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NitM Cata officer applications:

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability, save the document as
[your_name]_application.docx, and message it to both myself and Warm Anus on discord.

1. How many healers do you need to down Marrowgar 25hc?

2. Should players be allowed to talk during loot rolls?
Absolutely not, there are people who cannot concentrate, that’s why we have the 40 second loot roll
timer too.

3. Describe what “acting like an officer” means to you.

Constantly reminding players in and outside our guild that BiS is absolute nonsense, the server is held
together with duct tape and most important: kill all the fun possible.
Also you need to say “clear comms” every 420 seconds.
4. What makes you think I can trust you with officer powers?
I don’t know but maybe this can help

Want to see more of that? ;)

5. Someone dies in a raid due to a stupid mistake. It’s their first time dying to this mistake. How should
the leadership of the guild respond?
Tell them Focus up and to fuck off, and make fun of that mistake.(Teabagging during the fight or
cannibalize for extra points).
Or maybe just tell them they have a warm anus and kick them from the raid.
6. What’s more important: getting loot rolls done in a quick and efficient manner, or making sure that
we are consistent?
Since it will be probably most of the bois we will be consistent anyways.

7. What should be the consequences for openly discussing the BiS meta?
A warning, after 3 warnings you will get a Red mark. Red marks will prevent you from seeing our
guildchat from the discord and you have limited allowance on loot rolls.

8. How many pedos should we allow in the guild?

None, we are not Chosen Few.

9. NitM Wrath has a policy of absolute silence during raids. Is there anyone who should be allowed to
speak during NitM Cata raids?
Nobody. We are communicating through telepathy and sign language. Discord is still a raid req.

10. Describe Thetankkk in one word.

Racist. If I could use more words it would be extremely racist, be careful.

11. Who should be the queen of NitM Cata?

Alleya of course, God, she’s so beautiful.

12. Who has the warmest anus?

The Lord of the warm, yet silent winds. His defecacy of Warmanus.
13. When forming a raid group, what standards should be used to decide whether or not to bring
1st, do they have any words like “good” or “best” in name.
2nd, do they have the tendency to constantly talk about absolute nonsense in Raids.
3rd, is their iq double or even single digit?

14. If a player consistently shows an unwillingness/inability to improve during raids, most of us agree
they should not be invited back. How would the leadership of the guild develop a reasonable, consistent
method to decide who is not good enough?

What are you talking about those players just need practice, I am sure they will do well once they have
the gear.

15. If you had to let a player know they couldn’t be in our raids anymore because they’re not good
enough, how would you do it?
“I’m sorry but before taking you I’d rather uninstall wow.”


*linghoulini rolled a 5*

17. How often should we practice Sindra tomb positioning, and how long? Should we do it for a set
amount of time, a set number of reps, or some other metric?
Atleast 3. Or refer to the great drawings of simpmelycuck

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