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Separation of fines by flotation

K. A. Matis, G. P. Gallios, and K. A. Kydros

Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemical Technology, Aristotelian University,

Thessaloniki, Greece

A large amount of valuable minerals is discarded today asjines and ultrafines because of inadequate
technology to process them economically. Treatment of fine particles presents a difficult problem in
the chemical industry and raw materials processing, and its solution is required both in production
and efjuent treatment. This article reviews various suitable flotation techniques-such as precipitate
flotation, flocculation-flotation, columnjlotation, dissolved-air flotation, and electrolytic flotation and
presents different laboratory experiments withfines (mostly at the subsieve size range) as examples. Also
included is the conventional froth jotation and particularly the effect of bubbles size on performance.
Although froth flotation is a commonly applied selective separation process in mineral processing, it
becomes inefficient for benejiciating fines. In the closing overview of the process, several ideas for
future research are suggested.

Keywords: separation; fines; particles; bubbles; electrolytic flotation; dissolved air

Introduction tation has the advantage of being able to operate effec-

tively with finely pulverized ores and, generally, is
Flotation constitutes one of the most significant bene-
more economic than chemical operations of beneficia-
ficiation methods of ores and industrial minerals, hav-
tion (i.e., hydrometallurgy). The former advantage is
ing a history of almost a century, and its application has
important in the case of low-grade or complex ores
been extended nowadays to new fields, for instance, to
where, owing to liberation of grains, size reduction to
effluent treatment. Today, almost 100 different types
finer particle sizes is compulsory.
of ores and around 2 million tons of them are processed
The particles size to be floated should be rather small
every year by froth flotation.’ Its selectivity is so great
so that they can be levitated by the bubbles produced.
that, for example, cassiterite ores containing 0.2-0.3%
Usually, particles of diameter less than around 500 pm
Sn are separated by flotation.
(at an intermediate-size range) can be used in flotation.
Flotation, a gravity separation process, is a physico-
To facilitate the particle-bubble collision, dispersions
chemical method based on the different hydrophobicity
(or pulp) having 15-35% (w/v) in solid concentration
of particles to be separated; hydrophobicity of minerals
is mixed by intense stirring. The final result is the re-
is rarely natural occurring but may be chemically in-
moval of the mineralized bubbles at the froth, the so-
duced during conditioning. Hence, flotation is some-
called concentrate, unless it is a reverse process, where
how independent of the particles properties.
the tails are of interest. For the latter case, the froth
There are three basic bubbles generation methods,
layer contains the gangue or unwanted particles.
Flotation may give the required product quality with
1. Dispersed-air flotation proper design of flotation cells (tanks), appropriate op-
2. Dissolved-air flotation eration of the conditioning stage (which sometimes is
3. Electrolytic flotation simultaneous with grinding) and good selection of
chemical reagents. Those are usually classified as col-
Compared with other physical unit operations, flo-
lectors, modifiers (activators or depressants, disper-
sants, pH regulators, coagulants etc.), and frothers.
Analysis of the flotation process, on a simplified
Address reprint requests to Dr. K. A. Matis at the Laboratory of
General and Inorganic Chemical Technology, Aristotelian University
basis, is often based in the stage concept. The basic
(114), 540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece. stages of flotation are the following: (1) dispersion, (2)
Received 18 February 1992; accepted 3 December 1992 addition of flotation reagents, (3) mixing in order to

76 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 0 1993 Butterworth-Heinemann

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

produce hydrophobic particles, (4) gas (usually air) dis-

persion to produce bubbles, (5) collision of bubbles-
particles and adhesion of the hydrophobic ones, (6)
formation of stable bubble-particle aggregates and their
transport to surface and (7) maintenance of froth until
the particles are collected. Many parameters may affect
flotation; around 50 have been reported. ’ Taking into
consideration their interactions one can understand the
complexity of the process. Perhaps this is the reason
why flotation originally started as an “art,” and only
in recent years has study on a more fundamental basis
been attempted.3
Fine particles often constitute a problem in chemical
industry and raw materials processing, often as by- Ca cc Cb
products. It seems that there is some confusion on the Collector cont.
size classification with reference to the term fines. It
was proposed by Sivamohan4 that fines are particles Figure 1 Effect of collector concentration (C) on flotation of
with diameters less than 100 pm size, very fines those three materials, expressed as recoveries 1%); a hypothetical case
less than 20 pm, and ultrafines the ones less than 5 of selective separation. From reference 84.
pm. For particles lengthy 1 pm in size, they belong to
the colloidal size range.
The capability of flotation in the processing of fines petted to be selectively separated from a mixture of
was shown in the removal of synthetic zeolites (having them by flotation controlling only the collector concen-
a size range of -5.5 + 1.9 pm) from dilute disper- tration. 84 So, with a collector concentration of C, the
sions.5 Today, considerable interest is growing in de- material A would alone float, hence separating from B
veloping new methods and in improving old ones for and C. Increasing the concentration to C,, material C
the recovery of fine particles. Going to finer size ranges, would also float leaving B in the pulp and so on.*
however, flotation faces different problems, and their Nevertheless, in practice, as the particles of the three
materials are mixed, their interaction starts leading
examination is the scope of this article.
Some insistence on mineral processing is only due to the modification of their surface properties. For
to the fact that most of the available literature on flota- example, if any of the materials is soluble-even
tion is from this area, where the process was originated slightly-then ions may be present in the solution phase,
and being widely practiced. Certain solutions to the which can be adsorbed on particle surfaces and change
problem of fines are proposed in the present-without the particles’ flotation behavior. Also, the collector ions
saying that they are the only techniques available-and (i.e., oleate) may react with different other ions in solu-
the examples given are coming from our laboratory tion (as Ca*+) giving insoluble salts and resulting in low-
work, some original. ering of the available collector. This is the reason why,
except of collector concentration, other parameters
usually should be controlled (i.e., pH, modifiers addi-
Selective separation by flotation tion) so that the desired separation is possible.
Another major advantage of flotation is that it can oper- Sometimes, however, as in the case of salt-type min-
ate selectively (or differentially), and perhaps the best erals, flotation separation is still difficult.’ In this cate-
example is the processing of mixed sulfide ores, being gory belongs magnesite MgCO, and dolomite (Mg,
the traditional application of the process6; so, galena, Ca)(CO,),, also known as magnesium carbonates,
sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and other useful minerals are which will be used as two of the main examples in the
separated from gangues. The first report of selective following discussion; pyrite is the third one.
flotation goes back to 1910.’ Apparently, selectivity is The effect of particle size on flotation recovery is sig-
not often applied in effluent treatment, unless some by- nificant. It was shown that there exists a certain size
products recycle is sought (i.e., valuable metals). range in which optimum results may be obtained in min-
Flotation, as a three-phase unit operation, is influ- eral processing. This range varies with the mineral prop-
enced by many variables, which are quite difficult to erties such as density, liberation, and so on but is on the
control. The presence of only one additional constit- orderof lo-1OOpm. loIn mineral processing, for obvious
uent in the solid or liquid phase, even in very small economic reasons, it is the coarse size of particles that
quantities, can completely change the system behavior is of interest (high costs are involved in size reduction).
during flotation. For example, the size range selected for floatability stud-
Let us consider three different materials A, B, and C, ies of magnesite was - 180 + 125 pm.6
which alone can float qualitatively by varying the collec-
Principles of conventional flotation
tor concentration, C-if the latter is selected as the cru-
cial parameter-with the order C, < C, < C,, assuming Froth flotation traditionally uses cells (of as much as
collector concentration to be the crucial parameter (Fig- 85 m3) of mechanical type (i.e., dispersed air). A cell
ure 2). In theory, the particles of each material are ex- of this type consists of a rectangular vessel with the

Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 77

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

agitator system located near the bottom. A stator often more effective.* Column flotation was applied to calcite
shrouds the rotor. Air is introduced, usually through fines, 80% in the range -75 + 45 prn.r8
the agitator shaft, either by the agitation-induced air Nevertheless, its characteristic innovation is the
suction or by an external blower. Once out of the stator maintenance of a net downward flow of water through
region, the bubbles are progressively loaded with par- the froth in order to prevent hydraulic entrainment.19
ticles.” So, in a column one can have rougher, scavenger, and
Cells are usually installed in banks; the tailings of cleaner actions in series. In mechanical flotation cells,
one cell are fed into the next one, while the concentrate the entrainment of fine particles into the froth decreases
is removed from the bank side as overflow. A flotation the concentrate grade. The mixing process of a liquid
cell comprises two distinct regions: a region of intense phase in a (gas-liquid) flotation column and the effect
turbulence, where vigorous mixing is required to bring of the flow rates on it were already published.*O Among
all the particles into close contact with each other; in the recent modifications of column flotation is the
the second region, quiescence must prevail to minimize Jameson cell.*
the probability of particle detachment, allowing the One of the applications of column flotation is fine
mineralized bubbles to ascend and disengage undis- coal processing. This includes the retrofit of existing
turbed. preparation plant circuits and the recovery of addi-
The formation of the froth and its subsequent re- tional coal fines from refuse streams.*,*’ Flotation of
moval are the final two steps in flotation. Phenomena pyrite-which has long been employed in mixed sul-
that occur in the froth phase are known to affect sig- fides beneficiation-attracts attention also in coal de-
nificantly the results of the whole process.‘* The im- sulfurization, for coal-fired power plants to prevent
portant factors include the air-flow rate, frother dosage, environmental pollution. In this area, another interest-
air-bubble size distribution, and size and concentration ing investigation, which needs further development, is
of mineral in the pulp. the application of bioflotation.
The concentration of gangue in the uppermost pulp Although coal flotation has tremendous potential, it
layers is also of interest, being affected by such parame- has not been widely practiced.** The explanation is not
ters as the impeller speed, air rate, and particle size.13 necessarily due to the cost of the flotation process but
It was shown that for laboratory machines-their op- to other factors such as the complexity and heterogene-
erating conditions required for flotation coincide with ity of coals, difficulty of flotation application to certain
a hydrodynamic region, which is responsible for fine types of coals (i.e., lignites), failure to clean fines con-
gangue transfer from the pulp into the froth column by taining high percentage of clay, tendency for oversize
elutriation and entrainment process acting in the pulp. to be lost in tailings, high cost of dewatering and mar-
Thus, the selective action of the flotation process itself keting problems of fines.
was compromised. Knowledge on the gas holdup profiles (radial and
A flotation unit is basically a reaction vessel and axial) is a step toward understanding the gas and slurry
therefore may be modeled accordingly.* Experimental flow patterns existing in the column and their depen-
results from residence-time distribution measurements dence on design and operation parameters, and ulti-
may be used to its calibration. As far as mixing is mately their effect on metallurgy. There has been con-
concerned, it is known that turbulence plays an im- siderable debate over the appropriate model for RTD.23
portant part in the operation of a flotation cell. Rota- Measuring the profiles does offer a possible diagnostic
tional speed and thus intensity of turbulence has a to detect maldistribution of gas and to compare sparg-
strong influence on the concentrate. I4 ing systems. Uniform wash-water distribution is im-
The beneficiation of fine particles depends heavily portant in increasing recovery; wash-water distribution
on the flotation separation process. I5 Conventional can be readily checked by temperature profiling.
froth flotation for many ore systems, while being effec- Sparger life and ease of maintenance largely deter-
tive for particles comparatively coarse, appears com- mine the choice of device rather than such considera-
monly as a drop off in the efficiency, as the particle tions as control over bubble size or processing benefits,
size decreases (less than around 20 pm). As solution which are not always readily evident. The use of exter-
column flotation was proposed, among others. nal aerators offers the possibility of reliable on-line
maintenance and for this reason are of increasing in-
Column flotation According to Finch and coworkers, what will occur
Perhaps no flotation machine development has created is increasing use of columns including use with other
as much excitement as the flotation column,‘6 which flotation machines. Any variations in response between
has been around for more than 20 years. A column different flotation devices (e.g., to such factors as parti-
(either of square or circular cross section), having di- cle size and degree of oxidation) could then be profit-
mensions of 300 mm-3 m (side length or diameter) and ably exploited.24 Also, future machines are envisaged
height-to-diameter ratio of 10-100, may be operated in to be distinguished in two parts: (1) the reactor, to
countercurrent mode.” It can be considered actually give intense particle collection, followed by a quiescent
as the scale-up of the perspex column, available in water-washed section; and (2) the separator, in which
most laboratories, used in continuous flow flotation bubble slurry separation occurs. Independent optimi-
experiments; the countercurrent mode of operation is zation of the two parts may be possible. However,

