction)
skirt it = traditional house with snow
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen supiniq or sumniq initial breakup point of
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out a river
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siqumniq chunks of broken ice, crumbs of
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to food, etc.; something ground up, broken up
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
tuttuliqi- (i) to hunt caribou; (i) to tuttuliqiniq caribou hunting
prepare caribou for consumption
uisau- (i) to be adrift on an icefloe uisauniq experience of being adrift on an

+niQ2 (limited) final suffix of some nouns

alguniq mold-like growth on maktak
(whale skin with blubber attached) which
has been in an ice cellar for an extended
period; (Ti) measurement of the thickness
of the slice of whale’s tail cut off for
captain who has caught his first whale
iłhuaġniq boreal smelt (Osmerus
iłuuqiñiq black fish
imaniq clam
suŋaq gallbladder suŋaġniq fatty intestine of caribou,
moose, or deer
tayaq or tayaġun wrist; bracelet tayaġniq or tayaġniġun wrist
tiggak or tiggagniq male seal in rut

+nIq-1 vv to report or state that the subject is, has been V-ing
naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naanŋaniq- to report she/he finished (it)
finish, complete it
niuggaaq- to break (her/his/its) leg niuggaaġniq- (i) to report she/he/it broke a
leg » niuggaaġniqsuaq kataktaqami I
found out he broke a leg when he fell
quviasuk- (i) to be happy quviasugniq- (i) to report she/he is happy

+nIq-2 or = nIq-2 vv,rv, nv (limited) to be (of) V; to experience a V-ing
anisaq- to begin to come out anisaqniq- (Nu) to blow downstream from
mountains (of wind)
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auniq- (i) to melt thus becoming unsafe (of
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, ice or snow); (i) to rot or decay
fish); (i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
auq- (i) to stalk an animal on ice by auġniq- (i) for cold air, as mist, to enter
crawling house through an open crack in a door,
window, etc.
°avaq (root) reappearance avaġniq- (i) to reappear after an absence
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to igliġniq- (Ti) (i) to travel with ocean current
be running, idling (of a machine/engine); (of ice)
(t) to travel it = distance
°ikag (stem) westward ikagniq- (i) for the wind to be blowing
from the north
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuŋniq- (i) to be friendly, cheerful, and
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to courteous; (i) to be sociable
surprise her/him/it
isiqsaq- to begin, commence entering isiqsaġniq- to flow upriver
°kanag (stem) northwards kanagniq- (i) to be blowing from the
northwest, or from downriver (of wind)
kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of kiiñaġniq- (i) to be bold, straightforward,
axe unreserved, forthright; to show no respect
for authority
°piruġaq (root) down coast piruġaġniq- (i) to flow from northeast out
to sea (of ocean current)
piu- (i) to be “it”; (i) to be the “one” (as piutuġniq- (i) to last long, be durable
in a game of “tag,” etc.)
qai - to come (toward her/him/it) qaisaġniq- (i) to flow from west (of ocean
qugluk- (i) to wince when startled or quglugniq- (Ti) (t) to pleat it; (t) to fold it
suddenly frightened; to fold (it in half) over
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulaaniq- (i) to gaff for fish in open water
edge of a boat’s sides or before freeze-up
quvyuk- to be a whiteout (of weather) quvyugaġniq- (i) to be in a whiteout
situation (of weather)
quyanaq (excl.) good riddance; got quyanaġniq- (t) to give her/him/it what is
what he deserved deserved, usually a just reprimand or
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; » sugniqpa from which direction is the
(t) to do what to her/him/it wind blowing
°ua (stem) westerly uaŋniq- (i) to blow from west (of wind)

ulapit- (i) to become confused, get ulapniq-(Nu) or ulamniq- (i) to go the

distracted, mixed up in what one is wrong way, lose one’s way; (t) to take it =
doing; (t) to be confused, mixed up wrong way when traveling
about her/him; (t) to lose it = one’s
place in a book

-niqłak- vv (limited) to V suddenly, forcefully

aqi- (i) to kick her/him/it aqiniqłak- (t) to kick her/him/it violently
without warning
auk-2 to melt, thaw (it) augniqłak- (t) to warm up suddenly (of a
person after having been out in the cold
and coming in to a warm house causing
she/he (obj) to feel sleepy or sluggish)
ilitchuġi- to become aware, cognizant of ilitchuġiniqłak- or (Nu) ilitchuqqiġluk-
(her/him/it); (t) to become acquainted to suddenly become aware (of her/him/it)
with her/him/it
itqaq- to recall, call to mind, remember itqaniqłak- to remember (her/him/it)
(her/him/it) suddenly
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiniqłak- to enter violently (to her/his/its
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it dwelling); (t) to bring it into the house
inside, to place it inside abruptly with force
kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiuniqłak- to answer (her/him/it) angrily
*qau (root) consciousness, awareness, qauriñiqłak- (i) to gain consciousness,
alertness become suddenly sober
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuniqłak- to see (her/him/it)
unexpectedly, suddenly
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguniqłak- (t) to seize, grab her/him/it
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
tinu- (t) to push her/him/it tinuniqłak- to push her/him/it quickly and
with force

-niqłiuq- vv (limited)
naama- (i) to be enough, adequate, ¤naamaniqłiuq- (i) to be short of, not
sufficient, complete; (i) to have a have enough of something
quorum for a meeting; (i) to be perfect,
flawless; (i) to be well-supplied, have
everything needed, e.g., the right tools,

-niqłuk nn a large, huge, gigantic, big N

(Note: this postbase can also be used with demonstrative absolutive and relative
forms) § see Appendix 3
niulu a root of a tooth; a leg of niuluniqłuk a large leg » niuluniqłuanun
furniture niġġivium putukitchuaq she tripped on
the large leg of the table
qayaq one person skin kayak qayaniqłuk a large kayak » qayaniqłua
tautukpiuŋ did you see his gigantic kayak

qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis qimmiñiqłuk a large dog » qimmiñiqłuum
lupus forma familiaris) tupaktipalukkaaŋa the huge dog sure
startled me

+niqsraq or +niqtaq vn the superlative one; the one who V-ed the most § -łhaaq vn
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋiniqsraq or aŋiniqtaq the biggest one
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqiññiqtaq the most pliable one
bite or touch
qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) qutchigñiqsraq the one at the very top
to be in a high position (physically or
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋiñiqsraq or saŋŋiñiqtaq the
taut strongest one

-niraaq- (limited) to display the attributes of V-ing with relish or duration | perhaps
+naq(-) vv ‘= I-1 or -I- vv -raaq- vv
kamanaq(-) bossy person; authoritative kamanniraaq- (i) to act important,
person; (i) to have greater authority than show off
others; (i) to be awesome, great (i) to be
worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be
bossy; (i) to be strong, large (of animal)
qukinaq- (i) to be clean, qukinniraaq- (i) to enjoy wearing
spotless, neat and orderly clean clothes
ugiaq- (i) to fight (of animals); ugianiraaq- (Nu) (i) to snarl (of dog)
(t) to maul her/him/it (of animal)

-nisaq nn (limited) object from a certain time or place | perhaps +niñ (ablative case)
+taq(-) nn
aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons, aippaaġnisaq something ancient
objects, seasons, years, or ages);
co-wife (woman with whom one
shares a husband)
iŋilġaan a long time ago iŋilġaaġnisaq artifact
nutipnisaq (Nu) something old, ancient
ukiaq autumn, fall season; last fall ukiaġnisaq last fall's animal pelt
upinġaq- (Ti), upinġaaq(-) to come (of upinġaaġnisaq summer skin
summer); summer; last summer

+nIt-1 vv to try, attempt, make an effort to V

atuq-1 to sing (it) atuġnit- (i) to try to sing » kanna
atuġnitchuaq aquvitquuŋ tell that one
down there who is trying to sing to sit
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautugnit- to try to see (her/him/it)

+nIt-2 nv (limited) to taste or smell like N § +sugnIt-
isiq(-) smoke; haze, mist, or cloud which isiqsuŋnit- or isiġnit-(i) to smell smoky
forms over open water; (i) to be smoky;
(i) to form mist, to form a cloud over
open water
qakiq-1 [qakIq] (t) to get rancid (of seal qakiġñit- (i) to taste or smell rancid, bad;
oil) (i) to irritate the throat (of rancid oil)
suŋaq gall bladder suŋaġnit- (i) to taste bitter; to taste or
smell of bile
tiggak or tiggagniq male seal in rut tiggagnit- (i) to taste or smell like a rutting
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruaġnit- (i) to taste like it has seal oil
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum in it

+niuraaq- vv to V slowly, deliberately, cautiously | +nIt-1 vv -uraaq- vv

ilauŋit- (i) to not be a participant ilauŋiññiuraaq- (i) to deliberately try not
to participate » ilauŋiññiuraaqtuaq aŋun
ilitchuġikamiuŋ, suapalukkaa when she
found out about the man who was
deliberately trying not to be a participant,
she reprimanded him harshly
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġniuraaq- (i) to enter slowly, cautiously
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside

+niuraq- vv to timidly, surreptitiously, or carefully try to V | +nIt-1 vv :uraq-1 vv §

+niluk- vv
atqaq- or aqqaq- (i) to descend, go atqaġniuraq- (i) to surreptitiously
down; (i) to step down from a tall disembark from a vehicle; (t) to
vehicle; (t) to put her/him/it down surreptitiously or carefully try to put
physically; (t) to remove her/him = her/him/it down » atqaġniuraqtuq
baby from the back of one’s parka nutqallaavluni he is gently, carefully
trying to come down, stopping once in a
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiñiuraq- to eat (it), fending for oneself
» niġiñiuraġiñ have something to eat, help
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suniuraq- (interrog.) (i) to do what
(t) to do what to her/him/it surreptiously

+niusIq- vv to begin to try to V; to begin to try to V | +nIt- vv :un1 vn -Iq-1 vv

ilaaq(-) patch on clothing; addition to a ilaaġniusiq- to begin to patch (it) »
house; (t) to patch it; (t) to build an ilaaġniusiqsaa unnuaq she began trying
addition on it = house to patch it last night
kukiu- to cook (it) kukiuniusiq- to begin to cook (it) »
tikiłłunilu kukiuniusiqsuaq she began to

prepare to cook as soon as she arrived

+niuti or niun vn means to V | +nIt- vv :un1 vn or +niQ1 nn ‘= Iq-1 nv :un1 vn

aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋuniun or aŋuniunnaq hunting
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen implement; piece of hunting clothing or
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach gear
her/his height
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluŋniutit or (Nu) qaluŋniutit fishing
catch a fish gear; (Nu) fish trap
iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuuniun or iñuuniaġun item
indispensable in one’s livelihood;
provision, tool, weapon; item one uses in
everyday life
masut- (i) to gather edible roots masunniun root pick
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiñiutit kitchen utensils
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulaaniun (Nu) long fishing pole, casting
edge of a boat’s sides rod
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivunniun or sivunniuġun plan, purpose;
frontage, area in front of building; bow decision; agreement; contract; negotiation;
of boat; front exterior wall of house; (Nu) goal, destination
time prior

-nmuk- nv (positional terminalis) to go towards a N; or position an item

to/on its N

-nmun v-adv (term) indicates orientation or direction towards a positional noun, or

towards the nominal quality indicated in the verb stem or demonstrative adverb
in terminalis | +t2 ÷mun
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aiñmun homewards
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, anmun downwards
underside; down
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avanmun reciprocal, reciprocity; to each
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iłuanmun the correct way; the correct
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine direction
killuq [killuQ] wrong one killunmun wrong direction; wrong way

kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kilunmun towards the back
south (with one’s geographical position
being Barrow, Alaska)
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qunmun upwards
edge of a boat’s sides
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or sanmun oceanward; towards one’s front
garment; area immediately in front of area
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated

person; seaward
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniñmun sideways
saumik [saumIk] left hand; left-handed saumiñmun towards the left
person; left side or area to the left
taliqpik right arm; right side taliqpiñmun towards the right
tunu back (of human body); back area; tununmun backwards
back exterior wall of house
with demonstrative adverbs:
avuŋa to over there (extended and avuŋanmun towards over there (extended
visible) and visible)
ikuŋa to over there (restricted and ikuŋanmun towards over there (restricted
visible) and visible)
nigiq east wind; (Ti) northwind; north; niginmun to the north
(Nu) northeast wind, northeast
pauŋa to up there on the wall, the pauŋanmun towards up there (extended
ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; to and visible)
up there away from the ocean; to up
there, upriver (extended and visible)
pikuŋa to up there on the wall, the pikuŋanmun towards up there (restricted
ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; to and visible)
up there away from the ocean; to up
there, upriver (restricted and visible)

-nnak- nv to acquire N by winning, recruitment, earning or by inheritance

aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiññak- (i) to be paid a wage, to get paid
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
avvaq half of something avannak- (i) to receive or acquire half
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair iglunnak- (Nu) (i) to recruit someone as a
of mittens or boots; (i) to be provided companion or helper; (i) to obtain half of
with a companion or a partner; (t) to something, especially of a catch made by
provide her/him/it with a partner, more than one hunter
companion, or a complement
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilannak- (i)to acquire members
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kiŋuvaat inheritance; knowledge kiŋuvaannak- (i) to inherit

passed down from ancestors
manik(-)3 [manIk] [ENG “money”] maniññak- (i) to acqure money
money; (i) to “strike it rich”; (i) to be
naŋirrun disease, epidemic, sickness naŋirrutinnak- (i) to catch an illness
nappaq something which has been cut nappannak- (i) to obtain half
in half, crosswise split; hump of
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviññak- (i) to acquire or win a knife
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiannak- (i) to inherit or win a boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

+nnaq nn (limited) one inherently connected to N by one’s action or attributes

aŋun man, an adult human male aŋunnaq an item especially made for men
aġġiññaq bag (for hunting gear), sealskin
bag; knapsack
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilannaq a good friend, buddy
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kivri- to cut, sever something (of kivriññaq sickle
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipinnaq magnet
*paa [pa a] (root) movement toward paannaq partner
qiiya- to feel cold, be cold (of person) qiiyannaq very cold weather
*uu (root) heat uunnaq heat; hot weather

-nnaq- vv (limited) to experience V or N

°aku (root) space in-between, physical akunnaq- (i) to pass through, between or
or temporal among objects, people, or animals; (t) to
pass through between or among them
nipuŋa- (i) to not pay attention nipuŋannaq- (t) to appear to her/him/it
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takunnaq- to stare (at her/him/it)
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the hospital;
(t) to check on it
taqtu kidney taqtunnaq- (t) to hurt on one side of the
body (as from laughing hard)

-nnaraaq- vv, nv to enjoy V-ing
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñunnaraaq- (i) to enjoy being with a
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to person
surprise her/him/it
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiññaraaq- to enjoy eating (it)
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqannaraaq- (i) to enjoy talking »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqannaraaqłunuk kiŋuġautchiruami we
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep were enjoying talking together, that is why
talking to her/him for the purpose of I am late
advising her/him on the proper way to
usiaqsIq- (i) to be a passenger usiaqsiññaraaq- (i) to enjoy being a
passenger » usiaqsiññaraaqłuni
niusuŋitchuaq she was enjoying the ride
so much that she did not want to get off

+nnaun vn (limited) | perhaps +t-2 nv +naq(-) vv +un1 vn

sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapunnaun an obstacle, hindrance
make passage unsuitable or impossible
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river

-nnI- or +nnI- vv, rv (limited) to V in a prolonged manner

kaivit- (i) to circle around; (i) to spin; (i) kaivaaġni- (i) to sit in a circle formation
“to celebrate the coming of the new year
with competition games”
kamanaq(-) bossy person; authoritative kamanni- (i) to act bossy, to act
person; (i) to have greater authority than important, to be a showoff
others; (i) to be awesome, great (i) to be kamanniraaq- (i) to boast
worthy of respect, honor; (i) to be bossy;
(i) to be strong, large (of animal)
*kim (root) unpleasantness kimni- (i) to become dizzy, light-headed
from tobacco smoke
*masaq (root) pleasure masaġni- (i) to listen eagerly, attentively,
with pleasure, especially to a story; (i) to
sun oneself; (i) to be pleased with
something, someone; (i) to be glad to talk
to someone
naalak- (i) to listen with a purpose; (t) to naalaġni- to listen, heed, pay attention to
listen to it = her/his chest, heart with a (her/him/it)
stethoscope; (t) to auscultate her/him/it
qanuġniugaq- (Nu) (i) to be indecisive,
unable to make up one’s mind
siqunġipak- (i) to blink, wink siquapanni- (Ti) (i) to squint, to narrow
the eyes
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqanni- (i) to caucus (in parliamentary
leg-hold trap which when stepped on procedure); (i) to hold a discussion

trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+nnik- vv (limited) to V on something or someone

aat-1 (t) to take something away from aannik- (i) to catch a disease from
her/him/it someone; (i) to gain possession of
something from someone, i.e. toy
apuq- to bump or crash (into apuġnik- (i) to crash into something or
her/him/it); (i) to reach shore someone
avaaq- (i) to knock oneself avaaġnik- (i) to cause someone to lose
unconscious; (t) to knock her/him/it consciousness
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kiiññik- (i) to bite someone or something
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
naakłit- [naakłIt] (t) to trip her/him= naakłiññik- (i) to trip someone, to cause
one who is progressing forward causing someone to stumble and fall forward
her/him to stumble and fall
pasi- [pasI] (t) to blame, accuse, pasiññik- (i) to blame someone else
suspect her/him/it
payari- (t) to overcome, defeat payariññik- (i) to overpower, defeat
her/him/it, to force her/him to yield someone
through pressure; to rape her/him; (Ti)
(t) to lose hold of it, have it slip from
one's grasp
qiari- (t) to make her/him cry qiariññik- (i) to make someone cry
tukiq- (i) to hatch (of a bird); to extend tukiġnik- (i) to kick someone with the
one’s legs; (t) to push, kick her/him/it bottom of one’s foot
with bottom of one’s foot

+nniuq- rv (limited) to experience, encounter § +naq vn, '= iuq-2 nv, -liuq- nv

-nŋu- nv, vv to be hurting from, be in discomfort from, be at a disadvantage from N;

to be weary, tired from V-ing; suffer from the effects of V-ing or associated with
aa- (i) to cry violently, becoming aanŋu- (i) to feel faint
physically rigid, followed by temporary
unconsciousness due to interrupted
breathing (usu. of a baby)
agniq(-) [agnIq]or aŋniq(-) blizzard, agniñŋu- (i) to be delayed by a blizzard
snowstorm, blowing snow; (i) to have a
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpanŋu- (i) to be tired from running
iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu) iggianŋu- (i) to have a sore throat
narrow entry (neck) of fish trap

iliaġruk or iliappak or iliappałuk, iliaġrunŋu- (i) to long to see a dear friend
iliappałuuraq poor person; orphan or relative
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilunŋu- (i) to feel compassion; (i) to have
(t) to surround her/him/it abdominal pains
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a iminŋu- (i) to have a hangover
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iŋiulik(-) wave or swell on ocean; (i) to iŋiulinŋu- (i) to be seasick
have swells or waves (of ocean)
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) drown; (i) to be ivyanŋu- (i) to be short of breath; (i) to
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool feel faint; (i) to struggle to breathe
kigun tooth kigutinŋu- (i) to have a toothache
narrak- (i) to become pregnant; to get a narranŋu- (i) to have a bellyache
distended belly
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuanŋu- (i) to be tired from walking
quŋusiq [quŋusIq] human neck quŋusiñŋu- (i) to have a sore neck
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savanŋu- (i) to be tired from working
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella, sitqunŋu- (i) to have a sore knee
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get
down on one's knees; (t) to put one's
knee on it
tuqua spot on body where a being can tuquanŋu- (i) to feel faint
be fatally wounded; “death” (in certain

-nŋuq- nv (limited) to become V; to be weary, tired from V-ing; to begin to suffer

from the effects of N | -nŋu- vv +q-1 vv
aanŋu- (i) to feel faint aanŋuq- (i) to be knocked unconscious,
knocked out; (t) to knock him/her/it
*anu (root) emotional security, fortitude anusiñŋuq- (i) to be so negatively affected
by an experience that one does not wish to
repeat it
ilu(-) interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilunŋuq- (i) to have the breath knocked out
(t) to surround her/him/it of one; (t) to knock the breath out of
iŋiulik(-) wave or swell on ocean; (i) to iŋiulinŋuq- (i) to tire of the rocking motion
have swells or waves (of ocean) of waves
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) drown; (i) ivyanŋuq- (i) be out of breath
to be hot and sweaty from lack of

fresh, cool air
niqi food, meat niqinŋuq- (i) to become full from eating

*tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; tuninŋuq- (i) to become tired of lying on a

hardness of surface hard surface or of walking on hard ground
tuqua spot on body where something tuquanŋuq- (t) to stun, stupify her/him/it
can be fatally wounded; death (in certain
utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it) utaqqiñŋuq- to be tired of waiting for

-nŋutchak- nv (limited) to become affected, involving the N

ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilunŋutchak- (i) to be deeply moved
(t) to surround her/him/it emotionally; (t) to move her/him
isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to isumanŋutchak- (i) to become
think resentful; (i) to feel aggrieved
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋutchak- (i) to become
embarrassment; feeling of shyness embarrassed, ashamed

-nuk- nv to go to her/his/its N | -nun nv -k-3 ncv

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, ataanuk- (i) to get below,
underside; down underneath her/him/it; (t) to place
her/him/it below or underneath
iglu house, dwelling, building igluanuk- (i) to go to her/his house;
(t) to position it inside her/his house
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, qulaanuk- (i) to position oneself
the top edge of a boat’s sides above her/him/it; (t) to place
her/him/it above something/someone
umiaq(-) [umi aq] a boat; (i) to umiaŋanuk- (i) to go to her/his boat
go hunting in an umiak for sea
mammals; (Ti) (i) to be out at
whaling camp or in a whaling

-ŋ nn (vocative) my dear N
aññaq cousin aññaaŋ my dear cousin
ilamaaq(-) dear relative, loved one ilamaaŋ my dear friend
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuuŋ my dear one (said to a son)
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
panik [panIk] daughter paniiŋ my dear daughter

±ŋa- vv have the attribute indicated by the V
avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a avinŋa- to be divorced (from her/him); (i)
divorce; (t) to separate themd, who are to be split (of pants)
fighting; to divorce her/him
ikak-2 (i) to be dirty ikaŋa- (i) to be a lousy housekeeper
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiŋa- (i) to be drunk
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger kappiaŋa- (i) to seek assistance because of
iminent danger
*kipuyu (root) obtuse, slow to kipuyuŋa- (i) to not understand, to be
comprehend unable to distinguish between things
putu(-) a hole, puncture, perforation; (t) putuŋa- (i) to have a hole
to perforate, pierce it, make a hole
through it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one's
saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saquŋa- (i) to be crooked (of a line,
stitching, etc.)

±ŋaaq(-) vn, vv one with the behavior, appearance, or attribute of being V, or having
V-ed; (i) to be slightly V, inclined to be V-ed
avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two; aviŋaaq- (i) to be undecided, unable to
(t) to divide it in half, in two pieces choose
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiŋaaq a slightly drunk person
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable imiŋaaq- (i) to be slightly drunk
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
kinnaq [kinnaQ] crazy person, a fool; kinnaŋaaq- (i) to be slightly crazy
(excl.) you fool!
pisaqsaq- (i) to overreact pisaqsaŋaaq- (i) to be prone to
qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qiluŋaaq one with slanted eyes
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a qiluŋaaq- (i) to have slanted eyes
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame
(wooden stakes secured into the
permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut

±ŋaiq- vv to cease V-ing | ±ŋa- vv :Iq-1 vv

anniġñaq(-) pain (i) to be in pain, to anniġñaŋaiq- (i) to stop hurting
ache; to cause pain, emotional distress
anuqłiq- (i) to be windy anuqłiŋaiq- to stop blowing (of wind) »

anuqłiŋaiqsuaq unnuaq the wind stopped
last night
miquq- to sew (it) miquŋaiq- to cease sewing (it) »
miquŋaiqsuat uvlaaq they stopped sewing
this morning
silaluk(-) or sialuk(-) rain, rainy silaluŋaiq- to cease raining
weather; to rain

±ŋait- vv to have not V-ed; to not be V-ed | ±ŋa- vv :It-1 vv

iliktiq- to cut material according to a iliktiŋait- (i) to not have the pattern cut yet
pattern » iliktiŋaitkigasuli atikłuksrautin i
haven't cut the material out for your
snowshirt yet
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to pilaŋait- (i) to not be butchered (of
butcher it = a carcass carcass); (t) to not have butchered it = a
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siquŋait- (i) to not have fallen asleep
one’s eyes
tilak- to mop or scrub (it = large tilaŋait- (i) to not be washed (of floor or
surface area) large surface area); (i) to not have washed
the floor; (t) to not have washed it = floor
or large surface area

+ŋak(-) nn, nv (limited)

atun fur sock atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually
made of bearded sealskin); (t) to put a sole
on it = boot

±ŋakłI- vv to decrease the amount or degree of V-ing § -kłI- vv and -kikłI- vv

piyuk- or piyuaq- (t) to beat her/him/it piyuŋakłi- (t) to abuse her/him/it less than
up, manhandle her/him/it; (t) to abuse one used to
her/him/it verbally; (t) try to kill
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiaŋakłi- (i) to stop crying as much as one
her/him/it) used to
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qiviŋakłi- (i) to stop becoming offended
indignant; to act or behave indignantly and going away in a huff as much as one
used to
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluŋakłi- (i) to stop lying as much as
one used to

±ŋaq- vv (limited) to progress into a state of V-ing | ±ŋa- vv +q-1 vv

*aŋI (root) failure aŋiluŋaq- (i) to fail to procure game or fish
*nayak (root) nodding nayaŋaq- (i) to nod due to sleepiness
qanit- to be near, close (to her/him/it) qaniñŋaq- (i) to have an intense desire to
be close to something or someone and thus

be making the effort to draw closer; (t) to be
close to her/him/it after having made the
effort to get closer

±ŋaraq vn one which is V, has V-ed, or has been V-ed | ±ŋa- vv +t/raq vn
atuŋak(-) bootsole, hard sole (usually atuŋaŋaraq a boot to which the sole has
made of bearded sealskin); (t) to sole it been sewn
= boot
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auŋaraq something rotten
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish);
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiŋaraq a drunk, an inebriate
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuppiŋaraq a breech birth
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to
be late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i)
to be gone, have moved on (of animals);
(t) to be late for her/him/it
qilaiq- (i) to have a hole in one's boot qilaiŋaraq a boot with a “worn-out” sole
sole; (t) to wear a hole through it = boot
qiqit- to freeze qiqinŋaraq frozen oject or person
tuqu- (i) to die tuquŋaraq dead animal or person

±ŋarraq- vv (limited) to find something/someone that has V-ed | ±ŋa- vv mt/raq vn

‘-q-2 nv

±ŋasI- vv (limited) to become V | ±ŋa- vv +sI-1 vv

°piq (root) bend, curve § piġiŋasi- (i) to become bent; (t) to
make, render it bent
saqu- (i) to turn, changing saquŋasi- (i) to become crooked, not
direction straight; (t) to render, make it

= ŋatchI- vv (limited) to experience a V-ing

mamaq- (i) to taste good, smell good mamŋatchi- (i) to eat heartily
(of food)
umik(-) cover, lid (Nu) (i) to collapse (of uminŋatchi- (i) to have a plugged-up nose;
a house); to close the store (of owner); to to talk funny because one’s nose is stuffy
now be closed (of store); (t) to close it;

(Nu) (t) to trap it = bear in its den by
covering the entrance so it can be killed

-ŋia- vv (limited) | perhaps +ŋIq- nv -a-2 vv

avan or avati appendage, extremity; avataŋia- (Ti) (i) to be all around,
border, surrounding area surrounding something
qumaq- (i) to bend forward, crouch qumaŋia- or uqumaŋia- (i) to have a
nightmare; (i) to leave one’s body while
asleep and hover above or fly away, then to
“re-enter” the body to move it either by
force or by emitting a loud noise; if one has
difficulty waking up, the nightmare begins

-ŋiat- vv (limited) to be wary of V-ing

iññiq- (i) to be willed to someone (of iññiŋiat- (i) to be wary of people
something as in a legal document); (i) to
have company, have a companion; (i) to
become occupied (of a house); (i) to
become populated, inhabited; (t) to will
it to someone; (t) to occupy it (house)

±ŋilaq vn (limited) one not V

aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋillaŋilaq one not so big

±ŋiłaaq or +ŋilaaq nn not N | ±ŋIt- vv -laaq vs

aġnaq woman; an adult human aġnaŋilaaq not the woman
female; queen (suit in cards)
agna [dual akkuak, pl. akkua] agnaŋilaaq not that one over there
that one over there across, e.g., a across the way
river, a street, or a body of water
(extended and visible)
aglu(-) coating or filler applied agluŋilaaq not the whale jawbone
on underside of sled runner
(usually made of hard wood,
whale jaws, or metal); whale
jawbone; (t) to apply a coating or
filler on bottom of sled runners
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akianunŋilaaq not to its other side
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
akianun to its other side

iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglumiŋilaaq not in the house
build a structure over it
iglumi at/in the house
qanikun close by, near, in close qanikunŋilaaq not close by, some
proximity distance away
uaŋŋamiñ from the west uaŋŋamiñŋiłaaq not from the west

-ŋIq- nv (limited) to take the position held by another; to lose a N (note: final weak i
of stem changes to a) § :Iq-2 nv
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, ataŋiq- (t) to get below her/him/it
underside; down
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaŋiq- (i) to lose a loved one when he/she
name; companion, friend, partner; part dies; (t) to take away, remove a part,
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, member of it (including family)
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluŋiq- (Nu) (t) to get between her/him/it
(t) to surround her/him/it and something else; (t) to best her/him in
target-shooting, coming closer to bull’s eye
imaŋiq- (i) to be silent; become quiet after
talking, arguing
ini place; room; (by extension) one’s inaŋiq- (t) to take her/his/its place
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiŋiq- (t) to cut them (animals) off and
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; block their escape, in hunting
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
killi or killiq [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killiŋiqsinniq open water formed along the
space); due date; border, line, edge of beach; water on edge of frozen lake or river
land which has been cleared; source of where thawing has begun
river; area next to wall or floor;
stopping point, goal, destination, limit;
crucial reason
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuŋiq- (Nu) (t) to keep her/him/it from
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); returning home, block her/his/its way
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used home, e.g., keep an animal from returning
with whaling harpoon; large float to its burrow, hole
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to
be late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i)
to be gone, have moved on (of animals);
(t) to be late for her/him/it

mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamiŋiq- (t) to remove the dried
animal skin used in olden days as a membrane from a dried animal pelt
mitik (Nu) slush ice (in a fishing hole) mitiŋiq- (i) to remove slush ice from a
fishing hole; (t) to remove slush ice from
it = a fishing hole
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalaŋiq- (i) to be in line horizontally; (t) to
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, be lined up horizontally with her/him/it
Alaska; price
paa1 entry, doorway; mouth of river; paaŋiq- (t) to block her/him/it from
hole of kayak (where person sits); entering or exiting
entryway to pallitchat, the outer
entrance into the sod house passageway
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaaŋiq- (i) to pass by; (t) to go over it = the
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; limit; (i) to be past, done with; (t) to pass
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top by, overlook, omit her/him/it; (t) to surpass
surface on it her/him/it; (t) to become taller than her/him
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulaŋiq- (i) to be directly over head; (t) to
edge of a boat’s sides hover over, fly over her/him/it
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saaŋiq- (t) to pass in front of her/him/it; to
garment; area immediately in front of get in front of her/him and take her/his
something; lap, the front part of the place in line
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuŋiq- (t) to get in front of them; (t) to get
frontage, area in front of building; bow in front of her/him (perhaps preventing,
of boat; front exterior wall of house; delaying, or forestalling her/him from doing
time prior something that she/he will regret)

±ŋisiq- vv possibility of V-ing existed briefly, but didn't happen | ±ŋIt- vv mt/liq-3 vv
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kataŋisiq- (i) could have dropped but it
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or didn't
passageway); (i) to fall off
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makinŋisiq- could have stood (it) up, but
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright didn't
miluq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a miluŋisiq- (t) could have hit her/him/it but
thrown object; (t) to shout hurtful didn’t »
words at her/him miluŋisiġaaŋa miluġukpaiłłuŋa he didn't
hit me with what he threw because he was
so anxious to hit me
tautuk- to see (her/him/it), tautuŋisiq- could have seen (her/him/it),
but didn’t » tautuŋisiġaatigut he didn't see
us, hooray!

±ŋisuaq- vv (with conditional endings) unless, until one Vs

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiŋisuaq- (i) unless she/he enters; (t) unless

(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it she/he enters it; (t) unless she/he brings it
inside, to place it inside inside » isiŋisuaġupku aġiññiaġaa it will
get wet unless you bring it inside
nipaiq- (i) to become quiet, silent nipaiŋisuaq- (i) unless she/he/it becomes
silent » nipaiŋisuaġuvit aninniaġikpiñ
unless you become quiet, I will throw you
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiaŋisuaq- (i) unless she/he cries »
her/him/it) qiaŋisuaġuvit aġiuniaŋitkaatin he will not
leave you alone until you cry

±ŋIt- vv to not V § ±ŋŋIt vv

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpanŋit- (i) to not run (of a human)
apta- (i) to be busy; working fast aptaŋit- (i) to be not busy
iviq- to fit (it) iviŋit- to not fit (it)
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaŋit- to not work (on it); (i) to not
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; operate or function properly (of a
(i) to be working, operating properly (of machine); (t) to not prepare it = corpse for
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = burial
corpse for burial
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suŋit- (i) to be okay; (t) to not do anything
(t) to do what to her/him/it to her/him/it » suŋitchuq it’s okay, don’t
worry about it

-ŋŋaaq nn (limited) item for N

sila weather; atmosphere, air silaŋŋaaq raincoat

-ŋŋaġIk- vn (limited) to have a good quality of being V | perhaps ±ŋa- vv ‘-Q vn

+[g]Ik- nv
anmuk- to go down, descend, drop; (i) anmuŋŋaġik- (i) to have a good decline,
to go down a slope, to descend downward slope; (i) to be steep
gradually, to drop; indicator in a
therometer, barometer, etc.; to have
been set downward, lowered; (t) to set it
aqvaluq- (i) to be round aqvaluŋŋaġik- (i) to be perfectly round,
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuŋŋaġik- (i) to have a good incline,
move to a higher position (of person), be steep
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb,
ascend it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a
higher place
saniqqi- to ignore (her/him/it) saniqqiŋŋaġik- (i) to look good from the
*sivii or sivaa (root) slope, incline siviiŋŋaġik- or siviŋŋaġik- (i) to be steep,
slippery, hard to climb

tikkuk- or tikkuutit- (i) to bristle, stand tikkuutiŋŋaġik- (i) to be nicely pointed
on end, stiffen (of hair)

-ŋŋaq- nv (limited) to enter into a state of having been V-ed | ±ŋa- and ‘-q-1
aki(-) [akI] cost, price, value, wage; akiŋŋaq- (t) to speak boldly to her/him; to
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side criticize her/him openly; (i) to bounce off
of the point (Point Hope); to respond, repeatedly; to resist impact; to make no
acknowledge or answer her/him with impression on someone (of words or
gestures (of one who is far away but scolding)
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaŋŋaq- (i) to be decreased; (t) to reduce,
name; companion, friend, partner; part decrease it
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and niviŋŋaq- (t) to hang themp up one by one
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = in a cluster
bait or food) (of game animal); to flock
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of
birds, mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to
cling, adhere to her/him/it

+ŋŋIq- rv (limited) to become or be

*kayu (root) enthusiasm kayuŋŋiq- (i) to be eager to go, “champing
at the bit” (of dogs); (i) to pull at harness (of
dogs pulling sled)

+ŋŋIQ vn, rn (limited) final suffix of some nouns

iviaŋŋiq woman's breast
kanuŋŋiq [kanuŋŋIQ] type of willow; egg
kii- [kI I] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kiŋŋiq gap in a row of teeth
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
putuŋŋiaq seal skin loop sewn between
the sole and the body of boot through
which tie strings are strung
qaiŋŋiq green-winged teal (Anas
*quta (root) slope qutaŋŋiaġik- (i) to have a gentle slope

siŋŋiq [siŋŋIq] calf of leg (especially of

caribou); calf meat of caribou leg

+ŋŋIt- vv (limited) to not V | ±ŋIt- vv
ati-1 (i) to be the same, equal, identical, atiŋŋit- (Ti) (i) to be in disagreement, not
be in agreement; (i) to have a tie vote, to get along
have the same number of votes; (t) to
treat them equally
isummaaq- (t) to please her/him; to isummaaŋŋit- to trouble, worry (her/him)
treat her/him kindly, well

-ŋŋiu- nv (limited)
niqi food, meat niqaŋŋiu- (i) to be stingy with food

±ŋŋuaq(-) vv, nn to pretend to V; a fake N, or a toy N

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuŋŋuaq fake person, mannequin
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiaŋŋuaq- (i) to pretend to cry »
her/him/it) qiaŋŋuaġmiñak you should not pretend to
cry [otherwise you will get into a situation
where you will be really crying]
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviŋŋuaq a toy knife
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñiŋŋuaq- (i) to pretend to be asleep
= day sleeping
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaŋŋuaq- (i) to pretend to be talking
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

= ŋŋuġaaq nn (limited) one that reverts to N § -ŋŋuq-2 nv +aaq(-) vn

mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamŋuġaaq skin parka with hide outside
animal skin used in olden days as a

±ŋŋuq-1 vv the speaker envies she/he of being V or of V-ing

naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchiŋŋuq- (i) to be done (said with
something envy) » naatchiŋŋuqtutin you are done,
wish I were
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiŋŋuq- (i) to eat (said with envy) »
niġiŋŋuqtusi wish I were eating, like you
all are
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaŋŋuq- (i) to work (said with envy) »
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; savaŋŋuqtutin you have a job, I envy you
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñiŋŋuq- (i) to sleep (said with envy) »
= day sleeping siñiŋŋuqtuq-asu-manna I wish I were
asleep like him
mŋŋuq- nv to become N § +[ġ]uq1 nv
alla another one, a different one; allaŋŋuq- (i) to be changed, different from
something strange before
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asiŋŋuq- (i) to begin to malfunction, work
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else; badly
away from the village; something
atausiq [atausIq] the number one atausiŋŋuq- (i) to become one, be singular;
(t) to reduce it to one
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair igluŋŋuq- (i) to be one half of a whole or of
of mittens or boots; (i) to be provided a set; to be a half-moon
with a companion or a partner; (t) to
provide her/him/it with a partner,
companion, or a complement
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuksraŋŋuq- (i) to improve in health after
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to being seriously or critically ill
surprise her/him/it
°kisI (stem) aloneness kisiŋŋuq- (i) to be the only one left; (t) to
leave her/him/it alone, unaccompanied
sila weather; atmosphere, air silaŋŋuq- to be good weather

-ŋŋuq-3 vv (with conditional endings) as if she/he/it is V or Vs (the speaker is

exasperated, infuriated, indignant)
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) ilisimaŋŋuq- as if she/he knows
(her/him/it) » ilisimaŋŋuqapku aŋun
pasilgitkaaŋa he had the audacity to
accuse me, and I don't even know the guy
iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide iriŋŋuq- as if she/he hid (her/him/it) »
her/him/it iriŋŋuqapku tikkualgitkaaŋa he had the
nerve to single me out by pointing to me,
and I didn't even hide the thing

±ŋuluk(-) vv, nn a small or little N; a small or little one Vs or is V

aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutiŋuluk little man
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuŋuluk little person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamiŋuluuk a cute little pair of boots
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchiŋuluk- (i) to finish (said of a small

something child)
puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to puqiŋuluk- (i) to be smart, intelligent
learn (said of a small child) » puqiŋuluktuq
taamna aġnaiyaaq that little girl is very

+ŋun nn (limited) perhaps one’s N | ‘un2 nn

qatak child by other than one’s spouse qataŋŋun or (Ti) qataŋun step-sibling
through the formalized spouse exchange (through spouse exchange)

+ŋuq or = ŋuq nn (limited) final suffix of some nouns § -mġuq

kaŋuq snow goose (Chen hyperborea)
mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamŋuuk long skin pants with fur inside
animal skin used in olden days as a
minŋuq or miñŋuq ground beetle
(Coleoptera: carabidae)
ninŋuq2 cottonwood tree (Populus
qaimŋuq white frozen edge of a body of
water; frozen foam on beach; (Ti) smooth
ice parallel to shore, a cake of ice smoothed
by spray
qinŋuq upper part of cheekbone under the
qiñŋuq or qikŋuq or qitŋuq furthest inland
point of the lake
qunŋuq a bright, white sky on horizon
indicating presence of ice on ocean
quŋuq (Nu) corpse
suŋŋuq (Nu) area between caribou’s snout
and forehead
unŋuq [unŋuQ] or (Nu) utŋuq wart; rifle
bolt; hardened resin; (Nu) knot in wood

+ŋuraaq- vv ) to V slowly, leisurely (used with verb stems which end in a t)

-uraaq- (used with verb stems which end in a vowel, k or q)
+uraaq- (used with verb stems which end in -VVC)
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvinŋuraaq- (i) to sit up or down
down on it slowly; (t) to sit down on her/him/it slowly
» iiqiniasu aquvinŋuraaġman oh, it was
so scary when it slowly sat up
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makinŋuraaq- (i) to stand up slowly; (t) to
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright set it upright slowly »
makinŋuraaqtuaq he stood up slowly after

having slowly sat up
yugit- (i) to travel around yuginŋuraaq- (i) to travel leisurely »
yuginŋuraaqtuq Kalaałłit Nunaanni he is
traveling leisurely throughout Greenland

±ŋuraq nn a smaller version of a N; a diminutive N § :uraq nn

+ŋuraq- vv to V surreptitiously, timidly, softly; also indicates that the subject is

either old, very young, or handicapped (used with verb stems which end in a t)
-uraq- (used with verb stems which end in a vowel, q or k)
+uraq- (restricted to verb stems which end in -VVC)
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvinŋuraq- to sit down surreptitiously,
down on it timidly, or softly (on it) » killimun
aquvinŋuraqtuaq she sat down softly next
to the wall
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiuraq- to enter (it) surreptitiously, timidly,
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it or softly; (t) to bring it in surreptitiously,
inside, to place it inside timidly, or softly » ikkahii isiuraqtuk
igalaurakun look over there, theyd are
sneaking in through the window
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makinŋuraq- (i) to stand up
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright surreptitiously, timidly, or softly; (i) to set it
upright surreptitiously, timidly, or softly
niġi- [niġI] - to eat (it) niġiuraq- to eat (it) surreptitiously »
niġiuraqtuaq iriqłuni she hid and ate
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqauraq- (i) to talk surreptitiously, timidly,
leg-hold trap which when stepped on or softly » uqauraġmiñasik youd should
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep not gossip
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

±ŋutaq vn (limited) instrument for V-ing § -lutaq n

iŋutaq owl trap; pole for hanging owl trap
in tree
nalunait- (i) to be clear, visible, distinct, nalunaiñŋutaq or (Nu) nalunaigutaq or
audible (Nu) naluŋaiġutaq brand, sign, marker to
show possession
qunu- (t) to talk cooingly to or about qunŋutaq term of endearment
her/him = usu., a baby; (Nu) (i) to sing a
dirge in mourning (often of Indians); (t)
to feel grief for, lament, mourn her/him=
the deceased


-paak- vv (limited) | perhaps -pak-2 vv, nv ‘-k-2 vv

qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaapaaksimaaq- (i) to sit on chair with
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; legs crossed at the knees and with arms
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface crossed; (t) to sit on chair with them = legs
on it crossed at the knees and arms crossed

+p/vaalluk- vv to finally V: to V after a delay; to V for the first time

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anivaalluk- (i) to go out, exit for the first
born; (i) to emerge from the den in time; to finally come out, exit
spring (of hibernating animal)
itiq- (i) to wake up itiqpaalluk- (i) to just finally wake up
paqit- to find (her/him/it) paqitpaalluk- to finally find (her/him/it) »
paqitpaalluktaġa akku I finally just found
it a while ago
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautukpaalluk- to see (her/him/it) for the
first time; to finally see (her/him/it) »
tautukpaallukpiuŋ is this the first time that
you have seen it

+paaq nn (limited) item related to N

aapapaaq (Ti) old-style barrel stove
ilu(-) interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilupaaq inner fur clothing; lining;
(t) to surround her/him/it insulation; inner part of anything
papaaq uterine cotyledon (Rausch 2009);
membrane around a fetus (as in caribou);
(Ti) afterbirth (of animal)

+p/vait- vv to V excessively, too much

anuqłiq- (i) to be windy anuqłiqpait- (i) to be excessively windy »
anuqłiqpaiłłuni tiŋŋun mitchaaŋitchuaq
the plane did not land because of heavy
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatpait- (i) to run excessively »
avilaitqatigalu aqpatpaiłłunuk
nukiñŋuruguk my friend and I are having
muscle aches from running too much
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġivait- (i) to eat too much »
niġivaiłłuni narraaġiiliqsuaq he got a
stomachache from eating too much
taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy taktukpait- (i) to be excessively foggy »
taktukpaiłłuni tautuŋisimaraqput
umiaqpak ataunman we did not see the
ship go by because of the thick fog

-pak1 nn, rn (limited) during this or last interval of time § -natipak vn
°aanna (stem) today’s time beyond or aannapak (Ti) tonight; (Kiv) right away
before this moment
aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons, aippaapak time immemorial, ancient times
objects, seasons, years, or ages);
co-wife (woman with whom one
shares a husband)
akku a while ago, some time ago akkupak right now
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqapak tonight, this evening
ikpaksraq yesterday; recent past ikpaksraapak during the last few days;
(Nu) a few days ago (a span of one to two
qaŋa1 (interrog.) when, at what qaŋapak months or years past until now
time in past
ukiuq(-) wintertime; last year; (t) ukiupak or ukiuġniñ during this winter or
to come (of winter) this year
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuapak during this night, tonight; all
yesterday; to become night night
upinġaq- (Ti), upinġaaq(-) to upinġaapak during this summer
come (of summer); summer; last
uvlaaq(-) morning, this past uvlaapak during this morning
morning; to become morning
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin uvlupak today
to grow light (of day)

+pak2 n (limited) final suffix of some nouns

aakupak main decoration on a ring or
bracelet, e.g., a stone or a diamond
agiuk- to grate, shear (it) against agiukpak or (Ti) agiuppak wall of sheared
another object e.g., a boat ice along the edge of an open lead of water
grating against another boat that has been formed by the grinding action
of floating ocean ice against shore-locked
Puksripak African American person; black
Taaqsipak African American
person; black person
taqpak nostril; (Ti) flare of nostril
tiipak a flirt
tuapak coarse gravel

-pak- vv, nv (limited) to V for a limited while

aniqsaaq- (i) to take a breath aniqsaapak- (i) to sigh
ii- (i) to starve; to become hungry iipak- to crave it = food which is in sight but
unobtainable or not offered

*muq (root) curve muqpak- (i) to dive prior to submerging
(of a sea mammal whose body arches high
out of the water)
nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one's hood up; nasapak- (i) to keep one’s parka hood on
(t) to put her/his hood up indoors or out, unnecessarily
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiññaapak- to stare at (it) longingly,
°sanI (root) broadside, side sanipak- (i) to be going back and forth in
front of a group of people
siqunġiq- (i) to close one’s eyes siqunġipak- to blink
uluġiaq- (i) to wince in fear, flinch, uluġiapak- (i) to wince in fear, flinch,
covering one’s face and eyes covering one’s face and eyes protectively
protectively with the arms with the arms

+pakaippaq nn nn suffix added to names of numbers to indicate that it is multiplied by

64,000,000 § -agliaq nn, -kipiaq nn. -agliaq nn,-qpak nn -pakaippaq nn,
-pakpiŋatchaq nn
atausiq atausiqpakaippaq
1 1 x 64,000,000 = 64,000,000
iñuiññaq iñuiññaqpakaippaq
1 x 20 = 20 20 x 64,000,000 = 1,280,000,000
qulikipiaq qulikipiaqpakaippaq
10 x 20 = 200 200 x 64,000,000 = 12,800,000,000
ilagiññaq ilagiññaqpakaippaq
400 400 x 64,000,000 = 25,600,000,000

+pakaq- vv (limited)
malik- to follow, accompany malikpakaq- (t) to follow her/him/it right
(her/him/it) after she/he/it has departed

-pakpiŋatchaq nn nn suffix added to names of numbers to indicate that it is multiplied by

512,000,000,000 § -agliaq nn, -kipiaq nn. -agliaq nn,-qpak nn -pakaippaq nn,
atausiq atausiqpakpiŋatchaġutailaq
1 1 x 512,000,000,000 -1 = 511,999,999,999
iñuiññaq iñuiññaqpakpiŋatchaq
1 x 20 = 20 20 x 512,000,000,000 = 10,024,000,000,000
qulikipiaq qulikipiaqpakpiŋatchaq
10 x 20 = 200 200 x 512,000,000,000 = 102,400,000,000,000
ilagiññaq ilagiññaqpakpiŋatchaq
400 400 x 512,000,000,000 = 204,800,000,000,000

-paktaq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly due to some ailment | -pak-2 vv +t/raq-1 vv §

-vaktaq- vv
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuapaktaq- (i) to walk lamely, to limp
siqunġiq- (i) to close one’s eyes siqunġipaktaq- (i) to blink or wink

repeatedly; (t) to wink at her/him/it
siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close siqupaktaq- (Ti) (i) to blink repeatedly
the eyes

+p/vallaaq- vv to V too much

imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqpallaaq- (i) to drink too much
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to qallivallaaq- to get too close (to her/him/it)
her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be approaching

+p/vallIq- vv, nv appears to be, probably is, sounds like one is V-ing
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anivalliq- (i) to make the sounds of leaving,
born; (i) to emerge from the den in exiting
spring (of hibernating animal)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukpalliq- (i) to show up, to come; to
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to appear
surprise her/him/it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqpalliq- (i) to appear to enter; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it appear to bring it in » isiqpalliqpat did you
inside, to place it inside hear them enter (did they make any noise to
indicate that they are inside)
kasima- (i) to hold a meeting kasimavalliq- (i) to probably be having a
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñikpalliq- (i) to probably be sleeping
= day sleeping
*suk (root) presence sukpalliq- (i) to make noise (indicating that
she/he is present)

-paluk(-)1 nn, vv (excl.) what a big N; to V a lot, excessively, too much

aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, » aġvipaluk what a big whale
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale
(Balaena glacialis)
iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, iqsitchapaluk- (i) to become very
afraid frightened
iri eye » iripaluŋa what a big eye it has
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) » isigapaluŋi what big feet he has
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġipaluk- (i) to eat a lot » niġipaluktuŋa
unnuaq I sure ate a lot last night
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savapaluk- to work hard (on it)
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of

a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

-paluk(-)2 vv, nv to have even the slightest trace, evidence of V-ing

imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaqpaluk- (i) to make a sloshing or
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; splashing noise (of water) » imaqpaluktuq
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready sloshing water can be heard
it for scraping
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñukpaluk- to have people present making
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to customary “people” noise, e.g., laughing,
surprise her/him/it talking
itqauma- or itqagi- to keep in mind, itqaumavaluk- to make an indication that
remember (her/him/it) she/he remembers (her/him/it) »
itqaumavaluktaŋiñmiñiqsuaq he did not
show the slightest indication of
remembering anything
ivu- to form pressure ridges (of ice) ivuaqpaluk- or ivuvaaluk- (i) to make the
sound of pressure ridges forming (of ice) »
samma ivuaqpaluktuq there is the sound
of pressure ridges forming down there
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pivaluk- to appear to be doing the activity;
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to (t) to appear to be have taken her/him/it
her/him; an entity
qikiġġaq creaking noise made by qikiġġaaqpaluk- (i) to make a creaking
walking, running, crawling on frozen sound when walked on (of snow)
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviaqpaluk(-) clanging noise made by
metal; (i) to make clanging noise (of metal)
» saviaqpaluktuat tusaavigi do you hear a
metallic clanging noise
*suk (root) presence sukpaluk- or sukpaluktaq- (i) to make
noise (of unseen person or thing) »
sukpaluktaġnak utiġuviñ do not make any
noise when you return

-pałłuk(-) vv, nn to V badly; to V even though one is not expected to accomplish the
task, and the onlookers are pleasantly surprised; bad, evil or spoiled N
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñupałłuk evil person » iñupałłuitchuq
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to maani there are no evil people here
surprise her/him/it
kukiu- to cook (it) kukiupałłuk- to cook (it) well, contrary to
expectations of others of her/his ability to
do so » amma iqiasuaq kukiupałłuktuq
the lazy one is cooking although I had not
expected her to be able to cook at all
miquq- to sew (it) miqupałłuk- to sew (it) badly; to sew (it)

well, contrary to expectations of others of
her/his ability to do so » miqupałłuktaŋa
she did a bad job of sewing it; she sewed it
although it was thought that she could not do
naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naapałłuk- to finish (it) contrary to
finish, complete it @ naatchi- expectations of others of one’s ability to do
so » naapałłuktaŋa she finished it although
we had our doubts
niqi food, meat niqipałłuk spoiled meat » niqipałługmik
aitchuqsimaraŋa she gave him spoiled
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmipałłuk an unruly dog »
forma familiaris) qimmipałłuk avva qailgitchuq oh, that
misbehaved dog is coming again

~paq(-) or +paq(-) (limited) to attain the condition or quality indicated by the V; one
that has attained the N § +vaq- rv
*aġI (root) dampness, moisture aġiparaq fresh, raw, wet, untanned skin
°ati (root) area below; bottom, atpaq- or arvaq- to go down, come down,
underside; down descend (from it); (t) to lower it; to make it
ippaq- (i) to eat everything on one’s plate;
to lick something clean; (t) to eat
everything on it = plate; to lick it clean
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of ¤iqpaq- (i) to open (of door); (t) to open it
worm, fist, etc. = door
nigiq east wind; (Ti) north wind; north; nigiqpaq(-) east wind; to blow from east
(Nu) northeast wind, northeast (of wind); (Ti) north; northeast wind; (Nu)
north wind
qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; middle; qitiqpaq- (i) to be at the middle (as sun at
middle seat in umiak noon, car in road, etc.); (t) to put
her/him/it toward center
ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus ugrukpalaq something varicolored (like
barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal caribou fur)

-pasaġiŋIt- nv (limited) to not V very much of her/him/it | *pasaq vv +[g]i- nv ±ŋIt- vv

pipasaġiŋit- (t) to have no consideration
for her/him/it
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; supasaġiŋt- (t) to not care or have no
(t) to do what to her/him/it consideration for her/him/it; feel contempt
for her/him/it, to regard her/him/it as not
worthy of attention

-pasalait- vv to not V very much, as a general rule | *pasaq vv -lait- vv

atuq-2 to use (it); to wear (it) atupasalait- (t) to not use it for very long »

atupasalaitkaa tamanna suppun he uses
that rifle but quickly stops using it
avluq- (i) to take a step; (t) to step over avlupasalait- (i) to not take many steps »
her/him/it avlupasalaitchuq he does not take too
many steps
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġipasalait- (i) to not eat very much »
niġipasalaitchuq she does not eat very

-pasaŋIt- vv to not V for a long time, to V for a short duration | *pasaq vv ±ŋIt- vv
aniiq- (i) to be outside aniipasaŋit- (i) to not remain outside for
very long
isiġmiu- (i) to be indoors, inside; to stay isiġmiupasaŋit- (i) to not remain inside
in a cave during hibernation (of bears) very long
Utqiaġvigmiit- to be in Barrow, Alaska Utqiaġvigmiipasaŋit- (i) to stay in Barrow
for a short time

+p/vatit- vv (limited) to V quickly and clearly § -tit-2 vv

aviluq- (i) to be resonant aviluġaq- or aviluaqpatit- (i) to make a
loud clang (of metal)
igniq fire igniqpatit- or igniġuuqpatit- (i) to strike,
igniġuuq- (i) to spark; to flash, as of a of lightning; to spark once
bolt of lightning
imiak- (i) to transmit sound well, be imiakpatit- (i) to transmit sound
resonant, as of an empty barrel, hollow
spaces, etc.
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suvatit- (i) to make a bang, noise when it
(t) to do what to her/him/it hits (of bullet); (t) to hit it making a bang,

-payaaġu indicates that the appropriate or preferred time is further up the time
scale | -payaaq- vn +[g]u(n)- adverb
aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun (excl.) aaqagupayaaġu a little while later
wait; wait a minute; in a moment,
shortly, in a while, in a little while, after
a while, later on
anaqagu this evening still to come anaqagupayaaġu later on this evening
(said in early evening)
qakugu (adv) when, at what time in the qakugupayaaġu anytime
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuapayaaġu a little later tonight (said in
yesterday; to become night early night)

-payaaq nn each and every N

iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglupayaaq every house » iglupayaaq
build a structure over it nanniaġiksuq every house is brightly lit

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñupayaaq every person » iñupayaaq
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to niġipkaqtaŋa she fed every person
surprise her/him/it
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis qimmipayaaq every dog » qimmipayaat
lupus forma familiaris) pituitchuat tuqutchaġisi kill every dog
that is not tied up
sumi located where sumipayaaq everywhere

-payaaq- (with consequential or conditional endings) vv each and everytime one Vs

§ -tuaq- vv
qamŋui- (i) to snore qamŋuipayaaq- (i) every time she/he
snores » qamŋuipayaaqpan
avaalallaayumautin holler every time he
uqaqsaq- (i) to begin to speak uqaqsapayaaq- (i) every time she/he
begins to talk » uqaqsapayaaġman
iglaŋaviñakasaktaġa I smiled broadly at
him everytime he began to speak

-payaaq(-) vv, vn to be a bit more V; one which is a bit more V (indicates that the
subject possesses the higher quality or the most quantity)
akiit- (i) to lose, be defeated; to be akiipayaaq a less expensive item »
cheap, inexpensive uumiŋa akiipayaamik piñiaqtuŋa I will
take this one here which is less expensive
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amipayaaq a narrower item » pigña
slender amipayaaq qairruŋ give me that one up
there which is narrower
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqipayaaq a softer item » taamna
bite or touch aqipayaaqpa is that one softer
iñugiakit- (i) to be few iñugiakipayaaq- (i) to be less numerous »
iñugiakipayaaqtut ukua these are fewer
maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, maptupayaaq a less thick item »
skin, book kattumiŋa maptupayaamik aitchuġuŋ
give him that thicker one down there
nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in nakuupayaaq(-) a better item; (i) to be
good health better; (i) to be improved in health » una
nakuupayaaqtuq this one is better
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a siqqupayaaq(-) a harder or more rigid
person or object); (i) to be opinionated item; (i) to be harder or more rigid »
(of a person) kanna siqqupayaaqtuq uumaŋŋa that one
down there is harder than this one here
taki- (i) to be long takipayaaq(-) a longer item; (i) to be
longer » taamna takipayaaq
qaġġisuuttuuŋ bring that one which is

-payuk(-) vv, nn indicates that the person or animal deserves pity and is V-ing
regardless; the pitiful N
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigipayuk(-) a worn out old parka; (i) to
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on put a parka on (of a person deserving of
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him compassion or pity) » atigipayuŋa
ilaaqviiññaq his poor parka is full of
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isipayuk- (i) to come inside (of person
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it deserving of pity or compassion); (t) to
inside, to place it inside bring her/him/it in (of person deserving of
pity or compassion) » isipayuktuaq
mauŋa he entered here although we did
not think he would
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamipayuk(-) poor, old boot; to put boots
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; on (her/him) » kamipayuga
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots qilaiqsimaruaq my poor boot has gotten a
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it hole on its sole
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete naatchipayuk- (i) to eventually finish
something something (of a person whom one thought
would not finish) » naatchipayuktuaq she
finally finished regardless of all her
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġipayuk- to eat (it) (of a person
deserving of pity or compassion) » ikka
niġipayuktuq over there, the poor thing is
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmipayuk decrepit dog »
forma familiaris) qimmipayuŋa tuquruaq his poor dog
tuttaaq- (i) to go to bed tuttaapayuk- (i) to go to bed (of a person
deserving pity or compassion) »
tuttaapayugiñ go to bed, you pitiful

-piaġataġaġi- (t) would really, intently V her/him/it each time | -piaq(-)2 vv, nn -
ataq-1 vv +[t/r]aġi- vv
uqaut-¤ or uqauti- (t) to speak, talk to uqautipiaġataġaġi- (t) would really talk to
her/him/it | -ut-3vv or :uti- vv her/him/it each time
qiñiq- to look at, watch, behold, qiñipiaġataġaġi- (t) would really look at
see (her/him/it) her/him/it each time

-piaġataġaq- vv to V with intensity each time

-piaġataq(-) vv, nn to V with intensity; one that truly is a N | -piaq(-)2 vv, nn -ataq-1 vv
aamaŋa- or aamaŋaaq- (i) to be mildly aamaŋaapiaġataq a really goofy person
retarded; (i) to be stupid by nature; (i) to

pay no heed to one’s surroundings; (i) to
be obtuse, imperceptive and dull; (i) to
be clumsy
atuq-1 to sing (it) atupiaġataq- to sing (it = song)
enthusiastically » amma atupiaġataqtuq
he is really singing at the top of his lungs
(in the next room, not visible)
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġipiaġataq- to eat (it) enthusiastically »
ki, niġipiaġataġiñ go ahead, eat as much as
you can
saglutu- (i) to tell lies frequently; (i) to saglutupiaġataq compulsive liar »
be a prolific liar saglutupiaġataq taigña iñuk that person
over there is a big liar
tiipak a flirt tiipapiaġataq one who never ceases to flirt
» tiipapiaġataq ikka over there is a real
uumisuk- (i) to be angry, feel mean uumisupiaġataq- (i) to be very angry »
igña aġnaq uumisupiaġataqtuq that
woman over there is definitely angry

-piallak- vv to be truly, really, completely, totally V | -piaq- vv -llak- vv -piaġataq- vv

aġnaġik- (i) to be pretty, attractive (of a aġnaġipiallak- (i) to be truly beautiful
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it nakuaġipiallak- (t) to truly love her/him/it
» nakuaġipiallakkiga taigña I totally love
that one over there
puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to puqipiallak- (i) to be very intelligent, very
learn quick to learn
tavrapiallak precisely! exactly!
uumisuk- (i) to be angry, feel mean uumisupiallak- (i) to be very angry

+p/viaq- vv might V (if given the chance or opportunity)

ayaksaaq- (i) to proceed into water; to ayaksaaqpiaq- (i) might venture out into
take off in a boat; to walk into the water the water » ullaguŋ ayaksaaqpiaqtuq go
to him, he might start going in the water
1 g
ii- [i i] (t) to swallow it iiviaq- (t) might swallow it » qaiññagu
iiviaġaa do not give it to him, he might
swallow it
iraġuq- or iraġuaq- (i) to hit or hurt iraġuqpiaq- (i) might poke the eye; (t)
one's eye; (t) to hit or hurt her/his/its eye might poke her/his/its eye » tamattumiŋa
tigumiaŋaiġiñ, iraġuqpiaqtutin stop
carrying that long thing around, you might
injure your eye with it

-piaq(-)1 vv, nn to really, truly V; the real or orignal N
[Before the coming of the whaling boats from other parts of the world, the
Iñupiat did not use lumber to plank their boats; they used the skins of the
walrus and other sea mammals to cover their boat frames; with the coming
of the White whalers, came lumber; to distinguish the skin-covered boats
from the wooden boats, the suffix -piaq was attached to the word for boat
umiaq giving umiapiaq, "the real, original boat= skin covered boat";
likewise, the word Iñupiaq is used to distinguish an Eskimo from a
non-Eskimo; and niqipiaq [with the suffix –piaq attached] is used to refer to
"meat" traditionally eaten by Iñupiat]
avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a avipiaq- to really divorce (her/him); (i) to
divorce; (t) to separate themd, who are really split one’s pants » avipiaqpik did I
fighting; to divorce her/him really split my pants
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igapiaq- to cook (it = meat) by boiling it
[the tradional way of cooking meat]; (t) to
really cook it by boiling it
igaaq boiled food, cooked food, food igaapiaq boiled meat
which is being cooked
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglupiaq sod house
build a structure over it

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; Iñupiaq north Alaskan Eskimo person;
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to north Alaskan Eskimo language
surprise her/him/it
itquma- (i) to be awake itqumapiaq- (i) to be really awake
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamipiak fur bootsd
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot;
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
niqi food, meat niqipiaq meat (this refers to the meat of
animals taken by a hunter)
nuut- to move (her/him/it) nuupiaq- (i) to really move or relocate; (t)
to really move or relocate her/him/it »
Ulġuniġmun nuupiaġniaqpisi will you
definitely move to Wainwright
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiapiaq skin-covered boat
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals;
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

-piaq(-)2 nn, nv (limited) the ultimate N

aapa father; grandfather (modern use) ¤aapiaq eldest brother
amaġuq wolf, gray wolf (Canis lupus) amaġupiaq white, gray wolf
atuun song; record; piece of music atuutipiaq(-) song for a “common” dance
(in which dance movements are not
choreographed); (i) to sing a “common”

dance song (as opposed to a song for a
“motion” dance in which dance
movements are choreographed)
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one of a
of mittens or boots; (i) to be provided pair of anything
with a companion or a partner; (t) to
provide her/him/it with a partner,
companion, or a complement
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaqpiaq wide expanse of open water
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; starting from the edge of landlocked shore
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready ice
it for scraping
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukatpiaq young man
nukaaluk younger sibling
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaapiaq highest point
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top
surface on it
qalliq(-) outermost part, top part, qalliqpiaq topmost one
topmost one; (i) to be now covered; (t)
to cover, top her/him/it with something
qulliq one on top; lamp qulliqpiaq absolute top
tuunġaaġruk surf scoter (Melanitta tuunġaaġrupiaq common scoter
perspiccillata); (Nu) white-winged (Oidemia nigra)
scoter (Melanitta deglandi)

-piġuq(-) nn, nv (limited) to don a N; item for the N

ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilupiġuq- (i) to put on long underwear,
(t) to surround her/him/it longjohns, a union suit; (t) to put long
underwear on her/him
kian or kiati torso, upper front kiapiġuq(-) vest; to put a vest on
part of body; blouse (her/him/it)

+piiññaq(-) nn, vv (limited) to be or become thoroughly V; one that is thoroughly

endowed with the qualities of the N
iluilliq- or iluilliq- or (Ti) iłuilliq- (i) to iluilliqpiiññaq- (i) to become sick
become sick, unwell, troubled, grieved; repeatedly; to get out of order repeatedy; to
(i) to become malfunctioning; (t) to become dysfunctional
cause it to not look right, or function
ipiq2 [ipiQ] dirt ipiqpiiññaq real dirty one

-pik- or -pIk- vv (limited) to V somewhat

nutqaq- (i) to stop; to die nutqapik- (i) to hesitate
tuyyapiktaq- (i) to limp

-pIk nn (limited) example of N; final suffix of some nouns § +qpIk nn
aqpik3 cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
ikpik [ikpIk] bluff; steep bank of river; cliff
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalukpik arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
catch a fish
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary Kuukpik Colville River; (Nu) main channel
of a river (which has branched)
mitquapik (Nu) small willow which
grows close to the ground
niqi food, meat niqpik boneless meat (game or fish)
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of
traditional skin pants); the length of the
backside of a parka or snowshirt
saqpik(-) tail of whale; one whose feet are
turned outward; (i) to turn one’s feet
outward; (i) to begin a game of Iñupiaq
soccer by placing the ball between two
opposing players, each attempts to then to
kick the ball toward the opposite team’s
sipik caudal fin, fishtail
siqpik eyelash
ukpik snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
uqpik willow (Salix)

-piksuaq- vv to V much more § -łhaaq(-) nv, vv

aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋipiksuaq- (i) to be much larger »
aŋipiksuaqtuq samma nukaalua his
younger brother is much larger
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katapiksuaq- (i) to fall even further
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or
passageway); (i) to fall off
miki- (i) to be small mikipiksuaq- (i) to be much smaller

+piq- vv (limited) to V for some duration

ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayapiq- (i) to prop oneself up with one's
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of hands; (t) to accidently lean on it for
a spear or harpoon; old-style, support with one's hands
long-handled spear, “big whaling
harpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical support
post (of sleeping platform);(i) to be
propped up with a pole (refers only to
the moment of completion); (t) to prop it
= a leaning object up to keep it from
falling down
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of iqpiq- (i) to be open (of door, tent flap, lid,

worm, fist, etc. book); (t) to open it = door, tent flap, lid,
kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) kunipiq- to kiss (her/him/it) repeatedly
to smack into each other (of juggling
stones); (t) to bring it near to the nose to
makpiq- (i) to now be opened (of tent
flap, book); to turn (of a page); (t) to
open it = book, tent flap, etc.; to turn it =
page of book
¤qapiq-1 (Nu) to scoop off the fat rising
from boiled meat
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and give
up; (i) to turn back, proceed no higher,
ukpiq- (i) to believe, be convinced of a fact

¤+pit- vv § +mit- vv and -vit- vv

akpit- to begin to sing or say (it = song or
kapit- (i) to be tight-fitting; (t) to fit an
outer piece over inner, e.g., snowshirt over
kipit- (i) to become stained, dyed; (i) to be
brewed (of tea); (t) to stain, to dye it; (t) to
influence her/him/it so that her/his/its
behavior resembles one’s own
naipit- (t) to watch her/him/it closely, spy on
napit- (i) to become snared, trapped; (i) to
become fastened; (t) to trap, snare it
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance
sipit- (t) to exceed it = expected amount, to
get more than it = expected amount; (i) to
now be exceeded (of expected amount)
tapit- (i) to be folded over; (i) to walk
abreast of each other, side by side; (t) to
shoot them = two animals or things with one
arrow or bullet; (Ti) (t) for wet clothing to
soak her/his skin
tupit-1 (i) to have food stuck in one’s throat
ukpit- (t) to hem it
upit- (i) to rush eagerly to do something; (i)
to get excited; (i) to pay heed suddenly, as to
a noise or what one sees

-pkaaq- vv (limited) to V for a while § -kaaq- vv
°sanI (root) broadside, side sanipkaaq- (i) to pace back and forth; to
stagger while walking
uli or ulinniq [ulinniQ] high water, ulipkaaq- (i) to become completely full;
flood (t) to fill it completely
unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it unipkaaq(-) [unipkaraq] or ulipkaaq(-)
behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it or unipkaq legend, old story, fable, myth;
(i) to tell a legend, fable or myth; (t) to tell
it = a mythical story

+pkaġniapiaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)(t) to contend, fight for
her/him/it to be allowed, be permitted, let, be forced to V; (i) to contend, to fight for
oneself to be allowed, be permitted, let, be forced to be V-ed | +pkaq- vv +niapiaq-vv §
m tinniapiaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant)

+pkaq-1 vv to allow, cause, etc. § mtit- vv

-pkaq-2 vv (limited) to V with exaggeration

aniqtiġi- (i) to be breathing aniqtipkaq- (i) to be panting, short of
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, aupkaġniq rotten ice
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat,
fish); (i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
siiq-1 (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) siiqsipkaq- (i) to sweat
to leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat,
suka- (i) to be fast sukapkaq- (t) to be fast (of pulse)

+pkaqtitaq(-) vv (limited) (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel) to coerce

her/him into V-ing
±titaq(-) vv (limited) (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtitaq- (t) to coerce her/him to enter
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuqtitaq- (t) to coerce her/him to climb
move to a higher position (of person), up
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
tuttaaq- (i) to go to bed tuttaaqtitaq- (t) to coerce her/him to bed

+ppaguti- vv (limited) | perhaps +ppak- vv +uti- vv

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilappaguti- (i) to become sure of oneself

name; companion, friend, partner; part amongst strangers; to become well
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, acquainted and feel at ease with people; (t)
co-member; (i) to become extended, to become sure of oneself around her/him;
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house, to become well acquainted and feel at ease
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it; with her/him
(t) to come and be a co-participant with

+ppak- vv (limited) to assume a position or condition of V-ing

ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayappak- (i) to lean one's hands on
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of something
a spear or harpoon; old-style,
long-handled spear, “big whaling
harpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical support
post (of sleeping platform);(i) to be
propped up with a pole (refers only to
the moment of completion); (t) to prop it
= a leaning object up to keep it from
falling down
iki-2 (i) to burn ikuappak- (t) to raise it (lamp flame)
*niku- (root) squatting nikuappak- or nikuppak- (t) to
raise it = flame of oil lamp

-ppak vn (limited) result of V-ing or being V

agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, agiukpak or (Ti) agiuppak wall of
or cut (it) away with a file sheared ice along the edge of an open lead
of water that has been formed by the
grinding action of floating ocean ice
against shore-locked ice
ayau- (i) to become blind ayauppak walking stick, crutch, cane
iliaġruk or iliappak or iliappałuk,
iliappałuuraq poor person; orphan
paya- (t) to be unable to manage or payaappak feeble, weak person
defeat her/him/it; (t) to be not strong
enough to lift or move it

+ppI- vv (limited) to hold the position indicated by the N § +mmI- vv

°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquppi- to be sitting (on her/him/it) »
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern aquppirut natiġmi they are sitting on the
of boat; final chapter of story; some floor
time after; downriver end of an island
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuppiŋa- (i) to be born feet first
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be

late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
°sanI (root) broadside, side ¤sanippi- to walk back and forth

+ppiaq vn (limited)
ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayauppiaq walking stick, crutch, cane
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of
a spear or harpoon; old-style,
long-handled spear, “big whaling
harpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical support
post (of sleeping platform);(i) to be
propped up with a pole (refers only to
the moment of completion); (t) to prop it
= a leaning object up to keep it from
falling down

+ppiaq- vv (limited)
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuppiaq- (i) to move, step backward
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); once
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it

-pqaŋa- vv to enjoy V-ing now since one had not done the activity for quite some
aŋuniaq- to hunt (it = game animal) aŋuniapqaŋa- (i) to enjoy hunting after
not hunting for a while »
aŋuniapqaŋalgitchuq imma he is once
again enjoying hunting
ilaqaq- (i) to have relatives ilaqapqaŋa- (i) enjoy visiting with
maktaktuq- (i) to eat maktak maktaktupqaŋa- (i) to enjoy eating
“maktak” not having had any for a long
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takupqaŋa- (t) to enjoy visiting with
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the her/him after not having seen her/him for
hospital; (t) to check on it some time

-pqaŋauti- vv (limited) to enjoying V= ing with each other after an absence

taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takupqaŋauti- (i) to enjoy visiting
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the with each other after not having seen
hospital; (t) to check on it each other for some time

-pqaq- vv (limited) to V with difficulty, to barely V; to V unexpectedly (commonly
found in combination with :uraq- vv)
akpak- (i) to reach the summit when akpapqaq- to barely manage to climb on
climbing; (i) to take a step up; (i) to (to it)
climb up through the entrance hole into
a traditional subterranean sod house; (i)
to come through the door of a
communal house (of a dancer in a
dance); (i) to push one’s way through a
crowd, navigate through a crowded
place; (i) to overcome a personal
problem, crisis; (t) to reach its summit
when climbing; (t) to overcome it = a
personal problem or crisis
atqaq- or aqqaq- (i) to descend, go atqapqauraq- (i) to barely make it down,
down; (i) to step down from a tall descend
vehicle; (t) to put her/him/it down
physically; (t) to remove her/him =
baby from the back of one’s parka
kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making kiapqaq- (i) to keep on going without an
edges overlap; (t) to go for or pass it = a expected stop, to go beyond what one
12 hour time period, especially to sleep intended to do
or go without sleep for more than l2
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makipqaq- (i) to barely stand or get up
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright

-pqaqtaq- vv to V with difficulty; to V infrequently, rarely

makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makipqaqtaq- (i) to rarely stand up; to
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright barely be able to stand up
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pipqaqtaq- (i) to perform minimally, to be
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to a weakling » taavamna aŋun
her/him; an entity pipqaqtaŋitchuq that man is not to be
taken lightly, he is not a weakling

-pqatit- vv (limited) to V violently, noisily

misaq- (i) to smack the lips moistly misapqatit- (i) to splash violently
(once) with a thud

-pqaułłIk- vv to just barely, narrowly V, but was almost prevented from doing so
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anipqaułłik- or anipqauraq- (i) to
born; (i) to emerge from the den in narrowly make one’s way out, escape
spring (of hibernating animal)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isipqaułłik- (i) to narrowly make one’s
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it way inside, enter; (t) to narrowly set it
inside, to place it inside inside

iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuupqaułłik- (i) to barely survive, remain
pilluk- (i) to survive danger; (i) to pillupqaułłik- (i) to narrowly escape
escape death; (i) to survive an illness or
tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to tiŋipqaułłik- (i) to narrowly take flight
become airborne (of airplane, helicopter,

-pqauraq(-) vv, nn to just barely, narrowly V; barely, hardly a N

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anipqauraq- (i) to just barely exit
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
ati-2 (t) to put it = garment on atipqauraq- (t) to barely be able to put it
on (it almost did not fit)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñupqauraq small person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to obtain isapqauraq- (t) to just barely obtain it by
it = a C.O.D. package at the post office reaching for it
niqi food, meat niqipqauraq small piece of meat »
niqipqauramik aitchuġaa he gave her a
small piece of something to eat

-pqigi- vv (limited) | *-pqi- vn +[g]i- vv

nalu- to not know, be ignorant of nalupqigi- (t) to have doubts about her/him
(her/him/it); to be uninformed (about
*nalupqi (stem) doubt

-pqinaq- vv (limited) | *-pqi- +naq(-) vv, vn

nalu- to not know, be ignorant of nalupqinaq- (i) to be unpredictable,
(her/him/it); to be uninformed unreliable; to be an uncertainty
(about her/him/it)

-pquaq nn (limited) item associated with N

ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; ilupquaq (Ti) undershirt
(t) to surround her/him/it
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaapquak two twigs used to prop open an
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; owl or ptarmigan snare
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust qalipquaq (Ti) shirt

-pqumiaq- vv (limited)
ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ¤ayapqumiaq- (i) to help oneself along by

object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of holding on to something moving, as a sled
a spear or harpoon; old-style,
long-handled spear, “big whaling
harpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical support
post (of sleeping platform);(i) to be
propped up with a pole (refers only to
the moment of completion); (t) to prop it
= a leaning object up to keep it from
falling down

-ptaq nn (limited) an object resembling a N or has undergone a V-ing § check out

±aq1 vn
niaquq head, skull ¤niaquptaq dome-shaped hill; shaped like
top of head
piŋu(-) isolated ice mound, knoll; dome, piŋuptaq (Nu) small rounded hill, not
isolated hill; pimple, swelling on skin; rocky
swell (crestless wave or succession of
waves); (i) to develop a pimple; to form
swells (of ocean)
qiliq- (t) to tie it into a knot; to bind, tie qiliptaq(-) (Ti) one whose neck has been
her/him/it up wrung; (t) to wring it = neck of something,
esp., a duck

+ptinniq nn (limited) result of a V-ing | perhaps mtiq- vv mtit- vv +nniQ1 vn

aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up aluktinniq snow cliff
food or water into the mouth with the
tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuqtinniq sea ice which has been pushed
(i) to reach shore onto shore
attinniq hole or thin spot in sea ice near
mouth of river, which has melted as river
breaks up
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qa a] top side; qaaptinniq overflow water from a crack
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; in the ice on river or ocean
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it

-ptit- nv (limited) to surpass the N

qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaaptit- (i) to spread over a surface (of
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; liquid); to overflow from a crack in ice (of
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface water)
on it


+q-1 or .-q-1 or ‘-q-1 or ‘.-q-1 vv, rv (limited) to V (indicates an entrance into a different
state of being, a prolongation of a state of being; or repetition or continuation or
intensification of an action) § +t/raq-1 vv, -t/raġaq- vv, +uq-2 vv, +aq-1 vv , +q-2 nv
agma- (i) to be open, uncovered, agmaq- (i) to become open, to now be open;
unlocked (t) to open it
aġyuk- (i) to travel around; to walk, aġyuuq- (i) to be fast, to hurry
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniiq- (i) to be outside
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
aŋiq- (i) to say “yes,” to nod “yes,” to aŋŋaq- to keep saying or nodding “yes” (to
signify “yes” by raising the eyebrows; (t) her/him)
to say, nod or signify “yes” to her/him
aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋuq- (t) to tag her/him/it
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach
her/his height
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); appuq- to repeatedly bump or crash (into
(i) to reach shore her/him/it)
*argua (root) audacious, bold arguaq- to doubt (her/him/it)
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling camp
underside; down from the village; (i) to travel from inland
towards the ocean after hunting
aula- (i) to move around, show aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) to
movement, be in motion start (of engine)
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of igluktuuq- to do something (to it) using
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with both hands
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
*iġi2 (root) moisture iġġuq- (i) to be rinsed, washed; (t) to rinse,
wash it
ikiaqtala- (i) to experience a tingling ikiaqtalaaq- (i) to experience a prolonged
sensation, often from anticipation tingling sensation; (i) to experience the
“creeps”; (i) to feel unsettled
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kappuq- or kavluq- (i) to repeatedly stab
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce oneself, repeatedly give oneself shots; (t) to
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an repeatedly stab, pierce, prick her/him/it; to
injection to her/him/it repeatedly give her/him/it shots or injections
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigiq- to tear (it) apart with one's teeth
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
miluk(-) nipple of breast; milluaq- to suck (it)
breast; (Ti) milk (commercial or
human); (i) to nurse, of child; (t)

to suck it = breast, thumb, etc;
to take a puff on it = cigarette,
cigar or pipe
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naaġniq measurement of breadth of one’s
out arms outstretched; fathom
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure nakuqsi- (Ti, Nu) (i) to get better, improve;
(t) to improve, fix, repair, make it better
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a nappaq- (t) to erect, build it = structure; (t)
house, pole, tree to set it upright, stand it up
niliq(-) flatus = escaping air from poke nillaq- (i) to fart repeatedly
or float; (i) to fart
nipta- (i) to be clear (of weather) niptaq- to become clear (of weather); (i) to
become visible, come into view, to appear
nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do nunuq- (t) to pinch, tighten it
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqiiq- or nuqiittaq- (i) to keep pulling; (t)
to pull continuously on (it = rope, etc.)
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as she/he/it
another arrives; (t) to travel, progress into it = wind,
water current
palu- (i) to be depressed, be in bad palluq- (i) to lie prone; (i) to crouch down
condition mentally or physically; (Ti) to (of animals); (Ti) to lower the head, bow
become skinny, lose weight
sagvi- [sagvI] (i) to be visible, in view sagviq- (t) to let it become obvious; (t) to
bring it into the open; (t) to take it out (e.g.,
out of a bag); (i) to explain oneself; (i) to
make a point; (i) to appear, as in court; (i) to
come in view
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapiq- (t) to not do it = task feeling that it is
make passage unsuitable or impossible impossible or too formidable to even try; (t)
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river to be fearful, wary of her/him/it
*siga (root) a sizzling, gurgling, or siggaq- (i) to make a sizzling noise
rushing sound
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suppuqtaq(-) ¤(Ti) long-stemmed, old-style
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out pipe; (i) to give off exhaust (of any engine);
(t) to give off exhaust toward her/him/it (of
any engine)
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siqummaq- (i) to shatter; (t) to break or
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to shatter it with repeated action
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
suviu- (i) to sting (of a cut when suviuq- (i) to smart, burn (of an injury)
medicine is applied)

+q- or ‘-q-2 or .-q-2 or -q-2 nv, vv to say N; to do N; to say that something is V; to be V
(initial consonant t of verb endings is not palatalized even when strong I is lengthened)
§ +q-1 vv
aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakaaq- to say "aaka"(to her)

aakkuu a chant to be sung during a aakkuuq- (i) to play aakkuu; (i) to play
game where one teams holds an object "red rover, red rover, red rover, come over"
and instructs a member of the opposing
team how to retrieve it without smiling
or laughing
aanaruuraq(-) a competitive game in aanaruurraq- (i) to play the game of
which two persons kneel side-by-side "aanaruuraq"
with knees touching, grasp each other
around the shoulders and under the
armpits, and try to unbalance the other;
the competitor who unbalances his
opponent on both the right and left side
is the winner; (i) to play "aanaruuraq"
aaqqaa (excl.) phew, what a bad smell!; aaqqaaq- (i) to say “aaqqaa”; (i) to be foul
how foul smelling!; don't touch it, it’s smelling
aattai (excl.) oh, how cute!; oh, how aattaiq- (i) to be cute or pretty
apai or apay (Ti) (excl.) enough!; that's apaiq- (i) to be enough
plenty! too much!; lots!
araa (excl.) no, I don’t want to; oh, no!; araaq- (i) to be excessive (too loud, too
too much!; (showing dismay) oh, oh, talkative, etc.); to say “araa” (to her/him)
you’re going to get in trouble!
ikkii (excl.) icky!; oh, how dirty! ikkiiq- (i) to be dirty, grimy
manna mannaa Iñupiaq game with mannamannaaq- (i) to play the game
two teams standing opposite each other, "manna mannaa"
both teams with circular home bases
and a smaller circular jail situated to the
right of the home base; the object of the
game is for all members of one team to
circle the opposing team's home base
and return to their own home base
without getting tagged; a player is put
in jail if she or he is tagged by the other
team while in their “field”; she/he can
be taken out of jail only if a member of
her or his team runs into the jail and
tags her or him; a player is considered
"safe" if she or he enters the opposite
team's home base before being tagged;
the team with the least number of

players “in jail” at the conclusion of the
game, wins

+q-3 dv (limited) this suffix changes a demonstrative adverb in the terminalis or ablative
case or a dimensional root to a verb stem § +q-1 vv, -q-2 nv
ikaŋŋa from over there (restricted and ikaŋŋaq- (i) to progress from there
visible) (restricted and visible spot) to here
iktumuŋa or iksrumuŋa or igrumuŋa, iktumuŋaq- (i) to go from here to there
[dual ikkugnuŋa, pl.ikkunuŋa] to that (restricted and visible target) »
one over there (restricted and visible) iktumuŋaġitchi youp go over to that one
which is over there (restricted and visible)
ikuŋa to over there (restricted and ikuŋaq- (i) to go there (restricted and visible
visible) spot) from here; (t) to place it on that
(restricted and visible) spot » ikuŋaġuŋ put
it over there
kivuŋa to up the coast (restricted and kivuŋaq- (i) to go to that area which is in the
visible) east (restricted and visible)
pauŋa to up there on the wall, the pauŋaq- (i) to travel inland »
ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; to pauŋaġniaqtuŋa uvlaakun i will go inland
up there away from the ocean; to up tomorrow
there, upriver (extended and visible)

‘.q-4 (limited) dv (this suffix changes a demonstrative adverb in the vialis case to a verb
stem) | see Appendix 3 § +[t]aq-2 nv
avuuna via, through over there avuunnaaq- (i) to travel via, through over
(extended and visible) there (extended and visible)
ikuuna via, through there (restricted and ikuunnaaq- (i) to travel via, through, over
visible) there (restricted and visible)
pikuuna via, through up there on the pikuunnaaq- (i) to travel via, through up
wall, the ceiling, or in the sky above eye there (restricted and visible)
level; via, through up there away from
the ocean; via, through up there, upriver
(restricted and visible)
unuuna via, through down there, e.g., on unuunnaaq- (i) to travel via, through down
or near the ocean, downriver, or by the there, e.g., on or near ocean, downriver, by
door (extended, visible); via the the door (extended and visible)
southside of Tikiġaq

'-Q or ‘-.Q vn, rn (limited) end-product, result of V-ing; one that is V or has been V-ed §
±aq1 or ‘-aq vn, +qsraq vn, +t/raq vn
ailaq- (i) to be damp or wet aillaq dampness, moisture; something or
someone which is drenched
alik- to tear or rip (it) allaq a perforation, hole, a rip
aŋi- (i) to be big, large aŋŋiiq something big or huge

atuq-2 to use (it); to wear (it) attuq something worn out, used abusively;

old, used clothing; one who has been
married before
avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two; avvaq a half of something
(t) to divide it in half, in two pieces
kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making kiappaq joint, articulation (especially of
edges overlap; (t) to go for or pass it = a pieces of wood)
12 hour time period, especially to sleep
or go without sleep for more than l2
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; to kikkaq notch, gap, broken section (as in
break off a piece from it = wood wood)
kilak- (i) to get perforated; to develop a killaq hole, perforation in clothing, boat,
hole; (t) to pierce, perforate, make a hole house, etc.; fontanelle, soft spot on baby’s
in it head
kilIq- [kIlIq] (i) to cut oneself killiq cut on skin; sore
accidently; (t) to cut her/him/it
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kippaq cut-off piece
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
kittiq- (t) to slice it kittaq strip of animal skin to be used for
rope; something sliced
kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to kuvviq liquid spilled (on something); puddle
spill, pour it out of spilled liquid; something poured out
kivvii- to fill, stuff (it) kivviq caribou stomach filled with fat, then
cooked, dried, and eaten
maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, skin, maptuuq thi ck one
napi- (i) to break in half; (t) to cut, break nappaq something which has been cut in
it in half half, crosswise split; hump of hunchback
naulik- (t) to harpoon it = whale, seal, naullaq object or being harpooned or
walrus; to spear it = bear speared
navik- to break (it) navvaq broken thing or piece; a break,
nuki- (i) to crack, fracture, split nukkaq a crack, fracture, split
paŋalik- (i) to run on all fours, gallop; paŋallaq animal exhausted from running
(Nu) (t) to cause it = animal to run, whose meat is considered undesirable
gallop because the meat has become tough because
it has become tough or unpleasant tasting
due to stress and exertion
*piq (root) bend, curve piqqiq joint
piyuk- or piyuaq- (t) to beat her/him/it piyyuq one that has been abused
up, manhandle her/him/it; (t) to abuse

her/him/it verbally; (t) try to kill
qatitu- (i) to have a low-pitched voice qatittuuq one with a low voice or sound
qau- [qagu] (i) for day to break qaummaq brightness
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimmaq fugitive
her/him/it behind
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split quppaq open crack; one piece of something
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain; split lengthwise
half-dollar coin
sana- to whittle, carve (it = wood, sannaq curved chip left over from whittling
soapstone, etc.)
savigaq- (i) to cut baleen into thin strips savikkaq shaving of wood or baleen
(suitable for lashing and basket
weaving); (t) to strip it = baleen (for use
in making baskets, fishline, etc.)
silik- (i) to be wide sillaq wide one
sipi- (i) to change from male to female in sippaq or sippaku(-) surplus, something left
the womb or during birth (of a fetus) over, remainder; to have some (of it) left
over as remainder; (t) to leave some for
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siqummaq broken fragment
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
taki- (i) to be long takkiiq something long
*tusaq (root) audible tutchaq oral account, news
ulima- (i) to use an adze; (t) to cut it ulimmaq chip of wood or flint
with an adze

+qaaq(-) vv to V first; the first N | ±qqaaq-1 vv

-qaaq nn (limited) | perhaps -qak nn -aq2 nn

aŋayuk (Nu) older sibling aŋayuqaak parents

-qak nn, vn (limited) one associated with N

aŋayuk (Nu) older sibling aŋayuqak old man
saa [sara2] front of body or garment; area satqak chest (anatomical)
immediately in front of something; lap,
the front part of the lower trunk and
thighs of a seated person; seaward,
taqak blood vessel, vein
tui or tuiqqak shoulder

-qałhiñaq- or (Nu) -qałġiñaqaq- nv (limited) to have only N | -qaq- nv -łhiñaq- vv

aġnaiyaaq girl (pre-teen); a female aġnaiyaaqałhiñaq- (i) to have only girls

human baby
aŋutaiyaaq boy (pre-teen); a male aŋutaiyaaqałhiñaq- (i) to have only boys
human baby

+qammIq- vv to V recently § ±qqammIq- vv

±qan or ±qati vn, nn (limited) partner, companion in V-ing; relationship involving a V (this
suffix is usually followed by a possessive ending)
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaqan matrilateral parallel cousin
queen (suit in cards)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutiqan male's patrilateral parallel male being
avilait- (i) to be inseparable, of themd; (t) avilaitqan friend » avilaitqatin qaiñiaqpa
to be with her/him/it all of the time will your friend be coming
ikaaq- to cross over (it) ikaaqati companion in traveling across a
body of water » ikaaqatiginiaġiga I will go
across with her
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitqan companion in standing up »
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright makitqataa ilisaġiŋitchaġa I did not
recognize the person he stood up with
tuvaaq [tuvi aq] [pl. tuviġġat] or (Ti) tuvaaqan spouse, companion
tugaaq [pl. tigiġġat] hunter on foot
(usually on landlocked ice)

+qanaq- vv (limited)
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipitqanaq- (Ti) (i) to be sticky

-qaq- nv (i) to have, possess a N; (i) to attain the condition indicated by the root or stem; (t)
(limited) to have a N for her/him/it
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atqaq- or aqqaq- (i) to descend, go down;
underside; down (i) to step down from a tall vehicle; (t) to put
her/him/it down physically; (t) to remove
her/him = baby from the back of one’s parka
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atiqaq- (i) to have the name of; (t) to have
who shares the same name with another named it » kimik atiqaqpa who is he named
after; what is his name; atiqaġaa
qimmiaġruni "Yapumik" she calls her
puppy "Yapu”
kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making edges kiapqaq- (i) to keep on going without the
overlap; (t) to go for or pass it = a 12 expected stop
hour time period, especially to sleep or go
without sleep for more than l2 hours
*map (root) popping noise mapqaq- or mapqatit- (i) to fire a gun; (i)
to make the sound of a gunshot or
explosion; (i) to make a loud pop; (t) to fire
it = gun

miqłiqtuq child miqłiqtuqaq- (i) to have children in one’s
qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; middle; qitiqqaq- (i) to be at the middle, be halfway;
middle seat in umiak to be noon
talu(-) (Nu) door covering (originally a taluqaq- to have a cover (for it)
bear skin or caribou hide hung over a
tent opening); a cover to hide something;
ice shield or hunting blind, e.g., a white
camouflage screen placed on the edge of
the ice used to conceal whalers as they
wait; (t) to cover her/him/it from view;
(Nu) (t) to close it = door
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupiqaq- (i) to have a tent » tupiqaqtugut
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it) aŋŋiimik we have a big tent

-qaq or +qaq vn (limited)

ayupqaq (Ti) box, carton
kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it) ¤kusiqaq place where melting snow drips
*niuQ (root) inhale, intake air, breath in niuqqaq drink, hot beverage
tamuq- to chew (it) tamuqasiraaq piece of tough meat or hide
to chew on

±qasIq- vv (t) to V at the same time with her/him/it

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatqasiq- (t) to run with her/him
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqasiq- (t) to drink with her/him »
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable imiqasiqsai unnuaq she drank with them
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it) last night
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaqasiq- (t) to work with her/him
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiqasiq- (t) to eat with her/him
niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance niuqasiq- (t) to disembark with her/him/it
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out
of a conveyance or a container

+qasiraaq- vv (limited) to accidently or unintentionally V

agiuk- to grate, shear (it) against another agiuqasiraaq- (Ti) to rub against
object e.g., a boat grating against (her/him/it) accidentally; (i) to touch
another boat accidently
iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus iggiaqasiraaq- (Ti) (i) to be hoarse, barely
able to talk
nanuk- to rub something on (her/him/it) nanuiqasiraq- or nanuiqasiraaq- (i) to rub
against, touch accidentally; (t) to rub against

+qataq- or -qataq- or = qataq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly, to prolong V-ing
igit-2 (t) to throw it away; (t) to abandon igitqataq- (i) to keep throwing it away, to
her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him out of the keep discarding it
immiqsuq- (t) to be in the process of immiqsuqataq- (t) to apply water to it; to
filling it (e.g., a container, or an water it well periodically before it dries
application, as for a job)
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land itipqataq- or itivitqataq- (Nu) (i) to go
instead of following the water along the over, pass over something repeatedly
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around), and
come down the other side of it = e.g.,
malik- to follow, accompany maliqataq- to run after, chase (her/him/it)
uliq-1 (i) to speak in a dialect not one's uliqqataq- (t) to keep repeating it = word
own with a speaker of that dialect; (t) to unintentionally
hear it = faraway noise; to glimpse it =
something moving in a distance

-qattaaq- vv (limited) to go and V for a while for social purposes

iññiaq- or iññiaqattaaq- (i) to visit iññiaqattaaq- (i) to visit people
someone, people
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s home and
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it visit socially; (t) to go to her/his home and
inside, to place it inside visit her/him socially
qai- [qa I] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiqattaaq- (i) to come to visit
ullak- (t) to approach, go to her/him/it ullaqattaaq- (t) to approach her/him to visit

-qattalIq- vv (limited) to begin to V regularly § -t/raġalIq- vv

aŋuniaq- to hunt (it = game animal) aŋuniaqattaliq- (i) to begin to hunt
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuqattaliq- to begin to help (her/him)

-qauq- nv (limited)
*aq (root) taking away ¤aqqauq- (i) to bite on hook (of fish); (t) to
angle, fish for it with a hook
igniq fire igniqauq- (i) to build a fire outside

-qavigruŋIt- nv (perhaps limited to the contemporative II and Indicative endings)

to not have very much of N | -qaq- nv perhaps -vik- vv +rruk- vv ±ŋIt- vv
igniligauraq inboard motor boat igniligauraqavigruŋit- (i) to not have
many inboard motor boats »

igniligauraqavigruŋiñŋaan at a time
when there weren’t many inboard motor
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuqavigruŋit- (i) to not have many people,
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to to be sparsely populated »
surprise her/him/it iñuqavigruŋiñŋaan … at the time when
there weren't many people...
suppun rifle; gun supputiqavigruŋit- (i) to not have many
guns or rifles » supputiqavigruŋiñŋaan
at a time when there weren’t many guns
(Ekowana 1976:13)

+qayaq- vv almost V § ±qqayaq- vv

’-qhaaq- vv (limited) to V violently, quickly (usually not on purpose)

ayappak- (i) to support oneself with ayappaqhaaq- (i) to fall and land on one’s
one’s hand; (t) to place one’s hand on hands (to break the fall)
her/him/it and support oneself
palluq- (i) to lie prone; (i) to crouch palluqhaaq- or palluqhiaq- (i) to fall
down (of animals); (Ti) to lower the forward, headlong, with arms outstretched
head, bow
niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on nivvaqhaaq- (i) to fall backwards accidently
one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i) and forcefully
expose its underside
kurraq- (i) to put one’s head lower than kurraqhaaq- or kurraqhuaq- (i) to fall
one’s torso; to bow; (Ti) to lower one’s head over heels

-qhaaq(-) vv, nv (limited) to V for a period of time

ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayaqhaaq(-) string game; (i) to play a string
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of a game, e.g., “cat’s cradle”; (t) to tell it = story
spear or harpoon; old-style, long-handled using string figures
spear, “big whaling harpoon” (Nelson:
65); vertical support post (of sleeping
platform);(i) to be propped up with a
pole (refers only to the moment of
completion); (t) to prop it = a leaning
object up to keep it from falling down
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once sisuqhaaq- (i) to be sliding down a hill

-qhak vn (limited) one that is extremely V

kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviqhak something red, usually large and
maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black maŋaqhak something extremely dark
qatiq- (i) to be white qatiqhak something strikingly white

+qhiuti- vv (limited) to V with abandon
miluq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a ¤miluqhiuti- or miluġiuti- (i) to fling,
thrown object; (t) to shout hurtful throw oneself into or onto something; (t) to
words at her/him fling, throw her/him/it carelessly

-qhiuraq nn (limited) a small or short N

umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaqhiuraq or umiqhiuraq or (Ti)
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; imiaġiuraq small, open boat made of one or
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a two skins used for seal hunting; rowboat
whaling boat
iñuk(-) person, mortal; owner; core of iñuqhiuraq short strong man
boil; resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t)
to surprise her/him/it
qayaq one person skin kayak qayaqhiuraq a short kayak

-qhiaq- vv (limited) to V violently once

anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaqhiaq- (i) to have diarrhea suddenly
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to
fall or shoot (of a star)
minŋiq- or (Nu) mitŋiq- (i) to jump up minŋiqhiallak- (i) to jump up and down
and land on the same level as one once gracefully
started; (t) to jump over her/him/it
palluq- (i) to lie prone; (i) to crouch palluqhiaq- (i) to fall forward, headlong
down (of animals); (Ti) to lower the with arms outstretched
head, bow
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suppuqhiaq- (i) to spurt out, of liquid; (t) to
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out spurt it out

-qhIk- vv (limited) to V without cessation

nala- (i) to lie in a horizontal position on nalaqhik- (i) to lie around doing nothing
one's side or back
quiq- (Ti) (i) to cough quqhik- (i) to cough

-qhuaq- vv (limited) to V with highest intensity or degree § -qhiaq- vv

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaqhuaq- (i) to explode with laughter,
burst out laughing
kurraq- (i) to put one’s head lower than kurraqhuaq- (i) to fall head over heels
one’s torso; to bow; (Ti) to lower one’s
qayaq one person skin kayak ¤qayaqhuaq- (Nu) (i) to float above water
(like a shaman in his kayak)

-qhuk(-) vv (limited) to V with injury; one who Vs

*maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl makhuk- or maqhuk- (i) to bark in order
to gain attention (of dog or wolf); (Nu) (i)
to howl, bay (of dog or wolf) repeatedly

*tusiQ (root) limping tusiqhuk lame person or animal
tusiqhuk- (i) to limp

+qhuq rv (limited)
*ipu (root) closed mouth ipuqhuq- (i) to dive (of a seal, bird)
*uluq (root) unsteadiness uluqhuqtaaq- (i) to walk rocking from side
to side, to waddle

-qhuuq- vv (limited) indicates an extended event | +qhuq- rv .-q-1 vv

siuq- (i) to make a whistling noise (of a siuqhuutit- (i) to make a whistling sound
hoary marmot) while whizzing by (of a bullet or old squaw
duck diving from far up in the air)
takuyaq flag takuyaqhuuq- (t) to welcome the
messengers of the Messenger Feast by
putting up a flag and singing a dance song

-qi- or '-qi- vv (limited) to experience a V-ing

aggiq- [aggIq] (i) to arrive; (i) to come aggiqi- (t) to return home to her/him/it
ailaq- (i) to be damp or wet ailaqi- to get (it) wet
aniqtiġluaqi- (Ti) (i) to pant, be short of
auksaaqi- or auksaaqtiqi- or auvsaaqtiqi-
(i) for one to move around to stimulate blood
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullaqi- (i) to begin, start; (t) to begin to
to start (of engine) work on it
iñuilaaq or iñuiłaaq or iñuilaq empty, iñuilliqi- (i) to make oneself at home at
uninhabited, or deserted place another’s house (usually the home of a close
friend or relative) while they are gone
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kiviqi- (i) to have one’s pants fall down; to
pull down one’s pants; (t) to pull down
her/his pants
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuqi- (i) to pull up one’s pants; (t) to
move to a higher position (of person), pull up her/his pants
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
mumiq [mumiQ] (-) drumstick (of a mumaaqi- (Nu) (i) to do a Canadian Inuit
bird); hindquarter; upper back part of dance
thigh (of human); (Nu) (i) to dance in
the Canadian Inuit style
nimiq- or nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with nimmaqi- (t) to wrap something around it
something; to wind something around it
nuvak(-) a cold; mucus; (i) to have a nuvagruaqi- or nuvviqi- (Ti) (i) to dribble
cold saliva

pikiaq- [pikiraq] (i) to jump up suddenly pikirraqi- (Nu) (t) to rush out to her/him/it
and go out, bolt, run suddenly out, rush
out abruptly; (i) to gush out (of water)
pilluaqi- (i) to have one’s belt work up
above the pants
qiviqi- (i) to have one’s pants down; to pull
down one’s pants; (t) to pull down her/his
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluqi- (t) to lie to her/him; to fool, deceive
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaqi- (i) to ready the whaling equipment,
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; especially the whale bomb or darting gun,
(i) to be working, operating properly (of whaling guns; (i) to make bullets, to load
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = guns; (t) to make bullets for it = gun, to load
corpse for burial it = gun; (Ti) to operate, handle (it)
sii- [si i] (i) to gather one’s strength for siġġaqi- (i) to have a hard time, to struggle,
an all-out effort to use all of one’s strength, either physically
or mentally to do or overcome something
tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore tullaqi- (t) to come ashore for her/him/it
unnuk(-) evening; (i) to become dark (t) unnuiqi- or (Ti) unnuaqsiuq- (i) to stay up
it is becoming dark all night long, stay up past one’s usual
bedtime, stay out all night
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsrualaqi- (i) to leave a trace of oil on top
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum of the water after being shot (esp., of sea
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); uttaqi- (t) to return to her/him/it
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a
uvyak- (t) to call attention to it = object uvyaqi- (t) to call her/his attention to
seen in distance; (t) to react suddenly to something
it = object seen in the distance (usually
expressed verbally)

-qisaaq(-) nn, nv (limited) condition akin to N | .-q-1 vv

aqaya or aqiya mud aqayaqisaaq(-) muddy swamp; (i) to go
through mud
mauya or mauyaq soft soil or deep, mauyaqisaaq(-) soft, deep snow
soft snow (into which one may sink)

-qisaq- nv (limited) to V repeatedly or for a prolonged time | -qIt- nv :aq-1 vv

mauya or mauyaq soft soil or deep, mauyaqisaq- (i) to travel through soft snow
soft snow (into which one may sink)

-qisuuraq nn (limited) a diminished N

aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun (excl.) aaqaguqisuuraq in a little while
wait; wait a minute; in a moment,

shortly, in a while, in a little while, after
a while, later on
ikpaksraaq a several days ago ikpaksraaqisuuraq a few days ago
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaqisuuraq small part
name; companion, friend, partner; part of
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
qaŋa1 (interrog.) when, at what time in qaŋakisuuraq (adv.) recently; a few days
past ago

’-qłak- vv (limited) to V with malice or anger

kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kigguqłak- (t) to answer her/him nastily
paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on parraqłak- (t) to deliberately disobey
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to her/him; to go against her/his wishes; to
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top object to, oppose it = idea, motion, etc.
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
*saq (root) expulsion of air through saqłak- or (Nu) saqmak- (i) to shout, call,
mouth holler, yell
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqłak- (i) to get dirty, become soiled
(t) to do what to her/him/it
kipuqłak- (t) to argue with her/him,
expressing disagreement

-qłuk(-) or ‘-qłuk(-) or (devoiced)’ -ġluk(-) nn,vv (limited) a condition or entity involving

or resembling a N, usually with extreme or undesireable traits; to V forcefully or with
detrimental results § -[g]luk(-) vv; -luk(-)1 nv,vv; -luk- vv; -luk(-)2 vn; +łuk(-)nn, rn, vn;
-pałłuk nn
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaġlu or ¤(Nu) anaqłuk black sediment
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to once buried in the snow which becomes
fall or shoot (of a star) visible on the ice during spring melting
anuġi wind anuġiqłuk strong wind, storm
avaala- (i) to yell avaallaqłuk- (i) to cry out for help
frantically when in danger
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igamaaqłuk partly dried meat, cooked and
stored in seal oil
ilitqusiq spirit, soul; person's being ilitqusiqłuk evil spirit
imiq [imiQ] (-) drinking water; a immaqłuk- (i) to be stupidly, totally drunk
beverage; an alcoholic drink; to drink (it)

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iññuqłuk bad, troublesome person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to iñuaqłuk a person who does not conform to
surprise her/him/it the norm; a person who mistreats others and
is therefore shunned
ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) to ivaluġluk (Ti) whale sinew
thread it
kanuk- (Ti) (i) to have an angry or mean kannuqłuk- (Nu) (i) to be flushed as with
countenance, face fever
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiqłuk bay, inlet, recess in sea ice where
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; whales often surface to breathe
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kiñiq(-) moist eczema, lochia, discharge (Ti) kiññaġluk residue at bottom of liquid,
of water from skin (a disease of dogs); dregs
(i) to become dehydrated (of dog due to
disease); to filter through fabric or paper
(of a liquid)
kuuġuq valley, furrow, ditch; tributary kuuġuqłuk little creek
river, brook, creek, stream
nigiq east wind; (Ti) northwind; north; nigiqłuk blizzard from the east; to have a
(Nu) northeast wind, northeast blizzard from the east; (Ti) north wind
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġġiqłuk- (i) to contract food poisoning
nuviya or nuvuya cloud nuviyyaqłuk rainclouds, thunderhead clouds
paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose panaqłuk- to become dried out
weight, become skinny; to starve pannaqłuk- to become thoroughly dry
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piaqłuktaq- (i) to do things in a rough
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to manner; (t) to handle, treat her/him/it
her/him; an entity roughly
sila weather; atmosphere, air silaqłuk(-) storm; to be stormy
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqłuk impurity in water
(t) to do what to her/him/it suaqłuk trash
tai- [tagI](t) to pronounce, say or utter it taggiqłuk- (t) to mispronounce it
= word
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallaqłuun curse
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruqłuk kerosene
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum
uunnaq heat; hot weather uunnaqłuk(-) hot wind; (Nu) (i) to have a

-qpa+nI or -qpa+niñ or -qpa+nun (limited to stem su(-) and demonstrative adverbs in

localis, ablative, and terminalis) specifically located in, at, on, or specifically further from
an area or specifically to an area
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqpani located somewhere specific »

(t) to do what to her/him/it suqpani igluqaqpa where specifically is his
house located
kanani located down there, on or near kananiqpani located further down there, on
the ocean, downriver, or by the door or near the ocean, downriver, or by the door
(restricted and visible) (restricted and visible)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqpaniñ from where specifically »
(t) to do what to her/him/it suqpaniñ isagutivisi from which direction
did you begin from
unaŋŋa from down there, e.g., on or unaŋŋaqpaniñ from a bit further down
near the ocean, downriver, or by the there, e.g., on or near the ocean, downriver
door (extended, visible)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqpanun ilitquvigi to what specific area do
(t) to do what to her/him/it you want them placed

ikuŋa to over there (restricted and ikuŋaqpanun pikki place them further over
visible) there (restricted and visible)

+qpaaġruk(-) vv, nn (limited to demonstratives in terminalis, ablative, localis, and vials)

area/time in the far off distance | +qpak(-) nn, nv -aġruk nn
avuŋa to over there (extended and avuŋaqpaaġruk way over there (extended
visible) and visible, distal)
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqpaaġrugman at a much latter date
(t) to do what to her/him/it

+qpagaaq- vv (limited) to V with exaggeration or with an exaggerated item |

+qpak(-) vv,nn,vn +aaq-vv
isiġvikpak a large parka ruff isiġvikpagaaq(-) woman’s parka hood face
ruff of wolf sewn around wolverine fur on
bleached seal skin; (i) to wear a parka with
an isiġvikpagaaq
piqpak- (i) to make a fuss; (t) to fuss piqpagaaq- (i) to show off, to behave in an
over her/him/it ostentatious way

pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaqpagaaq- (i) to strut, walk proudly

uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqpagaaq- (i) to talk with exaggeration,

leg-hold trap which when stepped on to boast
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+qpak(-) vv, nn, vn to V too much, a lot, hard; a huge, immense, large N
aiq- to put (her/his) arm into (her/his) aiqpak elbow-length mitten

iri eye iriqpak a large eye » iriqpaŋik iiqinii his
big eyes scare me
niġi- niġI] to eat (it) niġiqpak- (i) to eat a large quantity »
niġiqpagnak don't eat too much
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy, pialaqpak- (i) to be very rowdy,
rambunctious, disorderly rambunctious
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal savikpak sword »
savikpaŋa qivliatitapaluktuq his sword is
glistening brightly
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñikpak- (i) to oversleep
= day sleeping
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaqpak ship » umiaqpak tikiññiqsuaq
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; unnuaq the ship apparently arrived during
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a the night
whaling boat

+qpak nn nn (suffix added to names of numbers to indicate that it is multiplied by 8,000)

§ -agliaq nn, -kipiaq nn. -agliaq nn, -pakaippaq nn, -pakpiŋatchaq nn
atausiq atausiqpak
1 1 x 8,000 = 8000
malġuk malġuqpak
2 2 x 8000 = 16,000
piŋasut piŋasuqpak
3 3 x 8000 = 24,000
sisamat sisamaqpak
4 4 x 8000 = 32,000
tallimat tallimaqpak
5 5 x 8000 = 40,000

= qpIk or +qpIk or ‘-qpIk or -qpIk vn (limited) place for V or V-ing § vIk1 vn

ayaksraq blubber strip set on a stick ayaksriqpik a stick inserted in the sod house
(above oil lamp so oil drips into lamp wall for holding blubber above stone lamp
feeding the flame)
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point iliqpik storage alcove
(along a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to
put it in a store for sale
kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it) kutchiqpik container for catching the
drippings of a melting substance
kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to kuviqpik kitchen slop pail
spill, pour it out
naqitak- (i) to now be secured, tied naqitaqpik side rail for sled
down; (t) to tie it down securely; (t) to be
a hindrance to her/him
niglit- to add snow, ice, or cold water to nigliqpik refrigerator, cold storage
cool (it)

qakit- (t) to put it up, as on a shelf; to qakpik or qakitpik shelf
pull it = boat up onto shore or ice qaqpik storage area, like shelving above
suġaliq property, wealth, treasure, riches suġalliqpik warehouse
takuyaq flag takuyyiqpik flagpole
utkusik or ukkusik cooking pot utkutchiqpik cooking grate on camp stove;
hook for hanging a pot over an open fire
uukłi- to cut (it = meat) up for cooking uukłiqpik grate inside oven

-qqa- nv, rv (limited) to proceed to V

siaqqa- (i) to mourn for a loved one; (t) to
mourn for her/him/it
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaqqa- (Ti) (i) to go out whaling, go to
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; whaling camp
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
uliqqa- (i) to imagine something
*urrIq (root) guidance, instruction urriqa- (i) to use arm signals to

±qqaaq(-) vv, nn to V first; the first N

ilviñ (sometimes pronounced ilivich or » ilvitqaaq you first
ilivIt) [dual iliptik or ilivsik, pl.ilivsI]
(abs or rel pron 2nd person) (used when
emphasis designation is needed) you
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; » iñuqqaat the first people
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqqaaq- (i) to be the first to enter; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it enter it first, then; (t) to enter it = building
inside, to place it inside first
miquun sewing machine miquutiqqaaq the first sewing machine
ever made; the first sewing machine »
miquutiqqaaġa tuniŋagiga I've sold the
first sewing machine that I owned
suppun rifle; gun supputiqqaaq the first gun ever made; the
first gun » supputiqqaani
salumapkaġuugaa he keeps his first gun
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguqqaaq- to take hold (of it) first; (t) to
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it arrest her/him first
una [dual ukuak, pl. ukua] this one here ukuaqqaaq these (proximal, restricted,
(restricted, visible) visible) first
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallaqqaaq- (i) to speak up first
uvaŋa I, me uvaŋaqqaaq me first

-qqak- rv (limited) § perhaps -qqa- nv, rv ‘-k-2 nv
*nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness, nuyuqqak- (i) to be timid or wary

±qqammiaq vn one that just, recently V-ed | ±qqammIq- vv -aq4 vn

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniqqammialauraq newborn
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
api- to become snow-covered (of apiqqammiaq(-) or apirġammiaq new
landscape, ground); (t) for it to become snow
tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to tiŋiqqammiaq one that flew recently
become airborne (of airplane, helicopter,

±qqammIq- vv just recently V-ed

isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqqammiq- (i) to enter recently; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it bring it inside recently » isiqqammiqsuagni
inside, to place it inside wed just came in recently
naŋit-1 (i) to be sick naŋitqammiq- (i) to be sick recently »
naŋitqammiŋavit have you been sick
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiqqammiq- to eat (it) recently »
niġiqqammiqsuani we ate a little while ago

-qqaQ nn,vn (limited) item that is V or has been V-ed or facilitates V-ing
allayuaq- (i) to feel shy, bashful among allayuqqaq strange object
strangers (of small children); to feel
uneasy, apprehensive in an unfamiliar
situation; to see something strange,
different from what one has seen before,
to see something unrecognizable, have a
aqilluq (Nu) soft snow aqiluqqaq soft snow
igruiqqaq (Ti) lump (as in flour)
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to mumiqqaq process of changing direction
turn over; (i) undergo a character (of wind)
reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t)
to translate it
qiqi- (i) to be frozen qiqsruqqaq(-) hardened snow occurring in
springtime, especially during the night; for
thawing snow to refreeze during colder night
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikuqqaq block of ice
ulu or uluuraq traditional Iñupiaq uluqqaq particle of sawdust

woman’s knife (in the shape of a quarter
circle with a handle usually made of
bone or ivory placed over the sharp
inner point)
uniq [uniQ] armpit, underarm uniqqat toboggan; (Nu) little sled pulled by
hunters on sea ice

+qqaurraq- vv to strive or endeavor to be the first to V | ±qqaaq- vv -urraq- vv

paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on paasaqqaurraq- (Ti) (i) to play multiple
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to solitaire
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one’s tikitqaurraq- (i) to race
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it
qiliq- (t) to tie it into a knot; to bind, tie qiliqsiqqauaraq- to race to see who can tie
her/him/it up @ qiliqsi- a knot the fastest

±qqayaq- vv almost V § -tunqayaq

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaqqayaq- (i) to almost laugh
ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iiqqayaq- (i) to almost swallow it
ilimatchak- (i) to become apprehensive, ilimatchaqqayaq- (i) to almost sense that
suspicious something is wrong; (i) to almost become
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchaqqayaq- (i) to almost become

-qqI- vv (limited) to make progress in V-ing or becoming V

ayuuq- to make headway, progress (on ayuuqqi- (i) to be overdue; for the time to
it); (i) to go far (of something thrown) do something to be long past; (t) to fail to do
it at the appointed time thereby having
increasing difficulty in finding the
opportunity to do it
iti- (i) to be deep itiqquuri- or itauri- or (Nu) itaqurri- (i) to
sink immediately without splashing
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of papiqqila- (i) to wiggle; (i) to jump around,
traditional skin pants); the length of the as a fish after it is caught; (i) to wag its tail;
backside of a parka or snowshirt (t) to wag its tail at her/him/it
qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qiluqqi- (i) to be taut
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame
(wooden stakes secured into the

permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniqqi- to ignore (her/him/it)
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuqqiaq(-) (Nu) (i) to go out ahead of
frontage, area in front of building; bow others, to scout
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior

-qqiguti- vv (limited) (i) to come around, become accustomed to V-ing

atuq-2 to use (it); to wear (it) atuqqiguti- (t) to become accustomed to

+qqIq n (limited) item of the N; final suffix of some nouns

itqiq louse egg
manŋiqtuqqiq hard, lumpy rust
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunaaqqiq village, town
territory, a citizen’s nation-state
tatqiq [tatqIq] moon; month
taugaaqiq(-) or taugaaqqiq(-) (Ti)
tauġaaqqiq tobacco; (i) to smoke tobacco
tauġaaqqipiaq (Ti) leaf tobacco
tutipqiq a step located at the entrance of a
traditional sod house, originally a whale
vertebra; doorstep
utqiq (Ti) potato

= qqIt- or +qqIt- vv (limited) to come into a situation where one has V-ed badly | perhaps
-qqi- rv ‘= It-2 vv
kalivit- (i) to become stuck, to remain in kalipqit- (i) to be badly stuck, hard to pull
a place, stranded; to become jammed; (t) free
to cause it to become stuck, jammed
qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qiluqqit- (i) to strain a back muscle; (i) to
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a become unable to move about freely because
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to of a strained back; (Nu) to have a muscle
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame cramp; (i) to be stretched taut; (t) to pull it
(wooden stakes secured into the taut
permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut

+qsiuq- nv (restricted to locative case nouns and demonstrative in locative case) to
experience N | perhaps +q-3 +siuq- nv
examples with locative case nouns
iglumi in the house iglumiqsiuq- (i) to loiter in the house
Piġniġmi in Birnik, Alaska Piġniġmiqsiuŋait- (i) to not have been
around Piġniq
umiami located at the boat umiamiqsiuq- (i) to hang around or loiter
around the boat
examples with demonstrative in locative case
maani around here, here (visible maaniqsiuq- (i) to have been around here
samani2 located down there, e.g., far out samaniqsiuq- (i) to have been down there
on the ocean, downriver, or downstairs
(not visible)
unani located down there, e.g., on or unaniqsiuq- (i) to hunt on the ice
near the ocean, downriver, or by the
door (extended, visible); “north or

-qsraaq- vv (limited) to V with determination, force, or clarity | +qsraq- vv -aq- vv

aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) aniqsraaqtuq- (t) to tell her/him with
ayuq- to be in desperate need of (it); (t) ayuqsraaŋit- to be able to obtain, get,
to be unable to obtain it by reaching for procure (it) without hardship
it; (t) to be unable to reach, keep up with
her/him/it; (t) to be unable to buy it for
lack of money
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqiqsraaq- (Nu) (t) to pull her/him/it with
a jerk
°takkuQ (stem) presence of takkuqsraaq- (t) to witness an incident

+qsraq- or ~qsraq- rv, nv or (Ti) +ġraq- vv (limited) to continue to V; to experience V §

~raq- nv
agliġi- (t) to avoid her/him/it in agliqsraq- to avoid (her/him= a person with
accordance with taboo, e.g., avoidance a disease)
of an ill person
anmigi- (t) to feel that one can beat anmiksraq- (i) to feel or act superior
her/him in a competition; to feel that one
is more capable than her/him
anniġi- (t) to be protective of her/him/it anniqsraq- (i) to be unwilling to share
fearing hurt or loss; to refuse to something one fears might be damaged
relinquish possession of it; to refuse to
share it
aqi- (t) to kick her/him/it aqsraq- to kick (her/him/it) repeatedly
aqpigi- (t) to find his/her/its presence aqpiksraq- (i) to be unwilling to accept
undesirable; (t) to not want her/him/it someone’s or something’s presence or

along and send her/him/it away existence
ataniq source of connection; isthmus; ataniqsraq- (i) to be afraid to ask a favor of
lord, master, king; god; supreme being; one’s boss
higher power
attaġi- (t) to consider her/him to be attaqsraq- (i) to hesitate to ask someone for
unapproachable, intimidating; to hesitate something; to be diffident
to ask a favor of her/him; (Ti) (i) to not
expect to live; (t) to not expect her/him
to live because of a serious illness
*avI (root) resonance aviqquqsraq- (Nu) (i) to holler, to shout, to
cry out, when chasing caribou
igligi- (t) to express or show affection or igliksraq- (i) to find someone or something
endearment for her/him/it = someone or so loveable that one feels like hugging it
something that is cute, looks huggable or
loveable; (Ti) (t) to flirt with her/him/it
*iliq2 (root) movement iliqsraq- or (Ti) iliġraq- (i) to squirm,
wiggle; (i) to writhe; (i) move around; (i) to
tremble; (i) to quake (of land)
iñukkuk- (t) to nurture her/him/it into iñukkuksraq- (Nu) (i) to raise a child
inuq- (i) to fail to reach one’s inuġraq- (Ti) (i) to be needy
destination; (i) to undershoot, fall short;
(i) to be insufficient; (t) to fail to reach it
= goal, destination; (t) to undershoot it =
target; (t) to fall short of it = runway in
landing an airplane; (i) to not be enough
kalit- to drag, tow (her/him/it) kaliksraq- to drag (it) along (not purposely)
killuq [killuQ] wrong one killuqsraun bitterness
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kiviuqsraq- to test (it = depth of water)
kiviġraq- (Ti) to test (it = depth of water)
maŋik- [maŋIk] to gnaw on (it); (Nu) maŋiksraq- (t) to tear at it with the teeth
(i) to fall headfirst dead or wounded
(usu. of animal); (Nu) (i) to fall on
one’s face
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, nagliksraq- (i) to have mercy, compassion,
sympathy, pity pity
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it nakuaqsraq- (i) to feel attraction or take
pleasure in something or someone; (i) to like
something or someone
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqiksraq- (t) to keep pulling her/him/it
nuvi- [nuvI] (t) to thread it = needle; (t) nuviqsraq- (i) to be threading one’s way
to string them = beads through jagged sea ice
paquġi- (t) to shun her/him= sick paquqsraq- (i) to avoid contact with a sick
person, fearing to be contaminated; (t) to person or corpse
regard her/him/it with fear or caution
piŋigi- (t) to worry about her/his safety piŋiksraq- (i) to worry about someone’s

qiksigi- (t) to feel shy, intimidated, qiksiksraq- (i) to regard someone with
diffident toward her/him; (t) to respect, respect; to feel unworthy and diffident in
admire, be in awe of her/him/it someone’s presence; to feel shy or
*quŋu (root) worry quŋuġraq- (Ti) (i) to worry that something
bad may happen
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapiqsraq- (i) to be reserved, shy; to feel
make passage unsuitable or impossible humble toward another, and therefore not
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river ask favors of her/him
siñi shore, border, edge; fur trim on siñiqsraq- or sinigraq- (Ti) (i) to travel
bottom edge or cuffs of parka along the beach, shore; (i) to walk along the
shore; (i) to go in and out of a row of houses,
stopping very briefly in each; (t) to walk
along on it = beach, immediate perimeter
sitquqsraq- (i) to move about on one’s
siitquġraq- (i) to flex one’s knees
(especially as part of a dance done by
taluġi- (t) to feel that she/he is taluqsraq- (i) to feel submissive toward
unapproachable; (t) to feel submissive another; (i) to be intimidated; (i) to fear
toward her/him; (t) fear her/his wrath; (t) someone's wrath and remain non-assertive;
to be unable to assert oneself against (i) to be timid
uviñŋiaq- or uviñŋiuq- (i) to whistle uviñŋiuqsraq- to whistle (at her/him/it); (t)
to whistle it = tune

+qsraq or :qsraq or ~qsraq vn (limited) that which is V or has V-ed § ‘-Q vn, ±aq1 or
‘-aq vn, +t/raq or = t/raq or ~raq vn,vn
aŋayuqaaq- (i) to become old (of a aŋayuqaksraq old man
augniqsraq patch of ground from which the
snow has melted while the surrounding area
is still snow covered; area where sea ice has
become dangerous to travel on due to
*iliq1 (root) portion iliqsraq or (Ti) iliġraq strip of split sinew to
be used to make thread
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluqsraq depression in ground, ditch,
(t) to surround her/him/it furrow, dent
iqaġi- or (Ti) iqaqi- (i) to wash one’s iqaqsrat clothes which have been washed
hands and/or face; (t) to wash her/his
hands and/or face; (t) to wash it = fabric,
utensil; (t) to wash it/them = face, hands,

iti- (i) to be deep itiqsraq or (Ti) itiġraq dimple; low spot in
ground; (Ti) low spot in floor of ice cellar for
storing special meat; ditch; hole in the
katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble; katiqsrat those that have been gathered
(i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; (t) to
gather them together; (t) to harvest it =
kiki- (t) to make a notch in it = wood; to kiksraq path cut through brush or trees
break off a piece from it = wood
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaqsraq pole, post, mast, pillar
house, pole, tree
qalu(-) dipnet; (i) to get something using qaluqsraq (Nu) mountain valley, large
a dipnet; (t) to bail water out of it = boat “bowl” or cirque in mountains; ditch
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once sisuqsraq snow cornice
sisuuksraq snow cornice

+qsrI- nv (limited) to come into a situation where one is V-ing | +qsraq vn ‘= I-1 nv § +ġrI-
nv, rv, vv
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluqsri- or iluġri- (Ti) (i) to develop a
(t) to surround her/him/it depression, concave place; (t) to make a
depression in it
iqaqsrat clothes which have been iqaqsri- (i) to do the laundry, wash clothes;
washed (t) to do her/his laundry
iraqsraq pipe tobacco; crumb of food; iraqsri- or (Ti) iraġri- to cut (it = meat or
(Ti) ground meat tobacco) into tiny pieces
katiqsrat pile, assemblage, collection katiqsri- (i) to gather things together, to
collect things
*masaq (root) pleasure masaqsri- (Nu) (i) to be pleased, contented
with a situation or event, especially a story
one is listening to; (i) to sun oneself, doze
in the sun

mqsru- rv (limited) to experience V-ing § -ġru- vv

+qsruq-1 nv (limited) to fetch, reach for, reach into, to get a N; to provide a N §

-ksraisuq- nv
aiñiq pocket aiñiqsruq- to reach into (her/his/its) pocket
akilliq opponent, competitor; opposite; akilliqsruq- (t) to oppose her/him/it
enemy; (Nu) side platform in sod house
(one of two platforms opposite each
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiaqsruq- (i) to fetch berries from one’s
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry supply
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries

igvik (Ti) pocket igvigruq- (Ti) (i) to reach into one’s pocket;
(t) to reach into her/his pocket
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kattaqsruq- (t) to drop something for/on
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or them from the air, e.g., message, food, bomb
passageway); (i) to fall off
ki2 [kI] (excl.) come on!; on with it!; do kiiqsruq- (t) to give her/him encouragement
it!; go ahead! to proceed, continue
maktak whale skin with blubber maktaksruq- (i) to fetch some maktak
*mau (root) sea ice mauqsruq- (i) to walk directly out on the
ice to hunt; (Nu) (i) to hunt on the sea ice;
(t) to hunt it = usu., seal on the sea ice
siġluaq(-) underground ice or food siġluaqsruq- (i) to fetch food from the
cellar; (t) to put it = usu. meat into an underground cellar
underground ice cellar or cache for
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend siñaaqsruq- (i) to breathe audibly while
it = day sleeping sleeping, to snore
suŋaq gall bladder suŋaqsruq- (i) to vomit a small amount of
suppun rifle; gun supputiqsruq- (i) to reach for and get a gun
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunuqsruq- (i) to keep one’s back turned
back exterior wall of house
mqsruq- or ~qsruq- vv, rv or -ġruq- vv (limited) to V what is necessary to accomplish the
V or be the N
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiġruq- (Ti) to buy (it) on credit
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
°alġa (stem) alternative (cognitive, alġaqsruq- (t) to preach a sermon to them;
temporal, or physical); ancient or (t) to give her/him moral instruction; (t) to
earliest times counsel her/him; (t) to teach her/him right
from wrong
aŋniqsruq- (t) to tease or bother her/him/it
*apiq (root) inquiry apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpaqsruq- (i) to run very fast
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asiksruq- (t) to insult him
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else;
away from the village; something
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullaqsruq- (Nu) (i) to go out picking
to start (of engine) berries, greens
aunaaq- or aunaaqsruq- (i) to bleed, to aunaaqsruq- (i) to bleed, menstruate

iġñiqsruq- to hurry (her/him/it)
iki- or iku- (i) to position or place iksruq- (i) to embark, to get into a vehicle or
oneself into a container or a conveyance; boat (of many persons); (t) to load them into
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a a vehicle, boat, or container; for a boat to be
container or conveyance swamped (of water)
illuq or illualuk cross-cousin; joking illuġruq- (Ti) (i) to joke
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iluaqsruq- or iłuaqsruq- or (Ti) iluaġruq-
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine (i) to be in the process of being fixed; (t) to
correct her/him/it; (t) to straighten it out; (t)
to fix, redo, correct, adjust it
iluŋiq- (Nu) (t) to get between her/him/it iluŋiqsruq- (i) to desire deeply and
and something else; (t) to best her/him in sincerely
target-shooting, coming closer to bull’s
iŋiq- (t) to ask something of, beg iŋiqsruq- to ask, beg (her/him) for
her/him for something something; to petition (her/him) for
*isi (root) elongation, extension of isiqsruq- or isisiq- (i) to stretch one’s limbs
kanġaq- (i) to leak (of a sack, container kanġaqsruq- to sprinkle it; to sow seeds
filled with flour, sand, something which
flows but is not a liquid); (t) to leak; (t)
to have something solid, such as flour,
flow onto it
katit- (i) to gather, congregate, katiqsruq- to gather, assemble (them) in a
assemble; (i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; group, herd, pack
(t) to gather them together; (t) to harvest
it = crop
ki2 [kI] (excl.) come on!; on with it!; do kiiqsruq- (t) to give her/him encouragement
it!; go ahead! to proceed, continue
*kipiq (root) desire for an optimun kipiqsruq- (i) to keep on trying, to persist;
outcome (t) to urge, tell her/him/it to keep on trying,
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kiviġraq- (Ti) to test (it = depth of water)
kurraq- (i) to put one's head lower than kurraqsruq- (i) to lower one’s head (as
one's torso; to bow; (Ti) to lower one's when looking for something)
maliġi- (t) to follow her/him/it; to maliqsruq- (t) to follow her/him/it
follow her/his/its directions everywhere
*manŋa (root) tension manŋaiqsruq- (i) to tense up in
anticipation of being hit
miquq- to sew (it) miqsruun needle
miġruq- (Ti) to sew (it)
*misik (root) expectation of a misiksruq- to wait and watch for

happening (her/him/it)
nalġuq- or nalġuqtiq- (t) to take a nalġuqsruq- (t) to instruct her/him/it on
shortcut; (t) to straighten it how to do it correctly
nalluk- (t) to toss up and down nalluġruq- (Ti) (t) to give out, toss them =
repeatedly treats out at a give-away, e.g., during the
Nalukataq (whaling festival) from behind
the wind shelters (a wall of wind breakers
forming a circle around the Nalukataq
grounds) to the people who are sitting on the
ground watching the Nalukataq and being
served food
nalunaiq- (i) to signify; (i) to become nalunaiqsruq- (t) to place identification on
clear, visible, distinct, audible; (t) to it
reveal, make her/him/it known, “bring
out in the open,” prove; (i) to appoint,
single out her/him/it/; (t) to confirm it
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqitaqsruq- (t) to tie it down securely
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down

nasit- [nasIt] (i) to climb to a high nasiqsruq- (i) to crane one's neck; (i) to
vantage point in order to have a look for game in the distance
panoramic view; (i) to look for game
from a high vantage point
natqik- [natqIk] (i) to recover from an natqiksruun discipline; correction
illness or injury so that one’s condition is
stable; (t) to correct, rectify, set things
right with her/him/it
niġiuk- (i) to expect and hope for niġiuksruq- (t) to encourage her/him; to
something raise her/his expectations
nimiq- or nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with something; to
something; to wind something around it wind something around it
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuqsruq- (i) to become worn out (of
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon, inanimate things); (t) to cause it to become
i.e. no moon worn out
punŋuuq- (i) to walk with head bowed punŋuqsruq- (i) to keep the head lowered
when one is feeling sad, dissatisfied,
qaaq(-) marijuana (i) to burst, explode; qaaqsruġniq or (Ti) qaaġruq blister on
to smoke marijuana; (Nu) (i) to crash skin
against the shore (of wave, sea), to break
(of waves); (t) to make it pop or burst

qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiqsruq- or qaiqsu- (t) to ask, urge
her/him to come
qaki- (i) to climb out of water; (i) to qaksruq- (i) to bring boat from whaling
come up on shore (of boat); (i) to win in camp back to the village; (Ti) (i) to celebrate

a game; (i) to accumulate enough wealth the whaling festival
so that one’s chances of survival are no
longer precarious; (i) to become uppity,
stuck-up; (i) to adopt a condescending
attitude toward “former” peers (after
acquiring money, new status, etc.)
qautchiq- (t) to wait for it = daybreak, qautchiġruq- (t) to wait for it = daybreak,
dawn, sunrise dawn, sunrise
*qii (root) convulsion qiiqsruq- (i) to have an epileptic convulsion
qilamik quickly, immediately, right qilamiksruq- to hurry (her/him/it)
qiliq- (t) to tie it into a knot; to bind, tie qiliqsruq- (t) to tie knots in it = rope; to tie
her/him/it up her/him/it up
qipit- (t) to wind it around something qipiqsruq- (t) to wind something tightly
around it
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋiqsruq- (i) to exert great force, e.g., a
taut runner, someone engaged in a competitive
game of strength
tasit- [tasIt] (t) to stretch it tasiqsruq- (i) to stretch one’s arms; (t) to
stretch it
tiriq- (i) to make the sound of something tiriqsruq- (i) to make a rubbing sound (over
rubbing against something once; (i) to a period of time); to make a whistling sound
gnash one’s teeth
tumaq- (i) to heal (of broken bone); (t) tumaqsruq- (t) to fit it together, repair it
to repair it
uvsik- [uvsIk] (i) to be dense, compact; uvsiqsruq- (t) to fill it = crack up; to chink
to be closely grouped, (of a herd); to be or caulk it
tightly woven

-qta- vv (limited) to V with emotion quickly § mta- vv,rv

kakkili- (i) to have a runny nose kakkiliqta- or kakkiliqtaq- (i) to sob,
making a sniffling sound
*qaa (root) repulsion qaaliqta- (i) to feel repulsed by something
disgusting; to shudder with revulsion
*qui (root) quiver, tremble, shiver quiliqta- (i) to feel joyful, tremble with

+qtaq nn, vn (limited) an object or article designed for a N or for V-ing § ±aq1 vn, +t/raq vn
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaqtaq an object or article designed for a
queen (suit in cards) woman
alġaani a long t ime ago alġaaniqsat artifacts
aŋipkaqtaq metal softened in a fire
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutiqtaq an object or clothing designed for
a man
atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling atiqtaq polar bear cub in its first year (so

camp from the village; (i) to travel from named because the mother takes it
inland towards the ocean after hunting immediately out on the sea ice from the
place where it was born)
iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one of iglupiaqtalik one that has one of a pair of
a pair of anything anything, e.g., a one-horned caribou,
one-armed man, single sod house
(Nunamiut style sod houses were
sometimes paired, sharing one entrance)
Iñupiaq north Alaskan Eskimo person; Iñupiaqtaq an object or article designed
north Alaskan Eskimo language for an Iñupiaq
iŋaluaq or iŋaluat small intestines of iŋaluaqtaq umbilical cord
human and terrestrial mammals
siqaniq (frying pan) siqaniqtaq fried meat
taimani1 located in the past; during, taimaniqsat things of that time
at that time in the past; in the past
Tanik Caucasian person; white person Taniktaq an object or clothing inherently of
white man’s culture; non-Iñupiaq item; (Nu)
dog with hanging ears
ukiutqIk last year ukiutqiksaq last year’s item

-qti vn (limited) something that facilitates V-ing

napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaqti mast
house, pole, tree
nuqaq- (i) to be taut, tightly drawn; (t) to nuqaqti bowstring, string for a musical
attach a bowstring to a bow and make it instrument
quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; quviqti white film over eye, cataract; (Nu)
(t) to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to do white bead
something without her/his knowledge;(t)
to surprise her/him/it

’-qtu- vv to V excessively as a rule | ’-Q vn +tu- nv § -lgu- vv and -tu- vv (not used with verb
stems with final consonant t)
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġġiqsu- (i) eats a lot
pigaaq- (i) to stay up late piggaqtu- (i) stays up very late
pilġatchuqtu- (i) to be slow all the time
pisuk- (Nu) (i) to walk pitchuqtu- (i) walks a lot
piyumisuk- (Nu) (i) to want to leave, go, piyumitchuqtu- (Nu) (i) to really hope
be eager, raring to go
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiññaqtu- (i) stares a lot
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siññaqtu- (i) sleeps a lot
= day sleeping
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqqaqtu- (i) to be a gossip; be a chatterbox;
leg-hold trap which when stepped on to talk too much
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of

advising her/him on the proper way to

-qu- vv to request, ask § -[t]qu- vv

-qułłik nn (limited) one with characteristics of N

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuqułłik or (Ti) iñuqullik dwarf; legendary
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to “little person”
surprise her/him/it

-qumak nn (limited) item related to N

iri eye iraqumak lens of eye; iris of eye
saa satqummiaq something kept handy, easily
accessible, not in storage

-qun or +qun or ‘-qun or ~qun rn, vn, nn (limited) means or medium for V-ing § +un1 or
+uti vn
anuaqun reason for emotional reaction
apqun road, street, trail
ataniq source of connection; isthmus; ataniġnaqun authority, power, regulation
lord, master, king; god; supreme being;
higher power
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atqun wick adjuster
underside; down
auma(-) ember, live coal; red gemstone; aumaqun moss, used as insulation in the
(i) to smolder (of coal or wood) construction of a sod house
igniq fire igniqutit outboard motor, vehicle engine,
power plant
iki- (i) to burn ikkuqutit heather used for starting fires
(Cassiope tetragona)
*ilisI (root) spirit, energy ilitqun spirit, essence (of a being)
iññiqi- (i) to go visiting from house to iññiqun (Ti) prowler, mysterious person
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuqun spirit; prowler (unknown person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to seen from afar and blamed for
surprise her/him/it unexplainable happenings); bogey man
kigusiqi- (i) to have a toothache; to kigutchiqun toothpaste
have one's teeth worked on; (t) to work
on her/his/its teeth
mannik [mannIk] egg manniliqun egg beater
mitqun [mItqun] needle; (Nu) narrow bone
in hind leg of caribou
mumaaqi- (Nu) (i) to do a Canadian mumaaqun (Nu) Canadian Inuit dance
Inuit dance song
niviŋŋaq- to hang (it); (Ti) (i) to be niviŋŋaqun seal net set straight down
barely hanging, about to fall off through a crack on the ice

nunni- to make a map or plot and claim nunniqun plow; surveyor's transit
land (for her/him/it)
pituk(-) chain (t) to tie, chain her/him/it pittuqun something attached to another
to a stake, pole; to connect it = house to thing
electricity or sewer system
piyaaġi- (t) to treat her/him/it roughly, piyaaqun something that is used to threaten
badly somebody
sagluqi- (t) to lie to her/him; to fool sagluqun lie, falsehood, deception
saunniqi- (i) to work with bones; (t) to saunniqun file, rasp for bone
work on her/his/its bones
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suqun that which is worthy of consideration
(t) to do what to her/him/it or attention
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunnaqun something used to keep one
warm; heater

+quq (limited) indicates an association with the body of human, animal, plant or land §
±ġuq or +guq nn

-qusaaq- vv to try to persuade, encourage § -[t]qusaaq- vv

+qutaq vn,nn (limited) medium for N or for V-ing § -utaq vn

akat- (i) to harm oneself; (t) to upset, akałłuqutaq bad, troublesome person,
bother, or harm her/him/it troublemaker
aqpik3 cloudberry (Rubus aqpiqutaq cloudberry plant
asiavik blueberry (Vaccinium asiaviqutaq (Nu) blueberry plant
iluqutaq (Ti) porcupine
iñaviġi- (t) to hinder, slow her/him down iñaviqqutaq(-) hindrance; to hinder
(her/him), to delay or slow (her/him) down
iqł apqutaq scattered cumulus clouds
spread over open ocean
masu edible tap root of Alpine masuqutaq Alpine Sweetvetch
Sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum); (Hedysarum alpinum)
“eskimo potato”
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaqutaq signpost; gravestone
house, pole, tree
patik- (t) to slap her/him/it; (Ti) (t) to lay patqutaq fly swatter; mosquito fan
one’s hand on her/him/it
paunġaq crowberry, blackberry paunġaqutit or paunġaqutaq leaves of
(Empetrun nigrum) crowberry or blackberry
pilaġaqutaq (Nu) heather (Cassiope) used
for tinder, fire
quppiqutaq edible young fireweed shoots

(Epilobium angustifolium)
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapuqutaq barrier, blockade, dam, enclosure
make passage unsuitable or impossible or fence
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river
sisi or (Nu) siñ burrow or den (of a sisiqutat a mound on the edge of a river or a
burrowing animal), bear’s lair lake, where burrowing animals inhabit

‘-quti- or = quti- vv (limited) to V it/her/him together with another item; to V with

it/her/him § ‘ti- vv, :uti- vv
imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) immuquti- (t) to include it in the wrapping
to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it of something; (i) to be included in the
up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into wrapping of something
a ball
paqit- to find (her/him/it) paquti- (i) to find one another
qapuk foam; (Ti) pumice stone used as qapquti- (i) to form bubbly foam (of dirty
cleaner water)

-quuq- vv to urge § -[t]quuq- vv

-quyak vn (limited) one that is V § -yak1, -quyuk

nala- (i) to lie in a horizontal position on nalaquyauraq infant unable to sit by itself
one's side or back
saat-2 [sagat] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, saatuquyak or (Nu) saapaqayak thin, flat
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have stone (good for skipping on water); (Ti) flat
thin hair bone weight (used for bolas)
saatuquyaaq (Nu) something flat

-quyuk nn (limited) one that is V; one resembling a N § -quyak

napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaquyuk (Nu) circular tent with single
house, pole, tree pole in center staked to ground
siun ear siutiquyuk twisted spiral seashell with
pointed end, mollusk, shell

~raaq- or = raaq- vv, nv (limited) to V with duration; to assume that position or action in
space or interval of time § +taaq-1 vv
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) drown; (i) to be ipraaġuq- (Nu) (i) to be out of breath
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool
immuquti- (t) to include it in the immuqurraaq- (i) to wrap oneself with
wrapping of something; (i) to be something
included in the wrapping of something
isiġmiu- (i) to be indoors, inside; to stay isiġmiuraaq- (i) to stay indoors for a while;
in a cave during hibernation (of bears) (t) to visit and stay with her/him for a while

kamanni- (i) to act bossy, to act kamanniraaq- (i) to act important, show off
important, to be a showoff which boasting is part of the act
kiamit- (t) to push it = boat off into kiavraaq- (i) to spin, turn around
water; to shove it in; (Nu) to throw it =
naanŋiq- [naanŋIq] (i) to hop on one naanŋiraaq- (i) to play one-legged high
foot, once; (t) to hop over her/him/it kick where you kick and land on the same
puumit- (i) to swim puuvraaq- (i) to play in water, swimming
qukinni- (t) to completely remove guts qukinniraaq- (i) to enjoy wearing clean
of, to clean out the guts of it = reindeer clothes
at time of slaughter
saqit- [saqIt] (t) to move, shove, push, saqiraaġataq- (t) to give her/him/it a little
cast her/him/it aside, out of the way push or shove
siqiññak- to receive, get more sun (of siqiññaraaq- (i) to be sunny
days as they lengthen)

+raaq vn N acquired § mt/raaq2 vn

-raaq(-) nv, nn (limited) item of the N

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, ataraak union suit, coveralls, long
underside; down underwear;
maġġaq [maġġaQ] gravel, sand maġġaraaq sandbar; fine sand
puvak lung; (Nu) interior cavity of sheep puvagraaq (Ti) beluga or seal lung
qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) to qutchimaraaq highland, elevated land,
be in a high position (physically or job- mountainous region

-raġaaq(-) vn, vv to V leisurely for a while, uly in repetition; N with which the action is
done, usually in repetition § -t/raġaaq(-) vv, vn

+raġalIq- vv has begun to do the action frequently or repeatedly § -t/raġalIq- vv

-raġaq vn (limited) one that is repeatedly V-ed or is V-ing

ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iiraġaq pill or liquid medicine
pukta- (i) to be afloat puktaraġaq darting gun with harpoon
toggle head and a large wooden handle (after
the bullet and harpoon toggle head are
propelled from the darting gun, the large
wooden handle (approximately six feet in
length and five inches in circumference)
enables the darting gun to float popping up
and down in the sea until it is retrieved);
large wooden handle of darting gun;
something which floats

tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend tasiraġaq rubber band, elastic

+rak- or ~rak- or =rak- vv, vn, rn (limited) to V without hesitation

*alapi (root) ignorance; confusion alavrak- (Ti) (t) to not pay attention to, not
notice her/him/it; to have her/him/it slip
one’s mind
avaaq- (i) to knock oneself unconscious; avaaġrak- (i) to fall, hitting the back of
(t) to knock her/him/it unconscious one's head and becoming partially
unconscious; (t) to hit her/him/it on the back
of the head making her/him/it partially
*mitik (root) bounce mitigrak- (i) to bounce off, fly off
pakik- [pakIk] to dig (it = hole) with pagrak- (Ti) to dig (through it)
hands or claws; (t) to fire it = gun by
pulling the trigger
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utiġrak- (i) to bounce back (of object); to
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a make a round trip (usually in the same day)

+rak(-) vv, vn, rn (limited) item that resembles a N or is a result of V-ing

ilik- (t) to become scorched, singed (of iligrak(-) sunburn; a burn; scaly skin from
food, hair, fabric, etc.) sun or windburn; pimple; (t) to get
sunburned (of skin); to become scaly (of skin
from exposure to sun or wind)
*muġ (root) saturation muġrak floating mass which cannot be
walked on; slush ice
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukarak a second wife
nukaaluk younger sibling
puġrak (Ti) slush ice
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qa a] top side; qaagrak a roughly filed cutting edge of ulu
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; or knife
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface qaaġraq- (Nu) (i) to be rough, uneven (of an
on it edge, blade)
siarak (Nu) sugar
suvak fish eggs suvagrak a core of ivory tusk (with
appearance of fish eggs)
suvlu pore; tiny hole suvluġrak a porous rock or bone

+raq or ~raq or = raq- vn an object or person that has been V-ed; the recipient of the
action, the victim, end-product, result of V-ing § +t/raq vn

-raq- nv, vv (limited) to accomplish the action involving the N or the V-ing § ~sraq-1 vv
+t/raq-1 vv, -qsraq- rv, nv
akunniq interval of time or space akunniraq- (i) to move amidst a crowd or
between two events or objects among things (e.g., buildings, rivers); (t) to
move amidst them

allaq a perforation, hole, a rip alliraq- or alliraaq- (i) to go around with a
hole in one’s clothing
arri1 a likeness; a copy arriraq- (Ti) (t) to copy her/him, imitate
what she/he does
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a naparaq- (i) to tumble over, turn a
house, pole, tree somersault
putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to puturaq- (i) to swoop down when nearing
perforate, pierce it, make a hole through nest (of bird)
it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one’s sole

= rgu- or -rgu- vv, vn (limited)

kaak- (i) to be hungry kargu(-) starvation; (i) to be starving
pakIk- to dig (it = hole) with hands or pakirgutit (Nu) snow rake with tines made
claws; (t) to fire it = gun by pulling the of caribou antler

+ri vn one who usually does the action § mt/ri vn

+rI-1 nv to act like a N § +ġrI- nv

-rI-2 vv to get/grow into the state of being or condition described by the stem § +sI-1 vv,
-ġrI- vv

+rI-3 ~ri-3 or :I-6 or -lI-4 vv (limited) to cause her/him/it to V § +tchI- vv

examples with +rI- vv restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
apta- (i) to be busy; working fast aptari- (t) to cause her/him to be busy; (t)
(Ti) to annoy, bother her/him; ¤(Nu) to try to
hurt or harm her/him
nau- [na u] (i) to grow (of a plant or nauriaq flower; plant
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to
nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do nunuri- (t) to pressure, force her/him to do
something something
paya- (t) to be unable to manage or payari- (t) to overwhelm, beat, defeat
defeat her/him/it; (t) to be not strong her/him/it; to force her/him to yield through
enough to lift or move it pressure; (Ti) (t) to lose hold of it, have it
slip from one’s grasp
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiari- (t) to make her/him cry
qimaa- (i) to run away qimaari- (t) to cause her/him/it to flee
example with ~ri- vv
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be ivri- or ivriññik- to cause others to be out of
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool breath from laughing so hard; (Ti) (t) to
air bother someone
example with -li-
akiit- (i) to lose, be defeated; to be akiili- (t) to defeat her/him in a contest

cheap, inexpensive
examples with :I- 6 v
aġit- [agIt] to become wet or damp (of aġivri- (i) to get wrinkled skin from soaking
fabric, ground, animal hide, child’s in water, bath
alapit- (i) to become confused, alavri- (i) to cause oneself to become
perplexed, puzzled, confounded; (t) to confused (e.g., by considering various
shuffle them = cards possibilities); (t) to cause her/him to become
confused, mixed up
ikłigutchak- (i) to become tempted ikłigutchai- (t) to cause her/him to become
ilimatchak- (i) to become apprehensive, ilimatchai- (t) to make her/him become
suspicious apprehensive, suspicious, cautious
ilunŋutchak- (i) to be deeply moved ilunŋutchai- (t) to move her/him
emotionally; (t) to move her/him emotionally
immiq- (t) to fill it immii- (t) to pack it
iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, iqsitchai- (t) to scare, frighten her/him/it
kiviq- (Ti) (t) to stuff it kivvii- to fill, stuff (it)
nautchiq- (Ti) (t) to plant it = seed; (t) nautchii- (i) to grow plants
wait for it = seed to grow
niksigaq(-) hook with a handle, used for niksigai- (i) to hook objects, e.g., pieces of
carrying meat; to hook (it) with a grapple meat, on to a hook for someone else to pull
up or drag
paumit- (i) to itch pauvri- (t) to make her/him/it itch
piavsak- (i) to abruptly or suddenly piavsai- (t) to cause her/him to suddenly
become furious; to fly into a rage become furious, fly into a rage
pilaiq- (i) to become tired pilaiġi- (t) to cause her/him/it to become
tired, to tire her/him/it
qaallak- (i) to be startled, give a shout qaallai- (t) to startle her/him/it
when startled
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qivri- (t) to cause her/him/it to go away
indignant; to act or behave indignantly indignantly, offended

~rI-4 or +sI-4 or :I-7vv (limited) to V to her/his/its disadvantage

examples with ~rI- vv
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide amuri- (t) to withdraw or pull out something
back into water after beginning to of hers/his/its (something stored or put away
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it for safekeeping)
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) imuri-1 (t) for it to roll up on him/her even
to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it though he/she did not want it to
up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into

a ball
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kivri- to cut, sever something of hers/his
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuri-3 (t) to deplete, use up her/his supply
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon,
i.e. no moon
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiguri-2 (t) to take, confiscate something of
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it hers/his/its
examples with :I-7 vv
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋivsi-2 (t) to disassemble, undo, take apart
untied, unraveled, unwound, or something of hers/his
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
igit-2 (t) to throw it away; (t) to abandon iksi-2 (t) to throw away her/his things; to
her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him out of the abandon, cast her/him/it out
kalivit- (i) to become stuck, to remain in kalivsi- (i) to have a shell stuck in the
a place, stranded; to become jammed; (t) chamber (of gun); (t) to cause a shell to get
to cause it to become stuck, jammed stuck in it = gun’s chamber
navik- to break (it) navgi- (i) to break one’s own (esp., bones in
one’s body); (t) to break another’s heart; (t)
to break her/his personal possession, bones;
(i) to break a law or regulation
siamit- (i) to spread, scatter; (t) to siavsi- (i) to scatter things; (t) to scatter
spread, scatter it; (Ti) (t) to lose it things belonging to her/him/it

simmiq- [simmIq] (i) to exchange or simmii- (t) to trade something of hers/his

swap items; (t) to exchange it for
something else
siqqaq- (t) to throw things out into the siqqai-2 (t) to throw her/his belongings out
water into the water
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siquvsi- (i) to destroy something, taking a
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to prolonged period of time, or to destroy more
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to than one item; (t) to destroy her/his things
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
upaluq- (i) to move to action swiftly, upalui- (t) to catch her/him/it by surprise,
hurriedly; (t) to rush to her/him to check unawares
on her/his welfare
examples with +sI-4
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atiqsi- (i) to find out one’s own name; (t) to
who shares the same name with another find out her/his/its name

akat- (i) to harm oneself; (t) to upset, akatchi- (i) to be disruptive; (t) to disrupt
bother, or harm her/him/it her/his activity

+rI-5 or ~rI-5 vv intransitivizer § +sI-3 vv

-rraaq vn (limited) one involved or associated with concept in the N

°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atarraaq traveler going downriver
underside; down
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaaq or qarraaq skin mattress, mattress,
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; mat
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it

-rraQ or = rraQ vn (limited) item or product of a V-ing

avat- (t) for them to surround her/him/it avarraq fluke of whale
ikak-1 to cross over (it), e.g., water ikarraq ford, place to cross over water; one
hour; width of material
ikiaq- (i) to split into layers (said as the ikkirraq a split layer of something
split has just been completed); (t) to split
it into layers; (t) to divide, split it into its
natural layers, e.g., walrus skins which
can be split into inner and outer layers;
(t) to split it = log, wood
siik- (t) to cut or tear it (as in skinning a sirraq split section of garment or animal
seal or tearing fabric) lengthwise skin
uniaq- [uni aq] to tow, drag, pull (it, unirrat (Ti) reindeer sled
esp., sled or seal) by means of a rope
around one's chest or over one's shoulder

-rraq- rv (limited) to do an action involving the N (sometimes with detriment) § -aq-3 nv

akiłhun glass lantern chimney; snow akiłhurraq- (i) to break (of lantern
deflector, e.g., at the entrance of a chimney); (t) to break her/his/its lantern
snowhouse to keep the snow from piling chimney
up and blocking the entrance
aŋarraq- (t) to behead it = animal; (t) to
cross them = two upright poles near upper
*ku (root) downward movement or kurraq- (i) to put one’s head lower than
orientation one’s torso; to bow; (Ti) to lower one’s head
paa- [pa a](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on parraqłak- (t) to violently oppose,
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to contradict her/him/it
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with

qalgi(-) (Ti) men’s community house; (i) qalgirraq- (Ti) (i) to go to the men’s
to hold activities or assemble at the community house
men’s community house
*quŋu (root) worry quŋurraq- (Ti) (i) to worry that something
might happen when out hunting or going on
one’s first airplane flight

-rraqsI- vv to begin, start to V

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglarraqsi- (i) to begin laughing »
iglarraqsiruagut taliñman we began
laughing when he got out of sight
isivruk- or isivruuraq- to whisper (to isivruurarraqsi- (i) to begin whispering »
her/him) uniñmatiŋ isivruurarraqsiruat they began
to whisper when she left
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuarraqsi- (i) to begin walking »
distance pisuarraqsiluk akkupak should wed begin
walking now
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiarraqsi- (i) to begin crying »
her/him/it) qiarraqsiruaq kanŋutchakpaiłłuni he
began to cry from deep embarrassment
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savarraqsi- to begin working (on it) »
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; savarraqsiraa itiqami he began working on
(i) to be working, operating properly (of it when he woke up
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
uummatitchiaq- (i) for one’s heart to uummatitchiarraqsi- (i) to beat fast (of
beat faster heart) » uummatitchiarraqsivit nuimman
did your heart start pounding, beating fast,
when he came into view

-rraqsisigi- vv (only with Contemporative I endings) then, immediately beginning to V |

-rraqsI- vv ’tigi- vv
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayurraqsisigi- immediately beginning to
help » ikayurraqsisigillaan tulakapta
piraqput we began to help him immediately
as soon as we came ashore
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savarraqsisigi- immediately beginning to
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; work » savarraqsisigillaan tikiññami
(i) to be working, operating properly (of piruaq he began to work immediately upon
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = arriving
corpse for burial

’rrI- vv (i) to take someone/something along so both undergo the same process § +urrI- vv

+rruaq- vv (limited) to V despite the odds § +ġruaq-1 vv

-rruġIk- vv to be good at V-ing regularly
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisarruġik- to be good at studying or
practicing (it) » ilisarruġiksuk taapkuak
those two study very well
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isirruġik- to visit (her/him) regularly
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qairruġik- (i) to come regularly

= rruk- or +rruk- rv, vv, nv (limited) to attain the condition described by the V
amiiq- (t) to remove its skin, e.g., an amiiġruk- (i) to scrape one’s skin, without
game animal; (t) to remove its skin making it red; (t) to scrape it = one’s skin
covering, e.g., a drum, a kayak, or without making it red
umiak; (t) to remove its peel, e.g., of a
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigiġruk- (i) to wear a parka when it is not
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on necessary to do so (such as when indoors or
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him on a warm day)
arruk- (i) to become damp; (i) to be damp;
(Nu) (i) to develop an infection
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñugruk- (i) to make noise (of a group of
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to people)
surprise her/him/it
kiliuq- to scrape (it) kiliuġruk- (i) to skin or scrape oneself; to
abrade oneself without bleeding; (t) to skin
or scrape it = one's body part without
breaking the skin
kivigruk- (i) to do the “stick” ceremony (of
shaman); (i) to use a divining stick to
determine whether a sick person will get
*ku (root) downward movement or kurruk- (i) to lower one’s head in humility,
orientation sadness or shame
*muġ (root) saturation muġruk- (i) to sink into soft ground, snow;
(i) (by extension) to sink into sin; (Ti) (i) to
enter a sod house through an entry tunnel;
(Ti) (i) to pass through a tunnel, hole in the
snow; (t) to put it into a covered hole, e.g.,
into a cellar
naġruk- (i) to run ahead, passing others to
lead; (t) to run in front of her/him/it; pass by
her/him/it; to head her/him/it off
paliq- [palIq] to become dry parruk- (t) to start to dry, be drying
paniq- to become dry; (i) to lose weight, panaaġruk- to dry out (e.g., of meat
become skinny; to starve

qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qirruk- to cry continuously for (her/him/it)

qiiligruk- (i) to clench fists and teeth in

qulvili- (i) to weep, shed tears qulviliuġruk- (i) to water from wind or cold
(of eyes)
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or sarruk- (i) to run toward, pass in front of
garment; area immediately in front of hunter (of caribou)
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
salik- or saliktuq- to travel swiftly saliuġruk- (i) to slide sideways (of sled or
parallel to (her/him/it); Nu) (i) to gesture, something being towed)
wave one’s arms, e.g., when sighting
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniuġruk- (i) to swerve, go sideways
*suġ (root) aggression suġruk- (i) to go over to berate, quarrel
with, or attack someone; (t) to go over to
berate, quarrel with or attack her/him
tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend tasirruk- (t) to make it bigger by stretching
uulik- (i) to shiver, tremble, shake uuligruk- (i) to be frustrated, upset
uviñŋiaq- or uviñŋiuq- (i) to whistle (Ti) uviñŋiaġruk- to whistle (at her/him/it)

+rruk rn, nn (limited) item with attributes of N or V

aŋirruk (Ti) base of whale’s tail, between
flukes (saved and eaten in fall with
the first sighting of slush ice or
during the spring festival held in
March before whaling season)
imaq (-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaġruk (Kotz) big lake
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; itiġruk small groove on end of arrow, notch
sea anemone where bowstring fits; shell cartridge of
¤mapsaq- or mapsat- (Nu) (i) to fall, ¤mapsaġruk (Nu) snow cornice, overhang
creating a snowslide (of snow cornice)
nipi2 voice, sound nivruiġuti- (i) to become quiet
*puv (root) air cavity/space; swelling; puvruk bubbles
expansion of air (like filling one’s lungs
with air)
qutuk clavicle, collarbone Qutugruk constellation of four stars
(thought to resemble a collarbone, seen in

siuq- (i) to make a whistling noise (of a siuġruk(-) camp stove; (i) to make a distant,
hoary marmot) indistinct hissing or whistling noise

’-rruq- or = rruq- or +rruq- vv (limited) to attain the action depicted by the stem
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or illarruq- (t) to make it = condition worse
name; companion, friend, partner; part of
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
quiq- (Ti) (i) to cough qiuġruq- (Ti) (i) to have a convulsion, fit
siik- (t) to cut or tear it (as in skinning a sirruġaġniq break in a continuum
seal or tearing fabric) lengthwise
susaa- (Ti) to hear (her/him/it); (i) to susaarruġik- (i) to have sharp hearing
hear news

-rruti n § -ruti n

+ruaq1 nn a big, huge N § +ġruaq nn

+ruaq2 nn (limited) N-in-law

aaka mother; grandmother (modern use) aakaruaq mother-in-law
aana grandmother; great-aunt aanaruaq mother-in-law
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aaparuaq father-in-law

+ruaq3 vn one who V-ed; one who was V-ed § +t/ruaq vn (participial ending) 3Ps

+ruġaq or = ruġaq vn nn (limited) one with action associated with the N or V

iqiq or (Nu) iqi corner of mouth iqiruġaq window shutter
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivruġaq metal spring, mattress spring;
out; (i) to stand up straight from a pointed rods of baleen, approximately six
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a inches in length (the baleen rods are
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet doubled up, wrapped in meat or fat and
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to frozen; when swallowed by a wolf or bear
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all they straighten out, thus piercing the
out stomach and causing death)
*piruġaq (root) down coast

+ruiññaq- vv to finally V after some time, hesitation or reluctance § -lġataq-

aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s aaġluġruiññaqtuq it finally raised its head
chin; (i) to throw one’s head back; (t) to
raise her/his chin upward; (t) to raise it
into an upright position

avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a avirruiññaqtuak theyd finally got a divorce
divorce; (t) to separate themd, who are
fighting; to divorce her/him
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katagruiññaqtuq tigummigaluaqami he
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or finally fell after holding on for some time
passageway); (i) to fall off
quliaq- (i) to confess, tell about one's quliaġruiññaqtaa he finally told about it
wrongdoing; (t) to report on her/his
actions; to tattle on her/him

+ruiññaq nn (limited) only, merely, just a N § +ġruiññaq nn

+ruk- vv rv to attain the V § +rruk- vv, nv, rv

+ruk(-) found in suffixes:

-saaġruk which indicates a considerable distance in time or location from now or
place where one is (limited to demonstratives and time words)
-sugruk(-) nn, vv a huge, immense N; to do a lot of V-ing

+ruk or ~ruk rn, nn (limited) item with attributes of N § +rruk nn

+ruksaaq (limited)
ayak or ayaaluk or aya (Ti) paternal ¤ayaġruksaaq maternal aunt (mother's
aunt sister)

+ruq or = ruq vn (limited) one that is V or V-ed (intransitive indicative as participle) §

+t/ruq1 vn

+ruq- or ~ruq- or = ruq- vv (limited) to attain the condition of being V or of V-ing

ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be ivruattuq- or (Ti) ivruaqtuq- (i) to gasp, be
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool unable to catch one’s breath when
air swimming, walking into the wind, or coming
into contact with something cold
*pik1 (root) upward movement pigruq- (i) to bolt from a prone or settled
position and start fleeing; (i) to leave on
migration (of birds)
puumit- (i) to swim puuvruq- (i) to swim with nose above water
(as polar bear); (i) to swim on surface of
water; to move slowly on surface of water

+rurrI- vv to take someone/something along so both undergo the same process § +urrI- vv

= rutaq vn (limited) entity that causes one to V or one that Vs

karuk- (i) to hammer; (t) to hit karrutaq or karruutaq or (Nu) katruutaq

her/him/it on the head stone hammer; firing pin of gun; one who

faces opposition boldly; a fearless person; an
insistent person
nagrutaq mental or physical suffering
which hinders or delays what one is doing
tivit- (i) to choke on something tivrutaq something lodged in one’s throat

+ruti or +run vn means, cause of reason § +uti1 vn

+ruti- vv to take her/him/it along so both undergo the same process; to V each other § +uti-

+rutigi- vv immediately upon V-ing § +utigi- vv

+sa- vv (limited) to be V
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; nuisa- to be visible
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look
outside, e.g., to see if someone or
something is coming
uisa-1 (i) to go without eating
uit- to break away from shore ice uisa-2 (i) to have one’s eyes open
forming an open lead (of pack ice); (i) to
open one’s eyes

+saaġi- vv to V deliberately, intentionally

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaqsaaġi- (i) to deliberately laugh
katai- to drop (her/him/it) kataisaaġi- (i) to deliberately drop
something; (t) to deliberately drop it
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimaksaaġi- (t) to deliberately leave
her/him/it behind her/him/it behind

-saaġruk or -saaq nn (limited to demonstratives and time words) indicates a considerable

distance in time or location from now or place where one is now | -saaq
akku a while ago, some time ago akkusaaġruk quite a while ago (within a
ikpaksraq yesterday; recent past ikpaksraasaaġrugu in many days from
today in the future
ikpaksraasaaġruk many days ago
pagga up there on the wall, the ceiling, or paggasaaġruk way up there
in the sky above eye level; up there away
from the ocean; up there, upriver
(extended and visible)
qaŋa1 (interrog.) when, at what time in qaŋasaaġruk a long time ago

unani located down there, e.g., on or unanisaaġruk located way down in that
near the ocean, downriver, or by the door area
(extended, visible); “north or seaward”

-saaq-1 or +saaq- vv, rv (limited) to be in the process of V-ing without hesitation or

following the natural course of events; just now V-ing
anakkit- (i) to perform a feat expecting anakkisaaq- (i) to compete by daring others
others to try to surpass the performance; to surpass one's feat
to ask for a rematch or another type of
competition (of a losing team)
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqasaaġiaq late afternoon
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisaaq- (i) to enter the open ocean from a
born; (i) to emerge from the den in channel or river; (Nu) (i) to travel down
spring (of hibernating animal) towards the ocean on a frozen river or over
land (not on water)
aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) aniqsaaq- (i) to take a breath
apqun road, street, trail apqusaaq- (i) to pass by, travel through; (t)
to meet her/him/it by chance while enroute;
(t) to experience or encounter it = event, i.e.,
a death, starvation, happiness, etc.
aqaya or aqiya mud aqayaqisaaq(-) swamp; (i) to go through
mud or a swamp
ataut- (i) to shoot under the mark, the atautchaaq- to travel past (it = place) by
target; to go under target (of a water or on ice
projectile); to travel past a place, on
water or ice; (t) to shoot under
her/him/it; to go under her/him/it (of a
projectile); to travel past it (a place) on
water or ice; to pass beneath, below
(her/him/it); (t) to take them all
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atiqsaaq- to travel downriver (on it = a
underside; down river)

atqaq- or aqqaq- (i) to descend, go atqaqsaaq- (i) to travel downward without

down; (i) to step down from a tall stopping enroute
vehicle; (t) to put her/him/it down
physically; (t) to remove her/him = baby
from the back of one’s parka
ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, ayaksaaq- (i) to proceed into water; to take
proceed ahead, start toward destination, off in a boat; to walk into the water
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to
push, launch it = boat to sea
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of iglukisaaq(-) or (Ti) iglukusaaq(-) a
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with juggling game; (i) to juggle, keep two or
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide more objects in the air at the same time,

her/him/it with a partner, companion, or catching and tossing the objecs with the
a complement hands in quick succession
ikaaq- to cross over (it) ikaaqsaaġun crosspiece on bed of sled
illiq- [illIq] (i) to hide and be safe from illiqsaaq- (t) to move things aside to make
opponents (t) to make a place for room for her/him/it
kaivaluk- to go around (her/him/it) in kaivallak- or kaivaluisaaq- (i) to go around
circles; (i) to move in a circle in a circle once; (t) to move in a circle
around it once
*kama (root) awe, respect kamasaaq- (i) to boast, brag, to show off
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayusaaq- (i) to climb up a slope in one
move to a higher position (of person), continuous motion
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
mit- [mIt] (i) to land from flight (of mitchaaq- (i) to land from flight (of bird
bird, airplane) or plane)
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naasaaq-1 to be at the final stage prior to
out completion; (t) to complete an activity with
each one of them
naat-2 (i) to be snagged, caught on naasaaq-2 (i) to get caught on something,
something get tangled
nagligi- (t) to pity, feel sorry for, have nagliksaaq- (i) to suffer
compassion for her/him/it
nalaut- (i) to be correct, guess correctly, nalautchaaq- (t) to travel directly to
have one's prediction fulfilled; (t) to her/him/it
guess it right
nipi voice, sound nipaisaaq- (i) to play quietly (of child); (i) to
be engaged in a quiet activity; (i) to be silent
paa- [para](Ti) (i) to fall down flat on paasaaq- (i) to fall forward accidentally; (t)
something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to to fall forward on her/him/it, covering
pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top her/him/it with one’s body
of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close
tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws,
fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going
past by blocking her/his/its way with
paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as paaqsaaq- to encounter, experience (it =
she/he/it arrives; (t) to travel, progress pain, sadness, sorrow, misfortune); to
into it = wind, water current encounter, come upon face to face (with
her/him) by accident
qaaŋiq- (i) to pass by; (t) to go over it = qaaŋiqsaaq- (i) to pass, go by without
the limit; (i) to be past, done with; (t) to stopping; (Ti) (i) to pass by; (t) to pass, go by
pass by, overlook, omit her/him/it; (t) to her/him/it without stopping; (Ti) (t) to pass
surpass her/him/it; (t) to become taller by her/him/it
than her/him

qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaisaaġaq- (Ti) to blow in gusts, to blow
and then die down (of wind)
qaniq [qaniQ] mouth, oral cavity qanmiksaaq- (i) to speak angrily, loudly
from frustration or impatience; (i) to
grumble, complain
qiñuit- (i) to be shy, humble, meek by qiñuisaaq- (i) to act humbly, meekly (as a
nature single occurrence)
quaqsaaq- (i) to get an electric shock; to be
shocked emotionally
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or satchaaq- (i) to be out in front of a group; (i)
garment; area immediately in front of to take up space
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
siaksruiq- to become, silent, calm, siaksruisaaq- (i) to continue to remain calm
peaceful, quiet (of environment) and peaceful
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikisaaq- (i) to arrive in one continuous
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it motion
tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore tulasaaq- (i) to land on shore in one
continuous motion
uivaq- or uivvaq- (i) to come around a uivaqsaaq- (i) to round a point of land when
point or promontory; (t) to go around, traveling by boat; (t) to travel around it =
skirt it point of land

±saaq-2 vv (limited) to try to cause her/him/it to V § +[s]uksaaq- vv, +[t]qusaaq- vv

alapit- (i) to become confused, alapisaaq- (t) to try to confuse her/him/it; to
perplexed, puzzled, confounded; (t) to keep her/his attention focused on something
shuffle them = cards else
*alia (root) lonliness; dullness; aliasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him to feel
humorlessness lonely or sad
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuqsaaq- (t) to try to awe or astonish
astounded, to marvel her/him; to tell tall tales to her/him
alla another one, a different one; allasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him become
something strange uncomfortable |
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him
fearful, apprehensive
¤aquluksaaq- (t) to tickle her/him on the
iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaġuksaaq- (t) to try to make her/him
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłigusaaq- (t) to tempt her/him
*ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression, ipiqtusaaq- (t) to try to make her/him sad
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqiasaaq- (t) to try to make her/him become
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of lazy; (t) to try to dissuade her/him

eagerness, unwillingness
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋusaaq- (t) to try to make her/him feel
embarrassment; feeling of shyness ashamed, embarrassed; (Ti) to tease her/him
quiññak- (i) to feel a tickling sensation quiññaksaaq- or (Ti) quiñaksaaq- (t) to
tickle her/him/it
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviasaaq- (t) to comfort, try to make
her/him/it happy
saŋŋit-1 (i) to be now tightly, securely saŋŋisaaq- (t) to tighten it a bit more
fastened on; (i) to be pulled taut; (Ti) (i)
to tense up, tighten up one’s muscles; (t)
to fasten it on tightly, securely; (t) to
tighten, pull it = drumskin taut; (t) to tie
it = knot securely
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumisaaq- (t) to try to provoke her/him into
anger or rage

-saaq(-) nn, vn (limited) item related to the N or the V-ing

aullaqi- (i) to begin, start; (t) to begin to aullaqisaaq(-) the beginning; the start; the
work on it introduction of a publication; to write (it =
the introduction of a publication)
aqulliq last, hindmost one aqulliqsaaq(-) last portion, e.g., last verse of
song, last chapter of book; to write (it = the
conclusion of a publication); final draft of a
publication; (t) to write it = final draft of a
avvasaaq (Ti) distant relative or friend
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqalusaaq(-) least cisco (Coregonus
catch a fish sardinella); (i) to catch a least cisco
ivisaaq(-) ochre, red stone used to stain
wood or hide (usually a wolverine hide); (Ti)
sealskin dyed with red alder; (Ti) to dye
sealskin red with alder
maksrik- (i) to get up suddenly with a maksruksaaq willow stick with snare
start affixed at one end (snare is bent over a
squirrel’s burrow or along its trail); small
game snare
narri- (i) to be pregnant narrisaaq(-) enlarged belly of pregnant
qaluk (Nu) fish qalusaaq (Nu) herring
qayuq boiled blood broth; tea qayusaaq a broth made from the blood of a
caribou, it’s rumen cut in little pieces, and fat
from its mesentery apron; (Ti) cooked
mixture of flour and water
uivaq- or uivvaq- (i) to come around a uivvaqsaat souls of the dead going round
point or promontory; (t) to go around, and round; (in Iñupiaq legend) the place
skirt it where souls went after death

+saaq nn distant N § +saaġruk nn

+saaqsI- vv to be about to or start to V | +saq-2 vv -aqsI- vv

atuq-1 to sing (it) atuqsaaqsi- (i) to be about to sing
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuqsaaqsi- to be about to help
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaksaaqsi- to be about to start working
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; (on it) » savaksaaqsiruŋa uvlaakun I will
(i) to be working, operating properly (of start working tomorrow
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+saaqtiqi- (limited) to be in the process of trying hard to feel V | perhaps +saaq-1 vv

-tiq-2 vv -qi- vv
auk(-)[aruk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to auksaaqi- or auksaaqtiqi- or auvsaaqtiqi-
have a nosebleed (i) for one to move around to stimulate blood
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunaqsaaqtiqi- (i) to try hard to get warm

+saġataq- vv to V for a long time | +saq-2vv +ataq-1 vv

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchaġataq- (i) to begin to run for a long
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġisaġataq- to eat (it) for a long time »
sammapta niġisaġataġniaqtuq I bet she
eats for a long time, as she usually does
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiqsaġataq- to stare at (her/him/it) for
quite a while
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaksaġataq- to work (on it) for a long
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; time » savaksaġataġuuruq qaikami she
(i) to be working, operating properly (of usually works for quite a while when she
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = comes
corpse for burial
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqsaġataq- (i) to talk for a long while »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqaqsaġataġnakta don't talk for a long
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep time, as you usually do
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+saġluqqaaq- vv as soon as one V-s,

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisaġluqqaaq- (i) as soon as she/he/it
born; (i) to emerge from the den in exited » anisaġluqqaaqtuq piallaktut as
spring (of hibernating animal) soon as she went out, they became rowdy
kiggisi- (Nu) (i) to bite each other kiggisiŋaiqsaġluqqaaq- (i) as soon as
repeatedly (of animals) theyd ceased biting each other »

avluqsaalukkaluaqtuq as soon as they
stopped biting each other, he leaped but…
nasaiq- to let (her/his) hood down nasaiqsaġluqqaaq- as soon as she/he
pulled back (her/his) hood »
nasaiqsaġluqqaaqtuq ilisaġigaa as soon
as he took his hood down, she recognized

+sailI- vv to try to prevent, be trying hard not to V § +[t]sailI- vv

+saiññaq- vv to gradually begin to V | +saq-2 vv -iññaq- vv

agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, aglisaiññaq- (i) to become, grow bigger and
big bigger
anmuk- to go down, descend, drop anmuksaiññaq- (i) to get lower and lower
in positon
iluilliq- or iluilliq- or (Ti) iłuilliq- (i) to iluilliqsaiññaq- (i) to get sicker and sicker;
become sick, unwell, troubled, grieved; to become more or more dysfunctional
(i) to become malfunctioning; (t) to
cause it to not look right, or function
mikłi- (i) to become smaller; (t) to mikłisaiññaq- (i) to become, grow smaller
decrease it in quantity or size and smaller
piaġiiq- (i) to be nearing death piaġiiqsaiññaqtuq she is gradually
becoming worse and worse
qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to qallisaiññaq- to keep getting closer (to
her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be approaching her/him/it)
qutchiksi- (i) to become more and more qutchiksisaiññaq- (i) to attain a higher and
elevated; (t) to place it higher; (i) to higher elevation or position; (t) to place or
obtain a higher level position in promote her/him/it to a higher and higher
employment positon in employment
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchaksaiññaq- (i) to slowly become

+sak- rv (limited) to set in motion an action that results in V-ing § -vsak- vv

*aq (root) taking away aqsak- (t) to grab something away from
her/him; to cheat her/him @ aqsai-
avsak- (i) to make a loud noise by falling
*ik2 messy; disorderly; dirty iksaluk(-) or iksaluu- one who is
disorganized and messy; (i) to be messy,
disorganized, leave things around; (i) to put
things anywhere, not in their correct places
**ka (deep root) impact, contact kasak- (i) to make a noise by striking
something; to beat a drum; (t) to beat it (e.g.,

a drum)
*pik (root) upward movement piksak- (i) to fly off, bounce off when
qasak- or qasala- or qatchala- (i) to burst
out yelling “Uu! Uu! Ugu! Ugu!” followed
by cheering (when dancing or herding or
coming home from a successful hunt usually
when returning in a boat with a walrus kill
or having struck and retrieved a whale)
qivsak- (i) to fly off after impact (as a
ceramic chip)

-saktaq nn large N § -niqłuk nn

-salait nn many, numerous N

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñusalait a large number of people »
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to iñusalait tautuktavuk wed saw many
surprise her/him/it people
qaugak duck qaugasalait numerous ducks » qaugasalait
qulauttuat many ducks passed over head
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttusalait numerous caribou » tuttusalait
qulauttavut we flew over many caribou

-salak- or = salak- vv (limited) forcefully, quickly V | perhaps -sak- vv, -lak- vv

aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvsalak- or aquvsalaaq- to land in a
down on it sitting position when falling from a standing
position (on it)
upit- (i) to rush eagerly to do something; upsisalak- (i) to rush to action » upisalaktut
(i) to get excited; (i) to pay heed aŋutaiyaat the boys went quickly
suddenly, as to a noise or what one sees

+salguilI- vv to cease being able to V | +saq-2 vv -lgu-1 vv :Iq-2 vv -lI-2 vv

+sallak- vv to begin to V with gentleness but something unexpected happened

arak- (t) to comfort, soothe, placate araksallak- (t) to gently begin to comfort
her/him; (t) to encourage her/him her/him, when something unexpected
happens » araksallaktaġa piavsaktuaq I
was trying to placate her when she lost
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigusallak- (t) to gently begin to take hold of
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it her/him, when something unexpected
happens » tigusallaktaa qiaġutiruq he
extended his arms to prop her up gently, but
she started crying
uqautiraaq- (t) to speak words of uqautiuraaqsallak- (t) to begin to talk
discipline to her/him gently to her/him, when something

unexpected happens »
uqautiuraaqsallaktaŋa qivittuaq she
started to give him words of discipline, but
he went away in a huff

-salluq nn (limited) version of the N

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnasalluq bitch, female animal
queen (suit in cards)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋusalluq sire, male animal
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qa a] top side; qasalluq thick cottonwood bark; scab
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it

+saq-1 nv to fetch, get § +taq-4 nv

+saq-2 vv to begin to V, commence a V-ing

isaguti- to start, begin doing something isagutisaq- (i) to begin
(to her/him/it)
*nak (root) attachment naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly get caught
(of moving object)
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaqsaq- (i) to begin walking
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaksaq- to begin working (on it) »
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; savaksaġniaqtuŋa uvlaaku I will begin my
(i) to be working, operating properly (of employment tomorrow
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
msaq- vv (limited) to be in the process of becoming V or V-ing; to be in the process of
making her/him/it be V or V
aġnaġik- (i) to be pretty, attractive (of a aġnaġiksaq- to primp (her), put make-up on
woman) (her)
akalik- or (Ti) agalik- to be unruly (of agaliksaq- (Ti) (t) to curl hair
hair); (Ti) to be curly (of hair)
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akisaq- to respond aggressively in
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; reciprocation (to her/him) back; take revenge
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side (on her/him); (i) to reciprocate by fighting
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond, back; (i) to retaliate
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
annak- (i) to escape danger annaksaq- (i) to seek help, assistance when
in danger
ati- (i) to be the same, equal, identical, atisaq- (t) to make them become more
be in agreement; (i) to have a tie vote, to similar

have the same number of votes; (t) to
treat them equally
ayuġak- (i) to develop a habit; (i) to ayuġaksaq- or ayuqqaksaq- (t) to influence
become accustomed to something her/him/it to habituate to something or
become familiar with someone
ayuġit- (i) to form a habit, a behavioral ayuġisaq- (t) to tame an animal
pattern; (i) to get into the habit of doing
something one enjoys, e.g., visiting
someone, eating something
iggiaġik- (i) to have a clear throat iggiaġiksaq- (i) to clear one’s throat
iġi- (i) to have one’s hair fall out, to lose iġisaq- or iġitchaq- to pluck (it = a dead
one’s hair bird); to remove (it) fur from a spring pelt
ii3 (i) to starve; to get hungry iisaq- (i) to swallow out of hunger or strong
ikiaq- (i) to split into layers (said as the ikiaqsaq- (Ti) (i) to have a chill run through
split has just been completed); (t) to split one’s body when startled
it into layers; (t) to divide, split it into its
natural layers, e.g., walrus skins which
can be split into inner and outer layers;
(t) to split it = log, wood
*ilak (root) distraction, confusion; ilaiqsaq- (i) to have an eerie, “creepy”
discord; not aligned, dissonance, feeling; to feel unsettled
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point ilisaq- to study or practice (it)
(along a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to
put it in a store for sale
itiq- (i) to wake up itiqsaq- (t) to wake her/him up
kigutigik- (i) to have good teeth kigutigiksaq- (i) to brush one’s teeth; (t) to
brush her/his/its teeth
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; iluaqsaq- or iłuaqsaq- (i) to improve one’s
(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine behavior, demeanor, appearance; (t) to fix,
straighten, adjust it
ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or ipiksaq- (t) to sharpen it
of one’s mind); (i) to be sharp-tongued
*mialuk (root) hunger mialuksaq- or mialuksI- (i) to not have
enough to eat
nakiq- (i) to go direct, straight; to shoot nakiqsaq- (t) to adjust, straighten it
far (of an arrow)
nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in nakuuqsaq- (i) to improve, fix up one’s
good health appearance; (t) to improve, fix it
nallit- (t) to offer to trade for something; nallisaq- to offer a bid (on it)
to bid; (Ti) (t) to put a price on it
¤napaat- (Ti) (t) to stand it up napaatchaq(-) (Ti) a dart; to play a game
using two sticks, the point being to drop one
into a hole cut in the other; also, to play the

Iñupiaq version of darts where a stick with a
needle fitted in the end must be dropped in
such a manner that it sticks straight up in a
board lying on the ground (like darts)
*nayak (root) nodding nayaksaq- to move (him/her/it) in rhythm;
(i) to be jolted strongly; (t) to give her/him/it
a strong jolt
*piq (root) bend, curve piqsaq- (i) to bend the body while sounding
(of whale)
pisik- (t) to hit her/him/it with an arrow pisiksaq- (i) to shoot an arrow; to fire a gun;
or a bullet; to shoot her/him/it (t) to shoot, fire at her/him/it
qaallak- (i) to be startled, give a shout qaallaksaq- (t) to try to scare, startle
when startled her/him/it
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaivaksaq- (t) to attract it = animal by
imitating its call; to try to attract them to
keep coming
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to qaiqsaq- (t) to iron, press, or sand it to make
be straight (of hair) smooth
qugluk- (i) to wince when startled or qugluksaq- (i) to give a start, jump when
suddenly frightened; to fold (it in half) surprised
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñiksaq- (i) to fall asleep
= day sleeping
*sipik (root) emergence; disconnection sipiksaq- (i) to come undone, slip off; to
grow suddenly or quickly
suka- (i) to be fast sukasaq- (i) to do quickly, move quickly
supputit- (t) to shoot her/him/it with a supputitchaq- to aim and shoot (at
gun; to strike it with a whaling bomb her/him/it)
tamuq- to chew (it) tammuġiksaq- (i) to chew something well,
chew cud; (t) to chew it well
tutqik- [tutqIk](i) to be content, tutqiksaq- (t) to make her/him comfortable;
peaceful, at ease put her/him at ease, peace

+saq-4 vv should definitely V

ikit- (i) to be now ignited (of fire, ikitchaq- (t) should definitely turn it on »
cigarette, cigar or pipe); (i) to be turned itiġuvit igniġvik ikitchaġiñ light the stove
on (of light); (t) to ignite, turn it = stove, when you wake up
cigarette lighter on
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaqsaq- should definitely study (it) »
anaqapak ilisaqsaqtutin you should
definitely study tonight
tilak- to mop or scrub (it = large surface tilaksaq- should definitely scrub or mop (it
area) = large surface area) » manna natiq
tilaksaġiñ uvlupak you should definitely
scrub this floor today

In the following examples, the postbase +saq-4 marks the dependent verb which is usually
in the indicative. The independent verb is usually in the imperative or the optative) so that
one may V
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisaq- (i) so that she/he/it may exit »
born; (i) to emerge from the den in agmaġuŋ anisaqtuq open it so that she can
spring (of hibernating animal) go out
uŋiariŋaiq- (i) to stop, cease worrying uŋiariŋaiqsaq- (i) so that she/he may stop
worrying » uqallauttuuŋ uŋiariŋaiqsaqtuq
tell her so that she may stop worrying

’saq(-) or -saq vn, rv (limited) item for V-ing § -tchaq nn

iñi- [iñI] (t) to hang it up to dry iññisaqor iññisat rack for drying fish, meat,
or clothes; (Ti) clothesline
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiqsisailaq a stupid person, one who
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; lacks reason or intelligence
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kilu2 seam, stitch kiluitchaq lock
mani- [manI] (t) to show, present, mannisaq something offered for sale,
display her/him/it consideration
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipisaq stingray
qai- [qa I] to come (toward her/him/it) qaisaġnaq ocean current originating in the
west flowing toward shore (which brings ice
to shore)
qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area qanitchat or (Nu, Ti) qanitchaq entryway,
close by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take cold porch; tunnel, entrance passageway (to
her/him/it partway to destination a sodhouse)
2 g
ui- [u I]- (i) to panic, overreact; be too uggisaq something that you are anxious
eager about

+saq or ~saq vn one that has been V-ed § ±aq1 vn

+saqqaaq- vv to begin to V first | +saq- vv ±qqaaq- vv

isaguti- to start, begin doing something isagutisaqqaaq- to be the first to begin (it)
(to her/him/it)
puuvraq- (i) to swim (of human) puuvraqsaqqaaq- (i) to be the first to begin
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaksaqqaaq- to be the first to begin
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; working (on it)
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqsaqqaaq- (i) to be the first to begin
leg-hold trap which when stepped on talking » igña aŋun

trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep uqaqsaqqaaġaluaqtuaq uuma aġnam
talking to her/him for the purpose of sivuŋiqsaa that man over there began to talk
advising her/him on the proper way to first, but this woman here interrupted him
live and took over

+saqtiq- vv to make a sudden attempt to V | +saq-2 vv +tiq- vv

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisaqtiq- (i) to make a sudden attempt to
born; (i) to emerge from the den in exit » anisaqtiqtuaq paaraŋa he blocked
spring (of hibernating animal) the way of the one who made the sudden
attempt to leave

+saqtuaq- or +saqtuq- vv to go and V § +iaq-1 vv

-satit- or +satit- vv (limited) to V suddenly or with exaggeration | perhaps -sak- vv -tit-2 vv

apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apusatit- to crash (into her/him/it)
(i) to reach shore
*nak (root) attachment naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly get caught
(of moving object)
*nayak (root) nodding nayaksatit- (i) to be jerked, jolted (as by an
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to qaiqsatit- (i) to be flat on one’s back, fast
be straight (of hair) asleep
qaki- (i) to climb out of water; (i) to qakisatit- (i) to beach on shore forcefully (of
come up on shore (of boat); (i) to win in boat)
a game; (i) to accumulate enough wealth
so that one’s chances of survival are no
longer precarious; (i) to become uppity,
stuck-up; (i) to adopt a condescending
attitude toward “former” peers (after
acquiring money, new status, etc.)

