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Prospective memory impairment in

neurological disorders: implications
and management
Julie D. Henry
Abstract | Prospective memory is a core neurocognitive ability that refers to memory for future
intentions, such as remembering to take medications and to switch off appliances. Any breakdown
in prospective memory, therefore, has serious implications for the ability to function independently in
everyday life. In many neurological disorders, including Parkinson disease and dementia, prospective
memory deficits are common even in the earliest stages and typically become more severe with
disease progression. Consequently, clinical assessment of prospective memory is of critical
importance. This article provides an overview of the various manifestations and neural bases
of prospective memory deficits. To facilitate clinical decision-making, validated measures of this
construct are identified and their suitability for clinical practice is discussed, focusing in particular
on clinical sensitivity and psychometric properties. The article concludes by reviewing the
approaches that can be used to rehabilitate different types of prospective memory impairment,
and algorithms to guide the evaluation and treatment of these impairments are provided.

Prospective memory (PM) refers to the process of form- However, despite this extensive clinical literature, many
ing a future intention and remembering to execute that neurologists are unfamiliar with the methods available
intention at a later point in time, or ‘remembering to to assess and manage PM impairment.
remember’. Although difficulties remembering past This Review provides an overview of the different
experiences or events — that is, deficits in retrospective types of PM impairment, including their neural bases
episodic memory — have long been recognized to be and clinical implications. It also describes the vali-
one of the most consistently observed cognitive symp- dated assessment approaches and presents structured
toms of neurological illness, PM failures are often a more evidence-based guidelines for managing specific types
salient feature and of greater concern in everyday life, of PM impairment, including algorithms to inform
as they fundamentally disrupt the ability to anticipate, their evaluation and treatment. By contextualizing
plan and/or act with the future in mind1. Many daily PM and explaining the neurocognitive bases for different
tasks, such as remembering to take medication, check patterns of PM impairment, this article offers a help-
food cooking or switch off appliances, are crucial for the ful resource that can directly aid the interpretation of
maintenance of independence. PM failures are powerful clinical deficits.
predictors of functional outcomes: they cause more defi-
cits in activities of daily living and caregiver burden than The process of remembering to remember
retrospective memory failures2,3, with direct implications Although the term PM implies a single construct
for patient management and rehabilitation4–7. or a defined cognitive skill, PM is in fact a complex
In the clinical setting, the reasons for conducting multicomponent process that entails several phases.
a formal assessment of PM are largely self-evident. In Successful completion of a PM task is contingent on
many of the most common neurological disorders, fail- progressing through the intention formation, intention
ures of prospective cognition are an early and salient dis- retention, intention initiation and intention execution
turbance (BOX 1). For several of these disorders, including phases12,13, each of which draws on specific neurocog-
autism spectrum disorders, Parkinson disease (PD), nitive resources (FIG. 1). Moreover, a distinction is often
School of Psychology, The
University of Queensland,
traumatic brain injury (TBI), mild cognitive impairment made between the prospective component of PM, which
Brisbane, QLD, Australia. (MCI) and dementia, the research literature has grown refers to the requirement to remember that an action
e-mail: sufficiently large to warrant meta- analyses, which, needs to be carried out, and the retrospective component without exception, have identified deficits of moder- of PM, which refers to the requirement to remember
s41582-021-00472-1 ate to large size for at least some types of PM tasks8–11. what action needs to be executed and when14.