78 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

results are to be obtained: sampling, age and alteration

of the sample, froth removal procedure, grinding of
sample, water quality, pH, pulp density, aeration rate,
agitation, and temperature. Other small-scale tests,
iz parallel with the floatability, investigate the adsorption
y 60 of surfactants.29 Adsorption from an aqueous solution
i is a phenomenon of central importance in applications
: ranging from ore flotation to water treatment. Flotation
40 of sparingly soluble salt-type minerals (and sulfides)
a: appears to be controlled by chemical interactions be-
tween anionic collectors (such as the fatty acids) and
mineral cations. Furthermore collector interaction is
controlled by solubility criteria. Under these condi-
0’ * . * . ’ m . ’ ’ tions, the model to be used must follow the thermody-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
namics of infinite three-dimensional phases,29 with the
surfactant being allowed to precipitate on the particles
surface or in the bulk solution.
Figure 2 Classical floatability tests: effect of pH of solution on Figure 3 presents some adsorption results of a fatty
pure pyrite recovery by a commercial collector (Aero 407 Pro- acid on two salt-type minerals, of -45 + 15 pmfraction
moter); -75 + 45-pm particles. From reference 85. size.30 The observed difference (two y axes) are due
to different specific surface areas of mineral particles,
dolomite being crystalline while magnesite was crypto-
crystalline. The effect of variable collector (fatty acid)
inevitably research to understand the fundamental phe-
concentration is shown, at an almost natural pH.
nomena will also intensify.
In these experiments, carboxymethyl cellulose (as
the sodium salt) was also applied as modifier of flota-
Parameters affecting flotation
tion. It was found3’ that this organic modifying reagent
Many small-scale tests (around 2 g of solids sample) are depressed (i.e., inhibited the flotation of) dolomite
available in flotation testwork, for example, Hallimond (which has calcium sites) in the pH rage 7.0-12.0, but
tube (with a G4 porous frit) testing,25 which is widely it did not affect magnesite. Its adsorption was assumed
used recently. It provides a fast, convenient, and low- to be chemical in nature because of the existence of
cost method, based on small samples, usually of pure calcium ions on dolomite surface. If carboxymethyl
minerals and often artificial mixtures of determining cellulose adsorption was due only to electrostatic
the general conditions, under which minerals may be forces, it should have been adsorbed on both minerals.
rendered floatable. A reduction of dolomite flotation recovery was re-
Earlier (see Figure Z), a hypothetic case of selective ported, in presence of this modifier in the alkaline re-
flotation was presented where the collector’s concen- gion, but it did not influence flotation in the acidic one;
tration was the important parameter. Another im-
portant parameter influencing flotation is the pH, which
should be carefully controlled. Typical flotability ex-
periments on pyrite (1% pulp density) by a modified26 500 , 1 3000
Hallimond tube microcell are presented in Figure 2. A F -
commercial collector (by Cyanamid) was applied in E ,t i
,“d - 2500 \
these experiments, being an aqueous mixture of mer- 0,
capto-benzothiazole and dialkyl-dithiophosphate com- I
pound. For the pH control of solution, sulfuric acid
was used and either lime or caustic soda, in the alkaline
region. The depressing effect of hydroxides in sulfides
flotation is known,27 particularly above the pH of 11.
Certain limitations of the Hallimond testwork should
be taken into consideration.16 For instance, the micro- 13
cell results give no information concerning certain - 500 ::
73 u
physical aspects of the process (i.e., bubbles size, froth Q a
behavior, mixing, etc.). Also, the “pure” mineral spec- 0 0
imens used may have been obtained from deposits 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
other than those for which flotation is being tested and
which might be variable in their properties. Therefore, Collector cont. (ppm)
it is very important to characterize those specimens
Figure 3 Adsorption studies on magnesite and dolomite of a
from the mineralogic viewpoinL2* commercial collector (Acintol FA-1). in presence of 100 ppm
The following factors and controls should be exam- carboxymethyl cellulose at pH 9.5; adsorption density versus
ined before embarking on batch testwork, if meaningful collector concentration. Adapted from reference 30.

Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 79

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

Magnesite dolomite potentials were interpreted (by Hollick) as

10 I I
consistent with steady adsorption of negatively
charged oleate anions to otherwise relatively stable
-10 - surfaces.26
9 The magnesite potentials, conversely, were actually
slightly lower in the presence of collector than without
z -50 - it. This was regarded as the result of probably a balance
z between the rates of magnesite dissolution and collec-
; -70.
tor adsorption, which may reflect the extent to which
% the formation of magnesium oleate surface complexes
n -90.
0 No soll*slor stabilized the magnesite against continuing dissolution.
2 -110 . l SHMP 100 pprn Of course, the flotation procedure conducted in Hal-
lz limond tubes is a frothless process. In practice, a
0 WC 100 ppm
frother is applied, unless if the collector-surfactant has
I frothing properties, too. A frother functions to reduce
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 surface tension, reduce bubble sizes, minimize bubble
coalescence, and stabilize the froth at the flotation cell
PH surface. Frothers are also used in column flotation and
Figure 4 Zeta-potential measurements on magnesite (pH val- thus higher gas holdups are obtained.35
ues after conditioning), with and without modifiers; presence of Coming to the economic aspects of the process,36 it
carboxymethyl cellulose and sodium hexametaphosphate. was reported that flotation processes alone required
Adapted from references 26 and 31. about 0.07% of the total energy expended in the U.S.
industry. Much of the information available regarding
energy and running costs are mainly based on conven-
in the latter carboxymethyl cellulose is not charged, tional froth flotation applied in mineral processing.37
and its adsorption is quite small.
Magnesite is one of the important products of Precipitate flotation
Greece, being also considered as a strategic mineral.32
An interesting application of flotation in recent years
Figure 4 shows some surface potential measurements,
is its use in wastewater treatment.3 For instance, it is
carried out by the method of electrophoretic mass
known that (dissolved-air) flotation is an effective and
transfer ( -45pm particles fraction). Adsorption at the
quite dominant process for activated sludge plants,
mineral-water interfaces are in most cases controlled
both for clarification and thickening,38 and in treating
by the well-known electrical double layer.3*33
oil refinery wastes. 36What is perhaps less known is its
Hexametaphosphate (an inorganic modifier), having
application to metal ions recovery in which a precipi-
a high negative charge, was also found to affect mainly
tate is formed either in solution or at the foam layer,
dolomite, being a strong depressing agent, in the alka-
depending usually on the ion concentration. For ion
line pH region. 31 The nonaction in the acidic region
flotation, in contrast to precipitate flotation (at least),
was attributed to the change in solution composition
with pH and the hydrolysis of phosphates, which is
favored by the presence of metallic cations. It seemed
that the mechanism of action of phosphate ions could Dolomite
be explained by the fact that they are adsorbed on I”