+sauraq- vv proceed to V without hesitation | +saq-2 vv -uraq- vv

ikaaq- to cross over (it) ikaaqsauraq- (i) to proceed to cross from
one site to another by traversing over a body
of water or large expanse of land
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimaksauraq- to flee as quickly as possible
her/him/it behind
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaksauraq- (i) to proceed to work as
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; quickly as possible » isiqłunilu
(i) to be working, operating properly (of savaksauraqtuaq just as soon as she came
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = in, she began to work
corpse for burial

+sausiiq- vv to lose the ability or desire to V | +saq-2 vv :uti1 vn ~Iq vn :Iq-2 nv

nayuq- (t) to stay with and care for, nayuqsausiiq- (t) to lose all desire to be
watch over her/him/it with her/him/it

qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner qanuqsausiiq- (i) to come to a point where
or method, what condition; to do or say one does not know what to do; (i) to be in a
what (to her/him/it) quandry; (i) to be helpless; (t) to not know
what to do with her/him/it; (i) to put her/him
in a quandry

+sausiit- vv to be unable to V because of fear or lack of ability; does not have the heart to V
| +saq-2 vv :uti1 vn ~Iq vn:It-1 nv
qiviaq- to turn one's head to look (at qiviaqsausiit- (i) to not have the heart to
her/him/it) look over (at her/him/it)
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallaksausiit- (i) to not be able to speak
uqallauti- (t) to inform, tell her/him uqallautisausiit- (t) to do not have the heart
to tell her/him

+sI-1 vv, rv (limited) to become V; to be V-ed § -lIq-3 vv, -kłI- vv, -lI-2 nv,vv
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and nivviġiksi- to become wet enough to stick
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = bait together (of snow)
or food) (of game animal); to flock
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds,
mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to cling,
adhere to her/him/it
nuvak(-) a cold; mucus; (i) to have a nuvaksi- (i) to catch a cold
quiñi- [quiñI] or quivsit- or (Ti) quiñisi- or quiññak- (i) to get, become fat
quivtit- (i) to be fat
qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) to qutchiksi- (i) to become more and more
be in a high position (physically or job- elevated; (t) to place it higher; (i) to obtain a
wise) higher level position in employment
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋisi- (i) to become strong; (t) to tighten it
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunaqsi- to become hot

+sI-2 nv, vv to buy, acquire, find, obtain N; (limited) to gain a V-ing § ‘qsrI-
amaġuq wolf, gray wolf (Canis lupus) amaġuqsi- (i) to buy a wolfskin
apun snow (lying on a surface); fallen apusiñiqtu- (i) to have thick snow cover
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglusi- (i) to buy a house
build a structure over it
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiqsi- to understand (her/him/it)
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay;
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
qaġruq arrow, bullet, cartridge, any qaġruqsi- (i) to buy some ammunition

sivuniq meaning, purpose, direction; sivuniqsi- to understand, comprehend (it)

+sI-3 or :I-4 or ~rI-5 or +srI- vv,nv,rv (limited) intransitivizer

examples with +sI-
ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayaksi- (i) to prop up an object
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of a
spear or harpoon; old-style, long-handled
spear, “big whaling harpoon” (Nelson:
65); vertical support post (of sleeping
platform);(i) to be propped up with a
pole (refers only to the moment of
completion); (t) to prop it = a leaning
object up to keep it from falling down
igit-2 (t) to throw it away; (t) to abandon igitchi- or iksi- (i) to take trash to the dump
her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him out of the
iguk- to suck (it); (i) to suck air or liquid iguksi- (i) to take a sip through a straw
inward with pursed lips
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kiisi- (i) to take a bite
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kipisi- (i) to cut off a piece
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
maqut- (i) to have been destroyed; (t) maqutchi- (i) to ruin, destroy, vandalize
to destroy, ruin, corrupt, vandalize something
her/him/it; (i) to badly influence
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqitchi- (i) to make some bread dough
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down
paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as paaqsi- (i) to go meet someone who is
she/he/it arrives; (t) to travel, progress arriving
into it = wind, water current
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puuqsi- (i) to put a portion of something in a
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young container
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of
boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
tutquq- (t) to put it away for future use tutquqsi- (i) to put some away for future use
uaq- (t) to cleanse, rinse it; to be washed uaqsi- (i) to rinse something
away by the waves
ukpit- (t) to hem it ukpitchi- (i) to hem something
uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it = food uuksi- (i) to taste something

examples with :I-4
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋivsi- or aŋivrai- (i) to disassemble an
untied, unraveled, unwound, or object
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
iguvit- (i) to become uncoiled, iguvsiñ screwdriver
unwound; (t) to uncoil, unwind it ||
kittiq- (t) to slice it kittiġi- (i) to slice something
naaptiq- (t) to empty, pour, dump it = naaptiġi- (i) to dump contents out of
non-liquid substance out repeatedly containers
piiguq- or puiguq- to forget (her/him/it) piigui- (i) to forget something
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siquvsi- (i) to destroy something, taking a
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to prolonged period of time, or to destroy more
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to than one item; (t) to destroy her/his things
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
examples with +sI-3 and +rI-5
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point ilisi- or iliri- (i) to put an item up for sale
(along a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to
put it in a store for sale
iñi- [iñI] (t) to hang it up to dry iñisi- or iñiri- (i) to hang items up on a
clothes or fish line
niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance niusi- or niuri- (i) to unload objects
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out
of a conveyance or a container

qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split qupisi- or quvri- (i) to split an object in half
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain;
half-dollar coin
taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is takusi- or takuri- to go over to check on
faring; (t) to visit her/him in the hospital; someone/something
(t) to check on it
tuni-1 [tunI] (i) to be now sold; (t) to sell tunisiruaq or tuniriruaq she sold
it something
with +srI-
agliġi- (t) to avoid her/him/it in agliqsri- (i) to shun or avoid someone
accordance with taboo, e.g., avoidance because of her/his illness
of an ill person
apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him apiqsri- (i) to ask
kamagi- (t) to obey, honor her/him/it; (t) kamaksri- (i) to obey
to be overwhelmed, awed by her/him/it;
(t) to be amazed, impressed by her/him,
especially by an action she/he has

ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaqsri- (i) to recognize someone

+sI-4 vv to V to her/his/its disadvantage § ~I-7 vv, ~rI-4 vv

+sia- or ~sia- nv, vv (limited) to experience a N or V-ing § a2

iki [ikI] open wound ikisia- (i) to make noise or move about after
being wounded
*ilak (root) distraction, confusion; ilaksia- (t) to bother her/him/it
discord; not aligned, dissonance,
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be ipisia- to gasp for breath
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool
qiqi- (i) to be frozen qiqsia- (i) to feel very cold, chilly
tipisia- (i) to be short of breath, having
difficultly breathing
tuqu- (i) to die tuqusia- or tuqusiala- (i) to be dying, be in
death throes; to feel faint
ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over ulġusia- or ulġusiala- (i) to stagger (of a
person about to fall down [not because
she/he is inebriated])

+siaq nn (limited) N bought, received | +sI-2 nv -aq4 vn

immuk milk immuksiaq milk bought » immuksiatka
itqutikkit bring in the milk I bought
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qavviksiaq wolverine skin bought »
gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine qavviksiaġa turġuruq the wolverine skin's
hair which I bought is very thick
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttusiaq caribou carcass bought »
tuttusiaġa tautukpiuŋ did you see the
caribou I bought

-siġaq- or +siġaq- vv (limited) to V repeatedly

iguk- to suck (it); (i) to suck air or liquid igusiġaq- (i) to have hiccups
inward with pursed lips
pitqik- (i) to cheat, be devious; (t) to pitqiksiġaq- (i) to do something secretly,
cheat on her/him dishonestly
qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner qanusiġaq- (i) to act in what way; to do
or method, what condition; to do or say what (to her/him/it)
what (to her/him/it)
tainna or (Nu) taitna or taimanna tainnasiġaq- or (Nu) taitnasiġaq- (i) to say
(dem. adv) in that way or manner; (Nu) or do thus repeatedly; (t) to say or do thus to
thus; so-so, neither very good nor very her/him/it repeatedly

+siġiaq- vv to be easy to V § +[t]siġiaq- vv

+sii- vv to wait for event, process to occur § +[t]sii- vv

+siiññaq- vv (limited) to get more and more V gradually, slowly, steadily § +saiññaq- vv

~sIk-1 or -sIk- nv, rv, vv (limited) to attain or possess the ultimate quality indicated by the
stem or root
kiluvaq- (i) to travel inland; (i) to move kiluvasik- (i) to be well inside a house; (i) to
away from the door and further into the be far inland
*pik1 (root) upward movement piksik- (i) to fly off: (i) to bounce off when
snapped or broken; (i) to bounce off target;
(i) to jump, hop; (i) to leave suddenly
without preparation
qulvaq- or qurvaq- (i) to move further qulvasik- (i) to be higher up in elevation
into the room away from the door; (i) to
roll one’s sleeves up; (t) to move
her/him/it further into a room away from
the door
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split quvsik- (i) to split easily
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain;
half-dollar coin
*salva (root) edge salvasik- (Ti) or sarvasik- (i) to be distant
from the edge of the ice
¤tigvaq- (i) to come all the way inside, ¤tigvasik- (i) to be well inside a house
to the back of the house; (t) to put it
behind one’s back or to place in the back
of a room
tuvaaq- to attract (it = caribou) by tuvaaqsiit- (i) to not be able to holler
shouting; (t) to chase it = caribou in the adequately when chasing caribou
direction one wants, toward corral or
*uŋa (root) distant area uŋasik- (i) to be far away; (t) to be far away
from her/him/it
uvsik- (i) to be dense, compact; to be closely
grouped, (of a herd); to be tightly woven

+sik-2 rv (limited) § +mik-1 rv

*niuQ (root) inhale, intake air, breath in niuġmik- or (Ti) niuqsik- (i) to sniffle; (t) to
sniff her/him/it

+sIk n (limited) indicates a body part

ikusik(-) elbow; (t) to elbow her/him/it
kauksik (Nu) fat, meaty part on back of
sheep’s head
kian or kiati torso, upper front part of kiasik shoulder blade, scapula

body; blouse
masik [masIk] gill of fish; front cross
beam on deck of kayak
qisik [qisIk] animal skin with hair removed;
leather; rawhide (may be eaten when
msima- vv for the speaker to realize that one has V-ed, is V-ing, or is V; it is evident
msima- used with verb stems which end in a consonant
+ma- used with verb stems which end in a vowel
iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide iriqsima- to just find out that she/he is
her/him/it hiding (her/him/it)
naatchi- (i) to finish, to complete a task naatchima-(i) to just find out that she/he did
complete a task
naŋit- (i) to be sick naŋisima- (i) to just found out that she/he/it
is sick
navik- to break (it) naviksima- (i) to just find out that it did
break; (t) to just find out she/he did break it
paqit- to find (her/him/it) paqisima- (i) to just find out that she/he did
find something; (t) to just find out she/he did
find it
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñiksima- (i) to just find out that she/he is
= day sleeping sleeping

+sima-2 vv (limited) indicates a state of being

akkiq- (t) to catch it while falling (e.g., akkiqsima- (i) to hold onto something to
dripping water, plate) keep from falling; (t) to hold a container
underneath another to catch any spillage; (t)
to keep her/him/it from falling
aulayaiq- (i) to become still, motionless; aulayaiqsima- (i) to be steadfast,
(i) to be sturdy, secure; (t) to cause it to emotionally strong during times of crisis; (t)
become sturdy, secure to hold it steady, keep it from moving
iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; additon; iigusima- (t) to aim a rifle at her/him/it
attachment; appendix; suffix (e.g.,
ending or enclitic); (i) to now be
lengthened; (t) to lengthen, extend it; (t)
to add a suffix to it = word
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point ilisima- to know (her/him/it)
(along a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to
put it in a store for sale
iññiqsima- (t) to keep her/him company
iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide iriqsima- (i) to be hiding
*nak (root) attachment naksima- (i) for something to be hanging up

on a hook or peg
pakik- [pakIk] to dig (it = hole) with pakiksima- (i) to hold on, hang on by one’s
hands or claws; (t) to fire it = gun by fingers
pulling the trigger
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a person siqquqsima- (i) to be “tied up in knots,” to
or object); (i) to be opinionated (of a be tense because of impending
person) unpleasantness; (i) to be in a state of
physical and/or mental tension
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taaqsima- (i) to not be adjusted to darkness
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be (of one’s eyes)
black; (t) to block her/his/its light
*tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; tuniqsima- (i) to be faithful, enduring; be
hardness of surface hard to persuade

+simaaq- nv, vv (limited) to V casually for an extended period of time | +sima-2 +aq-1 vv
aiñiq [aiñiQ] pocket aiñiqsimaaq- (i) to stand with one’s hands
in one’s pants pockets
akkiq- (t) to catch it while falling (e.g., akkiqsimaaq- to hold one’s head in one’s
dripping water, plate) hands (usually as one leans on something)
amaq- (t) to put her/him/it on one's back amaqsimaaq- (i) to keep one’s arms behind
in order to to carry her/him/it one’s back
anaggusimaaq- (i) to lean on a secure object
iigaq- (i) to lean on something; (t) to set iigaqsimaaq- (i) to be leaning on something
it on a slant, at an angle
ikusik(-) [ikusIk] elbow; (t) to elbow ikusiksimaaq- (i) to lean on one’s elbows;
her/him/it (t) to have one’s elbows on it
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of iqisimaaq- to carry (her/him/it) pressed to
worm, fist, etc. the body with one’s arms; (i) to fold arms
across chest
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqquksimaaq- (i) to stand holding one’s butt
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; hearts out; (t) to hold it secure with one’s butt
(suit in cards) against it
kanagaq or (Nu) kanagaaq shin bone, kanagaqsimaaq- (i) to sit on floor with
shank, shin, tibia, lower leg knees raised and feet flat on floor
¤kaŋiġaqsimaaq- (Ti) (i) to sit in chair with
feet on floor, legs forward
kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġaqsimaaq- (i) to lie in wait for animals
where hunter waits for animal to pass by,
then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t)
to corral them= caribou, reindeer)
kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making kiapiksimaaq- (i) to have one’s arms
edges overlap; (t) to go for or pass it = a crossed across one’s chest
12 hour time period, especially to sleep
or go without sleep for more than l2
navlu or navluq joint, wrist, elbow, navluqsimaaq- (i) to sit with knees bent and

shoulder, or knee joint both feet flat on floor
niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on niviqsimaaq- (i) to lie with hands behind the
one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i) head, propped up; (i) to sit with chair
expose its underside balanced back on two legs
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaapaaksimaaq- (i) to sit on chair with legs
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; crossed at the knees and with arms crossed;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface (t) to sit on chair with them = legs crossed at
on it the knees and arms crossed
qalliġiik(-), (Nu) qalliġik- two things qaliġiiksimaaq- (i) to sit on floor with
lying one on top of the other; (i) to lie ankles crossed
one on top of the other
qipiŋa- (i) to be twisted qipiŋuaksimaaq- (i) to be in a squatting
position; (Nu) to sit with one’s legs crossed
saqpik(-) tail of whale; one whose feet saqpiluksimaaq- (i) to sit on the floor
are turned outward; (i) to turn one’s feet cross-legged with knees apart
outward; (i) to begin a game of Iñupiaq
soccer by placing the ball between two
opposing players, each attempts to then
to kick the ball toward the opposite
team’s goal
sitchuq- (i) to extend one’s legs while sitchuqsimaaq- (i) to sit on floor with legs
sitting on the floor extended or crossed at ankles

+siñiQ nn (limited) part of N

iri eye irisiñiq eye socket or cavity
itiqsiñiq spot on mammals (especially
whales, between head and body where
mammal can be killed with a direct harpoon
manu upper front of shirt or parka manusiñik two white tusk designs sewn on
front of parka yoke

±siññaaq or +giññaaq vn (limited) one which appears to be easily V-ed or easily Vs

aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; to aullaqsiññaaq person prepared to leave
start (of engine)
saavit- (i) to proceed out to the sea or on saavisiññaaq person all ready to set out
a river; (i) to go down to hunt on the ice, boating
beach, along coast; (i) to go out in front
of an audience, to go out in front of a
group, e.g., to dance, participate in
competitive games; (t) to put it = boat
out to sea
tuti- to step, tread on (her/him/it) tutigiññaaq slipper, slip-on footwear

ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over ulġusiññaaq object ready to topple over

msiññaq- or -giññaq- vv to V once; to merely, simply V § -iññaq- vv
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvisiññaq- (i) to simply sit down »
down on it aquvisiññaqtuaq isiqami when he came in,
he just sat down
kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiugiññaq- to merely answer (her/him/it)
napi- (i) to break in half; (t) to cut, break napigiññaq- (t) to simply cut in half »
it in half marraptauq avataani iglum aġviġit
napigiññaqługit tainna nappaaqtat also
all around surrounding the house are
whales cut in halves all placed upright
(Ahvakana, Tikiġaġmigguuq, p18)
tiituq- (i) to drink tea tiituqsiññaq- (i) to simply drink tea; (i) to
drink tea without anything to eat »
tiituqsiññaqtuagni wed just drank tea, didn't
do anything else, didn’t eat
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqsiññaq- (i) to merely talk »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqaqsiññaqtuat, suŋitchut they didn't do
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep anything, they just talked
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+siññaq vn (limited) instrument for V-ing | +sI-3 vv, ’-ti1 vn, perhaps +naq(-) nn, vn
aak- (t) to skin it = animal without aagun or aaksiñ or aaksiññaq a knife used
cutting the fur (usually the incision is to skin an animal without cutting the pelt
made around the lips of the mouth, then
the skin is pulled back while turning it
inside out)

+sIq-1 vv to allow to happen § +[t]sIq- vv

+sIq-2 vv (limited) to accomplish V-ing usually with speed

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anisiq- (i) to depart quickly
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
irgasiq- (i) to surreptitiously eat food which
has been stored in a cache; (t) to eat it = food
stored in a cache stealthily
*isi (root) elongation, extension of isisiq- (i) to stretch one’s limbs
kauk- to hammer (it = nail) kauksiq- (i) to have one’s heart beat fast and
**ku (root) downward movement or kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it)
maŋik- [maŋIk] to gnaw on (it); (Nu) maŋiksiq- (i) to fall headfirst, dead,

(i) to fall headfirst dead or wounded wounded (usu of animal)
(usu. of animal); (Nu) (i) to fall on
one’s face
nait- (i) to be short of length naisiq- (i) to be short
qiruk wood qiruksiq- (Ti) (i) to get a wood splinter in
one’s flesh
saġaaluk- (i) to make a splashing sound saġġalliqsiq- to be making a slapping noise
(of water); to make a crashing sound (of (of water)
ocean waves breaking on shore)
suviqsiq- (i) to be idle
tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to tiksiq- (i) to drift in a boat
become airborne (of airplane, helicopter,
ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract; (i) to uliksiq- (i) to get a mucus-like film on the
cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to cover eye
her/him/it with a blanket

-sIq vn (limited) that which has a close connection to the N or V § ~Iq nn,vn
igliq [igliQ] sleeping platform, bench iglisiq or iglisit (Ti) bench in qalgi (men’s
along the entire back wall of a sod house house) along wall; sleeping platform planks
placed along the back wall of a sod house;
platform on which snow is placed to melt
and drip into a water container
iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuusiq way of life, habit, disposition; soul
inna or iminna (adv) like this innasiq something just like this one
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunusiġaq outer side runner (outside of
back exterior wall of house “tuurvik”) of umiak frame

+siqiŋIt- vv to not bother to V or become V

atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigisiqiŋit- to not bother to put a parka on
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on (her/him) » atigisiqiŋitchuq unnii he didn't
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him even bother to put on a parka
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamiksiqiŋit- to not bother to put boots on
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; (her/him/it) » kamiksiqiŋitchuguk
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots aniñialaliqtuqamnuk wed did not even
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it bother to put our boots on as wed hurried to
get outside

-siraq(-) nv, vv, vn (limited) to do involving a N

nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunasiraq- (i) to travel on snowless tundra
territory, a citizen’s nation-state
qamuk- to pull or tow (it) qamuksiraq- (i) to bring a sled with a load;
(t) to put it on a sled and bring it
qapak physically weak person qapaksiraq- (Ti) (i) to play a game where
one jumps up, pushing a small board out of
the way before one lands (with two jumping

sites about a foot apart at start and
becoming closer and closer as the game
qilaun drum used in Iñupiaq dancing qilausiraq- (Ti) (i) to play the drum
*qua (root) slipperiness quasiraq(-) or quasiraaq(-) bare, smooth
ice on lake or pond which one can slide on;
(i) to slide along swiftly on a slippery
surface; to skate

+sit-nv,vv (limited) to come to a situation where one Vs or is V-ed

anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in anaksit- (Ti) (i) to desire a rematch
arriq- (i) to get a blood transfusion; (t) arriqsit- (i) to bruise; (t) to give her/him a
to give her/him/it a blood transfusion bruise; (t) to kill an animal in such a way
that it is soaked through with blood
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avasit- to be in the distance away from the
point of reference, barely visible
igliq- [iglIq] (i) to move aside and avoid igliqsit- (t) to prevent her/him/it from being
something coming at one; (i) to get out hit by moving her/him/it aside
of the way; (t) to avoid being hit by it by
moving aside
iqu- (i) to become distorted on one side, iquisit- to be crooked, not aligned
killi or killiq1 [killI(Q)] limit (of time or killiŋiqsit- to begin to thaw around the shore
space); due date; border, line, edge of in spring (of lake, river)
land which has been cleared; source of
river; area next to wall or floor; stopping
point, goal, destination, limit; crucial
*niki (root) unevenness nikisit- (t) to make it uneven, with one side
shorter than the other; (i) to move and thus
become visible, having been camouflaged by
remaining motionless in her/his/its
pasik- [pasIk] (t) to get scorched pasiksit- (t) to warm it by the fire or any
source of heat; (Nu) (t) to roast, fry it =
bread atop stove
*qiki (root) distortion qikisit- (t) to warp it
sali- [salI] (t) to cut it with scissors; (t) sallisit- (t) to cut, snip it with scissors
to cut her/his hair; (i) to be now cut with
scissors; (i) to cut one’s hair
siiq-1 (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siiqsit- (i) to ooze (of a wound); (i) to flow
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, out through a small opening or crack, seep
perspire onto surface of ice (of water); (t) to let it =
wound ooze; (t) let it = water flow out
through a crack or small opening in a

sukuiq- (t) to scrutinize and recognige sukuiqsit- (i) to become recognizeable
her/him/it in the distance, in fog, etc.
tapiqtaaġiik(-) two things doubled (e.g., tapitaaġiiksit- to be situated abreast of each
clothing, when one is wearing two pairs other
of pants); overlapped flat objects; (i) to
be overlapped (of flat objects)

+siu- vv (limited) to experience a V-ing § +[s]uksiu-

aiyugaaq- (t) to invite her/him aiyugaaqsiu- (Ti) (i) to be invited
arak- (t) to comfort, soothe, placate araksiu- (Ti) (i) to be comforted
her/him; (t) to encourage her/him
imiġuk- to want to drink (it) imiġuksiu- (i) to experience thirst »
imiġuksiunasi do not deprive yourselves of
something to drink
kaak- (i) to be hungry kaaksiu- (i) to experience hunger
niġisuk- to want to eat (it) niġisuksiu- (i) to experience hunger

+siun nn, vn (limited) instrument for catching, measuring N, or to V | +sI-2 vv :un1 vn or

+siuq- nv -+n n vn
aanaakłiq [aanaakłIq] arctic cisco, aanaakłiqsiun net with large mesh used to
large round-nosed whitefish (Coregonus catch whitefish
anuġi wind anuġisiun wind vane
irri severe, cold weather irrisiun outdoor thermometer
itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; itiqsiun (Ti) enema
sea anemon
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kapusiun shaft of harpoon
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
kiktuġiaq mosquito kiktuġiaqsiun mosquito netting
niqi food, meat niqisiun an ingredient
sila weather; atmosphere, air silasiun barometer

+siuq- nv (limited) to hunt, search for, seek out, experience a N or a V-ing | perhaps +sI-2 vv
+uq-2 vv
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġviqsiuq- or aġviġniaq- (i) to hunt whales
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena
alluaq ice fishing hole; sealing hole alluaqsiuq- (i) to hunt seals through their
breathing holes
igvik (Ti) pocket igviksiuq- (Ti) to pick (her/his) pocket
iġġi [iġġI] or iġġiq mountain iġġiqsiuq- (i) to walk, travel through

*ilak (root) distraction, confusion; ilaksiuq- (Nu) (t) to disturb, distract, confuse
discord; not aligned, dissonance, her/him
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuksiuq- (i) to go out and visit people in
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to their homes
surprise her/him/it
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluksiuq- (i) to go out fishing
catch a fish
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋiqsiuq- to investigate, study, ask
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; questions, inquire about (her/him/it)
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kii3 (excl.) see there, see what happens kiiqsiuq- (i) to be in great pain
when you do that! I told you so!
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiqsiuq- (i) to be seal hunting
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qavviksiuq- (i) to hunt wolverine
gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine
*sikkIk (root) catch a dream sikkiqsiuq- or sikkiuma- (i) to recall,
remember, tell about a good luck dream
(especially for hunting)
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taaqsiuq- (i) to travel in the dark
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be
black; (t) to block her/his/its light
tumi track, trail, footprint tuvsiuq- (i) to be out looking for tracks
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) (Ti) unnuaqsiuq- (i) to stay up all night
yesterday; to become night long, stay up past one’s usual bedtime, stay
out all night
uqpik [uqpIk] willow (Salix) uqpiksiuq- (i) to make one’s way through a
thicket of willows

+sraaq(-) or +sralaaq(-) nn, nv (limited) the gentle N | +qsraq vn -aq2 nn -laaq nn §

+ġralaaq nn
aaquk or aaquaksraq old woman aaquaksralaaq elderly looking woman
anuġi wind anuqsralaaq(-) or anuqsraaq(-) gentle
breeze; to be comfortably breezy, of wind
uġġuk- to become damp with a grayish uġġuksraaq(-) dew, moisture; (t) to dampen
discoloration (of animal hide, clothes, or it = pelt for conditioning during tanning
stored food); to become covered with
unnuk(-) evening; (i) to become dark (t) unnuksraaq(-) early evening; (t) to become
it is becoming dark late afternoon, early evening

= srak- or +srak- vv (limited) to V forcefully, with results § = srik- vv
¤itik- (i) to suffer an attack of diarrhea itiksrak- (i) to propel itself out
maqi- (i) to flow out, leak out, drain; to maqsraluk- (i) to make a babbling noise
sweat; to run (of nose) (of running water)
pakik- [pakIk] to dig (it = hole) with paksrak- to dig (it = hole) with claws or
hands or claws; (t) to fire it = gun by paws
pulling the trigger

-srI- vv intransitivizer § +sI-3 vv

= srik- vv (limited) to V suddenly or forcefully § = srak- vv

aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvsrik- (i) to sit down suddenly
down on it
iksrik- (i) to bend over with one’s buttocks
in the air; (t) to bend over with one’s
buttocks raised towards her/him/it in jest; (t)
to “moon” her/him/it
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of maksrik- (i) to stand up suddenly
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright

~sruk vn (limited) item with attributes of V or N

nuvaksruk (Nu) Baird’s sandpiper (Calidris
taki- (i) to be long taksruk long, narrow lake
tuksruk or tuqługauraq entryway, cold
porch; tunnel (to a sodhouse)

+sruk-nv (limited) to give evidence of N or V-ing

iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuksruk- (i) to make one’s presence known
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to by making noise
surprise her/him/it
iqsruk- to carry (her/him/it) on one’s
patiq(-) [patiQ] bone marrow; candle; patiqsruk- (i) to suck marrow from a bone
(i) to eat bone marrow; (t) to eat its bone
tuksruk- (i) to be crushed, crumpled; (t) to
crush, crumple it

-suaq nn (limited)
aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit, aġvisuaq porpoise (Phocoena vomerina)
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form
aavġum] bowhead whale (Balaena
mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Balaena

sisuaq white beluga

+suaq- vv (limited) to V for a while continuously or habitually § +tuaq- vv

+[s]ugnaq- vv probably is V-ing

aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglagugnaq- to probably be writing (it =
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) composition) » aglagugnaġai akkupak she
to vote by secret ballot is probably writing them right now
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchugnaq- (i) to probably be running
miquq- to sew (it) miquġugnaq- to probably be sewing (it) »
miquġugnaġaik kammakiñ she is probably
sewing your boots
uti- (i) to fall out (of hair); to grow bald, utisugnaq- (i) to probably be in a state of
become hairless advanced decomposition where the hair
comes out easily

+sugnIq nn scent of N
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluksugniq fish smell
catch a fish
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunasugniq scent of sod, ground, soil (most
territory, a citizen’s nation-state notable after a rain)
quq urine quqsugnIq scent of urine
urraq [urraQ] fermented meat and urraqsugniq smell of fermented seal
blubber (usually walrus or seal flippers, flippers » aarigaa urraqsugniq imña
or walrus skin with blubber)(a delicacy) delicious, it sure smells like fermented seal

+sugnIt- nv smells like, of N § +nIt-2 nn

auk(-) blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a auksugnit- (i) to smell of blood
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluksugnit- (i) to smell of fish
catch a fish
uniq [uniQ] armpit, underarm uniqsugnit- (i) to have underarm odor
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruqsugnit- (i) to smell of oil
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum

-sugruk(-) nn,vv a huge, immense N; to do a lot of V-ing § -niqłuk nn

akku a while ago, some time ago akkusugruk a long while ago, quite a while
ago, much earlier in the day
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutisugruk ram, male sheep
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpasugruktuaŋa I ran a lot
ikpaksraaq ikpaksraasugruk a long while back (a span
of a month or so)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñusugruk a huge person
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it

irri severe, cold weather Irraasugruk February [lit. “extremely cold
nauyavak young glaucous gull; (Nu) nauyavasugruk glaucous gull (Larus
western glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)
qikiqtaq island qikiqtasugruk big island
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqasugruk- (i) to talk a long time
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+suġaq- or +suġaaq- vv (limited) testing one's ability to V

ii-1 [igi] (t) to swallow it iisuġaq- (Ti) (i) to have hiccups
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakisuġaaq(-) game played with a toy made
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it from neck bone of caribou where the bone is
attached with a string to a short stick (the
object of the game is to swing the stick up,
attempting to catch the vertebra on the point
of the stick through the foramen); (i) to play
the game of kakisuġaaq
nalaut- (i) to be correct, guess correctly, nalautchuġaaq- (i) to bet; to play solitaire
have one's prediction fulfilled; (t) to
guess it right
nappaq- (t) to erect, build it = building, nappaqsuġaaġun (Ti) knife, implement for
monument; to set it upright playing mumblety-peg
nappaqsuġaaq- (Ti) (i) to play
pisik- (t) to hit her/him/it with an arrow pisiksuġaq(-) or pisiksuġaaq(-) target; (i) to
or a bullet; to shoot her/him/it shoot at a target; (t) to shoot at it = target

+suġnaq- vv to be easy, pleasing to V § -yunaq- vv

-suilaq vn one that does not V

aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglasuilaq a pen without ink » aglasuilamik
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) aitchuqsimaraġa it seems I gave him an
to vote by secret ballot empty pen
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikusuilaq body of water which never
icy freezes

+[s]uiq- vv to get rid of the desire or need to V; to cease wanting to V | +[s]uk- vv :Iq- vv
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġisuiq- (i) to satiate one’s appetite
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñiguiq- (i) to get enough sleep
= day sleeping
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġuiq- (i) to cease speaking; (i) to satiate

leg-hold trap which when stepped on one’s desire to talk so one ceases talking
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+[s]uiqsaaq- vv to V to one's satisfaction for one last time | +[s]uk- vv :Iq- vv +saaq-1 vv
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiġuiqsaaqtuuraġniaqtuŋa I will take a
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable minute to quench my thrist
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġisuiqsaallaktigiñ have a substantial meal
before you leave
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuguiqsaaġuŋ take a good look at him,
(before you or he leaves)

±suit- or -yuit-1 vv to never V; to be not able to V well; to be bad omen; to go wrong when
one Vs |
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at iglaŋasuit- to never smile (at her/him)
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imisuit- or imiyuit- (i) to not drink alcohol;
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable (i) to be a bad drinker, easily gets drunk; (i)
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)) to misbehave, easily becoming aggressive or
argumentative when drunk
isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s home isiqattaasuit- or isiqattaayuit- to never visit
and visit socially; (t) to go to her/his (her/him); (i) to always misbehave when
home and visit her/him socially visiting

+[s]uk-1 vv to want to V
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add avusuk- (i) to crave a change of diet (of
sugar to something one is eating or pregnant woman)
drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an
ingredient to it
ilau- (i) to be included, be a member; to ilausuk- (i) to want to be included; to want
have many relatives (Ti) to receive to be a member
shares of a whale; (t) to include her/him;
(Ti) to give her/him shares of whale
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuġuk- to want to help or assist (her/him)
» ikayuġukkuviñ qaiyumautin come if you
want to help
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitchuk- (i) to want to stand up
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuguk- (i) would like to see it
uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it = food uuksisuk- (i) to want a taste »
uuksisukkaluaqama tigliuraqtuami
because I wanted to have a little taste, I stole
a small amount

-suk-2 or ~suk-2 vv, nv (limited) to be in a state of V-ing or being V
*alia (root) lonliness; dullness; aliasuk- (i) to feel lonely and sad; to be
humorlessness bored
alla another one, a different one; allasuk- (i) to react apprehensively to
something strange something unfamiliar; to be fearful of
strangers (often said of a child); (Ti) to begin
labor (of a woman giving birth)
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayasuk- (i) to be cautious, careful in a
dangerous situation; to be fearful, afraid
*argua (root) audacious, bold arguasuk- (i) to feel bold, audacious; to be
unbelieving, doubtful
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add avusuk- (i) to crave a change of diet (of a
sugar to something one is eating or pregnant woman)
drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an
ingredient to it
iglaġuk- (i) to want to laugh iglaġusuk- (i) to grin; to be unable to keep
from smiling
iġñiq [iġñiQ]son iġñisuk- (i) to be in labor, be about to give
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłigusuk- (i) to be tempted to do something

*iliġa (root) gratitude, happiness iliġasuk- (i) to be very happy; to be very

*ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension ilimasuk- (i) to be apprehensive, suspicious,
*ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression, ipiqtusuk- (i) to be very sad, despondent,
depondence depressed
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqiasuk- (i) to not feel like working or doing
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of something productive, to be lazy
eagerness, unwillingness
*kama (root) awe, respect kamasuk- (i) to obey; to be amazed,
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋusuk- (i) to be shy; (i) to feel ashamed,
embarrassment; feeling of shyness embarrassed
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger kappiasuk- (i) to feel oneself in imminent
danger; to feel extremely vulnerable
*kipiq (root) desire for an optimun kipinŋusuk- (i) to speak one’s mind without
outcome realizing it might hurt others’ feelings; to
yearn to do something but be unable to, so
one worries and frets about it
*kuksra (root) doubt, lack of confidence kuksrasuk- (i) to be unsure, lack
confidence; (i) to fail to do something; (i) to
do something hesitantly
kuvsuk- to spoil on the outside (of meat)
malik- to follow, accompany maliksuk- (i) to be attracted or persuaded

(her/him/it) to participate; (i) to yearn, or have a desire
to follow; (i) to be enticed; (i) to conform
manu upper front of shirt or parka manusuk- (i) to tuck one’s chin in one’s
parka and be idle
*miġvi (root) dislike miġvisuk- (i) to be unwilling to pay the
asking price; (Nu) to dislike someone
nalu- to not know, be ignorant of nalupqisuk- (i) to be in doubt, doubtful,
(her/him/it); to be uninformed (about uncertain
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikasuk- (i) to be uncertain; (Nu) to quit,
others; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a give up
non-participant due to one's
embarrassment, lack of confidence or
fear of authority
patiq(-) [patiQ] bone marrow; candle; pativsuktuq he is sucking juice from
(i) to eat bone marrow; (t) to eat its bone something
*piyumI (root) willingness, eagerness, piyumisuk- (Nu) (i) to want to leave, go, be
hopefulness eager, raring to go
*qaama (root) optimism, elation, qaamasuk- (i) to start to feel like working
confidence (usu after feeling depressed, sad)
qami- (i) to become extinguished; to go qavsuk- (i) to become dim (of light); to
off or out (of light or fire); to die (of become low (of fire); (t) to turn it = light
engine) lower
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipimmisuk- (Ti) (i) to be bothered by noise
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain;
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
qitusuk- (i) to chuckle over something
qiviu down (of waterfowl); wool (of qiviusuk- (i) to be fuzzy (of cloth)
*quki (root) cleanliness, tidiness qukisuk- (i) to feel unworthy, diffident; (i)
to feel not clean enough
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviasuk- (i) to be happy
*saġima (root) appreciation saġimasuk- (i) to feel appreciated
*saiñġi (root) chagrin, regret; saiñġisuk- or saiñġusuk- (i) to feel
frustration frustration and regret for missing an
opportunity to get something; (i) to be
chagrined, frustrated
*sirga (root) anxiety sirgasuk- (i) to be anxious to wake up early
to go someplace or do something
suqpak- (interrog.) (i) to be outrageous suqpasuk- (i) to be uncomfortable, feel
or do something outrageous shame from worrying about what others
think of one
*tata (root) extreme apprehension, tatasuk- (i) to be easily frightened

tutqaaq- or tutqaasuk- (i) to feel bad, tutqaaq- or tutqaasuk- (i) to feel bad,
sorry, ill at ease about something one has sorry, ill at ease about something one has
done or something which others with done or something which others with direct
direct ties to one has done; (i) to feel bad ties to oneself has done; (i) to feel bad that
that one is not able repay a favor, pay for one is not able repay a favor, pay for a
a service service
*ulgia (root) feeling of being different ulgiasuk- (Ti) (i) to find something different,
uluġiaq- or uluġiapak- (i) to wince in uluġiasuk- (i) to flinch, draw back wary
fear, flinch, covering one's face and eyes
protectively with the arms
unaŋuq- (i) to become tired unaŋusuk- (i) to feel tired

*una (root) tiredness, crankiness unasuk- (i) to be cranky, sensing that

her/hius mother is pregnant with a second
child (of child)
*urgia (root) onset of illness urgiasuk- (i) to feel an illness coming on;
feel some physical pain
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumisuk- (i) to be angry, feel mean

-suk nn, vn (limited) one associated with N or being N

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnasuk bitch; female dog
queen (suit in cards)
alivsuk or alivsuuraq premature baby
atqasuk outer flare of nostril
imaq (-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaqsuk pond
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuksuk guidepost made of piled rocks, rock
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to cairn; pile of rocks or willow construction
surprise her/him/it made to resemble humans and are
strategically placed to help direct caribou
into a corral during herding; scarecrow
iñukpak large person iñukpasuk giant
naki- [nakI] (i) to be unable to urinate nakasuk bladder
because of a urinary tract disorder
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliilgasuk bachelor
animal); to marry (her); (i) to take a wife
nuliiq- (i) to lose one's wife, to be
widowed; (t) to take, steal his wife
qaiġuq bark of tree; (Nu) shelf in oven qaiġusuk cave
qavaasuk spectacled eider (Sonateria
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunusuk rounded area at back of head,
back exterior wall of house occiput; nape of neck

ui1 husband uilgasuk spinster, unmarried woman

+[s]uksaaq- vv to entice, lure, tempt to V | +[s]uk-1 vv ±saaq-2 vv

+[s]uksI- vv to develop a strong tendency or inclination to V | +[s]uk-1 vv +sI-1 vv

iglaqhauraq- (i) to giggle iglaqhauraġuksi- (i) to become giggly »
iglaqhauraġuqsiruaguk pilaiqpaiłłunuk
we2 began giggling for no reason because
we2 were so tired
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġuksi- (i) to become garrulous,
leg-hold trap which when stepped on excessively talkative » uqaġuksiruq
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep imiqpaiłłuni he has become very talkative
talking to her/him for the purpose of because he has had too much to drink
advising her/him on the proper way to

+[s]ulait- vv to dislike V-ing | +[s]uk-1 vv -lait-vv

aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchulait- (i) to not like to run »
aqpatchulaitchuq sialugman he does not
like to run when it is raining
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth saglusulait- (i) to not like to lie
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġulait- (i) to not like to talk
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+[s]uliġñiaq- vv will eventually V or become V so let events happen as they will, making
no special effort to make them occur
aat-2 (t) to take her/him/it somewhere aatchuliġñiaq- (t) will eventually bring
her/him/it » aatchuliġñiaġaa;
uqaviluŋaiġiñ he will get around to bringing
it; stop complaining
naat- (i) to now be complete; (t) to naatchuliġñiaq- will eventually finish (it) »
finish, complete it @ naatchi- naatchuliġñiaġiñ; uŋiarrisaġinagu you
will get around to finishing it, don't worry
about it
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaguliġñiaq- will eventually work (on it)
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; » savaguliġñiaġaa, piññagu he will get
(i) to be working, operating properly (of around to working on it, don't mind him
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikitchuliġñiaq- (i) will eventually arrive; (t)
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it will eventually reach it »
tikitchuliġñiaqtugut qilamiqsruŋaiġluta

pisa we will eventually reach our
destination, so let's not hurry

+[s]ulillapiaq- vv to really want to V | +[s]uk- vv -lIq-3 vv -llak-1 vv +piaq(-)2 vv

aġvak-2 or (Ti) aġvaaq- (i) to catch a aġvagulillapiaq- (i) to really desire to kill
whale, kill a whale in a whale hunt a whale » aġvagulillapiaġamik,
aŋatkuniñ ikayuqsiġlutik piraqtut when
they really wanted to catch a whale they
would seek the assistance of the shamans
(David Frankson in Pulu: 94)

+sulugaq rv (limited)
**ku (root) downward movement or kusulugaq icicle

+sumaaq- vv to intend, plan to V § +yumaaq- vv

+[s]unġIq- vv to cease wanting to V | +[s]uk-1 vv +niQ1 vn :Iq-2 nv

igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to iglausunġiq- (i) to no longer want to travel »
be running, idling (of a machine/engine); iglausunġiqsuaq miġiayanŋuvluni he does
(t) to travel it = distance not want to travel anymore because he feels
ilau- (i) to be included, be a member; to ilausunġiq- (i) to no longer want to be
have many relatives (Ti) to receive included » ilausunġiqsuaq
shares of a whale; (t) to include her/him; savagnaġniġman he no longer wants to
(Ti) to give her/him shares of whale participate since there is too much work
savagiaq- (i) to go to work; (t) to go savagiaġunġiq- (i) to no longer want to go
repair it to work » savagiaġunġiqsuaq
silagigñiġman he no longer wants to go to
work since he found out the weather was so
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; susunġiq- (i) to lose one’s enthusiasm,
(t) to do what to her/him/it become letharic; (i) be unwilling to do

-sunŋu- vv (limited) to hurt, be in discomfort, be at a disadvantage, be weary, tired,

suffering from the effects of V-ing § -nŋu- vv

-suŋaiññaq- vv to V all of the time, constantly

iglaq- (i) to laugh iglasuŋaiññaq- (i) to laugh all the way
niqsaq(-) sea mammal or animal which niqsasuŋaiññaq- (i) to be successful in
lives on sea ice; (Ti) game animal (land killing animals for food
or sea); (i) to catch game

+[s]uŋiliq (limited) should V because the V-ing seems achievable, doable
naatiqtuq- (t) to finish, complete it naatiqtuġuŋiliq let’s complete it instead
quickly with full concentration
pisukataq- or (Ti) pisuu- (i) to walk, pisukataġuŋiliq let’s walk instead
rather than use some other mode of

+suq-1 vv does well § -yuq- vv

+suq-2 rv (limited) to experience or have an attribute of N § +tuq-3 vv

*annIq or (Nu) *atnIq (root) valuable, anniqsuq- (t) to assist or rescue her/him in a
beneficial time of need, stress. or danger

**ka2 (deep root) impact, contact kasuq- (i) to become joined (of objects); (i)
to close (of gap, e.g., of ice); (i) to meet on
the way somewhere, of more than one
person; (t) to meet her/him, make her/his
acquaintance; (t) to “run” into her/him
quq urine quqsuq- (i) to be yellow, stained; (Ti) (i) to
be brown

+suq-3 vv indicates repetition § +tuq-2 vv

+suqtilaaq- vv to do one's best § -yuqtilaaq- vv

+[s]uvyuaq- vv to not have the desire to V; be reluctant to V | +[s]uk- vv -vyuaq- vv

niġisuk- to want to eat (it); (Nu) niġisuvyuaq- to not have the desire, the
to be hungry appetite to eat (it)
pisuk- (i) to want to participate; pisuvyuaq- to not really want to do (it)
(t) to want to have it
uqaġuk- (i) to want to talk, uqaġuvyuaq- (i) to not want to talk, finding
speak it not desireable

+[s]uu- vv always, regularly, usually V-s

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilasuu- (t) to regularly add to it » akutuliani
name; companion, friend, partner; part of ilasuugaa asianik she always adds berries to
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, her Eskimo ice cream
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
qavrak- or qarvak- to flense, remove qavraguu- to regularly remove the blubber
blubber from (it = animal skin) (from them = animal skins) » qavraguugai
tupqum silataani she removes the blubber
from them by the tent

qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qivitchuu- (i) to habitually become offended
indignant; to act or behave indignantly and leave in a huff » iviġaŋitchuni
qivitchuuruq when one does not do
according to her wishes, she always becomes
offended and leaves
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagiaġuu- (i) to usually go to work; (t) to
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; regularly go to work on it » savagiaġuuruq
(i) to be working, operating properly (of uvlaami she goes to work in the morning;
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = savaguuruq unnuami he works at night
corpse for burial

+[s]uupiksuaq- vv (limited) to V frequently or on a more predictable basis than others |

+[s]uu- vv -piksuaq- vv
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaisuupiksuaq- (i) to come more frequently
or on a more predictable basis than others

+[s]uvyuaq- vv (limited) to not really want to V

niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġisuvyuaq- to not have the desire, the
appetite to eat (it)
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pisuvyuaq- to not really want to do (it)
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to
her/him; an entity

+t-1 vv (limited) to cause her/him/it to V

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anit- (t) to put, throw her/him/it out; (t) to
born; (i) to emerge from the den in expel her/him/it; (t) to place it outside; (t) to
spring (of hibernating animal) thrust it outside; (t) to begin it = speech or
song; (Ti) (t) to be carried out to sea, drift
out to sea
aula- (i) to move around, show aulat- (t) to be in charge of it; to make it
movement, be in motion move, to move her/him/it around
iki-2 (i) to burn ikit- (i) to be now ignited (of fire, cigarette,
cigar or pipe); (i) to be turned on (of light);
(t) to ignite, turn it = stove, cigarette lighter
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of her/his
(along a journey or a process); (i) to ways, habits; (t) to learn it
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t)
to put it in a store for sale
ina- (i) to stop to play while migrating inat- (t) to purposely distract her/him/it in
(of whales); (i) for persons to stay order to keep her/him/it from doing
somewhere and enjoy themselves something else

ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to ipit- (t) to suffocate, drown her/him/it; (t) to
be hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cause her/him to have difficulty catching
cool air her/his breath by making her/him laugh to
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of worm,
worm, fist, etc. fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t) to embrace
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kivit- [kivIt] (t) to sink it
kiñŋu- (i) to capsize, roll over (of a kiñŋut- (t) to cause it to capsize, roll over
vehicle or boat)
maqu-1 (i) to become spoiled, marred, maqut- (i) to have been destroyed; (t) to
corrupted; (i) to be destroyed; (i) to destroy, ruin, corrupt, vandalize her/him/it;
deteriorate (of a human relationship) (i) to badly influence her/him
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure nakut- (t) to provide entertainment for
her/him/it; (t) to keep her/him/it amused
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napat- (t) to stand it up; (t) to support it; (t)
house, pole, tree to uphold it
nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do nunut- (t) to stop or pressure her/him from
something doing something
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋut- (t) to deplete, use it up
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon,
i.e. no moon
qaki- (i) to climb out of water; (i) to qakit- (t) to put it up, as on a shelf; to pull it
come up on shore (of boat); (i) to win in = boat up onto shore or ice
a game; (i) to accumulate enough
wealth so that one’s chances of survival
are no longer precarious; (i) to become
uppity, stuck-up; (i) to adopt a
condescending attitude toward “former”
peers (after acquiring money, new
status, etc.)
saŋŋi- [saŋŋI] (i) to be strong, tight, or saŋŋit-1 (i) to be now tightly, securely
taut fastened on; (i) to be pulled taut; (Ti) (i) to
tense up, tighten up one’s muscles; (t) to
fasten it on tightly, securely; (t) to tighten,
pull it = drumskin taut; (t) to tie it = knot
saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saqut- (t) to turn her/him/it, changing
her/his/its direction
sisi- (i) to harden, become solid as a sisit-1 (t) for it to harden, solidify
tuqu- (i) to die tuqut- (t) to kill her/him/it
ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over ulġut- (t) to push her/him/it so that she/he/it
falls, topples, or tips over

+t-2 nv, vv (limited) to acquire N by hunting or gathering from its natural environment; to
accomplish the V-ing or the state of being indicated by V § postbase +t is dropped to
avoid a cluster of three consonants when the stem ends in a consonant § ’-k- nv
-lIq-1 nv
*aġI (root) dampness, moisture aġit- [agIt] to become wet or damp (of
fabric, ground, animal hide, child’s diaper)
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice allut- to kill a seal through its breathing hole
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aqut- to pilot or steer (it = a boat)
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avat- (t) to surround her/him/it; to besiege it
iŋi groin, middle front part of pelvic iŋit- (i) to sit down, be seated; (t) to sit
bone; loins; center of whale belly, her/him down
underside around anus of whale
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a iput- to row (it)
handle to it
iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to catch a
catch a fish fish
*mamia (root ) feeling of distress, mamiat- (i) to have one’s feelings hurt by
offense scolding or criticism and becomes weepy;
(Ti) (i) to mourn, grieve
mamiq membrane scraped from dried mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore,
animal skin used in olden days as a injured body part); (i) to fuse, come
bandage together
*mau (root) sea ice maut- (i) to walk out in the direction of
open water; to go hunting out on the sea ice
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to finish,
out complete it @ naatchi-
natchiq(-) [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa
hispida); (i) to catch a seal hispida); (i) to catch a seal
*niki (root) unevenness nikit- (i) to have been made uneven
niliq(-) flatus = escaping air from poke nilit- (i) to become deflated (e.g., of
or float; (i) to fart balloon); (t) to cause (it = water level) to
lower; (t) to cause it = swelling or swollen
part to reduce in size
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; country, nunat- (t) to cache it = usually caribou meat
territory, a citizen’s nation-state in a hole dug in ground and covered with sod
qala wake of boat, churning water qalat- (i) to boil; (Nu) (i) to churn (of water,
behind paddle or propeller esp., in wake of boat)
qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area qanit- to be near, close (to her/him/it)
close by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take
her/him/it partway to destination
qaugak duck qaugak(-) duck; (i) to kill a duck
qavia sand, gravel qaviat- (t) to bury, cover it with sand
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo gulo);

gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine (i) to kill a wolverine
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saat-1 to face, turn toward (her/him/it); (t) to
garment; area immediately in front of challenge, confront her/him/it
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
sallisik a pair of scissors; thin-bladed sallisitkaa she snips it with scissors
scissors; hair clipper
siki- (i) to lower or hang one's head sikit- (i) to bow, lower the head
siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl.siksrigit] siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl.siksrigit] arctic
arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryi); (i) to
parryi); (i) to kill an arctic ground kill an arctic ground squirrel
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivut- (i) to navigate from the bow of boat,
frontage, area in front of building; bow giving direction; (t) to navigate it = boat
of boat; front exterior wall of house; from the bow of boat
time prior
suka- (i) to be fast sukat- (i) to be fast
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunut- (i) to turn to face the opposite way, to
back exterior wall of house turn one’s back; (t) to turn one’s back to
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttut- (i) to catch a caribou
*uu (root) heat, warmth uut- (t) to be cooked (of meat); to cook it =
meat; to get sunburn

-t nn plural mkr § :It nn

mta- vv,rv (limited) to V with duration § -qta- vv

apta- (i) to be busy
ata- (i) to be attached, connected
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makita- (i) to be standing
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright
nipta- (i) to be clear (of weather)

*puk (root) depth pukta- (i) to be afloat

pupta- (i) to be floating
*qaŋa (root) suspension qaŋata- (i) to be elevated, off the floor or
*qiġa (root) stiffness qiġata- (i) to be stiff
qikaq- (i) to be standing; (Ti) to stand qikata- (i) to stand

+ta rn (limited) final suffix of some roots and nouns

*mita (root) depth level
*piq (root) bend, curve piqta point at which a line bends down at

an angle (as along the edge of a cliff, corner
of house, etc.); exterior siding (of house,
boat); wall; side of cliff
*qipta (root) drowsiness
*quta (root) slope
*tata (root) extreme apprehension, anxiety

+taaq- or -taaq- or = taaq- (limited) vv, nv to assume the position or action § -raaq,
= raaq-
aannagu (excl.) or aatnagu wait; wait a aannagutaaq- to procrastinate, delay or
minute; in a moment, shortly, in a put off doing (it); (t) to put it = esp., food
while, later on, in a little while, after a away for later consumption; (t) to table it
while = any action in parliamentary procedure
akiaq- (t) to relieve her/him during a akiaġaqtaaq- to take turns using (it); (i) to
task; (t) to take over her/his watch take turns doing an activity
(period of time doing something); (t) to
replace her/him in a competition, etc.
anmuk- to go down, descend, drop; (i) anmuktaaq- (t) to set it at a lower setting;
to go down a slope, to descend (t) place it on a lower level
gradually, to drop; indicator in a
therometer, barometer, etc.; to have
been set downward, lowered; (t) to set it
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquptaaq- (i) to get into a comfortable
down on it sitting position
ipuk- (t) to lift it with a lever; (t) to ipuktaaq- (i) to ride up and down on a
cock the lever of it = rifle seesaw
iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of iqittaaq- (i) to put one arm around each
worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t) other’s shoulders; (t) to put one’s arm
to embrace her/him/it around her/his shoulders
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋivaqtaaq- (i) to roll up one’s sleeves,
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; (t) to roll up her/his sleeves for her/him
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kiluvaq- (i) to travel inland; (i) to move kiluvaqtaaq- (i) to move up, to come
away from the door and further into the further into the house toward the wall
room opposite the door; (t) to move her/him/it
further into the house; to move it = usu a
boat away from the sea, bring ashore
kisimġiuq- (i) to be alone kisimġuqtaaq- (i) to exclude others from
one’s activities; (t) to isolate it
nanuk- to rub something on (her/him/it) nanuktaaġun jam, spread made from fruit
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or nauttaaq- to ration (it)
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to

nipi voice, sound nipaisaaq- (i) to play quietly (of child); (i)
to be engaged in a quiet activity; (i) to be
nuut- to move (her/him/it) nuutaaq- to move (her/him/it) a little; (i)
to move closer to someone or something
qunmuk- (i) to ascend, rise qunmuktaaq- to move (her/him/it) to a
higher level; (t) to raise or turn it =
thermostat, audio higher
saniñmuk- (i) to move sideways; (t) to saniñmuktaaq- to move her/him/it) to the
move it sideways side
saqpiluksi- (i) to sit on floor, crossing saqpiluktaaq- (i) to assume the position of
one's legs sitting with legs crossed
sarvaq- to move (her/him/it) forward or sarvaqtaaq- to move (her/him/it) forward
oceanward or oceanward over a defined distance (but
not all the way forward or to the ocean)
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigutaaq- (t) to put her/him in jail
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it

+t/laaq- vv (with Conditional, Consequential or Contemporative I endings) going

so far as to V; to the extent of V-ing
qamŋui- (i) to snore qamŋuilaaq- (i) to go so far as to snoring
» sammapta qamŋuilaallaġmi piñiaqtuq
no doubt he will snore again
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth saglulaaq- (i) to go so far as to lying »
saglulaallaġmi uqaqsimaruaq I found
out that he went so far as to tell a lie
siqunġiq- (i) to close one’s eyes siqunġiqsaaq- (i) to go so far as to
shutting his eyelids » siqunġiqsaaqami
atuqtuq he is so engrossed in singing that
he has his eyes closed

+taaq vn (limited) one that is V, has assumed or gotten a certain color, charactistic
of being V
aqvaluq- (i) to be round aqvaluqtaaq circle
imigluk- (i) to make a distant roaring imigluktaaq(-) noise-maker made of of
thundering noise (e.g., of airplane, or bone or wood and braided sinew;
caribou herd); (i) to ring (of ears) “bullroarer”; (i) to make the roaring sound of
a noise-maker
imiġik- (i) to have good water imiġiksaaq fresh water
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviqsaaq red; something red
maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black maŋaqtaaq something black, color black
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength mapkuliktaaq (Ti) white man’s style shoe
and make an all-out effort; (i) to make a
crackling noise when shaken, as a
blanket-toss skin; (i) to make a popping

*puk (root) depth puktaaq ice floe, floating mass of ice;
iceberg, large piece of ice
qatiq- (i) to be white qatiqtaaq something white; white
sau- [sagu] to cover (her/him/it) with sautaaq anchor for trap or snare
snow, sand, or earth, layer by layer; (t) to
skirt it = traditional house with snow
mt/raaq vn (limited) N acquired
akiññak- (i) to be paid a wage, to get akiññaktaaq paycheck, payment received
paid; to win a prize for services rendered; prize won
nannuk- (i) to kill a polar bear nannuktaaq a harvested polar bear
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiqsaaq a harvested seal
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
piññak- (i) to acquire, win something piññaktaaq something won, acquired
tuttut- (i) to catch a caribou tuttutaaq a harvested caribou

-tagaq nn (limited)
nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukatagaq young bull of hoofed animals
nukaaluk younger sibling (not full-grown)

-t/raġaaq(-) (used with verb stems which end in t or a vowel) or

+aaq(-) or ‘+aaq(-) (used with verb stems which end in k→g or q→ġ) (limited)
vv, nv, vv to V leisurely for a while, usually in repetition; N with which the
action is done, usually in repetition
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide amuraġaat chest of drawers
back into water after beginning to
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
aniiq- (i) to be outside aniiġaaq- (i) to be outside enjoying the
weather, the out-of-doors; (i) to take a break
by going outside
atuq- to sing (it) atuġaaq- (i) to have a singing session, a
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiġaaq(-) soft drink, soda pop; (i) to drink a
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable cold beverage, e.g., water, juice, or soda pop
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iviq- to fit (it) iviqtitaġaat or (Nu) iviqtitaġaat jigsaw
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kattagaat jackstones
house (leading to subterranean tunnel
or passageway); (i) to fall off
kiñŋu- (i) to capsize, roll over (of a kiñŋuraġaaq- or (Ti) kinŋuraġaq- (i) to roll
vehicle or boat) over and over in a kayak, do the “Eskimo

roll” in a kayak
kuvri- to make a net (for her/him/it); (i) kuvriraġaaq- (i) to skip stones on the water
to skip a stone over water; (i) to skip (especially along a line of net floats in a
over the water along a line of net floats, simple game of skill)
bouncing near each float (of flat stone
thrown in a simple game of skill); (t) to
skip it = stone over water
makita- (i) to be standing makitaraġaaġvik standing platform behind
stanchion of sled
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a naparaġaaq- (i) to turn somersaults; (i) to
house, pole, tree do a handstand
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiraġaaq(-) snack; (i) to eat a snack
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuraaq piece of candy
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon,
i.e. no moon
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqitaġaaq something that can be pulled
qipit- (t) to wind it around something qipitaġaaq something one must wind up
quu- [quġu] (i) to incline inward; (i) to quuraġaaq- (Ti) (i) to walk pigeon-toed;
turn one’s feet inward to come together by way of wave action (of
tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend tasiraġaaq rubber band
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaġaaq- (i) to have a talk session
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-t/raġalIq- (restricted to verb stems which end in t or vowel) or +talIq- vv

(restricted to verb stems which end in k or q) vv to get into a situation or
condition of V-ing, frequently or repeatedly
ilau- (i) to be included, be a member; to ilauraġaliq- (i) to be a regular participant »
have many relatives (Ti) to receive ilauraġaliqsuaq aullatuaġmata she is
shares of a whale; (t) to include her/him; included now whenever they travel
(Ti) to give her/him shares of whale
ulit-1 to rise, flood (of water) ulitaġaliq- to swell regularly (of river) »
kuugguuq ulitaġaliqsuaq it is now said
that the river swells frequently
ipiqtutchak- (i) to become sad, ipiqtutchaktaliq- (i) to become despondent
despondent, depressed, unhappy, joyless often
mitchaaq- (i) to land, from flight mitchaaqtaliq- (i) to land regularly (of
plane) » Utqiaġvigñun tiŋŋun
mitchaaqtaliqsuaq ukiatqik the plane
began landing regularly in Barrow last fall
qaurimaiq- (i) to become unconscious; qaurimaiqtaliq- (i) to loose consciousness

to become numb; (t) to knock her/him/it often now

-t/raġaq- (restricted to verb stems which end in t or vowel) or -aġaq- (reduplication of

-aq-1 and +aq-1) or +aq-1 or -aq-1 or :aq-1 or ‘+aq-1 or ‘-aq-1 vv (limited) to V
repeatedly or to prolong V-ing or being V § +[ġ]aq-
examples with -t/raġaq-
aa- (i) to cry violently, becoming aaraġaq- (i) to cry repeatedly, violently,
physically rigid, followed by temporary becoming physically rigid, followed by
unconsciousness due to interrupted temporary unconciousness due to
breathing (usu. of a baby) interrupted breathing (usu. of a baby)
aanŋu- (i) to feel faint aanŋuraġaq- (i) to feel faint frequently,
aki(-) [akI] corresponding value, akiraġaq- (Ti) to echo
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s anauraġaq- (i) to play baseball
arm or an object held in one’s hand
anit- (t) to put, throw her/him/it out; (t) anitaġaq- (t) to keep casting out, or
to expel her/him/it; (t) to place it putting her/him/it outside
outside; (t) to thrust it outside; (t) to
begin it = speech or song; (Ti) (t) to be
carried out to sea, drift out to sea
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaraġaq- (t) to keep adding to it
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of iqirġaq- or iqiraġaq- (i) to contract,
worm, fist, etc. shrink, by drawing together (esp., of a
kiñŋu- (i) to capsize, roll over (of a kiñŋuraġaaq- or (Ti) kinŋuraġaq- (i) to
vehicle or boat) roll over and over in a kayak, do the
“Eskimo roll” in a kayak
kuvri- to make a net (for her/him/it); (i) kuvriraġaaq- (i) to skip stones on the
to skip a stone over water; (i) to skip water (especially along a line of net floats
over the water along a line of net floats, in a simple game of skill)
bouncing near each float (of flat stone
thrown in a simple game of skill); (t) to

skip it = stone over water
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft mauraġaqpisi did youp sink repeatedly
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a (into soft snow)
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
mud, or snow as one takes a step
qami- (i) to become extinguished; to go qamiraġaq- (i) to keep going out when
off or out (of light or fire); to die (of one tries to light it (of fire)
uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it = food || uuksiraġaq- to keep taking a taste (of it)/
examples with +aq-1 vv (note: stem final q→ġ and k→g)
aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s aaġluġaq- (i) to look up, raise one’s chin
chin; (i) to throw one’s head back; (t) to repeatedly
raise her/his chin upward; (t) to raise it
into an upright position
aamaŋa- or aamaŋaaq- (i) to be mildly aamaŋa- or aamaŋaaq- (i) to be mildly
retarded; (i) to be stupid by nature; (i) to retarded; (i) to be stupid by nature; (i) to
pay no heed to one’s surroundings; (i) to pay no heed to one’s surroundings; (i) to
be obtuse, imperceptive and dull; (i) to be obtuse, imperceptive and dull; (i) to be
be clumsy clumsy
aannik- (i) to catch a disease from aannigaqtuq he keeps catching diseases
someone; (i) to gain possession of from others
something from someone, i.e. toy
aaqsallaiq- (i) to laugh so hard that one aaqsallaiġaq- (i) to keep repeating the
runs out of breath; to be unable to stop action of laughing so hard that one runs
laughing out of breath
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide amuaq- (t) to pull her/him/it up and out
back into water after beginning to
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, anaaġaq- (i) to keep defecating, “have the
manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate runs”
on it; (i) to fall or shoot (of a star)
anaullaq- (t) to hit her/him/it repeatedly anaullaġaq- (Ti) (i) to play baseball
with something held in the hand
aŋuq- (t) to tag, touch her/him in a game aŋuġauraq-(i) to play tag
of tag
aŋuun short oar, paddle; one of paired aŋuutmigaq- (Nu) (i) to paddle (usually a
fins on a fish, especially pectoral or kayak with a single-bladed paddle)
pelvic fin
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpaliġaq- (i) to frolic, run around playing;
to run in bursts, stopping and starting
igniqpalliaq- to strike, of lightning igniqpalliaġaq- (i) to strike repeatedly, of
lightning; (i) to make a fire flare up (to

attract attention)
ilak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside with a ilagaq- (t) to shove it aside; (Nu) (t) to brush
sweeping motion them away
irimik- or iyimik- (t) to indicate, point iriŋmigaq- to wink (at her/him)
with the eyes at her/him/it
ivsulik- (i) to be wet from rain (of ivsuligaq- to get wet walking through plants,
ground, plants) bushes wet with rain
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katagaq- (i) to fall, drop one by one; (t) to
house (leading to subterranean tunnel drop them one by one
or passageway); (i) to fall off
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigaġniq notch
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; kiligaq- to scrape fat off a skin; to scrape it
(t) to scrape it = fat from something, = baleen to desired size
e.g., intestine; (t) to scrape it = inner
layer off of skin
kimmik(-) [kimmIk] heel; (i) to kick, kimmiaq- (i) to bounce one’s heel up and
push with the heel; (t) to hit it with one's down repeatedly (of male Iñupiaq dancer);
heel; (t) to tap one's heel to it or on it; (t) (t) to hit it repeatedly with one’s heel
to hold it with one's heel; (t) to hit, push,
tap, hold it with one’s heel
kumik- (i) to scratch an itch; (t) to kumigaq- to rake (it)
scratch her/him/it to relieve an itch
kuniuq- (t) to sniff at her/him/it (as an kuniuġaq- to smell (it) repeatedly (usually
animal does) to determine whether it is spoiled)
*maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl maġaala- (i) to yelp, howl; (i) to yell in
mayuaq- (Nu) to climb, ascend (it) mayuaġaq- (Ti) or (B) mayuġaq- (i) to
climb steps, stairs, or ladder; (i) to play,
climbing us and down; (t) to climb for an
extended period of time on them = stairs,
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuġaq- (i) to climb steps, stairs,
move to a higher position (of person), ladder; (t) to climb it, them= stairs,
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ladder
ascend it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a mayuaq- (Nu) to climb, ascend (it)
higher place
miġiaq(-) or muġiaq(-) vomit; to miġiaġaq- to vomit repeatedly (on
vomit (it); (t) to vomit on her/him/it her/him/it
nuluq-1 to wave one’s hand (at nuluġaq- to gesture (to her/him/it), waving
her/him/it) one’s arms to get attention; to beckon
pikiaq- (i) to jump up suddenly and go pikiaġaq- (i) to jump in and out of water
out, bolt, run suddenly out, rush out (of fish, seal, etc.)
abruptly; (i) to gush out (of water)
qaaq(-) marijuana (i) to burst, explode; qaġaaq- (t) to make them explode; (i) to

to smoke marijuana; (Nu) (i) to crash burst, explode (of multiple items)
against the shore (of wave, sea), to
break (of waves); (t) to make it pop or
qaisaq- (i) to be coming qaisaaġaq- (Ti) to blow in gusts, to blow
and then die down (of wind)
qavaq- (i) to be on its back in the water qavaġaq- or qavaġauraq- (i) to lie on its
(of seal) back intermittently (of seal, walrus)

qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiġaq- to photograph (her/him/it); (Nu, Ti)
to look with the aid of binoculars or
telescope at (her/him/it)
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saagaq- to bring (her/him/it) along
garment; area immediately in front of
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal savigaq- (i) to cut baleen into thin strips
(suitable for lashing and basket weaving); (t)
to strip it = baleen (for use in making
baskets, fishline, etc.)
savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it savaaq- (t) to touch her/him/it lightly
with the hands
saniuġruk- (i) to swerve, go sideways saniuġrugaq- (i) to fishtail
siliak- to swoop down on (her/him/it) (i) siliagaq- (i) to soar with wings outstretched
to be blown along with the wind, glide
supiaq- (i) to go in a diagonal line; (t) supiaġaq- (i) to tack, sail diagonally to the
to make a diagonal line on it wind, zigzag (of boat )
tigguġluk- (t) to grab her/him/it roughly tigguġlugaq- (i) to touch the ball with the
hands in soccer thereby breaking a rule
tuqłuaq spyglass, telescope; drinking tuqłuaġaq- (i) to look through a spyglass;
straw (t) to look through a spyglass at her/him/it
tuqłuq- (t) to call her/him directly by tuqłuġaq- to repeatedly call outside (as
name or kinship term from inside a tent), or call outside (as from
inside a tent) to (her/him= unseen person)
to identity herself/himself
uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to uluġmik- or uluġmigaq- (i) to turn one’s
pass through a narrow passage; (i) to shoulder forward as one walks into the wind
turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to turn
aside; (i) to bend to the side, move aside;
(i) to lie down on one’s side; (t) to pass
through it = passageway sideways; (t) to
turn or move it aside
uvaak(-) dog urine (i) to tilt, list, lean to uvaagaq- (i) to pitch, roll sideways
one side; to urinate with leg up (of repeatedly (of boat); to urinate with leg up
canine); (t) to lean, tilt, list it over; to (of canine); (t) to urinate on it with one leg

urinate on it up (of canine)
examples with -aġaq- reduplication of -aq- vv +aq-1vv

nakkaq- (i) to dive, plunge in; (i) to fall nakkaaġaq- (i) to dive repeatedly
tuluq- (t) to butt, hit her/him/it with head tuluaġaq- (i) to dive toward someone or
or tusk; to attack her/him/it (of a bird); to something (of bird or plane); (t) to dive
reach it = shore (of ice, boat, etc.) toward her/him/it (of bird or plane)
ukalliaġaq- (Ti) (i) to do the high kick,
jumping with two feet, then kicking high
towards a suspended skin ball with one foot
and landing on the same
examples with ’-aq- (limited)
naluk-1 (t) to throw it underhand; to toss nalluaq- (i) to participate in tossing
it up someone on a mapkuq (blanket-toss skin)
during Nalukataq (whaling festival); (t) to
toss up repeatedly; (t) to toss her/him on a
mapkuq during Nalukataq (of many
tuuq(-) [tuguq] ice chisel, ice pick; to tuggaq- (t) to prod, poke, push her/him/it
work or pierce (it) with a chisel or ice away or off with a pole or stick
pick; (Ti) to chop ice with an ice chisel
or ice pick
example with ‘+aq- (limited)
naluk-1 (t) to throw it underhand; to nallugaq- (t) to throw, toss one repeatedly
toss it up or a few at a time
example with :aq- (limited)
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋivraq- (i) to come apart, unravel; (t) to
untied, unraveled, unwound, or take it apart
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it saptaq- to palpate her/him on the
with the hands abdomen

+[t/r]aġi- vv (t) would V her/him/it each time

apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuġaġi- (t) to crash into her/him/it each
(i) to reach shore time
ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point (along iliraġi- (t) to set it down each time »
a journey or a process); (i) to become iliraġigaa niġġivigmun he placed it on the
apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to put it in table each time
a store for sale
iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of iqittaġi- (t) to hug her each time
worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t)
to embrace her/him/it
iqittaaq- (i) to put one arm around each iqittaaġaġi- (t) to put an arm around
other’s shoulders; (t) to put one’s arm her/his shoulder each time »

around her/his shoulders iqittaaġaġigaa aŋukamiuŋ he would put
his arm around her shoulders every time he
caught up with her
pisik- (t) to hit her/him/it with an arrow pisigaġi- (t) to hit it = target each time »
or a bullet; to shoot her/him/it pisiksatuaqami pisigaġigaa he would hit
it every time he shot

+tailI- vv (limited) (i) to prevent oneself from being V-ed or V-ing

nipuŋannaq- (t) to appear to nipuŋannaqtaili- (i) to be alert
her/him/it unexpectedly
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and qapiqtaili- to argue heatedly (with
give up; (i) to turn back, proceed no her/him)
higher, farther
quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; quviqtaili- (i) to be watchful,
(t) to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to do vigilant
something without her/his knowledge;(t)
to surprise her/him/it

+taiññaq- (restricted to verb stems which end in k or q) or -laiññaq- (restricted

to verb stems which end in t or vowel) vv to finally V when one usually doesn't, or
after a delay
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtaiññaq- (i) to finally come in for a
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it visit
inside, to place it inside
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makilaiññaq- (i) to finally stand up
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright
niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance niulaiññaq- (i) to finally get off,
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out disembark
of a conveyance or a container
savaannak- (i) to get a job, savaannaktaiññaq- (i) to finally get a job
employment, work
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuktaiññaq- to finally see (her/him/it)
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallaktaiññaq- (i) to finally speak »
uqallaktaiññaqtuaq kasimaruani he
finally said something during the meeting

+t/raksraq(-) or = t/raksraq(-) or ~raksraq(-) vn, vv (limited) something to be

V-ed; to obtain, procure, get something to V | +t/raq or = t/raq or ~raq vn,
+qsraq(-) nn, nv § ±aksraq(-) or ‘-aksraq(-) vn

+t/raksrIq- or = t/raksrIq- or ~raksrIq- vv to designate a task/something for one to V |

+t/raq or = t/raq or ~raq vn, +ksraq(-)1 nn,vv '= Iq-1 nv § ±aksrIq(-) or ‘-aksrIq(-) vn

+t/raksrIt- or = t/raksrIt-or ~raksrIt- vv (t) to give, assign her/him/it something to V |

+t/raq or = t/raq or ~raq vn, +ksraq(-)1 nn,vv ‘= It-2 nv § ±aksrIt(-) or ‘-aksrIt(-) vn

-taktuaq- vv to V a lot, in extreme § +qpak(-) vv, nn
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at iglaŋataktuaq- to smile broadly (at
her/him) her/him) » iglaŋataktuaqtaaqtiguk
tautukkamisiguk she gave us a
great big smile when she saw us
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqataktuaq- (i) to speak for a long
leg-hold trap which when stepped on time » uqataktuaqtuaq unnuaq she
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep gave a long speech last night
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+t/ralik or ~t/ralik (limited) nn one that has a N | +taq(-) nn -lik nn or

agmaaq [agmaraq] or aŋmaaq or (Nu) aŋmaaqtalik or (Nu) akmaaqtalik
akmaaq flint, chert flintlock rifle (muzzle-loader)
attaqtalik or attaqtualik (Nu)
thirty-eight-fifty-five rifle
avataligauraq or avatalik (Ti) snow
bunting, snowbird
iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one of iglupiaqtalik one that has one of a pair of
a pair of anything anything, e.g., a one-horned caribou,
one-armed man, single sod house
(Nunamiut style sod houses were sometimes
paired, sharing one entrance)
Iglupiaqtalik constellation, perhaps a
combination of Orion, Auriga, and Gemini
[lit. “one with a pair”]
iñuktaq murder victim iñuktalik murderer; body of water or
another specific place where a person has
naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap; (t) to nanġutalik (Nu) leghold trap
pin her/him/it down with weight; to
travel directly over her/him/it (of
moving conveyance); to catch it in one’s
naniġiaq leg-hold trap naniġiaqtalik loose animal with trap on
nanmak(-) something carried on the nanmautalik or natmautalik (Nu) gun
back; to carry (it) on one’s back or in a with a shoulder strap; traditional snare
backpack; (i) to play a game where one made of sinew
walks around carrying others who are
holding on
qupitaq white strip of baleen ¤qupitalik baleen with white strips
tuunġaq(-) shaman’s helping spirit; tuunġaqtalik shaman assisted by a helping
devil; (t) to frighten her/him by spirit, demon, or evil spirit
pretending to be a devil

+talIq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in k or q) vv to get into a situation or
condition of V-ing, frequently or repeatedly § see -t/raġalIq- vv (restricted to
verb stems which end in t or vowel)

+t/raq or = t/raq or ~t/raq (restricted to some verb stems ending in -it and -i,
where i is weak) vn (limited) that which is being or has been V-ed, recipient of
the action, victim, result of V-ing § ±aq1 vn; ±ŋaraq vn
examples with +t/raq
aak- (t) to skin it = animal without aaktaq skin removed whole, from an
cutting the fur (usually the incision is animal » aaktan tautuktirruŋ show the
made around the lips of the mouth, then skin that you removed whole from the
the skin is pulled back while turning it animal
inside out)
akuqtuq- (t) to accept, acknowledge akuqtuqtaq a resolution, a formal intent
her/him/it; to adopt, accept it = or opinion voted by an official body or
amendment, motion formally and put assembly; anything or anyone accepted
into effect
aŋi-2 [aŋI] (i) to be revived, be aŋipkaqtaq metal softened in a fire
resurrected, come back to life
aŋipkaq- (t) to revive, resurrect
atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling atiqtaq polar bear cub in its first year (so
camp from the village; (i) to travel from named because the mother takes it
inland towards the ocean after hunting immediately out on the sea ice from the
place where it was born)
auk(-)blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a auktaq mole, birthmark
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auraq summer
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat,
fish); (i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
auma(-) ember, live coal; red gemstone; aumaraq charred wood, charcoal, red-hot
(i) to smolder (of coal or wood) stone, by extension, red stone

auma- (i) to be thawed aumaraq something thawed, not frozen

ili-1 [ilI] (i) to be at a certain point iliraq one placed in the store for sale
(along a journey or a process); (i) to
become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t)
to put it in a store for sale
ilisima- to know (her/him/it) ilisimaraq one known
itiqquuri- or itauri- or (Nu) itaqurri- itiqquuraq1 place where a stone has sunk
(i) to sink immediately without swiftly into water
ivaq-1 (t) to search for her/him/it ivaqtaq item sought

niqsaq(-)sea mammal or animal which niqsaqtaq quarry, game animal caught for
lives on sea ice; (Ti) game animal (land food
or sea); (i) to catch game
qani(-) [qanI] area close by, nearby; (t) qaniraq item taken partway to a destination
to accompany, take her/him/it partway sometime ago
to destination
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a siqquqtaq hard wood
person or object); (i) to be opinionated
(of a person)
suluk(-) wing feather; (t) to shake off, suluktaq (Nu) feather for headdress, (Ti)
remove, e.g., snow, dust from her/him/it feather headdress
tili- [tilI] (t) to send her/him on an tiliraq one sent on an errand
errand; to tell her/him to do something
uit- to break away from shore ice uisaq a person adrift on an ice floe
forming an open lead (of pack ice); (i) to
open one’s eyes
examples with = taq (restricted to some verb stems ending in -it where i is weak):
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋiptaq that which has been taken apart
untied, unraveled, unwound, or
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
igit- (i) to be thrown away; (t) to throw it iktaq that which has been cast away, thrown
away, to abandon, cast her/him/it out away
igumit- (i) to become unraveled, iguptaq frayed edge, frayed edge of rope
untangled, loosened; become frayed; (t) end
to untie, untangle, take it apart
minit- (i) to be excluded, get nothing, mittau- (i) to be omitted when something
be left out; (t) to omit, exclude is being passed out, distributed
her/him/it when distributing something
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliaġluaqtaq man who is rejected for
animal); to marry (her); (i) to take a marriage; (Nu) man who wishes to marry but
wife is rejected; a woman whom men do not want
to marry
sakivit- (t) to scrape excess fat off it = sakiptaq hide from which dried fat has been
dried animal skin, hide, usu., seal (held scraped off
with both hands, the scraper is pushed
up and down the animal hide which is
spread over a scraping platform); (Ti) (t)
to scrape it =skin after hair is removed
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siquptaq that which has been broken up,
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to destroyed
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
tiŋit- (t) for it to be blown away by the tiktaq a person carried out to sea on an
wind; (t) for it to be made adrift by the icefloe or swept out to sea

ocean or river current
examples with ~raq
aullauti- (t) to leave with her/him/it; to aullaurraq one taken away
take him/her out hunting, camping, on a
avan or avati appendage, extremity; avarraq fluke of whale; (Nu) single ray of
border, surrounding area fish's caudal fin
ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it ilisaurraq pupil, one taught
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kavraq1 speared caribou (which runs
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce away unobserved)
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kivraq something that has been cut, severed
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qivraq twine, twisted sinew
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain;
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
tipi- (t) to be washed ashore tivraq driftwood; something washed ashore

+t/raq-1 or -raq- or ~raq- or = raq- vv (limited) to V continuously, repeatedly §

-t/raġaq- or -aġaq- (perhaps -aq-1 and +aq-1) or +aq-1 or -aq-1 or :aq-1 or
‘+aq-1 or ‘-aq-1 vv, +q-1 vv
aġviqtaq- (Ti) (i) to pace back and forth
akiłuk(-) echo; to echo akiłuktaq- (i) to echo more than once
anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in anaktaq- (i) to hold/participate in
competition competitive games; to compete in sports
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, anaqtaq- (i) to have diarrhea
manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate
on it; (i) to fall or shoot (of a star)
annivak- (i) to experience a short, sharp annivaktaq- (i) to have short, sharp pains
apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him apiqsruqtaq- or apiqsruqtuq- (t) to
question, interrogate her/him
avsak- (i) to make a noise by falling apsaktaq- (Nu) to pound repeatedly (on
it), making noise
*aq (root) taking away aqtaq- (t) to take away things from
her/him repeatedly
aquvliq- (i) to bend at the knees as part aquvliqtaq- to dance, bending one’s
of a dance (of a woman) knees to the beat of the drum
auguaq- (i) to get blood on oneself; (t) auguaqtaq- (i) to be messy with blood; (t)
to get her/him/it bloody to get blood on her/him/it

avaallaqłuk- (i) to yell out or shout out avaallaqłuktaq- (i) to yell out
aviluq- (i) to be resonant aviluqtaq- (i) to make a resounding noise
repeatedly; (i) to ring (of bell, caused by
other than pulling on bell rope)
avsaluk- (i) to be noisy when doing avsaluktaq- (i) to make noise repeatedly
ikak- to cross over (it), e.g., water ikaktaq- (i) to cross back and forth; (t) to
cross over it = e.g., river, body of water
ikiaq- (i) to split into layers (said as the ikiaqtaq- (Ti) (i) to shiver from the cold
split has just been completed); (t) to
split it into layers; (t) to divide, split it
into its natural layers, e.g., walrus skins
which can be split into inner and outer
layers; (t) to split it = log, wood
imaqpaluk- (i) to slosh around (of imaqpaluktaq- (i) to repeatedly make a
water or liquid) sloshing noise (of water or any liquid)
iqquaq- (t) to slap her/him on the iqquaqtaq- (t) to give her/him a spanking
buttocks once
iqquk(-) buttock; to thrust one’s iqquktaq- or (Ti) iqqumiktaq- to shake,
buttocks out (at him/her/it) in jest; wiggle one’s buttocks (at her/him) in jest
hearts (suit in cards)
iqsuk- (i) to respond negatively by iqsuktaq- to wrinkle one’s nose (at
wrinkling one's nose (at her/him) her/him/it)
iqu- (i) to become distorted on one side, iquraq- to make a face in contempt (at
askew her/him)
irukkaq- or irupkaq- (i) to fall from a irukkaqtaq- or irupkaqtaq- (i) to tumble
high place; to break off and fall off down
glacial ice, river bank; (t) to drop it from
a high place
ivsuk- (i) to shake, e.g., in the wind; (Ti) ivsuktaq- (i) to flap repeatedly in the
to brush snow off oneself; (t) to shake it wind; (t) to shake it out repeatedly to
out to remove dust, snow, etc.; (Ti) to remove dust, sand, snow, etc.
brush snow off it = one’s clothing
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kataktaq- (i) to fall, tumble down from
house (leading to subterranean tunnel one level to the next
or passageway); (i) to fall off
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kiiraq- to crimp (it = boot sole)
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop kivraq- (i) to cut one’s hair; (t) to cut
flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming her/his/its hair
(of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it;
(t) to disconnect her/his telephone,
electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut
against its grain
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength mapkuqtaq- (i) to make a popping or

and make an all-out effort; (i) to make cracking noise repeatedly; to crack a
a crackling noise when shaken, as a whip
blanket-toss skin; (i) to make a
popping noise
minŋiq- or (Nu) mitŋiq- (i) to jump minŋiqtaq- (i) to jump up and down
up and land on the same level as one repeatedly (on the same surface)
started; (t) to jump over her/him/it
naanŋiq- [naanŋIq] (i) to hop on one naanŋiraq- or naanŋiqtaq- (i) to hop on
foot, once; (t) to hop over her/him/it one foot, repeatedly
nakkaq- (i) to dive, plunge in; (i) to fall nakkaqtaq- (i) to accidentally fall
headlong headlong from a high place
naparaq- (i) to tumble over, turn a naparaqtaq- (i) to tumble more than once
nivliq- (i) to utter a sound, express nivliraq- (i) to make vocal noise repeatedly
oneself audibly, make a vocal noise: (i)
to speak; (i) to cry out
*nuk (root) movement from point to nuktaq- (i) to move from place to place;
point (t) to move her/him/it from place to place
nuvi- [nuvI] (t) to thread it = needle; (t) nuviraq- (i) to move through something
to string them = beads dense, like a crowd of people or underbrush
palluqhaaq- or palluqhiaq- (i) to fall palluqhiaqtaq- (i) to fall forward
forward, headlong, with arms repeatedly
payuk- to bring food; to bring food to payuktaq- to bring food repeatedly; to
her/him/it repeatedly bring food to her/him/it repeatedly
pigliq- (i) to bounce; to jump up pigliqtaq- (i) to be bouncing; to jump up
and down; to throb, beat, or pulse (of pulse
or heart)
puumit- (i) to swim puuvraq- (i) to swim
qavsuk- (i) to become dim (of light); to qavsuktaq- (i) to flicker (of light or
become low (of fire); (t) to turn it = flame); to burn unsteadily (of light or
light lower flame); (t) to cause it to flicker
qanŋuq- (t) to budge, move it = usu., a qanŋuqtaq- (t) to jar, nudge it loose
heavy object from its secure or stuck repeatedly
qaŋattałik- (i) to bounce when hitting a qaŋattałiktaq- (i) to bounce along over
bump bumps, to rumble along
qaqaq- (i) to bend backward qaqaqtaq- (i) to move in an up-and-down
qasaq- to splash against (it, e.g., qasaqtaq- to pound, splash repeatedly
boat)(of waves, sea) against (it, e.g., boat) (of waves, sea)
qiġiuluk- (Ti) (i) to squeak, creak (e.g., qiġiuluktaq- (Ti) (i) to squeak, creak
of door) repeatedly (e.g., of door)
qikiġġaq creaking noise made by qikiġġaqtaq- (i) to make a creaking noise
walking, running, crawling on frozen on snow

qirgiq- [qirgIq] or qisrgiq- (i) to dance qirgiqtaq- (i) to jump more than once in
in kneeling position, swaying to and fro, place
wearing mittens with noise makers
made of bone attached (of four men); (i)
to jump up once from a kneeling
position on two feet; (i) to jump up and
down twice on two feet
qirukpaluk(-) noise of wood, e.g., qirukpaluktaq- (i) to repeatedly make
splintering of wood; (i) to make noise noise with wood
with wood
qivliq- (i) to be shiny qivliqtaq- (i) to glitter
sagluqi- (t) to lie to her/him; to fool sagluqiraq- (t) to keep telling her/him lies
saqit- (t) to move, shove, push, cast saqiraq- (t) to give her/him/it a push, shove
her/him/it aside, out of the way more than once; to jostle her/him; (Nu) tap
her/him to get his attention
siaksruk(-) a noise that is heard where siaksruktaq- (i) to make noise while one
previously there was only silence; (i) to is stalking prey or walking on a surface,
be noisy e.g. on snow, ice
siitquq(-) or sitquq(-) kneecap, patella; siitquġraq- (i) to flex one’s knees
hind flipper of seal; (i) to kneel, get (especially as part of a dance done by
down on one’s knees; (t) to put one’s women)
knee on it sitquqsraq- (i) to move about on one’s
siqi- [siqI] or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) siqiłłaktaq- or siqiłhaqtaq- (i) to splash
to splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on repeatedly; (t) to splash water on her/him/it
her/him/it once repeatedly
siqunġipak- (i) to blink, wink siqunġipaktaq- (i) to blink, wink
repeatedly; (t) to wink at her/him/it
siquvyak- (i) to squint; to blink siquvyaktaq- (i) to blink both eyes
sivaniq-1 (i) to sing in a high voice sivaniqtaq- (i) to jingle (of a bell)
which is unpleasing to the ear; (i) to be
high-pitched and irritating (of sound);
(Ti) (i) to echo
suvaluk- (i) to make sound when doing suvaluktaq- (Nu) (i) to make a crashing
something; (Nu) (i) to make a crashing noise repeatedly
noise, as crushing ice
taġġi- (i) to appear (of shadow) taġġiraq- (i) to lurk behind in the shadows;
(i) to view, watch television
taptau- (Nu) (t) to grab her/him (of taptauraq- (Nu) (i) to play a game where
player who has her/his eyes covered in one player who has pulled down her/his
the game of taptauraq) (then the player parka hood, holding it in her/his teeth so that
with hood down raises the hood to see she/he cannot see, tries to grab others
who she/he has grabbed)

tati- (i) to be too tight (of clothing); (t) to tarraq- (t) to brush against her/him/it
brush against, lean against, touch, repeatedly
squeeze up next to her/him/it
tigliq- (i) to beat, pulsate once tigliqtaq- (i) to beat, pulsate, throb (of
heart or pulse)
tigummi- (i) to hold on; (t) to be holding tigummiraq- (i) to take hold, grab on to
onto her/him/it something and not let go; (t) to take hold of,
grab on to her/him/it and not let go
tiipak a flirt tiipaktaq- (i) to act coquettish, flirt
tiriq- (i) to make the sound of tiriqtaq- or tiriqtitaq- (i) to squeak; to
something rubbing against something gnash one’s teeth
once; (i) to gnash one’s teeth
tumi track, trail, footprint tuvraq- (t) to follow, track her/him/it; (t) to
imitate, portray, copy her/him/it; (t) to
follow it =e.g., a sewing pattern,
instructions for building something; (i) to
copy something; (i) to imitate someone or
something; (t) to resemble her/him in
tusialluk or tusiqhuk lame person or tusiqhuktaq- or tusiapiktaq- (i) to limp
umik(-) cover, lid (Nu) (i) to collapse umiktaq- (Ti) (t) to close it = damper on
(of a house); to close the store (of stovepipe
owner); to now be closed (of store); (t)
to close it; (Nu) (t) to trap it = bear in its
den by covering the entrance so it can
be killed
uŋiq- (i) to tie one’s drawstring of boot uŋiraq- or (Ti) uŋirraq- (i) to become
with drawstring on top; (t) to tie ruffled, gathered, pleated, puckered (of
drawstring of another person’s boot; to fabric); (t) to ruffle, gather, pleat, pucker it =
pull it = drawstring; (i) to gather, pucker fabric
(of fabric)
uŋu- or uŋuraq- (t) to drive it = animal into
entrapment, usually a corral or a waiting
hunter; reindeer herder or reindeer dog
driving a lone reindeer back to the herd
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utiqtaq- to go back and forth (of
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a her/him/it)
uviłłik(-) fool, stupid person; (i) to be uviłłiktaq- (i) to act foolish
uyak- (Nu) (i) to hover at the surface of uyaktaq- (i) to tread water, raise head out
water (of seal with head coming in and of water repeatedly (of seal); (t) to bob up
out of water) and down in water (of seal) in his
=hunter’s line of fire, sight

+[t]aq-2 or -aq-4 or ‘-aq-4 or ~aq-4 nv (limited) to V via or using or involving a N §
-gaq- vv
examples with +[t]aq-
agigvik or aŋigvik washboard agigvigaq- to wash (it) using a washboard
aglaun pencil, pen aglautitaq- to type (it)
aluuttaq , aluuttaun spoon; (Ti) aluuttaġaq- to eat (it) with a spoon
iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one of a iglupiaġaq- (i) to use a pistol; (t) to shoot at
pair of anything her/him/it with a pistol
iglupiaq one hand (anatomical); one of iglupiaqtaq- to run or operate (it) with
a pair of anything only one of a pair of necessary parts, e.g.,
with one of two cylinders, because of
fouled spark plugs
igniqutit outboard motor; engine; igniqutitaq- (i) to use an outboard motor
power plant
iriġruaq telescope, spyglass iriġruaġaq- (i) to look through binoculars,
field glasses for a while; (t) to look at
her/him/it through binoculars, field glasses
for a while
miquun sewing machine miquutitaq- to sew (it) on a sewing
machine » miquutitaġlugu naatiqtuġuŋ
finish it quickly on the sewing machine
qaatchiaq the top, highest level qaatchiaġaq- (i) to travel on top of the
waves with a boat, or to walk along the top
of a ridge
silalliq next-door neighbor; outer part; silalliġaġvik first set of snares in a caribou
outermost door corral
savikpak sword savikpagaq- (i) to use a sword
supiaq diagonal line supiaġaq- to go downhill at an angle
tiŋŋun airplane tiŋŋutitaq- (i) to fly a plane; (i) to be a
passenger in a plane
uniaq- [uni aq] to tow, drag, pull (it, uniaġaq- (i) to travel using a dogteam
esp., sled or seal) by means of a rope
around one's chest or over one's
uniat sled or three or more sleds
examples with -aq-4
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akiaq- (t) to relieve her/him during a task;
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; (t) to take over her/his watch (period of time
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side doing something); (t) to replace her/him in a
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond, competition, etc.
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
aŋatkuq shaman aŋatkuaq- or aŋatkuk- (i) to perform a
shamanistic ritual; (t) to cast a spell on

him/it, to hex her/him/it
atausiq [atausIq] the number one atausiaq- (i) to perform once, complete
something in one attempt; (t) to perform it
once, to complete it in one attempt, to kill it
(animal) with a single shot
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of igluaq- (i) to miss the mark, going to one
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with side of it; (t) to pass right by it, missing it; (t)
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide to land to one side of it; (t) to omit her/him/it
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaaq(-) patch on clothing; addition to a
name; companion, friend, partner; part of house; (t) to patch it; (t) to build an addition
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, on it = house
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluaq- (i) to score in basketball; (t) to throw
(t) to surround her/him/it and cause an object to go into or through it
= basketball hoop or any container
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaaq- (i) to fall in water
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to think isumaaq- to be remorseful
kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġaaq- (i) to be cornered by hunter (of
where hunter waits for animal to pass by, game); (i) to become cornered when walking
then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t) (of person)
to corral them = caribou, reindeer)
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal saviaqpaluk(-) clanging noise made by
metal; (i) to make clanging noise (of metal)
example with ‘-aq-4
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aqquaq- to surface behind a boat (of whale,
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of or other sea mammals)
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
examples with ~aq-4
piksrun shovel piksrutaq- to shovel, dig (it)
satkuun2 (Nu) skin scraper with long satkuutaq- (Nu) to scrape it = animal skin
handle and metal tip with a long-handled scraper

+[t/r]aq-3 vv would V each time § +[t/r]aġi- vv

iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igaraq- (Ti) to cook always; (t) to cook it =
blubber to make oil
iglaŋa- or iglaŋaaq- to smile (at iglaŋaraq- (i) to smile each time »

her/him) qiviaġmatiŋ iglaŋaraqtut every time he
looked at them, they would smile
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġaq- to enter (it) each time; (t) to bring
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it it inside each time » aninmani isiġaqtuq
inside, to place it inside he would enter again each time she threw
him out
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katagaq- (i) to fall off each time »
house (leading to subterranean tunnel tununmagit katagaqtut every time she
or passageway); (i) to fall off turned her back they would fall
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makittaq- (i) to stand up each time »
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright uqallaksaqami makittaqtuq he would
stand every time he began to talk
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft mauraq- (i) to sink into soft ground, mud,
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a or snow each time one takes a step »
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground, avlutuaqami mauraqtuq whenever he
mud, or snow as one takes a step took a step he would sink
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayuġaq- (i) to climb up each time »
move to a higher position (of person), atqaġman mayuġaqtut they would climb
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, up each time he came down
ascend it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a
higher place

+taq-4 or +saq-1 nv (limited) to fetch, get N § :isuq- nv

aluaq [aluraq] coal aluaqsaq- to haul coal (for her/him)
aniu packed snow aniutaq- (i) to fetch some packed snow for
drinking water; (t) to fetch some packed
snow for her/him to put in his water
ayuvsaq- (i) to get something for one’s
family’s consumption from another
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqtaq- to haul, obtain, buy water (for
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable her/him)
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
maġġaq [maġġaQ] gravel, sand maġġaqsaq- (i) to go and get gravel
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; nunataq- (i) to fetch sod
country, territory, a citizen’s nation-
qiruk wood qiruktaq- (i) to be out looking for and
hauling wood
siku(-) ice; to freeze over; to become sikutaq- (i) to cut and haul ice from
icy freshwater lake early in fall for winter use
(for her/him/it)

+taq or -taq vn, nn (limited) one inherently N or associated with the V or of N §

+ttaq(-) vn, -utaq(-)1 vn, +qtaq nn
mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore, mamitaq(-) bandage; to bandage

injured body part); (i) to fuse, come
matu(-) lid, cover; sod house skylight matutaq(-) snipe net
shutter; (i) to be now covered; (t) to
cover it
qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split qupitaq white strip of baleen
or crack it lengthwise, with the grain;
half-dollar coin
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become sikutat cache of ice blocks by fishing hole
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a siqquqtaq hard wood
person or object); (i) to be opinionated
(of a person)
tuuq(-) [tuguq] ice chisel, ice pick; to tuutaq [tuutaQ] lip plug, labret; mole on
work or pierce (it) with a chisel or ice face
pick; (Ti) to chop ice with an ice chisel
or ice pick
*upku (root) barrier upkutaq (Nu) convolution of small intestine
mt/rau- nv to be the N | mt/ri vn :u- nv

+t/rau- or = t/rau- or ~t/rau vv (limited) to be that which is being or has been V-ed |
+t/raq or = t/raq- or ~t/raq vn :u-1 nv
agliq- (Ti) (i) to menstruate agliqtau- (i) to be observant of taboo,
(menstruating women were seen as avoiding what should be avoided
taboo and isolated; the word agliq- in
turn is associated with other terms
relating to taboo)
aqpataq participant in a marathon run aqpatau- (i) to be designated to compete in
representing one of several villages in a a marathon run leading to the Kivgiq
race to the Kivgiq (Messenger Feast) (Messenger Feast)
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłiktau- (i) to be tempted
iñugluaq- (i) to reject someone as iñugluaqtau- (i) to avoid people; to not like
owner, employee, employer, guest, host, people
family member; to be prejudiced or
against some one people
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtau- (i) to be in jail
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; itqatau- (i) to be present as part of a group
(i) to stay
*kama (root) awe, respect kamattau- (i) to be shy, frightened of new
kaviuq- (i) to covet, desire, long for kaviuqtau- (i) to be coveted
someone or something strongly; (t) to
covet, desire it

kiruq(-) (Ti) to be taboo; (i) to be unable kiruqtau- (Ti) (i) to be observant or
to frequent something taboo; (i) to shun respectful of taboo, avoiding what is to be
a sick person; (i) to be very dangerous, avoided
or taboo (of property)
maliksuk- (i) to be attracted or maliksuktitau- (i) to be convinced,
persuaded to participate; (i) to yearn, or persuaded, tempted
have a desire to follow; (i) to be
enticed; (i) to conform
minit- (i) to be excluded, get nothing, mittau- (i) to be omitted when something
be left out; (t) to omit, exclude is being passed out, distributed
her/him/it when distributing something
nagniq- [nagnIq] (i) to stretch or exert nagniġutau- (i) to cause a person stress (of
one’s muscles or nerves to the utmost task)
by doing something that one has not
done in a long time
*paquq (root) contamination, taboo paquqtau- (Nu) (i) to be observant of taboo
quŋuq (Nu) corpse (Ti) quŋuqtau- (i) to respect taboo (a good
quality), avoid what is to be avoided
quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; quviqtau- or quviqtit- (i) to be caught off
(t) to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to do guard, surprised, startled
something without her/his knowledge;(t)
to surprise her/him/it
tiŋit- (t) for it to be blown away by the tiktau- (i) to be carried out to sea on floating
wind; (t) for it to be made adrift by the ice or in a drifting boat
ocean or river current
uligaq(-) mucus-like film on the eye; uligaqtau- (i) to be caught in snipe net (of
snipe net; (t) to trap it =bird with a snipe snipe)
net attached to a rope (net falls when
rope is pulled)

-tchaatun vnc (limited) very, very V | +tun (similaris case)

paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose pannatchaatun (Nu) very,very dry
weight, become skinny; to starve (especially of plant, wood)
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taatchaatun very black, very dark in color
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be
black; (t) to block her/his/its light

-tchak- vv (limited) to become V § '-k- nv

*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayatchak- (i) to become fearful, afraid,
atanġu- (i) to be the boss, master atanġutchak- (i) to become bossy, willful,
iglaġuk- (i) to want to laugh iglaġutchak- (i) to become amused and
start laughing; (t) to make her/him laugh
ikłik- (i) to desire, covet something ikłigutchak- (i) to become tempted
*ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension ilimatchak- (i) to become apprehensive,

ilunŋu- (i) to feel compassion; (i) to ilunŋutchak- (i) to be deeply moved
have abdominal pains emotionally; (t) to move her/him
iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuutchak- (Ti) (i) to come to life
*ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression, ipiqtutchak- (i) to become sad,
despondence despondent, depressed, unhappy, joyless
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqiatchak- (i) to become unwilling to
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of work or be productive; (i) to become lazy;
eagerness, unwillingness (i) to begin to wane (of moon)
iqsi- [iqsI] (i) to be afraid iqsitchak- (i) to become frightened, afraid,
*kama (root) awe, respect kamatchak- (i) to be amazed, impressed
by one own accomplishment; (i) to take
pride in another’s ability
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, kanŋutchak- (i) to become embarrassed,
embarrassment; feeling of shyness ashamed
kavya- (i) to be apprehensive, to fear a kavyatchak- (i) to start to worry, from
loss fear of loss; to want to follow a person
who is leaving
*mamia (root) a feeling of distress, mamiatchak- (i) to become distressed
offense due to being criticized; (i) to become
*manŋa (root) tension manŋatchai- (t) to cause her/him/it to
tense up
muayuk- (i) to feel squeamish, muayutchak- (i) to feel disgust, become
repulsed, “have the creeps” disgusted, “get the creeps”
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, nagligutchak- (i) to feel compassion, pity
sympathy, pity
nika- (i) to avoid eye contact with nikatchak- (i) to give up, quit, or become
others; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a discouraged; (i) to lose confidence
non-participant due to one's
embarrassment, lack of confidence or
fear of authority
*piyumI (root) willingness, eagerness, piyumitchak- (Nu) (i) to begin to want to
hopefulness leave
*qaama (root) optimism, elation, qaamatchak- (i) to start to feel like
confidence working; to feel elated
*quki (root) cleanliness, tidiness qukitchak- (i) to become hesitant to have
anything to do with something which is
too clean and orderly for fear of spoiling it
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quviatchak- (i) to become happy, joyful
quya- (i) to be thankful; (i) to celebrate quyatchak- (i) to become thankful, happy
Thanksgiving (of many persons)
*saiñġi (root) chagrin, regret; saiñġitchak- (i) to become regretful

*tivsI (root) mirth, humorous tivsitchak- (i) to burst into uncontrollable
tutqaaq- or tutqaasuk- (i) to feel bad, tutqaatchak- (i) to start feeling ill at ease,
sorry, ill at ease about something one has sorry, remorseful
done or something which others with
direct ties to oneself has done; (i) to feel
bad that one is not able repay a favor,
pay for a service
uŋiari- [uŋiarI] (i) to worry uŋiaritchak- (i) to begin to worry, become
nervous, anxious, unsettled
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad

+tchaq- vv (limited) to attempt to V | perhaps +t-1 nv +saq-2 vv

aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akitchaq- to trade, barter, or offer (it) for
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; exchange; (t) to bid for it
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
illut- (t) to hit it = animal using a sling, illutchaq- (i) to hurl a rock using a sling;
slingshot (t) to hurl a rock from a sling at her/him/it
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitchaq- (Ti) (i) to get a pain in one’s
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright lower back
nalaut- (i) to be correct, guess correctly, nalautchaq- (i) to prophesy, predict,
have one's prediction fulfilled; (t) to guess, take a gamble
guess it right
qilamit- to hit and catch/kill (it = bird, qilamitchaq- or (Nu) qilapsaq- to hurl a
duck) with a bola bola (at it)
tasit- [tasIt] (t) to stretch it tasitchaq- (t) to work on it, to stretch it

-tchaq nn (limited) one that Vs | ‘saq1 vn

iguk- to suck (it); (i) to suck air or igutchaq bumble bee
liquid inward with pursed lips
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ilitchaq detail or piece of information
her/his ways, habits; to learn it learned
kiluit- (i) to have no seams kiluitchaq lock
kulavak caribou cow; ewe kulavagruatchauraq very old, skinny
cow caribou
nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance nipisaq stingray
qanit- to be near, close (to her/him/it) qanitchat or (Nu, Ti) qanitchaq
entryway, cold porch; tunnel, entrance
passageway (to a sodhouse)

-tchauraq(-) nn, nv a new N § +tchiaq(-) nn, nv

+tchI- vv (limited) to cause to V § +rI-3 vv
akat- (i) to harm oneself; (t) to upset, akatchi- (i) to be disruptive; (t) to disrupt
bother, or harm her/him/it her/his activity
ariila- (i) to cry out repeatedly in pain ariilatchi- (t) to cause her/him pain
making her/him cry out repeatedly
aullaqtit- (t) to release it = animal; (t) aullaqtitchi- (Ti) (i) to release the spirits
to start it, turn it = a machine on of the charms associated with
avaala- (i) to yell avaalatchi- (t) to cause her/him to yell,
holler, scream
piala- (i) to carry on noisily, be rowdy, pialatchi- (t) to cause them to be rowdy,
rambunctious, disorderly rambunctious
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaatchiñiq (Ti) depression on ice filled
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; with water
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave qimaaratchi- (t) to cause them to run
her/him/it behind away

-tchiaq(-) nn, nv a new N; (i) to acquire a new N; (t) to get a new N for her/him/it
§ -tchauraq(-)
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamitchiaq(-) new footwear; (i) to
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; acquire a new pair of footwear »
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots kamitchiaġniaqtuŋa Quyakpata I will
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it get new boots for Thanksgiving;
kamitchiaqpit atuŋaŋik kia kiiraqpagik
who crimped the soles of your new boots
natiq(-) [natiQ] floor; to construct a natitchiaq(-) new floor; (i) to acquire a
floor (on it) new floor or floor cover » natitchiaqpisi
did you get a new floor; natitchiaqsi
maptuva is your new floor thick

-tchiaq- nv, vv (limited) to V anew with vigor

aniġniq breath aniġnitchiaq- (i) to pant, to be short of
kirrak- (i) to be lukewarm (of liquid) kirratchiaq- (i) to be sunny weather
uumman heart uummatitchiaq- (i) to beat fast and
furious (of heart);

-tchiaq nn (limited) one inherently associated with a N

aaka mother; grandmother (modern aakatchiaq elder sister
allaq2 [allaQ] breast meat of a bird allatchiaq breast meat of bird
alliq the one on the bottom alliatchiaq tent mat made of willows

iŋaluaq or iŋaluat small intestines of iŋaluatchiat ptarmigan intestines
human and terrestrial mammals
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigatchiaq length of leg
kivluaq knee-high, hairless, sealskin kivluatchiaq short, mid-calf waterproof
waterproof boot with bearded sealskin boot
kulavak caribou cow; ewe kulavagruatchiaq old cow caribou
kuyapigaq vertebra kuyapigatchiat fishbones
nauyaq seagull nauyatchiaq
nigaq(-) snare for large game animals; nigatchiaq snare for small game
mesh of a net; (t) to snare, lasso
nuvu pointed tip of anything nuvutchiaq tip at the very end of antler or
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaatchiaq the top, highest level
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top
surface on it
tamuq- to chew (it) tamuqatchiaq something to chew; gum

+tchIk- vv (limited) to V optimally; to possess the ultimate quality indicated by N -t-2 vv

~sik-1 nv,rv,vv
agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, aglitchik- (i) to have the capability to
big grow steadily
°ati (root) area below; bottom, atchik- (i) to be far away from shore (of
underside; down open water); (i) to be deep; (i) to be meek
or humble; (i) to be in a low position in a
sequence of numbers or elevation
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pitchik- (i) to be a good hunter
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to
her/him; an entity
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qatchik- (i) to stand out, be higher than
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; others
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top
surface on it
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qutchik- (i) to be high in elevation; (i) to
edge of a boat’s sides be in a high position (physically or job-
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or satchik- (i) to be located far out in front or
garment; area immediately in front of far away in ocean (often means that there
something; lap, the front part of the is open water at a distance indicated by a
lower trunk and thighs of a seated cloud)
person; seaward

+tchiŋa- vv (limited) to feel V

qaa2 (root) repulsion qaatchiŋa- (i) to feel uncomfortable from

wearing wet or dirty clothing, or being in a
dirty place

+tchIq1 [restricted to demonstratives and the query pronoun ‘suna’] (limited) the other N,
not this N
agna [dual akkuak, pl. akkua] that one agnatchiq the other side, not this side e.g.,
over there across, e.g., a river, a street, of a river, a street, or a body of water
or a body of water (extended and
auŋa to the other side, across a large auŋatchiq to the other side
body of water; to the other states in the
United States, to Europe
suna (interrog.) what sutchiq which one » sutchiġmik pisukpiñ
which one would you like
taunna that down there taunnatchiq the one farthest down or the
one closest to the door or the ocean
una [dual ukuak, pl. ukua] this one here unatchiq this one, not that one
(restricted, visible) unatchiq nakuułhaaqtuq this one is much

+tchIQ2 vn (limited) indicates an animal or reptile

api- (t) to become snow-covered (of apitchiq female polar bear which
landscape, ground); (t) for it to become bears young in a hollow snowdrift
¤tiritchiq monstrous, mythical reptile with
four (or six) short legs, alligator-like tail,
rocky scaled skin, long neck, and small head

+tchiqiq n (limited) § -tchaakiq or -tchaaqiq

avaatchiqiq (Nu) bracket fungus
(Ganoderma applanatum)
nukuutchiqiq belted kingfisher (Megaceryle

'ti or -ti vn, rn means, cause or reason to V or result of V-ing § +uti1 vn

’ti- vv a: comitative: (t) to take her/him/it along so both V; to V something

including her/him/it; b: benefactive: (t) to V for/to her/him/it; c: reciprocal: (i) to
V each other § +uti- vv, -ti- vv

mt/ri vn one who usually Vs; a professional N

~ri (NOTE: weak i sometimes functions as a strong I after consonant
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglakti scribe
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i)
to vote by secret ballot

atuqtuuraq(-) musical instrument; atuqtuuraqti musician
phonograph; (i) to play music; (t) to play
it = instrument, record, song
aullati- (t) to lead her/him aullarri [aullarrI] chairperson, leader,
headman, chief
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igari cook
igniq fire igniuqti engineer on train
igviksiuq- (Ti) to pick (her/his) pocket igviksiuqti (Ti) a pickpocket
ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it ilisaurri(-) teacher; (i) to teach
iñuaq- (i) to commit murder; (t) to iñuaqti murderer
murder, kill her/him
iñuunniaq- (t) to minister to her/him/it iñuunniaqti doctor, physician
miquq- to sew (it) miquqti seamtress
misiksri- (i) to watch over, to tend misiksriri or misiksriruaq reindeer herder
something or someone
munaġi- (t) to take care of, watch over munaqsriri guardian, shepherd
her/him/it @ munaqsrI-
nunniqi- (i) to be surveyoring nunniqiri surveyor
pilugi- (t) to not like her/him/it pilugiri one’s enemy, one who does not like
qakit- (t) to put it up, as on a shelf; to qaksri [qaksrI] sea mammal on top of ice
pull it = boat up onto shore or ice
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savakti worker
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
unipkaaq(-) [unipkaraq] or ulipkaaq(-) unipkaaqti storyteller, historian
or unipkaq legend, old story, fable,
myth; (i) to tell a legend, fable or myth;
(t) to tell it = a mythical story
mtigi- vv (indicates a specific quantity, quality, or extent compared to another specific
quantity, quality, or extent expressed in the similaris case) to be as V as | ’ti vn
+[g]i- nv
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqisigi- (i) to be as soft as » taavrumatun
bite or touch aqisigiruq akisiga my pillow is as soft as
the one you have there
maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black maŋaqtigi- (i) to be as dark as » aluatun
maŋaqtigiva Is it as dark as coal
naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to naqitigi- (i) to be as low as » innatun
the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down naqitigiruq it is as low as this

pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaqtigi- (i) to walk as much as » iliktun

distance pisuaqtigiruaq she walked as much as you
~tigi- so far restricted to taki- and aŋi-
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aktigi- (i) to be as large as; to have the same
size as » qanutun aktigiva how big is it;
uumatun aktigiruq it is the size of this one
taki- (i) to be long taktigi- (i) to be as long as; to have the same
length as »
paktumatun taktigiva Is it as long as that
one up there

’tigi-2 immediately upon V-ing [plus Contemporative I endings] § +utigi- vv [plus

Contemporative I endings]

+tiġi- vv (limited) to be in the process of V-ing

allaq- (Ti) to be clear (of weather) allaqtiġi- to wipe dry, clean
aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) aniqtiġi- (i) to be breathing
kiluvaq- (i) to travel inland; (i) to move kiluvaqtiġi- (i) to make repeated trips to
away from the door and further into the bring things up from the shore; to take
room something away from the sea, bring on shore

mt/liġruaq- vv to barely or narrowly manage to V, thank goodness

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniliġruaq- (i) to narrowly escape or exit »
born; (i) to emerge from the den in quyanaġataqtuq aniliġruaqapta thank
spring (of hibernating animal) goodness that we got out
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ilisiġruaq- (t) to manage to learn it
her/his ways, habits; to learn it
isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to obtain isaktiġruaq- (t) to just barely manage to get
it = a C.O.D. package at the post office it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtiġruaq- to narrowly manage to enter
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it (it); (t) to barely manage to bring it inside
inside, to place it inside
naat-1 (i) to now be complete; (t) to naatiġruaq- to narrowly finish (i) »
finish, complete it @ naatchi- naatiġruaqtaġa atigaa I just managed to
finish his parka

= tiġuti- vv, rv (limited) to proceed to V attentively | perhaps :tiq-2 vv +uti-3 vv

aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquptiġuti- (i) to sit down and concentrate
down on it because one's attention has been captured

mtilaaq(-)or ~tilaaq(-) (restricted to taki- and aŋi-, so far) vn, vv (limited) depth or size
of one's quality, quantity, ability, or intent; to measure or ascertain one's quality,
quantity, ability, or intent; to V to one's ability to V
akisu- (i) to be expensive, valuable; to akisutilaaq(-) price; (t) to inquire about its

be of some value, worth price
amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, amisilaaq(-) (t) to measure how narrow it
slender is; measurement of the narrow part
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aktilaaq(-) size, amount; (i) to measure
oneself; (t) to measure the size or height of
her/him/it or the amount of it
apta- (i) to be busy; working fast aptatilaaq- (i) to rush about, hurriedly
performing an action
aqpik-1 (i) to find an object or a task not aqpiktutilaaqtun as much as you want, as
entirely desirable; (i) to not want to carry much as desired
a heavy load in one’s boat or sled
iñuuniqtutilaaq duration of life
iti- (i) to be deep ititilaaq(-) (t) to measure its depth; (Ti) to
test (it = depth of water); depth
maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, skin, maptutilaaq(-) (i) to measure the
book thickness; thickness
pilgu- (i) to be able to perform pilgutilaaq- (i) to do one’s best in a
exceptionally well at a certain activity; to competition; (t) to check, measure his/her/its
be able to face up well to a crisis or ability to perform
tragedy; (Nu) (i) to be strong, able, a fast
pisaq- (i) to do something deliberately; pisatilaaq- to try with all one’s might or
(t) to do something to her/him/it ability to accomplish (it = task)
pisuq- to be good at doing (it) pisuqtilaaq- to do one’s best (on it); (t) to
measure her/his/its ability to perform
qaiñiaq- (i) will come qaiñiaqtilaaq(-) likelihood of one’s arrival
qaiñiaqtilaaqput nalugaat they do not
know whether we are coming or not
taki- (i) to be long takitilaaq(-) or taktilaaq(-) length; (t) to
measure its length
uqumait- (i) to be heavy (in weight or in uqumaisilaaq(-) weight; (i) to weigh
emotion) oneself; (t) to weigh her/him/it
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunaqtilaaq(-) warmth, amount of heat; (t)
to measure her/his/its temperature »
uunaqtilaaġun thermometer for measuring
body temperature
uvluqtu- (i) to be long in duration (of uvluqtutilaaq(-) amount of daylight; (t) to
daylight in a day during an Arctic measure the amount of daylight
uvaaŋa- (i) to be lop-sided, tilted, uvaaŋatilaaq(-) or uviŋatilaaq- the extent
sloping or degree of an incline; (t) to check it to if it
is lopsided, is sloping

mtinniapiaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant) to try very hard for
someone to V or be V-ed; to try very hard for her/him/it to be allowed, be permitted to
V; (i) to contend, to fight for oneself to be allowed, be permitted to V | mtit-1 vv
+pkaġniapiaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikupkaġniapiaq- (i) to try hard to be placed
oneself into a container or a conveyance; onboard; (t) trying hard to place her/him/it
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a onboard
container or conveyance
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuktinniapiaq- (i) to try hard to be seen;
(t) to really try to let her/him/it be seen; (t) to
really try to let her/him/it see her/him/it
unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it unisinniapiaq- (i) to try hard to be left
behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it behind; (t) to really try to have her/him/it be
left behind

mtinniQ or :tinniQ vv (limited) result of an event of V-ing; one resembling the act of
1 1
V-ing | mtit- vv +nniQ vv
aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up aluktinniq snow cliff
food or water into the mouth with the
tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuqtinniq sea ice which has been pushed
(i) to reach shore onto shore
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, attinniq hole or thin spot in sea ice near
underside; down mouth of river, which has melted as river
breaks up
*ayaaq (root) crisscrossing ayaaqtinniq ice trapped in a narrow part of
a flowing river or lead in sea ice
immak(-) pus; infection; (i) to develop immaktinniq non-frozen river water on top
an infection; (i) to accumulate liquid of ocean ice at river mouth; puddle formed
(e.g., pus in a wound); (i) to get water in on ice or snow by melting water
one’s boots; (i) to become saturated with
water (of object); (i) to take in water (of
qaamit- (i) to emerge and flow qaaptinniq water overflowing from crack in
spreading over a surface (of liquid); (i) to ice
seep upwards through a crack and
overflow on top of ice (of water)
uutiq- (t) to get burned, scorched uutiqtinniq burn on skin

+tipkaq- vv (limited) to involuntarily V to extremes § +tit3, -pkaq2 vv

aniq- to speak, say to (her/him) aniqtipkaq- (i) to be panting, short of breath
siiq-1 (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to siiqsipkaq- (i) to sweat
leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat,

taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taaqtipkaq- to faint
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be
black; (t) to block her/his/its light

+tiq-1 or ’+tiq-1 nv (limited) to apply N; to place oneself into a N

iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglutiq- (i) to move into a house after living
build a structure over it in another type of dwelling such as a tent; (t)
to move her/him/it into a house
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imaqtiq- (t) to sprinkle water on, dampen,
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; wet it
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready it
for scraping
masak(-) or matchak(-) or misak(-) matchaktiq- (i) to have been moistened;
wet ground; slush; swamp; waterlogged (t) to moisten it
snow; (i) to be slushy (of snow); (i) to
be wet (of ground)
*piq (root) bend, curve piqtiq- (t) to bend it = wood (as for sled
runner or frame)
piruaq- or piruaqtiq- (Ti) (i) to move piruaq- or piruaqtiq- (Ti) (i) to move down
down to the beach in late June (primarily to the beach in late June (primarily for
for bearded seal hunting but also for bearded seal hunting but also for hunting
hunting seals, belugas, seabirds, and seals, belugas, seabirds, and gathering
gathering driftwood driftwood
taġiuq(-) [taġi uq] salt; ocean; sea taġiuqtiq- (i) to be camping near the ocean
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it;
(Ti) (i) to be blue
uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruqtiq- (i) to rub oil on oneself; (t) to
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum apply or rub oil on her/him/it
mtiq- or = tiq-2 or :tiq-1 or ~tiq-2 vv (limited) to V with repetition or with determination
allaqtiq- or allaqtiġi- to wipe dry, clean
ikak-1 to cross over (it), e.g., water ikaktiq- (i) to cross over a body of water
carrying one's belongings (t) to transport
him/it over a body of water making several
trips for his belongings
*iliq1 (root) portion iliktiq- to cut material according to a pattern

iñiq- (i) to be completed; (i) to finish, be iñiqtiq- or (Ti) iniqtiq- (t) to rebuke or stop
done; (t) to finish working on it; (t) to her/him from overdoing something, like
tell her/him to stop; (t) to rebuke working or talking; (t) to warn her/him
him/her, making her/him stop
kaat- (i) to be now split into two layers; kaattiq- (i) to cut blocks of hard-packed
(t) to cut, slice it = walrus hide into two snow for a house
layers to be used for boat cover; (Ti) (t)
to slice it = layer of blubber from whale
skin, leaving the maktak; (i) to slice

blocks of snow for snow shelter
katit- (i) to gather, congregate, katitiq- (Nu) (i) to get married
assemble; (i) to become married; (i) to
merge; (t) to gather them together; (t) to
harvest them = crop
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitiq- (i) to get out of bed and put
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright clothes on; to be “up and around”
paut- (t) to get soot on it pautiq- (i) to become blackened, as from
naavit- (i) to spill (of a non-liquid naaptiq- (t) to empty, pour, dump it =
substance, e.g., flour); (t) to empty, pour, non-liquid substance out repeatedly
dump it = non-liquid substance out
*nuk (root) movement from point to nuktiq- to move (her/him/it) to another
point dwelling
qami- (i) to become extinguished; to go qaptiq- (t) to use the fire extinguisher on it
off or out (of light or fire); to die (of = fire, (Ti) to put it = fire out
qauq- (i) to be pried loose; (t) to pry it qauqtiq- (t) to loosen them, e.g., frozen fish
loose in a block by prying or pulling those that are
frozen or stuck together
qulvaq- or qurvaq- (i) to move further qulvaqtiq- (t) to put it up high
into the room away from the door; (i) to
roll one’s sleeves up; (t) to move
her/him/it further into a room away from
the door
siqi-[siqI] or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) to siqqiłłaqtiq- (t) to sprinkle liquid on it
splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on
her/him/it once
siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to siquptiq- (t) to break or crush it into bits
pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to
destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to
cut it = animal skin into several pieces
taak- (i) to split into layers; (t) to split it taaktiq- (t) to remove an outer piece of
into layers clothing which is attached to another or
covers another (e.g., parka cover sewn to the
parka lining)
uaq- (t) to cleanse, rinse it; to be washed uaqtiq- to wash dishes
away by the waves
mt/liq- vv to V quickly
amaq- (t) to put her/him/it on one's back amaqtiq- (t) to quickly place her/him/it
in order to to carry her/him/it inside one’s parka on the back
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniliq- (i) to exit quickly
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniqsiq- to hurt (her/him/it) unexpectedly

to hurt her/him/it
anniqsuq- (t) to assist or rescue her/him anniqsuqtiq- (t) to aid her/him quickly and
in a time of need, stress, or danger efficiently
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place ikuliq- (i) to embark quickly; (t) to put
oneself into a container or a conveyance; her/him/it onboard quickly
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kiviliq- (i) to sink quickly » kiviliqtut
uqaluksrautitka I have forgotten my words
mamit- (i) to heal (of a wound, sore, mamitiq- (i) to heal quickly » mamitiqtuq
injured body part); (i) to fuse, come killiġa my sore healed quickly
navik- to break (it) naviktiq- (i) to break instantaneous
qiqit- to freeze qiqitiq- to freeze immediately
qivsak- (i) to fly off after impact (as a qivsaktiq- (i) to fly off immediately after
ceramic chip) impact
saat-1 to face, turn toward (her/him/it); saatiq- (i) to quickly face her/him/it; (t) to
(t) to challenge, confront her/him/it quickly confront or challenge her/him
saqit- [saqIt] (t) to move, shove, push, saqisiq- (t) to quickly push it aside »
cast her/him/it aside, out of the way saqisiġa suppun iriqtiqługu she quickly
pushed the gun aside, hiding it
sivikit- (i) to be of short duration, take sivikisiq- (i) to surprisingly take a short
little time amount of time » sivikisiqtut uqaluŋi his
speech was not very long
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikisiq- (i) to arrive quickly; (t) to reach
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it her/him/it quickly

-tiqtualuk- vv without hesitation § +tualuk- vv

+tiqtuq- vv to V quickly, intently, with concentration but without finesse § +tuq-1 vv

-tiqtuula- vv to V quickly, impetuously § +tuula- vv

±tiqtuuraq- vv to V quickly with finesse § +tuuraq- vv

mtit- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant)
+pkaq-1 vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel) to allow, cause, permit,
compel, or force to V
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anipkaq- (t) to allow, cause, permit, or force
born; (i) to emerge from the den in her/him/it to exit » aŋun anipkaġaa aġnam
spring (of hibernating animal) the woman made the man leave

anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniqsit- (i) to be hurt by her/him/it; (t) to
to hurt her/him/it allow, cause, permit, or force her/him/it to
hurt by another » aŋunmun anniqsittuq
aġnaq the woman lets herself be hurt by the

man; aŋunmun anniqsitkaa aġnaq;
nukatpiam the young man lets the woman
be hurt by the man
navik- to break (it) naviktit- (t) to allow or cause to it to be
broken by another » qallun naviktitkaa
nukatpiamun aġnam the woman lets the
cup be broken by the young man
quviasuk- (i) to be happy quviasuktit- (t) to cause her/him to be
happy » aġnaq quviasuktitkaa aŋutim the
man lets the woman be happy
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuktit- (i) to be seen by another; (t) to
cause her/him/it to be seen by another; (t) to
allow or permit her/him to see another »
aġnamun tautuktittuq aŋun the man lets
himself be seen by the woman; aġnamun
tautuktitkaa aŋun nukatpiam the young
man lets the man be seen by the woman;
aġnaq tautuktitkaa aŋunmik nukatpiam
the young man lets the woman see the man
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchaktit- (t) to cause her/him to
become angry » aŋun uumitchaktitkaa
aġnam the woman makes the man angry
unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it unisit- (i) to force another to leave oneself
behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it behind; (t) to force her/him to be left by
another » aŋun unisittuq aġnamun the man
forced the woman to leave him; aŋun
unisitkaa aġnamun nukatpiam the young
man lets the man be left by the woman

‘-tit-2 or +tit-2 rv, nv, vv (limited) to become V; to V quickly, suddenly or excessively,

thoroughly, or out of the ordinary, normal pattern
aaġluq- (i) to look up; to raise one’s aaġlutit- (i) to have one’s head slip back,
chin; (i) to throw one’s head back; (t) to fall back, e.g., when asleep
raise her/his chin upward; (t) to raise it
into an upright position
agak(-) a tease; a mischief-maker; (i) to aggaktit- (i) to become mischievious; (i) to
be mischievous; (i) to be a tease; (i) to be begin teasing others
belligerent, want to fight, be
argumentative; (i) to fight; (t) to tease
her/him; (t) to fight with her/him
allaq- (Ti) to be clear (of weather) allaqtit- to be clear and very calm (of
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvsatit- (i) to sit down with a thud
down on it
*argua (root) audacious, bold arguaktit- (i) to become audacious, bold,
overly confident

illak- (i) to become tangled up, mixed illatit- (i) to do more than necessary; (i) to
up; (t) to tangle it up become careless and negligent; (i) to become
apathetic and let things go
immak(-) pus; infection; (i) to develop immaktit- (i) for puddles to form from
an infection; (i) to accumulate liquid melting snow; (i) to swell (of river); (i) to
(e.g., pus in a wound); (i) to get water in become infected (of wound)
one’s boots; (i) to become saturated with
water (of object); (i) to take in water (of
ittuk- (i) to make a continual roaring ittutit- (i) to make a loud noise (of engine)
sound (as of a fire, primus stove, engine,
kayummak- (i) to speed up, accelerate; kayummatit- (i) to do something at a steady
(i) to become energized speed without hesitation
kiapik- (t) to fit it together, making kiapiktit- (i) to work, travel, or do
edges overlap; (t) to go for or pass it = a something longer than one had planned; (i)
12 hour time period, especially to sleep to be fitted on, connected to something; (i) to
or go without sleep for more than l2 spend more time on something than
hours expected
kirrak- (i) to be lukewarm (of liquid) kirratchiaqtit- (t) to shine brightly
**ku (root) downward movement or kutit- to drip (on her/him/it)
mapkuq- (i) to gather one’s strength mapkutit- (i) to pop, make a popping noise
and make an all-out effort; (i) to make a (as of a person popping her/his gum); (i) to
crackling noise when shaken, as a slap something hard, causing a popping
blanket-toss skin; (i) to make a popping sound
masamatit- (i) to make a sudden echoing
naat-2 (i) to be snagged, caught on naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly get caught
something (of moving object)
qaiġuq- (i) to make a loud, echoing qaiġuatit- (i) to echo loudly; (t) to cause it =
sound echo to reverberate loudly
qaiq- (i) to be smooth, flat, level; (i) to qaiqsatit- (i) to be flat on one’s back, fast
be straight (of hair) asleep
qaummaq light from a source (like from qaummatit- (i) to flash (of light); to have
sun or lightbulb), brightness the house lights on
saviġuuraq1 or saviqquuraq grain of saviqquuraqtit- to become covered with
rice (Aiken 2009); ¤frozen rain crystals of frozen rain
siŋuk- (i) to strain while defecating; (i) siŋŋuktit- (i) to become red in the face from
to strain during labor contractions (of exertion or illness
woman giving birth)
siqi- [siqI] or siqiłłak- or siqiłhaq- (i) to siqiłhatit- (i) to splash violently (of liquid);
splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on (t) to splash on her/him/it
her/him/it once → siqiłhaq-
siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a person siqqutit- (i) to snap with a loud noise; (i) to

or object); (i) to be opinionated (of a make something snap loudly; (t) to make it
person) snap with a loud noise
siuq- (i) to make a whistling noise (of a siuqhuutit- (i) to make a whistling sound
hoary marmot) while whizzing by (e.g., an old squaw duck
swooping down to land on water)

mtitaq(-) vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant) to force, compel, coerce
into V-ing; that which has been forced to V
+pkaqtitaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaqtitaq- (t) to give her/him an enema »
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to anaqtitaun enema equipment
fall or shoot (of a star)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtitaq- (t) to force her/him to enter; (t) to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it force her/him to bring it inside »
inside, to place it inside isiqtitaqtaatigut miŋuaqtuġvigmun he
forced us to enter the school
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makititaq- (t) to coerce her/him to stand up
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright » makititaqtaatigut isiġman we were
forced to stand up when she entered
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaktitaq- (t) to force her/him to work; (t)
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; to force; (t) to let it be worked on by
(i) to be working, operating properly (of her/him/it » savaktitaġai iktani he forced
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = them to work in the dumpyard
corpse for burial
taiguaq(-) to read (it); a verse, anything taiguaqtitaqtaatigut iluqata she made
to read everyone of us to read

mtitchaġataġaluaq- or vv intend to let V occur, but had a change of intent | mtit-1 vv

msaq- vv +ataq-2 vv +k/galuaq- vv
+pkaqtitchaġaluaq- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)
anit- (t) to put, throw her/him/it out; (t) anititchaġataġaluaq- (t) to intend to let
to expel her/him/it; (t) to place it outside; her/him/it be thrown out
(t) to thrust it outside; (t) to begin it =
speech or song; (Ti) (t) to be carried out
to sea, drift out to sea
kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink kivipkaqtitchaġataġaluaq- (t) to intend to
let it sink
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋutitchaġataġaluaq- (t) to intend to let it
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon, become depleted
i.e. no moon

-tkiaq- vv (limited)
*nau (root) forward, upward process nautkiaqtuq he jumped down

-tkIq- (limited)
°tamaq (root) entirety, whole tamatkiq- (t) to take it all

-tkuayaaq n child of, member of the crew of; employee, worker of N | -tkuk/t nn -ayaaq nn
Aaŋa Aaŋatkuayaat aġvaktuat Aaŋa'a crew
caught a whale
Edna Edna-tkuayaak isiqtuk the two children of
Edna came in
University of Alaska University of Alaska-tkuayaat
savaŋitchut uvlupak the employees of the
University of Alaska are not working today

-tkuk/t nn party of, family of, institution of, crew of N

Aaŋa Aaŋatkuk tikitchuk Aaŋa and one other
person arrives
°kI (stem of interrogative pronouns) kia [dual kitkuk, pl.kitkut] (rel) whoses,
Ukpiaqhaaq Ukpiaqhaatkut aiŋarut Ukpiaqhaaq and
his family have gone home

-tkutitaaq (Nu) nn (limited)

sila weather; atmosphere, air silatkutitaaq snowshirt

-tqan vn (limited)
aiq- to put (her/his) arm into (her/his) aitqan mitten

-tqI- nv (limited)
*iraq2 (root) small segment iratqi(-) to cut meat or maktak into small
pieces; to prepare meat to eat by cutting, not
cooking; bite-size cubes of meat
iritqi- (Ti) to cut it = meat into small pieces

-tqigaaq- vv to V again and again, repeatedly | -tqIk- vv +aaq- vv

-tqIk-1 nv to change one N for another N; to V again

atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigitqik- to put a parka on (her/him) again;
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on to change (her/his) parka for another one »
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him atigitqiksuaq atuqtani ailaqiqqaaqługu (t) to put a parka on
he changed his parka for another one after
making the one he was wearing wet
atikłuk(-) outer cloth cover for fur atikłutqik- to put a snowshirt on (her/him)
parka, commonly called “snowshirt”; (t) again; to change (her/his) snowshirt for
to put a cloth cover over her/his parka another one
iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food igatqik- (i) to be overly cooked; (t) to

overcook it
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamitqik- to put a pair of boots on
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; (her/him) again; to change (her/his) pair of
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots boots for another » kamitqiksuami
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it ailaqsimamman I changed boots when I
found out it was wet outside
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitqik- (i) to stand up again; (t) to set it
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright upright again » makitqiksuaq
aquvititkaluaqtaŋat she stood up again
even though she had been made to sit down
mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to mayutqik- (i) to climb up again; (t) to
move to a higher position (of person), climb it, e.g.,mountain again »
e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend mayutqignasi don't youp climb up again
it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pitqik- to perform (it) again
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to
her/him; an entity

-tqIk-2 vv (limited) to be excellent in being V or V-ing

apta- (i) to be busy aptatqik- (i) to be quick
ilamaaq(-) dear relative, loved one ilamaatqik- to be friendly, kind
ilammiuq- (i) to get to know someone; ilammiutqik- (i) to be friendly, kind while
(t) to get to know her/him becoming acquainted
natqik- [natqIk] (i) to recover from an
illness or injury so that one’s condition is
stable; (t) to correct, rectify, set things right
with her/him/it
*qaunak (root) carefulness qaunatqik- (i) to be responsible, careful,
considerate, take good care of one’s things;
to be aware of what is going on
siatqik- (i) to be straight, not crooked, not
tutqik- [tutqIk](i) to be content, peaceful, at
upsitqik- (Ti) (i) to be fine, finely woven (of
cloth); not highly porous (of bone)

-tqIk nn (limited) the next logical level

aŋayukłiq firstborn, eldest one, aŋayukłitqik three-year-old bull caribou
someone’s elder; two-year-old caribou
ikpaksraq yesterday; recent past ikpaksratqik day before yesterday
ukiuq(-) wintertime; last year; (t) to ukiutqik year before last
come (of winter)
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuatqik (Ti) day before yesterday

yesterday; to become night
upinġaq- (Ti), upinġaaq(-) to come (of upinġaatqik summer before last
summer); summer; last summer

-[t]qu- vv (embedding postbase) to request, ask, desire to V

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aitqu- (t) to want her/him to come home »
aŋun aitqugaa aġnam the woman wants
the man to go home
ai-1 [agi] (t) to fetch, go and get aitqu- (i) to request that one be fetched; (t)
her/him/it to request that she/him/it be fetched »
aŋun aitquruq nukatpiamun the man
wants to be fetched by the young man
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvitqu- (t) to request that she/he sit down
down on it or up; (t) to request that she/he/it be sat upon
» aŋun aquvitqugaa aġnam the woman
wants the man to sit down
navik- to break (it) naviqu- (t) to request that it be broken »
qallun naviqugaa nukatpiamun aġnam
the woman wants the cup to be broken by
the young man
qatiq- (i) to be white qatiqu- (t) to request that it be the color
white » aġnam qatiqugaa tupiq the woman
wants the tent to be white
unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it unitqu- (i) to ask that one be left behind; (t)
behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it to ask that she/he/it be left behind » aŋun
unitquruq aġnamun the man requests to be
left by the woman

-[t]qusaaq- vv (embedding postbase) to try to persuade, encourage to V | -[t]qu- vv

+saaq-2 vv § -[t]qu- vv for embedding procedures
ai-2 (i) to go home, to come home aitqusaaq- (t) to encourage her/him to go
home or come home » aġnam aitqusaaġaa
aŋun pilaiġutivlugu the woman is
encouraging the man to go home because
she is tired of him
1 g
ai- [a i] (t) to fetch, go and get aitqusaaq- (i) to encourage another to fetch
her/him/it one; (t) to encourage another to fetch
her/him/it » aŋun aitqusaaqtuq
nukatpiamun the man is trying to persuade
the young man to fetch him;
aġnam aitqusaaġaa aŋun nukaptpiamun
the woman is trying to persuade the young
man to fetch the man
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġitqusaaq- (t) to encourage her/him to eat
» nukatpiam niġitqusaaġaa aġnaq
qaunnamik the young man is encouraging

the woman to eat caribou fat
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuqusaaq- (i) to encourage another to
see one; (t) to encourage another to see
her/him/it » aġnamun tautuqusaaqtuq
aŋun the man is trying to entice the woman
to look at him
ullak- (t) to approach, go to her/him/it ullaqusaaq- (i) to encourage another to
approach one; (t) to encourage another to
approach her/him/it » nukatpiam
ullaqusaaġaa aġnamun aŋun the young
man is trying to encourage the woman to go
to the man
unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it unitqusaaq- (i) to encourage another to
behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it leave one behind; (t) to encourage another to
leave her/him/it behind » aġnaq
unitqusaaqtuq aŋunmun the woman is
encouraging the man to leave her;
nukatpiam unitqusaaġaa aŋun aġnamun
the young man is trying to persuade the
woman to leave the man

-tqut- rv,nv,vdv (limited) to go by way of its N

+ut- (restricted to noun stems which end in weak i)
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asitqut- (i) to miss a target, miss one’s
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else; destination in traveling; (t) to miss it =
away from the village; something target
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, ataut- (i) to shoot under the mark, the target;
underside; down to go under target (of a projectile); to travel
past a place, on water or ice; (t) to shoot
under her/him/it; to go under her/him/it (of a
projectile); to travel past it = a place, on
water or ice; to pass beneath, below
(her/him/it); (t) to take them all
kilu part of house or tent opposite door; kilutqut- to pass by (her/him/it) on the
south (with one’s geographical position inland side
being Barrow, Alaska)
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight nalaut-1 (i) to be correct, guess correctly;
forward; (Ti) south side of Point Hope, have one’s prediction fulfilled; (t) to guess it
Alaska; price right; in accordance with, according to
pamuuna via, through up there, e.g., pamuunatqut- (i) to pass unseen, further
inland, upriver, upstairs (not visible) inland; (t) to pass unseen by her/him/it
further inland
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulaut- (i) to pass overhead; (t) to shoot
edge of a boat’s sides high on target; (i) to jump over an obstacle
2 r
°saa (stem) [sa a] front of body or saatqut- to pass by in front (of her/him/it)

garment; area immediately in front of
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
samuuna2 via, through down there, e.g., samuunatqut- (i) to pass to the shoreward
far out in ocean, downriver, or (north) side of (her/him/it) or further out at
downstairs (not visible) sea
saniġaq side of something saniġatqut- to pass right on by (her/him/it
timi human or animal body; the hull of a timaut- (t) to shoot her/him/it in upper part
boat; part of boot above the sole of body; to carry it = kayak between two
bodies of water, to portage
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunutqut- to traverse behind (her/him/it)
back exterior wall of house
*uŋa (root) distant area uŋatqut- to go around, skirt (her/him/it)

-[t]quuq- vv (embedding postbase) (t) to urge her/him/it to V, or to be V-ed @

-[t]quuqłIq- § -[t]qu- vv, -q-1 vv
ai-2 (i) to go home, to come home aitquuq- (t) to urge her/him to go home or
come home » aitquuŋaikki stop telling
them to go home
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatquuq- (t) to urge her/him to run »
aqpatquuġaa paniñi he is urging his
daughter to run
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġitquuq- (t) to urge her/him to eat; to urge
that it be eaten » niġitquuġai iñuit aġnam
the woman is urging the people to eat;
niġitquuqłiqsuq iñugnik aġnaq the woman
is urging, telling people to eat

+[t]sailI- vv (i) trying hard not to V; (t) to prevent her/him/it from V-ing
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anitchaili- (i) to be trying hard not to go
born; (i) to emerge from the den in out, exit; (t) to prevent her/him/it from going
spring (of hibernating animal) out; (t) to prevent it from being taken
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqsaili- (i) to be trying hard not to go in,
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it enter (it = establishment or someone’s
inside, to place it inside home); (t) to prevent her/him/it from
entering; (t) to prevent it from being brought
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kataksaili- (i) to prevent oneself from
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or falling; (t) to prevent her/him/it from falling
passageway); (i) to fall off
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġitchaili- (i) to abstain from eating; (t) to
prevent her/him/it from eating; (t) to prevent
it from being eaten

qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qiatchaili- (i)to try hard not to cry; (t) to
her/him/it) prevent her/him from crying

-[t]siaġi- vv to wait for her/him/it to V | -[t]sIq- vv ±aq-4 vn +[g]i- nv

ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home » aitchiaġigaa paniñi she is waiting for her
daughter to come home
nuut- to move (her/him/it) » nuutchiaġigaa he is waiting for it to
move; he is waiting for it to be moved

+[t]siġiaq- vv to be easy to V
avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two; aviksiġiaq- (i) to be easily cut in half
(t) to divide it in half, in two pieces
ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it ilisautitchiġiaq- (i) to be easily taught
itiqsaq- (t) to wake her/him up itiqsaqsiġiaq- (i) to be easily awoken, does
not complain about getting out of bed
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitchiġiaq- (i) to be easily set upright
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright
uqaut-¤ or uqauti- (t) to speak, talk to uqautitchiġiaq- (i) to be easily convinced

+[t]sii- vv (limited) to allow, let V occur, happen | perhaps +[t]sIq- vv -I-9 vv

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be anitchii- (t) to wait for her/him/it to come
born; (i) to emerge from the den in out (of its dwelling)
spring (of hibernating animal)
aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the aqilitchii- to simmer (it = meat) until it is
bite or touch tender
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, autchiivik place or container in which food
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish); cures or ferments
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
immit- (i) to come upon water (e.g., of a immitchii- (t) to put something in water to
traveler); (i) to be waterlogged; (t) to soak
soak it in water
isivanniq [isivannIq] seal carcass buried isivanniqsii- (i) to bury, cache a seal carcass
in sand to cure so that it can ferment into a delicacy; (t) to
bury it = seal carcass so that it can ferment
into a delicacy
nipitit- (i) to be sealed (of a letter) (t) to nipititchii- to scorch (it = food) while
make it stick cooking, so that it sticks to the bottom of the
paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose paniqsii- (i) to wait for something to dry
weight, become skinny; to starve
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean; sea taġġitchii- (i) to soak something in salt
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it; water

(Ti) (i) to be blue
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuaqsii- (i) to wait for night
yesterday; to become night
uunaq- (i) to be hot uunaqsii- to heat (it = food, water)
uutqik- (i) to be well-done (of meat); (t) uutqiksii- (t) to cook it well-done
to cook it well done

+[t]sIq- vv, rv (limited) to allow, let V happen

agli- (i) to grow in size, become large, aglitchiq- (t) to wait for her/him/it to grow
ilatchiq- (i) to not fight back, not protest, not
react; (i) to do nothing, let things be
iñiqtuq- (i) to be tired, exhausted Iñiqtuiqsiq- to be Sunday; (i) to rest
(original meaning)
kakaaq- to carry (her/him) sitting on kakaaqsiq- (i) to be carried sitting on
one's shoulders with her/his legs around another’s shoulders
one’s neck
kali something being dragged, towed kaliksiq- (i) to be dragged, towed
kiñiq(-) moist eczema, lochia, discharge kiñitchiq-1 (i) to be left to settle (of water);
of water from skin (a disease of dogs); to let salt settle out of melting ice to make
(i) to become dehydrated (of dog due to fresh water; (t) to leave it = water to settle
disease); to filter through fabric or paper
(of a liquid)

nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and nivitchiq- (i) to set (of bait); (t) to wait for it
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = bait to come to the bait
or food) (of game animal); to flock
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds,
mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to cling,
adhere to her/him/it
paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose paniqsiq- (i) to be set out to dry; (t) to have
weight, become skinny; to starve it set out to dry
saaġuaq(-) [saaġuraq] apron, bib; (i) to saaġuaqsiq- (Nu) (i) to be camping in a
put on an apron; (t) to put an apron on protective enclosure
her/him; (Nu) protective enclosure,
semicircular-shaped windbreak made of
small, felled trees with an openng where
a fire can be; (Nu) (i) to camp in a
protective enclosure
siqiñiq sun siqiñiqsiq- (i) to stay in the sun and get
suak- (t) to scold her/him/it suaksiq- (i) to constantly be scolded; (i) to
presently be scolded
usiaq(-) load, cargo; to haul, transport usiaqsiq- (i) to be a passenger, be onboard a
(her/him/it) in a vehicle, conveyance vehicle

+ttaq(-) or vn, vv (limited) instrument, means for V-ing; to use V § -taq(-) vn, vv, nv and -
utaq, ’utaq vn
aluk- (i) to lap food in with the tongue; aluuttaq1 or aluuttaun spoon; (Ti)
(t) to lick her/him/it once tablespoon
anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s arm anauttaq(-) axe; upper hind leg (Nu) femur,
or an object held in one’s hand upper leg bone; (i) to use an axe; (t) to chop
it with an axe
kaat [ENG] playing card kaattaq(-) (Nu) playing card [ENG “card”];
(i) to play cards
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kaputtaq- to patch (it = umiak)
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
pattaq (Nu) shaft of drill which holds the bit
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qattaq water barrel with lid
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover;
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qayuuttaq sheep horn dipper
uquq- (i) to have warm winter clothes; uquuttaq windbreak
to be well insulated and therefore warm
(of clothing, house)

+ttuala- vv (limited) to V out of control, hysterically, with agitation @ +ttualatchI- vvt

iqsi- [iqsI] (i) to be afraid iqsittuala- (i) to experience extreme fear,
terror, dismay
kavya- (i) to be apprehensive, to fear a kavyattuala- (i) to be hysterically disturbed,
loss fearful
quġmiattuq- (i) to urinate accidentally quġmiattuala- (i) to uncontrollably urinate
(usually in pants) in one’s pants

-ttuq- vv (limited) to experience an activity involving the N or R

aqiaq or (Ti) aqiak upper belly above aqiattuq- (i) to satisfy one’s hunger; to
waist and below the ribs (of human) become satiated, full
ivri- or ivriññik- to cause others to be ivruattuq- or (Ti) ivruaqtuq- (i) to gasp, be
out of breath from laughing so hard; (Ti) unable to catch one’s breath when
(t) to bother someone swimming, walking into the wind, or coming
into contact with something cold
*niġu2 (root) wideness niġuttuq- (i) to be wider and more spacious;
(t) to make it wider and more spacious
qaggaq(-) wave which breaks on shore, qaggattuq- to make waves (e.g., of whale);
a breaker; (i) to break on shore (of wave) to become rough (of sea)

+tu- nv, rv, vv (limited) to possess an exaggerated attribute; to be capable of V-ing

excessively or well § ‘qtu- vv
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglaktu- (i) to have large, repeating design

(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) elements (such as flowers, polka dots) (e.g.,
to vote by secret ballot of fabric or wallpaper)
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akisu- (i) to be expensive, valuable; to be of
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; some value, worth
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
°aku (root) space in-between, physical akuttu- (i) to be far apart; to occur at long
or temporal intervals
akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of akuqtu- (i) to be too long (of a garment)
garment; outer keel of an umiak frame;
board placed on one side of the keel of
an umiak frame; sheer line of kayaq; to
put a skirt on (her/him/it); to place the
two boards on either side of it = keel of
an umiak frame
anniqsrau- (i) to be stingy anniqsrautu- (i) to be very stingy, selfish;
(i) to be protective of one’s possessions,
unwilling to share
annut- (i) to frown, pout; (t) to frown at annutu- (i) to frown, pout a lot
argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaktu- (i) to have big hands
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure
it to its breathing hole)
asiq(-) [asIq] sleeve; (i) to put one’s asiqsu- (i) to have sleeves that are too long
arms into the sleeves of a garment; (t) to (of garment)
help her/him put her/his arm into the
sleeves of a garment
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atchaqtu- (i) to be wide (of land, ice, water)
underside; down
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, atitu- (i) to be far away from shore (of lead
underside; down or open water); to have a wide foot top (of a
boot); for there to be a wide, open lead
attaqsraq- (i) to hesitate to ask someone attaqsrautu- (i) to be timid, easily
for something; to be diffident intimidated
iġlik- (i) to be selfish, stingy iġlitu- (i) to be stingy, selfish by nature
*iġnu (root) bulk iġnutu- (i) to be bulky, take too much space
ikarraq ford, place to cross over water; ikarraqtu- (i) to be of some distance to
one hour; width of material cross, be wide
ikiq [ikiQ] sound, strait (topographical); ikiqtu- (i) to be wide, broad; (i) to be a long
passage of water between bodies of land; distance across between two points e.g., of a

width river between its banks
*iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; iqianġutu- (i) to be lazy, especially when
lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of one is tired or not quite fully awake
eagerness, unwillingness
*iraq1 (root) width iraqtu- (i) to be wide, broad
iri eye iritu- (i) to have large eyes
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigaktu- (i) to have big feet; to be too big
(of footwear)
isuma(-) mind; thought; idea; (i) to think isumatu- (i) to be wise, prudent,
kanak length of human leg from crotch kanaktu- (i) to have long legs (of people); to
to heel, inner leg; inseam be too long (of pants)
naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to naaqtu- or narraktu- (i) to have a big belly
have a full stomach, be full from eating
naŋiaq- (i) to be afraid of falling from a naŋiaqtu- (i) to have a fear of heights or
high place, to have acrophobia; (i) to be depths
afraid of falling through ice into deep
niaquq head, skull niaquqtu- (i) to have a large head
*niġu2 (root) wideness niġuturuq It is wide
nipi voice, sound nipatu- (i) to be noisy, loud
niqi food, meat niqitu- (i) to be meaty, fleshy
nuilak neck opening of garment; nuilatu- (i) to have a large neck opening (of
opening in harness for dog’s head garment)
*nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness, nuyuaqtu- (i) to be wary, timid, easily
wariness frightened (of animal)
qaati upper, front part of boot (covering qaatitu- (i) to be wide (of feet, of upper front
the top of the foot to the front of the part of boot)
*qati (root) bass quality of one’s voice qatitu- (i) to have a low-pitched voice
quiññak- (i) to feel a tickling sensation quiññaktu-, (Ti) quiñaktu- (i) to be ticklish
quvianġu- (i) to be always joyously quvianġutu- (i) to be jolly, happy
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth saglutu- (i) to tell lies frequently; (i) to be a
prolific liar
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, sapiktugi- (t) to feel doubtful about
make passage unsuitable or impossible her/him/it
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river
sana- to whittle, carve (it = wood, sanatu- (i) to be skilled in using mind and
soapstone, etc.) hands at making something, be skillful
saŋiak- (i) to be sexually jealous saŋiaktu- (i) to be extremely sexually
savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it savitu- (i) to work well at doing things, to be
with the hands handy
sayak health, strength sayaktu- or sayaqtu- (i) to be healthy,
strong, robust

sigña- (i) to refuse to share, be stingy sigñatu- (Nu) sikñatu- (i) to be stingy,
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siññaqtu- (i) to have a habit of oversleeping,
= day sleeping of sleeping too much; to sleep a lot
siqsu- (i) to be daring, be persistent
(especially when hunting); (i) to have great
fortitude; (i) to bear pain nobly
*sivI (root) duration sivisu- or sivisuuraq- (i) to be of long
duration, take a long time
*taaniq (root) distant appearance taaniqtu- (i) to be larger than others; to
appear large, loom large
taġutu- (i) to be fat (of person); to be wide
taqtunak either side of body above hip, taqtunaktu- (i) to be husky, heavy,
toward front thick-flanked
tatitu- (i) to be sensible, level-headed,
tipi odor tipitu- (i) to have a strong odor
*tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; tuniqtu- (i) to be emotionally stable,
hardness of surface enduring; to be solid
tutqaaq- or tutqaasuk- (i) to feel bad, tutqaatu- or tutqaaq- (i) to be careful to
sorry, ill at ease about something one has repay favors, pay for services, not accept
done or something which others with things free
direct ties to oneself has done; (i) to feel
bad that one is not able repay a favor,
pay for a service
uqaluk word uqalutu- (i) to be talkative, talk a lot
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvluqtu- (i) to be long in duration (of
light (of day) daylight in a day during an Arctic summer)

+tuaġruk nn (limited) one with an impressive N

niaquq head, skull niaquqtuġruk or niaquqtuaġruk hawk owl
(Surnia ulula)
nuŋŋaq ridge along frontal bone of nuŋŋaktuaġruk white-crowned sparrow
nose; crest, crown of bird (Zonotrichia leucophrys)

+tuallak- vv (limited) to V just once; to V nonstop for a while

nuluq- to wave one’s hand (at nuluqtuallak- (Nu) to wave with the hand
her/him/it) (at her/him)

-tualuk or -tuaq nn the only N § (the t is not affected by the strong I)

ikayuqti assistant, helper; intercessor ikayuqtitualuk only helper, only assistant »
ikayuqtitualuga aullaqtuaq uvlupak my
only helper left today
panik [panIk] daughter panitualuk only daughter »
panitualuni aullaġman ikayuqtaiqsuq
when her only daughter left, she no longer

had a helper
qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo qavvitualik only wolverine skin left »
gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine qavvitualuk tauqsiqsaġa I bought the only
wolverine skin left
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmitualuk only dog » tavra taamna
forma familiaris) qimmitualukput that one there is our only
tavra or (PB) tarva there (restricted, tavratualuk (excl.) that’s all, that was the
visible); (excl.) yes, I know; that’s right; last one
that is all; that’s enough, stop it

+tualuk- vv (restricted to verb stems which end in k or q)

-tiqtualuk- (restricted to verb stems which end in a -t)
+liqtualuk- (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)
to V without hesitation, quickly
aiq- to put (her/his) arm into (her/his) aiqsualuk- (i) to quickly place one’s arms
sleeve in the sleeves » aiqsualuktuaq
kiñŋuqqayaqamiŋ he quickly placed his
arms in his sleeves when they almost
ilit- [ilIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of ilitchiliqtualuk- (i) to quickly learn »
her/his ways, habits; to learn it ilitchiliqtualukami isagutiruq after
quickly learning how to proceed, she began
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamiktualuk- to quickly put boots (on
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; her/him) on » kamiktualukami pikiaqtuq
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots quickly putting on his boots, he bolted out
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikisiqtualuk- to quickly reach (her/him/it)
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it » tikisiqtualukamiuŋ kunikkaa going up
to him without hesitating, she kissed him

+tuaq- vv (limited) to V for a while continuously or habitually

aniiq- (i) to be outside aniiqsuaq- (i) to relax or play outside
*anaya (root) wariness, caution anayaktuaq- (Ti) (i) to be cautious, careful
in a dangerous place; to get up carefully,
move cautiously (of a sick person)
iiq- (i) to moan, to groan iiqtuaq- (i) to moan and groan constantly
from pain
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqtuaq- (i) to drink continuously, nonstop
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; ittuaq- (i) to sit quietly, to be idle, be still
(i) to stay
kumaiq- (i) to be rid of lice kumaiqsuaq- (i) to look for lice in one’s
hair; (t) to look for lice in her/his hair
kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it) kusiqsuaq- (i) to drip continuously

malik- to follow, accompany maliktuaq- (t) to be constantly following
(her/him/it) her/him/it
naalak- (i) to listen with a purpose; (t) to naalaktuaq- to listen (to her/him/it)
listen to it = her/his chest, heart with a
stethoscope; (t) to auscultate her/him/it
naniaq-1 or naniaqtuaq- (i) to warm naniaqtuaq- (i) to warm oneself by the fire
oneself by the fire to alleviate pain; (t) to to alleviate pain; (t) warm it by the fire
warm it by the fire
*pilaaq (root) child care pilaaqtuaq- to care for, babysit (her/him=
pisuaq- (i) to walk; (t) to walk it = pisuaqtuaq- (i) to take a stroll, take a long
distance leisurely walk
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiqtuaq(-) movie, picture book; to watch,
look at her/him/it
quliaq- (i) to confess, tell about one’s quliaqtuaq(-) life experience, story; to tell
wrongdoing; (t) to report on her/his (it = story, one’s experience)
actions; to tattle on her/him
quppiq- (i) to part one’s hair; (i) to now quppiqsuaq- (Ti) (t) to part them= hair
have one’s hair parted; (t) to part her/his generally as a habit
saŋik- (t) to delouse her/him/it saŋiksuaq- (t) to delouse her/him/it in a
leisurely, relaxed manner
tagiq- [tagIq] (i) to go or move from taggiqsuaq- (i) to continually move from
place to place; (i) to go calling at or place to place
visiting many houses
tasiuq- (i) to hold hands; (t) to hold tasiuqtuaq- (i) to hold hands while leisurely
her/his hand walking; (t) to hold her/his hand while
leisurely walking
uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to uluġiatuaq- or uliġiattuq- (i) to move one’s
pass through a narrow passage; (i) to upper body to avoid being hit; to sidestep
turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to turn (her/his) arrows aimed at one
aside; (i) to bend to the side, move aside;
(i) to lie down on one’s side; (t) to pass
through it = passageway sideways; (t) to
turn or move it aside
uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it = food uuktuaq- (i) to test, try something out for a
while; (t) to try, test or attempt it

+t/ruaq vn one that is V-ing, or Vs or was V-ed or is V

aġra or aġraq ashes; gunpowder; fire aġraqtuqtuaq (Ti) small stove made of
pail (used by whaling crew for cooking kerosene can with top cut off
prior to the modern campstove)
aġvanġaq(-) (Ti) a new whaling captain aġvanġaqtuaq (Ti) a whaling captain who
who has killed her/his first whale; (i) to has caught his first whale
catch one’s first whale (of new whaling

aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to slide down a aksraktuaq or (Nu) aksraliktualik wheeled
slope (e.g., of an animal when shot); (t) vehicle
to roll, slide it
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice allutuqtuaq aġviq bowhead whale trapped
under ice with a polygon-shaped breathing
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaqtuaq student
ilisaurri(-) teacher (i) to teach ilisaurriruaq the one who is teaching »
ilisaurriruami miqłiqtunik ikayuqtaani
he helped me teach the children
imiġuk- to want to drink (it) imiġuktuaq the one who wants a drink »
igña imiġuktuaq imiksritchaqtuġuŋ go
give water to that one over there who wants
a drink
miquq- to sew (it) miquqtuaq the one who is sewing »
ikayuqtaani miquqtuami she helped me
isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened isivitchuktuaq part of trap which is closed
out; (i) to stand up straight from a and springs open when released; trap spring
stooped position; (i) to stretch out from a
fetal position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all
kiapsaluqtaq (Nu) something round kiapsaluqtuaq (Nu) circle
maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black maŋaqtuaq auk dark blood from the
qilagaq roof of mouth, hard palate qilagakuaqtuat palatal sounds
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiqtuaq movie, picture book
saŋŋit-2 (Ti) (i) to form cirrus clouds saŋŋitchuaq (Ti) cirrus cloud
(indicating wind)
tiŋilġautaq or tiŋilġaun a sail tiŋilġautaqtuqtuaq sailboat
ukpiq- (i) to believe, be convinced of a ukpiqtuaq a Christian, a believer in Christ
uqaluk word uqaluktuaq true story, account of events
which happened during the past two or three

