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Vivian Galindo

ENGL 1301-109

Sharity Nelson

1 November 2022

Secret life of Shelter Employees

Talking about shelter employee suicide certainly gets people to pay attention. This

brings attention to these creatures and the psychology of these shelter workers of which

these creatures are being euthanized, there has been discussion of how this an oppression

issue. These authors introduce the article in depth by using these rhetorical strategies to

appeal the logos ethos pathos and Kairos of the psychologists working for the animal

shelter community. In their article, the authors Andrukonis and Protopopova utilize

several tables in their article, secondly, citing other authors from another intuitions citing

specific authors who are part of animal science ethos appeal to this because it comes from

a believable from that major, Pathos/ Kairos: introduce emotional and urgent language to

explain invoke that specific emotion protecting animal shelter workers in euthanizing

animals to grasp the attention to veterinarians and psychologists of these shelter


Beginning with, Audrukonis and Protopopova utilize several tables in their article

to prove the work-related characteristics among the shelter community, the first table

showcases the psychometric measures by months on the job plus the traumatic reactions

influencing these employees’ jobs. This shocks readers to hear this because of not

expecting this type of work among these shelter employees towards their daily duties for

these critters. This table demonstrates the statistics in the job employment among shelter
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workers that many readers may have not expected what looks behind the scenes in these

shelters. Additionally, table 2 stresses the compassion among these shelters’ workers

within their mental health struggles. This proves to readers how shelter workers mental

health difficulties these workers go through in a daily basis Therefore, decisions to accept

dogs in the workplace may include many considerations including the health, safety, and

well-being of employees, legal and cultural sensitivities, and animal welfare. Lastly, the

third table discusses the overall summation of statistics for the psychometric measures

that discusses a significant relationship between secondar traumatic stress score and

animal specific euthanasia-related decisions and how the secondary traumatic stress was

higher in individuals who made the selection of animals for euthanasia always and

occasionally. These overall demonstrates to the reader “awareness” and “understanding”

of the legal obligations of employers under the ADA and relevant state laws are critical to

ensuring that both the employee with a disability and co-workers are treated fairly when

accommodations are considered and implemented.

Additionally, logos and ethos these authors use them for their surveys because

there is bit of both since them explain logical patterns from a reliable source and ethos as

well because authors are explaining the animal community the correlation between

human and creature contact. For instance, those with PTSD and those diagnosed has been

the cause of overworked employees in shelters and stress and suggest that those worked

for long periods, are five times higher in having PTSD. This demonstrates to the audience

that it is serios matter and feel sad for these workers going through these hardships and

psychologists and superiors are not being aware or taken seriously in acting in this

matter. Also, these creatures are being traumatized by the fact

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Following, Pathos and Kairos introduce emotional and urgent language to explain,

invoke that specific emotion protecting animal shelter workers in euthanizing animals for

instance, these author picture geographics and results to persuade the audience in this

case psychologists and the animal community because it is an urgency shelter employee

going through mental breakdowns and feeling overwhelmed with pushing themselves

things, they need to do in order to keep their job and it is very frustrating situation for

those going through in a daily basis.

Lastly, citing other authors from another intuitions citing specific authors who are

part of animal science ethos appeal to this because it comes from a believable from that

major these authors bring attention to other authors from other institutions by this I mean

they bring to give credibility to the authors from other institutions in furthering her

research thus, the audience will feel a sense of importance and must be willing to

surrender any preconceptions or emotional baggage that interfere with seeing the

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Andrukonis, Alison and Alexandra Protopopova.

Occupational Health of Animal Shelter Employees by Live Release Rate, Shelter Type, and

Euthanasia-Related Decision

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