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© Kamla-Raj 2014 J Hum Ecol, 46(3) 309-318 (2014)

Environment Perceptions and Conservation Preferences along

the Coatepec-La Antigua Watershed, México
A.L. Del Angel-Perez1 and J.A. Villagomez-Cortes2
Cotaxtla Research Station, National Institute for Research on Forestry, Agriculture and
Livestock, (INIFAP), Km 34.5 Federal Highway Veracruz to Córdoba, Veracruz, México
School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Veracruz, Circunvalación y
Yañez, 91710. Veracruz, México
E-mail: 1<>, 2<>
KEYWORDS Ecosystem Management. Public Policy. Ecosystem Services. Environmental Psychology

ABSTRACT In order to obtain and compare social perceptions on natural resources in the watershed area of
Coatepec - La Antigua, in central Veracruz, Mexico and to determine the significance that each landscape has for
people, a method based on a picture enquiry was used to measure landscape perception. Additional questions
assessed the importance of landscape meaning and functions and revealed differences in perception among 370
respondents. The results afford important insights into public perception. Coffee plantations, urban setting, farm
and river landscapes were preferred over grasslands, corn plantation, forest and town landscapes. Respondents
showed a predilection for managed or cultivated environments and urban settings over other natural landscapes. It
is concluded that a differentiation in views of nature and landscape can be identified in the different groups of social
actors regarding landscape.

INTRODUCTION functions (ought to) satisfy needs and prefer-

ences (the “ecological” perspective) of the fu-
Increasing awareness and recognition of the ture. In turn, Moos (1985) describes several phys-
relationship between human being and its envi- ical factors of human behavior that fall into the
ronment contributed to the emergence of Envi- categories: weather, architecture, population
ronmental Psychology as an independent field density and pollution. “Nature” is named as a
of research (Proshansky et al. 1976; Bruce et al. physical factor but its manifestation is not fur-
2003; Nagar 2006). Merleau-Ponty, a pioneer in ther defined or addressed. However, landscapes,
this field, stresses the capacity of the human either natural or manipulated through human
body to express meanings and attempts to re- design and use, are not mentioned. Ittelson
place a spectatorial conception of vision with (1978) pointed to two fundamental questions:
an embodied ontology that accords transcen- “What is the nature of environmental percep-
dence to the depth of the visual world (Merleau- tion?” and “What is the relationship between
Ponty 1962). perceived environmental change and environ-
Itelson et al. (1974) sums up the relationship mental action?” These questions are approached
between people and landscape as an external- by analyzing the dimensions of environmental
ization of culture (the “symbolic” perspective). experience into four major categories: the envi-
People and landscape function together, but ronment as external object, as representation of
function is divided into two categories. Some self, as embodiment of value, and as arena for
functions satisfy present needs and preferenc- action.
es (the “instrumental” perspective), while other According to Aoki (1999), early research on
personal evaluation of landscapes and predic-
Address for correspondence: tions of response to landscape parameters were
Dr. José Alfredo Villagómez-Cortés. based on relatively simple features. Subsequent
Professor model development has emphasized greater com-
School of Veterinary Medicine and plexity with regard to photographic detail and/
Animal Science, University of
Veracruz, Circunvalación y Yañez, or the physical features of sites, such as vegeta-
91710. Veracruz, Mexico. tion. Also, researchers interested in the effects
Telephone: +52.229.9342075, of cultural background on landscape evaluation
Fax: +52.229.9344053 have examined the effects of subjects’ personal-
E-mail: ity, ethnicity and living environment, and have