-tuaq(-) nn, vv (limited) every N (limited to times of the day); every time (used
with Consequential endings); if ever or whenever (used with Conditional Mood endings)
°anaqa (stem) evening anaqatuaq(-) every evening; (i) every time
it became evening
unnuaq(-) night; last night; (Ti) unnuatuaq(-) every night; (i) every time it
yesterday; to become night became night
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiqtuaq- (i) every time she/he/it looks

+tuiññaq- vv (limited) to V continually, non-stop, until done or consumed
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġituiññaq- (i) to eat continuosly
qiññuaqtuq- (i) to beg, ask qiññuaqtuqtuiññaq- (i) to beg continuously
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaktuiññaq- (i) to work continuously
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; until finished
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+t/ruksraq vn one who should or must V

ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaqtuksraq the one who should study
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaktuksraq the one who should work
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+t/ruksrau- vv to be the one who should or must V | +t/ruksraq vn :u-1 nv

ayak-2 (i) to begin moving ahead, ayaktuksrau- (i) must depart, must start out
proceed ahead, start toward destination, » ayaktuksraurugut akkupak we must go
depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to on ahead right now
push, launch it = boat to sea
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaqtuksrau- must study (it) »
ilisaqtuksrauruŋa uvlupak I have to study
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makittuksrau- (i) must stand up; (t) must
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright set it upright » makittuksrauruq she must
stand up

+tun-qayaq ncsimn almost like a N | +tun (sim) ±qqayaq(-) vv, nn

atigitun like a parka atigiptun-qayaq almost like my parka
iktumatun like that one over there iktumatun-qayaq almost like that one over
uvaptun like me uvaptun-qayaq almost like me

+tuŋiq vn (limited) one resembling a N or one that Vs

aatchauq- (i) to yawn aatchauqtuŋiq or aatchauqtuŋialaaq or
(Nu) aatchausiayaaq nestling, newly
hatched bird
niksaak- (i) to burp niksaaktuŋiq Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus
suŋaq gallbladder suŋaqpaluktuŋiq Yellow Warbler
(Dendroica petechis); Myrtle Warbler
(Phylloscopus borealis)

+tuq-1 vv to V quickly with determination and concentration, but without finesse §

+tuula- vv
+tuq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q
-tiqtuq- restricted to verb stems which end in a -t | +tiq-1vv +tuq-1 vv
+liqtuq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel | -liq-2 vv +tuq-1 vv
avguq- (t) to slice or cut it up avguqtuq- (t) to slice it up quickly but
roughly » avguqtuġligik let her cut themd
into several pieces quickly
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqtuq- to gulp (it) » imiqtuġuŋ gulp it
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable down
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
miquq- to sew (it) miquqtuq- to sew (it) quickly »
nukaata miquqtuġaik kammak his
younger sister sewed his boots in no time at
tinu- (t) to push her/him/it tinuliqtuq- (t) to push her/him/it roughly »
tinuliqtuqługik iniksraniktiqtuq pushing
them2 back determinedly, she made room
for herself

+tuq-2 vv (limited) to V continually or with duration; or as a habit

aakaaq- to say aaka “mother” (to aakaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aaka,
her/him) “mother”
aanaaq- to say aana “great-aunt” (to aanaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aana, “great-
her/him) aunt”
aapaaq- to say aapa “father” (to aapaaqtuq- (t) to call her/him aapa,
her/him) “father”
akiksriq- (t) to assess, appraise its akiksriqsuq- (t) to set a value on, to assess
worth, put a price on it the worth of them (for taxation, sale price)
akilliq opponent, competitor; opposite; akilliliqsuq- (t) to oppose her/him/it
enemy; (Nu) side platform in sod house
(one of two platforms opposite each
alguagi- (Ti) (t) to doubt her/him/it alguaqtuq- (Ti) (t) to continue to doubt
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuqtuq- (i) to see a ghost; (i) to
astounded, to marvel hallucinate; (i) to experience the
supernatural, the amazing
aluk- (i) to lap food in with the tongue; aluktuq- (t) to lick her/him/it repeatedly
(t) to lick her/him/it once
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide ammuktuq- (t) to pull it (e.g., a net) from
back into water after beginning to under the ice with a rope line
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
*argua (root) audacious, bold arguaqtuq- to continue to doubt, disbelieve

ataaq- to travel downriver on it (river) ataaqtuq- (i) to camp on the ice for whaling;
to be out whaling
igniq fire igniqsuq- or iŋniqsuq- (i) to build a fire in a
stove; (t) to build a fire in it = stove or
fireplace; (t) to build a fire in a stove in it =
iluit- or iłuit- (i) to not fit, to look iluilaqtuq- or iłuilaqtuq- (i) to feel remorse,
wrong, to be sick guilt
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or illiqsuq- (i) to choose a partner in a game; to
name; companion, friend, partner; part of recruit supporters for oneself; (t) to take
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, sides, support her/his views, opinions
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ilaalliq- (i) to acquire, get a partner, ilaalliqsuq- (t) to take sides, support her/him
friend; (t) to take her/his side; to be a
partner to her/him, to join her/him
ilamaaq(-) dear relative, loved one ilamaaqtuq- to call (her/him) one’s dear
relative, friend or loved one
illak- (i) to become tangled up, mixed illaiqsuq- (i) to comb one’s hair; (t) to comb
up; (t) to tangle it up her/his/its hair
immiq- (t) to fill it immiqsuq- (t) to be in the process of filling
it (e.g., a container, an application)
inuq- (i) to fail to reach one’s inuqtuq- (i) to run short of food, money or
destination; (i) to undershoot, fall short; supplies; to not quite reach one’s destination
(i) to be insufficient; (t) to fail to reach it and perform a task
= goal, destination; (t) to undershoot it =
target; (t) to fall short of it = runway in
landing an airplane; (i) to not be enough
iñiq- (i) to be completed; (i) to finish, be iñiqtuq- (i) to be tired, exhausted
done; (t) to finish working on it; (t) to
tell her/him to stop; (t) to rebuke
him/her, making her/him stop
iññiq- (i) to be willed to someone (of iññiqsuq- (t) to keep her/him company, to
something as in a legal document); (i) to give her/him companionship; (t) to will them
have company, have a companion; (i) to = possessions to specific individuals
become occupied (of a house); (i) to
become populated, inhabited; (t) to will
it to someone; (t) to occupy it (house)
iñuaq- (i) to commit murder; (t) to iñuaqtuqti murderer
murder, kill her/him
ipiġaq-1 (t) to whip her/him/it once ipiġaqtuq- (t) to whip, spank her/him/it
repeatedly; (t) to chastise her/him (usually by

spanking or beating); ¤(t) to use an axe on it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtuq- (i) to come in through crack, door,
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it or window (of snow, wind, smoke or water);
inside, to place it inside (t) to come in through crack, door, or
window of her/his house (of snow, wind,
smoke or water)
ivayaq- to get more than one should ivayaqtuq- to defraud (her/him); to rob
(from her/him); to cheat (her/him); to (her/him)
take away a necessary part from it =
engine, any whole with parts; (Ti) (i) to
ask or take from a whaling captain and
his wife gifts after he catches his first
whale (a tradition); (Ti) (t) to ask him =
whaling captain for gifts; (t) to ask for
gifts during the whaling festival from a
couple who has their first son
kikiak(-) nail; (t) to nail it down kikiaktuq- (i) to hammer nails into
something; (t) to nail it down
kilik- (t) to inform, warn her/him kiliktuq- (t) to warn, inform her/him
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuppiaqtuq- (i) to go in reverse, move
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); backwards
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
malik- to follow, accompany maliktuq- (i) to sob, to gasp after crying
(her/him/it) hard
maniññak- (i) to earn money, wages maniññaktuq- (i) to receive payments
other than wages, e.g., welfare, pension,
niksik(-) [niksIk] fishhook or lure; a niksiksuq- (i) to fish using a fishhook or
device to hook something with; to hook lure; (t) to try to retrieve it using a hook
niqi food, meat niqłiqsuq- to set food (for her/him) to eat
paa [paga] entry, doorway; mouth of paaqtuq- (i) to come directly in through
river; hole of kayak (where person sits); door or tent flap (of wind); (t) to come
entryway to pallitchat, the outer directly in through its door or tent flap (of
entrance into a sod house passageway wind)
qaaq- or qaaqtuq- (i) to caw (of raven)
qaġriq- (i) to load bullets in gun; (t) to qaġriqsuq- (t) to load it = gun with
load it = gun ammunition
qasak- or qasala- or qatchala- (i) to qasaktuq- to make loud noises in order to
burst out yelling “Uu! Uu! Ugu! Ugu!” frighten (it = animal, esp., caribou) during a
followed by cheering (when dancing or hunt

herding or coming home from a
successful hunt usually when returning
in a boat with a walrus kill or having
struck and retrieved a whale)
qipi- (i) to toss and turn in bed; (i) to qipiktuq- or qipiktula- (i) to run around; to
writhe, to twist the body, usually in pain; move around, not keep still (of a child)
(t) to wind it (of a clock); (t) to twist,
screw it = lid on or off
qipuk- (t) to scratch, scrape, mar it qipuktuq- (i) to receive scratch marks from
an object (of a person); (t) to scratch, scrape
or mar her/him/it with an object
°sanI (root) broadside, side sanimuktuun centerboard (of ship)
savluaq- or (Nu) sapluaq- or sapluaqtuq-
to set up an obstacle, hindrance for
sayak health, strength sayyiqsuq- (t) to build up her/his strength
with medical treatment or an exercise routine
simik- (t) to plug it; (i) to be now simiksuun stopper, cork, plug
siññiq- (t) to cause her/him/it to go to siññiqsuun magical song which puts one to
sleep sleep
tuvaaq- to attract (it = caribou) by tuvaaqtuq- (Nu) (i) to holler, to shout, to cry
shouting; (t) to chase it = caribou in the out when chasing caribou trying to drive
direction one wants, toward corral or them towards hunters
urriqa- (i) to use arm signals to urriqsuq- (t) to give directions, instructions
communicate to her/him

+tuq-3 nv (limited) to wear, eat, chew, use, consume, experience N or a V-ing

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnatuq- (i) to commit adultery, to have an
queen (suit in cards) affair with a woman (of a man)
aġvanġaun first whale taken by a new aġvanġautituq- (i) to eat from the first
whaling captain whale of a new whaling captain
akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of akuqtuq- (i) to wear a skirt
garment; outer keel of an umiak frame;
board placed on one side of the keel of
an umiak frame; sheer line of kayaq; to
put a skirt on (her/him/it); to place the
two boards on either side of it = keel of
an umiak frame
aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, aliuqtuq- (i) to see a ghost; (i) to
astounded, to marvel, to wonder hallucinate; (i) to experience the
supernatural, the amazing
alla another one, a different one; allatuq- (i) to commit adultery
something strange
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutituq- (i) to have sexual relations with a

auruq fermented fish auruqtuq- (i) to eat fermented fish
iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to iglutuq- (i) to live in a house
build a structure over it
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of iglutuq- to bear, endure (her/him/it)
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be ivruattuq- or (Ti) ivruaqtuq- (i) to gasp, be
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool unable to catch one’s breath when
air swimming, walking into the wind, or coming
into contact with something cold
kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl.kamŋit] kamiktuq- (i) to get dressed after getting out
boot; mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; of bed; to wear boots
dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots
on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it
kaŋiġaq(-) hunting blind, hiding place kaŋiġaqtuq- (i) to corral caribou, reindeer;
where hunter waits for animal to pass by, (t) to corral them= a herd of animals
then gives chase; corral (for caribou); (t)
to corral them= caribou, reindeer)
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger kappiatuq- (i) to shout from fright
kuvraq(-) net, fishnet; spiderweb; (i) to kuvraqtuq- (i) to fish with a net
be caught in a net; (t) to catch it in a net
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, nagliktuun mercy, compassion
sympathy, pity
naŋniq- (i) to strain one's body by naŋniqtuq- (i) to strain one’s body by
overworking; (t) to press her/him/it overworking
onward to a destination; (t) to push,
coerce, force her/him; (Ti) (t) to beat
her/him up badly
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiqsuq- (i) to eat seal meat
hispida); (i) to catch a seal
qaalu dried or spoiled outside part of qaalutuq- (i) to eat the outside part of a
piece of meat; (Nu) birch bark piece of dried meat
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siññaktuq(-) a dream; (i) to dream
= day sleeping
tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqIt] tupiqtuq- (i) to live in a tent
tent; to raise, set up a tent for (her/him/it)
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiaqtuq- (i) to travel by boat; to be out
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; whaling
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
qayaq one person skin kayak qayaqtuq- (i) to use a kayak

+t/ruq1 vn (limited) one that is V or V-ed

akiit- (i) to lose, be defeated; to be akiitchuq prostitute, harlot
cheap, inexpensive
akut- to mix or stir it akutuq eskimo ice cream
au- (i) to rot or decay (of tooth, wood, auruq fermented fish
etc.); (i) to ferment or age (of meat, fish);
(i) to become partially melted and
dangerous underfoot (of ice); (i) to
ivik or ivigaaq blade of grass; grass; ivruq(-) sod or moss (Rhytidium rugosum)
sedge (Carex) (used for siding and roof of traditional
Iñupiaq house, also for topping of
underground ice cellar, and grave); (i) to
now have sod on it; (t) to put sod on, around
it =house, grave
naaparuq large, pointed-bottom, lugless pot
(without handles)
*nak (root) attachment naktuġiq clothes hook; small, wooden peg
set in wall for hanging clothes; button,
wooden or metal catch or hook
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a naparuq (Ti) sled stanchion; wooden boat
house, pole, tree “rib,” vertical frame support inside boat
putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to purruq hole worn in boot sole
perforate, pierce it, make a hole through
it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one’s sole
qaaq(-) marijuana; (i) to burst, explode; (Ti) qaaġruq blister on skin
to smoke marijuana; (Nu) (i) to crash
against the shore (of wave, sea), to break
(of waves); (t) to make it pop or burst
qaġruq arrow, bullet, cartridge, any
uġruq1 moss from swampy ground (used as
emergency food for dogs)
*uu (root) heat, warmth uuruq boiled meat

+tuq2 n (limited) final suffix of some birds and animals

ailuqtuq surf scoter (Melanitta
*akutuq (root) leaf
igniqauqtuq Steller's eider (Somaterica
iŋutuq young female whale
sililisuqtuq wandering tattler (Heteroscelus
tuutalluk igniqauqtuq Steller’s eider
(Polysticta stelleri)

+tuula- vv to V quickly, impetuously | +tuq-1 vv -ula- vv
+tuula- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q | +tuq-1 vv -ula- vv
-tiqtuula- restricted to verb stems which end in a -t | -tiq-1vv +tuq-1 vv -ula- vv
+liqtuula- restricted to verb stems which end in a, u, or i | -liq-2 vv +tuq-1 vv -ula- vv
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqtuula- to gulp (it)
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtuula- (i) to enter suddenly and
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it forcefully; (t) to place her/him/it inside
inside, to place it inside quickly and forcefully
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiliqtuula- to eat (it) quickly, wolfishly
puvit- (i) to become swollen puvitiqtuula- (i) to swell up quickly
saqłauti- (t) to shout at her/him/it saqłautiliqtuula- (t) to shout at her/him
quickly and forcefully
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqtuula- (i) to speak quickly and
leg-hold trap which when stepped on forcefully
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+tuuq nn (limited) one with a big N or lots of N | +tu1 nv ‘q6 vn

amaq(-) dorsal fin; (t) to put her/him/it amaqtuuq humpback salmon
on one’s back to carry her/him/it (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
isik [pl. itkIt] leg skin of caribou isiktuuq long winter boot made from
caribou leg skins
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamiuqtuuq land otter (Lutra canadensis)
not part of a pair (in card game of
papik bird's tail; top rear edge (of papiktuuq marsh hawk (Circus cyaneus)
traditional skin pants); the length of the
backside of a parka or snowshirt
pikuk three or four vertebrae near the pikuktuuq broad humped whitefish
neck, in the cervical curve of human; (Coregonus nasus)
width across the back between the
shoulders; choice piece of wolf ruff for
woman, usually taken from below wolf’s
*puv (root) air cavity/space; swelling; puvviaqtuuq pectoral sandpiper (Erolia
expansion of air (like filling one’s lungs melanotos); buff- breasted sandpiper
with air) (Trybgites subruficollis)
qaqłu one lip qaqłutuuq greater scaup or lesser scaup
(Aythya marila or Aythya affinis); shoveler
(Anas clypeata)
qianaruutuuq or qiaranatuuq golden
crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla)

uqsruq, (Ti) uġruq seal oil; oil, uqsruqtuuq herring
gasoline, petroleum

+tuuq- vv (limited) to undergo a process to V or to emulate the qualities of the V or N

auk- to melt, thaw (it) auktuuq- (i) to warm oneself, to use a
heating pad on oneself; (t) to apply heat to it
= part of the body, an airplane engine in
extreme cold conditions, a frozen pipe, etc.
iglu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of igluktuuq- to do something (to it) using
mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with both hands
a companion or a partner; (t) to provide
her/him/it with a partner, companion, or
a complement
igluktun with both hands
paniq- (t) for it to become dry; (i) to lose paniqtuuq- to slowly dry (it =a skin) by
weight, become skinny; to starve twisting and rubbing it with both hands
while tanning it
qaŋa (interrog.) when, at what time in qaŋatuuq- (i) to do things in a traditional
past way; (t) to do it in the traditional way
sivuniq meaning, purpose, direction; sivuniqtuuq- (i) to be obstinate, stubborn,
future headstrong
unik- (i) to stay behind uniktuuma- (i) to be lower in quality; (i) to
have less ability than someone else; (t) to be
better in ability than her/him

+t/ruuraaq(-)vv, vn (limited) to imagine V-ing; an item V-ed

qiñiq- to look at, watch, behold, see qiñiqtuuraaq(-) vision; (i) to see a vision;
(her/him/it) (t) to see her/him/it in a vision
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuktuuraaq- to envision (her/him/it)

tusaa- [tusaga] to hear (her/him/it) tusaaruuraaq- to imagine hearing (her/him)

say what (she/he) usually, customarily says

+t/ruuraq vn (limited) one that Vs or is V

aksrak- (i) to roll; (i) to slide down a aksraktuuraq chariot; wagon
slope (e.g., of an animal when shot); (t)
to roll, slide it
atuq-1 to sing (it) atuqtuuraq musical instrument
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamiuqtuuraq mosquito larva
not part of a pair (in card game of
saat-2 [sagat] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, saatuuraq something thin, pliable
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have
thin hair

+tuuraq- vv to V quickly, intently, with concentration and with finesse

+tuuraq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q | +tuq-1 vv -uraq- vv
-tiqtuuraq- restricted to verb stems which end in a -t | +tiq-3 +tuq-1 vv -uraq- vv
+liqtuuraq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel | -liq-2vv +tuq-1vv -uraq-vv
aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit aquvitiqtuuraq- (i) to sit down quickly
down on it
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiqtuuraq- to drink (it) quickly
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuuliqtuuraq- (i) to live for a short while
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiqtuuraq- (i) to go in for a quick visit
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiliqtuuraq- to eat (it) quickly
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaqtuuraq- (i) to give a short speech
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to
uqaut-¤ or uqauti- (t) to speak, talk to uqautiliqtuuraq- (t) to talk to her/him
her/him quickly

:u-1 nv (limited) to be or act like a N

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaun (Ti) girlfriend
queen (suit in cards)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋutau- [lit.“to be a man”] (i) to be virile;
(i) to dance in man’s style (esp., of woman
imitating a man)
aqpataq participant in a marathon run aqpatau- (i) to be designated to compete in
representing one of several villages in a a marathon run leading to the Kivgiq
race to the Kivgiq (Messenger Feast) (Messenger Feast)
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilau-1 (i) to be included, be a member; (t) to
name; companion, friend, partner; part include her/him/it
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imau- (i) to be wet
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready
it for scraping

iñuk(-) person, mortal; owner; core of iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside
boil; resident spirit; embryo of an egg;
(t) to surprise her/him/it
ipiq2 [ipiQ] dirt ipqu- (i) to be dirty
umialik [lit. “the one with a boat”] umialgu- (i) to reign, to be king; to be rich
whaling captain; rich person; king; boss;
foreman; king (suit in cards)
uummaq fresh green plant; green uummau- (i) to be green (of tree)
wood; live tree
uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow uvluu- (i) to be daylight
light (of day)

:u-2 or -u-2 vv, rv (limited) to be V-ing, indicating continuity of action or process or

inclination described by root or V
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullau- (i) to leave home or any place
to start (of engine) without intention of returning
*avI (root) resonance aviu- (i) to utter a long, loud cry, to shout, to
raise a cheer (as when sighting a ship,
airplane); (i) to ring (of ears); (t) to cheer
her/him for scoring a goal during a football
or soccer game; (t) to holler to her/him (for
example, to annouce dangerous ice
conditions to hunters on ice)
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to be
running, idling (of a machine/engine); (t) to
travel it = distance
itqaq- to recall, call to mind, remember itqauma- to keep in mind, remember
(her/him/it) (her/him/it)
kasuq- (i) to become joined (of kasuummi- (i) to be joined permanently
objects); (i) to close (of gap, e.g., of (e.g., of things welded together); (i) to be
ice); (i) to meet on the way somewhere, touching each other, connected to each other
of more than one person; (t) to meet
her/him, make her/his acquaintance; (t)
to “run” into her/him
naalaġni- to listen, heed, pay attention naalaġniummi- to be waiting expectantly
to (her/him/it) for (it = news of her/him/it)
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in good
nutaq- (t) to repair, renew it nutau- (i) to be young, new
saagaq(-) something one brings along, ¤saagau- or (Nu) saagatlakaaq- or
carries; to carry, bring (her/him/it) with saagałłakaaq (i) to carry an armload
sivaniq-1 (i) to sing in a high voice sivanau- (i) to ring loud (of her/his ears)
which is unpleasing to the ear; (i) to be
high-pitched and irritating (of sound);
(Ti) (i) to echo

sivunmuk- (i) to progress, go forward sivunmuu- (i) to proceed despite advice to
the contrary; to be determined; (i) to be
obstinate, headstrong, stubborn, insistent; to
move forward

:u-3 or -u- nv, vdv to possess, have many Ns; there are many Ns (used with 3s
indicative ending) § :ukkaq- nv
atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone atqu- (i) to have many names » taamna
who shares the same name with another aŋun atquruq that man has many names
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilau- (i) to have many relatives » ilauruq
name; companion, friend, partner; part Qikiqtaġrugmi he has many relatives in
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, Kotzebue
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
qamun car, truck qamutau- (i) to have many vehicles »
Utqiaġvik qamutauruq Barrow has
many vehicles
sanik(-) speck of dust, lint; caribou hair sanŋu- (i) to be dusty
on clothing or floor; to have dust, lint,
dirt on it
sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit saunġu- (i) to be numerous (of bones)

+uaq- or = uaq- vv (limited) to attain the action or condition indicated by the stem
§ +luaq-1 vv

-ugaq- vv (limited) to V non-stop, continually | -u-2 vv +aq-1 vv

aquppi- to be sitting (on her/him/it) aquppiugaq- to remain seated (on
maqi- (i) to flow out, leak out, drain; maqiugaq- (i) to flow continuously
to sweat; to run (of nose)
nalu- to not know, be ignorant of naluugaq- (i) to be in the dark, not know
(her/him/it); to be uninformed (about
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napaugaq- (i) to be standing upright, still (of
house, pole, tree an object)
qulvi(-) [qulvI] a teardrop; lower eyelid; qulviugaq- (i) to be in tears
area under eye; (i) to water (of eyes);
(Nu) (i) to weep, shed tears
qunu- (t) to talk cooingly to or about qunuugaq- (t) to talk cooingly to her/him
her/him= usually a baby (Nu) (i) to sing continuously
a dirge in mourning (often of Indians);
(t) to lament, mourn for her/him= the

uŋa- (i) to act as if one wants to be loved uŋaugaq- (i) to act babyish for a while
and cuddled (esp., of a child)

+ugnaq- vv probably § +[s]ugnaq- vv

-uġa- nv (limited)
°sivu (stem) front part of anything; sivuuġa- (i) to be apprehensive
frontage, area in front of building; bow
of boat; front exterior wall of house;
time prior

-uġIq- vv ( limited) to V repeatedly

ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniuġiq- (i) to go in and out
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
iptuġiq- (i) to stutter, stammer
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isauġiq- to enter and exit (it = usu a house)
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it repeatedly
inside, to place it inside

:uġruk- vv (limited) to V for a while | :uq-2 vv +rruk1 vv

kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; kiliuġruk- (i) to skin or scrape oneself; to
(t) to scrape it = fat from something, abrade oneself without bleeding; (t) to skin
e.g., intestine; (t) to scrape it = inner or scrape it = one's body part without
layer off of skin breaking the skin
muġruk- (i) to sink into soft ground, snow;
(i) (by extension) to sink into sin; (Ti) (i) to
enter a sod house through an entry tunnel;
(Ti) (i) to pass through a tunnel, hole in the
snow; (t) to put it into a covered hole, e.g.,
into a cellar
qulvili- (i) to weep, shed tears qulviliuġruk- (i) to water from wind or cold
(of eyes)
salik- or saliktuq- to travel swiftly saliuġruk- (i) to slide sideways (of sled or
parallel to (her/him/it); Nu) (i) to something being towed)
gesture, wave one’s arms, e.g., when
sighting caribou
°sanI (root) broadside, side saniuġruk- (i) to swerve, go sideways
*suġ (root) aggression suġruk- (i) to go over to berate, quarrel or
attack someone; (t) to go over to berate,
quarrel with or attack her/him

-uk- vv, vn (limited) to accomplish V

agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, or agiuk- to grate, shear (it) against another
cut (it) away with a file object e.g., a boat grating against another

aksik- [aksIk] to touch (her/him/it); (t) to aksiuk- (t) to touch her/him/it; to feel it, to
graze her/him/it with a bullet or an arrow determine something
ikiaq- (i) to split into layers (said as the ikiaġuk- (Nu) (i) to shiver from the cold
split has just been completed); (t) to split
it into layers; (t) to divide, split it into its
natural layers, e.g., walrus skins which
can be split into inner and outer layers;
(t) to split it = log, wood
kali something being dragged, towed kaliukłuk- to drag (it) carelessly, roughly,
accidentally; to rub against (it) and cause (it)
to fall while going past carelessly
kauk- to hammer (it = nail)
kukuk- (i) to build, light a fire; (t) to build a
fire in, light it = stove
piñauk- (Ti) to smooth, rub, sharpen (it)
with a file
pukuk- to stoop over and pick (them); to
choose (them)
puuk- (i) to become bent with age; (Ti) (i) to
fall over from a stroke, or when fainting, etc.
qukhaq(-) a crack; to split, crack (it) qukhauk- (Nu) (i) to split, or crack open
sakuk- or sakuuk- (i) to be busy, keep
working, work very hard, overwork; (t) to
work intently on it
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once sisuuk(-) avalanche; to slide (of snow or
tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend tasiuk- (t) to stretch it = pelt with hide
uqquq sheltered place uqquuk- (i) for it to be a good shelter from
wind; be windproof

:ukkaq- or -ukkaq- nv to have, possess many Ns; to be abundant; there are many
Ns (used with 3s indicative ending) § :u-3 nv
atigi(-) parka, traditional fur-lined, atigaukkaq- (i) to possess numerous parkas
pullover-style with fur ruff; (i) to put on
a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; iñuukkaq- (i) to be numerous, (of people)
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to
surprise her/him/it
qimmiq [qimmIq] dog (Canis lupus qimmiukkaq- (i) to be numerous (of dogs);
forma familiaris) (i) to possess numerous dogs »
qimmiukkaqtuq aapaga my father has
many dogs
Tanik Caucasian person; white person Tanŋukkaq- (i) to be numerous (of white
people) » Tanŋukkaqtuq Qikiqtaġrugmi

there are many white people in Kotzebue

-ula- or +ula- vv (limited) to V with repetition or prolonged action | perhaps

-uq-2 vv -la- § -la- vv
pattak- (t) to spank, slap her/him pattakula- (i) to clap, applaud; (t) to
applaud her/him/it
qalat- (i) to boil; (Nu) (i) to churn (of qalaula- (Kobuk) to boil, to bubble
water, esp., in wake of boat) vigorously
qalaullak- (i) to begin to boil vigorously
qannik(-) [qannIk] snowflake; falling qannikula- (i) to snow lightly
snow; (i) to snow
qivliq- (i) to be shiny qivliqula- (i) to sparkle

quġluq- (i) to rush, cascade, of water quġluula- (i) to drip extensively

quluk or quluula- (i) to rumble (of stomach
or intestines)
quppiq- (i) to part one’s hair; (i) to now quppiula- (Nu) (t) to part it = water (as bow
have one’s hair parted; (t) to part her/his of boat)
ququq- (i) to entreat, intercede, or ququula- (i) to call to someone; (t) to hail,
summon the forces of the supernatural to call out to her/him/it
fulfill a wish; (Ti) (t) to call to her/him
quvluq- (t) to split it into many pieces quvluula- (i) to crack repeatedly (of ice)
saġvaluk- (i) to babble, gurgle (of saġvaluula- (i) to gurgle (of flowing water);
flowing water); (Ti) (i) to rumble, growl (Ti) (i) to growl, rumble (of stomach)
(of stomach)
usiġaq- or usiġaula- (i) to spill over,
overflow (as when carrying a full cup of

-ulaaq(-) nn, nv, vv (limited) one with N on it; to have N on it; to exaggerate the
quantity depicted in the N | :u-3 nv -laaq nn, vn or -laaq-1 vv
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglaulaaq- (i) to be brightly colored, have a
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) bold pattern (e.g., of cloth fabric)
to vote by secret ballot
auk(-) [aruk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to augulaaq(-) one with blood on it; (i) to
have a nosebleed have blood on one’s surface
aqaya or aqiya mud aqayaulaaq(-) one with mud on it; (i) to
have mud on one’s surface
miŋulġun paint miŋulġutaulaaq(-) one with paint on it; (i)
to have paint on one’s surface
sippaq or sippaku(-) surplus, something sippakuulaaq- (i) to have some left over, to
left over, remainder; to have some (of it) have more than enough of what was needed
left over as remainder; (t) to leave some
for her/him/it

uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq uqsruulaaq(-) oily or greasy person or
seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum object; (i) to be greasy or oily

-ullIk nn (limited) one with a N

amaullik or (Ti) amaulligaaluk male
common eider
iñuqun spirit; prowler (unknown person (Ti) iñuqullik dwarf; legendary “little
seen from afar and blamed for person”
unexplainable happenings); bogey man
nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one's hood up; nasaullik male willow ptarmigan (Lagopus
(t) to put her/his hood up lagopus)
tullik (Nu) American golden plover
(Pluvialis dominica)
tuullikpak black-belled plover (Squatarola

:uma- vv (limited) to continue to V | :u-2 vv +ma-1 vv § +ma-1 vv

itiq- (i) to wake up itquma- (i) to be awake
itqaq- to recall, call to mind, remember itqauma- or itqagi- to keep in mind,
(her/him/it) remember (her/him/it)
iviġak- (i) to be pleased; (t) to please iviġauma- (i) to be content, satisfied, be
her/him pleased; (i) to be in agreement during a
kanŋuq- or (Ti) kanŋu- or (Nu) kanŋuuma- (i) to continue to meet, have a
katŋuq- (i) to assemble, gather in a lengthy meeting
group (especially for summer trading at
palIq- (t) for it to dry paliuma- (i) to be dry
pisuk- (i) to want to, is willing to; (t) to pisuuma- (i) to be importunate, overly
want her/him/it persistent; (t) to keep wanting, begging for,
insisting on having it
qumaŋia- or uqumaŋia- (i) to have a qumaŋiuma- (i) to assume a fetal position
nightmare; (i) to leave one’s body while
asleep and hover above or fly away, then
to “re-enter” the body to move it either
by force or by emitting a loud noise; if
one has difficulty waking up, the
nightmare begins
*sikkIk (root) catch a dream sikkiqsiuq- or sikkiuma- (i) to recall,
remember, tell about a good luck dream
(especially for hunting)

-umaaq-2 vv (limited) to V with duration § -maaq-1 vv

arruk- (i) to become damp; (i) to be arruumaaq- (i) to be damp, musty
damp; (Nu) (i) to develop an infection
iluaq- or iłuaq- (i) to be fitting, proper; °iluaqumaaġIk- (Ti) (i) to feel good

(i) to be correct, right; (i) to feel fine
qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms qumiumaaq- (Ti) (i) to put one’s
inside the body of one’s parka; (t) to put arms/hands in one’s sleeves
her/him/it inside one’s parka

+un1 or +uti1 or -un1 or ~un1 vn means, cause or the reason for V-ing; or the result
of V-ing
:un1 or :uti (restricted to verb stems which contain a semi-final weak i)
'n or ‘ti (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel (weak i→u)
+run or +ruti or = ruti (restricted to verb stems which end in a t)
~un or ~uti (restricted to some verb stems which end in a weak i
= un or = uti (restricted to some verb stems which end in -VVC)
= ggun (restricted, so far to three stems agak-, *ili, iñuu- )
aak- (t) to skin it = animal without aagun or aaksiñ or aaksiññaq a knife used
cutting the fur (usually the incision is to skin an animal without cutting the pelt
made around the lips of the mouth, then
the skin is pulled back while turning it
inside out)
agak(-) a tease; a mischief-maker; (i) to aggun corruption
be mischievous; (i) to be a tease; (i) to be
belligerent, want to fight, be
argumentative; (i) to fight; (t) to tease
her/him; (t) to fight with her/him
ai- [agi-] (i) to go home, to come home; aggiñ ticket home
(t) to fetch, go get her/him/it
aguirrun cause of trouble
aki(-) [akI] corresponding value, akiñ pillow
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage;
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond,
acknowledge, or answer her/him with
gestures (of one who is far away but
akiġruq- (Ti) to buy (it) on credit (Ti) akiġruun debt
akkiq- (t) to catch it while falling (e.g., akkiñ that which is used to catch something
dripping water, plate) falling (e.g., dripping water)
akpit- to begin to sing or say (it = song akpirrun starting point of an action
or speech)
aksralik- or (Nu) aksralui- to roll (it) agralgun wheeled vehicle
away; (Nu) (i) to roll over and over,
tumble down
aniqsaaq- (i) to take a breath aniqsaaġun breathing apparatus
aŋilġisaaq- (i) to swing on a swing aŋilġisaun swing
aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, aŋivraun wrench
untied, unraveled, unwound, or
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,

unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; aŋun man, an adult human male
(t) to catch up with her/him/it; (t)
to have seen her/him/it when
young; (t) to reach her/his height
api- to become snow-covered (of apun snow (lying on a surface); fallen snow
landscape, ground); (t) for it to become
apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuġun front crosspiece of sled
(i) to reach shore
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiun container used when berry picking
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries
auktuuq- (i) to warm oneself, to use a auktuun heating pad, apparatus
heating pad on oneself; (t) to apply heat
to it = part of the body, an airplane
engine in extreme cold conditions, a
frozen pipe, etc.
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity avan or avati appendage, extremity; border,
surrounding area
*ayaaq (root) crisscrossing ayaaġun crosspiece on bed of sled; (Nu)
cross beam; (Nu) kayak cross beam (behind
hatch of kayak)
igauq- or igautaq- to cook continuously igauġun cooking utensil
or for a long time
igniq fire igniñ or iŋniñ flint, stone used to create a
spark and ignite fire; fire starter
iki-2 (i) to burn ikun match
ilaaq- (i) to scoop out ice chunks from a ilaaġun or ilaun or ilaaqtuun an ice scoop
hole; (t) to scoop out ice chunks from it made of a horn frame and baleen netting,
= hole used to remove ice chunks from a fishing
hole or any hole in the ice
°ili (stem) 3rd person or 2nd person ilaggun (Ti) the act of dividing a whale into
iñuu- (i) to be alive; to live, reside iñuggun life
ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a ipun long oar
handle to it
isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of isatigit or (Nu) isatkit [sg isatik] cartilage
flight); (i) to moult connecting ribs to breastbone; limbs; (Nu)
upper ribs alongside sternum, short ribs
ivik- (i) to wipe one's hands and mouth; ivgun a hand towel, napkin
(t) to wipe her/his hands and mouth
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kapusiun large whaling harpoon; shaft of
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce harpoon

her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kappun hypodermic needle, lancet
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an
injection to her/him/it
kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to kigun tooth
bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it
kigli- (Nu) to smooth, sharpen, hone (it = kigliñ a sharpener for traditional hide
stone blade) scraper made of brass or yearling caribou
antler; a hone, a whetstone
kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it) kiggun answer
kiiñaqqI- (i) to make a mask kiiñaqqiñ a sealskin poke plug usually made
of ivory, bone, or wood (old plugs had a
carved face)
kiiqsiuq- (i) to be in great pain kiiqsiuġun cause of pain
killukuaq- to make a mistake, err (in it) killukuaġun mistake
kipaaq- (i) to joke, be hilarious; to cause kipaaġun hilarity
laughter by one's hilarious mood
kumaiyaq- (t) to remove lice from kumaiyaugaurat fine-tooth comb (used
her/him/it when delousing)
kupkilI- or kupkiiyaq- to pick one's kupkiliñ toothpick
teeth clean
miquq- to sew (it) miquun sewing machine
mitaaq- (i) to joke, tell joking stories mitaun object of mockery, jokes
mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to turn mumiun pancake turner, spatula
over; (i) undergo a character reversal;
(t) to turn her/him/it over; (t) to
translate it
nagligi- (t) to pity, feel sorry for, have naglikkun compassion
compassion for her/him/it
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it nakuaqqun love
nakuu- (i) to be good, nice; (i) to be in nakuun goodness, virtue, righteousness
good health
natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to natchiñ (Nu) floor; bedrock
construct a floor (on it)
nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or naggun cause for growth; interest
wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to accumulated or stock; (Ti) base of plant,
increase taproot
niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance niggun ramp used to get out of a boat
or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out
of a conveyance or a container
niviŋŋaq- to hang (it); (Ti) (i) to be niviŋŋaun hanger; hook; strap for hanging
barely hanging, about to fall off
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qaati upper, front part of boot (covering the
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; top of the foot to the front of the ankle)

dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it
qamuk- to pull or tow (it) qamun car, truck
qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for qirrataa her/his reason for crying
qilak- to knit (it) qilaun knitting needle
qinnak- (i) to be angry, fighting; (t) to qinnaun wrath, rage, violent anger
fight her/him/it
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qivirrun reason for getting angry and
indignant; to act or behave indignantly leaving
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth saglun lie, falsehood, deception
sali- [salI] (t) to cut it with scissors; (t) to salliñ thin-bladed scissors
cut her/his hair; (i) to be now cut with
scissors; (i) to cut one’s hair
sana- to whittle, carve (it = wood, sannan carving knife
soapstone, etc.)
sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it, saputit fish weir (dam in river to trap fish)
make passage unsuitable or impossible
for her/him/it; (i) to dam it = river
sila weather; atmosphere, air silan right side (of fabric)
sili- [silI] (t) to sharpen it with a silliñ whetstone; knife sharpener
simik- (t) to plug it; (i) to be now simiksuun cork, plug, stopper
supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen suppun gun
river); (t) to blow it = candle flame out
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tiggun potholder
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it
tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to tiŋŋun airplane
become airborne (of airplane, helicopter,
uumigi- (t) to hate, dislike her/him uumikkun hatred
uunnaak- (i) to be tepid, moderately uunnaagun source of heat; heater
warm, e.g., water, food

-un2 or :un2 or = un2 nn (limited) supply of N; one’s own N; item for one’s N
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaun (Ti) girlfriend
queen (suit in cards)
iġñiq [iġñiQ] son iġñiġutini kamasuutigisuugai he is very
proud of his sons
iqiq or (Nu) iqi corner of mouth iqiġun tattoo at corner of mouth
(whaling captains had one for each
whale caught)
iraqsraq pipe tobacco; crumb of food; iraqsraun tobacco pouch
(Ti) ground meat
satkuq weapon satkuun1 cartridge bag, ammunition

nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaunġuq spouse's younger sibling's
nukaaluk younger sibling spouse
panik [panIk] daughter paniutini nakuaġikpakkai he loves his
daughters very much

-uniQ nn (limited) entity associated with the N | :u-1 nv +niQ2 vn

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnauniq wife; woman along on a hunting
queen (suit in cards) party; (Nu) female maternal parallel cousin
(of a man)
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋunnuniq or aŋutnuniq (Nu) husband;
male maternal parallel cousin (of woman)
avataq or avataqpak sealskin poke, a avataayyuniq a whale that has died and
container; sealskin float, buoy sunk to the ocean bottom; after three to
four days, the bloated carcass rises to the
surface and may be harvested (rotten meat,
but good blubber and maktak)

:unnaq vn (limited) clothes or instruments used to V | :un1 vn +naq1 nn

amaq- (t) to put her/him/it on one's back amaunnaq parka for carrying baby on one’s
in order to to carry her/him/it back (of woman)
aŋuyak- (i) to wage war; (t) to do battle aŋuyaunnat a suit of armor; soldier’s
with her/him uniform; fighting gear
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaunnaq an instrument used in learning
how to do a particular activity
ipiksaq- (t) to sharpen it ipiksaunnaq clam
kalukaq(-) or kałukaq(-) four-sided kałukaunnaq or (Nu) kałukautnaq box
hanging box drum; (i) to beat on a box drum dance song
drum during an Eskimo dance; to
perform the dance in which a box drum
is used
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod kataksautnaq or kataksiun (Nu) pitfall trap
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or for large terrestrial mammals
passageway); (i) to fall off
kiiraq- to crimp (it = boot sole) kiiraunnak crimping pliers, crimping tool
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to pilaun or pilaunnaq large knife used for
butcher it = a carcass butchering

pisaunnaq habit
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savaunnaq work clothing, uniform
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
simaaksraq felt or cardboard wadding simaaksriuġunnaq a device used for
stuffed in a shotgun shell between shot making wadding when reloading shotgun

and powder during reloading shells or cartridges with powder
simaaksriuq- to make a simaaksraq
(for her/him or out of it)
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñŋunnak pair of pajamas » siñŋunnakiñ
= day sleeping atilugik put on your pajamas
simik- (t) to plug it; (i) to be now simaaksriuġunnaq a device used for
plugged making wadding when reloading shotgun
shells or cartridges with powder
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to taliunnaq (Nu) song for arm dance
the shoulder of the human body; hand of
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance

+uq-1 nv to become or grow into a N § +[ġ]uq-1 nv

:uq-2 vv (limited) indicates continuous, prolonged, or repeated action § +t/raġaq- vv,

+llaq- vv, -q-1 vv
aatchaq- (i) to open one’s mouth; (i) to aatchauq- (i) to yawn
open (of sea ice crack)
agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, or agiukpak or (Ti) agiuppak wall of sheared
cut (it) away with a file ice along the edge of an open lead of water
that has been formed by the grinding action
of floating ocean ice against shore-locked ice
aġayuk- (i) to travel around; (Ti) aġayuuq- (i) to be fast; to hurry
aġiyuk- to scout, travel to look around
from place to place
amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide amuuq- (t) to pull it (e.g., fish line) up and
back into water after beginning to out; to keep pulling them out
surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it
out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank;
(t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniuq- (i) to come out steadily,
born; (i) to emerge from the den in continuously; (Ti) (i) to break out in pimples
spring (of hibernating animal) or fever rash
aŋayu- (i) to dance Iñupiaq style; (Nu) aŋayuuq- (Nu) (i) to dance Iñupiaq style; to
to dance (of a man) do several Iñupiaq dances
aŋi-2 [aŋI] (i) to be revived, be aŋiuq- (t) to reclaim or repossess it =
resurrected, come back to life something stolen, sold or which was
originally given away
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpauq- or aqpaaq- (i) to run with a
message, often at whaling time to annouce a
catch; (t) to run to them= whaling captain’s
household with a message that a whale has

just been caught
aquppi- to be sitting (on her/him/it) aquppiuq- (i) to stay seated in one spot
*attaq (root) unapproachable, attaġriuq-1 (Ti) (i) to not expect to live,
intimidating think one is about to die
avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two; avguq- (t) to slice or cut it up
(t) to divide it in half, in two pieces
avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add avuuq- (t) to season, add spices, or any other
sugar to something one is eating or ingredients to it
drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an
ingredient to it
ayu- (i) to go on ahead, get a head start; ayuuq- to make headway, progress (on it);
(i) to die (i) to go far (of something thrown)
iigu(-) or uigu(-) an extension; additon; iiguuq- (t) to continue to lenghten, extend it
attachment; appendix; suffix (e.g.,
ending or enclitic); (i) to now be
lengthened; (t) to lengthen, extend it; (t)
to add a suffix to it = word
iluit- or iłuit- (i) to not fit, to look iluilliuq- or iłuilliuq- or (Ti) iluilliuq- (i) to
wrong, to be sick be troubled; (i) to be miserable,
wretched, distressed; (i) to be unwell,
afflicted; (i) to be grieved, sorrowful; (i) to
be in trouble
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilauq- (i) to include untruths when relating
name; companion, friend, partner; part of one’s version of an event; (i) to do things to
a whole; (i) to get a co-participant, aggravate the situation; (i) to add ingredients
co-member; (i) to become extended, to what one is making; (Ti) (i) to grimace,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house, make a funny face; (t) to keep adding things
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it; to it, one after another; (Ti) to grimace, make
(t) to come and be a co-participant with a funny face at her/him
ilammiuq- (i) to get to know someone; (t) to
get to know her/him
iññit- (i) to come upon a person or iññiuq- (i) to have visitors at one’s house
people; (i) to have many visitors; (i) to frequently; to be visited by prowlers
reach a place where there are people (of
a traveler); (t) to re-populate it (old
village, place)
itcha(-) or itchaq skin or canvas tent itchauq- (Nu) (t) to cover it = tent frame
covering; (t) to cover it =tent frame with with skins; (t) to cover it = tent with a
a tarpaulin, canvas, or skins; “…wooden tarpaulin
frame of the skylight”
kilak- (i) to get perforated; to develop a kilaaq- (i) to multiply in number, of holes;
hole; (t) to pierce, perforate, make a hole (t) to punch holes in it, perforate it
in it repeatedly
kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; (t) kiliuq- to scrape (it) repeatedly
to scrape it = fat from something, e.g.,

intestine; (t) to scrape it = inner layer off
of skin
*kipa (root) source of one’s hilarity, kipaaq- (i) to joke, be hilarious; to cause
teasing laughter by one’s hilarious mood
kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) to kuniuq- (t) to sniff at her/him/it (as an
smack into each other (of juggling animal does)
stones); (t) to bring it near to the nose to
kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to kuviuq- (i) to pour water on something; (t)
spill, pour it out to water it = e.g., plants; (t) to pour water on
it = e.g., fire
miluq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a milluuq- (i) to throw things; to pitch in a
thrown object; (t) to shout hurtful baseball game; (t) to throw things at
words at her/him her/him/it
navik- to break (it) navguq- to break (it) into many pieces
nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and niviuq- to hover (over her/him/it); to hang
insects gather; to be attracted (to it = bait around, be near (her/him/it); (i) to be
or food) (of game animal); to flock attentive to (her/him/it); (Ti) to stick, adhere
around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds, to the pot (of food); (Ti) (i) to be susceptible
mosquitoes, bees, etc.); (t) to cling, to stickiness (of cooking utensil)
adhere to her/him/it
pana(-) spear; double-edged blade; panauq- to spear (her/him/it) repeatedly
porcupine quill; (Nu) long spear used to
hold bait; (t) to spear her/him/it
pasi- [pasI] (t) to blame, accuse, suspect pasiuq- (t) to keep blaming her/him
piġu- (t) to cover her/him/it completely piġuuq- (t) to put a cover on it
(as with a blanket)
piiq- (i) to vanish, fade; (i) to move piiguq- or puiguq- to forget (her/him/it)
oneself; (i) to be removed; (i) to die; (t)
to remove her/him/it
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to
surface “in front of” her/him/it
putu(-) a hole, puncture, perforation; (t) putuuq- (t) to create holes in it
to perforate, pierce it, make a hole
through it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one's
puyuq(-) smoke from chimney; insect puyuuq- (i) to smoke (of fire or chimney)
repellent powder; (i) to smoke, make
smoke (of fire)
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaiguq- (i) to keep coming; (i) to bounce
back and forth (of echo); to resonate,
resound (of sound)
qalat- (i) to boil; (Nu) (i) to churn (of qalauq- (i) to continue to boil
water, esp., in wake of boat)
qalu(-) dipnet; (i) to get something using qaluuq- to bail water out of (it)

a dipnet; (t) to bail water out of it = boat
qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area qaniuq- (t) to stick close by her/him
close by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take
her/him/it partway to destination
qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used qiluuq- (t) to stretch it
in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a
muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to
it = stake in ground or to tent side frame
(wooden stakes secured into the
permafrost standing upright about four
feet above the ground and joined
together horizontally by a long two-by-
four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =
bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut
qimilġu- (t) to open and scrutinize it = qimilġuuq- (i) to look at, scrutinize oneself;
e.g., book, box, bag (t) to look at, scrutinize it
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluuq- (i) to tell lies one right after
saŋniq- [saŋnIq]or sagniq- (i) to be saŋniuq- (i) to be sick or in pain
exhausted, bone weary after working
hard for an extended period of time
saqu- (i) to turn, changing direction saquuq- (i) to turn or swerve repeatedly, to
meander, to weave to and fro, to zigzag
¤taksi-2 [taksI] or taksiuq-1 (Ti) (i) to ¤taksi-2 [taksI] or taksiuq-1 (Ti) (i) to bring
bring home meat from the site of a catch, home meat from the site of a catch, e.g.,
e.g., whale meat from edge of ice whale meat from edge of ice
talu(-) (Nu) door covering (originally a taluuq- or talutuq- (Nu) (i) to hunt bearded
bear skin or caribou hide hung over a seals during spring using a shooting sail, ice
tent opening); a cover to hide something; shield, or ice piled as a blind
ice shield or hunting blind, e.g., a white
camouflage screen placed on the edge of
the ice used to conceal whalers as they
wait; (t) to cover her/him/it from view;
(Nu) (t) to close it = door
tili- [tilI] (t) to send her/him on an tiliuq- (t) to order, command her/him
errand; (t) to tell her/him to do repeatedly
ulġu- (i) to fall, topple, or tip over ulġuuq- (t) to topple, knock them over
uŋu- or uŋuġraq- (t) to drive it = uŋuuq- (t) to drive it = animal in front of
animal into entrapment, usually a corral one, usually toward waiting hunter
or a waiting hunter; reindeer herder or
reindeer dog driving a lone reindeer back
to the herd
umiq- (t) to look closely at her/him/it umiġuq- (t) to look it over, trying to make
one’s choice

-uraaq- or :uraaq- vv, nv to V slowly, leisurely; to be V-ish § +ŋuraaq- vv
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglauraaq- to doodle (on it); to write (it)
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) slowly
to vote by secret ballot
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be aniuraaq- to slowly file out of a dance
born; (i) to emerge from the den in hall as part of a dance
spring (of hibernating animal)
iñuk(-) person; owner; core of boil; Iñupiuraaq- (i) to speak in Iñupiaq; (t) to
resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to say it in Iñupiaq
surprise her/him/it
kala(-) [ENG] a color; to color (it) kalauraaq(-) coloring picture
nala- (i) to lie in a horizontal position on nalauraaq- (i) to rest lying down
one’s side or back
nikpaq- to wait expectantly for nikpauraaq- to wait expectantly and
(her/him/it) to appear (e.g., of a hunter calmly for (her/him/it) to appear
waiting for a seal to appear through its
breathing hole)
suġuk- (i) to wrestle with each other; (t) suġuuraaq- (i) to wrestle playfully; (t) to
to fight, wrestle with her/him/it; (t) tease wrestle playfully, tease her/him
suŋaq gallbladder suŋauraaq- (i) to be blue; (Nu, Ti) (i) to
be green
Tanik Caucasian person; white person tanŋuraaq- or tanŋurak- (i) to speak
umiaqtuq- (i) to travel by boat; to be out umiaqtuuraaq- (i) to be boating leisurely;
whaling (Ti) (i) to hunt sea mammals (not whale)
by boat

+uraaq nn (limited) one associated with N or being V-ed

ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilauraaq a dear friend or relative
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) ivaluuraaq one of two sinews in the neck
to thread it
kaliku [ENG] calico, fabric kalikuuraat scraps of cloth
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuraaq candy
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon,
i.e. no moon
puvIq- (i) to be now inflated; (t) to puviuraaq or (Ti) puviuraagraq balloon
inflate it

:uraġniamiñun n-terminalis including all of her/his N
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigauraġniamiñun including his feet
siuti ear siutiuraġniamiñun aqayyiqimaruaq she
got muddy all over including her ears

:uraq or = uraq nn a smaller version of a N; a diminutive N; N held in

endearment; immediate vicinity of N § -kuluuraq nn
= uraq nn restricted to nouns with form -VVC
aagiaq or (Nu) aagiuraq prong of an aagiuraq (Nu) prong, tine of an antler
antler; tine
aataq (Nu) older sister aatauraq older sister
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglauraq lower case letter
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i)
to vote by secret ballot
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnauraq white woman
queen (suit in cards)
akkupak right now akkupauraq In a short while
akłaq brown bear, grizzly (Ursus akłauraq medium-sized spider
akłunaaq [akłunaraq] or (Ti) aglunaaq akłunauraq string
harpoon line, rope (originally of animal
aŋarraq or aŋarraaq a structure aŋarrauraq cross, crucifix
formed of two poles crossed at a ninety
degree angle near the upper end
aŋun man, an adult human male aŋugauraq small boy
ataniq source of connection; isthmus; atanaurat council members
lord, master, king; god; supreme being;
higher power
aqvaluqtaaq a circle; something aqvaluqtauraq muffin pan, tin
ignilik motor propelled vessel, motor- igniligauraq inboard motor boat
driven ship
iligrak(-) sunburn; a burn; scaly skin iligrauraq pimple
from sun or windburn; pimple; (t) to get
sunburned (of skin); to become scaly (of
skin from exposure to sun or wind)
maġġaraaq sandbar; fine sand maġġarauraq very fine sand
nuliaq(-) wife; female mate (for nuliuraq girlfriend
animal); to marry (her); (i) to take a
ulu or uluuraq traditional Iñupiaq uluuraq small ulu
woman's knife (in the shape of a
quarter circle with a handle usually
made of bone or ivory placed over the
sharp inner point)

umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiuraq wooden whaling boat; sailboat »
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; umiuraq atuġlakput lets use the sailboat
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or » saaguramni aquppiruaq she sat
garment; area immediately in front of immediately in front of me;
something; lap, the front part of the saaguramnun aquvittuaq she sat down
lower trunk and thighs of a seated immediately in front of me
person; seaward

-uraq- or :uraq- vv to V in a small way, softly, or in play; to V surreptitiously; to

be slightly V § +ŋuraq- vv
akkuaq- (t) to catch her/him/it in the air akkuaġauraq- (i) to play catch (of
with the hands or arms; (t) to catch it children)
=an airplane and board it as it makes its
stop; (i) to bite a hook (as a fish); (t) to
catch a person before she/he leaves
unexpectedly on an aircraft
anauraġaq- (i) to play baseball anauraġauraq(-) softball game; (i) to play
aniiq- (i) to be outside aniiġauraq- (i) to be outside, spending time
with one’s sweetheart
aŋuq- (t) to tag, touch her/him in a game aŋuġauraq- (i) to play tag
of tag aŋuuraq- (Ti) (i) to play tag
aqpaliġaq- (i) to frolic, run around aqpaliġauraq- (i) to move one’s legs as if
playing; to run in bursts, stopping and running when tossed in the air during the
starting blanket toss
iglaq- (i) to laugh iglaqhauraq- (i) to giggle
iluqsri- or iluġri- (Ti) (i) to develop a iluqsriraġauraq- or iluġriraġauraq- (i) to
depression, concavity; (t) to make a play, running back and forth across pliable
depression in it thin ice, makings depressions without going
through the ice
isaqqila- (i) to flap wings (of a bird); (i) isaqqilauraq- (Ti) (i) to play a game where
to dip the wings (of an airplane); to dip one hops on hands with feet twisted around
an airplane’s wings (at her/him) arms; (i) to flap the wings feebly (of sick
bird); (i) to flap the arms like wings
isivruk- to whisper (to her/him) isivruuraq- to whisper (to her/him)
kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red kaviġuraq- (i) to be slightly red, reddish
naqikłilaaq- (i) to now be made lower; naqikłilauraq- (i) to dance low to the floor,
(t) to lower it ground; (t) to set her/him/it very low
nivruiġuti- (i) to become quiet nivruiġutiuraq- (i) to become completely
nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do nunuuraq- (i) to feel remorse, regret
pakak(-) (i) to rummage through things pakauraq- (i) to rummage through things
looking for something, often secretly, looking for something

surreptitiously; (i) to get into mischief;
pipqaqtaq- (i) to be severely pipqauraq- (i) to barely succeed; (t) to
handicapped; (i) to rarely do any activity barely succeed in doing it =activity; (t) to
barely succeed in rescuing her/him/it; (t) to
barely succeed in obtaining it
qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to qalliuraq- to get very close (to her/him/it)
her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be approaching
ququq- (i) to entreat, or summon the ququuraq- (Ti) to call to someone
forces of the supernatural in order to
fulfill a wish; (t) to call to her/him
saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluuraq- (i) to joke by telling stories
which are not true
tukala- to kick one’s legs (at her/him/it) tukalauraq- or (Ti) tukalik- (i) to kick
one’s legs

-urraaq- or ’-urraaq- nv (limited) to break or injure a N § ’= I-2 nv, ’-aq-2 nv

argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to argaurraaq- (i) to break, injure one’s hand;
dig (in it) with hands or paws; to use an (t) to break, injure her/his hand
ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws
mounted on a wooden handle used to
simulate the scratching of a seal to lure it
to its breathing hole)
igniqutit outboard motor; engine; power igniquurraaq- (i) to break (of engine); (t)
plant to break its engine
isigak or isigait foot (appendage) isigaurraaq- or isikkaurraaq- (i) to hurt
one’s foot, to break one’s foot; (t) to hurt
her/his foot, to break her/his foot
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piurraaq- (i) to now have a broken part; (t)
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to to break some part of it
her/him; an entity
siun ear siurraaq- (i) to injure one’s ear; (t) to injure
her/his/its ear
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suurraaq- (i) to become damaged, broken
(t) to do what to her/him/it (the damaged or broken part is as yet
taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to taliurraaq- (i) to break one’s arm; (t) to
the shoulder of the human body; hand of break her/his arm
clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of
four-legged animal); (i) to dance in
sitting position doing an arm dance; an
Iñupiaq arm dance

-urraq- vv (limited) to engage or participate in V-ing

aġraq(-) (Ti) ball; (t) to kick it = ball aġraurraq(-) (Ti) (i) to play traditional
repeatedly Iñupiaq soccer
*aŋu (root) propel aŋuutraq- (Nu) (i) to race by paddling
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpaliurraq- (i) to have a footrace; (t) to
aqpaliurraq- (i) to run a race do it = run a race; (Ti) (i) to take a running
aqsak- (t) to grab something away from aqsaurraq- (i) to fight over something,
her/him; to cheat her/him trying to gain possession
aqsraq- to kick (her/him/it) repeatedly aqsrautraq- (Nu) (i) to play a ball game,
itigaq- (i) to fail to penetrate target (of itigaurraq- (i) to fail to do something or
bullet or arrow); (i) to fail to do what fail to get what one wants because of not
one sets out to do; (t) to fail to penetrate being allowed
target (of arrow, bullet); (t) to fail to
accomplish it = what one sets out to do
nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it nuqittaurraq- to have a tug of war
paasaaq- (i) to fall forward paasaqqaurraq- (Ti) (i) to play multiple
accidentally; (t) to fall forward on solitaire
her/him/it, covering her/him/it with
one’s body
paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as paaġurraq- (i) to paddle a kayak with a
she/he/it arrives; (t) to travel, progress double-bladed paddle
into it = wind, water current
qarġut- (i) to go over the top surface; qarġutaurraq- to bid higher
(t) to go over its top surface
qila(-)1 or qila shaman’s power; qilaurraq- (i) to drum, play the drum
shaman’s spirit; conjuring spirit; (i) to
invoke spirits (of shaman)
tikitqaaq- (i) to arrive first tikitqaurraq- (i) to race

+urrI- or -urrI- or :urrI- or ‘rrI- or +rurrI- vv (limited) (intransitivized form of

+uti- vv) (i) to take someone or something along so both undergo the same
process | +uti- vv ~sI-3 vv § +uti- vv
+urrI- restricted to verb stems which end in -VVk or -VVq
:urrI- restricted to verb stems which end in -Vk or -Vq
’rrI- restricted to verb stems which end in -VCV
+rurrI- restricted to verb stems which end in t

:usiaq vn (limited) that which has been placed in one's possession | :uti-1 vn, ~Iq-1
nv, ±aq1 vn (this postbase is commonly combined with -ksrIt- nv as -ksriusiaq vn)
aitchuq- (t) to give her/him/it aitchuusiaq gift, item received
akilIt- (t) to pay her/him a wage akiliusiaq paycheck, reward
ilisaq or ilitchaq something learned ilisausiaq a particular lesson learned from

maġlak- to give a present to (her/him) maġlausiaq gift given at qakummisaaq,
before one dances so that (she/he) may or invitational dance
get up and dance as well
tuyuq- (i) to write a letter; (t) to send tuyuusiaq something received through a
her/him/it something; (t) to write a letter courier or through the mail
to her/him/it
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqausiaq information, advice, words of
leg-hold trap which when stepped on wisdom received verbally
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-usiit- vv (limited) manner of V-ing | -usIq vn :It-1 nv § -sausiit- vv

qanuq(-) (interrog.) how, what manner qanuusiit- (Nu) to not know what to do
or method, what condition; to do or say (with her/him/it)
what (to her/him/it)

:usuitkaluaq- nv used to not be a N or function like a N | :u-1 nv ±suit- vv +k/galuaq- vv

:usuugaluaq- nv used to be a N or function like a N | :u-1 nv +[s]uu-vv +k/galuaq- vv

+ut-1 nv to go by way of its N § -tqut- nv, -rġut-vv

-ut-2 or +ut-2 vv (limited) to render, cause to V; (with numbers) (i) to be divided into N
parts; (t) to divide it into N parts
malġuk number two malġuut- (t) to divide it into two parts
nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to nuŋuutchi- (i) to eat or drink all of
get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon, something
i.e. no moon
piŋasut number three piŋasuut- (t) to divide it into three parts
suiq- (i) to no longer have suiġut- (t) to take all of his possessions

-ut-3 vv (limited) to take her/him/it along so both V; to V something including

her/hiun/it § :uti- vv
*nuk (root) movement from point to nuut- to move (her/him/it)
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikiut-¤ or tikiuti- or tikirruti- (t) to reach
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it one’s destination bringing her/him/it with
tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore tulaut-¤ or tulauti- (t) to bring her/him/it
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaut-¤ or uqauti- (t) to speak, talk to
leg-hold trap which when stepped on her/him
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep

talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-utaq or ‘-utaq or +utaq or :utaq vn means of V-ing; result of V-ing § -lutaq,

±ŋutaq, :uti1, -taq(-)4, qutaq vn
aaq- (i) to raise one's head; (t) to raise aaqsiutaq or aaqsuutaq or akkiutaq sling
her/his/its head; (Ti) (i) to sit up to keep an injured arm elevated
aglu(-) coating or layer put on underside agluutaq templepiece of eyeglasses
of sled runner (usually made of hard
wood, whale jaws, or metal); whale
jawbone; (t) to put a coating or layer on
bottom of sled runners
aġġutaq1 membrane surrounding the heart;
dried stomach or bladder used as a container;
food storage poke (bag) made of dried
beluga or bearded seal stomach
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniutaq chronic pain; pleurisy
to hurt her/him/it
aquppi- to be sitting (on her/him/it) aquppiutaq chair
argiq- [argIq] or (Ti) algiq- to roast (it argiutaq roasting spit
= meat) on a spit
ayak(-)1 a pole used to prop up an ayagutaq post; upright house post
object; wall post; tent pole; the shaft of a supporting roof; (Nu) stick to prop up open
spear or harpoon; old-style, long-handled trap
spear, “big whaling harpoon” (Nelson:
65); vertical support post (of sleeping
platform);(i) to be propped up with a
pole (refers only to the moment of
completion); (t) to prop it = a leaning
object up to keep it from falling down
iksiva- (i) to be sitting iksivautaq chair
ilumiuq something inside ilumiutaq(-) fetus; something inside oneself;
something dear to oneself; something one
cannot forget; (t) to keep it (one’s opinion,
feelings) inside one, leave it unsaid
iñaviġi- (t) to hinder, slow her/him down iñaviqqutaq hindrance
iñi- [iñI] (t) to hang it up to dry iññiutaq a wooden or metal frame used to
stretch animal skins for drying
ipiq [ipIq](Nu) small, thin root; chain or ipiutaq fishline made from baleen or twine
isak- (t) to reach and get it; (i) to obtain isaġutaq or isaġun projection, appendage,
it = a C.O.D. package at the post office protuberance; limb; yoke, a carrying frame
which fits over one’s shoulders
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, isuutaq vertical line attaching net to ice
long stick hole; any line used for drawstring

itiq- (i) to wake up itqutaq breakfast
kali something being dragged, towed kaluutaq tow rope
karuk- (i) to hammer; (t) to hit karrutaq or karruutaq or (Nu) katruutaq
her/him/it on the head stone hammer; firing pin of gun; one who
faces opposition boldly; a fearless person; an
insistent person
kipiġi- (i) to be anxious to do something; kipiqqutaq an expectation, an anticipation;
to persist a desire
manu upper front of shirt or parka manutaq fish bait
*naġI (root) smell, odor naġiutaq a bait

nalunait- (i) to be clear, visible, distinct, nalunaiñŋutaq or (Nu) nalunaigutaq or

audible (Nu) naluŋaiġutaq brand, sign, marker to
show possession
naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap (t) to pin nanġutalik (Nu) leghold trap
her/him/it down with weight; to travel
directly over her/him/it (of moving
conveyance); to catch it in one's trap
naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap (t) to pin nanġutaq (Nu) jaws of a leghold trap
her/him/it down with weight; to travel
directly over her/him/it (of moving
conveyance); to catch it in one's trap
nanmak(-) something carried on the nanmautaq backpack
back; to carry (it) on one's back or in a
backpack; (i) to play a game where one
walks around carrying others who are
holding on
napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a napautaq one pole of a tripod used to
house, pole, tree suspend pot above fire; upright marker
nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one's hood up; nasautaq hat
(t) to put her/his hood up
niviŋŋaq- to hang (it); (Ti) (i) to be niviŋŋautaq rope or hook used to suspend
barely hanging, about to fall off something
nullaq- (i) to set up camp for the night, nullautaq evening meal
encamp; (i) to stay at a hotel
*paa [paġa] (root) movement toward paġġutaq windshield or windbreak; wind
another vane, not to show direction of wind, but to
direct wind to provide ventilation (usually a
whale scapula located by entry of traditional
sod house; and of walrus scapula located by
the skylight)
piġu- (t) to cover her/him/it completely piġġutaq rock weight used to keep tent flap
(as with a blanket) closed
puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a puggutaq cooking pot, pan
container; a sac, covering (e.g., young puugutaq (Ti) dish pan
grass leaf covering stem); top edge of

boot where drawstring is inserted; (t) to
wrap it; (t)(Ti) to bandage her/him/it
qamuġaq- (Nu) to help pull it = dogsled qamuġautaq (Nu) towline (usually a
(of human, usu. a woman) bearded sealskin line used by a woman to
help pull a sled in olden days)
qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; middle; qitiġutaq something for lunch
middle seat in umiak
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or ¤saġutaq something carried
garment; area immediately in front of
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
saniġaakkuuq- (i) to pull sled by side saniġaakkuuttat side lashings of sled
ropes to help it along (usu. of men); (t) to
pull it = sled via ropes tied to its sides to
help it along
sanniq- (i) to turn sideways, lie down on sanniġutaq crossbar on door; boom on boat;
one's side; (Nu) (i) to go across, e.g., a crosspiece on bed of sled; (Ti) cross, crucifix
road; (t) to turn it sideways; (Nu) (t) to
go across it = road
*suġaq (root) fragment; an item suġautat supplies, necessities; possessions,
taaq(-) darkness; (i) to be dark (of day); taaġutaq an obstacle in the way of direct
(i) to be dim (of light); (i) (Nu) to be light; lampshade, screen; (Nu) curtain; (Nu)
black; (t) to block her/his/its light brow tine, a large piece of antler which
hangs down in front of face of bull caribou
tunmiġaq2 or tutipqiq or tuŋmiġaq tunmiġautat stairs
stepstool a step located at the entrance of
a traditional sod house, originally a
whale vertebra; doorstep; rung of a
ladder; a single stair; rug
taŋmik- [taŋmIk] (i) to swerve, turn taŋmigutaq a skid, board placed under
aside; (i) to ricochet, be deflected heavy object to make it easier to slide along
ground; ski
utkusik or ukkusik cooking pot utkusiutaq rope and hook apparatus used to
hold cooking pot over fire

-utaq- vv (limited) indicates prolonged action | :uq2-vv +t/raq-1 vv

iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it = food Igauqtut(-) or ¤Igautaġvik (Ti) third and
last day of whaling festival (Nalukataq)
where specific parts of a whale which have
been saved for the occasion are cooked ;
(i) to celebrate the Igautaġvik
kilik- (t) to scrape it off of something; kiliutaq- (t) to scrape fat off of it = an
(t) to scrape it = fat from something, animal skin, to clean (it) by scraping (it)
e.g., intestine; (t) to scrape it = inner

layer off of skin

+uti1 vn the means, cause, or the reason for V-ing; or result of V-ing § +un1 vn

:uti2 or -uti nn (limited) supply of N; one’s own N; item for the N § -un2 nn

+uti- or -uti- or :uti- or ‘ti- or +ruti vv (limited)

a: comitative: (t) to take her/him/it along so both V; to V something including
her/him/it @ +urrI- or -urrI- or :urrI- or ‘rrI- or +rurrI- vv
b: benefactive: (t) to V for/to her/him/it
c: reciprocal: (i) to V each other
+uti- restricted to verb stems which end in -VVk or -VVq
-uti- or ‘-uti- restricted to verb stems which end in -Vk or -Vq
:uti- restricted to verb stems which contain a semi-final weak i
'ti- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+ruti- restricted to verb stems which end in a t
examples with :uti- restricted to verb stems which end in -iC
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiuti- or itquti- (t) to bring her/him/it
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside
inside, to place it inside
malik- to follow, accompany marguti- (i) to become a follower
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and qapquti- (Ti) (t) to quit, give up on
give up; (i) to turn back, proceed no her/him/it
higher, farther
titiq(-) a mark or dot; (i) to be now titquti- to record, mark it, e.g., an ownership
marked with a dot or a line; (t) to mark it mark, a tally mark onto something
with a dot or a line; (t) to cut a notch in
it; (t) to mark it to indicate where one is
to cut, carve
utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); utquti- (t) to take her/him/it back
(t) to return to her/him = spouse after a
examples with +uti- restricted to verb stems which end in -VVk or -VVq
aligaq- to tear (it); (i) to be sad, “torn aligaaġuti- (i) to come loose, come out by
up” tearing; (i) to tear out of an animal (of a
harpoon head)
aullaaq- (i) to go out camping, hunting, aullaaġuti- (t) to take her/him/it camping
trapping, to stay away from village
isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s home isiqattaaġuti- (t) to take her/him/it out
and visit socially; (t) to go to her/his visiting
home and visit her/him socially
kaŋiqsiuq- to investigate, study, ask kaŋiqsiuġuti- (t) to do an investigation
questions, inquire about (her/him/it) for her/him
sisuqhaaq- or sisuġaaq- (i) to be sisuqhaaġuti- (t) to be sliding downhill
sliding down a hill with her/him/it

examples with -uti- or ‘-uti- restricted to verb stems which end in -Vk or -Vq
annak- (i) to escape danger annauti- (t) to save her/him/it from danger
argaq- (t) to dig a hole in snow or earth argauti- (t) to bury her/him/it in the
atuq-1 to sing (it) atuuti- (t) to sing for her/him/it
aullaq- (i) to leave, go away, depart; (i) aullauti- (t) to leave with her/him/it; to
to start (of engine) take him/her out hunting, camping, on a
iksaq- (i) to release an arrow or to fire a iksauti- (i) to start fighting back; (t) to
gun; to be inclined to hit, strike a blow, release it =stone from a sling; (t) to throw
start a fight, start shooting easily it = a stone, a spear, a harpoon
without restraint; (t) to start a fight with
illiq- (i) to hide and be safe from illiuti- (i) to replace someone after she/he
opponents; (t) to make a place for has already been designated
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisauti- (t) to teach her/him/it
iñuilaaq or iñuiłaaq or iñuilaq empty, iñuillaġuti- (i) to go visiting, but find no
uninhabited, or deserted place one at home; (i) to come upon a place, but
find the place deserted
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiuti- or itquti- (t) to bring her/him/it
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside
inside, to place it inside
isumanŋutchak- (i) to become isumanŋutchauti- (t) to argue heatedly
resentful; to feel aggrieved with her/him; to hold a grudge against
kanuk- (Ti) (i) to be angry kanuuti- (Ti) (t) to be angry with her/him
kasuq- (i) to become joined (of kasuuti- (i) to meet, to keep a rendezvous
objects); (i) to close (of gap, e.g., of
ice); (i) to meet on the way somewhere,
of more than one person; (t) to meet
her/him, make her/his acquaintance; (t)
to “run” into her/him
kaviaq- (i) to be pink, reddish in color kavialliuti- (i) to appear reddish (of sun);
(t) to appear pinkish of clouds around
sunset or sunrise
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savauti- (t) to work for her/his/its benefit
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; or behalf
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
examples with 'ti- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aggisi- or aggisuuti- (t) to bring or take
her/him/it home
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be annisi- or annisuuti- (t) to take her/him/it
born; (i) to emerge from the den in out

spring (of hibernating animal)
aŋaayyu- or aŋaiyyu- or (Nu) agaiyu- aŋaayyuti- (t) to pray for her/him/it; (t) to
(i) to pray; (t) to say it = prayer hold a funeral for her/him/it
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or illati- (i) to join, become a member; (t) to
name; companion, friend, partner; part include her/him/it
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
ilisaġi- (t) to recognize her/him/it ilisaqquti- (i) to recognize each other
iqiagi- (t) to not feel like doing it iqiakkiuti- (t) to become unwilling, not
eager to do it
iqsigi- (t) to be afraid of, fear her/him/it iqsikkiuti- (t) to become afraid of
kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give kapputi- (t) to stick it into something, e.g.,
oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce a needle or pin in pincushion, fabric, etc.;
her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an (i) to stab each other
injection to her/him/it
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft maġġuti- (t) to sink with her/him/it; (i) to
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a be unable to move in slush ice (of boat)
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
mud, or snow as one takes a step
nakuaġi- (t) to like, love her/him/it nakuaqquti- (i) to love each other
pai- [pagI-] (i) to stay behind while paggisi- (t) to remain at home with
others depart, usually in the care of her/him/it caring for her/him/it
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puggisi- (t) to surface with her/him/it
surface “in front of” her/him/it
qaunagi- (t) to watch over, take care of qaunakkuti- (i) to watch out for, take care
her/him/it; (i) to be on the alert for of each other
tuqu- (i) to die tuqquti- (t) to die without accomplishing
something; to die in her/his stead
with +ruti- restricted to verb stems which end in a t
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqparruti- (t) to run, carrying her/him/it
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; irruti- (t) to treat her/him/it properly, right
(i) to stay
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makirruti- (t) to stand up, holding
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright her/him/it
with :uti- restricted to verb stems which contain a semi-final weak i
atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling ¤atquti- (t) to bring it = polar bear cub to
camp from the village; (i) to travel from the coast (of female polar bear with cubs)
inland towards the ocean after hunting
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to igliġuti- (t) to travel with, lead her/him/it

be running, idling (of a machine/engine);
(t) to travel it = distance
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiuti- or itquti- (t) to bring her/him/it
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside
inside, to place it inside
combination of forms ‘ti- and -uti- occur in only a few of the verb stems which end
in a vowel, usually with a strong I.
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home aggisi- or aggisuuti- (t) to bring or take
her/him/it home
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be annisi- or annisuuti- (t) to take her/him/it
born; (i) to emerge from the den in out
spring (of hibernating animal)
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaġġisi- or qaġġisuuti- (t) to bring
with elemental verb stems:
ivsaiq- to be now deplete of liquid; (t) ivsaiġuti- (t) to be icebound
for a body of water to be now depleted
mau- [maġu] (i) to sink into soft maġġuti- (t) to sink with her/him/it; (i) to
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a be unable to move in slush ice (of boat)
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
mud, or snow as one takes a step
silagik- (i) to be good weather silagiuti- (t) to be good weather for
silaqłuk(-) storm; to be stormy silaqłuuti- (t) to be stormy weather for
taaqsi- to become dark (of day) taaqsiuti- (t) to become dark for
her/him/it, (of day)

+utigi- vv (plus Contemporative I) immediately upon, at the same time, just as soon as
+utigi- restricted to verb stems which end in -VVk or -VVq
-utigi- restricted to verb stems which end in -Vk or -Vq
’tigi- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+rutigi- restricted to verb stems which end in a t
ai-2 [agi] (i) to go home, to come home » aggisigillaan tuttaaqtuaq immediately
upon getting home, he went to bed
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; » isiutigillaan, mattaqtuagut just as soon
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it as we got in, we took our parkas off
inside, to place it inside
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of » makirrutigillaan, uqallaktuaq
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright immediately upon standing up, he spoke

:utiġuq- nv to accumulate N in large quantities | :un/ti 2 nn +ġuq-1 nv

siksrik(-) [dual siksrak, pl.siksrigit] siksrautiġuq- (i) to accummulate many
arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus squirrels; (t) to accummulate many squirrels
parryi); (i) to kill an arctic ground for her/him

+uu- vv always, usually § +[s]uu- vv

+vaalluk- vv to finally V, after a delay; to V for the first time § +p/vaalluk- vv

+vaałłak- vv to V to excess § +p/vait- vv

immiq- (t) to fill it immivaałłak- (i) to overflow; (t) to make
it overflow
aŋi- 1 (i) to be big, large aŋivaałłak- (i) to be extremely big; (t) to
make it extremely big

+vaaq- or -vaaq- nv (limited) to be in the state of, process of V-ing or encountering

a process involving N
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquvaaq- (i) to react, respond belatedly
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern after the death of a loved one
of boat; final chapter of story; some
time after; downriver end of an island
ivu- to form pressure ridges (of ice) ivuaqpaluk- or ivuvaaluk- (i) to make the
sound of pressure ridges forming (of ice)
kiavit- (i) to circle around, to spin kiavaaġni- (i) to sit in a circle formation
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqavaaq- (i) to have a debate; (i) to
leg-hold trap which when stepped on discuss, talk a great deal about something
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep seriously, solemnly
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+vait- vv to V excessively § +p/vait- vv

-vak or ~vak nn (limited) one inherently of or associated with N or V-ing

aapsak (KI) very large whale aapsavak (Ti) very large whale
aasivak spider
aġvak edge of hand, pads of fingertips, ball
of thumb
allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice alluvak seal breathing hole large enough to
place a net in
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, Anaqtuuvak Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska
manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate
on it; (i) to fall or shoot (of a star)
aniu packed snow aniuvak snowbank
aŋurvak or (Nu) aŋutvak red alpine
bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus)
iŋutuq young female whale (choice iŋutuvak large right whale

eating); young whale
kiligvak mastodon
kulavak cow caribou
kukurvak a blunt stone arrowhead used for
stunning birds
kurvak or kutvak (Nu) large, flat
arrowhead made of antler with four marks,
indentations (for shooting ptarmigan)
kuuk [kurik] river; tributary kuuvak Kobuk River
makvak jack (suit in cards); scoundrel;
(name used to call) someone who
displeases one
nauyaq seagull nauyavak young glaucous gull; (Nu)
western glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; nunavak walrus on ice
country, territory, a citizen’s nation-
niviuq- to hover (over her/him/it); to nuviuvak fly, blowfly
hang around, be near (her/him/it); (i) to
be attentive to (her/him/it); (Ti) to stick,
adhere to the pot (of food); (Ti) (i) to be
susceptible to stickiness (of cooking
qayuuttaaq pine grosbeak (Pinicola qayuuttavak dunlin, red-backed dunlin
enucleator) (Calidris alpina)
qisik [qisIk] animal skin with hair qisivak cooked rawhide (eaten by starving
removed; leather; rawhide (may be eaten people)
when starving)
sigguk(-) one mandible of bird beak; sigguktuvak bristle-thighed curlew
muzzle, mouth area; (i) to thrust one’s (Numenius tahitiensis)
lips out, showing displeasure; (i) to
pout; (t) to swell when cold (of lips)
siituvak whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
taligvak northern killdeer (Charadrius
tullisugruk or tullivak (Nu) black-bellied
plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuvak moose
umiaq(-) [umiġaq] a boat; (i) to go umiavak (Ti) large, open boat covered with
hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; nine bearded seal skins with a sail
(Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a
whaling boat

-vak- vv (limited) to V without doubt, thoroughly

anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; annivaktaq- (i) to have short, sharp pains
(t) to hurt her/him/it

imaq1(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non- imavak- to be visibly free of ice (of ocean)
potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon;
(t) to moisten it = animal hide to ready
it for scraping
naivak- (Ti) (t) to show, display it, e.g., for
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaivaksaq- (t) to attract it = animal by
imitating its call; to try to attract them to
keep coming
sau- [sa u] to cover (her/him/it) with sauvaniq sod chinking (used to clauk holes
snow, sand, or earth, layer by layer; (t) to in traditional house construction)
skirt it = traditional house with snow

-vallIq nn probably a N
savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal savivalliq probably a knife
tiŋŋun airplane tiŋŋutivalliq probably an airplane
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuvallit probably caribou

+vallIq- vv appears to be, probably is V-ing § +p/vallIq- vv

-valuk- vv to have even the slightest trace, evidence of V-ing § +p/valuk-, +p/vallIq- vv

+vaq- or ~vaq- vv, rv (limited) to go to V or be situated in N

°asI (stem) a non-specific place; asivaq- (i) to be set aside, apart; to be put
everywhere; nowhere; someplace else; out ready for use
away from the village; something
°ati1 (stem) area below; bottom, arvaq- to go down, come down
underside; down
igliq- [iglIq] (i) to move aside and avoid igluvaq- (i) to move aside; (t) to move
something coming at one; (i) to get out him/her/it out of the way of something
of the way; (t) to avoid being hit by it by dangerous
moving aside
kaŋiq [kaŋIq] root, source; headwater, kaŋivaqtaaq- (i) to roll up one's sleeves, (t)
source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; to roll up her/his sleeves for her/him
foot of mountain; place where peninsula
joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river;
bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon
kilu1 part of house or tent opposite door; kiluvaq- (i) to travel inland; (i) to move
south (with one’s geographical position away from the door and further into the
being Barrow, Alaska) room
kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuvaq- (i) to move toward the rear; (t) to
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); miss, be late for him/it
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float

fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
qakit- (t) to put it up, as on a shelf; to qagvaq- to rise (of sun); (i) to rise to
pull it = boat up onto shore or ice surface; (t) to bring him/it to the surface
from underground
quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top qulvaq- or qurvaq- (i) to move further into
edge of a boat’s sides the room away from the door; (i) to roll
one’s sleeves up; (t) to move her/him/it
further into a room away from the door
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or sarvaq- (i) to move forward or oceanward;
garment; area immediately in front of (t) to move it towards the front
something; lap, the front part of the
lower trunk and thighs of a seated
person; seaward
°sanI (root) broadside, side sanivaq- (i) to move to an uninhabited
¤tigvaq- (i) to come all the way inside, to
the back of the house; (t) to put it behind
one’s back or place it in the back of a room
tunu back (of human body); back area; tunuvaq- (i) to back up, to go to the rear
back exterior wall of house
tuvaq(-) [tuvaQ] or (Ti) tugaq shore fast
ice; to come in to shore (of ice); (Ti) shore
uivaq- to around, go around it = point
*uŋa (root) distant area uŋavaq- (t) to put it aside; (i) to stray to the

-vġu- vv (limited) to experience N § -nġu-, -liñġu-

kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear kiŋuvġu- (Ti) to mourn (for her/him/it
sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650);
(Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used
with whaling harpoon; large float
fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be
late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to
be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t)
to be late for her/him/it
qivġu- (Ti) or qivuġu- (Nu) to greive,
mourn for her/him/it

+viaq-1 vv might, may V § +p/viaq- vv

-viaq2 nn, rn (limited) one with characteristics of or an association with N or V-ing

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnaviaq female eider duck
queen (suit in cards)
iġi- (i) to have one’s hair fall out, to lose iġviaq tanned leather
one’s hair
kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to kakkiviaq or kakkivik philtrum, midline
blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe groove in the upper lip that runs from the
her/his nose top of the lip to the nose; entire area under
natchiq(-)1 [natchIQ] ring seal (Pusa natchiviaq (Nu) dehaired sealskin boot with
hispida); (i) to catch a seal bearded sealskin sole
qaġruq arrow, bullet, cartridge, any qaġriviaq arrow
qalluviaq pericardium, the yellowish
membrane surrounding the heart

-vigiññaġIk- vn (limited) to be a good place to V | +vIk1 vn +iññaq nn

+[g]Ik- nv
auri- (Nu) (i) to spend the summer aurivigiññaġikkamiŋnun to the place
where they like to spend the summer

+vigrait- (limited) to V excessively

su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suvigrait- (Ti) (i) to be too much,
(t) to do what to her/him/it excessive; (i) to be everywhere

-vigruaq-vv (limited) to V(her/him/it) steadily, unwavering) | perhaps -vik- vv

+rruaq- vv
naluksrit- (i) to become unconscious naluksrivigruaq- (i) to steadily lose
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġivigruaq- to eat (it) unwavering

-vigruayuit- vv to not V (her/him/it) much at all or infrequently | perhaps -vik- vv

+rruaq- vv -yuit-
aŋuniaq- to hunt (it) (of game animal) aŋuniavigruayuit- (i) to not hunt much at
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savavigruayuit- (i) to not work much at
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; all
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

¤-vigruŋIt- vv (limited) to V without determination

+viiññaq nn (limited) totally without question N | perhaps +vIk- nv -iññaq nn

ipiq2 [ipiQ] dirt ipiqviiññaq very dirty one
tainna or (Nu) taitna or taimanna tavra tainnaviiññaq then always
(dem. adv) in that way or manner; (Nu) like that

thus; so-so, neither very good nor very

+vIk1 vn (restricted to verb stems which end in a consonant)

'vIk (restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel)
place, container, time to V or person who allows one to V
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, anaġvik toilet
manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate
on it; (i) to fall or shoot (of a star)
ani- [anI] (i) to leave, to exit; (i) to be annivik birthday
born; (i) to emerge from the den in
spring (of hibernating animal)
aŋaayyu- or aŋaiyyu- or (Nu) agaiyu- aŋaiyyuvik church
(i) to pray; (t) to say it = prayer
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to igliġvik (Ti) a trail; sewing kit
be running, idling (of a machine/engine);
(t) to travel it = distance
iqaġi- or (Ti) iqaqi- (i) to wash one’s iqaqqivik washbasin
hands and/or face; (t) to wash her/his
hands and/or face; (t) to wash it = fabric,
utensil; (t) to wash it/them = face, hands,
iqqai- (i) to discard items not wanted or iqqaivik trashcan
naŋit-1 (i) to be sick naŋirvik miŋuliġaat they are painting the
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġġivik table
quviasuk- (i) to be happy quviasugvik holiday
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagvik office, place of employment
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
su(-) (interrog.) a what; (i) to do what; suvvik or suvviuraq storage alcove in sod
(t) to do what to her/him/it house entrance passageway; small hut
where things are kept; small cache
tukku- (i) to stay as a guest tukkuvik host, person with whom one
stays when traveling

-vIk2 nn (limited) one with characteristics of or an association with N

aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnavik female ptarmigan (Lagopus
queen (suit in cards) lagopus)
asiaq(-) [asiraq] berry; (Nu) blueberry asiavik blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum);
(Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry (Ti) crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
(Empetrum nigrum); fruit in general; (i)
to pick berries

atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone ativik given name, family name
who shares the same name with another
auk(-)1 [aurk] blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to augavik blood vessel
have a nosebleed
igurvIk temporal bone, temple
ikłiġvik2 [dual ikłiġvak, pl. ikłiġvigIt] Fox
Sparrow (Passerella iliaca)
kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to kakkiviaq or kakkivik philtrum, midline
blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe groove in the upper lip that runs from the
her/his nose top of the lip to the nose; entire area under
kirgavik goshawk (Accipiter gentilis);
peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus);
gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
niġliq [niġliQ] general term for goose niġlivIk or niġlivialuk white-fronted goose
(female) or gander (male) (Anser albifrons)
niqi food, meat niqivik hindquarter of animal
nuna land, tundra, earth; inland; nunavik rolling tundra
country, territory, a citizen’s nation-
*qaġlIk (root) one leg of a pair of pants qaġliviik (Nu) short knickers (above the
suŋaq gall bladder suŋauravik blue bead

-vIk- vv (limited) (usually found in combination with another postbase) to V

with duration and without doubt § - atavIk- vv; -lġatavIk- vv; -viluk- vv;
-vigruaq- vv; -vigruayuit- vv; -vigruŋIt- vv
aki(-)1 [akI] corresponding value, akivik- (t) to prop something (usually a
equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; boat) on its side
opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side
of the point (Point Hope); (t) to
respond, acknowledge, or answer
her/him with gestures (of one who is far
away but visible)
anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in anaġvik- (t) to beat her/him soundly in a
competition game, to “skunk” her/him
°ati1 (root) area below; bottom, arvik- to run down (it)
underside; down
kiñi- [kiñI] (i) to squat down, sit down kiñiġvik- to carry something in the front of
on honey bucket or toilet; (t) to sit one’s snowshirt or apron by raising the hem
her/him down on honey bucket or toilet; and forming a sort of pouch
(t) to hold her/him= child on a toilet or
pot to urinate or defecate
natiq(-)1 [natiQ] floor; to construct a natiġvik- (i) to blow, drift low along the
floor (on it) ground (of snow or dust)
pakauraq- (i) to rummage through pakauravik- (i) ro rummage secretly with

things secretly, looking for something determination
piyumisuk- (Nu) (i) to want to leave, piyumisuvik- (i) to want to do something
go, be eager, raring to go with determination

+vikaaq vn place where one used to V regularly | +vIk1 vn -kaaq nn

miŋuaqtuq- (i) to attend school miŋuaqtuġvikaaq former school
piuraaq(-) toy; (i) to play piuraaġvikaaq former play area »
piuraaġvikaaqtik ilisaqqutigillaan they
recognized their former play area

+viluk- or -viluk- vv (limited) to V with intent, focus

atuun song; record; piece of music atuurviluk- (i) to sing a magic healing
song (of shaman)
qaniq [qaniQ] mouth, oral cavity qaniġviluk- to complain, mutter (to
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqaviluk- (i) to “bitch,” complain,
leg-hold trap which when stepped on grumble
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-viñaq- vv to V loudly, forcefully, suddenly accompanied by a heavy impact

apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); apuviñaq- to crash (into her/him/it)
(i) to reach shore violently »
apuviñaqtuagut taigruamun
tautuŋiłługu we crashed into an oil drum
because we did not see it
avaala- (i) to yell avaalaviñaq- (i) to scream very loud »
avaalaviñaqtuam tupaktipalukkaaŋa the
one who screamed so loudly scared the
daylights out of me
kauk- to hammer (it = nail) kauviñaq- (t) to strike her/him/it with a
hammer or heavy object hard, with
violence; (Nu) (i) to hammer something
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makiviñaq- (i) to stand up suddenly,
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright forcefully » makiviñaqtuaq
tuqunnasugirani isiġman he stood up
suddenly when the one that he thought he
killed came in
tut- (i) to touch ground, bottom; (i) to tuviñaq- (i) to land with a thud »
land on one’s feet; (i) to lie down; (t) to tuviñaqtuaq tusaaraġa I heard it make a
cause her/him/it to touch ground hard landing

-viñiQ nn (limited) a portion, piece, remnant of N
aqiaq or (Ti) aqiak upper belly above aqiaviñiq abdominal fat (of humans); (Nu)
waist and below the ribs (of human) belly
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilaviñiq piece, part, portion of something
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kian or kiati torso, upper front part of kiativiñiq strip of fur from shoulders down
body; blouse to front legs of wolverine; upper back part
from shoulders to midsection of any animal
niqi food, meat niqiviñiq piece of meat
paniqtaq dried meat or fish paniqtaviñiġmik aitchuġuŋ give him a
piece of dried meat
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus) tuttuġaviñiq rawhide caribou thong, used
for binding or lacing on snowshoe
ugrugaq a young bearded seal (perhaps ugrugaviñiq piece of dried bearded seal
one or two years old) skin
utuqqaQ something old utuqqaviñiq piece of old shore-fast ice
which has broken off; chunk of thick shore

+viQ(-) nn, nv (limited)

ilu(-)2 interior, inside; abdominal cavity; iluviq(-) grave, corpse, (t) to bury
(t) to surround her/him/it her/him/it
qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) [qara] top side; qarviq- to position (her/him/it) above
roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; something
dorsal area of fish; (t) to put a top surface
on it

+vIQ nn (limited) final suffix of some nouns

aġviq [aġviQ] [dual aġvak, pl. aġviġit,
archaic pl. aavġit; archaic rel. form aavġum]
bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus);
Pacific right whale (Balaena glacialis)
aiviq [aiviQ] [dual aivvak, pl.aivġit] walrus
(Odobenus rosmarus)
aurviq black creeping bug, about one inch
long, a hairy caterpillar
nigaviq animal haunch

-vit- vv (limted) to attain the process of V-ing or of the attribute of the N or R

aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose,
untied, unraveled, unwound, or
disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie,
unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart,
disassemble it
aŋuvit- (Nu) (t) to untie it = a slip knot
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquvit- (i) to sit up or sit down; (t) to sit
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of down on it
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
*igu (root) looseness; an unraveling iguvit- to become uncoiled, unwound, (t)
to uncoil, unwound it
iġi- (i) to have one’s hair fall out, to lose iġivit- to become soaked then wrinkled,
one’s hair of skin

*isi (root) elongation, extension of isivit- (i) to be extended fully, flattened

dimension out; (i) to stand up straight from a stooped
position; (i) to stretch out from a fetal
position; (i) to be laid out (like wet
clothing); (i) to unwind (of thread); (t) to
extend, stretch it out fully; (t) to lay it all
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land
instead of following the water along the
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around), and
come down the other side of it = e.g., hill
kaivit- (i) to circle around; (i) to spin; (i)
“to celebrate the coming of the new year
with competition games”
kalivit- (i) to become stuck, stranded, (t)
to make it become stuck
*naa (root) dimension when stretched naavit- (i) to spill (of a non-liquid
out substance, e.g., flour); (t) to empty, pour,
dump it = non-liquid substance out
*niku (root) squatting nikuvit- (i) to sit on a stool (waiting for a
seal to emerge through a hole in the sea
qivit- (i) to become offended and leave,
go off in a huff, to leave indignant, to act
or behave indignantly
°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or saavit- (i) to proceed out to the sea or on
garment; area immediately in front of a river; (i) to go down to hunt on the ice,
something; lap, the front part of the beach, along coast; (i) to go out in front
lower trunk and thighs of a seated of an audience, to go out in front of a

person; seaward group, e.g., to dance, participate in
competitive games; (t) to put it = boat out
to sea
*saki (root) a shaving sakivit- (t) to scrape excess fat off it =
dried animal skin, hide, usu., seal (held
with both hands, the scraper is pushed up
and down the animal hide which is
spread over a scraping platform); (Ti) (t)
to scrape it =skin after hair is removed
savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it with
the hands
silivit-(i) to become full, of any container
including the stomach, (t) to fill it
sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once ¤sisuvit- (Ti) (i) to burp up milk (of baby)
tivit- (i) to choke on something
*tuak (root) rowdiness tuavit- (i) to cheer, to whoop it up at a
uglivit- (t) to turn it inside out
yuġri- [yuġrI] (i) to be undecided, yuġavit- (i) to talk about things one never
unable to make up one’s mind does; to make plans one will never fulfill

-viuq- vv (limited) to accuse one of V-ing

saglu- (i) to lie, not tell the truth sagluviuq- (t) to accuse her/him of lying

-vlI- vv (limited) to experience a V-ing § -lI3- vv

itiq- (i) to wake up itivli- (i) to perform certain motor acts
while asleep, e.g., to sleepwalk,
somnambulate, talk in one’s sleep

-vlik(-) vn, vv (limited) one that has been V-ed § -vrak- nv

immit- (i) to come upon water (e.g., of immivlik watery substance
a traveler); (i) to be waterlogged; (t) to
soak it in water
qai (Nu) wave (of ocean) qaivlik(-) a wave produced by a passing
boat; (i) to have waves caused by a passing
boat (of water)

-vlIq- vv (limited) to become V-ed

akut- to mix or stir it akuvliqtaq hash, a cooked dish made of
several ingredients
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquvliq- (i) to bend at the knees as part of
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of a dance, of a woman
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
pauk- (t) to sting her/him/it; (t) to stretch pauvliq- or ¤(Ti) pausi- (i) to become

and stake it = skin to the ground; to stake itchy, develop an itch
it = tent to the ground; to drive it = stake

-vrak- or ~vrak- nv (limited) to V involving the N or R or V § -vlik(-) vn, vv

*alapi (root) ignorance; confusion alavrak- (Ti) (t) to not pay attention to, not
notice her/him/it; to have her/him/it slip
one’s mind
nigaq(-) snare for large game animals; nigavraun lasso
mesh of a net; (t) to snare, lasso
nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; nukivraak- or nukivrak- or nikuvrak- (i)
strength to stand on tiptoe
qavrak- or qarvak- to flense, remove
blubber from (it = animal skin)
qulivrak- to splice (it = the rope); to braid
(it = rope, hair) more than three strands
ulit- to rise, flood (of water) ulivragaq(-) (Nu) a large ocean swell with
an overhanging crest on the verge of
breaking (considered dangerous); (i) to form
breakers (of wave) with large overhanging

-vrI- or ~vrI- vv (limited) to encounter a V-ing § +rI-3 vv, -I7 vv

aġit- [agIt] to become wet or damp (of aġivri- (i) to get wrinkled skin from soaking
fabric, ground, animal hide, child’s in water, bath
siñik(-) sleep; (i) to sleep; (t) to spend it siñaavri- (i) to doze off repeatedly; (i) to be
= day sleeping half-conscious (as from anesthesia)
tipi- (t) to be washed ashore tivri- (Ti) (i) to find something washed up
on the beach

= vrIk- vv, rv (limited) to V with intensity, or too much

°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquvrik- (i) to be low (of stern of boat)
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of
boat; final chapter of story; some time
after; downriver end of an island
*kaiv (root) circular motion kaivrik- (Nu) (i) to break up, as earth in a quake

naavit- (i) to spill (of a non-liquid naavriktaq- (t) to empty it by shaking it

substance, e.g., flour); (t) to empty, pour,
dump it = non-liquid substance out
nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; nukivrigaq- (i) to walk on tiptoe
saavit- (i) to proceed out to the sea or on saavrik- (i) to go quickly down to the water
a river; (i) to go down to hunt on the ice,

beach, along coast; (i) to go out in front
of an audience, to go out in front of a
group, e.g., to dance, participate in
competitive games; (t) to put it = boat
out to sea
ulit-1 to rise, flood (of water) ulivrik(-) rolling crest of wave on ocean; (Nu) (t) to turn
it inside out

-vsaaq- vv to V again, more

atuq-1 to sing (it) atuvsaaq- to sing (it) again »
atuvsaaġniaqtugut kasimaanikkupta we
will sing again after we have our meeting
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġivsaaq- (i) to eat more » niġivsaaġnak
don't eat anymore
uqallak-1 (i) to speak uqallavsaaq- (i) to speak again »
uqallavsaaġnak don't say another word
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makivsaaq- (i) to stand up again
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright

-vsak- rv, vv (limited) to set in motion an action that results in being V-ed | perhaps
-vit- vv +sak- vv, rv § +sak- vv, rv
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an aquvsalak- or aquvsalaaq- to land in a
object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of sitting position when falling from a
boat; final chapter of story; some time standing position (on it)
after; downriver end of an island
*isi (root) elongation, extension of isivsalaq- or isivsalaaq- (i) to lie stretched
dimension out
*kiav (root) circular motion kiavsaaq(-) toy top, spinning top; to play
with a top
piak- (i) to be slippery; (i) to slide piavsak- (i) to suddenly become furious;
easily; (i) to be thin (of soup or gravy) to fly into a rage
piiq- (i) to vanish, fade; (i) to move piivsak- (t) to slurp in or suck in one’s
oneself; (i) to be removed; (i) to die; (t) drool
to remove her/him/it
qai- [qaġI] to come (toward her/him/it) qaivsai- (Ti) (i) to hold an invitational
qivsak- (i) to fly off after impact (as a
ceramic chip)

-vvaaq nn (limited)
nauyaq seagull nauyavvaaq herring gull (Larus

-vvI- nv (limited)
aġnaq woman; an adult human female; aġnavvi- (i) to flirt in an alluring way (of a
queen (suit in cards) woman); (i) to exhibit prideful behavior,

regardless of others watching; (i) to indulge
in self-esteem (of a woman)

-vyak- vv (limited) to be in the process of becoming V § +yyak-vv

kakavyak- (i) to become dizzy from
breathing noxious fumes; (i) to become
*quvi (root) happiness, joy quvyak- (i) to become happy, joyful
siak-1 (Ti) (i) to be scattered; (t) to scatter siavyak- (Ti) (t) to scatter them

-vyu- vv (limited)
kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to kakivyugaun or kakivyuutaq small,
tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it sharp pain, “stitch” in side when running

kakivyuutchiq- (i) to develop a sharp

pain on one’s side
qau- [qagu] (i) for day to break qaumaavyuk- (i) to be dark and gloomy;
be foggy

-vyuaq- vv to barely V § usually in combination with +[s]uk-1 vv

-ya- vv to easily V
aksik- [aksIk] to touch (her/him/it); (t) aksiya- (i) to be sore, tender to the touch
to graze her/him/it with a bullet or an
anniq- [annIq] (i) to become injured; (t) anniya- (i) to hurt easily » anniyaruq
to hurt her/him/it taliġa my arm is tender, hurts to the touch
asiŋŋuq- (i) to begin to malfunction, asiŋŋuya- (i) to spoil easily
work badly
ayalu- (i) to collapse due to stress (of a ayaluya- (i) to collapse easily » ayaluyaruq
structure) una aquppiutaq this chair collapses easily
navik- to break (it) naviya- (i) to break easly » tamatkua
samma naviyarut oh, those break easily
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and qapiya- (i) to give up easily
give up; (i) to turn back, proceed no
higher, farther
qivit- (i) to go off in a huff; to leave qiviya- (i) to become indignant easily and
indignant; to act or behave indignantly leave » qiviyaruq taigña aġnaq;
suliqutiginagu oh, that woman over there
becomes offended easily; don't pay any
attention to her
ukayaŋa- (i) to be inclined to do bad or evil

uqallak- (i) to speak uqallaya- (i) to habitually blurt things out

-yaa- vv to V en masse § -ayaa- vv

-yaaq-1 vv (limited) to be inclined to V or to be V

aaŋa- (i) to be stubborn; to act against aaŋayaaq- (i) to be partially conscious,
better advice; to hold one's head high lightheaded, not clearheaded
aŋu- (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋuyaaq- (Ti) (i) to catch the first whale of
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen the season
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach
her/his height
iġñiaq child, offspring iġñiayaaq- to miscarry during a pregnancy
kiavit- (i) to circle around, to spin kiavaaŋa or kiavyaaŋa- or kaivaaŋa or
kaivyaaŋa- (i) to be dizzy, feel faint,
naqsik(-) pug nose; (i) to have a pug naqsiŋayaaq- (i) to unknowingly run head
nose; (i) to wrinkle one’s nose; (i) to first into a taut line, rope
push one’s nose up, e.g., by running into
a taut rope; (t) to wrinkle one’s nose at
*nav (root) joint (anatomical) navyaaq- (i) to dislocate a joint
sanipaktuġaq- (t) to be staggering sanipaktuġayaaġaliq- (i) to begin to stagger
side to side
siqupak- or siquvyak- (Ti) (i) to blink siquapayyi- or siquapayaaq- (i) to squint;
the eyes close one’s eyes
siqummaq- (i) to shatter; (t) to break or siqummayaaq- (i) to break into many
shatter it with repeated action pieces; (t) to break it into many pieces
uiñġaq- (i) to be sleepy uiñġayaaq- (i) to be overcome by sleepiness

-yaaq2 or = yaaq2 vn, rn (limited) result of a V-ing § -aq2 nn

aqła(-) draft (i) to be drafty aqłayaaq light breeze
aula- (i) to move around, show aullayaaq a trail, path
movement, be in motion
igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to iglauyaaq certain path or route
be running, idling (of a machine/engine);
(t) to travel it = distance
itivit- (i) to portage; (i) to fly over land itivyaaq portage
instead of following the water along the
coast (of ducks as they migrate); (i) to
take a shortcut; (t) to fly over, go over,
cross over (instead of going around), and
come down the other side of it = e.g.,
katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble; katyaak or katyaaq (Nu) place where a

(i) to become married; (i) to merge; (t) to river branches into two, two branches of
gather them together; (t) to harvest it = river, fork in a road, branch of a river
kiluagnaq south wind (with one’s kiluagnayaaq southwest; southwesterly
geographical position being Barrow, wind
Alaska); to be windy from the south
(with one’s geographical position being
Barrow, Alaska); “a wind from the land”
(Jenness 1928: 53)
navik- to break (it) navyaaq bone joint
nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; nuiyaaqpak carbuncle, large growth on skin
to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to
see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look
outside, e.g., to see if someone or
something is coming
saatuquyak or (Nu) saapaqayak thin, saatuquyaaq something flat
flat stone (good for skipping on water);
(Ti) flat bone weight (used for bolas)
siŋaiyau- (i) to be pregnant (of human) siŋaiyaaq human fetus
*siv (root) hipbone area sivyaaq rounded upper end of femur at hip

+yaaqi- vv (limited) to experience V

initu- (i) to be spacious, have lots of inituyaaqi- (i) to enjoy spacious
room surroundings, lots of space

-yaġaaq nn (limited)
aŋu-1 (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to aŋuyaġaaq snack eaten to tide one over
catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen until the main meal
her/him/it when young; (t) to reach
her/his height

-yak vn, nn (limited) final suffix of some nouns § -quyak vn

ayak or ayaaluk or aya (Ti) paternal ayaayak older sister
isuq- (i) to be turbid, murky, or muddy isuaġayak murky, muddy water
(of water)
piqaluyak large chunk of freshwater ice
from river, good for drinking water
2 g
saat- [sa at] (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, saatuquyak or (Nu) saapaqayak thin, flat
e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have stone (good for skipping on water); (Ti) flat
thin hair bone weight (used for bolas)
siŋaiyau- (i) to be pregnant (of human), to

-yak- or = yak- or ~yak- vv (limited) to be inclined to V § -vyak- vv

ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be ivyanŋu- (i) to be short of breath; (i) to feel
hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool faint; (i) to struggle to breathe
sakpak- (t) to elongate, make it long, sakpayak- (i) to be flat; (t) to flatten it
oval in shape
siqupak- (Ti) (i) to blink the eyes siqupak- or siquvyak- (Ti) (i) to blink the

-ya(q) vn, nn, rn (limited) one that has characteristics of N or of a V-ing; final suffix of
some nouns | -yyaq vn
aapa father; grandfather (modern use) aapiyaq older brother
alluiyaq a long, wooden plate with a
concavity carved lengthwise down the
*anaya (root) wariness, caution
aqaya or aqiya mud
kiuġuya or kiguġuya northern lights, aurora
mau- [ma u] (i) to sink into soft mauya or mauyaq soft soil or deep, soft
ground, mud, or snow as one takes a snow (into which one may sink)
step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground,
mud, or snow as one takes a step
nauyaq seagull
nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair
nuviya cloud
piŋu(-) isolated ice mound, knoll; dome, piŋuyaq pimple; ringworm
isolated hill; pimple, swelling on skin;
swell (crestless wave or succession of
waves); (i) to develop a pimple; to form
swells (of ocean)
puya seal oil residue [“the only things of
interest about “pooya” are its age, the
ingredients and style of its construction, and
its one great product (according to the
Inupash) – the first man” (Driggs: 34)];
grime; sticky oil; blubber rubbed on seams
of the umiak to make them waterproof
*qua (root) slipperiness quayaqit- (i) to slip and fall

-yaq- vv (limited) to V with repetition; to assume the V condition > +t/raq-2 rv

pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puiyaq- (Ti) (i) to surface repeatedly (of sea
surface “in front of” her/him/it mammal)
taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy taktuġayaq- (i) to be somewhat foggy

+yaqtuaq- or +yaqtuq- vv to go and V § +iaq-1 vv

-yasI- vv to be about to V
ayalu- (i) to collapse due to stress (of a ayaluyasi- (i) to be about to collapse »
structure) ayaluyasiŋaruq tatpigña iglualuk that old
house up there has gotten so old that it is
about to collapse
katak(-) entrance hole in floor of sod katayasi- (i) to be about to fall down »
house (leading to subterranean tunnel or taapkua uvva katayasiŋamarut it seems
passageway); (i) to fall off that those are about to fall
qapiq-2 (i) to become discouraged and qapiyasi- (i) to be about to give up
give up; (i) to turn back, proceed no
higher, farther
tikitqaurraq- (i) to compete in a race tikitqaurrayasi- (i) to be about to begin the

-yatuuraq vn one that easily Vs or becomes V | -ya- vv, -tu- vv, :uraq nn
kiktuġaq- (i) to snap, break under kiktuġayatuuraq something that snaps
tension (of rope, wire, thread, tape etc.); easily » kiktuġayatuuramik akłunaamik
(t) to snap, break it under tension aitchuġnagu do not give him rope which
snaps easily
navik- to break (it) naviyatuuraq one that breaks easily
piġit- to bend (it) piġiyatuuraq one that bends easily »
piġiyatuuramik aitchuġuŋ
uumitchayatuuraq give the one that bends
easily to the one that gets mad easily
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchayatuuraq one that angers easily »
uumitchayatuuraq ilagimagaat oh, I see
that the one who gets angry easily is with

-yu- vv (limited) V-s well § -yuq- vv

miquq- to sew (it) miquyu- (i) sews well
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqayu- (i) to speak clearly, intelligibly
leg-hold trap which when stepped on
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+yuaq- nv, vv (limited) to experience a negative feeling of N or of V-ing

alla another one, a different one; allayuaq- (i) to be wary of a stranger or an
something strange unfamiliar situation » allayuaqłuni
qiallaktuq he cried the whole time because
he was in an unfamiliar situation and
couldn't get used to it
susaa- (Ti) to hear (her/him/it); (i) to susaayuaq- (i) to be hard of hearing
hear news

-yuaq nn (limited)
nuġġaq calf (less than one year old) nuġġayuaq skin of newborn fawn

-yugaq- vv (limited)
nuyugaq- (Ti) to stalk (it = game animal,
pisaaġi- (i) to do on purpose, pisaayugaq- to tease (her/him)
intentionally; (t) to do something to
her/him/it on purpose, intentionally
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piyugaq- (i) to stalk an animal; to approach
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to a sea mammal by crawling
her/him; an entity

= yuġaq vn (limited) final suffix of some nouns § +[ġ]aq2 vn

aayuġaq crack in sea ice kept open by
shifting currents
aŋuvit- (Nu) (t) to untie it = a slip knot aŋuvyuġaq (Nu) slip knot
kukuvyuġaq broth made of tomcod and sea
piŋayuġaq a third
puyuġaq the middle circle of fur on a
woman’s isiġvikpaaq “sunshine ruff” made
from the belly skin of a wolf (located
between the wolverine piece which is next to
the face and the longer wolf fur on the
taptayuġaq rib cartilage; ensiform
appendage between floating ribs

-yuġnaq- vv (limited) easy, pleasing to V § -yunaq-

-yuilaq1 vn one which does not V | -yuk(-) vv or -yu- vv , vn :It-1 vv -laq vn § -suilaq vn
auk- (t) to melt, of snow auyuilaq that which does not melt;
year-round glacier
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiyuilaq one who does not drink liquor
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puiyuilaaq (Ti) sea animal which never
surface “in front of” her/him/it surfaces, (e.g., some fish)
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it; (t) savayuilaq one that does not work or
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; operate; one who is never gainfully
(i) to be working, operating properly (of employed
a machine); (t) to prepare it =corpse for
taiguaq(-) to read (it); a verse, anything taiguayuilaq one who never reads

to read

-yuilaq2 vn one which does not V well | -yuq(-) vv or -yu- vv :It-1 vv -laq vn
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiyuilaq one who does not know how to
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable handle liquor, gets drunk
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
miquq- to sew (it) miquyuilaq a bad seamstress
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it; (t) savayuilaq one that does not operate
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; properly; one who is not a good worker
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine); (t) to prepare it =corpse for
uqayu- (i) to speak clearly, intelligibly Uqayuilat Siberian and Southwestern
Eskimos; (Nu) includes Seward Peninsula
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchayuilaq one who really flips out
when angry

-yuit-1 vv (limited) to never V, to not have the tendency to V | -yuk(-) vv :It-1 vv § ±suit- vv
isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s home isiqattaayuit- (i) to never go visiting
and visit socially; (t) to go to her/his
home and visit her/him socially
pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to puiyuilaaq (Ti) sea animal which never
surface “in front of” her/him/it surfaces, (e.g., some fish); sea animals which
do not surface frequently, which do not
normally surface
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqayuit-1 (i) to be not able to speak at all, be
leg-hold trap which when stepped on mute; (i) to not have the tendency to talk,
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep gossip; (i) to be discreet, tactful; (i) be able
talking to her/him for the purpose of to keep a secret
advising her/him on the proper way to
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchayuit- (i) to never get angry

-yuit-2 vv (limited) to not be able to V well; for dire consequences to occur when one V-s |
-yuq(-) vv or -yu- vv :It-1 vv § -suit- vv
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiyuit- (i) to be abusive when drinking, to
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable be out of control when drunk
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
isiqattaaq- (i) to go to another’s home isiqattaayuit- (i) to always misbehave when
and visit socially; (t) to go to her/his visiting
home and visit her/him socially
miquq- to sew (it) miquyuit- (i) to be a bad seamstress; (i) to
never sew
sayuk- (i) to twitch (of bodypart) sayuyuit- (i) to be a bad omen (of twitching
under the eye)

uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqayuit-2 (i) to speak unintelligibly, not
leg-hold trap which when stepped on clearly
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-yuk(-) vv, vn (limited) to have the tendency to V; one who has the tendency to V, or
resembles a N § +[s]uu- vv
anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; anaqsiuġayuk dung fly
to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to
fall or shoot (of a star)
imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a imiyuk(-) (i) to drink as a habit; one who
beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable drinks habitually
liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)
iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of iqiraġaayuk fly egg
worm, fist, etc.
miġiaq(-) or muġiaq(-) vomit; to vomit miġiaqsaayuk parasitic jaeger
(it); (t) to vomit on her/him/it (Stercorarius parasiticus)
nutik- to leap (over it) nuttagayuk grasshopper
nuviuvaksiuġayuk (Nu) gray-cheeked
thrush (Catharus minimus)
pamiuq tail (of mammal); (Nu) odd card pamiuġayuk tailbone, sacrum
not part of a pair (in card game of
pigliq- (i) to bounce; to jump up pigliġayuk grasshopper
pilġaq- to braid (it = rope, hair, seal pilġaiyuk spider
putuguq big toe, the hallux putuguqsiuyuk stag beetle
qaluk (Nu) fish qaluksiuġayuk or qaluksiuyuk (Nu)
American osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiyuk(-) one who has the tendency to
peek; (i) to have the habit of peeking
qupilġuq(-) maggot; to become maggot qupilġuqsiuġayuk (Nu) solitary sandpiper
infested (Tringa solitaria)
qinnak- (i) to be angry, fighting; (t) to qinnayuk(-) one who always gets angry or
fight her/him/it is always fighting; (i) to have the tendency
to fight
saġvaq(-) water current; (i) to have saġvaqsiuyuk harlequin duck (histrionicus
strong current (of river or ocean); (t) to histrionicus)
drift with the current; (t) for it to be
carried away by ocean or river current
tiglik- to steal (her/him/it) tigliyuk(-) (i) to steal regularly, habitually;
one who steals regularly, thief
tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to tigguyuk thief, robber
take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it

tuqut- (t) to kill her/him/it @ tuqutchI- tuqutchigayuk- (i) to be good at killing; to
kill frequently
tuggaq- (t) to prod, poke, push tuggayuk wasp, hornet, yellow jacket
her/him/it away or off with a pole or (insect)
ugiaq- (i) to fight (of animals); (t) to ugiayuk(-) any animal that is fierce and
maul her/him/it (of animal) tends to maul others; (i) to be fierce (of an
uqpiksiuġayuk savannah sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis)
uumitchak- (i) to become angry, mad uumitchayukpaitchutin
maligniaŋitchutin you tend to get angry so
you will not come
uviñŋiaq- or uviñŋiuq- (i) to whistle uviñŋiaġayuk insect song

+yuma-1 vv to be eager and/or willing to V

+yuma- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+suma- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kuma- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuġuma- to be willing to help (her/him)
» ikayuġumasuuruq he is always willing to
isaguti- to start, begin doing something isagutiyuma- (i) to be eager to begin »
(to her/him/it) isagutiyumagaluaqtut, kiitaaŋaitkait they
are willing and eager to begin, but they
haven't been given the go-ahead yet
it- (i) to exist; (i) to be; (i) to be present; itchuma- (i) to be eager to be present, to be
(i) to stay here
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savakkuma- or savaguma- (i) to be willing
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; to work
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+yuma-2 vv
1. (the short form of the present indicative intransitive verb endings and the transitive
indicative endings are used with this definition; the verb in apposition is usually in
Imperative or Optative) do, so that one may V
2. (the Imperative or Optative verb endings are used with this definition) should
definitely V
+yuma- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+suma- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kuma- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
akilIt- (t) to pay her/him a wage » akilitchumagaasik ullautisitchik go over
to him, so that he can pay youd;
akilitchumagiñ, quviasukkumauq you

should definitely pay him, so that he will be
akilitchumagiñ aikpan you should
definitely pay him, when he returns home
atuq-2 to use (it); to wear (it) » naarruŋ, atuġumagaa finish it, so that he
may use it
iki-1 or iku- (i) to position or place » nutqaqta, ikuyumauq let's stop, so that
oneself into a container or a conveyance; she can get in
(t) to place or put her/him/it into a
container or conveyance
malik- to follow, accompany » naatchiliqtuulaluk, malikkumauguk let
(her/him/it) usd finish quickly, so we can come along
miquq- to sew (it) » utiġuviñ, una miquġumagiñ when you
return, you should sew this
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) » aarruŋ, savakkumagaa take it over so
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; that he can work on it
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+yumaaq- vv (limited) intends, plans to V

+yumaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+sumaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kumaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġumaaq- (i) intends to enter; (t) intends to
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it enter it
inside, to place it inside
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire piyumaaq- (i) intends to do the action; (t)
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to intends to take it
her/him; an entity
tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one's tikitchumaaq- (i) intends to arrive; (t)
destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it intends to reach her/him/it
tilak- to mop or scrub (it = large surface tilakkumaaq- intends, plans to mop, wash
area) (it)

+yumaatchIq- vv to decide to V
+yumaatchIq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+sumaatchIq- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kumaatchIq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchumaatchiq- (i) to decide to run »
aqpatchumaatchiqsuaq illuni
aqpanniaqsimamman she decided to run,
because her cross cousin was also running
iku- (i) to get into a container or a ikuyumaatchiq- (i) to decide to board; (t) to
conveyance, to board; (t) to place or put decide to place her/him/it into a container or
her/him/it into a container or conveyance conveyance » ikuyumaatchiqsuq,

nutqaqpata she decided to board when they
ilisaq- to study or practice (it) ilisaġumaatchiq- to decide to study (it)
ilisaġumaatchiqsuagni unnuapak wed
decided to study all night
malik- to follow, accompany maligumaatchiq- (i) to decide to come
(her/him/it) along; (t) to decide to follow her/him/it

+yumalaaq- vv to be set, ready to V with anticipation or enthusiasm

+yumalaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+sumalaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kumalaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
aqpat- (i) to run (of a human) aqpatchumaalaaq- (i) to look forward to
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuġumalaaq- to be all set to help
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makitchumalaaq- (i) to be all set to stand
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright up
miquq- to sew (it) miquġumaaq- to be all set to sew (it)
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiyumalaaq- to look forward to eating (it)
» niġiyumalaaqtut miqłiqtut igaaġnik the
children are all set to eat whatever you have
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagumalaaq- or savakkumalaaq- to be
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; set to work (on it)
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+yumiñaq- vv be permissible, possible, alright to V

+yumiñaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+sumiñaq- restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kumiñaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
aglak(-) a letter character; print pattern; aglakkumiñaq- may write (it) »
(Ti) a letter sent by mail; to write (it); (i) aglakkumiñaġaa uvuŋa he may write it
to vote by secret ballot here
atuq- to use (it); to wear (it) atuġumiñaq- may use (it) » atuġumiñaġiñ
it is okay for you to use it
isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; isiġumiñaq- may enter
(t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it
inside, to place it inside
makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of makichumiñaq- (i)
bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright makitchumiñaqtuguk aquvitkanikpan
wed can stand up after he sits down
niġi- [niġI] to eat (it) niġiyumiñaqtut they can eat

+yumman vn the intent, desire or willingness to V
+yumman restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel
+summan restricted to verb stems which end in t (note:ts → tch)
+kumman restricted to verb stems which end in k or q (note: q+k→ġ)
ikayuq- to help (her/him/it) ikayuġumman willingness to help »
ikayuġummataitchuq he has no desire to
ilau- (i) to be included, be a member; to ilauyumman desire to be a member, to be
have many relatives (Ti) to receive included
shares of a whale; (t) to include her/him;
(Ti) to give her/him shares of whale
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savagumman desire to work
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial

+yummiuqpak- vv (limited) (Ti) to really want to V

aġvaktaġi- (t) to kill, catch it = whale aġvaktaġiyummiuqpak- (t) to really want
to catch this type of a whale

-yunaq- vv to be easy, pleasing to V

-yunaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q
+suġnaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel or t
ikaaq- to cross over (it) ikaayunaq- (i) to be easy to cross
ikuk- to scrape (it = animal skin); (t) to ikuyunaq- (i) to be easy to scrape
tan (skin) by scraping it
ila(-) relative by blood, marriage, or ilasuġnaq- (i) to be easy to add something to
name; companion, friend, partner; part
of a whole; (i) to get a co-participant,
co-member; (i) to become extended,
receive a new addition, e.g., of a house,
family, or institution; (t) to add on to it;
(t) to come and be a co-participant with
kiiraq- to crimp (it = boot sole) kiirayunaq- (i) to be easy to crimp
kukiu- to cook (it) kukiusuġnaq- (i) to be easy to cook; (i) to
be easy to cook with (of stove)
qiñiq- to look at, watch (her/him/it) qiñiyunaq- or (Nu) qiñiyuġnaq- or
qiññaġIk- (i) to be pretty, pleasing to the
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savayunaq- (i) to be easy and pleasing to
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; work on
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =

corpse for burial
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuyuġnaq- or tautuyunaq- (i) to be
beautiful, good-looking
tili- [tilI] (t) to send her/him on an tilisuġnaq- (i) to not be difficult to send on
errand; (t) to tell her/him to do an errand (is always willing)
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqayunaq- (i) to be easy to talk to; (i) to be
leg-hold trap which when stepped on receptive to advice
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

-yuq- vv to do a good job of V-ing; to V well | rel -yu- vv

-yuq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q
+suq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel or t
aula- (i) to move around, show aulasuq- (i) to be graceful
movement, be in motion
kiiraq- to crimp (it = boot sole) kiirayuq- (i) to be good at crimping boot
soles » igña samma aġnaq kiirayuqtuq
that woman over there does a very nice job
of crimping soles for boots
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savayuq- (i) to produce nice work
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it;
(i) to be working, operating properly (of
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it =
corpse for burial
uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of uqayuq- (i) to be a convincing speaker »
leg-hold trap which when stepped on uqayuġmivlunilu uumiñaqtuq it’s
trips the trap; (i) to talk; (t) to keep frustrating, but he is a smooth talker
talking to her/him for the purpose of
advising her/him on the proper way to

+yuq n (limited) final suffix of some nouns

avyuq(-) cloud of dust, smoke, mist, steam;
hot humid weather (after a rain storm) (i) to
smoke, steam, be dusty (of air)
kanayuq sculpin, “fourhorn slimy”
(Myoxocephalus quadricornis Cottus
kayuq (Nu) outside of upper arm above the
point of the elbow
naulayuq (Nu) least weasel (Mustela rixosa)
nigayuq open water surrounded by ice
piŋasut number three piŋayuq a third one

*qaa (root) repulsion qaayuġi- (Ti) (t) to be squeamish about
qayuq boiled blood broth; tea
tuuyuq downy woodpecker (Dendrocopus
tiŋak pubic hair tiŋayuq or (Nu) tiŋayuk long white hanging
hair (“beard”) under chin of reindeer,
caribou or moose

-yuqtilaaq- vv (i) to V to one's best; (t) to measure her/his/its ability to V

-yuqtilaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in k or q
+suqtilaaq- restricted to verb stems which end in a vowel or t
atuq-1 to sing (it) atuyuqtilaaq- to sing (it) to one's best; (t) to
measure her/his/its ability to sing »
atuyuqtilaaġaa qamma he is giving her a
test to see how well she can sing in there
miquq- to sew (it) miquyuqtilaaq- to sew (it) to one's best; (t)
to measure her/his/its ability to sew »
miquyuqtilaaqtuŋa-liuvva I am sewing as
well as I can
pi(-) [pI] (t) to take, get, procure, acquire pisuqtilaaq- (i) to perform (it = task) to
her/him/it; (t) to do it; (t) to say to one's best; (t) to measure her/his/its ability
her/him; an entity to perform » pisuqtilaaġiñ do your best
pilak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to pilayuqtilaaq- to butcher (it = carcass ) to
butcher it = a carcass one's best; (t) to measure her/his/its ability
to bitcher it » pilayuqtilaaġuŋ see how well
you can butcher it
savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it;(t) savayuqtilaaq- (t) to measure her/his ability
to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; to work; (i) to do one’s best to work on
(i) to be working, operating properly (of something » savayuqtilaaġaa she is testing
a machine/engine); (t) to prepare it = him to see how well he can do the work
corpse for burial

+yuummIq- vv (limited)to feel V | +yuk(-) vv :uq-2 vv -mmIq- vv

uqit- [uqIt] (i) to be light (in weight) uqigyuummiq- (i) to feel light of body,
giddy (especially when worries abate or
vanish, or when one is eager to do
something one enjoys doing)

+yyaaq(-) vn, vv (limited) something that is V

auma- (i) to be thawed aumayyaaq(-) something not yet frozen (as
freshly killed game); (i) to be partially
thawed (of meat)
nauyyaaq2 enamelware; enamel utensil; a
painted dish, painted crockery
tipi odor tipayyaaq(-) meat which has been aged

slightly and then cooked; (i) to become
slightly aged (of meat)

+yyak- or ‘-yyak- vv (limited) to begin to V | perhaps +ya-1 vv ’-k-2 vv

aula- (i) to move around, show aulayyak- (i) to move, to budge
movement, be in motion
uŋa- (i) to act as if one wants to be loved uŋŋayyak- (i) to regress temporarily to
and cuddled (esp., of a child) infantile behavior to get attention or in
response to prompting from parent (of child);
(i) to be cranky, sensing that her/his mother
is pregnant with a second child (of child)

-yyaq vn (limited) item made out of N or by V-ing | -ya(q) rn

aniu packed snow aniguyyaq or (Nu) anigutyaq snow shelter;
winter den (for female polar bear)
api- to become snow-covered (of apuyyaq or (Nu) aputyaq snow block
landscape, ground); (t) for it to become shelter; snow patch; snow house
piŋu(-) isolated ice mound, knoll; dome, piŋuyyaq (Ti) itchy, allergic type bump or
isolated hill; pimple, swelling on skin; pimple
swell (crestless wave or succession of
waves); (i) to develop a pimple; to form
swells (of ocean)
qiku clay qikuyyaq (Ti) or qikutyaq clay; clay
utensil, pottery
sau- [sa u] to cover (her/him/it) with saggutyaq (Nu) snow house made of soft,
snow, sand, or earth, layer by layer; (t) to new snow
skirt it = traditional house with snow

+yyaq- or ’yyaq- vv to go and V § +iaq-1 vv

Iñupiatun Uqaluit Isuŋit
Iñupiaq Word Endings

Uqallagautit Nalunaiġutiŋillu Isuŋillu

Verb Moods and Endings

Atiqausit Isuŋit
Noun Cases

1. Uqallagautit Nalunaiġutiŋillu Isuŋillu
Verb Moods and Endings

Verb moods express “the attitudes of the speaker towards the factual content of
the utterance” (Crystal: 223). In Iñupiaq, these attitudes are expressed by contrasting
inflectional endings of the verb usually in combination with a mood marker (a suffix)
indicating whether the speaker is asking a question, making a statement, a request, or a
command. Mood markers are also used to modify the attitude expressed in the main
verb. They may express possibility, uncertainty, conditionality, consequentiality, etc.
Mood markers also express whether the utterance is complete (contains an independent
verb) or not complete (contains a dependent verb).

A. Independent Verb Moods

Independent verbs state the main action. The Independent Verb moods in Iñupiaq
include the Interrogative, the Indicatives I and II, the Participials I, II and III, the
Kiisaimmaa, the Imperative I and II (affirmative and negative), and the Optative.

When a speaker expresses a statement, it is stated in the Indicative Mood,

Participle Mood, or the Kiisaimmaa Mood. The Indicative Mood is used to express a
present event, the Participle Mood is used to express a past event, and the Kiisaimmaa
Mood is use to express the final act, or the last event.

When a speaker or writer asks a question, the Interrogative Mood or the Optative
Mood (with rising final intonation) is used.

When a speaker or writer expresses a command, the Imperative Mood is used.

When a speaker expresses a suggestion or request, the Optative Mood is used.

Here is a presentation of the Iñupiaq Independent Verb names, mood markers and
their definitions, followed by Iñupiaq sentence examples and translations in English.

INDEPENDENT States the Main Action

Name of Mood Mood Marker, Definition and Examples:

Interrogative Mood +p/va- or +p/vi- is/did V (her/him/it)

niġivauŋ is she eating it/did she eat it
niġiva is she eating/did she eat
isiqpiuŋ did you bring it in
isiqpiñ did you enter
Indicative Mood I (t) +k/ga- or +k/gi- is V-ing her/him/it; (i) +t/ru- is V-ing
niġigaa she is eating it
niġiruq she is eating
tautukkiga I see it

tautuktuŋa I see (something)
Indicative Mood II (t) +sugaaq- or (i) +sugau- don’t you remember that… or
(excl) finally despite all odds or the time it took, the subject Vs
aitchuqsugaatin ukiaq don’t you recall that she gave you one
last fall
tikitchugaugut oh, we finally arrived
Participle Mood I (t) +t/raq- did V her/him/it;(i) +t/rua- did V
niġiraa she ate it
niġiruaq she ate
isiqtaġa I brought it in
isiqtuaŋa I entered
Participle Mood II (t) +kkaq did V her/him/it
niġikkaŋa she did eat it
niġikkaġa I ate it
Participle Mood III +k/galuaq- + Participle I did V(her/him/it), but…
niġigaluaqtaŋa she ate it, but…
niġigaluaqtuaq she ate, but…
tautukkaluaqtaġa I saw it, but…
tautukkaluaqtuaŋa I saw something, but…
Kiisaimmaa Mood (i) +p/vu- finally did V; (t) +p/va- finally did V her/him/it
kiisaimmaa niġivaa finally, she ate it
kiisaimmaa niġivuq she finally ate
kiisaimmaa tautukpaġa finally, I saw it
kiisaimmaa tautukpuŋa I finally saw (something)
Imperative Mood See (Optative – Imperative Mood Paradigm)
niġġiiñ (yous) eat
niġġiuŋ (yous) eat it
niġisitchi you all eat
Optative Mood +la or lI- let her/him/it V (her/him/it); should she/he/it V
niġili let her eat; should she eat
niġilitku let themd eat it; should theyd eat it
niġisa let’s eat; should we begin eating
tautuglagu let me see it; should I look at it
Negative Imperative +na- do not V (her/him/t)
isiġnak (yous) do not enter!
isiġnatku (youd) do not bring it in

The independent mood markers are presented below following the sequencing of
symbols in the Iñupiat Atchagat, the “Iñupiat Alphabet.”

+k/ga- or +k/gi- (t) is V-ing her/him/it Indicative I Mood

+k/galuaq- + Participle I Mood endings did V (her/him/it), Participle Mood III
+kkaq (t) did V her/him/it Participle Mood II
+la or lI- let her/him/it V (her/him/it) Optative Mood
+na- do not V (her/him/t) Negative Imperative

+p/va- or +p/vi- is/did V (her/him/it) Interrogative Mood
+p/va- (t) finally did V her/him/it Kiisaimmaa Mood
+p/vu- (i) finally did V Kiisaimmaa Mood
+sugau- (i) or +sugaaq- (t) don’t you remember that… or Indicative Mood II
(excl.) finally despite all odds, the subject Vs (her/him/it)
+t/raq- (t) did V her/him/it Participle Mood I
+t/ru- (i) is V-ing Indicative I Mood
+t/rua- (i) did V Participle Mood I

The Independent Mood markers and their endings are presented in the following
charts. The person and number of the subject are indicated on the right side of the chart
and the person and number of the object is indicated on the topside of the chart.
Numerals 1, 2, 3 respectively stand for the first person, second person, and the third
person. The subscripts s, d, and p respectively indicate the singular, dual, and the plural
number of either the subject or the object. The uppercase letter R following the numeral
3 indicates co-reference between the subjects of the dependent verb and the independent
verb. Intransitive endings for each mood are presented in the chart to the right of the
transitive endings. In those pages where there is no room for the intransitive chart, it is
presented on the following page.

The Indicative Moods I and II, the Participle Moods I and II, and the Kiisaimmaa
Mood use variations of the same set of endings.

The Interrogative Mood, the Optative-Imperative Mood, and the Negative

Optative-Imperative Mood use variations of the same set of endings.



Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p ENDINGS
gu gik gI(t) giñ sik sI 1s k

sigu sigik sigiŋ1 sigiñ ↓ ↓ 1d S ñuk

↓ ↓ ← sigiŋ1 ↓ ↓ ↓ 1p U sa

+p/v I uŋ gik gI(t) ŋa siguk sigut 2s B p/vI ñ

tku sigik sigiŋ1 siŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J sik

siuŋ ↓ ← sigiŋ1 siñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E si

uŋ gik gI(t) tin sik sI ŋa tiguk tigut 3s C ∅

a tku tigik2 → ↓ ↓ ↓ ŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3d T p/va k

rruŋ ← tigiŋ1 ↓ ↓ ↓ nŋa ↓ ↓ 3p t

alternate ending is sigik.
alternate ending is tkik.

Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p ENDINGS
ga kka tka kpiñ vsik vsI 1s ŋa
I+ kpuk ← vuk ↑ ↓ ↓ 1d S guk
kput ← vut vsigiñ3 ↓ ↓ 1p U gut

n kkiñ tin ŋma4 vsiguk6 vsigut7 2s B tin

+k/g I+ ksik ← sik vsiŋŋa5 ↓ ↓ 2d J +t/ru sik
ksi ← si vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E sI
a ik I atin asik asI aŋa atiguk atigut 3s C q
a+ ak ↓← ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ aŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3d T k
at ↓← It1 ↓ ↓ ↓ anŋa ↓ ↓ 3p t

strong I palatalizes t → [ṭ] (written t, or ch when aspirated). sometimes ptiŋŋa.
sometimes ptik. sometimes ptiguk.
sometimes ptigiñ. sometimes ptigut.
sometimes gma.

“don’t you remember, that...”
“finally, despite all odds or the time it took, the subject Vs”

Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p ENDINGS
+ga -kka -tka +kpiñ -vsik2 -vsI 1s ŋa
+kpuk ← vuk ↑ ↓ ↓ 1d S guk
+kput ← vut -vsigiñ3 ↓ ↓ 1p U gut

-n -kkiñ -tin +ŋma4 -vsiguk6 -vsigut7 2s B tin

+sugaaq- +ksik ← sik -vsiŋŋa5 ↓ ↓ 2d J +sugau- sik
+ksi ← si -vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E sI
-ŋa -ŋik -ŋI -ŋatin -ŋasik -ŋasI -ŋanI -ŋatiguk -ŋatigut 3s C q
-ŋak ↓← ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ -ŋaŋnI ↓ ↓ 3d T k
-ŋat ↓← It1 ↓ ↓ ↓ -ŋannI ↓ ↓ 3p t

strong I palatalizes t → [ṭ] (written t, or ch when aspirated). sometimes -ptiŋŋa.
sometimes -ptik. sometimes -ptiguk.
sometimes -ptigiñ. sometimes -ptigut.
sometimes +gma.


Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p INTRANSITIVE
+ga -kka -tka +kpiñ -vsik -vsI 1s ŋa

+kpuk ← -vuk ↑ ↓ ↓ 1d S guk

+kput ← -vut -vsigiñ ↓ ↓ 1p U gut

-n -kkiñ -tin +ŋma -vsiguk -vsigut 2s B tin

+t/raq1 +ksik ← -sik -vsiŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J +t/rua sik

+ksI ← -sI -vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E sI

-(ŋ)a -(ŋ)ik -(ŋ)I -(ŋ)atin -(ŋ)asik -(ŋ)asI -(ŋ)anI -(ŋ)atiguk -(ŋ)atigut 3s C q

-(ŋ)ak ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ -(ŋ)aŋnI ↓ ↓ 3d T k
-(ŋ)at ↓ -(ŋ)It2 ↓ ↓ ↓ -(ŋ)annI ↓ ↓ 3p t

alternative mood marker -kkaq identified as Participial II.
strong I palatalizes t → [ṭ] (written t, or ch when aspirated).

Other Moods using this paradigm of verb endings:

Participle III: +k/galuaq + Participial I endings “did V (her/him/it), but....”


Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p ENDINGS
+ga -kka -tka +kpiñ -vsik -vsI 1s ŋa
+kpuk ← -vuk ↑ ↓ ↓ 1d S guk
+kput ← -vut -vsigiñ ↓ ↓ 1p U gut

-n -kkiñ -tin +ŋma -vsiguk -vsigut 2s B tin

+p/vaq +ksik ← -sik -vsiŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J +p/vu sik
+ksI ← -sI -vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E sI
-a -ik -I -atin -asik -asI -aŋa -atiguk -atigut 3s C q
-ak ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ -aŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3d T k
-at ↓ -It1 ↓ ↓ ↓ -anŋa ↓ ↓ 3p t


Mood 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p INTRANSITIVE
gu gik gi(t) giñ5 vsik7 vsI 1s +laŋa
+la kpuk vuk → vsigiñ6 ↓ ↓ 1d +luk
kput vut → vsigiñ ↓ ↓ 1p S +t/sa
‘uŋ1 kkI(t) ŋŋa siguk sigut 2s 1
U ‘iñ 2
uŋ2 +iñ
ruŋ3 B +tin3
gguuŋ4 +gguin4
tku tkik → siŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J +sitchik1
E +titchik3
siuŋ sigik → siñŋa8 ↓ ↓ 2p C +sitchI2

T +titchI3
uŋ gik gI(t) sin sik sI ŋa siguk sigut 3s +lI
+lI tku tkik → ↓ ↓ ↓ ŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3d +lik
rruŋ sigik → ↓ ↓ ↓ ñŋa ↓ ↓ 3p +lIt

1 4
restricted to two syllable verb stems with form (C)VCV. restricted to verb stems which end in a two vowel cluster.
2 5
restricted to verb stems which end in a k or q and to verb stems alternative form kpiñ.
with more than two syllables which end in a vowel; alternative form alternative form ptigiñ.
gittik. alternative form ptsik.
3 8
restricted to verb stems which end in a t. alternative form siŋa.


Mood 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p INTRANSITIVE
1s ŋa
1d S nuk
1p U ta
gu gik gI(t) ŋa siguk sigut 2s B k
+na tku tkik sigik siŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J +na sik

siuŋ sigik sigiŋ1 siñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E sI

3s C nI
3d T tik
3p tiŋ

alternative form -sigik

B. Dependent Verb Moods

Iñupiaq dependent verbs indicate how, when, or why the main action expressed
by an independent verb is done. Iñupiaq dependent verb moods include the
Subordinative, the Contemporatives I, II, III, and IV, the Negative Precessives I, II, and
III, the Concessive I, II, and III, Conditionals I and II, the Consequentials I and II, the
Successive, and the Customary Mood.

The Iñupiaq dependent verb names, mood markers and their definitions are
presented below, followed by Iñupiaq sentence examples and translations in English. The
terms “realized aspect” and “unrealized aspect” indicate the action depicted in the
dependent verb as either a completed event or an event that needs to be completed,

DEPENDENT VERB: Illustrates How, When, or Why the Main Action is Done
Name of Mood: Mood Marker, Definition and Examples
Subordinative Mood +vlu- and +łu- (realized aspect) by V-ing (her/him/it)
+lu- (unrealized aspect) by V-ing (her/him/it)
quviasukłuni itiqtuq he woke up happy
quviasugluni itiġniaqtuq he will wake up happy
naluvlugu atuŋitkiga I did not use it because I did not
know of it
nalulugu atuġniaŋitkiga I will not use it not knowing of
Contemporative Mood I +pkaqtiłłu- and +tiłłu- (realized aspect) +
Subordinative Mood endings: while V-ing (her/him/it)
+pkaqtillu- and +tillu- (unrealized aspect) +
Subordinative Mood endings: while V-ing (her/him/it)
aimmiuraaqtiłługu isiqtuaguk we entered while she
was at home
aimmiuraaqtillugu aŋuniaġiñ you will catch her
(while she is) at home
Contemporative Mood II -llaq- while simultaneously V-ing (her/him/it)
naalaktuallaan miquqtuq while listening to him, she is
miqullaġmi naalaktuaġai she is listening to them while
(she is) sewing
Contemporative Mood III -ŋŋaq- (durative or past) while V-ing (her/him/it)
uqautiŋŋaan unitchaġa I left him while she was still
talking to him
miquŋŋaġmi pialatqulaitkaatigut iglumi she does not
like for us to run around in the house while she is
Contemporative Mood IV -mmaq- while intermittently V-ing (her/him/it)
iglaqtuulammaġmi quliaqtuaġutiraatigut she told us
while intermittently having fits of laughter

Negative Precessive Mood I -ŋaunna- + Subordinative Mood Endings: not before or
without V-ing (her/him/it)
tautuŋaunnagu ukpiġiniaŋiññiraatigut he said he
would not believe us without witnessing or seeing it
katchuŋaunnani aniñiaŋiññiruaq she said she was not
leaving until she was totally satisfied
Negative Precessive Mood II +k/galuaqtinna- or ±ŋaisillu- + Contemporative I
Mood Endings: prior, before V-ing (her/him/it)
tautukkaluaqtinnagu igisimaraa or tautuŋaisillugu
igisimaraa he threw it away before she had seen it
Negative Precessive Mood III +k/galuaġna- Subordinative Mood Endings: without V-
ing (her/him/it)
tautukkaluaġnagu aniruaq she left without seeing him
Concessive Mood I +k/galuaqłu- + Subordinative Mood Endings: although
V-ing (her/him/it)
tautukkaluaqługu qanuŋiñmiuq although she saw
him, she did not do anything
Concessive Mood II +k/galuaq- + Consequential and Conditional Mood
endings: even when or even if one V-s (her/him/it)
uqallautigaluaġamni qanulaitchuq he does not
respond even when I tell him
uqallautigaluaġumni qanuġniaŋilgitchuq he will not
respond again even if I tell him
Concessive Mood III +k/galuaq- + Consequential and Conditional Mood
endings: because or seeing that one is V-ing (her/him/it)
aptanaġaluaġman unitchaġa I left him because he
creates so many tasks for me to do
Conditional Mood I +k/gu- or +kpa- + Consequential and Conditional
Mood endings: if or when (future) one V-s (her/him/it)
itiġumi uqallautiniaġaatin he will tell you when he
wakes up
itiqpan uqallautisaġiñ tell him when he wakes up
Conditional Mood II -tuaq- + Consequential and Conditional Mood endings:
if ever one V-s (her/him/it)
anituaġuvit malikataġniaġaatin if you ever go out, he
will chase you
Consequential Mood I +k/ga- or +mma- + Consequential and Conditional
Mood endings: when (habitual or past) one V-s
itiġami uqallautiraa he told her when he woke up
itiġman uqallautiraa he told her when she woke up
Consequential Mood II -tuaq + Consequential and Conditional Mood endings:
whenever, everytime one V-s (her/him/it)
annisituaġamiuŋ qaġġisisuugaa everytime she takes
him outside, she brings him here
anituaġami iglaŋaqpaguuruq everytime he goes

outside he always has a big smile on his face
Successive Mood I +kaluaq + Consequential and Conditional Mood
endings: after V-ing (her/him/it) for a while
aniiġutigaluaqamiuŋ utqutigaa after being outside
with her for a while, he brought her inside
aniiqsuaġaluaqami isiqtuq after being outside for a
while, he entered
Customary Mood +k/aiññi (t) customarily, traditionally, as a rule, when
one is V-ed
+t/runi (i) customarily, traditionally or as a rule, when
one V-s
ikayuġaiññi quyanaaġnaqtuq customarily when one is
given help, one says “thank you”
aarigaa uunaaliktuqtuni it is so good to eat fresh
cooked maktak

The dependent mood markers are presented below following the sequencing of
symbols in the Iñupiat Atchagat.

+k/ga- or +mma- +plus Consequential/Conditional Consequential Mood

endings: when (habitual or past) one V-s
+k/galuaġna- + plus Subordinative endings: without Negative Precessive Mood III
V-ing (her/him/it)
+k/galuaq + plus Consequential/Conditional endings: Concessive Mood II
even when or even if one V-s (her/him/it)
+k/galuaq + plus Consequential/Conditional endings: Concessive Mood III
because or seeing that one is V-ing (her/him/it)
+k/galuaq + plus Consequential/Conditional endings: Successive Mood I
after V-ing (her/him/it) for a while
+k/galuaqłu- + plus Subordinative endings: although Concessive Mood I
V-ing (her/him/it)
+k/galuaqtinna- or ±ŋaisillu- + plus Subordinative Negative Precessive Mood II
endings: prior, before V-ing (her/him/it)
+k/gu- or +kpa- + plus Consequential/Conditionl Conditional Mood
endings: (t) if or when (future) one V-s (her/him/it)
-llaq- + plus Contemporative II, III, IV endings: while Contemporative Mood II
simultaneously V-ing (her/him/it)
+lu- plus Subordinative endings: (unrealized aspect) Subordinative Mood
by V-ing (her/him/it)
+mma- + plus Consequential/Conditional endings: Consequential Mood
when (habitual or past) one V-s (her/him/it)
-mmaq- + plus Contemporative II, III, IV endings: Contemporative Mood IV
while intermittently V-ing (her/him/it)
±ŋaisillu- +plus Subordinative endings: prior, before Negative Precessive Mood II

V-ing (her/him/it)
-ŋŋaq- + plus Contemporative II, III, IV endings: Contemporative Mood III
(durative or past) while V-ing (her/him/it)
±ŋaunna +plus Subordinative endings: not before V- Negative Precessive Mood I
ing (her/him/it)
+pkaqtillu- or +tillu- + plus Contemporative I Contemporative Mood I
endings: (unrealized aspect) while V-ing (her/him/it)
+pkaqtiłłu- or +tiłłu- + plus Contemporative I Contemporative Mood I
endings: (realized aspect) while V-ing (her/him/it)
-tuaq + plus Consequential/Conditional Mood endings Conditional Mood II
if ever one V-s (her/him/it)
-tuaq + plus Consequential/Consequential Mood Consequential Mood II
endings: whenever, everytime one V-s (her/him/it)
+vlu- or +łu- +plus Subordinative endings: (realized Subordinative Mood
aspect) by V-ing (her/him/it)

The dependent mood markers and their endings are presented in the following
charts. The person and number of the subject are indicated on the right side of the chart
and the person and number of the object are indicated on the top side of the chart.
Numerals 1, 2, 3 respectively stand for the first person, second person, and the third
person. The subscripts s, d, and p respectively indicate the singular, dual, and the plural
number of either the subject or the object. The uppercase letter R following the numeral
3 indicates coreference (reflexive) between the subjects of the dependent verb and the
independent verb. Intransitive endings for each mood are presented in the chart to the
right of the transitive endings. In those pages where there is no room for the intransitive
chart, it is presented on the following page.

The Consequential and Condictional Moods and the Contemporative Moods II,
III, and IV use variations of the same set of endings which represent person(s) and

The Subordinative Mood uses a subset of the Optative-Imperative set of endings

which represent person(s) and number.


Mood Mood Mood
Aspect Marker 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p Marker
gu gik gi(t) tin sik3 si ŋa nuk ta 1s ŋa
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1d S nuk
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1p ta
Realized: +vlu1 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2s B vlu
Unrealized: +lu2 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2d J lu2 sik
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2p sI
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3s C ni
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3d T tik
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3p tiŋ
attached to verb stems which end in a vowel; other forms of “realized” aspect: for verb stems with final consonants k add ł → kł which may
→[x], written kh; and for verb stems with final consonant q add ł → qł which may →[X], written qh.
attached to verb stems which end in a vowel; other forms of “unrealized” aspect: for verb stems with final consonants k or q add l → gl and ġl which may → g
and ġ, respectively.
altenative form is tik.

Other Moods that use this paradigm of verb endings:

Negative Precessive Mood I: -ŋaunna- “not before.” Negative Precessive Mood II: +kaluaqtinna- or ±ŋaisillu- “prior, before.”
Negative Precessive Mood III: +kaluaġna- “without.” Concessive Mood I: +kaluaqłu- “although.”


Mood Mood
Marker 3s 3d 3p 3Rs 3Rd 3Rp 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p Marker
nI tik tiŋ gu gik gI(t) tin sik3 sI ŋa nuk ta 1s Realized: ŋa
Realized: ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1d S mtiłłu nuk
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1p +pkaqłu ta
2 U
nI tik tiŋ gu gik gI(t) ŋa nuk ta 2s B tin
or ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2d J or sik
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2p sI
Unrealized: nI tik tiŋ tin sik3 sI ŋa nuk ta 3s C Unrealized: gu
1 1
mtillu ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3d T mtillu gik
+pkaġlu ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3p +pkaġlu gI(t)

Symbol R in 3R Subject indicates co-reference (subject of the dependent verb is the same referent as the subject of the independent verb).
Symbol R in 3R Object indicates co-reference (subject of the independent verb is the same referent as the object of the dependent verb).
attached to verb stems which end in a consonant.
attached to verb stems which end in a vowel.
altenative form is tik.
in the same time frame “while.”

Other Mood that use this paradigm of verb endings:



3s 3d 3p 3Rs 3Rd 3Rp 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p
mni ptik ptiŋ4 pku pkik pkI(t) pkiñ vsik vsI 1s

-llaq1 ptigni ptigik ptigiŋ ptigu ptigik ptigiŋ vsigiñ ptik ↓ 1d S

ptinni ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ptik ↓ 1p U
pku pkik pkI(t) pku pkik pkI(t) mŋa vsiguk vsigut 2s B
-ŋŋaq2 ptitku ptitkik vsigiŋ vsitku1 vsigik vsigiŋ vsiŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d J
vsiuŋ ↓ ↓ vsiuŋ ↓ ↓ vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p E
miuŋ migik migi(t) misin misik misI miŋa misiguk misigut 3Rs C
-mmaq3 mitku mitkik misigik ↓ ↓ ↓ miŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3Rd T
mirruŋ misigik misigiŋ ↓ ↓ ↓ miñŋa ↓ ↓ 3Rp

Symbol R in 3R indicates co-reference (subject of the dependent verb is the same referent as the subject of the independent verb).
Contemporative Mood II “while simultaneously.”
Contemporative Mood III ”durative or past while.”
Contemporative Mood IV ”while intermittently.”
alternative form –ptik.
see Transitive Contemporative Mood II Alternate Endings for Intransitive Endings.

Mood 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p ENDINGS

-an -agnik -isa +piñ -vsik -vsI 1s +ma

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1d S -mnuk
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1p U -pta
-llaq1 -an -agnik -isa +ma -mnuk -pta 2s B +piñ
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2d J -llaq -vsik
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2p E -vsI
-an -agnik -isa +piñ -vsik -vsI +ma -mnuk -pta 3s C +mi
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3d T +mik
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 3p +miŋ

”while simultaneously.”

Other Moods using this paradigm of verb endings:

Contemporative Mood III: -ŋŋaq- “durative or past while.”
Contemporative Mood IV: -mmaq- “while intermittently.”
Inquiry Mood: +mmagaaq- “check to see if.”


Mood 3Rs 3Rd 3Rp 3s 3d 3p 2s 2d 2p 1s 1d 1p
mni ptik ptiŋ pku pkik pkI(t) pkiñ vsik vsI 1s
ptigni ptigik ptigiŋ ptigu ptigik ptigiŋ4 ptigiñ ↓ ↓ 1d
+k/gu1 ptinni ptigik ptigiŋ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1p S
+k/ga2 pku pkik pkI(t) pku pkik pkI(t) mŋa vsiguk vsigut 2s U
ptitku ptitkik → ptitku ptitkik → vsiŋŋa ↓ ↓ 2d B
vsiuŋ vsigik vsigiŋ vsiuŋ vsigik vsigiŋ vsiñŋa ↓ ↓ 2p J
+kpa ni tik tiŋ gu3 gik gI(t) tin sik sI ŋa tiguk tigut 3s E
+mma2 ŋni ↓ ↓ tku tkik → ↓ ↓ ↓ ŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3d C
nni ↓ ↓ rruŋ tigik tigiŋ ↓ ↓ ↓ nŋa ↓ ↓ 3p T
k/gu1 miuŋ migik migI(t) misin misik misI miŋa misiguk misigut 3Rs
k/ga2 mitku mitkik → ↓ ↓ ↓ miŋŋa ↓ ↓ 3Rd
mirruŋ misigik misigiŋ ↓ ↓ ↓ miñŋa ↓ ↓ 3Rp
Symbol R in 3R Subject indicates co-reference (subject of the independent verb is the same referent as the subject of the dependent verb).
Symbol R in 3R Object indicates co-reference (subject of the independent verb is the same referent as the object of the dependent verb).
Conditional Mood marker expressing the “unrealized” aspect of “when.”
Consequential Mood marker expressing the “realized” aspect of “when.”
alternative form [uŋ].
alternative form [viṭ] or [vich] when aspirated.

Other Moods using this paradigm of verb endings:

Concessive II: +kaluaq- “even if” and “even when”, respectively.
Concessive III: +kaluaq + Consequential endings, “because, seeing that.”
Consequential Mood II: -tuaq + Consequential endings, “everytime when, whenever.”
Conditional Mood II: -tuaq + Conditional endings, “if ever.”
Successive Mood: +kaluaq + Consequential endings, “after a while.”


Mood Marker
ma 1s
mnuk 1d
+k/gu1 pta 1p S
2 4
+k/ga viñ 2s U
vsik 2d B
vsI 2p J
+kpa n 3s E
+mma2 ŋnik 3d C
ta 3p T
k/gu1 mI 3RS
k/ga2 mik 3RD
miŋ5 3RP

Symbol R in 3R Subject indicates co-reference (subject of the independent verb is the same referent as the subject of the dependent verb).
Conditional mood marker expressing the “unrealized” aspect of “when.”
Consequential mood marker expressing the “realized” aspect of “when.”
alternative form [viṭ] or [vich] when aspirated.
alternative form [mik].
Other Moods using this paradigm of verb endings:
Concessive II: +kaluaq- “even if” and “even when,” respectively.
Concessive III: +kaluaq + Consequential endings, “because, seeing that.”
Consequential Mood II: -tuaq + Consequential endings, “everytime when, whenever.”
Conditional Mood II: -tuaq + Conditional endings, “if ever.”
Successive Mood: +kaluaq + Consequential endings, “after a while.”

2. Atiqausit Isuŋit
Noun Cases

Nouns in Iñupiaq are marked for singular, dual, or plural number and for case.
Iñupiaq has eight noun cases – the Absolutive, the Relative, the Locative, the Ablative,
the Modalis, the Terminalis, the Similaris, and the Vialis. The Absolutive and Relative
noun cases function as subjects, objects, or possessors of other nouns in Iñupiaq sentence
constructions. The Locative, the Ablative, the Modalis, the Terminalis, the Similaris, and
the Vialis function as prepositions do in English.

A. Absolutive Case

A noun in the Absolutive Case is the name of a referent and as such functions as
the subject of an intransitive verb and the direct object of a transitive verb. All personal
names are in the Absolutive Case.

Here are examples of nouns in the Absolutive Case in their singular, dual, and
plural forms.
Singular Dual Plural
woman aġnaq aġnak aġnat
man aŋun aŋutik aŋutit
car qamun qamutik qamutit
dog qimmiq qimmik qimmit
house house igluk iglut
tent tupiq tuppak tupqit

Here are sentence examples with the Absolutive Case.

Subject of Intransitive Verb:
Aŋun qamutiqaqtuq. The man has a car.
Aġnaq ikayuqtuq. The woman is helping.
Qamun nutqaqtuq. The car stopped.
Qimmits nutqaqtuq. The dog stopped.
Iglu kaviqsuq. The house is red
Tuppak qanittuk. The tentsd are close by.
Direct Object of Transitive Verb:
Ikayuġaa aġnaq. He is helping the woman.
Nutqaqtitkaa aŋun. She stopped the man.
Niġipkaġaa qimmiq. He is feeding the dog.
Nutqaqtitkaa qamun. She stopped the car.
Tautukkikka tuppak. I see the tentsd.
Iglut tautukkai. He sees the houses.

Absolutive Case nouns may be possessed. The following possessive endings may
be attached to nouns in the Absolutive Case.


s d p
s +[g]a1 -(k)ka -tka
P 1 d +kpuk -vuk -vuk
O p +kput -vut -vut
2 3
S s -n/:iñ ‘-(k)kiñ -tin
S 2 d +ksIk -sIk -sIk
E p +ksI -sI -sI
S s -ŋa4 -ŋik5 -ŋI(t)6
7 8
S 3 d -ŋak -ŋIk -ŋIk9
O p -ŋat10 -ŋIt11 -ŋIt11
R s -nI dual+nI -nI12
3Rf d +ktik -tik -tik
p +ktiŋ -tiŋ -tiŋ
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the subject of the independent intransitive verb has a reflexive
relationship with the subject of the dependent intransitive verb; or the subject of the independent transitive
verb has a reflective relationship with the object of the verb.
1 4
Consonant g inside the brackets [ ] is used with Alternate form :a.
nouns with vowel finals; stem final consonants q Alternate form ‘-k.
and k soften to g and ġ, respectively. Alternate form :It.
2 7
Possessed ending -n is used with singular Alternate form :ak.
absolutive nouns which end in a weak consonant; Alternate form ‘-k.
ending -iñ is used with singular absolutive nouns Alternate form :It.
which end in a strong consonant k or Q. Alternate form :at.
3 11
Gemination indicated by the apostrophe (‘) is Alternate form :It.
optional. Alternate form ‘=I.
Alternate form –riŋ.

Here are sentence examples using the Absolutive Case Possessive Endings.
Possessor of Subject Qamutiŋa nutqaqtuq. Her car stopped.
of Intransitive Verb: or
Qamutaa nutqaqtuq.
Igluŋa kaviqsuq. Her house is red.
Iglua kaviqsuq.
Possessor of Object Nutqaqtitkaa qamutiŋa. He stopped her car.
of Transitive Verb: or
Nutqaqtitkaa qamutaa.
Tautukkiga igluŋa. I see her house.
Tautukkiga iglua.

B. Relative Case

A noun in the Relative Case is also the name of a referent (noun) and as such
functions as the subject of a transitive verb and the possessor of another noun. Singular
nouns in the Relative Case are marked with “m” or “um.” The dual and plural nouns in
Relative Case are not distinguishable from their counterparts in the Absolutive Case
except in function.

Here are examples of nouns in Relative Case in their singular, dual, and plural
Singular Dual Plural
woman aġnam aġnak aġnat
man aŋutim aŋutik aŋutit
car qamutim qamutik qamutit
dog qimmim qimmik qimmit

Here are several sentence examples with the Relative Case.

Subject of Aġnam ikayuġaa. The woman is helping him.
Aŋutim ikayuġaa. The man is helping her.
Possessor of aġnam qamutiŋa or the woman’s car
Possessed aġnam qamutaa
aŋutim qimmiŋa or the man’s dog
aŋutim qimmia

Relative Case nouns may be possessors of other nouns. The following

possessor/possessed endings may be attached to nouns in the singular Absolutive Case.


s d p
s +gma1 (dual) +ma +gma1
P 1 d -mnuk -mnuk -mnuk
O p -pta -pta -pta
S s +kpIt/ñ (dual) +kpIt/ñ +kpIt/ñ2
3 3
S 2 d -vsik -vsik -vsik3
E p -vsI -vsI -vsI
S s -ŋata -ŋiksa -ŋI(t) or :It
S 3 d -ŋakta5 -ŋIksa -ŋIksa8
O p -ŋatta6 -ŋisa7 -ŋisa
R s ÷mI dual +mI ÷nI
3R d ÷mik ÷mik ÷mik
9 9
p ÷miŋ ÷miŋ ÷miŋ9

Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the subject of the transitive verb has a reflexive relationship with the
possessor of the direct object; the subject of the independent verb has a reflexive relationship with the
possessor of the subject of the dependent verb.
1 6
Alternate form +ŋma. Alternate form :atta.
2 7
Alternate form +vIt/ñ. Alternate form -ŋiksa; (Nu) -kisa.
3 8
Alternate form -ptik. Alternate form -ŋisa.
4 9
Alternate forms -ŋan or :an or :ata. Alternate form ÷mik.
Alternate form :akta.

Here are two sentence examples using the Relative Case Possessive Endings.
Possessor of Subject of Aakagma tautuktaa. My mother saw it.
Transitive Verb:
Aakagma nukaaluŋata My mother’s younger sibling
tautuktaa. saw it.
Possessor of Possessed aakagma igluŋa my mother’s house
Aakagma igluŋata upkuaŋa The door of my mother’s
kaviqsuq. house is red.

C. Other Noun Cases

The other noun cases function somewhat like prepositions in English. The
Modalis Case marks the indefinite object of an intransitive verb, the instrument used to
do the action, or the manner in which the action is done; the Locative Case indicates the
location; the Terminalis Case indicates the goal of the action; the Ablative Case indicates
the origin or source of the action; the Vialis Case indicates the route, the means, or the
basis (cause) of an action; and the Similaris Case indicates a comparison of similarities.

The noun case endings for all of the noun cases excluding the Absolutive and the
Relative Cases are presented below.

Modalis Locative Terminalis Ablative Vialis Similaris

÷mik ÷mI ÷mun ÷miñ -kun ÷tun singular
(dual)+nik (dual)+nI (dual)+nun (dual)+niñ (dual)+kun (dual)+tun dual
÷nik ÷nI ÷nun ÷niñ ÷tigun ÷titun plural

All noun cases are attached to nouns in the Absolutive Case. The division sign ÷
indicates that stem final consonants k, Q, and n are retained (and assimiliated) but final
consonant q is not. The “dual” in parentheses indicates that the dual form of the
Absolutive Case is formed before the addition of the markers for the dual in all cases.
The plural case markers are attached to singular nouns in the Absolutive Case.

The Modalis Case

The Modalis Case has several functions: as an indefinite object, as an instrument

or means to do an action, or as way to specify an object or an action. Here are some
Indefinite Object of
Intransitive Verb: Tautuktuq qamunmik. She saw a car.
Means or Instrument: Apuqtaa qamunmik. She crashed into it with a car.
Specification: Aitchuqtaa qamunmik. She gave him a car.
Adverb: Savaguuruq ataramik. She works constantly.

The Modalis Case also indicates “by oneself” when attached to personal noun stems.
Here are some examples:
“by oneself” Uvamnik savaktaġa. I worked on it (with no help
from anyone).
Iliŋnik piuŋ. Do it yourself.
Ilimiñik isaktaa. He got it by himself.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Modalis Case possessive endings. The
endings are listed below.


s d p
s +mnik +mnik +mnik
P 1 d +ptignik +ptignik +ptignik
O p +ptinnik +ptinnik +ptinnik
S s +ŋnik +ŋnik +ŋnik
S 2 d +vsigñik +vsigñik +vsigñik
E p +vsiññik +vsiññik +vsiññik
1 4
S s -ŋanik -ŋiŋñik -ŋiññik5
S 3 d -ŋaŋnik2 -ŋiŋñik4 -ŋiŋñik4
3 5
O p -ŋannik -ŋiññik -ŋiññik5
R s ÷miñik dual +miñik ÷miñik
3Rf d ÷mignik ÷mignik ÷mignik
p ÷miŋnik ÷miŋnik ÷miŋnik
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :anik.
noun in modalis has a reflexive relationship with the Alternate form :aŋnik.
subject of the verb. Alternate form :annik.
Alternate forms :iŋñik.
Alternate form :iññik.

Here are several sentence examples using the Modalis Case Possessive Endings.
Indefinite Object of
Intranstive Verb: Atuġniaqtuŋa qamutiŋanik. I will use his car.
Means or Instrument: Aiñiaġiga qamutimnik. I will fetch her with my car.
Specification: Piksraġniaqtuŋa malġuŋnik. I will take two.

The Locative Case

The Locative Case identifies the place or time where or when an event occurs.
Here are some examples.
Location: Utqiaġvigñi iñuuruq. She lives in Barrow.
Savaguuruq uvlaami. He works in the morning.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Locative Case possessive endings. The
endings are listed below.


s d p
s +mnI +mnI +mnI
P 1 d +ptignI +ptignI +ptignI
O p +ptinnI +ptinnI +ptinnI
S s +ŋnI +ŋnI +ŋnI
S 2 d +vsigñI +vsigñI +vsigñI
E p +vsiññI +vsiññI +vsiññI
S s -ŋanI1 -ŋiŋñI4
S 3 d -ŋaŋnI2 -ŋiŋñI4
O p -ŋannI3 -ŋiññI5 -ŋiññI5
R s ÷miñI dual +miñI ÷miñI
3Rf d ÷mignI ÷mignI ÷mignI
p ÷miŋnI ÷miŋnI ÷miŋnI
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :anI.
noun in localis has a reflexive relationship with the Alternate form :aŋnI.
subject of the verb. Alternate form :annI.
Alternate forms :iŋñI.
Alternate form :iññI.

Here are two sentence examples using the Locative Case Possessive Endings.
Place: Uuktuaġuŋ tamanna suppun Try that gun out behind his house.
igluata tunuani.
Time: Anniviani tikitchuaq. She arrived on his birthday.

The Ablative Case

The Ablative Case identifies the origin of an item or an event, or the source of
comparison. Here are some examples.
Origin: Utqiaġvigñiñ tikitchut The ones who traveled by boat have
umiaqtuqtuat. arrived from Barrow.
Origin: Aippaaniñ qaŋa tainnaittuaq That piece of land has been that way
tamanna nuna. from time immemorial.
Source of Aŋunmiñ mikiłhaaqtuŋa. I am shorter than the man.
Origin: Iktumaŋŋa aġnamiñ That gun is his Christmas gift from that
aitchuusiaŋa tamanna woman over there the year before.
suppun ukiutqik
Source of Mattumaŋŋa umiamiñ It is bigger than this boat here.
Comparision: aŋiłhaaqtuq.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Ablative Case possessive endings. The
endings are listed below.


s d p
s +mniñ +mniñ +mniñ
P 1 d +ptigniñ +ptigniñ +ptigniñ
O p +ptinniñ +ptinniñ +ptinniñ
S s +ŋniñ +ŋniñ +ŋniñ
S 2 d +vsigñiñ +vsigñiñ +vsigñiñ
E p +vsiññiñ +vsiññiñ +vsiññiñ
S s -ŋaniñ1 -ŋiŋñiñ4 -ŋiññiñ5
S 3 d -ŋaŋniñ2 -ŋiŋñiñ4
O p -ŋanniñ3 -ŋiññiñ5 -ŋiññiñ5
R s ÷miñiñ dual +miñiñ ÷miñiñ
3R d ÷migniñ ÷migniñ ÷migniñ
p ÷miŋniñ ÷miŋniñ ÷miŋniñ
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :aniñ.
noun in ablative has a reflexive relationship with the Alternate form :aŋniñ.
subject of the verb. Alternate form :anniñ.
Alternate forms :iŋñiñ.
Alternate form :iññiñ.

Here are sentence examples using the Ablative Case possessive Endings.
Source: Uvamniñ mikiruq. He is smaller than me.
Source: Ivaaŋiññiñ qimmiaġruksraqtuaq. She got a puppy from its litter.
Source: Umiaŋaniñ supputiksraqtuaq The woman got a gun from his
aġnaq. boat.

The Terminalis Case

The Terminalis Case identifies the place, time, or entity where an event or action
stops, concludes. Here are some examples.
Point: Utqiaġvignuñ tikiññiaqtugut. We will reach Barrow.
Savaiññiġmun maaniinniaqtuŋa. I will be here until Sunday.

The Terminalis Case also identifies the subject of the embedded verb. The
embedding “verb” may be a request, a causative, or a reportative. Here are two examples.
Subject of Embedded Aġnaq ikayuquruq The woman would like the young
Verb: nukatpiamun. man to help her.
Subject of Embedded Aŋutim niġipkaġai The man fed the dogs.
Verb: iqaluit qimmiñun.

In the first example, the aġnaq “woman” makes a request. The postbase qu embodies
the request made by the woman. The verb stem ikayuq ”to help” specifies the action that
is being requested of the nukatpiaq “the young man” expressed in the Terminalis Case,
nukatpiamun “of the young man”.

In the second example, the aŋutim “the man” causes the dogs to eat iqaluit “the fish” by
causing/enabling them to eat. The postbase pkaq indicates the causation effected by the
man. The verb stem niġi “to eat” specifies the action that is being done by the qimmit
“dogs” expressed in the Terminalis Case, qimmiñun “by the dogs”. Here are two more
Subject of Embedded Aġnam isiqugaa qattaq The wowman wants the young
Verb: iglumun nukatpiamun. man to place the water barrel
inside the house.
Subject of Embedded Aŋutim niġiñiraŋi iqaluit The man reported that the dogs
Verb: qimmiñun. ate the fish.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Terminalis Case possessive endings. The
endings are listed below.


s d p
s +mnun +mnun +mnun
P 1 d +ptignun +ptignun +ptignun
O p +ptinnun +ptinnun +ptinnun
S s +ŋnun +ŋnun +ŋnun
S 2 d +vsigñun +vsigñun +vsigñun
E p +vsiññun +vsiññun +vsiññun
S s -ŋanun -ŋiŋñun4 -ŋiññun5
S 3 d -ŋaŋnun2 -ŋiŋñun4 -ŋiŋñun4
O p -ŋannun3 -ŋiŋñun4 -ŋiññun5
R s ÷miñun dual +miñun ÷miñun
3Rf d ÷mignun ÷mignun ÷mignun
p ÷miŋnun ÷miŋnun ÷miŋnun
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :anun.
noun in terminalis has a reflexive relationship with Alternate form :aŋnun.
the subject of the verb. Alternate form :annun.
Alternate forms :iŋñun.
Alternate form :iññun.

Here are several sentence examples using the Terminalis Case possessive endings.
Subject of Qimmiŋiññun niġipkaqtaŋi She fed the fish to his dogs.
Embedded Verb: iqaluit.
Goal: Savagvimñun He went to wait at my place of
utaqqiyyaqtuaq. employment.
Subject of Iliŋnun savaqugiga. I would like for you to work on it
Embedded Verb

The Vialis Case

The Vialis Case identifies the venue, time, entity, or circumstances through which
an event occurs or the source of a comparison of differences. Here are some examples:
Venue: Seattle-kun Hawaii-muktuat. They went to Hawaii by way of
Circumstance: Savaapkun Anchorage- I went to Anchorage on account of my
muktuaŋa. job.

Savaaŋagun nanġaqtaġa. I praised his work.

Time: Unnuakun iglauruagut. We traveled at night.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Vialis Case Possessive endings. The endings
are listed below.


s d p
s +pkun +pkun +pkun
P 1 d +ptignun +ptignun +ptignun
O p +ptigun +ptigun +ptigun
S s +kkun +kkun +kkun
S 2 d +vsigun +vsigun +vsigun
E p +vsigun +vsigun +vsigun
S s -ŋagun1 -ŋikkun -ŋigun
S 3 d -ŋakkun -ŋiksigun -ŋiksigun
O p -ŋatigun3 -ŋisigun -ŋisigun
R s ÷migun dual +migun ÷migun
3Rf d ÷mikkun ÷miktigun ÷miktigun
p ÷mikkun ÷miktigun ÷miktigun
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :agun.
noun in localis has a reflexive relationship with the Alternate form :akkun.
subject of the verb. Alternate form :atigun.

Here are sentence examples using the Vialis Case possessive endings.
Venue: Nunapkun apqusiuqtut. They are building a road through my
Time: Piviksrautiŋagun piñiaqtuŋa. I will take his time slot.

The Similaris Case

The Similaris Case indicates similarities between entities. Here are some
Source of Comparison Utqiaġviksun Qikiqtaġruk Kotzebue, like Barrow, has a
of Similarities: qaukłiqaqtuq aġnamik. female mayor.
Uvaptun miquġnagu. Don’t sew it like I did mine.

The Similaris Case also indicates “of one’s own volition,” when coupled with the
third person reflexive pronoun stems. Here are some examples.
“of one’s/its own volition” Ilimisun qamiruaq. It became unoperational by
Inmisun aŋmaqtuaq. It opened by itself.
Katchi ilimisun The wall cracked open by
aatchaqtuq. itself.

Absolutive Case nouns may acquire Similaris Case possessive endings. The
endings are listed below.


s d p
s +ptun +ptun +ptun
P 1 d +ptiktun +ptiktun +ptiktun
O p +ptitun +ptitun +ptitun
S s +ktun +ktun +ktun
S 2 d +vsiktun +vsiktun +vsiktun
E p +vsitun +vsitun +vsitun
S s -ŋatun1 -ŋiktun -ŋisun
S 3 d -ŋaktun -ŋiksitun -ŋisitun
O p -ŋatitun3 -ŋisitun -ŋisitun
R s ÷misun dual +misun ÷misun
3Rf d ÷miktun ÷miktitun ÷miktitun
p ÷miktun ÷miktitun ÷miktitun
Symbol Rf in 3Rf Possessor indicates the possessed Alternate form :atun.
noun in similaris has a reflexive relationship with Alternate form :aktun.
the subject of the verb. Alternate form :atitun.

Here are two examples using the Similaris Case Possessive Endings.


Similarities: Qamutiŋatun qamutiqaqtuŋa. I have a car like his car.
Similarities: Iliktun miŋuliġniaġiga. I will paint it like you did yours.



