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Semantic clues refer to the meaning in language that assists in comprehending texts, including
words, speech, signs, symbols, and other meaning-bearing forms. Semantic cues involve the
learners' prior knowledge of language, text, and visual media, and their prior life experiences.
Semantics is the meaning of individual words. If one word is unknown, the meanings of
surrounding words can give clues to the word's probable meaning.
a. Appositive Clue—a phrase following the word which gives APPOSITIVE the meaning, and
is set off by commas. is set off by commas.
b. Definition Clues—are one type of context clue where the author specifically states the
definition nearby the unfamiliar word.
c. Comparison Clues—a phrase, beginning with LIKE or AS, follows the word.
d. Explanation—the unknown word is explained within the sentence or in a sentence
immediately preceding.
2. Syntactic clue—is the structure of language. Elements of syntax include word order and
sentence structure, which can help reveal the function of an unknown word.
3. Presentation clue—refers to the other aids that the author may use to make himself clear to the

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