an intention in the future requires not only the deploy-

Key points
ment of these resources, but also their integration and
Prospective memory (PM) is a core neurocognitive ability that refers to the ability to coordination, in addition to PM-specific skills such as
execute delayed intentions and is an important predictor of the ability to function the formation of a delayed intention and the generation
independently. of retrieval cues. Therefore, the degree of impairment
PM deficits are prominent in many neurological disorders, reflecting the demands that is observed on structured PM assessments, as well
that this complex multicomponent process places on a wide range of neural as the degree to which these PM failures disrupt the
structures and networks and their connectivity.
capacity to function autonomously, can be considerably
Neurological disorders rarely present with a uniform profile of impairment, meaning greater than other neurocognitive deficits would pre-
that clinical assessments are crucial to the quantification of the nature, magnitude
dict. Consequently, if the clinical history or presentation
and specificity of any deficits.
indicates potential PM dysfunction, it is important to
Many validated PM assessments are now available that are appropriate for clinical assess PM directly and not simply make inferences on
use, and can be used to inform prognosis, rehabilitation and discharge planning.
the basis of a patient’s broader neurocognitive profile.
A range of interventions are also available, the selection of which should be guided For example, although episodic memory dysfunction
by the patient’s broader neurocognitive profile and the specific types of PM deficits
often contributes to PM impairment19–21, PM dysfunc-
that the patient exhibits.
tion can also present independently22–25 and typically
has a greater impact on real-world outcomes, such as
In addition to these demands on retrospective epi- medication adherence in patients with multimorbidity26
sodic memory, other key neurocognitive resources and the need for assistance with instrumental activities
implicated in PM include attentional capacity, process- of daily living in older adults27.
ing speed, executive control, metacognition and working Any clinical assessment of PM should include a
memory13,15. A breakdown in any one of these neurocog- range of different types of PM tasks. Substantial clinical
nitive resources can potentially disrupt PM, and for the heterogeneity is observed not only across but also within
many disorders that present with broader neurocognitive neurological disorders, with not all types of PM being
impairment, PM deficits are therefore a natural corollary. affected equally and at least some areas of preservation
However, at both the behavioural and neural systems being typical8–11. Much of this heterogeneity reflects the
levels, PM can at least partially be dissociated from these fact that the critical intention initiation phase of pro-
more basic neurocognitive abilities16–18. Accomplishing spective remembering can be supported either by rel-
atively spontaneous retrieval or by controlled strategic
Box 1 | Disorders with PM impairment monitoring processes, and multiple features of each task
determine the degree to which the latter, more effortful
type of processing is required28–30.
Alzheimer disease
In most neurological disorders that present with
Vascular dementia
PM difficulties, PM tasks that rely heavily on strategic
Frontotemporal dementia monitoring tend to show greater impairment than tasks
Parkinson disease better suited to spontaneous retrieval. In PD, this profile
Huntington disease of impairment has been linked to both specific regional
Multiple sclerosis neural losses, such as dopaminergic depletion of frontal
HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders regions31, and broader neural dysfunction, such as multi-
Dystonia focal alterations of white matter connectivity32. However,
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis important exceptions exist; for example, in Alzheimer
disease (AD), impairment on tasks well suited to spon-
Neuropsychiatric taneous retrieval is evident even in the earliest stages
Schizophrenia of the disorder. This specific pattern of decline, which
Major depressive disorders differs from most other age-related neurodegenerative
Substance use disorders disorders as well as normal adult ageing, is evident in
Self-awareness and knowledge
about one’s own cognitive Bipolar disorder middle-aged carriers of the apolipoprotein E ɛ4 allele33
abilities, such as being able to Post-traumatic stress disorder and has been linked to early accumulation of pathol-
evaluate how well a task has
Obsessive–compulsive disorder
ogy in key areas of the default mode network in AD34.
been completed, monitor and Attention to specific patterns of PM impairment, there-
detect performance errors,
Neurodevelopmental fore, not only provides important insights into the types
and reflect on the effectiveness
of specific strategies. Autism spectrum disorder of neurocognitive resources that are disrupted and
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder should be the target of remediation, but might also assist
Delayed intention
Developmental dyslexia in reaching an initial clinical diagnosis.
An objective or goal that needs
to be completed at a later Fetal alcohol syndrome
point in time. The neural bases of PM
Acquired brain damage Findings from neuroimaging, brain lesion and electro-
Default mode network Traumatic brain injury physiological studies have converged to show that many
The large-scale brain network Stroke distinct neural structures and networks need to cooper-
that is active during periods
of wakeful rest (such as when Brain metastases ate to execute a delayed intention (FIG. 2). Historically, the
daydreaming), when there is anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC) has received the great-
PM, prospective memory.
no focus on the outside world. est attention. Neuroimaging studies have consistently

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Delay interval (ongoing task)

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Intention formation Intention retention Intention initiation Intention execution

Planning and LTM storage Automatic Strategic Executive control

encoding capacity retrieval monitoring and retrieval from LTM

Basic neurocognitive resources implicated at each phase

High support Low support

Fig. 1 | The complex process of prospective remembering. The intention formation phase of a prospective memory (PM)
task refers to initial formation of a future intention and involves generation and encoding of an action plan via episodic
memory encoding (creation of memory representations) and planning (a core component of executive control). The
intention retention phase is the delay period between intention formation and intention initiation, during which the task
content must be retained in long-term memory (LTM). During this period, completion of other activities (ongoing tasks)
prevents overt rehearsal of the PM task. The intention initiation phase refers to retrieval of the PM intention from LTM in
response to the PM cue and requires cue recognition and retrieval of the intention. This phase can be supported by either
spontaneous retrieval or strategic monitoring, which involve different levels of environmental support. In the high-support
scenario shown, an external alarm should automatically ‘trigger’ the PM intention. In the absence of a salient external cue
(low-support scenario), effortful strategic monitoring of time is required. The intention execution phase refers to task execution
and requires executive control to disengage from the ongoing task to complete (and avoid erroneous repetition of) the PM
task. Phase 4 also requires episodic memory to retrieve PM content.