Iñupiaq enclitics are suffixes that occur after the ending of a verb, a noun, a noun
case, or a demonstrative. Enclitics embed an Iñupiaq utterance in a context which
provides evidence, probability, causation, change of topic or subject, memory recaptures,
judgement, pleasantries, and conjuction.

+ata (interj.) please

Note: final consonants [q] and [k] become [ġ] and [g], respectively upon
suffixation with this enclitic.
atigiga my parka atigigaata please (give me) my parka
kamiŋik his boots kamiŋigata would (you) please (give me)
his boots
makillagiñ stand up for a minute makillagiñata please stand up for a minute
taġiuq(-) [taġiruq] salt; ocean, sea taġiuġata please (pass) the salt
water; (i) to use salt; (t) to put salt on it;
(Ti) (i) to be blue

-atai (encl) asking for permission as well as approval to V

maptutilaaqsaġlagu let me make an maptutilaaqsaġlaguatai may I measure
attempt at measuring how thick it is how thick it is
miquġlagu let me sew it miquġlaguatai may I sew it this time

-gguuq (encl) it has been said or reported that one is V-ing or V-ed
iglaaliqsuq she has visitors iglaaliqsugguuq she said that she has
iglu house iglugguuq miŋuliġniaġaa he said he would
paint the house

+kiaq (encl) I wonder, I think

note: final consonant [q] is replaced by [k] upon suffixation
akimaruaq he won akimaruakkiaq Aaŋa I think Aaŋa won
akiññagniaŋitchuq he will not win a akiññagniaŋitchukkiaq I don't think he
prize will receive a prize;
akiññagniaŋitchutkiaq akimaruat I
don't think the winners will receive any
kina [dual kitkuk, pl kitkut] (abs) whos kiñakiaq akimaniaqpa I wonder who
the winner will be
kia [dual kitkuk, pl kitkut] (rel) whoses, kiakiaq tiguaqpauŋ I wonder who
whos adopted her
qaiñiaŋitchuk the two will not come Aaŋalu Aalaaglu qaiñiaŋitchukkiaq I
don't think Aaŋa and Aalaak are coming
suna what sunakiaq akiññaktaaġiniaqpauŋ
Aaŋam I wonder what Aaŋa's prize will

-kiataŋ (encl) because, based on the fact of it being a N or it V-ing
note: final consonant [q] becomes [k] upon suffixation
augutiaqsigik theyd are about to melt augutiaqsigikkiataŋ because theyd were
about to melt
ikayuġniaqtut they will help ikayuġniaqtutkiataŋ because they will
ilisimaruq he knows ilisimarukkiataŋ because he knows
qaiñiaqtuk theyd are coming qaiñiaqtukkiataŋ because theyd are

+kii1 (encl) because; probably

note: final consonant [q] becomes [k] upon suffixation
atchu (excl) I don’t know atchukii (excl) don’t know, not certain at all
imma (dem adv) used when referring to immakii maybe
the aforementioned one
niġiruq she is eating niġirukkii because she is eating
qiaturuq she cries a lot qiaturukkii because she cries a lot
sagluturuk theyd tell a lot of lies sagluturukkii because theyd tell a lot of
sukaitchut they are slow sukaitchutkii because they are slow

+li (encl) indicates a subject or topic change

aŋun qirriuqtuq aasiili aġnaq iqaqsriruq the man is chopping wood, and the woman
is washing clothes
aniruaŋali isiġman then I went out when he came in
Aalaak qilaktuq, uvaŋali niksiuraqtuŋa Aalaak is knitting, and I am crocheting

+liami or likii (encl) (limited) can't do anything about it, whatever happens |
+lI and ami or +lI and +kii
taammaliami can't do anything about it, whatever happens over there (not
taammalikii can't do anything about it, whatever happens over there (not
taikkaliami can't do anything about it, whatever happens over there (visible);
taikkalikii can't do anything about it, whatever happens over there (visible)

+liqaa1 (encl) everyone, everywhere, everything

kia who (relative case) kialiqaa atuġuugaa everyone, anyone
uses it
kiña, dual kitkuk, pl kitkut (abs) whos kinaliqaa everybody, anybody
sumi where sumiliqaa everywhere
sumun to where sumunliqaa or sumulliqaa to
everything, to anything, to everywhere, to

suna a what sunaliqaa everything, anything

+liqaa2 (encl) now, I remember

aġnaq woman; human female; queen (in aġnaġliqaa it was a woman; now I
cards) remember
kanani located down there (visible, kananiliqaa it was down there; now I
restricted) remember
niġiruaq he ate niġiruaġliqaa he ate; now I remember
tautuk- to see (her/him/it) tautuktaġaliqaa oh yes, I saw her
tautuqtaq- (t) to definitely see

+lu2 (encl) and a N; also

aġnaq woman; human female; queen (in aġnaġlu aŋunlu isiqtuk a woman and a
cards) man came in
kanani located down there (visible, kananilu savagniaqtugut we will also work
restricted) down there

+luli (encl) the N and the other N

aġnaq woman; human female; queen (in aġnaġluli aullaġniaqtuguk the woman and
cards) I will leave
igña that one over there (visible, igñaluli piñiaqtuguk that one over there
restricted) and I will be partners

+luqaa (encl) like a N or situation

ilaa [dual iliŋik or(Ti) iligik, pl ilaaluqaa sure looks like her
iliŋIt or ilai] (3rd person abs
pron) she/he, her/him
qaŋa1 (adv) when, at what time in qaŋaluqaa the exclamation is used
past when something happens as it did in
the old days

+luunniiñ (encl) and then again, one might V; and then again it might have
been a N
aġnaq woman; human female; queen (in aġnaġluunniiñ it might have been a woman
aiñiaġugnaqtuŋa i might go home aiñiaġugnaqtuŋaluunniiñ and then again, I
might go home
qimmiq dog qimmiġluunniiñ pisugnaġikput what we
are pursuing might be a dog
saglusugnaqtuq he must be lying saglusugnaqtuġluunniiñ and then again, he
must be lying

+mi (encl) what about the N

aġnaq woman; human female; queen (in aġnaġmi what about the woman

una this one here (visible, restricted, unami what about this one
closer to speaker than to listener)

+pta (encl) inevitable, inevitably, as expected

piitchuq he is not here piitchuqta oh, he's probably not here
samma thus sammapta qanaarraqsiñiaqtut oh,
they'll probably start quarrelling again

+ptauq (encl) also § +mmI

iksruma that one over there iksrumaptauq ilisimanimmiraa that one
over there also claims to know her
ilisaġirai she recognized them ilisaġimmiraiptauq Aalaagum Aalaak
also recognized them
niġiruaq he ate niġimmiruaqtauq he also ate

+qaa (encl) (limited) rather § +liqaa

naagga or naakka (excl) no; no, stop it; una naaggaqaa una this one or if
(conj.) or you rather, this one

+qhaa (excl.) (limited) of surprise

atchu I don't know atchuqhaa heck, I don't know
naumi no naumiqhaa well done, despite all

+tuq (encl) (limited to Optatives) I wish, hope, wonder

akimaluk let’s win akimaluktuq I hope we win
siquli let her fall asleep siqulituq I hope she falls asleep
utiqtiġli let him return right away utiqtiġlituq I hope he returns quickly

[+]unnii(ñ) (encl) even, moreover; regardless, anyway (used to indicate something

unexpected or unusual)
Note: The minus sign inserted between the enclitic and the rest of the word
indicates that the enclitic unnii(ñ) is functioning as a quasi-free morpheme. Final
consonants k, q,and t become g, ġ, and r or y when unnii(ñ) functions as a bound
morpheme and remain unchanged when unnii(ñ) functions as a quasi-free
aŋutaiyaat boys aŋutaiyaaq-unnii or aŋutaiyaaġunnii
qaisuŋitchuaq even the boy did not want
to come
piviksraqaġaluaqami even though he piviksraqaġaluaqamik unnii or
has the opportunity piviksraqaġaluaqamiguunnii
pisulaitchuk he does not like to take part
even if an opportunity for him to take part
is available
qimmit dogs qimmit-unnii or qimmiyunnii

tusaġnaitchut even the dogs are silent
tainna like that tainna-unniiñ do it that way anyway (that
will be acceptable)
uvlaaku tomorrow uvlaaku-unniiñ tomorrow is fine,

+vai (encl)(limited) oh, this is too V

araa no; too much araavai oh, this is too much




Person Absolutive & Modalis Locative Terminalis Ablative Vialis Similaris
& Relative
1s uvaŋa I uvamnik myself uvamni uvamnun uvamniñ uvapkun uvaptun
1d uvaguk wed uvaptignik ourselvesd uvaptigni uvaptignun uvaptigniñ uvaptikkun uvaptiktun
1p uvagut we uvaptinnik ourselves uvaptinni uvaptinnun uvaptinniñ uvaptigun uvaptiktun
2s ilviñ yous ilignik yourself iligni ilignun iligniñ ilikkun iliktun
2d ilivsik youd ilivsigñik yourselvesd ilivsigñi ilivsigñun ilivsigñiñ ilivsikkun ilivsiktun
2p ilivsi you ilivsiññik yourselves ilivsiññi ilivsiññun ilivsiññiñ ilivisigun ilivsisun
3s ilaa (abs.) s/he ilaanik her(self) ilaani ilaanun ilaaniñ ilaagun ilaatun

3d iliŋik (abs.) theyd iliŋigñik them(selves)d iliŋigñi iliŋigñun iliŋigñiñ iliŋikkun iliŋiktun
iliŋiksa (rel.)

3p iliŋit (abs.) they iliŋiññik them(selves) iliŋiññi iliŋiññun iliŋiññiñ iliŋisigun iliŋisitun
iliŋisa2 (rel.)

3Rs ilimi oneself ilimiñik herself ilimiñi ilimiñun ilimiñiñ ilimigun ilimisun
or or or or or or or
inmi inmiñik inmiñi inmiñun inmiñiñ inmigun inmisun
3Rd ilimik selvesd ilimignik themselvesd ilimigni ilimignun ilimigniñ ilimikkun ilimiktun
or or or or or or or
inmik inmignik inmigni inmignun inmigniñ inmikkun inmiktun
3Rp ilimiŋ selves ilimiŋnik themselves ilimiŋni ilimiŋnun ilimiŋniñ ilimiktigun ilimiktitun
or or or or or or or
inmiŋ inmiŋnik inmiŋni inmiŋnun inmiŋniñ inmiktigun inmiktitun
or ilaata
or ilaisa


Ilaaguaġutit Atiqautchiurat Nauniŋit

Inflection of Iñupiaq “Inclusive” Pronouns

There are two sets of pronouns which speak to inclusivity. The first set is based on the
root *iluqaq or *iluġaq and the second on *tamaq.

1s iluqaġma all of me tamaġma my entirety

1d iluqamnuk both of usd tamamnuk ourd entirety
1p iluqapta all of us tamapta our entirety
2s iluqaqpiñ all of yous tamaqpiñ yours entirety
2d iluqavsik both of youd tamavsik yourd entirety
2p iluqavsi all of you tamavsi yourp entirety
3s iluqaan all of her/him/it tamaan her/his/its entirety
3d iluqaagnik both of them tamaigñik theirb entirety
3p iluqaisa all of them tamaisa their entirety
3Rs iluqaġmi all of her/him/it tamaġmi her/his/its entirety
3Rd iluqatik both of themd tamaġmik theird entirety
3Rp iluqatiŋ all of them tamaġmiŋ their entirety
Upper case R indicates coreference with the subject of verb.

Tamatkiunnat Atiqautchiurat Nauniŋit

Inflection of the “Exclusive” Pronouns

The root of the “Exclusive” Pronouns is *kisi.

1s kisima solely I
1d kisimnuk solely wed
1p kisipta solely wep
2s kisiviñ solely yous
2d kisivsik solely youd
2p kisivsi solely youp
3s kisian solely she/he/it
3d kisiigñik solely themd
3p kisiisa solely themp
3Rs kisimi solely she/he/it
3Rd kisimik solely theyd
3Rp kisimiŋ solely theyp
Upper case R indicates coreference with the subject of verb.


Urriqautit Maŋŋuŋit
Iñupiaq Demonstrative Stems

Iñupiaq demonstratives are based on a system of stems which can be arranged in a

chart highlighting their basic parameters. The first basis of differentiation is Visibility.
The "Visible" category is subdivided into "restricted" and "extended" categories. The
"Not Visible" forms are not judged to be "restricted” (occupies a restricted area or is
stationary) or "extended" (occupies a large area or is in motion). Locations proximal to
the speaker are identified in the first row. The other rows identify locations distal to the
speaker. The last row contains a stem which represents a referent temporally distant to
the speaker and the listener.

Chart 1:
Visible Not Proximity to Gloss
Visible the Speaker
restricted extended
uv- mar- sam- Prox (spatial) here
ik- av- am- Dist (spatial) over there
ag- akim- Dist (spatial) over there across
pik- pag- pam- Dist (spatial) up there
pakim- Dist (spatial) on top of the roof
kan- un- sam- Dist (spatial) down there
sakim- Dist (spatial) in the cold porch; oceanward
kig- qag- qakim- Dist (spatial) out there
kiv- qav- qam- Dist (spatial) in there
im- Dist (temporal) previously mentioned and
cognitively accessible

The basic stems shown above have extended stems in the Relative Case (shown
below). The case marker for the singular stem in Relative is (t)uma, kug for the dual,
and ku for the plural. The Relative Case stems are also categorized according to
visibility and also whether they depict an object that is restricted or extended.

Chart 2:
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
uuma- ukug- uku- marruma- matkug- matku- saptuma- sapkug- sapku-
iktuma- ikkug- ikku- aptuma- apkug- apku- aptuma- apkug- apku-
aktuma- akkug- akku- akiptuma- akipkug- akipku-
piktuma- pikkug- pikku- paktuma- pakkug- pakku- paptuma- papkug- papku-
kattuma- katkug- katku- uttuma- utkug- utku- sakiptuma- sakipkug- sakipku-

kiktuma- kikkug- kikku- qaktuma- qakkug- qakku- qakiptuma- qakipkug- qakipku-
kiptuma- kipkug- kipku- qaptuma- qapkug- qapku- qaptuma- qapkug- qapku-
iptuma- ipkug- ipku-

The Relative Case stems shown above can acquire endings in Locative, Ablative,
Vialis, Terminalis, Modalis, and Similaris Cases. The Case endings used are shown
below in their singular, dual, and plural forms.

Case Endings for Demonstratives with a Relative Base

Singular Dual Plural Case
-ni -nagni -nani Locative
-ŋŋa -naŋŋa -naŋŋa Ablative
-uuna -nuugna -nuuna Vialis
-uŋa -nuŋa -nuŋa Terminalis
-iŋa -niŋa -niŋa Modalis
-tun -naktun -natitun Similaris

The demonstrative stems (shown below in the second, third, and fourth columns)
can acquire endings in Locative, Vialis, Terminalis and Ablative Cases (shown in the
fifth column).

Gloss Visible Not Case Case

Visible Endings Name
restricted extended
here uv- ma- sam-
over there ik- av- am-
over there across a- aŋm-
up there pik- pa- pam- ani Locative
on top of the roof paŋm- uuna Vialis
down there kan- un- sam- uŋa Terminalis
in the cold porch; saŋm- aŋŋa Ablative
out there ki- qa- qaŋm-
in there kiv- qav- qam-
aforementioned and im-
cognitively accessible

Demonstratives in the Vialis Case can take the postbase ‘.q-4 which transform
them into verb stems. Here are several examples.
amuuna via, through over there (not amuunnaaq- via, through over there (not
visible) visible)
tatpauna via, through up there (extended tatpaunnaaq- (i) to go via, through up there
and visible) (extended and visible)
uvuuna via, through here (restricted, uvuunnaaq- (i) to go through here, via here
visible) (restricted and visible)

Demonstratives in the Terminalis and Ablative Cases can take the postbase +q-3
which transform them into verb stems. Here are several examples.

amuŋa to over there (not visible) amuŋaq- (i) to go over there (not visible)
kanuŋa to down there, e.g. on or near ocean, kanuŋaq- (i) to go down there, e.g. on or
downriver, by the door (restricted and near ocean, downriver, by the door
visible) (restricted and visible)
qamuŋa to in there (not visible) qamuŋaq- (i) to go in there (not visible)

Demonstratives in the Absolutive and Relative Cases can take postbase

-niqłuk “a large, huge, gigantic, big N” which transforms them into nouns. Here
are some examples.

una [dual ukuak, pl ukua] this one unaniqłuk piuŋ take this big one
here (restricted, visible)
uuma [dual ukuak, pl ukua] this one uumaniqłuum aglugiraŋa this big
here (restricted, visible) one ran over it

Demonstratives in their stem and inflected forms are presented as main

entries and subentries in this dictionary as well as in the following chart.


Maŋŋuġruallu Maŋŋuurallu
Roots and “Nominal” Stems

Main entries also include the roots of Iñupiaq words. Each root is preceded by an
asterisk /*/ and is italicized. Roots are units of meaning which do not serve as verb stems
nor are they nouns. A root cannot acquire verb or noun endings without the addition of a

Main entries also include stems which are basically nominal but do not take the
Absolutive or Relative Case endings directly but are able to acquire the noun cases,
possessive endings, and demonstrative endings. Most of the nominal stems depict temporal
or spatial concepts These stems are marked with a degree sign ° and the entry is also
italicized indicating it is not a complete word.

°aanna (stem) time just beyond this moment
°ag (dem. stem) over there across, e.g., a river, a street, or a body of water (extended
and visible)
*aġI (root) dampness, moisture
°akim (dem. stem) over there across (not visible)
°aku (root) space in between, physical or temporal
*akutuq (stem) leaf
*alapi (root) ignorance; confusion
*alat (root) soft area of hand
°alġa (stem) alternative (cognitive, temporal, or physical);ancient or earliest times
*alia (root) lonliness, dullness, humorless
°am (dem. stem) over there (not visible)
°anaqa (stem) evening
*anaya (root) wariness, caution
*anmik (root) feeling of superiority
*annIq or (Nu)*atnIq (root) valuable, beneficial
*anu (root) emotional security, fortitude
*aŋa (root) manipulation, power
°aŋayu (stem) older person
*aŋI (root) failure
*aŋŋI (root) denial
*aŋI3 (root) failure
*aŋŋI (root) denial
*aŋu (root) propel
*apiq (root) inquiry
*aq (root) taking away
°aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an object; some time after; back part (of any means

of transport); final chapter; downriver end of an island situated in the middle of a
*argua (root) audacious, bold
°asI (stem) a non-specific place; everywhere; nowhere; someplace else, away from
the village; something insignificant
°asu (stem) wonderment
°ati1 (stem) area below; bottom, underside; down
*attaq (root) unapproachable, intimidating
*aula (root) incompleteness, not whole
°av1 (dem. stem) over there (extended and visible)
*av2 (root) interval or distance between feet
°ava (stem) periphery,vicinity
*ava (root) yelling
*avaq (root) reappearance
*avI (root) resonance
*ayaaq (root) crisscrossing
*ayuq (root) behavioral pattern, habit
*iglik (root) loveableness, endearing, cute, cuddly
*igu (root) looseness, an unraveling
*iġI1 uvular sound
*iġi2 moisture
*iġnu (root) bulk
°Ik1 (dem. stem) over there (restricted and visible)
*ik2 (root) messy; dirty; disorderly § ikak-2
°ikag (stem) westward
*ikpik source of discomfort
°ili (stem) 3rd person self
°iluġaq or iluqaq (stem) entirety, totality, whole § *tamaq
*ilak1 (root) distraction, confusion, discord, not aligned, dissonance, disharmony
*ili3 (root) ¤tenderness
*iliġa (root) gratitude, happiness
*ilima (root) suspicion, apprehension
*iliq1 (root) portion
*iliq2 (root) movement
*ilisI (root) spirit, energy
°Im (dem. stem) in the aformentioned past
°ima (stem) content
*iñaviq (root) hindrance
*ipiqtu (root) sadness, depression, despondence
*ipu (root) closed mouth
*iqIk (root) laziness, lack of enjoyment, boring, uninspiring, lack of eagerness,
unwillingness, lack of initiative, lack of energy, lethargy
*iraq1 (root) width
*iraq2 (root) small segment

*iruq- (root) disapproval
*isi (root) elongation, extension of dimension
°isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, long stick
*itqa (root) to be prepared
**ka1 (deep root) descending § *kat, kaniQ(-), kanġaq-, katak-
**ka2 (deep root) impact, contact § karuk-, kasak-, kasuk-, kasuq-, kati-, katit-, kauk-
*kaiv (root) circular motion
*kama (root) awe, respect
°kan (dem. stem) down there, on or near the ocean, downriver, or by the door
(restricted and visible)
°kanag (stem) northwards
*kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, embarrassment, shyness
*kappia (root) feeling of fright, danger
*kayu (root) enthusiasm
°kI1 (stem) of interrogative pronouns
*kiav or *kaiv (root) circular motion
°kig (dem. stem) area outside (restricted and visible)
*kii (root) facial part
*kim (root) unpleasantness
*kipa (root) source of one’s hilarity, teasing of
*kipiq (root) desire for an optimun outcome
*kipuyu (root) obtuse, slow to comprehend
°kisI (stem) aloneness
°kIv (dem. stem) in there, or up the coast (restricted and visible)
**ku (root) downward movement or orientation § kurraq-, kurruk-, kusIq-, kutaaq-,
kutit-, kuuk, kuvI-, kusulugaq, kutchuq
*kuksra (root) doubt, lack of confidence
*kummaa (root) need
*maġ (root) canine sound; howl
*maluk (root) strangeness, oddity
*maluka (root) inferior
*mamia (root ) feeling of distress, offense
*manŋa (root) tension
*map (root) popping noise
°mar (dem. stem) here (extended and visible)
*masaq (root) pleasure
*mau (root) sea ice
*mialuk (root) hunger
*migvi (root) stingy
*miġvi (root) dislike
*misik (root) expectation of a happening
*misu (root) healthy look
*mita (root) depth level

*mitik (root) bounce
*muġ (root) saturation
*munaq (root) caretaking
*muq (root) curve
°na (stem) where
*naa (root) dimension stretched-out
*nag (root) suffering
*naglik (root) compassion, mercy, sympathy, pity
*naġI (root) smell, odor
*nak (root) attachment
*naku (root) goodness, pleasure
°nali (stem) even, in line, straight forward
*napaaq (root) to be upright continuously
*nau (root) forward upward process
*nav (root) joint
*nayak (root) nodding
*nig (root) cold
*niġu1 (root) graspable
*niġu2 (root) wideness
*niki (root) unevenness
*niku (root) squatting
*niuQ (root) to inhale, intake, breathe in
*nuiq (root) perhaps barb or prong
*nuk (root) movement from point to point
*nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness, waryiness
*paa (root) movement toward another
°pag (dem. stem) up there on the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; up
there away from the ocean; up there, upriver (extended and visible)
°pagma (stem) present time
°pakim (dem. stem) up there on roof (not visible)
*pala (root) improvement
°pam (dem. stem) up there, e.g., inland, upriver, upstairs (not visible)
*pamaq (root) nurturance
*paquq (root) contamination, taboo
*pati (root) palm of hand action
*pau (root) soot
*pik1 (root) upward movement
°pIk2 (dem. stem) up there on the wall, the ceiling, or in the sky above eye level; up
there away from the ocean; up there, upriver (restricted and visible)
*pilaaq (root) child care
*pilġataq (root) to finally do
*pimaq (root) affection
*piññaq (root) pleasing, beautiful

*piŋi (root) source of worry
*piq (root) bend, curve
*pirraq (root) capability
*piruġaq (root) down coast
*pivik (root) of the optimal, the best, the finest
*piya1 (root) waning in strength
*piya2 (root) mistreatment
*piyumI (root) willingness, eagerness, hopefulness
*piyu (root) a challenge
*pu (root) moisture
*puk (root) depth
*pula (root) visiting
*pusi (root) face down position
*puv (root) air cavity/space; swelling; expansion of air
°qa (stem) indicates time
*qaa (root) repulsion
*qaama (root) optimism, elation, confidence
°qag (dem. stem) out there (extended and visible)
*qaġlik (root) one side of pants
°qakim (dem. stem) out there in the shed or in the neighbor’s house (not visible t
speaker or listener who are inside another house)
*qaku (root) future time
°qam (dem. stem) in there (not visible)
*qama (root) leeward
*qati (root) bass quality of one’s voice
*qau (root) consciousness, awareness, alertness
*qaunak (root) carefulness
°qav (dem. stem) in there or up the coast (extended and visible); in Canada o
Greenland (not visible at the moment but has been observed or seen previously)
*qiġa (root) stiffness
*qiġi (root) squeakiness
*qii (root) convulsion
*qiiqi (root) creaking § *qiġi
*qikI1 (root) distortion
*qiki2 (root) creakiness
*qila (root) speed
*qipta (root) drowsiness
*qua (root) slipperiness
*qui (root) quiver, tremble, shiver
*quki (root) cleanliness, tidiness
*qulaq (root) incomprehensible
*quŋu (root) worry
*quta (root) slope
*quvi (root) happiness, joy

°saa2 (stem) [sara] front of body or garment; area immediately in front of something;
lap, the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person; seaward
*sai (root) relaxation
*saiñġi (root) chagrine, frustration, regret
*saġima (root) appreciation
*saki (root) a shaving
°sakim (dem. stem) out there in the arctic entry (not visible)
*sakiq1 (root) sibling-in-law
*sakiq2 (root) hard to do
*salu (root) cleanliness
*salva (root) edge
°sam1 (dem. stem) under here (not visible)
°sam2 (dem. stem) down there, e.g., far out on the ocean, downriver, or downstair
(not visible)
*samI (root) satisfied appetite
°sanI (root) broadside, side
*saŋi (root) compulsive eating
*saq (root) expulsion of air through mouth
*siga (root) a sizzle, gurgle, rushing sound
*sikkIk (root) catch a dream
*sila (root) adjacent section
*siliq (root) sense, cognizance
*sipik1 (root) emergence, disconnection
*siqu (root) reduction to smaller elements
*sirga (root) anxiety
*siv (root) hipbone area
*sivii or sivaa (root) incline, slope
*sivI (root) duration
°sivu (stem) front part of anything, frontage; bow of boat; time prior; front wall of
*sua (root) intensity, strength, power
°sugna (stem) direction
*suġ (root) aggression
*suġa (root) fragment, an item
*suk (root) presence
*suksraq (stem) an item
°suqpa1 (stem) whereabouts
*suqpa2 (root) shame, uncomfort
*susaq (root) audible
*susaun (root) action | +saq- vv -usIq vn > su(-)
*taaniq (root) distant appearance
*tagi (root) feeling of not being welcomed
*taġi (root) reflection of image

°takkuQ (stem) presence of
*taksIq (root) a summons song or call
*taluq (root) sternness, intimidating
°tamaq (root) entirety, whole
*tasI (root) linkage
*tata (root) extreme apprehension, anxiety
*tiġik (root) silence
*tivsI (root) mirth, humorous
*tuak (root) rowdiness
*tug (root) hidden, out of sight
*tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; hardness of surface
°tuŋi (stem) direction of
*tupit (root) apprehension, uneasiness, spookiness
*tusaq (root) audible
*tusiQ (root) limping
°ua1 (stem) westerly
*ua2 (root) exuberance
*ui (root) uncooked
*uiq (root) drawn to; strong inclination
*uivI (root) astute, judicious,discriminating, discerning
*ukI (root) winter
*ulgia (root) feeling of being different
*uluq (root) unsteadiness
°un (dem. stem) down there, e.g., on or near the ocean, downriver, or by the door
(extended and visible)
*una (root) tiredness, crankiness
*unI (root) behind, time prior
*uŋa (root) distant area
*uŋi (root) gathering into small folds
*upku (root) barrier
*uquma (root) weightlessness
*urgia (root) onset of illness
*urrIq (root) guidance, instruction
*uu (root) heat, warmth
*uumI (root) anger, hatred, dislike
*uv1 (root) now, today
°uv2 (dem. stem) here (restricted and visible)
°uva (stem) for first person personal pronouns
*uviñŋi (root) a whistling
*uyaq (root)


Iñupiat Kinship

For the Iñupiat, kinship is a social system wherein individuals have familial and
ancestral ties either by blood, marriage, or adoption. A tiguaq "adopted child" is
considered a full-fledged member of the adoptive family but at the same time still
expected to maintain all of his/her connections to his/her biological family. A tiguaq had
two sets of parents - the adoptive parents and the biological parents. This system still
holds although the responsibilities and benefits of belonging to a particular kinship group
are not as pronounced as they were around the turn of the century.

In traditional times, individuals as members of an Iñupiat kinship system were

expected to cooperate in support and protection of the extended family, the ilagiit. The
ilagiit in turn provided each member the basic human needs of food, shelter, and
companionship. The Iñupiaq term ilagiit "those involved in a relationship where each
is/has a part" indicates that each person and his/her role is essential in the maintenance of
the ilagiit. The relationship that is maintained is a kinship one.

Before the influence of the non-Iñupiat in the homeland of the Iñupiat, kinship
ties formed the basis of an individual's participation in his/her community. Burch (1975)
based on his interviews with Iñupiat in his study of the changing family relationships in
Northwest Alaska, found that in traditional Iñupiat communities (as opposed to present
communities) "kinship ties were emphasized at the expense of all others." For example,
kinship ties determined one's membership in a hunting crew. Analyses of memberships
in hunting crews, showed that most traditional crews were composed of siblings, their
siblings' spouses, and their respective children; and that this pattern persisted "long after
the end of the traditional period" times into the transitional period. (Burch:22-24)

Kinship relationships involving two members in the ilagiit from different

generations such as the ataatagiik "grandfather or grand uncle and grandchild" and
aanagiik "grandmother or grand aunt and grandchild" were fostered. The ataata
"grandfather or grand uncle" or aana "grandmother or grand aunt" would look after the
grandchild, who in turn would run errands or do other chores for the ataata or the aana.
Each child was raised to be on the lookout for the needs of elderly people.

Kinship Terminology

The kinship charts shown (in the following pages) from the perspective of the
female and from the perspective of the male, respectively, show a nine generation spread
in terminology from the ilummiq "great-great-grandparent" to the ilummiq "great-great-
grandchild". The repeated use of the terms ilummiq (in levels 1 and 9) and amau (in
levels 2 and 8), may reflect the traditional Iñupiaq practice of naming children after one's

deceased relatives and subsequently calling them by the kinship name instead of the
personal name. The following paragraph is taken from Jenness (1991:7):

"Every person has a soul (, which wanders about until the time
of birth, when it enters the child and stays with it through life. But the is inexperienced and unable to look after the child. At birth,
therefore, the child is called by the name of the past person - man or
woman - who died in the neighbourhood, or if several have died since
the last birth, by all their names. Now when a person dies the body is
buried the following day, but the (or nap.ata ) lingers in the
house till the fourth day (if a man) or the fifth day if a woman. Then it
is expelled, but remains at the grave until the child is born in the
neighbourhood. When the child receives the deceased's name, the
deceased's at the same time enters the child and becomes its
atka or guardian spirit (kina atka = what is his name). The child has
now a double relation to the people in the neighbourhood… It
embodies the of the deceased - so in addressing the child you
address it as if it were the deceased. Thus a woman may call her own
or another's child 'mother' or 'grandmother'."

The atka protects the child (Ibid.:7, 85), until its own is sufficiently
developed to maintain its own person. Because of the practice of atka , parents were
"loth [loath] to punish their children, though they do punish them at times" (Ibid.).

According to Jenness (Ibid:33), Mrs. Brower informed Stefansson that she

addressed her oldest son with the kin term that refers to her "father's elder sister" atchaaŋ
literally "my dear aunt"; and her second son with ataataruaŋ, literally "my dear
grandfather." In another instance, Jenness (Ibid:69) reports that a brother and sister
called the son of the brother their apaaŋ, literally "my dear father" since he is named
after their father.

The term ilummiq which refers to either "a great-great-grandparent" or "a great-
great-grandchild" has as its base meaning the stem ilu which translates into "interior".
ilummiq indicates that a cycle is now complete. The relational distance from a "core" to
another "core" has been reached.

The term uvaŋa which translates into "I" has three morphemes, uv "here,
confined to this space", a “space and position marker” and ŋa "first person singular".
This person is usually identified as the "ego" in kinship terminology (c.f. Burch:64-65).

From the perspective of a male uvaŋa , the wife is identified as nuliaq, literally
"one that one has sexual intercourse with"; whereas from the perspective of a female
uvaŋa , the husband is identified as ui. The closest linguistic relative of ui is uigu, "an
extension". In contrast to the English term "husband" which means "manager or steward,
as of a household" (The American Heritage Dictionary 1985:628), the Iñupiaq term ui
suggests the genitor role of the husband.

In addition to nuliaq "wife" and ui "husband", the terms aġnaat and aŋutaat are
used to designate the wife and the husband, respectively. The terms aġnaat and aŋutaat
indicate a social role rather than a sexual one. The plural possessive ending at "their
NOUN" attached to the nouns aġnaq "woman" and aŋun "man" emphasize the roles that
women and men play in their families. The plural possessive ending indicates a
responsibility not just to the spouse but to the rest of the members of the household. The
literal translations of aġnaat and aŋutaat are "their woman" and "their man",

Bilineal Kinship and Qataŋŋutigiit “Children of Partnerships”

Iñupiat trace their ancestral lineage from both parents. Both sets of relatives are
important to one's identity and standing in a community. The same terminology is
applied to each set (matrilineal or patrilineal) of great-great-grandparents, great-
grandparents, grandparents, granduncles, grandaunts, and aunts and uncles. The uvaŋa
could count on either set of relatives for support.

It was to the benefit of one's kindred to extend one's kinship through the practices
of marriage and qataŋŋutigiit. Qataŋŋutigiit are kin whose parents exchanged spouses
to produce children based on this relationship. As an alliance mechanism the exchange
of spouses "often had to take place at a fair or messenger feast, the only two occasions on
which individuals from different societies met with any regularity. In any case, once the
union had been established, it continued for the lifetime of the members, regardless of
whether or not sexual relations that established it were ever repeated" (Burch :106).

The custom of qataŋŋutigiit is no longer openly practiced as a custom of the

Iñupiat. Its demise began at the turn of the century when Iñupiat accepted the authority
of the missionaries and adopted Christian ways of behavior.

Tuqłuġautiniq “Kinship Naming”

Tuqłuġautiniq is a social custom wherein members of a kinship group call each

other by their kinnames showing love, respect, and warmth towards that particular
individual. Tuqłuġautiniq reenforced ties of kinship and fostered special relationships
between different members of a kinship group.

Each kin term can be transformed into a tuqłuġaun, a vocative form of a kin
term. In the following, the first column presents the Iñupiaq kin terms, the second
column gives the English translation of the kin term, the third column presents the
vocative form in Iñupiaq, and the fourth column gives the English translation.

Iñupiaq Kinship English Vocative form of English Translation
Term Translation Iñupiaq Kinship
ilummiq "great-great- ilummiiŋ "you, my dear great-
grandparent" or great grandparent." or
"great-great- "you, my dear great-
grandchild" great grandchild."
amau or "great-grandparent" amauŋ or "you, my dear great-
amaułuk or amaułuuŋ grandparent." or
"great-grandchild" "you, my dear great-
ataata "grandfather" or ataataaŋ "you, my dear
"granduncle" grandfather" or "you,
my dear granduncle"
aana "grandmother" or aanaaŋ "you, my dear
"grandaunt" grandmother" or "you,
my dear grandaunt"
aŋak or "uncle" aŋaaŋ or "you, my dear uncle"
akkaaka akkaakaaŋ
atchak or "aunt" atchaaŋ or "you, my dear aunt"
ayaaluk ayaaluuŋ
aŋutiqan "paternal parallel aŋutiqaaŋ "you, my dear paternal
cousin" parallel cousin"
aġnaqan "maternal parellel aġnaqaaŋ "you, my dear maternal
cousin" parallel cousin"
illuq "cross-cousin" illuuŋ "you, my dear cross-
aatauraq or "elder sister" aatauraaŋ or "you, my dear elder
aakatchiaq or aakatchiaŋ or sister"
ayaayak ayaayaaŋ
aapiyaq or "elder brother" aapiyaaŋ or "you, my dear elder
aniŋak or aniŋaa or brother"
aŋayu aŋayuuŋ
aqqaluk "younger brother” (of aqqaluuŋ "you, my dear younger
a woman) brother"
nukaaluk "younger brother” (of nukaaluuŋ "you, my dear younger
a man) or "younger brother” (of a man) or
sister” (of a woman) "you, my dear younger
sister” (of a woman)
nayaaluk "younger sister” (of a nayaaluuŋ "you, my dear younger
man) sister” (of a man)
iġñiq "son" iġñiiŋ "you, my dear son"
panik "daughter" paniiŋ "you, my dear

nuaġaaluk "niece" or "nephew" nuaġaaluuŋ "you, my dear niece or
(of a woman) nephew” (of a woman)
uyuġu "niece" or "nephew" uyuġuuŋ "you, my dear niece or
(of a man) nephew” (of a man)
tutik or "grandchild" tutiiŋ or "you, my dear
tutaaluk or tutaaluuŋ or grandchild"
tutitchiaq or tutitchiaŋ or
iñġutaq or iñġutaaŋ or
iluttałiuraq iluttałiuraaŋ

List of Kin Terms

Kinship Terms Ilatigun Taiguusit

relative ila or ilauraaq

mother aaka
stepmother aakaksraq
father aapa
step father aapaksraq
grandmother aakaaluk or aanaaluk or aana
grandfather aapaaluk or ataata or taata (Nu)
great-grandmother amau or amaułuk or amauluk
great-grandfather amau or amaułuk or amauluk
great-great grandmother ilummiq or ilulliġiaq (Ti)
great-great grandfather ilummiq or ilulliġiaq (Ti)

spouse tuvaaqan
wife nuliaq or aġnauniq or aġnaat
head or first wife nuliaqpak
secondary wife nukarak
husband ui or aŋunnuniq or aŋutaat
co-husband aŋutauqan or nuliaqan
daughter panik
adopted daughter paniksraq
son iġñiq or iññaaluk
adopted son iġñiksraq
granddaugher tutik or tutaaluk or tutitchiaq or iñġutaq
grandson tutik or tutaaluk or tutitchiaq or iñġutaq
great-granddaughter amau or amaułuk or amauluk (Ti)
great-grandson amau or amaułuk or amauluk (Ti)
great-great-granddaughter ilummiq or ilulliġiaq (Ti)
great-great-grandson ilummiq or ilulliġiaq (Ti)

sibling aniqan

elder sister aatauraq or aakatchiaq or aataq (Nu) or
agitchiaq (Ti) or ayaayak (Ti)
elder brother aapiyaq or aniŋak or aŋayu or aniŋaaluk
or aapiaq
woman’s younger sister nukaaluk or nukatchiaq or nukaq
man’s younger sister nayak or nayaaluk
woman’s younger brother aqqaluk
man’s younger brother nukaaluk or nukatchiaq or nukaq
twin malġi
step sibling through spouse exchange qataŋŋun or qataŋun (Ti)

aunt atchak
paternal aunt (father’s sister) atchaaluk (Nu) or ayak (Ti) or ayaaluk
maternal aunt (mother’s sister) ¤attuaq (Nu) or
¤ayaġruksaaq (Ti)
paternal aunt-in-law (father’s brother’s asuġaq
uncle aŋak, aŋaaluk
paternal uncle (father’s brother) akkaaka
maternal uncle (mother’s brother) aŋatchiaq or akkaaka (Nu)

cousin aññaq or suunaaq (Nu)

matrilineal parallel cousin (child of aġnaqan
mother’s sister)
patrilineal parallel cousin (child of father’s aŋutiqan
cross cousin; joking partner illuq or illualuk
woman’s female cousin; woman’s female uumaaq
friend of same age

mother-in-law aakaruaq or aanaruaq

father-in-law aaparuaq
husband’s older brother aiġaaluk
husband’s older brother’s wife aŋayunġuq
husband’s younger brother sakiġaq or sakialuk
husband’s younger brother’s wife nukanġuq
sister-in-law/daughter-in-law/wife of ukuaq
sister-in-law ukuaġaaluk
brother-in-law/son-in-law/husband of niŋau
nephew or niece (of a man) uyuġu
nephew or niece (of a woman) nuaġaaluk or uyuġu

one of two co-wives or co-husbands aippaq
step relative agitchiaq
namesake atiq
one’s namesake’s wife; (Ti) one’s uuma
namesake’s spouse; married couple’s
namesake friend; sweetheart’s namesake

(Nu) man’s male friend of same age; cousin suunaaq

girlfriend (of man) nuliuraq
widow (female) uilgaġniq or uilgaġniq (Ti)
widow (male) nuliiġñiq or nuliilgaġniq (Ti)
a spinster, unmarried woman who refuses uilgasuk or uiluaqtaq
to marry
bachelor, unmarried man nuliilgasuk or nuliiygasuk
boyfriend aŋutaun (Ti) or uiguraq (Nu) or uiŋŋuaq
bridegroom, fiance uiksraun
parent of one’s son-in-law or nulliq

In the following kinship charts the uvaŋa “I” marks the “ego” traditionally used
in the development of kinship charts. The numerals in front of each Iñupiaq kinship term
refer to footnotes. The footnotes for the first two charts are on separate pages from the


North Slope Iñupiat Consanguineal (related by blood) Kin Terms from the Perspective of a Female.
Notations: Ω indicates a female; ∆ indicates a male; and + indicates a bond by marriage.
18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆
ilummiq ilu mmiq ilummiq ilummiq

1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω
amau amau amau amau

∆ 2Ω 3∆ + 4Ω ∆ 2Ω ∆ 2Ω 3∆ + 4Ω ∆ 2Ω
ataata aana aapaaluk aakaaluk aapaalu aana ataata aana aapaaluk aakaaluk ataata aana

Ω + 5∆ ∆ + 6Ω 7∆ + Ω 8Ω + ∆ 9∆ + Ω
aŋak atchak aapa aaka atchak aŋak

10Ω ∆ 10Ω ∆ 11Δ + Ω 12Ω Ω + 13∆ 14∆ 14Ω + ∆ 10Ω 15∆ 10Ω ∆
aŋutiqan illuq aapiyaq aatauraq uvaŋa ui aqqaluk nukaaluk aġnaqan illuq

Ω 16∆ Ω+∆ Ω +∆ Ω ∆
nuaġaaluk ukuaq iġñiq panik ukuaq uyuġu

∆ + 17Ω 17∆ 17Ω 17∆ + Ω

tutik tutik tutuk tutik

∆ + 1Ω 1∆ 1Ω 1∆ + Ω
amau amau amau amau

18∆/Ω 18∆/Ω
ilummiq ilummiq

1 also "amaułuk" or “amauluk” (Ti).
2 also "atchaaluk".
3 also "ataata"or "taata" (Nu).
4 also "aana" or "aanaaluk".
5 also "akkaaka".
6 "attuaq" or "atchaaluk" (Nu) or "ayak" or "ayaaluk" (Ti).
7 "ataata" (Ti).
8 "attuaq" (Nu) or "atchaaluk" (Ti) or “ayak” (Ti).
9 also "aŋaaluk" or "aŋatchiaq" or"akkaaka".
10 also "aññaq".
11 also "aataq" (Nu) or "agitchiaq" or "ayaayak" (Ti).
12 also "aniŋak" or "aŋayu" or "aniŋaaluk".
13 also "aŋunnun" or "aŋunnuniq" or "tuvaaqan".
14 also "nukatchiaq" or "nukaq" or "nukaaluk".
15 "aŋunnuniq" (Nu).
16 also "uyuġu".
17 also "tutaaluk" or "tutitchiaq" or "iñġutaq".
18 also “ilu lliġiaq” (Ti).

North Slope Iñupiat Consanguineal (related by blood) Kin Terms from the Perspective of a Male.
Notations: Ω indicates a female; ∆ indicates a male; and + indicates a bond by marriage.

18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆ 18Ω/∆

iỊummiq iỊummiq iỊummiq iỊummiq

1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω 1∆ + 1Ω
amau amau amau amau

∆ 2Ω 3∆ + 4Ω ∆ 2Ω ∆ 2Ω 3∆ + 4Ω ∆ 2Ω
ataata aana aapaaluk aakaaluk ataata aana ataata aana ataata aana ataata aana

Ω + 5∆ ∆ + 6Ω 7∆ + Ω 8Ω + ∆ 9∆ + Ω
aŋaaluk atchak aapa aaka atchak aŋaaluk

10Ω ∆ 10Ω ∆ 11Ω + ∆ 12∆ 13Ω + ∆ 14∆ 14Ω + ∆ 10Ω 15∆ 10Ω ∆
aŋutiqan illuq aatauraq aapiyaq nuliaq uvaŋa nukaaluk nayaaluk aġnaqan illuq

Ω ∆ Ω + ∆ Ω +∆ Ω ∆
uyuġu iġñiq panik uyuġu

∆ + 17Ω 17∆ 17Ω 17∆ + Ω

tutik tutik

∆ + 1Ω 1∆ 1Ω 1∆ + Ω
amau amau

18∆/Ω 18∆/Ω
iỊummiq iỊummiq

1 also "amaułuk" or “amauluk” (Ti).
2 also "atchaaluk".
3 also "ataata" or "taata" (Nu).
4 also "aana" or "aanaaluk".
5 also "akkaaka" or “aŋak”.
6 "attuaq" or "atchaaluk" (Nu) or "ayak" or "ayaaluk" (Ti).
7 "ataata" (Ti).
8 "attuaq" (Nu) or "atchaaluk" (Ti) or “ayak” (Ti).
9 also "aŋak" or "aŋatchiaq" or "akkaaka"(Nu).
10 also "aññaq".
11 also "aataq" (Nu) or "agitchiaq" or "ayaayak" (Ti).
12 also "aniŋak" or "aŋayu" or “aapiaq” or "aniŋaaluk".
13 also "aġnauniq" or "tuvaaqan".
14 also "nukatchiaq" or "nukaq".
15 also "aŋunnuniq" (Nu).
17 also "tutaaluk" or "tutitchiaq" or "iñġutaq"; and for Ulġuniġmiut (Wainwright, Alaska,
18 "ilu ttałiuraq" or “ilu lliġiaq” (Ti).

North Slope Iñupiat Affinal (related by marriage) Kin Terms
Notations: Ω indicates a female; ∆ indicates a male; and + indicates a bond by marriage.

Ω+∆ ∆+Ω ∆+Ω ∆ +Ω Ω +∆

aana ataata aana ataata

1Ω + ∆ Ω+∆ ∆+Ω Ω+∆ ∆+Ω ∆ + 2Ω

asuġaq aŋaaluk aŋaaluk atchak aaparuaq aakaruaq

∆+Ω Ω+∆ Ω + ∆ (older) ∆ + Ω (younger) 3∆ + 4Ω 3Ω

niŋau ukuaq uvaŋa ui aiġaaluk aŋayunġuq sakiġaq nukanġuq sakiġaq

∆+Ω ∆+Ω Ω+∆ Ω+∆  Ω ∆

niŋau ukuaq ukuaq niŋau  uyuġu

Ω+∆ Ω+∆
ukuaq niŋau

1 "ayak" or "ayaaluk" (Ti) or “atchak” (Ti).
2 also "aanaruaq".
3 also "sakialuk" or “sakiġauraq” (Ti).
4 also “nukaunġuq” (Ti).


Sikukun Taggisit
Ice Terms

Sixty-five (65) terms for ice are in this list. Sixteen (16) of which are based on the term
siku “ice”.

agiukpak or (Ti) agiuppak wall of sheared ice along the edge of the open lead that has
been formed by the grinding action of the free ice against the shore-locked ice
alliviñiq ice under another piece of ice which may surface due to ocean currents or wake of
apuqtinniq ice which has been pushed onto shore
arguqtaġniq or arguqtinniq newly formed thin ice on the downwind side of a ploynya or
asitaq cracked ice made by force of moving ice when it attaches to free floating ice
ataitchuaq shore ice not anchored to ocean floor
atiġniġaq new ice which forms along pre-existing ice
aulaniq moving lead ice
aunniq or aupkaġniq rotten ice
augniqsraq patch of ground from which the snow has melted while the surrounding area
still has snow; area where sea ice has become dangerous due to melting
avarraullaktuaq large ice floe which breaks off from the landlocked ice and begins to
move in a circular motion
ayaaqtinniq ice trapped in a narrow part of a river or lead
ayiupaq ice chipped off by ocean waves
ayuksraq piece of ice that does not freeze to shore-fast ice and goes out with ocean current
iġnigluq crushed, thin, young ice found in ice cracks
igniġnaq stretch of smooth ice parallel to shore between pressure ice ridges and beach
ikuġaaġniq ice adhering to ice that has been added to shore ice
ikuġaaq(-) depression on ice full of water; to become full of depressions full of water (of
ice on ocean)
illagauraq ice which has begun to melt and although solid is spongy and dangerous
imiŋniq mound of earth or ice that makes an echoing sound when stamped on
imuniq young ice which has been crushed by moving ice
irriqutit diamond dust or ice crystals in the air (indicating that a cold spell is imminent)
isaamaniq narrow piece of ice that juts out from the main piece of ice
ivuniġauraq small ice pressure ridge
ivuniq ice pressure ridge
ivuniqpaaluk or ivuniqpait big ice pile, pressure ridge
kanġilaq or (Nu) kanġutailaq smooth ice with no frost on top
kaniqtaq ice formed by frost; fragile, refrozen ice
kaŋiqłuk bay, inlet; indentation in sea ice where whales often surface

kiapku solid pancake ice
kisisaq1 or kisitchaq grounded ice pile (which keeps landlocked ice from floating away);
grounded iceberg
kukługaq chunk of ice in house placed over water bucket to melt, drip, providing drinking
mauraġaq(-) small ice floe used as stepping stone
mayuqtinniq ice on the beach
mayuqtitaq(-) slush ice pushed onto to shore
miġaliq(-) (Ti) slush ice; slush and small chunks of new sea ice which wash up on shore
in fall; to be covered by small chunks of sea ice in fall (of beach)
mitik1 (Nu) slush ice (in a fishing hole)
mitu(-) (Nu) first chunks of ice which form in ocean in the fall (clings to nets)
muġałłiq or (Ti) miġaliq or muġaliq slush ice, waterlogged snow (on ocean) (foam-like
in appearance), snow and thin ice on water when freeze-up begins, slushy ice which
forms on shore at the first freeze
muġrak slush ice
napaayuq upright ice cake
nilak layer of granular snow found under another layer (can be melted for potable water);
moist crushed ice
nutaġun fresh snow on ice-free water; refrozen crack less than ten feet wide
nutaqłiq smooth ice covered by snow with moisture between the ice and the snow
paaġiiq ice propelled by the wind and ocean current simultaneously in opposite directions,
making it appear to move
pauk(-) ice that serves as an anchor to shore-fast ice
piŋu(-) isolated ice mound; knoll, dome; isolated hill; pimple, swelling on skin; swell
(crestless wave or succession of waves); (i) to develop a pimple; to swell (of ocean)
piqaluyak large chunk of freshwater ice from river, good for drinking water; multiyear sea
ice that has become fresh due to multiyear thawing
piquniq mound formed by pressure from below; place where river ice over deep water is
pushed up so that it cracks and water flows through
pituqqiq flat, secure ice at edge of ocean lead (where whaling camp can be set up at the
end of the trail that’s been made)
puġrak (Ti) slush ice
puktaaq floating mass of ice; iceberg, large piece of ice
puktaaqat ice floe attached to another ice floe
qaatchiñiq (Ti) depression on ice filled with water
qaiġilu ice with irregular surface features, partly rough and partly smooth
qaiġilġuq (Nu) ripple on ice
qaimġuq first shore ice in fall
qaimŋuq white frozen edge of water; frozen foam on beach; (Ti) smooth ice parallel to
shore, a cake of ice smoothed by spray
qaiqsuaqtat smooth ice between areas of rough ice

qaivaġniq flat round cakes of ice frozen together
qanaiñaqtuaq pack ice moving directly toward shore fast ice
qaŋatchiniq (Ti) ice with hollow space beneath it (easy to fall through)
qaŋattaaq ice or snow which has one edge partly off the ground; hollow area (as from
erosion); hollow area between the ice and the water
qimaktinniq shore fast ice left behind when the ice is carried away by an ocean current
qinu(-) layer of slush ice which forms on ocean at freeze up and clings to shore; to form a
thin layer of slush ice (of ocean at freeze-up)
quasa or quasiraq(-) or quasiraaq(-) bare, smooth ice on lake or pond which one can
slide on; (i) to slide along swiftly on a slippery surface; to skate
qukhiaq (Nu) small cracks which fan out through ice or glass
sagrat assembled pieces of ice traveling with the current in ocean
sarri or (Ti) sarrik floating ice pack away from shore-fast ice
siġmiq or (Ti) siġmiq(-) substance that hardens and can be used for patching; patch for
sled runners of water and snow to improve their sliding; (Ti) ice which forms on boat
or sled; (t) for it=boat or sled to get covered with ice; ¤glacier
siiqsinniq water flowing through crack in ice; underground springs, water flowing out of
the ground; frozen overflow on top of river ice; glaciated stream (melts in summer)
siku(-)1 ice; to freeze over; to become icy
sikuaq(-) thin ice on body of water; (Ti) ice on boat or sled; to become covered with thin
ice (of water); (Ti) to ice over (of boat or sled)
sikuatchiaq(-) newly formed thin ice
sikuayaaq(-) new ice, young ice on water; to have new ice, young ice (of water)
sikuġaq (Nu) small chunk of floating ice
sikuġlak(-) or sikuġlalaaq frozen rain and snow on ground; hailstone; (Ti) icicle; (Ti) old
packed snow good for drinking water; to freeze over ground or snow (of rain); to start
forming (of ice); to hail; (Ti) (i) to form (of icicle); to get packed hard so that it is good
for drinking water (of snow)
sikuġliñiq ice formed from water spilled on something
sikulġauraq (Nu) new thin ice
sikuliaġruaq ice which is about one and a half feet thick
sikuliaq young ice formed around edge of old solid ice on open lead
sikuliuraq newly formed ice
sikulluataq freshwater ice
sikunaq(-) ice fog; ice crystals which settle out of the air; for there to be ice fog, ice
crystals in the air
sikuqqaq (Ti) block of ice
sikuqqat small icefloes
sikutchiaq new ice
suġaiñŋuġruaq very large mass of pack ice
tuvaq(-) or (Ti) tugaq or tuvaġruaq shore-fast ice; to come in to shore (of ice); (Ti) shore
tuvaqtaq shore fast ice covering only a portion of the beach
tuuniq cracked ice made by force of main pack ice

utuqqaviñiq piece of old shore-fast ice which has broken off; chunk of thick shore ice


Aputikun Taggisit

There are seventy-six (76) terms listed for snow and frost in this dictionary. Six
(6) terms are based on the stem:
api- to become snow-covered from snowfall (of landscape, ground);
(t) for it to become snow-covered from snowfall”
Many of the terms are based on the shape, quality, and condition of the snow.

agniq(-) or aŋniq(-) blizzard, snowstorm, blowing snow; (i) for there to be a blizzard
aluktinniq snow cliff
aġviuraq snowdrift in the shape of a whale back (usually about 30 feet in length)
aniu packed snow
aniuvak mound of hard packed snow; snowbank
aniuvauraq a snowdrift with a sharp downwind side and a more inclined upwind side
apiqqaaġun first snowfall
apiqqammiaq(-) or apirġammiaq new snow
apitchiq snowdrift; female polar bear which bears young in a hollow snowdrift
apivaalluqqaaġniq first lasting snowfall of the year
apun snow (lying on a surface); fallen snow
apuyyaq or aputyaq (Nu) snow block shelter; snow patch
aqilluk a bank of deep soft snow
aqilluq (Nu) soft snow
aqiluqqaq soft snow
auksalaq or auksałłak rapidly melting snow
iksiaksraq snow to be melted for drinking water
ilu(-)1 frost in house; (t) to form frost on it
kaataq (Ti) maktak which has thick blubber sliced off; block of hard snow for building a
snow house
kaniq(-) frost; (i) to be covered with light frost; (t) to have light frost cover it =
ground,house or any object
kanġuraq (Nu) light or spotty frost
kaniġaaġruk(-) (Nu) frost, rime; to form a layer of frost
kaniġruaq(-) heavy frost; (i) to form a thick layer of frost
katiġruġniq (Ti) snowdrift
manuġli(-) (Ti) frost from breath; (i) to form frost from breath (e.g. of parka ruff)
masak(-) or matchak(-) slush, waterlogged snow; to be damp of ground
masallak(-) damp snow; (i) to be damp snow (damp enough for making snowballs)

mauya or mauyaq soft dirt or deep snow into which one may sink as one walks

mauyaqisaaq soft deep snow
mavsa or mapsa overhanging snowdrift, ready to fall; snow cornice; overhang; spleen
mavsaq(-) (ti) or (nu) mavsat- deep soft snow; (i) to fall into deep soft snow; (i) to fall
down, creating a snowslide (of snow cornice)
miġaliq(-) (Ti) slush ice; slush and small chunks of new sea ice which wash up on shore
in fall; to be covered by small chunks of sea ice in fall (of beach
milik very soft snow
misak(-) wet ground, slush, swamp; waterlogged snow; (i) to be slushy (of snow), be
wet (of ground)
misałhak slushy surface of young saltwater ice; water-soaked ground, swamp
misulik sleet, wet snow
mitik1 (Nu) slush ice (in a fishing hole)
muġałłiq or (ti) miġaliq or muġaliq slush ice, waterlogged snow (on ocean) (foam-like
in appearance), snow and thin ice on water when freeze-up begins, slushy ice which
forms on shore at the first freeze
natiġvik(-) snow swiftly drifting along the ground (usually blowing not above the knee); (i)
to blow, drift low along the ground (of snow or dust)
natiqłit(-) snow swiftly blowing along the ground (with drifts no higher than the ankle); (i)
to be at the bottom (of it); to be as far down as one can go
nikuvlalaaq(-) (Ti) corn snow, good for drinking water; (i) to be good, as frozen meat that
has been frozen then thawed, then frozen again, and it has ice crystals
nilak layer of granular snow found under another layer (can be melted for potable water);
moist crushed ice
niñŋuq3 soft snow packed on top of sod house (to provide extra insulation for the house)
niviluk(-) wet snow; (i) to be unkempt, slovenly (of a person); to be damp, slushy (of
snowy and rainy weather
nivviġiksi- to become wet enough to stick together (of snow)
nutaġaq young person; fresh powder snow
nuturuk packed snow (good for making snow house)
patuk(-) frost of breath on ruff; to be wet or foggy; to form on the parka ruff (of frost)
piagnaq snow condition good for sled travel
piqsiq(-) wet snow storm; (i) to be stormy with wet blowing snow in the air
pukak granular snow found under hard packed snow, good for melting into water
pukarraaq (-) (Ti) old packed snow good for drinking water; (i) to get packed hard so that
it is good for drinking water
qakuak frost on ground
qannik(-) snowflake; falling snow; (i) to snow
qannialaaq(-) light snowfall; (i) to snow lightly
qaŋattaaq ice or snow which has one edge partly off the ground; hollow area (as from
erosion); hollow area between the ice and the water
qaquq(-) (Ti) frost on ground; (t) to become frosted over (of land)
qayuqłak ripple on surface of snow
qiġuviak refrozen slush

qikaaluk- (i) for it (usu., snow or ice) to be crunchy when walked upon
qikiġġaq creaking noise made by walking, running, crawling on frozen snow
qikkuaq(-) (Ti) frost on ground; (t) to get frosted over (of land
qimuagruk snowdrift blocking trail or in lee of high building; high snowdrift
qiqsruqqaq(-) hardened glazed snow in spring time especially during the night after a
thaw; for it to be frozen again so one can travel without sinking into the wet snow
qivliġnaq small frost crystal
quvyugaġnaq white-out snow weather condition
saggutyaq (Nu) snowhouse made of soft, new snow
sikuġlak(-) or sikuġlalaaq frozen rain and snow on ground; hailstone; (Ti) icicle; (Ti) old
packed snow good for drinking water; to freeze over ground or snow (of rain); to start
forming (of ice); to hail; (Ti) (i) to form (of icicle); to get packed hard so that it is good
for drinking water (of snow)
silli q snow made crusty and hard by strong winds (most suitable for making snow houses)
silli ġruaq hard and shiny surface snow
silli qsruq super hard, often icy snow
sitliq (Nu) hard snow, windpacked snow
sisuuk(-) snowslide (esp. of snow over a creek); avalanche; (i) to slide (esp. of snow over
sisuuksraq (Nu) snow cornice; snow build up as a potential avalanche
upkaġanak snow with hard top and soft underneath
uupkaaġnaq (Nu) snow with hard top and soft underneath


Piviksrakun Taggisit
Names of Segments of Time

Temporal nouns are presented in this appendix. The temporal noun referent is
placed in the center of the list indicated with an asterisk (*). Arrows pointed upwards (↑)
indicate the future, and arrows pointed downwards indicate the past.
The two temporal interrogatives which elicit the following temporal nouns in the
following names are:

qakugu “when in future time”

qaŋa “when in past time”

Names of Largest Segments of Time

aippaanigu ↑ in the very distant future

taimanigu ↑ in the distant future
pagmami or pagmapak * nowadays, in modern times
taimani ↓ in /at the past
aippaani or alġaani ↓ in olden times; in ancient times, beyond the
memory of living man

Names of Segments of Time from Today to Year-before-Last and to Year-after-Next

ukiutqigu ↑ year after next

ukiuġu ↑ next year
ikpaksraaġu(n) ↑ in a few days
uvlaakutqigu ↑ day after tomorrow
uvlaaku(n) ↑ tomorrow
uvlupak * today
unnuŋman/ikpaksraq ↓ yesterday
unnuŋmatqik/ikpaksratqik ↓ day before yesterday
ikpaksraaq/qaŋaqisuuraq ↓ a few days ago/recently
ukiuq ↓ last year
ukiutqik ↓ year before last

Names of Segments of Time from Now to A-Long-While-Ago to In-A-Long-While

aaqagusaaq/aaqagusaaġu ↑ in a long while

aaqagu ↑ in a while
aaqaguqisuuraq ↑ in a short while
akkupak * now
akkuqisuuraq ↓ a short while ago

akku ↓ a while ago
akkusaaq/akkusaaġruk ↓ a long while ago

Names of Segments of Time from Right-Now to Night-before-Last to the Morning-after-


uvlaatqigu ↑ morning after tomorrow morning

unnuatqigu ↑ night after tonight
uvlaaġu ↑ tomorrow morning
unnuaġu ↑ tonight
akkupak * now
uvlaaq ↓ this past morning
unnuaq ↓ last night
uvlaatqik ↓ yesterday morning
unnuatqik ↓ night before last night

Names of Segments of Time from Current Summer to Summer-before-Last-Summer to


upinġaatqigu ↑ summer after this coming summer

upinġaksratqigu ↑ spring after this coming spring
ukiutqigu ↑ winter aftet this coming winter
ukiatqigu ↑ fall after this coming fall
upinġaaġu ↑ this coming summer
upinġaksraġu ↑ this coming spring
ukiuġu ↑ this coming winter
ukiaġu ↑ this coming fall
upinġaapak * this current summer
upinġaksraq ↓ this past spring
ukiuq ↓ this past winter
ukiaq ↓ last fall
upinġaaq ↓ last summer
upinġaksratqik ↓ spring before this past spring
ukiutqik ↓ winter before last winter
ukiatqik ↓ fall before last fall
upinġaatqik ↓ summer before last summer


Uvluġiatigun Taggisit
Names of Stars and Constellations

Aagruuk (dual) two stars, Vega and a lesser star in the constellation Lyra known as the
Morning Star, Suvulliik (Spencer: 258); “Vega… agrǔ-lu-bwǔk” (Ra y 1885: 56);
the appearance of the Aagruuk signal the new year, the reappearance of the sun
(Jenness 1924: 183B cited in MacDonald: 49); “a large bright one above a much
smaller, less brighter one; the larger star is Vega “Uvluġiaqpak =a big star which
appear above the horizon in late December, an indication that the Solstice is past and
that the days will soon grow longer” (source not known); together these two stars are
also known as Ayaqhaaġnailaq “time when you can not play string games”
(Etalook 1983 cited in MacDonald: 50); “…Vega and two other stars not visible
agru-la-wik so called from rising at certain seasons just before daylight.” (Simpson
cited in Bocktoce: 351) § Sivulliq

Aulasuilaq or Uvluġiasugruk (from Pete Sovalik of Barrow, Alaska) North Star, or Polaris
in constellation Ursa Minor/ uvlukkaluami naakka unnuakkaluami
kiavaluktuam qitqani aulasuitchuq taamna uvluġiaq during the day as well as
during the night this star does not move from the center of revolution (Aiken 2009) |
-suilaq- vn or +lu(q)2 rn +iaq2 nn -sugruk(-) nn, vv

Iglupiaqtalik [lit. “one with a pair”] perhaps a combination of constellations Orion,

Auriga, and Gemini; “The turf house (iglupeaqtalik) is a combination of the
constellations Orion, Auriga, and Gemini.” (Ingstgad: 209)

Ivruqsii [lit. “sod pick,” a constellation so named because the shape of the star grouping is
said to resemble a tool used to dig sod or moss] constellation Cassiopeia;
“Cassiopeia i’bro-si” (Ray 1885: 56); “Cassiopea Ibrsk-si-sin ‘the house builder’”
(Simpson, cited in Bockstoce 1988: 351)

Nanmatchiaq [lit. “like a hunchback”] constellation ¤Draco

Nannuġruit [lit. “large polar bears”] constellation Pleiades » “the Pleiades are nannorjuit
polar bears” (Jenness: 529)

Paatchuktuurat constellation Ursa Minor, Little Dipper » “The star Aidebarfan, with the
cluster of the Hyades, and other smaller ones around, are called Pa-chúkh-lu-rin,
‘the sharing-out’ of food, the chief star representing a polar bear just killed, and the
others the hunters around, preparing to cut up their prize, and give each hunter his
portion.” (Simpson: 271); “66. Pleiades… pa-tǔ’k-tu-rĭn (Ray: 56); “aasii Little
Dipper-mik pisuuraŋat Paatchuktuuranik taivlugu” (Aiken 2010) [and they
called the Little Dipper Paatchuktuurat] § Siquvsiqqat

Putyuutchiak or Putyuutchaak or [lit “two crabs” or “close together like the thumb and
forefinger when held just a little ways apart”] (Nu) constellation ¤Cepheus , two

Puyyutchiaq constellation (this constellation consists of two small stars that are either very
close or part of the constellation ¤Draco Nanmatchiaq)

Puuq or Puuksraq [lit. “seal-skin bag”] constellation Cetus (the whale);“The Sealskin Bag
(pûgjaq) is the constellation Cetus.” (Ingstad: 209-210)

Qayuuttaq (Ti) constellation Ursus Major, Big Dipper

Qutugruk constellation of four stars (thought to resemble a collarbone, seen in winter);

“Ko-tog-eu-in ‘The collar bones’ are the Twins, Castor & Pollux, with two others
Capella & a small star which are placed in pairs slightly inclined to each other thus
having a fanciful resemblance to the slope of those bones or rather the shoulders in
the human frame.” (Bockstoce: 351) | perhaps +ruk3 nn

Siquvsiqqat or (Nu, Ti) Siqupsiqqat [lit. “shattered ones”] constellation Ursa Minor,
Little Dipper (a constellation which consists of a number of closely spaced stars
that have the appearance of something which has been broken and shattered into
several pieces] | +mit- vv =sI3- vv +[ġ]aq1 vn ‘-t3 nn (pl mkr) § Paatchuktuurat

Sivulliq or Suvulliik [lit. “the first two”] the two stars Arcturus and Muphrid in
constellation Bootes; “67. Arcturus…. si-bwŭd’-li” (Ray: 56); “Time is measured by
the sun when it is visible, or by some of the stars at night. For instance, they say ‘we
started when the sun was yonder (in the heavens) and travelled till it was yonder.’
Arcturus, Sibwu’dli, is the time-piece of the seal-netters. When this star has passed
over to the east they know that dawn is at hand and that netting is nearly over.”
(Murdoch 1890: 41) » qauġaqsimman alliġiik taapkuak qaŋattaaniktiġmagnik
qausuuruq when dawn is approaching and when the two [stars] that are one on top
of the other have risen, then dawn occurs; “taapkuagguuq qaŋattaaniktiġmagnik
uvluq nuirraqsisuuruq” (Matumeak 2009) [it is said that right after those two
(stars) rise the day breaks]; “uvlum tuŋaani nuisuuruq; qaum sivuuraŋani
qausaŋaiñŋaan nuisuuruq; qulliġiiksuk aagruuk uvlumi sivulliuguraġuuruq;
aŋiuraqtuaq sivulliusuuruq” (Aiken 2009) [as daylight approaches it becomes
visible; it becomes visible right before daylight comes; the aagruuk are one on top
of the other; the bigger (star) appears first] | -llIQ nn § Aagruuk

Tupqit (Nu) [lit. “tents”] a constellation (the four stars of the bowl of the Big Dipper said
to be four tents to which three hunters on foot are running) » tuviġġat airut
tupiġnun the three hunters [stars] are said to go home to the houses | :It nn §
Tuttuġruk, Tuvaat

Tuttuġruk constellation Ursa Major, Big Dipper » “Ursa major (tail)… tǔ’k-tu-o-ru-ǐn.”
(Ray: 56), so named because the handle of Big Dipper resembles a single caribou

horn extending from the head or ladle of the dipper; constellations Tupqit and
Tuvaat are contained in this constellation” | -ġruk nn

Tuvaat or Tuviġġat or Tuvaatchiat [lit. “hunters”] a combination of three stars which

make up the handle of constellation Ursa Major Tuttuġruk “Big Dipper” | -t3 (pl
mkr) § TupqIt, Tuttuġruk

Tuvaurat or Tuviġġat [lit.“hunters”] a constellation of three stars of Orion’s belt »

“71. Orion’s Belt… tǔ-at-san” (Ray: 56) | :uraq nn -t nn § Paatchuktuurat

Uvluġiaqpak [lit. “big star”] star Vega in constellation Lyra (its first appearance above
the horizon in late December signals the start of increasing daylight hours) | +lu(q)2
rn +iaq2 nn +qpak(-) nn

Uvluġiasugruk North Star (from Pete Sovalik) | +lu(q) rn +iaq1 nn

-sugruk(-) nn, vv § Aulasuilaq


Iñupiaq Names

In this section, Iñupiaq names are presented in the 1972 orthography. The intent
is not to replace the original spellings of names based on the English alphabet, but to
provide those who wish to use the Iñupiaq orthrography the opportunity to do so.
Dimond Jenness, an ethnologist with the Canadian Arctic Expedition in northern
Alaska and Canada in 1913 to 1916 summarizes best the traditional Inuit and Iñupiaq
beliefs about souls, naming, and namesakes. He writes “every person has a soul
(, which wanders about until the time of birth, when it enters the child and stays
with it through life. But the is inexperienced and unable to look after the child. At
birth, therefore, the child is called by the name of the last person – man or woman – who
died in the neighbourhood, or if several have died since the last birth, by all their names.
Now when a person dies the body is buried the following day, but the (or nap.ata)
lingers in the house until the fourth day (if a man) or the fifth day if a woman. Then it is
expelled, but remains at the grave until the next child is born in the neighbourhood.
When the child receives the deceased’s name, the deceased’s at the same time
enters the child and becomes its atka or guardian spirit…The child has now a double
relation to the people in the neighbourhood. It embodies the of the deceased – so
in addressing the child you address it as if it were the deceased. The atka protects the
child, guarding it from harm….The atka does not leave the child, but its influence wanes
as the years go by.” (Jenness 1991: 7-8)

A Aanġuyuk Aġluŋaq
Aaġiusiñ Aaŋa Aġnaatchiaq
Aaġlu Aaŋiyak Aġnaġituaq
Aaġluaq Aaġaaliq Aġnaġuluk
Aaġuraq Aapiaq Aġnaġuniq
Aahaaliq Aaqhaaliq Aġnaitchiaq
Aaka Aaqhaalliq Aġnaksraq
Aalaak Aaquaksraaluk Aġnałhaluk
Aalguuraq Aaquatchiaq Aġnaniaq
Aalialuk Aaquk Aġnaq
Aaluk Aaquluk Aġnaqpaluk
Aamiġirik Agavlak Aġnasagaq
Aamniq Agiaq Aġnatuk
Aana Aglaaluk Aġnauraq
Aanalliaq Agliġuq Aġnavigaq
Aanaruuraq Agnuk Aġnaviña
Aanauraq Aguk Aġnigalak
Aanavak Aġġak Aġniiñ
Aanayyuk Aġiunnaq Aġniiña

Aġnik Anaqulutuk Aqisaaluk
Aġniuraq Aniġaaġniq Aqitaksraq
Aġvaluq Aniqsuaq Aqivgaaluk
Aġviqsan Aniqsuayaaq Aqivgaq
Aġvitchiaq Aniivak Aqivgiayaaq
Aiġana Aniuvak Aqiviana
Aimaq Anivak Aqłuŋaq
Aisaana Annaġutchiaġruk Aqpaluk
Aitchuusiaq Annaġutchialuuraq Aqpauraq
Aiviq Annaġutchiq Aqpayuk
Akłaatchiaq Annaqaq Aqpik
Akłaq Annaqtuuq Aqpiksraq
Akłiñiq Annayak Aqsakaaq
Akugaq Anŋiaġruk Aqsikataq
Akuġluk Anŋik Aqsiataaq
Akuilaq Anuġi Aquilaq
Akuiyaq Anupqana/Aŋupqana Aquppirun
Akuvaaq Aŋalik Aqvaluq
Akutchuk Aŋaqiñ Argagiaq
Alaalik Aŋaqiña Argailaq
Alaġiaq Aŋarraaluk Argaitchuaq
Alaluk Aŋarraaq Argaluk
Alaq Aŋasak Arriñaaq
Alasuk Aŋmaalik Asagaq
Alasuuraq Aŋŋaaq Asakkaq
Alivrun Aŋŋiaġruk Asatchaq
Alivruna Aŋŋiaq Asiaġiñ
Alliñaaluk Aŋurruk Asiaŋŋataq
Aluiqsi Aŋutitchiaq Asisauġruaq
Aluk Aŋutuqsan Asisaun
Alukkaluk Aŋutuqsana Asuaq
Aluniq Aŋuyak Asugiaq
Aluŋauq Apakiiña Asuġiaq
Aluuraq Apayauq Atammak
Alak Apiġi Atanaaq
Amaġuaq Apiqsrauraq Ataŋaaġruuraq
Amaġugaaq Aqak Ataŋan
Amaġuq Aqamak Ataŋana
Amakak Aqamniq Ataŋauraq
Amaulik Aqaŋŋiq Atchuġunnaq
Amayun Aqargiq Atqaan
Amayuuraq Aqargiuluk Atqaana
Amiqqaq Aqargiun Atqaksaaq
Anaġi Aqarġiuna Attaġnaq
Anaġutchiq Aqiaġuq Atuaŋaruaq
Anaksraq Aqiŋa Atumiqsan

Atuqtuaq Iglauttaq Iñuuraq
Aukpak Igñaviña Iŋaluaq
Auktalik Iguaqpak Iŋigluk
Aullaġiña Iġlaŋasaq Iŋilluk
Aullaġruaq Iikuluk Iŋilluuraq
Aullaqsruaq Iipak Ipaaluk
Avaiyak Iituk Iqaġiñ
Avammiq Ikaaq Iqaġiña
Avaqqana Ikaġusaq Iqaluk
Avasak Ikayuaq Iqilaluk
Avatchiaġliq Iki Iqilan
Avialuk Ikiaqpak Iqilana
Avik Ikiun Iqilasuk
Avilluq Ikiuna Iqitqiraq
Avilluuraq Ikkaayuk Iqqaġaq
Aviŋŋasuk Ikkaiyuk Iqquk
Aviq Ikpik Iqsiññaq
Aviugan Iksrik Iqsraq
Aviugana Ikugana Irattuan
Aviugauraq Ikusik Iriġruaq
Aviuk (also short for Illiaq Iriqłuk
Aviugana Ilaaniq Iritchiaq
Aviuksaatchiaq Ilaitchuk Iritchiluk
Aviyuk Ilavgaq Isaaġaaluk
Avu Ilġuaq Isaġulik
Avvuuraq Ilġutchiaq Isauġana
Ayagiaq/Ayaġiaq Iliaġan Isauġauraq
Ayagruk Iliaġruaŋuluk Isigak
Ayaiyaq Iliappak Isigraktuaq
Ayakak Iliaq Isiksraqtuaq
Ayałhuq Iliiyaq Isiutak/Isiutaktuaq
Ayapan Ilippak Isuġaaq
Ayapana Ilisiuraq Isuqtuaq
Ayaqi Iluqtun Itaałłuk
Ayauniq Ilusiñ Itchuaġaq
Ayauniqpak Ilusiña Itiġruk
Ayugiña Imaġliq Ittaaq
Ayyuvi Immaqtuuq Itqiliuraq
Innaviña Ivaaq
I Inuqtuaq Iviqqaksraq
Igaaksraq Iññaviña Iviqqan
Igalaaq Iñugniilaq Iviqqana
Igasak Iñugruaq Ivrulik
Igaugaq Iñuquqłak Iyaaq
Iglaaq Iñuquyuk Iyaġun
Iglaġuktaq Iñuałuuraq

K Kisautaq Maniksaq
Kakianaaq Kisik Manuġli
Kakiññaaq Kisisaq Manuġliña
Kalik Kivvaq Manuluk
Kalika ¤Kulaq or Qulak Manuluuraq
Kaliksuna Kukulan Manuna
Kaliku Kullaluk/Kullaluuraq Maŋuyaaluk
Kalikutaq Kullaq Maŋuyak
Kanaaq Kumak Maptiġaq
Kanayuq Kunagnana Maqpik
Kanayuuraq Kunaŋnauraq Masauna
Kaŋiġaaluk Kunak Masu
Kaŋiġan Kunayaq Masuliaq
Kaŋiliqpak Kunaniq Matummialuk
Kaŋisan Kunilukualuk Matummiaq
Kaŋisaq Kunnaan Mayak
Kapuyuk Kunnaana Mayuiñ
Kasak Kunnaluaq Miġiñmusi
Kasivġuna Kunniaq Mikiana
Katagiaq Kunŋan Miligruaq
Katairuaq Kunuk Miluk
Kataksiña Kunullaq Miñġun
Kataktuġvik Kunuyaq Miñġuna
Kataliq Kupaaq Miñŋuq
Kataliuraq Kurraluk Miŋuk
Katauq Kusiq Misaniq
Katak Kusuk Misik
Katuaq Kuuġġuq Mitchak
Katuk Kuuk Mitiktaun
Kavisiġluk Kuukpik Mitiktauna
Kaviulluk Kuutchiq Mumiġan
Kaviuluk Kuutuuq Mumiġana
Kayuqtuuraq Kuuvak
Kiasik N
Kiiriq M Naataq
Kilaktaq Maasagruaq Naggusiaq
Kiligvak Maasak Nagruk
Kimak Maiyyuk Naġiaq
Kimmik Makkalik Nakaaq
Kimmialuk Makpii Nalikkak
Kiñaviaq Maksruk Namniq
Kiŋmayuuq Maligialuk Nanauq
Kippauyuyuq Maligialuuraq Nanauvak
Kipuġana Maligian Nanauyaaq
Kipuġauraq Maligiana Nanmak
Kivalliq Mamaŋiña Nanuq

Naŋinaaq Niksik Panikpak
Napaaqtuq Niŋiuq Panikpaluk
Napaġiaq Nipik Panitchiaq
Napaniq Niqqaktuaq Paniŋaluk
Narvan Nivikkana Paniulak
Narvana Nuġġasaq Paniunayuk
Nasaġluk Nuiraaġruaq Panniaq
Nasaġniq Nuiraaq Panniñġuna
Nasuaġnaq Nuisilaaq Papigluk
Nasualuk Nuiyaaq Papiġuq
Nasualuuraq Nukapiġaq Patik
Nasuaq Nuksana Patiktitaq
Nasuayaaq Nukik Patkutaq
Nasugraq Nuliaq Patugnaq
Nasuk Nuliatchiaq Patuk
Nasukpak Nullautaq Pauqqaasiñ
Nasuksraq Nulluataq Pausan
Nasuŋuluk Nunamiu Pausana
Natchiġun Nuŋŋasak Pausauraq
Natchiq Nuŋuluk Pauyuŋiña
Natiġvayuk Nusaŋiña Pauyuuraq
Natkusiaq Nusaŋiuraq Payuk
Nauluŋiaq Nutaaq Pigaaluk
Naunaġiñ Nuuŋaq Piluluk
Naunaġiña Nuvuk Piŋatuk
Nauriaq Nuyaaġiq Piŋusugruk
Nauyaq Piqalu
Nauyyaq P Piquk
Navaluk Paamiu Piquuraq
Nayaakkiq ¤Paatchuk Pituk
Nayuisan Pagnasuk Pivsuk
Nayuk Pagnisualuk Pualu
Nayukuk Paġualak Puayuuraq
Niaqualuk Paisaq Punyu
Niaquq Pakak Putqaq
Niaquqtutilaaq Palaŋan Putuguq
Niayuq Pamiilaq Putuilaq
Nigaaluk Pamiuq Purruq
Nigruun Pamiuġyuksaaq Puukak
Niġliq Paniattaaq Puvak
Niġliġaaluk Panigiuŋuluk Puya
Niġukkaiyaaq Panigiuq Puyyuk
Niġuvaaluk Panigluk
Niġuvan Panigruaq Q
Niġuvana Panik Qaaniq
Niġuvauraq Panikpaaluk Qaaqattak

Qaġġaq Qiġñak Quuniq
Qaġġualuk Qiilu Quupak
Qaġġuna Qiiñaaq Quuttuk
Qaġmak Qikuaq Quvalaaq
Qaiġilaq Qiliġniq Quvan
Qaiyaan Qilaavsuk Quvana
Qaiyauraq Qilavsaq
Qaiyuk Qilġialuk S
Qalak Qiliġniq Saalaaġruk
Qalayauq Qimiġluk Saali (Charlie)
Qalayauŋuluk Qimmiksan Saaŋiaq
Qalġiyan Qimmiksaq Saavġaq
Qalġiyaġruaq Qimmiq Sagvayuaq
Qaliaq Qimmiuraq Saġġan
Qallu Qinŋusaaq Saġġana
Qaluaq Qiñŋusaaq Saġġauraq
Qalutaksraq Qiñuġan Saġvan
Qalutchuk Qiŋaqtaq Sailaq
Qannik Qipi Sakiagaq
Qaŋattaaluk Qipiġiaq Sakiq
Qaŋŋuaq Qiruk Sakkaaluk
Qapqan Qitiġruaq Sakkan
Qapqana Qitik Samak
Qapuk Qiugaaluk Samaruna
Qaqaun Qiugaq Samaruuraq
Qaqsu Quġanna Samataq
Qaqsuuraq Quġlaq Sanniq
Qargiuluk Qukik Satuġiña
Qarri Quksraaq Saullaaq
Qasuniq Qulġuna Savak
Qattaq Qulliuq Savik
Qaumaluk Qunmiġu Savikpaligauraq
Qaummaġun Qunmiġun Saviyyaġluk
Qaummałuk Qunmiġuq Siakuk
Qaunnaq Qunŋu Sigraktuaq
Qaviġiñ Qunŋualuk Siġvan
Qaviuraq Qunŋuna Siġvaun
Qavviayaaq Quŋusiq Siġvauyuŋaq
Qavvik Quŋuyuk Siitchiaġruaq
Qayaq Qupałuk Sikiaġruk
Qayaaq Qurġun Sikkattuaq
Qayaaluk Qusaiyaaq Siksraktuaq
Qayaiyaqtualuk Qusiġuna Siksrikkaaq
Qayuuttaq Qusivġun Siliuna
Qiatun Quttaasin Silamiu
Qiġñagaaluk Qutuk Silamiutchiaq

Silatqutaq Taġiuq Tukummiq
Silauyaq Tagliñ Tukummiuraq
Siliun Taipan Tulugaq
Siliuna Taipana Tuluk
Silligaaq Taiyugaaq Tumaatchaq
Siluatchiaq Takkak Tuniq
Simigluaq Takłiñ Tuniqtaq
Simik Taksruk Tupinġaaluk
Siŋatuuq Takpaan Tupinŋaaluk
Sirraġiña Takpana Tuquttaq
Sirraq Taktuk Tutigruaq
Sirraun Taliq Tuuggaq
Sirrauna Tapa Tuukkaq
Sisualik Taqalak Tuuluk
Siullik Taqalakisaq Tuułuk
Siulluk Taqtu Tuuqłak
Siutchiaġruaq Taqulik Tuurraq
Suakpak Tarrualuk Tuurrauraq
Sukanaaqpauraq Tarruayaaq Tuutaq
Suksraaluk Tarruq Tuuyyaq
Suksran Tarrualuk Tuvaaq
Suksrana Tatqaviña Tuvaatchialuk
Suluk Tauqsiaq Tuyyaq
Suŋaqsan Tauttuq
Suŋauravik Tavviñ U
Suqłuk Tavvialuk Uałuk
Suqqaq Tiġigluk Ugana
Suusuk Tiġigruaq Ugiaqtaq
Suuyuk Tiġiġruaq Ugran
Suuyualuk Tiġiksruaq Ugruaq
Suvaliq Tiġiqsi Uguannaq
Suvałiq Tiġitquuraq Uġiiña
Suvlu Tigluk Uġrisaq
Suvluuraq Tigusiaq Uġruaq
Suvyualuk Tigutaaq Uġruġaaluk
Tigutaaqpaluk Uġruun
T Tilaġġiyaq Uimuaq
Taagiiluk Tiŋuk Uiññiq
Taagruk Tiŋuuraq Ukaqquk
Taalak Tiriq Ukpiaqhaaq
Taaliaq Titqiaq Ukpik
Taałak Tugli Ukpiqsaun
Taaqpak Tuġiña Ulaaq
Tagiaġiña Tuiġan Ulġiñ
Tagnak Tukak Ulimaq
Taġġaq Tukkayak Ulimaun

Uluaqtuun Upqik Uuruq
Uluġġaq Usak Uusuuraq
Umialigaaq Usarak Uvigaq
Umiaq Usisan Uvluaq
Umigluk Utaatak Uvluġiaq
Umigluk Utigauraq Uvyaq
Umittaq Utigruaq Uvyuaq
Unagiiġaaluk Utik Uyaġaaluk
Unaliiña Utkusik Uyaġaatchiaq
Uŋalaq Uttaatak Uyaġak
Uŋaruq Utuałuuraq Uyalu
Uqaqquk Utuaġaaluk Uyuġuaq
Uqilliaq Utuan Uyumġaq
Uqpik Utuana
Uqpiksaun Utuayuk Y
Uqsi Utuktauraq Yaayyuk
Uqsrualuk Uula Yugu
Uqumailaq Uumiñaq Yuisaaluk


Wm. Clark Bartley

The Iñupiat have traditionally used a base-20-sub-base-5 counting system, technically

known as a "penta-vigesimal system". This indicates that counting is based on groups of
five "units", which groups are, in turn, combined into larger groups, composed of four
"sets of five". In short, this means that the overarching structure of the system is based
on "scores" (or "twenties"). As Iñupiaq numbers become progressively greater, the
regroupings by five's and by four's alternate. This characteristic produces a two-
dimensional system with a number grid instead of a one-dimensional number line.

The decimal system is handy because the fingers can be used as counters. The Iñupiat
base-20 system clearly extends this notion to the toes, as well. The Iñupiat counted on
one limb at a time, so there were four groups of five, hence the sub-base 5 — and the
two-dimensional system. The human body may be considered the living model of the
earliest abacus or counting board. Even the prototype of the Babylonian base-60 counting
system used points on the body to keep track of numbers. The majority of human
counting systems are body-based. Some of the Iñupiaq number words clearly reflect their
corporal origins. "Tallimat", the word for five, for example, is related to the Iñupiaq word
"taliq", meaning "arm". The word for ten, "qulit", means something like "top", suggesting
that it refers to both of the arms on the top half of the body. The word for eleven in most
Inuit-speaking communities, including some Iñupiaq-speaking communities, means "it
goes down", an indication that one is now counting on the toes. Further evidence is found
in the word "akimiaq", Iñupiaq for fifteen. "Akimiaq" means something like "it goes
across", implying that counting will now cross over and continue on the other foot.

The connection to the human body is most apparent in the Inuit words used for twenty.
Throughout the entire Inuit-speaking world, there is a clear human association. Most Inuit
dialects use the same word for "person" as for "twenty". The Iñupiaq word for twenty,
"iñuiññaq", is a word denoting a "complete person". In Inuktitut dialects, spoken in
Eastern Canada, they use the word "avatit", signifying "all the extremities" of the body.
Some have proposed that even the Iñupiaq word "atausiq", for "one", is probably also
derived from a reference to the human body. "Atausiq" (or some close cognate variation,
such as "atauceq") is used, almost universally, everywhere an Inuit dialect is spoken.

One special feature of the Iñupiat counting system is the post-base "-åutaiøaq", which
anticipates any number, (except "tallimat"), which regroups a preceding place value. This
post-base suggests that a number is one less than the word stem to which it is attached.

Counting (and numbers) play differing roles, depending on the culture. How extensive
the counting system must be is determined by what is counted, as well as by how
important it is to quantify certain objects. In some cultures, there may be no real need to
count higher than fifty or a hundred. In other cultures, it is important to account for very
large quantities of some things, so the number system will extend to higher numbers.
Until relatively recently, there was rarely a need for Iñupiat to count much above 400.
However, when reindeer herding was introduced, the Iñupiat herders sometimes needed
much higher numbers to account for each reindeer in a large herd. More recently still,
Iñupiat youth in the village of Kaktovik developed an elegant notation system to
represent their numbers in written form. Almost immediately, people recognized that the
numerals had several advantages over the Arabic numerals when carrying out arithmetic
operations. Consequently, the Iñupiat counting system began to be used in schools for
teaching math—with dramatic results. Both reindeer herding and the school math setting
introduced new cultural demands, requiring extension of the traditional counting system.
Counting has played many roles in traditional Iñupiaq culture. One of the major roles has
been managing the yearly requirements of a family for food, clothing, and fuel. The arctic
is very unforgiving, and among the harshest environments on earth. Until recently, with
the growth of the cash economy introduced after contact with Western culture, Native
families could not survive unless they could manage their resources with foresight and
prudence. So accurate counting could be a matter of life or death: a family could literally
starve, or freeze to death. Counting served to assure that stores of fish, meat, and animal
fat or oil were sufficient to sustain the entire family through a long arctic winter.

The number of fish a family held in storage would often be much, much higher than 400,
but fish needn't be counted individually. It was the mass of fish, not the number of the
fish, which was important to a family's survival. Many more small fish could fit on a fish
rack than large fish. Therefore the fish rack often served as the unit of measure for fish.
Larger animals, on the other hand, were counted individually. Skins and pelts, that could
be used for making clothing, boats, or even shelter, were bundled together; the skins of
larger animals were bundled in groups of five, whereas those from smaller animals were
fastened together in bundles of twenty. The wife and mother in any Eskimo household
knew how many bundles were required for a particular purpose, such as sewing a parka.
Counting was also essential in traditional barter trade. Arctic peoples from as far away as
Siberia regularly attended the annual trade fairs, held until early in the twentieth century.
There they could trade their own local goods for useful and necessary articles from other
regions in order to supplement the products of their own labor, hunting and gathering.
As mentioned above, the Iñupiat counting system is a two-dimensional system. By
contrast, the decimal system is linear, based only on powers of ten. Ten units, (or 1's),
become 10, ten tens make 100, ten hundreds are 1,000, ten thousands give us 10,000, etc.
In the Iñupiat counting system, five ones (or ‚'s), are 5 (‰), four fives render 20 (‚¸),
five score (twenties) becomes 100 (‰¸), four hundreds yield 400 (‚¸¸), five four-
hundreds produce 2,000 (‰¸¸), and four two-thousands are 8,000 (‚,¸¸¸). Below are
the Kaktovik Iñupiaq numerals used for notation of Iñupiaq numbers:
¸ ‚ ƒ „ ‡
‰ ¡ £ ¤ ¥
¿ µ ã õ ë
Ã Õ Ë º ¬ (Twenty is written as‚¸.)
When naming larger numbers in Iñupiaq, as in most languages, one begins by stating the
term that expresses the largest place value. Next, one states the term for the second-largest
place value, continuing until the lowest place value is reached and spoken. The speaker simply
skips places that are empty of value, (i.e. have a zero-value). In Iñupiaq, when no places are
empty, the speaker will alternate between place values that are five times the next-lowest
place value and those that are four times the next lowest place value. The system is a base-20
system precisely because the place-values alternate between factors of five and of four times
the preceding place value; five times four is 20. This produces a two-dimensional system.
Horizontally the oral system is theoretically infinite, but vertically, spoken numbers are
limited to two places: the basic place-value units, and five times the basic place-value units.

However, the traditional oral system can easily be expanded beyond the two spoken, vertical
place values. For specific purposes, some Inuit communities expand the simple base-5
system higher. One example is the special, base-five counting system, used in Greenland, for
counting and binding birds together when hunting from a kayak in order to use the weight of
the birds to maintain stability and to balance the load on the kayak. However, all the places in
the oral system can, in theory, be extended infinitely higher and lower. The base-5 axis can
be extended one or more places higher or lower in order to make calculation simpler when
using the penta-vigesimal system to solve math problems. Below is a chart, showing the
place values, in both Arabic and Kaktovik numerals, of the various places when the spoken
system is expanded vertically. The band of value places shown in gray indicates places used
in the spoken counting system. The capitalized letters, shown in the center, indicate the
spoken order of the corresponding oral number words, beginning with "A".

1,000,000 50,000 2,500 125 6.25 .3125

¡‰,¸¸¸ ¡,‰¸¸ ¡‰¸ ¡‰ ¡.‰ .¡‰

200,000 10,000 500 25 1.25 .0625

‚‰,¸¸¸ ‚,‰¸¸ ‚‰¸ ‚‰ ‚.‰ . ‚‰

40,000 2,000 100 5 .25 .0125

‰,¸¸¸ ‰¸¸ ‰¸ ‰ .‰ .¸‰
8,000 400 20 1 .05 .0025
‚,¸¸¸ . ‚¸¸ ‚¸ ‚ .‚ .¸‚
1,600 80 4 .2 .01 .0005
‡¸ ‡ .‡ .¸‡ .¸¸‡
320 16 .8 .04 .002 .0001
Õ¸ Õ .Õ .¸Õ .¸¸Õ .¸¸Õ
In the chart, note that when moving up or down, the place values increase or decrease by a
factor of five. When moving left or right the place values increase or decrease by a factor of
20. When moving diagonally down and left or up and right, the place values increase or
decrease by a factor of four, and when moving diagonally up and left or down and right, the
place values increase or decrease by a factor of 100. Also notice the Kaktovik numerals in
each horizontal row is a numeral, or a pair of them, which remains constant across the row,
only changing the place value where those numerals occur, as they increase or decrease by
a factor of 20. The vertical double line separates whole numbers from vigesimal fractions.

The oral Iñupiaq counting system uses "tallimat", with or without a post-base, (e.g.
tallimat, tallimakipiaq, tallimagliaq, etc), to indicate value five-times that of the next-
lower place-value. For example, the value is 5 when the next-lower place value is 1; it is
100, when the lower place value is 20; an 2,000 when the lower place value is 400, etc.
The oral system uses "qulit", qulikipiaq, quliagliaq, etc, to show value twice five-times
(or 10 times) the value of the next-lower place value; for example, 10 when the lower
place value is 1; 200 when the lower place value is 20; 4,000 when the lower place value
is 400, etc.). In the same way it uses "akimiaq", with or without a post-base, (e.g.
akimiaq, akimiakipiaq, akimiagliaq, etc.) to indicate value thrice five-times, (or 15
times), the value of the basic unit value of the next-lower place. For example, 15 when
the lower place value is 1; 300 when the lower place value is 20; 6,000 when the lower
place value is 400, etc. By contrast, "malåuk", "piÿasut" and "sisamat" are used in the
lower sector, or place, with or without a post-base, to indicate respectively a value two-,
three-, or four-times the value of the basic value unit in that lower "sector", or "place".

In order to represent this oral system simply with symbols, every Kaktovik numeral contains
information about two places: a lower place value and an upper place value, (whose value is
five times the value of the lower place). In both sectors, a single straight stroke is used to
represent one unit of value; two strokes represent two units of value; three strokes represent
three units of value; etc. This means that mathematically, both ‚ and ‰ represent one value
unit; both ƒ and ¿ represent two value units; both „ and à represent three value units. The
difference is that the stroke pattern used in the lower sector is rotated ninety degrees to the
left and elevated when written to show the value in the upper "sector", or "place".

The elevation shows that the stroke pattern occupies a different place and has a higher
place value. The rotation and elevation together remind us that the rotated form has a value
five times greater than in the place below. They also remind us that "qulit" and "akimiaq"
are the appropriate oral stems, rather than "malåuk" and "piÿasut". When both "sectors",
(or "places") of one Kaktovik numeral contain strokes indicating value, the upper and lower
strokes are graphically connected. If there are no strokes in one of the places, (or sectors),
that sector without any strokes is deemed empty, (as though it contained a zero).
"Suitchuq", the equivalent of zero, is only needed when there is absence of value in both
the upper and lower sector. "Suitchuq" is a dual-place holder, normally signifying that both
the lower "sector, or "place" it occupies, as well as the upper "sector, or "place", are empty.

The following chart shows the place values for a large, whole number, written with Arabic
numerals and occupying five places in the decimal system. It also shows the equivalent of
the same number, using only four Kaktovik numerals, yet occupying eight places. The
chart also indicates, (in parentheses), how that place value is determined as a multiple of
the place value of the preceding place in the system. Note the linear nature of the decimal
system, which has only one base in contrast to the penta-vigesimal system, which has both
a base and sub-base, and places are arranged both vertically and horizontally.
Arabic Numeral Place Value

1,000 100 10 1
thousands hundreds tens ones
Place Values
[10 3 ] , [10 2 ] [101 ] [10 0 ]

Kaktovik Numeral Place Value

‰,¸¸¸ ‰¸¸ ‰¸ ‰
Upper-sector (5 X 8,000) (5 X 400) (5 X 20) (5 X 1)
Place Values forty-thousands two-thousands hundreds fives
40,000 2,000 100 5

‚,¸¸¸ ‚¸¸ ‚¸ ‚
Lower-sector (4 X 2,000) (4 X 100) (4 X 5)
Place Values eight-thousands
, four-hundreds
[20 3 ] [20 2 ] [20 1 ] [20 0 ]
. ,

When written with the Kaktovik Iñupiaq numerals, the equivalent of the number 97,531,
for example, occupies eight places in the Iñupiaq place-value system, whereas it occupies
only five places in the decimal system. Nevertheless, only four numerals are required to
express 97,531 in Kaktovik numerals: ã,„Õµ. Fewer numerals are needed because each
Kaktovik numeral expresses quantities for two places in the Iñupiaq place-value system,
as shown in the chart below. Notice the column of Kaktovik numerals highlighted in
gray; also notice how those Kaktovik numerals, shown in third column, are composed of
the two stroke patterns in the fourth column. (Forms in parentheses are non-rotated forms.)

97,531 in the Decimal System ã,„Õµ = 97,531 in the Iñupiaq System

¿ (ƒ) 2 forty-thousands
ã ƒ 2 eight-thousands
(¸) 0 two-thousands
9 ten-thousands „ „ 3 four-hundreds
7 thousands à („) 3 hundreds
5 hundreds Õ ‚ 1 score
3 tens ¿ (ƒ) 2 fives
1 ones µ ‚ 1 ones
The second and the last columns in the preceding chart indicate the place values of each
place in the respective systems. The first and fifth columns specify, in Arabic numerals,
how many multiples of each place value there are. The fourth column gives the stroke
pattern of the forms used in a Kaktovik numeral to indicate the same value that is shown
in the fifth column. When the form of the basic stroke pattern has been rotated and
elevated, the non-rotated form is given in parenthesis so that its relationship to the Arabic
numerals of the fifth column is clearer. Finally, in the third column, the reader sees the
complete Kaktovik numeral that is composed from two elements in the fourth column.

Since contact with the West began, Inuit-speaking communities have experienced strong
interference and pressure from the English, French, Russian, and Danish counting systems.
For the typical person who knows the decimal system better than the local Inuit penta-
vigesimal system, confusion tends to set in as the numbers get higher. The confusion arises
from the fact that in English, the word "forty" is related to the word "four", whereas, for
example, the Iñupiaq word equivalent to 80 is derived from the Iñupiaq word for four. As
Inuit began to be educated to use the decimal system, unless they were very familiar with
their traditional system, they easily equated or confused their word for 80 with the English
word for 40. Also, the English word "thirty" is related to the words "third" and "three",
whereas in Iñupiaq, as in other Inuit dialects, the word equivalent to 60 is derived from the
Iñupiaq word for three. Therefore, educated Inuit also confused their word for 60 with the
decimal number 30. This has resulted in a tendency, during the post-contact period, for
numbers 30 and above to fall into disuse. In some communities, the traditional Inuit sub-
base-5 structure has even mutated into a sub-base-10 system, thus making the local,
traditional counting system more compatible with the decimal system. This tendency has
been particularly marked in Eastern Canada. However, this change obscures some of the
genius and simplified calculation benefits of the traditional Inuit system.

The following eleven pages are intended to assist Iñupiaq learners and speakers to become
more familiar with the Iñupiat counting system. In each column of the table, the Kaktovik
numeral, the Iñupiaq number name, and the decimal equivalent are given, in that order.
The table is divided into groups of five to visually distinguish each group of five. The
Iñupiaq for every whole number up to the equivalent of 400 are given, as well as the
equivalent of "zero". After 400, Larger Iñupiaq number words for multiples, of 400; 8,000;
160,000; and 3,200,000 are shown, from which the reader can extrapolate the remaining
Iñupiaq numbers and Kaktovik-numeral counterparts almost up to 2,048,000,000,000,000.

Compare the Kaktovik numerals to the Iñupiaq number words. Notice how, for each
Kaktovik numeral, both place values are generally read separately. Exceptions, such as
"itchaksrat" exist, not unlike "eleven" in the English system. Also pay attention to
numbers ending in "-åutaiøaq", just above lines separating the cycles or groups of five.
These numbers cause some difficulty to those unfamiliar with the Iñupiat counting
system. However, although this feature may seem a nuisance at first, it is, nevertheless,
an excellent linguistic cue that aids students learning to do complex computation quickly
on a penta-vigesimal, Iñupiaq abacus or counting board.
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
¸ suitchuq (*see note) 0 ‚¸ iñuiññaq 20 ƒ¸ malåukipiak 40
‚ atausiq 1 ‚‚ iñuiññaq atausiq 21 ƒ‚ malåukipiaq atausiq 41
ƒ malåuk 2 ‚ƒ iñuiññaq malåuk 22 ƒƒ malåukipiaq malåuk 42
„ piÿasut 3 ‚„ iñuiññaq piÿasut 23 ƒ„ malåukipiaq piÿasut 43
‡ sisamat 4 ‚‡ iñuiññaq sisamat 24 ƒ‡ malåukipiaq sisamat 44
‰ tallimat 5 ‚‰ iñuiññaq tallimat 25 ƒ‰ malåukipiaq tallimat 45
¡ itchaksrat 6 ‚¡ iñuiññaq itchaksrat 26 ƒ¡ malåukipiaq itchaksrat 46
£ tallimat malåuk 7 ‚£ iñuiññaq tallimat malåuk 27 ƒ£ malåukipiaq tallimat malåuk 47
¤ tallimat piÿasut 8 ‚¤ iñuiññaq tallimat piÿasut 28 ƒ¤ malåukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 48
¥ quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 9 ‚¥ iñuiññaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 29 ƒ¥ malåukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 49
¿ qulit 10 ‚¿ iñuiññaq qulit 30 ƒ¿ malåukipiaq qulit 50
µ qulit atausiq 11 ‚µ iñuiññaq qulit atausiq 31 ƒµ malåukipiaq qulit atausiq 51
ã qulit malåuk 12 ‚ã iñuiññaq qulit malåuk 32 ƒã malåukipiaq qulit malåuk 52
õ qulit piÿasut 13 ‚õ iñuiññaq qulit piÿasut 33 ƒõ malåukipiaq qulit piÿasut 53
ë akimiaåutaiøaq 14 ‚ë iñuiññaq akimiaåutaiøaq 34 ƒë malåukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 54
à akimiaq 15 ‚à iñuiññaq akimiaq 35 ƒÃ malåukipiaq akimiaq 55
Õ akimiaq atausiq 16 ‚Õ iñuiññaq akimiaq atausiq 36 ƒÕ malåukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 56
Ë akimiaq malåuk 17 ‚Ë iñuiññaq akimiaq malåuk 37 ƒË malåukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 57
º akimiaq piÿasut 18 ‚º iñuiññaq akimiaq piÿasut 38 ƒº malåukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 58
¬ iñuiññaåutaiøaq 19 ‚¬ malåukipiaåutaiøaq 39 ƒ¬ piÿasukipiaåutaiøaq 59
* "Suitchuq" is a cardinal, used to express the value of nothing or zero; "kisitchisaåvik" is used as an ordinal to show order as when counting or to express the power of zero
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
„¸ piÿasukipiaq 60 ‡¸ sisamakipiaq 80
„‚ piÿasukipiaq atausiq 61 ‡‚ sisamakipiaq atausiq 81
„ƒ piÿasukipiaq malåuk 62 ‡ƒ sisamakipiaq malåuk 82
„„ piÿasukipiaq piÿasut 63 ‡„ sisamakipiaq piÿasut 83
„‡ piÿasukipiaq sisamat 64 ‡‡ sisamakipiaq sisamat 84
„‰ piÿasukipiaq tallimat 65 ‡‰ sisamakipiaq tallimat 85
„¡ piÿasukipiaq itchaksrat 66 ‡¡ sisamakipiaq itchaksrat 86
„£ piÿasukipiaq tallimat malåuk 67 ‡£ sisamakipiaq tallimat malåuk 87
„¤ piÿasukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 68 ‡¤ sisamakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 88
„¥ piÿasukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 69 „¥ sisamakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 89
„¿ piÿasukipiaq qulit 70 ‡¿ sisamakipiaq qulit 90
„µ piÿasukipiaq qulit atausiq 71 ‡µ sisamakipiaq qulit atausiq 91
„ã piÿasukipiaq qulit malåuk 72 ‡ã sisamakipiaq qulit malåuk 92
„õ piÿasukipiaq qulit piÿasut 73 ‡õ sisamakipiaq qulit piÿasut 93
„ë piÿasukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 74 ‡ë sisamakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 94
„à piÿasukipiaq akimiaq 75 ‡Ã sisamakipiaq akimiaq 95
„Õ piÿasukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 76 ‡Õ sisamakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 96
„Ë piÿasukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 77 ‡Ë sisamakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 97
„º piÿasukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 78 ‡º sisamakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 98
„¬ sisamakipiaåutaiøaq 79 ‡¬ tallimakipiaåutaiøaq 99
‰¸ tallimakipiaq 100 ¡¸ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq 120
‰‚ tallimakipiaq atausiq 101 ¡‚ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq atausiq 121
‰ƒ tallimakipiaq malåuk 103 ¡ƒ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq malåuk 122
‰„ tallimakipiaq piÿasut 104 ¡„ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq piÿasut 123
‰‡ tallimakipiaq sisamat 103 ¡‡ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq sisamat 124
‰‰ tallimakipiaq tallimat 105 ¡‰ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat 125
‰¡ tallimakipiaq itchaksrat 106 ¡¡ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq itchaksrat 126
‰£ tallimakipiaq tallimat malåuk 107 ¡£ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat malåuk 127
‰¤ tallimakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 108 ¡¤ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat piÿasut 128
‰¥ tallimakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 109 ¡¥ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 129
‰¿ tallimakipiaq qulit 110 ¡¿ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit 130
‰µ tallimakipiaq qulit atausiq 111 ¡µ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit atausiq 131
‰ã tallimakipiaq qulit malåuk 112 ¡ã tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit malåuk 132
‰õ tallimakipiaq qulit piÿasut 113 ¡õ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit piÿasut 133
‰ë tallimakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 114 ¡ë tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaåutaiøaq 134
‰Ã tallimakipiaq akimiaq 115 ¡Ã tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq 135
‰Õ tallimakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 116 ¡Õ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq atausiq 136
‰Ë tallimakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 117 ¡Ë tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq malåuk 137
‰º tallimakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 118 ¡º tallimakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq piÿasut 138
‰¬ tallimakipiaq iñuiññaåutaiøaq 119 ¡¬ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaåutaiøaq 139
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
£¸ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq 140 ¤¸ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq 160
£‚ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq atausiq 141 ¤‚ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq atausiq 161
£ƒ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq malåuk 142 ¤ƒ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq malåuk 162
£„ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq piÿasut 143 ¤„ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq piÿasut 163
£‡ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq sisamat 144 ¤‡ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq sisamat 164
£‰ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat 145 ¤‰ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat 165
£¡ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq itchaksrat 146 ¤¡ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq itchaksrat 166
££ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat malåuk 147 ¤£ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat malåuk 167
£¤ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 148 ¤¤ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 168
£¥ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 149 ¤¥ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 169
£¿ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit 150 ¤¿ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit 170
£µ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit atausiq 151 ¤µ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit atausiq 171
£ã tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit malåuk 152 ¤ã tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit malåuk 172
£õ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit piÿasut 153 ¤õ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit piÿasut 173
£ë tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 154 ¤ë tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 174
£Ã tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq 155 ¤Ã tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq 175
£Õ tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 156 ¤Õ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 176
£Ë tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 157 ¤Ë tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 177
£º tallimakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 158 ¤º tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 178
£¬ tallimakipiaq piÿasukipiaåutaiøaq 159 ¤¬ tallimakipiaq sisimakipiaåutaiøaq 179
¥¸ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq 180 ¿¸ qulikipiaq 200
¥‚ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq atausiq 181 ¿‚ qulikipiaq atausiq 201
¥ƒ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq malåuk 182 ¿ƒ qulikipiaq malåuk 202
¥„ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq piÿasut 183 ¿„ qulikipiaq piÿasut 203
¥‡ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq sisamat 184 ¿‡ qulikipiaq sisamat 204
¥‰ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat 185 ¿‰ qulikipiaq tallimat 205
¥¡ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq itchaksrat 186 ¿¡ qulikipiaq itchaksrat 206
¥£ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat malåuk 187 ¿£ qulikipiaq tallimat malåuk 207
¥¤ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 188 ¿¤ qulikipiaq tallimat piÿasut 208
¥¥ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 189 ¿¥ qulikipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 209
¥¿ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit 190 ¿¿ qulikipiaq qulit 210
¥µ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit atausiq 191 ¿µ qulikipiaq qulit atausiq 211
¥ã tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit malåuk 192 ¿ã qulikipiaq qulit malåuk 212
¥õ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit piÿasut 193 ¿õ qulikipiaq qulit piÿasut 213
¥ë tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 194 ¿ë qulikipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 214
¥Ã tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq 195 ¿Ã qulikipiaq akimiaq 215
¥Õ tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 196 ¿Õ qulikipiaq akimiaq atausiq 216
¥Ë tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 197 ¿Ë qulikipiaq akimiaq malåuk 217
¥º tallimakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 198 ¿º qulikipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 218
¥¬ qulikipiaåutaiøaq 199 ¿¬ qulikipiaq iñuiññaåutaiøaq 219
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
µ¸ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq 220 㸠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq 240
µ‚ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq atausiq 221 ã‚ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq atausiq 241
µƒ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq malåuk 222 ムqulikipiaq malåukipiaq malåuk 242
µ„ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq piÿasut 223 ã„ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq piÿasut 243
µ‡ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq sisamat 224 ㇠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq sisamat 244
µ‰ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat 225 ㉠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat 245
µ¡ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq itchaksrat 226 ã¡ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq itchaksrat 246
µ£ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat malåuk 227 㣠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat malåuk 247
µ¤ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat piÿasut 228 㤠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 248
µ¥ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 229 㥠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 249
µ¿ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq qulit 230 ã¿ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq qulit 250
µµ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq qulit atausiq 231 ãµ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq qulit atausiq 251
µã qulikipiaq iñuiññaq qulit malåuk 232 ãã qulikipiaq malåukipiaq qulit malåuk 252
µõ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq qulit piÿasut 233 ãõ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq qulit piÿasut 253
µë qulikipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaåutaiøaq 234 ãë qulikipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 254
µÃ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq 235 ãà qulikipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq 255
µÕ qulikipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq atausiq 236 ãÕ qulikipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 256
µË qulikipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq malåuk 237 ãË qulikipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 257
µº qulikipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq piÿasut 238 㺠qulikipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 258
µ¬ qulikipiaq malåukipiaåutaiøaq 239 㬠qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaåutaiøaq 259
õ¸ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq 260 ë¸ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq 280
õ‚ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq atausiq 261 ë‚ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq atausiq 281
õƒ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq malåuk 262 ëƒ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq malåuk 282
õ„ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq piÿasut 263 ë„ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq piÿasut 283
õ‡ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq sisamat 264 ë‡ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq sisamat 284
õ‰ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat 265 ë‰ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat 285
õ¡ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq itchaksrat 266 ë¡ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq itchaksrat 286
õ£ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat malåuk 267 ë£ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat malåuk 287
õ¤ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 268 ë¤ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 288
õ¥ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 269 ë¥ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 289
õ¿ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit 270 ë¿ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit 290
õµ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit atausiq 271 ëµ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit atausiq 291
õã qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit malåuk 272 ëã qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit malåuk 292
õõ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit piÿasut 273 ëõ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit piÿasut 293
õë qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 274 ëë qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 294
õà qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq 275 ëà qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq 295
õÕ qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 276 ëÕ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 296
õË qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 277 ëË qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 297
õº qulikipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 278 ëº qulikipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 298
õ¬ qulikipiaq sisamakipiaåutaiøaq 279 ë¬ akimiakipiaåutaiøaq 299
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
ø akimiakipiaq 300 Õ¸ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq 320
 akimiakipiaq atausiq 301 Õ‚ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq atausiq 321
à akimiakipiaq malåuk 302 Õƒ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq malåuk 322
Ä akimiakipiaq piÿasut 303 Õ„ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq piÿasut 323
Ç akimiakipiaq sisamat 304 Õ‡ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq sisamat 324
É akimiakipiaq tallimat 305 Õ‰ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat 325
á akimiakipiaq itchaksrat 306 Õ¡ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq itchaksrat 326
ã akimiakipiaq tallimat malåuk 307 Õ£ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat malåuk 327
ä akimiakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 308 Õ¤ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq tallimat piÿasut 328
Ã¥ akimiakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 309 Õ¥ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 329
ÿ akimiakipiaq qulit 310 Õ¿ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit 330
õ akimiakipiaq qulit atausiq 311 Õµ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit atausiq 331
Ãã akimiakipiaq qulit malåuk 312 Õã akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit malåuk 332
Ãõ akimiakipiaq qulit piÿasut 313 Õõ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq qulit piÿasut 333
Ãë akimiakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 314 Õë akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaåutaiøaq 334
ÃÃ akimiakipiaq akimiaq 315 ÕÃ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq 335
ÃÕ akimiakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 316 ÕÕ akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq atausiq 336
ÃË akimiakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 317 ÕË akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq malåuk 337
ú akimiakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 318 Õº akimiakipiaq iñuiññaq akimiaq piÿasut 338
ì akimiakipiaq iñuiññaåutaiøaq 319 Õ¬ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaåutaiøaq 339
˸ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq 340 º¸ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq 360
Ë‚ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq atausiq 341 º‚ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq atausiq 361
˃ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq malåuk 342 ºƒ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq malåuk 362
Ë„ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq piÿasut 343 º„ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq piÿasut 363
ˇ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq sisamat 344 º‡ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq sisamat 364
ˉ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat 345 º‰ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat 365
Ë¡ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq itchaksrat 346 º¡ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq itchaksrat 366
Ë£ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat malåuk 347 º£ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat malåuk 367
ˤ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 348 º¤ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq tallimat piÿasut 368
Ë¥ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 349 º¥ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 369
Ë¿ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit 350 º¿ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit 370
˵ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit atausiq 351 ºµ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit atausiq 371
Ëã akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit malåuk 352 ºã akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit malåuk 372
Ëõ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq qulit piÿasut 353 ºõ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq qulit piÿasut 373
Ëë akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 354 ºë akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 374
Ëà akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq 355 ºÃ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq 375
ËÕ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 356 ºÕ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq atausiq 376
ËË akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 357 ºË akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq malåuk 377
˺ akimiakipiaq malåukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 358 ºº akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 378
ˬ akimiakipiaq piÿasukipiaåutaiøaq 359 º¬ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaåutaiøaq 379
with Kaktovik numerals (first column) and Arabic numeral equivalents (third column)
¬¸ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq 380 ‚¸¸ iñuiññakipiaq (traditional form) or, 400
¬‚ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq atausiq 381 in reindeer herding & math iøagiññaq
¬ƒ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq malåuk 382 ƒ¸¸ malåuagliaq 800
¬„ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq piÿasut 383 „¸¸ piÿasuagliaq 1,200
¬‡ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq sisamat 384 ‡¸¸ sisamaagliaq 1,600
¬‰ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat 385 ‰¸¸ tallimaagliaq 2,000
¬¡ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq itchaksrat 386 ¡¸¸ tallimaagliaq iøagiññaq 2,400
¬£ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat malåuk 387 £¸¸ tallimaagliaq malåuagliaq 2,800
¬¤ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq tallimat piÿasut 388 ¤¸¸ tallimaagliaq piÿasuagliaq 3,200
¬¥ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq quliÿÿuåutaiøaq 389 ¥¸¸ tallimaagliaq sisamaagliaq 3,600
¬¿ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit 390 ¿¸¸ quliagliaq 4,000
¬µ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit atausiq 391 µ¸¸ quliagliaq iøagiññaq 4,400
¬ã akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit malåuk 392 㸸 quliagliaq malåuagliaq 4,800
¬õ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq qulit piÿasut 393 õ¸¸ quliagliaq piÿasuagliaq 5,200
¬ë akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaåutaiøaq 394 븸 quliagliaq sisamaagliaq 5,600
¬Ã akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq 395 ø¸ akimiagliaq 6,000
¬Õ akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq atausiq 396 Õ¸¸ akimiagliaq iøagiññaq 6,400
¥Ë akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq malåuk 397 ˸¸ akimiagliaq malåuagliaq 6,800
¬º akimiakipiaq sisamakipiaq akimiaq piÿasut 398 º¸¸ akimiagliaq piÿasuagliaq 7,200
¬¬ iñuiññakipiaåutaiøaq or iøagiññaåutaiøaq 399 ¬¸¸ akimiagliaq sisamaagliaq 7,600
¬¬¬ atausiqpautaiøaq 7,999 ¬.¬¬¬ iñuiññaqpautaiøaq 159,999
‚.¸¸¸ atausiqpak 8,000 ‚¸.¸¸¸ iñuiññaqpak 160,000
ƒ.¸¸¸ malåuqpak 16,000 ‰¸.¸¸¸ tallimakipiaqpak 800,000
„.¸¸¸ piÿasuqpak 24,000 ¿¸.¸¸¸ qulikipiaqpak 1,600,000
‡.¸¸¸ sisamaqpak 32,000 ø.¸¸¸ akimiakipiaqpak 2,400,000
‰.¸¸¸ tallimaqpak 40,000 ¬¬.¬¬¬ iøagiññaqpautaiøaq 3,199,999
¡.¸¸¸ tallimaqpak atausiqpak 48,000 ‚¸¸.¸¸¸ iøagiññaqpak 3,200,000
£.¸¸¸ tallimaqpak malåuqpak 56,000 ‰¸¸.¸¸¸ tallimaagliaqpak 16,000,000
¤.¸¸¸ tallimatqak piÿasuqpak 64,000 ¿¸¸.¸¸¸ quliagliaqpak 32,000,000
¥.¸¸¸ tallimaqpak sisamaqpak 72,000 ø¸.¸¸¸ akimiagliaqpak 48,000,000
v¿.¸¸¸ quliqpak 80,000 ‚.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ atausiqpakaippaq 64,000,000
µ.¸¸¸ quliqpak atausiqpak 88,000 ‚¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ iñuiññaqpakaippaq 1,280,000,000
ë.¸¸¸ quliqpak malåuqpak 96,000 ¿¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ qulikipiaqpakaippaq 12,800,000,000
Ã.¸¸¸ quliqpak piÿasuqpak 104,000 ‚¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ iøagiññaqpakaippaq 25,600,000,000
¬.¸¸¸ quliqpak sisamaqpak 112,000 ¬¬¬.¬¬¬.¬¬¬ atausiqpakpiÿatchaåutaiøaq 511,999,999,999
Ã.¸¸¸ akimiaqpak 120,000 ‚.¸¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ atausiqpakpiÿatchaq 512,000,000,000
Õ.¸¸¸ akimiaqpak atausiqpak 128,000 ‚¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ iñuiññaqpakpiÿatchaq 10,240,000,000,000
Ë.¸¸¸ akimiaqpak malåuqpak 136,000 ¿¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ qulikipiaqpakpiÿatchaq 102,400,000,000,000
º.¸¸¸ akimiaqpak piÿasuqpak 144,000 ‚¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ iøagiññaqpakpiÿatchaq 204,800,000,000,000
¬.¸¸¸ akimiaqpak sisamaqpak 152,000 ¿¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸.¸¸¸ quliagliaqpakpiÿatchaq 2,048,000,000,000,000

Area references

Uŋallam salliñaaŋa8 NW NE Niġġum salliñaaŋa5

Northwest Northeast

Ualiñaaq4 W Utqiaġvik
E Kivaliñaaq
West East

Uŋallam kiluliñaaŋa7 SW SE Niġġum kiluliñaaŋa6

Southwest Southeast

1 Salliq 5 Akunġak sallivļu kivallivļu

2 Kilulliq 6 Akunġak kilullivļu kivallivļu
3 Kivalliq 7 Akunġak kilulivļu uallivļu Kiluliñaaq2
4 Ualliq 8 Akunġak sallivļu uallivļu South

Unna unani

Akunġagni Akunġagni
uttumalu aptumalu NW NE uttumalu qaptumalu
Northwest Northeast

Avva avani W Utqiaġvik

E Qavva qavani
West East

Akunġagni Akunġagni
paktumalu aptumalu SW SE paktumalu qaptumalu
Southwest Southeast

Pagga paani

Ocean currents
iļumuktuuraaqtuaq Ikagnamiñ1
Northwest Northeast

Qaisaġnaq Utqiaġvik Piruġaġnaq2

W Barrow E East

Kiluagnamiñ Piruġaġnamiñ
atchagnauraaqtuaq SW SE qatchiguraaqtuaq
Southwest Southeast
1 qava��amiñ sa�vaq
2 paa��amiñ sa�vaq
3 ava��amiñ sa�vaq South

Uagnaaġruk NW NE
Northwest Northeast

W Utqiaġvik
Barrow E Nigiqpaq

Uŋalaq Nigiq
qatchiksuq SW SE qatchiksuq
Southwest Southeast
Umiapiaq Aŋuun
Open skin-covered boat Paddles

Umiam sauniŋi
Boat frame

Sivua Tulimaaq Uvaagiitkutaq Kusaaq Akuq Tunusiġaq Qulaaġun Aqua

Bow Rib Lower runner Keel Outer keel Outside runner Gunwale Stern


Qiḷaguuraq Aquppiviuraq
Rope platform Saumiñmun
Captain’s position
Niutaq Iļunmugiitkutak Tuurvik Igļaaq Niutaq
Keel support Keel runners Inside runner Keel braces Keel support
Umiapiaq Igļaaq
Open skin-covered boat Captains position
Keel brace
Lower runner Aqua
Umiam iļua Tuurvik
Interior of boat Inside runner Stern
Tunusiġaq Qulaaġun
Outside runner Gunwale
Float/buoy Amiq

Tukaqti Iksuġiq
Rope Paddlers seat
Iksuġiq Seam
Paddlers seat Aqua
Cross-section of stern
Iksuġiq Tulimaaq
Paddlers seat Rib
Sivua Kapuqtim aquppiutaŋa Tugrun
Qiļaguuraq Harpooner’s seat Lacing Qulaaġun
Rope platform Gunwale
Outer runner Amiq
Inner runner Igļaaq
Kusaaq Keel brace
Keel Uvaagiitkutaq
Iļunmugiitkutaq Lower runner
Keel runner Akuq
Outer keel

Saniġaaniñ Avataqpak
Side view Seal-skin float

Tulimaaq Akuq
Rib Taquaqaġvik Sheer line
Food, water container
Nuŋuqsruġiitkutaa ammim
Paddle rest
Sivua Aqua


Kilua Hatch Amia
Qulaaniñ Seam
Top view Skin

Sivua Aqua
Bow Stern

Tulimaaq Akua Igļaaq Siaksraaq

Masik Rib Sheer line Rear cross-beam Runner
Front cross-beam

Aulayaitkutaat masiŋit Kusaq Ayaaġun Aulayaitkutaat igļaat

Support ridge for front cross-beams Keel Cross-beam Support ridge for rear cross-beams

Bird dart

Seal spear
Seal-skin float


Nuiyaaqpak Spear
Bird dart

Bird dart with throwing board

Nuiyaaqpak Miļļuuġun
Bird dart
Throwing board

Throwing board

Naulaq Naulaq
Bird dart tip Spear head
Boat sled, without umiak

Boat sled, with umiak

Uniat Kiavļuutak
Nayummisaq Handle bar
Asiġñiŋik Upright support
Bow (brow), Naqitaqpik
front of runners Igļaaq Payaŋaiyautik
Sled deck panel/cross piece Braces

Tow rope Makitaraġaaġvik
Runner Aglu Foot step, where sled driver stands
Base or bottom
of sled runners
Aġviġmiñ niŋit
Bowhead whale shares

Niŋiq 2
Fresh meat
Qiŋaq1 Common share 0 6

Blowhole Tavsi4 Scale in feet

Suqqait10 Uati5
Baleen Ventral flank
Between flukes
and ventral flanks

Utchik 9
Anal opening
Tongue Sakiq8 Iri
Sides of mouth Eye Taliġuq7
Tavlu Flipper Aqikkaak5
Chin Agliġuq
Jawbone Flukes

1 Whaling captain’s share; cut about two feet around the qiŋaq.
2 Common share for the whaling crews and villagers who help flense and butcher the whale.
3 Aŋunġiutaq and maktak are served at the captain’s home several days after the whale is caught.
4 Tavsi is an extra share for the captain’s crew.
5 Uati, itiģruģaq and aqikkaak are the captain’s share.
6 Kuuġuq indicates where the uati section begins.
7 During the Spring whale hunt, one taliġuq is for the harpooner and the other is shared with other whaling crews during the hunt.
During the Fall hunt the harpooner receives one taliġuq and the other is shared by those helping to flense and butcher the whale.
8 Very oily section with thin maktak on the inside.
9 One half of the utchik is the captain’s share and the other half is shared by those helping to flense and butcher the whale.
10 One half of the suqqait is the captain’s share and the other half is shared by those helping to flense and butcher the whale.
Niaqum Sauniŋi Kavraq
Human skull Crown of head

Frontal bone
Eye brow ridge
Qiŋaaq Irisiñiq
Bridge of nose Eye socket
Nose bone

Allimġat Upper teeth
Lower teeth

Frontal bone
Parietal bone,
Nuŋŋaq side of the head
Ridge along
bone of nose
Qiŋaġnaaq Temporal bone
Nose bone
(upper cheek bone) Occiput, rounded area
at back of head,
nape of neck
Mandible (jaw bone)
Timim Sauniŋi Niaquq
Human skeleton, front view

Igurvik Qiŋaaq
Bridge of nose
Temporal bone;
temple of head Agliġuq
Nigavlu Lower jaw
Shoulder joint
Sakiak Clavicle
Isatigit Tulimaat
Cartilage Ribs
Qayuuttauraq Kiñiġniq
Lower tip of sternum Humerus
Nuvuliġaq Kuyapikkat
Vertebral column
Floating rib
Isaġutauralgit Arm joint
Lumbar vertebra Amiļġaq
Kuutchiñaaq Ulna
Pelvis Ikiipkuq
Sivyaaq Radius
Hip joint Tayaġniq
Iŋi Wrist
Groin, front part Argautit
of pevlic bone Metacarpals
Argait Kuvlu
Hand Argait Thumb
Qiqpak Phalanges
Sitquq Navlu
Patella Knee joint

Kanagaq Kanagaq
Shinbone Tibia
Amiļġaq Amiļġaq
Fibula Fibula

Isigak Ankle bone
Foot Iñugaurat
Big toe
Timim Sauniŋi Niaquq
Human skeleton, back view

Tunusuk Agliġuq
Occiput Lower jaw
Qutuk Neck
Clavicle Pikusuk
Lower neck,
Kiasik upper back
Kiñigniq Kuyapikkat
Humerus Vertebral column
Lumbar vertebra
Kuutchñaaq Ulna
Pelvis Ikiipkuq
Sivyaaq Radius
Hip joint Tayaġniq
Cocyx Kuvlu
Argautit Thumb
Qiqpak Argait
Femur Phalanges


Ankle bone
Toes Kimmitquq
Heel bone
Ivrulik Kataligaaq Iglu Dwelling
Traditional Sod House 1256

Saniġaaniñ 1254
1252 1520
Side view 1220
Pallitchat 1104
Entrance Iga 1250
370 938 930 1500
1120 1102
180 380
910 932
1040 934

1010 940 1558
200 1554 1554
150 300
238 1020
160 400 305


Pagga paani Unna unani

South North

900 1380 1310 1106 1500
Top view

Pallitchat Qanitchat 1104

Entrance Entryway/tunnel 1302

238 1400 500 1340

100 400

180 190 1000

200 1345
220 400
195 1342
Iga 305

1310 1106 900

Taggisiŋi Ivruligum Kataligaam Suġusiŋisa
Terms and nomenclature of the Traditional Sod House
Pallitchat Entry mound Iglum katchiŋi Iglu walls
100 Isiġiaq Entry to entryway 1100 Iglum katchiŋi Iglu walls
150 Tunmiqqat or Tugmiġautat Entry steps 1102 Tunua North wall
160 Tutipqiq or tugmiġaq Entry step (whale skull or vertebra) 1104 Sivuġaa South wall
180 Pallitchat or pallisat Entry mound/square entrance combing or frame 1106 Saniqqak East and west walls
190 Paa Entry to entryway hole 1120 Piqtat or katchit Wall planks
195 Paġġutaq or piiqsi Windvane in entry hole (whale scapula)
Iglum qiỊaŋa Iglu roof
Qanitchat Entryway/tunnel 850 Tuurraq Ridgepole
200 Qanitchat Entryway 1200 Iglum qiỊaŋa Iglu roof
220 Tuurraq Entryway main beam 1210 Tunuata qiỊaŋa Short pitch of roof (north side)
238 Qanait Entryway roof planks 1220 Sivuġaata qiỊaŋa Long pitch of roof (south side)
400 IỊiqpik or niqiqaġvik Food storage alcoves 1250 Igaliq or igalaaq Skylight
500 Suvvik Clothing storage alcove 1252 Igalaam avalua Skylight frame
1400 Maqpik Frozen food storage bin 1254 Ugruit iŋaluaŋit Skylight membrane (bearded seal intestines)
(on the left as one enters the entryway) 1256 Niugutit Membrane archers baleen
1260 Qiŋaq Ventilation hole
Iga Kitchen 1267 Paġġutaq Ventilation windvane
300 Iga Kitchen
305 Iggaviksraq Kitchen foundation pit Iglum suġauttaŋi Household furnishings
370 Puyuuġvik Kitchen smokehole 1302 Tuniqtaq or Naniq or qulliq Stone lamp (soapstone)
380 Ivruq Kitchen roof sod covering 1310 Ayaksriqpik Blubber hanger dowel
385 Kaugaqsivik or uukłivik Cutting board (whale scapula) 1340 Qattaq Water barrel
1342 Quġvik Chamber pot (honey bucket)
Iglu House 1345 Itiqqitchiaq Male urinal bucket
900 Iglu House 1380 Iññitchat aniuqaġviit Snow melting rack (on east wall)
910 Natiq Floor 1384 Pallitchat or
920 Natqit Floor planks Iññitchat paniqsiiviit Drying rack (west wall)
930 IgỊiq Sleeping platform or bench
932 Ayyak Sleeping platform vertical support posts Ivruq Sod walling
934 Akimuksaaġun Oblique horizontal support member 1500 Ivruq Sod walling
936 Ikaaqsaaġutit Sleeping platform planks 1520 Ivruq Sod roofing
938 Akiñ or sayyagiitkutaq Sleeping platform head beam (crossbeam) 1522 Saattuat nunat Thin sods on roof (no mineral soil)
940 Qaaniq Space below/under sleeping platform 1554 Sayyagiitkutaq Log cribbing at sides of sod wall
1558 Ikiaq Extra wide base to sod wall
Katak Entrance into iglu
1000 Katak House entry hole
1010 Akpagiaq Katak entryway
1020 Tunmiqqat Steps up to katak (dug into ground)
1040 Avalu Katak cribbing
1091 IỊiqpik kamiqaġvik Storage alcove for boots

Niġrutit Atiŋit
Names of Mammals

aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca)
aġviġluaq grey whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
aġviq bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus); Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica)
aiviq walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
akłaq brown bear, grizzly (Ursus arctos)
amaġuq wolf, grey wolf (Canis lupus)
amaġupiaq white wolf (a color phase of Canis lupus)
amaġuuraq coyote (Canis latrans)
aviŋŋaq or (Ti) (PB) aviñŋaq [aviŋŋaQ] or aviñŋauraq lemming (Lemmus
trimucronatus ( =L. sibiricus)); northern red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus);
northern vole (Microtus oeconomus) and (Microtus miurus)
iggaġriq or (Nu) iyyaġriq black bear (Ursus americanus)
illaatqusiq porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)
¤iluqutaq (Ti) porcupine
immulivik domestic cow; dairy
imnaiq or (Nu) ipnaiq dall sheep, mountain sheep (Ovis dalli)
itiġiaq(-) weasel, ermine (Mustela erminea)
kayuqtuq red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
kigiaq (Nu) beaver (Castor canadensis)
kiligvak mammoth, mastodon
kiññiq ten-legged mythical polar bear § qupquġiaq
kivgaluk muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
maġamnasiq a black seal with a hide “deep black, patterned with small whitish circlets”
naaġaayiq frog, northern wood frog (Rana sylvatica)
nanuq polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
natchiq(-) ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
naulayuq (Nu) least weasel (Mustela nivalis)
niġrułłuk beast; legendary water animal; dinosaur
niutuiyiq lynx (Lynx canadensis)
pałuqtaq beaver (Castor canadensis)
pamiuqtuuq otter (Lutra canadensis)
pikukturuaq camel
pisukkaaq fox; (Ti) white fox (Alopex lagopus)

qagrurauraaqtuq (Ti) wolverine with patches of white fur on sides
qaiġulik ribbon seal (Histriophoca fasciata)
qairaliq (Ti) young seal in spring; young whale which comes north for first time
qairaliuraq (Ti) young seal
qasigiaq spotted seal; harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
qavvik wolverine (Gulo gulo)
qavviatchiaq or (Ti) qaviatchiaq marmot (Marmota broweri)
qayaġulik ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
qianġaq cross fox (Vulpes vulpes)
qianġaqtuluk blue fox (Alopex lagopus)
qiġñiqtaaluk black wolf
qiġñiqtaq black fox, silver fox (Vulpes vulpes)
¤qiġñiqtuligruaq (Nu) big sheep with black horn stubs
qilaŋmiutaq or qilaŋmiutauraq collared lemming (Dicrostonyx spp.)
qilalugaq beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas); narwhal
qimmiq dog (Canis lupus forma familiaris)
qiŋaġluk porcupine
qupquġiaq or (Nu) qupquġaq mythical ten-legged polar bear § kiññiq
qunŋiq reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
qusrkhaaq arctic fox, white fox (Alopex lagopus)
saggaq caribou with new hair; caribou skin with new hair
sakłataiyaq red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
siksrik arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryi)
siksrikpak arctic marmot (Marmota broweri)
sisuaq white whale, beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)
tiġiganniaq arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
tiqituġaq young caribou
tiqituġaurat or tiqittut herd of cows and calves
tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus)
tuttuqłuk pig
tuttuqpak horse
tuttuvak moose (Alces alces)
ugiġñaq (Nu) sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
ugruk bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)
ugruŋnaq shrew (Sorex: spp.)
ukalliq [ukallIq] or ukalliatchiaq or ukałłiatchiaq snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus)
ukallisugruk Alaska hare (Lepus othus)
ullutiksralik (Nu) medium-sized ram, four years old
uluksralik four- or five-year-old sheep, not quite fully grown
umiŋmak musk ox (Ovibus moshatus)


Nauriat Suġusiŋisalu Atiŋit

Names of Plants and Plant Parts

aiġaq plant with edible roots, vetch (Oxytropis nigrescens)
akutuak (Nu) a short reddish willow found along rivers in mountains, tundra
akutuqpak broad leaf
akutuqpalik any plant with broad leaves
alguniq mold-like growth on whale meat or maktak which has been in an ice cellar for a
long time
amaaq small secondary root of plant, e.g. spruce root with which baskets are made
aŋurvak or (Nu) aŋutvak red alpine bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus)
aqłakataq [lit. “something that is blown about”] cotton grass (Eriophorum angustifolium
or E. scheuchzeri)
aqpik cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
aqpiqutaq cloudberry plant
asiaq berry; (Nu) blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry (Empetrum nigrum);
fruit in general
asiaġruaq potato
asiaqpak (Ti) prune
asiavik blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); (Ti) crowberry (Empetrum nigrum)
asiaviqutaq (Nu) blueberry plant
asiayaaq (Ti) raisin
avaatchiqiq (Nu) bracket fungus (Ganoderma applanatum)
avaatchi tree fungus burned as mosquito repellent
igruŋnaq rosehip
ikkuqutit heather used for starting fires (Cassiope tetragona)
iŋalugaaluk edible seaweed (Porphyra laciniata)
ipiġaqtuun long taproot of plant
ipiq(-) (Nu) small, thin root
ippiq pink plume (has large, long sweet leaf) (Polygonum viviparum); bistort (Polygonum
itqiliaġruk or ¤(Nu) itqiliġruaq woolly lousewort (Pedicularis lanata)
ivik or ivigaaq blade of grass; grass; sedges (Carex)
ivruq(-) sod or moss (Rhytidium rugosum) (used for siding and roof of traditional Iñupiaq
house, for topping of underground ice cellar, and grave)
kanuŋŋiq type of willow (Salix arbusculoides)
kavlaq black bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus)
kikarat willow stumps |
kimagluk (Ti) an edible green
kimmigñaq1 lowbush cranberry; lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea

kivviġiruaq (Nu) Arctic finger lichen, a lichen with finger-like hollow thallus (Dactylina
maniq(-) [maniQ] tussock; moss (Dicranum rugosum), used with stove lamps; “…the
moss, mû’nĭk, furnishes wicks for the lamps.” (Murdoch as reported by Powell 1892:
59); clump of grass; (t) to bury, enclose it with tussocks, clumps of grass
masu an edible tap root of plant; eskimo potato; alpine sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum)
masu aiġaq edible root; Parry’s wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis)
masuqutaq alpine sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum)
milukataq (Ti) Arctic sweet coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus)
niaqunak long tree root; tussock
ninŋuq2 cottonwood poplar (Populus deitoides)
niqaaq reindeer lichen (Cladonia spp.)
nunaŋiak(-) alder (Alnus crispa); (t) to dye it with the red dye obtained from alder
nuvulukutaq (Nu) grass flower, floret
palauvaksraġiitchuaq weed
palliksraq dried plants, wood, cottonwood leaves; cottony bud of willow (uqpik); cottony
tufts of arctic cotton grass (Eriphorum spp.) used for tinder to start fires; pussy willows
palliq (Nu) dried plant, wood, arctic cotton
papaksraq (Nu) Labrador tea (Ledum decumbens)
paunġaqutit or paunġaqutaq leaves of crowberry or blackberry (Empetrum nigrum)
¤pautnaq (Nu) edible plant with edible root
pikniq (Nu) arctic pendant grass (Arctophila fulva)
pilaġaqutaq (Nu) heather (Cassiope tetragona) or club moss (Lycopodium selago)
pilġaurat dwarf shrub (Cassiope tetragona)
¤qaġliuraq (Nu) reindeer moss (fine texture)
qaiġuq bark of tree
qaqauraq (Nu) bistort (Polygonum bistorta or P. viviparum )
qasalluq thick cottonwood bark; scab
qiliqsrauttat (Nu) clump of willows with one trunk
qimmiuraq green bud of a willow stem
qimmiurat [lit. ‘little dogs”] tundra cotton (Eriophorum spp.)
qisiqsiun tree branch; spruce needle
quaġaq sourdock, sourgrass, wild spinach (Rumex arcticus)
qunmun asiaq (Nu) bog cranberry (Oxycoccus microcarpus)
quŋulliq wild rhubarb; sour grass; mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna)
quŋulliġñaq sourdock (Rumex)
quppiqutaq edible young fireweed shoots (Epilobium angustifolium)
¤qusimmaq wild rhubarb (Polygonum sp.)
qutliiraq (Nu) Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata)
saġvaniq grass found floating on river, dried and used to insulate the sod house
sakiaguraq or sakiagauraq (Nu) Labrador Tea (Ledum palustre decumbens), plant which

grows low among rocks
salgiġruaq (Ti) stinkweed (Artemesia tilesii)
sargiq or sargiġruaq stinkweed, “Alaska sage,” cotton wormwood (Artemesia tilesii)
¤sigiruqisak or sigruqisak (Nu) shrub birch; arctic dwarf willow; prostrate growing willow
with round leaves
¤sigraqutchiq tree fir, needles
siiġñaq(-) or (Ti) siiġnaq- fruit; (i) to be sour, sweet or tart
suraġruaq tobacco leaf
taqalukisaksraq (Nu) brightly colored tundra flower (believed to turn into a butterfly
taqilakisaaq northern buttercup (Ranunculus sp.)
tilaaqiaq Labrador tea (Ledum sp.)
tinnik bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina)
tiŋauraq dried black moss used for tinder
tiŋaurat lichen
tulukkam asiaŋa [lit.“raven’s berry”(Nu) any berry of various types, considered inedible
for humans, e.g. juniper berry, soapberry, highbush cranberry
tulukkam nauligaaŋa [lit. “raven’s spear” parasitic plant on alder roots, northern
groundcone (Boschniakia rossica)
¤tungaum asiaŋa nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)
uġru spongy moss (Sphagnum spp.) dried and used for a diaper liner
uġruq1 moss from swampy ground used for dog food | perhaps +ruq1 vn
¤uliq a plant used for starting fire
ullaq or ullauraq tuft of plant (used to build fires), fluff, “cotton” from plant or tree, e.g.,
from cottonwood
uqpik willow bush (Salix rotundifolia)(added to seal oil for preservation)
uqpigauraq (Nu) medium-sized willow
uqpiŋñaq (Nu) highbush cranberry plant (Viburrium edule)
uqpivik (Nu) ptarmigan willow (Salix alaxensis) (has long catkin)
urgiiliq or urgiiłiq birch tree (Betula neoalaskana)
utŋułuk or utŋuq (Nu) old, hard spruce gum
utqiq (Ti) potato
uummaq fresh green plant; green wood; forest, greenwood; live tree


Qupilġut Atiŋit
Names of Insects

aalumiu or aalumiaq sea snail; brown hairless worm
aasivak large spider
anaqsiuġayuk dung fly
aurvik hairy caterpillar
aviŋŋaurayuuq (Nu) an insect with a long snout; snout beetle (Coleoptera: curulionidae)
igutchaq bumblebee
igutchaqpak kapputilik scorpion
igutchatchiaq warble fly (Oedemagena: tarandi)
itqiq louse egg
kayuŋŋiuqsruurat small, red organisms found in water (e.g., from Imiqpak near Piġniq)
kiktuġiaq mosquito
kumaġuq worm which lives in ponds
kumak louse (Pediculus humanus capitis); larva of caribou botfly; (Nu) smooth white bug
found in tree trunks (eaten by woodpeckers)
mavrayuuq moth
milugiaq solitary wasp; (Ti) bumble bee; sucker fish (Catastomus catastomus)
milugiatchiaq gnat, tiny mosquito, white-socks fly or “no-see-um”
miluyuuq caribou botfly (Oedemagena tarandi)
minŋuq or miñŋuq ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
nigruaġruk small spider
niulġiq Dragonfly (Odonata)
niviaġruk small swamp fly
niviuvak (Ti) big housefly
nuiyaaqpak carbuncle, large growth on skin
nuviuvak blowfly, bluebottle fly
pamiuqtuuraq mosquito larva
pau water beetle
pigliġayuk grasshopper
pilġaiyuk spider
pilġayuuraq small spiders that hang from their webs
quaqta(-) pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
quglugiaq (Nu) small water worm (moves by twisting itself)
qupilġuq(-) maggot; worm

qupilġuġruaq sea worm (edible, without spines)
qupilġuksraq insect egg; blowfly egg; (Ti) maggot
¤qumak (Ti) worm found in bearded seal intestine: tapeworm (Cestoda)
tagiuq larva of throat botfly, smooth (not fuzzy) edible worm found in nasal cavity of
caribou during spring
taqalukisaq (Nu) or (Ti) taqalakisaq butterfly (Lepiodoptera)
tuggayuk wasp, hornet, yellow jacket (Hymenoptera: vespidae)


Tiŋmiat Atiŋit
Names of Birds

aanaruiñ suliuqpa Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
aanaruun kiviruq or aanaruk kiviruq (Nu) Northern Dipper; Water Ouzel (Cinclus
aaqhaaliq or aaqhaalliq or (Ti) aaġaaliq or (Nu) aahaaliq Oldsquaw Duck or Long-
tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)
aatqarruaq or (Nu) aatqatruaq Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus); Peregrine Falcon (Falco
aġnaviaq female Eider Duck
aġnavik female Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
aiłuqtuq Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata
aivġit nauyaŋat Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)
aiviqiak [aiviqirak] Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)
akpa or atpa or (Ti) akpaaluuraq Common Murre (Uria aalge)
amaullik or amauligruaq or (Ti) amaulligaaluk Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
amaułłigaaluk or (Nu) amautligaq Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), Wnowbird
¤aŋatqiaq (Ti) small duck which lands on ocean
aqargiq Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)
aqpaqsruayuuq Sanderling (Calidris alba); Red-breasted Merganser; Red Necked Grebe
(Mergus serrator)
¤aqtuaq Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)
argiq (PB) Oldsquaw Duck or Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)
auksruaq Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
avataligauraq or avatalik (Ti) Snow bunting, Snowbird (Plectrophenax nivalis)
aviłuqtuq or aviłuqtaq Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata)
igirraq Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini)
igniqauqtuq Steller’s Eider (Somateria stelleri)
ignisaiłaq Boreal Chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus)
¤ikłiġvik2 Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca)
iksriktaayuuq Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia); Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)
iŋaġiq or (Ti) iŋaġiaq Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)
iŋitqaq Pelagic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)
iqirgagiaq Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini)
iqsraġutilik Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)
iqsralik Crested Auklet (Aethia cristatella)
iriġi (Nu) or iraiyayuuq Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor)
isuŋŋaq or isuŋŋatchiaq (Nu) Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus)
isuŋŋaġluaq (Ti) jaeger
isuŋŋaġluk or isuŋŋaaluk Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus)

ivugaq Pintail Duck (Anas acuta); mallard (Anas platyrhychos)
kanayuuraq Robin (Turdus migratorius)
kaŋuq Snow Goose (Chen hyperborea)
kiiriq Canada Jay, Camp Robber (Perisoreus canadensis)
killalik White-winged Scoter (Melanitta fusca)
kimmitquiłaq (Nu) Sanderling (Calidris alba)
kirgavik Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis); Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus); Gyrfalcon
(Falco rusticolus)
kirgaviatchauraq or tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia (Nu) Merlin (Falco columbarius); gnat,
kirgavigruaq (Nu) Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
¤kurrakuraq (Nu) Semi-palmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
kurugaq Pintail Duck (Anas acuta)
kurugaġnaq American Wigeon (Anas americana)
kurukaałhusiq or kurukaaluġusiq (Nu) Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca)
kuukukiaq Common Snipe (Capella gallinago
kuyapigaqturuq American Robin (Turdus migratorious)
livalivaq (Nu) Semi-Palmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla)
livalivauraq (Nu) Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)
livaluġauraq or lavluġauraq Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla)
malġi Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica)
miġiaqsaayuk Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus)
misapsaq (Nu) Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)
misikaaġaq or misikaaqqauraq or (Nu) misiqqaaqaq Black-capped Chickadee
(Poecile atricapillus)
¤misiqqaaqauraq Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)
mitiq Eider Duck; ¤(Nu) female Eider Duck (Somateria spectabilis)
mitaaluk large Eider Duck
mitiġvik (Ti) a large black bird (said to have a 10-foot wing span)
mitilugruaq Emperor Goose (Chen canagica); (Nu) female eider duck
mitqutaiłaq Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
naataq Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
naataqpak Barred Owl (Strix varia)
nagrulik Pallid Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris arcticola)
napaaqtum aqargia Spruce Grouse (Canachites canadensis)
napaaqtum qargia Sharp-tailed Grouse (Pediocetes phasianellus)
nasaiŋaruaġruk Bonaparte’s Gull (Larsus Philadelphia); Black Headed Gull (Larus
nauyaq seagull
nauyatchiaq Mew Gull (Larus canus)
nauyavak young Glaucous Gull; (Nu) Western Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus)
nauyavasugruk Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus)

nauyavvaaq Herring Gull (Larus argentatus)
nayaŋŋak Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra)
niaquqtuġruk or niaquqtuaġruk Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)
niġliq general term for goose (female) or gander (male)
niġlinġaq Brant (Branta berniola)
niġlaaq gosling (young goose)
niġlivik or niġlivialuk White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)
niksaaktuŋiq Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)
nipaiłuktaq Short-Eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
nukaisiġaq or nukasiġaq Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
nukusiġaq (Nu) Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
nukuutchiqiq Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)
nunuqsiġiiłaq Bufflehead Duck (Bucephala albeola)
nuŋŋaqtuaġruk (Nu) White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
nuvaksruk (Nu) Baird’s Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii)
nuviuvaksiuġayuk (Nu) Gray-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus)
paisugruk Red Breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)
papiktuuq Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)
piiġaq Gray-cheeked Thrush (Hylocichla minima)
pirulliq (Ti) Male Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri)
piuġaq (Nu) Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)
piuġavik (Nu) American Pipit (Anthus rubescens)
putukiiłuk American Pipit (Anthus rubescens); Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
putukiiłukpak Smith’s Longspur (Calcarius pictus)
putukiułuk (Nu) Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
puvviaqtuuq Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos); Buff- breasted Sandpiper
(Tryngites subruficollis
puvviaqtuuyaaq Baird’s Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii)
qaiŋŋiq Green-Winged Teal (Anas carolinensis)
qalġuusiqsuuq (Nu) Smith’s Longspur (Calcarius pictus)
qaluksiuġayuk or qaluksiuyuk (Nu) American osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
qaqłuqpalik Greater Scaup (Aythya marila)
qaqłuqtuuq Lesser Scaup ( Aythya affinis); shoveler (Anas clypeata)
qaqsrauq Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata)
qargagiaq (Nu) Sabine’s Gull (Xema sabini)
qargiq ptarmigan
qaugak duck
qaugavik male white eider duck
qavaasuk Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri)
qayuuttaaq Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
qayuuttaayuuq or (Nu) qayuuttavauraq Junco (Junco hyemalis)
qayuuttavak Dunlin, Red-backed Sandpiper (Calidris alpina)
qayyiiġun or qayyiuġun Northern Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
qianaruutuuq or qiaranatuuq Golden Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla)

qiłaŋŋaq Horned Puffin (Fratercula corniculata)
qiłġiq Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)
qiŋalik or (Ti) qiŋaligaaluk King Eider (Somateria spectabilis)
qugruk Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)
qupałuk Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
qupałupiaġauraq Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), snow bird
qupilġuqsiuġayuk (Nu) Solitary Sandpiper (Tringa solitaria)
qurraquraq Semi-palmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)
saavġaq Common Snipe (Capella gallinago)
saġvaqsiuyuk Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
¤saksagiaq or saksaŋiaq small gray bird (perhaps a redpoll)
saksakiq or saksaŋiq or saksaŋiuraq Redpoll (Carduelis flammea); Hoary Redpoll
(Carduelis hornemanni)
satqagiiłaq Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis)
saviiġaviiq Gray-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus)
siggukpaligauraq Dunlin (Erolia alpina)
sigguktuvak (Nu) Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis)
siituvak Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
siłiłisuqtuq Wandering Tattler (Heteroscelus incanus)
suġliq Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus)
suġlitchauraq Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisigena)
suluktaatchialik Bohemian Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
suŋaqpaluktuŋiq Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia); Yellow-Rumped Warbler
(Dendroica coronata)
¤suŋutlulluuq Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius)
taasiŋiq or taatchiŋiq Common Loon (Gavia immer)
taatchiŋiraq Junco (Junco hyemalis)
takpiiłaaġruk Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)
taligvak Northern Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
tatirgak Lesser Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
tiŋmiaġruk or tiŋmiaġruuraq small bird; sparrow
tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia Merlin (Falco columbarius)
tiŋmialugruaq (Ti) little bird with long beak (usually seen in fall)
tiŋmiaq medium-sized bird (eg. dove, robin); fowl; bird of prey, e.g. gull, hawk, jaeger,
tiŋmiaqpak American Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos
tiŋmiaqpauraq Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
¤tullignaq Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
tullik (Nu) American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
tullisugruk or tullivak (Nu) Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
tulugaq Raven (Corvus corax)
tulugaġnaq Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia); Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
tulugaġnauraq Tree Swallow (Iridoprocne bicolor)
tulugagnauraq or ¤tulukkatun ittuq Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus)

turraaturaq Pacific Godwit; Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)
tuullik or (Nu) tuutlik Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica); Yellow Billed Loon (Gavia
tuullikpak Black-belled Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
tuunġaaġruk Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata); (Nu) White-winged Scoter (Melanitta
tuunġaaġrupiaq Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra)
tuutalluk igniqauqtuq Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri)
tuuyuq Downy Woodpecker (Dendrocopus pubescens)
tuuyuqpak Hairy Woodpecker (Dendrocopus villosus); Northern Three-toed Woodpecker
(Picoides tridactylus)
ugiihiq Baldpate; American Widgeon (Mareca americana)
ukiuqtaq or (Nu) kirgavik ukiuqtaq [lit. “that of the winter”] Gyrfalcon (Falco
ukhiukhiuq (Nu) Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
ukpik Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
¤ulluk (Nu) goose with red bill
uqłaqtaq (Nu) Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
uqpiksiuġayuk Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
uqpiksiuyuk [lit. “one that frequents willows”] Redpoll (Acanthis flammea)
¤utchutchaakiq or utchutchaaqiq dark gray bird with a pointed forked tail, when they
hover they spread their tail feathers outward; Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
¤uviñauyuk Common Scoter (Oidemia nigra)
¤uviñŋuayuuq (Nu) Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)


Iqaluillu Imanġillu Igliġallu Atiŋit

Names of Fish, Mollusks, and Crustaceans

aanaakłiq broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus)
aanaakłiiŋiq (Nu) whitefish
amaqtuuq humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
aŋayuqaksraq (Nu) Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
aŋayuqagrauraq (Ti) small fish like trout (from Kuukpak River)
aqaluk (Ti) fish
aqaluaq (Ti) tomcod (Microgadus proximus)
aqaluayaaq (Ti) sardine
aqalugruaq (Ti) salmon
aqalukpak or aqalukpiaq or aqalukpik (Ti) trout
¤atmaġuq (Nu) small fish with spots, no scales
¤ayatqik (Nu) type of dog salmon which is bad to eat (deadly to sea gull and bear); silver
salmon; red salmon in Colville that turn back to ocean after swimming upstream
igliġaq or (Ti) igliġiaq1 krill, small shrimp (Euphasia spp.)
ilari jellyfish
iłhuaġniq boreal smelt (Osmerus dentex)
iłuuqiñiq blackfish (Dallia pectoralis)
imaniq clam
iqaluk or (Nu) qaluk fish
iqaluaqpak or (Nu) qaluaqpak lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
iqalugaq tomcod (Gadus ogac); codfish
iqalugruaq or (Nu) qalugruaq chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
iqalukpak king salmon (Oncorhyncus tshawytscha)
iqalukpik arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
iqalusaaq least cisco, small dark whitefish (Coregonus sardinella);
kakilaġnaq or kakilasak stickleback, tiny fish [kakilisak ‘stickleback’ (Gasterosteus
aculeatus) (Schultz-Lorentzen: 109)]
kanayuq sculpin, “fourhorn slimy” (Myoxocephalus quadricornis Cottus cognatus
kanayuġaałik (Nu) small freshwater fish
kayuŋŋiuqsruurat fast red organisms found in water (e.g. from Imiqpak near Piġniq)
milugiaq solitary wasp; (Ti) bumble bee; sucker fish (Catastomus catastomus)
naaġaayiq frog, northern wood frog (Rana sylvatica)
naulayuuraq ¤(Ti) shrimp § also igliġaq
naullaġnaq small sea mollusk
nimiġiaq arctic lamprey (Lampetra camtschatica); water worm; eel; snake; serpent

nuvayulġiq (Ti) jellyfish
paŋmagrak capelin (Mallotus villosus)
¤piaqługruaq big silver-colored fish
pikuktuuq broad humped whitefish (Coregonus nasus)
puyyugiaq, putuguqsiuyuk crab
qaaktaq arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis)
qaaliġiq (Nu) fish with small hump on back of head (found in Colville River); (Ti) tough
white fish (Coregonus sp.)
qaluk(-) (Nu) fish; (i) to catch fish
qalluqłuk (Nu) big fish told of in stories; size of kayak said to be found at Narvaqvak lake
qaluaq (Ti) tom cod (Microgadus proximus)
qaluaqpak (Nu) lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
qalugruaq (Nu) dog salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
qalukpik (Nu) Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus); Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma)
qalusaaq (Nu) herring |
saviġuunnaq round whitefish (lots of fat) (Prosopium cylindraceum)
sii1 sheefish (Stenodus leucichthys nelma)
siułik or siulik northern pike (Esox lucius)
sulukpaugaq arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus)
¤taġyaqpak (Nu) king salmon (Oncorhynohus tschawytscha)
tipuk whitefish (Coregonus autumnalis)
¤tiritchiq monstrous mythical reptile with four (or six) short legs, with alligator-like tail,
rocky scaled skin, long neck and small head
tittaaliq burbot, mudshark; ling cod (Lota lota)
uqsruqtuuq herring
uugaq Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida); tomcod (Microgadus proximus)
¤uviłłuq (Ti) long clam



a listen!; hark!; oops!
aa or aaŋ yes, I know; I agree
aa (expresses exasperation, criticism or dismay over what another person does or says;
said in breathy voice)
aaqanuq I guess so; maybe so; perhaps
aakhaa it’s not right!; you’re lying!
aallalii shame on you!; not like that!
aannaa oh, my! oh!
aannagu wait; wait a minute
aaññaŋaa or aaññuŋuu oh, how cute! adorable!
aaŋ yes
aaglukiaq yes, that is right; I agree
aaqan or aaqagu or aaqagun wait!; wait a minute!; later on; in a while
aaqhaaŋ uumaa my goodness!; oh dear!
aaqqaa phew, what a bad smell!; how foul smelling!; it stinks!
aarigaa good!; oh, how nice! wonderful!; that’s good!; awesome!
aasi don’t!; stop it!
aasii suruq or aasii suva and so what!; what difference does it make to you; what’s it to
aatahai (Nu) such cute little things!
aatakaa or aatukuu oh, how little!
aatchikaaŋ what a narrow escape! look out!
aattai oh, how cute!; oh, how pretty!
aillukiaq yes, that is right! I agree!
aiy is that so
¤akkaa it stinks
akkakaa enough!, what a lot!
akłaa too bad! oh no! (exclamation of impatience with self for making a mistake)
alappaa or alappuu oh, it’s cold!
aliuġnaġaa how amazing! wow!
alakkaa alas! oh, no! something didn’t go right; that’s too bad
allai yuk!
amai isn’t that so; (Ti) I don’t know
amii don’t you agree; isn’t that so
amiami or amiamikii well....based on whatever...; well, just the same
amma (Nu) really
ammi don’t be stupid!
ammiumaa oh, don’t be stupid!; don’t you dare!; that’s nonsense!
anaa (Nu) oh my!

anaŋŋaa (Ti) how cute!
aniqsa luckily; its a good thing!
annaa (Ti) (exclamation of grief, sadness)
annii (exclamation of pain, sorrow, or disappointment)
aŋ here, take it
aŋŋuuŋ quit it; leave it alone; don’t do that, stop doing that
apai or apay (Ti) enough!; that’s plenty! too much!
aqh wow!
ara something is wrong!
araa no, I don’t want to; oh, no!; too much!; (showing dismay) oh, oh, you’re going to get
in trouble!;
araavai it is too much, too excessive
araumaa (exclamation of pain, sorrow or disappointment; can be said in a loud voice to
someone who is being a bother or a pest)
araq or araqhaa or araa how big!; impressive!; wow! cool!
arii ouch! it hurts!
arraa I’ve had it! (said when something goes wrong); wow! oh my! (when one is
asugupta fortunately, luckily, it’s a good thing
asulu you’re so right; should have done so
asuluasu so, that’s the reason, no wonder
asulukiaq that’s right!
ataa (Nu) (Ti) silence! be quiet! listen! (as to a strange nois
ataguna give it to me, and let me see what I can do; look at this!
atainna (Ti) its right over there!
atakhii oh, look at that!
ataŋ listen!
atchaan almost! that was close!
atchu I don’t know
atchuamiiq I jokes!
atchuhaa don’t know, beats me
atchukii don’t know, not certain at all
atta listen, be quiet! be silent!
auk (Ti) I’m tired!
ayyai that was close! almost!
chach or chatchii very good
hauk oh, I am so tired! I’m exhausted! (used mostly by old folks)
i oops!
iaqi don’t!
ii yes
iii (exclamation of fear or alarm, said in a throaty breathy voice)
iiii (moan or groan expressing sadness or sickness)
iikiaq yes, I think so

iiq it’s scary
iiqinii or iirigii I’m scared, I don’t want to; it was scary
iitittii (cry of surprise when burned or hurt, or when one narrowly escapes an accident)
iivaluk yes, I guess so
ikkahii look, its over there
ikkii icky; oh, how dirty
iksrumaa! hey! you over there! (suffix +a can be added to all relative demonstrative
pronouns to produce an exclamatory vocative)
ilaiññaq unnii regardless of the outcome!
imani at last, finally, about time
immaami maybe that is the situation
immahii oh, the previously mentioned one
imma ilaanni maybe so
immakiaq I think...; I wonder...
immaliqaa oh, I almost forgot …
immakii maybe
imma qanuq maybe so
ka (Nu) go ahead! go on!
kaasi or aasi that’s enough! don’t! stop it! (said to a child)
kaviuk! kaviuk! kaviuk! (shouted while making little circles with the index finger in the
air or while pointing at someone trying to make her/him blush ; considered bad
ki come on, on with it, do it, go ahead
kiami okay, fine (subject is convinced)
kiamiki okay then; okay okay
kiata (Nu) or kiita let’s give it a try; let’s go!; (Nu) go ahead! go on!
kiata okay then; (Ti) right away
kiataŋ let’s see you do it!
kihaa come on! let’s go! enough of this nonsense!
kii see what happens when you do that! I told you so!
kiika or kiikaa or kiikavsaaq or kiikalu I want more!; more!; keep it up, keep up the
good work!
kiiki keep it up, you asked for it, you do not deserve any pity or sympathy
kiikii or ki! ki! more!, again!
kiisaimma or kiisaimmaa finally, at last
kiita let’s go!; are you ready
kiq give it all you’ve got!! try your best! try harder!
maannaasii aw shucks! it’s happening again!
maannakiaq now, that’s how it should be or be done!; perfect!; you did it just right!
maannapayaaq now, that’s better! much better!
maanna tavra you think you’re doing right but it’s wrong; that’s not a very smart thing
you’re doing
maannapayaaq tavra oh, that is so annoying
mam this time I’ll succeed

naagga or naakka no
nalaiñ not very much; do it right; be careful; take it easy; don’t mess up
nanii wow, that really showed them (e.g. when boxer hits his opponent with a good one
punch; or when one has a good rebuttal)
naumi no
naumi qanuq I guess not
naumiunnii no, after all
naumipayuk una good work (said to someone considered unlikely to accomplish the task)
nauŋ where
nauŋmi where is it then
ñiaq don’t!, don’t do that!
qanuġliqaa by any means, in whatever manner or style
qanukkiaq I wonder how (way or manner, in what condition)
qanuqpiviñ imña my goodness! why are you carrying on so
qaŋaluqaa oh, just like the way it used to be long ago
qaŋami taima oh, it has been a long time ago
qhai! qhai! (shouted when arrivals come into view)
qilamik hurry up!
qakugulu good-bye; see you later sometime
quyanaq good riddance! got what he deserved!
quyanaq or quyanaqpak thank you! |
saa or sa or cha huh; what; what did you say
samma let me see it (extending hand with palm up)
sammaami let me see it then (for verification)
sammakii it is highly probable considering the circumstances
sii it’s cold! (used by old folks from Nuvuk instead of alappaa “it’s cold!”)
suahii or suaqhii (Nu) what’s that
su iluqaan everything
suksraq what good is it! never mind! it is of no
suksraq una this one is good for nothing!
sunauvva and all the while; lo and behold
suniayuġattuq it’s just as well; it doesn’t matter
suuramik unnii definitely, without any exception
suagguuq maybe, just maybe; perhaps
suasii una lo and behold, here it was again!
suvaluk especially so; in particular
taammaliami just let her/him be over there (not visible), can’t do anything about it,
whatever happens happens
taamnaasuuna you are impossible; he is impossible; oh, you!
taima or tarva or tavra that’s true!, that’s it!; that’s enough! stop!
taimmalikii so what, nothing can be done, so let be

tainna (Nu) enough!
taikuu [ENG] thank you
talak come (said to dogs)
tarva or tavra yes, I know; that’s right; that is all, that’s the end; that’s enough, stop it
tasamma stop it; that’s all
tausaqsiŋaasuuna! or tausaqsiŋa-haa! exclamation of displeasure or disgust used to get
attention before one scolds
tavrakiaq I think, guess that is it
tavrakii it happened, couldn’t be avoided and can’t be helped!
tavrapayaaq that is better; that’s more like it
tavrapiallak precisely! exactly!
tavratualuk or tavratuaq that’s all, that was the last one
tavrauvvaa all of a sudden; at once, immediately
una no way!
usii you remember, you know
usiuvva oh, I thought so...
uumaa hey, you!; hey, don’t!
uuñuŋuu oh, how little, small!
uutukuu or (Nu) uutukuhuu how little! how small!
uvva here it is, take it!
uvvahii or uvvii here is the situation; here are the facts; look! here it is!
uvvaliqaa oh yes, here it is! (remembering); now I understand the situation
yaa of displeasure, disbelief, surprise
yai1 or yaiy or yach wow! very nice! just right!
yai2 too bad! alas!
yaqhii my goodness!; oh, no!, too bad!


Tatqit Atiŋit
Names of the Months

January Aġraurraġvik (Ti) month of January; “The January moon (month) was
sometimes called Agrawagvik after the football” (Rainey: 257)
Aullaqtuġvik month of January » “IV. [1853] Dec 30, Au-lak’-to-win,
departing (to hunt the reindeer.” (Simpson: 261)
Nutaqsivik month of April; (Ti) month of January » “In January (often called
Nutak-sivik, moon of whittling), the umeliks summoned their crews to
scrape all the wooden paddles and spear handles. In the hunt these must
look new and unblemished because they were then less liable to be seen by
the whale, but, if seen, they were pleasing to him in this condition.”
(Rainey: 257)
Ukiutchiaq New Year; (Nu) month of January
¤Unigmiġvik month of January
February Avataqpaksriuġvik [lit. “time for making the sealskin floats used in the whale
hunt”] (Ti) month of February (Rainey: 257)
Irraasugruk [lit. “extremely cold weather”] month of February » “V. 1854,
Jan. 28, Ir’-ra shu’-ga-run sha-ke-nat’-si-a, great cold (and) new sun.”
(Simpson: 261)
Siqiññaatchiaq [lit. “bright new sun”] month of February » “V. 1854, Jan.
28, Ir’-ra shu’-ga-run sho-ke-nat’-si-a, great cold (and) new sun.”
(Simpson: 261)
March Amiqtuġvik [lit. “time to put the skins on the boats”] month of March
Igliiliġvik (Nu) the month of March (so named because it is the time of year
when ptarmigan travel)
Isiqsiliġvik [lit. “time when mist forms”] month of March » “VI. [1854]
Feb. 27, E-sek-si-la’-wing. (Simpson: 261)
Paniqsiivik or Paniqsiqsiivik [lit. “time for drying”] month of March
Siqiññaasugruk [lit. “bright sun”] month of March » “…sakin’aasuguruq,
‘Sun gets high’” (Spencer: 475)
April Nutaqsivik month of April; (Ti) month of January » “In January (often called
Nutak-sivik, moon of whittling), the umeliks summoned their crews to
scrape all the wooden paddles and spear handles. In the hunt these must
look new and unblemished because they were then less liable to be seen by
the whale, but, if seen, they were pleasing to him in this condition.”
(Rainey: 257)
Qargiliġvik [lit. “when ptarmigan appear”] month of April
Qilġit Tatqiat [lit. “month of the rough legged hawks”] month of April
Tiŋmirrat Tatqiat [lit. “month of birds”] month of April
Umiaqqavik months of April and May
May Nuġġiaqtuġvik [lit. “time to hunt calves”] month of May
Qaugait Piviat (PB) month of May » “VIII. [1854] April 27,

Ka-wait-piv’-i-en birds [ducks] arrive.” ( Simpson: 261)
Suppivik or (Nu) Supruġvik month of May
Suvluġvik or Suvligvik month of May; “It was Suvluravik tatqiq, ‘the moon
when rivers flow,’ a season when everyone felt free and happy.” (Nelson:
June Iġñivik [lit. “time when caribou give birth”] month of June
Qaugait Anniviat (PB) month of June » “IX. [1854] May 26,
Ka-wai-a-niv’-i-en birds hatched. X. [1854] June 25 Ka-wai'-lan
pa-yan-ra'-wi-en (young) birds [eider ducks] fledged.” (Simpson: 261)
July Iñukkuksaivik [lit. “time for raising the young”] month of July
Isavik or Itchavik [lit.“moulting time”] month of July
Nukatpiat Itchaviat [lit. “moulting time of ganders”] month of July
Qaugalaat ¤Payaŋaiġviat month of July » “X. [1854] June 25, Ka-wai’-lan
pa-yan-ra’-wi-en (young) birds [eider ducks] fledged.” (Simpson: 261)
August Amiġaiqsivik [lit. “time when the velvet sheds from the caribou’s antlers”]
month of August » “XI. [1854] July 25, A-mi-rak’-si-win.” (Simpson:
Amiġiksivik [lit. “time when the skins are ready”] month of August
Aqavirvik [lit. “moulting time”] month of August
Tiŋŋivik [lit. “time to take flight”] month of August
September NiġlaalgIt Tiŋŋiviat month of September
Sikuaqtuġvik [lit. “time when thin ice forms”] month of September
Tuttut Amiiqsiviat or Amiiqsivik (Nu) month of September
Ukiagraaq(-) (Ti) early autumn, month of September
October Nuliaġvik [lit. “caribou breeding time”] month of October
Sikkuvik or Sikuvik [lit. “time when ice forms”] month of October
Sullivik or Sulivik [lit. “time to make things”] months of October and
November » “I. 1853, Oct, 2. Shud’-le- wing, sewing.” (Simpson: 260)
¤Tatqitchiaq (Nu) month of October
November Karruaġviat or Taġġaqtuġviat (Nu) month of November
Nippivik [lit. “when the sun sets”] month of November
¤Qinnuvik month of November
Quyyavik Thanksgiving; month of November
Sullivium Aippaa [lit: “the other of the time to make things”] month of
November » “II. [1853] Nov. 1, Shud’-le-wing ai-pa, sewing.”
Taġġaqsiuġvik or Taġġaqtuġvik or Taġġaqtuġviat [lit. “time to follow one’s
shadow”] (Nu) month of November (when a ram starts to follow his own
shadow in bright moonlight, it also becomes interested in mating)
December Aagruliġvik [lit. “time when the two stars ‘Aagruuk’ appear”] month of
Kaivirvik month of December; “III. [1853] Nov 30, Kai-wig’-win,
rejoicing. (Simpson: 261)
Siqinġilaq [lit. “one with no sun”] month of December
¤Umiqsraġvik or Umigraġvik month of December
Uvluilaq [lit. “one which lacks daylight”] month of December

Uyaliġvik month of December


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Iñupiaqtun Kaŋiqsiuġvitka
Iñupiaq Sources

Listed below are the individuals who shared their knowledge of Iñupiaq to provide new
entries or to provide clarification. The dates in parentheses indicate dates of
communication as a source. Quyanaqpauraq!

Ahgeak, Joseph (1980-87). (personal communication.)

Ahgeak, Maria Brower (1980-87). (personal communication.)
Ahgeak, Beverly Adel (2009-2011). (personal communication)
Ahgeak, Max and Kathy (2011). (personal communication.)
Ahgeak, James and Mae (2011). (personal communication.)
Aiken, Jonathan (2011). (personal communication.)
Aiken, Wesley (2009-2011). (personal communication).
Bodfish, Emma (2010-2011) (personal communication)
Brower, Eugene (2011). (personal communication.)
Brower, Ronald H. (2011). (personal communication.)
Etalook, Arctic John (~1975). (interviews by Leona Okakok using Spriggs List).
Hugo, Ellen (1996). Elders’ Conference in Barrow, Alaska).
Hugo, Doris (2009). (personal communication).
Itta, Harold (1982). (personal communication)
Itta, Harold (1985). (unpublished collections of stories and life experience narratives told
to Edna MacLean)
Itta, Molly (2009). (personal communication).
Kiineeveauk, Leo (2008-2009). (personal communication)
Matumeak, Warren (2009). (personal communication).
Pederson, Molly (2009-2011). (personal communication).
Solomon, Eli (2011). (personal communication.)
Tuzroyluke, Claudia (2009). (personal communication).
Tuzroyluke, Seymour (2009). (personal communication).

Taniktun Uqaluit Iñupiatun Arriŋisa Paqirrutait
English to Iñupiaq Wordfinder

Ilisimaraksrat Taniktun Uqaluit Iñupiatun Arriŋisa Paqirrutaiññi
English to Iñupiaq Wordfinder List Introduction

The following list will assist individuals find Iñupiaq words in the dictionary. It is
an alphabetical list of English words found in the English definitions of Iñupiaq words in
the dictionary. It is not an English to Iñupiaq dictionary.

The English main word entry is highlighted in bold followed by a colon. After
the colon, the English main word entry is represented by the sign [~] when additional
English words are needed to clarify the use of the English entry. Following the English
entry, the page number for the equivalent Iñupiaq word, which follows immediately, is
given. When there are several Iñupiaq equivalent word entries, they are separated by
commas. When an Iñupiaq word entry does not have a page number immediately
proceeding, it is found on the same page as the previous Iñupiaq word entry. The notation
(Ti) immediately following the Iñupiaq word entry indicates the word is used by speakers
of Tikigaq (Point Hope, Alaska) Iñupiaq; and, the notation (Nu) immediately following
the Iñupiaq word entry indicates the word is used by speakers of Nunamiut (Anaktuuvak
Pass, Alaska) Iñupiaq. The lack of any notation indicates the word is used by other North
Slope Alaska speakers of the Iñupiaq language.

The equivalent Iñupiaq word may have a minus sign [-] immediately following it.
When there is no minus sign, it indicates the Iñupiaq word is a noun. When the Iñupiaq
word is followed by a minus sign, it indicates the word is a verb stem. When the Iñupiaq
word is followed by a minus sign enclosed in parentheses, it indicates the word may
function as a noun as well as a verb stem.

The English main word entries often have subentries listed after them separated
by semicolons. Some main entries (e.g., ice, snow, travel, whale, out there, skin) have
numerous subentries.

