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1. Which of the following statements or phrases do not define a Concept Paper?

a. Explaining an idea
b. Project overview
c. An academic or research paper
d. Explanation of unrelated concepts
2. The following are purposes of a concept paper, EXCEPT:
a. Foundation of the full proposal
b. Helps in determining the feasibility of certain project
c. To gather impolitely potential funding agencies
d. To obtain informal feedback
3. “A plant that is full, has thick wooden stem, and has many large branches.” The definition of the
object is_____________.
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Extended
d. Differentia
4. Which of the following definition is FORMAL?
a. Someone who has larger, and more robust bones and joint surfaces.
b. Tocopherol or Vitamin E is naturally found in vegetable oil, fish, and nuts.
c. Life is the ability to grow and change that separates plants and animals from other things.
d. None of the above.
5. How do you describe a concept?
a. Give the meaning
b. Provide its characteristics
c. Equating and giving similarities
d. Making an explanation
6. The following are patterns of developing a concept, identify which do not belong.
a. Anological Explanation
b. Contrasting
c. Classifying
d. Thinking
e. A and D
7. An academic paper which explains someone’s stand or viewpoint on a controversial issue.
8. Which of the following is a purpose of writing a position paper?
a. Generate support on an issue.
b. To gain unreasonable fund.
c. Solicit data and materials
d. None of the above
9. Complete the steps in Writing a Position Paper. 5 points
10. Which of the ways provide solid foundation of an argument?
a. Collect concrete evidences and sources
b. Make a confusing concept development
c. Be certain in providing unreliable facts and information
d. All are correct

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