identified distinct patterns of haemodynamic changes neuroimaging support for their involvement is mixed39.
in the lateral and medial portions (activation and deac- This apparent anomaly remains a topic of some debate,
tivation, respectively) during PM task performance. This particularly in light of structural MRI data showing that
mediolateral dissociation provides a ‘gateway’ mechanism the integrity of these regions is related to PM performance.
that mediates the capacity to engage in internal thought For instance, hippocampal atrophy strongly correlates
(maintaining the PM intention actively in mind and mon- with PM function across different dementia syndromes43,
itoring for the PM cue, subserved by the lateral aPFC) and cortical thickness in hippocampal subfields correlates
while concurrently attending to external stimuli (completing with performance on the retrospective component of PM
the ongoing task, subserved by the medial aPFC)35–37. in prodromal AD18. Where medial temporal lobe regions
Two distinct frontoparietal networks also have a cru- have been implicated in PM, they seem to predominantly
cial role in PM. The dorsal frontoparietal network medi- support spontaneous retrieval processes44.
ates the engagement of strategic monitoring resources
and is involved mainly in the maintenance phase of PM, Deconstructing PM failure
whereas the ventral frontoparietal network supports Given the complex cognitive and neural architecture
more spontaneous retrieval processes and is impli- that underlies prospective remembering, behavioural
cated in the retrieval phase17,38,39. PM difficulties can deficits can reflect diverse types of underlying impair-
arise owing to disruptions in the connectivity within ment. To directly guide clinical interpretation of these
and between these large- scale neural networks, and deficits, FIGS 3,4 provide evidence- based algorithms
PM function is often impaired in disorders associated that describe the patterns of performance typically seen
with white matter pathology, such as multiple sclerosis when impairment in executive neurocognitive resources
(MS)40. Poorer PM performance has also been linked to or retrospective episodic memory resources contribute
reduced prefrontal white matter volume in cognitively to these difficulties and show how these patterns map
healthy older adults41 and an increased burden of white onto the different phases of prospective remembering.
matter hyperintensities in amnestic MCI42.
Medial temporal lobe structures such as hippocampal Executive dysfunction. With respect to executive dys-
and parahippocampal areas have key roles in episodic function (FIG. 3), PM impairments can arise owing to
memory and should theoretically be linked to PM, but breakdowns in planning, strategic monitoring, cognitive



a aPFC b Frontoparietal networks detected and recognized and the task instructions
recalled. Executive dysfunction at the intention execu-
tion phase can also lead to erroneous repetition of the
PM task (commission errors). Clinically, these errors
can be just as problematic as omission errors, such as
in the case of accidental medication overdose (‘double
dosing’). Reductions in the volume of the lateral orbitof-
rontal cortex45, which has a key role in inhibitory control,
are associated with an increased risk of commission
In cases where executive dysfunction contributes to
PM impairment, disproportionate — and sometimes
selective — impairment of PM tasks that rely heavily
on strategic monitoring is the most common finding.
In clinical practice and research, PM tasks that are well
suited to spontaneous retrieval are usually differentiated
from tasks that require strategic monitoring by compar-
ing event-based and time-based variants (EBPM and
TBPM, respectively). The key difference between EBPM
c Medial temporal lobe structures and TBPM is the type of cue used to signal PM execu-
tion. For EBPM, task execution is cued by an event, such
as ‘take your medication after an alarm rings’, with the
event (the alarm) providing an external cue (environ-
mental support) that functions as a signal, automatically
triggering the PM intention (spontaneous retrieval). For
TBPM, task execution is instead cued by time, includ-
ing both time-of-day tasks, such as attending a doctor’s
appointment at 10 am, and time-interval tasks, such as
‘switch off the oven after 15 min’. Most TBPM tasks, and
particularly the time-interval variants, lack an external
cue to signal PM execution, so strategic monitoring of
time is required46. In disorders associated with execu-
Fig. 2 | The neural bases of PM. a | The anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC, also variously tive dysfunction, TBPM is typically more impaired than
referred to as the rostral prefrontal cortex, rostrolateral prefrontal cortex, frontopolar EBPM; this profile of impairment has been identified in
cortex and frontal pole) has been consistently implicated in prospective memory (PM). MS, TBI, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and
The aPFC supports many aspects of PM function, but has a particularly prominent role PD5,20,40,47–49.
during the ‘maintenance of intention’ phase. During PM task performance, a mediolateral
Many other task characteristics also influence stra-
dissociation is observed, involving lateral aPFC activation, which supports attention
to internal representations, and medial aPFC deactivation, which supports attention to tegic demands. From a clinical perspective, the most
external stimuli36,37. b | Two frontoparietal networks have also been implicated in PM. important characteristics are those that reduce the level
The dorsal frontoparietal network (orange), which includes the superior parietal lobule, of environmental support available to support spon-
precuneus and superior frontal lobule, mediates strategic PM monitoring processes. The taneous retrieval, such as non-distinctive PM cues, a
ventral frontoparietal network (purple), which includes ventrolateral prefrontal regions, weak association between the PM cue and the intended
the supramarginal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobule, has been implicated in the action, and how peripheral (unrelated) the cue initiat-
engagement of spontaneous retrieval processes17,39. c | Medial temporal lobe structures ing PM retrieval is to the ongoing task. A longer delay
such as hippocampal and parahippocampal areas (blue and orange, respectively) have interval between intention formation and execution
not been consistently implicated in PM on the basis of functional neuroimaging data39, also increases strategic demands, but only for those
but structural neuroimaging studies more strongly support their involvement.
tasks that require strategic monitoring to detect the PM
cue. If executive dysfunction contributes to PM diffi-
flexibility and/or cognitive inhibition13. Disruption of culties, any lengthening of the delay interval therefore
planning in the initial intention formation stage of PM increases the degree of impairment for TBPM more than
is typically marked by greater impairment on complex for EBPM; this type of differential clinical sensitivity has
multi-intention tasks, which require the coordination been identified in MS40, HIV-associated neurocognitive
and execution of several PM tasks, than on single inten- disorders50,51 and substance use disorders52.
tion tasks, which require the completion of only a single
PM task. Retrospective episodic memory dysfunction. In cases
Cognitive inhibition Executive dysfunction can also disrupt the inten- where retrospective episodic memory dysfunction
The processes that allow the tion execution phase of PM. Because of the dual-task contributes to PM difficulties (FIG. 4), distinct patterns
suppression of cognitive nature of PM, cognitive flexibility is required to disen- of impairment can be expected depending on whether
contents that are perceived as gage from the ongoing task to attend to the PM task. encoding, storage or retrieval processes are disrupted.
irrelevant or inappropriate, and
the resistance to interference
Cognitive rigidity might therefore manifest as PM fail- Problems with encoding will typically present clinically
from unwanted but potentially ures (omission errors) or excessive delays in PM task as a failure to acknowledge that a PM task needs to be
attention-capturing stimuli. execution, even though the PM cue has been accurately completed even when the task characteristics strongly