Taxonomic names of plants, mammals, fishes, insects, and birds, and the symbols
indicating the transitivity of verb stems are not included as they are already included in
the dictionary main entries.

Exclamations are entered separate from the entry that equates with the verb stem
or the noun stem.

Iñupiaq postbases and endings are presented including the signs which indicate
the morphological processes that occur to connect the postbase or ending to the verb stem
or the noun stem. The learner is referred to the introductory pages of the Iñupiatun
Akunniġutit Iñupiaq Postbases section to become familiar with the signs.

The learner is advised to find the Iñupiaq equivalent of the English word in the
main section of the dictionary for further information and usage.

A tuvaatqik-; ~ to jump high 380
aah: 127 ii pigla-; ~ to keep a secret 643
abandon: 633 unit-, 118 igit-, 118 uqayuit-1; ~ to participate 398
iksi-2, 531 suksraaq- piyumiñaq-; ~ to perform well
abandoned: 532 suksraaqtaupiallak-; 384 pilgu-; ~ to procure 115
~ village 174 iniqaġliq ayuqsraaŋit-; ~ to see something
abdomen: 309 naaq(-) (Ti), 309 narraak; 586 tautuŋa- (Nu); ~ to see or
cramp in ~ 223 kakiplugun (Nu); observe someone or something
get a cramp in one’s ~ 223 349 nui-; ~ to see well in the
kakiplugusiq- (Nu) dark 547 taaqsiulgu-; ~ to
abdominal: ~ cavity 160 ilu(-)2; ~ fat 74 tolerate freezing temperatures
aqiaviñiq; ~ fat of ground 459 qiqisiit-; ~ to use 95 atullasi-2;
squirrel 421 qalliñ; ~ viscera ~ to use snowshoes expertly
142 ilaġviit; elongated, oval- 550 taglukalgu-
shaped ~ organ 604 tunusisaq; abominable: 312 naġġunapiaġataq-
have ~ cramps 309 narraaġiit-; abomination: 312 naġġunapiaġataqtuaq
have ~ pains 309 narraaq-, 161 abnormal: 41 allanaq-; act ~
ilunŋu-; large, ventral, ~ blood sometimes 513 silaivyaŋaaq(-)
vessel 445 qigluk(-)1; strain with (Ti)
~ muscles 517 siŋulluq(-) abnormally: ~ small being 62
abhor: 312 naġġugipiallak- aglisuilauraq
abhorrent: 312 naġġunapiaġataq- abort a litter: 355 nuŋuri-1; cause
ability: ~ to V 808 -llaniq; ascertain something to ~ 355 nuŋuri-2
one’s ~ 385 pilgutilaaq-, 394 about: ~ to V 684 -aqsI-, 1104 -yasi-,
pisuqtilaaq-; become confident 962 +saaqsI-; be ~ with a hole in
in one’s ~ 507 siimmak-; equal one’s clothing 39 alliraq-; move
in ~ 307 naammagiik-; equal to ~ 60 aŋala- (Nu); not ~ to V 864
another in ~ 317 naligi-; have ~ +niayuġat-; rush ~ 71 aptatilaaq-;
to V 805 -lla-; have less ~ than travel ~ 17 aġayuk-, 18 aġiyuk-
another 633 uniktuuma-; have (Ti), 22 aġyuk-
more ~ than another 633 above: area ~ 467 qulaa; located in
uniktuuma-; lose one’s ~ to do area ~ 467 qulaani; position ~
good work 500 savayuili-; not 468 qulaanuk-, qulaŋiuti-
equal to another ~317 naligiŋit-; abreast: situated ~ 564 tapitaaġiiksit-
not trust another’s ~338 walk ~ 564 tapit-
nikasugi-; take pride in one’s ~ absent: 210 inŋit-, inġit-, 380 piit-; ~
226 kamatchak-; try with all regularly 380 piitqataliq-
one’s ~ 393 pisatilaaq-, 394 absent-minded: 279 makautaŋaaq-; ~
pisuqtilaaq- person 279 makautak
able: 385 pilla-; ~ to V 805 -lla-; barely ~ abstain: 388 piŋillak-
to talk 128 iggiit-; barely ~ to V abundant: for N to be ~ 1062 :ukkaq-
807 -llapqaq-; ~ to bear abuse: 386 pimaqłuun; ~ another 378
much pain 59 anuqsru-; ~ to piaqługi-; ~ each other 398
hear 608 tusaqsraġi-; ~ to holler piyuuti-1; ~ someone 397 piyuk-,
loud enough to drive caribou in piyuaq-; silent because of ~
the desired direction 614 342 nipaiłuksi-; not offer

resistance to ~ 397 piyuksiq- accompany: 390 piqasiq-; 282 malik-;
abused: ~ one 397 piyuaġniq, 398 go to another’s house to ~ 316
piyyuq; allow to be ~ 397 nalaut-2
piyuksiq-, piyuaqsiq- accomplish: ~ easily 412 qaġagi-; ~
abusive: ~ when drinking 169 imiyuit- quickly 385 pillaktiq-; think
abyss: 303 mitailaq that one can ~ a task 55
accelerate: 242 kayummak-, 531 sukasi- anmikkiuti-
accept: 35 akuqtuq-2; not ~113 accountant: 286 maniliqiri
ayaktuq-3; not ~ things for free accordance: ~ with 316 nalaut-1
610 tutqaatu-; not willing to ~ accordion: 338 niinaaq
another’s presence 76 accrual: 330 nauyuqtaaġniq
aqpiksraq- accumulate: ~ a lot of blubber 644
acceptable: 409 qaamanaq-; done well uqsrak-; ~ N in large quantities
and ~ 338 nikanait-; consider 1086 :utiġuq-; for pus to ~
acceptable 146 iluaġi-; not ~ 35 166 immak(-)
akuqtuġnaġumiñait- accumulated: ~ interest 330 naggun;
accepted: anything or anyone ~ 36 person who has ~ enough
akuqtuaq; ~ bid 317 nalliun wealth to eliminate worry
accepting: ~ of people 180 about survival 416 qagniq
iñugluaqtait- accusation: 373 pasikkun
accessible: one ~ 590 tigusiññaaq(-); accuse: 373 pasi-, pasigi- (Ti); ~ of lying
one easily ~ 481 satqummiaq; 482 sagluviuq-; to V 865 +niġaq-
make easily ~ 481 satqummii- accustomed: become ~ 96 atuqqiguti-;
accident: 301 miqivsaq(-); injured something that one is ~ to 437
in an ~ 274 kuttaq-; have an ~ qaurrisaq
397 piyaqquq-, 397 pisaqquq-, ace (suit in playing cards): 608 tusaq,
301 miqivsaq(-); scene of ~ 397 tusaqpak, 538 susaq, susaqpak
piyaqquġvik; survive an ~ 383 Achilles tendon: 258 kimmitquun (Ti)
pilluk-; time of ~ 397 acknowledge: 26 aki(-)
piyuqquġvik acquainted: become ~ with 155
accidently: ~ burn or scorch 145 ilitchuġi-
iliktitchi-; ~ cut oneself 256 acquire: 387 piññak-; ~ N 866 -nik-1,
kiliq-; ~ drag something 224 875 -nnak-, 970 +sI-2
kaligaq-, kalikłuk-; ~ encounter acrid: become 418 qakkiññaqsi-; get ~
361 paaqsaaq-; ~ fall backwards taste in mouth 418 qakkit-
347 nivvaqhaaq-; ~ fall acrophobia: 323 naŋiaqtu-, naŋiaq-
forwards 359 paasaaq-; ~ fall across: go ~ 492 sanniq-; go ~ back and
headlong from a high place 314 forth 131 ikaktaq-, ikaktiq-
nakkaqtaq-; ~ fire (a gun)100 across from each other: 26 akigiik(-)
aullai-; ~ let a hooked fish escape act in what way: 428 qanusiġaq-
101aulasaq-; ~ rub against 14 active: 194 iqiit-
agiuqasiraaq- (Ti), 323 Adam’s apple: 128 iisaġniq
nanuiqasiraq-; ~ urinate 68 add: 148 ila(-); easy to ~ to 151
aŋuuq-, 465 quġmiattuq- ilasuġnaq-
accommodations: offer ~ 599 addition: 148 ilaaq(-)
tukkiqsuq- addition (in mathematics): 151

ilaraġaġniq iptumatun, 553 taiptumatun; to
additional piece: tapiq(-) 563 that one ~ 164 iptumuŋa, 553
adept: 394 pisuq- taiptumuŋa; via that one ~
adequate: 306 naama- 164 iptumuuna, 553
adhere: 343 nipit-, nipitchit- (Nu) taiptumuuna; (with) that one ~
adjust: 316 nalautit-2 164 iptumiŋa, 553 taiptumiŋa
administration: 60 aŋalatchirit afraid: 196 iqsi-, 332 navia-; become ~
admission charge: 206 itqun 196 iqsikkiuti-, iqsiññiuq-,
adopt: 590 tiguaq(-) iqsitchak-
adopted child: 562 tammaġnauraq, 590 African American: 400 Puksripak, 401
tiguaq(-) Purgiq, 402 Pursriq, 547
adoptive parent: 590 tiguuvik Taaqsipak
adrift: experience of being ~ 620 after: ~ V-ing for a while 749, 1129,
uisauniq; person ~ on ice floe 620 1135 +k/galuaq- plus
uisaq, 594 tiktaq; ~ on an icefloe Consequential Mood endings
620 uisau- afterbirth: 38 alġaaq, 372 papaaq
adroit: 392 pirraġik- afternoon: 461 qitiġusianikpata; become
adult: 436 qatqiñŋaruaq; become an~ late ~ 635 unnuksraaq-
436 qatqit-; grow into an ~ 181 afterwards: 78 aquvatigun, 261
iñukpaŋŋuq- kiŋuagun
adultery: 41 allatuun; commit ~ 41 again: V ~ 780 -lgIt-, 1035 -tqIk-1, 1099
allatuq- -vsaaq-; ~ and again 1035
advertisement: 286 maniuġun -tqigaaq-
advice: 642 uqausiaq age: be close in ~ (of siblings) 282
adze: 625 ulimaun; use an ~ 625 ulima- maligiik-
affect: ~ emotionally 161 ilunŋutchai- aged: become ~ (of whale meat and
affected: adversely ~ by flood 626 blubber) 81 arguniq-
ulluti-; deeply ~ emotionally 59 aggravating: 654 uumiñaq(-)
anuaqsruit-, 162 ilunŋutchak-; aggrieved: feel ~ 208 isumanŋutchak-
negatively ~ by an experience 59 agile: 99 aularruġik-
anusiñŋuq- ago: few days ~ 138 ikpaksraaqisuuraq,
affection: 391 piqpakkun; express ~ 119 ikpaksraaq; not very long ~ 428
igligi-, 354 nuniaq-; have great ~ qaŋakisuuraq, 587 tavraqiatchiaq;
for someone 386 pimaġi- sometime ~ 138 ikpaksraasugruk
affirmation: 319 nalupqinaiyaun agree: 217 iviġaumagi-; ~ with someone
afflicted: one ~ 147 iluilliuqtitauruaq 409 qaamagi-
affliction: 147 iluilliuġun or iłuilliuġun agreeable: 409 qaamanaq-
affront: 392 pisaaŋŋan agreement: in ~ 87 atausiŋŋuq-
aforementioned (not visible):164 imña, ahead: area directly ~ 317 nalimun;
553 taimña, 164 iptuma, 553 begin moving ~ 112 ayak-2; go ~
taiptuma; from that one ~ 164 220 ka (Nu), 243 ki2; go on ~ of
iptumaŋŋa, 553 taiptumaŋŋa; in others 113 ayu-, 527 sivuqqiaq-
the ~ past 553 taimani; (Nu); point straight ~ 525
located with that one ~ 164 sivukkik-; position oneself
iptumani, 553 taiptumani; straight ~ 525 sivukkiksi-;
similar to that one ~ 164 proceed ~ together 113 ayaa-;

progress far ~ of others 633 -suŋaiññaq-
unisuġi-; run ~ 312 naġruk-; stay allotted: ~ time or place 397 pivik
~ 407 qaaŋiummati-; surface ~ allow: ~ to V 1031 mtit-1, +pkaq-1, 1034
and to the right 139 ikpiq- mtitaq(-), +pkaqtitaq-
aid: give ~ out of compassion 311 almost: 88 atchaan, 115 ayyai; ~ V 932
nagliktuq- ±qqayaq-; ~ like a N 1048
ailment: 528 suaŋairrun +tun-qayaq
aim: ~ with a gun or bow129 iiguti-, almost all: 148 iluqatiqqayaq
iigusima- alone: 266 kisimġiuq-; left ~ 266
air bubble: 404 puvla, 420 qalak(-); ~s kisiŋŋuq-; dance ~ playing a
made by sea mammal drum 305 mumiq(-); dance
underwater 420 qalaliaq(-) together ~ to their “kimmun.”
air conditioning: 335 niglanaaq of a married couple 661 yuġaq(-)
airborne: become ~ 594 tiŋi- (Ti); leave one ~ 529 sugiŋit- (Ti);
airplane: 595 tiŋŋun not want to be ~ 235 kappiaŋa-;
airport/airstrip: 303 mitchaaġvik, one ~ with no relatives 266
milvik, mirvik kisimġaaq; one left ~ 266
alas: 5 aannaa kisiŋŋuqtaq; stand ~ for quite
Alaska hare: 621ukallisugruk some time 446 qikaaluk-1
alcove: storage ~ 154 iliqpik, iliqpiuraq, alongside: 492 saniqqaŋiq-
291 maqpik2; 416 qakpik, alphabet: Iñupiat ~ 88 atchagat
qakitpik, qakpiuraq, 432 qaqpik, alpine: ~ sweetvetch 293 masu,
541 suvvik, suvviuraq masuqutaq
alder: 354 nunaŋiak(-); dye sealskin red already: ~ V-ed 677 ±anik-2
with ~ 98 auksinġi-; sealskin also: V ~ 844 +mmI-1; 1153 +lu2
dyed in red ~ 98 auksinġaq alternatives: explore all ~ 433 qaqutkit-
alert: 343 nipuŋannaqtaili-, 436 although: ~ V-ed 747 +k/galuaq- plus
qaurimmaaġik-, 438 qaunagi-, Subordinative Endings; 749
qaunakkiaġik-, 458 qiptait-, 477 +k/galuaq- plus Contemporative I
quviqtaili-; become ~ 448 qikallit- and II Endings
alibi: 373 patchiñ, patchisi; acquire an ~ altocumulus clouds: 265 kilgaviurat (Ti)
373 patchisiq-, patchitchiq- altocumulus and cirrus clouds: for
align: ~ side by side in contact 374 there to be both ~ 265 kilgaviurat
patiktit- (Ti)
aligned vertically: 336 nigvigi- altogether: 560 tamatigun (Nu)
alive: 653 uuma-; barely ~ 397 always: ~ V 992 +[s]uu-; ~ like that 588
piyagniuq-; become ~ 654
tavra tainnaviiññaq
uummak- amaze: 226 kamatchai-
all: ~ of something147 iluqaan, iluġaan,
amazed: 40 aliuġusuk-, aliuq-; become ~
iluqaġmi, 556 tamaan; ~ of me 40 aliuġutchak-, 226 kamatchak-,
147 iluqaġma; ~ of them 147
iluqaisa, 148 iluqatiŋ; ~ of us 147 amazing: how ~ 40 aliuġnaġaa
iluqapta; ~ of yous 147 iluqaqpiñ; ambitious: 412 qaġait-
~ of you 147 iluqavsi amend: 146 iluaqsruq-
all of it: 147 iluġani, iluqani amendment: 146 iluaqsruun
all of the time: 86 ataramik; V ~ 991 American Golden Eagle: 594

tiŋmiaqpak and then this: 657 uvvasuli
American Golden Plover: 601 tullik and then what: 10 aasi suruq (Ti)
American Osprey: 422 qaluksiuġayuk, anesthesia: put under ~ 436
qaluksiuyuk qaurimaiyaq-
American Pipit: 396 piuġavik (Nu); 402 anesthetize: 436 qaurimaiyaq-
putukiiłuk angel: 201 isaġulik
American Robin: 277 kuyapigaqturuq anger: 454 qinnaun
American Widgeon: 273 kurugaġnaq, angle: ice thrust up at a sharp ~ 98
617 ugiihiq augaŋaruaq; leaning at a sharp ~
ammonia: 213 itiġuq 98 augaŋa-; set at an ~ 129 iigaq-
ammunition: 364 paġnan, paqnatit (Nu); angry: 454 qiniq-, qinnak-, 654
~ case 413 qaġruqaġvik, 497 uumisuk-; become ~ 231
satkuun1; small ~ bag 393 kanuallak- (Ti), 396 piunġiq-, 454
pisiksisauraq (Nu) qinnaliq-, 654 uumila-,
amniotic fluid: 168 imiq(-); break (of ~ ) uumitchak-; become ~ with 654
168 imġiqsi- uumitchauti-; becomes ~ quickly
amount: 63 aktilaaq(-) 454 qinnaya-, 654 uumitchaya-;
amulet: 5 aanġuaq, aanġuluk; provide make someone ~ 454 qinnai-,
someone with an ~ 5 aanġurriq-; qinni-; be~ with someone 231
person with an ~ 5 aanġurrulik; kanuuti- (Ti), 454 qinnauti-
small ~ 5 aanġuuraq, aanġuluuraq angrily: V ~ 827 -łłak-, 828 -łłaktaq-
amused: become ~ and start laughing animal: 337 niġrun; adult male ~ 63
119 iglaġutchak- aktuġruaq; baby ~ 378 piayaaq; ~
amusing: 38 alianait- exhausted from running 371
Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska: 326 Naqsraq; paŋallaq; female ~ 19 aġnasalluq;
50 Anaqtuuvak, Anaqtuġvik front part of ~, including the rib
anal opening: ~ of whale 275 kuuġuq cage 435 qatigak, qatigaak; full-
ancestor: 525 sivulliq, 261 kiŋuniq (Nu) grown male ~ 63 aktuġruaq;
ancestors: 525 sivulliaġruit (Nu) make its characteristic call (of ~)
ancestral: ~ song 257 kimmun (Ti) 420 qalġuq-; stalk an ~ 591
anchor: 265 kisaq(-), 340 niksikpak tiġiigaq-
ancient: ~ artifact 23 aippaaġnisaq, 356 animal’s call: 420 qalġuġniq
nutipnisaq (Nu); ~ times 24 ankle: 516 siŋiġñiq
aippaani, aippaapak, 38 alġaani ankle bone: 424 qamŋaq
ancient site: 429 Qaŋmali announce:154 ilisimapkaq-
ancient townsite of Ipiutak Culture: annoy: 70 aptari- (Ti), 217 iviġaŋit- 372
190 Ipiutaak pavri-
and: 1153 +lu annoyance: endure ~ 354 nunummi-
and again: 9 aasiasii another: 40 alla
and, all the while: 535 sunauvva answer: 26 aki(-), 267 kiu-, kiggun; ~
and, furthermore: 9 aasii suli angrily 267 kiuniqłak-; merely ~
and so now: 657 uvvaasiiñ, uvvaasii 267 kiugiññaq-; ~ nastily 267
and, so then: 553 taimmaasii kigguqłak-; not hesitate to ~ 267
and, so what: 9 aasii suruq, aasii suva kiunasaaŋit-
and then: 588 tavra suli; ~ consequently ant: 252 kiktuqsralik
587 tavraliasii anticipate: 337 niġiugi-

anticipation: ready to V with ~ 1110 anayasaaq-; ~ waiting to hear the
+yumalaaq-, 264 kipiqqutaq worst 308 naallaġluummi-
antisocial: 291 maqunialiq- apprehension: 156 ilimasuun; cause
antler: 311 nagruk(-); fight with ~ 311 extreme ~ 569 tataiñaq-
nagrugmik-, 312 nagruuti-; grow approach: 626 ullak-
~s 311 nagri-; middle section of approachable: 605 tuŋiġuġnaq-
caribou ~s 351 nukuġun; prong April: 356 Nutaqsivik, 433 Qargiliġvik,
of ~ 2 aagiaq, aagiuraq (Nu); tip 451 Qilġit Tatqiat, 595 Tiŋmirrat
of ~ 358 nuvułhuq, nuvułhuuq Tatqiat, 629 Umiaqqavik
(Nu) apron: 478 saaġuaq(-); 479 saaġurri-
anus: 212 itiq aptitude: 394 pisuġniq
anvil: 82 arvik(-) arch: 390 piqtiq-
anxiety: experience ~ 597 tirruksi- arch the body as it sounds (of whale):
anxious: ~ to have done 264 kipiqqutaġi- 390 piqsaq-, piqtalugiu-, piquaq-
anyone: 243 kiñapayaaq archer’s finger and wrist guard: 449
anything: 534 sumigliqaa qillutit
anyway: 46 amiami, amiamikii Arctic char: 62 aŋayuqaksraq, 192
apathetic: become ~ 151 illatit- iqalukpik, 422 qalukpik
appear: 181 iñukpalliq-, 349 nui-, 525 Arctic cisco: 407 qaaktaq
sivuġaŋiuti-; 557 takkuġmuq-; ~ Arctic coast dweller: ~ in Canada 429
appear in court: 482 sagviq- Qaŋmaliq
appearance: 177 iññaq (Nu), 455 qiññaq; Arctic cod: 653 uugaq
have a good ~ 177 iññaġik-, Arctic finger lichen: 270 kivviġiruaq
iññaaġik-, 386 pimmaaġik-; not (Nu)
have a good ~ 177 iññaġiit- Arctic flounder: 328 nataaġnaq
appears: to V 896 +p/vallIq- Arctic fox: 475 qusrkhaaq
appease: 26 akayugnaiq- Arctic grayling: 534 sulukpaugaq
appellation: 551 taiñiq Arctic ground squirrel: 509 siksrik(-);
appendix: 496 saqulupqutaq(-) wear an ~ parka 510 siksrigaaq-
appetite: develop an insatiable ~ 490 Arctic hare: 621 ukallisugruk
samiiq-; have an insatiable ~ 490 Arctic lamprey: 341 nimiġiaq
samiit-; lack an ~ 337 Arctic marmot: 510 siksrikpak, 443
niġisuvyuaq- qavviatchiaq
appetizer: 68 aŋuyaġaaq Arctic Slope: 512 silaliñiq
applaud: 374 pattakula- Arctic sweet coltsfoot: 299
application: 165 immiqsuaksraq milukataq
appraise: 27 akiksriq- Arctic Tern: 304 mitqutailaq, 649
appreciated: feel ~ 482 saġimasuk- utchutchaakiq, utchutchaaqiq
appreciation: show ~ 397 piviuttak- Arctic white fox: 590 tiġiganniaq
apprehensive: 241 kavya-, 271 kukragi- area: from the ~ below 91 atimiñiñ; ~
(Nu), 527 sivuuġa-, 606 tupinŋa-; immediately adjacent 512
~ about 627 uluġiagi-; ~ about silagauraq; located in ~ below
the unfamiliar 41 allasuk-; 91 atimiñi; raised ~ 409
become ~ 51 anayatchak-, 606 qatchiraaq(-); to ~ under 90
tupinŋasi-, tupinŋatchak-; trying ataanun, 91 atimiñun
to make someone ~ 51 argue: 264 kipuqłak-, 426 qanaaq-, 430

qapiqsiġiirruti-; ~ heatedly 430 185 iŋilġaaġnisaq, 332 navraaq
qapiqtaili- as if: 890 -ŋŋuq-3 plus Conditional
argument: ~ against an issue 360 Endings
paaqłaktaun as far as: 667 -aglaaq-
argumentative: 430 qapiqtailisalgu- as much as you want: 76
arm: 558 taliq(-); break ~ 558 talliaq-; aqpiktutilaaqtun
run down the ~ from hands (of as soon as: ~ one V-s 962 +saġluqqaaq-,
liquid) 233 kaŋimuk-; outside of 1086 +utigi- plus
upper ~ 242 ¤kayuq (Nu); upper Contemporative I Endings
~ muscle 79 aqvaluaq ascend: 469 qunmuk-; ~ steadily 469
armpit: 634 uniq qunmuktuq-
arm signals: make ~ 412 qaġa-2; use ~ ascertain: 82 asiġui-; finally ~ 531
to communicate 647 urriqa- sukuimmaġiksi-
armed forces: 68 aŋuyait ash: 19 aġra; become ~ covered 20
armor: suit of ~ 69 aŋuyaunnat, 435 aġrit-; ~ from outdoor fire 424
qatigaaġun qammiuġniq; rake for fireplace
army: 68 aŋuyait ~ 20 aġraiyaun
arm-wrestle: 231 kaŋiġmik- ashamed: 231 kanŋusuk-; become ~
arrange: 173 inillaktuq-; ~ bedding 101 231 kanŋutchak-; feel ~ of 230
aummitchiuq- (Ti); kanŋugi-, 284 malukagi-; feel ~
arrivals: recent ~ from the east 440 for 610 tutqaagi-
qavaŋŋaat ashore: bring ~ 600 tulauti-; come ~ for
arrive: 592 tikit-; ~ after being at someone or something 600
another location enroute 64 tullaqi-; washed ~ 595 tipi-
aŋirraq-; ~ at N 848 ÷muaglaaq-; ashtray: 505 sigaaqaġvik
~ despite the slim odds 592 aside from that fact: 90 ataagun
tikirruaq-; finally ~ 592 taaptuma
tikilġataq-; ~ quickly and safely ask: 70 apiġi-, apiqsruq-, apriqsri-;
592 tikisiq-; ~ too late to see 262 afraid to ~ for a favor from a
kiŋuvaq-; ~ upon a sad situation higher authority 85 ataniqsraq-;
592 tikiññiġluk-; ~ with a bad ~ for something 177 iñiqsruq-; ~
disposition 592 tikkiġluk- to be V-ed 1037 -[t]qu-
arrive and drop anchor: ~ (of ship) askew: become ~ 197 iqu-
629 umiaqpiq- asleep: 515 siñik(-); fall ~ 519 siqu-
arrogant: 6 aaŋit-, 526 sivunmuutu- assemblage: 231 kanŋut
arrow: 413 qaġruq, qaġrupiaq; assemble: 87 atautchimuk-
feathered ~ 413 qaġruq sululik; assess: 27 akiksriq-, akigriq- (Ti)
~ with sharp bone head 329 assign: ~ someone a task 391
natqulik piraksriq-; ~ tasks 391 piraksrii-
arrows: make ~ 413 qaġri- assignment: 391 piraksriaq,
arrowhead: 329 natquq; flint ~ 270 piraksriusiaq
kukigralik (Ti); ~ with a forked assist: 56 anniqsuq-, 132 ikayuq-,
point 486 sallisilik (Nu) ikayui-; take time to ~ 132
articulation: ~ of a joint 389 piġinniq, ikayuliktuq-
piġniq; ~ of a word 551 taiñiq assist in a matter of life or death: 183
artifact: ancient ~ 38 alġaaniqsaq(-), iñuuli-

assistance: 57 anniqsuun, 132 ikayuġniq special ~ 79 aragnaqsi-; rod used
assistant: 132 ikayuqti to direct ~ 591 tikkuaġaun; try to
asthma: have ~ 224 kalikłuk-1 gain ~ 455 qiñiqusaaq-; wave
astonish: try to ~ 40 aliuqsaaq- arms to get ~ 352 nuluġaq-
astonished: 40 aliuq- attentive: 343 nipuŋait-, 347 niviuq-, 477
astounded: 40 aliuq- quviqtaili-
at: 1142 ÷mi, 835 ÷miit- (see located:) attentively: listen ~ 293 masaġni-
at last: 163 imani attract: 414 qaivaksaq-
at once: 588 tavrauvvaa attractive: ~ (of a woman) 18 aġnaġik-;
at that very moment: 588 tavra tavrani create something ~ 177
Atigun Pass, Alaska: 91 Atiġun iññaaġiñaaq-
atlatl: 299 milluuġun, 355 nuqsraq (Nu) attribute: have the ~ indicated by V
atmosphere: 512 sila, 660 uyumiŋa 881 ±ŋa-
nunam; refractory layer of ~ audacious: 81 arguaŋa-, arguaŋaaq-,
through which shamans must alguaŋaaq- (Ti), 231 kanŋuit-;
pass to reach the moon 660 feel ~ 81 arguasuk-
uyumiq(-) audible: 538 susaġnaq-, 608 tusaġnaq-
atqasuk: 91 downslope auger: 345 niuqtuun
Atqasuk: 91 Atkasuk, Alaska August: 46 Amiġaiqsivik, Amiġiksivik,
attached: 84 ata-; something ~ 396 73 Aqavirvik, 595 Tiŋŋivik
pituqquq aunt: 88 atchak; aunt-in-law: paternal
attack: 280 maksrigvigi- ~ 84 asuġaq; maternal ~ 94
attempt: 653 uuktuaq-; always do with attuaq (Nu), 111 ayaġruksaaq
one ~ 87 atausiaqtiqataġuu-; (Ti); paternal ~ 111 ayak (Ti),
begin to ~ to V forcefully 863 ayaaluk, atchaaluk
+niaqtuaqsi-; complete task in aurora borealis: 247 kiguġuya,
one ~ 87 atausiaq-; make ~s to kiguġuyait (Ti)
stand up 280 maksrukaktaq-; auscultate: 308 naalak-
make sudden ~ to V 969 authority: 60 aŋalatchiñ, aŋalarrun, 85
+saqtiq-; ~ to provoke into ataniġnaqun, 226 kamanaqsiliq,
anger 454 qinnaguksaaq-; ~ to V kamanaun
864 +niatak-, 866 +niluk-, 872 autumn: 622 ukiaq; early ~ 621
+nIt-1; ~ to V forcefully 864 ukiaksraaq
+niaqtuq-, 862 +niala- available: make ~ 386 piñaqutigi-; one
attention: call ~ to something 659 ~ 590 tigusiññaaq(-)
uvyak-, uvyaqi-; demand avalanche: 521 sisuuk(-)
constant ~ 70 aptanaq-; need ~ avoid: 323 naŋaq-, naŋaa- (Ti); ~ eye
438 qaunagnaq-; not pay ~ 343 contact 338 nika-; ~ people
nipuŋa-; not pay ~ to 36 alapigi-, 180 iñugluaqtau-; ~ a pursuing
alavrak-, 533 suliqutigiŋit-, 540 killer whale 2 aaġliñġu-; ~ taboo
suunnaġilait-; one worthy of ~ 472 quŋuġi- (Nu); ~ someone
538 suqun; pay ~ 308 naalaġni-; with a disease 15 agliqsraq-
pay ~ suddenly 640 uputi-; pay avenge: 28 akisauti-
no ~ to whether it is day or night awake: 212 itquma-; become fully ~
513 silaiq-; regard as not worthy 194 iqiiq-; become wide~ 458
of ~ 535 supasaġiŋit-; require qiptaiq-

awaken: ~ someone 194 iqiiqsaq- bacon: 492 saniqsuk
aware: become ~ 1 aaŋayaaŋaŋaiq-; bad: 386 piluk-; become ~ 386 piluksi-;
become ~ of 155 ilitchuġi-; have a bad N 700 +[g]iit-; ~ N
suddenly become ~ of 155 897 -pałłuk(-)
ilitchuġiniqłak-, ilitchuqqiġluk- badly: do ~ 386 pimaqłuk-; to V ~ 897
(Nu) -pałłuk(-); V ~ 833 -maqłuk-
awe: in ~ of 40 aliuġitigi-; one held in ~ bad-tempered: 180 iñugiit-; cause for
40 aliuġun being ~ 180 iñugiirrun
awl: 234 kapuqqaun (Nu), kaputtaun (Ti), bag: 403 puukataq; hunting ~ 17
402 puttun, putuliuġun aġġiññaq
axe: 51 anauttaq(-), 188 ipiġauttaq; Baird’s Sandpiper: 357 nuvaksruk, 405
double-bladed ~ 104 avanmulik, Puvviaqtuuyaaq
122 igluktuulik; blade of ~ 250 baked: be not fully ~ (of bread) 273
kiiñaq, kigiñaq (Ti); dull (of ~) kupkaq- (Ti)
250 kiiñait- baking powder: 404 pupsaun (Ti),
axilla: 634 uniq puvlagulaun
baking soda: 508 siiġñaiyaun,
B siiġnaiyaun (Ti)
babble: ~ (of river) 290 maqsraluk, bald: 356 nusait-, nuyait-; become ~
maksraluk, 483 saġvaluk- 304 mitquiq-, 355 nusaiq-, 649
baby: 156 ililgauraq, 462 qitunġauraq; uti-~ spot 649 utiniq
premature ~ 40 alivsuk, Baldpate: 617 ugiihiq
alivsuuraq baleen: 538 suqqaq
babyish: act ~ wanting affection 636 ball: 20 aġraq(-) (Ti), 73 aqsraaq(-), 114
uŋa-; one who acts ~ 636 uŋaaq ayuktaq(-), 306 muqpaaq; play ~
babysit: 384 pilaaqtuaq- 73 aqsriqi- (Nu); roll something
babysitter: 384 pilaaqti, pilaaqtuaqti into a ~ 26 akavalik-
bachelor: 351 nuliilgasuk, nuliiygasuk balloon: 404 puviuraaq, puviuraagraq
back: 603 tunu; ~ facing front 604 (Ti)
tununmun; fall on one’s ~ 604 band: 430 qaptuġaq(-) (Nu); ~ of beads
tunuillak- (Ti); have bent ~ 172 worn around forehead 334
imuŋaaq-; lower ~ makisiq (Ti); ~ niaquun (Nu)
muscle 216 ivaluliñiq; position ~ bandage: 285 mamitaq(-)
facing front 604 tununmuk-; bank account: 133 iksraq
strain a ~ muscle 449 qiluqqit-; Bank Swallow: 601 tulugaġnaq
upper ~ 2 aaġiak, 383 pikusuk; banker: 286 maniliqiri
back and forth: go ~ 649 utiġmik-, bar: 168 imiġvik
utiqtaq- barb: 13 aggaġiitkutaq, ~ on hook 29
back up: 604 tunuvaq- aki(-)2
backbone: 277 kuyapikkat barber: 263 kivraqti, 486 saliri
backpack: 403 puuġriñġaq, 322 bare: 436 qattaq-; absolutely ~ 436
nanmaun; place and carry in qattatit-
backpack 323 nanmiuti-, barefoot: 227 kamillaaq-; become ~ 227
natmiuti- (Nu) kamillaq-
backpacking: go ~ 322 nanmau- barely: just ~ V 911 -pqauraq(-); ~
backwards: 262 kiŋunmun manage to V 1026 mt/liġruaq-

barge: 361 paatchiġruaq small chunks sea ice (of ~) 296
bark: 277 lałłak-, 452 qiluk-; ~ in miġaliq(-); find something
anticipation 278 makhak-, washed up on the ~ 596 tivri-; ~
makuk-, maqhuk- forcefully 416 qakisatit-; land on
bark: ~ of tree 415 qaiġuq; ~ of ~ 600 tulak-
cottonwood tree 409 qasalluq beached: ~ carcass 514 silu; ~ ice 296
Barred Owl: 310 naataqpak mayuqtinniq
barrel: 436 qattaġruk; water ~ 436 bead: 535 suŋauraq; band of ~ worn
qattaq; wooden ~ 168 around forehead 334 niaquun
imġusiaġruk (Nu); blue ~ 490 samataq (Ti),
barricade: 495 sapusiq- 535 suŋauravik (Nu); bluish ~ 535
barrier: 495 sapukutaq, sappun suŋauraviŋñaq (Nu); large, green
Barrow, Alaska: 650 Utqiaġvik, ~ 535 suŋauraqpak (Nu); to string
Utqiaġviit, 623 Ukpiaġvik ~s 357 nuvi-; string of ~s worn
barometer: 512 silasiun under the nose 224 kakitlugun
Bar-tailed Godwit: 607 turraaturaq (Nu); trade ~ with bluish inner
barter: 29 akitchaq- stripe 161 ilummilik; white ~ 477
Barter Island, Alaska: 407 Qaaktuġvik quviqti (Nu)
base: ~ of something 329 natqa beaded earrings: 565 taquuppik (Nu)
base coating: ~ of sled runner 16 aglu beadwork: 535 suŋaurriqi-
baseball: ~ 51 bat anauraġaun; ~ glove beam: support ~ 28 akimuksaaġun;
32 akkuaġaun; play ~ 51 cross ~ 28 akiñ
anauraġaq-, 50 anaullaġaq- (Ti); ~ bean: 272 kumauraq, 339 niliġnaq (Ti)
player 50 anaullaġaqti, 51 bear: brown ~ 32 akłaq; black ~ 117
anauraġaqti iggaġriq, iyyaġriq (Nu); polar ~
baseball pitcher: 299 miluqtuqti (Ti), 323 nanuq; yearling ~ 108
milluuqti- avinnaaq
based on the facts: 608 tunŋa- bearberry: 68 aŋurvak, (Nu) aŋutvak,
bashful: feel ~ 41 allayuaq- 593 tinnik; black ~ 241 kavlaq
bask: ~ (of seals on ice) 417 qakuma- beard: 418 qakiġlugun (Ti), 630 umik2;
(Ti) grow a ~ 630 ummak-
basket: woven ~ 17 aguummak, bearded seal: 617 ugruk(-), 39 aligraq
aguummaq (Nu), 36 akuummak (Ti); bag made of a ~ stomach 17
(Ti) aġġutaq1; cleaned, dried and
basket sled: 451 qilġit stretched intestine of ~ 184
bath: take a ~ 220 ivvaq-, ivvaqtuq- iŋaluk; delicacy made out of
bathroom: 50 anaġvik chopped outer intestional
bathtub: 220 ivvaġvik membrane of a ~ 444 qiaq; emit
batter: ~ in baseball 50 anaullaġaqti (Ti) a long, piercing sound (of ~) 107
bay: 233 kaŋiqłuk aviuqtaq-; infant ~ 617
bay loudly: ~ (of dog or wolf) 278 ugruayaaq; ~ meat and blubber
maġġukpak- (Ti) sewn or tied in a bale for storage
be: ~ as V as 1025 mtigi-1; ~ the one who 600 tuktaq; newborn ~ 40
must/should V 1049 +t/ruksrau- aligrauraq (Ti); piece of dried ~
beach: 551 taġium siñaa; be near the ~, 617 ugrugaviñiq; spot a ~ 617
of lead 91 atikit-; ~ covered by ugrugunaaq-; waterproof parka

made from ~ intestine 512 bedrock: 329 natchiñ (Nu)
silaŋŋaaq; worm found in ~ bedspread: 408 qaliġuaq
intestine 470 qumak (Ti); young before: 524 sivuani; ~ one V-s 1130,
~ 617 ugrugaq 1131 +k/galuaqtinna- or ±ŋaisillu-
bearded seal oil: 617 ugriñġaq plus Subordinative Endings; not ~
bearded sealskin: knee-high boots with V-ing 1130, 1131 ±ŋaunna- plus
~ soles 617 ugruligaak, ugrullak; ~ Subordinative Endings
rope 599 tugrun; sailboat beg: 185 iŋiq-, 186 iŋiula-, 456 qiññuaq-,
covered with nine ~s 629 600 tuksiq-; ~ in prayer 600
umiavak (Ti); sailboat covered tuksiaq-
with seven ~s 629 umiavauraq beggar: 378 piatchiaqtaqti
(Ti); seal-hunting boots with ~ begin: 100 aullaqi-, aullaġnii-, 202
soles 295 mauqsruutik (Nu) isaguti-; ~ to V ~ 684 -aqsI-, 851
beast: 337 niġrułłuk -naguti-, 952 -rraqsI-, 965
beast of burden: 223 kakakti, 322 +saq-2; ~ to V first 968
nanmakti, 454 qimukti +saqqaaq-; ~ singing 53 anitchi-;
beat: 27 akiisit-; ~ soundly, as in a game ~ try to V 873 +niusIq-; ~ trying
49 anaġvik-; ~ (of heart or to forcefully V 863 +niaqtuaqsi-
artery) 589 tigliqtaq- beginning: 100 aullaqisaaq(-); ~ of song
beautify: ~ N 700 +[g]iksaq- 33 akpirrun, 53 anitchaun; ~ of
beautiful: 387 piññaġnaq-, 586 summer 639 upinġaatchiaq
tautuyuġnaq-, tautuyunaq-; find ~ behave: 641 uqaqsiġiaq-
387 piññaġi- behavior: 538 suraġautchiq, suraġausiq;
beaver: 247 kigiaq (Nu), 368 pałuqtaq ~ full of happiness, love, and joy
because: 86 atakkii, atakii (Ti), 477 quvianġuniq
atakkiataŋ, 427 qanukkiataŋ, 1152 behavioral: have a certain ~ pattern
-kiataŋ, +kii1; 749, 1129, 1135 426 qanuġit-
+k/galuaq- plus Consequential- behead: 60 aŋarraq-
Conditional Endings behind: 254 kiluanin, kiluanun; ~ each
because of someone: 393 pisigi- other 503 siakłauri-; position
because of the fact: 587 tavrakii oneself ~ another 604
beckon: 352 nuluġaq- tunuanuk-; traverse ~ 604
become: ~ a N 719 +[ġ]uq-1, 890 tunutqut-
mŋŋuq- belief: 623 ukpiġun; not have ~ 623
bed: 611 tuttaat, 515 siñigviit; get out of ukpiġutait-
~ and dress 280 makitiq-; go to ~ believe: 623 ukpiq-; ~ in 623 ukpiġi-;
177 iññaq-, 211 itchaataaq-, 610 jokingly try to convince
tuttaaq-; go to ~ early 315 someone to ~ 623 ukpiqsaaq-; ~
nallaġnaġiaq-; go to ~ (of a baby) that one is V or is V-ing 856
308 naanaaq-; lie down on the +nasugi-
bed with 315 nallauti-; prepare ~ bell: 106 aviluqtaun, 35 akuġluk(-) (Ti),
605 tuŋiusiuq-; ~ sheet 605 tuŋiun 436 qattauraq(-)
bedding: 101 aummisit (Ti), 108 avrat, bellows: 404 puviqsiñ (Nu), puviun
471 qummatit (Nu), 605 tuŋiutit, belly: have discomfort in one’s ~ 160
646 uqummatit; fix the ~ 101 ilugiit-; have big ~ 309 naaqtu-,
aummitchiuq- narraktu-; lower ~ 35 akuaq (Ti),

(Nu); upper ~ 74 aqiaq, aqiak to one’s ~ 1113 -yuqtilaaq-
(Ti) best regards: 332 nayaaŋŋaq
belongings: 530 suġautat betray: 25 aitchuutigi-, 254 killuaq-
below: ~ someone or something 90 betrayer: 25 aitchuutiginniktuaq
ataani; get ~ someone or better: that is ~ 587 tavrapayaaq
something 90 ataŋiq-2 between: get ~ something and
belt: 551 taġigraq (Ti), 564 tapsi (Nu), something else 162 iluŋiq- (Nu);
588 tavsi(-), 591 tiġiksraq(-); ~ placed ~ two things 136
with a tail sewn in the back 370 ikiaqtit-; space ~ 34 akunġaq
pamiuqtaq; ~ worn for packing beverage: 168 imiq(-); hot ~ 345
baby in parka ~ 411 ¤qagrugaun, niuqqaq(-), 662 yuuqqaq (Ti)
417 qaksrugautaq (Nu) beyond: from the area ~ 367 uŋataaniñ;
Belted Kingfisher: 351 nukuutchiqiq in the area ~ 637 uŋataani; to the
beluga: 451 qilalugaq, 521 sisuaq; ~ net area ~ 637 uŋataanun; via the
522 sisuaqsiun area ~ 637 uŋataagun
bend: ~ forward 402 put-; ~ backwards biased toward: 217 iviġaumagiłhaaq-
252 kikiik-,431 qaqaq-; ~ over bib: 288 manuġun, manuilisaq
139 iksrik-; ~ something 111 Bible: 641 Uqalugiksuat
ayaktuq-2, 389 piġit- big: 62 aŋi-1
bend head: ~ to the side 313 naiq- big-boned: 499 sauniġluk-
bend knees: 78 aquvliq-, aquvliqtaq-, Big Diomede Island, Russia: 166
bent: 389 piġiŋa-, 504 siatqiŋit- Imaqłin
bent with age: 172 imullak-; become ~ Big Dipper: 444 Qayuuttaq (Ti), 611
97 auġak-, auġaŋasi-; ~ with head Tuttuġruk
lowered 367 paluŋasi- big toe: 402 putuguq
bent back: have ~ 172 imuŋaaq- bight: 233 kaŋŋiñiq, kaŋŋiññauraq (Ti),
bequeath: 407 qaaŋiqsit- 404 puviaq
berate: go ~ 530 suġruk- bid: 317 nalliun, nallisaun, nallit-; ~
berries: fetch ~ from one’s supply 83 higher 409 qarġutaurraq-; make
asiaqsruq-; grow (of ~) 83 the highest ~ 94 atqunałhaaq-
asirriñiaq-; mix ~ into something bile: taste or smell of ~ 535 suŋaġnit-;
83 asirriq-; obtain a supply of ~ vomit a small amount of ~ 535
83 asiagusi- suŋaqsruq-; vomit quantities of
berry: 83 asiaq; any inedible ~ 601 ~ 535 suŋŋiqi-
tulukkam asiaŋa bill: 27 akiliaksraq; 27 akiliaksriq-
berry picking: go ~ 83 asiaġniaq-, binoculars: pair of ~ 198 iriġruak, 455
asiaġiaq- qiñiġautik (Nu); look through ~
beside: go ~ someone or something 491 198 iriġruaġaq-, iriġruaq(-)
saniġaanuk- birch bark: 407 qaalu (Nu)
besiege: 105 avat- birch tree: 647 urgiiliq, urgiiłiq
best: 330 nauma-, 49 anaktiksrait-; ~ bird: 594 tiŋmiaq; ~ hunting 473
choice 321 nanġaaq; for the qupałłiaq-; small ~ 437 qaugaluk,
~ 163 iłualluk-; ~ part 397 594 tiŋmiaġruk; medium sized ~
piviksaq, pivigniq; 823 594 tiŋmiaq
nakuułhaaq(-); be the ~ bird dart: nuiyaaqpak(-)2 349; throw a
performer 823 pisułhaaq-; to V ~ 349 nuiqsaq-

bird net: ~ attached to end of stick 51 black bird: 304 mitiġvik (Ti)
anauvak(-)(Ti) Black-capped Chickadee: 302
bird of prey: 594 tiŋmiaq misikaaġaq, misikaaqqauraq,
Birnirk, Alaska: 379 Piġniq; placename misiqqaaqaq (Nu)
for the point northeast of ~ 81 blackened: become ~ from soot 375
Arguġaq pautiq-
birth: 52 aniñiq (Nu), 53 anniñ; about to blackish: 446 qiġñaaq-
give ~ 127 iġñisuk-; give ~ blackfish: 163 iłuuqiñiq
127 iġñi-; give ~ (of an black fox: 446 qiġñiqtaq
unmarried woman) 7 aapailli-; Black Guillemot: 184 iŋaġiq, iŋaġiuraq
give ~ shortly after a (Ti)
previous ~ 283 maliksi- Black Headed Gull: 327 nasaiŋaruaġruk
birthday: 53 annivik; have a ~ 53 black seal: 278 maġamnasiq
annivilit- celebrate a ~ 53 black wolf: 288 maŋaqhaaluk, 446
anniviliqi- qiġñiqtaaluk
birthmark: 99 auktaq bladder: 313 nakasuk; dried ~ used as
birthplace: 52 aniñiq (Nu) container 17 aġġutaq1; have a
birthright: 85 ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq, 262 full ~ 313 nakatchit-; inflated ~
kiŋuvaannaktaaksraun; give 403 puuġuq (Ti); swim ~ of fish
someone a ~ 85 ataniġnaqutiksrit- 400 puktan, 404 puviġaaq
biscuit: 306 muqpauraq, 355 nuqpauraq blade: flint ~ 248 kiglak(-) (Nu); ~ of
(Ti), 432 qaqqiaq (Ti); make ~s paddle 305 mulu2
355 nuqpauriuq- (Ti) blame: 360 paqsraq-, 373 pasi-, pasigi-
bistort: 432 qaqauraq (Nu), 190 ippiq (Ti), patchisigi-; ~ someone else
bite: 247 kii-, 249 kiiññik-; 249 kiiñiq; ~ 373 pasiññik-
and cause to become rabid 284 blamed: get ~ 373 pasipkaq-
malukalipkaq-; ~ each other 247 blank: 14 aglait-
kiggisi- (Nu); ~ a hook 32 blanket: 624 ulik(-)
akkuaq-; insect ~ 376 pauŋniq; ~ blanket-toss: 289 mapkuq; 320
pieces off 288 maŋiaq-; ~ nalukataq-; ~ song 320
repeatedly 248 kigmaq-; single ~ nalukataun; people holding the ~
of food 562 tamuaq; take a ~ 249 and tossing jumpers 320
kiisi- nalluaqtit
bit more: ~ more V 900 -payaaq(-); one blaze:135 ikuala-
that is a ~ V 900 -payaaq(-) bleed: 99 aunaaq-, aunaaqsruq-; ~ from
bitter: taste ~ 256 kimnaq-, 535 the mouth 98 arriqi-
suŋaġnit-, 595 tivraġluk-; become blessing: 57 anniqsuusiaq, 85
~ 418 qakkiññaqsi- ataniġnaqutiksriusiaq, 311
bitterness: 254 killuqsraun nagliktuun, 477 quviasaaġusiaq
black: 288 maŋaqtaaq, 548 taaqtaq, blind: to become ~113 ayau-
288 maŋaq-, 446 qiġñiq-, blind for a hunter: 343 nipri (Nu)
qiġñiqtaaq blink: 519 siqunġipak-, siqunġipaktaq-,
black bear: 117 iggaġriq siqupak-, siqupaktaq-, siquvyak-
black bearberry: 241 kavlaq (Ti)
Black-bellied Plover: 601 tullisugruk, blister: skin ~ 410 qaaqsruġniq, qaaġruq
tullivak, 611 tuullikpak (Ti); ~ (of skin) 410 qaaqsruq-

blizzard: 17 agniq(-); develop into a ~ taqakpak; large ventral,
17 agniġuq-, aŋniġuq-; have a ~ abdominal ~ 445 qigluk(-)1
17 aŋniġu- (Ti) bloody: something ~ 98 augulaaq(-)
block : ~ of hard snow 221 kaataq (Ti); bloodless: ~ animal carcass 98 augiqsaq
~ of wood 136 ¤ikIk1; cut ~s of bloodletting: cut between the eyes to
hard-packed snow 221 kaattiq-; perform ~ 34 akulirri-; small
slice ~s of snow 221 kaat-; snow knife for ~ 234 kappugauraq;
~ shelter 69 apuyyaq, aputyaq perform ~ 596 tira-, 638 uŋuyut-
(Nu) bloomers: 413 qaġliurak, qaġliuraak
block2: 494 sapi-; ~ another’s view blow: ~ downstream (of wind) 52
547 taalutaq(-); ~ from anisaġniq- (Nu); ~ hard causing
proceeding 495 savri-; ~ limited visibility (of snow and
someone’s entrance or exit 359 wind) 588 tavruŋatchauraq(-), 657
paaŋiq-; ~ someone’s exit 494 uvuŋatchauraq-; ~ lightly (of
sapimmi- wind) 536 supimaaq-; ~ on
block and tackle: 277 kuyapigaurat something repeatedly 537
blocked: ulitit- 625; ~ as one’s ascent suvluaqtuq-; ~ with light snow
171 imnit- 426 qanikłuk(-) (Nu)
blood: 98 auk(-); become covered in ~ blowfly: 357 nuviuvak; ~ egg 474
98 auguaqtaq-, auguqtaq-; boiled qupilġuksraq
~ broth 443 qayuq; broth made blowhole: ~ of whale 456 qiŋaq; part of
from caribou ~ 443 qayusaaq; ~ head of whale near the ~ 340
bruise 98 arriqsinniq; clotted ~ niksiutaq (Ti)
98 augiaq(-); collect ~ 98 arri-; blubber: ~ 644 uqsruq, uqruq (Nu),uġruq
completely covered in ~ 99 (Ti); be old (of ~) 523 sivaniq-2;
aukviiññaq; dark ~ from braided intestines filled with ~
stomach 288 maŋaqtuaq auk; get 518 siqqiak; cook ~ 116 igaraq-,
~ on oneself 98 auguaq-; have ~ 523 sivaraq-; cut ~ into strips 355
in one’s breath (of wounded nurri-; cut piece of frozen ~ 236
whale) 54 aniġniġluaqi-; make karriaq (Nu); flense ~ from
broth from ~ 98 arri-; move animal skin 441 qavrak-, qarvak-,
around to stimulate ~ flow 99 486 saliguq-; fresh ~ 356
auvsaaqtiqi-; prepare broth with nutaġġiñġaq; make seal oil from
~ 435 qatchiuq-; receive ~ ~ 302 misiġarriuq-; oil from
transfusion 98 arriq; soaked rendered whale 21 aġviñġaq;
through with ~ 98 arriqsit-; piece of ~ 441 qavsiraq, qavsiraaq
spurt forth (of ~) 518 (Ti); render (of ~) 118 igit-1;
siqpagaala-; transfuse ~ 98 rendered ~ 302 misiġaaq(-);
arriq- rendered ~ in seal oil 328
blood relative: 148 ila(-), 323 nanmiñiq; natchiñġaq(-); ~ rubbed on
deal directly with a ~ 323 seams of umiak for
nanmiñiqtuq- waterproofing 405 puya; slab
blood vessel: 98 augavik, aukkun, 565 of seal ~ 644 uġruqtiġun (Ti);
taqak; feel prolonged pain from sticky, burnt ~ 58 anŋun, 176
one’s large, ventral, abdominal iñġausiñiq; slice or strip of ~ 355
~ 445 qigluuraaq-; large ~ 565 nurriaq; ~ strip set on a post 111

ayaksraq, 176 iñġausiq; ~ used as avalluaġniq
fuel 519 siqpan; whale skin with boat frame: 498 saunġit, 629 umiam
~ attached 281 maktak sauniŋi
blue: color ~ 535 suŋauraaqtaaq; 535 boat ramp: 345 niggun
suŋauraaq-, 605 tuŋuq-, 638 boat sled: 629 umiirautit
uŋuraġaaq- (Nu) boating: ~ leisurely 629 umiaqtuuraaq-
blue or green: 645 uquaq- (Nu); bodily waste: 291 maqquq
something ~ 645 uquaqtaaq body: 593 timi; either side of ~ above
blueberry: 83 asiavik, asiaq (Nu); hips 565 taqtunak; ~ hair 304
~ plant 83 asiaviqutaq (Nu) mitquq; hurt on side of ~ 565
bluebottle fly: 357 nuviuvak taqtunnaq-; on the ~ 593
blue fox: 444 qianġaqtuluk timaagun
bluff:138 ikpik bog cranberry: 471 qunmun asiaq (Nu)
blurt: easily ~ 641 uqallaya- Bohemian Waxwing: 533
blush: 240 kaviġluksi- suluktaatchialik
board:132 iku-, iki-1 boil1: 420 qalat-; ~ over 648
board of trustees: 84 atanaurat utchiqsruula-; continue to ~ 420
boast: 641uqaqpagaaq-, 642 uqavigaaq- qalauq-
boastful: 226 kamanni-, kamanniraaq- boil2: 114 ayuaq(-); core of ~ 114 ayuam
boat: 628 umiaq; become icebound (of iñua, 178 iñuk(-); treat (give
~) 300 miñiqutipkaq-; beach (of medicinal aid) a ~ 114 ayurriqi-
~) 416 qaki-; fetch a ~ 630 boiled meat: 116 igaapiaq, 652 uurq
umiisuq-2; icebound ~ 306 boisterously: yell ~ during a celebration
muqutipkaq; inboard motor ~ 113 ayalik(-)
134 igniligauraq, ignilik; make a bola: 451 qilamitautit; catch with a ~ 444
~ 629 umiġġi-; need a ~ 629 qiamit-; kill with a ~ 451
umiilliuq-, umiagilliuq-; pilot a ~ qilamitaq-; something caught
78 aqut-; pitch in rough waters, with a ~ 451 qilaptaq(-),
of 186 iŋiulliuq-; prepare one’s ~ qilapsaq(-) (Nu)
629 umiiqi-, umialiqi-; push ~ bold: 37 alguaŋaaq-, 80 arguaktit-, (Ti)
into water 243 kiamit-, kaimit-; 226 kamait-, 447 qikiit-, 495
push off ~ into water with a pole sapiqsralait-
112 ayyauq-; put oars on ~ 191 boldly: act ~ 628 uluġiit-
ipusiq-; ride low in water (of ~) bolt: ~ of fabric 224 ¤kakkiaq
399 pukkit-; ride high in water, bomb: whaling ~ 410 qaaġaun
of ~ 400 puqtu-; rock (of ~) 23 Bonaparte’s Gull: 327 nasaiŋaruaġruk
aiłhuuq-, 443 qayaqhiuq-, 658 bone: 498 sauniq; have ~ stuck in one’s
uvaagaq-; skin-covered open throat 499 saunnit-; ~ from
~ 629 umiapiaq; stop alongside which marrow is extracted 374
another ~ 373 paqtit-; emerge patiġniq; soft ~s of children 328
behind a ~ 77 aqquaq-; take in natatqulaat; work with ~ 499
water (of ~) 166 immak(-); travel saunniqi-
by ~ 629 umiaqtuq-; two-masted bone marrow: 374 patiq(-); implement
~ 282 malġulik; unable to move used to remove ~ 498 saulluun,
in slush or ice (of ~) 294 saulluutaq; suck ~ out 374
maġġuti-; wake of ~ 104 patiqsruk-

bone weary: 493 saŋniq- atukkaq
book: 281 maqpiġaat, makpiġaat, 551 boss: 226 kamanaġniqsraq, 438 qaukłiq
taiguat boss around: 226 kamalatchi- (Ti)
boom: ~ on boat 492 sanniġutaq; ~ of botfly: caribou ~ 299 miluyuuq
sailboat 439 qauqqiñ, 599 both: ~ of themd 147 iluqaagnik, 148
tukiqtuun (Nu); iluqatik; ~ of usd 147 iluqanuk,
boot: 227 kamik(-); front, upper part iluqamnuk; ~ of you 147
of ~ 408 qaati(-); fur strip on iluqavsik
top of ~ 468 qulipaq; handmade bother: 152 ilaksia-
~ 227 kammiaq; remove ~ 227 bothered by noise: 457 qipimmisuk- (Ti)
kamŋiq-; sea ice ~ 551 taġiitkun; bothersome: 372 papriñaq- (Nu)
~ sole: 95 atuŋak(-); trim on top bottom: 328 nataaq(-); attach a ~ 328
front of ~ 525 sivuġun nataaq(-); ~ layer 89 alliñaaq; one
boots: caribou leg skins ~ with fur on ~ 89 alliq
inside 285 mamillak; fancy, bounce: 380 pigliq-, 429 qaŋattałik-; ~
short ~ 227 kamalaurak; get along 429 qaŋattałiktaq-; ~ back
water over the top of one’s 649 utiġrak-; ~ off 28 akiŋŋaq-,
~ 467 qulaakkuq-, qulaaniktuq-; 303 mitigrak-, 333 nayaŋŋatit-
knee-high, caribou fur boots bouncing: 380 pigliqtaq-
204 isiktuut; long, waist-high ~ bouncy: 380 pigliġik- (Ti)
227 kamigruak; long, winter ~ boundary: 107 avgun
made from carigou leg skins bow: archer’s ~ 393 pisiksi; ~ sheath
204 isiktuut; make ~ 227 393 pisiksisaq, pisiksitchak; small
kammi-, kammiuq-; man’s knee- ~ 393 pisiksigauraq; ~ without
high, dress ~ 92 atikuluk, braided sinew 449 qiluiññaq
atikuluatchiak; mid-calf, bow: ~ of boat or kayak 524 sivua
caribou fur ~ 96 atvaukkak; not umiam
wear ~ 227 kamŋit-; short, bow: 254 kisi-, 402 put-; ~ one’s head
caribou fur boots 78 aquptitaak, 509 sikit-
aqupititak; take ~ off 227 bow deck: 247 kiglu, 459 qirgi (Ti)
kamŋiyaq-; waterproof ~ 432 bow drill: 248 kigmiġaq, kigmiaq,
qaqłiik(-),73 aqaġlik(-) (Ti); kiŋmiaq, 345 niuqtuun
women’s black and white long bowel movement: have a ~ 50 anaq(-);
~ 148 ilaaqtuutiligaak have frequent ~s 50 anaaġaq-
bop in water: 351 nukłuġaq- (Nu) bowhead whale: 20 aġviq; female ~ with
border: 104 avalu(-), avati, 107 avgun, calf 20 aġvaalik; infant ~ 20
515 siñi aġvaaq; hunt ~s 21 aġvaŋniaq-;
Boreal Chickadee: 124 ignisailaq large, female ~ 187 iŋutuvak;
Boreal Owl: 556 takpiilaaġruk large, male ~ 415 qairaliġruaq,
boreal smelt: 163 iłhuaġniq 648 usiŋŋuaq, usiŋŋuaġruaq; male
boring: 38 alianaq-, 193 iqianaq- ~ 649 usiŋŋuatchauraq; mature
born: 52 ani- male ~ 648 usiŋŋuaġaaluk (Ti);
borrow: 94 attaqsi-; ~ N from another medium size ~ 648 usiŋuatchiaq
household 687 -atchiaq-; ~ tent (Ti); newborn female ~ 187
605 tupaatchiaq- iŋutuayaaq, iŋutugrauraq (Ti);
borrowed: something ~ 96 atugaq, newborn male ~ 648

usiŋŋuagrauraq (Ti); old female ~ brassiere: 299 miluġutik
187 iŋutualuk; small, male bread: 401 punniq; hard ~ 289
~ 416 qairalliuraq; ~ trapped mapkuqtaaq
under ice with a polygon- bread dough: 36 akutaq, 326 naqitaq,
shaped breathing hole 42 401 punniksraq; make ~ 326
allutuqtuaq aġviq; two-year-old naqitchi-
male 416 qairalliq; very large, break1: 332 navik-; ~ cleanly 504 siggit-;
male ~ 648 usiŋŋuatchiasugruk ~ (of car or truck) 332 navik-; ~
(Ti); young female ~ 187 iŋutuq; frozen ground looking for roots
young ~ which resembles a grey in winter 236 karruaq-; ~ into
whale 187 iŋutuurapiaq many pieces 332 navguq-; ~
bowl: 161 iluligauraq, 162 ilutuuġuraq, simultaneously into many pieces
432 qaqasauraq, qaqisauraq; small 332 navguluula-, navguluu-,
~ 388 piŋalu (Ti) navguluuti-; would ~ each time
bowlegs: 218 ivluuk; have ~ 218 ivluŋa- 332 navigaq-
bowstring: ~ 355 nuqaqti break2: ~ (of amniotic fluid) 168
boy: 67 aŋutaiyaaq, aŋugaiyaaq, 350 imġiqsi-
nukatpiaġruk; small ~ 67 break away from shore ice: ~ (of ice
aŋugauraq; teenage ~ 350 pack) 620 uit-
nukatpialuk, nukatpialugruaq break through thin ice: ~ to breath (of
boyfriend: 68 aŋutaun (Ti), 618 uiguraq whale) 380 pikak- (Nu)
(Nu) breaker: 186 iŋiulikpak; form ~s (of
box: 114 ayupqaq, 247 kigiunniq; large ~ waves with large, overhanging
247 kigiunniġruaq, crests) 626 ulivragaq(-) (Nu);
kiguunniġruaq; small ~ 247 make ice on shore (of ~) 415
kigiunnauraq, kiguunnauraq qaimŋuli-; ~ on shore 410
box drum: 225 kalukaq(-), kałukaq(-); ~ qaaqtaq(-), 411 qaggaq(-)
dance 225 kałukaun; ~ dance breakfast: 212 itqutaq; cook ~ 212
song 225 kałukaunnaq, itqutchiuq-; eat ~ 212 itqutchiq-
kałukautnaq (Nu) breast: 298 miluk(-); ~ meat of bird 41
bracelet: 558 taliġaq (Nu), 589 allatchiaq; woman’s ~ 217
tayaġniġun, tayyat (Ti) iviaŋŋiq; ~ of bird 435 qatik, 611
bracket fungus: 106 avaatchiqiq (Nu) tuttuuraq
brag: 226 kamasaaq- breastbone: 484 sakiat, sakiagit; top end
braid: 385 pilġaq-, 469 qulivrak-, 599 of sheep ~ 438 qauk (Nu)
tugli1, 599 tugliliqsuq- breath: 54 aniġniq; catch one’s ~ 54
braided seal intestines: 470 qulivrat, 624 aniqsaappit-; cause others to be
ulamiq- out of ~ 187 ivri-; gasp for ~ 10
brain: 412 qaġasaq, 431qaqasaq, qaqisaq aatchaġruummisiññaq-; have
branch: tree ~ 461 qisiqsiun blood in one’s ~ 54 aniġniġluaqi-;
brand: 318 nalunaiñŋutaq, nalunaigutaq short of ~ 54 aniġnitchiaq-, 188
(Nu), nalunaiñŋutchiq-, ivyanŋu-, 596 tipisia-; out of ~ 54
nalunaigutchiq- (Nu), aniqtipki-, 187 ipraaġuq- (Nu),
naluŋaiġutchiq- ipratchiaġuq- (Nu), 188 ivyanŋuq-
Brant: 337 niġlinġaq breathe: 54 aniqsaaq-
brass: 375 patukpak (Ti), 658 uvluyuilaq breathing: 54 aniqtiġi-; have difficulty ~

187 ipisia- pikuktuuq
breathing hole: ~ of seal 42 allu; ~ of broad-jump: 104 avluġaatchiaq(-)
trapped whale 456 qiŋaaġaġvik broad whitefish: 5 aanaakłiq
breech birth: 262 kiŋuppiŋaraq broken: 332 naviŋa-; ~ piece 332 navvaq,
breeches: ankle-length, sealskin 520 siqummaq; ~ pieces 327
breeches with fur out 328 naqtuqqat
natchiaġruuk, natchiviak (Ti); broom: 592 tilaġġisit
child’s fur breeches with hole broth: 168 imiq(-), imiġaq; blood ~ 443
for diaper 227 kamaaluk (Ti); qayuq, qayusaaq; make blood ~
man’s ankle-length, fur 98 arri-, arriuq-; prepare ~ with
breeches 86 atarruuk (Ti); man’s blood 435 qatchiuq-; tomcod and
fur breeches 412 qaġliik; sea sculpin ~ 272 kukuvyuġaq
waterproof sealskin ~ 413 brother: elder ~ 7 aapiyaq, 53 aniŋak;
qaġliaġruuk (Ti); woman’s ~ 40 younger ~ of female 76 aqqaluk;
aliqsik (Ti) younger ~ of male 349
breeze: 59 anuqsraaq(-), anuqsralaaq(-), nukaaluk, nukatchiaq, nukaq
75 aqłanaaq, aqłayaaq(-); light ~ brother-in-law: 341 niŋau
59 anuqsraaġik(-) Browerville, Alaska: 120 Igluqpaurat
breezy: 59 anuqsraaq(-), anuqsralaaq(-), brown: color ~ 595 tiŋukpalaaq, tiŋuŋnaq
75 aqłayaaq(-) (Nu); to ~ something by cooking
brew beer: 169 immiuq- 145 iligraaq(-)
brewed: ~ (of tea) 264 kipit- brown bear: 32 akłaq
bridegroom: 618 uiksraun brown sugar: 548 taaqtaq avu
bridge: 131 ikaaġun, ikaun, ikautit bruise: 49 anaaġniq, 633 unataġniq, 589
bridge of nose: 34 akuliaq, 456 qiŋaaq tigluuraq(-), tigluuralaqi-,
bridle: 248 kigmialiq-, kiŋmialiq-, tigluuraqi- (Ti); 49 anaaq-
kigmirriq-, kiŋmirriq-; 439 bruised: become 49 anaaqtit-
qauġutchiq-; ~ for sled reindeer brush: ~ against 570 tarraq-, 570 tati-; ~
439 qauġutik away 142 ilagaq-; ~ off snow 69
bright: 437 qaummaġik-; something aputaiyaq-, 219 ivsuk- (Ti); path
very ~ 437 qaummaġruaq; too ~ cut through ~ 252 kiksraq; ~
457 qiŋŋaġnaq- teeth 249 kigutigiksaq-
brightly lit: 322 nanniaġik- brusque: 378 piaqłaŋa-
brim of hat: 245 kiavaġun, kaivaġun brute: 182 iñupałłuk
bring: 414 qaġġirri-, qaġġisi-, 478 bullet hole: 135 ikiġuraq1 (Nu)
saagaq(-); ~ along 225 kaluq-; ~ burst: 410 qaaq(-); ~ out 212 itiksraq-; ~
from up the coast 268 out yelling 434 qasak-, qasala-,
kivaŋŋauti-, 572 tatkivaŋŋauti-; ~ qatchala-
from there 130 ikaŋŋauti- burst into flames: 458 qipputit-,
bring food: 377 payuk- qippuatit-
bring inside: 206 isiuti-, itquti-, 569 bubble: 420 qalak(-); air ~ 404 puvla3,
tatkiaŋŋauti- puvlaq
Bristle-thighed Curlew: 505 bubble up: 404 puvlak-
sigguktuvak bubbles: 405 puvruk, 431 qapuk,
broad: 137 ikiqtu-, 197 iraqtu- qapukłuk; air ~ made by sea
broad humped whitefish: 383 mammal underwater 420

qalaliaq(-); develop gas ~ (of burden: 645 uqumailliraun, uqumailutaq;
food) 404 puvlak-; make ~ troubled by a ~ 645
underwater 405 puvlaqtuula-; uqumailliraq-
sea foam ~ 431 qapuk burn: 652 uunniq, 133 iki-2
bubbly: form ~ foam 431 qapquti- burned: 652 uutiqtit-
bucket: 650 utkusik; ~ handle 189 ipiun; burnt area: 134 ikiniq
honey ~ 465 quġriñiq, 466 burp: 339 niksaak-, 420 qalak(-); have a
quqtaq; large wooden ~ 390 wet~ 521 sisugiak-
piqtalik; mop ~ 592 tilagvik; burrow: 521 sisi
slop~ 276 kuviqpik, kuviqsaġvik bury: ~ covered with sand 441 qaviat-; ~
(Ti); urinal ~ 213 itiqqitchiaq enclosing with tussock 287
buckle: 348 nuġlu maniq(-); ~ in a grave 162
buckshot: 413 qaġruurat iluviq(-); ~ in the ground 80
bud: 330 nagguviksraq, naunġaq; argauti-, 200 irrii-; ~ in the
develop ~ s (of plant) 517 ground to ferment 207
sipkiq-; green ~ of willow stem isivanniqsii-
453 qimmiuraq buried: something ~ in a grave 162
buddy: 150 ilannaq, ilauraaq iluviqtaq
budge: 100 aulayyak-, 426 qanŋuq-; business: 499 savaaq, savaaq igliqtuaq
unable to ~ 77 aqtuq- busy: 70 apta-, 486 sakuk-, 500 savaluk-;
budget: 120 igliġutiksraŋa savaam cause someone to be ~ 70 aptari-;
Buff-breasted Sandpiper: 498 constantly ~ 481 sagla- (Ti)
satqagiilaq, 405 puvviaqtuuq but: 14 aglaan; did V, but 747
Bufflehead Duck: 354 nunuqsiġiilaq +k/galuaq- plus Indicative
bug: smooth white ~ found in tree Endings
trunks 272 kumak (Nu) but to no avail: V, ~ 845 +mmI-4 plus
build: ~ a N 801 -liuq-; ~ a kayak 443 Negative Subordinative endings
qayyi-; ~ a wall 238 katchili- plus +lu
bulky: 126 iġnutu- butcher: 384 pilak-
bull: ~ caribou 363 pagniq butterfly: 565 taqalukisaq (Nu),
bullet: ~ casting 275 kuviaq (Nu); ~ taqalakisaq (Ti)
mold 275 kuvirrivik buttock: 352 nuluq, 195 iqquk; fall and
bull’s eye: 556 taksraq (Nu) hurt one’s ~s 352 nulluaq-1; have
“bullroarer”: 167 imigluktaaq(-) a protruding ~ 195 iqqiŋa-; lie
bumble bee: 125 igutchaq, 298 milugiaq with ~s up in the air 401 pusiŋa-;
(Ti) protrude the ~s 195 iqqiq-;
bump: 72 apuq-; bounce when hitting a shake one’s ~s 195 iqquiqiluk-,
~ 429 qaŋattałik-; ~ en masse 72 196 iqquktaq-, iqqumiktaq-; slap
apua-; hit a bump 279 someone on the ~s 195 iqquaq-;
makłukaq-; ~ one’s head 238 stand holding one’s ~ out 195
kati-; ~ repeatedly 72 appuq-; iqquksimaaq-
bumpy: 197 iqsuliŋa- button: 313 naktuġiq, 613 tuutauraq
bundle: 457 qipitaq buttonhole: 613 tuutauraġvik
buoy: 400 puktaġun buy: 585 tauqsiq-, 539 susi-; go and ~
burbot: 597 tittaaliq; hook for snagging 585 tauqsiġiaq-; ~ on credit 26
~ 195 iqłak(-)1 akiġruq- (Ti), akiilaq(-); money

to ~ with 539 susisiksraq; ~ N near the ocean 551 taġiuqtiq-
970 +sI-2 camping: go ~ 100 aullaaq-
buy fare for transportation: 133 Camp Robber: 251 kiiriq
ikkusiq- camp stove: 523 siuġruk
by all means: 426 qanuġliqaa camouflage: 343 nipri (Nu)
bylaw: 395 pitqurauraq can1: ~ V 805 -lla-
can2: 436 qattauraq (Ti); tin ~ 650
C utkusigauraq2, ukkusigauraq
cache: 353 nunataqaġvik, 570 tatigi; ~ can opener: 16 agmaun
food 343 niqausi-; food ~ made Canada Goose: 194 iqsraġutilik
of piled-up tussock 287 Canada Jay: 251 kiiriq
maniqtaqaġvik (Nu); ice ~ 450 Canadian: ~ inuk 429 Qaŋmalialuk (Ti),
qilaktaq; ~ made of ice blocks 370 Pamiuligaaluk; ~ Inuit 419
511 sikuttat1; ~ of food made by Qakmaliurat (Nu), 429
lemmings 388 piŋniq; raised ~ Qaŋmaliurat; ~ dance song
136 ikiġġat; small underground 306 mumaaqun (Nu); perform a
~ 457 qiŋniq; ~ something ~ dance 306 mumaaqi- (Nu)
underground 200 irrii-, 353 candle: 243 kialuuraq, 374 patquraq,
nunat-, nunataq-, nunatchi- patiquraq
cached food in tundra: 287 maniqtaq candy: 354 nuŋuraaq
(Nu) canker: 129 iitiilik
calamity: 147 iluirrutiqpak, 163 canoe: 443 qayaġiaq
iłuirrutiqpak canned food: 436 qattauraġmiutaq (Ti)
calendar: 597 titiqqat can’t do anything about it, whatever
calf: ~ in its first winter 348 nuġġaq, happens happens: 545
nuġġaaġruk; ~ in its second taammaliami
winter 348 nuġġaatchiaq; ~ of cannot: ~ do 495 sapik-; ~ V 776 -lait-
leg 261 kiŋuġaq canvas: 605 tupiksraq (Nu), 623
call: 475 ququula-; ~ an animal to ukiłhaaq, ukilhaaq, 643 uqiłhaaq
come 556 taksiqsuq-; ~ from a 505 sigraaq; dark, heavy ~
distance 640 upyak-; make the 225 kalikuġruaq
~ of a ptarmigan 432 qaqaula- canyon: 171 imnaġruit, 477 quunġut
call for question (parliamentary cap: 327 nasautaq
procedure): 527 sivunniqsa capable: ~ of V-ing excessively 780
calloused: become ~ (of skin) 281 -lgu-1
maksi- cape: 624 uligaaq
calm: become ~ (of wind or water) 435 Cape Halkett, Alaska: 207 Isuk;
qasuaq-, 477 quunniġuq-; ~ (of residents of ~ 207 Isuŋmiut
water) 477 quunniq-; ~ (of Cape Lisbourne, Alaska: 620 Uivvaq
person) 456 qiñuit- capelin: 371 paŋmagrak
calm and quiet: 598 tuaksruit- capsize: 260 kiñŋu-, kiñŋut-; cause boat
camel: 383 pikukturuaq to ~ 630 umiut-; ~ in a boat 630
camera: 455 qiñiġaun umiu-; ~ in kayak 443 qayau-
camp: ~ in a protective enclosure 479 car: 424 qamun
saaġuaqsiq- (Nu); set up ~ for carbuncle: 349 nuiyaaqpak
the night 352 nullaq-; set up ~ carcass: bloated, whale ~ 105

avataayyuniq; ~ of sea mammal hunt ~ 611 tuttuliqi-, tuttunniaq-;
on beach 514 silu; find an hunt ~ from a kayak in a lake
animal ~ 607 tuquŋarraq-; ~ of 327 narvaqtuq-; kill a ~ 611
seal 207 isivanniq tuttut-; old ~ cow 272
card: playing ~ 377 piannaq(-); deck of kulavagruatchiaq; one-year-
~ s 377 piannat; lose at ~s 377 old ~ 61 aŋayukłiġaq; sight ~
piannau- (Nu) 611 tuttuġunaaq-; skin of ~ leg
care: not ~ for 532 suksraġinġiq-, 203 isik; skin of ~ neck 472
sugraġiñġiq- quŋiaq; spring skin of ~ 639
carefree: live a ~ life 412 qaġa- upinġaksralliq; summer skin of
careful: 438 qaunatqik-, qaunakłaaq-, 540 ~ 611 tuttutchiaq, 639 upinġalliq;
suurimmaaq-; be ~ 316 nalaiñ; ~ summer skin of ~ leg ~ 344
in a dangerous situation 51 niutchiaq (Nu); three-year-old ~
anayaktuq-, anayaktuaq- (Ti), bull 61 aŋayukłitqik; two-year
anayasuk-; ~ to repay favors 610 old ~ 61 aŋayukłiaġruk (Nu);
tutqaatu-, tutqaaq- very old, adult male ~ 363
carefully: observe ~ 455 qiñiġaaq-; pagniaġruatchiaq; very old,
think over ~ 208 isumalaaq-, skinny, female ~ 272
isumalaaġutigi- kulavagruatchauraq; young,
careless: 438 qaunatqiit-, 499 savaġluk-; adult female ~ 272 kulavauraq;
become ~ and negligent 151 white belly fur of ~ 400 pukik; ~
illatit- with new summer hair 481
carelessly: do ~ 382 pikałłaktaq-; drag ~ saggaq, saggaatchauraq; winter
224 kalikłuk-2, kaliukłuk-, skin of ~ 622 ukiulliq; young ~
kalikhaaq-, kaliukhaaq-; throw ~ 596 tiqituġaq; young, adult male
299 miluqhiuti-, miluġiuti- ~ 350 nukatagaq, nukatagauraq
caress: 374 patalġi-; begin to ~ 374 caribou brain: cooked ~ 430 qaqasalik,
patalġiaqsi- qaqisalik
caretaker: 333 nayuqti, 438 qaunaksri caribou skin: ~ boot sole pad 504
caribou: 611 tuttu; adult male ~ 363 siaksruisaaġutik (Nu); cast-off bit
pagniq; adult male ~ nearly of ~ 156 iliġnaaluk, iliġniq (Nu); ~
full-grown 350 nukatagaaluk; dog belly wrap 564 tapsiaq (Nu),
adult male ~ just matured 350 588 tavsiaq; ~ long boots 524
nukatagaġruaq; antlerless sivuġaligaak(-); ~ of newborn
female ~23 aimaġnaq; ~ botfly fawn 348 nuġġayuaq;~ parka 475
299 miluyuuq; ~ calves 611 qusuŋŋaq(-), qusuŋŋaaġruk; piece
tuttuqpaiyaat; closely packed of ~ soaked in human urine 303
herd of ~ 570 tatimmirat; ~ cow misuqupak
272 kulavak; cure ~ meat by carpenter: 221 kaamniq, 460 qirriqiri; ~
covering it with snow 379 tool 490 sanalġun (Ti)
piġuri-; few ~ 611 tuttuġaurat; carpentry level: 658 uvaaŋatilaaġun,
flat part of digestive system of uviŋatilaaġun
~ 38 alġaaġusiq; go ~ hunting carry: ~ an armload 478 saagatlakaaq-
611 tuttuliaq-; harvested ~ 611 (Nu), saagałłakaaq; ~ as a load
tuttutaaq; herd of ~ 611 648 usikataq-; ~ by its handle(s)
tuttuġaaġruit, tuttusalait; 337 niġumiaq-; ~ close to one’s

chest 657 uvuŋaġmik-; ~ for a catapult: 303 mitigligaun
period of time 45 amak-; have cataract: ~ of eye 477 quviqti, 624
something to ~ 479 saakkiq-; ~ ulik(-); get ~s 477 quviqsiq-
in front of one’s snowshirt or catastrophe: 147 iluirrutiqpak
apron by raising the hem and catch: ~ something being lowered 29
forming a sort of pouch 259 akkiq-; ~ someone or something
kiñiġvik-; ~ in one’s arms 117 free falling 32 akkuaq-; ~ the
igammiaq-, 590 tigumiaq(-); ~ on first whale of the season 67
one’s back 45 amaaq-, 322 aŋuyaaq- (Ti)
nanmak(-); ~ over one’s catch oneself saying or doing something
shoulder 196 iqsruk-, iqsruktuq-; unexpected: 392 pisallakani-
~ on shoulders 223 kakaaq-; ~ catch: play ~ 32 akkuaġauraq-
on one’s shoulders over a catch up: 66 aŋŋuti-
portage 291 maqik-; ~ over catcher: ~ in baseball 32 akkuaġaqti
shoulder 196 iqsruk-; ~ on top caterpillar: 102 aurviq
of one’s head 241 kavraġmik-; catkin: qipmiuraq (Nu)
prepare to ~ on one’s back 322 cattle: 369 pamiqsaat
nanmiuq-; ~ pressed to the body caucus: 642 uqauraqtuuraġiaġniq, 641
with one’s arms 193 iqisimaaq-; uqanni-, 642 uqauraqtuuraq-
~ provisions 565 taquaq(-); take caught between two objects closing in:
something to ~ 590 tigumirriq-; 476 quġġuti-
~ under one’s arm 627 cause: ~ for V-ing 1065 +un1
uluġuak-, 634 unġuaq- (Nu), caution: 438 qaunakłaaġun; disregard ~
uniġmik-; ~ under one’s chin 343 nipuq-; regard with ~ 373
288 manuġmik; ~ using a yoke paquġi-; require ~ 51 anayanaq-
26 akigaq-2; ~ with one’s teeth cautious: 51 anayaktuq-, anayaktuaq-
248 kigmiaq(-), kiŋmiaq (Ti), anayasuk-, 156 ilimasuk-,
carrying frame: 201 isaġutaq, isaġun 438 qaunakłaaq-; become ~ 156
carry on: ~ noisily 377 piala- ilimatchak-; cause to become ~
cartilage: 328 natatquq, natatquaq, 137 156 ilimatchai-, 306 munaġnaq-
ikik2; ~ between sternum and cautiously: V ~ 873 +niuraaq-; move ~
rib 202 isatigit, isatkit (Nu); rib 51 anayaktuq-, anayaktuaq- (Ti)
~ 564 taptayuġaq cave: 409 qatchiniq (Ti); 407 qaanaaq,
cartridge: ~ bag 5 aanaatchiaq (Ti); 415 qaiġułuk (Nu), qaiġusuk
497 satkuun1; shell ~ of firearm cavity: abdominal ~ 160 ilu(-)2; create a
213 itiġruk ~ 160 iluli-; ear ~ 523 siunŋuraq;
carve: 490 sana-; ~ ivory 612 eye ~ 199 irisiñiq; nasal ~ 530
tuugarriqi- suġlu; ~ of sheep horn 404
carving knife: 298 millik, mitlik (Nu) puvak; oral ~ 426 qaniq
cascade: 465 quġluq- caw: 409 qaaq-, qaaqtuq-
casket: 403 puuq(-) cease: ~ V-ing 806 -llaiq-, 881 ±ŋaiq-; ~
cast a spell: 61 aŋatkuaq-, aŋatkuk- wanting to V 985 +[s]uiq-, 991
casting rod: 468 qulaaniun (Nu) +[s]unġIq-
castrate: 124 igruiq- cease: ~ being helpless: 384
cat: domestic ~ 265 kiriuraq (Ti), 267 pilatitaanġiq-; ~ being slow or
kitiuraq hesitant 385 pilġataanġiq-

celebration: 477 quviasugvik; ~ after charge: ~ (of an animal) 638 upak-,
sewing season (usually in upaktuq-
December) 222 kaivinniq charm: 394 pisuqsaaġun; death-
cellar: underground ice ~ 505 siġluaq(-) inducing ~ 24 aitchuġniġluun
cemetery: 162 iluvvivik charming: 394 pisuqsaaq-
census: 93 atchiiñiq charms: sacred ~ 470 qulugukłut
center: 461 qitiq; reach the ~ 462 chase: 282 malikataq-, 283 maliqataq-,
qitqanuaglaaq-; via the ~ 462 malliuti-; ~ animal into boat 113
qitqagun ayyaqi-; ~ animal into water 403
center trace: ~ for dog sled 461 puuvri-; ~ animal toward hunter
qitiġaaġun 638 uŋuuq-; ~ away 638 uŋut-,
centerboard: 81 arguġaun, arguqtuun, uŋuullaq-
argumuktuun, 491 sanimuktuun, chatter: for the teeth to ~ from cold or
492 sanipuun fever 15 agliġula-, 235 kapkaluk,
centipede: 304 mitquilaq 570 tatiġila- (Ti), 597 titiġila- (Ti)
ceremony: four day sitting ~ 77 chatterbox: 643 uqqaqtu-
Aquppiyut (Ti) cheap: 27 akiit-
certain: is it ~ 746 V+k/galuaq- plus cheat: 72 aqsak-, 216 ivayaq-, 395
Interrogative Endings pitqik-
certainty: 319 nalupqinait- check: ~ on someone or something
certified: 173 inillaŋa-, 281 557 taku-, 660 uyavgaq-; ~ to
makpiġaaqaq-, maqpiġaaqaq- determine what one is doing 534
chafe: 46 amiġait- summagaaq-
chain: 225 kalimniq (Ti), 457 qivliġit; checker: ~ piece 546 taammak(-)
dog ~s 396 pituutat checkerboard: 546 taammagvik
chair : 77 aquppiutaq, 139 iksivautaq checkers: game of ~ 546 taammak(-); an
chair2: 100 aullarri abolute loser in a game of ~ 49
challenge: 49 anakkisaaq-, 360 anaġviktauraq
paaqłaktaun cheek: 194 iqsraq, 627 ulunnaaq;
chamber pot: 465 quġvik frostbite on ~ 153 ilguġniq,
champion: 55 aniumaniqsraq iluguġniq, irguġniq; ~ pocket of
chance: 397 piviksraq squirrel 194 iqimiuttak; have
Chandalar Indians: 659 Uyaġaaġmiut food in ~ pocket (of squirrel)
(Nu) 194 iqimiutchiq-; slap on the ~
change: ~ N or another 1035 -tqIk-1; 194 iqsraaq-
undergo a ~ 41 allaŋŋuq- cheek bone: 454 qinŋuq; side of ~ 627
changed: have ~ 209 inġiq- uluak
channel of water: for ~ to open cheer: 598 tuavit-
167 immiq-2 chef: 116 igari
chapped: ~ skin 47 amiġluk(-); become cherish: 397 piviuttaġi-
~ 47 amiġli-; become dry and ~ cherished: ~ item 314 nakuaq
47 amiġluli- (Ti); have ~ hands chest: (anatomical) 281 malak (Ti), 481
79 argagluk- satqak
chapter: 107 avgun chest of drawers: 48 amuraġaat
character: one’s ~ 200 irrusiq chew: 562 tamuq-; something to ~ 562
charcoal: 101 aumaraq1 tamuqasiraaq, tamuqatchiaq,

chew cud: 562 tammuġiksaq- choppy: ~ of body of water 411
chewing gum: 274 kutchuq qagraluk- (Ti)
child: 148 ilaalugruaq, 301 miqłiqtuq, choreographed: ~ dance or song 503
462 qitunġaq; dear ~ 6 sayuun
aaññuŋuuraq; illegitimate ~ 7 Christian: 623 ukpiqtuaq
aapailaq; mother and ~ Christmas: 270 Kraisimaġvik: celebrate
recently born 156 ililgauraġiik; ~ 270 Kraisimaq-
~ of N 1035 -tkuayaaq; ~ raised chronic pain: 57 anniutaq; develop ~ 57
by someone other than its anniutchiq-
parents 180 iñuguqtitaq chuckle: 462 qitusuk-
childbirth: begin ~ 100 aulayyauti-; die chum salmon: 192 iqalugruaq, qalugruaq
at ~ 127 iġñiñiġluk- church: 60 aŋaayyuvik; ~ elder 629
childhood: item used or eaten during umialignaq; go to ~ 60
~ 180 iñugruun aŋaayyuliaq-
childless couple: 348 nuġġailak cigar: 505 sigaaqpak
children: bear ~ 463 qitunġi-; take care cigarette: 504 sigaaq(-); ~ butt 505
of ~ 156 ililgarriqi-, 301 sigaaġruaq; hand-rolled ~
miqłiqsiqiñiq 172 imuraq; ready-rolled ~ 172
chill: shiver from a sudden ~ 135 imurauraq; roll a ~ 172 imuri-1
ikiaqsalaaq-, 136 ikiaqsaq- (Ti), circle: 79 aqvaluqtaaq, 245 kaivallagun
653 uulikuvsuaq- (Nu), kiapsaluqtuaq (Nu); go
chills: have ~ 136 ikiaqsunŋu-, around in a ~ once 245
ikiaqtala-, 463 qiunŋuliq- kaivallak-, kaivaluisaaq-; go
chilly: 459 qiqsia-, qiqisia-, 463 around in ~s 245 kaivaluk-; go
qiunŋu-; ~ (of weather) 463 partway around a ~ 245
qiunŋunaq- kaivalugaaq- (Nu); sit in ~ 245
chin: 586 tavlu; extend ~ 586 kiavaaġni-
tavlumiaq- circular: 79 aqvaluŋŋaġik-
chin tattoo: 586 tavluġun circumspect: 208 isumatu-
china: ~utensil 448 qikłiq cirque: ~ in mountains 422qaluŋniq,
chip: 625 ulimmaq(-), 300 miŋŋuaq- qaluqsraq
(Ti), 329 natqiq- (Nu), 625 uliq-2, cirrus cloud: 494 saŋŋitchuaq (Ti); form
ulliaq-; curved wood ~s 484 ~ 494 saŋŋit-2 (Ti)
sakiġmiat; whittling ~ 490 sannaq citizen: ~ of N 839 ÷miuyaaq; ~ of a
chiropractor: 332 navyarriqiri town or village 353
chisel: 247 kigiaq(-) (Nu); use a ~ 248 nunaaqqiġmiu
kigiaqtuq- city: 174 iniqpak
choice: 317 naliġaaq; make a ~ 317 claim: 186 iŋmak-, 386 pimaaq-; ~ as
naliġak-; have no ~ 426 one’s relative 386 pimaaqtuq-; ~
qanuġviit- land 353 nunni-
choke: 336 niġilik-, 597 tivit-, 614 tuvit- clam: 165 imaniq; long ~ 658 uviłłuq
(Ti); ~ someone by squeezing the (Ti); ~ shell 188 ipiksaunnaq
throat 132 ikaurak- clamp: 339 nikisitaun
chop: ~ wood 460 qirriuq-; ~ ice with an clan: 420 qalgi (Ti); be in ~ house 420
ice pick 612 tugguq(-) qalgimiu- (Ti); go to ~ house 420
chopping: ~ board 82 arvik, 373 parvik qalgirraq- (Ti); ~ house in Point

Hope 413 Qaġmaqtuuq (Ti); aluktinniq; yellowish substance
members of ~ house found at base of ~ 171 imnaim
Qaġmaqtuuq 413 Qaġmaqtuut alua
(Ti) climb: 33 akpakaq-, 295 mayuq-; ~ a
clang: make a loud ~ 106 aviluaqpatit-, mountain 296 mayuaq- (Nu); ~
aviluġaq- up a slope nonstop 296
clansman: 433 qargisaġmiuyaaqan mayusaaq-
classification: 428 qanutchiuniq cling: ~ to net 304 mitu(-) (Nu)
clavicle: 476 qutuk; ~ of caribou 514 clitoris: 649 usuuraq
simik (Nu) clock: 518 siqiñġuraq; long hand of ~
claw: 270 kukigmik-, 558 tallik-; grow, 556 takiruaq
of ~ 271 kukkak-, kukkik- close1: 630 umik(-); ~ in 465 quġġuti-; ~,
claw-like: any ~ device 272 kumŋun, of a gap 476 quut-; ~ (of an
kumŋutit (Nu) opening) 234 kapigli- (Ti); ~ up,
claws: 406 puyyuutik; dig with ~ 365 of ocean lead 164 imaiq-
pakik-, paksrak-; ptarmigan close2: by 425 qanit-, qaniuq-; 425
without hair under its ~ 121 qanikun; finally get ~ 421
iglit qallilġiñaq-; get ~ 421 qalli-,
clay: 448 qiku, 448 qikuyyaq; make an qallisi-; get very ~ 421 qalliuraq-;
old-style ~ pot 374 patikkiuq-; have intense desire to be ~ 425
old-style ~ pot 374 patigaq; ~ qaniñŋaq-; not ~ by 425
pottery 325 naparaq; ~ utensil qanikunŋilaaq; position ~ by 425
448 qikuyyaq qaninaaq-
clean: 189 ipqit-, 487 saluma-, closer: get ~ 421 qallilaaq-
salummaq-; ~ by beating 593 close-minded: 386 piñait-
tiluk-, tiluktuq-; enjoy wearing ~ clot: 124 igruq-
clothes 467 qukinniraaq-; feel clothesline: 176 iñiaġvik
not ~ enough 467 qukisuk-; feel clothespin: 247 kiggiñ
the house is too ~ 467 qukigi-; clothing: 58 annuġaaq; cause to put on
have a ~ house 467 qukinaq-; ~ an article of ~ 92 atipkaq-; cut a
the house 467 qukinaqsi-; ~ the hole in ~ to cause death 158
house meticulously 467 ilisiiyaq-; decorative strip on ~
qukinnaksaq-, 487 salummaksaq- 335 nigraq; feel discomfort from
cleanse: 616 uaq- ill-fitting ~ 138 ikpigi-; for ~ to
clear: ~ and very calm (of weather) 41 be too small 297 mikigi-; full-
allaqtit-; ~ sky 41 allaġniq; ~, length, one-piece ~ 625 ulipquaq
of weather 41 allaq-, 343 nipta-; (Ti); go about with a hole in
~ (of water) 209 isuit- one’s ~ 39 alliraq-, alliraaq-; have
cleat: 396 pittuq no ~ 58 annuġait-; ill-fitting (of ~)
clench: ~ one’s teeth 247 kii- 338 nikanaq-; loose (of ~) 82
clever: 490 sanatu-, 500 savvaġik-, 501 asiñila-; inner fur ~ 162 ilupaaq;
savituu- make ~ 58 annuġarri-; make
cliff: 171 imnaaġuq, 138 ikpik, 190 winter ~ 646 uquqsriuq-; used ~
ipnaq (Nu), 389 piŋuluk; high, 96 attuq; outer ~ 408 qaliġuaq;
steep ~ 170 imnaq; reach steep perforation in ~ 253 killaq; piece
~ 171 imnit-; snow ~ 43 of ~ 58 annuġaaq, atnuġaaq(-)

(Nu); put warm, winter ~ on 646 kiglak-; ~ gravel 598 tuapak
uquqsaq-; remove outer ~ 543 coast: 551 taġium siñaa; bring
taaktiq-; shake ~ 533 suluktuq-; cubs to the ~ (of polar bear) 91
take ~ off 294 mattaq-; too small, atqurri-
of ~ 570 tattuq-; too tight (of ~) coastal people: 551 taġiuġmiut
570 tati-; unintentionally put on coat: 473 quppiġaaq
~ backwards 480 salliqi-; warm, cock: ~ hammer of firearm 8 aaqtit-; ~
winter ~ 646 uqut (Nu); wide (of lever of rifle 191 ipuk-
~) 338 niġutu-; winter ~ 622 cocked gun: ~ on tripod 393
ukiuqsiutit; ~ with fur side in 285 pisiktuġaq(-)
mamuqquq; work ~ 500 cocyx: 369 pamiuġayuk, pamiguyaaq (Ti)
savaunnaq coerce: 85 atanniqsuq-
cloud: 357 nuviya; dark ~ 557 coffee: 275 kuukpiaq, kuuppiaq
taktukłuk; altocumulus ~ 265 coffee pot: 221 kaaviliuġun
kilgaviurat (Ti); cirrus ~ 494 coffin: 403 puuq(-)
saŋŋitchuaq (Ti); cumulus ~ 617 coin: 520 siqumniq
ugruuraq (Ti), 652 uunnaqłuqun, cold (ailment): 357 nuvak(-); catch a ~
uunaġnaqun; partial ~ cover 357 357 nuvaksi-; have a ~ 357
nuviyalaaq(-); rain ~ 357 nuvak(-)
nuviyaqłuk; storm ~ 357 cold: 37 alappaaq-, 446 qiiyanaq-;
nuviyyaqłuk always ~ 446 qiiyanałhaiññaq-; be
cloudberry: 76 aqpik; ~ plant 76 ~ (of one’s back) 604 tunuiyaq-;
aqpiqutaq become ~ 446 qiiyaliq-; become
cloudless: 357 nuviyait-, nuvuyait- extremely ~ (of weather) 200
cloudy and windy: 450 qilagluk-; irriŋŋuq-; begin to get ~ 462
become ~ 448 qilagluksi- (Ti), qiuliqsit- (Nu); cause another to
450 qilagluksi- become ~ 463 qiuri-; draft of ~
clown: 462 qitusuksaun air entering house 102 auġniq,
club: 51 anaullaun, 459 qiqsiñ, 633 auġnaaq; drink a ~ beverage 168
¤unataun; 51 anaullaq-; sealing ~ imiġaaq(-); enter house (of ~ air)
3 aaġuraq(-)2; ~ (suit in playing 102 auġniq-; experience respite
cards) 79 argalaq from ~ weather 200 irrailuġaaq-;
club moss: 384 pilaġaqutaq extremely ~ (of weather) 200
clump: ~ of willows with one trunk 451 irriliq-; extremely ~ weather 200
qiliqsrauttat (Nu) irriġruaq; feel ~ 446 qiiya-, 463
clumsy: 1 aamaŋaaq- qiusunŋu-; feel very ~ 459 qiqsia-,
coagulate: 124 igruq- qiqisia-; have ~ ears 523
coal: 43 aluaq; ~ deposit site 11 siutaiyaq-; oh, it’s ~ 37 alappaa;
aatqigraqtuuq; haul ~ 43 rush in (of ~ air) 296 mayuallak-;
aluaqsaq-; live ~ 101 auma(-); severe, ~ weather 200 irri; suffer
mine for ~ 43 alurriqi-; put ~ in ~ feet 203 isigaiyaq-; suffer ~
stove 43 alurriq-; put ~ in stove hands 79 argaiyaq-; very ~
repeatedly 43 alurriqsuq- weather 446 qiiyannaq; walk
coal miner: 43 alurriqiri struggling against the ~ 361
coal scuttle: 43 aluaqaġvik paqqiuq-
coarse: 247 kigrak-, kigirak- (Nu), cold entry or entryway: 425 qanitchat,

qanitchaq (Nu, Ti), 606 tuqsruk; in come from in there: ~ (not visible) 423
the ~ 615 uani (Ti) qamaŋŋaq-
cold storage: 291 maqpik2, 335 nigliqpik, come from out there: ~ (visible) 246
446 qiġniq kiaŋŋaq-, 410 qaaŋŋaq-; ~, in the
collar: 473 quŋusiġun; put a ~ on 473 arctic entry (not visible) 485
quŋusiġusiq- saŋmaŋŋaq-; ~ in the shed or
collared lemming: 450 qilaŋmiutaq, the neighbor’s house (not
qilaŋmiutauraq visible) 418 qaŋmaŋŋaq-
collapse: 113 ayalu-; for a house to ~ come from over there: ~ (visible) 130
630 umik(-)1; for a sled to ~ 640 ikaŋŋaq-, 103 avaŋŋaq-; ~ (not
upkulik-; ~ suddenly 172 imuliq- visible) 44 amaŋŋaq-; ~ across
collect: 238 katiqsri- (visible) 11 aaŋŋaq-; ~ across
collection: 238 katiqsrat (not visible) 30 aŋmaŋŋaq-
colon: 195 iqłu come from there: ~, up the coast 268
color: 437 qaummasiq(-); shade of ~ kivaŋŋaq-, 440 qavaŋŋaq-
437 qauniq come from under here: ~ (not visible)
coltsfoot: 289 mapkutitaaġruaq 488 samaŋŋaq-1
Colville River: 275 Kuukpik come from up there: ~ (visible) 381
comb: 159 illaigutit; delousing ~ 272 pikaŋŋaq-, 362 paaŋŋaq-; ~ (not
kumaiyaugaurat; ~ one’s hair visible) 368 pamaŋŋaq-; ~ on the
159 illaiqsuq- roof of the house (not visible)
combination: 87 atautchimuktat 366 paŋmaŋŋaq-
come: 413 qai-; ask someone to ~ 414 come out the other side: 52 aniguq-
qaitqu-; continue to ~ 414 comedian: 281 maksaq, 462
qaiguq-; ~ en masse 414 qaiyaa-; qitusuksaun
~ home 22 ai-2, aggiq-; ~ home comfort: 477 quviasaaq-
joyfully 22 aipqaulligaq-; ~ in en comforted: 79 araksiu- (Ti)
masse 205 isaa-; ~ loose 13 coming: 414 qaisaq-
aggaq-; ~ more frequently than command: 593 tilliñ, tiliuq-
others do 414 qaisuupiksuaq-; ~ commandment: 395 pitquraq
near and pass by 605 tuŋiġuq-; commentator: 642 uqaqti
not ~ out immediately committee: 391 piraksriqsat, piriksraqtaat
52 anikallaŋit-, 414 qaikallaŋit-; ~ commode: 466 quqtaq
out (of stars) 655 uvluġirriq-; ~ “common” dance song: 95 atuutipiaq(-)
out steadily 53 aniuq-; ~ to go Common Eider: 45 amaullik,
through this area 293 amauligruaq, (Ti) amaulligaaluk
maunnaaġiaq-; ~ to stay Common Loon: 548 taasiŋiq, taatchiŋiq
291 maaniitchaqtuq-; ~ to visit Common Murre: 32 akpa, atpa,
414 qaiqattaaq-; urge to ~ 414 akpaaluuraq (Ti)
qaiqsruq-, qaitquuq-; would not common river grass: 383 pikniq (Nu)
~ each time 414 qaiŋitchaq- Common Scoter: 333 nayaŋŋak, 612
come from: ~ the N 837 ÷miñŋaq-; ~ tuunġaaġrupiaq, 658 uviñauyuk
where 534 sumiñŋaq- Common Snipe: 481 saavġaq, 275
come from down: ~ here (not visible) kuukukiaq
488 samaŋŋaq-; ~ there (visible) communication: be in ~ 608
228 kanaŋŋaq-, 631 unaŋŋaq- tusaammati

community: 353 nunaaqqiq anaktaq-; participate in wrist-
communion: ~ bread 401 punniġuraq, pull ~ 80 argaunmik-; play ~
punniq (Ti) games 461 qitik-; replace in ~ 26
companion: 148 ila(-), 390 piqan, 613 akiaq-; surpass in ~ 49 anak-
tuvaaqan; acquire a ~ 24 aippiq-; competitive: become more ~ 507
be a ~ 564 tappiq-; get a ~ 390 siimmak-; have ~ spirit 507
piqasiq-; have a ~ 178 iññiq-; siġmaaq-; stir someone increase
have a good ~ 149 ilagik-; ~ spirit ~ 507 siimmai-
provided with a ~ 121 iglu(-); competitors: paired ~ 121 iglugiit (Ti),
recruit someone as a ~ 122 160 illuġiit, 360 paannaġiik (Ti)
iglunnak- (Nu); traveling ~ 120 complete: 307 naari-, naat-1; ~ despite
iglauqan the odds 307 naarruaq-
companionship: provide ~ 178 complete a project: lack something to ~
iññiqsuq- 306 naalgiuq-
compass: 557 taktuksiun completed: 173 inillallak- (Ti)
compassion: 161 ilunŋusuun, 310 completion: be at final stage of ~ 307
naglikkun; capacity for ~ 310 naasaaq-1
naglikkutiqaġniq; feel ~ 161 complain: 426 qaniġviluk-, 635
ilunŋu-, 310 nagligi-, unniġluktuq-, 641 uqamayuk-
nagligutchak-; deserve ~ 310 complaint: 635 unniġluktuun, 641
naglignaq- uqamayuun
compassionate: 310 naglikkutiqaq-, 311 compose: ~ a song 95 attuliuq- (Ti)
nagliksraq-, nagliktau- composition: written ~ 14 aglaaq
compel: 85 atanniqsuq-; ~ to V 1031 computer: 431 qaqasauraq
1 1
mtit- , +pkaq- , 1034 mtitaq(-), concave: become 160 iluġri-
+pkaqtitaq- conclude: ~ an event 18 aġiusaaq-
compensation: award ~ 360 paaqłiq-; condemn: 207 isivġiq-
make ~ and no longer condemnation: 532 suksraunġiun
responsible 85 ataŋaiq- condition: 177 iññaq (Nu); one in this ~
compete: 49 anaktaq-; ~ in an 210 innaittuaq; reach a certain ~
interlocked arms game 558 426 qanuġili-, qanuġili-; return to
taliġmik-; ~ in a balancing game the same ~ as before 218 iviqtit-
5 aanaruuraq(-); ~ in dog racing confess: 59 anuti-, 469 quliaq-; make
458 qipmiġiksilaaq- (Nu); ~ in a someone ~ 469 quliaqtit-
finger-pull competition 79 confidence: 319 nalupqisuutairrun; have
argagmik- ~ 338 nikasuŋit-; have ~ in
competent: 501 savitu- someone 409 qaamagi-; lack
competition: celebrate new year with ~ ~ 338 nikasuk-, nikanniuq-
games 222 kaivit-; challenge confident: 76 aqpik-2, 319 nalupqisuŋit-,
someone to a ~ 49 anakkisaaq-; nalupqisuutait-; 271 kuksrait-, 495
feel that one can win in ~ 55 sapiksralait-
anmigi-; ~ games 461 confined: 449 qilutaak-
qitiktuaġutit, 661 yuġaq(-) (Ti), confirm: ~ that one is V, V-ing, or V-ed
yuġaliq(-); offer a rematch in ~ 860 +nI-1
49 anakkit-, anaksit- (Ti); confiscate: 590 tiguri-2
participate in ~ games 49 conflict: be in ~ 654 uumigiik-

confront: 479 saat-1; ~ and argue 480 qauriñiqłak-
sanmiraq-; decide to ~ 398 consequence: be of no ~ to another 529
piyuumikkiuti-; ~ each other sugiŋit-, suginġiq-, suginŋiq-;
aggressively 398 piyumisuuti- something of ~ 540 suunnaq
confronted: be ~ disparagingly 479 consequently: 587 tavraasiiñ
saatit- consider: ~ in a certain way 427
confuse: 37 alavri-, 259 kinnaksai-, 624 qanuqigi-; ~ something to be
ulavri- acceptable 146 iluaġi-; ~
confused: 259 kinnaksaq-, 396 something to be not acceptable
pitqusiksrait-; become ~ 36 147 iluigi-
alapit-, 624 ulapit-, ulavri-, 625 consonant: 551 taiñiġruaq; alveolar ~
uliptaaqi-; make someone ~ 624 249 kigutit tunuaguaqtaq; labial ~
ulapitit- 432 qaqłukuaqtaq; pharyngeal ~
confusion: 36 alapirrun 128 iggiakuaqtaq; retroflex ~ 426
congeal: 124 igruq- qanġum qitqaguaqtaq; uvular ~
congealed: lump of ~ milk 215 ituk 641 uqalaurakuaqtaq; velar ~ 426
congregate: 231 kanŋuummaq- qanġum tunuaguaqtaq
congregation: 60 aŋaayyuliqiruat constant: 355 nuŋusuit-; demand ~
conjure: ~ supernatural powers 61 attention 70 aptanaq-
aŋatkit- constantly: 86 ataramik, 176 iñiġlugu; ~
connect: cause to ~ 237 kasuqtit-; ~ V 991 -suŋaiññaq-, 825
house to municipal utilities 396 -łhaiññaq-, -łġaiññaq- (Nu); ~ beg
pituk(-) 435 qasilliqsu-; ~ busy 481 sagla-
connected: 84 ata-, 222 kaipiktit-, 244 (Ti); ~ following 283 maliktuaq-,
kiapiktit-; ~ to each other 237 maliqquk-; moan and groan ~
kasuummi- 129 iiqtuaq-; move ~ 383 pikit-;
connecting: bone ~ floating ribs to move around ~ 383 pikaala-;
breastbone 358 nuvuliksraq; ~ need attention ~ 438 qaunagnaq-;
ribs to breastbone 202 isatigit; ~ one who moans and groans ~
strip between body and sole of 129 iiqhiiluk(-); person who goes
boot 248 kigmiġun, kiŋmiġun, around visiting ~ 661
249 kiipkaġun, 253 killiġuaq, yuggiqsuuq; ~ scolded 528
killiġauraq (Ti), 605 tugnaaq, suaksiq-
tuŋnaaq constellation: ~s Orion, Auriga, and
connection: source of ~ 85 ataniq Gemini 122 Iglupiaqtalik; ~
connectors: 85 attatit Cassiopeia 219 Ivruqsii; ~Draco
considerate: 438 qaunatqik- 322 Nanmatchiaq; ~ Pleiades 323
conscientiously: work ~ 499 Nannuġruit; ~ Ursa Minor 520
savaałłik- Siquvsiqqat, 359 Paatchuktuurat;
conscious: 436 qaurima-; partially ~ 1 ~ Cepheus 403 Putyuutchiak
aaŋayaaq- (Nu); ~ Cetus 404 Puuq; ~ of two
consciousness: cause someone to lose ~ small stars which is part of
106 avaaġniq-; lose ~ 318 constellatin Draco 406
naluksrivigruaq-, naluksrit-; Puyyutchiaq; ~ Ursus Major 444
regain ~ 436 qauri-, qauġri-; Qayuuttaq; ~ of four stars 476
regain ~ suddenly 437 Qutugruk; ~ Bootes 525 Sivulliik;

~ of four stars 606 Tupqit; ~ of obtained from the ~ 12
three stars 614 Tuvaat, Tuvaurat aaŋŋaqtaq; people from the ~ 11
constipated: 584 tattui-; become ~ 50 aaŋŋaġmiut
anallaiq- continual: 355 nuŋusuit-
contemporary: a ~ 184 iñuuqan; almost continue: ~ V-ing 686 +atavIk-,
a ~ 184 iñuuqatikavsak +lġatavIk-; encourage to ~ 243
container: 403 puuq(-), 105 avataq, kiiqsruq-; purposefully ~ after
avataqpak, 161 ilulik; be deep (of being told not to 152 ilaġġi-;
~) 400 puqtu-; be shallow (of ~) unable to ~ traveling 495
399 pukkit-; berry ~ 23 aimmaq sapnaaq- (Nu); ~ to the next
(Nu); cooking ~ 116 igauġun, segment 129 iiguiññaq-; want to
iggan, iggavik, 117 iggavik; dried ~ 153 ilasi-; ~ without expected
stomach or bladder used as a ~ stop 222 kaipqaq-, 244 kiapqaq-
17 aġġutaq1; emptied ~ 164 continue to: ~ add 151 ilaraġaq-, ilauq-;
imaiku(-); fill a ~ with snow 55 ~ answer 267 kiuma-, kiumŋa-
aniuliqsuq-; ~ for portioning out (Ti); ~ blame 373 pasiuq-; ~ boil
dog food 43 alġun, aluġvik; ~ for ~ 420 qalauq-; ~ cast out 53
storing arrow feather 534 anitaġaq-; ~ catch up 66 aŋusuk-;
suluun; get out of a ~ 344 niu-; ~ come 414 qaiguq-; ~ creak 597
hold a ~ underneath another to tiriiqila-; ~ cry inconsolably 483
catch any spillage 29 akkiqsima-; saimmallaiq-; ~ discard, throw
~ in which food cures or away 118 igitqataq-; ~ disturb
ferments 98 autchiivik; load 152 ilaġġisigi-; ~ do 202
them into a ~ 133 iksruq-; move isagunŋa-; ~ do something
something into another ~ 349 pleasant or beneficial 621
nuksi-; ~ for odds and ends 537 uiviili-; ~ doubt 37 alguaqtuq-
suqaġviuraq; platform on which (Ti), 81 arguaqtuq-; ~ encourage
snow is placed to melt and drip tenderly 79 araaġi-; ~ flash 437
into a water ~ 120 iglisiq, iglisit qaummatitaq-; ~ follow 282
(Ti); position or place oneself maliġuaq-; ~ get closer 421
into a ~ 132 iki-1, iku-; reach into qalliiññaq-; ~ get sick 147
a ~ 239 kau-; small ~ 540 iluilliqpiiññaq-; ~ get worse 147
suummak, 611 tuummaq; small iluilliqsiiññaq-; ~ grind one’s
water ~ 168 imġugauraq; spill by middle finger against something
shaking the ~ 310 naavrik-; ~ to 507 siimiaq- (Nu); ~ hop 356
age whale meat 298 mikigaun; nuttagaq-; ~ laugh 1 aaqsallaiq-; ~
water ~ 168 imiqaġvik lengthen 129 iiguuq-; ~ make
contempt: hold ~ for someone 262 boots 227 kammiuq-; ~ make
kipagi- mistakes 254 killukuaqtaq-; ~
content: 610 tutqik- meet 231 kanŋuuma-; ~ open 16
contentious: 430 qapiqtailisalgu- agmalat-, aŋmalat-; ~ point 591
contentment: 610 tutqiun; cause for ~ tikkuaqtuq-; ~ pull 49 amuuq-,
217 iviġaun 355 nuqiiq-, nuqiittaq-, nuqiqsraq,
contiguous United States: arrived from nuqimik-; ~ push 593 tinuraq-; ~
the ~ 11 aaŋŋaq-; from the ~ 11 remain calm 504 siaksruisaaq-; ~
aaŋŋa; in the ~ 11 aani; object repeat unintentionally 625

uliqqataq-; ~ respond 29 akiuq-; ~ qiuġruq- (Ti); have an epileptic ~
say “yes” 64 aŋŋaq-; ~ smell an 446 qiiqsruq-
odor 312 naima-; ~ strain at cook: 116 igari, iga(-);~ an animal head
harness or line 449 qiluqipagaq-; 334 niaqqiuq-; ~ a N 801 -liuq-; ~
~ taste 653 uuksiraġaq-; ~ tell lies by boiling 116 igapiaq-; ~ fresh
482 sagluqiraq-; ~ test 653 meat 66 aŋunġiuq-; put meat in a
uuktuq-; ~ use as tradition 96 pot to ~ 116 igarriq-; ~ using hot
atuuma- (Ti); ~ wait 649 utaqqik-; rocks 659 uyaqqiuġuti-
~ want 394 pisuuma-; ~ work cooked food: 116 igaaq
very hard 486 sakuk-, sakuuk-; ~ cookie: 432 qaqqulauraq, qaqquliayaaq
worsen 147 iluilliqsiiññaq- (Ti)
continuously: 534 sunun aglaan; beg ~ cooking: ~ grate 650 utkutchiqpik;
456 qiññuaqtuqtuiññaq-; cook ~ earthen ~ pot 117 igavaun; ~ pot
116 igauq-; cry ~ 444 qirruk-; 116 igauġun, 450 utkusik,
drink ~ 168 imillak-, 169 ukkusik, 468 qulivsiun, 403
imiqtuaq-; drip ~ 274 kusiqsuaq-; puggutaq; rope and hook to hold
exit ~ 53 aniuq-; flow ~ 290 ~ pot 650 utkusiutaq
maqiugaq-; pull ~ 355 nuqiiq-; cool: 335 niglaumaaq(-), nigliñaq-; add
talk cooingly to someone ~ 472 ice or cold water to ~ something
qunuugaq-; walk in and out the 335 niglit-; become ~ 335 niglaq-,
door ~ 359 paaqtuqit-; work ~ niglaqsiq-; blow on something to
until completion 500 ~ 335 niglisaaq-; set aside to ~
savaktuiññaq- 335 niglaqsiq-
continuum: break in ~ 507 sirruġaġniq cool: 79 araq, araqhaa, 9 aarigaa
contract1: 281 maqpiġarriaq cooperate: ~ well 360 paammaaġik-,
sivunniutikun paammaġik-
contract2: ~disease 324 naŋirrutinnak- cooperation: 360 paammaaġiigñiq
contract3: 193 iqirġaq-, iqiraġaq- cooperative: 360 paammaaġik-,
contradict: 152 ilatchiŋit-, 360 paammaġik-, 386 pilluġik-
parraqłak-, 621 ukaŋŋaaq- copper: 231 kanŋuyak, kanŋuyaq (Nu),
contradiction: 27 akilliliqsuun kannuyaq (Ti)
contrary: 254 killukuaŋa-, 360 paaqłaŋa-; Copper Inuit: 419 Qakmalialuit (Nu)
proceed despite advice to the ~ copulate: 351 nulik-; ~ (of animals) 343
526 sivunmuu- nipitaq-
control: 85 atanniqsima-; loose ~ 100 copy: make a ~ 81 arrili-
aullai-; unable to ~ 376 paya- cordial: 43 alumiġaq-
conundrum: 318 nalunaġniq core: soft ~ of tree 509 sikkat
convalesce: 295 mavsiq- corkscrew: 458 qivyaq (Ti)
conversation: have a lively ~ 643 corned beef: 611 tuttuġluayaaq (Ti)
uqqaaġik- corner: 194 iqirġaq, 232 kaŋiġalluk, 591
convex: 52 aniŋa- tiġitquq; ~ post 232 kaŋiġalluum
convince: 643 uqayut-; hard to ~ 506 ayaŋa; to ~ someone or
siġġaġnaq- something 232 kaŋiġaaqtit-
convinced: 283 maliksuktitau-, 623 cornered: ~ by hunter 232 kaŋiġaaq-
ukpiq-; easily ~ 623 ukpiqtau- corporation: 231 kanŋut
convulsion: have a ~ 359 paa-, 463 corpse: 472 quŋuq (Nu); buried ~ 162

iluviq ~ 408 qaliġuaq; protective ~ for
corral: build a ~ 233 kaŋiqqiuq-; index and middle finger 449
caribou ~ 232 kaŋiġaq(-), qillutik; remove ~ 630 umŋiq-; ~
kaŋiġaq sisamalik (Nu); caribou ~ tent frame with skins 211
with four rows of snares 520 itchauq- (Nu); ~ with a blanket
sisamailik (Nu); to ~ caribou 232 101 aummisi- (Nu), 624 ulik(-); ~
kaŋiġaqtuq-; site for caribou ~ with rocks 659 uyaġaaq-; ~ with
232 kaŋiġaqtuġvik sand 441 qaviat-; ~ with snow,
correct: be ~146 iluaq-, iłuaq-; to ~ 146 sand, or earth 498 sau-
iluaqsruq-, iłuaqsruq-, iluaġruq- covered: become ~ with dew 617
(Ti) uġġuk-; become ~ with frozen
corruption: 291 maqurrun rain crystals (of ground) 500
cosmetics: 315 nakuuqsautit saviqquuraqtit-; become ~ with
cost: 26 aki(-) thin ice (of water) 510 sikuaq(-);
cotton grass: 74 aqłakataq, 367 ~ porch 551 taġġisimavik; ~ with
palliksraq, 453 qimmiurat animal hair 492 sannak-; ~ with
cottonwood poplar: 341 ninŋuq2 floating ice 511 sikut-; ~ with
cotton wormwood: 497 sargiq hard snow (of trap) 367 paluq-2
cough: 466 quiq-, quiġluk- (Ti), quiqsuq-, (Nu)
quqhiq-, quqhik-; have slight ~ covering: door ~ 559 talu(-) (Nu); extra
466 quiqłuk- ~ 407 qaakutaq; ~ of hard snow
coughing fit: have ~ 466 quiġutchak- to conceal trap 294 matuaq, 630
couple: married ~ 351 nuliaġiik umigaq (Nu); put a ~ 407
council: 84 atanaurat qaakutaq-; remove the skin ~ of
counsel: receptive to ~ 642 umiak, kayak, or drum 47
uqautisuġnaq- amiiq-, amiiyaq-; skin ~ of kayak
counselor: 513 silġiqsuiri 443 qayyiñġaq (Nu); skin ~ of
count: 266 kisit-; item included in the ~ umiak 46 amiq(-); tent ~ 210
266 kisisaq2 itcha(-), itchaq, itchat; top ~ 408
counted: items already ~ 266 kisisaat qaliq(-)
courtroom: 207 isivġiqsivik coveralls: 86 ataraak, atarruuk (Ti), 162
cousin: 49 anaaq (Ti), 60 aññaq, 540 ilupiqquk, ilupiġuk, 469 quliksak
suunaaq (Nu); cross~ 160 illuq, covet: 138 ikłik-, ikłigi-, 241 kaviuq-,
illualuk; matrilineal parallel ~ kaviuġi-, 609 tusu-; ~ a person
19 aġnaqan; paternal ~ 160 eating but is unable to join in
illuayaaq (Ti); patrilineal 128 iisaq-2; ~ a dead person’s
parallel ~ 68 aŋutiqan; woman’s possession 385 piliñġu-
female ~ 654 uumaaq coveted: 241 kaviuġnaq-, kaviuqtau-
Covenant Box: 487 Salumaruaq covetous: become ~ 241 kaviuġutchak-
Kiguunniq covetousness: 241 kaviuqqun; 609
cover: 294 matu(-), 379 piġu(-), 406 tutchun
qaa(-), qaaq (Nu); 630 umik(-); cow: domesticated ~ 170 immulivik
379 piġuuq-, 408 qalliq(-); co-husband: ~ in a polyandrous
caribou skin tent ~ 592 tilaiññiit marriage 68 aŋutauqan,
(Nu); clothing ~ 479 saakutaq; ~
completely 379 piġu(-); outer

23 aippaq, 351 nuliaqan; two creaking noise: ~ made by frozen snow
men who are ~s 351 when walked, ran, or crawled
nuliaqatigiik upon 448 qikiġġaq; make ~ 445
co-parents-in-law: 352 nulliġiik(-) qiġġiġġaq- (Ti), 448
co-wife: 23 aippaq qikiġġaaqpaluk-, qikiġġaqtaq-
coyote: 45 amaġuuraq creator: ~ in Iñupiaq mythology 601
crab: 406 puyyugiaq, 402 putuguqsiuyuk tuluŋiksraq
crack: 327 naqtuġaaq(-) (Ti), 474 qupsaq- creditor: 26 akiilaqtuqtitchiri
(Ti); an open ~ 466 qukhaq(-), creep: 359 paamġuq-
473 quppaq; develop small ~s crest: ~ of bird 354 nuŋŋaq; rolling ~ of
466 qukhiq- (Nu); grow (of ~) 473 wave on ocean 626 ulivrik(-)
quppaġuq-; ~ in ice covered with crestless: ~ wave 388 piŋu(-)
snow 473 qumniq; ~ in multiple Crested Auklet: 194 iqsralik
places 474 quvluula-; to ~ crew: ~ of N 1035 -tkuk/t
lengthwise 473 qupi(-); not cribbing: wall ~ 503 sayyagiitkutaq; ~ of
develop ~s easily 474 entrance door 104 avalu(-)
quvluliyait-; small ~s which fan crime: 386 pimaqłuun
out through ice or glass 466 crimp: ~ a boot sole 249 kiiraq-; easy to
qukhiaq (Nu) ~ 249 kiirayunaq-
cracker: small ~ 432 qaqqulauraq, crimping pliers: 249 kiiraunnak
qaqquliayaaq (Ti) cripple: 661 yapu; 344 niugallak
crackle: 289 mapkuluk-, 350 nukłuq- criterion: 316 nalaunŋaruksraq
cramp: 223 kakiplugun (Nu), 449 qilu(-); critic: 452 qimilġuiri
get a ~ 223 kakiplugusiq- (Nu); critically: improve in health after being
have abdominal ~s 309 ~ ill 181 iñuksraŋŋuq-; observe ~
narraaġiit-; have a muscle ~ 449 313 naipiqtuq-
qiluqqit- (Nu) criticism: endure ~ 286 manimmi-
cramped: 570 tattuqit- criticize: 28 akiŋŋaq-; 109 avutqak-, 284
cranberry: lowbush ~ 257 kimmigñaq1 mamiasaaq-
cranium: 334 niaquq criticized: become distressed due to
cranky: 180 iñugiit-, 632 unasuk- being ~ 284 mamiatchak-
crash: ~ against shore (of waves) 410 crooked: 197 iquisit-, iquŋa-, 496
qaaq(-) (Nu); ~ into 72 apuq-, saquŋa-, 525 sivukkiit-;
apuġnik-; ~ into suddenly 72 slightly ~ 496 saquŋakavsak-
apusatit- crop: bird’s ~ 404 puviaq; ptarmigan’s
crave: ~ change of diet 109 avusuk-; ~ ~ 404 puviatchiaq
food 128 iipak-, 296 mialuksaq-, cross1: 61 aŋarrauraq, aŋarraak,
mialuksi- aŋarraurak (Ti)
crawl: 359 paammak- cross one’s arms: 234 kapiksi-, 222
crazy: 259 kinnaŋa-, kinnaŋaaq-; act ~ kaipiksi-, kaipiksimaaq-, 244
259 kinniqi-; become ~ 259 kiapiksi-, kiapiksimaaq-
kinnaġuq-, 208 isumaiq-; cause crossbar: 492 sanniġutaq; blocked with
someone to become ~ 259 ~ 492 sanniġutchiq-
kinni-; ~ person 258 kinnaq; crossbeam: front ~ of kayak 293
slightly ~ 259 kinnaŋakavsak- masik; rear ~ of kayak 121
creak: 446 qiiqiġiiluk- iglaaq; ~ behind hatch of kayak

110 ayaaġun; ~ of tent frame crybaby: 444 qirranaaq
467 qukłuk crying: stop ~ 483 saimmaq-
cross brace: ~ of blanket toss 447 qiki crystal: 437 qaulluq, qaulluuraq,
cross-cut saw: 263 kivluun qaummałuk, qaummałuuraq, 443
cross fox: 444 qianġaq qayuŋnilik
crosspiece: ~ on bed of sled 121 iglaaq, cube: 194 iqirġalik
131 ikaaqsaaġun, 492 cuddly: 119 iglignaq-
sanniġutaq, sanniqsaq; break (of cumulonimbus cloud: qaliquttaq (Ti)
~ on sled bed) 653 uukkalik-; ~ cumulus cloud: 652 uunnaqłuqun,
on sled handle 376 payaŋaiyaun uunaġnaqun; scattered ~s 195
cross rib in deck of kayak: 110 iqłapqutaq
ayaaqsaaġun cunning: 392 pisaasuq-
cross over: 131 ikak-1, ikaaq-, 395 cup: 168 imġun, 422 qallun, qallugauraq
pitluk-; easy to ~ 131 ikaayunaq- cure meat: 98 autchii-
crotch: 317 nalikkaak, nalikkak curl: ~ hair 26 agaliksaq (Ti), 457
crouch: 470 qumaq-; ~ down (of animal) qivralugauraq(-)
367 palluq- curly: ~ hair 26 agaliŋa-, akatiŋa-
crouching position: stalk in ~ 591 current: see ocean current, river
tiġiksruq- current
crowberry: 83 asiavik (Ti); leaves of ~ curse: 61 aŋatkuaq-, aŋatkuk-, 158
376 paunġaqutit ilisiiyaq-; 641 uqallaqłuun; 641
crowd: 180 iñuġaaġruk, 183 iñusalait uqamaqłuk-, uqamaqługvigi-,
crown: ~ of head 241 kavraq2 uqamaqłuuti-
crown (ornate headdress): 334 niaquġun curtain: 559 talukiyaaq
crucifix: 61 aŋarrauraq, 492 sanniġutaq custom: 385 pilġusiq, 391 piraġausiq,
(Ti) 533 suliġusiq (Nu)
cruel: 309 naglikkutait-, 392 pisaaŋa-, customarily: ~ when one V-s 1129
pisaaŋati- +t/runi; ~ when one is V-ed 1129
crumb: 230 kanalluq, kanġalluq, +k/gaiññi
kanŋaluk (Ti); ~s 230 kanuqqait cut: ~ it 263 kipi-; ~ in half 107 avik-,
crumble: 600 tuksruk- 263 kivliq-; ~ a piece 107 aviksi-;
crumple: 475 quqquq-, 627 ulluaq- ~ hair 263 kivraq-, 486 sali-; ~
crumpled: 627 ulluuŋa-, ulluaŋa- (Ti) into lengths ~ 263 kivluq-; with
crunch: 433 qaqquluu- scissors 486 sali-; ~ sod 408 qaat-
crunchy: ~ item 433 qaqquluk cut and wound: ~ repeatedly 256
crush: 236 karumit- killiaq-, killiaqtuq- (Nu)
cry: 444 qia-; ~ continously 444 qirruk-; cut through the water: 474 quppiula-
make someone ~ 444 qiari-, (Nu)
qiarriññik-; make someone ~ cut up raw, frozen meat or fish: 464
repeatedly 444 qiamilat-; ~ qurri-
repeatedly 1 aaraġaq-; ~ violently cut-off piece: 263 kippaq
1 aa-; ~ wanting to go with cute: 6 aaññaŋaaq-, 11 aattaiq-; oh how ~
someone 328 natchik- 11 aattai, 50 anaŋŋaa (Ti)
cry out in pain: 81 ariila- cutting board: 107 avguġvik, avguivik,
cry out long and loud: 107 aviu-, 240 kaugaqsivik, 653 uukłivik
aviuliq- cutting implement: 107 avguun

cutting teeth: 525 sivuġat dangerous: 51 anayanaq-, 196
iqsiñaq-; 332 navianaq-;
D consider too ~ 332 naviagi-; ~,
dairy: 170 immulivik of ice 323 naŋiaġnaq-; not ~ 196
dall sheep: 171 imnaiq, 190 ipnaiq (Nu) iqsiñait-
damage: ~ one’s N 699 +[g]iilI-; ~ daring: 324 naŋiit-, 628 uluġiasuuralait-
baleen 538 suqqaaq- dark: 288 maŋaq-, 547 taaqsi-; become
damaged: become ~ 540 suurraaq- ~ (of day) 548 taaqsiuti-; feel
damp: 18 aġiñaq-, aġiññaq(-), 23 ailaq-, one’s way in the ~ 374 patala-,
82 arruumaaq-; become ~ 18 pattala- (Ti); have difficulty
aġit-, 301 mitchak-; ~, cool seeing in the ~ 548 taaqsiulguit-;
weather 23 ailaġnaq(-); let very ~ 548 taatchaatun
something become ~ 82 dark and gloomy: 437 qaumaavyuk-
arruksiaq-; ~ (of ground) 293 darkness: 547 taaq(-), taaġniq; not be
masak(-); ~ snow 293 adjusted to ~ (of eyes) 547
masallak(-) taaqsima-; show signs of ~ 548
dampen: 166 imaqtiq- taaqtuliq-; stay in ~ 547 taaġmiu-
dampening skin: 166 imaqsiñ darting gun: 331 nauligaun; ~ with
damper of stovepipe: 476 quuqłiġun, harpoon toggle head and a large
630 umiktaun (Ti); close ~ 476 wooden handle 400 puktaraġaq
quuqłiq-, 630 umiktaq- (Ti) daughter: 370 panik; parent and ~ 370
dampness: 23 aillaq panigiik; step~ 370 paniksraq
dance: ~ American style ~ 65 aŋŋuaq- daughter-in-law: 624 ukuaq
(Ti), 229 kanaakkiu-, 399 pualla- dawn: 437 qau-, qagguvik, qaurugraq
(Nu); go out and ~ with another (Ti), 655 uvlaatchiaq,
who is already dancing 480 uvluayaaq(-); ~ steadily 437
saavviqi-; ~ holding a fan and qausaġataq-; wait for ~ 437
swaying 660 uyupqaq- (Nu); ~ qautchiq-, qautchiġruq-
Iñupiaq style~ 17 aġġi-, day: 656 uvluq(-); ~ after tomorrow
61aŋayu-, 660 uyuk-, 616 636 uŋaliagu, uŋalliagu (Nu),
uamipiaq-, uamit-; ~ low to the 655 uvlaakutqigu; all ~ long 656
floor 326 naqikłilauraq-; make uvlupaiqługu; ~ before
small ~ movements 430 yesterday 635 unnugmatqik, 636
qapiksaq- (Ti); ~ like a man (of uŋaliani, uŋalliani (Nu), 138
a woman) 68 aŋutau- ikpaksratqik; during the ~ 656
dance a choreographed dance: 503 uvlumi; spend the ~ 655 uvli-;
sayuq- third ~ 656 uvluk piŋayuak
dance headdress: loon’s bill ~ 505 days: several ~ ago 138 ikpaksraaq, 428
sigguktaak, sigguktaq qaŋakisuuraq; in a few ~ 138
dancehall: Iñupiaq ~ 17 aġġivik; non- ikpaksraaġu
Iñupiaq ~ 229 kanaakkiuvik daybreak: 437 qagguvik
dances: perform Iñupiaq ~ 61 daylight: 656 uvluu-; amount of ~ 656
aŋayuuq- uvluqtutilaaq; become ~ 437
dandruff: 197 iqsu qaummak-; become longer (of
danger: in ~ 51 anayanniuq-; feel ~ 332 ~) 518 siqiññak-; 656 uvluqtusi-;
navianniuq-, 235 kappiasuk- source of ~ 656 uvluun

dead: act like one ~ 607 tuqunaraġri-; ~ 376 paya-; conclusively ~ 366
animal or person 607 palaq-
tuquŋaraq; remains of ~ game defeated: 27 akiit-, 274 kutchuq-
animal 452 qilluq; (Nu) find defecate: 50 anaq(-), 291 maqu-2
remains of ~ game animal 452 defend: 28 akisauti-; 152 ilatchiŋit-; not ~
qilli-; the ~ who will return some oneself 152 ilatchiq-, ilatchiaq-
day 621 uivvaqsaat deference: 447 qiksiksraun
deaf: 608 tusaalait-; become ~ 608 defiled: 487 salumait-
tusillaq-; partially ~ 608 definitely: 540 suuramik unnii, 323
tusaarraġiit-, tusarraġiit- nanmiñiq
dear: my ~ N 880 -ŋ deflate: 340 nilit-, 404 puviiq-
death: 606 tuqqun; close to ~ 377 deflector: snow ~ 28 akiłhun; set a snow
piaġiiq-, 419 qakuaglaaġnaq-; ~ 28 akiłuliq-
nearing ~ before one’s time to degraded: ~ person 179 iñuaġruk
die 175 inuaqsi-; escape ~ 383 dehaired: ~ sealskin boots 321
pilluk- nalukatautik, 328 natchiviaq (Nu)
debate: have a ~ 642 uqavaaq- delay: 6 aannagutaaq-, 8 aaqagutaaq-,
debt: 26 akiġruun (Ti), akiilaq(-), 172 175 iñaviqqutaq(-), 300
imuŋaaq (Ti) miñaumigi-
decapitate: 334 niaquiq- delayed by blizzard: 17 agniñġu-
decay: 291 maquli- delegate: 593 tilirauruaq
deceitful: 392 pisaasuq- deliberately: 392 pisaq-, pisaaġi-; V ~
deceive: 481 sagluqi- 873 +niuraaq-, 956 +saaġi-
deceived: 482 sagluqipkaq- delinquent: ~ (of bills to be paid) 407
December: 2 Aagruliġvik, 222 qaaŋiuti-
Kaivirvik, 518 Siqiñġilaq, 631 deliver: ~ a package 143 ilaaguaq- (Ti)
¤Umiqsraġvik, Umigraġvik, 655 delouse: 493 saŋik-; ~ in a leisurely,
Uvluilaq, 660 Uyaliġvik relaxed manner 493 saŋiksuaq-
deception: 481 saglun, 482 sagluqun demanding: 85 atanġusuk-; become ~ 85
decide: 209 isummiq-, 398 atanġutchak-
piyuumitchak-, 526 sivunniq-; ~ demeanor: 177 iññaq (Nu); improve
to V 1108 +yumaatchIq- one’s ~ 146 iluaqsaq-, iłuaqsaq-
decompose: 96 au- demon: 159 ilitqusiqłuk
decrease: 150 ilaŋŋaq-; ~ amount of V- den: animal ~ 521 sisi, siñ (Nu), 520
ing 882 ±ŋakłI-; ~ in volume of sirraq2; do into ~ for the winter
contents 164 imakikłi- 630 umŋuti-; winter ~ for female
deduce: ~ that N should be possessed polar bear 54 aniguyyaq
763 -ksramaaq- denial: 379 piilaaġniq
deep: 90 atchik-, 211 iti-; ~ hole denigrated: ~ person 179 iñuaġruk
465 quġġiq; very ~ 303 mitait- dense: 659 uvsik-
deep water by the shore: 475 qutailaq dent: 475 quqquq-
deeper: become ~ 90 atchiksi- dentist: 248 kigusiqiri; ~ tools 248
deck: ~ of playing cards 377 piannat kigusiqqutit
defame: 494 saŋut- deny: ~ knowledge of 379 piilaaq(-),
defeat: 26 akiili-, 27 akiisit-; admit ~ 495 piilatchi-, piilaaġi-, piilaaġuti-
sappit-; be unable to ~ someone deodorant: 595 tipaiyaun

deodorizer: 595 tipaiyaun, tipigiksaun destruction: 532 suksraunġiqsat
depart: 100 aullaq-, 112 ayak-2, 486 detach: completely ~ 84 ataiq-
sakkiq-; ~ quickly 53 anisiq- detachable: ~ harpoon head 444
deplete: 355 nuŋuri-3, nuŋut-, 355 qialġun; ~ spearhead 330
nuŋutchi-; ~ N 728 :Iġuti- naulaq
depleted: 354 nuŋu-, 530 suiq- detached: become ~ 84 ataiq-, 85
depleted of liquid: 219 ivsaiq- ataŋiq-1,
depopulate: 181 iñukpaluiq- deteriorate: have one’s N ~ 699
depressed: become ~ 190 ipiqtutchak- +[g]iilI-
depression1: 189 ipiqtunaq- determined: 338 nikait-, 526
depression2: ~ in sea ice filled with sivunmuu-; ~ to do something
water 141 ikuġaaq(-), 408 definite 398 piyumisuvik-
qaapkaġniq (Ti), 408 qaatchiñiq detest: 312 naġġugipiallak-
depth: 211 itiniq detestable: 312 naġġunapiaġataq-
derision: 262 kipaun detritus: 230 kanuqqait
descend: 55 anmuk-, 91 atqaq-, 89 deuce (in playing cards): 515 simmaun,
arvaq-, 341 niŋi-; ~ en masse 91 simmiun, simmaugauraq, 613
atqaa- tuusiuraq
descendant: 261 kiŋuniq, kiŋuvaaq, 330 develop: ~ a strong tendency to V 989
330 nauniq(-) +[s]uksI-
desease: 324 naŋirrun device: 530 suġusiq
desert: 353 nunagluktuaq devil: 612 tuunġaq(-)
deserted: ~ place 180 iñuilaaq; find the devious: 392 pisaasuq-
place ~ 180 iñuillaġuti- devoid: become completely ~ of N 729
design: 455 qiññaq, qiññaksraq; have :Iġutiuraq-
large, repeating ~ designs 14 dew: 219 ivsa, ivsaq, 617 uġġuksraaq(-);
aglaktu-; have no ~ 14 aglait-; become covered with ~ 617
tusk-shaped ~ 242 kayuaġun, 288 uġġuk-; for ~ to be on the
manusiñik, manusiññak ground 219 ivsaliq-; wet from ~
desirable: be equally ~ 317 naliġunaq- 617 uġġuu-
desire: 142 ilaŋa-, 257 kimiñaq- (Ti), dewclaw: 276 kuvluġuq
263 kipiġniuġun, 264 kipiqqutigi-; dexterous: 99 aularruġik-, 392
383 piksramaaq-; lose ~ to V pirraġik-
968+sausiiq-; not have the ~ to V diagonal: ~ line 537 supiaq; make a ~
992 +[s]uvyuaq-; ~ to V 1111 line 537 supiaq-; travel in a ~
+yumman line 537 supiaq-
desk: 14 aglagvik diagonally: sail ~ to the wind 537
desolation: 532 suksraaqtaupiallagniq supiaġaq-
despair: 532 suksraaqtaupiallagniq dialect: not speak ~ correctly 604
despite: ~ the fact that one may V 809 tuŋautqutaq-; speak with
-llatuaq- different ~ 274 kutak-
despondent: 189 ipiqtusuk-; become ~ dialects: 642 uqautchit
190 ipiqtutchak- diamond: ~ dust 200 irriqutit; ~ (suit in
destroy: 520 siqupsi-, siquvsi-, 532 playing cards) 146 illulik, 602
suksraunġiq-, 291 maqut-; ~ a N tumiŋŋuaq (Ti); something
764 -ksraunġIq- ~shaped 146 illulik

diaper: 280 makkaq(-); children’s fur aglisuilauraq
breeches with hole for ~ 227 dimple: 162 ilutuniq (Ti), 211 itiqsraq,
kamaaluk (Ti); moss used as ~ itiġraq (Ti)
280 makkaksraq (Nu); put a ~ on dinosaur: 337 niġrułłuk
280 makkaq(-); spongy moss dip: 302 misuk-; food ~ 43 alugraaq(-)
dried and used for ~ liner 618 (Ti); ~ food into seal oil 43
uġru; wash ~s 280 makkiqi-; alugraaq(-) (Ti); ~ out 422
wear ~s 280 makkaqtuq- qalutaq-; seal oil ~ 302
diaper rash: have a ~ 652 uuq- misiġaaq(-); ~ wings (of an
diaphragm: 230 kanivaun, 298 milik airplane) 202 isaqqila-
(Nu), miligaq dipnet: 421 qalu(-)
diarrhea: 212 itisiaq; have ~ 50 dipper: 168 imġusiq, imġusiuraq, 422
anaqhiaq-, anaqtaq-, 160 iluaq-2, qallun, qalusiġaq (Nu), 444
212 itiktaq-, itigiaq-, itiksi-, qayuuttaq; small ~ 169
did (indicative): ~ V 1118 +t/rua- plus I; immiugauraq
~ V someone or something dipthong: 599 tugliġiik
1118, 1121 +t/raq- direction: 526 sivuniq, 647 urriqsuun;
did (interrogative): ~ V 1117, 1120 going which ~ 529 sugnamuk-;
+p/va, +p/vi fly in every ~ 594 tiŋmiġala-;
die: 551 taġniġiq- (Nu), 606 tuqu-; ~ from which ~ 529 sugnamiñ;
because of 607 tuqqutigi-; ~ en from which ~ is the wind
masse 607 tuquġaq-; ~ from blowing 529 sugniqpa; give ~ 647
overeating 336 niġġiññailik-; ~ in urriqsuq-, urriqsuuti-; head in a
one’s sleep 212 itiŋit- ; think that specific ~ 526 sivunniq- (Nu); one
one is about to ~ 94 attaġri-; ~ situated farthest in the ~ from
suddenly 356 nusilik-, 400 which the wind is blowing 81
puksiññaq- arguqłiq; ~ in which one is
die to the last one: 261 kiŋullak- heading 526 sivunniġvik (Nu);
diesel: ~ oil 645 uqsruġruaq process of changing ~ (of wind)
diet: 371 pannaksaq-; crave a change of 305 mumiqqaq; separate from
~ 109 avusuk-; grow up with it in one another and go in different
one’s ~ 180 iñuguqsautigi- ~s 104 avanmuk-; shatter, flying
different: find ~ 624 ulgiagi-, ulgiasuk- in every ~ 380 piksagaala-; ~
(Ti) toward inland 254 kilulliq;
difficult: ~ to do 485 sakiġnaq- travel down to the coast in a
difficulty: have ~ in V-ing 806 -llaiq-; V northwest ~ 392 piruġaaq-; travel
with ~ 910 -pqaqtaq- down to the coast in a
diffident: 94 attaqsraq- southwesterly ~ 615 uanmuk-;
dig: 346 nivak-, 80 argaq-; ~ furiously travel in an upstream ~ on ice or
with hands or paws 365 land 205 isiqsaaq-; travel in what
paksrala-; ~ through 365 pagrak- ~ 529 sugnamuk-; turn, changing
(Ti) ~ 496 saqu-, saqut-; turn in the
dim: 547 taaqsilaaq- desired ~ 525 sivukkiaq- (Nu),
dime: 589 tiansauraq sivukkiq-; turn quickly, looking
diminutive: ~ N 890 ±ŋuraq, 1074 :uraq; in different ~s 463 qiviqit-; walk
~ person or animal 15 out in the ~ of open water 295

maut-; what ~ 427 qanunmun; aannik-; keep catching ~s from
which ~ 535 suŋnamun; others 10 aannigaq-
windward ~ 81 arguġnaq; wrong disgraceful: 231 kanŋunaq-
~ 254 killunmun; see from (that disgusted: ~ by 409 qaaliŋagi-
direction) over there disgusting: 386 pilupiallak-
dirt: 189 ipiq2; get ~ on one’s face 262 dish rag: 616 uaqtiġun
kippii-; ~ on face 262 kipak (Ti) disharmony: cause of ~ 25 akarrun
dirty: 189 ipqu-, 131 ikkiiq-; become ~ dishes: wash ~ 403 puggutchiqi-,
132 ikakłiqi-, ikkak-, ikkaktit-, puugutchiqi- (Ti), puggutauriqi-,
189 ippak-; very ~ one 189 422 qallugauriqi-
ipiqviiññaq dishonor: 540 suuŋilaġi-
disagree: 29 akiuġuti- disinfectant: toilet ~ 466 quqsiqun
disagreeable: 25 aka-: ~ person 179 dislocate ~ a joint: 332 navyaaq-, 383
iñugiilaq pilluaqi-, pillui-, pilluktit-
disagreement: 92 atiŋirrun; have a ~ 91 dislike: 180 iñugluaġi-, 297 miġvigi-,
atinġiq-, 92 atiŋŋit- (Ti) miġvisuk- (Nu); 312 naġġugi-,
disappear: 562 tammaulliq-, ~ into the 386 pilugi-; intensely ~ 386
shadows 551 taġġit-; ~ from view pilugipiallak-; ~ V-ing 990
559 talit- +[s]ulait-
disappointed: 430 qapiqpaŋa- dismember: ~ at the joints 332
disapproval: elicit ~ 201 iruġnaq-; navyaaqtiq-; ~ caribou feet 383
express ~ 201 iruġi- pilaaq- (Nu)
disapprove: 426 qanmigi- disobedient: 226 kamakkutait-, 642
disassembled: ~ item 64 aŋivraaq, uqaqsiġiit-
aŋiptaq display: 286 mannisaq, mani-; ~ for sale
disaster: 147 iluirrutiqpak 313 naivak- (Ti)
discard: 118 igit-2, 195 iqqaq- displeasure: show ~ wrinkling nose 457
disciple: 155 ilitchitquraq, 282 maliġuaqti qiŋałłuak-; voice ~ repeatedly 8
discipline: 329 natqiksruq-, natqiksruun aaqqaala-
discomfort: 610 tutqiili- disposition: 200 irrusiq; have a bad ~
disconcerting: find ~ 163 iłuigi- 209 irrusiġiit-; have a good ~ 209
disconnect: ~ power to one’s house 263 irrusiġik-
kipi-, kivri- disrupt: 25 akatchi
disconnected: 84 atait- disruptive: 25 akatchi-
discouraged: 430 qapiŋa-; become ~ 339 dissension: cause for ~ 25 akarrun,
nikatchak-, 494 sapiliq-; become akałłuqutau-; 312 naġluŋŋatigi-
~ and quit 430 qapiq-2; cause to distance: ~ between objects 34 akullaq;
become ~ 339 nikatchai-; easily ~ be in the ~ 105 avasit-; be long,
430 qapiya-; try not to become ~ of distance 137 ikiqtu-; be short,
430 qapiqsaili- of ~ 137 ikikit-
discrete: 438 qaunakłaaq- distinct: 319 nalunait-; become ~
discretion: 438 qaunakłaaġun 318 nalunaiq-
discuss: 640 uqaġaaq- distinguish: ~ between items 265
discussion: 233 kaŋiqsiuvsaaġniq; hold a kipuyuŋaiq-
~ 233 kaŋiqsiuvsaaq- distorted: for the horizon to be ~ due to
disease: 324 naŋirrun; catch a ~ 10 air distortion 176 iñipkaġaa

silam, iŋipkaġaa silam; become ~ dock: boat ~ 479 saavirviksraq
197 iqu- doctor: 184 iñuunniaqti
distract: 36 alapisaaq-, 624 ulapisaaq-; dodge arrows: 655 uuyuliaq-
purposely ~ 173 inat- doer: 538 suri
distress: assist in times of distress 183 does not: one that ~ V 984 -suilaq, 1105
iñuuli-; cause emotional ~ 57 -yuilaq1; one that ~ V well 1105
anniġñaq(-); feel ~ 284 mamiat-; -yuilaq2
holler in ~ 619 uiġuala- dog: 453 qimmiq, 458 qipmiq (Nu); ~
distressed: become ~ 284 mamiatchak-; chain: 396 pituk(-), 457 qivliq;
feel ~ 147 iluilliuq-, iłuilliuq-, curl up (of ~) 472 qunaluk-; ~
iluilliuq- (Ti), 284 mamiagi- food 279 maġiun, 453
distribute: 416 qaitchisuu- qimmilisigraq, qimmilisi; ~
disturb: 152 ilaksiuq- (Nu) harness 58 anu, 634 unġuagun
ditch: 162 iluqsraq (Nu); harness ~s 634
dive: 314 nakkaq-; ~ into water (of unġuagusiqsuq- (Nu); ~ house in
swimming bird or animal) 16 snow 521 sisigaq; lead ~ 526
agluq-2, 191 ipuqhuq-, ipuġuq-, sivulliuqti; lead the ~s 525
ipuqhumiq-, ipuġumiq-; ~ sivulliġruq- (Ti); leader of ~s 526
repeatedly 314 nakkaaġaq-; ~ sivulliqsi; ~ mush 43 aluk(-); ~
suddenly 314 nakkaqtiq-; ~, muzzle187 ipraġun (Nu); ~ whip
swoop down, and catch 521 458 qipmiliqun (Nu); ~ with
sisuk-; ~ toward 601 tuluaġaq- circles around eyes 198 iriġutilik;
diver: 314 nakkaġaqti ~ with hanging ears 562
divide:102 autaaq-,107 avik-; ~ into taniktaaluk (Nu)
halves 282 malġuut-; ~ into doily: 89 alliġauraq
thirds 388 piŋasuut-; ~ into doll: 182 iñuŋŋuuraq; make a ~ 182
fourths 521 sisamaut-; ~ into iñuŋŋurri-
fifths 559 tallimaut-; ~ into sixths dollar: 560 tamalguq (Ti)
210 itchaksraut-; ~ into sevenths dome: 287 maniġaq, 388 piŋu(-)
558 tallimat malġuut-; ~ into donate: 24 aitchui-
eighths 559 tallimat piŋasuut- donation: 25 aitchuun
diving: arch the body high out of the don’t: 9 aasi, 116 iaqi, 221 kaasi, 358
water prior to ~ (of a sea ñiaq
mammal) 306 muqpak- don’t be stupid: 48 ammi
dividend: 102 autaaġun don’t do that: 65 aŋŋuuŋ, 358 ñiaq
division: 102 autaaġniq don’t know, beats me: 88 atchuhaa,
divorce: 108 avit-; grant a ~ 108 avitit- atchukii
divorced: 880 avinŋa- don’t mess up: 316 nalaiñ
dizzy: 25 aiyaaŋa-; become ~ 223 don’t you agree: 46 amii
kakavyak-, 246 kiavranŋu-, don’t you dare: 48 ammiumaa
kiavyaaŋa-, 257 kimni- don’t you remember: 647 usiiñ; 1118
do: 377 pi(-); ~ something for someone +sugaaq-, +sugau-
393 pisi-; ~ something to a N 798 door: 358 paa, 639 upkuaq(-), 559 talu(-);
-lIqi-; ~, so that one may V 1107 install a ~ 359 paggutchiq-;
+yuma-2 located opposite the ~ 254
do one’s best: 398 piyumiñaqtilaaq(-) kilumi; open (of ~) 640 upkuit-,

ukkuit-; open the ~ 640 upkuiq-, or with emphasis): 228 kanna1,
upkiiq- (Ti), ukkuiq-; outer ~ 636 555 takanna2; be located ~ 227
uŋalliq, 513 silalliq; take away kananiit, 554 takananiit-; come
from the ~ into the room 255 from ~ 228 kanaŋŋaq-, 554
kiluvauti- takanaŋŋaq-; go ~ 228 kanuŋaq-,
doorbolt: 492 saniqsaq(-) (Ti) 555 takanuŋaq-; go via, through
doorknob: 590 tiguġiq, tiguġliq ~ 228 kanuunnaaq-, 555
doormat: 43 aluiyaun takanuunnaaq; from ~ 227
doorsill: 32 akpagiaq (Nu) kanaŋŋa, 554 takanaŋŋa; from
doorstep: 609 tutipqiq that one ~ 228 kattumaŋŋa, 555
dorsal: ~ surface of fish 406 qaa(-), 468 takattumaŋŋa; from (that
quliik; ~ area of whale 453 direction) ~ 228 kanaŋŋamiñ,
qimiġluit (Ti) 554 takanaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 227
dorsal fin: 45 amaq(-), 534 suluun kanani, 554 takanani; located
dot: 597 titiq(-), 613 tuuġniq with that one ~ 228 kattumani,
doubt: 37 alguagi- (Ti), 319 nalupqisuun; 555 takattumani; similar to that
319 nalupqisuk-; continue to ~ 37 one ~ 228 kattumatun, 555
alguaqtuq- (Ti) takattumatun; that one ~ 228
doubtful: 271 kuksranaq-; ~ about kanna2, 555 takanna1, 228
someone 494 sapiktugi- kattuma, 555 takattuma; to ~ 228
doughnut: 645 uqsrukuaqtaq; cooking ~ kanuŋa, 555 takanuŋa; to that
for making ~s 646 one ~ 228 kattumuŋa, 555
uqsrukkuaqsiuġun takattumuŋa; towards ~ 228
down: barely made it ~ 91 atqapqauraq-; kanuŋanmun, 555
go ~ 89 anmuk-; straight ~ 89 takanuŋanmun; via ~ 228
anmuiññaq kanuuna, 555 takanuuna; via
down here (not visible): 488 samma1; that one ~ 229 kattumuuna, 555
be located ~ 488 samaniit-1; takattumuuna; (with) that one ~
come from ~ 488 samaŋŋaq-1; 229 kattumiŋa, 555 takattumiŋa
go ~ 488 samuŋaq-1; go via, down there (visible, extended, without
through ~ 488 samuunnaaq-1; or with emphasis): 631 unna2,
from ~ 488 samaŋŋa1; from the 584 taunna1; be located ~
one ~ 488 saptumaŋŋa1; from 631unaniit-, 584 taunaniit-; come
(the direction) ~ 488 from ~ 631 unaŋŋaq-, 584
samaŋŋamiñ1; located ~ 488 taunaŋŋaq-; go ~ 631unuŋaq-,
samani1; located with the one ~ 584 taunuŋaq-; go via, through
488 saptumani1; similar to the ~ 631 unuunnaaq-, 585
one ~ 488 saptumatun1; the one taunuunnaaq-; from ~
~ 488 samna1, 488 saptuma1; to ~ 631unaŋŋa, 854 taunaŋŋa; from
488 samuŋa1; to the one ~ 488 that one ~ 631 uttumaŋŋa, 585
saptumuŋa1; towards ~ 488 tauttumaŋŋa; from (that
samuŋanmun1; via ~ 488 direction) ~ 631 unaŋŋamiñ, 584
samuuna1; via the one ~ taunaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 631
488 saptumuuna1; (with) the one unani, 584 taunani; located with
~ 488 saptumiŋa1 that one ~ 631 uttumani, 585
down there (visible, restricted, without tauttumani; similar to that one ~

632 uttumatun, 585 tauttumatun; downhill: run ~ 44 alvik- (Ti)
that one ~ 631 unna1, 584 downstairs: rarely come ~ 91
taunna2, 631 uttuma, 585 atqapqaqtaq-
tauttuma; to ~ 631 unuŋa, 584 downward: 89 anmun
taunuŋa; to that one ~ 632 Downy Woodpecker: 613 tuuyuq
uttumuŋa, 585 tauttumuŋa; doze off repeatedly: 515 siñaavri-
towards ~ 631 unuŋanmun, 584 draft: 74 aqła(-), 75 aqłayaaq(-)
taunuŋanmun; via ~ 631 unuuna, drafty: 74 aqła(-), 75 aqłayaaq(-)
585 taunuuna; via that one ~ drag: 224 kaliksraq-, 225 kalit-; ~ over
632 uttumuuna, 585 one’s shoulder 633 uniaq-, 634
tauttumuuna; (with) that one ~ uniqqiuti-
632 uttumiŋa, 585 tauttumiŋa dragonfly: 345 niulġiq
down there, far out on the ocean, drain: 290 maqi-
downriver, or downstairs (not drainage ditch: 275 kurriaq
visible): 489 samma2, 567 drawer: 48 amuraġaaq
tasamma2; be located ~ 489 drawstring: 188 ipiaq(-), 374 pattiġraq
samaniit-2, 567 tasamaniit-2; (Ti),637 uŋiġun; ~ casing 637
come from ~ 488 samaŋŋaq-2, uŋiġvik; ~ on pant cuffs 372
567 tasamaŋŋaq-2; go ~ 489 paqtiġrak (Ti)
samuŋaq-2, 568 tasamuŋaq-2; go dread: 527 sivuuġanaq(-); 527
via, through ~ 489 sivuuġagi-
samuunnaaq2, 568 dream: 516 siññaktuq(-); ~ a good omen
tasamuunnaaq-2; from ~ 489 522 sitkiuma-; have a bad ~ 516
samaŋŋa2, 567 tasamaŋŋa2; from siññaġluk-
that one ~ 489 saptumaŋŋa2, 568 drenched: something or someone ~ 23
tasaptumaŋŋa2; from (that aillaq
direction) ~ 489 samaŋŋamiñ2, dress: 408 qaliġuuraq(-), 461 qitauraq(-);
567 tasamaŋŋamiñ2; located ~ 58 annuġaaqtuq-, 227 kamiktuq-,
489 samani2, 567 tasamani2; 657 uviñiġuq (Ti)
located with that one ~ 489 dresser: 48 amuraġaat
saptumani2, 568 tasaptumani2; dried meat or fish: 371 paniqtaq;
similar to that one ~ 489 partially ~ 371 paniqłuktaq
saptumatun2, 568 tasaptumatun2; dried out: become ~ (of meat) 370
that one ~ 489 samna2, 568 pannaqłuk-
tasamna2, 489 saptuma2, 568 drift: ~ with current 483 saġvaqsiq-; ~
tasaptuma2; to ~ 489 samuŋa2, in a boat 594 tiksiq-
568 tasamuŋa2; to that one ~ 490 drifting icefloe survivor: 167
saptumuŋa2, 568 tasaptumuŋa2; immiññauraq
towards ~ 489 samuŋanmun2, driftwood: 224 kalikłuk, 596 tivraq;
568 tasamuŋanmun2; via ~ 489 pieces of ~ scattered along the
samuuna2, 568 tasamuuna2; beach 503 siamġut; ~ that can
via/with that one ~ 490 split and bend 341 ninŋuq(-)1,
saptumuuna2, 568 ninŋu-; ~ tree with root system
tasaptumuuna2; (with) that one ~ attached 333 niaquptalik
490 saptumiŋa2, 568 drill: 345 niuqtuq-; ~ bit: 511 siku2; bow
tasaptumiŋa2 ~ 134 igniqsuun, 248 kigmiaq; ~

chuck 374 pattaq (Nu); motor ~ let ~ from the sky 238
345 niuqtuun kattaqsruq-
drink: 168 imiq(-); alcoholic ~ 168 drop of liquid: 274 kusiġñiq
imiq(-); give a ~ 169 imiqtit-, drown: 187 ipi-, ipit-
immit-; give someone a ~ 168 drowsily: nod ~ 333 nayaŋaq-
imiksrit-; ~ habitually 169 drum: 450 qilaun; become better
imiyuk- sounding (of ~) 168 imiksi-;
drinking water: 168 imiq(-); groove around outside of ~
drip: 274 kusiq-, kusiġaq-, kutit-; chunk frame 266 kitigaġvik; ~ handle
of ice placed over water bucket 372 paplu (Nu), 376 pavlu; ~skin
to melt and ~ 271 kukługaq; ~ 203 isi; skin for ~ 203 isiksraq;
continuously 274 kusiqsuaq-; ~ string that holds ~ skin to frame
extensively 465 quġluula-, 266 kitigaq (Nu)
quġmi-; ~ once 252 kilak-1 (Nu); drum stick: 236 kasaun
piece of blubber suspended drummer: 450 qilausiraqti, qilaurraqti
above lamp which melts and ~s drunk: 168 imiŋa-; stupidly ~ 169
into lamp 176 iñġausiq; place a immaqłuk-
receptacle to catch a ~ 274 drunkard: 168 imiŋaraq
kutchiilitchiq-, kutchitchiq- (Ti); dry: 367 paliuma-; become ~ 367
platform on which snow is paliq-, 370 paniq-, panaaġruk-,
placed to melt and ~ into a paniġruk-; begin to ~ 367
water container 120 iglisiq, parruk-; item set out to ~ 370
iglisit (Ti); ~ repeatedly 252 paniqsiaq; set out to ~ 370
kilaaq-1 (Nu) paniqsiq-, paniqsirriq-,
dripping: pan to catch ~s 176 iñġaun; paniqsirriuti-; something hung
receptacle to catch ~ liquid 274 up to ~ 176 iñiaq, iñiraq; very ~
kutchiilisaq; ~ steadily 274 367 pallaġik- (Nu), 371 pannaġik-,
kutaaq-; that which is ~ wet 23 371 pannatchaatun (Nu); wait for
aillałak something to ~ 370 paniqsii-
drive: ~ animal away 638 uŋullaq-, dry lake: 166 imaiġñiq
uŋuullaq-; ~ animal into duck: 437 qaugak(-); ~ decoy: 303
entrapment 638 uŋu, uŋuuq-; ~ mitchauraq; ~ hunting: 438
in a desired direction 525 qaukkiaq-; lie in wait for ~s 303
sivukkiaq- (Nu); ~ a reindeer sled mitchiuq-
454 qimuksiraq-; ~ a vehicle 425 duckling: 437 qaugalaaq
qamutitaq- dull: 188 ipkit-, 250 kiiñait-; become ~
drive something in: 289 maŋuk-, 375 188 ipkiq-
pauk(-); ~ a wedge 465 dull object: 188 ipkilaq
qugraqtuq- (Nu) dumb: 401puqiit-
drizzle: 504 sialualaaq- (Ti) dump site: 118 iksivik, iktaqaġvik, 310
drool: 465 quġliaq(-), 618 uġuliaq- (Nu); naaptiġvik; ~ out 310 naaptiq-; ~
suck in one’s ~ 380 piivsak- out by shaking it 310
droop: 368 pału-, pałuŋa- naavriktaq-; take to the ~ 118
drop: 237 katai-; ~ and land on 238 iksi-1; work at the ~ 118 iksiqi-
kataqqi-; ~ gifts through dumpster: 118 iksivik, iktaqaġvik, 195
rooftop vent 238 kattaġruk- (Ti); iqqaivik

dung fly: 50 anaqsiuġayuk have cold ~s 523 siutaiyaq-; hurt
Dunlin: 505 siggukpaligauraq, 444 ~s by making a loud, piercing
qayuuttavak; Red-backed ~ noise 467 qukiq-, qukiya- (Nu);
444 qayuuttavak; injure ~ 523 siurraaq-, siuttaaq-
durable: 396 piutuġniq- ear wax: 274 kutchuġruaq; dry ~ 591
duration: ~ of life 183 iñuuniqtutilaaq; tiġri (Ti)
be long in ~ (of daylight) 656 earache: have an ~ 523 siusiqi-, siutigiit-
uvluqtu-; be of long ~ 524 sivisu-, eardrum: 450 ¤qilaugauraq (Ti), 117
sivisuuraq-; be of short ~ 524 igalauraq (Nu)
sivikit-; short ~ 524 sivikisuuraq; early: V ~ 852 +naġiaq-; not V ~ 750
work for a short ~ 500 ±kaŋIt-
savałauraq- early: not return ~ 649 utikallaŋit-
during the last few days: 138 early evening: 50 anaqatchauraq,
ikpaksraapak anaqatchiaq, anaqasaaġiaq
dusk: 563 tanuġaksi- early morning: 655 uvlaatchauraq; do in
dust: 492 sanik, sanikłuk, 110 avyuq(-); ~ 655 uvlaaġuaq-
blow ~ 72 apyulak-; be covered earring: 523 siutiġun, 348 nuġluġun;
in ~ 492 sannak-; diamond ~ beaded ~ s 565 taquuppik (Nu);
200 irriqutit; shake to remove ~ pair of ~s 523 siutiġutik
219 ivsuk- east: 268 kivalliq; area located ~ 268
dusty: 492 sanŋu- kivaliñaaq; arrivals from the ~
duty: 499 savaaksraun 440 qavaŋŋaat, 583 tatqavaŋŋaat;
dwarf: 62 aglisuilauraq, 179 iñugaqutlik blizzard from the ~ 334 nigiqłuk;
(Nu) location ~ 440 qavva qavani, 583
dwarf shrub: 385 pilġaurat tatqavva tatqavani; ocean current
dwarf willow: 304 mitquapik (Nu) flowing from the ~ 392
dye: 264 kipit-, kipitchiun piruġaġnaq; people who travel ~
dyed item: 264 kipitchiaq to trade 268 kivaliñaat; ~ side,
dying: 607 tuqusia-, tuqusiala- ~ward 268 kivaliñiq; towards ~
dynamic: 528 suaŋa- 268 kivanmun, 440 qavuŋanmun,
dysfunctional: become ~ 163 583 tatqavuŋanmun, 615 uanmun
iłuilliqpiiññaq- (Ti); travel ~ 441 qavuŋaq-, 583
tatqavuŋaq-; travel via ~ 441
E qavuunnaaq-, 583 tatqavuunnaaq-;
each: ~ N 805 -llaa(-), 899 -payaaq; ~ ~ wind 334 nigiq, nigiqpaq(-),
time one V-s 900 -payaaq- plus 368 pamagnaaq (Ti); via ~ 441
Consequential or Conditional qavuuna, 583 tatqavuuna
Endings; would V ~ time 1016 easterly wind: 90 atchaġniq
+[t/r]aq-3; would V someone or easily: ~ V-s 1100 -ya-; one that ~ V-s or
something ~ time 1005 +[t/r]aġi- ~ becomes V 1104 -yatuuraq
each other: V ~ 1083 +uti- easy: ~ to obtain 393 pisuġnaq-; ~ to do
eager: 398 piyumisuk-, 619 uisu-; 393 pisuġnaq-, 395 pitchiġiaq-,
become ~ 398 piyumitchak-; ~ to 507 siġliġnait-; ~ to V 984
go 242 kayaŋŋiq-; ~ to V 1108 +suġnaq-, 1111 -yunaq-
+yuma-1 eat: 336 niġi-; ~ before retiring for the
ear: 522 siun; ~ cavity 523 siunŋuraq; night 352 nullautchiġaaq-; ~

continuously 337 niġituiññaq-; masu; ~ young fireweed 474
go and ~ 337 niġiyaqtuq-; ~ quppiqutaq; ~ worm found in
heartily 284 mamŋatchi-; ~ late nasal cavity of caribou 550
336 niġikallaiq-; ~ lunch tagiuq
461 qitiġusiq-; ~ N 1053 +tuq-3; ~ educated: 154 ilisaŋa-
quickly 70 apqałak-, 336 niġiliq-; eel: 341 nimiġiaq
~ some 396 pituq-; ~ something effeminate: acts ~ 591 tiipaktayuk-
quickly 70 apqałak-, 631 effort: exert all of one’s ~ into winning
umnisaq-; ~ supper 352 507 siġmaaq-; gather one’s
nullautchiq-; take someone out to strength for an all-out ~ 289
~ 337 niġiyaqtuuti-; ~ the best mapkuq-, 506 sii-; involve much
part 563 taŋiq-; ~ to the bone time and ~ 501 savinnaq-
264 kipkaq-; ~s too much 336 effortless: 412 qaġanaq-
niġġiqsu- egg: 287 mannik; freshly laid ~ 517
eater: quick ~ 631 umni-; slow ~ 631 siŋulluq
umniit- egg beater: 287 manniliqun
eating: do without ~ 620 uisa-1 eggshell: 287 mannium sauniŋa, 498
eaves: 407 qaanaaq saunaaq
ebb: ~ (of enthusiasm) 242 kayumŋiq-; ~ egg white: 328 natatquq
of tide 166 imaiq-, imakłi- egg yolk: 182 iñuksraun, 595 tiŋuk
ebb tide: be at ~ (of sea) 593 tinit- (Nu) Eider Duck: 303 mitiq; female ~ 19
ecchymosis: 98 arriqsinniq aġnaviaq; large ~ 303 mitaaluk;
echo: 28 akiługaq, akiłuk(-), male white ~ 438 qaugavik
akiłuktaq-akiraġaq-, 283 eight: number ~ 558 tallimat piŋasut; ~,
maliktaqutchiġaq-, 435 (in playing cards) 327 narvalik
qasiŋŋuqtaq-, 415 qaiġuq-, (Nu), 469 quliligaq
qaiġuatitaq-, 523 sivanuaq- (Ti) eighteen: number ~ 30 akimiat piŋasut
echo chamber: act as ~ 435 qasiŋŋuq- eighth: one 558 tallimat piŋasuat
eclipse: 400 pula- eighty: number ~ 521 sisamakipiat
eczema: 259 kiñiq(-) either one: 317 nallipayaaŋak
eddy: 246 kiavraaq(-) elastic: 569 tasiraġaaq, 617 ugligaq
eddies: line of ~ in ocean 385 pilġaġniq elated: to become ~ 409 qaamatchak-
edge: 104 avalu(-), 515 siñi; be by the ~ elbow: 141 ikusik(-); armwrestle with
367 pallik- interlocked ~s 231 kaŋiġmik-;
edible: every ~ bit 336 hobble on ~s 141 ikusimigaq-;
niġiñaqtualimauraq, hurt ~ 141 ikutchiaq-; ~ joint 332
niġiñaġumiñauraqtuaq; ~ green navlu; lean on ~ 141
257 kimagluk (Ti); gather ~ roots ikusiksimaaq-; ~length mitten 24
293 masut-; gather ~ green aiqpak; ~ someone repeatedly
leaves 190 ippiġniaq-; ~ green 141 ikusigmik-; stovepipe ~ 389
leaf 190 ippiq (Ti); lemming’s piġiŋaluk
cache of ~ roots 347 nivi; ~ root elder: 651 utuqqanaaq
650 utqiq (Ti); ~ seaweed 185 electric shock: get an ~ 464 quaqsaaq-
iŋalugaaluk; ~ sea worm 474 electricity: 465 quaqsaaġautit
qupilġuġruaq; stem of ~ plant elevate: 469 qulvaqtiq-
313 nakautaq; ~ taproot 293 elevated: 428 qaŋata-; become more and

more ~ 469 qutchiksi-, tikisaaq-; board ~ 687 ikuayaa-;
qutchiksisiiññaq-; ~ land 469 come ~ 414 qaiyaa-; descend ~ 91
qutchimaraaq atqaa-; enter ~ 205 isaa-; fall
elevation: high in ~ 260 kiŋik- (PB); asleep ~ 519 siqua-, siquayaa-;
higher in ~ 469 qulvasik- land on shore ~ 600 tulasaaq-;
elevator: 296 mayuaġaun leave ~ 52 ania-; return ~ 649
eleven: number ~ 468 qulit atausiq utaa-; sit down ~ 77 aquptaa-, 687
elongate: ~ and make it oval in shape aquviayaa-; stand up ~ 280
486 sakpak- makia-, maksraa-; travel ~ to the
elongated: oval and ~ 486 sakpaŋa- mountains 545 taalġaa-
embarrassed: 427 qanuġviit- enamelware: 332 nauyyaaq2
ember: 101 auma(-) encountered: something ~ 316
embrace: 193 iqit(-); ~ warmly 193 nalaugaŋaraq
iqimmak- (Ti), iqimmaaq- encourage: 79 arak-, 430 qapiŋaisaaq-;
embryo: ~ of an egg 178 iñuk(-), 179 continue to ~ tenderly 79 araaġi-;
iñua; form an ~ 179 iññuk- ~ to continue 243 kiiqsruq-,
emerge and flow: 407 qaamit- ~ to increase one’s effort 507
emergency: be in an ~ 235 kappiatuq-; siimasaaq-; ~ to proceed 243
~ provision 638 upaluġiitkutaq kiiqsruq-; ~ to raise one’s
emit a long piercing cry: ~ (of bearded expectations 337 niġiuksruq-; ~
seal) 107 aviuqtaq- to V 1037 -[t]qusaaq-
emotion: have strong ~s 534 sułłaya- encouragement: 149 ilalġun, 430
emotional: 534 sułłaya-; ~ support 333 qapiŋaisaaġun,
nayumman; become more ~ 528 encouraging: 398 piyumiñaqtaatun (Nu)
suammak-; cause ~ distress 57 end: its ~ 207 isua; ~ of a bone 207
anniġñaq(-)2; experience an ~ isugluk; ~ a story 354 nuŋŋit-
shock 606 tuqpallak-; troubled (Ti); reach the ~ 207 isukłit-
by heavy ~ burden 645 endearing: 119 iglignaq-, 391 piqpagnaq-
uqumailliraq- ending: 307 naarrun
emotional reaction: scource of an ~ 59 endless: 207 isuit-, 355 nuŋusuit-
anuaqun endurance: 603 tuniqsimman;
emotionally: affect ~ 161 ilunŋutchai-; ~ competition games of ~ 661
dear to me 161 ilumnun; deeply yuġaq(-) (Ti), yuġaliq(-)
affected ~ 33 aksia-,162 endure: 123 iglutuq-, 286 manimmi-; ~
ilunŋutchak-; ~ fragile 57 anniya-; annoyance 354 nunummi-
~ shocked 464 quaqsaaq-; ~ enduring: 603 tuniqtu-, tuniqsima-
stable 603 tuniqtu-; ~ stimulus 59 enema: 213 itiqsiun (Ti); give an ~
anuaqun; ~ strong 99 50 anaqtitaq-, 213 itiqsiutit- (Ti)
aulayaiqsima-; ~ vulnerable 59 enema equipment: 50 anaqtitaun
anuaqsruit- enemy: 28 akilliq, 654 uumigiri
Emperor Goose: 304 mitilugruaq enemies: 27 akilliġiik(-)
employee: ~ of N 1035 -tkuayaaq; 500 energetic: 412 qaġait-, 389 pipika-, 502
savakti sayyaaġik-
employment: 499 savaaq energy: be full of ~ 528 suaŋa-; sources
empty:164 imait-; almost ~ 164 imakit- of ~ 135 ikummatit; unit of ~ 135
en masse: arrive ~ 22 aggia-, 592 ikumman

engine: 134 igniqutit; break 560 tamaġmik, tamaigñik; their ~
an ~ 134 igniqutaiyaq-, 560 tamaġmiŋ, tamaisa; ourd ~
igniquurraaq- 560 tamamnuk; our ~ 560
English: in ~ 562 Taniktun; ~ word 562 tamapta; yours ~ 560 tamaqpiñ;
Taniksiñ; ~ name 562 Taniksiñiq; yourd ~ 560 tamavsik; your ~ 560
speak ~ 562 Tanŋuraaq-; tamavsi
translate into ~ 562 Taniksi- enthusiasm: be ready to V with ~ 1110
enigma: 40 aliuqtuġnaq +yumalaaq-
enjoy: 315 nakuuqsri-;~ a pleasing meal entirely: 147 iluġani, iluqani
242 kayummiraq-; ~ another’s entrance: outer ~ mound of sodhouse
company 182 iñunnaraaq-, 385 367 pallitchat
pillatu-, 563 tapagi-; ~ V-ing 810 entrance door cover: 479 saakutaq
-llatu-, 877 -nnaraaq-; ~ V-ing, entrapment: ~ area 638 uŋurrivik; drive
after an absence from the animal into ~ 638 uŋu-, uŋuraq-
activity 909 -pqaŋa- entreat: 435 qasili-1, 475 ququq-
enjoyable: get in the habit of doing entry: ~ to entryway of sodhouse 205
something ~ 619 uiġit-, uiġñaaq-, isiġiaq
621 uiviili- entry steps: 609 tunmiqqat
enlarge: 62 aglilaaq-, 517 sipaaq- entryway: 425 qanitchat
enlightened: become ~ 1 aaŋayaaŋaŋaiq- envelope: 403 puuksraq
enough: that’s ~ 69 apai; 69 apaiq-, environment: 183 iñuuniaġvik,
306 naama-; not have ~ 175 iñuuniaġvium irrusia
inuŋalliuq- environmental impact statement: 183
enough of this nonsense: 243 kihaa iñuuniaġvium irrusiata
enrage: 654 uumitchai-, uumitchaktit- allaŋŋuġniaġniksraŋagun
enraged: exit ~ 52 aniłłaktaq- maqpiġarriaq
enroll: 92 atchii- envision: 586 tautuktuuraaq-
enroute: meet while ~ 70 apqusaaq- envy: 609 tutchun; 609 tusu-; cause ~ 609
enter: 205 isiq-; ~ en masee 205 isaa-; tusunaq-; ~ one who V-s 889
force someone to ~ 205 isiqsitaq-; ±ŋŋuq-1
~ a house repeatedly 205 epidermis: ~ of human 658 uviñiq; ~ of
isauġiq-; narrowly ~ 205 whale 441 qavausiq
isipqaułłik-; not ~ right away 205 epileptic: 446 qiiqsruġuu-
isikallaŋit-; ~ a crack (of snow or equal: become ~ 92 atisi-; have ~
rain, or smoke) 206 isiqtuq-; ~ abilities 317 nalliuma-; ~ (of
via crack and form a pile of persons) 317 nalliummati-; one ~
snow (of snow) 521 sisit-; ~ in size 307 naammiaq
violently 205 isiniqłak- equalization: 92 atisaġniq
entering: commence ~ 206 isiqsaq- equally: 95 atunim
entertain: 315 nakut- equals: two ~ in every aspect 317
entice: 241 kaviuġuksaaq-, 283 nalliġiik; be ~ 307 naammagiik-,
maliksuguksaaq-; 395 317 nalimmak-
pitqusaaq-; ~ to V 990 equipment: 393 pisaun
+[s]uksaaq- equity: 316 nalaunŋaruaq
entirety: my ~ 560 tamaġma; her/his/its equivalence: 26 aki(-)
~ 560 tamaan, tamaġmi; theird ~ erase: 14 aglaiyaq-

eraser: 14 aglaiyaun eventually: ~ V 781 -lġiñaq-; will ~ V
erect: 203 isivvaġik-, 325 nappaq-; 989 +[s]uliġñiaq-
become very ~ 203 isivvaġiksi- everlasting: 355 nuŋusuit-
erection: get an ~ 653 uummai- every: ~ N 899 -payaaq
ermine: 212 itiġiaq(-) every kind: 534 sunigliqaanik
errand: be sent on an ~ 593 tilirau-; ~ everyday: 656 uvlumiñiñ, uvlutuaq(-)
boy 262 kipaluk(-), 269 everyone: 182 iñupayaaq, iñulimauraq
kivgaluk(-); send on an ~ 593 tili- (Nu)
escape: 56 annak-, 305 mularilġi- (Nu), everything: 530 su iluqaan, 535
452 qimak-; block an animal’s ~ sunapayaaq, 536 supayaat; believe
233 kaŋiŋiq-; ~ death 383 pilluk-; that one knows ~ 6 aaŋit-; eat ~
have something or someone ~ on one’s plate 190 ippaq-; have
56 annai-; help ~ 384 pilluuti-; the habit of getting into ~ and
narrowly ~ 52 anipqaułłik-, 56 causing mischief 365 pakkaqtu-;
annapqaullik-, 384 pillupqaułłik-, have ~ ready 638 upaluŋait-; lack
397 pivsukaq-; what a narrow ~ ~ 379 piilliuq-; take ~ another
11 aatchikaaŋ owns 560 tamatkii-
Eskimo: ~ ice cream 36 akutuq everytime: ~ one V-s 1048, 1129 -tuaq(-)
esophagus: 128 iggiaq or 900 -payaaq- plus
especially so: 541 suvaluk Consequential Mood endings; V
essential: 583 qavaŋŋaat ~ 752 ±kasak-
establish: ~ something 173 inillai- everywhere: 306 namulliqaa, 534
estimate: 298 miksraut-, migraaq- (Ti); ~ sumiliqaa, sumipayaaq
the depth of water 269 kiviġraq- evidence: 563 taŋiq; have slightest ~ of
(Ti) V-ing 897 -paluk(-)2
eternal: 207 isuit- evident: it is ~ that the SUBJ has V-ed,
even1: 406 qaaġrait- (Nu); small and ~ is V-ing, or is V 975 msima-1
crimping 249 kiirauraq(-); sew ~ evil: 386 piluun; 208 isumalluaġiit-, 378
stitches 255 kilugik- pigiit-; inclined to do ~ deeds 621
even: 1154 +unniiñ ¤ukayaŋa-; ~ one 378
even if: ~ one V-s 748, 1129, 1135 pigiitchuaq; ~ person 182
+k/galuaq- plus iñupałłuk; ~ spirit 159 ilitqusiqłuk
Consequential-Conditional exalted: 226 kamanaqsirau-
endings examine: ~ property 207 isivġii-
even when: ~ one V-s 749, 1129, 1135 example: use as an ~ 647 urriqutigi-
+k/galuaq- plus exceed: 517 sipit-, sippiq-
Consequential-Conditional exceeding: V, ~ expectations 897
Endings -pałłuk(-)
evening: 50 anaqaksraq, 635 unnuk(-); in excessive: 79 araaq-, 541 suvigrait-
the ~ 50 anaqaksrami, anaqami; excessively: 93 atqunaq; capable of V-
during this ~ 50 anaqapak; early ing ~ 780 -lgu-1, 942 ’-qtu-; V ~
~ 50 anaqasaaġiaq; this ~ still to 893 +p/vait-, 896 -paluk(-)1
come 50 anaqagu; ~ meal 352 exchange: 514 simmiq-
nullautaq; spend the ~ 50 excited: become~ 528 suallak-; 620
anaqaksri-; ~ evening 50 uitchak-, tuavaallak-
anaqatuaq(-) excitedly: react ~ 655 uutkummiq-

exclude: 299 minit-, 341 nimit-; to ~ or Contemporative I Endings
from group 143 ilaaguaq- extinguish: 424 qamit-; become ~ 424
excrement: 50 anaq(-); ~ hanging from qami-
rectum 446 qiiłłuaq extravagant: 286 maniksuq-
excuse: 373 patchiñ, patchisi; make ~s extract: 637 uŋayut-
373 patchisiqsuq- eye: 198 iri; area below the ~ 470
executive session: 438 qaukłiłhiñat qulvitquq; cross ~s 314 naku-; get
exert: ~ force 494 saŋŋiqsruq-; ~ oneself film on the ~ 625 uliksiq-;
and become red in the face 517 foreign object in the ~ 199
siŋŋuktit- irriutaq; get something in
exhaust: give off ~ 536 suppuqtaq-; ~ one’s ~ 199 irrit-; injure ~ 198
pipe 536 suppuqtaġvik, iraġuq-, iraġuaq-; ~ lens 198
suppuqtaun iraqumak; one without ~ 198
exhausted: 177 iñiqtuq-, 493 saŋniq- irailaq
exist: 209 it- eyelash: 519 siqpik
existed: possibility ~, but did not V 886 eye patch: 294 mattutaq; wear an ~ 294
±ŋisiq- mattutaqtuq-
exit: 52 ani-, 53 anniññaaq; ~ then enter eyebrow: 441 qavlu
53 aniuġiq-; ~ with 53 annisi-, eyebrow ridge: 34 akunġak, 441
annisuuti- qavlunaaq; ~ of caribou 535
expect: 302 misigi- suŋŋuq
expectation: 264 kipiqqutaq; V, eyeglasses: 198 irgaak; ~ for reading,
exceeding ~s 897 -pałłuk(-) sewing, or working 198 irgaak
expense: 286 maniksuun sullisik (Nu); put ~ on 198
expensive: 29 akisu- irgaaq(-)
experience: 361 paaqsaaq-; ~ an eyelashes: ~ of both eyes 452 qimiġiak
encounter with an event 70 eyelid: area under both lower ~s 470
apqusaaq-; ~ a hallucination 40 ¤qulviraġiak; lower ~ 470
aliuġataq-; ~ lack of N 732 qulvi(-); upper ~ 408 qalliñaaq
:illiuq-; ~ tingling sensation eyes: close ~ 519 siqunġiq-; have ~ open
136 ikiaqtalaaq-; ~ N or a V-ing 620 uisa-; indicate with the ~ 199
1053 +tuq-3 irimik-, iyimik-; open ~ for the
expertise: 394 pisuġniq first time 620 uiri-; rolled back,
explain: begin to ~ oneself as one gives of ~ 446 qiiŋa-; to water (of ~)
up 602 tuniugaqsi-; ~ oneself 482 470 qulviliuġruk-
sagviq- eyesight: have good ~ 198 irigik-, 556
explode: 410 qaaq(-) ~ multiple times takpik-; have poor ~ 198 irigiit-,
410 qaġaaq-; ~ with laughter 119 199 iriluk(-), 556 takpiit-; one
iglaqhuaq- with poor ~ 556 takpiilaq;
expose: 486 salapqiq- weaken (of one’s ~) 556 takpiili-
exposed: 486 salapqiq-
extended: 203 isivit- F
extension: 129 iigu(-), iiguniq, 619 fabric: outer side of ~ 406 qaa(-); ~ with
uigu(-); furtherest ~ 619 uiguqłiq a checkered pattern 121
extent: to the ~ of V-ing 998 +t/laaq- igluuralik
plus Conditional, Consequential face : 250 kiiñaq; become blue in the ~