mineral surfaces and increase dolomite’s negative

charge. Its preference to dolomite may be also attrib- -10 -

uted to the adsorption of this modifier in calcium sites 9

E -30 *
on dolomite surface. V
Nevertheless, it is also possible that hexametaphos- 0 -50 -
phate action is related to the solution rather than the
solid particles, because it is known that phosphate and E@ -70 - I
polyphosphate ions can bond calcium from solutions I
giving complexes or insoluble salts.34 They can even ,
redissolve insoluble salts of calcium. I
0 No collector \
The surface potentials of minerals were also exam- I
ined with and without the presence of anionic collector :

as shown in Figure 5. At pH greater than around 11S, -150' 1

the surface charge on both minerals increased very 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
rapidly to strongly negative values. At somewhat lower
alkalinity, a more interesting pattern emerged: The in- PH
troduction of oleate increased the negative surface po- Figure 5 Zeta-potential measurements on dolomite, with and
tential of the dolomite to levels slightly lower than the without the presence of sodium oleate (40 ppm). Adapted from
corresponding magnesite potentials. These increased reference 26.

80 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

a stoichiometric amount of surfactant is needed, in 100

relation with the metal ion to be removed. In this way,

valuable metals such as silver and germanium can be
recovered.3v39 The field was extensively reviewed re- ____.-------- 0

cently.40 Reference is also given to adsorbing colloid

flotation, a technique where a metal ion is removed
by adsorption on or coprecipitation
(i.e., ferric hydroxocomplexes),
with a colloid
which is then

The precipitate flotation of copper and zinc, as sul-

fides, by cationic surfactants (mainly laurylamine) was

60 .
Fz 0 Coop*r 300 S
A Coopw 600 f
n Zinc300 *
studied at a pH of around 2, as a selective separation . Zinc600 I
method for the two dissolved metals from dilute aque-
ous solutions.4’ The dissolved-air flotation technique
was used to produce fine bubbles, and copper sulfide 100 200 300 400

was found in the foam layer. As second stage, zinc

Mixing speed (rpm)
sulfide precipitate flotation was also foreseen at a
higher pH (of around 5). In the laboratory, to check Figure 6 Effect of flocculation on metals ion flotation, at 300
the size of copper sulfide precipitates produced, it was and 600 s. (a) Copper, pH 3.0, (b) Zinc, pH 5.0. Adapted from
shown that they were retained on a microfilter of 0.05 reference 42.
pm, hence, colloidal size.
Further, in the article by Stalidis et al.,41 in which
the tests were scheduled by a full factorial experiment,
of the metal ion. The method was proposed in the
as one of the variables the stirring speed was se-
meantime as a candidate for the use of fine particles.
lected-based on previous experience. This was
Various dissolved metals have been separated from
changed between 50 and 350 rpm, as the low and high
dilute aqueous solutions in this way (i.e., Cu, Pb, Ni,
level, respectively. The solution of the response equa-
Cr, and As).
tions gave 248.5 t-pm. In other words, a flocculation of
A laboratory continuous tlow precipitate flotation
precipitates was also required in advance for a satisfac-
unit has been also constructed and tested satisfacto-
tory separation by laurylamine (as the flotation collec-
rily. 44 As application, the precipitate flotation of the
tor). In this case, the satisfactory results were checked
known system CuS/ZnS was chosen, in dilute solutions
by flotation.
(50-250-ppm metal ion concentration). In this case, the
These experiments were carried out in a 1-L cylin-
dispersed-air flotation technique (by a gas diffuser) was
dric jar (9.3-cm diameter); the solution was mixed at
followed. The flotation apparatus consisted of a condi-
a preset speed with a flat blade impeller (6-cm length;
tioning and feed tank, a peristaltic pump, liquid rotame-
2-cm width), stirred at a height of around 2 cm from
ters for inlet and exit, the flotation column (volume of
the bottom. Similar conclusions were obtained in cop-
about 2.1 L) having a weir at the top connected to a
per and zinc ion flotation. 42 The experimental results
foam collection tank, and an effluent tank. The bubbles
are presented as Figure 6, giving optimum mixing speed
generation arrangement consisted of an air compressor
over 250 rpm for 600 s.
connected to the porous plate (Schott no. 4 diaphragm)
In another work by Stalidis et al.,42 the selective
at the bottom of the flotation column through a needle
precipitation and flotation of copper, zinc, and arsenic
valve, a washing trap, an air rotameter, and a mercury
ions from dilute aqueous solutions (50-ppm metal) were
U-tube manometer.
investigated. Phase separation was accomplished effec-
tively also by the dissolved-air technique. A short-
chain xanthate (potassium 0-ethyl-dithiocarbonate)
was applied as the collector for copper ions, diethyl- Flocculation is an important stage in many solid-liquid
dithiocarbamate for zinc, and ferric sulfate for the pen- separation processes and is widely used in water and
tavalent arsenic. It is noted that dithiocarbamates have wastewater treatment. Common unit operations such
been applied in analytic chemistry for precipitation of as filtration, flotation, and sedimentation become more
metals as highly insoluble complexes. The procedures effective as the size of the particles is increased. If
followed were ion flotation for copper and zinc, and the particles to be removed are too small for effective
adsorbing colloid flotation for arsenic (without a surfac- separation, their size can be increased substantially by
tant). It was also found that with an excess (10%) of causing them to form aggregates.
collector the flotation recoveries were appreciably im- The important parameters affecting flocculation are
proved (~95%). the ionic strength, Hamaker constant, and surface po-
Recently, Zouboulis et al.43 reported a similar tech- tential of the particles. The interparticle forces or col-
nique for metals ion removal, termed adsorbingjlota- loid interactions include the van der Waals attraction
tion. The basic idea is to use fine mineral particles and electrical repulsion forces (examined by {-potential
(as pyrite), or solid wastes and industrial by-products measurements), which form the basis of the (DLVO)
(such as fly ash, red mud, etc.) as the substrate-carrier theory of colloid stability as well as the non-DLVO