300 | MAY 2021 | VOLUME 17


support spontaneous retrieval. Failure to encode reflects impairment. Impaired recall (but preserved recognition)
a breakdown at the earliest phase of PM, and task features of PM task instructions on completion of the PM task is
that would ordinarily influence progression through also expected in this scenario.
later phases of PM are rendered irrelevant. Recognition
of PM task instructions is also expected to be impaired Clinical assessment of PM
in this situation. However, regular (recurring) PM tasks If the patient history or clinical presentation points to
might be less impaired than irregular (one- off) PM potential PM impairment, a standardized assessment is
tasks, owing to the greater encoding support associated vital to objectively quantify the nature and severity of
with repetition learning. PM impairment and to identify the strongest residual
PM failures that reflect impaired storage capac- abilities that might be used to compensate for losses.
ity often present clinically as loss- of- content errors, However, despite the prevalence of PM dysfunction
whereby the individual is aware that a PM task needs to in clinical practice, PM is rarely assessed in standard
be completed but has either no recollection or incorrect neuropsychological evaluations.
recollection of task content. Timing errors are also likely, To help guide clinical test selection, this section pro-
with TBPM tasks being completed at incorrect times. vides a detailed critique of four different assessment
In addition, greater impairments on irregular relative to approaches. Although these measures all provide objec-
regular and long-delay relative to short-delay PM tasks tive information regarding PM accuracy and have good
are expected. When limited storage capacity contributes sensitivity to PM impairment, each also has additional
to difficulties, a longer delay interval should increase the unique characteristics that are likely to be more or less
clinical sensitivity of TBPM and EBPM to a comparable desirable, depending on the specific goal of the clini-
degree, as both types of PM impose demands on this cal assessment and the features of the clinical setting.
resource. The key characteristics and psychometric properties of
Problems with episodic memory retrieval often man- each measure are summarized in TABLE 1 and TABLE 2,
ifest clinically as difficulties performing PM tasks where respectively.
no recognition cue is provided to support retrieval.
Consequently, any task characteristics that reduce the Royal Prince Alfred Prospective Memory Test. The
level of environmental support available to support Royal Prince Alfred Prospective Memory Test (RPA-
spontaneous retrieval should be associated with greater ProMem)53 is a four-item behavioural measure consisting

Phase 1 Phases 2 and 3 Phase 4

Intention formation Intention retention and initiation Intention execution

Impaired monitoring or
Impaired planning
cue detection

Multi- Single-
TBPM EBPM Perseveration on ongoing task
intention intention

Subtle cue Salient cue Commission errors

Weakly Strongly
associated cue associated cue

Non-focal cue Focal cue

Likely to be impaired
Long-delay Long-delay
TBPM EBPM Minimal or no impairment
Greater impairment
Time-interval Time-of-day
TBPM TBPM impairment