considered the influence of human ontogeny of sustainable ecosystem and forest manage-
and phytogeny on landscape evaluation. ment. The need for public participation also
Farinaa et al. (2005) approached the defini- means that landscape perception, in a broad
tion of landscapes using cognitive paradigms sense, has become very important (Bell 2001).
and in order to explore the cognitive mechanisms For landscape planning and management prac-
defined neutral-based landscape (NbL), individ- tice it is impossible to neglect the social percep-
ual-based landscape (IbL) and observed-based tion of landscape, that is, the ways people think
landscape (ObL). According to them, the per- about nature and landscape (Buijs et al. 2006).
ceived landscape (PL) is a scale-dependent phe- Lothian (1999) proposes that landscape qual-
nomenon composed by the sum of these three ity assessment may be approached on the basis
approaches of landscape perception. Nohl (2001) of two contrasting paradigms, one which regards
also considers human aesthetic perception as a quality as inherent in the physical landscape
basic cognition process, differentiating between (objectivist paradigm), and the other which re-
four major levels of knowledge or of sense (per- gards quality as a product of the mind – eye of
ception, expression, symptomatic information, the beholder (subjectivist paradigm). From a lit-
and symbolic meaning). erature review, Zube et al. (1982) identified four
For Wylie (2006), landscape is not a way of paradigms that have been followed in assessing
seeing the world. Nor is it ‘something seen’, an perceived landscape values (expert, psycho-
external, inert surface. Rather, the term ‘land- physical, cognitive and experiential) but also
scape’ names the materialities and sensibilities noted the absence of an explicit theoretical foun-
with which are seen. However, Johnston (1998) dation.
considers that the relationship between percep- Daniel (2001) states that the history of land-
tion and landscape is twofold. The explicit ap- scape quality assessment has featured a con-
proach isolates perception within the landscape test between expert and perception-based ap-
as something between the observed and the proaches, paralleling a long-standing debate in
cognitized. In turn, an inherent approach does the philosophy of aesthetics. The expert ap-
not isolate perception because it is embedded proach has dominated in environmental man-
within ways of living - or being. agement practice and the perception-based ap-
The study of landscape perception has two proach has dominated in research. However,
central issues closely related: whether or not both approaches generally accept that landscape
there is consensus in judgments of any particu- quality derives from an interaction between bio-
lar landscape, and the need for theory develop- physical features of the landscape and percep-
ment in the area (Purcell and Lamb 1984). Ac- tual/judgmental processes of the human viewer.
cording to Nagar (2006), environmental percep- The approaches differ in the conceptualizations
tion requires a holistic approach by which indi- of and the relative importance of the landscape
vidual processes and environmental compo- and human viewer components. By the end of
nents are seen as a functional unit. Perception the past century, landscape quality assessment
represents a step beyond sensation. The three practice evolved toward a process by which
major conventional perspectives to perception both expert and perceptual approaches are ap-
include constructivism, structuralism and plied in parallel and then merged in the final en-
functionalism. vironmental management decision making pro-
From a practical standpoint, one of the main cess. Daniel (2001) advocates for a psychophys-
interest areas for environment psychology has ical approach to provide a more appropriate bal-
been getting an understanding of landscape and ance between biophysical and human percep-
the gazing subject. Assessing public perception tion/judgment components of an operationally
of landscape continues to be both an academic delimited landscape quality assessment system.
and a policy challenge. In fact, landscape per- Buijs et al. (2006) argue that the concept of
ception research during the past decades has landscape is nearer to the life world of people
responded to legislative mandates and landscape than the abstract notions of nature and biodi-
management, planning and design issues (Shut- versity; hence, this implies a big challenge for
tleworth 1984). Currently, forest planners, de- landscape policies and for local landscape man-
signers and managers have to incorporate visu- agement initiatives to be developed. Moreover,
al landscape management into their plans as part experts’ perception differs from the preferences

