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Activitat 1:

Cerca a Internet la informació sobre la balança de compte corrent d'Espanya

de l'any publicat (generalment cada any es publica al mes de juny de l'any
següent), i fes una anàlisi de les diferents partides que la componen. (nota:
una bona forma d'analitzar-és realitzant una explicació de les partides amb
dades i gràfics, també hauràs d'incloure l'evolució en els darrers anys de les
magnituds analitzades, amb un comentari crític sobre aquests aspectes).
• Aquesta es la pagina on he trobat la informació.
• En 2021 Espanya registra un dèficit en la Balança comercial de 30.955,5
millons de euros, un 2,57% de su PIB, superior al registrat en 2020, que va
ser de 15.694,4 millons de euros, el 1,4% del PIB.
• La variació de la Balança comercial se ha debut a un incremento de las
importació superior al de las exportacions de Espanya
• Si miram la evolució del saldo de la balança comercial en Espanya en els
últims anys, el dèficit se ha incrementada respecto a 2020.

DATA Balança comercial Tassa de cobertura Balança comercial % PIB

2021 -30.955,5M€ 91,93% -2,57%

2020 -15.694,4M€ 94,52% -1,40%
2019 -34.621,6M€ 89,61% -2,78%
2018 -37.177,1M€ 88,78% -3,09%
2017 -28.556,6M€ 90,78% -2,46%
2016 -19.015,5M€ 93,27% -1,71%

Activity 2:
You already know that there are many international organizations related to
trade, now it would be interesting for you to make a survey about: which ones
does Spain belong to, since when, if it has held any managerial position, etc.
You also need to compare the functions of some organisms with respect to
others. There is no maximum number of agencies to include, but at at least
you must include these four agencies: IMF, WTO, WBG and EU.
• (OMC) WTO: It is the only international organization that deals with the rules
governing trade between countries. They are agreements that have been
negotiated and signed by the vast majority of countries in world trade and
ratified by their parliaments. The objective is to help the products of goods
and services, exporters and importers, carry on. It can be seen as an
organization for opening trade, a forum for governments to negotiate trade
agreements, and a place where countries can settle their trade differences.
◦ Who regulates the WTO?
▪ The WTO belongs to its Members. Countries make their decisions
through various councils and committees made up of all WTO
Members. The most important body is the Ministerial Conference,
which must meet at least once every two years.
◦ Why was the WTO created?
▪ The WTO was born as a result of five decades of negotiations aimed at
progressively reducing barriers to trade. When countries have faced
barriers to trade and have wanted them lowered, negotiations have
helped open markets for trade.

• FMI: It is an organization made up of 184 countries.Promote international

monetary cooperation, encourage the expansion of international trade and
economic growth, and discourage policies that are detrimental to prosperity.
▪ The IMF offers capacity building, which consists of technical assistance
and training of public officials to help member countries strengthen
statistics and economic institutions, as well as capacities in areas such
as taxation and administration, expenditure management, monetary
policy and exchange, supervision and regulation of the financial
system, and legislative frameworks.

• GBM: World Bank Group

◦ What role does Spain play in the World Bank?
▪ Depending on the organization within the World Bank group, Spain has
between 0.91% of the shares up to 1.7%. As is obvious, Spain should
have a much higher participation but it is something that it will hardly

• UE: Is an international integration organization, which differs from the classic

international organizations of interstate cooperation mainly in the transfer of
powers by the Member States
◦ How many agencies does the EU have?
▪ Image result of international organizations of the eu
▪ Its financing comes from the EU budget and there are a total of 23
agencies distributed in 16 of the countries that make up the Union.
◦ What are the 9 international organizations?
▪ UN and international institutions
▪ International Organization for Migrations. …
▪ Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS. …
▪ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. …
▪ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. …
▪ United Nations Development Program.

• OMA(WCO): It represents the customs community around the world, today it

has 177 member countries, responsible for more than 98 percent of world
trade. It is the development of global standards and the harmonized system,
the homogenization of customs procedures, collaboration to facilitate
international trade and the implementation of agreements on rules of origin.

• UNCTAD: It is currently composed of 195 members. It helps developing

countries to take advantage of international trade, investment, financial
resources and technology to achieve sustainable and inclusive development.
◦ Who chairs UNCTAD?
▪ Mukhisa Kituy

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