Fig. 3 | Performance patterns consistent with executive dysfunction. As this algorithm illustrates, problems with
prospective memory (PM) can reflect a breakdown in single or multiple executive neurocognitive resources. Impairment
in planning (phase 1) is likely to be associated with greater impairment on multi-intention than on single-intention tasks.
If a reduced capacity for strategic monitoring contributes to PM difficulties (phases 2 and 3), greater clinical impairment
is likely on PM tasks with characteristics that provide little environmental support, such as those that are time-based as
opposed to event-based (TBPM and EBPM, respectively). Contrasts between many other PM task features can also be
clinically valuable as indicators of impairments in intention retention and/or initiation. During the intention execution
phase (phase 4), executive dysfunction can present as problems disengaging from the ongoing task despite intact cue
recognition and memory for PM task content, with either no PM task being executed (omission errors) or PM task
performance being excessively delayed. Executive dysfunction at this stage might also present as commission errors.



of two EBPM and two TBPM tasks. Two of these tasks Cambridge Prospective Memory Test. Many early clinical
are completed in the clinic and the other two are per- measures used the two PM items from the Rivermead
formed up to 1 week later as part of the patient’s everyday Behavioural Memory Test, which were then expanded
life, thereby increasing the test’s ecological validity while to develop the Cambridge Prospective Memory Test
reducing the in- session administration time to only (CAMPROMPT)55. The CAMPROMPT includes three
~10 min. The RPA-ProMem does not include stand- EBPM and three TBPM tasks with variable delay intervals,
ardized ongoing activities, and this freedom to choose completed while engaged in a range of ongoing distrac-
other assessments as the ongoing task is likely to be tor tasks. The total in-session assessment lasts ~25 min.
a valuable feature in many clinical settings. However, As for the RPA-ProMem, use of external memory aids is
because the characteristics of the ongoing task influence permitted, and higher levels of spontaneous note-taking
PM performance, with highly attention-demanding or have been linked to better CAMPROMPT performance
engaging ongoing tasks particularly challenging PM, in people with amnestic MCI56 and in people with TBI57.
the examiner must be sensitive to any potential perfor- A unique feature of the CAMPROMPT is that the exam-
mance trade-offs. To enhance ecological validity, a clock iner provides standardized prompts to probe errors,
is required to be visible for the duration of testing, and thereby providing insights into the underlying neuro-
external memory aids are permitted. Of the four PM cognitive bases of any observed PM impairment. The
assessments described in this Review, the RPA-ProMem CAMPROMPT is one of the most validated and widely
has been used the least frequently. However, it has been used clinical assessment tools for PM and is sensitive to
shown to be able to differentiate patients with neurolog- the effects of acquired brain damage, neurodegenerative
ical disorders from healthy volunteers53 and to be more disorders and neuropsychiatric disturbances (TABLE 2).
sensitive to MCI in older adults than traditional episodic
memory tests54. Owing to its brevity, the RPA-ProMem Memory for Intentions Screening Test. The Memory for
is a potentially valuable tool that could have value in Intentions Screening Test (MIST)58 is another widely
time-pressured clinical environments. used and validated behavioural assessment with a total

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phases 3 and 4

Intention formation Intention retention Intention initiation and execution

Impaired encoding Impaired storage Impaired retrieval

High support Low support Irregular Regular TBPM EBPM

Not understanding a PM response is Long-delay Short-delay Subtle cue Salient cue

expected even when highly salient PM PM
cue presented

Long-delay Long-delay Weakly Strongly

Impaired recognition of PM task TBPM EBPM associated cue associated cue

Loss of content errors Non-focal cue Focal cue

Irregular Regular

Time-interval Time-of-day
Timing errors for TBPM tasks TBPM TBPM
Likely to be impaired
Minimal or no impairment Impaired recall (but intact
Greater impairment recognition) of PM instructions


Fig. 4 | Performance patterns consistent with retrospective episodic memory dysfunction. As this algorithm shows,
problems with prospective memory (PM) can reflect a breakdown in single or multiple aspects of retrospective episodic
memory. If encoding is impaired, PM failures can be expected even when cues are presented that have high environmental
support, and the individual might not acknowledge that a PM response was expected; recognition of PM task instructions
is also likely to be impaired. However, regular (recurring) PM tasks might be less impaired than irregular (one-off) tasks.
When PM failures reflect impaired storage, loss-of-content errors are common, with either no PM task or an incorrect PM
task being executed. Greater impairment is also likely on tasks with characteristics that increase demands on storage
capacity. Problems with retrieval are associated with poorer performance on tasks where no recognition cue is provided
to support retrieval (such as many time-based PM (TBPM) tasks) than on tasks that provide a distinct recognition cue (such
as many event-based PM (EBPM) tasks); impaired free recall but preserved recognition of PM task instructions is also
expected in this situation.