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Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

forces such as those due to the hydration effects, hy- Carrier flotation (ultraflotation or “piggy-back” flo-
drophobic, and steric interactions.45 In shear-floccula- tation) constitutes another candidate process. The
tion the energy barrier resulting in repulsion of similarly well-known example of commercial application is that
charged hydrophobic particles is overcome by intense of anatase impurity being removed from kaolin clay by
stirring. Often the term coagulation is used for aggrega- flotation using coarse calcite particles as an auxiliary
tion succeeded by chemicals, but confusion seems to mineral (the carrier) to improve the flotability of fines.5’
exist in the literature on these terms. Recently, shear flocculation and carrier flotation for
Selective flocculation is constrained by the entrap- fine particles processing were reviewed.52
ment and entrainment of unwanted particles in the Several other modified flotation techniques have
floes, and possible methods for their minimization were also been studied such as the high temperature flota-
proposed.46 Several successful investigations of selec- tion, oil (or emulsion) flotation, spheric agglomeration,
tive flocculation in laboratory or pilot plant scale exists, liquid-liquid extraction, agglomerate flotation-floto-
but very few known commercial applications have been flocculation, etc.53,54The general idea is to enhance the
reported.47 effective particle size by uniting the particles so that
Entrainment usually occurs according to the follow- the aggregates formed may have better flotabilities.
ing mechanisms: (1) fluid entrainment and (2) mechani-
cal entrapment. The main mechanisms for entrainment Role of bubble size
of dispersed-phase species into the floe layer are (1)
Of the various subprocess that contribute to the overall
fluid entrainment, (2) gravitational entrainment, (3) me-
performance of flotation, the elementary step of parti-
chanical entrainment during the motion of the floe
cle capture by a rising bubble may be considered the
layer, and (4) weak attachment between the dispersed-
most important. It is this step that eventually deter-
phase particles and floes.
mines how the operating parameters affect flotation
Generally, entrapment occurs during floe formation
performance. From a fundamental viewpoint,55 the pro-
and floe growth, whereas entrainment occurs mainly
cess of particle capture was described by the overall
during floe separation. According to Shaning and At-
probability of particle capture, being the product of
tia 47 factors contributing to entrapment and entrain-
two probabilities: that of collision between a bubble
ment include high solids contents, poor mixing, and
and particle, and that of adhesion after a particle has
the presence of a coarse and heavy unwanted concen-
collided with a bubble. Noting that for particles smaller
tration of dispersed-phase particles.
than approximately 100 pm, particle detachment is neg-
A good example of applying selective flocculation
ligible (this probability is zero) and need not be con-
(developed by the Bureau of Mines) may be found at
the Tilden concentrator48 on oxidized taconites, as iron
Many investigators 56*57 have shown that a decrease
resources. An essential element in this use was the
in the probability of collision with decreasing particle
preconditioning of the ore by selective flocculation with
size is largely responsible for the difficulty in floating
starch and desliming before flotation of the silicates
fine particles. This relationship is often quantified by
gangue; either anionic flotation of calcium-activated
considering the case of an isolated bubble rising
gangue or cationic flotation of unactivated gangue, the
through a suspension of particles. As the bubble rises,
latter being simpler. Dispersion of iron-bearing pulps
a flow pattern develops around the bubble that can be
was made by applying sodium hydroxide (pH 11) and represented by fluid streamlines. The critical stream-
a dispersant, such as sodium silicate or sodium tripoly- line represents the trajectory of a finite-sized particle
phosphate. It was shown that the desliming without that just grazes the surface of the bubble. Thus, only
previous selective flocculation (and before flotation) those particles that are inside the critical streamline
could be used to remove the slimes but resulted in high will collide with the bubble, while those that are outside
iron losses. will miss the bubble. The probability of collision is
In another article49 on the flotation of colloidal kaolin determined from the ratio of the area inside the critical
and montmorillonite by a quaternary ammonium salt, streamline at an infinite distance away from the bubble
the effect of aggregation of clays on flotation was inves- to the cross-sectional area of the bubble.“58
tigated and found to be directly opposite (to flotation). Once the collision occurs, it may or may not result
This also was one of the first studies, to our knowledge, in the formation of a stable bubble-particle aggregate,
that examined the influence of bubble size in the flota- depending on the hydrophobicity of the particle. For
tion process; the latter will be analyzed in the following a perfectly hydrophobic particle, the value of the prob-
discussion. ability of adhesion is unity. For particles of lesser hy-
In either theory or practice of flotation, little atten- drophobicity the probability may be determined from
tion has been given to the fundamental aspects of dis- the induction time measurement.59
persion. It was stated that the flotation of ultrafine Based on this concept, a mathematic model was
minerals demands, for an effective separation, that the developedSS for the probability of collision as a function
system be observed in the optimum dispersion state.‘O of bubble size and particle size (under certain limita-
The controlled dispersion uses a non-uniform distribu- tions). At very small Reynolds numbers, the probabil-
tion of dispersant species among different mineral sur- ity of collision was shown to be directly proportional
faces, thereby forcing the collector species to adsorb to the square of the particle size and inversely propor-
onto particular minerals. tional to the square of the bubble diameter.

