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1. What is the author’s thesis?

it is focused on children living in two different countries

and trying to navigate and express themselves with two different languages and
needs to gain more recognition
2. How strong is the Theis? These authors make it very clear on what they stand for by
emphasizing children utilizing two different languages and how being enrolled into
the dual language program can help these children perfect both languages
3. What evidence does the author use to support his argument? researchers show that
teachers do not recognize the out-of-school literacies and funds of knowledge of
Latino students in the classroom and have called for educators to ‘listen closely to
their transnational immigrant students and recognize the global understandings and
experiences they undergo on a daily and cumulative basis’ (Sa´nchez, 2007, p. 513)
this suggests that many educators are not recognizing what these children go
through with different languages.
4. What category of evidence is this? Documentary
5. How strong is the evidence? It is very clear in the message they want the reader to
6. What can you take from this article to use in your writing?
That they use a variety of different articles to draw their claim and conclusion and
signifying what each scholar had to say towards the issue

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