302 | MAY 2021 | VOLUME 17


Table 1 | PM assessment tools

Measure Duration Description Example items Ongoing task
Royal Prince Alfred 10 min Four PM tasks Event: when you arrive home today, Selected by the
Prospective Memory I want you to phone and leave a clinician
PM cue: event and time
Test (RPA-ProMem)53 message on my voicemail, telling me
In-session delay: 15 min what the weather is like
Out-of-session delay: hours to 1 week Time: in 15 min time, I would like you to
Note taking permitted tell me it is time for a coffee break

Cambridge Prospective 25 min Six PM tasks Time: when there are 7 min left, remind Pencil and paper
Memory Test me not to forget my keys tasks such as a
PM cue: event and time
(CAMPROMPT)55 general knowledge
In-session delay: 7, 13 and 20 min Event: put a briefcase under the desk
after you hear an alarm ring
Note taking permitted
Memory for Intentions 30 min Eight PM tasks Event: when I hand you a red pen, Word search puzzle
Screening Test (MIST)58 PM cue: event and time please sign your name on your paper
Time: in exactly 15 min, please tell me
In-session delay: 2 and 15 min
it is time to take a break
Out-of-session delay: 24 h
Response type: verbal and action
Provides detailed error data
Virtual Week98 30–90 min Eight or ten PM tasks per virtual day Simulate different types of PM tasks Virtual Week game
PM cue: event and time Event-based irregular: drop the dry
In-session delay: variable cleaning off when you are at the shops

Irregular (recurring) and irregular (one-off) Time-based regular: take your asthma
medication every day at 11 am
Time-interval TBPM and time-of-day TBPM
Time-interval: do a lung test on two
Provides detailed error data occasions each virtual day (2 min and
2, 3, 5 and 7-day variants available 4 min on a stop clock)
PM, prospective memory; TBPM, time-based PM.

in- session administration time of ~30 min. Relative versions tailored to specific clinical applications, which
to both the RPA- ProMem and the CAMPROMPT, can take as little as 30 min to administer21,61. Like the
the MIST provides a more detailed understanding of the MIST, VW differentiates between multiple task param-
source of any PM impairment, differentiating between eters (TBPM versus EBPM, regular versus irregular PM
multiple PM task parameters and six distinct types of and time-of-day versus time-interval PM) and provides
errors. In total, eight tasks are presented, which vary a detailed error analysis. VW has good psychometric
according to cue type (time versus event), delay interval properties and excellent clinical sensitivity, and is related
(2 min, 15 min or 24 h delay), and response type (verbal to real-world PM function in terms of activities of daily
versus action), with a word search puzzle being used as living62,63. A conceptually parallel paradigm known as
the ongoing task. Following completion of the PM tasks, MEMO, which uses a customized smartphone applica-
a recognition test is administered to assess memory for tion and allows real-life PM activities to be measured in
PM task instructions. The MIST has good psychomet- actual daily life, has also been developed46.
ric properties, is very sensitive to clinical impairment,
and has excellent ecological validity, predicting a range Other forms of PM assessment. PM can also be measured
of important real-world outcomes including medica- via self-report scales, which provide valuable insights
tion adherence6,7,26, functional capacity27,59 and quality into the patient’s own perspective and have the advan-
of life60. tage of being quick to administer and score. However,
because self- report measures of PM often correlate
Virtual Week. Virtual Week (VW)61 is a multi-intention weakly with objective assessments23,64,65, they should
paradigm that requires the planning and execution of supplement rather than replace a formal behavioural
multiple PM tasks while engaged in a board game set- assessment.
ting. As participants move around the board, they are Simple single-item PM tests such as the Envelope
required to make choices about plausible daily activities Task 66 and the Key Task are also available. In the
and remember to carry out PM tasks. The demands of Envelope Task, patients are told that when the examiner
rolling the die and making decisions about the activities dictates a name and address, after a 20 min delay, they
in which to participate serve as the ongoing task. The need to remember to seal and initial an envelope. In the
original VW was prohibitively long for most clinical set- Key Task, the patient is informed that keys or another
tings (~90 min) but has since been adapted for computer object will be hidden in a specific out- of- sight loca-
automation, thereby minimizing demands on adminis- tion such as a bedside drawer, and they are instructed
tration and scoring and also allowing the development of to remind the examiner to retrieve the hidden object