82 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.
<Thus, for the flotation of fine particles, there must dissolved-air flotation will be discussed in the following
be a corresponding decrease in bubble size to maintain sections.
an adequate probability of collision.60 Yoon and co-
workers applied the aforementioned analysis in column Electrolytic flotation
flotation, in the so-called microbubble flotation pro-
cess. Following similar paths of reasoning (although This is the flotation process where gas (hydrogen and
there is some simplification), two novel (by that time) oxygen) bubbles are generated by electrolysis. The
techniques producing fine bubbles were proposed3’j as subject was extensively reviewed previously36 and ap-
effective for fine particles processing (e.g., dissolved- plied to magnesium carbonate fines.“~*’ Electrolytic
air and electrolytic flotation). Additionally, it was dem- flotation (or electroflotation) was also the subject of
onstrated6’ that the selectivity of flotation depended on the lecture given by Matis (the ASI director), during
both the average bubble size and the width of the bub- an Advanced Study Institute on flotation 12-25 May
ble-size distribution. 1991 in Chalkidiki, Greece.3
Chemical engineers among others in the past have Figure 7 gives the laboratory experimental results
developed various methods for determining bubble size on the recovery of dolomite by electrolytic flotation.”
in flotation columns. One of the available methods was This electrolytic flotation cell, constructed in the labo-
the dynamic bubble/disengagement technique,62 which ratory, was essentially a modified Hallimond type with
provided estimations of bubble distributions. The ana- electrodes, in place of the porous diffuser (of the origi-
lytic-theoretic treatments followed in these estimations nal); the electrodes were connected to a DC power
supply of low voltage. The content of the cell was 270
involve certain approximations. Nevertheless, they
cm3, and the tests were conducted in deionized water,
may be applicable to a slurry system, and they are not
working with 3 g of material. A stirring of 15 rpm by
as tedious as the experimental photographic tech-
a mechanical stirrer was applied to keep the particles
nique.‘j3sa The latter, applied to electrolytic flotation,
in suspension. It was shown (in Figure 7) that carboxy-
used a technique from droplet measurements in solvent
methyl cellulose and sodium hexametaphosphate re-
extraction and gave’bubble sizes of less than 100 pm,
duce dolomite recovery, whereas sodium silicate did
depending on the conditions (mainly current density).2
not affect the process at these conditions. Better de-
Much work was carried out by Finch and his group
pression results were obtained using the modifiers be-
on column flotation; in one of their studies,‘j5 a drift
fore conditioning with the collector (commercial fatty
flux approach was used to determine the bubble termi-
acid). Figure 8 presents similar experiments on magne-
nal rise velocity, from which bubble diameter was then
site; the current density was 100 A m-2. The - 15 pm
estimated and compared with photographic measure-
(in this case) fraction was discarded by decantation. It
ments. The hindered settling equations of spheric parti-
was observed that in the presence of a depressant, even
cles in a multispecies system was used, giving the rela-
if the collector concentration was doubled, the results
tive particle to fluid velocity.66 In another article,67 the
remained poor, particularly in the alkaline region.
gas holdup was estimated from, pressure difference
The problems with slime coatings and mineral solu-
measurements in two industrial flotation columns; from
bility interaction between magnesite and dolomite were
that, the mean diameter of mineralized bubbles was
found, taking into account the slurry and gas recircula-
tion owing to large scale. Deviations of 40-80% were
Finally, a laboratory method by optical sensors for
measuring bubble sizes (of the order of a few millime-
ters) was described.@ An increase in viscosity, solid- ‘““I
particle size, pulp density and air flow rate, and a de-
crease in temperature all resulted in larger bubbles.
Bubble size decreased with an increase in the frother
concentration and ionic strength of the solution. The
coalescence of bubbles should also be considered.
In a flotation kinetics study,69 the concept of the
critical bubble diameter was introduced. The hydrody-
namics of a bubble-particle system, for small particles,
will substantially affect the possibility of seizure and
the kinetics of the process. The hydrodynamic factor
often has been ignored. ” It seems that at least certain
aspects of flotation will be improved by fine bubbles. 0 60
It is true that for eftluent treatment, in contrast to
mineral processing, the particles involved are typically Modifier cont. (ppm)
small (less than 20 pm in diameter), close to neutral
Figure 7 Electrolytic flotation experiments on dolomite fines
buoyancy and in very dilute concentration (a few parts (-45 + 10 pm): effect of modifier concentration on recovery. (a)
per million). The use of very small bubbles, which Carboxymethyl cellulose. (b) Hexametaphosphate. (c) Sodium
can be achieved by such techniques as electrolytic and silicate. Adapted from reference 71.

Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 83

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

tor; the concentrate was found to assay 33% Fe, 8.25%

100 As, 4.5% insoluble, and 23 ppm Au. It was found that
when the concentrate was leached by 20% HCl, to
remove the oxidized matter from the particles surface,
better floatabilities were observed (improvement in the
order of 60%). The interdependence of the potential
and the state of the sulfide mineral surface forms the
basis of collectorless flotation. Certainly, electrolytic
flotation being itself an electrochemical technique com-
plicates, from the first glance, the control of the pro-
cess, for instance, of redox potential.
However, in view of the excellent results shown in
Figure 12, it is believed that further research of this
technique is warranted. The difference, particularly of
magnesite behavior, was thought75 to be due to the
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 existence of ultrafines on magnesite particles. This salt-
type mineral was of crypto-crystalline (amorphous) na-
PH ture (see also Figure 3) and very fine particles were
Figure 8 Electrolytic flotation of magnesite: the effect of solu- even created during conditioning, by the stirring action
tion pH. (a) 20 ppm collector, no modifier. (b) 40 ppm concentra- of impellers. The specific surface area also was 3.89
tion. Both of collector and modifier (carboxymethyl cellulose). m* g- ’ for - 45 pm magnesite and only 0.5147 m* g-i
Adapted from reference 71. for dolomite (same fraction).
A multiparameter model by Levenspie176 was ap-
plied to electrolytic flotation” in an investigation of
discussed.‘* With monomineral floatability experi- hydrodynamics following the stimulus-response
ments, one may identify the conditions for a satisfac- method, as the efficiency is expected to be a function
tory selective separation. The results, however, cannot of the residence-time distribution. Assuming that the
be extended to mixtures of mineral particles. It ap- flow regime was composed of various flow types, both
peared that this was not only due to stability of mineral the cocurrent and countercurrent operation mode was
particles, being enhanced in the fine size range, but examined. It was found that the plug flow region was
also due to the low density of slime coatings. It was about the same for both the modes, while the difference
reported73 that the depression in the xanthate flotation was in the mixed and dead-water regions. There was
of galena (due to slime coatings) was less marked than more backmix flow in the countercurrent flow, and in
in salt-type mineral-oleate system. the cocurrent operation a dead-water region appeared.
Some preliminary results on pyrite (iron sulfide) are It is also noted that during the conventional flotation
presented in Figure 9, at a current density of 300 A machine (i.e., Denver 4 L, 850 rpm) experimentation
m-*. Because of the specific gravity of pyrite, the size it was observed that, especially with magnesite fines,
fraction used in these experiments cannot be consid- the cell was working merely as a frothing pump. The
ered as very fine. Specific gravity of pyrite is 5.0 com-
pared with that of magnesite being 3.1 and dolomite
being around 2.85. The collectorless process was
shown to give around 35-40% recoveries. One of the Pyrite
most significant developments in mineral processing in 60
recent years is the recognition that adsorption of thio-
type (as xanthate) collectors on sulfide minerals is an 50
electrochemical process. Charge transfer reactions oc-
cur resulting in the heterogeneous oxidation-fixation of g 40
thio-reagent simultaneously with the cathodic reduc-
tion of dissolved oxygen. Accordingly, the use of so- ?
dium hydrosulfite (a known reducing, i.e., oxygen con- :
suming, agent) was tried as presented in Figure 10.
: 20
The depressive effect is obvious. In fact many of the @z
examined modifiers used to control various flotation
processes may be considered as potential controlling 10

One of the common characteristics of sulfide miner-
als is their instability in atmospheric conditions, as they 0 2 6 8 10 12

tend to be transformed into stable, oxidized minerals6

In Figure 12 some floatability results are shown, con-
cerning a bulk pyrites industrial auriferous concentrate Figure 9 Electrolytic flotation of pyrite fines (-45 + 25 pm) in
in presence of sodium sulfate as ionic strength regula- presence and not of a xanthate collector.