605 tuŋiqsi-; fall on one’s ~ 288 niviŋapqauraq-; ~ and create a
maŋikaq-; made a ~ in contempt snowslide (of snow) 290 mapsat-
197 iquraq-; make an angry face (Nu); ~ and hurt one’s buttocks
250 kiiñaġiiliuq- (Nu); make a 352 nulluaq-1; ~ and land on
funny ~ 195 iqłaŋa-, 250 one’s hands 111 ayappaqhaaq-; ~
kiiñaġiit-; see one’s ~ 250 behind 283 mallit-; cause
kiiñaqsi- something to ~ while going by
face2: 479 saat-1, saammi-; able to ~ a carelessly 224 kalikłuk-2,
crisis well 384 pilgu-; ~ another kaliukłuk-, kalikhaaq-,
angrily 479 saavaqi- (Nu); come kaliukhaaq-; cause someone or
~ to ~ accidently 361 paaqsaaq-; something to ~ off 238 kataktit,
not able to ~ a crisis well 384 kataktitchi-; cause something or
pilguit-; turn to ~ the opposite someone to ~ over 624 ulġut-;
direction 604 tunut- cause someone to trip and ~ 309
facing: 480 sanmi-; ~ toward 479 naakłit-; ~ even further 237
saatmun (Nu) katapiksuaq-; ~ from a height
factory: 533 suliuġvik 199 irit-, 200 irukkaq-, irupkaq-;
fade: 512 silali-, 616 uaġi-, ~, hitting the back of one’s head
fail: have as one’s failure 212 itigaġi-; ~ and becoming partially
to accomplish what one sets out unconscious 106 avaaġrak-; ~
to do 212 itigaurraq-; ~ to inbetween two things 136
penetrate target 211 itigaq-; ~ to ikiaqtit-; ~ (of overhanging
procure game 63 aŋiluŋaq- snow) 653 uukkaq-, uukkaaq-,
faint: 436 qaurimaiq-, 172 imuliq-, 548 uupkaq- (Nu), uupkaaq-; ~ (of
taaqtipkaq-; feel ~ 1 aanŋu-, 607 snow) 426 qannik(-); ~ on
tuquanŋu- something or someone (of
faith: 623 ukpiġun; not have ~ 623 snowslide) 295 mavsati- (Nu);
ukpiġutait- slip and ~ 464 quayaqit-; ~ to the
faithful: 161 ilumuuq-, 603 tuniqsima- ground fainting 172 imuliq-
fake: ~ fur 304 mitquŋŋualik; ~ N 889 fall asleep: 515 siñaaqsi- (Ti), siñiksaq-,
±ŋŋuaq(-) 519 siqu-; ~ en masse 519 siqua-,
falcon: 253 kilgavik (Ti), 265 kirgavik siquayaa-; eventually ~ 519
fall (season): 622 ukiaq; ~ after this siqullak-; take a long time to ~
coming ~ 622 ukiatqigu; ~ before 516 siñikallaiq-; try to ~ 519
last ~ 622 ukiatqik; conduct ~ siquniaq-; ~ soundly 401
whaling 622 ukialliksiuq-; crack puliġuq-; ~ while leaning over
along the first shore ice in ~ 190 something 401 pułallak-
ipsiññiq; early ~ 622 ukiaksraq; fall backward: 347 nivvaktaq-, 604
first shore ice in ~ 415 qaimġuq; tunuallak-, tunuiłłak-; ~ forcefully
for an animal to go into a den in 347 nivvaqhaaq-; ~ backwards,
~ 630 umŋuti-; hunt during the ~ of one’s head 8 aaġlutit-; ~ with
622 ukialliġñiaq-; last ~ 622 head raised high looking
ukiaq; late ~ 622 ukiaviuraq(-); backwards 347 niviġiaq- (Ti)
spend the ~ 622 ukiaqsiq- (Nu); fall down: ~ flat on something 359 paa-
this coming ~ 621ukiaġu (Ti); ~ flat on one’s face 272
fall: about to ~ off a hook 346 kuniłukaq-, 288 maŋik- (Nu),

maŋikaq-; ~ (of one’s pants) 269 ilagiit, 151 ilat nanmiñiq; ~ of N
kiviqi-; ~ the stairs 237 kataktaq- 1035 -tkuk/t; immediate ~ 62
fall forward: 401 pusikaq-, 403 puukaq-; aŋayuqaaġiit, 462 qitunġaġiit
~ suddenly 359 paałłak-, famine: 220 kaagnaq, 343 niqailliuġnaq
paałłakaaq-, paasaaq-, 367 fan: 75 aqłanaaġun, aqłayaaġun,
palluqhaaq-, palluqhiaq-, aqłanaaqtit-
palluqhiaqtaq- far: 636 uŋasik-; ~ away, barely visible
fall headfirst: 314 nakkaq-, 359 105 avasik-; consider to be too
paasakaaq-; ~ dead or wounded ~ away 637 uŋasigi-
288 maŋik- (Nu), 289 maŋiksiq-; far apart: 35 akuttu-
~ from a high place accidently fare: 133 ikkun; pay for one’s ~ 133
314 nakkaqtaq-;~ over heels 273 ikkusiq-
kurraqhaaq-, kurraqhuaq- fart: 340 niliq(-); ~ excessively 340
fall into: ~ the atmoshere and burn (of nillaq-
“shooting star”) 50 anaq(-); ~ farther: area ~ down 89 arva;
water 165 imaaq-;~ deep, soft become ~ apart 35 akuttusi-;
snow 295 mavsaq(-) (Ti), proceed no ~ 430 qapiq-2; unable
mavsat- (Nu); ~ a trance 89 to proceed ~ 490 samnaaq-
alvaq- (Ti) farthest to the side: 104 avalliq
fall off: 237 katak-; ~ , one by one 237 fast1: 531 suka-, 242 kayumik-
katagaq- fast2: 336 niġiŋailaq-
fall out: ~ (of one’s hair) 126 iġi-, 649 fastened: ~ tightly 70 apiktit-
uti- fasting: 336 niġilailaġniq
fall over: 624 ulġu-, 403 puuk- (Ti) fat: 374 patiġik- (Nu), 405 puvala-, 466
fall short: 174 inuq-, 634 uniuqtit-; ~ in quiñi-, quivtit- (Ti), 551 taġutu-;
one’s search 634 uniuq- abdominal ~ 74 aqiaviñiq; ~
falling: catch something while it is ~ 29 around animal ribs 625
akkiq-; afraid of ~ down from a ulikataq; back ~ of ruminant
high place 323 naŋiaq-; hold on 603 tunnuq; become ~ 466
to something to keep from ~ 29 quiñisi-, quiññak-2; 658 uviññak-;
akkiqsima-; keep something or consider to be too ~ 466
someone from ~ 29 akkiqsima-; quiñigi-; extremely ~ one 466
land in a sitting position ~ from quiññiiqłak; kidney ~ from
a standing position 78 caribou or whale 565 taqtuġutit;
aquvsalak-, aquvsalaaq-; make liquid from boiled ~ 524
noise ~ 108 avsak-; that which is sivaraaq (Ti); not have much ~,
used to catch something ~ 29 of ruminant 438 qaunnakit-; ~ of
akkiñ caribou or moose 315 nakuraq;
fallopian tubes: 188 ipiak ~ one 466 quiññiiq; ruminant ~
false: 563 taŋiġit- 438 qaunnaq; ~ renders to oil
falsehood: 481 saglun 118 igit-1; save ~ from broth 399
female: ~ animal 19 aġnasalluq; adult puiññi-; scoop off ~ 430 ¤qapiq-1
human ~ 18 aġnaq; adolescent (Nu); ~ which rises to the top
human ~ 19 aġnaiyaaq; ~ dog 19 of broth 399 puiñiq
aġnasuk father: 7 aapa; call him ~ 7 aapaaqtuq-;
family: 156 ililgaaġiit; extended ~ 148 my ~ 7 aapaa; say ~ 7 aapaaq-

father and son: 127 iġñiġiik tongue and “maktak”: 297
father-in-law: 7 aaparuaq mikigaq(-); make “mikigaq” 297
fathom: 201 isagniq, 306 naaġniq mikikki-
faultless: 373 pasiaksrait- femur: 459 qiqpak, 51 anauttaq(-)(Nu);
favorable: 409 qaamanaq- round end of ~ at hip joint 517
fawn: caribou with a ~ 348 nuġġalik; sipyaaq (Nu)
caribou without a ~ 348 fertilizer: 330 nagguksaun
nuġġailaq; newborn ~ 348 fetal: assume a ~ position 470
nuġġaayaaq; ~ in its first winter qumaŋiuma-; stretch out from a
348 nuġġaq, nuġġaaġruk; parka ~ position 203 isivit-
made of skins of newborn ~s fetch: ~ a N 737 :isuq-, 763 -ksraisuq-,
348 nuġġayuat; skin of newborn 937 +qsruq-1, 1017 +taq-4, +saq-1;
~ 348 nuġġayauq 22 ai-1, aikłiq-; ~ belongings or
fear:196 iqsigi- equipment 530 suġautaisuq-; ~
fearful:196 iqsi-; become ~ while berries 83 asiaqsruq-; ~ packed
boating, climbing, or flying 324 snow 55 aniutaq-; ~ sod 353
naŋiatchak- nunataq-; ~ something 532
fearfully: react ~ to loud noise 570 suksraisuq-; trail used to ~ fresh
tatavrua- water 169 imiqtaqtuġiaq
fearsome: 358 nuyuaġnaq- fetish: 397 puyaaqun, 606 tupitqaq
feast: have a ~ 344 niqinaqi-; food for a fetus: 161 ilummiq; animal ~ 216 ivlauq;
~ 344 niqinaqun human ~ 516 siŋaiyaaq
feather: wing ~ 304 mitquq, 533 suluk(-) fever: 652 uunnaun; flushed with ~ 231
feather headdress: 533 suluktat kannuktit- (Nu), kannuqłuk- (Nu);
February: 105 Avataqpaksriuġvik, 200 have a ~ 265 kirriq- (Ti); high ~
Irraasugruk, 518 Siqiññaatchiaq 652 uunnautiqpak
feces: 50 anaq(-) few: 177 iñugiakit-, 137 ikit-2, 181
feeble: ~ person 376 payaappak iñukisuurat, ikikit-, 441
feebly: cry out ~ 342 nivlia-; flap wings qavsiqiurat; one with ~ N-s 756
~ 202 isaqqilauraq- -kisuuraq; very ~ 177
feed: 336 niġipkaq-; ~ dog solid food 279 iñugiakisuurat
maġiaq- fewer: become ~ 181 iñukikłi-
feet: be narrow (of ~) 408 qaatikit-; be few days: ~ ago 138 ikpaksraaqisuuraq;
wide (of ~) 408 qaatitu-; born ~ during the last ~ 138
first 262 kiŋuppiŋa-; extending to ikpaksraapak; in a ~ 139
one’s ~ 204 isigauraġniamiñun; ikpaksraaqisuuraġu
have big ~ 204 isigaktu-; have fiancé: 618 uiksraun
foul smelling ~ 204 isigagluk-; fiancée: 351 nuliaksraun, nuliaksraq
have small ~ 204 isigakit-; point fiber: ~ in meat 187 ipak
straight forward (of ~) 525 fibula: 47 amilġaq, 47 amirġaq, 500
sivukki- saviġuuraq2
ferment: 96 au- fidelity: 623 ukpiġnaqtilaaq
fermented mixture of walrus meat or fifteen: number ~ 30 akimiat
seal flippers and blubber: 647 fifth one: 558 tallimaat, tallimaq (Nu);
urraq provide with a ~ 559 tallimmiq-
fermented mixture of whale meat, fifty: number ~ 282 malġukipiat qulit

fig: 498 saunaaŋilaaq (Ti) -lġiñaq-, 893 +p/vaalluk-, 955
fight: 454 qinnak-, 29 akiuġuti-, 201 +ruiññaq-, 1006 +taiññaq-
isagvigi-; ~ back 28 akisaq; ~ (of finally accomplish something: 385
animals) 617 ugiaq-; ~ (of pilġatchi-
married couple) 374 pattuq-; ~ find: 372 paqit-; not ~ 216 ivvaġluk-; ~
over an object 72 aqsaurraq-; ~ one another 372 paquti-
viciously (of dogs) 616 ugik- finger: 37 algak (Ti); fourth ~ 297
file: 499 saunniqun; 612 tuugarriqun; mikilġaq; little ~ 194 iqitquq,
13 agik-, agiaq(-), 14 agiun1 iqitquuraq, iqitquluuraq, 213
filed: something ~ 13 aggiq itiqquuraq
fill: 165 immiq-1, 269 kivvii-; ~ finger-pull: 73 aqamak-, ~ 432
completely 514 silivit-, silvit-, qaqauġmik-; ~ with the middle
625 ulipkaaq-; ~ a container with finger 462 qitiqłiġmik-,
snow 55 aniuliqsuq-; ~ a crack qitiġliġmik- (Ti), qitiġliġmigaq-; ~
659 uvsiqsruq-; ~ cracks in the with the pinkie 195
house 65 aŋmaiyaq-; ~ a groove iqitqiluuraġmik-; with the ring
in sled with lashing 452 finger 297 mikiliġaġmik- (Nu)
qimiaq(-); ~ a gun with fingers: 79 argait; balls on tips of ~ 37
gunpowder 20 aġriq-; ~ to the alannaat
brim 468 qulimmak-; ~ too much fingertips: hold on with ~ 270
165 immivaałłak-; ~ a water kukimmala-
barrel with ice 511 sikuliqsuq- finish: 174 iniq- (Ti), 307 naatchi-,
filled: become ~ with smoke 206 isiqsi-; naat-1; ~ quickly 307 naatiq-,
braided intestines ~ with naatiqtuq-
blubber 518 siqqiak; caribou fir: ~ needle 505 ¤sigraqutchiq
stomach ~ with fat, then cooked fire: 134 igniq; blaze (of ~) 135 ikuala-;
and dried 270 kivviq; caribou build a ~ 134 igniqsuq-, 271
gut ~ with fat cooked, set kukuk-; build a ~ outside 134
overnight to harden and eaten igniqauq-; burst into flames 135
as a cracker 434 qasaġuaq, ikuallak-; crackle (of ~) 356
qisaġuaq; depression in sea ice ~ nuttagaala-; flare up (of ~) 134
with water 408 qaapkaġniq (Ti), igniqpalliaġaq-, inŋiqpalliaġaq-,
qaatchiñiq (Ti); ~ to the brim 317 330 nauġala-, nauġallak-; put into
nalimmak-; ~ with rubbish 528 ~ 460 qirriuti-; ~ starter 134
suaqłuu- ikirrutiksraq, 135 ikkutiksraq,
filler: ~ applied on underside of sled ikkutigraq (Ti); ~ stone 134 igniñ,
runner 16 aglu(-), 506 siġmiq, iŋniñ, ignisiq, iŋnisiq
siġmiq(-) (Ti) ; apply a ~ 506 fire: ~ a gun 139 iksaq-, 289 mapqaq-,
siġmik-; sled with ~ applied on mapqatit-, 365 pakik-, 393
runner 506 siġmilgit pisiksaq-; ~ at a target 314
filling: be in the process of ~ something naksiġaq-
165 immiqsuq- firearm: bolt action ~ 413 qaġriġaġnaq-
filter: 537 suqłuiyaun, suqłuiyaq- fire drill (tool): 134 igniqsuun, 345
final episode: 307 naarrun niuqtuun, 248 kigmiaq(-), 336
finally: 163 imani, 251 kiisaimmaa; ~ V niġġun (Nu); ~ bow 374
686 +ataq-2, -lġataq-2, 781 pattaqtuun (Nu); mouthpiece of ~

249 kiŋmiġaq fish trap: 192 iqaluŋniutit (Nu),
fire extinguisher: 424 qaptiġun; use ~ 559 taluyaq (Nu); fish using a ~
424 qaptiq- 559 taluyaqtuq- (Nu)
fire pail: 19 aġra, 20 aġraqtuqtuaq (Ti) fist: 193 iqit(-); clench ~s and teeth in
firepit: 515 siñiġutit (Nu) frustration 446 qiiligruk-; have
fireweed: ~ shoots 474 quppiqutaq a ~ fight 419 qakiqtaq-,
firewood: chop ~ 460 qirri-2, qirriuq- qakiqtauti-; hit on the chin with
firing pin: ~ of gun 236 karrutaq, ~ 418 qakiq-2; hit repeatedly
karruutaq, katruutaq (Nu) with ~ 419 qakimik-; make a ~
firmament: 450 qilak(-)1 126 iġmak-, 193 iqi-; make a ~
first: 526 sivulliu-; ~ N 930 ±qqaaq(-); ready to strike 419
strive to be the ~ to V 932 qakiqsaġuma-; side of ~ 589
+qqaurraq-; V ~ 930 ±qqaaq(-); V tigluun; strike with ~ 589
for the ~ time 893 +p/vaalluk- tigluk-, tigluaq-
first light of daylight during winter: filter through sea ice: ~ (of fresh melt
547 taaluaq (Nu) water) 259 kiñiqtit-
firstborn: 61 aŋayukłiq fit: 218 iviq-, 307 naammagi-,
fish: 192 iqaluk(-), 422 qaluk(-) (Nu), 73 naammak-, naammaksi-; be a
aqaluk (Ti); 192 iqalliqi-; ~ bait tight ~ 570 tattalauraq-
288 manutaq; dried ~ 397 pivsi; ~ five: bundle of ~ 122 iglut; number ~
eggs 540 suvak; fermented ~ 98 558 tallimat
auruq; ~ for least cisco 192 five-gallon kerosene can: 137 ikkauraq,
iqalusarriqi-; ~ gill 293 masik; gut itkauraq (PB)
~ 192 iqaluliqi-; one of two white five-gallon gasoline can: 644
“rocks” in head of ~ 432 uġruqaġvik (Ti)
¤qaqitcham uyaġaŋa (Nu); fixed: need to be ~ 284 malukanaq-
pile up ~ 408 qalliñiaq- (Nu); ~ flag: 557 takuyaq, 149 ilalliñ (Ti); raise
roe 540 suvait; ~ scale 240 a ~ 558 takuyyiq-
kavisiq; small ~ 192 iqalugauraq; flagpole: 558 takuyyiġvik
small, freshwater ~ 229 flap: 219 ivsuluk-, 220 ivuktaq- (Nu); ~
kanayuġaalik (Nu); ~ spine 276 rapidly 219 ivsula-; ~ repeatedly
kuyapigatchiat; ~ using a net 276 219 ivsuktaq-
kuvraqtuq- flash: 437 qaummatit-; continue to ~ 437
fishbone: 499 saunniutaq qaummatitaq-
fisherman: 192 iqaluŋniaqti flashing: ~ light 28 akiługaq
fishhook: 339 niksik(-); tangle in water, flask: 313 nakasuŋŋuaq; gun powder ~
of bait on ~ 347 nivitchiq- 592 tilaammaayuutnaq (Nu)
fishing: 340 niksiksuq-; go out ~ 192 flat: 415 qaiq-, 486 sakpayak-; fall ~ on
iqalliaq-, iqalugniaq-, iqaluksiuq-, one’s face 272 kuniłukaq-; ~ on
340 niksiksuġiaq- one’s back, fast asleep 415
fishing line: 189 ipiun, ipiutaq qaiqsatit-; fried ~ bread 374
fishing pole: 340 niksiksuun pasiksitaaq (Nu); have a good, ~,
fishnet: 276 kuvraq(-); check ~ 276 smooth surface 406 qaagik-,
kuvraqsruq-; set a ~ 276 kuvriq- qaaġik-; large, ~ arrowhead 273
fishtail: 492 saniuġrugaq- kurvak, kutvak (Nu); ~, long and
fish tail: 517 ¤sipik, 372 papiġuq oval 486 sakpayaŋa-; long, ~

stone 593 timmaallaayuuq (Nu); ~ 400 puktaġun; sealskin ~ 105
piece of sea ice 245 kiapku; ~, avataqpak; second, sealskin ~ 429
round cakes of ice 415 qaŋasiġaq, qaŋatchiġaq (Ti); small
qaivaġniq; ~, secure ice at edge ~ for use with whaling harpoon
of lead 396 pituqqiq; slough on ~ 229 kanasiġaq, kayasiġaq (Ti); ~
tundra 275 kuugaaġruk; small to the surface 400 puktakkaq-,
mound isolated in ~ area 389 puktallak-, puktaq-; wooden,
piŋuktaaq; smooth and ~ 415 pear-shaped ~ with four hooks
qaiq-; something ~ 415 qaiqsaaq, and line 285 manaq(-)
481 saatuquyaaq (Nu); thin and ~ float on back in water: ~ (of seal) 441
290 maptukit-; thin, ~ stone 481 qavaq-; ~ intermittently (of seal
saatuquyak, saatuquyaak (Ti), or walrus) 441 qavaġaq-,
saapaqayak (Nu) qavaġauraq-
flatland: ~ in the mountains 125 floating: begin ~ away (of shore-fast
iġġiilġuq ice) 614 tuvaiyagaaq-; ~ bog 340
flatten: 486 sakpayak- nilaptaaq; ~ grass on river 483
flatus: ~ 340 niliq(-) saġvaniq; ~ platform 417
flawless: 306 naama- qakummavik
fledgling: 594 tiŋiqqammiaq, floating ice: carried out to sea on ~ ice
tiŋiqqammialaaq 594 tiktau-; covered with ~ ice
flee: 304 muġrui-, 387 piñiġli-, 452 511 sikut-; have ~ ice in river 510
qimaa-, qimak-, qimaaraq-, sikkiqi-; ~ ice pack 497 sarri,
qimaaratchi-; cause to ~ 452 sarrik (Ti); ~ mass of ice 400
qimaari-, qimai- puktaaq; small chunk of ~ ice 510
flense: 441 qavrak- sikuġaq (Nu)
flensing log: 441 qavragvik floating rib: 358 nuvuliġaq; bone
flicker: 424 qavsuktaq-, 476 quulliquraq-, connecting ~s to breastbone 358
519 siquvyaktaq- nuvuliksraq; ensiform
flight: take ~ 594 tiŋi-; barely take ~ 594 appendage between ~s 564
tiŋipqaułłik-; be in~ 594 tiŋmi-; taptayuġaq;
frighten into ~ 594 tiksri-, tigri-; flock: 231 kanŋut; 346 nivi(-)
make noise in ~ (of ducks) 438 flood: 625 ulit-, uli, ulinniq
qauqallit- floor: 328 natiq(-)1; ~ planks 329
flipper: fore ~ of seal, walrus or whale natchisit, natqit;
558 taliġuq flooring: install ~ 329 natchiq-; lay
flinch: 628 uluġiapak-, uluġiasuk-; ~ temporary ~ 329 natchisiq-,
from 627 uluġiagi-; try to make natchitchiq-; prepare ~ 329
someone ~ 628 uluġiasaaq- natchi-
flint: 134 ignisiq, 16 aŋmaaq; tool with a flour: 366 palauvak; ~ sack 366
~ point: 16 aŋmaaqtuun; work palauvaun
with ~ 16 aŋmarriqi- flour shifter: 124 igruiqqaiyaun (Ti)
flirt: 502 sayuŋa-, 591 tiipak, tiipaktaq- flow: 290 maqi-; break up and ~ (of
float: 399 pukta-, 401 pupta-; appear to ~ frozen river) 536 supi-; ~
above the horizon 269 kiviktit-; continuously 290 maqiugaq-;
large ~ fastened at end of emerge and ~ spreading over a
harpoon line 260 kiŋu(-); net ~ surface 407 qaamit-; for one

to move around to stimulate away 594 tiŋi-; ~ away taking
blood ~ 97 auksaaqi-, something 595 tiŋŋulliq-, tiŋŋuti-;
auksaaqtiqi-, auvsaaqtiqi-; for ~ a kite 437 qaugauraq(-); ~ in
water to ~ over the top of the every direction 594 tiŋmiġala-,
ice 114 ayuksraq-; ~ out through 595 tiqqala-; ~ off 380 piksak-,
a small opening 508 siiqsit-; 381 piksik-; ~ off after impact
place a windbreaker to catch 464 qivsak-, qivsaktiq-, 458
the ~ of air to direct into the qipsak-; ~ off into pieces 464
house 361 paġġutchiq-; ~ qivsagaala-; ~ open 279
rapidly 465 quġmi-; ~ together makłuak-; ~ over land 213 itivit-;
as one 87 atausiŋŋuq-; ~ toward ~ over and land on the other
shore 596 tipisaġniq(-); ~ up side 595 tiŋmiukaktaq-;
through a hole in ice (of water) ~ through turbulent weather
536 suvlik-; ~ upriver 206 414 qailliuq-; ~ very low over
isiqsaġniq- water 374 patikuraq-
flower: 330 nauriaq; grass ~ 358 fly2: ~ eggs 193 iqiraġaayuk
nuvulukutaq; tundra ~ 564 fly into a rage: 377 piavsak-; cause
taqalukisaksraq (Nu) someone to ~ 377 piavsai-
flowing: area covered by newly ~ liquid fly swatter: 374 patkutaq
407 qaaminniq; begin ~ again (of foam: 431 qapuk, qapuli-, qapukłuli-,
river) 96 augniġrak-; ~ from the qapquti-; frozen ~ on beach 415
east out to sea 392 piruġaġniq-; ~ qaimŋuq
from west 414 qaisaġniq-; ice foam at the mouth: 174 innuli-
trapped in a narrow part of a ~ fog: 556 taktuk(-)
river 110 ayaaqtinniq; ocean foggy: 343 niptait-556 taktuk(-);
current ~ away from shore somewhat ~ 557 taktuġayaq-
northwards 90 atchaġnaq; ocean fold: 171 imu-, 465 qugluk-; ~ arms
current ~ directly toward shore across chest 193 iqisimaaq-; ~ a
556 taksaġnaq; ocean current ~ knife blade 388 piñŋuqtit-; ~
from the east 392 piruġaġnaq; inward 476 quumiŋa-; ~ (of knife
ocean current ~ from the blade) 387 piñŋuq-; ~ line 465
southwest 254 kiluagnamiñ quglugniq; ~ making less bulky
atchaġnauraaqtuaq saġvaq; ocean 126 iġnukłi; ~ over 193 iqmak-
current originating in the west ~ (Nu), 465 quglugniq- (Ti)
toward shore 414 qaisaġnaq; folded: ~ over 564 tapit-
ocean current ~ toward land 206 folding: ~ knife 388 piñŋuqtaq; ~ sewing
isiqsaġnaq; river ~ underground kit 172 immurvik
at the base of a mountain 531 follow: 282 malik-, maliġi-, maligaq-; ~
sukaq; stop ~ (of stream) 263 everywhere 283 maliqquk-,
kipi-; water ~ through crack in maliqquuti-, maliqsruq-, 284
ice 508 siiqsinniq malak-; ~ shortly after 282
fluid: 165 imaq(-); bodily ~ 219 ivsa; malikpakaq-
joint ~ 165 imaġiak(-) follower: become a ~ 283 marguti-,
fluke: bowhead whale ~ 74 aqikkaq malguti-
flute: 537 suvluaqtunġaq food: 343 niqi; bring ~ 377 payuk-, 471
fly1: ~ an airplane 595 tiŋŋutitaq-; ~ qumiu-; experience lack of ~ 343

niqailliuq-; fetch ~ 343 niqaisuq-; forbearance: 286 manimmilgun
~ for a feast 344 niqinaqun; game force: ~ to V 1031 mtit-1, +pkaq-1, 1034
animal killed for ~ 344 mtitaq(-), +pkaqtitaq-
niqsaqtaq; get ~ by buying or forced: ~ to talk 642 uqaqtitaq-
trading 78 aquviq-; have an forcefully: V ~ 827 -łłak-, 1094 -viñaq-
abundance of ~ 337 forehead: 439 qauq; press ~s together
niġisuksiunġiq-; have ~ 334 niaquġmik-
remaining 344 niqiku-; ~ foreboding: 527 sivuuġanaq(-)
ingredient 344 niqisiun, foreleg: 525 sivuġaq (Ti), sivulliq(-), 558
niqłiuġun; ~ left over from taliq(-); ~ sinew 524
preparing meal 47 amirriaq; sivuġaġluqun, sivuġaġlugun
procure ~ 343 niqiksraq-; run foreign accent: speak with ~ 274 kutak-
out of ~ 343 niqaiġuti-, niqaiq-; foremost: 525 sivuġaqłiq
set ~ down on table to eat 344 foresight on gun: 313 nakataq
niqłiqsui-; save ~ to eat later 32 forest dweller: 653 uummaġmiu
akkutchiq-; ~ saved to be eaten forever: 164 imuŋa, 553 taimuŋa
later 32 akkutchiaq; prepare ~ forget: 380 puiguq-, piiguq-, 403 puuguq-
344 niqiksriuq- (Ti)
food and water box: 565 taquaqaġvik forgive: 533 suliqutigiŋaiq-,
food dip: ~ of seal oil 43 alugraaq(-) (Ti), suliqutigiŋaiqsi-
302 misiġaaq(-) forgiveness: 533 suliqutigiŋaiġun
food dish: animal ~ 43 alġun, aluġvik fork: 223 kakiuraq
food poisioning: 336 niġġiġluk- former: ~ N 757 -kkaluaq1
fool: 513 silaivyaŋaaq(-) (Ti), 258 kinnaq, formidable: 494 sapiġnaq-; ~ one 494
259 kinnalaaq (Nu), 658 uviłłik(-); sapiġnaqtuaq
behave like a ~ 259 kinnaŋaaq- fornication: 41 allatuun; commit ~ 41
foolish: 208 isumalluaġiit-, isumatupiaŋit, allatuq-
259 kinnau-, 657 uviłłiktaq-, forsake: 531 suksraaq-
uviłłiŋa-, 658 uviłłik(-), uviłłi ŋa- forestall: 185 iŋiaq-
foolishly: talk or act ~ 82 asiliqi- fortitude: have ~ 519 siqsu-, 528 suama-
foot: 204 isigak; injure one’s foot 204 fortunately: 54 aniqsa, 84 asugupta
isigaurraaq-, isikkaurraaq-, forty: number ~ 282 malġukipiat
isikkaaq- forward: 526 sivunmun
football: 114 ayuktaq(-), 486 fossilized item: 185 iŋilġaaġnisaq
sakpayaqtaq; play ~ 114 foundation: 289 maŋŋuq
ayuktaq(-) foundation pit: ~ for house 346
foothill: 453 qimialuk nivautiniq; ~ for kitchen of sod
footprints: leave ~ 601 tuvliġaq- house 117 iggaviksraq
footrace: have a ~ 75 aqpaliurraq- foundation pilings: 325 nappaqutat,
foot step: ~ on sled 280 makitaraġaaġvik nappaġutit
footwear: for one’s ~ to be too small fountain: 291 maqsraluktuaq,
204 isigakit-; for one’s ~ to maksraluktuaq
become too small 204 isigakikłi- fountain pen: 302 misuktaun
foramen: ~ in spinal column 591 four: ~ groups 520 sisamait; number ~
tikalaaq 521 sisamat; ~ (in playing cards)
for instance: 587 tavrakii, 657 uvvakii 117 igalaaq

fourteen: number ~ 30 akimiaġutailat friendly: 150 ilamaatqik-, ilammiutqik-
fourth one: 520 sisamaat, sisamaq 182 iñuŋniq-, 209 irrusiġik-, 559
fourths: divided into ~ 521 sisamaut- taluġnait-, 360 paammaaġik-,
fox: 394 pisukkaaq; arctic white ~ 590 paammaġik-
tiġiganniaq; 444 cross ~ qianġaq frighten: 196 iqsitchai-, 569 tatamni-; ~
Fox Sparrow: 138 ikłiġvik2 an animal 503 siaksrit-; ~ an
fowl: 594 tiŋmiaq animal away by one’s smell 405
fowler: 594 tiŋmiaġniaqti puvlaq-; ~ away an attacking
fracture: 332 navvaq, 350 nuki-, nukkaq; animal 638 uŋulġusaaq-
~ (of glass or ceramic) 326 frightened: ~ and cry out in fear 235
naqtuq- kappiala-; easily ~ 196 iqsisu-,
fragile: 443 qayaŋnaq- 569 tatasuk-; ~ enough to quit
fragment: 520 siqummaaq-, 569 tatamit-
siqummayaaq-, siqummaq frightening: very ~ 569 tatamnaq-
frame: ~ for stretching animal skins frog: 308 naaġaayiq
176 iññiutaq; have a bulky ~ 499 from: ~ the N 1146 ÷miñ
sauniġluk-; have a well- from a place other than where it
portioned ~ 498 sauniġik- belongs: 83 asiñiñ
frayed: 195 iqłiq-; become ~ 124 from down here: ~ down here (not
igumit-; ~ edge 125 iguptaq visible) 488 samaŋŋa1
free: 225 kalimŋaŋit-; become ~ 85 from down there: ~ (visible) 227
ataŋaiq-; ~ item 26 akiilaaq; set ~ kanaŋŋa, 631unaŋŋa
84 atanġiq-; someone set ~ 84 from here: ~ (visible) 657 uvaŋŋa, 292
atanġiqsitaq maaŋŋa
freedom: 84 atanġiqsau- from in there: ~ (not visible) 423
freeze: 459 qiqit-, 445 qiġitiq- (Ti); ~ to qamaŋŋa
death 462 qiu-; ~ meat 464 from out there: ~ (visible) 246 kiaŋŋa,
qurri-; wait for something to ~ 410 qaaŋŋa; bring in ~ 246
459 qiqitchiq-; ~ without snow kiaŋŋauti-; ~ in the arctic
cover 459 qiġruġaaq- entry (not visible) 485
freeze dry: 405 pivitquqsaq- saŋmaŋŋa; ~ in the shed or the
freezer: 459 qiqsraqaġvik, 335 nigliqpik neighbor’s house (not visible)
(Nu) 418 qaŋmaŋŋa
frequently: 34 akulaitchuami from over there: ~ (visible) 130 ikaŋŋa,
fresh kill: uunalaaq(-) (Ti) 103 avaŋŋa; ~ (not visible) 44
Friday: 559 Tallimmiġñiq, amaŋŋa; ~ across (visible) 11
Tallimmaŋŋuq; be ~ 559 aaŋŋa; ~ across (not visible) 30
Tallimmiq- aŋmaŋŋa
fried meat: bite-sized bits of ~ with from (that direction) down there: ~
gravy 43 aluuttaġaaq, 517 (visible) 228 kanaŋŋamiñ, 631
siqinaqtaq (Nu) unaŋŋamiñ; ~ (not visible) 488
friend: 108 avilaitqan;be a ~ 108 samaŋŋamiñ
avilaitqatigi-; good ~ 150 from (that direction) in there: 423
ilannaq; dear ~ 151 ilauraaq; qamaŋŋamiñ
man’s male ~ of same age 540 from (that direction) out there: ~
suunaaq (Nu) (visible) 246 kiaŋŋamiñ, 410

qaaŋŋamiñ; ~ in the arctic entry from (the direction): ~ under here (not
(not visible) 485 saŋmaŋŋamiñ; visible) 488 samaŋŋamiñ
~ in the shed or the neighbor’s from there: ~, up the coast 268
house 418 qaŋmaŋŋamiñ kivaŋŋa, 440 qavaŋŋa
from (that direction) over there: ~ from (this direction): ~ here (visible)
(visible) 130 ikaŋŋamiñ, 103 657 uvaŋŋamiñ, 292 maaŋŋamiñ
avaŋŋamiñ; ~ (not visible) 44 from this one: ~ here (visible) 656
amaŋŋamiñ; ~ across 11 uumaŋŋa, 292 mattumaŋŋa; ~
aaŋŋamiñ (visible); ~ across (not under here (not visible) 488
visible) 30 aŋmaŋŋamiñ saptumaŋŋa
from (that direction) there: ~, up the from up there: ~ (visible) 381 pikaŋŋa,
coast 268 kivaŋŋamiñ, 440 362 paaŋŋa; ~ (not visible) 368
qavaŋŋamiñ pamaŋŋa; ~ on the roof of the
from (that direction) up there: ~ house (not visible) 366
(visible) 381 pikaŋŋamiñ, 362 paŋmaŋŋa
paaŋŋamiñ; ~ (not visible) 368 front: be in ~ 480 salliu-; be in ~ of a
pamaŋŋamiñ; ~ on the roof of group 480 satchaaq-; get in ~ 524
the house (not visible) 366 sivuġaanuk-; located far in the ~
paŋmaŋŋamiñ 480 satchik-; one in ~ 480 salliq
from that one down there: ~ (visible) front of garment: upper ~ 288 manu
228 kattumaŋŋa, 631 uttumaŋŋa; frontal bone: 438 qauq
~ (not visible) 488 saptumaŋŋa frost: 230 kaniq(-), kaniġaaġruk(-) (Nu),
from that one in there: 267 375 patuk(-); ~ on ground 448
kiptumaŋŋa, 423 qaptumaŋŋa; qikkuaq(-) (Ti); be covered with
from that one out there: ~ (visible) ~ 230 kaniq(-); be covered with
246 kiktumaŋŋa, 410 ~ (of parka ruff) 288 manuġluk-,
qaktumaŋŋa; ~ in the arctic manuġli(-) (Ti); heavy ~ 230
entry (not visible) 484 kaniġruaq(-); light ~ 230
sakiptumaŋŋa; ~ in the shed or kanġuraq (Nu); small, ~ crystal
the neighbor’s house (not 464 qivliġnaq; ~ from
visible) 417 qakiptumaŋŋa breath on parka ruff 288
from that one over there: ~ (visible) manuġli(-), 375 patuk(-); ~ in/on
130 iktumaŋŋa, 103 aptumaŋŋa; house 160 ilu(-)1; ~ on ground
~ (not visible) 44 aptumaŋŋa; ~ 420 qakuak, 433 qaquq(-) (Ti) to
across 12 aktumaŋŋa; ~ across form ~ 160 ilu(-)1; to form a
(not visible) 30 akiptumaŋŋa thick layer of ~ 230 kaniġruaq(-)
from that one previously mentioned: frostbite: ~ on cheek 153 ilguġniq,
164 iptumaŋŋa, 553 taiptumaŋŋa iluguġniq, irguġniq; get a patch
from that one there: ~, up the coast of ~ 294 matŋiq- (Nu); patch of ~
267 kiptumaŋŋa, 440 294 matŋiġniq (Nu)
qaptumaŋŋa2 frostbitten: 294 matŋiqtuq- (Nu), 405
from that one up there: ~ (visible) 381 puvitquq-, 445 qiġitiq- (Ti), 459
piktumaŋŋa, 362 paktumaŋŋa; ~ qiqitiq-; get ~ from grabbing
(not visible) 368 paptumaŋŋa; ~ something cold 405 puvitquqtit-;
on the roof of the house (not ~ on the face 153 ilguq-, iluguq-,
visible) 365 pakiptumaŋŋa irguq-

frosted over: to become ~ (of land) 433 tiŋŋiq-
qaquq(-) (Ti), 448 qikkuaq(-) full from eating: 344 niqinŋuq-; feel
froth: 431 qapukłuk overly ~ 309 naaqsunŋu-, 344
frown: 58 annut-, 559 taluġnaq-; ~ a lot niqinŋu-
58 annutu- full moon:167 imigluktit- (Ti), 306
frozen: 459 qiqi-, qiquma-; break up naaġuq-
and flow (of ~ river) 536 supi-; fun: have ~ 39 aliasuŋit-; have
creak underfoot easily (of ~ boisterous ~ 598 tuavaala-; make
packed snow) 448 qikiġġaġnaq-; ~ of 462 qitusuksautigi-
cut piece of ~ meat or blubber fund: ~ account 143 ilaaguaŋaruaq
236 karriaq (Nu); cut up ~ meat manik
or fish 464 qurri-, qurriuq-; eat ~ fungus: bracket ~ 106 avaatchiqiq (Nu);
meat or fish 464 quaq(-); ~ fish tree ~ 106 avaatchi
452 qimaktiraaq; fish stored funnel: 276 kuviuġvik; an oil ~ 644
together and ~ 347 nivirat; flat, uqsriqsuun, (Ti) uġriqsivik
round cakes of ice ~ together funny: 462 qitusuŋnaq-; 473
415 qaivaġniq; ~ food storage quŋuyugnaq-
alcove 291 maqpik2; loosen items fur: 304 mitquq; choice piece of ~ 378
~ together 439 qauqtiġii-; ~ meat pigigñiq; thick (of ~) 607 turġu-
or fish 464 quaq(-); ~ meat set furious: 454 qinnautipiaġataq-
aside to thaw 288 manŋuksiaq(-); fur socks: pair of knee-high ~ 40 aliqsik
~ overflow on top of river ice further and further out: 104 avallaq-
508 siiqsinniq; partially ~ 459 furtherest: ~ inland point of a lake 456
qiquayak-; ~ rain and snow 510 qiñŋu; ~ area away from the
sikuġlak(-), sikuġlalaaq; sled of ~ door in a house 456 qiñŋu
moosehide 425 qamuun, furthermore: 532 suli; and ~ 9 aasi suli;
qamuutaq; ~ solid (of shallow and then, ~ 588 tavra suli
water) 374 patit-; ~ thing 459 fuss: 390 piqpak-
qiqsraq, qiqumaraq; white ~ edge future: 398 piyumaaqtuaq; ~ event 398
of a body of water 415 qaimŋuq piyumaaqtuaq; in the distant
frugal: 276 kuvsit- ~ 553 taimanigu; in the very
fruit: 508 siiġñaq, 83 asiaq distant ~ 24 aippaanigu; to the ~
frustrate: 453 qimmaksai- 526 sivunmun
frustrated: 453 qimmaksaq-, 483 fuzzy: ~ (of cloth) 463 qiviusuk-
saiñġisuk-, saiñġusuk-, 653
uuligruk-, uuligruktaq- G
frustrating person, object or event: 654 gaff: 29 akigaq (Ti), (Nu), 468 qulaaniun
uumiñałak, uumiñaq (Nu); ~ for fish 468 qulaaniq-
fry: 374 pasiksitaq- (Nu) gaff of sailboat: 439 qauqqigauraq (Nu)
frying pan: 517 siqaniq(-) gain: ~ a member 150 ilannak-; ~
fugitive: 452 qimmaq; be a ~ 199 possession 387 piññaktaaġi-
iriġaqtuq- gallbladder: 535 suŋaq
fulfilled: 316 nalaut-1, nalautit-1, 563 gallop: 371 paŋalik-
taŋŋiq- galloping: 371 paŋaligmik
full: 165 imaukkaq-; become ~ 514 gamble: 481 saaptaq-, 286 manigaq-
silivit-, silvit-; ~ to bursting 595 game (recreation): 5 aanaruuraq(-); 9

aaquaksraluuraq(-), aaquluuraq(-); gardener: 330 nautchialiqiri
10 aatchakisaaq-; 72 aqsaaq-; 80 garment: full-length, one piece ~ 94
argaugaatchiaq(-); 110 ayagaaq(-), attaqtaaq (Ti); upper front of ~
112 ayaqhaaq(-); 122 288 manu
iglukisaaq(-), (Ti) iglukusaaq(-); garter belt: 341 niŋiyaitkun
154 ilisaġnaiq- (Ti); 199 gas: suffer from excess ~ 405 puvliqi-
iriġauraq(-); 202 isaqqilauraq- gas mixed with oil: 109 avulik
(Ti); 222 kaipsalugaq(-) (Nu); 223 gasoline: 644 uqsruq, 645 uqsruġruaq
kakisuġaaq(-); 238 kattagaat; 245 gasp: ~ after crying hard 283 maliktuq-;
kiapsalugaq(-), ¤kaipsalugaq(-) ~ for breath 10
(Nu); 278 magrikaqtaq- (Ti); 287 aatchaġruummisiññaq-, 187
manna mannaa; 290 maq; 292 ivruattuq-, ivruaqtuq- (Ti), 454
marra marraaq- (Nu); 299 qiniqqaluk-
miluuġuti- (Nu); 322 nanmak(-); gate: 639 upkuaqpak
324 napaatchak(-), napaatchaq(-) gather: 231 kanŋuq-, kanŋu- (Ti), katŋuq-
(Ti); 359 paasaqqaurraq- (Ti); 371 (Nu), 238 katit-, katiqsri-,
paŋaligaq-; 372 paqqaurraq- (Ti); katiqsruq-; ~ berries 83 asirri-; ~
377 piannaun; 393 pisiktaŋŋuaq- edible green leaves 190
(Nu);429 qapaksiraq- (Ti); 458 ippiġniaq- (Ti); ~ edible roots 293
qiputaq(-); 546 taammak(-); 558 masut-; go ~ eggs 287
taliġmik-; 559 tallimattaaq- (Nu); mannigiaq-; ~ into pleats 637
564 taptauraq- (Nu); 627 uluġiak-; uŋiq-, uŋiraq-, uŋirraq- (Ti); ~
661 yuġaq(-) (Ti), yuġaliq(-) necessary supplies for trip 638
game animal: 66 aŋŋun; become upaluŋaiyaq-; ~ one’s
plentiful (of ~) 114 ayuġnaiq-; possessions 367 paluŋaiq- (Nu);
cache ~ in rocks 659 uyaġaaq-; ~ one’s strength and make an
catch ~ 65 aŋu-; ~ caught in all-out effort 289 mapkuq-; ~
autumn 622 ukialliq; cook fresh one’s strength for an all-out
~ 66 aŋunġiuq-; cornered by effort 506 sii-
hunter (of ~) 232 kaŋiġaaq-; gathered: something ~ 400 pukuaq
experience hardship due to gathering: a large ~ of people 231
shortage of ~s 66 aŋŋutailli-; fail kanŋuqpait; ~ place for animals
to procure ~ 63 aŋiiññaq-, and insects 346 nivi(-)
aŋiluŋaq-; harvested ~ 66 aŋuraq; gear: fighting ~ 69 aŋuyaunnat
hunt ~ 66 aŋuniaq-; kill one’s generations: 261 kiŋuġaaġiit
first ~ 66 aŋunġaq-; look for ~s generous: 505 sigñatait-
from a high vantage point 327 generosity: 505 sigñataiññiq
nasit-, 328 nasiqsruaq- (Nu), gentle: 13 aggaŋait-, 378 piaqłuktaŋit-,
nasiqsruq-; process ~ 344 383 pikałłaktautait-; have a long ~
niqqak-; remains of dead ~ 452 sloping plane 505 sigiŋaaq-; have
qilluq (Nu); scarce of ~ 66 a ~ slope 475 qutaŋŋiaġik-; ~
aŋŋutait-, 114 ayuġnaq-; stalk ~ slope at base of mountain 407
358 nuyugaq- (Ti); startle ~ 387 qaaniq (Nu)
piñiġli- gesture: 352 nuluġaq-, 647 ¤urraaq-; ~ to
gander: 350 nukatpiaq do likewise 155 ilimik-;
gang up on: 46 amilluti- unfriendly ~ 132 ikauraak(-); ~

when sighting caribou 486 glass bottle: 302 misuġuqtuun
salik-, saliktuq- (Nu) Glaucous Gull: 332 nauyavasugruk
get out of the way: 86 atain Western ~ 332 nauyavak
ghost: 40 aliugaq get carried away: 25 aiyuili-
giddy: feel 643 uqigyuummiq- glide: 521 sisu-
gift: ~ received 25 aitchuusiaq; ~ given glimpse: 625 uliq-1, uliqtiq-; catch a ~
25 aitchuun; N given as a ~ 764 447 qiksilliq-
-ksrirrun; N received as a ~ 765 glitter: 464 qivliqtaq-
-ksriusiaq glory: 226 kamanaun
gift exchange: practice of ~ during glove: 79 argaaq; boxing ~ 419
trading 533 Suliruk qakiqtaun
giggle: 119 iglaqhauraq- glue: 343 nipirrun
girl: 19 aġnaiyaaq, 62 agliñġaaq (Nu), gnash: 597 tiriqtaq-, tiriqtitaq-
347 niviaqsiaġruk; teenage ~ 347 gnat: 298 milugiatchiaq
niviaqsialugruaq gnawed: ~ item 247 kiggiq
girlfriend: ~ of male 19 aġnaun (Ti), 352 go: 100 aullaq-; ~ and V 969 +saqtuaq-,
nuliuraq -saqtuq-, 725 +iaq-1; ~ to a N 848
give: 24 aitchuq-, 416 qaitchisuu-; ~ a N ÷muk-; ~ to (possessed) N 880
765 -ksrit-; ~ someone something -nuk-; ~ home 22 ai-
to carry 479 saakkiq-, saakkit- go around: 637 uŋatqut-
give it all you’ve got: 150 ilaŋa go directly to: 603 tuniġi- (Ti)
mininnagu, 243 kiq go down to the river: 391 pirik- (Nu),
give it to me, and let me see what I can piriksaaq- (Nu)
do 86 ataguna go how far: 428 qanutuaglaan
give up: 430 qapiq-2, 565 taqit-, 188 go out and deal with a troublesome
ipiġaq-3, ipaġaq- (Ti), 602 tuni-2; ~ person: 53 anniqi-
easily 430 qapiqsiġiaq-; not ~ go out there: 247 kiuŋaq-, 571 tatkiuŋaq-
easily 430 qapiqsiġiit-; ~ on go to excess: 25 aiyuili-
someone 339 nikatchauti-, 430 goal: 313 naksiq(-), 592 tikisaksraq,
qapquti-1 (Ti); ~ one’s plans 274 tikirviksraq; soccer ~ 107 aviuvik,
kutchuq- aviuraġaġvik
given away: 416 qaisaġi-; something ~ goalpost: 160 iluaqsuġaq (Ti)
416 qaisaq; something to be ~ going so far as: ~ to V 998 +t/laaq-
416 qaisaksraq plus Conditional, Consequential
glacier: 400 puktaaġruaq auyuilaq or Contemporative I Endings
gland: beaver scent ~ 124 igruk; ~ gold: 286 manik kaviqsuaq
between caribou’s front toes Golden Crowned Sparrow: 444
602 tuvlisaun; have a swollen ~ qianaruutuuq, qiaranatuuq
in lower part of chin next to Golden Plover: 611 tuullik, tuutlik (Nu)
neck 419 qakiġluuk(-) golf: to play ~ 11 aayyutaaq-, 115
glare: 455 qiñiġruaq-, ayyutaaq
qiññaġluk- good: ~ 9 aarigaa, 315 nakuu-, 9
glass: 437 qaummałuk; ~ lantern aarigaaq-; ~ at V-ing regularly
chimney 28 akiłhun; magnifying 953 -rruġIk-; ~ N 812 -lluataq(-);
~ 62 agliraġaun, 63 aŋinaq; ~ have a ~ N 700 +[g]Ik-
window 117 igalauraq good luck charm: 323 nanuġun

good riddance: 478 quyanaq; ~, to give aana; be without a ~ 4 aanait-;
someone what is deserved 478 call her ~ 4 aanaaqtuq-; my ~ 4
quyanaġniqsuq aanaa; say ~ 4 aanaaq-
good thing, luckily: 54 aniqsa grandmother and grandchild: 4
good together: for two things to be ~ aanalugiik(-)
177 iññaġiik- grandparents: 548 taataak (Nu)
good work: 331 naumipayuk una grandson: 177 iññaaluk; 161 iluliġaaq,
goodbye: 419 qakugulu 176 iñġutaq, 609 tutaaluk, tutik,
goodness: 315 nakuun 610 tutitchiaq
goose: 337 niġliq; White-fronted ~ 337 granduncle: 86 ataata; my ~ 86 ataataa; ~
niġlivik; ~ with red bill 626 and grandnephew or
¤ulluk (Nu); ~ with young 337 grandniece 86 ataataalugiik
niġlaalik granular: 400 pukagriŋa-
Goshawk: 265 kirgavik grapnel: 118 igiłhaq
gosling: 337 niġlaaq grass: 217 ivigaaq, ivik; blade of dead ~
gossip: 494 saŋutchiri; ~ maliciously 217 iviġruaq; blades of ~ 217
494 saŋut-; 643 uqqaqtu- ivgit; fresh, green ~ 217 ivigirrat;
got what she/he deserved: 478 quyanaq grow (of ~) 217 ivvi-
govern: 60 aŋalataġi- grasshopper: 356 nuttagayuk, 380
governing board: 84 atanaurat, 642 pigliġayuk
uqaqsitaaqtitchirit grate: ~ in oven 653 uukłiqpik
governor: 240 kavanaq grateful: 156 iliġasugvigi-, 482
grab: ~ but be unable to hold 590 saġimasuutigi-; become ~ 156
tigula-; ~ and not let go 590 iliġatchak-
tigummiraq-; ~ one by one 590 grave: 162 iluviq
tiguullaq-; ~ repeatedly 590 gravel: 278 maġġaq; fetch ~ 278
tigguk-; ~ roughly 589 tigguġluk- maġġaqsaq-
grace from God: 311 nagliktuutiqpak gravestone: upright ~ 325 napaqutaq
graceful: 392 pirraġik- graveyard: 162 iluvvivik
gracefully: jump up ~ 300 gravy: 366 palauvaaq
minŋiqhiallak- gray: 460 qirġiaq-; ~ hair 460 qirġiq;
gradually: ~ begin to V 963 +saiññaq- something ~ 460 qirġiaqtaaq
grain: ~ of rice 500 saviġuuraq1; ~ in Gray-Cheeked Thrush: 357
wood 187 ipak nuviuvaksiuġayuk, 379 piiġaq,
grammar: 100 aullasiat uqaluit 501 saviiġaviiq
grandchild:161 iluliġaaq, 176 iñġutaq, Gray-Crowned Rosy Finch: 240
609 tutaaluk, tutik, 610 tutitchiaq; kaviqsuaq saksaŋiq
youngest ~ 610 tutitchauraq gray wolf: 45 amaġuq
grandchild and grandparent: 610 great-aunt: 4 aana; be without a ~ 4
tutigiik aanait-; call her ~ 4 aanaaqtuq-;
granddaughter: 161 iluliġaaq, 176 my ~ 4 aanaa; say ~ 4 aanaaq-
iñġutaq, 609 tutaaluk, tutik, 610 great-grandchild: 45 amau, amaułuk,
tutitchiaq amauluk (Ti), 161 iluliġaaq, 610
grandfather: 7 aapaaluk, 86 ataata, 548 tutitchiatqiun, tutitqiun (Ti),
taata (Nu) tutaalutqiun (Ti)
grandmother: 4 aakaaluk, aanaaluk, great-granddaughter: 45 amau,

amaułuk, amauluk (Ti) puyat-, 406 puyauq-
great-grandfather: 45 amau, amaułuk, grin: 119 iglaġusuk- , 473 quŋuyuk-
amauluk (Ti) grind: ~ teeth 557 takuq-; ~ meat
great-grandmother: 45 amau, amaułuk, 557 takuutitaq-
amauluk (Ti) grinder: meat ~ 557 takuutik; tallow ~
great-grandparent 45 amau, amaułik, 520 siqupsin (Ti)
amauluk (Ti) grindstone: 222 kaivrak, kaivraun (Nu),
great-grandparent and great- 246 kiavrak
grandchild 161 iluliaġaġiik grizzly bear: 32 akłaq
great-grandson: 45 amau, amaułuk, groin: 185 iŋi
amauluk (Ti) groom: ~ N 700 +[g]iksaq-
Great Gray Owl: 309 naataq groove: 247 kigagniq, 597 titiqtuġniq;
great-great-grandchild 161 ilummiq, burnt ~ on tinder wood 452
ilulliġruaq (Ti) qimiaġaat
great-great-granddaughter: 161 gross: 386 pilupiallak-
ilummiq, ilulliġruaq (Ti) ground: 353 nuna; solid ~ 609
great-great-grandfather: 161 ilummiq, turviatchiaq
ilulliġruaq (Ti) grounded: become ~ (of ice) 266
great-great-grandmother: 161 kisitchiq-; ~ ice 266 kisitchat
ilummiq, ilulliġruaq (Ti) ground beetle: 300 minŋuq, miñŋuq
great-great-grandparent: 161 ilummiq, grow: 330 nau-; set aside to ~ 62
ilulliġruaq (Ti) aglitchiq-; ~ slowly 62 aglisuit-; ~
great-great-grandson: 161 ilummiq, steadily 62 aglitchik-; ~ taller 62
ilulliġruaq (Ti) agli-
Great Horned Owl: 350 nukaisiġaq, growl: ~ of stomach 470 quluk-,
nukasiġaq quluula-, quluulaq- (Ti); ~ of
Greater Scaup: 432 qaqłuqpalik animal 421 ¤qaliŋu-, 617 ugiala-
greasy: 645 uqsruulaaq(-), uqsruu- growth: cause for ~ 330 naggun;
green: ~ 535 suŋaaqtaaq; 535 suŋaaq-; develop a ~ 121 iglaŋmiutchiq-
become ~ (of land) 535 (Nu); mold-like ~ on maktak 38
suŋauraaqsi- alguniq; new ~ 330 naullaġnaq;
Green-Winged Teal: 273 kurukaałhusiq, pus-filled ~ 121 iglak (Nu);
kurukaaluġusiq (Nu), 415 qaiŋŋiq wartlike ~ 108 avraq
green wood: 654 uummaq grudge: 535 sunŋun; hold a ~ 208
greet: 361 paġla-; ~ each other 361 isumanŋu-, 535 sunŋu-; hold a ~
paġlati- against 208 isumanŋutchauti-
greeting: 361 paġlan grumble: 641 ¤uqanayuk-, 643 uqaviluk-
grey whale: 21 aġviġluaq guardian: 306 munaqsriri
griddle: 373 pasiksitaaġvik, pasiksitaun guess: 316 nalautchaq-; ~ correctly 316
(Nu) nalaut-1; I ~ so 1 aaqanuq, 127
grieve: 463 qivġu- (Ti), 464 qivuġu- (Nu) iivaluk; I ~ not 331 naumi qanuq;
grievious: 189 ipiqtunaq- I ~ that is it 587 tavrakiaq
grill: 650 utkutchiġvik guess what I have: 534 sunalikum
grimace: 250 kiiñaġiili-, 151 ilauq- (Ti), guest: 615 tuyuġmiaq; stay as ~ 599
grime: 405 puya tukku-, 616 tuyuġmi-
grimy: 406 puyau-; become ~ 405 guideline: 282 maliġuagaksraq

guidelines: 602 tuvraaksrat 355 nutchak-; grow gray ~ 449
guidepost: rock cairn ~ 181 inuksuk qilġili- (Ti), 460 qirġili-; gray ~
guilty: 373 patchisau- 449 qilġiq, (Ti), head of ~ 355
guitar: 266 kitaaq nusat, nuyat; 460 qirġiq; part ~
gull: 331 nauyaq 473 quppiq-; part in ~ 473
gums: 137 ikkik quppiġñiq; pull someone’s ~ 355
gun: 536 suppun; barrel of ~ 244 nuyaaqtuq-; wash~ 334 niaqqiqi-,
kiapsiqsuġvik; ~ cleaning rod 375 355 nutchiqi-;
paugiyaun; have a shell stuck in hairbrush: 159 illaigutit, 415 qaiqsautit
the ~ chamber 225 kalivsi-; load (Nu), 492 sanŋiyautit (Nu)
~ with ammunition 413 qaġriq-, hairclip: 599 tugliġun
qaġriqsuq-; ~ oil 645 uqsruġun; hair clippers: 263 kivrautik
percussion ~ of ~ 241 hairpin: 473 quppiġun, quppiqsaaġun
kavlu (Nu); reach for a ~ 536 (Nu)
supputiksruq-; shoot a~ 536 hairspring: 355 nuyaġaq (Nu)
supputitchaq-, supputisaq- (Nu) Hairy Woodpecker: 613 tuuyuqpak
gun bore: inside of a ~ 458 qippuit half: 107 avvaq; break in ~ 325 napi-;
gunpowder: 19 aġra, aġraq earn ~ 325 nappannak-; ~ of a
gunsight: 316 nalautirrun dollar 473 qupi(-); receive ~ 107
gunwale: 467 quli, qulaaġun; two forks avvannak-; something cut in ~
of ~ at either end of umiak 230 325 nappaq
kannaak Half Moon Three: name of reindeer
gurgle: ~ of flowing water 483 ranch on North Slope Alaska 37
saġvaluula-, 504 sigaallak- (Nu) Alaqtaq
gust: 414 qaisaaġaq- (Ti) half-sister: 333 nayagraq (Ti)
gusty: 536 supikałłaktaq-, supiłhaqtaq- hallucinate: 40 aliuqtuq-
(Nu) hallux: 402 putuguq
Gyrfalcon: 11 aatqarruaq, aatqatruaq hallway: 606 tuksruuk
(Nu), 622 ukiuqtaq, kirgavik halo: 104: avaluġun, 246 kiavraġun, 437
ukiuqtaq (Nu) qaumaniq; ~ around sun 222
H hammer: 240 kauk-, kautaq(-), kaugun
habit: 209 ilġusiq (Ti), 184 iñuusiq, 393 (Ti), 236 karuk-; ~ into a shape
pisaunnaq, 394 pitqusiq; form a ~ 236 karri-; small ~ used to chip
115 ayuġit-, ayuġak-; form a bad flint 329 natqiun, natqiutaq (Nu)
~ 115 ayuġiili-; have bad ~s 395 hand: 79 algait (Ti), argait, argak, 122
pitqusiġiit-; unconscious ~ 100 iglupiaq; edge of ~ 20 aġvak(-)1;
aullasiq; 538 suqusiq have a withered ~ 79 argakit-; hit
habituate: 115 ayuġit- with edge of ~ 20 aġvaŋmik-;
habituated: 621 uiviili- support oneself with one’s ~ 111
hail: 328 natatquġnaq; to ~ (of frozen ayappak-
balls of rain and snow) 510 handcuffs: 451 qiliġutik
sikuġlak(-) handbag: 403 puukatauraq
hailstone: 510 sikuġlak(-), sikuġlalaaq handicapped: be severely ~ 389
hair: cut ~ to the scalp or skin 463 ; pipqaqtaq-
qiuġaq-; for one’s ~ to grow long handkerchief: 224 kakkiiyaun

handle: 191 ipu(-), 337 niġumiutaq, 590 harness: 58 anu(-); individual dog trace
tigguvik attached to the ~ 207 isuġaq, 462
handrail: 111 ayappiqtuk qitunġaq (Nu); main harness line
hands: 79 argait; have cold ~ 79 461 qitiġaaġun; old style dog ~ 59
argaiyaq-; have large ~ 79 anupiaq (Nu); ~ webbing 59
argaktu-; hold ~ 569 tasiuq-, anuksraq; ~ webbing which
tasiuqtuaq-; shake ~ 149 ilali-; runs down dog’s back 604
with both ~ 122 igluktun, tunuunagun (Nu)
igluktuuq- harpoon: 331 naulik(-), naulaqpak;
handsome: 68 aŋutigik- detachable ~ head 444 qialġun; ~
handstand: do a ~ 325 naparaġaaq- head 290 mapsataq; iron rod for
handy: something kept ~ 481 ~ shaft 118 igimaq; ~ line 32
satqummiaq akłunaaq, aglunaaq (Ti), 39 aliq
handyman: 262 kipaluk(-) (Ti); large, whaling ~ 234
hang: ~ out to dry 176 iniuqqaq-; ~ up kapusiun, 331 nauligaq(-),
346 niviŋŋaq-; ~ up to dry 176 nauligaun; piece of bone between
iñi-; take hold and ~ on 589 tigu- ~ shaft and point 410 qaatiq;
hangar: clothes ~ 346 niviŋŋaun sealing ~ 331 naulgun (Ti); shaft
hanging: 346 niviŋa-; ~ on hook or peg of ~ 111 ayak(-)1, 234 kapusiun;
313 naksima- small float for use with whaling
hangover: have a ~ 168 iminŋu- ~ 229 kanasiġaq, kayasiġaq (Ti);
happen: 316 nalautit-1; let V ~ 1040 throw a ~ 139 iksauti-; toggle
+[t]sii-, 1041 +[t]sIq- head of ~ 613 tuukkaq; walrus ~
happy: 477 quviasuk-; become ~ 477 632 unaaqpak; whaling ~ with
quviatchak-, quvyak-; to feel ~ flint or iron spearhead in
enough to feel like working 410 foreshaft 422 qalugiaq(-),
qaamasuk-; make someone qalugiaqtuun
happy 477 quviatchai-, 478 harpooned: ~ object 331 naullaq
quyali-; be very ~ 156 iliġasuk- harpooner: 234 kapuqti, 331 nauligaqti,
harassed: ~ individual 311 nagriaq 526 sivumiuri (Ti), 527 sivuti,
hard: V ~ 928 +qpak(-) ~’s seat 1225 kapuqtim
hard surface: get tired of lying or aquppiutaŋa; whaling ~’s song
walking on ~ 603 tuninŋuq- 106 avataqsiun
harden: 521 sisi-, sisit-2; ~ of bones 499 harvest time: 263 kivluivik
saunnak- has: one which ~ V-ed, or ~ been V-ed
hardship: 507 siġliġniuġun; cause ~ (of a 883 ±ŋaraq
task) 311 nagniġutau-; hash: 36 akuvliqtaq
experience ~ 507 siġliġniuq- hat: 327 nasautaq(-); old, worn-out ~
hare: snowshoe ~ 621 ukalliq; Alaska ~ 327 nasautaaqłuk
621 ukallisugruk hatch: ~ of kayak 295 maunaaq2
hark: 1 a hatchet: 189 ipiġauttauraq
Harlequin Duck: 3 aahaaliġñaq (Nu), hate: 654 uumigi-; ~ each other 654
483 saġvaqsiuyuk uumikkuti-; begin to ~ someone
harm: 386 pimaqłuun 654 uumikkiuti-
harmonica: 426 qanikkuaġnaq; play ~ hatred: 654 uumikkun
426 qanikkuaġaq- haughty: 6 aaŋaaq-; become ~ 6

aaŋasi-; ~ and full of pride 379 broken bone) 601 tumaq-; let the
piġuq- body ~ 593 timaqsiq-
haul: 17 agraq- healing: ~ song 74 aqiun; sing a ~ song
haul ashore: ~ whale’s ventral area 74 aqiq-; sing a magic ~ song 95
meat and maktak 616 uasiqi- atuurviluk-; shaman’s magic
haunch: 335 nigaviq song for ~ 95 atuułłuk
have: ~ something 537 suqaq-; ~ a N 919 health: 502 sayak, 593 timim iluaġniŋa;
-qaq-; ~ attribute indicated by V be in good ~ 315 nakuu-;
881 ±ŋa-, 881 ±ŋaaq(-); ~ as one’s improve in ~ 181 iñuksraŋŋuq-;
N 694 +[g]i-; ~ not V-ed regain ~ 180 iñuguq-; regain ~
882 ±ŋait- after illness 397 pivallak-
Hawk Owl: 334 niaquqtuġruk, healthy: 502 sayaktu-, sayaqtu-, 530
niaquqtuaġruk suġait-; ~ animal 344
haze: 206 isiq(-), 343 niptailaq niqqaaġiksuaq; become ~ after
hazy: 253 killiluk-, 206 isiġiak-; become an illness 528 suaŋŋak-; have
~ 343 niptaiq- strong and ~ dogs 453
he: 143 ilaa qimmiġluk-; look ~ 586 tauttugik;
head: 334 niaquq; cook an animal ~334 strong and ~ mentally and
niaqqiuq-; hang one’s ~ 509 physically 376 payaŋait-; well
siki-; have ~ bent down 402 and ~ 377 piaġik-
punŋa-; hit on the ~ with hear: 538 susaa- (Ti), 608 tusaa-; ~ bad
implement 236 karuk-; injure news 608 tusaaniġluk-; want to
one’s ~ 334 niaqquaq-, niaqqi-; hear more 608 tusaanġaiqi-;
keep one’s ~ low for a while 509 hearing: hard of ~ 538 susarraġiit-,
sikimmi-; lower ~ 273 kurraq-, susaqsuit- (Ti), 608 tusaarraġiit-,
kurraqsruq-; raise the ~ 7 aaq-; tusarraġiit-; have sharp ~ 538
shake ~ side to side 334 niaqula- suaarruġik-; imagine ~ 608
headache: have a ~ 334 niaquġiit-, tusaaruuraaq-
niaqunŋu-; develop a ~ 334 hearing aid: 523 siutiġun, 608 tusaggan
niaquġiiliq- heart: 654 uumman; beat fast and
headband: 334 niaquġun, 439 qauqsiaq; hard (of ~) 240 kauksiq-, 654
put a ~ on 334 niaquġusiq- uummatitchiaq-
headdress: loon ~ 432 qaqigluk, heart attack: have a ~ 654 uummasiqi-
qaqiilluuk heartburn: have ~ 508 siiġlanŋu-
headfirst: fall ~ 314 nakkaq-; fall ~ dead hearth stones: 659 uyaġait
or wounded 288 maŋik- (Nu), hearts (suit in playing cards): 196
289 maŋiksiq-; cause to fall ~ iqqulik (Nu)
dead or wounded 289 maŋiksit- heat: 652 uunnaq; enjoy ~ from a fire
(Nu) 373 pasiaq-, pasiksiaq-, pasiksiq,
headlong: accidently fall ~ 314 pasiksit-; ~ food or water 652
nakkaqtaq- uunaqsii-; ~ rocks 659 uyaqqiuq-;
headway: make ~ 114 ayuuq- hot rocks used for ~ 659
headwaters: go to ~ 233 kaŋimuk- uyaqqiuġutit; mirage created
heal: 146 iluaqsi-, iłuaqsi-, 285 mavruuq-; by ~ 660 uyumiq(-); ~ oil 523
~ (of a wound or sore) 285 sivaraq-; shimmer from ~ (of
mamit-, mamittaq- (Nu); ~ (of a atmosphere) 660 uyumiq(-);

source of ~ 652 uunnaagun; ilaani; to ~ 143 ilaanun; with ~
suffer from ~ 652 uunniqi-, 143 ilaagun;
uunaqsi- (Ti); warp or wrinkle here, take it: 657 uvva
from ~ 450 qiluk-; ~ waves from herself: 143 ilaata, ilaan; by ~ 144
land 660 uyumiq(-) ilimiñik, inmiñik; by ~ alone 144
heatedly: argue ~ 208 isumanŋutchauti-, ilimisun, inmisun; from ~ 144
430 qapiqtaili- ilimiñiñ, inmiñiñ; similar to ~
heater: 652 uunnaksaun; smoke (of a ~ 144 ilimisun, inmisun; located
backfiring) 206 itchiala- with ~ 144 ilimiñi, inmiñi; to ~
heathen: 623 ukpiqtuaguŋitchuaq 144 ilimiñun, inmiñun; to be by
heather: 135 ikkuqutit, 384 pilaġaqutaq ~ 144 ilimigun, inmigun; with ~
(Nu) 144 ilimigun, inmigun
heating: ~ fuel 135 ikumman; ~ pad 97 herd: 231 kanŋut; large ~ of caribou
auktuun; use a ~ pad 97 auktuuq- 235 karrait; ~ of caribou cows
heat rash: have a ~ 652 uuq- and calves 596 tiqituġaurat,
heavier: become ~ 645 uqumaili- tiqittut
heavy: 646 uqumait-, 565 taqtunaktu-; herd of animals: go into a ~ 278
become thick and ~ (of fur) 645 maġġuti-
uqumaiq-; ~ blanklet 625 herder: 302 misiksriri
uligruaq; find too ~ 645 here (visible): 657 uvva, 292 marra; be
uqumaigi-; ~ frost 230 located ~ 657 uvaniit-, 291
kaniġruaq(-); push a ~ sled 243 maaniit-, come from ~ 657
kaimŋuġaq-; strike a ~ blow 51 uvaŋŋaq- , 292 maaŋŋaq-;
anauviñaq-, 240 kauviñaq- from ~ 657 uvaŋŋa, 292 maaŋŋa;
heel: 257 kimmik(-); hit with ~ 257 from this one ~ 656 uumaŋŋa,
kimmik(-); hit with ~ repeatedly 292 mattumaŋŋa; from this
257 kimmiaq-; ~ print 253 killiq2 direction ~ 657 uvaŋŋamiñ, 292
heel bone: 258 kimmitquq maaŋŋamiñ; go ~ 657 uvuŋaq-,
helix (of ear): 608 tusaggun 293 mauŋaq-; go via, through ~
hell: 310 nagliksaaġvik, 562 tammaġvk 657 uvuunnaaq-, 293 maunnaaq-;
help:132 ikayuq-; go and ~ 132 located ~ 657 uvani, 291 maani;
ikayuġiaq-; seek ~ when in located with this one
danger 56 annaksaq-; take time ~ 656 uumani, 292 mattumani;
to ~ 132 ikayuliktuq- similar to this one ~ 656
helper: 132 ikayuqti uumatun, 292 mattumatun; this
helpful: 94 attaġnait-, 538 suqutau-; one ~ 656 una, 292 manna, 656
be so ~ that another hardly uuma, 292 mattuma; to ~ 657
needs to do any work 412 uvuŋa, 293 mauŋa; to this one ~
qaġanaq-; be not ~ 94 attaġnaq- 656 uumuŋa, 292 mattumuŋa;
hem: 465 quglugniq, 623 ukpinniq, towards ~ 657 uvuŋanmun, 293
ukpit- mauŋanmun; via ~ 657 uvuuna,
her: 143 ilaa; according to ~ opinion 293 mauna; via/with this one ~
144 ilimiñi, inmiñi; from ~ 143 656 uumuuna, 292 mattumuuna;
ilaaniñ, inmiñiñ; in ~ own way (with) this one ~ 656 uumiŋa,
144 ilimisun, inmisun; like ~ 143 292 mattumiŋa
ilaatun; located with ~ 143 hereinafter: 292 maaŋŋaaglaan

heritage: 364 paisat ilaaniñ, inmiñiñ; in ~ own way
hernia: 410 qaaġiaq; develop a ~ 410 144 ilimisun, inmisun; like ~ 143
qaaġirriq- ilaatun; located with ~ 143
herring: 422 qalusaaq (Nu), 645 ilaani; to ~ 143 ilaanun; with ~
uqsruqtuuq 143 ilaagun;
Herring Gull: 332 nauyavvaaq himself: 143 ilaata, ilaan; by ~ 143
hesitation: V without ~ 1046 +tualuk- ilaanik, 144 ilimiñik, inmiñik; by
hex: 61 aŋatkuaq-, aŋatkuk-, 158 ~ alone 144 ilimisun, inmisun;
ilisiiyaq- from ~ 144 ilimiñiñ, inmiñiñ;
hexagon: 232 kaŋiġallulik itchaksranik similar to ~ 144 ilismisun,
hey, don’t: 654 uumaa inmisun; located with ~ 144
hiccup: 125 igusiġaq-, 128 iisuġaq- (Ti), ilimiñi, inmiñi; to ~ 144
596 tipsulliq- (Nu) ilimiñun, inmiñun; to be by
hidden: ~ object 199 iriqtaq ~ 144 ilimigun, inmigun; with ~
hide: 199 iriq-; ~ with cunning 199 inmigun
iriġaqtuuti-; ~ safely 145 illiq- hind: ~ of bird 470 qulusuk
hide-and-seek: “it” in a game of ~ 172 hinder: 175 iñaviġi-, iñaviqqutaq(-),
imu iñaviqqutchiq-
hiding: 199 iriqsima- hindmost: ~ one 604 tunulliq
hiding place: ~ where hunter waits for hindquarter: 305 mumiq, 344 niqivik,
animal to pass by 232 kaŋiġaq(-) 623 ukpan
high: ~ in elevation 469 qutchik-; feel hindrance: 175 iñaviqqutaq(-), 495
something is too ~ 469 qutchigi- sapunnaun;~ for V-ing 852
highbush cranberry plant: 644 +nailutaq
uqpiŋñaq (Nu) hinge: metal ~ 446 qiiqiġiaq, 459
higher: bid ~ 409 qarġutaurraq- qiqiġiaq
highest: ~ point 408 qaapiaq hip: 623 ukpan; injure ~ 523 sivviaq(-)
highest quality or characteristic: one hipbone: 523 sivviaq(-); injure one’s ~
with the ~ of being V or V-ing 523 sivviaq(-)
824 -łhaaq(-) hip boots: 188 ipialik, 376 pauŋŋaak;
highkick: ~ ball 73 aqsraatchiaq(-); woman’s long ~ 524
compete at ~ 73 aqsraatchiaq(-), sivuġaligaak(-)
621 ukalliaġaq- (Ti) hip joint: 523 sivyaaq
highland: 469 qutchimaraaq hiss: 507 siilak-
highlands: 469 qurvaq history: 173 inillaaniŋaruat
high-pitched: 435 qatikit-, 523 historical account: 641 uqaluktuaq
sivaniq-1 hit: ~ repeatedly with object 51
hilarious: 262 kipaaq-; think that anaumik-; ~ violently 51
someone is ~ 119 anauniqłak-; ~ with object in
iglaġuŋnaġasugi- one’s arm 50 anau-; ~ with a
hilarity: 262 kipaaġun thrown object 299 miluq-
hill: 453 qimiq2, qimiġaq; dome-shaped hives: contract ~ 52 aniŋarualiqsuq- (Ti);
~ 334 niaquptaq, niaquptauraq develop ~ 637 uŋŋi-, uŋilak-
(Nu); isolated ~ 388 piŋu(-) hoar: depth ~ 400 pukak
him: 143 ilaa; according to ~ opinion hoarse: 128 iggiit-; become ~ 128
144 ilimiñi, inmiñi; from ~ 143 iggiiq-; to sound ~ 128

iggiiłuktaq-, iggiiluktaq- immi-
Hoary Redpoll: 486 saksakiq, saksaŋiq, homebuyer: prospective ~ 120
saksaŋiuraq iglusiyumalaaqtuaq
hobby: 39 aliitkun homeless: ~ person 600 tukkuilaq
hold: 590 tigummi-; ~ on one’s lap 480 hometown: 180 iñuguġvik
saġliaq(-); ~ one’s head in one’s homeward: 22 aiñmun; go ~ 22 aiñmuk-
hands 29 akkiqsimaaq- hone: ~ a stone blade 248 kigli- (Nu)
hold hands: 569 tasiuq-, tasiuqtuaq- honest: 395 pitqiksiġautait-
hold on: ~ to something for support 112 honor: 226 kamanaqsiliq, 321 nanġaun;
ayappaksimaaq-; ~ with fingers 321 nanġaq-
365 pakiksima- hood: 327 nasaq(-); make a ~ 327
hole: 402 putu; be full of ~s 394 pitaaq-, natchi-, natchiuq-
402 putruq- (Nu); dig a ~ 211 hoof: 270 kukik1, kukiilik; soft pad
itiqsri; ~ in ground 422 within the ~ of sheep 34
qalutuŋnauraq (Nu), 365 pakkiq; ~ akunniġun
in the frozen ground 80 hook: a ~ 347 niviŋŋavik; 159 illaq-, 339
argaġniq; make a ~ 394 pitak-; niksigaq(-), niksigauraq; ~
melt through leaving a ~ (of ice) something ~ 29 akikaq-, akit-;
97 aupkaq-; melted ~ on ice 97 fish ~ 339 niksik(-); ~ objects 339
aupkaġniq; naturally made ice ~ niksigai-
394 pittaq; ~ worn in boot sole hook and line: retrieve wounded game
402 purruq(-) from the sea with a ~ 285
holler to drive caribou: 613 tuvaaq-, manaq(-); use the ~ for
tuvaaqtuq- retrieving seals 285 manaqtuq-
hollow: 428 qaŋattaaq, qaŋataaq, 660 hop: ~ on one foot once 308 naanŋiq-; ~
uyamik; have a ~ core 162 iluŋa-; on one foot repeatedly 309
have a rich, ~ sound (of drum) naanŋiraq-; ~ over something 302
167 imik-, 168 imikpatit-; ice misigaq-
with ~ space underneath 428 hope: 337 niġiukkun; 337 niġiuk-; have a
qaŋatchiniq (Ti); ~ in snowbank lot of ~ 398 piyumitchuqtu-; I ~
407 qaaniq; ~ core of tube 660 1154 +tuq
uyamik; reach into ~ place 239 horizon: appear to float above the ~ 269
kau-; scoop out a ~ 407 qaanarri- kiviktit-; bright, white sky on the
Holy Spirit: 159 Ilitqusiġiksuaq ~ 471 qunŋuq; hazy ~ 471
home: 22 aimaaġvik, aimmivik; be also ~ quniqłuk
22 aimmimmi-; be at ~ 22 horizontal: lie in ~ position 315 nala-
aimmi-1; come ~ 22 ai-2; go ~ 22 horizontally: be in line ~ 315 nalaŋiq-
ai-2; go away from ~ 550 horn: 225 kałuutik, 311 nagruk, 626 ullun
tagiaqtuq-; make oneself at ~ in (Nu); to ram ~s (of sheep) 423
another’s house 180 iñuilliqi-; qałuk- (Nu)
make someone feel at ~ 610 horn (musical instrument): 420
tutqiksit-; remain at ~ to be with qalġuqtaun; play a ~ 420
someone 364 paggisi-; return ~ qalġuqtaq-
after been gone a long time 22 Horned Grebe: 530 suġliq
aggiqi- (Nu), 63 aŋilġaq- Horned Owl: 351 nukusiġaq (Nu)
homebrew: 169 immiaq; make ~ 169 Horned Puffin: 451 qilaŋŋaq

hornet: 612 tuggayuk how nice: 9 aarigaa
horrid: 312 naġġunapiaġataq-, 386 how small: 655 uutukuu, uutukuhuu (Nu)
pilupiallak- how unfortunate: 5 aannaa (Ti), 427
horse: 611 tuttuqpak qanuq suli
hospitable: 43 alumiġaq-, 549 however: 14 aglaan
tagialanait- howl: 278 magu-
hospital: 324 naŋirvik hug: 193 iqit(-); ~ warmly 193
hospitality: 600 tukkuliiñiq; lack ~ 43 iqimmak- (Ti), iqimmaaq-
alumiġait- huge: ~ one 63 aŋŋiiq; ~ old house 120
host: 600 tukkuq; be a good ~ 610 iglusugrualuk; ~ person 182
tutqigñaq-; have a good ~ 599 iñuniqłuk; ~ tussock 287
tukkuġik- maniġruaq; ~ N 871 -niqłuk, 984
hostile: not ~ 69 aŋuyautait- -sugruk(-)
hot: 651 uunaq-; become ~ 652 huh: 116 haiy, 478 saa
uunnaġuq-; become red ~ 437 hull: 593 timi
qaummaqsi-; ~ wind 652 hum: 171 imŋaluk-
uunnaqłuk human: 178 iñuk(-); act like a ~ 180
hot pad: 97 auktuuġun iñugriŋa-; adult ~ female 18
hotel: 352 nullaġvik; ~ room 600 aġnaq; adult male ~ 67 aŋun;
tukkumavik; stay at a ~ 352 become an ~ (of ~)337
nullaq- niġrutiġuq-; female ~ baby 19
hour: one ~ 131 ikarraq, 222 aġnaiyaaq; male ~ baby 67
kaivallagniq, 245 kiavallagniq aŋutaiyaaq; ~ who could
house: 120 iglu(-); frame ~ 120 igluqpak; metamorphose into an animal
go from ~ to ~ 205 isauġaq-; 337 niġrutiġuġaaq
live in a ~ 121 iglutuq-; have a ~ human presence: have signs of ~ 178
as one’s ~ 120 igluliuti-; huge, iññiqima-1; sign of ~ 178
old ~ 120 iglusugrualik; move iññiqimaniq
into a ~ 121 iglutiq-; old ~ 120 human race: 182 iñupayaaq
iglualuk human skin: 658 uviñiq, uviñik, uvinik
housefly: 357 nuviuvak, 347 niviuvak (Ti); become wrinkled from
(Ti) oversoaking (of ~) 18 aġivri-;
household: 120 igluqatigiit; ~ amulet 3 blister on ~ 410 qaaqsruġniq,
aaġuraq qaaġruq (Ti); burn on ~ 652
how: 426 qanuq(-); ~ is 426 qanuġit- uutiqtinniq; calloused ~ 295
how amazing: 40 aliuġnaġaa maunna, maunni(-); chafe ~ 46
how are you: 426 qanuġli, qanuġli amiġait-; cut on ~ 256 killiq;
samma scaly ~ 145 iligrak(-); scrape
how big: 79 araq, araqhaa one’s ~ 47 amiiġruk-, 256
how cute: 50 anaŋŋaa (Ti) kiliuġruk-; swelling on ~ 388
how far: 534 sumuaglaan, sumun aglaan; piŋu(-)
go ~ 534 sumuaglaaq- humble: 226 kamasaaŋit-, 456 qiñuit-,
how foul smelling: 8 aaqqaa qiñuisaaq-, 495 sapiqsraq-
how long ago: 428 qaŋaaglaan humbleness: 456 qiñuiññiq
how many: 441 qavsit, qavsiñik humorous: 598 tivsiñaq-; find someone
how much: 428 qanutun ~ 598 tivsigi-, tipsigi- (Nu)

humerus: 258 kiniġniq, 259 kiñiġñiq husband: 618 ui, 66 aŋunnuniq; her ~
humility: 226 kamanaġniaŋiññiq, 456 67 aŋutaat; co-wives’ ~ 67
qiñuiññiq; lower one’s head in ~ aŋurriŋ, aŋutriŋ (Nu); ~’s older
273 kurruk- brother 23 aiġaaluk; ~’s older
hump: ~ on back of killer whale 2 brother’s wife 62 aŋayunġuq;
aaġlum iñua; ~ of a hunchbacked ~’s sister 485 sakialuk; take a ~
person 325 napiniq; ~ behind 618 uiñik-;~’s younger brother
moose’s head 383 pikusuk 485 sakiġaq; ~’s younger
humpbacked salmon: 45 amaqtuuq brother’s wife 350 nukaunġuq;
hunchbacked: 325 napiŋa- ~ of grandchild 341 niŋau
hundred: number one ~ 558 husky: 565 taqtunaktu-
tallimakipiat; number two ~ 468 hyoid bones: 132 ikauraak(-), 606
qulikipiat; number three ~ 30 tupquraak
akimiakipiat; number four ~ 180 hypocrite: 623 ukpiŋŋuaqtuaq
iñuiññakipiat, 151 ilagiññaq hysterical: 242 kavyattuala-
hunger: experience ~ 220 kaaŋniuq- (Ti),
kaaksiu-, 336 niġisuksiu- I
hungry: 220 kaak-; become ~ 220 kaaliq- I: 657 uvaŋa
hunt: 66 aŋuniaq-, 69 aŋuyyiuq- (Nu), I agree: 1 aa, 6 aaŋ, 23 aillukiaq
387 piñiaq- (Ti) ability to ~ 66 I don’t know: 45 amai (Ti), 88 atchu;
aŋuniallaniq; hunt on the cliffs say ~ 88 atchuuq-
171 imnaqtuq- (Ti); ~ seals using I don’t want to: 79 araa
a shooting sail 559 taluuq-, I guess not: 331 naumi qanuq
talutuq- (Nu) I guess so: 1 aaqanuq, 127 iivaluk
hunter: 66 aŋuniaqti; ~’s call to animal I guess that is it: 587 tavrakiaq
420 qalġuun; be a good ~ 344 I joke: 88 atchuamiiq
niqsayuq-, 395 pitchik-, pitchuq-; I think so: 127 iikiaq
eat a young ~’s first animal I think that is it: 587 tavrakiaq
game kill 66 aŋunġautituq-; I told you so: 251 kii3
~ on foot 613 tuvaaq; ~ in I want more: 251 kiika, kiikavsaaq
hiding at caribou corral 232 I wonder…: 163 immakiaq
kaŋiġaġmiu; young ~’s first I wonder how: 427 qanukkiaq
game animal kill 66 aŋunġaun I wonder why: 534 summankiaq,
hunting: begin ~ regularly 66 summantakiaq
aŋuniaqqattaliq-; ~ implements I’m exhausted: 116 hauk
497 satkut; ~ partner 183 I’m scared, I don’t want to: 129 iiqinii
iñuunniaqan; wooden ~ bow I’m tired: 99 auk2 (Ti), 116 hauk
wound with braided sinew for I’ve had it: 81 arraa
extra strength 385 pilġaalik ice: 510 siku(-)1; area of
hurl: ~ a bola 451 qilamitchaq-; ~ a dangerous, melting sea ~ 96
rock using a sling 146 illutchaq- augniqsraq; area of ~ with
hurry: 448 qilamik; 17 aġayuuq-, 618 melting ~ patches 159
uġniksruq-, 448 qilamiqsruq-, illagauraq; assembled pieces of ~
127 iġñiqsruq-, 162 iluŋiqsruq- traveling with ocean current
hurt: 57 anniġñaq-; ~ someone or 482 sagrat; bare, smooth ~ 464
something 57 anniq- quasa; beached ~ 296

mayuqtinniq; become covered utuqqaviñiq; open water
with ~ (of sled or boat) 505 surrounded by ~ 335 nigayu,
siġmiq(-) (Ti); block of ~ 511 nigayuq; pack ~ moving
sikuqqaq (Ti); break up (of ~ in directly toward shore-fast ice
river) 510 sikkiqi-; chunk 425 qanaiñaqtuaq; ripple
of freshwater ~ 390 piqaluyak; on ~ 415 qaiġilġuq (Nu); rotten ~
cracked ~ made by force of 97 aunniq, aupkaġniq; shore ~
moving ice when it attaches to 415 qaimġuq; shore ~ not
free floating ~ 24 aisitaq, 612 anchored to ocean floor 84
tuuniq; crushed, thin, young ~ ataitchuaq; shore-fast ~ 613
found in ice cracks 126 iġnigluq; tuvaq, tugaq (Ti), 614 tuvaġruaq;
depression on ~ filled with shore-fast ~ covering only a
water 408 qaatchiñiq (Ti); flat, portion of the beach 614
round cakes of ~ frozen tuvaqtaq; shore-fast ~ left
together 415 qaivaġniq; flat, behind when the shore ice is
secure ~ at edge of ocean lead carried away by an ocean
396 pituqqiq; floating mass of ~ current 452 qimaktinniq; slush ~
400 puktaaq; floating ~ pack 304 muġałłiq, miġaliq (Ti), 304
away from shore-fast ice 497 muġrak, 454 qinu; slush and
sarri, sarrik (Ti); form (of ~) 510 small chunks of sea ~ which
sikuġlak(-) sikuġlalaaq (Ti); wash up on shore 296 miġaliq(-);
fragile, refrozen ~ 230 kaniqtaq; slush ~ in fishing hole 303 mitik
fresh ~ 304 mitu(-); freshwater (Nu); slush ~ pushed onto shore
~ 511 sikulluataq; frozen mixture 296 mayuqtitaq(-); small chunk
of ~ and water applied as filler of floating ~ 510 sikuġaq (Nu);
to base of sled runners 506 smooth ~ along beach 123
siġmiq; grounded ~ pile 266 igniġnaq, 415 qaimŋuq (Ti);
kisisaq1; indentation in sea ~ smooth ~ between areas of
233 kaŋiqłuk; isolated ~ mound rough ice 415 qaiqsuaqtat;
388 piŋu(-); moist crushed ~ 340 smooth ~ covered by snow with
nilak; mound of ~ which emits moisture between the ice and
an echo when stamped on 168 the snow 356 nutaqłiq; smooth ~
imiŋniq; moving lead ~ 99 free of frost on surface 230
aulaniq; narrow piece of ~ that kanġilaq, kanġutailaq (Nu); solid
juts out from the main piece of pancake ~ 245 kiapku; thin ~ on
ice 201 isaamaniq; new ~ 510 body of water 510 sikuaq(-);
sikuayaaq(-), 511 sikutchiaq; trapped in river or lead 110
new ~ which forms along pre- ayaaqtinniq; ~ under another
existing ice 92 atiġniġaq; newly piece of ~ 89 alliviñiq; visibly
formed sea ~ 304 mitu(-) (Nu); free of ~ (of ocean) 166 imavak-;
511 sikuliuraq; newly formed, upright ~ cake 324 napaayuq;
thin ~ 510 sikuatchiaq(-), very large mass of pack ~ 530
sikulġauraq (Nu); newly formed suġaiñŋuġruaq; wall of sheared ~
thin ~ on the downwind side of 13 agiukpak, agiuppak (Ti);
an ocean lead 81 arguqtaġniq, young ~ formed around edge of
arguqtinniq; old shore-fast ~ 651 old solid ice on open lead 510

sikuliaq; young ~ which has been ice propelled simultaneously in
crushed by moving ice 172 opposite directions: 360 paaġiiq
imuniq ice pushed onto shore: 72 apuqtinniq
ice adhering to ice that has been added ice scratcher: 80 argaun, argautit, 272
to shore ice: 141 ikuġaaġniq kumigautit, kumŋun, kumŋutit
ice anchoring shore-fast ice: 375 pauk(-) (Nu); use an ~ 79 argak(-),
ice cellar: first level of ~ 468 quliġuaq ice skates: 464 quasirautik
(Ti); underground ~ 505 ice which does not freeze to shore-fast
siġluaq(-); clean ~ 505 siġlurriqi- ice and goes out with ocean
ice chipped off by ocean waves: 113 current: 114 ayuksraq
ayiupaq ice which forms on sled or boat: 506
ice chisel: 612 tuuq(-) siġmiq(-) (Ti)
ice crack: for the ~ to open up much to ice which is about one-and-a-half feet
one’s disadvantage: 10 thick: 510 sikuliaġruaq
aatchauti-; ~ kept open by ice with hollow space beneath: 428
shifting currents 11 aayuġaq; qaŋatchiniq (Ti)
open ~ 473 quppaq; ~ usually ice with irregular surface features:
covered with snow 473 qumniq 415 qaiġilu
ice crystals: ~ in the air (diamond ice with one edge overhanging the
dust) 200 irriqutit, 511 water: 428 qaŋattaaq
sikunaq(-); have ~ in meat 510 iceberg: 400 puktaaq; grounded ~ 266
sikuġlakavsaŋa- kisisaq1
ice floe: 105 avarraullaktuaq, 400 icebound: become ~ (of boat) 219
puktaaq; ~ attached to another ivsaiġutipkaq-, ivsaiġuti-, 300
~ 400 puktaaqat; ~ used as miñiqutipkaq-; ~ boat 306
stepping stone 294 muqutipkaq
mauraġaq(-); small ~ s 511 icicle: 274 kusulugaq, kutulugaq (Nu),
sikuqqat 510 sikuġlak(-), sikuġlalaaq (Ti);
ice fog: 110 avyuġruaq, 511 sikunaq(-), form (of ~) 274 kusulukki-
556 taktugruaq icy: become ~ 510 siku(-)
ice formed by frost: 230 kaniqtaq Icy Cape, Alaska: 443 Qayaiqsiġvik
ice formed from water spilled on idea: 208 isuma(-)
something: 510 sikuġliñiq identification: put ~ on 319
ice hockey: play ~ 372 paqqaurraq- (Ti), nalunaiqsruq-
11 aayyutaaq-, 115 ayyutaaq- idle: 210 ittuaq-, 412 qaġa-1, 541
ice on sled or boat: 510 sikuaq(-) suviqsiq-
ice placed over water bucket to drip idol: 184 iñuuraq; worship an ~ 184
making drinking water: 271 iñuuraqpaktuq-
kukługaq idolatry: 184 iñuuraqpaliqiniq
ice pressure ridge: 220 ivuniq; form ~s if ever: ~ one V-s 1130, 1135 -tuaq(-)
219 ivu; form ~s rapidly 220 plus Conditional Mood endings
ivulaqi-; large ~ 220 ignite: 133 igniġuq-, 134 ikit-
ivuniqpaaluk, ivuniqpait; make ignorant person: 513 silaivyak (Ti)
the sound of ~s forming 219 ignore: 492 saniqqi-, 533 suliqutigiŋaiq-,
ivuaqpaluk-, ivuvaaluk-; small ~ suliqutigiŋit-
220 ivuniġauraq ill at ease: 610 tutqaaq-; cause someone

to feel ~ 10 tutqaatchai- acquire an ~ 446 ¤qiġrusiq- (Nu)
illness: 535 suniġluk (Nu); feel an ~ imperceptive:1 aamaŋa-
coming 647 urgiasuk- impersonate: 200 irruaq-
illuminated: 28 akiłuk(-) impetigo: 256 killiġruaq
illustration: 154 ilisaurrun impetuously: V ~ 1056 +tuula-
imagine: 625 uliqqa-; ~ hearing 608 implement: 530 suġusiq
tusaaruuraaq-; ~ seeing 455 important: 349 nuimanaq-; act ~ 226
qiñiqtuuraaq(-) kamanni-, kamanniraaq-
imitate: 82 arriraq- (Ti), 200 irruaq-, 602 impossible: feel that something is ~ to
tuvraq-, 647 urriqat-; ~ mockingly do 494 sapiġi-
201 iruġi- impregnate: 516 siŋaiyyi- (Ti); ~ with a
immediately: 6 aannapak, aatnapak male child 127 iġñiliuq-
(Nu), 31 akkupaiññaq, 588 impressed: 226 kamatchak-,
tavrauvvaa; 448 qilamik kamasuutigi-
immediately after: ~ one V-s 822 improve: 315 nakuqsi- (Ti, Nu),
+luqqaaq-; 845 +mmI-2 plus nakuuqsaq-, nakuuqsi-, 366
truncated Intransitive Indicative I palaŋŋaktaaq-
Endings (the consonants t/r are impure: become ~ (of water) 537
omitted) + lu suqłuk(-)
immediately upon: ~ V-ing 845 +mmI-2 impurity: ~ in water 537 suqłuk(-)
plus truncated Intransitive in: ~ the N 1142 ÷mi; be ~ N 835 ÷miit-
Indicative I Endings (the (see located:)
consonants t/r are omitted) + lu; in particular: 541 suvaluk
1086 +utigi- plus in there (not visible, with or without
Contemporative I Endings emphasis): 423 qamma, 581
immerse: 516 siŋit-; ~ in water to soak tatqamma; come from ~ 423
167 immitchii-, 260 kiñit-; ~ in qamaŋŋaq-, 581 tatqamaŋŋaq-;
mixture of snow and water to from ~ 423 qamaŋŋa, 580
temper metal 522 sitri- (Nu) tatqamaŋŋa; from that one ~ 423
immersed: ~ in religion 60 qaptumaŋŋa1, 581
aŋaayyusiqi- (Ti) tatqaptumaŋŋa; from that
imminent: 637 uŋasiñġiq- direction ~ 423 qamaŋŋamiñ,
immobile: 99 aulalait-, 100 aulayait-, 427 581 tatqamaŋŋamiñ; go ~ 423
qanulait- qamuŋaq-, 581 tatqamuŋaq-; go
immoral: 208 isumalluaġiit- via ~ 423 qamuunnaaq-, 581
immortality: 184 iñuusaġataġniq tatqamuunnaaq-; located ~ 423
immune: ~ to consequences of taboo 15 qamani, 580 tatqamani, 423
agliġit- (Ti) qamaniit-, 580 tatqamaniit-;
impact: 41 allaŋŋuġniaġniksraq; V with located with that one ~ 423
a heavy ~ 1094 -viñaq- qaptumani, 581 tatqaptumani;
impair: ~ one’s N 699 +[g]iilI- similar to that one ~ 423
impatience: speak angrily from ~ 426 qaptumatun1, 581 tatqaptumatun;
qanmiksaaq- that one ~ 423 qamna1, 581
impatient: 453 qimmaksaq- tatqamna, 423 qaptuma1, 581
impediment: 147 iluirrun, 446 qiġrun tatqaptuma; to ~ 423 qamuŋa,
(Nu); ~ for V-ing 852 +nailutaq; 581 tatqamuŋa; to that one ~

423 qaptumuŋa1, 581 525 sivuliñaaq (Ti)
tatqaptumuŋa; towards ~ 423 incisors: 526 sivuluat
qamuŋanmun, 581 include: 264 kiputi-; 564 taputi-; ~ in
tatqamuŋanmun; via ~ 423 the wrapping of something else
qamuuna, 581 tatqamuuna; 172 immuquti-
via that one ~ 423 qaptumuuna1, included: 564 taputi-, tapurrau-
581 tatqaptumuuna; (with) that including: ~ all of her/his N 1075
one ~ 423 qaptumiŋa1, 581 :uraġniamiñun
tatqaptumiŋa inconsiderate: 438 qaunatqiit-, 610
in there (visible, restricted, with or tutqaanaq-
without emphasis): 269 kivva; incorporate: 231 kanŋuu-
572 tatkivva; come from ~ 268 incorrect: 563 taŋiġit-
kivaŋŋaq-, 572 tatkivaŋŋaq-; increase: 149 ilalaaq-
from ~ 268 kivaŋŋa, 572 incredible: 40 aliuġnaq-
tatkivaŋŋa; from that one ~ 267 indecisive: 427 qanuġniugaq- (Nu),
kiptumaŋŋa1, 572 tatkiptumaŋŋa; 427 qanuqsausiit-; become ~ 427
from that direction ~ 268 qanuqsausiiq-
kivaŋŋamiñ, 572 tatkivaŋŋamiñ; indemnify: 85 ataŋaiq-
go ~ 268 kivuŋaq-, 572 indentation: ~ along edge of ice 233
tatkivuŋaq-; go via ~ 269 kaŋiqłuk
kivuunnaaq-, 572 index finger: 591 tikiq; finger-pull with
tatkivuunnaaq-; located ~ 268 the ~ 591 tikiġmik-; shake ~
kivani, 572 tatkivani, 268 sternly 591 tikalauraq-; thumb
kivaniit-, tatkivaniit-; located and ~ held in opposition 406
with that one ~ 267 kiptumani, puyyuuk
571 tatkiptumani; similar to that indignantly: leave ~ 463 qivit-
one ~ 268 kiptumatun, 572 indispensable: 380 piitchuit-
tatkiptumatun; that one ~ 267 indistinct: 253 killiluk-, 319 nalunaq-;
kimña, 571 tatkimña, 267 become ~ 319 nalunaqsi-
kiptuma, 571 tatkiptuma; to ~ individual: 87 atausiġaaq
268 kivuŋa, 572 tatkivuŋa; to individually: 87 atausiullaa,143
that one ~ 268 kiptumuŋa, 572 ilaagullaa, 182 iñullaa; V ~ 805
tatkiptumuŋa; towards ~ 268 -llaa(-)
kivuŋanmun, 572 indoors: 205 isiġmiu-; stay ~ for a while
tatkivuŋanmun; via ~ 269 205 isiġmiuraaq-
kivuuna, 572 tatkivuuna; via that indulge: 369 pamat-
one ~ 268 kiptumuuna, 572 industrious: 192 iqait-, 194 iqiit-, 412
tatkiptumuuna; (with) that one ~ qaġait-, 499 savaałłik-, 500
268 kiptumiŋa, 572 tatkiptumiŋa savvaqtu-
incapable: ~ of action 427 qanulait- inedible: 336 niġiñait-
incautious: ~ person 51 anayailaq inexpensive: 27 akiit-
incense: 595 tivraġiksaun infant: 52 aniqqammiaq,
incinerate: 134 ikipkaq- aniqqammialauraq,
incinerator: 134 ikipkaivik aniqqammiayaaq,
incline: steep ~ 285 managaaraq aniqqammiuraq, 301
incisor: 509 sikłaq(-) (Nu), 524 sivuaq, miqłiqtuuraq, 315

nalaquyauraq, ~ hipbone 523 sivviaq(-); ~ knee
infantile: regress temporarily to ~ 508 siitquaq-; ~ occiput 432
behavior 636 uŋŋayyak- qaqatchi-; ~ pelvic bone 275
infection: 166 immak(-); develop an ~ kuutchiññaaq-; ~ shinbone 456
82 arruk- (Nu); have a severe ~ of qiŋarraaq-; ~ wing 202 isaqquaq
the hand 79 argaiq- injured: 57 anniq-, 274 kuttaq-; have
inflate: 404 puviq- ~ foot 204 isikkaaŋa-
inflexible: 386 piñait-, 84 atammiŋa-; 445 inland: 353 nuna, 362 paani; ~ end of
qiġattaq- (Nu), 462 qitukkait- lake 212 itiq; pass on the ~ side
(Nu); 254 kilutqut-; far ~ 255
influence: have ~ over each other 538 kiluvasik-; ~ people 353
surratigiik-; ~ someone 564 nunamiut, nunataġmiut; toward ~
tapurri-; ~ someone to acquire 254 kilunmun; travel from ~
socially unacceptable habits towards ocean 91 atiq-; travel ~
115 ayuġiili-; ~ someone to 255 kiluvaq-; via further ~ 255
habituate to something 115 kiluvaqpatigun (see
ayuġaksaq-; ~ someone demonstratives under stems:361
negatively115 ayuġiili-, 291 °pag and 368 °pam)
maqut-; ~ someone to resembles in-laws: 352 nulliġiit
one’s actions 264 kipit-; try to ~ inlet: 161 iluliaq, 233 kaŋŋiñiq,
someone to V 1037 -[t]qusaaq-; kaŋŋiññauraq (Ti), 404 puviaq,
try to ~ someone to say “yes” 64 569 tasiq; ~ between two
aŋiqusaaq- sandbars 515 siñġaq, siññaq (Ti);
inform: 469 quliuti-, 641 uqallauti- ~ along an ice lead 233
information: 642 uqausiaq; relate ~ kaŋiqłuk,
which upsets or angers someone innards: ~ of seals 153 ilġavik
83 asiŋŋuqsaaq- innermost: ~ one 160 ilulliq, 232 kaŋilliq
infrequently: V ~ 910 -pqaqtaq-, 1091 innocence: 373 patchisaiññiq
-vigruayuit- innocent: 373 patchisait-
ingest: ~ liquid intermittently 345 inquire: 1025 mtilaaq-, 839 +mmagaaq-;
niuġmigaq-, niuqsigaq- (Ti) ~ about the price of an item 29
inhabited: ~ place 182 iñulik akisutilaaq(-); ~ about someone
inherit: 262 kiŋuvaannak- or something 233 kaŋiqsiuq-
inheritance: 262 kiŋuvaat; potential ~ inseam: 229 kanak
262 kiŋuvaannaktaaksraun insect: 474 qupilġuq(-); ~ egg 474
inhospitable: 336 niġiñait-, 550 qupilġuksraq
tagialanaq-, 610 tutqaanaq- insect bite: 376 pauŋniq
iniquity: 386 piluun inseparable: 108 avilait-
initiative: know that someone has no ~ inside: something ~ 161 ilumiuq
194 iqigi-; have ~ 194 iqignait-; inside the other: one ~ 234 kapitaaġiik(-)
have no ~ 194 iqignaq-; try to insistent: 526 sivunmuu-
make someone lose their ~ 194 insole: 387 piñiq; put ~ in boots 387
iqiasaaq- piññiq-
injure: 398 piyyuaq- (Ti); ~ ear 523 insolent: 432 qaqłuaġik-, 526
siurraaq-, siuttaaq-; ~ hand 80 sivunmuutu-
argaurraaq-; ~ head 334 niaqqi-; instance: for ~ 587 tavrakii

instinct: 100 aullasiq endings
institution: ~ of N 1034 -tkuk/t internal organ: 160 iluġun; ~s 153
instruct: ~ someone on how to do ilġavik
something correctly 317 interpret: 305 mumik-
nalġuqsruq- interpreter: 305 mumiksiri, 642 uqaqti
instruction: 115 ayuqiqsuun, 391 interrogate: 70 apiqsruqtaq-,
piraksriun, 647 urriqsuun; give apiqsruqtuq-
someone moral ~ 115 ayuqiqsuq- intersection: 239 kayyaaq, katyaaq (Nu);
insufficient: 46 amigaq-, 175 inuŋa-, 307 two roads or rivers which share
naamait-; measure an ~ amount an ~ 238 kayyaaġiik
175 inuŋanaaq- intestines: braided seal ~ 470 qulivrat;
insulate: 162 ilupaaq(-) clean the ~ 516 siŋik-; cooked
insulation: 162 ilupaaq(-); moss ~ 101 caribou ~ 45 amaniilik, 46
aumaqun amiñilik; ptarmigan ~ 185
insult: 82 asiksruq-, 392 pisaaŋŋan iŋaluatchiat; small ~ of a human
intend: 398 piyumaaq-; ~ to let V occur, and terrestrial mammals 185
but… 1034 mtitchaġataġaluaq-, iŋaluat; small ~ of a squirrel 361
+pkaqtitchaġaluaq-; ~ to V 1109 paalaaq
+yumaaq-, +kumaaq-, +sumaaq-; intestinal membrane: remove ~ 445
~ to go out 53 aniyumaaq-; ~ to qiagiyaq-
arrive 592 tikitchumaaq-; ~ to intimidate: 527 sivuuġasaaq-, 560
enter 205 isiġumaaq-; ~ to mop taluqsralliaġi-
592 tilakkumaaq- intimidated: 527 sivuuġa-; become ~
intended for: 609 tunŋa- 560 taluqsratchak-; easily ~ 560
intense: V at an ~ level 672 -ala-; begin taluqsrau-; not easily ~ 559
to V at an ~ level 674 -allak- taluqsrait-
intensely: ~ dislike 654 uumigipiallak- intimidating: consider ~ 94 attaġi-
intensity: V with ~ 901 -piaġataq(-); V intimidation: 527 sivuuġasaaġun
with intensity each time 901 intolerable: find~ 333 nayulguit-
-piaġataġaq-; V something with introduction: ~ of paper 100
intensity each time 901 aullaqisaaq(-)
-piaġataġaġi- Inuit: 181 Iñuit
intent: 398 piyumman; have no ~ to V Inupiaq: 182 Iñupiaq; ability to speak
864 +niayuġat-; ~ to V 1111 in ~ 183 Iñupiuraallaniq; in the ~
+yumman language 183 Iñupiatun; like an
interest: 263 kipiġniuġun ~ 183 Iñupiatun; one’s ~ name
interfacing: 445 qiġattat 182 Iñupiaqsiñ, Iñupiaqsiñiq;
intermittently: feel faint ~ 1 speak in ~ 183 Iñupiuraaq-;
aanŋuraġaq-; ingest liquid ~ 345 translate into ~ 182 Iñupiaqsi-
niuġmigaq-, niuqsigaq- (Ti); lie on invalid: 96 atuġnaġumiñait-
one’s back ~ (of seal or walrus) invaluable: 27 akiksrait-
441 qavaġaq-, qavaġauraq-; sun investigate: 233 kaŋiqsiuq-, 452
breaking through clouds ~ 518 qimilġuuq-
siqiñiqsruktaq(-); ~ V-ing 1127, invisible: 557 takunait-
1133 -mmaq- plus invitational dance: gift given at an ~
Contemporative Mood IV 279 maġlaun; give a gift at an ~

279 maġlak-, maġlai-; give a gift it’s happening again: 277 maannaasii
to each other at an ~ 279 it’s just as well: 535 suniayuġattuq
maġlaktuuti-; gift received at an it’s not right: 1 aakhaa, 6 aaŋhaa
~ 279 maġlausiaq itself: be by ~ 145 inmikkuaq-
invite: 25 aiyugaaq-, 414 qaipkai- ivory: 612 tuugaaq; old ~ 414 qailiñiq
invited: be ~ 25 aiyugaaqsiu- (Ti)
iron1: pair of ~ pieces 134 ignisik; ~ J
rod for harpoon shaft 118 jack (suit in playing cards): 156 ililgaaq
igimaq (Ti), 281 makvak
iron2: 415 qaiqsaq-, qaiqsaun jacket: not be wearing a ~ 294
irrational: become ~ 396 piunġiq- mattaaq-
irresponsible: 438 qaunatqiit- jackstones: 238 kattagaat; to play ~ 238
is (present Indicative): is V-ing 1117, kattagaaq-
1121 +t/ru- plus intransitive jade: 204 isiŋnaq
Indicative endings; ~ V-ing Jaeger: 209 isuŋŋaq, isuŋŋaġluaq (Ti)
someone or something 1117, jail: 590 tigutaaġvik, 206 isiqtit-; bail
1121 +k/ga-, +k/gi- plus transitive out of ~ 53 annisiq-; be in ~ 206
Indicative endings) isiqtau-; put in ~ 590 tigutaaq-,
is (present Interrogative): ~ V-ing tigurau-2
1117, 1120 +p/va, +p/vi plus jam: 323 nanuktaaġun
Interrogative endings jammed: become ~ 225 kalivit-
is that so: 25 aiy January: 20 Aġraurraġvik (Ti), 100
island: 448 qikiqtaq; barrier ~ split Aullaqtuġvik, 356 Nutaqsivik
into two 137 ikirriq(-); (Ti), 623 Ukiutchiaq (Nu), 634
downriver end of an ~ 372 ¤Uniġmigvik
papikkaq (Nu); upriver end of jawbone: remove ~ 16 agluq-1; whale ~
an ~ 412 ¤qaġġaq (Nu) 15 agliġuq, 16 aglu(-)
isolate: 266 kisimġuqtaaq- jealous: become sexually ~ 493
isthmus: 85 ataniq saŋiatchak-; extremely sexually
it doesn’t matter: 535 suniayuġattuq ~ 493 saŋiaktu-; sexually ~ 493
it happened, couldn’t be avoided and saŋiak-, saŋiagi-
can’t be helped: 587 tavrakii jealousy: 609 tutchun; express ~ 388
it is highly probable: 488 sammakii piŋa-
it was scary: 129 iiqinii jelly: 323 nanuktaaġun
itch: 376 paumit-, pauvliq-, pausi- (Ti); jellyfish: 138 ikpiaġruk,153 ilari2, 357
cause to ~ 376 pauvri-; develop nuvayulġiq (Ti)
pimples that ~ 637 uŋŋi-; jerk: ~ and drag 356 nusukaq-; ~ and
relieve an ~ 272 kumik- pull 355 nuqiksraaq-, 356
item: ~ especially made for men 68 nutchugaq-
aŋutiqtaq jib: 611 tuugauraq
it’s a good thing: 84 asugupta jig for fish: 101 aulasaq-
it’s always like that: 588 tavra jigging stick: 101 aulasaun; one of two
tainnaviiññaq ice ~s used wind fishing line 49
it’s cold: 37 alappaa, 506 sii2 amuuġun
it’s going to get you and it’s scary: 128 jigging tackle: ~ for tomcod 285
iiq manaq(-)

jingle: 523 sivaniqtaq- July: 181 Iñukkuksaivik, 202 Isavik,
job: 499 savaaq; have a good ~ 499 Itchavik, 350 Nukatpiat Itchaviat,
savaaġik- 438 Qaugalaat Payaŋaiġviat
John River 250 Kiiñaqvak jump: ~ across 302 misik-; ~ down 330
join: 149 ilaliuti-, 151 illati- nautkiaq-; ~ on a jumping
joint: bone ~ 18 aġimmiq, 64 aŋimniq board 10 aatchakisaaq-, 320
(Ti), 332 nalvu, navyaaq, 390 nalukatauraq- (Ti); ~ over 330
piqqiq; ~, esp., in joined pieces nauktaq-; ~ up and down
of wood 222 kaippaq, 244 excitedly 300 minŋala-, 300
kiappiq; inside of a ~ 389 minŋiqtaq-; ~ up and down in
piġliġniq (Nu); first ~ of middle the same spot 460 qirgiqtaq-; ~
finger 507 simiun (Nu); fluid in up and land on the same level
~s 165 imaġiak(-); rounded as one started 300 minŋiq-,
upper end of femur at hip ~ mitŋiq- (Nu); ~ up from a
523 sivyaaq, sipyaaq (Nu); kneeling position 459 qirgiq-,
swollen ~ 332 navyaaġluksiñiq; qisrgiq-; ~ up suddenly and flee
treat one’s ~s 332 navyarriqi- 380 pikiaq-
joke: 303 mitaaġun; 262 kipaaq-, 596 jump in and out of water: ~ (of fish)
tipsisaaq- (Ti); I ~! 88 380 pikiaġaq-
atchuamiiq; ~ around with jump rope: 225 kaliviqtaun; 225
someone 160 illuġruq- (Ti); kaliviqtaq-; game of ~ where
tell ~ing stories 303 mitaaq-; ~ two hold the ~ and a third
with 160 illuġi-; ~ by telling jumps 80 argaugaatchiaq(-)
stories which are not true 482 jumper on the blanket-toss: 320
sagluuraq- nalukataqtuaq
joking partner: 160 illuq, illualuk jumping board: 10 aatchakisaun, 320
jostle: 496 saqi-, saqit-, saqiraq- nalukatauraun (Ti); jump on a ~
jolt: ~ along 415 qaiġilliuq- (Ti); 10 aatchakisaaq-, 320
experience a ~ 606 tuqpallak- nalukatauraq- (Ti)
jolted: 333 nayaksatit-, nayaŋŋatit- Junco: 444 qayuuttaayuuq,
jowls: 419 qakiġluuk(-) qayuuttavauraq (Nu), 548
joy: 477 quvianġun, quviasuun; to cause taatchiŋiraq
~ 477 quvianaq-; behavior full junction: 239 kayyaaq
of love, ~, and happiness 477 June: 127 Iġñivik, 437 Qaugait
quvianġutu-; sweet ~ 156 Anniviat
iliġasuun just barely: ~ V 910 -pqaułłIk-, 911
joyful:156 iliġasuk-, 466 quiliqta- -pqauraq(-)
joyless: become ~ 190 ipiqtutchak- just right: done ~ 278 maannakiaq
joyously: ~ contented 477 quvianġu- just when: ~ one is about to V 685
judge: 207 isivġiqsi, 642 -aqsimmipkaq- (plus affirmative
uqaqsitaaqtitchiri; 207 isivġiq- Subordinative Endings)
judgment: 207 isivġiun justice: 316 nalaunŋaruaq
juggle: 122 iglukisaaq(-), justify: 316 nalaunŋasipkaq-
iglukusaaq(-)(Ti) juvenile: 356 nutaġaq
juice: ~ of fruit, meat, or vegetables juxtaposition: those in ~ 491
219 ivsa saniġaqłiġiik(-); be in ~ 491

saniġaqłiġiik(-) nikparriq-
keep doing this: 210 innasiġaq-
K keg: 168 imġusiaġruk, 436 qattaġruk
kayak: 443 qayaq; capsize in ~ 443 kept doing that: 554 tainnasiġaq-
qayau-; have ~ race 360 kerchief: 327 nasaġaq, nasaġauraq,
paaġutraq- (Nu); place for rope nasaġaaq (Ti)
on ~ 564 tapqaq2; use a ~ 443 kerosene: 645 uqsruqłuk
qayaqtuq- kerosene stove: 504 siggaġluilaq
keel: ~ of kayak 273 kusaq; main ~ of key: 395 pitchiġiiyaun
umiak 274 kusaaq, 276 kuyaaq kick: 73 aqi-; ~ with bottom of the feet
(Ti); outer ~ of umiak 35 akuq 599 tukiq-, tukala-, tukalik- (Ti),
keel brace: ~ of umiak 121 iglaaq tukiġnik-; ~ repeatedly 73
keel runner: ~ of umiak161 aqsraq-; ~ violently without
ilunmugiitkutaq warning 73 aqiniqłak-
keel support: ~ of an umiak 346 niutaq kidney: 565 taqtu; ~ fat from caribou
keep: ~ alive 184 iñuut-; ~ awake 605 or whale 565 taqtuġutit
tupaaq-; ~ busy 500 savaluk-; ~ kill: 392 pisaġi-, 607 tuqut-; ~ a
close to the ground 359 wounded animal 312 nagruq-,
¤paamiq-; ~ at a distance 637 404 puuvsaq; try to ~ a
uŋasiktit-; ~ from harm 598 wounded animal 324 naŋit-2 (Ti)
tugluaqsima-; ~ hood on 327 killed: about to be ~ violently 532
nasapak-; ~ in front of oneself suksraugaqsi-
479 saamiutaq(-); ~ in mind 215 Killdeer: Northern ~ 557 taligvak
itqauma-, itqagi-; ~ in one’s killer whale: 2 aaġlu
pocket 23 aiñiġmiutaq(-); ~ a Killiq River, Alaska: person from ~
nocturnal routine 305 mumiiŋa-; 253 Killiġmiu
~ one’s arms behind one’s back kind: 13 aggaŋait-, 94 attaġnait-,
45 amaqsimaaq-; ~ one’s arms 150 ilamaatqik-
inside one’s parka 471 qumiik-, kind: one of a ~ 81 arriilaq
qumiikhaaq-, qumiksimaaq-; ~ kindling: 271 kukuun, kukuutiksrat, 133
one’s back turned 604 igniksraq, igniġutiksraq
tunuqsruq-; ~ operational 120 kindness: 311 nagliktuun
igliqtit-; ~ a rendezvous 237 king: 628 umialik
kasuuti-; ~ secret 65 aŋŋigi-, king (suit in playing cards): 224
aŋŋikkuti- (Ti); ~ someone kalalliaq
amused 315 nakut-; ~ someone kingdom: 628 umialgun
company 178 iññiqsima-; ~ King Eider: 456 qiŋalik, qiŋaligaaluk
something hidden 530 suilauri-; (Ti)
~ supplied with water 168 king salmon: 192 iqalukpak, 551
imiqaqtit-; ~ on trying 264 taġyaqpak (Nu)
kipiqsruq-; ~ to oneself 161 kiss: 272 kunik-, kunipiq-
ilumiutaq(-); uable to ~ one’s kitchen: 116 iga(-), 117 iggavik; ~ of
eyes open 383 pillitchi-; unable sodhouse 116 iga(-)
to ~ up 283 mallit-, 633 uniktit-; kitchen cabinet: 421 qallugauraqaġvik
~ up 317 nalliummati-; ~ vigil knapsack: 17 aġġiññaq
635 unnui-; ~ vigil for game 339 knead: ~ bread dough 326 naqitchi-

knee: 508 siitquq(-), sitquq(-), sitquġiaq become comfortable with
(Nu); flex ~s 508 sitquġraq-; someone 101 aunniuq-; get to ~
injure ~ 508 siitquaq-, sitquaq-; someone 150 ilammiuq-; not ~
press down with one’s ~s 508 318 nalu-; not ~ what to do 428
sitquġmik- qanuusiit- (Nu)
knee joint: 332 navlu knowledge: 154 ilisimman; deny ~ of 65
knee pad: 522 sitquġun aŋŋirri-, aŋŋirrisi-
knee strings of boots: 372 paqtiġraq known: make someone or something ~
kneel: 477 quvsuk-, quvsuktaaq-, 508 318 nalunaiq-
siitquq(-), sitquq(-); ~ in before knuckles: 419 qakiqtautit (Nu)
someone or something 522 Kobuk: Upper ~ people 420 Qalamiut
sitquġvigi- (Nu)
knickers: 413 qaġliviik (Nu) Kobuk River: 275 Kuuvak
knife: 501 savik; blood-letting ~ 234 Kobuk valley: people of the ~ 275
kappun, kappugauraq; bone ~ 510 Kuuvagmiut
sikuiyaun; butchering ~ 384 Kotzebue, Alaska: 448 Qikiqtaġruk
pilaun, pilaunnaq; carving ~ 298 krill: 120 igliġaq, igliġiaq
millik, (Nu) mitlik; crescent- Kuparuk River: 275 Kuukpaaġruk
shaped ~ 626 ulu, uluuraq;
double-bladed ~ 104 avanmulik,
122 igluktuulik; flint ~ 248 L
kiglak(-) (Nu); pocket ~ 388 labor (giving birth): 127 iġñisuk-; begin
piñŋuqtaq; ~ sharpener 513 ~ 127 iġñisuliq-
silliñ; ~ sheath 250 kiiñailisaq Labrador tea: 372 papaksraq, 484
(Ti), 660 yaġałhaq, sakiaguraq, 592 tilaaqiaq
yaġiłhaq,yaġalġaq, yaġarqhaq labret: 613 tuutaq; beaded bone ~ 65
(Nu); skinning ~ 3 aagun, aaksiñ, aŋmaluaq;
aaksiññaq; whale flensing ~ 21 lacing: ~ of skin to boat frame 599
aġviuġun, 239 kaugaq2(-) (Nu), tugrun
(Ti), 501 saviuraqtuun, 612 lack: ~ N 736 :It-1; ~ some things 638
tuggaun, tuggautaq (Nu, Ti); upaluŋa-
whittling ~ 490 sannan ladder: 296 mayuġautat, mayuġauttat
knit: 450 qilak-2 ladle: 165 immiqsuun, 422 qallun, 444
knitting needle: 451 qilaun qayuuttaq
knock: 589 tigluktuq- lagoon: 165 imaq(-), 569 tasiġaaġruk; ~
knock-the-wind-out: 161 ilunŋuq- behind Wainwright, Alaska 165
knock-kneed: 476 quumiŋa-, quuŋa- Imaġruk; ~ between Barrow and
knoll: 388 piŋu(-) Browerville, Alaska 202 Isatquak
knot: 348 nuġlu, 451 qiliġniq; slip ~ 68 lake: 327 narvaq; ~ immediately north
aŋuvyuġaq (Nu); tie ~ 451 qiliq-, of Barrow, Alaska 168
qiliqsruq-; tie a slip ~ 68 Imiqpaniqłuk; ~ immediately
aŋivruqqiq- (Nu); tie into a ~ 451 south of Birnirk, Alaska 168
qiliq-; tighten ~ 430 qaptit- (Ti); Imiqpak; long, narrow ~ 556
untie ~ 451 qiliġutaiq-; ~ in taksruk
wood 29 akiġuq, 635 unŋuq lake trout: 73 aqalukpak or aqalukpiaq
know: 154 ilisima-; get to ~ and or aqalukpik (Ti), 192 iqaluaqpak,

422 qaluaqpak (Nu) standing position 78 aquvsalak,
lamb: 171 imnaiyaaq, 220 ivutuq aquvsalaaq-; jump and ~ on
lame: become ~ 539 susialliq- (Ti) same level 300 minŋiq-, mitŋiq-
lamentation: 445 qiglukpagniq (Nu); ~ on one’s back 347
lamp: 321 naniq, 468 qulliq1; raise the nivġallak-; ~ on one’s feet 609
~ flame 135 ikuappak- tut-; ~ on shore en masse
lamp chimney: 28 akisiġun, akiłhun 600 tulasaaq-; slip and ~ on a
lamp wick: adjust ~ 583 tatqik-; ~ hard surface 443 qayuiłłak-,
adjuster 91 atqun qayuillak- (Ti); ~ to one side of
lance: point for a killing ~ 68 aŋuvigaq one’s target 121 igluaq-
land1: 353 nuna; acquire ~ 353 landing: come in for a ~ 303
nunanik; be one’s ~ 353 nunagi-; mitchaaġiaq-; fall forward
~ between two rivers at suddenly, ~ face down 359
confluence 34 akuliġaq (Nu); paałłak-; ~ place for a boat 600
claim ~ 353 nunni-; edge of ~ tulagiaq, tulagvik; ~ strip 303
253 killi; elevated ~ 469 mitchaaġvik, milvik, mirvik
qutchimaraaq; fly over ~ 213 land otter: 370 pamiuqtuuq
itivit-; heatwaves from ~ 660 language: 642 uqausiq
uyumiq(-); large expanse of low languages: 642 uqautchit
~ 329 natiġnaq; low, swampy ~ lantern: ~ chimney 28 akiłhun; break a
126 iġimniq; ocean current ~ chimney 28 akiłhurraq-;
flowing toward ~ 206 kerosene ~ 322 naniġuaq
isiqsaġnaq; passage of water Lapland Longspur: 473 qupałuk, 403
between bodies of ~ 137 ikiq; putukiułuk (Nu)
point of ~ at one end of bay 358 large: 62 aŋi-1; extremely ~ 63
nuvugraq (Ti); point of ~ aŋivałłak-; find too large 63
exposed to prevailing wind 81 aŋigi-; ~ N 871 -niqłuk, 928
arguġaq; promontory 358 +qpak(-), 964 -saktaq; make too ~
nuvuk, 591 tikiġaq, tikiġauraq; 63 aŋinaaq-, agnaaq-; one not so
reach ~ 353 nunalit-, nunnit-; be ~ 63 aŋillaŋilaq
rocky ~ 353 nunagluk-; round a larger: 546 taaniqtu-; much ~ 63
point of ~ when traveling by aŋipiksuaq-; make appear ~
boat 620 uivaqsaaq-; small point 546 taaniqtunaq-
of ~ 358 nuvuġaluk, nuvuġauraq, larva: ~ of caribou botfly 272 kumak,
nuvuġaq; ~ smoothly 609 550 tagiuq
tulluataq-; survey ~ 353 lash: 599 tugrut-; ~ skin cover to umiak
nunniqi-; ~ where one lives and frame 613 tuut-
subsists 183 iñuuniaġvik; wide, lashed: things ~ together 451 qiliqtat
of ~ 90 atchaqtu-; wind from the lashing: 451 qilġun, 599 tugrun; ~ for
~ 254 kiluagnaq lower runners of sled 355
land2: fall and ~ on one’s hands 111 nuqaġun
ayappaqhaaq-; fly over lasso: 335 nigaq(-), nigaqtuun, nigavraun;
and ~ on the other side 595 loop on ~ 644 uqsiq, uqsi
tiŋmiukaktaq-; ~ from flight 303 last: ~ one 77 aqulliq; ~ week 77
mit-, mitchaaq-; ~ in a sitting aqulliġmi savaiñŋaiñŋaisa
position when falling from a late: 261 kiŋuġautchi-, kiŋuġauti-;

sleep ~ and stay up late 305 tasikuaq-; run ahead, passing
mumiqłiq-; stays up ~ 378 others to take the ~ 312 naġruk-
piggaqtu- lead2: 620 uiñiq; be near the beach
later: 6 aannagu, 261 kiŋuagun, (of ~) 91 atikit-; flat, secure ice
kiŋulvatigun; become ~ 6 at edge of ocean ~ 396 pituqqiq;
aannaguliq-, 8 aaqaguili-, 419 for there to be a ~ 620 uiñŋa-;
qakuguili- ice path or trail through shore-
laugh:118 iglaq-; ~ at 119 iglautigi-; ~ fast ice to the edge of ocean ~
loudly 119 iglaqhaqtaq-; ~ so 396 pituqqit; to break off inside
hard one has difficult taking a ~ (of shore-fast ice) 614
breath 1 aaqsallaiġaq-; try tuvaiyaq-; to surface in an inlet
to make someone ~ 118 in a ~ 233 kaŋiqłuaq-
iglaġuksaaq-, 462 qitusuksaaq-, lead : 643 uqhaq, 617 uġġaq; ~ for
qitusuksai-; ~ very hard 187 bullets 413 qaġruksaun; pour ~
ipputigi- into mold to make bullets 276
laughable:119 iglaġuŋnaq- kuviri (Nu); fill bullets with ~ 364
laughing: burst out ~ 119 iglaqhuaq-, paġnasi-
517 sipkiq-, 595 tivsitchai-, leaf: broad ~ 36 akutuqpak
tivsitchak-; unable to stop ~ 1 leak: ~ (of liquid) 175 iñġaq-; ~ out,
aaqsallaiq- of air 508 siiq-; ~ (of non-
laughter: cause ~ 119 iglaġuŋnaq- liquid) 229 kanġaq-
launch: ~ a boat 112 ayak-2, 243 lean: ~on for support 333 nayummak-,
kaimit-, kiamit-, 479 saavit- nayummi-; ~ on a secure object
launching: umiak ~ place at whaling 49 anaggusimaaq-; lean on
camp site 48 ammuaq something 129 iigaq,
launder: ~ clothes 191 iqaqsri- iigaqsimaaq-; something to
laundry: 192 iqaqsrivik; clean ~ 191 ~ on to support one’s hand 112
iqaqsrat; dirty ~ 191 ayapqun
iqaqsraksrat; do someone’s ~ leap: 356 nutik-; ~ repeatedly 280
192 iqaqsrisi-; do the ~ 192 magrikaq-
iqaqsri- learn: 155 ilit-; ~ to V 809 -llasI-; ~ of
lava: 659 uyaġak ikualaruaq her/habits 155 ilit-; ~ how to do
law: 85 atanniuġun, 395 pitquraq; break battle 69 aŋuyyiuq- (Nu)
a ~ 332 navgi-; hold trial in a learner: be a slow ~ 155 ilitchitchiġiit-
court of ~ 642 uqaqsitaaq- leash: dog ~ 569 tasikuaġun
law-abiding: 281 makpiġaaġik-, least cisco: 192 iqalusaaq
maqpiġaaġik- Least Sandpiper: 277 livalivauraq (Nu),
lawbreaker: 14 aglagiit- (Ti), 281 livaluġauraq, lavluġauraq
makpiġaaġiit-, maqpiġaaġiit- least weasel: 331 naulayuq
lawyer: 395 pitquraliqiri leather: 127 iġviaq, 460 qisik; prepare
laxative: 50 anaġnaq ~ by softening 462 qitummak-;
lazy: 193 iqianġutu-, iqiasuu-, iqiasuk-; smoked tanned ~ 206 isiqsiaq;
become ~ 194 iqiatchak-; soak ~ 398 pulauq-; ~ strip
~ person 194 iqiasuaq between body and hard sole of
lead1: 100 aullati-; ~ the way 526 boot 638 uŋirviaġun; tanned ~
sivulliq-; ~ with a leash 569 127 iġviaq; wide ~ thong used

for snowshoe webbing 603 514 siluk-, siluktaq-; upper hind
tuniksraq (Nu); work with ~ 127 ~ 51 anauttaq(-);
iġvirriqi- legend: 633 unipkaaq(-); supporting
leave: 100 aullaq-; ~ home without story to a ~ 112 ayapqutaq; tell a
intention of returning 100 ~ 633 unipkaaq(-); two ~s told
aullau-; ~ a job due to with supporting stories 112
dissatifaction 336 niguq-; ayapqutillak
prepare to ~ 490 sanagi- legendary: ~ fish-like creature 443
lee: 423 qamaniq, qamanaaq2 qayułuk (Nu); ~ flying whale
left: 498 saumik; ~ hand 498 saumik 467 quktuġaq; ~ little person 2
left behind: really try to be ~ 633 aaġaayiq; ~ water animal 337
unisinniapiaq- niġrułłuk; ~ wild baby 125 iġaaq
left-handed: 498 saumiñmuŋa-; ~ (Ti), 129 iiġaaq (Nu)
person 498 saumik legging: full-length skin ~ 93 atpaugaq
leftover: 149 ilaku(-); ~ N 766 -ku(-); (Nu)
have food ~ 344 niqiku-; food ~ legislation: 395 pitqurriaksraq
from preparing food 47 leisurely: V ~ 999 -t/raġaaq(-), 891
amirriaq; have ~ 517 +ŋuraaq-, 1074 -uraaq-; V ~ first,
sippakuulaaq-; ~ half 107 then 809 -llaqqaaq- plus
avvaku; remnant ~ 47 amiku; Affirmative Subordinative I
something ~ 517 sippaq, Endings
sippaku, 563 taŋiq; ~ bone 499 lemming: 107 aviŋŋaq; ~’s
sauniku underground cache of food 343
leftovers: ~ to be discarded 486 niqautit
saksranikut lend: 94 attaqsipkaq-, 96 atuqtit-
leg: 344 niu; bow one’s ~s 218 ivluq-; lender: money~ 26 akiilaqtuqtitchiri
break a ~ 344 niuggaaq-; bring length: 556 taktilaaq(-); measure ~ 556
~s against one’s body 126 taktilaaq(-); too long in ~ (of a
iġmak-; bring ~s together garment) 35 akuqtu-
tightly 476 quumik-; calf of ~ lengthwise: cut ~ 507 siik-
261 kiŋuġaq, kiŋuqqaq; cross ~s lengthy: 524 sivisu-, sivisuuraq-
and sit 496 saqpiluksi-; foreleg leprosy: 256 killiġruaq; have ~ 256
525 sivuġaq (Ti), sivulliq(-); ~ of killiġruaqtuq-
furniture 344 niulu; extend Lesser Sandhill Crane: 570 tatirgak
one’s ~s 522 sitchuq-, 599 tukiq-; Lesser Scaup: 432 qaqłutuuq
have long ~s 229 kanaktu-; have Lesser Yellowlegs: 658 uviñŋuayuuq
short ~s 229 kanakit-; hind ~ lesson: ~ already learned 154 ilisaq; ~
261 kiŋuġaġliq, kiŋulliq1; inner ~ already studied 153 ilisaaq; ~
229 kanak; lower ~ 229 kanagaq; learned from another person
move arms and ~s around 104 154 ilisausiaq; ~ to be learned
avala-, 347 nivġala-; muscle of ~ 154 ilisaksraq, 155 ilitagraq (Ti);
313 nakasugnaq; one with short ~ to be studied 153 ilisaaksraq;
~s 229 kanakisuuraq;remove lethargic: become ~ 539 susunġiq-
animal skin ~ 204 isikki-; ~ skin let me see it: 488 samma3
of caribou 203 isik; spread let me see it then for verification: 488
one’s ~s 104 avlaak-; swing the ~ sammaami

let’s give it a try: 243 kiata (Nu), kiita, strike (of ~) 437 qaumatitaq-
kiataŋ (Ti) lighter in color: become ~ 436 qataak-
let’s go: 243 kiata (Nu), kiita, kiataŋ (Ti) lightheaded: feel ~ 1 aaŋayaaŋa-
letter: upper case ~ 14 aglakpak like: 182 iñunnagi-, 314 nakuaġi-; ~ a
level: highest ~ 408 qaatchiaq food 284 mamaġi-
lever: 219 ivrutaq(-), 191 ipugaun, like previously: 554 tainna suli
ipugautaq; lift with a ~ 191 ipuk- like that: 554 tainna, taimanna; be ~
lever-action: ~ rifle 191 ipugaġnaq 554 tainnait-, tamait-; not ~ 554
suppun tainnaŋilaaq
levy: 27 akiliaksriq- like this: 209 inna, iminna, imanna
liberty: 84 atanġirrun likeness: 81 arri1
library: 281 makpiġaaqaġvik, limb: 201 isaġutaq, isaġun; ~s 202
maqpiġaaqaġvik isatigit, isatkit (Nu)
lice: infested with ~ 272 kummak-; limber: 192 iqait-
caribou covered with ~ 272 limp: 394 pisuapaktaq-, 539 susiat- (Ti),
kumaksralliq; look for ~ 272 609 tusiat-, tusiqhuk-,
kumaiqsuaq-; rid of ~ 272 tusiqhuktaq-, tusiapiktaq-
kumaiq- line: 597 titiġniq; ~ attaching net to ice
lichen: caribou ~ 343 niqaaq, 593 hole 207 isuutaq; two objects in
tiŋaurat line 317 naligiik(-); ~ used to
lick: 43 aluk(-); ~ repeatedly 43 string fish 357 nivviñ
aluktuq- line of chain: 503 siakkaat
lick lips moistly and loudly: 301 line up: 261 kiŋuġaqłigiik-, 604
misaq- tunulliġiiksit-
lie1: 481 saglun, 482 sagluqun; 481 linen: 623 ukiłhaaġiksuaq
saglu-; tell ~s 482 sagluuq- ling cod: 597 tittaaliq
lie2: ~ down 315 nallaq-; ~ horizontal linger: 346 nivigaq-
incessantly 315 nalaqhik-; ~ on lingonberry: 257 kimmigñaq1
one’s back 315 nala-, 463 qivi-; liniment: 14 agiun2 (Ti), 323 nanuun;
~ down with 315 nallaqasiq- rub ~ on 323 nanuluk-
lie in wait: ~ for animals 232 lining: 162 ilupaaq; stomach ~ 202
kaŋiġaqsimaaq- isaġuaq
life: breath of ~ 179 iñuggun; come to ~ lint: 492 sanik(-);become covered with
184 iñuutchak- (Ti); duration ~ 492 sannak-; remove ~ 492;
of ~ 183 iñuuniqtutilaaq; make ~ sanŋiyaq-
easier for another 412 lip: 432 qaqłu; have ~s tightly closed
qaġasilaaq-; way of ~ 179 401 pummiq-, 640 upummiq-;
iñuggusiq, 183 iñuuniusiq ~ plug 613 tuutaq
(Nu); ~ force 551 taġniq lips: 432 qaqłuuk
lift: 269 kivik-; ~ repeatedly 269 kivvak- lip of whale: get a share of ~ 432
ligament: 350 nukik; ~ under tongue qaġlunnak- (Ti)
449 qillun, qillutaq liquid: 165 imaq(-); ~ from boiled fat
light: 321 naniq, 437 qaummaq, 468 or blubber 524 sivaraaq (Ti); ~
qulliq1; beam of ~ 28 akiłuk(-) which has seeped or oozed out
light bulb: 405 puvlauraq, 469 qulliuraq 508 siiġñiq; something pounded
lightening: sheet ~ 437 qaumatitaq(-); into ~ 240 kaugaq2; sprinkle ~

on something 518 siqqiłłaqtiq-; 254 kiluani; ~ under 90 ataani
spurt out (of ~) 536 suppuqhiaq- located: with the N 1142 ÷mI
liquor: 546 taaŋŋaq(-) located here: 291 maani, maaniit-, 657
listen: 308 naalaktuaq- uvani, uvaniit-
listen: 1 a, 84 ataa (Nu) (Ti), 86 ataŋ, 94 located down there: ~ (visible)
atta 227 kanani, kananiit-, 631
little: V a ~ 824 -łauraq(-) unani, unaniit-; ~ (not
little bit: V a ~ 767 -kuluuraq(-) visible) 489 samani2, samaniit-2
Little Dipper: 359 Paatchuktuurat located in there: ~ (not visible) 423
litter: 528 suaqłuk; be clear of ~ 528 qamani, qamaniit-
suaqłuiq- located further over there: 103
live: ~ 183 iñuu-; fight to ~ 376 avaniqpani, 548 taavaniqpani
payagniuq-; ~ for a short while located out there: ~ (visible) 246 kiani,
183 iñuuliqtuuraq-; not expect to kianiit-; ~ (not visible) 410
~ 94 attaġriuq- (Ti); ~ with 184 qaani, qaaniit-; ~ in the artic
iñuuqatigi-, 210 itqatigi- entry (not visible) 485 saŋmani,
live in: ~ a winter den 54 saŋmaniit-; ~ in the shed or the
aniguyyaqtuq-; ~ a N 1053 +tuq-3 neighbor’s house (not visible)
lively: 389 pipika-, 445 qiġġait-, 653 418 qaŋmani, qaŋmaniit-
uumalaaq-; have ~ conversation located over there: ~ (visible) 130
643 uqqaaġik- ikani, ikaniit-, 175 iñani (Nu); ~
liver: 595 tiŋuk; small pieces of ~ and (not visible) 44 amani, amaniit-;
tendons stuffed in rumen of ~, across (visible) 11 aani,
caribou and allowed to age 595 aaniit-; ~, across (not visible) 30
tiŋugaq aŋmani, aŋmaniit-
living: make a ~ 183 iñuuniaq- located there: ~, up the coast (visible)
lo, then again: ~ it appears or happens 268 kivani, kivaniit-; ~, up the
unexpectedly 528 sua, sua una, coast (not visible) 440 qavani,
suasiuna, suasiavsruma, 535 qavaniit-
sunauvva located under here: ~ (not visible) 488
load: a ~ 648 usiq1, usiaq(-); carry as a samani1, samaniit-1
~ 648 usikataq-; have a full ~ located up there: ~ (visible) 381 pikani,
648 usiŋmigauraq-; leave part of pikaniit-, 362 paani, paaniit-; ~
~ behind 18 aġlik-, 452 (not visible) 368 pamani,
qimatchi-; lose ~ 648 usiiq-; ~ pamaniit-; ~, on the roof of the
onto a mode of transport 133 house (not visible) 366 paŋmani,
iksruq-; ~ a mode of transport paŋmaniit-
648 usilliq-; regret not being located with that one down there: ~
able to carry part of another’s ~ (visible) 228 kattumani, 631
18 aġliqi-; remove ~ 648 usiiyaq- uttumani; ~ (not visible) 489
load capacity: have a large ~ 648 saptumani2
utchiqsu-; have a small ~ 648 located with that one in there: ~
utchikit- (visible) 267 kiptumani; ~ (not
loaf pan: 401 punnilivik visible) 423 qaptumani
loathe: 312 naġġugipiallak- located with that one out there: ~
located: ~ above 469 qulvani; ~ behind (visible) 246 kiktumani; ~ (not

visible) 410 qaktumani; ~ in the made ~ 556 taŋnaaq-; something
arctic entry (not visible) 484 ~ 556 takiłhuyuk, takkiiq
sakiptumani; ~ in the shed or long for: 263 kipiġniuq-; ~ the past 260
the neighbor’s house (not kiŋiaŋa-
visible) 417 qakiptumani long-lived: 330 nauniq(-)
located with that one over there: ~ long time: V for a ~ 685 -ataq-1,
(visible) 130 iktumani, 103 -lġataq-1, 962 +saġataq-
aptumani; ~ (not visible) 44 longitudinal: ~ rib of kayak frame 596
aptumani; ~ across (visible) 12 tippik
aktumani; ~ across (not visible) longnose sucker: 441 qaviqsuaq
29 akiptumani Long-tailed Jaeger: 209 isuŋŋaq,
located with that one previously isuŋŋatchiaq, (Ti) isuŋŋaġluaq
mentioned: 164 iptumani, 553 Long-tailed Duck: 8 aaqhaaliq,
taiptumani aaqhaalliq, 2 aaġaaliq (Ti), 3
located with that one up there: ~ aahaaliq (Nu)
(visible) 381 piktumani, 362 look: ~ at 454 qiñiq-; ~ around 455
paktumani; ~ (not visible) 368 qiñiġayuk-; ~ away 37 alaq-,
paptumani; ~ on the roof of the alaqtiq-; ~ for 455 qiñaa-; ~
house (not visible) 365 healthy 586 tauttugik-; ~
pakiptumani pleasing from the side 492
located with this one here (visible): saniqqiŋŋaġik-; ~ unhealthy 586
656 uumani tauttugiiq-; ~ through a spyglass
location: in what ~ 534 sumi; ~ east 606 tuqłuaġaq-; ~ up 2 aaġluq-
440 qavva qavani, 583 tatqavva look at this: 86 ataguna
tatqavani; ~ north 584 taunna look, here it is: 657 uvvahii
taunani, 631unna unani; ~ look, its over there: 130 ikkahii
northwest 34 akunġagni look out: 11 aatchikaaŋ
uttumalu aptumalu; ~ northeast lookout: 328 nasirvik, nasiqsruġvik; look
34 akunġagni uttumalu for game from a ~ 328 nasiqsruq-
qaptumalu; ~ south 362 pagga loop: ~ on lasso 644 uqsiq
paani, 573 tatpagga tatpaani; ~ loose: 99 aulaya-, 435 qasuŋa-; become
southeast ~ 34 akunġagni ~ 64 aŋivit-, aŋivraq-, 84 ataiq-,
paktumalu qaptumalu; southwest 85 ataŋaiq-,100 aulayyiq-; come
~ 34 akunġagni paktumalu ~ 13 aggaq-, aggai-, 279 maki-,
aptumalu magluaq-; come ~ tearing 39
lochia: 259 kiñiq(-) aligaaġuti-; ~ (of clothing) 82
lock: 255 kiluissaun, kiluitchaq, asiñila-; cut ~ 263 kipputi-; have
kiluusaun; 255 kiluutchaq(-), difficulty jarring ~ 426
kiluusaq(-) (Nu) kiluissaq-, 394 qanŋullaiq-; ~, not taut 494
pitchiġiiyaq-, pitchiġiiyaun; ~ in saŋŋiit-; pry ~ 85 ataŋiq-1, 439
or out 256 kiluutchauti- qauq-; ~, not tied to stake 396
loins: 185 iŋi, 588 tavsiaq pituit-
lonely: 38 alianniuq-, 39 aliasuk-; not loosen: 64 aŋivit-, aŋivraq-; boil to ~
feel ~ 39 aliit- feathers 401 puqłaq-; ~ things
long: 556 taki-; be ~ (of a ridge) 203 439 qauqtiġii-, qauqtiq-
isimŋaaq-; become ~ 556 takłi-; loosened: ~, come apart 124 igumit-

lopsided: 616 ugaaŋa- lower teeth: 89 allimġat
lord: 85 ataniq loyal: 161 ilumuuq-
lose: 27 akiit-; ~ one’s way 561 loyalty: 623 ukpiġnaqtilaaq
tammaa-, 624 ulamaa-; ~ luck: good ~ charm 323 nanuġun
something 114 ayuri-, 562 lukewarm: 265 kirrak-, 338 niġumik-,
tammai- niġummaak-
lost: 561 tammaq-; ~ forever lullaby: 73 aqaun, 290 mapsaun; sing a ~
553 taimmau-; ~ person on ice 290 mapsaq-2, 295 mavsaq-
562 tammaġniq lumbar vertebra: 202 isaġutauralgit;
lot: have a ~ to say 641 uqaksraqtu-; vertebrae above the ~ 264
talk a ~ 641 uqalutu-; V a ~ kipkaqsiġiilat
984 -sugruk(-), 1007 -taktuaq- lumber: 460 qiruit; ~ for framing 104
lottery: 316 nalautchaqtuaq avaluksrat
loud: 342 nipatu-; too ~ 467 qukiġñaq- lump: 124 igruiqqaq (Ti)
louder and louder: 167 imigluksi- lunch: 462 qitiqquutaq (Ti), 461
loudly: talk ~ 482 saġmak-; echo ~ qitiġutaq; eat ~ 23 ailliliq- (Nu),
415 qaiġuatit-; speak angrily ~ 461 qitiġusiq-, 462 qitiqquutchiq-
426 qanmiksaaq- (Ti)
louse: 272 kumak; ~ egg 215 itqiq lung: 404 puvak; ~ of beluga whale or
love: 315 nakuaqqun, 391 piqpakkun, seal 404 puvagraaq (Ti)
397 piviuttaqqun; 314 lure: 241 kaviuġuksaun, kaviuġuksaaq-,
nakuaġi-, 390 piqpagi-; begin to 283 maliksuguksaaq-; ~ to V 990
~ 315 nakuaqqiuti-; ~ each +[s]uksaaq-
other 315 nakuaqquti-; grow to ~ lurk: ~ behind the shadows 550
315 nakuaqqiaguti-; message taġġiraq-
of ~ 332 nayaaŋŋaq lying: you’re ~ 1 aakhaa
loveable: 119 iglignaq-; find lynx: 346 niutuiyiq
someone or something ~ 119
igliksraq- M
loved one: 149 ilamaaq; call someone a Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest
~ 149 ilamaaqtuq- Territories, Canada people: 184
loving: 315 nakuaqsri- Iñuvialuit, 653 Uummaġniut
low: 326 naqit- maggot: 272 kumak, 474 qupilġuksraq
low area along a bluff: 138 ikpiilġuq (Ti)
lower: 91 atpaq-, arvaq-, 326 naqikłi-, magnet: 343 nipitchak, nipinnaq
naqikłilaaq-, 341 niŋit-; ~ part of magnifying glass: 62 agliraġaun, 63
mountaintop 326 naqilġarteuq; aŋinaq
set at ~ setting 89 anmuktaaq- mail: deliver ~ 15 agliqi-; something
lower area: 89 alliñiq, atliñiq (Nu) sent via ~ 615 tuyuun; something
lower back: 280 makisiq (Ti); have pain received via ~ 615 tuyuusiaq
in the ~ 280 makitchaq- (Ti) mailbox: 615 tuyuusiaqaġvik
lowest: ~ one 329 natiqłiq mainsail: 77 aqulliġaq
low-pitched: 435 qatitu- maintain: 120 igliqtit-
lowbush cranberry: 257 kimmigñaq1 makeup: apply ~ 19 aġnaġiksaq-
lower jaw: 15 agliġuq male: ~ human 67 aŋun; ~ animal 67
lower neck: 383 pikusuk aŋusalluq; young ~ 356

nutaġauraq map: 353 nunauraq
malfunction: begin to ~ 83 asiŋŋuq-, March: 47 Amiqtuġvik, 120 Igliiliġvik,
147 iluilliq-, iluilliq-, iłuilliq- (Ti) 206 Isiqsiliġvik, 370 Paniqsiivik,
malicious: 378 pigiit-, 392 pisaaŋa-; ~ Paniqsiqsiivik, 518
gossipmonger 494 saŋutchiri Siqiññaasugruk
maliciously: gossip ~ 494 saŋut-; scratch marijuana: 410 qaaq(-); smoke ~ 410
~ 461 qisuk- qaaq(-)
malign: 494 saŋut- mark: 300 miŋuaq-
make: ~ a N 801 -liuq-; ~ an amulet 5 marmot: 443 qavviatchiaq, qaviatchiaq
aanġurri-; ~ one’s bed 11 (Ti), 510 siksrikpak
aatqik-; ~ something too large marriage: man rejected for ~ 351
63 aŋnaaq-; ~ a basket 17 nuliaġluaqtaq
aguummi-; ~ a contribution 24 married: become ~ 237 katchuutit- (Ti),
aitchui-; ~ Eskimo “ice 238 katitit-, katitiq- (Nu); newly ~
cream” 36 akutchi-;~ a fuss 25 couple 238 katinġaatchiak
aka-; ~ a large hook 29 akikki-; marry: 238 katit-
~ a fancy parka hem 35 akki-; ~ marvel: 40 aliuq-, 226 kamanniuq-
oneself confused 36 alavri-; ~ mask: 250 kiiñaġuq(-); half-~s 529
rope 32 akłunarri-; ~ something suglut (Ti); make a ~ 250
385 pili-, piliuq-; ~ something kiiñaqqi-; name of wooden ~ 584
shorter 35 akukikłilaaq-; try to ~ tatqivluq; wooden mold for
someone feel lonely 39 aliasaaq-; making ~s 250 kiiñaqqivik
try to ~ someone become masked dancer: 619 uiŋuraq(-)2 (Ti)
uncomfortable 41 allasaaq-; masquerade: 404 puuqtaluk(-),
~ mush for dogs 43 alliuq-, puuqtałuk(-); 618 Uiŋuraq(-) (Ti);
make a point: 482 sagviq- song sung during ~ dance 619
malice: V with ~ 833 -maqłuk- uiŋuraun (Ti)
Mallard: 623 ukhiukhiuq (Nu) mast: 324 napaksraq (Nu), 325 napaqti
mammoth: 256 kiligvak master: 85 ataniq
man: 67 aŋun; become old (of a ~) 62 mastodon: 256 kiligvak
aŋayuqaaq-; have sexual match: 135 ikun
relations with a ~ 68 aŋutituq-; mate: 351 nulik-
little, old ~ 62 maternity: ~ ward 127 iġñivik
aŋayuqaksraatchiaq, 67 mathematics: 266 kisisaat; addition in ~
aŋugaatchiaq; old ~ 62 151 ilaraġaġniq; substraction in ~
aŋayuqak, aŋayuqaksraq, 548 149 ilaiġaġniq
taataruaq; middle-aged ~ 67 matrilineal: ~ cousin 19 aġnaqan
aŋugaatchiałak; (Nu); short, mattress: 409 qarraaq; ~ pad 89 alliġaq
strong ~ 183 iñuqhiuraq; young ~ mature: 176 iñiqi-
350 nukatpiġauraq, nukatpiluk maul: 616 ugik-; have disposition to ~
mandible: 15 agliqquk, 633 uniaġaak 617 uggiqi-
mannequin: 182 iñuŋŋuaq May: 348 Nuġġiaqtuġvik, 437 Qaugait
manure: 50 anaq(-) Piviat, 536 Suppivik, 537
many: 47 amirġaq-, 177 iñugiak-; ~ N Suvluġvik
964 -salait; there are ~ N-s 1060 maybe: 164 imma qanuq; 163 immakii,
:u-3 528 suagguuq

maybe so: 1 aaqanuq, 164 imma qanuq, meat: 301 mipkuq, 344 niqipiaq;
163 imma ilaanni boneless ~ 344 niqpik; cook ~
maybe that is the situation: 163 344 niqłiuq-; cut ~ for cooking
immaami, 553 taimmaami 653 uukłi-; cut ~ into small
me: 657 uvaŋa; according to ~ 657 pieces 199 iritqi- (Ti); cut up
uvamni; compared to ~ 657 raw, frozen ~ or fish 464
uvamniñ; from ~ 657 uvamniñ; qurri-; dried surface of ~ 407
like ~ 657 uvaptun; to ~ 657 qaalu; fresh ~ and maktak 66
uvamnun; with ~ 657 uvapkun, aŋunġiutaq; fried ~ 517
uvamni siqinaqtaq (Nu); frozen ~ 464
mean: 392 pisaaŋa-, pisaaŋati-; become ~ quaq(-); gnawed ~ 336 niġġiq;
85 ataniġnaqsi-; feel ~ 654 prepare ~ for cooking or eating
uumisuk-; have a ~ countenance 344 niqłiqi-; old ~ 343 niqaaqłuk;
231 kanuk- (Ti) ~ prepared for cooking 116
means: by any ~ 427 qanuġliqaa; ~ for igaaksraq; rare ~ 619
V-ing 1065 +un1, 872 +niuti, uipasulaaq(-), uipayaaq (Ti);
niun; long to do something but select the best ~ 343
have no ~ to do it 539 susuksiu-; niqiksramaaq-
~ of doing something 393 meat grinder: 557 takuutik
pisaun; ~ of protection 57 meaty: 344 niqitu-, niqqaqtu-
anniitkutaq, anniyaitkutaq; ~ of medical: ~ doctor 545 taakti; provide ~
V-ing 1078 -utaq; via which ~ treatment 545 taaktigu-
539 sutchikun medically: minister to someone ~ 183
meaning: 526 sivuniq; be the ~ of a iñuunniaq-
word 526 sivuniġi- medication: externally applied ~ 301
meander: 497 saquuq- miŋuluun
measles: contract ~ 240 kaviqsi- medicine: 293 marasiq; cough ~ 466
measure: ~ one’s ability to V 1113 quiqsunŋuiyaun; ~ for pain 57
-yuqtilaaq-; ~ the depth of anniġñaiyaun; pill or liquid ~ 128
water 211 ititilaaq-; ~ iiraġaq; ~ for snowblindness 146
the narrowness of something 48 illuiyaun
amisilaaq-; ~ one’s ability to meek: 396 piunialait-, 456 qiñuit-
perform 385 pilgutilaaq-; ~ meet: ~ someone 237 kasui-, kasuq-; ~ a
out an insufficient amount 175 dead end or an impasse and
inuŋanaaq-; ~ the size of take another route 490
someone or something 34 samnaaq-; go and ~ someone
aktilaaq(-); ~ the thickness 290 or something 626 ullauti-; ~
maptutilaaq- someone by chance 70
measurement: ~ of breadth of arms apqusaaq-; ~ with them one
outstretched 306 naaġniq; ~ of at a time 72 apuġaq-
breadth of hand 79 argagniq; ~ meeting: 237 kasimaniq; a closed ~ 642
of the thickness of the slice of uqauraqtuuraġiaġniq; hold a ~
whale’s tail cut off for the 236 kasima-, 238 katima- (Ti);
captain who has caught his hold a lengthy ~ 231 kanŋuuma-;
first whale 38 alguniq; one foot hold a ~ with or about someone
in ~ 204 isigagniq 237 kasimmati-, kasimmatigi-;

minutes of a ~ 237 kasimanġit; ~ messenger: 271 kukilukti; ~ from a
place 237 kasimmavik; purpose whaling crew announcing the
of a ~ 237 kasimman; ~ agenda successful kill of a whale 75
237 kasimmatiksrat aqpaaqtuaq; people who send ~
meeting house site by river in to the Messenger Feast 257
Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska: old ~ kimik
231 Kanŋuummavik Messenger Feast: 269 Kivgiq(-), 419
melt: 97 auk-; ~ into water165 Qakummisaaq(-) (Ti); compete in
imaġuq-; ~ quickly 97 aułłak-; ~ a marathon run leading to the ~
snow 55 aniulliuq-; ~ (of snow or 75 aqpatau-; host village to a ~
ice and cause difficulty for 269 kivgit
someone) 97 auguti- messy: one who is disorganized and ~
melting: ~ sea ice 96 augniqsraq 131 iksaluk(-); 131
member: 148 ila(-); 151 ilau-1; become a iksaluŋaaq-, 132 ikak-2, ikaŋa-
~ 149 ilaliuti-; include someone metacarpals: 80 argautit
as a ~ 148 ilagi-; ~ of N 1035 metal: 501 savik, 501 saviłhaq, savilġaq
-tkuayaaq (Ti); softened ~ 64 aŋipkaqtaq
membrane: ~ attached to an animal’s metamorphose: 155 ilimmaq-
stomach 295 mavsa; ~ between meteorite: 655 uvluġiam anaŋa
egg shell and egg white 203 Mew Gull: 332 nauyatchiaq
isiaġuraq, isiaq, isiguraq (Ti); ~ microphone: 642 uqaun
scraped from dried animal skin middle: 34 akulliq; at the ~ 462
285 mamiq; outer ~ of walrus or qitiqpaq-; ~ seat in umiak 461
bearded seal intestines 117 qitiq
igalaaksraq; remove the ~ 285 middle finger: 462 qitiqłiq
mamiiyaq- midget: 62 aglisuilauraq, 182
memento: 364 paisaq, 380 piiguitkaaq iñuŋuluuraq
men: two, old ~ 62 aŋayuqaksraatchiak midpoint: 461 qitiq; go to ~ 462
menace: 398 piyuumigi- qitqanuk-
mend: ~ a hole 39 allaiq-, allaiyaq-, 252 midsection: ~ of whale 588 tavsi
killaiyaq- midwife: 127 iġñipkairi, iġnirualiqiri (Ti)
menstruate: 4 aalġu-, 15 agliq-(Ti) might: ~ V 902 +p/viaq-
menstruation: 4 aalġunaq might as well: ~ V 857 +natipak
mentally: 209 isummataagun; ~ ill 259 mildew: 645 uquk(-)
kinnaŋa-, kinnaŋaaq- milk: 170 immuk; ~ an animal 170
memory: 215 itqaumman immuli-
merely: ~ a N 715 +ġruiññaq millstone: 366 paluavaksriuġvik
merge: ~ with 149 ilaluktaġiliuti- mimic: 200 irruaq-
Merlin: 265 kirgaviatchauraq (Nu), 594 mind: 208 isuma(-); change one’s ~ 208
tiŋmiaġruum kirgavia isumalitqik-; find peace of ~ 610
mesentery: 211 itchauraq, 336 nigvik; ~ tutqiksi-; keep on ~ 215
stuffed with the contents of the itqauma-, itqagi-; lose one’s ~
rumen 269 kivviġruaq 208 isumaiq-; lose peace of ~
message: contain a good ~ 633 610 tutqiiq-; plant idea in
unipkautigik-; ~ of love 332 another’s ~ 209 isummiqsuq-;
nayaaŋŋaq; speak one’s ~ 264 kipinŋusuk-

miniature: ~ N 767 -kuluuraq(-) qaluiq-
mink: 212 itiġiaqpak moan and groan: 129 iila-, iiq-, iiqtuaq-
miracle: 40 aliuġnaqtuaq; perform ~s mob: 179 iññuqłuit
226 kamasausiqi- mock: 262 kipagi-, kipautigi-, 303
mirage: 176 iñirraq mitautigi-
mirror: 550 taġġaqtuun model: 602 tuvraaksriun
misbehave: 4 aanailli-, 642 uqaqsiġiit- moderate: become ~ in temperature
miscarriage: have a ~ 40 alivsuk-, 127 after being cold (of weather)
iġñiayaaq(-) 200 irraiq-
miscarry: 127 iġñiayaaq(-) moderately: improve ~ 366 palaŋa-; ~
mischief: get into ~ 364 pakak(-); have warm 652 uunnaak-
the habit of getting into modesty: 456 qiñuiññiq
everything and causing ~ 364 moisten: 190 ipsiq- (Nu), 219 ivsiq-, 293
pakkaqtu- matchaktiq-, misaktiq-
mischief-maker: 364 pakak(-) moisture: 23 aillaq
mischievous: 12 agak(-), 364 pakak(-); molar: 232 kaŋilipqaq, kaŋiliaq (Ti),
become ~ 13 aggaktit- kaŋiliñaaq (Ti)
misery: 163 iłuilliuġniq, 189 molasses: 298 milaasiq
ipiqtusuutiqpak mold: 645 uquk(-); ~like growth on
misfire: 274 kutchuq- whale meat or maktak 38
misleading: 83 asiŋñaq-; give a ~ alguniq
impression 149 ilamat- moldy: become ~ 645 uquk(-); become
mismatched: 662 ¤yuukiik- ~ (of animal fat) 537 supi(-)
mispronounce: 551 taggiqłuk-, mollusk: 330 naullaġnaq
taimaqłuk- Monday: 87 Atausiŋŋuġniq,
miss : ~ someone who is absent 39 Atautchiiġñiq; be ~ 87
aliasugi- (Ti), 380 piitchi-; Atausiŋŋuq-, Atautchiiq-, 299
miss2: barely ~ 397 pivsukaq-. ~ 389 Minġuiqsiŋaiġñiq, 500
pipsukaq-; ~ a target 83 asitqut- Savalliq-, Savalliq- (Ti)
missed: be ~ 624 ulgianaq- (Ti) money: 286 manik(-)3; earn ~ 286
missing: 380 piit- maniññak-; have no ~ 286
mission: 391 piraksriusiaq maniit-; spend all ~ 286 maniiq-
mist: 206 isiq(-), 300 miñik(-) monocle: 198 irgaaq(-)
misty: 23 ailaġnaq(-), 300 miñik(-), month: 597 titiġaq; be a new ~ 583
miññi-, miñikula- tatqiñik-; last ~ 583 tatqimi
mistake: 254 killukuaġun; make a ~ aqulliġmi; next ~ 583
254 killukuaq-, killuaq- (Nu) tatqilitqikkupta; this ~ 583 tatqimi
mistreat: 378 piaqługi-, 389 pipałłuk- mattumani
mitten: 24 aitqan, aatqan, aaqqan; ~ moon: 583 tatqiq; barely visible (of ~)
harness 59 anukuutak, anakuutaq 583 tatqiġluk-; be a half~ 122
(Nu); ; pair of trail ~s 399 igluŋŋuq-, 473 quppaŋŋuq-; full,
pualuk; ~ string 49 anakuutaq of ~ 306 naaġuq-; shine brightly,
(Nu), 58 anu(-), 451 qilġun; of ~ 583 tatqiaġik-
“mitten game”: play the ~ 299 Moon Man: 39 Alignik
miluuġuti- (Nu) moose: 611 tuttuvak; back fat of ~ 603
mix: 36 akut-, 60 aŋalat-, 186 iŋut-, 422 tunnuq; fat of ~ 315 nakuraq;

fatty intestine of ~ 535 pressure from below 390
suŋaġniq; foreleg sinew of ~ 524 piquniq; small ~ 409
sivuġaġluqun, sivuġaġlugun; hair qatchimaraaġuraq
hanging under lower jar of cow mountain: 125 iġġi; ~ base with
~ 660 uyamitquq (Nu); hump gradual slope 658 uvaagniq,
behind ~’s head 383 pikusuk; uvaaŋaniq
leg sinew of ~ 344 niuliñġaq; mountainous region: 469 qutchimaraaq
long, white “beard” of ~ 593 mountain sheep: 171 imnaiq
tiŋayuq mountain sorrel: 472 quŋulliq
moosehide: sled of frozen ~ 425 mountainside: 286 maniñaaq, maniñiq
qamuun, qamuutaq (Nu) mourn: 261 kiŋunġuu-, 262 kiŋuvġu-,
mop: 126 iġġuutit, 592 tilautit; 592 445 qiglugi-, 456 qiñu-,
tilak- qiñunġuu-, 504 siaqqa-
moral: ~ instruction 38 alġaqsruun mourning song: 444 qirran
more: 251 kiika; to want ~ 251 mouth: 426 qaniq; ~ area 505 sigguk(-);
kiikaluuŋa-; V ~ 1099 -vsaaq- close the ~ 191 ipummiq-; corner
more importantly: 541 suvaluk of ~ 194 iqiq, iqi (Nu); gum of ~
moribund: 377 piaġiit- 214 itkiq, ikkiq; open one’s ~ 10
morning: 655 uvlaaq; ~ after aatchaq-; put something in the ~
tomorrow ~ 655 uvlaatqigu; this 646 uqummirriq-; roof of ~ 450
past ~ 655 uvlaaq; tomorrow ~ qilagaq; side of ~ of bowhead
655 uvlaaġu; yesterday ~ 655 whale 485 sakiq; something in
uvlaatqik the ~ 646 uqummiaq; tattoo at
mortal: 607 tuqulisuu- corner of ~ 194 iqiġun; to water,
mortise: 400 pukkuq(-) of ~ 128 iipagaq-; wipe
mosquito: 252 kiktuġiaq; ~ net 252 one’s ~ 598 tivliiyaq-
kiktuġiiñŋutaq; ~ repellent 252 mouth of the river: 205 isiġiaq,
kiktuġiaqsiun isiqsaaġniq, 358 paa; river water
mosquito larva: 370 pamiuqtuuraq on top of ice at ~ 166
moss: 218 ivruq, 287 maniq(-), 618 immaktinniq; towards ~ from
uġruq1; brown ~ 305 mumikataq; upriver 52 anisaanmun
dried black ~ 593 tiŋauraq mouthpiece: ~ of firedrill: 249
most: to V the ~ 825 -łhamaaq- kiŋmiġaq; ~ of sealskin poke 404
moth: 295 mavrayuuq puviliñ, puviutaq
mother: 3 aaka; ~ and child recently move: ~ amidst a crowd 35 akunniraq-;
born 156 ililgauraġiik; call her ~ ~ and become visible 339
4 aakaaqtuq-; my ~ 3 aakaa; say ~ nikisit-; ~ aside 627 uluq-, 628
4 aakaaq-; your ~ 4 aakari uluġiatuaq-, uluġiattuq-, 121
mother-in-law: 4 aakaruaq, 5 aanaruaq igliq-, 122 igluvaq-, 380 piiqsaaq-,
motion: make a ~ (in parliamentary piiqtaaq- (Ti); ~ away 83 asivaq-;
procedure) 173 inillaisuk- ~ backwards 262 kiŋuppiaqtuq-;
motionless: become ~ 99 aulayaiq- begin to ~ 100 aulayyak-; ~
moult: 201 isa(-) cautiously 51 anayaktuq-,
moulting duck: 201 isa(-) anayaktuaq- (Ti); ~ constantly
mound: 389 piŋuptanaaq (Nu), 521 383 pikit-, pikaala-; continually ~
sisiqutat; ~ formed by 550 taggiqsuaq; ~ from place to

place 349 nuktaq-, 550 tagiq-; ~ much: involve ~ time 501 savinnaq-; V
further into the room 255 not ~ at all 1091 -vigruayuit-
kiluvaq-, kiluvaqtaaq-, 469 much more: V ~ 905 -piksuaq-
qulvaq-, qurvaq-; ~ in a circle 245 much to one’s annoyance: 86 atagupta
kiavaluk-, kaivaluk-; ~ into a mud: 73 aqaya, aqiya; apply ~ 73
house 121 iglutiq-; ~ into shade aqayyiq-; become stuck in
551 taġġit-; ~ items aside to ~ 73 aqayyit-; one with ~ on its
make room 145 illiqsaaq-; ~ a surface 73 aqayaulaaq(-)
little from one’s position 349 mud puddle: 166 imaqsuk
nuutaaq-; ~ lower and lower 89 muddy: 73 aqayaulaaq(-); ~ water 209
anmuksiiññaq-; make something isuaġayak, 209 isuq-, isuġluk-
~ 99 aulat-; ~ out of the way 83 mudshark: 597 tittaaliq
asivaqtaaq-; ~ sideways 491 muffler: neck ~ 326 naqsiaq
saniñmuk-; ~ slightly to the side multiplied: number ~ by four hundred
492 sanniqsaallak-; ~ something 754 -agliaq
using the feet 204 isigagmik-; ~ mumblety-peg: knife to play ~ 325
things aside to make room 145 nappaqsuġaaġun; play ~ 325
illiqsaaq-; ~ through something nappaqsuġaaq-
dense 357 nuviraq-; ~ to action murder: 179 iñuaġun, iñuaqtaġi-, 182
swiftly 639 upaluq-; ~ to another iñuktaġi-; ~ weapon 179
place 349 nuut-, nuktiq-; ~ to iñuaġun; commit ~ 179 iñuaq-
higher level 469 qunmuktaaq-; ~ murderer: 179 iñuaqti; serial ~ 179
to the beach to hunt during the iñuaqtuqti, 182 iñuktalik, 183
summer 391 piruaq-, piruaqtiq- iñuqaġnailaq
(Ti); ~ to the side 491 murky: 209 isuq-
saniñmuktaaq-; ~ to uninhabited muscle: 350 nukik; ~ calf of leg 516
place 492 sanivaq-; ~ with 349 siŋŋiq; harden up (of ~) 76
nuurruti- aqsri-; hardened bicep ~ 76
move about: 60 aŋala- (Nu), aŋałhuiq-, aqsriñiq; have stiff ~s 445
99 aula-, 157 iliqsraq-, iliġraq- qiġġaq-; have a ~ cramp 449
(Ti), 457 qipiktuq-, qipiktula-; ~ qiluqqiññiq; have sore ~s 494
excitedly 591 tiiqtala-; ~ on one’s saŋniŋa-; large, back ~ 216
knees 509 sitquqsraq- ivaluliñiq; leg ~ 313 nakasugnaq;
move arms and legs: 104 avala- neck ~s of caribou 247
move forward: 526 sivunmuu-; ~ or kiglasuiññaq; rounded ~ 422
oceanward 480 sarvaq-, qalugauraq (Nu); sprain a back ~
sarvaqtaaq-; ~ forward together 449 qiluqqit-; top ~ of heel 258
87 atautchikuaq- kimmitquq; upper arm ~ 79
move in rhythm: 333 nayaksaq- aqvaluaq
move up and down: 431 qaqaqtaq- muscular: 350 nukigluk-
moved to tears: 59 anuaqsruit- mushroom: 79 argaiġñaq
movement: make a ~ 157 iliqit-; ~ music: 95 atuutit; piece of ~ 95 atuun;
sideways 491 saniñmuiññaq play ~ 95 atuqtuuraq(-)
movie: 455 qiñiqsitaat, qiñiqtuaq; go to musical: ~ instrument 95 atuqtuuraq(-)
a ~ 455 qiñiqsitaaġiaq- (Ti); musician: 95 atuqtuuraqti
watch a ~ 455 qiñiqsitaaq- musk ox: 630 umiŋmak

muskrat: 269 kivgaluk qumŋaluk (Ti); my namesake 93
must: ~ V 1049 +t/ruksrau-; one that ~ V atiitiga (Ti); ~’s wife 653 uuma;
1049 +t/ruksraq ~’s spouse 653 uuma (Ti); your ~
musty: 82 arruumaaq- 93 atiitin
mutter: 342 nivlia- nap: take a ~ 404 puuvsi- (Ti)
muzzle: 505 sigguuk(-), 630 umilġuq, napkin: 217 ivgun, 598 tivliiyaun
umilġuuk; 505 sigguġun; dog ~ narrow: 47 amit-, 131 ikarrakit-, 197
187 ipraġun (Nu), ivraġun; irakit-, 338 niġukit-; become ~
walrus’s ~ 630 umilġuaq 137 ikikłi-; ~ part 48 amilġuq; ~,
my: 657 uvaŋa of feet 408 qaatikit-;
my goodness: 8 aaqhaaŋ uumaa, 661 measurement of ~ part 48
yaqhii amisilaaq(-)
my goodness, why are you carrying on narrow escape: what a ~ 11 aatchikaaŋ
so 427 qanuqpiviñ imña narrowly: ~ V 910 -pqaułłIk-, 911
myself: 657 uvamnik; by ~ 266 -pqauraq(-)
kisimatchiaq, 657 uvaptun, narwhal: 612 tuugaalik
uvapkun nasal cavity: 530 suġlu
mystery: 318 nalunaġniq nasty: become ~ 438 qaunakłaanġiq-
mythical: ~ animal 304 mittayyak; ~ nation: 353 nunauruat
flying whale 477 quutquġaaq; ~ nations: 353 nunat
person able to ascend from the native: ~ of N 839 ÷miu, +miuq
ground 86 atałiq; ~ polar bear naturally: 356 nutim
260 kiññiq, 474 qupquġiaq; ~ navel: 420 qalasiq
“sky people” 86 atallit (Ti); ~ navigate: 527 sivut-
small person 183 iñuqułłigauraq, navigator: 526 sivumiuri (Ti), 527 sivuti
iñuqułłik, iñuqullik (Ti) (Ti)
nauseous: feel ~ 297 miġiayanŋu-,
N miġiaqsunŋu-
nagoonberry: 602 ¤tungaum asiaŋa nautical sheet: 355 nuqittaun
nail: 252 kikiak; hammer ~s 252 necessary: 57 anniqsuutau-
kikiaktuq-; pull ~s out 252 neck: ~ 473 quŋusiq; break the ~ 473
kikiiyaq-; ~ something down quŋutchiaq-; have sore~ 473
252 kikiaktuuti-; step on a ~ 531 quŋusiñŋu-; kill with a mortal
sukkit- to the ~ 473 quŋusiññaqtaq-; ~ of
naked: 58 annuġait-, 192 iqaqtait- (Ti); ~ animal 473 quŋusiñiq; lower ~
below waist 227 kamillaaq-, 648 383 pikusuk
usillaaq-; ~ person 58 necklace: 473 quŋusiġugauraq, 660
annuġaagilaq uyamitquaq
name: 93 atchiq-; call by ~ 606 tuqłuq-; neck opening (of garment): 349 nuilak;
give a ~ to someone 93 atchiuti-; have a large ~ 349 nuik-,
given ~ 93 ativik ; learn what ~ nuilatu-; have a small ~ 349
someone has 93 atiqsi-; ~ of nuilakit-
person 92 atiq, 93 atiġusiq; need: ~ to V 1049 +t/ruksrau- vv; be in
~ of something 551 taggiñ, 551 ~ of 272 kummaaluk-, ~ 660
taiñiq yaayyuksaaq-; be in desperate ~
namesake: 92 atiq, 471 qumnaaluk, of 114 ayuq-, 184 iñuqqiaguti-,

