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A. The more a person was aware or brought attention to an idea like voting, the more likely
they were to vote.
B. They could pick better overall candidates and go door to door for many days telling
citizens in beneficial areas why they should vote.
C. They use technology by censoring who voted for what candidates in past elections and
target those people for upcoming elections. These political parties may also hire 3rd
party companies to go through social media accounts and sift through potential
advertising-induced citizens.

A. Most of Florida can be considered very conservative while some parts are
B. The candidate could use this information to display very traditional ideals in places
where that belief is shared and areas where people are in the middle, they could use
more party-neutral language and advertisements.
C. In drawing boundaries, congressional districts could be grouped by specific areas. If the
boundary-drawing people are pro-conservative, they could rope many democratic areas
together while allowing for other districts to be almost completely conservative.
D. With parties not being close to the middle anymore, people with midline ideas are less
likely to take part in what they may call, extremist beliefs. Many people in areas of
another party's beliefs may feel that their vote doesn’t matter so they don't show up to
the polls.

A. The majority of the states that frontload their Caucasus have a majority white population.
B. The distributive population of ethnic minority citizens is predominantly in the US’s
southwest region.
C. With frontloading, many ethnic and racial majorities are put at a disadvantage and
underrepresented. For example, in texas there is a large number of hispanic counties but
in that state, the elections are front-loaded which may lead to under-representation.

A. Both parties have things that can improve on. Democrats- including younger candidates
and Republicans- no to be more in touch with younger voters.
B. GOP- Recommended finding a way to appeal to younger voters whereas the DTF,
mentions recruiting younger candidates and better identifying what the party stands for.
C. These organizations are out of touch with what the newer citizens stand for and how to
accommodate them.

A. A single voter had just as much impact in Iowa and New Hampshire then five
voters on Super Tuesday.
B. Don't share media results prior to election endings.
C. States may prefer to hold their primaries earlier in the election process to achieve
maximum voter turnout.


A. The two-party system is messed up in a sense due to their constricting

viewpoints about touchy subjects and creating a whole political party idea about it
that is considered either right or wrong.
B. The electoral college makes it difficult for a third party to win because you need a
certain amount of points per election where bigger parties will automatically
receive some due to state ideologies and the flip-flop states will be between the
two big parties, not a small third party.
C. A citizen may not vote for a third party because it does not follow the same
beliefs that someone who is either democrat or republican may follow. They may
also think that if they vote for them, their vote wont matter.

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