84 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

Pyrite Pyrite


2 20


0 _
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Na,S,O, cont. (ppm)

Figure 10 Electrolytic flotation of pyrite (by 15 ppm KEX) in presence of a sulfoxy-compound as modifier. (a) Effectof depressant
concentration fpH 4). fb) Effect of pH (4 ppm Na&Od

pulp density first had to be reduced to 4% in solids; In conclusion, increased recoveries were succeeded
after 600 s conditioning by 500 ppm Acintol FA-I and with this flotation technique. Work is continuing in
floated by 83.3 cm3 s-’ air, only around 30% magnesite the laboratory on sulfides processing by electrolytic
was recovered in the froth compared with 90% of do- flotation.
Another comparison of electrolytic flotation, this Dissolved-air flotation
time with dissolved-air flotation, is given in Figure 23. Dissolved-air flotation is the dominant flotation tech-
In this case, differences as great as before were not nique applied in effluent treatment at the present
taken; for some reason, increasing the modifier (de- time.3,36,40In dissolved-air (pressure or vaccum) flota-
pressant) addition dissolved-air flotation was becoming tion, fine-air bubbles are produced by the reduction in
more effective (the case of dolomite). Nevertheless, in pressure of a water stream saturated with air; usually,
the case of magnesite fines, electrolytic flotation had in continuous flow the idea of recycle reactors is ap-
improved recoveries. It has also been noticed that in plied, coming from chemical reaction engineering. In
the areas of high results by the latter technique, a floc- other words, a part of treated (hence, cleaned) effluent
culation of particles in the concentrate was apparent is led to the saturator and then recycled and mixed
because of the so-called electrochemical effect.36 with the feed, where pressure is released.

Concentrate Concentrate

80 t



+ + *,+I!
20x HCI
10 -

0 m . ’ -
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 6


Figure 11 Electrolytic flotation recovery (as total solids) of a bulk pyrites concentrate (-45 + 25 pm); effect of pH in presence of
1.1 x low3 Na,S04. (a) Leached and not (5 ppm KEX). (b) Varying the collector addition (leached concentrate).

Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 85

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

Dolomite Magnesite
100 7

Electroflotation 0 - ” e
- F /
:‘-_-+ + _a--
--_A___--- +


+s- _--*
Dispersed-air _-**-
+e-- +
*, _t_---

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Figure 12 Comparison of electrolytic flotation of dolomite and magnesite fines with dispersed-air flotation (both of Hallimond type):
effect of pH. From reference 75.

Dolomite Magnesite
loo I


; 60



0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

CMC cont. (ppm) CMC cont. (ppm)

Figure 13 Comparison of electrolytic flotation with dissolved-air flotation of dolomite and magnesite (pH 9.5, 40 ppm collector):
effect of carboxymethyl cellulose concentration. From reference 75.

The system containing the particulate solids flows The technique was applied to magnesium carbonates
under quiescent conditions into the flotation unit; the processing.79 The construction of a novel microcell
latter is usually of circular design.36 In this case, the based on the Hallimond idea was also reported.*O Floc-
system to be treated enters in the center of the unit, culation of particles is generally required before dis-
where it is discharged approximately 1.5 m from the solved-air flotation (see also Figure 6). An advantage
base of a 3-m overall depth tank. Discharge is through of dissolved-air flotation is that as the fine bubbles
a circular discharge pipe with equispaced openings. precipitate out from solution, this happens on the solid
Approximately 0.5 m below the inlet point, pressurized particles acting as nucleation seeds.*
recycle water is introduced into the unit through a cir- Figure 14 presents the results of the dissolved-air
cular pipe fitted usually with nozzles. The pressure- flotation with dolomite fines-l L dispersion initially,
saturated water is then fed to the flotation chamber 3% pulp density, 50% recycle ratio.79 A portable jar
through a valve. Downstream of the valve the pressure tester purchased from Aztec Environmental Control
is virtually atmospheric, and air commences to precipi- Ltd. (UK) was used in this case; a multiple unit con-
tate out of solution; this air-water mixture is blended sisted of four identical and transparent jars was else-
with the system to be treated.38 where used.42 An increase in fatty-acid collector,

86 Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

Dolomite Pyrite


i? s
- 60 - 60
? ?
al 0,
z >
0” 40 ” 40

Is z

0’ - . I
0 100 200 300 400 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Cc01 bpm) PH

Figure 14 Dissolved-air flotation of dolomite fines (-45 + 15 Figure 15 Dissolved-air flotation of pyrite fines (-45 pm, 0.5
pm): effect of commercial collector concentration. (a) Hexameta- g I-‘) effect of pH, in presence of 50 ppm Cu2+, (a) CTMAB 10
phosphate. (b) Carboxymethyl cellulose (both 100 ppm, pH 9.5). ppm. (b) KEX 20 ppm. (c) Collectorless. Adapted from reference
Adapted from reference 79. 43.