Elaborative encoding
at a designated time. Because of their low cost and brev- Training71 for treating deficits arising from executive
Memory aids that link ity, such measures can be readily integrated into routine neurocognitive impairment.
to-be-remembered information clinical practice. However, single-item PM tests have To date, compensatory interventions have attracted
to previously existing lower reliability and sensitivity than clinical batteries, the greatest attention and have been most consist-
memories and knowledge,
provide limited insights into the nature and causes of ently linked to improvement on real-life PM tasks5,72,73.
making it easier to recall the
new information in the future. any PM difficulties, and have questionable construct Common compensatory approaches include external
validity67. As a consequence, such tests should only be aids such as memory notebooks or electronic prompt-
Implementation intentions considered as basic screening tools68,69 or as a method ing technologies such as smartphones, the latter of which
An encoding strategy that
for illustrating to patients or their families how PM have the important advantage of being able to deliver
involves generating and saying
aloud a simple statement that
failures can cause problems with completing everyday salient PM cues (alerts) at specific times. These alerts
has a precise format and tasks70. can be programmed to be content-free, such as a simple
structure. auditory alarm, or content- specific, such as an audi-
Interventions tory message, and both have value depending on the
The goal of any cognitive intervention should be to nature of the PM impairment. Compensatory support
improve autonomy and adaptive functioning in every- can also be provided via environmental modifications,
day life, which in the case of PM is challenging. Real-life such as structuring the environment to increase the sali-
PM tasks are often considerably more complex and have ence of PM cues, thereby helping to trigger automatic
much longer retention intervals than those completed in retrieval processes, or reducing competing environ-
clinical settings, and they need to be completed against mental demands to increase the availability of strate-
the backdrop of a dynamic social, cultural and physical gic monitoring resources. Specific examples include
environment. the creation of daily routines to act as scaffolding, and
In the broader cognitive rehabilitation literature, linking important PM tasks to regular events, such as
a distinction has been made between compensa- taking medication at mealtimes. The benefits of external
tory approaches, which provide skills and resources memory aids have been demonstrated in many groups,
that allow weaknesses to be circumvented, and restor- including individuals with acquired brain damage72 and
ative approaches, which are based on principles of neu- people with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders74,
ral plasticity and provide cognitive training to try and but gains are likely to be larger and more sustained when
restore function directly. Other interventions include significant others are involved in treatment, as use of
psychoeducational approaches, which seek to increase these aids can then be supported and reinforced beyond
understanding of cognitive weaknesses, and metacog- the rehabilitation environment.
nitive approaches, which target self- monitoring by Internal compensatory strategies such as elaborative
enhancing both the ability to detect and self- correct encoding have also been shown to partially — and in some
errors and self-knowledge of strengths and weaknesses. cases completely — restore PM function. Elaborative
Each of these approaches has potential value, depending encoding includes implementation intentions, a simple
on the nature of the PM impairment (FIG. 5). For instance, goal-setting strategy that seems to support the inten-
there is strong support for the efficacy of metacogni- tion formation, cue detection and intention retrieval
tive training approaches such as Goal Management phases of PM that are affected in many clinical disorders,

Table 2 | Psychometric properties and clinical sensitivity of PM assessments

PM test Languages Psychometrics Clinical validity Norms
Royal Prince English Inter-rater reliability 0.90 (REF.53) Sensitive to PM failures associated with No formal norms, but data
Alfred Prospective and 0.97 (REFS54,99); delayed brain damage53,97 and normal ageing53,100, for healthy volunteers
Memory Test alternate form reliability 0.71; and differentiates healthy older adults are reported in several
(RPA-ProMem)53 parallel forms rho 0.68–0.87 (REF.99) from people with MCI or subjective studies
cognitive decline54
Cambridge English, Chinese Inter-rater reliability 0.99 (REF.55); Sensitive to PM deficits associated with Formal norms are
Prospective and Italian test–retest reliability 0.64 (REF.55); bipolar disorder101, schizophrenia102,103, reported in the test
Memory Test inter-item reliability (α) 0.75 (REF.68) substance use disorders104, MCI56,68, manual for 212 controls
(CAMPROMPT)55 neurodegenerative disorders such as and 72 people with brain
bvFTD and AD43,105, TBI57 and stroke106 injury
Memory for English, Alternate-form reliability Sensitive to depression109, HIV-associated Formal norms are
Intentions Portuguese, 0.89 (REF.107); inter-rater reliability neurocognitive disorders49,110, MCI111,112, reported in the test
Screening Test Chinese, Spanish, 0.99 (REF.108); split-half reliability substance use disorders52,113, MS20,40,48, manual for 736 healthy
(MIST)58 Italian and Czech 0.70 (REF.108); subscale reliability α TBI23,114,115, OCD116, schizophrenia59,117, individuals for Form A and
0.89 (REF.108) PD47 and HD118 99 individuals for Form B
Virtual Week98 English, Chinese, Split-half reliabilities range Sensitive to MS77,120,121, AD75, No formal norms, but
German, Italian, 0.66–0.74 for a 3-day version19 and schizophrenia19,122, TBI123, MCI extensive research base
Polish, Swedish, 0.87–0.92 for a 5-day version119; and dementia21, PD124,125, ASD126 and reporting data for healthy
Farsi, Japanese, inter-rater reliability is 100%, substance use disorders127–129 volunteers
Croatian and because computer automation
Hungarian ensures no subjectivity in scoring
AD, Alzheimer disease; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; bvFTD, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; HD, Huntington disease; MCI, mild cognitive
impairment; MS, multiple sclerosis; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder; PD, Parkinson disease; PM, prospective memory; TBI, traumatic brain injury.

