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Gomez 1

Fernando M. Gomez

Dr. Sharity Nelson

ENGL 1302 - 101

19 October 2022

10.19.22 Homework Assignment

Before class, read “Literacies Crossing Borders: Transfronterizo Literacy Practices of Students

in a Dual Language Program on the USA-Mexico Border” by De La Piedra and Araujo which is

posted on Blackboard. Respond to these questions:

• What is the author’s thesis? The authors’ thesis is that immigrant children learn about literacy

practices in many ways from two different nations at the same time. The literacy practices,

namely of Mexican minority students, are strongly influenced by the fact that their knowledge is

expanded by transfronterizo literacy practices and have distinct experiences that affect their

learning experience in the United States.

• How strong is the thesis? The thesis is powerful. In the article, the thesis is repeated in different

ways while supported by evidence that is also strong and proves the worth of the thesis. In fact,

the authors describe the importance of analyzing students’ literacy practices, which are

increasing in popularity because the future world is becoming one of diverse border connections

and relationships.

• What evidence does the author use to support his argument? The authors used former studies on

the subject and interviews with students and teachers as the stronghold of their study. Their

investigations spanned large data that consisted of observations and written artifacts that

demonstrated and proved the original argument.

Gomez 2

• What category of evidence is this? These were reports of large amounts of notes. So, the

category of evidence can be anecdotal evidence, since there were interviews involved that

corroborated the overall thesis of the article. 

• How strong is the evidence? This evidence is vital in that it provides proof of the thesis. It

corresponds strongly to the argument that students are influenced by transfronterizo literacies so

much so to the point that they incorporate it into their way of learning. For example, it was noted

that certain characteristics from Mexican comics were used for a certain class practice of writing

a script for a role play. Transfronterizo literacies were used for academic purposes.

• What can you take from this article to use in your writing? I can take from this article the

usefulness of narration. The narration was a prominent strategy used by the authors to support

their argument. Their incorporation of real-life students proving the thesis statement highlighted

the weight of the authors’ arguments that transfronterizo literacies are in fact used by students

who experience their world in more than one nation, language, and culture. If I am to talk about

arguments concerning culture, the narration would be a great strategy for supporting my


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