of the population (Jensen 1993). Different groups terized by affective and cognitive dimensions,
look at landscapes in a different way, attaching which in turn are defined by place attachment
importance to different landscape features and and identification. Place attachment and identi-
finding different functions appropriate for such fication are two distinct but correlated compo-
landscapes (Rogge et al. 2007). Recently, O’Brien nents. Semantic contents related to the environ-
et al. (2014) suggested that community percep- mental perception are described in respect to
tion combines heuristics and familiarity to make different levels of attachment and identification.
inferences. According to them, semantic contents related
An analysis of perceptions for rural land- to the environmental perception can be de-
scape changes in Japan suggested that farmers scribed in respect to different levels of attach-
may have higher normative criteria for rural land- ment and identification, so the affective and the
scapes than naturalists. Hence, any rural con- cognitive dimensions are directly predicted by
servation planning effort should carefully con- different demographical and psychosocial vari-
sider that farmers and naturalists consider dif- ables and are strictly associated to the percep-
ferent aspects of landscapes as important (Na- tion of the place and its inhabitants.
tori and Chenoweth 2008). A study conducted Environmental damage and life quality de-
in Wales showed that the public has strong at- crease only appear as a problem when society
tachments to managed rural landscapes in gen- perceives it as such (Zhongwei et al. 2001). From
eral, and wishes to see more integrative and par- then, the interest in knowing the value of envi-
ticipative strategies for landscape protection and ronment and natural resources in circumstances
management (Scott 2002). Such attitudes chal- of incremented use arises. The objective of this
lenge planners and policy makers to rethink their study was to obtain and compare social percep-
approaches towards conventional landscape tion of natural resources in the watershed area
management strategies and planning. Also in of Coatepec - La Antigua, in central Veracruz,
Wales, Scott (2003) found that public express Mexico and to determine the significance that
sophisticated and multi-functional views on lo- each landscape has for people, as a function of
cal landscapes with strong attachments to the the quality of life each landscape provides.
explicit character of rural and urban landscapes
and wish to see more holistic, functional and METHODOLOGY
participative strategies for landscape protection
and management. Such attitudes endorse some Study Area
contemporary policy initiatives but challenge
planners and policy makers to rethink their ap- The research was conducted at the Coate-
proaches towards integrated landscape manage- pec - La Antigua watershed area, a hydrologic
ment, citizen involvement and future land-use region situated in the central portion of the state
policies. Ribe (2006), in a study done on percep- of Veracruz, Mexico and located at 19° 13’12"-
tions of forestry alternatives in the US Pacific 18° 51’00” N; 97° 16’12" - 95° 55’12” E , with a
Northwest found that socially acceptable for- total area of 232 000 643 ha (Fig. 1). The water-
estry attends to scenic beauty and serves wild- shed includes several affluents, the farthest of
life needs, while also serving human needs but which is located at 4282 meters. Tributaries fuse
not at a high cost to these first two values. Fi- at different points along the course and the par-
nally, a study on perception and evaluation of ent river finally discharges into the Gulf of Mex-
the landscape carried out in the Netherlands ico, approximately 20 kilometers northwest of
concluded that in spite great physical differenc- the city of Veracruz. The average annual volume
es between the regions, there was some salient of this stream is estimated at 2 000 817 million
attributes: the nature of the landscape as a whole cubic meters.
(unity), its function (use), maintenance, natural- In general, climate is mild, with an average
ness, spaciousness, development in time, soil annual temperature that fluctuates between 12 °
and water, and sensory qualities such as color C and 26 ° C and an overall humid regime with
and smell, to be considered as basic qualities of 1800 mm as average annual rainfall. There are at
the landscape (Coeterier 1996). More recently, least 25 trees and shrubs species in the entire
Rollero and De Piccoli (2010) state that the rela- expanse of the watershed, forming plant com-
tionship between people and places is charac- munities ranging from cold temperate forest to