304 | MAY 2021 | VOLUME 17


Type of impairment Compensatory strategies

Executive neurocognitive Content-free alerts and

Restorative, resources implementation intentions
psychoeducational Episodic memory
approaches encoding or storage alerts and spaced retrieval

Episodic retrieval Distinctive external cues

Fig. 5 | Rehabilitation of PM impairments. The clinical benefits of specific rehabilitative approaches vary depending
on the underlying cause of the impairment. In people in whom prospective memory (PM) deficits reflect a breakdown
in executive neurocognitive resources, useful external aids include content-free alerts, which support strategic cue
detection processes by signalling the need to switch attention from the ongoing task to the PM task. Also helpful are
elaborative encoding strategies such as implementation intentions, which support the initial encoding stage and reduce
demands on strategic retrieval at the later cue detection and intention retrieval stages. Where PM deficits reflect a
breakdown in episodic memory encoding or storage, potentially useful external aids include memory notebooks and
content-specific alerts. One of the best-validated internal memory rehabilitation strategies is spaced retrieval. Where
PM failures have been linked to problems with episodic memory retrieval, training patients and their caregivers to make
environmental modifications, such as learning how to generate distinctive external cues that function as recognition cues,
is a valuable approach to consider. In addition, encouraging evidence is emerging that restorative, metacognitive and/or
psychoeducational approaches have clinical benefits both when used in combination with compensatory approaches and
when used separately. Each of these approaches can be tailored to the type of PM impairment.

including PD, MS and AD75–77. The benefits of imple- recovery by promoting neuroplasticity95. Studies are
mentation intentions are potentially greater when com- now needed to explore these techniques in relation to
bined with visualization78. For clinical groups that do not the rehabilitation of PM. Finally, given the many ways
benefit from implementation intentions, other encod- in which PM failures can present clinically, and the dif-
ing strategies such as spaced retrieval79, errorless learning80 ficulty of fully capturing this complexity using conven-
and physical enactment81 should be considered. Spaced tional assessments, the development of customized tools
retrieval is useful in the treatment of episodic memory that measure real-life PM failures is another important
disorders82, so could be a particularly effective approach future goal. Such an approach would strongly align with
when PM difficulties have been linked to episodic the NIH Precision Medicine Initiative in guiding more
memory dysfunction83. Moreover, in addition to being individualized rehabilitative treatment and, as noted
effective when combined with other strategies84, visual above, promising inroads have been made in this regard
imagery techniques often have clinical benefits when with the recent development of the MEMO tool46.
used in isolation85,86.
Although restorative training gains have not been Conclusions
shown to reliably generalize to real- world PM tasks, The complex, multifaceted nature of PM makes this type
neuroplastic changes associated with this rehabilitative of memory particularly sensitive to neurological insult,
approach include increased neural connectivity in cog- and PM dysfunction is likely to occur to some degree
nitive control networks and reorganized network mod- in most disorders that affect the brain. Depending on
ularity at the whole-brain level87,88. In the rehabilitation the magnitude of the impairment, the consequences
of PM, restorative approaches do not need to target this range from simply frustrating to profoundly debili-
type of memory directly; in fact, PM-specific restora- tating, meaning that clinical assessment of PM is cru-
tive approaches may have limited clinical benefits89,90. A cial to inform prognosis, rehabilitation and discharge
restorative approach that concurrently targets several of planning96. Validated PM assessments should therefore
the broader neurocognitive resources implicated in PM be a routine part of any clinical assessment if the patient
might be more beneficial and is an important ongoing history or presentation indicates potential PM impair-
Formation of a mental visual
area of research. ment, as earlier intervention has been linked to greater
image. In other areas of neurocognitive assessment and reha- treatment gains97. Each of the PM measures identified
bilitative medicine, encouraging evidence suggests that in this Review is a reliable and validated clinical tool
Spaced retrieval virtual reality technology can induce neural plasticity that has the potential to substantially enhance treat-
An encoding strategy in
via augmented feedback signals91, thereby potentially ment decision- making and outcomes. By providing
which information is
retrieved continuously improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment adherence detailed information to guide test selection, as well as
across increasingly longer and outcomes92–94. The viability and efficacy of virtual evidence-based algorithms to guide interpretation and
delay intervals. reality in the assessment and treatment of PM has yet to treatment of behavioural deficits, this Review should
be tested. In other cognitive domains, interest has also provide a helpful resource that will encourage greater
Errorless learning
An encoding strategy that
been expressed in the potential benefits of non-invasive consideration of PM in routine clinical practice.
prevents patients from giving brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial direct
wrong answers. current stimulation, which might enhance cognitive Published online 8 March 2021



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