272 kummaala-; develop an tatqakiptumiŋa
insatiable ~ 490 samiiq- nephew: ~ of man 660 uyuġu; ~ of
needle: 301 miqsruun, 304 mitqun; bone woman 348 nuaġaaluk, 660
~ used in webbing 353 nuluun, uyuġu
nuluunnaq; sharp ~ 464 nerve: 350 nukiġuq-
quagruilaq; skin sewing ~ 464 nerves: sensory ~ 155 ilitchuqqutiŋi
quagrulik timim; stretch one’s ~ to the
needy: 175 inugraliq- (Ti); become ~ limit 311 nagniq-, naŋniq-
inugraliq- (Ti) nest: 617 uglu; find a bird’s ~ with eggs
negotiation: 527 sivunniun or young in it 381 pikiut-; sit on
neighbor: 513 silalliq eggs in ~ 215 itquq-, itquŋa-
neighbor’s house: by way of the ~ 418 nestling: 10 aatchauqtuŋiq,
qaŋmuuna, 580 tatqaŋmuuna; aatchauqtuŋialaaq,
come from the ~ 418 aatchausiayaaq (Nu)
qaŋmaŋŋaq-, 580 net: 276 kuvraq(-); catch something
tatqaŋmaŋŋaq-; from the with a ~ 276 kuvraq(-); pull ~ out
direction of the ~ 418 from under the ice 48
qaŋmaŋŋamiñ, 580 ammuktuq-; rope tied to end of a
tatqaŋmaŋŋamiñ; from the one ~ 456 qiñŋusaaq; small ~ for
in the ~ 417 qakiptumaŋŋa, 579 catching whitefish 596 tippun; ~
tatqakiptumaŋŋa; from the ~ 418 with large mesh to catch
qaŋmaŋŋa, 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋa; go whitefish 5 aanaakłiqsiun
by way of the ~ 418 net fishing: ~ from shore 497
qaŋmuunnaaq-, 580 saquutituq-
tatqaŋmuunnaaq-; go to the ~ net rope: 48 ammun, ammuktuun
418 qaŋmuŋaq-, 580 never: ~ V 986 ±suit-, 1106 -yuit-1
tatqaŋmuŋaq-; located in the ~ never mind: 532 suksraq
418 qaŋmani, 579 tatqaŋmani; new: 356 nutaaq, nutau-; ~ N 1022
located with the one in the ~ -tchiaq(-), 1021 -tchauraq(-);
417 qakiptumani, 579 get something ~ 395 pitchiaq-; ~
tatqakiptumani; one in the ~ 417 growth 330 naullaġnaq; ~ ice
qakimna, qakiptuma, 578 along existing ice 92 atiġniġaq; ~
tatqakimna, 579 tatqakiptuma; ice 510 sikuayaaq(-) (Ti), 511
out there in the ~ 418 qaŋma, sikutchiaq; ~ ice attached to
579 tatqaŋma; similar to that shore ice 129 iiguaq; ~ snow
one in the ~ 417 qakiptumatun, 69 apiqqammiaq(-), apirġammiaq;
579 tatqakiptumatun; to that one ~ thin ice 510 sikulġauraq (Nu); ~
in the ~ 417 qakiptumuŋa, 579 whaling captain with first whale
tatqakiptumuŋa; to the ~ 418 caught 21 aġvanġaq(-) (Ti); ~
qaŋmuŋa, 580 tatqaŋmuŋa; year 623 ukiutchiaq
towards the ~ 418 newborn: 52 aniqqammiaq,
qaŋmuŋanmun, 580 aniqqammialauraq,
tatqaŋmuŋanmun; via that one aniqqammiayaaq, aniqqammiuraq
in the ~ 418 qakiptumuuna, 579 (Ti), 296 miġayauraq; ~ bearded
tatqakiptumuuna; with that one seal 40 aligrauraq (Ti); ~ fawn
in the ~ 417 qakiptumiŋa, 579 348 nuġġaaq, nuġġaiyaaq; ~

female bowhead whale 187 no, after all: 331 naumiunnii
iŋutuayaaq, iŋutugrauraq (Ti); ~ no wonder: 84 asuluasu
male bowhead whale 648 Noatak, Alaska: person from ~ 324
usiŋŋuagrauraq (Ti); napaaqtuġmiu, 353 Nunataaġmiu
mother whale with ~ 308 nocturnal: keep a ~ routine 305
¤naalunŋiaġiik; ~ pup 453 mumiiŋa-
qimmiayaaq (Ti); ~ seagull 331 nod: ~ drowsily 333 nayaŋaq-; ~ “yes”
nauyaaq; skin of ~ fawn 348 64 aŋiq-; ~ while watching
nuġġaiyuaq others dance 84 asiq-
newlyweds: 351 nuliaġiitchiak noise: hear ~ 342 nipallit- (Nu); make a
news: 608 tusaayugaaq, tutchaq; cause banging ~ 541 suvatit-; make a
for good ~ 608 tutchaġik-; good ~ crashing ~ repeatedly 540
608 tusaayugaaġiksuaq; hear bad suvaluktaq-; make a lot of ~ 342
~ 608 tusaaniġluk-, tutchaġluk- nipaala-; make a loud ~ (of
new year: 623 ukiutchiaq engine) 215 ittutit-; make a ~
next in order: be ~ 599 tugliu- once 70 apsatit - (Nu), 531
next room: the one in the ~ 545 sukpaluk-; make a vocal ~ 342
taamamnatchiq nivliq-; make ~ as one moves
nibble: ~ food 247 kigak-, kigaluk- 182 iñuksrula-; make loud ~s to
nice: 315 nakuu- frighten animals 434 qasaktuq-;
niece: ~ of man 660 uyuġu; ~ of woman make ~ with wood 460
348 nuaġaaluk, 660 uyuġu qirukpaluk-, qirukpaluu-; make
night: 635 unnuaq; all ~ 635 normal “people” ~ (of a group
unnuaqtutilaatun; ~ before last of people) 180 iñugruk-, 181
635 unnuatqik; during this ~ 635 iñukpaluk-; pound repeatedly
unnuapak; every ~ 635 making ~ 70 apsaktaq- (Nu);
unnuatuaq; last ~ 635 unnuaq; proceed without ~ 342 nipailaq-
late ~ 635 unnuaġruaq; tomorrow noisier: become ~ 342 nipatusi-
~ 635 unnuatqigu; wait for ~ to noise-maker: 167 imigluktaaq(-); toy ~
come 635 unnuaqsii-; worsen as 167 imigluktaun
~ progresses 635 unnuuti- noisy: 342 nipatu-, 503 siaksruk(-);
nightgown: 516 siñŋunnaq become less ~ 342 nipakłi-; find
nightmare: have a ~ 470 qumaŋia-, 516 too ~ 342 nipatugi-
siññaġliuq-, 646 uqumaŋia- nomadic: ~ people living between
night worker: 635 unnuiri Barrow and Herschel Island 180
nimble: 60 aŋalarruġik- (Nu), 99 Iñuilaaġmiut (Ti)
aularruġik-, 445 qiġġait- nonstop: V ~ 808 -llak-2
nimbus: 437 qaumaniq noon: 462 qitiqqaq-
nine: number ~ 468 quliŋŋuġutailat; ~ noose: rope with ~ 453 qimiutaq (Nu)
(in playing cards) 466 qukalik north: 480 salliñiq; area ~ of Barrow,
(Nu) Alaska 480 salliñaaq; for the
nineteen: number ~ 180 iñuiññaġutailaq wind to blow from the ~ 229
ninety: number ~ 521 sisamakipiat qulit kanaŋniq-, 335 niġġum tuŋaaniñ
nipple: 305 mulu2 (Ti); location ~ 631 unna unani,
no: 308 naagga, naakka, 331naumi; say 584 taunna taunani; ocean
~ 308 naaggaaq- current flowing away from

shore to the ~ 90 atchaġnaq; uttumalu aptumalu, 232
ocean current flowing from the ¤kaŋiġnaq (Ti); travel down
~ 229 kanaŋŋaiññaq saġvaq; ~ towards the coast in
side 27 akiliñaaq; towards ~ 334 a ~ direction 392 piruġaaq-; wind
niginmun (Ti), 335 niġġum 229 kanagnaq, kanaŋnaq, 334
tuŋaanun (Ti); ~ wind 131 nigiqpapiaq (Ti), 615
ikagnaq, 229 kanagnaq, 334 nigiq uaŋnaaġruk(-), uagnaaġruk,
(Ti), nigiqpaq (Ti, Nu) uaknaaġruk(-)(Nu)
North Star (celestial): ~ in constellation nose: 456 qiŋaq; ~ bone 456 qiŋaġnaaq;
Ursa Minor 99 Aulasuilaq, 655 bridge of ~ 456 qiŋaaq; have a
Uvluġiasugruk runny ~ 224 kakkili-; have an
northeast: area located ~ 335 niġġum upturned ~ 422 qaluŋa-; long
salliñaaŋa; area located ~ of and turned up (of ~) 278
Barrow, Alaska 335 niġġum maguŋaaq- (Nu); ridge along
salliñaaŋa; blow from the ~ 131 bone of ~ 354 nuŋŋaq; tip of ~
ikagniq-, 368 pamakŋaaq- (Nu); 272 kuniun
location ~ 34 akunġagni uttumalu nosebleed: have a ~ 98 auk(-), 99 auktit-
qaptumalu; ocean current nostril: 565 taqpak; flare of ~ 565
flowing from the ~ 131 taqpak (Ti); both ~s 457 qiŋŋak
ikagnamiñ saġvaq; ~ wind 131 not: ~ the N 884 ±ŋiłaaq, +ŋilaaq; ~ V
ikagnaq, 94 atuagnaq, 268 887 ±ŋIt-, 737 :It-1
kivaŋnaq(-) (Ti), 334 nigiq (Nu) not able: one ~ to V 775 -lailaq; ~ to
northern buttercup: 565 taqilakisaaq come loose 426 qanŋullaiq-; ~ to
Northern Dipper: 5 aanaruun kiviruq, continue to travel 495 sapnaaq-
aanaruk kiviruq (Nu); ~ to decide 427
Northern Fulmar: 25 aivġit nauyaŋat qanuqsausiit-; ~ to do well 384
northern groundcone: 601 tulukkam pilguilluq-, 384 pilguit-;
nauligaaŋa ~ to hear 608 tusaalait-; ~ to
Northern Harrier: 372 papiktuuq holler loud enough to drive
Northern Killdeer: 558 taligvak caribou in the desired direction
northern lights: 267 kiuġuya, kiguġuya 613 tuvaaqsiit-; ~ to tolerate, put
Northern Phalarope: 444 qayyiiġun, up with 384 pilguit-; ~ to V
qayyiuġun 775 -lailaq; ~ to V due to social
northern pike: 507 siilik, 522 siułik, circumstances 970 +sausiit-; ~ to
siulik V well 986 ±suit-, 1106 -yuit-1
Northern Shrike: 199 iriġi (Nu), not bother: ~ to V 979 +siqiŋIt-
iraiyayuuq not before: ~ V-ing 884 ±ŋaunna- plus
Northern Three-toed Woodpecker: 613 Subordinative Endings
tuuyuqpak not capable of doing task: feel ~ 338
northwest: 229 kanagnaq, kanaŋnaq, 232 nikagi-; realize that one is ~ 338
¤kaŋiġnaq (Ti); area located ~ nikagiliq-
636 uŋallam salliñaaŋa; area not get much: 389 pipasaŋit-
located ~ of Barrow, Alaska 636 not have: ~ N for very long 701
uŋallam salliñaaŋa; ~ current 414 +[g]ipasaŋIt-
qaisaġnamiñ ilumuktuuraaqtuaq not to be taken lightly: 80 arguanait-
saġvaq; location ~ 34 akunġagni notch: 252 kikkaq, 299 miliq2; make a ~

251 kiki- whale 370 pamiuqtit-
nothing: 396 piuŋilaq; ~ can be done 553 oarlock: 191 ipurvik; ~ hole 191
taimmalikii; 83 asiu-; have ~ to ipusiġvik
do with someone anymore 18 oatmeal: 293 matchaaq
aġiu-, aġiut-; have ~ 530 suit-; obedience: 226 kamakkun, kamaksriñiq
one with ~ 530 suilaq obedient: 641 uqaqsiġiaq-
noun: 93 atiqausiq obey: 225 kamagi-, kamaksri-, 226
November: 236 Karruaġviat, 342 kamasuk-; does not ~ 226
Nippivik, 454 ¤Qinnuvik, 478 kamasulait-, kamatchait-
Quyyavik, 533 Sullivium Aippaa, oblique horizontal support beam: 28
550 Taġġaqsiuġvik, akimuksaaġun
Taġġaqtuġvik, Taġġaqtuġviat oblong hole: cut an ~ 623 ukit-;
now: 31 akkupak, 363 pagmami; until ~ something with ~ 623 ukiññiq
428 qaŋapak; ~ is time to V 856 obnoxious: 385 pilġusiġiit-
+naqsI- obscure: 253 killiluk-
now, I understand the situation: 657 observant: ~ agliġik- (Ti); ~
uvvaliqaa consequences of taboo 15
now, that is how it should be done: 278 agliqtau-
maannakiaq observation: 438 qaunakkun
now, that’s much better: 278 observe: ~ carefully 455 qiñiġaaq-; ~
maannapayaaq closely 313 naipiqtuq-, naipit-; ~
nowadays: 363 pagmami, pagmapak, critically 313 naipiqtuq-
429 qaŋmami (Nu) observer: 455 qiñiqti
now then: 277 maanna obsessed: cause someone to become ~
nudge: 496 saqisaallak-, 593 tinniqsuq- 259 kinni-
Nuiqsut, Alaska: 349 Nuiqsat obstacle: 108 avrailutaq(-), 386
numb: 436 qaurimait- piñailutaq; be an ~ 108 avriaq-; ~
number: 266 kisirrun, kisitchiñ, 372 for V-ing 852 +nailutaq; create
paqirrun (Nu) an ~ 386 piñailutchiq-; set up
numbers: 266 kisitchisit, kisirrutit; be in an ~ 495 savluaq-, sapluaq- (Nu),
low in a sequence of ~ 90 atchik- sapluaqtuq- (Nu), sapnautchiq-
numeral: 266 kisirrun, kisitchiñ (Nu)
numerous: 177 iñugiak-; become ~ 177 obstinate: 313 nakiġiit-, 526 sivunmuu-,
iñugiaksi-; less ~ set 177 sivuniqtuuq-
iñugiakipayaat; ~ N 964 -salait obstruct: 494 sapi-; ~ another’s view
nurse: 306 munaqsrauraq; ~ (of 547 taalutaq(-)
child) 298 miluk(-); ~ a child obstruction: visual ~ 547 taalutaq(-)
299 miluktit- obtain: 202 isak-, 381 piksraq-; ~ food
nursing: stop ~ 299 miluguiq- for one’s family from others115
nurture: 369 pamaġi-, 180 iñuguq-, ayuvsaaq-; ~ without hardship
iñuguqtit-;181 iñukkuk-, 115 ayuqsraŋit-
iñukkuksaq- obtuse: 1 aamaŋa-
nut: 432 qaqquaq, qaqquġnaq (Ti) obvious: become ~ 482 sagviq-
occiput: 604 tunusuk; injure the ~ 432
O qaqatchi-
oar: 67 aŋuun; long ~ 191 ipun; ~ to occur: 316 nalautit-1; let V ~ 1040

+[t]sii- octagon: 232 kaŋiġallulik tallimat
occurrence: rare ~ 419 qakkutigun piŋasunik
ocean: 551 taġiuq; lie far out in the ~, October: 351 Nuliaġvik, 510 Sikkuvik,
out of reach 480 sarvasik-; Sikuvik, 533 Sullivik, Sulivik, 583
located far in the ~ 480 satchik-; Tatqitchiaq
one closest to the ~ 584 odor: 312 naggiñ, 595 tipi; develop a
taunnatchiq; reflect sunlight (of a strong ~ 595 tippak-; emit a
calm ~ surface) 464 qivlaaq- burning ~ 135 ikisuŋnit-; have a
ocean current: be carried away by ~ strong ~ 595 tipitu-; unpleasant ~
594 tiŋit-; flow from the east 595 tipigluk(-)
out to sea (of ~) 392 odorless: become ~ 595 tipaiq-
piruġaġniq-; offal: 486 saksranikut
flow from the west (of ~) 414 offend: 82 asiksruq-
qaisaġniq-; ~ flowing away from offended: 284 mamiagi-; cause to go
shore 90 atchaġnaq; ~ flowing away ~ 463 qivri-1; no longer
from the east 392 piruġaġnaq; ~ easily ~ 285 mamiiq-1; not easily
flowing from the north 229 ~ 285 mamiit-
kanaŋŋaiññaq saġvaq; ~ flowing offensive: ~ remark 608 tusaqłiġaun
from the northeast 131 ~ offer: ~bid 317 nallisaq-
ikagnamiñ saġvaq; ~ flowing offering: 25 aitchuun, 286
from the northwest 414 manilitchiñiq; give an ~ 286
qaisaġnamiñ ilumuktuuraaqtuaq manilitchi-; ~ plate or basket 24
saġvaq; ~ flowing from the aitchuivik
southwest 254 kiluagnamiñ office: 499 savagvik
atchaġnauraaqtuaq saġvaq; ~ official entity: 85 ataniġnaqutiqaqtuaq
flowing from the southeast 392 offspring: 127 iġñiaq, 462 qitunġaq;
piruġaġnamiñ qatchiguraaqtuaq young ~ of birds 377 pialaaq
saġvaq; ~ flowing from the west often: 34 akulaitchuami; do ~ 378
toward shore 414 qaisaġnaq; ~ pigayuk-
flowing directly toward shore oh, darn: 278 maannapayaaq tavra
556 taksaġnaq; line of eddies in oh, dear: 8 aaqhaaŋ uumaa
ocean where two ~s meet 385 oh, don’t be stupid: 48 ammiumaa
pilġaġniq; shoreward ~ 596 oh, how cute: 6 aaññaŋaa, aaññuŋuu, 11
tipisaġniq(-); situation where a aattai, 654 uuñuŋuu
warm southerly wind and the ~ oh, how dirty: 131 ikkii
from the northwest causes the oh, how nice: 9 aarigaa
ice to come in 367 palusagnaq; oh, how little: 10 aatakaa, aatukuu
travel with ~ 120 igliġniq- (Ti), oh, how pretty: 11 aattai
483 saġvaqsiuraaq-, oh, I almost forgot: 163 immaliqaa
saġvaqsiiraaq- (Ti) oh, I am so tired: 116 hauk
ocean swell: 388 piŋu(-) oh, I thought…: 647 usiuvva
oceanwards: 480 sanmun; directly ~ oh, it has been a long time ago 428
480 sanmuiññaq; move towards qaŋami taima
the ocean 480 sarvaq- oh, its cold: 37 alappaa, alappuu
ochre: 218 ivisaaq(-); place where ~ is oh, look at that: 86 atakhii
found 218 Ivisaaq oh, my: 5 aannaa, 8 aaqhii, 49 anaa

(Nu), 81 arraa ~ 331 nausaaġluk(-); receive an
oh, no 44 alakkaa, 79 araa, 661 yaqhii ill ~ 331 nausaaġluksi- (Nu),
oh, oh, you’re going to get into trouble: nausaapałłuk-
79 araa omitted: 299 mittau-
oh, the previously mentioned one: 163 on: ~ the N 1142 ÷mi; be ~ the N 835
immahii ÷miit-
oh, yeah: 4 aakhaa once: 87 atautchimi
oh, yes, here it is: 657 uvvaliqaa once in a while: V ~ 805 -llaa(-), 805
oh, yes, that’s what happened: 587 -llaayugaaq-; would V ~ 848
tavraliqaa +mmiraq-
oh, you are impossible: 586 one: number ~ 86 atausiq; ~ that does
taamnaasuuna not V 775 -lailaq; ~ that is not
oh, you are so exasperating: 632 able to V 775 -lailaq; ~ that is V-
unaasuuna ing 1047 +t/ruaq; ~ that must V
oil: 644 uqsruq; apply or rub ~ on 645 1049 +t/ruksraq
uqsruqtiq-; rendered ~ 118 one-by-one: V ~ 805 -llaa(-)
iginniq; rendered ~ for lamp one-inside-the-other: 162 ilupaaġiik
322 nanniun or nanniutiksraq one’s own: 323 nanmiñiq
(Nu) one with: ~ a N 785 -ligaaq(-), 787 -lik
oil drum: 551 taigruaq oneself: to/for ~ 144 ilimnun
oil refinery: 645 uqsruġrualiuġvik onion: 23 aiñaq
oil rig: 345 niuqtuun only: 265 kisian; ~ the N 826 -łhiñaq(-),
oil-soaked: become ~ 644 uqsrit- -łġiñaq(-)(Nu); become the ~ one
oily: 645 uqsruulaaq(-), uqsruu- left 266 kisiŋŋuq-; the ~ N 1045
ointment: 323 nanuun; rub ~ on 301 -tualuk, -tuaq
miŋuluk- oops: 1 a, 116 i
okay: 243 kiami ooze: 165 imaġiak(-), 508 siiq-
okay then: 243 kiamiki, kiata open:16 agma-, aŋma-, agmaq-, aŋmaq-,
old: despite being ~ 651 utuqqauniñani; 195 iqpa-, iqpaq-, iqpiq-;
grow ~ 651 utuqqaġuaq- (Ti), ~ wide 565 taqpa-, taqpaq-
utuqqali-; grow ~ (of man) 62 open the door: 640 upkuiq-
aŋayuqaaq-; grow ~ (of woman) open water at edge of shorefast ice:
9 aaquaq-; ~ N 675 -aluk; ~ man 166 imaqpiaq
62 aŋayuqak, aŋayuqaksraq; open water along beach in front of
rather ~ one 651 utuqqavialuk; shorefast ice: 253 killiŋiqsinniq
something ~ 651 utuqqaq; 651 operate: ~ on ear 523 siusiqi-; ~ on
utuqqau-; very ~ 651 someone 384 pilaktuq-; ~
utuqqautaktuaq-; ~ woman 9 something 500 savaqi- (Ti); ~
aaquk, aaquaksraq something well 500 savayuq-
Old Squaw Duck: 8 aaqhaaliq, operating properly: 499 savak-
aaqhaalliq, aahaaliq (Nu) operational: keep ~ 120 igliqtit-
olden days: in ~ 24 aippaani; just like opinion: in her/his ~143 ilaani; in
in the ~ 428 qaŋaluqaa her/his (reflexive) ~ 144 ilimiñi;
oldest: ~ one 651utuqqauniqsraq in your (singular) ~143 iligni; in
omen: 331 nausaaq(-); bad ~ (twitching your (dual) ~ 143 ilivsigñi; in
under the eye) 502 sayuyuit-; ill your ~ 143 ilivsiññi; in my

opinion 657 uvamni; in our ouch: 81 arii
(dual) opinion 657 uvaptigni; in out: go ~ 52 ani-
our opinion 657 uvaptinni; self ~ out there (visible, restricted without or
208 isumakkusiaq with emphasis): 246 kigga,
opinionated: 519 siqquq- 571 tatkigga; be located ~ 246
opponent: 28 akilliq kianiit-, 570 tatkianiit; come
opportunity: 385 pillaniq, 397 piviksraq; from ~ 246 kiaŋŋaq-, 570
will have the ~ to V 756 +k/gisi- tatkiaŋŋaq-; from ~ 246 kiaŋŋa,
oppose: 27 akilliliq-, akilliliqsuq-, 28 570 tatkiaŋŋa; from that one ~
akilliqsruq-. 29 akiuġuti-, 254 246 kiktumaŋŋa, 571
killuġi-, 360 paaqłak-; violently ~ tatkikitumaŋŋa; from that
360 parraqłak- direction ~ 246 kiaŋŋamiñ, 570
opposed: 29 akiuq-, 217 iviġaumait-, 361 tatkiaŋŋamiñ; go via, through ~
paaqsaaŋa- 247 kiunnaaq-, 571 tatkiunnaaq-;
opposition: 27 akilliliqsuun located ~ 246 kiani, 570 tatkiani;
opposite: ~ side 26 aki(-)1; on ~ side 26 located with that one ~ 246
akiani kiktumani, 571 tatkiktumani;
oppress: 311 nagliksaaqtit- similar to that one ~ 246
oppression: 311 nagliksaaqtirrun, 645 kiktumatun, 571 tatkiktumatun;
uqumailliraun that one ~ 246 kigña, 571
opthalmologist: 199 iriliqiri tatkigña, 246 kiktuma, 571
optometrist: 199 iriliqiri tatkiktuma; to ~ 247 kiuŋa, 571
or: 308 naagga, naaggaqaa tatkiuŋa; to that one ~ 246
ordinance: 391 piraksriun kiktumuŋa, 571 tatkiktumuŋa;
orifice: 65 aŋmaq (Ti), (Nu) towards ~ 247 kiuŋanmun, 571
organ (musical): 326 naqittaġnaq tatkiuŋanmun; via ~ 247 kiuna,
organisms: red ~ in water 242 571 tatkiuna; via that one ~ 246
kayuŋŋiuqsruurat kiktumuuna, 571 tatkiktumuuna;
organization: 231 kanŋuuruat; be an ~ (with) that one ~ 246 kiktumiŋa,
231 kanŋuu- 571 tatkiktumiŋa
organize: ~ a whaling crew 629 out there (visible, extended without or
umiġġiq- with emphasis): 410 qagga,
orgasm: cause ~ 465 quaqsaaqtit- 578 tatqagga; be located ~ 410
origin: 232 kaŋiq qaaniit-, tatqaaniit-; come from ~
original: ~ N 903 -piaq(-)1 410 qaaŋŋaq-, 578 tatqaaŋŋaq-;
originally: 356 nutim from ~ 410 qaaŋŋa, 577
orphan:156 iliaġruk, iliappak, tatqaaŋŋa; from that one ~ 410
iliappałuk, iliappałuuraq; become qaktumaŋŋa, 578 tatqaktumaŋŋa;
an ~ 149 ilaiq- from that direction ~ 410
orthopedist: 499 saunniqiri qaaŋŋamiñ, 577 tatqaaŋŋamiñ;
other: ~ side 26 aki(-); the ~ 599 tugli2; go ~ 411 qauŋaq-, 578 tatqauŋaq-
the ~ side, not this side 12 go via, through ~ 411
agnatchiq qaunnaaq-, 578 tatqaunnaaq-;
overdo: 185 iŋattaq-, iŋattaqtiqpait- located ~ 410 qaani, 577
overloaded: 648 usiagukkaq-, tatqaani; located with that one ~
usiaŋukkaq- (Ti) 410 qaktumani, 578

tatqaktumani; similar to that sakiptumuuna, 566
one ~ 410 qaktumatun, 578 tasakiptumuuna; (with) that one
tatqaktumatun; that one ~ 410 ~ 485 sakiptumiŋa, 566
qagna, 578 tatqagna, 410 tasakiptumiŋa
qaktuma, 578 tatqaktuma; to ~ out there in the shed or the neighbor’s
411 qauŋa, 578 tatqauŋa; to that house (not visible, without or
one ~ 411 qaktumuŋa, 578 with emphasis): 418 qaŋma, 579
tatqaktumuŋa; towards ~ 411 tatqaŋma; be located ~ 418
qauŋanmun, 578 tatqauŋanmun; qaŋmaniit-, 579 tatqaŋmaniit-;
via ~ 411 qauna, 578 tatqauna; come from ~ 418 qaŋmaŋŋaq-,
via that one ~ 411 qaktumuuna, 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋaq-; go ~ 418
578 tatqaktumuuna;(with) that qaŋmuŋaq-, 580 tatqaŋmuŋaq-;
one ~ 411 qaktumiŋa, 578 go via, through ~ 418
tatqaktumiŋa qaŋmuunnaaq, 580
out there (down there in the sodhouse tatqaŋmuunnaaq-; from ~ 418
entrance tunnel, traditionally) in qaŋmaŋŋa, 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋa;
the arctic entry (not visible): from the one ~ 417
485 saŋma, 566 tasaŋma ; be qakiptumaŋŋa, 579
located ~ 485 saŋmaniit-, 566 tatqakiptumaŋŋa; from the
tasaŋmaniit-; come from ~ 485 direction ~ 418 qaŋmaŋŋamiñ,
saŋmaŋŋaq-, 566 tasaŋmaŋŋaq-; 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋamiñ; located ~
from ~ 485 saŋmaŋŋa, 566 418 qaŋmani, 579 tatqaŋmani;
tasaŋmaŋŋa; from that one ~ located with the one ~ 417
484 sakiptumaŋŋa, 566 qakiptumani, 579
tasakiptumaŋŋa; from that tatqakiptumani; similar to the
direction ~ 485 saŋmaŋŋamiñ, one ~ 417 qakiptumatun, 579
566 tasaŋmaŋŋamiñ; go ~ 485 tatqakiptumatun; the one ~ 417
saŋmuŋaq-, 566 tasaŋmuŋaq-; go qakimna, 578 tatqakimna,
via, through ~ 485 qakiptuma, 579 tatqakiptuma; to
saŋmuunnaaq-, 566 ~ 418 qaŋmuŋa, 580 tatqaŋmuŋa;
tasaŋmuunnaaq-; located ~ 485 to the one ~ 417 qakiptumuŋa,
saŋmani, 566 tasaŋmani; located 579 tatqakiptumuŋa; towards ~
with that one ~ 484 418 qaŋmuŋanmun, 580
sakiptumani, 566 tasakiptumani; tatqaŋmuŋanmun; via ~ 418
similar to that one ~ 484 qaŋmuuna, 580 tatqaŋmuuna;
sakiptumatun, 566 via the one ~ 418
tasakiptumatun; that one ~ 484 qakiptumuuna, 579
sakimna, 565 tasakimna, tatqakiptumuuna; (with) the
sakiptuma, 565 tasakiptuma; to ~ one ~ 417 qakiptumiŋa, 579
485 saŋmuŋa, 566 tasaŋmuŋa; to tatqakiptumiŋa
that one ~ 485 sakiptumuŋa, 566 outboard motor: 134 igniqutit; break
tasakiptumuŋa; towards ~ 485 an ~ 134 igniqutaiyaq-; use ~
saŋmuŋanmun, 566 134 igniqutitaq-
tasaŋmuŋanmun; via ~ 485 outcast: 53 anitaq, 600 tukkuilaq,
saŋmuuna, 566 tasaŋmuuna; tukkuit-; become an ~ 600
via/with that one ~ 485 tukkuiq-

outcome: desired ~ 394 pisuun taiktumani; similar to that one ~
outhouse: 50 anaġvik 130 iktumatun, 552 taiktumatun;
outside: 246 kiani, 410 qaani; 52 that one ~ 130 igña, 552 taigña,
aniiq-; ~, enjoying the weather 130 iktuma, 552 taiktuma; to ~
52 aniiġaaq-;go ~ upon 130 ikuŋa, 552 taikuŋa; to that
awakening 211 itchuq-, one ~ 130 iktumuŋa, 552
itchuqtaaq-; play ~ 52 aniiqsuaq-; taiktumuŋa; towards ~ 130
~, in the open 82 asiñi; ~, ikuŋanmun, 552 taikuŋanmun;
spending time with one’s via ~ 130 ikuuna, 552 taikuuna;
sweetheart 52 aniiġauraq-; to via/with that one ~ 130
place something ~ 53 anit- iktumuuna, 552 taiktumuuna;
out-of-order (parliamentary (with) that one ~ 130 iktumiŋa,
procedure): 634 uniuŋa- 552 taiktumiŋa
outsider: be an ~ 615 tuyuġmiu- over there (visible, extended, without
outskirts: 512 silaliñauraq or with emphasis): 103 avva,
outspoken: 426 qaniqaq-, qannaġik- 548 taavva; be located ~ 103
outstanding: finally do something ~ avaniit-, 548 taavaniit-; come
194 iqiġutchiq-, iqiġusiq- from ~ 103 avaŋŋaq-, 549
oval: ~ shape 486 sakpayaqtaq; ~ and taavaŋŋaq-; considerable
~elongated 486 sakpaŋa-; flat, distance ~ 103 avuŋaqpaaġruk;
long and oval 486 sakpayaŋa- go ~ 103 avuŋaq-, 549 taavuŋaq-;
ovaries: 188 ipiak qiñiqsiŋik go via, through ~ 104
oven: 401 punnilivik avuunnaaq-, 549 taavuunnaaq-;
overbearing: 494 sapiktu- from ~ 103 avaŋŋa, 548
overhead: directly ~ 468 qulaŋiq-; taavaŋŋa; from that one ~ 103
pass ~ 468 qulaut- aptumaŋŋa2, 549 taavaptumaŋŋa;
overlook: 216 ivvaġlua-, 407 qaaŋiq-, from that direction ~ 103
634 uniuq- avaŋŋamiñ, 549 taavaŋŋamiñ;
overpower: 377 payariññik- located ~ 103 avani, 548 taavani;
over there (visible, restricted, without located further ~ 103
or with emphasis): 130 ikka, avaniqpani, 548 taavaniqpani;
552 taikka; be located ~ 130 located with that one ~ 103
ikaniit-, taikaniit-; come from ~ aptumani2, 549 taavaptumani;
130 ikaŋŋaq-, 552 taikaŋŋaq-; go similar to that one ~ 103
~ 130 ikuŋaq-, 552 taikuŋaq-; go aptumatun2, 549 taavaptumatun;
via, through ~ 130 ikuunnaaq-, that one ~ 103 amna2, 548
553 taikuunnaaq-; from ~ 130 taavamna, 103 aptuma2, 549
ikaŋŋa, 552 taikaŋŋa; from that taavaptuma; to ~ 103 avuŋa, 549
one ~ 130 iktumaŋŋa, 552 taavuŋa; to that one ~ 103
taiktumaŋŋa; from that aptumuŋa2, 549 taavaptumuŋa;
direction ~ 130 ikaŋŋamiñ, 552 towards ~ 103 avuŋanmun, 549
taikaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 130 taavuŋanmun; via ~ 104 avuuna,
ikani, 552 taikani; located 549 taavuuna; via/with that one
further ~ 130 ikaniqpani, ~ 103 aptumuuna2, 549
taikaniqpani; located with that taavaptumuuna; (with) that one
one ~ 130 iktumani, 552 ~ 103 aptumiŋa2, 549

taavaptumiŋa taagaktumani; similar to that
over there (not visible): 44 amma, 545 one ~ 12 aktumatun, 542
taamma; be located ~ 44 taagaktumatun; that one ~ 12
amaniit-, 545 taamaniit-; come agna, 542 taagagna, aktuma; to ~
from ~ 44 amaŋŋaq-, 545 12 auŋa, 543 taaguŋa; to that
taamaŋŋaq-; go ~ 44 amuŋaq-, one ~ 12 aktumuŋa, 542
545 taamuŋaq-; go via, through taagaktumuŋa; towards ~ 12
~ 44 amuunnaaq-, 546 auŋanmun, 543 taaguŋanmun;
taamuunnaaq-; from ~ 44 via ~ 12 auna, 543 taaguuna;
amaŋŋa, 545 taamaŋŋa; from via/with that one ~ 12
that one ~ 44 aptumaŋŋa1, 546 aktumuuna, 543 taagaktuuna;
taamaptumaŋŋa; from that (with) that one ~ 12 aktumiŋa,
direction ~ 44 amaŋŋamiñ, 545 542 taagaktumiŋa
taamaŋŋamiñ; ~ in the other over there across (not visible): 30
room 44 amma amani; located ~ aŋma, 544 taaŋma; be located ~
44 amani, 545 taamani; located 30 aŋmaniit-, 544 taaŋmaniit-;
with that one ~ 44 aptumani1, come from ~ 30 aŋmaŋŋaq-, 544
546 taamaptumani; similar to taaŋmaŋŋaq-; go ~ 30 aŋmuŋaq-,
that one ~ 44 aptumatun1, 546 545 taamuŋaq-; go via, through
taamaptumatun; that one ~ 44 ~ 30 aŋmuunnaaq-, 545
amna1, taamamna, 44 aptuma1, taaŋmuunnaaq-; from ~ 30
546 taamaptuma; to ~ 44 amuŋa, aŋmaŋŋa, 544 taanmaŋŋa; from
545 taamuŋa; to that one ~ 45 that one ~ 30 akiptumaŋŋa, 544
aptumuŋa1, 546 taamaptumuŋa; taakiptumaŋŋa; from that
towards ~ 44 amuŋanmun, 545 direction ~ 30 aŋmaŋŋamiñ, 544
taamuŋanmun; via ~ 44 amuuna, taaŋmaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 30
546 taamuuna; via/with that one aŋmani, 544 taaŋmani; located
~ 45 aptumuuna1, 546 with that one ~ 29 akiptumani,
taamaptumuuna; (with) that one 544 taakiptumani; similar to
~ 45 aptumiŋa1, 546 that one ~ 30 akiptumatun, 544
taamaptumiŋa taakiptumatun; that one ~ 29
over there across (visible): 12 agga, akimna, 544 taakimna, 29
543 taagga; be located over akiptuma, 544 taakiptuma; to ~
there across 11 aaniit-, 30 aŋmuŋa, 544 taaŋmuŋa; to
taaganiit-; come from ~ 11 that one ~ 30 akiptumuŋa, 544
aaŋŋaq-, 543 taagaŋŋaq-; go ~ 12 taakiptumuŋa; towards ~ 30
auŋaq-, 543 taaguŋaq-; go via, aŋmuŋanmun, 544
through ~ 12 avuunnaaq-, 543 taaŋmuŋanmun; via ~ 30
taaguunnaaq-; from ~ 11 aaŋŋa, aŋmuuna, 545 taaŋmuuna; via
543 taagaŋŋa; from that one ~ that one ~ 30 akiptumuuna, 544
12 aktumaŋŋa, 542 taakiptumuuna; (with) that one
taagaktumaŋŋa; from that ~ 30 akiptumiŋa, 544
direction ~ 11 aaŋŋamiñ, 543 taakiptumiŋa
taagaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 11 aani, overcast: 41 allait-; become ~ 357
543 taagani; located with that nuviyaliq-, nunuyaliq-; dark ~
one ~ 12 aktumani, 542 over water 461 qisuk(-)

overdue: 114 ayuuqqi- pail: see bucket
overflow: 165 immivaałłak-, 407 pain: 57 anniġñaq(-)2, 251 kiiqsiuġun; be
qaamit-, 408 qaaptit-, 514 silivla-, in ~ 251 kiiqsiuq-, 494 saŋniuq-;
623 ukpitaala-, 626 ulivla-, 647 cause someone to cry out in ~ 81
usiġaq-, usiġaula-; frozen ~ ariilatchi-; cry out in ~ 81 ariila-;
through crack in ice 508 develop a small, sharp ~ on
siiqsinniq; ~ through crack in one’s side 223 kakivyuutchiq-;
ice 407 qaaminniq, qaamniq experience ~ across the
overgrown with grass: area or object shoulders 383 pikunŋu-;
~ 217 ivvimaniġruuraq (Nu), experience a small, sharp ~ 57
ivviñiq anniluk-; experience pulsating ~
overloaded: 648 utchiukkaq- (Ti) 57 anniaqtaq-; experience sharp
overreact: 393 pisaqsaq-; be prone to ~ ~ 57 anniałłaktaq-, annivak-,
393 pisaqsaŋa- annivaktaq-; have a ~ in one’s N
oversleep: 516 siñikpak- 700 +[g]iit-; howl with ~ 278
oversleeping: have habit of ~ 516 maala-; inflict ~ 57 anniaq-;
siññaqtu- sharp ~ on one’s side 223
overwhelm: 376 payari- kakivyugaun, kakivyuutaq,
overwhelmed: 225 kamagi- kakivyuun; yell out in ~ 278
owl: 623 ukpik maġaala-; yelp in ~ (of animal)
own: 378 pigi-; now ~ 378 pigiliuti- 278 maaq-
pain medication: 57 anniġñaiyaun
P paint: 301 miŋuliq-, miŋulġun;
pace: 22 aġviqtaq-, 491 sanipkaaq-, something with ~ on it 301
sanipak-, 394 pisuġaluk-; begin miŋulġutaulaaq
to ~ 491 sanipkausiq- paintbrush: 301 miŋuliun
Pacific Godwit: 607 turraaturaq painting: 454 qiñiġaaq
Pacific Loon: 281 malġi pair: 282 malġuk, 121 iglugiik(-); ~ of
pack: 165 imaukkaq-, 403 puukatchi-; ~ board runners (of sled) 511
animal 322 nanmakti sikkuk; ~ of items 24 aippaġiik; ~
packed: closely ~ 570 tatimmi-; closely of scissors 486 sallisik;
~ herd of caribou 570 tatimmirat one of a ~ 38 alġai; the second of
package: 404 puuqtui- a ~ 282 malġuiksraq
paddle: 67 aŋuun, aŋuaq-, aŋuutmigaq- pair of whales: ~ swimming 43
(Nu), 360 paaġutik; ~ a kayak alupaaġiik
360 paaġurraq-; ~ a kayak pairs: two ~ 282 malġuit
swiftly 371 paŋak-; ~ pajamas: 516 siñŋunnak
vigorously 67 aŋuksraq-, palatal: ~ sounds 450 qilagakuaqtaq
aŋuunmik-, 396 piuqtuq- sivuluat tattuqiłługit
paddle rest: ~ on kayak 354 palate: hard ~ 450 qilagaq
nuŋuqsruġiitkutaq pale: 84 asiŋŋuŋa-; ~ in face 302 misuit;
paddler: ~’s seat in skinboat 140 become ~ 302 misuiq-
iksuġiq Pallid Horned Lark: 311 nagrulik
padlock and key: 255 kiluutchaq(-) palm: ~ of hand 37 alannaaq (Ti), 215
page number: 372 paqirrun itummak (PB), 602 tummak (Nu),
paid: 28 akiññak- 651 utummak

palpate: 501 saptaq- parhelion: 104 avaluġun
pamper: 369 pamat- parhelia: 113 ayauppiak; have ~ 113
pampered one: 369 pamataq ayauppirriq-
pan: cooking ~ 403 puggutaq; frying ~ parka: 92 atigi(-), 285 mamŋuġaaq;
513 silaavyiun, 517 siqanġun; bottom back of ~ hood 473
loaf ~ 401 punnilivik; muffin ~ quŋusiñiq; Canadian ~ 370
20 aġvaluqtaurisit; ~ to catch pamiulik; duck skin ~ 92
drippings 176 iñġaun; large atigiġruaq (Nu), 303 mitiġruat,
wooden ~ 388 piŋaluaq (Ti); mitiġiruat, mitiġruit (Nu); ~ for
triggering ~ of an animal trap packing baby on back 45
44 aluuttaq2 amaaġun, amaunnaq; lower side
pancake: 513 silaavyak, siliq (Ti); make section of ~ 171 imnaq2; make a
~s 513 silaavyiuq-; ~ turner 305 ~ 92 atikłi-; newborn fawnskin
mumiun ~ 348 nuġġayuat; not wear ~ 294
“pancake: ice: solid ~ 245 kiapku mattaaq-; outer fur ~ 235
panic: 242 kavyattuala-, 619 ui- kapitak (Ti), 475 qusuŋŋaq(-);
pant: 10 aatchaqtit-, 54 aniġnitchiaq-, peak of hood on woman’s ~ 241
aniqtiġluaqi-, aniqtipkaq- kavrauraq, kavriŋuraq; pouch-
panties: 413 qaġliurak, qaġliuraak like section in back of woman’s
pants: 227 kamikłuuk; knee fur ~ 412 ~ ruff 212 itiġlak, 258
qaġlialuuk (Ti); long, fur ~ with kimmigñaq2, kimmigñauraq;
fur inside 285 mamŋuuk; one- remove one’s ~ 294 mattaq-; ~
piece waist-high boots-~s 285 ruff 205 isiġvik, 506 siġvik (Nu);
mamuqquuk; pull ~ down 269 sealskin ~ 328 natchiġruaq (Nu);
kiviqi-; pull ~ up 296 mayuqi-; ~style dress or shirt 92
put ~ on 227 kamikłuk-; take ~ atikłuuraq; waterproof ~ 512
off 227 kamikłuiq-; sag at knees, silaŋŋaaq; wear ~ when
of ~ 508 sitqi-; wear baggy ~ not necessary 92 atigiġruk-; with
269 kiviikłuŋa- large hood 327 nasaqpalik; ~
paper: 281 maqpiġaaq; blank ~ 14 with tusk-shaped design on yoke
aglaaksraq 93 atittuġutiligaaq, 242
parachute: 238 kataun kayuaġutiligaaq, 288
parallel: 104 avałłuaŋa-; 491 manusiñiligaaq; ~ with white
saniġaqłigiik-; ~ but not the sheep skin trim 35
same length nor in akuqtuaġutilik (Nu), akuuralik
juxtaposition 339 nikigiik-; (Nu); woman’s fancy ~ 335
travel swiftly ~ to 486 salik-; ~ nigraligaaq, niksralik; woman’s ~
to each other 563 tapiq-; ruff 205 isiġvikpagaaq(-)
paralyzed: 99 aulalait- parka cover: 92 atikłuk(-), 512
parasite: 474 qupilġuq(-) silatkutitaaq (Nu); white hunting
Parasitic Jaeger: 297 miġiaqsaayuk ~ 436 qatiġniñ, qatiġnisi
parent: adoptive ~ 590 tiguuvik; ~ of Parry’s wallflower: 293 masu aiġaq
one’s son-in-law or daughter- part: small ~ 151 ilaqisuuraq
in-law 352 nulliq participants: ~ at trade fair 231
parents: 4 aanaak, 62 aŋayuqaak kanŋut
parietal bone: 334 niaquq participate: ~ in competition 49

anaktaq-; ~ in a game where one paaġuti-, paaqsaaġuti-; ~ cut
jumps with through one’s arms through brush or trees 252
with hands clasped in front 52 kiksraq; ice ~ 396 pituqqit; ~ to
aniraġaatchiaq- (Ti); not ~ 388 open water 479 saavviaq; wrong
piŋit- ~ 254 killukun
partner: 148 ilaaluq, 360 paannaq, 613 patience: 453 qimmaksautaiññiq, 286
tuvaaqan; acquire a ~ 148 manimmilgun; have ~ 453
ilaalliq-; hunting ~ 183 qimmaksautait-
iñuunniaqan; joking ~160 illuq, patient: ~ with fine, detailed work 653
illualuk recruit a ~ 122 iglunnak- uuligruit-
(Nu) patiently: begin to wait expectantly
partway: accompany ~ 425 qani(-); go and ~ 339 nikpaakkiq-; wait ~
~ around 245 kiavalugaaq- (Nu); 649 utaqqiġliq-
travel ~ 425 qanilaaq- patrilineal: ~ male cousin 68 aŋutiqan
pass (die): 606 tuqu- pattern: 14 aglagaaq, 157 iliktiġun,
pass by: 407 qaaŋiqsaaq-, 491 iliktiun (Ti); dark and light trim
saniġatqut-; ~ in front 479 ~ 252 kigmaliktat; cut material
saatqut-, 480 sarġut-, salġut-; ~ according to a ~ 157 iliktiq-;
in front (outside) 513 silatqut-; have a bad ~ 14 aglagiit-; have a
(Ti); ~ in front of hunter (of bold ~ 14 aglaulaaq-; have a
caribou) 480 sarruk-; ~ in front good ~ 14 aglagik-; interwoven ~
on the ice or ocean 90 457 qipiġun (Nu); print ~ 14
atautchaaq-; unknowingly ~ aglak(-); striped ~ 474
each other 360 paaqłauti-; ~ quvluayuuq
unseen, further inland 368 paw: ~ 204 isigak; soft sole of ~ 37
pamuunatqut- alannaak
pass through inbetween: 34 akunnaq- pay: 27 akiliq-, akilisiq-, akilit-, 94
passenger: be a ~ 648 usiaqsiq- attausiq-; ~ a debt 27 akilitchi-
passive: 152 ilatchiq-; cease being ~ 152 (Ti); ~ someone a wage 28
ilatchiŋaiq- akiññaktit-; unwilling to ~ the
Passover: 468 Qulaurrusiqivik price asked 296 migvisuk-
past: in the ~ 553 taimani; reference to paycheck: 27 akiliusiaq; 28 akiññaktaaq
a ~ event or entity163 imma, payment: 27 akilirrun, 28 akiññaktaaq,
553 taimma 94 attausiun
past due: 407 qaaŋiuti- peace: 610 tutqiun; find ~ of mind 610
pastime: 39 aliitkun; have as a ~ activity tutqiksi-; lose one’s ~ of mind
314 nakkutigi- 610 tutqiiq-; put at ~ 610
patch: 148 ilaaq(-), 39 allaiyaq-, 486 tutqiksaq-
salgu- (Ti); ~ for boot sole 58 peaceable: 69 aŋuyautait-
anŋik(-), 434 qarviaq(-) peaceful: 181 iñuksruit-, 456 qiñuit-, 504
patched holes: item full of ~ 148 siaksruit-, 610 tutqik-; become ~
ilaaqviiññaq 504 siaksruiq-; continue to
patching tool: 148 ilaaqtuun remain ~ 504 siaksruisaaq-; ~
patella: 508 sitquq existence 360 paaqłaktautaiññiq
path: 100 aullayaaq, 120 iglauyaaq, 601 peak: 358 nuvułhuyuk
tumitchiat; cross ~s 361 parġuti-, Pectoral Sandpiper: 25 aiviqiak, 405

puvviaqtuuq 862 +nialapiaġataq-,
peek: 211 itchuaq-; have the 862 +nialaliqtuq-
tendency to ~ 455 qiñiyuk(-) persistence: 430 qapiŋairrun, 603
peer : ~ over a barrier 37 alatkaq- tuniqsimman; have ~ 486
peer2: 323 nanmiñiq sakkuqtu-
Pelagic Cormorant: 186 iŋitqaq persistent: 238 katchuŋait-, 430
pellet: large ~ 198 iraġuqturuaq; small qapiŋait-, 486 sakkuqtu-
~198 iraġukitchuaq person: 178 iñuk(-); bad ~ 179
pelt: see skin iññuġluk-; bothersome ~ 17
pelvic bone: 275 kuutchiq; injure ~ 275 agrutaq; every ~ 182 iñulimauraq
kuutchiññaaq- (Nu); giant ~ 181 iñukpasuk,182
pelvic girdle: 275 kuutchiñaaq, kuutchiik iñuniqłuk; good ~ 180 iñugik-;
pelvis: 275 kuutchiñaaq like the ~ 182 iñunnaġi-;
pen: 14 aglaun mysterious ~ 178 iññiqun (Ti)
pencil: 14 aglaun, 300 miŋuaqtuun personality: 200 irrusiq
penetrate: 563 tapiglak-, tavlik- perspire: 508 siiq-1 (Ti), siiqsipkaq-
peninsula: 448 qikiqtaġruk persuade: 643 uqayut-, 338 nikasunġiq-;
penis: 649 usuk; 465 quġġivik hard to ~ 603 tuniqsima-; try to ~
pension: receive ~ checks 287 394 pisuksaaq-, 1037 -[t]qusaaq-
maniññaktuq- persuaded: 283 maliksuk-
people: 181 iñuit; all ~ 182 iñupayaaq, pester: 372 pavri-, 354 nunuri-
iñupayaat pestilence: 324 naŋirrutiqpak
perception: lack ~ 436 qaurimmaġiit- pet: ~ animal 369 pamiqsaaq
Peregrine Falcon: 11 aatqarruaq, petition: 360 paaqłaun, 185 iŋiqsruun;
aatqatruaq, 265 kirgavik, 185 iŋiqsruq-
kirgavigruaq petroleum: ~ oil 645 uqsruġruaq
perfect: 278 maannakiaq phalanges: ~ of hand 79 argait,
perforate: 253 kilaaq-2 algait (Ti)
performance: at peak of one’s pharyngeal: ~ consonant128
performance 289 mapkummi- iggiakuaqtaq
perfume: 595 tivraġiksaun phew: 8 aaqqaa
perhaps: 1 aaqanuq, 528 suagguuq phlebotomy: cut between the eyes to
pericardium: 421 qalluviaq perfom ~ 78 aqulirri-; perform ~
periodically: V ~ 805 -llaa(-) 596 tira-, 638 uŋuyut-
perishable: 291 maqusuuruaq philtrum: 224 kakkiviaq
permissible: ~ to V 1110 +yumiñaq- photograph: 455 qiñiġaaq; 395
permissive: 152 ilatchiŋa-, ilatchiu- (Ti) pitchaliuti-, 455 qiñiġaq-
permit: 389 pipkaq-; ~ to V 1031 piano: 326 naqittaġnaq
+pkaq-1, mtit-1; not ~ 395 pitquŋit- pick: stoop over and ~ 400 pukuk; go ~
peroxide: 420 qalauġnaq berries or greens 100 aullaqsruq-
perpetual: 355 nuŋusuit- (Nu)
persevere: 286 manimmi-, 338 nikait- pick up: 400 pukit-
perseverance: have ~ 430 qapiŋait- pickaxe: 509 sikłaq(-)
persevering: 430 qapiŋaiq- pickpocket: 125 igviksiuqti (Ti)
persist: 263 kipiġi-, 633 unataq-; ~ in V- picture: 455 qiñiġaaq
ing 862 +niala-; really ~ in V-ing piece: cut into small ~s 198 iraqsri-,

iraġri- (Ti); cut meat into small pit: ~ in fruit 498 sauniq
~s 198 iratqi(-) pitch: 58 anŋun; ~ in baseball game 299
pierce: 233 kapi-, 252 kilak-2, 402 milluuq-; ~ in ocean waves 186
putu(-), 563 tapiglak-, 563 tavlik-; iŋiulliuq-; long ~ of sod house
~ repeatedly 234 kappuq-, roof 524 sivuġaata qilaŋa; ooze of
kavluq-; ~ with ice chisel 612 ~ 465 quġliaq(-); short ~ of sod
tuuq(-) house roof 604 tunuata qilaŋa
pig: 492 saniqsuk, 611 tuttuqłuk pitiful: ~ N 901 -payuk(-)
pigeon-toed: 476 quupatchuŋa- place: 173 ini; 153 ili-1; usual ~ 210
pike: 364 paiqłuk; northern ~ 507 siilik irvik; ~ where one used to V
pile: 408 qaliġiiksitaq- 1094 +vikaaq; ~ to V 1092 +vIk1
pillow: 28 akiñ placenta: 38 alġaaq
pilot: ~ a boat 78 aqut- plague: 324 naŋirrutiqpak
pilot bread: 432 qaqqulaaq; case of ~ plan: 602 tuvraaksrat; 527 sivunniuq-;
432 qaqqulaun have no ~ 427 qanuġuumaaŋit-; ~
pimple: 145 iligrak(-), iligrauraq, 388 together 527 sivunniuqatigiik-; ~
piŋu(-), 389 piŋuyaq; develop a ~ to V 1109 +yumaaq-
388 piŋu(-); itchy ~ 389 piŋuyyaq plan a course of action: ~ for another
(Ti); large ~ 108 avraq; 527 sivunniuġutigi-
pimples: break out in ~ 53 aniuq- (Ti), planet: ~ Mars 242 Kayuqtuġlu
637 uŋilak-; develop itchy ~ 637 Tiġiganniaġlu
uŋŋi-; have ~ 389 piŋuyaqtuq- plank: 136 ikiaqtaq
(Nu) plant: 330 nautchiaq, nautchiq- (Ti);
“pins and needles”: feel ~ 223 kakillauri- dead ~ 607 tuquliŋaruaq; ~ flora
pinch: 270 kukigmik-, 406 puyyuk-; ~ of 330 nautchirriq-; grow ~s 330
toe 613 tuuġiaqsri-; ~ repeatedly nautchii-; tuft of ~ 626 ullaq,
406 puyyuaq- ullauraq; ~ with broad leaves 36
pinch of snuff: inhale a ~ through akutuqpalik
nostrils 345 niuqsriktuq-, plate: 403 puggutauraq
niuġriktuq- (Ti) plateau: 456 qiŋarraaq
pinchers of crab: 406 puyyuutik platform: 468 qulliġun; ~ at bow of
pincushion: 224 kakkirvik, kakkivik boat 450 qilaguuraq; space
Pine Grosbeak: 444 qayuuttaaq under ~ 407 qaaniq
pink: 240 kaviaq-, kaviaqtaaq, kavialaaq play: 175 iñattuaq(-) (Ti), 396 piuraaq(-);
pink plume: 190 ippiq ~, climbing up and down 295
Pintail Duck: 220 ivugaq, 273 kurugaq mayuaġaq-; ~ competition games
pinworm: 465 quaqta(-) 461 qitik-; ~ in mud 73 aqayyiqi-;
pipe for smoking: 270 kuiŋiq, 364 ~ in water 167 immiqi-, 403
paipaktuun (Ti), 517 sipuqtaq(-) puuvraaq-; ~ in snow 69 apusiqi-;
(Nu), 523 siunnaq, siunnauraq; ~ loudly 616 uayuk-; ~ on thin
bag for ~ 616 uałhun, uaługuun ice running back and forth 162
(Nu) iluqsriraġauraq-, iluġriraġauraq-;
pipeline: 364 paippaġruaq ~ outside 52 aniiqsuaq-; stop to ~,
pipe tobacco: 198 iraqsraq, 595 of whales 173 ina-; ~ string game
tipaaqpak (Ti) 112 ayaqhaaq(-); ~ tag 66
pistol: 122 iglupiaġauraq, 591 tikkuaġaun aŋuġauraq-, 67 aŋuuraq- (Ti); ~

with something 396 piuraaġi- frighthening noises which trying
play (a game): ~ ball 20 aġriqi- (Ti), 73 to tag others: 5 aanami (Ti)
aqsriqi- (Nu); ~ baseball 50 playful: ~ (of animals) 632 una-
anaullaġaq- (Ti), 51 anauraġaq-; ~ playing cards: ace (suit in ~) 86
Carrom Board 303 mitiglak(-) atausialuk, “A”-sialuk, 608 tusaq,
(Ti); ~ catch 32 akkuaġauraq-; ~ tusaqpak, 538 susaq, susaqpak;
cards 377 piannaq(-); ~ checkers club (suit ~) 79 argalaq; deck of
546 taammak(-);~ darts 324 ~ 377 piannat; deuce (in ~) 515
napaatchak(-); ~ “guess who” 154 simmaun, simmiun,
ilisaġnaiq- (Ti); ~ golf 11 simmaugauraq, 613 tuusiuraq;
aayyutaaq-; ~ “hide and seek” diamond (suit in ~) 146 illulik,
199 iriġauraq(-); ~ ice hockey 11 602 tumiŋŋuaq (Ti); eight (in ~)
aayyutaaq-, 115 ayyutaaq-, 372 327 narvalik (Nu), 469 quliligaq;
paqqaurraq- (Ti); ~ 202 four (in ~) 117 igalaaq; hearts
isaqqilauraq- (Ti); ~ jacks 238 (suit in ~) 196 iqqulik (Nu); jack
kattagaaq(-); ~ 223 kakisuġaaq; ~ (suit in ~) 156 ililgaaq (Ti), 281
leapfrog 371 paŋaligaq-; ~ makvak; king (suit in ~) 224
“maq” 290 maġauraq-; ~ 287 kalalliaq; nine (in ~) 466 qukalik
manna mannaaq-; ~ 292 marra (Nu); queen (suit in ~) 18 aġnaq;
marraaq-; ~ mumblety-peg 325 seven (in ~) 372 papkusilik, 374
nappaqsuġaaq-; ~ 322 nanmak(-); patkusilik; six (in ~) 275 kuuk;
~ one-legged highkick 309 spade (suit in cards) 234 kapuun,
naanŋiraaq-; ~ “pick-up sticks” 339 niliqpak; ten (in ~) 468
238 kattagaaq(-); ~ 429 qulilik; three (in ~) 602
qapaksiraq- (Ti); ~ 458 tumitchauraq; trump (suit in ~)
qiputaq(-); ~ “red rover, red 277 kuyyalaq, kuuyalaq (Ti); two
rover, red rover, come over” 4 ~ of the same suit 14 aglaqatigiik
aakkuuq-; ~ snerts 355 plead: 456 qiññuaq-, qiññuaqtuq-; ~ with
nuŋuruuq(-), 359 paasaqqaurraq- someone 456 qiññuaqtuġvigi-
(Ti); ~ soccer 20 aġraurraq(-) (Ti), please: 208 isummaaq-, 217 iviġak-, 1151
73 aqsraaq(-), 114 ayuktaq(-); ~ +ata
softball 51 anauraġauraq(-); ~ pleased: 217 iviġagi-, iviġauma-, 293
solitaire 316 nalautchuġaaq-; ~ masaqsri-
“take away” 72 aqsaaq-; ~ 564 pleasing: 217 iviġanaq-; ~ to the eye
taptauraq- (Nu); ~ war 68 455 qiñiyunaq-; ~ to V 1111
aŋuyaŋŋuaq; see games -yunaq-
play-act: 396 piuŋŋuaq- pleasure: experience ~ 315 nakuaqsri-,
play music: 95 atuqtuuraq(-) nakuuqsri-; express ~ while
play (musical instrument): ~ a drum dancing 434 qatchak-; have a
236 kasak-, 450 qilausiraq-, source of ~ 314 nakkutigi-;
qilaurraq-; ~ a guitar 266 listen with ~ 293 masaġni-;
kitaaġaq-; ~ a harmonica 426 shout with ~ 434 qatchalaaq-,
qanikkuaġaq-; ~ a piano 326 qatchaq-; sing with ~ 95
naqittaġnaġaq-; ~ a trumpet 420 atunnaġi-; source of ~ 39
qalġuqtaq- aliitkugauraq; take ~ from
player in a game who makes visiting 557 takupqaŋa-; take ~ in

someone or something 315 procedure): 634 uniuŋasirusi
nakuaqsraq-; use with ~ 96 point of privilege (parliamentary
atunnaġi- procedure): 495 saqiraksrauŋilaq
pleat: 465 quglugniq- (Ti) poison: 607 tuqunaq(-)
plentiful: become ~ 114 ayuġnaiq- poisonous: 607 tuqunaq(-)
plenty: 153 ilaŋaniñ poke1: ~ with a stick 612 tuggaq-, tugaq-
pleurisy: 57 anniutaq poke2: 403 puuq(-); ~ containing
pliable: 445 qiġatait-, 462 qitut-; become blubber for making seal oil 644
~ 74 aqikłi-; become soft and ~ uġruun (Ti); food storage ~ 17
481 saakłi-, saagli- (Ti) aġġutaq1; old, sealskin ~ 403
pliers: 248 kigmautik, kiŋmautik puuġruaq; piece of wood
plot: 527 sivunniun nalutchiñikun attached to rear flipper of
plow: 354 nunniqun, 330 sealskin ~ 522 sitqiñ; sealskin ~
nautchiaksriuġun 105 avataq, avataqpak; sealskin ~
pluck: 356 nusuk-, nutchuk-; ~ feathers containing strips of fermented
126 iġisaq-, iġitchaq-; easy to ~ walrus skin and blubber 345
feathers 126 iġisaqsiġiaq-; not niuġaun; sealskin ~ for
easy to ~ feathers 126 fermenting whale meat 298
iġisaqsiġiit- mikigaun; sealskin ~ plug 250
plucked bird: 126 iġisaaq, iġitchaaq kiiñaqqiñ; rear sealskin ~ in a
plug: 298 milik(-), 514 simiksuun, boat 260 kiŋu(
simiutaq(-); 514 simik-; lip ~ 613 polar bear: 323 nanuq; ~ cub in its first
tuutaq; ~ of sealskin float or year 91 atiqtaq; go ~ hunting 323
poke 250 kiiñaqqiñ, 492 nanniaq-, nannuliaq-; kill a ~ 323
sanniġuġiaq; ~ of chewing nannuk-, naniaq-2 (Ti); female ~
tobacco 490 sanaaksraq in snowdrift with young 69
plugged-up: have ~ nose 630 apitchiq; three ~s in a group 388
uminŋatchi- piŋayuqqat; ~ with three cubs
plunge into water: ~ (of sea mammals) 388 piŋayuġalik
321 naluksaaq- pole: 111 ayak(-)1, 325 napaqsraq; long,
pocket: 23 aiñiq, 125 igvik (Ti); pick net-setting ~ 159 illaqtuun
someone’s ~ 125 igviksiuq-; poling: ~ pole 111 ayaktuun; ~ pole for
reach into ~ 23 aiñiqsruq-, 125 kayak 243 kiamġuun, 221
igviġruq- (Ti) kaimġuun; propel a boat by ~
point: 591 tikkuaq-; ~ straight forward, 111 ayaktuq-1
of feet 525 sivukki-; ~ out police officer: 206 isiqsiri (Ti), 590 tiguri,
something 591 tikkuaġuti- tigurau-1
point of reference: 376 pautaq policies: 85 atanniqsimanniktuat
pointed: nicely ~ 592 tikkuutiŋŋaġik- polish: 464 qivliqsaq-
Point Barrow, Alaska: 358 Nuvuk; polluted: 487 salumait-; become ~
people of ~ 357 Nuvugmiut 487 salumaili-
Point Hope, Alaska: 591 Tikiġaq; area Pomarine Jaeger: 209 isuŋŋaġluk,
southwest of ~ 163 Ilutak (Ti); isuŋŋaaluk
north side of ~ 11 aanitchiq (Ti) pond: 166 imaqsuk, 327 narvaq, 569
Point Lay, Alaska: 224 Kali tasiġaq, tasiġauraq
point-of-order (parliamentary ponder: 209 isummatigi-

poor: 379 piilliuq-; ~ person 379 old-style clay ~ 374 patigaq (Nu)
piilliuqtuaq potato: 650 utqiq, 83 asiaġruaq
poorly: V ~ 833 -maqłuk- potential: ~ N 763 -ksraq(-), 764 -ksraun
popping noise: make ~ 289 mapkuqtaq-, potholder: 590 tiggun
mapkutit- potter: 650 utkutchiri
populated: sparsely ~ 181 iñukit- pottery: clay ~ 325 naparaq, 448
porch: covered ~ 551 taġġisimavik qikuyyaq
porcupine: 159 illaatqusiq, 162 iluqutaq pouch: one of two ~s of abdominal fat
(Ti), 456 qiŋaġluk of ground squirrel 421 qalliñ;
pore: 536 suvlu, suplu (Nu) tobacco ~198 iraqsraun, ~ 512
pork: 492 saniqsuk silammaayuun (Ti), 534 summaq
porous: ~ substance 537 suvluġrak (Ti), 592 tilaammaayuun
porpoise: 21 aġvisuaq pouch-like: carry in front of in a ~
port (nautical term): 498 saumiñmun section of snowshirt or apron
umiamiñ 259 kiñiġvik-; ~ section of hood
portage: 213 itivyaaq, itiptiġvik (Ti), 212 itiġlak, 258 kimmigñaq2,
itivliq, itiptiq-, 593 timaut- kimmigñauraq
portion: 151 ilaviñiq; ~ already cut to a poultice: apply a soap ~ on 98
pattern 157 iliktaaq autchirriq-; warm ~ 97 auktuun
position: ~ one above something 409 pounce: 302 mitchiqi-
qarviq-; ~ towards 873 -nmuk- pound: 236 karri-; ~ repeatedly making
possess: ~ a good attribute 378 pigik-; noise 70 apsaktaq- (Nu)
~ a N 919 -qaq-; ~ many N-s pour: 275 kuvi-, 276 kuviq- (Ti), kuviuq-,
1060 :u-3, 1062 :ukkaq- 310 naavit-
possession: 396 piun, 669 suaġruk; gain pout: 58 annut-, 341 niŋaq-, 432
~ 10 aannik-; have no more ~s qaqłualuli-, 505 sigguk(-); ~ a lot
367 paluq-1 (Nu) 58 annutu-
possible: ~ to V 1110 +yumiñaq-; as power: 528 suaŋŋan; extraordinary ~
much as ~ 428 qanutuaglaan; if ~ 528 suaŋŋatiqpak; sickness-
143 ilaunnii (Nu) bringing ~ 158 ilisiitchuq
possibility: ~ existed, but did not V 886 powerful: 528 suaŋa-
±ŋisiq- praise: 321 nanġaun; 321 nanġaq-
post:111 ayagutaq, ayak(-)1; tent ~ 449 pray: 60 aŋaayyu-, aŋaiyyu-, agaiyu-
qilluvik; vertical support ~s of a (Nu), 454 qinġaqtuq-; ~ for 60
sleeping platform 112 ayyak aŋaayyuti-, 186 iŋiqsruuti-; ~ to
postage stamp: 250 kiiñauraq 60 aŋaayyuvigi-
postal clerk: 15 agliqiri, agliqiruaq (Ti) prayer: 60 aŋaayyun, 456 qiññuaqtuun;
postpone: 6 aannagutaaq-, 8 aaqagutaaq-; beg in ~ 600 tuksiaq-
~ until the next day 655 preach: ~ a sermon 38 alġaqsruq-
uvlaakutaaq- preacher: 38 alġaqsruiri, 60
postponement: 6 aannagutaaġun aŋaayyuliqsi, agaiyuliqsi (Nu)
posture: have a bad ~ 499 sauniġluk- precious: too ~ to lose 56 anniġñaq-
pot: cooking ~ 344 niqłiuġun, 650 precisely: 587 tavrapiallak
utkusik; cooking ~ for dog food predator: 394 pisukti
43 alliuġun; large, pointed- predict: 316 nalautchaq-
bottom, lugless ~ 309 naparaq; prediction: 316 nalaurrun

predictor: 316 nalautchaqti prime: in one’s ~ 306 naaġuq-
preempt: 173 inaŋiq-, 527 sivuŋiq- primer: 133 igniġun, igniksraq,
pregnant: 178 iññi-, 309 narri-, 516 igniġutiksraq, 134 igniksraqaġvik
siŋaiyau-; become ~ 309 narrak-, primus stove: 215 ittugluk(-)
narrisaaq- principles: 85 atanniqsimanniktuat
preoccupied: 619 uggisaġi- priority: give ~ 397 piviksritqaaq-
prepare: ~ corpse for burial 499 savak-; prison: 206 isiqsivik
~ to go 364 pagna- prisoner: 206 isiqtaq, 590 tigutaaqtaq
prepared: 367 paluŋaiq-1 (Nu); one ~ probably: 164 imma qanuq; ~ V-ing
638 upaluŋailaaq; one ~ to V 825 896 +p/vallIq-, 984 +[s]ugnaq-;
-łhiñaaq; ~, ready for the task will ~ V 863 +niaqpallIq-; ~ will
385 piłhiñaaġuq- not ~ V 862+niaŋitpallIq-
presence: 557 takkun; from my ~ 557 proboscis: 125 iguun
takkumniñ; from the ~ of 557 proceed: ~ closer 425 qanilaaq-; ~ to V
takkuaniñ; from your ~ 557 without hesitation 969 +sauraq-
takkuġniñ; in my ~ 557 takkumni; proceed into water: 113 ayaksaaq-
in the ~ of 557 takkuani; in your proclaim: 154 ilisimapkaq-
~ 557 takkuġni; make one’s ~ procrastinate: 6 aannagutaaq-, 8
known 181 iñuksruk-, 531 aaqagutaaq-
sukpalliq- productive: 533 sulliqsu-; start
present: 286 mani-; ~ as part of a group being ~ 533 sulliqsi-
210 itqatau- professional: a ~ 391 piri; ~ N 1024
present: ~ received 25 aitchuusiaq; ~ mt/ri
given 25 aitchuun program: 282 maliġuagaksraq;
present time: 363 pagmani, pagmapak established ~ 120 iglauruaq
presentable: make N ~ 700 +[g]iksaq- progress: ~ far ahead of someone 633
pressure: ~ someone to do 354 nunuri-; unisuġi-
~ someone to stop doing 354 prohibit: 395 pitquŋit-
nunut- projectile: 413 qaġruq
pretend: 388 piŋŋuaq-; ~ to V 889 prolific: ~ liar 482 saglutu-
±ŋŋuaq(-) promiscuous: 591 tiipaŋa-
pretty: ~ (of woman) 18 aġnaġik- promise: 31 akiqsruq-, 635
prevent: 389 pipkaŋit-; ~ from being unniqsuqłiun, unniqsuun,
taken or caught 395 pitchaili-; ~ unniqsuq-
from being hit 121 igliqsit-; ~ promontory: ~ at end of ridge 525
from going past 359 paa- (Ti); ~ sivuġaq; come around a ~ 620
from proceeding 495 savri-; ~ uivaq-, uivvaq-, uivaqsaaq-;
from returning home 262 small ~ 358 nuvuġaq-
kiŋuŋiq- (Nu); ~ from V-ing 1039 prone: lie ~ 367 palluq-, palluŋa-
+[t]sailI-; obstacle to ~ prong: ~ of antler 2 aagiaq; ~ of fish
movement forward 480 salliġun spear 223 kakiaq
price: 26 aki(-); 29 akisutilaaq(-); set a ~ pronoun: 173 inaŋiun
317 nalliq-2, nallit- pronounce: 551 tai-
priceless: 27 akiksrait- pronunciation: 551 taiñiq
prick: 223 kaki- proof: 563 taŋiq
pride: 226 kamasaaġun prop: 29 akivik-, 111 ayagutchiq-, 137

ikivġiq-; ~ oneself up with the (Nu); ~ intestines 185
hands 111 ayapiq- iŋaluatchiat; ~ with brown head
propel: ~ boat by poling 111 ayaktuq-1 feathers 327 nasaulligaq,
propeller: 67 aŋuutit nasaullik; ~ without hair under
proper: 146 iluaq-, iłuaq- its claws 121 iglit
properly: 146 iluamik, iłuamik; V ~ 841 ptarmigan willow: 644 uqpivik (Nu)
-mmaġiksaaq- pubic hair: 593 tiŋak
property: 530 suġaliq, suġautaq; acquire public hearing: 608 tusaqsiuġniq
~ 530 suġallak- pucker: ~ (of fabric) 453 qimmuktit-
prophesy: ~ using solitaire cards 359 puddle: 165 imaġauraq, 166 imauraq (Ti)
paasauraq- (Ti) puffy: become ~ (of eyes) 400 puktit-
prophet: 642 uqaqti (Ti), 404 puptit-
prospective: ~ home buyer 120 pug nose: 326 naqsik(-)
iglusiyumalaaqtuaq pug-nosed: 326 naqsiŋa-
prosper: 385 pilluataq-, pillautaq- pull: 355 nuqit-; ~ clothing up and tie
prostitute: 27 akiitchuq, 41 allatuqti with belt 417 qaksrukkak-;
protect: 438 qaunagi-, 496 saput- continue to ~ 355 nuqiqsraq-,
protection: 57 anniitkutaq, anniyaitkutaq nuqimik-, nuqimmi-; ~ toward
protective: 56 anniġi-, anniqsrautu-; ~ oneself by grasping its far edge
cover for index and middle 365 pakiñik-; ~ up and out 48
fingers 449 qillutik; ~ enclosure amuaq-, 49 amuuq-, amuuqqaq-
478 saaġuaq(-); feel ~ 506 pull apart easily: 341 ninŋuit-
siġñigi-, siġnigi- (Ti) pull a sled: help ~ 524 sivuġaakkuuq-
protest: 25 aka-; not ~ 152 ilatchiq- pulled out: object that has been ~ 48
protrude: 409 qatchiraaq(-) amuraq
protruding: ~ jaw 527 sivvuŋa- pulley: 277 kuyapigauraq(-)
protuberance: 409 qatchiraaq(-) pulpit: 38 alġaqsruivik
provide: ~ a N 794 -lIq-1; ~ life’s pulsate: 589 tigliqtaq-; ~ once 589 tiqliq-
necessities for another 412 pulse: 589 tigliqtaat
qaġapkaq- pulverize: 266 kitchi-
provider: 387 piñiaqti; be a good ~ 387 pulverizer: 266 kitchiñ
piñialgu- pumice: ~ stone 266 kitik(-), 431
provisions: 565 taquaq; ~ box 565 qapuk (Ti)
taquaqaġvik; run short of ~ 175 pump: 372 pappaq(-) (Ti); 661
inuqtuq-; supply with ~ 565 yuggaqtaun; air ~ 372 pappaun
taqurrit- (Ti), 404 puviun; ~ repeatedly
prowler: 183 iñuqun, 199 iriġaq (Ti) 661 yuggaqtaq-; water ~ 422
prudence: 438 qaunakłaaġun qallun
prudent: 208 isumatu- punish: 570 tatavsaq-
prune: 83 asiaqpak (Ti) punishment: 570 tatavsaun
pry: ~ loose 85 ataŋiq-, 426 qanŋuq-, 439 pupil of eye: 455 qiñġun, 557 takkun,
qauq- takkugauraq, 586 tautuun
psyche: 200 irrusiq puppet: 61 aŋayakkiiq (Ti), 182
ptarmigan: 433 qargiq; female ~ 19 iñuŋŋuaq; name of ~ used in
aġnavik; get black feathers ancient ceremony 499
under chin (of ~) 419 qakiġlusi- Sauyyaġluqaq (Ti); ~ whale boat

crew 474 qupqaġiaq (Ti) qakit-; ~ up roof planks 425
puppy: 453 qimmiaġruk, 458 qipmiuraq qanak(-); ~ on warm clothing
(Nu) 646 uquqsaq-; ~ a wick on a
purple: 589 tigluuraaq(-), 605 tuŋuqtaaq, lamp 189 ipiqqiq-; ~ wood in
tuŋuaqtaaq stove 460 qirriq-, qirriqsuq-; ~ on
purpose: do on ~ 392 pisaaġi- N 848 ÷muk-
purse: 403 puukatauraq put arm: ~ into sleeve 24 aiq-, 84
pus: 166 immak(-); drain (of ~) 645 asiq(-), 471 qumiumaaq- (Ti); ~s
uqsruġiak- inside parka 470 qumik-
push: 593 tinu-; ~ away with a stick 612 put aside: 83 asiñuk-, 637 uŋavaq-
tuggaq-; ~ a sled 244 kiavluaq- put at ease: 610 tutqiksaq-
(Nu) put away: 598 tugvaq-, 610 tutquq-,
pushed up and crack by pressure tutquqtuq-
from below: ~ (of ice) 389 put hand: ~ into something 239 kau-;
piqak-, 391 piqu- (Nu) ~s on one’s hips 111 ayaksi-; ~ s
pursue: 282 malikataq-; ~ men with into pocket 125 igviksimaaq-
sexual intent 67 aŋusiqi-; ~ a (Ti), 239 kaumaaq- (Ti)
whale paddling fiercely (of boat put into: ~ a container 132 iki-1, iku-; ~
crew) 361 paaqtuq- a covered hole 304 muġruk-; ~
pursuit: in ~ 185 iŋiġaq- mouth 646 uqummiq-,
put: ~ to bed 610 tuttaaqtit; ~ baleen uqummirriq-; ~ mouth to chew
strips in frame of ice scoop 352 562 tamurriq-
nuluq(-); ~ a border on put meat: ~ in a pot to cook 116
something 104 avalu(-); ~ igarriq-; ~ on a spit for roasting
chewing tobacco in one’s 223 kakiak(-) (Ti); ~ in
mouth 471 qummirriq- (Nu), 619 underground ice cellar 505
uilarriq-; ~ coal in stove 43 siġluaq(-); ~ out to dry 370
alurriq-, alurriqsuq-; ~ corpse paniqsi-
into a coffin 247 kigiunniq(-); put on any article of clothing or
~ gas in 644 uqsriq-; ~ knee on accessory: (see names of articles
508 siitquq(-), sitquq(-), 522 of clothing or accessories); 92
sitquq(-); ~ oars on a boat 191 ati-2; unintentionally ~
ipusiq-; ~ one arm around each backwards 480 salliqi-
other 193 iqittaaq-; ~ one’s arms put to sea: ~ in boat 479 saavit-
behind one’s back 45 amaqsi-; ~ puzzle: jigsaw ~ 217 iviqtitaġaat
in a quandary 427 qanuqsausiiq-;
~ scratch marks 597 titiqtuq-; ~ Q
siding on house 390 piqtaliq-; ~ quake: ~ (of land) 157 iliqsraq-,
a side lath on a kayak 71 iliġraq- (Ti)
apummarriq-; ~ skin on a drum qualified: 385 pilla-
203 isik-, isiaq-; ~ a stick quality: one with highest ~ of being V
inside footwear for shaping 439 or V-ing 824 -łhaaq(-); have the
qauqqusiq-; ~ sod on house or highest ~ of being V or V-ing
grave 218 ivruq(-), 219 ivruqsi-; 824 -łhaaq(-)
~ under anesthesia 436 quandary: be in a ~ 427 qanuqsausiiq-
qaurimaiyaq-; ~ up on a shelf 416 quarrel: 25 aiva- (Nu); 29 akiuġuti-, 426

qanaaq-, 430 qapiqtauti-; go over piyuutraq- (Nu)
to ~ with someone 530 suġruk-; ~ rack: drying ~ 176 iññisaq,
over something trivial 386 iññisat; ~ for melting snow 176
pilliqi-, piłłiqi- iññitchat; wooden ~ with slats
quarrelsome: 426 qaniqaq-, qannaġik- 367 pallisat, pallitchat
quarter: 473 qupitchuŋaq racket: make a ~ 108 avsaluk-,
quartz: 645 ¤uqsruuraq (Nu) avsaluktaq-, avsatit-
queen (suit in playing cards): 18 aġnaq radio: 308 naalaktuaġun, naalaun, 512
queasy: feel ~ after eating too much silakkuaġun
seal oil 644 uqsriñŋu- radius: ~ (arm bone) 136 ikiipkuq
question: 70 apiqqun, apiqsruun raft: 628 umiaġluk(-)
questionable: ~ N 757 -kkaluaq2 rail: side ~ of sled 326 naqitaqpik
quick: 22 aġyuuq-, 71 aptatqik-, 531 rain: 512 sialuk(-); frozen ~ and snow
suka-, sukat-, 619 uima- on ground 510 sikuġlak(-),
quickly: 448 qilamik, qilamipiaġataq; ~ sikuġlalaaq; frozen ~ 500
and competently help someone saviġuuraq1; very light ~ 300
57 anniqsuqtiq-; do ~ 531 miñikłuk
sukasaq-; move ~, but not rainbow: 259 kinnaum nigaŋa, kinnaq
too ~ 531 sukasałauraq-; take niggiqsuq (Nu), 335 nigatchiaq,
time to V ~ 791 -liktuq-; V ~, 600 tulimaaq, tulimaq, tulimmaq
impetuously 1056 +tuula-; V ~ raincoat: 512 silaluksiun, sialuksiun
5 -liq-2, 856 +nasuaq-, 1030 rain shelter: 468 qulliġun
mt/liq- , 1046 +tualuk-; V ~ with raise: ~arm 201 isaaq-; ~ flame of oil
finesse 1058 +tuuraq-; V ~ lamp 340 nikuappak-, nikuppak-;
without finesse 1050 +tuq-1 ~ head out of water 659
quick-tempered: 208 isumanikit- uyagruaq- (Nu)
quiet: 342 nipait-, 483 saima-; become ~ raisin: 83 asiayaaq (Ti)
342 nipaiġuti-, nipaiq-, rake: 272 kumigaq; snow ~ 365
nipaiġutiuraq-, 343 nivruiġuti-, pakirgutit
nivruiġutiuraq-; force someone to ram: 68 aŋutisugruk; medium-sized
be ~ 342 nipaisit- ~ 626 ullutiksralik; ~ with ladle-
quietly: play ~ 342 nipaisaaq- sized horms 444 qayuuttaksralik
quilt: 408 qaliġuaq ram heads: ~ (of sheep) 225 kałuk-
quit: 18 aġiu-; ~, feeling incapable 377 rambunctious: 377 piala-; become ~
payyit- 377 piallak-; cause someone to
quiver : arrow ~ 393 pisiksisaq, become ~ 377 pialatchi-,
pisiksitchak piallai-
quiver : 502 sayuġġula- (Ti) ramp: ~ used to disembark from a
quorum: have a ~ 306 naama-; conduct boat 345 niggun; whaling camp
a roll call to establish a ~ 307 ice ~ 48 ammuaq
naamammagaaq- rancid: 418 qakiŋa-; become ~ 418
qakiq-1, qakiġñiliq-; ~ meat or oil
R 418 qakiġñiq; smell ~ 418
rabid: 284 malukali-; ~ animal 284 qakiġñit-; taste ~ 418 qakilanaq-
malukaliq rancor: 535 sunŋun
race: 592 tikitqaurraq-; run a ~ 398 ransom: 346 niuviq(-), 569 tasuq-,

tasuun rear1: to the ~ 261 kiŋumun
rapids: 213 itimniq (Nu), 483 saġvauraq rear2: ~ an animal 369 pamiq-,
(Nu) pamiqsaq-
rarely: V ~ 910 -pqaqtaq- rear sight: ~ on gun 211 itchuaġiaq
rash: break out in fever ~ 53 aniuq- reassurance: have no one to turn to
(Ti); develop a ~ 637 uŋi- (Nu), for ~ 455 qiñiġviksrait-
uŋilak-, uŋŋi-; have a ~ 401 rebel: 360 paaqłak-
pupik(-); have a diaper ~ 652 rebuke: 176 iñiq-, 177 iñiqtiq-, iniqtiq-
uuq-; itchy ~ 401 pupik(-) (Ti), 528 suak-
rasp: ~ for bone 499 saunniqun recently: 209 isvaq, 428 qaŋakisuuraq,
rat: 108 aviŋŋaqpak qaŋaqqammiuraq; ~ V-ed 931
ratification: 319 nalupqinaiyaun ±qqammIq-; one which ~ V-ed
ratify: 319 nalupqinaiq- 931 ±qqammiaq
ration: 330 nauttaaq- receptacle: ~ for trash or dry dirt 310
rattle: 106 aviluqtaun; ~ on net line 511 naaptiġun; ~ to catch drippings
sikutaq2 274 kutchiilisaq, kutchiqpik; to
Raven: 601tulugaq set a ~ out 274 kutchiilitchiq-,
raw: ~, thawed meat 619 uilaq(-); ~, kutchitchiq- (Ti)
frozen meat or fish 464 quaq(-) reciprocal: 105 avanmun
rawhide: caribou ~ 611 tuttuġaviñiq; reciprocity: 105 avanmun
cook ~ 461 qisivviuq-; cooked ~ recite: 553 taimuŋaaq-
461 qisivak reclaim: 63 aŋiuq-, 569 tasuq-, 584
reach: ~ a community 178 iññiññaq-; ~ tatuq- (Ti), tatui-
a destination 232 kaŋillit-, 253 recognition: source of ~ 155 ilitchuqqun
killi- (Nu), 592 tikit-; ~ area recognize: 154 ilisaġi-, 243 kisuiq-;
under something 90 almost ~ 619 uiġak-; cause
ataanuaglaaq-; for someone to ~ oneself to be ~ed 531 sukuiqsit-;
the top before one does 33 ~ each other 154 ilisaqquti-;
akpai-; ~ the limit 232 kaŋillit-; ~ finally ~ 531 sukuiġi-; think that
N 848 ÷muaglaaq-; ~ shore 600 one ~ someone 154 ilisakunat-;
tulak-; ~ the summit after a scrutinize and ~ someone in the
difficult climb 22 aġviq- distance 531 sukuiq-
reach in and grab: 202 isairaġaq- recognized: have a fault ~ by others 284
react belatedly: 78 aquvaaq- maluŋnaq-
read: 551 taiguaq(-) recognizable: 154 ilisaġnaq-
ready: 214 itqanait-; get ~ 214 recompense: 360 paaqłiq-
itqanaiyaq-; get ~ to go 499 reconcile: 153 ilauraaliuq-
savaiyaq-; ~ to V with record: 15 aglauti-, agliuti-, 597 titquti-;
anticipation 1110 +yumalaaq-; music ~ 95 atuun; have a good ~
one ~ to perform 638 281 maqpiġaaġik-, makpiġaaġik-;
upaluŋailaaq have a bad ~ 281 maqpiġaaġiit-,
real: ~ N 903 -piaq(-)1 makpiġaaġiit-; ~ of meeting
reality: become ~ 563 taŋŋiq- proceedings 237 kasimanġit; ~
realize: 82 asiġui-; ~ that one did V voices 349 nuksi-
779 -lgiññIq-; ~ that one has V, recorded: 15 agliusima-
is V-ing, or is V 975 msima-1 recording: make a tape ~ of songs 95

atuusiqi- register: 92 atchii-
recover: ~ from illness or disease 329 regret: expression of ~ 483 saiñġusuun;
natqik-, 350 nukiñik-, 449 feel ~ 610 tutqaasuk-; ~ a loss
qillutaiq-, 538 surruiq-; rest in 445 qigluk-2
order to ~ 329 natqiksiaq-, regretful: become ~ 484 saiñġitchak-
natqiksiq-, 483 sailli- regularly: to think that one might be
recreationally: V ~ 755 +kisaaq(-) doing something ~ 390
recruit a partner: 122 iglunnak- (Nu) piraġaġasuga- (used with
rectangle: 232 kaŋiġallulik takiłhuaŋaaq Appositonalis Mood)
recuperate: 295 mavsiq- regulations: 85 atanniqsimanniktuat
red: bright ~ 240 kaviġruaq-, reign: 628 umialgu-
kavviaġik-, kavviġik-; color ~ reindeer: 471 qunŋiq; ~ herder 471
240 kaviqsaaq; 240 kaviq-; qunŋilaaq
slightly ~ 240 kaviġuraq-; reindeer lichen: 343 niqaaq
something ~ 240 kaviqhak reindeer moss: 413 qaġliuraq (Nu)
red alpine bearberry: 68 aŋurvak, (Nu) reject: 113 ayak-3, 115 ayyai-, 312
aŋutvak naġġu-, 386 piluaq-; a ~ 386
Red Breasted Merganser: 75 piluku; ~ someone 180 iñugluaq-
aqpaqsruayuuq, 364 paisugruk rejuvenated: 392 pirraġiksi-
red fox: 240 kavviaq, 242 kayuqtuq relapse: 149 ilalġusiq-
red-hot: become ~ 101 aumali- relate: ~ upsetting information 83
redden: 240 kaviqsi- asiŋŋuqsaaq-
reddish: 240 kavialliuti-, kavikavsak- related: 148 ilagiik(-); person whom
Red-necked Grebe: 75 aqpaqsruayuuq, one is related to in several ways
530 suġlitchauraq 560 tamanġun; siblings ~
Red Phalarope: 99 auksruaq through traditional spouse
red squirrel: 486 sakłataiyaq exchange 435 qataŋŋutigiit
Red-throated Loon: 433 qaqsrauq relationship: 148 ilagiigñiq; ~ where N
redeem: 569 tasuq-, 346 niuviq(-) is the topic 698 +[g]iik(-); enter
redeemer: 569 tasuqsaqti into a ~ where N is the topic
redemption: 569 tasuqtauniq 699 +[g]iiksit-
Redpoll: 486 saksakiq, saksaŋiq, relative: 148 ila(-), 151 ilannaq,
saksaŋiuraq, 644 uqpiksiuyuk ilauraaq; distant ~ 18 aġġutaq2,
refrain: 427 qanuqsaaŋit-; ~ a desire 354 110 avvasaaq; have many ~s
nunummi- 151 ilau-2; have no ~s 149
refreeze: for thawing snow to ~ 459 ilait- ;step~ 14 agitchiaq; lose a ~
qiqsruqqaq(-) to death149 ilaiq-,150 ilaŋiq-; ~
refrigerator: 335 nigliñaqtuaqaġvik, who is one’s true friend 533
nigliñaqaġvik (Nu) sulliññauraq
refrozen: fragile, ~ ice 230 kaniqtaq; ~ relax: 530 suilli-; ~ outside 52
crack 356 nutaġun; ~ slush 446 aniiqsuaq-
qiġuviak release: 100 aullaqtit-, 383 pilit-; ~ an
refuse to include someone: 386 arrow 139 iksaq-; ~ from one’s
pimiulugi- clenched teeth 618 uġiaq-(Ti); ~
regardless: 151 ilaiññaq, ilaiññaq unnii; out of confinement 52 anipkaq-;
308 naaggaunnii ~ spirits associated with charms

100 aullaqtitchi- (Ti); ~ a stone inmiñiq-; ~ that one is V, V-ing,
from a sling 139 iksauti- or V-ed 860 +nI-1, 869 +nIq-1
reliable: 161 ilumuuq- reported: it is ~ that 1151 -gguuq
relieve: 26 akiaq- repossess: 63 aŋiuq-, 569 tasuq-
relish: 242 kayumigi- repress: ~ a desire 354 nunu-
relocate: 349 nuktiq-, nuut- reproach: 528 suak-
reluctant: ~ to V 992 +[s]uvyuaq-; ~ to reprimand: 528 suak-; be cause of
butcher animals 409 qaaliŋa- repeated ~s 641 uqaġnaqutau-
remainder: 149 ilakutaq reptile: mythical ~ 597 tiritchiq
rematch: present a ~ 49 anakkit- repulsed: 304 muayuk-, muayugi-,
remember: 215 itqaq-; ~ all 215 itqaa-; muayukchak-; ~ by something
cause one to ~ 625 uliqtitchi-; ~ 409 qaaliŋagi-
a good luck dream 509 request: 70 apiqsriaq, 395 pitqun; 70
sikkiqsiuq-, sikkiuma-; now, I ~ apiqsri-; ~ to V or be V-ed 1037
1153 +liqaa2; ~ suddenly 215 -[t]qu-
itqaniqłak- require a lot of work and bother 538
remind: 215 itqaqtit- suraksraqtu-
remnant: 157 iliġniku(-), iliġniq; ~ of requirement: 378 pigiraksraq, 391
skin 47 amiku piraksriaq
remorse: feel ~ 147 iluilaqtuq-, research: 452 qimilġuuq-; reach end of
iłuilaqtuq-, 354 nunuuraq-, 610 ~ 233 kaŋŋit-; ~ one’s genealogy
tutqaasuk-; full of ~ 208 isumaaq-, 233 kaŋŋiuq-
isumaaluk- rescue: 56 anniqsuq-, annaun, annauti-
remorseful: become ~ 610 tutqaatchak- resemble: 40 allaksrait-; come to ~ 155
remove: 379 piiq-, 380 piiyaq-; ili-2
completely ~ the guts 467 resembles: one that ~ this 210 innasiq,
qukinni-; ~ N 734 :Iq-2, 741 iminnasiq, iminnaasiq; one that ~
:Iyaq-; ~ oneself from another’s that 554 tainnasiq
presence 336 niguuti-; ~ skin of resembling: ~ the V-ing 844 +mmatun;
sea mammal without cutting the ~ a N 1147 ÷tun
fur 333 nayuk- resentful: become ~ 208
render: ~ useless 396 piunġiq- isumanŋutchak-; feel ~ 388
rendered oil: 118 iginniq piŋiññiġaq-
renew: 356 nutaq- resentment: show ~ 388 piŋa-
rent: ~ it out 96 atukkirruti-; pay ~ 96 resident: ~ of N 839 ÷miu, +miuq
atuusiq-2 residue: 259 kiñalluq, kiññaġluk (Ti),
repair: 356 nutaq-, 601 tumaqsruq-; go ~ 563 taŋiku; seal oil ~ 405 puya
something 499 savagiaq- resilience: have ~ 528 suama-
repeatedly: V ~ 1000 -t/raġalIq-, 1035 resilient: ~ 528 suama-
-tqigaaq- resin: 274 kutchuq, 647 urratchiaq
repent: 208 isumalitqik- resist: 258 kinatak-, kiŋatak-; ~ impact
reply: 267 kiggun, kiggusiaq; lack a ~ 28 akiŋŋaq-
267 kiggutait- resoluteness: 603 tuniqsimman
replace: 515 simmausiq-, simmiliq-; ~ resolution: 36 akuqtuaq, akuqtuqtaq, 174
someone 145 illiuti-, inillaun; proposed ~ 36
report: ~ that one is also here 209 akuqtuaksraq

resolve a situation: 65 aŋiiyaq- reverberate: 435 qasiŋŋuqtaq-
resonance: have good ~ 167 imiakpatit- revenge: 28 akisaurriñiq; take ~ 28
resonant: 106 aviluq-, 167 imiak- akisaq-
resonate: 106 aviluqtit-, 436 qarraq(-), reverence: 447 qiksiksraun
qarraatit-; ~ repeatedly 106 reverse: 649 utinmun; go in ~ 262
aviluqtaq- kiŋuppiaqtuq-
resound: 436 qarraatitaq- review: 452 qimilġuuq-
resounding noise: cause something to revitalized: 528 suammak-
make a ~ 106 aviluqtit-; make a revive: 63 aŋi-2
sudden, loud ~ 107 avilutit-, 293 reward: 27 akiliusiaksraq, akiliusiaq;
masamatit- 478 quyanaaġusiq-; ~ someone 94
respect: 448 qiksiñ, qiksiksrautiqaġniq, attausiq-
84 atanġi-, 447 qikigi-, qiksigi-, Rhinocerus Auklet: 77 aqtuaq
qiksiksraq-; have no ~ 532 rhubarb: wild ~ 472 quŋulliq
suksraġiŋit-; show no ~ for rib: 600 tulimaaq; floating ~ 358
authority 250 kiiñaġniq-; ~ taboo nuvuliġaq
472 quŋuqsrau-; worthy of ~ 226 ribbon seal: 414 qaiġulik
kamanaq(-) ribs: ~ of caribou 256 kiligautiksrat
respectable: 316 nalaunŋa- rich: 628 umialgu-
respectability: 316 nalaunŋaruaq rickrack: 497 saquuppilugauraq
respectful: 447 qiksiksrautiqaq-; ~ of ride low in water (of boat): 399 pukkit-,
taboo 265 kiruqtau- (Ti) pukłi-
respond: 26 aki(-) ride onboard once in a while: 648
responsible: 438 qaunatqik- usiaqsiluu-
responsibility: 499 savaaksraun ridge: 453 qimiġaaq, 464 quagruk; ~
rest: 299 minġuiqsiaq-, 384 down front of nose 456
pilaiŋaiqsiaq-, 439 qauriaq-, 632 qiŋarraaq (Nu); ice pressure ~
unaŋuiqsiq-; ~ lying down 315 220 ivuniq; high ~ that
naluraaq- originates from a mountain
restaurant: 336 niġġiyyaġvik, niġġivik slope 498 satqagruaq; low ~ 453
restless: 661 yuġri- qimiaġruk
resurrect: 63 aŋipkaq- ridgepole: ~ of tent 605 tupiqtuun,
resurrected: already ~ 63 aŋianik- tupqutaq; ~ of house 613 tuurraq
resurrected being: 63 aŋiñiq ridicule: 659 uvyauq-, uvyak-
resurrection: 63 aŋŋiñ rifle: 536 suppun; aim a ~ 129 iiguti-,
retaliate: 28 akisaq- iigusima-; automatic ~ 365
retarded: 1 aamaŋa- pakigaġnaq; ~ bolt 635 unŋuq;
retch: 626 ulittaq- bolt action ~ 636 unŋulik;
return: 649 utiq-, uttaq-; ~ a borrowed flintlock ~ 16 aŋmaaqtalik,
item 649 utiqtit- akmaaqtalik (Nu); forty-four
return home: ~ after been gone a long caliber ~ 501 saviligaq;
time 22 aggiqi- (Nu), 63 aŋilġaq- forty-five-sixty caliber ~ 501
return en masse: 649 utaa- savilikpak (Ti); forty-five-seventy
reveal: 481 satqummiq-, 486 salapqiq- caliber rifle 65 aŋmailaq (Ti),
revealed: 486 salapqiq- aŋmailaġruaq (Nu); muzzler-
revelation: 486 salapqiqsauruaq loader ~ 270 kiviiraq (Nu);

thirty-thirty caliber ~ 436 rise: ~ (of bread dough) 404 puvlak-,
qatiqtualik; thirty-forty caliber ~ puvsaq- (Ti); bread dough set
30 akimialik; .45-.70 brass ~ 16 aside to ~ 405 puvlaksiaq
agmailaq, 51 ¤anautailaq (Ti); risky: 51 anayanaq-,
stock of ~ 633 unaqsiqsaq rival: 122 iglusuk
right: ~ arm ~ 558 taliqpik; ~ side 558 river: 275 kuuk1; deep part of ~ 411
taliqpik; to the ~ 558 ¤qagluluktuaq; create/build a ~
taliqpiñmun 275 kurri-
right angle: 232 kaŋiġalluk rivers: 275 kurgit, kuugit; two ~ 275
right away: 448 qilamiqsruatchiaq-, 588 kurrak
tavrauvvaa riverbank: steep, undercut ~ 457
right now: 31 akkupak, 657 uvvapak (Ti) qipaluaq
right there: ~ close by 587 tavraqiuraq river current: carry something along,
righteousness: 315 nakuun, 316 of ~ 536 supputi-; downstream ~
nalaunŋasiñiq 53 anisaġniq; hole in ocean ice
rim: 104 avalu, 515 siñiġun made by ~ at mouth of the river
rime: 230 kaniġaaġruk(-) (Nu) 53 anniññiq; upstream ~ 424
ring1: ~ (jewelry) 461 qitiqłiaġun; ~ in qamanaaq1 (Nu)
tree 187 ipak; main decoration road: 70 apqun; build a ~ 70 apqusiuq-;
on ~ or bracelet 4 aakupak built a ~ there 70 apqusiq-
ring2: 35 akuġluk(-), 106 aviluqtaq-, roar: 617 ugiala-, ugialla-; ~ (of fire) 135
aviluġaq-, 436 qattauraq(-); ~ ikuala-
loud 523 sivanau-; ~ of ears 107 roaring : make a distant ~, thundering
aviu-, 167 imigluk- noise 167 imigluk-; make
ring3: ~ encircling something 222 continual ~ sound 215 ittuk-
kaipsaluaġun (Nu), kaivaġun; roast: ~ on a spit 80 argiq-; ~ fish on a
make ~s (of object falling into skewer 437 qau-2 (Nu); ~ in oven
water) 211 itauri- 488 samuunnaaq-3
ringed seal: 443 qayaġulik roasted: ~ meat 37 algiq(-) (Ti); meat ~
ringworm: 336 niguyaq(-), 389 piŋuyaq; on spit 80 argiqsaq
infected by ~s 336 niguyaqtuq- roaster: 166 imailaqtuun
rinse: 126 iġġuq-, 616 uaq-, uaqtiq- rob: 217 ivayaqtuq-, 589 tigligai-
rinse water: 616 uaġun robber: 590 tigguyuk
rinsing tub: 616 uaqtiġvik Robin: 229 kanayuuraq
rip: 39 alik-; 39 allaq1; ~ a seam 255 rock: 659 uyaġak; greenish-colored ~
kiluiyaq-; ~ in the seam 255 433 qaqsuqtuq (Nu)
kiluaġniq; make a sound as it ~s rock back and forth: 4 aałhutaaq-
504 sigaatit-; ~ (of seam) 255 Rock Ptarmigan: 339 niksaaktuŋiq
kiluaq-; ~ off 279 makłuaq- rod: divining ~ 450 qilagautaq;
ripple: dark ~ on water 446 qiġñiġaq shaman’s conjuring ~ 450 qillan;
(Nu); ~ on ice 415 qaiġilġuq (Nu); iron ~ for harpoon shaft 118
~ on water 104 avalluaġniq, 414 igimaq
qailliaqsruk(-), qailliaġruk(-); ~ on roll: 33 aksrak-, aksralik-; ~ back (of
surface of snow 444 qayuqłak eyes) 446 qiiŋa-; ~ a cigarette
ripsaw: 474 quvluun, qupluun (Nu) 172 imuri-1, 505 sigarri-; cause to
riptide: 420 qalat ~ over 260 kiñŋut-; ~ easily 658

uvaaya-; ~ into a ball 26 326 naqitaġun
akavalik- (Nu); ~ one’s sleeves up rosehip: 124 igruŋnaq
469 qulvaq-, qurvaq-; ~ one’s rot: 96 au-
torso left to right 313 naiññiq-; ~ rotate in circle: 235 kiavallak-
onto the back (of whale) 11 rotation: 245 kiavallagun
aatqik-1; ~ over 260 kiñŋu-; ~ rotten: ~ ice 97 auniq; ~ piece removed
sideways (of boat) 658 uvaagaq-; 380 piiyaku; something ~ 97
~ something up 171 imu-; ~ up auŋaraq
one’s sleeves 233 kaŋivaqtaaq-; rough: 247 kigrak, kigirak- (Nu),
roll call: 209 inmagaaġniq, inmagaaq- kiglak-, 286 maniit-, 406
roll up: ~ (of an object to the qaaġrait- (Nu), 415 qaiġiit-,
disadvantage of the person qaiġit- (Nu); become ~ (of sea)
dealing with the object) 172 411 qaggattuq-; ~ (of skin) 47
imuri-2 amiġluk(-); ~ (of blade) 248
rolled oats: 591 tiġriŋŋuat kiglak(-) (Nu), 407 qaaġraq-
rolling: ~ crest of wave on ocean 626 (Nu); bumpy and ~ (of dried
ulivrik(-); ~ thunder 225 hide) 197 iqsuliŋa-; ~ (of water)
kalluala(-); ~ tundra 353 165 imaġluk-, 283 malliq(-), 411
nunavik qagraluk (Ti); ~ surface 286
roof: 406 qaa(-), 450 qilak(-)1; go on the maniilaq; travel through ~ seas
~ 366 paŋmuŋaq- 411 qaggiuq-, 414 qailliuq-;
roof beams: 450 qilait travel through ~ terrain 415
roof planks: 450 qilaŋa; short ~ below qaiġilliuq- (Ti)
skylight 174 initqauran Rough-legged Hawk: 451 qilġiq
room: have lots of ~ 173 inaukkaq-, 174 roughly: ~ crimped soles 289 maŋiksat;
initu-; have no ~ 173 inait-; have drag ~ 224 kalikhaaq-,
no ~ left 173 iniksraiġuti-; ~ in a kaliukhaaq-; ~ filed blade of
house 173 inauraq; prepare knife 406 qaagrak; seize ~ 589
a ~ 173 iniksriuq-; run out of ~ tigguġluk-; take hold of ~ 461
173 iniksraiq-; search for ~ 173 qisuk- (Ti); treat ~ 378
iniksraqsiuq- piaqłuktaq-, 382 pikałłaktaq, 397
roomy: become ~ 174 initusi- piyaaġi-
root: 232 kaŋiq; long, tree ~ 333 round: 16 agmaluq-, aŋmaluq-, 78
niaqunak; ~ of plant 289 aqvaluq-, aġvaluq- (Ti), 245
maŋŋuq; ~ of a word 289 kiapsaluqtaq (Nu)
maŋŋuq; small, thin ~ of plant round whitefish: 500 saviġuunnaq
188 ipiq (Nu); tool used for route: 120 iglauyaaq, igliġiaq2; go
digging ~s 293 masuliñ, forward by the most direct ~
masunniun, masusiun 317 nalimuu-; go take the ~
rootlet: small secondary ~ 45 amaaq1 there 561tamaunnaaġiaq-; meet
rope: 32 akłunaaq; coiled ~ 171 a dead end and take another ~
immuaq; potential ~ 452 490 samnaaq-
qimiksraq; to provide a ~ for routinely: V ~ 752 ±kasak-
32 akłunarriq-; ~ tied to end of row: 191 iput-
net 456 qiñŋusaaq; ~ used to tie rowdy: 377 piala-
load securely to sled or boat rub: ~ against 323 nanuiqasiraq-; ~

liniment on 323 nanuluk-; ~ on runner2: ~ of kayak 503 siaksraaq; ~
323 nanuk- of sled 511 siku3; longitudinal
rub and twist: 627 uluk- outer side ~ of umiak frame
rubber band: 569 tasiraġaaq 604 tunusiġaq; longitudinal
rubber boot: 58 anŋiqpak inner side ~ of skinboat frame
rubbing alcohol: 134 ikirrutigraq (Ti) 613 tuurvik, tuulvik (Ti);
rudder: 78 aquun longitudinal lower inner side ~
Ruddy Turnstone: 601 tullignaq of umiak frame 658
rug: 609 tunmavik, tunmiġaq uvaagiitkutaq
ruin: 291 maqut-, 532 suksraunġiq-; go running: 75 aqpaliuramik
and ~ 291 maqutchiyyaq-; ~ of rush: 398 piyyaq-, 638 upaluaŋa-; ~
an old building 630 ummaq about 71 aptatilaaq- 448
ruins: camp or house ~ 173 iniġruat; qilamiqsruq-; ~ eagerly 639
sod house ~ 630 umiŋniq upit-, upisalak-; ~ directly 638
ruler: measuring ~ 653 uuktuun, 695 upak-, upaktuq-; ~ in and up (of
titiqtuun (Nu) cold air) 296 mayuala-; ~ out to
rules: 85 atanniqsimanniktuat someone 380 pikirraqi- (Nu)
rumble: ~ of stomach 470 quluula-, rush to be first: 359 paatchaqtu- (Ti)
quluquluu- Russian: 647 Uruusiq
rumen: 338 niġukkaq rust: qaliq(-); 408 qaliq(-)
ruminant: 338 niġukkalik Rusty Blackbird: 601 tulugagnauraq,
rummage surreptiously: 364 ¤tulukkatun ittuq
pakauraq-; ~ determinedly 365 rut: male seal in ~ 250 kiiñaaq, 589
pakauravik- tiggagniq; bull caribou in ~ 351
rump: 275 kuutchiñiq nuliaġniq
run1: 75 aqpat-; ~ about aqpaliġaq-, 457
qipiktuq-; ~ down 89 arvik-; ~ S
hard for a short distance 75 Sabine’s Gull: 118 igirraq, 194
aqpaliqsuq-; ~ into taut line and iqirgagiaq, 433 qargagiaq (Nu)
have one’s nose pushed up 326 sack: burlap ~ 297 miitchuk; gunny ~
naqsiŋayaaq-; try to ~ 75 43 aluaqsaun; used ~ 404 puuku
aqpanniaq-; ~ very fast 75 sacred object: 470 quluguguluq (Ti)
aqpaqsruq-; ~ with 75 aqparruti-, sacrifice: 25 aitchuun
aqpatqasiq- sad: be very ~ 189 ipiqtusuk-; try to
run : ~ on one of a pair of parts 122 make ~ 189 ipiqtusaaq-
iglupiaqtaq- sadness: cause ~ 189 ipiqtunaq-
run short of something: 46 amikkit- safe: 51 anayanait-
run out of supplies: 381 piksraiq-, 530 safety pin: 224 kakkiñ, kakkisi,
suiġuti- kakkigauraq
run over: ~ something with a vehicle said: it is ~ that 1151 -gguuq
16 aglugi- sail: 594 tiŋilġautaq, tiŋilġaun; 594
runner1: 75 aqpaqsruqti; a fast ~ 643 tiŋilġai-, tiŋilġaqsiq-,
uqilaruunnaq; be a fast ~ 643 tiŋilġautitaq-, tiŋinnaaq-; fore-
uqila-; be a slow ~ 643 uqilait-; and-aft ~ 357 nuvugluktaq (Nu);
marathon ~ during Kivgiq 75 main~ 77 aqulliġaq; pointed ~
aqpataq 357 nuvugiksaq (Nu); raise a ~

594 tiŋilġautchiq-; triangular ~ in ~ 405 puvviaqtuuq, 498
front of the mast 611 tuugauraq; satqagiilaq; Red-backed ~ 444
~ with favorable wind 594 qayuuttavak; Solitary ~ 474
tiŋilġannaaq- qupilġuqsiuġayuk (Nu); Spotted
sailboat: 133 igniġilaq, 594 ~ 643 uqłaqtaq
tiŋilġautaqtuqtuaq, 630 umiuraq; sandstone: 522 siuġaq
boom of ~ 439 qauqqiñ, 599 sanitary napkin: 280 makkaun (Ti)
tukiqtuun (Nu); centerboard of ~ sap: 219 ivsa, 303 misuq
81 arguġaun, arguqtuun, sardine: 73 aqaluayaaq (Ti)
argumuktuun; gaff of ~ 439 satiated: 393 pisuguiq-, 396 pituġuiq-;
qauqqigauraq; large, open ~ 629 become ~ 74 aqiattuq-
umiavak (Ti); main sheet of ~ 591 satisfaction: V to one’s ~ for one last
tiġitqiñ (Nu); one-masted ~ 133 time 986 +[s]uiqsaaq-
igniġilaq atausilik; pointed ~ 357 satisfied: 313 nakiqsi-; ~ fully 26
nuvugiksaq (Nu); sail a ~ 594 akayugnaiq-, 393 pisuguiq-
tiŋilġautitaq- satisfy: ~ one’s desire 394 pisuiq-
sailor: 527 sivuqłiq, sivuġli (Ti) saturated: 167 immit-, 219 ivsak-
sale: something for ~ 602 tunnisaq Saturday: 210 Itchaksriġñiq, 211
saliva: 219 ivsa, 174 innuq; ~ drooling Itchaksriq-
out 465 quġliaq(-) Savannah Sparrow: 5 aanaruiñ
salivate: ~ from sweet or sour food 508 suliuqpa, 644 uqpiksiuġayuk
siiġlit- saucer: 89 alliġauraq
salmon: 73 aqalugruaq (Ti) sausage: 649 usuŋnaq (Ti)
salt: 551 taġiuq(-); 551 taġġirriq-; let ~ save: 56 annauti-; ~ and set aside 300
settle out of sea ice to make miñaq-; ~ fat skimmed from
fresh water 260 kiñitchiq-1; soak broth 399 puiññi-; ~ food for
in ~ water 551 taġġitchii- later; ~ for 649 utaqqisi-
salt lick: 43 alugvik savings bank: store: 610 tutquqsivik
salty: no longer ~ 551 taġiiq- saviour: 56 annaurri
sample: 653 uuk- saw: 627 uluaqtuun, uluun, uluaqtuq-;
sand: 278 maġġaq, 279 maġia; fine ~ 441 bend teeth of a ~ 264 kiputtaq-;
qavia; very fine ~ 441 cross-cut ~ 263 kivluun; two-
qaviarauraq, qaviaraaq man ~ 627 uluaqtuutiġruaq
sandal: 42 aluġun sawdust: 627 uluaġniġit; particle of ~
sandbar: 278 maġġaraaq, 564 tapqaq1; ~ 627 uluqqaq
in lake 564 tapqaġnaq; narrow ~ say: 551 tai-; ~ N 915 +q-2
597 tirraq say or do this: 210 innaq-
Sanderling: 75 aqpaqsruayuuq, 258 scab: 47 amiġluk(-), 371 pannaġluk(-)
kimmitquilaq (Nu) (Ti), 408 qaliġluk(-) (Ti), 408
sandpiper: Pectoral ~ 25 aiviqiak, 405 qalli, 409 qasalluq; form a ~ 47
puvviaqtuuq; Spotted ~ 139 amiġluk(-), 371 pannaġluk(-) (Ti)
iksriktaayuuq; Semipalmated scabies: 401 pupik(-)
277 ~ livalivaq; Least ~ 277 scale: 645 uqumaisilaaġun
livalivauraq, lavluġauraq; scale: fish~ 240 kavisiq; one with ~s 241
Baird’s ~ 357 nuvaksruk, 405 kavisilik; remove ~s off fish 241
puvviaqtuuyaaq; Buff-breasted kavisiiyaq-

scapula: 244 kiasik saluk-, 497 satkuutaq- (Nu), 645
scar: ~ 449 qilġuq, qiliġuq; ~ from a uqsruiyaq-; ~ bird skin 67
burn 652 uutiġniq aŋula-; easy to ~ 141 ikuyunaq-;
scarce: ~ of game 66 aŋŋutait- ~ one’s skin 47 amiiġruk-, 256
scarcity: experience the ~ of N 755 kiliuġruk-
-killiuq- scraped: cracking of ~ skin 197
scare: try to ~ someone 196 iqsisaaq-, iqsuq(-); ~ baleen 501 savigaaq
409 qaallaksaq- (Ti); ~ skin 141 ikuaq, ikuktaq
scarred: 47 amiġluk(-) scraper: 141 ikuun, 497 satkuun2 (Nu);
scatter: 503 siak-, siamit-, siavsi-, handle of ~ 257 kimaktuun;
siavyak- (Ti), 517 siqillaq- (Ti), sharpener for ~ 248 kigliñ;
560 tamallaq-; ~ and lose stone head of ~ 270 kukik1
something 503 siakkaaq- scraping: ~ edge 511 siku2; moisten for
scent: ~ of N 984 +sugnIq ~ 165 imaq(-); support for ~
school: 300 miŋuaqtuġvik; attend ~ 300 sealskins being scraped 44 alvik
miŋuaqtuq-; former ~ 300 (Ti), 256 kiligvik, 463 qiuġvik,
miŋuaqtuġvikaaq; go to ~ 300 484 sakivrun, sakipsiñ, sakivsivik,
miŋuaqtuġiaq- sakipsivik; ~ tool 123
schoolmate: 142 ilaaluq (Ti) igniksriqsiññaq
scientist: 452 qimilġuiri scratch: 458 qippuq, qipuagniq,
scissors: 486 sallisik qipuak-, 461 qisuk-, qitchuaq-,
scold: 109 avutqak-, 528 suak-, sualuk-; qitchuk-, qipuktuq-, 558 tallik-; ~
begin to ~ 528 suanaguti- mark 461 qitchuŋniq; one with ~
scolded: constantly ~ 528 suaksiq- marks 458 qippulik, 461 qitchuq
scoop: 142 ilaaq(-); ice ~ 142 ilaaġun, scream: 106 avaala-; cause someone to
ilaun, ilaaqtuun, 303 mitiŋiun, ~ 106 avaalatchi-; 342 nipaala-
395 pitiŋiun (Ti); ~ slush ice screen: 479 saakutaq; wind ~ 479
from a fishing hole 395 pitiŋiq- saakutaq
(Ti)scorch: 145 iliktit-, iliktitaq-; screw: 457 qipputilik; thread on ~ or
accidently ~ something 145 pipe 457 qipputit
iliktitchi-; ~ food 343 nipititchii-, screwdriver: 64 aŋivraun, 125 iguvsiñ,
652 uutiq- 457 qippun
scorched: become ~ 373 pasik- scroll: 172 imurat maqpiġaat
scorpion: 125 igutchaqpak kapputilik scrutinize: 630 umiq-; ~ and recognize
scoundrel: 281 makvak 531 sukuiq-; ~ from all sides
scout: 527 sivuqqiaq- (Nu); ~ for game 346 nivigaq-, 630 umiġuq-; open
from a vantage point 328 and ~ 452 qimilġu-, qimilġuuq-
nasiqsruaq- (Nu), nasiqsriaq-, sculpin: 229 kanayuq
nasiqsruġiaq- sea: 551 taġiuq(-); ~ ice pushed onto to
scramble to obtain tossed items: 359 shore 72 apuqtinniq
paatchuk sea anemone: 212 itiq
scrap: 157 iliġniku(-), 225 kalikuuraaq sea animal: ~ which never surfaces 399
scrape:141 ikuk-, 290 maptukłi-, 256 puiyuilaaq (Ti)
kilik-, kiligaq-, kiliutaq-, kiliuq-, seagull: 331 nauyaq; make its
257 kimaktuq-, 458 qipuk-, characteristic call (of ~) 463
qipuktuq-, 484 sakivit-, 487 qiuqit-

sea lion: 617 ugiġñaq (Nu) young ~ 415 qairaliuraq (Ti);
sea mammal: 344 niqsaq(-); kill a ~ that young, spring ~ 415 qairaliq (Ti)
is surfacing 399 puiruq(-); ~ on seal’s breathing hole: 42 allu, alluaq;
top of ice 416 qaksri, qakimaruaq; hunt ~ through their ~ 42
~ that is surfacing 399 puiruq(-) alluaqsiuq-; kill a seal through
sea snail: 4 aalumiu, aalumiaq it’s ~ 42 allut-, allukuaq-; ~ large
seal: ~ a letter 343 nipitit- enough to set a net 42 alluvak;
seal: bask (of ~) 417 qakuma- (Ti); quickly find a ~ 42 allusiliq-; ~
bearded ~ (see bearded seal); retrieving hook 185 iŋilġaq (Ti),
black ~ 278 maġamnasiq; black iŋiłhaq; seal stranded at ~ 359
fur ~ 312 naġamnasiq; ~ bone paamġuaq; wait at ~ 351
next to hind flipper 466 quik; nulatchi-, nulataaq-
braided ~ intestines 470 qulivrat seal hunting: 328 natchiqsiuq-; ~ boots
(Ti); bury a ~ carcass to ferment 295 mauqsruutik (Nu); ~ on ice
207 isivanniqsii-; ~ carcass 295 mauq-, maut-; small
buried in sand to cure 207 one-man ~ boat 628 umiaġaluk,
isivanniq, 523 sivanniq; club a ~ 3 umiaġaluuraq, 629 umiaqhiuraq,
aaġuraq(-)2; dive (of a ~) 191 umiqhiuraq, umiaġiuraq (Ti); ~
ipuqhuq-; eat ~ meat 328 with a net placed below the seal
natchiqsuq-; handle of ~ line 494 breathing hole 117 igalaq- (Ti)
sapaŋiak, sapaŋirraq; infant ~ 328 seal net: 117 igalaaq, 378 pigaaqsiutik; a
natchiayaaq; internal organs of good place to set a ~ 119
~s 153 ilġavik; kill and catch igliksraq; rattling bone on ~ 511
one’s first ~ (of a young hunter) sikutaq2; set a ~ 341 niŋitchi-; ~
328 natchiñġaq(-); kill and set in water under the ice 90
retrieve a breeding male ~ 589 atiġun; ~ set horizontally under
tiggak-; knee bone of ~ 363 a seal’s breathing hole 117
pagvik; knee bones of ~ used as igaliq; ~ set straight down
weights in bolas 363 pagviit; through a crack in the ice 346
large, mesh net for trapping ~s niviŋŋaqun
328 natchiqsiun; ~ lung 404 seal oil: 302 misiġaaq, 644 uqsruq, uqruq
puvagraaq (Ti); male ~ in rut 250 (Nu), uġruq2 (Ti); become
kiiñaaq, 589 tiggak, tiggagniq; ~ rancid (of ~) 418 qakiq-1,
pup 328 natchiaġruk; rear qakiġñiliq-; burnt ~ 176
flipper of ~ 522 sitquaq; ~ iñġausiñiq; cut blubber into strip
retrieving hook 118 igiłhaqtuun, to render into ~ 644 uqsri-; ~ dip
285 manaq(-); ribbon ~ 414 43 alugraaq(-) (Ti); dried meat
qaiġulik; ringed ~ 328 kept in ~ 258 kiniqtat; drink ~ 43
natchiq(-)1, 443 qayaġulik(-); alugraaq- (Ti); feel quesy after
rope for ~ retrieving hook 286 eating ~ 644 uqsriñŋu-; flour
manaqtuun; spot a ~ 328 mush made with ~ 366
natchiġunaaq-; spotted ~ 435 palauvaaq (Ti); make ~ from
qasigiaq; ~ stranded on top of ice blubber 302 misiġarriuq-; partly
359 paamġuaq; taste or smell like dried meat cooked and stored in
a rutting ~ 589 tiggagnit-; use ~ ~ 116 igamaaqłuk; rendered
retrieving hook 285 manaqtuq-; blubber in ~ 328 natchiñġaq(-); ~

residue 405 puya; strip of 250 kiiñaqqiñ; ~ rope 32
rendered blubber in ~ 645 akłunaapiaq, aglunaapiaq (Ti);
uqsruġaaq, uqsruġaq; taste like ~ rope used to secure ~ floats 599
644 uqsruaġnit- tukaqti; ~ staked on ground for
seal oil lamp: ~ lamp 224 kakkiuraq (Ti); stretching 375 pauktaq; strip of
small stick to trim ~ lamp 322 bleached ~ on top edge of boot
naniġuun 516 siŋiaqtalaaq (Ti); sun-
seal spear: 632 unaaq, unaaqpauraq bleached ~ 319 naluaq; tube
sealant: 343 nipirrun inserted in navel of ~ to inflate
sealing club: 3 aaġuraq(-)2; spotted for use as a float 404 puviliñ,
stone for head of ~ 271 kukuvrak puviutaq(-); waterproof ~ boots
sealskin: ankle-length, ~ breeches with 73 aqaġlik (Ti), 192 iqaqłak,
fur outside 328 natchiaġruuk, iqaqłik; waterproof, knee-high,
natchiviak (Ti); ~ bag 17 hairless ~ boot 263 kivluaq;
aġġiññaq; bearded ~ blanket-toss waterproof, knee-high ~ boot
289 mapkuq; bleached ~ backing with fur inside 626 ulitchuilaq;
used to support a woman’s waterproof ~ breeches 412
sunburst parka ruff 608 turvik; qaġliaġruuk (Ti); waterproof ~
~ bootsole 95 atuŋak(-); boot socks 166 imaitkutak; work with
trim made of ~ leather 141 sun-bleached ~ 320 nalurriqi-
ikutaq(-); dehaired ~ boot with seam: 255 kilu2; come apart at ~ 255
bearded ~ sole 328 natchiviaq kiluiyaq-; a double ~ 255 killuk;
(Nu); dehaired ~ summer boots rip (of ~) 255 kiluaq-; rip in ~
321 nalukatautik; dried, bleached 255 kiluaġniq; rip ~ 255
~ with hair removed 285 kiluiyaq-; something sewn with
mamilik (Ti);~ dyed with red double ~ 282 malġuilik;
alder 98 ¤auksinġaq (Ti), 218 waterproofing ~ 46 amiġaq(-)
ivisaaq; dye ~ with red alder 98 seamstress: 301 miquqti
¤auksinġi- (Ti); ~ float 105 search: ~ for 216 ivaq-1
avataq, avataqpak, 429 qaŋasiġaq, searching: ~ intently 216 ivaqłia-
qaŋatchiġaq (Ti); ~ float plug 492 seashell: 218 iviluq, uviluq, 523 siutiġuq,
sanniġuġiaq (Ti); ~ loop sewn siutiquyuk
between sole and body of boot seasick: 186 iŋiulinŋu-
403 putuŋŋiaq; make a ~ boot seaweed: 185 iŋalugaaluk
trim 141 ikutaq(-); make a pair second position: be in ~ 599 tugliqsruuti-
of waterproof, knee-high ~ boots secret: 527 sivunniun nalutchiñikun; able
192 iqaqłi-; old, ~ poke to keep a ~ 643 uqayuit-1; ~
403 puuġruaq; ~ parka 328 ballot 14 aglakługu piksraġniq;
natchiġruaq (Nu); piece of wood keep something a ~ 65 aŋŋigi-,
attached to rear flippers of ~ aŋŋikkuti- (Ti); no longer keep as
poke 522 sitqiñ; prepare ~ for ~ 553 taimuurrauriŋaiq-; vote by
sun-bleaching 319 nalurri-; ~ ~ ballot 14 aglaglugu piksraq-
poke or float 105 avataq, secretary: 14 aglakti, 281 makpiġarriqiri,
avataqpak, 403 puuq(-); ~ poke maqpiġarriqiri
for aging whale meat 298 secretly: do ~ 530 suilauri-, 319
mikigaun; ~ poke or float plug nalunautchi-; do ~, dishonestly

395 pitqiksiġaq-; one who travels sermon: 38 alġaqsruun
~ 99 aulaaq (Ti); rummage ~ 364 servant: 263 kipaluatchiaq (Nu), 269
pakauraq-, 365 pakauravik- kivgaq;
secure: 100 aulayait-; make load more ~ set: as a ~ 143 iliŋisigullaa; ~ on N 848
376 payaŋaiyaq- ÷muk-; ~ (of sun) 342 nipi-1, 615
sediment: dark ~ on ice 50 anaġlu, (Nu) ualisaq-; ~ on one’s shoulder to
anaqłuk carry 196 iqsriq-; one ~ 87
see: 586 tautuk-; crane neck to ~ 37 atautchiit
alaqit-; ~ a ghost 40 aliuqtuq-; ~ a set aside:143 ilaaguaq-
killer whale 2 aaġluġunaaq-; ~ set trap: ~ near den 520 sirraqtuq-;
strange or unrecognizable prepare and ~s 322
object or behavior 41 allayuaq-; naniġirriqsuq-
~ unexpectedly 586 tauttuġluk-; ~ settle: 173 inillak-; ~ (of water) 266 kit-
well in the dark 547 taaqsiulgu-; (Ti); ~ for something other than
~ a whale 21 aġviġunaaq- what one wanted 238 katchuq-;
seed: 330 nautchiaksraq; ~ in fruit 498 ~ into an unreachable place 145
sauniq illu-; left to ~ 260 kiñitchiq-, 266
seep: 508 siiq-; ~ upwards 407 qaamit- kitchiaq-; let someone or
seesaw: 191 ipuktaaq-, ipuktaun something ~ down well 609
seine: 409 qarġun; 407 qaaktuq- tutilluataq-
seining net: 407 qaaktuun settled: 173 inillaŋa-; bolt from a ~
seize: ~ roughly 589 tigguġluk-, 590 position 380 pigruq-
tiguniqłak- seven: 558 tallimat malġuk; ~ (in
select: 590 tigusi- playing cards) 372 papkusilik,
selected item: 383 piksraqtaaq 374 patkusilik
self: 144 ilimi seventeen: number ~ 30 akimiat malġuk
self-control: have ~ 427 qanułłatchiġiit- seventh: one 558 tallimat malġuat
selfish: 56 anniqsrautu- seventy: number ~ 388 piŋasukipiat qulit
sell: 602 tuni-1, tuniuqqaq-; ~ or trade sever: 263 kivri-; ~ head at first
346 niuvġutigi- vertebra 337 niġluq-; ~ into
Semi-palmated Plover: 273 kurrakuraq, several pieces 263 kipuq-
277 livalivaq, 475 qurraquraq severability: 357 nutqaqtinnaġniq
send: ~ on an errand 593 tili-; ~ for 426 several: 441 qavsiqiurat, qavsiiksrauraq-;
qannik-; ~ somewhere 615 cooked dish made of ~
tuyuġi- ingredients 36 akuvliqtaq; cut
senile: 259 kinnaŋaaq- animal skin into ~ pieces 520
sensible: 570 tatitu- siqumit-; ~ days ago 138
sensory nerves: 155 ilitchuqqutiŋi timim ikpaksraaq; lie to someone ~
sentence: 207 isivġiq- times 482 sagluqiraġaq-; person
separate: 108 avit-; ~ farther 35 to whom one is related in ~ ways
akuttusi- 560 tamanġun; sneeze ~ times in
separated: widely ~ 659 uvsiit- succession 550 tagik-, tagiuqtuq-;
September: 337 Niġlaalgit Tiŋŋiviat, something that can be made into
510 Sikuaqtuġvik, 611 Tuttut ~ identical items 441 qavsiiksraq;
Amiiqsiviat (Nu), 611Amiiqsivik split lenthwise nicely after ~
(Nu), 621 Ukiagraaq (Ti) attempts 474 quvluallak-; speak

loudly at the same time (of ~ someone 231 kanŋutchai-
persons) 642 uqavaallak- shame on you: 1 aallalii
severe: become less ~ 366 palaŋŋak-, shameful: 231 kanŋunaq-, 284
palaŋŋaktaaq-; ~, cold weather maluŋnaq-, 538 suqpanaq-
200 irri; have a ~ infection of shape: ~ it 499 savak-
one’s hand 79 argaiq- shard: 520 siquptaq, siquvraq
severed: 263 kipi- share: a ~ of game meat 341 niŋiq(-);
severely: ~ handicapped 389 pipqaqtaq- receive a half ~ cut lengthwise
sew: 297 miġruq-, miġruuti-, 301 473 quppannak-; refuse to ~ 505
miqsruq-, 301 miquq-; ~ quickly sigña-, signati-, 56 anniqsraq-
301 miqsruliktuq-; ~ well 301 shareholder: 102 autaaġutiqaqtuaq
miquyu- shares: divide into ~ 102 autaaq-
Seward Peninsula: people from ~ 11 sharp:188 ipik-; ~ point 124 igñik(-), 177
aaŋŋaġmiut (Ti) iñŋik, iŋŋik
sewer: connect to ~ system 396 pituk(-) sharpen: 124 igñik(-), 188 ipiksaq-, 387
sewing: ~ kit: 137 ikłiġvik1; ~ piñauk- (Ti); ~ a stone blade 248
ulu knife 257 kimaliq, kimaliuraq kigli- (Nu); ~ with a whetstone
sewing machine: 301 miquun, 297 513 sili-
miġruun (Ti), 301 miquutitaq-; sharpener: 188 ipiksaun; blade ~ 522
treadle ~ 599 tukalignaq sitlisaqtaq ipiksaun (Nu); knife ~
sexual intercourse: have ~ 351 nulik-, 513 silliñ; pencil ~ 124 igñiun
276 kuyak(-) sharpening stone or file: 250 kiiñaksaun
shade: 547 taaġutaq; be in the ~ 547 (Ti), 251 kiiññaksaun, 387
taaġutchiq- piñaugun
shadow: 550 taġġaq; appear (of a ~) 550 Sharp-tailed Grouse: 324 napaaqtum
taġġi- ; cast ~s 551 taġiatitaq-, qargia
taġġaqtuq- (Nu); disappear into shatter: 520 siqummaq-
the ~s 551 taġġit-; lurk behind shave: 501 savvi-; ~ one’s beard 630
the ~s 550 taġġiraq- umŋiyaq-
shake: 219 ivsuk- shaver: electric ~ 630 umŋiyaun
shake hands: 149 ilali- shaving: 501 savikkaq, savviq; produce
shallow: 137 ikkat-; become stuck in ~ ~s 259 kiñatchi-; wood ~ 484
water 137 ikkalġit-; ~ part of sakikkaq, sakimak; wooden ~s
river 213 itimniq 484 sakiġmiat
shaman: 61 aŋatkuq; conjuring rod of ~ shawl: 327 nasaġaq, 408 qaliġuaq
450 qillan, 460 qirugautaq (Nu); ~ she: 143 ilaa
supplied with helping spirit 612 shed1: come from the ~ 418
tuunġaqtalik; use a divining stick, qaŋmaŋŋaq-, 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋaq-;
of ~ 269 kivigruk- from the direction of the ~ 418
shaman’s power: 450 qila qaŋmaŋŋamiñ, 580
shame: cause feelings of ~ 610 tatqaŋmaŋŋamiñ; from the one
tutqaanaq-; feel ~ 537 suqpasuk-; in the ~ 417 qakiptumaŋŋa, 579
feel so much ~ that one is not tatqakiptumaŋŋa; from the ~ 418
able to look others in the eye 455 qaŋmaŋŋa, 580 tatqaŋmaŋŋa;go
qiñiġviit-; lower head in ~ 273 via the ~ 418 qaŋmuunnaaq-,
kurruk-, 402 punŋuqsruq-; ~ 580 tatqaŋmuunnaaq-; go to the

~ 418 qaŋmuŋaq-, 580 416 qakima-
tatqaŋmuŋaq-; in the ~ 418 shelter: hunters’ ~ 547 taalu (Nu); snow
qaŋma, 579 tatqaŋma; located in ~ 54 aniquyyaq, aniguyyaq,
the ~ 418 qaŋmani, 579 anigutyaq (Nu), 69 apuyyaq;
tatqaŋmani; 418 qaŋmaniit-, 579 temporary wind ~ 646 uqqirvik;
tatqaŋmaniit-; located with the temporary sod ~ 361 paamaraq
one in the ~ 417 qakiptumani, sheltered from wind: 424
579 tatqakiptumani, qamannit-; walled ~ 433
tatqakiptumaniit-; out there in qargiuraq; spot ~ 646 uqquq
the ~ 418 qaŋma, 579 tatqaŋma; shelves: 155 illiviurat
similar to that one in the ~ 417 shepherd: 171 imnailiqiri
qakiptumatun, 579 shin: 377 piagniq, piaŋniq, 456 qiŋarraaq
tatqakiptumatun; that one in the shinbone: 229 kanagaq
~ 417 qakimna, 578 tatqakimna, shinny: 476 quumigaq-, quumik-
417 qakiptuma, 579 shiny: 463 qivliq-
tatqakiptuma; to that one in the ship: 629 umiaqpak; arrive and drop
~ 417 qakiptumuŋa, 579 anchor (of ~) 629 umiaqpiq-;
tatqakiptumuŋa; to the ~ 418 sight a ~ 629 umiaqpit-
qaŋmuŋa, 580 tatqaŋmuŋa; shirt: 234 kapitaġuq, kapitaġauraq (Ti),
towards the ~ 418 408 qaliġuuraq(-), 408 qalipquaq
qaŋmuŋanmun, 580 (Ti); put ~ on 408 qaliġuuraq(-)
tatqaŋmuŋanmun; via the ~ 418 shiver: 136 ikiaqsunŋu-, 653 uulik-; ~
qaŋmuuna, 580 tatqaŋmuuna; via due to a fever 136 ikiaqtaq-; ~
that one in the ~ 418 due to illness 463 qiunŋu-; ~
qakiptumuuna, 579 from the cold 135 ikiaġuk- (Nu),
tatqakiptumuuna; with that one 136 ikiaqtala-; ~ from sudden
in the ~ 417 qakiptumiŋa, 579 chill 653 uulikuvsuaq-
tatqakiptumiŋa shock: 465 quaqsaaqtit-; be in ~
shed : ~ hair 230 kanġala-, kanġaluk, 605 tupaummi-; feel delayed ~
304 mitqiliqi-, mitqiqi- (Nu), 492 from almost being killed 607
sanniqi-; ~ tears 444 qia-, 470 tuquvsitchak-
qulvi(-), qulvili- shoe: 227 kamik(-); everyday ~ 174
shedding animal: 230 kanġala, innaaqłuk, 227 kamaaqłuk; toe of
kanġalaq, 304 mitqiaq ~ 524 sivuġak (Ti); ~ with hard
sheefish: 506 sii1 soles 289 mapkuliktaaq (Ti)
sheep: five-year-old ~ 337 niġlaaksralik shoestring: 516 siŋiq(-)
(Nu); four-year-old ~ 626 shoot: 393 pisik-, pisiksaq-; ~ a gun 536
uluksralik; one-year-old ~ with supputitchaq-, supputisaq- (Nu); ~
horn stubs 562 tamuutailaq; something 536 supputit-; ~ high
three-year-old ~ 446 on target 468 qulaut-; ~ in
qiġñiqtulik; ~ with large horns upper part of body 593
521 sitchuutisuġnailaq timmaaq-; ~ under the mark 90
sheepskin: summer ~ 190 ipnaitchiaq ataut-, 174 inuq-; ~ with a pistol
(Nu) 122 iglupiaġaq-
sheer line: ~ (of kayak) 35 akuq(-) “shooting star”: 655 uvluġiam anaŋa
shelf: 416 qakirvik, 476 qutqiñ; be on a ~ shoplifter: 589 tigliyuk(-)

shopping: go ~ 585 tauqsiqsuġiaq-; go ~ natmautaq (Nu)
for groceries 78 aquviġiaq- shoulder joint: 335 nigavlu
shore: reach ~ 600 tulak-; come near ~, shout: 496 saqłak-; ~ to 475 ququurraq-
of school of fish 441 qavluniq- (Ti), 496 saqłauti-; ~ angrily and
(Ti); objects along the ~ 515 issue dire warning 642
siñaġlugun (Nu); take away from uqavallataġi-; begin to ~
the ~ 255 kiluvauti- boisterously 342 nipaallak-
shore-fast ice: 613 tuvaq(-), tugaq (Ti); shove: 496 saqiraaġataq-, 593 tinu-; ~
become free of ~ (of shoreline) about and leave in disarray 142
614 tuvaiq-; begin floating away ilakługi-; ~ aside 142 ilak-,
614 tuvaiyagaaq-; ~ covering ilagaq-, 153 ilak-2, ilakpak-, 496
only a portion of the beach 614 saqi-, saqit-; ~ quickly 496
tuvaqtaq; flat, secure ice at edge saqisiq-, saqitiq-
of ~ 396 pituqqiq; trail through ~ shovel: 383 piksrun, 398 pualġiñ; attach
to edge of ocean lead 396 blade to ~ 295 maunarriqsi-;
pituqqit; whaling camp at the blade of ~ 295 maunaaq1; snow ~
edge of ~ 90 ataaqtuġvik; wide 191 iqagaun
expanse of open water starting show off: 390 piqpagaaq-
at the edge of ~ 166 imaqpiaq shrew: 617 ugruŋnaq
short: 313 naisiq-; be a bit too ~ 313 shrimp: 331 naulayuuraq
naitkavsak-; ~ of breath 596 shrink: 617 uglik-
tipisia-; ~ (of length) 313 nait- shroud: 341 nimiġutit
short hand of clock: 313 naitchuaq shrub birch: 505 sigiruqisak (Nu)
short of something: 306 naamailliuq-, shudder: ~ from fear 135 ikiaġruġaq-
307 naamaniqłiuq- (Ti); ~ with revulsion 409
shortcut: take a ~ 316 nalġuq- qaaliqta-
Short-Eared Owl: 342 nipaiłuktaq shun: 265 kiruġi- (Ti), 472 quŋuġi- (Nu)
shorten: 313 naikłi-, naikłilaaq- shy: 226 kamattau-, 231 kanŋusuk-
shorter: become ~ 313 naikłi-; made ~ Siberian: 470 Qulliq2, 476 Qutliq (Nu)
than intended 313 naiñaaq- sibling: 52 aniqan; half~ 350 nukaksraq;
shotgun: 413 qaġruuraqtuun; spent ~ step ~ through spouse exchange
shell 213 itiġrukpak, itiqsrukpak, 435 qataŋŋun, qataŋun (Ti);
241 kavluqpak; ~ shell wadding younger ~ 50 anaŋŋauraq (Ti),
514 simaaksraq, simaaq; ~ shell 349 nukaaluk, nukatchiaq;
wadding device 514 youngest ~ 350 nukaqłiq
simaaksriuġunnaq siblings: 349 nukaalugiik(-), 350
should: one that ~ V 1049 +t/ruksraq nukaġiit; pair of ~ 350 nukaġiik
should definitely: ~ V 967 +saq-4; ~ V sick: 324 naŋit-, 494 saŋniuq-; avoid
1108 +yuma-2 plus Imperative or contact with a ~ person or a
Optative Endings corpse 373 paquqsraq-; become ~
should have done so: 84 asulu 324 naŋiliq-, 482 sagniuliq-; very
shoulder: 599 tuiġaq, tuiqqaq, tui; area sick 170 iñuaġiit-, 537 suqłiuq-
of arm just below ~ 322 sick and under quarantine: 373
natmautaġiaq (Nu); carry on ~s paquġnaq-
223 kakaaq-; carried on ~s 223 sickle: 263 kivriññaq
kakaaqsiq-; ~ strap 322 sickly: 146 iluakammaaġiit-

sickness: 537 suqłiuġun; mild ~ 528 similar to that one in there: 423
suaŋairrun; better after a ~ 179 qaptumatun
iñuaġik- similar to that one previously
side: 491 saniġaq; 491 saniġaq, saniġviaq mentioned: 164 iptumatun, 553
(Ti); have pain in the ~ 491 taiptumatun
saniġanŋu-; someone by one’s ~ similar to that one out there: ~
491 saniġaqłiq; stray to the ~ 637 (visible) 246 kiktumatun, 410
uŋavaq- qaktumatun; ~ in the arctic
side by side: 136 ikigiik-, 491 entry (not visible) 484
saniġaqłiġiik(-) sakiptumatun; ~ in the shed or
side of mouth: ~ (of whale) 485 sakiq the neighbor’s house (not
sidewalk: 70 apqugaatchiat visible) 417 qakiptumatun
sideways: 491 saniñmun; 628 uluŋaaq-; similar to that one over there: ~
move ~ 491 saniñmuk-; (visible) 130 iktumatun, 103
movement ~ 491 saniñmuiññaq; aptumatun; ~ (not visible) 44
person whose body is aptumatun; ~ across (visible) 12
positioned sideways but whose aktumatun; ~ across (not visible)
face is pointed at the observer 30 akiptumatun
480 saġvailaq; roll ~ 658 similar to that one there: ~, up the
uvaagaq-; slide ~ 487 saliuġruk-, coast 268 kiptumatun, 440
492 saniuġruk-; turn ~ 492 qaptumatun2
sanniq-; turn ~ to pass through similar to that one up there: ~ (visible)
a narrow passage 627 uluq- 382 piktumatun, 362
siding: exterior ~ of house 390 piqta paktumatun; ~ (not visible) 369
sigh: 54 aniqsaapak- paptumatun; ~, on the roof of
sight: ~ a N 719 +[ġ]unaaq- the house (not visible) 365
signpost: 318 nalunailutaq, 325 pakiptumatun
napaqutaq, 591 tikkuun similar to this one here: ~ (visible)
silence: 342 nipaiqsit- 656 uumatun, 292 mattumatun
silent:165 imaŋiq-, 342 nipaisit-; similar to this one under here: ~ (not
become ~, not wishing to talk visible) 488 saptumatun1
641 uqaġunġiq- similar to you/yourself: 144 iliktun
silk: 464 qivliqiak simmer: 74 aqilitchii-
silly: 149 ilałhuyuk- simply: ~, merely V 978 msiññaq-1
silver: 286 manik qatiqtaaq Simpson, Alaska: 58 Anŋutik
silver fox: 446 qiġñiqtaq sin: 386 piluun, 386 piluusiqi-
similar: one 42 allimaaq (Nu), 91 atiri; since: ~ it is thus 210 innainniġman,
render more ~ 91 atisaq-; ~ to ~ iminnainniġman; ~ that time 553
a N 1147 ÷tun; ~ to taimaŋŋa qaŋa
herself/himself 144 ilimisun, sincerely: 388 piŋŋuaġutaitchuakun;
inmisun; two ~ items 81 arrigiik desire deeply and sincerely 162
similar to me/myself: 657 uvaptun iluŋiqsruq-; pleased ~ 217
similar to that one down there: ~ iviġaumagipiaq-
(visible) 228 kattumatun, 632 sinew: 216 ivalu(-), ivalupiaq; ~ along
uttumatun; ~ (not visible) 488 the backbone 277 kuyapiglugun;
saptumatun braided ~ 385 pilġaaq; braided ~

for sewing skin cover for umiak pikusuk (Nu); ~ river formed of
47 amiun; braided ~ sewn to many branches 87
body of boot as sole is sewn on atausiŋŋuumaniq (Nu); ~ stair 603
588 tavrun, tavrutaq; break (of ~) tunmiġaq2
548 taat-; caribou hind leg ~ 262 single out:143 ilaaguaq-, 318 nalunaiq-;
kiŋuqqaglugun (Nu), 251 look over and ~ one 503 siak-2
kiiŋuqqaglugun (Nu); caribou leg singspiration: 95 atuġaaq(-); have a ~ 95
back ~ 216 ivaluvik; caribou leg atuġaaq(-)
front ~ 217 iviġaaq (Nu); foreleg sink: 269 kivi-, kivit-; 294 mau-; 126
~ 524 sivuġaġluqun, iġġuġvik; ~ as one walks in mud
sivuġaġlugun; hind leg ~ 261 or snow 294 mauraġaq(-); ~ as
kiŋuġaġlugun; leg ~ of caribou or one walks in deep, soft snow or
moose 344 niuliñġaq; one of two sand 294 mauyalliuq-; cause one
~s along animal’s back 626 to ~ 294 mauyaġnaq-; ~
uliusiñiq, uliun; one of two ~s in immediately without splashing
the neck 216 ivaluuraaq; split ~ 211 itiqquuri-, itauri-, itaqurri-
157 iliqsri-, iliġri- (Ti); strip of (Nu); ~ into soft ground or snow
split ~ 157 iliqsraq, iliġraq (Ti); 304 muġruk-; step down and ~
tangled ~ 195 iqłit; twisted ~ 458 into soft dirt or snow 295
qivraq, qivrautaq; whale ~ 216 mauyaqit-; ~ suddenly 269
ivaluġluk (Ti) kiviliq-, 294 maulġaq- (Ti),
sing: 95 atuq-1, atuusiq-1; ~ a baby to maułłak-; ~ with 294 maġġuti-;
sleep 290 mapsaq-2; begin to ~ ~ without a splash 565
33 akpit-; ~ a dirge 471 qunu-; ~ taqhammuq-, taqhammuk-,
for someone 95 atuuti-; ~ in a taqammuq- (Nu)
high, unpleasant voice 523 sinker: 269 kivviñ, kivviqun; fishnet ~
sivaniq-1; ~ in order to heal the 659 uyaġak; net ~ line 453 qimiq1
sick 74 aqiq-;~ a lullaby 290 sinner: 386 piluusiqiri
mapsaq-2, 295 mavsaq-; ~ a sip: 169 imiqsi-; take ~s 169 imiqsillaa-,
magic healing song 95 345 niuqsi_
atuurviluk-; ~ a strong song 95 siphon: 125 igguun
atuqpak- (Nu); ~ a summons sister: elder ~ 4 aakatchiaq; half ~ 333
song 556 taksiuq-; ~ to a baby 73 nayagraq (Ti); older ~ 10
aqak-; ~ a whaling charm song ~ aatauraq, 14 agitchiaq (Ti), 110
106 avataqsiaq- (Ti); whenever ayaayak; younger ~ of female
one has an opportunity 95 349 nukaaluk, nukatchiaq,
attuqtu-; ~ with pleasure 95 nukaq; younger ~ of male 333
atunnaġi- nayak, nayaaluk
singed: become ~ 145 ilik- sister-in-law: 624 ukuaq, ukuaġaaluk
singer: ~ at an Iñupiaq dance 17 aġġiri sit: 78 aquvit-, 139 iksivaq-, 185 iŋit-; ~
singing: begin ~ 53 anitchi-; burst out on chair with arms and legs
~ 95 attutit-, atuusiq-1; have a crossed 408 qaapaaksimaaq-; ~
good ~ voice 126 iġñaġik- relaxing 77 aquppiuraaq-; ~ with
single: ~ bite of food 562 tamuaq; kill chair balanced back on two
with a ~ shot 87 atausiaq-; ~ ray legs 347 niviqsimaaq-; ~ with
of fish’s caudal tail 105 avarraq, legs crossed 457

qipiŋauksimaaq-; ~ with legs 447 qikautaq
outstretched 522 sitchuŋa-, ski: 563 taŋmigutaq, taŋmigaq-, 572
sitchuqsimaaq-; ~ with knees tatmigiaq- (Nu); ~ diagonally 537
bent and both feet on the floor supiaġaq-; ~ downhill 563
332 navluqsimaaq-; ~ with one’s taŋmigaq-
knees pulled up to one’s chest skis: 572 tatmigiaġutik (Nu)
172 imulak- ski poles: use ~ to gain speed when
sit down: 77 aquptaaq-, 475 qusauq-; ~ skiing 191 ipugaq-
and concentrate 78 aquptiġuti-; skid: 563 taŋmigutaq
~ suddenly 78 aquvilġaq- (Ti), skin: (see also bearded sealskin,
aquvsrik-; ~ with a thud 78 caribou skin, human skin,
aquvsatit- sealskin) 46 amiq(-); ~ animal
sit on floor: ~ with ankles crossed 408 by cutting around the hind legs
qaliġiiksimaaq-; ~ with knees 196 iqquli-; animal ~ from which
raised and feet on floor 229 dried membrane has been
kanagaqsimaaq- scraped 285 mamiŋiqsaq; animal
sit up: 7 aaq-(Ti) ~ with blood stains 98
site: ~ of ancient house 120 igluluaġruk; arriqsinniq; autumn ~ 622
launch ~ for boats 479 saavviaq ukialliq; become pliable (of ~)
sitting: 77 aquppi-, 139 iksiva-; remain 462 qitukłi-, qitugli-; beluga ~
~ 77 aquppiugaq- with blubber attached 281
situate: ~ oneself 173 inillak- maktaaq; ~ butchering mat 47
situated: 173 inillaŋa-; ~ abreast of amiġruaq; choice wolf ~ piece
each other 564 tapitaaġiiksit-; ~ 405 puvlaq; clean ~ with stick
oceanside 635 unŋasi-; one ~ 487 saluksi-; clean ~ with snow
farthest in the direction from 345 niugaq-; ~ covered fishhook
which the wind is blowing 81 left in water 413 qaġruqsaq(-); ~
arguqłiq; those ~ side by side 491 covered tent 211 itchalik; ~
saniġaqłiġiik(-); those ~ to the cover fitted and lashed over
east side of Point Hope, Alaska umiak frame 46 amiq(-); ~
615 Ualliit (Ti); those ~ to the cover fitted and sewn
west side of Point Hope, Alaska over of kayak 443 qayyiñġaq
131 Ikagnaġliit (Ti) (Nu); cut ~ into pieces 221
six: number ~ 210 itchaksrat kaatchi-, 520 siqumit-; dampen ~
six (in playing cards): 275 kuuk for conditioning during tanning
sixteen: number ~ 30 akimiat atausiq 617 uġġuksraaq(-); dampened ~
sixty: number ~ 388 piŋasukipiat 166 imaqtaq; dried, hard ~ 371
size: 63 aktilaaq(-); be a certain ~ 62 pannaqłuk(-); dry ~ slowly 371
aktigi-; be of same ~ 307 paniqtuuq-; dyed ~ 264
naammiaġiik-, naammiaqatigi-; kipitchiaq; eat ~ 47 amiqsuq-;
become a certain ~ 62 aktikłi-; drum~ 203 isi; fish ~ 443
one equal in ~ 307 naammiaq ¤qayułuk (Nu); fresh, untanned ~
sizzle: 504 sigaala-, siggaq- 18 aġiparaq, 23 aiparaq; ~ from
skate: ~ (of fish family) 343 nipisaq which dried membrane has
skeleton: 498 saunġit been scraped 285 mamiŋiqsaq;
skewer: roasting ~ 419 qakummisaun, full-length ~ legging 93 atpaugaq