Fig. 1. Location of the Coatepec-La Antigua river watershed. Veracruz, Mexico

Source: Google maps

lowland grassland. Throughout the course there tal perception research and are surrogates for
are several villages with different degrees of ur- field observations in studies of perception and
ban development. The main economic activities judgment of the visual environment (Stewart et
are agriculture, with coffee and sugarcane as al. 1984; Daniel and Meitner 2001; da Silva et al.
main crops, industry, livestock, fisheries and 2014). In this study, a public survey presented
tourism (Román-Jiménez et al. 2011). respondents with landscape photos, explanato-
ry narratives, and resource outputs related to
Research Design nature and human needs. Participants were
asked to rank the scenes according to what they
Emphasis was placed on ground cover, would prefer from both, conservation and eco-
based on the theoretical basis that forestry cov- nomic development viewpoints. The following
er provides better environmental products and landscapes were presented: town, corn planta-
services impacting positively on human quality tion, pasture, forest, river, urban, coffee planta-
of life than other landscapes. By the analysis of tion, and barren land.
social perceptions, the study focused on deter- A well validated household questionnaire
mining the social interest on the importance and was also undertaken to represent public percep-
value given to different land cover, based on the tions. A referendum type questionnaire was de-
capture of preferences depending on the level signed to assess the landscapes through ques-
of welfare that regional landscapes provide (for tions about preferences on a Likert type scale
example, forest, coffee plantations, rivers, towns, from 1 to 5 (for example, bad, poor, fair, good and
cities, pastures, and barren land) as suggested excellent). The questionnaire included questions
by Whittington (1998) and Tisdell (1993). This on socio-demographic, natural resources, envi-
case involved considering the importance of ronment and livestock items.
vegetation as existence value (Hannon 2001) on The questionnaire was applied at the Coate-
social preferences and welfare levels generated pec - La Antigua river´s upper part and at the
by the current land use. The purpose was not to low watershed area. In both areas, a stratified
value vegetation, but to identify how changes random sampling was utilized based on a pro-
in landscape characteristics, or attributes, may portional population structure similar to the of-
affect the welfare function of individuals (Zas et ficial statistics provided by INEGI (2008) in rela-
al. 1998; Scarpa et al. 2001) by capturing the tion to gender, age, education, place of residence
complexity of the values and the regional cultur- and income in the study area, and in accordance
al landscape (Clark et al. 2002; Pouta et al. 2002). to the recommendations of Turpie (2003) to as-
Photographs have long been used to repre- sess the value of biodiversity. A sample size of
sent environmental conditions in the context of individuals over 16 year-old was selected on the
landscape quality assessments and environmen- assumption that they were informed people pos-