released to the environment. This article briefly re-

mainly in the case of sodium hexametaphosphate de-
views certain flotation techniques suitable for fine parti-
pressant, improved recoveries, which reached the or-
cles separation from liquids, as technology current
der of 70%. Figure 1.5 presents the case of pyrite fines
(10% recycle) in presence of copper sulfate as modifier,
The situation is more complicated and, conse-
with various collectors (potassium ethyl xanthate and
quently, difficult if selective separation of fines is
cetyl-trimethyammonium bromide) as well as a collec-
needed. Flotation is a unit operation that apparently
torless series. Copper was shown to adsorb on pyrite.80
has attracted little attention from chemical engineers,
Copper sulfate is a commonly added activator for
so there is still work left to be done in the future,2*40
sphalerite, during mixed sulfides processing.
for instance, on circuit design and plant control. Much
The effects of oxidation of sulfides and surface min-
of the information available on flotation machines de-
eralogic heterogeneity were stressed.*’ Difficulties
sign is coming from the manufacturers brochures.
arise in identifying and particularly controlling the sur-
In mineral processing, with the increasing demand
face species, for example, as result of grinding (i.e.,
for minerals, the continuously diminishing grade of
galvanic interactions) as well as the solution species
ores and various economic pressures (i.e., cost of fuel),
under various flotation conditions. Attention was re-
the problem of fines processing becomes impor-
cently concentrated on collectorless flotation.82
Figure 16 presents some further work on dissolved-
tant. Will the field succeed to pass the crossroads?54
air flotation (40% recycle) of pyrite. Compared with the There are numerous examples of processing systems
in which the ore must be deslimed, as the conventional
conventional cell (both of Hallimond tube), a similar
method is inadequate in the subsieve range. In the
behavior of the techniques was observed.86 The addi-
Florida phosphate industry, one third of the phosphate
tion of copper sulfate resulted in a slight pyrite activa-
is discarded as slimes as well as one fifth of the world’s
tion in the pH range from 7-9. When potassium per-
manganate (an oxidizing agent) was added to the pulp, tungsten and one half of Bolivian tin.53
a considerable increase of pyrite recovery was noticed Because of the small mass and large surface area of
of the order of 25%, at a pH of around 4. It is noted fines, various problems affect both flotation concen-
that preliminary tests gave the optimum concentrations trate and grade including high reagent consumption,
of the modifiers and conditioning needed (600 s for excess froth stability, low adhesion probability, higher
copper and 1.8 ks for permanganate; flotation time of dissolution, rapid oxidation, nonspecific collector ad-
sorption, and so on. 54 Perhaps column flotation is an
600 s).
answer to that, with some further modifications.
Any new processing method to treat fine particles
has to meet, at the same time, current energy, environ-
Many industrially important processes use or generate mental, and economic constraints. Flocculation looks
fine particles. These particles, which generally range attractive in mineral fines processing, but further ad-
from 1 to 100 pm in size, can be of substantial impact vances are needed regarding selectivity. Entrainment
in production, even at low concentrations and addition- has to be avoided, and only the attachment of hy-
ally can cause potential environmental problems, if drophobic particles should proceed.

Sep. Technol., 1993, vol. 3, April 87

Separation of fines: K. A. Matis et al.

Pyrite Pyrite
1oc 100

cla Ll
80 Dissolved-air
- 60

g 40
20 20

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Figure 16 Comparison of dissolved-air with dispersed-air flotation on pyrite fines (-25 + 10 pm) by 15 ppm KEX. (a) KMnO,, 100
ppm. (b) CuS04.5H20, 10 ppm. From reference 86.

Smaller bubbles are more efficient in the flotation Acknowledgments

of fines, at least from the collision aspect. For low-
Experimental collaboration of the chemistry student
density particles an appreciable increase in flotation
F. Malamas is acknowledged.
rates was observed.‘j3 The bubble-size measurements
and also its estimation were discussed. The latter some-
times gave gross approximations. It is envisaged that References
the application of fine bubbles, less than 120 pm ap-
proximately compared with 0.6-l .O mm convention- I. Schulze, H.J. Physico-chemical Elementary Processes in Flo-
tation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984, p. 16
ally, would be on separate flotation circuits. In this 2. Matis, K.A. and Mavros, P. Foam/froth flotation: II. Removal
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were examined with several original experiments. 3. Mavros, P. and Matis, K.A., eds. Innovations in Advanced
Promising results were found by these two flotation Notation Technology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publish-
techniques, originated in effluent treatment. ers, 1992
4. Sivamohan, R. The problem of recovering very fine particles
Perhaps the preparation and use of novel, specific in mineral processing-a review. Znt. J. Miner. Process. 1990,
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will explain interactions of collectors (and other re- tion for fine particles removal from water: the example of
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8. Gallios, G.P. A study of the behavio; of magnesium carbonate
technology (i.e., sulfides), for the industrial control of ores during their flotation. Ph.D thesis. 1987. Aristotle Univer-
pulp potential74 and, hence, optimum separation pro- sity, Thessaloniki, Greece
cess. Electrolytic flotation might have a future here. 9. Hanna, H.S. and Somasundaran, P. Flotation of salt-type min-
Apart from the new development in flotation cells, erals. In Flotation-A.M. Gaudin Memorial Volume. M.C.
Fuerstenau, ed. New York: SMEIAIME, 1976, p. 197
one can expect innovative applications of the flotation 10. Trahar, W.J. and Warren, L.J. The floatability of very fine
process itself, for instance, in water treatment (dis- particles-a review. Znt. .Z. Miner. Process. 1976, 3, 103
solved-air flotation), which is a case for central and 11. Barbery, G. Engineering aspects of flotation in the minerals
populated countries,3 or even biotechnology, where industry: flotation machines, circuits and their simulation. In
separation is indeed a problem.’ This point also applies The Scient$c Basis ofNotation. K.J. Ives, ed. NATO ASI
preprint. Cambridge, UK: M. Nijhoff, 1982
to hydrometallurgy (ion-precipitate flotation) for the 12. Szatkowski, M. Factors influencing behaviour of flotation
selective removal of metals from leaching solutions. froth. Trans. ZMM 1987, 96, Cl 15
In conclusion, to meet the economic challenges fac- 13. Harris, CC., Arbiter, N. and Musa, M.J. Mixing and gangue
ing the industry worldwide, fine particles separation dispersion in flotation machine pulps. Znt. J. Miner. Process.
1982, 10, 45
and recovery is a must, It is believed that further work 14. Fallenius, K. Turbulence in flotation cells. Znt. .Z. Miner. Pro-
in flotation science and technology has a definite role cess. 1987, 21, 1
in these efforts for production improvement. 1.5. Jordan, C.E. and Spears, D.R. Evaluation of a turbulent flow

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model for fine-bubble and fine-particle flotation. Miner. Metal. 38. Bratby, J. and Marais, G.v.R. Flotation. In Solid/Liquid Sepa-
Process. 1990, May, 65 ration Equipment Scale-up. D.B. Purchas, ed. Croydon: Up-
16. Gochin, R.J. and Smith, M.R. The methodology offroth flota- lands Press, 1977, p. 155
tion testwork. In Mineral Processing Design. B. Yarar and 39. Zouboulis, AI., Matis, K.A. and Lazaridis, N.K. Separation
Z.M. Dogan, eds. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987, p. 166 of germanium from lead in solutions by flotation. Sep. Sci.
17. Sastrv. K.V.S.. ed. Column Flotation ‘88. New York: SMEI Technol. 1990, 25, 463
AIM& 1988 ’ 40. Matis, K.A. and Mavros, P. Foam/froth flotation: I. Recovery
18. Mavros, P., Lazarides, N.K., Matis, K.A. and Stalidis, G.A. of metals by ion flotation from dilute aqueous solutions. Sep.
A study of flotation column performance for the recovery of Purijc. Methods 1991, 20, 1
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19. Yianatos, J.B., Finch, J.A. and Laplante, A.R. Cleaning ac- approach to precipitate flotation of CuS/ZnS. Int. J. Miner.
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