(Nu); fur removed from ~ 126 while 398 putchimaallaktitchaq-,
iġitchakut; growth on ~ 349 399 putchimapkavsaaq-; stretch a
nuiyaaqpak1; hairless ~ 649 ~ over something 203 isik-,
utitaq; ~ kayak 443 qayaq; knife isiaq-, 216 ivaq-2; stretch ~ with
used to skin an animal without hide scraper 569 tasiuk-; ~
cutting the ~ 3 aagun, aaksiñ, stretched on a frame to dry 176
aaksiññaq; lack winter ~s 646 iññiaqtaq, 216 ivaqtaq; strip of
uquqsrait-; lash ~ cover to animal ~ made into rope 253
umiak frame 613 tuut-; leave kilitaq, 267 kittaq; summer ~ 97
moistened ~ out overnight 398 auralliq, 481 saatuuraq (Nu); tent
putchii-, 399 putchiq-; leave ~ frame ~ cover 210 itcha(-),
outside to cure 512 silatchiaq-; itchat, 592 tilaiññiit (Nu); tool
leftover remnant from cutting used for scraping ~s 123
~ or hide 47 amiku; ~ mattress igniksriqsiññaq; walrus ~ with
408 qaaq, qarraaq; moisten ~ with blubber and meat 240 kauk;
flour mixture 487 saluk-; no whale ~ with blubber attached
longer have outer ~ 461 qisiiq-; 281 maktak; winter ~ 646
obtain ~s to make warm fur uquqłak (Nu); ~ with blood stains
winter clothing 646 uquksraq-; 98 arriqsinniq; ~ with fur just
outer ~ of whale 441 qavausiq right 316 nalaunniq; ~ with
(Ti); ~ pants with hair out 469 hair removed 460 qisik; ~ with
quliksak; piece of polar bear ~ long, thick fur 646 uquqłak; ~
323 nanuġaq; remove ~ 47 without cutting the fur 3 aak-; ~
amiiq-, amiiyaq-; remove animal worn as an amulet 45
leg ~ 204 isikki-; remove blubber ammaktaq
from ~ 441 qavrak-, qarvak-; skin boat: see umiak
remove dried membrane from a skin scraper: handle of ~ 257 kimaktuun
dried animal ~ 285 mamiŋiq-; skin sewers: 297 miġruqtit (Ti)
remove fur from a spring ~ 126 skinny: 371 pannau-; become ~ 367
iġisaq-; remove membrane off ~ palu- (Ti), 370 paniq-, 371
285 mamiiq-, mamiiyaq-; ~ pannayasi-; ~ being 371 pannaq;
removed uncut from an animal tall and ~ person 48 amiłhuyuk;
3 aaktaq; scrape ~ 141 ikuk-, 497 very old, ~ caribou cow 272
satkuutaq- (Nu); scrape fat off kulavagruatchauraq
animal ~ 256 kiligaq-, 256 skip over water: ~ (of flat rock) 276
kiliutaq-, 484 sakivit-, 645 kuvraurri-, kuvriraġaaq-
uqsruiyaq-; ~ scraper 497 skirt: 35 akuq(-)
satkuun2 (Nu); ~ scraping prop skis: 572 tatmigiaġutik (Nu)
256 kiligvik; ~ sewing needle 47 skull: 334 niaquq, niaqunaq (Ti), 432
amiun, 464 quagrulik; shed hairs, qaqasaum sauniŋa
of ~ 492 sanniqi-; slab of sky: 450 qilak(-)1
fermented walrus ~ 600 tuktaq; skylight: 117 igaliq, igalaaq; ~
soft ~ sole 328 natiq(-)2 (Ti), membrane 617 ugruit iŋaluaŋit; ~
nataaq(-); stake ~ to ground 376 membrane arch supports 345
pauktuq-; be stiff (of ~) 445 niugutit; ~ shutter 294 matu(-);
qiġattaŋa-; store moistened ~ a stones placed around edges of ~

to keep it secure 379 piġuŋi sled rail: 476 qutlaaq
slack: 82 asiñila-, 435 qasuŋa-; sled reindeer: 634 unirraun (Ti)
become ~ 435 qasu- sled runner: 379 piġlaaq (Ti), 506 siġmi,
slacken: ~ 435 qasui- 511 siku3, 634 uniak; place to
slander: 494 saŋut-, 642 uqautikłiq-, stand on ~s 446 qikaaġvik
uqautigluk- sleep: 515 siñik(-); ~ a lot 516 siññaqtu-;
slanted: 450 qiluŋa-; have ~ eyes 450 cast a spell to put to ~ 516
qiluŋa- siññiq-; die in one’s ~ 212 itiŋit-;
slap: 374 patik- ~ during the day and stay up at
slapping noise: make ~ (of water) 482 night 305 mumiiŋasi-; ~ for a
saġġalliqsiq- long time 516 siñisugruk-; ~ for
slat: long ~ in sled on top of crosspieces over twelve hours 222 kaipik-,
379 piġlaraq (Nu) 244 kiapik-; ; go back to ~ 519
slate: 627 uluksraq, ulugraviñiq (Ti) siqutqik-; ~ late and stay up late
sled: 634 uniat, 506 siġmilgit; boat ~ 629 305 mumiġli-, mumiġri- (Ti),
umiirautit; bent bow of ~ 83 mumiqłiq-; magical song to put
asiġñiq, 525 sivuġun; one to ~ 516 siññiqsuun; sing
break apart (of ~) 634 baby to ~ 290 mapsaq-2; ~
uniiyaq-; cross-brace of ~ 326 soundly 401 puliġuŋa-, 516
napu; fetch a ~ 634 uniisuq-; ~ siññaġik-; ~ with 84 asu- (Nu)
for sliding 521 sisuqhaaġutik; sleepiness: overcome by ~ 620
front crosspiece of ~ 72 uiñġayaaq-
apuġiitkutaq, apuġun; sleeping: breathe audibly while ~ 515
help pull ~ 424 qamuġaq- (Nu); siñaaqsruq-
large ~ 633 uniaġruat; low ~ 425 sleeping bag: 403 puuksraak
qamutik; make a ~ 634 unii-; sleeping pad: 133 ikuvġaq, 609 tunŋaraq;
makes a good ~ 634 uniisuq-; secure a ~ 133 ikuvġaliq-,
oldstyle ~ 326 napulgit (Nu); ikuvġiq-
push ~ 244 kaivluaq-, 243 sleeping pill: 515 siñignaq(-); administer
kaimġuaq-, kiamġuaq-, 243 ~ 515 siñignaq(-)
kaimŋuġaq-, kiamŋuġaq-, 244 sleeping platform: 28 akiñ,120 iglisiq,
kaivluaq-, kaivluk-; reindeer ~ iglisit (Ti), 121 igliq; attach a ~
634 unirrat (Ti); side ropes 491 84 atchiq-; ~ head beam 503
saniġaakkuutit; slat under bed of sayyagiitkutaq; space under ~
~ 90 ataaguun; ~ with metal 407 qaaniq
runners 501 savilgit; small ~ 132 sleepwalk: 212 itivli-
ikamġaq (Ti) 633 uniaġġaurat (Ti), sleepy: 620 uiñġaq-
424 qamukutaat, 634 uniaqhaurat; sleet: 303 misulik
small, hand~ 424 qamugaurat sleeve: 84 asiq(-); cuff of ~ 84 asiġun;
sled bag: 77 aquġun, 215 itqirvik have ~s that are too long 84
sled brake: 29 akititaun, 258 kiŋataun, asiqsu-; ~ hole in body of shirt
kinatagun, kiŋatagun 84 asilivik; make ~ longer 84
sled handlebar: 243 kaimġuaġvik, asiqtusilaaq-; put one’s arms into
kiamġuaġvik; 244 kaivluun; one ~s of garment 84 asiq(-)
of ~ posts 244 kiavluun, kaivluun, slice: 107 avguq-, 267 kittiq-
kaivluutaq sliced: something ~ 267 kittaq

slide: 503 sialġi-, 521 sisu-; ~ on bare, slough: 256 kiluunaġun, 275 kuugaaġruk,
smooth ice 464 quasiraaq(-); ~ 604 tunuiġun, tunuunaġun
back into water (of seal) 48 amu- slovenly: 346 niviluk(-)
sliding: ~ for recreation on sleds 521 slow: 387 piñatchiaq-, 389 pipikait-, 531
sisuqhaaq- sukait-, 619 uimait-; ~ all of the
slim: 47 amit- time 385 pilġatchuqtu-; ~ down
slime: fish ~ 346 nivguq, 662 yuvġuq(-) 242 kayumŋiq-; ~ eater 631
slimy: 662 yuvġuq(-) umniit-; ~ learner 155
sling: ~ for an injured arm 9 aaqsiutaq ilitchitchiġiit-, 401 puqiit-; ~
sling: ammunition for a ~ 146 illuun; hit runner 643 uqilait-
with ~ 146 illut-; hunting ~ 146 slowly: dry ~ 371 paniqtuuq-; exit ~ 53
illuuk (Ti), illuutik; long, flat aniuraaq-; grow ~ 62 aglisuit-;
stone for ~ 593 timmaallaayuuq proceed ~ 531
(Nu); loop on ~ 590 tigummin, sukpaluiñŋataaġuraaq-; V ~ 873
tigummivik (Ti); release stone +niuraaq-, 891 +ŋuraaq-; write ~
from ~ 139 iksauti-; round stone 15 aglauraaq-
for ~ 214 itluksaun, itlusaun (Nu) sluggish: 389 pipikait-
slip (article of clothing): 135 ikiaq(-) slush: 293 masak(-); refrozen ~ 446
slip: 443 qayuit- (Ti); ~ and fall 443 qiġuviak
qayuiłłak-, qayuillak- (Ti), 464 slush ice: 304 muġałłiq; 304 muġrak, 399
quayaqit-, 604 tunuallak-, puġrak (Ti), 456 qiñu; develop ~
tunuiłłak- in fishing hole 510 sikulaaq-; ~ in
slip away: 305 mularilġi- fishing hole 303 mitik (Nu)
slip off: 13 aggaq-, 517 sipiksaq-, slushy: 301 misak(-); ~ surface of
sipigri-; ~ and fall from bow (of young salt water ice 301
arrow) 517 sipiksaaġaq-, misałhak
sipiksaaq- sly: 392 pisaasuq-; use ~ tactics 392
slip-on: 609 tutigiññaaq(-), tutisiññaaq(-) pisaasuġmiaq-
slipshod: 499 savaġluk- small: 297 miki-; have N ~ in size and
slip knot: 68 aŋuvyuġaq (Nu); tie a ~ 68 quantity 756 -kIt-; ~ item 540
aŋivruqqiq- (Nu) suuraq; make too ~ 297
slippers: 95 atulaak, 127 iġvialigaak, 263 mikinaaq-, miŋnaaq-; one with a
kivluatchiak ~ N 756 -kisuuraq, 786 -ligauraq;
slippery: 377 piak-, 443 qayuitchaġnaq- ~ one with a N 786 -ligauraq: ~
(Ti), 464 quayaġnaq- portion of N 824 -łauraq(-); ~ N
slope: 33 aksraŋaaq-, 524 siviinaaq; 890 ±ŋuluk(-); report or say that
gentle ~ at base of mountain one is ~ 297 mikini-; say
407 qaaniq (Nu); have a gentle ~ disparagingly that one is ~ 297
475 qutaŋŋiaġik- mikiniġaq-
sloped: be slightly ~ 524 sivaaŋa-, small change (coins): 520 siqumniurat
sivaaŋaaq- smaller: 546 taanikit-; become ~ 297
sloping ocean floor: have a long gently mikłi-; cause N to become ~ in
~ 522 sitchaaq- size or quantity 755 -kikłilaaq-;
sloppy:195 iqqałuk- for N to become ~ in size or
sloshing: make ~ noise 166 imaqpaluk-, quantity 755 -kikłI-; make ~ 297
imaqpaluktaq- mikłiłaaq-; much ~ 297

mikipiksuaq-; ~ version of N 669 siqqutit-
-aġruk, -ġruk snare: 325 napit-, 449 qilusaq- (Nu), 624
smallness: despite one’s ~ 297 uligaq(-); animal caught in ~ 325
mikiniñani napitaq; check on ~ 335
smart1: 401 puqik-; not be ~ 401 puqiit-, nigatchialiaq-, niggiaq- (Nu); first
432 qaqasakit-, qaqisakit- set of ~s 512 silalliġaġvik; large
smart2: 435 qasili-2, 541 suviuq- game ~ 335 nigaq(-); line
smash down: ~ against something 373 attached to ~ 449 qiluaq(-); loop
parviktit- of ~ 644 uqsiq; ptarmigan ~ 433
smear: 300 miŋuk- qargiqsiun, 644 uqpiksat; set a ~
smell: 312 naggiñ, nai-; ~ good 595 335 nigatchirriq-, niggiq-,
tipigik-, tivraġik-; ~ foul 8 niggiuti-; small game ~ 280
aaqqaaq-, 595 maksruksaaq; use a ~ 335
tipigiit-; ~ like sod or soil 353 nigaqtuq-, nigatchiaqtuq-; visit
nunasugnit-; lose one’s sense of ~ one’s ~s 401 pulasaq-; ~ with
312 naggisiiq-; ~ of meat or skin spring trap 366 paksruksaq(-)
541 suviŋñiq; ~ (of meat or skin) snared: 450 qilutaq-, qilusaq- (Nu)
541 suviŋñit-; no sense of ~ 312 snarl: 617 ugiala-, ugialla-,
naggisait-; ~s like N 984 +sugnIt- ugianiraaq- (Nu)
smelt: 65 aŋmaksraq, aŋmaġuuraq (Nu), snarl: 159 illagniq
371 paŋmagrak; boreal ~ 163 sneeze: 550 tagiuq-; ~ several times 550
iłhuaġniq tagik-, tagiuqtuq-
smile: 119 iglaŋa-, 473 quŋuyuk- sniff: 273 kuniuq-, 345 niuġmik-,
Smith’s Longspur: 402 putukiiłukpak, niuqsik- (Ti); ~ around 313
421 qalġuusiqsuuq (Nu) naġiuq-; ~ repeatedly 273
smoke: 206 isiq(-), 406 putchuala-, 406 kuniuġaq-
puyuq(-), puyuuq-; ~ cigarettes sniffle: 345 niuġmik-, niuqsik- (Ti),
steadily 505 sigak-; give off a lot niuġmigaq-, niuqsigaq- (Ti)
of ~ 375 paulliqi-; ~ (of stove) snip: 486 sallisit-
206 isiġluk-; ~ marijuana 410 snipe net: 294 matutaq(-); caught in a ~
qaaq(-) 625 uligaqtau-; use a ~ 294
smoky: 206 isiq(-); become very ~ 406 matutaqtuq-, 624 ulugaqtuq-
putchuallak-; smell ~ 206 snore: 424 qamŋui-
isiqsuŋnit-, isiġnit- snout beetle: 108 aviŋŋaurayuuq
smooth: 286 manik-1, 415 qaiq-; ~ area Snow Bunting: 46 amaułłigaaluk,
415 qaiqsuuraq; something ~ 458 amautligaq (Nu), 105
qippuilaaq avataligauraq (Ti), 473
smoulder: 206 itchiala- qupałupiaġauraq
snack: 68 aŋuyaġaaq, 336 niġiraġaaq(-), Snow Goose: 233 kaŋuq
562 tamuluk- Snowy Owl: 623 ukpik
snagged: 313 naktit-; be suddenly ~ 313 snow: 426 qannik(-); begin to ~ 426
naksatit- qanniguq-; block of hard ~ 221
snake: 341 nimiġiaq; thin, water~ 341 kaataq; ~ blowing swiftly along
nimiġiuraq the ground 329 natiqłit(-); ~
snap: 515 siñaaq condition good for sled travel
snap: 252 kiktuġaq-; ~ loudly 519 377 piagnaq; corn ~ 340

nikuvlalaaq(-) (Ti); crunch when quvyugaġnaq; windpacked ~ 522
walked upon (of ~) 448 sitliq (Nu)
qikaaluk-2 ; damp ~ 293 snowbank: 55 aniuvak; deep, soft ~ 74
masallak(-); deep, soft ~ 294 aqilluk
mauyaqisaaq, mauyakkuk-, snow beater: 534 suluktuun
mauyaliq-; fall (of ~) 425 snowblindness: 145 illugniq; suffer ~
¤qanik- (Nu), 426 qannik(-); 145 illuk-; medicine for ~ 146
fallen ~ 69 apun; firm ~ 357 illuiyaun
nuturuk; fresh, powder ~ 356 snow cornice: 43 aluktinniq, 290
nutaġaq; frozen rain and ~ on mapsaġruk, 295 mavsa, 521
ground 510 sikuġlak(-), sisuuksraq (Nu); fall (of ~) 295
sikuġlalaaq; granular ~ 340 nilak, mavsatit-
400 pukak; hard, crusty ~ 514 snow-covered: 69 api-; ~ object 69
silliq; hardened, glazed ~ 459 apiraq
qiqsruqqaq(-); have thick ~ cover snowdrift: 55 aniuvauraq, 69 apitchiq,
69 apusiñiqtu-; ~ heavily 425 453 qimuagruk, 238 katiġruġniq
qanigruaq- (Nu); isolated patch (Ti); ~ in shape of whale’s back
of ground free of ~ 96 21 aġviuraq
augniqsraq; ~ lightly 425 snowflake: 426 qannik
qaniayaaq- (Nu), qanikłuala- (Nu), snowfall: first ~ 69 apiqqaaġun; first
426 qannikula-, qannialaaq(-); lasting ~ of year 69
new ~ 69 apiqqammiaq, apivaalluqqaaġniq; light ~ 426
apirġammiaq; old, packed ~ 400 qannialaaq(-)
pukarraaq (Ti); packed ~ 54 aniu; snow goggles: 146 illuksiutik, 661
packed ~ on top and soft ~ yugluktaak
underneath 639 upkaġanak, 653 snow house: 69 aputyaq (Nu), apuyyaq;
uupkaaġnaq (Nu); play in ~ 69 ~ heated by rocks 659
apusiqi-; rapidly melting ~ 97 uyaqqiuġutilik apuyyaq; make a ~
auksalaq, auksałłak; ~ recently 69 70 apuyyi-
apiqqammiq-; ripple on surface snow shelter: 498 saggutyaq (Nu), 253
of ~ 444 qayuqłak; remove ~ 69 killiġun;
aputaiyaq-; soft ~ 74 aqilluq (Nu), snowshirt: 92 atikłuk(-); 512 silatkutitaaq
aqiluqqaq; soft ~ packed on top (Nu)
of sod house 341niñŋuq3; ~ snowshoe: 550 taglu, taglupiaq; break
swiftly drifting along the ground fine webbing of ~ 352 nulluaq-2;
329 natiġvik(-), natiqłit(-); ~ to be ~s case 330 natquun (Nu); use ~s
melted for drinking water 139 expertly 550 taglukalgu-
iksiaksraq; ~ with one edge snowshoe hare: 621ukalliq
partly off the ground 428 snowslide: create a ~ 295 mavsat- (Nu)
qaŋattaaq; ~ with a hard and snowstorm: 17 agniq(-); wet ~ 391
shiny surface 514 silliġruaq; piqsiq(-)
super hard, old icy ~ 514 snuff: 345 niuġriktuun (Ti)
silliqsruq; very soft ~ 299 milik; snugly: fit ~ 70 apiktit-
waterlogged ~ 301 misak(-); wet so now, based on this knowledge: 9
~ 346 niviluk(-); white-out ~ aasiiñ uvva, aasiuvva
weather condition 478 so what, nothing can be done, so let it

be: 553 taimmalikii softball: ~ game 51 anauraġauraq(-);
soak: 18 aġitchiq-, 260 kiñitchiq-2; play ~ 51anauraġauraq(-)
something left to ~ 260 kinitchiaq soft drink: 168 imiġaaq(-)
soaked: 167 immit-2; something ~ in softly: V ~ 892 +ŋuraq-, -uraq-
water 167 immisaq; ~ through soiled: 537 suqłak-
522 sitchiq-, sitchiqsruuti- solace: seek ~ 39 aliiqsiq-
soap: 191 iqaqqun solder: 343 nipititaq-
soapstone: 603 tuniqtaq soldier: 68 aŋuyakti
soar: 513 siliagaq- sole1: ~ of boot or foot ~ 42 alu, 95
sob: ~ once 286 manik-2; ~ sniffling 224 atuŋak(-); clean ~s of foot or
kakkiliqta-, kakkiliqtaq- footwear 43 aluiyaq-; crimped ~
sobbing: 286 maniktuq- 249 kiiraaq; ~ of foot or footwear
sober: suddenly become ~ 436 qauriłłak- 42 alu; ~ of fur socks 137
soccer: go and play ~ 114 ayuksiaq-; ikinġuaq; ~ of paw 37 alaaq;
play ~ 73 aqsraaq(-), aqraurraq- patch on boot ~ 58 anŋik(-); sew
(Nu) ~ on 95 atuŋak(-), atuŋŋiq-
soccer team: one of two old Iñupiaq ~s sole2: ~ I, me 265 kisima; ~ she/he/it 265
in Tikiġaq (Point Hope) 430 kisian, 266 kisimi; ~ themd 265
Qapkuaġmiut (Ti) kisiigñik; ~ them 265 kisiisa; ~
sock: 95 atun, 239 kaugaq1 (Nu); above- theyd 266 kisimik; ~ they 266
knee ~s 92 atiġaq (Ti); fur ~ 95 kisimiŋ; ~ yous 266 kisiviñ; ~
atulaapiaq; knee-high ~s 40 youd 266 kisivsik; ~ you 266
aliqsik; short ~ 95 atulaaq; kisivsi
waterproof ~s 166 imaitkutak solemn: 559 taluġnaq-; become ~ 559
socket: eye ~ 199 irisiñiq taluġnaqsi-; have a ~ discussion
sod: 218 ivruq; cut ~ 408 qaat-; ~ for 640 uqaġaaq-
house roof 408 qaataq; place ~ solid: 376 payaŋait-
on house wall 219 ivruqsi- solitaire: play ~ 316 nalautchuġaaq-;
sod house: 219 ivrulik; ; extra wide play multiple ~ 355 nuŋuruuq(-),
base of ~ 135 ikiaq(-); long ~ 359 paasaqqaurraq- (Ti)
526 sivunmuktaq (Nu); old ~ 120 solitary: ~ animal 87 atausimġaaq; ~
igluġruaq;~ passageway one 87 atausimġaq
foundation floor 53 aniyaġiaq; ~ Solitary Sandpiper: (Nu) 474
with frame 422 qaluuġvigaq qupilġuqsiuġayuk
(Nu); ~ with peaked roof 346 somersault: 325 naparaq-, 621
niuvaala (Nu); ~ with uivraluktaq-
subterreanean entranceway 237 sometimes: 148 ilaanni; ~ quite
kataligaaq unexpectedly 529 sugaluaq-1;
sod chinking: 498 sauvaniq somnambulate: 212 itivli-
sod pick: 219 ivruqsiñ, 408 qaatchiñ son: 126 iġñiq; a dear ~ 127 iġñaaluk;
soft: 74 aqit-, 481 saat-2; ~ area 74 dear little ~ 182 iñułłuuraq
aqilġuq; become ~ 74 aqikłi-; ~ step~ 127 iġñiksraq
despite its appearance 74 son-in-law: 341 niŋau; become a ~ 341
aqirruaq-; smooth and ~ 338 niŋaukkit-; parent-in-law
niġumik-, niġummaak-; too ~ for and ~ 341 niŋaugiik
someone 74 aqigi- song: 95 atuun; ancestral ~ 257 kimmun

(Ti); begin a ~ 33 akpit-, 53 anit-; soothsayer: 316 nalautchaqti
beginning of a ~ 33 akpirrun, 53 sooty: become ~ 375 paullit-, pauya-
anitchaun; box drum dance ~ 225 sorcerer: 158 ilisiilak
kałukaunnaq; Canadian Inuit sore: 33 aksiya-, 57 anniya-; 114
dance ~ 306 mumaaqun (Nu); ayuaq(-), 256 killiq; have ~s 256
“common” dance ~ 61 aŋayyun; killiqsuq-; impetigo ~ 256
compose a ~ 95 attuliuq- (Ti); killiġruaq; large, open ~129
create a ~ 95 atuusiuq-; fast iitiilik; ooze (of ~) 508 siiq-
Iñupiaq dance ~ 95 atuugauraq; sore muscles: have ~ 494 saŋniŋa-
~ for a “common” dance 95 sore neck: have a ~ 473 quŋusiñŋu-
atuutipiaq(-); ~ for a fan waving sore throat: get a ~ 128 iggiaġiiliq-;
dance 660 uyupqaun (Nu); have a ~ 128 iggiaġiit-
healing ~ 74 aqiun; insect ~ 658 sorrow: 189 ipiqtusuutiqpak, 208
¤uviñŋiaġayuk; magical ~ which isumaaġun; endure ~ 286
puts one to sleep 516 siññiqsuun; manimmi-
mourning ~ 444 qirran; sorry: feel sorry for 161 ilunŋugi-, 310
“motion” dance ~ 503 sayuun; naglikkiuti-
Nalukataq ~ 320 nalukataun; soul: 551 taġniq (Nu)
request one’s personal ~ to sound: 342 nipi2; make ~ 342 nipat-, 540
dance to 257 kimi(-); shaman’s suvaluk-
magic ~ for hunting or healing sounding line: 211 ititilaaġun
95 atuułłuk; sing a whaling soup: 539 suu
charm ~ 106 avataqsiaq- (Ti); sour: ~ urine 213 itiġuq
sing a healing ~ 74 aqiq-; sing a source: 232 kaŋiq
magic healing ~ 95 atuurviluk-; sourdock: 464 quaġaq, 472 quŋulliġñaq
sing a strong ~ 95 atuqpak- (Nu); sourdough: ~ batter 164 imagraq (Ti)
sing a summons ~ 556 taksiuq-2; sourgrass: 464 quaġaq
strong, dance ~ 95 atuqpaun, south: kilu1, kiluliñiq; area ~ of
atuutiqpak (Nu); ~ sung during a Barrow, Alaska 254 kiluliñaaq;
masquerade dance 619 uiŋuraun blow from the ~ 254 kiluagniq(-),
(Ti); ~ sung to a female bowhead 636 uŋalaqpak- (Nu); ~ side of
whale with a calf 416 Point Hope, Alaska 315 nali; ~
¤qagrugautaiyaun (Ti); whaling wind 254 kiluagnaq, 636
harpooner’s ~ to hold the uŋalaġluk(-) (Ti), uŋalaq(-),
harpoon fast in the whale 106 uŋalaaq (Nu, Ti)
avataqsiun (Ti) South Seas: person from the ~ 229
soot: 375 paula; get ~ on oneself 375 kanaka
pauguaq-, paullit-; get ~ on it 375 southeast: 636 uŋalaġluk(-) (Ti); area ~
paut-; ~ mixture used for tattoos of Barrow, Alaska 335 niġġum
on whaling captain, harpooner, kiluliñaaŋa; area located ~ 335
and the whaling captain’s wife niġġum kiluliñaaŋa; blow from ~
607 tuqurmiutaq; remove ~ from 616 uaŋniġluk- (Ti), uaŋniq-;
gun 375 paugiyaq-; remove ~ location ~ 34 akunġagni
from stovepipe 375 paulaiyaq- paktumalu qaptumalu; ~ ocean
soothe: 79 arak- current 392 piruġaġnamiñ
soothing: ~ lotion 323 nanuluun qatchiguraaqtuaq saġvaq; those

furtherest ~ 615 Ualliit (Ti); ~ a good ~ 531 sukkaaġik-
wind 95 atuagniq, 334 nigiq speed up: 242 kayumiksi-
qatchiksuq, 615 uaŋnaq, uagnaq spending time with: 560 tamaaniiqsuaq-
(Ti) spice: 109 avuuġun; add ~ 109 avuuq-
southwest: 254 kiluagnayaaq, 615 spider: 32 akłauraq, 385 pilġaiyuk;
ualiñiq; area located ~ 636 hanging ~ 385 pilġayuuraq; large
uŋallam kiluliñaaŋa; location ~ 34 ~ 10 aasivak; small ~ 335
akunġagni paktumalu aptumalu; nigruaġruk
ocean current flowing from ~ spill: 275 kuvi-; ~ over 647 usiġaq-,
254 kiluagnamiñ usiġaqtuq-, usiġaala-, usiġaula-; ~
atchaġnauraaqtuaq saġvaq; repeatedly 275 kuviġaq-
towards ~ 163 ilutanmun (Ti); spin: 245 kiavit-, 246 kiavsak-
travel towards ~ 615 uanmuk-; ~ spinal cord: 461 qitiġaq, 498 saulluq
wind 131 ikaŋnaaq (Ti), 636 spinal disc: 137 ikik2
uŋalaq(-), 636 uŋalaq qatchiksuq spine: 277 kuyapikkat, 453 qimiġluk(-);
southwesterly: ~ storm: 636 uŋalaqłuk feel one’s ~ tingling 466
souvenir: 364 paisaq quiññalaaq-; fish ~ 276
sow: 230 kanġai-, kanġaqsruq- kuyapigatchiat; have a curvature
spade (suit in cards): 234 kapuun, 339 of the ~ 611 tuttuuraŋa-
niliqpak spiral: three-dimensional ~ 458 qivyaq
spank: 189 ipiġaqtuq-, 374 pattak- spirit: 159 ilitqun, ilitqusiq, 183 iñuqun;
sparkle: 464 qivliqula- evil ~ 159 ilitqusiqłuk; have a
spark: 134 igniqpatit-, igniqauqpatit-; competitive ~ 507 siġmaaq-;
throw ~s ~ 133 igniġuula- invoke a ~ (of shaman) 61
spasms: have ~ 465 qugluala- aŋatkula-; ~ medium 61
speak: 53 aniq-, 640 uqaq(-). 641 aŋatkuġnaq; shaman’s ~ 450
uqallak-1, 642 uqaut-, uqauti-; ~ qila(-); ~s of the ancient people
clearly 643 uqayu-; ~ of Ipiutaak 213 Itivyaat
non-stop 641 uqallak-2; ~ of spirituality: 623 ukpiqqutiqaġniq
something 641 uqallausigi-; ~ spit1: fish roasted on a ~ 437 qauraq
sternly 642 uqaviksuuti-; ~ to (Nu); meat roasted on a ~ 80
someone 342 nipigi- (Nu); ~ argiqsaq; put meat on roasting ~
unclearly 643 uqayaŋa-, 223 kakiak(-); roast on a ~ 80
uqayuit-2; ~ with an accent 643 argiq-; roasting ~ 80 argiutaq
uqayaŋa- spit : 598 tivvuk-, tivvuaq(-), 618 uġiaq-
spear: 234 kappusiq- (Nu), 370 pana(-); spittoon: 618 uġiaqtuġvik
331 naulik(-), 342 niŋiqpak; splash: 300 miñik(-); 464 qivsagaala-,
long, caribou ~ 234 kapuun; ~ 517 siqi-, siqiłłak-; ~ against
repeatedly 234 kapuq- (Nu), something (of ocean waves) 434
kavluq-, 370 panauq-; ~ qasaq-; ~ into boat 133 ikuliq-;
something forcefully 370 not be able to ~ 434 qasalait-; ~
panatchatit- repeatedly 518 siqiłłaktaq-,
Spectacled Eider: 441 qavaasuk; male siqiłhaqtaq-; ~ repeatedly against
~ 392 pirulliq (Ti) something 435 qasaqtaq-; sink
speed: ~ by 14 agiuqsaaq-; do at a without ~ 211 itiqquuri-, itauri-,
steady ~ 242 kayummatit-; go at itaqurri- (Nu), 565 taqhammuq-,

taqhammuk-, taqammuq- (Nu); ~ spring: ~ season 639 upinġaksraq(-); ~
violently 301 misapqatit-, 517 after this coming ~ 639
siqiłhatit- upinġaksratqigu; ~ before this
splashing: make ~ sound 482 saġaaluk- past ~ 639 upinġaksratqik; last ~
splatter: 464 qivsalik- 639 upinġaksraq(-); this coming ~
splay-footed: 496 saqpiŋa- 639 upinġaksraġu; this past ~ 639
splice: 469 qulivrak- upinġaksraq
splint: 459 qiqsutaq(-); set a ~ 459 spring: metal ~ 203 isivruġaq
qiqsutchiq- springs: underground ~ 508 siiqsinniq
splinter: 531 sukkiutaq, 439 qauqqun; sprinkle: 464 qivsalik-, 518 siqqiłłaqtiq-
get a ~ 439 qauqi-, 460 qiruksiq- sprout: 303 misuli-, 517 sipkiq-
(Ti) spruce needle: 461 qisiqsiun
split: 195 iqłaaq- ; ~s easily 474 quvsik-; Spruce Grouse: 324 napaaqtum qargia
~ layer 136 ikkirraq; ~ into layers spruce gum: 636 utŋułuk (Nu), 274
543 taak-; ~ lengthwise 256 kilit-, kutchuq
474 quvluq-, 623 ukkulik-; ~ spry: 389 pipika-
one’s pants 108 avit-; ~ section spurt: 212 itiksraluaq-, 518 siqpagaala-
507 sirraq; ~ sinew 157 iliqsri-, (Ti), 530 suġmik-, 536
iliġri- (Ti); ~ something into suppuqhiaq-; ~ soft stool 212
layers 135 ikiaq- itikpaługiaq-
spoil: ~ easily 83 asiŋŋuya-; ~ from sun spy on: 186 iŋiuq-, iŋiuqłiq-
exposure (of meat) 518 siqiñiq-; spyglass: 198 iriġruaq(-), 606 tuqłuaq;
~ (of tomcod) 467 qulġuq-; ~ on look through ~ 606 tuqłuaġaq-
the outside (of meat) 276 square: 194 iqirġalik, 232 kaŋiġallulik
kuvsuk- squat: 259 kiñi-, 457 qipiŋauksimaaq-
spoiled: 291 maqu-1; ~ meat squeak: 401 pupipsuk-, 445 qiġiiluk-,
from overexposure to the sun qiġiila-, 597 tiriqtaq-, tiriqtitaq-
518 siqiñiqtaq squeamish: feel ~ 304 muayuk-, 466
spokesperson: 642 uqaqti quiñak- (Ti); ~ about 304
spongy moss: 618 uġru muayugi-, 409 qaayuġi- (Ti)
spool: 172 immuvik squint: 457 qiŋŋaq-, 519 siquapayaaq-,
spoon: 43 aluuttaun; basting ~ 44 siquapayyi-, siquvyak-
aluuttaqpak, aluuttautiqpak; eat squirm: 157 iliqsraq-, iliġraq- (Ti)
with a ~ 43 aluuttaġaq- squirrel: 509 siksrik(-); accumulate
spot: 301 miŋugluk(-) many ~ skins 509 siksrautiġuq-;
Spotted Sandpiper: 139 iksriktaayuuq, young ~ 509 siksraaq
643 uqłaqtaq (Nu) squirt out: 530 suġmik-
spotted seal: 435 qasigiaq stab: 233 kapi; ~ each other 234
spouse: 150 ilaqan, 613 tuvaaqan kapputi-; ~ repeatedly 234
spouses: be exchange ~ 68 aŋutauqasi- kappuq-, kavluq-
spout: ~ (of whale) 404 puvlak-, 536 stack: 408 qaliġiiksitaq-
suvluaq- stagger: 491 sanipaktuq-, 624 ulġusia-,
sprain: 449 qiluqqiutaq, qiluqqisaun ulġusiala-; 627 uluqtaaq-; begin
spread: 503 siamit-; ~ one’s legs 104 to ~ 491 sanipaktuġayaaġaliq-
avlaak-; ~ over a surface 408 staggering: 491 sanipaktuġaq-
qaaptit- stain: 264 kipinniq, 301 miŋugluk(-);

become a wet ~ 298 millit-; gray signal longer daylight 656
~ 606 tuqsruġmiutaq uvluqsiutik
stairs: 609 tunmiġautat, 296 mayuaġautit start late: 393 pisakallaŋit-
stake: 375 pauk(-), 376 pauktuun; drive a stare: 557 takunnaq-; ~ for a while 455
~ in 289 maŋuk-, 376 pauktuq-; qiñiqsaġataq-; ~ longingly
large ~ 375 paugaq; several ~s in 557 takuiññaq, 455 qiññaapak-; ~
ground to guide owls to trap 61 sternly 455 qiñiġruaq-,
aŋarrat; tie to a ~ 396 pituk(-) qiññaġluk-
staked: become ~ in 289 maŋuk-; starter: 100 aullaqtitaun
sealskin ~ on ground for startle: ~ animal toward waiting hunter
stretching and drying 375 638 uŋŋuqi-; ~ someone or
pauktaq something 409 qaallai-, 465
stalk: ~ an animal 397 piyugaq-, 591 quglui-, 605 tupai-; try to ~
tiġiigaq-; ~ an animal on ice someone 409 qaallaksaq-; ~ by
by crawling 102 auq- making the snow creak 448
stalk of plant: 313 nakautaq, nakaq qikiġġit-
stalking: make noise while ~ 504 startled: 465 qugluksaq-, 605 tupak-;
siaksruktaq- give a shout when ~ 409 qaallak-
stammer: 190 iptuġiq- starvation: 221 kargu(-)
stamp: postage ~ 287 maniuraq starve: 128 ii-2, 220 kakkaaq-, 370 paniq-
stanchion: 244 kiavluutaq, kaivluutaq, statute: 395 pitquraq
324 napaġiaq, 325 naparuq (Ti) stay: 209 it-, 333 nayuuti-; ~ ahead 407
stand: 280 makita-; ~ and move about qaaŋiummati-; ~ as a guest 599
closeby 447 qikaaq-, qikaġaaq-~; tukku-; ~ at a hotel 352 nullaq-;
on tiptoe 340 nikuvraaq-, ~ and enjoy 173 ina-; find a
nikuvrak-, 350 nukivraak-; ~ place to ~ 173 inillak-, inillallak-
proudly 463 qiviŋaaq-; ~ with (Ti); have a place to ~ 600
hands in one’s pockets 23 tukkuqaq-; ~ in a cave during
aiñiqsimaaq- hibernation (of bears) 205
stand out: 349 nuima- isiġmiu-; ~ in the dark 547
stand up: 280 makit-; ~ abruptly 280 taaġmiu-; ~ indoors 205
makłak-, makkiqi-1, maksrik-; isiġmiuraaq-; ~ in the sun and get
attempt to ~ 280 maksrukaq-; a tan 518 siqiñiqsiq-; invite a
barely ~ 280 makipqaq-; go and guest to ~ 615 tuyuġmiaqsaq-; no
~ 280 makitchaqtuq-; rarely ~ up longer have any place to ~ 173
280 makitqaptaq-; try to ~ 280 iniksraiġuti-; ~ overnight 516
makitchaq-; ~ with 280 siñiktaq-; ~ seated in one
makirruti- spot 77 aquppiuq-; ~ a short
stand out: 409 qatchik- while 305 muluu-; ~ a while
standard: 316 nalaunŋaruksraq longer 34 akuniit- (Nu)
standing: 280 makita-; ~ around stay away: 380 piisimaaq-; ~ longer
446 qikaq- than expected 305 mulu-1,
star: 655 uvluġiaq mulluqtu-
starboard: 558 taliqpiñmun umiamiñ stay behind: 633 unik-, uniktit-; ~ while
star (celestial): 655 uvluġiaq others depart 364 pai-
stars (celestial): 565 taqtuutut; two ~ that stay with: ~ and care for 333

nayuq-; ~ another while (Ti), nipitqiq-; have something ~
parents are gone 364 pailaaq- on oneself 273 kupkaluk-
(Ti); ~ husband’s family stickleback: 223 kakilaġnaq, kakilasak
624 ukuakkit- stiff: 192 iqaq-, 445 qiġata-, qiġattaŋa-,
stay up: ~ all night long 635 unnuiqi-; ~ qiġattaq- (Nu), 462 qitukkait-
late 305 mumiqłiq-, 378 pigaaq- (Nu), 589 tiggaq-; have ~ muscles
steadfast: 99 aulayaiqsima- 445 qiġġaq-
steal: 589 tiglik- stiffen: ~ from muscle spasm 463 qiviq-;
stealthily: eat ~ from another’s cache ~ (of hair) 591 tikkuk-, tikkuutit-;
198 irgasii- ~ with rigor mortis 124 igruq-
steam: 72 apyuq(-), apyuala- (Nu), 406 stillbirth: a ~ 607 tuquŋarriruaq
puyuala- stillborn: 607 tuquŋarri-
steel: 501 saviłhaq, savilġaq (Ti) sting: ~ (of a cut) 541 suviu-; ~ , eyes
steep: 89 anmuŋŋaġik-, 273 kurraŋa-, 296 419 qakiqsi-
mayuŋŋaaġik-, 475 qutait-, 505 stingy: 56 anniqsrau-, 126 iġlik-, iġligi-,
sigraġik-, 509 sikkik-, 524 iġlitu-, 296 migvigi-, 505 sigña-,
siviiŋŋaġik-, siviŋŋaġik-; ~ incline sigñagi-, sigñatu-, 516 siŋnatu-
285 managaaraq (Ti); ~ with food 343 niqaŋŋiu-,
Steller’s Eider: 123 igniqauqtuq, 613 344 niqłiñġu-
tuutalluk igniqauqtuq stink: 595 tipaaq-, tippaqtu- (Nu)
stem: plant ~ 313 nakaq, nakaun, stinkweed: 486 salgiġruaq (Ti)
nakautaq, 358 nuvulu (Nu); word stipulation: 282 maliġuagaksraq
~ 289 maŋŋuq stir: 36 akut-, 60 aŋalat-, 186 iŋut-,
step: entrance ~ 609 tunmiġaq2, iŋulit-, 422 qaluiq-
tutipqiq, tuŋmiġaq; ~ on a nail stitch: 255 kilu2; 55 atmuaqtaq (Nu);
531sukkit-; ~ on something 609 guide ~ 223 kakiutchiq-; have
tuti-, tunmaq-, tuŋmaq-, tugmaq-; small, precise ~es 255 kilukit-; ~
take a ~ 104 avluq-; ~ all over which creates a waterproof
something 609 tunmaluk-, seam 46 amiġaq(-); sew an
tuŋmaluk- overlapping ~ 55 anmuaq-,
stepdaughter: 370 paniksraq atmuaq- (Nu); sew even ~es 255
stepfather: 7 aapaksraq kilugik-; sew uneven ~es 255
stepmother: 4 aakaksraq kilugluk-
stern: low at ~ of umiak 78 aquvrik-; stock: 133 ikkun
point at ~ of kayak or umiak 78 stockade: ~ of large willows 483 saiġut;
aquuraq (Nu); ~ seat of umiak build a willow ~ 483 saiġuq-
247 kiglu stockholder: 133 ikkutilik
sternum: 461 qitiġaq, 484 sakiak; lower stoic: 59 anuqsru-
tip of ~ 444 qayuuttauraq stomach: 74 aqiaġuq; have a full ~ 309
stick: ~ inserted in sod house wall to naaq(-); ~ lining 202 isaġuaq;
hold blubber strip above stone ruminant ~ 74 aqiaġuuraq
lamp 111 ayaksriqpik; roasting ~ stomachache: have a ~ 74 aqiaġuġiit-,
447 qikautaq; stout ~ 459 qiqsiñ; aqiaġunŋu-, 309 narraaġiit-,
~ used to clean a skin before narranŋu-
tanning 487 saluksiñ stone: 271 kukukłiq, 659 uyaġak; soft,
sticky: 273 kupkanaq-, 343 nipitqanaq-, white ~ 278 maġałłak (Nu), 290

maqałłak; spotted ~ used for umik(-)1; ~ food for future use
head of sealing club 271 535 sunakki-; ~ a harvested
kukuvrak; triangular-shaped ~ game animal 344 niqqak-; ~
525 sivukkaiyuuq (Nu); ~ used moistened skin for a longer
for rubbing white powder into period of time 399
caribou skin for tanning 487 putchimapkavsaaq-; ~ moistened
saluun (Ti) skin for a short while 398
stone tablets: 481 saapaqayait uyaġait putchimaallaktitchaq-; put in a ~
stool: a three-legged ~ 142 iksivautaq, for sale 153 ili-1; ~ something
340 nikuvġautaq, nikivġauta, 350 away 445 qiġluvaq- (Ti); ~ a
nukivġautat; (Ti); sit down on ~ supply of berries 83 asirri-
340 nikuvit-; squat down on ~ stored: fish ~ together frozen 347
340 nikuvġaq- nivirat; meat cooked and ~ in
stoop: ~ and pick objects up 400 pukuk- seal oil 116 igamaaqłuk;
stooped: 470 qumaŋa- surreptitiously eat food which
stop: 356 nutqaq-, 435 qasuq-, 587 has been ~ in a cache 198
tavraaq-; ~ for a while 357 irgasiq-
nutqiuq-; ~ someone or storekeeper: 585 tauqsiġñiaqti
something 357 nutqaqtit- storm: 512 silaqłuk(-); a snow~ 17
stop and eat: 23 ailli- (Ti) agniq(-); southwesterly ~ 636
stop and go: 356 nutqapik- uŋalaqłuk; take shelter in a ~ 646
stop it: 9 aasi, 221 kaasi, 565 tavra uqqit-; ~ out 52 aniłłaktaq-,
storage: ~ alcove 153 iliqpik, iliqpiuraq, animaġluk-, aniñiġluk- (Ti)
542 suvvik, suvviuraq; ~ area in stormy: 512 silaqłuk(-)
entrance tunnel of sod house story: 469 quliaqtuaq(-), 633
120 iglutchiaq2 (Ti), 268 unipkaaq(-), 640 uqaaqtuaq(-)
kivalliurat (Ti), 412 qaġiaq; ~ bag (Ti); receive a ~ to tell 633
with a drawstring 637 unipkarrak-; tell a ~ 640
uŋigauraq; bearded seal meat uqaaqtuaq(-) (Ti), 641
and blubber sewn in a bale for uqalugaaq(-); tell supporting ~
~ 600 tuktaq; cold ~ 335 to the first story 112
nigliqpik (Nu); cold ~ pit dug ayapqusillak-
down to permafrost and storyteller: 633 unipkaaqti, 641
covered 446 qiġniq; food ~ area uqaluktuaqti
344 niqikuvik; food ~ poke 17 stove:133 igniġvik; barrel ~ 7 aapapaaq
aġġutaq1; frozen food ~ alcove (Ti)
291 maqpik2; little ~ spaces 155 stovepipe: 406 puyuuġvik; ~ cleaner 375
illiviurat; ~ rack 155 illiqpik; paulaiyaun; close damper
something not in ~ 481 for ~ 234 kapiglisiq-, 476
satqummiaq; ~ space 155 illivik, quuqłiq-; damper for ~ 234
610 tutquqsivik; underground ~ kapiglin (Ti), 476 quuqłiġun; open
space 505 siġluaq(-) the damper for the ~ 476
store: 585 tauqsiġñiaġvik, tauqsiġiaġvik; quuqłiġutaiq-; rotating ~ cap 463
610 tutquq-; cheek pocket of qiviaġaaq
squirrel where it ~s food 194 straight: 504 siatqik-; go ~ 313 nakiq-,
iqimiuttak; close the ~ 630 317 nalimuk-, nalimuu-; that

which is not ~ 496 216 ivaġutik
saqulaqiiŋaruaq stretching: make bigger by ~ 569
straight up: 469 qunmuiññaq; leap ~ tasirruk-
302 misik- strike: 50 anau-, 139 iksaq-; ~ again
straighten: 313 nakiqsaq-, nakiqsai-, 314 naksi-1; ~ a heavy blow 51
316 nalġuqtiq-; ~ wood 655 anauviñaq-; ~ and kill a whale
uusuk- (Nu) with one blow 598 tuaġilaaq-; ~,
strain: ~ one’s body by overworking of lightning 133 igniġuuqpatit-,
311 naŋniqtuq-; ~, push down 134 igniqpalliaq-, 437
with abdominal muscles 517 qaumatitaq(-), qaummaliaġaq-
siŋulluq(-); to ~ while defecating (Ti); ~ repeatedly (of lightning)
517 siŋuk- 134 igniqpalliaġaq-; ~ repeatedly
strain at harness or line: 449 with tusks 612 tuugaaġmik; ~
qiliqipak- with antlers 311 nagruk(-); ~
strainer: tea ~ 591 tiitchiġiiyaun (Ti) with a hammer or heavy object
strait: 137 ikiq, 515 sinnaq (Ti), siñaġaq, 240 kauviñaq-; ~ a whale with a
siñiġaq (Ti); narrow ~ 137 harpoon 497 satku-; ~ with a
ikiġuraq2 weapon 497 satkusaq-; ~ with a
strange: 41 allanaq-; ~ object 41 whaling bomb 536 supputit-; ~
allayuqqaq with side of fist 589 tigluk-
strangle: 354 nunui-, 453 qimit- string: 32 akłunauraq, aglunaatchiaq
strangled one: 453 qimisaq (Ti); ~ used in telling string
straps: mitten ~ 59 anuk; shoulder ~ stories 112 ayaqhaaġun,
322 natmautaġiak (Nu), natmautaq ayaqhaun, ayaġaaġun; thin ~ 32
(Nu) aglunaatchauraq (Ti)
stream: 275 kuuġuq, kuukłuk, string stories: spirit which uses its
kuugaluk, kuuguuraq, kuugauraq; intestines to tell ~ 112
~ bed 275 kurriñiq; glaciated ~ ayaqhaakkiiq; tell ~ 110
508 siiqsinniq ayaġaaq(-)
street: 70 apqun stringed musical instrument: 355
strength: 502 sayak, 528 suaŋŋan; build nuqaqtilik, nuqaqtiligaaq
up ~ 502 sayyiqsuq-; gain ~ 502 strip: ~ of animal skin made into rope
sayyak-, 528 suaŋŋak-; lack ~ 253 kilitaq, 267 kittaq; blubber
494 saŋŋiit- ~ set on post above oil lamp 111
stretch: 449 qiluuq-, 569 tasi-, tasit-, ayaksraq; ~ of baleen 473
tasitchaq-; ~ one’s arms 569 qupitaq; ~ of bleached sealskin
tasiqsruq-; ~ one’s limbs 203 on top edge of boot 516
isiqsruq-; ~ skin out on frame siŋiaqtalaaq; ~ of caribou skin
to dry 176 iññiaq-1; ~ skin over wrapped around belly of dog
drum frame 203 isik-, isiaq- 588 tavsiaq; connecting ~
stretched out: 203 isivsala-; anything ~ between body and sole of boots
and displayed 203 isiptaq; lie ~ 248 kigmiġun, 249 kiipkaġun,
203 isivsala-, isivsalaq-, 253 killiġuaq, killiġauraq (Ti),
isivsalaaq- 599 tugnaaq, 638 uŋirviaġun; cut
stretcher: 26 akigautik baleen into thin ~s 501 savigaq-;
stretcher for terrestrial animal skin: cut blubber into ~s 355 nurri-,

644 uqsri-; cut skin into ~s 253 study: 154 ilisaq-
kilit-; ~ of fur (decorative) on student: 154 ilisaqtuaq; ~ in elementary
top of boot 468 qulipaq; ~ of fur school 300 miŋuaqtuqti
from shoulders to front legs of stuff: 269 kiviq- (Ti), kivvii-, 270
wolverine 244 kiativiñiq; ~ of kivviaq-, 507 siimik-, siimiksuq-;
fur hanging on clothing as ~ a bag 244 kiavlui-, kaivlui-
decoration 335 nigraq; ~ of stuffed, dead animal: 653 uumaruuraq
rendered blubber 645 stuffy: ~ (of room) 188 ivyanŋunaq-
uqsruġaaq; scraped ~ of baleen stumble: 279 makłukaktaq-, 359
501 savigaaq; ~ of split sinew paałłakaaq-, 402 putukkit-,
157 iliqsraq, iliġraq (Ti); ~ of 403 puukaq-; trip someone
meat taken from back muscle causing her/him to ~ 309 naakłit-
216 ivaluliñiq; thin ~s of caribou stumbling block: 402 putukkisaun
hide 471 qunigu; tusk-shaped stumps: willow ~ 251 kikarat
design ~ on front and back of stun: 607 tuquanŋuq-
parka yoke 93 atittuġun; ~ of stung: ~ by insect 375 pauktit-
whale meat and maktak from stunted: 62 aglisuit-
ventral waist area 564 stupid: 1 aamaŋa-; ~ person 233
tapsiñaaq, 588 tavsi(-); white ~ kaŋiqsisailaq, 293 masiikak
of baleen 473 qupitaq stutter: 190 iptuġiq-, 235 kapkat- (Ti)
striped: fabric with ~ pattern 474 sty: ~ in eye 509 sikkutaq(-)
quvluayuuq; ~ wolverine ruff subdue: 85 atanniqsima-
601 tulugauraq submerged: 314 nakkaummi-; ~
strive: ~ to be the first to V 932 sandbar 137 ikkalġuq
+qqaurraq- submissive: feel ~ 560 taluqsraq-
strong: 494 saŋŋi-, saŋŋima- (Ti), 507 subsidiary: 231 kanŋuuraq
siima-, 528 suama-, suaŋa-; not ~ substitute: 514 simmaun
enough to do the task 377 subtraction: 149 ilaiġaġniq
payyaksaq- succeed: barely ~ 389 pipqauraq-
stronger: become ~ 528 suammak-, success: 379 piġuq-
suaŋŋak-; made ~ 376 payaŋaiq- succession: occur in ~ 619 uiguliktit-
structure made of two poles crossed at such cute little things: 10 aatahai (Nu)
a ninety degree angle near the suck: 125 iguk-, iguksi-, 298 milluaq-;
upper end: 61 aŋarraq, aŋarraaq go and ~ 298 milugiaq-; ~ juice
struggle: 377 payyagniuq-, 506 siġġaqi-, out of something 374 pativsuk-
507 siġliqi- sucker fish: 298 milugiaq
strut: 394 pisuaqpagaaq-; ~ in a manly suckle: 45 amaamak-
way 68 aŋutaukhaaq- sudden: make ~ attempt to V 969
stub one’s toe: 402 putukkuaq- +saqtiq-
stubborn: 6 aaŋa-, 84 atammiŋa-, 395 suddenly: 565 tavraŋŋatchiaq, 588
pitchiġiit-, 507 siġliġnaq-, 519 tavrauvvaa; V ~ forcefully
siqquq-, 526 sivunmuutu-, 806 -llagruaq-, 871 -niqłak-
sivuniqtuuq- suffer: 311 nagliksaaq-, 312
stuck: 258 kinatchit-; badly ~ 225 nagrutchiq-; ~ from an injury
kalipqit; become ~ 225 kalivit-; 482 sagniuq-; ~ the effects
get something ~ 225 kalivri- associated with N or V-ing 878

-nŋu- sunglasses: 660 uyukłuuk
suffering:163 iłuilliuġniq, 310 sunny: ~ (of weather) 265
nagliksaaġun; mental or kirratchiaq-, 518 siqiññaaġik-,
physical ~ that causes delays siqiññaraaq-, siqiññaraaġik-
312 nagrutaq sunrise: wait for the ~ 518 siqiññiaq-
sufficient: become ~ 175 inuŋaiq-, 307 superior: act or feel ~ 55 anmiksraq-
naamasi- superlative: ~ (e.g., biggest, sweetest,
suffocate: 187 ipi-, ipit-; begin to ~ 188 …) N 872 +niqsraq, +niqtaq
ivyanŋuqtuliq- supplication: 456 qiññuaqtuun
sugar: 109 avu(-), 504 siarak (Nu); add ~ support: 132 ikayuq-; provide ~ 604
504 siarriq- (Nu); ~ bowl 109 tunulliliq-; provide a ~ 277
avuqaġvik; brown ~ 548 taaqtaq kuyapikkiq-; rally ~ 182
avu; cube of ~ 442 qavsirauraq iñunnak-
sulk: 341 niŋaq-, 388 piŋa- supporting story: tell ~ to the first
sullen: 341 niŋaq- story 112 ayapqusillak-
summer: 97 auraq (Nu), 639 surface1: 406 qaa(-); dorsal ~ of fish
upinġaaq(-); ~ after this 468 quliik; emerge and flow
coming ~ 639 upinġaatqigu; ~ spreading over a ~ 407 qaamit-,
before last ~ 639 upinġaatqik; 408 qaaptit-; float to the ~ 400
every ~ 639 upinġalimauraq(-); puktakkaq-, puktallak-, puktaq-;
for the midnight sun ~ days to fly over the ~ 409 qarġut-; have a
end 547 taaqsisuusi-; last ~ 639 smooth ~ 406 qaaġik-; have
upinġaaq; one who comes to rough ~ 247 kigrak-; hover
spend the ~ 639 upinġiaq; ~ under ~ of water 659 uyak-
place 98 aurivigiññaq, aurivik; (Nu); rough or uneven ~ 286
spend the ~ 98 auri- (Nu), 639 maniilaq; sides of whale’s
upinġi-; this coming ~ 639 ventral ~ 616 uatit (Ti); ventral
upinġaaġu; this current ~ 639 ~ of whale under jaws 409 qaa
upinġaapak (Ti); ventral ~ of whale between
summer skin of fur bearing land head and belly 514 silvi, silviik
mammal: 97 auralliq (Ti)
summit: reach the ~ 32 akpak- surface2: 399 pui-; ~ ahead of whaling
summit near Anaktuuvak Pass: 326 boat (of whale) 139 ikpiq-; ~
Naqsraġlugiaq behind boat (of sea mammal)
sun: 518 siqiñiq; eclipse (of ~) 400 77 aqquaq-; ~ in an inlet (of
pula-; ring around ~ 104 whale) 233 kaŋiqłuaq-; not ~ 408
avaluġun, 106 avatiġun (Ti), qaġviŋit-; ~ repeatedly 399
avasiġun; set (of ~) 326 naqikłi-, puigaq-, 399 puiyaq- (Ti); rise to
342 nipi-1, 615 ualisaq- ~ 399 puila-, 416 qagvaq-; ~
sunbathe: 518 siqiñiqsiaq- suddenly 52 aniłłaktaq- (Ti), 504
sunburn:145 iligrak(-) sigatit-; ~ upon 399 puggiqi-; ~
sunburned: become ~ 652 uut- with 399 puggisi-
Sunday: 299 Minġuiqsiġñiq, 499 Surf Scoter: 23 ailuqtuq, 107 aviluqtuq,
Savaiññiq; be ~ 177 Iñiqtuiqsiq-, aviluqtaq, 612 tuunġaaġruk
499 Savait- surgery: perform ~ 384 pilaktuq-
sundogs: 113 ayauppiak surpass: 407 qaaŋiq-; ~ all others 407

qaaŋiummati-; ~ in competition sweep: 592 tilai-, tilaġġi-
49 anak-; ~ by quite a bit 407 sweet: become ~ and sour 508 siiġlak-,
qaaŋiulaak-, qaaŋiułaak-; ~ others siiġñit-; taste ~ 508 siiġñaq(-),
in one’s accomplishments 313 siiġnaq (Ti), siiġñaaq-
naksi-2 sweetvetch: alpine ~ 293 masu,
surplus: 517 sippaq, sippaku masuqutaq
surprise: 226 kamasuun, 477 quviq-, swell: form ~s (of ocean) 186 iŋiulik(-),
605 tupai- 283 malik(-), 388 piŋu(-); large
surprised: 337 niġiillaktau-, 477 ocean ~ with an overhanging
quviġusuk-, quviqtau-, 605 tupak- crest on verge of breaking 626
surrender: 416 qait- ulivragaq(-) (Nu); ~ on ocean 186
surreptitiously: ~ try to V 873 +niuraq-; iŋiulik(-), 283 malik(-), 388
V ~ 892 +ŋuraq-, -uraq- piŋu(-); ~ (of river) 167
surround:105 avat-, avataŋia-, 160 ilu(-)2 immaktit-; ~ when cold (of lips)
surrounded: open water ~ by ice 335 505 sigguk(-)
nigayu, nigayuq swelling: cause ~ to decrease 340 nilit-;
surrounding area: 104 avati ~ on skin 388 piŋu(-)
surroundings: become aware of one’s ~ swerve: 492 saniuġruk-, 563 taŋmik-,
436 qauri-; enjoy spacious ~ 174 658 uvaak(-); ~ repeatedly 497
inituyaaqi-; immediate ~ of any saquuq-
structure 513 silati; not attentive swift: 242 kayumik-
to one’s ~ 1 aamaŋa-; step out of swim: 403 puuvraq-, puumit-; ~ (of sea
dwelling and check ~ 349 mammals) 321 naluk-2; ~ with
nuillak- nose above water 403 puuvruq-
surveyor: 354 nunniqiri; ~’s transit 354 swing: 63 aŋilġisaun, aŋilġisaaq-, 11
nunniqun aayutaaq- (Ti)
survive: barely ~ 184 iñuupqaułłik-, swirl and rise: 72 apyuala-, apyuula-
iñuupqauraq-; ~ danger 383 (Nu), 110 avyuala-,
pilluk- swivel: 457 qipinġiun, 502 sayugvik
suspect: 156 ilimagi-, ilimanaq-; begin to swollen: become ~ 404 puvit-; ~ with
~ 156 ilimakkiuti- air 405 puvliq-
suspender: 127 iġriñ; pair of ~s 127 swoop: 402 puturaq-, 513 siliak-; ~ and
iġrisik catch something 521 sisuk-
suspicion: 156 ilimasuun syllable: 551 taisaġniq
suspicious: look ~ 373 pasiñaq- sympathy: 310 naglikkun, nagliksraun;
swallow: 127 ii-1; finally ~ 128 iiġruaq-; appeal to one’s sympathy 456
~ due to hunger or strong qiññuaq-; have ~ 311
emotion 128 iisaq-; ~ saliva naglikuvsuaq-
loudly 301 misaivsaaq-
swallowing: have difficulty ~ 258 T
kinatchi- taboo: 15 agli;gnaq-, 265 kiruġnaq-;
swamp fly: 346 niviaġruk avoid someone in accordance
swampy: ~ area 166 imaqaaqtuq (Ti) with ~ 15 agliġi-; immune to
swear: use ~ words 641 uqamaqłuk- consequences of ignoring ~ 15
sweat: 508 siiq- (Ti), siiqsipkaq- agliġit- (Ti) observant of ~ 15
sweater: 408 qaliġuaq agliqtau-, 373 paquqtau-; not

bound by ~ 265 kiruqtait- 496 saput-; ~ each other 438
table: 336 niġġivik qaunakkuti-; go and ~ 306
tablespoon: 43 aluuttaq1, aluuttaun munaġiyaqtuq-
tackle: jigging ~ for tomcod 285 take each other as partners: 590 tigguti-
manaq(-) take flight: 594 tiŋi-; 429 qaŋattaq-
tail: bird’s ~ 372 papik; mammal’s ~ take good care: ~ of things 438
369 pamiuq; fish~ 372 papiġuq qaunatqik-
tail of bowhead whale: 496 saqpik(-); take heed: 640 uputi-
part of ~ between the flukes and take hold: 589 tigu-; ~ of something or
the ventral flanks 212 itiġruġaq someone roughly 461 qisuk-,
tailbone: 369 pamiuġayuk; injure the ~ qitchuk-; ~ and hang on 589
369 pamiuġayyuaq- tigu-
take: 377 pi(-); here, ~ it 60 aŋ take home: 22 aggisi-, aggisuuti-
take a break: 356 nutqallak- take it easy: 412 qaġa-1
take a good look: 455 qiñimmaġiksaaq-; take little time: 524 sivikit-; ~
~ around 455 qiñiġaaq- surprisingly 524 sivikisiq-
take hold of: 589 tigu-; ~ and not let go take long time: 524 sivisu-; ~ to fall
590 tigummiraq- asleep 516 siñikallaiq-
take a leave of absence: 500 savaŋillak- take N = piece of clothing off: 734 :Iq-2
take a nap: 519 siqutqik-, take notice: 538 suqutigi-
siqutqiksuuraq-, 404 puuvsi- take out of: ~ a container 482 sagviq-; ~
take a step: ~ backward 262 kiŋuppiaq-; danger 590 tigvauti-
~ forward104 avluq-; ~ up 32 take over there: 130 ikuŋauti-
akpak- take pants off: 648 usiq-2
take a stroll: 394 pisuaqtuaq- take partway: ~ to destination 425
take a tent down: 606 tupqiyaq- qani(-)
take a vacation: 39 aliiqsiaq- take past the goal: 407 qaaŋiuti-
take across: 131 ikauti-, ikaaġuti- take revenge: 28 akisaq-
take advantage of: 319 naluruaġi- take shelter: 646 uqqit-
take aim: 591 tikkuaq-, 618 uġliuti- take sides: 148 ilaalliqsuq-
take all: 560 tamatkiq-; ~ of another’s take someone or something and leave:
possessions 530 suiġut-, suiġuti-, 100 aullauti-
560 tamatkii- take to: ~ somewhere 10 aat-2; ~ to a N
take along: ~ a N 785 -ligaaq(-); ~ so all 849 ÷muuti-
V together 1083 +uti- take turns: 26 akiaġaqtaaq
take another’s place: 173 inaiq-, take upriver: 550 tagrauti-
inaŋiq-; ~ in line 479 saaŋiq-, 525 taken away: 100 aullaurrau-
sivulik- talent: 394 pisuġniq
take apart: 64 aŋivit-; ~ someone’s talented: 500 savayuq-
object 64 aŋivsi-2 talk: 640 uqaq(-); ~ about 642
take around: 550 tagiuti-, 661 yugirruti- uqausiġi-, uqautigi-; ~ at length
take away: ~ burden 478 saagaiq-; ~ 640 uqaaq-; easy to ~ to 643
from another 10 aat-1; ~ objects uqayunaq-; ~ incessantly 640
from someone 73 aqtaq- uqaataq-; ~ loudly 496 saġmak-,
take back: ~ , return with 650 utquti- saġmagvigi-, 640 uqaala-; try to ~
take care of: 306 munaġi-, 438 qaunagi-, 640 uqaġniaq-

talkative: 641 uqalutu-, 643 saŋŋi-; hold line ~ 449 qilummi-;
uqqaaġik- stretch ~ 449 qiluqqiqsruq-
tall: someone ~ 556 takiłhuyuk taut line: 449 qiluaq(-); use ~ to snare
taller: become ~ than 407 qaaŋiq- 449 qiluaqtuq-
talon: for a bird to grab something with tea: 443 qayuq; 591 tii
its ~s 461 qisuk-, qitchuk-, 461 tea kettle: 345 niuqqiun, niuqqiuġun,
qisugluk-, qitchugluk-; ~ of bird 652 uunaqsiivik, uunaqsitchiivik
461 qisuun teach: 154 ilisaurri(-), ilisauti-
tame: 115 ayuġisaq-, 358 nuyuit-; teacher: 154 ilisaurri(-)
become ~ 358 nuyuiq- tear1: 39 alik-, aligaq-; ~ apart with the
tan: 78 ¤aquptit- teeth 248 kigiq-; ~ from
tangle: 159 illak-, illagniq pressure 507 sirruġaq-
tangled: become ~ up 159 illak-, 309 tear : shed a ~ 470 qulvi(-)
naasaaq-2; ~ hair 195 iqłit teardrop: 470 qulvi(-)
tanned: become sun~ 518 siqiñiqsiq-; ~ tears: shed ~ 470 qulvili-, qulviugaq-
caribou hide used as a mattress tease: 58 anŋiqsruq-, 65 aŋniqsruq-, 480
609 tunŋaraq; cleaned, ~ hide 487 sanmiraq-, 392 pisaayugaq-
salummaaq; eat the skin from a ~ teaspoon: 44 aluuttauraq
hide 47 amiqsuq-; animal skin to teeter-totter: 191 ipuktaaq-, ipuktaun
be ~ 127 iġviaksraq; half-masks teeth: baby ~ 156 ililgaaġruutit; bare
made from ~ white caribou hide one’s ~ 195 iqłak-2; brush ~ 249
529 suglut (Ti); ~ leather 127 kigutigiksaq-; canine ~ 601
iġviaq; slippers with soft, ~ tuluġirrak; carry with one’s ~
leather soles 127 iġvialigaak; 248 kigmiaq(-), kiŋmiaq; chatter,
smoked ~ leather 206 isiqsiaq; of ~ 15 agliġula-, 235 kapkaluk-,
soft, ~ hide 462 qitummaktaq 570 tatiġila-, (Ti), 597 titiġila-
tapeworm: 470 ¤qumak (Ti) (Ti); clench ~ 247 kii-; crunch
taproot: 189 ipiġaqtuun, 233 kaŋiun (Ti); with ~ 432 qaqquq-, 433
edible ~ of Alpine Sweetvetch qaqquluu-; false ~ 249
293 masu kigutiŋŋuat; front ~ 289 maŋiutit,
target: 393 pisiksuġaq(-), pisiksuġaaq(-); 525 sivuġat, sivuliqqat, sivulliit
~ for shooting practice 314 (Nu), 526 sivuluat; gnash one’s ~
naksiġaq 597 tiriq-, tiriqtaq-, tiriqtitaq-;
tarpaulin: 505 sigraaq grind one’s ~ 557 takuq-; have
task: 499 savaaq good, sharp ~ 249 kigutraq- (Nu);
taskforce: 391 piriksraqtaat hold between one’s ~ 249
taste: 653 uuk-, uuksi-; ~ bad 284 kiimmi-; have something stuck
mamait-, 595 tivluk-; ~ good 284 in ~ 273 kupki(-), kupkit-;
mamaq- lower ~ 89 allimġat;
tattered: ~ item 528 sualuk make noise with one’s ~ 235
tattle: 469 quliaq- kapkaq-; one without ~ 248
tattoo: 223 kakiñiq, 605 tupi(-), tupiniq; kigutailaq; pick ~ clean 273
~ on forehead 439 qauġun kupki(-), kupkili-, kupkiiyaq-;
taunt: 284 mamiasaaq-, 284 rotten (of ~) 97 auŋa-; tear apart
mamiasaaġun with ~ 248 kigiq-, 288 maŋiaq-,
taut: 355 nuqaq-, 449 qiluqqi-, 494 289 maŋiksraq-, 298 mikkiaq-;

upper ~ 468 qullimġat, qulliñaat tempting: 138 ikłignaq
(Ti); work on ~ 248 kigusiqi- ten: ~ dollars worth 468 qulitun;
teethe: 248 kigusi-, 249 kiguttak- number ~ 468 qulit
telegrah: 642 uqautitaun ten (in playing cards): 468 qulilik
telephone: 642 uqautitaun, uqaqsiun (Ti); tenant: 179 iñua iglum
call on the ~ 475 ququaq- (Ti), tend: ~ someone 302 misiksri-
ququula-; talk on the ~ 642 tender: ~ (of person) 378 piaqłaŋait-; ~
uqautitaq-, uqautituq- (Nu) (of material) 74 aqit-, 462
telescope: 198 iriġruaq(-), 456 qitut-; ~ meat 273 kupkaġnalaaq
qiñuaqtuun, 606 tuqłuaq; look (Ti); ~ (of meat) 273 kupkaġnaq-
through ~ 606 tuqłuaġaq- (Ti), 600 tukkunaq- (Ti); simmer
television: 550 taġġiraun until ~ 74 aqilitchii-; ~ to the
tell: 253 kilik-, 469 quliuti-, 64 touch 33 aksiya-
uqallauti-; ~ someone to do or tenderized: ~ caribou meat 379 piġuraq
take something 395 pitqu- tenderloins: pair of ~ 565 taqtunnak,
tell a story in sequential fragments: 626 uliusiñaak
402 putulik- tenderly: encourage ~ 79 araaġi-
temper: immerse metal into mixture tendon: Achilles ~ 258 kimmitquun (Ti)
of snow and water to ~ it 522 tense up: 287 manŋaiqsruq-, 494
sitri- (Nu); lose one’s ~ 135 saŋŋit-1 (Ti); cause to ~ 287
ikuallak-; throw a ~ tantrum manŋatchai-; ~ from fright 519
179 iñugiiluktaq-, iñugiiłuktaq- siqquqsi-
temperate: ~ (of weather) 200 irrait-; tent: 605 tupiq(-); canvas walled ~ with
become ~ in temperature 200 five panels 558 tallimalik;
irraiq- canvas walled ~ with six panels
temperature: able to tolerate freezing 210 itchaksralik; caribou skin ~
~s 459 qiqisiit-; decrease (of cover 210 itchat, 592 tilaiññiit
high ~) 651 uunaqpaŋakłi-; (Nu); circular ~ 325 napaquyuk
measure body ~ 652 (Nu), nappaqtaq; ~ covering 210
uunaqtilaaq-; turn cold (of ~) itcha(-), itchaq; dome-shaped ~
419 qakuġnak- 422 qalluvik; dome-shaped ~
temple: ~ of head 125 igurvik; ~ piece frame 422 qaluuġvik, 423
of eyeglasses 16 agluutaq qaluuġviit; ~ door 136
temporal bone: 125 igurvik ikiġaaq(-); fetch a ~ 605
tempt: 138 ikłigusaaq-, 241 tupqisuq-; ~ floor 89 alliat (Nu);
kaviuġuksaaq-, 283 live in a ~ 605 tupiqtuq-; make a
maliksuguksaaq-, 395 pitqusaaq-; ~ 605 tuppi-; ~ mat 89
~ to V 990 +[s]uksaaq- alliatchiaq; ~ peg 375 paugaq; ~
temptation: 138 ikłigusaaġun, pole 111 ayak(-)1, 425 qanak(-); ~
ikłigusaun, ikłigutchaun 64 post 449 qilluvik; ~ ridge pole
aŋiqusaun, 241 kaviuġuksaun 467 qukłuk, 605 tupiqtuun,
tempted: 138 ikłigusuk-, ikłiktau-, 283 tupqutaq (Nu); set up a ~ 605
maliksuktitau-; become ~ 138 tupiq(-), tuppiuq-; skin-covered ~
ikłigutchak-, 241 kaviuġutchak-; 211 itchalik; take someone’s ~
cause to become ~ 138 away 605 tupqiq-; take ~ down
ikłigutchai- 606 tupqiyaq-, tupqiyauti-; travel

bringing a ~ 605 tuppiraq-; two tavra
panel ~ 282 malġulik; willow ~ that’s right, isn’t it: 46 amii
frame 425 qanait; ~ with willow that’s too bad: 44 alakkaa
frame 423 qaluuġvilik that’s true: 554 taima, 587 tavra
tent poles: 606 tupqutat thaw: 97 auk-, auksiq-, auksiaq-; begin
tent side frames: 450 qiluuttaq to ~ along the shore of lake or
tenth one: 468 quliŋŋuġutaat river 253 killiŋiqsit-; device to ~
tenure of membership: 151 ilauniq an engine or pipes 97 auktuun;
term (name): 551 taggiñ ~ to the point where something
terrain: ~ which causes sinking 294 can be cut 288 manŋuk-
mauya, mauyaq thawed: 97 auma-; partially ~ 97
terrified: 569 tatamaa- aumayyaaq; set out to ~ 288
terrify: 570 tatavrualatchi- manŋuksiq-; something ~ 97
terrifying: 569 tatamaanaq- aumaraq2
terror: experience ~ 196 iqsittuala- thawing: for ~ snow to refreeze during
test the depth of the water: 269 colder night temperatures 459
kiviġraq- (Ti), kiviuqsraq- qiqsruqqaq(-)
testicle: 124 igruk them: ~ (dual) 143 iliŋik
testify: 469 quliaq- ~ (plural) 143 iliŋit
testimony: 469 quliaqtuaq(-) themselves: ~ (dual) 144 ilimignik
tether: 396 pituk(-) ~ (plural) 144 ilimiŋnik
thank goodness: 541 suvaluk then: 9 aasii
thank you: 478 quyanaq; say ~ 478 then, immediately beginning to V: 951
quyanaaq- -rraqsisigi- plus Contemporative I
thankful: become ~ 478 quyatchak-; ~ Endings
for 478 quyagi- there: (see down there, in there, out
thankfulness: 478 quyyan there, over there, up there)
Thanksgiving: 478 Quyyavik; attend ~ there, by or with the addressee or
feast 478 quyyayyaq-; celebrate listener (restricted or
~ 478 quya- extended, with emphasis): 587
that: ~ one 546 taamna; ~ other one 44 tavra, 561 tamarra; come from ~
amnatchiq; ~ one over there 177 587 tavraŋŋaq-, 561 tamaaŋŋaq-;
iñña (Nu) from ~ 587 tavraŋŋa, 561
that is better: 588 tavrapayaaq tamaaŋŋa; from that one ~ 587
that was close: 88 atchaan, 115 ayyai taaptumaŋŋa, 561 tamattumaŋŋa;
that’s all: 560 talva (Ti), 588 tavra, from that direction ~ 587
tarva, tavratualuk tavraŋŋamiñ, 561 tamaaŋŋamiñ;
that’s cool: 9 aarigaa go ~ 587 tavruŋaq-, 561
that’s enough: 69 apai, 221 kaasi, aasi tamauŋaq-; go via, through ~
that’s good: 9 aarigaa 588 tavruunnaaq-, 561
that’s more like it: 587 tavrapayaaq tamaunnaaq-; located ~ 587
that’s nonsense: 48 ammiumaa tavrani, 560 tamaani; located
that’s not a very smart thing you’re with that one ~ 586 taptumani,
doing: 277 maanna tavra 561 tamattumani; similar to that
that’s plenty: 69 apai, apay (Ti) one ~ 587 taaptumatun, 561
that’s right: 84 asulukiaq, 565 tarva, tamattumatun; that one ~ 586

taamna, 560 tamanna, 586 583 tatqavaŋŋaq-; go ~ 441
taaptuma, 561 tamattuma; to ~ qavuŋaq-, 583 tatqavuŋaq-; go
588 tavruŋa, 561 tamauŋa; to via, through ~ 441 qavuunnaaq-,
that one ~ 587 taaptumuŋa, 561 583 tatqavuunnaaq-; from ~ 440
tamattumuŋa; towards ~ 588 qavaŋŋa, 582 tatqavaŋŋa; from
tavruŋanmun, 561 tamauŋanmun; that one ~ 439 qaptumaŋŋa2, 582
via ~ 588 tavruuna, 561 tamauna; tatqaptumaŋŋa; from that
via/with that one ~ 587 direction ~ 440 qavaŋŋamiñ, 583
taaptumuuna, 561 tamattumuuna; tatqavaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 440
(with) that one ~ 587 qavani, 582 tatqavani; located
taaptumiŋa, 561 tamattumiŋa with that one ~ 439 qaptumani2,
there, up the coast (visible, restricted, 582 tatqaptumani; similar to
with or without emphasis): 269 that one ~ 440 qaptumatun2, 582
kivva; 572 tatkivva; come from tatqaptumatun; that one ~ 439
~ 268 kivaŋŋaq-, 572 qamna, 582 tatqamna 439
tatkivaŋŋaq-; from ~ 268 qaptuma2, 582 tatqaptuma; to ~
kivaŋŋa, 572 tatkivaŋŋa; from 440 qavuŋa, 583 tatqavuŋa; to
that one ~ 267 kiptumaŋŋa1, 572 that one ~ 440 qaptumuŋa2, 582
tatkiptumaŋŋa; from that tatqaptumuŋa; towards ~ 440
direction ~ 268 kivaŋŋamiñ, 572 qavuŋanmun, 583
tatkivaŋŋamiñ; go ~ 268 tatqavuŋanmun; via ~ 441
kivuŋaq-, 572 tatkivuŋaq-; go via qavuuna, 583 tatqavuuna; via
~ 269 kivuunnaaq-, 572 that one ~ 440 qaptumuuna2,
tatkivuunnaaq-; located ~ 268 582 582 tatqaptumuuna; (with)
kivani, 572 tatkivani, 268 that one ~ 440 qaptumiŋa2, 582
kivaniit-, tatkivaniit-; located tatqaptumiŋa
with that one ~ 267 kiptumani, thereinafter: 561 tamaaŋŋaaglaan
571 tatkiptumani; similar to that there, over there: 130 ikkaikka
one ~ 268 kiptumatun, 572 thermometer: body ~ 652
tatkiptumatun; that one ~ 267 uunaqtilaaġun; outdoor ~ 200
kimña, 571 tatkimña, 267 irrisiun, 512 silasiun
kiptuma, 571 tatkiptuma; to ~ they: ~ (dual) 143 iliŋik, iliŋiksa; ~
268 kivuŋa, 572 tatkivuŋa; to (plural)143 iliŋit, iliŋisa
that one ~ 268 kiptumuŋa, 572 thick: have ~ snow cover 69
tatkiptumuŋa; towards ~ 268 apusiñiqtu-; form ~ layer of
kivuŋanmun, 572 frost 230 kaniġruaq(-); ~ (of fur)
tatkivuŋanmun; via ~ 269 607 turġu-;~ (of ice) 659 ¤uvru-
kivuuna, 572 tatkivuuna; via that (Ti); ~ (of solids) 290 maptu-;
one ~ 268 kiptumuuna, 572 skin with long, ~ fur 646 uquqłak
tatkiptumuuna; (with) that one ~ (Nu); ~ webbing for snowshoe
268 kiptumiŋa, 572 tatkiptumiŋa frame 603 tuniq (Nu)
there, up the coast (visible, extended, thick-flanked: 565 taqtunaktu-
with or without emphasis): 440 “thick-skinned”: 285 mamiit-
qavva, 583 tatqavva; be located thickening: ~ for food 258 kiniqsilaaġun
~ 440 qavaniit-, 582 tatqavaniit-; thicker: become longer and ~ (of
come from ~ 440 qavaŋŋaq-, caribou fur) 607 turġuaq-; make

~ 290 maptusilaaq-; make ~ thoroughly: ~ soaked in sea water
consistency 258 kiniqsilaaq- 551 taġirrit-; become ~ dry 371
thief: 589 tigligaqti, tigliyuk(-) pannaqłuk(-); V ~ 842 -mmaġiksI-
thigh: ~ 467 quktuġaq, 475 quqtuġaq; thought: 208 isuma(-), 209 isumman
muscle above on knee on inside thread: 216 ivalu(-); commercial ~ 216
of ~ 161 iluliñiq; ~ of bird 301 ivaluksraq
mipquq threat: 527 sivuuġasaaġun
thighbone: 459 qiqpak, 51 anauttaq(-) three: number ~ 388 piŋasut; ~ sets 388
(Nu) piŋasuit
thimble: 461 qitiqłiaq, 591 tikiq three (in playing cards): 602
thin: ~ and flat 290 maptukit-; ~ area tumitchauraq
481 saalġuq; ~ area of threshold: 32 akpagiaq
sea ice near mouth of river 91 throat: 128 iggiaq; clear one’s ~ 128
attinniq; become ~ (of fabric) 479 iggiaġiksaq-; have a sore ~ 128
saakłi-; become ~ in some areas iggiaġiit-, iggianŋu-; have
462 qitulgialiq-; ~ fur 463 qiuq-; something lodged in ~ 597
~ ice on body of water 510 tivrusiq-, tivrutchiq-; make a
sikuaq(-); ~ (like paper) 551 noise from the ~ 128
taġġit-; ~ (of body) 371 pannau-; iggiaqasiraq-; something lodged
~ (of fabric or animal skin) 481 in one’s ~ 597 tivirrun, tivrutaq
saat-2, 462 qitut-; ~ (of soup or through: ~ one’s own efforts 144
gravy) 377 piak-; new, ~ ice 510 ilimiñik, inmiñik; ~ there 130
sikulġauraq (Nu); ~ piece of ikuuna; go ~ there 130
whale meat on edge of fluke 481 ikuunnaaq-; go ~ a hole 160
saalġuuraq (Ti); ~ string 32 iluaq-1; travel ~ shallow water
aglunaatchauraq (Ti) 137 ikkalġiuq-
thinner: become ~ (of skin or cloth) throw: ~ around indiscriminately 518
290 maptukłi- siqpagi- (Ti); ~ someone’s
think: 208 isuma(-); ~ about 208 belongings into the water 519
isumagi-, 209 isummatigi-; I ~ siqqai-2; ~ into the water 519
1151 +kiaq; ~ that one is V or siqqaq-; ~ overhand 299
is V-ing 752 +k/gasugi-, miluqsauti-, miluqhiuti-,
+k/gasuga-, 856 +nasugi-; ~ over miluġiuti-; ~ underhand 320
carefully 208 isumalaaġutigi- naluk-1
think not highly of: 389 pipasaġiŋit- throw away:118 igit-2
third: a ~ 388 piŋayuġaq; ~ one 388 throw hurtful words: 299 miluqtuq-
piŋayuq thrust arms up making threatening
thirteen: number ~ 468 qulit piŋasut motions: 448 qiksruqtaqtuula-
thirty: number ~ 181 iñuiññat qulit thumb: 276 kuvlu; ~ and index finger
this: ~ one here 656 una, uuma held in opposition 406 puyyuuk
this manner: in ~ 209 inna thunder: 225 kalluk(-)
this much: 210 innatun thunderstorm: 225 kalluk(-)
this one is good for nothing: 532 Thursday: be ~ 521 Sisammiq-,
suksraq una Sisamaŋŋuq(-)
this time I will succeed: 284 mam tibia: 229 kanaak (Nu), kanagaq, 456
thorn: 223 kakillaġnaq qiŋarraaq

ticket: 133 ikkun; ~ home 22 aggiñ qaŋasaaq; perform for the last ~
tickle: 466 quiññaksaaq-, quiñaksaaq- 77 aqulliqsaaq(-); present ~ 363
(Ti); tickle someone on the ribs pagmani, pagmapak; prior ~ 261
78 aquluksaaq- kiŋuġaani; run out of ~ 397
ticklish: 466 quiññaktu-, quiñaktu- (Ti) piviksraiq-, 541 suviksraiq-; since
tidal: ~ wave 283 malliq(-) that ~ 553 taimaŋŋa qaŋa; some
tide: ebb (of ~) 166 imaiq-2, imakłi-; ~ ago 31 akku, 138
high ~ 625 uli, ulinniq ikpaksraasugruk; some other ~
tie: ~ in a bundle 451 qillaaq-; ~ flaps 142 ilaannigun (Ti); take
of tent to one side 137 ikiq-~ the ~ to V 791 -liktuq-; ~ to do
something down 326 something 624 ukurviksraq; to
naqitaqsruq-; ~ securely 451 the end of ~ 553 taimuŋa;
qiliviqsruq-; ~ someone or uncertain ~ in the future 419
something up 451qiliqsruq- qakugu taima; ~ to V 1092 +vIk1;
tied: ~ in score in a game 317 what ~ is it 441 qavsiñukpa
nalliuti- timid: 94 attaqsrautu-, 358 nuyuqqak-
tied down: 326 naqitak- timidly: V ~ 892 +ŋuraq-, -uraq-
tight: 494 saŋŋi- tin can: 650 utkusigauraq2
tight-fitting: 234 kapit- tine: ~ of antler 2 aagiaq
tighten: 354 nunuq-, 494 saŋŋit-1, tingling sensation: experience ~ 136
saŋŋisi-; ~ more 494 saŋŋisaaq- ikiaqtalaaq-
tilt: 616 ugaak-, 658 uviq-, uvaak(-); ~ tip: antler ~ 358 nuvutchiaq; have a
easily 658 uvaaya- sharp ~ 358 nuvvuaġik-;
tilted: 658 uvaaŋa- pointed ~ 357 nuvu
time: ~ 397 piviksraq, 624 ukurviksraq; tip over: 425 qanaġaq-
about ~ 163 imani; ~ after 261 tire1: 33 aksraligaq
kiŋuani; after some ~ had passed tire2: ~ someone 384 pilaiġi-
31 akkumman; all the ~ 86 tired: 177 iñiqtuq-, 299 minġuqtuq-;
ataramik, 176 iñiġlugu; ancient ~s become ~ 384 pilaiq-, 632
38 alġaani; at some future ~ 148 unaŋuq-; become ~ of V-ing 879
ilaannigu, ilaanigun (Ti); at the -nŋuq-; be very ~ 299 minġuq-,
same ~ 87 atautchikun, 586 493 saŋniq-; eventually become ~
tautchikun (Nu); be with 384 pilailġiñaq-; feel ~ 632
all of the ~ 108 avilait-; ~ unaŋusuk-
consuming 501 savinnaq-; die tiresome: 387 piñŋunaq-
before one’s ~ 184 iñuq- (Ti); fail tithe: 468 quliku(-) (Ti)
to do at appointed ~ 114 title: 551 taiñiq
ayuuqqi-; from that ~ on 587 to: ~ the N 1145 ÷mun; go ~ the N 848
tavraŋŋa qaŋa; ~ immemorial ÷muk-
24 aippaapak; in no ~ at all 31 to a place other than where it belongs:
akkupauraq; interval of ~ 35 83 asiñun
akunniq; last ~ 77 aqulliġmi; ~ it to down here: ~ (not visible) 488
takes to reappear 106 avaġniq; ~ samuŋa
limit 253 killi, killiq1; long ~ ago to down there; ~ (visible) 228 kanuŋa,
38 alġaani, 185 iŋilġaan, 631 unuŋa
iŋilġaqpaaġruk, 428 qaŋami taima, to here: ~ (visible) 657 uvuŋa, 293

mauŋa, 414 qaiñmun tobacco: 584 taugaaqiq, taugaaqqiq,
to in there: 423 qamuŋa tauġaaqqiq (Ti), 505 sikaaġraq
to out there; ~ (visible) 247 kiuŋa, 411 (Ti); chew ~ 471 qummiaq- (Nu);
qauŋa; ~ in the arctic entry (not chewing ~ 619 uilaaq(-),
visible) 485 saŋmuŋa; ~ in the uilaaksraq; grind chewing ~ 345
shed or the neighbor’s house niuqsriktuusi- (Nu); ~ leaf 538
(not visible) 418 qaŋmuŋa suraġruaq, 584 tauġaaqqipiaq (Ti)
to over there: ~ (visible) 130 ikuŋa, 103 tobacco pipe: lip of ~ 299 milugvik;
avuŋa; ~ (not visible) 44 amuŋa; charred, stained portion of ~
~ across 12 auŋa; ~ across (not 256 kiliñiq
visible) 30 aŋmuŋa tobacco pouch: 534 summaq (Ti), 592
to that one down there: ~ (visible) 228 tilaammaayuun
kattumuŋa, 632 uttumuŋa; ~ (not toboggan: 634 uniqqat
visible) 488 saptumuŋa today: 617 uglupak (Nu), 656 uvlupak
to that one in there: ~ (visible) 268 toe:179 iñugauraq
kiptumuŋa; ~ (not visible) 423 together: 87 atautchikun
qaptumuŋa toilet: 50 anaġvik; ~ paper 197
to that one out there: ~ (visible) 246 iquutiksraq
kiktumuŋa, 411 qaktumuŋa; ~ in tolerance: 286 manimmilgun
the arctic entry (not visible) tolerate: ~ 286 manimmi-; able to ~
485 sakiptumuŋa; ~ in the shed freezing temperatures 459
or the neighbor’s house (not qiqisiit-; not be able to ~ 384
visible) 417 qakiptumuŋa pilguit-
to that one over there: ~ (visible) 130 tomcod: 73 aqaluaq (Ti), 192 iqalugaq,
iktumuŋa, 103 aptumuŋa2; ~ (not 422 qaluaq (Ti), 653 uugaq;
visible) 45 aptumuŋa1; ~ across broth made a ~ and sea sculpin
12 aktumuŋa; ~ across (not 272 kukuvyuġaq
visible) 30 akiptumuŋa tomorrow: 655 uvlaaku, uvlaakun; day
to that one previously mentioned: 164 after ~ 655 uvlaakutqigu
iptumuŋa, 553 taiptumuŋa tongs: large, hooked ~ 339 niksigak
to that one there: ~, up the coast 268 tongue: 640 uqaq(-); force out with ~
kiptumuŋa, 440 qaptumuŋa2 618 uġiaq-; ligament under ~
to that one up there: ~ (visible) 382 449 qillun, qillutaq; receive a
piktumuŋa, 363 paktumuŋa; ~ share of whale’s ~ 407 qaannak-;
(not visible) 369 paptumuŋa; ~ whale’s ~ 649 utchik
on the roof of the house (not tonight: right now ~ 6 aannapak (Ti), 50
visible) 365 pakiptumuŋa anaqapak; still to come ~ 635
to there: ~, up the coast kivuŋa, 440 unnuaġu, 50 anaqagu (Nu)
qavuŋa tonsil: 456 qiñiqsiq
to this one: ~ (visible) 656 uumuŋa, 292 tonsure: 241 kavriñiq, 355 nuyaġiq; 241
mattumuŋa kavri-
to up there: ~ (visible) 382 pikuŋa, 363 tonsured: ~ person 241 kavriŋaruaq
pauŋa; ~ (not visible) 368 too: V ~ 844 +mmI-1
pamuŋa; ~ on the roof of the too bad: 32 akłaa, 660 yai2, 661 yaqhii
house (not visible) 366 too much: 69 apai, apay (Ti), 79 araa,
paŋmuŋa araavai; V ~ 893 +p/vait-, 896

+p/vallaaq-, 896 -paluk(-)1 toward: 873 -nmuk-, -nmun; ~ down
tool: 500 savalġun; everyday ~ 184 there (visible) 228 kanuŋanmun,
iñuuniun, iñuuniaġun 631 unuŋanmun; ~ down here
tool bag: ikłiġvik1, ¤igliġvik (Ti) (not visible) 488 samuŋanmun; ~
tool with flint point: 16 aŋmaaqtuun here (visible) 657 uvuŋanmun,
tooth: 248 kigun; canine ~ 424 qamuġiaq 293 mauŋanmun; ~ in there 423
(Ti), 601 tuluġiaq; decay (of ~) 96 qamuŋanmun; ~ out there
au-; false ~ 249 kigutiŋŋuaq; ~ (visible) 247 kiuŋanmun, 411
gap 249 kiŋŋiq; lower ~ 89 qauŋanmun; ~ out there in the
allimġaq, alliñaaq (Ti); pull ~ 249 arctic entry (not visible) 485
kigutaiq-; root of ~ 344 niulu; saŋmuŋanmun; ~ out there in
saw ~ bender 264 kiputtaun; the shed or the neighbor’s
upper ~ 468 qullimġaq house (not visible) 418
toothache: have a ~ 248 kigusiqi-, 249 qaŋmuŋanmun; ~ over there
kigutinŋu- (visible) 130 ikuŋanmun, 103
toothbrush: 249 kigutigiksautit avuŋanmun; ~ over there (not
toothpaste: 248 kigusiqun visible) 44 amuŋanmun; ~ over
toothpick: 273 kupkiliñ there across 12 auŋanmun; ~
top: one on ~ 468 qulliq1; be one on ~ over there across (not visible)
of the other 408 qalliġiik(-), 564 30 aŋmuŋanmun; ~ the other
tapiqtaaġiik; fly over the ~ side 131 ikaanmun; ~ there, up
surface 409 qarġut-; ~ part 468 the coast 268 kivuŋanmun, 440
qulliñiq qavuŋanmun; ~ under here (not
topmost: ~ one 408 qalliq(-), 409 visible) 488 samuŋanmun1; ~ up
qalliqpiaq, 468 qulliqpiaq there (visible) 382 pikuŋanmun,
topple: 624 ulġuuq- 363 pauŋanmun; ~ up there (not
topside: 406 qaa(-) visible) 368 pamuŋanmun; ~ up
torso: 244 kian, kiati; area of ~ below there on the roof of the house
waist 616 uati (not visible) 366 paŋmuŋanmun;
toss: 320 nallui-; ~ to and fro 320 towel: 166 imaiyaun
nallukataq-; ~ something up 320 tower: 328 nasiqsruġvik
naluk-1 towline: 424 qamuġautaq (Nu), 634
toss and turn: 457 qipi- uniutaq; attach a ~ 189 ipiusiq-,
touch: 33 aksik-, aksiuk-; ~, in a game ipiutchiq-; ~ for whale 189
of tag 66 aŋuq-; ~ lightly on ipiusiun; use a ~ 634 uniutaqtuq-
the body 499 savaaq-; ~ softly to toy:175 iñattuaq(-) (Ti), 396 piuraaq; ~ N
silence or to warn 593 tinniq- 889 ±ŋŋuaq(-); ~ noisemaker
touching: 570 tatumiaq- 167 imigluktaun; ~ top 246
tough: 519 siqquq-; ~ (of meat) 287 kaivsaaq, kiavsaaq, kaivsaq (Ti)
manŋait- trace: have slightest ~ of V-ing 897
tow: 225 kalit-, 424 qamuk-, 454 -paluk(-)2
qimuk-; ~ in shallow water 621 trachea 606 tuqłuk
ukamaq- track: 601 tumi, tumitchiat; 602 tuvraq-;
towed: 224 kaliksiq-; something being begin to ~ 602 tuvraakkiuti-
~ 224 kali tracks: find ~ 602 tuvsi-; make ~ 601
tow rope: 225 kaluutaq, 621 ukamaun tuvli-; looking for ~ 602 tuvsiuq-;

sled ~ 633 uniaġaġviit bear in its den 630 umik(-)1;
trade: 29 akitchaq-, 515 simmii-; ~ bead caribou ~ 433 qargisaq(-);
161 ilummilik; final ~ offer 317 caught in a ~ 322 naniq-,
nalliun; to offer something for ~ naniqtit-; caught in a pitfall ~
286 manitchisaġi- (Nu), 237 kataksiutit- (Nu); entrance
mannisaġi- 317 nallit-; ~ or sell to ~ 294 maunaq; food bits
346 niuvġutigi- scattered around ~ 313 naġiutit,
traded: something ~ 585 tauqsiaq 535 sunasuutit (Nu); hard snow
trading partners: 346 niuviġiik cover over ~ 294 matuaq, 630
traditional: do in the ~ way 428 ~ umigaq (Nu); fish ~ 192
qaŋatuuq-; Iñupiaq dance 616 iqaluŋniutit, qaluŋniutit (Nu), 559
uamipiaġun; back flap of ~ pants taluyaq(-) (Nu); fish ~ for ling
369 pamialluk, 372 papik cod 433 qargit (Nu); ~ fish 433
traditionally: ~ when one V-s 1129 qargi-2 (Nu); hawk ~ 184
+t/runi; ~ when one is V-ed 1129 iñutaq(-); jaws of leg-hold ~ 322
+k/aiññi nanġutaq (Nu); leghold ~ 322
traitor: 25 aitchuutiginniktuaq nanġutalik(Nu), naniġiaq;
trail: 70 apqun, 120 igliġvik; make a ~ narrow entry of fish ~ 128
70 apqusiuq-; ~ the ~ 592 iggiaq (Nu); owl ~ 187 iŋutaq;
tikkuusiq-; well-used ~ 70 pitfall ~ 237 kataksautnaq (Nu),
apqutiqpait kataksiun; place bait in ~ 313
train: engineer on ~ 134 igniuqti naġirriq-; prepare and set ~ 322
tragedy: 147 iluirrutiqpak, 310 naniġirriq-; set a ~ near den or
nagliksaaġun; be able to face up burrow 520 sirraqtuq-; snare
to a ~ 384 pilgu- with spring ~ 366 paksruksaq(-);
trance: fall into a ~ 89 alvaq- (Ti) stick to prop up an open ~ 111
transfer: 349 nuut- ayagutaq (Nu); tongue-shaped
transgress: 386 piluusiqi- part of leg-hold ~ 640 uqaq(-);
transgression: 386 piluun triggering pan of an animal ~
translate: 305 mumik-; ~ into English 44 aluuttaq2; triggering stick
562 Taniksi-; ~ into Iñupiaq 182 attached to bait in ~ 313
Iñupiaqsi- naġiutaq; visit or check on ~ 401
translated text: 305 mumiksaq pulasaq-; wolverine ~ 443
translucent: 437 qaummaq- qavviksiun
transmit: ~ sound well 167 imiak- trap spring: 203 isivraagauraq(-) (Nu),
transport: 648 usiaq(-); ~ from down isivitchuktuaq
there 228 kanaŋŋauti-, 554 trapped: animal ~ 325 napitaq; become
takanaŋŋauti-; ~ on a sled 424 ~ 325 napit-; ~ ice in narrow
qamuksiraq- river 110 ayaaqtinniq; something
transporting: sled for ~ kayak 443 ~ in a cave-in 172 immurraq
qayyirautit (Nu); sled for ~ trash: 118 iktaq
umiak 425 qamutit trashcan: 118 igitchivik, 529
trap: 387 piñiun (Ti, Nu); ~ anchor 498 suaqłukuvik
sautaaq; ~ animals 322 travel: ~ 17 aġayuk-, 18 aġiyuk-, 22
naniġiaqtuq-; bait used in ~ 312 aġyuk-, 271 kukiluk-, 661 yugit-;
naġiaq(-); bait ~ 313 naġirriq-; ~ ~ against wind 81 arguq(-); ~

along the shore 515 siñiqsraq-; ~ travel with: ~ the wind 424
back 649 utinmuk-; ~ behind qamatmuaq- (Nu), 646
604 tunuaguaq-; ~ carrying uqqunmuk-; ~ the ocean current
a tent 605 tuppiraq-; ~ direct 483 saġvaqsiuraaq-
316 nalautchaaq-; ~ down the traveler: 120 iglaaq; ~ going downriver
coast in northwest direction 90 atarraaq; ~s going to the
392 piruġaaq-;~ downward 91 mountains 545 taalaġaat (Nu);
atqasalik-; ~ downriver 90 not receive ~s on a regular basis
ataaq-, 91 atiqsaaq-; ~ in the 119 iglaaliñaaŋit-; ~ upstream
dark 548 taaqsiuq-; ~ into wind 550 tagraaq
359 paaqtuq-; not ~ a great traveling: 119 igliq-, iglau-;
distance 120 igliqtuaqpasaŋit-; ~ ~ companion 120 iglauqan
on top of waves 408 traverse: 487 saliaq-
qaatchiaġaq-; ~ over rough traverse rib: ~ of kayak frame 596
terrain 415 qaiġilliuq- (Ti); ~ tippiq
over something 322 naniq-; ~ tread water: ~ raising head of water
overhead 467 qulaaguaq-; ~ repeatedly 659 uyaktaq-
partway 425 qanilaaq-; ~ treat: ~ each other right 315
passing by 490 saniġaaguaq-, 70 nakuuqquti-; ~ earache 523
apqusaaq side by side 317 siusiqi-; ~ equally 91 ati-1, 96
nalliq-1; ~ swiftly parallel 486 atuti-; ~ badly 179 iñuaġrugi-; ~
salik-, saliktuq-; ~ the coast in a kindly 208 isummaaq-, 209
southwest direction 615 isummaaqłiqsuq-, 397 piviksuq-;
uanmuk-; ~ under 90 ataaguaq-; not ~ a sick person well 151
~ upriver 550 tagraq- ilauqpallaaq- (Ti); ~ properly 210
travel by: ~ airplane 595 tiŋŋutitaq-; ~ irruti-; ~ roughly 378 piaqłuktaq-,
boat 629 umiaqtuq-; ~ car 425 397 piyaaġi-; ~ someone to a
qamutitaq-; ~ dogsled 633 meal 336 niġġisi-; ~ that way 554
uniaġaq-; ~ reindeer sled 634 tainnait-
unirraq- (Ti); ~ river 275 tree: 324 napaaqtuq; be green (of ~)
kuukuaq- 654 uummau-; soft core of ~ 509
travel inland: 255 kiluvaq-; ~ after sikkat
arriving on shore 556 taksruq- tree cone: qipmiuraq (Nu)
travel through: ~ 70 apqusaaq-; ~ mud tree fungus: 106 avaatchi
73 aqayaqisaaq(-); ~ rough seas tree line: travel to the ~ 324
411 qaggiuq-, 414 qaigiuq- (Ti), napaaqsiaq-
qailliuq- Tree Sparrow: 301 misapsaq (Nu)
travel to: ~ the coast or ice edge 396 tree stump: 305 muniġnaq
pituġaq-, pituġaaq- (Nu); ~ trade Tree Swallow: 601 tulugaġnauraq
491 saniññiaq-; ~ whaling camp tremble: 157 iliqsraq-, iliġraq- (Ti);
91 atiq- ~ with happiness 466 quiliqta-
travel towards: ~ 604 tuŋaaġi-; ~ trial: hold a ~ 642 uqaqsitaaq-
mountains 545 taalaġaq- (Nu), triangle: 232 kaŋiġallulik piŋasunik
taalġaa-; ~ ocean 52 anisaaq-, tributary: 232 kaŋiq (Nu); small ~ 496
480 sanmuk-; ~ to meet 360 saquġun
paaq- trigger: ~ of gun 365 pakigaq (Nu);

~ing pan of an animal trap 44 try your best: 243 kiq
aluuttaq2; stick used as a ~ for an tuck: ~ one’s chin into parka 288
animal trap 313 naġiutaq manusuk-
trim: 39 aligiitkutaksraq (Nu); fancy ~ Tuesday: 24 Aippiġñiq; be ~ 24
on bottom of parka 35 akuaġutit, Aippiq-
akuuraq (Nu); (decorative) 473 tug-of-war: have a ~ 355 nuqittaurraq-,
qupak(-); (shape) to ~ 501 nuqiittaurraq-; ~ rope 355
saviġuq- nuqittaurraun
trip : 309 naakłit-, naakłiññik- tugboat: 629 umiaqpauraq(-)
trip2: complete a ~ in one day tumble: 325 naparaqtaq-, 621
186 iŋmiq- uivraluktaq-, 624 ukpitaq-; ~
tripod for cooking: 117 igauttat, 325 down 33 aksralik, 200 irukkaqtaq-
napauttat tumor: develop a ~ 108 avraqtuq-; small
trot: 394 pitchuuq- ~ 108 avraq
trouble: cause of ~ 17 aguirrun tumult: 598 tuavallan
troubled: 208 isummaaŋŋit- Tundra Swan: 465 qugruk
troublesome: 13 aggaŋa-; ~ person 25 turbid: 209 isuq-, isuqsi-
akałłuqutaq, 179 iññuqłuk turn: ~ away 37 alaq-; ~ around 222
true:161 ilumuuq- kaivraaq-, 246 kiavraaq-; ~ aside
truly: 161 ilumun; ~ V 903 -piaq(-)1; ~ a 563 taŋmik-, 627 uluq-; ~ back
N 901 -piaġataq(-), 903 -piaq(-)1; and forth from one’s back
~ V 902 -piallak- to the one’s stomach 305
trump (suit in playing cards): 277 mumika-; ~, changing direction
kuyyalaq, kuuyalaq (Ti) 496 saqu-, saqut-; ~ face down
trumpet: 342 nipauqłuktaun, 420 367 palluqtit-; ~ to face the
qalġuqtaun opposite direction 604 tunut-; ~
trust: 623 ukpiġun higher 469 qunmuktaaq-; ~ in
trustworthiness: 623 ukpiġnaqtilaaq the desired directin 525
trustworthy: 395 pitqiksiġautait- sivukkiaq (Nu), sivukkiq-; make
truth: 563 ¤taŋŋiutaq a complete ~ around 458
truthfully: 161 ilumun qipuit-, 649 utiqqiak-; make a
try: 653 uuktuaq-; ~ to V 864 +niatak-, sudden ~ 496 saquiq-, saquik-
866 +niluk-, 872 +nIt-1; begin to (Ti); ~ one’s feet inward 476
~ to V 873 +niusIq-; begin to quu-; ~ one’s feet outward 496
~ to V forcefully 863 saqpik(-); ~ one’s head to
+niaqtuaqsi-; ~ hard not to V look 260 kiŋiaq-, 463 qiviaq-; ~
1039 +[t]sailI-; surreptitiously ~ one’s knees in 476 quupatchuk-;
to V 873 +niuraq-; ~ to V ~ one’s shoulder forward 628
forcefully 864 +niaqtuq-, 862 uluġmik-; ~ over 260 kiñŋu-, 252
+niala-; ~ hard to have someone kikŋu- (Nu), 305 mumik-; ~ over
V or be V-ed 1028 back down 347 niviqtit-; ~ over
mtinniapiaq-, +pkaġniapiaq- face down 367 palluqtit-, 368
try although one is pessimistic: 331 pałut-, 402 pusit-; ~ quickly 496
naumiiññaq saquliq-; ~ quickly, looking in
try to do one’s best: 386 different directions 463
pilluataġniuraq- qiviqit-; ~ repeatedly 49

saquuq-; ~ sideways 492 sanniq-, type: 15 aglautitaq-
537 supik-, 627 uluq-; ~ typewriter: 15 aglautitaun
somersaults 325 naparaġaaq-; ~ typist: 15 aglautitaqti
something over upside down
367 palut-; suddenly ~ over 305 U
mumikałuak-; ~ suddenly udder: 284 mamaun
toward 479 saatiq-; toss and ~ ulna: ~, arm bone 47 amilġaq, amirġaq
in bed 457 qipi-;~ upside down umiak: 629 umiapiaq; awl to make
347 niviq-; ~ toward 479 saat-1 holes in ~ to sew patches on 234
turn back: 430 qapiq-2 kaputtaun (Ti); blubber for
turn inside out: 617 uglivit-, 626 waterproofing ~ 405 puya;
ulivrik- (Nu), 626 ulit-2 bring ~ to whaling feast site
turn light lower: 424 qavsuk-, 660 uyaut- (Ti); ~ cover sewer 47
qavsuktaaq- amiqti; crosspiece of ~ 121
turn light on: 322 nanniq-, 468 qulliliq- iglaaq, 323 nanmik (Nu), ¤nanmit
turn off: 424 qamit- (Ti); inner side runner of ~
turn on: 100 aullaqtiq-, 134 ikit- frame 613 tuurvik, tuulvik (Ti);
turn a page: 281 makpiq, maqpiq- keel brace of ~ 121 iglaaq; keel
turn red: 240 kaviqsi- runner on ~ 161 ilunmugiitkutaq;
turn white: 419 qakuq- keel support at bow and stern of
turned on: 135 ikuma- ~ 346 niutaq; lash skin cover to ~
tusk: acquire walrus ~s 612 tuugarrak- frame 613 tuut-; outer side
(Ti); butt end of a ~ 277 maak; runner of ~ frame 604 tunusiġaq;
butt with ~ 601 tuluq-; core of patch an ~ 234 kaputtaq- (Ti);
ivory ~ 540 suvagrak; fight with seat in ~ 78 aquvsaaq (Ti), 140
~s 612 tuugaaġmik-, tuggauti-; iksuġiq, iksuġaq, 461 qitiq, 472
walrus ~ 612 tuugaaq quŋialik (Ti); sled for trans-
tussock: 287 maniq(-), 333 niaqunak porting ~ over ice 425 qamutit;
tweezers: 406 puyyuugaurak, puyyuun outer keel of ~ 35 akuq(-)
twelve: number ~ 468 qulit malġuk umbilical cord: 175 iñaluaq (Ti),
twenty: number ~ 181 iñuiññat iŋaluaqtaq, 298 mikłiaq
twice: 282 malġuiqsuaq-, malġutchaik umbrella: 512 silalugiitkun, sialuksiun
twin: 282 malġi(-); set of ~s 17 unable: 447 qiki-; ~ to answer
aguummaayaaġiik, 282 malġik 174 ¤inniillak-; ~ to assert
twine: 276 kuvraksraq, 458 qivraq, oneself against someone 559
qivrauraq, qivrautaq taluġi-; ~ to be calmed 312
twinkle: 476 quulliquraq- naġluq-; ~ to be still 383 pikit-;
twist: 457 qipi(-), qipitit- ~ to budge something 77
twisted: 153 ilġiŋa-, ilġiŋaaq- (Nu), 457 aqtuq-; ~ to buy, reach, or
qipiŋa-, 497 saquulaqii- (Ti) obtain something 114 ayuq-, 115
twitch: 502 sayuk- ayuġri- (Ti), ayuqsrit-; ~ to
two: number~ 282 malġuk; number in catch one’s breath 187
~ 282 malġuiksrau-; ~ sets 282 ivruattuq-, ivruaqtuq- (Ti); ~ to
malġuit choose 107 aviŋaaq-, avigaaq-;
two-handled pulling implement: 72 ~ to climb higher 171 imnit-;
aqsaaġun ~ to console someone 483

saimmallaiq-; ~ to distinguish unclear: ~ (of water) 209 isuqsi-
264 kipuyuŋa-; ~ to do uncoiled: 125 iguvit-
anything about a situation 427 uncomfortable: 610 tutqiit-; ~
qanuġviit-; ~ to frequent because one is wearing wet
something taboo 265 kiruq(-) clothes or in a dirty place 409
(Ti); ~ to go to sleep due to qaatchiŋa-; find ~ 163 iłuigi-
disturbances 464 qivsi-; ~ to unconscious: 318 naluksrit-,
keep from smiling 119 naluksriñŋa-, 436 qaurimait-;
iglaġusuk-; ~ to keep one’s become ~1 aamit-; knocked ~ 1
eyes open 383 pillitchi-; ~ to aanŋuq-, 106 avaaq-
keep up 633 uniktit-, 283 mallit-; uncooperative: 179 iñugiiluktaq-,
~ to leave or exit due to a iñugiiłuktaq-
barrier 495 sapuġau-; ~ to undaunted: 80 arguagi-, (Ti) alguagi-
make a choice 539 susausiiq-; undecided: 110 ayaagit-, 317 naliġut-,
~ to decide 317 naliġut-, 661 661 yuġri-
yuġri-; ~ to manage or defeat under: get ~ 90 ataanuk-; go ~
someone 376 paya-; ~ to move something 90 ataaguaq-;
in slush ice (of boat) 294 located ~ something 90 ataani;
maġġuti-; ~ to proceed place something under 89 alliq-
farther 490 samnaaq-; ~ to under here (not visible): 488 samma1;
say anything due to emotional be located ~ 488 samaniit-1;
stress 606 tupquraanŋuliq-; ~ come from ~ 488 samaŋŋaq-1; go
to stop laughing 1 aaqsallaiq-, ~ 488 samuŋaq-1; go via,
119 iglaŋaillaiq-; ~ to talk 641 through ~ 488 samuunnaaq-1;
uqalait-; ~ to urinate 313 from ~ 488 samaŋŋa; from the
naki-; ~ to withstand the one ~ 488 saptumaŋŋa; from the
presence of someone 333 direction ~ 488 samaŋŋamiñ;
nayulguit-; become ~ to breathe located ~ 488 samani1; located
53 aniġniġiq-; become ~ to move with the one ~ 488 saptumani1;
350 nukigiq-, nukiiq-; feel ~ to similar to this one ~ 488
perform or accomplish saptumatun1; the one ~ 488
something 485 sakiġi-; infant ~ samna1, 488 saptuma1; to ~ 488
to sit upright 315 nalaquyauraq samuŋa1; to the one ~ 488
Unalakleet, Alaska: 636 Uŋalaqłiq saptumuŋa1; towards ~ 488
unappetizing: 337 niġisuŋnait- samuŋanmun1; via ~ 488
unaware: become ~ 1 aamit-; ~ of 36 samuuna1; via the one ~
alapiŋa- 488 saptumuuna1; (with) the one
unawares: caught ~ 434 nipuŋannaqtit- 488 ~ saptumiŋa
unbelief: 623 ukpiġutairrun underarm: 634 uniq; have ~ odor 634
uncertain: 319 nalupqigi-, nalupqisuk- uniġluk-, uniqsugnit-
uncertainty: 319 nalupqinaq-; remove undercooked: 652 uunŋait-
from ~ 319 nalupqinaiyaq- undercut: ~ a bank of river or
uncle: 60 aŋak, aŋaaluk; paternal ~ 31 coastline 139 ikpiktitaq-
akkaaka; maternal ~ 60 underdeveloped: 62 aglitchiit-
aŋatchiaq, 31akkaaka (Nu) underground springs: 508 siiqsinniq
unclean: 487 salumait- underpants: men’s ~ 412 qaġlialuurak,

¤qaġligugaurak (Ti); women’s ~ unfamiliar: feel wary in an ~ situation
412 qaġliik (Ti) 41 allayuaq-; react
undershirt: 162 ilupquaq (Ti), 658 apprehensively to the ~ 41
uviñġuq allasuk-; sense that someone or
undershoot: 174 inuq- something is ~ 40 allagi-
underside: ~ of walrus flipper 86 unfriendly: 94 attaġnaq-, 210
atammak irrusiġiit-, 559 taluġnaq-; make
undersigned: the ~ 92 atchiiŋaruaq an ~ gesture132 ikauraak(-); ~
understand: 233 kaŋiqsi-, 243 kisuiq-, gesture 132 ikauraak(-)
402 puttuqsri-, 526 sivuniqsi-; ~ ungrateful: ~ person 478 quyailaq
something well 467 unhappy: 477 quviit-; become ~ 190
qulaġnaimmaġiksi- (Nu); explain ipiqtutchak-, 477 quviasuutaiq-,
so others ~ 233 kaŋiqsipkai-; not quviiq-
~ 264 kipuyuŋa-, 279 makimaq-; unhealthy: have ~ hands 79 argagluk-;
still not ~ 264 kipuyuŋaiŋait- look ~ 586 tauttugiiq-; ~ person
understandable: 233 kaŋiqsiñaq- 661 yapu(-)
undertaker: 162 iluviqsiri unidentified: ~ object 41 allayuaġniq
underwear: pair of long ~ 86 ataraak, unified: 87 atautchimuk-
625 ulipquaq (Ti); put on long ~ unifying force: 87 atautchimuktuun
86 ataraaq-, 162 ilupiġuq-; to uniform: soldier’s ~ 69 aŋuyaunnat
wash ~ 162 iluparriqi-; women’s unimportant: 533 suliqutauŋit-;
~ 413 qaġliurak regard someone or something as
undress: 58 annuġaiq-, annuġaiyaq- ~ 540 suuŋilaġi-
unease: experience ~ 41 allayuaġi-, 610 uninformed: 319 naluugaq-
tutqiili- uninhabited: ~ place 180 iñuilaaq
unexpected: 337 niġiunait- uninspiring: 193 iqianaq-
unexpectedly: 528 sua una, 554 unite: 87 atautchimuk-
taimaiñaq, taimmaŋŋaiññaq (Ti), united: 333 nayuqsiuti-; ~ for
taimakŋaiññaq (Nu); appear ~ or against someone or
343 nipuŋannaq-; encounter ~ at something 87 atausiuti-
an opportune time 316 unity: towards ~ 88 atautchimunmun
nalautchakatit-; encounter ~ 361 unkempt: 132 ikakłuk(-), ikakłuŋa-,
paqłaktaq-; have visitors come ~ 346 niviļuk(-)
120 iglait-; see or find someone ~ unless: ~ one V-s 886 ±ŋisuaq- plus
586 tauttuġluk-, tautuniqłak-; Conditional Endings
shoot and ~ hit something 290 unnerved: 69 aŋuyyiuq- (Nu)
maqamit-; sink ~ 294 maulġaq- unraveled: become ~ 64 aŋivit-
(Ti), maułłak-; sometimes quite ~ unrecognizable: become ~ 154
one would do something 529 ilisaġnaiq-; regard as ~ 40 allagi-;
sugaluaq-1; V ~ 806 -llagruaq- see something ~ 41 allayuaq-
uneven: 286 maniit-; 407 qaaġraq- unreliable: 623 ukpiġnait-
(Nu); ~ in size or length 339 unresponsive: 427 qanulait-
nikiŋa-, nikisiŋa-, nikisitaq-; unruly: ~ (of hair) 26 agalik- (Ti),
made ~ 339 nikit-; sew ~ akalik-
stitches 255 kilugluk- unsafe: 51 anayanaq-,
unevenly: proceed ~ 662 ¤yuukiik- unsettled: become ~ 638 uŋiaritchak-;

feel ~ 136 ikiaqtalaaq-, 152 pikuuna, 577 tatpikuuna;
ilaiqsaq-, 156 iliaqsri- via/with that one ~ 382
unsuccessful: 274 kutchuq- piktumuuna, 577 tatpiktumuuna;
unsure: 271 kuksrasuk- (with) that one ~ 382 piktumiŋa,
untangle: 124 igumit-, 159 illaiyaq- 577 tatpiktumiŋa
untangled: become ~ 124 igumit- up there (visible, extended with or
untanned: fresh, raw, ~ skin 18 without emphasis): 362 pagga,
aġiparaq, 23 aiparaq 573 tatpagga; be located ~ 362
untie: 64 aŋivit-, 68 aŋuvit- (Nu), 451 paaniit-, 573 tatpaaniit-; come
qiliiq- from ~ 362 paaŋŋaq-, 573
untied: 396 pituit-; become ~ 451 tatpaaŋŋaq-; go ~ 363 pauŋaq-,
qiliġutaiq-; become ~ (of one’s 574 tatpauŋaq-; go via, through
shoestrings) 516 siŋiiq- ~ 363 paunnaaq-, 574
until: ~ one V-s 886 ±ŋisuaq- plus tatpaunnaaq-; from ~ 362
Conditional Endings paaŋŋa, 573 tatpaaŋŋa; from
unwavering: eat ~ 337 niġivigruaq- that one ~ 362 paktumaŋŋa, 573
unwelcomed: feel ~ 549 tagiala- tatpaktumaŋŋa; from that
unwelcoming: 550 tagialanaq- direction ~ 362 paaŋŋamiñ, 573
unwell: 146 iluammaġiit- tatpaaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 362
unwilling: 193 iqiagi-; become ~ 193 paani, 573 tatpaani; located with
iqiakkiuti- that one ~ 362 paktumani, 573
up there (visible, restricted with or tatpaktumani; similar to that
withtout emphasis): 381 pikka, one ~ 362 paktumatun, 573
577 tatpikka; be located ~ 381 tatpaktumatun; that one ~ 361
pikaniit-, 577 tatpikaniit-; come pagna, 573 tatpagna, 362
from ~ 381 pikaŋŋaq-, 577 paktuma, 573 tatpaktuma; to ~
tatpikaŋŋaq-; go ~ 382 pikuŋaq-, 363 pauŋa, 574 tatpauŋa; to that
577 tatpikuŋaq-; go via, through one ~ 363 paktumuŋa, 574
~ 382 pikuunnaaq-, 577 tatpaktumuŋa; towards ~ 363
tatpikuunnaaq-; from ~ 381 pauŋanmun, 574 tatpauŋanmun;
pikaŋŋa, 577 tatpikaŋŋa; from via ~ 363 pauna, 574 tatpauna;
that one ~ 381 piktumaŋŋa, 577 via that one ~ 363 paktumuuna,
tatpiktumaŋŋa; from that 574 tatpaktumuuna; (with) that
direction ~ 381 pikaŋŋamiñ, 577 one ~ 362 paktumiŋa, 573
tatpikaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 381 tatpaktumiŋa
pikani, 577 tatpikani; located up there (not visible with or without
with that one ~ 381 piktumani, emphasis): 368 pamma, 575
577 tatpiktumani; similar to that tatpamma; be located ~ 368
one ~ 382 piktumatun, 577 pamaniit-, 575 tatpamaniit-;
tatpiktumatun; that one ~ 381 come from ~ 368 pamaŋŋaq-,
pigña, 576 tatpigña, 381 piktuma, 575 tatpamaŋŋaq-; go ~ 368
577 tatpiktuma; to ~ 382 pikuŋa, pamuŋaq-, 576 tatpamuŋaq-; go
577 tatpikuŋa; to that one ~ 382 via ~ 368 pamuunnaaq-, 576
piktumuŋa, 577 tatpiktumuŋa; tatpamuunnaaq-; from ~ 368
towards ~ 382 pikuŋanmun, 577 pamaŋŋa, 575 tatpamaŋŋa; from
tatpikuŋanmun; via ~ 382 that one ~ 368 paptumaŋŋa, 576

tatpaptumaŋŋa; from that to that one ~ 365 pakiptumuŋa,
direction ~ 368 pamaŋŋamiñ, 575 tatpakiptumuŋa; towards ~
575 tatpamaŋŋamiñ; located ~ 366 paŋmuŋanmun, 575
368 pamani, 575 tatpamani; tatpaŋmuŋanmun; via ~ 366
located with that one ~ 368 paŋmuuna, 575 tatpaŋmuuna; via
paptumani, 576 tatpaptumani; that one ~ 365 pakiptumuuna,
similar to that one ~ 369 575 tatpakiptumuuna; (with)
paptumatun, 576 tatpaptumatun; that one ~ 365 pakiptumiŋa, 574
that one ~ 368 pamna, 575 tatpakiptumiŋa
tatpamna, 368, paptuma, 576 up until now: 363 pagmanun aglaan
tatpaptuma; to ~ 368 pamuŋa, Upper Kobuk people: 215 Itqiliaġruit,
576 tatpamuŋa; to that one ~ 420 Qalamiut (Nu), 550
369 paptumuŋa, 576 Tagraġvigmiut
tatpaptumuŋa; towards ~ 368 upper back: 2 aaġiak, 383 pikusuk; ~
pamuŋanmun, 576 part of thigh (of human) 305
tatpamuŋanmun; via ~ 368 mumiq(-); ~ from shoulders to
pamuuna, 576 tatpamuuna; via midsection of any animal skin
that one ~ 369 paptumuuna, 576 244 kiativiñiq
tatpaptumuuna; (with) that one upper eyelid: 408 qalliñaaq
~ 369 paptumiŋa, 576 upper tooth: 468 qullimġaq
tatpaptumiŋa upper teeth: 468 qullimġat, qulliñaat
up there on the roof of the house (not (Ti)
visible): 366 paŋma, 575 upright: standing ~ 325 napaugaq-;
tatpaŋma; be located ~ 366 support something ~ 324
paŋmaniit-, 575 tatpaŋmaniit-; napaat-, 325 napat-
come from ~ 366 paŋmaŋŋaq-, upright post: ~ of sled handle bar 222
575 tatpaŋmaŋŋaq-; go ~ 366 kaivluun, kaivluutaq
paŋmuŋaq-, 575 tatpaŋmuŋaq-; upright support post: ~ of sled handle
go via, through ~ 366 bar333 nayummisaq
paŋmuunnaaq-, 575 upstairs: 450 qilaguaq
tatpaŋmuunnaaq-; from ~ 366 upstream: toward ~ 550 tagranmun
paŋmaŋŋa, 575 tatpaŋmaŋŋa; upward: point ~ (of waves) 661
from that one ~ 365 yuayuk-; raise chin ~ 2 aaġluq-
pakiptumaŋŋa, 574 upwards: 469 qunmun; jump ~ 380
tatpakiptumaŋŋa; from that piksak-; seep ~ 407 qaamit-
direction ~ 366 paŋmaŋŋamiñ, urethra: 465 quġġivik
575 tatpaŋmaŋŋamiñ; located ~ urge: ~ to V 1039 -[t]quuq-
366 paŋmani, 575 tatpaŋmani; urinal: bucket 213 itiqqitchiaq
located with that one ~ 365 urine: 466 quq; scent of ~ 466
pakiptumani, 574 quqsugniq; sour urine 213 itiġuq;
tatpakiptumani; similar to that to smell of sour ~ 213
one ~ 365 pakiptumatun, 574 itiġuqsuŋnit-; ~ stain 465
tatpakiptumatun; that one ~ 365 quġriñiq(-)
pakimna, 574 tatpakimna, 365 urinate: 291 maqu-2, 301 miqu- (Ti),
pakiptuma, 574 tatpakiptuma; to 465 qui-; go ~ 291 maquyaqtuq-;
~ 366 paŋmuŋa, 575 tatpaŋmuŋa; ~ (of dog) 616 ugaak-; ~ in small

amounts frequently 465 natiġnaq, 436 qattaġniq
quġmaala-; unable to ~ 313 naki-; value: 26 aki(-), 29 akisutilaaq(-); set a
~ uncontrollably 465 taxation ~ 27 akiksriq-, akigriq-
quġmiattuala- (Ti); set a ~ on items 27
us: ~ (dual) 657 uvaguk; ~ (plural) 657 akiqsriqsuq-
uvagut valuable: 29 akisu-
use: 95 atuq-2; continue to ~ 96 valueless: 83 asiu-
atuuma- (Ti); ~ a heating pad 97 valve: ~ cleaner 536 suvlaun; open a ~
auktuuq-; ~ N 1053 +tuq-3; ~ too 536 suvlaq-
frequently 96 attuilisaġi-; ~ with vandalize: 291 maqut-
pleasure 96 atunnaġi-; not ~ very vanish: 379 piiq-; ~ from sight 586
much 96 aturraġiit- tautugnaiq-
useful: ~ item 183 iñuulġun (Nu); 57 vantage point: be at a high ~ 328
anniqsuutau-, 96 atuġnaq- nasiqsriaġnaq- (Nu); climb to a
useless: 57 anniqsuutauŋit-, 83 asiu-; high ~ 327 nasit-; scout for
become ~ 82 asiġuq-, 396 game from a ~ 328 nasiqsruaq-
piunġiq-, piuŋaiq-, 532 (Nu)
suksraunġiq-; ~ thing 660 vasrak varicolored: something ~ 617
(Nu) ugrukpalaq
usually: gone longer than ~ intended varicose veins: suffer from ~ 565
305 mulu-1; ~ V-s 992 +[s]uu- taqagluksi-
utensil: 169 immiugauraq, 452 qiłkhiq Varied Thrush: 535 suŋutlulluuq
(Nu); breakable ~ 445 qigliq, Vega (celestial): 655 Uvluġiaqpak
qigliuraq (Ti); china ~ 448 qikłiq; Vega and Lyra (celestial) 2 Aagruuk
clay ~ 448 qikuyyaq; enamel ~ vegetable: 330 nautchiaq
300 miŋŋulik, 332 nauyyaaq2 juice of ~ 190 ipsaq (Nu), 219
utensils: kitchen ~ 336 niġiñiutit ivsa, ivsaq
Utukok River: 651 Utuqqaq; people of ~ vehicle: motorized ~ 120 igliġaun;
area 651 Utuqqaġmiut wheeled ~ 17 agralgun, 33
uterine cotyledon: 372 papaaq aksraktuaq, aksraliktualik (Nu)
uterus: 145 illiaq vengeance: 28 akisaurriñiq
utter: 551 tai-; ~ a harsh sound 342 ventral flank of bowhead whale: 616
nivliñiġluk- uan or uati (Ti)
uvula: 336 niġiliktaaq (Nu), 641 ventral surface of bowhead whale: ~
uqalauraq, uqauraq behind jaws 597 tirraġiigraq (Ti);
uvular: ~ consonant 641 409 qaa (Ti); ~ between head and
uqalaurakuaqtaq belly 514 silvi, silviik (Ti)
verse: 551 taiguaq(-)
V version: larger ~ of N 713 +ġruaq
vacant: 108 avrait- (Ti), 181 iñuit-; vertebra: 276 kuyapigaq, 325
become ~ 181 iñuiq- napigiaġniq; first ~ 463
vacation: take a ~ 39 aliiqsiaq- qivialutuŋiaq, qivialutuk,
vaccination: ~ shot 234 kapiniq qivialutuq (Nu); first neck ~ of
vacuum cleaner: 125 iguunnaq caribou 110 ayagaq; lumbar ~
valid: 96 atuġnaq- 202 isaġutauralgit
valley: 275 kuuġuq, 326 naqsraq(-), 329 vertebrae: three or four ~ near the neck

383 pikuk iptumuuna, 553 taiptumuuna
vertebral column: 277 kuyapikkat via that one there: ~, up the coast 268
vertical support: 325 nappaqutaq; use as kiptumuuna, 440 qaptumuuna2
~ 69 apagi- (Ti) via that one up there: ~ (visible) 382
very good: 116 chach, chatchii piktumuuna, 363 paktumuuna; ~
very much: not V ~, as a general rule (not visible) 369 paptumuuna; ~
898 -pasalait- on the roof of the house (not
vest: 244 kiapiġuq(-) visible) 365 pakiptumuuna
vetch: 23 aiġaq via the one: ~ under here (not visible)
via: ~ a N 1146 -kun; ~ the center 462 490 saptumuuna1;
qitqagun via there: ~, up the coast 269 kivuuna,
via down here: ~ (not visible) 488 441 qavuuna
samuuna via this one: ~ here (visible) 656
via down there: ~ (visible) ~ 228 uumuuna, 292 mattumuuna
kanuuna, 631 unuuna via under here: ~ (not visible) 488
via here: ~ (visible) 657 uvuuna, samuuna1
293 mauna via up there: ~ (visible) 382 pikuuna,
via in there: 423 qamuuna 363 pauna; ~ (not visible) 368
via out there: ~ (visible) 247 kiuna, 411 pamuuna; ~ on the roof of the
qauna; ~ in the arctic entry (not house (not visible) 366
visible) 485 saŋmuuna; ~ in the paŋmuuna
shed or the neighbor’s house via which way: 306 naukun, 532 sukun
(not visible) 418 qaŋmuuna vicinity: 425 qanimi
via over there: ~ (visible) 130 ikuuna, victim: murder ~ 179 iñuaqtaq, 182
104 avuuna; ~ (not visible) 44 iñuktaq, 607 tuqutaq
amuuna; ~ across 12 auna; ~ victorious: 28 akima-
across (not visible) 30 aŋmuuna victory: 28 akimman
via that one down there: ~ (visible) view: block one’s ~ 547 taalutchiq-;
229 kattumuuna, 632 uttumuuna; come into ~ 343 niptaq-, 349
~ (not visible) 488 saptumuuna; nui-, nuggisi-, nuillak-, 482
~ 488 saptumiŋa; sagviq-; cover from ~ 559
via that one in there: ~ (visible) 268 talu(-); disappear from ~ 550
kiptumuuna; ~ (not visible) 423 taġġit-, 559 talit-; fade from ~
qaptumuuna; 319 nalunaqsi-; in ~ 482 sagvi-;
via that one out there: ~ (visible) 246 side ~ 491 saniġaaniñ; support
kiktumiŋa, 411 qaktumiŋa; ~ in another’s ~ 151 illiqsuq-; ~
the arctic entry (not visible) television 550 taġġiraq-; top ~
485 sakiptumuuna; ~ in the shed 467 qulaaniñ;
or the neighbor’s house (not vigil: keep ~ 635 unnui-
visible) 418 qakiptumuuna vigilant: 343 nipuŋait-, 477 quviqtaili-
via that one over there: ~ (visible) 130 village: 174 init, 353 nunaaqqiq
iktumuuna, 103 aptumuuna; ~ vine: 324 napaaqtuayaaq
(not visible) 45 aptumuuna; ~ violence: 378 piaqłuktaun
across 12 aktumuuna; ~ across violent: ~ anger 454 qinnaun
(not visible) 30 akiptumuuna violently: to V ~ 871 -niqłak-, 828
via that one previously mentioned:164 -łłaktaq-; beat someone up ~ and

quickly 374 pattuġruk-; cry ~ to visitors: have ~ frequently 179 iññiuq-;
unconsciousness 1 aa-; enter ~ have many ~ 178 iññit-, 183
205 isiniqłak-; hit someone ~ 51 iñuqaq-; newly arrived ~ 592
anauniqłak-; kick someone ~ 73 tikiñġaaq; receive ~ 120 iglaaliq-
aqiniqłak-; one who has been visor: ~ of cap 597 titqiaq(-), tatqiaq
abused ~ 397 piyuaġniq; splash ~ vocabulary: build ~ 641 uqalutusi-
301 misapqatit-, 517 siqiłhatit-; vocal noise: make ~ repeatedly 343
strike someone or something nivliraq-
with a hammer ~ 240 voice: 126 iġñaq, iġiña, iġña, 342 nipi2;
kauviñaq-; ~ oppose someone have a good singing ~ 126
360 parraqłak- iġñaġik-; have a high-pitched ~
violin: 13 agiaġnaq atuqtuuraq, 355 435 qatikit-; have a low-pitched
nuqaqtiligauraq ~ 435 qatitu-; one with a low-
virgin: female ~ 67 aŋusiuŋaitchuaq pitched ~ 435 qatituuq
virile: 68 aŋutau- vole: northern red-backed ~ 107
virtue: 315 nakuun aviŋŋaq
viscera: 142 ilaġviit vomit: miġiaq(-), muġiaq(-), miġġiq; ~,
viscous: ~ (of liquid) 258 kiniq- of baby 521 sisugiak-, sitchuqit-;
vise: 247 kiggisik ~ repeatedly 297 miġiaġaq-
visible: 349 nuisa-, 455 qiñiġnaq-, 586 vow: 635 unniqsuun
tautugnaq-; become ~ 455 vowel: 551 taiñġuraq; ~ pair 599
qiñiqnaqsi-, 527 sivuqqaaq-; tugliġiik
clearly ~ 586 tautuŋnammaġik- vulnerable spot on mammals: 213
visible over open water: form and be ~ itiqsiñiq
461 qitchiq- vulva: 649 utchuk
visibility: low ~ 343 niptaiq-; move in
and out of ~ in the distance 451 W
qilġiqtaq- (Ti) waddle: 616 ugaaqhataaq-, 628
vision: 455 qiñiġiaq; fantastic ~ 41 uluqhuqtaaq-
allayuaġniq; line of ~ 557 takkun, wade: 188 ipiġaq-2, ipaġaq-
takkugauraq; to my line of ~ 557 wag tail: 369 pamii-, pamiiqi-, pamiula-
takkumnun wage: 26 aki(-), 27 akiliusiaq; be paid a
visit: ~ socially 205 isiqattaaq-, 401 ~ 28 akiññak-; pay someone a ~
pulaaq-; ~ frequently 206 27 akilisiq-; ~ war 68 aŋuyak-
isirruġik-; ~ from house to wagon: 33 aksraktuuraq
house 178 iññiqi-, 181 iñuksiuq-; Wainwright, Alaska: 624 Ulġuniq;
~ people 182 iñuŋnuk-; former village site near ~ 651
~ someone 178 iññiaq-, Utuqqaq; name of site near ~ 85
iññiaqattaaq-, 586 tautugiaq-, 626 Ataniq
ullaqattaaq-; ~ someone at the waist: 294 matiqti, 461 qitiq, 589
hospital 557 taku- tavsiñiq; be naked below the ~
visiting: enjoy ~ friends and relative 227 kamillaaq-, 648 usillaaq-
150 ilaqapqaŋa-; evident that one waistband: 294 matiqti
is out ~ 178 iññiqima-; person wait: 649 utaqqi-; continue to ~ 649
who goes around ~ constantly utaqqik-; ~ expectantly for
661 yuggiqsuuq someone to appear 339 nikpaq-,

nikpauraaq-; ~ expectantly for qamuukkałaaq-; ~ on tiptoe 350
news 308 naalaġniummi-; ~ for a nukivrigaq-, 402 putukkumiraq-;
long time 649 utaqqiataq-, ~ out towards the open sea 295
utaqqilġataq-; ~ for someone or maut-; ~ struggling against the
something to V 1040 -[t]siaġi-; ~ wind or cold 361 paqqiuq-; ~
patiently 649 utaqqiġliq-; should swinging one’s arms 104
expect to ~ 649 utaqqigisi-; ~ for avałłaaq-, avałłuaq-, 216 ivalik-,
someone to exit 53 anitchiq- ivałłuaq-; ~ to the same
waiting: become tired of ~ 649 destination as others who are
utaqqiñŋuliq-, utaqqiñŋuq- traveling by boat 476 qutiġuq-; ~
wait a minute: 6 aannagu, 8 aaqan, rather than take a some other
aaqagu, aaqagun means of transport 394
wait and watch: 302 misiksruq- pisukataq-, pisuu- (Ti); ~ rocking
waiting room: 649 utaqqivik from side to side 628
wake up: be anxious to ~ early 520 uluqhuqtaaq-, 658 uviġaaq-; ~
sirgasuk-; cause someone to ~ unsteadily 491 sanipaktuq-; ~
frequently 605 tupaaq-; finally ~ with a limp 539 susiġġuk- (Ti); ~
212 itillak-; ~ from sleep to with arms inside one’s parka
full wakefulness 605 tupak-, 471 qumiikkałaaq-; ~ with head
tupakaq-; ~ 212 itiq-; ~ en bowed 402 punŋuuq-; sink as one
masse 212 itaa-; ~ early 212 ~s in deep, soft snow or sand 294
itiġiaq-, itiġnaġiaq-; ~ easily mauyalliuq-, 295 mauyaqisaq-;
212 itiya-; ~ sleepy 194 take a leisurely ~ 394
iqianniuq-; ~ someone 212 pisuaqtuaq-
itiqsaq- walking stick: 112 ayauppiaq, ayauppak,
wake: ~ of boat 104 avałłuaġniq, 420 ayauppiq; walk with a ~ 112
qala ayauppiaġaq-
walk: 22 aġyuk-, 394 pisuk-1 (Nu), wall: 237 kasiq (Nu); build a ~ 238
pisuaq-; ~ abreast of each other katchili-; interior ~ 238 katchi;
564 tapit-; ~ along the shore 515 old , crumbling ~ 238
siñiqsraq-, siniġraq- (Ti); ~ along katchiġruaq; ~ planks 390 piqtaq
top of a ridge 408 qaatchiaġaq-; ~ walls: side ~ of house 491 saniqqak;
among others threading one’s walrus: 25 aiviq; baby ~ 203 isavgaq;
way 357 nuviqsraq-; ~ around for there to be many ~ 25
being idle 537 supiluqit-; ~ back aivġukkaq-; go after ~ on ice 353
and forth 491 sanippi-; ~ bent nunavviaq-; have a large supply
over 402 punŋayuuq-; ~ directly of ~ meat 25 aivġutau-; herd of ~
out on the ice to hunt 295 on ice 353 nunavait; kill a ~ 25
mauqsruq-; ~ fast 531 aivvak-; lack ~ 25 aivġit-; large,
sukasaałłik-; ~ in a bouncy adult male ~ 350 nukavluq (Nu);
manner 469 qulvaukatchiaq-; ~ not have ~ meat 25 aivġutait-
in and out the door wander whereabouts: 534 sumiqsiuq-
continuously 359 paaqtuqit-; ~ Wandering Tattler: 513 sililisuqtuq;
leisurely 394 pisukataaq-; ~ wane: ~ (of moon) 46 amigli-, amikłi;
pigeon-toed 476 quuraġaaq- (Ti); 261 kiŋumuk-, 355 nuŋusaiññaq-,
~ pulling a sled unhurriedly 425 342 nipi-1, 649 utinmuk-; ~ and

rise later (of moon) 397 635 unniqsuq-
piyaġittuq-; ~ (of daylight) 655 warning: 253 kiliktuun, kilgun; not heed
uvluilaaġuq-, uvlukłi-, uvluilgit- ~ 142 ilaġġisigi-
want: ~ to V 986 +[s]uk-1; ~ to warp: 448 qikisit-, 450 qilukłuk-
hear more 608 tusaanġaiqi-; not warped: 448 qikiŋa-
~ another’s presence and telling wart: 635 unŋuq
the person to leave 76 aqpigruq- wary: 41 allayuaq-, 358 nuyuaqtu-;
(Ti); not ~ another to do ~ of people 178 iññiŋiat-; ~
anything 539 sutqulait-; not of someone or something 51
really ~ to do something 394 anayagi-, 358 nuyuaġi-, 569
pisuvyuaq-; not ~ to carry a tataigi-
heavy load in one’s boat or sled wash: 191 iqaġi-, iqaqi- (Ti); ~ cloth: 41
76 aqpik-1; ~ more of something allaqtuun; ~ clothes 192 iqaqsri-
493 saŋimmiq-, 563 tapasi- (Ti); ~ washed: ~ ashore: 595 tipi-2; ~ away by
something urgently 448 waves 616 uaq-
qilanaaq-; ~ to do more of an washbasin: 191 iqaqqivik
activity 563 tapa- (Ti); ~ to do washboard: 13 agigvik, agirvik; wash
what 539 susuk-; ~ to do or with a ~ 13 agigvigaq-
have something 394 pisuk-2; ~ washtub: 126 iġġuqsivik, 191
to keep on doing an activity iqaqqivigruaq
one enjoys doing 153 ilasi-; ~ to wasp: 599 tuggayuk; solitary ~ 298
participate 394 pisuk-2; ~ to milugiaq
participate now 394 pisuliq-; waste: 486 saksranikut
really ~ to V 991 +[s]ulillapiaq- water: add tea or coffe to ~ 435
warble fly: 125 igutchatchiaq qatchiq-; churn ~ (of boat) 420
warehouse: 530 suġalliqpik, qalaliaġuq- (Nu); ~ cup ~ 168
suġauttaqaġvik imġugauraq; flowing
warm: 652 uunnaak-; ~ by the fire 321 through crack in ice 508
naniaq-1, naniaqtuaq-; have ~ siiqsinniq; fresh ~ 168
winter clothing 646 uquq-; have imiġiksaaq; frozen overflow
no ~ winter clothing 646 uquit-; of ~ on top of river ice 508
~ oneself 97 auktuuq-; ~ oneself siiqsinniq; get ~ on oneself 165
by the fire 97 auksiq-, auksiaq-, imaġuaq-; give a drink 169
373 pasiksiaq-, pasiksiq-; ~ imiqtit-; give fresh ~ to animal
poultice 97 auktuun; try hard to 169 imiqtitchi-; have good ~ 168
get ~ 651 uunaqsaaqtiqi-; ~ up imiġik-; lack ~ 168 imġit-;
suddenly then feeling sluggish no longer have ~ 168 imġiq-;
96 augniqłak-; wear ~ winter non-potable ~ 165 imaq(-);
clothing 646 uqquaġik-; ~ wind obtain a supply of ~ 169
652 uunnaksraligaaq imiqtaq-; potable ~ 168 imiq(-),
war: play at ~ 68 aŋuyaŋŋuaq-; wage ~ imilluataq; small ~ container 168
68 aŋuyak- imġugauraq; supply of ~ 168
war party: 99 aulaat (Ti), 530 suġruit imġun; ~ to cook with 166
warn: 54 aniqsraaqtuq-, 177 iñiqtiq-, imaksraq
iniqtiq- (Ti), 204 isilġiqsruq-, 253 water beetle: 375 pau
kilik-, kiliktuq-, 513 silġiqsuq-, water current: (see ocean current and

river current) 483 saġvaq(-); small ~ 186 iŋiullaaq(-) (Ti); tidal
drift with the ~ 483 saġvaqsiq- ~ 283 malliq(-); ~ which breaks
waterfall: 465 quġluqtaq on shore 411 qaggaq(-)
water-filled: ~ hole in ice 407 qaamniq waves: be washed away by ~ 616 uaq-;
water grass: 383 ¤pikniq (Nu) ~ formed on each side of bow of
water hole under ice in river: 411 qaglu ship as it moves through water
Water Ouzel: 5 aanaruun kiviruq, 104 avałuaq (Nu); form breakers,
aanaruk kiviruq of ~ 626 ulivragaq-; crash
waterproof: ~ backpack 74 aqiyyaq; ~ against boat (of ~) 434 qasaq-,
hipboot 188 ipialik; ~ diaper 435 qasaqtaq-; develop (of ~ on
covers 280 makkaqtuun; ~ ocean) 414 qailliġuq-; make ~ (of
knee-high boots with hairless whale as it cruises) 411
seal skin uppers and bearded qaggattuq-, qaggaġuqtit-; make a
seal skin soles 73 aqaġlik (Ti), crashing sound (of ~) 482
192 iqaqłak, iqaqłik, 263 kivluaq, saġaaluk-; pitch with the ~ 283
432 qaqłiik, iqaqłiik; ~ knee-high malliuq-; point upward (of ~)
caribou or sealskin boot with 661 yuayuk-; rock with the ~ 186
fur inside 626 ulitchuilaq; ~ knee iŋiulliuq-; tire of the rocking
pad 522 sitquġun; make ~ knee motion of ~ 186 iŋiulinŋuq-;
-high boots 192 iqaqłi-; ~ pad travel on top of ~ 408
324 naŋiq; ~ parka made from qaatchiaġaq-; travel through
bearded seal intestines 512 rough ~ 411 qaggiuq-, 414
silaŋŋaaq; ~ sealskin breeches qaigiuq- (Ti)
413 qaġliaġruuk (Ti); ~ sealskin wax : ~ in ear 506 siġri(-), 591 tiġri (Ti);
socks 166 imaitkutak; sew with a remove dried ~ from ear 506
~stitch 46 amiġaq(-); short, ~ siġri(-); sticky, yellow ear ~ 274
summer boot 387 piñiġaq kutchuġruaq; thread ~ 378 piaġun
water truck: 169 imiqtaqtuun wax2: ~ (of moon) 306 naaġuyasi-, 330
watery: ~ substance 167 immivlik nau-, 400 puktakkaq-
wave1: 201 isaaqtala-; ~ in greeting waxed: ~ (of thread) 378 piaq-
149 ilali-, ilaliuraq- (Ti); ~ one’s we: ~ (dual) 657 uvaguk; ~ (plural) 657
arms when caribou are sighted uvagut
486 salik-; ~ one’s hand 352 weak: 242 kayumŋit-, 376 payaŋa-, 429
nuluq-; ~ one’s hand once or qapaŋa-, 502 sayait-, 528 suaŋait-,
non-stop for a while 352 494 saŋŋiit-, 495 saqaŋa-; become
nuluqtuallak- (Nu) ~ 242 kayumŋiq-, 494 saŋŋiili-,
wave2: 186 iŋiulik(-), 283 malik(-), 414 502 sayaiq-; ~ person 376
qai (Nu), 414 qailliq(-); breaking payaappak, 429 qapak; ~ , sickly
~ 186 iŋiulikpak; crash against person or animal 661 yapu(-)
shore (of ~) 410 qaaq(-) (Nu), wealthy: become ~ 530 suġallak-, 629
qaaqtaq(-); crestless ~ (swell) 388 umiallak-; very ~ person 629
piŋu(-); ~ produced by a passing umialikpak, umialiŋniqsraq (Nu)
boat 414 qaivlik(-);rolling crest weapon: 497 satkuq; murder ~ 179
of ~ on ocean 626 ulivrik(-); iñuaġun; strike with a ~ 497
run along beach ahead of satkusaq-; threaten with a ~ 653
breaking ~ 66 aŋuuraġauraq- (Ti); uugiyaaq-

wear: 95 atuq-2; ~ N 1053 +tuq-3 qugraqtuq- (Nu); place a ~ in
wearisome: 324 naŋinnaq- something 570 tattuqusiq-;
weary and tired: ~ of 299 minġuliuti- tightening or securing ~ 570
weasel: 212 itiġiaq(-) tattuqun; wooden ~ 465
weather: 512 sila; whiteout ~ 478 qugrautaq, qugraun
quvyugaġnaq; for there to be a wedlock: 238 katitit-
whiteout (of ~) 478 quvyuk-, Wednesday: 388 Piŋatchiġñiq; be ~ 388
quvyugaġniq-; be bad ~ 512 Piŋatchiq-, Piŋasuŋŋuq-; ~
silagiit-; be bleached by ~ 433 evening 461 Qitchiiñiq
qaqsuq-; be clear ~ 343 weed: 366 palauvaksraġiitchuaq
nipta-; be cold ~ 446 qiiyanaq-; week: 499 savaiññiġum akunniŋa; last ~
be cool ~ 335 nigliññaaġik-; be 77 aqulliġmi savaiñŋaiñŋaisa;
damp, slushy ~ 346 niviluk(-); this ~ 499 savaiñŋaiñŋaisa; next ~
be foggy ~ 556 taktuk(-); be 499 savaiñŋaiqpata
frosty ~ 375 patuŋnaq-; be weep: 470 qulvili-
good ~ 512 silagiuti-, silannaaq-; weigh: 646 uqumaisilaaq(-)
be stormy ~ 512 silaqłuk(-); weigh anchor: 265 kisaiq-
be sunny ~ 265 kirratchiaq-; weight: 645 uqumailutaq; be heavy
become clear (of ~) 343 niptaiq-, in ~ 646 uqumait-; be light
455 qiñiġnaqsi-; become good ~ in ~ 643 uqit-; find something or
512 silaŋŋuq-; be chilly ~ ~ 463 someone to be light in ~ 643
qiunŋunaq-; rainy ~ 512 uqigi-; gain ~ 513 siliksi-, 644
silaluk(-), sialuk(-); severe, cold ~ uqsrak-, 645 uqumaili-; lose ~ 643
200 irri; shelter from ~ 424 uqigli-, uqikłi-; one’s ~ 646
qamaniq, qamanaaq; stormy ~ uqumaisilaaq(-); rock ~ for tent
512 silaqłuuti-; very cold ~ 446 flap 379 piġġutaq
qiiyannaq; warm ~ 200 weir: bundles of willow for fish ~ 451
irrailaqpak (Nu); whiteout ~ qillaaqtat (Nu); fish ~ 495 saputit
478 quvyugaġnaq welcome: 361 paġlan, paġla-
weather forecaster 512 silaliqiri welcomed: feel ~ 549 tagialanait-
weave: ~ a basket 17 aguummi-; ~ a welcoming: 361 paġlarruġik-,
baleen basket 36 akuummi- (Ti); paġlalluġik- (PB)
~ a net 276 kuvri-; ~ to and fro well, based on whatever…: 47 ami,
497 saquuq- amiamikii
weaving: ~ shuttle 276 kuvriñ, well : water ~ 346 nivviaq
kuvrisaun, 357 nuvillaun, well2: become ~ 146 iluaqsi-; become ~
nuvillautik acquainted 150 ilappaguti-;
webbing: fine ~ 352 nuluq(-); caribou burns ~ 135 ikuallaaġik-; feel ~
skin thong used for ~ 352 146 iluaqammaaġik-; not feel
nuluksraq; thick ~ 417 ~ 146 iluammaġiit-; resound,
quniguq,603 tuniq (Nu); rejected reverberate ~ 167 imik-;
thick ~ 471 quniguku; tie ~ to transmit sound ~ 167 imiak-;
snowshoe frame 603 tunniq- water something ~ periodically
wed: 238 katit- 167 immiqsuqataq-; V ~ 813
wedding: have a ~ 238 katirrusiqi- -lluataq(-), -llautaq(-), 1104 -yu-,
wedge: 465 qugraq(-); drive in a ~ 465 1112 -yuq-

well-behaved: 378 piatuit- divide a ~ into shares 21 aġviuq-;
well-being: 57 anniqsuusiaq, 146 iluaġniq eat from the first ~ of a new
well-done: 652 uutqik-; cook whaling captain 21
something until it is ~ 651 aġvanġautituq-; first ~ taken by
uummaġiksaaq-, 652 uutqiksii- new whaling captain 21
well-portioned: 498 saunġik- aġvanġaun; give a piece of ~
welfare: be on ~ 287 maniññaktuq-, 311 meat and maktak to an old
nagliktuutituq-; fear for one’s ~ woman waiting along the sled
332 navianniuq-; rush to path 647 urgallit-; hunt ~s 21
someone to check on her/his ~ aġviqsiuq-; infant ~ 20 aġvaaq;
639 upaluq- kill and retrieve a ~ 20 aġvak-2,
welt: 189 ipiġaqtuġniq aġvaaq- (Ti), 21 aġvaktaġi-; knife
west: 131 ikagnaq(-), ikaŋnaq (Ti); area for butchering ~ 21 aġviuġun;
located ~ 615 ualiñaaq; be at the lance a ~ 422 qalugiaqtuq-;
~ (of sun) 615 uali-; blow from mature ~ with white section at
the ~ 616 uaŋniq, 636 uŋalaq(-); base of flukes 412 qaġlilik; oil
flow from the ~ (of ocean) from rendered ~ blubber 21
current 414 qaisaġniq-; from the aġviñġaq; receive the ~’s hind
west 616 uaŋŋamiñ; located ~ meat and maktak as a share 616
103 avva avani, 549 taavva uattak- (Ti); spot a ~ 21
taavani; located ~ (of sun) 615 aġviġunaaq-; ~ that surfaces
uali-; located down the coast to underneath ice that is jutting
the ~ 636 uŋarvani; located to the out over the water to breathe
~ 103 avva avani; ocean current 428 qaŋattaaqsiuyuit; thin ~
flowing ~ toward shore 414 “maktak” 450 qilaaq; type of ~
qaisaġnaq; to the ~ 615 uanmun; one usually caught 20
towards ~ 131 ikaŋnanmun (Ti);~ aġvaksakaaq; very large ~ 7
wall 615 ualliq; ~ wind 131 aapsavak (Ti), 63 aŋirualuk (Ti);
ikagnaq(-), ikaŋnaq, 615 very old, large male ~ 7
uaknaqpak(-) (Nu), uaknaaġruk(-) aapsavaaluk (Ti); weaned, female
(Nu), 636 uŋalaq(-), uŋalaaq ~ 20 aġvaluqtauraq (Ti)
westernmost: 615 ualliq whale flukes: divide ~ and distribure as
wet: 23 ailaq-, 166 imau-; become ~ 18 gifts during a ~ ceremony 105
aġit-, 23 ailaqi-; become ~ avarriqi-; second day of whaling
walking through wet vegetation festival when the ~ are
219 ivsuligaq-; get something ~ distributed 105 Avarriqirut (Ti);
23 ailaqi-; that which is serve food to crew and others on
dripping ~ 23 aillałak; ~ object beach after a successful ~ hunt
18 aġiññaq(-); ~ (of ground or 417 qaksruġautituq-
plants) 219 ivsulik-; ~ enough to whalebone: 538 suqqaq
stick (of snow) 347 nivviġiksi- whalers: 21 aġvaŋniat; hold a feast on
wet burp: have a ~ (of baby) 521 the beach to welcome the
sisugiak-, sisuvit- (Ti) successful ~ 72 apuġautituq-; wait
whale (see also bowhead whale, killer beside the ~’ homeward path in
whale, gray whale): boiled, fresh anticipation of receiving
maktak and meat 651 uunaalik; a piece of whale meat or

maktak (of old women) 647 front of the village 417 qaksruq-;
urgalaq- go to the ~ 629 umiaqqa-; go to
whale’s tail: base of ~ 64 aŋirruk (Ti) the ~ and help butcher the
whale’s tongue: 649 utchik; receive a whale 550 tagrua-; ~ ice ramp 48
share of ~ 407 qaannak- ammuaq, ammuq (Ti); messenger
whaling: ~ association 413 Qagmaqtuut, from a ~ to the village
637 Uŋasiksikaat, 420 qalgi(-) announcing the successful kill of
(Ti), 433 qargi; ~ be out ~ 629 a whale 75 aqpaaqtuaq; run to
umiaqtuq-; ~ bomb 410 qaaġaun; village from ~ to announce a
camp on the ice for spring~ 21 successful kill of a whale 75
aġvaŋniaq- (Ti), 90 ataaqtuq-; aqpauq-, aqpaaq-, 422 qalugialgu-
conduct fall ~ 622 ukialliksiuq-; (Ti); travel out on ice to ~ from
for ~ crew to haul the whale’s the village 91 atiq-; withdraw
hind meat and maktak ashore from a ~ because of dangerous
616 uasiqi-; gain a ~ crew ice conditions 323 naŋiaqtuu-;
member 179 iññuktaaġi-; go out young helper at ~ 269
~ 629 umiaqqa-; hold a ~ feast (of kivgaluuraq(-)
whaling captain) 21 aġviqi-; hold whaling captain: 628 umialik; ask or
a feast on the beach to welcome take from a new ~ and his wife
the successful whalers after the gifts after their first whale catch
~ season is over 72 apuġautituq-; 216 ivayaq-; fresh meat and
inflated bladder sac hung in maktak served at ~ house 66
community house and burnt in aŋunġiutaq; new ~ with first
spring before ~ 403 puuġuq (Ti); whale 21 aġvanġaq(-),
make preparations to go ~ 629 aġvanġaqtuaq (Ti); 628 umialik;
umiġġiqsaq-; prepare for ~ 173 ~’s seat at stern of umiak 77
inillallak- (Ti); put together a ~ aquppiviuraq; second share from
crew 629 umiġġiq-; ready the ~ a harvested whale’s ventral
equipment 500 savaqi-; ~ flanks given to a new ~ 297
shoulder gun 21 aġviliqun; sing a mikigagraq (Ti); soot mixture
~ charm song while waiting for used for the facial markings of
a whale to surface 106 ~, harpooner, and wife of the ~
avataqsiaq- (Ti); strike with a ~ 607 tuqurmiutaq; ~’s wife’s “little
bomb 536 supputit- wooden pot” from which she
whaling boat: boat 629 umiapiaq; for a gave dead whales a drink 169
whale to surface ahead and to immiun, imiun (Ti); ~ with less
the right of a ~ 139 ikpiq-; have than five whales to his credit
~ boat and harpoon ready for ~ 308 naatchiŋaitchuaq; ~ with five
8 aaqtit-; launch site for ~ boat or more whales to his credit 308
479 saavviaq; wooden ~ 630 naatchiŋaruaq
umiuraq whaling festival: 320 Nalukataq(-);
whaling camp: ~ at edge of shorefast ice attend ~ 321 nalukatchiaq-; ~
90 ataaqtuġvik; be out at ~ or in attendees 321 nalukattat;
a whaling boat 628 umiaq(-); bearded seal skins sewn
bring boat from ~ toward the together and used for blanket
village parking it on the ice in toss at ~ 289 mapkuq; bring a

boat up to where the ~ will take what a bad smell: 8 aaqqaa
place 660 uyaut- (Ti); first day what a lot: 31 akkakaa
of ~ 416 Qagruq(-) (Ti), 416 what a narrow escape: 11 aatchikaaŋ
qagruġvik (Ti), Qakirut; what did you say: 478 saa
participate in tossing someone what difference does it make to you: 9
on a blanket-toss skin during ~ aasii suruq, aasii suva
320 nalluaq-; place where what good is it: 532 suksraq
whaling boats are beached, what kind: 428 qanusiq
signaling the ~ will begin the what part of a whole: 533 sulliñiq
next day 660 uyaulvik (Ti); place whatever: do ~ plus Conditional or
where ~ is held 416 qagruġvik Consequential endings 532
(Ti); second day of ~ 105 sukuluk(-)
Avarriqirut (Ti); ~ song 320 what’s it to you: 9 aasii suruq, aasii suva
nalukataun; third and last day of what’s that: 528 suahii, suaqhii (Nu)
~ 116 Igauqtut(-), ¤Igautaġvik what to do: not know ~ 530
(Ti); tossed up and down on a suġutiksrait-, 538 susausiit-
blanket-toss during the ~ 320 wheat: 366 palauvaksrat
nalukataq-; toss gifts to the Wheatear: 594 tiŋmiaqpauraq
crowd at the ~ while being wheel: 33 aksraligaq, aksraligaun
tossed in the blanket toss 118 whelp: 216 ivaaq; 215 iva-
iksi-1 (Ti), 359 paatchui-; toss when: ~ in past 428 qaŋa; ~ in future
treats over from behind the 419 qakugu
wind shelters during the ~ 320 when (habitual or past): ~ one V-s
nalluġruq- (Ti), nallui-; 1129, 1135 +k/ga- or +mma-
undertake or sponsor the ~ 320 plus Consequential and
nalukataqtitchi- Conditional Mood endings
whaling harpoon: 331 nauligaq(-); large whence: 306 nakiñ, 534 sumiñ
~ 234 kapusiun, 331 nauligaun whenever: 419 qakugupayaaq; ~ one V-s
(Ti); small float for use with a ~ 1130, 1135 -tuaq- plus
229 kanasiġaq, kayasiġaq (Ti); Consequential and Conditional
three-quarter inch manila rope Mood endings
used with ~ 260 kiŋu(-) (Ti); wait where: 306 nani (Nu), nauŋ, 308 naami
for a bowhead whale to surface (Ti, Nu), 534 sumi; go ~ 534
after striking with a ~ harpoon sumuk-
and attaching a float to it 105 whereabouts: from ~ 537 suqpaniñ;
avataŋa-; ~ with flint or iron located ~ 537 suqpani; to ~ 537
spearhead in foreshaft 422 suqpanun
qalugiaq(-), qalugiaqtuun whereas: 210 innainniġman,
whaling harpooner: 331 nauligaqti; ~ ’s iminnainniġman
song meant to hold the harpoon where is it then: 306 nauŋmi
fast in the whale 106 avataqsiun where to: 306 namun, napmun (Nu), 534
(Ti) sumun
what (singular): 528 su(-), 534 sum, which one: 243 kisu, 317 nalliq, 539
suna; be a ~ to another 529 sugi-; sutchiq; ~ of these two 317
~ item 534 sumik nalliak, ~ of these 317 nalliat
what a big: ~ N 896 -paluk(-)1 which way: 532 sukun;

which direction: 529 sugnamun white whale: 521 sisuaq
while: a ~ 34 akuni; a long ~ ago 31 whitecaps: have ~ on ocean 436
akkusaaq, akkusaaġruk; a short ~ qatiqtitaq-
ago 6 aatnami (Nu), 31 White-crowned Sparrow: 354
akkuqisuuraq; a ~ ago 31 akku; in nuŋŋaqtuaġruk
a long ~ 8 aaqagusaaq, White-fronted Goose: 337 niġlivik
aaqagusaaġrugu; in a short ~ White-winged Scoter: 253 killalik, 612
aaqaguqisuuraġu; in a ~ 8 aaqagu tuunġaaġruk
while: ~ V-ing 1130, 1132 +pkaqtillu- or whitefish: 5 aanaakłiiŋiq (Nu), 596 tipuk;
+tiłłu- plus Contemporative broad ~ 5 aanaakłiq; small, dark
Mood I endings; ~ V-ing 1130, ~ 192 iqalusaaq(-); small, dried ~
1131 -ŋŋaq- plus Contemporative 397 pivsiraq; tough ~ 407
Mood III endings qaaliġiq (Ti)
while intermittently: ~ V-ing 1129, 1133 White Person: 319 Naluaġmiu, 441
-mmaq- plus Contemporative Qavlunaaq2, 562 Tanik; juvenile
Mood IV endings ~ 562 Taniayaaq
while simultaneously: ~ V-ing 1129, White People: overly friendly to ~ 562
1133 -llaq- plus Contemporative Tanniqi-
Mood II endings white wolf: 45 amaġupiaq
Whimbrel: 509 siituvak who: ~ (singular) 243 kia, kina; ~ (dual)
whip: 289 mapkuqtaun; crack a ~ 243 kitkuk; ~ (plural) 243 kitkut;
repeatedly 289 mapkuqtitaq-; ~ to ~ 243 kimun
once 189 ipiġaq-1 whoever: 243 kialiqaa, kiñapayaaq,
whirlpool: 246 kiavraaq(-) 650 kisulimaaq
utkusigauraq1 (Ti) whole: 101 aulait-, 530 suġait-;
whirlwind: 612 tuunġauraqsaaġaq(-), 616 something ~ 101 aulailaq, 530
ugayulaq (Nu), 659 uyalunaq(-), suġailaq; two parts forming a ~
uyalulaq(-)(Ti), 661 ¤yugayulaq 563 tapiġiik
whirring sound: make ~ 593 timmaala- whomever: to ~ 243 kimulliqaa
whiskers: 630 umik2 whose (singular): 243 kia
whistle: 658 uviñŋiuqsraun; 658 whose (dual): 243 kitkuk
uviñŋiaq-, uviñŋiuq-, whose (plural): 243 kitkut
uviñŋiuqsraq-; ~ at someone 107 why: 534 summan, 540 suva, suvaata
aviuliq-; 658 uviñŋiaqtuq-, why are you here: 541 suviñ
uviñŋiuġaq-, uviñŋiaġruk- (Ti); ~, wick: 189 ipiġaq4; put ~ in 189 ipiqqiq-
of bird 401 pupipsuk-, 405 wick adjuster: 583 tatqigun, 584 tatqiun
puvipsuk- wide: 131 ikarraqtu-, 137 ikiqtu-, 197
whistling: make ~ noise 523 siuq-, 523 iraqtu-, 513 silik-, 551 taġutu-;
siuġruk(-), 597 tiriqsruq- become 197 iraqtuq- (Ti); ~,
whisper: 207 isivruk-, isivruuraq-, 524 of feet 408 qaatitu-; ~ one 513
sivruuraq- (Nu) sillaq; ~ part of something 513
white: 436 qatiq-; be very ~ 436 siliŋniq; ~ (of boot) 91 atitu-
qattiġik; ~ hunting parka cover wide-eyed: 241 kavlaq-, kavlatit-
436 qatiġnisi; something widen: 198 iraqtusi-, 563 tapiq(-)
strikingly ~ 436 qatiqhak; wider: become ~ and more spacious
something ~ 436 qatiqtaaq 338 niġuttuq-

widest breadth: 338 niġutuniq wilt: ~ 607 tuquliŋa-
widespread: 659 uvsiit- win: 28 akima-, 416 qaki-, 556 taksi-1
widow: 618 uilgaġniq, uilgaġniq (Ti); (Nu); ~ the first and second
become a ~ 618 uilgaq- games in a contest 49 anaqhiuq-
widowed: 352 nuliiq- wince: 465 qugluk-, 628 uluġiapak-
widower: 351 nuliiġñiq, nuliilgaġniq wind1: 59 anuġi; be still (of ~) 59
(Ti) anuġait-; become calm (of ~) 435
wife: 351 nuliaq(-), 19 aġnauniq, 18 qasuaq-; east ~ 334 nigiq, 334
aġnaat; co-wife 23 aippaq; former nigiqpaq(-), 368 pamagnaq or
~ 351 nuliakkaluaq; head ~ pamagnaaq (Ti); into the ~ 81
351 nuliaqpak; his own ~ 19 argunmun; immediate area in
aġnaqtiŋ; second ~ 351 front of prevailing ~ 81
nuliatqiun; second ~, arguuraq; north ~ 229 kanagnaq,
concurrent with first wife 349 kanaŋnaq, 334 nigiq (Ti), nigiqpaq
nukaġaq (Nu), 350 nukarak; ~ of (Ti, Nu); northeast ~ 131
grandchild 624 ukuaq ikagnaq(-), ikaŋnaq, 334 nigiq
wiggle: 372 papiqqila-, 157 iliqsraq-, (Nu); northeasterly ~ 94
iliġraq- (Ti), 193 iqhiiluktaq-, atuagnaq; northwest ~ 334
iġiiluk- (Nu); for a fish to ~ its nigiqpapiaq (Ti); south ~ 254
tail 372 papiġuqsimaaq- (Nu); ~ kiluagnaq, 636 uŋalaq(-) or
one’s buttocks 196 iqquktaq-, uŋalaaq (Nu, Ti); southeast ~ 95
iqqumiktaq- (Ti) atuagniq, 334 nigiq qatchiksuq
wild rhubarb: 472 quŋulliq 615 uaŋnaq (Ti); southwest ~ 636
wild spinach: 464 quaġaq uŋalaq(-), 636 (Ti); southwesterly
wile: 394 pisuqsaaġun ~ 254 kiluagnayaaq; strong
will (future): ~ V 863 +niaq-; ~ have the northeast ~ 268 kivaŋnaq(-) (Ti);
opportunity to V 756 +k/gisi-; ~ strong northwesterly ~ 615
probably V 863 +niaqpallIq-, 860 uaŋnaaġruk(-), uagnaaġruk,
+niaġugnaq-; probably ~ not V uaknaaġruk(-) (Nu); strong ~ 59
862 +niaŋitpallIq- anuġiqłuk; strong south ~ 636
will: ~ 394 pisuun uŋalaġluk(-) (Ti); shelter from
willful: 85 atanġusuk- the ~ 81 arguilisaq; cease (of ~)
willing: 398 piyuma- 59 anuġaiq-; travel against the ~
willingness: ~ to do a task 398 81 arguq(-); travel with the ~ 646
piyumman; ~ to V 1111 uqqunmugaaq-, uqumigaaq- (Nu),
+yumman uqqunmuuq-; west ~ 131 ikaŋnaq
willow: 231 kanuŋŋiq; clump of ~s (Ti), 615 uagnaq, uaknaq(-) or
sharing one trunk 451 uaknaqpak(-)(Nu), 636 uŋalaq(-),
qiliqsrauttat (Nu); medium-sized uŋalaaq; ~ blowing downstream
~ 644 uqpigauraq; short, reddish 53 anisaġniq; ~ gauge 366 palatuq
~ 36 akutuak (Nu); ~ stumps 251 (Ti); ~ storm 59 anuqłiqłuk
kikarat; travel through a thicket wind : 457 qipi-, qipit-; ~ something
of ~ 644 uqpiksiuq- tightly around something else
willow bush: 643 uqpik 457 qipiqsruq-
willow leaves: 300 miñu wind gauge: 366 palatuq (Ti)
Willow Ptarmigan: 73 aqargiq windbreak: 559 taluqutaq, 478

saaġuaq(-) (Nu), 646 uquuttaq; withdraw: 48 amu-
erect a ~ in front of entry 359 within range to be shot: 393 pisignaq-
paaġutchiq-, 559 taluqutchiq-; withered: 435 qasuŋa-; extremely large
erect a ~ to direct flow of air 361 whale with nostrils ~ from old
paġġutchiq-; provide a ~ 646 age 596 tiptuyaaluk; have a ~
uquutchiq-; use as a ~ 646 hand 79 argakit-
uquuttaġi-; ~ used to guide wind without: ~ V-ing 747 +k/galuaq-
into house for ventilation 361 plus Negative Subordinative
paġġutaq, paġġutauraq, 380 piiqsi; Mood Endings; one ~ a N 730
~ where boat frames were made :ilaq(-)
630 umiivik without any doubt: 323 nanmiñiq
window: glass ~ 117 igalauraq; ~ without any exception: 540 suuramik
shutter 194 iqiruġaq unnii
windpipe: 606 tuqłuk without delay: 448 qilamiqsruatchiaq-
windproof: 646 uqquuk- witness: 154 ilisimari; ~ an incident 557
wind vane: 59 anuġisiun takkuqsraaq-
windward: ~ direction 81 arguġnaq; on wolf: 45 amaġuq; black ~ 288
the ~ side 81 arguani maŋaqhaaluk; white ~ 45
windy: 59 anuqłiq-; become ~ 59 amaġupiaq; young, black ~ 288
anuqqak-; become ~ and wet 391 maŋaqhauraq
piqsiġuq- wolf net: 403 puuġu (Nu)
wing: 201 isaġuq; develop ~ s 202 “wolf scarer”: 167 imigluktaun, 662
isaqqi-; flap ~s taking off from yuqłuktaq; use a ~ 661
water 376 pauq- yuguyuaġaq- (Nu)
wink: 199 iriŋmigaq- wolverine: 443 qavvik; have more than
winter: 622 ukiuq(-); during this ~ 622 two white bands along back (of
ukiuġniñ, ukiupak; spend the ~ ~) 419 qaksrutrak- (Nu); strip of
622 ukii-; this coming ~ 622 fur next to ~’s tail 369
ukiuġu pamiiġvik; two white bands
winter clothing: 622 ukiuqsiutit along back of ~ 419 qaksrutik
wipe: ~ clean or dry 41 allaqtiq-, 487 (Nu); ~ with white patches of
saluaq-; ~ after defecating 197 white fur on sides 412
iquq(-); ~ dry 592 tilaktuq-; ~ qagrurauraaqtuq
one’s mouth 598 tivliiyaq-; ~ woman: 18 aġnaq; beautiful ~ 19
one’s hands and mouth 217 aġnalaniaq (Ti); act like a ~ (of a
ivik-; ~ one’s nose 224 kakkik(-) man) 19 aġnaġri-; commit
wire: metal ~ 40 alġuraq; heated ~ used adultery with a ~ 19 aġnatuq-;
to bore wooden 433 qaqqun dance like a ~ (of a man) 19
wisdom: words of ~ received verbally aġnau- (Nu); elderly ~ 9
208 isumattun, 642 uqausiaq, aaquaksralaaq; flirt (of a ~) 19
uqausiusiaq aġnavvi-; grow old (of ~) 9
wise: 208 isumatu-, 513 silġatu- aaquaq-, 19 aġnaġuaq- (Ti); little,
wish: ~ 394 pisuun; ~ for fresh meat 177 old ~ 9 aaquaksraatchiaq,
iñuġru- aquluatchiaq; man who acts the
with: be ~ 210 itqatigi-; V ~ someone part of a ~ 19 aġnaksraq; old ~ 4
920 ±qasIq- aanaluk, aanaluuraq, 9 aaquk,

aaquluk, aaquaksraq; young ~ of alluiyaq; ~ snow goggles 198
marriageable age 333 niaqsiaq irgaak, 660 uyukłuuk, 661
(Ti), niviaqsiaq, ~ 347 yugluktaak, yuġluktaak
niviaqsiġaq; white ~ 19 aġnauraq wool: ~ of musk ox 463 qiviu
(Ti); ~ who refuses to take a Woolly Lousewort: 215 itqiļiaġruk,
husband 618 uiluaqtaq, uilgasuk itqiļiġruaq ¤(Nu), 476 qutliiraq
womanize: 19 aġniqi-, aġniqiuraq- word: 641 uqaluk; ~ stem 289 maŋŋuq
wonder: 40 aliuq-; ~ how to work: 499 savak-, savaaq; go ~ 499
accomplish something 428 savagiaq-; ~ on dayshift 656
qanuqtuq; I ~ how 427 qanukkiaq uvlumiiq-; ~ on a N 801 -liuq-
wood: 460 qiruk, 367 palliq (Nu); block worker: 500 savakti
of ~ 136 ¤ikIk1; charred ~ 101 workplace 499 savagvik
aumaliq (Ti), aumaraq1; chopped worm: 4 aalumiu, aalumiaq, 474
~ 460 qirriat; collect ~ 460 qirri-2; qupilġuq(-) ; sea ~ 474
chopping block for ~ 460 qupilġuġruaq; water~ 465
qirriuġvik; core of ~ 127 iġñaaq; quglugiaq (Nu), 272 kumaġuq
curved ~ chips 484 worn out: 354 nuŋuqsruq-
sakiġmiat; fetch ~ 460 qiruktaq-; worry: 472 quŋuġraq- (Ti), quŋurraq-
fine ~ 460 qirugiksuaq; grain in (Ti), 638 uŋiari-; ~ a lot 638
~ 187 ipak; green ~ 654 uŋiarriqsu-; ~ about 208
uummaq; groove in ~ 430 isumaalugi-, 235 kappiagi-, 388
qappaq, 597 titiqtuġniq; hard ~ piŋigi-, piŋiksraq-, 638
137 ikkiq, 519 siqquqtaq; hard, uŋiarrisaġi-; cease to ~ 638
flexible ~ 633 unaqsiq (Ti); have uŋiariŋaiq-; object of one’s ~ 638
broken sections and notches (of uŋiarrisaq; source of ~ 208
~) 252 ikiłuq-; knot in ~ 29 isumaaluun, isumaaluutaq
akiġuq, 635 unŋuq; piece of ~ worried: become ~ 208 isumaaliq-
used to pull fishing line up 111 worse: make a condition ~ 151 illarruq-
ayagaun; purchase ~ 460 worthless: 83 asiu-, 57 anniqsuutauŋit-,
qiruksi-; ~ shaving 484 539 suuyumiñait-, 540 suuŋilaq;
sakikkaq, sakimak; straighten ~ become ~ 396 piunġiq-
655 uusuk- (Nu); two small would: ~ V or be V 754 +k/gayaq-; ~
pieces of ~ on bow to hold probably V 857 +nayaq-
bowstring in place 19 wound: an open ~ 135 iki; 135 ikillii-
aġnauraak; whittle ~ 484 wounded:135 ikillau-; catch a ~
sakiġmik- animal 135 ikillak-; ~ animal 135
wooden: ~ barrel 168 imġusiaġruk; ~ ikilik(-); find a ~ animal 135
bowl 161 iluligauraq; crosswise ikillaktaġi-; make sure a ~
~ slat in umiak 323 nanmik; ~ animal is killed 607 tuqusaq-;
drinking cup 168 imġusiq, mortally ~ 330 naulguti-
imġusiuraq, imiun; ~ floor woven: finely ~ 640 upsitqik-; loosely ~
planks 329 natchisit, natqit; 560 tamala-
large, ~ bucket 390 piqtalik; wow: 40 aliuġnaġaa, 73 aqh, 79 araq,
large, ~ spoon 444 qayuuttaq; ~ araqhaa, 81 arraa, 660 yai1, yaiy,
mold for making masks 250 yach
kiiñaqqivik; oblong ~ plate 42 wrap: 403 puuq(-); ~ completely 341

nimaaq-, nimmaaq-, nimmaqi-; ~ wrongdoer: 386 piluusiqiri
in layers 404 puuqtuq-; ~ wrongdoing: 386 pimaqłuun; confess
something around 172 one’s ~ 469 quliaq-
immurraaq-, immuqurraaq-, wronged: cause to be ~ 254
340 nimiq-, nimiqsruq- killukuaġutipkaq-
wreck: ~ a boat 630 umiiyaq- wrung: duck with ~ neck 457
wrench: 64 aŋivraun qipititchiraq (Nu)
wrestle: 530 suġuk-; go ~ 530 suġġiaq-;
~ playfully 530 suġuuraaq-
wriggling en masse: 502 sayuaġruaqtun X
wring: 528 sivvuq-; ~ its neck 451 xiphisternum: 444 qayuuttauraq
qiliptaq(-), 457 qipititchi- (Nu) x-ray: 455 qiñiġaq-
(Ti); twist and ~ excess moisture
out 519 siqqiiq- Y
wrinkle: 617 uglikłuk-; ~ from heat 450 yard: 201 isagniġum avvaŋa
qiluk-; ~ one’s nose 195 iqłak-2, yarn: 451 qilaaksraq
197 iqsuk-, iqsuktaq-, iqsuŋa-, yawn: 10 aatchauq-
326 naqsik(-); ~ one’s nose to year: 622 ukiuq(-);~ after next 24
show displeasure 457 qiŋałłuak-; aippaġu, 623 ukiutqigu; ~ before
one who ~s nose frequently 197 last 623 ukiutqik; during next ~
iqsuktayuk(-) 23 aippaaġu-; last ~ 622
wrinkled: become ~ 627 ulluk-, ulluuq-; ukiuq(-); next ~ 622 ukiuġu; this
get ~ skin from soaking in ~ 622 ukiupak; spend the ~ 622
water 18 aġivri-, 126 iġivit-; ukii-; throughout the ~ 622
wrist: 589 tayaq, tayaġun, tayaġniq ukiupaiqługu
wrist guard worn by archer: 287 years: in the ~ 622 ukiuni
manŋiaq, matŋiaq (Nu) yearn: ~ for 175 inuġiliq-; ~ to see a
wristlet: 80 argautailisaq; fur ~s 589 dear relative or friend 156
tayaġniġutik iliaġrunŋu-, 175 inuġru-
wristwatch: 589 tayaġmiutaq (Nu) yeast: 136 ikigrauraq (Ti), 165
write: 14 aglak(-); ~ a letter 615 tuyuq- imaksraq; square cube of ~
writhe: 457 qipi-, 157 iliqsraq-, 65 aŋniksrauraq
iliġraq- (Ti) yell: 106 avaallaqłuk-, 126 iġiala-, 496
wrong: 254 killukuaŋa-, killukuaq-; ~ saqłak-, saqmak- (Nu); ~ out,
direction 254 killunmun; do repeatedly 106 avaallaqłuktaq-
something ~ in spite to efforts to yellow: 466 quqsuq-, quqsuqtaaq
the contrary 392 pirraġluk-; go yellowish: 466 ¤quqsruaq- (Nu)
the ~ way 624 ulapniq- (Nu), Yellow-Billed Loon: 611 tuullik, tuutlik
ulamniq-; grow ~ (of root of (Nu)
tooth) 344 niululi-; knows right yellow jacket: 612 tuggayuk
from ~ 204 isilġiq-; looks ~ 147 Yellow-Rumped Warbler: 535
iluit-, iłuit-; ~ one 253 killuq; suŋaqpaluktuŋiq
something is ~ 79 ara; teach Yellow Wagtail: 302 misiqqaaqauraq,
right from ~ 38 alġaqsruq-; 396 piuġaq (Nu)
think something is ~ 283 Yellow Warbler: 535 suŋaqpaluktuŋiq
maluŋnaġi-; ~ way 254 killukun yes: 6 aaŋ, 127 ii1

yes, I guess so: 127 iivaluk zenith: be at the ~ of the dark period
yes, I know: 1 aa1; 565 tarva, tavra of the year 547 taaqsisuqsi-
yes, I think so: 127 iikiaq zero: 266 kisitchisaġvik, 530 suitchuq,
yes, that is right: 6 aaglukiaq, 23 540 suuŋilaq
aillukiaq zigzag: 497 saquuġaq-; a series of ~ s
yesterday: 138 ikpaksraq, 635 497 saquupiluktat
unnugman; day before ~ 138 zipper: 517 sipaq
ikpaksratqik, 635 unnugmatqik zygomatic bone: 454 qinŋuq
yoke: 26 akigaun
you, singular: 145 ilviñ, ilvit, ilvich;
from ~ 144 iligniñ; like ~ 144
iliktun; located with ~ 143 iligni;
to ~ 144 ilignun; with ~ 144
you, dual: ~ 145 ilivsik, iliptik; from ~
144 ilivsigniñ, iliptigniñ; like ~
144 ilivsiksun, iliptiktun; located
with ~ 143 ilivsigñi, iliptigni; to
~ 144 ilivsigñun, iliptignun; with
~ 144 ilivsikkun, iliptikkun
you, plural: 145 ~ ilivsi; from ~ 144
ilivsiññiñ; like ~ 144 ilivsisun;
located with ~ 143 ilivsiññi; to ~
144 ilivsiññun; with ~ 144
young: ~ person 356 nutaġaq,
nutaġaaluk, nutaaġuraq (Nu),
younger: ~ version of N 669 -aġruk,
your, singular: 145 ilviñ, ilvit, ilvich;
according to ~ opinion 143
iligni; from ~ 144 iligniñ; in ~
own way 144 iliktun
your, dual: 145 ilivsik, iliptik;
according to ~ opinion 143
ilivsigñi, iliptigni; from ~ 144
ilivsigniñ; in ~ own way 144
ilivsiksun, iliptiktun
your, plural: 145 ilivsisun; according
to ~ opinion 143 ilivsiññi; from
~ 144 ilivsiññiñ; 144 in ~ own
way ilivsisun
yuck: 44 allai


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