sessing an independent judgment on the envi- be expected. This view is supported by Alassaf
ronment, land use and local circumstances. et al. (2014) who in southwest Jordan found that
responses from rural residents reflected a great-
Statistical Analysis er average concern and awareness of their envi-
ronment than urban residents.
Descriptive statistics was done for all the From the standpoint of conservation, medi-
defined variables. In order to determine land- ans were higher for coffee plantations, city, farm
scape preferences, medians for the variables were and river, and hence considered as landscapes
compared by Kruskal Wallis test. Statistical sig- of environmental quality. Lowest values were
nificance was declared at a 0.05 level. for barren land. Three distinct groups of opin-
ion among respondents were found (p <0.05).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Town, forest, and corn plantation landscapes
were perceived as similar. In turn, grasslands,
There were 199 respondents at the river´s river, farm, city, and coffee plantations land-
upper part, mostly rural area inhabitants, and scapes showed no difference among them. Data
171 individuals at the low watershed area, most- show that, from the point of view of conserva-
ly urban residents. Field work was performed in tion, the most important land cover for respon-
six rural communities of three municipalities as dents was not the forest, but other landscapes.
well in the Veracruz- Boca del Río metropolitan From the standpoint of economic develop-
area. ment, ranking was similar to preferences for con-
servation, even though grades granted were not
Environmental Perceptions at the Cloud Forest as higher. Data suggest the most important land
cover for the population from the economic de-
At the Cloud Forest, land use includes: velopment point of view is coffee plantations
woods and forests (49%), pasture and grass- (Table 1). Mansky (2000) and Del Angel et al.
land (25%), agriculture (21%), and human settle- (2006) suggest that in evaluations of landscape
ments (5%). In this area, landscape preferences perceptions, subjective aspects and personal
- indicated by a higher median value-, were for expectations are always present and are hard to
disturbed landscapes such as farm, urban, cof- remove for the respondent. Opinions arise from
fee plantations and river. Conversely, most nat- differences in income, consumption and educa-
ural environments such as forest scored lower. tion levels, thus the final selection has a multi-
Answers seem to be related to landscapes that linear socio-economic background. Here, re-
respondents are familiar with since birth; thus, spondents’ comments focused on the importance
they think of them as desirable. Findings of this of income derived from cultivated environments.
study apparently contradicts those of Ogo et al. In this area, shade coffee has played an impor-
(2014), who investigating environmental impli-
cation of people’s perception and attitude to- Table 1: Preferences for landscapes depending on
wards forest conservation in Ikono Local Gov- conservation and economic development, Coate-
pec-La Antigua river basin, Veracruz, Mexico
ernment Area, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria found a
positive attitude towards forest, but they did Variable Conservation * Economic
not asked about perceptions about other envi- development **
ronments. According to Chokor (2004), poor are
environmentally rational but often handicapped Barren land 1a 1a
Town 3b 3b
in doing the right thing. Resource scarcity, de- Forest 3b 3b
clining yields and associated inflation/high cost Corn plantation 3b 3b
of living are seen as the major signs of resource Grasslands 3c 3c
degradation. Rural people have a holistic and River 3c 3c
long-term view of the environmental implications Farm 3c 3c
City 3c 3c
of natural resource use, but the self- and socio- Coffee plantation 4c 3c
economic survival goals appear to form the pre-
dominant contexts for the individual’s environ- *
Median of landscape preferences.
mental thinking and decision-making, instead of **
Median values with different superscripts in the same
the community and the ‘common good’ as could column are statistically different (p<0.05).

tant role in the regional economy since colonial historically recent, since mid-twentieth century
times. For urban environments, the view is that the so-called “growth with stability” economic
urban settings are important because people can policy promoted agriculture development and
no longer live in a rural area lacking services and resulted in worsening the environmental prob-
utilities. Furthermore, cities are an important la- lems in Mexico, and should be of paramount
bor market. A relevant assumption underlying concern to the institutions that make regional
the use of photographic aids is that human view- policies.
ers’ responses to these representations provide Findings in this study are similar to those of
valid indications of perceptions and judgments Ruiz and Gonzalez-Bernaldez (1983) in Spain who
made in response to direct experience with the searched for the ideal landscape of traditional live-
landscape conditions nominally represented. stock raisers near Madrid using comparisons of
range land photographs. They found that the ideal
Environmental Perceptions at the picture of the optimum landscape contains both
Watershed Low-lands physical and management aspects. Again, con-
flicts opposing different management criteria re-
The state of Veracruz is a biologically rich sulted in some landscape preference variance. The
and a major cattle producer in the country, not predominant model of landscape preference cor-
only by the number of heads, but also because responds to a traditional strategy of self-suffi-
about half of the total surface is covered by pas- ciency and balanced management in a severe,
ture and grasslands (INEGI 2012). Hence, a rele- unpredictable environment which contrast with
vant part of this study was focused on deter- the modern trend towards intensive agriculture
mining perceptions of people on livestock in the resulting in a very different landscape.
studied area. Soil use for livestock on the coast- In this study, the perception of different land-
al plain of the Gulf of Mexico can be traced back scapes show preferences oriented to landscapes
to Colonial times. Livestock activities were a that provide tangible economic benefits rather
natural choice given the abundance of grasses
than ecological benefits that are perceived as
and vegetation, as well as flooded areas used
intangible. At the upper watershed preferred land-
for grazing during the dry season. Probably for
this reason, this study shows that the popula- scapes include coffee plantations and grass-
tion of the coastal zone has internalized the ex- lands, as well as city and farms. At the lower
istence of livestock as a necessary and impor- watershed the population shows great appreci-
tant element; so in people´s mind, grassland pres- ation for livestock, not internalizing the exist-
ence equates to livestock grazing, and the exist- ence of natural pastures but of grasslands for
ence of natural pastures is not accounted for, cattle grazing. In general terms, the level of wel-
since grasslands are perceived as economically fare that the actual soil cover provides to re-
inefficient. spondents is satisfactory and is perceived in
According to Chiesura and de Groot (2003) terms of utilitarian goods rather than of environ-
and Ruijrok (2001), opinions on welfare are de- mental services, so that predominant views are
termined as a response to an economic rational- oriented to the continuity of the current scenar-
ity; however, Lewan and Soderqvist (2002) show ios. As Buijs et al. (2006) noted, social demand
that respondents recognize the visible or eco- for landscape is growing and a shift from a func-
nomic ecosystem services, rather than those tional image of nature and landscape to a more
services that have no market, making them in- hedonistic image has taken place. The influence
visible to the economic system that people is of urbanization is evident in this process.
aware of. This indicates that human preferences
regarding environment and nature are linked to Support to Legislation to Preserve and
concrete rather than to abstract experiences. Improve Regional Natural Resources
Grazing system in the studied area is seen as
a single economic strategy whose environmen- Livestock producets were asked about their
tal costs are paid by society because economic support to the existence of rules that may im-
estimates do not consider environmental costs prove regional natural resources, the need for
of natural resources (Clarkson et al. 2011). Al- adequacy and rigorous environmental standards
though the massive scale of these changes is for livestock production, and full implementa-

tion of the existing rules, even if they involve legal owner of the properties by impacting their
modifying or reducing livestock activities on private income, and including an increase in the
land (for example, amendment on production price of agricultural products to subsidize envi-
systems such as type of technology used). ronmental damage. A second approach was
One of the foundations for implementing aimed at the application of penalties such as
standards for environmental protection is pub- fines for not obeying rules or for harming the
lic policies abiding the behavior of individuals. environment, and the expropriation of sites of
Hence, it was deemed appropriate to obtain so- public interest such as those recognized as pri-
cial demands regarding environmental protec- orities for the production of environmental
tion forms considered as viable and that indi- services.
viduals were willing to comply with. The six re- Subjective evaluations as the one intended
sponses to this question are summarized in here highlight some subjective aspects such as
Figure 2. expectations arising from differences in income,
This item was included for the purpose of education, and consumption levels, thus the
knowing how social opinion considered the pub- selection of a response has a multilinear socio-
lic utility of some landscape providing environ- economic background (Spash 2000; Mansky
mental values and services for society welfare 2000). For instance, people who support the
such as carbon sequestration, water, biodiversi- modification of natural prairies to grasslands
ty, and mitigation of natural disasters. Most of demand the application of rigorous standards
respondents’ opinions (98%) can be grouped to ensure that production systems are modified
into two categories. The first does not involve a to a more sustainable condition. Some case stud-
personal payment, but rather fiscal costs borne ies show a marked change in values attributed
by the government, such as education for pres- to nature and landscape by the end of last cen-
ervation and the use of targeted subsidies to tury. It is noteworthy that images of nature vary
various beneficiaries, including payments to considerably between farmers, urban residents,
farmers to carry out conservation activities, to conservationists and other stakeholders. The
charge environmental costs to the producer as way people perceive landscape seems deter-

























Fig. 2. Respondents support for actions to preserve and improve regional natural resources
at Coatepec-La Antigua river watershed. Veracruz, Mexico.

mined by their functional ties with the landscape into solutions by empowering local people (Ce-
and the social praxis in which they encounter lentano et al. 2014), but some environmental
the landscape (Buijs et al. 2006). threats such as lack of maintenance of forests
To support decision making, it may be help- and agricultural lands and loss of economic func-
ful to collect more data using different approach- tions of forests and farmland are structural prob-
es. As Shimizu and Nakatsuji (2014) state, in land- lems, which cannot be solved only by people
scape planning, watershed analysis can well efforts. To support such community efforts some
describe a vertical structure from upstream to effective political measures in a regional scale
downstream, but it is necessary to perform an might be integrated (Shimizu and Nakatsuji 2014).
additional analysis that can describe horizontal
connection of landscape. Also, Curtis et al. (2014) CONCLUSION
propose the integration of sketch maps with
geographic information systems to understand In the study, to identify public perception of
environmental perception. landscape in households, questionnaires have
In this study, participants were asked if they been used to evaluate public perception in re-
would support the government to increase tax sponse to carefully selected photographic me-
items for the improvement of environmental qual- dia. Respondents validated the nature of envi-
ity in livestock areas, most respondents re- ronmental problems and gave their priorities in
mained positive. Similarly, participants showed relation to their experiences within the commu-
a positive attitude with regard to supporting the nity. Respondents showed a predilection for
existence and application of standards to im- managed or cultivated environments and urban
prove environmental quality in livestock areas. settings. For rural people, traditional environ-
Finally, there was not great support for appro- mental resource conservation measures previ-
priation as a way to preserve certain areas in the ously embraced by communities have been aban-
region. doned in order to meet the exigencies of short-
Diversity faces drastic decline due to the term survival.
changes following the socioeconomic circum- In regard to livestock grazing areas, overall,
stances regarding agriculture. Much of environ- there was a favorable attitude among respon-
mental analyses have focused on national and dents to increasing taxes, governmental support
global issues rather than on local areas. This and subsidies that allow improve environmental
paper attempts an appraisal of the environmen- quality and natural resources, as well as ade-
tal perceptions, concerns and resource values quately compensate farmers who comply with
of people living in an increasingly degraded en- prescribed environmental quality goals. It was
vironment. The involvement of the public in land- found a predominant support for strict enforce-
scape matters has been and continues to be both ment of the existing legislation on the subject,
controversial and problematic. Constraints of and the potential to create additional rules that
time and resources, together with a reluctance may improve natural resources and the regional
to delegate responsibility to the public, have environment. However, it is perceived that knowl-
generally limited the scope and influence of much edge that the general public has of the rules that
participation to conventional reactive strategies. apply to the environment, natural resources and
Individual and community responses shape the livestock, is deficient and incomplete in terms of
social experience of risk and are related to land its general provisions, purview, scope and
use policy of the government (Chiang et al. 2014). limitations.
Social justice and fairness to communities seems
to be critical to sustainable development in poor RECOMMENDATIONS
areas; moreover, resources must be harnessed
in such a way that they contribute directly to The study demonstrates the need for a prop-
community asset building to improve socio-eco- er understanding of natural resource issues
nomic activities and protect the environment. drawing not only on scientific and economic
This implies the difficult task of matching per- evaluations but also on community-centered
ceptions of the landscape between farmers, land- approaches. Rural conservation will require co-
scape experts and the general public. Effective operation among major stakeholders, and know-
restoration approaches must transform problems ing how preferences for and perceptions of rural

and urban landscapes differ among them can gang neighborhoods. Environment and Planning B:
help crafting and implementing effective con- Planning and Design, 41: 251–271.
Daniel TC 2001. Whither scenic beauty? Visual land-
servation measures. Also, policies concerning scape quality assessment in the 21st century. Land-
landscape servicing by the farming community scape and Urban Planning, 54: 267–281.
should incorporate appropriate incentives of Daniel TC, Meitner MM 2001. Representational va-
communication and generate modes of under- lidity of landscape visualizations: The effects of
standing between different stakeholders. graphical realism on perceived scenic beauty of for-
est vistas. Journal of Environmental Psychology,
21: 61–72.
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